#so forgive spelling errors and typos
izzy-b-hands · 4 months
Technically now for SFerguson Sunday vs Ferguson Friday, but! The fic I was working on is finally edited to my liking. Will go up on AO3 when I have the spoons for it, but wanted it on here for now at least! Fic is below the cut.
Stealing my description of it from last night bc it actually wasn't terrible lol:
Ferguson/Izzy, au that puts us in the time period of the former's show, with a vague plot that by fucking Ferguson maybe it'll help Jack out of a particularly bad charge that he may or may not have actually done. Also, additional ed/izzy with a final hint of ed/izzy/ferguson 👀.
“I mean, I'll fuck him,” Izzy shrugs. “He's not bad looking. Actually, he looks a bit like m-”
“Don't remind me,” Ed blushes, dropping his head into his hands. “He looks a lot like you. Enough that I asked if he knew you or was related to you.”
“While he was arresting you?”
“Was there going to be a better time?!”
Izzy sighs. “Maybe not. So, what exactly am I convincing him not to do?”
“They let me go because ultimately, they claimed they didn't have enough to prove I was working with Jack and I wasn't worth the paperwork,” Ed replies, lifting his head enough for Izzy to see how miserable he looks. “But Jack is-”
“Oh, Eddie-”
“Come on! You like Jack too! You fuck him nearly as often as I do, at least!”
“Yeah,” Izzy finds he's suddenly all tired sighs, a well of them, seemingly endless. He leans back in his chair, and studies the newspaper clipping photograph of the man. “So I'm meant to waltz into the station, ask for…whoever this is-”
“DCI Ferguson,” Ed interrupts as he raises his head fully and sits up in his chair. “Or Trevor.”
“You get his phone number too?” he smirks, knowing full well that if Ed managed to get a first name out of the man, then he surely got more. 
“Only his office number, but he blushed pretty hard over that, so I didn't want to push it,” Ed pulls a scrap of paper from his trouser pocket and gently moves it across the kitchen table to Izzy. “So actually, you'll call him, set up a meeting to discuss Jack's charges as his acting legal counsel-”
“Jackie is an actual lawyer,” Izzy interrupts as he takes the paper. “Why are we not calling her to deal with this?” 
“Because she'll get him something lesser,” Ed's eyes meet his, and the notes of teasing and flirting drop from his voice. “But we need to get him out. I don't care how, and I'll make sure he lays low or find him somewhere else to stay for a few months elsewhere if need be after, but he can't…”
Ed pauses, voice breaking, breath hitching in his throat. “He didn't do it.”
Izzy moves the paper aside so he can reach over and take Ed's hand. “What did he do?”
“I didn't see it either way, but I know he didn't. I wouldn't lie about this.”
And Ed probably wouldn't. And Izzy doesn't think he's lying now, but if he didn't see whatever happened…that hardly matters. “Ed. What's he charged with?”
“You don't look like legal counsel.”
“You don't look like you should be a cop,” Izzy replies as he strides into the yellow-tinged office. As much trendy colour scheme as effect from the cigarette smoke in the air and the nearly full ashtray on Ferguson's desk. Not that he can judge, and it might benefit him in this circus act he's enacting for Jack's sake.“Do you mind if I-”
Izzy slips his own pack of cigarettes from the pocket of his leather jacket, and gestures. 
Before Ferguson can reply, he's got two out, one held out to the detective in offering. 
“Wouldn't have said no even if you weren't sharing,” Ferguson takes it, his fingertips lingering briefly on Izzy's as he does. “I'm not counting this as a bribe.”
“Who said I was here to bribe you?” 
Ferguson crosses the room to his desk, motioning for Izzy to sit in the chair in front of it. “No one. But I think I've got you and your two friends figured out.”
“Have you?” Izzy settles into the chair, seemingly designed to be the exact opposite of comfortable or ergonomic. “And what have you figured out about us?”
“You're too nice.” There's a flash of flame as Ferguson lights his cigarette, a matchbox already out on the desk. “And that's a shame. You don't need to go down for this just because he's your friend.”
“I don't know that Jack's done anything,” Izzy shrugs, reaching for his own matches in his pocket. “He's an idiot, sure. Makes poor choices, yeah. But murder-”
“I know Mr. Teach claims he saw nothing,” Ferguson interrupts as he exhales smoke across the desk. “And that may well be the case. But even if he didn't see it, someone else may have-”
“May,” Izzy cuts him off, still fumbling for his suddenly hiding matchbook. “May have seen him? So what evidence exactly is he being held on?”
“The dead man's body, and being covered in blood for a start,” Ferguson replies as he walks back around the desk. He leans down, close enough to light Izzy's cigarette with the tip of his own. “And that he was the last person heard in the area per everyone living there that agreed to an interview.”
“You shouldn't be telling me half of this,” Izzy smirks. “Almost makes me think you don't think he did it.”
He takes a drag and watches Ferguson watching him. Leaning back against the desk now, cigarette balanced in his lips, looking entirely too tempting for a cop. 
“That's the bit I definitely can't tell you,” Ferguson smiles as he takes his cigarette from his mouth and walks back around the desk to sit. “But I can say that whatever you're planning to do here, to bribe or convince me to just let him go…you know I can't. And I'll let you walk out of here now, no trouble, no charges, nothing. I can't guarantee that if we start something though.”
“We?” Izzy leans back in his chair, legs stretched out. “Thought I was the troublemaker in this equation. Here to distract you from your…noble duties, to win your favour and-”
It's lucky that the blinds covering the office's internal windows are already pulled closed, and maybe that's why Ferguson moves so fast. Cigarette shoved into the ashtray, then around the desk to lean down and kiss him exactly as roughly as he likes. 
Not every day that someone gets that right on the first try, and it's enticing. “We indeed.”
Ferguson nods, stammering. “I'm not. I shouldn't be doing this. It's not going to get your friend out-”
“I know,” Izzy interrupts gently. “I told Mr. Teach, Ed rather, as much too, if you want to know. He still asked that I come and try.”
He stands up slowly, moving Ferguson with him until he's got him backed up against the edge of the desk. “I think he knows full well it won't work, but we wanted to see how far I'd get.”
“Go lock the door and I'll show you just how far.”
It's later in the day, and the station could be busier than it is. Even so, there's a wonderfully desperate thrill in knowing someone might hear them. 
A desperation that's hard to suppress when Ferguson slows things down, just a bit. Takes his sweet time stripping Izzy of his jacket, the borrowed dark purple t-shirt cut nearly too short by Ed. 
The entire time, seemingly just as desperate in every achingly slow kiss and hickey he presses to Izzy's lips, his neck, his chest-
“Mr. Teach said a lot about you,” Ferguson's voice cuts through the haze Izzy's fallen into. “Mentioned in particular how pretty you look on your kne-”
He doesn't let Ferguson finish the word before he shoves the chair back, and drops to his knees. Mouth open, tongue out, sitting back on his feet. 
“He wasn't lying,” Ferguson murmurs warmly, nodding when Izzy reaches for his belt. 
There's a twinge there, and it nearly throws him off his game for a moment. While he's in here letting a detective fuck his mouth (and more, if they can manage it without alerting anyone else), his cunt getting wetter and cock harder by the minute, Jack's locked up, presuming and hoping he'll be freed soon. 
“Look, if he really didn't do it,” Ferguson sighs softly, a hand reaching down to toy with the earring in Izzy's ear, flicking the silver hoop gently. “Then…it might all work out. I'm not making any promises-”
Izzy lets Ferguson's cock pop from his mouth. “I know, Trevor. I'm not asking you to. And I…I want to think he didn't. I really do.”
Ferguson's hand is cradling his face now, a thumb softly rubbing his cheek. “But you can't say for sure he wouldn't.”
Izzy nods. “Can I go back to sucking you off now? Far less depressing, that, in comparison-”
He's cut off as Trevor pushes his head down, not too roughly, but enough to make him moan. 
“I'll give you two whatever updates I can,” Ferguson murmurs, his fingers twining through Izzy's hair. “Whether I should or not. And I really fucking shouldn't-”
He moans around Ferguson's cock, and suddenly he's back on his feet. 
“I don't have,” Ferguson stammers, peering towards his desk. “I mean, why would I have anything for this in here, but-”
“I've got us covered,” Izzy steps away from him long enough to retrieve the small bottle of lube and the few condoms he'd hidden in his inner jacket pocket. “Figured we might want it.”
“Can I ask you something?” 
He cringes internally, but nods. “You want to know who did the surgery on my chest?”
Ferguson blinks. “I. I suppose I'd wondered, but I didn't mean. I meant to find out if you'd prefer ass or-”
“Oh!” The tension that had filled him deflates as he drops his trousers and leans over the desk. “That's different, kind of you to ask, actually. But any and all holes are up for it if you are. We might not get this chance again soon, so you might as well have most or all of them.”
It's one of the lines he's not had a single man refuse, and it doesn't fail him here. Trevor has him pressed down against the desk, hips moving against Izzy's ass, cock teasing his cunt and ass in turn. 
“That's mean,” he sighs happily as he lets himself lift up and lean back into Ferguson. “I like it.”
“I'd tease you longer,” Ferguson purrs into his ear, leaning close even though Izzy can hear his hands busy with a condom, the telltale crinkle of foil.“But I've another meeting, and she'll be here soon.”
“I'll make sure I don't tire you out completely then, for her sake.”
He chuckles as Ferguson finally slips inside his cunt, hard and warm and already twitching. “Is that really how it is between you and her? Who is she? Another ‘lawyer’ like myself-”
Ferguson thrusts hard, shoving him forward, but a hand reaches around to help hold him up. A mindful one, not messing too much with his top surgery scars, but still tracing gently there now and then as he leans into it. 
“Wouldn't you like to know,” and there's another thrust, paired with a slightly needy moan. “She isn't, as it happens. She has actual credentials-”
“Does she know you're meeting me?”
Izzy can't help but ask. It'll be ten times hotter (and he's already sweating as he fucks himself back on Trevor's cock, in rhythm with him) if it turns out she knows, and knows exactly what they're getting up to as well.
“She does, or she should,” Ferguson's other hand is between his legs, gently teasing Izzy's cock. “Was on our fucking schedule for the day, though not that I'd be doing this with you.”
“Work mates then? Work mates with benefits, rather.”
