#single for life
littleprincessfawn · 2 months
I felt very sad yesterday but today is a new day and I am feeling much more positive and at peace. I want to lose weight but I don't hate myself. I have leukemia but I'm not gonna die any day soon.
I do still feel that the likelihood now is that I will be single for the rest of my life, which is a harsh prospect at 37... but yesterday I realised there is basically no way anyone, male, female, non-binary etc, will want to start dating me while I have leukemia, it's just 'too much'. And with the leukemia it will never be 'cured' all I can hope for is remission. I do think people who's partners get leukemia would stick by them but I just don't think any new relationships could happen for me. And that makes me sad... because I really wanted to find someone who would love me as loyally as I love them...
But! No point dwelling on something I have no control over! So instead I'll accept that romantic love is over for me, but all the other kinds of love: friendship, family, children, pets - those are still available to me and a huge blessing for me. So I will focus on giving my love in platonic ways out into the world.
I can still daydream about romantic love, but I now know it's just that, a sweet dream that will never be. And I'll be okay.
Because I have myself. And I will build a beautiful life. And I will be love and I will be hope. I will help people and care for myself as well. Today I'm going to have a day spa day. I will help my child with their game design and game coding. I will eat healthy food to nourish my body. I will take the 3rd dose of my life saving medicine. I will pat my pet kitty. I will live.
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tyrannus555 · 9 months
Barbie movie
I don’t care about women anymore. I’m giving up. Yes, I’m an incel...blah, blah, blah. I’ve never been in a relationship in my life so who cares. So when women ask for help I’m ignoring them so I don’t go to jail, plus they want to be victims so enjoy your victim medals. I don’t care about women anymore.
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inspired-randomness · 8 months
Warning for all who know me: I am in a very dark place right now. Please, for your own mental or physical health, be careful how you approach me.
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lyon-amore · 10 months
My mother told me not long ago that I hope one day I find a Jake 😌
But then I realized something...
The guy spends all his time hiding locked up who knows where and I'm very homemade, so....
Either they kidnap a relative of his And they sends their number to someone they knows, or my Jake and I will never meet, jsjsjsjsjsjsjfjkwnrkendkfkkd!!!!
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venomousgirl17 · 9 months
I hate how my brain builds futures with people when I like them. It doesn’t matter how short of a time it’s been. If I enjoy their company…I just start imagining all of these possibilities and activities and a future I can have with them. And every time they leave or change their mind about me or disappear it all comes crumbling down like a toddler crashing through your tower of blocks.
And that feeling hurts. It hurts so dang bad because all those fictional good times are ripped away before they happen and you’re left feeling foolish for hoping. For thinking it was something that would last.
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Passenger seat.
My passenger seat has a place for you, only you.
My passenger seat was once filled with your body.
My passenger seat held your laughter, your sleepiness, your adventurous curiosity.
My passenger seat once held one of the people I could be myself around.
My passenger seat, I look over at it and wish you were there. I wish I could hear your laughter again, see your eyes get bigger because of beautiful scenery. I want to see your pretty little head sleeping peacefully in the passenger seat.
My passenger seat briefly held a moment of time where you and I shared a moment. And the thoughts that ran through my head, ugh I hate being a hopeless romantic.
I saw you in my passenger seat and I wanted nothing more than to just drive. Drive with no destination. I wanted to see your hair fly, whisper with the wind. I wanted to see the sunset behind an alluring being. So delicate, so charming of what you are. A genuine soul. A person with pure intentions.
My passenger seat holds onto a piece of you. A piece of you that I’ll remember.
My passenger seat is empty now…
The destination is no more, you were the destination. You’re not around, what’s the point. My passenger seat is empty. We want you back, I want you back. I want the destination to be you again.
Until then, my passenger seat is empty…
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I want to know about someone else day and be able to tell them about mine. I want someone who can join me and my friends when we all go out so I’m not the perpetual odd number wheel. How do I deal with being single for my entire life and having only recently gotten my first kiss and went on my first dates??? I’m 26 and I can’t even figure out how to get someone to want to date me and I can’t even figure out what I want anymore besides what seems to be the basics of a relationship 😭😭😭
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noottoodaaysatan · 28 days
I need to stop falling for people more than 5 years older than me. All they see when they look at me is a child😭. Which I’m not, I’m 23 but there’s a huge difference in lifestyles from 23 to 33 (my current crush is 10 years older🙃). Also I have a really bad habit of developing feelings for someone I’m in a budding friendship with and then finding out they’re talking to or already dating someone🙄.
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depressedteenatthego · 3 months
I don't know how many people go through this but I can't seem to have any crushes or have feelings for anyone. I'm in my early 20s and I've never been in a relationship, not even been kissed or helped hands romantically. I've have a few crushes in school....1 or 2 of them.
