#she'll be all the man and woman you'll ever need babies
luveline · 9 months
Hi Jade! Congratulations on 40k (deserved deserved deserved!!!!!)
Can I plz request some KBD Steve and Reader for 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐰𝐞𝐛 ?
Maybe they’re on a rare date night and they love getting to be alone together but they do miss their babies!
tyvm <3 kisses before dinner —dad!steve and mom!reader go on a date (for a little while). 1.3k
"Are you sure I don't look really stupid?" you ask as Steve opens the passenger door.
"You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen," Steve says simply, hand out to help you from the car. You smile and take his hand. You've done it hundreds of times, but you remember the first. 
"Woman," you correct without irritation. You've been together for almost ten years and you have four children. Four. "I don't think many people would say I'm a girl anymore."
"Ah, but you're my girl," —Steve laughs as you laugh, pulling you from the path of the door to close it and lock it— "so forgive me. You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. 'N' I love white on you, as you know." 
You laugh more at his formal talking and fold your arm between his. Robin has made it so you can wear a white dress without fear of stains, agreeing to have your four girls for the day. Though day is a gentle term, because you don't expect anybody to be able to cope with children that aren't theirs for more than a few hours. You suspect you'll have four or five hours (Robin is well-trained and, more importantly, extremely loving toward your children) before one of them has a meltdown from missing you. 
Dove is the likely perpetrator. "She's really moody lately," you say, knowing Steve will get exactly who you mean as you begin walking from the parking lot and down the street to the coffee shop. 
Sure enough, he covers your hand where it rests in the crook of his arm and says, "She's in her terrible twos. But maybe you should be spending a little more time with her." He isn't judging or criticising you, just making an educated assumption. "Heather steals all your attention." 
"You can call her Heather as much as you like, but it isn't her name," you say, nudging his chest. 
"Can, will, is. I think she just misses you." Steve sees you squinting in the sun and offers his sunglasses. You lift your head and let him slide them up your nose, more for his touch and attention than a real need for them. It's a surprisingly sunny day in late September, the wind blowing warm on your bare legs and arms. "You know you're her favourite." 
"Do you ever worry that it's 'cos I don't see her enough? I mean, I'm home now, but that's only for another month. What if… like, what if I work and she grows up missing me so much she resents you?" 
"Do you think that's gonna happen?" Steve asks genuinely. 
"No. I dunno." You turn his face to yours in the middle of the street. You've changed a lot over the years. Being pregnant does that, but so does ageing, and living. Steve looks at you like you're charming, like the fact of your existence alone could make him laugh. You look at him the same. "You know, you get more handsome all the time." 
You kiss him. Steve closes his eyes and follows your lead. He bumps the sunglasses with his enthusiasm, and his kiss grows softer in apology. 
"She'll be okay. But you need more time together. And Avery needs more time with me, and Bethie needs less time in my lap–" 
"I can't see that happening," you say. "She's your pest." 
Steve hears the fondness in your voice and presses his hand to his chest, leaning back. "My girls," he says. 
You pass him back his sunglasses and look around. You and Steve have a favourite coffee shop slash smoothie place that serves all manner of hot snacks. You would've gone for lunch, but you promised Bethie you'd make her special toast (French toast) and might have been too greedy about it. Steve is a slammer for food even now, his metabolism doesn't slow, and you figure he'll have grilled cheese with his smoothie or a cup of soup. 
You didn't tell Steve you couldn't manage lunch, he just knew. He can read your mind these days. You love it more than you can explain. 
"Nice flowers," you say, pointing at the florists. 
"They don't have your favourite ones ever," Steve says, hand on your shoulder to hold you out of his line of view. "They're nice though, the white ones." He points at a bucket on the low sill. "Do you want those?" 
"No, I'm just saying they're nice," you say. 
"Come on, let's go get some. I should've got you some anyways, that's the point of a date." Steve offers his hand. You take it shyly, not so secretly pleased at his insistence. 
You stand in the cool air of the flower shop hand in hand, picking out flowers. It starts with Steve trying to buy you flowers, you buying him flowers, and then the two of you spend forty minutes picking flowers out for the girls. Avery loves roses, Bethie isn't picky so long as the buds are impressively big, Dove couldn't care less about flowers and little baby ‘Heather’ sleeps and eats solely. You get Dove a small bunch of pink peonies and decide to share your bouquet of white flowers with the baby. Steve gets a mixed bouquet and doesn't protest. 
You have too many flowers to take with you to the coffee shop. You both refuse to admit what's happening until you're back in the car. 
"Are we really doing this?" you ask. 
"Why, think we should've bought flowers for Robin?" 
"I think the thank you movie tickets and the chocolates and the five minute hug you forced her into was thank you enough, but maybe we should've." You beam at him. "I mean, are we really going home? We didn't even make it to the coffee house." 
"We could take these home and put them in some water and come back…" He scratches a hand through his hair. "I miss them more than I thought I would. We've been glued together for a month, and I can't stop worrying about the baby." 
"I miss them too," you admit. 
You and Steve get drive through, and you kiss and murmur stupid shit at each other in the car outside of Robin's house for a perfect ten minutes, until Avery throws open your car door to scream hello. 
"I'm so happy you're home so early!" she shouts, scrambling up the foot well and straight into your lap. "Did you have fun at your date?" 
"Well, we were late leaving the house because I realised Dove's been drawing pictures on my button downs, and I almost crashed the car and scared mom half to death because the sun was in my eyes, and we were distracted looking at flowers for years and now we're home," Steve says. 
"So yeah, we had fun," you say. 
Steve leans over to kiss you. Avery laughs and shoves her hand between your faces, "Guys, I think Aunt Robin needs help, the baby won't stop crying and crying and crying and Dove tipped her drink all over Beth's pink dress. I think on purpose." 
Robin is very very sorry, and she didn't even call you guys, so why are you back? But she's grateful to be released. Not nearly as much as the girls are to see you guys. 
Robin is a great aunt, but you have clingy kids. 
"Mom!" Bethie shouts, pointing down at her sodden dress with a wobbly lip. "Look." 
"Aw, sweetheart, I see it. I put spare clothes in your bag, let's go get changed, okay?" 
You and Bethie leave hand in hand to clean up. Steve juggles the three remaining children dextrously, the baby against his chest, Dove's shoulder under his hand, and Avery crowding his other side. He's barely in the living room. 
"Hello," he says, kissing one little head after the other. "Hi, honey. You okay?" 
"Did you at least have a good two hours?" Robin asks sympathetically. 
Steve nods happily. "We did. Really. Next time I think we might even make it to the coffee shop." 
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darkbluekies · 1 year
I have a silly ask-
So what if reader is also yandere for them.??
I wanna how would they react to it
Also I love the Doctor Kryx Silas you madee!!Been reading it like 50 times!!
Warnings: double yandere, suggestive themes, mentions of killing, jealousy
A/N: thank you so much!! I'm glad you like their chemistry <3
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He can’t be more happy and worried at the same time. You want to do everything to please him without asking any questions, you want to cuddle up with him every second of the day and love him unconditionally. But you want to get involved in everything he does and that frightens him. You can’t see his violent side. You’ll cling onto him every time he has to leave for work and will send dark gazes to the men and women who help him.
“No, baby, I want you to stay here. I have to go work if I want to continue being a respected man. No, no, get your hands off of me, little thing. You’re making it harder for me to leave. If you continue- … stop that. Fuck. Fine. I’ll stay. You little trouble maker, if you weren’t as obsessed with me as I am with you, I’d throw you in the basement. But you’d like that, wouldn’t you? You like everything I do to you … and I love everything you do to me.”
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Dr Kry:
He’ll be delighted to know that you love him as much as he loves you, but it’ll make it harder for him to make you stay in your bed. You want to be by his side at all time, want to hold onto him and kiss him. Dr Kry isn’t fond of physical connection — even with you. He loves to hold you every once in a while, but needs his own space too. He’ll let you sit in his lap while he reads for you. You take the initiative to all the physical affection and end up kissing him more than he is prepared for. 
“My dear, wait, you’re bruising my lips. You really need to take your nap now. You can’t keep stalling by kissing me. I’m really happy that you want to be close to me, but I have a job to do. My job is to protect you so can you please let go of my hair? No, I’m not going to let anyone flirt with me, yes, I will be back … no, I’m not letting you come with me. You have to take a nap. I love you, my little sweetheart.”
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King Edmund:
He’ll enjoy you being obsessed with him. He will have you sitting in his lap while he’s on his throne, having you kiss his neck and run your fingers through his hair. Edmund won’t be able to hide his cocky smirk. Having you all over him while people talk to him might be the bes thing that has ever happened to him. You’ll whisper to him how you don’t like how certain people look and talk to him while they propose suggestions for him. He’ll turn his head to you and smirk. 
“My dear queen, are you a little jealous today? You want me to kill that woman for smiling at me? Yeah? You’d like that? Then I will, my jewel. I will get rid of everyone. You’re so cute when you’re jealous. You wrap yourself around me like a snake. I’m not going anywhere … and neither are you.”
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Jerry will let her guard down a bit. She will have no worries about you trying to leave her and “exposing” her sweet side to others. She’ll trust that you want her for the rest of your life. Jerry will give you more freedom, even letting you join in on missions every now and then. She'll be more human with you … and even more obsessed. Now that she has you for real, she'll never let you get away from her. And who are you to complain? This is all you could ever want.
"Are you hurt? Why the fuck did you do that?! I told you that I'd be fine! Why did you try to intervene? You could have gotten seriously hurt! Don't try to save me again, baby. I get that you wanted to protect me, but that's my job, got it? You're bleeding a little. You'll be fine. Don't cry. I-If I'm okay? Yes … yes, I am. Why are you more worried about me than yourself? Fucking hell, baby, you're unbelievable. I love you so fucking much. No, you’re not going to try to kill them, are you nuts? I’m not letting you get in more trouble."
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Hedwig will be the happiest girl in the world. She has everything she wants now. Every single thing. You'll hold her hand wherever you go and cancel plans to be with her. You’re clingy, loving and jealous. Can she even wish for more? Hedwig will be more open with you when she’s jealous and not hide her tactics anymore. Why would she need to now that you both think alike?
"Y/N, you’re so good to me. I love you so much. WHat did you say? Of course I’m yours, sweetheart. I’ll always be yours. What? Repeat please. You’d … you’d kill for me? O-Oh … I’m blushing. I’ve done that for you, Y/N. Multiple times. Or … not me personally, but … I’ve made sure to get rid of people for you. You’re not mad at me, are you? Thank you, honey. I love you so much. Speaking of that … that boy who was talking with you today … I didn’t like him. He seems like a good guy, but I don’t want him anywhere near you. Should we get rid of him?”
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thebloodredraven · 4 months
Akatsuki Secret [sub] Kinks - Part I
lineup: itachi uchiha, hidan, konan, sasori warnings: mentions and descriptions of rough sex, degradation, dumbification, mommy kink, humiliation, r*pe play, and edging, gender inclusive
- x - notes: I've had this in my drafts for a little while (a year lmao), but I couldn't get Hidan fleshed out tbh. His was hard. Anyways: minors do not interact, comment or reblog if you like it, and make sure to support other fanfic writers ♥ I only do these when the moment strikes so idk when the second part will be published but it'll get done! thanks ♥ - x -
Itachi: degredation/humiliation
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Sure, he could be the best pleasure dom you've ever come across ever. Ever. But have you considered he gives you all the praise because he's tired of hearing it for himself? Every waking minute of his life, he has to hear about how great he is. How powerful he is. How nobody will ever amount to his power and prowess as a shinobi. Praise, envy, recognition, infamy, compliments, shoe-shining, ass-kissing, blah blah blah blah blah. He's heard it all before and he's sick of it.
You can't convince me he wouldn't fold, or at least pause him in his tracks, if someone told him he wasn't as special as everyone claimed he was. That he wasn't worth the hype. That you expected more from someone with his name. That the way he was writhing and keening from your fingers milking his prostate because he hates being edged was unbecoming of him. That Uchiha pride of his would fight back against the accusations and his eyes would burn with hatred, but the beet-red blush that covers his entire face and chest while you're impaling his wet throat tells you he feels otherwise.
That man wants to be spit on and called a cock-sucking whore while he's ass up taking a strap. Call him pathetic. Tell him how stupid he looks with his fucked-out face smothered in the pillows and slick all over his chin from when you sat on his face and smothered him until he couldn't breathe. Laugh at him when he begs for air by tapping your thighs. Ask him how he'd feel if his entire family could see him in a position that would bring the whole clan to shame, and he'd feel freer and more liberated than he has his whole life cause all the expectations people placed on him are GONE and he can just be your dumb little toy.
Konan: dominatrix
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I feel it in my gut that this woman is a dominatrix at certain times. She feels like a switch, but the few times she needs to be in that special space? Needs to feel some semblance of control because everything else around her is out of her grasp because someone else has what she wants in their clutches? That's when she slips into that headspace.
Unlike Itachi as a pleasure dom, she's a no-nonsense woman and expects to be obeyed. You'll be rethinking about how you backtalked her when your top half is hanging off the bed while she fucks you with a brutality she learned to harness on the battlefield, the only thing keeping you from falling being her strong grip on your hips.
You've got drool sliding down your cheek and a tight grip on her wrist while she forces moan after moan after moan from you until you're screaming and crying for her to stop. Because after four messy, powerful orgasms you can't take it anymore. It's too much. She'll slow down once she sees you sobbing and bend down to kiss away your tears, letting you get a breather, but she's not pulling out. In fact, you're too dazed by her lips to realize the meaning behind her sliding her hands up your body to rest at the juncture of your neck. She presses one more tender kiss to your ears before whispering in a deceptively kind voice, "I know it's a lot, baby. But you know tears don't move me. Until I hear that safe word, you're going to take it until I'm satisfied you've learned your lesson. Now stop whining and spread your legs wider. You're in for a long night."
Hidan: dumbification/tenderness
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You'd think this one would be easy because what you see is what you get most of the time with Hidan: a sadomasochistic pain-obsessed BDSM freak with very little boundaries. He typically requires a lot from sexual partners because that's all he's used to: intensity. Everything with him is always blood, violence, screaming, sacrifice, Jashin, Jashin, Jashin, kill, kill, kill. R8P play, flogging, knife play, golden showers, and even killing him are not above his desires. But this is about secret kinks. There are enough fanfics about him loving the thrill of being bullied by big muscular men to the nth degree, but what's something he'd keep hidden from everyone else? One he might actually feel embarrassed about sharing with someone? One he'd go to great lengths to hide because it's the one thing he's ashamed about feeling like he needs? It's not a kink at all. It's a human emotion that he craves to feel during the moment more than he's willing to admit: It's tenderness. It's making love to him to slow his mind down and coaxing his orgasms from him in a way that doesn't overstimulate him and watching him make sense of it. It's enacting acts of violence against his body with spiked whips, chain-shibari, and barbed wire but pressing a kiss to his fresh, bloodied wounds at the same time. It's making him understand that he craves violence and hedonism because it's the only form of control he ever has and taking it away from him is a risk you love him enough to take. It's being in the throes of pleasure and getting him right to his peak before forcing him to keep eye contact as his pleasure spills over and wracks through his body in waves because of the softness and admiration aimed towards him at his most vulnerable. He'll NEVER admit it out loud and he'd actually kill you if you brought it up any time outside of the bedroom, but you know. He knows you know. It works out.
Sasori: MMlb/DDlb
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I see this man portrayed as a hard dom 98% of the time and I'm not mad about it, but........ The same man that figuratively and literally wears a hard shell of a mask to hide his vulnerable and delicate nature? The man that finds beauty in the most macabre things because it's everlasting and immortal, therefore will always be remembered and praised? The man that found peace after death because someone finally understood him? The man that created puppets of his parents for some form of connection to the intimacy that he was robbed of? The Scorpio? That man needs a Mommy with a capital M. He wants to be nurtured. He wants to be held. He wants someone else to hold the strings to his heart for a change. That bad attitude and mean streak doesn't change the fact that that man is a bottom; a bottom leaning switch at MOST.
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satins-shithole · 6 months
To understand an idiot
ight guys, first time posting a fic so please be gentle. this is just the preview, a lil snippet of what's to come. this is going to be a multi part story so let me know if anyone wants tagging in for future chapters. Its basically a fix-it-fic to the cannon events with some other twists along the way. so we going back to 2012 avengers BABY! anyways enjoy <3 ALSO not proof read bc we die like real men. should really put some warnings in this too, swearing for sure. that should be a given for all smut for later chapters, but no other warnings for now.
Words: 1082
Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Well… that sure as shit didn't go to plan. It was supposed to be different. She wasn’t supposed to be anywhere fucking near here, not even in the same universe. So why. Why was she here?
Fuck. She still looks like the fresh air that tickles the side of your lungs when you take a deep breath. Or the reason why people want to start learning golf. (Because seriously all the sports in the world and mortals choose to play golf?). Truly one of life's mysteries. Just like her. An enigma, a true Pandora’s box advocate. The impenetrability of her walls is unmatched, unfazed, and unpredictable. The soft moments hidden behind mugs of caffeinated liquid and inside quip’s showing that the walls can in fact be cracked. She won't let them break, but they can crack. Other times the quick exchanges with others within proximity are harsh reminders that you don't know her. You'll never know her. Everything you think you know, is it really her?. But she is there. She’s always there, exactly when she needs to be. As all mortals are, staying in one place all at one time. Never really going far. Hell, these goons aren't even off their own planet yet. A mere particle on the never ending shit-stain that is the greatness of creation. HALLELUJAH. Wait. Where is she now? Maybe she'll know  where the best place to eat is?. Doubtful, you did just appear out of thin air, in the middle of what looks like a heated debate. Who was she again? Where have you seen this woman before? Oofft this was starting to bother you now. 
That's it. Never ever again are we to travel via staff. It's always the same outcome so why did you let him do it? Questions upon Questions. Most of them have started to fall back down to the place they emerged up from. 
Shaking your head, trying to collect your thoughts. This was too much, you're far too tired for this. Quick in and out, go get some birria tacos and be back before the next episode is on. Sounds simple in theory. So why were you upside down, in a dark room full of pipes and machines? Why was there that repetitive shriek happening? 
The two who fell with you are starting to stir. That was some surprise, even for you. Whose life is one endless surprise. Out of all of the “pops” you've had, that one feels like definitely  was planned. Or like some sort of sick joke. What were you just thinking? Where's that woman gone? And why were you thinking all of these things about her? Where the fuck has Primo sent you?!
