#shirogane headcannons
vldsideblog · 1 year
Even more Keith headcannons because my health is getting even worse
- if he feels safe, he can fall asleep literally anywhere
- if you can’t find him, it’s very likely he’s just chilling on a roof somewhere
- he was the type of kid to eat bugs off the ground
- he used to bite people as a kid and since he has sharp teeth he’s caused a lot of damage
- he can see really well in the dark and so he never really bothers to turn lights on. The amount of times Shiro and Adam have found him cooking in the middle of the night in the dark is astounding
- can drive anything, you give him a set of controls and he will figure it out in seconds
- one time he refused to eat anything but animal crackers for two straight weeks, Shiro was so done
- since he grew up in the desert he never learned how to swim. He never mentioned this to anyone and one time he went to the lake with Shiro and Adam and almost drowned
- he chews on his lip a lot and since his teeth are so sharp it’s a miracle he hasn’t bitten through them
- if you wake him up you will end up with a knife to your throat, it’s a reflex and I can’t be stopped
- plays the knife game when he gets bored and has almost given Shiro multiple heart attacks
- if you leave him alone for a second he will wander off, Shiro learned this the hard way it involved an alligator, a tree, and Keith getting a new tooth to add to his collection
- he gets sensory overload very easily, he will start mumbling and get ready irritated, just get him some headphones and turn the lights off and he’ll feel better
- has a very high pain tolerance and Shiro has had to drag him kicking and screaming to the nurses office on multiple occasions for a broken bone he said “wasn’t a big deal”
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rorimoon9597 · 5 months
Lance has always been obsessed with Keith's hair for some reason. He didn't know why at first, but as time went on, it became so clear that he wanted to run his hands though it and feel it on his fingers.
He made comments about it being an ugly mullet to hide that fact. It didn't work, especially not when he confessed to Keith before he left for the Blade.
What? He was going to lose the chance to say anything anyway! And he was so happy when Keith kissed him to shut him up and told Lance that his feelings were reciprocated, he felt as if he were on cloud nine.
Since coming back from his fight with Shiro's clone (who they're forever going to refer to as Kuro as in 'Operation Kurone'), Keith has experienced some changes.
For starters, his eyes were more purple. Before they'd been a grey colour with purple undertones, but now they were properly purple. Then his canines were sharper, practically fangs, and his eyes would sometimes change. When he was angry, his irises would become slits and the sclera of his eyes would become yellow. It was hot, in Lance's humble opinion (Pidge called him an alien fucker when he said that at first. Lance said that Keith's dad was the true alien fucker. Shiro sprayed the water he was drinking everywhere and choked when he said that).
The most noticeable change happened to Keith's hair though. The ends of it lightened, until they were purple. It looked so cool, and it connected Keith to Krolia more. His hair stayed black, but now when it gets out it was purple.
Keith... Didn't think the same way as everyone else.
"I feel like I'm losing my dad. I've only ever looked like my mom, and the one thing that has ever connected me to my dad was my hair." The team had stopped on a planet for a rest, and Keith and Lance had gone off together to hunt down some meat and gather fruit and vegetables.
Lance stopped and grabbed Keith's wrist, forcing him to stop and turn to face him.
"You're still connected to your dad, Keith. It's just not entirely in your appearance," he said. Keith frowned.
"What do you mean?" He asked. Lance hummed.
"You said that he'd go head first into danger, right?"
"And that he was a hero?"
"Where are you going with this?"
"According to your mom, your dad was kind, and reckless, and a hero and someone she loved enough to leave to keep safe."
"Mom said that?" Keith asked, sounding surprised. Lance nodded. "Where are you going with this anyway?"
"Because those are some things that you have in common with your dad," Lance answered. Keith opened his mouth, then closed it.
"... You're right," he eventually said. Keith reached up to his hair and fiddled with a purple end. "That stuff... Does connect me to my dad..."
"I'm never wrong about people things," Lance said, confidently. Keith smiled down at him (that had happened during the two year time dilation that Keith and Krolia went through, and Lance found that he liked having to look up over looking down).
"You know more about people than I do," he agreed. He pressed a kiss to Lance's forehead. "Thank you."
"Anything for you," Lance said. He pressed a kiss to Keith's lips. "Now, let's go catch something that Hunk can make into a good meal."