Ferguson moves a hand, then both, to hold Izzy on his cock, keeping him from moving. 
“Did I strike a nerve?” Izzy teases. “I'm not judging. I've wound up fucking plenty of the people I've worked with too. Nothing wrong with it, as long as everyone is on the same page about it.”
One hand is at Izzy's cock again, rubbing harder, Ferguson's hand slick with how wet Izzy is. He's relentless in it. 
“If I keep asking questions about her,” Izzy pants as he lays on the desk, still trying to fuck himself onto Ferguson’s cock, though he can feel that he's already in deep. “Will you keep doing that?”
“Why don't you find out?”
It's a teasing, warm challenge that has Izzy's thighs shaking. “I wonder if she would help with Jack's case, if she got to watch something like this.”
Trevor groans into his neck, still working Izzy's cock hard, his other hand gripping Izzy's hip tight. 
“Ed and I could come back together,” Izzy continues, trying to ignore his own cracking voice and gasps and moans as he feels himself dripping onto Ferguson’s cock. “As Jack's legal team. Meet up with you and-”
“Denise,” Izzy says softly. “She sounds lovely. You moving your hips would also be lovely.”
“Come for me first,” Trevor murmurs. “I know you're close. I can fucking feel it, jesus christ-”
Izzy nods, focusing on the fantasy taking on a clearer picture in his head. “We meet up with you two here, close the blinds and lock the door and then-”
That pushes him over the edge, coming hard on Ferguson’s cock, a hand hurriedly shoved over his own mouth for the moans he knows he can't quiet or stop. 
“More,” he gasps out when he's got a glimmer of his mind back and his legs under him again, shaky though they are. “Can we-”
“Hang on,” Ferguson slips out of him, and with a chuckle and a huff of breath, gets onto the floor on his back. “If your knees can take it-”
“I'll make them,” Izzy turns from the desk, and gets onto the floor, straddling Ferguson's hips. “Please. I don't even care if you could actually do anything for Jack, I just need-”
It's not that he minds tending towards topping with Ed. He's always joked he was happy to be an emergency top for the people he liked and/or loved best, and Ed is at the top of that list. But it's nice to take a turn on the other side of it, and to let himself be needy and subby on top of it all. 
“I've got you,” Ferguson's hands wander, helping hold Izzy steady as he settles onto his cock. “Good boy.”
“Say it again,” he's begging, and this is a bit pathetic, but at times like these it feels stupid good to grovel. 
“Good boy,” Ferguson mumbles happily, smiling as Izzy bounces and grinds on his cock. “Such a good boy, taking it so deep, making such a mess on me.”
He reaches back carefully, until he can feel the soft, velvety skin of Trevor's balls. “Yeah? Can I come on it again?”
He toys gently with them, adjusting his touch in tune with Ferguson's moans. “Hm? My come dripping down to your balls, making a mess of us both.”
There's the urge to tell him to pause long enough to take the condom off, but he knows better than to risk it. Even if he wants so badly that it makes him ache to feel Trevor coming bare inside of him. 
Coming inside while covered by the condom will have to do though, and at the very least the one they used is thin enough that he can feel most of the twitching and pulsing that feels as good as any thrusting. 
He switches from grinding to bouncing as one of Trevor's hands moves to tease his cock again. “Tell me. Tell me I can come on it.”
Trevor nods, then gasps it out. “Come for me.”
He lets himself go, hands on Ferguson's warm, hairy chest to ground himself as he fucks himself through his orgasm. He can feel Trevor pulsing inside him, though he's stifled his own moans with a hand clapped over his mouth. 
Izzy leans down to lay against him after a moment, whimpering desperately when he feels Trevor slip out of him. “Would I be too forward to ask for your number? Home number, not your office line, in case anyone can listen in on that. Just to keep in touch about Jack, of course.”
Trevor nods in between kisses, hands back at Izzy's hips, holding him close. “And to set up our next meeting. For any…in person updates we might want.”
He's already thinking of Ed in his cunt, and Trevor in his ass, laying across the desk. Utterly boneless and feeling cockdrunk, but happy to move as needed as Trevor rouses and moves about the office. 
There's not really anything to clean up with, but it's not the worst state he's left somewhere public in. And Trevor handles the majority of things: disposing of the condom, tossing Izzy his shirt and jacket, and most importantly, scribbling his phone number on a slip of paper.
“Home number?” Ed plucks the folded paper from Izzy's hand. 
He nods. “He'll be updating us whenever he can. But Jack's not getting out right n-”
“I know,” Ed bumps into him gently, the closest touch they can afford while standing on the sidewalk in front of the station. “But it was worth a try, and even if this one didn't get us anywhere, any future attempts might. Besides, seems like you enjoyed this quite a bit.”
“Next time, he suggested we might both come by to talk about Jack's options,” Izzy smirks as he motions Ed down the sidewalk and into the nearest alley, pondering exactly how well-fucked and messy he must look for Ed to comment on it. There, he can finally, potentially safely kiss him. “As his unorthodox-looking legal counsel-”
Ed smiles into the next kiss. “Think we could sneak the harnesses underneath our clothes without anyone noticing? Probably, almost definitely, yeah? I don't want to somehow make this worse for Jack-”
“I don't think it can get much worse for Jack,” Izzy interrupts. “Short of a conviction and prison. We'll see.”
“You don't think he did it,” Ed's eyes light up. “Wait. Does the detective think he didn't-”
“Tell you more when we get home,” Izzy can feel a set of eyes on them, and sure enough there stands a cop at the end of the alley. A woman, watching, but thankfully not making any moves towards them. Maybe she didn't see the kiss. “I can give you a reenactment of my valiant attempt to free Jack in there, if you're willing to put on a tie and button up to set the mood.”
“Do we own a tie between us?” Ed mutters. “Doesn't matter, I'll put on whatever we have that's closest.”
Izzy keeps an eye on the cop as they walk away, peering back to make sure she doesn't follow. 
She doesn't. But she doesn't turn away either. For a moment, he wonders…Denise? 
But Ed is getting ahead of him. He doesn't dare head back towards her.
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filthforfriends · 1 year
We have to talk about these MÅ covers
On February 17th 2018, Måneskin performed at the Afterlife Live Club in Ponte San Giovanni. They played a medley of "Prisoner" by James Arthur and "Watch Me" by Jaden Smith. Måneskin performed the first minute and 42 seconds of "Watch Me." That section of the song includes the n-word twice and Damiano said it both times.
“Watch Me” starts at 2:26. The n-word is said at 2:43 and 3:44.
Below are the lyrics from the section Måneskin performed. Since Damiano defers from them, I’ve put all the lyrics he recites as they were written in bold.
Watch me (x3) do this / Watch me (x3) do this
Can't find me up up and away / I give a fuck bout your wave / My n@#$% I surf everyday / Drownin' my soul in the basement, aye / I ain't got much in the bank / I got a lot I could say / Tied up with goddesses, hey / I hope you forgive my mistakes
Yeah, ride around with a renegade / You should take a seat, save your energy / I try to heal the gods with a band-aid / And in time of need, you call your enemies
I landed in Ibiza and I need a visa / I ain't playin' with you this no Mamma Mia / Need a Hottie Tottie with a body, yeah / I just spit the knowledge then I'm out of here
That's what they yell when we come around / (Yeah!) This is your town? Well we run it now / (Yeah!) How big is your army, a hunnit thou? / (Yeah!) If you want the rain then we comin' down
I stumbled it cool / I'm awesome, kick flip in the Carsons / We should run for the pool / I got the fire flow, the department exhausted / I owe nothing to you / I'm in the Tahoe, man you making me nauseous / Pullin up with the crew / You such a hypebeast, man you making me vomit
Look / Watch me (x3) do this / It's always been more than the music / You riding waves in the back of my cruise ship
Look, watch me / Watch me (x2) do this / Since 2012 I've been the coolest / If you do not get it, my n@#$% you foolish
That's what they yell when we come around / (Yeah!) This is your town? Well we run it now / (Yeah!) How big is your army, a hunnit thou? / (Yeah!) If you want the rain then we comin' down
The Context:
This video was filmed during the first concert of Måneskin’s first tour. Creatively named Tour 2018, it ran from February to June. It's also been referred to as the "covers tour" or "X factor tour." For the sake of this post, I'm ignoring TV and radio gigs because those performances only have one or two songs. The only relevant dates are actual concerts (because the entire setlist was performed).
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I found this image of the Tour 2018 setlist on Twitter. I can't locate its source, but I assume it was posted by Maneskin then deleted because of spelling errors. "Watch Me" is misspelled "Eatch Me," (hence the typo in the video title.) This spelling error is why theres conveniently no record of "Watch Me" being in a Maneskin setlist.
The setlist from the Afterlife Live Club 2/17/18 falsely credits "Catch Me" by Yellow Claw instead of "Watch Me" by Jaden Smith. As we can see in the video, Damiano clearly isn't singing the lyrics to "Catch Me." Because this was a relatively small tour, there are only setlists available for four other dates. Casa della Musica 2/24/18, The Cage Theatre 3/8/18, Vox Club 3/11/18, Santeria Toscana 31 4/20/18. Since the subsequent setlists were based on the first one, each make the same mistake of crediting "Catch Me" by Yellow Claw instead of "Watch Me" by Jaden Smith.
With so little evidence, I can't definitively say how many times Damiano used the n-word, but I can make an educated guess. I estimate Maneskin performed “Watch Me” about 22 times from February to April of 2018 on the following dates: Ponte San Giovanni 2/17/18, Naples 2/24/18, Modugno 2/25/18, Palermo 3/2/18, Catania 3/3/18, Livorno 3/8/18, Florence 3/9/18, Nonantola 3/11/18, Bologna 3/15/18 & 3/17/18, Parma 3/18/18, Milan 3/21/18 & 3/23/18 & 3/25/18 & 4/20/18, Roncade 3/24/18, Bassano Del Grappa 3/26/18, Turin 3/30/18, Genoa 3/31/18, Rome 4/6/18 & 4/7/18 & 4/22/18. Unless he got educated, that'd mean Damiano said the n-word 44 times in about two months.
Remember that Maneskin profited off this tour where the n-word was sang twice a night. They made their first album and started their career with that money.
