#seal rehabilitation
kamijoxversailles · 10 months
Hai I saw u asked in the tags what place it is in the gif of the seals with the squeegee, it looks like zeehondencentrum pieterburen! They rescue and rehabilitate seals to be released in the wild :)
Thank you so much!!!!!! 😄
I love seeing it!!! I don't follow them on social media yet, but I think I've seen the name before even so!!!
Thank you!
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Local blue robot volunteers at the wild life rehabilitation center
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casiavium · 9 months
I love every single person who sends me or tags me in seal videos we are automatically friends but if you ever send me a video of one being harmed as a joke I will never speak to you again ❤️
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todaytamilnews · 1 year
வேதாரண்யம் போதை மறுவாழ்வு மையத்திலிருந்து தப்ப முயன்றவர் கொலை: மையத்துக்கு சீல் வைப்பு | Man Who Tried to Escape Vedaranyam Drug Rehabilitation Center Killed: Center Sealed
நாகப்பட்டினம்: வேதாரண்யம் குடிபோதை சிகிச்சை மறுவாழ்வு மையத்திலிருந்து தப்ப முயன்றவர் நேற்று அடித்துக் கொலை செய்யப்பட்டார். 3 பேர் படுகாயம் அடைந்தனர். இது தொடர்பாக, மையத்தின் உரிமையாளர் உட்பட 4 பேர் கைது செய்யப்பட்டு, மையத்துக்கு சீல் வைக்கப்பட்டது. திருவாரூர் மாவட்டம் திருத்துறைப்பூண்டி வட்டம் கரையன்காடு பகுதியைச் சேர்ந்தவர் வேலாயுதம் மகன் முருகேசன்(47). மதுபோதைக்கு அடிமையான இவரை…
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tofixtheshadows · 2 months
So I've been thinking lately about how Mithrun is Kabru's dark mirror (more on that another time- it needs its own post), and I thought it interesting that one of their parallels is that they were both cared for by Milsiril, but in opposite directions. She took Kabru in as her foster after he was orphaned and tried to convince him not to become an adventurer. On the flip side, she helped rehabilitate Mithrun specifically so that he could rejoin the Canaries.
And I kept wondering: why?
For Kabru, obviously she loves him a whole lot- despite any other shortcomings in their relationship, I do believe that.
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So I get why she tries to convince him not to go dungeoning, and, failing that, at least prepares him as thoroughly as she can.
But why help Mithrun? She used to hate Mithrun, but after realizing what a secretly twisted person he was, she actually thought of him more positively (oh, Milsiril). So it wasn't as if she held the kind of grudge that might motivate her to make his already-depleted life even more miserable by sending him back to the dungeons. And it wasn't that she felt bad for him either, since she didn't visit Mithrun for the first ~20 years of his recovery.
The Adventurer's Bible says that Utaya was the impetus for Mithrun returning to the Canaries, but Milsiril is the one who made the trip to see him and tell him about it.
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Why would Milsiril work so hard to get her old coworker back into fighting fit? Why encourage him to return to such a dangerous lifestyle, when she was the one who chose not to mercy-kill him?
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That last panel is such a crazy thing to hint at and then never elaborate on. Without it we could have just thought that Milsiril wanted the Canaries' work to continue without her, even if it seemed out of character. I think some people even assume she's just a natural caretaker as a foster mom and handwave it to include nursing Mithrun too. What could Milsiril's suspicious motives be? What does she gain from Mithrun joining the Canaries that isn't an altruistic desire to see dungeons safely sealed? Feeling a sense of responsibility for the work she left behind isn't an ulterior motive.
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My theory is: Milsiril, knowing that Mithrun was empty save for the burning desire to face the demon again, wound him up like a clockwork doll and pointed him back at the dungeons.
Hoping that he'd eliminate the biggest threat to Kabru's life, before it was too late for him.
Milsiril the puppetmaster.
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yandere-daydreams · 8 months
tw - unbalanced power dynamics, prolonged imprisonment, wrongful imprisonment.
You’d gotten a key to his office, somehow.
For as much freedom as Wriothesley tried to allow the prisoners Fortress of Meropide, he couldn’t help but wonder how you pulled that little trick off. There were only two copies, one of which he wore at his waist at all hours of the day while the other remained inside a sealed vault, locked behind a code only he knew. He couldn’t begin to imagine how you’d done it, and yet, there you were, emerging at the top of the staircase that led into his only private space, toying with a small bronze key and smiling too brightly for any part of your flawless expression to be genuine. The dubiously-acquired key was slid into one of the pockets of your cover-alls, your smile gifted the company of a breathy laugh, and then, any distance he might’ve been able to keep between the two of you was closed as you clambered onto his desk, stealing what little concentration he still had away. With a sigh, he pushed his chair back, giving you his full attention. This was a familiar routine, one he didn’t have the energy to fight. It wasn’t as if his resistance had ever done much good, not when it came to you.
You spoke first, predictably. He’d never really been the instigating type. “Good morning, your grace.”
“My cigarettes,” he said, nodding towards the corner of his desk where a red-striped paper box had sat a few seconds ago. “If you’re desperate enough to steal, you would’ve tried asking nicely first.”
Rolling your eyes, you produced his missing vice and handed it back to him, but not without snagging one for yourself and stowing it away for later use. It was a minor infraction, though – nothing he couldn’t write off as the price of your visit. “You know,” he went on, leaning back in his seat. “That kind of thing can add time onto your sentence. Not all the guards are going to be as forgiving as me.”
“None of the other guards have anything worth stealing.” Your tone was light, your answer given easily. Sometimes, he tried to picture what you’d look like frowning, yelling, or worse, with pursed lips, clenched fists, tears running down your cheeks as you tried to maintain what little dignity you had left, but he always came up empty. You were good at that – knowing just how much you could show without giving yourself away entirely. If Wriothesley was a crueler man, he may have been tempted to try and take you apart himself. “And even if they did, I’d still come to you first.” His response came in the form of an unimpressed scowl, and you chuckled. “C’mon! Even your heart can’t be cold enough not to find that at least a little bit touching, boss.”
Another sigh, this one somehow more drained than the last. “It’d mean more to me if your rehabilitation seriously,” and then, tapping his leg, “But, my treasured possessions aren’t all you’re here for, right?”
It was your turn to play exasperated, now, to groan and let your head lull to the side as you lowered yourself off of the desk and onto his lap, straddling his thigh and wrapping your arms around his neck. This was part of your routine, too – his favorite part, as loathed as he’d be to ever say that out loud. Try as he might, he had yet to find anything that could compare to the way your weight rested against his, to how your body head warmed just a touch of the chill that’d seeped under his skin and settled years ago. Not many things were able to live in the fortress, not for very long, and yet, here you were, just as radiant as the day the gardes brought you in. If he’d had a more scientific mind, he might’ve thought you were worth studying.
“How long?” Your voice drew him out of his thoughts. He hummed and you repeated yourself, as well-trained as you were rebellious. “How long do I have left before I’m free to go?”
He buried his face in the crook of your neck, resting his hands on your hips. “You can’t expect me to know something like that off the top of my head, love.”
“Yes, I can.” He felt you slump against him, your fingertips brush against the nape of his neck. “When it comes to me, I can.”
He let his eyes fall shut. “I requested another six months be added to your sentence last week,” he admitted, pressing an open-mouthed kiss into your throat “Since you had yet to show any signs of lasting rehabilitation. The Iudex approved it yesterday.”
You were so soft, too – uncalloused despite the pressure of the world above, the brutality of what waited for you below. He’d let you steal as many keys as you wanted to, so long as you never hardened. “This is the third extension you’ve asked for.”
“The longest, too.” He’d let you take anything from him, so long as it meant you never left his little world. “I doubt he even revisited your case. People in the overworld don’t tend to pay attention to the finer details of what does on down here, so long as I keep the factories running.”
For a second, he could’ve sworn he felt you stiffen, could’ve sworn he felt your grin waver where it was pressed into the dip of your shoulder.
Then, you were pulling away, your smile as bright as the sun’s light where it caught on the rising tide and twice as beautiful. “You’re never going to let me go, are you?”
This time, he couldn’t help but smile back.
“Not if I can help it.”
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katsukikitten · 10 months
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You've been writing to inmates in prison for almost two years now and have helped many feel more at ease with their current situations and possible futures. So it should come to no surprise when the warden of the most notorious prison seeks out your help with a difficult inmate they can hardly contain. The task proves difficult after you receive your first letter back from Bakugou Katsuki. More infamously known as Ground Zero, and you're not so sure you can help a man this far gone.
wc 6.8k warnings: dunno but he's mean and a villain so read at your own risk. MDNI 18+ content
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You've been selected for a special project due to your credentials with previous inmates. Letters exchanged between you and other inmates have had a positive effect on their rehabilitation which is one step closer to getting them assimilated back to the normalcy of society. 
