#so i'm gonna watch clone high now!
mtt-burger-emporium · 10 months
bc of that one papyrus video with scudworth's voice, i, unfortunately, have absorbed that into my subconscious and it has become my voice claim for papyrus too
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spiralingemptyness · 9 months
Clone wars hc
Been lurking on tumblr for a bit (while) and decided to throw my own clone wars hc cause the hyperfixation be hyper fixated (sorry for any spelling errors).
Kit Fisto and Obi-Wan are bffs - They both lose their robes and seem to flirt with anything that walks. meaning they have get togethers and give each other flirting advice.
Jocasta Nu and Admrial Yularen are BAMF, and are severly underrated. you don't get away with hurting someone they care about unpunished.
Rex's first thought of ashoka was "that's a child" followed by "that's a child on a battle field" and then "that's a child on a battle field with no clothes, what the kark".
One of the shinies from Monnk's battalion definitely asked Fisto (while high on pain meds) if he lactates and monnk and fisto lost their shit and couldn't stop laughing for 5 min straight.
Kix (and other medics by default) have tranq/hypo guns for any vode or jedi that try to leave med bay when on bed rest.
Fox and Amidala gossip and constantly talks shit about Palpatine
Kit Fisto Smile Supremacy, this man win's best smile, it never fails to cheer someone up.
Rex definitely twirls his guns before putting them in his holsters when he's done using them
Bly is obviously in love with Aayla, and he tries to hide it (and fails miserably) but he's so respectful about loving her and swooning, that Quinlan couldn't even give him a shovel talk.
the clones were absolutely baffled when they met the jedi's
Wolffe and Fox are twins, they might be at each others throats 90% of the time, but if you talk shit about the one of them, the other won't hesitate to beat your ass.
Monnk says the most off handed shit in a dead pan tone (ex. Monnk: well I'm not gonna live, laugh, love this. Fisto, laughing his ass off: I-I'm Sorry? Monnk: I'm just saying this is gonna be a bitch)
Plo Koon is Plo Buir, He's at least adopted the Wolf Pack and Ashoka
the 501st and Ashoka are siblings
Grey adopted Caleb Dume
The Iron Battalion/13th battalion took one look at Cal and immediately adopted him
Ponds isn't dead (cause fuck canon), he found Boba before his schemes could go off and made him a deal, He helps Boba plan the assassination attempts on Windu (he trust his general won't die, but he gave him more headaches) so there's no casualties, but slowly the attempts stop and now Boba just lives in the 91st venator's vents.
The first time Cody picked up Obi-Wan's lightsaber he thought it was so cool, and now he just wants to glue the damn thing into his hand
Hound spoils Grizzer, he absolutely adores the massif
Jesse make sure Kix is actually taking care of himself, and make sure he's not over working (and when necessary, he uses a hypo to make sure Kix sleeps, cause Kix will hold that over his head and pay him back for it)
Fox and Thorn are opposites but they are really close
The corrie guard has a list of all the good and bad senators
The most forms that Monnk and Cody (and occasionally Ponds) fill out are forms for more robes
Cody's name is Kote (but goes by Cody cause so many nat borns mispronounce it) and Obi-Wan randomly asked if that was his name, and Cody was just utterly shocked
After Umbara, Fox say a very traumatized trooper (it's Dogma) who is facing shitty consequences for doing the right thing and adopts him into the guard
After Kix woke up from his stasis and found artoo's (again, fuck canon) he would stay up on nights he couldn't sleep and watch videos of him and his vode from artoo's memory bank
Clones using their Jedi's lightsaber - Cody using Kenobi's lightsaber after he loses it for the millionth time, Rex using it to back ventress away from ashoka, Fox finding quinlan's in a dumpster (with quinlan in said dumpster)
Hound let's grizzer purposely tackle people when he can easily apprehend them because it's funny or because whoever he's chasing pissed him off and he's petty
Yoda is the ultimate menace (like srs palpitine hates his ass, but yoda -and everyone else- hates him even more)
Yoda still keeps in touch with Rys, Jek, and Thire (mainly Thire) after the treaty or smth
The Corrie found Quinlan Vos in a dumpster and now he won't stop bugging them (expecially Fox)
Fox is a walking encyclopedia of every republic laws, you do one minor thing wrong and he can quote every law you broke, word to word
A trooper (let's call him Sharks) from Fisto and Monnk's battalion can just get a group of sharks to gather around, at every planet, every time, without fail
Plo's disappointed dad sigh can make a separatist army fold into defeat
Kenobi absolutely loathes caf, he hates it with a passion
Each high ranking clone officer has to deal with something of their jedi - Cody has to deal with Kenobi flirting with seperatist and losing his lightsaber, Rex has to deal with his general constantly crashing ships, his batshit crazy plans and his general continuously using the force to throw him, Monnk has to deal with his general randomly "shedding" clothes, and all the clones have to deal with their generals and commanders not wearing armor (Except for Jaro Tapal, HE'S THE ONLY ONE WHO WEARS ARMOR)
Corrie Guard can sleep standing up, very useful when guarding in the pods during senate meetings
The nice Senators (mainly Chuichi, Amidala, and Organa) and Vos very often get things for the Coruscant Guards, and whenever the guard see's the gifts they are baffled and bamboozled
Rex called dibs on Domino squad after the moon mission
Echo and Fives without hesitation took Tup and Dogma under their wing
Fives, Hardcase and Jesse started a prank war in the 501st that accidently evolved into a GAR wide prank war (with Coruscant being neutral ground, cause the guard doesn't need to deal with that shit, doesn't mean they don't help out)
Fox holds ALL the blackmail, and has multiple informants in every battalion, plus he has the power to withhold caf shipments
Fox also regularly reads his batchmates mission reports to mae sure their ok
The Corrie guard accidently adopted a stray tooka and a loth cat, now they're the guards emotional support animals
Rex keeps complaining about his brothers flirting with their jedi's that he didn't even realized that he third wheeled between Anakin and Padme that he joined their relationship
every mothers or fathers day without fail, shaak ti and plo koon always gets presents and gifts from their children (troopers and cadets.... and ashoka)
Coric is Kix's Ori'vod, he didn't admit it at first but Kix grew on him and well medics stay togeth
Coric purposely avoided being CMO of the 501st because they are hellions, Kix wanted to strangle him after he realized what being CMO of the 501st meant
Rex was on the 212th with Cody when Anakin was still a padawan
Rex hates evals, natural blonde plus Kamino is a recipe for hell. Also he was shocked at Skywalker being nonchalant about his hair, Anakin just though it made him cooler
That's all I have for now, if you see any you've seen before my bad, I honestly just typed the first that came to mind and kinda spiraled from there. I'm just now starting to interact with tumblr, so I might upload more and maybe even some art if I can stay focused long enough.
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the-starry-seas · 2 months
Get to Know You
Thanks for the tag @insertmeaningfulusername!
Last song: Which Witch by Florence and the Machine
Currently watching: Bad Batch! and I keep saying I'm gonna rewatch Killjoys and Prehistoric Park but I've been saying that for a while 😬
Three ships: Mordecai/Brick, Wrecker/Crosshair, and fuck it I'm gonna say my strawberries too (OC clone/Paz Vizsla/OC Tusken)
Favorite color: purple!
Currently consuming: AriZona green tea
First ship: Parker/Hardison from Leverage, they've been my blorbos since high school
Birthplace: I just spawned in like in Minecraft idk what to tell you
Current location: North Carolina
Relationship status: single and no idea how to mingle
Last movie: Kissing Jessica Stein
Currently working on: *kicks so many docs under the bed. just so, so many* I have a "Myles survived Galidraan and becomes part of the Cuy'val Dar with eventual Myles/Jango" AU occupying a significant amount of my brain right now. Zer0 meeting Murderbot. Din/Cobb Bioshock-verse AU. Knightverse Bumblebee meets a TMNT OC. Post-canon fix-it Titanfall 2. Ghost Squad origin story (so many clone OCs). "Obi-Wan comes back home after the events of Kenobi to find Jango chilling in the Lars' living room and it gets poly from there". Boba/Din Pacific Rim AU. Just so many. So many.
No pressure tagging: @midwinterhunt @sofiaspeaksart @syn0vial @voidistooshortforausername @loverboy-havocboy and whoever else I was spam booping/wants to do it!
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fruitwaterz · 4 months
JFabe/AbeFK: The Ultimate Queerbaiting (short essay n rant)
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(Clone High Season 3 spoilers,,, beware!!!)
Hey everyone it's fruit/juno/nova aka MTVyaoi BACK with another banger essay
So if you guys didn't know already (but I'm pretty sure everyone in the Clone High community does), season three of Clone High, also known as season 2 of the Clone High reboot just premiered yesterday. Thanks to a mutual handing me over their Max account, I was able to watch the episodes in one day, and it's safe to say that it was WAY more better than season 2, despite its ups and downs.
Of course, the reboot boosted some ships into popularity, such as JoanFK (rip), Kahlopatra (rip), Tophabe, but one ship that never really came around to being popular was Jfabe, the relationship between JFK and Abe in the Clone High series.
In the very last episode of season 2, many speculated that JFK and Abe would somehow possibly get together in season 3 (while others just,,, thought they would remain friends). I made an analysis about JFK himself, and in the end, I included a bit of some Jfabe speculation. And during the time the reboot had ended, Jfabe shippers and Tophabe shippers were technically at war. But in the very end, no one was really happy, I would say.