They worked quickly, and made their way back to the campsite with food that all of them could eat. Hunk was quick to take care of the food, Krolia helping him while Romelle stayed by Allura's side.
Lance sat on a log, and Keith settled himself between his legs. Kosmo flopped down with them.
Lance ran his hands through Keith's hair, smiling as Keith joked with the others and treated Shiro and Romelle like Lance treated his siblings - by annoying the hell out of them out of love.
Lance leaned down and pressed a kiss to the top of Keith's head.
"I love you," he whispered. Keith hummed, tilting his head to look up at him. There was a smile on his face reserved just for Lance.
"I love you too," he replied.
Based off of this post I made
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the-feral-gremlin · 1 year
Pre Canon Voltron headcannons Bc I Can. Part 1(?)
Keith has dyed his hair red before, (specifically before meeting Shiro and then once at the garrison to piss Iverson and Sanda off.)
Shiro knows how to give himself a (non sexual obvi) massage.
After finding out Keith’s holiday plans consisted of staying in his shared room at his foster parents, Matt and Shiro invited over for the Holt/ Shirogane-Whatever the fuck Adam’s last name is family dinner. And he hasn’t missed one sense, even when in the desert.
Keith taught Pidge how to pick a lock and how to defend herself, while Pidge taught Keith his way around a computer.
Keith knows first aid. (Bc his dad was a firefighter, he grew up in the desert, and bc he was always getting himself in trouble.)
Matt and Keith pranked Iverson and Sanda a lot (unbeknownst to everyone else because they would get in a whole lot of trouble obviously)
Matt and Keith were roommates.
On the anniversary of his dad’s death, you could find Keith under his bed frame or in some other odd place with music playing. Matt covers for him in class while Shiro and Adam ask for the day off and hang out with him, usually in silence.
Adam, Shiro, and Iverson were all in the same book club.
Adam and Shiro have the occasional double date with Sam and Colleen (it consists of Sam trying to get Shiro to call him something other than Science Officer Holt and Adam and Colleen swapping recipes)
That’s all for now
Next ->
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spittyfishy · 2 years
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Is this venting? Perhaps it is, who can say
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love-me-purple · 10 months
Could I request some first date headcabons for some of the girls? Like kaede, maki, Miu, Himiko, etc
Of course! 💕
First Date Headcannons with: Kaede, Maki, Miu, Himiko, Tenko, Angie, Kirumi, and Tsumugi
Warning(s): just a very, VERY, tiny amount of nsfw humor in Miu’s, cause c’mon. Some VERY light spoilers in Kirumi’s. Under the cut for the long post!
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➼ A musical. More specifically, Romeo and Juliet.
➼ Kaede liked visiting the classics, therefore finding two tickets to the show and inviting you along with her - not even considering the fact that she was technically asking you on a date.
➼ When you pointed this out, she just giggled a little and said that you two could grab a bite to eat afterwards, agreeing that this indeed was a date.
➼ She’s excited, so excited that it chips her nervousness away - especially when you both enter the theater.
➼ She’s mostly quiet during the play, glancing at you every so often, smiling. She’d take your hand into hers and hold onto it almost the entire time, wanting something to hold on to that made her feel safe and secure.
➼ After the musical, you’d both head off to a cafe and eat there, discussing the musical and some other things while waiting in line and eating.
➼ Kaede would insist on paying because “you treated her so nicely today”.
➼ Even though she bought the tickets and those alone were expensive asf
➼ And on the walk home, hand in hand, she’d gather enough courage to initiate her first kiss with you - telling you to look at her and then planting one on your lips.
➼ Date successful.
➼ She’s been wanting to go on a date with you, but she just doesn’t know where.
➼ But she finally (with help from Kaito and Shuichi giving her suggestions) chose a nicely (but not over the top) decorated gazebo overlooking a beach.
➼ Of course, she chose the day to be one where it was cold enough for not that many people to be there, but not enough for the both of you to wear jackets - instead just sharing a blanket together while sipping down a beverage.
➼ She’d always make sure to give you more of the blanket, not caring if the semi - cold air hitting her skin was uncomfortable, making you her first priority. ➼ Despite what people would usually think, she’d smile a handful of times around you while conversing about different topics.
➼ Then you’d both head down to the beach, just being ready to collect seashells and build sandcastles and such.
