#so its probably one of the big causes for all my present day problems
adisappeareance · 1 year
nobody told me this but been going through so much lately that I realized that having the mindset of that you´re going to die young, so very soon and that you have very little time left probably put me in a permanent state of like. mourning? and that left me with...big troubles
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unmarlou · 4 months
time to pretend.
pairings. slytherins x fem!reader
summary. a typical day at the summer house.
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lacy says. saltburn inspo but no bath water :/ this is bad lol purely for the aesthetic.
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the morning sun was beaming down stronger than yesterday. your sunglasses weren't even enough to keep you from squinting, though the book in your hands did good job if held at the right angle. and had it not been for the towel between, your skin would've been sticking to the lawn chair.
"morning blaise..." pansy said dreamily at your right. she was still half asleep.
you looked over your shoulder and saw blaise approaching, draco in tow. "didn't even bother to tell us you were out here, i see."
"we wanted you to get your beauty sleep, darling. nice swim trunks." they had tiny hula girls on them.
"i am a man of fashion." he plopped himself at the chair to your left, adjusting his shorts and sunglasses. he flashed a smile - a pretty one that only he could own and flaunt regardless the time of day. he quickly nudged your leg and pointed to draco, who sat at pansy's feet.
he was covered in noticeable amounts of sunscreen, head to toe. not only with a look of distain on his face but his slouch conveyed a message just fine on its own.
involuntarily a snort escaped, followed by stifled laughs.
"oh shut up."
even pansy, who was curled on her side away from everyone, sticking her hand out to some small animal, laughed, "we're only admiring you.”
all he could do was roll his eyes.
"stolen my chair then, have you?"
everyone’s attention turned to the voice, only to see enzo, also in his bathing suit, holding a platter of fruit. he almost looked like the cover of a magazine your mother wouldn't let you buy.
glancing over the back of the chair you could see mattheo and theodore walking in the field, talking lazily, probably sharing their first hellos of the day.
lorenzo placed the silver plate down on the small table between the chairs. you had asked him to bring something to eat expecting a piece of toast, though with him, you should've known better.
"well we can share, you know?"
"thank you, enzo."
he gave you a quick nod and wink, his way of saying no problem, never wanting to make a big deal out of gestures he found to be the minimum in his friendships.
"want me to sit on your lap then, blaise?"
draco rang on your left, "past a strawberry… please."
your arm extended to him, presenting three instead of just one. he cracked a reluctant smile, always surprised at how well you all knew him, never letting him stay miserable for long, "thanks."
a new shadow appeared on the ground in front of you causing you to peer up and greet theodore, "fruit?"
he shook his head, eyes still puffy and barely open, indicating he had just awoken. he stretched and rested his hands on either side of yours and pansy's chairs. bringing his forehead down to his left hand, he seemed to be taking a chance at sleep again.
"theo's had a rough morning."
you turned again and almost cackled at the sight of lorenzo sitting in blaise's lap, and mattheo sitting in lorenzo's. you could've sworn you saw the chair slightly give way under their weight.
pansy teased, "but an excellent night, isn't that right, teddy?"
he groaned loudly. drinking was never his strong-suit. he could roll and smoke all day, even on his worst, but going shot-for-shot was something he did only when feeling the most audacious. and something he always came to regret.
he shuffled his way to the small dock at the pond in front of you. eyes still closed, he laid down on the edge, his arm hanging over and into the water.
"hangover so bad he had to reconnect with nature."
“we’ve all been there.”
you smiled idly. placing the book on your stomach, not even considering an odd tan line. tilting your head back, your eyes closed.
a breeze blew, giving your skin a break from the exhausting heat it was under. you could feel the full trees above sway, and hear the water of the pond move with theodore’s helping hand. the low indistinct chatter of your friends simply background noise to remind you you weren’t alone in this oasis.
most mornings were like this. easy and quiet, any and all problems excluded from this place, this bubble of a world you had. if ever asked what moment you wished you could relive again and again, it would always be this.
the large, wall lining, arched windows of the left wing hallway made it the sunniest place in the house at this time of day. and the cold tile felt nice under your concrete-burnt feet.
the windows were wide open, allowing the plants and hung-dry linens of the courtyard to creep in and fill the corridor with a scent that could make one nostalgic for a place and time they’ve never even been.
your steps were the only sound until they multiplied. by the cadence of the walk, you knew who it was.
“theodore feeling any better?”
“loads,” in the corner of your eye you could see him pull a cigarette out and spark a light, he took a long drag before continuing, “gave him one of my cures.”
you shuddered, twisting your face. mattheo had an affinity for putting ingredients in a pot, mixing it up, and saying it would fix any and all problems. sometimes you thought even he didn’t believe his own words, he just liked seeing your face contort in disgust. “let me know when his tail starts growing.”
entering the room at the end of the hall, the sound of the shower running became clear. the french doors of the back wall were open, allowing air to flow freely.
you spun on your heel and allowed yourself to fall onto the four-poster, now staring at the charm displayed up on the canopy. one you recognized, as all your parents used to do it when you were children; a depiction of the night sky, to lull you to sleep and wish you sweet dreams.
mattheo was on his stomach next to you, carefully tapping ashes off the side of the bed. in the lighting of the room you could see how summer had be treating him, skin tanned by the sun, while his hair only got lighter. he tapped your arm for your attention, and pointed to the bathroom, furrowing his brows.
“pansy.” you answered.
an oh formed on his face.
the sound of wind chimes rang in the distance, accompanied by tree leaves brushing against each other, and birds singing softly. there were actually a few birds gathered at the small balcony just outside the french doors. they always seemed to gravitate towards pansy, all the beauty in life resided to her.
“i wonder what snape is doing right about now.”
you groaned, putting your hands over your face, trying to hide from the imagine of your professor in your mind, “don’t mention him, his energy will invade the space.”
“say his name three times and he’ll appear, you know!” pansy’s shouting voice carried into the room. there was actually no need for her to, you could hear her perfectly fine seeing as the bathroom door was wide open; she hated having it closed, never wanting to be separated from the rest of world for too long.
you shouted back, “says she who flirts with him for a higher grade!”
“it’ll work one day, just you wait!”
this was true, she was absolutely convinced she could charm her way to at least Exceeds Expectations. not that anything had given her an indication it had worked in the past. or ever.
mattheo sat up, almost choking on his laugh, “just do what enzo does, pretend your best friends with him.”
the shower turned off, followed by long rustled movement before she walked out. she held a stark white towel to her body, water droplets coming off her hair and onto her freckled collarbones. “does it work?”
he ran a hand through his hair while reaching to put his cig out on the bedside ashtray, “ ‘course not. but easier to watch and keep the lunch down than your attempts.”
she made a face before opening one of the dresser drawers next to her and chucking a pair of balled-up socks at him.
suddenly the door bursted open, presenting blaise and lorenzo. they wore cheesy smiles and had their arms extended out beside themselves, “OUR DINNER OUTFITS!”
both were still wearing their swim trunks from earlier in the day, yet this time accompanied by suit jackets, ties, - that certainly did not match and they definitely dug up from the attic - dress shoes, and jewelry to go with. theo ran up behind and wrapped a boa around blaise’s neck.
“no fair! i want one!”
“there’s a whole lot more in the boxes we found, hurry up and we’ll get you one.”
“didn’t think to include me, then?”
“those have to be at least 60 years old.”
“jesus enz, what kinda parties did your dad used to throw?”
he flopped on the bed, a dust cloud emerging from the jacket, causing you to cough and wave your hand through the air. “no clue,” he leaned closer to you, showing his wrist, “but look at this fancy watch i found.”
it looked as old as time.
“no doubt you’re sweating enough for all of us in those?” draco leaned on the doorframe.
“would be unnatural if we weren’t.”
pansy walked to the armoire, and shuffled her hanging clothes along until she found what she was looking for: a silk black dress. she picked the hanger off the rack and walked it over the french doors, putting on the doorframe. she turned to everyone’s eyes on her and shrugged, “might as well.”
playing dress up was always fun, especially when all the glamour was real. watches and diamonds, boas and silks.
the dining hall was lit, wall to expansive wall with candles. the curtains up high drawn back, displaying the rising moon. the long table in the center was decorated with the most gorgeous grand arrangement.
the house elves had absolutely outdone themselves, platters of food spanning each end of the table. and though you didn’t see much of them, you made a mental note to seek at least one out and thank them.
after more digging around and even a trip to the attic, which made you consider taking a second shower of the day, you had found the best box of all; charles berkshire’s record collection. bowie, zeppelin, beatles, queen - it was a 60s/70s wet dream. so for the first time in what must’ve been years, the gramophone record player of the dining hall was to be put to use.
with everyone now standing at their respective seats, prosecco was to be poured.
mattheo, who sat on the right head of the table, was the one to open it; he always was. his naturally mischievous smile was one to be admired, especially when each of you wore the same one. with a big POP! he went around and filled everyone’s flutes - although you all cheered, the night hadn’t started just yet.
each with your drinks, lorenzo danced over to the record player and placed the needle down. a night at the opera began. he slowly turned to face you all once again, raising his glass and walking back to his seat, the left head of the table. all other glasses were then raised high, and his role as host was to be fulfilled, “live forever!”
“live forever!” you chorused, arms extending closer to each other before cheers erupted once again, louder this time, accompanying the crescendo of death on two legs. cups were brought to mouths, and taking your first sip you could’ve sworn you recognized that phrase, somewhere in the deep recesses of your mind, but couldn’t seem to place it.
pulling chairs forward, everyone was sat. looking around, under the immense candle light their faces had a new glow, one that filled you with an unexplainable excitement. the night had begun.
the feast was lovely, you all agreed it must’ve been the best you’d ever had. though you could’ve just been drunk and hungry.
“this is the best food i’ve ever tasted.”
“best.” emphasized lorenzo.
mattheo covered his mouth, still chewing, “never been better.”
this conversation happened multiple times since you had started eating. each time blaise ended it by saying, “god we sound like our parents.”
the room smelled like the extravagant parties back home, the boys smoking their macanudo’s - inspirado black’s, they swore by - leaving strong cigar smoke lingering above you. pansy had drank enough to pull out her cigarettes, and one was passed around the table. your glass was bottomless, literally, allowing your feeling of weightlessness to continue.
the conversations around were indecipherable, you just sat picking at whatever food was left on your plate, intent on listening to the music in the background. the record player was enchanted, never needing for someone to get up and change the record; once the needle was down, and an album was over, a new one would take its place.
you took another sip of whatever it was in your glass, listening to the end of some song, what was going to play next didn’t even cross your mind until the beginning chords of a new one rang out. standing up suddenly, causing your drink to slightly spill on the hard wood, you gasped, “this SONG.”
your arm immediately shot out to pansy, who looked up at you mid-drag and smiled. you couldn’t even remember what song it was or where you had heard it before but you knew it was imperative to give it its own moment. meeting each other halfway, arms waiting for the other person and giggling, your hands interlocked with hers.
dancing, spinning around, and laughing; you had never felt so blissfully unaware. or dizzy.
more bodies appeared around the two of you, but ones you knew well and invited with the most love one could feel for another person. blaise’s boa wrapped around him and draco as they danced and sang, theodore holding a bottle of champagne while mattheo bent lower to waterfall it, and enzo grabbing both yours and pansy’s hands to spin you simultaneously.
you weren’t sure who’s laugh was who’s, or what song was playing, who’s hand you were holding, or what drink was being poured, not like any of it mattered. once again you had entered a bubble, impenetrable from the outside world.
the library couch was the comfiest in the whole chateau. the fire had been crackling for some time, accompanied by lorenzo’s piano playing on the west wall. he was actually the best you’d ever heard, though he shyly kept his talent close to his chest - until the proper moments.
you watched the embers pop off the fire mindlessly, not thinking about anything in particular. a book sat in your lap but it had been forgotten long ago, your unfocused eyes unable to retain the words. they were however able to travel upwards to the painting on the mantle, for the first time you truly looked at it - it was a group of people, slightly older than yourself. you immediately recognized lorenzo’s father, although here he was more handsome, his son certainly took after him. searching farther you spotted a woman, and after some staring you deduced it was bellatrix, her cheekbones being the exact same as mattheo and enzo. she truly was beautiful, regardless of the sinister look she was giving through the paint. you couldn’t make out the others, though you noted a boy, who was definitely younger than the rest, with curls that fit his face well and a solemn expression that carried a worlds worth of weight.
mattheo and draco sat on the rug, silently playing chess. they had become more and more fond of muggle chess as the summer went on.
pansy was sprawled out on the lounge chair to your right, the spaghetti straps of her dress daring to slip off her shoulders. her eyes were closed as she hummed - incorrectly - to the piano. she hung her head over the edge, causing her bangs to fall off her face, and her now open green eyes found yours. your smiles matched each other.
blaise, who was seated next to you on the couch, had his legs resting on the ottoman. he was holding a letter from his mother that had arrived a couple days ago, just now finding the time to read it. theodore was in the opposing lounge chair, eating the chocolates that accompanied the letter. she had sent them just for him - his favorites from honeydukes he had sorely missed. he watched mattheo and draco’s game intently.
“play that last one again.” you had called out to enzo.
he scooted his chair and looked over his shoulder, “liebestraum no. 3?”
“you like liszt?”
you paused, turning to face him and furrowing your brows in obvious confusion, before replying to the best of your ability, “…i like you?”
he gave a smile that was only reserved for you. liebestraum no. 3 began again.
you slumped down on your side, your feet now hitting blaise’s clothed thigh, he gave a tap to your ankle, indicating recognition but not taking his eyes off the letter. with your ear now against the armrest, your breathing slowed.
you focused on every sound. the chess pieces gliding across the wood board followed by draco’s or mattheo’s huffs of concentration, the faraway wind chime carrying in through the open window, lorenzo playing that piece you had grown to love in the last few minutes, the pops of fire, pansy’s subtle soft humming, and the crinkle of the papers blaise held.
your eyes closed, whether voluntarily or not you weren’t sure, but you didn’t fight it. overwhelming comfort and content had taken you, warmth from all over allowing absolute relaxation.
“hey… hey, wake up.”
“y/n… y/n…”
the harsh nudge of your arm made you open your eyes. squinting up, you could make out blaise and theodore. you, unintentionally, matched their tone by whispering back to them, “what?”
“wake up, we’re going for a swim.” blaise flashed you the same smile from the morning, it was so genuine even your groggy mind thought of how you’d never know anyone else with one like that. theo had moved on to wake pansy.
draco’s voice came from behind the couch, “she awake?” before an answer came he peered over from above and your eyes met, “lovely. now get pans and let’s go.”
sitting up and looking around you finally realized why everything looked different - the fire had gone out. now the only light was the full moon shining through the windows. the room was coated in silver.
you rubbed your eyes harshly to adjust and looked over to see pansy doing the same, “what do you want again?” her voice was raspy and tired.
