#seriously tho if you got your result today i want you to look at me.
me on every other day: marks are a scam and do not define your self worth, and everyone who says otherwise is a victim to the propaganda of the farce that is the indian education system
me after i score higher than expected on result day:
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dizzyjelly · 1 year
My Perfect Girl
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Word Count: 1.2k
Summary: your friends leave you feeling more insecure than you already were, but Ellie comforts you and yells at your dickhead friends
Cw: body insecurity, mentions of feeling/being fat+ugly, troubles eating
You struggled to breathe as you lied in bed curled into a ball, crying your eyes out. Your crying fit had been a result of a rather hurtful conversation with your "friends." Your body faced the wall as tour hands came to cover your face, your palms wetting with tears. Time passed, you didn't know how much, but you'd heard a voice behind you and the bedroom door creaking open.
"Baby? What's going on, what happened?" Ellies voice was laced with concern and worry as she rushed to your side, rubbing your back.
You sniffled as you turned to face her, tears still streaming down your face as you picked up your phone and opened up your grouochat then handing it to her. Your breaths were ragged and quick as you watched her read, hee brows furrowed in worry quickly arched with anger as she did.
Y/n: guys I feel like I look bad today *image attached*
Ryan: wdym
Rosa: yeah u look the same lol
Y/n: idk like I feel ugly and like fat :(
Ryan: I don't see any difference 💀
Rosa: ong you look like u always do
Ryan: yeah ur just being dramatic lmao
Rosa: she probably just wants attention to be really honest
Ryan: omg you're right tho, fishing for compliments haha
Y/n: guys stop I'm not kidding.
Ryan: come on yk were right
Rosa: yeah just calm down bro
Y/n: whatever I'm done talking to you guys.
"What the fuck." Ellie muttered under her breath.
"Ellie, I look terrible and they're just making fun of me." Your bottom lip quivered.
"Baby, you don't. I promise they're just being assholes for no reason." She tried to reassure you, rubbing at your arm up and down.
You turned away from her, facing the wall again as you cried harder. You couldn't believe a word she said, you just felt insecure. It wasn't the first day you've felt like this, but it never got easier. It was days like these where you couldn't even bring yourself to look in the mirror, shower, or take care of yourself in general.
She let out a deep sigh, bringing a hand to rub your back gently, occasionally combing through your hair with her fingers. She looked at your phone again, then stood to leave the room.
"I'm gonna talk to them." She stated before exiting and calling the group.
Your friends picked up and were confused, seeing Ellies face instead of your own. It's not like they didn't recognize your girlfriend, but they wondered why she was the one calling them.
"Oh hey Ellie." Ryan greeted with a smile.
"Hi. So what the fuck is wrong with you guys?"
Rosa laughed a bit, her brows furrowing.
"What are you talking about?" She asked.
"Whyd you guys say that shit to Y/n? Seriously what kind of fucking friends are you?" She asked in return, as if it was obvious.
"Oh come on, she knows we were kidding!" Ryan argued.
"Yeah, she's probably being dramatic anyways." Rosa chimed in.
"I bet you're only asking because she told you to." Ryan spoke smugly.
"Um, no actually I'm asking because clearly she's upset and you guys are just being assholes. And if she knows you were joking why'd I come home to her crying, hm? Terrible fucking jokes by the way." Ellie argued, feeling angrier at your friends poor reactions.
"She was crying? Oh shit, sorry." Suddenly Ryan seemed to feel bad.
"Yeah you fuckin should be, she's probably gonna be worked uo for days now. Great fucking job you two." And with that Ellie hung up, as she couldn't bear to speak to them any longer.
She shut off your phone and set it at the bedside table, sitting down and glancing over at you as you let out a heavy sigh. You silently cursed as your stomach grumbled.
"Babe, you hungry?" Ellie asked, leaning down to rest her chin on your shoulder.
"No." You lied, shaking your head.
"Ok, well have you eaten today?" She asked, already sure she knew the answer.
"No." You were quiet now, feeling ashamed at your inability to care for yourself, how you know you should be.
"Alright well come on then, let's put something in that belly of yours." She tried to turn you around, take you to the kitchen.
But you wouldn't budge, tears falling from your eyes once again as you shook your head furiously.
"No! I-I'm already fat enough I don't need to eat anymore!" You protested, believing everything you said.
"What? Stop it, that's nonsense and you know it. Come on, just come have something. Please." She frowned as she held your hands in her own, it hurt her to see you so upset.
"I can't." You choked out and she pulled you into a hug.
You immediately leaned into her relaxing touch, wrapping your arms around her back as you nuzzled your head into her shoulder.
"Baby, you can. I know you can, you're stronger than you think. And your body is perfect" She pulled away, holding your face in her hands as she peppered kisses over your face, "I love every part of it, and you. You're amazing and your brain is just lying to you." She reminded you.
"Love you too." You responded, sniffling and leaning your forehead against her own.
You finally followed her to the kitchen, still hesitant but you'd get past that. You sat at the table and watched as she made pasta for the two of you, mainly because she knew it was your comfort food. A smile made its way to your face as she brought over two bowls, giving on to you. Ellie smiled ten times as big as you did, rubbing her thumb over your cheek fondly. It made her happier than anything to see you smiling after you'd had such a tough time that day.
Once you finished eating, Ellie insisted on doing the dishes. You felt bad for not helping out, but she reassured you that she was more than happy to do it herself. She told you to go sit down and pick a movie, and of course you did.
You'd selected something happier, usually you two watched horror together but tonight you just didn't feel like it. You sat with your knees pulled to your chest, a fuzzy blanket engulfing you as you waited for your girlfriend. She was sitting beside you in no time, pulling you into her side. You hummed contently, leaning into her touch with a smile as you leaned your head on her shoulder.
About halfway through the movie, Ellie placed a kiss to your forehead then placed a hand on your chin to make you look at her.
"Is my girl finally feeling better?" She asked.
"Mostly, thank you for helping me." You smiled before leaning in to give her a kiss.
"Of course Baby. You tired yet?" She asked, looking at her watch and noting that it was getting late.
You just nodded before placing your head back on her shoulder and closing your eyes. She chuckled a bit at you, rubbing your side lovingly then letting her head fall against your own as she waited until you fell asleep before carrying you into your shared bedroom. She laid you down then climbed in next to you, pulling you in. You let out a small groan as you hiked your leg over her own, wrapping your arm around her stomach.
A/n: sorry ik it's kinda short! Hope u still liked tho :)))
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confusedspaceotter · 1 year
Daily avatrice analysis (day 3)
day1 day2 day3 day4 day5 day6 day7 day8 day9
Seriously didn’t think i’ll have to split season 1 ep3 into 2 parts lol
anyway i’ll try to keep it brief today since the hug™ and the hallway scenes are huge milestones of their relationship thus is been talked a lot
Ep 3 part 2,
First, I would like to thank father Vincent for being an ally to the avatrice ship we didn’t know we had 
homeboy sees avatrice interact for once in the canteen then decided to bring Beatrice to comfort Ava lol
Now you could argue and say that father Vincent asked Bea to befriend Ava but I think I would rather believe that Bea did this on her own because of her boarding school times(if you don’t know what I’m talking about check the day 2 post)
as much as I hate this man for lying to Ava I had to give this to him
he saw the vision when no one had 
(Sorry Camila baby but you are still the captain of the avatrice ship tho
Now back to the scene itself
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Avatrice really is endgame from the start huh
Just look at her 
the moment she set foot in the room, her attention was dragged away by Ava
All hail protective Beatrice 
You can tell she wanted to comfort Ava so much yet she doesn’t really know what to do
People might think that Bea is not good at dealing with feelings and that’s why she hide it 
I propose that she is in fact too good at emotions 
well more about the dark, bad side of having it ,and more importantly how to hide it
Given her past experiences I think is safe to assume she knows too well about the consequences of having feelings and I quote: 
“When what you love, what should make you happy, only brings you pain.” -Beatrice(S1 Ep 8)
Yeah she knows what pain is
And yet 
She can’t help but look at Ava, trying to find a way to provide comfort to her
Girl was whipped from the beginning man they were just meant to be 
Now onto the hug it self
Sikeee there's something else here I wanna talk about
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The moment mother superion left 
She went straight to Ava
Girl couldn’t bother to wait for mother superion to left the room really shows how much she cared about Ava even tho she might not know her well
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Now you can see the obvious hesitation she had
I’m assuming that reaction is combination of repressing your emotions for a long time and the result of keeping people out due to self-loathing
which makes this scene a thousand times more meaningful
Bea, the one who actively reject/avoid physical contact Initiate physical contact Im unwell
The fact that Ava is important enough to Bea that she threw her internal cage out of the window 
I feel like in her brain is probably like:
brain sees pretty girl upset must comfort
And you know what the best thing is?
the fact that physical touch is both of their love language 
as we can see in S2
They literally can’t keep their hands off each other 
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Now, many people have talked about how Bea feel or might be thinking during the hug
So I will talk about Ava instead
She is seeking comfort in the one person who is nice to her since she got here (minus Vincent he got ulterior motive
Ava your Kid is showing 
I think we can see just how innocent and precious Ava is
reminds me of a meme I saw:
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as a person who also had a childlike personality i would too dive head first to the one who is nice to me (especially when they are pretty girls like beatrice 
Now onto the hallway scene
two things i wanted to point out 
one, Bea using humor to try to comfort ava:
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babygirl is learning how to comfort Ava we love to see it 
and two
how observant ava is 
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“there's more to it then you are telling”
Ava took one look at Beatrice and said I know what you are lmao
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“there is always more”
foreshadowing to ep 8 and could possibly be about Bea’s feelings towards Ava
i swear i didn't expect to write this many words 
please lemme know if is too long i’ll try to keep it brief by not analyzing too deep with the more popular scenes(e.g. the kiss in s2 and so on)
Here’s a gif of Avatrice for making it this far <3
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stay tuned :)
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spencellleee · 2 years
sugar crash
summary : you passed out in the gym while training for your test and spence worries about you
pairings : medical doctor!spencer reid x reader
word count : 1280
warnings : hypoglycemic attack, passing out, medical checkups, i think that's it
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pushing yourself too hard, especially in the gym can result in some not-so-good outcome just like i did today. my annual physical test for the FBI is coming and i wanna crush it. i've been training for months now, and with morgan and reid helping me, you can say that i'm as ready as i'll ever be.
waking up late, i didn’t have time to eat anything so i just grab some coffee and went to the gym. we start our training as usual and i still feel like i can do it, so we go for more. halfway through the third set of my workout, i feel like i was gonna faint. i started breathing more heavily and with my pulse racing, really, it’s hard to breathe normally. even with all of this, i keep pushing myself to finish the set, and yes i finished it, but by the time i did, my face was looking like a corpse. reid came to me and that’s when i realize that my legs started to gave out. luckily he was there and he quickly steadied me and put me down slowly. morgan knew something was wrong and he quickly ran towards us.
“reid what the hell happened?” he asked worriedly.
“i think she’s having a hypoglycemic attack.” he then reached for my neck to try and find a pulse.
i was drifting in and out of consciousness at that point and i just can’t seem to keep myself together. i started to have tunnel vision even tho i was laying down. they asked me something but i didn’t say a word, not because i don’t want to, but just because i need to focus on staying consciousness. i could hear reid saying things like “you’re ok and you’re gonna be fine” but at that point, i just couldn’t hold it.
when reid finally was certain that i was running low on my blood sugar, he knew that he needed to get something in me, soon, and most of the time, the ideal treatment for this would be an iv fluids but we’re in the middle of a gym that only have gauzes and bandages alongside with alcohol and that kinda stuff in the first aid kid so, he had no choice beside waking me up.
he gave me a sternal rub and after a few seconds he asked, “y/n, can you hear me?” i heard his voice echoed in my ears as i feel like my soul was a thousand mile away from my body. i couldn’t bring any words out so i just nodded as an answer.
“okay good, now do you think you can sit up for a bit, i just need you to drink this.” he said with an orange juice in the glass which i assumed morgan got from the cafetaria since spencer never leave my side.
i was already feeling better so i tried to sit up with both of them holding and steadying me as i do so. i finally drink the juice and i feel better almost immediately. when they see my face brightened up, morgan broke the silence.
“why didn’t you tell me that you’re not feeling good? we could’ve stopped and you wouldn’t have fainted.” he may sound angry but i could hear the worry in his voice so i just answered, “i thought i can pull through. we always do this and i've never had any issue with it.” morgan raised his eyebrows in sign of his confusion and agreement. i've never had any trouble doing this so what made me faint?
“what did you eat before this?” reid asked even tho i'm pretty sure that he already know or atleast guess that i went to the gym with only caffeine running in my blood. when i looked down and bite my inner cheek, that’s when he know for sure that i didn’t start my day with a proper meal.
“i didn’t think that i need to lecture you for this but seriously y/n, you should know better.” he paused for a bit before continuing, “you could’ve gotten hurt you know?”
i gave him a sorry face knowing that none of my reason or maybe excuse i say will make him feel better. but when surprisingly he didn’t continue talking, i said sorry.
“you should say that to yourself cause i'm not letting you go until i check you out.” he stated, and seeing his serious face, you know that you’re not getting out of this.
“sit down.” he ordered. and knowing that i can’t do anything to stop him from doing this, i followed his order and sat on the exam table.
he took all of the equipment he’ll need to check me out and when i saw the lancet i panicked. he hooked me up into some monitor and when he grabbed his stethoscope, i know what’s gonna happen next. i tried to lower my heart rate so that he’ll not notice my nervousness, yeah well apparently this is not gonna work since he already know about how nervous i am about ‘doctor’ stuff.
he pressed down his stethoscope to my chest and it was warmer than i thought it would be, and when he hear that my heart’s beating a mile an hour, he try to calm me down. “relax, i'm not gonna hurt you.” he said with his soothing voice and that just give me so much comfort that i finally managed to get my heart rate down.
“now take a deep breath.” he muttered. i took a deep breath and when he finished, he let me know about his findings.
“well, your heart and lungs sounds clear but you have a relatively high heart rate. i know that this might be caused by your ‘doctor nervousness’ but i just wanna make sure you’re okay so i'm gonna keep an eye of you for a while.” he rambled.
“it’s not my ‘doctor nervousness’ reid, i don’t mind if you’re the one doing it, it’s just because of that.” i said, pointing my finger to the lancet on the table.
“ah, okay. the bad news is i still need to do it since you were hypoglycemic, but, i also have a good news.”
“and what’s that?” you asked curiously.
“i have a distraction. and i'm certain that you’re gonna like it.” giving me a wink and his phone with a video that have morgan as the thumbnail. i started watching the video of emily pushing him to a ditch and when spence saw me laughing my ass off on what she does to him, he quickly took the sample of my blood.
i winced out of surprise but when i do realize it, the needle is already out of my finger leaving a tiny hole on my index finger. he pressed my finger a bit which hurts more than i expected but in less than 5 seconds, it was all over. we heard a beep and that indicates the reading of my blood sugar level is done.
“your numbers are still low but i think you’re gonna be fine. what do you want to eat after this?” he questioned.
“hmm, i'm kinda craving dumplings right now.”
“well then dumpling it is, let’s go.” he offered his hands and took me to my favorite place before going to work.
“pretty girl, how’re you feeling?” morgan asked, seeing me coming to the office with reid next to me.
“better now that i've seen what emily did to you in that ditch.” i laughed. and that leaves morgan with a confused slash embarrassed face and the rest of the team laughing.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
thanks for reading! leave your thoughts if you want to :)
stay safe, you're loved <3
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rosequartzwriting · 3 years
The Agent and Her Sorcerer
Pairing: Doctor Strange X Fem!Reader
Description: You, an agent who works with The Avengers, comes back to the compound to find that Doctor Strange has brought you coffee.
Warnings: mentions of drinking and doing the dirty
Word Count: 2.4K
A/N: Originally posted on Quotev | Things have been busy, so has mental heath things, so idk when new things will come out. I love this piece tho so I hope this makes up for it. 
Masterlist | Fic Reading Recs | Ao3 | Quotev | Coffee
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Gif by @cumberbatchlives
Technically a sequel to The Sorcerer and The Agent
When you stepped off the jet and onto the landing, you let out a long breath of relief. That field mission was finally over. It was an early call that got you out of bed before the sun came up. Too early for your body to function, but with the encouragement of coffee and Captain Rogers forcing you out of bed, you conquered the task. You checked your phone for the time, it was now around noon. You were ready to sit down, maybe even take a nap. You desperately needed a break.
But you knew you would not be able to rest.
Tony was already on your ass. He came out of nowhere, scaring the life back into you, and shoved a tablet in your hands. "Before you file your report, you got another one."
You groaned, falling into step beside him to make your way into the building. "Already?"
Tony pushed a few things on your tablet and an image came up. It was one of the objects you had recovered from this morning's mission. On the side was a stream of jumbled letters and numbers.
"Decoding, seriously?"
Tony shrugged, with a grin on his face that you wanted to punch off. "Hey, you're best for the job."
"Can't FRIDAY just run through it?"
"Where's the fun in that?"
You glared at him.
"Come on, you got this."
You rolled your eyes, "Fine. Only because it might give us a new lead."
"Atta girl! Don't stress yourself out."
You were already stressed.
"Oh and by the way, someone in the lounge is here to see you."
After a brief moment of surprise, you knew who it was. Tony saw the smile appear on your face, then winked at you. You rolled your eyes at him.
You tucked the tablet under your arm and made your way to the lounge. Maybe you were getting a little break before continuing for the day after all. A small amount of energy that came from your happiness pushed you forwards.
When you got there, sure enough, there he was.
"Hey, I thought you might want coffee."
You chuckled. Of course you wanted coffee.
Stephen Strange had a coffee tray in his hands that had two cups in it. He was standing around looking a little awkward, a little out of place at the compound. He looked relived to see you, as if anyone else in the doorway would made him embarrassed. His serious demeanor was no where in sight, a hint of warmth in his cheeks.
He wasn't wearing his sorcerer robes, but casual clothes. A jacket, dark jeans, sneakers, a t-shirt, simple things that you got to see him in more often now. You liked it. Very much.
Without any hesitation, you made your way over to him. Giving him a big smile the entire way. You put your tablet down so you could take the cup he was holding out for you. "Thank you." Your gloved hands brushed against his bare shaking ones. The contact was enough to widen your smile.
"Don't mention it."
"Hi! How are you? What's new?" You asked him, leaning one hand on a table and sipping your coffee with the other.
Stephen let out a breath, "Well this morning I helped to try and close a dimensional rip in space time. If we hadn't managed to close it then it would have swallowed an entire country."
"Sounds exciting, Doctor." You hid a smirk behind a look of playfully exaggerated interest.
"Oh it was." He was trying to hide a smirk too, "How about you, Agent (L/N)?" His cheek twitched, trying desperately to not let that smirk slide through.
"Well I just came back from a mission in London where an very well hidden Hydra base was found. There were a few of their agents there, kicked some ass, and managed to recover some of their tech and files. You know, normal things."
"This is a very casual conversation despite its content." He commented.
You both broke after that, smirks turning into fits of chuckles. You reached up and kissed him on the cheek.
The two of you were developing into a 'thing' recently. Whenever he would come to the compound, you would have your eye on him. And you could feel his eye on you as well. It had been going back and forth for a while, finding excuses to talk to each other and purposely being in the same room as one another. Casual attraction.
You noticed the little details in him. Taking every opportunity to make a snarky comment during meetings. Dedication and a 'cool calm' overtaking him whenever disusing anything serious. His gaze of sparkling blue, sharp features, and welcoming smile. The very presence of him either made your heart stop or quicken, sometimes both simultaneously.
Whenever you were both having a conversation, whether for work or just friendly chatter, you found yourself entranced by him. His voice, his gorgeous face, his personality. Not casual attraction anymore, you were sightly obsessed.
But there was always this look in his eyes, that he recognized your attraction to him. And a look that told you he had similar emotions. You just knew it. You paid attention to him. You noticed him paying attention to you with interest, catching him staring on occasion.
Things had went from zero to one hundred at a party that Tony threw last week. You had a little too much to drink. Stephen did too. You found yourselves alone. Things escalated from there. You woke up the next morning in his bed in the New York sanctum, cuddled in his arms. You both went out for breakfast that morning. He took you out for dinner a day after.
Ever since then, he shows up at the compound when he can, or calls you to ask how you are doing. Work for both of you has gotten pretty busy lately so finding time to go out together was hard. But you promised each other another date as soon as you both were free.
This was a long time coming, you both knew that. All it took was one little push. But you did not expect that push to be a little alcohol. It happened anyways, so you decided to take it without complaints.
Stephen looked around, making sure no one else was in the room to intrude. After confirming, he leaned down and stole a kiss from you. You giggled and let him, leaning up into him. He pulled away to let you have another sip of your coffee.
He wasn't drinking from his own cup. You felt his eyes on you. It did not take long to figure out why. You were still in your uniform, one that is similar to Natasha's. Black bodysuit, weapons belt. Skin tight. A blush crept up on your face, some memories coming back from that night. He has seen you wearing this before, but now his gaze had a different weight to it.