Four Years Later:
"Watch Me" wasn't the end of Maneskin using racial slurs in their covers. Damiano sings the c-slur twice in Manskin's cover of "Black Skinhead" by Kanye West, but avoids the n-word. This means Maneskin are aware that "Watch Me" was a mistake, but can't be fucking bothered to didn't google a list of racial slurs when covering another Black artist.
The c-slur is said at 1:05 and 1:21.
Maneskin performed "Black Skinhead" from 2019 to 2021. Above is the final rendition on June 16th during a TikTok livestream from Berlin. Damiano received minor backlash for using the c-slur on that occasion and issued an apology on Twitter. Notably, Maneskin have never acknowledged using the n-word in "Watch Me." Hypothetically, that could lead a person to believe that Damiano's primary motivation for apologizing for using the c-slur was that he got called out. Considering his support for Black Lives Matter, the perception that Damiano prioritizes marketability over genuine remorse looks like some lazy ass, token allyship that only a white dude would get congratulated for hypocritical.
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Maneskin performed an abridged version of "Black Skinhead," from beginning to 2:16 on the original track. Let's take a close look at which lyrics Damiano censored.
For my theme song / My leather black jeans on / My by any means on🔎Reference to Malcolm X’s speech at the OAAU’s founding, where he repeats that Afro-Americans will find equality in the following sectors: 1. Establishment 2. Self-defense 3. Education 4. Politics & Economics 5. Social “by any means necessary.” 
Pardon, I'm getting my scream on / Enter the kingdom / But watch who you bring home / They see a black man with a white woman / At the top floor they gone come to kill King Kong🔎 Originating with slave traders, there is a long history of Black Americans being characterized as apes. The dehumanization is used to justify Black suffering. Notice the initials KKK, as in Klu Klux Klan, which are also present in the titles alternative spelling, "BLKKK SKKKNHEAD."
Middle America packed in / Came to see me in my Black skin 🔎In this version Damiano avoids the phrase "in my Black skin," but in past performances he sang the lyric.
Number one question they asking / Fuck every question you asking / If I don't get ran out by Catholics / Here come some conservative Baptists / Claiming I'm overreacting / Like them black kids in Chiraq bitch 🔎 “Chiraq” is a reference to the extremely high homicide rate in Chicago. According to BBC, more Americans have been killed in Chicago than in Iraq and Afghanistan combined. Most victims are young Black men.
Four in the morning, and I'm zoning / They say / I'm possessed, it's an omen / I keep it 300, like the Romans / 300 bitches, where's the Trojans? / Baby we living in the moment / I've been a menace for the longest / But I ain't finished, I'm devoted / And you know it, and you know it
So follow me up cause this shit's about to go / I'm doing 500, I'm outta control / But there's nowhere to go / And there's no way to slow / If I knew what I knew in the past / I would've been blacked out on your ass 🔎In this case, "blacked out" isn't necessarily a racialized term. It refers to a dramatic moment of anger so intense that the speaker doesn't remember their actions.
Stop all that c*%& shit 🔎This term comes from C*%& Songs, which were played at minstrel shows. Kanye is telling someone to stop acting out a caricature of blackness for the consumption of white people.
Early morning cartoon shit / This is that goon shit / Fuck up your whole afternoon shit / I'm aware I'm a wolf / Soon as the moon hit / I'm aware I'm a king / Back out the tomb bitch / Black out the room, bitch 🔎 Damiano repeats the line above to avoid singing this lyric, which actually isn't offensive. In this case, "black out" refers to making a room completely dark by closing curtains etc.
Stop all that c*%& shit / These n@#$%* ain't doin' shit (x2) / Come on homie what happened / You n@#$%* ain't breathing you gasping / These n@#$%* ain't ready for action / (Ready) Ready for action (Action)
In Conclusion:
Damiano censored each lyric with the word "black" to avoid being offensive. In addition to those three instances, the world "black" is repeated in the background 14 times. If Damiano thinks it's offensive to say the word "black" in a song that contains it 17 times, is titled "Black Skinhead," and is about the Black experience, he shouldn't be singing it at all. He censored lyrics that don't reference race because he doesn't know what the song is about. That ignorance is the same reason he didn't know that c*%& is a slur.
Yes, Maneskin should have educated themselves about a song they didn't understand with words they didn't recognize before performing it in front of thousands. Yes, they should have learned their lesson since racism is literally the consequence. Yes, this mistake is inexcusable from BLM allies. However, in reality, Maneskin shouldn't have performed "Black Skinhead" at all. The fact that this song wasn't made for white people's consumption is obvious from the inflammatory title. Lyrically, Kanye is describing his nuanced and complex lived experience as a Black American surviving the intersection of oppressive colonialist forces. "Watch Me" may not have substantive lyrics, but "Black Skinhead" and its subject matter is not to be repackaged into a catchy little rock song by four white Europeans for their mostly white fanbase. It's not our cultural experience and it's not intended to be adopted it as such. I don't know how else to explain it.
"we have artists who are geniuses...When you and I begin to support the black artists, then the black artists can play that black role...when he can sing and dance to please black men, he sings a different song and he dances a different step. When we get together, we’ve got a step all our own. We have a step that nobody can do but us, because we have a reason for doing it that nobody can understand but us."
-Malcolm X
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loving-august · 2 years
draco as your brother!!
๑.genre: fluff, crack, angst, no voldy au + sfw!!
๑.warnings: sibling fights, magic usage against each other, a hint of harry potter x reader hehehehe, errors, typos :))
๑.links: navigation | hp.masterlist | genral taglist form
— not a ship! just think of him as ur big brother or a twin ok bye + this is a last minute headcanon b4 i'll be going out with my cousin at a cafe >< edit: im too lazy to erase the note b4 this,, i already went to a cafe and decided to post this HAHAHHAH <33
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him as your brother can be frustraing sometimes. beacuse he's the type of brother who makes fun of you.
if he'll say his infamous lines such as: "father will hear about this!" ,, you'll just simply say back: "mother will hear about this!" And the list just go on.
Narcissa and Lucius would be super stressed for the both of you when you two were just a child. Draco would often touch things in the store and you jsut joining him.
But to tour dismay, one time draco broke something, he framed you. To which you were mad at him and didn't talk to him in one week. He was lucky that you didn't have the mood to hex him or else lucius would hide your wand.
There are times that both of you are sworn enemies, but at the same time both of you treats one another as an actual sibling. They might thought that you would often fight, yes that is true, but there are times that both of you are tired that you two just usually do and decided to form an alliance and tries to be good to one and another.
As soon as both of you are attending and hogwarts, you both have the same circle of friends.
"He's your brother?!" Your seatmate asked, and you nodded. "I get it, i know the reaction. I mean, we literally shared the same womb so i know what you're feeling." You said it out loud enough to hear by everyone. when he turns around you smiled wickedly and started to run.
In serious fights during holidays at the manor, there's one time that you both used spells on one another. Because he found out that you're seeing a particular someone that he wasn't aware of. The entrance were wrecked and the couch was on the wall and got flipped.
"I told you! This is none of your business draco!" You angrily said. He scoffed, "it's my business because im your brother! Seeing someone that who is not even acceptable!" He talked back.
"Well it's not not my fault i fell for harry! Blood status does not matter when it comes to love draco! You're just blind!" You were practically yelling now. Soon enough, the door opened to see your mother and father. Narcissa was horrified to see you two fighting in an extent where you used both magic to one another. Both of you looked down as your father scolded you two for making a whole mess in the place and scared your mother.
You both soon apologised to them but the only thing to make them forgive you both is to apologise to one another which it took days before giving up.
It times in sadness and hardship, you both care for one another, but not in a direct way though.
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© 2022 loving-august. All Rights Reserved. Do not repost. Do not plagiarize. Do not share on other platforms. Will get slapped if u do.
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miabrown007 · 1 year
due to the perils of a sideblog, im asking anonymously
my most memorable scene from your fanfiction actually features in two fics, loose lips sink ships and power-struggle-power-couple, which is when ladybug is on top of adrien and her hair acts as a curtain blocking them off from the rest of the world. i can visualize it so well
also please forgive any spelling errors, tumblr has glitches for me and I cannot see ANY of the text in this ask
wow, props to your blind typing skills, there are no typos!:D
also, that's very interesting to know, thank you so much for sharing!! very interesting choice, very interesting indeed *plots and schemes and scrutinizes her outline*
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shinosapph · 2 years
Zuko Character Analysis
I think I’m probably gonna create a series of character analysis? This is my second one, I’ve done one on Shinobu !! Feel free to check it out! You’re welcome to share this with your friends and share some feedback!!
First of all, let me say that this character analysis is how I personally see Zuko and how I like to read his work. You're free to think differently about him and form your own conclusions. Also I only read this once so pls lmk if there are any typos, spelling mistakes or errors!!
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Zuko’s introduction displayed that he was the banished prince of the fire nation whose absolute purpose in life was to capture the Avatar. For three years, Zuko searched for the long-lost Avatar in an effort to end his exile and reclaim his position as the Crown Prince of the Fire Nation. Furthermore, during the first season of the show it’s depicted that Zuko is extremely devoted to his goal, showcasing rare amounts of sympathy from time to time. Because his father didn't show him any respect, Zuko feels compelled to win people over. He believes it will please his father which is why he has an unquenchable desire to obtain the Avatar. He made several reckless decisions without thought and solely acted based on emotion.
Challenging Commander Zhao to an Agni Kai can be viewed as a prime example. Additionally, he put himself in vulnerable emotional circumstances that he knew would harm him. Because he lacks the ability to control his emotions or channel his energy, his destructive tendencies often come out in his ambition. Self-destruction is also a way for him to express his self-hatred. Zuko's personality is characterized by shame. In Bitter Work, uncle Iroh makes this observation. In episode 12 “The storm” we finally get the opportunity to view Zuko’s devastating past. Due to disrespecting a general and speaking out of turn during a crucial meeting, Zuko received his scar. Zuko's wicked father scarred his face in an effort to instill obedience in him; this incident also led to his long-lasting banishment.