“swimming.” you answered, standing up with the help of blaise’s hand. once to your feet you realized you were still in your dinner attire, suddenly feeling uncomfortable. you stuck an arm out to her. grasping it and standing, she opened her eyes wide and blinked rapidly. her voice was abruptly normal again, “well c’mon then.”
the boys were close behind the two of you, exiting the library. the entire manor was the same coloring of silver and blue. any other place and you would’ve been creeped out and uneasy, but in this place with these people, you could never feel anything other than safe.
going your separate ways from them to change, you and pansy walked the corridors, chatting nonsensically.
entering your room, you undressed quickly, happy to get the confining dress clothes from what seemed like hours ago, off of your body. you picked a bathing suit from drawers, tossing one to pansy too, who couldn’t be bothered to go to her room. both of you helped the other tie their suit.
voices in the hall approached your door, before a series of knocks. you both called back, “yeah?”
draco’s head peered in cautiously, before noticing you both were clothed, then opening the door fully to reveal the others. he held his arm up, “we’ve got towels, come on.”
all the boys said some iteration of come on and let’s go, eager to get out. rushing, you both were handed towels. excited chatter overtook the group, voices echoing and bouncing off the expansive walls. lorenzo appeared suddenly from the back, running, and yelling at the top of his lungs.
this triggered a domino effect, everyone was now chasing each other down the halls. something in the back of your mind told you to look around, and when you did, it seemed as though childhood had come back. playing games and having races with the same people that ran beside you now. watching their faces as they passed you saw summers long gone, of late night swims and early sun-basking mornings, dress up dinners and quiet library lounging. you ran and ran and ran.
your bare feet hit the concrete of the patio before hitting the dewy grass. though night, it was still warm, humidity latched to your skin. you had joined hands with blaise, a silent agreement. the moonlight illuminated the pond, beckoning you to come forward. it was just a ways away.
lorenzo had made it first, his shout as he jumped in rattling everything in a 10 mile radius. for the rest of the summer he would go on to say that he had to have made the world record for largest splash.
mattheo was close behind, so close in fact you thought he might land on enzo’s head, though he resurfaced just in time to watch him jump in and moved out of the way.
you and blaise were next, hand-in-hand again, running off the dock, your screams silenced by the water. cold consumed your entire body for the first time in months. it was relieving to have your body soaked in something other than sunscreen or sweat. feeling the last of your friends enter after you, you opened your eyes and found them. swimming to each other, you grazed skin as if to say even in water, i’m right by your side. if you didn’t need air, you would’ve considered staying down there forever.
breaching the surface and taking a deep breath, you brushed all the hair out of your face. you looked around to find some with droplets combing through from their hair to their eyelashes, and others with water slicked-back hair. each was breathing as heavily as you, half from having to catch their breath, half from pure exhilaration.
water splashed from all directions, making you squint and do the same. you weren’t sure who was splashing you for the fun of it and who was splashing you because you had splashed them. yelps and laughs were echoing off the surrounding trees. the plants were drinking well tonight.
“let’s play chicken!” someone had shouted over all the noise. cheers of agreement erupted from the chorus and subsequently the excessive pushing of water was halted.
you had fond memories of chicken. it used to be the boys on the girls shoulders, back when they all were still shorter than pansy and you. but now they were taller and had built quidditch bodies. as much as you believed in yourself, you didn’t desire feeling a draco sized weight on your shoulders.
“girls versus boys!” you announced.
theo shrugged, “not much of a competition.”
blaise took him by the shoulder, “ay, beware of the black haired one, she likes to go for the eyes.”
it was decided you and pansy versus theodore and lorenzo. they were a great duo, the two of them were the beaters on the quidditch team. they surely knew how to work together.
theo stood behind enzo, waiting for him to dip underwater.
“oi try not to pull the hair, i’ve got a sensitive scalp.” enzo reached a hand up and combed the back his head. theo looked like he was going to say something, before just shaking his head and sighing, “m’sure i’ll manage.”
a countdown from three began, then hitting one, you and lorenzo went under. water engrossed your entirety once more. feeling pansys hand upon your shoulder for balance, then her leg, you held on. within less than a few seconds she was securely on and you rose. you took a big breath once again, pushing your hair out of your face. the boys were in sync with you.
almost immediately pansy and theo were at each others throats. their arms went up, interlocking, and their bodies casted a shadow on lorenzo and you. it was like a tiny pocket. shouts came from beside you; blaise, mattheo, and draco each yelling out what could’ve been tips but when shouting over each other it really just sounded like a bunch of nothing. you were pretty sure whatever they were saying was going to be unhelpful anyways.
between keeping your balance, trying to push enzo, and still treading, you were determined to win.
pansy clearly was as well.
it suddenly hit you who you were up against. this was lorenzo, the single most ticklish person you’d ever know. you weren’t sure why you hadn’t thought of it earlier. with a mischievous smile and lots of trust that pansy could remain on your moving shoulders, you reached to his bare stomach and began prodding at him.
just as you expected, he started to freak out. “hey! HEY!” he laughed between his shouts, “STOP- STOP THAT! NOT- FAIR!”
the boys on side were having a field day.
and with a strong push from pansy up top, and another prod to enzo’s side from you, both of their exclamation were stifled by gurgles of water.
pansy dived down, quickly coming up and hollering. cheers were shared all around, even from theo and enzo.
“let’s stick to quidditch.”
in the midst of it all, you turned to face the house. it wasn’t foreign to any of you by any means, yet catching it in this moment you couldn’t help but feel amazed by its beauty. as if you were truly noticing it for the first time. it harbored your love within its stone. your love for this season, your love for this place, your love for these people. looking at the scene you saw your friends, you reached for them and they accepted, reaching for you. you heard their laughs, saw their smiles, and felt the same on yourself.
all in one breath you realized what lorenzo had said earlier was not just some toast; it was a definitive proclamation.
in this bubble of a world, you would live forever.
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missamericadog · 8 months
on my way home from the gym i had a really stupid thought of "hey it's been 7/8 years since aa7 so what if capcom reflect that by doing another fucking time skip" i then tried to roll with this bad idea and flesh it out a bit and see what it could look like
so here i present to you my version of the worst ace attorney 7 pitch in da whole wide WORLD !!!
come 2024 it will have been 8 years since AA6 so fuck it, 7 years time skip (Again 🙄🙄🙄) to reflect that time
introducing Ace Attorney 7, or Justice & Cykes: Ace Attorneys
Apollo has been in Khurain for the past 7 years restructuring its legal system, meanwhile Phoenix has retired from law to do the same with Edgeworth (who's stayed as Chief Prosecutor) in Japanifornia. He's still acting as a mentor to Thena and is still in charge of the WAA, but doesn't take cases himself any more. Him and Polly don't really keep in touch as much as they should, as both are too busy
maybe Apollo gets homesick tho, or Phoenix offers him his old job back or what, but either way a 31 year old Polly moves back to Japanifornia to be a lawyer there again
case 1 is a tutorial for two reasons:
1) apollo hasn't done law in this country in nearly a decade
B - phoenix has reworked the WHOLE system (i.e. introduced two fun mechanics from GAA)
it should be a simple case, but the problem is that this new system nick introduced fucking baffles polly: why does he now have multiple witnesses on the stand at once? and why is there a jury system? (does this take away from GAAs unique identity? idk)
he solves it btw ofc he does, with help from his professional magician assistant trucy
at the end of the case phoenix calls polly & trucy to his office and tells them they're siblings
cut to case two, where we are focused on an Athena case (possibly set before 7-1? so as to keep the weighty cliffhanger as long as possible). trucy is assistant for this too. fuck it. she's assistant for most/all of the game. trucy deserved better in 5 and 6, capcom.
reintroduction to investigation segments, which remain unchanged. athena, now mid 20s, is a lot more confident and independent, though maybe still needs to ask for help and advice from nick more than she'd like. solves a two day case just fine, even with new prosecutor (maybe Sebastian Debeste? or a rookie who has a similar character arc to us in previous games)
case 3 back to apollo, and him and trucy are probably taking the news itself well but not the fact it took OVER A DECADE FOR NICK TO TELL THEM, and it doesn't help that nick just pins it to him being too busy and forgetting lol
either way a case has come in so the two of them take it to distract themselves but there's gonna be a little awkward tension in the air throughout especially whenever they visit thena and nick
solve it
case 3 back to thena, and her journey of independence & also now dealing with Wright family drama lol
solves case
case 4 back to polly, who's still miffed but is trying to be an adult about it
solves case
case 5 nick is suspected of murder, and trucy is witness so Apollo and Athena work together to solve it, with alternating trial days or maybe one leading investigation and the other court
there'll be a moment where apollo can't help for whatever reason and this is athenas big breakthrough indepdence moment as she solves this bit alone
also guest prosecutor franzy von karma; reveal she was the mentor of previous prosecutor (maybe on the bench with her? why has this not been a thing other than dgs3-3 capcom.)
solves it's not nick or trucy, all of them gain confidence within each other and themselves
game over everyone's happy
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wh00pwh00p · 5 months
@glupiypryanik THIS IS FOR YOU (n also a great excuse to info dump about my babies)
so i have technically 5 OC worlds (minus dnd characters), i say technically 5 because i post like 4 of them here??? the other one is mainly written so i dont have a lot of art of them. but i also have ideas for how id love to present these worlds in the future..... like making some into shows or comics (i probably wont ever do that bc time but one can dream)
im ganna cover them one world at a time from least to most info??? i think?? its a long one.... much longer than i thought.... (i might just keep adding as characters get more info n stuff)
Nova & Circus (doesn't have an actual name yet) :
Nova and circus are roommates n live in a world which is like a near future with lots of built up places heavily based on cities like Tokyo, Seoul, New York and LA in there too. very entertainment industry heavy. Nova is an Idol (i specifically draw from the aesthetics of J-pop idols and a little from K-pop idols) she is very busy all the time which leads to her being very tired when shes not doing work. she also very much enjoys her work and is relatively popular. Circus is a streamer but does like live radio type streams, he used to be a DJ and producer before he started his own thing and now he also helps produce some of Novas music. hes much better at doing his own thing and he doesnt work well with like strict schedules and such. do they have to live together? no, they both make more than enough to live separately and be pretty well off. are they living together because they are dating? maybe but dating is taken very seriously within the Idol scene and it could cause problems for both of them if they were dating, which they are definitely not doing (/s)
Heavens Finest :
oh Delilah. Heaven in this universe isn't somewhere for the dead but more so a place for angels, these angels have a normal working society where everyone is delegated jobs. Delilah was delegated the job of a guardian angel, guardian angels in this universe are the beings that give you a sense of safety, they are the beings that give you the impulse to look before crossing the road or to watch your step. Delilah is horrifically bad at this (partially on purpose). everyone Delilah is sent to keep safe dies within 2-3 business days because she's either gotten to work late or was far too preoccupied doing literally anything else than her job. however shes also the queen of weaponised incompetence, every time her boss threatens to move her to another sector she happily reminds them that she will screw up anything, anywhere, anytime and out of pure fear theyve had to keep her on. as Delilahs story continues her boss gives her an ultimatum: If the next person she guards dies within a week they will let her go. Delilah happily accepts however what she doesnt realise is that shes been assigned the stupidest yet seemingly invincible guy who just. wont. die. her story evolves from her passively letting people die to her straight up trying to kill this guy within a week.
Bp&I :
this universe is a pretty normal modern world filled with halloween monsters. Skeletons, ghosts, vampires, werewolves, think of any classic scary monster n they are here. the main groups (the biggest groups) are: werewolves, vampires, skeletons, witches, zombies, demons, ghosts, sirens and ogres. sometimes (like a 1/1000 chance) a monster can have a seconds supernatural ability, these can be anything from turning invisible to being able to speak to cats. this universe exists alongside our own, for some this is their afterlife and for others our universe is a source of food (especially for vampires and sirens). another big part of this universe are the Fighting Tournaments. every month has a tournament on the last week of the month. these tournaments consist of one race (eg: an entire vampire tournament, an entire ghost tournament so on so on) this is primarily to do with the fact that some races are less or more effected by other races (eg: ghosts cant really be touched by non ghosts unless the ghost puts energy into being a physical thing and this also effects them using objects and such or vampires are more vulnerable to things like fire but demons are immune). these tornaments give non ranked fighters the ability to enter the ranked places. once a year their is a 'Ranked only' tournament which takes place over most of the month where the top 10 from each race compete to take each others rank. Rank 0s are the highest ranks and essentially run the world. Bloodpact is a vampire who also has the supernatural ability of a necromancer, shes able to bring back people she has drank from to act as undead slaves. Bp holds the 3rd spot within the vampire ranks, shes known for having an energetic and deeply chaotic personality and fighting style. her main weapon is a harley quin-esque hammer. Ink could not be further from Bp if they tried. Bp essentially picked Ink of the street to be their mentor. Ink is a ghost with the ability to shapeshift and has always wanted to be a high rank fighter after waking up here after dying. Ink is extremely chill n mildly worried about Bps caffeine addiction.
tbt the best way i can describe these two is 'Autism n ADHD solidarity' Bp may be Inks mentor but i think ink is objectively more responsible. Bp does also have a manager to keep her (and now Ink) on track in their activities.
The Bastards :
the name sounds mean but trust me they deserve it.
this story takes place on a planet which is made up of a single planet which is mainly desert but has some very large interconnected cities and towns within large bubble like structures which create almost fake environments. they can produce different types of weather and grow crops within them. however people do live outside of these bubbles, in the desert areas. this is a modern fantasy-esque space setting (a lot ik) think like Coruscant from star wars mixed with the envoriment in the Darling in the Franxx enviroment. large pockets of perfect land and infrastructure held within localised stationary domes the capability to mimic different enviroments and weather.
this is a rough idea of what its probably laid out like:
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the agriculture domes are the least populated, dominated by fields and farms. these farms are able to produce most types of vegetation and can produce enough food for the vast majority of the planet.
main cities and sub cities have very high population densities (like i said think coruscant) minor cities are like the usual cities we have (think new york and london) the towns are less dense more like large sub urbs.
the smallest domes are either villages or business quarters.
the small red cubes/rectangles are settlements outside of the domes, these houses may seem to be of lower quality than the ones in the dome but theyre just much older and built for the desert conditions.
there is one main intergalactic ship dock far from the main urban areas however some of the outer dome settlements have their own landing zones for their own ships or to get deliveries
talon lives outside of the domes, he and his dad run a ranch with a focus in raising and breeding the older more traditional native breeds.
Heartstopper lives in the main city in a relatively nice penthouse gifted to her by her parents before they disowned her
cat scratch lives in the main city in a dingy basement apartment in the....not so nice parts of the main city Cat Scratch, Talon and Heartstopper all despise each other.
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(arrows pointing to someone is why they hate the person its pointing to, it was just far easier to put into a diagram.)
all three of them have become bounty hunters due to life circumstances and had a pretty bad kill on sight mentality towards each other however one day they are essentially arrested and given the choice to either go to jail for the rest of their lives or become a unit to fight more dangerous crime groups. as much as they all hate each other they all hated the idea of prison more.
now these characters are supposed to be bad people however i wanted to build them in a way that gave them stories which are just bad life circumstances or events and essentially what would happen if people neglect the fact that they are deeply effected by these things and continue to bottle it up and ignore it instead of... yk.... going to therapy. just keep this in mind as i explain them.
Cat Scratch was orphaned at a very young age, never stayed in one place for long and was always bouncing homes or families. all this contributed to them harbouring a pretty strong hatred towards the world, they blamed other people their entire life, never trusted anyone and became just very violent as an outcome. as previously mentioned they were bullied during school pretty heavily by talon n his group of goons TM which onl;y made this worse as she then had to physically fight these people. as they grew up they met new people, they met heartstopper (though she wasnt heartstopper then) and a guy who they both fell for. cat scratch believed they should have him and they did get him eventually even if it did destroy their friendship with heartstopper and required a few extra steps. this didnt last long however and eventually Cat Scratch had to make it by themselves... again. they turned to bounty hunting as it was profitable enough to keep them off the streets and... a good way to get some anger out...even if it was pretty violent.
Heartstopper had a pretty good upbringing, her family was upper class and were relatively wealthy and yes maybe she had to fight for attention sometimes between her and her multiple siblings but it was never bad. she always had a knack for lying though, just little white lies here and there and pocketing a couple small things here and there (only a stick of gum or a lipstick here and there). she grew up got a good education, great grades and eventually a good job with even better money and met new people. she met cat scratch and a guy they both fell for. heartstopper knew they both had the same feeling but he obviously chose her and she hoped that cat scratch understood that. a little bit later and they were engaged and happy. only what was supposed to be the happiest day of her life became the beginning of the end. he never turned up. not only did he never turn up but no less than a week later sensitive private images, videos, messages were suddenly not so private. the emails to her work, the lies within these emails lined with sensitive content were the final straw. her family had turned their backs on her, her job had let her go and frankly she had nothing else. these things were her life. she had no money, no life and no aspirations so she said fuck it and became a bounty hunter... a much less violent one but a snake in long grass type. if lies were so easily spread about her, then why not everyone else.