"Liking the view, Strange?" You asked with a raised eyebrow and mischief glittering in your eyes.
He shrugged, "Now that I know what it all looks like, I like the view even more." Casual. Calm. Cocky.
You playfully smacked him on the shoulder, bringing his hint of a smile into light. Tucking the tablet under your arm, coffee in one hand and Stephen's own hand in another, you pulled him over to one of the couches. The two of you sat down. "I have a little tech and paperwork to do right now. You're welcome to stay while I do it, if you're free."
He relaxed beside you, an arm slinging over the back of the couch. "I've got time. Wong is watching the Sanctum, I have the afternoon off."
"Maybe if I finish early we can go out?" You asked with a perky smile.
He gestured to your open tablet. "Better get to work then." You laughed, quickly kissed him, and did get to work. You explained to him your tasks, the decoding you needed to do and then fill out your mission report file. He seemed interested, looking over your shoulder the whole time as you explained your process. He watched you complete the decoding, send the results to the cloud, and start typing away at your morning's mission report.
Stephen's presence behind you the entire time was comforting, taking away some of the stress of your busy work. His warmth and the smell of coffee in the air made you content. You felt him start to fiddle with the tails of your hair, you jokingly swatting him away before he went right back to it.
During the breakfast date, and the dinner date, you saw more little things about him you liked. There was curiosity and interest in his eyes. Behind that serious shell was gentleness and kindness, a full heart who thinks for others. It was like after that night, you got to see the real Stephen Strange, not the Sorcerer Supreme. He was a gentle lover, even drunk, making sure you were comfortable the entire time. Eating out together, he was a gentleman. Seeing him around the compound, he seemed to be smiling more.
You never knew the great Doctor Stephen Strange was a total softy. It made you like him even more.
While writing, you found yourself putting extra care into reviewing the mission and its details. This may have been caused by knowing Stephen was watching your every move and you wanted to make a good impression of your work ethic. You made sure to skim through for any mistakes or typos in your writing as well. After some time, discarded cups on the coffee table and Stephen now subtly nuzzling your neck, you submitted your report.
"Do you have to do that after every mission?" The man who was practically wrapping his entire body around yours on the couch asked.
"Yeah. That was one of the longer ones. Most things were more straightforward this time around, but I did a lot in London today." You heaved a sigh, momentary wiggled out of Stephen's arms to plunk your tablet down on the coffee table, and relaxed back into the couch.
"Have anything else to do?" He asked.
"Not currently." You turned to him, now giving him your full attention. He seemed to like it.
"Well then, maybe you and me can go grab lunch?"
"I'd like that."
You watched his eyes dip down, briefly glancing at your lips before looking back up at your eyes. You caught him. This told you what he was thinking about, and soon you were thinking about it yourself. And then you were doing it. One of his hands rested on your cheek, the other found your waist as he kissed you. Your hands tangled around his neck and up into his hair gently.
It was like you lost track of time. You just focused on Stephen, a hand of his running over the fabric of your tight uniform.
"I'm glad Tony threw that party."
You and Stephen urgently parted at the interruption. Standing in the doorway, Steve and Natasha had smug grins. They were still in their uniforms from the mission, Steve's shield strapped across his back. You groaned.
When you told only one person that you went home with Stephen that night, it had spread through the compound like wildfire. Your coworkers all knew, and they were relieved. Finally, they had said. You must have not noticed how obvious you and Stephen's electric stares and intrigued chatter were.
You were a little embarrassed at being caught making out, but the embarrassment practically radiated off Stephen. He immediately straightened upright and cleared his throat. Apparently he did not show his vulnerable side to anyone but you, him instantly clicking back into a neutral expression when facing someone else.
Nat got right to the point, ignoring the irritated look on your face, "We got a new lead. There was a new location marked in one of their files found in London. Venice. We leave in thirty."
A frown glazed your features. You were really looking forward to spending some time with Stephen again. You looked at Stephen, who shared a mutual disappointed look in his eyes. But you knew that he would go let you work. It was annoying.
It wouldn't hurt to ask. Would it?
You stood up from the couch, grabbing your tablet to pull up your report again. You strided towards your bosses, a lick of confidence in your posture.
"Um actually I was kinda hoping if I could get the rest of the day off." You sang.
Steve let out a breath in a smug laugh, while Nat was hiding one of her own.
With a smile, you handed Nat your tablet, the mission report on the screen. Clean, detailed, care put into it, reflecting your hard work you had accomplished all morning. You saw her eyes look it over, the captain leaning in to do the same.
"You did work hard this morning." Steve pointed out.
"And you did eventually save our asses in the end." Nat added.
As you said to Stephen earlier, you did kick ass during the mission.
You gave them a look of hope. It was obvious what you wanted, they both knew it. For some reason you felt like they were lengthening the moment to tease you. To leave you in anticipation.
After what felt like minutes instead of seconds, the two turned to each other and exchanged expressions. Steve nodded. Natasha handed back your tablet.
"Go play with your sorcerer and his magic hands." Natasha whispered to you with a wink. A deep blush crept up onto your neck, and you saw her smirk. Scrunching your face up in a mock sneer, you snatched your tablet back.
"Have fun, you two." Steve said as a goodbye, and him and Natasha left the lounge to get ready for part two of today's investigation.
You turned back to Stephen. He had an impressed look on his face. Now standing, he threw away your empty coffee cups in a nearby bin."You didn't have to do that, you know."
"Too bad. Already did." You shrugged, sauntering back over to stand in front of him.
Stephen gave you a smile, and opened a slingring portal right in front of you both. "Then lets go."
You put down your tablet and went to empty your weapons belt. "I'm still in uniform, Stephen." You laughed, "I should go change first."
The sorcerer snapped his fingers, and your skintight Avengers uniform turned into a pair of leggings and a blouse. An outfit Stephen had complimented you on last week. You were surprised he remembered it.
You rolled your eyes at him, and before you could say anything, he grabbed your hand and pulled you through the portal.
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bangchanswolfpelt · 3 years
hello, hi, i’m back and i’m alive (mostly).
a quick explanation: immediately after my last post, life happened, as it does. i won’t go into the details because, frankly, they’re boring—work got insane and still is, my immune system flared up like the mild trashfire it’s always been, and on top of all of that, the roomie and i scheduled a truly stupid amount of traveling for the very end of the year. as a result, a lot of stuff fell by the wayside and this blog was one of them.
then i wrote two thousand words about Yoon Jeonghan in a mad, sleep-deprived frenzy on the way to LA today and remembered that i actually enjoy writing. wild, right?
so i’m back now! i’m not gonna try say how active i’m gonna be, because life is still crazy enough that i genuinely have no idea. but i’m here and i’m writing again, and also reading your messages, and holy shit y’all sent A LOT of them. like seriously, i was not expecting my inbox to look the way it does rn and i’m saying that in the most bewildered and grateful way possible.
im gonna start responding to individual messages this week probably, but i just wanna throw out a blanket ‘thank you, and i love you’ to anyone who’s around to read this because i really did pop my inbox open to nothing but concern and affection and unrelenting thirst and i don’t have the words to express what that means to me. ❤️‍🩹
some housekeeping:
kinktober requests will start going up again at some point in the near-ish future, interspersed with the regular requests that have been chugging along on the back burner and my usual unrequested nonsense. requests will stay closed while i work on what’s already queued up and figure out how i want them to actually work moving forward. my inbox is still open, tho, and will be unless Something Drastic happens; i’ll be plugging away at clearing that out as well💕
my day6🧟 tag is changing to eaj🧑🏼‍🚀 because the writing on the wall has become painfully clear, and as much as i enjoy day6’s music, i was only ever interested in Jae as a person and the odds of me starting to care about the rest of these boys now is lookin real unlikely. 👀
also, i mainlined all of Kingdom in a feverish haze and i’m a motherfukin Melody forreals now, i guess!?!? so talk to me about daddy Eunkwang and slutty mommy Minhyuk to save my roommate 😂
everything i have up on AO3 is now cross-posted to dreamwidth—if you’re there, come say hello! i know absolutely no one there! (also, if you’re reading this and you’re also writing here on tumblr—this is your lovingly aggressive reminder to back! up! your! stuff!! do not trust or rely on tumblr!! AO3 is pretty fuckin great, but dreamwidth is solid too! i love everyone at this party, but we are dancing in a condemned, crumbling building!! do yourself and the people who love your writing a favor and make sure it sticks around!!!!)
i’m in LA literally RIGHT NOW for ptd, so if anyone’s at so-fi on the thirtieth (today) or the first and you see a shortstack with dark blue hair wearing a Yellow Peril/0X1=LOVESONG tee or a Big Tiddy Gang hoodie cut too short to adequately cover tiddies of any size, come yell at me to get back to writing in person💞
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peachenemy · 3 years
No reaction
Kokichi pranks everyone, including you, because you ALWAYS react the way he wants, but today is not the case.
- That is why i did what i did. - you told to Shuichi.
- That has sense. Still, i don’t understand how it give you two right here. - he replies, pointing to answer three of the math task.
- That is ‘cause...
You were suddenly disrupted by a little young boy... Sigh...
- Hey! How was it Saihara-chan? Did you get ten again? Not like someone right here. - Kokichi appears, giving you a hint.
Both of you got quiet, and you continue with your explination to Shuichi.
- I multiply the result with the number 45.
- Actually, that is a rule of three, wich is not in this unit. 
Kokichi got quiet for a second after that. He was with a face that screamed: “Uhmmm what lmao”.
But he is not giving up!!! He is not done with bothering around you!!!
- Ignoring me, huh? As you ignored the class? That answer is obviously wrong. You do have a talent at failing after all! Not like that shitty talent you have.
- ... Let me see your test. - you say to Saihara, again, ignoring Kokichi.
- Sure! - and he answers, also ignoring Kokichi.
Kokichi clicks his tongue and whispers, in a childish but irritated tone - Whatever, im out. 
None of you two says anything in return, which makes his blood boil.
At the cafeteria...
- T/n-chan! - he screams at you, happily going next to you, when “accidentaly” the food he had on his hands goes out of his hands and almost falls on you.
You, as a god/des, dodge it. 
- Ah? - exclaims in surprise when he sees the mess he left on the floor and not on your clothes.
And keep walking with only saying...
- Oh, be careful. - laughing from the inside at the moment you see his face. 
He continues with it later, now with a non-so-cheerful-face.
He is irritated. Why aren’t you reacting? You always did!
You are sitting alone at the recess, casually reading something.
- What are you reading? - he asks, suddenly appearing.
- Im... Reading a book i found on the library? 
-. It’s weird, you know? - he starts -. You always react to my jokes, but now... I... I though you loved me... - sighs with a horrible cry that followed later.
And, suddenly, he keeps it quiet, staring at you with seriousness.
- Stop ignoring me. 
- “...” 
- “...”
- Oh, right! - you exclamed, surprising him -. Sorry, he. It’s just that... You were pretty boring today. I didn’t know how to react. - you smile, laughing with shyness.
- Boring?
- Yes! Maybe you should... Dance or something - you asnwer with inocent look and a smile on your face -. Do something fun.
- “...” - he gives you a dangerous look, actually angry at you.
- What? 
Then he smiles, put his hands behind his back and says - I didn’t know you wanted me to dance for you so baddly! You have to pay me, tho. But maybe Tenko would do that for free, go ask her! 
He turns around and leaves you alone for the rest of the day. 
He may prank you tomorrow. After all, he is mad at you, so be ready for the revenge!
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slytherinnbitch · 3 years
i'm glad you don't hate my asks, i didn't send much this days bc i was scared that you did hated them🚶
by the way, i'm really curious about how do you think draco would react if he was the one that lost his memory. do you think he would be a brat like harry or he would be more calm at the idea that they're married and have a child together? i have a lot of feelings about that bc i can't get my finger around it like ughh i think he would be more calm but at the same time i think he would react worse than harry did 🤧
ok this is already too long so i'm saying my goodbyes~ (by the way, i'm glad you're having or had a good weekend, i hope you have a nice week too, you totally deserve it!) and help you make me feel special saying that you like my asks, i want to hug you and protect you from the world 🤲
Hey Darling! Firstly I have no idea how I forgot to reply to this because I read it then I thought I answered as well but apparently not.
Never ever think that any of your asks bother me. Asks are just so nice. I love them.
As for the sequel. I have gotten enough requests that I will do it. After I finish proposal part 3. Don't ask me when is that, idk. Can't really promise on a happy ending but I'll try. There sure will be angst tho. So much of it, haha.
As for the Draco forgetting about Harry. What first comes to my mind is this:
Draco wakes up with a pounding headache. He scrunches his face as the noise overwhelms him and gives him a terrible headache. He hears three gasps from beside him. As he lifts his head up and opens his eyes, he finds himself in a hospital. He racks his brain in an attempt to remember what had happened that landed him there but comes up blank.
"Draco-" someone whispers beside him and when he turns his head, it's none other than Harry fucking Potter. What the actual fuck and why does Potter look so bloody fit- not that he wasn't before but holy Merlin, this is on another level. Potter also looks older, so he frowns at him and when did he start calling Draco by his given name?
"Potter, why the fuck are you here?" That's the first thing that comes out if his mouth and now Potter is frowning at him.
"I don't know, Malfoy. What does one do when their husband lands up in the hospital after trying to save them from an unknown spell? And for future purpose, it's Malfoy-Potter now." Potter snarks back and there's no actual venom in his voice just mirth and humor.
Draco has never heard him talk like this to him before. And wait- did he just say husband? Is that supposed to mean him? And Malfoy-Potter? What the fuck is happening?
"Mate, you really scared us this time." Weasley says from his other side and Granger's sitting beside him with slight tears in her eyes?! Is he in the same universe or what? What's the joke here?
"We should call an healer," Granger replies before he can even begin to contemplate whats happening.
He remains quiet, trying to figure out what is actually going on when the Healer comes in.
"Auror Malfoy, how many more times do I need to tell you that you need not run headfirst into any situation if you see that your husband is in danger. Had you not gone to save Auror Potter then you would not have these severe injuries and Auror Potter would have been fine as well. Getting two completely different curses at the same time is very very harmful." They finish and seriously who is this? Why are they talking as if they have known Draco for a long time?
"Draco, are you quite alright?" Granger asks in a soft voice and he looks at her in disbelief. Did she forget who she is talking to?
"I would ask if you would like to get everyone outside for the examination but it's really a futile effort at this point." The Healer smiles at him and shakes their head.
"Uh, uhm actually I would like some privacy if that's not too much." Draco says and really that might not have been the best thing to say. The shocked expressions on everyone's face conveys that fantastically.
"Well then, out all of you. Even you, Auror Potter." The Healer says, the epitome of professional.
"Zia, I have asked you multiple times to call me Harry." Potter says almost absent-mindedly, like it's almost instinct at this point or something.
After Zia had asked their questions and Draco had told them that he doesn't remember anything about what happened. And they ask him what was the last thing he remembers and he replies that he remembers turning to the Apparation point in Diagon Alley on Christmas Eve and Zia looks at him with wide eyes.
They ask him about the year and he eyes them suspiciously before replying 2000.
"Draco, I think you have lost a fair amount of memory. It's actually May 2015 and not December 2000." Zia informs him regretfully.
"Okay. No seriously, it's okay. But why is Potter saying he is my husband and he is a Malfoy-Potter now?" Draco asks them incredulously.
"That I think you should ask Harry himself." Zia says, biting her lips in a way that can't really be pleasant.
When Potter and his sidekicks finally finish explaining him about the last 15 years of his life. His first response is to laugh. Apparantly, he has a child. A literal child? How did that even happen? And he has been married for the last 10 years. To Potter.
"This feels like a childhood fantasy come true, you know? Being a part of the golden trio. Líke seriously, this is something I have to believe? Who set this up? Pansy? Was it Blaise? I mean it's got to be one of those bastards." Draco finally says and laughs.
"Well, I'm sorry the three of you but really, you can go now. Sorry for wasting y'all's precious time. Please send those goons in." Draco continues. He looks at the three of them, hoping they would finally agree with him and tell him that it was a good one though and go their merry way. But Granger looks like she wants to cry and Weasley looks much the same, except he is looking shocked as well.
He turns to Potter, his apparant husband and the other father of his child, and finds him actually crying. There are tears flowing down his face almost constantly and all Draco wants to do is reach out and-
No, that's not what he wants. He feels his heart clench but why? This is afterall a joke.
Okay this was totally unplanned. I just had the childhood fantasy line in my mind and well, this is the result. Hope this answers your question? And sorry, I got carried away. It happens at times. (I was supposed to be writing today's drabble but I wrote this instead)
Your English is just fine! Infact, English isn't really my first language as well. Like it was what I first started learning in school but I spoke another language before. Like my mother tongue is something else and my first language is English if that makes sense? So you're just fine, no worries!
Hope you like small scene! Love you <3
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oh-for-fic-sake · 4 years
The Stand In Chapter Two
Your finally about to film your first scene for a teaser and things have just became real but how are you going to get through make up along side Henry for hours without fangirling? especially when he keeps staring at you like that?
Warnings: Swearing, fluff
A/n: so got a few people that like this idea which really shocked me. I'm trying really hard to make y/n one of us fangirls I really want you to be able to put yourself in this one. Like seriously if I had the chance to meet him I'd just fucking freeze on the spot go red scream and melt into a puddle of goo... I'd be way to anxious to approach him or ask for a photo..Any who enjoy this next chapter xxx
Taglist: @dark-night-sky-99​ @thummbelina​ @sofiebstar​
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You yawned loudly as you trudged out of your new comfy trailer: which was actually one of those fancy ass tour buses. You grabbed your bag with a few bits in it...Phone, snacks, purse, snacks, script, snacks....more snacks. What?You got hungry!You opened the door wrapping your cardigan around you tightly as you ventured out into the dark it was freezing the cold air making you shiver. A four am start was always a shock to the system and today was your fifth, your alarms on your phone had gone of again and again and again, blaring and screaming at you. Since the whole becoming and actress and Lauren pulling a contract seemingly out of her ass thing had happened a few days ago, you hadn't seen much of Henry and Joey they had been busy filming and training.
You were slightly smaller then 'she who shall not be named coughDickcough' so some of the fight scenes had to be reworked...Yes at some point you and 'Geralt' were going to come to blows in a fight scene and you were bricking it. For more then one reason;
One. I mean come on the huge hunk of a man; the star of every single late night fantasy you've pretty much ever had!, tossing you around and possibly pinning you down? Grunting and growling the entire time? and your supposed to look angry? Hahaha no...
And two. Well Henry is a large imposing man and Geralt is supposed to be frightening in those scenes so...How the fuck are you gonna stay in character and fight him when your simultaneously scared shitless , remembering choreography and creaming your panties....Like fuck that's gonna be some crazy self control needed right there. If you get through it with out fangirling; which would be a miracle in itself you deserve a fucking Oscar. But that's a problem for another day...Tomorrow in fact. The point is you felt a little bad because he had worked so hard before and now he has to relearn it all and he has been working super hard on it..you don't want to mess up.
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But that’s not to say you have been idle oh no! You'd been hard at work learning lines and undergoing your transformation from y/n into Keira which was completely insane. Once fully kitted out you would be....Well not you...But it was you, a super weird experience you were sure but you was looking forward to it all coming together. You had to wear a wig, your hair was just a little to short naturally skimming your shoulders. You were glad really you loved your lilac hair it took a lot of work to keep up with it!.
The wig was a bright blonde not as bright as Freya's hair for Ciri but still quite light, more golden then pale it was a strange color, hard to describe. The wig itself fell down to just past your shoulders in large loose silky waves and even though you had green eyes you were still going to get contacts, it had been mentioned that they want your eyes to be an impossible bright green, all the mages seemed to have bright eyes and you were no different. You were dreading it , you'd never wore them and have a thing about eyes...You don't like touching them or other people touching them eyes aren't meant to be fiddled with you know? ...You need them to see kind of?
Apart from that things had gone well the dresses just needed to be taken up a few inches and the rest of the transformation was mostly attitude , props and make up thankfully the make up was mostly highlights and color correcting that sort of thing. You walked across the set following the light emitting from the hair and make up trailer, you could see from here a few people were up and about inside. Within a few moments you were inside standing off to the side unsure where to put yourself or your bag ,it was just you and a few of the make up artists there. Holly was in charge of you, you got on well with her helping her out a lot before all this and was glad to have her as your artist she put you at ease which is definitely what you needed ,she came over smiling and directed you to your seat.
"So! Todays the day huh? Your first shoot you excited?" You gave a nervous laugh.
"Terrified more like, Its not long apparently they need a teaser for the character to go out and to stick in the trailer....I'm so fucking out of my depth it is unreal! Each day has been a whirlwind and I still don't know if I can pull this off...I'm not an actress" she stood behind you combing your hair back looking at you in the mirror fixing you with a look and struck your crown with the flat of the comb.