With the new season out, and especially episode 3…yeah, there are some things that need to be discussed. Because let me tell you, I am actually. so mad
Many of the Jfabe shippers collected context clues, hints, and everything that could've hinted at the two becoming canon, only for those to be contradicted really quickly when it came to the Mary episode and the finale. Hell, when the trailer came out, most of us feared the idea of Abe not getting with JFK (actually, this would be most Abe shippers worst nightmare) and getting with someone who we never even knew.
Before I actually do get into the Mary episode, however, I wanted to bring up my favorite episode out of the series, and that is Bible Humpers: A Much Needed Praycation.
Season 3 Episode 3:
Bible Humpers introduces a subplot in which JFK gets tired of partying and having a concerning amount of sex with girls, reminders that…this is during his 17th birthday (from what I could remember), and that's sort of why he was feeling like that. From there on, he decides to become catholic and join The Prayer Pals club, hosted by Lady Godiva, a new character. However, Abe is upset about this because he believed that JFK would change so much that he would eventually forget about Abe. Abe was planning a 6th month Boy-nniversary for the two, and due to JFK being too busy with his newfound hobby, Abe steps in to stop things.
Now, this episode is agreeably, one out of the three Jfabe episodes to exist, the others being Clone Alone and Litter Kills: Literally (The reason why I count Clone Alone as a Jfabe episode, is mainly because of the scene where JFK and Abe become friends…a duo of bros that'll remain friends for the rest of their lives, more on that later, though).
Something about the episode was suspiciously fruity, with Abe being worried about JFK, giving him a new wristband to match his, pulling him really close, offering to let him take his virginity, and even went out of his way to bake a giant cake for him. Hell, at the very end of the episode, he leaves a box with the purity ring in it on JFK's doorstep, and we could even see JFK's soft smile when he read his note.
(Also pspspsp we could see two doves in the sky all while Abe is walking to JFK's house. Two doves represent love.)
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(thanks to my mutual)
Next, the Mary episode. In the middle of the episode, JFK offers to have sex with Abe, even taking his shirt off and still asking Abe if he wants to go through with it. Stuff like this was mentioned in the beginning of episode 1. Not gonna go into the sex too much, because they're just teenagers.
It seems that the dynamic between these two are quite literally back and forth, they could be friends, and they could go back to arguing. Abe wants to make JFK happy, JFK cares for Abe, but either gets too riled up or feels like Abe’s ruining things for him.
So with all of this build up and hints, Jfabe was surely gonna become canon one way or another, right?
Well…I wouldn't exactly say that. Because during the finale, Abe suddenly catches feelings for Joan again, and JFK randomly ends up with Harriet, despite the fact that they both established that they didn't feel much for each other! And this was back in season 2 episode 6, where they both kiss again in a classroom, but come to the realization that they actually don't like each other at all. I like the idea of JFK x Harriet, but it just happened way too fast, and I really wish I could ignore that.
Which brings me to my argument: we were queerbaited.
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(And if random jfabe dislikers come and tell me that it was bound to happen, I'm gonna lose my mind.)
We are sitting here, begging for some sort of MLM relationship. We've already had Kahlopatra, which is a same-sex female relationship (Good day for sapphics, I love that ship to bits and was disappointed in the fact that they broke up). So it wouldn't have hurt to at least have two of the main male characters date each other. But oh, yeah, let's have them being suspiciously fruity to each other as humor and nothing but humor, because in the end, it was basically just watered down to that.
It even makes me confused in a way, because what was the point of “Duo of bros who'll remain friends for the rest of our lives?” What was the reason? Did they hint at something, only to throw this away at the very last minute? Seriously, we could see background male characters get into relationships, yet not have two of the main characters get together. It's odd, yet not surprising.
Clone High has this tendency of making up random relationships, Harriet x Toussaint, Joan x Confucius (which I like however, don't come for me), Mary x Abe, just fuck all. And now, it's JFK x Harriet. Yet, it seems as if it would hurt them to make a hinted at relationship…canon. It confuses me. Are they gonna make them date in season 4? Are we even gonna get a season 4? Because the show has to get renewed in order for that to happen.
I am not mad at the writers for not making them canon because of the ship dynamic itself, I'm angry because there were so many hints, so much build up only for them to go nowhere with this. Because personally, I think it would've made the show a bit more interesting. To have two of the main male characters date. That's all I asked for, and we got nothing out of it.
You could say I'm seething over a cartoon, but I don't care!!! Cartoon or not, the ship is really important to me and most Jfabe shippers, so seeing their relationship go nowhere and the two randomly getting into M/F relationships sort of hurts. And I'm saying that as someone who isn't even a veteran Jfabe shipper, I shipped them days after season 2 ended. Both the original JFK and Abraham Lincoln (theoretically) were bisexual, so it just makes me even more puzzled.
I'm not exactly making this essay to cancel Clone High just for a silly ship, this is really just a healthy way to take out my sadness and disappointment. A vent essay, if you will. And it really is just what happened, so many interactions that could be taken as romantic, only for them not to get with each other.
Honestly, if the show writers didn't intend to queerbait us, I can only ask…“How?”
Anyway that's the end of my short essay about me screaming and crying about a ship between two white boys, subscribe and hit that notification button for more screaming and crying about a ship between two white boys. fruit signing out
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ch3rriiii-bunn · 11 months
Their type
Was literally thinking of modern-day hantengu clones dating a black y/n but y/n is like goth/a witch/soft/spiritual AHHH🙈🙈. Pls imagine the icons of them as human lol
Warnings: black!fem reader, black!fem goth reader & tall reader (Aizetsu's part), Soft!fem black reader & chubby reader (Sekido's part), black!witch fem reader (Karaku's part), black!Spiritual fem reader (Urogi's part), some suggestive parts
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Aizetsu is never picky with what his partner is into. What mattered to him was he managed to find someone who loves and cares for him, but you being goth was a bonus.
Aizetsu loves how you're taller than him. He encourages you to wear your platform boots almost all the time and spoiling you by buying you platforms you want.
Aizetsu likes to watch when you style your afro when you get ready on dates with him and admires how neat and cool your makeup looks every time you do it.
Aizetsu doesn't admit his love for your heigh. He only reassures you that you're perfect for him, but your height gives him the perfect opportunity to alwaus have his face between your boobs when you hug him
Aizetsu knows being goth is mainly about listening to the music. When you're with him in his room, he likes to share his headphones and has you listen to his favorite songs from your favorite bands.
Aizetsu let's you paint his nails. He'd get sad when you reject the idea of painting his nails any other color than black. He still loves it when you paint his nails, especially since it gives him the chance to cling to you by holding your hand after you're done painting his nails on one hand.
Aizetsu lets you do his makeup. He's not toxic with his masculinity, but he also wants to let you do whatever you want with him to make yourself happy.
Aizetsu defends you a lot from others who look at you negatively with your style and likes. He may not reach high enough to put his arm around you, but his arm will go around your waist and glance at the people, almost giving them a death stare if they dare say anything bad about your looks. It's cute to you.
Aizetsu accepts the gifts you give him. He is a jewelry guy, so when you give him skull rings, chokers and etc, he'll always accept them and wears them out in public. It doesn't matter if people make fun of him, so long as it's from you, that's all that matters
"We are here," Aizetsu parks his motorcycle and takes his helmet off. You let go of his waist and swung your leg over to get off the motorcycle and looked at the building in front of you. "It's just a tattoo place," you said.
Aizetsu gets off his motorcycle and then takes your helmet off for you and fixes your afro. You don't let many people touch your afro, but Aizetsu is very respectful with your hair and has earned your trust to fix your hair for you when it's out of place.
"Well... I overhead a conversation you had with your friend on the phone the other night. You mentioned that you've always wanted to get matching ghost tattoos with an s/o," Aizetsu said as his hand slowly grabbed yours. "It's been 2 years since we've been going out... what do you think about getting matching tats now?"
"Don't you think it's too early for that?" You said and watched as Aizetsu's face turn blue. "I'm kidding" you said and leaned down to kiss his forehead. "If we get these tattoos you're gonna be stuck with me" you said and watched his fearful expression turn into a happy one.
"It would make me extremely happy to be stuck with you. Forever even," Aizetsu said as you pulled him into the tattoo shop.
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Sekido is the mean. Strict man most wouldn't expect to have such a sweet and loving, hyper feminine partner, but he's only soft with you.
Sekido never cared for the color pink until he saw your hyper femininity for it. He adores how happy you get when he spoils you with the pink, soft things you love.
Sekido gives you the princess treatment. He makes sure to style your afro/braids in cute pigtails, learn how to blush on your cute cheeks, and even paint your nails. If it'd a good day, he'll let you paint his nails pink.
Sekido let's you do a lot of things you wouldn't expect him to let you do. He let's you play with his hair, even putting it in pig tails, doing face masks with him and especially letting you kiss his face with lip gloss on. He doesn't wash off your kiss marks nor take out his hair until he gets home, not matter how "ridiculous" he may look to his brothers.
Sekido wears the cute gifts you make for him. He's not the type to wear anything bright pastel, so when he wears the bracelets, necklaces, and even earrings you make for him, it definitely stands out. If anyone said anything bad about what you made for him, he's threatening to slap them with the same hand that had the bracelet you made on his wrist.
Sekido plans all the dates. You always offer to make the food, but he refuses. He wants to make the cute little sandwiches you love so much, and chocolate covered strawberries you like to feed to him.
