#so I stripped down in the garage when I got home and threw everything I was wearing in the laundry and then decontaminated myself to boot
stylishanachronism · 4 months
As a professional courtesy, unless your dog is a service animal, *please* do not bring them into the bank in general, and specifically not into your appointment with the banker.
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justlemmeadoreyou · 6 months
Summary:(this ask) Hey, I absolutely adore your work. Could you write about like a burned out reader who doesn't feel like doing her work and needs encouragement? Been having a bad few months lately. <3
Word Count: 1.3k
Summary: mentions of crying, tooth rotting fluff
masterlist | ask box(requests are open!)
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“Fuck!” you wanted to yell that, but ended up saying it with a gritted face. Your co-worker Theo was passing by, and seemed vaguely interested in your misery.
“What’s wrong, Y/N? You look…tired?” he remarked.
“I am tired. So fucking tired” you slumped down in your seat, slowly sliding down more and more into it.
“You could take a break”
“Break? That’s what you’re suggesting? You know how many deadlines and pile-ups we have, right?” you raised your eyebrows, too annoyed at him already.
“I know that Y/n. I’m quite burnt out myself. But if you take a break, things will be a bit better.”
“I don’t have time for a fucking break, Theo” you put your right palm on your head, which was throbbing from stress.
"Look, I get that you're stressed, but you don't have to take it out on me. Maybe if you focused on the work instead of yelling at everyone, you wouldn't be in this mess."
“Oh thank you, Theo! I was so desperately in need of a lecture from you, aren’t I? Just go away!” you yelled again, and he got pissed off, and left.
You couldn’t stand being there anymore. The atmosphere was so frustrating. Everyone clammed up in a small space, running around, doing their work. It shouldn’t be frustrating per-se, but you were. You had been working without rest for the past 40 hours, and there were so many projects and reports lined up, you wanted to scream. And cry too, maybe?
Gathering up your stuff from your table, some files, your laptop and stationary, you decided you would do this at home. After you had had “a break”.
Driving to your house was miserable too, every signal seemed so much longer than it actually was. Every speeding car that made you slam your brakes hard made you want to get out of the car and yell and curse them. It was so vexing.
Pulling up to your house, you parked the car in the garage, and got out. You left your stuff in your car, deciding to take it out later when you actually felt like working.
You lived with your boyfriend, Harry. You had been in a relationship for more than a year, and had just moved in a few months ago.
Everything about him was great. He was so loving, you loved him so much. He took care of you, you cooked and baked together. After a long day of work for the both of you, he would be there for you, holding you and comforting you, telling you that everything will be alright.
You missed him so much. You wished he would come home early.
As soon as you entered, the dark house resembled the state of your mind, all blank and foggy, unclear with no idea where to go. You decided to take a shower and cry.
You walked to your shared  bedroom, stripping off your clothes one by one. As soon as you entered your bathroom, you threw everything away, opened your hair and turned the water on, standing below it.
As the water cascaded down, you couldn't hold back the tears any longer. The day's challenges, the pressure, the relentless tide of responsibilities—it all spilled out in the form of silent sobs. Alone in the shower, you let the water wash away the stress, if only for a moment.
Tears streamed down your face, flowing away with the water into the drain. It all felt so meaningless in the moment. Your job, the never-ending work, the deadlines, the piled up spreadsheets, the tension, the stress. It was eating you alive.
Little did you know, Harry had come back soon too. He parked his range rover, and saw your car too. He became happy that you were home soon, and you would get to spend some more time together.
As soon as he reached the door, he found out that it wasn’t locked. He panicked, thinking that someone must have barged in.
“Y/N?” he screamed at the top of his voice, opening the door and locking it. Inside, all the lights were out, and it got more and more mysterious.
He yelled your name, searching for you in the kitchen, in the living room, in the backyard, everywhere. Finally, he climbed up the stairs and went to your bedroom.
There, he saw some of your clothes lying on the floor, and heard the shower. He quickly jogged, and barged in.
He saw you standing under the shower, cold water pouring down. Your back was turned to him, shoulders quivering with each silent sob.
You had had a bad day.
You turned around to look at him, and just stared at him for a second. You turned back around, trying to stop your crying.
“Lovie, you okay?” he asked in a very soft voice, already inside the shower and closing the door behind him.
You sniffled, trying to compose yourself. "Yeah, just needed a moment. It's been a day."
“Sure, love. Mind if I join?”
You nodded silently. You both knew how much you needed his presence, him, in this moment.
He quietly stripped down behind you, and walked in, closing the shower curtain.
As soon as he was near, you quickly turned around, hugging him. Your sobs and tears flew freely, without a care in the world. Harry held you tightly, rubbing your back, trying to calm you down.
"It's okay, lovie. It's all okay. Shh," he reassured, gently patting your back, allowing you to cry as much as needed. He was present now, and he wouldn't let you go through this alone.
After a few moments, your tears had stopped, and there were only sobs coming out of your mouth. You pulled yourself from his embrace, looking into his bright green eyes with swollen ones.
“I’m sorry, I’m too much sometimes” you tried to pull off of him, wanting to give him space if he wanted.
“No, please don’t say that. You’re never too much.”
“It’s just that-there’s so so much work, Harry. So much workload piled up, and I don’t want to do anything. I just want to burn everything away and sleep. “
“It’s okay. You’ll be okay. Understand? There’s no need to blame yourselves. You’re so good at your job. You’ll figure it out. I know you will.” He kissed your forehead gently, and you sheepishly smiled.
“Thank you, Harry. I love you so much.”
“I love you too, love. Now, how long have you been standing under this ice-cold water?”
“Long enough”
“Alright, let’s get out before we get sick”
He walked across the shower and brought you a warm, fluffy towel, softly wrapping it around you. You were shivering now, and he looked at you with disbelief.
“I’m sorry! I just wanted to cool off.” You pouted cutely, and his frown immediately went away.
“Can’t get angry at my cute bunny, can I?”
You smiled, and you both walked out of the shower. He dried you off outside, picking up fresh pajamas to wear.
“Tell you what. I’ll bake you some cookies. With that new frosting we bought. And some coffee too?”
“No. Hot chocolate”
“Sure, love. You can find a movie for us to watch till I make you food.”
“But I want to be with you” you walked over to him, clinging to his body like a koala bear.
“Okay, love. You can sit on the island and I’ll feed you cookie dough.”
“And chocolates”
“And chocolates.”
“And kisses too?”
“So many kisses for you, my love”
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a/n: to the anon who requested this, i hope you liked it. sorry for the daly, and i really hop you're alright, love! you can talk to me whenever you want
lovely divider by @cafekitsune
i hope you like this! please don't hate me
here's my ko-fi if you feel generous
requests and feedback is welcome and much appreciated!!
general taglist:
@freedomfireflies @gurugirl @thechaoticjoy @styleslover-1994 @gem1712 @ellaorchard @bxbyysstuff @opheliaofficial07 @rafaaoli @tchlamqtsgf @the-mouse27 @indierockgirrl @vrittivsanghavi @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @drewrry @babyiamperfectforyou @me-undiscovered @tbsloneely @whoreonmondays @kathb59 @avalentina @kittenhere @speedywritingharrystylesjudge @mypolicemanharryyy @theendx888
let me know if you want to be added, removed
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rhysismydaddy · 3 years
Prisoner's Game Pt. 2 (Rowaelin)
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Part 1
Rowan didn't think he'd ever been so pissed off in his life.
The only time that even came close was when he lost his first and only court case, but over the years he'd come to live with that.
This though?
This immature, childish, irritatingly clever woman... he had a feeling he'd carry the rage he felt against her until the day he finally died of it.
Although, if he was honest, his returning move had been a little childish, too.
He'd ordered one of the guards to strip her cell of everything except the chess set. Her mattress, the makeshift knife he shuddered to think she'd had in the same room as him, her pillow.
If she wanted to steal his shit, he'd steal hers, too.
He'd also had the guard move one of his pawns forward on the board.
Not the most creative, but he didn't have many options.
What did you take from a woman who had nothing? How did you punish someone who was already serving the longest punishment available?
The bank had seized her assets when she'd been locked up, and the lease on her apartment had long since run out. She didn't have any personal items with her, didn't seem to even care about anything besides making his life hell.
Case in point, when he got home that night, exhausted from dealing with Aelin and spending a long day at the office, he'd discovered her retaliation.
She'd stolen his bed.
The whole goddamn thing, frame and all.
How she'd managed to get it out of a penthouse condo with security not realizing a thing, he had no idea. He knew from experience it wouldn't even fit through the door.
It'd seemed if she was going to be uncomfortable, so was he.
Steaming with anger, he'd showered and flopped on the couch like an idiot, not even able to sleep thanks to the rage she'd worked him into.
She was completely kicking his ass. From the inside of a jail cell.
He hadn't gotten more than a few hours of sleep before giving up on even trying. At six, he'd dressed and driven to Whitehorn and Salvaterre, the law firm he was a partner at.
If he couldn't sleep, he'd at least figure out how the hell she was pulling this shit off.
Looking through her folder, he went through her daily schedule, seeing nothing out of the ordinary.
Eight am wake-up, breakfast, shower, lunch, yard time, dinner, lights out at nine. Between activities, she worked out in her cell or read a book from the run-down prison library.
In the eight years she'd been in prison, she hadn't had a single visitor. Her cousin Aedion--a playboy Rowan couldn't be paid to associate with--delivered a care package on the first of every month.
Strange, considering nothing of the sort had been in her cell.
She'd been in solitary confinement ever since randomly attacking her cellmate a little over a month ago. She was still allowed yard time and meals with the other prisoners, but she was chained at all times.
Also strange, considering Aelin wasn't the type to do anything randomly.
Rowan watched the security tapes he'd strong armed the guards into giving him, going through the past few days to see how she'd gotten out of her cell to rob him.
He watched as she was escorted to the yard, watched as she ate breakfast and lunch and dinner alone, watched as she put herself through vigorous training in her cell.
Days of footage, and he didn't find anything.
Feeling like a bit of a creep, he watched the nighttime footage of her sleeping, but there was nothing out of the ordinary.
She didn't move too much or too little--both of which would indicate it wasn't really her under that thin blanket. There were no attempts to pick the locks in between her wrists and ankles, no digging into the wall behind her toilet.
Which meant someone was helping her.
He could go through the official channels and ask the police for her known connections, but he hadn't reported either of the robberies yet.
Partly because he wanted to deal with her himself, partly because he felt a bit stupid getting robbed from a woman in the most secure prison in the city.
Which means he'd have to go about it a different way.
Grabbing his keys from his desk, he debated how else he could make her miserable, unfortunately finding nothing else he could do to her, no revenge he could get from robbing her tiny little cell.
No, he'd have to try something new.
Maybe he could bribe her into confessing. She didn't have anything right now, but maybe he could give her something to lose.
He'd bring her lunch, force himself to apologize for yelling at her, and just politely ask who her accomplice was.
He thought on it as he rode down the elevator to the garage. It probably wouldn't work, but he didn't know what else to do.
And besides, he knew from experience Aelin didn't respond well to his anger.
Checking his email to make sure he wasn't missing any important meetings, he pressed the button on his car fob, expecting to hear the resounding beep from his designated parking spot.
Except the beep never came.
Slowly looking up, Rowan had to amend his earlier statement.
Now he didn't think he'd ever been so pissed off in his life.
He stormed over to the security booth, hardly refraining from grabbing the man inside and throwing him to the ground.
"Where's my car, Rolland?"
"In your spot, boss," the stout little man replied instantly and surely, snapping his gum and looking at him in confusion. "Haven't seen you drive out yet."
"Yes, exactly. Which is why it's a mystery why it's no longer in it's spot."
Rolland caught up slowly. "You mean... it was stolen? From here? From you?"
Jaw so tight his molars were practically fused together, Rowan growled, "Just let me see the security tapes from this morning."
The guard nodded quickly, eyes nervous as he typed something into the desktop in front of him.
"That's weird," he muttered a moment later, typing faster and sending Rowan a nervous glance.
"What?" he asked, trying to calm himself down with a few of the breathing techniques he'd learned over the years.
"The tapes are gone, but there's... this."
Rolland turned the screen so Rowan could see it, and all the breathing in the world couldn't keep him from slamming a fist into the side of the security shack.
The footage was gone, and on the blank black screen read: Bishop to J7.
He was going to fucking kill her.
"Enjoy your taxi ride here?" she asked sweetly, leaning back in her chair and crossing her legs.
Rowan scowled at her as he crossed the small room inmates could use to talk to their lawyers. He yanked the chair across from her out, then threw himself into it. "You are such a pain in my ass."
She just shrugged.
He sat across from her, angry and broody, and for a long time, he just stared at her.
Finally he asked, "Why are you doing this, Aelin?"
"I told you. You locked me up for something I didn't do. I want you to be as miserable as I am. It's simple, petty revenge."
Nothing about it was simple, but that was besides the point.
He was quiet for another moment. "Why now?"
She sighed, but she wasn't upset. Truthfully, she'd been waiting for him to ask that question.
"I want to tell you a story."
He stood up suddenly, face exasperated. "I'm not fucking joking around. And I'm not going to let you waste any more of my time."
He made his way to the door, and his dismissal of her pissed her off enough to say, "Sit down, or your car's going off Whigsby Bridge."
He smiled like he'd won their little game. "So you admit you have it."
"Sure," she said casually, honestly not giving a shit about the car.
His brow furrowed. "You're giving up? Just like that?"
"You're a fucking idiot if you think this is about your car, Rowan. But sure, I admit I know exactly where it, and your bed, and your little dagger are being hidden."
He narrowed his eyes. "This conversation is being recorded, and you just admitted to being an accessory to robbery, so-"
"You aren't going to press charges," she cut him off, pulling a cigarette out of her pocket and lighting it.
Nasty little prison habit she'd developed, smoking.
Or maybe she just did it because she knew he hated the smell.
"Oh, really?" he asked incredulously, eyeing the cigarette with disdain.
She grinned. "Once you sit and hear my story and realize I'm telling the truth, you're going to feel so guilty you won't even care about the car. Now sit down. I'd hate to see a classic get totaled because you're being stubborn again."
He glared at her, but came back to the table and sat down again.
Then reached over and snatched the cigarette from her lips, putting it out against the steel table top.
She just pulled out another, lighting it with one of her last matches. The irritation on his face made it worth the loss.
He waved a hand as if to say Get on with it.
She'd debated how to tell him this story for a long time. It was long, and messy and not particularly pleasant for her. But she wanted him to know the full thing, so she'd decided to start at the very beginning.
"My parents died when I was four," she began, ignoring his dramatic sigh. "I went into foster care, and as you can imagine, I was a particularly unruly child."
She smiled at the few memories she had. "I stole from the nuns, snuck out of my room at night and ran through the house, set all the clocks back an hour so we could sleep in. Small stuff. But it irritated them, because they couldn't prove it was me."
"Sounds familiar," he grouched, making her grin.
"I was adopted by Arobynn Hamel a year later."
As she'd predicted, his mouth fell open at that.
Arobynn was the known king of the underworld in Rifthold. He had a hand in every aspect of crime, yet no one could do anything about it because he never committed the crime himself.
His name was revered, so much so no one ever dared to cross him.
"But your record says-"
"That I stayed in foster care until I turned eighteen, I know."
Arobynn hated public records and had a deal with someone in the system that he'd take some of the kids off their hands if they kept quiet about it. Illegal as hell, but he wasn't someone you refused without suffering serious consequences.
It was the perfect crime. No one would miss unwanted kids, and it gave the system one less mouth to feed.
"I didn't know it, but he'd been watching me for a while. He... I don't know, saw something in me. Natural, innocent talent he could work with and turn into something different. He adopted me on my fifth birthday. And then he started training me."
"To do what?" Rowan asked, shoulders tensing.
"Everything," she answered with a shaky laugh, taking a long drag from her cigarette. "Stuff I wanted to learn, like how to pick a lock or walk without making sound. But as I got older, he taught me other stuff. Stuff I didn't want to know."
"How to kill," he finished, picking up on her tone.
She nodded, finishing her cigarette and flicking the butt on the floor.
"I was good," she told him quietly, looking down at the table. "By the time I was fifteen, he said I was the best he'd ever had. None of his other... children could beat me in a fight, not even the older ones who had a hundred pounds on me. And I could steal anything and not leave a trace."
His eyes didn't show an ounce of doubt, and she didn't know how to feel about it. But she kept going anyway.
"I was his favorite. I was his best asset, and I didn't care about anything that would compromise me. I lost my parents, and despite how much he wanted me to, I never loved him. I had no weaknesses. Except Sam."
"Another of his students?" Rowan asked, and it wasn't lost on her he said students instead of children.
She nodded. "We were adopted around the same time, grew up together. He was a year older, and whenever I had a problem, he was the one I'd turn to. He was good to me, and by the time I was seventeen, not a small part of me loved him."
Aelin broke off and took a deep breath, wishing she had another cigarette and trying to figure out how to put into words how much he'd meant to her.
"Was?" Rowan asked, so softly and quietly and understandingly that she was reminded of the man he'd once been, the one she'd loved.
Shaking her head to clear it, she said, "He made a mistake. He went on a job; he was supposed to break into one of the underground casino's owned by Arobynn's competitor and memorize the ledger, but he got caught. It was messy and horrible and stupid, and the owner wanted blood. Arobynn promised he'd kill Sam as retribution."
Rowan's eyes widened, almost like he hadn't realized how brutally she'd been raised until that moment.
"I begged him not to. Sam had saved me and helped me so many times that I couldn't not do the same for him. I told him I'd do anything."
She studied her hands, regret and guilt thick on her skin. "Arobynn said if I took ten of the jobs Sam was supposed to do, he wouldn't kill him. I thought they'd be similar to the one he'd messed up on, small break-ins or robberies. So I accepted."
A tear rolled down her cheek, and she batted it away as she continued, "The second I shook his hand, Tern--another of Arobynn's--shot Sam in the head."
Rowan's face blanched so quickly, she thought he might pass out.
He started to say something, but she spoke faster. "I... snapped. I killed Tern, tried to kill Arobynn. You called me a murderer, and that's true. I am, and I don't regret it. Tern was a sadistic bastard, and I'm glad he's dead. And one day, I'll kill Arobynn for what he did."
Rowan shook his head, confusion and shock and something similar to pity in his eyes. "Why didn't you leave, run away?"
She leveled a look at him. "I didn't exactly have a choice, Rowan. My punishment for Tern lasted for over a year."
There was a long pause.
"Punishment?" he asked in a breathless voice that made something in her chest hurt.
She looked at the table again, skin pebbling at the memory of that year. "He locked me in a cell in the basement, in the dark. Once a month he'd come in to ask if I knew someone named Sam. It took me ten months to get confused, another three to say no."
Still not meeting his eyes, she looked at his hands, noticing they were clenched so tightly the knuckles were white. And a part of her, buried under all the rage and resentment and sadness, warmed at the thought that he was... he was angry for her.
"It took me a long time after to figure out what was real and what wasn't. But Arobynn never let me forget our deal. And right before I met you, he told me the first job."
"What were the jobs?"
Aelin looked back up at that, the air thick between them as she said, "You already know."
"The murders."
She nodded, somehow managing to keep her spine straight despite the feeling of a hundred pound weight being lifted from her shoulders.
He at least knows why now, she thought to herself.
It was one of the things that had bothered her over the years. That he didn't know why she'd done what he thought she'd done. That he thought she'd.. wanted to do it.
He was silent for a long time, just watching her with a carefully emotionless face. "Thank you for telling me that," he said eventually. "I never could understand why."
Then he stood and walked to the door again, and it was only when his hand was on the handle she spoke again. "You asked why I'm doing this, and why I'm doing it now."
He opened the door but paused. Waited.
"It's because I tried to tell you this all those years ago, and you didn't care. You just assumed I was guilty because the evidence looked like it."
She spoke around the lump in her throat. "I told you I didn't kill those people, Rowan, and you didn't even care."
He spun around, slamming the door so hard it rattled, and in a split second, he was in front of her. A hand on the table, the other on her chair, he leaned down and got in her face.
He was so angry, so unbelievably enraged she couldn't believe it. He was angry?
"I didn't care? I didn't fucking care, that's what you think? Watching you get dragged away in cuffs was the worst moment of my life, and you think I didn't fucking care?"
Shock hit her like a bucket of ice water.
That moment was crystal clear in her mind, and she couldn't put what he was saying with what she knew.
He'd watched her with that same expressionless face, with cold eyes that had haunted her ever since.
She opened her mouth to say something, but he wasn't done.
"I fucked loved you! I thought you were the love of my life, Aelin. I begged you to tell me something that would help, tell me anything. But you didn't! You just kept saying you were innocent; you didn't give me anything to actually work with."
"I found that stupid fucking list five days before I reported it, did you know that?"
She shook her head, because she hadn't.
"Exactly. You don't know what the hell you're talking about," he growled, eyes flashing. "I spent five days investigating it myself, trying to make sense of why you'd know those names. After your arrest, I spent two weeks trying to find anything, a single piece of evidence, that said it wasn't you. And after the trial, I spent another two months trying to poke holes in my own goddamn case."
He slammed a hand into the table. "I did everything I fucking could! I was desperate for it not to be you. I argued my case so your lawyer could plead circumstantial evidence. I put you on the stand so you could say anything you wanted. I went for life sentences instead of the death penalty to give you time to actually tell me what the hell was going on!"
She was breathing heavily, heart breaking and reforming over and over again at what he was saying, what he was implying.
"I didn't assume shit," he said in a low voice, so close they shared air. "You didn't tell me anything."
Aelin's voice trembled as she croaked, "I tried."
He shook his head, letting out a breath of amusement. "No, you didn't. If this past week has proven anything, it's that you don't try to do anything, you do it. You didn't tell me anything, Aelin. You're still not telling me anything."
"I'm telling you to look again! I'm telling you you didn't look hard enough, because I left breadcrumbs only you could find, breadcrumbs that explain everything."
"Stop playing games with me!" he shouted, eyes flashing with a fresh wave of anger. "It's been eight years! Stop holding onto whatever secret you're holding onto and just tell me!"
Gods, she wanted to.
He was the one person she couldn't trust with this secret, this stupid, most important secret, and yet he was the also the one person she wanted to tell it to.
She opened her mouth to tell him, but what came out was, "I didn't kill them, Rowan. I promise I didn't kill them. I can't... I can't tell you anything else."
"Jesus, Aelin," he spat, pushing off the table and turning to leave.
"Just look into it," she called after him, fingers digging into the table to resist the urge to try and follow him. "I promise you can figure everything out, and you'll understand everything. Please."
She knew why, after all this time, it was so important for him to know the truth when that hadn't been her original plan.
It was because she'd spent eight years believing he hadn't tried, believing she hadn't been a good enough person for him to even look into the possibility it wasn't her.
And maybe it was because he was once again leaving her, or maybe it was because she felt like she was in that courtroom again, begging him to believe her, or maybe it was because of something she didn't even understand yet.
Regardless of the reason, she found herself saying, "I loved you, too, you know."
He looked at her with sad eyes that she was sure mirrored her own and shook his head. "Not enough, apparently."
"You don't believe that," she argued, shaking her head and trying to keep the building emotions down.
"If you'd loved me, you would've told me. You would've given me the proof, whatever breadcrumbs you're talking about. You wouldn't have let me watch them take you away."
"You wouldn't have thought, for a second, that I didn't try to fight for you. And you sure as hell wouldn't have waited eight years to do whatever it is you're trying to do."
"I had to," she whispered, even as she knew it wouldn't be enough.
She shook with the effort to not tell him everything, but even after all he'd told her and how everything had changed, she just couldn't. Not yet.
He stood at the door, watching her with those eyes she'd once thought looked like the most beautiful emeralds. "Sometimes I think about it, you know. What life would be like if I hadn't tried to fix your sink in the middle of the night."
She smiled sadly. "Me too."
Rowan shook his head, gaze taking in her face like he thought he'd never see her again.
He thought it was over now, she realized. He thought that now she knew he hadn't given up on her immediately, now that she'd told him the story she'd wanted to tell him, that it was over and she'd give up.
"Look again," she whispered. "You know I didn't do it. It's why you're here, why you kept looking after the trial ended. You know I wouldn't."
"Goodbye, Aelin," he said instead, not telling her any of the things she really wanted to hear.
It wasn't until the door shut behind him she finally let herself cry.
She'd told herself that it didn't matter; that in a month the truth would come out and everything would be normal again.
She'd told herself she was only messing with Rowan for revenge, not because she wanted to see him again or test that he'd find the clues she'd left for him.
She'd told herself this was just a game.
She'd told herself all sorts of things that turned out to be lies.
Part 3
@audreycressworth @whimsicallyreading @onceupona-chaos @lil-unoriginal-weirdo-273sole @surielandiareendgame @captain-swan-is-endgame @poisonous00 @vasudharaghavan @sailorsassley @endlessdaydream @swankii-art-teacher @beanco8 @stokingthemidnightflame @mis-lil-red @ladyfireheart-and-buzzard @sheharahu @perseusannabeth @cursebreaker29 @a-bit-of-a-cactus @elriel4life @girl-who-reads-the-books @aelinfeyreeleven945tbln @live-the-fangirl-life @ireallyshouldsleeprn @highqueenofelfhame @gracie-rosee @rowaelinismyotp @nahthanks @ghostlyrose2 @lovemollywho @inardour @tillyrubes10 @claralady @tswaney17 @rowanisahunk @superspiritfestival @thegoddessofyou @awesomelena555 @booksofthemoon @greerlunna @jlinez @studyliketate @over300books @justgiu12 @maastrash @aesthetics-11 @bamchickawowow @b00kworm @sleeping-and-books @musicmaam @hizqueen4life @maybekindasortaace
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millers-planet · 3 years
The Vice and the Virtue - Part One
Pairing: Helmut Zemo x GN!Reader (later established as F following more parts)
A/N: i appreciate you guys so much for how quickly you blew up the sneak peak i did. it really motivated me to writing this
POV: Reader
Warnings: Fluff. Use of "Y/N". Angst?
Words: 2.3k
Description: How does one live a life of virtue when past vices begin arising after a successful jailbreak with untied ends?
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It was terrifying as I watched my home be stripped of everything it knew, it was as if with every furniture upturned or removed, a piece of me was taken with it. It was the couch, the tables, the side-tables, the food from the fridge, everything. By this point, it wasn't our home anymore, it was the home. Everything was out of my control, I had no say in what the strangers robbed me of for their 'investigation'.
I was questioned for days about what he did, about why he did it, and if I was an accomplice. Fingers were pointed at me without any real reason behind them. I didn't even know what they were talking about, he simply told me it was a business trip or some family thing-- I don't remember but I wish I did. If I had, I might've been able to save myself the hassle of convincing everyone else that.
Zemo always wanted and always was isolated and by himself. While he had friends, or contacts as he called it, he preferred to be lonesome. By lonesome, that means either in a crowded place with no one with him, or at the house with me. It was something odd to get used to, but I never wanted to trade a day with him for a day with some people who call me their friend, only to turn around and talk bad on me.
Now, I'd trade all my days for just one more with him.
With the sun having just set and the aroma of freshly brewed tea filling the air, it became a good day. Until I saw on the news of a jailbreak that just occurred, several prisoners being injured and one-- a highly dangerous prisoner (as the news described it)--escaping. I saw that it was in Germany and I believed for just a second that it could've been him.
I was fortunate enough just to keep the home, after a few months of it being held hostage from me. With every night I slept here, the more desolate I began to feel, for I can't dare try and show my face to the world. I'm too afraid people will talk and say that I'm "the one who dated the man who destroyed the Avengers". Maybe I'm just being paranoid, but something doesn't feel right if I go out without him or if I just go out in general. It feels as if I've been under house arrest or exiled from the public for years.
It was another simple night, a warm one just cool enough to keep the windows open. I love hearing the sounds of the crickets outside the large bedroom windows accompanied by the occasional whispering the leaves made when wind made them rustle. The moonlight gazed perfectly onto the door, illuminating a path outward if I had to get up at some point; which I usually did because sleeping soundly was no longer an option. Though, I was almost asleep until the large hum of the garage being opened startled me.
Quickly, I turned on the bedroom lights and walked into the large, open main room that had stairs leading to the garage. I flicked on the lights and saw the shadow of a figure grow as it climbed to the top, the breath staying stagnant in my lungs. Should I grab a weapon? Should I find an escape route? All of these life-determining questions crossed my mind until I could comprehend who really was climbing the steps.
His eyes scanned the room, as if he was a child lost in the store looking for their parent, until his eyes finally met mine. All of his concerned features dropped into something softer, something kinder, something I never saw from him before. “Wha- Why are you here?” The ends of my mouth rose into the biggest smile I could possible create, without even realizing it.
“Didn’t I tell you I’d be back?” His strides were wide and swift as he made his way to me, cupping my face into his gentle hands and pressed a kiss to my lips. A kiss I have never felt before, it had a different feeling behind it, a different motive…
…He missed me.
I placed my hand over the one that laid carefully on my face, taking in every bit of him. I forgot how small wrinkles came down from the corners of his eyes, or how his cheeks curved in slightly. I forgot how when his features softened and when he gazed into me, my legs felt weak and butterflies filled my stomach. I forgot how much he loved me.