We ask that you help us by reaching out to inmate B-001174 Bakugou, Katsuki. He has not had mail correspondence nor a visitor due to his self isolation since his incarceration. We are hoping that a letter from the most well received correspondent begins to pave the way for a brighter future for B-001174. Please see the below instructions on what topics to avoid for inmate B-001174
Family members of any relation to inmate
Previous crimes by inmate or inmate's affiliates. 
Current crimes by inmate's affiliates or any such nature of crime 
Current events of any kind including natural disasters, diseases, political elections or anything of relation. 
Current hero rankings, change of status or death of any hero since incarceration December 18th 2XXX
Any mention of hero(es) who captured inmate listed as follows : Aizawa, Shouta - Eraserhead, Todoroki, Enji - Endeavor, Toshinori, Yagi - Allmight, Usagiyama, Rumi - Mirko 
Current known affiliates are listed as follows : Kirishima, Eijirou, Midoriya, Izuku, Shigaraki, Tomura and Todoroki, Touya. 
We appreciate your efforts in brightening the dull lives of inmates and hope you pick up your pen and do what you do best, change lives for the better! Please see the following attachments for instructions on how to address the letter and seal inside the pre-paid postage envelope before dropping it off at any post office.
Remember each letter will be opened and read for any sort of criminal activity before being passed along to the inmate. 
Warden of Tartarus Maximum Prison Facility
You flip the letter over and skim the instructions, the same as they always are expect this time there is an extra line to add, maximum security level ten, as if you had to notate some sort of alert to the mailroom for an extra thorough check of this particular piece of mail. You bite the inside of your lip, toeing off your kitten heels before padding over to your computer with letter in tow.  
The request comes as a surprise, mostly because they listed a specific inmate instead of your usual list of inmates who wished to receive mail but had ties cut from their own families or needed some semblance of someone on the outside to speak with. Never asking you to address some sort of conversation with someone who sounded like they didn't want to have one at all. 
Snarling your lip when you read the affiliates that you needed to avoid as if their government names gave you any idea of who they were, some of them anyway. 
Two with whom you were already exchanging letters with weekly. 
Your usual routine to wind down from work is lost to your undying hunger of who this person was. Although you had to admit Bakugou sounded eerily familiar. 
A quick search brings up his villain name,  Ground Zero, captured during a raid of some sort and he alone needed several heroes for his capture. His quirk was dangerous, explosions detonated by sparks along his forearms and palms from his sweat that contained nitroglycerin and it seemed as if his mental health was just as stable as the fuel to his quirk. 
Looking at him wrong set him off and he was powerful enough to level buildings from just a few juls of output from his intense explosions. Still curiosity killed the cat and you delved deeper. 
Wondering how Izuku, aka Deku, who was quirkless and Eijirou, aka Blood Riot who could harden his skin, which you knew from their letters, got caught up with a living, breathing nuke. 
Thankfully most of the documentation and footage involving Katsuki's arrest was released to the public with redactions and edits of course but what you needed was the raw data. 
Finding unofficially released footage from Mirko's body cam, the only surviving body cam between the pursuing heroes. It starts right in the midst of the action, sirens wailing  and people screaming in the background as the scene unfolds. Ground Zero and Mirko exchange blows evenly while Endevor tries to ambush him from behind. The hulking blonde smirks, as if he had no blind spot, swinging his large arm backward hitting Endeavor right in the mouth, hard enough it sends him flying.  Katsuki's bromine eyes flicker to what must be vantage points off camera as if searching for something. 
"Got that pesky ass four eyes on me huh? I'm hurt ya don't wanna play with me properly, hops." He dodges a kick to the chest, sliding back and it's obvious his prowess as a fighter is unmatched, even with his quirk silenced.
"Shut the fuck up. Ya talk too much."  Shifting her weight to fein a kick that he catches, pinning her thick leg between his sturdy ribs and strong arm as he wears the nastiest smile. One that Mirko wipes off quickly with a swift kick from her free foot straight to his handsome face. Turning his cheek and blood arcs from his mouth, still he does not stagger nor falter. 
He even still has her leg pinned as she stands awkwardly, back arched to him and her bunny tail twitches. The viewer can only see the ground and her free leg but the mic still very much catches what he says next and you're sure the smile he was wearing earlier comes back tenfold. 
"Careful hops, ya get any rougher with me and I'll cum." 
His laugh echoes shortly after and the sound should not cause your stomach to flip the way it does before the footage abruptly ends. 
Taking the time to scroll through a few more pictures and articles, trying to find where it all went wrong when really none of that was your business, still it killed you to know. 
And when you fail to find anything, fail to find that butterfly effect that puts his whole life askew, it does little to quell the uneasy feeling that gnaws at the pit of your stomach. If anything it fuels it yet still you rummage your desk for stationary and a pen. 
Sealing away the envelope once you were done and setting it by your purse to grab in the morning when you think you'll be braver. 
Or maybe less brave as you hesitate by the mail drop off box, your train fast approaching the outside terminal before you shove it into the slot quickly. 
Too late to take it back now. 
Besides what were the odds he'd even send one back?
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"B-001174, got mail." The guard grunts as he slips the already open letter under the cell door, finishing his rounds before the doors would open and the inmates could roam about the pod as they saw fit. 
Katsuki snarls, he didn't get mail, letters or pictures or even the cult following he once had he'd scared 'em all off. Tired of all the stupid bullshit they spewed at him, the ideals they placed on him or the words they shoved into his mouth. Worst yet were how they justified their actions, their own wrong doings in the name of Ground Zero, too pussy to even own up to their own actions. Katsuki hated that as much as he hated liars. 
Besides he didn't ask for all that shit, didn't care. He just wanted to watch the world burn. 
Wanted to set it on fire and Katsuki's philosophy was that anything was kindling. 
That everything is kindling. 
And he thinks he should just ignite the smallest spark despite the quirk "silencing" cuffs and let the letter be devoured by the heat of his palms. 
But the return address catches his eye, the name does. It's familiar in a way he can't quite place yet. Pulling the paper out of the envelope in the meantime. The first thing he notices is the faint almost perfumey smell of coconut from the paper, not from spraying the stationary but as if it were lotion rubbing across the parchment as you wrote in long looping letters, for a moment he finds the smell pleasant. His poisonous bromine eyes slide over the letter with ease. 
Dear Bakugou, 
I heard you don't get letters very often, if any, so I hope this one finds you well. The weather is warming up quickly, the cicadas are starting to scream even though it's barely June, we'll all be sweltering come August. Summer is my favorite season, do you have a favorite? Work slows down around this time and they usually grant us extra leave so we can enjoy the weather, which is quite nice. I hope you're getting to enjoy the sun as well. 
I know cooking is one of your favorite things, I can see why. It can be relaxing or make you feel good to nourish someone else. What other hobbies do you have aside from cooking? Any favorite books or authors? Maybe I can send your favorite one in! Just let me know. 
Do you have everything you need? Do you need any money for commissary? Don't hesitate to ask if you need anything at all, I'm only a letter away. 
Hope to hear from you and maybe soon I can call you Katsuki. 
Much Love
He snorts as he reads the last line and it finally dawns on him from where he knows your name. Lifting himself out of his prison cot with ease, the cheap thing groaning from his bulk as he exits his cell. Heading towards the neighboring cell that holds Deku and Riot, shoving his way into the too cramped space for the bulking men. 
"Ka-kaachan!" Izuku chirps, surprised to see the hot headed blonde out of his cell and especially surprised to see Bakugou in his own. Lingering by Izuku's half with a quirked brow, his eyes roaming until they found the hidden stack of papers. 
"Gonna grab breakfast with us?" Kirishima asks as he watches large hands snatch at the pile. Instantly Izuku stands, eyes darkening as he steps towards Katsuki.
"Put those down, Kaachan." It's that fake polite smile Izuku wears before a fight, the kind that never reaches his eyes and Bakugou doesn't heed the warning, "Please."
It's clipped and now Kirishima thinks to rise, doesn't want either of them to do solitary or to deal with the month long bickering if they do get into a physical fight. 
Katsuki looks over the letters, reading them quickly and appreciating that Izuku is meticulous enough to keep them in chronological order, each one signed off the same way. Much love. 
Such bullshit. 
Izuku shoves Bakugou when he still scowls down at the papers that also smell like coconut. Katsuki drops the letters unceremoniously and Izuku scrambles to keep them from hitting the concrete floor. Bakugou already on Kirishima's side who watches with a confused glare. 
"What are you-" But Kirishima doesn't get to say much else as Katsuki lifts the thin mattress from the metal frame to find the hidden letters. Tucked away safely as if the battle worn villain took comfort in the false words in shiny black ink. 
Same return address, same name, same bull shit sign off. 