Is it a normal thing? Like having no feelings or crushes on people? Not having much sexual needs but a will to be in a relationship but can't get in one cause u don't like anyone and no one likes you.
Also the thing is I'm actually aware that I haven't had crushes in a few years but what also hurts is that no one likes me and I can't have a chance to even open my heart to someone. I want to be loved but then you think if you are worth loving or if you are worthy at all.
Sorry I'm just saying bullshit now.
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littleprincessfawn · 1 month
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Broken Girl Journal - 1.4.24
Just spent the morning sitting at the toilet of my mum's bathroom retching and throwing up. Have asked if my ex could please come pick me up. She's agreed but he's not allowed in her house which is understandable. I'm just too ill from this leukemia medication. I hate that I wrecked myself so much for this holiday. And one brother only stayed a night and another didn't come up at all, if I'd had some help with my son it would have been doable. No one understands just how seriously sick I am.
(big sad angry rant under the cut)
My kid wants me to do a pool noodle fight with him in the backyard and I can't even stand up how the hell am I meant to do this. I want someone, I want a family, I want friends, I want people that will help me through this, I want people that will take care of my son while I'm too ill to. He keeps having to not do any of the things he wants because I'm too sick. It's not FAIR on him, he should get to have a pool noodle fight in the backyard. I wanted to have other kids. I wanted to have a partner.
I have to be everything and I can't and it's messed up. I just want someone to love me enough to love my son. To make my son a priority. To realize he is important and needs help.
I'm so sick, I feel absolutely awful. I just want to rest. My mum asked if my ex could help my son and he does but I don't want him in my life I don't want him as my only support and help, plus most of the time he just ignores him and plays games on his computer and my son still comes in to me because he wants human contact and I don't blame him.
I just want to be at home in my own bed. I just want these feelings of guilt over my son's wellbeing to stop.
Deep down... I feel angry. I'm so furious. I don't know who at, the world maybe, but really it should be at myself. I don't have a boyfriend or girlfriend. I don't have a stepchild or another child. I have failed to build a family for my son. I have failed to be worthy of love and commitment. I see other people who have kids but still manage to find new life partners and be happy and I just feel this deep anguish and self-hatred because why do THEY deserve to be loved and begin a new life, when I'm left stuck in the wreckage of my old one. Why don't I deserve love? Why do I deserve to be in the situation I'm in, with a sex offender in my house, trading my sanity/safety for survival. Everything is disgusting and I hate myself so much. I hate how deficient I am.
I know I need to work on myself and improve myself. But I feel so sick. I just want to sleep and rest and treat my body gently while I fight this leukemia. I want to treat myself gently.
But I feel like I don't deserve gentleness or kindness. If I can't be loved then what's the point of even trying. I have so much strong love within me. And part of me is so broken, I'm starting to feel like no one deserves my love, I'm starting to hate the world, to hate people, to hate anyone who comes into my life and pretends they want me.
I hate that I have leukemia too. I'm full of hatred and pain. But I try to keep a cute exterior shell.
I could be so good, if I was given the right environment, if I was as lucky as others are. Other people just are loved for who they are. I hate myself for not being enough, or for being too much, or whatever it is. I hate myself for being unable to be loved.
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ibtisams · 2 months
The global reaction to Aaron Bushnell’s self immolation has been very jarring. I understand how powerful and scary it is to witness such a young man set himself on fire while screaming for a free Palestine, but to now see comments like “his death will not be in vain” and “the video will haunt me forever” is very strange considering the depravity of the videos we have been seeing coming out of Gaza for 4 months. It seems like people are now using Aaron as the “perfect martyr” of Palestine that we can put all of our efforts into celebrating as if there has not been 30,000+ Palestinian martyrs that we have been begging you to acknowledge
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They keep joking around and telling me to make a move on you, but they don't know that I've been dreaming about you since the day we've met. The only problem is that I know my worth...
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...and you deserve better.
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madison-of-a-bitch · 9 months
me seeing a straight couple post: i will put my head in a blender
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venomousgirl17 · 11 months
I truly think I must have picked up some sort of curse in my lifetime that means I’m doomed to have the worst sort of dating experience. Not one of my relationships have featured mutual love and respect and currently my last few dates haven’t even happened as the guy stops talking to me the day of or before the day.
Why is this SO hard?? I feel like Sisyphus caught in this endless cycle of men who never pan out. I’m so tired of pursuing, or having to put up with the half-hearted efforts of guys who don’t even know what they’re looking for. I have run out of time to waste and my patience is stretched thin. 😣
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ash-and-starlight · 1 year
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hades atla bisexual simulator
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sata-cable · 5 months
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