A touch to your shoulder had pulled you from the countless thoughts that swarmed your head. It was her, the culprit herself. The very one who had scattered your thoughts like they were sheep seeing a wolf.
“Hey are you okay”
Her voice was strained from the position she was in. It looks like her foot was stuck on something. Some large debris that had fallen down with you was on top of her foot.
“Hey, can you hear me? Are you okay?”
Shit. here we go again. The whole no talking thing. Time to talk with your hands. She's gonna know what a thumbs up is right?. I'd be worried if not. Let's go with that. Throwing up your left hand, thumb drawn high she seemed to get the message.
Stunned silence overtook the two of you, until it was broken by the second person you'd fallen down with. The man started to groan, and squirm in what could be assumed as pain.
The woman spoke again. By the tone of her voice you knew she was scared.
“Bruce, you're okay. Everything's gonna be fine.”
‘Bruce’ was now getting louder, and a lot more mobile. That was it, you sat upright and instantly felt cold. A tell tale sign that you're nearly at your limit. You needed to go home, rest and come back to this another day. It would be easier to put *a pin in this situation and come back when you've not just left the tournament of all tournaments. A true testament of what it means to be a pre-eminent being. But even they cannot fight forever. Everything has a limit, and you're going to hit yours soon.
The groans and whines from ‘bruce’ were louder now, as he was beginning to sit up. Another groan,but not from him. It was from her. She was still looking down at he- SHIT.
Her foot was still stuck and you'd been sitting there looking like a deer in headlights because of what? Her? No way. You're tired, you've just been through a lot in the past 72 hours. Was it even 72 hours? You're tired. 
After what felt like forever you moved. Fuck it hurts to move, The bending down really reminded you of that. But you needed to get that pipe off her and figure out what the hell is wrong with him? With a deep breath you managed to heave the solid chunk of metal from on top of her foot. Pulling her upright in one swift motion, not one she bothered to acknowledge. Her concentration was solely on the man rolling around in front of you two.
“Bruce I swear we will get out of this, I swear on my lif-”
That was enough for you, well enough for you to figure out something isn't right with this guy. Was he turning green? 
A grasp at your wrist tore your eyes off the scene that was happening before you, a lot has just happened in the space of two minutes. You need a breather. Or a strong drink, the decisions still up in the air. But where had all the questions gone? You had lots before, didn’t you?. What was it you were sent here for aga-
“We need to move!”
Holy shit. For the first time since your sudden appearance in this shit-hole you’ve only just looked around at the mortals that surrounded you. Well one of them. The others were still up in the room with the big window. And the other one ‘Bruce’ was it? He was definitely turning green now. But the only one who actually acknowledged you. The one holding onto your wrist, staring at you with such intensity, such fire, such passi-
“Are you dumb?!, we need to move NOW!”
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Fanmix Part One
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Image above by @the-romanogers-revival
Link to the Spotify Playlist is at the bottom of the post
To Hell & Back (Maren Morris)
You didn't save me * You didn't think I needed saving * You didn't change me * You didn't think I needed changing
You Shouldn't Kiss Me Like This (Toby Keith)
I've got a funny feeling * The moment that your lips touched mine * Something shot right through me * My heart skipped a beat in time
Halo (Beyonce)
Remember those walls I built? * Well, baby, they're tumblin' down * And they didn't even put up a fight * They didn't even make a sound
An Innocent Man (Billy Joel)
I know you don't want to hear what I say * I know you're gonna keep turning away * But I've been there and if I can survive * I can keep you alive
Lost My Mind (Finneas)
Am I in your head * Half as often as you're on my mind? * If I don't make sense * Please, forgive me, * I can't sleep at night * At least, not alone * Not anymore
The River And The Highway (Pam Tillis)
But every now and then, he offers her a shoulder * Every now and then, she overflows * Every now and then, a bridge crosses over * It's a moment, every lover knows
Leather and Lace (Stevie Nicks & Don Henley)
Sometimes I'm a strong man * Sometimes cold and scared * And sometimes I cry * But that time I saw you * I knew with you to light my nights * Somehow I'd get by
Not Just A Woman (Rob Thomas)
She's just a woman * Not just a woman * She's terrified * And she's unafraid * She'll change her mind * With the change of the seasons * She's every reason * You'll ever need
Army (Lady A)
So if anybody thinks I'm a hero * When they watch me walk right into the flames * I'm just marching to the sound of her heartbeat * Yeah, I'm a soldier * But if I'm a soldier * She's an army
Everything (Alanis Morissette)
You see everything, you see every part * You see all my light and you love my dark * You dig everything of which I'm ashamed * There's not anything to which you can't relate * And you're still here
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doll3tt33 · 12 days
1 month till the new The Boys season starts coming out.
Have a yandere headcanon for celebration. 🤲
Yandere Hughie uses his pathetic meow meow powers to his advantage. He'll purposefully play up his fear and anxiety to lure the reader in. Reader just wants to help him. He seems so sad. Yandere Hughie clings onto you where ever you go.
Yandere Butcher nearly beats the boy senseless when he does this. However, you are the only thing that holds him back. He doesn't want to fuck up whatever relationship he has with you. People can tell that he is softer around you. A kind of softness people only saw in him when Becca was around.
The two are bickering even more than they did before. They have a lot of trouble sharing. Hughie wants to keep you safe from how Butcher is.... Butcher. Billy wants to keep you safe from Hughie's weakness. He doesn't need his doll getting killed because the kid decided to puss out again. (Billy's words, not mine.)
If yandere Annie got caught in the mix? 😶 She is keeping you safe from both of those idiots. She'll be like a super normal girlfriend who just kills people behind your back. She's open to being in a relationship with both you and Hughie at the same time. Butcher getting near you? Nuh the fuck uh.
Yandere Frenchie and Kimiko work together against all the others. Kimiko had such a hard time learning to trust Frenchie, but not you. Both always team up with you on missions. Frenchie helps to teach both you and Kimiko how to bake. To simply their yandere-ness— Frenchie is the overprotective boyfriend and Kimiko is the possessive girlfriend. Goddesses help whoever lays a hand on you. They either get a bomb up their ass or their neck snapped.
MM I feel would be the only non-yandere in this situation. He's the mediator who does his best to keep you safe.
If yandere Soldier Boy is there? Every yandere in The Boys agrees that you have to be protected from him. He's not shy about demeaning or crudely flirting with you. His stance on your boundaries... non-existent. Sooooooo yandere Soldier Boy is gonna have to work 4x time to get even a crumb of your affection. He could just try to kill everyone—but he suspects you might hate him for that.
+ Bonus: Yandere Homelander
This largely depends on if he knew you as a citizen, or after you became a part of The Boys. Either way, this mommy's boy will do anything for you. He realizes that your group is gonna try to use that against him. So it kind of becomes a back and forth where Homelander kidnaps you and plays house—and then The Boys get you back safely in their arms. Homelander has this genius idea that if he puts a baby in you, you'll belong to him forever. He would hate you having a baby... because it takes away attention from him. So he'd probably just give the baby away or 'accidentally' kill it after it's born. He is one fucked up man with issues that couldn't be solved by the most renowned psychiatrist.
Off the bat, I see the words ‘Hughie’ and ‘pathetic meow meow powers’, and I already know it’s gonna be some quality content right there!! 😭🙏
I also very much agree he’ll lure the reader in by making them want to ‘fix him’ - the nice guy™️ who has been wronged one too many times. He’ll probably be the most soggy pathetic yandere ever but yk, that’s the beauty of it 🤌
AND BUTCHERRRR. I agree with everything, especially the part where there’s a type of vulnerability that only Becca is accessible to, but instead of her now it’s reader. In a way, I feel like we can already see so much of that from the show, to the point I’d say we even witnessed what he looks like when he’s utterly obsessed with someone?? ((I know one can debate that he’s simply just in love, but mans was causing collateral damage left and right because of one. single. woman.
Anyways, back on topic, but I love how the girls are fighting over reader!! As if those two don’t already have enough to fight about in the first place 😂
I gotta say tho, this part: “He doesn't need his doll getting killed because the kid decided to puss out again.” That is peak characterization! Something Butcher and Hughie would argue about for the life of them.
As for Annie!! Definitely with you on the ‘normal gf on the surface while killing more than she actually should behind the scenes’, but I feel like she’d rationalize it, because we know how empathetic she is and how she feels about senseless violence. She’ll try to come up with a reason to justify her actions and even gaslight herself into believing them to minimize the guilt.
For Frenchie and Kimiko, I LOVE this dynamic. I’d add that because Kimiko is the possessive gf, she’ll even out-yandere Frenchie?? For the reason being she’s a supe and wouldn’t hesitate to decapitate him if it came to that. At the same time tho, Frenchie, like you said, would be overprotective, even putting his life out on the line for reader (cuz have we seen how impulsive this mf can be? 🤦‍♀️). However, he just wouldn’t “win” the competition when it comes to reader if that makes sense?
AND YES MM WOULD NOT BE A YANDERE, BIG AGREE. As strict and assertive as he can be, he’d be respectful of boundaries. Just like how it was described in the show: he has a moral compass like Hughie, but is courageous like Butcher. Simply put, MM is a chill guy.
With soldier boy, YES TO EVERYTHING. But I wanna add that personally I think it’ll be a bit tricky for reader to even realize his obsession with them at the beginning. It’s like, wait- is he sniffing my unwashed socks rn or is he just being Solider Boy?… 😳
when it comes to a certain time and place, reader will catch a glimpse of his not-so-ordinary fixation he has with them ((tho emphasis on time and place, since idk maybe it’s just me but he’s alr a lil freaky in general
and my favorite, HOMELANDER AS A YANDERE WJKWWKWK. I love how plausible all of this is, cuz we already seen his behavior with Stillwell and hints of it with Maeve (not sure about Stormfront. Maybe not so much since they were in their honeymoon phase?)
But yeah, it’s so Homelander to get someone pregnant, only to probably laser the baby into smithereens when the man-child within him feels particularly “unnoticed” one certain day
it’s okay tho cuz he’s just a (42 year old) boy with a deeply wounded inner-child/j 😢😢
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emmafallsinlove · 1 year
Saw your answer on the most lorelai/luke song, so i must ask... What's the most lorelai taylor swift song? ✨️
ohhhh boy im gonna enjoy that one!!!
so usually every time i search in tiktok lorelai + taylor swift all i get is lorelai and bejeweled edits and while i agree... we are missing the point here. there is no chronological order to that list it just me thinking it's fitting and i will try my best and explain why.
mad woman
now i usually feel like mad woman feels a lot to emily and lorelai's relationship, especially this part:
Every time you call me crazy I get more crazy What about that? And when you say I seem angry I get more angry
i feel like it fits soooo well with emily comments around lorelai as "lorelai" (you know the voice) "and really lorelai" yada yada... like. emily is just such a toxic person and while she loves lorelai she does critique her a lot over the show to a point it just not really nice to watch and lorelai deserves so much better than her toxic mom <3
also i just wanna add this part
No one likes a mad woman You made her like that And you'll poke that bear 'til her claws come out And you find something to wrap your noose around And there's nothin' like a mad woman
I'm takin' my time Takin' my time 'Cause you took everything from me Watchin' you climb Watchin' you climb Over people like me
i just feel like emily usually humiliated lorelai and getting into her relationship as she did with luke to a point when lorelai couldn't stand it anymore and it drives me insane
my tears ricochet
And you're tossing out blame, drunk on this pain Crossing out the good years
again... emily and lorelai relationship. and every time something doesn't go right or as usual in emily and lorelai's relationship she tries to spin it about lorelai getting pregnant at 16 and having a baby and she. never lets that one down. she never see lorelai for what she is, only what she could've been if she would've stayed with christopher and all that. she refuses time and time again to see lorelai's life for what they are - she owns her own inn, she has a community who loves her, she has great friends and a great supporting system and ofc she has rory. and yet all what emily can see is lorelai running away at 16 for the rest of lorelai's life.
also this part
And I can go anywhere I want Anywhere I want, just not home
because now im thinking about 16 years old lorelai running away and never coming back home until the actual pilot i wanna scream she sacrificed so much for rory!!!!!
champagne problems
everyone talk about this song as the ultimate rogan song and while i agree, i agree! i wanna add my own interruption to it thank you very much
One for the money, two for the show I never was ready, so I watch you go Sometimes you just don't know the answer 'Til someone's on their knees and asks you
"She would've made such a lovely bride What a shame she's fucked in the head, " they said But you'll find the real thing instead She'll patch up your tapestry that I shred
like?? that's exactly what happened with max / with chris / with literally every man she had a relationship with beside luke.
she would've made such a lovely bride what a shame she's fucked in the head it's so lorelai coded in so many levels!!!!!!! like it's right. here.
this is a fun one because u look at this and u dont think lorelai gilmore but it's her. damn. song.
Don't treat me like some situation that needs to be handled I'm fine with my spite And my tears And my beers and my candles
everyone in her life had always treated her as this situation that needs to be handled immediately. mostly it was emily but other people did treated her like that over the years and i do feel it's very s1 lorelai trying to show emily and that side of their family that she doesn't need them, she raised rory for 16 years and she's doing a great job.
the most lorelai gilmore song ever!!!! BUT
I looked around in a blood-soaked gown And I saw something they can't take away
'Cause there were pages turned with the bridges burned Everything you lose is a step you take So make the friendship bracelets Take the moment and taste it You've got no reason to be afraid
You're on your own, kid Yeah, you can face this You're on your own, kid You always have been
it just. scream lorelai. she always been on her own, she went to the hospital to give birth to rory on her own, she raised rory on her own, she created relationship over the years but it's always been her and rory.
also that one thing they can't take away is rory. and its so so deep because richard and emily already tried in s6 but they couldn't!! SO IMPORTANT
she got no reason to be afraid because. she's on her own, she always has been. it's just really fucking sad in a way y'know?
anti hero
It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me At tea time, everybody agrees I'll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero
"at tea time, everybody agrees" = tea time is friday's night dinner and somehow lorelai always ended up as being the problem there.
anyway i probably would think of more and im sorry if y'all thought about you coming here for a good time and then i was like nope angst time <3
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hastofight · 5 years
unloved female ocs ? come to diana, she’ll be all the man you’ll ever need
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fayeimara · 3 years
Miya Osamu || Little Delights | First Meeting
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SUMMARY. Osamu can't help but be intrigued when his daughter starts bringing home delicious desserts prepared by her best friend's mother.
PAIRING. You x Miya Osamu
GENRE. Fluff <3
WARNINGS. Suggestive content
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Haikyuu! Anthology Series | It's Fate When Your Kids Are Friends
OSAMU | First Meeting > Second Date > Third Time's The Charm > Four Is Our Family
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Osamu's made it just in time, right as the bell tolls to signal the end of his daughter's second day in her new school year. Standing back as a swarm of kids rush out of the brick building and into the arms of their waiting parents, he takes a moment to breathe and relax. Juggling his burgeoning restaurant with being a single parent isn't an easy job, but he wouldn't trade it for anything.
He stands taller than many of the other adults around him and it's evident his little girl has no problem seeking him out as a black, red, and grey blur races towards him, a thrilled, "Papa!" reaching his ears and splitting his mouth into a wide, happy grin.
His arms are already open in a silent but enthusiastic response as he crouches down and then the bite-sized impact of his daughter is rocking him back on his heels, his reaction overly exaggerated as he pretends to almost fall over from the small force of nature that's all Miya Izumi.
Standing back up, Samu catches sight of another little girl who was trailing behind, wide eyes studying him before shifting to Zumi, his daughter turning back around to wave at her, proclaiming the girl as her 'bestest friend in the whole wide world'. The girl returns Zumi's enthusiastic wave with a quick raise of her small hand before her attention is caught by a pretty young woman, her own wide smile replacing her previously hesitant expression as she's warmly enveloped into welcoming arms with kisses peppered on her cheeks and forehead.
Her delighted giggles reach Osamu and his daughter as they turn around, hand in hand, to walk back to his car, small interaction soon forgotten as his little munchkin lists off the snacks she's looking forward to having on their return to his shop. She won't be able to finish half that list, he bets to himself with a quiet chuckle at his daughter's inherited exuberance for food as he securely buckles her into car.
It's not until they reach his second pride and joy, Onigiri Miya, that he finds the first little surprise tucked away in Izumi's not so empty lunchbox. When he inquires about the remarkably delicious looking set of biscuits he certainly didn't pack for her that morning, his daughter's response is that it's a thank you gift from her bestest friend, Reina, for the lunch she'd shared with the girl on her first day.
Well, a six year old certainly didn't bake these from the looks of it. It's only confirmed by his first taste, the texture and flavour beyond even most consistent home bakers, let alone a young child. Right? But a more pressing thought flags his attention, first.
"Did your friend not have her own lunch?"
"She did! We split because hers wasn't so good, even though her mama put so much love into it. But the treats were so much better so we decided to go halfsies and have best of both!" His daughter giggles with the oblivious sweet innocence of a child.
"And what about today?"
"Mhm. Same. But I liked the chocolate brownies yesterday much much better!"
Samu chuckles at her excitement and can't help but tease his precocious daughter, "Oh, and was it better than papa's food?"
Zumi's eyes widen as she contemplates the question with all the adorable seriousness she can muster, but loyalty must break free and run because her reply is, "Almost! So close, but I love papa's cooking more than anything in the whole wide world."
It seems the whole wide world is the current standard of measurement for first graders, but he appreciates the heartfelt sentiment behind her loving words.
After another moment of consideration, Osamu settles on the thought chewing at him and decides that tomorrow his daughter won't be giving up a portion of his food which she loves so much. No, she'll have double the amount to do with whatever she may please.
So briefly, that he doesn't even ponder on the sudden image, he's reminded of the warm reunion he witnessed between the little girl and the woman who he'd assumed was her nanny, but concludes is probably the girl's young mother. Based on the number of treats Zumi brought back, Samu's certain the woman had to have thoughtfully made extras of these baked goods for her daughter to have more than enough to share with friends and then some.
Well, it's definitely no skin off his back to make his daughter even the slightest bit happier by being able to help her share her savoury little delights with her new bestest friend.
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It's on the third day of your daughter's return from her new school year that you're able to confirm that something is indeed amiss. The previous two days, the small portions of her lunch left uneaten were questionable, given her voracious appetite, however, when she returns with the lunch you made for her today still sitting wholly untouched in her cute little lunchbox, you finally sit her down to ask about it.
Her response is far from what you expected, "My friend's papa made extra lunch so we could both have something yummy to eat!"
