#she’s getting better but each day is different so it requires a lot of my attention
hehosts · 1 year
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classypauli · 2 months
Pairing: Tara Carpenter x fem!Reader
Summary: Tara´s asthma attack requires doctor´s treatment and having a hot doctor taking care of her is just a bonus, safe to say she likes the bonus better.
Word count: 2.5k
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Tara was in her room, scrolling down on her phone having nothing to do. Her sister was somewhere in the house, getting ready to go out with her boyfriend. Tara sighed, she wasn´t jealous of her sister, she was glad Sam had someone to be by her side other than her. But in times like this Tara felt lonely. Chad was now on his practice and Mindy was having a date. So she was alone, lying in her dark room with the only noise of cars driving behind her closed window.
She stood up and went to the kitchen to grab some water. She needed to find some distraction, this wasn´t good for her mental health, rotting in the bed all day. Besides school, Sam and her friends she has nothing to do or talk to.
And she tried, she used to watch a lot of movies, especially the scary ones, and talk about them, analyze their plots and characters, acting, and cinematography. It was her element. But now it´s different, it brings her feeling and memories that aren´t right. Tara loved having nights out and watching horrors while eating popcorn sitting in her living room. But those thoughts only brought her to one of her ex-friends who betrayed her.
Tara´s chest started to rise and her throat became narrow as her breathing got only worse, she grabbed the bottle of water with shaking hands and started to drink it. This wasn´t her first time having asthma, she had it lots of times, Tara was familiar with it, but still, she couldn´t control it and it was scary.
„Hey I´m heading out-“ Sam came to the kitchen finding her sister leaning against the counter, eyes closed and her hands gripping onto the table. Her knuckles were white from how hard she was holding herself from falling.
„Tara“ she immediately came by her side, eyes wide, holding her sister so she wouldn´t fall, leading her into one of the chairs to sit her down. „It´s gonna be okay, don´t worry...“ she helped her sit and rushed out to her sister´s room for an inhaler.
Sam cursed under her breath, she looked everywhere for it but couldn´t find anything. Finally one was lying in her drawer, she picked it up and ran to the kitchen. Tara´s face was now white, her sternum was rising up and down in a fast way, tears running down her cheeks as her hand was holding onto her shirt.
„Shhh here, take it“ Tara grabs the inhaler with shaking hands almost not able to hold it. After the inhale Sam was expecting her sister to get better, to finally get some oxygen to her lungs. But nothing, Tara tried it again but with no change.
„Fuck“ Sam grabbed her phone from the pocket of her jeans and dialed Danny´s number.
„Hey you ready to go-?“
„Danny! I need your help!“ Sam shouted into her phone as she still was trying to calm down her sister. „Tara´s having an asthma attack!“ Her voice was breaking as she was getting more worried by each second. „Oh God okay okay! I-I´m going to be there in second!“
„Please hurry!“ Sam cancelled the phone call and her hands found their way to her sister´s cheeks. „Just breathe, you know how we do it every time.“ The older sister started to breathe with her, taking big inhales with her nose and exhaling with her mouth. Tara was repeating her sister´s action, looking into her scarred wide eyes.
Danny soon came and helped Sam with Tara into his car. Whole car ride, her breaths were the only thing Tara could hear, her head was spinning and her hands were gripping everything that was near. She was trembling and sniffing the whole ride. Thankfully the hospital wasn´t far and the traffic wasn´t as bad.
„Please! My sister has an asthma!“ Sam yelled as soon as they made their way into the building. Behind the reception table was a woman, she was sitting in her seat, phone in her ear having a conversation with someone. She only looked at them with no interest.
„Ma´am you need to wait-“ Sam cut her off before she could even finish her sentence.
„Are you kidding?! She´s having an asthma attack and you are telling us to wait?!“ a couple of nurses heard her yell and went to help.
„You must calm do-“ the woman tried again, Sam was so angry at the moment that if she wasn´t holding her sister she would jump across the table and beat her up. „I won´t calm down!“
One of the nurses immediately went to find a doctor and the other came by their side and helped them to go down the hallway of the hospital. Tara was now barely walking she was so tired from breathing and her head was spinning.
„Bring her here!“ Sam heard one of the doctors and was so happy that at least someone tried to help, she was so scared. „Okay let's put her here.“ The doctor was pointing at the bed and carefully was holding Tara´s body so she wouldn´t fall.
The nurse came to Sam´s side and started to gently pull her out of the room. „Ma´am please.“ She wanted to be by her sister´s side, she didn´t want to leave her here alone. Sam was afraid something would happen to her, she would never forgive herself. „She will be okay, I promise... There´s no need to worry, we just need you to wait outside.“ Sam nodded, if it meant that Tara would be okay then she would make this sacrifice.
In the room Tara was lying with her knees up leaning her back into the bed, her brain was barely processing what was happening. She just knew that Sam or Danny were no longer with her, which only created more anxiety. Someone was kneeling in front of her.
„Hi... I know how you feel right now and it can look absolutely scary but you won´t die don´t worry.“ The person was giving her some pills „I need you to take this... It will help. I promise.“ Tara took them and was now leaning again trying to calm down. Your voice was calming down her nerves, it was smooth she wanted to hear it again. As she looked up at the person, her heart almost stopped.
You were one of the hottest doctors she has ever seen in her life and she has seen them a lot. You looked so young to be a doctor, she couldn��t even guess your age. You were wearing a white coat with white pants, and around your neck was hanging a stethoscope. These were things she caught before her eyes made it to your face. Your eyes, softly looking at her, and your small smile that was greeting her eyes. In those white clothes, she almost felt like you were an angel.
„Good just slowly breathe in and out... There´s no need to rush.“ Tara kept looking at you shamelessly, not caring about how it may look, you were hot. She didn´t even notice that her breathing calmed down and now she was just sitting there looking at you.
„See! It´s already over.“ You smiled even wider at her, still kneeling in front of her looking up at her face looking for any change. Thankfully, Tara was now absolutely fine and it didn´t look like she would have an attack anytime soon. „Have you ever had an asthma attack before?“
„Yeah, this wasn´t the first time... I´ve been having it since I was a kid.“ She let out, almost whispering her answer as if she was embarrassed by it. „But this was the first time it went this far, usually the inhaler is enough.“
„Well sometimes attacks like this get triggered by situations the body is put into or thoughts, or it can come from nowhere... the symptoms of asthma are often nonspecific and can be precipitated by other disease processes... but based on your mimic and what the girl was yelling in the hallway I knew.“ You winked at her and stood up to go to your table.
„Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disorder arising from not fully understood heterogenic gene-environment interactions-“ 
Tara stopped to listen to you somewhere in the middle. She kept nodding her head as if she understood everything you were talking about. She didn´t understand one word that came out of your pretty lips.
„-features variable airway obstruction and bronchial hyperresponsiveness-“ God you were so hot when you talked like this. You looked too intelligent using all the medicine words that she could only dream about understanding.
„I gave you bronchodilators... it helps airways, or bronchi in the lungs to open and relax more.“ Tara kept looking at you from head to toe, you were tall and your body build was like a Greek god even under the doctor´s coat. You sat behind your desk and started looking for something, when you found it you smiled at her and went back by her side. 
The way you talked with your body language so confidently was sexy and she was trying so hard not to drool because of you. It got her thinking how old are you, you looked young to be a doctor, or maybe your genes were just good.
„Here... when it gets harder for you to breathe take this.“ You gave her an inhaler, she looked at your hand. Was there something about you that wasn´t attractive? Your hand was much bigger than hers and she could just imagine how her small hand would feel in yours. Tara slowly took it from your hand, making sure that she touched your smooth skin. „I know you have a lot of these at home but this one is a bit stronger.“
You smiled at her still keeping eye contact with your patient, looking for any sign of discomfort. „So I think you are ready to leave.“
Tara didn´t want to leave, she just wanted to look at you even if that meant you wouldn´t talk or pay attention to her, she could just stare at you and how you doing your work. A soft knock was heard on the door and a nurse came in. „Hey we are already done, can you please call the other girl inside?“ you asked her and she immediately went out to call Sam.
Sam rushed in, wide scared eyes looking for her sister. „Tara! Oh God... I was so scared.“ She hugged her, putting her chin on her head, pulling her away to kiss her on the forehead, her hands still on Tara´s side of her face. „Please don´t even scare me like that...“
You watched the whole interaction with a small smile visible on your face. Sam turned to you and thanked you for taking care of her younger sister.
„You don´t have to thank me... it´s my job.“
Sam helped Tara to get on her legs, slowly pulling her up, and holding her afraid that her legs would be too weak. You opened the door for them and they slowly walked outside of your room to the hallway.
„I´m so sorry for our receptionist this shouldn't be like this, I´ll take care of that, you can rely.“ You smiled at Sam and then Tara, winking at her again. The girl blushed at your action and looked down. Why was she so nervous around you? Her heart was beating and her body just wanted to reach out for yours.
„Take care! Hopefully, we won´t see each other under these circumstances again!“ you laughed and slowly started walking away down the hallway of the hospital. Tara now was looking at your back till she felt Sam´s arm tighten around her to hold her better.
She was now sitting in a car, looking out of the window, she wanted to see you again, so badly. She didn´t even know your name! Her mind was submerged by your face and your body, the way you smiled at her and talked to her, you were paying attention to her, and that made her so special. Being around you felt so different, like a fresh air in her life, even when she was with you only a couple of seconds.
When Mindy and Chad found out what happened they came to the Carpenter´s house. Everyone stayed by Tara´s side the whole day, talking, joking around, laughing, watching movies... and Tara still couldn´t stop thinking about her hot doctor.
„You are more quiet than usual, care to share?“ Mindy sits beside her on the couch looking at Tara. The girl only let out a sigh and looked back at her friend.
„Mindy... that doctor... was so hot.“ She threw her head back and closed her eyes. Mindy laughed at her and punched her thigh slightly.
„Don´t tell me you have a crush on some old fart.“
Tara turned her head to her lowering her eyebrows at her as she shook her head. „She wasn´t old, she looked really young! Almost our age!“
Mindy looked confused at her, most of the doctors were old, or at least around forty. Either you looked young or you were a young medic. They wanted to find you somewhere on social media but Tara didn´t even know your first name, so they went to the official page of the hospital and started looking at the personnel working there but they didn´t find anything.
Until they came across the photo of the all hospital workers, doctors, and nurses smiling at the camera. There was you, besides the nurse that was with you today and some other doctor, wide smile across your face.
„Damn! You are right she looks hot!“ Mindy moved her eyebrows up and down in a teasing motion, zooming the photo at you. „You got lucky Tara...“ she whispered looking at the photo. Tara snatched the phone from her hands and held it by her side in a protective way.
„I found her first! Find your doctor!“ Tara yelled at her friend but she only put her hands up.
„No need to be defensive, I won´t take her away from you.“
„You better.“ Tara mumbled, looking at her phone again, making a small pout with her lower lip. You caught her attention instantly, everything about you was mesmerizing. Tara only hoped that you would meet again. She was thinking about all the ways how to end up in the hospital... in your doctor´s bed. Or maybe even your own.
„Well getting treatment from a young doctor is definitely a jackpot.“ Mindy commented and laughed at her friend. „And even HOT doctor! That sounds like a big bonus to me.“
Yeah, Tara liked the bonus much better.
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apomaro-mellow · 1 year
I finally wrote about stobin carhops
“I can’t believe we got another job using one resume”, Steve said.
“I can’t believe you said we were managers at Scoops”, Robin said.
“How are they gonna check, Robs?”
“Good point. You ready?”
“As I’ll ever be.”
The new job at a local burger joint was decidedly in the ballpark of both of their abilities. The only drawback for Robin was....the skates.
“So these are a requirement? Not like, a suggestion?”, she asked, looking at the roller skates warily. Steve was already lacing up.
“They are in fact a requirement”, Cheryl, their current manager said.
Robin slipped and slid while on wheels. Which was why for about 90% of their first shift, she rolled along arm in arm with Steve.
“What’s even the point of having someone skate your food to you? I mean it seems like a total novelty. Purely for shits and giggles for customers.”
“You nailed it. It’s novelty.” As they rolled around the lot, Steve used the hand that was free to deliver food to the different cars. Robin used her free hand to write down the orders.
This system worked for about a week before Cheryl told them they couldn’t do that anymore. The very next day, Robin dropped five orders (two of which were on purpose) and was removed from her carhop responsibilities.
She kept her post at the register and the pick up window.
The uniform consisted of a white polo-style shirt with red accents. Most of the staff wore red pants to match. Some of the girls beat the heat with red shorts though.
“What are you wearing?”, Robin asked when Steve clocked in one day in those very same shorts.
“Uh, the uniform?”
“Uh-huh. Feelin’ the heat lately?”
“It’s been pretty warm the past few days”, Steve said.
“And I best the change has nothing to do with the fact Eddie said he’d be by on your lunch break today.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Steve tried to look neutral but his voice was way too chipper for someone who had to smell grease this early in the morning.
Robin knew for sure Eddie had arrived. She didn’t have a full view of the lot when she was at the register but she did see Steve lose control and skate right into a light pole. That could only mean Eddie was nearby. She let them have their lunch alone, knowing they would be sickeningly lovey-dovey the whole time.
“You know....”, Steve started. “I bet Vickie would lose it if you were in shorts.”
“Actually, she said my teeth are my best feature”, Robin smiled wide.
“You two are so weird”, Steve laughed through it while mopping the floor.
“This from the guy who spent two whole hours staring at his boyfriend’s hands.”
“I didn’t-”
Steve let out a sigh when he saw that Eddie had driven Erica along as well.
“You already know”, Erica said. “Chocolate vanilla swirl.”
“Erica, I know I said free ice cream for life but-”
“But nothing. You thought you could get out of it by switching jobs. But karma always finds its way back.”
“I don’t think me working at a fast food place is karma. Right?”, Steve looked to Eddie, like he was worried this really was the work of cosmic forces.
“I don’t know...” Eddie leaned out of his open window to get a better look at Steve’s legs. “Feels like karma to me.”
Steve grinned when he noticed being checked out and leaned in towards the window. He opened his mouth but Erica beat him to it.
“You can flirt when you’re not on the clock. Ice cream. Chop chop!”
It was a slow day for once, so Robin and Steve were sitting on the hood of his car, sharing some fries between them.
“What do you think our next job is gonna be?”, Steve asked.
“I think after this we should branch out. Maybe go for the federal government? Or at least look for managerial positions.”
“Would a place hire two managers at once?”
“One for the day shift and one for the night?”, Robin said, pointing at herself for day and Steve for night.
“But then we’re not gonna see each other.”
“Shoot, you’re right. What about working as mail carriers? You drive, I’ll put them in the box.”
“That’s actually perfect.”
“Great!”, Robin exclaimed. “So when this place burns down or gets destroyed by a quake-”
“Or a flood, or a tornado, or another fire-”
“Point is, we already know what our fallback is. And it’s perfect because everybody always needs mail.”
“It’s kind of crazy how we’ve never been fired. And that our past work places have been leveled”, Steve said. “I really think we could put anything on our resumes at this point.”
“Lemme get a couple of college credits before we start lying to get better jobs.”
“So another couple of months?”
“And you’ll be talking to the new CEO of something or other.”
“Co-CEO”, Steve reminded her, holding up a medium soda.
“Co-CEOs”, Robin tapped hers to his in a toast.
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dduane · 1 year
BTW… re: Smut
... off my comment to this post the other day...
I'm an entertainer. Writing's a form of entertainment. (And not just for the readership: for me, too.) To be aroused by art one's experienced is (almost by definition) to be entertained, I'd say. If someone's jerking off to my erotica, then all I can do is lean back in the typing chair, smile a bit, and think, Good! I got the job done. :)
(...with the tags: #and no I'm not going to let on where the smut is#why would i deny anyone the delights of the search#and of being repeatedly mistaken#while possibly finding smut writers who're better at it than i am#:) ...)
...and then noting (with affectionate amusement) some responses:
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Well, troops, better get busy filling in that bingo box. 😄
Also: I have to say (while stressing that I absolutely appreciate the humor behind "shocked, shocked, scandalized...") that the dissonance is, temporally speaking, a bit ill-founded. Because while I may be best known for the Young Wizards works these days... by no means did they come first. This did.
A soft chuckle in the darkness. “Lorn, remember that first time we shared at your place?” “That was a long time ago.” “It seems that way.” “—and my father yelled up the stairs, ‘What are you dooooooooing?’ “—and you yelled back, ‘We’re fuckinnnnnnnnnnng!’” “—and it was quiet for so long—” “—and then he started laughing—” “Yeah.”
