writernocturnus · 6 years
There is, oddly, so much more joy in obedience to the Lord, than sinful rebellion against the Lord.
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writernocturnus · 6 years
Hi I just thought I’d ask bc I’ve been a little curious for a while have you watched dead poets society by chance?? :) what with your page quote and everything bc if you have I really love that movie
Yes! That’s where I got the quote from! DPS is literally one of my favorite movies. R.I.P. Robin Williams.
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writernocturnus · 6 years
Heyo, I was wondering if you would do a Winn x reader where’s Halloween time. Where reader and Winn are such close friends that he has a key to her apartment so he walks in one day to see it all decked out for Halloween. He couldn’t find reader till he walks into the kitchen and sees reader dancing to Halloween music and baking cookies. Then they do fluffy stuff and Winn admits his feels. Gaaahh. I love this idea. I hope you can write it and I can’t wait to read it.
A/N: Sorry for the wait. I hope I did your brain child justice.
I See Dead People
It had been a long day at work for Winn—secret agent work was exhausting—and all he wanted was to see you. You were his best friend, his soulmate (even if he wasn’t actually in a relationship with you).
So as Winn walks to your apartment door, he begins to fumble with his keys (you had given him a key to your apartment since he was over so often). He unlocks your door, gives it a slight knock, and calls out your name.
“Y/N?” Winn calls, walking in and closing the door behind him.
Winn is smacked in the face with Halloween decorations, the smell of baking cookies, a messy kitchen, The Monster Mash playing loudly, and a best friend dancing (poorly). The scene in front of him brings a wide smile to his face, and he can’t help but laugh.
Winn laughing catches your attention, and you about jump out of your skin when you see him.
“Winn!” You exclaim. “Holy crap! You scared me!”
“No kiddin’,” Winn responds.
“Did you being the candy?”
“Shit. No. I came straight from the D.E.O. It was a busy day, and I forgot. I’m sorry.”
“It’s all good. There just won’t be any treats for when we watch a scary movie,” you shrug.
“What do you mean there won’t be a treat? I’m right here,” Winn smirks.
You laugh. “Mm. Sure you are, hot stuff.”
“No, but seriously, aren’t you baking cookies?”
“Oh, yeah! I should maybe check on those.”
You start to busy yourself with getting the cookies out of the oven. You set them on the counter to let them cool, and then you strike up a conversation with Winn over what movie adaptations of books are actually good. After the cookies are cooled enough, the two of you ice your cookies with Halloween decorations.
After icing the cookies, you and Winn lie across the couch with the plate of cookies in front of you to watch The Sixth Sense. About halfway through, Winn looks over at you, and he can’t help but think that you look absolutely beautiful.
Without thinking, Winn blurts out: “I love you.”
You turn and look at him, scrunching your eyebrows.
“I love you, too?”
“No, Y/N,” Winn says, realizing you didn’t understand. “I love you, love you.” His heart is pounding in his chest.
You stare at Winn, saying nothing. Winn gets even more nervous.
“I messed this up, I messed this up, I messed this up,” he begins to think over and over again.
You laugh, and it’s not mocking, just genuine, happy laughter.
“Kara was right.”
Winn makes a face. Despite himself he asks:
“You were gonna admit it before me. She likes to tell me that you and I are more than just friends.” You shrug.
“Admit it before... Wait, so you lo-“
“Yes, Winn, I love you, love you, too. Now shh! It’s almost to the “I see dead people” part!”
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writernocturnus · 6 years
Hi are you taking requests??
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writernocturnus · 6 years
Hi I really like your blog and I was wondering are rq open and do you have any rules for them bc i just thought I’d ask have a lovely day thank you
Oh, hi! Sorry for the late response. School just started up, and I’m working now. Yes! Requests are open! My only guidelines are to keep it pg (no smut). Feel free to request anything you’d like!
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writernocturnus · 6 years
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Dammit, my tricks explained!
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writernocturnus · 6 years
help. my parents are talking about politics and I disagree with theirs.
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writernocturnus · 6 years
So I’m watching Ready Player One, and I’m kinda digging it. This whole movie is everything 10 year old me loved about computer games.
