#I am not a huge dog person + it upsets the cats when I get home
stylishanachronism · 4 months
As a professional courtesy, unless your dog is a service animal, *please* do not bring them into the bank in general, and specifically not into your appointment with the banker.
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niccichi · 5 months
LukeJamie Headcanons 🌟🍶
It's 3:34 AM and I can't sleep, here's some headcanons I have for these losers <3 Putting under the cut so I don't clog up dashes
Jamie knows how to cook, it came with living with his grandmother in the middle of nowhere and idolizing Yun and Yang, who own a restaurant. Luke can make basic things, but ask him to make anything more and it's a disaster guaranteed. Jamie never admits it but he loves cooking food for Luke because it's a subtle, wordless way for him to show his love.
Jamie's love language is giving acts of service and receiving words of affection. Luke's love language is giving quality time and receiving gifts.
Luke's apartment is a mess, usually placing things wherever it's convenient and forgets to do his chores sometimes. Jamie's surprisingly the opposite, keeping things organized and tidy. Cleanliness was practically ingrained in his brain because his grandmother was a huge on keeping things clean. When they start living together, Luke does try to make an effort to keep things organized because he knows it bothers Jamie.
Jamie's a cat person while Luke's a dog person. They always have petty arguments about this.
Luke's usually the big spoon while Jamie's the little spoon but that's because their height difference makes it easy (and Jamie doesn't like to admit it but he does like being held in Luke's arms). However, if Luke's having a bad day, Jamie would be the big spoon to comfort him.
Jamie always steals Luke's clothes. Luke has no say in what clothes get stolen, they just disappear from his closet. He would lightheartedly complain about it but he does love seeing Jamie wear his clothes - it makes him feel all warm inside. Jamie does think Luke's clothes are ugly, but he has to admit that they're pretty comfy to wear. Luke would steal Jamie's clothes if 1) they weren't too small for him and 2) if Jamie owned anything else other than primarily crop tops.
Luke LOVES using pet names. He mostly uses 'babe,' but he'll use just about any pet name ever, including nicknames (like 'Jay'). Jamie isn't big on using pet names, but there was this one time where he called Luke a term of endearment in Cantonese and refused to translate it for him. They mostly use insults as terms of endearment though - for Luke it's 'pretty boy' and Jamie uses 'meathead,' 'dummy,' and 'dork.'
Jamie cannot drive for his life, so if they ever have to drive anywhere, Luke is always designated driver.
Luke loves PDA - he'll take any opportunity to hold Jamie's hand, wrap his arm around Jamie's shoulder or waist, or kiss his cheek. Jamie, surprisingly, is reserved when it comes to public affection. He prefers keeping intimacy private and always gets flustered when Luke starts getting really affectionate in public. Luke gets a kick out of it and always teases him about it.
Neither of them are really overprotective over the other, as they trust each other to be able to protect themselves and navigate Metro City on their own. However, Luke does get worried about Jamie sometimes, as he's much more reckless and he has a little fear of something happening to him that can't be controlled, fueled by the loss of his father and the Nayshall incident. It doesn't help that Jamie doesn't really value his own life very much either - it's residual from his neglectful parents and growing up delinquent.
One time Jamie came home extremely bruised and beaten up during a rough patrol and Luke became upset seeing his boyfriend so badly hurt. Jamie was initially confused, since he was still alive and well, and it takes him a long time to understand that Luke genuinely does care about his wellbeing and if something did happen to him it would tear Luke apart. He starts being more careful after that incident - if not for himself, then for Luke.
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elizabethsaige · 11 months
more stobin head canons bc I love them and I miss them
- ice cream runs at night are a regular thing for them but sometimes steve wont get anything but still takes robin because he knows she wants some. she always gets mad when he doesn't get any because she only wants some if he gets some
- jonathan teaches Steve photography (because trauma bonded them together and now they decided to try and actually bond over similar interests idk) and every once in a while, they’ll go and take pictures outside together (robin of course goes with them) and steve ends up mostly taking pictures of robin and jonathan because he loves to capture people’s beauty and shit like that
- robin and argyle become really close after a night of smoking on steve’s roof and she tells him what happened when she and steve were drugged and although he remembers every detail she tells him, he keeps it to himself and pretends like it was just a made up story because robin said that no one else really knows what happened
- steve decides that he really wants to get a dog but robin is more of a cat person. they end up getting one of each. after looking at the local adoption center, steve adopts a golden retriever named buddy and robin gets senior orange cat named tuna
- they get fired from family video towards the beginning of summer. luckily they get jobs as camp counselors for the summer. steve is adored by all of the campers and robin just doesn’t really want to be there but they end up having the time of their lives. robin meets another camp counselor, amber, who also turns out to like girls and they really like each other. they have sex in the woods and it’s robin’s first time and she’s so nervous. she doesn’t speak to amber for the next few days after because she doesn’t really know where to go from there. meanwhile that same night steve hosted a huge talent show for all of the counselors and it went so well. he’s excited that his best friend finally slept with a girl she liked but really he’s just upset that she missed his talent show
- some more jobs they had together are waiter and line cook, servers at the drive-in, receptionists, and bartenders once they were both 21
- bartending lasted a lot longer than the others, a whole 2 years. one day robin was just fed up with working there and being treated poorly and the second she put in her resignation, steve signed his name at the bottom and quit too
- steve sometimes gets an attitude with robin because she likes to leave their apartment messy and it drives steve insane. he feels like a housewife that isn’t appreciated enough but robin doesn’t mean any harm, she really just has a hard time tidying after herself
- matching scoops tattoos duh but also steve gets robin’s converse tatted on his inner forearm and robin gets steve’s sunglasses above her knee
- family dinner nights become a regular thing. steve actually loves to cook but didn’t like to cook just for himself. he makes robin help with the simple things like peeling potatoes and mixing sauces. they invite everyone over, joyce and hopper too. dustin complains that it’s not chicken nuggets. max makes fun of steve for being a good cook. el begs steve to teach her how to cook. and steve loves every minute of it
- robin is absolutely insufferable when she's sick, she thinks she's dying every time. steve laughs at her for being dramatic but actually likes taking care of her when she’s sick because she’s forced to take things easy
- steve on the other hand refuses to acknowledge when he’s sick. robin will do everything in her power to prove that he needs to rest but he always says “sickness is for the weak, I am strong” 
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Okay I finished book 9! And I caved and used my audible credit for book 10, I don’t want to not have one of these books to listen to while driving and baking a ton the next few days.
As always, a collection of my takeaway thoughts is below:
- I despise the way the Aes Sedai are “put in their place” by Logain this book, even if it’s a small piece at the beginning. I know those Aes Sedai are bad, but we don’t see bad men tortured into submission like this and it feels *so* gendered and *so* gross. And then they have one of them being so invigorated by being “taken” sexually by big and strong Logain when she can’t channel?! I have *such* the ick. That could potentially be a fine if eye-rolly plot point in a different version of the series, but within the larger universe that is the books as a whole and RJ’s writing it makes me deeply uncomfortable. It also comes across as sooo regressive - even powerful women really just need a strong man who has all the control, in fact they *want* that! But in a book full of regressive norms like “men are always stronger (even in magic controlled by your mind!!)” I shouldn’t be too surprised…
Relatedly, I hate how obsessed these books are with making Aes Sedai unable to channel. Especially because it’s basically always done by or in service to a male hero. Ick again.
- I wish Elayne had more of a personality - am I just missing it? I know a lot about how she acts (she’s a proper future ruler who also likes to swear, she’s clever and she likes to know how things work, she’s pretty and uses that when she wants something), but I can’t tell when she’s narrating a chapter versus one of the other women because I feel like she doesn’t have any sort of unique voice? And all I know about her emotionally is her obsession with Rand. We don’t even see her particularly upset about her mother being murdered?? And now she’s pregnant so we get another character trait that is about her relationship to other people and not her interiority, love it.
- Sorry to say it but it feels like cleansing the source was a bit easy. Everyone spends *books* saying it’s impossible, and Rand just goes “I’m going to do it” and does it. Does he ever face obstacles or does he succeed in everything he tries?? If doing huge things was this easy for other dragons why is the world broken lmao.
- Why does Rand need six babies? What is RJ’s obsession with multiples? All the babies we’ve heard about are twins.
- I’m predicting now that the show handles the Rand/Aviendha/Elayne/Min situation by doing a poly situation with Rand, Aviendha, and Elayne and letting Min be as queer as she’s being portrayed so far and as independent as she is initially in the books before she loses all her personality. Min’s statement that she sees Rand surrounded by three beautiful women doesn’t necessitate him having a simultaneous romantic relationship with all three, and in the show Rand and Egwene had a relationship so Egwene could be one of the three (or even Lanfear!). It also seems weird to me that Min would describe it that way if she was one of the women herself, and I feel like she has to see their faces at least somewhat in her vision to know they’re “beautiful.”
- The dog and cat gender divide with the Aes Sedai is silly, and not even close to an original enough framing of dogs, cats, or gender to be pressed upon us this frequently.
Overall, book 9 was fine, but I found it a bit slower than the previous books for whatever reason. I’m not sure if there’s just so many named characters I can’t keep track at this point or if I wasn’t super into the character development OR plot development that happened in this book so I felt sort of meh on it. I think I see why folks fall off around here now that I’m in it, but listening via audiobook is so helpful to keeping me going because like, I have to be listening to *something* as I live my life - I couldn’t possibly be alone with my thoughts!
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uncxntrxllable · 8 months
blog rules!
Hello! Thank you for checking out my rules. The mun is 25+ and my birthday is November 6. My name is Brittany, or you can call me Britt, and my pronouns are she/her. I live in Canada (EST).
I use small text for basically everything, I use icons (80x80) for all muses, I use italics and bold as needed for emphasis in my writing.
This is a roleplay blog, a multimuse that contains all original characters. All muses are always available, but I do have a main muse; the favorite.
NOTE: some of my muses are able to speak different languages. I do not, I only speak English. So if this ever comes up, I will be using google translator, so please be forgiving of errors.
Below the cut are my rules and how I run my blog. I apologize for it's length.
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First, a little bit about me! I am autistic and have adhd. Forgive me if I occasionally have trouble understanding something or if I'm socially awkward. I don't intentionally want to upset anyone. I can only offer my best. I am a huge animal lover and I may post pictures of my service dog here and there.
I don't mind NON-roleplay blogs following me. Feel free to reblog memes, quotes, images, gifs, I prefer that you reblog from me. DO NOT reblog my roleplays unless you're the recipient, my headcanons, answered asks about myself or my characters.
Hub blogs; more than happy to write with you! But preferably I would follow just the main blog as a "this is me saying I'll write with any of your muses but I'm not following all the blogs." I just prefer not to follow a bunch of sideblogs all connected to one main.
Don't follow if you have no patience. I'm here to have fun, I'm not a writing-machine. Do not pester for replies.
Take your time. You are worth waiting for, don't apologize for it. I'm always available out of character to chat, and I have a discord that I will give out on request. I will never rush you, please don't rush me.
My blog is strictly 18+ due to the themes that will be present here. Not limited to: violence, blood, death, gore, horror, weaponry (guns, knives), drugs, alcohol, harm to people and animals, hunting for food, profanity, ghosts, werewolf and other beast-like creatures, dogs, wild canids, cats, dragons, taxidermy (thylacines). If these topics make you uncomfortable, you follow at your own risk.
Please tell me if you need a trigger warning. I rarely use trigger warnings, especially given that my blog is dedicated to dark themes and characters. So it can be difficult for me to really understand what needs one. I personally have no triggers.
I am always accepting memes and questions! Answers vary in length. I will not always answer everything sent, please don't take this the wrong way. Sometimes I just don't know how to respond.
You do not need to specify my muse when sending memes. Please specify your muse if you're a multimuse. Feel free to send memes or questions with "your choice," but don't be disappointed or ask me to change it if I respond with a muse you "didn't want." If you want a certain muse or range of muses, specify the name(s).
I love continuing asks! Even if it's short, it can still be fun and it gives us both extra bits and pieces of depth into our muses. Sometimes a meme can spark an idea for a great thread. I LOVE multiple threads! I am greedy. Give me all the threads!
I continue asks from the ask itself. The trim reblog system allows the ask to be trimmed away. If you want to continue an ask with me, reblog my answered ask.
I will no longer be posting chain-asks, and I likely won't be sending any either anymore. Though I deeply appreciate that you thought of me, the chain-asks get to be too much. If I want to spread love to a blog, I will do so with my own words.