➼ Maki didn’t mind the activities, as long as it was with you. Even when you splashed her with water, she reciprocated it - turning the next thirty minutes into an all out water war.
➼ And all in all, when she bought you both a treat to share and you two settled back in the gazebo together, you both agreed that today was one of the best days in both of your lives.
➼ An amusement park.
➼ She’d like all the rides and contraptions that made it work, muttering to herself what tactics and gadgets they must’ve used for each one.
➼ She’d be the one to put her hands in the air during the most intense rollercoasters, loving the thrill that came with it.
➼ But of course, if you don’t like rides, she’ll agree to do some of the games they have there and try out foods - as well as shopping and other forms of entertainment.
➼ She. Pays. For. EVERYTHING. These are some of the times where you get to see her soft side come out, letting you buy whatever you’d like.
➼ Of course, she’d tease you during the date - never crossing your boundaries, though.
➼ She’s confident the whole entire time, nervousness never crossing her mind.
➼ She’d always make sure you’d want to go on a ride or try something before rushing over there, wanting this day to more satisfy you than her.
➼ It worked, but instead of her being less satisfied than you - you both were equally satiated for your love for entertainment.
➼ She does make some sexual jokes during the day like the shape of the hammer in whack a mole looking like a dick I mean come on it’s Miu we’re talking about
➼ She’d want to initiate the date first, but she felt as if anywhere but home would exhaust her to the point where she’d not be able to give you a good date.
➼ So she’d invite you over to her house for a night over.
➼ She’d get Tenko and Angie to help her with decoration, music, entertainment, etc. But she wouldn’t want them there for the actual thing cause yk.
➼ Once you’d arrived, she’d smile (albeit tiredly) and gesture for you to come inside.
➼ “So, what do you wanna do first?” She’d ask, and then she’d proceed to hit you with like a bucketful of ideas on what you both could do together -
➼ So you two settled on making a pillow fort in her living room and then supplying it with snacks, games, some plushies, a few roses (that Angie had put in the bathroom), and some other things.
➼ Himiko then turns on a movie for the both of you to watch, letting you pick (but if you pick a boring or bad movie she’ll subtly judge you keep that in mind).
➼ Eating snacks in a pillow fort while watching a movie with your significant other is a good feeling. It’s an even better feeling when your significant other decides to put their head on your shoulder to rest their eyes a bit.
➼ And so while you were watching the movie, Himiko - she couldn’t help it - set herself on your shoulder to rest after all that work on the preparations and the pillow fort and it’s contents.
➼ After the movie she woke up - like literally once the credits started playing her head snapped up, almost hitting yours in the process - and then she asked what you both should do now.
➼ And so you two drowned the night with a bunch of movies, binge - watching the whole trilogy of the Hunger Games and stuff like that
➼ And finally, as the night ended, you both fell asleep in the pillow fort together - hugging each other like the other would disappear if let go.
➼ You know like one of those acrobat shows at a circus that do all these extreme stunts and whatnot? Yeah
➼ Tenko decided to take you there for fun, just because she wanted to - she had to wait for a long time for tickets to come out, but it was all worth it in the end.
➼ You both got pretty good seats, not neck - breaking and not too far away where you couldn’t see anything.
➼ Tenko would cheer very loudly for a stunt she’d like, bringing you to try to cheer as well.
➼ very exhilarating
➼ Once the show’s over, she’d bring you around the circus to look at animals and play games
➼ She almost attempted to punch a claw machine because it was definitely rigged ➼ She’d buy you a custom made stuffed animal of her and you, saying that you could keep the one of her and that she’d keep the one of you - “just for memories”, she said.
➼ She’d go around and ask, “Do you want that?” “Hey, that looks fun!” And if you were interested in something? WALLET OUT IMMEDIATELY, ignoring your protests that she didn’t have to do this.
➼ She’s very protective during the date, but she also doesn’t want to embarrass you or herself.
➼ But overall, at the end when you kiss her on the lips for a job well done, she definitely knows that the ‘hole in her wallet’ for you was worth it.
➼ One of those botanic gardens with a bunch of vibrant, exotic plants and flowers, as well as different butterflies and birds - oh, and good food and souvenirs as well!
➼ She stated that it’s a nice place where you both could relax after an especially stressful week, adding that Atua told her it’d be a good idea to go.
➼ Sure, hiking along the paths was tiring - but you both could always hop onto one of those buses that tour the whole place!