"Katsuki!" Kirishima shoves him and the blonde hardly moves, Eijirou's skin half hardening out of habit before he tries to shove again. Katsuki hits his forearm harshly, a soft pop in warning although neither could do too much with the amount of sedation and silencing that came from the collar from around their thick throats. Izuku sans silencing cuffs, has no worries about a part of him being dulled. He was built like an ox with the metabolism of a pubescent teen despite being in his late twenties so sedatives or mood stabilizers hardly have any effect. 
Bakugou tosses the letters onto Kirishima's scratchy blanket before he scoffs. 
"Tsk, believe that bullshit?" He's rolling his eyes as he leaves the cell with nothing but the rustle of paper as they try to rehide what they act like is their dirty little secret. 
God weak hearted fools were so fucking annoying. 
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Post through the prison system could take some time, especially when it came to newer exchanges. It could be anywhere between two weeks to two months before you saw a reply from Katsuki. If you got one at all. 
But the thought of his phantom reply slips to the back of your head what with your current workload and the other correspondents so when you see a sealed envelope the prison's return address you think nothing of it. 
Not until you open it to see an open envelope with your address but instead of your name is spelled out Fake Bitch. 
Blinking furiously you pull out the letter, unfolding it quickly to let your eyes scan over the page, each word burning into your retinas.
Piece of shit, 
Such a pathetic fuckin slut, writing any and every desperate man behind bars you think is hot, hopin you'll get a conjugal visit. Already fucked everyone at surface level ya gotta try prison dick? 
Or is it worst than that?  Mommy and daddy didn't love ya enough? Didn't give ya enough attention so you look for it in anyone that'll give ya the time of day? Prey on those with no one to talk to knowing you'd get a reply out of desperation. 
Lickin knives all ya know sweetheart? Pretty fuckin scummy if ya ask me. 
Fuck off and die, 
Bakugou Katsuki 
Now you've received your fair share of mean and asshole letters but this? This was different. 
This felt personal. 
It was rule number one you'd given yourself when you were asked to start penning letters while in a shitty place yourself. 
And yet here you were breaking it for some asshat who thought the cityscape was his to destroy. 
Heart ringing in your ears as you try to calm yourself, counting your breaths until you finally could see straight. Penning up something simple yet effective telling yourself that even if he didn't reply it didn't matter. 
You drop it into the mail the next day, two weeks later the same guard is slipping another opened letter under Bakugou's cell door. A snarl to his lip, he didn't expect you to reply and if he was being honest he may have forgotten about you, still the envelope was addressed to his inmate number and no longer is his name written in your cute script. 
While you may think you know everything there is to know about life and me, I'd like to point out your position over mine. 
Last I checked I'm not miles and miles in the ground, under heavy security, among other things a civilian wouldn't be privy to. However I will put it into lame man's terms as it seems your cognitive abilities have declined. 
I'm not the one behind bars, asshole. 
Much Hate
Bakugou clicks his tongue, he was used to the insult, wore it proudly most days but he knew his first letter would go one of two ways.
One, you'd cry when you read it and never replied to him again, which was his hope or two there was a very slim chance he'd get under your skin enough you'd feel the innate need to respond and defend yourself. 
Bakugou does what he does best and burrows further under your pretty skin twirling the pen he finds in the library with ease as he takes to writing out a delicious reply. 
Mail from Tartarus normally came on Wednesday or Thursday as if someone at the facility always forgot to send it out at the beginning of the week. So it became a part of your routine to check your PO Box you set up in a prefecture over in order to preserve your safety should something ever go awry with any of your pen pals or to receive online purchases. Mail day used to be a day you looked forward to, something to help you get through the remainder of your work week but today it was a day you dreaded. 
The excitement from seeing the others' responses in the mail is overshadowed by one particular envelope that slips out of the Manila folder that all of the letters to the same correspondent were sent in to save postage. 
You should be reading Touya's letter or hell anyone else's for that matter, yet here you stood, going for that obnoxious scrawl as he still refused to spell out your name and instead gave you some horrible insult. 
Pathetic Slut
If lying to yourself by writing half ass disingenuine letters to prisoners out of pity makes ya feel like yer changing the world then by all fucking means write away sweetheart. 
Just don't be surprised when you get an asshole response from an asshole behind bars. 
Cause we both know that's what you think of all of us don'tchya? 
Bakugou Katsuki 
It shouldn't bother you, it shouldn't burrow so deep into your skin that his inky words scratch at your bones. Like his fingers could dig around in the marrow like maggots yet still it makes your cheeks heat. Makes your eyes burn from frustration and lack of blinking as your palms sweat. 
Soles of your feet burning as you walk further into your apartment to rummage through the drawers of your desk.  Uncaring how things topple over as you furiously grab for a permanent marker, pens and books scattering over the hardwood floors. 
Heart pounding as it resounds through your body like metal striking a bell. Each beat faster, harder than the last until you think your vision starts to ehb at the edges from how much hatred burns away at any of the kindness you built up over the last decade. 
Snapping the marker in half by the time you're done writing your final letter to the asshole. 
You don't read it, don't care if it makes it past screening and he never sees it at all. Shoving it into one of your personal envelopes on your desk slapping on a floral postage stamp before stomping down to the express box that sat just outside of your apartment complex. 
It takes a full week for you to calm down, another week to stop thinking about it daily, and one more week to even reply to the letters you got almost a month ago. 
An email comes in from the post office, alerting you to something being placed in your box. You hope it's the new sun dress you bought as retail therapy after a long week and an even bigger bottle of booze that you'd drained. Spending quite a pretty penny on something you didn't even really have an occasion to wear it to. 
More like a nice date, the type of dress you could dress up or down depending on what sorts of accessories you paired with it. 
Taking the train three stops past your own to head into the post office. Turning the key to your decent sized box finding within the metal your promised package. 
And on top of that a familiar manila folder with the return address to Tartarus. 
You grit your teeth, holding onto the mail harder than you should as you take those three long stops back home. Swallowing thickly as you climb your steps, the folder and plastic bag package punctured from your sharp nails as you quickly press in your seven digit key code to get into your apartment and out of the sweltering mid August air.
When your door shuts it closed off the sound of the screaming cicadas and the few crickets that lie in the green space beside your apartment as you try to force yourself to follow your nightly routine. 
Remove shoes, take off makeup, eat, shower, sleep. 
But that damn folder was burning a hole into your fingers as you go to your desk, rocking your chair side to side before you just rip it open like you'd rip off a bandaid. 
This time the letter addresses you in a new way. 
I dare you to come say that shit to my face. You fuckin better show up Saturday other wise I'll let your precious Izu and Eiji know just how much of a fake bitch ya really are. Imagine what it would do to them? Break their hearts I'm sure.  
Ya'd hate to mess with their progress wouldn't ya? 
Don't forget to wear something cute, it'd be nice to see some fat tits in my face at the very least. If a shitty woman like you even owns anything relatively sexy.
Fuck off 
Bakugou Katsuki 
You see red, breathing deeply as you re-read the letter again, who the fuck was this asshole? Black mailing you into visiting him so it wouldn't hurt your other correspondents because Bakugou was so fucking selfish. 
So black out angry you don't seem to wake up, not when you put yourself in that sleek summer sun dress that went to your mid thigh, not when you stare at your angry scowl as you apply light make up, and especially not on the hour drive and then two hour ferry ride to Tartarus. Especially not during the twenty minute descent in a cramped elevator box with a guard in front and behind you with AKs clipped to their chests, the sweltering heat seeping down this low in the ground due to body heat and poor ventilation of the prison. 
Not until the buzzer of the barred door in front of you screams its demands, that the handle was "live" and could be opened by the guard standing in the cage between the hallway that led back to freedom and the other where you could already see toxic bromine burning into your skin. 
This was a bad idea. This was a really fucking bad idea.  
You swallow thickly, it was too late to turn back now wasn't it? The door had already swung shut as the guard came closer to you for one final inspection.
"Dress is kinda short." Katsuki can overhear the guard mumble to you, can see how the guard's fingers twitch and for some reason his own do too. He watches how the guard lingers, how the man's hand press against your body and bunches up your dress as he pats you down a little too roughly. How you bite your lip when the man squeezes your ribs and under the weight of your breasts a little too roughly. 
Katsuki is starting to see red, sweat begins to collect on his brow. He hasn't even fully seen you at least not without an obstructed view but already he can tell he likes what he sees. 
Likes how the dress clings to parts of you you'd favor, the parts you want to really highlight. How the hem flusters higher with each step of your strappy flat shoes.
Loves the scowl that pinches up your cute face when the door buzzes to allow you into the room with him and another six guards. Likes how you straighten your spine as if you've gotten fresh resolve when you come in. 
Looking at him like he was trash and he smirks, like how you don't recoil from him despite how he looks now.  
