#she can reclaim it dw
tahkawtistic · 2 months
Glitter pen doodle......there was another drawing but my mtn dew got spilt on it
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usereddie · 1 month
this would be amazing but the fear of moving on being with marisol…. i know those writers don’t take her seriously so i don’t want to imagine that but 😭😭 https://www.tumblr.com/usereddie/749232248977604608/shannon-coming-back-as-a-ghost-again-to-parallel
no dw they told me personally shannon’s gonna call eddie a slur and he’s gonna go “you can’t reclaim that” and she’s gonna go “no……but you can” and then he’s gonna be gay canon
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I have found that I like creating gods/pantheon a lot so time for more divine warriors stuff. This focuses on what you sacrifice to them/ways they are worshipped in order from most to least worshipped. Feel free to use any of my headcannons, all this stuff is free use.
Irene - While the goddess or life and half of rebirth, one would think that she wouldn't get any sacrifices, but that is untrue. Every time a baby animal is born still, or anytime a mother animal is killed, their bodies are burned, and their ashes scattered over plants to bring new life from the ones taken. Roses in particular are considered the sacrifice flower of Irene because they thrive on blood. (Actually true)
Shad - He has the 2nd most purely due to the Shadow Knights. His sacrifices are the first slain in any raid, the first killed bodies are to be burned but bones are made to stay in the center of the destroyed town, to become part of the new architecture of the village. A memory of what once was. It is why in the paths of some villages you may see white fragments in the bricks.
Esmund- Every time a good horse dies, whether it was a knights or a simple farm horse, their hide is to be made into leather. Part of that leather must be crafted into a small charm to be hung in their home, a reminder of a companion. Once this task is done, after the next winter, you will find an equally as capable companion, human, or animal.
Enki - (Worshipped equally as much as Menphia) To get the blessing of Enki, whether it's for a test or to make a potion, one must find the feathers of an owl and make a quill. Using said quill, the worshipper must write for what they wish for in a mix of ink and blood before burying the paper in the earth to be reclaimed. Unfortunately, the wish can be a monkeys paw situation. You have to be very precise.
Menphia - To get her blessing before a going to war with another lord, you have to kill the animal that is associated with that lords house and eat its heart before delivering the body to the lord. A rather uncommon practice but very effective. Sometimes too effective.
Kul'Zak - The first night on a ship, everyone must gather around the mast of the ship and drink and be merry. There must always be music playing, whether it be singing, fiddle, or any instrument of the like. A sacrifice of time to celebrate life.
I’m gonna keep you in a glass jar and shake it whenever I need you to give me DW headcanons.
That or I’m gonna lobotomise you idk just yet
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ieatratsforlunch · 25 days
Hiya! I figured I'd do a info post even if I won't post all too much on here; so here's some things to know about me I guess! Here's my pronoun card for extra info
~ General info ~
You can call me Binks! I'm not really comfortable sharing my real name here. I'm an aspiring character designer and game developer as well as an author and (somewhat) artist
As stated in my bio, I AM a minor. I'm comfortable with some more adult topics (obviously, considering my interests) but please do not be weird with me :/
I am Non-Binary and I go by They/He pronouns! I generally use They/Them but I'm comfortable with He/Him as well, hence the order of them in my bio. Please do not refer to me as She/Her. I am also queer!
I am neurodivergent and sometimes come off as rude or as if a headbutt myself into convos, sorry about that :(
I do cuss and stuff, just a heads up. What I will NOT do is use any sort of slurs on here, regardless of whether I can reclaim them or not
Cannot stress this enough, don't be weird with me please
No in-detail things about EDs. I can handle plenty of disturbing things due to my time on the internet but anything involving (tons) of body dysphoria or eating can trigger me.
Do NOT interact with me if you are:
A Zionist
Radqueer (Neopronouns and Neogenders are welcome here dw)
Xenosatanists (please say you guys are joking rn)
Proship/Comship, or whatever name you guys have made for your gross shit
Ugh finally - Now that that's out of the way-
+ Fandoms! +
I'm into Sparklecare, Billie Bust Up, The Walten Files, Fnaf, Happy Tree Friends, Salad Fingers, Pokemon, and other stuff! Can't name everything because my brain doesn't work and the list would be HUGE
+ Interests! +
I'ma put these in bullet points so they're easier to read!
Cartoons of all kinds
True Crime
Game design/programming
Character design
+ Random Facts!! +
Things I couldn't fit anywhere else lmao
I love the color yellow
My favorite music artists are Mindless Self Indulgence (I do not support them in any way) and Lemon Demon!
My favorite Sparklecare characters are Hemera, Funfetti, Scratch N. Sniff, and Dr. Party
yeah I'm not doing anymore of this I'm tired
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beantothemax · 9 months
it's the scarlet sands au! ritsu lives in this au dw (primrose is a miracle worker)
“Ritsu, please! Don’t go!”
Mikka sobbed. It was one of the only times Ritsu had ever seen her cry. It hurt him, seeing his sister so distraught.
He pulled her close, burying his nose in her hair. She smelled like rice balls and azuki porridge. “I’ll be back,” he promised. “I’ll be back, and we can have your favourite dinner.”
“...Please come back soon, Susu...” Mikka murmured, pulling away and drying her eyes on the sleeve of her dress. Ritsu ruffled her hair. He would come back. For his sister.
“OUT OF MY WAY, RITSU!” Hikari shouted, clashing swords with the soldier yet again. Primrose bounced from foot to foot, ready to launch into battle when the time came.
Ritsu bellowed in rage, landing a solid hit on Hikari’s chest with the hilt of his sword. The prince stumbled backwards, and Primrose blocked Ritsu’s blade with her knife.
“Think of your sister, Ritsu! Would you really want to leave her alone in this world? In this war, with no comfort or support left!? If you won’t give up for your sake, give up for hers!”
Her voice broke as she fought back tears, trying to spot an opening in Ritsu’s defenses. Nothing.
Ritsu, who had been pushing down against Primrose’s blade, wavered. His sword hesitated.
Primrose landed a hit on his hand with the handle of her dagger, and he relinquished his hold on his weapon entirely.
“...I can’t... No, I- I must keep fighting. King Mugen will have my head if I don’t...” He murmured, voice quivering.
Primrose offered a hand. “Join our side. Aid our cause, and we will do our best to protect you and Mikka from any harm after this war is over. Please, Ritsu. ...Are we not friends? Are we not siblings in our rights? We have shed blood together, fought together... We were allies, once upon a time. We can go back to that. It doesn’t have to end like this. ...Please, Ritsu. Don’t let your story end with blood.”
Do not let the blood taint your hands as it did mine.