➼ And so that’s what you did - you both went onto the bus as it went around the whole entire botanic garden place, beautiful eye - catching flowers along the path as well as small birds chirping in the crisp warm air.
➼ Angie would smile and say that this was good inspiration for her art for Atua, and that she’d work on the rough drafts now to paint later.
➼ She’d ask for your opinion on the shapes and sketches, always taking your words into consideration.
➼ She loves leaning her head against you as she draws, also glancing out the window every few seconds to look at more flowers popping along the way and the specimens surrounding them.
➼ Soon, a whole page from her was covered in scenery, making you agree that her talent really suited her - even if she said that Atua was the one actually making it.
➼ She then would flip the page and then start to draw you and her in a beautiful background of the garden, butterflies around you two and both of your favorite flowers mixed together (if you don’t like flowers then it’s just hers) planted in the grassy hills.
➼ “We should re - enact this sometime!”
➼ A trip to the pool. Not your run of the mill pool either, one of those private - owned luxury pools in some tropical place that Kirumi owned and only let in people she wanted to in. Fortunately, that included you.
➼ Palm trees were scattered around it, as well as some lounge chairs and a bunch of warm fluffy towels.
➼ Kirumi would put sunscreen on you (no matter how much you protested against it) and then herself - not letting you go inside the pool till she finished.
➼ At first, Kirumi just wanted to watch you. But when you convinced her to join, she came in reluctantly.
➼ There was a diving board there, bringing you to climb up it and cannonball off of it - spinning in the air a bit into the 10 - foot deep part of the pool. ➼ OF COURSE SHE’S SCARED ASF
➼ Once you submerge in the water from jumping - and don’t come back up for awhile - she dives underwater to see if you’re okay
➼ You are, you were just trying to touch the floor of the pool by blowing out bubbles from your nose.
➼ You get an inflatable beach volleyball from under one of the lounge chairs, tossing it to Kirumi in the water, kicking up an intense game.
➼ And then after THAT you two rest for a bit, Kirumi wrapping a towel around you both and getting smoothies for the both of you. Honestly, it’s the best.
➼ Then, at night - APPARENTLY there’s a feature where the floor opens (opposite side of where you both are sitting) and you can watch a movie while on the lounge chairs and in the pool.
➼ And so, turning on a movie, you and Kirumi go inside the pool again to sit back and enjoy the comfort of each other’s presence.
➼ Overall, the day’s filled with sweet moments and a relaxing time - and what a better way to top it off than you both underwater after you dragged her with you and initiating a tender kiss with her beneath the water - nothing disturbing the peaceful atmosphere.
➼ A convention consisting of anime, game, comic, sci - fi, e.t.c cosplays.
➼ She convinced you to dress up with her, her being Junko Enoshima and you being (insert a character).
➼ She made your outfit and taught you how to impersonate their voice to the best of your ability.
➼ And you both definitely stole the spotlight once you two were there, people complimenting both of your outfits knowing exactly who you were (if they got the reference).
➼ If this was your first time going to one of these, she’d reassure you that she’d stay with you the entire time - telling you that she’d take the lead with any questions and whatnot or what to do.
➼ If this wasn’t your first time, she’d still stay with you - but also let you answer things and make your own decisions as well.
➼ (I’ve never been to one of these so if anything’s wrong here correct me) It was overall super fun with her - as you both did games, talked to other people, recorded some videos to send to the class groupchat - a very much success.
➼ And after the whole event, as you both came out with a bunch of merchandise and souvenirs - one thing was for certain, and that was that you both didn’t regret today at all.
Small bonus:
➼ After she’d cleaned you up, she’d compliment you and say that you played the character well.
— Whew - this was quite the request, eheh. Hope this satisfies! 💟
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caramelgeddon · 1 year
Chihiro, tsumigi and Mikan x blind so (danganronpa)
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Hey mod himiko here, tired while writing this so uh just read! (Spoiler warnings!)
Tsumigi the cosplayer who considers herself the most plain person in the entirety of the school
So when asked by the blind s/o if they can feel there face to know what she looks like… she tells them not to expect much since she’s pretty plain…
When she’s told she’s beautiful she cries a bit
At least one person doesn’t see her as plain
One of the few people he doesn’t need to wear his girlish clothes around
Although one thing he doesn’t know is that
The blind s/o immediately picked up on him being a boy
Chihiro never knows this…
Mikan’s nurse instincts kick in immediately helping them however they can…
They would become more attached to s/o sticking by there side protecting them and make sure there safe…
Even if it isn’t needed, she just wants to help them…
There’s one moment though that Mikan will always remember.