I am embarrassingly bad at plotting. Please don't come to me thinking I am going to have all these awesome ideas... It's extremely unlikely that I will. I don't hate plotting, I'm bad at it. I will try to plot if you want to, but this is a fair warning that I struggle with the concept of plotting. Please don't get mad at me if I can't provide ideas.
The best way to start a thread with me is: Sending and continuing asks. Starter calls and responding to open starters. Tagging me in random starters.
Open starters are always open. It doesn't matter if it was posted today or five years ago, or if it's been responded to. Open starters are always open!
HATE FREE BLOG. I don't give haters attention, look for the attention you want elsewhere. My muses are not a reflection of me. I'm a mess who requires peace.
Do not tell me you know nothing about my muse(s). The information is right there in my pinned post and blog description; a link to my muses where each muse has their details linked. If you need help accessing the links, let me know.
I am semi-selective and open to writing with non-mutuals. I try to give everyone a chance, but sometimes things don't work out and that is okay. If you followed me first, give me a couple days. If I haven't followed back by then, I likely won't.
Please soft block to break mutuals with me. If I fail to notice you've unfollowed, I may still continue to interact with you. Mutual checker does not work on sideblogs. I soft block to break mutuals. I do not like hard blocking people unless they've made me uncomfortable.
Feel free to drop a thread if you're no longer feeling it. You don't have to tell me; I'll assume anything not responded to is dropped, or I may ask. Want to continue it again down the road? Sure! There's no pressure here. Just have fun!
I am open to shipping my muses romantically, I love shipping, but I do admit I don't have a lot of experience writing romance. I am open to all relationships; friends, familial, enemies, etc. I am multi-ship. Each thread is separate, each romance is separate.
Pre-established ships, unplanned feelings that lead to a ship, easing into a ship. My/your muse has feelings but your/my muse doesn't. All is good. What matters is the mun not forcing a ship.
I am not comfortable writing smut and will not participate in that sort of writing. I will utilize a fade-to-black.
I have certain muses that are non-shippable, these muses are: Bailey (a child), Alpha, Delta, Miso, Rex and Vesper (animals).
No power playing. Moving along a small scene is okay, but don't control my muses' actions, words and don't assume that my muse is unable to dodge a move by yours.
I don't want to write with a "mary-sue." This means a muse that is deemed "perfect" with zero flaws; everybody loves them, they never make mistakes, they know everything there is, can do everything, etc. It's just not fun.
Quality over quantity! Replies don't need to be long to be good and fun. I only ask that you try not sending me one line if I write a large paragraph.
I only roleplay on tumblr. No exceptions, sorry, I will never write on discord or any other text messaging platform.
I do not send "passwords" or anything of the sort. I don't follow without reading rules. If I followed you, I have looked over your rules and muse(s). But do understand that on top of my memory problems, I read a lot of rules and muse bios. Things will be forgotten. I do often re-read prior to writing, but mistakes happen.
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alexhornefan · 1 year
My Secret Life: Alex Horne, 33, comedian
Saturday 17 March 2012 LINK
The household I grew up in... was very male. I've got two brothers and there was a male dog and two male cats and every family we knew had three boys. Great for us, slightly less great for my mum.
When I was a child I wanted to be... embarrassingly, the great novelist. Or a respected charity worker. I still think both might come true.
If I could change one thing about myself... I would be better at accents. I am genuinely good at copying people's handwriting, but that's less help on stage.
You wouldn't know it but I am very good at... I am almost incredible at table football. It's nothing to be proud of.
You may not know it but I'm no good at... reading books – even though I've written two and want to write the best in the world.
I wish I had never worn... At my dad's 50th [birthday] I wore a kilt. I'm a quarter Scottish but that's not enough to warrant wearing a kilt at any point in my life.
At night I dream of... my next show. They tend to go quite well in my dreams. And then I do the show and it doesn't go quite so well.
What I see when I look in the mirror... Not enough wrinkles. I'm worried that, at 33, it reflects a life that's been a bit boring.
My favourite item of clothing... Bowling shoes. They're from eBay but people think I've stolen them, something everyone wants to do – I quite like that they give me that air of recklessness.
My favourite building... This is vaguely soppy – it's All Souls Church by Broadcasting House. I met my wife on the steps of the church before our first date.
Movie heaven... Any Bond film.
My greatest regret... Supporting Liverpool football club. I wish I'd supported the club where I grew up so I would have a good reason to be fanatical.
My secret crush... Vorderman, I'm afraid. I'm a big Countdown fan. I was on it a few years ago, and she lived up to everything I had expected.
My real-life villain... Meddling execs, especially in TV.
The person who really makes me laugh... My two-year-old son, Tom. He will insist on eating a meal with a box on his head because he's a robot and then get upset because it's difficult to eat food with a box on your head.
The last time I cried... My son Barney's birth, Christmas day 2010. It was happy crying. But it kind of ruined Christmas!
My five-year plan... Everything goes out the window slightly with kids – we've written off the next 20 years.
My life in six words... Not wasting a very lucky life.
Alex Horne was born in 1978. He studied at Cambridge University where he was a member of the Footlights. Horne made his Edinburgh Festival debut in 2000 with his show How To Avoid Huge Ships. He continues to tour as a stand-up, and also fronts 'The Horne Section', a live jazz comedy showcase. He has published two books, Wordwatching and Birdwatchingwatching. He lives in Chesham with his wife and sons. Horne's latest show, Seven Years in the Bathroom, is at the Soho Theatre tonight and tours in April
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ratsoh-writes · 3 months
((This is really generous of you, Rats! Thank you.))
Personality : I'm really sentimental, for better or worse (it's actually the reason why I'm a vegetarian). I'm aware that I am a chronic people pleaser, but it's hard habit to break out of. I'm observant, and tend to be the first to notice when other people are upset. I'm really empathetic, so I tend to be a bit of a bleeding heart. I'm quite sensitive, and a huge introvert. I'm very reserved, and have a bad habit of being a bit pessimistic/melancholic. I tend to get stuck in my own head a lot of the time and overthink everything. I freeze up around conflict, and whilst I struggle to accept compliments, they mean the world to me.
Deal breakers/pet peeves: Someone who won't respect my integrity would be an instant 'no', but I don't think you've really got any guys like that. I don't really get on well with divas, or anyone who's a bit too obsessed with themself. People who can't/won't learn from their mistakes frustrate me.
Traits I find attractive: Sanses. I'm attracted to maturity and responsibility. I often find myself falling for the 'big brother' type. I like a sense of humour, but it can't be cruel. I'd like someone I can have deep, meaningful conversations with, but that doesn't mean he has to be 'book smart'. I want to feel protected, so strength is nice, but it's not a requirement. I need someone who'll listen to me when I need to talk, someone who'll reassure me I'm valued and loved when my self worth is spiralling. Bonus points if he's gentle with animals
Hobbies: I need to be creating something, whether it's drawing, painting, writing stories, sewing or most forms of crafting, really. I'll spend hours reading, and I love going for walks with my dog and photographing the wildlife I see.
Favorite items: I have a silver locket with a photo of my late cat in it. He was my best friend, and wearing it makes me feel like I'm close to him again.
There’s quite a few I think would work well with you. After spinning a wheel, you matched with….. Moose!! Horrorfarm sans!
You were right that most of my skellies would respect your boundaries, but moose is definitely good for that category! He’d appreciate taking things a bit slow with a SO as he has some of his own things he wants to be sure about as well. Moose has no problem waiting as long as you need to be comfortable. He has all the time in the world after all.
Moose can be surprisingly insightful if you listen. When he isn’t doing the heavy labor that comes with being a ranger, he writes to entertain himself. He likes to make fables about life stories, and there’s a lot of wisdom hidden in that skull of his. He’d make a good conversation partner.
You’re gonna fall in love with this big boy when you see him gently move all those fawns in the spring, or check on the other wild animals in the national park. Moose is great with animals! He’s not a straight up Disney princess like oak, but he does know how to get them to trust him.
Moose does come with some baggage though, namely his late mate and child. He misses them terribly of course, and while he is ready now to move on, he won’t ever get rid of what he has left with them.
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elsfairy · 1 year
sevika with a crybaby gf </3 like just after a while she would know when you would start crying and what makes you cry so she can try to calm you down before the dam bursts
(i am a huge crybaby. i cry every 2 weeks when i remember the homeless dogs and cats [i sob over the dogs even more ngl] out there) (im tearing up writing this)
no bc this is me too 😭 i cry at everything
do you think she is used to it? (ofc she won't ever judge you for it) like she's very aware you're sensitive to pretty much everything and before you can even tell what's happening, she's holding onto your face with a sad smile knowing exactly when you're going to breakdown, just soothing her fingers over your cheek because she knows exactly what's about to unfold?? that she's already jotting down notes in her head how to help you the longer you look at her with a pout?? you're her pretty crybaby but she isn't ever going to get mad at you because of it, she will just do her hardest to calm you down.
personally, in my opinion, she will just hold your head against her chest to let your tears out but runs her hands up & down your back just so you're reminded she's there, and isn't going anywhere. she will let you cry while whispering things into you're ear like "It's okay" "I know you're not done" and "I'm right here, baby" and loves to just place small kisses on the top of your head.
she just hates to see you so overworked about something :( doesn't like the way you harshly rub your eyes to control your crying, but she's always going to be there. even if you're upset about something so small. no matter what is upsetting you, she's there for you, holding you and kissing you.
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saltydoesstuff · 8 months
do you have any pets? if not what kind of pet are you wanting to get?
I do! I have my 3 yr old Russian blue cat named Willow, a grumpy 10 yr old long-haired tabby cat named Casey (he lives in my Nana's room since he doesn't like the other animals), and we have a 9 yr old yellow english lab named Lucy!
I'm more of a cat person than anything, but I used to have a white German Shepard mix named Bowser when I was younger (like 8 or 9). Due to some things though (not super great household conditions before I moved to where I am now) he was taken away while I was on a trip, but I've always had it cemented in my mind that if I ever get another dog, it would be a white German Shepard. I'm still very upset about it to this day. He was such a sweet dog, he just never got the training he needed (he was never violent unless it was to defend me, he just liked to run away a lot). He was a huge dog, but he always had a very high-pitched bark which was a funny contrast. I loved that dog so much
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tommybaholland · 3 years
when their s/o is trying to adopt a pet
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featuring: haruka, makoto, and rin
somewhat self-indulgent as i am currently enjoying time with my new favorite boy <3 enjoy! 
he never grew up with any animals in the house 
so he didn’t really understand why this was so important to you
you had to put your dog down recently and that ended up being a very emotional and hard event for you
that dog grew up with you and it’s sad that they can’t live as long as humans
it was harsh but haru always saw it as just an animal and he had never really thought about the bond a person can have with one
however, he felt sympathetic towards your loss and didn’t like seeing you so down
not even the mackerel dish he made that you both loved could cheer you up :’(
at this point he didn’t really care about anything else except seeing your smile again
one day he decided to take you out somewhere but wouldn’t say where
planned dates had never really been his thing so this was a nice surprise for you
you end up going to several animal lounges in the area where you played with dogs and cats and even some rabbits
and it did put a smile back on your face again which made him smile as well
in fact, playing with the animals made him realize that they all deserve someone to love them just like you deserved his love
at the end of that day, he tells you his intentions
“i know you haven’t been feeling very good lately and i’m sorry if i neglected that. i thought going out and petting some animals would help and if there was one you liked, you should adopt them and i want to help take care of it with you.”
he’s not the most romantic but this was definitely one of those moments where you could cry tears of joy over how much you love him
you thank him with a loving kiss on the cheek and tell him about all the animals you liked
he even has a small list of his own :’)
he’s only owned fish as pets 
he feels like he’d be no help when trying to take care of a furry land animal
but he wasn’t opposed to looking at adopting a dog or cat that needed a home with you 
he can be a little afraid of dogs, especially large ones 
he really likes the cats that hang around outside his house 
going to the animal shelter with you, he gets a little anxious with all the barking dogs around 
so he enjoys looking at the cats more
there was one shelter where the volunteers often let the cats out of their cage to interact and play with people 
he really enjoyed this and a lot of the cats seemed to like him as well
there was just one in particular that he was weary of 
you brought his attention to the cat in question, whom you seemed interested in 
of course, being his sweet self, he tried to be polite about his dismay
“um, babe? you know that’s a black cat, right? they carry bad luck” 
you loved your soft and kind-hearted boyfriend but he could be too superstitious sometimes
you tell him that black cats need a home just as much as the others 
he couldn’t argue with that and agreed to apply for that cat 
you ended up adopting the black cat and when it came time to go pick him up from the shelter, makoto observed how the volunteers reacted
“this is a great cat you picked. i’ll miss him so much.”