Ritsu paused, but only for a moment. He grabbed Primrose’s hand, and pulled her into a hug. “...I’m so sorry...” He sobbed.
Hikari joined the hug, albeit nervously. Perhaps he, too, was aware of how little time they had for such frivolities.
“All is forgiven, Ritsu. Now, let us fight with honour!” Hikari declared, and the other two shouted in assent, charging into the throne room to reclaim what was rightfully theirs.
They all had their motives for fighting.
Hikari, for freedom and liberation.
Primrose, for happiness and peace.
Ritsu, for Mikka.
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holding this fic very gently i love this so so much. I understand what you meant when you said it would shatter my heart in a good way now
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synthwwavve · 2 years
omg i love all ur hcs!!! i think it makes sense so many of them would be dark/depressing bc she is dark and depressing lol but that's why we love her!! pls feel free to continue if you want :)
Aaaaaa thank you!!!! And yes I agree, the fact that she is sad wet and pathetic is exactly what makes her so interesting!! Okay ask and you shall receive:
— I feel like Bo was also living a double life during the years leading up to TCW era, dedicating herself to building up and co-leading Death Watch but also maintaining the facade of her life in Sundari (to keep up appearances/maintain her position of status, but also mostly to collect government intel and leak it back to DW)
—Lowkey more of a Bo-adjacent HC but: in the wake of the events of The Mandalore Plot (after Vizsla is exposed as the leader of Death Watch) I feel like Satine just. Knows. her sister must be involved too based on how close the two of them always were (though she never suspected anything negative or dangerous going on between them) but she doesn't want to believe it. The next day, footage of Bo fleeing the scene of a DW-incited riot on a nearby world hits the news. She sneers directly into the camera. Satine knows the look was intended just for her.
(Aight I can't promise these will all be lighter but I'm throwing in some HCs that are at least random and a bit shorter:)
— The nite owl crest is the historic signet of House Kryze, Bo sees using it to represent her own elite warriors as a first step to reclaiming a bit of her family's honor and reputation
— She is extremely tall, like 5'11", and extremely freckled. I feel like she started out insecure about standing out and the attention that came with it, but grew to not really care and even use it to her advantage.
— Zero filters, swears constantly, extremely sarcastic, is never above inciting a fight or argument no matter how petty, etc etc
—Banter is her love language, platonic or romantic. If she can talk shit to and about you in a funny affectionate way and trust that you'll give as good as you get, that means she's truly 100% comfortable and trusting around you.
— Lowkey suffers from not like other girls syndrome. A tomboy who never aged out of her "ew I don't have a girly side and I never will" era. Pretty feminist outside of this one blind spot.
— She's all-in on taking down Satine along with her government, no regrets no personal feelings. The only person she sometimes feels a pang of remorse over in the whole situation is Korkie. I feel like when Bo was in their lives, they had a big-little sibling dynamic more than she and Satine did in many ways (based on my HCs they would've only been 5 years apart, whereas she and Satine would have been 10-11 apart.) She can mostly put it out of her mind but occasionally a bit of guilt over turning on him hits her. She hopes maybe he'll see reason and join the correct side when the fateful moment comes. (oops shit this one was long again)
Aight stopping before the post gets long af, thank you for inviting me to rant again!!! I.... could literally go on until the end of time if you actually want more....
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hello this is definitely not me sending myself an ask
hello i am not joey imaketheladiesmcswoon i am a completely different person yes
anyway headcanon for linda monroe president of hatchetfield boating society
hello person that is definitely not joey imaketheladiesmcswoon since i am him
anyway yes kind sir i shall answer you ask now
linda monroe is a dyke end of post /j
btw i havent watched nmt 2 yet so like my headcanon might change after watching it but for now
i think linda is lesbianaibab yk
just a lil llebesbesbain
i wanna say ace as well coz im ace and just the idea being like "im too cool and rich for sex, sex is for peasants" is very funny to me
but yes ik this is just me projectingg
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cosecosedia · 2 years
A brief history of queer marriage!
Hello, hello! I like researching things, but I have no where to put my research, so here you go. Also, actually read the post before you comment 🤦🏾 any negative comments will be blocked and deleted ! Enjoy! Also don’t worry, I have sources! Of course, there are many examples of queer people in history outside of marriage. Oh and keep in mind that queer used to be a slur and now it is reclaimed. I’m using it because it’s more inclusive than gay marriage, but never call someone queer unless they say you can!
Queer marriage has always existed! (Crazy right!) Actually, it was European colonization and the spread of Christianity that brought over the idea that marriage was between a man and a woman. But as much I want to, I can’t blame everything on the Europeans and Christians (dw I’m kidding), but for real, it wasn’t just them. In Ancient Greece and Rome, being gay was not necessarily frowned upon. In Ancient Rome (Greece too probably but I’m not sure) the only thing that was frowned upon was being on the bottom. Yes that’s right. This is because the “bottom” was seen as the woman’s place and we all know how they felt about women. In hypermusculine Ancient Greece and Rome, anything deemed “feminine” was bad and only for women. So a lot of homophobia (back then and even now) has to do with toxic masculinity and misogyny. But that’s not all, in Ancient Greece (I’m not sure about Rome) the only way to be in a relationship with another man was for one to be older and for one to be younger (and I’m talking drastic differences in age). I’m not sure why this is, but it was called pederasty, and it was “eromenos” the younger one and “erastes” the older one. Two men of the same age being in a relationship was frowned upon and anyone who was would be alienated. So basically it was ok, but it wasn’t at the same time. You were still expected to marry a woman and I think that is because people rarely married for love and only married for children and power (on the man’s side). So being in married relationship with a man was a “waste” because no children could be produced between two cis men. But then! In Ancient Rome, some men actually did marry men! But they only real way that could happen is if that man was a man of status, wealth, and power. One well known example is Emperor Nero (ruled A.D. 54 to A.D. 68). He castrated a boy named Sporus to make him more woman like and married him in a traditional ceremony, bridal veil and all. He was actually the one who wore the veil. And before American colonization, many indigenous societies had queer marriages.
But enough about men, now onto women! Unfortunately, there’s not many examples of WLW in history. This is most likely because close “friendships” between women was accepted and expected. Of course one famous example is our queen Sappho. She was a Greek poet that lived on the island Lesbos. Her poetry consisted of many things, but one of her most famous poems is about for her love for women. Actually her gay poetry was so famous that the word “Sapphic” comes from her name and the word “lesbian” comes from the island she lived on. There are texts referring to WLW relationships in Rome, but not marriages because women didn’t have the power to marry. But don’t worry, there are some examples of WLW marriages are in pre-colonial Africa, there were societies that allowed permitted women to marry women. These marriages were typically for widowed women who didn’t want to remarry a man or return to their families. So the widow would pay a bride price and preform other ritual in order to marry other women. Then the widow would serve as the husband in the relationship and preserve her inheritance. The widow’s wife could be impregnated by a man, but the two women would raise it.