Hiyoko appears making fun of Mikan calling her an ugly pig barf
And despite the fact s/o never saw her face she called her beautiful and defended Mikan….
She’s never felt so happy
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sikuena · 4 months
cw for drugs, my personal hcs
i feel like keith would really enjoy smoking out of pipes and blunts.
shiro would enjoy wine and occasionally accept beer. he's too tired from his rave days to do anything stronger (old ahhh)
allura also enjoys wine and champagne on special occasions (but isnt a wine sniffer 🖕🏽) . otherwise she doesn't encourage substances.
pidge doesnt have a taste for it so she just watches and dabbles maybe once a month because hunk makes edibles as a little treat.
lance likes pens because he thinks they look cool, but he's banned from using nic because everyone knows its bad.
everyone enjoys shots mixed with juice when they go out (except for pidge, shiro and keith because they can actually handle it alone. its still really good tho).
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justagreencircle · 1 year
before i played p4 i thought naoto was a trans woman, born male and you help her through transitioning in her social link.
damn that would have been cool
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bayothemayo · 1 year
BayoTheMayo's Masterlist
You Can Request For...
Other Accounts
Note: The W.I.P names may change.
Key: Orange Text = Whumptober
2022 | 2023 |
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Phantom Thieves
"The Don't Care About You." Series (Unfinished)
Synopsis: The Phantom Thieves have been unintentionally pushing you away. Every time you ask to hang out they make excuses. In turn, you develop a palace, showing some of your deeper issues. Part 1: The Don't Care About You (Phantom Thieves x Reader) Part 2: Miscommunication (Phantom Thieves x Reader) Part 3: Suppressed Suffering (Phantom Thieves x Reader)
Akira Kurusu/Ren Amamiya
~ Akira Kurusu with a Reckless S/O ~
Burnt Out (Ren Amamiya x Reader)
💕 Akira Kurusu Relationship Head canons (Female Reader) 💕
💔 Fate is Not With You (Ren Amamiya x Reader)💔
Ren Amamiya with Shy S/O
Akira Kurusu with an S/O who is like Yor from Spy x Family
Wearing His Clothes (Akira Kurusu x Female Reader)
Akira Kurusu, Yu Narukami, and Minato Arisato Mets Reader Who Summons Their Persona Differently
Akira Kurusu x S.E.E.S! Reader Headcannons
Pain (Ren Amamiya x Reader)
Insomnia (Akira Kurusu/Ren Amamiya x Reader)
Coming Out As A Transmasculine
Long Day (Akira Kurusu x Fem Reader)
Guardian of the Phantom Thieves (Akira Kurusu x Motherly! Reader)
Crushing More Than Once (Akira Kurusu x Reader x Yusuke Kitagawa)
Goro Akechi
Betrayal + Reluctant Whumper (Goro Akechi x Reader)
Yusuke Kitagawa
Crushing More Than Once (Akira Kurusu x Reader x Yusuke Kitagawa)
Ryuji Sakamoto
Ryuji Sakamoto x Reader Headcannons
Requited Love (Ryuji x Male! Reader)
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The Investigation Team
Yu Narukami
~Too Tired to Study (Yu Narukami x Sleepy! Reader)~
Akira Kurusu, Yu Narukami, and Minato Arisato Mets Reader Who Summons Their Persona Differently
"Just Hold On." (Yu Narukami x Reader)
Naoto Shirogane
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Panic (Persona 3)
Minato Arisato/Makoto Yuki
Comfort with the Rain (Minato Arisato x Gender-Neutral Reader)
~Minato Arisato with an Outgoing and Talkative S/O~
Akira Kurusu, Yu Narukami, and Minato Arisato Mets Reader Who Summons Their Persona Differently
"Can You Hear Me?" (Minato Arisato/Makoto Yuki x Reader)
"I Don't Feel So Good." (Minato Arisato/Makoto x Reader)
Minato Arisato/Makoto Yuki Calming You Down Headcanons (Minato Arisato/Makoto Yuki x Jealous!Reader)
Makoto Yuki with a Physically Affectionate S/O (Makoto Yuki x Reader)
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Sora + Child! Reader (WIP)
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Junko Enoshima
Mukuro Ikusaba
Mukuro Ikusaba x Reader Romantic Headcanons
Celestia Lundenberg
Should Have Been Me (Celestia Ludenberg x Reader)
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Izuru Kamukura
Need to Sleep (Izuru Kamukura x Sleep Deprived Reader)
Hajime Hinata
Nagito Komaeda
Informed (Nagito Komaeda x Reader)
Affection (Nagito Komaeda x Affectionate Reader) + (Maki Harukawa x Affectionate Reader)
"You're A Liar." (Nagito Komaeda x Reader)
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Kokichi Oma
Maki Harukawa
Affection (Maki Harukawa x Affectionate Reader) + (Nagito Komaeda x Affectionate Reader)
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Kris Dreemurr
A Little Out of The Ordinary: "This wasn't supposed to happen!" (Kris x Reader) (?)