You press your lips together to hide your amusement as you teasingly inquire, "Oh? Is that so? And I guess that means mama's food isn't so yummy after all."
Her eyes widen in dismay and mouth opens in an immediate denial that you know would be a lie to soothe your feelings. Even at such a young age, your beautiful baby girl is truly a kind and compassionate soul, she would dutifully eat anything you prepared no matter how lacking the meal might be and never utter a word to tell you the obvious truth.
Before she can manage to find the right words to faithfully express how much she loves your cooking, you lean in to kiss her on the forehead and pull back with a laugh, gathering her in your arms for a warm hug. "Oh baby, I'm so sorry I can't make you the food you deserve. But please don't ever feel the need to say otherwise to spare my feeling, okay? You should always be honest about what you like or don't like."
Her little arms find their way around you as she snuggles in, voice soft and words like a wise, old soul when she denies, "But your food is made with so much love mama. Zumi says some people are just better at other things. We both think you make the best yummies."
"The best yummies, hm?" You think about the various baked goods you add in to balance out for the healthy but tasteless lunches you're able to prepare.
They are indeed good, but baking has always been something that comes more naturally to you than cooking. An interesting distinction not many people might accept, but for you the former has always been an effortless science whereas the latter is more of a difficult art.
"Well I'm really glad you like those, but we do need to figure out what to do so you're not picking at your friends' food or going hungry."
She pulls back to send a serious look your way, exclaiming, "But I'm not picking at it, I promise. Zumi said her papa made extra just for me!"
You take a moment to consider her words. She made a similar implication in her earlier statement, that her friend's dad had made extra for them both. What does that mean? Did his daughter ask him to because she was sharing her food with Reina? Or did he somehow grasp the situation and is simply being generous?
A warm burn threatens your cheeks as you consider the awkwardness of accepting such a gesture from a complete stranger. While you appreciate the kindness of Reina's friend and her dad, it still somehow feels like a terrible imposition, as if you've burdened them somehow with your lack of skills to keep your child happily fed.
It's not like you can't cook good, healthy food. You're just painfully aware how bland the food you make can be, unless you spend three times the amount of time as anyone else would need to in order to prepare similar meals. But... studying the smile that's on your daughter's face, you can't help the twinge in your heart that reminds you how much more her happiness is worth than your pride.
You won't assume this will be a daily occurrence and you'll continue to make your daughters lunches so she never goes without, however, it'll be no extra trouble for you to make double the batch of baked goods than usual. After all, you usually account for the fact that she'll be sharing with friends and classmates anyways.
However, you're now determined there will be enough delicious snacks for Reina to share not only around at school, but also some treats for her sweet friend Izumi to take home for her generous parents. Perhaps, you think, it might be prudent to include a short message, thanking the man for his thoughtful effort.
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Silent gratitude isn't very much to anyone ~ (So I hope you and your family will accept these.) Thank you for your kindness, Miya-san.
Osamu blinks, unaware of the small smile that curves his lips as he reads the delicate, handwritten note carefully wrapped around one of the cupcakes Izumi brought back home today. There are only three of the original twelve left, apparently, but the one he's just bitten into is as incredible as expected.
If he's correct in his assumption from the note addressed directly to him and included with today's delightful treats, then the little girl's mother has picked up on his small action and is returning the gesture to convey her thanks. The thought is confirmed by his daughter explaining that one of each of the three cupcakes is for their family.
Three for their family? Hm. Well, it's just him and Zumi, but he's sure his brother will be all over the remaining offering when he visits tonight. If there's any left for him that is. Probably won't be, it's really just that good and anyways, he doesn't need Atsumu nosing his way into this simple exchange as it is.
The following day, Friday morning, Samu pens back his own note, assuring the woman that no thanks is necessary. There's no reason for her to express her gratitude over what's really such a simple action for him.
That evening, he and Zumi enjoy some quality mochi delivered in a white, rectangular box with a pretty decently hand-drawn background scene at a spring festival on the cover. Two little girls, one that looks remarkably like his daughter and the other like her best friend, hold hands in the centre of the street dressed in traditional yukata and sharing a box of what he assumes is mochi.
As they much into the chewy treats, he watches and listens as his daughter points out the bright colours she and her friend chose to fill into what was apparently initially a blank canvas for them to colour on. Her delight at having a pink and grey yukata, even if only in a drawing, prompting him to make a mental note about looking into the clothing and any upcoming festivals.
Osamu makes a point of saving the box, childlike scribbles over the simple sketch leaving a warm feeling in his chest and a slightly wider smile gracing his mouth.
The response he receives the Monday evening (from his penned message the Friday before) is enough to prompt a full smirk that, this time, doesn't go unnoticed by him. The woman showed an interesting sense of humour and gracious acceptance with the first cupcake note. Then, a sweet and thoughtful disposition with the drawing included as part of the soft treat for the girls Friday.
But now, Samu sees a challenging firmness in her reply to his easy brush off of her thanks, delicate lines yet again adorning the small card carefully tucked into a pretty red ribbon that's tied around and decorating another white, rectangular box.
Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it ~ So please accept this gift without concern.
Sitting inside are four differently coloured, rounded treats that look familiar but he can't place off the top of his head. A quick search identifies the delicate confections as macarons, the colorful delights an absolute wonder as the airy crunch of the top and bottom shells simultaneously give way to a firm filling with the first bite, the sweet flavour almost dissolving on his tongue.
He and Zumi finish the box off in minutes, three of each flavour included to a total of four different flavours, so both he and his daughter each get seconds of their respective favourites.
The next morning, filled with anticipation at what new surprises you might include with the goods you send today, he's fully aware of the grin that stretches his face as he writes out a note of his own for you to receive later this evening.
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The macarons were inspiring. Izumi and I definitely won't turn away any gifts you'd like to send our way. I wonder... what other surprises do you have up your sleeve? I sent a little something your way to inspire you too. - M. Osamu
The neatly written note returned, once again, on the back of the small rectangular card you'd last sent, brings a warm smile to your face. The various onigiri that came along with it, apparently with specific instructions communicated from Izumi to Reina that today's additional quantity is set aside for you specifically, stretches the amused curl of your lips into a delighted grin.
You split each of the four different types of rice balls with your daughter, listening to her input on the delicious food as she points out her order of most to least favourite. Although there's not a single one you wouldn't eat on any given day if given the choice, the food is simply divine.
Your note the following day is a compliment to the chef, with a cheeky inquiry as to what deities one must pray to in order to make food like that. His response is a swift rebuttal asking what cruel gods bless some with the skills to cook but others with the skills to bake, ironically echoing your own thoughts from the previous week.
So goes the back and forth for weeks, notes getting cuter, sassier, and more personal as jokes, challenges, and encouragements alike are enclosed among the lunches of two excited little girls, their own bond strengthening with this unique camaraderie between their parents, until you feel the peculiar sense that you know the man on the other end, without ever even having actually met him.
Then, one day, three weeks into the first exchange, you receive a note that makes your heart beat in your throat at the unspoken challenge which raises the stakes of the now familiar routine. It's a simple response to your unassuming request for the onigiri recipes you initially received as the first returned delight, a meal you and Reina have been craving since the first taste.
I can do one better and teach you. xxx-xxx-xxxx. - Osamu
There's no reason to be shy or hesitant, is there? After all, it's a kind offer that will only serve you and Reina well with your future attempts at her lunches. You can't count on Miya Osamu's kindness forever.
Fingers still shaking, you dial the number enclosed within and find the call picked up before the first ring even finishes.
"I wasn't sure ya'd actually call."
Oh, wow, that's a voice to melt hearts alright. You're still smiling as you immediately reply in beat, with the easy familiarity of your shared repartee over the last few weeks, "With an offer like that, how could I not?"
He's quiet for a second and you start to lose your smile, suddenly worrying that perhaps you've acted too familiarly with a man that's all but a stranger and offended him. But his next words, slowly expelled in a lazy but thoughtful drawl, have your heart beating fast for an entirely different reason, "I had a feeling ya'd sound as pretty as ya write."
Now you're the one that's silent but it's entirely because you're at a loss for words, this quietly charming man having stolen them right from the tip of your tongue.
A low chuckle breaks what you realized was actually somehow still a remarkably comfortable silence and then his delicious voice reaches you again, "I hope I didn't scare ya voice away. It'd be a shame now that I've only just heard it."
Okay so he's maybe much more of a flirt than the subtle hints you'd noticed over the notes, but then again, they were delivered through your daughters as messengers so it would be reasonable he would have toned it down. Then again, what kind of man flirts with a woman he's never met previously? He doesn't even know what you look like. Have you captured his interest solely through your mutual correspondence?
You almost snort, catching your thoughts and feeling like you're the main character to some historical romance. Maybe during a world war era. Mutual correspondence. Right. What are you even thinking? He's got you flustered already.
"Funny. I would never have imagined you would sound so pretty from the way you write." You're tempted to arch an eyebrow with your audible smirk but then you remember that it's not like he can see it.
"Ya think my voice is pretty, do ya?" His tone is full with soft satisfaction, "Maybe ya can tell me if it's better in person."
"And here I thought the offer on the table was for learning a delicious recipe."
You swear you hear the smile in his response, "Sounds like yer in either way."
"Sounds like I am." You concede in mock resignation but you're painfully aware that your words and following sigh sound more like a promise.
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You and Reina find the charming storefront quite easily from Samu's instructions. It's finally the weekend, several days since your first call with him, and your handwritten notes have now upgraded into convenient, daily text messages.
He's definitely confident and teasing but not quite the overt flirt you briefly considered he might be from a few days ago. In fact, he's more calm and grounded, even if he can be a smooth talker, but you've quickly found that what came across as flirtatious was actually just him being honestly direct. Which is both exciting and flattering enough to make you nervous for this first real meeting today.
A soft chime sounds as you open the door to usher Reina through before following her in yourself. The first thing your eyes land on is a small girl running to your daughter like a heat seeking missile and the two collide in an adorably sweet hug, somehow understanding each other while seemingly talking simultaneously.
With a small smile on your face, you take a moment to survey your surroundings and find your bearings in this unfamiliar space. It's not an overly large area, focusing more on a cozy, comfortable atmosphere emphasized by the deliciously welcoming smell of various foods that make you feel right at home.
Your eyes run over the bar with stools lined against it before you do a double take, finally noticing the dark haired man that's leaning with his arms crossed against a door frame beyond it, watching as you examined his space.
He must be able to tell he's slightly startled you as an amused smile stretches his lips and he dips his head ever so slightly in greeting. "Welcome to Onigiri Miya."
"Thank you for inviting us, Miya-san." You bite your lip at your automatic formality, already certain what he's going to say next.
And he doesn't disappoint, eyebrow arching as he uncrosses his arms and, finally, steadily makes his way towards you, "I already told ya to call me Osamu. Or Samu."
Now you're smiling again because the situation is definitely out of the ordinary, the level of familiarity you feel with a man you're seeing for the first time can only be considered unusual. You take a moment to study him as he stops just before you, tall build with broad shoulders and a handsome face that looks like it belongs on a heartbreaker not a homemaker.
Your fingers itch to push back the locks of his hair peeking out from under his dark cap and falling over on side of his forehead, if only to have an excuse to run your hands through it. But that's definitely not appropriate no matter how comfortable you might already feel with this easygoing man.
"Right... Osamu, then. And of course, you can call me Y/n."
"Yer name and looks suit ya, just like yer voice and handwriting." He's got a small smile on his own face now and you're not sure if he's aware he basically just called you pretty. He doesn't really seem to do this on purpose, from what you've gathered.
You beam at him regardless and volley back, "Well, I can say the same for you too."
And for a brief second, that small smile splits into a quick grin that stutters the already erratic beat of your heart. Oh yes, this man is certifiably lethal in all the best ways.
"I'm happy to hear it. Now, let's sit ya down with the girls while I grab some things."
Izumi has already led Reina to a table by the window and Osamu gestures their way as he moves to lock the door behind where you came in and then moves off to the kitchen behind the bar again.
You notice with a little apprehension that the girls are sitting next to each other on one side of the booth still giddily talking together (although not over each other anymore) about friends and weekend plans and such, but you're not going to be the anxious oddball that separates them for seemingly no reason. Even if you're already sure of the overthinking you'll be doing at the thought of Samu sitting next to you in the booth.
He doesn't seem to think about it at all as he easily slides in, smoothly setting a plate and a tray with cups, glasses and a couple pitchers on the table just as you feel the left side of his body line up against your right. Okay, yeah, because this is totally normal for you. Not.
You hope neither he and especially not either of the kids can tell you're flustered, even as you feel the heat creep up your neck and flirt with your cheeks. Yup, normal day, normal day. Just a regular day with a new friend.
"Here ya go." You just hold yourself back from jumping when he hands you a cup from the tray and then leans over to pour what looks and smells like tea from one of the pitchers. If you're not going crazy, he's pressed even more against you for those long seconds, completely in your space even if it's not unwelcome.
He either knows exactly what he's doing or he's just one of those people that's never paid mind to polite social norms and rules of conduct that many prefer. While you're calming yourself down, he's already poured the girls juice from the second pitcher into their glasses and set out quarter plates in front of everyone.
You finally focus enough to take in the still steaming gyoza on the plate he'd placed down in the middle with confusion and ask, "I thought we would be making onigiri and eating it for lunch?"
"Of course, but I couldn't put ya to work on an empty stomach."
"Mhm." You give him a dubious look, you might have mentioned your early breakfast in one of your texts to him this morning, but you have a feeling that this is also an effort to make you and Reina feel comfortable in this space together instead of getting right into the cooking lessons planned for the day.
It's an incredibly thoughtful effort and that warm flush is threatening you again so you choose to tease him and deflect instead, "Somehow, I feel it's more about your empty stomach but okay, let's go with your version instead."
You lose the fight with the flush and flutters when he chuckles at your sassy retort, especially since you literally feel the vibrations melt from his body and into yours with the way he's still somewhat pressed into you. Does the man not have enough space in his own booth? Actually... you notice you can move closer to the window yourself since there's quite a bit of space on your side too but, then again, it would be a little obvious to shift now.
The girls pick up the fried dumplings by hand with happy exclamations as they bite right into theirs, you and Osamu following suit but not before placing another two on the plates in front of each of them and then splitting the remaining ones between you.
With a dip into the soy and vinegar sauce (chili excluded for the girls), you quickly bite into the first one and savour the sudden burst of flavour in your mouth. Oh wow, yes, this is exactly what your cooking is missing. This addictive, tasteful quality that makes you want multiple helpings of whatever's being served.
With a glance from the corner of your eye to the right, you meet Osamu's eyes studying your reaction and decide to ask the question on your mind, "You made these yourself right?"
"I did."
"Okay, they're hands down the best gyoza I've ever had." You compliment him genuinely before giving in to the urge to  tease him yet again because the flutters are back, if they ever even left, and you can't have him knowing just how much he affects you, "But who ever heard of serving gyoza in an onigiri shop?"
He must catch the light, teasing tone because he just smirks and throws right back, "Well if they're as good as ya say, maybe I should expand the menu."
"Oh no, don't do that!" You laugh with wide eyes, "Then Reina and I will never find space when we try to come back here during regular hours! Actually, I'm sure you're already always packed, hm?"
"Some days and times less than others, but there will always be space for the two of ya whenever ya want to visit again."
Oh yeah, it's a losing battle, the flutters are a full on tsunami of feelings now. Just push it away and chill. But then he adds, "And I can teach ya this recipe too. Anytime there's something ya like or want to try, just let me know. I'm sure we can make an amazing cook outta ya yet."
Your mouth drops open followed by your blurted question, "Why are you helping me so much? I'm sure this is a lot of time and effort for you too."
You hear the girls' conversation pause as they pick up on some subtle change in either your body language or demeanour, but Osamu's calm eyes just meet your wide ones, his lips sliding into a soft smile, as he simply answers, "Because I like ya."
You feel like you're back in grade school because you want to ask if he means that he 'like' likes you or just... likes you. But there's no way you're going to ask that question, not only because it feels a bit asinine but because that's not a conversation to start in front of both of your daughters.
You look over to the girls who are watching with beaming smiles, maybe happy their parents are good friends just like the two of them, and you return their wide grins with a reassuring one of your own before looking back into steady grey eyes. "Well, I really appreciate your help. Thank you, Osamu."
"I'd say no thanks needed, but I've been down that road before." Another quick, heart-stopping grin graces his face, this one almost as roguish as his tone is playful. He's definitely referring to your initial correspondence when you made a firm point against his initial brush off, as if his actions in making extra lunch for your daughter to enjoy wasn't incredibly thoughtful and certainly out of his way.
"Well you certainly catch on quick. Let's just hope I can say the same." Your playful smile turns into a grimace at the thought of how difficult it might be to actually improve your skills. Maybe it's just a question of talent? Maybe you're just never going to be able to reproduce food like him.
But he glances over to catch your frown just in time and reassures, "I know what I'm doing. Soon enough, you will too. Just say you'll keep supplying me and Zumi with yer baking every once in a while when ya don't need us anymore."
You know he's probably joking with the last part but you hadn't planned on stopping. You love to share the goodies you bake with the people in your and Reina's life, it makes the two of you pretty happy so you're sure Izumi and Osamu will be able continue enjoying your baked goods to their heart's content.
"Izumi will definitely get her share of sweets and snacks every day." You send a smile her way when she hears you and bounces excitedly in her seat but then you force yourself to drop it and face Osamu with a challenging look instead, "But you... well, I guess we'll have to wait and if you're as good as you say and maybe then you can get some too."
He places a closed hand to his chest as if he's been struck, the girls laughing at his overdramatic reaction, but his widening smile gives him away. You look at each other for a suspended moment, with shared amusement but also the teasing heat of something else reflected in his achromatic eyes, which makes you certain he picked up on the unintended double entendre in your words.
"Sounds like a promise." Then with an arched eyebrow at the empty plates and cups in front of everyone, Samu asks, "So shall we get started?"
You agree, helping him clean up the table and he takes the opportunity to help you and Reina familiarize yourselves with the kitchen. The rest of the afternoon is spent in an equally easy cadence as he does indeed walk you through the steps of making his recipes, flavours included.
He starts with the simplest option, yaki onigiri, which is just fried rice shaped in a triangle or oval, and then demonstrates how to make and add a few of your and Reina's favourite fillings in to change and enhance the flavour. The girls enjoy making their own mini rice balls alongside the two of you and the time flies until you're all back at the table and having the onigiri you've just made for lunch.