"Hey enough of that, you got this just go out there and give it your best. Joey was actually stunned when you did your reading he said he has never seen an actress like you before" you frowned looking around at her slightly twisting in your seat.
"Probably hasn't seen one like me cos I'm not and actress but okay I will bite..What exactly did he say?" She blinked at you leaning back waving the comb about shocked looking for words.
"You-hah? I don't even, you really don't even know how big a deal this is do you?" You blinked shaking your head as she was caught up in her own shock.
"Err no duh? Not an actress remember" you huffed she pointed the lethal comb to your face and make a circle motion she chuckled when you flinched and spun round twisting to face the mirror again.
"Talent. He and Henry were talking about you the other day, they couldn't believe that someone with talent like yours hadn't been picked up on. Apparently the way you just...Turned off your own personality shut down your personal feelings like that and became Keira so effortlessly is rare... Said it was like flipping a switch. A complete personality change like that with no prior training or mentoring is the holy grail. Untapped talent I think was the term used. Henry said he has only seen it twice before and that is saying something with everything he has under his belt... So trust me when I say your going to do great" you flushed they thought it was that good? Henry though you had talent.. you smiled feeling giddy blushing a little.You watched as she moved getting some leave in conditioner to make your hair behave itself.
"It's...It can't be that rare it just comes from having to hide anxiety...Can't let people know your having a meltdown...That’s all I was doing hiding a fucking anxiety attack!" She scoffed running a comb through your hair making sure the product was evenly spread through the strands preparing to split it into two plaits to hide under the wig.
"Babe I saw the video there was more going on there..Perhaps you should watch it and see for yourself It really was like watching someone flip a switch" You shook your head slightly resulting in having the comb waked across it again making you flinch
"Stay still! Its bad enough that you fucking washed it! I can't plait it if your moving!" You sat straight
"SoRrY MoThEr-ouch fuck not with the brush!!" She smirked and carried on plaiting the strands neatly.
"Did you bring your lines to practice?" You went to nod but stopped when she sighed tugging on your hair a little keeping the plait tight to your head.
"Yes I did thought I could get some last minute reading...I think I've got them all down tho" she nodded
"That’s good because your wig is a little late, they are dying it again...Apparently yellow blonde isn't right for your skin so your getting a white silvery ash blond now...A muted tone they said. Think its basically going to be a super light blonde with a lilac or blue tint, fucking wish they would hurry up and choose I need to settle on your face tones! Any who it should be here in about an hour" you whined
"I could have had an extra hour in bed?! Why wasn't I told!? You know your job would be a lot easier if I had beauty sleep!" She laughed loudly tying your first plait off with an elastic before starting the other one.
"I'm sure it would but you do know this is like a late start? Some of the scenes your booked in here for one and two o'clock in the morning~" she through her head back laughing at your pout.You stayed in the make up trailer for a while and Holly had called over to wardrobe about the delay so,thankfully your costume was going to be delivered over here which was less running about for you. So here you were in hot seat waiting ,there wasn't much you or Holly could do at this point but wait.  She couldn't work on your face until she had the the wig on you for color reference. She had left a few moments ago promising a coffee on her return.
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You hummed scrolling through your phone messaging your eldest brother and Mother who you had let slip to about your new drastic career change. they were trying to calm you down, knowing you well enough that you was getting yourself into wound up ball of anxiety and panic. You were so engrossed in your phone you didn't notice a certain bear trot in to the room until you had a huge snoot wedged under your phone trying to nudge your hands for some love. You jumped so on edge you yelled out as you was touched.
"OH FUCK WHAT IS-OOOH well hello there~" you looked around quickly then seeing you was still alone you decided to indulge and immediately placed your phone on the table in front of you and leaned back looking between your legs going gaga over the handsome boy. Kal was sitting looking up at you smiling panting away as you petted him on auto pilot. You blinked it took everything you had not to squee out loud somehow managing to keep it inside 'OH MY FUCK KAL! I'm like petting THE Bear... Wow he is so fucking fluffy!...Okay girl stop he is looking at you weird...That’s it chill don't scare him away...Good remember dogs can smell psycho....Cool and calm yeah he is just a dog...BUT HE FUCKING ISN’T THIS IS THE BEAR!' you leaned down cooing at him making baby talk as he lapped up the love moving his head to make you hit the right spots around his ears and chin. You managed to get over the fangirling and enjoy scratching the good boys ears digging your fingers in the thick fur enjoying the softness.
"Oh look at you!? So sweet huh?.....Are you a good boy?....Yesh you are! Cute baby! Getting your chin scratches such a fluffy good boy!" You giggled as he seemed to take your compliments to heart thumping his tail a few beats then stood up you followed rubbing down his back as he moved.
He must have liked your attention because before you know it he was climbing onto his hind legs leaning over your lap with his front paws. From there Kal had sneakily gone the whole nine yards, the happy Akita had some how clambered up into the chair with you making it squeak under the strain as he engulfed your lap still receiving his well earned scratches. You giggled at him moving your arms around him letting him do as he pleased rubbing his belly and chest he sat content leaning his weight on your chest pinning you to the back of the seat.
You grinned wrapping him in a big hug still twisting his fur in your fingers diligently showering him with the attention the good handsome boy deserved.
"Wow look at you such a handsome boy!... OH kisses to? Well aren't I a lucky lady" you moved at he tilted his head back licking at your face being a right soppy little pup, out for all the love he could get.
"Wow your lucky Holly hasn't done my face yet, she won't like you ruining all her hard work!" He pulled away and just panted happily then rested his head on your shoulder huffing. You smiled still hugging him rubbing you face into his fur. Then out of the blue his tail began thumping your leg in excitement. You pulled back from the hug and brushed your fingers through his coat seeing Holly and Henry arrive.
"Oh haha. Looks like Kal made a friend!" Holly giggled Henry sighed looking for him then gasped doing a double take when he saw the Akita draped across you sitting on your lap leaning his head on one shoulder as you petted him. His heart clenched a smug sort of 'that’s my boy!' he enjoyed seeing you snuggling the bear, it was something he could get used to seeing. He snapped out of it and made his way to you both.
"KAL! You what are you doing boy? Come on down!...Tin-I err Y/n I am so sorry... He doesn't usually do this... Come on Kal you big lump! Your probably crushing her!" Kal eyed Henry from the corner of his eye pretending not to here him huffing loudly past your ear. You smiled and waved Henry off trying to be casual as your inner fangirl raged pretty much foaming at the mouth. You was thankful that Kal was ignoring his dad as his big frame hid your creeping blush giving you the confidence to speak as you tucked your face further into him as you spoke quietly.
"I-its fine really...I...Y-yeah was kind of worrying about today he I... I think he sensed my anxiety...His cuddle is helping a lot..." Henry stopped his approach eyeing the two of you. He meant what he said Kal was well behaved and gentle but he never cuddled on a stranger's lap, not like he did with him anyway. But he knew Kal picked up on anxiety attack's and it was entirely possible he had wandered in here and wanted to comfort you. Henry blushed a little and took his seat next to you nodding trying to take in the scene before him as much as possible.
"Okay...W-well don't let him guilt trip you, that boy gets so many cuddles its unbelievable... Just..I-if he gets to much get him down...He knows he isn’t allowed on the chairs..hehe not that you can tell... Its best not to spoil him too much" you flushed smooshing your face in to the Akita’s neck trying to hide from the man who seemed to be staring yet again. He moved forward placing two coffees before you then placed his in front of him. You rose a brow at the two cups.
"I-I...ahem I wasn't sure how you'd want it-fuck haha... Shit.... I meant the drink....you-your coffee...Fuck... I didn't know how you liked your coffee" you blinked at him as he got a little flustered you groaned as you reached forward peeking at the cup as Holly moved about behind you moving her equipment around.
"Henry was already picking you up a coffee insisted on getting it treated me to~" you smiled and reached over popping the lids the first black the other with milk.
"T-thank you ...you didn't have to" his face split into a grin as he mentally pat himself on the back.
"No no your welcome! These four am starts are pretty brutal for anyone to get used to..." he chuckled as you moved over sipping the coffee slowly, you tried not to pull a face it was a little to bitter for your taste needing one more sugar but you didn't want to seem rude. An awkward silence fell over the two of you and he sat there staring, you kept taking small sips trying to hide more in Kals shadow.
"S-Sorry for the coffee....Its a bit bitter I know...Should of added more sugar"
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Henry was kicking himself as the silence grew, great fucking brilliant the first time he gets you alone and he says something like that!? scolding himself and his own fucking stupidity. 'How you'd want it? What the fuck Cavill?! Smooth why not just come out and say how should I fuck you? Yeah wait a go!' He sighed leaning back in the chair eyeing you as you sat clearly uncomfortable with him there 'yeah and now be a creeper and stare that will fucking help...Still staring mate stiilll staring....SAY SOMETHING FOR GOD SAKE!' That did the trick he could see you were trying to hide your distaste over the coffee. 'There apologize for shit coffee!' That was his opportunity!"S-Sorry for the coffee....Its a bit bitter I know...Should of added more sugar"  he watched with baited breath shivering as you licked at a small loose drip off your bottom lip and gulped. Definitely nervous... Or maybe you just didn't like him? That could be it! you did run from him and you flirted with Joey not him. Henry could feel a lump in his throat and felt a weight on his chest...Was that it you just didn't like him?...He hummed trying to ease the heavy feelings around him, his own anxiety starting to creep over him he clenched his jaw. No you had no reason to dislike him...You didn't know him he would just have to interact with you thats all...Make him self known then? And then? Maybe let you know he was interested...Drop hints?. He straightened up in his seat a wave of determination washed over him he tilted his head looking at Kal trying not to be creepy as shit.
"I err no thank you...I-its fine... Ive got a huge sweet tooth anyway..." he smiled you were talking, albeit quietly and stuttering but it was a start! He could work with that.
"I will have to...Err remember that for next time." He watched you spin the cup and frown slightly seeing the scribbled name on it. Shit you must think he was an ass! It wasn't your name it was his and Joeys nickname for you....Wow how could he think that was a good idea! You must think he'd forgot your actual name!
"I err me and-well that’s....Fuck" you looked at him a little sad. Yep definitely thought he'd forgot...Tinks had just stuck.
"Me err me and Joey ...well joey gave you a nick name so...it stuck I'm sorry you must think I'm a dick" you shook your head taking a deep breath closing your eyes then placed a false smile. For a self proclaimed 'non-actress' you did so effortlessly and supposedly without even knowing bottling up you feelings and slapping on a smile... He wasn't sure he liked it, faking a smile when he could tell he had upset you.
"It's fine...I don't think your a-a dick...H-how can I expect you to remember silly details like that... We did only meet once and you've got more things to worry about" 'and award to the biggest prick on set goes to drum roll...you ,you fucking ass! Fix it! Fix it now Henry! Look even Kal isn't impressed!' He quickly lent forward wanting to fix his fuck up like right fucking now!
"No! No nothing like...I mean its not a silly detail! Your name it's- y/n I know it! I know your name! Me and Joey have seen you around for a while he called you Tink's..Its after Tinkerbell!..A-a nickname just a nickname nothing meant by it!.....We called you it for so long it just stuck when we spoke about you and ....Well I thought it suited you so just sort of...Yeah.." you blinked at him then looked back to the cup.
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'Holy shit! They gave you a nickname oh my god! that’s crazy....Right focus girl see he didn't forget either he knows you knows your name!...Fuck me! life got weird quick' You bite your lip looking at him confused then glanced to the cup Tink's scribbled across it haphazardly. You smiled at it trying to fight down the building squeal of excitment, it was so sweet you it made you feel...welcome? You'd been worried that you being on the job now had put a strain on everyone. It seems as if everyone has had to work harder because of you and you felt almost...guilty like an inconvenience. Kal sat up pulling away from you then tucked his snout under your chin snorting into your chest. You moved ruffling the base of his ears lightly.
"T-Tinkerbell?" He smiled softly as you pampered Kal you must have started getting upset as Kal moved digging into you comforting you. He loved how Kal was helping you when he himself couldn't. He hissed through his teeth nervously and moved his head around slightly.
"Well...Yes Joey had seen you...And you reminded him of a fairy he just sort of started calling you Tink's you know? after Tinkerbell....It fits....Small and cute" you pressed your face back to Kal tucking your glowing cheeks. He called you cute 'aaaaahhhhhhhgggggg! Cute he. Henry-Mother-Fucking- Cavill called you cute! He thinks your fucking cute fuckingohmygod! Yes girl GET IT!...Right okay and chill woooo! Right yep done? done!'
"I...We will stop if you don't like it ...Its probably weird right?" You shook your head pulling away from his dog when you were sure you could pass the blush off as a chill or something.
"No its...Its fine...I-I just didn't think...You know cos of me you-everyone has a shit tonne more work now...Just feel like well..I don't know burden I suppose" his face dropped.
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'you what? You thought you were a burden?' He blinked forgetting all his anxieties and nerves overcome with a need to help you, you got it wrong so so wrong he is ecstatic you were now his costar! He cant wait to get going! That’s why he is here nearly forty five minutes early! So he can get to know you he gathered you must be nervous and well...He wanted to be your knight in shinning amour....Or witcher in leather doublet a it were. Everyone who was 'in the know' was just so happy that you’d decided to do this, your saving The Witcher for Christ sake! But you didn't see it like that? He moved over grasping your hand without thinking,it was only when he felt you tense he realized he was touching you but by some act of god he managed to beat down a full blown fucking melt down trying not to dwell on how soft your skin was. 'Why it is so soft?....what does she do?...Moisturizer?.....Wonder if she'd let you watch?- WOAH OKAY THERE BOY SLOW DOWN!.....But she even smells ugh fuck could just eat this woman....Henry! Stop fucking sniffing her...Shes upset and your just here being so..FUCKING ...CRINGE! Seriously!?...Now would be the time to speak cavill...I mean you are just rubbing her wrist staring ...Again.' he swallowed managing to hopefully shake away his thought before you got too creeped out by him.
"No! No don't Please don't ever feel like that...Your not a burden to me or-or Joey or anyone here! Your keeping this going if it wasn't for you we'd all be out of work...I-I am really grateful for you choosing to help...I Love this role-this project and your the one who has saved it!...I know it must be hard trying to navigate all this but please if you ever need help or anything you can come to me ....Even if its just to talk ....Promise me if you ever start thinking or ever made to feel like that come talk to me...Okay I mean that y/n you can come talk to me anytime" Henry watched seeing an array of emotions cross your eyes you were still unsure but he would help. He would be there for you if it was the last thing he did, he wanted to be a colleague, friend, someone you could come to and confide in!
He wanted you to come to him if you got overwhelmed of upset he had already been speaking about the press tour after he was trying to make sure you were never going to be  alone in interviews he wanted to protect you form the more public side that was going to be the real shock. Filming was easy you knew what you were in for but tv? Journalists and critics? Yes that was going to be... A wake up call luckily for you Henry was going to be all over you by then he hoped. When it boiled down to it he wanted to be so much more then a mentor and friend but for now he would work towards friendship and try to get one conversation over with out fucking up stuttering or blushing. You blinked and nodded slowly.
"Th-thank you for saying that-" he shook his head you didn't believe him and smiled what he hoped was sincerely.
"Its not just words I do truly mean it Tink’s...I'm here for you and so is Kal apparently" he smiled when he got you to giggled the moment of doubt truly passed as you snuggled the bear again. 'And breath...Well that went well...Fuck she is so cute with him, I should get a picture...you know to commemorate her first proper day...Would that be weird of him? Hey can I have a photo of you to keep on my phone please?..Yeah okay maybe not like that' it was sweet watching as kal quickly become your teddy bear. The pup seemed not to mind in the slightest just happy to be getting away with blue murder and get cuddles for it!. He had moved and was now resting his head on your other shoulder sitting up with his back to Henry, Kal was basically hugging you tucking your neck and shoulder under his chin to his chest.
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Henry smiled nodding cutely seemingly pleased with himself as he pulled back then. He blinked quickly as if remembering something and sat up getting his phone out he was about to speak but was cut off by the sound of the door as it opened again it was then that Holly made an appearance, you didn't even notice she had left. You smiled happy feeling better in yourself Henry's words meant something you actually believed that he meant it. It was nice to know he didn't hold anything against you for all the extra work your arrival had dumped on him.
"Haha! Here they are one wig for you sir! And for the lady!" She placed two wigs on the table in front of your respective chairs, both of which were pinned on two wig mannequin's. You placed you feet on the bar sitting up getting a groan for one Kal who was comfy.
"Oh shush you" Henry huffed a laugh as you scolded the bear. 
"Wow that’s... How'd they even do that?" Henry looked over to yours and whistled. It was sleek and very very light ah blonde you could just see a hint on lilac from the toner used giving the hair an almost ethereal look yet still a believable tone. Holly gushed
"I know right! They said they took into account your hair color now because of how it complimented your skin....Honestly it mean you wont need as much color correcting as before with the gold! And along side this these came to!" She moved producing a small pile of contact lenses boxes. You looked to her uneasy making some weird unconvincing sound.
"Oh hush love~ contacts aren't that bad! You just pop 'em in" you blinked and gave her a look.
"Yeah...pop em in your fucking eyes! That you need to see!...God they can't like slip back can they?" Henry and Holly chuckled and shaking their heads.
"No...They can't your lris is slightly bulged they sit on that bulge! I can categorical attest they do not slide back or get stuck...I promise trust me?" He tilted his head at you and you eyed the contacts 'well he has used them for a while..so he would know' you gave a slight nod
"Good I promise I won't stear you wrong! I normally wait until the hair and stuff is done and put them in just before make up, sometimes the hair on the wig can get catch them when styling and that is a bit uncomfortable especially if they move" you snapped your gaze to him
"M-Move!? B-but you- You just said they don’t!" He chuckled rubbing his hand over his neck.
"I-I well yes I did just say that...W-What I meant is they can't go to the back of your eye...But if you touch them once in they can slip just...Once their in don't touch them until you want to take them out and you will be fine" you eyed him carefully and nodded.
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Holly moved about the room quickly switching make up pallets and the woman in charge of Henry's hair and make up came in with her kit opening it ready to get started. You couldn't help but be relieved in a way to have him turn and stat a conversation with her taking the heat off you. 'AANNDD BREATH...well that wasn't to bad? Sure you used kal as a hiding spot but the good boy didn't mind' you looked to the content dog still rubbing his tummy absent minded. 'Yeah the bear was happy, soo your first real conversation with the stunningly handsome Mr Cavill wasn't to bad....But fuck he thought you were cute? Oh boy that is just fucking mind blown! There you go girl you could die right now and be one very happy woman!... And he wants to help you! And you know I do think he meant that....He is very sweet, and he got you coffee! AAAHHHGGG! Like not dinner but the man got you food...Well food it was a coffee...Still he got it for you babe! You go girl!' Your thoughts were interrupted when a cheerful Joey made an appearance at the door
"Good morning! How are we all today?" You smiled at how happy he was. He got a series of replies from grunts to 'fine how are you?' He spotted you and laughed.
"Shit Kal? Pulling the moves already? You know she's twice your age a tleast?" The dog huffed and you petted him giggling.
"Don’t listen to him boy~ you be you...such a good little pup huh? Yesh you are...And your keeping me warm huh? Little hot water bottle....Yesh you are...You an sit on my lap any time good baby~" Henry chuckled out of the side of his mouth trying not to move as his make up artist began to comb through his hair readying him for the wig.
"God don't tell him that, he would never get off if he could help it, he love his cuddles...And snout kisses its why he is holding his head like that by the way...He wants kisses" you giggled and looked at Kal who was sitting still holding his cheek near your face.
"Oh baby~ you want kisses?" You quickly moved in peppering kisses on his cheek. When you stopped you laughed as he turned to you giving kisses back. Henry smiled your laugh becoming something he was determined to hear at least once a day!
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Joey watched slyly. It seemed Henry was going to have Kal be a wing man...dog? In his journey of wooing you. He smirked he would help to! It was clear that you liked Henry ...Henry certainly liked you so it won't take to much pushing.
"So Henry...What are you doing here? Your early not meant to be here until five. " Henry froze and looked panicked and met Joeys eyes in the mirror. Joey smirked knowing full well You had heard Henry squinted at the singer giving him a 'what the fuck?' Look
."I-I wanted to make sure Tinks was okay...It is her first day...Dont want her to be in here going through the motions alone we are a team" Joey smirked 'well okay if that how you want to play'
"Thats very sweet of you!, Oh! Yes we need pictures! It is your first day Tinks!" He turned to Henry's artist who had just got the wig on. Leaning down he grasped the witchers shoulders squeezing.
"Can I brorrow him?" She smiled nodding with a chuckle Joey smiled and ushered Henry up swiping the mans phone from the side and handed it to Holly, who took it and stepped back as joey spun your chair around to face her.
"Do you mind? We need to document this, The day the witcher was saved!" You blushed as both Joey and Henry stood either side of you ,They each crouched a little placing their faces next to yours and smiled, Henry had tucked kal's head to the side so he could get a good view of you. Once the photos were snapped Joey looked at them excited.