Talon would tell you he had a normal upbringing, he didnt. hid mother left when he was very young and has only ever lived with his dad on their ranch. talons dad isnt exactly a good person, pretty horrible honestly, a notorious bigot but talon didnt see that at the end of the day he was his dad and that was all he had. par a few animals and his bird, rogue, obviously. talon knew he was different. not really because of his physical appearance, horns n tails were rather common at his school but inwardly he was conscious about something. it annoyed him when he saw people who were seemingly comfortable in their skin and cat scratch was one of them. it annoyed him that they would walk around as if they had nothing to lose, how theyd look at others with disgust as if they felt like they were above others. one day he and his friends, admittedly, got a little too rough. turned out this cat has much sharper claws than they thought. the next thing talon was aware of was lightning like pain stemming from his spine and the fact that it ceased as soon as he screamed in pain as if they realised he was awake and stopped. after the pain he realised he couldnt notice anything else, he couldnt see anything else. later hed be told his eyesight was unrecoverable and that his previously tan complexion and brunette hair were now stark white and his horns and spines a silver colour. as shit as it is to loose your eyes you get used to it, you find other means of navigating, for talon it was rogue. like a guide bird if you will. she even helped with using firearms, some things were off the table but if he could set up a place to camp out rogue helped with aiming and guiding him on where to shoot through sound or touch. as talon grew up he learned to ignore the feeling that he was different, as his dad grew old he took on more responsibilities around the ranch and just didnt have time to think about it anymore. money got tight a couple times and talon decided he needed to pick up a side hustle... a bounty hunter would probably make just enough.
as the story of the bastards develops they learn to trust and understand each other. they learn that at the end of the day theres not much they can do except to strive to be better.
key story moments include cat scratch almost dying due to their own reckless behaviour and having to trust the other members to not let them die and thank them for helping when they could have let them die on the mission, heartstopper fully breaking down on a mission and admits that she barely knows who she is anymore after the others confront her on her lying and manipulation of other people leading to her having to revaluate her life and open up to those around her and talon finally finds out why hes always felt different after meeting cyrus and falling pretty horrifically in love with him over the course of a short stay during a mission and having to recon with the fact that this could destroy everything hes ever known and being backed by the others in accepting himself and what he wants.
these guys are little shits but they get better n i love them, they are definitely the most in depth characters i have along with being the most depressing but i enjoy playing with the nature vs nurture aspect of terrible people yk and how some of them can get better if they only had good friends and/or therapy (dont worry i will send these idiots to therapy once theyve finished their main stories)
if you got this far heres a pic of one of my cats :3
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sm-baby · 1 year
Okay okay SO. First of all one of my best friends from back home showed me THIS FUCKING WEBSITE https://www.fantasytowngenerator.com/ it makes the most goddamn in depth maps like I made the capital city of axtia (what i renamed Zeus) and it generated 10,003 individual npcs for me so I've just been messing around with that right
Also. You may not be familiar with the changeling race in DnD, I'll link their page if you care Changeling - DND 5th Edition (wikidot.com) but basically they have the power to shapechange into anyone they want and they're my little blorbos and I love them. So of course I'm having changelings be a decently important race in Osira (continent name), they're widely feared because they're connected to the fae and also they do literally steal babies - changeling mothers have this instinctual urge to swap their newborn with a newborn of another race, some manage to resist but Not All. and when a changeling's been put in the place of another child they instinctively take the form of that child and hold it until their 15th birthday at which point they revert to their true form and that's also usually when they and their family find out they're a changeling. and usually they get kicked out. (this is all my worldbuilding btw this is not canon in dnd) so yeah I've got a changeling npc named Jessamin (true name Jex) and she's totally not a self insert and she's my favorite
Remember how I said I added two more gods? Yeah I did that. The Hunter used to be a human until she died leading a revolt against Axtia because oh yeah axtia is like not good and she was given immortality by the other god the Watcher who was tired of Axtia's antics. The Hunter trained for like several hundred years and then nearly succeeded in killing Axtia's avatar at which point Axtia was like oh shit she's like kind of a problem. Remember the Chasm? The big Texas-sized hole in the ground that causes a lot of fae-related issues? Yeah Axtia created the Chasm to imprison the Hunter 1 or 2 thousand years before the present day. So the party's objective will be to free the Hunter from the prison in the center of the Chasm and she will then proceed to do her damndest to kill Axtia and like half the other gods who are also not chill. The Watcher's mostly along for the ride, they've been keeping the Hunter up to date on everything that's been going on for as long as she's been locked up. It's forbidden to worship those two, not least because Axtia and the others would very much like people to not know they exist, but they have a decent underground following among mostly elves, tieflings, and changelings.
Let me know if you want any more information. I'm getting back into my "smbaby dnd campaign" hyperfixation, they are my skrunklies and i will gladly talk about them
Also once again I am reading the folder and i fucking LOVE how much attention of detail you give. They're all so accurate even on ones i just mention! You do so well!!
Like Sheldon faking his death has been on old mention, only now have I been eager to explore it!! BUT YOUVE HAD LEONARDO GRIEVE OVER IT FOR THE LONGEST TIME!!
Also Flint's just spark joy I like how you quote them <3
Also im so sorry this one just caught me off guard
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i don't know if bang is one of those surprisingly formal words but this one just tossed me across the room
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jaybarou · 3 months
I'm turning some of my most AU fanfics into Original short stories in the hopes of selling them to a publisher. (And thus get some cred to send my CV to Publishers and leave my job)
While I unfic them all, I'll post them here and you can read them with the tag #limited edition. I'll delete them after a few days
<7k words
Freddie is running out of time before the presentation for Stenson Industries and he needs a competent technician yesterday. How fortunate, then, that someone who was waiting and overheard his problem is willing to help.
Freddie burst into the hall and everyone held their breath while the second son of the boss made his way to the head of department. The rest of the employees mourned the poor woman and settled to watch the dismemberment. There were three rules in the company. Number one: Don’t piss off the boss. Rupert was a clever bastard who should have been a lawyer. Number two: Don’t mess with Tim, he was under Rupert’s protection and Rupert would utterly destroy you if you dared contradict the guy. Number three: Keep Freddie as a friend, but only behind Rupert’s back.
Freddie had turned into a tyrant lately. He used to be the most understanding of the three and the one to go to if the others were being unreasonable. The Winter fiasco had taken its toll on him, but even with the new bitterness, he was far more flexible than his relatives and he was your man if you wanted something that was technically off-limits. Going against Freddie was a suicide too, especially after the winter thing. Today Freddie had his ‘I have had a horrid day and I’ll be polite about it until I’m not’ face going on. The head of the department was so doomed.
She didn’t know it yet, though, since Freddie was coming from behind.
“Rosita,” Freddie’s icy tone clued the woman in, so she was properly scared when she turned to face her boss. “May I inquire as to the whereabouts of our IT crew?”
Ow, he was using the big words, he must be royally crossed.
Oh, but the head of department was breathing relieved, she probably had an ace up her sleeve. Anyone who worked at the Intenur Company for longer than a year had to lean to be prepared for their bosses’ moods.
“I alerted them when you asked me; I have sent no less than three messages this week and three more during the morning in anticipation. They assured me that the material would be ready yesterday and that they wouldn’t work on it today.”
Wow! Perfectly deflected blame! And the IT crew wouldn’t have it too bad; they were Tim’s friends. This was not a surprising development all the same; they always messed up Freddie’s tasks, and everyone knew that it wasn’t a coincidence. Tim’s protection was the only explanation as to why they still had a job.
“And the material is there for Tim’s and Rupert’s worthless power points, but I told them there was a compatibility problem with my presentation a week ago.”
“With all due respect, sir, that is not my responsibility.” Rosita had brass balls, or ovaries.
Freddie pinched the bridge of his nose and breathed slowly. “I’m aware; Rosita, but now I need a solution.”
“The other presentations are not causing problems,” she had the cheek to mention.
“Of course not! They are using the company’s system!”
“And why is that a problem? Maybe if you didn’t insist on using your personal computer...”
“It is a problem because it is Pi-21’s stupid technology, Rosita. What kind of impression do you think we will give to Miss Lloid and Mr Stenson if we present our data with their rival’s technology?”
“I’m sure they know by now.” Rosita sent a furtive look at the clients whispering into each other’s ears; a businesswoman and some oil-stained technician. Freddie didn’t spare a look. They were probably gossiping about Freddie’s tantrum; that seemed to be the default these days. Maybe Freddie’s interruption was making them impatient, but Freddie couldn’t care less. He had bigger problems.
“I can’t just transfer my presentation; Pi-21’s software keeps wrecking everything, I could write the transfer code, but not in the next...” Freddie looked at the clock on his mobile. “Not in twenty minutes!”
“I could call the IT crew for you.”
“Today it is Sophie’s shift; she will say that it is my fault, for working with Stenson technology. She only works with simple ‘intuitive’ code like Pi-21’s. I want someone competent!”
One of the two waiting clients approached them.
“I-” he started. 
Freddie didn’t give him the chance to complain.
“I’m terribly sorry for the delay, but there is an emergency in the company.” Freddie usually kept his cool like a boss, well, better than the other bosses. He was usually PR’s wet dream, but he could be downright irrational if the situation really got to him. The Winter Project had been proof enough. “Unless you can fix the computers in time, kindly stay put for a few minutes.” The ‘or else’ was implied.
“I certainly could,” the client said cheerfully. Freddie looked at him skeptically.
“But…” Rosita tried to intervene.
“Do you have a solution, Rosita?” Freddie asked.
“Of course she doesn’t, she is a clever girl, Pi-21’s software is not for clever girls. Show me to the problem, Mr Legs.” The man had the gall to walk to the door where Freddie had come from and open it for him.
Freddie regarded the man warily. Twenty minutes. He still had time to look desperately for someone else if the man couldn’t help and fail. “Why not? I’m doomed anyway.” Freddie walked to the door with a sigh.
“But, sir! He is Ryan Stenson!” Too late; the door was closed. “I’m so screwed,” Rosita muttered thinking of the moment when Rupert heard how she had failed to stop Freddie.
Miss Lloid put an understanding hand on her arm; she probably knew a thing or two about trouble with bosses.
Freddie took the man to the conference room where he would have to meet the head of Stenson Industries. He had his custom Stenson laptop there with his presentation and an enormous mess showing on the Pi-21 screen of the company. There wasn’t even an error message, just all the text overlapped with the images and the data, and then it had frozen. If Rupert wasn’t such a resentful man, they’d have Stenson’s holo-displays everywhere instead of that waste of space that Pi-21 called technology. Unfortunately, Rupert would own the company for as long as he lived and Tim would follow his steps like a trained monkey.
The unexpected client-turned-help didn’t ask for permission, he just sat in front of Freddie’s computer as if it was his. He sent a disdainful look at the problematic frozen screen and he turned to Freddie with an amused smile to say: “Let’s start with archaic solutions for archaic technology.” Then the technician crouched to unplug the projector.
“I’ve done exactly the same more than once today.” It was the only way to unfreeze the projector, but Freddie resented the know-it-all attitude of the technician.
The man seemed to take that as a challenge, so he cracked his knuckles and promptly opened the familiar black window of MS-DOS. He started to write while Freddie looked over his shoulder. He was pulling pieces of code that Freddie had not considered, and he didn’t even need to do much after he was done. He just opened the Stenson software for presentations and saved the file that Freddie pointed out in a format that wasn’t there before the man had touched the computer.
The smug bastard had a cheeky smile when he presented Freddie with the pen drive.
Freddie saved all his praise until he plugged the USB drive on the projector and it miraculously worked. The clock on the screen said it had taken the technician… less than five minutes. Freddie was pleasantly surprised; he was going to thank the stranger, but then the presentation played the music that Freddie had saved without hope of it working.
“This thing never plays music, at least never at the same time as the presentation!” He let himself slouch on the chair closest to the projector. The presentation was saved. 
“It was just too easy,” the smug technician commented.
“I would have managed with a bit more than twenty minutes,” Freddie said, pride a bit hurt.
“If your coding is as good as your people skills, twenty minutes would have easily become a week of work.”
“What gives you the right to say that?” Freddie protested.
“You have not even asked my name.”
Freddie pursed his lips. Despite having collapsed on the seat, he was tense all over. He had been stressed since he found trouble with the presentation a week ago and predicted more trouble with IT on top of the other preparations. The man was right, he had been snappy and the presentation hadn’t even started yet, so he took the chance to breathe deeply. And to collect his politeness from the depths of despair.
“Excuse my manners, I-”
“Yes, you don’t need my name, just my services,” the man cut him without retracting that annoying smirk of his.
“Fortunately your coding is better than your own people skills, then,” Freddie said, annoyed.
“No, just as good, people love me, I have people skills to spare somewhere, just not today,  and I have a lot of class.”
“And what are you implying there exactly?”
“That music in your presentation? Tacky.” Let it be known that Freddie knew when he was being mocked and when he was being teased, he just had more experience with the former. 
“I didn’t expect it to work and I can put whatever music I want, because the content is solid.”
“Show me.”
Freddie leaned forward. “What?”
“I said show me!” The technician leaned forward too. “You have time, right? I want to see the monster I helped to create.”
Freddie didn’t have time to reply, because the man stood up, took the remote control from the table, walked in front of the screen and played the presentation. Freddie did have the time now; Stenson should be with Tim and his unproductive dreams of harnessing storms to generate electricity. The technician’s opinion wouldn’t be very enlightening, but this way Freddie would have the chance to check his own presentation one last time.
“This section, why is it so short?” The technician said about the grid connection as he sat on the table. Freddie sat next to him.
It was Freddie’s favorite section, but Rupert didn’t like it, so Freddie had only sneaked a basic idea. He was quite proud of having passed it under the old man’s nose.
“Rupert is old school.” Freddie smirked privately. “He likes the old power plants and he hates Stenson. Hates that his green approach to energy is harming our productivity, and he doesn’t see that an update could benefit both of us. After all, as you see here, we already have a power grid that Stenson wants; we would only have to update the power plants. It would be a great investment, but he doesn’t like it.”
The technician crossed his arms. “He doesn’t like Stenson?”
Freddie laughed. “It is more than dislike. Stenson is the bane of his existence, as Rupert says: who does he think he is, that short-sighted idiot? or whatever short joke he thinks at that moment; apparently the man is quite short.”
“Yes, people say that. Go on.”
“Well, Father always says that Stenson will destroy America, because Forbes might call him a hero but his technology is destroying jobs everywhere, his words, not mine.” Freddie rolled his eyes.
The technician kept playing the presentation and smirked at one of the references.
“That is the project I… saw in a magazine about Stenson. It is not well known, is it? Have you been stalking him or something?”
“I’ve done my research. That high-entropy alloy project is spectacular, but it is not showy enough for the press, or the shareholders, Miss Lloid and he will probably value that Intenur-”
“Your boss is not here, Legs.”
Freddie hesitated for a moment, but the man was smart, he was learning how the Intenur Company worked incredibly fast.
“They will value that I recognize the real potential out of the flashy prototypes for the general public.”
“Are you saying that they lie with their flashy prototypes?”
Freddie looked the technician dead in the eye.
“Of course they do. That’s what marketing is about.”
“Would you tell them that to their face?”
“Of course not. Rupert would behead me if I did something to hamper his deal.”
“Why would he want a deal with a man he hates?”
“I convinced him that he could push his hate aside for the good of the company and to leave a better legacy to Tim.”
“The company, of course, because clean energy and the bigger picture are nothing compared to stock numbers.”