Despite his relationship with his father, Zuko’s Uncle Iroh looked after him as a parental figure during his absence from the kingdom. During the three part finale of the first season “ Sage of the North Pole '' Commander Zhao blew up Zuko’s ship after discovering that Zuko meddled in his plans to capture the avatar. The extreme explosion caused Zuko to be severely injured. Despite Zhao’s attempts to murder him, Zuko still showed symapthy and tried to come to Zhao’s aid, he tried to save Zhao from being taken into the spirit world but failed. Zuko declares at the conclusion of season one that he is too exhausted to look for the avatar, rendering his true intentions a complete mystery for the following season.
Iroh and Zuko were both labelled traitors by Fire Lord Ozai for their acts during the Siege of the North. Zuko and Iroh arrived at a small resort where Azula “unexpectedly” encountered them and told them that their exile was over meaning they could once again return home. Zuko had faith in his sister and was overjoyed at the thought of returning home. Iroh, on the other hand, was unconvinced since he had never witnessed Ozai extend forgiveness. The two were about to join Azula however the following morning when Azula's ship commander addressed them as prisoners Azula’s plan was destroyed. Disclosing the duo's escape route after a brief confrontation, Zuko and Iroh cut off their topknots with their dagger as they fled, signifying their separation from the Fire Nation. As fugitives, they struggled to survive off the land. Iroh began begging for money, while Zuko began robbing people while posing as the Blue Spirit. Zuko and Iroh began to drift apart, and eventually Zuko arrived at the realization that they had nothing to gain from continuing to travel together.
Zuko walked aimlessly through the Earth Kingdom, going through ominous and deserted regions. His hunger and scarcity of supplies increased by the minute. Finally, Zuko began to see the anguish of those endured at the hands of the fire nation and the harm his country had done to the defenseless. We are ultimately shown what happens to Zuko's mother in "Zuko Alone." When his mother was around throughout his formative years, he was a good person who enjoyed spending time with her. Her absence was a big loss for him, and soon after, the fire lord began to abuse him. Throughout “Zuko Alone” Zuko has several nightmares and cases of a shaken belief system and low self esteem are exhibited.
Zuko struggles with intense trust issues due to most of the people in his life betraying him or abandoning him. This being the main reason why Zuko was unable to “pick a side” in the finale of season 2. He is always trying to fill the void by holding on to the idea of being a prince and pleasing his father. This hard fought battle within himself Zuko decides to return to the fire nation to gain that hardfought validation he desired. Zuko’s external goal was to capture the avatar and end his exile but his internal goal had always been to gain love and respect from his family and the entirety of the fire nation.
Zuko believed he had everything he had ever wanted after returning to the Fire Nation: a position of dignity, respect, and his father's love. He was still irate and perplexed, though. His victory was not what he had anticipated. He lost control of his rage, developed mistrust for Mai, and got into physical altercations with a number of people. Later, he admitted that he was angry with himself and that he had no moral sense. After learning the hidden truth of what had caused the hundred year war and who was truly at fault, Zuko was finally able to reconcile his inner compassion and the love he had witnessed from his mother and Iroh.With his life in honour and strength through his exposure to the earth kingdom, firsthand observation of the conflict, and spiritual training from Iroh.
He gained strength that comes from love, family, and humility. Zuko came to understand during the events of Day of Black Sun that it was his responsibility as the Fire Nation's crowned Prince to bring about peaceful coexistence between the four nations by joining the Avatar. Although Zuko’s request to join the team was originally denied he proved his loyalty by defending Aang against Combustion man. Determined to win the team over completely, they all went on a life changing field trip with Zuko. Aang’s field trip with Zuko was the most important in my eyes this being cause Zuko was able to realize that the reason for his firebending weakening was because his original source of motivation had always been anger and the desperation to capture the avatar and now he had to change his motives completely and make his goal clear. Zuko was able to reclaim his bending abilities as a result, and his power increased after making his true goal to restore balance in the world by aiding the Avatar. He was more tranquil and sympathetic after facing his own emotions. Zuko almost sacrificed himself for his friends several times, displaying that he had changed for the better.
Zuko endured hell and overcame the conflict within himself to finally comprehend the other side of the war. After changing his views and learning to be more sympathetic we’re able to see how far his character has come since the first season. He realized what his fate was and he was able to finally stand up to his abuser. Personally I believe that Zuko’s redemption arc is one of the best writings in fiction. His character is truly enjoyable and watching him change so much was truly an adventure. His writing, loveable personality and his journey in becoming good is truly inspiring which is why he’s my favorite character in the series.
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marlowe1-blog · 1 year
"Peppercorn Rent" by Roberta Rogow (Teddy Bear Cannibal Massacre)
Honest, I'll go back to Cheever soon enough
This one is a cute one. It is so cute in fact that the author told me that she didn't like the anthology and I can totally see why. Roberta is a filk singer, a Sherlock Holmes fan fiction writer and a children's author. Also a children's librarian.
I can see why she did not appreciate seeing her story after a story about The Big Bad Wolf killing himself in a vomit filled apartment because Little Red Riding Hood is having an orgy with the three little pigs (and before a story about mutant rats). Seriously the more stories I read in this anthology, the more I wonder why I bought so many stories about hopeless losers living in filth? Granted, at this point I wrote my first novel-length manuscript where the main characters are named Dogshit and Trash and Dogshit leaves Trash asleep in a pile of dirty diapers in the alleyway in the opening chapter (I would have to become much much more famous for it to ever see the light of day. The best I can say about it is that I learned a lot. Also "Let's Live Suddenly Without THinking" is a great title. Yeah I did steal it from e.e.cummings)
And the main reason why this one is in this anthology is because I lost the rights to a story about a guy who could paint people's souls to the point that they lose the most vital part of themselves (causing a suicide before he's killed.) My (ex-)friend wrote it and since he presented femail at the time I figured that I needed another woman written story for balance. So I reached out to Roberta as a friend of a friend (aunt of an ex-girlfriend to be exact) and here we are.
This might be the first time I re-read the story since I published this anthology (this is true for a lot of these stories. By the time I finally put out the book I didn't even want to look at it again. Especially when I had to fix the typos twice (like I went through and fixed all the typos I could find. Then found dozens more. It's still full of typos. Pro-tip, running a spell check and grammar check is NOT copyediting).
I appreciate this story a lot more. I didn't know about the convention of peppercorn rent as a British thing and the main character is obviously a werewolf. The main thrust of the story is the fact that the peppercorn rent is that the daughter of the house needs to spend the night with the lord and since Ms. Lupine (get it?) is renting a very cheap upper room, she wants to make certain that it gets paid.
Meanwhile the new lord wants to sell the land in order to put a burger chain store on it. The rest of the story is a comedy of errors as the lord continually tries to run away from the protagonist and they keep ending up stuck in restaurants and punk clubs. And jail.
Also she's a werewolf.
One part that I might have been less enamored with when I published but I rather enjoy now is the "doesn't quite get the current times" part. I think I learned to appreciate this in the works of other authors and artists. The club is too loud and the band fronted by a singer who calls himself Lime Green Jello is a little broad - not as broad as the punk rock episode of Quincy, but definitely silly enough to forgive the fact that one doubts that the author has ever been in a punk club. Also Lime Green Jello is the CEO of the burger franchises? That's a bit of a stretch. LIke CEOs are usually too busy figuring out ways to screw their workers and not pay taxes to have a side gig fronting a punk band, but ok, we'll go with it here.
Overall, this is a silly story with decent characters and enjoyable plot contrivance.
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cryptidcalling · 3 years
Vampire Horace headcanons because why not?
-He can’t go out in the sun of course, but he still needs to go to work and whatnot. So he does indeed walk around with an umbrella to hide away from the sunlight. Thankfully the sun doesn’t instantly burn him alive or anything, it’s more like an allergic reaction. He gets a rash and if he’s exposed long enough he’ll start to get blisters. However, if he were exposed to the sun for too long, like many hours, his skin would begin to actually burn. He wouldn’t light on fire, but it would feel like his skin was on fire, and eventually he’d die. 
-Using his Biology Knowledge he’s actually figured out how to make a sort of ointment that will heal up any rashes or blisters he’s managed to get.  -He still works as a biology professor, and occasionally he’ll slip up and talk about some random experience he had during the French Revolution or the age of Napoleon, and have to pass it off like he learned it from a text book and was simply exaggerating.
-He was originally born in France and was turned in the late 1700s during the reign of Marie Antoinette and the course of the French Revolution. He was actually born rather wealthy at the time, which is what caused him and his family to become turned. They were all fed vampire’s blood by someone in an attempt to kill them. The person believed that the blood would act as a sort of unholy acid to them, but it turned them instead. So now he and his whole big family are immortal vampires.  -He’s done his best to adapt to the modern times in terms of style and speech, but he’s always going to be a little stuck. No, he doesn’t go around wearing  1800s French fashion, but he does wear more maroon vests and puffy-sleeved undershirts than needed. And no matter how hard he tries he can’t feel comfortable not pulling his socks up all the way. He still wears the kind that go up to his knees, but thankfully they’re usually hidden under more modern pants now. 
-He’s also terrible at slang, he just can never manage to catch on. Especially trying to go from French to English, then British English to American English after moving there with his family. 
-By now he’s got almost an entirely American accent, maybe with a tad of French still slipping through. He’s been sure to maintain his full knowledge of French though, so he’s fluent in both languages. 
-He’s been a biology professor for as long as he’s been allowed to, and if there’s been one benefit to immortality it’s been being able to walk through life and observe so much of the science world as it grows. 
-He absolutely despises the depiction of vampires in pop culture, ESPECIALLY Twilight and the ridiculous notion that vampires *Twinkle.* He also tried to watch the Vampire Diaries, but he just couldn’t get into that one either despite it having somewhat more ‘Accurate’ vampire lore. And he certainly can’t stand how much of media shows vampires as evil feral monsters that should be hunted for sport. 
-“Barely ANY vampires take the risk of live feeding anymore! It’s absurd! Humans really think they’re so special that we need their blood specifically? We can drink ANY blood, human blood just tastes best. It... *really* does taste best. It’s so much sweeter, so much *richer.* Compared to livestock it’s like, it’s like honey compared to corn syrup. It’s *divine,* it’s really- Ahem. Anyways. My point stands that vampires can control themselves perfectly fine.”
-Horace does, clearly, have a preference for human blood. He can live just fine without it, but he certainly does miss it. Back in his middling years, between first being turned and the invention of regulations and whatnot that really keep track of people, Horace did live feed. However, he can’t live without blood in general. Some vampires have been able to, but only by avoiding a fully blood-based diet from the start.