Other examples of same-sex marriage
The muxe of southern Mexico were AMAB people who lived the lives of women and were allowed to marry men. The fa’afafine of Samoa, the Hijra in India and Pakistan, and the kathoey in Thailand are all similar situations.
See! Look at those examples! And like I said before, the spread of European colonization and Christianity spread the idea that marriage was between a man and a woman. This is because in Christianity (and many abrahamic religions) marriage was only for having children and like I said, two cis men cannot have children through procreation. But even though Christianity condemned homosexual marriage, it didn’t condemn homosexuality. I know, shocking right? Actually, the verse “no man shall lie with another man” was a mistranslation. It was actually meant to say something like “no man shall lay with a boy” actually condemning pedophilia. And that is how it is translated in many bibles besides the English one. It was translated to say “man” in the 1946 version of the Bible to spread homophobic agenda.
Has “homosexual” always been in the Bible?
(Um it won’t let me add the link for this one? Here’s the actual link) https://um-insight.net/perspectives/has-“homosexual”-always-been-in-the-bible/
Same-sex marriage in history: what the Supreme Court missed
The History of Gay Marriage: from the Ancients to Gen Z!
I hope you enjoyed this post!
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patchodraws · 3 years
Since you wanted to talk about it, what is it about Schneekos that you love so much~?
honestly ? it's kind of a number of things, including a bit of an inundation of bees content and needing another ship to enjoy (i love bees y'all dw but there's so much for them), the amount that i love pyrrha nikos and love thinking about her, the great but rare fanworks they get (or the background they get in other fics, usually very *mwah !!*)
but for the most part, it's mostly about the potential the ship had in-canon and the dynamic they share.
for the potential, it's something that i honestly kinda chuckled at a bit in a rwby chibi sketch bc they acknowledged a bit that weiss' admiration of pyrrha was a little bit fruity, but i mean it could've been such a monumentally good ship especially in a show that would eventually start adding in more queer characters, and i think they really had the potential to sorta almost comment on each others' characters in a meta way and help the other grow in unique ways that their closest friends couldn't (and that never ever actually got brought up in canon)
which i guess then brings us around to the dynamic. the two of them as individuals are women who've sort of been brought up with two very different legacies to uphold, names to aspire to, perfection to reflect. as much as weiss' story is about defiance and reclaiming her family name, she grew up wealthy, elite, and that coloured her life from day one. she constantly needs to prove herself, keep herself on that pedestal that she was led up to by her family and atlesian society, but even when she starts lowering her guard and growing more mature there's still a loneliness that's intrinsic to who she is and what she's struggled with. pyrrha, on the other hand, has always been a combat prodigy, always the mascot, always the champion, always the best. for years she's had to tuck herself away, never show a crack, never admit her pain and loneliness brought on by her title. as good as team jnpr may have been for her opening up and getting to let loose and be a dumb teenager, none of them really understand that same loneliness. really, not many do,,, except weiss schnee, who understands pedestals and isolation and filling in cracks so no one sees the pain you're really in from it all.
so they let that pain out together, let the other see what other people aren't allowed to. at first, it's still a little isolating, that they can only find even some semblance of understanding in one other person, but that isolation doesn't last, because soon it feels special, tender, intimate. here is the one person that can understand all that the other has been through, and so they can give the other that space to be imperfect without needing to be lonely. to me, what makes them so special - what makes me love their dynamic - is that through all of weiss' infatuation with pyrrha's skill, all of pyrrha' silent admiration of weiss' strength, what they give each other is a deep, whole, and personal understanding
n e ways stan schneekos
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twilightmafia · 4 years
mod kokichi;; 》⚛
◈ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ◈
— ◢ 🌸🍙🥢✧
⁕➺ mod introduction ^^ 🈹
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name; cas/kokichi
shifts; kokichi, dazai, ranpo, terezi, my melody, joe
fandoms; i do danganronpa, bungo stray dogs, homestuck, sanrio, alta + tlok, overwatch, beastars, mystic messenger, yttd
things i will post; hcs, nsfw hcs, asks, requests, edits, occasionally fanfiction.
❌❌DNI IF: pedophile/map positive, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, racist, misogynist, abelist❌❌
✅✅SLURS I CAN RECLAIM: f*ggot, r*tard, d*ke✅✅
a little about me! 🈹🈚
heyo. im mod kokichi. im a student and aspiring writer who knows how to fuck arnd hard core 😎😎 i use she/they/he so any pronouns you like, i kin characters for more of an internalized reason so if my kinlist gets diverse dw about it. i love doing hcs and getting requests its always a fun time! or if you wanna ask me any personal questions im cool w/ that too!! i do theatrical production and debate so im someone who tends to talk a lot and id like to believe im a high quality of entertainment! buckle up lads 😚
sincerely, mod kokichi! ( ˘ ³˘)— ✧ 🌸🍙🥢
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bitofthisandthat · 3 years
[ Reluctant Hero AU! ] This verse is of course, an AU, and NOT a main verse! It won’t effect custom verses with existing partners!! However, it’s interchangeable with more than one partner and muse, even though it’s gotten its start from @terrorofthenight​’s Darkwing urging her to be a hero instead of a criminal. ANY muse and any duplicate can partake in this AU if they want, it’s not exclusive to one DW, one anybody.
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[ Brief Summary ]
This is NOT a “what if she was a hero and not a villain” verse, but a gradual adjustment into heroism versus her previous life as a villain/anti-hero. Gabby’s not at all comfortable and confident with her switch to the “lawful” side of things, so she’s not a happy go lucky hero instantly after switching sides. She’s more a philosopher type that has her brooding moments, and she still has the same personality, she’s just flipped alignments. She’s not about grand entrences or anyhthing like that either, once a Ninja, always a Ninja. And yes, she makes mistakes and doubts she’s made the right choice, but she still wants to make the effort. She’s going to have slips here and there, but overall, she is making the DEFINATE choice to be a “good guy” now. Unlike other redemption arc tropes, She doesn’t switch sides to “make amends for anyone she’s killed or harmed in the past,” and no, she doesn’t feel guilt over her past, because her philosophy is she did what she thought was right for her at the time, and you can’t erase your past, so live with it. This is more to reclaim what she could have been since she was NEVER given any choice other than to be bad. She was raised from the start to be in a crime syndicate and a killer for hire, and nothing else. She realizes she wants OUT when she tallies up how many times she disagrees with her old collogues’ ways. As time moves on, she sees that it’s not because they are changing the codes on her, but that she is changing, and judging them by their draconian ideals. 