"You in There?" (Kris Dreemurr x Reader)
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The Main Party
Hair's Breadth From Death: Impaled (SMT IV:A x Reader)
Everything Hurts and I am Dying: Back From the Dead (SMT IV:A)
Journal (SMT IV:A x Reader)
"It's All For Nothing." (SMT IV:A x Reader)
Happy Valentine's Day Nanashi! (WIP)
Hero x Villain
Hero x Villain Mini-Series (1)
Part 1: Nowhere to Run: Cornered (Hero x Villain) Part 2: Dead on Your Feet: Waking Up Disoriented (Hero x Villain) Part 3: Proof of Life: "I've got a pulse." (Hero x VIllain)
Original Content/Prompts
The Way You Shake And Shiver: Panic Attack (Orginal Content)
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indiangodfather · 2 years
Hi sorry if I’m bothering you but can I request headcannons for genocide jack, ryoma hoshi, tsumugi shirogane and gundham Tanaka (all separately not poly) with a reader who feels really depressed and empty? I could use some comfort in my life right now, thank you so much
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Genocide Jack
She really doesn't know how to help you in this case
She tries but her help doesn't really help you at all
Ryoma Hoshi
like Genocide jack, he is no help
Since he and you are kinda the same
Tsumugi Shirogane
She tries to help you with her cosplaying
maybe if you like cosplaying it will help a little but idk
Gundham Tanaka
Like Tsumugi he also tries to help you
But he try to give a service animal
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butterfly-writer · 2 years
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What exactly is allowed? And what’s not?
? Suggestive
? Mental disorder (For awareness and spreading love about them purposes.)
? Yandere/stalking (Not too disturbing)
Ah, so you decided to request a Character x Reader? Lovely choice, reader! Let me show you what I have in store to satisfy your needs!
~ If you would like an AU of the character x reader you requested, you may ask and I will tell you if it’s possible to be written by me!
Gender identity: ~ Male ~ Female ~ Transfem/Transmale reader [Any other gender identity like non-binary, genderfluid, agender, etc, will be referred with they/them pronouns!]
Role: ~ Civilian reader ~ Villain reader ~ Hero reader ~ Vigilante reader ~ Child reader (It must be platonic!) [And so much more! Depending on your request.]
You can’t have a good request if you don’t know what you’re requesting! Here’s a list of fandoms that I know and will do!
~ If you have a character in mind in one of these fandoms and was not mentioned, please let me know in the request!
(?) = Maybe? I don’t know their personality that well
Students: ~ Shoto Todoroki ~ Katsuki Bakugou ~ Izuku Midoriya ~ Ejirou Kirishima ~  Kyouka Jirou ~ Mina Ashido ~ Momo Yaoyorozu ~ Ochako Uraraka ~ Tenya Iida ~ Neito Monoma ~ Itsuka Kendo ~ Hitoshi Shinso
Pro heroes: ~ Hawks ~ Endeavour (?) ~ Mirko ~ Shota Aizawa (Eraserhead) ~ Present Mic ~ Ms. Midnight ~ Sir Nighteye (?) ~ Fat Gum (?) ~ Best Jeanist (?) ~ All Might (?)