Granted, from the here-and-now POV of readers with access to the hot-'n'-spicy shipfic or PWP on AO3, this sort of thing (and the numerous other lights-often-off or dialogue-only sexytiems passages in the traditionally published Middle Kingdoms works) would be seen as pretty small beer: soft, non-edgy stuff. Yet in 1979 apparently there were those who found the sex and sexualities on display in The Door Into Fire arresting enough that the book got me nominated for the Astounding Award (for best new author in the field) two years in a row.
There's no question that the broadly inclusive tone set by the Middle Kingdoms books went on to affect and underlie the YW universe in very basic ways. (There've been some scholarly works written by academics who've picked up on this, so [much to my relief] this perception hasn't been just me imagining it.) But I'll grant you that those who don't know the MK novels wouldn't be in a position to make the connection. (shrug) This is just one of those things that comes of having a lot of fragmented readerships who don't know about each other... a side effect of having done a lot of different things during a career. I can also understand how not knowing about the MK works could leave people who know me only, or primarily, as someone writing for a younger readership, a little bit disoriented (or maybe concerned) when the issue of me writing openly sexual material rears its head. But that wouldn’t be a change of direction. It’d be, to some extent, more a return to form.
Anyway: I consider erotica—and its more casually-dressed (or undressed...) cousin, smut—to be perfectly legit forms of literary expression; ones that can soar to unexpected heights if you're willing to put in the work. The sexy-stuff-writing muscle requires periodic exercise if it's to remain viable and/or useful. So I exercise it. And being a 70-year-old person who sometimes creaks audibly when she walks has done absolutely nothing to decrease my interest in the subject—the brain being, after all, the biggest sex organ, and the one least vulnerable to the depredations of time. If anything, nearly fifty years of experience (and three and a half decades of marriage to @petermorwood) have added... let's just say nuance. 😏
Now this whole concept will doubtless horrify some of the "Eww, You're Too Old To Be Writing This Kind Of Thing, Go Get A (Home) Life" types. To which all I can say is, "...Well, good!" By and large, such folks are not my readers anyway. And as for any of them who are, and can't deal…? They need to understand that (pointing off to one side) those people over there—the various kinda-straight and pansexual and bisexual humans, and the gender-fluid fire elemental, and the otherly-gendered Dragon, and the mostly-gay ones enthusiastically shouting "We're fuckinnnng!" down the stairs—are Nita's and Kit's godparents. Without the members of that extremely mixed marriage and their increasingly extended family, there might be no Young Wizards series... not least because it was the splash made by the first of the Middle Kingdoms books that got the Errantryverse crowd in through a major publisher's door. And the series’s continued (modest but still noticeable) success through the second and third volumes kept the writing of new YW books going for a good long while.
...So. For those who may have had questions: HTH. 😀
(And now back to the unending search for a more graceful synonym for “testicles”.)
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floral-force · 1 year
hey babes!!! I loved that one of Simon and the meet cute, it had me melting 🥹♥️ I was wondering if I could perhaps request a Simon Riley x reader where the reader is part of the 141, but before working with them, she was apart of a special ops group that focused on stuff like infiltration/sabotage, and she’s almost like a black widow sort of character? seduces her targets and takes them out when they’re alone? she’s usually a ray of sunshine with the group, but Laswell presents the mission and everyone’s like “????” and the reader’s like “fine, I guess we’ll do this again” and she’s just COMPLETELY different once she infiltrates??? it gives the whole crew whiplash, but I’m particularly interested in how Simon would react!!! I hope this isn’t too much!!! thanks for always blessing us with your amazing work, and I hope you have an amazing day!!! ♥️
thank you for loving the meet-cute!! this request was fun to fill. I took some artistic liberties and this one really ran away from me...I hope you enjoy this!
(requests are open! search the tags #prompt requests or #prompts and send me an ask!)
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Simon "Ghost" Riley x F!Reader (code name "Honey")
summary: You’re Task Force 141’s newest operator, and everyone knows you as bubbly and sweet, earning you the code name Honey. How will the team react—especially Ghost, your stoic but sultry lieutenant—when a mission requires your espionage expertise?
words: 2.9k
warnings/tags: my blog is 18+ only. innuendo, canon-typical violence (fist fighting, gun mentions), bamf reader, task force 141 being buffoons, protective and jealous simon “ghost” riley, competency and size kinks if you squint, reader has a code name and uses she/her but no other descriptors
read on ao3 | masterlist
“The coup in Luxembourg is out of our usual bounds,” Laswell said, “but a covert agent working under the deposed Grand Duke has requested our aid.”
“They’ve been an ally to us in the past,” Price added, looping his thumbs under his tac vest, “so I expect you lot to execute this mission with as much precision and urgency as you would any other.”
“Country’s smaller than Scotland, innit?” Soap asked. “How the hell are we s’pposed to be discreet?”
“That’s where you come in, Honey,” Laswell crossed her arms and gave you a pointed look. “You remember your mission in Morocco?”
You smirked. “Is the sky blue?”
She gave you a small chuckle. “We need your expertise.”
“Fine.” You gave a dramatic sigh. “I guess we’ll do this again.”
“”M sorry,” Gaz interrupted with a scoff. “Do what, exactly?”
You turned to look at where he sat across the table from you next to an equally confused Soap. Ghost was twisted in his chair to look at where you sat behind him. 
You raised an eyebrow, your eyes flicked between Price and Laswell. “They don’t know what I did in the States?” 
“No,” Price muttered with a hint of embarrassment. He cleared his throat and shrugged like a tired parent as he said, “I suppose it never came up.”
Gaz gave an exasperated sigh, his impatience getting the better of him. “Well, go on then!” He urged. 
“I was a contracted espionage agent for the Department of Defense, and—”
“The Yanks used contracted agents?”
You rolled your eyes at the interruption. “Yes, Soap. Now, as I was saying,” you continued, shooting the Scotsman a playful glare, “I was hired for infiltration ops. Ones that required a certain…je ne sais quoi, a more feminine touch you lads wouldn’t be capable of.” 
When they all stared at your smiling face with blank expressions for a few moments—even Ghost’s eyes were narrowed with confusion—you jerked your head forward and waved your hands. “Guys, I seduced the targets.”
The confused silence persisted, and you looked around, giggling at each of the guys’ reactions, looking at Ghost last. His gaze pierced you the most, his brown eyes never leaving yours. Your teasing giggles faded, and you severed the eye contact with a roll of your eyes. You looked at Laswell again and crossed your arms, bored of the topic. 
“Now that that’s settled, can we please finish this briefing?” you implored. “I have to make sure I have a dress that’s fitting for a date with a dictator.”
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“You sure you’re gonna be alright?”
“For the hundredth time—” you swung a heeled foot on a worn curb with a huff and hiked up the fabric of your dress—“yes, LT, I’ll be fine.” You adjusted the holster on your thigh and smirked at Ghost’s silence. “See something you like?”
There was a pause, and you looked up to see Ghost quickly look away at the street. Guilty.
You knew he felt some sort of way about you; whether it was good or bad was still unclear. One thing was for damn sure: Ghost had his sights set on you. You’d felt his skeletal stare linger on you ever since the briefing a week ago, and he wasn’t as sneaky as he thought he was at stealing looks when you were at the range or sparring.  Anyone else might feel like his prey—trapped by hungry eyes and cornered by a hulking frame—but you were so used to being the predator that you didn’t let it get to you. It was a little…fun.
Sure, he gave you butterflies, but that was because you’d never dealt with seducing men like him—at least, that’s what you told yourself after thinking about him with your hand between your thighs.
For now, you’d innocently tease and poke and prod the masked man with Soap and Gaz’s support. For now, you’d holster your loaded M9 and leave your leg exposed in yellow lamplight as you made sure your clutch had everything you needed. For now, you’d pretend that you weren’t thinking about him trailing his hand up from your ankle to the holster and grabbing the meat of your thigh.  
“We’ll be able to hear everything through your earpiece. Soap and I will have eyes on you in the palace, but stay near windows,” Ghost said, interrupting your thoughts. “Gaz’ll be on the roof.”
You swung your leg back down, wobbling. Ghost clutched your forearm, and you gripped his, fingernails scratching the fabric of his sleeve and digging into it for stability. His large hand snaked up to hold your bicep right above your bent elbow, your ears heating up when you met his eyes and saw something akin to lust in them.
His grip lingered even after you were steady on your feet again, only letting go when you gave him a flustered smile. You busied yourself with smoothing out the full skirt of your dress and adjusting the discreet monitor in your right ear. 
“All you have to do is get ‘im to the roof. The lads ‘n I will take it from there, as planned.” He paused, taking a deep breath. “If anythin’ goes wrong, jus’ get yourself out alive, Honey.”
“Got it.” You adjusted your necklace, and sheepishly asked, “Is it centered?”
You could smell sweat and sandalwood when Ghost stepped closer, his broad armored chest just inches away from your body. His large, gloved fingers graced over your skin and hands, delicately centering the elegant piece with tactical precision. 
Brown eyes looked you up and down. “Looks good, Honey.” 
Ghost stepped back and his hands fell, one curling around his radio and the other limp on the rifle slung across his body. You burned underneath your dress.
After testing the comms and getting location reports, you gave Ghost a thumbs up and started walking to the palace down the street, rolling your shoulders back and taking a few deep breaths. You could feel his brown eyes burning a hole through you the entire time, so you made sure to sway your hips a bit more than you usually did while seductively strutting somewhere.
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It hadn’t taken her long to reach the third floor and approach the tall paned window with the target, just as she’d been instructed to do in their final briefing. Watching Honey expertly navigate the gala and get the target attached to her side faster than the speed of light stirred something within Ghost. Whether it was admiration for her skill or arousal was unclear. Either way, he’d be lying if he said she didn’t look ravishing in her dress. He tilted his head and greedily peered through the scope one last time before tearing his eyes away and adjusting his position on the grassy hill.
Honey was as lethal as she was sweet, and if her saccharine smile didn’t instantly ensnare her target, her sugary tongue would. Instead of doling out compliments, she accepted them and kicked innuendos back; instead of making cringy puns and flashing finger guns, she bit her lip and tugged the target’s suit jacket. It was entirely different from who she was around the team on base, and Soap had made sure to emphasize that all bloody night. Even Gaz had chimed in a few times, both men trying to get him to comment. Ghost silently refused, skin flushing under his mask.
Now that she was closing in on the target, things had become even more heated. He looked at her through the scope again and listened. Ghost heard her laugh, the sound bubblier than the champagne in the flute she raised to her pretty lips. She took a sip right as Soap said the punchline of a joke, her shoulders rising and falling sporadically with a daintily covered cough. 
“Watch it, you twat, you made her choke,” Ghost snapped.
“Sorry, lass, sorry!” Soap crackled over the comms. There was a rustle. “In my final position. Eyes on Honey and the target, LT.”
“In my final position, LT, eyes on the extraction point,” Gaz replied, his voice set and sure.
“Captain Price will leave on your command to meet you and Sergeant MacTavish at the rendezvous point, Lieutenant,” Laswell buzzed in his ear. “Gaz, you go with Honey and the target.”
“Affirmative,” Gaz and Ghost responded.
“Affirmative. And, Laswell, you can call me Soap.”
“Negative, Sergeant.”
“Aye. Copy that, loud and clear.”
“Shut up, Soap.” Ghost grumbled.
They heard Honey giggle in response to another one of the usurper’s idiotic compliments, and Ghost saw her flirtatiously tap his arm with her knuckles. 
“Y’know, if she heard one of us say tha’ in the pub, we’d never hear th’end of it.”
Gaz hummed in agreement with Soap, and he couldn’t help but shake his head and smirk. Honey laughed again and clearly echoed another awful line the target gave her. Ghost could tell the grin splitting her pretty lips wasn’t genuine—her nose didn’t crinkle like it did when he deadpanned the punchline to a stupid joke or when Soap had called Price “Pa” a few weeks ago.
There was snickering over the comms. Ghost boldly asked, “Honey, take a drink if you meant for us t’hear that shite attempt at flirting.”
Soap cackled when the rim of the champagne flute touched her lips and her throat bobbed with a long sip.
“Well?” Gaz asked expectantly.
“Was a yes, Gaz,” Soap responded.
Ghost saw her eyes flutter closed as she pressed a chaste kiss to his cheek, and he grumbled; hopefully nobody had heard him. He was itching to move, his finger hovering over the trigger and his jaw clenching each time the target touched her.
“Right, Honey,” Ghost said, focusing the team again and settling himself down. “Once you’re on the roof, I’ll call Price—Gaz, move on my word or Honey’s, or when Price arrives. Soap, get to the rendezvous when I call Price. I’ll watch Honey and the target. Understood?”
Gaz and Soap gave him their affirmatives. Honey nodded, looking out the window and winking.
She looked back at the target and seductively bit her lip. “Do you think we could go somewhere a bit more…private?” Her query was laced with something sticky.
The target gave her his piss-poor attempt at a sultry smile, resting a hand against her neck and disturbing the necklace Ghost had adjusted earlier. 
He’d be lying if it didn’t make him want to shoot the git dead where he stood.
There was a quiet yes, and Honey said, “I’ve always wanted to be kissed under the stars.” She forced a coquettish giggle. “Well, kiss, and…more, if you catch my drift.”
The target leaned in and pressed a kiss on her right cheek, the act on full display to Ghost.
“That can be arranged, my sweet,” the target murmured, his voice tainting their comms and making Ghost roll his eyes. 
When the target abruptly gripped her waist and pushed her against the window, Ghost heard the faint sound of glass breaking and heard Honey force a playful comment about dropping her flute. Now, Honey’s back was to him, one of her hands flat against the window, her fingers splayed out. His clear shot was ruined. Ghost swore and Soap did as well.
“Target moved too far to my right. Can’t get a clear shot. LT?”
“Negative,” Ghost answered. “Honey, make a fist if you need back-up.”
Normally, he would’ve already had someone storming in to help if he wasn’t already, but Price had made it clear that this mission required tact. Ghost was on edge, but he had to trust Honey, even if the sight unfolding in the scope of his rifle made his skin crawl.
Honey clenched her fist.
“Affirmative. Gaz, Soap, hold your positions. Comms are quiet unless absolutely necessary.”
“Affirmative, LT,” the men immediately replied.
“Extraction is ready on your word. Get out of there—alive,” Laswell stressed over comms. 
“Affirmative,” Ghost sighed, his trigger finger ready and aching to move.
“Not here,” Honey mumbled. Her fist remained clenched, the other hand still clutching her tiny bag. 
She squealed in surprise when one of his hands dropped to grab her ass and squeeze. Ghost sharply inhaled, and he heard Soap clear his throat, holding back from asking for a visual on Honey.
“Not here, Johann,” Honey snapped, the sweetness quickly melting off her voice. “I want you, but I want you to touch me on the roof.”
The target’s other hand grabbed the other hidden cheek, fabric bunching up in his grip. “Want you here, you lovely little thing. Roof can come later.”
Honey gave him the tinkling laugh she shared with the team after showing them a video of a puppy or some other baby animal. Sometimes, Ghost smiled under his balaclava when it was thrown his way—but he’d never tell a soul.
This time, the sunny bells were a warning, and if the target didn’t do as she said, Ghost had a feeling he’d regret more than the coup. 
“If you say so.” Her voice was uncharacteristically dark, its hidden sharp edges revealed.
“Gaz, Soap, be ready for my word,” Ghost said as Honey pushed forward, her heel pressing her dress’s hem against the window.
Just as they both responded, a howl pierced the comms, making Ghost wince. The target was doubled over, and Honey was kicking off her heels, sending them flying towards the windows across the hall. She took a lunging step forward over the broken glass and adjusted her body before throwing a punch to the target’s left cheek. He staggered up and took an angry, sloppy swing at her, but she dodged it and kicked her heel into his knee to destabilize him so she could gut-punch him. The target dropped to the floor. Ghost’s mouth went dry, and his cock twitched as she grabbed a fistful of the target’s hair.
“We’re going to the goddamn roof,” Honey gritted out. 
When the target gave her a sly smile, she took a step back and let go before punching him again. The corner of Ghost’s mouth twitched with a smile when he saw the target staring at her with fear. She’d literally punched the smile off his ugly mug.
“On your fucking feet,” she growled, and he obliged. 
Though he stood, he fought her the whole way to the stair entrance, and each time, his resistance was met with another blow to the gut. Ghost hummed in approval. This honeybee had a wicked stinger and wasn’t afraid to use it.
When she disappeared from Ghost’s sight—still swearing and commanding the target up the stairs—he made the call to Price, then barked over comms, “Soap, rendezvous. Gaz, be ready to assist if Honey calls for it—and, Honey, Gaz is ready to help restrain the target.”
“Negative, LT,” he heard her pant. 
He saw her push the target through the door and onto the roof’s hidden balcony. Gaz was crouching down where he hid, his feet ready to run and his gun in his hands.