"Wow! Henry you have to send these to me so I can tweet them!" You blushed as Henry nodded grinning then looked you his screen then to you. He could kiss Joey! Henry now had a reason to get your number, whatsapp ,face book fuck everything!
"I will send these to you...You know if you want, I mean you don't have to if Joey is tweeting them... But I could send them....Only if you want... No pressure!" Joey sighed watching the great white wolf fumble over his words still rambling. Even the other women were watching fascinated as the unshakable Henry got himself all flustered.
"You know make memories... A-along the way...You never know Tink’s could be the start of a completely new career!haha..." An awkward silence fell over the room as henry eventually trailed of with a nervous laugh. Joeys eyes fell to you, you sat dead still shocked then finally blinked snapping out of what ever thoughts were going on you were slowly blushing. You were definitely interested.
"I-I err sure you can send them to me... Here I'll give to my number..." Joey smiled nodding pleased with himself. That worked beautifully if he did say so himself. Henry sent him a thankful glance as you exchanged numbers. He turned as he had a tap on his shoulder.
"Oh god its time already? I hoped to get to know our Tink's...Oh well we can chat on set" he moved around you sitting on the other side of Henry and sat down letting his own artist begin.
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You had sat in the chair for another hour or so getting tweaked then had been ushered to change in a sectioned off little changing room. You came back out ready to see Keira for the first time. Henry and Joey stole glances at you
"Wow...Fuck you look...Wow" you smiled at Henry shyly as he kept sweeping his eyes over you seemingly awed at the final look. If you were honest it made you a little self conscious. How could it not! he was; if you squinted, kind of checking you out..In a way? you avoided eye contact willing yourself to calm down as your heart pounded away at top speed.
"What he means is you look fantastic!" You smiled unsure and pulled at the skirt of the dress, your first scene with them was a party so it was very elegant it was designed to be seductive with a swooping neckline and swirling delicate detailing over the collar  it was heavy to being made out of a heavy velvet material you were happy there wasn't any running you'd collapse in minuets.
"Th-thanks...Its heavier then I remember..." Joey smiled admiring the look."You look brilliant! Look Henry is speechless!" Henry swallowed  dryly. Fuck you looked quickly then turned away... Wow... His fantasy was nothing compared to you here in full costume... Henry shook his head remembering every detail to recall later.
"Y-you look...Better then I imagined! It-she....Your..." you flushed a little and moved past him to your seat wanting to sit down and calm yourself being in costume had brought it home you were doing this...You were going to actually be in witcher as a cast member!. You sat down taking a deep breath. You could feel the anxiety .Shit. Kal popped his head out from under Henry and glanced up at you he was still sulking.
"What puppy?! I'm sorry...I know Holly is so mean huh? making you jump down like that" He huffed again ears twitching then he heaved himself up again and sat before you tapping you with a large paw, you smoothed your hands across him somehow just petting the gentle boy was calming you down. Henry and Joey exchanged looks Kal must be picking up on your nerves.
"Yes oh I know... But don't worry we can have cuddles after okay?" You said calming considerably as you spoke to him. Henry chuckled at the exchange and Joey piped up.
"Is he being a grumpy boy?" Henry tilted his head.
"No a needy boy I think... he has got a new favorite snuggle buddy" you blushed at that and soon Kal laid down out of petting distance. All three of you were nearly done...Well you were done, you hadn't until now seen the whole get up together wardrobe and hair and make up had been separate until now. You quickly glanced up and froze wow...This new wig was definitely better now, you felt... you didn't know it was completely strange seeing someone different staring back at you in the mirror.
"Wow....Thats-this is crazy..." you leaned in turning your head this way and that moving your hand slowly to your face, Henry smiled at you.
"Yes...It's always strange the first time in character..." you nodded to him dumbly still inspecting yourself moving to run your fingers threw you 'hair'
"So fucking weird"
"And about to get a whole lot weirder! time for these bad boys~" you whined at Holly as you watched her wave the slim box holing your contacts.
"Oh? please tell me she isn't getting blue? I love the green!"Joey protest was flattering as he and Henry came closer wanting to see, you stood awkwardly twisting your hands in the sleeves of your costume. Henry smiled opening your box peeking at the color
"Hey...They're going to look amazing! Tink’s you get green look!" Joey leaned over and smiled
"Yeah and they have that nice dark ring around the outside to! really going to pop...Well come on girl get them in we have what ten minuets?" he directed his question to Holly who giggled nodding. You gulped looking at the small colored discs warily...
"How? I've never...They're safe right? wont get stuck of something?" Henry seeing another opportunity to bond with you jumped up collecting his own contacts box Joey took a step back so you could et closer and watch Henry's lesson smirking knowingly as a stupid uncharacteristic grin spread across 'Geralt's' face.
"Here look its fine...Just hold it like this...And pinch it if it folds like this..see? Like that...Then its okay if it curls out and has a lip then its inside out." You watched as he gave you a quick glance.
"I-Inside out? wh-what happens if that happens?" Henry quickly tried reassuring you.
"No! its not-it will just be uncomfortable...Nothing bad will happen or anything its just irritable....Right pick yours up like I’m doing...That's it!...See...Then hold open your eye and....Just try and pop it in...You can do it looking down or up which ever is comfy, I'm used to it so can do it standing up right....And if it moved like mine just has...Typical! just look around and....There see! easy!" Henry explained his contacts lesson well, it did seem simple he let you watch as he placed in the other contact explaining once again how to put them in as he did. You watched intently blushing each time he moved in closer so you could see.
"O-okay...So just press it and it will stick?" he nodded and you bit your lip 'come on girl...that's it just like when you do liquid eyeliner stab your eyeball with it!' you looked to you mirror and began to poke your eyes with Henry and joey watching closely commenting as you did so. One Joey pep-talk and eighteen tries later you finally got them in with a tiny round of applause ,It was actually pretty cool, your eyes popped a really bright and had a dark ring that made your iris a little larger adding to the ethereal atheistic.
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The three of you made your way out of the trailer as Geralt ,Jaskier and keira. You took a deep breath when you saw the cameras and lighting as you walked onto set.
"Fuck...shit, shit, shit" Henry and Joey slowed walking beside you patting your back. Henry wrapped an arm around you making sure you didn't bolt which you looked ready to any second, had you not been so panicked you would have clammed up under his heavy arm but it wasn’t on the top of your list of things to worry about right now. Joey followed suit holding you around your back squishing you between them and smiled down at you directing you to the frightening amount of people milling about doing various jobs.
you’d seen it all before but being behind the scenes was completely different to being in front of the camera you slowed until you was barley moving at all.
"Come on Tink’s" with his prompting Joey had in fact sped you up a little, he was stronger then he looked. You took deep breaths trying not to freak out as everyone turned looking at the new comer.
"Th-thats a lot of people.." Joey and Henry hummed in agreement
"Well its a big deal...you've been cherry picked from the assistants Tink's word has got around but everyone wants a peek.." Joey cheerful as ever chuckled into your hair as they got closer to Tomasz who was waiting for you all.
It  was when you saw the director that you really freaked trying to turn around but they two men grunted
"Oh no you don't...Come on your fine"
"I forgot my lines" Henry scoffed
"That fine we memorized them for you to, besides why do you think Tomasz made you do improv?"
"O-okay....I need the bathroom" Joey giggled still helping guide you into the huge makeshift banquet hall
"No you don't its nerves" you shook as they continued ushering you out in front of the crew
"I'm going to be sick" Henry chuckled as bad as it was he couldn't help thinking you looked pretty cute panicking like this trying desperately to find a way to run off and hide.
"Again that’s nerves just breath...We wont let anything happen okay? just take a deep breath...Good now out your going to be fine" you did as he had said to focused on the upcoming filming to even squeal about him looking out for you.
Finally you stopped in front of Tomasz who smiled at you kindly.
"Wow...Look at you! perfect! absolutely perfect! Ready?" You shook your head looking around it felt like everyone involved in the projects was hear to see the stand in.
"No...Not really" he laughed and shook his head at you...You were serious....didn't he think you were serious you fucking was! You didn't know whether you needed to be sick, panic ,cry or use the bathroom.
"...Why are there so many people?" He eyed the crowd
"Well you did pull this whole production from the brink of collapse...They are bound to want to see to woman who has stepped up...I'm sure everyone has told you already but this is a big deal...I don't think I have heard of someone completely untrained taking a role like this. Any way enough chit chat lets get to work shall we?" you were shaking in Keira's boots but...By way the two men still had you stuck firmly between them he knew you'd have all the support you needed, once you started it would be fine.
"Trust me you’ll do fine" he turned with a huge grin
"Places everyone! Remember camera four you start now from the top a sweeping motion left you right? good!" You gulped stomach dropping soon Henry and Joey are moving to their cue's leaving you with one final squeeze and your left on your own wondering. How the fuck did this happen again?.
You took a breath closing your eyes tight looking down collecting yourself pulling a more confident catty seductive woman from within. Unbeknown to you a hush fell over the scene as you did everyone holding their breath waiting to see if you could pull this off.
Joey smiled from beside Henry and said something but Henry didn't even hear what the man had to say, he just smirked entranced as he watched you transform before everyone about to prove to yourself and everyone in the room you could do this. Its what you did last time you closed your eyes and when you opened them you wasn't there anymore.
For anyone who understood what it was, it was incredible to watch everything changed your posture , your aura, your presence felt heavy and playful he could feel it from way over here. When your eyes opened you was a completely different person you could feel it here and now there was no y/n; you was Keira through and through. then with a slow count down the scene began.
"ACTION" you smirked holding your head high. Here we go!
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"That one insane cousin" (wip)
sooo, for some context, I wanted to do a Kaijudo (rise of the dule masters) crossover. And in order to do that, I decided that my Kaijudo Oc Ren would be distantly related to Max on his mom's side. also Twitter. anyway, these are just various parts of the 5,999 words I forced my had was forced to typ that I think are nice or funny. you may call me out if you wish I have no shame.
Forge Ferrus spit out the coffee he had been drinking and started coughing like crazy, startling the other three people in the room.
“What’s the wrong Commander?!” Kat said standing up looking at her leader concerned. Once Forge got his coughing under control he looked over the document on his phone one more time before answering.
“Steel just sent me an Email” he wheezed
“Did something happen to Max?” Berto asked quickly, pulling up the radar and footage from all around Copper Canyon to see if their boy was in trouble.
“No, Max and Steel are fine. Or well Steel is. Max, I think Max is freaking out”
“Why would the kid be fracking out? Is he or is he not okay?” Jefferson asked, taking a sip of his own cup of joe.
“Remember that school project, Max was telling us about”
“The one with the DNA swab?”
“That one, they got back the results today and Steel sent me a copy. Turns out I have a niece”
It was Jefferson’s turn to do a spit take.
@MaxMcG to @SRGC_
HelpImBlueNow: umm hi this might seem weird but my biology class is doing this genetics project, and as I was looking through the results, you just so happened to be one of them. Again I know this sounds insane, especially since I spent the better part of my day more or less tracking you down only to find this twitter acc
HelpImBlueNow: But here's the proof!
HelpImBlueNow: {File of the genetic results}
HelpImBlueNow: you don’t get to answer right away! I know this might be confusing, like I straight up freaked out when I found out so take your time in making a decision just know that I would be so down for getting to know you.
SlitherininRed: holy shiisdahvkjsdbh
SlitherininRed: sorry my friend snatched my phone earlier today, just got it back.
SlitherininRed: uhh ok this is intense…
SlitherininRed: Okay so I talked it over with my friends and family and they said I should give you a shot since you seem legit
SlitherininRed: just like know I haven't had the best luck with bio fam, the last person I met that had blood relation to me gaslit me into having a panic attack
SlitherininRed: I really hope you aren't insane
HelpImBlueNow: oh my gosh I'm so sorry I had no idea that must have sucked :( Promise I'm not insane, we well at least that insane.
SlithrininRed: oof ya it 100% did suck, still in therapy for it, no need 4u to be sorry tho not like u caused it.
SlitherininRed: and thank you for reassuring me you're not that crazy.
HelpImBlueNow: np lol, I’m Max btw Maxwell Mcgrath
SlitherininRed: Serenity Gardner, but I prefer to go by Ren lol
SlitherininRed: anyway I got work soon, wanna talk more later? I’m free around 7 pm.
HelpImBlueNow: Sure! I'm down 7’s good, just know my mom and uncle might join in.
SlitherininRed: That's fine, my folks might as well
SlitherininRed: anyway gtg, talk to you later ig
HelpImBlueNow: {thumbs up emoji}
SlitherininRed @SRGC_
“If anyone asked I was on the bench”
“Even when it’s in a city that has supervillains?” Max chimed in.
“Phff rather deal with supervillains than brush up on my French honestly.”
“How was your flight,” Molly asked as the three started to walk to the exit.
“Eh, it was alright the inflight movies were garbage though, I mean seriously there’s only so much Disney one human can take”
“I find the company that Miss Gardner keeps is quite interesting”
“Phff of course you’d say that”
“Yes I would, after all, it's not every day you see a young lady make a flamethrower out of a lighter and perfume”
“For the record, Lucy isn’t an arsonist, that idiot was trying to mug us and she just reacted faster than any of us anticipated. Besides, I blame Hector for giving us all lighters”
“So you say”
“Just shut up and drive David”
“Sure thing Ryan” with that the divider slid into place.
Anywho, I have an ult versions where Ren and Max ain't related and Ren's like 25 and a detective working for N-Tech but I'm not going to post that as it's mainly a crackfic(and I want to keep it for myself) but I do have two more one of which I have yet to write but the other one I have and it's about one of my two MaxSteel Oc's CeCe. but ill post about her another time.
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
Here again! Idk what to expect of this chapter... So guess i'll read it anyways 😎
KITTY is my religion!!
"But he knew he was thinking something. Julian Blackthorn’s mind never stopped thinking." THAT MAN!!
Hljsusivs I love Jace so much! He deserves peace!! THAT FAMILY IS SUPREME!
"Lexi on the other hand, although loud and chatty, played hide and seek with her feelings. Jace wondered if it was something she had picked up from him." 🥺🥺🥺 I just want them to be happy
"They had been experiments, their lives and futures altered permanently as a result of one man’s ambition and madness." YESS. Why does no one a knowledge it???
"It always felt like it. But now Jace wondered if the comfort came from Cirenworth or the man standing in front of him." Don't be silly Jace, if course it comes from Jem!!
Dani you can just drop this chapter and make me fall in love with Jem all over again💙💙
"That's no way to talk to your great-great-great-great aunt, Herondale!" 😂😂 I love her!!
"If he moves, I move,” Can you stop being perfect for each other?? Jk, please continue :))
“The arrowhead,” Jace held out the weapon. “It’s an elf bolt.” NO SHIT! This is going to cause trouble
Okey, so hear me out, maybe, JUST MAYBE, its the Cohort, and they are doing this so shadowhunters blame seelies and that leads to a war... We know those lil shits are smart, so they COULD... but Idk tho...
Yess. The Lightwood-Bane family deserve better!!💙💙
Nooo, now I got to go do my chemistry proyect about atoms I have been procastinating about :((
Like... Ma'am I dont even remember how to make a model anymore, I havent done one in more than 5 years... Anyways, better go... 
Back again... After like 5 hours, nvm lets continue:
Magnus is not sleeping well!! *inster "see you later, hates" vine*
"I will protect you, Alec silently promised. I will protect our family." 🥺🥺
Malec looking for strenght on each other is my reason to live!!!
"Alec wasn’t sure how long he had himself." Nope, not taking that shit Alec!!!
Malec be like: Will you🥺🥺 be my buddy🥺🥺so we can🥺🥺stay together🥺🥺if they try 🥺🥺 to kill us🥺🥺??
"Selena was pretty sure she would never get caught." Wait, what?
"Not that the two of them were dating of course" and "Her…feelings for Michael grew stronger every day." 💙💙 LOVE
"By every time she tried, she remembered it wasn’t Michael’s fault." YESS. Like... Its not her fault. Sometimes you dont know better and grow up believing your parents are always right...
Michael cocked her head. “Then what am I to you, Selena?” Selena blushed and looked away. “It doesn’t matter.” (I have no other choice but ship this :))
“You’re the only thing that matters to me.” kehevfirkfbe I CANT- 💙
Its 1:34 a.m and my battery is at 14%... Yeah, I can do this, I slept more than 8 hours yesterday, so no problem :)
"He had spent the entire day in Cirenworth with Mina. She had needed him today. She had needed her best friend." 🥺🥺 I love them!!
"For a moment, when the four of them were in each other’s arms, Max felt like there was nothing in the world that could hurt them." slgeyfki this family really is the dead of me💙💙
"Max noticed Rafael was leaning on their dad heavily." I dont like this. It has something to do with Anjali... and the cure he is looking... Ugh Idk
“Uh, didn’t you try to take away your boyfriend’s immortality behind his back?” Max asked. “Touché, son,” dad muttered and buried his face in Bapak’s shoulders. (please dont do this to me, I'm supposed to be asleep😂😂)
"Rafael had left the apartment - through the fucking window!" That lil shit!!!
“Little David had a crush on Alec Lightwood.” seriously, im holding back my laugh so hard😂
”David was a human first, and a shadowhunter second." Daily reminder that David is perfect 💙
Wait, the day what??? The day you get what David??
“It’s yours if you want it.” “The necklace?” David asked and then added carefully. “Or the name?” “Yes,” Max smiled. (Oh god, oh god, I cant 💙💙)
“Mon ange,” David whispered. “What does this mean?” “It means I love you,” Max kissed his boyfriend. “It means you are my family now.” (Mavid is just so fucking beautiful!!!)
“But it’s a promise. A promise that I am yours and you are mine.” THIS IS TO BEAUTIFUL AND I JUST WANT TO SCREAM!
“David Beauchamp,” Max whispered. “Welcome to the family.” I'm literally about to scream 🥺🥺
Jsisbosbd I'm crying silently, send help!!
Ajudueje it wasnt wise to read it right now with 5% of battery!!!!
Now I got to go cause my phone is dying
I loved the chapter!! It was amazing as always💙
Loved this! Thank you 🥺
Hope your phone is recharged - and so are you 🤭💚
Also atoms are so tiny and yet cause so much chaos smh 😭😭😭
Here is a tiktok for you: Rafael @ Mavid
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eeunoia · 3 years
BTS Imagines
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Night game | Jeon Jungkook
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Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x reader
Summary: Bestfriend!Jungkook is paired with Y/n who’s a little uncompetitive so he gets a little whiny about it. We all know how competitive our maknae is so... 😏
Warning: none
Y/n walked towards the living room with a banana milk at her hand as she sipped from it from time to time. Jin tried to collect everyone at the living room since he wants to do some game for tonight’s pajama party. It was random but everyone agrees so they’re now waiting for Jin to start his mini-game program.
Jungkook sat down at the sofa and watched as Y/n entered with her banana milk. She’s chatting with Jimin, laughing at something him and her are talking about. He pouted as he gently reached for her hand and guided her beside him.
She was too busy talking with Jimin that he just followed where he pulled him. She then showed him a little soft smile and sip again at her banana milk. Jungkook eyed it and smirked at her.
“Noona give me a sip.” he said with a pouty lips. Y/n shook her head as she handed the banana milk for him to take his sip. She chuckled as he drink from it like baby. She fixed his messy hair and even parted it at the middle.
“Hair’s too long.” she mumbled and he heard her right away. His eyes went up like he’s trying to see his hair. Y/n smirked watching her bestfriend go adorable once again. It was a normal scenario for her.
She’s older than him but they seem to get along very well. They’re best of friends and very comfortable with each other.
“Do you think I should cut it?” he asked making her slowly shake her head ‘No’ and then she smiled at him.
“Nah, I like it.” it was late before she can take it back. Jungkook’s already smirking in front of her. He was obviously excited to hear that his bestfriend liked his hair. She often denies it whenever his hair suited him but today’s different.
“You like it huh?” he said with a teasing voice. She gulped and quickly looked away trying to let the topic fade away. Thankfully they both heard somebody arriving.
Jin and Yoongi entered the living room and clapped to catch all their attention. She snapped her head towards them and waited for what they’re gonna say.
“We’re gonna have small games tonight.” Jin said holding a blank card board. She chuckled finding it funny. He really went all out in being the MC because he got a blank card so that he can act that he’s reading from it.
Hoseok noticed the blank paper so he burst into laughter and even hit the person beside him. She find it funny as well so she just chuckled together with the other boys.
Jin seems unbothered and even gave them a brief about the games. Y/n let out a sigh feeling tired already. The game’s not yet starting and she’s not energetic already. She hates playing games because she isn’t the competitive type. She can lose for all she cares because she hates to feel competitive.
“The winners can take the big rooms and the losers will be here at the living room’s couch!” her eyes darted over at Jin when he asked that. Since when did they agreed on making the result of the games affect the place they’ll sleep in.
“What? No! I thought we’ll just play to kill time?” she was quick enough to complain. Jin eyed her and shrugged his shoulder, a smirk was present over his lips.
