#scissor bucket
Tiktok's enshittification
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Here is how platforms die: first, they are good to their users; then they abuse their users to make things better for their business customers; finally, they abuse those business customers to claw back all the value for themselves. Then, they die.
If you’d like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here’s a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
I call this enshittification, and it is a seemingly inevitable consequence arising from the combination of the ease of changing how a platform allocates value, combined with the nature of a “two sided market,” where a platform sits between buyers and sellers, hold each hostage to the other, raking off an ever-larger share of the value that passes between them.
When a platform starts, it needs users, so it makes itself valuable to users. Think of Amazon: for many years, it operated at a loss, using its access to the capital markets to subsidize everything you bought. It sold goods below cost and shipped them below cost. It operated a clean and useful search. If you searched for a product, Amazon tried its damndest to put it at the top of the search results.
This was a hell of a good deal for Amazon’s customers. Lots of us piled in, and lots of brick-and-mortar retailers withered and died, making it hard to go elsewhere. Amazon sold us ebooks and audiobooks that were permanently locked to its platform with DRM, so that every dollar we spent on media was a dollar we’d have to give up if we deleted Amazon and its apps. And Amazon sold us Prime, getting us to pre-pay for a year’s worth of shipping. Prime customers start their shopping on Amazon, and 90% of the time, they don’t search anywhere else.
That tempted in lots of business customers — Marketplace sellers who turned Amazon into the “everything store” it had promised from the beginning. As these sellers piled in, Amazon shifted to subsidizing suppliers. Kindle and Audible creators got generous packages. Marketplace sellers reached huge audiences and Amazon took low commissions from them.
This strategy meant that it became progressively harder for shoppers to find things anywhere except Amazon, which meant that they only searched on Amazon, which meant that sellers had to sell on Amazon.
That’s when Amazon started to harvest the surplus from its business customers and send it to Amazon’s shareholders. Today, Marketplace sellers are handing 45%+ of the sale price to Amazon in junk fees. The company’s $31b “advertising” program is really a payola scheme that pits sellers against each other, forcing them to bid on the chance to be at the top of your search.
Searching Amazon doesn’t produce a list of the products that most closely match your search, it brings up a list of products whose sellers have paid the most to be at the top of that search. Those fees are built into the cost you pay for the product, and Amazon’s “Most Favored Nation” requirement sellers means that they can’t sell more cheaply elsewhere, so Amazon has driven prices at every retailer.
Search Amazon for “cat beds” and the entire first screen is ads, including ads for products Amazon cloned from its own sellers, putting them out of business (third parties have to pay 45% in junk fees to Amazon, but Amazon doesn’t charge itself these fees). All told, the first five screens of results for “cat bed” are 50% ads.
This is enshittification: surpluses are first directed to users; then, once they’re locked in, surpluses go to suppliers; then once they’re locked in, the surplus is handed to shareholders and the platform becomes a useless pile of shit. From mobile app stores to Steam, from Facebook to Twitter, this is the enshittification lifecycle.
This is why — as Cat Valente wrote in her magesterial pre-Christmas essay — platforms like Prodigy transformed themselves overnight, from a place where you went for social connection to a place where you were expected to “stop talking to each other and start buying things”:
This shell-game with surpluses is what happened to Facebook. First, Facebook was good to you: it showed you the things the people you loved and cared about had to say. This created a kind of mutual hostage-taking: once a critical mass of people you cared about were on Facebook, it became effectively impossible to leave, because you’d have to convince all of them to leave too, and agree on where to go. You may love your friends, but half the time you can’t agree on what movie to see and where to go for dinner. Forget it.
Then, it started to cram your feed full of posts from accounts you didn’t follow. At first, it was media companies, who Facebook preferentially crammed down its users’ throats so that they would click on articles and send traffic to newspapers, magazines and blogs.
Then, once those publications were dependent on Facebook for their traffic, it dialed down their traffic. First, it choked off traffic to publications that used Facebook to run excerpts with links to their own sites, as a way of driving publications into supplying fulltext feeds inside Facebook’s walled garden.
This made publications truly dependent on Facebook — their readers no longer visited the publications’ websites, they just tuned into them on Facebook. The publications were hostage to those readers, who were hostage to each other. Facebook stopped showing readers the articles publications ran, tuning The Algorithm to suppress posts from publications unless they paid to “boost” their articles to the readers who had explicitly subscribed to them and asked Facebook to put them in their feeds.
Now, Facebook started to cram more ads into the feed, mixing payola from people you wanted to hear from with payola from strangers who wanted to commandeer your eyeballs. It gave those advertisers a great deal, charging a pittance to target their ads based on the dossiers of nonconsensually harvested personal data they’d stolen from you.
Sellers became dependent on Facebook, too, unable to carry on business without access to those targeted pitches. That was Facebook’s cue to jack up ad prices, stop worrying so much about ad fraud, and to collude with Google to rig the ad market through an illegal program called Jedi Blue:
Today, Facebook is terminally enshittified, a terrible place to be whether you’re a user, a media company, or an advertiser. It’s a company that deliberately demolished a huge fraction of the publishers it relied on, defrauding them into a “pivot to video” based on false claims of the popularity of video among Facebook users. Companies threw billions into the pivot, but the viewers never materialized, and media outlets folded in droves:
But Facebook has a new pitch. It claims to be called Meta, and it has demanded that we live out the rest of our days as legless, sexless, heavily surveilled low-poly cartoon characters.
It has promised companies that make apps for this metaverse that it won’t rug them the way it did the publishers on the old Facebook. It remains to be seen whether they’ll get any takers. As Mark Zuckerberg once candidly confessed to a peer, marvelling at all of his fellow Harvard students who sent their personal information to his new website “TheFacebook”:
> I don’t know why.
> They “trust me”
> Dumb fucks.
Once you understand the enshittification pattern, a lot of the platform mysteries solve themselves. Think of the SEO market, or the whole energetic world of online creators who spend endless hours engaged in useless platform Kremlinology, hoping to locate the algorithmic tripwires, which, if crossed, doom the creative works they pour their money, time and energy into:
Working for the platform can be like working for a boss who takes money out of every paycheck for all the rules you broke, but who won’t tell you what those rules are because if he told you that, then you’d figure out how to break those rules without him noticing and docking your pay. Content moderation is the only domain where security through obscurity is considered a best practice:
The situation is so dire that organizations like Tracking Exposed have enlisted an human army of volunteers and a robot army of headless browsers to try to unwind the logic behind the arbitrary machine judgments of The Algorithm, both to give users the option to tune the recommendations they receive, and to help creators avoid the wage theft that comes from being shadow banned:
But what if there is no underlying logic? Or, more to the point, what if the logic shifts based on the platform’s priorities? If you go down to the midway at your county fair, you’ll spot some poor sucker walking around all day with a giant teddy bear that they won by throwing three balls in a peach basket.
The peach-basket is a rigged game. The carny can use a hidden switch to force the balls to bounce out of the basket. No one wins a giant teddy bear unless the carny wants them to win it. Why did the carny let the sucker win the giant teddy bear? So that he’d carry it around all day, convincing other suckers to put down five bucks for their chance to win one:
The carny allocated a giant teddy bear to that poor sucker the way that platforms allocate surpluses to key performers — as a convincer in a “Big Store” con, a way to rope in other suckers who’ll make content for the platform, anchoring themselves and their audiences to it.
Which brings me to Tiktok. Tiktok is many different things, including “a free Adobe Premiere for teenagers that live on their phones.”
But what made it such a success early on was the power of its recommendation system. From the start, Tiktok was really, really good at recommending things to its users. Eerily good:
By making good-faith recommendations of things it thought its users would like, Tiktok built a mass audience, larger than many thought possible, given the death grip of its competitors, like Youtube and Instagram. Now that Tiktok has the audience, it is consolidating its gains and seeking to lure away the media companies and creators who are still stubbornly attached to Youtube and Insta.
Yesterday, Forbes’s Emily Baker-White broke a fantastic story about how that actually works inside of Bytedance, Tiktok’s parent company, citing multiple internal sources, revealing the existence of a “heating tool” that Tiktok employees use push videos from select accounts into millions of viewers’ feeds:
These videos go into Tiktok users’ ForYou feeds, which Tiktok misleadingly describes as being populated by videos “ranked by an algorithm that predicts your interests based on your behavior in the app.” In reality, For You is only sometimes composed of videos that Tiktok thinks will add value to your experience — the rest of the time, it’s full of videos that Tiktok has inserted in order to make creators think that Tiktok is a great place to reach an audience.
“Sources told Forbes that TikTok has often used heating to court influencers and brands, enticing them into partnerships by inflating their videos’ view count. This suggests that heating has potentially benefitted some influencers and brands — those with whom TikTok has sought business relationships — at the expense of others with whom it has not.”
In other words, Tiktok is handing out giant teddy bears.
But Tiktok is not in the business of giving away giant teddy bears. Tiktok, for all that its origins are in the quasi-capitalist Chinese economy, is just another paperclip-maximizing artificial colony organism that treats human beings as inconvenient gut flora. Tiktok is only going to funnel free attention to the people it wants to entrap until they are entrapped, then it will withdraw that attention and begin to monetize it.
“Monetize” is a terrible word that tacitly admits that there is no such thing as an “Attention Economy.” You can’t use attention as a medium of exchange. You can’t use it as a store of value. You can’t use it as a unit of account. Attention is like cryptocurrency: a worthless token that is only valuable to the extent that you can trick or coerce someone into parting with “fiat” currency in exchange for it. You have to “monetize” it — that is, you have to exchange the fake money for real money.
In the case of cryptos, the main monetization strategy was deception-based. Exchanges and “projects” handed out a bunch of giant teddy-bears, creating an army of true-believer Judas goats who convinced their peers to hand the carny their money and try to get some balls into the peach-basket themselves.
But deception only produces so much “liquidity provision.” Eventually, you run out of suckers. To get lots of people to try the ball-toss, you need coercion, not persuasion. Think of how US companies ended the defined benefits pension that guaranteed you a dignified retirement, replacing it with market-based 401(k) pensions that forced you to gamble your savings in a rigged casino, making you the sucker at the table, ripe for the picking:
Early crypto liquidity came from ransomware. The existence of a pool of desperate, panicked companies and individuals whose data had been stolen by criminals created a baseline of crypto liquidity because they could only get their data back by trading real money for fake crypto money.
The next phase of crypto coercion was Web3: converting the web into a series of tollbooths that you could only pass through by trading real money for fake crypto money. The internet is a must-have, not a nice-to-have, a prerequisite for full participation in employment, education, family life, health, politics, civics, even romance. By holding all those things to ransom behind crypto tollbooths, the hodlers hoped to convert their tokens to real money:
For Tiktok, handing out free teddy-bears by “heating” the videos posted by skeptical performers and media companies is a way to convert them to true believers, getting them to push all their chips into the middle of the table, abandoning their efforts to build audiences on other platforms (it helps that Tiktok’s format is distinctive, making it hard to repurpose videos for Tiktok to circulate on rival platforms).
Once those performers and media companies are hooked, the next phase will begin: Tiktok will withdraw the “heating” that sticks their videos in front of people who never heard of them and haven’t asked to see their videos. Tiktok is performing a delicate dance here: there’s only so much enshittification they can visit upon their users’ feeds, and Tiktok has lots of other performers they want to give giant teddy-bears to.
Tiktok won’t just starve performers of the “free” attention by depreferencing them in the algorithm, it will actively punish them by failing to deliver their videos to the users who subscribed to them. After all, every time Tiktok shows you a video you asked to see, it loses a chance to show you a video it wants you to see, because your attention is a giant teddy-bear it can give away to a performer it is wooing.
This is just what Twitter has done as part of its march to enshittification: thanks to its “monetization” changes, the majority of people who follow you will never see the things you post. I have ~500k followers on Twitter and my threads used to routinely get hundreds of thousands or even millions of reads. Today, it’s hundreds, perhaps thousands.
I just handed Twitter $8 for Twitter Blue, because the company has strongly implied that it will only show the things I post to the people who asked to see them if I pay ransom money. This is the latest battle in one of the internet’s longest-simmering wars: the fight over end-to-end:
In the beginning, there were Bellheads and Netheads. The Bellheads worked for big telcos, and they believed that all the value of the network rightly belonged to the carrier. If someone invented a new feature — say, Caller ID — it should only be rolled out in a way that allows the carrier to charge you every month for its use. This is Software-As-a-Service, Ma Bell style.
The Netheads, by contrast, believed that value should move to the edges of the network — spread out, pluralized. In theory, Compuserve could have “monetized” its own version of Caller ID by making you pay $2.99 extra to see the “From:” line on email before you opened the message — charging you to know who was speaking before you started listening — but they didn’t.
The Netheads wanted to build diverse networks with lots of offers, lots of competition, and easy, low-cost switching between competitors (thanks to interoperability). Some wanted this because they believed that the net would someday be woven into the world, and they didn’t want to live in a world of rent-seeking landlords. Others were true believers in market competition as a source of innovation. Some believed both things. Either way, they saw the risk of network capture, the drive to monetization through trickery and coercion, and they wanted to head it off.
They conceived of the end-to-end principle: the idea that networks should be designed so that willing speakers’ messages would be delivered to willing listeners’ end-points as quickly and reliably as they could be. That is, irrespective of whether a network operator could make money by sending you the data it wanted to receive, its duty would be to provide you with the data you wanted to see.
The end-to-end principle is dead at the service level today. Useful idiots on the right were tricked into thinking that the risk of Twitter mismanagement was “woke shadowbanning,” whereby the things you said wouldn’t reach the people who asked to hear them because Twitter’s deep state didn’t like your opinions. The real risk, of course, is that the things you say won’t reach the people who asked to hear them because Twitter can make more money by enshittifying their feeds and charging you ransom for the privilege to be included in them.
As I said at the start of this essay, enshittification exerts a nearly irresistible gravity on platform capitalism. It’s just too easy to turn the enshittification dial up to eleven. Twitter was able to fire the majority of its skilled staff and still crank the dial all the way over, even with a skeleton crew of desperate, demoralized H1B workers who are shackled to Twitter’s sinking ship by the threat of deportation.
The temptation to enshittify is magnified by the blocks on interoperability: when Twitter bans interoperable clients, nerfs its APIs, and periodically terrorizes its users by suspending them for including their Mastodon handles in their bios, it makes it harder to leave Twitter, and thus increases the amount of enshittification users can be force-fed without risking their departure.
Twitter is not going to be a “protocol.” I’ll bet you a testicle¹ that projects like Bluesky will find no meaningful purchase on the platform, because if Bluesky were implemented and Twitter users could order their feeds for minimal enshittification and leave the service without sacrificing their social networks, it would kill the majority of Twitter’s “monetization” strategies.
¹Not one of mine.