he seemed like he was well-loved and you seemed happy with your choice as well 
at the end of that day, your happiness was all that he cared about 
and the cat ended up being very sweet and loved to snuggle 
but that didn’t stop makoto from petting him while saying, “nice kitty. please don’t curse me. good boy.” 
he was so upset when you told him about losing both your cat and your dog in a such a short time span 
he helped to comfort you from it but definitely cried over it later when you didn’t see 
he didn’t know what he would do if steve died suddenly 
afterward, you were determined to adopt your own cat for the first time
he was so proud of you and was eager to help 
he went to the shelter with you to look at the animals and find out more about adopting 
when he asked you what kind of animal you wanted, you told him you were thinking about a cat but you’d also want something that actually likes him
“don’t worry about me, babe. you can get whatever you want as long as you love it”
little did you know, the adoption process required a lot of patience
every cat you had applied for was adopted before you even got to meet the cat
at one point you had to wait a week for one cat only to hear that she had been adopted too
it seemed like a never ending cycle and you were starting to feel a little discouraged by it all, ready to give up, and wait for kitten season in the next couple of months
luckily, you had a wonderful boyfriend by your side who was positive that you would fine the perfect furry friend
“we’ll find one, sweetheart. you’re gonna find one that you love and then you’ll know why the others didn’t work out”
a few days later, he proved to be right
you were invited to adopt a cat that you loved and he loved you just as much
you were confident that he would love rin as well
but of course, that was wishful thinking
you thought that he just liked you more
until rin began giving him extra treats during the day and the cat was like putty in his hands
that eventually backfired on him, though, because now the cat wakes him up to be fed super early and that was a huge problem on his days off from swimming
the cat got his way every time only because rin knew as soon as the glutton was fed and happy, he could get right back in bed and snuggle with you
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it’s wild card night! be free! the swimmers are ready and set for requests..
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kkoongiee · 3 years
enhypen reaction — cuddling with them ‹𝟹
prompt — can i request a cuddling with enhypen??? ur writing is cute!!! <333
notes, gender-neutral!reader
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heeseung loves a good hug yes, so his partner offering time to cuddle. he’s yknow sorta tall, but i feel like he is the lead for the relationship and takes charge. he’ll be all toasty with a blanket over you two, heeseung looves a snuggle. ur legs are tangled up n u two r half slipping off the couch. heeseung lowkey be crushing u but its fine 😭 u love him so it’s worth the suffocation!!! heeseung is a cuddle bug and he likes to have someone there who shares the same exact feelings on cuddles n hugs.
jay is as sweet as his sugar intake from his shots of honey, so i think he needs extra cuddles always 🥺 it’ll prob start off by a nice little hug and then he wants to sit with u and cuddle, jay likes u petting his hair while u two are laying together. he is the MOST sweetest most precious thing when he’s alone with u 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 babyboy likes attention secretly, it feels nice to relax with u and have u pay him ur undivided attention. jay luvs a few little forehead kisses mixed in there and lil touches to let him know ur comfy.
jake lives up to the puppy theme he’s got going on. he’s like a huge dog when it comes to cuddling, he likes to be pet as well 😭 it’s very sweet, jake is so nice to cuddle/hug with probably. HE JUST SEEMS SO SWEET I JUST KNOW HE’S WARM AF!!!!! he’ll sometimes play with your hair and ruffle it around, maybe sneak a few tickles at ur sides which leads to a full on tickle battle, but then he’ll let u win bc u deserve it! jake is the golden retriever boy i am the #1 fan of him, he is so eager to be hugged and receive touches from u!!
sunghoon penguin boy is not as icy as he seems, cuddling with u is something that doesn’t happen a whole lot but when it does, it’s one of the best feelings in the world. i feel like sunghoon is warm af???? idk why i just feel like he’s warm LOL, but u two will be watching something or just talking. it doesn’t matter what u two do, cuddling is good enough. i also think it goes on for a looooooonggg time because it happens rarely. he luvs a cuddle but skinship is not his thing, there r plenty of other ways that he showcases his love, mostly through talking and sweet gestures. sunghoon loves u and is a vv warm cuddly person when he does cuddle 🥺
sunoo is so precious & cute so i think he’s the one whos being held 😭 he likes ur arms wrapped around him tight while u talk to him, he lives to be squished by u 🥺 he’s so happy when u do that, it’s best after a bad day or feeling sick. he thinks ur a happy virus 😣 sunoo baby looooveesss it when u shower him with compliments while u play with his hair. he really loves appreciation and praise from u !!! just likes to talk and hear u compliment him, it’s the cutest thing when sunoo smiles throughout it!! he just can’t stop u make him that way
jungwon .. he is a cat. he stretches out on top of u, possibly falling asleep from time to time. he puts his head into the crook of ur neck, mumbling small things whenever you talk to him. u do MOST of the talking while cuddling with him, jungwon on the verge falling asleep. it’s weirdly comfortable to have him lay all over you, u will fall asleep as well after realizing he’s asleep too. his hands might get caught running through your hair, rubbing his face on your shirt and making sure you stay there. jungwon wants to keep you there for hours when you two cuddle!!! he’s upset af when u have to go :(
ni-ki prefers you cuddling up to him, laying all over him and talking about random things while you do that. he might put on a show, your head resting against his shoulder or if he’s sitting up then ni-ki wants u to lay ur head in his lap. hehe he just likes u act all tiny and small around him, once again u both r young n cute so ur relationship is cutesy and ni-ki just wants u to feel safe n sound when u r with him, including when he’s alone with u n all u want to do is cuddle up to him for a few moments!!! ni-ki finds u the cutest when u cuddle up to him like a small child or puppy
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dreamescapeswriting · 3 years
Almost ~ JJK [Request]
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GENRE: Angst, fluffy, established-relationship, jealous, happy ending
PAIRING: Jungkook x Fem!Reader
A/N: Hope this is okay, I took a different approach with it, rather than a huge fight I did a calmer one? Hope you like it!
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The sun felt as though it was burning your skin even through the layers of clothes you were wearing and the vast amount of suncream you had on didn't feel as though it was doing its job. You knew that Australia was going to be hot but you had no idea it was going to be this hot,
"You okay?" Jungkook chuckled as he stepped back to walk with you, you hummed at him taking the bottle of water he was holding out for you. 
"You sure?" He knew that you didn't handle the heat well but he didn't want to leave you behind while he and the boys travelled to Australia for Bon Voyage 5. This season was one of their more relaxed ones, just like season four when they were in their own place the boys had been offered their own small b&b to film the fifth season in. Whilst in Australia they could do whatever they wanted to do, including travelling around, touring the famous places and doing whatever it was that the boys wanted to do.
"Yeah, just out of breath." You giggled as you all came to a stop at the museum the boys had been travelling to. It was Namjoons day to pick what they were going to do and he had picked The Nation Gallery Of Victoria to go to which was why you'd walked most of the way. It was only a 30-minute walk from where the boys, crew and you were all staying so it wasn't a big walk. The heat however was making it a little harder on you.
"Once we're inside and they have enough shots we can walk around together sound good?" He questioned you as you all waited for the crew to go and get your tickets and make sure that the museum was clear for the boys to head inside.
"Sounds perfect to-" 
"Jungkook! Make-up!" His personal make-up artist called out to him making him look away from you and over at her. That was how it always seemed to be, whenever she saw you and Jungkook getting close to one another she would give some excuse for him to leave you alone or go to her. At first, you figured it was because of the show, he needed his makeup on for the cameras but even when the cameras weren't rolling and you and Jungkook were finally having some alone time she would come up with something to get him away from you. 
"I'll be back soon," He quickly kissed your forehead before going over to her. Lee Bomi was one of the most beautiful makeup artists that BigHit had to offer, she was also the most talented one too. She'd worked with a lot of the BigHit artists before being settled with BTS and becoming Jungkook's number one. Sitting down on a wall you watched the two of them interacting with one another. Deep down you knew that there was nothing going on between them since Jungkook and you were engaged but you still always had that sinking feeling inside of you. The jealously always bubbled up inside you whenever you got to see how close they were with one another. They'd known one another for so long there was no surprise that they were as close as they were with each other but it didn't stop you from getting jealous. Watching them laughing amongst one another with their inside jokes, watching how she could always get close to him physically without being pulled away. Even though you and Jungkook were engaged you were never allowed to have PDA unless you were alone, alone. BigHit had made it a rule when they realised how serious Jungkook was about you, you figured it was just to keep fans at peace.
"Cat got your tongue?" Hoseok asked as he sat down next to you on the wall and followed your gaze, smiling when he saw what you were looking at. 
"You know they're just friends." He reassured you as he held out some dried fruit for you to munch on,
"I know but I still can't help it...She gets to be around him all of the time..." Hoseok sighed softly as he nudged you playfully, it wasn't as though your relationship wasn't known amongst fans. BigHit had announced it months ago but you still weren't allowed to be overly physical with him. 
"She's a makeup artist, she has to be around all of the time," Hoseok told you as he got up and held out his arm for you to take. Everyone was starting to head inside for the tour of the museum and Hoseok didn't want you to wait outside and overthink every little detail about Jungkook's friendship with Bomi.
"I have these tickets for a small getaway, do you think he would want to go?" You questioned as you and Hoseok stood in front of a display case not paying attention to anything that was inside of it, Hoseok turned to you with a smile and nodded. 
"He loves spending time with you and a getaway after being cramped up with the crew and the boys will probably do him some good." He chuckled at the thought of it and you smiled, feeling reassured that you and Jungkook would finally get some time alone together.
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Later in the night, you were staying up late with Jungkook, sitting on the sofa with your head on his shoulder while some boring movie played on the TV. Neither of you was paying attention to it, you were too busy talking to one another and then kissing to bother looking at the screen. 
"I think," You started as you laid down with your head on his thighs, moving so that your legs hung over the arm of the sofa and looked up at Jungkook. 
"You think what?" He questioned, moving some of your hair from your face and smiling happily at you. 
"That when we head back home, we should go on our own mini-holiday? I've seen this amazing b&b just outside of Seoul, I've got some tickets that I got from a while ago..." You'd been wanting to ask him to go with you for a while but you never knew when to ask. Now seemed like the right time since he'd been working so hard lately. The break would be perfect, just the two of you on a mini getaway,
"It'll be romantic, we can just hide out together. Doing whatever we want," He told you as he bent down to kiss your lips softly, 
"I can't wait, babe. I'll talk to Sejin about it tomorrow morning," He promised you as he looked into your eyes, cupping your face in his hands. 
"Talk to Sejin about what?!" Bomi's voice called out as she forced herself down onto the sofa behind Jungkook making you move out of his lap so you could all sit on the sofa together.
"Y/n and I are going to take a romantic break together, just the two of us when we get back to Korea," You smiled brightly as Jungkook told her the plans and then held onto you tightly, you snuggled your head down into his shoulder. 
"Oh...What about our plans though? I thought we were going to binge-watch Demon slayer and then start working out," Bomi sounded disappointed as she said this to Jungkook, you turned to look at her and she had the puppy dog eyes out trying to convince Jungkook not to go with you. 
"We can do that when I get back, I just miss spending time with Y/n-"
"You're always spending time with Y/n! What about me?!" You frowned as she raised her voice at him and then spoke about you as if you weren't in the room, you stared at her as she got up from the sofa. Acting as though she was some child whose parents had just told her off for something she shouldn't have been doing. 
"She's my girlfriend if I want to spend time with her, I can?" Jungkook was confused as to where all of this was coming from with Bomi, 
"You can go and spend time with Kai?" He suggested as he thought back on Bomi's boyfriend back home but she began shaking her head and crying hysterically, 
"He broke up with me! That's why I was looking forward to hanging out with you so much." As soon as the tears began to roll down her face Jungkook turn to give you a sympathetic look and you knew you'd lost the romantic trip to her. 
"Fine, Y/n and I can always rearrange the dates?" He asked as he stared at you but you shook your head at him not wanting to talk about it now or ever in front of her. 
"Whatever." You mumbled before storming out of the living room, ignoring his calls for you to go back to him as you walked towards your room in the crew section of the B&B, locking the door behind you.