You can't deny there's an improvement already but your little rice balls are still nowhere near the level of skill and flavour of Osamu's, even though he and the girls all assure you that you've done a great job. You accept their compliments with a smile and the determination to keep at it on your own time until you improve even further because Reina deserves better than even this.
By the time you finish eating, the girls are unsurprisingly tired out and choose to stay at the table to watch a Disney movie with Izumi's iPad. You can't help but smile in amusement while watching Osamu grab the thing from behind the bar, tapping away on the clunky looking device which is perfect for Izumi with a thick, pink rubber cover protecting it from grade-schooler level damage.
After the movie's been set up for the two worn out little munchkins, you and Osamu head back into the kitchen for him to show you how to make the gyoza and the next hour slips away with more teasing jokes, increasingly heated looks, and slightly bolder touches.
You can close your eyes and now know the feel of Osamu's hands on yours, demonstrating how to properly fold and pleat the wrappers. You can still feel the heat of his chest brush your back from when he leaned around you to pick up an empty bowl to place in the sink, and you're pondering on what feels like a heated brand on your hip where he lightly curved one hand to shift you over.
You can't deny your attraction to the man, a slow fall that you should have seen coming from the excitement of receiving his words every day until you were eagerly expecting the notes, to this first meeting where he's everything you expected from reading between his lines and even more.
Since the girls are pretty much full, you and Osamu clean off the new batch of gyoza between the both of you - him more than you, which you tease him about again. All the while, you're panicking about this new realization of your feelings, given that you're seriously crushing on a man who might only mean to help as a newfound friend and maybe you're the one reading too much into his interactions.
It's not until you've helped him clean up, collected the girls, and are watching him lock up the shop that you get some semblance of an answer.
"Thank you again Osamu. This was not only very instructive but Reina and I had a great time today."
He's holding Izumi's small hand in his, similar to Reina's in yours, and his other hand stretches up to rub at the back of his head, his arm bent at the elbow. When he speaks, it's not a direct response to your gratitude but a question instead, sounding somewhat unsure himself for the first time today, "How about next time we have a date that's more fun than instructive?"
Your jaw almost drops in surprise but you quickly collect yourself because he's still looking a little worried, maybe because he thinks he's overstepping by calling this a date or maybe because he's not sure you'll want another one even if you do accept that.
Your smile is quick to light up your face and, with a light squeeze from Reina's hand to yours accompanied by her and Izumi's giggles, you happily reply, "Just let me know when and where, and it's a date."
He grins again, the third time today your heart stops at what you're sure is usually a rarer sight since bodies aren't always dropping to the ground around him (that you've heard of). "I think I might already have something in mind."
"Oh yeah?"
"Yeah, but let me look into it and get back to ya."
"Sounds like a promise."
With your final reply, a borrowed echo of his words to serve as a temporary goodbye, you and Reina split away from Izumi and Osamu. Heading for your car with once last look behind you, you're pleasantly unsurprised to find a flash of gunmetal grey also glancing back your way. Later that night, finished with your and Reina's joint skincare routine and having tucked her into bed, you find the expected message waiting for you.
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A/N: Okay wow I had SO much fun with this one! I hope you all do too <3 It's not triple edited per usual so please do let me know if you catch any errors or issues. No promises but probably dropping Atsumu’s First Meeting next ;)
Taglist: @yatoatyourservice, @crayonwriting
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© 2021 fayeimara. All rights reserved. Please do not repost, modify, or claim as yours.
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265 notes · View notes
jjaeong · 3 years
The Heiress, & The Twelve. Act I.
Episode I: For I Am, Who I Think I Am Not.
Series: KPOP Girl Group: 이달의 소녀 (LOONA).
Pairing: OT12 & Mafia Heiress Female Reader.
Summary: Twelve girls are bound by a string of fate, with the priority of keeping a completely clueless girl alive who was unaware of the responsibility that would soon fall upon her shoulders. In which Y/L/N Y/N was the Heiress to a first ranking Mafia Family, and had to live in complete secrecy until the day of her return.
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Heels clicked against the marbled tiles, a short haired woman adorned a simple white blouse with a plain black tie and a shining green gemstone pin, fitted dress pants, and a matching pair of boots made her way through the silence of the halls. Soon reaching the large mahogany doors that almost reached the ceiling, the woman didn't hesitate to push the doors open and pause in the middle of the spacious room. She bowed before announcing her arrival to the gray haired man that stood by the tall windows, back facing her as his eyes scanned the garden beyond the glass of his quarters.
"I've arrived, boss." the man inhaled deeply, raising a hand to signal the woman to be at ease and so she straightened back to her height, side-eyeing the machinery that surrounded the king sized bed, and dressers that were once filled with family portraits—now occupied by numerous paraphernalia for various medication. The sharp-eyed woman clenched her jaw, studying the man who kept his back turned to her yet she could almost hear his contemplation out loud.
It's gotten worse.
"Do you need me to call for the doctor, sir? I can ask Vivi to take charge until I've finished the task."
"No, I specifically called you for a reason, Haseul." the man turned his head slightly, just enough to make sure that he could see the young woman through his peripheral vision who was patiently awaiting for orders. His heart clenched as only for a moment, the sight of her reminded him of a younger version of herself, one that he had once found in the streets doing errands for another Family to make sure that she comes home with enough coins to feed a child that could barely even formulate a word—stating that she had found the child the abandoned, wandering the streets alone—to which the young girl then decided to claim as her own sister.
The old man then asked if they wanted to work for him instead, and with Haseul's dim eyes shining brightly at the offer—a wary expression quickly cast on her small, rugged features, stating that they'll be chased by those whom gave her orders. Soon enough, the old man took care of it himself, and the two scrawny children that sat in the dining hall with the boss were shoving their meals down their throats as if their lives depended on it—but the old man didn't mind, lips pulled up into a small smile as he sipped on his wine.
"How is your sister? She's doing well, I hope." Haseul's eyes stayed glued on the back of the boss' head, feeling slightly distressed at how it seemed as if the usual dismissive and busy man had time to even ask for such easily answered questions.
"She is, sir. She's attending classes at this very moment."
"I've been reminiscing the times where she'd barge in the meeting room with the loudest greeting.." the man chuckled to himself, sighing without noticing the pained expression that had now set on Haseul's face as she swallowed thickly.
"She's living well with the other five, but I'll make sure to ask her to drop by sometime.."
"And.. Yves?" Haseul's eyes snapped back to the boss, watching as he finally turned to face her with a distant look in his eyes.
"I need to know if she's taking care of her." as he moved to take a seat, the old man slightly staggered—making Haseul reflexively take a step towards him but he quickly placed a hand on his desk, regaining his balance with a frustrated look on his face.
"Is she being taken care of?" Haseul could only nod in reply when he looked back at her, she could see the internal struggle that had been building up in his aged features as he slowly lowered himself on his chair. Inhaling deeply as he finally sat in peace, leaned back, staring across the room blankly.
"It won't be long until she comes home," the old man's eyes set on a picture frame that stood tall on his desk where the image of the familiar face of his eldest son, his wife and a baby girl smiling happily back at him, "will I ever be able to meet her? My own granddaughter.."
"Is that why you called for me?" Haseul dared to ask just when the boss started to look solemn, but though the boss was as strict as any boss can be—he was never unkind to those of which he raised as his own.
He did however, looked at Haseul displeasingly as if he's wasn't dying and this was just another day where the old man slightly questions if the girl really did grow up under his supervision.
"No, I have an order only I can give you—and I alone." and so the old man started speaking, pulling out a document from a drawer under his desk and laying it out on the surface for Haseul to read. As she read what had been written on the parchment, she felt her heart drop as she stared down at the contents—her own body practically refusing to listen her boss speak any further, vision blurring while the old man continued to tell her exactly what would be her final order from him. Haseul was numb the second she had left her boss' quarters, stiffly making her way down the hall with nothing but agony and dread washing over her as everything slowly sank in. If it wasn't for Vivi's arms that had quickly caught her once she'd rounded the corner, the short-haired woman would've broke down alone on the empty hall—but there they sat on the ground, Haseul's heartbreaking sobs echoing through the silence, Vivi's hushed whispers and protective arms wrapped around the girl, Haseul could almost feel the emptiness that was once her reality and had been completed because of the boss' compassion return.
"How long do we have until we come for her?" her eyes continued to stare down blankly at the name engraved on the tombstone, tearing her eyes away from the marble to look at the taller, dark haired woman with distinct sharp features—particularly, the slope of her jawline—that stood behind her. With her arms crossed and craned neck as she eyed Haseul with a focused gaze, the leader could only glance at the tombstone before taking a deep breath and tiredly walking past her to start leading them towards the cars.
"A year."
"A year!? What—she'll be our boss when she's barely through her junior year? What's the difference with just going right now!?" Haseul pinched the bridge of her nose as the other woman leaned over to express her dismay, making her stop on her tracks to look at the taller girl pleadingly.
"It's in the paper, Jinsol. You've all read it, please don't make me repeat the order that I've been assigned to do—if you want to press on this further, take it up with Kahei, please." Jinsol eyed the drained girl infront of her, shaking her head before reaching over to place a comforting hand on her shoulder in attempt to console the older girl.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sound harsh it's just.. We're defenseless, it doesn't sit right—not having a real boss," Haseul nodded solemnly, failing to meet Jinsol's worried gaze, "it's not fair that he left you with it, even if everyone would catch a bullet for you if you commanded it. Haseul, it's.. Just not right." Jinsol tried her best to empathize with the girl, though lacking the ability of wording it out. However, Haseul felt the sincerity in her tone and just gave her a small smile in reply—already mentally preparing herself for a year of temporary boss until they're finally ready to get you.
"Everything will go as smoothly as it always has, Jinsol. We'll have our boss back before we know it."
"Yo!" you squinted your eyes at the sudden figure blocking you from the view of the sun, the familiar wide smile and crinkled eyes directed at you as she beamed—dare you'd say that though she was blocking the sun from behind her, it was as if she shined even brighter than the source itself.
"Yo.." she let out a hitch-pitched excited squeal before occupying the space next to you on the bleachers, popping open her water bottle as her eyes aimlessly scanned the open field, lingering on the blonde that ran at ease—leading everyone else behind her.
"What 'cha doing?" the girl next to you asked with a melody, leaning over to invade your personal space even further—her nose practically pressing up against your left cheek while you watched the students at the field. Maybe if you were still a freshmen and the older girl smothered you with affection like this as she usually did, you would've been all flustered and stumbling with your words. But it's been years since the school's precious Student Council Vice President—the "Sunshine Goddess" as they've repeatedly called her since she transferred—and "Just-who-even-is-that-girl?" Y/N's dating rumors had died down, the infatuation had subsided and now you were left with the most lovable and affectionate puppy that never missed a day on telling you that she loved you.
Oh what people would give to have Student Council Vice President Kim Jiwoo's love and affection.
"Skipping class." you answered monotonously, hearing a loud gasp coming from Jiwoo who quickly clasped her water bottle shut, rising from her spot to look down at you—completely horrified at your reply. She grabbed you by your hand that was subconsciously picking on the hem of your uniform's coat, making you look back up at her as the girl pouted at you.
"Yah! Ha Y/N, Take your classes more seriously! Do you have any idea what you could be missing in your class right now? What would you do if someone told you to solve calculus or you'll die!?"
"I'll ask if I can call a friend, and I'll see if my Jiwoo-unnie can solve it for me. If she can't—then I guess I'll just die. So much for having an Unnie that's a year level above mine.."
"Y/N!" Jiwoo really did look bothered by your joke, but she looked adorable even in her worried state which made you pull your hands up in surrender.
"I'm not skipping class, we have a substitute teacher for today and he asked us to finish the homework that was given yesterday—I already finished it so I asked if I could leave early and now I'm here."
"Hey! You two! What do you think you're doing up there!?" both your eyes snapped over to a flustered, slightly ragged breathing Kim Jungeun standing by the bottom of the steps, a hands on her hips with her sharp eyes squinted to look at you and Jiwoo through the sunlight. Jiwoo tugged on your hand that she'd been holding onto, shaking it as if to mimic a wave towards the Student Council President who only looked even more irritated than when she squinted her eyes at you two.
"Jungie! Y/N left class early to watch us do PE!"
"And you actually believe her!?" Jungeun shouted from her spot, her volume loud enough for a few of their classmates who were doing laps to glance at the three of you nosily. One student who glanced at you briefly made eye contact with Jiwoo, and you swear the girl was smiling the last time you saw her—but the paling of the students face made you think otherwise. Though when you looked back at Jiwoo, she was smiling warmly at you.
"I said I was sorry, Jungeun-unnie! Will you ever let that go?" you asked the older girl by the bottom of the steps, but she only raised a brow at you before shooting you a disapproving look and letting out a 'tsk', pointing at Jiwoo.
"Enabler! Back in the field, now!"
"But the teacher's not even back yet!"
"If she says twenty laps, then it's twenty! You've only done ten! Maybe if you even tried to stop yourself from being too excited talk to Y/N—you would've already doubled that!" Jungeun pointed at the field behind her, making Jiwoo groan and start mumbling under her breath as she glanced at you before making her way down the bleachers. The blonde president raised her chin as Jiwoo lowered her eyes right back at her, handing her the water bottle before reaching the field and breaking into a full sprint. You watched in awe how she had already reached a few remaining students across the field whom were all tired out of their minds, Jiwoo zoomed past them—eyes practically overflowing with irate.
"You should head home early, I heard it's going to rain heavily today." Jungeun said as she settled on Jiwoo's previous spot next to you, the girl scanning the side of your face—your eyes following Jiwoo around the field. You turned to look at Jungeun just as she popped the bottle open, taking a few mouthfuls of water before screwing it shut to place on the space between the two of you.
"I'm pretty sure that wherever you got that forecast from—is inaccurate," Jungeun reached behind her to pull the band off her ponytail, letting her blonde locks fall loosely on her shoulders as she looked at you with intrigue, "The skies answer to one person, and one person only. And that person's name is Ha Sooyoung."
"Ha Sooyoung? Sooyoung-unnie? Your older sister?" you almost felt offended when Jungeun cackled at the mention of your older sister, until you remembered that the year your sister was just about to graduate—she apparently got close enough with Jungeun and Jiwoo through her final stretch as Student Council President at the time, enough for her to ask the two girls to watch over you as she always had until you could only see each other at home with the older girl being in college.
"She never fails at that, always giving me an umbrella when it actually rains. Ever since we were kids! But today, she didn't give me an umbrella so.. Your forecast is wrong, Unnie."
"That Unnie.. Teaching you all the wrong things in life.." you snorted at the the teasing tone before looking up at the clear blue sky, to which Jungeun did the same.
"But maybe I should, actually. Sooyoung-unnie took a day off from her internship for some reason, maybe we could grab a bite to eat or spend some time together." Jungeun leaned over to bump her shoulder against yours, grinning at you when you gave her a look.
"You're going to be like this with us when we graduate too, aren't you Y/N? You're going to miss our affection~"
"What is this? Unnie! Please not you too!"
"Hey! How dare you two be cute without me!? I'm not taking no for an answer when I come over there and kiss you both!" Jiwoo, who had finally finished running her laps hurriedly ran up the bleachers at the sight of Jungeun's arms wrapped around you as she attempted to land a kiss your cheek. The three of you ended up tangled on the ground, laughing loudly just as the school bell in the background, signalling the dismissal of all classes. Jiwoo and Jungeun headed to the showers as you waited patiently by the entrance of the field, you fiddled with the strap of your backpack that hung on one of your shoulders, eyes stuck on the view of students rustling through the parking lot, watching a few cars start pulling out of the driveway and conversations pass by.
There was one group however, four girls—one of them with striking mint colored hair whom you swore was from the same year level as you, but in another class—stood in the middle of the busy lot, the shortest of the four whom you'd assume was a freshmen, oddly hanging out with a junior and two sophomores, seemed to be in a serious conversation with them. The dark haired girl with the fiercest eyes you've probably laid eyes on in your entire life furrowed her brows at the girl as the mint-haired girl looked just about ready to walk out of the conversation—but the one girl with wavy brown hair seemed to be trying to ease the tension by slowly repeating the same words that the shorter girl had, a wary smile set on her lips as her eyes moved from one girl to another.
And then her eyes landed on you.
You quickly tore your eyes away from the four, acting as if you haven't been watching them the entire time their conversation was slowly getting heated. Just as you were about ready to turn and just wait in front of the shower room, you felt a quick tug on your arm—finding the familiar blinding smile of Jiwoo directed at you as she wrapped her arms around one of your own. But when her eyes seemed to have followed where Jungeun seemed to have went, her smile slowly fell into a thin line which made you look over to Jungeun too, staring at her back as she conversed with the four girls from earlier that you had been caught looking at.
"It's finally time, huh?" Jiwoo mumbled to herself, not noticing that though she practically whispered it—you heard her loud and clear. Whatever it was that Jiwoo was talking about, your inner voice clashed against the feeling in your gut that does not want to know what the older girl meant. Your eyes scanned the four girls that crowded around Jungeun—who's composure looked as collected as ever—when your eyes caught the mint-haired girl's oddly concerned ones and the fury that seemed to radiate from the short-haired girl..
What was going on?
"Who are they?" you asked, the question coming out as a whisper which didn't easily slide by Jiwoo, who's grip slightly loosen around your arm—yet you felt the older girl rest a cheek on your shoulder, squishing them lightly as she eyed the five.
"Good kids, you'll know soon." the way Jiwoo suddenly switched moods made you turn to look at her, the girl just looked up at you from her position just when Jungeun made her way back to you. You and Jiwoo barely even got a reaction from the blonde when she started to head over to her red Tesla on the reserved parking space which was a perk when you were a Student Council President—Jiwoo's parking space as the Student Council Vice President next to hers remained just as empty as the first year she'd been appointed in the position.
Jungeun basically drove for the both of them anyways, and when you suggested to Jiwoo to just rent her spot to profit off of it she refused—stating that she already had someone in mind that could occupy the space. You thought she meant that person to be you, but when you teaser her about it—she had quickly declared that you were never getting a driver's license.
"You'll always have us to drive you around."
It was cute how she said 'us' as if she had a license herself, so you let it slide.
"What did those kids want with you?" Jungeun brought the car to life, glancing at you from the rearview mirror just as you locked your seatbelt on. She quickly followed suit, looking over to Jiwoo who seemed to still struggle with hers no matter how many times a day she had to put it on—but Jungeun wordlessly leaned over to do it herself like always, and gone were Jiwoo's knitted brows of concentration to be replaced by a big beaming smile, ready to embark on a journey of a lifetime.