-Horace has “frenzied” a few times in his modern life. Working for so long that you forget to eat is serious in all cases, but when your diet is blood based it’s all the worse. He’s never killed a person in modern times, but there have been a couple of unfortunate pigs and goats.
-A frenzy isn’t just instant, it’s built up over many days. He gets much paler, it gets harder to breathe and to focus, his sense of smell because very intense, and he’ll start to salivate a lot. He never goes “feral” or anything like that. The hunger will just become overwhelming, so he’ll give in and leave the house to hunt. It’s called a frenzy because a vampire in frenzy doesn’t stop eating until it feels like they’re going to vomit basically.
-Thankfully Horace usually keeps blood on hand. Just locally sourced things that are easy enough to buy from a butcher’s shop. Cody is actually the one who remembers to restock though.
-Cody is Horace’s roommate, and he doesn’t give two shits that Horace is a vampire. He’s also, in the most recent years, been the person preventing any future frenzies by making sure Horace is eating regularly. Cody is also half regenerator, meaning he can perfectly heal any injuries. Because he’s only half, he can’t do them as quickly as a full blooded regenerator could. That also means in really dire situations Horace could drink his blood and everything would be okay, but he couldn’t do it frequently enough for it to be a healthy option for either of them. Cody can’t replenish blood fast enough for Horace to regularly be full, and Horace avoids it anyways. It’s kind of like when you know some kind of fancy expensive chocolate would taste so much better than the cheap dollar store kind, but you’ve gotten used to the dollar store brand. So if you have some of the expensive stuff the brand your used to won’t taste good to you anymore. 
-On a lighter note: Horace can shapeshift! And fly, though he prefers to do neither. He only does so on dire occasions. And maybe he’ll shapeshift into a mouse to spy on his arch nemesis, but who’s to say?
-Horace does like being a vampire. Sure there are setbacks, but aside from monster hunters he really never has to fear death, and blood is always plentiful. Most of all though, he enjoys just being able to progress with the world and always see what’s coming next.
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wynnakang · 3 years
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Current wordcount: 56k
Average wordcount per playthrough: 24k
Play it here: https://dashingdon.com/play/wynnak/into-the-shadows-/mygame/
You didn’t give us a release date! I was going to publish it on 19th March, but it was ready ahead of schedule, and my birthday is nigh, so I decided this update can be an early gift to myself. 😌
New to this update: 
Chapter Two is complete, with two major routes now available to play
Time to visit the Argent House! If you so choose to, of course. 
Catching up with old friends...and some new ones
Minor bugs fixes and typos. Always so many typos. 
Words of sage wisdom:
I will suggest playing from a save file before Chapter 2, since I made a lot of changes to it and that might kill old saves.
Please forgive any typos--my editors did a wonderful job, but typos are like a damn hydra because they increase by two every time I kill one. 
If I may rant, March has been crazy. I’ve been working overtime and had to work on Saturday to deliver a campaign on time, so I’m happy I manage to get a sizeable update out. 
Spelling/grammar errors
Sizeable variation, let me know of any continuity issues
Where you felt there could be more choices
Have fun, and please feel free to let me know what you think! Please feel free to send any feedback/mistakes to me on the forum, tumblr, or in the Discord. 
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babyvixen-writes · 3 years
Stupid Keys
Bucky Barnes x Doctor!WOC!Reader
notes: some bad language, bit of fluff, shyness, tired reader, bucky stalking (?) if you squint
word count: 1,109
summary: Weeks after the Blip, an intimidating yet quiet stranger moves from across your apartment. Let’s just say it wasn’t as pleasant as you try to welcome him. (Inspired by Grey’s Anatomy and TFATWS. It doesn’t contain any spoilers)
NOT BETA’D. I’m trying okay. This is my first one-shot to post here on tumblr. Reblogs and comments are really appreciated! PLEASE DO NOT REPOST/ TRANSLATE TO OTHER LANGUAGES TO OTHER SITES. The English language is not my first language so please forgive me for typos, incorrect spellings, and grammatical errors. Also, writing is not my forte but I do enjoy them. It’s a hobby hehe Enjoy and happy reading :D
You finished another 48-hour shift from the hospital, yet again. Ever since everyone who, out of nowhere, turned into dust in front of your eyes came back so suddenly you almost had a heart attack when you were in the operating room performing a heart transplant surgery, you have been very busy ever since. Your longest yet very exhausting shift was at 72-hours with very little sleep somewhere on a vacant gurney along the hallway. The chief surgeon even ordered you to have a one-week off.
“You have to take care of yourself, Y/N. I can’t have my best general surgeon fatigue and sick while on duty.”
After minutes of you and the chief having a light argument, you finally gave in. So there you are, walking towards the open elevator with slumped shoulder, your messenger bag on the floor dragging it behind you. Your thumb pressed on the number of your apartment floor as you leaned your weight on the side of the metal lift. You sighed and yawned for the umpteenth time, rolling your shoulders to ease the kink that had been bothering you ever since. You lazily stepped out of the elevator after it opened, forcing your tired and sore feet to drag you to the hallway.
Your eyes landed on the slightly open door across from you. A few boxes were sitting outside that apartment. It used to be empty for years, even before the Blip. It was because it was a little pricey for a small-spaced shelter good for one to two people. You shook your head from wandering thoughts, your focus on getting on the bed and hibernate until god knows when. Your fingers fished your keys inside your unorganized bag, grumbling, and cursing to yourself why you didn’t even place your keys in your pockets for easy access. You didn’t know that your unknown neighbor was by his door, leaning and amused at your state.
“Fuck!” You groaned, huffing and tying your disheveled hair into a messy bun before getting on the floor and opening your bag wide enough to see everything inside.
“Do you need any help?” Your head whipped in the direction where that deep voice came from. When you saw him, boy was you flustered. He was gorgeous! Even if he was wearing a leather jacket with a grey shirt underneath, you can tell that he was buff. Your heart involuntarily beat faster than normal and it didn’t help when he smirked at your gawking, as if he could feel you getting hot and embarrassed. He bet you didn’t know that your jaw was slightly dropped. You finally came to your senses, shaking your head.
“I’m okay.” You try to sound as calm as possible, faking a cough then trying to focus on finding your damn fucking keys. “Where are those damn keys,” you grumbled under your breath, releasing a frustrated sigh.
“Let me help you instead, ma’am.” The brunette-haired stranger insisted, his boot-clad feet stomped gently on the wooden floor. You sighed in defeat, feeling your head cloudy with the need for sleep. “Okay.” You yawned, shifted yourself to let your back lean against the wall beside your door. He gave you a smile, a warm smile that the corners of his eyes wrinkled and the corners of his lips dimpled. You gave one back, a shy smile. You have never felt this weird feeling before, the butterflies fluttering in your stomach and the tingling sensation of the apples on your cheeks. You cleared your throat, “You just moved in here?” You decided to have small talk with this handsome stranger as he tries to find your goddamn keys from your poor excuse of a bag.
“I just moved in yesterday,” the man said, glancing at you and continued to search. “I didn’t know someone lived here.”
“I spend my time in the hospital a lot.” You sighed, nails scratching against your scalp. “Workload’s been hectic ever since the ‘Vanished’ ones came back.” You said and then you heard a muffled jingle. You lit up your eyes to him and grin. He chuckled, his gloved fingers hooked on its keychain.
“Thank you...” You trailed off. “James Barnes.” He passed you your belongings and your keys, holding his right gloved hand. Your calloused hand gladly accepted, feeling the leather against your grip. “I’m Y/N.” You said cooly as the two of you remained eye contact, hands shaking slowly. You wanted to know how his hand feels against yours. If it is as hot as he made you feel, with his large palm against your, maybe even calloused and his fingers.
No, don’t even think about his fingers. You scold yourself. “Um. I should probably go and sleep.” You planned to quickly get your hand from his, but his grip remained with you then let go with a linger that made you bit the inside of your cheek the way the leather of his glove rubbed against your fingertips.
He didn’t say anything. His blue eyes just pierced against the back of your skull when you turned around, mentally praying that you won’t make a fool of yourself as you slotted the hole of the door with the key, twisted, and turned the knob open.
“Bye, Mr. Barnes. I’ll see you later?” You questioned, looking at him. You can see that his eyes were on your lips, then flickered to meet your gaze. “I’ll see you later.” He smiled and turned his back at you to return to his place, which made it time to go inside and close the door behind you with a slam. You hit the back of your head against the door, rolled and closed your eyes, and release a groan.
“Real smooth, idiot. Real smooth.” You scold yourself. “This is why guys don’t talk to me.” Tossing your bag to the couch, you dragged yourself to the bedroom, your memory from earlier torturing you before you drift off to sleep.
On the other hand, when you closed your door in a rush, James Barnes can hear the way your heart pumped a little faster than normal. Screw that, ever since you two looked at each other, he was fascinated by how your heartbeat changed, your cheeks strained a little when you felt flushed by his presence. He thought you were too cute and short to be working in the hospital, with those doe-shaped eyes and the dimples on your cheek and the corner of your lips. He heard you talking to yourself, though, thanks to his super-hearing. He wasn’t trying to be a creep, but he couldn’t help it. 
Bucky hopes to see you again.
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A lot of text in photographs I know and idk how helpful it actually is but I wrote this quick reference guide for myself back when I was doing my HND in costume history. This isn’t super extensive but it serves to remind people of the basics and I know these decades are of particular interest to the Les Mis fans out there. Please forgive spelling errors and typos at the time I made this I was writing 10+ pages on the subject a week and naturally didn’t have massive time for editing.  Below are some of my illustrations and annotated images from my same quick reference guide. @pilferingapples​ Idk if this would be of interest to you? This is just a snippet of a much larger reference compilation but I dont want to make this post too long so yeah. 1820′s (ish):- 
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ashintheairlikesnow · 4 years
Aight, so forgive my 11:30 brain, I've been low on sleep. Anywho's, I'm a beginning writer, and I have been wondering how you edit your fics? Is it like, line edits with grammar and spelling or is it more into the 'this doesn't sound good so i'm changing it to this' type of thing? Or is it both...? (Also, how you do manage to get the courage to go back and *read* what you've written.... For me it's a process. :D Thanks so much!