He pressed the smallest kiss to my forehead and looked back down to me. "I have some people for you to meet. We have guests." I didn't know what he meant until two large men came up the same steps. The small bubble of comfort and renewal was broken when Zemo's attention drifted from me and onto them. Despite those few moments being a few measly seconds, it felt longer than the years past.
The two men grew tense and one of them shouted, "Zemo who the hell is this?" Almost instinctively, as the two strangers approached me, he placed his arm in front of me. "So you're telling me not only are you rich, but you had a girl waiting for you the whole time?"
"You could say that, but I never asked her to wait or stay." He looked to me and the corners of his mouth rose ever-so-slightly. "Y/N, this is Sam Wilson and James Barnes, or Bucky." The metal-armed man raised his flesh hand when his name was called, almost like taking attendance.
I passed out cups of tea and coffee for the three men and sat down on the couch next to Zemo, trying to comprehend what the three of them were telling me. "Then after we realized that neither Sam or I really knew how to handle or hunt the super soldier serum, we decided to contact the one guy who does."
I looked at them clueless for a second, "but didn't Zemo frame you for assassinating a king? And cause the Avengers to break up?" Zemo looked at me and nodded, with a look that essentially said 'really? you had to bring that up?'
"Yes, yes the man did." The other man, Sam, was now talking. "After that, Tin Man over here decided to break Zemo out of jail, which I had no part in. Frankly, I still don't see why we need him." Bucky just stared at Sam from the metal remark. They looked like they were good friends but argued like a couple with marital problems.
The three of them went back and forth about what to do next, throwing out different names and places. I pulled my knees up to my chest and placed my drink down on the chestnut side-table next to me, remembering the way policemen ripped open the table and threw it around, the scuffs on the sides to prove it. The tugs they made on the drawers tugged on me as-well, making me lean my head against Zemo's shoulder. After all this time, he still kept his muscles, but to be fair he also had a lot of time on his hands the past few years.
Suddenly, a yawn escaped my mouth and I tried to stifle it. His attention quickly shifted to me and put the conversation at a pause. "If you would like, we can go to bed," the words made my heart simply explode. It was a simple action that I didn't even notice I missed so much, it had been so long that the idea of sleeping with someone else feels so foreign. Although, it's a humbly welcomed foreign experience.
I nodded quickly and stood up, realizing I should probably be a good host and give the two guests a place to sleep. "If you guys want to follow me, I can show you to your rooms." I led them down the hallway, trying to keep my feet of the floor as much as I could because it felt like ice. I don't remember the last time I was down here, I didn't really have a reason to. Opening two doors, I turned to face them, "here are your rooms. Bathroom is first on the left." Bucky smiled and nodded quietly.
Sam, on the other hand, went and said, "so is there a breakfast in bed option or will we have to go out there to a chef?" Bucky rammed his metal elbow into Sam's stomach and glared at him.
"Thank you, Y/N. And please ignore Birdy over here."
As I began to walk away from them I heard a quiet exchange of cursing. Looking back, the two were pushing each other and fighting to get towards the bathroom. Bucky eventually pushed Sam against the opposite wall, then ran into the bathroom, with a subtle click of the lock. Sam locked eyes with me, nodded his head down and shuffled into his room like a dog with his tail between his legs.
"Those two are quite the duo," I murmured softly as I pushed open the bedroom door. I fully expected to see Zemo passed out from his endeavor from earlier, but it was a welcomed surprise when I saw him and the same look of bliss spread on his face as he sat on the end of the bed, having just changed into a simple t-shirt and sweatpants. Those same quick strides closed the gap between us, but this time he was softer and slower, as if he wanted to make up for lost time.
Starting at the bottom of my earlobe, his fingers traced my jaw, his eyes following them and scanning each and every one of my features. The way he stared and touched me reflected how touch-starved he really was all this time, turns out we were in the same boat but different countries. His gentle hand flowed from my ear, along my jaw, and when it reached my chin, he cusped my cheek. I leaned in nearly automatically into the touch, finally making eye contact when he looked at me.
With a small movement, he pressed a loving kiss to my forehead. "I never thought I'd be able to see you again. Or do that. Or do this," his other hand reached my cheek and brought me in for a kiss on my lips that was full of longing. "Or do this," he nudged my thighs and I jumped into his arms, now truly aware of what I was missing these past few years. Zemo set me down in the bed and got in next to me. "Or do this," he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in gently, holding me as tightly as he could without suffocating me.
Laying on his chest, I took in everything and couldn't imagine how I went so long without him. It felt like night and day. For so long I was living in the dark, completely isolated from the outside world and anything that could possibly hurt me anymore. Once he returned, he turned on the lights, he brought me back into the sunlight. I know he just got home but it feels like everything is back where it's supposed to be, like nothing ever changed. Somehow, with his return, the bed also feels softer.
"Why did you wait?" His sudden question caught me off guard. "I mean, I cannot say how excited I was to see you--but why didn't you move on?" I looked up and saw a confused expression, with his eyebrows furrowed together and lips pressed.
I didn't know how to answer him, how do I express everything I've felt these past years? How do I accurately tell him that after seeing my home destroyed and ransacked, the only thing I could think or do was to picture rebuilding it?
"When you were arrested, men came and took everything. They destroyed the house and didn't leave a single thing unturned. It was months before I could step back into the house and I think almost two years before I could begin the process of restoring it." I could feel his breathing slow down and become deeper, reminding me to pull myself together. "When I could finally put the pieces of the home back together, it didn't feel the same, because you weren't there. I wanted to try and go out but it wasn't right to go into the open world without you.
So, I waited. After watching strangers destroy the things I loved, and the things I had so many memories of, I could only think to fix it all and rebuild it all. But, I couldn't do that without you. I needed you. I need you."
With one movement, he changed our positioning so his face was now over mine, leaning over me. "What did I do to deserve you, meine geliebte," he spoke softly and pressed one final kiss to me and whispered with a smile, "shall we go to sleep now?" I nodded slowly and watched him get up to turn off the lights.
When we were sleeping, or when he was sleeping, all I could think to be was wide awake. Last time, he left suddenly during the day and promised to come home, I didn't know that previous night that he'd be disappearing from me. So, while he was in bed with his arm draped around my waist, holding me close and occasionally moving his arm to pull me closer, I was remembering every single thing.
I savored the way the sheets felt hotter than usual with him being home. I savored the way his breath against the back of my neck made me ticklish. I savored the way he moved his thumb in circles against my skin every few minutes, even when he was asleep. I made sure to remember how his heavy arms made it more difficult to breath. I couldn't bare to forget any of these things, so when he leaves again, I'll remember.
But right now, he's home.
He's back at our home.
part two
get tagged - masterlist
tags: @blondekel77 @mysticdeerpolice @dexthtoyounglings @anthrogothic @darlinloves @hollmarch
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aggravatetheaxe · 3 years
This title is NSFW. Pt. 1, Under Your Skin, is Safe For Work. If you're a minor, please read that one instead! This one has s*x in it!
It's been a year since you came out to Bo, and while there have been ups and downs and a lot of new things to get used to, you've both done your best to keep the relationship going. But has he learned how to treat you like a man?
CW: NSFW, descriptions of dysphoria, mentions of deadnaming/misgendering, mentions of murder and mortal peril, words that could be considered slurs and/or fetishizing/objectifying (I mean, come on, it's Bo. We're talking extremely raunchy BUT GENDER AFFIRMING sex.)
Soundtrack: x
Words: 3,431
Part One
The sun was just setting over Ambrose by the time Lester's truck pulled up to the washed-out road. With a smile, you shifted the big paper bag in your arms and slid out of the passenger side, calling, "Thanks, Les!" over your shoulder.
"You take care now!" he said back, patting Jonesy's behind as she jumped out after you. "Tell those good fer nothin' brothers of mine 'm sorry I couldn't make it to dinner."
You nodded, filling your lungs with fresh air. You loved the hell out of Lester, but you still weren't used to the smell of his truck. "I'll tell them. Drive safe. Thanks again."
Lester waved as he backed out, then pulled a sharp turn to head down the dirt road again, truck clattering the whole way.
You looked down at Jonesy, who had paused to pee in a nearby bush. "You ready, Jonesy?" When she looked up at you, panting, you said, "I know, it's hot. Come on, let's head home. Go home, Jonesy."
She knew the way, taking point and leading you across the small creek, around the bend and into Ambrose.
Your heart soared the moment you stepped into town. You could see pretty much the whole thing from where you stood: the church, the gas station, the house of wax ... and of course the Sinclair house.
You were eager to go find Bo, but you followed Jonesy to the house of wax first, opening one of the front doors to let her in. She'd find her way down to Vincent, and he'd know to come up to the house for dinner in about an hour—unless he didn't show up at all, which wasn't out of the ordinary.
Jonesy pranced into the dusty darkness of the museum, and you watched her retreating form for a few moments, zoning out.
It had been a year since you'd come out to Bo, Vincent, and Lester. A year now that you'd been living as your true self. It felt like much longer than that, and yet, when you thought about it, it somehow felt like only yesterday that you'd told your favorite mechanic.
After stewing over it and your talks, he'd come to terms with your new lifestyle ... gradually. Grudgingly, at times. But he was trying, and that meant something. These days, he only had to correct himself occasionally.
And that was the thing about Bo. He may be ignorant, and he might not get it, but once he had come to terms with something ... once he had decided that something was acceptable ... he was protective as hell. It might take some work, and he might still tease you about it, but if anyone else said something? God help them.
You jumped, nearly dropping your paper bag as strong hands squeezed your waist. You turned quickly and were met with Bo's grinning face. "You douchebag!"
He snickered. "Scared you, darlin'?" He leaned to look into your bag. "Get anything good?"
"Get your nose out of there." With a grin of your own, you pushed him gently away by the chest. "It's a surprise."
"You know I hate surprises." Nonetheless, Bo relented, straightening and adjusting the brim of his hat. "I'll lock up the shop, meet you up at the house in ten?"
"Sounds good." You craned your neck to kiss his stubbly, sweaty cheek, then passed him. As you did, he smacked your ass. "Ugh! Come on, dude."
"You know ya like it, dude."
You could still hear him snickering to himself like an idiot as you parted ways, starting up the hill to the house while he returned to the garage. The door was unlocked as usual. You stopped in the kitchen to shove the groceries in the fridge before starting upstairs. It was hot as hell today, and you were in desperate need of a shower, slicked with more sweat than you cared to think about.
Once in the bedroom, you kicked your shoes under the end of the bed, then stripped off your shirt. You'd been wearing your binder for a few hours now, so you peeled it off, relishing the feeling of air hitting your hot skin. As you chucked the binder to the floor, you glanced into the full-length mirror near the dresser.
Your hormone therapy was going well. You were hairier, your face was slightly different, your fat had redistributed and made you squarer in a way that made you downright giddy. Your chest wasn't flat, but more and more every day, you found you didn't care—even enjoyed the look of it. Wearing a binder in public saved you from being misgendered, but around Ambrose, you didn't wear it all that much.
You ghosted your fingers over the hair on your arms and hands, thinking back. The road to the place you were at had been rocky, to say the least. For you and for Bo. When the HRT had started taking effect especially, he'd gotten weird and silent all over again, like it was finally really setting in for him. But he'd rarely voiced any criticisms aloud besides some offhanded asinine comments, so you'd just let him deal with whatever internal struggle he was dealing with.
Those days had been a struggle for you, too. But by now, he'd gotten over himself. He even dutifully helped with your shots, administering them like they were the most serious shit in the world.
It made you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, how far he had come. How far you'd both come. For a few long minutes, you were lost in your scrutiny, fingering stretch marks and admiring your hands.
You were so deep in thought that when the bedroom door creaked open, you jumped, instinctively covering your chest before you realized who it was. "You scared me."
"That's twice today." Bo smirked as he hung his hat on one of the bedposts. "You sure are jumpy."
"You're almost as quiet as Vincent when you wanna be." You bit your lip and glanced back at the mirror.
In the reflection, you noticed Bo looking you up and down slowly. After a beat, he approached from behind, wrapping his arms around your middle and meeting your gaze. As he did, he raised his hands to your chest, strong fingers rubbing your breast tissue in deep circles. Ever since you'd complained about how tender you got after being compressed for hours, he'd done this. You were pretty sure it was just an excuse to touch your boobs, but it felt nice at least.
You relaxed back into him with a sigh, letting him support you a bit. "How was your day?"
"A lot better now that you're home, handsome." He craned his head to kiss your neck and stayed like that, mouth buried in the crook. "Fuck, you smell good," he mumbled into your skin, fingers never stilling.
You couldn't help but squirm a little under his praise. You smelled like sweat, and worse, man sweat, but Bo always seemed fascinated with it, more than content to snuggle up to you and take your changing body in.
"I smell like a highschool gym locker," you mumbled, though you couldn't hide your goofy smile in the mirror.
He raised his eyes and brows to meet your gaze in the reflection again. "You sure? I used ta play football ... don't remember the other guys smellin' this hot."
You squeezed one of the arms around your waist, trying to ignore the heat of your face. The sight of him rubbing your breasts and the feeling of his rough fingers against your sensitive skin was already crazy-making enough. "I bet you found it a little hot."
A year ago, you wouldn't have dared make a joke like that. You didn't even wanna think about how offended he would've gotten. Now, though, his only reaction was a smile that crinkled his eyes and a little sparkle in his pupils.
"All those sweaty, strong guys bumping up against each other in steamy close quarters." Your smile turned into a grin. "Bet it kinda turned you on."
Bo snorted. "Wouldn't really know. I usually changed in the janitor's closet." A bit of vulnerability flashed in his eyes, but he quickly recovered by focusing the attention back on you. "Anyway, none a' them were like you. Where you goin', lookin' like that?"
As he spoke, his hands slid down your front, hugging your hips so your ass was pressed tight against him. You shivered hard. "Looking like what? This is just my body."
He grunted, and you watched in fascination as his gaze ate you up. He rubbed your flanks with his thumbs. "You're a real pretty boy, you know that? Not like other guys at all..."
Your heart skipped a beat, and you suppressed the urge to hide your face in your hands. Still, you averted your eyes from the mirror, too shy to look at yourself any longer. "I dunno about that, but thanks."
Bo shifted. He huffed in your ear, and you lifted your head enough to see him frowning down at you. After a few moments, his expression changed to something slightly more neutral, eyes alight. "Don't make me hafta teach you a lesson, sweetheart. I might enjoy it too much."
Those words sent a thrill up your spine, flipping your stomach. He looked like a predator about to strike its prey, and god, it took everything you had not to give in right away. You raised your chin in a challenge. "What lesson is that, hm?"
Bo's expression shifted again. He grinned, bottom lip caught between his teeth. One hand left your hip, wrapping around your throat just under your chin.
Then, he pivoted, and with one good yank, threw you onto the bed.
You loosed a soft breath as you bounced on the mattress, looking up at him. Defiance fluttered its wings in your chest. "Well? You never answered my question."
"Shh." His hand returned, this time over your mouth. "None a' that now. I'm not in the mood for dolin' out punishment. You just sit there nice 'n' lemme show you what ya do to me, understand?"
Even if you could say something with his hand over your mouth, all you wanted to do was stare at him—at those beautiful blue eyes that seemed to see right through you.
"Tch." His crooked grin made a brief appearance, though it was more of a snarl, showing off his gums. "What a good li'l soldier."
With that, Bo moved in on you, kissing you hard. Teeth and noses clashed painfully before he drew you closer and deeper, his tongue exploring you like he could drink you in. You returned the kiss with equal enthusiasm, grunting into his mouth, then giving a groan when you felt his large hand cup you between the legs.
A sharp inhale, and he pulled back slightly. His lips moved against yours as he whispered, "Whose is that? Who does this pussy belong to, dickbait?"
Your breath hitched. "You."
"Me. That's right." He squeezed and rubbed through your jeans. You could already feel how wet you were, folds sliding together. A second later, he'd undone your button and zipper and slipped his hand into your underwear. "Fuck, that's nice." His lips still brushed against yours, breath hot on your face and in your mouth. "Love that boy cunt. You're just as wet, aintcha?"
As he stroked you, his thumb found your swollen clit. You gasped when he put pressure on it.
"So wet for your man."
You shuddered and dared to quip back, "And it looks like you're pretty hard for yours."
Finally, he pulled back to meet your eyes, lust warring with challenge. He stared for a few moments before saying, his voice nearly a growl, "I'mmuna make you come, pussyboy. Yeah. Squirt all up my stomach 'n' chest ... we'll see if you still gimme an attitude once you're screamin' and shakin' under me."
You had no smart comeback for that. You simply melted onto his hand, grinding against him as he slid two fingers inside your hot, needy pussy. The feeling of him curling his fingers and stroking you deep already had you biting back incoherent dirty talk, every nerve electric.
"Pretty young buck like you, walkin' around lookin' like that ... you're just askin' for dick." He licked his lips and used his other hand to help you shimmy out of your jeans. Soon, you were bare, gushing all over his fingers as he loomed over you. "Am I right?"
"Y-Yeah," you pushed out, leaning back on your palms so he could get a better angle. "Fuck, Bo—"
"Y/N," he mumbled back, free hand gripping the back of your head. "Y/N."
You heard him say your name all the time, but the way he said it now, the way he was staring into your eyes ... you knew this meant something more. He wasn't just fucking you, he was fucking you. He was seeing you.
You couldn't take it anymore. Your head was spinning with every circle his thumb made around your clit, but you needed more. With a strangled gasp, you gripped his biceps. "Bo, baby, inside—fuck, please, I need you."
He smirked above you. "Not until you admit you're the handsomest goddamn man in Ambrose."
You groaned. "Come on!"
"Sorry, gorgeous, those're the rules. C'mon, lemme hear you say it."
Your cheeks burned, but he wouldn't stop playing with your pussy, and you didn't want to come without his cock inside you. "I-I can't," you muttered, only half joking. "What about you, big cat?"
"Besides me." He thrust his fingers in particularly firmly, drawing a shout from you. "Say, 'I'm the handsomest goddamn man in Ambrose.' I wanna see you say it while you're ridin' my hand, and you better convince me."
You panted for a few more moments before finally giving in, sputtering, "I'm the ... handsomest goddamn man in Ambrose," followed immediately by a groan, your eyes rolling back in your head.
"I'm not buyin' it."
"I'm the handsomest goddamn man in Ambrose!" He certainly made you feel like it.
"Good boy." After one last jerk, Bo drew his fingers from you, going to work his belt off. His cock sprung from his Dickies, already red and glistening with precum. He caught your calves in iron grips as he lined himself up with your hole. "I c'n smell you. Slut. So fuckin' messy for me."
As he slid in, your head lolled back. You dropped to your elbows, then gave up completely and laid flat, unable to hold yourself up for shaking.
Bo almost cooed, throbbing gently inside you. "Lookit my beautiful boyfriend ... already half way ta heaven. Haven't even started poundin' that sloppy boy pussy yet. Ya can't lose it on me already, ace."
Even the stupid nicknames got you hot somehow. You watched him through half-lidded eyes, panting. When he began to thrust, you yowled like a hurt animal, the drag of his dick sending flames spitting through your limbs.
His grip tightened as he rolled his hips into you, in and out, in and out, picking up pace. "You like that, loverboy? Shit, sure looks like ya do." He lifted his chin. "Stick your tongue out."
Obediently, you parted your lips with your tongue, trying not to drool too much.
Bo couldn't hide the way his eyes sparkled as he watched your mouth, or the way his dick swelled in you. His hips moved faster, your slickness enough for him to glide. It felt so nice, but that alone wouldn't make you come, and he knew that—he was savoring this.
Eventually, his shirt found its way to the floor, followed by his pants and boxer-briefs. The sight of him bare with you, glistening in the hot afternoon, made it hard to breathe.
With one of his hands, he propped your leg up so it was resting against his chest and slightly over his shoulder; with the other, he explored your torso, dragging his calloused hands up your hip, across your stomach, to your breasts. He still played with them often, sucking and squeezing, and you found you didn't mind. The way it made you feel and the way he was looking at you, how could you ever hate it? Plus, you weren't sure he'd take no for an answer regardless.
A growl ripped from your chest as he bent to suck one of your nipples, latching on for a few moments before flicking his tongue, then running it flat in circles. He whispered heatedly, lips brushing against you, accent slurring, "I love your tits ... you know I love ya tits, righ'? Fuck, ya so hot..."
You knew he'd miss them if you decided to get rid of them. Honestly, that was half the reason you were reconsidering that idea. You never wanted to forget the way he worshiped them: licking, sucking, slapping, squeezing his dick between them...
"Come on, romeo," Bo panted, his mouth still against your chest as he plowed into you. Wet clapping filled the room as his balls met your ass, again and again, almost unbearably warm. "Come on, fuck ya'self off tha'."
He loosened his grip on you, giving you more freedom to move. Now he was fucking firmer, his angle more deliberate, the hot head of his cock hitting your sweet spot with every thrust. You loosed another yowl and bucked your hips to meet his.
"Bo," you groaned. "Bo, Bo..."
"Tha's my man." He was losing control of himself, his voice choked and desperate. "Tha's my man. Tha's my fuckin' man."
"Yeah—! You— you like fucking other guys, angel? Huh?"
Bo exhaled harshly, twitching inside you. "Like makin' 'em scream, too. 'Specially this one. My— handsome li'l— pussyboy—"
You could feel the muscles of his sweat-slicked thighs and abs flexing as he tried to hold himself back, trying to keep himself from finishing. You knew one comment from you would push him over the edge ... so you waited until you were at your edge, too, to choke out: "Fill that slutty boy pussy up, cher. Show me who's the big man around here, who gets to come wherever he wants. Show me who's boss— fuck—!"
Bo lurched, sinking his teeth in the crook of your neck. Every inch of him tensed, cock jumping, and you saw white as your entire core became molten between your orgasm and his.
When you were next aware of your surroundings, he had collapsed into you, slumped a bit awkwardly over the edge of the bed. He was breathing hard, his hair damp with sweat. It dripped down his spine, too, and down the back of your thighs. You gripped him tightly, wrapping your arms and legs around him, and the two of you stayed like that for a minute or so.
Eventually, he pulled away, rolling onto his back beside you. One of his strong, square hands still gripped your wrist, though, thumb brushing the back of your hand lightly. He opened his pretty blue eyes, all long lashes as he blinked away the haze of his climax.
Then he looked over at you—and, of course, found you already staring at him. His lips quirked up in a smirk. "Angel?"
You could feel yourself flush. "Romeo?"
The smirk turned into a wolfish grin, and he propped himself up on one elbow, stealing a kiss. "You're cute," he declared after a moment, like he was giving his official opinion on the subject.
"You're one to talk. Can we at least agree that I'm the second handsomest man in Ambrose?"
Bo heaved a sigh. "A'right, a'right, fine. Guess numero uno is my cross ta bear."
With a laugh, you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him close for a kiss. It started heated and rough, but as the seconds passed, it became more tender. He slipped a hand into your hair and held you in the kiss for an extended period before pulling away, an intense gaze searching your face.
"I love you," he breathed. "Ya know that, right?"
It wasn't often he said it unprompted; usually when he told you he loved you, it was because you'd said it first. At once, tears sprung to your eyes, and you leaned in for another quick kiss.
You did know—you did. And more importantly, he knew. He knew everything and he still said those three little words. He saw you and this and he still wanted all of it.
And fuck, you wanted it, too.
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thero0ks · 3 years
505 NSFW!
Do not read if you are under 18 NSFW!
Jean catches the next flight home to surprise the reader. Smut ensues.
Jean took the next available flight home. Romantic notions were pushed to the back of his mind by the need pooling within him. Only being gone a week felt like an eternity. Long fingers ran through his ashy hair, as his leg bounced hearing various boarding announcements. Checking his watch for the fifteenth time since he sat down the minutes seemed to drag on. A notification dinged on his phone. Digging it out of his pocket his eyes flickered to the Snapchat notification. 
One unopened snap from Angel <3
Jean tapped the red box opening the image. Muscles froze at the pornographic picture. The only thing covering her body was a pair of lace panties, and black thigh highs that accentuated her supple thighs. The screenshot Jean took was automatic. Swallowing, his eyes flickered around the boarding area. The thought to check his surroundings before opening the image never crossed his mind. Relaxing he noticed no one sat near him, and the image had remained for his eyes only. Taking another peak at the photo he had to suppress a groan. It’d been too long since he’d traced her skin in the dark, and felt her between the sheets. She had no idea he was coming home early. Taking pleasure in teasing him when he was hundreds of miles away. Jean couldn’t deny he enjoyed her naughty antics, and the prospect of finally punishing her for her little games was driving him wild. 
Jean swiped open the chat. Thumbs working quickly to type out the message: you naughty girl.
Turning his phone on silent he gathered his things for boarding. Handing over his boarding pass the flight attendant raked over his figure with her gaze. Jean managed a half smile of acknowledgment heading down the boarding bridge as soon as she handed over his ticket. Leather felt cool against his back as he settled into his seat. Pulling out his phone to switch it to airplane mode he found a picture in response to his text. Her index finger was in her mouth, her other arm wrapped around her breasts giving a perfect view of her cleavage. 
He almost missed the small text at the bottom of the picture that read: I miss you Jean boy :(
Another screenshot and he was turning his phone on airplane mode. The buckle of the airplane seat clanked as he latched it. Leaning his head back against the seat he closed his eyes. He was only a two hour flight away from her. Nine o’clock and he’d have his arms around her. 
Another stranger sat next to him on another flight. Digging out his headphones and Nintendo Switch he tried to pull his thoughts away from what would transpire tonight. The images he’d received this evening allowed him to think of little else. 
His skin was hot, and his tie felt constricting. Fingers loosened the knot, unbuttoning the top two buttons of the ironed button down. He couldn’t get that damn image out of his mind. Pausing his game he rubbed his temples. Dirty scenes playing in his mind. 
Small hands slipping between her thighs, soft sighs escaping her painted lips. Fingers dancing over her pussy as her back arched into the pleasure. 
Jean snapped out of his daydream adjusting quickly in his seat to hide the erection he’d just created for himself. Laying the Switch in his lap he unpaused the game, determined to make it the rest of the flight without another slip up. 
The parking garage was empty as he walked to his car. Popping the trunk he threw his suitcase in the back. Taking more care to place his leather messenger bag in his passenger seat. Lights on the dash lit up as he put the key in the ignition. 
The forty minute drive home seemed to blur by with the passing headlights. A soft light came from his apartment floor as he parked his car. Gathering his things he trudged up the concrete steps. Keys jingled as he unlocked the front door. 
The apartment was quiet when he walked through the door. Taking care to set his bags down he locked the door behind him. Kicking his shoes off he found the bedroom door was cracked, red LED lights casting a glow on the carpet. A low hum could be heard from the bedroom, and Jean recognized the sound instantly. Electricity seemed to spark under his skin as he leaned against the doorway pleased with sight before him.  
The filthy images his mind had conjured didn’t compare to this. The soft mewls that escaped her lips, one hand on her breast as the other teased her slick folds with a vibrator. Enraptured in the thralls of pleasure she hadn’t even noticed him there. Her back arched grinding closer to the toy. Jean bit his bottom lip observing her touch herself. A vivid image he would save for future trips when she casually mentioned she’d gotten off earlier during their facetime conversations. He knew exactly what that entailed now. 
“Jean!” She gasped, a flustered look coming over her face. 
“Don’t stop on my account,” Jean said, pushing himself off the doorway. The mattress dipped beneath his weight as he placed his hand on her’s, guiding the vibrator back to her clit. Hips bucked at the sudden stimulation when the toy made contact with her pussy. Jean guiding her hand through swirling motions. Leaning over her he captured her lips in a deep kiss. 
“I’m gonna make you feel good angel,” Jean promised. Switching the vibrator to a higher setting he felt her nails digging into his forearm. His name falling from her lips in a desperate plea. He heard something about cumming between sharp breaths.
“Oh baby, you’re going to cum as many times as I want.” Honey eyes watched an orgasm shake her body. Switching off the vibrator he set it aside. Stripping himself of his jacket, shirt, and tie he watched her settle down from her high. Climbing over her he enveloped her in another kiss. The kisses were slow and deep as he swirled his tongue around her’s. His thumb stroked her jaw as he buried his other hand in her hair, gripping at her roots. Soft hands trailed up his stomach and lower back. Eagerly exploring the expanse of his skin. 
Breaking the kiss Jean’s eyes took in her curves. She looked divine underneath him, and he realized the pictures she sent were nothing compared to her under his gaze. Fidgeting underneath him a smirk pulled at his lips. He loved when she was needy, grinding against nothing but air. She looked fuckable, and he couldn’t resist slipping his middle finger into her soaked entrance. Rubbing tiny circles, just enough to get her excited. 
“Jean,” she moaned tugging at the locks on the nape of his neck. Desperate for more. Needy moans made his dick twitch, and he was painfully hard looking at her so soft, and fuckable on their bed. All he wanted to do was sink into her, but he also wanted her to cum until she was a sobbing mess. 