An enshittification strategy only succeeds if it is pursued in measured amounts. Even the most locked-in user eventually reaches a breaking-point and walks away, or gets pushed. The villagers of Anatevka in Fiddler on the Roof tolerated the cossacks' violent raids and pogroms for years, until they were finally forced to flee to Krakow, New York and Chicago:
For enshittification-addled companies, that balance is hard to strike. Individual product managers, executives, and activist shareholders all give preference to quick returns at the cost of sustainability, and are in a race to see who can eat their seed-corn first. Enshittification has only lasted for as long as it has because the internet has devolved into “five giant websites, each filled with screenshots of the other four”:
With the market sewn up by a group of cozy monopolists, better alternatives don’t pop up and lure us away, and if they do, the monopolists just buy them out and integrate them into your enshittification strategies, like when Mark Zuckerberg noticed a mass exodus of Facebook users who were switching to Instagram, and so he bought Instagram. As Zuck says, “It is better to buy than to compete.”
This is the hidden dynamic behind the rise and fall of Amazon Smile, the program whereby Amazon gave a small amount of money to charities of your choice when you shopped there, but only if you used Amazon’s own search tool to locate the products you purchased. This provided an incentive for Amazon customers to use its own increasingly enshittified search, which it could cram full of products from sellers who coughed up payola, as well as its own lookalike products. The alternative was to use Google, whose search tool would send you directly to the product you were looking for, and then charge Amazon a commission for sending you to it:
The demise of Amazon Smile coincides with the increasing enshittification of Google Search, the only successful product the company managed to build in-house. All its other successes were bought from other companies: video, docs, cloud, ads, mobile; while its own products are either flops like Google Video, clones (Gmail is a Hotmail clone), or adapted from other companies’ products, like Chrome.
Google Search was based on principles set out in founder Larry Page and Sergey Brin’s landmark 1998 paper, “Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine,” in which they wrote, “Advertising funded search engines will be inherently biased towards the advertisers and away from the needs of consumers.”
Even with that foundational understanding of enshittification, Google has been unable to resist its siren song. Today’s Google results are an increasingly useless morass of self-preferencing links to its own products, ads for products that aren’t good enough to float to the top of the list on its own, and parasitic SEO junk piggybacking on the former.
Enshittification kills. Google just laid off 12,000 employees, and the company is in a full-blown “panic” over the rise of “AI” chatbots, and is making a full-court press for an AI-driven search tool — that is, a tool that won’t show you what you ask for, but rather, what it thinks you should see:
Now, it’s possible to imagine that such a tool will produce good recommendations, like Tiktok’s pre-enshittified algorithm did. But it’s hard to see how Google will be able to design a non-enshittified chatbot front-end to search, given the strong incentives for product managers, executives, and shareholders to enshittify results to the precise threshold at which users are nearly pissed off enough to leave, but not quite.
Even if it manages the trick, this-almost-but-not-quite-unusuable equilibrium is fragile. Any exogenous shock — a new competitor like Tiktok that penetrates the anticompetitive “moats and walls” of Big Tech, a privacy scandal, a worker uprising — can send it into wild oscillations:
Enshittification truly is how platforms die. That’s fine, actually. We don’t need eternal rulers of the internet. It’s okay for new ideas and new ways of working to emerge. The emphasis of lawmakers and policymakers shouldn’t be preserving the crepuscular senescence of dying platforms. Rather, our policy focus should be on minimizing the cost to users when these firms reach their expiry date: enshrining rights like end-to-end would mean that no matter how autocannibalistic a zombie platform became, willing speakers and willing listeners would still connect with each other:
And policymakers should focus on freedom of exit — the right to leave a sinking platform while continuing to stay connected to the communities that you left behind, enjoying the media and apps you bought, and preserving the data you created:
The Netheads were right: technological self-determination is at odds with the natural imperatives of tech businesses. They make more money when they take away our freedom — our freedom to speak, to leave, to connect.
For many years, even Tiktok’s critics grudgingly admitted that no matter how surveillant and creepy it was, it was really good at guessing what you wanted to see. But Tiktok couldn’t resist the temptation to show you the things it wants you to see, rather than what you want to see. The enshittification has begun, and now it is unlikely to stop.
It's too late to save Tiktok. Now that it has been infected by enshittifcation, the only thing left is to kill it with fire.
[Image ID: Hansel and Gretel in front of the witch's candy house. Hansel and Gretel have been replaced with line-drawings of influencers, taking selfies of themselves with the candy house. In front of the candy house stands a portly man in a business suit; his head is a sack of money with a dollar-sign on it. He wears a crooked witch's hat. The cottage has the Tiktok logo on it.]
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astrangeghost · 2 years
MIGHT be reverting to my roots as a bucket main :)
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threadsoflacee · 1 month
post fall hannibal and will dont bond by poetics and eroticism and aesthetics the few days and weeks after the fall. they bond by throwing up in the same bucket and cleaning each others infected wounds. sorry thats just the rule. sorry !!!!!!!!!! will tripping balls hallucinating on 4 different painkillers trying to clean and stitch hannibals oozing bleeding abdomen wound quietly telling him to stop moving around or he’ll stick his scissors in. hannibal shushing a crying and screaming will as he stitches his face closed bc theyre out of painkillers. sleeping in the same bed but unable to shake off the fever tremors !!!!!!!! showering together so they make sure 1 doesnt faint and die !!!!! guys there is so much vulnerability in being ugly with someone. give me hannibal with greasy hair bc he broke his shoulder and doesnt want to rip his bandages and will with bad breath bc hes too afraid to brush his teeth and irritate his cheek. give me them lying on the floor whispering will i dont think im gonna make it and will almost missing the target and killing him as he injects him morphine so hannibal stays conscious for a few more hours GUYYSYYYYYYYYSTSTYSYS 😭😭😭😭😭😭
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gamermattsgf · 3 months
Pulling on pigtails // beard Matt
Warnings: smut tehee / beard kink (is this even a thing?? lol) / cunnilingus / ‘good girl’ + ‘little girl’ / thigh kink / hair pulling / soft dom x sub fem reader / seated scissors / praise kink / spit kink / cream pie / hair pulling if you squint
Summary: you and Matt didn’t like each other at all when you were younger. In fact, you hated each other. Or so you thought. Y’know that one saying? That if a boy pulls on a girl’s pigtails it means he secretly likes her? Well… in Matt’s case that was certainly true, it just took him a little bit of growing up to realise.
Author’s notes: childhood enemies to lovers oooo, new trope time. This was a spur of the moment idea that literally popped up into my head during one of my classes. Reminder to pretend the reader is on the pill PLS. And just a quick warning that this one is going to be switching from in between diff time periods if anyone gets confused. Also beard Matt? R u kidding?? *orgasms*.
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“Sometime ‘round eighth grade, remember our bodies were changing, you looked at me different…” - Ant Pile, Dominic Fike
•First grade•
You’re playing in the sandpit, just minding your own business by piling hoards of grit into the little bucket you have resting at your side. You intend to make a sandcastle, one of the best sandcastles you’ve ever made.
You stick your tongue out in concentration, your summer dress fit for the sunshine as it adorns your little body. Your sunhat is nestled on top of your head to shield you from the harsh rays that beam down from the sky whilst you busy away with playing by yourself. Packing in the sand tightly and then turning it with expert precision, your small chubby arms lift the mould carefully before you smile widely at the vision of the perfect sculpture placed before you. Well, as perfect as a sculpture of something can be to a 6 year old…
You have your back turned to your surroundings as you marvel at your creation. A mistake. Because, after you place the bucket back to the floor, someone else’s hand grabs a firm hold of one of your pigtails, yanking it backwards. You squeak as you fall onto your behind, covering the dress printed with sweet little strawberries in a myriad of sand before you twist your head at the sound of a childishly mean laugh.
‘Ouch? What was that for?’ Your voice wobbles, your glassy eyes looking at a young Matt who stands and crosses his arms in gleeful cruelty behind you, his dungarees still a little big for him and the slivers of a Spider-Man t-shirt peaking out from under the covers of his denim. He ignores you as he boyishly smirks, his dark blond hair straight and his mouth opening to bully you even further.
‘Ha! You loser. What ya doin’ building sandcastles?’ He jeers as he steps into the sandpit, his new pair of unlaced converse already scuffed up because of the amount of games of tag he’s played with his friends this morning. Suddenly, and to your utter dismay, he doesn’t give you enough time to retort back your upset before he is raising one of his legs and kicking it outwards. It barrels straight into your perfect sandcastle.
‘Building sandcastles is for babies. Babies like you!’ He ridicules as he stomps his foot into the sandcastle that you had just poured your entire heart and soul into creating not even moments ago.
Your fragile eyes well up with tears that drip from your waterline after Matt finishes crushing your craft. ‘That wasn’t very nice…’ you peep with an unmistakable frown on your face and your voice already raggedy with sobs. Matt’s beady blue eyes look at you once more, before he screws his face up and observes the way you cry, still in the position from when he had first snuck up to you and pulled on your hair teasingly.
‘Aww what’s wrong… you gonna cry?’ He feigns a pout as your nose begins to run.
Your little self feels so embarrassed that you’re crying in front of a boy, no less crying in front of Matt. He’s so mean to you. He picks on you all the time. You get no peace from him, you just wish he’d leave you alone, you liked being alone.
Pulling the stuffed animal you take everywhere you go from the floor, you hug it delicately into your chest as Matt jeers a chanting ‘Crybaby! Crybaby! Crybaby!’ Continuously whilst leaping around and pointing at you. You look to the ground shamefully, before you can’t take much more of his abuse. You don’t want to attract any more attention, not even from the parents that all flock together just yards away, huddled around the neighbourhood barbecue. And you certainly don’t want Matt causing you even more grief by calling you a snitch.
So instead, a simple whine is peeped from your throat as Matt steps back out of the sandbox, but not before playing with you once again by knocking off the little flowery bucket hat that had been fixed onto your head. You swipe it back up and dust it off angrily as he giggles and skitters off to go and play another game of hide and go seek with all of the other kids on the neighbourhood block. He turns back around once more to rudely stick his tongue out at you before leaving you all by yourself, now to wallow in your own sadness as you slump next to the destroyed sandcastle.
You just can’t help yourself as your nerve snaps, and as Matt runs away in his baggy dungarees, you squeal a high pitched and defiant ‘Maaaattt!!!’ To emphasises your anger, before huffing and petulantly crossing your arms, your head still kind of emanating a dull ache from where he had pulled your hair earlier.
Like you said, you just wished that annoying boy would leave you alone.
‘Matt…’ you moan as he drops your thighs from the fleshy grip of his hands. You fall to your bed.
Within the soft lighting, his beard looks even darker and more prominent as he gazes at you with hungry eyes. Your heart beats down at your clit at wanting his tongue on you as soon as possible.
You and Matt are slightly older now.
At the roaring age of 20, you had bumped into him in your local grocery store after not seeing him for years. You see, you and him had gone to different high schools when you were younger, and sure, you had seen him around your neighbourhood a couple of times before, but it had never been enough to form a proper conversation with him.
Both of you had clearly been shocked at how much your appearances had changed as adults. You found it quite funny really, that the boy from your old neighbourhood block who used to crumple up balls of paper and chuck them at your head childishly, now had himself a beard.
Matt had been too stunned to speak.
Now being the mature young man that he was, he really didn’t expect to see an age old crush of his standing before him and looking just as pretty, if not prettier than she had when in her youth.
In the grocery store, he remembered smiling fondly at you as you both stood in the bread section, before reaching out one of his hands to jokingly tug on one of the pigtails. ‘Still wear around your pigtails huh?’ He had mumbled, a wave of nostalgia hitting the both of you as you looked at each other curiously. You blushed, embarrassed that the day you had decided to plait your hair into pigtails was the day that you would bump into what you considered to be your childhood bully. Typical.
Although, Matt saw you as something completely different at the time - unbeknownst to you.
You had shrugged and smiled sheepishly, replying with a ‘you’ve got a beard now…’ as you pointed towards the dark hair holding up his cheekbones sharply. Matt had softly chuckled and gently dropped his eyes to check you out. ‘Yeah I guess I do’.
As you chatted a little more, both of you decided to stick with each other for the rest of the duration of your grocery trips to catch up. Matt had even walked you out of the store and into the small parking lot. After he had put his groceries away into his car, shutting the trunk and locking it back up again, he felt the need to talk to you further and so shyly asked you out to dinner- which obviously you agreed to.
It was nice to see how much Matt had changed and really grown up, it was refreshing almost. However, that dinner date didn’t end at all like how you expected it would… because to end the evening, Matt had spent the entire night apologetically fucking his cock up into you on your couch, both of your faces sweaty and blushed, soaking in the obvious attraction you had felt towards one another. His hands had tightly intertwined with yours as he pinned them above your head and his mouth had been so close to yours the whole entire time. You remember him releasing whimpering pants against your mouth in between sloppy kisses whilst he mumbled ‘m’sorry… m’so sorry for how I treated you when we were kids…’.
But after you were finished, the endeavour didn’t end there, you didn’t cut off all contact with each other and go back to never speaking again. No. Instead, Matt had boldly asked for your updated number, since both of you now had phones, a luxury that 6 year old you two could have only dreamt of. And he texted you, again and again, and he also came over to fuck you… again and again. He was certainly a lot more straightforward with it now, that’s for sure.
Matt just couldn’t get enough of you, he was fucking obsessed with you, and he took full advantage over the fact that his 20 year old self now had the confidence to pursue you, the confidence that 8th grade Matt lacked.
And so that was that.
Now you are both here, Matt making a routine visit around to your apartment with hungry eyes and a hungry appetite.
The older boy kneels onto your bed, the mattress groaning and squeaking underneath his weight which gets you to shift in anticipated desire as he crawls right over to your awaiting body.
Slipping in between your legs, your hands splay behind you and keep you steady as his lips feather onto yours again, his tongue making easy work of snaking into your mouth and licking against your own. He kneels in between your spread legs, smoothing his hands down your rib cage and sliding them to your hips, before moaning ‘lie down angel’ into your lips, gently helping you by digging his thumbs into your tender flesh.
You fall back, your hair fanning out around you, but your head not quite reaching a pillow, so Matt smacks his lips, leaning over you so he can snatch one and slide it under your head for your comfort.
‘That better for my baby?’ He mumbles with his hands coming to rest under your arms, dangerously close to your swelled tits that had hardened upon his presence. You nod and he smirks, leaning his head down as he simultaneously moves his thumbs onto the pebbles of your nipples, yourself whimpering whilst he rubs them and kisses down into your mouth again.
Matt spent an awful lot of time during your horny fucks trying to make up for his past actions and mean comments by showering you with compliments and babying you as much as possible and it worked to flatter you into wetness every single fucking time.
‘Aren’t you just so pretty…’ he absentmindedly praises against your lips, now slipping the rest of his hands onto your tits to gently squeeze them, resulting in your rosy blush turning to an aroused red.
You swallow, bashful and nervous as he gets you to lean up so that he can slip your thin cotton top from off of your torso.
Throwing it to the floor, he sits back on his haunches to admire your bare tits, dewy and flushed whilst you look away in embarrassment.
‘Stop staring…’ you mumble shyly, but he only frowns, reaching his hand forward to grip your chin and turn it back to his face. ‘But why? They’re mine are they not? You’re my little girl… not anyone else’s… beautiful things should be looked at’ he starts, and once again, you feel the gush and drip of your arousal seeping through your underwear.
His voice dims to a whisper… ‘and beautiful things should be touched… shouldn’t they angel?’ He asks a rhetorical question before his hands find your tits again.