Ghost heard her sharply exhale and barely tracked her hand fly up to the target’s bicep. Then, he saw the target slump down to his knees and fall face-first to the ground. 
“Is the target alive?” Ghost hissed, impressed but angry. “If you killed him—”
“Affirmative, LT,” she interjected, catching her breath and pulling an orange bag out of her clutch and depositing something in it. “Just a sedative. He’s gonna take a nice nap during the flight home.”
She hummed a random tune—her favorite song, Ghost noticed—as she put the bag back in her clutch. Honey waved at Gaz when he came out of hiding and walked over to her. Ghost saw her nudge the target with a bare foot and proudly put her hands on her hips.
“Bloody hell, Honey!” Gaz exclaimed, shaking his head. “Did Price know?”
“Affirmative,” Price boomed through the comms. 
The helicopter came into view and Ghost stood up with a huff, slinging his rifle back across his body. He could see them helping Honey up onto the hovering ramp, her dress blowing in the wind. He chuckled before turning running into the forest behind him towards the rendezvous point.
“Headed your way, Lieutenant.”
“Affirmative, Captain,” Ghost replied as he came to a halt next to Soap in the clearing. 
“LT!” Soap exclaimed, yanking his earpiece out, mouth agape. “Th’fuck I’d miss?”
“Ask Gaz,” he said simply, earning a groan from Soap.
The chopper thrummed overhead as it descended. They ran towards the ramp as it lowered, Honey’s triumphant face illuminated by the hold’s red light. Ghost climbed in and sat beside her with a grunt. 
Once they were airborne and starting their flight back to base, Gaz described the scene Soap had only heard. Ghost noticed her diamond necklace was askew from her skirmish and hesitantly centered it. She gave him a soft smile and turned her head so her chin grazed over his covered knuckles. The gentle hum she gave him coated him in sticky-sweet syrup. “Honey” certainly was a perfect codename for her, he reckoned, contrasting her innocent sweetness and cutesy smiles with her impressive—and, at times, lethal—infiltration skills. 
Yeah, Ghost was stuck in her treacly trap—and he didn’t plan on escaping.
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taglist (join here): @tizylish @dheet @sinfulsalutations
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moonstruckme · 8 months
In a Week - send a character + au and I'll write a blurb for it (like vampire!Eddie, bodyguard!Sirius, etc.)
you made think of royalty au princess!reader x bodyguard!sirius mutual pining where they have both harbored a secret crush on each other but had to hide it for years because of their duty/position, only to find out that princess!reader is the queen’s illegitimate child and therefore unfit to marry the neighboring kingdom’s prince, delighted that her engagement has been annulled she goes to tell her faithful bodyguard and to confesses her feelings for him once and for all, while he (bodyguard!sirius) hasn’t heard the news yet goes to confess his feelings for her because he can’t take it anymore and is surprised by her confession
Thanks for requesting my love! Hope you like it :)
join the party
bodyguard!Sirius x fem!reader ♡ 1.8k words
Sirius goes a little bit crazy every time he can’t be with you. He tells himself it’s a side effect of his position, that every moment you’re out of sight carries with it the potential for danger, but he’s come to know better than that over the last few years. It doesn’t matter if another very competent guard is on shift with you, or if you’re being escorted by a whole team of his best guys—it’s torture nonetheless, not necessarily because he’s worried about you, but simply because he’s away from you. 
That probably explains the acute upset forming somewhere behind his sternum as he waits outside the doors to your parents’ room. Though far from a ceremonial meeting place, it’s the most secure room in the palace, so when your mother had said she and your father needed to speak with you alone, Sirius had no choice but to comply. You’ve been having a lot of these family meetings in the weeks following your engagement, though he can’t figure what about this one could call for such secrecy. Maybe confidential information on relations between your nation and your betrothed’s, or something like that. As much as he hates leaving you in there alone, Sirius is glad he doesn’t have to stand impassively by the wall and listen to plans for your marriage. 
He can tell you don’t love the prince, not that it matters. He doesn’t think the prince loves you either. All that’s required of either of you is the appearance of affability in public. Romance was never part of the equation, and you’ve long since accepted that even if Sirius hasn’t. He’s been thinking about it for weeks, how different his life would become once you're another man’s wife. He’d have to help you weave yourself into the prince’s life, deliver you to your shared bed every night and pick you up every morning as if he didn't know what might’ve happened there, watch as you potentially fall in love with someone else. And love probably would blossom between you and the prince in time. It’s not easy to avoid when you spend so long around someone; Sirius would know. 
He decided just last night that he wouldn’t be able to handle it. He wrote his letter of resignation this morning. He’s going to tell you before he submits it to his boss because it’d feel like a betrayal to do it without you knowing, but he's made up his mind. He’ll stay for a few weeks to train his replacement and then bow out the day before your wedding. Sirius hopes you’re still open to being friends, but he’s not foolish enough to think he’ll get to see you anywhere near as often while you’re running a kingdom thousands of miles away. He’s just going to have to nurse his throbbing heart while he searches for a new job. 
The door to your parents room opens softly, but Sirius stiffens as if it had screamed on its hinges. You emerge looking as graceful as you always do, but there are tearstains on your pretty cheeks. Sirius assesses you quickly, though there’s no indication there’s been any threat other than some sort of bad news. Your face isn’t blotchy, and the tracks are faint, as though you’d tried to wipe them away without a mirror to guide you. Whatever caused your upset, you seem to have mostly recovered from it now. Still, Sirius’ heart aches at the sight of you. 
“Everything okay, Princess?” he asks, and it’s a business question but put in his gentlest tone. 
“Yeah,” you say, and despite your prim appearance, the breathy quality of your voice gives away your discomposure. You glance out the window. “Can we, um, take a walk outside, please?”
Sirius has always appreciated that you’re kind enough to ask when you know you don’t have to, though he wishes you wouldn’t just now. “Of course.” He opens the door for you, nodding to the guard posted outside as he follows you through. 
The weather has cooled recently, signaling the beginning of autumn even though the leaves have yet to change colors. It’s your favorite season. (Another thing, Sirius thinks with some bitterness, which he knows and your future husband won’t.) You look to be enjoying it well enough, face tipped towards the sun and breathing deeply like you’re trying to rejuvenate yourself. Sirius decides to withhold his questions about your tears for the time being, to give you a chance to get back to your usual content self. 
“Is something wrong?” you ask without opening your eyes. 
“I…with me? No,” he lies. “I’m just a little worried about you, angel. Why do you ask?”
“You’re clicking your tongue like you do when you’re thinking hard.” 
Sirius almost laughs, it’s such a bizarre thing to pick up on. But you’re right, and he stops.
You grow used to someone’s presence when you spend eight hours of every day around them. Sirius knows which of your laughs is the real one, and which is put on for someone else’s benefit. He can tell which clothes you’re going to reach for before you decide what to wear based on how you’re feeling that day. He knows how you like your tea, and what dishes from the kitchen you secretly have to choke down, and that you prefer to use the servant’s passages when you can get away with it because you don’t always feel like being stopped to talk in the hallways. 
But Sirius is expected to know those things. It’s part of his job. What had surprised him was when you started revealing how much you knew. It had started small (“You okay, Siri? You seem quiet today”) but soon the stores of information you’d been covertly gathering on him began to spill out of you. You started making him coffee after lunchtime when you knew he'd be having his afternoon crash, you’d switched to candles when you’d noticed your incense irritating his allergies, he’d found the pantries stocked with his favorite foods and the chef told him you’d requested them specifically. You didn’t have to do any of that, but the fact that you did anyway just shows the kind of person you are. It’s part of why Sirius is so painfully in love with you. 
“I have been thinking,” he says carefully, “and there’s something I want to talk to you about, but it can wait. Do you want to tell me what got you so rattled in there?”
You take a breath, sitting down on a nearby bench and patting the space next to you. Sirius knows he should really stay standing, keep scanning the area, but he checks nonverbally with the guard nearest and, receiving a nod, sits beside you. You look like you’re steadying yourself.
“Hey,” he says softly, placing his hand atop yours. “What’s going on, sweetheart? Are you alright?”
“Yeah,” you reply, leaning closer to him in that familiar way he’s going to miss. “Yeah, sorry, I am. It was a mix of good and bad, actually. Um, I’m not the king’s daughter.” 
Sirius blinks, almost pulling away in shock. Of all the things he’d been expecting you to say, that one hadn’t made the list. “You’re not?”
You shake your head, looking distantly at the rose bushes in front of you. “No. My mom had an affair with some—some merchant, I guess. He’s dead now.” Your voice is detached, as if you’re talking of someone you read about in the paper rather than your biological father. “He died a few days ago, apparently. That’s when my mom finally decided to tell my—the king.”
Sirius turns toward you more fully, setting his hand on your knee. He can’t imagine what you’re going through, all this information all at once, the fabric of your life torn and revealed to be thin as paper. “What does that mean for you?” 
“I’m still a princess, but—” you blow out a breath, disturbing the pieces of hair around your face “—it’s weird. The royal line is through my father, so I don’t have any official power or anything. But I still get to live here, play the part. Like a figurehead or something.” You look at him for the first time, something surprisingly like hope in your gaze. “But since I don’t have royal blood, I can’t marry the prince.” 
Sirius freezes, not allowing himself any outward reaction. His heart contracts for your loss even as his own selfish joy makes him dizzy.
 “Are you okay?” he asks. It’s almost a whisper. 
“I shouldn’t be,” you reply, just as softly. “He’s a decent man, and the best alliance we could have hoped for. But honestly, I’m relieved.” 
Sirius lets out a breath, thumb stroking your knee soothingly. “That’s understandable, angel. You’ve just had your whole world shaken up, it’d be a lot to have to move to another kingdom after all that.” 
“I mean, I didn’t love him.” You shrug, and Sirius grins at the bizarre lightness with which you talk of your marriage. You’re coming back to yourself slowly, even if there still seems to be something holding you back. Then you begin to gnaw at your bottom lip, your dead giveaway that you’re feeling nervous. Sirius waits. “I don’t think I ever could have loved him, honestly. There’s…there’s always been someone else I’d rather be with.” 
Sirius thinks he’s stopped breathing. It’s a good thing he’d put another guard in charge of watching your perimeter, because he’s definitely not capable of it right now. “Yeah?” he asks quietly. 
You nod, and he feels awful for your lip, the poor mistreated thing. “Yeah. I, um, I understand if it’s too weird for you, Siri. I just, I’m sorry. I feel like I have to tell you.” You let out a little laugh, pitched high by nerves but real. “It’s a day for confessions, apparently.” 
“Sweetheart.” He squeezes your knee, and you jolt a little. He waits until you’re looking at him to speak. “I have loved you for so long, I couldn’t even tell you when it started. I never would’ve…” he shakes his head, feeling as though he’s in a dream. “I didn’t think there was anything I could do about it. I was about to hand in my resignation today—” your eyes widen in horror “—because I couldn’t stand to watch you marry someone else.” 
“Sirius,” you say sharply, taking both his hands in yours like he’s going to run off on you if you don’t secure him. “You can’t resign. You’re going to stay, now, right? You’ll stay?”
“Of fucking course I’m staying.” He grins, and you mirror it somewhat dazedly. “Angel, are you kidding me? They’re gonna have to drag me away from my shifts after this.”
“I could always hide you in my room,” you propose. “I’ll bring you food and everything.” 
“Tempting, gorgeous. I might take you up on that.” Sirius runs his thumb over your knuckles, relishing in the new intimacy of the familiar gesture. “Can’t believe you go to confess to me first. Typical of you to have all the power.” 
You scoff incredulously. “Shut up,” you say, but you’re smiling, and that’s all he wanted.
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sushirrrry · 14 days
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for those of you who know me, you know that I am a wattpad writer & got my start writing on that platform. I was a story writer first and foremost, only the past few months have I started to write one-shots, mostly for time management purposes.
however, I've been looking through my works, rereading, reminiscing on everything. that leads us here: I'm reworking and reposting celestial, one of my original stories! this time, a tumblr story.
I've wanted to move off of wattpad for a while, start to dip my feet into a different water, so I figured I would start by finishing celestial but being able to give you guys– some of you who haven't read it– an opportunity with these characters too.
celestial is heartbreaking; it's a plot full of unlikable characters. it's immature, its characters learning about one another and who they are. its a cheating plot. but underneath it all, there's a lot of humanity in it. there's love and there's passion and there's characters that I think need to be hated to be loved. it's a story I love writing and I love to reread.
so, if you'll accept me here, on the two year anniversary of Harry's House, chapter one will be shared tonight! I have really appreciated all the love thus far on everything this community has shared. thank you thank you thank you 🤍 read the summary below!
cw: graphic sexual content, course language, adult themes, affair plots, mentions of death and suicide, bullying, outing, conversations of sex and gender identity.
Stella met Harry by accident. Well, some may say the stars aligned that day.
After a troublesome semester of classes, Stella Martin, a psychology student, needs help. She's outgoing, but her anxiety is starting to get the better of her; she's in a relationship that is taking too much of her energy, the parties are becoming more like a lifestyle, and she's really starting to wonder if university is even the right place for her.
When she's placed in a required statistics course, she sits next to a student who is passing with flying colors: Harry Styles, a physics student. Harry is very shy, hoping someone doesn't call on him in class, but he's smart beyond compare and Stella can't help but notice.
As they start to sit next to each other in class, Harry is terrified that Stella will see him for who he really is: a huge nerd with an obsession with constellations, the Triangulum Galaxy, and Star Wars. But, Stella is terrified that Harry will see that she is not good enough... in anything, really.
Stella and Harry aren't looking for anything specific, but in a world where we try so hard to fit in, isn't it nice to know that someone is always right there waiting to pull you in?
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daisybianca · 10 months
Hi hi!! I love your blog sm!!!! Can you do something for mick?? (He's been looking wayyy too good I NEED SOMETHING) HSJSHJSHS BUT ANYWAYS ILY AND I HOPE YOU HAVE AN AMAZING DAY SWEETS🤍
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pairing: mick schumacher x femalereader
summary: mick is literally the perfect boyfriend. the guy that is in every rom-com as the good, gorgeous, generous, and polite kind-of-guy. that's the surface, right? that's what people see and think. but what lays beneath the perfection is somehow even better.
warnings: angst, sexual activities
(a/n): Thank you lots once again. I seriously love writing for you guys😭 please feel free to recommend anything you'd like to read!
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"BABY, MY TUMMY is purring." You claimed next to Mick when your eyes had finally started to adjust in the morning light that invaded through the curtains of your bedroom. "It hurts."
Your body was utterly exposed beneath the sheets, and you could feel Mick's bare leg caressing your thigh in slow but smart and teasing movements that required your attention.
"Yeah, but I'm the one with a belly being rubbed at at the moment." He laughed and you realized your hand had been rubbing the spot of his stomach the entire time since you exposed your eyes to sunlight.
"C'mon, you know why I do this." You tried to voice, but it came out muffled because of your boyfriend’s strong arms being wrapped around you tight and hard.
"Yeah." He said behind your messy hair. "You do this almost every day we wake up"
"You rub my belly every time you want it in the morning." Mick exclaimed. "I'm a very observant bastard when it comes to my girl's tendencies for getting away without saying a word."
His hands were placed on the flesh of your belly and started creating soft circles there.
You knew he was a teaser and didn't know if you liked it or hated it. Maybe both but on different circumstances each.
You grabbed his hand and pulled it away, clearly stating you were mad at him.
Your bodies had been tangled together, and you bet was just like his. Sex hair from the previous night had been a total blast.
He was right. You hadn't noticed, but you indeed caressed his chest and stomach when you were in the mood and had just woken up.
But you weren't going to admit it anyway.
"(y/n)." His finger was brought on your jaw, forcing you to look at him. "Say it, and it's yours, baby." He said, as if his dick was a prize to win.
Which certainly was, but...
You forced a smile. "No, I-I don't--" You stuttered.
"Baby..." Mick started. "I don't want you to be embarrassed or uncomfortable or shy around me." He placed his hand on your cheek and brought you closer to his chest, still captivating your eyes into an intense staring contest.
"Mick, I--"
"I want you to be happy with me and--"
"But I am--"
"I want you to know that I'm always here. And when I say always, I mean it." He stated in a mumble. "I'm here whenever you need a warm hug to feel better, or a strong shoulder to cry on and release the stress..." His lips found the sensitive skin of your neck, and all of a sudden, your heart roared in your chest as if you were a schoolgirl. "...or even a good fuck to make you remember what you mean to me and maybe erase the word embarrassment from that beautiful vocabulary of yours."
He stopped the kisses and looked at you.
You thought your heart had ceased beating in your chest for a moment.
You inhaled and exhaled slowly.
Mick's lips were curved slightly, and his blond hair was messy. His gaze was surely intoxicating, his blue eyes so pure. The purest you'd ever find.
Contrary to his intentions...