Plexiglass spit guard with metal framing afixed to his face to keep more than his salvia to himself, more so to keep his gnashing teeth away from people's skin. How his throat is encircled with a thick black collar with a red light set far past stun and closer to kill that would send an electric pulse if he misbehaved but only if they could reach their remote fast enough. 
How the silver cuffs around his thick wrists chain him to the table top, thick forearms exposed from him rolling up his bright orange suit that was harsh on the eyes thanks to the flickering fluorescent lighting overhead. Soft ash blonde hair messy at the top with a self given undercut beneath, iris so bloody red it was as if he was born straight from the calf of Ares himself. 
"Hey Sweetheart." He purrs and his voice is pure sin. 
Pure fucking sin. 
Sending a jolt straight to your clit as his pretty lips curl up into a deadly smirk, showing his sharp canines. 
Bakugou can't contain the feeling of triumph that dances in his veins, purposely egging you on in his letter with the closest Saturday knowing you'd be allowed to come on such short notice. See, most visitors needed to have thorough background checks and intensive mental testing before coming to meet anyone in maximum security five hundred meters below sea level. 
But the conniving blonde knew you were special. 
Knew the warden of Tartarus favored you and would allow you to skip these precautions, especially after what that dumbass thinks you've done. In less than a month of writing to him, that damn Deku finally added Inko-san back to his visiting list, actually came to the visit and cupped her hands. Murmuring on and on that her baby boy with the wavy emerald curls was okay. Inko cried and returned every month since.
No different for Kirishima either, adding Fat Gum, who was like a father figure to him during their shared time at UA, to his visitor list. Surprisingly Taishiro came, still comes, him and Inko car pool together. 
Not even a few heartbeats pass between the two of you before you feel your tongue slicing up the sensitive skin of the roof of your mouth. Of the hard bone of your teeth. 
"Fuck. You." The words drip with sticky poison that even one of the guards behind him flinches but not Bakugou. 
No never Bakugou Katsuki, the Ground Zero himself who leveled a city for the fucking fun of it 
He smiles, both sides of his mouth curling up and it should be disturbing how much he obviously gets off on your frustration, on your hate. But it isn't, it's almost mesmerizing how he looks at you. Like you're something to triumph and conquer, something he wants to keep for himself. 
With that you turn to leave, skirt fluttering from the movement and Katsuki can see the tattoo on your upper thigh, the ink making his mouth salivate as he wonders if he can find any more you've got hidden on that fine body. 
He lunges despite the rattling chains that keep him close to the table, still he has enough leeway to grab onto your arm in one giant hand. Foolishly you try to pull free. 
"Oh come on sweetheart. I've got a whole hour of play time for this. Yer not leaving, sit down." 
His grip on you is tight, his hand big enough to engulf half of your forearm and it gets tighter still. Hot palm making your bones creak from the pressure as he smiles up at you cruelly. All you can do is glare down at him, bore all of your hate where the two of you are connected, his skin feels electric against yours. 
"Ya know, I could probably still blow your arm off." He doesn't bother to say it quietly, chuckles when you look at the quirk silencing cuffs and collar he dons, "They ain't shit against strong quirks." 
Your eyes flash, anger spiking your blood and stupidly you strike. Hand stinging as badly as the tears that come to your eyes and threaten to fall past your lash line. Clawed fingers met with the metal framing of the glass spit guard mask that covers his mouth. Still one of your claws cuts his cheeks and he howls with laughter. 
"Like I said-" He yanks you down harshly, playful tone from his voice gone as your ribs smack into the edge of the metal table, puffs of hot breath fogging the glass of his spit guard, "Sit." 
The awkward angle forces your knees to bend, settling on to the cold metal stool while his warm fingers leave blossoms of black and blue on the skin. As if returning the favor for the cut. 
"I can feel your heart pounding princess,yer pussy throbin this hard too?" He licks his lips, laughs when you lean away from him in disgust, "Ya like it. All sluts play hard to get at first." 
Your eyes flicker to the guards behind him, all six pretend not to notice, panic shoots through your veins and the realization of just how bad of a fucking idea this was settles over you harshly. Like ice water flowing from the nape of your neck.  
He follows your gaze, even cranes his head like he didn't know who was behind him and exactly where they stood. 
"Oh them? They ain't gonna do shit. They're too scared of me. Blew a guy's head off last week." He smiles and one of the guards suddenly finds the floor interesting, "Do ya know how drugged up I am right now baby? How much force these cuffs have to use to bring my quirk down to half power?" 
Choosing not to respond you let your eyes fall back on his handsome face watching it snarl as you ignore him. 
Oh he'd make you see him. 
"What cat got yer tongue now ya scared cause I'm so strong? Invincible?" Your eyes narrow as he speaks the arrogance of this man is far beyond your comprehension. 
"You bleed like every other man." He loves the way you speak, how you wield that sharp tongue. How he wants it pressed and slashing over his own as he's two fingers deep into your tight cunt, moaning into his mouth. 
He brings the thick digits of his free hand parting gift you bestowed upon him. The long thin slash as rough pads bring smeared blood into view so he can lick away the dark red beads. 
"Bloody men are usually the most dangerous, you never know if it's his or that of another's." He lets his hot thumb roll over the cut, cauterizing the small wound hoping it scars. 
Eyes widening as he blatantly uses his quirk as if there weren't armed guards behind him. You're watching his eyes closely as he does and finally you realize what he said is true. There is a dullness to them that was lacking in the raw footage you saw all those months ago. 
Then his eyes were vibrant, sharp and slicing, much more intense then the hazy glare he gives you now. It didn't make him any less of an apex predator. 
Still watching you, recording your small movements and committing your soft skin to his memory as he studies you. 
"Got a quirk?" He grunts out after a moment, after he collects whatever information he was looking for, "I wanna guess first. Manipulation?" 
He smirks at his own joke and you roll your eyes, trying to ignore how his thumb swipes at the underside of your forearm idly. How the motion twists your stomach violently with dizzying emotions. 
Rolling your eyes before you scoff an answer, "No. Besides you expect me to manipulate through what? Ink?" 
"Ya never know. Went to school with some asshole whose quirk was comic book sound effects." He leans back never letting go but now his hand is around your wrist. His fingers twitch when he looks at yours, fights the urge to roughly lace them with his own. 
"Well I don't. Manipulate I mean." You adjust in your seat, feeling uncomfortable under his scrutiny, "And I won't disclose whether I have a quirk or not." 
"Haaah? Worried I'll like it?" When you don't answer he adds, "Is it compatible with mine?" 
Slowly blinking at him trying not to read into what you think he means. He groans at your silence, the higher dosage of his morning meds finally catching up making him a little lethargic. Taking his edge off when all he wants to do is rise over the crashing wave of the pending high he can barely keep at bay and whisk you out of the depths of hell the two of you currently sit in. 
"So then what? You just used regular words to manipulate them?" He fights back a yawn. 
"Who?" Your ribs still ache from his actions earlier, it doesn't warn you like it should. 
"Don't play fuckin stupid, Sweetheart." He's lurching into your space again, hand moving back over your bruise. It makes your stomach clench when it shouldn't, especially not as the chains rattle against the metal table top, serving as a heavy reminder of the setting of this conversation. 
Still his breath comes in quick puffs as it fogs up the glass again, "Shitty hair. Deku." 
Your brows furrow for a moment, another groan from him. 
"For fucks sake." Light squeeze of your arm as he spits their names, "Fuckin nerdy ass Izuku. Eijirou."
"I can't talk about them." Looking away from his darkened eyes that flash with a fury of emotion.
"Who's stoppin ya? Them?" He tilts his head towards the guards, "I told ya-" 
"B-001174, you have five minutes left for visitation." A voice crackled over an old speaker in the visitation cell, "Please remove your hands from the guest or we will apply force." 
The small light on his collar flashes red and he just smirks, looking up, well above your head. Staring directly at the warden like he knows exactly where he stood behind the two way mirror. 
"Yea? You'll apply force? Go ahead. Nothin but a little shock t' me but t' her? She'll die warden." There is no mirth in his smirk, lips twitching as his eyes are shrouded in dark warning, "And we wouldn't want that would we?" 
The way he speaks sends a chill down your spine, the haze of whatever sedative they had him on is now gone and you're left sitting across from those vibrant radioactive eyes. Burning through the mirror to sear the warden's skin in a threat, a promise. 
A buzz rings out as the seventh guard comes in, he scrunches his nose and it makes his oddly shaped mustache twitch. 
"Miss." He grunts holding out his hand for you to take too close in your personal space for your liking. Slapping it out of your face before following your right arm down to where Katsuki held fast. Peeling off his thick digits with your finely manicured claws. 
He hisses at the loss of contact, glaring at the guard when his hands hover close and the older man is smart enough not to antagonize a literal monster. Katsuki stands suddenly, a scream comes from the bolts securing metal to metal as he rips the table out of the ground, unable to break the chains for now. 