You falter, moaning a little when his mouth comes next, fully attaching itself to your right one so that his tongue can roll over your sensitivity, he hums and your back arches when you grip onto his floppy hair, his palms now caressing your waist. ‘Fuck…’ you quietly breathe into the air, nearly having to bite your lip and suppress a groan when Matt cheekily mumbles ‘is my little girl trying to use big girl words now?’ into you tits.
His tongue drips saliva all over them, and when he pulls away the freshly coated skin shines within the light, before he goes to suck on your left one.
Matt likes to spend extra time on every inch of your body, every inch of your skin, before he really gets what he wants, which is a taste of the delicate cherry nestled in between your honeyed thighs.
Leaning his chin on your breastbone, he watches the way you have your head thrown back in ecstasy like a lion, before he leans back up to roll both his sweater and his shirt up and over his head, soon discarding his own clothes. Then, he slips his thumbs into your pyjama shorts, taking them off and almost drooling at the sight of your baby pink panties, soft with a little bow at the stitch of them.
Some things never change. Your incessant love for the colour pink ever since you‘ve been a little kid being one of them.
This makes Matt’s cock throb, and he drips pre-come into his boxers at the sight of his little girl with her tits out, all hot and bothered just for him as he leers over her.
Suddenly, you pipe up in a gentle voice, being careful with your inquire which makes Matt’s heart melt and his cock even harder.
‘Can… can I have your special kisses now, please?’
Matt nods his head, stroking his hands down the backs of your thighs as he dreamily muses ‘of course you can angel… such a good girl for asking so nicely, aren’t you?’.
His praise naturally rolls off of his tongue like melted chocolate, and his hands make you ache. Finally, he leans down, before nudging his nose against your throbbing nerve, mumbling a starved ‘these panties are so pretty little girl… I think I’m going to keep them so that I can wrap them around my cock whilst I think of you when I touch myself’.
With that being said, you let out a strangled breath, your back yet again arching and your toes curling as his thumbs slip into the waistband of them to pull them off.
After they roll off, Matt shoves them into his back jean pocket, wasting no time in diving back down and spreading your thighs open for him whilst he caresses them. He squeezes them when you hiss at the feeling of his tongue licking into you, his head nestled right in between your thighs so that he can look up at your face over-protectively.
Matt’s facial hair is long enough for you to feel his bearded face harshly graze along each side of your thigh whilst his jaw works mercilessly. The rough hairs rub against your core when his nose nudges against your folds to get better access and you arch your back into the air at the sensation of it.
‘Matt- that feels so good… please-’ you beg, not being able to help yourself as you grab his hair and keep him there, squeezing your thighs around his head so that you can guiltily feel his facial hair better as he licks into you.
‘Yeah? Am I treating my little girl well hm? Am I taking care of her like I said I would?’ He teases, bringing his face up to look right into your eyes from between your legs, obviously happy with the noises he has managed to force out of you thus far.
You nod your head, humming aggressively before you buck your hips up, wanting him to continue for a little while longer… and so he does, except this time, something changes within the swirling motions of his tongue.
Instead of his usual strokes and licks, he slows his wet muscle down, making you realise within the suggestive motions that he is spelling out an ‘M’ on your clit. After the ‘M’ he slowly kisses it once, before spelling out an ‘A’. Your stomach drops and churns with desire at the possessive yet erotic nature of the action.
Soon after a continuation of kisses, two ‘T’s are spelt out, and finally an ‘S’…
Your clit belongs to Matt, and he makes that very clear with the flick of his tongue and the look he gives you as he gazes up at you whilst spitting on it to get it wetter with his own saliva.
‘You’re fucking mine’ he throatily speaks with a deep hoarseness to his voice, and your stomach rises and falls with laboured breaths.
‘Yes… yes I’m all yours!’ You whine into the air, looking down at Matt just as lustfully as he looks up at you, your past hatred of each other all washing away as you find comfort within the tangle of your limbs.
Then Matt hums. ‘You’ve been such a good girl for me, letting me have you like that…’ he strokes your thighs yet again in adoration, resting his bearded chin on your pubic bone whilst lustily flitting his eyes up to you.
You smile at how similar yet different he looks to you now, both of you enthralled completely with each other. Past pains and experiences are wiped clean from the new slate you selected for your lives as soon as you had bumped into each other that one time in the grocery store.
•Fourth grade•
You’re on a field trip with your fourth grade class to your local aquarium.
You mind your own business, sticking out like a sore thumb as you trail behind everyone else, walking at the back by yourself. But you don’t feel lonely, you feel content at finally having peace. As the rest of your class chatters in groups happily, squealing and marvelling at all of the colourful fish, you prefer to admire them in quiet silence, walking right up to the glass and staring at their delicate fins before each time, seeing that the rest of the class has moved on and running to catch up with them.
You had just exited the underwater tunnel through the shark tank, looking at the floor to see their sleek grey bodies gliding underneath you before entering the jellyfish room. There are tanks upon tanks of different colourful jellies, some poisonous and some harmless, but all of them equally as beautiful with their trailing tendrils of stingers. You gasp quietly, your eyes sparkling as you run up to a massive tank full of a glowing purple and green species that float and dance about in the deep blue water aimlessly.
You press your hands up to the glass in childlike wonder, your nose almost touching the thick material whilst you scan over them and try to count how many are in the tank.
Unbeknownst to you, a pair of eyes watch your back, he too, by himself as his group of friends had left him to go and look at a tank full of long orange jellyfish. He hides behind a small tank in the centre of the room, shyly peaking around the corner at you and trying to think of a way he can poke at you.
He bites his nails and hums, wanting an excuse to walk up and tease you since he hasn’t already done so today. Ultimately, he decides to creep up behind you, smirking quickly at the creative idea that shoots through his mind whilst looking at your dad’s old baseball cap sitting on your head.
His quiet walk soon turns into a quick bursting sprint, allowing him to race up to you and pluck your hat from off of your head before you have the time to register who it even is. You yelp and spin around in fear, your hand slapped on top of your now bare head as you look at a proud Matt in horror and fear. Your heart rate quickens. You were so scared of him.
‘HEY! Give me that back!!’ You bravely demand, your attention now distracted from the jellyfish and fixating upon the wicked boy who smirks and holds it up above his head. You go to reach for it, but realise in dismay that you aren’t tall enough. Matt had annoyingly had a boyish growth spurt over the winter break and was now a couple of inches taller than you.
You feel sick in worry as your heart rattles against your ribcage.
‘Ha! Nice try’ he cackles, extending his hand up even further when you wobble onto your tiptoes to try and reach for it. To steady your balance, you have to grapple your hand onto one of Matt’s shoulders to stretch upwards and he secretly blushes, not too sure as to why your touches seems to give him conflicted feelings of affection. You whine when he only leans up onto his tiptoes too, again, pushing your hat up further from your reach.
‘Matt this isn’t funny’ you struggle, smacking your lips and extending out your body as far as you can, before he starts to wave about his arm to dodge your clawed hand. He only giggles deviously in return.
Once, just once, you’d wish for him to not pester you when you’re minding your own business, you were enjoying your little day trip out, and this just ruined it all.
‘Yes it is’ he retorts back. But before he can take his jest any further, your fourth grade teacher Mrs Banks notices your little ruckus and decides to intervene, much to your immediate relief.
‘Matthew Sturniolo!’ She calls and Matt suddenly goes rigid, the hairs on the back of his neck raising as he turns to look at her sheepishly whilst her short high heels clack towards you two. You relax, knowing that Matt is probably most likely going to be told off. And you’re right when she berates him and forces him to hand you back your hat and apologise.
For the rest of the school trip you stay glued to Mrs Bank’s side, fearful that trailing at the back will only make you more of a target for Matt’s vicious onslaught of teasing once again. But Matt stays put with the rest of his friends, only giving you periodic glances and death stares after being chastised by your teacher.
You went home that day feeling dejected and Matt went home feeling confused and frustrated. Because why is it, that he enjoyed teasing you so much. So much so to the extent where he didn’t think he could go a day without it?
‘Do you think you’re ready for my cock now angel…?’ He questions, before answering the question himself when he leans upwards to unbuckle his belt, the metal jingling as he threads it through his belt loopholes and onto the floor.
Then his pants come next, leaving him almost as exposed as you, before he bends back down and digs his hands underneath your body, scooping you up effortlessly and cushioning you into his lap. His hands freely trail, groping and squeezing your thighs so hard that when he removes them, they leave little red marks and crescent moon nail imprints into your flesh.
You kiss frantically once again, desperate to engulf your scents over each other’s skin whilst you place your thumbs on either sides of his cheeks. His tongue is hot and sticky, your connection so messy that sometimes you accidentally get spit over the skin around your mouths. As you stroke your fingers over his jaw and cheekbones, you feel his bristly facial hair and clench your soaked thighs at its roughness, remembering the way it sharply rubbed against the insides of your spread legs just moments ago.
‘Please- please can I have your thigh…?’ You politely ask into his lips, your beg coming out breathless and whimpered. Matt sighs, ‘but baby… I wanna have your gut…’. You pull away and pout in sadness, and Matt’s heart sinks at the look on your face, again, the guilt of his past coming to haunt him. Just then, he thinks of an idea.
‘Why don’t we compromise then…’ your face lights up and you nod.
‘What do you want me to do…?’ You trail off and clench again when Matt pinches one of your thighs. Matt smirks, and then crunches his stomach so that he can lower his back onto your mattress, yourself still sitting on his lap. ‘Take these off angel…’ he mumbles, referring to his boxers that conceal his dripping cock. You obey him without question, the angel comment driving you to the edge as you hook your hands into his pants and slide them down. You get up from off of his lap momentarily to remove them from his haired thighs and toss them onto the floor before returning your full attention to the way his cock stands and almost visibly pulses.
‘What now?’ You breathe and watch Matt’s grin as his head props itself up onto your stack of pillows. ‘Back on my lap n’turn around… let me see that ass’ he instructs lightly, his voice soothing and encouraging as you squint your eyes and turn your back to him in confusion. Swinging one of your legs over to his other hip, you sit on his pelvic bones, the sight of his sticky red tip dripping from just below you.
‘Spit on it.’ He demands once again, this time in a more commanding tone. Again, you do exactly as he says and let a thick string of saliva pour from out of your mouth. It splatters right onto his head and he hisses as it slowly rolls its way down the left side of his thickness. ‘Good girl…’ he struggles, his voice forced through his gritted teeth.
‘Now put one of your legs in between mine and sit on my cock’, you obey him quickly, your core aching to feel his shaft forcing your walls apart as you hoist you left leg in between his so that you can now sit on top of him at an angle. Gravitating upwards, you grip onto him and push his tip in between your folds. Slowly sliding down you let out a gulping pant before fully sitting your ass back down over his bulging hipbone. Matt tips his head back and feathers his eyes shut before willing himself to slide the thigh nestled in between your two legs upwards.
He brings it up just far enough for you to grind your clit over it when you start to move.
‘There’s your thigh angel’.
He smirks whilst looking at your back, your ass so tantalisingly sat on him that he could burst at any moment. He feels the heat from your clit emanating towards his thigh readily and it makes his mouth water.
Your chest heaves as you look down at his haired thigh wedging open your legs, the hard muscle of it brushing against your clit ever so slightly. After a couple of moments of silence and heaving breaths, Matt decides to reach out his hands to smooth them against the curves of your hips, his palms splayed on the sides of your asscheeks. ‘Is my little girl gonna move then, hm?’ He hums tauntingly, before helping you a little by rocking you forward and flexing his thigh towards you so that you can grind it onto your clit.
Your breath hitches and one of your hands comes flying up to firmly grasp ahold of his bent kneecap, the other one gripping onto the bedsheets at your side.
He starts to move you gently, his cock slipping in and out of your cunt slickly whilst your weeping clit is continuously stimulated on his thigh. You bite your lip, tossing your head back and arching your spine into the rest of his thigh whilst he keeps his eyes trained on the way your ass shakes gently with every swivel of your bouncing hips.
‘Thaaaat’s it… that’s my good girl’ he coos up to you with his raspy voice, admiring you from the back whilst you get off to him in the scissored seating arrangement.
‘Matt… this feels so good- please don’t… don’t stop…’ you whine through a moan, twisting your neck back slightly so that you can watch the way Matt’s mouth opens through pants, his cheeks pink with bashfulness as he guides your hips with his veiny hands. He hits all of your sweet spots at once this way.
‘Don’t worry angel face… m’not stopping until I make you cum the amount of times I made you cry…’.
•Eighth grade•
Matt and you are 13 now. Both going into eighth grade. Matt had been away at a summer camp all break and within that expanse of time you had developed a bit, both inwardly and more importantly… outwardly.
When you both return to school he isn’t quite expecting the sudden change in your appearance and he wonders how someone could morph so much in such a small amount of time… Going into your teenage years is certainly a perilous time for both of you because for one, your bodies are changing and your hormones are only just starting to activate properly, and two, Matt is finally getting to understand that possibly… affectionate feelings of his turn into acts of bullying when he likes someone.
That someone being you.
Matt’s 13-year-old self stands there, with gangly, growing limbs as he quietly ogles at you from afar, feeling awkward and self conscious in his own teenage boy body. What are these fucking feelings? Why are they so confusing? And why can’t they just leave him alone?
He watches you walk down the corridor towards him, his heart nervously thumping in his chest. He thinks you’re going to just walk past him, until he sees that you’re walking straight for him instead. He freezes, and almost pisses himself in fear with his fingers twitching and his eyes widened.
Quick Matt, think of something mean to say to her before it’s too late.
‘Excuse me’ you say bravely, trying to force down your nerves in front of a Matt, who clearly came back from summer camp with a gorgeous tan, his also usually dark brown hair bleached slightly lighter thanks to the sun. You thought it had been odd when his blonde hair back in first grade had slowly started to darken until he had turned into a brunette, but now you were used to it.
‘What?’ Matt mumbles, a little spaced out.
You raise your eyebrows at him. ‘Um… you’re standing in front of my locker I think’ you say, scared as to why he could be standing in front of your locker. Matt tried his hardest to shove down any nerves in front of you before scoffing and stepping to the side. He rolls his eyes.
‘Oh great, more than a hundred lockers in school and I get stuck next to yours’. Ah, so that’s why he is standing here… his locker is right beside yours. Great. You wince. You anticipate a mean comment from him every time you interact with him, but it doesn’t get any easier taking it. Guess that summer camp spirit he would have been surrounded with didn’t change his tune as much as you had hoped it would have.
‘Believe me, I’m not happy about it either’ you spit back, and shove past his lean figure to get to your locker. You start to put in your combination.
Matt blows a huff of air from out of his lips, crossing his arms and fidgeting about awkwardly behind you.
‘Knowing- knowing my luck… I’ll probably get stuck in the same class as you too’ he stutters, inwardly scolding himself for literally losing the ability to summon his normally quick witted attitude. Instead he stumbles over his words like an idiot. You only shake your head and sigh, shoving a note pad into the metal compartment before slamming it shut and re-locking it. ‘Whatever Matt’ you scoff and strut away, leaving Matt almost gripping the wall and heaving a sigh of relief when you’re gone.