"You got me?" He asked and you nodded.
His expression changed to fake annoyance once again.
"Words, baby." Mick mumbled. "You're not that quiet when I fuck you every morning."
You couldn't help but let a laugh escape. You got up and on top of him.
First thing to do in the morning: give a lecture to your girlfriend about vocabulary matters and let her ride the shit out of you till she can't walk for your upcoming race day.
You started kissing him passionately. Your soul, body, and mind screamed his name. "Yes, sir."
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wild-west-wind · 1 month
Hi 👋As a Park Ranger (interpretative, like me?), I assume you know all about how the NPS was formed- most of the land was brutally, illegally taken from the local tribes. I've been having a moral dilemma about my role in the national park system. I love educating the public and being a positive influence, but am I upholding an oppressive system? I know that if I were to switch to education or to museums, it'd be the same question. What I'm asking is: how do you reconcile with that?
I mean, this is true of all the land in the US, so it's bigger than the park service.
Before I dig into this as a white person, here's what Deb Haaland has to say:
I think that the Park Service has a lot to reckon with historically, and I think parks lately are showing some interest in trying to do that. From big parks like Yellowstone bringing diverse Indigenous stakeholders to to table on management decisions while also supplying buffalo to regrow and strengthen herds thousands of miles away, to Canyon de Chelly's requirement that tourists travel into the canyon only with a Navajo guide in recognition of the location's sacred nature, to Pipestone National Monument celebrating ongoing traditional pipestone quarrying, to advocacy for protection by the Department of the Interior at Bears Ears.
As a (pretty much entirely) white interp ranger, I understand that I'm living in someone else's home, but I was living in someone else's home when I lived in LA too, and none of that is unique to the US. And honestly I think, for the tremendous flaws of the National Park idea, at least we try to preserve things. In a lot of colonial nations that hasn't been the case.
I think more National Park Sites should form better relationships with local tribal governments, and see what they want. Different people have different relationships with different places, and will want different things. I think the Park Service should open the door to co management more, and encourage more opportunities for Indigenous people to tell their own stories and not leave it all in the hands of randos like us. I think we're moving the right direction in that regard.
The fact of the matter, in the end, is that none of this begins or ends with the Park Service. It's a puzzle piece, a tool used to enact, enforce, repair, undo, and uphold the ideals of a nation that has never effectively dealt with its past, present, or future. I think protecting land from development and preserving natural spaces is a valuable, albeit naive, goal. It can't be done in a vacuum though. As I look toward a future of the National Parks, I see a lot more Native involvement in their management. That will look different in each site, in reflection of the different cultures there. I can't speak to what that will look like for anywhere in particular, but it is happening already, and as educators it's part of our job to explain the whys and hows of that to people who don't get it, and who think sharing will mean losing something they love. At the end of the day, that thing they loved was broken, and there is good momentum behind fixing it, and most people can understand that given time.
I think it's good that you feel guilty. It means you're paying attention. I think the important thing now is to turn that into momentum and passion. Figure out what you can do and do it.
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thepaperpanda · 1 year
A rekindled jealousy || Neteyam & Ao’nung & Tuk x fem!Omaticaya reader
Summary: When you leave the Omaticaya clan behind, your entire life changes. You may have a hard time adjusting to Metkayina's ways, but you use the opportunity to wake some jealousy in Neteyam
Warnings: fluff & a little bit of angst  ( ✓ Tuk being a little naughty, inquisitive shit  ✓ Ao'nung being visibly into the reader  ✓ jealous Neteyam) ♥
Word count: 3490
Authors: Cass & Fenrir
A/N: Divider by wonderful firefly-graphics
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We will adapt, his father said. Adaptation is inevitable, it's not like we have a choice. Adaptation had multiple meanings, and the Sully siblings defined it in their own way. For Kiri, adaptation required finding an inner peace that would make day-to-day tasks much easier. As for Tuk, it meant leaving everything she used to know behind and learning anew how to function among the other clan. In Lo'ak's case, the process was about discovering his inner self - knowing your fears was the path to becoming one with the water. Accordingly, for Neteyam adaptation meant being obedient and following his parents' orders. As the oldest, he knew that getting into trouble was the last thing they needed right now; he would again be punished by his father and grounded, for life this time, there was no doubt.
Despite not being a part of Neytiri's family, you became close to her as her friends' daughter, and Neyam was delighted that his parents had taken you along with them - after your parents died in yet another battle against RDA, Jake Sully's wife decided to care for their daughter. You became his best friend after many years spent together, and the fact that you were female didn't change anything - the eldest son of Jake and Neytiri was treating you like the best buddy, hanging out with you as much as possible. Despite moving to a brand-new location because of Quaritch and his buddies, Neteyam still preferred to spend time with you, diligently learning new things from Metkayina.
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As you sat on a large rock, frowning, you tried your finest to weave nets. As you tapped your tail angrily against the hard surface, your fingers continued to work on your latest yet unsuccessful attempt; at least this was slightly better than the previous one. As each second passed, you grew more and more annoyed.
Little did you know that Ao'nung and his friends were observing you from a distance. Following a brief exchange of glances with his friends, he approached you. Even though he wasn't a big fan of the Sully family, you seemed so different from them, which made you more appealing. In addition, you had four fingers, so you weren't as strange as those Sullys' demon kids. "Y/N, right? I see you're struggling with weaving," he smiled at you and offered, "Why don't you join my friends and me in the water instead?"
You looked at your messed up work and then at him; maybe continuing wasn't necessary at the moment - your fingers hurt and you were getting frustrated, so you decided a small break was needed. Also, that could be very interesting. You smiled back and nodded, "I'd love to." Rotxo nodded his head in agreement as Ao'nung looked at him. "Let's go, it would be a shame to waste such a beautiful day weaving," Ao'nung encouraged you to leave your work behind.
Tuk, the youngest Sully, saw the entire situation and then decided to inform her older brother about what she had seen.
One last look at your nets convinced you that there was no point in trying. Your curiosity led you to follow Ao'nung after leaving your work behind.
"So, how do you like it here?" Ao'nung asked, glancing at you with a certain amount of curiosity. 
"It's completely different," you replied, your tail flicking from side to side. "There's a lot of water. It's a little unusual for me."
Rotxo laughed a bit at your words. "You tree people can only cling to your lianas, right?" 
Ao'nung glanced coldly at Rotxo, conveying his anger towards him. Tonowari's son told you, "Forgive my friend, he's a little crude. Have you already interacted with ilu?" He asked, trying to change the topic.
Your arms crossed over your chest as you hissed offendedly, "Well, he isn't really funny. Well, we can do a lot more than that. And about your question, I'm sorry but I'm not even sure what ilu is," you admitted a bit embarrassed.
Another Ao'nung's friend commented, "She doesn't even know what ilu is, that's ridiculous," but was instantly hit in the back of the head by Tonowari's son.
"An ilu is intelligent, sociable, and easily domesticated animal serves the reef clans, including our clan, as direhorses serve the Na'vi clans of the forests and jungles," Ao'nung explained softly, looking at you. "Do you feel afraid?"
Your interest was piqued by the description of the animal. With your tail moving equally eagerly, you enthusiastically shook your head. "Me? Afraid? No! That sounds fascinating! I'd love to see it." Ao'nung slowly stepped into the water until it reached his muscular calves, then he turned his head to see if you were following. As soon as he was sure you were right behind him, he offered you his hand.
Smiling softly, you took his hand and followed him into the water. Compared to what you were doing moments ago, this was much better, you thought to yourself. The two of you were watched from a distance by Ao'nung's friends, who stayed on the shore. They had no idea that they weren't the only ones watching...
The sound Ao'nung made was like whistling after he clicked his tongue several times. A loud chirping ilu emerged from the water shortly afterward.
"It's loud!" you giggled, feeling even more captivated by the creature. "Are you sure I or you won't be eaten by it?"
"Ilu? Don't worry, they won't bite if they're not bothered. Come, pet it slowly," he advised. 
As you nodded slowly, you drew a little closer and gently petted the animal.
Ilu turned his head to you and chirped loudly in anticipation, blinking both pairs of its eyes. A gentle, inviting touch was evidently enjoyed by the animal, whose skin was soft to the touch.
In response to your very first interaction with the ilu, Ao'nung smiled. "You see? No biting."
A giggle escaped your lips, and you nodded in agreement. "I really like how soft and cute it is, and there is no biting at all. I didn’t know they’re so friendly!”
After seeing a small wave coming, he took a step closer to you and put his hand on your waist, supporting you from falling to your back due to the strong drift. "I told you it was worth trying." 
"It would be appreciated if the waves were not so strong," you joked and politely thanked him for the support he provided. "In fact, it was well worth trying. This creature is so sweet and soft. If I weren't scared, I'd cuddle it."
"There's nothing stopping you from doing so," he said as his hand stayed on your waist. "First, I would suggest creating a bond, it's safer that way."
Meanwhile, Neteyam joined Ao'nung's friends on the shore. Watching you cooperate with the ilu while sitting under the warm sun was a cute way to spend his spare time. Everything would have been perfect if Ao'nung hadn't been doing everything he could to get closer to you. In the end, Neteyam let out a deep sigh - it seemed you were more interested in Metkayina lately, and he was helpless about it; his only concern was your widely understood happiness.
Your eyes widened when you noticed Neteyam with the corner of your eye. You hummed, pretending to think about Ao'nung's offer. This could make things even more interesting. Immediately, you became more flirtatious with Ao'nung. "Are you really bringing me here just to show me the ilu?"
A cheerful smile was given to you by Tonowari's son, who also petted ilu's head. "Why are you asking, Y/N? I was simply trying to relieve you of the unneeded job you were assigned."
With a soft smile, you teased, "Oh, I'm sorry. I was hoping for more from you, but apparently I was mistaken..."
With a bold move, he touched your shoulder with his palm as he asked, "More like? You know how much I value your friendship more than Sullys', so I'm willing to lend a helping hand whenever I can."
"Friendship may always evolve into something more," you shrugged, still petting the ilu's head.
While chirping loudly, ilu poked you in the side with its velvety muzzle. "We could always give it a chance, Y/N. What do you think?" Ao'nung asked as his hand climbed up your shoulder and landed in your crook of the neck.
"Maybe?" You purred as if you were considering it. Of course, you didn't care about any of this, all you cared about was Neteyam's reaction. Although you felt disappointed with the lack of response so far, you decided to keep trying and maybe coax it out of him.
You were so skilled at pretending that Ao'nung leaned forward, closed his eyes, and attempted to kiss you.
It was enough for Neteyam. When he got up to his feet, he got as close to the water as possible without getting in. Neteyam shouted, "What the hell are you doing, Ao'nung?"
Gasping, you took two small steps away from Ao'nung before looking at Neteyam. Oh, he was angry! "Neteyam, what's wrong?" You asked innocently, tilting your head to the side.
The grunt grew louder as Ao'nung opened his eyes and stared at Neteyam as well. "What's your problem, bro?"
"You're acting a bit too brazen, bro, and that's my problem. Leave Y/N alone," Neteyam said after issuing a warning; his eyes were then fixed on you. "Come on, Y/N, I think you still need to finish some things."
Your lips were softly curled into a smile as you whispered, "Yes, I believe I do."
Ao'nung was the first to exit the water, leaving ilu behind. "Well, well, well, look at that, Sully's into our sweet, little Y/N," he mocked, rolling his eyes.
Once you had given the ilu one last pet, you followed Ao'nung towards the shore, thinking how the situation would unfold.
Once Ao'nung got onto the shore, he pushed Neteyam's shoulder strongly with wry words followed by a snort, "Shall I remind you about your position here, Sully? You better be on your best behaviour, as your father suggested."
A frown could be seen on Neteyam's face, but he tried hard to maintain his composure. "Y/N, let's go."
"What's your problem, Net? We didn't do anything wrong, he was just showing me what ilu is." 
Tuk, who was partially hidden behind Neteyam's legs, peered out and frowned at you. "We've been here for a while, and you still don't know anything about ilu? Eywa, please hold me tight, I can't deal with Y/N."
Neteyam ruffled his sister's hair and stared at you before saying, "I heard Ronal asked you to help with nets, and you heard what my parents said about us being guests here? We need to adapt and do whatever it takes to avoid being considered useless."
Putting yourself behind Ao'nung, you frowned. "I try to be useful, but making nets is boring and not meant for me? This just seems more fun."
Tuk stuck her tongue out at you, her glance full of concern. "Mom won't be happy."
"Hush," Neteyam whispered to Tuktirey while looking at Ao'nung. "As the chief's son, you should be more reasonable and help Y/N with the tasks she's assigned to."
Your head rested on Ao'nung's shoulder as you gazed at Neteyam. You teased, "Is it your only concern? Or are you simply jealous?"
Neteyam had already had enough of your behaviour - he thought he had shown you many times that you were more valuable to him, yet you seemed more interested in that thick piece of a man, called Ao'nung. "Maybe."
Ao'nung smiled even wider as you patted his shoulder before walking up to Neteyam to take his hand. "Maybe? Just maybe?"
From nowhere, the argument grew into a tornado. The intensity of Neteyam's rage blinded him to your heart and soul. His hand snatched back from your grasp as he snapped at you, "Don't. It seems that Ao'nung has nothing but hots for you, and since you seem to be more than interested, we won't bother you anymore in spending your time with our host. Tuk, come."
The little girl followed her brother enthusiastically, but of course she couldn't help but glance back at you, laying her ears and hissing, showing her perfect, sharp fangs.
It didn't work out as you thought it would; you laid your ears down and hissed back at her, crossing your arms over your chest. A deep sigh was heard from you as you excused yourselves and followed them quickly.
The fact that you followed Sullys was mocked by Ao'nung. "Come on, Y/N! We still might have some fun!”
"Apparently Y/N is more into the eldest of the Sully brothers," Rotxo replied to his friend, and Tonowari's son punched him hard in the side, giving him the coldest look he has ever given to anyone as a warning.
"Neteyam! Tuk! Wait for me!” You shouted after them, attempting to line up with the siblings.
Meanwhile, Neteyam sat on the rock where you had left your unfinished nets.
Since she was angry that you were playing with her beloved brother in such a cruel way, Tuk ignored you perfectly.
After softly sighing, you decided to sit right next to him. "Neteyam... Talk to me. I am sorry for angering you so much."
He answered, "I'm not furious," and continued to work on the weave with his long fingers.
While playing with the sand, Tuk giggled, "He's not angry, he's mad."
"Could you play somewhere else? I want to talk to him alone," you hissed at her.
Tuk stood up and placed her hands on her hips. "Don't order me, you're not my mother."
With a sigh, Neteyam told his younger sister to return to their hut and assist Kiri and mother with whatever they were doing.
The young girl complied with her brother's instructions while grunting loudly in annoyance.
You looked at him and sighed, "At least she listens to you. So, will you talk to me?”
Then you moved closer to help him weave the net and whispered quietly, "About what happened. I didn't mean to anger you. I'm sorry for leaving my job. It just seemed like a nice offer and I was super flustered."
Without even glancing at you, he asked bitterly, "The offer or Ao'nung?"
Chuckling, you gently pinched his finger and continued to work. "The offer, as I mentioned earlier."
"Yeah. I bet."
"Neteyam," you said, taking his hand in your palm, "Why did you get so angry about me hanging out with him?"
"Hanging out with him, that's the clue," he said angrily, pulling his hand out of your grasp, weaving angry until his fingertips began to hurt - only then Neteyam threw the net away and after letting out a deep sigh, he massaged his temples. "Is he that interesting? Apparently, you were the one who said reef people were strange and unappealing."
"It wasn't because of him, but because I wanted to see an ilu," you explained, rolling your eyes. "There was a chance it would eat him rather than me in the event of an accident."
Neteyam was trying so hard to keep a straight face, but your comment made him giggle. "If only ilus could be as vicious as akulas, Ao'nung's issue might have been resolved long ago."
A smile spread across your face as you raised an eyebrow at him and asked, "You'd like that, huh?"
Prior to replying, Neteyam improved his necklace and waved his tail. "Maybe."
Your tail wiggled happily as you placed your chin on his shoulder with a mischievous smile. "I'm sure you would love that, hm? You wouldn't have to worry about someone stealing me from you."
"It's not like that, Y/N. We're just friends, you and I."
"Well..." you sighed deeply, "I'm disappointed to hear that, because I really wanted something more."
You were given a serious look as he asked, "Just like with Ao'nung, huh?"
As you gasped, you smacked his back with your tail. "I tried to get your attention by making you jealous. Is that what you wanted to hear?"
He grinned widely as he asked, "So you tried to make me jealous? Well, it appears you are interested in me, and I am flattered by that."
You whined, "Yes! I'm interested in you, but you're only paying attention to me in a friendly manner."
"And how do you know that, smartass?"