Jungkook knocked on the door over and over again throughout the night trying to get you to come out and talk to him but you weren't going to. You kept the door shut and pretended to be asleep so that he would just go away, all you wanted to do was spend some time alone with him and yet you never seemed to get that. Bomi would always come into it and ruin it somehow. 
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The next morning Jungkook waited outside your room for you to come out but you hadn't, he'd been sitting there since he woke up and you were nowhere to be seen. 
"Y/n left, she said she was going to go to the beach alone today," Yoongi told Jungkook when he walked down the hall to see him knocking on the door over and over again. 
"When?!" Jungkook was up on his feet in a flash and Hoseok came down the hall to see why the youngest member was yelling so early in the morning. It wasn't even 9 am yet so no one had expected him to be out of bed. Bomi followed Hoseok and they all stared at Jungkook, 
"She was leaving at 6? I got up to make coffee and she was going out of the door. Said she needed to think things over," Yoongi explained but this only earnt a scoff from Bomi as she folded her arms over her chest and pouted out her bottom lip. 
"It's a desperate cry for attention for Guky. He said no to going on a romantic get away with her," Hoseok frowned looking at Bomi and then to Jungkook who was already pulling out his phone to call you and find out when you would be coming back.
"He said no? I thought he would have loved it, I told her to go ahead and ask him." Hoseok sounded upset for you at the thought of Jungkook saying no but then he looked at Bomi who was staring at Jungkook. 
"Guky, can we go and play video games?" She whined pulling on his arms as he looked at his phone, ignoring her while he tried to call your phone. 
"Guky. You promised you'd make me feel better after Kai," That was when it started to sink into Hoseok that maybe Jungkook hadn't said no to you but that Bomi had convinced him otherwise.
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When you came back that night Jungkook was curled up on the sofa with Bomi's head in his lap, he was asleep with his head on the back of the sofa. 
"Hey, where have you been?" Hoseok questioned when he looked up from his phone, he'd been calling you all day to find out when you were coming home and what had happened with Bomi but you ignored everyone. Turning off your phone and just exploring the city on your own for a while, 
"Went out. That's a new development..." You whispered as you looked at your fiancé being used as a pillow, jealously beginning to bubble again but this time Hoseok didn't stop you from feeling jealous. In his eyes, you had every right to feel upset with how the two of them acted around one another. Bomi treated Jungkook as though he was her boyfriend and not your fiancé. All-day he'd had to watch Bomi cling onto Jungkook and try to steer him away from calling you but it was as if Jungkook was blind to it and Hoseok was torn between telling you or letting it go on. 
"Babe! I've missed you so much!" Jungkook mumbled as he woke up and saw you standing there staring at him but you made no attempt to go close to him. 
"Looks like it." You mumbled sarcastically, turning to Hoseok with a smile and going towards your room. 
"Babe! Wait!" Jungkook whisper-yelled as he slowly moved Bomi off him and chased after you. You thought you were safe in your room but he walked straight inside and stared at you, 
"You've been ignoring my calls all day, I was worried about you." He said as he tried to wrap his arms around you but you stepped away from him and shook your head. 
"You didn't look worried, it looked to me as though you'd been cuddling up with Bomi all day." You snapped as you began packing up your suitcase. Throughout the whole day of being on your own, you'd thought about how better it would be if you just headed home for the rest of the stay. 
"No, I haven't, I've been non-stop calling you. You would know if you bothered to check your phone," Scoffing at his statement you continued to pack while Jungkook un-packed everything you were putting inside. 
"What are you doing?" He questioned as he continued to watch you try and pack, 
"Leaving. You're clearly having more fun with Bomi here, I'll go home." You said dryly as your head continued to throw the image of them on the sofa together but he shook his head. 
"Bomi just needed comforting, Kai and her-"
"Kai and her broke up four months ago. I asked him while I was making coffee this morning," You interrupted him as you waited for the next excuse to come from him but he said nothing. Just standing there staring at you in silence, 
"Can't you see why she's doing it? She has a huge crush on you, it doesn't take a genius to see it." You told him as you finally got everything into your suitcase and zipped it up, turning to leave when you saw Bomi standing there. Tears streaming down her cheeks,
"I-I had a nightmare and you weren't there," You rolled your eyes and laughed as you turned to see Jungkook falling for it all over again, 
"See. Just like that, you're putty in her fucking hands." You dragged your suitcase off the bed and began to leave the room when Jungkook took hold of your hand. 
"She doesn't have a crush on me, she's just upset and lonely," He tried to defend her but you weren't going to stand for it anymore, you'd reached your breaking point. 
"I'm lonely too but I don't go around clingy to other people's fiancé's." This time you stared at Bomi as you said it to Jungkook, waiting for her to finally crack and tell Jungkookt he truth as to why she was always clingy onto him but she just smirked at you. 
"That's insane, you're not lonely," He told you as he let go of your wrist but you just walked away from him, ignoring his yells after you as you put your suitcase into the trunk of the rental car you'd gotten. 
"You can keep the tickets for the romantic getaway, you and Bomi might need them." You mumbled as you opened the driver's door but Jungkook slammed it shut, 
"Enough! What is your problem?!" He called out as he stared at you waiting for some kind of explanation as to what you doing. 
"I already told you. She's trying to come between us because of her crush on you and you're too blind to see it." You tried to open the door but Jungkook leant his back against it so you didn't have a chance to. 
"Bomi is a friend-"
"Does she know that?" You questioned turning around to see her watching you from the front door of the b&b, arms folded across her chest as she waited for all of this to be over. 
"You're being ridiculous," Jungkook grumbled as he looked at you but this time you didn't have a chance to say anything. Hoseok stepped in, 
"Jungkook all day Bomi has done nothing but stop you from calling Y/n, clinging onto you as though you were the couple." Your head snapped around to Bomi who was now smirking even more while tears rolled down your face, 
"No she hasn't, s-she's been upset over Kai and I wanted to comfort her like a good friend." You stared up at Jungkook as he spoke and it hit you that he really didn't see what Bomi was doing, that he was just an innocent party in all of this.
"You don't see it, do you? You don't see the way she clings onto you and pulls you away from me?" Your hand on the car door dropped as you realised he really hadn't seen what she was doing to the two of you.
"See what?" Jungkook sighed as he looked at you, 
"She's manipulative, she'll push a wedge between you both until she can slot herself in until she can finally get Y/n out," You turned around when you heard a new voice come into the conversation and Kai was standing there watching everything. Bomi moved out of the way and headed into the b&b while Hoseok looked at you and smiled weakly before leaving. After seeing Bomi and Jungkook all day he went to speak to Kai about everything to see if he could speak to Jungkook for you. 
"You cheated on her, you'll do anything to make her seem-"
"She cheated on me. Starting sleeping with one of the other crew members...Also engaged. That's what she does, she loves chasing after things she knows she's not supposed to...Jungkook don't throw away what you and Y/n have." Jungkook looked back down at you as he heard Kai speaking and it hit him. Everything she had been doing since before the trip to Australia. Everything hitting him as if he'd been driving and hit into a wall.
Jungkook convinced you to stay that night and he laid in bed with you, holding you close to him as you both spoke over everything to do with it. He was going to remove Bomi as he makeup artist and put forward that he was switched to someone else. It wasn't just to make you feel better but also himself, he felt awful for not seeing what she was doing until it was almost too late. 
"I can't believe I almost lost you," He whispered as he noticed you were nodding off to sleep
"I-I don't want to lose you," He whispered again as he began to draw small patterns into your skin, you hummed against his chest as he spoke to you about it. 
"I love you too much to let you go," He said to you again as you hummed tiredly in agreement with him. Yawning as you tried to speak to him, 
"I love you too...N-Not going anywhere." You whispered tiredly before drifting off to sleep in his arms, Jungkook holding onto you tightly throughout the entire night.
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Tagline: @lyoongx​ @mitzwinchester​ @kneel-begyourpardon​ @taestannie​ @rjsmochii​ @fan-ati--c​ @bisexualmess007​ @sweeneyblue1​ @sw33tnight​ @innersooya​ @jin-from-the-block​
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qitwrites · 3 years
Fandom: Jujutsu Kaisen 
Pairing: Itadori Yuuji/Fushiguro Megumi 
A/N: I caught up with the manga, and shit’s pretty fucked, so I decided to amend that with fluff. 
[AO3 Link]
Fushiguro - according to Kugisaki - is the textbook definition of a homosexual disaster.
No see, here’s the thing- everything was going fine. Great. No problems at all. Fushiguro respects his seniors, tolerates Gojo, and has the biggest soft spot for Inumaki, but he’s never been attracted to any one in his usual circle. So, school and sorcery and life in general was simple. No distractions, no crushes as such, no complications. All good.
And then Itadori Yuuji barges into his life and upends the fuck out of it by eating a special grade cursed object to save him. Then he joins Jujutsu Tech, and now they work and train and study and live alongside one another.
The thing is, Itadori is cute as fuck. 10/10 would tap that, any day of any week.
It’s not that Fushiguro has a type or anything, but Itadori just ticks all his boxes. When Todo had bullheadedly asked him what kind of person he likes, he’d said anyone with a strong moral compass that doesn’t waver in their resolve.
That’s Itadori in a nutshell.
Also, doesn’t hurt that he’s like, stupidly hot either. His raw physical prowess is reflected on his body in the form of shapely muscles, hard abs, and wide forearms that look like they could pick Fushiguro up and just throw him like a javelin. They actually can- Itadori had to do it for a mission this one time. Fushiguro enjoyed it immensely, and he will take this information with him to his grave.
So, not only is Itadori attractive and strong and of good character, but he’s also hella friendly. Fushiguro knows he’s not the easiest person to befriend- it takes a while for him to warm up to people, to share things about himself, to talk about the shitshow that is his family, but Itadori does not seem to give a single, flying fuck. He walks into Fushiguro’s life with the strength and ease of someone that just believes they belong. And Fushiguro lets him, because he is, as Kugisaki very accurately put it, a complete and utter homosexual disaster.
But it’s fine. Crushes happen all the time, and Fushiguro knows it’s hopeless and that’s ok. He knows Itadori likes him and cherishes their friendship, and that is enough. It will be. He’ll move on, and they’ll laugh about it in a few years (if they survive) and it’ll be great. In the meantime, he’s going to hole up in his room and read non-fiction books and stay away from pink hair and large toothy smiles.
Of course, the first person to fuck up his plans is Itadori.
It’s Saturday night, and dinner had been a simple meal of rice, miso soup and some sides made by Itadori. He’s a really good cook, and the home food is such a welcome change from the bento boxes Fushiguro normally picks up from the convenience store. Sometimes, Itadori will drag Fushiguro into the kitchen to teach him a thing or two, and Fushiguro learns, and pines, and smacks Itadori when he says something especially idiotic. It’s routine. It’s nice.
Dinner was an hour ago, and now he’s just curled up in bed with his book. It’s shaping up to be a typical weekend, which is nice considering the number of missions they picked up last week. His bones are aching a little, his feet are slightly sore, and he knows he’s going to sleep like the dead tonight.
He hears the knock even though it’s a bit soft. Fushiguro sits up and cocks his head. Was he imagining it?
And then there’s another knock, more confident. Thud thud thud.
Fushiguro climbs out of bed, setting his book aside carefully. He stretches his hands over his head and walks over to the door. ‘Coming.’
He swings it open, and he sees pink hair and his heart just sort of beats out of his chest.
‘Hiya.’ Itadori’s smile is wide, trusting, and full of gusto. He holds a packet of chips in one hand and a laptop in the other.  
‘What’s up?’
‘Are you busy?’
He should say he is. If he says he’s busy, then he doesn’t have to let Itadori in and he can continue with Operation: get over Itadori Yuuji. It’s the most logical move.
‘No, why do you ask?’ Well, apparently his brain has detached from his mouth.
‘Well, I overheard you telling Kugisaki that you’ve never seen the Saw movies and I realized something. Something terrible.’
Fushiguro tenses. ‘And what’s that?’
‘I can’t be best friends with someone that’s never seen Saw.’ Itadori pouts cutely, and Fushiguro is this close to just walking off the face of the Earth. He leans into the door frame, needing the additional support.
‘And I don’t want anyone else to be my best friend. So, the only solution is to make you watch Saw! With me! Like, right now.’
Fushiguro feels so much all at once- he wants to pull Itadori into a hug, he wants to jump off his balcony, he wants to slam the door shut and just cry, and he wants to watch stupid movies with this stupid man.
‘If you get crumbs on my bed, I’m going to kick you in the stomach.’
Itadori beams, and Fushiguro is a lost cause.