But then later that day, it really is just your luck. Because both you and Matt end up walking into the exact same math class together, the two of you collectively sighing, but for vastly different reasons.
‘Fuck you always feel so good’ Matt whines deliriously. ‘You’re perfect… just perfect for me’. The air around the both of you is hot, your skin rough and sticky with sweat whilst the sound of the bed squeaking underneath your bounces harmonises with your moans. You feel like crying in ecstasy, you love it when Matt’s cock makes you feel so full, because it helps to sate your appetite and you look forward to him coming around everytime he texts that he’s going to drop by.
You are so fond of how mature he is, how old he looks. It makes you squeeze your thighs together. And now he grows his beard out just for you because you say you like it so much, until it gets a little too long and he has to shave it again. But whenever it’s at that perfect stage, he always spends multiple nights around at your apartment, just so that you can utilise it. Matt doesn’t mind, he fucking loves it. Anything to make you happy.
‘I’m… I’m your good girl’ you breathe back to him, his thigh now almost soaking with sticky precum and spit whilst you grind you clit onto him and ride his cock simultaneously. ‘You’re my good girl’ he responds back reassuringly, the possessiveness in his tone only making you squeeze around him more. He doesn’t bother to bite his hand to hide his whimpers of pleasure because he knows you deserve to hear them, deserve to see the way you make him feel after all of these long winded years of unsolved feelings and pain.
You swivel on him a little longer, your tits bouncing rhythmically before pressure knots your stomach tightly together. Your mouth hangs slack as your shoulders heave more than normal. ‘Baby… baby I think I- I’m gonna cum’ you utter a high pitched breath to him, and he nods, rubbing his thumbs over your ass cheeks comfortingly as he helps speed you up a little faster. It drives him fucking feral when you call him baby, because he’s so fucking selfish and possessive over you.
‘Go on angel… cum all over me like a good girl’ he states once again, which is enough for the tight tension within your gut to snap. Waves upon waves of euphoria rush all down your thighs, your high lasting for a good while. Within this time, Matt’s breath similarly hitches, and it’s not long before he’s creaming his load into you too, ropes of cum dripping down your walls and around his now extremely slimy member whilst he thrusts you into oblivion and exemplifies your orgasm.
After they are over, you messily collapse backwards, your chest heaving thickly as you laugh. Your sweaty skins lies flushed against Matt’s whilst you rest on top of him. He smiles gently at your little giggle before scooping his arms up to tuck them underneath your tits. Using his upper body strength, he gently slides you up his torso a little farther so that he can cuddle you into him closely. He kisses your head gently, before moving on to kiss the shell of your ear as well. In doing this, his cock is slowly removed from your spent hole, allowing you to both relax in tired exhaustion.
Matt closes his eyes whilst nuzzling his nose into your hair. You delicately place your hands onto his forearms that wrap tightly around your chest. You stare at the ceiling before mumbling ‘who would’ve thought…’ down to Matt, who simply grumbles in questioning from below you. ‘That the guy who I thought used to hate me ended up in my bed a couple of years later’. You snigger and Matt smacks his lips, opening one of his eyes to turn and peek at your side profile from below you.
‘I never hated you… not really…’.
Author’s notes p.2: I just love Dominic Fike bro, any excuse to put his songs in one of my stories. No because I actually love this plot line, aren’t they just cuties?? I hope u guys were okay with visualising the position I had them in bc I gotta tell you, I was squinting my eyes trying to write it so that it made sense lmaoo. @luvmila444 u are so so welcome for this, sorry for the wait bbg :(. Also the blogs that are in bold on my taglist- I’m so sorry but for some reason tumblr isn’t recognising your names so I don’t think I’ve been able to tag u properly :/. But anyways I hope u all enjoyed this, and as always, ask/request anything, I love answering shit hehe.
Taglist: @lovingmattysposts @sturniolosreads @luv4kozume @luvmila444 @strniohoeee @strawberrysturniolo @asturniolos @thesturniolos @matthemunch @sturnioloenthusiast @vecnasnose0 @chr1sgirl4life @kvtie444 @ellie-luvsfics @hrt-attack @gigisworldsstuff @stargirlsturniololover @imlidewwallyhittingdagwiddy @sturniololoverr @jahlisa22 @bernardsgf @luvasr @meg-sturniolo @blahbel668 @liz-stxrn @sturnreblog @ratatioulle @luverboychris @isabellehoran @carolsturns1 @meanttomeet @rootbeerworshiper @lovergirl4387 @1800chokedathoe @sophie21153-blog
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arminsumi · 3 months
♡ 𝐈 𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐊𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐘𝐨𝐮 | 𝟓
❝ ​... it's been a while since I last fell in love.❝
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All chapters | AO3
Pairing : fem reader / Gojo Satoru / Geto Suguru
Synopsis : a kiss before your flight home.
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Summer with you felt fuller and brighter than any other.
Waving sparklers in the humid night air. Sore feet after walking for hours. Mesmerized by the feeling of life whirling around you. Winning a squish mallow from a claw machine and watching Satoru and Suguru rock-paper-scissor fight over who got to keep it. Listening to Satoru and Suguru’s murmured conversations, and feeling giddy when you got the gist of something they said. Feeling your heart throb and ears perk up when they mentioned your name. Laughing embarrassedly into a pillow when you tried to speak Japanese and got everything wrong — Satoru's enamored smile.
It felt like you were in a rush to enjoy everything sometimes, because your return flight date loomed in the back of your mind. Suguru was nervous to show you Japan in a light that you'd never forget, and Satoru was just oblivious to all the sight-seeing and festivals because you were far more captivating.
On the train ride deeper into the city, Satoru sat thigh-against-thigh with you. The both of you were very consciously aware of contact, the press and the warmth. At your left, Suguru leaned close, the fabric of his t-shirt grazing your arm giving you butterflies.
Heads together, all three of you took turns in Satoru's diary; writing your names, scribbling, doodling, until the page was filled from corner to corner.
They talked about Nanami, who was going to meet you for the first time.
Suguru giggled at something Satoru said, so you asked what he was laughing at.
"Satoru's scared that Nanami is going to show off his English to you." he said.
“Oh?” you smiled.
("... and!") Satoru added dramatically, interrupting Suguru, ("He better not flirt with her.”)
Suguru went completely red in the face and laughed.
("Satoru, You're acting very boyfriend-like.")
("... oh, am I?")
Satoru stopped talking, went redder than Suguru, and sat back in his seat like he was contemplating himself.
"What?" you asked, looking between them.
"Nothing." Suguru feathered, covering his face to hide his smile, "Nothing at all."
Even you were taken aback by Nanami's English, because he spoke more elegantly than you did — so you can just imagine what expression Suguru had when he watched the two of you interact for the first time at the festival.
"Satoru's my senior at work, even if he doesn't act like it." he said. Satoru looked at him suspiciously as he spoke.
"Ohhh, I see." you nodded, "Then, you two met at work or...?"
"No, we went to high school together.” Nanami said.
You nodded again, "Ah."
"... he talks a lot about you." Nanami said, "Talks my ear off at the water cooler about this girl who lives on the other side of the world — with the biggest stars in his eyes. It's nice that you two could finally meet."
You smiled, "Yeah... this summer has been amazing."
"Have you ticked everything off your bucket list yet?" Nanami asked.
"Yes — though, I missed Tanabata." you said. “Maybe next year.”
The two of you kept talking. When you laughed at something Nanami said, Satoru threw a jealous look at him. Then he and Suguru talked under their breaths.
(“Are they flirting?”) Satoru asked suspiciously.
(“They are not.”)
(“It feels like they are.”)
(“… you really are acting like a boyfriend, Satoru…”)
A blue night sky deepened as you three walked across the street crossing, closer to where residents were gathered and some dancing around a raised stage.
"I wish I could experience December here, too." you sighed dreamily.
"Why don't you?" Nanami asked.
"... the flights are too expensive." you replied.
"... what a shame. A romantic like Satoru would be over the moon to spend December with you." Nanami said. "Maybe next year, you two can go as a couple."
You acted shyer after realizing Nanami assumed you and Satoru were dating, and it was incredibly funny because Satoru misinterpreted your shyness to be a response to Nanami's flirting — so he interrupted the conversation right there.
Suguru stifled a laugh. He didn't say anything, just watched you three like it was a sitcom.
("Nanami, you look a bit taller. Did you grow?") Satoru teased, physically comparing heights with him — which he only ever did when they were kids.
"..." Nanami stared at him. ("Why are you like this?")
Suguru was trying so hard to contain his laughter.
While Nanami and Satoru went back and forth with each other, Suguru grabbed the chance to have his own moment with you.
He talked a bit louder over the singing and drumming, right into your ear, as you watched, captivatedly, at people performing bon odori around the stage.
All you remember was feeling like Suguru’s voice was in your chest, truthfully you can't remember what he was explaining to you about the festival.
Then he went quiet and stared at you softly.
A weird, familiar feeling took residency inside his chest, and he thought;
(Oh... It's been a while since I last fell in love.)
But even if you had paid attention to him in that moment, would you have noticed the tenderness in his eyes?
Suguru got startled out of his love-struck daze by Nanami, who was leaving early.
("Satoru finally got on your nerves, huh?")
("Yes… no, not actually. I've just got sore feet.")
Satoru teased playfully, ("You just want to go home and take a bubble bath and listen to jazz like the old man you are.")
("Satoru, you're annoying. That's absolutely what I'm going to do, though.")
Nanami said goodbye for the night.
The sky blackened and the crowd thickened with more people, so Satoru took your hand in his and kept you close.
After an hour, the three of you headed out of the festival and went in search of a quieter place. Suguru observed you and Satoru holding hands. He stared and stared, then forced himself to snap out of it.
Satoru was quietly thinking, then said dramatically;
(“He was totally flirting with her!”)
And to this Suguru burst out laughing so hard, like all the laughter he held back earlier came out. A man with a laugh like that was definitely popular with boys and girls in high school, you’re certain.
(“How do you know?”)
(“… it sounded like it!”)
(“I can’t believe you’re such a jealous guy.”) Suguru shook his head, bearing a big smile, (“You even got jealous at me for flirting with her.”)
Satoru shrugged guiltlessly. 「僕は僕!」
“What is going on?” you asked laughingly.
Suguru could hardly translate or speak as he had a laughing fit on the street.
When you walked out of an alleyway into a busier street and saw the neon glow of lights of a 7-Eleven, and a cyclist going by, and inhaled the night air, and heard all the city noises, and felt all the city feelings, this feeling whirled around you.
"Life feels different here." you commented, looking around you.
"... oh really?" Suguru hummed sarcastically.
You nudged his arm. "Don't be sarcastic. You know what I mean, don't you?"
"Yeah, of course. That feeling... like a spark...?" he teased, just to see the look in your eyes.
He spoke to Satoru, and Satoru said something and Suguru chuckled and translated for you, " 'You'll miss that feeling when you leave for home.' "
"... I'll miss you two more."
Hearing sentence made his heart fluttery. When Suguru translated it, it just didn't feel the same as hearing it in your voice. It made him wonder just how much he was missing out on by not knowing your language. What feelings were being lost in translation?
The three of you headed out further, getting a bit lost in the city for fun.
The hot night called for ice cream, so Satoru and Suguru rock-paper-scissor fought for who would go to buy some.
"... 最初ぐう... じゃん拳ぽん... あいこでしょ... あいこでしょ... !"
Satoru pulled a funny face after losing that made you and Suguru laugh. He went on his way to the convenience store, navigating through a detour, stopping to pet a cat on his way back, and meanwhile... you and Suguru were left alone together, with that spark clearly fizzing between your chests.
At the park, the two of you lazed in the grass, side by side, while waiting for Satoru to return from the convenience store with ice creams.
Eyes directed up at the sky, propped on his elbows, hair messy after a long evening. Suguru momentarily closed his eyes in bliss at the soft breeze fanning by.
Next to you, Suguru stretched out his long legs and stared deeply at the moon. It was blazing. The longer he stared at it in silence the more this feeling struck him.
He took a sideways glance at you, and you were obliviously enjoying the cool night breeze.
(Does she have a clue about how I feel right now?) Suguru thought softly.
"月が綺麗ですね..." he murmured romantically.
"Hm? What does that mean...?"
He turned his head to look at you, totally smitten.
"... the moon is beautiful, isn't it?"
"Oh. Yeah, it is." you agreed. "I haven't seen a moon so bright in a while."
Suguru chuckled dreamily.
(She's a clueless angel.)
No thoughts passed through either of your heads as you leaned into each other.
His features were too fuzzy to make out in this lighting, but you saw a hint of a tender expression on his face.
He inhaled deeply and got so high on the sweet, humid night air that he leaned into a kiss without thinking his action through — but it's alright, he only grazed his still lips over yours. He only hovered. It was just a sweet, shared breath if anything. Just a ticklishly light touch of lips grazing lips.
No thoughts. Just that spark in the air and heartbeats thumping quickly in your fingertips.
Then immediate realization hit him. He pulled away and apologized like he was shocked at himself.
"I'm so sorry." Suguru stressed, "I didn't mean to — I —I wasn't thinking."
"It's okay, don't apologize." you replied softly, unable to say more.
(What does she mean, "Don't apologize"? What does she mean…?)
Suguru began to ramble, and you watched his lips move as he spoke each syllable. His lips felt tingly, wanting— desperately — for a kiss.
He wanted to kiss you, but he couldn't.
"It's just — I haven't — you know, it's been years since... um, anyways. I don't even know what I'm saying anymore." He became out of breath, talking too fast.
Suguru drew in a breath like he was going to say something more, but then stopped speaking altogether because Satoru returned — with a plastic bag of convenience store ice creams swishing at his side.
“Hey hey.” he greeted the two of you, and sat down on the grass.
Satoru didn't sit between you and Suguru, rather, he sat in front of both of you, stretching his legs out onto the soft grass like a cat.
「顔赤いよ・・・」 Satoru wiggled his brows at Suguru.
You watched Suguru as he patted his hands against his hot cheeks to cool them.
Satoru giggled naughtily.
You looked between them and watched them have a small exchange, never learning what they said to each other in that moment. But you could gather Suguru's embarrassment and Satoru's teasing and mild jealousy.
Suguru grumbled to himself on the way home.
(We could have shared a movie kiss...)
You fell asleep before Satoru — almost as soon as your head hit the pillow. He looked down at you for a moment, his gaze catching onto your parted lips, his ears picking up on your soft breathing.
(I hope you're dreaming of me.) he thought hopefully.
He stared for a bit, daydreaming.
The longer he stared, the more his face reddened and his heartbeat quickened. Eventually he crawled into bed next to you, keeping a distance but wishing so badly that he could cuddle you.
He was thinking about how unfair it was to be himself; to have to contain himself when he was such a romantic and emotional man, and not just that; a man in need of touching, kissing, cuddling. He felt a need for all of that more that night than at any other point in his life.
Satoru timidly inched closer and lifted his face to plant a kiss on your cheek. Just a tiny kiss. His lips hovered over you cheek, then over your lips. But he held back.
He pulled away slowly and smiled shyly to himself.
That satisfied his heart enough, he could calm down and sleep.
But in the other room, Suguru moved around sleeplessly in his bed like a hopeless insomniac.