Blinking, you shrugged lightly. "That's how I felt."
"Then you must be blind."
You turned away and crossed your arms over your chest, pretending to be offended. "I'm not, it's just that your signs weren't clear enough." 
In this case, Neteyam rested his chin against the crook of your neck, looking at you from your profile. "How many times did I accidentally catch your hand? How many times did I say there was no one but you? How many times did I skip my duties just to spend time by your side?"
You leaned against him, "I just thought it was because I was an orphan who your mother had taken care of and you took care of me because this was what your parents expected you to do."
With you by his side, Neteyam was able to relax his nerves as he closed his eyes, enjoying the warmth of the sun kissing his skin. "How wrong you were, Y/N."
"Now I know. What should we do about it?"
"Have you thought of anything in particular?"
Shrugging, you replied, "No. How about you?"
"My guess is that it's the part when you kiss her, Neteyam," tiny tone suggested. Nobody else but Tuk observed the entire situation while hiding among nearby bushes.
While eldest Sully facepalmed for not expecting his little sister to spy on him, he knew deep down she was right. In barely a second, he placed a hand on your cheek and rubbed you there with his thumb, before leaning forward to rub his nose against yours and briefly kiss your lips.
Wrapping your arms around his neck, you giggled quietly and kissed him back. The happiness made your tail move like crazy.
A small Omaticaya girl shook her head and kept quiet during the scene.
As your taste spilled over Neteyam's tongue, he murmured in pleasure.
With a mischievous smile, you pulled away and rubbed your noses together. "It was worth it to piss you off."
"Prove it."
"I love you, not Ao'nung," you rolled your eyes and kissed him once more.
Tuk's tone was filled with happiness as she chanted, "I feel love in the air! Y/N and Neteyam, Neteyam and Y/N! Nanana! Love is oh so in the air!"
When Neteyam returned the kiss, he felt all his angst and anger disappear quickly, having been eased by your words and feeling that they came from the depths of your heart.
After letting him kiss you for a moment, you pulled away when you needed to breathe deeply. "Is this proof enough for you, my love?"
"What did our little spy think of what she saw?" You asked Tuk loudly.
With a stick she found in the bushes, Tuk emerged from her hiding spot and approached the two of you. "It was pretty cute, but still eww, just like mom kissing dad. Just remember I will keep a close eye on you, Y/N, and I won't hesitate to inform Neteyam if I see you hanging out with those beefy, turquoise fellas again," she warned, getting on her brother's lap. "And now tell me: will you two eventually tie the knot?"
You rolled your eyes and ruffled her hair. "One day, maybe, when we decide we want to be together forever."
"Tuk, please," Neteyam poked Tuktirey's shoulder. "Little one, that is none of your business."
"What? I have to be ready," Tuk looked at you while shrugging her shoulders. "I believe you'd make a stunning bride! I could look after your future kids! I would play with them!"
"TUK!" Neteyam paled a little, pulling on his sister's braid. "That’s enough."
A smug smile appeared on your face. "I would like to have kids, so long as they aren't like their future aunt."
Neteyam laughed, shoving Tuk off his lap and returning to weaving. "Please, don't encourage her, Y/N."
Tuk initially nodded joyfully in response to your comments, but when she realised what you were saying, she crossed her arms over her chest, which, unfortunately, was the same moment she slipped from Neteyam's lap. She snarled at you while sitting on her butt in the sand. "I'll keep it in mind, Y/N, and I'll tell mom!"
Laughing, you took Neteyam's hand. "I guess we'll see about that. Right?"
As he stroked your palm, he smiled at you brightly. "Yes. The feelings I have for you are something I am looking forward to discovering and exploring."
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masterof-blabber · 1 month
Dragons Rising S2P2 predictions because I can keep them to myself no longer 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
Ok this is going to be mostly Arin/Sora centric because HOOOO BOY do I sense trouble in the air for these two
First of all, Arin is DEFINITELY going to find out about Sora helping him out with the object spinjitzu thing and I think he’s going to be really really hurt. They spent so much time this season building up his feelings of insecurity and finding this out is going to bring them back in a HUGE way.
Another thing the writers spent a long time building up was Arin’s innate goodness/kindness/naivety. Call me crazy but I think he’s going to learn shatterspin in part 2 - the one thing that literally requires destroying the goodness in your soul. I don’t think he’ll use it much but I think he will learn it and be irreversibly changed
I can envision the lead-up to it so vividly and I think finding out what Sora did is going to be the tipping point. I think the rough timeline would go something like this:
Things are going well-ish. Arin’s confidence is restored and he’s back to training with a new enthusiasm. I don’t think he’ll master object spinjitzu at this point but he’ll be seeing more success and feeling better about himself
Something will happen - my guess some sort of pivotal battle where they’re relying on Arin’s object spinjitzu to save the day and it won’t work and Sora will have to come clean.
Arin - betrayed and insecure - lashes out towards Sora, and then towards Lloyd and the others when they try to comfort/calm him down. He says he needs some time to himself and runs off somewhere
While he’s alone, he’s approached by some force of evil (maybe Ras, or Ras’ master, or someone different entirely) and they use his insecurity to convince him that the ninja are holding him back - think like his conversation with Ras in part 1 - and because he’s feeling so awful about it he’ll agree to join them
Training under this new person, they’ll encourage him to work with all this insecurity and build up a ton of anger towards the ninja - especially Sora and Lloyd - and I think they’ll get him to use that to learn shatterspin
Also pretty sure Sora will learn spinjitzu & rising dragon in p2. Thematically this makes a lot of sense as Sora has been very intertwined with dragons since her introduction (she literally NAMED herself after one), and her element is all about creating new things and pushing the limits of what she can do.
Meanwhile Arin doesn’t have an element (as far as we’re aware, and I really hope it stays that way), and a parts his design speak to oni imagery - the horns especially. I don’t think it’s far-fetched so assume that under the right circumstances he may turn to destruction
Creation and Destruction never ever show up without each other in ninjago. They are completely linked and a recurring theme in the show and I think this will become WAY more evident as dragons rising progresses
Other small things:
Someone will find Jay, probably. (Hopefully!!!!) I’m hopeful for an angsty arc but in all honesty it seems like it’ll resolve quite quickly once they do find him. Tbh im happy either way I just miss my wife
Cole/Geo won’t become explicitly canon but they will continue being delightfully queercoded
I think Wyldfyre and Nya are both going to struggle without Kai,, he’s sort of been a father figure to both of them and knowing he’s stuck somewhere he might never escape from is gonna be really hard on them (esp for Nya who’s already sort of lost one of the most important people in her life)
More Wu info??? (Hoping for this! Hes present in at least one of the new sets (dragon stone shrine, linked below) so im hopeful we’ll find out what happened that silly old guy
PIXAL return???? (I’m begging on my hands and knees)
Arin Sora and Wyldfyre will meet Fritz and Spitz idk I just think that would be cute
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 5 months
I wanted to get your opinion on this, who do you think is smarter: Kara or Lena? A lot of people forget how in to science Kara was on Krypton, which was way more advanced in that area than even modern earth (when Kara first suits up). And I know Lena’s a genius, but could that really beat Kara kryptonian intellect. Because I have a headcanon that Kara is smarter than most, but just never shares it with people so she doesn’t offend them etc (after seeing how much it would tick Alex off back when they were kids). But I’m still not sure how her IQ would match against Lena’s in science if she really tried. Also, side note, could you imagine Lena’s reaction to Kara knowing all kinds of advanced scientific knowledge? Part of her loving it, but the other half being slightly upset that Kara always put the pressure on her (during the world ending threats) to solve all of the science related problems.
Finally have the bandwidth to start going through my inbox, and we're starting out with an absolute banger. This is excellent.
You're right, Kara has a ton of knowledge and a Kryptonian brain, but after years of dumbing herself down, are her neural pathways still the same as what got her into the science guild?
Personally, I think she might not be hardwired for it anymore like she might have been on Krypton, but she's still wicked smart. Like, she has the knowledge, can probably recite formulas and such, but actually applying them might be more of a challenge these days.
Whereas Lena still lives and breathes it, it's her passion. It's still ingrained in her, flourishing through practice and stimulation. Where Kara has self-imposed limits, Lena is continually looking to push past any limitations placed on her by others. She continually strives, and I think that might be why she's a better science resource than Kara.
Also, Lena probably understands Earth's resources better than Kara at the moment. Like, Kara can have all the knowledge in the universe and maybe even devise a solution in an instant, but even then, if that solution requires resources Earth doesn't have access to, what good is it?
So, overall I hesitate to declare one smarter than the other. I think their brains just work differently, and they have different skillsets and knowledge bases. I think the more they work together, the more they each will learn and share their own knowledge with each other.
As always, they'd make each other better.
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five-rivers · 10 months
Figment (More than Imagination)
(Be warned that this is an unfinished snippet.)
“You’re really him.  The one from the festival.”  
Izuku had been hearing similar statements all morning, since before he’d even gotten on the train, but it still made him blush!  Was this what pro heroes had to deal with all the time?  Wow!  Izuku couldn’t imagine…  Well, he could, but…  The point was, he didn’t see any harm in turning and talking to the latest person to recognize him.  
‘The one from the festival’ was a lot nicer than ‘bone breaking kid,’ after all!
(And both were better than ‘useless deku.’)
Now, it was a little different being approached on the street, in the rain, only a few blocks from UA, rather than just being acknowledged by fellow commuters, most of whom he saw every day, and coming out of an alleyway to do it was strange, but the guy didn’t look like a villain.  Not that there was any particular villain look!  That was to say, the person coming from the alley didn’t look threatening.  He was thin, frail, even, and almost baseline human in appearance, with wavy brown hair, a nice shirt and a blazer, and a plain black umbrella.  The only things that stood out about him were that he had two pupils and vividly cyan irises in each eye, and that his fingernails were painted that exact same color.  Unless it wasn’t paint, and actually part of his quirk?  Maybe a five-point or other specialized-contact quirk with a visual component?  Not that Izuku should assume!
Oh!  And he should really respond instead of just standing there, staring.  
“Y-yep!  That’s me!  Th-the bone- bone breaking kid.”  He smiled at the man, as brightly as he could.  
“You look the same.  I was worried you would be… different.”
“Ah, well, don’t worry!  I didn’t get hurt that badly!”  He was still alive, right?  Even if Recovery Girl had said she wouldn’t heal him anymore…  “I’m- I’m totally okay!  But– Thank you for your support, mister!”
He bobbed a quick bow, then paused, unsure how to end this interaction.  A stranger being concerned about him was… not quite a first, but… it usually ended pretty fast.  
“I just… really want to shake your hand.  Please.”  The man held his right hand out, past the cover of his umbrella.  “It would make me so happy…”
Izuku was immediately on guard.  Maybe shaking hands upon first meeting someone new had been common in the past, but since the advent of quirks, it had become something reserved for the end of a meeting, one where people got to know each other fairly well, if that.  Handshake events with celebrities required in-depth background checks and squeaky-clean records, and even then the celebrities usually wore gloves.  Too many quirks were touch-based, too many quirks were destructive, or even just inconvenient, for the average person to feel okay with that kind of contact with strangers.  
“I- I don’t know,” said Izuku, taking a step back.  He didn’t want to be rude, and probably people asked heroes that all the time, but this was starting to get, uhm, uncomfortable.  “I- I mean!  I’ve still got all these bandages, so, it’s not very, um, good for me to be doing things with my hands!”  He glanced at his own umbrella and cringed a little.  “You know how it is.  Injuries!”
The stranger’s expression - which Izuku was kind of having a hard time interpreting - didn’t change.  He also didn’t put his hand down.  
Against his better judgment, Izuku leaned forward.  “Are you– Are you okay?  Mister?”
The man crumpled suddenly.  Izuku dropped his umbrella and rushed to his side, pulling out his phone.  “I’m calling an ambulan–!”
The man’s hand shot out, grabbing Izuku’s wrist.  His nails, sharper than they looked, dug into Izuku’s bandaged arm, deep enough to draw blood, and–
Several blocks away, well within the confines of UA, Yagi Toshinori’s eyes rolled up, into the back of his head, and he fell out of his seat, thoroughly derailing the staff meeting he’d been participating in.  
“Pardon?” said Nezu.  Answering the phone when perched on Aizawa’s shoulders was, perhaps, not entirely polite, but it was that or be underfoot while all of his very tall employees paced restlessly outside the nurse’s office.  “One of our students was involved in what?”
This, of course, got the attention of absolutely everyone in the hallway.  Excellent!
Not the student being involved in the incident, of course, but redirecting the staff’s attention to a problem that they could actually affect.  
“Yes, yes, I will be there shortly,” he said.  “Thank you for bringing this to our attention so promptly, Officer Tamakawa!”  He hung up.  “It appears as if one of our students was attacked by a villain on their commute and had an interesting reaction to the villain's quirk.  Aizawa, Inui, I’ll need you to head to the hospital to confirm the student’s identity and to provide support.”
“Support?” asked Aizawa, both his eyebrows going up.  
“The quirk in question has a psychological dimension, and there’s a worry that the student might lash out and injure themselves or others when they wake up.”
“Ugh,” said Aizawa.  “Inui, you’ll have to drive.  My eyes still aren’t back to normal.”
“Very good!” said Nezu, jumping down.  “I will have the police send the relevant information directly to your phone!”
“Takashima Takuto,” said Tsukauchi, sliding into the chair across the table.  "I have to say, I'm disappointed to see you again."
Takashima flexed his hands inside the special gloves the police force used to block his class of touch-based quirks and muttered unintelligibly.  
"Do you remember the terms of your release?" asked Tsukauchi.  
Takashima suddenly leaned forward, chest pressed flat against the heavy table between them.  "You don't understand!  I had to!"
"We'll get to that in a moment.  Do you remember the terms of your release?"
"I-" Takashima leaned back.  "I wasn't to use the active part of my quirk anymore."
"That's not entirely accurate.  You're missing a few parts."
Takashima swallowed and began to bounce his leg up and down.  "I was- I had to join the Fujitani Hospital psychiatric outpatient program, and I couldn't miss any appointments or medications."
"And I had a- a work release where I could use my quirk… the active part of my quirk… if I had the… informed consent of the person, and approval of the hospital psychiatric board."
"Did you have either of those things when you used your quirk earlier today?"
"... No."
"So," said Tsukauchi, lacing his fingers together.  "Explain to me what happened."
“I was– It was– It was self defense!”
Tsukauchi raised an eyebrow.  “You’re claiming you were attacked?”
“Yes.  Yes.”
“By a hero student?”
“... Yes.”
“Who you’ve never met before today?”
“It was– It was out of nowhere.”
“Alright.  Where are your injuries, Mr. Takashima?”
“... What?”
“The boy you’re accusing of attacking you made it to the final eight in the UA Sports Festival.  The arena had to be rebuilt after he and his last opponent were done with it.  I find it difficult to believe that you were able to get away from him unscathed if he did attack you.  Would you like to try again?”
“I- I- But if I- I had to, don’t you see?  I’ve never seen anyone like him before!”
Tsukauchi sighed.  “Can you explain that statement?”
“I saw him…  Midoriya…  I saw.  With my quirk.  On the TV.  The sports festival.  I saw him and I… didn’t believe it, at first.  I’d never seen anything quite like that…  The figments, they were hardly figments… The were… even more than Miss Inoue… almost real even without me…  I had to.”
“Mr. Takashima, you recall that Miss Inoue almost died because of your reckless quirk use?”
“I was following the rules,” said Takashima.  “I told her what my quirk did.  I was a good psychiatrist.  This will help him, too, Midoriya.”
“We have no idea what the long term effects on Mr. Midoriya will be,” said Tsukauchi.  “As it stands, it sounds like you stalked him, ambushed him, and used your quirk on him without his consent.”
“I don’t… I had to.  I had to make them real, once I saw them.”
“As it stands, it is recognized that you’re suffering from Compulsive Quirk Use Disorder, so, per your prior agreement with the prosecutor’s office, you’ll be remanded into a residential psychiatric program later today.  Your lawyer’s been contacted, and should be able to give you more details.”  Tsukauchi stood up.
“But,” said Takashima, weakly, “I had to.”
“No,” said Tsukauchi, “you didn’t.”
“A bit harsher than usual,” observed Akabane.  
Tsukauchi scowled.  “He’s almost killed half a dozen people with his quirk, and he always says the same thing, and his mother’s family always gets him out of facing real consequences.  I’m tired of seeing him.  Mental illness is not an excuse for mutilating people.  This could have been prevented if the prosectors pushed for real intervention instead of that joke of a work release.  There are medications he could be taking!”  Tsukauchi angrily yanked a handful of paperwork out of the file folder on his desk and started filling it in.  
“Still,” said Akabane.