“Where’s the fun in that, Y/n?” he said and she just rolled her eyes as she clicked the side of cheeks using her tongue.
“So we’ll be divided by two’s since we’re eight people.” Yoongi said.
Jungkook cheered beside her obviously getting fired up. She rolled her eyes again because of him. Her bestfriend is the complete opposite of her. He hates losing so he’s really competitive.
“Alright! Hyung’s right, noona! It’ll be fun. Whoever ends up with you will sleep in the living room!” Jungkook teased him laughing.
Jimin and Taehyung laughed together with him and teased Y/n as well. She made face at them and smack their heads for being annoying.
“Don’t be too hard to Y/n boys.” Namjoon interrupted them and smiled as he watched them tease each other.
Y/n got Jungkook headlocked but he’s still smirking, “It’s true tho. Noona is not competitive so she’ll surely let the team lose!” he announced and chuckled. He set himself free from her hold so she glared at him that only made him laughed even more.
As Jin made the other members pick the paper so they can be grouped, Jungkook smiled teasingly at Y/n before he dropped a swift kiss over her cheeks without anyone noticing.
“Just kidding, noona.” he said but she doubt if he really mean it. I mean, he still have the teasing face on.
When it’s their turn to pick, Y/n playfully pushed Jungkook but the boy didn’t even budge from his place. Everyone finished picking so it’s time to announce who’s grouped together.
Slowly the team got formed but Jungkook and Y/n still got no pair. It was only Jimin, Jungkook and Y/n who is left. Suga still don’t have a pair. Jin asked the three of them to open it at the same time that they agreed into.
Everyone was anticipating for it and waits silently until the three of them opened it all at once. Y/n have her eyes closed tightly hoping not to be paired with Jungkook because he’s really competitive and he’ll surely pushed her to do better.
The boys got so noisy viewing the result. Hoseok had his hands over his stomach laughing hardly. Jimin looked at their papers and cheered as he jumped into his Suga hyung for a hug.
“The funny thing is Jungkook ends up getting paired with Y/n!” Yoongi announced that made Y/n opened her eyes in shock. She checked her paper and then Jungkook’s.
Her shoulder fell as Jungkook bit his lips because he can’t believe he really got paired with the most uncompetitive person in the room. But he’s somewhat happy because it’s Y/n.
“Alright. It’s settled then Jungkook and Y/n will occupy the living room!” Taehyung teased since Jungkook said before that whoever got paired with her will lose.
Jungkook whined, “Aniya! (No) The game’s aren’t starting yet.” he said.
Y/n let out a loud sigh and then she sat down at the sofa feeling tired already. Jungkook turned and went straight to her.
“Noona you need to do better today so we won’t sleep at the living room’s couch.” he encourage her. Jin was already explaining what game are they playing but they’re not listening.
Y/n furrowed her brows, “Are you pressuring me?” she asked sounding a bit upset. She knew this will happen. Jungkook’s competitive ass is showing once again. He really hates losing!
Jungkook chuckled, “Do you want to sleep here? Look, do you think I’ll fit here together with you?” he asked and even motioned the living room’s couch.
He’s exaggerating a bit, the couch is just fine. He just doesn’t want to lose.
“Jungkook-shi? Y/n-shi? Are you listening?” Jin asked when he noticed the two were too occupied with their own conversation. Jungkook turned and answered.
“Neh,” he said with a slight smile and stood up.
The first game is Palm Pushing Game. Y/n shut her eyes the moment she heard it. It’s over for her. She’ll probably let her opponent push her off balance at the first seconds of the battle.
“Noona, I’ll teach you to defense and offense.” Jungkook is now giving me those determined look. y/n showed ber poker face and crossed her arm before shaking her head no.
“Give it up already. This game is not for us.” Y/n said. He hissed a little.
“No, we can do this. You can do this.” Y/n saw his pouts in between his sentence. Jungkook is being whiny. He really wants to win.
“You don’t understand! I can’t win them with palm pushing game because I’m a girl and they’re way stronger than me.” Y/n reasoned out. Yeah she did said that she ain’t competitive and such... but it is somehow true that she can’t win them even if she tries.
Jungkook shake his head. “Exactly! You’re a girl so we’re gonna use that as our advantage.” he smirked like as if some evil plan is being plotted in his head and look at the first battle in front of them. It was between Jin and Taehyung.
“Huh?” Y/n was clueless to what he’s saying.
“They won’t push you too hard, trust me. They won’t even play aggressively otherwise they’ll end up touching your boobs.” he let out a snickered laugh.
Y/n’s eyes grew big and she hit him over the shoulder when she saw him glanced over her chest.
“What the fuck?” she cursed. Jungkook then eyed her seriously. His eyes were a bit glaring so she can’t help but to gulp.
“No cursing, noona.” he said and stood up to watch their opponent. They all laugh as Taehyung fell and got out of balance.
It was now Y/n versus Hoseok. He was smiling bright and did a small playful wave to Y/n.
“Annyeong, Y/n!” he said excitedly. Jungkook eyed as Hoseok went to his place which is in front of Y/n. She pouted at him and he just laughed.
She turned her head to look at Jungkook once. He was giving her signals like focus and to take it seriously. She pouted, she doesn’t have all the courage to win this up.
“Okay, best of three. Play fair guys.” Jin reminded them. Hoseok gets ready and so did Y/n. She can’t believe she’s playing this game.
When Jin signaled that it’s the start, Y/n was already cautious. She was just standing not doing the offense Jungkook told her to do. He let out a frustrated groan. What did he expect? Of course, he already saw this coming. You were naturally uncompetitive when it comes to this stuff.
As Hoseok attacked Y/n,she tried to dodge it which resulted from her getting off balance. She shrieked but Jungkook was quick enough to catch her.
“Hyung! Not fair. You’re too aggressive. She’s a girl.” Jungkook whined together with his cute pouty lips.
Hoseok and Taehyung were doing their lil dances and stopped when they heard Jungkook.
“Huh? I didn’t play aggressive.” Hoseok answered. It is true. He didn’t. Y/n’s just being stubborn.
Jungkook eyed her and she quickly pouted. “What?”
He let out a sigh then showed his pout at her. Y/n starred and thought that he is really serious with this game.
“Noona, can you take this seriously? Please? Just this once?” he pleaded cutely.
“Why are you being whiny, JK?” she asked the obvious. She knew the answer.
“Because I want to win.” he said.
“Do you hate it that much to sleep in the couch with me?” Jungkook’s brows furrowed at what she asked.
“No. What I said about the couch is a bluff, I don’t care about it. I just want to win.” he showed her his smirk.
She shook her head and just nodded. Maybe it won't hurt too much to try to win?
Hoseok and Y/n stood back at their places to start the game once again. Y/n followed what Jungkook told her. She tried and surprisingly won. Her eyes grew big as an unfamiliar feeling took over her system.
Jungkook cheered in happiness and did a hilarious ceremony dance in front of his hyungs. They all laugh at him because he looked so funny.
“Way to go!” Jungkook said as he dropped a kiss at her forehead.
The matches continued smoothly. Jungkook wins his games and Y/n occasionally wins hers. Jungkook eyed Y/n and smiled as he saw her trying. She looked cute with his focused eyes trying to guess which direction Jimin’s hand will go. Cham cham cham is getting her hyped up.
Jungkook kept on cheering for her and kissing her at her face from time to time. Everyone was obviously enjoying as laughters filled the whole room.
As the night fell deeper, Jin is now announcing the group with the least win. Y/n is beside Jungkook, her legs resting over his thighs as he gave her soft massages. It hurst because of the last game they played.
“The group with the least wins is...” Jin started as the boys did a drum roll. She rolled her eyes but lowkey anticipating the result.
“Jungkook and Y/n!” Jin. The boys laughed and teased them as usual. Y/n will just probably shrugged this off if its a normal day. But this is different. She can’t believe she lost even when she tried.
She looked at Jungkook and she saw him smiling bit. He didn’t look upset which is shocking since she know how he hates to lose. He looked at her and motioned her to come close to him.
She pouted and obliged. She pout even more as he locked her in his warm embrace.
“You did good today, noona.” he said with still a hint of joy through his voice.
“I told you I can’t do it! You should’ve played the last game. We could’ve won.” she said still feeling a bit sorry.
Jungkook carefully caress her back trying to comfort her. He’s not upset that they didn’t won. He’s just so happy that he saw Y/n side where she’s competitive.
“I enjoy watching you so focused so... it’s okay! We can win next time.” Jungkook comforted her and she just pouted getting sulky.
“I won’t join next time.” she said that made Jungkook chuckle.
They all went to their destined rooms and they remained at the living room. Y/n was busy being sulky to Jungkook when Jin arrived with blankets and pillows.
“Heres your pillows and blanket so you won’t be too cold. You can pull the couch and make it bigger.” He said with a smile. She thanked him as she get up because Jungkook will transform the couch into a bed-like one.
“Thanks hyung.”
Jin left them when he saw that they’re fine. Jungkook and Y/n lay down to the couch. He quickly snuggled closer to her.
“Clingy.” she said. Jungkook laughed as he nuzzle his nose at her neck.
“I’m comforting you, remember?”
Y/n rolled her eyes but a ghost smile was plastered over her lips.
“Yeah whatever.”
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We all know the Golden Maknae is very competitive. Hahahaha anyways, thank you for this request @gloryofroses19​ I hope you liked it! 🌸
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xplrerdolan · 4 years
Heheh idk if my request sent 🥺👉👈 possibly a Colby angsty fic where y/n is having a really bad day and comes home to Colby crying and he comforts her? Only if you want tho, ily Bb 🥺❤️
u sent this so long ago but here i am, trying my best to finish ONE THING while i’m working on like FIVE THINGS. anyways i love u 🥺
Every hour of the day seemed to weigh heavier on your shoulders by the time you were getting out of work. You’d been late that morning because your alarm clock had somehow managed to get unplugged, resulting in your boss’s impatient voice being the first thing you heard when you woke up. After getting ready in a panic, there was, of course, traffic on the way there, making your anxiety spike while there was nothing you could do about it.
When you’d walked into your job, you had sighed, thinking the worst of the day was over and now all you had to do was get through the day until you could go home. But, no. That’s not how things went.
Your boss chewed your ear off some more about being irresponsible and how there was no excuse for being as late as you were, despite having very valid, though unfortunate, reasons for why you’d been late. There wasn’t anything you could do but take it; as is the way with an abuse of power.
When you finally clocked in to work, you were completely swamped all day. You were grateful when your lunch break rolled around, especially since you hadn’t eaten breakfast that morning, but once again, your boss told you off. He said you didn’t get to have a lunch break that day since you were late, and that the time you’d lost during the morning could be made up during lunch.
You went back to your desk, fuming and extra irritable from being hungry. You typed away angrily, which you regretted as soon as your spacebar suddenly stopped working. Anger quickly bled into another bout of panic as you tried desperately to fix it yourself without having to tell your boss, but why would that have happened?
Facing your boss once again, you were met with more anger and unnecessary insults on your overall work performance. With each word that flew from his mouth, he chipped away at your ability to remain calm and collected, leaving you nearly at your breaking point when he sent you to request a new keyboard. You sent in the request and tried to take care of any tasks that didn’t require a keyboard.
Finally, you made it to the end of your day, feeling like a husk of the human you once were. You texted Colby that you were on your way home and that you’d be there soon. You just wanted to stop somewhere to pick up food and get home so you could just unwind for a bit. As you waited in the drive-thru line, you massaged your temples until you pulled up to the speaker.
You ordered your favorite fast-food treat, only to be told that, unfortunately, they were all out of one of the essential ingredients they needed to make your order. You couldn’t even respond, you felt so defeated. You drove away and tried to fight the heavy, suffocating lump in your throat as you made your way home. You focused completely on not letting your tears spill over; you did not want to cry. Not while you were driving, and honestly, not at all. You just wanted to be able to go home and go directly into your bed, under the covers, and sleep until the next morning.
You parked in your usual spot and kept your breathing steady as you walked through the front door of your home. Breathe in and breathe out, you coached yourself, keeping your face neutral as you removed your flats that had been digging a blister into your heel all day. You slowly made your way towards your bedroom, passing the living room as you did.
From inside, on the couch, came the cheerful greeting of your boyfriend. “Hey, babe,” he called, standing up to meet you in the hall.
You were more focused than ever on not crying. You turned and forced a tiny smile on your face, not wanting to unload all of your burdens onto him. He had such a busy life, and you knew in your heart that he had to deal with a lot more than you did on a day-to-day basis, so you didn’t want to add any more stress to his life than he already had.
Once he reached you, he put his hands on your shoulders and leaned in to give you a quick peck on the cheek. You were holding it together pretty well... until he asked, “How was your day?” with a sincere smile.
You could physically feel the fascade you were hiding behind break. Just as instantaneously as it cracked in half, you went from a tiny smile to hiccuping sobs.
Colby’s face dropped with concern, the suddenness of your tears catching him off guard. He pulled you into his arms with a wide-eyed expression on his face, trying to figure out how he could blink and miss the moments between you being seemingly okay to you being inconsolably upset. After a moment of trying to figure it out, he decided it wasn’t really that important to know—what was important was finding out what had made you upset and what he could do to help.
“Hey, it’s okay, you’re okay,” he murmured, his hand rubbing soothing circles across your back. You buried your face in his chest, not wanting to confront how terrible you were feeling despite being at the mercy of your own emotions—you had no choice but to let it out, even if you wanted to choke it all down.
“Why don’t we go to our room?”
You nodded at Colby’s suggestion, keeping your head down to hide the expression on your face. You held his hand and he let you lead him upstairs to your shared room. Walking in after you, Colby closed and locked the door to make sure you had total privacy. Before he could start to comfort you again, you were moving around the room, taking off your business casual clothes, all while you tried to explain through angry sobs as coherently as you could why you were so upset.
You furiously scrubbed the makeup off your face while you detailed the way your boss seemed to have it on his agenda to ruin your life today. You clumsily stepped into your fuzziest pair of pajama pants while you exasperatedly explained how hungry you were and how many times the day kept you from sitting down to eat. You unclipped your bra from under your shirt and threw it haphazardly across the room, landing somewhere near your laundry basket, before launching into an account of how you managed to break your keyboard and how your boss berated you for it. By the time you had finished ridding yourself of evidence that the day had even happened, you had gone through the events of your whole day, all while speaking (and often screaming) through sobs that had been contained for far too long.
Colby sat on his side of the bed, listening patiently as you got ready to relax, his expression a mix of concern and sympathy. Under the surface, he was fuming about how poorly your boss had treated you today—he wasn’t necessarily a great boss to begin with, but he really took it too far this time. However, he would save that anger for another time; you were the one who needed to let off some steam at the moment.
When you had finished recounting your day, you took a deep breath, your breathing coming out unevenly as you got out all of your anger and were left with feelings of sadness and frustration.
“Come here,” he said softly, opening his arms wide and sitting back against the pillows to allow you to cuddle into him comfortably. At his simple command, you hurried over and climbed into the bed next to him, grateful for the haven his embrace provided you.
It was hard to believe a little while ago you thought you’d be able to keep all of your emotions bottled up inside you. You continued to let everything out, not holding back on any sobs or sniffles. Colby, supportive as ever, encouraged you to stay cuddled up to him for as long as you needed. One of his arms hugged you tight against him while the other continued to caress you in a calming manner.
“I know today was really shitty and getting through it was really hard, and I’m really sorry you had to go through all that,” he began, his voice gentle and low. “But I want to remind you that you did get through it—all of it, even things that you had every right to give up on. I wouldn’t have been surprised to find out that you decided to quit on the spot as soon as your jackass of a boss even breathed near you.” He earned a tiny chuckle from you as you started to calm down. “Seriously, though, you pushed through a lot today. It would’ve been completely reasonable for you to not go into work after waking up that late, but you pushed through. I could totally understand if you told me you snapped at your boss after he chewed you out, but you pushed through. You could’ve done a lot worse than break your spacebar, and if I were in your position, I probably would’ve—but you pushed through that, too. You even kept pushing after you broke it and couldn’t get any more work done at your computer. And the fact that you didn’t set fire to that fast-food place after they couldn’t make you the only thing you wanted? Your self-control is truly admirable!”
You were giggling softly as Colby continued to compliment you on how you managed to make it through everything you had, looking up at him from where your head was laid on his chest. You could see his smile get bigger with every tiny laugh he coaxed out of you, and watching him get happier as you got happier truly made you feel a million times better. And you had to admit, he was definitely right—you had persisted through a lot that day, maybe even more than you should have.
“I’m proud of you. You’re such a strong person, and I love that about you,” he said, his voice a lot softer now. “You make me want to be strong, too.”
Your eyes were welling up again, but not from negative emotions. Instead, you were overwhelmed with gratitude and love for the man next to you. At a loss for words, you simply reached up and pressed your lips against his, letting your lips do the talking for you.
When you pulled away, you whispered, “Thank you.”
“Of course, baby. I’m glad I could help,” he smiled, pressing another kiss to your forehead.
As if your stomach could sense you were done letting out your emotions, it growled loudly, making both of you laugh. “I’ll order some food now, okay? We can stay in and watch a movie or something. Whatever you want,” Colby said, pulling out his phone to start placing an order.
“That sounds perfect,” you said, kissing his cheek before laying your head against his chest again.
It was funny, you realized, how you had imagined that Colby must’ve gone through so much worse in his daily life that you felt you definitely should be able to handle as much as you had and probably more. Yet here he was, admitting that you inspire him to be strong enough to get through his day. You nuzzled in closer, feeling extra grateful and extra humbled as that reality hit you, and you felt warmer knowing you kept each other going.
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heloflor · 3 years
As Time Passes Prologue : My Brother, part 1
AO3 link ; Prologue 1 (The Estate)
A collection of scenes from Vinnie’s early life. From his younger years as a toddler to his last years as a teen. From a life of fear to a life of uncertainty. From an abused child relying on the only good people in his life to a young adult determined to make things right for them.
TRIGGER WARNING : child abuse, violence, depression, mentions of drug and alcohol, infidelity. Basically anything that goes with messed up abusive parents. And to that regard, this fic is NOT made to romanticize abuse or mental illness ! There’s also a moment in part 2 mentioning a dystopic future with the urbanization of the world and its consequences on every species (it’s only one part and you see it coming). This also means mentions of animal abuse and LITERAL animal genocide !!
Notes : Well, this took 8 months longer than expected…
Seriously. I started working on this chapter BEFORE “The Estate”, only deciding later to start with Cav’s backstory because it makes more sense given what I intend to write for chapters 3 and 4.
Though, that chapter is very, VERY long so that also explains the delay. And even despite the size, I feel like I tried to cram in too much elements and underdeveloped some stuff as a result. Like, that whole thing could be a fic in itself if I had enough ideas to fill the holes there and there.
On a lighter note, during that “hiatus”, I read the book “Wanderers” by Chuck Wending and one interlude gave me the idea of putting dates at the beginning of each new part of the story, which is going to come in VERY HANDY for the story (also the fact that the fic is called “As Time Passes” makes it even better).
As for the chapter itself, let’s just say that, after giving an idea of what Cavendish’s life used to be, now it’s time to show Dakota’s. Though, this chapter will be much longer and goes onto basically his entire life before B.O.T.T.. There are also a lot of dark stuff (as said in the trigger warning) because apparently my brain still hasn’t gotten past that teenager need to make anything as messed up as possible.
Regarding the sibling OCs, fun fact : the idea of Dakota having older siblings came partly from Tumblr and partly from my wish to have Dakota be an uncle due to how much the guy seems to love kids (but I don’t see him have his own, for reason that will be talked about in the main fic). Then, while listening to random songs and coming up with Dakavendish animations in my head (yeah I’m THAT kind of weirdo), I ended up listening to “A Guy Like You” from Disney Hunchback and suddenly Dakota had three siblings. Then all that needed to be done was give them a personality and choose which one would have a kid. And then make them all queer because I spend too much time on the internet.
Another thing about them, to make it easier at the beginning : there are four. And for the age-gap, as an example, the fic starts with the ages being 13 (Enzo “Enzie”), 9 (Bettina “Bettie”), 5 (Donatello “Donnie”) and 3 (Viviana “Vivie”/Vincenzo “Vinnie”).
(side-note about the writing at the beginning : using the wrong pronouns for a character is MUCH harder than I thought it would be)
Btw I don’t know how to draw so instead, if you want to see how the siblings look like, I made them in Miitopia (don’t ask). Here’s the link for it (just ignore my ramblings in this...).
Also, while the idea of him having siblings comes partly from my brain, the idea of Dakota being Italian is 100% from Tumblr and AO3 with like half the Dakavendish fandom who seems to follow this headcanon. Hell, I even have an irl friend who told me Dakota gives them a European vibe while I was telling them that one of the reasons people saw him as trans was his height.
(and I guess you could say the same thing about him having heterochromia and being colorblind ; all the credit for these two ideas goes to the fandom)
Btw, despite them being Italians, the dialogue is in english. In future chapters tho, depending on the character’s POV, some dialogue will either be in Italian or in English in italics.