Curled into his pillow, cheeks warm, fist to lip and knees hugged, Suguru was daydreaming of how that moment could have gone differently if he had just kissed you.
And his daydream played out like a film, one full of scripted kisses, shot from every angle, replayed over and over to satisfy his little heart — the poor thing was beating in panic at his growing feelings.
Yes, he knew he liked you, but not like that. Not until now. Now that feeling was nearly in full throttle.
Suguru's daydream of kissing you went on until it got light outside.
He thought, thought, thought. But a daydream wasn't enough to satisfy his need to kiss you. With a suppressed sigh, he rolled onto his side, hugged his ribs, and blinked his stinging eyes at the room as it lit up a dawn blue.
The room became lighter and lighter.
He leaned up in bed, blinked, then reached for his phone and opened yours and his chat. And he scrolled up into the texts that gave him butterflies. He stared at the blinking cursor, then typed out;
I wanted to kiss you.
Then he stared at your profile picture, and promptly erased what he had typed.
Instead, he wrote it in his notes app, as if it was his most guilty secret.
Then he cuddled back into his fortress of pillows, begged his mind for a dream of you, and fell asleep at 7 AM, sleeping a weak 3 hours before waking up again.
You and Suguru were awake earlier than Satoru, who was still softly sleeping. The roar of early morning traffic reached the 7th floor, and the sunrise teased its appearance through the buildings.
Suguru watered the balcony plants in his flip flops.
And he did it lazily, in his baggy pants, with unbrushed hair. It was quite a sight to see, so you stared. He could feel your eyes on him and his heartbeat quickened.
He watered each plant with a cup of water, complaining that he keeps forgetting to buy a watering can for his ‘lil guys’.
Names were assigned to each plant, written on paper on toothpicks.
“… you named a plant… Dave?” you questioned.
“… what? It’s funny.”
He watered ‘Dave’ and looked closer, nearly nosing into the plant.
"Oh my god... he’s wilting." he genuinely panicked. "I swear I'm doing everything I can to keep him alive, it's like he just wants to die… keep it together, Dave."
You laughed and hovered over the plants with him. Suguru was frowning at his other plants as they looked unhappier than usual.
"Suguru, you're such a plant dad." you said.
His frown lifted, he looked at you and then his sweet smile lines showed up on his cheeks.
When he made eye contact, and that something sparked in the air between you two. It sparked bigger than it ever had before.
"You look tired..."
I can't believe she notices that. How sweet.
He shrugged in response.
"I was thinking about you..." he trailed off.
You widened your eyes and went silent.
"— your flight." he lied and you knew it.
"... yeah, it's gonna be a long flight home." you swallowed hard, looking so deeply into his eyes that you got dizzy.
"You know what's weird? Right now, in this moment, it feels like you'll never leave." he said softly.
The following silence heightened the tension between you and him. He felt the urge to kiss you again. He felt it bad. His self-restraint was slipping, he couldn't discipline himself.
(A kiss is just a kiss, right?)
When you licked your lips, that’s when Suguru started to lean his face in. As his gaze flitted between your lips and your eyes, his heart panged.
He hesitated, you hesitated, he stuttered, you stuttered. He kissed you like a nervous mouse.
You were shocked even though you knew it was coming.
Even if the kiss lasted just a split second, that was long enough to catch a glimpse of heaven.
Suguru pulled back and looked at you unsurely.
"えーと" his lips twitched. "I — I'm — I — uh." he forgot how to speak completely, so stunned that his mother tongue and English tongue got tangled together.
You stared into his eyes and that's what got him, he went in for another kiss, this time harder – lips smacking together like you just needed each other. And as he exhaled against your face, you could feel all his passion.
His heart fluttered when you kissed him back with almost the same intensity. The heat and softness of someone else's lips was exactly what he needed at this time in his life, just to kiss someone who he really liked.
Gasping into the kiss, Suguru held onto your cheeks like you were his baby. When he ran out of breath, he pulled away and breathed a little heavier.
"I'm so sorry, I — " he said breathlessly.
" — no, it's o—o-okay." you stammered, feeling a bit out of it.
Both of you were digesting the moment when suddenly a bleary-eyed, sleepy Satoru came out onto the balcony, holding Mint against his chest. He was squinting and blinking at the morning sun.
Suguru immediately switched to nonchalance and acting as if nothing just happened. But his shoulders were stiff.
("Mint looks especially evil this morning.") his voice quivered a little.
("... you mean fluffy?") Satoru replied, petting Mint between her fuzzy ears.
("No, evil.") Suguru joked, ("She's a devil in dis—guise.") he choked on his words.
Satoru looked at him strangely and thought;
(Huh, Suguru doesn't usually choke on his words.)
Satoru stared at Suguru, looked at you, then looked back and forth between you and Suguru.
The air was thick.
("What happened?") Satoru asked.
Satoru's sixth sense was insane. Like it was some scene in a comedy movie, he forwardly asked;
("Why do I feel like I interrupted something?") he said.
Suguru raised his brows and made a funny guilty face. You looked between them with wide eyes.
"I'm gonna go make some coffee..." you said, and scrambled to your feet like you were desperate to escape this awkward tension.
"... I'm gonna tell him." Suguru said.
"You're bluffing..."
"Nah, I'm an honest guy."
You groaned funnily, "Then I'm gonna go hide behind the coffee pot..."
Satoru looked confused. Once you headed inside, it was just him and Suguru there on the balcony.
The traffic was roaring louder by now. For a while it was the only sound between them, besides your distant clanking in the kitchen.
A long silence dragged out and then Suguru's words abruptly popped into existence.
Suguru made a guilty grimace and scratched the back of his head.
("What do you mean you kissed her? When was this?") Satoru's voice got higher.
("Uh, like right now.")
They went back and forth for a while. You heard them and had no idea what was being said.
("Thief.") Satoru said, calming down after a while.
("How am I a thief?") Suguru got defensive.
("You stole her kiss from me!") Satoru pouted childishly.
("... I'm sorry. I couldn't help myself.") Suguru lowered his head, ("Are you mad at me...?") he asked worriedly.
("... No, I'm not mad at you... well, a little bit.") Satoru mumbled, ("I'm more jealous than mad.")
(“So…”) Suguru looked at his best friend wearily. How could he not be furious? (“This is fine with you?”)
(“You can get away with it. If it were Nanami, I’d be throwing hands.”) he joked.
Suguru still felt like he was a puppy that did something wrong, but Satoru just didn’t seem to be taking it as seriously.
("... I've got a plan, okay.") Satoru said suddenly, ignoring Mint's silent begging for cuddles. ("I'm gonna kiss her at the airport, right before she leaves — ")
Suguru laughed, ("Are you procrastinating — ?")
Satoru cut him off and said 「やる よ!!!」 with such intensity and conviction that it made Suguru burst out laughing.
Hearing Suguru's laughter from the kitchen reassured you that everything went over fine.
He stood in front of you.
(できる よ・・・) I can do it...
Satoru swallowed hard. Discretely wiped his sweaty palms on his pants. Nibbled his lip. Tried to act natural in the airport, looking to Suguru for inspiration on being nonchalant.
You were testing the clock by waiting until the very last minute to get onboard.
Just like you were procrastinating to board your flight, Satoru was procrastinating to kiss you. The three of you exchanged a look.
"Oh.” Suguru realized, “Go ahead. I’m not looking. I'm a plant." Suguru joked, covering his eyes.
He gave you and Satoru space, he thought it was fair. If he had his moment with you on the balcony, then Satoru deserved to have a moment with you. Now he understood how all-consuming the desire to kiss someone was.
(It has to be now, when else? I don't know when she'll be back for her next visit, I could be waiting a whole year. The universe knows how impatient I am. I've got to have her lips right now.) Satoru thought anxiously.
His body stuttered.
You were thinking to yourself, is this the wrong moment to kiss him? Is there ever a right moment anyways?
"Satoru." you said in a tone of goodbye, and outstretched your arms to him.
He leaned down into your embrace like the awkwardly tall man he was.
You clung to each other's bodies for a while. Such a clingy hug already spoke volumes. But still, Satoru just wanted to go that bit further — to spell his love on your lips.
He wanted you to board that plane knowing what his love tasted like, to sit in your seat with lips freshly tingling.
Yes, he knew nothing in life ever played out like in movies or daydreams, so he was hoping just once it would.
Last-minute doubt filled him and he felt his mood drop.
(… maybe I shouldn’t.)
Just as he pulled out of the hug, you reached up, cupped his cheeks with conviction, and gave him the biggest kiss that he'd ever received in his life right smack there on his lips.
"...?" His knees buckled, and redness grew on his cheeks very quickly.
He blanked so hard, but only for a second or two, because he dreamily tilted his head off to the side and deepened the kiss.
(yeah, 恋している。)
You pulled back. He stammered, stuttered, totally stumbled. He was all over the place now. He couldn't form a thought now.
Even if someone would have told him that he was on planet earth, he wouldn't have believed them, because your kiss definitely sent him to heaven.
"は、はずかしいな・・・embarrassed, I'm embarrassed." He chuckled nervously.
Suguru watched as you two broke down into giggles, then he came over to you two again.
"You know, that was very cute and all," he said, spooking the life out of Satoru who was just totally in his feelings. "But even the last-minute procrastinators have boarded the flight by now."
"Oh my god!" you panicked, "Um, yeah! Okay, okay I'm gonna go... I love you two. I'll come back soon, I promise. I promise."
Hugging goodbye for the last time hurt, and seeing you get teary-eyed made it hard for them not to cry too.
You went through the gates.
Satoru felt like you tore a piece of him and took it with you, and his whole body wanted to chase after you.
You waved and gave heart hands to them as much as you could until you disappeared out of sight.
Boarding the plane felt like a dream. After stowing away your bag in the overhead cabinet, you took your seat and stared blankly, lips feeling tingly and alive with Satoru’s lingering feelings on them.
It was all over too quickly. Satoru licked his lips.
Idling to the window to watch your plane take off, both of them felt like they were on the verge of crying, Satoru a little more than Suguru.
(まだ いかないで。) Satoru frowned.
At home, Satoru walked into his room and when he inhaled your lingering scent, god, he burst into tears so loudly that Mint got startled. Suguru came to comfortingly rub his back as he wept like a dog.
"悟、 泣かないで。"
He didn't cry as hard ever again as he did that day, and he never even told you.
It's hard to imagine that summer could have ever ended, but it faded away like a sweet taste fading on his tongue.
Satoru woke up the morning without you, and it took him a few seconds to realize that — he felt his fingers over the pillow and slowly opened his eyes.
Puffy eyes, dry lips, he reached for his phone.
You hadn't replied yet — still on your flight home, high up in the air. Probably staring out the window. Hopefully thinking of him.
He checked your live flight status, and laid on the pillow as he watched it, forearm concealing his frown, and he just stayed like that for half an hour. Watching that tiny plane move on the screen, over so many countries.
He zoomed out, and felt stricken, as if he just realized how far you actually were from him. And you weren't even home yet, home was still hours away.
"Wake up, princess." Suguru knocked on Satoru's door, then barged in after Satoru let out an I’m awake noise. "I could sense your damp mood through the door." He said.
Satoru groaned, "She's still in the sky..."
Suguru dove into Satoru's unmade bed. "Don't frown so much, you'll get ugly frown wrinkles when you're old."
They were watching your live flight for a few minutes in silence.
"Let’s look through photos."
So, they both laid there, looking through photos, mumbling amongst themselves about little things and missing you like they've never missed someone before.
Then Satoru let out a long breath, rolled onto his back, and hummed happily to himself.
"I kissed her. I actually kissed her.” He said, thinking of you.
"... oh really? That's crazy. Me too." Suguru teased sarcastically.
"Shut up, you."
Suguru just teased further, "The only way you'll get me to shut up is if you book her a flight back to Tokyo and let her use her lips to silence me."
"She'll kiss me before she kisses you next time she visits." Satoru said confidently.
"... bet?"
"Okay, bet!" Satoru flared up, "I bet all my savings, because I know she loves me more."
"Then say goodbye to your savings."
They go back and forth, getting competitive.
"... I'll kiss her harder." Suguru said.
"No, I'll kiss her harder." Satoru said.
"I'll kiss her dumb." Suguru said.
"I'll kiss her dumber!" Satoru said.
Mint fluffed her tail and stared at her noisy, bickering owners. Then she leaped off and went on her way to the washing machine.
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@miwanilla / @sukunasdirtylaugh / @coco-cat / @babydiamondblog / @mp3playerblog / @froufrousnowman / @lovesickramblingsofmine / @arminswifee / @instantmusico / @kaechannn / @sabo-has-my-heart / @yoonjinhusbands / @honey-i-will-come-back / @thirtykiwis / @satoruiloveu / @iamthedetective / @melaaaara / @xakilicious / @i-am-the-geek-overlord / @starrylibras / @beanluvsmilo / @kittytoru / @reese-is-right / @rains-mae / @c0pkiller / @baepsays / @hueanhdang / @fuck-imstillhere / @yourimaginaryfriiendd / @alwaysminhyuk / @andromidagalaxie / @vianna99 / @akumakitsune21 / @ducksdoughnuts / @itsnotmelo / @animechick555 / @hypernovaxx / @xkittiecatx / @ba-ks / @sleepy-waffle / @aphoenixnamed-angel / @polarbvnny / @satoryaa / @dedicatemyhearttoyou / @aiikuraa / @uno3 / @softnorth / @polarbvnny / @aphoenixnamed-angel / @boundedbyfate / @p1nkfluffysocks / @notahappyyoongi / @sullybrothersmate / @nissatamz / @bakugosbottombitch / @zhonglis-missing-wallet / @martothejay / @ringsofsaturnnnn / @givemeonereason / @rosariymchapter / @augustsosexy / @spicy-takimura / @li-m-ii / @strychnynegirl / @curvaliberate / @oyuki22 / @spicy-takimura / @li-m-ii / @euaphoria1 / @hexoolio / @notrlynicole / @maya-maya-56 / @elitesanjisimp
♡ 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠
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© arminsumi
I do not permit the copying/reposting/translation/plagiarism of my works. Do not steal what I've worked hard to create.
This is fictional work.
746 notes · View notes
yeyinde · 1 year
OK but i need to know if price allows his wife to trim his beard …can you please write a drabble on it to feed my price addiction
Oh, absolutely!! I bet it’s easier for him to have someone he trusts cut his hair for him. His beard, though—I imagine he grooms it himself (too many oh, sir, you should cut it this way—), and he prefers a straight razor over a blade. If he really, really trusts you, he'll let you do it for him, but he's been grooming his beard since he was 28, and so. No one does it better than he does. 
His hair, however? He considers it a free cut.
》 WARNINGS: Um. Just some domestic bliss, really. Bantering. Allusions to sexual content, PTSD, and trust issues (not as serious as it sounds; just briefly mentioned). This is basically just gratuitous fluff. This was written with absolutely no discernible characteristics for the Reader—gender-neutral reader 》 WORD COUNT: 1,9k
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"Hold still."
"Holdin' as still as I can, love."
His words are thick—little more than a grumble rasped into the collar of his shirt, distorted from the tilt of his head, chin resting on his sternum. 