"We're crashing at yours tonight." you raised a brow at Jungeun's dismissive tone, opening your mouth to ask her what she even meant but Jiwoo turned the music on to squeal loudly when “Colors” by some girl group named “Girl of the Month” boomed through the speakers. The whole ride to your house was just spent with Jiwoo belting out whatever played on the radio, and the combined silence between you and Jungeun—but hers was different, you knew that deep, contemplative look on Jungeun's face only appears every once in a while when you were all hanging out. Usually, the girl wouldn't dare mix her school life with the fun energy she had always seemed to be in whenever it was you three but..
This one felt different.
Even the way Jiwoo suddenly stopped singing when she realized how close you were to the view of your home—hell, even Jiwoo started to fidget on her seat.
"Do you think she remembers me?" Jiwoo looked down at her peach colored backpack in between her matching peach colored chucks, wiggling her feet in a jittery manner until she felt a hand rest on her knee. Jungeun shot her a knowing look, making sure Jiwoo saw her before she faced the road again, nodding firmly.
"I'm sure she does, but that's the last thing on everyone's minds right now."
"Right, yeah—of course! How weird of me." Jiwoo breathed out an awkward laugh before clearing her throat, glancing at your odd look directed towards her before she looked back intently at Jungeun. Jungeun side-eyed the girl, quickly getting flustered by how serious Jiwoo looked.
"I swear to whoever is up there that created this world, if she doesn't get down on one knee with a ring in her hand the moment we step foot in that house when you lock eyes—she's on my hit list."
"Kim Jiwoo! What are you even—"
"She's pretty, you're pretty. She's totally in love with you, you are in love with her even if you act like you're not but it's just because you're a Tsundere and we all love you for that—but I swear, Kim Jungeun I will combust—"
"Who's cars are parked outside my house?" your eyes almost popped out of their sockets at the sight of three expensive looking cars that was parked perfectly aligned just outside your garage. The second Jungeun pulls the car to a halt, you scrambled on your seat to unclasp your seat belt before grabbing your bag and pushing the door open. You could hear Jungeun calling for you in the background as you rushed to get inside your house—but not before eyeing the blue, yellow, and green cars that continued to intimidate you—you needed make sure that Sooyoung was okay. You pushed the front door open, racing over to the staircase and completely managing to miss a tall, dark haired woman by the entrance of the living room who lightly tapped on the fish tank—giggling to herself until she heard your heavy footsteps after the front door were rashly pushed open.
You were just about to walk past your room and barge into Sooyoung's when you collided against a figure that emerged from the open door of your own room, making you fall back on the ground with a thud as you stared at what seemed to be a pair of jean-clad knees. A large, yet soft looking hand was quickly outstretched in front of you, the impact had apparently managed to rattle you into silence helped you in taking the strangers hand with no hesitation for them to pull you up from the ground—eyes finally locking into yours.
"Y/N." was the only word she muttered, blinking at you as if she was nothing but a mere husk of the human she was supposed to be. The girl looked just about your age but you couldn't deny that she was way beyond just a simple girl, though the she looked almost robotic—it didn't stop her from scanning your face before eyeing you from head to toe in your shocked state, her mouth formed into an 'o' shape.
Her eyes were very pretty.
"You're very much prettier than the images Jiwoo-unnie sends us." and with that, the girl with the cat-like eyes' gaze softened as her lips pulled into a full smile. You didn't exactly know how to react at her statement, or even at the softest smile you've ever seen in your life—what is this girl even doing here?
And she just mentioned Jiwoo-unnie—what does she have to do with this?
"Kim Hyunjin! Jiwoo-unnie said the boss is—" a lower toned voice called from behind you, only to stop dead on her tracks with her eyes widened in shock.
"Here." the girl named Kim Hyunjin finished, peeking from behind you to grin at the light haired girl. You were almost certain that you had lost all your sense of comprehension, it was as if suddenly these strangers that stood in your halls that drove the expensive looking cars parked outside—looking exactly like those models in magazine covers that a child would want to grow up as, while those of the same age could only feel their innermost insecurities come crashing down on them at the sight—had completely shattered the peace that had once been in your home.
But if these were even Sooyoung's friends—would you even be shocked at the thought of a pretty girl being friends with other pretty girls?
"B-boss." the girl whom you've finally came to the conclusion that had distinctive European features bowed in greeting, you merely blinked at the sudden title that the girl had given you as an airy laugh was released behind you. Hyunjin's laugh then died down, with the girl that stayed in her position in front of you peeking as if awaiting for a signal of some sort.
"I.. No?"
"..No?" she asked in confusion at your attempt in trying to grasp the situation, her light brown hair swayed as she tilted her head at your words—to which you could only flush at before Hyunjin moved past you, grabbing her friend's shoulders with a teasing smile on her lips as she pulled her back to her height.
"She doesn't know yet," Hyunjin told the girl, an embarrassed look settling on her soft features to which she quickly waved her hands around as if to dismiss whatever that encounter was. Hyunjin giggled to then pat the girl's head, looking back at you with a knowing look on her face, "this is Jeon Heejin, my friend—my soul friend! She looks like a puppy doesn't she? I had the same thought the first time i met her—"
"Stop that!" the duo easily slipped into lighthearted bickering, to which you just stood there, watching as bewildered as ever with Hyunjin shaking her head and Heejin's small fists clenched—attempting to look even the slightest bit intimidating—only to look like an adorable child throwing a tantrum. The two quickly wrapped it up when you heard Sooyoung call you from downstairs, which then reminded you of why you rushed into the house in the first place so you slid past the two—making your way back down on the first floor with the duo following behind you, their bickering continues but now hushed as you almost had a heart attack when rounding the corner to find a tall, dark haired woman whom you'd assume was just about as old as Sooyoung, standing by the entrance of the living room.
"Did you find what you were looking for?" the woman merely spared you a glance, looking over to the two whom both nodded in confirmation. The woman looked back at you, almost in pity before she turned to enter the living room herself, not even saying a word to you.
But really, why are these girls in your house resembling every single campus crushes that every student had once seemed to fall for during their academic years?
"Unnie.. What the hell is going on?" you asked just as Sooyoung finally came into view, standing at the other end of the livingroom by one of the tall windows that she always made a point to keep the blinds drawn—but this time, she had them all shut, peeking through them as if to check the surroundings before locking eyes with you, sharp gaze quickly turning soft and her lips easing into what resembled a frown.
"Ha Y/N, please, have a seat." a woman your eyes barely passed by once you entered the room had called for your attention, she sat by one of the singular couches that had were supposed to face the television but instead, were all positioned as if in some kind of meeting room. It looked almost exactly like the position was in one of those films where there was a person of strength sitting on one end of the room, a few unoccupied chairs aligned by both sides to reach a specific chair that was meant to be for the person being questioned.
Your eyes watched Sooyoung take the seat between the sharp-eyed woman whom had a pondering look casted on her features as she started at you and the dark haired girl with the sharp jawline who now looked blank, making you break eye contact with the woman at the end of the room to acknowledge the orange-haired other woman that sat by her other side, looking almost serene as she sipped on her tea.
"Where are Kim Lip and Chuu?"
"Waiting for Gowon's team to arrive." the dark haired girl answered the now humming short-haired girl's question, watching as Hyunjin took the seat by your right, followed by Heejin sitting next to the dark haired girl on your left—eyeing everyone in the room before flashing you a small smile.
"Y/N?" the woman called for you attention yet again, an almost hesitant smile on her lips as she motioned for you to the seat in front of you, a few feet away from entirely facing her.
"Please." you swallowed sharply before settling down on the spot she hand kept insisting for you to occupy. Just before she could begin, approaching footsteps made you look up from the faces that were already present in the room, to feel the blood drain from your head down to your toes at the familiar sight of Kim Jungeun—now seated between Hyunjin and the orange-haired woman, adorning a luxurious looking velvet black suit with a blinding red pin contrasting her black tie. The pin had been intricately designed with nothing but red gemstones and a crescent-like symbol in on it's top with a golden silhouette of what resembled an owl in the middle of it.
"..Jungeun?" your friend turned to look up at you, a hint of apology in her eyes before she looked across from her to find the once blank looking member of the group—the woman with the sharp jawline—staring softly at Jungeun before she turned to look back at what you finally decided to point as..
Their Leader.
"Let's begin."
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I've decided to start my initial plan for this account on this fic. This was a series that had come to mind when I watched a rerun of Hitman Reborn and thought that yeah, mafia au's are pretty chill but the most I've read for the ones with this group was.. Are there even any? If so, I'd love to read them.
But initially, this had always been a reader included idea—almost shifted into a 2jin one (would probably write about as well when I can) but that would be a different universe compared to this one. And that plot would be fixed along with a handful of different groups but as I've said—I hope I can write it when I can.
This is only act one, probably.. made up of three acts? Twelve episodes each? When I finish the series, I'd probably make one shots of this universe—so many plans with such a short amount of time~
The plot would progress as it goes, minor ideas would make its way into major plots—nothing is of certain, who you would end up with is indefinite, the lore will be laid.. But the uncertainty that comes with this, when it will actually finish or just disappear into the drafts after five episodes or so..
I cannot guarantee even my own attachment to the plot, but it played well in my mind when I thought about it and so here I am. Though Congratulations on stumbling upon this fic, and I apologize if you ever become as immersed as I am with this.
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> ovc: MUPLY (191108)
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demivampirew · 4 years
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Protective-Dad Henry one shot.
Summary: Henry and you had a daughter when you were twenty years old. Now, Amelie is a teenager and has to tell his dad that she’s dating a boy.
Triggers: Talking about sex; young pregnancy (and the struggle of being young parents) - I think those are all the triggers 😁
You can find more of my writings in the Masterlist
Tag list: @lunedelorient @henrythickcavill @wolvesandhoundshowltogether @mary-ann84 @desperate-and-broken @peakygroupie @summersong69 @ivvitm1109 @madbaddic7ed @iloveyouyen @the-soot-sprite @hell1129-blog @whyyoudothistomecavill @thetaoofzoe​ @thereisa8ella​​
- Please, don't make me do this, mom! - Amelie pleaded.
- You want to be treated like an adult, then act like one.- you said with a steady voice.
She looked at you angrily but begging for mercy at the same time but then finally obeyed your order and went into his father's computer room to share the news. As she started to find a way to tell her dad about her new boyfriend, you laid against the door frame to witness the conversation.
- Dad, I ... I... -the teenager began, trying to find the words that seemed to vanished from her head out of fear.
She and her dad were closed and she was the apple of his eyes. From the moment she was born, he went above and beyond to make sure she would have everything she could ever need and want. You two were a great team, making sure she was happy but did not spoil her too much and made her work hard on domestic tasks for her to pay for any unnecessary item she wanted to help her learn about the importance of valuing work.
Having a kid when you were only twenty was a challenge that you hope she would never have to face herself. In your case, you were lucky: you were dating the most wonderful man who saw that pregnancy as a miracle despite the difficulties it may bring with it. He was next to you every second he could and even on those times he had to be in LA as he tried hard to make it in Hollywood -many times he tried to quit and join the Royal Marines so he could support you and the baby, but every time you would encourage him to keep fighting for his dream-job since you were lucky to have a well-paid job as a secretary for your cousin who was a Doctor and thankfully counted with the help of yours and his mom to look after the baby girl while you worked. But, even if you were living apart for months, he would be there one way or another.
The last few years he had been busier travelling around the world, but he remained the same loving father and husband that he had always been.
For someone who would have done anything for his little angel, like renouncing his dream career or even risk his life on the Marines so he could give his family a decent life, it would be hard to digest the fact that she had a boyfriend. He may not be one of those authoritative dads, a controlling father figure, but he was overprotective. He would not shame his daughter for wanting a relationship, but he didn't trust guys. He lived his life in fear of that day in which his princess would found a guy: what if he hurt her when he wasn't around to protect her? What if he wanted her just for sex and broke her heart? Those were some of the worries he has had since she turned fourteen, he knew that this day was likely to happen.
- What's going on, Mel? - he asked worriedly as he stood up from his pc-chair and approached her to cup her face on his hands, inspecting her face to make sure she was ok.
-I... - Amelie took a deep breath and spilt out the words- I have a boyfriend.- she said and closed her eyes of fear - no because she feared he would get violent or anything like that; she didn't want to see the disappointment and pain on his face.
- That can't be possible! No, no, no... you're a little girl! - he exclaimed, frustrated.
- I'm not! I'm fifteen, dad!- she argued.
- Exactly! Fifteen! A baby! - he confirmed.
- I'm only five years younger than you two when you had me.- she replied angrily.
- Darling, I love you, but being a parent at that age wasn't exactly a walk in the park. We struggle a lot to make it work. Do you want to be in our shoes? - he questioned.
- OMG, Dad, stop it!- Mel shouted embarrassed.
- You're the same age that the girl from Taylor Swift's song Fifteen and you know what happened to that girl? She had a boyfriend and he only wanted to have sex with her.- he explained.
At that moment, you chuckled at the fact that he knew so well a Taylor Swift song - probably he got into her music to bond with his daughter who was a big fan of her music. They both looked at you as if they just noticed you there.
- See? I told you I shouldn't have told him!- the teenager reproached you.
- Did you know about this?! - Henry asked you surprised and disappointed. - Anyway, you're not allowed to keep seeing this boy.-he ordered.
- Go to your room.- you asked gently to the girl who was both angry and sad. She was about to cry, you knew it.
After Amelie stormed out of the room, you approached your husband who was now sitting on the chair, lost in his thoughts. You went from behind and leaned to hug him. He placed his hands over yours but didn't speak as he was still caught on the argument he just had with his little princess.
- Why did she have to grow up so fast? - he wondered sadly.
- I know.- you replied softly close to his ear.- You need to talk to her...you need to stop preventing her from seeing this boy or any other person she might want to date in the future.
He turned around to face you. Your eyes on his and vice-versa. His arms embraced you when you sit on his lap to be closer to him to talk more comfortably.
- Look, I know that you think you're doing the best for her and all you want to do it's protect her, but you're doing the opposite by prohibiting her from having a relationship.- you began to explain as you played with the few curls on his hair.- She's not a kid any more...she might be your little angel and she will continue to be so until your dying day. She'll never cease to be your precious Melie, no matter her age. But now, this is an important time in the life of a woman or any person: she's starting to have feelings, desires, dreams, etc and we need to encourage her to pursue them in a safe environment. If you act the way you just did, that won't stop her from dating, but she'll avoid telling you and you risk losing that close bond you work so hard to have. Besides, if she doesn't trust you to tell you she's dating someone because she knows you'll get mad at her, she probably won't share if something bad happens to her, if she's been hurt in any way, because she might believe you blamed that on her and how do you expect to protect your daughter if she doesn't allow you to know about her intimacy.
- But, that's exactly why I don't want her to date! She's young and boys are creeps and only think of sex. What if someone uses her for that o worse, forced himself on her? - he questioned worriedly. He was almost in tears by the thought of somebody hurting his little girl.
- Give her the benefit of doubt. I was around her age when I had my first boyfriend and yes, he was one of those who only wanted me for sex, but I was smart enough to realize that and I left him before anything happened. A lot of my friends and school-mates went through that, some were smart as I was, other not so much but learned an important lesson and few lucky ladies truly found amazing guys who were in love with them. I found you no long after that and you didn't want me only for that, did you?- you asked even though you already knew the answer.
- Of course not, you were everything to me.- he confirmed.
- Don't you think Amelie is special enough for her to find somebody like you?
- I guess.-he replied sighing, defeated.
- Don't lose the bond you have with her. Let her know that no matter what her dad will always be there for her. That she doesn't have to hide anything from you, that eventually, you will be ok with it and that you only want her to be safe.- you advised him. He nodded and then pressed his forehead against yours as he placed one of his hands on your face.
- You two are my entire world.- he said softly.
- I know, baby. And you are mine too.- you replied with a smile.
Henry kissed you and then he went to talk to his daughter while you headed to the living room to replied some work-mails from on your laptop. Later, your daughter came into the room and hugged you.
-Thanks, mom, you're the best!- she thanked you.
- You're welcome, sweetie.- you answered- You have to understand your dad... he's done the impossible to protect you and now he's scared for you because the world is dangerous for us, women, and he was a teen too; he grew up with other boys of that age who weren't as nice and he fears you might found someone that doesn't have the best intentions with you. He wants you to be safe, that's all.- you informed her and she nodded.
On Sunday, you organized for Tyler, your daughter's boyfriend, to come to have lunch with the family so you could meet him officially.
The boy was polite and well-educated. He had impeccable modals for a fifteen-year-old and seemed smart too.
He seemed to be intimidated by your husband, who purposely acted menacing -which made you rolled your eyes and chuckled.
You had to give credits when it's due: the boy not only survived the day with his girlfriend's dad but he actually managed to get him to like him - all things considered. He was a gamer and into comic books and fantasy books, he found something to bond with your husband
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starneko123 · 3 years
Butterfly Effect
Star's Note: So I finally got around to putting my main OC in the MK 2021 movie storyline and the first part is like a...songfic? Yeah so prepare for that and also Korë Nagako X Liu Kang is a crack ship, in general, please don't take it seriously lol.
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OC Characters Involved
Nova Nagako
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Mileena walked through the foyer leading to Shang Tsung's throne. Kabal and Goro were joining her it wasn't like she needed assistance for this. She preferred to do this one alone but the iron lung and royal brute refused. The trio reached Shang Tsung and once he gave Mileena the signal she spoke "She was spotted in Earthrealm far from Raiden's Temple as we speak. She seems to have...a different life with others around her. A caregiver." Mileena finished with an aggravated sigh "A caregiver?" Shang Tsung echoed in question.
Kabal cut his way into the conversation "She means her mother but with the description you gave it made it more difficult to find her. No white streaks in the hair, no pink eyes, and no magical powers. The reincarnation is shit." Kabal spat gesturing behind as if she was there. "Nova-" Shang Tsung began and Kabal cut him off once more. "News Flash she doesn't even go by Nova over there! Who the hell would name their kid Nova in this modern day. Her name is Korë. Not any better but it's different. Not fucking Nova." Now he was finished, and he put his hand on the hip for added flare.