There’s a bit of adjusting (Fushiguro, your pillows are too hard, let me go grab mine) and a bit of remodelling (What do you mean we can’t make a blanket fort, that’s literally half the movie experience) and after relenting to a weird half-assed tent structure, the two of them huddle on the bed, backs against the wall, laptop placed on a chair by their feet with a bag of chips between them.
Saw is a terrible movie.
There’s gore and screaming and a creepy dude running around and it’s honestly just horrendous. The main character calls himself Jigsaw, and Fushiguro is tempted to flip the laptop after the hundredth blood spill. He looks over at Itadori who’s completely engrossed, eyes reflecting the colours and flashes of light on the screen. It’s cute, the concentration he’s pouring into it. His hand is stuck in the bag of chips and Fushiguro smacks it away to grab a few of his own.
Fushiguro does his best to watch and gets into it at least a little. It’s bad, but it’s not the worst way to spend a weekend night. He admits that a huge reason why the experience is kinda fun is that he’s doing something with Itadori that isn't life-threatening, which is a refreshing change.
The end credits start rolling and Itadori stretches his arms, fingers pushing through the droopy tent roof.
‘What did you think?’
‘I’ve seen worse.’
Itadori laughs. ‘I know what you mean. It grows on you though.’
‘There’s more?’
Itadori looks at him, blinks, cocks his head. ‘You didn’t know?’
Fushiguro shrugs. ‘I’ve never been a movie buff, so I have no information on this.’
‘There’s 9 movies.’
Fushiguro’s mouth drops. ‘What?’
‘Yup, there’s nine in total, and the tenth one is in the making.’
‘Holy shit, that’s a lot of movies in one franchise.’
‘Yup. And we’re watching all of them.’
Fushiguro’s eyes widen. ‘What? No way. Nope. Not a chance. I can’t handle more of this, it was barely tolerable.’
‘It doesn’t matter! It’s the principle of the thing- you’ve started the series so you might as well see it through.’
‘9 movies? How can they possibly have enough content for that?’
‘It’s what they do. I promise it gets better and worse.’
Fushiguro sighs. ‘I’m not getting out of this, am I?’
Itadori pushes into his shoulder playfully. ‘Nope. I’m getting more snacks next time, let’s do two movies.’
Fushiguro sighs and runs a hand through his hair.
He’s really struggling to pretend like he’s upset with this development. He’s not upset. He’s honestly anything but.
Itadori comes back next Saturday with some blankets and a pillow tucked under one arm and a laptop in the other. He has a grocery bag with chips and sour patch kids hanging between his teeth and he still manages to smile. Fushiguro is so done.
‘Are you a dog?’ he grumbles, plucking the bag out of his face and setting it by the bed. Itadori gets to work immediately, setting up the pillows and his sad excuse for a blanket fort while Fushiguro brings a bowl for the chips and candy. Once they’ve settled in, Itadori starts the second movie and Fushiguro resigns himself to his fate.  
It’s really not that bad.
The movie is whatever, Fushiguro tunes in and out, alternating between watching the screen and sneaking looks at Itadori. He’s as engrossed as ever, and the tip of his tongue is sticking out in concentration and it’s so cute it makes Fushiguro want to curl up in his lap and squish him.
He’s crushing hard. Like, really hard. It’s about the gayest thing he’s ever experienced.
The movie pushes on, and they start to get more comfortable. Itadori isn’t a talker, which is surprising and nice, but when the movie lulls, he does make a joke or two. They sink lower into the bed, and by the end of the movie, they’re firmly pressed into each other from shoulder to thigh, with the bowl of chips on Fushiguro’s lap and the candy in Itadori’s.
Itadori is really warm. Could be his natural body heat, could be the king of curses residing within him, could be Fushiguro’s imagination- who’s to say at this point?
When the credits roll, Itadori stretches again like a cat in the sun, groaning his satisfaction. Fushiguro rubs his temples and wills away his blush.
‘What did you think?’
‘Not terrible, but honestly, what the fuck?’
‘That pretty much sums up the franchise.’
Itadori loads up the next movie while Fushiguro stays in position, comfortable. When he’s done, he leans back and makes himself comfortable against Fushiguro’s side, head leaning against his shoulder, his cheek pressed against bone. He looks smooshed, and it’s ridiculous.
If he gave a single shit about the movie, he’d ask him to move because he’s so far gone now there’s no way he’d pay attention at all.
Fushiguro doesn’t say a word, just sends up a silent prayer that Itadori remains there, pushed into him and all up in his space, for the rest of the evening.
That’s exactly what he does.
Fushiguro’s feet are burning.
The soles are achy all over, tender and jolty. Any time he walks, he suppresses a hiss of pain. When he’d taken a look, the entire sole was an angry red, and he’s just so annoyed.
The week had been tough- tons of running around and multiple search and rescue missions and this one tenacious curse that he and Itadori had to chase for several miles before finally exorcising it. By the end of it all, his feet were burning like a low fire in the pits of hell.
Itadori is fine, as always. It’s probably an incredible combination of his own inherent athleticism and lord dipshit within him, but Itadori heals at an accelerated pace, and like, he came back from the dead. Sore feet would be nothing to this guy.
When Itadori knocks on the door as always, an hour after Saturday night dinner, Fushiguro just calls out, ‘Come in.’ He really doesn’t want to walk to the door, so he’d left it open intentionally.
Itadori struggles to open the door on his own, arms filled with so much stuff it’s overflowing everywhere, and that horribly lovely smile is still stretched across his face and Fushiguro is just so smitten it’s ridiculous.
Itadori throws a few pillows in his direction, places a frankly ridiculous amount of snacks at the foot of the bed, and starts building his fort. Fushiguro is yet to help him with this, to actually put in any effort and make it with him rather than just watch him with a bemused smirk, but part of him knows that if he joins in, he’s admitting to something. He’s admitting that he’s invested. That he likes this as much as Itadori, probably so much more. That he likes Itadori so much, it’s all-consuming.
Itadori gives him the laptop while he makes some finishing touches on the fort, and he’s gotten better over the last few weeks. The tent is less saggy, with more room to move around and its range is expanding. It no longer covers just the bed, it extends to his desk and is inching towards his closet. Itadori is taking over his room, his heart, his brain, his life. He keeps taking and taking and taking, and Fushiguro just gives him more, happily, heartbreakingly, with all the love and nonchalance and patience he can muster.
He’s so whipped he’s giving Kugisaki a headache. She’s told him as much, repeatedly.
He’s got the final Saw movie prepped and ready to go, positioning the laptop on the chair as usual. Itadori grabs the bowls and decants their snacks before sitting next to Fushiguro, his head automatically resting on the man’s shoulders. Fushiguro rests his head on Itadori’s soft pink hair, breathing in the scent of the shampoo Itadori always steals from Kugisaki, and muffles a laugh. It’s so silly.
They’re about mid-way through the movie (by movie 9 there’s no milking the plot, it’s them just beating a dead horse ruthlessly) when Fushiguro shifts his legs and his feet bump into the chair, and he bites out a yelp of pain. Itadori sits up immediately, eyebrows furrowed in concern.
‘You ok?’
Fushiguro waves him down, wincing. ‘Yes, yes, I’m fine, don’t worry about it.’
‘Did you stub your toe? That’s one of the worst feelings ever. And I’ve had my heart ripped out of my chest. And lost an arm. And I’ve been stabbed repeatedly. Amongst other things.’
‘I didn’t stub my toe. And also, what the fuck, are you ok?’
‘I’m fine,’ Itadori laughs easily. ‘Seriously, what’s wrong?’
‘My feet hurt,’ Fushiguro admits with a defeated sigh. ‘We’ve been moving about a lot, and after that pineapple fucker two days ago, my feet have just gotten really sore. I soaked them in hot water a few hours ago, I think I should be fine by Monday.’
Itadori eyes him suspiciously.
‘I’m not lying dumbass. I’ll be fine, don’t worry about it. Let’s just get this horrible movie over with.’
Itadori hums, turning back to the screen. A minute later, he looks over at Fushiguro.
‘Well, I’m going to apologize for this in advance.’
‘Apologize for wh- HEY!’
Itadori, with his stupidly inhumane strength, yanks Fushiguro’s legs off the edge of the bed and right into his lap. Fushiguro is now laying down with his head resting against the headboard, and he’s about to kick out when Itadori just digs his thumbs into the arch of his feet and Fushiguro narrowly stops himself from moaning obscenely.
He has died and ascended. His soul is no longer in this realm of existence. It has found peace. The meaning of life. Attained nirvana. He can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
It’s seriously that good.
Because Itadori is strong. He’s really strong, so his movements are sure and deep. His thumbs are pushing against the arch, into the heel of his foot, pushing into that junction where his toes meld into the sole, and it’s so damn good. Fushiguro squirms.
‘How are you- ah shit, right there -how are you so good at this?’
Itadori throws him an easy smile. ‘Used to massage grandpa’s feet all the time. Became an expert over time, especially because I had a lot of his nurses guiding me as well. Is it ok?’
Fushiguro tries to throw him a deadpan look but then Itadori’s thumbs just push into a particularly sore spot and Fushiguro’s eyes roll back into his skull. When he’s able to pull himself together, he looks at the pink-haired man, feeling breathless.
‘It feels great. If you tell a single soul, I will drop kick you.’
Itadori’s laugh is loud and boisterous, and it fills the room completely, saturates it with this feeling of ease and honesty.
‘This stays here, no worries. Like a Las Vegas thing.’
Fushiguro smiles at the stupid reference.
After a few minutes pass by, Fushiguro reluctantly starts pulling his feet away. ‘You’ve done more than enough,’ he starts to say. Itadori wraps his fingers around his ankles, holding him in place.
‘I can honestly do this for hours, it’s fine. You can see the screen, right?’ Fushiguro nods immediately. ‘So, let’s just keep watching. I’ll stop if I’m tired, ok?’
Fushiguro relents without a fight because it’s the most relief he’d gotten in ages, and Itadori is touching him and he’s weak in every possible way and he lets himself be. Just this once.
They finish the movie (thank goodness it’s over) and Itadori continues to massage his feet as they discuss what the 10th movie could possibly be like. They discuss theories and plot holes, and Itadori doesn’t let go, his hands inching up and massaging his calves as well, and fuck if Fushiguro’s going to stop him because it feels good. He’s gay and Itadori is hot and his fingers are actual magic- like, they put sorcery to shame.
When it’s well past midnight and Itadori yawns a few times, Fushiguro finally sits up, pulling his feet out of Itadori’s grasp. The pink-haired man lets his hands linger for as long as possible, and Fushiguro decides he’s just imagining it. Surely.
‘I kinda, I mean, I want to repay you for that. You massaged me for hours, you know.’
Itadori pretends to think for a second before breaking into a bright, 100-megawatt smile.
‘Well then, let’s watch more movies! Let’s just make this movie night! We can watch stuff you look up as well, we can watch anything.’
Fushiguro stares at him, stunned. He hadn’t been expecting that and truth be told, he was really sad the Saw franchise was over because he assumed that would be the end of this, and he was too shy to ask what Itadori was so easily asking him. To see Itadori so excited at the prospect of an actual movie night, with no end in sight, made his heart leap and throb and squeeze. It was incredible.
‘Deal.’ He keeps his voice level and his face neutral, but he can’t hide his eyes and Itadori reads him in a second and his smile softens. He knows him so well now, like the back of his hand.
Itadori bids him a soft goodnight, collecting his stuff and shuffling back to his room slowly. Fushiguro falls asleep quickly, and it's deep and dreamless.
He wakes up to painless feet. It’s a miracle in every single way.
When Itadori gently pulls his feet into his lap the next weekend, Fushiguro doesn’t bother protesting it. He just gives him a slightly exasperated sigh, a soft smile and hits play.
They’ve decided to pick up the How to train your dragon franchise this time, as a welcome change of pace.
‘What’s it about?’
‘Well, it’s honestly all in the title. It’s about dragons and Vikings and it’s funny and it has great music!’ Itadori lights up while talking about it, and his energy is so damn contagious. Fushiguro feels himself getting hyped. ‘I think you’ll like it. Especially since you have those cool Shikigamis, you might relate to this more!’
Fushiguro hums, and they watch. Fushiguro routinely pushes pieces of chips and sour candy into Itadori’s mouth, and Itadori’s fingers become well-acquainted with the planes and bumps and grooves of his feet, and the shape of his calves.
Fushiguro gets really into the movie.