He slipped his index finger into her, the added finger making her feel full. Hooking his fingers he started rubbing her g-spot. The sharp inhale he solicited from her had him smirking. Hitting her sweet spot she felt the pressure building. Her juices coated his hand and dripped down his forearm. She was a beautiful mess as she gripped the sheets desperate for some purchase against the pleasure Jean was pulling from her. 
Jean leaned over capturing her nipple in his mouth. With a sharp gasp she had her fingers buried in his hair. He knew her most sensitive parts, and loved hearing the breathy moans that escaped her lips. Swirling his tongue around her nipple, his hand played with her other breast. Toying with the sensitive bud feeling her grind against his fingers, and tugging at the roots of his hair. His name escaped her lips in a needy whine. 
The way she flexed around his fingers knew she was on the edge, and he had half a mind to keep her there. Toying with her, until he deemed it fit for her to come undone. 
Withdrawing his fingers he heard her whimper at being pulled away from the edge. “Jean,” she whined, dragging out the last consonant. 
“I want to hear you beg baby,” he said, honey eyes locking with hers as he sucked on his fingers that were soaked in her juices. 
“Jean please,” her voice came out in a huff, at his demands.
His fine brow rose at her tone. His dick twitching in his pants at the attitude she was starting to show him. “I know you can do better than that,” he said trailing off, dipping his fingers in her slick before retracting them. 
Her body jerked at his touch, soliciting a wide grin from the ashy blond. He knew exactly how to leave her a begging mess, and the brattier she got the deeper she’d want him. 
“Jean, please.” Impatience coated her tongue as her hand gripped his forearm. 
Fingers slipped inside her, and Jean added a third this time. A small gasp escaped her lips, and her back arched into his touch. A soft squelching sound lingered in the air as he rubbed her g-spot soaking the cotton sheets beneath her. 
“Is that for me baby?” Jean inquired, feeling her nails dig into his forearm. Nodding her eyes squeezed shut at the pleasure.
Jean gripped her chin, as (e/c) eyes flew up to gaze into his, “use your words angel.”
“Yes Jean,” she panted, as he released her settling between her legs. Propping herself up slightly, eager to see her thighs framing his face. Honey eyes locked on hers as he licked her clit. Hands tugged his hair as a moan escaped her lips. Jean continued fingering her as his mouth wrapped around her clit, playing with the bundle of nerves, and drinking up her essence. 
By the way her back was arching, and hips grinding against him he knew she was close. Sweet whimpers escaped her lips. He felt her pulsing against his fingers as she came, her cum dripping down his chin as he tried to lick up everything she was giving him. 
Tired muscles relaxed beneath him. Lazy fingers carded through his hair. Bliss was written on her face as he pulled away, wiping his chin with the back of his hand his honey eyes took in her exhausted frame. He watched her slip out of the bed settling between his thighs. (E/C) eyes batted up at him as she popped the button of his jeans open. Widening his hips in anticipation the sound of the zipper seemed to echo in his ears. Warm hands tugged at his jeans, and he lifted his hips to allow her to strip him of his jeans. 
Running her hands up his thighs she pressed open mouth kisses across his stomach. Jean leaned back on his elbows to give her better access. Nipping at his hip bones, a smirk appeared on the corners of her mouth. Enjoying the way his body would shudder at the sensation. 
“Fuck you’re a tease,” Jean hissed as she sucked a hickey on his lower stomach. 
Tension released through his muscles when she finally discarded his boxer briefs and sucked on the head of his dick. Swirling her tongue around the tip the bitter taste of precum hit her tongue. Slowly she started to bob her head.
“You’re a cock tease,” he grunted, soliciting a hum from her that vibrated against his dick. Hands brushed her hair aside to watch her lips wrapped around his cock, pulling him deeper with each bob of her head. Abs flexed under her skilled tongue, and Jean’s mouth watered when her eyes gazed up at him while she lowered her mouth down on him. Cheeks hollowed as she continued to bob her head, eyes locked with his. 
“I’m not going to last much longer,” he warned. Fine brows scrunching together, and she released him with audible pop. A smug grin on her face at how fast she’d brought him close to orgasm. Drawing her thumb across her lips Jean wrapped his arms around her pulling her down onto the mattress. 
Her back pressed into his chest, as they laid on their sides. Jean’s fingers tracing her exaggerated curves in this position. A large palm gripped her thigh as he slowly slid into her. She couldn’t stifle the moan that escaped her lips, head dropping back against Jean’s shoulder. His cock filled her, and she felt him in every sweet spot. When he bottomed out her pressed a sloppy open mouth kiss to her lips, before he slowly started rocking his hips. Whimpers escaped her lips as he kept the pace.
“Fuck you’re tight for me baby,” Jean grunted into her cheek. His nose rubbing against her temple, occasionally pressing soft kisses to her skin.
The low hum of the vibrator surprised her when Jean pressed it against her clit. “You always feel so good when you’re gripping my cock,” his voice was breathy in her ear. 
The coil inside her tightened, and soon she was cumming around his cock. Her grips on the sheets tightened as waves of pleasure shot through her body. A haze filled her brain still drunk on her orgasm as she pulled Jean into a deep kiss. 
“Oh you’re not don’t cumming angel,” Jean cooed, switching the vibrator up to a higher speed. “I know you can give me one more.”
Flipping her onto her back he slid back into her pressing the vibrator to her clit. “Mmm...Jean, it’s too much,” she breathed, her body spasming at the stimulation of his dick and the vibrator. 
“Baby, I thought you missed my cock.” Jean purred, his hips snapping into her. Setting a brutal pace, eyes mesmerized by the way her pussy sucked him in. 
“I do,” her voice was desperate, on the edge of another orgasm. Jean retracted the vibrator, and he watched (e/c) eyes widened. “Jean please!” She cried desperately,
“I thought you were too tired to cum,” Jean reasoned, placing his hand on her lower stomach. Feeling him fill her with each snap of his hips. “You take me so good baby,” Jean’s voice trailed off, hypnotized by her naked body.
Nimble fingers snaked down her body to play with her clit. “Fuck, keep touching yourself.” Jean said, snapping his hips driving into her. Her pussy was soon pulsing around his dick as another orgasm washed through her. 
Fucking her through her orgasm, he finally allowed himself to cum. He finally stilled, catching his breath, and he felt gentle fingers brush his hair out of his face. Pulling out he watched his cum leak out of her. Leaning down he gave her a gentle kiss. 
“I’ll run a bath,” Jean said, disappearing to the bathroom. The sound of the faucet filling the tub was the only sound in the apartment. Jean pulled out a couple of candles, placing them around the tub, before adding some fragrant bath soap. 
Jean carried her bridal style to the bathroom. The hot water felt good against her tired muscles. Leaning forward, she Gave Jean enough room to slip in behind her. Resting her back against his chest, she closed her eyes relaxing into his body. 
“I’m happy you’re home,” she hummed, as Jean gently massaged her scalp. Pressing a light kiss to her temple he let a comfortable silence fall over them. 
Jean tried to think of the best way to break the news as they sat in the tub. They didn’t get out until the water started to grow cold. Handing her a towel, he slipped on a pair of boxer briefs, and watched her apply lotion to her body.
“Y/N?” Jean spoke softly. He watched her (e/c) eyes flicker to him full of adoration. Rubbing the rest of the lotion onto her forearms she made her way over to him. Crawling into bed, she rested her head on his chest. 
“What is it Jean?” 
“I have to leave in a couple days,” he murmured. Running his hand down her soft skin. He knew how much she hated him being gone, but she did her best to stay supportive.
“Oh,” she breathed, surprised at his sudden revelation. Disappointment filled her at the realization that Jean would be leaving soon. “How long this time?” 
“A week.” Jean said, a long sigh escaping his lips. 
There was no point in lingering on the fact that Jean would be leaving in a few days. Y/N grabbed her phone sitting up, “well let’s order takeout.” She suggested, finding their favorite local Chinese restaurant. “We can eat, put on a movie, and cuddle.” 
Jean smiled, pressing a kiss to her lips. “That sounds perfect,” he said, grabbing her laptop he put on Legally Blonde while she finished ordering takeout. Snuggling up to his side to settle in for the rest of the night. 
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hangovercurse · 3 years
Once a Month
Colson doesn’t understand why you’re acting so strange, so you have to explain that your monthly visitor has arrived.
Request: “Hi, I love your writing! If you want to write something like that, I have a suggestion: Not to be mean but I think Colson can be really dumb/ignorant about stuff that doesn’t concern him. Idk maybe hes in a relationship with the reader and doesn’t understand stuff that comes with being a women, either period stuff or body hair stuff idk? And he hurts her with commenting about it without noticing? And please fluff in the end where he gets educated”
Colson x Reader
Warnings: Cursing, fighting, talking about periods, a single sexual reference
A/N: I don’t know how this got so long...
Word Count: 2945
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Having a vagina really fucking sucks sometimes. Specifically, for one week a month, when your body decided it needed to bleed out of said vagina for a whole week. No period was easy, and yours was no exception. But getting your period while living in a house with a bunch of guys, who all had dicks, was a nightmare. It seemed like no one knew what you were going through physically and emotionally. You had been on Depo-Provera since you met Colson, so you had never been on your period around him. But your doctor decided to take you off of it because your bone mineral content was getting too low. So here you were, 6 months later, and getting your first period post- birth control.
You had a more hormonal period, meaning you were constantly jumping from one mood to another. Today was your third day, and you wanted to rip your uterus out. You were sitting on the couch, curled up next to Colson as a movie played on the TV. Your cramps were killing you, so you weren’t really paying attention to anything that was happening.
You heard someone say something about a club, and you assumed they were suggesting going to a club, even though they went last night, and the night before, and the night before. And normally you would be down for clubbing with your boyfriend and your friends, but today the stabbing pain in your abdomen told you “no,” just as it had for the past few days.
All the guys had agreed, their eyes landing on you and waiting for a response. “Uh, I’m not really feeling it tonight, guys.”
Colson rolled his eyes, “you haven’t been feeling it all week.” He complained and you frowned.
“I just don’t want to go tonight.” You mumbled, a little angry that he would start an argument in front of all the guys.
“Why do you have to be such a buzzkill?” He complained, the arm that was previously wrapped around you pulled away. “You’ve been in a shitty mood all week, it’s fucking annoying.”
You bit your lip, feeling tears biting at your eyes. You weren’t sure if you were upset or angry, or both. But you knew it wouldn’t be pretty to keep this conversation going. “Whatever, have fun.” You scoffed, the anger taking over. You rolled your eyes and stood up, walking to yours and Colson’s shared bedroom. You made it just past the doorway when the tears started rolling down your face.
You closed the door behind you and shut the light off before trying to muffle your cries with the sleeve of Colson’s shirt that you were wearing. You laid down on the bed, facing away from the door in an almost fetal position. The tears didn’t stop, and all you could focus on was Colson’s anger towards you. Why couldn’t you just be a good girlfriend and go with him? Why did you have to be a buzzkill?
You heard the garage open and shut, signaling that the group had left for the club. He’s probably going to find a girl to hook up with tonight. Your brain told you, making you cry even harder.
And then you felt guilty for thinking that. Wow, you really think so low of Colson that you think he’d cheat on you. You really are the world’s worst girlfriend.
Every thought spiraled into another, until you decided to watch TV to distract yourself. It worked pretty well, your period head being happy from the dopamine you got while watching The Good Place. But, like all good things, your happy mood came to an end when you heard the garage door open hours later.
You looked at your phone, realizing it was already 3am. You had hoped to be asleep when Colson got home, but you hadn’t managed to drift off to sleep, probably because you’d taken a nap at 2pm earlier. You sighed, preparing for the mess that was about to come through the door.
And like you had summoned him; Colson came stumbling through the door of your bedroom. “Why are you still awake?” He grumbled, stripping his shirt off.
You shrugged, pausing Chidi’s rant about the ethics of truth. “Couldn’t sleep.” Colson sat on the edge of his side of the bed, tattooed back facing you, typing on his phone. The smell of alcohol and weed coming from him made you feel queasy. “You should take a shower.”
Colson stood back up, throwing his phone on the nightstand, and taking off his jeans. “I’ll take one in the morning.” You shut the TV off, laying down fully in the bed to face your boyfriend. He pulled the comforter back, climbing into the bed beside you and pulling you into his arms.
You pushed him away, the smell even worse now. Colson tsked at you, glaring at you as you scrunched your nose up in disgust. “What the fuck is your problem?” You rolled onto your side, your back facing him. “Is this because I called you a buzzkill earlier? It’s not that serious.” He rolled his eyes, even though you couldn’t see him, and flipped onto his back.
“It’s not but thanks for bringing it up.” You mumbled, still turned away from him. Your mind wandered back to the conversation earlier in the evening, and you got upset about it all over again.
Colson sighed, his hands moving to rub his face. “Then please, tell me what I did this time.” He sat up, flicking on the lamp beside him to light up the room. You groaned, burying your head into your pillow.
“You just smell.” You mumbled into the fabric.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” He mumbled to himself, but you still heard it, “You’re mad at me because I smell?”
You let out an annoyed sigh, “I’m not mad at you, I just can’t stand the smell of you right now. It’s making me sick.” You could feel his temper rising even though you couldn’t see him. The feeling made you want to cry.
“Seriously, Y/N? What the fuck is up with you lately? You’ve been acting like a bitch all week.” Now that did make you cry. You sat up, grabbing your pillow and your phone and standing up, walking towards the door. “Where are you going?” Colson asked, more annoyed then concerned.
Colson couldn’t see your face, but he could hear your sniffle as you opened the closet and pulled down an extra blanket. “I’m sleeping on the couch.” You continued your trek to the door, pausing as your hand touched the handle, “Sorry for being such a shitty girlfriend.” You muttered, opening the door and leaving the room.
You threw the pillow onto the couch, laying down and pulling the blanket over you.  Your hand came up to your mouth as you muffled your sobs again, hoping no one else in the house could hear you. Colson sat in his bed, staring at the door that you just left through with a confused expression. You’d gotten into worse fights before and you hadn’t cried then, what was so different now?
He threw his head back onto the bed, a frustrated groan leaving his mouth. He was in no state to convince you back to bed, and he knew you wouldn’t listen to him anyways, so he turned the lamp off and tried to go to sleep.
 You woke up at 7 the next morning due to your cramps feeling like someone was stabbing you from inside your body. You knew you wouldn’t go back to sleep, and the pain was intense, but the only anti-inflammatory medication in the house was in yours and Colson’s bathroom, which meant you would have to go through the room to get it. And you were very determined to not go in there, assuming he was probably still mad at you. You didn’t think you could handle him yelling at you again.
But after an hour and a half of trying to distract yourself with your phone, you felt like you were gonna throw up if you didn’t take any meds. So, you dragged yourself off the couch, walking into the kitchen to grab a piece of bread (don’t take anti-inflammatories on an empty stomach y’all) and shoving it in your mouth. It wasn’t the best thing in the world to eat at 8:30 in the morning, but it would be enough to prevent the Aspirin from fucking up your stomach.
You shuffled to your room, hesitantly reaching for the door handle. You knew Colson would be asleep, but you were still shaking with anxiety. Taking a deep breath, you slowly opened the door, relaxing a bit when you saw your boyfriend sleeping. You stepped lightly, trying to be as quiet as possible as you crossed the room to the bathroom.
Once in the tiled room you shuffled through the drawers, trying to find the bottle that would magically relieve your pain. You frowned as you pulled open the fourth drawer, still not finding the bottle. You were sure you had a bottle in here somewhere.
“Babe?” Shit. Colson’s morning voice called from the bed. You peaked your head out of the bathroom, his eyes finding yours.
“Sorry, I’m just looking for the Aspirin.” You said quietly, moving back into the bathroom to continue your search.
“It’s in here.” Of course it’s in there, why wouldn’t it be in there?
You trudged out of the bathroom, finding the bottle in his hands. You flashed him a small smile, grabbing the bottle from his hands. Any thoughts of last night momentarily left your mind as you poured two tablets into your hand. “Everything okay?” Colson sat up, watching as you moved towards your side of the bed.
“Yeah.” You said, walking to your nightstand to grab the water that you keep there. You swallowed the pills, looking at Colson’s concerned face. “I’m fine, just cramps.”
Looking at his face made your heart fall. Even when you two were fighting he was worried about you. “Can we talk about last night?” You asked, realizing you needed to address your argument. Colson nodded, reaching to pull you onto the bed. You loved morning Colson; he was very cuddly.
You happily moved into his arms, your chest pressed against his back, his arms around your middle, and head resting against yours. “I’m sorry I got so upset.” You mumbled. “My hormones are making me an emotional wreck. I forgot how bad they could get.”
“What do you mean?” He asked, looking down at you. There was concern in his eyes, but a lot of confusion.
You tilted your head, realizing he hadn’t pieced things together. “You know, my period hormones.” He furrowed his eyebrows and you laughed softly. “Oh my god have you never experienced this with a girl?”
He frowned, “No. I thought your birth control stopped your periods?”
“Yeah, but remember I had to stop taking it a few months ago? It’s finally fully out of my system.”
He nodded, “Wait so what does your period have to do with hormones?”
You tilted your head back so your crown fell against his chest as you tried not to laugh. “You know how people always ask a girl if she’s on her period when she gets really mad or upset?” Colson nodded, his eyes trained on you, listening attentively. “Well, its because when you get your period, for the last few days leading up to it and the first few days you’re on it, certain hormone levels are low. So, you’re really sensitive emotionally. The levels raise throughout your cycle, so you get less irritable after the first few days, but its still not necessarily fun.”
“So, when I complained about you not wanting to go out…”
“I got really upset. I mean I would’ve gotten upset either way, but I probably would’ve brushed it off normally.” You laced your fingers through his. “And the reason I didn’t want to go out was because I could barely stand up, much less go out and party.”
“Wait actually?” He seemed genuinely concerned.
You chuckled a little at his childlike wonder of your period. “Yeah, even if I take medicine my cramps kill me. And I’m either really tired or really awake most of the time.”
“Where are your cramps?” He asked, and you moved his hands towards your lower stomach. “Here?” You nodded, and he started massaging the area softly, easing some of the pain. “Is that helpful or does it make it worse?” He asked.
You hummed, “very helpful.” He continued his motions and you kept explaining. “Heat also helps. I used to have a hot water bottle but I got rid of it since I wasn’t getting my periods anymore. And I haven’t felt good enough to go to the store and get another.”
He kissed the skin behind your ear, resting his head there. “You should’ve told me, babe. I would’ve gotten you one.” You shrugged, smiling at his worry. “I wouldn’t’ve been such a dick, too.” He mumbled.
You turned your body to face him, wrapping your hands around his neck, “you didn’t know, babe. It’s okay. But maybe you shouldn’t be a dick even when I’m not on my period.” You gave him a wide, sarcastic smile.
“I know, I’m sorry.” He whispered, a frown on his face. You leaned up and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. “Is there anything else I should know about your period?”
“I get really bad cravings, like chocolate, candy, salty food, literally anything. And it’s always random.”
He pecked your lips, “Tell me what you want and I’ll get it for you.” You smiled, closing your eyes, and resting your forehead against his.
“Oh, and we can’t have sex.” He pulled away from you, a confused look on his face. “Babe, I’m bleeding out of my vagina. It would be really really gross.”
“But that doesn’t mean we can’t do other things, right?” He tilted his head, smirking.
“Don’t ask me to blow you while I’m on my period. If I want to, I’ll tell you.” You giggled. “Seriously, this shit sucks.”
“You’re telling me.” He chuckled and you slapped his chest lightly. “I’m kidding.” He pulled you closer to him so your head was pressed against his chest. You could hear his heartbeat and it made you smile. “Whatever you need, just tell me and I’ll do it.” He mumbled; lips pressed against your hair.
You looked up at him, pressing a kiss to his jaw. “You could take a shower?” You asked sweetly.
He laughed, “was that a period thing too?”
You nodded, “yeah I get sick really easily. I can’t go in a car unless I’m driving because I get too nauseous. Some smells can set me off too.”
He nodded, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head. “Hey, just promise me one thing?” You looked up at him, urging him to continue. “Next time something’s wrong, tell me, please? I know you’re my soulmate and everything but I can’t read your mind.”
Your eyes widened when he said that, cheeks turning red. “You really think that?” You asked in awe.
“Of course I think that. You’re literally my perfect half. You get along with all my friends, you take care of Casie like she’s your own kid, you put up with all of my shit. I dunno, I just feel like we were made for each other.” You leaned up, pulling him in for a long, sweet kiss.
“I am so in love with you.” You whisper as you pulled away. “Like so so so in love with you.” You smiled.
He kissed you again, a smile on his face. “Oh, one more thing.” He said, and you hummed in response. “Next time we have a fight, don’t walk out on me, please? I don’t want us to go to sleep mad at each other.”
You nodded, moving your arms to take his hands in yours. “I won’t. I promise.” You whispered. “Can you promise me something?” You looked up at him, his eyes entrancing yours. “If we are fighting, can we not do it in front of our friends?”
He nodded, kissing you once more. “Promise.”
“Do you have plans today?” You asked.
“I don’t think so.”
“Can we stay in bed and cuddle all day?” You gave him your best puppy dog eyes and he broke out into a smile.
He nodded, “We can do whatever you want to do, sweetheart.” You smiled, practically tackling him back onto the bed so you were laying down, you clinging to him like a Koala bear. “I’ll send Irv and Baze to the store in a while for you.”
You rolled your eyes, smiling into his neck. “I would complain that you should do it yourself, but that would require you leaving me, and that’s not happening anytime soon.” Colson opened his mouth to say something, but you cut him off, “except for you taking a shower. I have not forgotten.”
You giggled, sticking to his chest as he sat up, trying to get out of bed. “You say you want me to shower but you’re making it impossible to get out of bed.”
“You have to be nice to me, I’m on my period.” You smiled up at him.
He shook his head, chuckling. “Fine, I guess I’ll just bring you into the shower with me.”
“I’m not complaining. But I’m just warning you I’m bloated as hell right now.”
“And yet you’re still the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen.”
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ilovefandoms102 · 3 years
The Worst Vacation
Pairing: Drew Starkey x Plus Size Reader
Summary: Your boyfriend surprises you on your vacation with your work friends...
Note: Inspired by my trip to AZ which was terrible so this is kind of based off real events that happened to me but dramatized for the story, and of course inserting my baby daddy Drew😛.
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Life works in funny ways…
I never expected to find the love of my life a little over a year ago. Drew came unexpectedly into my life and we instantly had a connection. I know, I know...sounds extremely cliche, but it’s the truth.
Although our relationship was mostly long distance, we made it work. Sure it was really hard sometimes not having him around, but once I graduated from college we planned on moving in together. It might seem a bit fast since we have only been together a year, but I’m ready and I know Drew’s the one I want to spend forever with.
I go on vacation with a girl I work with every year, Sally, since I started working with her two years ago. This year, we chose to go to Arizona. I was super excited because we had also planned on going to Las Vegas and Los Angeles.
Drew was extremely supportive and was happy that I was getting the opportunity to travel. I was hesitant with wanting to go at first because I had wanted to save up enough money to visit Drew while he was filming.
However, we both agreed his schedule was too hectic at the time and that we wouldn’t be able to properly spend time with each other. We were both disappointed, but still I was excited to go with my friend.
Or so I thought…
The trip was slowly turning into a disaster, everything that could have gone wrong did. My friend had brought along her niece, Caroline, which I didn’t mind despite not knowing her very well. It felt like the trip was mainly focused on them and I was just there to be the chauffeur.
I called Drew the first three nights of my stay crying because they were so awful to me. Drew being the sweet man he is offered to pay for a flight home, but I declined. I already had spent too much money to not finish out the trip.
“But sweetheart, if you’re not having a good time there’s no point in being there.” Drew pressed, his handsome face lighting up my phone screen.
“I know honey, but I’ve already spent a thousand dollars for this trip. I can’t just come home and leave them here.” I sighed, snuggling further into what would be my bed for another 10 dreadful days.
“I’ll give you the money back angel, I just don’t want you to be miserable when this is supposed to be a relaxing trip.” Drew insisted.
“I’m not taking your money Drew you spoil me enough.” I smiled, wishing more than anything he was lying here with me so I could kiss his cute face.
“I always want to spoil you baby, you mean the world to me.” he professed, grinning widely afterwards.
“I miss you so much,” I whispered, my heart aching to feel his strong arms around me.
“I miss you more,” he whispered back, pouting his lips slightly.
We talked until one of us fell asleep only to call back the next morning. My friends even had the nerve to comment on how much I talked to him.
“It’s a little obsessive...I mean you guys have been together for what a year?” Sally condescended, narrowing her eyes at me.
“Yeah? So what?” I questioned, the annoyance clear in my tone.
“I’m just saying it’s weird.” she scoffed, crossing her arms behind her head as we laid out in the sun by our pool.
“It’s weird for me to talk to my boyfriend?” I asked, making sure I was extra sarcastic.
“Every second of the day...yeah.” she chuckled, making my blood boil even higher.
I chose to be the bigger person however, and just kept to myself.
The 5th day of my vacation, I hadn’t heard from Drew the whole day. It worried me, but I was also thinking about what Sally said. Maybe I was being clingy…
A knock on the door startled me from my thoughts. I thought maybe one of the girls had ordered food or something, so I opened the door and my mouth dropped open.
“Hi baby,” Drew greeted, my eyes watering from pure joy.
“Drew! What are you doing here?!” I asked excitedly, throwing myself in his arms.
“I came to see my baby,” he mumbled into my cheek, placing a gentle kiss on the red skin from being in the sun.
“Are you actually fucking kidding me?!” Sally exclaimed from behind us.
“Well nice to meet you too.” Drew mumbled sarcastically while letting go of me but not completely.
“Chill Sally, he’s just here a few days.” I huffed, rolling my eyes as I turned to face her.
“This is supposed to be OUR vacation!” She reiterated, throwing her arms out.
“It still is our vacation,” I emphasized.
“Not when you’ll be all over your boyfriend!” she shouted.
“I barely get to see him as it is Sal, you know that.” I said softly, trying to gain an empathy pass so she would just leave me alone.
“Whatever,” she sighed, clearly irritated as she stomped off.
I paid her no mind since she threw fits all the time like this. I pulled Drew to the room I was staying in, slamming the door shut. Drew threw his stuff by mine, then smirked at me and tackled me on the bed. I let out a little squeal, beaming up at the handsome man that I got to call mine.
“I’m so happy now,” I confessed, biting down on my lip to try and keep my tears in.
“Me too my love,” Drew whispered, sealing our lips for the first real kiss we had shared in a long time.
Today was the day we were taking a drive to Las Vegas, which I was very very excited for. It was a nice change to wake up to soft kisses instead of Sally barging in here and demanding I wake up.
“Good morning beautiful,” Drew murmured in his deep morning voice, his kisses continuing their loving assault.
“This is a very nice wake up,” I giggled, snuggling further into him.
Drew hummed in agreement against the skin of my neck, his slight stubble tickling the delicate area. His large hands felt up the curve of my hips, taking my(his) shirt with them.
Drew had always claimed since we started dating that he was obsessed with the wide curves that I hated more than anything. He even said he loved how thick my thighs were, which I never thought in a million years I’d hear come from a man’s mouth.
“I love you, my girl. ” he whispered, my heart fluttering in my chest.
“I love you, my man.” I whispered back.
Our moment was rudely interrupted when Sally banged on the door saying we needed to hurry up. I couldn’t control my eyes from rolling in annoyance as Drew and I untangled from each other. We got ready quickly before making our way to the car to start the four hour trip.
The drive was smooth sailing, Drew and I taking turns driving while Sally pouted about having to sit in the back. My hand clenched Drew’s tightly at her sly comments. Luckily, Drew wasn’t having it with her since he knew I wouldn't say anything.
“So this is the guy you’ve been obsessing over for the past year?” she asked snootily, knowing it would irritate me.
“I think it’s more like I’m obsessed with her.” Drew spoke up, squeezing my hand before smiling at me.
“Really? She never shuts up about you.” Sally retorted, raising a challenging brow at him.
“Well, I’m glad because I’m the same way with my friends, they love her.” Drew chuckled, but I could tell he was just as irritated as I was.
We stopped to get gas thankfully or otherwise I would have exploded. I stomped inside to the restrooms, slamming the stall door shut.
I got in the drivers side after I came out, Drew waiting by the door to open it for me. I smiled small at him, getting on my tipey toes to kiss him quickly before getting in.
We finally had made it, but things were not looking good. I had accidentally ended up in the old part of Vegas instead of the main strip, and Sally blew up on me.
“How can you be so fucking stupid is it really that hard to type shit in on a map?!” she screeched.
“It’s not that big of a deal, we're not far,” Caroline commented, annoyed with her aunt's attitude.
“God this is a fucking disaster I don’t even want to be here anymore!” she shouted, my hands gripped the steering wheel tightly. Drew sat in silence, not sure what to do to diffuse the tension.
“God will you just shut up! I don’t know where every fucking place is in the world! This is my first time here just as it is yours, now just shut the hell up and let me concentrate!” I finally snapped, angrily typing on my phone to figure out where we needed to be.
I found where Caesar’s Palace was located, and they just so happened to have free parking as well. I slammed the gas and took us there. Drew and I got out of the car, but Sally and Caroline didn’t budge.
A few minutes later, Caroline storms out of the car slamming the door as hard as she could. She rushed past Drew and I, heading towards the exit.