“Obviously you have never discussed it with Rupert. I told him what he needed to hear; I won’t jeopardize the ‘bigger picture’ as you say, by telling him something as feeble as the whole truth.” Freddie leaned his hip against the table. “Then the shareholders gossiped about Stenson and how easy it would be to negotiate some changes with him and Rupert��was sold.”
“Huh? And what did they say about Stenson?”
“Why do you ask?”
The technician shrugged and grinned. “Because I want to keep listening to your voice, but I don’t think you’d appreciate me distracting you from the topic.”
Freddie raised an eyebrow at the blatant flirting, but let it slide. “They said that it takes a lot to keep Stenson interested in a single topic unless it is really engaging, but they also told us to use eye-candy to keep him involved.” Freddie allowed himself a private smile, the one that people compared with a snake’s. “Tim called his girlfriend to play the part of eye-candy. She is an expert in the field of his presentation, so he was terribly angry that she was called only for her looks.”
The technician shared his smile with the same subtle touch of cruelty that Freddie found… endearing.
“Maybe you should have read more magazines, and you would know that you put eye-candy in your presentation anyway?”
The technician was looking up and down at Freddie quite obviously. Freddie’s lip twitched and he retreated any endearing thought that had passed through his mind.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean he swings both ways, you know?” Freddie didn’t dignify that with an answer, which was a bad decision, because the technician came back. “Don’t tell me you are one of those bigoted idiots who think bisexuality is just...”
“You are lucky I needed you. That comment would have you in the street by yesterday if you worked here.” Freddie didn’t appreciate being called bigoted; he had enough putting up with Rupert daily trying to keep his second son’s “scandalous ways” in the closet, thank you very much.  “I was merely surprised; I don’t think I’ve ever been called eye-candy before.”
“Why the hell not? Do you usually hang out with blind people? Wait, Rupert is the guy with the eye-patch, right? Does that count as half-blind?”
“That is very insensitive of you.” Freddie chastised, but his twitching lip was persistent. He would love to say it was annoyance, but deep down he knew it was amusement.
“Let me guess; that comment would put me in the street by yesterday if I worked here. How lucky that I don’t actually work here, don’t you think?” The man had no sense of self-reservation. “And let me tell you, if your definition of eye-candy is allowed to have brains, you totally qualify, take it from an expert in eye-candyness.”
“An expert.” Freddie deadpanned with only a badly concealed hint of interest showing.
“An expert indeed! I look into the mirror every day, after all.”
Freddie pretended to think seriously, looking the technician up and down on his spot sitting on the table. He was indeed quite handsome, but Freddie was not going to make the same mistake twice and appreciate a man within Rupert’s earshot. “No, I don’t really see it.” Despite the words, Freddie sent a challenging look at the technician that contradicted is words, just in case the presentation went well and Freddie decided to celebrate when he went home.
“I’ll have you know I look amazing in a suit, in any suit, or with nothing at all, I’m only wearing the workshop uniform to piss… my friend off. Hell, I could wear a corset and stockings and I’d still look hot as-”
Freddie’s phone pinged. He put a hand up to make the technician stop for a moment while he read Tim’s message and his face fell a little.
“Apparently the eye-candy won’t be necessary after all. Tim says that Stenson didn’t come; it was only Miss Lloyd in his presentation, and apparently she is headed here.” Freddie looked at the clock. “Early. You should probably leave, ask Rosita anything you want at the front desk and tell her I approved it. She’ll make an invoice if necessary.”
“Unless she’s giving me your phone number I’m staying.” 
Freddie glared at the man. 
“What? Pi-21’s technology is famously unreliable as fuck. What if you suddenly need a dashing hero to help you?” 
Freddie glared harder.
“I told you that I wanted to keep hearing you; what makes you think you’ll get rid of me anytime soon?”
Unfortunately for Freddie, Rosita showed Miss Lloyd into the conference room at that exact moment and Freddie had to put on his public mask and shake hands with the woman. Lloyd excused Stenson for not coming. She said something about a last moment change of plans; she also said that her chief engineer was prone to last-minute impulses and ideas while sending a look at the technician by Freddie’s side. There was no polite way to get rid of the man in front of Lloyd, though, and the man knew it. So he rolled on with his presence and ignored Ms Lloyd’s look. She’d have to suffer his presence too.
Freddie would have said something scathing about Stenson’s absence, but his lips were sewn as long as there was a possibility of a deal on the horizon.
The presentation ended up being a disaster and it was the technician’s fault. He kept interrupting Freddie and addressing Ms Lloyd directly, to Freddie’s chagrin. Freddie couldn’t explain the man’s presence now and he couldn’t just throw him away in front of Ms Lloyd. His comments were on point, but Miss Lloyd wouldn’t appreciate that someone that Freddie had not even introduced interrupted like that. Also, Freddie had prepared the presentation with Stenson in mind, he didn’t know as much about the discrete CEO.
A complete disaster.
Ms Lloyd left the room an hour later to speak with Rupert and as soon as the door closed behind her, Freddie collapsed on one of the rolling chairs. The technician was giggling like Freddie’s career wasn’t crumbling before his eyes.
“That was brilliant!”
“No it wasn’t. You were interrupting!”
“I assure you she won’t mind, she is used to much worse.” And as an afterthought he added, “probably.”
“Even if that is true, I don’t think Rupert will see it your way.”
Freddie wallowed a bit more in his misery before the technician derailed his train of thought.
“If Stenson had known what kind of presentation you had in your hands, he wouldn’t have missed it for the world.”
“I guess we will never know.”
“Hey! I’m telling you! I’m sure!”
Freddie huffed sarcastically, but the technician was having none of it. “How come you know about a small project of Stenson but you ignore the most basic things that everybody knows about him?” He had an elbow planted on the table and his teasing tone was both baffled and soft at the same time. 
“When I started to investigate I didn’t know he was a celebrity. When I realized he was, I did everything in my power to avoid yellow-press literature. It’s just too unreliable, and it would poison my own vision.” Freddie was defensive over his choices. “I think that reading his papers is enough. Don’t you think?”
“You have read his papers?” His eyebrows lifted briefly. 
“And patents. Of course.”
“But most of his patents have nothing to do with clean energy, why would you read those too?”
“He is quite inventive; the material innovations were clean solutions. Masterpieces in a field that still managed to convey how his mind works. You can follow his thought process by-”
“Reverse engineering?” The technician ended his phrase. Freddie didn’t like how surprised he looked.
“I might come across as Rupert’s left hand, and the convenient scapegoat but I assure you that I’m more than the company’s tool.”
“I don’t know you,” the technician showed his hands conciliatory. “Maybe you should show me how much more you are.”
“Don’t play with me. It is not a good moment.” Freddie regarded the technician; he wouldn’t be trouble. “I planned today’s meeting with a high risk to my career, things are already terrible as they are.
“Why risk so much? You would have convinced The CEO of Pi-21 instead easily.”
“First, no matter what Intenur does, I only deal with the best and second… Well, I was looking forward to meeting him in person.”
“That is not your concern.” Freddie knew he had said the wrong thing, because now this man’s interest was piqued. 
“Awww, how cute, you have a crush on him!”
“What? No! I don’t know him!”
“Yes you do, why would you bother otherwise?”
Freddie was done with that conversation, but he was starting to remember that this technician was supposed to be a client who was owed an apology for getting dragged into this whole mess, so he ended up answering in defeat. 
“His research into AIs. There is speculation about him having made great leaps, but he covers it with zeal. It’s been years since he last published on the subject and I think it is because he made something spectacular.”
“His AIs... You are a nerd, aren’t you?” The technician-maybe-still-client laughed. “Why would you want to know about that and not his super-amazing robotics sowcase?”
“Because… Well, I have a couple of AIs myself, and as I developed them beyond what we currently know about AIs... I understood that I would never expose them to the public, no matter the sum offered. You wouldn’t understand, it is a strange connection with something that you’ve created that sounds… ridiculous. A program…” Freddie shrugged. “Tim says it is unhealthy, being attached to a few lines of code. But I found that I want the best for them and to make sure they cause no harm either.” He turned to watch the man warily. “And you won’t make me feel ashamed of it.”
“Perish the thought.” 
“Any joke about cyberphilia and I’ll make sure nobody finds your body.”
Freddie could see the alternative joke forming in the technician’s mind, but before he could brace himself, the communication system came to life and Rupert’s voice filled the room.
“Freddie, Ms Lloyd has left the building without a closed agreement. Your plan has failed! and the company will suffer for it!”
“Maybe if Tim’s presentation hadn’t been so bland, Ms Lloyd would have been more interested in that agreement.”
“Your brother’s proposal was bland because you let him down, to do your own thing, like you always do. I hope you are proud of yourself! I should have known that you would make this deal a failure. Do you know how much time I put into this? Time I don’t have, Freddie! Time I can’t waste if you can’t even make Stenson come to listen to us.”
“You can’t blame me for that too. He is the one who decided not to come.”
“I warned you, my son. That little man isn’t worth a single minute of our time. Now, you will make sure this has been your last failure, you will forget about this venture or, as much as it pains me to say this, you will leave the company.”
Freddie’s blood went cold. His whole world darkened around the corners, all of him was focused on that speaker. Leave the company?
“Sir, negotiations have only started; it was almost six months until we convinced Vanestia co. to sell the company. We could still strike a deal with Stenson Industries in that time.” Freddie tried to hide how much it hurt him to think of giving up on this opportunity.
“No, son.”
The communication system died and Freddie held his breath. Rupert had never been so direct, he always insinuated and implied that Freddie was a waste of time and space that should only help to make Tim climb higher, but he was never this blunt. Rupert knew how to make Freddie stay by the company’s side and Freddie tried to earn the same respect as his brother, well, his not-blood-brother, as Freddie had discovered during the last project. His efforts had been less and less effective since the winter affair.
Of course, Freddie had suspected that Rupert favored Tim; it was plain to see, but Freddie had expected to overcome that favoritism with hard work or trickery. Apparently nothing was enough, nothing would ever be enough. What was the sense in trying anymore? Freddie should give up, leave Intenur definitely before being pushed out. But what would he do? He had worked there his whole life; there was nothing he could do now. Other companies hated Freddie because he had inconvenienced them in favor of Intenur. There was nothing to do.  No solution. Nothing.
“Hey, ravenlocks? Someone home?” Freddie looked up to the Technician. Freddie had been still looking at the loudspeaker for a few seconds after it disconnected. Without the man’s interruption, he would have kept falling for a long time, he was sure of it. “After that, you look like you need a drink.”
“I won’t have a career by tomorrow morning. I think I need more than a drink.”
“You need to stop thinking before you give yourself an aneurysm, pretty thing, and I know just the place.”
Freddie wouldn’t be needed anymore that day. Maybe ever, if Rupert was to be believed. Freddie could just… Let go. There was a chance that Rupert would want him to be there, but if Freddie only did what Rupert told him, he’d stay put quietly in a closet until the old man had use for him. Therefore, and to spite Rupert if he actually called, he sneaked out of the building with the technician, who still avoided saying his name claiming that Freddie had had his moment to ask and that the moment was gone. 
Freddie wanted… Freddie didn’t know what he wanted now, but he was on the verge of wanting to find a cliff, which was probably bad for his continued existence. Being alone now would be his worst decision to date, so he let himself be dragged away. The technician made inappropriate jokes and kept the self-destructive feelings at bay, so Freddie decided to cling to the man until he felt better or until he found something better to cling to.
They drove through New York like a pair of clueless tourists and they hit all the bars in what Freddie had named ‘A list of the most outrageous places’. It seemed like the technician knew his way around a good number of holes in the wall.
Once there was enough alcohol intaken, Freddie answered the Technician’s questions very easily. He had always been quite private about the family part of the business, and he had never spoken badly of it, but nothing had been the same after the winter collapse. The company had lost his respect; the family had lost his respect. And today Freddie’s career had crumbled down; sometime after the sixth drink he had realized that he didn’t really have any career to speak of. All his skill set was built around making Intenur work. He didn’t have a job description; he embodied all the spare parts of the well-tuned machine of Intenur. He was… a puppet, even though he was the spine of the company… the spine of the machine… maybe he should stop mixing metaphors, or drinks, maybe he should stop mixing drinks.
In between realizations, Freddie had decided that there was nothing to lose if he talked with the technician. He wouldn’t get into more trouble and he would finally get it off his chest, even if the man didn’t believe him, so he told the cheerful and rather handsome mysterious man about the project Rupert had in the works to create energy out of cold.
The man had laughed loudly enough to startle the other tables and the sound had pleased a petty and vindictive part of Freddie.
It was a senseless monstrosity called Productive Winters; a stupidity, of course, anyone with basic knowledge of thermodynamics would know it: it was a ruse to keep some clueless, idiot, brain-dead shareholders interested, but Freddie’s brother had wanted to put it into practice. Tim had been in charge of the company while Rupert was recovering from an eye operation in some spiritual retreat center. One of the mildly intelligent shareholders, Mr Ludwig, had suspected that the whole thing was a huge lie and Tim didn’t take kindly to being called a liar.
Freddie had been in charge of damage control. Mr Ludwig had been dealt with, but the problem was far from over. Both Rupertsons fought over the path to take and Freddie destroyed the project behind Tim’s back so it would never see the light of day and uncover Intenur as scammers or worse: idiots. In doing that, Freddie broke the shareholder’s trust and when Rupert found out, he ordered the PR department to make Freddie into the jealous villain who wanted more power in the company, to save face.
In that click-bait story that Rupert’s PR department fed to the newspapers, Tim was the magnanimous, kind brother who took Freddie in back again despite his ‘treason’. The story was heartwarming enough to save Intenur in the stock market and there was everybody’s happy ending. Freddie had been willing to sacrifice his public image to save the company, but he had never realized how much of himself he was giving away. Now he saw it as it was: a cage of his own making.
Intenur was the place where Freddie could live until he retired if only he submitted to Rupert’s rule. Only now, after decades of loyalty and sacrifice, did Freddie realize that he was considered chaotic and a liar in the larger world of business. Freddie had been pleased to take the burn of any problem in the company; it was not as if he would ever need to have references outside of Intenur. But now he had nowhere to go. He had built his own golden cage one bar at a time and Rupert had provided the tools all too happily.
His only chance of staying away from this was his mother. He could still try to find her wherever she had escaped from Rupert and beg forgiveness. She would receive him with open arms, but after years of defending his father and brother, Freddie couldn’t bring himself to concede defeat, the shame was too great.
The lack of flavor in his latest drink made Freddie realize that he had a bottle of water in his hand and that he had been complaining out loud. The technician was still next to him; he had two untouched colorful glasses in front of him and a boozed smirk. It took Freddie’s alcohol-filled brain a few seconds to realize that the man must have been the one to change the glass for the bottle of water, but the reason eluded Freddie. 
The feeling must have shown on his face.
“Believe me, you will hate yourself tomorrow enough as it is. You don’t want to worsen your prospective hangover.”
Freddie took another sip of the bottle. They were in a nook away from prying looks. It was comfortable. He wasn’t sure of what he had said and what he had only thought, but the technician had a strange, mellow look, so the silent part had probably been very small. Freddie prided himself in knowing facial expressions, but he didn’t know enough about the man, and he couldn’t concentrate on his face beyond the basic features.
“Why don’t you try to work abroad, my emo friend?”
The technician had slipped an arm around his shoulders. Freddie didn’t even care when; he was very very focused on the face in front of him. He was going to read that face, he knew he could if he tried enough.
“It is not the job, it is me. If they don’t fire me, I’m leaving tomorrow.” He sighed. It had always been him, hadn’t it?
“From where I stand, it is them.”
“You don’t understand.”