To someone else, his tone might be misconstrued as waspish; a scathing snap sawed between his clenched teeth, and coloured in a thick paint of impatience. 
But you know him more than most, and the huffiness of his tone only serves to amuse you. 
(Your irascible man.)
Your fingers snake through the overgrown locks on the top of his hand until you have a fistful trapped tight between each of your digits, and then you tug just so. A warning. Not enough to hurt him, of course, but enough that it makes him tense—makes him groan. 
His voice loses the surly pinch, and sounds decidedly breathless—a fact that makes you stifle a grin. 
"Gonna start somethin' you can't finish, you bloody minx."
"Gonna cut your skin if you don't stop wriggling around," you volley back. 
He huffs, shoulders slumping down with his sharp exhale. "Just get on with it. Getting stiff sittin' like this."
You ease off the clutch of his hair, but keep the locks between your fingers, eyeing the length, before nodding to yourself, and bringing the scissors close to the tuffs spilling out. 
The snipping sound of the shears cutting through his hair fills your small washroom. His shoulders seem to relax, if only slightly, as you work. 
You cut the locks between your pinky and ring finger shorter than the rest, and wince. 
"You know," you murmur, brows furrowing as you try to gauge whether or not it's passable enough to be overlooked, or if you'll need to cut all of it shorter to match. "You could go to a barber. A professional."
He grunts. You know what he's going to say before he says it, and you wordlessly mimic the words that leave his lips:
"Cheaper this way, ain't it?" He drops his chin when you nudge his head. 
Cutting his hair has become a small tradition between you, one that started a few months into your relationship when he showed up at your door, three hours late to a planned date with a bucket hat on his head, and a package of forget-me-nots in his hand (seeds, he said, because flowers will wilt and die in a day but if you plant them in your garden, they'll regrow forever). His hair was longer than usual, curling just under his chin, and the sight of him—so frazzled and unkempt compared to how put together he normally was—made something inside of you ache.
He'd rushed here as soon as he could, complaining that his flight was delayed, and his barber quit on him, and all the while, your fingers itched with the urge to run them through his overgrown locks, to feel the silken hair against your palm. 
(To grip tight and not let go.)
The words slipped out with very little conscious thought: I can cut it for you. 
He seemed almost caught off-guard, but the obvious discomfort of having his hair tickle the nape of his neck made his acquiescence much easier. 
You discovered that night just how much you liked having his hair in your hands, and he seemed to realise that fucking you against the wall, while you tugged on his freshly cut hair, in lieu of payment was much more preferable than dealing with a barber. 
"No," he grouses. "They're always goin' on 'bout undercuts, and tryin'a get me to shave my chops, and I ain't dealin' with that when I 'ave you." 
"Free labour?" 
"Hardly." He scoffs. "Gonna break my damned back one of these days, you bloody—"
"—hold still, love," the stolen endearment makes him shudder, but he quiets when you rest the flat of the blade over the crest of his ear, cutting the overgrown hair around his sideburns. "That's it. Good boy."
"Keep playing with me, love, and I'll show you who's a good—" 
Another tug. His scorching words taper off into a growl. 
"You don't seem to complain much when you pull me in for another round—ah, ah—" You tug his hair again when he moves, fighting a wide grin. The plastic handles of the scissors slide back until it arches off the back of your hand, thumb brushing the loose hair from behind his ear. "God, you're so stubborn. You want to get cut, don't you?"
"Trust you not to leave me a bloody mess by the end of this." 
With his chin dipped so far down into his collar, his words are honey-thick and robust, and the deep cadence alone makes your toes curl in your slippers. 
"Trust me that much, hmm?" 
Despite the transparent barb, the tease in your slightly breathless tone, he doesn't hesitate. "With my life." 
"Aren't you a charmer?" 
"Almost done? I'll show you how charming I can be—"
"Nearly. Would've finished an hour ago if you'd keep still."
He grumbles again, but the words are swallowed by the snip of the scissors. An impasse blooms in the scant space between your front, and his broad back. Comfortable, like all silences with him have become. Despite your griping, cutting his hair is soothing—intimate in a way you'd never come to expect it to be. 
It might be the explicit trust he places in your hands when you direct him to tilt his chin for you at a mere tap against his jaw, or the crown of his head. Wordlessly following your commands as soon as they're conveyed. 
To anyone else, such a display is commonplace, but you've been through the thick of everything to know that exposing his neck in such a vulnerable way to you, and so soon after a mission, is more meaningful than any declaration of trust could ever be. The innate drive to protect his fragile pieces from harm often leads to him flinching away from the sharp end of the shears, but it diminishes just as quickly as it rears, and he sits, docile and accommodating, for you. Allowing you this minuscule power over him. 
Maybe that's why he refuses to see a barber, opting to let you chop his hair in whichever style you deem attractive instead. Explaining to someone else why he's so tense, why he sometimes can't stifle the small jerk when cold metal kisses the nape of his neck, seems tiresome. The unneeded opening of a barely healed scab. 
It was a battle getting him to open up to you, to let you invade his space, and squeeze through the splinters in his resolve when it became clear that you weren't going anywhere that wasn't with him. 
The thought of it alone warms you. The ache in your joints from holding your hands still, cutting through the thick tufts of hair, feels like a small burden in comparison to what he's shown you with this. 
It's been barely five hours since he touched down at Heathrow. His duffle bag is still packed. His fatigues are still on. He hadn't even showered off the stench of the mission, or scoured the blood and dirt from between his nails, and yet—
You tap his cheek. His head lifts, and then lists to the side. The smooth curve of his neck is exposed. His exterior vein throbs through his sun-kissed skin. 
Affection blossoms in your chest. 
"Missed you." 
The words are barely a whisper, but his eyes peel open, icy blue finding yours as you lean over him, getting the last patch of hair near his temple. 
John says nothing in response, but he doesn't have to. You see it all—feel it. The vein in his neck throbs more intensely as his heart rate picks up, and that alone is more than an echoed sentiment in return. It's enough. 
But still:
His hand lifts with a deliberate slowness until the pads of his fingers kiss your wrist. He burns red-hot—skin just as fiery as his temper—and the warmth of his rough skin bleeds into you when he wraps his full palm over your arm, thumb brushing your flesh in a distinct pattern. 
When you recognise it, you falter. 
It isn't quite Morse code, but it's something he taught you on the eighth date when you asked if the wordless hand signals were accurate in the movie you'd just seen. His hand found yours as he led you out of the theatre, and down the cold, wet streets of Liverpool. 
"No," he snorted, derisively. And then spent the three blocks back to your flat showing you the different commands they used in the SAS, and the ones he taught his men. "If you can, skin on skin is better. Less likely to be seen. We save it for hostage situations. Like this—"
Blisteringly intense cerulean never wavers from yours as he lets you feel the words he rasps over your skin. 
You try not to tremble with the shears pressed too close to his skin, and quietly pull them away. He watches as you place them on the ledge of the vanity, hand never releasing yours. 
You brush the loose hair from his shoulders, trying to hide a smile.
"All done." 
John hums, the noise a crackling ember that fills the hush in the room, and notches between your ribs where it sticks against your thudding heart. 
"What's the verdict?"
"Why don't you see for yourself?"
Loose hair falls from his shoulders when he stands until it dusts across the tile below his feet. He leans over the sink, shaking his head above the basin, before settling, angling his chin as he takes in your shoddy handiwork. 
"Looks good."
You snort. "Sure. I'll have to go over it once you finish showering because someone wouldn't sit still long enough for me to clip around your crown, and—"
He turns to face you, and the playful diatribe is cut off when his warm palms fit against your hips. It's his turn to tug, and he does so with a sharp jerk of his wrists, pulling you taut to his chest. 
His eyes bore down into yours, mirthful blue. "Yes, yes," his eyes roll briefly toward the ceiling, lips curling into a soft smirk. "But someone kept tryin'a clip my ears, and pullin' on my hair."
"Someone, eh?" You volley coyly, reaching up, and curling your fingers into the bristles of hair spilling from his cheeks. 
At your gentle touch, his expression shifts to contemplative. His chin tilts when your nails graze his skin. 
"You like my beard, don't you?" 
Your brow lifts in question. "Yes, you know I do. Why? The boys making fun of you for it?"
"Gaz said I looked like an Edwardian lord—" you snort at the comparison. He pinches your side. "Watch it."
"Is that all?"
"Soap said they're grabable."
"Yeah, they are," you purr, taking in as much as you can in your fists. "Very steerable, too. But why is Soap concerned about that?"
"Said someone could grab 'em. Drag me by 'em, and—"
"Like his mohawk?"
He concedes your point with a flash of teeth. "You don't think I need to trim 'em?"
"And lose my handlebars? No way—"
His darken. "Dirty little thing, aren't you?" 
"For you? Always." 
"Mmm," he tilts his chin down, and presses his mouth to yours, teeth nipping your bottom lip. "Insatiable little minx."
"You love it." 
"You know I do." His hands tighten on your hips, fingers digging into your flesh. When you peer up at him, his pelagic gaze turns turbid with desire. "Now, about your payment…"
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willowrites · 4 months
can you do a smut with chubby fem reader and sam? tysm !
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SUMMARY. you were a big fan of sam and colby for years and when the opportunity to finally meet them presented itself to you…with no hesitation you took it …
PAIRINGS. (non-specific) chubby!fem reader x sam golbach & colby brock
WARNINGS. oral f!receiving, dirty talk, praising and a little bit of degradation, threesome ...
AUTHORS NOTE. hello! i’m sorry if this didn’t meet your expectations i wasn’t sure how to go about this or the specifics you wanted but hopefully i did the smut part right! enjoy ! lmk if u guys want a part 2 …!!! AND ALSO SORRY FOR LACKING! its been a crazy month …
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“so guys next week is halloween and as you guys know we’re throwing a big party. you have to be over 21 i’m sorry,” colby said and shrugged. your heart jumped.
say it’s in la say it’s in la. you repeated.
“it will be in la, we’ll drop the address the day of. please come if you can and bring your ID!” sam confirmed.
you were there. mentally and physically you are going to be there. you already have a really sexy halloween costume planned so it was about time you used it.
you pressed play on the video after you had paused it.
“okay so truth or strip.” sam clapped. “if you can’t answer you get a bunch of ice dumped on you. should be fun.”
“we’ve done this before guys but this time, we’re gonna get a little spicy, we’re in a pool, and doing the ice bucket challenge.” colby said running a hand through his hair.
you were excited about this video. something about both of them just made you so happy.
“okay rock paper scissors who goes first,” sam said.
“okay okay.”
“rock paper scissors shoot!” they both exclaim.
“rock paper scissors shoot!”
“rock paper scissors shoot.”
rock and scissors. sam won.
“noooo!!” colby whined.
sam pumped his fist and continued. “okay first question, have you ever lied to me. if so what was the lie.” after he asked that he eyed colby.
“well…no not outside of like a prank. i don’t think i’ve ever truly lied to you." he said frowning.
“not even once? like back in the day,” sam asks.
“nope, because i’m just real like that guys.” colby brags.
sam rolls his eyes. “well technically you didn’t answer soooo..” sam trails off while grabbing hold of one ice pack.
“no no no please.” colby whines but sam still pours the bag of ice.
“oh my god so cold so cold so cold,” he repeated.
“damn i should’ve had you take your shirt off first,” sam said but rolled his eyes as colby took his shirt off.
jesus, you wish you were there in person.
you continued on with the video until colby asked a very interesting question. both of them were shirtless and colby was in his boxers while sam was still in his swim shorts.
“would you have a threesome if i was the other guy.” sam widened his eyes.
“woah now that’s a question,” he said awkwardly while colby laughed and covered his face.
“well i-.” sam hesitates to answer the question. “i don’t know?” sam was blushing so hard.
he was just so cute.
“well i mean we have kissed and made out with the same girl.” colby shrugged.
“i…guesss yeah i mean. sure why not,” sam answered.
you were speechless. that night you dreamt of what it would be like to have both of you giving you sexual attention.
i mean…dreams come true, right?
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“y/n are you almost done?” your best friend elena said.
you were finishing up touching up your hair and once you were done with that you would be finished getting ready.
you finished tying up your light blue ribbon on the other pigtail of your dorothy costume.
you were more like a sexy version of dorothy from wizard of oz.
you were wearing a white lacy bra that was more of lingerie which showed a generous amount of your cleavage. you then were wearing the light blue plaid dress which was silky on your body. it flattered your ass and you were so confident in it. then you were wearing thigh-high sheer white socks with light blue ribbons on top of where they meet your thighs then lastly you had red sparkly heels gracing your feet.
you checked yourself out in the mirror as you finished up your last curl.
“yes i’ll be out in a minute one sec!” you yelled out.
you did a natural makeup look not wanting to look too dramatic for dorothy but you applied more lip gloss as you got done with your curls.
“okay because we gotta go.” elena said through the door.
you tried to tidy up your space but it was no use. you would tend to it tomorrow.
“okay, how do i look.” you spin revealing your outfit to your friend.
“oh my god fuck me till i come you look so hot!!” your friend hyped you up. “what about me?” she spun around.
“thank you thank you!! and you look so hot let’s scissor right now.” you look her up and down. “elena dressed as elena gilbert? sexy!!! now let’s gooo i hope i get to talk to them.” you jumped up and down. you were so excited.
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you heard the music bumping as you walked up to the mansion.
you wondered if this was their actual house or not. probably not or else they’d get bombarded by fans every day.
you held elena’s hand as she led you through the crowd of people chilling outside. we then reached the front.
“IDs! get your IDs out everyone!” the security said. you took your ID from your phone case not wanting to bring your purse or anything.
“you’re good lady’s have a good night.” the guard told us.
we smiled and then entered the house. it was a little less crowded than outside but it was very warm. all the windows were propped open to most likely try to keep the air flowing.
“i’m going to go get us drinks!” elena shouted over the loud rap playing through the speakers.
you nodded to show your understanding and just stood there.
you looked around the place trying not to fangirl over looking for sam and colby.
your eyes looked over the area. your eyes met the stairs and the kitchen but nothing. you were sure there were more rooms they’d probably be in doing their own business so you just wanted to leave it and have some fun.
“got the drinks!!” elena handed you a red plastic cup filled with god knows what. “just drink it and let loose a little!”
“i think i’m just going to get a soda.” you said not feeling the drink anymore. “i’ll be right back.”
she nodded “okay whatever you’re comfortable with baby i’ll be right here dancing!!”
you and elena were complete opposites. she was the partier and you were the …not partier?
let’s just say you’d prefer to be home but tonight is halloween you want to make the most of it.
as you were opening a can of soda someone bumped into you from behind causing you to cut yourself on the rim of the cup. you didn’t know how but you winced and saw as blood started making its way up to the surface of your thumb.
“oh shit! i’m so sorry!” you heard a familiar voice.
no fucking way no fucking way.
“are you okay? are you hurt?” the man says. the man? no, it’s fucking sam golbach.
“oh…i’m uh.” you stuttered. you couldn’t help it he looked so good. “yeah i’m okay.”
you were just staring at him. you tried to snap out of it but you couldn’t.
“a-are got sure?” he smiled and laughed at you. “mmm mm let me see your hand.” he grabbed hold of it and inspected your thumb. his hands were soft and warm.
you looked and inspected him while he inspected your thumb.