“I’m sorry y/n, I hate that she treats you like that.” Caroline spoke up once we exited the parking garage.
“I’m used to it, she talks to me like that at work too.” I confessed, Drew whipping his head towards me.
“Y-You never told me that…” he murmured, looking down at me with an almost hurt expression.
I shook my head at him, signaling now was not the time.
Sally threw her tantrum, then met us in the Bellagio. We sort of made up, but I did it merely so the rest of the day wasn’t awkward. Drew was quiet, probably still a bit upset with me.
We toured the hotel, the decorative flowers and artistry truly breathtaking. We ended up in front of Hell’s Kitchen where we would be eating later tonight. Drew and I took some pictures together to post on our stories while Sally and Caroline walked towards Caesar’s Palace.
“I wish you’d let me say something,” Drew blurted, sitting on one of the steps with me standing between his legs.
“No Drew, it will just make things worse.” I sighed, leaning into him.
“She’s so mean to you my love, I don’t like it.” he stated, his arms coming around me.
“I’ll be ok baby,” I mumbled, playing with his hair while smiling down at him.
“How about...you and I sneak away.” Drew suggested, tapping his fingers on my hips.
“Then they’d really be pissed,” I chuckled.
“We can just say we got lost.” he shrugged.
“Why do I feel like you’re up to something Starkey?” I questioned, raising my brow at him.
“I may or may not have booked us a room for today.” he grinned slyly, suddenly pulling me tight against him.
“To cuddle?” I teased, smirking as I ran my hands up his chest to the hairs at the back of his neck.
“Well yes...but also to fuck.” Drew said bluntly, smiling as I gasped at him.
“Joseph Starkey!” I exclaimed, giggling as my cheeks turned a deep shade of red.
“Baby come on it’s been sooooo long, my balls are aching.” he whined, cupping his hand over his manhood.
“Awwww are they? My poor baby boy.” I pouted, rubbing his cheeks with my thumbs.
He nodded, his lips pouting out as well. I couldn’t help the smile widening on my face, his cute pout making my insides melt.
“Let’s go then Drewbear,” I giggled, pulling his arms to stand up.
We quickly checked in, rushing up to the room. I didn’t have time to appreciate the beauty of the room, Drew immediately spinning me around and lifting me into his arms. Drew laid us down on the bed, my phone rang out, no doubt one of the girls calling.
“Drew, I-I should get that.” I panted, his kisses moving down my neck. I felt his hand snake down my body, reaching into my pocket to take out my phone.
“They’ll be fine without us,” Drew smirked, lifting up and silencing my phone.
“Drew I should at least text the-” I started, but stopped talking when Drew took his shirt off.
“Sorry baby, were you saying something?” he asked rhetorically, smirking at my staring eyes. I shook my head, my eyes traveling down his toned form.
Drew stared down at me, his gaze sending chills down my spine. His hands traveled from my knees, down my thighs, up until they reached the bottom of my shirt. His eyes flickered to mine, and I nodded my head. Drew’s hands went under my shirt, my breath hitching in my throat.
I lifted my hands, sitting up a little so Drew could take my shirt off. He tossed it to the ground with his, while he did that, I unhooked my bra and threw it in the same direction before laying back down. Drew’s hands ventured towards my breasts as his lips explored the skin of my collarbones, lightly nipping at the area. I couldn’t contain the moan that escaped when Drew lightly rolled my nipples between his fingers,
“Fuck,” I whispered, my nails lightly digging into his scalp as I tugged on his hair.
Drew wasted no time in getting to where he really wants. He shoved off both our pants and underwear, situating me just how he likes before he buried his face in me. His tongue worked wonders, licking and sucking on each spot that made me tick.
“Oh my, baby please don’t stop.” I begged, my back arching slightly off the bed as my legs started enclosing towards his head. Drew lifted his head momentarily to stick two of his fingers in gently, my eyes rolled to the back of my head.
“My girl has such a pretty pussy.” he commented, his breath ghosting over where his tongue had just been.
I moaned loudly at his praise, gripping the sheets between my fingers as I felt my orgasm just in reach. Drew smiled as his mouth went back to work, his fingers increasing their pace as well. I could feel the band about to snap, my legs shaking the closer I got. With just the slight curl of his fingers, the flick of his tongue, and I was done for.
“I’m-” I gasped, not finishing my sentence as my orgasm hit me like a freight train.
“Mmmmm fuck yes baby,” Drew groaned, working me through it as he watched the cum drip from his fingers and onto the bed sheets.
Drew took his fingers from me, sliding them in his mouth to suck them clean. My stomach fluttered watching him, it was the hottest thing I had ever seen him do. He then grabbed my hips and flipped us over so I was on top, my head spinning a bit from the quickness of his movements.
“My turn princess,” Drew smiled, kissing my lips hotly before lying back down.
I smirked down at him, kissing my way down his body. I got to his vline, leaving my mark down it until I got to his dick. I licked from his balls to the tip, squealing lightly when his hand was suddenly in my hair. His chest was moving at a rapid pace, his eyes burning into mine as I took him in my mouth.
“I missed your mouth so much my love, fuck it’s so good.” he moaned, throwing his head back.
I moved my head up and down, using my hands to meet my mouth with what I couldn’t fit in my mouth. His grip on my hair tightened, pushing my head slightly. I gagged once I got to the base, taking a deep breath as my eyes watered.
“I’m gonna cum,” Drew panted, thrusting his hips into my mouth as I sucked harder. I pulled all the way up, sucking on his tip and flicking my tongue as fast as I could. He moaned as he came, spurting his seed into my mouth.
“Let me see, did you swallow it all my good girl?” Drew asked, pulling my hair so my mouth was removed from him.
“Mhm,” I hummed as I showed him my tongue that was clean.
Drew smiled at me, moving his hold to either side of my face and smashing my mouth to his. I held his wrists, moaning softly into his mouth as I shuffled closer.
“Come on beautiful, I want to see you on top.” Drew whispered, helping me straddle his waist and inserting himself inside me.
“Oh my god, Drew.” I groaned, digging my nails into his shoulders.
“Fuck baby, you feel so good.” Drew grinned, helping me move on top of him.
I rolled my hips into his, the tip of his cock hitting my gspot which had me a moaning mess. Drew slid a hand down so his thumb rubbed against my clit, a high pitched whine flying from my lips as I moved faster.
“I could live in your pussy,” Drew moaned, his thumb pressing harder.
“Drew,” I pleaded, throwing my head back before coming back to stare into his beautiful blue eyes.
“Would you like that baby? To sit on my cock all day?” he growled, thrusting his hips upwards to meet mine as I came down.
“Yes, I would love it.” I whimpered.
“I can feel how close you are my love, cum with me.” he demanded, but I was already there before he finished his sentence.
“F-uck baby,” I squeaked, my body going to cloud nine as I shook on top of him.
Drew came seconds later, burying himself inside of me. I laid my head on his shoulder, ran out of energy to keep myself upwards.Drew held me to him, laying back on the bed as we calmed down.
“Ok?” he asked.
“Amazing,” I answered.
After we met up with Sally and Caroline, explaining how ‘lost’ we were, we ate dinner at Hell’s Kitchen. It was amazing, but definitely not worth the price. We walked around a few more shops in Caesar’s Palace, actually getting lost and taking a while to find the way out.
Once we did, we came across a group of men walking by…
“Damn she thicc,” one commented.
“Ooooh she got a nice one, hello!” another yelled.
Drew turned around to say something, but I yanked his hand to keep walking.
“Do not,” I hissed.
Drew instead to make it clear I was taken, placed his hand directly on my ass.
“Drew! We’re in public!” I whisper yelled, but he made no move to remove his hand.
“I don’t give a fuck,” he shrugged.
“Hey baby! Why don’t you leave your pretty boy to be with a man for a night!” someone else called, Drew’s eyes narrowing.
I was suddenly airborne, Drew bending down and lifting me into his arms. I wrapped my legs around his waist, surprised to say the least.
“Drew! Put me down!” I yelped, holding on to his shoulders.
“Apparently, these boys need to know you’re taken.” Drew snapped, tightening his grip on me.
“Seriously babe, you’re gonna hurt your back.” I mumbled.
“Didn’t you say your feet were hurting babydoll?” he questioned.
“Yes, but Drew-” I started.
“You’re light as a feather my love, I could carry you all day.” he spoke softly, kissing my nose before coming to a stop in front of the water show between Caesar’s Palace and the Bellagio. He sat me on the railing, standing between my legs with his hands placed on my hips. I kissed his cheek, smiling at how sweet and protective this man of mine was.
“I love you,” I whispered.
“I love you baby,” he whispered back, sealing the deal with a soft kiss as the water show ended.
@themaddies-obx @jeyramarie @mxltifandoms06 @bibliophilewednesday @evaporatedrosepetals @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch @haley-talks-too-much @dpaccione @itsyagirljay @abbyj1822 @gviosca @runway-to-my-aid @obx-direction-sos @iamaunicorn4704 @cheshirecat107 @kindahavefeelingskindaheartless @holy-spn @starrystarkey93 @poguestyleskye @x-lulu @deionswannabegirl @heresalltheshit @lynlovesouterbanks @lemur46 @nina1800 @ilovejjmaybank @noneofmybusiness-cl @artfork @bolaurel @ifilwtmfc @kaitieskidmore1 @outerbongs
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thran-duils · 3 years
Doll Me Up (P.4)
Title: Doll Me Up (Part Four) Summary: Fem!Reader x Dark Mob!Tony Stark. On good days, you and Tony were a power couple. You, a perfect trophy wife with your hands in local charities to promote a wholesome image. Tony, business man but sullied with organized crime. He indulged in his illegal gambling, extortion, and political corruption. And he indulged in his escort business. Hell, that is where he had found you. You were a brat, and he loved a challenge. Words: 2,965 Warnings: Unhealthy relationships, smut, daddy kink, dom/sub, manipulation, death, violence, possessive behavior
Part Three || Part Five || Masterpost (mobile) || Fanfic masterpost
Tony’s office was expansive, but you were in such a small space of it.
You had just gotten back from your honeymoon and he stopped by the office to grab some paperwork and you had trailed along behind him. As soon as he had closed the door to his office, he had grabbed your hand, forcing it to his crotch. One thing led to another and you found yourself tucked underneath his desk, your mouth wrapped around his balls as he stroked himself, his head thrown back against his chair.
“Just like that,” Tony panted. “Keep flicking your tongue like that, princess.”
There was a sharp knock at the door and the two of you froze. His door opened and your eyes widened at the prospect of being caught in this position. Tony was chill as a cucumber though, both his hands coming up on his desk immediately.
“Rhodey,” Tony said sounding surprised to see him and for good reason. You had only stopped in, not announcing you were going to be here. You breathed evenly through your nose but the feeling of it made his cock twitch, it brushing your face. He shifted at the even slight contact, hopefully unnoticed.
“Huh, you are here,” Rhodey said from over by the door. “Maria said she saw you come in. Aren’t you supposed to be on your honeymoon?”
“Just got back. Landed the helicopter outside actually.”
“Where’s Y/N?”
You were not moving, waiting for Rhodey to leave. Tony’s balls were still settled in your mouth as you sat suspended in the lewd act.
“Uh, went to get something to drink I think. She should be back. Just… stopped in to grab some stuff.”
There was a small pause, and you could only imagine the awkwardness exchanged in their looks.
“You alright?” Rhodey asked uncertainly.
“Perfect. Why?”
Another pause.
“No reason...” Rhodey said trailing off. “Well, you should finish your vacation. You work too much. Gotta make sure that you’re doting on the missus too.”
“Is the single man trying to give me relationship advice about my marriage?” Tony could not help but to quip.
Rhodey laughed and said, “Jackass. I’ll see you next week. Stay out of the office until then after this, you hear me? You’ll thank me for forcing that and so will Y/N.”
“Loud and clear.”
When the door closed, you sucked hard. Tony grunted in response and then a strangled laugh left his throat.
“Good girl. You’re so well trained,” he praised, guiding his dick to your eager mouth.
You sat in the back of the car with Tony, your arms crossed tightly across your chest, staring out the window. You were not even trying to hide the tears trailing down your cheeks, thinking of how hurt Liam was in and the aftermath of it. Tony had been angry with you before, Cassandra’s party for one example. And you had both been inebriated which only exacerbated the situation. But him sober though and angry? This was a new experience. You felt a twinge of fear of if he had gotten it out of his system or if he had something else planned. He threatened punishment though, hadn’t he?
He was silent the whole way home, but you could feel the fury. He would not even look at you, sitting as far away as possible.
When Happy pulled into the garage and parked the car, Tony was out of the car quickly. You gathered up your bags before getting out of the car. Tony was striding ahead of you down the garage, not waiting for you.
You caught Happy’s eyes and huffed when he tried to take the bags from you. “I can do it myself, thanks.”
Happy’s hands fell back down to his sides and he looked miffed, but you ignored it, beginning to follow Tony. He stormed inside and was making a beeline for your bedroom. You were already tensing, thinking of the spanking you were going to get. You followed him all the same into the master bedroom and went into your closet to put your bags down.
When you turned back around, you found him looming in the doorway.
He let out a humorless laugh, breaking the silence the two of you had been suspended in. You bit at your cheeks, waiting for him to explode because you had seen him like this before; that manic type laughter.
Tony threw out his arms, “I just don’t get it, baby! I mean, are you really that fucking stupid? You thought taking a plane to another state – let alone city – wasn’t going to piss me off to high heaven? And you hole up in some hotel with some guy like some skank—”
“I didn’t have sex with him!” you interrupted him, offended.
He looked furious at your interjection. “Don’t interrupt me!” He took steps towards you, hands on his hips. “Why the fuck did he answer your phone?”
“I was in the bath! I was telling him to hang up!”
“Didn’t hear that. Odd.”
“Yeah, because it would sound really suspicious if you could. Like I had something to hide!” you said defensively. “He’s stupid but he’s harmless. He didn’t know it was going to piss you off so much.”
“Sure, nothing to hide. I mean you even said you loved him in front of me.”
“I say that to all my friends. It didn’t mean—"
“And then I tell you to come home,” Tony interrupted you now, his voice rising, and you felt it about to boil over. “And what do you do? You can’t even follow that direction even though everything is perfectly laid out for you. Perfectly! Every little fucking step of the way! All you had to do was listen. But no! You have to go and make it difficult for no. good. goddamn. reason!”
He bellowed the last, slamming his hand down on one of your dressers, making you flinch back. He was burning holes into you with how intensely he was staring at you and you folded, your eyes downcast, heat coming to your cheeks. You did not like it when he yelled, especially when it was directed at you. You were truly regretting stoking his anger this much.
“Tell me why, Y/N!” Tony continued shouting. “Tell me why you have to push my fucking buttons! Why can’t you just be good?”
“I’m sorry,” you said hoarsely, tears stinging your eyes.
Tony inhaled deeply, exhaling shakily. He turned on his heel suddenly, leaving you alone in the closet. You heard him slam the bedroom door closed as he left.
You stood in silence, not knowing what to do. After a few minutes, you timidly walked out of the closet, finding the bedroom empty. You shuffled to the bed, sitting down tensely, waiting worriedly.
He returned to the bedroom, the buttons undone on his shirt along his chest and at his wrists. You knew it was because he was getting ready to put effort into making sure you learned your lesson and he would need all the range of motion he could get.
“Go,” he ordered you.
You followed his direction without a moment’s hesitation, knowing he wanted you in the room behind his study where all your toys were. The door in the bookcase was already open and you scurried inside, him on your heels.
His next demand came the moment you crossed the threshold, “Strip.”
You did as he asked hearing him close the door behind him. Quickly, you were standing naked before him. He was barely sparing you a glance, not taking the time to acknowledge you and that cut deep.
“The bench,” he ordered tautly.
Dragging your feet only a little at his icy demeanor, your body shook in anticipation. You climbed up onto the restraint bench, feeling the air move beside you as he came to stand by you. You chewed on your bottom lip, your head hanging, staying still as he tightened the restraints around your wrists and then moved down to your calves.
He was still not speaking to you past the curt commands, and you heard him walk off. You did not dare try to lift your head to follow him, keeping yourself curled in as much as you could. You thought worriedly of what whip or paddle he was going to choose to dole out your punishment. You prayed it was not the ball chain because that one would hurt. He had only used that one to stimulate you, but you only thought now of how much that impact would hurt if he used his full strength.
His footfalls met your ears and you twitched, trying to will yourself to not tense up because that was going to make it worse.
The sound cracked through the room and you gasped, your toes curling. There was no massage or build up to get you warmed up this time. He was using the leather slapper, the triple impact increasing the hit. One you knew all too well, whether it be for pleasure or to teach you a lesson. He was able to be close with it too, increasing his precision.
Tony had not asked you to count, so you did not before the second blow hit. You hissed when the third hit and tears stung when the fourth landed directly dead center across your ass. He was leaving small breaks in between but not too long. The next hit lower near your thighs and you choked out a whimper; he had done that on purpose, he knew it hurt. The next was higher and you could hear him breathing heavier. He was putting his back into the hits.
The tenth fell finally and you almost breathed in relief when you heard him walk away from you. Your ass was stinging, and you thought miserably of the bruises that were to show up.
He only gave you a moment’s reprieve. Tony’s hands were at your calves, undoing the restraints and he did the same for your wrists. Changing positions was bittersweet; your muscles stretched but the pain on your backside caused you to wince. Your legs shook as he helped you to your feet and he pulled you along to beside the bed. You thought for a moment he was going to let you lay down and relief began to flood through you, foolishly thinking that it had not been so bad after all. But you saw the pillows on the ground beside the bed and the toy mounted on the ground.
“On your knees,” he said letting go of your arm.
You painfully lowered to the ground, resting your knees on the pillows – something he had thankfully considered, you fleetingly thought.
Reflexively, you began to lower to rest your head on your elbows to release some pressure from your legs and he snapped his fingers at you, “No. Up.”
You did your best to bite back a complaint, sighing pathetically instead. You kept your eyes downcast still, not sending him a challenge with meeting his eyes.
The toy slid in slowly and your fingers flexed on the floor as you adjusted to it. Tony was controlling it, the speed, the depth. It was shallow at first, working you up. He was pacing and you could feel his stare as he watched the silicone go in and out. He had ultimate control of how hard you were going to get impaled and a first row seat to watch. You did your best to stay in the same position that he wanted, trying to be good. This was without restraints, he wanted you to do it on your own, and you wanted him to forgive you.
Tony turned on the vibrator setting suddenly, and you keened at the sensation. It dragged across your clit, sending reverberations through you as the toy continued thrusting in and out. You were growing slick, relaxing into the movement the deeper it plunged. The dull ache was being overpowered by the tightening in your core with every brush against your g-spot. It was getting harder now to not push back into the toy for more stimulation to release and come.
Fidgeting, your breath was becoming short as you felt yourself spiraling towards release.
Tony turned the toy off.
You blinked, feeling sorrow at the quickly dissipating high you had almost reached the apex of.
His breath was hot on your ear, “If you come on this toy, I’ll put you right back up on the bench. You got me?” You nodded and he demanded, “Answer me!”
“Yes, daddy,” you choked out pathetically. “I understand.”
“You better,” he warned, straightening back up. “You’re not coming until it’s on my dick and until you’ve proved you deserve it and earned my forgiveness, you’re not getting me.”
He only gave you a few more moments reprieve before the toy turned back on. You bit at your bottom lip, trying to ignore the sensation in the toy’s movements now that you knew what the stakes were. He was pacing again and you could imagine his glossed over eyes as he watched the toy sliding in past your folds, taking in the redness on your ass that he had put there. Your chest was rising and falling as you moved to try to keep your thoughts anywhere but here.
Tony pushed you right to the edge and when it was getting hard to ignore it, he turned it off again to your immense relief. Your breaths were coming short and heavy, your arms beginning to shake. You just wanted to lay down.
He started it up again and you let out a small cry. Everything was going to be so sore.
The sound of him walking away while the toy was still thrusting, at a slower pace thankfully, drew your attention and you almost turned your head to follow him. You managed to catch yourself at the last second, swallowing sharply and forcing yourself to look back down at the ground. The pressure was building quicker this time with how worked up you already were, and you hoped he was not gone for long. You did not want to come undone and disappoint him. And you sure as hell did not want to be back on the bench.
It felt like forever but logically it had to have been a handful of minutes. The toy was still thrusting steadily, working you gradually towards an orgasm rather than rushing. You could handle this. You could do this. It was going okay.
Until it was not. The dildo increased in speed and you sighed, closing your eyes tight. You heard a creak and you hoped it was him returning.
Another change, it moved deeper. And the vibration.
“Daddy, please,” you whimpered, unable to help yourself.
You knew he could hear you if he was still able to control the toy from where he was. He had not completely abandoned you. Broken, soft cries left your lips as your fingers dug into the floor, willing yourself to try to keep yourself from tumbling.
A gasp of relief exploded from you when the toy turned off. You heard the door open fully again and you sniffled, visibly shaking on your arms now as the toy retracted.
Tony’s shoes appeared in your line of sight and he swooped down, helping you stand. You were weak in the knees, letting him guide you. You mournfully watched the bed disappear from view as he moved you along towards the door back to his study. Where was he taking you now?
Hope blossomed at the sight of the light on in the bathroom down the hall. And your wishes were answered: he had drawn up a warm bath and you almost cried.
“There’s Epsom salt in there,” he told you stiffly.
“Thank you,” you said immediately.
He did not respond and instead put his hand in the water, testing the temperature. “It should be fine now.”
Lowering into the tub, you hissed half in pleasure feeling the warmth and half because of how sore your ass was, touching the bottom of the tub. Slowly, you relaxed, relishing in the tension release that was provided by the salts. Your eyes followed Tony freely now as he walked out of the bathroom.
When he returned, he had a pair of pajamas that he placed on the counter, before shooting you a look.
“Don’t stay in too long. It’s almost 2 in the morning. You need to sleep,” he said sternly. You nodded feebly and his eyes swept over you once before he turned on his heel and left the bathroom again.
You woke up with your head buried in your pillow, your arms tucked safely underneath it. You had opted to sleep on your stomach, relieving the ache in your ass. You spotted that Tony’s side of the bed was still empty, which meant he had not come to bed. The bed felt cold without him, even though you were snuggled far underneath the blankets. Maybe he had slept in another room or on the couch. The thought of that only made you feel guilty.
You got out of bed, wincing at having to sit up to stand. Your leg caught as you moved, and you took a moment to stretch as much as you could. You pushed the button next to the window, opening the heavy curtains, letting the sun come in. Squinting against the light, you stared out over the ocean.
A couple of minutes of fresh air might do you some good, you thought sleepily.
Your hand fell onto the balcony door, the handle reading your fingerprint to unlock.
F.R.I.D.A.Y echoed over the speaker, “You are not authorized to open this door, Mrs. Stark.”
Forever tags: @coconutqueen21
Fic tags: @kvzctam, @farihafangirls, @teenageregression, @mrsnegan25
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cinnamonrusts · 3 years
together, we can make it out alive - 1
[a/n: originally posted on my Ao3 and I decided to revamp my series some with my updated writing techniques. Hope you enjoy.]
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The electronic chimes from your alarm clock blared loudly in your ear. Groans escaped your dry throat as the clock stirred you from your slumber, "Not yet--," your hand fished for the large snooze button on the top of the clock. Five more minutes, that is all you would need. Well, five minutes came and once again the alarm beeped in your ear. Your eyelids slowly lifted as you read the blurry red digits that stared in your face. "3:45 PM", it read. "Shit..." you cursed as you knew that you needed to get up and get around for your nightshift turn.
Your legs swung around the edge of your bed as you stretched with a loud yawn. Daylight peaked in through your blinds and shined directly into your eyes, "I really need some black out curtains," you mumbled to yourself as you made a mental note. This was just your daily routine now. You slept in the morning after getting off work from the Raccoon City Police Department and woke up around 3:00 PM. Ate, exercised, showered, and relaxed all before you pushed pencils on the clock at your desk.
Don't get it wrong. It was a job and you were thankful, but your duties weren't exactly what you expected them to be after the headache that was the police academy. You didn't hate your job, you just didn't -- like it. Also, you really fucking hated Raccoon City. It was not the same place that you remembered as a kid, not to mention all the weird things that had been going on lately. You just really wanted out of there. Maybe go to a warmer city... like Los Angeles or something.
You pushed yourself to a stand and turned around on the balls of your feet to head to the bathroom. When you reached the shower, you turned on the faucet and ran your fingers under the warm water. Just as it reached the perfect temperature, your phone rang. You ignored it and waited for the voicemail to pick up. But it just rang again.
"I'm coming! I'm coming!" you yelled at the telephone as you stomped through your apartment to the device on the wall. "Hello?" you answered.
A familiar, yet unwelcomed voice barked from the other end of the line. "[L/N]! Where the hell are you?!" It was Lt. Branagh. "Home. My shift doesn't start until 10." your eyes rolled as you pinched the bridge of your nose. "Get your ass over to the station! We've had reports all day of violent attacks all over the damn city!" He couldn't be serious -- it was 6 hours now until your shift! "I don't come in until--," Branagh cut you off, "I expect to see you soon, [L/N]." the call ended.
You kicked the open moving box that sat in front of you in anger. It flipped onto its side and the contents spilled out onto the floor. It was a bunch of papers that you failed to file away and as you picked them up, you noted a familiar picture on top of the mess. The photo displayed two very recognizable faces that had smiles displayed happily.
You and Leon S. Kennedy.
He was your partner in crime during the police academy. Leon was the only one who didn't see you being a woman as a weakness. The two of you hit it off immediately after he introduced himself and complimented your skills.
On top of your heads were colorful party hats that seemed to be a bit too small. Both of your arms were slinked around his shoulders as you pulled him in for a close hug. His right hand was rested on your waist and the left held up a large mug of beer that was about to spill out onto the floor. Your thumb caressed the image of his handsome face and a smirk spread across your lips. You flipped the picture over and in faded pen was your handwriting: "Graduation Celebration! JULY '98"
Leon crossed your mind often. The two of you lost contact with one another after something happened between the two of you. It was as if that party happened yesterday -- the night that he kissed you. Your eyes closed and you could picture Leon's face perfectly - the way that his lips puckered and the way that they felt.
The two of you stood outside of the bar on that warm summer night. Leon was leaned against his shitty blue car that was wrapped in faded paint and rust. You stood in front of him with your arms crossed and your eyes focused on the clear sky that hovered above. Then the sensation of fingers over your skin drew your attention from the sky, to the man. Your gazes locked and his lids were half shut but a smile was on his lips. "Leon, you're drunk, aren't you?" you chuckled. His fingers wrapped around your bicep, "Maybe," he cooed as he brought you close to him. You could feel and smell his breath, it was warm and stunk heavy of booze.
With his free hand, he moved it to your cheek and tickled it lightly with his knuckle. Your [E/C] eyes stared deep into his moonstone ones, Leon's pupils dilated before they closed. His lips met yours. They were smooth but a bit chapped - he must be an avid user of Chapstick, you thought. The kiss was quick but meaningful. When he pulled away, you grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him in for another. When the two of you broke apart, you noted the way those moonstone pools in his head looked at you -- you could get lost in them -- forever.
The fond memories brought warmth to your heart that you lost the track of time. Pounds from beneath you interrupted your reminiscence. Your neighbor below screamed through the floorboards. "Hey, you fucking idiot! Stop using all the hot water! You're not the only one who fucking lives here!" he continued to pound and yell. "Shut up, you fuck!" you screamed back as you scrambled to your feet. Your clothing was stripped from your body as you dashed to the shower, and jumped directly into the lukewarm stream.
You knew that Branagh was most likely boiled over in anger because of how late you were already. Once you finished your shower, you pulled on your police uniform, styled your hair into a neat bun, grabbed a bagel, and ran out the door. Your car was parked pretty far down the road and rain began to fall from the sky. What a perfect start to the day. You shoved the bagel into your mouth and dashed for your car. The key slipped in your hands as you fiddled with them to get the door unlocked. Just as you grabbed the correct one, they fell onto the ground and so did your bagel.
"I've already had enough of today," you cursed and sighed to yourself as you bent over to pick them up. When you stood back up, a woman came from nowhere and threw herself onto you. She cried in panic and spoke incoherently. You noted the large wound on her shoulder and blood was seeped heavily into her shirt. "P-Please! Help me!" she grabbed onto your shirt with blood stained hands. "Ma'am!" you yelled and pushed her off of you for your own safety. She stumbled back and fell to her knee, "Let me call an ambulance!" you started to run to a nearby pay phone but she stopped you with a stutter that it was too late. "There's more of them!" her head turned in the direction of an alley to the left, then she took off from the ground in a haste. "Ma'am, wait!" you yelled as you watched her run away around the corner and into the city.
"Who's coming?" you whispered. With curiosity, you walked toward the alley that the woman had looked down but saw no one. Maybe she was one of the crazy people that were noted to be around the city and around the Arklays... If you saw her again, you'd probably call in some backup... the crazy look in her eyes... it unsettled you. You managed to shake the image of them from your mind and focused on getting out of the rain.