And fun fact : while googling Italian names to help me name these characters, I discovered that there’s an Italian name that’s “Baldassare” and this is 100% how Dakota’s siblings and nephew/nieces would call Cavendish.
And one last “””fun””” fact : the character of Enzo is partly inspired by a guy I know who, by the age of 6, was the one to wake up, dress, feed, bring to school and overall raise his 4 younger siblings. And if you’re wondering, the guy is 23 now and is doing pretty fine (much, MUCH better than the shit I plan for my OC here). And no, the name of the OC isn’t inspired by this guy. I looked up random Italian names for each sibling + Vinnie’s dead name.
Anyways, onto the fic now. Enjoy !
January 10, 2134
  The morning started with their usual routine.
Vivie was sleeping soundly, her brother Donnie by her side, until their oldest brother Enzie came to wake them up. Vivie could hear her sister Bettie grumble, not helped by Enzie urging her to get up. He would always claim that, unlike the other two, she needed to be ready early. They didn’t go to school at the same hours. First it was Bettie, then Donnie, and finally Vivie was brought to the nursery.
Enzie also went to school. Bettie once said that Enzie always turned out late because his school started before them. But Enzie always insisted to take care of them first. The older brother didn’t like letting them alone with Mamma. And, truth be told, Vivie didn’t like it either.
Once Enzie reached their bed, Donnie pretended to still be sleeping and made snoring noises. Sometimes, Vivie would do the same. Today though, she just giggled, listening to her brothers argue.
She couldn’t open her eyes. The light hurt her. So she waited for her brothers to be done, for Enzie to focus his attention to her and give her her sunglasses.
Then, the four kids sat on the beds to have their breakfast, taking out the bags hiding under their beds. Years ago, way before Vivie was born, Enzie had decided that they should all hide their fruits and snacks in the bedroom instead of in the kitchen where Mamma could take them, and the others obeyed.
Enzie was always worried about food. Even though Mamma brought enough for them to eat everyday if they shared in small portions, Enzie insisted that it was never enough, that kids like them needed more than that. He always told them that, if they found something to eat, they should eat until they were full and share if some was left. As a result, Bettie and Donnie often brought food back from their lunch at school.
As for Enzie, how he always found something for the three of them was a mystery. Vivie had heard Bettie get angry at her brother more than once, accusing him of stealing food and talking about how he was going to end up in prison. But then Enzie would show what he got her, and she would stop yelling. But Vivie could see that she was still angry, and it made her sad too. Vivie heard that prison was bad, that the people who went left for a long time.
Vivie didn’t want Enzie to go to prison.
 Who would take care of her, if Enzie was not here ?
Despite her young age, Vivie would sometimes feel bad for Enzie. He was very nice and always helped her when she was upset. But was anybody helping him ? Enzie slept on the scratchy couch in the living-room to let Bettie have her own bed. He refused to eat until his siblings ate enough. He helped Bettie with her homework before doing his. He never slept if one of them wasn’t, willing to tell as many songs and story as needed. He always went outside with them to watch over them. If one of them needed something from Mamma, he would talk to her for them.
 Vivie couldn’t talk that well yet. While she knew a few words, she was said to be behind on language. But while she couldn’t communicate, she could observe.
 When she was at the nursery, Vivie would see the other children, the other families. She was told about how a family worked.
The parents took care of the children. The parents fed the children, helped them with their homework, told them bedtime stories, watched over them, cared for them, have a bed for each one of them.
 Mamma didn’t do any of this. She never did.
 Mamma was just there, in the house, with them. Enzie told them not to talk to her. She could be dangerous when she was bothered.
And yet, she would go to them sometimes. She would go outside with them, just walking ahead as she brought Donnie and Vivie to the closest playground. She would mention them on the phone. Vivie even saw her go to Bettie’s school play once.
But the rest of the time, she would be lying down somewhere in “her side” of the house, glaring when any of her children would come close all the while holding one of those bottles Enzie completely forbid them to touch. Or she would be out of the house, especially at night, going to what Vivie supposed was her job.
So, since she was never there, Enzie took care of them.
  It wasn’t normal. It wasn’t how the other children lived. Enzie was not an adult, at least Vivie didn’t think so. Bettie said he was as much of a child as she was.
 But Vivie couldn’t do anything about it. As of right now, all she could do was finish her morning snack, brush her teeth, let Enzie dress her up and follow her older siblings as they packed for school, listening to the same instructions Enzie gave them each day : “Don’t go with any strangers.”, “Listen to your teachers.”, “Don’t get in trouble.”
 Maybe it wasn’t normal, but it was all that Vivie knew. And at the very least, she supposed it was better than nothing.
October 30, 2134
  Vivie didn’t understand how she ended up here, on the examination table of the nearest doctor. She had been in the bedroom, getting yelled at by Donnie for taking his clothes. She always liked his clothes more than her own. But when Enzie arrived to investigate the noise, a confusion happened.
Donnie complained that Vivie took his yellow shirt and his red pants. And while Vivie couldn’t lie about that, she insisted that everything she was wearing was of the same color and that Donnie was using two words that meant the same thing. While Donnie and Vivie went back and forth about colors, Enzie went to pick up a few clothes. He then quickly interrupted his younger siblings, sat Vivie down and asked her to tell him the color of each outfit.
The four years-old was confused but decided to comply. Describing blue shirts, purple costumes and pink underwear. But then, there was the color of the clothes she was wearing, a color Vivie had heard being called by three different names : yellow, red and green.
Each time the clothes would have this color, she would use one of those words randomly, getting several huffs from Donnie, making her feel like she was doing something wrong.
After a few more, the thirteen years-old asked Donnie to close the blinds and turn off every light, which the six years-old quickly did. Then, Enzie requested that his sister remove her sunglasses.
They tried his game again, leading to the same results. The girl started sniffing while twirling one temple of her sunglasses. Was there something wrong with her ? Were her eyes wrong again ? Enzie was quick to hold her and calm her down, singing her her favorite lullaby.
 Next thing Vivie knew, she was walked to the hospital by her brother. There, a doctor tried to look at her eyes with a light, leading to a lot of struggling from the young child. He then followed with a guessing game with numbers hidden inside colored circles. It was only then that the doctor explained what was wrong with her.
He called it “color-blindness”. It meant that she didn’t see colors the same way other people did, the same way her siblings did. In his explanation, the doctor mentioned how it was incredibly rare for a girl to be colorblind without any sibling or parent being colorblind as well. Enzie replied that he never questioned his parents about it. And while Mamma seemed able to see colors just fine, the teen had no idea if Papà was the same as her.
But, in any case, there was a way to partially fix this.
The doctor excused himself for a minute, letting the anxious teen and the fidgety child alone. Enzie went to sit next to his sister, who was quick to jump on his lap. He ran a finger through the toddler’s curly hair and she pressed her head against his chest. She smiled, feeling peaceful and safe in his arms.
When the doctor came back, he was holding a small pair of glasses with orange lens, along with two identical balls. Enzie stood back up and the doctor gave the plastic balls to the toddler, telling her to raise her head so that he could put the new glasses.
Once Vivie opened her eyes with the new glasses in place, she found herself squeal in surprise.
The balls in her hands, they weren’t the same color at all ! And those colors…had she even seen them before ?!
While the doctor was talking to her brother, Vivie kept putting the glasses on and off, noticing the immediate difference in colors. How could this even be ?!
But before she could ask any question, Enzie gave her the other pair of sunglasses, took her in his arms, thanked the doctor and left the office.
  Vivie seated herself in her brother’s arms, the movement from his walking slowly rocking her to sleep.
“Vivie ?”, the teen’s voice took away the fog in her mind.
“huh ?”
“Did you like seeing those colors with the new glasses ?”
“uh-huh.”, the toddler nodded.
“Do you want to have glasses like that all the time.”
“Yes !”, she replied, her head snapping away from Enzie’s shoulder.
“Then this Saturday we’ll got get you a pair. Okay ?”
“Okay !”
“Good. Now let’s go back home before Donnie or Bettie get on mamma’s nerves.”
As the teenager walked at a fast pace, a new question arose in his sister’s mind.
“Enzie ?”
“Yes ?”
“Do you…you will fall down for my new glasses ?”, the toddler asked full of worry. Bettie had told her the story of how she got her sunglasses. Apparently, she had refused to open her eyes as a baby and, everytime Enzie asked mamma to go see a doctor, she refused. She “didn’t care enough”, Bettie said. So Enzie decided to give her a reason to go, and jumped from a window, forcing mamma to bring him to the hospital, where the then-child was able to convince the doctor to help Vivie.
“Will I…oh ! Oh no, don’t worry !”, the teenager’s laugh didn’t do anything to ease Vivie’s worry. She pouted.
“Do not get hurt !”, she insisted.
“I promise you Vivie, we’re just going to go to a store. I…”, he looked away. “I can get the money for it…I mean…I’m sure mamma wouldn’t mind losing a few euros…”
“Mamma will help ? With no you falling ?”
“She will.”, Enzie assured. “And I won’t fall. Don’t worry about it, piccolina. Everything’s going to be alright.”
July 4, 2136
  Vivie was hiding in a closet. She had done it again. She had taken Donnie’s clothes.
It was something she did a lot, something she had done for a long time now.
It wasn’t that she found it fun to annoy Donnie ! She just didn’t like her clothes. Bettie had tried to get her “good-looking girl clothes” with the little money they had for it, but Vivie couldn’t care less. She only wore the same few outfits, the ones that Bettie never called “girly”. The only “girly” thing she continuously wore was a heart-shaped pink hairclip, but only because it made her sister very happy.
She didn’t want “pretty girl clothes”, she liked Donnie’s clothes more, even if they were too big for her. She actually liked the size of these clothes, as she could flap her hands with the too-long sleeves of his winter shirts.
Sometimes, when Vivie wore his clothes, Donnie would just let it go and they’ll keep playing together. But other times, like today, Donnie got upset by it. And now, the seven years-old had gone to fetch their older brother.
So Vivie stayed hidden, not wanting to face Enzie’s anger. Las time she saw him, the fifteen years-old had been with Bettie, busy doing homework. And Enzie didn’t like being interrupted by their “small and stupid arguments”, as he once put it. Especially for homework. For the last year, he had been complaining more and more about how he never had the time to just sit down and work with three noisy kids running around and needing him left and right.
Still, it didn’t take long for the child to hear the sound of his footsteps getting louder and louder as he approached.
“Vivie !”, the older brother called.
“I’m not here !”, the five years-old replied. She heard her brother sigh.
“Vivie, come out there. We need to have a talk.”
“I don’t want to !”, another sigh.
“Vivie, I’m not mad at you. Just come out. I’m not going to yell.”
“...Promise ?”
Tentatively, Vivie opened the closet’s door and caught sign of her brother. He was sitting on her and Donnie’s bed. As she opened the door a little more, he patted the space next to him.
She left the closet and went to sit on the bed. Enzie watched as the child scooted over towards him, looked at his face, scooted a little more, looked at him again and finally moved to sit on his knees.
“You want to talk ?”, Vivie asked.
The teen nodded.
“You’re not angry ?”
He shook his head. Vivie looked in front of her as she considered it. If Enzie wasn’t angry about the clothes, then why did he want to talk to her ? But her thoughts were interrupted by the fifteen years-old putting a hand in her hair, prompting his sister to snuggle against his chest.
“Polpetta ?”
“Yeah ?”
“Why do you keep stealing Donnie’s clothes ?”
“I don’t steal them.”, Vivie protested. “I wear them.”
“And why don’t you wear your clothes ? You don’t like them ?”, Enzie’s voice was calm and soft, though Vivie could still hear the sternness and tiredness his voice often carried.
The child shook her head as a reply.
“But you like Donnie’s clothes ?”
“Why do you like them more than yours ?”
Vivie had to pause to think for a moment. With her worry from earlier and the drowsiness form feeling a hand play with her hair, she found it hard to think.
“Is it because of the colors ?”, Enzie continued. “Or the size ? Or is it because you have girl clothes ?”
“Yes ! That !”, she suddenly jerked.
“You don’t like girl clothes ?”
“Nuh-uh.”, she replied.
“Why not ?”
Vivie was back to thinking. Why didn’t she like girl clothes ? She knew she didn’t like it when Bettie called them girl clothes, but why ?
“Do you want me to tell you what I think ?”, Enzie asked with a smile. Vivie looked up at his face and the teen chuckled. “I think you don’t like girl clothes because you don’t like being a girl. Do you like being a girl ?”
Yet again, Vivie looked away with a frown as she tried to concentrate. Was it true ? Did she not like being a girl ?
Vivie didn’t like her girl clothes. She didn’t like people pointing at her and saying she was a girl. And everytime Bettie wanted to play with her, Vivie would refuse. She didn’t like playing dress-up with Bettie. She preferred to play marbles or yoyo with Donnie. Even at school, she tried and liked spending time with boys more than girls, even though the largest group of boys always rejected her.
But were all these feelings because she wasn’t a girl ?
“I dunno.”, she finally replied, looking at Enzie with a pleading look, as if her brother held all the answers.
“Let me put it that way.”, the teenager continued. “If you were a boy, would you be happy about it ? Just imagine yourself as a boy. With boy clothes. A boy’s voice. A boy’s name.”
Vivie did. She could picture herself among the other boys of kindergarten. She looked like them, talked like them, belonged with them. The thought made her smile. When she opened her eyes, she bounced, looking at her brother with a smile.
“I want to be a boy !”, she exclaimed.
“Are you sure ?”
Vivie nodded excitedly.
“Alright then.”, the teen shrugged. “Polpetta-to, since you’re so eager at the thought of being a boy, how about we got get the tablet downstair to find you an actual boy’s name ? And see if you like it ?”
Vivie jumped off of Enzie’s laps and ran downstairs, leaving the room before the teenager even had the time to stand up.
    Half an hour later and the two siblings were still at the coffee table, Enzie reading through a list of names starting with the letter “v”. Vivie wanted a new name that sounded like her current one.
“Vittore ?”
“ummm. No.”
“What about Vladimir ?”
“…Maybe ?”
“We could call you Vladdie. Or Vaddie.”
“Are you even sure you want a new name ? Maybe I was wrong earlier when I said you were a boy.”
“No ! You’re not wrong ! I’m a boy ! I want a boy’s name ! Just like you and Donnie !”
“Alright then.”, the teen sighed. He mumbled something.
“huh ?”
“Nevermind. How abou-“
“What are you two doing ?”, Vivie’s head perked up at the sound of Bettie’s voice. The eleven years-old was on top of the stairs, trying to look at the tablet over Enzie’s shoulder.
“Looking for a name for our little brother over here.”, the teen replied. “Where’s Donnie ?”
“In the bedroom.”, Bettie walked down the stairs. “You know Enzie, when I complained that Vivie acts like she wants to be a boy instead of being stuck as a girl, I was joking.”
“Maybe you were but he wasn’t. At least I think.”
he…their brother… Vivie liked being called that.
“Then…it looks like I don’t have a little sister after all.”, Bettie commented with a hint of sadness in her voice. This made Vivie frown. Sh-…He didn’t want to make his sister sad.
“Maybe not,”, the oldest brother defended. “but instead, you have a great little brother.”
“I guess…”, she went to stand near Vivie, her younger brother. “So,”, she continued. “you’re looking for a boy’s name ?”
“Uh-huh !”, the child replied.
“Found anything you like yet ?”
“We’re trying.”, Enzie replied, putting his head back onto the list.
With the teen’s attention away, Bettie turned back to Vivie.
“Say, once you’re done with that, how about we go return your clothes and buy you better ones ?”
“Yes !”, Vivie jumped in his seat. That’s when he remembered the hairclip he was still wearing. He took it off and presented it to Bettie. “For you.”, he explained. “I won’t wear it now. But you like it. So you should wear it.”
Bettie smiled. “Alright. Whatever you say, patatino.”, she looked at Enzie. “Found other names ?”
“You have Vivaldo, Vidone, Vezio, Vincenzo or Vincent in English,-”
“Vincenzo ?”, for some reason, the name stuck with him. Vincenzo…
“Do you like it ?”, Bettie asked. Vivie nodded. “You want to be called Vincenzo ?”
“I think so…yeah…yes ! I want to be Vincenzo !”
“Finally !”, Enzie sighed, dropping the tablet on the table. The two younger siblings just stared at him, until he glanced back and smirked. Bettie laughed.
“Let’s go return your old clothes, Vincenzo.”, the sister said, already on the move.
“Coming !”, the youngest sibling jumped to follow but was interrupted by a hand on his shoulder. Enzie ruffled his hair with a smile.
“Hope you’re going to enjoy being a boy, Vinnie.”
    When the evening came, there was one last thing to do.
Vincenzo…Vinnie was standing in the doorway, his fingers tapping the wall as he anxiously watched Enzie walking towards Mamma. The woman was in the kitchen, making herself one of those drink Enzie prevented them to touch.
“…Claudia ?”, the teen asked.
“You know better than to bother me, Enzo.”, Mamma replied in a sharp tone without looking up from her bottle. She took a sip while Enzie seemed to gather his courage.
“It’s about-“
“Enzo.”, Mamma warned. Vinnie didn’t miss how her hand moved to the top of the bottle and he shivered, grabbing the wall. He knew exactly what mamma could do when she was angry.
“Vinnie is a boy, not a girl !”, the fifteen years-old blurted out before taking a few steps back.
Mamma turned around and glared at her son, but she didn’t make a move to hit him. Still, this didn’t make Vinnie feel any less tense.
“Vivie…Viviana. His name is Vincenzo now. He’s a boy.”, Enzie continued with a firmer voice.
Mamma’s gaze seemed to lose some of its anger, though she still gave the teen a dirty look. After a few seconds, she glanced at the child at the door and Vinnie froze. She started to make her way towards him, almost instantly followed by Enzie who ran to his little brother, holding him protectively against his chest.
Mamma ignored him, her gaze on her youngest child. Vinnie looked down, gripping Enzie’s shirt in fear.
“Very well, Vincenzo. And please make your brother understand not to bother me when I’m busy or he’ll deeply regret this.”, and with that, she went to her bedroom, bottle in hand.
Once she was out of view, Enzie let out a deep sigh of relief and let go of his brother. Vinnie continued to cling on his shirt for a moment. He started crying and buried his head in Enzie’s chest, trying to cover his sobs. The older brother ran his fingers in Vinnie’s hair in a soothing motion.
“Shhh, let it all out. It’s okay to cry.”, Vinnie kept his head where it was, though his sobs became louder. “There you go. It’s alright. Everything’s alright.”, Enzie was right, and Vinnie knew it.
 Vinnie had a new name. He had new clothes.
His siblings supported him.
Enzie told him that, if he did continue to feel like a boy, there could be a few changes for him to do once he’s older, at least if he wished to. Enzie promised he would do anything to make sure these changes happen.
But for now, they did everything that could be done.
 They talked to mamma.
Mamma had accepted him.
He was going to be alright.
As long as he stayed away from mamma, as long as he kept listening to Enzie, everything was going to be fine.
March 22, 2137
  Vinnie didn’t know what to make of Papà.
As far as the six years-old could remember, which wasn’t a lot, papà would show up from time to time starting in January. He would spend the afternoon talking to mamma, or going to her bedroom, and then he would leave.
Papà never stayed the entire night. He never showed up two days in a row.
And once spring was coming to an end, during the first days of July, he would leave and not come back for the rest of the year.
Vinnie was curious about the man. He was his papà after all ! But he never got to interact with him, never got to sit down and talk to him. He wanted to learn who he was, what he liked, why he was only here from time to time and why it was only during winter and spring…
 Vinnie had tried asking his siblings about papà, but none of them gave him a satisfying answer.
Donnie was as lost as he was. He never had an opportunity to talk to papà, always afraid to run into mamma or to have Enzie yell at him for it.
Bettie looked at Vinnie with sad eyes, told him not to go see papà, that he was dangerous. When the brother asked why, the twelve years-old refused to answer.
 As for Enzie…
Enzie didn’t like papà. He said papà was very dangerous, that he didn’t care about them, that the four kids shouldn’t waste their time with him.
Everytime the kids would stumble across him while walking through the house, papà would stop in his tracks to gaze at them with an indecipherable expression. Enzie would immediately shush his younger siblings away, all while glaring at the man. Sometimes, Vinnie would look at his papà and see him glare back at the teen.
 While Vinnie didn’t know much about his papà, since he never got to interact with him, there was at least one thing he was sure of.
 Enzie hated papà.
Papà hated Enzie.
And because of that, Enzie would never let his siblings approach him.
  But one day, Vinnie got an occasion to talk to him.
  Enzie was doing homework upstairs with Bettie. Now that the teenager was in high-school, and with the other siblings old enough to be unsupervised for a while, Enzie decided to spend more time working on his future. In the meantime, Bettie has chosen to step up and help him, looking after her younger siblings if needed.
But right now, neither of them was downstairs. Same thing for Donnie.