Not only is the animation top-notch, but the voice actors are great, the storyline is gripping, and Toothless is so childish and sweet and endearing, his heart aches with love. He barely pays attention to Itadori this time. He seems just as invested, even if it’s the hundredth time he’s rewatching it.
To Fushiguro’s surprise, he chokes up at the end, after the big battle. The whole scene feels strangely familiar in some ways, and he tries desperately to hide his growing discomfort. He peaks over at Itadori and his eyes widen.
Itadori is swallowing hard, his eyes shining and glistening with unshed tears. His grip on Fushiguro is tight as hell, but not painful. He’s barely holding on, it seems.
So Fushiguro looks away, and lets himself feel. He doesn’t cry, but it’s damn near the same feeling.
Itadori’s knowing smirk is as annoying as it is stupidly kissable.
‘You seemed to enjoy that!’
‘It was decent. Much better than all the Saw movies combined.’
Itadori barks out a laugh. ‘Decent, he says. I saw you nearly crying through my own tears. And you were glued to the screen. Such a liar.’
Fushiguro relents. ‘Fine, it was really good. I’m hooked, and I cant wait to see the other 2 movies.’
‘You know I’ll be here.’
Fushiguro is helpless against his blush. He barely hides it in the crook of his elbow. Itadori’s fingers are still pressing into his feet and it’s all so much but not enough. His heart still aches.
‘And the next two movies are visual masterpieces. Can’t wait to get into it all!’
Fushiguro nods, and with the promise of next week, he sleeps just a little easier.
When Itadori pulls his feet into his lap three weeks in a row, Fushiguro decides it’s time he does more to repay the pink-haired man. It’s definitely not enough to just grace Itadori with his presence and with a weekly movie night.
So, when they come together to watch the third and final How to train your dragon movie, Fushiguro stands in his room, chewing his lower lip anxiously. He feels like he may have gone overboard, and he’s more scared of being found out by Itadori, about his feelings and his hopelessly ginormous crush and just how big of a complete and utter disaster he is than anything else.
Before he can take it down though, Itadori walks in after a quick knock and a shout of Pardon the intrusion but not reaaallllyyyy.
He walks in, snack bag in his mouth, arms holding way too much stuff, and gives Fushiguro a grin before turning to the bed to start his usual set-up routine. That’s when he stops dead on his feet, and Fushiguro at least enjoys the look of complete and utter shock on his face. The snack bag drops to the ground before Fushiguro can catch it with a loud thunk.
So, here’s a fun fact about Fushiguro- he can build insane blanket forts. No, really, you don’t understand, he could be mistaken for an architect because that’s how good he is. And the reason is a bit long and a bit complicated, but it mostly has to do with his sister. When they were left all alone in the world, sharing a small space just between the two of them, they would build blanket forts with all the stuff lying around the house, and within those sheets, they were shielded from the world and all its horrors. They did it for a long time, and it was their tradition. They got better at it over the years, learning what sheets worked best, what make-shift supports held things up at the right height, where to place the pillows.
The minute Fushiguro started to put the fort together, his muscle memory kicked in and took it from there. It brought forth some memories that made him choke up, but he focused on Itadori, and it helped. He adjusted the height to accommodate two growing boys instead of two tiny humans, and before he knew it, the fort had sprawled to encompass his entire room. He borrowed pillows from Inumaki and Panda, who were willing albeit slightly perplexed, and he grabbed Kugisaki’s fairy lights to really spruce things up. The weather had gotten colder, so he had also laid out his thick duvet for them to slip under, and the icing on the cake was the pizza he had ordered. Itadori always bought the snacks, so he wanted to pull his own weight. Also, they were active jujutsu sorcerers- they may have eaten dinner an hour ago, but they were always hungry. It was endless.
Itadori remains rooted in place, and Fushiguro starts to get nervous. A bit anxious. A bit scared. What if it is too much? Had he overstepped in some way? Or what if Itadori looked forward to building the fort and Fushiguro had taken that away from him?
Itadori slowly looks at him, eyes piercing and unreadable and bright.
And then he smiles. The world rights itself a little.
And he smiles big, huge, all-encompassing. Its lips stretched over white teeth and his eyes are crinkling in that really lovely way and the dimples are dotting his cheeks and its utter magic.
‘Fushi,’ Itadori gushes, almost breathless. ‘This is insane. How the hell did you do this?’
Fushiguro bites his lip. ‘You like it?’
‘Like? Fushi, dude, my man, my guy, like doesn’t begin to cover it! I don’t have better words cause I’m kind of an idiot, but it’s. Like. A+. 11/10. I’m so impressed right now.’
And now Fushiguro is smiling with him, stomach flopping around endlessly, and he’s young and in love and he doesn’t want to be anywhere else.
‘I also got pizza,’ Fushiguro gestures to the table behind him, picking the snack bag off the floor and placing it by the bed. ‘I wasn’t sure what you liked so I just got the same thing you ordered when I was sick.’
Itadori happily bounds over to the box and leans in for a sniff.
‘I love this stuff, it’s yum. And it’s still steaming, all fresh and hot.’ Itadori gives him a big thumbs-up. ‘This is so bomb Fushi, thank you so much!’
Fushiguro almost says No thank you, you’ve been doing so much for our movie nights and I wanted to show you how grateful I am for you and for all of this and I love you so please take my heart and just keep it, I really don’t need it, you know?
What he says instead is, ‘Not a problem. Shall we set up?’
And so, 10 minutes later finds them curled up in their usual spots, except this time they’re under the covers. Fushiguro places all the food between them, and Itadori alternates between massaging his feet (which he cleans meticulously before their movie nights because he doesn’t want Itadori to eat with dirty feet hands) and taking bites of pizza and smiling and laughing and choking up at the movie.
The trilogy ends and Fushiguro can honestly see why Itadori has watched this countless times. It’s just that good.
If Itadori hears him sniffle, he doesn’t say a word. Just squeezes his calf and runs his fingers from his knees to his ankles and Fushiguro realizes, in that moment, that a part of him will always belong to this man.
They don’t miss a single movie night for months. They’ve now finished the Saw franchise, the HTTYD trilogy, the Batman trilogy, and the entire Annabelle series. If Fushiguro didn’t hate dolls before, well, now the thought of them sends shivers up his spine. And he fights curses. For a living.
Life is weird.
They don’t miss a single movie night for months. Sometimes it’s Sunday night instead, or Friday. Sometimes it’s earlier in the day, in the afternoon maybe. Sometimes, it’s really late at night, so late that by the time they’re done, it’s already 3am and the world is silent. The world doesn’t exist beyond the walls of Fushiguro’s room, and he’s ok with that.
On those nights, Itadori stays over.
They curl up on his bed together, not quite touching but not quite not touching. It’s a single bed and they’re not small by any means. The touching is inevitable. Fushiguro wonders if any part of it is voluntary.
He learns that Itadori’s toes are always warm, unlike Fushiguro’s. He’s a surprisingly calm sleeper. His sleep-heavy voice is deep, and his sleep-heavy smile is soft.
They fall asleep facing away from one another, they wake up spooning or being spooned. They don’t say a word. And they don’t stop.
The night that they finish the latest Annabelle movie, Itadori looks insanely freaked out and Fushiguro doesn’t blame him. That shit’s creepy as hell.
The problem is that it’s only 00:14. Too early for them to call for a sleepover unprompted.
Itadori’s got Fushiguro’s legs in his lap, and he’s pursing his lips as if deep in thought. Fushiguro thinks fuck it.
‘Do you want to stay over?’
The relief flows off Itadori in waves. ‘You’re an actual lifesaver, you know that right?’
Fushiguro smirks, and they throw snarky comments back and forth between them as they get ready for bed. Itadori brings his toothbrush and they clean up side by side, fighting for the mirror. They take the fort down methodically, like a well-oiled machine, and they curl up under the duvet, touching but not quite touching, facing away from one another.
15 minutes later, Fushiguro feels Itadori curled around him, legs tangled and arm carefully slipped over his middle. He feels him shake, and he can taste the hesitation and he knows Itadori will move away soon because they both know they’re both awake.
He moves his hand lower and places it over Itadori’s. He squeezes it once, and moves it away, and evens out his breathing. He feels himself drifting off, and the last thing he feels is Itadori’s arm curling around him just a little tighter, holding him just a little closer. The air tastes less hesitant, more hopeful.
It’s wonderfully frightening.
They don’t miss a single movie night for months. Until one day, they do.
The thing about Sukuna is that he’s the King of Curses, Lord Asshat extraordinaire, and an overall terrible being. Not only does he reside in Itadori rent-free, he also chooses when to heal him and when to watch from the sidelines as blood gushes out of wounds that are near-fatal. Itadori’s pain tolerance is impossibly high, but that doesn’t mean he can’t feel pain.
Itadori feels everything. He feels so much, so willingly, so wholeheartedly. He’s a feeler.
And so, when one of their missions go haywire (as always), Itadori risks his life for his classmates (as always), and is left on the verge of death (as always). The only difference being he doesn’t improve. At least not at that inhumane pace that he always does.
He’s not dead, but he’s not in the world of the living either. He’s drifting somewhere in between, and Fushiguro feels like he’s drowning. He can’t get enough air; he can’t see beyond the murky waters that are darker than ink.
Fushiguro is in the in-house hospital on campus and he rarely, if ever, leaves Itadori’s side. The incident took place on a Tuesday and it is now Saturday. Itadori’s vitals are stable, his heart is in his chest, beating, and his blood is circulating and oxygenating him.
He does not wake up, he does not speak, and he does not smile.
Something in Fushiguro’s chest cracks.
People come by to visit all the time. Nobara brings snacks and chats with Itadori like he’s ok, like he’ll respond. Only Fushiguro hears the tremor in her voice. Maki holds back from smacking someone in a coma, vowing to get him good when he’s awake for doing something so monumentally dumb. Gojo flits in and out as often as he can, and he always squeezes Fushiguro’s shoulder with a tightness that eases his chest just a little before leaving again.
After dinner on Saturday, Fushiguro decides to do something.
He lets himself into Itadori’s room- messy but not sloppy, and simple. He finds his laptop on his desk and charges it for a bit before taking it back with him. He doesn’t set up a blanket fort, simple loads up a Christopher Nolan movie that they’d decided on last week and lets it play.
He holds Itadori’s hand the entire time. It doesn’t squeeze back.
The crack in his chest widens.
He’s not there when Itadori wakes up.
Gojo had pushed him out of the room to go take a shower and grab a proper meal and maybe even take a nap, and Fushiguro had relented to two of the three- showering and eating. With a belly full of terrible convenience store food that could never hope to hold a candle to Itadori’s meals, Fushiguro slowly makes his way back to the infirmary when he hears voices. One voice, in particular, stops him in his tracks.
‘How are you feeling?’
‘My mouth tastes like ass.’
It’s one of the first things Itadori has said in a week and a half, and something between a laugh and a sob gets stuck in Fushiguro’s chest. He moves to yank the door open and throw himself at Itadori when he hears-
‘Where’s Fushi?’
‘Oh, he went to take a shower, clean up a little, all that.’
‘Ah. I see.’
Fuck, he sounds disappointed.
‘Don’t look so upset.’ Gojo teases. ‘He hasn’t left your side since you got hurt, you know?’
Gojo hums. ‘He’s here all day. He tried working for a day or two, but his head wasn’t in it, so we forced him to sit out for a bit. He’s just been keeping you company here, reading, fretting, pining.’
Fushiguro wants to punch Gojo.
Itadori barks out a laugh. It sounds loud and forced and not very happy.
‘Don’t tease me about that sensei. That’s cruel, even for you.’
‘What are you talking about?’
‘You know what I’m talking about.’
‘I want to be sure. I’m not a mind-reader you know. So tell me,’ Gojo urges, ‘what are you talking about?’
Itadori sighs. It sounds exhausted more than pained. ‘I’ve liked him since the day we fought the curse and saved my senpais. It’s cruel for you to tease me about a one-sided crush.’
Fushiguro is suddenly numb, hot and cold everywhere, and his head is spinning, an echo of ‘I’ve liked him I’ve liked him’ just bouncing around his brain endlessly. He has to force himself to concentrate or risk missing out more of the conversation.
‘I mean, why do you think it’s one-sided?’
‘Are you kidding me? He’s so out of my league, I can’t even think about it. He’s so. Just. Everything good in this world. And he likes dogs sensei, what more could I want in a person?’
Fushiguro’s vision is just swimming and he wants to smother Itadori in a hug and protect him forever. His feet are taking longer to respond to his brain though.