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writernocturnus · 6 years
Hell Yeah
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader
Warning(s): None.
Author’s Note: N/A
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“Don’t look at me like that,” you say.
“Like what?” Fred asks.
“Like you might not ever see me again.”
Fred makes a face and takes a step closer to you.
“I’m not looking at you like that.”
“Then what was that face you were making?”
“It was an I-am-so-in-love-with-that-woman-and-I-have-to-ask-her-something-super-important-right-now face.”
You turn to face him directly and slide your arms around his waist.
“And what do you have to ask me?”
“Will you marry me?”
You pause, looking up at the man in front of you: the man that is your best friend, your partner in crime, your boyfriend, the love of your life, the man that was now holding you so close and asking you to marry him right before the two of you were about to fight a war. You look up at him, and there is only one possible answer to his question.
“Hell yeah.”
Fred smiles and laughs, quickly picking you up and spinning you around in his arms. You smile and laugh with him.
“Let’s go win this war, so we can go get married!” You exclaim, kissing him sweetly on the lips.
Fred smirks.
“Hell yeah.”
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writernocturnus · 6 years
Hadn’t Considered It 3/3
Part I // Part II // Part III
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Henderson!Reader
Warning(s): Unedited (I’m sorry. I’m too lazy.)
Author’s Note: I actually finished a series. Woot woot!
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“Hey, Nancy,” you say, grabbing the girl’s attention.
“Hey, Y/N!” She excitedly responds. She’s definitely in the party mood.
You smile weakly. “Hey,” you say again. “Can you do me a favor, and if you see Steve, tell him that I went home?”
Nancy narrowed her eyes at you. The two of you weren’t the best of friends, but you knew each other well—spending so much time babysitting your younger brothers together would do that to you.
“Y/N, is everything okay?” She asks, and she seems genuinely concerned.
“Yeah. Just tired is all. Parties really aren’t my thing.” You try and smile convincingly, but Nancy isn’t buying it.
“No, you’re leaving because of that. Aren’t you?”
She’s pointing at something and your eyes follow her finger to Steve. Steve who is flirting with another girl. Steve who is your best friend. Steve who you are in love with. Steve who you wish was flirting with you. Steve who doesn’t have a clue that you’ve fallen in love with him.
“No,” you say, trying to sound believable, but you know that you don’t even before Nancy gives you a look.
“Yes. You’re leaving because it’s easier for you to walk away than to fight for what you want.”
You grimace when she finishes speaking because she’s right—and it hurts.
“Y/N, you’re in love with him, and he deserves to know. Fight for him.”
You glance at Nancy, and she’s staring at you. You let her words sink in, wash over you, and then you consider them before finally deciding that she’s right. You sigh and nod at her. She smiles. But you keep standing where you are, and it feels like your feet are glued in place. Then you feel Nancy push you with an annoyed “go.”
You turn and glare at her, but you keep moving. You keep moving until you’re standing next to Steve and tapping on his shoulder. Steve turns to look at you.
“Y/N? Is everything okay?” He asks.
“Uh, yeah. Can... Can we talk?” He nods. “Alone?” You ask with a glance at the girl he was flirting with. He nods again and lets his hand fall around your waist as he leads you into an empty bedroom to talk.
“Is everything okay, Y/N?” Steve asks again.
“You remember when you dragged me to one of these parties for the first time forever ago and I told you only if you don’t fall in love with me?” The words come out of your mouth so fast you hardly register saying them.
Steve nods. “Yeah, but, Y/N, what’s this about?”
“I’m in love with you, and it’s ironic because I was so worried about you falling in love with me that I didn’t even consider that it might be me falling in love with you. And you probably don’t love me back, and I’m probably going to scare you off, but Nancy said that I needed to tell you, and...”
Steve cuts you off by putting his hands on your shoulders and speaking comfortingly to you.
“Y/N, Y/N, hey! Slow down, alright?”
You nod. You’re trying to find something to look at other than him, and you’re freaking out so much you can feel your heart beating crazy fast.