Sekido is very calm when he's around you. When you both plan a home date, he insists he'd just come to your house. He adore seeing you in your pink pajamas and having your pink bonnet on your head. The vibe to your room is calming, and he likes to lay his head on your chest while he sleeps with you in your hyper feminine room surrounded by your stuffed animals.
Sekido smiles more when he's with you. He just loves your kindness to him and to others and even loves to see how happy you get over the small things he does for you
You practically begged Sekido to go with you to this beautiful park you saw online for a date idea, despite it drizzing outside since it rained earlier.
"This park is so pretty, Sekido." you said while looking at the flowers in the park and holding his hand. Sekido hums in response. He notices you're waking strange, and he decides to take a look at your skirt.
He notices both of your thigh highs running down your chubby thighs. He sighed and stopped walking, almost making you fall back "easy" he said. "Sorry, but why did you stop?" You asked. Sekido chuckles softly. "You didn't notice you're walking werid? Your thigh highs are falling down."
You looked down and giggled "yes I know, but there's no where for me to sit and fix them since all the benches are wet" you said and tried to bend over right now to fix them. Sekido's hand quickly covers your ass and looks around. "There's a bench right there," he said and took you with him.
"But Sekido, it's wet," you said as you looked at the bench and a worried expression, not wanting to get your white skirt wet. Sekido takes off his leather jacket and places it on the bench. "Sit, I'll fix them," he said. Arguing with Sekido on this was pointless. He was too much of a gentleman towards you.
You watched as Sekido gets on a knee and starts to fix your thigh highs back onto your thighs. "Better?" He said, giving your knees a kiss and even tapping your thighs, making them jiggle.
"Better" you smiled.
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Karaku found out you're a witch on the first date but didn't mind it. He even found it cute. This was all new to Karaku, so he didn't know what to accept, but he's mentioned countless times that he'd never break up with you, joking in some fear that you might curse him if he did
Karaku is always asking to touch your things out of curiosity. It's greatful he's asking, but you'd still have to tell him no, which makes him throw a fake fit about it. You'd also have to remind him constantly to never blow out your candles, but he'd tease you and say he would.
Karaku thought your style would be dependent on what you do, but you dressed pretty normal to him. He even takes the time to understand why you do what you do and educates himself from you about witchcraft.
Karaku has bitten one of your crystals, thinking it could be editable. His excuse? He saw a video about edible crystals. From the day you forbid him to ever touch your crystal.
Karaku thinks you look really pretty when you put crystal accessories in your braids. He offers to put them in your braids, too.
Karaku knows you don't do evil witchcraft, however if Sekido threats to spank him because he did something dumb or pissed him off he'd make it clear that his "hot evil witch gf will curse you" but that only makes him get two spanks. One from Sekido and one from you.
Karaku gets asked by his brothers why he always has small bottles along with some herbs in the small slotes of his motorcycle. He simply tells them that his hot witch gf is casting protection spells, so he has a safe ride. Although he plays too much, he does love how you do this for him and make him feel safe. It also feels like you're always there with him.
Karaku comes home around 10 pm. from work. "Y/n, I'm back," he announced and gets confused when he got no answer.
He checks the shared room you both sleep in, the bathrooms and etc, but yet there's no sign of you. He'd assume you went out with friends and gose into the kitchen for some water but then saw the backdoor open.
He checks and sees you outside sitting on the grass. "Hey y/n, what are you doing?" He calls out to you. "shhh. It's a full moon, I'm charging my crystals," you said and continued to mediate. Karaku stops what he's doing and tips toes quietly towards you and sits on the grass.
Karaku stays quiet. He looked up at the full moon, then back at your crystals, and started wondering if your crystals would start glowing with magic being put into them as you mediated.
You sigh and then start to put your crystals back in a box. "What are you thinking about now?" Karaku asked. "I want crystal balls," you said and then felt two large hands cup your boobs "you got some right here, babe," he said, and you rolled your eyes.
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Urogi is spiritual himself, so the news that you were too didn't shock him as much. If anything, Urogi was overjoyed.
Urogi loves being in the forest. When you suggested that you both go to the forest and meditate together area, Urogi was quick to say yes. He feels very at peace with you, and you feel at peace with him.
Urogi would learn a lot from you, especially about Chakras. Whenever there was a minor problem with his brothers, he'd use what you'd say just to annoy them since they didn't know what he's even talking about.
Urogi uses incense a lot. He may be a cheerful and happy guy, but he still wants to maintain his energy. Whenever you both come back from a large crowd or even around people with bad energy, you both start to burn some incense around you. He also offers to hold your locs up so the incense doesn't touch your pretty hair.
Urogi likes to go out and buy you flowers as a gift, sometimes the flowers being special ones. One time, he got you some blue lotus flowers, and he knew you'd use them for some deep meditation and to help you relax whenever you felt too overwhelmed and stressed out.
It was Urogi's turn to plan the date idea, and he wanted to make dream catchers with you outside.
You spent your time earlier driving around to make sure you both had all the correct things to make your dream catchers. Urogi was quiet. He always gets quiet whenever he's focused, but he is extremely good with putting his together.
You put down your half made dream catcher and just watched him. "You're so good at this, especially the feather part." You said. "Maybe I was a bird in my past life," Urogi jokes, making you both laugh. "Y/n, are you having trouble with yours? It's not done," he said.
You looked down. "Oh! Yeah, I'll be done it soon... actually, could you help me put it together? I don't think I'm doing it right," you confess, feeling a little embarrassed. "Yeah! I'll do it for you!" Urogi said, so happy to be doing this with you even if he's doing all the work and you're just keeping him company.
"I'm gonna have good dreams because of you for this," you said and leaned forward to kiss his forehead. "So am I" Urogi said and kissed your cheek
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jedi-hawkins · 1 month
The Bad Batch "The Cavalry has Arrived" Watch Thoughts
spoilers (duh) I'm posting this now, after a first watch but I'll add more notes after my rewatch (I'm starting now)
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medic Hunter
The sibling banter please I love them
So I had a thought… Hemlock’s eyebrow slit, yu think that’s natural or do you think he does it himself?
Rampart is so cocky love him
Their banter ugh
Emerie and Echo 😭
“Get into position” Omega immediately adopting the kiddos has me so soft
The signals!!
Omega’s theme playing!!
Wrecker no 😭😭😭😭😭 Don’t you DARE
“Things are about to get very loud anyways” I LOVE HER
THIS JUST KEEP reminding me of Tech’s “found her” in ep 2
“This puts him to sleep?” 😂😭💕
Crosshair you’re going to make me cry
“No you’re not”
This whole scene I’m going to throw up. Crosshair said the line and now Hunter’s “Plan 99”
“Echo’s handiwork, or Omega?”
“My brother Wrecker hates heights too”
“Just focus on what’s ahead, not what’s below.”
Man fuck you, Disney
Aw their little shoulder taps
Damn Hunter’s good
“Not in your condition” I feel like there’s a subtext that Crosshair is also not in his game
I’m gonna throw up
(Later note) the “five deaths” quote Crosshair’s comment “Clone Force 99 died with Tech”
“Havoc five” 😭😭
“Hey kid. Hey other kids” Echo I love you
Oh shit he’s trying to condition them
and they know Omega!!!!!!!!
I hadn’t even considered a Nala se death (?)
Hemlock wtf are you up to
Suicide bombing?
Fuck yeah Nala se
Echo noooo
“I have them.”
Fuck you hemlock, what’d you take off CX-2?
Okay. We’re on our feet…
Fuck you Hemlock
the way they’re moving together
Project Stardust?
Aw the kiddos
Emerie doesn’t have her goggles, and she’s joining Echo’s cause
Echo’s leaving?? 😭😭
Her little lean into Hunter’s arm I’m so soft
Old Hunter, silver fox
“Thought you could sneak off?”
His little woven bandana and his ponytail
Batcher has a collar 😭
The two fingered salute
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(Added Note) Wow, I haven't rewatched yet, but re-reading this yeah... I was definitely incoherent when I wrote these. I'm going to go back and give more context, don't worry, and I'll definitely type up my reflection review too. At the very least, I wanted to add this for Tech:
Rest easy, Tech. Your family is safe. Crosshair came home, you were right, his message was real. Though, you were wrong that he's unyielding, he changed. He healed. They all did. They saved the clones on Tantiss, and all of Hemlock's work was destroyed. Your brothers don't have to fight anymore, they were able to live out the rest of their days in peace. And Omega? She's a pilot, just like you. She never gave up on Crosshair, and they'll never forget you. We'll never forget you. Fly high, CT-9902.
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Louk's Bad Batch rewatch part 23 !!!
I'm back batchers rip my sleep schedule lmao but nothing can stop me from watching tbb
I've got my skittles and my tumblr and disney+ and I'm ready to go 🤟
The Bad Batch 2x03
this entire planet looks like it's made of spice
nervous imperial you're not fooling anyone my dude
Tawni Ames 👑 shoutout to the queen herself Tasia Valenza 💕
CROSSHAIR 🥺🥲😭💕❤ I missed you sm (I watched s1 hours ago 🤫)
another Kallus parallel 👀
regs will always hate tbb lololol
Rampart 🔫😁(me, I hate his guts)
32 rotations... 32 ROTATIONS I- 😫
the empire are bitches and we don't negotiate with terrorists
the memorial wall 🥲 (we're gonna pretend it isn't a bunch of random letters hehe)
a few behind Crosshair literally say: sdflkphi, dkniihqaz, aweututn, qqhgouer ~ anyone know more aurebesh than me who can explain this pls ??
he called him by his name !!!