As you walked back to your car, you noticed the red stains that were now stained into your uniform. Whatever. You would worry about it after you made it to work. Once you got into your car, the radio started talking about more and more unrest that had spread more and more through the streets. Your finger pressed the power off, "Enough of that." the news was just the same and you just knew that you had to deal with it first hand once you arrived at the station, it just made it worse.
In front of the parking garage for the RPD were several cars that seemed to have been in an accident. Your car couldn't go any further than where you were at, so you hopped out of the vehicle to walk the rest of the way. People dashed around the streets in a panic and it seemed as if it were the apocalypse. You tried to flag people down to stop them but they all ignored you. What the hell is going on?! When you entered the station, there was even more chaos. Officers ran around like wild and some seemed to be injured as well. You felt anxious and confused by everything that was going on. What had gone on in your brief time away?
Phones rang, people yelled, doors slammed, and everything soon overwhelmed you, you could feel yourself going into an overload. But a strong hand on your shoulder was a saving grace. "There you are, [L/N]!" it was Branagh and a brief look of relief washed across his face. "I left a stack of paperwork on your desk. Sort through it and then you're going out on patrol. Some crazy shit is going down..." he gave you a light push in the direction of your desk.
As you walked to the back of the office, you noticed the banner that was spread across the ceiling in blue and yellow.
Your heart pumped in your chest and you could feel your skin begin to turn clammy. There was only one Leon that you know of that was a cop. The man that you shared a kiss with and so many more feelings... Leon -- Kennedy? Was he actually on his way here? He always told you that after the academy he would eventually come find you in the city and be your partner again. You thought that it was just a joke -- but now, it didn't seem that way. How could he come here without saying anything to you? No call? No email? Nothing?
Your eyes remained on the banner and you asked your co-worker who sat on the desk beneath it, "Hey, Rita. Who's this, Leon?" She didn't look up from her desk, "I dunno. Some new guy from out of town. Last name starts with a K or something like that. Ask Neil, I'm sure he knows." You could feel a knot in your stomach and you darted to your chair. The desk that was across from you was normally piled high with boxes of paperwork, but now it was cleared off. You leaned over the divider and snatched the piece of paper on the desk. Your eyes darted across the text:
"Leon S. Kennedy, we're putting you on a very special case for your first assignment. Your mission is to... unlock your desk! The key to your success is in the initials of our first names."
The note confirmed it. It was indeed that Leon. You plopped back into your seat and gnawed on the nail of your thumb. Your thoughts were now consumed as to how both Leon and yourself would react when he arrived. You could see it now...
He would laugh with the other officers as they shot the shit with him. He would be in the center of the group, they would slap him on the back and tell him how happy they were to have him on the force. His gaze would eventually land on you and he would excuse himself from them. Leon would smile and show off his perfect teeth. He'd saunter over and slowly shake his head, "I didn't expect to see you here, [F/N]."
You swallowed hard but your thoughts were interrupted when the sounds of glass shattered right outside of the office's door.
The chatter and hubbub in the office halted as everyone's attention turned toward the door.  An officer who wasn't much older than you rushed toward the noise, he couldn't make out exactly what it was from behind the glass of the door but drew his gun in preparation. He looked back at the office filled with you and your co-workers before opening the door slowly. "Hello?" he called out. His gun was pointed out into the hallway but found that there was nothing there. Then a sound of something you had never heard before or ever would forget echoed loudly in the empty hall.
It sounded like a monster, there was no other way to explain it. It pierced through your ears and then the sounds of the officer's shrieks shook your core. A loud gurgle erupted from his throat as he was tackled by a person onto the floor. This - person, dug their teeth deeply into his throat and proceeded to rip it out. Bright, red liquid sprayed from the wound across the floor. Two male officers threw themselves onto the assailant and tried their hardest to pull him off but soon were attacked as well. Gunshots blasted off in the office which then were accompanied by more sounds of broken glass. The assailant dropped dead beside the officers on the floor and everyone exchanged glances of pure terror.
"More are out there!" yelled Branagh as he held his weight against the door to stop any more of these "people" from killing everyone his subordinates. "Pistols aren't going to keep us alive for much longer," Rita cried out. "But Irons insisted we hide everything else away, remember!?" your fellow officers shouted at each other as tension rose - fear and panic began to set in.
"I know where some are," you piped up. "I have the keycard for the weapons locker," you reached into your shirt pocket and pulled out a white, plastic card. "Perks of being the newbie, I guess. I'll go." you walked toward the back door but stopped when Branagh barked at you, "You can't go alone!" You shook your head, "I will be right back, I promise." you disregarded his arguments and with a deep breath, opened the door and took off on your mission.
The hall was dark and quiet, the electricity must had been cut out in this section of town. You swallowed hard and with your pistol in on hand with the flashlight in the other, you took quiet yet brisk strides down the long stretch of hallway. All you could hear was the sounds of your bootsteps and the groans of those things that lurked just outside of the fences that kept the building somewhat safe. You needed these guns, no matter what. Or you and your co-workers would end up just like those officers - dead. Your breathing was heavy and your heart raced which could be felt in your skull, "Easy girl," you spoke out, "Just a few doors and you'll be there."
Time was not on your side, so you took off in a sprint. The feeling of being so vulnerable next to a stretch of windows worried you as you could fall victim to whatever those things were at any time. They weren't exactly "things" they looked human and most likely were but maybe they were deranged with some sort of illness. But nonetheless, they were dangerous and deadly... Just as you feared, one of them crashed through the window. Their greedy palms reached for you over the broken glass and managed to snag you by your hair. You screamed in pain and terror as their strength pulled you in but when you pulled away, you only pulled them closer. Your pistol flew from your hands and slid across the floor, too far for you to reach.
Their bloody jaws snapped as they tried their hardest to sink their teeth into your soft flesh. You could feel their breath on your skin and you struggled but could feel your strength giving way to theirs. There was only one thing you could do and it was to grab the knife that was attached to the side of your right leg. Your fingertips were just barely able to reach the handle but with one quick lunge of your body, you grabbed hold of the weapon. The desire to survive charged your strength and you began to saw through the strands of your hair that were gripped tight in the clutches of the creature. Tears poured down the sides of your face as you sawed through the strands that were the barrier between you and certain death.
The creature was now halfway over the window and their hand still had your [h/c] hair in between their fingers, jaws still snapped at you as they begged to taste your flesh. You scrambled on all fours as you attempted to gather yourself so that you could press on. Your foot slipped on a large piece of broken glass which sent you across the floor, you then landed onto a large chunk of broken glass. The sharp piece embedded itself deep into your knee and you cried in pain as you held your leg close to your chest. The creature dug its nails into the tile floor and started to crawl toward you with dead eyes, and bloody teeth. You took several deep breaths as you prepared to yank the glass from your leg and with one last deep inhale, you yanked it out. You cried in pain but knew that you had to keep going, your muscle burned as it now was exposed to the air. You made sure to grab your pistol from the floor before you continued on.
Your sprint was now resorted to a quick limp but you managed to make it to the locker room. To your dismay, it was mostly empty besides a couple of shotguns and some ammunition. "Fuck! Fuck! This isn't enough!" you screamed as you pounded your fist against one of the lockers. Inside one of the open lockers was a weapons bag which you were able to fill with the lackluster amount of supplies. As you zipped up the bag, the metal door to the room opened and the sound drew your attention. Your pistol was ready and you limped around the corner to hide behind a row of lockers to hide from who or whatever it was. The room was dark but a flashlight flipped around the room, whoever it was, they were there to look for those guns or you. Your thumb slowly pulled the hammer back on the weapon and rounded the corner, "Stop right there!" you yelled.
It was a man and he seemed to be normal for the most part. He complied and raised his arms in the air. "Turn around!" Again, he complied and did a slow 180. Through the faint glow of his flashlight, your eyes caught a glimpse of a set of familiar moonstone pools.
"[Y/N]?!" his voice raised in shock. The entire city was faced with an apocalypse scenario or even the whole world for all you knew and the one person you run into is Leon -- Leon Kennedy.
He dropped his arms and grabbed hold of your, then pulled you into a tight hug. Leon smelled of sweat and cologne, the very cologne that you bought for him as a graduation gift. You breathed him in as it registered to you that this was real, he was really here. But you pulled away, "Leon, we have no time for chit chat. We gotta get moving, people need these guns!" you pointed to the bag that sat on the floor by your feet. As you tried to throw it over your shoulder, you winced in pain. "Here, let me get it." Leon attempted to take it from your hand but you paused before you surrendered the precious cargo, "I can trust you with this, right?" your grip was tight on the strap, "When have you ever doubted me?" he asked with a smile, "You don't want to know that..." your grip released as you responded but also pointed the fact that your leg was injured.
"Sorry to be a liability," you apologized, but Leon pulled you to his side, "Nonsense. I got this and you, just keep an eye out for zombies."
You led Leon down the hallway that you had your close brush with death in, the zombie, as Leon called it, was now gone. But when the two of you reached the door to the office, it was eerily quiet. Not a good sign. You pushed the door open to find the office void of any life, nothing but blood. Lots and lots of blood. Your heart hurt as you felt a pain in your chest, was everyone dead? The lifeless body of Rita laid on the floor with her eyes opened, her brown orbs were absent of the vibrant life she once had.
Tears welled in your eyes but as you turned to flee, you bumped into Leon's chest. A look of horror on Leon's face matched yours, "I-I left them not even an hour ago..." you cried into his shirt for a moment as he held you lightly with one arm. When you pulled away, you wiped your eyes and Leon took your hand from your face.
"I'm happy you're alive, [Y/N]," you examined your matured features and you did his. His hair grew a little longer than when you had seen him last and he examined your frazzled locks. Just as you opened your mouth to speak, a door behind Leon opened and shut. A man walked out from the shadows and into the light, it was Branagh. He held onto his side and you could see he was injured with his shirt heavily stained with what was most likely his blood.
Leon pulled his pistol out and pointed it at your superior while he had a protective hand on your arm. Branagh coughed a wheezed laugh and shooed his gun out of his face. He looked over to you and smiled, "Good to see you're still breathing, [Y/N]." The Lieutenant approached your male companion and placed a bloody hand on his shoulder,
"You must be Leon Kennedy -- well, son, welcome to Raccoon City."
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darylsgirl · 3 years
You take my breath away - Teaser
A/N - Hey guys! here's a teaser of something I've been working on not sure if i should continue with this, It hasn't got any smut yet but will do if i continue on it. Please please please leave me a comment and let me know what you think! Apologies for any mistakes i haven't edited this or read it over!
Love Jen :)
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He was the most incredible looking man you had ever seen, Walking through the gates with that possum in his hand, He was definitely a little disheveled, Looked like he was in serious need of a shower but gorgeous nonetheless. Your mouth going dry the moment you saw him, Feeling the now unfamiliar fluttering in your stomach as he walked by you, Not sparing a second glance in your direction.
His eyes alert and suspiciously taking in his surroundings, You watched as he handed his crossbow over, Fingers twitching as it was moved further away from him. Aaron leading them to Deana’s house. Where they will no doubt be being interviewed on camera, Just like all the newcomers were. Just like you had been three months before, Looking over the others in the group seeing their wary eyes the exhaustion showing through the cracks in their demeanor.
Letting out the breath you weren’t aware you had been holding you watched them disappear around the corner. As you were turning to go back into the house you were stopped by Olivia. Rushing from the direction the strangers had gone, a huge basket full of linens in her arms.
“Hey Y/N Are you busy? Any chance you can give me a hand? Deana has asked me to set up the two houses down the street for the new guys” Looking at you with those hopeful puppy dog eyes, She knew there was no way you could say no to her.
“Fineeee, But Jessie’s helping too!” You groaned turning back towards her and down the front steps.
“Thank you Y/N! Jessie’s already there loading some supplies into the cupboards” Her pace was getting faster now, Half running to keep up with her frantic walk you let her continue.
“Could you please start on the beds, That would be a HUGE help. Here take this” Offloading the basket to you she turned back towards the garage that held all of the town's supplies.
“I’m going to grab some more linen, I'll be back in a few!”
Groaning again at the weight of the basket you walked up the steps of the house Olivia had specified. Spotting Jessie in the kitchen immediately.
She laughed at your sour expression “She roped you into this too?” You nodded in reply carrying the basket up the stairs and starting in the first room you came too.
Picking up the first bundle of sheets, Finding a little note attached ‘Single’ Pushing them to one side you picked up the next ‘Double’ Taking the note off and putting it back in the basket you made your way to the bed. Pulling the sheets on and making the bed easily you continued into the other three bedrooms upstairs, Finding one set of double sheets remaining.
Walking down the stairs you passed Jessie again in the Kitchen, Stopping for a moment you took a glass of water from her mumbling your thanks, “Just the basement left! Has she come back yet?”
“Mhmm She left that for you” pointing to a basket of towels. “And she said she’s left the next bunch of sheets and towels in the next house ready”
“And what pray tell is olivia doing while she’s got me sweating like a Whore in Church”
Jessie choked a little on her water trying to suppress her giggle at your words. “Beats me! Tried to ask her, She ran off looking very important” She giggled again.
“Best get on before she finds more jobs for me!” Jessie agreed to grab the towels and put them into each bathroom, Snagging two from her you took it down to the basement with you.
This place was lucky really, There had been a hotel nearby that was just about to open as all hell broke loose that had stacks of linens, Plates and silverware. Enough to fully stock this place for a long time.
It seemed silly to you at first for this to be a huge concern but the longer you stayed here and the more you got used to the little comforting things like the Clean bedding and actual utensils the more important it had started to feel. It made you feel normal, Civilised. Like the world hadn’t just thrown a tantrum. Sure it never lasted very long but the comfort you got from these little things was priceless.
Once you had finished the bed down stairs you and Jessie made your way over to the second house repeating the jobs, Smiling as you left. Hopefully the comfort the little things had on you would also reassure and comfort the new guys. If only just a little. Being out there for so long yourself you knew how hard it would be for them to adapt.
When Aaron had first brought you through the gates you thought you must have died. Everything was so….Normal, The houses all pristine. All happy smiling faces welcoming you to the neighbourhood. It had taken you a week to speak, Sometimes you still weren’t sure if it was real at all, Maybe this is where your consciousness goes when you were walking around as one of those dead but not dead freaks.
Walking back home you spotted Olivia, Saluting her “All done El capitan!” She laughed as you walked by purposely not slowing in case she thought of another job for you.
Sinking back into your couch and grabbing the book you had discarded earlier when the commotion at the gate started, You had been out hunting the day before, Which meant today you could take the next few days easy.
Reading the Hobbit for the millionth time, You easily slipped back into that familiar world, Only stopping when it got too dark to see the words on the page. The next day was much the same head straight back into your book escaping the real world as long as you could. Not realising how long you had been sat there, The sun was low on the horizon when you were pulled from your favourite book.
Opening the door you were greeted by a smiling Aaron. “Hey Y/N I can’t stay gotta get back to Eric, Deana is throwing a welcome party for the new guys, Since you’re our newest person besides them, She is pretty insistent you attend!”
Rolling your eyes “Insistent hm? I think I’ll give it a miss..But thanks for the invite!” Trying to shut the door hoping this conversation was over when the door was stopped on his foot.
“C’mon Y/N a little more socialising won’t kill you! You’ve managed to come out of your shell to me Jessie and now Olivia! A few more wouldn’t hurt right?”
The puppy dog eyes. How did every fucker in here know that was your weak spot.
“Ughhhhh Finee! Only if you're going to be there?” He nodded happily turning and stopping on the steps “See you at 8 wear something pretty” He winked, Taking off before you could change your mind.
Pretty? You weren’t even sure you owned anything that could be classed as pretty. Storming upstairs like a toddler having a tantrum you stripped quickly showering the sweat from yourself before stepping out wrapping the fluffy towel around you.
Walking over to your closet you pulled at the pile of dresses you had haphazardly thrown to the bottom of the closet when you had moved in, Never thinking in this new world there would be a place for pretty dresses.
Separating the sizes you pulled the few that would fit you to one side throwing the rest back in a heap again. Holding them up to your chest you decided on a black figure hugging one with a slit up one side. You guessed this would be kind of functional too. The slit certainly gave you enough room to move if you needed to. Picking up a pair of almost matching wedges you threw them both on the bed. Turning your attention to your hair as you tried to tame it.
It was a shame this new world didn’t include bloody straighteners. Groaning at yourself you couldn’t believe that had just crossed your mind. There were more important things to worry about besides your hair!
Running the brush through it once more, It would do. Your mother certainly would be happy. She loved your naturally wavy curls. You felt the twang in your heart as you remembered her, She had lasted 6 months after the fall before one wrong step sent her into the arms of a walker taking her from you. Rubbing your eyes gently. No you wouldn’t cry, If she was here now she’d be giving you an earful about it, Demanding you enjoy your night and your freedom.
Looking over at the tiny clock on the side 8:15 shit you were late. Pulling the dress over your head and heels on your feet you spared your reflection one last look smoothing the dress down on your stomach nervously. You can do this. It’s only people right?
Slowly descending the stairs and making your way out the door, Your feet dragging as you headed closer to the party. Stopping outside the door, Hearing the laughter from the other side.
Before you knew what you were doing you were spinning back around back up the street when a light fell over you.
“Sneaking away before they can see you huh Y/N?” Giving him a guilty look.
“I tried… Tried and failed. Oh well maybe next time!” You chuckled.
“Oh hey, Daryl right?” Turning and following Aaron’s gase you spotted him again. So the possum guy’s name was Daryl.
Giving him a small smile “I guess those kinda things aren’t for you either?”
Not quite looking at you he gave a non committal grunt.
Deciding to take Aaron’s earlier advice, Taking a deep breath.
“You eaten? I’m making spaghetti if you're hungry?” He shrugged again.
“C’mon, She makes some pretty serious spaghetti” Aaron teased, raising his eyebrow at you.
“Guess I could eat” He mumbled, still looking more at his feet than you. Aaron gave you a wink as he went back inside giving you both a wave before shutting the door.
“C’mon it’s this way. Just down from your house. I guess you could say we’re neighbours” He fell into step with you still staying quiet the entire way. As you opened the front door you looked backwards seeing Daryl looking between your open door and his own house.
“Come in, Food won’t be long!” Holding the door open Daryl finally made his decision, his feet carrying him swiftly up the stairs and inside. Flicking the lights on as you followed him.
“Kitchen’s that way, I’ll get you a drink. Whiskey ok?” He finally looked at you.
“You guys have Whiskey?” A shocked expression crossing his face. “Yeah i found it out there still unopened a while back, I was saving it for a special occasion, But shh don’t tell olivia or she’ll add it to that list of hers!” He gave you a small smile as you poured a glass for each of you passing it to him.
“Make yourself at home! I’ll get this started” He took a seat at the breakfast bar rolling the glass around in his hands whilst you busied yourself in the kitchen pulling out everything you would need and quickly getting it started.
Turning back to the breakfast bar you grabbed the loaf of bread slicing a few pieces and covering them in some oil and wild garlic you had found on your hunt yesterday. Popping them into the oven. He spoke again “Why’s it a special occasion?” He mumbled.
Grinning at him and taking a sip of your whiskey. “It’s not everyday I get to cook my serious spaghetti for just anyone!”
You could see the blush rising in his cheeks as he took a long swig of his whiskey. You leant over to top his glass off, Before turning to the cupboards and grabbing placemats, Plates and cutlery.
“Here let me do that” He tried as he moved towards you.
“Absolutely not! My mother would roll over in her grave if she knew i put a guest to work” Smiling sadly as your mother popped into your head again. Setting the table.
Turning your attention back to your meal you strained the pasta, Popping it into a dish before dishing up the sauce too. Taking them back to the table and returning to the oven to fish the garlic bread out.
Once everything was on the table you both took a seat. Reaching over you served him a large portion popping a few pieces of garlic bread on his plate before serving yourself.
“Dig in” You insisted before turning back to your plate. He watched you take the first few mouthfuls before reaching for his own fork.
After a few minutes of silence you spoke up again “So what do you think of Alexandria?”
“I think it ain’t real”
“I thought that for a long time, Hell I’m still not convinced and I’ve been here 3 months”
“So your not...uh...Not from here. Like the others”
“I’m from out there I guess. Asheville Georgia originally”
His eyes went wide at this “Me too, Sorta. Lived up near the mountains in Georgia”
A huge grin crossing your face “So we’ve always been neighbours then! How strange that we would meet here in DC! We must have been in the same places a thousand times! I used to go hunting in the mountains with my daddy”
He shrugged “Alotta my group from near there, We met in Atlanta……” he trailed off mumbling “Ya wouldn’t have noticed someone like me anyway”
Trying to get him to meet your eyes over the table, “Oh i most definitely would have noticed YOU Daryl”
He cleared his throat awkwardly, the tops of his ears peeking through his shaggy hair going beet red, his face lowered, he turned his attention back to his food.
Realising you had probably gone too far, Afterall you didn’t really know anything about this man, You had only seen him once yesterday morning before tonight, You weren’t even sure if he was single. Or straight for that matter. Trying to ease the awkwardness that had now descended in the room you tried a quick change of conversation.
“How are your group feeling about being here? Did you and your partner manage to sleep okay?” Hoping your not so subtle way of asking him if he were single wouldn’t be too obvious.
“Partner? Rick’s the Cop not me” He grumbled. Okay maybe not as obvious as you first thought.
You shook your head slightly, his obliviousness was strangely endearing, “Sorry no i meant your girlfriend, Wife” When he didn’t reply straight away you figured you must have missed the mark. “Boyfriend?” You questioned.
He snorted at this “I ain’t gay, Aint got no woman either” Not able to contain the gleeful smile on your face. Not that it would matter his eyes were fully trained on his meal as he started devouring it quicker, Reaching for his glass he drained the remaining dregs of the whiskey.
“Oh really? I thought for sure you’d have been snapped up by now!”
The blush returning to his face again he gave you a noncommittal grunt, Waiting a moment you realised he wasn’t going to answer. Not much of a talker. You were probably being too pushy, Small talk was hard to do after seeing the things he no doubt had seen out there, The things that man had probably had to do just as you had, Suppressing the shudder that threatened to run through you as your mind conjured up the images.
Standing quickly you walked back to the kitchen grabbing the bottle and refilling his glass and in turn your own.
Taking a deep gulp of the whiskey and then quickly finishing your own meal in silence, Both finishing your meal at the same time, Daryl raises the plate to his mouth to scrape the last bits of pasta into his mouth.
“Still hungry? There’s plenty more if you would like some more?”
Shaking his head no “ ‘M good.” He grunted. Taking his plate from him and collecting your own you took them into the kitchen dropping them in the sink you turned to retrieve the serving bowls, Almost crashing straight into Daryl, Your hands flinching up and landing on his chest steadying yourself.
He caught the bowl just in time surprisingly before any of the remaining food managed to spill on the floor.
Feeling the blush on your cheeks now as your hands lingered a moment longer than they should have done, Enjoying the firmness of his muscular chest under your fingers.
Dropping your arms to your sides. “I’m sorry! Thank you, Let me take that” Taking the bowl and turning your beetroot red face away from him you found a tupperware box in the cupboard filling it with the leftovers before turning to the sink and washing the dishes.
When you turned back to him he was watching you silently, Studying you it seemed.
Picking your glass back up you motioned to him “Should we finish the bottle or do you have somewhere to be?”
When he made no move to leave you picked up the bottle and motioned towards the living room letting him follow behind you, Taking a seat you finally kicked your uncomfortable heels off, Your feet instantly throbbing grateful to be out of their confines.
Propping your feet up on the coffee table in front of you, You sank back into the plush cushions behind you with a happy groan, Daryl stood awkwardly next to the couch glass hanging from his fingertips gasing at you with a softness in his eyes, The redness rising again in cheeks once he realised you had caught him gazing at you.
Smiling at his warmly “No need to stand on ceremony, Take a seat” Patting the chair next to you from emphasis. “More?” You asked, shaking the bottle at him. Taking it from you he filled his own glass before turning to yours and topping yours up also.
Clearing his throat awkwardly. “So...Are ya people here too?”
Dropping your eyes from him you shook your head sadly “Just me…They’re all gone….” The alcohol was taking over your words as you mumbled “Shouldn’t have been me…” Feeling a tear escape your eye as you thought about the countless lives you had watched taken before their time. People who would have been the greatest asset in this new world...Gone, Some died saving you. For what.. They should have let you die.
Pulling your mind from those thoughts, It didn’t do anyone any good to dwell! Wiping the tear quickly from your cheek grabbing your drink and gulping it down in one.
Turning back to Daryl you shifted a non convincing smile back to your face.
“How about you? Your group seems very close almost like a…”
Finishing your sentence for you “A family…...Ya know i look around and i think about the people that are gone, And the people that are still here and it aint right...Aint fair..But yer gotta keep goin for em”
Smiling at Aaron’s name “Yeah i wouldn’t be here either if it wasn’t for him and Eric, They’re good people. Most of the people here are good people. Too innocent to the world as it is yes, But good people..”
After sitting in silence for a few moments when Daryl broke the silence. “Well i should...I should go….They’ll be wonderin where i am”
Standing with him you walked him to the door.
“Thanks. Thanks for the-”
“Your welcome Daryl….Maybe you could come again? It was nice to have company” Smiling you opened the door for him letting him linger on the threshold.
He let out another noncommittal grunt as his eyes lingered on you. Leaning against the doorway you followed his eye line down your body, smirking slightly you swayed your hips watching as his eyes followed your movements.
Darting forward you swiftly kissed his cheek. “Goodnight Daryl” The blush on his face matched yours as he turned and stomped down the steps rushing towards his own house.
Holy shit she was perfect.
Good food, Great Whiskey, Perfect body. That dress…. He had never met anyone like her before, She hunted too. But a woman like that would never look twice at a man like him.
A dirty good for nothing redneck asshole, He didn’t even know why she had been so...so nice to him tonight.
Carol was waiting for him at the door. Puckering her lips at him she made a lip smacking noise “Kiss Pookie” She giggled.
“Shut up” He mumbled, heading straight for the stairs to the basement. He needed to be alone for a little while as he processed these thoughts. Locking the door behind him he took a few strides over to the bed and flopped down on it.
In the dark of the room the thoughts became more obvious. Throwing an arm over his face he groaned. From the second he had first seen her standing so beautifully in front of Aaron’s house he had a tightening in his stomach. He couldn’t have said no to her invitation if he tried.
If Merle had seen him tonight, Blushing like a love sick little girl, He would have had a right laugh, It was like he could hear his voice. “Oh Princess, Got a crush? Man up Baby bro, Go get that cooch”
Did she mean it when she asked if he could come again? He shook his head. She couldn’t have, she was just being nice. His mind couldn’t stop thinking of the way she smiled at him, The way her hair fell in front of her eyes when she laughed, The curves of her as she swayed in the doorway…. His pants were tightening at the thought. He would have to take care of that before he could fall asleep.
Imagining his hands were roaming her body he pulled his throbbing member free, He wouldn’t last long as he thought about her hands on him, While his hands roamed up those beautiful milky thighs. That beautiful mouth gasping for him.
God that did it, Groaning he let himself spill into his hand, Grabbing a rag at the side of him he wiped it from himself, Ashamed he turned over throwing an arm over his face before drifting into an undisturbed sleep at the thought of her.
Over the next few weeks he saw a lot more of Y/N, As they were the two best hunters in Alexandria they were often thrown together to head out of the walls.
Even in her half ruined Jeans and Walker splattered Shirt she was still gorgeous. On days like today when they’re outside the walls he noticed how her face changed from the strained smile to a relaxed free look in her eyes.
She was scanning the underbrush now checking the traps they had left the week before. He felt the blush on his cheeks when he realised he had been caught staring again.
“Everything okay?” She asked spinning around in a circle, her body tensing looking for the Danger.
He cleared his throat, “Yeah all good. Anythin in the trap?” Blush rising in his cheeks at being caught staring. After that they headed back to the town in comfortable silence, Walking side by side both carrying the day's hunt, Y/N stopping every few minutes to forage things on the way.
Once back inside the walls, She came with him to his house as they always did now Only stopping to share the hunt with Olivia to share around the town, Y/N spent a lot more time around him and his group. Seeming to slot seamless into their messed up dynamic.
Just like every night she helped Carol prepare the dinner while he retreated to the porch, Cleaning his bow and bolts, The door open letting her musical laugh wash over him as he worked.
He could have listened to her all day, Before long he forgot what he was meant to be doing and just closed his eyes, Head leaning back against the house, Fully relaxed for the first time being in Alexandria.
He groaned inwardly opening his eyes to see who was disturbing his peace.
“Hey…” Rick took a seat next to Daryl on the porch nudging his knee and pointing towards the house.
“Y/N been spending a lot of time here...What’s going on with that?” He asked, giving you a knowing look.
“Why yer asking me?” Daryl huffed. “Shouldn’ yer be askin her”
Rick sighed before giving him another knowing look. “I seen the way you look at her, You sweet on her?”
Daryl wasn’t sure how to respond because of course he was ‘sweet’ on her but there was no changing who he was, A beautiful woman like that could never be interested in him, So there was just no point admitting his feelings to his friend as he knew you would never reciprocate those feelings.
Just as he opened his mouth to reply your beautiful song filled voice broke interrupted at just the right moment. His heart pounding, blush spreading across his face as you smiled at him, He was grateful for the darkness to hide this from you.