“Y/N, can you please look at me?” Steve pleads, ducking his head a bit to try and catch your eyes. “I have something to tell you.”
You meet his eyes. “This is it”, you think, “he’s gonna turn me down and leave for the girl he was flirting with.”
“Y/N, I’m in love with you, too.”
And with those words, you feel your heart stop and then start again and begin beating rapidly.
“Really?” You ask.
“Really,” he states.
You smile up at him, and he smiles down at you.
“Can I kiss you?”
“Heck yeah!”
He laughs at your enthusiasm before leaning down to kiss you.
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writernocturnus · 6 years
Short Jokes
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader
Warning(s): None.
Author’s Note: N/A
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“Hey, short stuff!” Fred calls, grabbing your attention.
You turn around in the hallway to glare at your boyfriend, despite the crowd of students trying to pass you.
“Fred, please don’t,” you say as he wraps his arm around your shoulders.
“Come on, shorty! I’m just messing with you.”
“I know.”
So you let it go.
You’re trying to get into the Gryffinfor common room, but the password was changed and no one told you.
“Come on! Please let me in! It was “Banana Fritters” not two hours ago!”
“Well,” the Fat Lady begins, “it was changed one hour ago, and I can’t let you in without the password.”
“UGH!” You cry out in frustration.
“What’s going on?” You hear George ask.
“Can you not reach the portrait to open it anymore, love?” You hear Fred ask.
You turn around to see your boyfriend and friend. Doing your best to ignore Fred’s short joke, you answer.
“Someone changed the password on me.”
George nods in understanding.
“It’s “Caput Draconis” now.”
The Fat Lady hums in approval before swinging open to allow entrance. The twins and you climb in thru the portrait hole.
“So,” Fred starts, “how was potions? Were you able to reach all the ingredients on the top shelf without me?”
You look up at your boyfriend with a scowl to see him smirking.
“Stop with the short jokes, Fred!” You say, frustration oozing out of your voice.
“Oh, I’m sorry, love. Was that a low blow?”
You duck out from under Fred’s arm and turn to look at him with your arms crossed.
“Fred, if you don’t stop with the short jokes, I’m going to tell everyone we know that you named your favorite pillow Mr. Puff Puff.”
Fred’s eyes widened.
“You wouldn’t!”
“I would!”
“Okay, I’ll stop.”
“Wait. He named his pillow what?” George asked with disbelief and a huge laugh.
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writernocturnus · 6 years
Never Again
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader
Warning(s): None.
Author’s Note: N/A
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“Y/N?” Fred asks timidly.
No reply.
“Y/N, please.”
Still no reply.
“Y/N, love, I know you’re mad at me, but I need help with my tie.”
Sighing, but still saying nothing, you get up from your seat on yours and Fred’s bed to help Fred.
You walk up to your husband and begin to tie his tie for him. Oh, how you wish he could do it himself right now!
Fred watches you as you tie his tie for him, and he’s filled with so much love for you in that moment that it hurts. He just wishes he could get you to stop being so angry with him.
“Y/N, love, I’m sorry,” he says.
“Mhmm,” is your only response.
You finish tying the tie and turn to leave the room. After all, you had to start getting your things together to leave for Harry and Ginny’s wedding. Fred follows you, desperately trying to get you to talk to him.
“I am! I really am sorry.”
You decide to throw him a bone, so you stop where you are and turn around. Fred, not expecting you to stop, all but runs into you; he grabs on to you to steady himself and keep you from falling over. After the two of you are steady, you look up at him.
“Say you were wrong,” you demand.
“Fine. I was wrong,” he says.
“Say you won’t ever say that again.”
“I won’t ever say that I’m better at Mario Kart than you.”
“Good. Because you’re wrong.”
“Well, I did beat you...”
You give Fred a look.
“But you’re obviously better at muggle games than me, so I must have just had beginners luck.”
“Mhmm,” you say before checking the time.
“Oh! We better get going, or we’re gonna be late and your mum’s gonna kill us!”
Fred chuckles.
“Alright. Let’s get going then.”
You grab your bag with the things you need for the weekend and then your wand. You’re about to apparate to the Burrow when...