 That was how Vinnie found himself peeking inside the living-room where his parents were. His papà was sitting on the couch with his arms and legs stretched out, while mamma seemed to be “making herself a drink” as Bettie called it. The child crouched down at the entrance and listened as his papà talked.
“-shouldn’t be there anyways.”
“You say the same thing every single year, Pietro. And yet, you always come crawling back to me. It’s been more than ten years. Just admit you can’t help it.”
“Just like you can’t help having your load of kids ? Do you have any idea how much they cost me ?!”
“You can stop sending me money any time you want.”, Vinnie could almost hear the laugh in her voice. “But I don’t think your little family will take it very well once I go to ask them for my money.”
Papà grumbled and looked away from her. “You’re the shittiest human being I ever met, Claudia. I hope you know that.”
“You’re no better yourself. Lying and cheating at any given chance. Honestly it’s a miracle she still doesn’t suspect a thing. You two really found each other. So naïve and in denial of the truth about the world. ~ ”
As mamma kept smirking and teasing papà, the man was getting more and more angry. Vinnie could see his hands gripping on the sofa, as if trying to rip it off. This made the child tense up at the prospect of his parents fighting.
“What now ?”, mamma suddenly spat in annoyance. The two adults glanced at Vinnie, and that’s when he realized that he had been anxiously tapping on the doorway’s wall, giving himself away with his noise.
“Umm…hi…”, Vinnie said in a quiet voice, waving awkwardly. Now that he had been caught spying, he might as well show himself more. Who knew, maybe this would be his only occasion ever to talk to papà !
Mamma just huffed and went back to pour her glass, while papà kept his eyes on the child.
“This is the youngest one, right ?”, papà asked. “Viviana ?”
“Vincenzo.”, mamma corrected before Vinnie could. “Turns out your daughter was a son this whole time.”
“And you changed her-his name, without my permission ?!”
“If you have a problem with that, you can talk to Enzo about it.”
Papà looked down, teeth gritted. “This child should learn a little respect.”, he spat.
“Have fun telling him that.”, mamma replied, completely impassive.
“Why don’t you at least try to teach that boy anything ?!”
“I don’t know. Why do you suddenly care about these children ?”, she shrugged. “Besides, Enzo’s almost an adult. He’s not my problem anymore.”
“You’re going to throw him out ?”
“He intends to throw himself out.”, mamma explained. “But maybe if you give us more financial support, he would have half a mind to stay.”, she joked. Papà was not amused at all.
The man punched the couch and fell silent, looking away from the mother and son. For a few moments, Vinnie just stood there, observing the man with hesitation. He knew he should be leaving, now. If Enzie saw him there, his older brother would kill him. But right now, as he felt so close to having a moment with the older man, his curiosity to meet his father was stronger than his fear of consequences.
Eventually, Vinnie saw papà’s fists unclench. This prompted the child to try and make a move. With hope to finally have a conversation with the man, Vinnie tentatively walked to the couch. When the man didn’t move, Vinnie put a hand on his knee.
Still no reaction.
Getting more and more hopeful, the six years-old hopped on his knees. Papà still didn’t move.
Well, it seemed like Vinnie had to start the conversation.
“I…um…”, Vinnie had his hands on his own knees, opening and closing his legs awkwardly as he thought of what to say. “I’m…I’m not Vivie anymore. I’m Vinnie now.”
No response.
After a few seconds, Vinnie started wondering if maybe his siblings were right. If maybe it would be better to just let it go and leave, especially seeing the dirty look mamma was giving him. But before the child could move, something he didn’t expect happened.
 Papà put a hand on his back.
 Vinnie froze and looked up. The man still wasn’t looking at him.
Without much thinking, Vinnie pressed his face against papà’s chest. Suddenly, the hand on his back start moving, reaching his shoulder and slowly rubbing it.
Vinnie looked up as papà looked down at his face. The child smiled but his gesture wasn’t reciprocated. The older man just seemed to study his face, keeping the same neutral expression.
 Vinnie had no idea how much time wet by before papà decided to open his mouth.
“Why are you wearing those ?”, he asked, tapping the corner of Vinnie’s sunglasses.
Vinnie felt himself ready to jump in happiness. Papà was talking to him ! They were having an actual conversation ! He could learn more about him !
But instead, Vinnie did his best to stay calm, letting his only sign of excitement be the rapid movement of his legs. He really didn’t want to ruin the moment.
Besides, thinking of how papà had acted earlier made the child feel intimidated by the man.
“It’s..for my eyes.”, he explained. “The light is bad for my eyes. So I need to wear those. I also can’t see every color without them.”
“How did you get the money for that ?”, the man asked, glancing at mamma. “Why wasn’t I told about this ?”
“You would have known already if you spent more time here taking care of your children, since you suddenly seem to love them so much.”, she replied in a sharp tone. “Or would it be too suspicious for your dearest missus ? ~ ”
Papà didn’t replied, instead looking back at the child still in his lap. Vinnie didn’t really know what the adults were talking about, and he had a feeling it wasn’t something he was supposed to understand. If anybody were to take care of it, it would be Enzie.
 Vinnie was still in his thoughts when papà lifted his head with a finger, taking a better look at his eyes. Remembering his experience at school, Vinnie instinctively grabbed the sides of his glasses in case papà tried to remove them.
“Your eyes…”, the man commented. “They’re different colors ?”
“Uh ? Oh ! Oh yes they are !”, Vinnie was quick to reply. He smiled again, seriously wondering why Enzie was so against them talking to papà. Sure, the man was a bit scary when talking with mamma, but at least he seemed to care about his son. More than mamma at least…Or, well, when he was around at least…
“Vincenzo ?”, papà was moving a hand in front of Vinnie’s face.
“Uh ? Oh ! right ! My eyes !”, Vinnie quickly pointed to his left eye, tapping the glass. “This one is blue. And this one-“, he pointed to his right eye. “is brown. Just like yours !”, he commented with a smile.
The man fell silent again and Vinnie looked down, trying to find another thing to say.
Vinnie froze at the familiar and booming sound of his oldest brother’s voice.
Uh oh…
“Enz-“, papà tried.
Enzie ran into the room, snatched the six years-old away and walked out, all while looking at the older man with a murderous stare. Vinnie was able to give one last glance at his parents before the door closed, seeing papà stare in confusion and anger at Enzie while mamma walked towards the man with the same impassive expression, as if she had expected something like that to happen.
With the door now closed, Enzie put his attention onto the scared child.
“I…I just wanted to talk to papà…”, Vinnie sheepishly replied, his head down.
“But we were just talkin-“
Vinnie fell quiet, finding himself unable to meet his brother’s gaze. He instead focused on the underside of the shirt he was gripping on.
After a few moments, Enzie managed to regain his composure. He sighed.
“Listen, Vinnie. I know you just want to talk to papà, but that man is a bad person. I’ve seen him hurt mamma before, he’s as dangerous as she is, if not more.”, Enzie lifted Vinnie’s head. “I just want you to be safe, polpetto, alright ?”, Vinnie nodded, still avoiding Enzie’s eyes. “Good.”, Enzie kissed his forehead. “Now let’s get back upstairs, alright ? I think I can already hear Donnie calling for you. ~ ”, the teen said in a way that Vinnie knew was an attempt to light up the mood.
Enzie held Vinnie’s hand as he led him to his bedroom. Vinnie just followed in silence, stuck into his own mind.
 Enzie was a good person. He took care of Bettie, Donnie and him.
Enzie hated papà, and papà hated Enzie.
But did that really mean that papà was a bad person ?
Was there really no way he could prove that papà was better than Enzie thought ?
…Will Vinnie ever get the occasion to talk to him again ?
April 10, 2137
  Enzie and Bettie talked a lot when they were doing homework. Sometimes, Vinnie would hide behind the office’s door to listen to them.
They talked about all kinds of topics. From school to the girls Bettie liked to even Donnie and Vinnie and how annoying the brothers could be at times, making the older duo feel exhausted.
But other times, they would talk about their parents, about how they felt about them.
It was obvious that Enzie hated those kinds of talks. But at the same time, he always seemed to use Bettie’s curiosity as an occasion to tell her to avoid being around them.
Bettie mostly asked questions about the relationship between her parents and why they acted the way they did. Enzie answered as best as he could, but even he barely knew about them.
However, among the flow of questions Vinnie heard Bettie ask, one in particular stood out to him.
 Does mamma have other men in her life ? Does the four of us come from the same papà ?
 When she asked this, Bettie was mostly talking about Donnie and how different the eight years-old looked compared to his siblings.
Curious, Vinnie started to pay attention to the facial features of his family and, soon enough, the six years-old understood what his sister meant :
 Out of all of them, Donnie was the only one who didn’t look like papà at all.
 Enzie was almost a perfect replica of papà. He had the man’s square chin and nose, his thick eyebrows that were more than often furrowed, along with papà’s curly hair that, in Enzie’s case, was slowly growing past his shoulders. Vinnie wondered how much the sixteen years-old hated looking so much like the man he despised more than anyone else. The only real difference between the men was color, with Enzie having mamma’s black hair and blue eyes where papà had brown eyes and light brown hair.
Vinnie was the second closest to papà. Just like Enzie, he had his old man’s chin, nose and curly hair, though his chin wasn’t as pronounced as his oldest brother. Vinnie even had a brown eye and brown hair, even if his hair was darker than papà’s. Aside from that, the child had one blue eye, like mamma’s, and his eyebrows were not as thick as papà’s or Enzie’s.
Bettie, on the other hand, was more of a mix of her parents. While she had a square chin, it was less pronounced, like for Vinnie. She also had mamma’s smaller nose and eyebrows. For the rest, it was all papà’s. She had his brown eyes and curly hair, which she almost always tied into a bun.
Finally, there was Donnie, who couldn’t be more alike to mamma. He had her rounder head, smaller nose, thin eyebrows and her long straight raven hair that he kept in a ponytail. The only thing that made him different from her, aside from height, voice and personality, was his brown eyes that deferred from her ocean blue ones. Though, as Bettie had pointed it out, a lot of people had brown eyes. From her point of view, any man with brown eyes could be Donnie’s father.
  Vinnie never talked about it to Donnie. He didn’t feel the need to.
Even if he did wonder sometimes if they had the same father, it didn’t change the fact that Donnie was his big brother. That Donnie was his best friend and favorite playmate.
Papà or not, Vinnie loved Donnie as much as he loved Bettie and Enzie. If not more.
November 15, 2138
  Today was the day.
It was Enzie’s 18th birthday. The day everything was going to get better. The day they were finally getting away from mamma and papà !
The oldest brother had been talking about it to his siblings for months. Now that he was an adult, he could “have custody of you three instead of losing you to the system”, as he said. Vinnie wasn’t sure if he fully understood what Enzie meant. At least there was one thing he was sure of.
Enzie was trying to protect them no matter the cost. He was willing to do anything for them.
 That’s what led the four of them into a lawyer’s office.
Mamma was there with them. As far as Vinnie knew, she hadn’t shown any objections to her son’s decision and even wanted to help his case, claiming that the fastest the trial would go, the less money she would have to waste.
Mamma was sitting in one of the two chairs of the small office. Vinnie and Donnie were sharing the second one, the two oldest siblings standing between them and their mother. Vinnie was bouncing his legs, squirming a bit in his chair. Several times, Bettie gently nudged him, telling him to stand still, but he simply couldn’t do it.
He was bored.
Enzie and the lawyer were talking things Vinnie didn’t understand. And when he understood, his mind would quickly end up zoning out. He mostly thought about how papà was supposed to be here, wondering what was taking the man so long.
He wished he had his toys with him right now. Or anything else that could distract him.
  It was during a short moment of focus that Vinnie heard the footsteps coming from the hall, getting louder and louder.
The door busted open, revealing a woman the eight years-old had never met before. She had long frizzy brown hair that was slowly falling back on her shoulders after her running. As she entered the room, she pushed her glasses back onto her nose and looked around until her emerald eyes landed on mamma. She glared at the black-haired lady.
“I had to see it with my own eyes to believe it !”, the new woman said.
“Missus Dakota, I presume ?”, mamma replied. She was sitting cross-legged, her arms folded and her eyes closed, seemingly completely unfazed by what was happening. This confused Vinnie. How could she be so calm when some stranger was yelling at her ?
The child, on the other hand, was glancing in fear at the new lady. When the door had opened, he instinctively took hold of Donnie’s shirt. The ten years-old had been quick to return the gesture. Meanwhile, Bettie had gotten closer to the chair while Enzie stood between the three of them and the door, arms stretched protectively.
“To think this all went under my nose for EIGHTEEN YEARS !”, the lady continued. Vinnie’s grip on his brother’s shirt tightened. The lady was taller than mamma, somehow making her even more intimidating in the moment.
 Before mamma could reply, new footsteps could be heard outside. Despite the commotion in the room, all eyes turned towards the door. Two children peeked inside the room. They looked around the same ages as Donnie and Vinnie. But more importantly, their features looked awfully familiar to Vinnie.
Enzie was the first to react.
“Who the hell are you ?!”, he yelled, pointing at the two children. “Who are all of you and what are you doing here ?!”
Before the lady could answer, papà finally arrived, looking at her with an uncertain gaze.
“Serena, you shouldn-“, he tried gently.
“DON’T YOU TRY FINDING EXCUSES !”, the lady replied, her anger now directed towards papà. “HOW DARE YOU HIDE ME ALL THIS ?!”, she continued to yell, cutting papà everytime he was opening his mouth.
 Vinnie started feeling tears form at the corner of his eyes. He was scared. Overwhelmed. He had no idea what was happening aside from “the adults are all fighting”. So naturally, the eight years-old turned his attention towards the one new adult that was always there when he was feeling upset. He moved to sit with his chest against the chair’s back, gripping it tightly. From here, he had a good view of his eldest brother.
 Surely Enzie had the solution to all this. Surely he could make it all better.
At least, that was what Vinnie hoped.
The oldest brother was looking between the different adults in disbelief. Suddenly, he froze with a look of horror, as if he had just understood something really, really bad.
  Somehow, Enzie’s booming voice managed to quiet the fighting. The lady -Serena- looked at him in confusion for a second, until her face bared the same shocked expression as the oldest brother.
“You didn’t know…?”, her whisper was barely audible. She glanced at the rest of the siblings. “None of you did…?”, while Vinnie believed she was still angry and could blow at any instant, he felt like there was a hint of sadness in her voice. Was she feeling pity for them ? Why for ? What did Enzie meant ? With everything happening, Vinnie found himself unable to follow.
“Bettina.”, mamma suddenly interrupted. Serena’s expression immediately darkened, as if she had just remembered the other woman was in the room. “Why don’t you take your younger siblings outside ? The adults are talking, and there’s already enough shouting as it stands.”
“I…um”, Bettie glanced at Enzie. The older brother put a hand on her shoulder and Vinnie could hear him whisper “go”. “Alright. Yeah.”, she turned to the boys still on the chair. “Come on, ometti. Let’s go to that playground we saw on the way in.”
Donnie and Vinnie shared a confused look before getting down the chair. The room was deadly silent as Bettie took their hands and led them out, under the adults’ gazes.
Right before the door closed behind them, Vinnie turned around one last time, seeing the adults ready to go at it again under the confused and concerned look of the lawyer.
 He hoped Enzie would be alright…
December 3, 2138
  The case had been taken into court. There had been a trial already, during which each sibling had been asked to testify about their living conditions. The younger trio spent their entire time talking about how their oldest brother had been taking care of them for as long as they could remember.
Vinnie didn’t know how to feel about all this. He had a hard time understanding everything. But most importantly, he was getting impatient.
It was obvious that mamma was bad at taking care of them. Why couldn’t the judge see it already ? They should already be on the road by now ! The eight years-old and his brother Donnie had already started to pack. Somehow, they hoped it could make things go faster.
The whole situation had also taken a toll on Vinnie’s grades. He already had trouble at school, between barely finding the motivation to do any homework unless someone was helping him and being seen by his teachers as agitated, more so than the other kids. And now that he had to worry about where he will end up soon, Vinnie simply couldn’t help zoning out in class to think about it.
And after the first trial, it only grew worse.
His teachers had gotten angry and started punishing him for it.
 Vinnie couldn’t wait for Enzie to take them away.
 These last weeks, the older brother had been…distant. He spent all of his free-time in the office, working on his case. He only helped his siblings with basic things. Mostly food.
But more than that, the eighteen years-old had gotten more aggressive towards his parents since that day in the lawyer’s office. He couldn’t stand being downstairs if mamma was around. He was insulting them at any given chance, including during the trial they had had.
Enzie was also trying to get things to go as fast as possible. He absolutely wanted to leave before spring, before papà was around again.
Or so Vinnie thought he did.
According to Bettie, papà wasn’t going to ever come back home. At first, when the youngest brothers asked why, she refused to answer.
It had been like this ever since the day they met the lawyer. When they came back home that day, Enzie locked himself in a room, eventually letting Bettie in to tell her everything. The two then refused to explain the situation to their brothers.
 That was, until one day.
 Enzie had come back home, looking more stressed than usual. When Bettie went to ask if everything was alright, he snapped at her -something about their parents being the absolute worst-, and went to lock himself in the office. After that, Bettie had gone back to the bedroom, clearly upset by it all. And when Donnie and Vinnie asked her what Enzie meant, she told them the truth that forever changed Vinnie’s perception of his father :
 Their parents never loved them. They never wanted them. At least, not the way they were meant to be wanted.
Their mother was a drug dealer, a criminal. There wasn’t a single penny she earned honestly. Her whole life revolved around getting money through schemes.
 As it turned out, having children had been one of those schemes.
 Mamma and papà met in an alley, in the middle of the night. Mamma had been out to sell illegal substances. Papà had gotten bored being home alone. His wife, Serena Dakota, had a job that led her to leave the country between January and July. They hadn’t been married for long when mamma and papà met. Bettie said it might have been a reason for his actions.
Papà “wanted a good time”, as Bettie said. He was out to meet a few women, doing things the older sister refused to explain to her brothers.
It was while looking for those women that papà ran into mamma. And when she heard what he wanted, she decided to use the situation to her advantage.
“She held him at gunpoint.”, Bettie explained to them. “The first night, Mamma had looked to steal his phone while he was sleeping and found the wedding ring he had been hiding in his jacket. She used that to blackmail him once Enzie was on the way.”
At first, papà had been happy to spend time with mamma. But then, his wife came home and they had to stop seeing each other. A month later, mamma called him out of nowhere.
She was pregnant.
According to Bettie, this had never been papà’s plan. Mamma had promised him that she was being careful. But, as per usual, mamma lied.
Knowing the child was his, she had been able to get money from him, threatening to reveal his secret to his wife. In exchange, papà only asked for two things : being the one to name them, and being able to visit them whenever.
The money had been the reason why mamma would sometimes go out with them or make sure they had good enough clothes or even prevent any of them from dying. She had to pretend like she liked her children. She needed people to believe they were one happy family, or else someone could call child services and “take away her safest source of income”. And while papà visiting them wasn’t part of her plan, it still at least helped her hiding the reality of her parenting.
Bettie believed that papà felt bad for them. The reason why he visited wasn’t because mamma forced him to be there. Sometimes, he just wanted to see his children, make sure they were still alive and well.
 This was no excuse.
 Even with Enzie’s warryness, he had had dozens of chances to talk to them, to be there for them.
At any moment, he could have said the truth to his wife. Instead, he lied to her. He kept her in the dark and made sure she still loved him. He had children with her, children he took care of. Children he loved.
Children he had chosen the name of years before they were born. Names he made sure none of his “other kids” had.
As he was hearing the truth, Vinnie felt like his parents had just thrown one of their bottles on his body, the glass piercing through his chest. For the following hour after Bettie finished explaining, Vinnie had felt empty. He ended up lying in Bettie’s arms, completely frozen, completely unfazed by the world around him.
 Enzie was right.
 Enzie had always been right.
 Their parents were dangerous. Their parents never loved them. Their parents couldn’t care any less about them.
There was no point trying to get their attention, trying to get their affection. They were heartless. They never had the space in their hearts for him.
Vinnie was an unwanted child. They all were.
They were children born from an affair. Used by their monstrous mother to get money from their unconcerned father.
Enzie had been right all along.
From now on, Vinnie would listen to Enzie. He would listen to everything his older brother says.
Unlike his parents, Enzie loved him. Enzie wanted what was best for him.
Enzie was the only parent he needed.
March 22, 2139
  “It had been clear for a long time now that Ms. Claudia Drowssap and Mr. Pietro Dakota are not fit to take care of their biological children. However, the question of whether or not Mr. Enzo Dakota could take care of said children had yet to be answered. Today, we have chosen an answer to this question.
While we still remain uncertain of his abilities to provide for them, this court had been told that Mr. Dakota found job opportunities along with possible apartments in Napoli. Furthermore, it is painfully obvious that Mr. Dakota is incredibly attached to his siblings and had been their only anchor for most of their life. For their own well-being as well as his, we believe that separating the four of them is out of the question.