“I do! I do I do! Who do you think sinks the market points in my company?” The technician seemed to be quite drunk too, he wouldn’t have shared anything personal otherwise. Freddie was watching the corner of his lips; there was a tell when people lied… or was that the corner of the eyes? It didn’t matter, because Freddie kept getting distracted with the rest of the lips. “A company I didn’t ask for, too! A goddamned company that has almost killed me more times than I care to count.”
“Yes, Intenur is killing me slowly too.”
“And all because I had to carry on some kind of legacy, stepping on the heads of giants or something like that. It is what my father used to say to the ladies when my mother wasn’t around.”
“Wait, you have a company,” Freddie said unwisely. “And it was your father’s.”
“Ok, story time. My father built the company…” The man slumped against his seat. “No, I don’t think I’m up for story time.”
“What?” Freddie realized that he had scooted closer, to listen. Not because the warmth was nice and distracting. “You must tell me something, I told you a lot of things, now you owe me.”
“Since when are stories currency?”
“Since I want them, and you want me to stay, so I will have my stories.” Freddie hung his head back, supported by the nook’s headrest and closed his eyes. He opened one of them in what he hoped was a discrete move. He was not sure he was being successful. The man had that drunken smirk and his eyes half-lidded, as if Freddie’s gesture had made him sleepy in turn.  
“Spoiled brat. Have it your way.”
The man said something about a company, a step-father? a story that seemed made to fit an action script, and Freddie was not sure why he kept mentioning the son of Sten. Freddie didn’t know, and only half of it could be blamed on the soft buzz in his head; the bastard was being cagey on purpose. He had the feeling that something in his brain was demanding he pay attention. He knew that story b- What if he is a corporate spy? The thought had already crossed his mind a hundred times during the day when he decided to let the man help with the presentation. He had ruled it out because… because of logic at the time. Logic that was not currently accessible.
Even though he didn’t know exactly what the man was talking about, he got the feeling that he was sad and Freddie had something to do with it. Oh! He was telling Freddie something sad about his company, or his family, or both, because Freddie had made him sad too.
“Hmm. I had planned to celebrate with you, not this.” Freddie most definitely didn’t whine.
“Don’t look at me! I’m the party king! I’m never a sad drunk! It is all your faul-hmpfmm.”
Freddie only knew that he had finally seen the sadness behind the smiling lips, and he had decided that he didn’t like it. The man was sad, he was also sad and they could make each other less sad, so the only answer to that was a kiss, obviously. Obviously? Huh. There was something about two negatives floating in his head, but logic was still not available.
For a delightful moment he wasn’t thinking about anything but the sensation of the other man’s lips against his, the sweetness of his latest drink, the tickling of his beard… He plunged deeper into not thinking when the technician responded by pressing and holding his neck first with one hand, but then he moved to sit on his lap and cradled his nape. Nothing mattered now, especially not when he sneaked an arm around his waist and pulled them closer together.
The water bottle and the time listening to the man had helped to clear his head moderately, so his brain had enough presence to kick in when he felt the man’s hand pushing him away. He let it happen, not without regret. The technician looked regretful too; he was breathing deeply as if he could get rid of the desire in his chest that way.
“Look, let’s stop here. Because tomorrow this will be very… interesting, but if we end up in my room…”
“Mmno,” Freddie protested and hid his face in the other’s neck. He felt the jawbone and cheek against him pressing back. “If I don’t work there, you can go back to being the client tomorrow and this would mean nothing.”
The hand that had been on his neck was still over there playing with his hair. “I’m not going back either. I shouldn’t make decisions right now, but I’m thinking of poaching one of their workers and be done with them.”
Freddie’s smile couldn’t be seen from his position, but it was audible. “You are lucky I don’t work there anymore, or I would have destroyed you for saying that.”
“You still work there.” 
“Not mentally, no.” 
“You made up your mind, then?”
“I don’t know what I’m going to do, but whatever I do, it’s going to be easier to decide if I don’t go back to Intenur. Beyond that… No idea.” 
“I know exactly what you are going to do.”
Freddie emerged from his hiding spot, regretting not being able to kiss that neck. “You think so?”
The man climbed off of Freddie’s lap, but he didn’t back away from his personal space. 
“Go to sleep.” He leaned on the backrest, trapping Freddie’s arm. But Freddie didn’t mind keeping it around the tech’s waist. “And once you have slept the hangover away, you are going to call me.”
“You are very sure of yourself.”
“You would be too if you were in my place.”
“If I were in your place I wouldn’t have stopped this.”
“Yes, you would.” The tech called the waiter over and asked for a pen, then leaned against Freddie’s chest for balance and took to writing on his white shirt, left side, close to the collar.
“Are you going to pay for this when I take it to the cleaners?
“I’ll be happy to, because you’d have to call me for that. And you’d have to use this number.”
After a few numbers Freddie was not ready to guess by feeling alone, the man paused for a moment, squinted while looking at Freddie’s face and went back to his task, but higher, closer to his neck.
The silence while he wrote was meditative. Freddie could still draw circles with his thumb on the man’s hip and he still squirmed very sweetly.
“Maybe I could leave the country, as you said,” Freddie wondered aloud.
“Call me first,” the man mumbled while capping the pen. He waved over the same waiter, gave back the pen and paid before Freddie could protest.
“Maybe I could start my own company,” Freddie kept daydreaming.  
“Call me first,” the man insisted. He got close to Freddie’s ear. “We have much to talk about.”
Freddie woke up only a few hours later with his mobile in his hand. First, an alarm. He dismissed it. Then there was a 5% battery warning in red. He dismissed it. When the warning closed, he squinted at a perfectly composed e-mail, addressed at Rupert, cc’d at Tim, where he told them that he was leaving Intenur in not the politest terms. It was unsent. 
He thanked his luck and the version of himself that had been too tired or too out of it to send the mail (but not too tired to spell asinine). He would have hated waking up only to see that email marked as sent. 
He pressed send. 
It was much more satisfying to do it when he was going to keep the memory of doing it intact. 
He found the charger cord that he had failed to use the previous night. The phone died just before he could plug it in, but it was better that way anyway. He had no desire to dodge family calls for hours. 
He turned to leave the mobile on the nightstand and he hugged his pillow, ready for some lazy extra rest now that he didn’t have a job to go back to. 
Before tiredness could do him in, his eyes fell on the shirt that he had taken off the previous night and had discarded on the floor by the bed. It was no longer prim and proper, and from where he was, he could see a few numbers, written just an inch below the collar. The memory of the last night and the technician brought a smile to his face that was almost enough to wake him up all the way. 
He stretched one foot to drag the shirt from the floor, grab it and memorize the number, or maybe write it down somewhere, but once he had the fabric in his hands, he noticed that over the phone number, under the shirt’s collar, there was more. He could see a “R”. Finally, a name! He flipped the collar up. 
“Ryan Stenson xxx”
He threw the shirt across the room and rolled the other way, groaning into his pillow.
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allthefujoshiunite · 1 year
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks..
Of course I don't mind! This is a tough question though, because the scope is too broad, so I'll list some recent ones that come to mind.
Bokuto Koutarou (Haikyuu): Such a talented and fun character! But the reason I love him a lot is because, contrary to the way fandom reads his character, he's quite smart and extremely perceptive. As we saw in the 3rd Gym arc, he doesn't go through training mindlessly and when asked, he was able to condense three years of his experience into useful advice in a non-forceful manner. He's the real star (together with Yamaguchi) behind Tsukishima coming to terms with effort and volleyball. Again, contrary to people that make it all about Akaashi or Kuroo. I can give a 3 hour long ppt presentation about Bokuto.
Julius Novachrono (Black Clover): I recently started reading Black Clover so I'm around chapter 200. Julius immediately became a favorite because of his glimmering eyes, childlike curiosity towards magic, and compassion towards other people. I generally like characters that are unbelievably strong but instead of going around acting big, they just... vibe. And occasionally cause problems for the authority with good intentions.
Kageyama Shigeo (Mob Psycho 100): Talking about characters who are unbelievably strong, I couldn't NOT mention Shigeo. I ugly sobbed watching the last season and it never ceases to amaze me the way One incorporates the notion of power into his works. Forever proteccccc!!!
Bocchi (Bocchi The Rock): This series was easily one of the best one, especially in terms of its visual prowess, I've watched in a long while. I love Bocchi because she's an anxious mess and a lot of the time she's running away from reality, thus dream grandoise dreams on the daily, which is... very relatable tbh. She's also extremely cool when playing the guitar.
Emilico (Shadows House): I love Emilico because, she's a smart and strong young woman, but not in ways we conventionally define "strong" or "smart". She's a quick thinker and very practical, and her strength lies in her ability to move others and create a support system where everyone can rely on others when needed. I'd like to be friends with her!
Minare Koda (Wave, Listen to Me!): I'd probably think twice before befriending her but gosh she's a ball of fire! And it was so much fun watching her fuk up a lot but manage to somehow make it through the day! Plus, people who can find stuff to talk for hours unprovoked have my respect.
Sieon (Love For Sale): This is a BL manhwa by Dal Hyeonji that I will never EVER forget and will always carry in my heart. Sieon is the older male lead who works in publishing and he's one of the most, if not THE most, well-written characters I've come across. I felt like I had a lot of similarities with him and appreciated greatly that among the generic romance stories, we got one that was able to look beyond the cliches and was able to show there are different ways to love people romantically. Another 3 hour long Ted Talk topic for me.
Mitsuya Majime (The Great Passage): The Great passage is a series that I always remember fondly and Majime is the serious (like his name) quiet and book-loving male lead. He's especially particular about words themselves and I felt like he was my spirit animal. Love him to bits.
Karlyle (Define the Relationship): Another character from a BL manhwa. I'm super fond of Karlyle because he's so tender in every way. I adore characters (and also, tbh, envy secretly)who are naive but not dumb, maybe a bit inexperienced and they take smaller steps/are timid but always work hard towards what they want and are honest to themselves about their feelings. This probably won't make sense if you haven't read the manhwa, sorry... But I just want to encourage him and pull him into a tight hug! Deserves the best!!!
Katsuki Yuri (Yuri!!! On Ice): I wrote my thoughts on his character before on my Twitter (you can read it here if you'd like) but... yeah. Another talented, sweet, lovable character that I felt lucky being a part of the series' fandom and watched it week after week together with other fans!
Honorable Mention // Higuruma (Jujutsu Kaisen): His arc was brief, but packed the biggest punch for me. His backstory and fight with Yuuji will be the arc that I'll never forget in Jujutsu Kaisen. Masterpiece.
Hope this was interesting enough! Have a nice 2023 ~
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discet · 2 years
1. What’s Marcy’s relationship with Eda like in your Boiling Isles AU?
2. Does Marcy think about getting a staff like Hunter’s?
3. Can we hear more about that time Marcy absolutely destroyed Bosha in a witches duel?
So as previously stated, for a good run of S1 Marcy would kind of just be present during Lilith's schemes to capture Eda as moral support. As a result, Eda has a kind of casual friendly relationship with Marcy. However this goes astray when, good intentioned, Marcy goes to the Owl House to try and reason with Eda(Believing Lilith, and by extension Belos, are well intentioned) when Eda turns into the Owl Beast. Marcy narrowly manages to brew one of the cures with King's help, and Eda is appreciative and feels like she 'owes' the kid. Even offers her a way home if she wants it, but Marcy, in probably a pretty character defining moment, declines, wanting to stay in the isles a while longer At the Climax of S1 Lilith flees the coven with Hunter+Marcy after they find out about the past Golden Guards, and goes to the only person she things could possibly successfully shelter them, Eda For S2 Eda becomes the two kids Wine Aunt.
That's a good question, I think she does after seeing Amity's training wand as well(in the elements). I think they run into the problem of sourcing whatever powers Hunter's Staff. Since the commercial grade training wand ran out of power so quick. I think ultimately I like the idea of a running joke/limitation of the duo being that they have 1 staff and places to be and are just bickering while riding the whole time. I think ultimately its resolved at the end of S1 when Marcy manages to save a Palisman from Belos' clutches.
So the HOW is mostly Marcy just overprepares with Potions and overwhelms Boscha. Step 1, smoke bomb. Step 2 chug potion of Life Sight to see Boscha through the smoke. Step 3, insta-vines at Boscha's feet to hold her in place. Step 4 shrink potion at Boscha. Step 5 scoop now shrunk Boscha into a glass Jar until she concedes What I think is funnier is what surrounds the fight. Cause it all starts cause when Marcy starts at Hex side Amity tries to welcome her into her clique of popular girls as a kind of apology for what she did in Ride Along. Hunter tags along, still not trusting Amity yet. Marcy is still a huge clutz and dork and quickly gets on Boscha's bad side. Marcy tries to deescalate it but Boscha just keeps putting her down and bullying her until Marcy challenges her to a witches duel. (You leave Hexside vs You never bully anyone again). Hunter and Amity spend the whole episode either trying to get Boscha to drop it(Amity) or to set up traps to assist Marcy (Hunter) But are stymied at every turn and are just so worried cause Marcy has been so Nice and Understanding towards them, and are worried she isn't taking this seriously since she's just happily doing potions all day. This is also when Amity and Hunter kind of bury the hatchet and become tentative friends Then they both see her just unleash this torrent of calculated destruction and are like "uhhhhhh. If you were capable of this why didn't you fight against us like that when we were being jerks to you." And Marcy answers "Well, my friend Anne told me before I left my old school that it was important to try and see things from others peoples point of view before judging them" tosses jar with Boscha from one hand into the other "and I realized I had kind of intruded into both of your lives and I wanted to give you both a chance." Turns jar upside down, "and my other friend Sasha told me that if anyone starts bullying me for stupid reasons that I should destroy them. I think she meant like, socially, but this worked out just as well I think." And now Boscha can never bully anyone again and Marcy gets a big reputation bump for both dealing with her and to not be trifled with.
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crispy-jpeg · 1 year
Something You Know About Me
TW: none, really
Notes: a silly little short story for a project i'm working on.
Sypnosis: You hop into a call, just for a few seconds, so you can get to know each other.
“What’s your favourite color?” “Oh, we’re doing 21 questions now?”
Ezra laughed a bit, amused by the idea. “If I say yes, will you answer?” “I mean, ask away, I have no problem with it. As long as you let me ask questions about you too.
“An answer for an answer?”
“Mhmm. You know, its hard to not be curious about you.”
“Really?” You gave a stupid smile. It hit him in a way that he didn’t expect.
“Yeah, isn’t it natural to be curious about a hot guy?”
Ezra felt his face heat up. This isn’t good. If he didn’t catch himself, he might start getting attached to you. Well, that didn’t sound quite as bad as he made it seem, but he still knew that he couldn’t afford to trust it. Still, coming from you, it almost felt like you were serious…
“Oh- Ah. Uh…” His hand reached up to cover his face. He tried to avert his eyes, hoping you wouldn’t notice. His brow creased subconsciously.
You laughed, then. It had hit him like a punch to the gut.
“W-Well… Well, all I know is that I want to get to know you. I’m just as curious about you as you are of me, I assume.”
“Alright then.” He watched as you stretched, presumably preparing yourself for whatever he wanted to ask you.
“Let’s start with something simple. I did ask you for your favourite color earlier, didn’t I?”
You nodded. “Right. Well… Hmm… I don’t think I’ve ever thought about it before. I’d say blue, but that’s kind of boring, don’t you think?” “I don’t think so. Blue’s a good color.” “And an easy color. Anyone could pick blue. How about… red? Like your hair?”
He stopped and stared, fidgeting with his hair.
“My… hair?” “Yeah! Red’s a pretty color on you. Or… yellow? Like your eyes?”
“Are you just… picking colors that you see in front of you?”
A wider smile grew on your face, and you averted your eyes with a mischievous grin. You leaned your head on your hand as he furrowed his brow. “...Oops. You noticed? Haha… I wasn’t lying when I said I never thought about it before. Can’t you ask me a different question?”
Ezra sighed with a slight hint of drama to his tone, giving in and moving on.