Everyone but Bakugou in the room freezes, guns cocked and aimed at the bulking villain who rose to his full height, sticking his prison issued white shoe onto the seat he just sat on to push down roughly. Thick thigh muscles straining against the fabric of the bright orange pants. A smile to his face when the chains finally snap and he can move his hands more freely before ripping off the plexiglass spit guard letting it clink on to the ground. His large hands run through his hair as if to fix it. 
"I'm entitled to a proper fuckin good bye." He hisses at everyone in the room, they keep their guns aimed at him but make no move to pull any trigger. 
Katsuki stalks closer, a wall of muscle, broad chest and shoulders, slim waist that leads down to powerful legs and you try not to let your breath catch in your throat. 
Try not to let the big bad wolf win by letting him know just how scared you were. Over how impressive it was that he snapped reinforced titanium chains so easily. 
He's well within your arms reach now, so close heat radiates from his chest. 
"I'll see ya soon, Sweetheart." He bids you a final goodbye, waving his fingers that pop with burning caramel explosions. You're not sure why it sets you off, maybe it was the way he wore that stupid smirk on his face, maybe it was the way he demonstrated his power or his dominance in an attempt to intimidate you one last time. 
Maybe it's the way he was arrogant enough to think you'd waste six hours round trip on his ass ever again. 
Either way it makes your temper flair, burrows deep into your subdermis to scarpe at your bones one final time before you unknowingly seal your own fate. Not knowing how his body would react to your parting words. 
"There won't be a next time. I came here for one thing and that was to say fuck you." Delivered with just as much clotting venom as it was before, middle finger held high.
His smirk turns deadly, blowing out a snort as he leans closer as if to share a secret. You can smell the cheap commissary soap that clings to his skin that's starting to lose out to the rapidly building nimbus of smoking caramel that clouds the air as his lips press to your ear.  
"Don't have t'. I'll come to you." He pulls back and winks as you're guided out of the room, glare fixed on him as he stands unbothered. 
He's lying, prisoners lie all the time especially if they think they can get the upper hand. He couldn't come to you. He couldn't escape prison for starters and lastly there was no way in hell he'd ever find out where you lived.  The prison made sure of that by always including a fresh envelope with their own return address in the top left corner, you should know. You only triple checked each time you sealed away the letter, even a fourth time at the post box staring down at the address on the envelope making sure both were correct.
So fuck Bakugou Katsuki for being a dirty liar, fucking hypocrite.
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Shoving yourself into an oversized shirt after your body shower you finally get to plop down into bed. Relishing the feel of fresh sheets and blankets as you sigh deeply. It had been a long, long day and no amount of self care could get his toxic blood red eyes out of your head.
Switching on the TV to pull up some show to numb your mind with familiarity when the channel cuts out. Breaking news flashing across the screen makes your body go rigid. 
A prison break from Tartarus has occurred in the late evening hours, several high profile villains are believed to have escaped such as Shigaraki Tomura, Todoroki Touya, aka Dabi, Kirishima Eijirou aka Blood Riot,  Midoriya Izuku aka Deku and Bakugou Katsuki better known as Ground Zero. Please do not approach suspected escapees, please report any suspicious person or activities immediately. Most importantly keep all doors and windows locked at all times. I repeat do not engage with the inmates. 
A knock comes from your left, making you jump out of your skin as you fist the sheets. A cold sweat breaking out over your skin in goose flesh as your hearing rings in your ears. Unable to bring yourself to look at the sliding glass door to your balcony just yet as if you could ignore it and the cause of the sound would simply go away.
Another rapt of knuckles pulls your attention once more before you finally dare to peek to see glowing red eyes peering in. The devil himself at your door and you knew better than to let him in. 
Knew better that a locked door couldn't keep him out. 
Bromine burning in the night like ever fanned flames, orange jumpsuit obnoxiously out of place against the night sky, stained in deep burgundy red and ash grays, the same colors streaking his face before he knocks again. But this time it's in warning, hard enough to rattle the door that you both know he could rip off the track with ease.
"How- how did you?" Teeth chattering that you grit closed still refusing to give in to his tactics until he presses a small envelope against the glass. Your personal envelope with your real home address listed for return. 
Panic bubbles up your throat in a scream that dies at the back of your teeth as you sit frozen a minute longer while he gives a predatory grin, large hands pressing against the glass before his palms glow bright orange. Brighter than his jumpsuit before the glass shatters and your scream finally escapes your lungs. 
In an instant he's towering over you, palms pressing into biting shards as he cages you against the plush comforter dipping his head low so he can nose at your throat, hot palm at your ribs. Leave a searing bite pulling a strangled yelp from your soft lips that makes him laugh before his mouth is at your ear for the second time today. Finally speaking dangerously low.
"Told ya I'd see ya soon, Sweetheart."
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davidtennan-t · 4 months
Just thought you should all know there is a seal called David Tennant currently being rehabilitated at a seal sanctuary 🦭
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unorthodoxx-page · 2 months
A Tale of Spirits Status and Other Updates (Long Post)
I've gotten a lot of questions about A Tale of Spirits and its hiatus status over the past few days (months lol). I've been mulling over this post for a while now, avoiding it if I'm honest, but I've gotten to a point where even I can't avoid the writing on the wall.
So, let's start with what's holding me up. Over the last ten-eleven months, I've been dealing with a nerve issue in my wrists and hands (both, if you can believe it). Now it's nothing super serious (we haven't had any surgery talks, thank God), but it bothers me constantly throughout the day, and having an office job doesn't really help. It's crazy to go through some of these older Tumblr posts because my hands were bothering me even then, but I didn't want to admit it.
Long story short, I feel like I'm caught in this...loop of trying to heal. I'll have really good, consecutive days, and when I think I'm on the right track, something happens, and I'm pulled right back into it. It's frustrating, demoralizing, and terrifying all at once. I try not to spiral into worst-case scenarios with this whole thing, but my hands are numbing while I'm typing this. So....yeah, it's slowed my writing practically to a halt. I can bang out a couple hundred words here and there and focus on one-offs since they don't feel so...daunting, but chaptered anything mentally makes my hands twitch. My long sessions are gone at the moment and this leads me to that writing on the wall I mentioned earlier.
I don't know when A Tale of Spirit will return.
Man, that hurts to type. ATOS has been a part of my life for almost two years now. I've grown so much from this story, and my writing has evolved so much from this story. I have so much fun with ATOS. I mean, that's the point of fanfic, but I have fun with ATOS. I go back and reread parts, and I laminate past narrative choices as if those words are written in stone. I snicker while working out dialogue and really (and I mean really) let loose with action choices and experiment.
Hell, I have AUs of this AU on my drive lol. I owe a lot of my growth and confidence to ATOS. I mean, I read every comment and every Tumblr message (and I mean every comment). The support and love this story has received makes me believe that I'm not as terrible of a writer as I thought, that I might actually hack it in the literary world, so it's devastating that I can't put all my energy into this or my personal work.
To be honest, I'm still halfway in denial. I know I'm going to finish this story eventually. I love it too much, but I can finally admit that I'm not sure when that 'eventually' will be. Geez, I should've written this a while ago, but denial is a blinding thing.
I tackle writing when I can, but the nerve thing has thoroughly pulled me into a slump.
I'm going to update ATOS to say indefinite hiatus and put this same message on AO3.
I'm not saying goodbye to ATOS. I was deep in my unposted arcs before all of...this reached a peak even I couldn't ignore. I was really doing something with April, Zuko, and Suki (fun dynamic, by the way). Azula's been fun to play with, and angry, fed-up turtles have been a challenge in a half, so I want you guys to see that one day.
So, there it is. I know this is closure for some of you, and you all deserve to know what's going on with ATOS. I know this update will be a relief for some of you because now, there's no more guessing. The dreaded 'indefinite' has been typed and sealed in digital ink (dramatic, I know).
I'm going to leave it here because I don't know how to end this post. I'll be around, lurking in possible (short) one-shots and slowly chipping away at ATOS. So, until then, rest, rehabilitation, and copious amounts of books and music to listen to.
See you soon.
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mirtapersonal · 10 months
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Seal Rescue Ireland, in co. Wexford. We saw some adorable baby seals, fed them fish and then also adopted some of them to help fund this wonderful conservation project! The only seal rescue center in all of Ireland. You can adopt a seal via their website, and then they send you seal updates via email, and who wouldn't want that?!
My seal daughter Grian was successfully rehabilitated and returned to the wild ^^
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onepiece-polls · 2 months
One Piece Crack Ship War - Round 1 Side A
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Sho-Dan art by @shepherd-bones. Check out the full post here.
Propaganda under the cut.