“shit this looks a little deep. i can’t really see right here follow me,” he yelled and took your hand and led you to and up the stairs into a room. he closed the door and led you to the bathroom.
“much quieter up here huh?” he started looking into the medicine cabinet. “go ahead and sit on the toilet for me.”
you sat on the covered toilet waiting patiently but trying to figure out if you were dreaming or not.
sam was right in front of you. you were in someone's room, if you were lucky you were in his.
"im really sorry by the way. i was trying to talk to one of my friends and i didn't see where i was going." he took your hand in his trying to clean it with a towel. "this might hurt so im just warning you, talk to me to distract yourself. what are you doing here?"
he grabbed the alcohol, poured it on a swab, and put it over your thumb.
"fuck." you whispered trying to pull your hand away but sam kept it there looking at you. "um..i saw it on your youtube. and i follow you on instagram."
"oh? so do you watch colby and i?" he's still rubbing your thumb.
you nodded. the way he was speaking had you wanting to get on your knees right now.
"how did you like our most recent video-" sam got interrupted by a knock.
"yo sam! you in here bro?" you heard colbys voice. colby. you were genuinely nervous.
"yeah in here." sam talked back. you heard colby close the door and walk your way.
"hey bro where did you go...oh." he saw you sitting on top of the toilet as sam was cleaning your tiny wound. "hello.." he smiled or more like smirked.
"hi..." you whispered wincing again as sam did his last rubs on your cut.
"im sorry im sorry," sam whispered throwing the swabs in the trash and digging for something else in the medicine cabinet.
"i like your costume." colby complimented you leaning on the doorway.
"thank you...i thought i looked good." you softly smiled looking down at your sparkly heels.
"she said she's a big fan of ours colby." sam looks at colby.
"oh really?" he grinned looking you up and down while crossing his arms in front of him. "im very glad you're a fan. we have the most attractive fanbase out there for sure then.”
“i guess so..” you laughed nervously. the way you saw the outline of his biceps from his fitted shirt.
“okay you’re all bandaged up,” sam said. you inspected your hand seeing he did a good job of bandaging it up.
boyfriend material.
“thank you…” you stood up. “i’m sorry if i ruined your experience or your fun.”
“no, you didn’t babe. you practically saved me from all the drunks.” sam moved so that you could get past him and exit the bathroom.
you smiled and walked past finally being able to inspect the room you were in.
kind-sized bed with an interesting color palette.
“going so soon?” colby questioned? taking two steps forward towards you.
“uh…well i assumed you didn’t want a random girl i-in your room and that you just…um wanted to have some space after cleaning up my mess.” you looked down at the ground.
“my mess silly.” sam chuckled.
“you seem nervous. what’re you nervous about, baby?” colby purred. you clenched your thighs together hoping it wasn’t visible.
“i’m not- i’m not nervous.” you denied not wanting to show any weakness even though you literally are about to fall to your knees right now.
“you sure?” he bit his bottom lip. “what’s your name?”
“y/n…” you felt the room get hotter as sam turned off the bathroom light and stood next to colby.
“mmm pretty name for a pretty girl.” colby said brushing a few frizzed curls on your head. “don’t you think sam?”
“yeah i mean very very pretty girl.” you couldn’t see but sam was checking you out. he was wondering if he would have to leave to hide his boner.
“pretty girl…watching our videos. you watch our videos a lot?” his voice was laced with a tone you couldn’t detect.
“yes i’ve watched every single one.” you walked backward the back of your knees hitting the bed causing you to sit down.
“well i mean, you deserve a reward don't you think? for being such a good fan?” colby’s hand moved to your chin. “if you’re looking for one of course. your choice princess.”
“what kind of rew-“ you started but got cut off.
“mmm think you know…” sam whispered.
“i’m confused…you don’t even know me why would you…” you didn’t realize what was fully happening until colby was moving the strap of your blue plaid dress down your shoulder.
“we could get to know each other…more ways than one.” he chuckled. “white lingerie..so pure and innocent.”
"colby let her breathe." sam stepped forward. "we'll do what you want beautiful girl. just say the word."
you felt lightheaded. was this really happening. colby was straight-up flirting with you and suggesting some...insane things.
reward? what kind of reward? a quick fuck?
"can i?" colby kneeled on one knee and whispered in your ear. he was toying with the strap of your costume.
before you even processed anything your head was nodding to his question.
"gonna need you to say something for me, baby. verbal consent you know?" his hand trailed down your arm causing goosebumps to play follow the leader.
"yes.." you let out breathlessly.
he was bringing your costume down your body; his lips ghosting your delicate skin. then he puckered and placed kisses on where your costume's strap once sat.
his lips made their way from the shoulder to your neck and then to the base of your throat. “such a good girl.” he said in a praising tone. “don’t worry baby i’ll give you a reward. a really really good one. i’m on my knees anyway. then sam will be able to have his fun with you. sound good baby?”
you were already so wet from his dirty words. you looked up and saw sam. his eyes darkened. he peered at you waiting for your response. he smiled when you made eye contact with him and you saw the flood of lust in his eyes.
“yes…” you nodded frantically. as if on command as soon as his hands made their way in the middle of your thighs they spread apart like magic. his touch giving you goosebumps and causing your hands to prop yourself up behind you.
"already so desperate for me? dirty dirty girl. barely even know me." he started kissing your thigh then made his way in between them. "its crazy how sam and i were just chatting about threesomes and shit, and now we have an innocent little angel right here for the both of us."
you could tell colby’s fortey was dirty talk…
“can’t even speak to me? being a bad girl, baby.” he scoffed. “can i punish you like one?”
and degradation too…jesus.
it was embarrassing how soaked your cunt was.
“such soft skin.” he kissed his way up your thigh. “wanna mark it up. imagine how gorgeous you would look.”
“she looks beautiful.” sam spoke up. he sat on the bed right next to you combing your hair to one shoulder and planting his lips on your neck. “prettiest fan out here.”
their words were making their way straight to your hot pussy.
speaking of, colby’s lips finally reached your white lacy underwear.
“so delicate and so innocent.” he whispered, his lips against your clothed clit. “wanna make you come so hard. do you wanna come, baby?”
you nodded frantically as sam starts sucking tiny love bites along your collarbone.
you felt colby’s lips kiss your pussy and place his tongue on top clicking a stripe up. it was killing you how your thin underwear was preventing a sensation you were begging to have.
he sucked and licked making you tug his hair and try to push him closer for more pressure.
"sam hold her hands." he groaned, the vibration sending you in shock.
"mmm let's just have her lay down." he whispered loud enough for both of you to hear.
"right then, scoot back baby." he stood up. you scooted backward on your elbows until your head hit the soft pillow on the king-sized bed. "can i take these off?" he played with your underwear.
you lifted your hips up in response so that he could slide them off.
he took them off with one hand and flung them across the room. he leans forward propping himself on his arms face to face with your womanhood.
"sam make sure the door is locked, yeah? can't have anyone looking at our angel." he kitten licked your clit afterward catching you off guard.
his tongue on your hot pussy was what you craved but not what you needed. you needed him to dive in. you wanted to be devoured and afterward wanted both of them in you, as deep as possible.
you heard the knob of the door of the bedroom click and sam lie down beside you.
"so beautiful," sam whispered. you turned toward him enjoying his repeated words. his eyes landed on your lips then to your eyes once more. you took this as a chance to connect your lips with his.
immediately he responds molding his lips with yours. his lips were soft and intoxicating. his hand came in contact with your chin taking control of the kiss. you were deep in not thinking about anything else when all of a sudden colby gave a harsh lick upwards on your clit, he then started sucking giving you no time to catch your breath.
you moaned into sam’s mouth and pulled him closer to help you gain control of yourself.
colby licked, sucks, pulled and you couldn’t stop the feelings of tightness in your lower belly. his tongue tepidly moving on your puffy clit, the sensitivity of it growing more by the second.
“oh fuck…” you moaned having to pull away from sam’s kiss.
“taste so good.” colby groaned against you pulling you impossibly closer to his mouth. he picked up your right thigh and threw it over his shoulder while pushing down your other trying to get you to open up more. you involuntarily start grinding your hips against his mouth to increase the friction you so desperately need. “that’s it, baby. use my mouth. cmon make yourself come.”
colby’s words spurred you on to continue to move your hips at a fast pace and you were doing great, your eyes clenched shut while you chased what you wanted but your hips stuttered at the feeling of two fingers making their way inside of you.
“o-oh god.” a breathless moan escaped your pink lips. you open your eyes and look at the sight beneath you. colby dripping in sweat. his tongue on your folds paired with his palm facing down and two fingers deep into your cunt.
he was thrusting his fingers painfully slow and you needed more.
“colby, please…need…need” you couldn’t get your words out.
“what do you need baby?” sam caressed your hair.
“need you guys…fuck. need it so bad,” you begged. you wanted one if not both of them deep inside you to snap that rubber band that was waiting to be cut.
“aw, sweet thing. begging so soon.” you glanced at his face as his words reached your ears, the sight of him pleasing your eyes. saliva dripping down his pretty mouth and onto your lower lips wetting your pretty pussy even more; as if that was possible. “still haven’t gotten enough of you. you’re addicting.”
he sped up the pace of his fingers drilling into you. you saw in a quick moment he swiftly took his shirt off and then dove back in. his back muscles moving as his hand penetrated your sensitive spot.
you felt that tight band in your lower stomach on the edge of exploding. whimpers involuntarily escaped out of your mouth.
he tongue repeatedly stroking your irritated clit pushing you more and more to the edge.
“oh my god fuck…” you screamed as you were right there. you wanted to let go so bad.
“that’s it, pretty girl, scream. wanna hear how good you feel.” sam spoke, trailing his fingers alongside your body.
you were repeating the word please over and over again as if it’d bring you off the edge faster.
as if to distract you sam kissed up the side of your neck and reached your ear. “can i take this off you?” he motioned towards your lacy bra.
you nodded wanting to please him.
he tapped the side of your body as if to sign for you to arch your back up and in perfect timing colby took a bite of your clit with his lips and pulled it towards him causing you to groan hard and arch your back; pleasing sam.
sam unclasped your bra and immediately started kissing your perky breasts. he sucks one of your tits in his mouth while massaging the other.
the actions sam was performing on you were just what you needed before your body seized in ecstasy. pleasure washed over your body. your lips slammed shut trying to muffle the sounds of your impending orgasm.
“go on baby. let us hear how good you feel.” sam kissed you causing your moans to escape from his mouth and meet his.
colby didn’t stop devouring your sweet leaking juices; disregarding how sensitive you were.
you screamed and whimpered while you were coming down from your orgasm. half of you trying to push colby’s mouth away and the other half wanting more. his mouth was addicting.
your clit was so sensitive but colby continues to devour you flicking his tongue on your bud.
“c-can’t… too sensitive,” you whined. colby laughed and continued his antics.
"okay baby." he kissed your pussy. you felt empty as he pulled out his fingers and suddenly wanted more.
he climbed back up the bed and gave you a chaste kiss before tapping your lips with his fingers.
"open up. c'mon taste yourself," he whispered. you opened your mouth and took his digits in tasting yourself on his fingers.
you had kept eye contact with him before making eye contact with sam. sam had a deep blue shade of lust in his eyes so you had decided to pull your mouth from wrapping around colby’s fingers to grabbing sam in a heated kiss.
he had moaned into your mouth making your pussy pulse once again.
“need you..” you moaned reciprocated wanting to make sure he’s aware of how much you’re enjoying this as well.
“want you so bad.” he moves his lips to your chin and then neck. “you’ve been such a good girl.”
“she has.” colby groaned from behind your head sitting beside you and finding a way to show you how large the erection in his baggy costume was. “want my cock?”
you nodded eagerly.
“i’ll give it to you baby. we’ll both give it to you.” colby started to grind himself on you.
from then on out, let’s just say you didn’t stop having fun.
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angelst4rs · 19 days
☆. . . stupid string.
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☆. . . a red string suddenly appeared on scaramouche's finger. and he does not like it.
☆. . . gn reader, red string of fate au, scara's pov.
☆. . . wrote this after i told @fairykazu about the idea. hope you like it, vidia 🫶
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stupid. he truly does think it’s stupid. everything about the red string tied around his pinky finger, which will supposedly “lead him to his soulmate”, is just stupid.
scaramouche disliked—no, he detested the very concept of this. why would he want a soulmate? he’s already content with living all by himself. besides, what kind of person would like him, let alone love him?
must be some kind of weirdo, he thought. the more he stared at the crimson colored thread, the more annoyed he got. with the way it was tightening around his finger, he knew his soulmate was actively trying to search for him.
there’s no way in hell will he let his soulmate find him, so he did the one thing that would make sense for him to do, cut the string.
“...what the actual fuck…?” scaramouche muttered in disbelief as he watched the scissors break in his hands when he attempted to cut the string. do the archons hate him that much? what kind of sick joke was that?
so he’s doomed to meet his soulmate eventually, huh? which one of the archons proposed this stupid idea anyway? guess his bucket list of fighting an archon will be crossed out again.
not wanting to give up so easily, he tried everything that he could think of to try and sever the thread on his finger. but again, nothing worked. just what was this string made of? the very thread that binds the universe into one? probably.
stumped and out of ideas, scaramouche simply sat down and contemplated everything. feeling the red cord tighten once more, he couldn’t help but wonder, why is my soulmate trying so hard to find me?
as the days flew by, scaramouche started to live with the string around his finger, trying his best not to untie it—which did work, but the string simply reappeared again, now tied even tighter around his pinky.
if he’s honest, he’s quite amused by how persistent his soulmate is in finding him. perhaps his soulmate is getting very close to him at this point, maybe he’ll meet them in just a few days. who knows?
on many of his sleepless nights, scaramouche’s mind is plagued heavily by his soulmate. or at least, the idea of his soulmate. just what does the world have to offer for a puppet?
what kind of person are they? do they enjoy bitter tea like he does? how will they react when they finally meet him, someone—no. something that’s nothing but a work discarded by his creator?
maybe he’ll just leave this up to fate. it’s no use obsessing over something that’ll eventually happen. whether he’ll like it or not, his soulmate will come. and whether they’ll accept him or not, that’s a story for another day.
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likes & reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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I just found your account, and I love your writing especially the ones with Geto!! (I love that man!!)I do apologize for asking but do think you would ever write more of chubby reader Geto? Especially the one where chubby darling is trying to make herself useful in his temple? I love that one especially!
I actually wanted to write a fic for that prompt for a LONG time but i never found the strength to finish it, so allow me to expand upon chubby reader who works in Geto's temple 💕
CW: chubby fem reader, non-sorcerer reader, Geto refers to reader as a "monkey" once, allusion to suicide, bullying, the twins are around 10-12 yrs old, smut (mostly implied)
Let's start by saying that you're nothing special. You are not the type of girl that Geto would see himself with. It would take a miracle for him to fall for someone like you.
And yet, miracles happen every day, don't they?
Your family has acquired some debt. They have been paying Geto to exorcise curses for them, and he has always delivered, but they have run low on funds and there's still a nasty curse to take care of. They beg and plead with him to remove it, but he refuses to lift a finger until they bring him a hefty donation again.