“Alright, alright. How about… hm… What to ask…”
“How about I ask you a question?” 
Ezra blinked in surprise before straightening up.
“...Alright. Go ahead.”
Ezra watched in confusion as you reached into your drawer, pulling out a familiar looking poster. It was from a rather short-lived tv show, one that Ezra knew well.
“...Oh my god.”
“Tadaa!! I used to watch this show… like, religiously. I can’t believe I didn’t recognize you at first.”
“That poster- I- How- It only had two seasons!”
Ezra laughed in disbelief at the poster as you presented it proudly to the camera.
“I found this online! Probably a fanmade one too, cause I don’t think you appeared until halfway through the second season. But look! There you are. See?”
You pointed at a figure at the bottom, his red hair distinct amongst the darker colors he was backed up against. “Yeah. That’s- I mean- Wow.” You laughed, and Ezra could feel himself flush a little.
“Anyways. I guess my question is… What was it like filming the show? Is that a weird question to ask?”
“No, no, you’re good. I don’t really mind questions like that. I’m sort of used to those types of questions from interviews and stuff.”
“Oh really~? Guess that’s to be expected from Mister Big-Shot over here.”
You flashed a toothy grin, causing him to snicker a bit.
“Pfft. Now… hmm…”
He started with the positives, like how his fellow actors were pretty nice and forgiving to a rookie like him. He also listed a bit of the negatives, like how hot it would get sometimes on set or when the director was having a particularly rough day. Along the way, you chimed in with your own opinions on certain topics. Ezra found it charming when you went off on tangents during your conversation, and although you weren’t really paying attention when you spoke, he gave you a look of affection that really could only mean one thing. The truth was, he enjoyed hearing you talk. It showed a side to you that Ezra wouldn’t have known about otherwise, and that small fact pleased him. 
“And personally, I think it’s kind of stupid. I mean, I’m sure they’ve got talented writers, but…” “...But you think they could’ve written Cynthia better?” “No, it’s not that, it’s just… they could have made her death make more sense!”
You gestured violently with your hands, causing Ezra to laugh at your passionate reaction. He shrugged, leaning his head on his hand.
“Actually, I don’t think it was up to the writers in the first place. The actress who played Cynthia didn’t want to be a part of the show anymore, and she was leaving rather abruptly, so the writers had to figure out how to…”
He trailed off, vying for the right words to explain it. “Explain the sudden exit?” “...Well, as best as they could, anyways. That’s also why my audition was so last minute.” “Wow…” You nodded along, fascinated by the extra information you received. “Guess you really lucked out there, huh? I think you were a really good actor, for the short amount of time you were on the show.”
“I like to think its one of the better experiences from when I was first starting out.”
“I think so, too.”
Ezra glanced at the corner of his screen, blinking in surprise at what he saw. “Oh. It’s already getting pretty late.” “Huh? Really?” You glanced at the corner of your screen. “Oh, wow, you’re right. I didn’t even notice. Oh my god, I can’t believe you were supposed to ask me questions and I spent the whole conversation talking about Lottery… I am so sorry.” Ezra smiled, chuckling to himself.
“Don’t worry about it. In a weird way, I actually got to know more about you just by listening to you talk. For example, I now know you get very intense when you talk about the things you like.”
You snorted, clearly finding his idea of ‘knowing more about you’ to be amusing. You rolled your eyes, yawning a bit.
“I still feel bad,” You mutter, drowsily. “We can still get back to that first question you asked, at least before I go to bed.” Ezra perked up. “Really? Well then, I’m curious. What’s your favourite color?” You pretended to think about it for a bit, then smiled. “Red. Definitely. And it’s not because I’m naming things I see. Red’s the kind of color I find myself drawn towards the most.” Ezra tilted his head. He knew you said red as a joke before, but saying it now as your serious answer did cause some questions to be raised. “You find yourself… drawn to the color red?” “Yeah! That show has an overall red-ish color scheme, not to mention red flowers are always my first pick… And…” You glanced at him, your smile reaching your eyes. “Your bright red hair definitely drew me towards you.” “Ah-!”
You laughed, your grin never fading. He furrowed his brows and averted his eyes in embarrassment, pressing his lips into a firm line. 
“God, it’s way too late for this… Look, I’ll, um, talk to you tomorrow?” He glanced at his screen anticipating your answer. You saluted in some sort of strange goodbye greeting. “Of course. Good night!”
When the call ended, he felt his face heat up even more. At the end of the day, he was grateful to get to know you better, even if it meant enduring the random out of place compliments and occasional bold comments.
You were a strange one, weren’t you? 
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fgrobichiko · 2 years
Case 2022S - There Might Be Giants
[Subject: the hallucinations of witness [Redacted]]
"Have you never seen them? The titans?"
"No, I can't say I have."
"I'll never forget them. They don't give me a chance. The first one I thought was a mountain or a cloud maybe. It was barely there, the blue sky was hiding most of it like how the moon looks paler in the day. Then I saw it moving. It wasn't going anywhere. It was just breathing. Just on such a huge scale I couldn't help but see the expansion of the... torso, I guess, the subtle shifting of its weight. It was leant back, and I didn't understand why at first. Then I realised. It was past the horizon. It was so huge, so... impossible, that to its perspective I'm sure it was sitting straight up. But to me, it was leant back as the earth curved away under it."
"That seems... significant, yes."
"Significant?? I'm not a geologist, or whatever, but the thing must have been out of the atmosphere."
"I see. And the others?"
"All kinds... some of them were moving. Nobody else could see them... one day I was at the beach and I saw, I don't know how to describe it, It was like a crab and a spider and a centipede all at once. It was running its claws through the water, every now and then it pulled something up. It wasn't making any sound... it was far away enough the waves it made just about died down before they reached the shore, but I was terrified it would suddenly spot me, or the people thronging into the water. Then a tentacle reared up behind it and pulled it under. the water drew in and blew up in a great spout. Nobody reacted. The wave hit, though. A "Freak Wave." That's what they called it. Forty people were hospitalised, two dozen died. Probably more after the first headline."
"We'll have to check the dates. You were present to witness it though? Weren't you caught up in it?"
"Are you kidding? I ran. I ran as fast as I could. If the others had seen it... well. That was the first time there was more than one. The next time, two of them stood at opposite sides of the horizon. They were looking at each other... I couldn't make them out properly. I think one was like a lizard. the other was like... an angel, maybe a fairy. big gossamer wings, tips trailing in the wind, and a humanoid body, but too... I don't know. It was too alien to describe."
"And these two, did they do anything?"
"They started approaching each other. They got closer and closer, but their footsteps were silent. They didn't leave any marks or cause any disturbances. I can't explain that. My horror was increasing as they started reaching out for each other, their mouths wide, their hands indistinct, I couldn't tell if they were going to strike eachother or embrace, and when they almost overlapped in my vision, that must have been when I passed out."
"Did you seek medical attention?"
"My girlfriend called the ambulance. They said it was a siezure. I couldn't say if it was or not, I just felt vertigo and... well, I felt like the world was ending."
"Thank you. I am sure that was very stressful."
"Of course it fucking was."
"Yes, I'm sorry."
"I've seen more... I don't know the dates but I saw them. Insects were common. sometimes great big flying things, they'd dip below the clouds and suddenly the weather would be different. The last one though... yeah, that's why I came to you."
"I'd never heard of you before, see. I don't even know your address."
"...Go on?"
"It's here. It's... perched over you, like... what's that sculpture? The thinking man? It just looks... human. Mostly. And it's looking down on you. On both of us now I guess. And I finally worked up the courage to really find out what's what. I guess that worked out alright."
"Indeed. Sorry, excuse me for a moment."
[[REDACTED] calls for an assistant. Their brief conversation is clipped and quiet, inaudible to the recording.]
"Seems like a problem, right?"
"Yes. Yes, I daresay it does."
[Recording ends. The facility [REDACTED], suggesting personnel involved must be reassigned elsewhere.]
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valeskakingdom · 2 years
Surprise (part 33)
Some time went by and Oswald already had a new plan: He wanted to look for Barbara Kean. Why? He told no one, he just said he had something special in mind and he did everything to fulfill his plan. With Scarlet and Butch he went through whole Gotham City to finally find her in a little cafe, sitting there all so along sipping on her latte macchiato as if it was just a normal day of life. She wa surprised about Oswald's sudden visit, maybe even a little annoyed, but she let him talk. He told her he had something special in mind, a plan that would change whole Gotham city, a plan where everyone could profit from - whether it true was a different thing. He though told her, he wouldn't give present all the detail now - just if she came with him. Barbara was thinking, it could be true but it could also be a trap. However, Barbara also knew that Oswald wouldn't dare setting her up, he knew what she was capable of. She would probably kill him if she found out - and so she agreed. She walked with him to his residence to see what he had in mind. She took it as a little joke, she wasn't really serious when he told her she could be a big part of it and such. She knew he loved to exaggerate certain things especially when he tries to convince someone. She even dared to ask Scarlet behind Oswald's back in the hope to get some information, but she was no help. She didn't know a thing either - so they both wondered what did Oswald want to do?
"Here?" Oswald asked when he turned his step mother's spiked head to the center.
"A little bit too central, maybe?" Barbara said questioning "You don't want one peace to overpower the room. Try over there"
"Don't! It's perfect right there. It doesn't overpower the room, it just shows Oswald's power and triumph." Scarlet crossed her arms with a frowned look at her.
"You have no real taste in interior design." Barbara spoke down to Scarlet. She didn't forgot how much she hated her over the time they were absent. She hated her from the first day she met her in Arkham. She would have loved to tear all her hair apart from her head and kill her the slowliest way that was possible because she knew this girl would cause problems.
"Neither do you have" Scarlet muttered giving her a death glare. Barbara was probably the one she hated most on earth besides her parents. Even though she was not herself when she met her first, she knew she would hate her. Just hee appearance made Scarlet aggressive.
"Ladies, please" Oswald interrupted their cat fight when he grabbed the head and placed it on the table right in front of the window "You're absolutely right" he cheered with a huge smile "See, I told you she'd be useful. Isn't that better?"
"Interior design ain't my thing" Butch mumbled, giving Scarlet a look that said 'help me out of this', but Scarlet gave him a look that told him no. He had to get out of this on his own.
"News on the hour with WTGC." You suddenly heard the newscaster on radio "Police sources say that reports of an impending raid on Arkham Insane Asylumand its controversial chief, Professor Hugo Strange, are inaccurate. Despite the disclaimers, flurries of police activity around the troubled facility have fueled-..."
"Hugo Strange..." Oswald grumbled, inhaling deeply "How interesting." Then he looked at Scarlet, Barbara and Butch "Wouldn't it be interesting to know a little more what's going on in Arkham? Barbara, I'm sure the GCPD already does some investigations already. Would you mind paying our friend Jimbo a visit?"
"Not at all" Barbara smiled "I haven seen him in a while. I miss him deeply." Then she looked at Scarlet with an sarcastic smile "At least I can pay my little lover a visit and don't need to mourn him."
"At least my 'lover' accepts me for who I am and doesn't leave me right after he found out I'm crazy and doesn't look for a new love" God, Scarlet hated it what someone, especially Barbara, talked about Jerome like that. Just mentioning the name was driving her insane. The Name 'Jerome' wasn't filled with love, happiness and other stuff - oh no. It was cursed with rage, madness, fury, sorrow and sadness. She wished never to hear that name anymore, she wished to the name dies with all his memory of Jerome.
"Ladies, please, composure" Oswald warned them "We're not here to argue. We're here to-..."
"Oswald shut up!" Scarlet almost yelled at him in anger. She couldn't hear his stupid babbling anymore of being a group, they need to pull on the same string and bla bla bla. Someone had to say something, Scarlet wasn't there to hold everything back "This is a thing between me and her! Stay out of this!"
"Ohhhh, since Jerome is gone you think you're the one with the balls here." Barbara chuckled, nodding slowly "That's typically you. Always need to be the boss - but you're not!"
"Oh, and what now? You're looking for trouble?" Scarlet slowly walked to Barbara with an almost insane look in her face "If you're here to get on my nerves, to mock at me - fine. But," She started to squeeze Barbara's throat tight that Barabara started to have problems with breathing "if you dare to mention his name, to mock at him or to even have a bad thought about him, I'm gonna kill you. Imma tie you up, rip your organs out and choke you with them while bleeding out."
This just made Barbara chuckle. Scarlet was good indeed, but Barbara was better - that's what she thought at least.
"Oh, you find that funny?" Scarlet grinned almost maniacally, suddenly pulling a knife out "You know what I find funny? Seeing you dead" In this moment she wanted to stab Barbara in her stomach when Oswald fast grabbed her arm to stop her.
"Scarlet!" Oswald started to stammer "I know it's outrageous of me interrupting you b-but I plead you, don't do this right now. I didn't ask Barbara to come to be killed. I asked her to do us a favor to help us. She's our friend"
"She's your friend, not mine." Scarlet hissed, taking the knife down "You won't hold me back from killing her another time though. I'm destined for killing her."
"I-I uhm..." Oswald didn't really know what to say. He couldn't stop her, but saying a word would be wrong either. Scarlet wouldn't listen to him at all, she would probably just mock at him and laugh about him "Barabara, would you please...?" Oswald motioned his head to the door signaling her to leave.
"Sure Ossy," Barbara smiled, then giving Scarlet a death stare before leaving the Cobblepot residence to make her way to the GCPD.
"God, I hate that woman," Scarlet muttered with some certain pinch of disgust when she followed Barbara's footsteps to the door "She's slippery and a fucking snake in the grass."
"Remember, she's here to help us. We need her" Oswald tried to calm Scarlet down with his words "She's here to-..."
"She's here to help you, not me" Scarlet muttered and started walking away from Oswald in annoyance "I need a drink"
"Hey, Penguin, so it turns out our Mr. Strange is a very bad man. The police are on to him now. They figure he's planning to run, but he won't, thanks to me." You heard Barbara talking to Oswald through the phone. What did she mean by that? He won't planning to run thanks to her? What did she do to him? Never mind, Scarlet thought rolling her eyes in annoyance. All she wanted was to finally come to an end with Oswald's mysterious plan that she wouldn't need to see Barbara anymore.
"Thank you Barbara. You have pleased me." Oswald smiled, hanging up the phone "Saddle up Butch, Scarlet. We've got an old friend to catch."
"You've got the bazooka?" Scarlet frowned asking him.
"Much better," Oswald smirked.
It was time - time to finally get rid off Dr. Hugo Strange. It would all finally come to an end, the experiments, the electroshock therapy, the torture... everything will be gone sooner or later. But to their luck, it was not only them. The GCPD was trying to catch him, too. They found out how bad he really was, they found out about his experiments and all - he was no good doctor from next door, he was the real psychopath, he was the one that had to be getting caught.
So right now, Scarlet, Butch and Oswald stood with some other men near the bridge and waited, they waited for Hugo Strange to come with a car in fact he actually wanted to run away from the police. You could say the little trio was the icing on the cake for Hugo Strange. He actually could just pray the police finds him first because if not, he'll get the shock of his life.
"You really think he's gonna drive along this street? I mean, we're just standing here and nothing happens." Scarlet scoffed, crossing her arms with rolling her eyes. She was annoyed, annoyed of the situation. They've been standing there for more than 2 hours and nothing happened. It was quiet on the street, not even a bird was chirping. All you heard was the water how it was whooshing and the people around her were breathing, including Scarlet.
"He has no other choice. The cops have blocked all alleys that there's no way out except this street here. He definitely will drive through this street," Oswald explained "And when he does he won't see my beautiful surprise coming." He chuckled.
"Uh huh," Scarlet nodded slowly, not really convinced of that all "If he does then he should please hurry up. Imma become a little impatient." Scarlet looked around in the hope to see a car driving by - but there was none. The street was still empty and quiet.