Sho-Dan: Issho is based on Ichi from the Zatoichi series, so in my mind it made sense that he would've been a wandering swordsman in his youth, maybe running into Dadan during his travels. I think they'd be perfect for each other because I think their personalities are complimentary- Issho is intimidating and powerful but very kind, whereas Dadan is tough and cowardly yet has a secret sweet heart. I think they're both misunderstood characters that have lead lives absent of love, and I think they could find that in each other.
Smoking Kills: Why was Caesar so vindictive when he thought he was stabbing Smoker’s heart? Sure, his plans are crumbling around him, but is that really Smoker’s fault? Law orchestrated everything, Luffy beat him senseless, and Chopper was rehabilitating the kids. Did he just want a victory? Or was it because it was Smoker? What happened before everything? He knew about Smoker. Did he envy his freedom? Sympathize with how he felt ineffective to change anything? Did he feel he wasn’t strong enough to deserve Smoker, and thus put everything into developing his weaponry? It was only when Smoker was right there with him did he learn that Smoker hated what he was doing. He tried not to dwell on it. Vergo could fill the void, right? …no. It wasn’t the same. As he thought his fate was sealed, he made one more choice. If he couldn’t have Smoker in life, then Smoker would await Caesar in death…but for naught. Smoker was alive….and a small part of Caesar felt relief.
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lucistarrrrs · 3 months
Lucifer Morningstar x Daughter! Reader
Genre: Drama, Comedy.
Summary: Athaliah is the second daughter of Lucifer Morningstar and Lilith Morningstar. Lilith sees Athaliah as a spare of heir to the throne of hell, as they grew up Athaliah felt a little envy and wrath. Until she awakens her powers almost destroyed hell and killing every sinner the corruption spreads wide through hell even the seven rings.
Part 1
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Charlie Morningstar the oldest and delusional daughter of Lucifer Morningstar and Lilith Morningstar then Lilith was pregnant again with a girl. Charlie was happy that she had a baby sister and she sang her sister a lullaby they named her Athaliah.
When Athaliah reached 109 years old she was a daddy's girl and a little bit too powerful. When Athaliah felt  jealous of Charlie cause Lilith saw her as a spare of heir to the throne. Now Athaliah reached 116  years old she was losing control and slowly went insane as she destroyed everything in hell and everyone. Lucifer just watched his young daughter as she went mad. Charlie was crying that the sinners were screaming and trying to survive.
As Athaliah reaches her insanity Lucifer calls the seven deadly sins. they gather around Athaliah and summon chains around Athaliah, sealing away her power. Athaliah screamed in pain, though Lucifer still continued despite her daughters' painful screams, he felt his heart sinking.
The seven deadly sins were struggling to seal her power. Athaliah was trying to escape the chains.
"LET ME GO YOU IMBECILES, YOU LOW LIFE DEMONS!! I WANT TO SEE THE WOMAN WHO NEGLECTED ME! WHO LEFT ME TO THE SIDE!" Athaliah screamed with a distorted voice. Lucifer was still trying to keep her powers sealed.
"SHIT LUCIFER YOUR DAUGHTERS' POWERS ARE EXTREMELY POWERFUL!" Mammon shouted as he was trying to keep the seal.
"JUST FOCUS ON THIS MAMMON" Asmodeus yelled at Mammon. As they finished the sealing of her powers, her sealed power turned into a ring, Lucifer caught it.
Lucifer looked at his daughter who was exhausted and she passed out. Beelzebub runs towards the girl "She's in coma but I don't know when she'll wake up" Beelzebub said in the concerned tone Lucifer runs towards Athaliah and caresses her face filled with bruises and some chains left on her.
After that Lucifer was talking with Lilith and they ended up splitting up. While Athaliah is not waking up Lucifer takes care of her and Charlie is with her mother.
Lucifer looks at the ring that Athaliah powers are in the ring he looks at Athaliah in a coma. No one knows when she's gonna wake up.
All the pentagram city and rings of hell were getting rumours that the second princess of hell almost destroyed everything in hell.
Athaliah is woken up from her coma and Lucifer was there for her.
Lucifer tried to calm her down but it wasn't an easy task. Athaliah saw the family portrait and was even more irritated, but Lucifer finally got through her by saying "Athaliah, your mother loves you" Lucifer some comfort words to Athaliah.
Lucifer sighs, and he sings her favorite lullaby. She flinched that his dad was singing her favorite lullaby. Athaliah looked at her father.
As Athaliah calmed down, she laid her head on Lucifer's lap, and Lucifer caressed her long hair. "Dad, I want to cut my hair," Athaliah said out of the blue. Lucifer was shocked at this then he agreed.
Lucifer grabbed some sciccors and started to cut Athaliah's long hair into a jellyfish haircut then she wears that something she wants. She bought everything like baggy pants, cargo pants, an oversized t-shirt and some video games. She stays at the penthouse for....a long time she doesn't go out much.
Lucifer taught how to control her powers and teach some new powers that evolve around her. Athaliah stares at the family portrait Lilith, Charlie, Lucifer, while Athaliah is behind at Lucifer being a little shy kid she looks at Lilith.
The music background starting Athaliah listen to the song O Children by Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds.
Lift up your voice, lift up your voice
Rejoice, rejoice
Hey little train, we're jumping on
Athaliah tries to resist her tears every time she sees the pictures.
The train that goes to the kingdom
We're happy, Ma , we're having fun
The train ain't even left the station
Hey little train, wait for me
I once was blind but now I see.
Lucifer heard the song in Athaliah's room, and he was guilty about his family being split up. Athaliah was crying but she found a way to cope with her stress playing videogames the whole night.
In the morning...
Athaliah heard her door knocking she opened the door is her father Lucifer bringing some rubber duck that looks like her, She had a lot of rubber ducks in her room like plushies.
"Hey...umm... Athaliah why don't you go outside for a bit" Lucifer asked his daughter to go outside "No." Athaliah said directly and closed the door.
Lucifer sighs that his daughter is not a sociable person and active now she's an introvert and despises the sinners.
One time Lucifer heard banging and rushed to Athaliah's room "WHAT HAPPENED ATHALIAH?!" Lucifer shouted open the door to her room.
"I LOST 50/50 DAD I WANT NAHIDA THAT MOTHERFUCKER LONG RED HAIRED ASS BITCH IS GETTING ME IRRITATED," Athaliah shouted, punching the plushies. Lucifer was dumbfounded when she looked at the gacha game that she plays, and Athaliah was addicted to it.
Athaliah was wearing some white oversized hoodie with skeleton on the back and some baggy pants. She had some posters around like anime and games.
"Dad do you have a meeting with...the first man shit alive like...Adam maybe you should give that to my delusional older sister Charlie" Athaliah asked as she continue to play genshin impact Lucifer was confused by this "I'm a little a busy cause I got a meeting with the deadly sins" Lucifer answered he thinks for a moment then he took his phone and calling Charlie.
"Yeah.. whatever I'm gonna play some genshin impact see you later Dad and buy me some books" Athaliah said as she was on her PC.
As she eats some pancakes for dinner like some fried oreo she always orders her father to cook some pancakes.
Athaliah was struggling to control her powers and Lucifer looked at her and walked towards her she taught her how to control and how to fly.
Then..Six months later
Lucifer slammed the door open Athaliah fell to her bed "Dads stop... doing...that" Athaliah was annoyed and yawned with her canine teeth.
"WE'RE GOING TO YOUR SISTER HOTEL" Lucifer was excited to meet Charlie "Not going" Athaliah said as she went back to her bed.
Lucifer put his hands in his waist and tapped his foot two Athaliah eyes widened when she heard her father tapping footsteps.
" Fine I'll go..." Athaliah sighs as she gets ready her outfit white polo with a red vest and high waisted pants.
"Why do I have to go?" Athaliah asked to her father and she fixes her hair and she flips her hair upward and Lucifer was also fixing his hair.
"You haven't met your sister in a long time, so what's the harm in doing so?" Lucifer explained to her daughter, Athaliah was irritated by this.
As they teleport to the Hotel "Hazbin... Hotel?" Athaliah looked at the signs and cringe by this and the designs of this hotel.
Athaliah looked at the door and she felt something off about this place, she quint her eyes as the door opened.
To be continued
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k-koriikorner · 3 months
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A day's never truly over -Snippet
Author's Note: I was inspired by @deadghosy's Dogday reader oneshots. Reader is gender neutral, has Dogday's appearance but no alluding to eye color, hair color, body type or height to help the reader immerse themselves into the story as much as possible. Reader is a Dominion! Angel, who overhears Charlie's conversation with Adam about the hotel. Adam panics about reader telling everyone about the exterminations so they throw you out of heaven. You aren't a fallen angel because you weren't banished to hell but you currently have no way to get back to heaven.
Warnings: Gender Neutral Reader, Angel!Reader, Swearing
Word Count: 1,744
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You are a dominion angel, essentially the mediator for the highest ranking angels to carry out the plans to the lower ranks. Your class of angels are considered heavenly governors, attempting to strike a balance between matter and spirit, good and bad. You receive orders from seraphim and cherubim, then dish out duties to the "worker bee" angels of the lower orders. Your main purpose is to make sure that the cosmos remains in order by sending down power to heads of government and other authority figures.