Depending on who’s she’s interacting with in this verse, if it’s a “hero type,” chances are she is inspired by or supported by them in this change. If they’re the “villain type,” she’s going to struggle with them ( and herself ) straining to not “fall off the wagon” and getting back into crime. 
Of course, she has to deal with a LOT more enemies as a hero than when she was a villain...Either people that want to make things “square” with her for quitting and betraying the Syndicate/Crime world, as well as all the people she’s wronged in the past.
In this verse ( only ) she admits to staying a villain because it’d be 100x more dangerous for her to switch sides. Due to her past, she has intel and secrets on a lot of people that hired her for her mercenary and assassin skillset, so it’s not just rivals she has to watch out for, but past clients that aren’t too happy she’s fighting WITH the law, now. Gabby STILL holds to her honor code and would never exploit those secrets unless needed, but they don’t trust that, and still come after her. 
Not sure if she’s sticking to one city or traveling around the world like she did as a villain; may be partner/muse dependent! 
This is also an opportunity for past good guys she’s fought against to make amends with her, but she knows that’s going to be hard for some, and she doesn’t expect that to go easy!!
[ NB: ] As all AU’s more is always developed as things play out, and of course, whatever’s unique to the muse playing with Gabby in this verse!! 
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00dani · 4 years
hi ur a transfem person right? do u have any like. sources as to why using he/him for chihiro is bad? dw i don’t think she uses those pronouns but i wanna like. tell these people that its fucked up and they wont listen to me when i tell them its transmisogynistic lol
hi yeah i’m transfem!! yay :3
so first, lemme preface this with a little disclaimer: i don’t think it’s necessarily bad to use he/him for chihiro? yes, taking what the game tells us at face value, which is that chihiro is a cis boy who was forced to present traditionally feminine for confusing and nonsensical reasons, is indeed extremely bad. do not do that ever
deliberately reinterpreting the story we’re given and asserting that chi is in your mind a trans boy, however, kicks ass. as you can probably tell, it’s not my preferred way to reclaim the character! but if you’re careful about how you do it and avoid playing into the story’s transmisogyny? it’s totally legitimate and cool
the more natural reading of the text, at least in my eyes, is exactly what my t-shirt says: chihiro fujisaki is a trans girl, viewed from the perspective of a transmisogynistic writer who thinks trans girls are just boys in skirts. and i do indeed have sources for this! here’s a list of posts i compiled for a previous, similar ask:
firstly, this one is me arguing with a lot of gross transmisogynists. pretty much all of my salient points are there, but there’s also a lot of slurs and nastiness to get through to reach them. so uh, read with caution. https://00dani.tumblr.com/post/189424383026/thefuckisabook-00dani-eclipzex77
this one’s me arguing again. still gross, still has my points tho https://00dani.tumblr.com/post/185709919376/its-2019-and-people-still-think-chihiro-is
this one is me chatting with a cool trans boy about chihiro! much nicer, albeit with fewer actual arguments? https://00dani.tumblr.com/post/185648651551/transwagnerloid-00dani-transwagnerloid-ok
i hope those help!!
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cocofinny · 5 years
More Panic Room Asks! [09/09/2019 - First]
[sorry these took so long! Thank you for your patience!]
[Mentions/implications of death - WARNING: mentions of assault/non-con]
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The people of Ebott better be prepared to have a Bad Time :’D [the brothers included]
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I haven’t had an ask like this yet, dw! ;)
Rus in particular would be devastated, but he would hide it pretty well in order to help her get her memories back
Sans would feel a little conflicted – I think he would find trying to reclaim lost memories wouldn’t be the way to go, and would instead attempt to make new ones with her [and he’d try to make Rus understand that forcing an amnesiac to remember can sometimes do more harm than good]
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She totally is, tho ;)
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Hmmmm he definitely can only focus on one person at a time, so it would depend on what that particular human was being subjected to :’D
[for a little context, he’s tried to focus on two people before, and it gave him a migraine ;) ]
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[Implications of death]
Ahh they would unfortunately be treated the same way :’) they wouldn’t be neglected, but they would exactly be given the right care…………..  
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Thank you very much! I’m really glad that you’re enjoying it <3
Rabbo is indifferent tbh :’) he doesn’t have strong opinions on humans other than they’re good for a quick high
[WARNING – mentions of assault/non-con, death]
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Umm generally the law states that any human who harms a monster will face trail then execution :’) it does not state any exceptions, unfortunately…….
However, there are many monsters who look upon this law and think ‘wow wtf?’ [like the brothers] but there are many more who take advantage of it………
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cienie-isengardu · 6 years
Satine Kryze and Pre Vizsla: political & social position
Puttings aside for now morality of characters, I would like to talk about similarities and difference between Satine Kryze and Pre Vizsla and how they could be seen by New Mandalorian society at the climax of their respective arcs.
First thing though: I want to clarify something: as much as TCW may never outright said anything about  Dral'Han (Annihilation) / Mandalorian Excision that happened ~700 years prior to Clone Wars era, this event played a major role in shaping current mandalorian society - or more precisely: two societies: the pacifist and warlike. The Republic occupation and influence still held power over Mandalore, to the point that when Duchess cemented neutrality for her people, soon after that trade routes were closed around Mandalore system - even though the war did not come there yet(?) - what was mentioned in “Corruption” [s03e05]: “Desperate times on Mandalore! Having won neutrality for the Mandalorian system, Duchess Satine now finds herself an outsider with little aid to her people. Supplies are impossible to come by, except on the black market. As a result, the Duchess faces a world consumed by greed.” So, TCW may not discuss in direct way how Republic screwed up Mandalore in the past nor how it mixed into matters of “independent” government now, but it doesn’t make  Republic occupation and its effect on characters any less real.
Saying that, there is the first detail about Satine and Pre I want to talk: political & social position.
The Legends Mandalorian had visible social groups including: Mandalore(s), veterans, warriors, blacksmiths, farmers [and in the case of ancient Taungs, shamans], yet the division between “classes” was not rigid. Mandalorian could be both farmer and great warrior. The title Mandalore was reserved for the best, most skilled, most charismatic and/or the most supported by society person. The status of Mandalorian was either given by birth or by adoption, person could be disavow and/or became dar’manda (no longer Mandalorian) and reclaim the right to mandalorian culture later. People could belong to one of the oldest clans (Vizsla, Ordo, Fett) or be not associated with any family and there wasn’t social class difference between them because all have the same rights (f.e. challenging Mandalore/leader if they did not agree with their decisions) & duties (Resol’nare). In reality, how great of Mandalorian someone was never depended on birth rights or personal connection, but what kind of person he/she/them are.