I hope you see this, Anon! Sorry, I was asleep before this came in.
I do a couple of run-throughs with editing, and I... I kind of love editing things so... anyway, I tend to do a big edit where I’ll reread and change thing around, move paragraphs, that kind of thing... and then I do one more editing run more focused on typo and tiny errors. Some still slide through, but people here are very understanding about that, so it seems like it’s a low enough amount not to be too annoying.
Man I don’t know! I didn’t used to reread my own stuff very often, but I just... damn it I just really like Danny and like rereading his story! Plus Kauri is a big old sweetheart. And Dex is like... a creature made entirely of angst...
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firebirdsdaughter · 4 years
Random Writing Hmmmm…
… Huh. Now I’m wondering if this needs an epilogue.
But for now, all hail! In order to stave off anxiety, behold the third part of Resolution!
Part 1 Part 2
Please forgive any typos or errors. To quote something a former classmate once said: ‘A writing major and a lit major sit down to write something and neither of them can spell anything.’
He was waiting for them in the hall, leaning against the wall with his arms folded, staring at the ground.
“Fuwa!” Yua rushed up to him, expression slightly concerned despite herself. “Are you alright? What happened? Where is-”
Isamu didn’t speak, merely jerking his head toward the door beyond him, then straightening up to slip past her, his face dark. She watched him for a moment, frown deepening worriedly, beginning to reach for his back—but then the rest of the agents arrived, and she quickly snapped back to professionalism. Gesturing for the regular agents to watch the hall, she turned and headed for the door Vulcan had indicated.
Isamu was still ignoring the others, scowling at the floor, when Aruto arrived. Seeing Valkyrie disappear through the door, Zero-One moved immediately to go after her—only for Vulcan’s hand to shoot out and grab him by the arm, bringing him up short, when he tried to go by the other Rider. Aruto turned to stare at him, while Isamu’s gaze stayed riveted on the floor. “… Fuwa-san?”
“You don’t want to go in there.” The other Rider muttered gruffly.
“You were with a HumaGear during Daybreak, right? When the explosion hit? As a kid?” Hesitating for a moment, Aruto nodded slowly. Finally, Isamu raised his head, meeting Aruto’s eyes—and he looked honestly like he was about to shatter completely if poked with a feather. “Trust me,” He whispered grimly, fingers curling tighter around Aruto’s arm, “You do not want to go in there.”
Aruto stared back at him, watching the mess of emotions swirling in his gaze. Slowly, he raised a hand to cover Isamu’s on his arm, squeezing gently. “Fuwa-san…”
Before he could say anything else, Yua reappeared from the room, her expression just as bleak. She took a moment to take a few deep breaths, then walked briskly back over—pausing at Isamu’s shoulder, she briefly made a face like she wanted to say something… Then didn’t. Turning toward the ZAIA agents that had come with her, her expression froze over once more. “Call the others off and lock down the area.” She announced, voice level, though just barely. Regardless, the agents quickly scurried to do as she said. Valkyrie watched them for a moment, then looked sideways to see Aruto watching her with an anxious expression, Vulcan’s hand still on his arm. “… It’s done.” She told him simply, then hurried off to over see the proceedings.
Isamu refused to let Aruto anywhere near the door until the room had been cleared out, and both the HumaGear’s bodies were laid out and covered with tarps. By that time, Izu had arrived, and was close behind him when he entered, her head swivelling to take in the scene. The moment he stepped through the door, his stomach churned—blue painted the floor, and one of Jin’s hands was poking out from beneath the cloth, mangled and broken, some of the fingers burned through to the mechanics. Abruptly, he was extremely grateful that Vulcan had held him back, and tried to turn and send an appreciative glance at the other Rider—but Isamu had elected to huddle against the wall by the door, arms folded tightly and eyes pointedly on the floor.
Yua was kneeling beside Horobi’s body, holding the tarp up to examine it, but when Aruto came closer, she lowered it back over the HumaGear’s face quickly with a sigh. Steeling himself, and trying to keep his eyes on Valkyrie rather than Horobi, he stepped up to her as she stood. “So, what’s ZAIA going to do?” She looked sharply at him, but he’d already had too long of a day to care, “I assume you’ve already contacted Amatsu.”
Yua looked away, scowling slightly. “… He’s on his way.” She admittedly softly, then sighed again. “He’s not going to be happy, though. Our hope was to try and figure out the cause of the the issue via Horobi’s memory But…” She moved carefully around the HumaGear’s body to look pointedly at Isamu, “… That’s a little hard to do when someone put a bullet through his central hard drive.” Aruto blinked in surprise, then whirled around to stare at Vulcan.
Isamu glanced briefly up at them, expression still as dour as before. “Don’t start, Yaiba.” The words were a growl.
Yua ignored them, striding over to him, annoyance creeping into her expression. “If he wasn’t a threat, you should have just waited for us. There was no need-”
“I said,” Vulcan snarled, shouldering himself up from the wall to face her, meeting her judgement with a glare of his own, “Don’t. Start.”
Valkyrie, however, did not back down, her voice a furious hiss. “It wasn’t your call to make!”
“You’re right, it wasn’t.” Isamu’s voice just as intense, and uncharacteristically quiet. “And I didn’t make it.”
Yua started, surprised out of her irritation. She stared at him. “You… You mean…”
He heaved a deep sigh, slouching back like he was folding into himself, his own glare breaking into the same stricken look he’d had before. “I just pulled the trigger for him, Yaiba.” He murmured, shaking his head slightly, voice beginning to tremble. “That’s all I did.”
Aruto bit his lip, turning away to look back down at the covered body at his feet. He could just see the fringe of Horobi’s hair poking out from beneath the top edge of the tarp, and blue-stained fingertips were visible under the side—near Jin’s exposed, damaged hand. Izu, finished scanning the room, came over and knelt between the two bodies, tilting her head, earpieces and eyes flashing.
She stared at Horobi for a moment. “… Unit inoperable.” She announced, finally, voice as calm as always. “Severe shock damaged detected on head and abdominal areas. Irreparable damage to main hard drive.” Yua gave Isamu a pointed look, but said nothing. Izu rotated her head to gaze at Jin. “Extreme heat and shock damage detected. Unit is inoperable and beyond repair. He is also missing his core processing unit.”
Yua frowned. “What?” She crossed the floor to stand beside Izu. “The explosion shouldn’t have caused that…” At a small sound, they all looked over at Isamu. He was looking at the floor again, scuffing a foot and scowling even deeper. “… Fuwa?”
Vulcan didn’t look at her. “… I need to make a call.” He grunted, then spun around and disappeared out the door without another word.
Silence filled the room. Izu stayed kneeling between the other two HumaGear, and Aruto crouched down beside her while Yua moved off to talk to one of the techs about how the processor could be missing. After a long stretch of awkward quiet, Aruto took a deep breath, glancing over at his secretary. “Ne, Izu.”
She blinked, looking back at him. “What is it, Aruto-shachou?”
“Is…” He swallowed, “… Is there really nothing we can do about ZAIA?”
The Hiden HumaGear tilted her head to the side in her usual tic. “Amatsu Gai and ZAIA Enterprises hold exclusive legal rights to the unit currently known as Horobi. The only way for another party to attain those rights is for ZAIA to willingly relinquish them.”
Aruto groaned loudly, then punched the ground hard enough to scrape his knuckles. “Damn it!” Scowling deeply, he looked back over the bodies. “… It’s just wrong…”
“That’s not for you to decide, Hiden-shachou.” The condescending tone was immediately identifiable, and it was no surprise when they turned to find Gai, white suit infuriatingly immaculate, standing by the door. He paused briefly in smirking snidely at Aruto to look down at the floor, lifting his feet to check the bottoms of his shoes. “Really wish you’d cleaned up a little, though. This stuff is incredibly difficult to get out of shoe soles…”
Aruto surged to his feet, looking ready to start swinging, but Yua appeared immediately between him and the other President, positioning herself like a wall. She was so perfectly equally between them that it was impossible to tell if she was trying to protect Gai or buffering Aruto’s anger like she so often did Isamu’s. “Amatsu-shachou.” She greeted politely, bowing slightly. “Sorry for the trouble.”
Amatsu smirked over her shoulder at Aruto’s glare, then turned his attention to Valkyrie.  “Not at all, though your message was concerning,” The smirk slowly changed into a frown, something that made Aruto feel particularly smug, though he’d had absolutely nothing to do with it, “You said we can’t access Horobi’s memory?”
Yua shook her head. “His hard drive was damaged in the explosion.” She lied smoothly. “As was the entirety of his equipment. If he was keeping backups, they’re gone now, too.”
Gai’s frown shifted into a proper scowl. Skirting around Yua, he walked over to examine the covered bodies—then he crouched down, careful to keep his white suit pants from touching the blue smeared on the cement floor. Pulling a handkerchief out of his breast pocket, he used it to take hold of the edge of the tarp covering Horobi with the very tips of his fingers, peeling it back. Unlike Yua, he didn’t hold up the cloth to shield the HumaGear’s body from view, merely dropping it as quickly as possible so that it was folded over, revealing Horobi’s face and most of his torso.
Aruto started slightly at the sight, though mostly at the abrupt dismissiveness with which Gai completed the action. Horobi’s wounds were actually quite simple—a crack-like cut on the side of his forehead where his head wrap had usually been had smeared blue down the side of his face, and even the heavier damage on his abdomen wasn’t so bad as long as Aruto didn’t look at it too long. The bullet exit wound in his forehead was a clean one, just below his hairline, and his eyes were closed peacefully. Aruto glanced sideways at the condition Jin’s hand was in, and was silently grateful that Amatsu had elected to pull back the tarp over Horobi and not the other HumaGear.
His thoughts were interrupted by Gai himself. “… That looks like a gunshot.”
“Remarkable coincidence.” Yua replied, without missing a beat.
Gai gave her a look, but didn’t press, instead rising without bothering to recover Horobi’s body, stuffing the handkerchief back in his pocket like it disgusted him. “Well,” He announced with a sigh, “No matter.” Jerking his head towards Jin’s body, his smirk returning. “We have that one, anyway.”
Aruto opened his mouth to speak, but someone else behind him cut him off. “If you’re not interested in Horobi…” Everyone, even Gai, jumped slightly, and turned to look back toward the door. Isamu had come back in without any of them realising. He seemed more collected now, and there was a tablet tucked under his arm as he strode over to join them by the bodies, “… Then would you mind signing his rights over to AIMS?”