Cody's face when Crosshair mentions the jedi 😭
the only two without their helmets on !!!
"mmhmmmm" ~ battle droid, bro 💀
"Dooku was right in the end" real
"We always get shot down when we travel with regs" 👀
"How unfortunate... for you" ~ someone else said this and now I can't find it 🙃 anyway I'm pretty sure it was Crosshair idk
the droid high five lmaooo
clever boys 👑
Crosshair and Cody team up will never fail to make me happy 👌
"I've beaten clankers with far less" tbb mention 🥲💕
Cody trusting Crosshair 🥰 "you do make things interesting" I'd love to see early Cody + tbb missions pretty pretty please 🥺
my mans doesn't even flinch !!!!!
I can feel his smirk when he blows up the tank hehe
Cody has a jetpack and still went nah Ican make that jump 😂 I mean he did but still
Cody complimenting Crosshair 💕
droidekas !!!
Wyler r.i.p my love 💔
There is just something about clones vs droids ya know
Crosshair and Nova silent communication I love it 👌
Cody screaming for Nova and Crosshair pulling him away 😭😭😭😭
r.i.p Nova my beloved 💔
Crosshair's discs !!!!
backflip !!!!
knife knife knife knife knife- 👀
Crosshair calling for Cody to help 🙃
Crosshair putting the puck in Cody's hand - bro at first I thought mans was too injured to move the way he was like 'throw it for me I can do it from laying down in this spiral staircase' and he makes the shot and stands up 2 seconds later and is back to committing war crimes ?? Crosshair you dramatic bitch 💀
"nice throw" "nice shot" 🥰🥰🥰🥰
notice how the tk troopers got captured so they send clones to get them out.... 🙃
Mina Bonteri 💔
"peace was never an option" devastating
the clone music when Cody reasons with Tawni 😫🤧
Crosshair following orders but also saving Cody from having to kill Tawni
the Crosshair music 🥲
"so much for peace" 💔
"put her body in the square" but I can imagine how gentle he would have been with her body... do you think he left his helmet off so the people could see his face or did he cover his face for that
Ok I want to go full english teacher for a moment I'll do it in a few eps watch this space 👀
Crossy and his lil toothpick 💕 (he just murdered someone)
the clones did the dirty work now more tk troopers arrive 😡
Cody's whole speech 💔😭 "we make our own choices and we have to live with them too" knowing he's thinking about everything he's done and thinking he killed Obi-Wan... what if I screamed into the abyss ???
Crosshair not being able to sleep 😫
Rampart doesn't even know their names 😡
OKAY do we think "gone awol" means Cody has actually left or is he awol the same way Wilco is??
hehe thank you for coming to my 2am tbb rewatch (again hehe) 💕 sorry it's late again if you saw any spelling miatakes no you didn't 🤟
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piko-power · 11 months
What Big Brothers Fear The Most
I've seen a good handful of nightmare fics so I thought I could write my own. Lots of angst, I mean LOTS of angst, but it gets better I promise.
JUST SO WE'RE CLEAR THERE IS A BIG TW FOR SOME BLOOD AND DEATH. If that makes you feel uncomfortable you don't have to read it. Otherwise, good luck reading.
"Woo! Swing and a miss! One more strike, and you're OUT, scrap metal!"
Sonic taunts the robotic clone, dodging every attack from them. With a quick twirl, his foot made hard impact to Metal's face. The robot felt dizzy afterwards.
"You're makin' this WAAAAAY too easy, pal. Come on, step it up!" He boasted, punching his fists in the air, preparing to kick some more robot butt.
Then, a ding sound goes off from his communicator beneath his glove's cuff. "Hello?"
"Sonic! Are you there?" A younger voice calls out from the other end. It's his little buddy. "Tails! Glad you made it to the party!" He exclaimed, running off from Metal Sonic's blasts.
"How are you doing down there?" Tails, high in the sky in his biplane, watched down below to witness two blue blurs fighting against each other.
"Eh, it's a snooze fest from over here, gonna be honest." He replied, blocking out the robot's punches no problem. "The moment I wrap this up, we can go for some chili dogs! I've been meaning to get some for a while-"
"Sonic, hang on." The fox interrupted. "Something's not right."
"Hmm? Whaddya mean?"
"I'm picking up some strange energy from Metal Sonic. I think..."
Tails was reading carefully while trying to watch Metal's moves. Then, for a moment, his eyes widen with concern.
"Yo! Are you still there?" Sonic, while trying to talk to Tails, barely dodged Metal's claws.
Tails double checked the screen and his ocean blue eyes shrunk. This isn't right at all. No wonder his readings were going crazy. The energy from Metal Sonic wasn't even Chaos energy.
In fact, that's not Metal Sonic at all.
"Sonic. You need to leave. NOW."
The hedgehog was slightly alarmed hearing the fox's tone change quickly. He was stern. Worried.
"Tails, what's going on-"
Suddenly, a huge blast of familiar flashing red and pink explode out of Metal, pushing Sonic car from the battle field with a cry. Tails from above was the blue figure to flying and crashed into the ground, roughly damaged.
"Sonic!" He shrieked. He needed to make a quick emergency landing and reach to him before he does.
Coughing up the dirt, he slowly got up, using his arm to support himself. At that moment, the smoke cleared to reveal a completely different figure walking out of the smoke.
Sonic blinked. That's not Metal Sonic.
His emerald eyes grew with shock.
He chuckled quietly, calm yet cold. "Greetings, hedgehog." He spoke, revealing himself out of the smoke finally.
The black jackal with white hair spiraling out of the back of his head approached the hedgehog slowly. The glowing ruby, that ruby, appeared bright on his chest, showing off it's disturbing aura.
Sonic was sitting up, trying to catch his breath. "I-Infinite...?"
"I hate to cut our reunion short..." His hand then grew out glitched out spikes, colors representing the Phantom Ruby, all well known for it's other worldly horrific images.
Sonic tried to get back up on his feet, but was then stopped by Infinite violently grabbing him by the neck. He gasped for air, and try to kick Infinite off.
His eyes grew in horror as the phantom claws grew bigger and sharper, looking like daggers preparing to cut open his body.
He may not see it behind his mask, but he knew he is showing off such a sick, twisted smile. "...But it's the doctor's orders."
"N-No! Wait!!" The struggling hedgehog cried out as Infinite raises his hand up at him. His life flashing before his eyes the exact moment the claws spread out.
"S-Sonic...?" Tails jumped off his plane and looked around for his brother. All he could see is dirt spreading in the air. He coughed for a while, not wanting to breathe it in. "SONIC!" He yelled.
"SONIC, WHERE ARE YOU?" He asked out loud. He hoped he landed at the right time to save Sonic from-
"... ...!"
Stopping dead at his tracks is the one person he was searching for. But he hoped he wouldn't find him in this condition.
His eyes look like there were about to pop off his scull. He could feel his heart dropping straight down to his now turning stomach. His ears flopped down to his head.
"S..." He couldn't say his name. His limbs began to tremble. He covered his mouth, feeling like barfing out his meal from the sight he wished he never see.
"No...!" He squeaked, barely a whisper.
Sonic, failing to get up, with his hand clutching his neck, which was spilling out blood like a small fountain. He choked non stop, trying to breath.
He slowly turned his head to face the small, shaking fox. His eyes were nearly soulless, emerald green almost completely gone. Nearly half of his body was going limp, as he tried harder to get up.
His arms finally gave themselves up as Sonic fell face first onto the ground in his own pool of blood. Tails screamed and immediately ran to Sonic, grabbing his waist and pulling him close.
"No no no nononononono!!!" Tails panicked loudly as he placed his hand on Sonic's chest, feeling his heart slowing down. Gaia, there is so much red.
"Are you okay?!?!" He was beginning to break into sobs, feeling helpless. He wished he brought a first aid. He didn't expect any of this to happen.
"T-T-Tails..." Sonic spoke, breathlessly. He was looking up at the crying kit, with a broken, defeated smile on his pals muzzle. Tails gasped. He knows what's happening next.
"No! No, please! Don't do this! I-I can find a way to nurse you back to health! Don't even think about leaving me like this! SONIC?!" Tails continuously yelled out for Sonic, whose life is fading away in seconds. "SONIC, DON'T YOU DARE!!"
"Li-Little buddy..." A small tear escaped from his colorless eye. He took one last, long, struggling breath.
"Sonic, please no...!!" Waterfalls of tears began to stream down Tails' face, he held tighter on Sonic's sides, refusing to let him go.
"T-Take care of th-the world for me... O-Okay...? ...I-I... L-Love y..."
Then, his head dropped into Tails' arm. His eyes were motionless. No sign of heartbeat.
The worst had happened.
"...No. No! NO, NO, NO!"
He pushed his hand against the hedgehog's chest, checking for even one beat. But there was nothing. "SONIC, NO!!!" He sobbed loudly for even the heavens to hear.
"SONIC, DON'T LEAVE ME!!!" He screamed at the top of his lungs, begging that his cries will bring Sonic right back, but he knew it wouldn't work.
He continued to bawl his eyes out and roaring out any more anguish he had left in him, hugging tightly against his brother's corpse. "YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME, SONIC!! I CAN'T LET THIS HAPPEN!! I SHOULD'VE GOTTEN HERE SOONER!! THIS IS ALL MY FAULT!!"
Sinister laughter could be heard in the smoke, along with an eerie red glow getting brighter.
"I CAN'T BE ALONE!! I DON'T WANT TO BE ALONE!! NOT AGAIN!! PLEASE, SONIC!!" Tails hugged the body tighter, wanting to sadly to have his brother back.