In other words, Legends Mandalorian did not have aristocracy similar to the ones of Core Worlds (as in: the highest class in society, especially those holding hereditary titles or offices).
The New Mandalorians apparently are closer to Core Worlders / Republic than to the old traditions since Satine is titled the Duchess, Tal Merrik is called Prince [s02e13] and both were born on Kalevala (according to TCW Character Encyclopedia). The animated series made it pretty clear that Satine’s power is similar to the king/queen-like:
on Sundari - the capital city of Mandalore - Duchess has palace that was presented to some extent on the screen and mentioned in the show (“I told senator Amidala that Mandalore was not part of the War, yet here I find a battle in my own palace” [s03e05])
in said palace there is Throne Room where she occupies a central place (throne) even in the present of close allies & friends
she is constantly called “Lady”, “your Grace” and “your Highness” which emphasizes her aristocratic connection/roots and
has power over Ruling Council (“Corruption” episode showed Satine on her throne above seats of Ministers, including Almec, silencing them for good and calling the meeting adjourned.)
There is of course Prime Minister (that according to “The Academy” episode is one of “two people in charge” of Mandalore albeit I’m not sure if we saw Almec making any important political decision without Duchess’ contest - beside the whole illegal business & coup, of course and ignoring Satine’s angry rant about corruption) and mentioned Ruling Council to support Duchess with their advices. Unfortunately, during the Clone Wars, there is little use of Council due to corruption, apathy and bickering between Ministers / leaders of Mandalore. The only real decision / action that Ruling Council did worth to mention was asking Obi-Wan Kenobi (Republic) to provide protection for Duchess during “Voyage of Temptation”.
The Death Watch Manifesto (from Bounty Hunter Code ) - a pro-DW propaganda source, mind you - claims that Mandalorian clans became divided after Mandalorian Excision to the point that even the oldest clans had their members on both sides of cultural conflict. That concerns Kryze family as well Vizsla clan.
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The politically / culturally conflict overlaps with clan rivalry that has been going on for a long time. In short, the situation of Mandalorians is complicated and far from reconciliation, even in the face of threat from the Republic & Jedi.
The source did not explain in much details how the power was passed down through the generations but since the “Faithless” rulers of New Mandalorians are accused of being a puppet government headed by Republic, there is a chance that those families who are now treated as nobility may got the aristocratic titles (and wealth) from Republic itself - as a reward for joining “the right” political system. Then again, the same source claims that Satine’s father was a warlord who actually sent her off-world:
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According to TCW Character Encyclopedia, Satine was born on Kalevala, a planet known for expensive wines, ships and rich cloth and so far a place the most related to New Mandalorian’s nobility. We may only guess if the union (possible marriage) between warlord and Satine’s mother was a political move to connect two influential and wealthy clans or was that dictated by purely romantic motives. Nevertheless, only Satine’s father is described as mighty mandalorian warrior - and that rises some questions. We aren’t told why he sent his child offword… or what offword we are talking here, really. Satine’s homeworld was Kalevala, but she was on Mandalore while being protected by Jedi, does that means her father sent her there? Was he somehow forced to do so? And if yes, by whom? Satine’s mother? Republic? Other mandalorian warlords who wanted more power for themselves? And if Satine’s father, as one of Faithful Mandalorian maybe, wanted independence for Mandalore system - thus became a threat to Republic - Jedi arrival on Mandalore to protect (take away) Satine may not be motivated by her own safety but to secure A) the submission of the current ruler (with daughter as “hostage” in Game of Thrones style, similar to how Eddard Stark took young Theon Greyjoy as his ward) and B)  loyalty of the successor to the throne. I know that sound awful but to be fair, Jedi rarely integrate into internal government matters if there is no profit for the Republic.
I’m not sure if Satine talked in more detailed way about the year on the run under Jedi protection (beside mention of venom-mites on Draboon that seems to be a whole different planet in Mandalore sector). So let’s see what Obi-Wan told us about their time together:
An extended mission when i was younger. Master Qui-Gon and I spent a year on Mandalore protecting the Duchess from insurgents who had threatened her world. They sent Bounty Hunters after us. We were always on the run, living hand-to-mouth, never sure what the next day would bring [...] A civil war killed most of Satine's people, hence her aversion to violence. When she returned, she took rebuilding her world alone.
Satine was born on Kalevala, so…by “her world” does Obi-Wan meant a whole Mandalore system or Kalevala or Mandalore on which they were at that time? Also, since BHC confirmed that there was Civil War in which Faithful warriors (DW) wanted to take control over Mandalore, I don’t really understand why insurgents - the warriors - would hire bounty hunters? I mean, I know they were outnumbered and all, but frankly, we aren’t even told if the bounty hunters were to kill Satine or just to take her away from Jedi (the oppressors).
Nevertheless, we learn that Civil War killed most of Satine's people - what once again is pretty ambiguous, because did Obi-Wan mean Satine’s family and/or people from homeworld or did he mean Mandalorians as a whole? Because if the letter, that presents Satine as a hereditary ruler. Especially with the line “When she returned, she took rebuilding her world alone”. BHC mentioned that her father died during Civil War and if she was the oldest child, should inherit the throne. Since there is no info if she needed to fight for the title of Duchess of Mandalore (she returned and started rebuilding her world without asking anyone about opinion apparently), for me it seems Satine was born not only in aristocratic (wealthy) family but was designed to rule Mandalore sometime in future. Frankly, the same can be said for her nephew, Korkie, who is already in Royal Academy that is to educate future government leaders.
We may not know much about Satine Kryze’s past, but The Clone Wars animated series and tie-in sources present her as wealthy nobility with royal-like power over Mandalore (and maybe Kalevala). She wears rich clothes that emphasize her high status, has own palace with Throne Room and uses luxury spaceliner. She is the person that made decision to turn New Mandalorians into extreme(?) pacifists due to her personal childhood trauma & aversion to violence. Maybe it’s just me, but I can’t see her as someone who was democratically elected leader.
In short, Satine Kryze had a high social rank and political position for majority of TCW storyline.
Pre Vizsla’s history is no less covered by mystery.
We know he held the office of governor on Concordia while some members of the Vizsla clan were known to be part of Death Watch. Including Tor Vizsla, a previous leader of said group who spent some years fighting against Mereel’s (and later, Jango Fett’s) True Mandalorians. For all we know, Tor and Pre may actively working at the same time for a few years (albeit not for too long, since Tor died two years after Battle of Galidraan / Mandalore Civil War and +/- two decades before Clone Wars)
Satine have seen Pre as a close ally and maybe even a friend, who the same as her choose pacifistic ideology over violent past. Who was supposed to help her hunt down the remnants of Death Watch / the opposition of her reign. We know it never was a case.