"She's not our Lady Nova but still she stands out." Prince Goro mentioned. Mileena may have sniffed her out but Goro tracked her down. He found her first his chest swelled with pride. "She has companions." Mileena groaned half-heartedly "A friend and a consort." Shang Tsung leaned forward standing up from his throne altogether. "A consort?!" Kabal spoke again, "Yeah, not very good looking or the sharpest tool in the shed but they're around each other." Too bad they couldn't see Kabal rolling his eyes because he was doing so every few seconds. "Are you the better option?" Kabal asked genuinely "She is my Queen, my better half." Shang Tsung's voice echoed dreamily and again Kabal rolled his eyes "That's what they all say." Mileena then stepped closer to Shang Tsung as if it was just the two of them. "She had the marking of a Chosen One." Shang Tsung smirked "All the better." He then snapped his head to the side to look over at Nitara perched on a block of stone petting her wings. "Kabal and Mileena...Nitara will assist you in retrieving Nova." Mileena had no problem with that, she got along with Nitara so far. "Yes, master." Nitara said slyly as she sashayed towards the two said kombatants.
"Kill or injure beyond repair whoever stops you from bringing back my wife!" His voice echoed into the maroon sky.
Korë herself was sitting in a chair next to her close friend and housemate, Soleil. "You know what I think I did a really good job on my eyeshadow." She said brushing it a few more times and facing Soleil to show her eyelids covered in white eyeshadow and silver outline. She also had glitter on her face it must have been from the perfume or another form of body glitter. "I think you did really good this time, you're getting better." Soleil put her brush down and stood up fixing her dress in the process. Korë and Soleil were wearing the same dress it was a short pure white dress with lace at the ends and at Korë thought it was plus since it also wasn't strapless.
"Korë Nagako and Soleil Zaveri... five-minute call out. Almost showtime." It was their manager, Soleil responded with an 'Alright' and Korë an 'Okay'. Soleil stood up from her rolling chair as she finished her winged eyeliner and Korë followed her as she finished putting on her lip gloss.
"Yeah, I'm at the place it's like this, singer stripper bar or whatever, I don't know but she's here," Sonya said as she entered the bar and took a seat in the back, and ordered a drink.
"Now, blessing us with their presence is the femme fatale duo is Korë and Soleil!" The response to the statement was scattered cheers. The duo walked onto the stage and the atmosphere itself changed when she saw Korë. Korë had a slight headache that she had been nursing for a couple of days and Soleil knew that but Korë was convinced that it had gone away and she was just dealing with the aftermath. They both cleared their throat and as the stage light shined on them, Soleil started harmonizing as the beat started playing and Korë started singing.
It's like you got superpowers
Turn my minutes into hours
You got more than 20-20, babe
Made of glass the way you see through me
You know me better than I do
Can't seem to keep nothing from you
How you touch my soul from the outside?
Permeate my ego and my pride
"I love you." Shang Tsung said as he wrapped his arms around Korë twisting her around so she was facing him and she gazed at him lovingly as a teasing smirk spread across her obsidian lips. She leaned in until their lips were ghosting over each other "Do you want me to say it back?" She asked jokingly "I think my heart will truly break if you don't." Shang said dramatically and she giggled "I love you."
I wanna love me (ooh)
The way that you love me (ooh)
Ooh, for all of my pretty
And all of my ugly too
I'd love to see me from your point of view
I wanna trust me (trust me)
The way that you trust me (trust me)
Ooh, 'cause nobody ever loved me like you do
I'd love to see me from your point of view
"If you stop moving it would hurt less Prince Goro." He growled again at her statement and she returned it with a cold, unmoving stare. His growls then calmed down to huffs and puffs "Thank you." She said to him as she finished wrapping the bandage around his arm. "The wound isn't too bad, you'll heal fast either way." She said as she stood up and gathered her healing equipment and before she left she was grated with a rumbling "Thank you." at least he had manners she'll give him that. Before she closed the door she sent him a smile. A kind smile. One to remember.
I'm gеtting used to receiving
Still gеtting good at not leaving
I'ma love you even though I'm scared (oh, scared)
Learnin' to be grateful for myself (oh, oh, oh)
You love my lips 'cause they say the
Things we've always been afraid of
I can feel it startin' to subside
Learnin' to believe in what is mine
"I wouldn't recommend it Mileena," Nova said as she closed her spellbook and stood to face Mileena and they were roughly the same height. "But to ensure my knowledge of it-" Nova sighed and grabbed Mileena by the shoulders "I don't want you to learning just yet, you must stick with the powers you were born with for now. I will teach you myself when you have elevated your powers. Understand?" Nova asked tilting her head for the effect and Mileena nodded. Nova brought her in for a hug and kissed her on the forehead and at that Mileena purred in comfort and delight for the slight praise she got.
I wanna love me (ooh)
The way that you love me (ooh)
Ooh, for all of my pretty
And all of my ugly too
I'd love to see me from your point of view
I wanna trust me (trust me)
The way that you trust me (trust me)
Ooh, 'cause nobody ever loved me like you do
I'd love to see me from your point of view
I couldn't believe it or see it for myself
Boy, I be impatient, but now I'm out here
Fallin', fallin', frozen, slowly
Fallin', got me right
I won't keep you waitin' (waitin')
All my baggage fadin' safely (my baggage fadin')
And if my eyes deceive me
Won't let them stray too far away, I
I wanna love me (ooh)
The way that you love me (ooh)
Ooh, for all of my pretty
And all of my ugly too
I'd love to see me from your point of view
I wanna trust me, ooh (trust me)
The way that you trust me, baby (trust me)
'Cause nobody ever loved me like you do
I'd love to see me from your point of view (oh)
As they finished their performance they got a fresh round of applause and Korë finally let out a breath as she always did after a performance and smiled alongside Soleil. After giving a wave they went backstage and collected their money. Since they didn't feel like staying at the bar anymore that night they decided to head home. "Good night KoKo," Soleil said with a yawn as she kissed her on the cheek and closed the door to her room. Korë was outside on the back porch humming and looking up at the sky, enjoying the night breeze. Until she heard whispering and then shuffling in the bushes 'The fuck?' she said under her breath as she quickly grabbed the steel bat near her that they used for protection.
She walked closer to the bushes and beat them with the bat a few times before staring at them again. She sighed, maybe she was just tired that was more than likely the case. She let out another breath as she turned but then yelped as she was met with a woman who was roughly her size and height. Her eyes glowed in the night and her mouth was covered in blood and it looked almost stained on her face. "Mommy Nova! I have waited so long for you!" She grinned widely showing off her razor-sharp teeth and reached for a hug arms opened wide but Korë moved a couple of steps back, her back bumped into someone and she turned to see a man taller and lankier.
"Hey, sweetness." It sounded like a man, a man who had trouble breathing and could barely compose his words. Korë wasn't thinking straight that's all she could of. She swung her bat wildly at the two intruders causing the man to speed away and the woman teleport back a few feet away from her. But she knows that she has hit one of them by the blood on her bat and the scar that was made on her stomach. She shrieked as she held her stomach and she did a full 360° but she couldn't see them. She felt like she was going to faint from the loss of blood and the lack of sleep. She then heard gunshots and she fell to the ground hoping that nothing else would wound her.
"Get up and get in the car!" She didn't have to be told twice since she was living off of adrenaline at the moment. She ran past the woman who was still letting off gunshots as she got in the car and slammed the door as she leaned into the seat protectively. After letting off a few more shots that the duo continued to dodge Sonya ran back to the car as well and got into the driver's seat starting the car and zooming off as she saw beady red eyes staring at her in the rearview mirror. "Who the hell are you?" Korë asked with a hiss as the woman started looking at her up and down when she suddenly asked "Where is the marking?" She asked indignantly "What fucking marking?! What the fuck are you talking about?" Korë spat and Sonya rolled her eyes as she tugged Korë's hoodie upwards and ghosted her finger over the Mortal Kombat marking.
"You wanna explain that?"
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d-targaryenshoe · 4 years
Past - Andrew Deluca
Summary: Andrew coming face to face with the person who'd almost became his wife.
Warnings: miscarriage, anger
Word count: 1477
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Standing in the grey elevator, electricity sounded through your ears as you shared the space with three other visitors.
But you weren't here to visit your grandma after surgery? Or a family member? No you were here to visit the person that would've been your husband by now.
Coming to a halt the doors opened and revealed a man with eyes covered by a glasses and a beard covering his cheeks.
"Hello." The guy smiled, pushing his glasses a little further up his nose.
"Hi." You smiled back, holding the strap of your brown colored bag.
You recognized this male from somewhere. But you weren't going to remind him of it. Not just yet.
"I'm Levi, nice to meet you." He introduced himself, as he held his hand out towards you.
"Y/n, nice to meet you too." You nodded, releasing the strap of your bag and shaking his hand, being the friendly person you were.
"Here to visit?" Your eyes settled on the boy.
"I guess you can call it like that?" You slightly laughed, trying to hide the fact that your heart was pounding out of your chest.
"O-kay? You're nervous. Me too. Like a lot. So nervous that my glasses fell into a human body." Levi chuckled, as his cheeks reddened.
"Oh I'm so sorry?" You apologized with a chuckle, receiving a dismissing wave of Levi's hand.
"It's all good, but thanks." The doors opened of the elevator and your chuckle disappeared within a few seconds.
"Have a nice day y/n." Levi waved as he walked of with a chart covering his hands.
"Bye." You gave him one last nod, before you grabbed your cellphone out of your bag and tried to call your only hope.
"Hi, you've reached Carina. I'm so sorry I can't pick up the call right now because I am standing right behind you. GOTCHA."
You sighed loudly throwing your cellphone back in your bag before a ginger haired female walked up to you.
"Ma'am are you alright?" She looked worried and at the same time she took in your frustration.
"Yeah yeah I'm fine don't worry." You fake smiled before turning around and taking in your surroundings.
"Well fine then?" She frowned starting to walk away.
"Wait! Do you know where i can find Carina Deluca?" Your voice spoke softly, knowing this female was only trying to help.
"Well if you're looking for her, she's right over there." You looked over to where the female was pointing.
A female covered in pink scrubs and yelling through a phone when slamming her hand on the desk? Yeah you were looking for her.
"No! Are you deaf did i say 'yes'? Huh?! I said no!" She yelled through the phone as you walked up to the information desk. "𝓐re you moronic?"
"Well that's mean?" You mumbled, placing both of your hands on top of the desk as she dropped the phone.
"Y/n!?" A loud gasp was heard as the female looked you up and down when walking around the desk to draw you in a hug.
"You've got to be kidding me?!" Carina cursed, tilting her head to one side, placing her hand on your shoulder.
"I wish i was but I'm not this time." You promised with a shake of your head.
"Well you better not be, follow me come on." She grabbed your hand walking towards an office which walls were made of glass.
"Hunt, don't let anyone near me, I'm having family in my office?" Carina glared at the ginger haired man as she received a nod in response.
"Sassy as ever, how I've missed that." Staring out of the glass view on your right, you watched doctors arguing, laughing and walking.
"The fact that you're here as the new head of Cardio means that you miss more than just me." Your ex sister in law gave you a much meaningful look, placing a dark blue scrubs on the desk.
"Please don–"
"No, don't run from the truth y/n?" Carina frowned, placing your badge in your hand just as a female voice sounded through the room.
"Doctor Deluca your nee– I'm sorry I'll come back later." A brown haired woman stuttered ready to close the see-through door.
"No Wilson, you already bothered me, what's wrong?" The Italian female sighed throwing her hair into a ponytail.
"You're needed for the premature with heart surgery at 2 o'clock." Carina sighed, getting up. "Don't leave to Italy until I'm back okay?"
A snort left your body when your eyes were settled on the young brown haired female. The light blue scrubs and the nervous state you could tell she was an intern.
" I'm Jo Wilson and i-I'm just standing here just because?" The girl gave an awkward smile.
You got up from your chair and removed your watch from your wrist. " Y/n y/l/n, head of Cardio."
"Nice to meet you, could you help me out with a patient?" Jo blurted out, walking up to you and placing a cup of coffee in your hand what made you frown.
"Is this your way of convincing me, Doctor Wilson?" You raised an eyebrow but still decided to take a sip of the hot coffee.
"Is it working?" The brown haired female asked as her eyes were settled on her chart before handing it over to you.
"It did, what's the case?" You took another sip of your coffee before putting your hair up in a messy bun.
"A 13 year old who's stubborn and won't let me do a check up." The girl informed you when shrugging her shoulders.
"Well, let's get going then." You motioned for her to walk through the door and show you the way towards the patient.
"You are Andrew's fiancé aren't you?" Jo piped up when giving you a questioning glance.
"Ex fiancé." The answer glided over your lips as you held the medical chart close to your chest with a slightly heavy grip.
"Oh, okay? Here to the left." She mentioned as the both of you made a turn to the left while you were walking.
Coming to a halt you were met by a man and a woman in their 40's and a boy with crossed arms and a glare covering his face laying on a examination gurney.
"Seriously you brought another doctor in here, you think she'll heal me? The boy mumbled, throwing his parents a glare.
"Honey, just stay calm and let her do her job please." His mother placed a hand on his shoulder, trying to camm him down.
"Let me do my job, the sooner you'll be out here." Taking a hood of your stethoscope the cold metal was placed on the boy's chest. "Can you move your shirt up a little, i want to see if you have any pain."
As your hands were placed in the middle of his stomach you noticed him slightly pulling away in pain.
"She applied pressure on your pancreas and that hurts, so my question is, have you had any other complaints?" Jo piped up as your head was pointed in her direction.
"I've been drinking more, I've been having a blurred vision out of no where?" The teenager explained, knowing that if he wouldn't say it he would be here in the next week again.
"Wilson, i want you to do a FBS test, as soon as you have results, I'm the one you page." Leaving the room you saw papers laying on the floor before grabbing them in your hands and searching for the person they belonged to.
"Those were my-" his sentence was ended by noticing you standing in front in him. "You?"
" i guess I failed the job of avoiding you." You mumbled when you rubbed your forehead in annoyance.
"I guess that i failed the job of not seeing you ever again." He mumbled between his lips when he stared at the end of the hallway, avoiding your eyes.
"After or before we called off our engagement?" Tilting your head to the side you crossed your arms. " Or after i lost our baby?"
"Don't. Talk about that, ever again." He glared when pointing a finger at you as anger and sadness filled his eyes.
"You seriously dare to think all that didn't affect me?" Your voice slightly raised as you saw a nurse giving you a bewildered look.
"That baby and that ring on your finger meant everything to me Y/n." His voice slightly cracked when turning around.
"So you're just gonna walk away?"
"You walked away from me 2 years ago Y/N, i lost a wife and a child, I don't deserve any of that pain." And that were the words that left his lips before walking away.
He was over you.
But not over your lost baby
He'll never be.
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mab1905 · 3 years
More Fitzjames content? Yeah... here’s a playlist for ya’ll...
These are songs which I think describe him at different points in his character developement or simply different aspects of his personality. Somewhat James/Crozier (Fitzier) but all about James.
(25 songs, 1 hour 33 min)
Song List + Most Character-Relevant Lyrics:
Fancy — Orville Peck
We didn't have money for food or rent / To say the least, we was hard pressed / Then Mama spent every last penny we had / To buy me a dancin' dress / Mama washed and combed and curled my hair / And she painted my eyes and lips / Stepped into a satin dancin' dress / That had a slit in the side clean up to my hips / It was red velvet trim, and it fit me good / Starin' back from the lookin' glass / There stood a woman where a half-gown boy had stood / ... / It sounded like somebody else that was talkin' / Askin', "Mama, what do I do?" / She said, "Just be nice to the gentlemen, Fancy / They'll be nice to you" / "Here's your one chance, Fancy, don't let me down / Here's your one chance, Fancy, don't let me down / Lord, forgive me for what I do / But if you want out, well, it's up to you / Now don't let me down now / Your mama's gonna move you uptown"
gold rush — Taylor Swift
What must it be like / To grow up that beautiful? / With your hair falling into place like dominos / ... / At dinner parties / I call you out on your contrarian shit / And the coastal town / We wandered 'round had never / Seen a love as pure as it / And then it fades into the gray of my day old tea / 'Cause you know it could never be
The Name Of The Game — ABBA
Your smile, and the sound of your voice / And the way you see through me / Got a feeling, you give me no choice / But it means a lot to me / So I wanna know / What's the name of the game?
Spectrum — Florence + The Machine
And when we come for you / We'll be dressed up all in blue / With the ocean in our arms / Kiss your eyes and kiss your palms / And when it's time to pray / We'll be dressed up all in grey / With metal on our tongues / And silver in our lungs / ... / And when we come back we'll be dressed in black / And you'll scream my name aloud / And we won't eat and we won't sleep / We'll drag bodies from the ground / So say my name / And every colour illuminates / And we are shining / And we'll never be afraid again
Dreamy Bruises — Sylvan Esso
How can we question / What we knows feels right / Black eyes turn to marigolds / In the morning light / Ohweeohweeoh kids move so slow / Shaken all over like some dogs at the pool / Ohweeohweeoh kids move so slow / They’re kicken all the records over acting like they hanging water / Ohweeohweeoh kids move so slow / Down in the basement where the sun don't show / Ohweeohweeoh kids movie so slow / Naked dollars wonder piles dreamy bruises rotten lovers / And they say I want you / To bend me back in two / To make me sing your tune / To make those words so smooth / Fill me like a song do
Wolf — Sylvan Esso
But no birds nor beast does he eat / He only wants the tenderest meat / And oh the sounds he makes them speak / Under all different patterns of sheets / ... / The modern wolf, the modern wolf / Drippin' in all the lives that he took / He'll go on home, try to wash them off / But when he shaves, he hears them call
Francis Forever — Mitski
On sunny days I go out walking / I end up on a tree-lined street / I look up at the gaps of sunlight / I miss you more than anything / I don't need the world to see / That I've been the best I can be, but / I don't think I could stand to be / Where you don't see me / And autumn comes when you're not yet done / With the summer passing by, but / I don't think I could stand to be / Where you don't see me
James — MGMT
James / If you need a friend / Come right over / Don't even knock / And I'll be home / The door is always open / And we both can say, "Who's laughing now?" / Oh, James / My little doll / You just go outside and you call / Oh, James / Oh, you're never too far off / If your fire's out / There's no need to shout / I'm always home / And walk on in / I'll make you tea and breakfast / And we both can say, "Who's laughing now?"
