#i even tried laying on them and! theyre comfier than any earplugs or headphones ive tried to sleep in before!!
This is your sign (if you're financially able to) to buy that support need you've been considering. If you've been thinking of getting a cane, just get one. If you've been wondering whether to invest in stuff for any sensory needs you might have, get it! If you think that fidget toy might help with your mental health issues, just take the leap. You literally never know until you try and the worst thing that can happen is that you just keep that item for rare occasions when you do need it or sell it on to someone you know does need it. Please don't suffer in silence because you're guilting yourself out of something that could drastically improve your quality of life <33
#case in point my dad leant me some money recently and i was able to buy ear plugs for my noise sensitivity#they arrived today and ive been testing them out for about 12 hours?#i went to kpd and we had the music louder than usual to hype up the energy since one of the korean lecturers was visiting to see what we do#i wasnt used to or expecting the noise levels so i popped them in and instantly felt calmer it was actually so weird but comforting#so like even tho i wasnt sure that i would use them every day since it's only in very loud and busy environments where it gets triggered#i took that leap and im already so much happier#like maybe i wont use them daily since my headphones are also noise cancelling but these are subtle comfy and filter noise w/o blocking it#and like obviously they were on the more expensive end for earplugs bc i wanted quality but i weighed up the vfm#and i can tell these will last me ages and come in handy for a wide range of uses#i even tried laying on them and! theyre comfier than any earplugs or headphones ive tried to sleep in before!!#so so happy#neurodivergent#gad#anxiety#autism(?)#support needs#disabilties#actually nd#psa#oh and btw before ppl twist my words disabled ppl with limited financial support/financial issues deserve support needs#as much as if not more so than anyone#i only put that bc i have ppl in my life with mental health issues who r impulsive spenders often w the excuse that 'its for my depression'#when what theyre buying is not a support need but rather a temporary object that has no function other than to provide a dopamine rush#if you are struggling with impulsive spending then it might not be as wise to buy smth that feels like support but isnt long term/practical
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