But there is more questionable matters to talk. The Mandalore’s Moon was described as “Province with its own governor” and starwars.com added that Concordia is independent of Mandalore’s government:
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In other words, Pre as governor of Concordia was NOT under the authority of the Duchess. What makes them more or less equal on political ground. BUT! TCW Character Encyclopedia and Visual Guide: New Battlefronts both stated that Pre was born on Mandalore. Which raises a question, how he ended as a leader of independent from Mandalore province? Duchess Satine couldn’t nominate him as her representative nor force Concordian people to vote for / accept Pre, could she? I’m not be specialist of such matters, but shouldn’t governor actually have a citizenship to be even elected to office?
Of course, Pre may simple moved to Concordia at some point, but frankly, wouldn’t be that a bit suspicious? Almec said once “All of our warriors were exiled to our moon, Concordia. They died out years ago”  and with that statement it’s easy to imagine that from the perspective of the pacifist society, the Mandalore’s Moon is marked as a bad place (natural prison and/or graveyard full of angry, bitter “barbarians”) and with Pre’s family connection to Tor & Death Watch, I think a sudden desire to move there could arouse unwanted interest in him and thus undermine the whole infiltration mission.
There is a different option:
BHC too mentioned that “some of [DW] warriors were exiled to the moon Concordia”. Some slipped away, but I don’t think that happened to Pre, per se. Basing on Legends sources, Mandalore Civil War started in the same year as Battle of Galidraan (44 BBY). From my calculation  it seems Obi-Wan would be 13 years old at that time. There is no information about age of Satine & Pre, but we know Duchess couldn’t be that older than Kenobi. Similar, Pre as the successor of Tor most likely is around the same age as Satine & Obi-Wan. Maybe a bit older, maybe a bit younger, but enough close to be seen as ‘innocent” in the conflict.
If young Pre took part in the fight and were imprisoned, it’s easy to blame Vizsla clan for forcing a child into war zone. If Pre was exiled on Concordia, he could pass later as converted man who after years understood the error of his youth & madness of Death Watch’s ideology.
If Pre did not participate in war (due to young age), but his family did and get caught, he most likely was exiled to Concordia with them. Because what else New Mandalorians could do in such situation? Keep a child from parents (clan) and try reeducated him into pacifist society? Put in orphanage for difficult youth? How many of other kids could be in similar situation? How much more Death Watch / exiled warriors would fight harder to get back their children, to tear them out of New Mandalorian hands? The society under Satine’s new rule may not mean any harm to the children forcibly taken away from their family, but if there is one thing that mandalorian warriors hate, really hate, is when someone dare to threaten their kids. This is like asking for absolute war like nothing else.
There is also one more major factor why I think this scenario is plausible, regardless of whether Pre was exiled for a fight or not. It gives him a good “tragic story” that create a common ground between him and Satine and explain why a man born on Mandalore ended as governor of independent province (though I still not sure how New Mandalorians could exile warriors from Mandalore to Concordia, if they seem to not have jurisdiction over the Moon. Unless Concordia is a really new province, built by exiled there people?)
The “tragic story” most likely include things that Satine can relate to, like childhood trauma, growing up in dangerous times (uncertainty of tomorrow), the loss of family & the pressure to rebuild things anew. The similar experiences of how senseless violence destroyed life, how much one suffered because of war for sure could bring Satine & Pre closer to each other. Or more precisely: makes Satine to trust a “converted man” like Pre Vizsla whose ambition was to clean the name of his clan - just not in the way Satine’s imagined.
There is also one more aspect to think about exiled Mandalorians. If only warriors were sent there, I think Satine’s government could have worse relationship with Concordia. The anger at taking away their children would last for long. But if after Civil War the population sent there also included children (and disabled and elderly people), for their own sake alone some family members would be forced to change their lifestyle. After all, children need to be fed, provide with medical care, access to education and safety to grown up. Maybe at some point exiled people managed to either build their own city and establish commercial and political relations with Mandalore or get involved with indigenous people (farmers and miners?) and adopted to their (less violent) customs.
Of course, this is just one of possible explanations. We aren’t told how and when Satine met Pre or why she had him in so high esteem for so long - beside that he was helping her in catching remnants of Death Watch (the opposition of her rule). We only know that both were leaders of their respectively governments that worked independently, albeit thanks to their (supposed) friendship, Mandalore and Concordia seemed to cooperate with each other over the years.
At the same time, only Satine holds aristocratic title and most likely inherited the right to rule of Mandalore either from father or mother; what may explain why Jedi were sent to protect her in the first place. While according to TCW Visual Guide: New Battlefronts, Pre somehow earned his position.
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Frankly, as a member of Vizsla clan, Pre probably met with some resistance or suspicion from both sides. From pacifists due to what Tor Vizsla did over the years and from Mandalorians adhering to the old rules (who at the earliest stages of rebuilding DW could not know what Pre’s true intention really is) for betraying them. Thinking about it, one of Jango Fett’s (in-universe) commentary written on DW Manifesto actually makes clear that Jango not only was aware of Pre Vizsla’s existence but also knew or maybe even heard some of his (political?) speeches:
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From picture: I wonder if Vizsla really wrote this. He was a thug. Sounds more like Priest or Reau. Maybe the younger Vizsla. That one likes speeches. [Jango]
(In all fairness, I agree with Jango, the Death Watch Manifesto doesn’t sound like something Tor Vizsla would write. It fits more Pre, really. But it is interesting that Jango had access at some point of time to DW secret book yet did not act against Pre as far as we know. And Jango had a long list of reasons to hate Death Watch. Then again, Priest and Reau were recruited by Fett to train clone troopers yet they share similar ideology to DW… so maybe Jango just get to the point he didn’t care anymore about Mandalore and its politics?)
Sorry, I digress.
Backing to the main topic, Satine and Pre both have high position in Mandalorian society. Both are burdened with responsibilities for their people (and ideology). The main difference is that, Pre most likely was forced to earn his leader position - the political and in Death Watch while Satine presumably was meant from the birth to be either ruler of Mandalore (or Kalevala) or one of its influential leaders (similar like Korkie is destined to grow up as one of future leaders by Royal Academy teaching program). The other more visible difference is that Duchess’ politics affect hundreds of worlds that also want to remain neutral in current military conflict while Pre’s political activities are focused primarily on internal affairs of Mandalore system (“hunting down Satine’s opposition / DW”, bringing Mandalorian back to their warrior roots). Also, I dare to say Satine’s political position was more certain due to having powerful allies & friends in Republic Senate (Padme Amidala, most likely Bail Organa)  and Jedi Order (Obi-Wan Kenobi who actually is one of Council members), while the current leader of Death Watch by long time couldn’t openly act, and later his cooperation with Dooku/Separatist turned out to be one big fiasco.