Aruto gaped at him. “Fuwa-san-”
But Isamu cut him off again. “It would be easier for everyone,” Vulcan explained, voice carefully level, “He’s a major violation of AI law, so we need to impound him, and if you’re still the legal owner… Well, we’d have to be bothering you for permissions constantly.” Isamu held out the tablet to Gai. “It’s easier for everyone,” He repeated—then, “Trust me.” Though Vulcan’s gaze did not waver from Amatsu, Aruto couldn’t shake the inexplicable feeling that the last two words were meant for him.
Gai considered the device being offered to him, then glanced at Yua. She considered, then nodded. “It would be advisable. That way we can avoid any trouble later.”
With a sigh, Amatsu nodded, then took the tablet from Vulcan. He signed multiple times, then handed it back. Isamu made a few taps and swipes himself, then put the device back under his arm. Gai raised his eyebrows. “All done?” When he got a nod in return, he smirked again and took a step back. “Very well, then.” Turning to look back at the two HumaGear, he gestured with his arm toward the still-covered body, beginning to move away, “Then we’ll take Jin-”
“Just a moment.” Isamu’s voice was still calculatedly steady, but there was also another edge to it that sounded almost… Smug.
Gai turned slowly to face him, an eyebrow raised suspiciously. “What is it now, Fuwa-taichou?”
Isamu’s stony expression flickered, cracking to show a small smirk of his own “You just signed over your legal rights to Horobi to AIMS.”
Gai’s head tilted slightly, and he sidled a step back towards Vulcan, eyes narrowing. “… So?”
Isamu, however, merely stared back at him, apparently unruffled by the position of the person before him, who was radiating brewing annoyance and suspicion. “That includes Horobi himself, and all related assets.”
Amatsu groaned loudly, rolling his eyes before hissing, “Is there a point to this, Fuwa-taichou?”
“Horobi built Jin.” Vulcan said the words in the same even tone as before, as if it were  not unusual in the slightest. As the others, from Yua to Izu, started and spun to stare at him, he ignored them, merely meeting Amatsu’s gaze, stare for stare. “Therefore, in the eyes of the law, he is classified as an asset related to Horobi.” Isamu was speaking slowly, as if he felt he needed to spell out the situation, but his tone was steadily becoming more smug. “And therefore, part of the rights you just signed over to us.” The smirked played across Vulcan’s face once more, and stayed there—he even shifted forward slightly, leaning in a bit like he usually did when he got aggressive. “You’re not taking either of them.” Each word was carefully emphasised.
Amatsu was positively shaking with anger. “Then I-”
“You can’t take it back.” Isamu interrupted, almost cheerfully. “It’s already being processed by our legal department. The deal can’t be rescinded without the permission of both parties—and, as the Captain of AIMS, I refuse your request.”
Eyes blazing with rage, to the degree that it was almost hilarious to see—Vulcan the calm one while Gai surged closer to spit in his face, “Do you have any idea how far back you are setting our research?” The ZAIA President snarled.
Remarkably, however, Isamu remained impassive. “Go take apart a smart fridge.” He replied simply, then paused, frowning in thought for a moment. “Or… Maybe not, because I wouldn’t be surprised if it turned out your could drive a fridge homicidal, too.”
Gai’s hands were fists at his side. “You’ll regret this, Fuwa Isamu.”
“No,” Isamu answered lightly, I don’t think I will.”
Amatsu had had enough. With one last angry hiss, he shoved past Isamu and stormed out the door, slamming it behind him. Silence clung to the room for a long time, Aruto and Izu still staring at Isamu, Yua watching after Gai.
After a while, Valkyrie broke the quiet. “Clever.” She murmured, sounding genuinely impressed. “You took advantage of the fact that he was distracted by the success of the mission to sneak the clause by him.”
Isamu rubbed the back of his neck self-consciously. “If he’d had time to think about it,” He admitted, “He’d’ve realised the loophole. The only chance was to act fast.” Sighing, he looked up at her. “And what about you? You know the laws and contracts even better than I do, and you didn’t warn him. You even pushed him into it.”
Yua was quiet for a moment, heaving a deep sigh of her own, still staring at the door. “…  I was the first one in the room, remember?” She asked quietly, at long last. Then, “… You’re right.” She continued, thoughtfully. “He could drive a fridge homicidal.” Stepping around Isamu, she started toward the exit as well.
“… Yua.” She paused, looking only slightly over her shoulder when Vulcan called after her. Isamu turned to face her, his expression slipping into fondness. “I… I know I’ve never really said it before, and it’s really not my business, but…” He rubbed the back of his neck again, “… Whatever reason you work for that guy… You’re too good for him.” Yua said nothing, merely hesitating for another moment before continuing on her way out—but Aruto would swear he saw her smile.
As the door closed behind Valkyrie, Aruto bit his lip, glancing anxiously sideways at Isamu. “… So…” He began cautiously, “… What are you going to do with the rights?”
Isamu was quiet for a moment, turning slowly around to gaze down at the two HumaGear, specifically Horobi. Finally, he sighed deeply—then held out the tablet in his hand to Aruto. The Hiden President stared at him, then at the device, then back up at the other Rider holding it out. Eventually, Vulcan made an irritated sound and shoved the tablet into his chest, snapping his hand back to force Aruto to catch it so that it didn’t break. “… AIMS will cooperate with Hiden.” Isamu grunted, still watching the HumaGear on the ground rather than the human beside him. “Once we’ve certified that they’re not outfitted with malware or something, we’ll turn them over to you.” Aruto continued staring at him—at last, Vulcan glanced self-consciously sideways at him. “… What?”
“… Nothing… Just…” Aruto hesitated, biting his lip. “I just… Didn’t expect you to stand up for HumaGear like this.”
Isamu scowled, looking back down at Horobi. “… To prove him wrong.” He grunted—then he moved over and crouched down. Taking hold of the tarp, he pulled it carefully back over the HumaGear’s face. Then he rose jerkily, and turned on his heel to trudge toward the door.
“Oi! Wait!” Aruto very nearly stumbled trying to rush after him, and they only just barely reached it at the same time. Aruto suddenly froze with his hand on the knob when he realised Izu wasn’t behind him, and turned back to look for her.
She was still kneeling between the other two HumaGear, head bowed, her body angled in a way that he couldn’t see what she was doing. Beside him, he was aware of Isamu looking back, too. “Hey.” Vulcan didn’t sound angry, at all, just curious. “What are you doing?”
Instead of answering, Izu rose, folding her hands at her waist again and crossing over to them. “I apologise for the delay, Aruto-shachou, Fuwa-taichou.” With a small bow, she deftly slipped past both of them, taking the door from Aruto to open it and step through, then continued to hold it open from the other side, waiting expectantly. Aruto and Isamu exchanged glances, then looked back at the bodies. Tears abruptly stung Aruto’s eyes, and he heard Isamu make a sharp intake of breath.
Izu had pulled Horobi’s hand out from under the tarp and tucked it over Jin’s damaged one, curling his fingers around it.
Both Riders stared at the HumaGear’s newly connected hands for a moment. Finally, Aruto tore his eyes away first, turning and leaving the room, reaching out to hold onto Izu’s arm for comfort as he did so. Isamu hesitated a little longer, still staring, his eyes faraway in a painful memory. At long last, he, too, turned away and stepped through the door, brows furrowing again—but when Aruto handed Izu the tablet and reached over and put his other arm around his shoulders, Vulcan accepted the contact without protest, even leaning slightly into it.
Together, the three of them slowly made their way back towards the stairs.
Izu is cute, what can I say.
Also I cannot, for the life of me, write for Gai w/out making him an arse. ^^; At least Isamu puts him in his place a bit.
Disclaimer: I know jack about AI laws and legal rights. ^^; Oops.
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ardnassakseyer · 4 years
Oh... HI?
Hi there Tumblr friends, if I have any at all.. haha. Long time no fucking see. well... we all know what this means right? This means I’ve got a lot on my mind at 2:49 in the morning and everytime i have a lot to talk/rant about i come to... TAAADAAA.. TUMBLR!! Okay.. lets start off by saying idk wtf i want to talk about. Theres a lot. First ive been gone from tumblr for a while because i was working on my personal growth, i felt like it was going well until this QUARANTINE happened. Dont get me wrong, I am an extreme introvert, I am a homebody and i do have social anxiety so this has been a piece of cake for me and also kind of enjoyable ( the staying home of it all, not the “we might die if we catch the rona” part.) I am taking this very seriously and do NOT want anybody i love to catch this crazy virus or anyone reading this. Anyway we went off topic.. kinda. I was doing great.. some would say amazing? at this personal growth stuff. This RONA hit and we are forced to be locked up in our houses, which leads to crazy sleeping hours.. which leads to me being up at now 2:54 in the morning.. which leads to overthinking which leads to anxiety.. which leads to me being sad all over again over stuff I thought I put behind me. What a fucking mess. Let me start by saying not all of my personal growth has gone to shit. Number 1.. i have leared to let go and move on.. which is HUGE for me because i hate to say thiss.... i really do hate to say this.. I am a scorpio sign. I know... I KNOW what yall are thinking. NOT THIS ASTROLOGY SHIT. but hey... hey.. let me be!!! I am a scorpio, we as. ive heard and read and studied like to hold grudges and love revenge. scary right? true? kinda. I do in fact hold grudges A LOT. i will hold them for years and maybe forever. if you do me wrong, i feel bad for you because I am not the one you should come to when you want forgiveness. I simply dont care. you did me wrong.. im not going to give you a second chance to fuck me over again. PERIOD. anyways that was the old me haha. The new me has learned to let shit go and move on. Thats my new motto. Next, number two i believe. I have been more independent. who would have fucking thought!!!!! I like to keep to myself now, i get shit done and i dont care if you want to go with me or not, im going anyway. i have taken control of my life. yaaaaaaaaay! those are two of the major things that i have really developed. The twist to all of this is that some of that has plummeted.. not all of it but some. I feel lonely. ah yes... loneliness is awful. in my opionion atleast. I miss having friends. i have a friend, but shes rather busy being a new mom these days, and i understand! I love my new little nephew. But i miss having a friend to go over to, to talk for hours with, to text, to call, to laugh with. to send memes and tik toks too. i miss it, i do. (im taking friend applications).. no seriously. lol anyways thats been the biggest blah of this all. I see people doing zoom calls with their friends haha and just idk still having fun in this crazy time with other people and what have i been doing? College assignments, lots of eating :( and just bingewatching series on netflix. IT sucks sometimes. and this is the place where i can type and type and type and i dont care if anyone reads it because no one truly knows me here.. and i can say whatever i want even if it doesnt make sense. so i just wanted to come on here and type shit that might not even be relatable or get a lot of reposts or attention at all because thats not why i write these texts.. i just wanted to get on here and rant about how much is in my head. so this is what i had to say and im just going to press post now.. lol hope yall had fun diving into my brain for 10 min lmao or however long this takes for someone to read because its so fucking long!!! i promise to try and post more or maybe not, idk we will see IM AN ADULT. i do what i want, or i like to think i am hahaha. ok bye lmao DISCLAIMER: I didn't proofread this, there might be lots of run on sentences, the “i” might not be capatalized and a lot of typos/spelling errors!!! as a english geek... this will be horrifying when i go back and read all of this, as the normal me at now 3:13 in the morning, i give zero ducks. i mean fucks. hahaha bye.