As he stood he felt her fingers brush his arm as she gave him an inquisitive look.
You felt the electricity hum between you as your fingers found his arm, You had both been taking as many opportunities as possible to get closer to each other, So grateful when you were partnered together to hunt.
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mergeman · 3 years
Toweled off part 1
My boyfriend Frank and I were out and about going to yard and estate sales. We had purchased many items that we didnt need and the strain of the day was getting on my nerves. Frank though was excited he loved learning about the history and the fact that these items were previously owned. Our last stop was at a Manor which had belonged to a defunct fraternity. There were a lot of miss matched cutlery and plates but what caught Frank's eye were a bunch of towels. Nothing looked special about them but Frank was giddy at the thought of using a towel that had potentially touched some college Adonis.
I could care less about towels but making my boyfriend happy kept our home life stable. So I bought the bag that contained the 4 pieces of colored cloth and headed out of there. I got home and Frank started to unload the car of all todays finds. I just watched with a slight smirk as my 5'7" 130lb boyfriend carried at least 20 bags of treasures to the garage. I tried to step in an help but he shooed my off. Knowing I wasnt wanted I went inside thw house to start dinner.
I'm always complimented that even with my big frame I dance around the kitchen with different pots and pans each getting a part of my attention. Truthfully I more resemble a wolly bear then a human somtimes, standing 6'5" and topping out at 380lbs of mostly fat and hair. My dinner was almost ready when Frank showed himself in he had the red towel in his hand though on closer inspection it looked more like a beach blanket. I thought nothing of it untill after dinner when Frank casually gets up and starts to give me a back rub.
"Teddy you wanna take a shower with me?"
(Yes my name is Teddy soooo appropriate)
I was about to say no when I looked at those pleading baby blues and decided to indulge him once again. We both headed to the master bedroom where a custom wet room had been built that could accommodate multiple people showering together. I started to strip down, even though I know Frank is in love with me I'm still self conscious about showing off my body. Frank is already in the shower enjoying the multidirectional streams of hot water that was coursing down his twinky physique. I admired him from behind (Oh he was blessed there as well) and joined him in the ritual of cleanliness. We kissed and scrubbed each other with a passion I hadn't known before. The passion only ran out with the hot water so we turned everything off and I turned to grab my towel only to find that there was only the huge red towel hanging there. Frank was giggling behind me and I just sighed and grabbed the old cloth and started to dry myself off. There was so much of it that Frank grabbed some too.
The towel felt as if it had come out of the dryer It was so warm and the water on our bodies seemed to dissapear and the towel never got damp. On impulse I grabbed the towel and threw it over our heads.
A deep voice uttered. I was frozen as the towel was wrapping itself around me and Frank tighter and tighter. I could swear I could hear a deep voice laughing as Frank and I were bound back to back unable to see anything. I could feel Frank's body shaking as his lower back was pushed into my ass. Then I felt someone else only it wasn't physical I could feel this distinctly male presence in my head.
"Finally after 30 years Im free" "I can live again and you 2 will be my new body" was the last thing I ever heard before I blacked out.
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I could see again. I had a body. I was no longer just a frat boy cursed by a witch to live as a towel. I was now both Frank and Teddy too. I could feel the new me begin to take shape. Franks unbridled joy tempered with Teddy's experience and patience. And the Frat boys muscle and libido. All are a part of me and I am Freddy. And I got to rescue my bros trapped on the other 3 towels.
194 notes · View notes
girlmeetsliv3 · 4 years
Where Three Stars Meet
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Sope x Reader ; PolyBTS
“We’re meant to be it’s written in the stars...”
Rating: M
Word Count: 6,046
Release Date: July 22nd, 2020 @ 9 p.m. (GMT-4)
Warning: The following contains material not suitable for all audiences. Includes murder, recreational drug use, homophobic slurs, smut, and toxic relationships.  This is a work of fiction and doesn’t represent the character of bangtan sonyeondan. Enjoy ~~~
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           YN awoke to the sight of Min Yoongi staring down at her sleeping figure, that in itself would’ve been concerning if it weren’t for the fact that Yoongi’s clothes were covered in blood. “What happened?” YN threw the covers off her body and rushed to Yoongi, who simply stared at her with dead eyes before shrugging. “Shush, calm down.” The smile he gave her barely graced his cheeks. “Some homophobic pigs tried to attack Hobi and me. We defended ourselves, but things got kind of messy.” Even in the dark of night, YN could see there was far too much blood on Yoongi for it to have been from a normal fight. Perhaps Yoongi could see the furrow between her brows and the doubt that hung heavy on her tongue. For the second she parted her lips, he interrupted.
“I’m tired, YN. I just want to rest.” With no further warning, he began to strip off his soiled clothing. Letting it drop to the floor.
YN immediately jumps out of bed, gathering the clothing into her arms and heading into her bathroom. Thankfully her mother ran a late shift tonight, for the sound of the washing machine starting up would have roused her from sleep. Though YN’s mother was more understanding than most - even she wouldn’t tolerate a man in her daughter’s bed this late at night. In the silence surrounding her, YN wonders why Yoongi came to her of all people. Sure, they were friends but things had been different lately. There were plenty of other people who could provide better comfort to Yoongi in a time of need. He has Hoseok after all.
Warm strong arms wrapped around YN’s torso causing her to let out a shriek. A large palm covered her mouth muffling her screams. “It’s just me.” Hoseok’s dulcet voice whispered into her ear. YN huffed, as if that makes things any better, then pushed against the arms encaging her. Though the space in her bathroom was limited, YN sought to put as much room between her and the dark figure. Once her eyes adjusted to him, YN saw that Hoseok’s clothes were in a much worse state.
“What happened?” She rushed forward, hands gripping the bloody material of the shirt and jacket. YN couldn’t see any wounds on Hoseok’s body given the low lighting but considering he wasn’t flinching she took that as a positive sign. “Calm down, star.” YN glared at his use of the nickname. “We got jumped ‘took care of it.” He shrugged as if it was no big deal. As if the amount of blood on their clothes didn’t lean more towards a massacre than a petty fight. YN sighs, frustrated by the lack of answers she was receiving. “What are you even doing out so late?”
“It’s two am, YN. It’s not that late.” YN tugs at the end of Hoseok’s shirt and he proceeds to strip, handing everything to her. Just from holding it, she could tell the blood had dried. Great. That meant the stains were going to be harder to take off. YN reached into her bathroom cabinet and took out some peroxide spraying it messily on the clothes before dumping them into the washer too. Now that YN was facing away from the man, she asked what was really on her mind.
“Are you hurt?”
The only response she received was scoff and the small 'click' of the door closing behind him.
Hoseok and Yoongi had never been in YN's room before this moment, but they had already made themselves comfortable in her bed. The two of them snuggled up in their boxers while YN realized that though she might have been comfortable sleeping in a shirt and underwear with her best friend before - things had changed. "What are you doing?" Yoongi asks, right when she was about to turn the door handle to go downstairs. Surely it was obvious enough. "I'm going to crash downstairs." YN shrugged, though she felt uncomfortable with the stare both of them were giving her. “Don’t be ridiculous.” Yoongi looked almost upset that YN had tried to leave.
“Come here.” He held his hand out, inviting her to join them. When YN hesitated for a second the glare directed her way, had her practically running to the bed. Hoseok adjusted the sheets so that she could crawl in while Yoongi, always the tiny spoon, decided to switch roles today. Forcing YN to be sandwiched between him and Hoseok. Yoongi’s hand rested on YN’s hip bone while he finally made himself comfortable. YN could feel the softness of his skin brushing against hers. Not to mention the body heat that radiated off of Hoseok. Speaking of the man, when YN’s eyes finally met his dark ones, he winked. Suddenly leaning over her to peck Yoongi on the lips. Not wanting to see the smug look on his face, YN closed her eyes once more.
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She was going to have to skip work, it was inevitable. YN couldn’t function without a full night’s sleep and here she was being awakened again. Hoseok and Yoongi stood at the foot of her bed now dressed in their clean clothes. It made YN wonder just how much time had passed, it couldn’t possibly be more than an hour. Maybe two? Hoseok looked at his leather watch before muttering a “We have to go” to Yoongi under his breath. The latter of which seemed to finally notice YN had woken up. “Come with us.” Though that suggestion was more of an order, considering Yoongi was pulling on her arm and dragging her out of bed. Figuring there was no way out of it, YN looked for a pair of jeans.
“Pack a bag,” Hoseok mutters without sparing a glance her way. YN wasn’t wearing a bra and wasn’t going to bother changing into one. Already aware of the eyes on her as she bent over to pull up her pants. Quickly she shoves her uniform shirt, toothbrush, clean underwear, and a phone charger in an old messenger bag. Yoongi thankfully offered to carry it and the three of them headed out.
The cruiser wasn’t as fast as Hoseok’s gsxr750, but it had the space needed to carry three people. Though it caught eyes, it wasn’t so flashy that law enforcement would notice it, something Hoseok thought of when purchasing it. The light blue c90t had been hidden on the side of YN’s garage where it blended into the bushes. YN remained quiet while the two of them fastened their helmets and silently prayed to not die as she settled between the two of them. The ride wasn’t a long one, though Hoseok lived on the other side of town, they were blessed with many green lights.
With the exception of the one positioned right in front of Chang’s Choppers. It was right in the center of downtown and it was a bit odd that it be so vacant. The lack of sunlight or anything similar supported YN’s theory that it was still fairly early in the morning. Chan’s regulars didn’t leave until the sun forced them too unless they were willing to face a walk of shame. Or be busted by the cops. They usually waited out by the alleyway, the one right next door which was a dead-end because of the ten-foot-tall locked gate installed in the back. YN stared at this alleyway while waiting for the light to turn, noticing a figure lying on the ground. Unmoving. YN assumed it was likely some drunkard, but the longer she stared at it the more unnerved she became. When her vision was starting to become adjusted, noticing details in the man’s clothing, the bike sped away.
“Are you guys hungry?” Hoseok asks, voice devoid of any emotion. YN shrugs not particularly caring, while Yoongi speaks up. “I could go for some.”
Nearing a twenty-four hours convenience store, YN expects Hoseok to pull up to the front of the store but doesn’t say anything when he pulls up to the side instead. Yoongi doesn’t comment on it either and YN notices that some feet away by the side door a tall man smoking a cigarette is watching them. Hoseok takes off his helmet, turning around and placing it on YN’s head without saying a word. Then he marches up to the strange man and begins to chat. Far too casual for it to be serious.
“Hey look at me.” Yoongi’s fingers slightly turn YN towards him. A signature gummy smile adorning his features which makes all of YN’s worries melt away. His sudden embrace catches her off guard as Min Yoongi is not one for public displays of affection. Then again he has been acting out of sorts recently. “I’ve missed you.” Yoongi tightened his hold on her. YN was so close that she could smell his and Hoseok’s cologne on his skin. “Why have you been ignoring me?” She could hear the pout in his voice and though she wanted so badly to be honest with Yoongi, the lie rolled off her tongue before she could even think about it.
“I haven’t been ignoring you, Yoongi.”
Of course, she had, it was the only option she saw. Yoongi had embarrassed her in front of everyone and damaged her pride. Though it was likely nothing more than a sick joke to the men, they couldn't be that ignorant of her feelings. Even YN's mother was aware of them and she could barely remember her own daughter's birthday. Looking into the man's sharp cat eyes YN could see the emotion hiding behind them and decided that no: Yoongi knew. He wouldn't be here if he didn't.
“You know why, Yoons.” Instead of giving her the response she so desperately wanted Yoongi only chuckled in response. By then Hoseok had come back, hands stuffed into his pocket. YN cleared her throat trying to push down the emotion threatening to spill. “Where’s the food?” Hoseok looked at her humorously, as if there were some kind of inside joke she missed. “At home. Where else?”
The building the pair called home was your standard apartment complex, the only difference was the side of town it resided on and the hidden fourth floor that Yoongi and Hoseok called home. It wasn't explicitly hidden, but the structure would make anyone believe it was merely a maintenance floor on the roof. It housed fewer units and currently, only two of them were occupied. One by an elderly woman in the corner and Hoseok's right in the middle. When YN had first visited, when Yoongi had moved in, she found it a bit eerie that he'd chosen one right in between two abandoned ones, but later found out the choice had been purposeful.
The apartment wasn't that nice, a standard studio, that Yoongi helped maintain clean. There were a couple of things here and there, but nothing that displayed exuberant wealth. Not the kind that YN knew Hoseok possessed. The second the door opened YN headed for the couch, limbs weary and mentally exhausted. Only to be stopped by Yoongi once more. "Relax YN." His fingers interlaced with hers as he dragged her over to the large king bed in the corner of the room. "You're far too tense." YN sighed, something had triggered Yoongi's neediness and unfortunately it was centered on her tonight.
Hoseok remained silent rummaging through the cabinets trying to find food. YN wondered what he thought of his boyfriend’s sudden change in attitude. Does it have something to do with the fight? Yoongi wasn't one to be scared by a little blood - or a lot in this case - YN had been around long enough to know that though Yoongi never instigated the conflict, he didn't flee from it either. "Finally." Hoseok pulled out snacks, drinks, and a bong. Should’ve known. That was likely what he had purchased from the sketchy guy. Hoseok stripped down to his boxers, throwing the clothes into the dirty clothes bin, and pulling out a pair of sweats laying on a chair.
“Do you smoke YN?” They know she doesn’t. The three of them have been together at enough parties to know that though she doesn’t mind being around people when they do it. YN would never actively participate. Yoongi takes off his shirt too, likely not wanting the smell to get on it, proceeds to lay on the bed. His long nimble fingers played with hers, toying them to a specific rhythm resembling a piano. When was the last time he played?
"C'mon Star, you're safe with us. Just try it once." How could YN say that she doesn't feel safe? That ever since the two of them showed up in her bedroom, bloody, and evading her questions at every turn, she had felt everything but safe. Yoongi and Hoseok were always strange, but today felt off. Still, whenever Yoongi's lips turned into an adorable pout and Hoseok's charcoal eyes darkened some more she was putty in their hands.
YN had already become accustomed to the smell - years of exposure does that to you. Plus Hoseok and Yoongi seemed to be in their little world, the latter laying across Hoseok drawing little stars into his abs. If Yoongi was lean then Hoseok was fit, but not in a way that made his body too hard. YN had never really seen him work out but knew he often did with Namjoon. Imagining Hoseok joining Namjoon in a pilates class caused her to crack a smile. Hoseok caught onto her and smiled back as if he knew what she was thinking.
"Here," he said, holding out the pipe for her to grab. YN takes a deep breath and takes a hit, barely managing to take it all in - at least she doesn't cough. Though YN was sure she didn't even get a proper hit, it seemed enough for the men who observed her with smiles on their faces. YN passes back the bong, thinking she's in the clear. She is until Hoseok takes a hit and blows all the smoke into YN's face. YN coughs, waving the cloud away, while Yoongi is rolling on the ground in laughter.
“I need to go to the bathroom.” YN stands up waiting until she’s turned around to roll her eyes.  Before she can even take two steps, Hoseok’s hand latches onto her wrist. “Don’t take too long.” YN nods and heads for the bathroom, not hesitating to lock the door once inside.
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“What the fuck was that YN?!” Wendy whisper-yelled, YN could barely pick it up over the blaring loud music outside the bathroom door. Unconsciously YN shrugged, her mind still reeling as she tried to make sense of what had just happened. Yoongi kissed me. “Holy shit.” YN gasped, her hands gripping the countertop so tightly the tips of her fingers were turning white. While she was on the brink of going into shock Wendy was at the complete opposite of the spectrum: she was raging.
“All those bangtan boys are assholes!” YN couldn’t help but agree with her on that. “I mean why would he kiss you in front of his boyfriend?! Not to mention your date.”
YN froze, her head slowly lifting to look at herself in the mirror, her cheeks were red and eyes wide. If she focused hard enough she could feel the racing of her heartbeat in her ears. “What?” She turned to look at Wendy. Her friend seemed to have misunderstood exactly what YN was questioning. “Youngjae was right there watching the whole thing. He followed you after Yoongi dragged you to the smoke room.” Truthfully YN couldn’t give a damn about a Youngjae. How could she have forgotten that Hoseok was right there? In front of them!
“Oh my god,” YN moaned, her hands running through her hair. This night had been the worst and now YN would have to deal with the fallout that was sure to come from the kiss.
“They always do this YN. Every time you get a date or a new friend the two of them pull some stunt. It isn’t healthy!”
YN turned towards Wendy who in her right arm held both their bags. Thank god. "Look, Wendy, I'm far too drunk for this conversation. I think I'll just head home." Wendy looked like she was about to say something, but was interrupted by the banging on the door.
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YN opens the door to Hoseok leaning on the banister. "Everything alright?" YN nods, thankful that the red from her cheeks has finally gone down. "Good because I have to pee." Hoseok shoves her away and begins to pull down his pants, causing YN to bolt out the door. Back in the main room, Yoongi is scrolling through his phone, "Change into that." He states without even looking at her. The shirt is rather large on her frame: the entirety of her neck and some areas of her shoulder being exposed. It does reach mid-thigh though which is preferable to what she's wearing now. Quickly she changes into the shirt and out of her jeans, by the time she's done Hoseok is out of the bathroom.
"Get in." He motions toward the bed, knowing there's no point in arguing YN does so. This time facing Yoongi and cradling into his chest. Hoseok gets in soon after turning off the lights, his hand comes to rest right above YN's thigh. She looks up at Yoongi, but the man has already closed his eyes and she opts to do the same. Hoping to rest this time.
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"My head is killing me. Shit." YN had to smile awkwardly at a couple of customers who turned to look at them in indignation. "Sooyoung, quiet please." The brunette turned to YN and sent her a reproachful look. YN ignored it knowing it didn't mean anything. Sooyoung leaned against the counter, her upper half resting over the register.
“I’m going to quit.”
YN chuckles, “Don’t you always say that.”
“I know,” Sooyoung huffs glancing around the store seemingly bored by her surroundings. It isn’t until she glances outside that a question pops into her head. “Doesn’t your mom usually drop you off?”
“I didn’t know your mom had a bike.” The look Sooyoung sent her could best be described as mischievous. YN ignored her in favor of switching the topic. She glanced around and saw someone that went to her college, raking over the vintage magazine so violently he was sure to break them. “Have you heard from Wendy?” Sooyoung groaned, the two of them weren’t exactly on the best terms. “Last I saw from her was at yesterday’s party. Clinging onto your scraps.” That caught YN’s attention, “What do you mean?” Wendy had been ignoring her, but that wasn’t exactly out of character for her.
“She was all over Youngjae like a bitch in heat. It was uber pathetic especially when everyone knew she was doing it to piss you off.” Sooyoung laughed, “Should’ve seen the look on her face when you didn’t show up.”
YN frowned, Yoongi's distrust of Wendy popping into her head. "I didn't even know there was a party." Still, she found it weird that Sooyoung, Wendy, and Youngjae would be at a party without YN knowing about it. Unless… “Were Yoongi and Hoseok there?"  The look Sooyoung sent her was enough of an answer, "Duh. Do they ever miss a party? Especially not when Seokjin throws it." Of course, they would purposefully exclude her. Whenever something occurred between them and YN, she would be treated as an outcast. A sick punishment they had devised as if her social anxiety wasn’t shit already.
Sooyoung glanced up towards the clock, "Oh your shift it up." YN raised her eyebrow, "I thought I had a six-hour shift today." Sooyoung nods, "You did, but I needed the hours so I told Park I'd cover for you." YN shook her head disapprovingly. "Oh come on, it isn't like you need it. Please, I'm behind on rent." YN relents and heads towards the office to clock out. At least this means I get to go home and sleep. Though there was that to look forward to, YN didn't enjoy the thirty-minute walk home she would have to endure. She waved goodbye to Sooyoung and hoisted her bag around her body, thanking god for the clear weather.
The walk home gave YN the much-needed solace she needed, time to dwell on everything that had happened. Something had shifted in her relationship with the men. Though their relationship was never conventional it wasn't anything that could justify what had happened last night. Though YN had a crush on Yoongi since she had met him freshman year, and though he had always been a bit possessive of her, it wasn't until he began dating Hoseok that things took a turn. Hoseok had always been a part of the group, but he never really made an effort to get to know her like the rest of them had. When the two of them began dating it was like Hoseok skipped all the steps and getting to know each other and went right into calling YN a friend - though he'd never say it out loud.
The three of them were always together and she was smart enough to know what most people in town thought about their strange relationship. YN knew what she thought about it. Min Yoongi and Jung Hoseok’s insight, though, was something she severely lacked. It's all because of that stupid kiss. YN adjusted her ponytail behind her, pulling at it to tighten the band.
As she was nearing home, the loud siren and flashing lights drew her attention. The patrol car dashed through the street and kept going straight, presumably headed downtown. Most of the trouble that occurred came from that area of town, which YN found ironic considering Kim Seokjin lived nowhere near.
The house was yet again empty and YN knew her mom had yet to arrive from her shift. Poor woman. The least YN could do was cook her a meal. She set her dirty clothes in the bin and headed straight for the kitchen, making the rice and seasoning the beef so that all her mother would have to do is fry it. She had been alone, all of thirty minutes when the banging on the door commenced. It was so loud it made YN jump in surprise. Quickly she walked over to the window trying to see who was at her front door, only to see an angry Hoseok and Yoongi. A sigh she didn't even know she was holding in left her as she braced herself.
“Didn’t you say your shift ended at six?”
Well hello to you to Hoseok. “It did, but they changed it without telling me.” She held the door open so the men could walk in. It felt strange having them back in her home - not drenched in blood that is.
Yoongi was quiet, but from how the veins bulged in his arms she could see how tense he was. She tentatively touched his arm and felt the muscles relax beneath the skin. “I booked a room for the weekend, Star. You should join us.” YN turned to face Hoseok, the expression on his face was unreadable. Even though this was her home YN felt the men wielded all the power. “When was the last time it was just us?” Yoongi’s arms wrapped around her torso embracing her from behind. His chin resting on her shoulder. “I’m not sure.”
"Do you have anything better to do?" Yoongi asked as if the only thing that would possibly make her hesitate was a previous engagement.
"Then that settles it," Hoseok states walking further into the house and sitting on the couch, making himself comfortable.
YN turns her head slightly to look at Yoongi, her voice was hushed. "When are we leaving."
When Yoongi turns to look at her they are mere millimeters away. "Right now," YN asks for at least an hour to get ready which Hoseok grants as she races to finish the food and get prepared. In forty-five minutes YN showers, shaves, and packs her clothes. She decides to bring along a bikini since the weather has been warm as of late. When she exits her bedroom Hoseok is standing there with her phone in hand. "It kept ringing. Think it was an alarm." She grabs her phone but finds it weird that there are no notifications or missed calls. Not dwelling on it for too long she shoots her mom a text:
'Staying with a friend for the weekend. Left the food in the microwave and there's lasagna for tomorrow. Love ya'
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The beach house belonged to Seokjin, as did most things the group utilized, but the area the three of them were staying in was a closed-off room. More like efficiency than an actual studio. Which meant YN was likely to be sharing a bed with the men again. Now far away from everything YN was able to think some things through. Particularly her relationship with Yoongi and Hoseok. She never enjoyed confrontation but figured this was one sleeping dog that could be awakened.
The sun had yet to set when they arrived, so while they couldn't use the beach, the pool was free-range. "I fucking hate the water." Yoongi groans, clinging onto the pool's wall like his life depended on it. YN giggled, which caused the pout on Yoongi's lips to grow exponentially. "Don't you know how to swim?" He looked offended by the question. "Of course, I fucking do. Doesn't mean I like to." YN playfully rolled her eyes. The complete opposite of Yoongi, Hoseok was currently swimming laps around the pool. "He's a fucking dog," muttered Yoongi. A strange thought popped into YN's head that had her going underwater just so Yoongi wouldn't see her embarrassment.
She almost swallowed water when Hoseok pulled her even lower, putting a finger to his lips while going behind Yoongi. YN went up for air, gasping slightly which caused Yoongi to frown. "You okay?" YN nodded, "Perfectly fine." If Yoongi didn't believe her, he didn't have a chance to voice his doubts as Hoseok pulled him underwater. YN couldn't contain her laughter as she saw Yoongi fight against his boyfriend like an angry feline. "What the fuck Hoseok!" Yoongi screamed once the two of them finally emerged. Hoseok only smiled teasingly, sending a flying kiss to his angry lover.
YN only laughed more, the bell-like sound drawing the attention of the men. Twilight surrounded them all around, the purple sky reflecting off the clear water doing a nice contrast with the hue of the skins. "What is it?" YN asked, once her laughter died down. Not understanding why the two of them gaped at her like that. All YN did was blink and suddenly Yoongi's lips were on hers. Pressing urgently, passionately, as if she contained the oxygen he needed to breathe. YN stood frozen eyes wide open until she made eye contact with Hoseok who didn't look the least bit upset. Instead, he gazed at them with fascination, then he nodded. The action so curt YN would've missed it if she wasn't paying attention.
YN closed her eyes, giving in to her desires. Yoongi's lips were much harsher than she remembered, but they were sweet. Intoxicatingly so. YN wondered if this was all a dream. If she'd hit her head or perhaps swallowed too much pool water. Her previous idea had proved to be right, Yoongi was robbing her of her breath. But despite the numbness, YN was beginning to feel the two of them continued the kiss until they were forced apart by their need for air.
"I think it's getting late. We should head in," stated Hoseok, looking in between the two of them before heading towards the stairs. Yoongi followed after him and YN remained alone for just a couple of seconds. What just happened? It wasn’t until Yoongi climbed out of the pool that YN began to swim, unsure of what this meant for the night. Hoseok had allowed for the kiss to happen. So does that mean that the previous kiss - "Hurry up, star? You'll freeze to death." Hoseok stood near the edge of the pool holding a towel open. YN attempted to grab it once she had gotten out, but the man didn't let go. Wrapping her in it instead while Yoongi walked toward their room.
“We should shower to get the bleach out of our hair.”
“Wouldn’t have to do that if you didn’t pull me under Seok.”
“You loved it, babe.”
YN trailed behind them silently observing the night sky and noticing how Orion’s belt loomed over them.
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"The boys are coming over later," Yoongi said, as you gathered some of your clothes in your hands ready to hit the showers. "Don't worry though they won't be staying the night." YN's thankful for that. She enjoyed the guy's company, but she wasn't necessarily in the right state of mind. YN opened the bathroom door to see Hoseok in there peeling of his trunks. "Sorry, my bad." He chuckled, "Hey Yoongi, why don't we save water?" All the blood in YN's body rushed towards her ears at what she had just heard. A silent 'what' left her lips which caused Hoseok to smirk as he pulled her in.
"You don't mind, do you Star? Didn't you and Yoongi use to take baths when you were kids? So did we." The context was incredibly different from back then, but YN was smart enough to read between the lines. In a bold move, she said, "As long as you keep your hands to yourself." Hoseok laughed, leaning in. "Where's the fun in that?" His eyes trailed slowly all across her body before he turned around and dropped his trunks.
Yoongi came in just then, "Hoseok has a bit of an exhibitionist streak in him." He too then began to take off his shirt and fiddle with the strings holding up his trunks. They were eyeing her - waiting for an acceptance or a rejection. Good thing YN had decided to be valiant this weekend. She reached behind her back and undid the laces, sliding the top off before walking towards the shower. Despite the size of the room the bathroom was fairly large with the shower fitting the three of them comfortably, of course, that didn't mean she wasn't sandwiched between them. It seems they were keeping their word, mainly focusing on rinsing themselves off and using the soap on themselves. Then came YN's turn.
"Can I?" Yoongi asked as he held the lavender-scented soap bar in his hands. His hands were just a hair away right near her navel if YN breathed too deeply their skins were sure to touch. "Yes." Yoongi placed soap on her skin and proceeded to lather it in, moving all across her torso. It was only ever the sides of his palm, his fingertips, his knuckles that brushed against her skin but it left goosebumps in its wake. Hoseok was too busy ringing the soap off his body, but eventually, he did turn around. The other soap in hand, "Can I help?" YN could swear he even batted his eyelashes though that might've been the water getting into his eyes.
Hoseok dropped to his knees with little hesitation using the same technique as Yoongi to cleanse her legs and thighs. He always avoided touching her pelvis directly by millimeters, YN thanked hindsight for keeping her bottoms on. Though that might've been so the men couldn't see the absolute state of arousal she was in. Eventually, Yoongi reached her breasts, lathering up his hands before gently massaging them. YN gasped as a soft mewl escaped her, she leaned back against Yoongi's chest. He didn't comment simply continuing the motions despite YN feeling the effect she was having on him on her backside.
"Take them off," Hoseok spoke as he rose to his full height, soap still in hand. YN hooked her fingers at the side and dragged them down slowly, allowing them to slide down her soap-ridden legs before kicking them to the side. Hoseok kissed her cheek as a reward. Then he cleaned the areas he hadn't been able to before, being extra careful with the inside of her thighs and hips while entirely avoiding her core. The water was beginning to get too hot, the fog filling up the bathroom warming YN.