His family back.
The one person he called home.
He can't lose his home. He can't stand solitude anymore.
He just can't.
With a violent start and a sharp gasp, Sonic quickly grab a hold on a cushion like surface as his legs briefly flail around.
His heart was pounding at such a rapid pace, as if it's about to burst out his chest. He was hyperventilating non stop, all he could see is darkness, and the only thing he could hear was his panicked gasping and his loud heart.
Completely drenched in cold sweat, he immediately took off the sheets to cool off, still having shaken breathes.
Wait... Sheets?
His shaking hand held onto his blanket, which is nearly falling off the bed. Everything was still dark, but his eyes were beginning to adjust to the dark room.
He can feel the soft surface that is his bed and he quickly recognize his bedroom. His breathing calmed, but he could still feel his heart racing. He took a few deep breathes.
What had happened didn't actually happened. He tried to tell himself that in his head, trying to calm down his heart. He closed his eyes, trying to shake off those images.
There was no Metal Sonic. There was no Infinite. There was no blood.
It was just a dream. A really, messed up, scary dream.
It was all just a dream...
Everything is okay...
After what it felt like hours, the shaken up hedgehog has finally calmed down. He still felt sweaty and his hands were still trembling, but he felt better.
At least a little bit better.
He signed in relief once more, opening his eyes to see that, yep, he's back in his room. He face palmed and groaned out loud, lumping back onto his bed and pillows.
"What were in those chili dogs..." He mumbled to himself. All he could do was stare at the ceiling, trying not to put the nightmare in his head on loop.
But what did came to his mind was that little two tailed fox, holding onto him for dear life, screaming and crying out his name.
The moment he thought back to those screams, all feeling of relief instantly left him.
Those cries. They were so terrifying.
He slowly sat back up, wanting so badly to shake off those young, heartbreaking cries. But he just... Couldn't.
The feeling of fear of loneliness drifting back to the poor kid seeking into his voice as he held on tight to his brother's dying body. He refuse to let him go. He refuse to move on without him.
He couldn't live without him.
He felt cold again. Replaying those words over and over again kept making Sonic shudder. He hated that. He hated hearing his own little brother saying that.
He's just a kid. He wouldn't say that. He didn't say that. It was just a dream. None of that stuff happened.
Then... Why won't he stop thinking about it?
Sonic hugged himself and sniffled, beginning to cry. He really hated hearing that.
"Snap out of it, dude." He argued with himself. "It was just a nightmare. Why are you still freaking out over this?"
He definitely knew why.
Hearing that kid shriek was probably one of, if not, the most horrifying thing he has ever heard. Which was strange because it didn't happen.
Tails never said that.
So there's nothing to worry about, right?
Wanting to get this over with, Sonic got off the bed and went off to go check on his little buddy.
When Sonic got to Tails' room, he can see that, once again, Tails is tinkering in the middle of the night when he should be in bed. But right now, that's not important.
He opened the door and stepped into his room. "Tails?" He spoke, almost sounding hoarse.
Tails jumped and quickly out all his gadget stuff away and began chuckling nervously. "Hey, buddy! What are you doing up? Don't ask why I'm up! I was just putting away my things before going to bed! Heheh." He lied.
Tails pushed aside his blueprints and takes off his goggles. "Oh, my. Where did these come from? Hahaha!" He then threw the goggles aside and was about to approach his bed. "Well, I'm going to bed now! Goodnight, So-!"
Suddenly, Tails was caught off guard by Sonic hugging him. He blinked a couple of times. "Sonic? Are you alright?" He carefully placed his gloved hand on his spines, not understanding what's going on but gives him comfort nonetheless.
"No matter how far or close I am to you, or if I'm not part of this world, I will always be in your heart, and you will never, ever be alone, Miles 'Tails' Prower." He said in a whisper, almost on the verge of tears. "Don't ever forget that, little bro..."
Tails had no clue why Sonic brought this up in the first place. It came out of no where. Yet...
Tails smiled softly and hugged him back. No matter how random that was, he needed to hear that.
"Don't ever forget that I love you."
"I won't, Sonic. I love you too."
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Hey ya'll. Hope you're all having a great afternoon! I'm here to bring you a little update about this post.
After watching some video essays for inspiration, I began developing a draft for a script about Robin: Son of Batman (2015). Analyzing the story implications, themes and motifs! :)
And because ya'll been so supportive of my nerdy endeavours, you guys are getting a special preview of the aforementioned draft! (criticisms accepted of course!)
Part of the script avaliable under cut
tagging in: @fancyfade @fluffykitty149 @cleoeatsit
The first issue of the comic run starts with Damiam returning some sort of cultural artifacts to their rightful owners; an order of monks in mainland China.  So, immediately, we got this Tomb Raider/Indiana Jones kind of plot point.  
(Man I sure hope it doesn’t get abandoned halfway through and pivots to portraying  the replacement of an autocracy with another autocracy where the head of state its not even from the country as a good thing)
He gets interrupted by League of Assassins members which he fights off with the help of his pet, Goliath the Bat-dragon. He wins said fight and is lavished for returning the sacred object by the locals
All while a masked figure is observing the scene while saying: 
“(...) there cannot be redemption for the year of the blood”
This introduction to the comic is interesting because it highlights the main narrative theme and framing device of the whole story: The Quest for Redemption.
Before we even know exactly what Damian is doing and why he's doing it. We know he's looking to mend a rift. To make a past wrongdoing right. And then we find out someone wants to stop him…
This forms an interesting parallel with real life survivors of schoolyard abuse aka bullying.
Now, hear me out…
 Many kids (especially those with conditions such as autism) are manipulated by their bullies into doing bad things to other children. They generally do this by preying on their loneliness and desire to be accepted by their peers. And so said kids carry out acts of hazing to other children, perpetuating a cycle of harm.
A cycle which is hard to escape from. Because if you hurt someone, regardless of if you were manipulated or not, that person will probably not trust you after the fact. And if you add into account the environment of a school, where rumors spread like wildfires, there's a high chance you develop a bad reputation. Cause other people have no way of knowing you did it while being threatened into being a social pariah. It's a no win situation.
Damian's story is simile to this. Sure, the acts he carried out were far more extreme and he was not manipulated by an outsider but by his own grandfather, Ra’s Al Ghul.  But the effects of his psyche, development and public perception are all the same.
Think about it: His claims to being either the Blood Son or the Grandson of the Demon  are basically him trying to justify his existence  to a family that, for all he knows, could abuse him again. Which leads him to having a thought process where he has to be the best of the best in the room, cause the only other alternative is death. and for that he’s punished. Even though no one ever bothered to teach him the normal social protocols for a boy his age. 
So when you make that reading of Damian, and put into the context of a story where he, by his own volition, decides he’s gonna try and reverse all the harm he caused while being essentially groomed. You get something really powerful.
Well…kind of…
There’s a few things that stuck out with the framing of this arc. The most glaring one being: this arc takes place after he comes back from the dead. After being trapped in hell for the better part of a year after being killed by his own clone.
By making Damian’s journey for redemption take place after he’s been through literal Hell, there’s the subtle implication that he’s not doing it out of his own free will, but to avoid some sort of celestial punishment.
And that’s not a bad idea per se, if the comic acknowledged that implication. Because it does put an interesting question into the table. “Does it matter why we do good things? As long as we do them?” Does it matter if Damian doesn’t kill anymore because of “selfish” reasons. After all, why would an orphan he saves from a fire care if he used to be bad or not? Should that matter to anyone?
That last part is a testament, I think, to how much better executed some ideas that writers at DC have would be if they played them straight. If they acknowledged the implications of their writing instead of just doing something because they thought it would be cool or dramatic. 
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promblums · 26 days
I know I haven't played a pokemon game in a while but god DAMN is the Scarlet/Violet final boss cool.
Like, you've known since like minute two that something is up with Professor Sada / Turo, but you get down to the bottom of this huge canyon expecting oh, the professor made a robot clone of their mind but it went cRaZy and the real professor is tied up somewhere. No.
The robot professor, it turns out, was the rational one of the two of them, watching as the person in whose image it was created slips further and further into obsession. It turns out that everything good you've seen in the AI Professor, THAT was the machine. The real Professor has been deeply bitter and increasingly misanthropic, extending way, way back into Arven's childhood, and maybe even before.
Said real professor is dead. Like, dead-dead. Real human dead. Not only that, they were murdered trying to protect one -raidon from another, one that attacked with full intent to kill. Was this a last, selfless act? Or was the professor so devoted to their work that they would die to protect it? We never get that context. It's gone. Have fun in therapy, Arven.
So then the AI Professor leads you to the time machine, looks you straight in the eye, and says, "Can I say 'you have to kill me' in a pokemon game? No? Aight, cool, so to shut down the time machine, I need you to 'not' kill me. Because I'm gonna try to 'not kill' you first."
And then they get lifted 200 feet into the air on a spire of glowing onyx beneath what I can only describe as a technological halo of malice, and they just start breaking the rules of pokemon. Like, they don't get down there and challenge you, ooh, I'm gonna fight ya for the future of poketmans. They stand on the prow of a pitch black heaven and drop living paradoxes on you. You typically get 1, maybe 2 master balls per game; Sada/Turo has an unending supply, perpetually pouring from the godseye above them. They don't even throw them. They just open their hand and let this rain of high-level pokemon fall out.
This is not a pokemon battle. This is you, an insect, being crushed by an uncaring god.