“Hey, love?”
“Yeah, Fred?”
“I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
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writernocturnus · 6 years
Hadn’t Considered It 2/3
Part I // Part II // Part III
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Henderson!Reader
Warning(s): None. Unedited (I’m sorry, but I’m lazy.)
Author’s Note: Here is the much anticipated part 2. Sorry for the wait! I am also sorry to anyone who I was supposed to tag in this. I’ve lost my list of people.
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“I just want to punch him in his stupid, smug face.”
The violent words pull you out of your daze and you quickly focus in on your best friend in front of you—Steve—and make a face.
“You wanna punch who in his stupid, smug face?” You ask.
“Were you listening to a word I was saying?” Steve asks with a faux look of hurt. You can tell he is amused, though.
“Of course I wasn’t. Your problems are so boring, I was thinking about better stuff.”
“Like what?” Steve smirks.
“Uh...” You trail off, trying your best to come up with a lie—anything was better than the truth right now. You were coming up with nothing, but then it hit you. “About whether or not I need to put gas in my car. Mom’s making me drive Dustin to the doctor after school.”
You let out a relieved breath when Steve nods his head in understanding. Your words weren’t completely untrue; you did need to figure out if your car needed gas, and you did need to take Dustin to the doctor, but that’s not what you were thinking about while Steve was talking. While Steve had been going on about (you still didn’t know who) whoever, you had been admiring the way his hair fell in his face and how he would swat it away with his hand, how his lips moved as they formed words and how his face moved to create different expressions, and how pretty his eyes looked in this light and...
“Y/N!” Steve says, pulling you out of your thoughts again.
“What?” You say, sounding a little too defensive.
“Are you alright? I’m still trying to complain about Billy and you keep zoning out.”
“Oh, so that’s who he was talking about,” you think.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Sorry. I’m all ears. What’s up?”
Steve laughs at your words. “Doesn’t matter. Lunch is over.”
Your lips begin to form an “O” as you look around, and, sure enough, everyone is getting up to go to their next class. You get up and gather all your things before moving to follow Steve.
“So, are we still on for tonight?” Steve asks.
“Oh, yeah,” you scrunch up your nose,” Carol’s party.” You look over to see Steve’s hopeful expression, and you give. “Yeah, we’re still on.”
Steve smiles, pecks your cheek, and runs off to class with a quick “Awesome! I’ll pick you up at five!”
You smile at him, but once he’s out of sight, you sigh dejectedly—after all, it was one of Carol’s parties that had got you into this one-sided-love mess that you’re in.
You’re sitting in the passenger seat of Steve’s car, he has just picked you up, and he’s about to start the car when he stops and looks over at you.
“Hey, Y/N,” he says.
“Yeah?” You reply.
“Since we’re going to this party, there’s just one rule you have to remember.”
You raise an eyebrow in question.
“Don’t fall in love with me.”
He’s grinning from ear to ear as if he’s said something funny, and it kinda is funny since he’s repeating your words from five months ago when he begged you to go to a party with him and you agreed on that one condition: “don’t fall in love with me.”
You smile at him and laugh quietly at the joke, but the smile doesn’t reach your eyes and the laugh isn’t genuine because you’re here, in Steve’s car, about to go to another party, with only one thought: Too late.
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writernocturnus · 6 years
Hey, guys! I know it’s been forever since I’ve posted actual stories, but today’s your lucky day! I wrote a bunch. So prepare yourself for:
2 more parts to that Steve Harrington x Reader that I wrote forever ago.
3 Fred Weasley x Reader oneshots.
I can’t wait for you guys to read them.
And, as always, feel free to request things!
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writernocturnus · 6 years
Here is a question for y’all:
How do I get you guys to be more interactive with me? There is 1.2k of you almost, and I’d like to get to know you. I wanna make friends! So, how do I do that? Let me know!
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writernocturnus · 6 years
Masterlists Are Fixed!
Hey, guys! I finally fixed my masterlists!
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writernocturnus · 6 years
Experiencing Technical Difficulties
My links are currently down. I apologize, and I’ll have them up and running ASAP.
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