You were eavesdropping on Adam, Lute, and Charlie’s conversations but you were originally in the office to deliver some papers to Adam. You overheard the conversations and were trying to be quiet but you accidentally stumbled into the room during Adam’s song. You face planted into the floor, a small arf escaping you. The music stopped abruptly as Adam stopped playing his instrument, and all eyes turned to you as you slowly got off the floor, papers scattered and brushed yourself off. You locked eyes with Adam, a relatively sad expression on your face.
“Are-are you really supporting genocide? I-i actually think her idea could save people’s lives, why-why does anyone have to get hurt?” Your ears drooped slightly in sadness at the thought of all the lost souls. Adam and Lute look at you like you’ve caught them red handed and before you can speak again Adam begins singing about moving up the extermination to six months, and grabs you and Charlie’s arm before throwing you both out of the office.
“Wait-!” Charlie tries to move back towards the door, at least to ask for a second change but she stumbles and she holds her leg in pain. You stay in your place, where you landed, a horrified expression on your face as you take in everything that just transpired.
You slowly rise to your feet, and take small caution steps towards the door. You raise your right paw, orange fur and paw pads connecting with the door. Charlie looks up at you, partially forgetting you were beside her, but curious as to what you were doing. You summoned a small amount of your angelic power and noticed that a divine seal was placed back on the door so there was no way for you to get back in, not without the castor’s permission.
Your ears flattened again your head, as you held your head down in shame. Your shoulders shake in anger as your wings flair up and your ears pin back. You look down at Charlie with a determined look on your face, "We have to prove them all wrong."
As you and Charlie made your way to hell, you had the chance to properly introduce yourself. She talked to you and explained her plans to rehabilitate people through her hotel. Since you were an angel, and a higher ranking one at that, she believed that they'd have a much higher chance of success with you on their side.
“I had no idea they were doing this, regardless of whether or not these people ended up here because of their actions…every soul is valuable and should be cherished.” You frown, your ears drooping for umpteenth time today. “That’s what I tried to explain to Adam, if we could save even a few souls down here…shouldn’t we try?” Charlie turns to you, a sorrowful yet determined expression on face.
“No one in history has even succeeded once they’ve given up, if we can show them that your plan could save even one soul. They’d have no choice but to back you up!” You jump in the air, your wings fluttering slightly. You enjoyed helping people, that was your whole purpose and you wouldn’t make it any different being down here. You fully believed in Charlie’s cause and wanted to see it succeed in helping people more than anything.
“That’s the spirit!..Hey, I-i’m really sorry that you got kicked out of heaven, but I’m really happy you agreed to help me.” The tone between you both becomes somber, as you take the time to really understand your situation. You place a paw on Charlie’s shoulder, a happy smile on your face.
“It may not have been under the…best circumstances, but I’m happy that I have the opportunity to help you in your quest to help more people.” Charlie looks at you with teary eyes and she pats your hand which still rests on her shoulder. You both made it to the hotel, a hopeful smile on your face as you decided to try and stay positive.
The white haired woman gasped at the sight of you. Two pairs of cloud white wings, and the white robe with golden accents, no one could deny that you were unmistakably an angel. "Charlie...they listened, I'm so proud of you!" The woman pulled Charlie into a hug, not paying attention to the nervous expression on her face.
"Yeah, um this is [Name], they're a Dominion Angel who's agreed to help with our cause!" Charlie turned to face you, a wonky smile on her face. While it wasn't an absolute lie, you were glad she hadn't flat out said that you were unofficially kicked out of heaven. "It's nice you meet you, my name's Vaggie. Oh come here, we have something exciting to show you!" Vaggie greets you briefly before pulling Charlie further into the building, with you in tow.
The group of people sitting in front of the television turns to look at you all entering the living room, and you couldn't pretend to not see the baffled expressions on some of their faces."Holy shit, she really did it!" Angel Dust comments, not fully believing that an Angel was standing before him, and a non-exorcist one at that.
"Well would you look at that," Husk comments, a barely noticeable smirk on his face. Charlie and Vaggie stood beside you as you greeted everyone, "It's so nice to meet you, I hope I can work hard and help you all make it to heaven!" Charlie smiles at you in appreciation before she and Vaggie pull you towards the couch to watch their commercial. "Alastor pulled some strings and it's about to air."
"I pulled a few limbs too, hahaha!" Alastor interjects, a proud smile on his usual smiling face. Charlie looks at Vaggie, a surprised look on her face. "Wait, the commercial? You all made a new one?" You both look down at Angel Dust, who's sitting on the floor beside your legs, a confident expression on his face as he boasts."Yeah, one of my better performances if I do say so myself." Charlie beams brightly as she's nearly brought to tears by the knowledge that everyone had put in the work to make a new and improved version of their ad.
"That's... that's amazing." Angel raises an arm towards her face, prompting silencing her, albeit slightly rude in your opinion. "Sshh, it's starting." You turn your attention to the television in front of you all, as you see everyone in nicer clothes and standing at the entrance of the hotel.
"Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel-" Vaggie on the television is abruptly cut off as the tv turns to the news. Everyone in the room except to Alastor and Nifty groan and complain, Vaggie and Angel in their respective languages. A frown pulls at your face, and your ears droop at the sight of the channel being changed before the commercial even started.
A spider demon with a blond bob cut, and another demon with a face mask on, seemingly news anchors show up on the screen. The names 'Katie Killjoy' and 'Tom Trench' under the respective persons as the woman begins to speak. "Breaking news in Hell today! We have just received word from the Heaven Embassy that the next Extermination is happening sooner than ever before. Do you know what that means,Tom?" Although the woman is smiling, you can sense the sarcasm in her voice and the seething rage in this woman's soul.
You frown lightly, hoping that she's one of the people you can help be redeemed. "No, what does that mean, Katie?" He asks, shaking his head mockingly. Katie places her hands onto the desk and leans closer to the camera, her left eye twitching in irritation. "It means we're all royally fucked!" The sounds of screams fill the rooms from the tv, making you shrink into the sofa, as the countdown goes from 358 to 176. Angel seems to be the only one able to speak as everyone else is either stunned into silence or unbothered, "Wait, what? Why?!" Angel scoffs and raises his hand in the air, clearly exasperated.
[Cuts to Adam and Lute]
“And what do we do about the [Name] situation?” Lute turns towards her boss, after their discussion about the dead exorcist. Although she was somewhat disapproving about sending you down to Hell, she knew that they couldn’t risk you telling anyone else about the Exterminations. Plus she knew it was either that or killing you, and you both had a relatively cordial relationship.
“Who the hell is that?” Adam asks, promptly not paying attention to the conversation anymore, too busy scrolling on his phone.
“[Name] sir, the Dominion Angel who came in on the meeting earlier? Who we threw down to hell to prevent the secret getting out.” Lute keeps a level voice, sometimes she just couldn’t with her boss. Adam’s face flashes in realization as she remembers tanking your arm and throwing you out the office with Charmander or whoever that girl was.
“Ohh that bitch…tell anyone who asks that she’s gone on a spiritual retreat to Neptune, it’s what that little asshole gets for eavesdropping. Oh, and get Josiah to replace her, he may be a cuck bitch but he’s the closest we’ll get to [Name]’s standards.”
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the-one-who-lambs · 4 months
"Propose," for @bamsara
At first, the death waltz is a misstep.
A sickening skeletal crack, a shape of an invisible scythe.
Sincerity is too kind a lie, but His sacrosanct
Protection (you think)
Lets you rise once more.
Death cannot keep you, but you would let Him
If he welcomes you.
You only believe what He thinks you should know.
The flames engulf you after the smoke does,
But your soul has nearly shed its corpse when you see them.
You stand in the vast chain-bound sanctuary and breathe
Fully (your lungs don’t remember being choked).
It is the first of a fitful of
Scorn and surprises and bone fingertips pressed against your skin.
He helps you to your feet.
Your heart should not beat here. In the infiniteness of your bosom it awakens.
The very semblance of the jagged-bare flesh
Encircling your neck is an intimacy in itself.
The blissful torment of the swordsman’s blade
Releases (so close to peril)
And He is already in your periphery.
Call it duty. Call it love.
Choose it as the last decision you’ll ever make.
Fate’s a tarot pull. You draw your card with eyes sealed shut.
You are a disgraced, depraved approximation of a person.
The chill of his embrace is warmer than the hands
That build the bonfire. It is in the name of
Someone (you shan’t say who)
And in the ashes of your grief your reflection
Stares back with three eyes.
The temptation to burn yourself seeps out,
Ichor-like. You don’t die tonight, not yet.