You get the feeling that, were it not hardcoded in by some earlier version of the professor who still had some respect for pokemon tradition, there's no way the possessed AI Professor would respect the 'only 6 pokemon' rule. And they don't! You somehow beat the odds, and you get all of five seconds to think you did something before the Paradise Protection Protocol kicks in and starts the battle right back up again.
And locks your pokeballs shut.
And sends out the -raidon that, as was previously established, has killed a human being before.
This is my favorite part of this fight, because up until now, we've been acclimating to the twist that the real Professor was deeply selfish, to the point of all but abandoning their own child.
Right before the fight, the AI Professor explains that they're going to get overpowered by the security system when you try to shut down the machine. Given the real Professor's obsessive nature, you're led to associate the security system with some remnant of the real professor, and once it takes over, the game starts getting fucky about the identity of the mind in the robot. Is this AI Turo/Sada, but with their free will turned off? Turo/Sada's mind imprinted over the robot's? Some weird emergent mind from the main computer?
Right after you beat the first fight, the 'fair' fight, you get this moment where the roboprofessor is glitching out hard, and its name changes from "AI Sada / AI Turo" to "Professor Sada / Turo?" RIGHT as it starts to express feelings, real feelings toward Arven, look how tall he's gotten, how proud of him they are. We can't know how the real professor felt about their son, but its all the things Arven always wanted to hear. Is it the robot, trying to be kind? Confused? Or is this a fragment of the real professor's mind bleeding through?
But at the same time, the Paradise Protection Protocol kicks in, which is also implied to be some sort of mind-imprint from the Professor, and tries to kill all four of the main kids to ensure the safety of the Professor's machine.
So, we've got two machines, both of incomprehensible power, fighting over the fate of time itself, and each one set up to be a reflection of a person we will never meet.
Which one do you think the professor was most like?
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chiarrara · 2 months
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks...
Oh my gosh this is impossible, I like too much and I'm the most indecisive motherfucker. I actually agonized over this, like this is so broad I was trying to think of everything I've ever liked, and what do you mean by favorite, and do I like the story because of the characters or the narrative, and how much do I like them now vs. how much I used to like them. I was doing way too much.
Basically, this is a list (loosely ordered) of my favorite characters (probably) right NOW, either based in recency bias, or in their lasting ability to remain a favorite years later A.K.A. characters that altered my brain chemistry because I'm insane about them:
Yuri Plisetsky - Yuri!!! On Ice
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Yuri Plisetsky is my favorite of all time. If the rest of the list isn't quite in order, he's still at the top every time. There are some characters that just click for you and he's one of them. You're gonna start seeing a pattern here with some of these characters so it might just be that I have a type, but either way I love him like he's me. I love to put him in situations. I love to explore his character. I love to imagine his future. And I love his lil face. He's just so determined, and so angry, and I adore him and all his flaws.
2. Otabek Altin - Yuri!!! On Ice
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Now listen, he's not a major character, he doesn't have a lot of screen time, but he made a huge, huge impact. It's not a coincidence that I love Yuri P so much, Otabek is so high because of Yuri P. But ultimately, he's one of my all time favorites because of a version of him that exists in fanfiction and fanon. Specifically, I love Otabek because of "From Almaty, With Love", my favorite fic of all time. I love to inhabit his mind, but also I just love him. He's the type of guy who's nothing like me, but I wish I was more like him. Also, I'm just a sucker for the strong and silent type.
3. Megumi Fushiguro - Jujutsu Kaisen
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Current biggest projection target. Oh my god how this lil guy has taken over my mind. I watched JJK for the first time in December, but I don't think I really got insane about Megumi until I read the manga and... just check out my tag #megumi fushiguro's gay little hands. He's just so compelling to me. I just love a grumpy teen. I love a troubled little guy. I love how out of touch with his emotions he is. I love that he's insane. I want to put him in every possible situation and see what he does. He's my favorite, I don't know what to say.
4. Ahsoka Tano - Star Wars: The Clone Wars
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Ahsoka!!! I love her so much!!!!! It's been a while since I watched The Clone Wars, and I'm off the Star Wars hundred million franchise properties train right now, so I haven't watched the new show, and I probably won't because I like her just the way she is in Clone Wars and I don't need any more. She's the coolest girl, she pulls like crazy, she's some variety of lesbian, she's a skilled fighter, she has a great personality, and she's a brown girl for brown girls. Like, little boys get cool characters they can latch onto all the time, she's that for me. Love her forever.
5. Zuko - Avatar: The Last Airbender
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Ahhhhh, Zuko. I'm gonna try to be normal about him. Best redemption arc ever written in any media ever. He's just so lovable. You get to know him even a little bit early on in the series (The Storm) and it's just...OH. You start to understand. And it just grows and grows from there. He's a sympathetic character (The Blue Spirit), but you don't pity him because you're with him every step of the way as he has to grow and fight through all the pain and conflict inside him (Bitter Work, The Avatar and The Firelord). And he makes the worst mistakes. He makes the wrong choices (Crossroads of Destiny). And he has to earn every little bit of his redemption. And he does. What an incredible character. One of the most iconic voices of all time (Dante Basco, I love you). Also, I just love him. "Hey, Zuko here!" He will always have my heart.
6. Yuuri Katsuki - Yuri!!! On Ice
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It is actually impossible for me to pick only two pictures of Yuri Katsuki because he's just so precious in every single one in completely different ways. I wasn't sure at first if I was going to put him on this list because Yuri P dominates my thoughts around YOI so much. But I don't love Yuri On Ice because of Yuri P. When I'm actually in a rewatch, Yuri Katsuki reminds me how much I love and adore him and how much he really means to me. Discovering Yuri, and everything he doesn't show you through his unreliable narrator ass as the show goes on is so so special. And nothing in that show could make me fall in love with figure skating the way "Yuri on Ice" and "On Love: Eros" did. My 2017 Spotify Wrapped was 90% YOI music because I used to fall asleep to "Yuri on Ice" on repeat. I love him so much. He means so much to me. That's all I can say.
7. Rue Bennett - Euphoria
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She is me. I am her. This is less about her character, and more about how she allows me to see myself and be seen. My weakest parts. My most painful parts. The worst experiences of my life. I don't think I've ever related to a character or what they have gone through more than I have with Rue. I don't think I've ever related to a character's flaws and worst moments more than I have with Rue. Say what you will about Euphoria, I don't care. It's so important to me because of Rue. At least....Season 1 is.
8. Effy Stonem - Skins (UK)
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Are we starting to see the patterns here? Effy Stonem is THE original indie sleaze girl. I wanted to be her sooooo bad. I wanted to be her in Gen 1 (I loved Effy Stonem before Gen 2, I'm not like other girls. lmao, anyway...) Skins was a very formative piece of media for me. There is no world where I love Euphoria without having loved Skins first. Skins and Effy made me want to go to raves in Bristol, wear ripped tights, take MDMA, smoke spliffs and cigarettes 24/7... it was actually such a bad influence, but it means a lot to me. I loved Effy from her first appearance on screen, and I loved her until her last. Kaya Scodelario you will always be famous.
9. Ash Lynx - Banana Fish
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Ash Lynx is one of the most complicated and compelling characters I have ever seen. I had a hard time deciding to include him because I don't feel like you can divorce Ash the character from Banana Fish the story, or from Eiji and their relationship. Do I love him as his own character, or do I love Banana Fish in its entirety? But I do love him. He's very special to me. Banana Fish is about him. It's a love letter to him, in a way. You can't love Banana Fish without loving Ash, everyone around Ash loves Ash, even the horrible people who want to claim him. His pain and trauma is so overwhelming, but you as the audience can see the person he is through all of that even if he can't, and you just want him to find happiness and see it for himself someday. And be safe for the first time in his life. A tragic hero who really shouldn't have been in a tragedy. An unfair tragedy. He deserves the world.
10. Kyo Sohma - Fruits Basket
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At this point you have to be seeing the pattern. I love a well-written grumpy boy. And I love Kyo Sohma so, so much. I watched 2001 right before 2019 and let me tell you, the vidication... I was absolutely in love with 2001 Kyo, but I didn't want to get my hopes up. He was my little shojo crush, it was fine if he wasn't Tohru's. Then I popped on 2019, and he had the SAME VOICE ACTOR!?!?!? Bro, the way I melted. And then the show went on and I noticed he was being framed a little different than he was in 2001???? I mean, if you want my whole watch through check my #fruits basket 2019 tag. I had a whole journey. Let's be so honest, Kyo is on here because I'm in love with him. But also, he's an amazing character with so much deep turmoil from really really difficult circumstances, and he still manages to be caring and attentive and kind, along with a million other amazing character traits. Most character of all time. I love him so much.
BONUS (Characters I can't believe didn't make this list):
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The Entire Skins Gen 1 Main Cast (who I love more than Effy, but I can't pick just one favorite), Suguru Geto (who's creeping up on me more and more as I dive deeper into his character), Eiji Okumura (the other half of AshEiji, and just the sweetest boy alive who's also the biggest ride-or-die I love him), and Victor Nikiforov (out of the YOI cast, he's my least most favorite, but I love him so much and his lil heart mouth. He's a star, he is the moment, give him his flowers).
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danganronpa96 · 11 months
Do you have a full cast in mind for the hypothetical third Danganronpa fic?
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Since these 2 asks are quite similar, I'm gonna answer them together.
In fact, yes I do have a few other characters that I've thought about adding. I don't have enough yet for a full cast, and my ideas keep changing so this isn't set in stone but more or less a bit of fun.