Villains: ~ Shigaraki ~ Dabi ~ Himiko Toga ~ Lady Nagant ~ Mr. Compress
Platonic only! ~ Kota ~ Eri
UNDERCITY / ZAUN: ~ Jinx / Powder (From when she was a kid to her current self) ~ Vi / Younger Vi (From when she was a kid to her current self) ~ Ekko (From when he was a kid to his current self) ~ Vander (?) ~ Sevika (?) ~ Silco (?) ~ Victor (?)
UPPERCITY / PILTOVER: ~ Caitlyn ~ Jayce (?) ~ Mel Medara
Voltron: Legendary Defender
Paladins: ~ Keith Kogane ~ Takashi Shirogane ~ Lance Mcclain ~ Hunk Garret ~ Pidge/Katie Holt
Altean: ~ Allura ~ Coran (Platonic only)
Half-blood: ~ Lotor ~ Acxa ~ Narti (?) ~ Ezor (?) ~ Zethrid (?)
And so much more! It all depends on your request!:DD
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vldsideblog · 1 year
I like to think that Keith sleeps with a lot of blankets whenever he has the opportunity.
Like A LOT
back when he lived with Shiro and Adam his bed had at least six blankets and three pillows that he would burrow into like the cryptid he is.
It just makes me happy
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dendrosys · 2 years
You need to look up Naoto Shirogane.
I love them, no matter how you headcannon them, whether trans, cis, or non-binary.
I love them.... so fucking much too..
this character looks very el gee bee tee queue plus
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the-feral-gremlin · 1 year
Pre-Kerb Headcannons Part 3
On Shiro’s bad days, Shiro will lay (and occasionally sleep) on Adam’s chest, focusing on his heartbeat or Adam reading a book out loud. On Adam’s bad days, it’ll be reversed and Adam will lay (and occasionally sleep) on Shiro’s chest, listening to his heart beat. It’s comforting/grounding for the both of them.
Keith’s dad was really tall (and strong.) so Keith loved when his dad would give him piggy back rides, sometimes Keith would just hang off his back while his dad would do stuff around the house/shack, even falling asleep there.
Krolia was a little taller then Keith’s dad so sometimes she would come up behind him and rest her head on his shoulder. Keith’s dad loved it, and he would admit it.
Keith knows how to cook, like actually cook, he’s not at Hunk’s cooking level but he’s a close second.
Keith and Hunk sat together in a lot of the garrison classes and lectures so sometimes they would talk.
Keith usually takes one of seats in back of the class, but still close to the door.
For national siblings day, Shiro bought Keith a waited blanket, and Keith bought Shiro a heating pad (both saved up for months.) on bad days, both can be found on their respective corners of the couch.
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hopespeakwriting · 2 years
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Sayaka Maizono:
Mukuro Ikusaba:
Leon Kuwata:
Mondo And Leon Friendship Headcannons
Chihiro Fujisaki:
Mondo, Taka and Chihiro with a s/o who was killed in the killing game
Mondo Owada:
Mondo calming down his paranoid s/o at the killing game
Mondo with a s/o who's kinda oblivious
Mondo and Leon Friendship Headcannons
Mondo, Taka and Chihiro with a s/o who was killed in the killing game
Kiyotaka Ishimaru:
Mondo, Taka and Chihiro with a s/o who was killed in the killing game
Hifumi Yamada:
Celestia Ludenberg:
Sakura Ogami:
Aoi Asahina:
Toko Fukawa:
Genocider Jack:
Yasuhiro Hagakure:
Byakuya Togami: Byakuya, Miu and Kokichi in a rainy date w/ s/o.
Kyoko Kirigiri:
Makoto Naegi:
Impostor, Nagito and Gonta with a s/o who draws anime
impostor confessing his feelings to reader
Teruteru Hanamura:
Mahiru Koizumi:
Peko Pekoyama:
Ibuki Mioda:
Hiyoko Saionji:
Mikan Tsumuki:
Mikan, Nagito, Kokichi and Shuichi with a tired/sad s/o.
Nagito, Mikan and Kokichi with a s/o who confesses and draws for them
Nekomaru Nidai:
Gundham Tanaka:
Nagito Komaeda:
Impostor, Nagito and Gonta with a s/o who draws anime
Mikan, Nagito, Kokichi and Shuichi with a tired/sad s/o.