Thus, this court is ready to give its judgment. The custody of the present Bettina, Donatello and Vincenzo Dakota will be granted to their brother Mr. Enzo Dakota. Their parents, Ms. Claudia Drowssap and Mr. Pietro Dakota, will have to repair their inaptitude by paying child support for the next five years. Furthermore, Ms. Drowssap and Mr. Dakota Sr are not to be allowed to visit their children. Finally, they will not be able to keep any other child they may have in the future.
If Mr. Dakota Jr decides to file a claim for child abuse, more consequences might come their way.
This court is adjourned.”
  Vinnie couldn’t believe what he was hearing.
 They did it.
 They really did it !
 The banging of the gavel resonated across the room, announcing the end of this session. The end of their last session. Vinnie jumped out of his seat, seeing from the corner of his eyes that he wasn’t the only one. As soon as the way was cleared enough, Bettie and Donnie ran towards Enzie. The youngest sibling immediately followed suit.
They jumped into his arms, all smiles and laughs. Even after they pulled away, the happy chatter remained. Bettie congratulated Enzie excitedly while Donnie was holding onto her, pushing her back and forth. Vinnie himself was jumping in place, his fists shaking left and right in excitement.
 They were finally free ! They could finally get away from mamma and papà !
  After a few more moments of celebration, Enzie led the group outside. They had to go home and pack up. The oldest brother told them they would leave as soon as possible.
 “ENZO !”
 The siblings had barely finished walking down the stairs when they saw papà walking towards them. The man was walking fast, teeth gritted and fists clenched, looking at his oldest son with a murderous glare.
Enzie stood in front of his younger siblings, shielding them with his arms. Afraid, Vinnie went to hug Donnie. When papà was only a few steps away, the eight years-old closed his eyes. He heard the footsteps stop, followed by ruffling and a short grunt. Vinnie felt Donnie tense.
“Are you happy with yourself ?! Are you proud of what you did ?!”
Vinnie dared opening his eyes and almost gasped. Papà had grabbed Enzie by the collar.
“Because of you, I lost my wife ! I lost my home ! I might even lose my job ! All because YOU decided to get involved in MY business !”
“All I did was trying to survive !”, Enzie replied, returning papà’s glare. “I’ll never apologize for that.”
“YOU RUINED YOUR OWN LIFE !”, Enzie pushed papà away from him. The older man raised a fist but didn’t hit his son. Instead, he looked as the younger trio protectively put their hands on Enzie.
“Go.”, Bettie spoke up with a shaking voice. “Leave us alone.”
“…”, papà’s glare was now directed at the four of them. “You are all nothing but a bunch of ungrateful bastards.”, he growled.
“What should we be grateful for ?”, Vinnie surprised himself by deciding to speak. He knew he shouldn’t. Papà was dangerous, he could clearly see it right now. Enzie had been right about that, just like for anything else. And Enzie had told him never to talk to papà again.
And yet, the child couldn’t stop the words from flowing out of his mouth.
“Have you ever done anything to us ?! Have you ever cared for us ?! DO YOU EVEN LOVE US ?!”
Vinnie felt tears stream down his cheeks. He started sobbing.
“Vinnie…”, Donnie murmured. The ten years-old held his younger sibling. “shhh. It’s okay.”, he soothed. “It’s okay to cry.”, Donnie let a hand gently run into Vinnie’s hair, copying the way their oldest brother comforted them. The youngest sibling leaned into the embrace, crying into Donnie’s shirt. When he tried opening his eyes, he noticed that papà was looking away, seemingly more upset than angry after what his son said.
 Enzie was the one to break the silence.
 “You’re dead to us.”, he spat. “Don’t ever try to see us again, or they’ll be consequences. And if you don’t keep paying for support, I’ll sue for the child neglect.”, he threatened. “If you think your life is already ruined, you’re not ready for the hell I’m ready to put you through if you ever DARE try anything against us.”
The two men glared at each other for what felt like forever. Enzie’s last words kept replaying in Vinnie’s head. He wondered with dread how serious his older brother was, how far he was willing to go for them.
 Finally, after a painfully long silence, papà started to back away. He walked a certain distance, glared at his chil- at them one last time, and turned away.
Enzie snorted. “Come on.”, he told his siblings. “Let’s go home. We have a lot to do if we want to leave.”
The oldest brother started to walk away, soon followed by his sister. Donnie and Vinnie looked at each other as they pulled away from their hug, before finally following the older duo.
As he followed the group, Vinnie couldn’t help but look around him, look back at the older man.
From afar, the eight years-old noticed mamma. She was looking at the man as well.
Despite everything that had happened, she was smiling.
Note : Regarding Vinnie being trans, I’m well-aware that someone doesn’t “become” a boy, they’ve always been one. But since Vinnie is 5 when he realizes that he’s a man, the characters simplify it to “becoming a boy” so that Vinnie can understand easily.
Italian translations :
Mamma : mom
Papà : dad
Piccolina : little one (female)
Polpetto : meatball (apparently it’s a nickname for young kids/siblings)
Patatino : little potato (for some reason I love this nickname)
Ometto : little man (ometti is plural)
Piccino : tiny one
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coolkat122 · 3 years
A Little Risky~: Kakashi x Reader (AOT AU)
If you followed me on Twitter, you would be so effing surprised on HOW I got the idea for this 😂, like seriously it's a strange story.
Heads up plz do not take this seriously, thank you xD 
After some smooth talk ninjitsu that I used on my commander/secret lover~ Kakashi, the two of us snuck out in search of a titan, because I wanted to carefully try out a stupid fantasy of mine.
He of course had his complaints about it, but how could he refuse lil ol irresistible me? (Winky face), it took some time to find one that was easy enough to sneak up on and was just right.
Carefully we landed on its right shoulder with our maneuver gear and began our plan, "I can't believe that I'm doing this" Kakashi sighed as I unzipped his pants.
The clothes and maneuver gear were staying on for a quick getaway...and because I think that he looked hot in them, but when asked my response will be for a fast retreat (obvis).
Once not so lil Kakashi was out and ready to play, I started working my magic as I replied back to his comment tauntingly, "Oh don't act like this isn't a huge turn on~" 
I said while pumping and playing with his one eyed snake before licking the cutie, he moaned enjoying the attention his friend was getting as he played with my hair softly massaging it, knowing that I really enjoyed having my hair gently toyed with.
The way his fingers rubbed my head and worked it just felt so calm and relaxing, I loved how I could feel the tender love and care with each move and that it made me feel safe (even now as we were getting down and dirty on a man eating giant ass naked monster, that could kill us in an instant).
A light moan escaped my lips from the pleasure I was feeling from the head massage, which cause a little vibration to course through Kakashi jr, in return giving me another moan from my hunny bunny~
I swirled my tongue around Kakashi's dick and groped his fiiiiiiiine ass, hmm, whatever workouts he's doing are working just right for his booty, thoughit's quite a shame that I can't feel it bare.
Just one of the few drawbacks on having to keepp our clothes on I suppose... *gasp!* this also means that I can't play with his balls! Aw man, that's my favorite part, it always gets him moaning like a little bish, when I mess with those little guys (that's actually probably for the best since we have to be quiet).
Soon enough I got my lover down on his knees now that the pleasure was becoming too much for him, so he couldn't focus on standing as well as before, eventually I brought him to a climax.
"Hmm, is it just me or did you cum sooner than usual?" I playfully asked before smirking, not giving him a chance to response as I teased, "Have I gottento be too much for you, commender?~" 
I chuckled mischievously, Kakashi's free eye gleam with determination as his face took on a competitive look (what little that I could see expressed said emotion), he pushed me onto my back as he hovered over me with such a alluring dominance~ 
Another smirk grew on my face as I happily watched him tug down his mask, "Oh commender what a rare sight to bless me with today and in such a place to boot"
"Hmm, well it's highly unlikely that we are going to get caught by anyone other than a titan so it's fine(1)"  His lower face mask finally out of the way, I could now see his beauty and all its glory.
God, no matter how many times I see his face completely uncovered it feels like a first, my face heats up, my heart starts acting crazy and squeezing tightly, my whole being just feels like this weird warmth. 
I leaned up to kiss his beauty mark, before saying a selfish thought, "I really enjoy being one of the only people who gets to see your face and the only one to bare witness to all of it's expressions~" with a final lick, I leaned back to let him do his work.
Kakashi's lips held a small sincere smile from my words before moving in to my neck, kissing and biting all of my favorite spots...which is basically my whole neck, I am pretty effing sensitive (and I'm not sorry for it 😤).
"Hmm-mmm~" soft little hums of pleasure escaped my lips as I enjoyed Kakashi's kisses, his nibble and all of the ways he began touching me, those strong rough hands working their magic on my privates.
I covered my mouth as I thrusted my hips increasing the pleasure I was receiving from the massage~ soon it got to the point where I was done with the finger and just wanted the real deal.
"Kakashi, I want it~"  I whined, my words laced with want and desire, that Kakashi was about to fulfill, lining everything up, juuuust right, our lower halves met in a kiss~
Thrusting himself into the tunnels of pleasure,  both Kakashi and I moaned, I quickly covered my mouth and glanced over at the titan that we were screwing on and thank the great sage, it didn’t notice us.
I released a breath of relief as Kakashi resumed thrusting his little explorer back into my cave of wonders~ my hips moved joining him as best I can as pleasure overwhelmed me.
My arms slithered positioning themselves around Kakashi’s neck bringing him in for a kiss, our tongues dance along with one another and every now and then I got weird with it, trying to tease and toy with the man as much as I could since.
Er well, let’s just say that the excitement from fucking on a titan and plus Kakashi’s good at what he does and my brain is finding it hard to focus on being a mean little vixen that I normally am under different circumstances would be annoying the shit outta this man.
Soon I notice that this kissing wasn’t muffling the moans all to well, so I soon moved on to biting the shit out of his flesh as if I were a cannibal which succeeded in quieting my moans, but now his were a problem.
“Ah~” Kakashi cried out as I sank my teeth a bit into his nipples, the action caused him to move in a manner that brushed a sensitive area of mine in a exciting way which resulted in a leg twitch from me (plus a moan).
“Ka-wa-shi” okay I slightly messed up moaning his name with his nipple in between my teeth,but thankfully, he doesn’t have a twin or something to confuse it with other thing other than his name mispronounced.
Kakashi chuckled probably finding humor in my slip up in his name or the funny way I said it, as he continued to pump that snake into it’s hole…snake hole…shit whatever snake barrel into that’s what metaphor I am using for my vagina okay?
At some point the sex session was becoming too mind numbingly good that’s I was losing control of myself as I seemed for more pleasure, pushing Kakashi even further into me with my legs and trying to use a free arm that was fucking with his hair to lift myself a bit.
“Shit” Kakashi cursed at what I thought was from the seventh heaven he was feeling, but as he took a tight hold with one secure arm around me while using the other to maneuver us off the titan with our gear, I soon figured that that might have only been the second reason why.
The first and main reason being that a second titan had come along and tried swiping at us, but thanks to my lovers quick and alert thinking, he got us out of there just in time, so.
Now the dumbass titan only ended up hitting his dummy companion, ‘ha, suck it bish!’ I triumphantly thought as if I were the one who saved our asses.
“Okay, that’s enough fucking on titans” Kakashi said as he brought us someplace safe to properly dress up, while I whined.
“But, Kakashiiiiii” The white haired man shook his head as he gave off a stern look.
“No, that’s good enough, we did it, you now know what it’s like, so we are going back to ‘less’ dangerous kinky sex” He ordered as I crossed my arms and nodded reluctantly.
“Fine…but can we finish up back at base? I’m not quite ‘calm’ yet” Kakashi smiled with his eye as he pat my head softly.
“We’ll see” He teased, but I know that there is no way in hell, he was just going to leave me hanging, I would annoy him all day until I got my way.
I hummed, now fully dressed we set off back to base and crept back in without a soul spotting us, our little secret was safe, and I was right he wouldn’t leave me hanging…but
The fucking asshole did make me work for it…
Questioning why I am dating this ass..
Here's my twitter in case you wanna follow my dumbass 😘: mobile.twitter.com/Cool_Kat122 (if you do follow me, plz tell me, I'm kinda curious to see if I am gonna get any from here, idk why that's a curiosity of mine tho)
(1):Okay so I know that when he eats, others have seen his face, but this is an AU so let's pretend that he's even more secretive with it and tends to eat alone, cool? 
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babyybitchhh · 4 years
Thotty Thursday: Part 2
The second installment of Thotty Thursday is upon us. Rejoice, heathens!
Now, let me just say that I’m picking dudes at random while trying to keep things balanced between old shows and new ones but ... y’all really bout to notice some patterns the more we do this so I’m just gonna wait for someone to call me out tbh. 😰
FYI, I like to think of myself as an equal opportunist thirster and if a dude is hot then he’s hot. I’m not one to question this shit. But when you get right down to it I have like four types: high IQ smarty pants, dummy thicc, dad and bad boy bastard. Our next snack belongs in the last category, without question.
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He’s honestly prettier than me and that is not an exaggeration but don’t let his good looks fool you
This Arabian Nights styled dime piece has a mean streak a mile wide. Because of Reasons, ofc, but that don’t change the facts
Not only did he once punch a child in the face for no other reason than to assert his dominance (fact) he also pretended to cry in front of the person he hates most just to laugh about how they fell for his (flawlessly executed) act
He honestly may or may not have a few screws loose but that’s part of the appeal, you see. It adds a dash of spice to the meal
And you know what they say about crazy bitches in bed 😏
Full disclosure, I started reading Magi: Labyrinth of Magic before the anime aired and his name was originally translated as Judal so that’s what he’s always going to be in my mind. The official translation is Judar, and I respect that, but at the end of the day I do not know her
Judar who?
Can I also just take a moment to point out that gloriously long, thick braid he’s sporting tho
This man has hair for days and there’s just something I find incredibly attractive about that
I want to take it all down and carefully comb through it, play with it and style it again 
Really show him the attention he deserves
If he decided to suffocate me with it, well, I guess I wouldn’t complain about that either
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Now, the setting alone had my interest PIQUED right out the gate because I love Middle Eastern inspired aesthetics and I truly don’t think it’s utilized as a setting half as much as it deserves to be. It’s very beautiful imo and the anime team did a pretty good job of capturing that vibe but if I’m being honest I think the manga was better (up to a point)
However there ain’t nothing quite like seeing your man move on screen or hearing his voice with your own two ears and when I say Judal put on a show each time he showed up ... 🥵
I think I can safely say my pussy clenched whenever I got so much as a whiff of him possibly making an appearance, PHEW
He’s just so pretty and mean
My favorite combo tbh
“But why do you like mean boys so much 🤔?” You ponder aloud and my answer to that is “I don’t know. I just do.”
Judal gets my kitty purring for a variety of reasons but the biggest is probably that I can’t look at him without imagining myself as his feisty little slave girl, wearing nothing but sheer silk and delicate gold chains, completely at his mercy ...
Oops, did I say that out loud? 😳
I mean, can you really blame me when he’s running around in those baggy harem pants though?? Can you really???
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So the first thing you probably thought was: damn. This guy kinda dressed like a thot 👀
And you’re not wrong
Does he HAVE to dress like that? Strictly speaking, no. But I am definitely not complaining about his fashion choices
His titties are so close to popping out of that tiny little shirt that we’d be getting nip slips left, right and center if he had any more meat on his bones than that and trust me when I say he did that shit on purpose
This boy is SUCH a fucking tease and he loves the attention it gets him - first and foremost because he’s used to being the CENTER of attention but we’ll get more into that a little bit later
Hes just a tad 👌 narcissistic, loves to show off, definitely bipolar and is in a constant state of feeling himself so he’s hitting all his marks as far as I’m concerned
In short, he’s perpetually oozing big dick fuck boy energy and I live for it
That’s why he’s always showing up with that stank ass attitude, he knows damn well he can pull the baddest bitch around AND her man too
He’d fuck you and your boyfriend at the same time just to prove a point, that’s actually how petty he is
Honestly though I’d like to see ANYbody maintain their resolve when he’s laying on the charm and Judal’s just cruel enough to do it for shits and giggles
Probably wakes up in the middle of his sprawling imperial bed at two in the afternoon and says something like “damn, I need a little pick me up today” and then proceeds to manipulate and harass his lucky unfortunate victim of choice
He’s relentless too and will stop at absolutely nothing to get what he wants, even if that means breaking you in the process
Again, I like the challenge he represents
But also I just like a man who can make me cry 🤷‍♀️
And I don’t doubt he absolutely would. Tears probably turn him on tbh and I’m positive he’s got a bit of a yandere streak too
Are y’all seeing those patterns yet??
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So did you guys notice that wand he keeps twirling around like a goddamn baton?
He’s a magic user, or in this case a magi which means he’s literally at the top of the food chain in this universe
He’s special special
Every ounce of confidence he has is rightfully deserved and even tho he’s not the strongest per say, he IS extremely powerful and his destiny as a magi is to influence the world
That’s why he’s got such a big fucking ego
I promise these aren’t major spoilers, so you don’t have to worry about that
When he was still a (too precious for words) child, he was abducted by an evil cult so that they could manipulate him and use his powers to influence shit in a bad way. The exact details of what they did to him are hazy, but based on the snippets we did get it seems like they basically put Judal on a pedestal and raised him as if he were some kind of god or a king
I’m talking waiting on him hand and foot, giving him whatever he wanted, essentially worshiping him and using persuasive mind control magic to convince him that he’s the best thing to happen since sliced bread
And it worked
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Can you tell exactly how fucked up this kid is right now
Keep in mind here that I’m not saying his screwed up personality isn’t the result of some seriously bad mojo
Magi are supposed to be what tips the scales of fate in this setting which, generally, means for the betterment of the world and this whack ass cult pointedly steered him down a path he otherwise would not have gone
But it’s this tragic past of his that really brings the whole package together
He could be a mean pretty boy for no other reason than because he wants to and I’d still drop into a split on his cock
I like mean for the sake of mean too
It’s just that knowing what made him the way he is gives us the perfect amount of insight to truly feel sympathetic despite all the bad shit he has done and will continue to do
Personally, it makes me want to be the one to show him genuine, tender affection no matter how much he’s initially appalled by the mere suggestion so in a lot of ways it’s similar to how I feel towards Hiei
But that doesn’t mean I want him to change and start being n - 🤢 start being nice - 🤮
He’s perfect just the way he is and there’s just something about big, confident egos that gets me going like little else
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And Judal seems to truly believe he’s the greatest gift the world has ever received and he’s not wrong about that imo so yeah he definitely has an attitude problem
But that also means he’s a spoiled brat tho and he’s definitely one of those dudes who needs to be dommed on occasion to really get the full experience 👀
I am not too shy to pin him down and milk his cock for all it’s worth, that is all I’m saying fam
And can I just point out how breathtakingly gorgeous he’d look all flushed and sweaty, whimpering like a needy little bitch in heat while having his prostate relentlessly teased for hours on end?
Goodness, it suddenly got HOT in here, is that just me??? 💦
Ofc the only way that’s gonna happen is if he allows it - which I don’t see being a common occurrence - but that’s why you gotta take advantage of that shit when it does 👀
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On the topic of Judal being spoiled, I want to mention that there are actually TWO very different backdrops that I can thot around with him in, and I like that
There’s the fantasy Middle East setting ofc which I personally can’t get enough of
I’m wearing the slave girl Leiah outfit in my mind right now btw
But he also spends a lot of time in this worlds version of ancient China complete with all the dramatic robes and elegant architecture to really set the mood
He has an entire imperial palace on lock and if that doesn’t get you even a little bit horny then idk what to tell you
The royal family for the most part treats him like one of their own despite not being related in any way, if that tells you exactly how much clout he pulls in this setting, and even tho they’re essentially using him for their own gain Judal doesn’t seem to mind it one bit
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He likes being at the top and having the freedom to do whatever he wants so if that means doing a little dirty work for the Kou Empire then so be it
And I’d be lying if I said I wouldn’t be a ride or die on these little errands
Like, just imagine this pretty boy pulling up to you on his flying carpet (that’s not a joke or something I just pulled out of my ass btw) and asking if you want to come back to his crib for some fun
You say yes, because you might be a thirsty slut but you’re certainly not STUPID
And he straight up takes you to a fucking palace
Be honest with me guys, how fast do the panties come off tho?
Be real with me here
This is actually just the plot of Aladdin but with the gender roles reversed 🤣
Fr fr though, A Whole New World plays softly in the back of my mind every time I think about this dude, except it’s much darker and ... explicit 😏
But my point here is that Judal’s got basically everything he could ever possibly want so he really just needs a pretty little concubine at his side to complete the picture
And I dead ass feel like it should be ME
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When I say this man could get it ....
He is TROUBLE in its purest form and I regret nothing about my choice in fictional men
Absolutely nothing
He could honestly fuck me up seven ways to Sunday and I’d thank him for the honor
Spit on me, king. Please. I don’t need nothing else to sustain me
Unless you want to throw some of that choice dick in for free? 👀
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Lord  have MERCY
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