And yet, the more time passed, Satine’s political & social position was undermined by widespread corruption on Mandalore while society’s perception of Pre and his Death Watch changed for better at the same time.
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creativinn · 4 years
'Time for Outrage!': an art exhibition in challenging times | DW | 29.10.2020
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Anger and hatred are intense human feelings, yet these negative emotions are clearly shaping our current social interactions to an ever greater extent  — conspiracy theories, extremist terrorism and violent hate speech have become commonplace.
The exhibition "Time for Outrage! Art in Times of Social Anger" at the Kunstpalast museum in Düsseldorf is a response to the "social upheavals of our time," said Kunstpalast director Felix Krämer.
The showcased works by 35 clearly political artists and art activists illustrate and reflect on notions of anger in our challenging times.
The exhibits reflect art as a political space, said curator Linda Peitz, adding that the artists urge "solidarity, empathy and humanism, who point out, analyze or ironically break down the injustices in our society."
The inscription over the artist's photo is a quote from graffiti
'Outrage does not equal hatred'
This also reveals an implicit but important distinction between hate and anger on the one hand, and outrage and rage on the other. While anger is undirected, indignation and rage refer to concrete events. The suspense that marks the exhibition is founded on this semantic difference.
Particularly impressive: a work by the Bosnian artist Sejla Kameric, originally conceived as a poster but wallpapered on a 12-meter high wall in Düsseldorf. It shows the artist and the words of a Dutch NATO soldier, who in 1994 or 1995 wrote on a barracks wall in the village of Potocari near Srebrenica: "No teeth? A moustache? Smells like shit? Bosnian girl!"
Kameric reminds us of the war in former Yugoslavia and the genocide of thousands of Bosnians in Srebrenica but she also links the soldier's cruel graffito with her portrait, which makes it more personal. In the photo she looks straight at the visitors, forcing them to evaluate the work.
Observers can't avoid taking a stance
Many of the exhibits, for the most part photographs, video installations and films, work along those lines. What initially comes across as more of a documentary form helps juxtapose the two defining levels of the exhibition — hate and, as a result, outrage. The audience must draw its own conclusions from these juxtapositions.
At times, it is perspective that forces the viewer to take on an active role, for instance in Signe Pierce and Alli Coates' experimental setups.
What is private, what is political?
Yoshinori Niwa, a conceptual artist from Japan, set up a container in front of the musem where people can get rid of Nazi memorabilia. Ads in the local newspaper urged citizens to participate in the project named "Withdrawing Hitler from a private space" and to drop off any such artifacts so they can be destroyed at the end of the exhibition.
Feminist artist Judith Bernstein evokes 'Trump horror'
A video by French artist Kader Attia also focuses on how private becomes political if you have the 'wrong' origin. In "The Body's Legacies Pt. 2: The Post-Colonial Body," he interviews descendants of colonized people and slaves, showing how colonial violence and racism still influence the perception of the body and the behavior of people in public space today.
Reclaim outrage 
It is no coincidence that the title of the exhibition refers to the title of a well-known essay published in 2010 by the late Stephane Hessel, a French essayist and political activist who was a resistance fighter in the Nazi era. The exhibition echoes issues that were pressing even then, including the meaning of human rights, how we treat refugees and social inequality.
The show that was a year and a half in the making is surprisingly topical, and the coronavirus pandemic has even worsened many of the global injustices addressed. In recent months in particular, conspiracy theorists have dangerously often misappropriated his words. To a degree, the exhibition corrects the discourse by looking at overarching issues that have long been toxic, while also recapturing Hessel's basic ideas behind his call for outrage.
This article has been adapted from German by Dagmar Breitenbach
This content was originally published here.
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whale-shark-queen · 7 years
You mentioned fucked up weird AUs in your one post? I'm interested. Tell me about your favourite one(s)!!
AAAaaaah thank you so much!!
Uhhhhhhh heck most of them involve N turning into some horrible Thing because he’s the Estranged Outsider with a Connection to the Bad Guys Even If It’s Not Willingly (yknow like how Eren from snk is a titan shifter or Rin from blue exorcist is part demon) and all of them involve vuvuzelashipping (Nxall the Nuvema lot) I don’t really have a single favourite but I’ll summarize the ones I like most (also note that some of them are good dad Ghetsis/Dadsis aus because u gotta balance out the angst somehow plus dadsis aus are Cool)
Under the cut because I literally can’t summarise for shit and I’m sure no one wants to scroll past 3 pages worth of this (mobile users I apologise since the app is SHIT and refuses to even acknowledge these) 
Also here’s a bit of an index so u can skip to ones that sound interesting instead of going through them all but first u should ask nationalharmonica about her aus bc I love all of hers and they’re awesome and need more love and she also helped with alot of these aus too!! ESPECIALLY the Dragonflower au which I won’t include here because I think she has it on her blog somewhere already.  If ur wondering why I haven’t posted any of these it’s because a) i have neither the skill, time or patience to draw up proper references for all of the characters involved and b) I’m always worried theyll seem too Out There for some people but here we go au masterpost i guess, if anyone reading would like more info feel free to ask!!!