That being said, I'd like to add Miles Morales because of my ongoing Spiderverse obsession. Even though there's a lot of good options, I think he'd be pretty cool to have.
I've also had the idea of JFK (Clone High), Mung Daal (Chowder -- I've been on a bit of a nostalgia trip re-watching that show lol), Kedamono (Popee the Performer, I know he's kind of mute but I can make it work)...
...And this girl named Kokomi Shiina which you probably haven't heard of - she's from an anime (originally a mobile game) called Girlfriend Beta. Yes I know that sounds bad but it's a bit of a nostalgia thing for me as it's one of the first animes I ever watched on this weird old free anime app I downloaded years ago (and is probably gone now). Despite the game being about dating the girls yourself, the anime just makes them so gay for each other so 🤷 love wins.
Otherwise, I was also thinking of maybe adding a character from No Straight Roads (I was leaning towards Eve, but I'm still unsure if any would work in the cast).
But I did have an idea for the mascot/host/Monokuma character... Hello Kitty! But, er, as Monokitty. I mean, she does have an official(?) mono-design, plus I think turning someone so cute and wholesome into a sickly sweet sadist would really spice things up.
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Episode 12 Thoughts
Spoilers for TBB Season 2
Omg this episode was good but it hurt so much! 😭 We got Crosshair back but at what cost? 🥲
I'm gonna write this as I rewatch the episode so let's go!
The opening is so bleak, especially with the soundtrack and the sepia hue that everything in the opening shot has.
Seeing clones being forced out of their role hurts. 😭
Love how we all thought that it was going to be a clone Lieutenant.
It wasn't. It was a fucking arsehole instead. 😡
Ugh, I missed Crosshair so much. 😭
"I don't like used equipment"
Mayday's beard is ✨️ fabulous ✨️
Also a clone named Mayday? That's just asking for him to get into trouble. 😭
Why do I recognise the name Veetch??? Have we heard it before or am I just making stuff up now???
I knew something was going to happen to Mayday but let's be real, we all fell in love with him in under half a second. 🥲
I can see why DBB loved him!
The slight hesitation before he said "Crosshair". 🥲 Cody was the last person to use his name. It probably still throws him off when people actually want to use it.
The clone helmets arranged on the boxes. 😭
The clone designs with the wraps!!! 🤩 It's kind of giving Egyptian Mummy Chic but I'm not mad about it. It looks awesome!
Ice vultures. Just what this planet needed.
I was right about the tower shot being this episode!
Ngl, it's not often you see blood in SW animation. But it was used really well in this episode! Enhances the creepy vibe.
R.I.P Hexx and Veetch. 😔
Crosshair I don't need you stepping on pressure mines!!! 😭
I actually love this moment so much. Low on action, high on tension, good dialogue.
Crosshair talking about CF 99 😭😭😭
The raiders sound almost Tusken. 🤔 Wonder if they're Tuskens that left Tatooine and evolved to a lifestyle on this planet or whether they evolved completely separately.
Crosshair, mate. I understand the explosion plan but I don't need you setting off an avalanche.
The way they slide down the hill! 🤣
Ugh everything in this episode just makes me sad.
"We're good soldiers. We followed orders. And for what? " 🥲
Crosshair looking genuinely terrified always hurts
If anyone comes out with the "Crosshair likes working for the Empire" bullshit- 🤬
The way he puts Mayday's helmet on to make sure his head is protected 😭
Jeez, they weren't kidding about "heartbreaking". This is painful to watch.
This entire episode is proof that while Cross may be an arsehole, he isn't completely heartless or evil like some people want to believe.
He gave his rifle to Mayday as a crutch
Crosshair is so fucking angry
The bird circling and Crosshair looking over at Mayday, panicked. He knew that they were just going to leave him to be scavenged. 😥
He's so broken and defeated. Help.
The next bullet point is an accurate recreation of how I reacted the first time to the ending. 👇
Parallel to when we see him wake up in Ep 3 ☹️
Someone come and save him 😭
I feel sick. Everything hurts. 😥
So errr.... hahaha... ha... ouch...
This episode was so good but omg it was so painful! People weren't kidding when they said "bleak" and "heartbreaking". ☹️
I can see why DBB loved Mayday so much. He was great! I knew it wouldn't end well for him but it's impossible not to love him. But the fact that Crosshair collapsed before he could bury him means that he was probably still left to the vultures. 😭 It's poignant really. The clones don't get a heroic end. After everything they did, the Empire are just gonna cast them out and leave them to rot...
And Crosshair! 😭 That man was in so much turmoil this episode. Him opening up to Mayday just the tiniest fraction by telling him his name and squadron. The quiet fear when he stepped on the pressure mine. The panic when he was covered by the avalanche. The panic when he dug himself out. The fear when he found Mayday. The anguish as he carried Mayday all the way back. The heartbreaking pain when they were huddled up and shivering. The desperation when he asked for them to get a medic. The anguish of "help him". The panic when he knows that they're going to leave Mayday for the vultures. The pure, visceral, seething rage when he kills Nolan. The pain when he collapses. The fear and delirium when he wakes up in the lab. It's all too much.
And what breaks my heart even more is the close up of his face after he collapses. He looks asleep, calm. The only time in this entire episode when he actually looks peaceful is when he's passed out from exhaustion!
This man is going through it so badly and it's so painful to watch. I'm scared to see what's going to happen to him but if the later episodes are of the same quality as this one then the end of this season is going to be incredible.
Tagging @snarkyfina @saturn-sends-hugs and @phis-writing because they normally want to see people's thoughts on this!
And also tagging @eriexplosion if they want to add anything. But I know that they are also suffering after this episode. 🥲
Edit: Just went back and fixed a few typos I didn't realise I'd made. Probably still missed some but this episode stressed me out too much to care. 🤣
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hawthornsword · 1 month
Bad Batch Finale spoilers and ... Critique? I dunno it's probably just me bitching a lot.
It's not Star Wars if somebody doesn't lose a hand.
I would just like to point out that I wrote a fic that included releasing the zillo beast as a distraction, Nala Se's death, rescuing the brothers imprisoned on Tantiss, Hemlock with a blaster to Omega's head with Hunter and Crosshair as the one's to save her, specifically with Crosshair taking the shot, over a year ago.
People often come up with ideas of what they think will happen (what they want to happen) that are so wildly outlandishly off base that I wonder if we're even watching the same show. So predicting that many things correctly makes me feel pretty smug, not gonna lie.
I love that Echo got to shine this episode and that he always knows exactly what Omega is going to do, because he trained her. That is Echo's kid, and he's so damn proud of her. You can of course see all of the Batch's influence on her - I think that's really well done actually. But I love Echo and Omega's dynamic so much; they're my favorite.
It hurt me so much when Crosshair said Clone Force 99 died with Tech. 😭😭😭 We think of Hunter as the leader, but was he really? By their own direct and indirect admissions at various points, Tech was the glue that held them together.
I'm glad Nala Se was against the empire in the end, but honestly her whole storyline did not go as I expected, and I'm not impressed with it. She's not a good person. She's not reformed. She was the lead scientist in charge on a project that treated human beings as expendable slave labor, erased individuality with reconditioning and murdered anyone who didn't obey or perform high enough with decommissioning. That's canon, you can look it up. Omega being her favorite and her being against the empire doesn't change that. This is an enemy of my enemy situation, not a reformed and on our side now situation. Honestly I think I'm mostly disappointed because they could have given her a complex and interesting story arc, whether it was a villain arc or a redemption arc either way, where we dig into her motivations and her change over time. I actually expected we'd get that from episode one, but what we got of her was sort of glossed over and only present enough to move the plot as necessary.
Same with Emerie to a lesser degree. There was that one line she had a few episodes ago. Something about being "discarded". I'm assuming that means she was a sort of test run for Omega. That's why she's older. That's why she's a scientist. I want the whole story there.
I also expected Rex to show up with backup, but narratively it makes sense. This show is about the Bad Batch, not Rex. It started with just them, it needs to end with just them.
But now of course we need the Echo and Rex show, in which we find out what happens to them and Wolffe between now and Rebels.
I also really truly believed (and I know a lot of us did) one of those X troopers would be Tech and there would be a big standoff where the power of love and brotherhood would overcome his conditioning. While on the one hand, Tech's death was a good one, on the other hand Tech was my favorite and I feel like they purposely baited us all season as a misdirection. Well played, but also fuck them for that. I don't know, maybe we all exaggerated the likelihood of it being Tech because we wanted it so bad.
But if that shot of the one X trooper's helmet with goggles was meant to imply that one of them was Tech, and Wrecker and Echo killed him? Well fuck them even more. I hate my brain for even having that thought. Let's pretend I didn't.
Also fuck them for wasting Scorch like that! How fucking dare they! Why did they bother making that commando Scorch if they weren't gonna do anything interesting with him, and once again misdirect us by making us think he mattered somehow?
The misdirection with Tech I totally understand, but did we really need two? At this point I feel like including Scorch and also Cody was name dropping purely to bait Legends fans and Cody fans to watch the show when maybe we otherwise wouldn't have. Am I biased because Cody being in the season 2 trailer is 100% of why I bothered to watch this show in the first place? Maybe.
Anyway, all in all, it was a good episode, a good season, and a good show. I had a good time watching it and there's a lot to love about it. I'm not going to say I'm definitively disappointed despite my complaints here, because I do fully expect them to announce a new show almost immediately now that BB is over. It's Disney. Star Wars makes them assloads of money. They aren't going to stop.