South London Forever — Florence + The Machine
I drive past the place that I was born / And the places that I used to drink / Young and drunk and stumbling in the street / Outside the Joiners Arm's like foals unsteady on their feet / With the art students and the boys in bands / High on E and holding hands with someone that I just met / I thought it doesn't get / Better than this / There can be nothing better than this / Better than this / And we climbed onto the roof, the museum / And someone made love in the glass / And I'd forgot my name / And the way back to my mother's house / With your black cool eyes and your bitten lips / The world is at your fingertips / It doesn't get better than this / What else could be better than this? / Oh, don't you know I have seen / I have seen the fields aflame / And everything I ever did / Was just another way to scream your name
Oh! You Pretty things — David Bowie
I think about a world to come / Where the books were found by the Golden ones / Written in pain, written in awe / By a puzzled man who questioned / What we work here for / All the strangers came today / And it looks as though they're here to stay / Oh You Pretty Things (Oh You Pretty Things) / Don't you know you're driving your / Mamas and Papas insane / Oh You Pretty Things (Oh You Pretty Things) / Don't you know you're driving your / Mamas and Papas insane / Let me make it plain / You gotta make way for the Homo Superior
Venus As A Boy — Björk
His wicked sense of humor / Suggests exciting sex / His fingers they focus on her and touches / He's Venus as a boy / ... / All across your lips, oh, then until / Well be that it's a little now, until / He believes in a beauty / He's Venus as a boy / He believes in a beauty and gentle
Winds Change — Orville Peck
Had a lover but I lost my patience / Gonna get a song on a radio station / Got a fire but you just can't use it / I don't mean no lies, baby, please don't lose it / Lost my way on the other side / I know why, I don't know when / From the way that we said goodbye / I knew I'd never see you again / Left my mind in the Salt Lake City / Met a lot of men who would call me pretty / Pack of reds, watch the days get colder / Don't it make you cry, how we're getting older?
Fluorescent Adolescent — Arctic Monkeys
Oh the boy's a slag / The best you ever had / The best you ever had is just a memory / And those dreams weren't as daft as they seem / Not as daft as they seem / My love, when you dream them up... / Flicking through a little book of sex tips / Remember when the boys were all electric? / Now when she's told she's gonna get it / I'm guessing that she'd rather just forget it / Clinging to not getting sentimental / Said she wasn't going but she went still / Likes her gentlemen not to be gentle / Was it a Mecca dauber or a betting pencil? / Oh the boy's a slag / The best you ever had / The best you ever had is just a memory / And those dreams weren't as daft as they seem / Not as daft as they seem / My love, when you dream them up / Falling about / You took a left off Last Laugh Lane / Just sounding it out / But you're not coming back again.
Cheerleader — St. Vincent
I've had good times / With some bad guys / I've told whole lies / With a half smile / Held your bare bones / With my clothes on / I've thrown rocks / Then hid both my arms / I've played dumb / When I knew better / Tried so hard / Just to be clever / I know honest thieves / I call family / I've seen America / With no clothes on / I don't know what I deserve / But for you I could work / Cause I don’t want to be a cheerleader no more
Queen Bitch — David Bowie
She's so swishy in her satin and tat / In her frock coat and bipperty-bopperty hat / Oh God, I could do better than that / Oh, yeah / She's an old-time ambassador / Of sweet talking, night walking games / Oh and she's known in the darkest clubs / For pushing ahead of the dames / If she says she can do it / Then she can do it, she don't make false claims / But she's a queen and such a queen / Such a laughter is sucked in their brains / Now she's leading him on / And she'll lay him right down / Yes, she's leading him on / And she'll lay him right down / But it could have been me / Yes, it could have been me
Boys Keep Swinging — David Bowie
Heaven loves ya / The clouds part for ya / Nothing stands in your way / When you're a boy / Clothes always fit ya / Life is a pop of the cherry / When you're a boy / When you're a boy / You can wear a uniform / When you're a boy / Other boys check you out / You get a girl / These are your favorite things / When you're a boy / Boys / Boys / Boys keep swinging
Caterpillars (Of The Common Wealth) — Will Connolly
You know you'll always be my valentine / Now swear to god that you will never tell / They're streaming every indiscretion live / For caterpillars of the commonwealth / Gotta go / You can stay / Make yourself at home / Gotta go / This campaign / Don't run itself you know / You've got potential little parasite / I tie your hands so i can wish you well / Cuz i'm a gentleman and you are like / A caterpillar of the commonwealth / Gotta go / I said no / You need to know your role / Gotta go / I said no / It's all under control
Imposters (Little By Little) — The Fratellis
You wear your mask, I'll wear mine / They don't come cheap, but they fit just fine / You can be her and I can be him / We can both sink when the rest all swim / ... / We can pretend that our fates were entwined / A beautiful lie is the beautiful kind / Everybody knows that the sun still sets / And everybody gives and everybody gets / ... / I could be the one that you just can't shake / Till you swear that your eyes go blind / We can disappear till the sun burns a hole / In the life that we left behind
Sweet Painted Lady — Elton John
I'm back on dry land once again / Opportunity awaits me like a rat in the drain / We're all hunting honey with money to burn / Just a short time to show you the tricks that we've learned / If the boys all behave themselves here / Well, there's pretty young ladies and beer in the rear / ... / Forget us we'll have gone very soon / Just forget we ever slept in your rooms / And we'll leave the smell of the sea in your beds / Where love's just a job and nothing is said
Super Trouper — ABBA
Super trouper beams are gonna blind me / But I won't feel blue / Like I always do / 'Cause somewhere in the crowd there's you / ... / So I'll be there when you arrive / The sight of you will prove to me I'm still alive / And when you take me in your arms / And hold me tight / I know it's gonna mean so much tonight
Babooshka — Kate Bush
She sent him scented letters / And he received them with a strange delight / Just like / His wife / But how she was before the tears / And how she was before the years flew by / And how she was when she was beautiful / She signed the letter / All yours...
Paris is Burning — St. Vincent
I write to give word the war is over / Send my cinders home to mother / They gave me a medal for my valor / Leaden trumpets spit the soot of power / They say, "I'm on your side / "When nobody is, 'cause nobody is / "Come sit right here and sleep / "While I slip poison in your ear" / We are waiting on a telegram / To give us news of the fall / I am sorry to report / Dear Paris is burning after all
Dream of Sheep — Kate Bush
Oh I'll wake up to any sound of engines / Every gull a seeking craft / I can't keep my eyes open / Wish I had my radio / I'd tune into some friendly voices / Talking 'bout stupid things / I can't be left to my imagination / Let me be weak, let me sleep and dream of sheep / Ooh, their breath is warm / And they smell like sleep / And they say they take me home / Like poppies, heavy with seed / They take me deeper and deeper
Hunger — Florence + The Machine
At seventeen, I started to starve myself / I thought that love was a kind of emptiness / And at least I understood then, the hunger I felt / And I didn't have to call it loneliness / ... / Tell me what you need, oh, you look so free / The way you use your body, baby, come on and work it for me / Don't let it get you down, you're the best thing I've seen / We never found the answer but we knew one thing / ... / And it's Friday night and it's kicking in / In that pink dress, they're gonna crucify me / Oh, and you in all your vibrant youth / How could anything bad ever happen to you? / You make a fool of death with your beauty, and for a moment / I forget to worry
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librarianbusdriver · 3 years
Ted: Okay, where was I? You were telling us how you met mom. In excruciating detail. Right. So, back in 2005, When I was 27, My two best friends got engaged, And it got me thinking, maybe I should get married.
And then I saw robin. She was incredible. I just knew I had to meet her. That's where your uncle barney came in. I suggest we play a little game I like to call Wait, no, no, no. We're not playing "have you met ted?" Hi. Have you met ted? So I asked her out. But after just one date, I was in love with her Which made me say something stupid. I think I'm in love with you. What?! Oh, dad. So then what happened? Nothing. I mean, I'd made a complete fool of myself. So, a week went by, and I decided not to call her. So you're not gonna call her? You went from, "I think I'm in love with you"
Trapped, the same hollow, dull story repeating again, and again, and again all around me. No way to change its course. No way to do anything but just... watch.
To "I'm not gonna call her"? I wasn't in love with her, okay? I was briefly in love with the abstract concept Of getting married. It had absolutely nothing to do with robin. Robin. Hi. Look who I ran into. Since when do you guys know each other? Oh, since about... Here. Lily recognized me From the news and... Hello, sailor! They just got engaged. Well, I should get back to the station. See you, guys. Nice seeing you, ted. Yeah, you, too. Thanks. What? Damn it! I'm in love with her. As your sponsor, I will not let you relapse. You blew it, it's over, move on. I don't know, I just have this feeling She's the future mrs. Ted mosby. ( Lily squeaks) Lily, you squeaked? She said something about me, didn't she? Come on, spill it, red! Fine. So, what do we think of ted? ( Iaughs) Ted's something else. Huh. I'm gonna spin that as good. Lots of guys are something, I'm something else. Comes on a little strong. But, that's part of my charm. But, that's part of his charm. Oh, totally. I mean, he's sweet, he's charming, He's just looking for something A little bit more serious than I am. I mean, the most I can handle right now is something casual. This just stays between us, right? Are you kidding? This flapper? Fort knox. Oops. She wants casual. Okay, I'll be casual. I'm going to be a mushroom cloud of casual. Cause it's a game... I want her to skip To the end and do the whole happily-ever-after thing. But you don't get there unless you play the game. So, are you going to ask her out? Yeah... No! I can't ask her out, Because if I ask her out, I'm asking her out. So, how do I Ask her out without asking her out? Did you guys get high? I got it. I don't ask her out. I invite her To our party next Friday. We're having a party next Friday? We are now. Casual. Like inviting a hundred people over just to mack on one girl. Oh, and lily, that's my leg. You waited five minutes to tell me that? All right, so call her up. No, calling's not casual. I just got to bump into her somewhere. Now, if only I knew her schedule, I could arrange a chance encounter. That's great, ted... you'll be the most casual stalker ever. Put that ring on her finger, lily had been, Well, extra affectionate. ( chuckling ): Baby, no. I have a 25-page paper on constitutional law due Monday. Hey, I'm just sitting here, wearing my ring,
Wallachia, how I miss you.
My beautiful ring. ( Typing) Kind of makes wearing other stuff seem wrong. Like my shirt. Kind of don't want to wear my shirt anymore. Or... My underwear. That's right, I'm not wearing any. ( Sighs ) No underwear? Not even slightly. Ted: Guys. Boundaries. Robin ( on tv ): Thanks, bill. I'm reporting from the razzle dazzle supermarket On 75th and columbus... 75th and columbus. Game on! Where four-year-old leroy ellenberg has climbed Inside a grab-a-prize machine and gotten stuck. ( Panting ) And, all in the pursuit of a stuffed, purple giraffe. For metro news 1, I'm robin trubotsky. Engineer: We're clear. Robin: Thanks, don. Whew. Ted. Robin, wow! What are the odds? Oh, you know, just, uh, shopping for, uh, dip. I love dip. I mean, I don't love dip, I like dip... ( chuckles ) so, uh, hey, you, uh, Reporting a news story or something? Yeah, kid stuck in a crane machine. How sweet of you to call it news. Wow. Kid in a crane machine. Mm-hmm. You just had to have that toy, didn't you? Couldn't play the game like everyone else. You're all sweaty! Cute kid. Um, you know, It's so funny I should run into you. We're, uh, we're having a party next Friday, If you feel like swinging by. But, you know, whatever. Oh, I'm going back home next weekend. It's too bad it's not tonight. It is... It's tonight. This Friday. Did I say next Friday? Sorry, I guess I've been saying next Friday all week. But, yeah, it's tonight, the, uh, the party's tonight. But, you know, whatever. ( Phone rings) Hello? Hey, am I interrupting anything? No, no, I'm just writing my paper. Hitting the books. Yeah, well, you and lily Might want to put some clothes on. We're throwing a party in two hours. Okay, bye. What are you gonna do when robin shows up? Okay, I got it all planned out. She steps through the door... and where's ted? Not eagerly waiting by the door. No, I'm across the room at my drafting table, Showing some foxy young thing all my cool architect stuff. So, robin strolls over, and I casually give her one of these: "hey, what's up?" She says, "hey, nice place, et cetera, et cetera." And then, I say, "well, make yourself at home." And, I casually return to my conversation. Then, an hour later... "oh, you're still here?" I say, like I don't really care, But it's a nice surprise. And then, very casually: Both: The roof! Get her up to the roof, And the roof takes care of the rest. What's so special about the roof? Oh, the moon, the stars, the shimmering skyline. You can't not fall in love on that roof. We do it up there, sometimes. Solid plan, my little friend. But, may I suggest one little modification. Barney: That foxy young thing you were chatting up, Take her up to the roof and have sex with her. Crazy monkey style... That's not the plan. Barney: Well, it should be the plan. I mean, look at her. Ted, look at her. She's smoking! Thank you! Yeah... But, she's not robin! Exactly! Ted, let's rap. Statistic: At every new york party, There's always a girl who has no idea Whose party she's at. She knows no one you know, And you will never see her again. Do you see where I'm going with this? Barney, I don't think so. ( groans ) Scoping.
I miss it all. The childhood spent in that bountiful castle, the beauty of those rolling green fields...
( Imitates sonar beeping ) Scoping. Man, you're a dork. ( Accelerates beeping sound ) Target acquired! Now it's time we play a little game I like to call "have you met ted?" oh, come on, not this. Hi. Have you met ted? No. Hi. Hi. Do you know marshall? Lily? Woman: No. Hmm. Do you know anyone at this party? I work with carlos. Excuse me. Anyone know a carlos? No. No. On a silver platter. Bon appétit. I don't think so. Your loss, her gain. Excuse me. Can I show you the roof? It's magical up there. Sure. Ted: Wait, wait. Hey, hey, I got that roof reserved. Dude, robin's not coming. Hey, she's going to show up! She'll show up. Ted: She didn't show up. At least it was a great party. I ate, like, four whole cans of dip. You always know what to say, old friend. ( Phone ringing ) It's robin. No, no, not right away... got to seem casual. ( Ringing continues ) Hello? I'm so sorry I missed your party. Who is this? Meredith? Robin. Oh, robin! Hey! Yeah, I, uh, guess you never showed up, did you? No, I got stuck at work. But, they finally got that kid out of the crane machine. Did he get to keep the purple giraffe? Yeah, they let him keep all the toys. He was in there a long time, And little kids have small bladders. ( Chuckles ) robin: I wish your party Was tonight. It is... the party's tonight. Yeah, uh... It's a two-day party, 'cause that's just how we roll. Uh, so, if you want to swing by, you know, it's casual. See ya. So, that was robin. What are you Doing to me, man?! I got a paper to write! I know! Sorry! It's terrible! I'll buy more dip! Ted! Ted, wait! Get french onion! Can you believe this guy? I got a paper to write. Okay, fine. But, it's got to be, like, super-quick, And no cuddling after. I'm the luckiest girl alive. You were so right about the roof! The roof! The roof is on fire, ted! That girl from last night... I took her back to my place, Spun her around a couple times and sent her walking. She will never find her way back, and there she is. How did she get here? Did you invite her? I have no idea who that is. She said she works with carlos. Who's carlos? I don't know any carlos. ( Frustrated groan)
The conquests... the blood of my enemies spilled, and villages burnt to the ground in my name.
Hi, you! You're back! I sure am. Mmm. Come on, sweetie, I need a drink. "Sweetie"? Really? ( Barely audible ): Help. Whoa! Whoa, rabbits! Come on, I got that roof reserved. All right. So, it's over between me and works-with-carlos girl. Whoa! That was fast. Yeah. I was trying to think, What's the quickest way to get rid of a girl you just met? I think I'm in love with you. What?! Thanks, bro. Glad I could help. What the... No, no, no. Come on. Sorry, ted. Great. What am I going to do when robin shows up? She'll show up. She didn't show up. All right. We threw two parties. Everybody had fun. Everybody wanged, everybody chunged. Now, the kid has got to get to work, And the kid is not to be disturbed. Repeat after me. I will not have sex with marshall. Both: I will not have sex with marshall. ( Phone ringing ) It's robin. Hello? Hi, ted. Amanda? Oh, denise! Sorry, you totally sounded like amanda. It's robin. Oh, robin. Hi. I totally wanted to come. I got stuck at work again. I feel like I live there. I'm sorry I missed your party, again. Hey, ain't no thing but a chicken wing, mamacita. Who am I? I guess there's no chance your two-dayer Turned into a three-dayer? It did, indeed. The party continues tonight. Yeah. Uh, last night, people were like, "keep it going, bro. Party trifecta." Wow! Okay, well, I'll be there. Great! See you tonight. So, that was robin. So, I threw a third party for robin... On a Sunday night. Well, this is lame. Lame... Or casual? Lame. Or casual? Hey, law books. Ready for a little 15 minute recess? Sorry, baby, I got to work. I need all my blood up here. Has anybody seen an introduction to contract tort And restitution statutes from 1865-1923? Anybody seen a big-ass book? All ( muttering ): No. Woman: Hello, barney. Of course. You look well. Is it weird they invited both of us? Who? Who invited you? No one even knows who you are! I understand you're hurt, but you don't have to be cruel. Carlos was right about you. Who is carlos?! Hey, where the hell is my...? Oh...! Okay... An introduction to contract tort And restitution statutes from 1865-1923 Is not a coaster! Ted, I'm jeopardizing my law career so you can throw not one, Not two, but three parties for some girl that you just met Who's probably not even going to show up! I mean, where is she, ted, huh? Where's robin? Hi. Hi, robin. Wow. So, you threw all these parties for me? No. Oh, you thought that... No! I... Okay, yes. You got me. One of the reasons I threw these parties Was so that I could introduce you To, um, this guy. Uh, I figured, you know, Since it didn't work out between us And now we can just laugh about it... ( laughs weakly) Anyway, robin, this is... Carlos. Oh! Oh! She's still talking to carlos. I can still win this. I-it's not over. Okay, buddy. Time for the tough talk. Robin seems great, but let's look at the facts. You want to get married. And right now, There's a million women in new york Looking for exactly you. But robin ain't one of them. She's not just one of them. She's the one. Yeah, well, the one is heading up to the roof. What are you going to do? Nothing. It's a game. I got to just keep playing it. ( Rock music playing ) Ted... Hey, carlos, can you give us a minute? Hey, no sweat, hombre. See ya. Robin...
Will I ever be freed of this damnable place?