Bacterial Contamination inspired au aka bacterial pestileNce
BotW au
Ib au
PMMM au (the longest one)
Plasma/Aether swapover, N wins+UB monochromeshipping au
Simple fNaf dadsis au
sister locatioN dicksis au (yes I have two for that because I only found out about the secret springtrap cutscene at the end of SL that changes everything the other day)
Nombie (dadsis) au
isolatioN au- Au based on the song Bacterial Contamination.  N goes to the snobbiest most pretentious school you can imagine only because his ex mafia boss dad wants the best for him.  N hides the fact he’s being relentlessly bullied until a teacher phones Ghetsis up asking why N is in such a state whenever he comes into school (BC bruises and cuts and looking roughed up in general).  N goes to therapy and gets meds but surprise they’re an experimental drug and he’s a bug boy now
- BotW au where Touya is Link, Cheren as Revali, Bianca is Mipha and Touko is Zelda.  Ghetsis (who is kinda like Demise if he hung around to make sure his curse worked) is the king of a neighboring region who’s a bit of a warmongering asshole but his son N is friends with princess Touko and her…ahem, associates, which is the only reason Touko’s dad stays civil with him at all.  He uses this to his advantage and infects N with the Malice and reveals his plan to take over Unova, knowing fine well that N would run away to Touko for help.  The truth is he’d set up N to be a ticking time bomb and eventually he becomes the Calamity.  After the whole ~100 year coma and releasing the divine beasts~ thing Touya only remembers who N is after killing him but dw there’s a blood moon just as Touko is sealing the Malice away and N’s freed spirit is brought back to become a friendly giant fluffy spider boy just because I said so
- Ib au with N as Mary (obv Ghetsis is Guertena) except instead of going crazy and trying to kill everyone and being burned up and dying himself the toutous make him sit in the frame while they drag it out of the portal to the real world: problem solved.  I have all this stuff about the others being able to step into his frame but he can’t leave unless someone else draws him so he can possess the drawing but I won’t go into it here BC this post is gonna be long enough already
-Okay I have two madoka aus because possibilities for N are Ndless but I’ve only really developed the dicksis version whereas I only have a witch design for a possible dadsis version so here’s the dicksis one.  The first: Ghetsis is kinda like Walpurgisnacht and N was originally a familiar that represented Ghetsis’ interest being only in things that directly oppose him who was becoming powerful enough to become a witch of his own.  Not wanting him to have even a fraction of power himself Ghetsis transformed him into a human shape, gave him sentience and intelligence and as close to a pure heart as possible so he would be easier to manipulate and led him to believe that magical girls/boys hunt down innocent witches for fun and have witches trapped in their soul gems and tasks N with stealing people’s soul gems to ‘free the witch inside’.  The problem is that the alteration gave N the mindset of ‘innocents who aren’t involved must be protected at all costs’ rather than Ghetsis’ mindset of ‘don’t give a fuck about anyone unless they’re a problem’.  N is also sent to integrate into human society so that he can find magical peepos easier so he ends up coincidentally going to school with the Nuvema kiddos.  He ends up becoming friends with them until he finds out Cheren and Bianca are magicas (I’m just gonna call them that for simplicity) but even though the toutous arent magicas they still support them which is all very upsetting and conflicting for N but he tries his best to protect the witches and steal more soul gems until the others eventually call him out on it and prove to him that the shit Ghetsis told him is bull.  When he goes to confront him about it it’s too late, Ghetsis has absorbed enough witches to become a Walpurgisnacht-like entity, and finally allows N to become a witch.  I’ll link the drawings I’ve done of him but basically his labyrinth would be like a puppet theater and even tho hes the witch he’d have this fuckin giant messed up ghetsis-lookin puppet master familiar who pulls at his strings and coordinates his attacks.  There’d be an audience of masked figures that look like all the magicas he’s caused the deaths of, tiny animals with scissors to represent his wish for freedom and also his fear of his ‘father’ since they never actually get to cut the strings holding him up, and figures that look a heck of a lot like the nuvema kiddos watching in a balcony.  This is all tied into a theory I came up with that almost all the witches are able to be saved since yknow how Homura had that figure of Madoka locked away and Madoka was able to bring her back, and how Sayaka had the violin guy and Charlotte had that doll that probably represents her dead mother? My guess is that if the people those figures represent are brought to the witch and reach out to them the magical girl inside would be able to be freed.  But yeah since N was never really a human the Nuvema kiddos can only really save a fraction of his conscious and he ends up like Bebe.  They all beat the shit out of Ghetsis and everyone lives happily ever after with their pocket witch bf
- the au where 1) plasma and aether are sort of swapped around and 2) N beats the toutous in the final battle.  This is actually based on nationalharmonica’s courtesaN au which is awesome BTW (but it doesn’t involve actual courtesans or N being a courtesan at all but its Sarah’s au so if you’re interested you should totally ask her about it).  Ghetsis keeps Touko and Touya prisoner and just to rub it in their faces blackmails Cheren and Bianca into joining and doing sciency experiment shit which ends up with Touko and Touya becoming UB fusions/hybrids themselves; Touya with Kartana and Touko with Celesteela.  Ofc in the later stages they are able to destroy their place of confinement and escape with Cheren and Bianca to find N who becomes understandably fucked off and upset that his friends have been put through all this shit but begs them not  to kill Ghetsis so he can ask what’s going on.  When he does Ghetsis stabs him with a syringe full of UB fusion shit because he knows fine well hes gonna die he just wanted a final ‘fuck you’ before he is killed by both fire and paper cuts.  Surprise! It’s a Guzzlord.  N becomes a big squishy boy. I’ve done drawings of N in human Guzzlord fusion/hybrid form but I’ve been afraid of posting it but uh if anyones interested i will
- Simplified fNaf dadsis au - basically N and the Nuvema kiddos are the ones that were killed and stuffed in the animatronics, Ghetsis owns the place but risks going bankrupt pouring money into helping find the culprit and also his son and his friends when they’ve been stuck in the one restaurant he kept open to stay afloat.  Nate is the new nightguard and they decide to fuck with him to get rid of some of the boredom of being alone together in the one building for like…30 years or so.  In the end they fess up and make Nate pizza as an apology and they’re chill again
- sister locatioN dicksis au - I already summarised a thing i wrote of it in response to an anon but I’ll include here too.  Once again Ghetsis owns all the shit with the animatronics.  Anthea and Concordia get killed by one of them when they were young so years later Ghetsis sends N down to ‘free’ them (surprise he only wanted to get rid of N) but since their spirits have been fused into one hideous amalgamation of animatronics they’ve gone a bit loopy and want to leave.  The whole scooping room thing ensues and they accidentally turn their brother into a zombie
- Nombie au bc Z is a sideways N heheh I ahven’t thought up much of the background for it but it involves Plasma being a pharmaceutical company that is sort of accidentally being the cause of it.  N gets separated from his dad who ends up being the leader of a large group of people in a little town sort of thing they were able to reclaim but is Sad bc he thinks his son is dead which ends up being half true bc surprise N is half immune and ends up being a conscious zombie boy who wears a curtain as a cloak so he doesnt immediately frighten people bc he got his eye shot out by hillbilies, his face scratched up, his throat bitten out and his heart impaled on a pole (hes a freak without a human heart geddit) zombie apocalypse stuff happens
- isolatioN au - basically spawned from the thought of ’what if N was kept even more hidden away/locked up/never even left at all’.  Plasma is instead secretly in the Pokemon poaching/hunting/selling business but are disguised as…well you already know about Plasma.  The nuvema kiddos had varying levels of rough childhood and were desperate for money so they all joined up; the toutous as night guards and the dualrival s as researchers.  Hidden deep in the facility is a certain tree haired manchild who has been kept in a cage for pretty much his entire life.  Ghetsis does a mother gothel and makes out its to keep him safe and brings him Pokemon to ask about where they live and what other kinds of Pokemon live there so that Ghetsis can release them safely back into the wild go hunt for more Pokemon in the area if there’s anything good there
There’s a few more that I have but I won’t include them because im worried it’d be a waste of time if no one takes interest in any of these but uh thanks for asking and reading if you did!!!
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