I just hope they give us more Jedi and clones, because I have zero interest in Tales of the Empire or Acolyte and I won't be watching them. Fuck the Sith, man. Sure I was curious what happened to Barriss but not curious enough to watch a show specifically about the bad guys. And I like the Ahsoka show, but I don't care that much about Elsbeth's backstory. Nightsisters? Yes. Elsbeth? Meh. I found Baylan and Shin more compelling.
But back to Bad Batch. I do think the ending with Omega grown up was absolutely wonderful. I was smiling the whole time. Omega is so great, I love her so much, and I'm really proud of her.
Also Hunter looks much hotter with the salt n pepper beard. 10/10.
Maybe we can get a Tales of the Rebellion as well as Tales of the Clones like we want. I want to know if Omega meets Luke and Leia. I would like her and Luke and Han and Hera sitting around talking about ships and piloting. I want her to meet Chewbacca and ask after Gungi. I want her to be talking to Han and find out about his beef with Boba and apologize and be embarrassed that one of her brothers is willingly a bad guy.
I'm gonna be writing SO MUCH Rebellion/Original Trilogy era Omega fanfiction.
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Ok..I've been thinking about making this for a while so... trigger warnings...I guess
If you do not want to listen about colombine then don't read this so if you don't like any of the stuff related to that then... please go away
If you do want to listen to this and you..... really like the two guys who did it like.....really like them...then also don't read this because it's just me yelling about how I don't like them
And finally 3....there is no grammar or punctuation and I don't wanna put it so without further adieu
Ok context I've been doing this thing where I get baked and watch disturbing hour long iceberg videos it's fucking awesome you should try it anyway I was watching "the disturbing and controversial video games iceberg"
And on like...teir 3 I think there was this one game titled "super colombine massacre RPG" it's.... exactly what it sounds like and the last teir was doom maps made by Eric harris and idk after watching that video....it stuck with me not in a way that traumatized me but....I kept thinking about those guys their names and faces so often it's like....every other thought and I think a lot
And because I think about them so often I feel bad about it because I feel like one of the people who have a crush on these guys....I don't have a crush on them I have no positive feelings for these greasy mudballs
(I had this dream where Eric and Dylan lived in one of those influencer mansions like hype house or something and they were telling all the tik tokers about this thing called "cliff terroism" it's domestic terroism but better for the environment and JFK from clone high was there he approved this message)
Thanks for listening...I really needed this
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Thoughts on Season 3
Yeah, I know, I'm late to the party. I watched this season weekly (except for episode 8, which I watched the same week as episode 1-I wasn't about to wait 8 weeks to see the CG episode) because screw binge culture I feel that’s just how Animaniacs should be watched (although daily works too). This won't be a review of each episode, just a list of random thoughts I had about the season:
—I already thought Titmouse's animation for the show was phenomenal, but it somehow managed to look even better in “Season 3 and WB”! And it’s always great to see more Nora. If Animaniacs does make another comeback I hope they don’t only stick with characters from the original series (plus some inevitable new ones) because nOsTaLGiA. It would suck if we never saw Nora or Julia or anyone from the reboot again.
—It’s nice to see certain catchphrases be brought back, like Wakko’s “Faboo!” and Dot’s “Boys.” Although it’s almost like a monkey’s paw situation, because Yakko doesn’t say “Goodnight Everybody!” at all this season. Not even once. Has that happened thoughout an entire season of Animaniacs...ever? This isn’t a complaint (it doesn’t really matter), but it’s surprising.
--OK, Cindy's officially my third favourite recurring character the reboot introduced. I'm glad her and Starbox got more segments this season, I like them a little more now!
—I like how “Soda-pressed” and “The Island of Dr Warneau” give insight as to what would happen if the Warners were the perfectly behaved, compliant, innocent children the studio always wanted them to be-they'd be miserable, like GiGi and the clones. The Warners may be chaotic and mess about a lot but at least they have a backbone.
--After "Planet Warner" I wonder how many toons in-universe are rejected pitches...it's gotta be ALOT. I liked the reference to "Opportunity Knox" in Talladega Mice (even the usually narcissistic Brain had to admit that plan was poorly thought out), especially since it's usually the Warners who reference their adventures in the original show, whilst Pinky and the Brain almost never reference their past adventures in the original show or their spin off in the reboot. Also, "D.I.Why?" is gonna be stuck in my head for ages, particularly Wakko's verse.
--I REALLY wish "Fantasy" and "Teeniacs" were longer instead of being cold opens. A Warners/Pinky and the Brain crossover and the Warners in high school? I would've watched an entire half hour each of both of those! As they are, they're both still good though.
—There are six Warner siblings now. Sorry I don’t make the rules.
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(Seriously though, the clones were so cute! And I commend the segment for having a great moral about cutting out toxic family members.)
--Fun fact, "Global Warnering" was supposed to be in season 2! It's nice to see the Warners go up against another toon/talking animal again, it felt like pretty much all of the "special friends" in the reboot before season 3 were humans. They were mostly humans in the original show too, but some were talking animals. Also my goodness was "Here Comes The Sea!" catchy. Pretty brutal that the Warners basically kill the guy at the end...but let's be honest he deserved it.
--It's nice to know that canonically Brain did feel guilty over what he did to Julia. Ironic that in trying to deal with his feelings of guilt be ends up repeating the same mistake as before-trying to have complete control of Julia, just In a less overt way. I've seen people say that this was an awful thing to do and his way of dealing with it doesn't make sense because it doesn't actually fix anything but...I'm pretty sure that was the point you guys. Brain's an emotionally unintelligent narcissistic control freak, and always has been. In the spin off he once referred to himself crying as his eyes leaking. What Brain does get is math and science-so he did the only thing he knew. He's not in touch with his emotions and is content with sticking with what he knows doing the same things over and over again, which of course leads to him making the same mistakes. Meanwhile, Julia is in touch with her emotions and is willing to change. Julia's his foil, this whole storyline is basically deconstructing Brain as a character. The only thing I don't get is why is he in love with her? I'm glad the feelings clearly aren't reciprocated, but last time he met a mouse that seemingly became as smart as him (Billie) that was a turn off for him. Or maybe he IS at least a little threatened by Julia's intelligence and that's why he programmed her to be a housewife?
--Basically, I do have some issues with the Julia storyline (as funny as she is they could've done something more interesting and nuanced than turning her into a Saturday Morning Cartoon villain, I could do without Brain actually having feelings for her, and I think her trying to take Pinky away from Brain because she genuinely thinks he'd be better off without him would have been more interesting than her basically ignoring Pinky most of the time) but showcasing Brain's flaws isn't one of them. I'm glad the real Julia showed up in episode 7, would've sucked if what's unfortunately probably gonna be her last appearance in anything ever technically didn't even have her appear. I'll admit I don't really see the point of having two Julias now but I'm guessing they would've done something cool with that plotline. Maybe one day they will! Hopefully the idea for season 4 was that Brain would finally attempt to make things right for real.
--I liked episode 8 overall, but yeah that first scene sucked. I'm not gonna debate this with anyone in the comments-I don't like it. Not just the comments about Wakko, the "boomer" joke and the "lol girls don't play video games!" joke in 2023 were pretty lame. But I'm not gonna rant about it, plenty of people have already. That being said, the Warners looked great in CG, and the rest of the episode was actually funny. They even referenced the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive and Game Boy Animaniacs game and got a studio (Flystudio) who actually worked on Super Smash Bros. Ultimate to do the 3D animation!
--Also, did not expect Starbox and Cindy of all things to get some sense of closure, with it seeming like Starbox will eventually warm up to living with Cindy. Yeah there's that cliff-hanger...but the clone will probably end up like the last one lol.
--One of the scientists who conducted the "Learned Helplessness" experiment on Brain appears near the beginning of episode 9. I swear he even has more white hairs now, neat detail. Also, I guess Yakko being lactose-intolerant is now officially a constant thing in canon and not just a random gag, that's cool. "How The Brain Thieved Christmas" was fine, but Brain is basically learning the same thing he learned in the original PatB Christmas special. That dub-step remix of "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy" was unexpected but awesome, and "We Could Try to Do It, Santa" was great too!
--If "Some of Humanity's Wins" ends up being the last full Animaniacs song we ever get (with the Warners' og voices at least), then that's not a bad song to go out on, I like the optimistic message! And I'm so glad to hear Sherri Stoner as Slappy again, she literally sounds the same as she did decades ago, that's amazing. Slappy being retired makes way too much sense.
--So...about that ending. Apparently the meteor was more of a metaphor wasn't meant to be taken too literally. Even if you ignore what Gabe Swarr said on Twitter about how the Warners survived (plus Everyday Safety likely being an in-universe filmed sketch anyway), Yakko has outright said he's impervious to physical harm in "Yakko Amakko" and Wakko said they're immortal in "WARnerGAMES". So I'm just gonna assume the Warners are fine. And although it does technically count as a downer ending, the comedic timing of the meteor's impact was too good for me to hate it. And hey, unlike the original series there was no implication they'd be locked up in the water tower this time so...yay...?
--Here's my ranking of the episodes (from best to worst):
3, 7, 6, 10, 9, 5, 1, 8, 4, 2
I'll keep this last paragraph brief, this post is getting pretty long. The best moments in season 3 are some of the best of the reboot, period. I'm gonna miss this show, I wouldn't even be into Animaniacs without it, and it deserves to have more episodes.
I like to think maybe some day it will!
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