‘I don’t think that’s true,’ Gojo sings, laughing. ‘My advice would be to not give up. You’d be good for each other, you know? Also, he’s really not all that perfect. Trust me, I’ve known him since he was a child. This one time, during the spring festival, he-‘
‘Itadori, you’re awake?’
Evidently, his self-preservation instincts had bypassed his brain and forced his legs to move at near inhumane speed. God bless instincts.
Itadori is sitting up, and he looks a bit frail but the color in his cheeks is steadily returning. His eyes widen in surprise before his mouth twists up in a grin so wide Fushiguro is worried he’ll break his face. His eyes are molten, watery, and brighter than the sun.
‘Hi Fushi.’
For once, Fushiguro doesn’t give a two shit flying fuck that Gojo is in the room and will hence tease him for the rest of his life, he just walks over to the bed and gathers Itadori into a hug and holds him there, pressing his warmth into Itadori. There’s the beating of his heart, the rise and fall of his chest, and the smile on his lips pressed into Fushiguro’s shoulder.
The world rights itself on its axis, just a little more.
Itadori’s muffled laugh makes him grin, and he pulls away. He rearranges his face in a scowl.
‘I told you before if you die on me-‘
‘-you’ll kill me yourself. I know, I know. I’m here Fushi, you don’t have to become a murderer. It’s a good day.’
Fushiguro lets his face morph back into a grin before looking over at Gojo. His teacher’s smirk tells him everything- how he knew where Fushiguro was, how he’s seen right through Fushiguro, how he’s going to tease him till the day either of them die. And Fushiguro wants to be annoyed and pissed off but he can’t bring himself to care, not right now.
Itadori’s heart is beating in his chest, and he smiles at Fushiguro, and his cheeks are tinting pink.
Fushiguro’s heart is full.
‘Sorry I missed movie night.’
Itadori’s apology is so stupid Fushiguro nearly gwaffs, but that’s undignified as fuck so he settles for a cough and a withering stare.
‘I mean, it’s not like you were in a coma or anything.’
‘You know what I mean! But anyway, I’m here now, so let’s pick up where we left off.’
‘No, we’ll have to move on to the next movie. We watched that one last week.’
Fushiguro looks at him, prays he isn’t seven shades of red. ‘Well, I thought maybe if we had a movie night at the infirmary, you’d feel better. Where you were. Especially if you were dealing with lord fuckwad. You know?’
Itadori stares at him in awe and chuckles softly. ‘You’re something else, you know? Just when I think I’ve got you all figured out.’
Gojo’s word reverberate around his skull and Fushiguro just clears his throat. ‘Yeah, well, I’m all about surprising people. Woohoo.’
Itadori bursts out laughing, and they go back to setting up the fort, the pizza, the snacks, the lights, the laptop. It’s easy and familiar and nice. They settle into the mattress, but Fushiguro doesn’t let Itadori take his feet this time, opting to press into his side instead. Itadori barely puts up a fight.
They’re roughly 8 minutes into Interstellar when Itadori asks, ‘How did you set up the movie in the infirmary?’
Fushiguro hums, ‘I grabbed your laptop and put it on a chair to your left. I sat on the right. I sat by your bed and I…’
‘And you?’
Fushiguro should be nervous but he’s not. He’s surprised by how not nervous he is.
‘And I did this.’ He laces their hands together, eyes trained on Itadori's.
It’s like looking at a bowl of liquid amber. His eyes are light brown, bordering on gold, and they’re mesmerizing when you’re this close. He doesn’t look away from Fushiguro, his breath doesn’t stutter, he doesn’t jerk away. He squeezes Fushiguro’s hand with his right one and slowly brings up the left. He rests it on Fushiguro’s jaw, soft skin meeting calloused fingers and there’s a heat building under Fushiguro’s skin that makes him feel that same hot and cold sensation everywhere.
‘I’m going to kiss you.’
Itadori’s voice is deeper than Fushiguro’s ever heard it, low and spicy and sure. His hands are gentle and confident.
Fushiguro doesn’t nod or say Yes or blush.
He just brings his right arm up, wraps it around Itadori’s left wrist and leans in, bringing them together in what is possibly the softest touch of lips ever, in the history of the universe.
It’s not hesitant, it’s just new. And all-encompassing. And maddeningly good. And soft.  
Itadori’s breath hitches and he leans his head, slotting their lips together better and Fushiguro is humming because fucking hell is this good. There’s no tongue, just pressure and nips and small licks and bites. By the end of it, Fushiguro is smiling into Itadori’s smile, and he’s kissing it and nuzzling it and he’s drowning in the best way possible.
Itadori finally pulls away, after several small kisses, and does that beaming smile that makes Fushiguro’s stomach do really terrible things.
‘I can’t believe all this happened because of Saw.’
Fushiguro’s smile shrivels away in a heartbeat and Itadori is laughing and snorting, the bastard.
‘Itadori Yuji.’
More laughter.
‘I swear on all that is good and pure, if you tell people we got together because of Saw, I will dump your ass so hard you won't be able to sit down for weeks.’
Itadori laughs some more and presses his giggles against Fushiguro’s lips and dammit he’s so weak and gay.
Itadori’s hand slips down his jaw and cups the back of his neck and he pulls him close, pressing their foreheads together.
‘We both know that’s not true.’
Damn it. He really does know Fushiguro like the back of his hand.
And so he does the only thing he can think of- he kisses him again. And again. And then some more, just because he can.
The movie remains forgotten, and frankly, they couldn’t care less.
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ransprang · 3 years
hi, can i please get a romance Tokyo ghoul and hunterxhunter match up please?
I'm female, she/her pronouns; leo[August leo], 5'8, my favourite colour is red, short light brown hair, dark brown ayes; i have beauty marks on tip of my nose, right cheek, under my left aye and on my chin;
Likes: colour red, cats, serpents, MY cooking, my height, horror[movies, manga, anime cartoon, webtoon, etc] psychology, spicy food, books;
Dislike: dogs, sweets, math, my math teacher, romance movies[i like romance books, anime, mangas and etc i just hate romance movies]
Hobbies and interests: reading books, listening to music, drawing, watching movies/animes, working out; I'm pretty interested in horror genre, psychology, myths, legends, murder documentaries;
I'm usually chill and laid back, i am very friendly and get along with almost everyone, I don't hold grudges but i also can be a bitch [ unintentionally most of the time] I don't necessarily like kids but i enjoy playing with them [I'm not a favourite cousin for nothing] When there is a conflicting either i caused it and others are quarreling over something i said and I'm standing in the sidelines[it happened few times and it was unintentional] or I'm trying to stop the fight [ one I didn't cause]
I can be a quite bossy, I'm straight forward and blunt [ i always say my honest opinion, which usually makes me seen as a rude]in a friend group I'm what you call a mom friend [my friends usually come for me for advices, help, when they need help with homework, when creeps are bothering them, movie advices, and etc]
I see myself as a very understanding and responsible person, I'm more that happy to help friends in need, listen to their problems and do my best to help them.
I can get annoyed or angry easily but i almost never get physical, instead i verbally attack one who upset or angers me, if person I'm quarreling with is my friend i might apologize [indirectly] and stop before i say something i might regret later or if I'm quarreling with someone I'm not close with i use their insecurities against them.
I don't necessarily like lying so i only lie when i see it as a necessary [with teachers, some of the people i dislike which aren't lot]
I dislike possessive people, i prefer "pretty boys" over "handsome" ones and i have a huge hand fetish [like I'm your biggest simp if your hands are so nice and pretty] i can tolerate reserved and quiet people, people with anger issues, liars, heck i can even get along with pervert ones but i hate disrespect and degradation but that doesn't mean i appreciate too much praise and compliments either.
I don't expect my ideal partner to be perfect.
I just want him to be understanding and encouraging with me [directly or indirectly] should let me pamper them becouse i like giving gifts, presents, compliments and things like that to people i love and care; [i might stop compliments if it makes them too uncomfortable i can't day I'll stop giving them presents and thing's like that, i don't make empty promises]
My ideal partner shouldn't be controling and possessive [ if he dislikes someone i hang out with or doesn't likes something i do all he needs to do is tell me like a normal person]
My ideal partner should expect late nigt texts becouse i have insomnia and if I'm suffering from lack of sleeping so are they.[jk i wouldn't let them suffer every night]
I prefer begin one in charge in a relationship but if my partner prefers to be a dominant one i might let them dom me once or twice that's it. I rather spoon them than be spooned [is that even a word?]
If my partner has a big appetite then they are in a luck becouse i like cooking [doesn't matters if they are sweet tooth or not]
I don't really care about their height
I don't really care about gender of my partner but i prefer males;
Nsfw and NSF
hii thank you for the request!! (admin sar: your makima profile picture really suits you btw)
we hope you like your match ups!!
your tokyo ghoul match up is............Shuu Tsukiyama!!
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He's your perfect pretty boy...maybe even handsome.
We've seen close up shots of his hands in the anime, best believe his hands are strong and sexy for your fetish.
Oh boy! Let's not get started on his appetite. This man can eat. Have you seen him thirst after Kaneki? Well he will eat everything you cook (if it's edible for a ghoul that is :))
He's got sophisticated interests, he likes classical music, tasteful movies. You best believe he keeps fit.
He will listen to you talk about all your horror stories, indulge you in all your interesting facts. He may even share scary stories as a ghoul.
This man is nothing but straightforward, he is blunt and is a total boss. So he will understand your personality and you two can be boss bitches together.
Hes old and responsible. He will look after you and scout for food for you too, but only the most exquisite one.
He would murder but not get physical, so he can appreciate someone with similar virtues.
Pamper him all you want, give him everything in the world this flamboyant ghoul will it all!!
nsfw & hxh match up is under the cut
You can dom his flamboyant ass any day. Hes gonna be such a switch, he will instantly lay down for you to do your thang.
He likes getting spooned as much as he likes spooning. Hes would love to feel the warmth of a loved one against him in any form. Especially if you wanna cuddle his rock hard abs.
He is gonna be your little brat, he will love to defy you and go against you. Watching you be his brat tamer will turn him on to the max.
Get ready to food play in the bed room you can lay him down with food on his nethers and eat it off him. This man is gonna cum so hard.
your hxh match up is............Beans!!
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Beans would lap up anything you cook. Even the most spiciest food such as yourself of course *wink*. I mean hes a bean himself after all.
Hes such a simp he will eat cat food if you offer him that.
Your favourite colour is red? well hell, Beans is gonna dye himself red for you. Hes green anyways so a little red change gonna hurt no one.
Bean will sit there quietly with a very small smile on his face and listen to you speak about psychology, murder documentaries and other scary stuff with a twinkle in his eye getting mesmerised by watching you talk.
After Netero is gone beans is gonna have to be bossy and straight forward and that can get your boat floating.
Beans is a bean. He understand the importance of respect and hence he wont be possessive. Instead he will respect you and your space.
Beans is a simp so he will stay up all night accompanying you through your insomnia. He will instantly reply to your texts keeping you entertained. Plus hes used to getting overworked by that lil bitch Netero.
Throw Beans in a group of kids (your cousins) and watch him get harassed.
don't underestimate this man
Why do you think Beans wears gloves? To protect those sexy hands of his. he keeps his fingers safe to finger you. He will even slap you with his glove if you ask him.
Eat him out, and he will instantly relieve your constipation. cuz hes a bean? get it?
After meeting you he will understand those black dots on your face are more than just marks in your beauty. They are a part of you. Beans isnt familiar with the concept i mean have you seen his skin?
He wears cute red lingerie under that sexy suit just for you ;)
your pretty girls,
admins sav & sar
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cyarikashakira · 3 years
A/N: This is my first time writing a fanfic. I am super nervous but I have an overabundance of love for Joaquin Torres so I had to put it somewhere. I'm doing @caplanbuckybarnes's summer writing challenge.
Summary: Falling in love at the supermarket wasn’t on your to-do list today, yet here you were snatching looks at a cute stranger.
Warnings: (I don't know if these count as warnings) GN!Reader, No Y/N, Joaquin Torres is an absolute cutie pie!
‘They were gone. All of them.’ I thought as I rummaged through the wrongfully stocked freezer. A sniffle escaped, then two, which was followed by a full on wail.
“Who the hell put the Steak and Cheese chimichangas where the Chicken and Cheese chimichangas goes!?”
I slammed the freezer door and rested my head on it and placed my hand on the cold glass.
Casual shoppers and workers tiptoed around me while I grumbled to myself in annoyance. I just wanted my comfort food.