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recurring-polynya · 5 years
Writing/Art Update 10/28/19:
I won Inktober.
What did I win, you ask? A weekend worth of post-accomplishment depression. :( Also a picture of Maid Cop and Director Renji that I drew myself, the true prize. I am not lying, I only learned to draw so I could draw all the dumb stuff that pops into my head all the time. I wish I had done a better job on Renji, but maybe I will feel like cleaning it up later, or maybe I won’t and I’ll just draw something else.
Anyway, if you want to see all my Inktober drawings, you can just use scope my Inktober 2019 tag. At the moment, Momo and Shinji deface a picture of Aizen is my most popular, but it’s been constantly neck-and-neck with Hisagi-Kira contemplate mysteries on YouTube.
Remember how I planned all this out and said it was very reasonable to draw 26 Bleach characters in 31 days? Yes, well, I drew 30 (cat Yoruichi counts!!) in 26 days, wtf Polynya, why are you like this? I told myself to take break on Saturday and I did not, I immediately started another project that just involves drawing Byakuya over and over ::eye roll::
I was doing so well on the Lt’s Exam fic, taking stuff in order, being very disciplined, and then I finished Inktober and started writing gonzo crap. I dunno, when inspiration hits, I usually just try to ride the wave, so I wrote 5300 words of the next story in The Heart is a Muscle, in which Byakuya’s grandfather ollies into town for a party, and just trolls the shit out of him. And then, today, I wrote up the 3200 word story of how Renji wrecked his arm as a kid, as mentioned in Between Tides. That will probably get incorporated into the next story after the Ginrei one, although it stands alone right now (aside from the 600 typos in it and the fact that I kept accidentally writing in the present tense because it’s ~dramatic~). What if I just slapped it here on Tumblr after I cleaned it up? What would that look like?
I swear, I am going to stop writing in the present tense, it’s so bad, I only do it for drama and I am not good at it.
Also, I can’t spell anymore fam and I’m sorry. I made multiple spelling errors in my Inktober drawings and it feels disingenuous to go back and edit art posts, even if it’s just for spelling. Please forgive me, my brain is pulled in a thousand directions, it’s no surprise it doesn’t work so good.
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zxntavc-blog · 5 years
*WARNING:(suicidal content,curse words,etc)
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*Hyungwon x Reader ANGST
*I'm also sorry if there are any spelling mistakes,grammatical errors, And typos.
it's my first time writing here, So I'd really appreciate some feed-backs.
You sat down at the edge of the bed,You then looked over at the picture frame that is hanged on the wall.
You couldn't help but sigh,"When will this suffering ever end?" you asked yourself.
"(Y/N)" a familiar voice spoke out.
You looked over to see a man looking staright at you in the eyes, You stared back.His eyes we're red from crying,"O-oh wonho" you chuckled as you tried to hide your sadness.
"It's time to check up on him" Wonho took my hand and motioned me to follow him down stairs. I followed like a lost dog on the streets as we went outside and into his mustang.
I looked outside the car nervously,shaking and sweating I then looked at Wonho who is now busy driving.
What ifs came to my mind..
What if...We came there too late.
Chae Hyungwon,The man you fell inlove with was now in a very complicated position. Where he suddenly looses control over-himself.
He gets very suicidal and the last month was the fourth time he tried taking his own life. You could imagine the horrible stuffs he previously did to himself,He once drank a whole bottle of medicine,Tried bleeding himself to death,Drowned himself in the bath tub,And throwing himself off the building.
Hyungwon lives in a very secured house, But still manages to get himself killed.
He is being taken care by a bunch of "Doctors" and assistants who takes care of him 24/7.
You frowned,"I couldn't even take care of him myself" you muttered. Wonho looked over at you sighing," You know damn right you can't (Y/N) he hates seeing you cry over him"
"And i hate seeing him like that Wonho! He can't even control himself a-and i feel really bad when all i could do is pray that someday he'll stop acting like this!" your tears started falling down making Wonho a little guilty of what he said.
But he actually has a point, Hyungwon doesn't want (Y/N) around because he could get her hurt too,Not physically but emotionally. Hyungwon really hates it when (Y/N) cries cause of her.
The car stopped infront of a large gate where the inside helds a big house. Wonho went oustide and opened the door for you.
You smiled and took his hands before getting up, Both of you looked over at the large metalic gate infront of you. Two guards motioned for the both of You to follow them.
You both followed them as they opened the gate,One of the guards gestured for You and Wonho to come in.
You looked down not wanting to even get your eyes on the house.
This very large house was suppoaed to be You and Hyungwon's house.
But now it's juat only him.
You both planned to buy this house and now it's here,Wonho looked at you with a small smile. "Let's come inside Hyungwon's waiting"
"I hope he is" you thought to yourself
You and Wonho went inside, Both anxious at the same time. "It'll be alright" Wonho whispered to you quietly,You smiled giving him a thumbs up.
As You both were walking up stairs a loud banging sound a loud scream was heard inside the entire house. "SHIT!THE PATIENT" you heard a man said as you saw him ran to the opposite direction.
You looked at Wonho nervously and he did so too, "HURRY" you took his hand and runned off to where you saw the others are.
"WHAT'S GOING ON?!" you shouted as you bursted inside the room,Your heart dropped when you saw hyungwon.
Standing at the edge of the balcony's room holding a gun.
"Where on earth did he get that gun from?!" Wonho said frustrated
Ever since Hyungwon's grand mother passed away,This caused a big infact to Hyungwon and He suddenly became suicidal and blamed himself for her death.
You looked at Hyungwon who is now looking back at you with those dreamy but teary eyes of his.
"I'm sorry baby,Will you forgive me if i jumped?"
You couldn't say a word, Flashbacks from when you were happy with him started flooding back in.
"Ugh cafe again? Aren't you tired of drinking the same caffeine every dayy?" your friend Seung-Hee rolled her eyes as both of you entered the small lively cafe nearby.
"Shh! It's not cause of the coffee you idiot" you shushed her making her grin a little.
"Then—is it because of him?" She pointed at a young handsome cashier, His name tag showed that he is "Hyungwon".
"Ohh (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N)~" Seung-Hee chuckled teasingly as she stared at the Handsome cashier,"Why don't you go order me a hot cocoa or something?" she pushed you over near the line as you only gave her a glare.
Seung-Hee giggled and walked over to a table and started texting, Ypu looked at the line and only two people were ahead of you. You gulped as you suddenly turned red
He looked like an angel. Fuck.
"Hi what can i possibly get you for today?" He smiled sweetly
Oohh does he know he's killing me?
"U-uhm" you looked at the menu nervously,"Can i-i uhm uh get a hot cocoa and just an iced coffe please?"
He nodded and wrote down your orders, You stared at him in disbelief. How could someone be so perfect?
"And what will the size be?"
"U-uhm grandes?" you looked away blushing
"alright a hot cocoa and one iced coffe both are grandes is that right miss?"
You nodded.
That's where it all started.
After that your relationship with Hyungwon began. It was really nice
He always had a small present for you when he goes home from work. He would always kiss you on the lips before work and You would always make sure that he has a warm hug when he wakes up in the morning.
It was all Perfect, Too perfect to even last. You have to admit that you missed all those good times together but.
You still stayed.
You promised him that even at hard times you'll be there with him,"Together?" Hyungwon smiled as he held his pinky to yours.
"DON'T I BEG YOU" your tears fell down slowly as he stared at you,He looked away. "Don't do that please" Hyungwon muttered
"None of this was your fault!" you said looking at him straight in the eyes. "I know.." He smiled,"But the thought of it still haunts me and i couldn't help but blame it all onto me even if I convince myself that it was never me" he sighed and looked above the sky.
"stop him!" the doctor said and pointed to his assistants.
"dont" You managed to speak out.
"Thank you baby" He smiled sadly
“Setting you free was hard,But seeing you in pain was sadder”
I had to.. Let my angel fly away.
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hewn-of-hecate · 5 years
So in my bio 1080 class!
I've had quite a few primary source articles to read over as assigned work etc and I just wanted to note how much I love these "reliable sources" ;
So apparently we've done some interesting studies in the future?
Also a primary article about the economic burden of depression in Sweden described that;
- 86% of the total costs were from indirect costs such as early retirement and increased sick leave etc
- while 18% were from direct costs such as support from the health care system
My good friends that is 104%
Additionally they kept changing the length of the study saying it was over 8 years then 9 then 8 again.
Btw the range of years meant it was in fact 9 years not 8.
So ya. I'm having an interesting time find it mistakes in published works.
Please also enjoy this error in a YA novel I read jot too long ago. The one I'm reading currently I already found 3 spelling typos/errors.
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And let us not forget this gem when some friend and I went to grab some fast food after doing an escape room. . .
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I can say with certainty that it has been an interesting year and a bit of reading that's for sure.
Bonus: throwback to on the the phys 1300 questions I had last semester that was grammatically correct but weird as fuck 😂
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Long story short all this makes me a lot more forgiving with my mistakes In my own writing so you should be too and find the humor in it all.
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