“Midoriya is…”  He let out a sharp sigh.  “A friend of mine’s been mentoring the kid.  I don’t really know him, but I know about him, and I don’t think my friend is going to take it well.”
“Ah,” said Akabane.
“It’s just– Do you know what happened to Miss Inoue?  She was a patient of his, when he still had his license to practice.  She had delusions of having worms crawling under her skin, eating her alive.  She was lucky she didn’t have a detailed picture of what those worms looked like.  They fell apart pretty fast.  Mrs. Yamaguchi was another one of his victims; he convinced her to go off her antipsychotics so she could confront her hallucinations of her abusive husband.  That stuck around a bit longer.  Those are the worst two, but they’re not the reason he got put on probation.  He started using his quirk on other people’s patients, and they reported him.”
“Nasty.  But it sounds like he has a problem, too.”
“Yeah,” said Tsukauchi.  “I just wish he’d gotten help for it faster.”
"Usually," said Dr. Aoki, as he led Aizawa and Hound Dog through the hospital, "the figments Mr. Takashima creates aren't so… lasting.  Or detailed.   Most of them lack significant internal organs or have other flaws that cause them to fall apart within a relatively brief period of time.  Their creation also usually doesn't take such a toll on the host.  I suspect the two things are related, but, well.  You can see why we're so concerned."
"What kinds of figments are we talking about here?" asked Hound Dog.  
"It's hard to say, precisely.  Doctor - excuse me - Mr. Takashima worked with a broad spectrum of patients with an equally broad spectrum of disorders.  If I had to guess, I would imagine some form of schizophrenia - that disorder can cause a wide range of detailed hallucinations - or Dissociative Identity Disorder - although that diagnosis has been controversial for years.  Since the pre-quirk era at least."  Aoki's hands fluttered.  "We're far more concerned about physical ramifications, anyway, which is why we called you here.  We have no idea how these figments might react to Mr. Midoriya or each other.  We have them in separate rooms for now."
Aizawa sighed.  "What are the figments of?  What do they look like?"
"That," said Officer Tamakawa, who was escorting them, "is a whole extra problem."  He stopped and opened a door, briefly.  Aizawa and Hound Dog looked in.  What was lying in the bed was unmistakable.
Tamakawa shut the door quickly.  
"You see?" he asked.  
“Was that a teenage All Might?” asked Hound Dog faintly. 
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dahlia-shifts · 2 months
Introduction (NCT DR)
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I promised I'll be making intros to my DRs, so let's start off with my Main DR ! I have not shifted to this DR yet, but it's the one I try to shift to almost every night and it's one of the two DRs that stay consistent in my scripts !
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Time ratio : 1 Hour CR = 5 Months DR (I know it may seem like a lot, but I really want to experience as much as I can on each shift.
First shift : November, 2015. I will be shifting to the day I get picked to debut in NCT. The next couple of months will be filled with practicing and getting to know the members. I want to live through these moments, and not just remember them as memories. The morning of my first shift will be filled with my own training, going to vocal lessons, study sessions, since I don't attend school, and by the end of the day, I get called to a meeting, where I find out I'm set to debut with NCT.
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Personal Info
Name : (CR name) ; Jung Soobin (Korean Name)
D.O.B : December 08, 2000
Age As Of First Shift : 14
Zodiac Sign : Sagittarius
Height : 150 cm (As Of First Shift)
Nationality : Korean-Bulgarian
Ethnicity : Slavic/Bulgarian
Idol Info
Stage Name : Dahlia
Training Period : Since early 2010
Positions : Main Dancer, Lead Vocalist, Lead Rapper, Face Of The Group, Maknae (127)
Debut : The 7th Sense (NCT U - April 09, 2016) ; Fire Truck (NCT 127 - July 10, 2016) ; Chewing Gum (NCT Dream - August 27, 2016)
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Born in Bulgaria.
Going to kindergarten in Bulgaria. My parents get promoted at their workplace, which requires us to move to Seoul, SK.
Going to public school, but not being able to make many friends. Getting bullied often, so taking up a hobby, which is dancing. I begin dancing every night to popular K-Pop songs in my room, and deciding that becoming an idol is my dream.
I begin auditioning for SM, YG, JYP, but am continuously rejected for being too young, not being able to sing and rap. I go to every audition I can, which my family soon finds out about. I get scolded a lot afterwards, but I decide to prove everyone wrong, so I begin training in my room to sing and rap.
I decide to audition for SM Ent. one last time. The judges already know me by then. They give me one last chance, and after a lot of mumbling from their side, they tell me they will call me soon.
I begin training under SM Ent. There aren't many trainees my age, so I befriend older trainees, which are Sehun (EXO), Johnny (NCT), Irene (Red Velvet). Soon after I begin training, my family informs me that they will be moving back to Bulgaria, where my older brother can receive better higher education there, so I am left alone in Seoul. They tell me to come with them, but becoming an Idol is my dream, so I refuse, to which they get furious, and tell me never to contact them ever again.
I become great friends with Yeri (Red Velvet) and we train together, aligned for the same group. We are roommates, so we become good friends the moment she becomes a trainee. I've gone no contact with my family, aside from my aunt, uncle and cousin. I also befriend Mark (NCT), but we get close due to me not being able to speak good Korean and communicating in English instead (same situation with Johnny). He helps me improve both my English, and my Korean.
The rest of the years leading up to my debut are honestly kind of boring but some key moments are :
Not debuting with Yeri
Becoming the greatest friends with Donghyuck/Haechan (NCT), which we still are to this day
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Dating History
Vernon ( Seventeen ) May 19 2017 - January 11, 2018, 8 months Age Difference : 2 years Reason for break up : Falling off, companies finding out.
Juyeon (The Boyz) October 16 2018 until August 15 2019, almost 10 months Age Difference : 2 years Reason for break up : He was cheating on me
Taeyong (NCT) February 10 2020-January 10 2021; March 11 2021 - ongoing Age Difference : 5 years Reason for a break : Fans speculating our relationship, so we didn't know how they would react if they were proven right, so we decided to take a break
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mana-jjk · 4 months
i keep looking through the college au and coming up with more questions.
does geto teach a philosophy Gen-ed that everyone has to take?
are nanako and mimiko there? what are they up to?
I have to know more about ijichi's suffering
how close does toge get to dropping out? how often? will he ever actually do it?
do gojo and geto do that thing where they both casually mention their husband but nobody puts together that it's the other professor? (are they together in this au or is there more angst?)
i’m loving the questions !! <3 thank you for taking such an interest ! 🥺
getou’s philosophy:
• so getou has a PhD in philosophy and does research on the side of his position as a professor.
• he’s one of the few philosophy professors, so he teaches up to 4 - 5 classes a semester. this can include higher levels, major-specific, sub-categories, etc. but he always specifically requests a introduction to philosophy class, a requirement in most majors.
• it’s either that, or they take a speech class with Yuki Tsukumo and her teaching assistant, Aoi Todo. Who, yes, as an icebreaker, make you proclaim your type in men/women/other.
• yuuji took that class lol and now they’re trying to recruit him as a TA, no one could believe he would be the first to be recruited for that
• anyway, back to philosophy, getou has way too much fun being as evil and instigating as possible. you have to speak to get a grade in his class, and he will purposely misinterpret what you say.
• student: i just think in the case of the trolley problem, i wouldn’t hesitate to save more people.
• getou: oh? so you assign value to numbers? are human lives stastics to you? if they throw their money out will you also change your mind? i bet you don’t even care if there was a child on the other side huh? murderer
• you leave his class traumatized lol
nanako and mimiko:
• they are here and are still adopted by getou! they didn’t have the best home life, and moved around foster care for a lot of their lives until they accidentally bumped into getou while they were running away.
• he helped them call their social work and were moved into a better situation, though they begged him to stay in contact.
• a complicated and usual amount of time later, enough for adoption process in japan, he has officially adopted them.
• in present day, nanako and mimiko insisted on transferring colleges to the one getou got a job at so they could stay together.
• mimiko is currently a fashion design major and nanako is her biggest inspiration. she exclusively makes clothes for her or inspired by her and because of that she’s struggling a bit in college, despite being the top of her class.
• nanako is a digital marketing and social media major and part-time model who loves showing off mimiko’s designs. she also likes to bicker with nobara by saying her sister is on a whole different level than her. mimiko doesn’t care but likes the support her sister gives her lol
• mimiko will eventually change her major to graphic design, to someday design toys for children. she likes making clothes because it makes nanako smile, but she loves making toys that she and nanako used to cherish while hiding in the closet from their bad foster parents.
• like i said, nanako likes fighting with nobara, but actually has a lot of fun around her. she also loves panda and thinks he’s so fun and would be a great model. they always get chaotic around each other and turn into instigators.
• mimiko ended up finding an unexpected friendship in toge, he was quiet and she couldn’t understand sign but he always carried a little notebook that he would write notes in for her. they would watch nobara and nanako bicker, and toge would make her laugh by making doodles of them in the pages, and then clap when she drew a better quality version in turn. the way he ruffles her hair reminds her a bit of an older brother. (this is my agenda and i’m dying with it)!!
save ijichi:
• poor ijichi is an education major trying to get his master’s degree. being a teaching assistant was one of the requirements for him to graduate, and being gojo’s teaching assistant is the only position available.
• gojo did not want a teaching assistant, he likes to talk like a squirrel, go on tangents, and essentially not follow a schedule or explain to anyone. having a teaching assistant contradicts that so.
• lol
• gojo enjoys going on a tangent, losing everyone and then pointing at ijichi to answer a trick question.
• he also enjoys playing pranks on him, think of jim from the office. but his pranks are so nonsensical and childish that it gives everyone whiplash. once gojo accused him of passing notes and made him read a note out loud that gojo wrote, it only had a picture of a cat wearing sunglasses on it.
• the students feel so bad for him, when yuuta took the class, he always stayed after just to bow as deep as he could to apologize for his cousin’s behavior.
• every day ijichi tells himself he’s going to get a backbone, then gojo starts laughing and a cold chill runs up his spine
• gojo also leaves all the grading to ijichi but routinely complains about how lenient he is as a grader
• this man is fighting for his life
• in truth, gojo plans to give him a glowing recommendation that’ll guarantee him a high-paying, prestigious job, but he can’t let ijichi think he’s too nice, right?
toge drops out:
• so i think that toge would end up dropping out at the end of his second year in college. he’s just started his major courses, so the majority of his credits are transferable should he choose to come back.
• but it’s after yuuta comes back, and toge expects his mental state to get better. in some ways it does, he’s happy when he’s with them, but when it’s time to go to class he’s right back where he started.
• it’s probably kusakabe, one of his professors, that puts the idea of dropping out in his head. just a passing reference to how the professor dropped out several times before finding what he wanted to do.
• and the idea stayed like an infection, it was all toge could think about when he was finishing up his semester. even worse when their past upperclassmen, who did drop out to open their own bar, came for a visit.
• hakari was so open to questions about it, and kiara looked so happy talking about their business. and all he could remember was how bored and unhappy they were, and how they were thriving.
• and then gojo suggests it.
• “i never really cared about your grades,” he said, “you looked lonely, but you aren’t anymore. but somehow, you’re just as unhappy as the day i found you. all i want for you is to be happy, and i don’t think you’re finding it here.”
• the man was always so uncanny in how he could read anyone’s mind. this time in particular, he offered a solution that toge had never thought about.
• “have you ever thought of culinary school?”
• ‘my parents would never - they’re already threatening to disown me -’
• “let them, i always figured you’d take his last name anyway,” toge chose to ignore that, “but you aren’t alone anymore. so why don’t you try being happy?”
• when toge told yuuta, similar to only a year ago when they were in opposite positions, yuuta asked him softly, “what do you want to do?”
• the answer came easier than he thought
• by the start of the next semester, gojo had helped him enroll in a culinary school nearby.
gojo and getou:
• so these men are the most annoying people to exist at this university, and the board regrets hiring both of them everyday.
• both of them are alumni of the college, and this matters because they had been dating when they were students, but broke up very dramatically just before gojo graduated early.
• they went their separate ways for almost a decade and only really started talking again when getou got hired at the university.
• they only started talking again when shoko forced them to meet her, she wanted her friends back.
• she regretted it only a few months later when they started dating again lol
• so they’re still dating, but everyone thinks that getou is dating manami suda because they were often together.
• but no one mistakes gojo trying to flirt with getou so he has a reputation as a homewrecker. even worse is that getou flirts back so everyone thinks they’re terrible people
• and they think it’s so funny so they only enable people into thinking so, yuuta couldn’t look gojo in the face for a month
• only nanako and mimiko know what’s actually happening and they’re both disgusted and not ready to have gojo as their step-father. megumi knows too but he’s suffering so much that everyone just leaves him alone
• yuuji is so distraught that his gojo-sensei is a horrible person, he and nobara do a confrontation and find out that they were dating the entire time.
• everyone suffers after that because now they find amusement in PDA
• but yes after everything, they do a different storyline every new class like theater kids do
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alrightsnaps · 2 years
Jily Fanfiction Recommendations
So, I’ve received more than one ask about giving some Jily fic recommendations... but tumblr is determined to drive me mad and if it didn’t crush after I’d spent hours compiling a list, making me lose everything, it refused to process my post as an answer to an inbox message *sigh*. But I’ve been meaning to make a list of my recommendations for a while so I’m posting it separately here! 
Buckle up cause this is going to be a LONG post.
The first half consists of sort of canonverse stories (in that they take place in the magical world of the hp books) but not necessarily canon compliant. The second half consists of varying non magical AUs.
There are some stories that I’ve revisited time and time again over the years as well as others that I haven’t read since I was a teenager but remember liking at the time. 
At the end of the post I’ve also included some fics and new authors that are on my TBR- I’ve hit a big slump over the pandemic, but I’m still keeping an eye out and there are some new jily writers that have began writing over the past 2-3 years whose work looks amazing and I can’t wait to check out!
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LONG MULTICHAPTERS (90,000+ words)
The Life and Times by Jewels5
She was dramatic. He was dynamic. She was precise. He was impulsive. He was James, and she was Lily, and one day they shared a kiss, but before that they shared many arguments, for he was cocky, and she was sweet, and matters of the heart require time.
Words: 613,762 Status: Abandoned
Pretty much my holy book. Anything I say about TLAT will not be enough to describe this masterpiece that has owned a piece of my soul for years, more so than the hp series itself. The perfect Marauders era story to read even for those who don't ship or particularly care for James and Lily. No other fanfic has managed to make me feel attached to its ensemble the way Jules' story did. While it's abandoned, the way the last two chapters are structured could serve as a nice conclusion of sorts- in any case do NOT let its abandoned status put you off!!
An Unexpected Attraction by thegingerhairedlass
A telling of the Marauders Era and the romance that shaped it all. Lots of teenage angst & romance spanning from the Marauders' seventh year until the end of the First Wizarding War.
Words: 648,698 Status: Complete
My second favourite Marauders era canon compliant long fic and by absolute favourite portrayal of Marlene McKinnon (Jules' Marlene doesn't count, she's a Price and I view her as a whole different character,  okay? 😝)
All Right, Evans? by CokeBottleK
Part I of in-progress trilogy [6th year]: The thing about being Lily Evans and James Potter was that you couldn't do anything without everybody else saying something about it.
Followed by Dangerous Crowds by CokeBottleK
Part II [7th year]: "As in all wars, life goes on."
Words: 106,188 Status: Abandoned
The Rise and Fall of the Stag and the Doe by SiriusUntiltheVeryEnd
Moments. They make or break relationships. Lily didn't just happen to fall in love with James. It wasn't an accident, but a long drawn out process that grew out of the relationships of the people around them. And when it came down to it, even Lily and James couldn't fight fate.
Words: 379,212 Status: Complete
Turning Tables by scared of clouds
Lily Evans' and James Potter's relationship has always been a complicated story; it's just about to get a lot more complicated. And so is everything else. They might not know each other well, but they're about to know each other a lot better. Cover art by anxiouspineapples.
Words: 205,589 Status: Complete
Followed by My Kind Of Love by scared of clouds
James and Lily are out of Hogwarts and engaged; add in the Order of the Phoenix, complicated friendships and deranged Death Eaters, and things can only get more difficult from here.
Castle on the Hill by ac0llecti0n0fn0nsense
After graduating Hogwarts, Lily finds herself quietly fighting the First Wizarding War from an Order of the Phoenix safe house in Scotland as a potions mistress. As the war escalates, Lily and James learn about love, fear, and what it means to grow up.
Words: 200,042 Status: In Progress
Sunshine in My Eyes by monroeslittle
Mr. and Mrs. Evans are killed when Lily's only a girl, and she's supposed to go to a home with her sister. Instead, a relative they didn't know they had comes to collect them, and introduces Lily to manners, magic, and a life that's just the slightest bit different from the life she was supposed to live. Or, an AU in which Minerva McGonagall raises Lily.