“Guys.” Hoseok’s hands reached towards her back gripping her ass tightly, before beginning to massage it as well. It's too much. Far too much, but she couldn't get them to stop. Didn't want to. The heat was making YN disoriented and she blinked several times to clear her vision. Finally, she felt it: the pressure and then the release. Her body slackened slightly and Hoseok and Yoongi held her up. Before the former unclipped the showerhead from the wall and rinsed YN off. They helped her get dressed, YN assumed her sudden exhaustion must have been from the long day.
Thankfully she was able to walk to bed all on her own. Laying under the sheets, while the two of them finished getting dressed. "We're going to get food. We'll be right back." Hoseok stated, before leaning over and planting a peck on her lips. That would've been enough to wake her up, was she not already half-asleep.
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“You’re the brightest thing in this town YN. You shine like a star and deserve so much more.”
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Loud blaring had YN jumping out the bed as she looked around the room for the source of the noise. She saw her phone vibrating violently against the countertop and ran to get it, worried it might be her mother calling. Instead, it was an unfamiliar number. Hesitantly she picked up and put it against her ear.
“YN!” Wendy’s loud voice caused her to wince. “Why...you….calls-”
"Hold on Wendy," YN checked her signal and sure enough only she only saw one little bar. "Let me go outside because you're cutting off." She walked towards the door unlocking it but leaving it propped open. Outside the summer air was cool - a strong distinction from this afternoon. "What's going on?"
“Why have you been dodging my calls? I’ve been trying to get into contact with you since this morning.”
“I swear this is the first time I’ve gotten a call all day.” YN paused to look at the number, “Why aren’t you calling me from yours?”
“Cause the calls aren’t going through. Are you mad at me? Did you block me?”
YN shook her head, “What? Of course not Wendy!”
“Well whatever,” Wendy sounded anxious. Though she was typically loud, YN had never heard her like this. Scared. “Youngjae is dead.”
She felt her phone slipping her hand and tightened her grip. “What?” Instead of Youngjae’s face popping into her head, an image of bloody Hoseok and Yoongi did.
“They found his body this morning beside Chan’s place. All cut up and disfigured like in the movies.”
YN was finding it difficult to breathe. T-the body in the alleyway. It wasn’t a drunkard sleeping. It was Youngjae. YN had seen his body in the alleyway and -
“...he left the party last night pretty early after the fight. I don’t even know why he would be near Chan’s since he lives nowhere near.”
That piqued her interest, “Fight? What fight?”
Now it was Wendy’s turn to be silent. “YN…”
"Goddammit, Wendy just tell me." She didn't want it to be true. It couldn't be true. They wouldn’t. Would they?
“When you left the party the other day Youngjae got upset that Yoongi kissed you and called Hoseok and him freaks and fags. They ignored him but yesterday at the party…”
YN recalled Yoongi’s words: “Some homophobic pigs tried to attack Hobi and me.”
“YN. Hoseok and Yoongi are the prime suspects.”
YN could hear the motor of the bike being turned off and the steps climbing up the stairs. “Star?”
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strawberrywritings · 4 years
Full patch
A/N: My EZ’s thirst is still not satisfied, and @ifoundmyhappythought reblogged this picture. I just let my imagination run free🙈🥵
/ Masterlist
Warnings: unprotectes sexual intercourse, daddy kink, semi-public sex
Summary: EZ gets his full patch and you have some fun
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When you got to clubhouse, it was already full of people. You parked your car on the street and made your way inside, looking for your boyfriend. EZ had stayed over after his shift, he had said there had been an emergency and they needed him. He kept apologizing and you just said it was okay, you could get there yourself, no big deal.
When you entered the main room of the clubhouse, you smiled, looking over at the bar and expecting to find him there, but he wasn’t. Instead, two strong arms wrapped around you from behind and you leaned in into the warmth of the body standing behind you.
“Hello, mi amor”. “Hi, baby. You taking a break?”, you asked as he led you to the table where mostly every one of his brothers was sitting. He shook his head and took a seat, pulling you down on his lap and keeping you there by locking his arms around you.
“EZ, what are you doing? – you looked at him and he had that stupidly award-winning smile on his face, the one that made you fall in love again and again with him – shouldn’t you be at the bar?”, you furrowed your brows and tried turning around in his grasp. He kept not responding and you looked at his brother for support.
Angel had a smirk on his face, nodding his head towards his brother and pointing at his own kutte. You were lost. Why wasn’t anyone helping you figure out what the fuck was going on?
Just then, you felt his plump lips right next to your ear, his breath making the hairs on your neck stand up.
“I patched in”, he murmured, a small smile on his face as he waited for your reaction.
You immediately turned towards him, adjusting yourself on his lap, the biggest smile on your face. “What!?”, your eyes then went to his patch, already neatly stitched to his kutte, sitting proudly on his chest. “Holy shit! Holy shit! Congrats, baby, I’m so proud! I knew you could do it!”, you immediately hugged him tight and everyone at the table chuckled. When he kissed you, you could feel the happiness flowing in your veins: after a year of hard work your man was now a full patch.
The night was full of laughter, dancing and drinking, and even EZ had more drinks than usual, but only after you assured him you would be driving him home, since you hadn’t drunk any alcohol. He could leave the bike at the yard for the night. As a result, he was a bit tipsy, he was laughing loudly and his hands were wandering your body, no shame about being in public. It was just for the night, his night. He deserved it.
You were making out near the pool table. You were sitting on his lap and his hands rested on your thighs and ass, squeezing the flesh every once in a while. Soon, the kisses turned hot and passionate and you broke away only when the others started making gag sounds. You smiled at him and bit your lip, tracing the patch on his chest again.
“Get a room!”, Coco said and everyone laughed, their attention momentarily away from the game, and EZ smirked, his eyes never leaving yours. “Actually, yes, we might get a room. Right, preciosa?”, you felt your face get hot, from your neck to the tip of your ears. EZ’s slight drunken smile never left his face as he said goodbye and dragged you towards the garage.
You had to stop a couple times as he had to thank random people congratulating him, but when you made it to the spot, you couldn’t help but notice you were the only ones there.
Since the party was big, some of the Santo Padre bikes were parked in the garage to make room in the parking lot for the dozens more that would come. He led you straight to his bike, sitting on it while you stood in between his spread legs. He put one hand on your waist and the other just below the curve of your ass.
“Congratulations, mi amor – you said – I really am proud of you”, you kissed his forehead and he smiled, tugging you closer to him. Just as your lips were about to touch, he spoke again, “Wanna spend the night with you, baby, doing everything I want”, he kissed the corner of your lips and then dived straight for your neck, leaving wet and open mouthed kisses. His actions and words made you moan out loud and he growled against your skin.
“I love it when you’re vocal. Tell me what you want, mama”, he smirked, the alcohol giving him that push he needed to act that way in public. Even if no one was around, you knew anyone could catch you at any moment, and it made everything even hotter.
“I want you inside me”, you moaned and searched for his mouth with yours, but he denied you again, putting his lips just below your neck and sucking softly. “No foreplay? My girl is so eager”, he snickered and grinned at you. Your eyes were full of lust and you didn’t care anymore, your hands unbuckling his belt while you lowered yourself on your knees. He stopped you before you reached the ground, pulling you up by the arm.
“Strip, baby, let me see you”, he said while adjusting his position on the bike. He had his dick out, pants barely removed, and you bunched your dress around your waist, your panties pooling at your ankles in seconds. He picked them up from the ground and stuffed them in the pocket of his kutte, “A reminder of tonight”, he winked at you and your lips parted at his gesture, and he pulled you against him again.
He positioned you with one of your legs on either side of him, your hands went to his shoulders as his dick rested hard against your inner thigh and you slowly ground yourself onto him. He slid inside you easily, both of you moaning at the pleasure, and he squeezed your hips once he got fully enveloped in your warmth. “Fuck, you feel so good”, he panted, starting to move you on top of him and resting his head on your shoulder.
You were a mess, your thoughts were blurry and you weren’t even able to make full sentences. You threw your head back as he started bucking his hips into yours. “Harder”, you whined, wanting him to get over with it and make you cum. Instead of an answer, you received a sharp spank to your ass, “Manners, babygirl”, he groaned, the hand on your ass squeezing it as the other came to grab your chin and make you look at him.
“Harder, please daddy”, you replied, earning a low fuck from him and his hips sped up their pace. Never stopping his rhythm, he grabbed both of your hands and brought them behind your back, holding them together by the wrist with one of his hands. You moaned loudly and he smiled, seeing you and hearing you during sex was one of his favourite things.
“Keep moving, mi amor, make yourself cum on daddy’s cock”, he attached his lips to your pulse point and you whined, straining to keep up the pace of your hips, and your thighs were starting to cramp. But being restrained, while EZ talked dirty in public and referred to himself as ‘daddy’, made something snap inside you and you kept going, your rhythm never faltering.
“Touch me, I need you”, you rasped out in between pants, and he immediately understood it. he moved his hands from your chin to your mouth, pushing his fingers inside your mouth, making your eyes water at how far he was pushing them. When he removed them, he trailed them over your body, pinching your right nipple and making you yelp, and then pressing them on your clit. He encouraged your impending orgasm with praises and kisses on your neck and nibbles to your ear.
When you finally came, he was in awe at the way you convulsed on top of him, and he let your hands go, using the arm that kept them restrained to balance your trembling body on top of him, your hands going to his shoulders. “I love you so much, princesa, so fucking much”, he whispered as he kept thrusting to prolong your high and reach his own. As soon as you trusted your voice again, you held onto his kutte and moved your hips again, making him hiss and grab your ass.
“Cum inside me, daddy, fill me up”, your mewls and the sound of skin on skin helped reach his peak faster, his warm cum leaking from inside you on the pavement. You gave yourselves a moment to collect your breath, before you got up on shaky legs and he helped you stand up. “You okay, mi vida?”, he asked, zipping himself up and helping you get dressed again, even if your panties stayed in his kutte. You nodded and thanked him.
When you climbed into your car, ready to bring him home, you kept glancing at him and he put his hand on your thigh. “I wanna fuck you while wearing only your kutte”, you blurted out, smiling when you saw his eyes darken again. “Next time, yeah?”, you said again and turned your head towards him for a second, but he shook his head. “Why next time when it can be when we get home?”.
EZ quickly learnt that being a full patch definitely had its advantages.
taglist @scuzmunkie @ifoundmyhappythought @thickemadame​ @mrsjaxtellerfan​ @chibsytelford​ @cocotheclown​ @elcococruz​ @everyhowlmarksthedead​ @imagineredwood​ @lady-pswrld​ @sadeyesgf​ @gemini0410​ @samcrobae​ @woahitslucyylu​ @blackmissfrizzle​ @enamoured-x​ @whyisgmora​ @briannab1234​ @rebel-without-cause-x @angelreyesgirl @general-tiny-mouse @claytoncardenasbabymama
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shiftyskip · 4 years
Joseph “Joe” David Liebgott
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The Real Joseph Liebgott:
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Joseph David Liebgott was born in Lansing, Michigan in May 17, 1915 to Joseph (Josef) Liebgott Sr and Mary. Joseph Liebgott Sr was of German descent, but he was born in Beresztocz, Hungary. Joe’s mother was Yugoslavian, but was reported as born in either Yugoslavia or Hungary I am not sure which one because records show both. On his father’s side his grandparents were Yugoslavian as well. On his mother’s sider, they seem to be from Hungary. His mother immigrated in 1909, Lieb’s father immigrated in 1912.
Below is a picture believed to be his parents. 
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 He was the oldest of his siblings. He has four sisters: Mary, Elizabeth, Anna, and Barbara, and one brother, Stephen/Steffen . Both of his parents spoke German, which would later help him during the war. His father worked in the auto industry before they moved. 
His family soon moved to California around 1927 and his dad became a barber. He was the oldest of his siblings, one brother and four sisters. He was extremely protective of his younger sisters
Liebgott and his siblings attended Catholic schools. This is where learned how to box and played soccer.
After high school, Liebgott drove a taxi around San Francisco. This career was temporary and he soon attended barber college.
He was also previously married before the war. He was married in July 31, 1933  to  a woman named Frances. They had one child, David Albert together on February 27, 1934. But the couple soon divorced within a year, and he was living with his family again by 1940, where he was working on a forestry project. Meanwhile his ex-wife and son moved into her family. Here is Joe and Frances:
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He eventually became a barber and this was his career when he enlisted at the age of 26. Liebgott chose the paratroopers to be able to make more money to be able to put a down payment on his parents’ house. 
Included is a photo of Joe and his mother
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He has a Jewish service card, registered under his mother’s name. But his family denied he was Jewish, stating he was a German Roman Catholic. I’ll attach it below (filtered for safety). 
In his draft card he is listed as 5 feet and 5 inches tall and was 109 pounds. He had blue-grey eyes and brown hair.
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Malarkey remembers meeting Liebgott on his way to Toccoa where they became part of the original Toccoa men. Liebgott was trained under the harsh command of Herbert Sobel.
Liebgott didn’t talk much about the war, so there will be little but other’s words to put here. This is a photo from 1945 in France.
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Right before the jump out of the airplane, he put his barber skills to use and gave a few of the men Mohawks. 
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He would jump out of the airplanes with the rest of the men on June 6, 1944. He received the bronze star for his bravery at Brecourt Manor, where he worked with Winters and several other men, Compton, Guarenere, Wynn, Lipton, Toye, Malarkey, and Ranney to destroy a German Battery firing on Utah Beach on the day of the D-Day Invasion.
He cut off the finger of a German that he had bayoneted and took the man’s ring near Carentan. At Carentan, Ed Tipper was seriously wounded after clearing out a house with Liebgott. Liebgott grabbed Tipper, yelled for a medic, and told Tipper that he’d be okay. Welsh and Lieb dragged Tipper into the street until Welsh could get him back to the aid station.
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After Brecourt, Compton recalls a painful memory with Liebgott in his book, Call of Duty, Compton and Liebgott were patrolling along hedges at dusk. Across the way, in another set of hedges were two men. Both were dressed in German ponchos, one was holding a German gun. Assuming that these men were in fact German, he and Liebgott shot the men. Come to find out, when they checked their dog tags, they were not Germans. They were Americans. They had just killed fellow soldiers in friendly fire.
October 5, 1944. Winters sent a few Youmen out on patrol to take an outpost near a windmill. Liebgott and a few other men (James Alley among them) went with Sgt. Youmen. They sent one man ahead, to look out over the dike. The man spotted German machine guns. German voices approached the remaining boys. Lieb called out for the Youman, as we was trailing behind, only to have grenades thrown at him and the other men. Liebgott got minor wounds while James Alley received 32 shrapnel wounds in his left side, stretching from his face down. They’d run into a company of SS.
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Liebgott was known for being rough with prisoners, the fighting that followed the injuries wit the SS company was a prime example of this. After Winters led his patrol to attack these Germans, in which during the fighting they lost William Dukeman, 7 Germans surrendered. The most famous story of Liebgott is as follows, in Dick Winter’s words.
As Winters explains in his book, “Tech/5 Joseph D. Liebgott had been slightly wounded in the arm, but he was ambulatory so I assigned him the mission of escorting seven German prisoners to the rear. Liebgott had earned the reputation of being one of Easy’s best combat soldiers, but we had all heard stories that he was very rough on prisoners. Liebgott was one of Easy Company’s “killers,” so I deemed  it appropriate to take a bit of caution. When he heard me say, “Take the prisoners back to the battalion command post,” he replied. “Oh, boy! I’ll take care of them.” In his exuberance, Liebgott stood up and paced back and forth and he was obviously very nervous and concerned. I stopped him in his tracks. “There are seven prisoners and I want seven prisoners turned over to battalion.” Liebgott was highly incensed and started to throw a tantrum.Somewhat unsure of how he would react, I then dropped my M-1 to my hip, threw off my safety, and said, Liebgott, drop all your ammunition and empty your rifle.” There was much grumbling and swearing, but he did as I had ordered. “Now,” I said, “you can put one round in your rifle. If you drop a prisoner, the rest will jump you.””
Liebgott got all 7 prisoners back.  
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Joe would recover in a hospital in England with Webster, but he was back before Bastogne. Here is the record for that: 
Name:Joseph D Liebgott Race:White, includes Mexican (White) Rank:Enlisted Man Admission Age:29 Birth Date:abt 1915 Admission Date:Oct 1944 Discharge Date:Nov 1944 Military Branch:Infantry, Parachute Troops or Units Diagnosis:FirstLocation: Ulna, generally; CausativeAgent: Artillery Shell, Fragments, Afoot or unspecified Type of Injury:Casualty, battle Injured in Line of Duty:In line of duty Type of Discharge:Duty Length of service:2 Year(s), 6 Month(s)
In Bastogne, Winters made him a runner to get away from the tension and constant stress of fighting.  One story of his service was outside of Foy is the battle of Noville, he and Earl Hale ducked into a barn and took 6 SS officers prisoner. Outside the barn, a shell exploded. One of the SS officers took this as an opportunity and jumped Hale. He slit Hale’s throat. Liebgott instantly shot and killed the officer. He then killed the others. Hale survived miracuously. 
At some point, before the end of the war, Liebgott became first platoon’s interpreter-radioman. This was because he could speak some German. But Webster claimed in his book that the German’s didn’t understand his Yiddish. 
He was with Webster when they took Hitler’s Nest. They spent their time drinking Hitler’s alcohol together with a few other men. He was living with Headquarters Company while there.  
Of course, the war came to an end and everyone who wanted to was discharged.
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Over the course of the war, Lieb was injured 3 times and won 3 purple hearts. He refused one because the wound was “just a scratch”. He would receive partial disability for his wounds.
When he returned home, he disappeared for two years. Eventually he was found living in  Yuma, California. He didn’t come to reunions, even when offered multiple times. His father simply told the vets “not to mess with him”. 
After the war, Liebgott was a barber for a short time. He married again to a woman named Peggy in 1949. They had eight kids together. Making Lieb’s total children come to nine, although he was mostly involved with the last eight. They lived on a barber’s salary, not leaving much room for fun activities but everyone had their basic needs met. He often  only had one day a week off and would take his kids to a Long Beach pike, where they would visit an amusement park. 
Liebgott liked to bet on the ponies at the racetrack. Every other sunday, him and his boss would take the boss’ airplane down to Mexico.
He is believed to have never contacted anyone from his days in Easy Company. He just wanted to get away from the war. 
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The Liebgotts divorced in  April of 1969. She remarried, but he never did. He was described as really quiet by his granddaughter. 
She states, in Marcus Brotherton’s book Company of Heroes (pages 120-121) “His hands looked like a man who worked with his hands, sunspots all over. He absolutely loved his grandkids. he had false teeth that he flipped out of his mouth and smiled, threatening to kiss us with his gums. He was a tickler. He never held babies over his shoulder...because he wanted them to see everything....He didn’t have a lot of money - I’m pretty sure all he had was his veteran’s benefits...He made all of the bikes for the grandkids by scouring thrift stores for dilapidated bikes. He stripped the bikes down to their frame, fixed and assembled them as good as new. He let each grandchild pick the color of new paint for his or her bike....I always knew the specific foods we were going to eat at his house. He had bite-sized candy bars and store brand soda-pop. There was no drinking water in his house. He always lived in rental houses...” 
He was very neat, and keep his house and appearance orderly. However, he was always working in the garage, so the house had black smudges from the dirt on his hands. 
However, Liebgott was not perfect. While he hated the Nazis, he was also seen as a bigot, maybe even harsher. Rhonda explained that he threw the n word around like it wasn’t a big deal. He blamed the wrong goings of the world on different ethnic groups. Rhonda started seeing a guy from El Salvador, he asked if her partner “even spoke English?”
As he grew older, Lieb got sicker. He eventually lost the use of one of his legs from a hernia. He was confined to a chair and hated any new technology. He was stuck in a wheelchair, angry when he would hit a cabinet. 
Lieb did not talk about his military career until towards his end. He would spend time with his son Jim, watching tv talking about the war during a war movie.  He would talk about the war when he was mad, possibly angry at himself for doing a lot of killing and other things that people his age shouldn’t have to do.
In 1992, Liebgott developed a tumor in his neck, near his windpipe that would cause a lot of pain. Jim took him to the hospital on Father’s Day. Shortly later, on June 28, 1992 Liebgott died. He was against a funeral and just wanted to be cremated, so his family did as he wished. They still have his ashes and letters and the Toccoa book. 
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mikkomacko · 4 years
Dear Daisy 7
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Before Chapter Blurb
The Christmas tree Niall brought over last week lights up the living room in the early morning shade, the dark snow clouds outside leaving the house darker than usual. Daisy shakes off the snow on her boots and leaves them at the door, cold fingers clutching the letter she just retrieved from the mailbox. Harry’s neat writing has scribbled her name on the envelope, and the heart he placed next to it makes her tummy flutter. She hooks her nail under the seal, tearing it open and unfolding his letter with hopeful eyes.
Dear Daisy,
How's the weather back home? I hope it hasn't been too brutal on you. Remember that one winter it snowed so much everyone got trapped inside their homes? I don't think that'll happen but if the snow picks up too much please call my mum over or go stay with her. I really don't want you home alone during a snow storm. Funny that I told you not to worry about me but here I am fretting over the idea of a blizzard, aye?
Anyway, nothing has been set in stone for my Christmas plans yet, however, a buddy of mine is returning home for the holidays and he's heard word that I might be at home as well. No matter I promise you'll have the best Christmas, I'll do everything in my power to make sure. I'm sure my mum has told you but you're welcome to her annual Christmas party whether I'm there or not. Gemma will be there and she'll take care of you. Speaking of taking care of you, I've heard from a little birdie that you're thinking of using your own hard earned money for gifts this year. While I find that incredibly sweet, I can't allow it. Daisy, you know you can always use our money for anything. I also need to send gifts and it would really be much more simple if you just used the card and then signed my name as well. And if you don't agree with that, too bad. I've contacted my uncle and he's told the local shops to not accept cash from you. Yes, even all the way in France I'm taking care of you. Promised I would, didn't I?
The money you've got from working is yours Daisy. I honestly find it wonderful and inspiring that you've gone out and found work and are able to take care of yourself. I reckon more ladies in our town should be like you. I also reckon you take your earnings and buy something for yourself, something you've always wanted. I know you love reading, and I know Robin has got a couple could bookstores in mind. I'm sure he'd be happy to point you in the direction of them if that's something you'd like. Don't have much time for reading here so maybe you could read a couple good novels for me and then tell me all about them? It's the least you could do really considering that I'm playing knight in shining armor for you.
Hopefully next time we talk I'll have more news about Christmas for you, but remember that you're always in my thoughts. I see your eyes sparkle in the lights and tinsel around town. I see snowflakes melting on the apples of your cheeks and sticking to your eyelashes. I feel your hands when I warm up next to the fire. I feel the same joy you carry in the spirit of Christmas that surrounds me. In some ways I think you and I are a lot like winter. The bitter bite in the air and the soothing heat of cocoa. The hibernation of creatures, the death of plants, and the pureness and rebirth of snow. I could go on forever about you and I Daisy, but I think I'll save the rest of my affection for in person.
Happy holidays love,
The Harry Styles x
Daisy had never been so disappointed in her life. Not even when her family threw her out of the house and into the arms of Harry to be cared for. Maybe this is so much worse than being let down by her parents because Harry actually did care for her. She doesn't know what changed between the time she moved in and now, but something inside both her and Harry went from disgust to attraction. She can feel it her bones when she thinks of him. How much she aches for him, how much her lips miss saying his name. It's even present in their letters to each other. They're thoughtful of each other, loving towards one another. They've spent more time apart than they have married and yet she thinks they're more dedicated to each other than any other couple in this town.
Unable to hide her sadness over Harry still being overseas despite Christmas being a few days away, Daisy decided to not spend tonight with Anne. She'll be there for Christmas Eve, thinking of how Harry should be there too, so tonight is just time for her. She'd found a copy Pride and Prejudice a few days ago in the office downstairs, deciding to read it again as it's one of her favorite stories. Harry's probably read it before but she'll still write her thoughts on the book to him.
He's all she can think about as she curls up in his bed, the thick quilt his grandmother had made him wrapped around her shoulders. Bedside lamp still on, Daisy falls asleep wondering if she should tell Harry that he very much reminds her of Mr. Darcy. Of course that would make her Elizabeth and she really can't think of a more romantic representation of their affection for each other.
The spare key under the loose brick in the front hasn't been moved, though it is buried and frozen by snow. His car has been moved into the garage to be protected from the weather and the vibrant green of his front yard is now a white wonderland, lit up by multicolored lights. Harry can't help but hate how much has changed without him. He wasn't there to put up lights, wasn't there to winterize the grass, wasn't there to salt the sidewalk. Fearing what else might have changed while he was gone, particularly Daisy, Harry's hand trembles as he unlocks the front door.
He stays as quiet as can be as he moves into the house, dropping his bag by the closed door and re-locking it. His train ticket was a late departure, but he won't complain. Better to get home late than not at all. Peeling off his wet boots and coat, Harry drops them into a pile on the floor. The Christmas tree Niall had cut down for him is still gleaming in the living room, lighting the path towards Daisy's bedroom. Maybe Harry should go upstairs and change, wash away his time in France before he goes searching for his girl, but he's exhausted and aching for her. It's not until he's tiptoed down the hall and nudged her door open does it dawn on him that Daisy could be at his mother's house. He knows she's been sleeping there a lot and there'd be no reason for her to come home tonight because he didn't tell her that he was coming home.
Heart sinking lower into his stomach as he checks for her in every available spot downstairs, Harry dejectedly yanks on the plug of Christmas lights, bathing the house back into darkness. He's heading back to the door to put his boots and coat back on when he catches the sliver of yellow light coming down the staircase. Pushing himself up the stairs, his heart leaps back into his chest when he reaches the landing and finds his own bedroom door open. From here he can see his bedside table with the lamp still on and a lump under his blankets. She's here. Daisy's home and she's in his bed. On the side he sleeps on and everything.
Harry's quick to cut across the hallway, stepping into his bedroom. Lightly, he closes the distance between him and the bed. He can barely see Daisy from how she's wrapped herself up in his blankets, one arm hanging out with his copy of Pride and Prejudice sitting loosely in her palm. He perches his bum on the little space between her and the edge, carefully removing the book from her palm and placing it on his bedside table. Peeling back the blankets she's snuggled under, Harry's heart leaps when he finally her beautiful face. Still sleeping soundly, lips mushed into his pillow with the smallest bit of drool staining the side of her mouth. He desperately wants to just strip off his uniform and climb into bed with her in nothing but his pants, wants to feel her on his skin after so long of sleeping alone on an army cot, but he can't. He'd hate if she woke up and was uncomfortable, if he made her uncomfortable, so he silently returns to his feet and slips into the closet.
Remaining in the doorway, just so he can still be able to see Daisy, Harry leaves his uniform in a mess of green fabric on the floor and quickly slips into a set of pajamas. The wood floor is cold on his toes but he ignores it in favor of getting back to her as quickly as possible. Harry pauses, eyeing the side of the bed that's completely open for him but he doesn't want to sleep there. He wants to curl up on his side, lay his head on the same pillow Daisy's is on, share such an intimate space with her again because he surely took it for granted that night he left. He should've held her tighter, should've stayed awake longer just to have more time with her. He should've memorized how it felt to feel her hands on him and how she's the heaviest sleeper he's ever met. He just should've done more for her.
He's not going to waste anymore time.
Pulling back the blankets, enough to expose Daisy to the cooler air of the bedroom, Harry lies himself next to her. She remains as still as a statue, but he notices that as soon as his feet brush hers it's like she fully relaxes. As if she were having a bad dream or uncomfortable and his presence next to her has brought that fragile peace needed for a good nights sleep. His heart swells at the thought of her subconsciously needing him like he needs her, and it takes all his strength to reach over and turn out the light instead of throwing himself on top of her and kissing her until they suffocate. He reckons that'd be a great way to go but he's not ready for that. He's still got so much of himself to give and share with her.
Perhaps he was right when he told her the heart grows fonder with distance, because never in a million years would he imagine his eyes stinging with unshed tears as he wraps himself around Daisy, body fitting to hers like it belongs there.
Daisy's first reaction upon waking up to loud snores and a heavy weight around her middle was to poke her fingers into the strangers closed eyes and definitely knee him in the groin, and then hopefully be quick enough to get to the neighbors for help. That is until her bleary eyes focus on the face in front of her. His strong jaw, the frown that's always on his face, even when he sleeps, and the mess of curls on the pillow. His face is a little slimmer in the cheeks and his hair shorter (and a little greasy at the roots) but he's still handsome. He's still Harry.
Her vision blurs again, this time with tears on her waterline, and she reaches up to cup his jaw, afraid this is just part of a dream. "Harry?" She whispers, heart pounding on her chest. A little short cuts off his snores, pink lips smacking together and he wiggles further into the mattress before falling still again. It's really him. He's really home. He's somehow made it back to her and climbed into their bed at God knows what hour without even waking her. She can't help but mentally curse him, wishing she had known sovsge could've met him at the train station with hot tea. He must have been freezing when he got home last night. The least she could've done was gone to pick him up.
"Harry? Will you please wake up?"