A full on breakdown in the middle of a grocery store and I gave no fucks. A tap on my shoulder and I whirled around ready to light up the poor soul who decided to bother me.
“What do you want?” I wiped the tears from my face with a growl. Giant innocent eyes looked at me in shock as I grimaced at him.
“Hi - um, can I help you?” He bravely pointed at his name tag which said ‘Joaquin’ with the Walmart name above
“Sure~ can you just point me towards the person who decided to sleep on the job and stock the wrong chimichangas in the wrong spot? I just wanna have a little chat.” I said with a fake smile on my face.
“Th-that would be me.” He gulped and pointed over his shoulder towards the stocking material behind him.
You peeked around him and just glared.
“So it was you. You have been declared as my arch nemesis. Where are the chicken and cheese chimichangas?”
“They are out of stock. But we can call you when they are back in stock.”
The air suddenly became tense.
“...Believe it or not, they already have my number because I buy them so often. It is Tuesday and it’s 8:30. They are always stocked at 8pm on Tuesday.” I looked down at my watch to double check the time. I crossed my arms ready to take my frustrations out on the worker.
“We are going to have to call some people.” He said plainly.
“What?” My head tilted to the side in confusion.
“For this chimichanga shortage. We need to call some people.” His smile got bigger as he continued talking.
“Chimi..changa shortage? If they are going to fix my day then you better call them.”
“I’m kidding..”
“Oh.” I let out a nervous laugh and made a face.
He ran a hand through his fluffy black curls and huffed. I took a look at his face, he was nervous.
“...Are you new?” You raised an eyebrow at him.
“To the stock things department, yes. This grocery store, no. I’m so sorry that I stocked it wrong but thank you for pointing it out for me.”
I immediately felt bad because I realized that I was being a dick over some food.
“I’m so sorry. I’m just having a bad day. It was just a complete shit show. My cat got sick, my car is on it’s last leg and my boss is on my ass and I ran out of chimichangas and forgot to restock my fridge so here I am today - “
I rambled on and on.
“Hey, it’s okay. We all have bad days. I thought this was about to be a bad day for me also because you were upset at me.”
“I’m sorry again. I’ll live without them. I should go home before I embarrass myself even more.”
I lowered my head now feeling shy and more aware of my surroundings.
“Before you go, I think I have something that will make your day a little better. Follow me.” He turned swiftly and started walking away.
“Uh, no. I’ve burdened you enough today, sir.”
He stopped and turned to face me again. A smile formed on his face. Were those dimples always there?
“Come on. I’m just taking you to a person who can solve your problems.”
“Oh o-okay.”
I followed behind Joaquin towards the front of the grocery store. He stopped in front of the deli section and tapped a hand on the counter to alert the workers.
“Hey~ is Margie in today?” He said sweetly to the teenage girl who could barely see over the huge counter.
“Yeah Curly, she’s in the back. Let me go get her.” She ran to the back and pushed the double doors with force.
I looked at Joaquin with furrowed brows and pursed lips.
“Why do they call you Curly?” A small smirk appeared on my face. He blushed and his hand went to his hair once again.
“My hair. It is how everyone finds me and the fact that I’m tall. Everyone has a nickname here. We are as much a family as capitalism will allow us to be. Margie is just...wait until you see her.”
The shock of blue hair caught my peripheral and I expected to see a teenager. No. A tall lady who was on enough to be my mama strolled up to the counter with a huge smile on her face.
“What can I do for ya, Curly Quin?” Her accent drawled as she leaned against the display case.
“We have a situation. Apparently, I suck at my job and a certain someone had an entire meltdown in the middle of the freezer aisle because they are having a bad day like it was my fault. I’m pretty sure they want to get me fired but I’m too cute for that, right? So we need a solution to their chimichanga problem.” He sarcastically and over exaggeratedly explained the situation to Margie and his smile got wider as he went on.
“So Grilled Cheese over here wants a chimichanga? How is that my problem?” Margie planted her eyes on me and I felt like I swallowed my heart.
For an old lady, her look was intense.
“I need the goods. The family secret, the whole enchilada, you get where I’m going with this. I’ll finally bring you back your book that you let me borrow when I first started working here.” Joaquin slapped on the puppy dog eyes and Margie rolled hers.
“I’ll believe it when I see it. That was a year ago. I’m never getting that book back and you know it. I’ll be back for you and Meltdown over here, assuming that is you.” She gave a small smile and moved to go towards the back doors. “Give me a sec.”
As soon as she disappeared, I face palmed and groaned.
“You guys are going to make fun of me forever, aren’t you?” I looked at him in despair.
“Oh yeah, you know it. Welcome to making history.” He smiled towards me, flashing a dimple.
“Is there a way that I can make everyone forget about this? I will pay you guys off. I promise. Just forget everything that happened here today.” I waved my hands in circular motions like I was casting a spell, earning odd looks from everyone around.
He laughed for the first time that night.
“It’s not every day a grown up has a total fit like a toddler. This has made my day and probably my whole week.”
I groaned again and stomped my foot in annoyance, ready to snap at him.
The back doors flew open and a brown paper bag was thrown in my direction. Joaquin and I fumbled to catch it at the same time and we butted heads.
“Good thing you knocked some sense into each other so I didn’t have to. Get out of here kids, your chimichanga problem is solved.” Margie smiled.
I opened the steaming paper bag and started crying.
“Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.” I started bouncing up and down with joy. I wrapped my arms around Joaquin and pulled him into a tight hug, crying on his shirt.
“No problem, I can’t breathe, please..let..go..” He said dramatically.
I immediately let go and cleaned my face putting on a huge smile. He took a deep breath and put his hand on his chest.
“You guys are the best and I am so sorry for taking my frustrations out on you. I really hope you can forgive me at some point.”
“Already forgiven. I just always want to do something positive with my day and make others smile. It’s all in a day’s work.”
“I don’t know how to thank you guys enough for the chimichangas.” I held the bag close to my heart, grinning widely.
“Go home and eat them. That’s thanks enough.” Margie deadpanned.
Oh. She was still there.
“Yes ma’am. Have a good night. Thank you for everything!” I waved goodbye to her.
“Don’t mention it kid.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow Margie!” He said to her.
She waved us off and we were on our way to the front doors of the store. We stopped just before the entrance, triggering the doors to automatically open. We were blocking the exit and people started going around us.
“I guess this is goodbye? Until I come in to restock my freezer again.” I said glumly, holding out my hand towards him to shake his hand.
“I guess so.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, placing it in my hand.
Question marks filled my brain as I looked down at his phone in my hand. He shyly placed his hand on the back of his neck.
“I told you whenever we restocked, I would give you a call so.. I would need your number for that.”
“Oh. But they already have my numb- Oh. Okay. Oh. Oh um, of course uh..”
I stuck my tongue out in concentration as I typed my name and number into his phone and handed it back to him.
“There you go. I uh, look forward to your call for whenever the chimichangas are back in stock.”
“Of course. I’m just doing my job. If they aren’t in stock and I’m off of work, can I still call you?”
My brain short circuited and I blinked rapidly at him. He was smooth. Toooo smooth. I studied his face for a joke.
“You aren’t joking with me, are you?” I put my hands on my hips.
“Nope, not one bit. Are you okay?” He questioned. I was sure smoke was coming out of my ears at this point.
“Uh, yeah. I’m fine. Just tired, it’s been a long day. I should get going.” I looked off towards the cars in the parking lot.
“It was nice to meet you. I’m sorry about your chimichangas and for my poor stocking skills.” He apologized sincerely.
“It was nice to meet you too, Joaquin. Thank you for everything. Am I allowed to hug you again?”
His brown eyes lit up and he furiously nodded. I wrapped my arms around him and he did the same to me. We let go as quickly as we started.
“I’ll see you around, Grilled Cheese.” He gave a two finger wave towards me and started walking backwards.
“Likewise, Joaquin Phoenix.” I started walking in the other direction.
“Haha. So original! It’s actually Falcon!” He shouted.
“What?” I stopped and turned back towards him but he was already gone.
I shrugged and walked towards my car. I opened the door and climbed inside, tossed the bag of chimichangas in the passenger seat and rested my head on the steering wheel. I released a huge sigh while lifting my head, started my car and began driving home. The street lights blurred past me on my drive home. My body was on autopilot as I opened the door, kicked my shoes off and sat on the couch next to my roommate with my bag of chimichangas.
I took a bite and immediately frowned.
‘Damn it. Steak and Cheese strikes again.’ I started laughing and shaking my head, dropping the chimichanga back in the bag.
“What is your problem?” My roommate said staring at the tv, not concerned to turn their head towards my hysterics.
“Nothing. I just had a meltdown in a freezer aisle and I think I fell in love with a stocker who is bad at his job.” I leaned back against the cushion of the couch and sighed dreamily.
“....no offense but you aren’t allowed to go to the store unsupervised ever again. You got issues...”
My phone began to ring and I just stared at the unknown number before answering.
“H-hello?” I stuttered.
“You will never guess what we just got in stock.” A light voice filled with laughter said over the phone. A huge smile formed on my face and I was booking it out of the door and yelled a quick bye to my roommate.
“I’m on my way.”
I hope you guys enjoyed this. I tried my best :)
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dangitdespair · 3 years
Hi mods, I hope you guys are having an amazing day! I would like to request for Byakuya (and Gundham if it's possible) with a touch starved gender-neutral s/o
(Hate to say that I felt/am feeling this one so hard. Buuut, we can have our favorite rich boy and furry? Hamster man get us through it.)
Byakuya Togami:
I get we all love this man, but he’s probably the last person you’d wanna go to for snuggles. This man would consider a mere hand-holding as too much touching. Nonetheless though, seeing his little s/o upset definitely doesn’t make him look or feel great, so he tries his best. He crouches in front of you, or sits himself down in front of you.
“What exactly do you expect me to do here, y/n?”
You just kind of stare at him for a second because??? It came out of left field???
After a few seconds of awkward silence, he just sighs and tries to copy what he would see other people from his class do. He tries to wrap his arms around you to hug you, but it’s either the world’s loosest or tightest hug, and he just kind of sits there for a while.
“I believe I am doing this correctly...Do not get used to it.”
Eventually, you try to help him by just curling up against him to watch one of your favorite movies. He tries to be as still as possible so you don’t get uncomfortable, but if you push him enough, this man could probably run a hand through your hair.
Okay, not really related to what I wrote about but I could also picture Byakuya using his money to pamper you in every financial way. Touchstarved? Immediate trip to your very own spa resort treatment. I’m talking massages, hair washes, your every need would be catered to by your very own staff. This man would not mess around when it came to his S/O’s happiness, and if it can be bought with money, he’s already got it for you.
Gundham Tanaka:
Y’all really think I’m leaving this man out? “If it’s possible???” Anon...if there’s one thing you need to know about me, I will not turn down a Gundham request. (Unless our requests are full, of course). Moving on:
This king of affection, a literal Disney princess right here. Not only would this man let his Devas cuddle with you when he’s away, he’d make sure you’re covered with animals. You’ve always liked snakes? Boom, done. Huge dog lover? Guess who came home today with a puppy. Major bonus points if this man attempts to be subtle with it.
“My Dark Ruler, (Is that gender neutral?? It is now.) it appears I have found a wild furry beast on my walk back to this abode. They appeared to be unclaimed by the mortals, so I believe it was my destiny to bring them home to your care; A gift by the deities themselves for your triumphant efforts in (insert whatever you do here, whether it’s school or a job or a skill).” Then just placing the puppy on your lap while he goes off to buy dog toys/treats.
He may act bold, but just like Byakuya, he has no clue what he’s doing. This man has been around animals ten times more than he’s ever been around humanity. He may end up scratching you behind the ears like a dog or petting you the same way he’d pet a cat. If you’re cool with it, sweet, if not, you’d just end up explaining it to him until he learns how to make you as happy as you make him.
I think once he figures out how to properly handle your little touchstarved self, he’d hold you however tight/loose you’d want him to and just never let go. By the sounds of it, he doesn’t get many hugs, and he’d end up realizing that maybe it wasn’t just you that needed to be held...
“I have held us together in a tightened magic, y/n. It appears that we will not be moving anytime soon, but fret not, for my godly power shall keep you safe for ages to come!”
Have I forgot to mention how much I wanna be held by this man??? No??? Okay.
But yeah, that’s all I got! This request was super fun to do, especially since I got to write for good old Byakuya as a package. Thank you for the request, Anon, and I hope it made your day! Bye bye! 💜
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