Words: 93,410 Status: Complete
Crazy Little Thing Called Love by Breanie
The story of how James convinced Lily that he wasn't actually the arrogant bullying toe-rag she claimed with help from her new best friend, Sirius Black, who is working to help Lily through difficult times. Can be a standalone, but also works as a prequel to my Beginning Series.
Words: 234,367 Status: Complete
First James/Lily fanfic I ever read back when I first discovered fanfiction is a thing. Aw nostalgia.
Sparks by BirthOfAPhoenix
Lily was certain her final year at Hogwarts would be the best yet. She had amazing friends, top marks, and was a shoo-in for Head Girl. Everything was as it should be. But with a war brewing on the outside and a new relationship heating up on the inside, she could no longer pretend it was business as usual when, all around her, there were sparks.
Words: 154,134 Status: In Progress/Abandoned
Every Other Midnight by Kathryn's NomDePlume
Professor Potter and Head Girl Lily Evans... The Dark Decline
Words: 997,210 Status: In Progress
What About Now? by SiriusUntiltheVeryEnd
She noticed him, of course she noticed him but Lily didn't let her gaze linger. She had always thought James was fit, but she didn't particularly want to. James Potter was trouble and she had enough problems.

MULTICHAPTERS AND ONESHOTS (10,000-70,000  words)
Kiss and Tell by SunshineDaisiesWindmills
The rules were simple. Provoke each other. Scream at each other. Snog each other. Do this as frequently as possible, but don't ever, ever kiss and tell.
Words: 47,861 Status: Complete
Talk Me Down by gxldentrio
James is determined to stay away from short, freckled redheads. Lily, having had enough drama for a lifetime, is equally resolved to avoid dark-haired troublemakers. But he rarely does what he ought, and she is too stubborn for her own good. It should be an interesting year.
Words: 54,647 Status: Complete
October Thirty-First by jamespotterthefirst
Even before they were a couple, they always seemed to spend Halloween together. Series of oneshots.
Words: 17,557 Status: Complete
In Fields of Poppies by SunshineDaisiesWindmills
Her father's war and her grandfather's war were fought with metal and manpower. Hers was done with magic.
Words: 41,527 Status: In Progress/Abandoned
Playing the Hero by MeganRachel09
James Potter never thought he would be found guilty of a prank he didn't actually commit. When he realizes that Lily Evans may secretly be Hogwarts' greatest prankster, however, he finds he doesn't mind taking the fall for her, especially when she turns out to be unexpectedly enthusiastic in her gratitude. His only hope is that it all ends up being worth the punishment.
Words: 46,343 Status: Complete
Sober by LovelyFlowerAK
The first time James and Lily get drunk are very interesting stories. As are the last. And, really, everything in between.
Words: 49,097 Status: Complete
Let's do something you're not supposed to by Oynnej
Lily isn't happy. Although she should be with a seemingly perfect life and perfect boyfriend to boot. But then James Potter comes along and shows her you're not always supposed to do...what you're supposed to do.
Words: 15,628 Status: Complete
Crossing Paths by twilightstargazer
She knew him in Hogwarts; wildly popular, overly confident and a massive flirt. Honestly, she'd never expect to see him again when he left school but now he's back and, oh goodness... he's going to be working side by side with her now, isn't he?
Words: 37,508 Status: Complete
Just Stay Here Tonight by monroeslittle
AU. Lily Evans isn't a witch.
Words: 38,077 Status: Complete
And the Wolves All Cry by monroeslittle
AU. if a certain person doesn't hear a prophecy, does it still come true?
Words: 31,769 Status: Complete
Time Lapse by Apalapucian
three years ago, lily discovered that she could fly. two years ago, james stopped flying.
the first time they meet, he's twenty four, and she literally falls from the sky.
he thinks it's love at first sight. it's not—it rarely ever is—but close.
Words: 32,136 Status: In Progress
Eight Days by B.C Daily
During a week-long exhibition, professional Quidditch player James Potter encounters Lily Evans, Junior Quidditch Correspondent for the Daily Prophet.
Words: 40,697 Status: In Progress
Firelight Waltz by cgner
"I'd like to assign the two of you a special, undercover mission," Dumbledore says, his wrinkled fingers steepling on his desk. "I require two Order members to pose as a newlywed couple."
Words: 11,411 Status: Complete
Just Keep Your Eyes On Me by crossingwinter *AU- No Voldemort*
You’re not allowed to date your roommate. There’s practically a law against it.
So James moves out.
Words: 50,070 Status: Complete
The Twelve Days of Christmas by pratty-prongs-princesse
 With Alice and Frank's impending nuptials on Christmas Day, Lily Evans is back home for the holidays. As maid of honour, she's unexpectedly thrown together with the best man, James Potter, who has seemingly changed since their graduation. This is a Christmas love story about how the two school rivals went from hate to lust to love while planning a wedding.
Words: 68,812 Status: Complete
The Art of Self-Defense by cgner *GILMORE GIRLS AU*
Lily got pregnant at sixteen and left Hogwarts to work at an inn. After seventeen years of single parenting, she now has to manage a persistent James, nosy villagers, and a son who's all too interested in joining the Order.
Words: 22,047 Status: Complete

MULTICHAPTERS AND ONESHOTS (less than 10,000 words)
Snaps by Jewels5
James comes up with a nickname.
Words: 1,680 Status: Complete
Guess where my handle comes from....
The Incident in the Library by greenconverses
Lily Evans has been distracted lately…and it’s all because of James Potter and his stupid, unbuttoned shirt. Hardly any fluff, but plenty of shirtless James for everybody. Seventh year fic.
Words: 3,780 Status: Complete
A Wizard Walks Into A Bar by GhostOfBambi
Contrary to popular belief, it's not always the man who does all the chasing.
Words: 5,558 Status: Complete
Fundamental Laws of Magic by lizardcookie
There are certain rules of magic that Lily Evans would very much have liked not to confront in one day. What began in Defense Against the Dark Arts between two people avoiding the obvious ends in the dungeons, the same two people not the same as they were before.
Words: 4,669 Status: Complete
Yeah, Okay by CokeBottleK
A series of instances in which Lily Evans said yes to James Potter.
Words: 8,214 Status: Complete
Questions and Answers by lizardcookie
The simple question of whether or not they're dating doesn't exactly have a simple answer. Seventh Year Jily.
Words: 5,629 Status: Complete
History of a Friendship by lizardcookie
Seven years of friendship between Severus Snape and Lily Evans.
Words: 4,473 Status: Complete
Just Belong With Me by scared of clouds
Sometimes it's the smallest moments that can cause the biggest changes. Five small moments are all it takes to make the biggest change of all. One shot, seventh year Lily and James. Cover art by anxiouspineapples.
Words: 7,517 Status: Complete
The One With The Forgotten Two of Diamonds by Apalapucian
James and Lily brew Amortentia together—and nothing happens. Lily thinks she's officially gone forever numb, James thinks the dungeons smell like a swamp, and everyone concludes they're both idiots. Everybody's daft in love.
Words: 8,048 Status: Complete
Lovers and Voyeurs by MeganRachel09
Towards the end of their Seventh Year, Snape wants to make amends with Lily, but ends up witnessing a private moment between her and James Potter instead.
Words: 5,604 Status: Complete
To Live Nobly by cgner
It doesn’t feel like he’s living. In a world ruled by the Dark Lord, he’s miserable, but not because of the government. A chance meeting wakes him up, but there’s something familiar about her that he can’t quite put his finger on…
Words: 5,741 Status: Complete
For the Price of a Cup of Coffee by cgner
Something is wrong with Lily's brain. She's not sure what, but nothing good comes out of waking up in a hospital bed with no memory of how you got there. To make matters worse, the messy-haired Healer who shows up doesn't seem to know anything about Healing - he's pretty attractive, though, so that's something.
Words: 5,172 Status: Complete
Good Enough by lizardcookie
They were standing chest to chest, lungs working in tandem and minds blazing. Her wand was still pushed against his heart and he could see gold in her green gaze, but maybe that was his own eyes shining back at him. One move forward and their feet touched now.
"Duel. You and me."
Words: 4,167 Status: Complete
Couples Therapy by GhostOfBambi
Transfiguration Professor. Head of Gryffindor House. Deputy Headmistress. Love Guru. Minerva McGonagall is a woman of many talents.
Words: 4,334 Status: Complete
Two Sides of the Same Coin by GhostOfBambi
There are those who claim that Lily Evans couldn't possibly love James Potter as much as he loves her - including, on occasion, James Potter himself - but they couldn't be more wrong if they claimed that the moon was made of cheese.
Words: 8,126 Status: Complete
i (am in) love (with) you by welcometonerdworld
Five times Lily says she loves James, and one time James says it back. Cover art by viria.
Words: 2,835 Status: Complete
Keep It Sweet, Keep It Slow by Apalapucian
She needs him, needs a lot of things; needs to inspect his head for herself and make sure he didn't crack it open, because he's an idiot. She needs to apologize and berate, needs to trace his jaw with her fingertips, unearth the seasons in his eyes, taste his Quidditch-sky-laden lips.
Words: 3,870 Status: Complete
Fireside by Acacia Carter (xaandria)
Trying to reassure Lily Evans that the world isn't going to fall apart on his watch, James ends up revealing far more than he'd intended - and the emotions that have been bottled up for years are finally realised.
Words: 5,330 Status: Complete
fallen leaves by Apalapucian
they don't tell you about the quiet days.
Words: 1,017 Status: Complete
Easy, Bloody Easy by GhostofBambi
Answer to the prompt: Head Boy James is trying to keep his cool because some Slytherins are causing trouble and he doesn't want to hex them but Lily sails in to the rescue.
Words: 2,546 Status: Complete
Marlene by elanev91
Lily finds out that her best friend was killed in the war. This is the aftermath.
Words: 4,306 Status: Complete
The Early Morning Toast Brigade by GhostOfBambi
In which Lily Evans makes the best of insomnia, with the help of her womanly wiles.
Words: 2,397 Status: Complete
Stay The Night by scared of clouds
The events of a single night can have very unexpected consequences. Two shot, Jily AU. Cover art by Viria.
Words: 6,888 Status: Complete
Eleventh and a Half by Apalapucian
He has never seen her this drunk before, and he's not sure if he's more amused or worried about it.
Words: 1,092 Status: Complete
Of Crossing Lines and Changing Minds by honeylake
In which James asks Lily out... only once.
Words: 6,940 Status: Complete
Perfect Match by Franklet
“Are you coming?” James demanded. Lily raked her eyes over him with marked disinterest and rolled her eyes. “No.”' 7 years at Hogwarts, 7 years of Quidditch, 7 questions asked and only 6 refusals?
Words: 7,342 Status: Complete
The Way I Loved You by Apalapucian
"His name was Terrence Hunter, muggle-born and all kinds of perfect, but Lily couldn't help but note the lack of callouses on his fingers, the way his brown curls crowned his kind face a little too immaculately, the way his eyes were of the wrong hue…how there wasn't a pair of spectacles for her to remove before he leaned in to kiss her."
Words: 9,068 Status: Complete
That Scent by erinsailorditz
Spicy. Warm. All him. That man's cologne was haunting her, though Lily's one night with him was long over. Sweet. Floral. All her. Was that her perfume James just smelt drifting by?
Words: 2,355 Status: Complete
The Potions Missile Crisis by GhostOfBambi
As if Slughorn wasn't bad enough already, now you'll never be able to see him again without spontaneously combusting from shame.
Words: 6,425 Status: Complete
Alarming and Beautiful by stolen-whispers
What she didn’t realize until after she agreed to go out with him was that these things were piling on his shoulders until he was hunched under the weight of the world and it was all he could do not to throw it off and watch it shatter.
Words: 4,831 Status: Complete
Subtle Perspectives by amethysth
Though they've "known" each other for years, it takes Lily Evans and James Potter several moments to truly connect.
Words: 5,166 Status: Complete

LONG MULTICHAPTERS (90,000+ words)
Bloody Shangri-La by firbolging
"The way she babbled on about the place made it seem like some sort of promise land, but James knew full well that is was nothing of the sort. Sowsworth was a wasteland that comprised of seven shops, a pub, and the incredibly bored shadows of lonely people. It was not bloody Shangri-la."
Words: 128,218 Status: Complete
Covet Thy Neighbour by BeeDaily and GhostofBambi
There are lots of ways to introduce oneself to a new neighbour, but breaking into their flat, perhaps, is a road less travelled.
Words: 125,706 Status: In Progress
The Underground by elanev91
James and Lily are doing the fluffy things. Muggle AU, Mass Transit AU (lol not a thing?), Coffee Shop AU.
Words: 91,923 Status: Complete
Fighting Fate by scared of clouds *PIRATE AU*
It may have taken him a while to get to this point, but James Potter is happy with his life; as the captain of the pirate ship Fawkes, no-one tells him what to do or where to go. But when he agrees to carry a passenger - for a fee, of course - his life takes a rather interesting and wholly unexpected turn, and the past may be about to catch up with him. Jily AU, cover art by Viria
Words: 128,296 Status: Complete

MULTICHAPTERS AND ONESHOTS (10,000- 70,000 words)
A Game of Thrones by ritaskeetered *MODERN ROYALTY AU*
Lily Evans had never imagined she would meet Prince James, but when she does at St Andrews' annual Christmas Pub Crawl, her whole world is turned upside down. For who thought that a girl like her - with a sister that reads "Hello" magazine like it's the Bible - would end up with a prince like him?
Shelf Awareness by GhostofBambi *BOOKSHOP/COFFEE SHOP AU*
It's too far out of her way and she's wasting so much money, but Lily can't help but return to the bookstore every weekend, where her passion for good literature has, perhaps, been unexpectedly reignited by the messy-haired, pun-making, rather handsome bloke who works there.
Words: 28,416 Status: Complete
Elevator Love Song by BeeDaily
James unexpectedly finds himself trapped in a dodgy apartment elevator with Lily Evans.
Words: 15,995 Status: Complete
The Fight Before Christmas by GhostofBambi
The heartwarming Christmas tale of Lily Evans and James Potter - two plucky kids who hated one other, until the day they really, really didn't.
Words: 29,201 Status: Complete
In which Academy Award winner Lily Evans discovers the periphery of internet fandom and the mysteries of Prince James’s gold star system.
Words: 23,481 Status: Complete
Followed by Ending the Stars by cgner
Five times Prince James proposes to Oscar-winner Lily Evans, and one time he doesn’t. Sequel to Key Limes. Words: 9,014 Status: Complete
Filthy Animals by GhostofBambi *BROOKLYN NINE NINE AU*
James Potter is a talented young detective who's used to doing whatever he wants. When his new boss, DCI McGonagall, tires of his troublemaker ways, she hires her brilliant protégée, Lily Evans, to keep him under control. Now, if only Lily could control herself...
Words: 65,524 Status: In Progress
Wherefore Art Thou, James Potter? By GhostofBambi
For never was a story of more woe than this of James Potter, and his sad, pathetic attempts to win the heart of a girl who thinks he's a prize idiot.
Words: 56,927 Status: In Progress
Salmon Fishing in the Olympics by GhostofBambi *FAKE DATING AU*
Modern Era AU: When Lily Evans seeks assistance from James Potter to avoid the attentions of a suitor who just won't take no for an answer, she accidentally lands them both on the front page of every gossip magazine in Britain. She should have thought about that before pretending to be the girlfriend of a famous athlete.
Words: 12,163 Status: Complete
Question Time by cgner *POLITICS AU*
Newly-elected Prime Minister Potter has his work cut out for him. If only a certain red-headed MP weren’t deliberately making life harder for him.
Words: 11,214 Status: Complete
Careless Texter by GhostofBambi
Answer to the prompt, “I left my phone number on the bathroom stall wall and you text me about your day and your frustrations for a month & it’s really nice and cute but I still don’t know who you are,” with some twists and differences.
Words: 33,121 Status: Complete
Catastrophe by GhostofBambi *UNPLANNED PREGNANCY AU*
With a best-laid plan, a naked rear end, one jalapeño and a pair of light-up antlers, Lily Evans's carefully crafted life is hurtled into chaos.twists and differences.
Words: 36,602 Status: In Progress
Say When by jamespotterthefirst *COLLEGE AU*
A version of how Lily Evans and James Potter would have met if they were only two university students in a world where magic and Hogwarts didn't exist.
Words: 33,646 Status: Abandoned
Dead Men Rise Up Sometimes by cgner *PUSHING DAISIES AU*
Lily Evans leads a simple life of making pies and waking the dead. She doesn't wake them for good, mind – only for a minute, until she and Sirius can find out who killed them. Their latest case: James Potter, moneyed heir, messy haired, and recent murder victim. Keeping him alive is a terrible idea. Too bad Lily's always been a bit reckless.