A careful drip of poison. The aftertaste of iron
In your mouth: communion seeping into your own goblet.
A moonshine moment of annihilation, however brief
Before (infectious, echoing, comforting)
You bleed out. You hope you die today.
He hopes you die today. It’s an
Ambrosial veil between you.
You slip beneath it with a sweet hello.
It’s never quite intentional until
The myths surrounding Him fall away.
The secrets you keep are shared, kept safe
Until (your reunion, this time, was not quite an accident)
They are intertwined: you are inescapably
Lonely and in your separate spheres
You vie for dominance. It’s a furious, bloodsoaked rendezvous.
It was always He who waited, but you’ll be patient.
He feels you in every dream. You
Stop time with your voices.
It’s His frustration melting away
With your kisses (you’re not there yet)
And makes Him yours, in freedom,
Dependent on nothing nobody you himself
The fetters are invisible but you hear them
Rattling every time your heart beats.
Your breath need not return anymore so you
Relearn to dodge the aim of an arrow, the pierce of a blade.
Living is foul, a promise half-hidden,
Desperate. (It lingers on your tongue.)
Death bound you together. You know how to die.
You have to remind yourself that heaven lays barren.
It will not hold you
Should Death keep you apart.
Get appreciated idiot /pos /lh
So, this was inspired by this post, which was super wholesome and sweet, but I couldn't write this without infusing it with the urgency and anxiety and sense of danger that looms over The Rehabilitation of Death. Bits and pieces of references to your AU are sprinkled in throughout. I hope you (and my readers and your readers as well) enjoy picking apart the themes here!
I actually wrote this live on stream last night! I made sure none of my friends were streaming before I started because I didn't want to miss anyone if someone was already live, but then you started streaming like 10 minutes later and I was like FUCK now I wanna watch you. But after a couple of hours on my new extra-hard CotL save (OUCH), I switched to writing and just... hoped you wouldn't pop in because I wanted this to be a surprise. For most of the writing part of the stream this poem was titled "IF SARA STOPS STREAMING SEND ME A WARNING."
Anyway, we don't usually get to talk more than a couple times per week because we both have Shit To Do, but you are SO FUN to be around and I am so so glad I met you!! Your friendship is a blessing and your creativity is a gift.
Also posted to AO3 as onethirdofimpossible here!
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an-idyllic-novelist · 4 months
Angel Dust with Violet Evergarden!reader platonic fluff scenario
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Warnings: spoilers up to episode 4, possible triggers. If you do not feel comfortable venturing any further, please leave now and read something much more pleasant.
For everyone else, welcome to this small piece of fluffy goodness! You guys might know me from my other blog, @forbidden-sunlight . You have sent me your ideas for future Violet Evergarden!reader scenarios for Hazbin Hotel, and here is one of them! :)
Sit back, relax, and let us dive into a chaotic afterlife, where even a bit of reprieve from dishonesty and hypocrisy isn’t possible…until now.
Angel Dust's first impression of you is the following: a cute weirdo who dressed like a doll and didn’t smile much. What was even more tragic is that you actually believed there is a chance for sinners to be redeemed, and that the only to do that is complete Charlie’s half-assed rehabilitation program. You still do, even your progress hasn’t gotten you one step closer to Heaven’s pearly gates and the next Extermination is in six months. Five months actually, but who's counting?
That was around the time when he had to go back to work. He didn’t want to, but he knew if he didn’t…well, he didn’t want to think about it. Valentino is a psychopathic freak. He promised to make him, Angel, a big star in Hell’s entertainment industry, and instead fucked him over six ways from Sunday with false promises.
Long hours, shitty pay. No time to even take a nap in his dressing room because of course Big Daddy Val had his favorite toy’s schedule booked until he couldn't walk anymore and needed a stiff drink. When his afterlife seemed to take a nosedive for worse, and after Husk knocked some sense into him, he started finding letters under his door.
At first glance Angel could tell that they weren’t from his fans. No one’s gonna go out of their way and buy expensive paper to type it on, shove in an envelope, and put a wax seal on it just to praise him for his acting skills and share their wildest fantasies starring yours truly. No. This was….someone else.
He honestly didn't know how to describe the context of these letters because he had never received something like this from anyone who did not expect anything from him in PS or PPS. The sender would write either a short or long letter. The short letter was about half a page long; the sender would ask how he was feeling and ask him one question. What was his favorite food? What is the color he would never wear? The sender included a little about themselves too, as if to encourage him to respond. The longer ones started the same, with a greeting and almost the same stuff written in the shorter ones, but they shared how their day went with him, even the stupid, mundane shit they do every day as a part-time clerk at an antique shop and when they come home. The longer ones were at least two pages long. Some stuff made him roll his eyes, made him laugh…but it was the closing sentences, even as they vary from letter to letter, always jerked his heart in a way which made him both sad and happy at the same time.
I’m happy I’ve met you.
Thank you for being here.
Good night and have pleasant dreams.
You are stronger than you think, Angel.
I hope I can receive a letter from you someday.
You made a lot of progress today in Charlie’s exercises. I’m proud of you.
You’re doing great.
Angel might be a bit of a dummy….but he could tell right away who had been sending him the letters. The bit about Charlie’s exercises…there were only a few people attending that day. Vaggie, Sir Wet Noodles, and you. Vaggie wouldn’t write this kind of shit, and definitely not the wannabe overlord. You. You’ve helped him get through it with these letters and you never expected him to reply back. It’s as if you just wanted your words to reach him through Val’s sickly red smoke and hold his hand in your gloved one.
Naturally…the best way he can say thanks…for caring about him in your roundabout way…is to write a letter back. Maybe have a drink at Husk’s bar and talk about shitty coworkers or why Smiles never stops smiling? He’s not sure, but he’ll figure it out somehow. Sex isn’t the only thing he’s good at. And he’d like to get to know you a little more too.
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love-toxin · 5 months
ELLIE!! SO happy that totk finally released bc there's a chance you might hyperfixate and give me the yandere link content that sustains my life force. oh and uh, cuz we waited so long for this game too, of course!
prrrrr i really do love yan Link! so many potential avenues! i was replaying totk recently (bc i was so excited for it i literally blazed thru the whole gam 8 days after release LOL) and some gems really cropped up:
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1. Link makes you a little dream house in Tarrey Town to keep you safe and to take advantage of your inherent housewifery. He's so feral you don't even think about leaving even when he's gone for long stretches of time, because you know he'll track you down and drag you back home because you're not the hero silly! :) you stay home :) where it's safe :)
2. Yiga clan member reader who is constantly being hunted down and "rehabilitated" by the Hylian hero. Which is incredibly frustrating to you because a.) ur trying to kill him and b.) the other yiga quickly lose respect for you/shun you when they find out you're practically Link's little playtoy. Especially when he goes x2 as feral on the other yiga in battle when you're around cause he's bricked up at the very sight of you, and you end up getting chewed out by Kohga for letting him hit it and just escape afterwards.
3. You work at one of the stables or the little inn at Hateno village and Link falls so hard for you he's downright creepy. He's constantly hanging around and bringing you gifts and stuff you didn't ask for but you can't just tell him to go away cause...he's the hero. So you kinda just have to deal with his awkward stare and the fumbled kisses he steals behind the barn and try not to hurt his feelings because what are you gonna do if the hero of time decides to quit saving Hyrule because he got rejected?
4. You're part of the Gerudo/live in Gerudo town and Link is undeterred in his attempts to woo you, even though he can't step foot in town or he'll get locked up. So he either dresses up in the vai outfit or just lies in wait for you to leave the city for one reason or another, and then ambushes you and follows you around like a weird little stalker until you love him. Bonus if he scares off another suitor or saves you from a Molduga or--my personal favourite--your sand seal gets spooked and takes you far out into the desert and strands you by accident, and you're forced to accept Link's help when he comes to save you. And now, you owe him.
5. Much like Link, you're a fellow adventurer/wanderer/merchant/etc. and bump into him out in the wild. Maybe you share a campfire for a night and swap stories, or you give him directions, or you just wave at him in passing, and now Link is completely obsessed with you. He stalks you through the wild areas of Hyrule and never lets any harm befall you, be it monsters or gloom pits or pools of malice or just general unluckiness, and while you don't realize it's him you slowly feel less and less alone when you're out in the field. You swear you can even feel some kind of warmth when you lay down in your tent to sleep, like someone's curled up right next to you....
6. Link kidnaps you and takes you to Hyrule castle where he forcibly makes you pretend to be a princess. He dresses you up in pretty gowns and kills all the monsters lurking around so you'll always be safe, and he acts like you're his damsel in distress that he's constantly saving even though you're just some farmer girl he picked up off the side of the road and fell in love with. You're the pretty princess, he's your loyal knight, and if he does a really good job at "saving" you, maybe you'll let him stay in your room for the night when he keeps watch...?
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