#sea posting
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heart-wit-strength · 2 months
Seven seas this five oceans that, reject human terminology and come together as one salty boy
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noufuturevision · 1 year
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troythecatfish · 21 days
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wearenotjustnumbers2 · 6 months
Since I've seen a number of people shocked about the Palestinian kids kept in Israeli prisons, here's more. I suggest you read about it more and spread the truth.
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Ahmad manasra was arrested in 2015, after he was run over by Israeli soldiers and his cousin who was walking with him killed. He has been kept in solitary confinement since November 2021. He started showing signs of mental disorders as well as schizophrenia due to the torture he endured by the IOF. Read about our children who are getting tortured and abused in Israeli military prisons. They are not criminals, freedom to all of them.
Soldiers versus children, yet the world sides with soldiers! This is pre-OCT 7th! A western backed, democratically elected government with one - if not THE strongest army in the world! I am a mother my heart skips beats when I look at their faces. These could be my children or your children. These are our children! Enough! This occupation must end now! This madness must end now!
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ash-and-starlight · 4 months
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taking the crumbs of venetian agna qel’a chewing biting gnashing on them until there aren’t even bones left and then spitting out. carnevale northern water tribe style
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superkursunaskr · 2 months
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alex-just-vibing · 5 months
Are you a student who is unable to donate to Palestine, but still want ways to show your support?
Me too! Unfortunately, searching up ways for students who can't drive, spend money, or drop school for a week to show solidarity for Palestine just comes up with "centrist" (if not blatantly pro-israel) articles for teachers telling them how to stay neutral during discussions with students. So! Here are some ways that I've thought of to bring pro palestine sentiment into your school and community! You are more than encouraged to add on any ideas of your own!
Wear shirts, pins, or anything outwardly pro palestine. If you can't find something, make it.
Email your representatives. Email Congress. Email the White House, or whatever your country's equivalent would be. Let the people in charge know you want a ceasefire
Talk to your local library about holding an educational night about the genocide, and/or about Palestinian culture.
Talk to your peers. Find people who share your views. Create a fuss together.
Talk to your teachers about it. Having an authority figure on your side could make things so much easier for you.
Make stickers, posters, pamphlets, etc to put up around your school, town/city, anywhere you can.
Educate yourself on anti-palestine talking points and how to refute them in a calm and logical manner. (Palestinian Toolkit is a great website for that)
Speak up! It's fucking scary, but if you can, don't let people's bigotry go unchecked. (You can use knowledge from the last point to make it easier to talk)
But also, know when to give up. It sucks, but not everyone is worth wasting your time debating. Some people won't change their mind no matter what.
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the-holy-ghosted · 9 months
Girls will say "this is my beautiful wife" and their beautiful wife is just a weird looking man
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marinememes · 1 year
Super cool ocean fact: there is at least 6 fish in the ocean
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artsymeeshee · 2 months
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Been wanting to make something with Ford finding out about being aroace and who no better than Mabel. I feel like I could have elaborated more about it but there’s always time for that for future stuff!
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brownpaperhag · 7 months
if any non-palestinians, especially in ‘the west,’ especially in positions of bodily safety, especially especially whites, are still feeling hopeless and lost about the genocide, may i offer, as gently as possible... get over it. your body is safe. you have been told over and over and over exactly what you can do to help, in exhaustive detail according to your specific social and political position. find out what you should do and do it if you can. if you can’t, that’s on you. find something you can do. stop asking palestinians to tell you what to do; take what is already given. you can find the instructions that have already been so explicitly left for you. you are an adult. your job is to keep moving. you are not allowed to be hopeless — that is a betrayal of everything the palestinian community and its supporters stand for. keep moving. don’t let anyone tell you that anti-zionist means anti-semite. don’t let anti-zionists around you become anti-semites. don’t let islamophobia stand. know that propaganda works and it’s working on you right now. keep moving. you are an adult. your life is yours to care for — that means finding the support you need, which also means knowing the boundaries and needs of those supporting you. you aren’t special. you aren’t alone. keep moving. you are not a hero. you are safe. you have agency. there is nothing you can do that can’t be done by someone else while you recharge. you are part of a collective; no one is looking directly at you. do what you can, and if you can do nothing, make your peace with that. palestine has no time for your shame or your guilt. feel these feelings when they come to you and then move through them.
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jiatism · 4 months
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This will be using the UN's ten stages of genocide map (as seen above) as a base for each stage.
So far, palestine is within its ninth stage of genocide.
*although I do not believe isreal is a real or valid country, this will be referring to its citizens as "isrealis"
First Stage: Classification.
This stage is about us and them narratives. In the Holocaust it was Jewish vs Germans, in this it is Palestinians vs israelis.
The ‘us vs them’ narrative has been drilled into young israelis' minds for decades and has only gotten worse.
Second Stage: Symbolism
I do not believe there are any symbols to tell an israel apart from a Palestinian person.
Most of the time it is based off their religion, however not all Palestinians are Muslim nor are all israel Jewish.
Instead of symbols, they segregate.
Third Stage: Discrimination
This stage is about taking things away from their target group. israel has taken away their housing, their land, and their property as seen in the west bank.
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Fourth Stage: Dehumanisation
Dehumanisation refers to distancing the target group from humans, and making people less inclined to empathize with them.
israel refers to Palestinians as both animals and derogatory words such as "whores" or "monsters."
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Fifth Stage: Organization
This stage is about planning the genocide, and training.
Many israeli students are taught in order for them to grow up and become IDF soldiers. They are taught how to kill without remorse and enjoy it.
Sixth Stage: Polarisation
Polarisation is about the media and spreading hate about their target group in media.
The IDF not only go on international TV and talk about palestinian "terrorists" but also spread misinfo on social media.
(see this post)
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Seventh Stage: Preparation
When preparing perpetrators use code words in order to make their intentions seem brighter.
israel calls it "land disputes" or "self defense" when it is a genocide fueled by colonialist ideologies.
Eight Stage: Persecution
Persecution is about rounding up their target group and committing mass killings.
israel has rounded Palestinians up into Gaza, an open air prison, and continues to bomb their homes, shelters, and hospitals.
There is nowhere for palestinians to go.
Stage Nine: Extermination
This is the stage we are on. israel is destroying hospitals, relief centers, communities, and families.
They are attempting to find and kill every palestinian. Class of 2024 has been canceled due to all students dying.
This cannot continue.
Stage Ten: Denial
If we continue to let israel kill off Palestine, we will get here. To the point where zionists will deny the genocide entirely.
Thank you for reading. The original post can be found under the Twitter/X account @aligaytor_. OP has given me permission to share it to Tumblr.
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retquits · 4 months
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let it bring hope
let it be a tale
NOTE: a couple people on twt very kindly informed me that the arabic is formatted incorrectly—i’m unfamiliar with arabic alphabet/reading dynamics and was unaware of that, that mistake is wholly my fault. my apologies for any confusion, and thank you very much to those who reached out for the new knowledge!!! 🥰🙏
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troythecatfish · 26 days
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dutchs-blog · 9 months
Making Miniature waves
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