Words: 38,824 Status: Complete
Seven Things by Apalapucian
"James leans in. Lily hears the script crumple in his hands, but she doesn't look to check. His lips touch the corner of hers, a hand coming up to cup her face. He is moving. So. Maddeningly. Slow... She curses in her head, makes up about a hundred thousand excuses for the next second—and then grabs him down by the back of his neck and kisses him fully, desperately, fervidly."
Words: 19,097 Status: Complete
Sofa-king Fit by elanev91
Two new people move in across the hall and Lily gets locked out.
Based on the "oops we have to share a bed" trope.
Words: 10,277 Status: Complete
Stop Flirting with the Talent by elanev91 *THEATRE AU*
Lily Evans is the hot new performer on the West End, James snags her first interview.
Words: 12,512 Status: Complete
Build-a-Daddy by dancinglily *SINGLE PARENT AU*
The college au where Lily is a single mom struggling with finishing school and raising a child, and James discovers he quite likes babysitting.
Words: 28,540 Status: Complete
Lily Evans, lifelong New Yorker, is headed to the University of North Carolina for a job interview and she can’t find the right god damn building. Lucky for her, southern belle James Potter is there to save the day.
Words: 15,680 Status: Complete
One Wild Ride by twilightstargazer *SINGER/BAND AU*
Breaking News: Lily Evans and James Potter are not so secretly snogging. The internet is losing its shit.
Words: 14,405 Status: Abandoned/In Progreess
Provisionally Yours by snapslikethis *FORCED MARRIAGE/PRETEND RELATIONSHIP AU*
Lily Evans discovers she's been married off to James Potter without her knowledge. She and the spoiled count (in whom she appears to have finally met her match) have three days, for better or worse, to decide whether to accept the contract. With her sister adamant to make her life miserable, and a husband who seems equally determined to repel her, what else can possibly go wrong?
Words: 43,618 Status: Complete
Straight On Till Morning by ritaskeetered *ANASTASIA AU*
When Lily Evans leaves the orphanage in Cokeworth, there is much she does not understand. With no memory of the first eleven years of her life, she only knows that she should head to Paris if she ever wants to find out where she belongs. Unsure of where to begin, she meets the Marauders and strikes an unlikely alliance. They will take her with them to Paris if she pretends to be the lost Princess Lilibeth Evangeline. Jily/Anastasia AU.
Words: 17,840 Status: In Progress
Darkest Night by whatcuriousthings *COLLEGE AU*
"It’s a tiny place, warm and welcoming with soft light and softer croissants. A place so small that if you happened to, say, run into the bloke you had been hell-bent on avoiding—well, there would be no avoiding about it."
Words: 11,691 Status: Complete

ONESHOTS (less than 10,000 words)
Textbooks, Time Scarves, and Tea by cgner *COFFEE SHOP AU*
Lily visits the coffee shop because Sev works there, even though he's got a completely obnoxious coworker with admittedly fantastic hair.
Words: 7,389 Status: Complete
Lessons in Lesson Planning by cgner *FAKE DATING AU*
Answer to the prompt: “our asshole mutual friends set us up on a blind date and didn’t tell us it was a blind date, so instead of getting to know each other we spent the entire ‘date’ scheming against them and decided an awesome way to get back at them would be to pretend to date and then have a horrendous breakup but now that we’re two months into this charade we’re not sure what’s real and what’s fake anymore”
Words: 6,585 Status: Complete
Three Swipes, You're Out by twilightstargazer *CELEBRITY AU*
Sports star James Potter tries to pick Lily up on tinder. Lily Evans, a dedicated not sports fan is offended by the idea that someone thinks she wouldn't recognize James Potter's face. She laughs about it with her friends at a bar, until James Potter, who also frequents that bar, comes over to clarify that nope, he's on tinder, and he's definitely hitting on her.
Words: 4,099 Status: Complete
Sing A Reckless Serenade by twilightstargazer *FAKE DATING AU*
After an almost minute of silence, she finally relents, “I need you guys to help me with a work thing.”
A hefty pause. And then-
“What kind of work thing?” James asks, warily.
Lily takes a breath. It seemed like a brilliant idea last night, when she was more than three drinks under, but now in the light of day it just seems… pathetic. Still though, she needs help, and needs it soon, so she finds herself blurting out:
“I need you to fake date me for a week.”
Words: 7,817 Status: Complete
Mother Deer by GhostofBambi *COFFEE SHOP AU*
Euphemia Potter is the unequivocal boss of everyone, including and most especially her son, and if the sweet, bright-eyed redhead who frequents her coffee shop doesn't know that yet, she's about to find out.
Words: 6,712 Status: Complete
Cat in a Fifth Floor Flat by GhostofBambi
Modern Era AU. When Remus Lupin moves out and Lily Evans moves in, James Potter finds himself instantly drawn to his beautiful new neighbour. Little does he know that a mysterious force of nature is secretly pulling the strings.
Words: 5,349 Status: Complete
Supermarket Sweep by GhostofBambi
James Potter can find anything he needs in his local supermarket - bread, milk, the woman of his dreams - they've got it all.
Words: 4,634 Status: Complete
Foam Hearts by Sleepinghookah *COFFEE SHOP AU*
Coffee shop AU. A story in which James and Lily are blind - both in entirely different ways.
Words: 6,655 Status: Complete
Erotic Porridge by elanev91
Euphemia Potter thinks her doctor needs to go on a date with her son. This story is so named because I saw it somewhere, could not stop laughing, and my best friend professor-riddikulus hates it so much that I just had to. This story has nothing, literally nothing, to do with porridge.
Words: 6,351 Status: Complete
The Yeast I Can Do by elanev91
Dr Lily Evans had an absolute shit day at work. Luckily, there's a bakery nearby that offers a course that she hopes will take her mind off of things.
My Spellbound Heart by twilightstargazer
She washes her face and tries to compose herself before heading back out there. Marlene catches her arm and whispers, “You’ve got a soulmate.”
The word sits heavy between them and she says nothing. It’s crazy how in less than ten minutes her life has changed.
Words: 5,265 Status: Complete
Hospital Walls Have Heard More Sincere Prayers than Churches by marauders_groupie
Jily modern AU, based on a prompt - "We broke up but I'm still your emergency contact so when you have a car accident, they call me"
She knew she could never get James back. But she didn't care. All she wanted him to do is to live.
Words: 8,987 Status: Complete
The One That I Want by snapslikethis
She'd come without a date, dressed as Sandra D, and the owner of the bloody house, the host of the party she was attending, perhaps uninvited, the unfairly fit bloke staring down at her, was actually dressed as her fictional boyfriend. Danny bleeding Zuko. He was really, really fit.
Words: 3,688 Status: Complete
Those Lazy-Hazy-Crazy Days of Summer by dancinglily
Lily works at a country club over the summer and has to remind herself that she can't fool around with guests, even if said guests are charming, bespectacled, messy-haired boys.
or "AU where person A of your OTP works at a summer resort and person B is vacationing at said resort with their family and they both can't stop checking each other out until they finally make out"
Words: 8,826 Status: Complete
Subtle Arrangements by snapslikethis *FLOWERSHOP AU*
Person A owns a flower shop and Person B comes storming in one day, slaps 20 bucks on the counter and says, "How do I passive-aggressively tell someone off in flowers?"
Words: 3,370 Status: Complete
it continues (the beginning doesn't matter) by whitesunlars
She is the last person he expected at his door at that exact moment, despite feeling unsure about the fact that she managed to track down his address, he agrees to go out to coffee with her. A lot could be said about James Potter, but nobody could claim that he had good self-preservation skills.
They meet in a bar. Mistakes happen. They learn to keep going.
Words: 3,200 Status: Complete

Authors I love and recommend if I haven’t made it too obvious already: Jewels5, thegingerhairedlass, BeeDaily, cgner, GhostofBambi, ritaskiteered, jamespotterthefirst, lizardcookie, monroeslittle, CokeBottleK, a_c0llecti0n_0f_n0nsense
Authors whose work I really want to check out but haven't had the chance just yet: clarewithnoi, missgryffin, AlightWithHappiness, thequibblah, theesteemedladydeborough, mppmaraudergirl

Potter and Evans by AlightWithHappiness
She was dramatic. He was dynamic. She was precise. He was impulsive. He was James, and she was Lily, and it's about time they shared a kiss already.
This is my attempt at TLAT Chapter 37. It's Jules's world, we're all just living in it.
Words: 43,469 Status: In Progress
I've been putting this one off so that I can read it after another devastating TLAT reread but I'm sure I'll be screaming compliments at the author in between sobs when I finally check it out....in any case, bless this person for taking up the challenge!!!
Bond and Free by clarewithnoi
The year is 1977, and a group of Gryffindors are learning that the final two years of Hogwarts are punctuated by battles – big and small, mental and physical, devastating and triumphant.
It is fortunate, then, that they have grown up warriors.
MARAUDERS ERA: 6th/7th year. Canon compliant. Primarily JILY - but other pairings make significant appearances.
Words: 96,978 Status: In Progress
I Want It to Be Us in the End by theesteemedladydebourgh
"You sneak out the window and into my arms
Tell me where we’re going baby" London, 1979 West End actors and former classmates James Potter and Lily Evans enter into a secret love affair.
Words: 22,932 Status: Complete
Love Is Complicated by theesteemedladydebourgh
Three years. Longing. Academic shenanigans in Egypt. Almost-kisses. A snowed-in office on Christmas Eve.
Or, the one time James Potter’s (who is not Indiana Jones, no matter what he thinks) spur of the moment passion quest isn’t for an ancient artifact.
Words: 12,186 Status: Complete
theogony by clarewithnoi
The trip that Lily Evans expects to go on is the annual pre-dissertation jaunt to Athens with the rest of her Classical Civilizations PhD program. The trip she does not expect to go on is to 479 BCE, right on the cusp of one of the most important battles in the Greco-Persian war. Now, she has to navigate antiquity as she tries to find her way back to the 21st Century, God—or gods—help her.
James wants to win this war. No, James needs to win this war. He is a man of honor and duty, and even if it means dying a gruesome, bloody death, he will go down in history as one of Athens's great warriors. He will suffer no distractions; not even beautiful ones who speak strangely and refuse to listen to his orders.
-- OR: The Outlander-Meets-Ancient-Greece Jily AU that literally no one in the history of the entire world has ever asked for.
Words: 76,269 Status: In Progress
Not Quite According to Plan by BeeDaily
For Fleamont's retirement party, Euphemia hires her favourite event planner, Lily Evans, and wrangles her son, James, into assisting in the planning.
Words: 17,171 Status: In Progress
Last Resort by BeeDaily and GhostofBambi
Dinner with a hostile stranger was not on the holiday itinerary for James or Lily, but it beats getting hit with an ice cube.
Words: 8,085 Status: In Progress
Casablanca by BeeDaily
When James takes over Remus's Uber shift, the last person he expects to take on as a passenger is a familiar redhead who is a trifle inebriated.
Words: 5,532 Status: Complete
Thirty, Flirty, and Aubergines by BeeDaily
Bakery owner Lily is quite good at tempering her consumption of sweets…except when the treat comes in the form of one tall, sumptuous, messy-haired patron.
Words: 4,628 Status: Complete
Everything but the Kitchen Sink by GhostofBambi
Consequences ensue when James Potter drunkenly promises to bring his arch-nemesis to his friend's wedding as his date. Oops?
Words: 32,412 Status: In Progress
The Wedding Ring by mppmaraudergirl
What is undeniably worse than attending your sister's wedding looking as desolate and forgotten as a wilted houseplant?
Drunkenly ringing your ex-boyfriend and asking him to be your date.
Words: 91,655 Status: Complete
Come Together by thequibblah
It’s difficult to say when James and Lily took the first steps to love. Perhaps they had always been walking this road, unaware of the person they were walking towards until the mist cleared. They would fall in love eventually — but we would be remiss in ignoring the hiccups along the way.
Words: 738,179 Status: In Progress
tell me where your secrets lie by thequibblah
She’s Lily Evans. Her best friend is Severus Snape. She's Muggle-born. She's a witch. She's a Slytherin.
You already know how this story goes.
Words: 26,009 Status: Complete
Two's a Crowd by thequibblah
The only thing Lily Evans can share with the Earl of Devon is a healthy dose of mutual dislike.
Prompt: "there was only one bed" but make it Regency.
Words: 4,200 Status: Complete
(Didn't I?) (Didn't I?) Didn't I See You Crying? by ritaskeetered
James Potter has fancied Mary Macdonald for as long as he can remember. Everything about her is practically perfect, except for – if he were being honest and he always liked to be – her choice in friends. For Mary’s best friend, Lily Evans, is a right shrew and, much to his dismay, the Head Girl to his Head Boy.
Lily Evans had disliked James Potter with a passion after their first interaction on the Hogwarts Express. A dislike that turned into hate – never mind that she also has an infatuation going, but no one needs to know about that – as soon as he decided to make her life a living hell. Unfortunately for her, he also decided (a few years earlier) that her very best friend in the world was the worthy object of his affections. (Which was fine, really. She wasn't about to cry over it, for Godric's sake. She was a strong and independent young woman, thank you very much. And yes, perhaps she was a little in love, but it was all for nothing, so she had to keep calm and carry on.)
Certainly, their complicated past would result in major disaster if common ground was not soon established. For the love of Merlin, though, why did either of them think it would be a good idea for Lily to help James woo Mary Macdonald?
Words: 55,682 Status: Complete
It Only Takes A Taste (When You Know It's Good) by ritaskeetered
Lily Evans is 28 years old and far too busy saving - according to her friends - the world to enjoy an epic romance. If you were to ask her, she would say that the last thing she needs is a complicating relationship that will distract her from all that she deems important: 1) her organisation for teens and young adults: Exceed Expectations, 2) her friends and family, 3) Mary's Instagram cooking vlog, 4) her favourite novels, 5) her favourite shows and films, 6) actually going to bed before midnight.
Enter Prince James, heir to the British throne and the world's most eligible bachelor. There is no way she will allow him to sweep her off her feet. It's out of the question. It screams trouble. Yet... it only takes a taste, because - as Mary always likes to say - sometimes one bite is more than enough, to know you want more of the thing you just got a taste of...
Words: 62,556 Status: In Progress
(You're So) Golden by ritaskeetered
After the worst possible year and a half, Lily finds herself at her best friend’s wedding, staring at her ex-boyfriend whom she claimed to hate a year earlier but never actually did. A story of grief, heartbreak, regret and finding yourself.
This fic features James as a windsurfer and was originally inspired by the Tokyo Olympics, except for the fact that I managed to turn this into something different altogether.
Words: 20,879 Status: Complete
If We Never Meet Again by thequibblah
"By the time this is all over, you'll have to be a little in love with each other."
Written for Jilytober 2021's Bittersweet challenge: "here, use my sweater to warm up in," sweet to bitter.
Words: 42,623 Status: Complete
Shout Out To My Ex by ritaskeetered
Phoenix Radio is going through a rough period with the arrival of the new and controversial Riddle Radio. Albus Dumbledore, founder of the country’s number one radio station, asks his team to get ready to rebrand. Gone are the days of family friendly radio, a show where two exes talk about where their relationship went wrong and deliver relationship advice live on air, named Shout Out To My Ex, is exactly what Phoenix Radio needs. Who better to co-host this show than Lily Evans and James Potter, two Phoenix Radio employees who absolutely despise each other, or do they?
A Jily Modern AU inspired by Rachel Lynn Solomon’s "The Ex Talk".
Words: 108, 441 Status: Complete
So Just Act Like You Love Me by twilightstargazer
“Petunia knows Sirius, but she doesn’t know you,” she says, and her voice doesn’t wobble even once.
He doesn’t seem to catch it, but Sirius is staring at her with his eyebrows raised, just a little. She ignores it and trudges forward, steeling herself for what's to come.
“Petunia doesn’t know you. She doesn't know that we're just friends or that we argue like nothing else so–”
A flicker of understanding flares to life in his eyes and his jaw almost falls open. “Oh god.”
or, Lily was looking forward to a nice, quiet Christmas by herself. Instead she's heading back home for her sister's engagement party with a fake boyfriend in tow.
Words: 13,160 Status: Complete
The Season by missgryffin *BRIDGERTON AU*
James Potter, Duke of Peverell, has returned to London just in time for the season, where Miss Lily Evans is about to make her debut. Only, he’s not looking for a wife, and she’s not particularly interested in a husband. [Bridgerton AU]
Words: 43,361 Status: Complete
A Jily Bridgerton AU and I haven't read it. I know, I should be ashamed of myself!
foreigner's god by clarewithnoi
answer to a Tumblr prompt: "we were lovers in a past life" but the current incarnations are enemies-to-lovers, and they don't remember anything from their past selves.
Words: 17,577 Status: Complete
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