"Wait, Scarlet, be patient," Oswald instructed her "He will come when the time is right."
"You and your fucking philosophy" Scarlet rolled her eyes muttering. But suddenly they all heard noises, noises that sounded like a car - Oswald had to be right. Hugo Strange took the street to escape. The noises came from both sides, the back and the front. Suddenly they heard the horns honking - the police had to be on its way, Hugo Strange had to be near them either. They all looked around looking whether the cars came nearer as who came first?
"Time to shine my friends," Scarlet sang when she saw the police car rushing through the street, and as if someone snipped with their fingers, The bus with Hugo Strange came too, rushing right in the police car's direction. It seemed like they were about to crash - for Scarlet it was marvelous, the mor chaos the better. The more blood, the better. The more screams, the better - the more of everything, the better.
The cars drove faster and faster, the didn't even think of using the brake, it seemed like they even wanted to let it crash, but was that really Hugo Strange? In the past he didn't seem have such an insane side, he was much calmer, had a clear thought. Also his actions weren't abnormal at all. He was either observing or writing or walking through the asylum if yes he was a master in hiding it - and then it happened. The bus crashed the police car while Butch and the rest of the bunch started shooting at it with the rapid shot gun - he even almost hit the driver - and the bus tilted side wards. It was loud, parts of the cars flew in the air, the police car was completely damaged by the heavy collision, smoke even rose up out of the engine which showed the bus was totally damaged - this was the chance for Oswald, Scarlet and Butch. Hugo Strange wouldn't have a chance to escape now, it's done.
"Professor Strange!" Oswald yelled, grinning with a devilish smile on his face "Professor Strange! Come out!" He walked nearer to the bus "Strange, we need to talk! You did a very bad thing to me, as to Scarlet. And now you're going to pay!"
Everyone remained quiet though - they were shocked. It couldn't be real what they saw, could it? How was that possible? This person died long time ago! Or did they survive? No, it couldn't be, they all saw them dead!
"Impossible!" Oswald gasped in shock. It couldn't be real! Fish Mooney, his old boss and somewhat friend who though treated him like dirt. She was a selfish bitch who always behaved like she was the coolest girl in the hood, as if everybody loved her.
"Nothing is impossible," Fish tutted, and with these words Oswald passed out. He couldn't handle it, he couldn't handle the fact that Fosh was alive. He suffered from living the same hell again as in the past. He suffered from the thought being treated like a butler again, being laughed at, being mocked at. He suffered from losing all he had, all he has built up in that time she was absent.
"Gosh, he's such an idiot" Scarlet mumbled making a facepalm. He was just making a scene again. He was such a pussy.
"Holy..." Butch couldn't believe it either when she really walked towards them. Was that really her? He wasn't sure whether he should be happy or not. He indeed had enjoyable moments with her, but there was always a negative side. He also knew how it is to be treated like a slave or a butler with no opinion.
Men started clamoring, also Butch because he decided to see her as something he didn't want to experience again - and so he ran away with all the other men who feared Fish Mooney deeply. There was just one human being who decided to stay - it was Scarlet. She didn't fear Fish Mooney, she didn't even know her. She just heard some things here and there but all in all, no. And since she was no fan of being judgmental, she took the opportunity to get to know her. Maybe she was the next opportunity to gain fame and power? Who knows?
"And who are you, little one?" Fish Mooney walked towards Scarlet with a smile "I sense something that tells me you're it. You're the one I need to rebuild my empire."
"Is that so?" Scarlet frowned with a slight smile on her face "How do you know I-..."
"Nuh uh uh," Fish tutted placing her index finger on Scarlet's lips "My feeling never gets me wrong, darling. I know when I see a person with potential to be an authority. Tell me your name."
"Scarlet. Scarlet Patel."
"Mhm" Fish smiled "I've heard about you. You're Gotham's prodigy." She stroke Scarlets cheek with her thumb slowly, admiring her face. She was a beauty indeed, even with her damn scar. And beauty was one of the things Fish was looking for.
"I wouldn't compare talent with prodigy." Scarlet chuckled "A talent is a mix of passion and certain potential. It has nothing to do with a wonder on earth. Either you're made for it or not."
"So so clever in a young age," Fig smiled, squishing Scarlets cheeks a little "You are a real prodigy, my child. You deserve more than a little limping man with megalomania. Come with me"
"What? You wanna guarantee me fame and popularity? That whole Gotham City will fear me? Nah, I'll pass." Scarlet chuckled shaking her head "I'm tired of these empty promises" She turned around "But maybe I'll come back to that offer. See you around"
And she left.
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cosmignon · 2 years
More questions! 3, 4, 11!
oh shit round 2
3. What ideas come from when you were little
The earliest memories I have for what I'd draw come from when I'd looked at ooooooooold sketchbooks years after the fact, but I know I can list a few prime examples
I used to decorate my room in themes like "it's a zoo now" so I remember drawing on these big big big pieces of white paper (which might have been taped together) to make crayon leaves and a monkey to tape to the walls. The monkey was a very how to draw anime human with no clothes and a tail.
Lots of little comics based on my sims 2/maybe sims 3 interest at the time. It was probably my first forray into storytelling tbh cause I'd doodle sims getting kids and alien abducted and be like yes yes this story is the most engaging and dramatic of its kind. I loved making dramatic little sims stories in general like OH SHIT MY SIM IS DEFEATING THE EVIL BAD GUYS WITH HER KUNG FU POWERS
lots of little mysterious girls in flowing short white dresses, looking out mysteriously into the mysterious sky. blame namine kingdomhearts for that one, even tho I only knew her from the opening cut scene from khii for the longest time
As for any ideas that survived until the present day, that'd be a handful of my ocs, including Alex & Ella who started as an isekai type story where Alex falls to the Fairy World and falls for Ella's brother. I think the isekai element is still here to this day but the story morphed and changed a lot. and the brother got dropped as a character bc I realized oh shit what if Alex... got with ELLA... OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GAY GIRLS
And there's also my ocs Demi, Jazz, and Vic, who started as 1) A self insert type oc made for a deviantart crossover school au club, 2) a middle school friend's character they asked me to draw and then I may or may not have accidentally stolen after making a lot of changes to over the years oops?? listen I was like 13, and 3) the Boy (I forget why I invented him....... )
4. Fav character/subject that’s a bitch to draw
Dib my son Dib to this day gives me grief when I want to draw him bc of that fuckin hair of his, though thank you to the movie for deciding to grow out that undercut of his bc it's cuter and easier to draw imho
in general I've been struggling with open coats which is a problem when I have a lot of characters I like to draw with open coats (Dib included)
I'm also struggling to draw dragons and need to practice that more, tho that's what the webcomic is for babey
11. Do you listen to anything while drawing? If so, what
Oh yeah lots of stuff all the time. Recently I've been listening to a lot of lost media vids like blameitonjorge or allthingslost, or scam debunking vids like illuminaughtii
but I also listen to music, podcasts, other youtubers, ect ect the list goes on and it really depends on my mood
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thunaraz · 11 months
Duncan 1
Klay Duncan
Professor Piscitelli
October 9th, 2010
Critique on Teach Empathy to Ward Off Bullying
The topic I chose to address for this assignment is bullying. I chose an article entitled; Teach Empathy To Ward of Bullying, by Catherine Pearlman. Even though this is a topic which has been frequently discussed in the criminology class I am currently taking. My main reason for choosing this article is that I personally feel that bullying is something which is being overlooked and can become a bigger problem later on. After reading Pearlman’s thoughts on ways to "ward off bullying", I became convinced it was the ideal choice for this assignment. The author stresses that empathy (Chapter 4) is a big part of it. Without empathy, you cannot feel what someone else feels and cannot visualize yourself in their position; making it appear to you that there's nothing wrong with picking on someone. Lack of empathy can lead to improper decisions such as, terrorism, human trafficking, thievery, and destruction of property.(Chapter 1)
This article informs parents on what they may be doing wrong when raising their kids. It also suggests numerous ways in which parents might be able to avoid the deaths of children like Tyler Clementi. Yes, we may all know about bullies, and have seen them in comedies numerous of times - those movies usually start off with the tug of a wimpy kid's book bag and end with that kid coming with a group of friends to seek revenge when their tolerance has reached its peak as the pranks and jokes increase with time. In the real world, it doesn't happen this way. These scenarios usually end with vigorous beatings that result in the deaths of kids like Derion Albert that are too afraid to stand up for themselves.
The author first states parents don't imagine their kids as bullies - the typical bully. Parents don't think of the harsh things that their child could come up with over the internet; CyberBullying. CyberBullying is what ENDED the life of Tyler Clementi. Peer pressure of always being badgered about his orientation may have been largely responsible for his ultimate suicide. Bullying could be as the result of a strong lack of empathy. I believe that today with as much as we use the internet, CyberBullying is going to spike. CyberBullying is a serious issue that CAN be stopped, but it all starts at home with mom and dad. Over the internet, when you're sending a message to someone that you don't exactly know too well, it's a little more difficult to feel what they feel, and interpret as they do at that given moment. Parents don't imagine their 90lb 5'9" son to be a bully. If anything, their son would be the one being bullied, right? Wrong. The typical scenario of Sheldon's SamatoTypes (chapter 3); ectomorphs (often introverts)vs. the mesomorphs (often extroverts). The mesomorphs are the ones that would traditionally beat on the ectomorphs causing a cycle. The "ectomorph" will now go home like the introvert he probably is and CyberBully someone else to feel bigger and take out his frustration.
The author recommended that parents: Take the time to talk to their children about what they -- as a family, in their community -- can do to help make the world better, instead of purchasing more Christmas presents, try toy drives for the less-fortunate kids in the neighborhood and for immigrant families who are struggling in many ways she feels parents' kids can'. The author continued on to say "If we want kids to understand the hardships of others in their community, take them to the local family shelter or food bank to volunteer. How about requiring elementary school children to have 20 mandatory hours of community service per year to advance to the next grade?
Have a lemonade stand, but use the profits to benefit someone in need. Make every Friday mix-up day in the cafeteria so that everyone sits with a different classmate and learns that those kids are real people with real feelings.
Instead of having homecoming queens, have awards for the kid in school who helps to make a difference in the world."
I agree with her on the notion that parents should try to incorporate more empathy into their ways of parenting, however; the ways she's listed to go about this . . . Not so much. I think that many of the ways she listed deprives kids of a good time which could also end up with more bullying, the "I gave that kid my toys, my mom said he was very poor and unfortunate..." sort of thing. The only thing I thought her thesis lacked was spending adequate time on children with holes at home. Often, parents splitting up, domestic violence and blatant neglect can lead to a child engaging in bullying of all sorts.
All in all, if just simply parenting styles need to be changed to spare the suffering of another child, I think it should be followed. Her solutions stated weren't all that difficult to strive in parents' daily lives and I feel they all should be taken into account, and put into practice by all parents.
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sloppy-biich · 11 months
got a job at [popular for profit Thrift store] and it’s a moral fight against: god i need the money but also sooooo much stuff gets “recycled” (thrown out)
with 8 hours of walking around the store everyday talking in my head i’ve flushed out my main issues which are that even tho they are for profit they are in such a stupid way. The prices are almost random and are way to high a lot of the time, the amount of times i’ve seen people put something away cause of the price is insane. plus they care WAY to much about shoplifting, for one, if someone is stealing it means two things: they are in need OR the prices are too high, and regardless most of the shit is getting thrown out so who cares.
recently got in trouble for “recycling enough stuff” and was told not to be afraid of doing it cause the company benefits the more we throw out and they shoot for a less then 40% sell rate… throughout my training videos i heard all about this “we sell our products to places all across the world to help countries in need, and wow look at all these people we help” but in reality not even half the shit gets sent to them and even if it dose all it mean is that we are sending trash that we don’t think anyone wants to another county to deal with. plus is presented in such a “look at these poor people in need we help by giving them the luxury that is north american stuff”. Not just that but MOST of the stuff that gets “recycled” throughout the days is genuinely thrown in the trash so the only way i can assume they are making money off them is through tax right offs.
[insert BIG for profit thrift store] is a fucking scam that has was to high of prices to where it’s cheaper to get new, throws out most of its stock either here or dumps it onto other countries to deal with , and despite this continues to boast about being good for the environment.
I get paid minimum wage despite the Ceo probably making bank therefore this is your reminder that even if it’s a thrift store STEAL FROM THE FOR PROFIT ONES they are no different then walmart or wherever.
(and resellers are not the problem sure they up charge but at least it’s not landing in landfills)
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bluejay-writes · 1 year
Time Out
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Series: Mystic Hero Academia (Fic 3/??) Fandom: Mystic Messenger || My Hero Academia Rating: T for Teens Wordcount: 2399 Summary: After the Provisional Licensing Exam ended in conflict, the League of Villains regroups at headquarters, and an argument ensues, sending Toga dimension-hopping and right into the sightline of none other than Yoosung Kim.
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Blink leaned against the bar, exhausted and cranky. The teen hadn’t been planning on being partially deafened by Present Mic today, and all she had to show for it was a wicked migraine.
“Coffee, Blink?” Kurogiri said quietly from behind her, and she shook her head, immediately regretting the motion. “No thanks, big bro. Water?” She asked, cracking her eyes open enough to see what passed for Kurogiri’s face show surprise before settling back into its usual passivity.
“Hizashi got you good today, hm?” He said, setting a glass of ice water within reach.
Blink didn’t grace that question with a verbal response, she simply slammed the ice water back, and like much of the rest of her day, immediately regretted it as an ice-cream headache hit her on top of her already existing headache.
Of course, the rest of the league had to saunter in just in time to hear her whimper like a kicked dog.
“That good, eh pipsqueak?” Magne said with a chuckle, clapping Blink affectionately on the shoulder on the way by to her usual booth.
Dabi and Shigaraki didn’t say anything to her, as usual. She wasn’t entirely sure what she did to piss off the scarred wonder since the incident at the training camp, but Mr. Handsy just hated her from the start, and only Kurogiri’s request had convinced him to accept her as one of them. She still wasn’t entirely sure why it was that he was so enamored of her, but, well, that was a problem for another day and probably someone else entirely, because Blink couldn’t bring herself to give a single flying fuck.
Of course, the general quiet of the bar couldn’t keep when Miss Mischief and Noise herself entered, and seemed for all the world like someone had given her an atomic wedgie for how much of a twist her panties were in.
“Oh. My. God. Blink.” Toga said, stomping across the bar to stand in front of her, hands on her hips. “You were supposed to keep Eraser Head off of me for at least 20 minutes, what the hell happened to the plan?”
“That was, in fact, going to be my question as well.” Shigaraki said, blissfully quietly, from behind the bar.
“Being hit simultaneously by Present Mic and Ms. Joke turns out to be hard on the concentration.” Blink said, sighing. “I’ll work on it.”  She turned to head upstairs, deciding she couldn’t deal with all of this noisy angsty bullshit until this headache passed, but didn’t even make it a step before Toga was in her way.
“That’s not good enough, Blink. I almost got roasted today because of you!” Toga pushed her backwards, and she stumbled a step, running into the bar and the half-empty glass of water she’d forgotten to finish. She winced, expecting the painful sound of shattering glass, but instead was greeted by a soft thud and a quiet splash.  Someone had caught the glass, then. Good. She’d hate to be the cause of yet another piece of Kurogiri’s barware getting broken.
“I have nothing else to say about it.” Blink said, glaring at Toga.  She didn’t want to fight with the girl.  Not because she cared one way or another, really, but because she knew that Toga could easily take her in a fight, and bruises on top of a headache were not on her list.
“Too bad!” Toga shouted, and Blink winced. “You’re going to pay for today!”
That was enough for Blink. Her head was screaming. Toga kept getting louder. She was done with this shit.
“Toga.” She said, feeling her hair start to stand on end as if by static electricity. “I think you need a Time Out.”