Luckily for Daisy, he's a bit of light sleeper, her thumb brushing over his cheekbone being enough to peel his eyes open. He blinks twice, eyebrows pinching together as his sleepy eyes flicker over her face.
"I'm sleeping." He grumbles, eyes closing again but Daisy doesn't care if he's annoyed or mad at her for waking him. She missed him too much to care so she pushes him onto his back, throwing her body over his and worming her hands under his neck. Harry grunts under her weight, lifting his head to adjust the way she's holding him before falling back into the pillows with a soft sigh.
"What are you doing here? Why didn't you say anything you prick? You scared me to death!" His lips curl up at her words, obviously pleased at getting a rise out of her by not giving her all the information about him coming home.
"I scared ya?" He mumbles incredulously, "Came home to find your room empty, thought you'd somehow got frozen outside trying to sneak to my mum's and then I find ya in my bed? Scared me more, I reckon."
Daisy leans back, hoping to get another look at his beautiful eyes after so long of not seeing them but he's still pretending sleep when she looks down at his face. "How'd ya know I've been going to your mum's?"
She blows on him in attempt to annoy him enough to open his eyes, to just please look at her but he remains stubborn, squeezing them shut. "She wrote me." He answers simply, the thickness of his voice catching her off guard. Squinting curiously, she notices his Adam's apple bob nervously, and his teeth take in his bottom lip.
"Harry?" Daisy murmurs, releasing her right hand from it's spot under his neck to place it over his chest. She's shocked by how fast it's pounding, how his shoulders have tensed up. "Are you okay Harry?"
His nose scrunches, his eyes closing even tighter, features twisting as if he's in pain. He nods just once, a trembling breath leaving his flaring nostrils. Daisy doesn't know everything about Harry, not yet, but she knows that he's not okay. That he's holding something back and she's so worried that maybe he's hurt, that something happened in France and he's been sent home because he's injured, that a sudden knot lodges itself in her throat.
Her words are croaky and strained. "Can I see you Harry? Please?" She begs, trailing her hand up his collarbones to cup his jaw. "I haven't seen you in so long."
Silence. Not a word from him. Not even a shake or nod of his head. Harry remains twisted up, refusing to look at her, to speak to her.
"I miss you Harry. I miss you so much."
Her words push him over, his arms flying up to wrap around her and he sits up to hold her to his chest. She can't see him like this either but it doesn't matter because he's shaking and sniffling, the cries he was holding back finally breaking through. Daisy wraps her arms around his waist, her own eyes welling up with tears again at the sound of him whimpering.
"I miss you love. More than you'll ever know. Don't think I can go back now that I've got you again." Harry's rambling under his breath, soft sentiments of everything he missed, every little reminder of her that tormented him in France. She thinks he might be influenced by drowsiness but that doesn't stop her from pulling back enough to finally see his eyes. Even red rimmed and leaking, shining with longing and pain, they're the most breath taking color. They're eyes only meet for a moment before she's sealing her lips to his.
It's refreshing to feel his mouth again. Like warming up by the fire after making the wall home from the bakery. Like the sight of gooey chocolate chip cookies being broke in half, melted chocolate still connecting the two pieces. Like waking up to a fresh coat of snow in the morning, untouched by feet and vehicles and sleds. Like stockings resting over a fire. Like the silence that sits between them when he reads and she crochets.
Somewhere deep in her heart, it registers to Daisy that this is what home feels like.
Robin's a fairly short man, not that Daisy had noticed until Harry's standing next to him in the bakery, an old apron of the owners barely reaching his thighs. The knot in the back is the smallest possible knot she could tie because Harry's training has beefed him up quiet a bit and Robin's a very thin man. She doesn't know what it is, if it's the fact that it's so overwhelming to have him back again he just seems so much bigger than he used to, or if she somehow didn't notice how much he towers over everyone until now, but Daisy feels like a flower in the shadow of Big Ben next to him. It's both intimidating and soothing at the same time, but that's just Harry's brand she supposes.
"It's really not necessary for you to spend the day here." Robin repeats, digging through the orders for today. Daisy knows he's got a lot to bake today seeing as he closed for the holidays starting tomorrow and plenty of families need their baked goods for their celebrations. She promised to be here to help and even Harry's surprise drop in isn't going to ruin her word.
"Don't be silly Robin. We want to be here." Daisy assures, washing her hands so she can begin making the dough for the first order of dinner rolls. Harry looks a bit lost as Robin pins up the orders on the cork board and Daisy gets cooking. She's never seen Harry not completely own the whole room before and seeing him watching her curiously is oddly cute.
Robin puts Harry to work the counter and wrap up orders, much to his disliking seeing as he's not the socialist of butterflies, but he doesn't complain. Not even when Jacqueline Haverhill is utterly rude to him, glaring at him throughout the whole transaction. Daisy doesn't exactly know what Harry did to bother Jacqueline but she guesses it's probably something similar to his interaction with Mrs. Weathers.
As the day goes on, the orders get sent out, and a soft trickle of snow begins outside, Daisy notices that Harry's really good at wrapping the orders. He's precise about cutting the wrap and his bows of ribbons are perfect and the card with the order name is always written in a neat, slanted cursive. She can't help but imagine a Christmas Eve night in which her and Harry are both sat awake in the dead of the night, Harry wrapping gifts for a child that's asleep on the floor above them, scribbling their name on the gift tag and signing it from Santa Claus. He's got the perfect writing for that of the holiday icon. And then he'd hand the pretty package over for Daisy to place nicely under their tree.
Something in her stomach twists, realizing for the first time that she's imagined herself actually being a mother to his children. Of course she's thought about how good of a father he'd be, but she's never had such a vivid picture of the two of them parenting. It's such a shocking and sweet moment that she can't help but wipe the flour on her hands off on her apron, tentatively approaching Harry as he piles the two orders of cakes next to each other. He pauses when she walks over, mouth opening to question her but he doesn't get a chance to before she's pressing herself into his large chest, arms finding their way around his waist.
Harry freezes just for a moment, obviously caught off guard, but then he's wrapping his own arms around her shoulders and squeezing her a bit tighter. Daisy doesn't know what to say as reasoning for her suddenly wanting to hold him but Harry luckily doesn't question her. Maybe he's just as desperate for her as she is for him. Robin doesn't say anything to the two, simply smiling to himself as he watches Harry's eyes flutter close, resting his cheek on top of her head. Harry's not an affectionate person, most often he's rather cold, but he looks perfectly at home holding Daisy the way he is. Like he needs her to breathe.
"Hello hello!" Anne interrupts as she enters the bakery, Daisy opening her eyes just in time to see her brilliant smile drop into one of shock. Her gloved hands cup her mouth, eyes watering at the sight of Harry standing in the bakery when she'd been under the impression that he was still in France.
"Hello mum." Harry greets casually, lifting his head as Daisy pulls away. She catches the grin on his face, resembling the cat that got the canary as he moves around the counter. "How are ya?" He spreads his arms wide, blocky teeth sinking into plush lip. Anne visibly trembles, dropping her hands from her mouth to swing her handbag at him. Daisy giggles at Harry's flinch and the way his entire face scrunches into a childish pout.
"Oh you bugger!" Anne scolds wetly, smacking him one more time before finally accepting a hug from him. Daisy's chest expands with her growing heart at the image of Harry holding his wailing mother, stroking his fingers through his mother's dark hair while assuring her that he's fine. Like Daisy, she must have thought Harry is back due to injury or illness.
"Got home late last night mum, didn't want to wake you." He explains when she curses him for not stopping the minute he returned. "Didn't even wake Daisy. She came after me the same way too."
That same thickness that had taken over his voice this morning clouds his words, and the imagine of his tortured eyes makes Daisy nauseous. She distracts herself with wrapping up Anne's order of biscuits for the Christmas party tomorrow. Of course that doesn't stop her from listening in on the two, heart turning to mush at the sweet interaction between mother and son.
"I can't believe you're here Harry! And look how big and handsome you've gotten!"
"Was I not handsome before?" Harry's time is teasing but a quick glance at him and she can see the genuine curiosity in his slightly offended gaze.
"Of course you were ya goose! But you look awful proper with ya hair short and all." Anne continues to gush over him, fawning over the dusting of stubble on his jaw and how's he's too big for even the apron and how she better watch out or she'll have Goliath for a son. Daisy thinks it's a bit cheesy, Anne's compliments to him. Maybe a bit exaggerated too but then she catches the blush on Harry's cheeks and the boyish glint of pride in his green eyes, and she understands. Harry's a mumma's boy. He's eating up Anne's attention and fawning over him like a dog posing for treats.
Harry enjoys being doted on. Flattered. Babied even. There's something about that revelation that stirs in her stomach, warming her entire being.
Robin slides up next to Daisy, mixing bowl in the crook of his arm and whisking the batter in it. He nods towards Anne and Harry, a bashful smile on his face. "Don't charge her, alright?"
Daisy supposes it's because Robin's always known Harry's family, cares for them. And seeing the heart warming reunion between Anne and Harry, she's not surprised at all that he's dropped the charge. Robin's a nice man and he's got a soft spot for Harry, therefore having one for Harry's loved ones as well.
She looks back at him, biting back a smile when she sees him press a sweet kiss to the top of his mother's head, and she's so darn lucky to have a place in his life.
Soldiers wear their uniforms when they go out. At least that's what the ones in the pub do. Daisy thinks it's to pick up girls seeing as every available lady in town is eager to flatter a serving man, and all the ones in here do have a girl or two attached to them, stroking the collars of their jackets and praising the ribbons and metals pinned to them.
Harry removes his long army green coat, draping it over his arm before reaching to help Daisy our of her white one. He didn't wear his uniform and she's quite glad for it. Of course Harry would probably scare away any girl that came near him and she'd definitely enjoy seeing it but she doesn't want to see anyone try to get his attention anyway. She just got him back and she's not sharing at all.
"This way Daisy." Harry guides, a warm hand on the small of her back. Two of Harry's army friends, a man named Pip who he roomed with, and another named Oliver were also allowed home for a visit. Both men were from the same town and enjoyed Harry's company enough to offer a meet up halfway between their town and Daisy's and Harry's.
The table closest to the bar and furthest from the dance floor is where Harry's mates are sat, and just like him, they're not in uniform either. However, they do have women with them and Daisy guesses that that's the reason they're dressed down. They don't need to impress or brag because they've got birds.
"Aye Harry!" The tallest man cheers loudly through a slight slur, slamming his hand on the table next to his pint. The girl with him, a lanky and slim brunette halfheartedly shushes him but it falls on deaf ears as he scrambles from his seat to greet Harry.
They exchange hugs, Harry clapping him on the back quite hard in a way that makes Daisy wince, but the man must be used to Harry hitting him like that because he just grins and smacks Harry's chest in return. "Is this ya girl Harry?" He questions when his blue eyes catch Daisy hovering behind Harry. She smiles politely, blushing when Harry reaches back for her hand.
"S'my Daisy, alright." He murmurs with a proud nod, pulling her into his side. "Daisy, this is Oliver and that quiet bloke in the back is Pip." Harry gestures the man still sat at the table, sharing a warm drink with the blonde next to him, who judging by the ring on her finger, is Pip's wife.
"Hello," Daisy greets, accepting a hand shake from Oliver. Harry leads her closer to the table, letting her pick a seat before settling himself next to her. She ends up by the blonde, nodding when she introduces herself as May. Harry leans over to gruffly shake hands with Pip, his arm on the back of her chair and warm chest against her shoulder. Oliver's girl says her name is Molly, and Daisy can't help but think that May and Molly are the prettiest names for two friends like them. She supposes Summer and Daisy are pretty good too.
"Would you like a drink love?" Harry murmurs in her ear, interrupting her thoughts with his warm breath. She nods gently, receiving a tender kiss on her cheek before Harry's on his feet and heading towards the bar. Daisy watches him, enjoying the way his white trousers cling to his peachy bum. She's dragged out of her admiring by Pip.
"When Harry told us he's got a bird back home, I never expected him to have someone so quiet and sweet."
Daisy giggles nervously, pushing her hair behind her ear when Oliver nods his agreement. "Big grumpy lad like him, was expecting someone like my bloody Aunt Cecil." Pip and Oliver chortle drunkenly, Molly chuckling before turning to Daisy.
"Aunt Cecil is the most terrible woman I've ever met. Very braggy when she's not even got anything to brag about!" Molly's obvious distaste makes Oliver laugh louder, pressing a kiss to the side of her head.
"Terrible," he agrees with a sigh, "but I think it's right fitting that Harry have you with him. A bit of balance eh?"
"He definitely looks less brutish with a little thing like you on his arm." Pip agrees, "Proper cute you are." May repeats his words, smiling sweetly at Daisy. Not knowing what exactly to say, she’s grateful when Harry returns with her drink and a beer for him. When he settles back into his chair, his arm returns to it’s spot around her shoulders. Daisy relaxes into his touch, remembering all the girls here that would definitely try to win his attention, and she beams with pride at the fact that he’s hers.
Oliver and Pip start up a conversation of what they missed most about home. Pip swears he’ll never find better cooking than the meals May makes, practically on the verge of tears as he dramatically declares his love for her beef stew. Oliver laughs, scrunching his nose when he says he missed the smell of home. Paris, he thinks, smells of cigarette smoke and too much perfume. Daisy’s not sure what she was expecting Harry to say, maybe that he missed his comfortable mattress or his novels, but she’s not expecting him to shrug and wholeheartedly say her name.
Her heart swells, ears burning as Molly and May coo. She catches Harry’s bashful gaze, grinning as she pecks his pink lips as tenderly as she can. For a moment they’re stuck in a lover’s bubble, gooey eyes and shy grins, but it’s quickly shattered by Pip’s groan and mouth.
“Excellent choice Styles,” he approves, “Nothing like coming home to shag and love on your wife, aye?” That’s followed by a holler from Oliver, and the clanking of beer bottles. She watches Harry’s eyes widen, and he turns to them with a laugh that doesn’t really sound like him. They take his sip of his beer as joining in on their celebration of sex. The heat in her face grows, spreading to her belly and Daisy suddenly wishes they’d stayed home tonight so she could have had Harry all to herself.
She's changed into her night gown, sitting with her legs folded on Harry's bed and peeking into the bathroom while he brushes the alcohol of the night off his tongue. Harry's only put on pajama pants, leaving his torso fair game for her eyes to roam over. It's odd not feeling like she's prying by ogling him but she can't get the words of his friends off her mind.
"Nothing like coming home to shag and love on your wife, aye?"
He is her husband. She's devoted herself to him for the rest of her life, willingly, and she doesn't even remember why she was so upset about being Harry's in the first place. He's thoughtful, caring, intelligent, and so very handsome. It feels silly that she ever looked at him and hated him, because right now all she wants is him.
Daisy's never shagged anyone. The only person she's ever kissed is Harry save for a few cheek kisses from boys throughout the years. She can't help but look at Harry and wonder if he has. He's obviously attractive, every girl in town has wanted him at some point in their lives, but she's never heard anything about Harry wanting them. Up until that night her parents dropped the marriage bomb on her, she kind of assumed Harry would always just be Harry.
There was one rumor though, she recalls, coming up when she was about sixteen. A girl named Lucille had been the center of it, everyone claiming she'd lost her virginity too young to a boy at the summer party always thrown at her house. No one cared about the boy because the real spice of the rumor was Lucille having sex outside of wedlock, but the boy mattered to Daisy because it was Harry. At least that's what Summer had heard from someone. She remembers how awful she had felt hearing that, having to leave school early because her stomach was doing an awful job at holding down her lunch. At the time she thought it was just a disgust at the thought of anyone, especially someone as sweet as Lucille, sleeping with someone as rude as Harry.
But now, watching him lean over the sink to rinse his mouth, shoulders rippling as he moves, Daisy thinks she was jealous. She wasn't disgusted that Lucille slept with Harry, no, she was disgusted that Harry had slept with Lucille. She was absolutely put off by the fact that Harry hadn't come to her. Because he was always going after her. Always teasing, always picking, always embarrassing. Why was that time the exception?
"Harry?" His name is out of her lips before she can even rationally think about what she's wanting to ask him, and when he exits the bathroom with a soft "wha'sa matter?" her cheeks burn with embarrassment. Instinctively, her hands reach to the bottom of the bed for the crochet blanket, fingers wiggling through the stitches in attempt to calm her suddenly pounding heart. Deciding that there's no possible way for her to ignore her curiosity nor how much she wants to feel his skin under her fingertips, she quickly spits out her question.
"Do you miss shagging?"
For a moment, Daisy thinks Harry might be mad. There's a flash in his eyes, one of annoyance and frustration, and she can feel an apology building on her tongue when Harry moves to sit on the edge of the bed by her.
"What's got this on your mind Daisy?"
She feels a bit like a child with the tone he uses, as if he thinks she's repeating something she'd heard on the playground and knew nothing about before inquiring about it. "Pip and Ollie mentioned it, and well, you sort of laughed but it was different. I was just wondering, I don't know. We don't really speak about personal things but I don't want you, I don't know, suffering because you think I'm clueless or-"
Harry interrupts her with a sharp call of her name, cutting off her defensive ramble. His hands reach up to untangle her fingers from the blanket, holding them in his own. Thumbs brushing over the back of her hands, his usually stoic expression breaks into a fond gaze. "First of all, I want you to know that I would never want you to do that based off the belief that you think m'suffering or whatever other bloody nonsense your mother has put in that head of yours."
Daisy's ears burn, embarrassed by the mention of her mother because Harry's spot on. She's always grown up hearing that as a wife, she does whatever her husband requests of her, no questions asked. But beneath that layer of embarrassment, is another source of heat, begging for her to just lean over and smear her mouth to his.
"Second," he continues "I don't need shagging Daisy. If we talked about it and both wanted to that'd be a different story but I promise you that I don't wake up every morning and curse the world because I've still not made love to you." His sentence is punctured with a shy giggle, one she's never heard come out of his mouth and it makes her heart swoop pleasantly. Harry's cute, she tells herself while mentally adding to the list of new things she's learned about her husband in just a few days of having him home.
"Ok Harry." She agrees, even more flustered at his compassion towards her and the subject of sex. "I suppose I just got caught off guard when Pip said how much he missed it while he was away and I didn't want you to feel that way too. You're already in a trying situation and that's the last thing I want."
Daisy moves closer to him when his dimples sink into the plushness of his cheeks, lips shining when he runs his tongue over them in attempt to hide the boyish smile on his face. "Want to hear a secret?" He finally whispers, dropping his gaze to where his hands are still tenderly holding hers. Daisy mutters a yes, eager to know something personal about Harry.
He clears his throat gently, shaking his head as if he's mentally scolding himself for whatever information he's holding inside his head. When he does finally speak, his voice is so quiet she wouldn't have heard it had it not been for how closely together they're sat.
"I can't miss something I never had."
It takes another moment for his words to register in her mind but when they do she could jump in elation. Of course she'd never judge Harry for having already had sex but she's so utterly relieved to know that she's not alone in her inexperience. She can't fight the grin that pulls at her lips, Harry rolling his eyes when he glances up through thick lashes to gauge her reaction.
He looks so shy, so tentative about what she might say to his secret and for the first time since she's known him, confidence surges through her. She squeezes his hand, pushing her shoulders back as she nonchalantly replies, "Neither can I, but I can yearn for it."
Harry's head snaps up at her words, eyes bright and big with surprise. Pink lips dropped open in disbelief, Daisy refuses to shy away from his prodding gaze because she knows what she said is truthful. Why can't she finally shag Harry? She's married to him and she trusts him, and if the admittance that she was jealous of Lucille is anything to go by, she's wanted Harry for a lot longer than she thought.
"Daisy," Harry utters, voice strained and rough in his throat. It sends shivers up her spine. "you're gonna have to give me more than that if you want something darling."
Before any unpleasant nerves can take over, she complies. "I've never slept with anyone before either but I would sh-I want to do that with you. If you want to."
His fingers are gentle but persistent as they trail up her exposed arms, Harry's eyes remaining on hers for any sign of reluctance or regret. He reaches the sleeves of her nightgown, fingertips dipping under the fabric and when she steadily maintains eye contact, he knows that's he's fully got the go-ahead. She can tell by the simper that lifts his lips and the sudden darkness in his eyes. Harry pushes himself onto his knees, face leaning in so close to hers his minty breath blows the baby hairs out of her face. Daisy allows herself to be guided back by his wide shoulders and bulging chest, eyes growing heavy under his heated gaze as her head meets the pillows.
"Are you certain Daisy?" Harry murmurs, checking once again. His thoughtfulness for her feelings and emotions is endearing and overwhelming, bringing a sudden sting to the back of her eyes. Daisy nods, reaching up to hold the side of his face, and tilting her chin up to brush their lips together.
"There's no other person I'd want to do this with Harry, and there's no other time that would be as perfect for a first time as right now." Harry's breathing grows heavier at her words, and while she usually struggles to read his gaze, tonight's different. She can see it in his eyes too, that burning need and passion that she can feel in her chest as well. "Besides, this is usually a wedding night activity so we're quite behind Mr. Styles."
The smirk that lifts her lips brings elation to his eyes, his dimples making an appearance with a smirk of his own. "If that's the case, reckon I should carry on, aye Mrs. Styles?"
She manages one feeble nod before his mouth is fully on hers, leaning all his weight onto his right elbow while his left hand drops down to her waist. He holds there for a moment, strong, nimble fingers a reassuring weight on her skin while she takes the time to run her own fingers over his exposed skin. The dips of his muscles and the heat of his body is enthralling, drawing her in before reducing her to mush.
The heat in Daisy's belly is searing, a fire burning so strongly she thinks she might melt into a puddle on the bed, soaking into the fabric of Harry's sheets to stay there for the rest of eternity. She's not sure what's warmer, the arousal in her core or the heat wafting off of Harry. Possibly Harry because she's never seen him like this. He's never looked so big, so manly, so strong while somehow also being so soft and sweet. This is the Harry she likes, the Harry she hopes is around for the rest of their lives. Calloused hands on her waist, eagerly pulling up the fabric of her clothes, prompting her to lift her bum so he can get the gown up around her waist.
Knickers visible to not only the chilly room, but Harry as well, goosebumps prickle her skin and her heart thumps erratically in her chest. Harry's large palm continues to trail up her body, exposing more of her skin inch by inch. His hips settle between her thighs, the soft skin of his belly brushing against hers. Daisy's never felt his skin on her like this and a wave of arousal pulses between her thighs. There's a bit of struggle with getting the nightgown over her head, Harry not wanting to release her bottom lip from between his teeth but eventually sacrificing the kiss to get her naked.
He sits back on his haunches, tossing her clothes over his shoulder as his eyes drink in every inch of her heated body. His fingers trail up her legs, brushing over her hips in a teasing manner as they follow an unmarked path to her naked chest.
“Prettiest bird I’ve ever seen, ya know that?” Harry murmurs against the corner of her lips, tentatively cupping the supple flesh and watching her face intently. Experimentally pinching his fingers into her skin, his eyes twinkle when the first shuttering moan breaks through Daisy’s lips. “Feel good?”
Nodding, she grips his arms for stability in the swirling mess of heat and desperation that’s taken over her body. She’s always been fairly quiet, but Harry’s touch is so comforting and exciting, she doesn’t hesitate to whine impatiently. “Thought you were getting a move on it Styles?” He quirks an eyebrow at her response, fingers pausing for a moment before he scolds her with a gentle tug on her nipple that sucks the air out of her lungs.
Harry slips off the bottom of the bed, shaking his head just once. “I’ll hurry Daisy, but I want ya calling me Harry tonight. Not Styles,” his eyes meet hers with a warning glare in them, daring her to argue. Something about his dominance has more wetness pooling between her spread legs, dampening the cotton fabric of her underwear. “Want to hear just my name from you.”
She nods again, so quickly her brain rattles around in her head but her eagerness is rewarding because Harry smirks and hooks his thumbs in his only two layers, tugging them down in on go. He kicks them off his ankle but Daisy barely catches the movement because her eyes are stuck on his stiff member. Red and thick, the head of him bobs up by his belly button and smears the clear liquid leaking out of him against the sprinkle of hair that leads between his thighs. Harry stands like a Greek sculpture, one hand on his lean hip and the other tangled in his unruly hair. His body glows in the soft light of the lamp, illuminating the layer of sweat that glistens on his muscles. Her eyes land on his thighs, gnawing on her bottom lip as she realizes how thick and pretty his legs are. She finds herself wishing it was the meat on the inside of his leg that were between her teeth instead of her own lip.
“Harry,” his name leaves her mouth in a sinful whimper, thighs subconsciously opening wider as if inviting him to dive between them. She sees his cock twitch at her call, his eyes fluttering for a brief second before he’s leaning over her again, hands on the sides of her knickers.
“May I?” He requests in a whisper, smiling brightly when she moves her hands to push his down, taking her underwear with them until she too is spread out bare on his sheets. Their mouth meet again, Harry’s cock a heavy weight on her lower tummy, twitching at every soft moan that he swallows off her tongue.
“Do you have protection?” She questions, breaking their kiss. Harry freezes, and a heavy weight settles in her chest as his eyes fly open and his forehead creases in thought. After a few seconds his eyes light up with hope, leaning off the side of the bed to dig through his drawer. The little packet containing the condom is pinched between his fingers as he comes back to her, eyes squinting as he checks the date on it.
“Thank god for Niall taking the piss out of me with this, huh?” Harry says, an eager and excited lilt in his voice. Daisy giggles, pushing his floppy hair off his forehead as he opens the rubber and rolls it down his prick.
“Who’s laughing now.” She responds, fingers digging into his shoulders when the covered head of him probes at her opening. Harry cups her face with his free hand, naked chests brushing against each other, and he smiles like a boy on Christmas morning. He doesn’t push into her though, instead presses a chaste kiss to her lips.
“You still comfortable with this Daisy?” His breath is hot on her face, but soothing. And when she nods and whispers, “absolutely” she knows it’s 100% the truth. That’s all Harry needs before he’s flexing his hips forward, nudging her slick folds apart with his thick tip. The initial sting makes her flinch, a grunt leaving Harry’s clenched teeth as he she clamps around the few inches he’s managed to sink in. His forehead drops to her shoulder, arm shaking but he doesn’t rush her into taking all of him. No, instead he waits for her muscles to relax, easing up on his cock and the way her body melts into his brings tears to Harry eyes.
“You’re doing so good sweetheart,” Harry encourages, voice raspy with the effort it’s taking him to keep from bursting already. He wants to, needs to make Daisy feel good. He wants her to know that he’ll worship her for the rest of his life. “Already feel like heaven around me.”
With sweet words and tender smears of his mouth against hers, Harry finally sinks balls deep into Daisy. The feeling brings similar moans from both of them, a peaceful aura of completion settling around them. Daisy’s never felt this before. Like her body could just float up into heaven if it weren’t for Harry’s broad frame draped over her. Like he’s a limb she never knew she was missing but now that it’s here, she can’t imagine ever being empty again. She loves it, loves him.
“You’re so big Harry.” Daisy admits, bashfully meeting his gaze. Harry pants a choked moan into her face, steadying himself before pulling his hips back and slipping forward into her warmth once again.Her compliments seem to drive him, spurring him on, and she recalls how he’d melted under affection at the bakery the other day. Grinning softly, she latches her legs around his hips and lovingly runs her hands over his spine.
“Feels so bloody good,” Harry mutters, most likely talking to himself. Daisy’s chest swells with pride, gasping when the head of him nudges deep in her belly, tightening the string in her abdomen.
Attaching her lips to his jaw, Daisy breathes her own adoration. “Making me feels so good Harry, want to feel you forever.” The whimper that escapes him makes her core flutter, squeezing him tighter. Like she predicted, the compliment creates something feral in him, the pace of his thrusts picking up the slightest bit.
“Yeah? You want me to keep my cock in you all the time? Show you how fucking well I’m going to take care of you for the rest of our lives?”
The revelation that Harry’s got a dirty mouth brings her closer to the edge, whimpering out more agreements to all of his filthy promises. He drives his cock into her deeper, quick but strong ruts of his hips that stretch her open so well. After a particularly vulgar promise from Harry, a declaration that he’ll spend the remainder of the war fucking his fist to the memory of making love to her, Daisy smashes her mouth back to his, teeth clashing and tongues colliding as the string in her belly snaps. His name leaves her in a quiet chant, encouraged by his thumb reaching between them to rub at her clit and the deep rasps of “Yes Daisy, cum for me, say my name, my name....”
Her velvet heat pulsing around him sends him spiraling, filling the condom with his hot cum as his body trembles and shakes over her. Daisy encourages him as well, shyly thrusting her hips up to meet his sloppy thrusts and nibbling on his jaw. Cock still twitching in her, Harry drops all his weight so she’s basically trapped under him. Not that she minds of course. Daisy loves the feeling of holding him, petting at his damp hair and rubbing her toes over his calf soothingly. It takes Harry a minute to return to earth, lifting his head and blinking sluggishly. He looks utterly breathtaking, pink cheeks and swollen lips, gleaming eyes and dimples as he takes her mouth back with his.
Daisy never imagined she’d end up here with Harry, but she’d never want to be anywhere else now, and she supposes this was the feeling Harry was talking about when he described home. It’s not a home, it’s a person, and she’s somehow ended up with the best one.
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