Nagito, Mikan and Kokichi with a s/o who confesses and draws for them
Chiaki Nanami:
Kazuichi Soda:
Kazuichi Dating Headcannons
Akane Owari:
Sonia Nevermind:
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu:
Hajime Hinata:
Izuru Kamukura:
Seiko Kimura:
Ruruka Ando:
Izayoi Sonosuke:
Ryota Mitarai:
Rantaro Amami:
Kaede Akamatsu:
Ryoma Hoshi:
Kirumi Tojo:
Angie Yonaga:
Tenko Chabashira:
Korekiyo Shinguji:
Miu Iruma: Byakuya, Miu and Kokichi in a rainy date w/ s/o
Gonta Gokuhara:
Impostor, Nagito and Gonta with a s/o who draws anime
Kokichi Ouma:
Nagito, Mikan and Kokichi with a s/o who confesses and draws for them
Mikan, Nagito, Kokichi and Shuichi with a sad/tired s/o.
Byakuya, Miu and kokichi in a rainy date w/ s/o.
Kaito Momota:
Shuichi Saihara:
Mikan, Nagito, Kokichi and Shuichi with a sad/tired s/o.
Maki Harukawa:
Himiko Yumeno:
Tsumugi Shirogane:
Ryoko Otonashi:
Yasuke Matsuda:
Takumi Hijirihara:
Misaki Asano:
Ted Chikatilo:
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ice storm "Saiouma probably"
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/dF8JWgO
by Princehyundramallama
Au Danganronpa was an Virtual reality game, now that it's over and everyone is alive. where is kokichi and why does he look different.
An AU where kokichi is an figure skater and the rest of the class doesn't know
Beta Kokichi Ouma Au, Figure skating Au.
Words: 193, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Kokichi in different AU's series
Fandoms: New Dangan Ronpa V3: Everyone's New Semester of Killing, Dangan Ronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls, Dangan Ronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc, Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Tsumiki Mikan, Oma Kokichi, Oma Kokichi's Parents, Saihara Shuichi, Akamatsu Kaede, Komaeda Nagito, Hinata Hajime, Kamukura Izuru, Togami Byakuya, Katsuki Yuuri, Yuri Plisetsky, Victor Nikiforov, Harukawa Maki, Momota Kaito, Iruma Miu, Yonaga Angie, DICE (Dangan Ronpa), Hope's Peak Student Council Member(s) (Dangan Ronpa), Ultimate Despair Member(s) (Dangan Ronpa), Shirogane Tsumugi
Relationships: Oma Kokichi/Saihara Shuichi, Oma Kokichi & Saihara Shuichi, Harukawa Maki/Momota Kaito, Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov, Katsuki Yuuri & Yuri Plisetsky, yuri plisetsky/kokichi ouma, Akamatsu Kaede/Iruma Miu, Komaeda Nagito/Oma Kokichi, Komaeda Nagito & Oma Kokichi, Oma Kokichi & Togami Byakuya, Komaeda Nagito/Shinguji Korekiyo, Komaeda Nagito & Oma Kokichi & Togami Byakuya, Hinata Hajime & Kamukura Izuru & Komaeda Nagito & Oma Kokichi, Hinata Hajime/Oma Kokichi, Hinata Hajime & Oma Kokichi, Hinata Hajime/Komaeda Nagito
Additional Tags: Ice Skating, kokichi is very smart, Bottom Oma Kokichi, kokichi and nagito are friends with benefits, i headcannon kokichi is older than all his classmate, kokichi know more than 4 language, beta kokichi cuz im living for it, kokichi ain't a orphan, even tho he kinda is since his parents are barely with him, rich kokichi, i totally forgot what i was about to say, hajime is also apart of that, don't forget to add kamakura, danganranpa is a virtual reality, london child coming thru, headcannon that kokichi is already out of school even tho they said he's in senior, does that techanally mean kokichi is in an older grade than them, cuz he doesn't want to pass senior year, i made kokichi a little taller, he ain't bout to be bully because of dora, Slow writing, and i have like 30 stories in my wattpad thing, Headcannon D.I.C.E is his little group and the fandom that likes him, ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating, kokichi was born in russia but raise in london, Russian Accent, london accent, kokichi height is 5'3 cuz thats my height, reason why yuri and kokichi are friends with benefits, probably cuz they are figure skating couple, even tho kokichi secretly likes yuri plisetsky, and yuri secretly likes shuya, Nagito is also like a friends with benefits with kokichi
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/dF8JWgO
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