And with a flash of darkness, Toga disappeared.
“I’ll be in my room.” Blink said, turning and walking away from the room full of stunned adults.
“That Stupid Bitch!” Toga screamed, kicking the nearest trash bin to where she’d appeared.  It was an unspoken rule that the League of Villains didn’t use their quirks on each other, and here she was, in whatever creepy-ass fake world Blink’s quirk sent people to.
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Yoosung Kim stopped and shook his head. He was pretty sure that blonde girl had just appeared out of nowhere, and now she was kicking a trash bin and screaming obscenities. Shaking his head didn’t make her disappear, though. And he knew exactly who she was. He wouldn’t mistake Himiko Toga for anyone. She was unironically his favorite girl from My Hero Academia, all of 1-A be damned.  She wasn’t evil, she was just abused and neglected and so pretty… This was not how he was expecting to spend his unexpected day off of classes, but… well… Yoosung shrugged and walked over to her.
“Excuse me, Miss Toga? That is you, right?” Yoosung said to the angry girl, who in an instant had turned and held a knife against his throat.
“Who the hell is asking?” She asked, eyes narrow.
“Um, well, my name is Yoosung Kim. You don’t know me but…”
Toga’s eyes relaxed. “Little naive cutie… you remind me of Midoriya.”
Yoosung tried not to flinch when she reflexively licked her lips. “I remind you of him? That’s one heck of a compliment. I wish I were as cool as him. I’m just me though.”
Toga grinned, and put the knife away. “So, I don’t know how long I’m gonna be here.” She said “But how about we go back to your place? Standing here on the street gives me the creeps.”
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Yoosung didn’t know what he was expecting from bringing Toga back to his apartment, but her sitting on his lap pinning him to the couch wasn’t it.
“So. Yoosung, you said. That’s a cute name. How do you know mine?”
Yoosung bit his lip, his hands flat against the couch on either side of him. There was a girl on his lap, and she was clearly comfortable there but he wasn’t particularly comfortable having her there, given her propensity for holding a knife to his throat at a whim.
“You’re from my favorite anime.” Yoosung said, seeing no point in hiding the truth.
“Are you afraid of me?” She asked, smirking.
“More than a little bit.” Yoosung admitted, looking away from her intense gaze. “For a lot of reasons.”
“If I’m from your anime, that means you know I’m a villain. Is that why you’re afraid?”
Yoosung practically barked out a laugh at this, which made Toga back up off of his lap and onto the floor.
“You’re not a villain, Toga.” Yoosung said. “You just play one on TV. Erm, well. You’re just misunderstood.”
“I’m part of the League of Villains, idiot.”
“Honestly most of the League aren’t villains, they’re just hella mistreated people who are mad about it.” Yoosung said, thinking back to his conversation about this very topic with the Choi Twins.
Toga just blinked at him from the floor as Yoosung continued to explain his theory about the League of Villains, especially Magne and Twice who really just wanted to live their dang lives how they saw fit, thanks. That’s not a villain. That’s someone who’s fighting back about being oppressed. Yoosung went on to ramble his way through his theories about the entire league, and when he ran out of people, he covered his mouth in embarrassment, and then muttered, “Thanks for coming to my T.E.D. Talk I guess…”
“Huh.” Toga said. “What about Blink then?”
Yoosung paused, and, well, blinked. “Who?”
“You don’t know who Blink is? Your story is broken!” Toga said. “Blink’s the bitch that sent me here!”
“Sent you?” Yoosung asked, surprised by the wording.
“Yeah, she got mad and used her quirk on me, so I’m here.” Toga grumbled.
“Oh.” Yoosung said. “I’m sorry, but I don’t know anything about her. She’s not in the anime.”
“Well that’s just weird as hell.” Toga muttered. “So yeah Blink. Her Quirk is “Time Out”, and it makes people come to your world or whatever, for as long as she concentrates. And I was mad, because she didn’t keep Eraser gone long enough and I almost got hurt.”
Yoosung didn’t know why Toga was telling him all of this, but he was for sure going to tell Seven all about it later.
“Well, that doesn’t sound like she’s a villain either, really.” Yoosung said, knowing he didn’t have enough information to make that call, but not caring because it matched up with his hypotheses.
“Yeah, she’s just a kid that Kurogiri took in, and so, villain by proxy I guess.” Toga shrugged. “She’s cool normally. We just fight a lot. She thinks I’m loud, I think she’s stuck up, you know the usual.”
“You sound like sisters.” Yoosung said. “Or at least, that’s the kind of thing I fight about with my sister, so….”
Toga laughed, and Yoosung shifted to make space on the couch so she could stop sitting on the floor, and patted the cushion next to him in invitation.
“I don’t really know how much longer I’ll be here.” Toga said, obediently sitting on the couch before promptly falling over to lay her head in Yoosung’s lap. “It’s kinda been nice to be somewhere where I didn’t need to be on my guard the whole time.”
“I… um…” Yoosung was a bit flustered by Toga laying in his lap, but he’d be lying if he said that he didn’t enjoy her company. “You’re welcome here anytime. I know you can’t get here without Blink, but I could give you my number so you could call if she gets mad and kicks you out of your dimension again?”
“Are you hitting on me, blondie?” Toga said, raising an eyebrow.
“N-no!” Yoosung said, hastening to clarify. “I just think you’re neat. You really are my favorite, and getting to talk to you, or at least talk at you has been nice.”
“I’m your favorite?” Toga held both of her sleeved hands up in front of her face to hide her blush. She’d never been anyone’s favorite before. “If I’m your favorite…can I have your blood?”
Yoosung froze. “Uh. My blood?”
“Yeah. No one knows you at home, so maybe if I could be you I could just be some rando on the street instead of Toga the Villain.”
Yoosung considered this seriously for a moment. He wasn’t stupid. He knew that Toga wanted his blood so she could pretend to be him with her quirk. (And probably some other more sketch reasons but he was trying not to think about those.)  It was probable that whatever she was going to use his face for, it was going to be seen as villainous activity, even though she really shouldn’t be considered a villain. But.  It was also in completely different world from his, one that was seen as fictional.  The most likely outcome of this was that there was going to be his face somewhere in the manga or anime and he was going to be able to cosplay a villain without thinking too hard about it.  But, given that she could come back here if Blink used her quirk the way Toga said, it could affect him in more ways. But she wasn’t evil, so if he could convince her not to be horrible with his blood, then maybe it really could just help her out.
“I’m thinking about it.” Yoosung said, when he watched Toga’s face fall. “I want to make a smart decision here. I know that you think you’re a villain, and that if I give you my blood, you’re going to be me.  I don’t think I mind you pretending to be me. I’m not that exciting, but that’s not the point. Or well, I guess for you it is, but anyway.”  Yoosung waved that thought away. “I guess… will you promise me you won’t use my blood to hurt my friends?”
Toga blinked at him, and dropped her hands. “I promise I won’t use your blood to hurt your friends.” She said it clearly, and audibly. “I just want… a face no one knows. And you’re cute. And not trying anything on me even though we’re alone in your place. You haven’t even used your quirk on me once. I could do with being a normal guy for a little while.”
“You know everyone here is quirkless, right?” Yoosung said, smirking at her. “I don’t have a quirk to use on you. You’re extra special here.”
Apparently Toga didn’t know that, because she grinned super big.
“You mean I could have just overpowered you and taken your blood?"
"Yep." Yoosung said, his voice only a little bit squeakier than before.
"Huh." Toga said, and shrugged. "I won't though. Because you're nice. And you're honest. And I'm your favorite.  But can I still have it? I promise it won't hurt. Much? Just like, a little poke..."
Yoosung laughed, and shook his head. "I can't believe you're actually right here in front of me." He said, then. "You really are my favorite character. I'm so glad that I'm the one that got to see you and hang out with you." He tapped her shoulder so she'd sit up, and he got up and walked over to his desk.
"Cutie." Toga muttered, blushing. "You didn't say if I could have some of your blood though."
"You can." He said, turning around with a post-it note in hand. "As long as you keep that promise."
Toga nodded. "I will."
Yoosung held out his arm for her, his hand holding a post-it note with his phone number and his name, Yoosung Kim, written out in Korean, Japanese, and English. Since he didn't know what language actually existed in her world, hopefully one of those was close enough. Toga carefully used one of her syringes to take some of his blood, and then stuck the post-it note on it.
"Thank you, Yoosung Kim~." she said, and kissed his cheek before suddenly disappearing.
Yoosung turned to where she should have been, and she was gone.
"Well, that happened." He said, his memories and the tiny puncture mark on his arm the only proof she'd even been there. He walked off to the bathroom to put a band-aid over the spot, mumbling to himself. "I should probably tell Seven. Maybe not about the blood, though..."
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sosoane1 · 2 years
Let me play the worlds smallest violin for you before i blow up into smithereens
I just need to vent cause i feel like im spiraling and i know its not good and i dont know what to do other then just vent. No one needs to read this but you can if you want to.
I'm not in a good place, mentally or emotionally. I feel like things just keep piling up and i have no way of dealing with it. And i know its ridiculous and stupid because it isn't much or it isn't big things but it feels like a big weight that im just barely able to take some pieces off.
For the things that i have dealt with or are being dealt with at the moment there is:
1. Work. Work sucks, i have a terrible terrible boss. He isn't present and when he is he's just a big ball of unpleasant stress on everyone. I work in a restaurant. I have worked there for over 3 years and im the head supervisor(so like the position right below the boss) and im in charge of basically all the personal in the kitchen, and like they are a great team but i dont like having to deal with all their shit. Somehow i feel like i care more about the business than my boss, maybe because im more present, maybe because ive been here longer than he has. But i have quite and im leaving in 2 weeks. So all that weight will be lifted then. But i really feel like im leaving them in deepshit, its not my fault i know, i warned my boss that we were all going back to school and he would be left alone to work the day shift, but did he listen to me? No! And now we are like 5-6 who have left and he has a shortage of employees and no full time staff! Uuuugggghhhh
2. I had a number 2 but i don't remember
Things that i have yet to get under control:
1. My mental health. There are many subsection to this so here we go!
1.1 anxiety. So a few years ago i went to one therapist and she did help me find alot of the sources of my anxiety. But also told me i dont have anxiety and that is bullshit. I know i do. She basically just told me I've been dealing with it great so far so keep going. But i feel exhausted by all this anxiety. I know rationally that there is no reasons to worry about so and so, especially things I've donne many times before but i still do. And i still get anxiety attacks over some stuff, really really dumb stuff, like putting gas in a car. You cant tell me that that is normal.
1.2 Autism? I put a ? Beside it because like i dont know. I used to think that i got diagnosed as so and so when i was 8 and there was no point into looking further to explain the way that i am. But more and more i feel like some things might have been missed. And every time i read something about autism or i hear a first hand account and im like thats me! But then i feel bad for identifying with it because like am i appropriating something that im not at all? I know there are some symptoms that are similar to adhd(something i am diagnosed as) so is it just that? I've always been the weird one, but is that because i have adhd or is it something else? Or am i just weird and its nothing at all! I dont know and i hate thinking about it, because i know i wont believe it unless i find concrete proof and that would probably mean getting a diagnosis and thats just a whole thing i dont want to think about(refer to the point above ie anxiety)
1.3 feeling self conscious. I feel like i have to thing in this point i need to get out so here we go
1.3.1 weight. Im self conscious about my weight. But if you would look at me you would think of of two things: 1(literally what my father said to me this weekend) yeah your underweight but its not to dangerous and if your comfortable in your body whats the problem?(i am uncomfortable in my body, thats the problem dad) or 2 (like what ive been told many times) some people just come up to me and ask me if im anorexique.(im not, at least i dont think so.) in french we have an expression for people like its 120 mouillé 120 wet, the thing is that for many years now that has been my goal to be 120 but normally im around 116 so not too bad but could be better , but I've been weighing myself all week and i just droped from 113 to 112😣 i hate eating and i really have no interest in going to a gym and i realise that that is what i need to do but like i cant bring myself to do it, not alone.
1.3.2 socialising. I have difficulty socializing(refer back to do i have autism or am i just weird?) i usually hang with a group a people for as long as it's convenient and when we drift we drift and if i dont find other friends then i dont find other friends. But like i still follow everyone from my friend group from secondary school and i don't understand why im not only one not hanging out with them... they are all still in touch, doing things together. And i was the one that continued to write in our group chat when school ended, and i feel like i was the one putting all the effort into keeping in touch so i just gave up at somepoint. But now they are all together but not me??? I dont get it. Im glad they are happy and all, and i know its nothing against me, ive had mean friends and they weren't that( they never ran away from me on the playground saying i was kicked out of the friend group for no reason because that literally happened yes, no i am not alright about it) and like i feel like ive also drifter furthest away from the one friend ive had since forever(since we were 5) and i dont really know why, im always the one reaching out, never the others and i feel like im annoying people because they have they're own friend groups and i dont. I litteraly dont have anyone i consider a friend. No thats not true there is one person, a tumblr mutual(you know who you are if you reading this) but like thats it. And i quite my job so that was most of my social interaction now gone! Uuuuugggghhhh
2. School. I just started a new school, that means new people, new scheduel (why the hell isn’t my school scheduel regular??? why does it change every week?? its so stupid!!!) Getting back into the beat of oh yeah i do have adhd and i can’t sit still to save my life, but i have to listen to someone talk for 4hours so i have to remeber all the tricks i used to have to be able to do that and not disturbe the class! great fun!. the course are great btw and i love learning and i am so thankfull that its mostly practicie that we have instead of just listening to the teacher but its still very hard to focus on doing one thing for four hours almost streight! also it takes me 1h 30 min to get to school and the same to get back so like my school starts at 8:30? i leave by 6:40. My school finishes at 5:30? im not home until 7 at least! and that means i can’t stay and work on stuff at school because i know that if i miss that one bus ill have to wait an hour at the terminal. the pain of public transport with multiple(4) transfers.
3. Exhaustion. I’ve been vaguely aware for the past week that i’m probably suffering from exhaustion. I’ve got all the symptomes and i curently have a cold and i just know that the exhaustion is the reason why, because i wear my mask everywhere even if i get funny looks(I have pink hair i’m used to it). I quite my job right when i realised just how exhausted i was feeling constently. And i hope that once im off it will get better. I just want to sleep all day. I took me all day to right this one post. I’m not depressed, i know what that feels like and this is not it. I’ve never been this exausted in my life and it doesn’t feel like i’m taking on much more then normal...
Other stuff:
I know i should probably go to therapy to figures some of this stuff out, but scheduling something like that feels way to overwelming and i dont want to be disapointed like last time. and i would also need to be on my mom’s ansurance for that and i’m not yet, and what i want more then going to therapy to figure these stuff out is to go see a sextherapis to figure out what i want to do about my gender. It sounds strange to say it like that, but i dont want boob and i have them and i don’t know what to do or how to go about transitioning, like im mostly not out, but i also don’t care for correcting people so thats my own fault. I want people to know me as moon off line but im not brave enought to introduce myself as something other then my birthname(I don’t hate my birthname, i’m just not always pleased with it)
I also would like to be in a relationship. I feel like its a strange thing to want because i very much identify with being ace, but i don’t completly identify with being aro(i’m somewhere on the spectrum but not 100% aro) and i’ve been craving physical touch for litteral months now! I’ve been in one relationship in my life it lasted less then 3 months we saw eachother twice (Outside of school, so the only time we could actuly be together, because yeah two girls togething in school was to strange for us to handle) during that time. that relationship wasn’t even all that good and it was well over five years ago. I’m ready to have a real relationship, and to enter it knowing i’m ace and not be left because i’m ace. I crave companion ship, and my turtle isn’t really giving me that.
This is a long post i probably have other things to say, but i’m exhausted and feel like crying now. if you did read this well congrates! remember you diserve good and you are worthy of love and apreciation from other. this is a reminder to you and to me.
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