Look, I didn't throw this party To set you up with carlos, Or the one before that, or the one before that. I threw these parties because I wanted to see you. Well, here I am. There's something here, look, unless I'm crazy. You're not crazy. I don't know, ted. I mean, we barely know each other And you're looking at me with that look. And, it's like... Like, "let's fall in love and get married And have kids and drive them to soccer practice." I'm not going to force sports on them Unless they're interested. ( Iaughing ) It's a great look. But you're looking at the wrong girl. No, I'm not. I don't want to get married right now, maybe ever. I'd feel like I'd either have to marry you Or break your heart, and... I just couldn't do either of those things. Just like you can't turn off the way you feel. Click. Off. Let's make out. What? What? That was the off switch. And I turned it off. I mean, look, sure, yes, I want to fall in love, get married, blah, blah, blah. But, on the other hand... You, me, the roof. There's no off switch. There is an off switch. And it's off. No, it's not. Yes, it is. No, it's not. Yes... It is. No, it's not. You're right. There's no off switch. God, I wish there was an off switch! Me, too. ( Both laughing ) ( both muttering nervously ) What do we do now? We could be friends. Oh... I know it sounds insincere when people say that, But... We could. I don't know, robin. I've made such a jackass of myself here. We start hanging out, every time I see you It'll be like, "oh, that's right. I'm a jackass." You're not a jackass. Look, I'm sorry. I only moved here in April and I'm always working And I just haven't met a lot of good people so far. But I understand. Well, uh, maybe in a few months, After it's not so fresh, We could all, uh, you know, get a beer. Yeah. That sounds good. I'll see you, ted. Or, you know, now. We could all get a beer now. I'd like that. My friends are going to love you... Like you, you know, as a friend. Jackass. Unbelievable. That's just a recipe For disaster. They work together! Are you jealous? Oh, please. What does carlos have that I don't? A date tonight. All: Oh! Stop the tape. Rewind. ( Imitates tape rewinding ) a date tonight. All: Oh! I'm not sure I like her. Hey, don't you have a paper to write? Dude, you're talking to the kid. I'm going to knock back this beer. I'm going to knock back one more beer. I'm going to write a 25-page paper. I'm going to hand it in and I'm going to get an "a." My name is rufus and that's the trufus. ( Iaughter ) Ted: He got a b-minus. But still, 25 pages in one night, b-minus? The kid was good. At least let me buy you a beer. Come on, I'll buy everyone a beer. I'll help carry. You know something, ted? What? You are a catch. You're going to make some girl very happy. And I am going to help you find her. Well, good luck. I mean, maybe new york's just too big a town. I mean, there's millions of people in this city. How, in all this mess, Is a guy supposed to find the love of his life? I mean, where do you even begin? Hi. Have you met ted? ( Music rises over dialogue )
I do not know if I can, but I must.
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limenysnocket · 4 years
●The Blush Bet●
Pt. IV: The Do-Over
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Summary: After finally getting his feelings out in the open, Taika decides that it's right about time that he takes (Y/N) out for a proper date. He calls it a do-over for the last one he took her on.
Request: @honorarytenenbaum
Warnings: Swearing, alcohol and quite a bit of car se- I mean, smut.
A/N: Hehehhh, I've had this idea in my head for the longest time. Peak Taika time, you guys. Drunk Taika time... Touchy feely Taika time... a bit of riding Taika time... OH, this is the last part, by the way. I'll stop bothering you with this story. Lol
You stared at the new dress in the mirror. Pure white, strappless, slits down both legs and a lovely, black belt around the waist. Taika outdid himself this time and, a lot like the bad date he took you on, he didn't tell you much about where you were going or what the night would entail, but you couldn't be any happier than you were now.
You smoothed out the bottom half of the dress and tucked a sweet little hair behind your ear. For once, you were happy to be dressed up by someone else. You couldn't help but be a little nervous, though. You were always so nervous before dates, even if you knew the guy pretty well. You just had a tendency of worrying about tripping over your heels or going to the bathroom then come out with the back of your dress tucked into your underwear. You had nothing to worry about this time, but you still worried.
Your phone suddenly went off and made you jump. You reached for it, a gentle smile on your face as you read the notification.
'I'm outside, darling. Hope you're just as excited as I am! ;)'
You giggle to yourself, tuck your phone in your handbag and take one last look at yourself, as if you thought there was a massive smudge in your makeup that could ruin your night. You put on a smile, fix a little uncomfortable place in your heel, did a little body wiggle and went to your door and opened it.
Your smile got wider. The man of the hour was standing right in front of you, dressed in a navy blue tux and a snow white rose in the breastpocket. His hand was holding yours, the moment he saw you and he brought you closer with just a simple beckoning tug.
"Your boyfriend must have wonderful tastes, because that dress looks absolutely amazing on you," Taika purred with a kiss to the back of your hand.
"Well, my boyfriend is pretty wonderful," you hummed back and softly tugged your hand away so you could wrap your arms around his neck. He set his hands on your waist and leaned down to press his lips against yours. Your bottom lip was encased in his and you felt his hands creep away from your waist, to your hips, then to your ass. You had to pull away from the kiss before he could do that, "No, no, sir. We can't do that yet. We still have a date."
Taika only half groaned, but you knew he didn't mind. He must have made one hell of a reservation if it even made him pass up the opportunity for sex.
"Your ride awaits you, madam and sir," you heard someone call from down on the curb and you leaned to look past Taika, who briefly moved to look with you.
"Holy shit-- You brought Robert too?" You smiled and looked up at Taika. He was grinning and biting his bottom lip slightly.
"Just wouldn't be the same without him. I'd miss him if I didn't let him drive tonight," Taika said, taking your hand in his and escorting you down to the curb.
"Good evening, miss!" Robert greeted you with a very bright smile and a tip of his cap.
"Robert, my lanta! You have no idea how great it is to see you!" You smiled right back at him. "Did you ever get together with that one woman you saw outside that restaurant?"
"I actually did," Robert smiled. "Never knew a chap like myself could get a date at my age! I'm actually going out with her, tonight, thanks to Mr. Waititi!"
"Oh, really now?" You cocked a brow and grinned over at your date who was casually and quietly enjoying the banter he wasn't involved in.
"Wanted him to have a little fun too, doll. I was gonna tell you, don't be surprised when we end with a new driver back home tonight," he smiled down at you and nudged you with his hip.
"Well, no time to waste! Your evening awaits you!" Robert bounced on his heels then opened the door. Luckily, it wasn't an old fart limo that you were riding in tonight. It was a sleek, black, luxurious Mercedes that he was taking you in tonight and you were extremely flattered with all the effort Taika was putting in for you. It almost turned you on... almost.
During the ride to the more rich side of town, Taika kept his hand on your thigh and gently rubbed every now and then. You would turn and give him a cheeky little grin and a wink. You knew he wanted a little something before he left for the night.
You expected to pass the big fancy restaurant that he had teased you in front of, but when you ended up parking right in front of it, you nearly got whiplash from how hard your head snapped in Taika's direction. "Pulling the same joke twice isn't funny, Waititi!" You pout, almost and he snickers.
"This isn't a joke! Richard, tell her this isn't a joke, so she'll believe me!" Taika said, almost in an exasperated tone.
Richard turned the car off and in a very merry voice he said, "It's not a joke, miss! He even showed me his online ticket to prove he had a reservation this time!"
You're face was expressionless for a very long while. It was like Ross whenever he found out he was the father of Rachel's baby.
"You promise this isn't a fib?" You ask the man next to you, quietly. Your lip was softly quivering.
"I have no reason to lie to you anymore," he said back with a very warm gaze and a matching smile. His fingers interlocked with yours and he brought it up to kiss the back of your hand again. Gosh, you loved it when he did that.
Richard eventually got the two of you out of the car, and you waved goodbye to him, side you wouldn't be seeing him after dinner. He told you that his date was waiting for him down the street, then waved you off as well to have your pleasant evening and pleasant dinner with Taika in the most expensive restaurant in the entirety of L.A.
You could practically smell the money on the people around you while they stuffed themselves fat on cash salads.
"I swear, if they end up taking us down to a sub-basement or something for people who want to think their eating rich, I'm going to flip my shit," you said teasingly while you secretly looked around at the sparkling chandeliers with much awe and admiration.
"I don't even think this place has a sub-basement, so you're in luck!" Taika laughed as he pulled you along, up to a waiter where he flashed him the reservation on his phone. The waiter, dressed in a deep red vest and black slacks, nodded at the confirmation, grabbed two menus then escorted you to your table, which just so happened to be on the second floor. Lucky you, you got to go through the little archway leading to the stairs, gayly dressed in evergreen leaves and electric lights.
As you sat down at your seat, you took the time to admire the place even more. The food made your stomach growl, the lighting cast upon Taika's face made your heart flutter and you were dressed ever so perfectly. Wow... just a week ago, you could have never imagined Taika doing something so lavish for you. Now, it felt like every act of kindness he did for you was a gift from the king, himself.
"Enjoying the scenery, darling?" You heard Taika say from across the table and it caught your attention in a flash.
"How can I not be?" You said, giving him a warm, wide smile. It made him melt, you could tell. The look he had made it easy to spot that he was falling deeper in love with you, right before your very eyes. He reached over for your hand and once he had it, he caressed it with his thumb. He continued to hold it while he spoke to you, all the way up until the scheduled bottle of wine arrived and the waiter was back to take your order...
"I don't know about you, but that sirloin certainly stuffed me," Taika giggled at his own alliteration and you laughed along too, as he guided you back down the lavish stairs and back out the arch. Your arm was hooked around his, and while you both made your way out the building, you talked about whimsical story ideas that both of you brewed up together and wouldn't probably pull through with, but it was still so much fun to see what stirred within your collided imaginations. The real reason you were hanging off of each other is, because both of you happened to be quite wine drunk at the moment, and didn't care enough to notice.
You both reached the curb and were still bubbling away, since the Mercedes was running a tad slow, but all was well.
It eventually fell quiet between you two and your just stared into each other's eyes, exasperated with how much you both just shared with each other and taking a few moments to look back at the story you created. It was a mixture of feelings, jotting out in random directions, rough around the edges, but soft as an angel's wings. You couldn't be happier with it.
"Before we start taking notes," you said, laughing and tucking a stray strand if hair behind your ear, "I just want to say... I think this is the best date I've ever had. No, I'm not trying to inflate your ego, but... You deserve it this time. I'm proud of you, Tai, as weird as it is." You giggle at your own speech and lean in to kiss his forehead. Instead of his forehead, however, you come in contact with his lips instead, by his own devices.
He kissed you wantonly and almost needingly. You willingly fell prey to the kiss and slipped into a coma-like state where his lips were the only thing you needed to keep living. When you two parted, you panted and blushed immensely. You could taste the wine on his lips. You both had quite a few glasses, you'll admit...
His cheeks were a salmon color and his eyes were now glossed over, lips the lightly stained with your lipstick. You found yourself blushing even more at the sight. "So," you said with a hiccup resonating in your chest, "my place or yours?"
"Oh, sweetheart, I don't think we're even going to make it to either of those places," he smirked down at you and bit his lip. You gulped, because the sleek Mercedes pulled up right next to the two of you and a brand new driver hopped out and opened the door.
Taika pressed a feather light hand on your back and guided you into the backseat of the car. You could have sworn you felt his hand hovering over your ass at some point in time.
Once the two of you were in the car and the door was shut, it was all dark and very quiet, except for the slow breathing of you and the other two people in the car and the quiet radio, turned to an oldies station.
Your heart rate seemed to increase. You felt Taika's hand slither over to the slit in the leg of your dress and he quietly felt around it, until he slipped his hand completely under it. You said nothing, but you couldn't help but reach for his sleeve, encouraging him on. If this was going to happen, you needed to remain quiet.
He teased you for the longest time as the car creeped through slow traffic. He didn't start getting down on you until you had reached the first stoplight of what you might say be fourteen or so on.
His fingers teased your clit through your damp panties and he rubbed the cloth in slow circles. You had to bury your face into his arm to stop yourself from begging him for more. He suddenly nipped the shell of your ear to make your breath hitch and he chuckled, "Such a good girl~, being all quiet for daddy~." His other hand has now joined the games and started to grip and massage your warm thigh.
Taika continued to drive you insane by teasing the hem of your panties, not knowing if he should mess with the real thing or not. He wanted to be patient, Taika did... but Drunk-Taika was never a man of patience, as far as Taika, himself, knew.
You were so close to moaning, biting down on Taika's sleeve, whenever he suddenly yanked both of his hands away from you, leaving you a horny mess, beside him. You looked up at him in the dark, confused and a little upset, but he said nothing and waited until the next stoplight.
The car peeled into a stop, slowly, behind other cars. Taika made quick work of unbuckling both your and his seatbelts. Now, you were curious.
Taika dug around in his wallet for a moment, pulled out a couple hundreds and leaned forward so his head poked up right beside the driver, who was startled by the encounter. "I'm going to pay you a very big tip," Taika said to the driver in a very low, husky voice, "and you're going to let me fuck my girlfriend in the back seat. How does that sound?" Taika waved the large sum of cash in front of the man's face. You heard the driver gulp, then you saw him nod through the faint blackness.
"Good man," Taika chuckled deeply and set the cash down in the cup holder. "If I catch you looking back, it's getting taken away." Taika warned him, but didn't warn you as he sat back down and grabbed you by the hips as the car started to move again. He sat you on his lap and he nearly ripped the zipper on the back of your dress down, then tore the entire thing off of you.
"Told you we wouldn't make it~," Taika growled seductively and it made your walls really start to soak as he licked his chops like a feral dog, right in front of you.
"T-Taika~," you breathed softly by his ear, so he would be the only one to hear it.
"Always so shy in the beginning," Taika sighed and, yet again, without another warning, he smacked your ass, making you yelp. "What's the name I go by, when we fuck, doll~? I want to hear you say it."
"D-Daddy~," you moaned a little louder this time, so you didn't have to whisper.
"Good girl~," Taika smirked within the darkness. Before you knew it, his lips were on yours and this kiss was much more feral than the last one you received from him. He bit your bottom lip and tugged at it, his nails scraped across your thighs and he shoved his tongue down your throat. He was holding nothing back with you and it made you desperately moan. It was surprising that even the driver wasn't leapfrogging the car all over the place and was managing to keep his cool amidst the sinful sounds you made with only your mouth.
You felt Taika's hand creep up your thigh and to the hem of your panties again. Instead of just tugging them down, he decided to be slow and push them down, all the while feeling up the newly revealed skin.
His lips departed from yours, so you could breathe and also so he could start leaving deep hickeys all across your skin. "You're daddy's little slut, aren't you~? You and that soaked pussy, all just for me~?" He growled and bit harder, causing you to moan out and shake. Upon getting no real response, he grunted and slapped your ass again with his rough palm. "You better answer me, babe~. Otherwise, this can go on all night long~."
You gulped and finally found enough consciousness to nod. "Yes, daddy~," you moaned and you could practically feel the driver shuddering in the front seat.
Taika's strong erection poked at your thigh and he bucked against it from time to time. "Wanna go for a ride baby~?" He purrs to you, against your ear once more once your panties are all the way off and his other hand occupies itself with unclipping your strapless bra, just so he can see your breasts bounce whenever you start your ride.
You nod eagerly and quickly go after his belt, the drool only making your neediness all the more crystal clear. He lets you do your thing, smirking and watching you as you go after his cock like a wild animal. You eventually get his pants down low enough to where his cock springs free and you manage to tear off his suit jacket and tie in the process.
He gripped onto your hips and started guiding you down to his tip whenever the case came to another stop.
"W-We're here, sir..." the man mumbled from the frontseat, quivering, worried about what he just interrupted. Your turned your head to see that the car was now pulled into Taika's driveway. You were disappointed for a moment and a moment only, until Taika grabbed your chin and forced it to face him so you were making intense eye contact with him again.
"Drive." Taika said, his eyes still locked onto yours.
"What?" The man said, nearly forgetting his oath to not turn around and see the scene playing out in the backseat.
"Drive. Around the block or some shit... this won't take me long," Taika growled again, this time harsher. Your throbbing cunt was waiting for him, so you didn't mind. The driver took a moment to register everything before nodding and getting back out on the road again.
The moment the car started to move, Taika's grip intensified, then, he no longer hesitated to let you hover. He full fledged slammed you down on him and you let out your most sinful moan yet of his nickname.
"Yeah~. You like bouncing on daddy's cock, don't you~?" He growled and made you start moving, just to get you going. Once you were at a pace both you and him liked, he slipped his hands from your hips and to your ass, sinking his nails into the soft flesh while the two of you made love in the back of the car. He slapped your ass a couple times. Sometimes, to the point where it was almost beat red. It may have been, if you could see the color through all of the inky blackness surrounding the two of you.
"Fuck~, you're a fucking goddess~," Taika hissed through bared teeth, "Such a tight pussy~. God fucking damn it~."
His sultry moans started to match yours as time passed by and by. Loud, wet slaps of skin on skin and the sounds of your dirty panting filled the car with nothing but disgusting nature. Your hands gripped his shoulders as you were almost positive the back half of the car started to rock beneath the intense amount of force.
"Taika~ You're cock is so fucking perfect~. Fuck~!" You cried out, burying your face in his neck, only to be tugged away by a tough grip on your hair. You hissed, but you went quiet as you looked into Taika's brown eyes that stared into your soul, that dominated you, that owned you and that tight little pussy of yours. All of it was his and he was about to make it cum.
"T-Taika~. I don't know how much longer I can hold~," you moan in his ear as your bouncing becomes a little desperate and a lot rougher, to the point where Taika puts his hands back on your hips to control the wavering speed.
"Beg for it~," Taika said lowly. You could tell he was close too, by the familiar pattern it he pulsation of his cock.
"Please, daddy~. I want this, I need this~. Please, let me cum all over your fucking perfect cock~," you begged him with whatever strength you had left in your body.
"Cum for me," Taika said after a long overdue stare at your bouncing breasts, "do it right fucking now~."
His command was fulfilled in the next few seconds. He felt your juices squirt all down your thighs and a little dribbled onto his pants, but that was alright. He didn't mind one bit.
Now, it was his turn to make his thrusts turn reckless and violent. He shoved himself up into you, panting and moaning your name while he got you over the hills of your scream-filled orgasm. "Where do you want me to cum, doll~?" He growled during the last remaining seconds of his powerful fucking.
"In me~," You begged, wanting to feel him fill you up like the slut you are this time, and you were glad to see that he was happy to oblige. The next thing you knew, you felt strings of hot seed filling your walls and painting you white. That whiteness seeped down your thighs and dripped onto the car seat. The hot stink of sex filled the car and it got to the point where the driver cracked a window, once you two were finished.
Hot damn... you're going to have to make bets with Taika more often...
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