That's where you come in.
You can't see or sense curses, but you've felt their effects, dealing with the repurcussions of your family's awful attitude. This latest curse is the worst of them all, feeding off of every negative thing your family spews, weighing you down with their toxic energy. You'd do anything to get rid of it, to finally know peace again.
So you offer a trade. You promise to provide your services to the sorceror if he exorcises this curse for you and your family.
Geto ponders this deal for a while. He believes that monkeys are only good for providing curses or money, so he doesn't see the appeal of you at first. But then he remembers that he recently disposed of his maid because the twins disliked her, so he decides to make the deal. He will dispose of the curse if you act as his maid, cooking, cleaning, the works.
You have no other choice, so you accept.
The work itself isn't hard. Dusting, sweeping, mopping, polishing. You cook breakfast and dinner, lunch if requested. You're starting to get callouses from the work, but that's the least of your worries.
The twins hate you. You don't expect them to like a non-sorcerer like you, but they're cruel without reason. They tip over your mop bucket and run off laughing, they leave worms in your bed, they once took scissors to your hair and cut a piece off. They are awful, but you know you can't fight back. You have to take the high road, be the bigger person, endure their hatred so you can get by. If you step out of line, Geto will kill you without hesitation, you know this for a fact. So, you don't fight back. You show no reaction. You pray they get bored of you before you jump off the roof of the temple. At least then you would find peace.
The girls get into a fight one day. Nanako ripped Mimiko's doll as payback and now the both of them are sobbing and yelling at each other. You think it's karma for how they've treated you.
And yet, you take the high road once more.
You separate the girls first, sending Mimi to the kitchen and Nana to the living room. You quietly sew and mend Mimiko's doll, eyes watching you as you did so. Once the doll was fixed, you coaxed Nanako to take the doll to her sister and apologize. Surprisingly, she did so, and the girls hugged. They went on their merry way, not hurling insults at you for once. You go back to your chores.
The girls ask, no, demand lunch a few days later. You comply, making onigiri and cutting fruit into fun shapes, adding a cookie for dessert. The girls coo about the hearts and stars on their plates before digging in. They take their plates to the sink when they're finished and linger for a moment, staring at you. You ask what's wrong, but they scamper off before you can get an answer. You wash the dishes in silence.
Nanako falls and scrapes her knee on a rock. The other workers are shocked still, terrified of what Geto will do now that one of his precious girls has been injured, but you don't fret. You take action, bringing the young girl inside, grabbing a first aid kit, tending to her small wound. You clean it, apply a bandage. She requests a kiss to make it better, so you comply, pressing your lips gently against the bandage. She seems satisfied, getting up and running off with her sister again, throwing back a "thank you" as she does. You're surprised at her gratitude, but you think little of it.
You become a beacon of sorts. The other workers saw how well you handled Nanako's wound, and now they come to you whenever they don't know how to handle the twins. The girls are fighting? You are retrieved to break it up. They want lunch? You're always the one who makes it. They're getting ready for bed? You are now the one who ensures they brush their teeth, tucking them into bed before Geto bids them goodnight. You don't think much of your new role, chalking it up to just being a new part of your job that you have to take care of.
It's not until they call you "Mom" that you look at your role differently.
Mimiko calls you "Mom" first, after she finishes her lunch and puts her plate in the sink.
"Mom, I want a cookie."
You pause, frozen, processing what she said.
"Um... what do you say when you want something?" The young girl rolls her eyes.
"May I please have a cookie?" You smile softly at her compliance.
"Yes, you may." You take down the cookie jar, pulling out two and handing them to Mimiko. "Take one to your sister."
"Okay!" And she's off, leaving you to think about your new label.
Later that night, when you're tucking the girls into bed...
"Goodnight, Mom," Mimiko mumbles from below her sheets. You pause at the door, hand on the handle.
"Night, Mom," Nanako speaks up, hiding her face with her comforter. You swallow, inhaling deep.
"Goodnight, girls. Sleep tight."
You hesitantly close the door, hearing it click softly. You sigh, turning around, running into someone.
It was Geto. He stared down at you silently, eyes boring into you. You quickly bowed, moving out of his way, gaze glued to the floor. He watches you for a moment before grabbing the door handle, pushing the door open. You hear the girls chirp with delight as the door closes. Once it clicks shut, you bolt out of there, not looking back.
You become a maternal figure for the girls, someone they look up to, someone they rely on. You take care of them daily, tending to their every whim, scolding them gently when needed. The girls begin to follow you, insisting that you play with them, that you give them time and attention. Other people start taking on your chores so that you can entertain the twins and keep the peace.
At the same time, Geto starts to notice you more.
He notices how the girls light up when they talk about you, how they ask for you at night to read another chapter in their book, how they cling to you whenever they have a free moment. He thinks it's silly for them to enjoy the presence of a non-sorcerer such as yourself. Of all the people to become attached to, why you? There were plenty of socerer women that wandered these halls, so why did they choose you? What was so special about you?
It bothers him for a bit, but ultimately he's just happy that his girls are happy. He even began to appreciate your presence, your maternal instincts allowing you to care for the twins better than anyone else could. He came to value having you around to give his girls the love and attention they lacked when they were so young.
But there were other perks to having you around. Geto found himself delighted whenever you smiled, silently hoping you could direct that smile towards him. He began speaking with you casually, enjoying the sound of your voice more and more with each conversation. And you were attractive, to say the least, bright and lovely. He savoured being able to see a pretty thing like you so often, your round cheeks, your glittering eyes, your delicate hands, your bountiful hips. His mind began to wander to your body during his little meetings, wondering how soft you were under that cheap, coarse uniform. He imagined how your thighs would squish as you sat or kneeled before him, gazing up at him, willing to take whatever he would give you.
That's when he started fantasizing about you in earnest. He started thinking about you late at night, about your plump frame and how it would feel under his fingers. He thought about your thighs warming the sides of his face, your ass bouncing as he thrust into your, your mouth forming a perfect 'O' as you came over and over again. He thought of all of this as his hand trailed down his body, wrapping around his cock and tugging it, groaning at the sensation. You'd be so much better than his hand, soft and warm and wet. He wanted to feel you, to brace you against him, make you all his. God, what he'd give for just a taste of you.
He does this for a while. He doesn't know how much longer he can go. Maybe he'll make you his personal maid, have you draw him a bath, make you massage his scalp as he soaks. Maybe he'll be forward and tell you exactly what he wants. Maybe he'll force you into his bed; people will do anything if they're threatened properly. Maybe he'll woo you with gifts, perhaps a few dresses, maybe even a kimono, something traditional to match him. He's not sure, there's so many options, he can't decide.
The girls want to go to an aquarium. They want you to come along.
Maybe he could court you properly.
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incorrectbatfam · 1 year
Tim and Jason headcanons 👀
One morning during breakfast Tim keeps excusing himself to go to the bathroom to fix his boxers because they must've stretched in the wash. Meanwhile, Jason can barely move and waddles into the kitchen like he has a rubber band around his legs. Imagine the horror when they connect the dots and realize their underwear got swapped
One day Tim's room suddenly starts to smell like tomatoes and he tears it apart trying to find the source. Turns out Jason put soup in the humidifier
Jason: *gives Tim an iced coffee*
Tim: "You put salt in it"
Jason: "No I didn't"
Tim: "I can literally see the crystals"
Jason: "What crystals?"
Tim: "Right there, all settled at the bottom"
Jason: "That's how the coffee is"
Tim still owes Jason for the time Jason stopped him from faceplanting in Alfred the cat's litter box
Contrary to how it appears, Jason's hair is thicker. It's so thick that Tim accidentally drops a glob of mayonnaise in it and Jason doesn't notice until he combs his hair hours later
They get bunk beds on a mission. Tim gets the top bunk after losing rock-paper-scissors. While he's asleep, Jason moves the ladder to the other side
Jason puts a cockroach on Tim's desk thinking he'll freak out. Tim, who's on his third day without sleep, looks Jason dead in the eye and eats it
As a kid, Jason often re-wore dirty clothes until he absolutely had to go to the laundromat meanwhile Tim washed his more frequently in small batches so he wouldn't get told off for having a huge pile. Cut to the present day where Tim's sifting through a mountain of Jason's laundry for a pair of socks and Jason is offering zero help whatsoever
They stand out in the rain to see who gets drenched first. It's usually Tim—he absorbs water like a paper towel. Jason then gets in trouble because Tim could've gotten sick ("Thanks, Bruce, not like I'm soaked to the bone too")
And when Tim gets sick, he refuses to take his meds unless someone sneaks it into his food. Finally, Jason has a use for the NyQuil Chicken TikTok
Jason drives three hours from an out-of-state safehouse to hide in Tim's closet and scare him. Little does he know, Tim is in the closet at the safehouse, waiting to pounce on Jason
Jason peels a pride sticker off a villain's car and gives it to Tim
Jason mixes all the Goldfish crackers into a dough and bakes them into a single giant Goldfish. Why? 'Cause he can, and Tim needs something to test his new food pic filters on
In March their patrols end by meeting at McDonald's for Shamrock Shakes
Tim prank calls Jason and convinces him he's lost in Metropolis. Eight hours, countless Bizarro flights, and two unfortunate geese encounters later, Jason storms into the Batcave while Tim simply grins and asks, "What'd you think of my new VPN?"
Tim and Jason find a wheelbarrow at a crime scene and keep it after the case is closed because it's a free wheelbarrow. This happens twice more and now they have enough for a family wheelbarrow race
Bruce makes them spend more time together, so Jason decides to teach Tim the Three-Card Monty. Tim just nods along because he doesn't know how say that he already learned it by watching the second Robin out-con a conman
Jason wakes Tim up one morning by chucking a feather duster at him, saying Alfred wants everything clean. So Tim gathers all the dust in his room and dumps it on Jason's bed before going back to sleep
The Ferris wheel has a clear "no food" policy but Tim doesn't listen and sneaks a chili dog anyway. Jason's in the seat below him, and it's the second time something falls in his hair without him noticing
Jason: "Red Robin, do you read me?"
Tim: "Affirmative. What do you need?"
Jason: "Pick a different gargoyle. That one's mine"
Tim: "I don't see your name on it"
Jason: "Check the underside"
Tim: "It just says Robin, so technically it's both of ours"
At one of Jason's safehouses there's a mysterious bucket in the corner of the living room. No one but Tim knows what it's for
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ourautumn86 · 1 year
Hi, love your ellie fics. Do you think you could write dom! reader x sub! Ellie? Xx
a/n; omg yessss!!!
cw; +18, MINORS DNI!!!, a lil’ bit of choking, hair pulling, bratty ellie, sub! ellie x dom! reader, ellie being mean, teasing, pent up sex, needy sex, finger fucking, cum eating, heavy make out, rough sex and treatment, multiple orgasms, scissoring, praise, hickeys, tit playing…
Just think about Ellie being all bratty for the last few days, always in a bad mood, angry since sunrise to sunset because you hadn’t touched her in what it seemed to be forever…
She was aching. Almost about to go down on her knees and beg for you to touch her, to fuck her.
She couldn’t stop thinking about it. How fucking good it felt when you fucked her open with your fingers, how hot it was when you’d praise her with every orgasm…
But you were always fucking busy. Always giving your full attention something or someone that wasn’t her. Like right now, where you were chatting up with Jesse as you two brushed your horses and prepared them for the night.
You were laughing about something. And Ellie knew that she shouldn’t be feeling this jealous, but she couldn’t help it, ‘cause you looked so fucking hot and it had been so long since she had really touched you that she felt like boiling in need to have you alone, just for herself.
Her thighs pressed together when she took a glimpse of your hands, of your fingers… Fuck, what she would do to have them inside of her…
She huffed, and in a swift movement she ‘accidentally’ pushed the bucket of water that Jesse was using to clean up the dirt on the horse’s equipment, making it fall and the water to pour all over his shoes and pants.
“Shit.” she muttered, and Jesse groaned.
You had to hide the smirk that was pulling from your lips. You knew what Ellie was doing. You had noticed the way she had been staring at you all day, how she’d snap at you every now and then to finally have you looking at her…
“Seriously Ellie? Wet socks?!” he cried out and Ellie scoffed.
“It’s only water man. Don’t be a pussy.”
“Not when it’s fucking snowing outside! I’m gonna loose my fucking toes.” he sighed, taking his jacket and leaving everything on its place to leave. “I’d better leave before the snow piles up and buries my wet feet.” he looked at Ellie with a squint, remarking those two words, blaming her, to what she simply rolled her eyes. “See you guys.” he said, and with that, he left the stables.
You didn’t say anything. Didn’t even looked at her through the whole process of tiding and cleaning up, or the whole way back home.
Well, not until the door fell shut behind Ellie’s back.
“Fucking brat.” you muttered, and Ellie —who was locking up for the night— turned to look at you, a frown on her face.
“What the fuck did you just call me?” she inquired, eyebrows raised in disbelief, to what you scoffed.
“I called you a brat. ‘Cause that’s what you are, a fucking brat.” you smirked. Ellie begged for you to not have noticed the way a shiver went down her spine. You did. “Acting up all fucking week just ‘cause I don’t look at you, baby? ‘Cause you need me?” you mocked her, and her face glowed in a furious red.
“Fuck you!” she spat, and you stepped closer.
“You wish.” you whispered, and she gasped when you pressed her against the door, one of your hands surrounding her neck, your other pressed in between her legs. “Look at you, soaking through your fucking pants just for being a little mean to you, isn’t that right baby? You like it when I put you on your place? When I show you some manners?” she tried and swallow the moan that ripped her throat, but with just a little more pressure on your grip she was falling apart, nodding.
“Yes, yes…” she begged, and you almost groaned.
“Fuck. Look at you. Its just getting a little rough with you and suddenly you’re such a good girl… So pretty all needy for me. What do you want baby?“
“You, fuck, your fingers…” she begged, and you hummed, quickly unbuckling her pants and pushing them down along with her underwear.
“How can I say no when you ask so nicely, hm? You’re not making it easy for me to not just fuck you right here and now.” you muttered against her neck, your lips latching to the now uncovered skin, since your hand had found it’s way into her hair and tugged to give you more space.
Ellie moaned when your fingertips fully dipped on her slick, instantly finding her clit.
“So fucking wet…”
“Shit y/n…” she cried out, her hands on your shoulders, hips stuttering.
“Yeah, that’s it… Open up for me baby.” you cooed as you pressed two of your fingers deep into her cunt.
It was not long before Ellie was desperately crashing her lips with yours, moaning on your mouth.
You chuckled, pulling away, and curling your fingers, making her moan.
“Someone was a little pent up, huh?” you mocked her, and Ellie whimpered, nodding. “Poor baby, so needy… Always so eager to take my fingers…” she couldn’t stop moaning at your relentless pace, fingers curling again and again against that soft spot that always seemed to fuck her up in the most perfect way. The sounds of her wet pussy were filling the apartment, the squelching of your fingers fucking into her and the sight of your palm being completely soaked brought red to her cheeks.
“Oh shit, I’m gonna cum…” she cried out, tugging on your hair as you kissed her neck, making you bite down into her flesh hard and making her let out the most beautiful moan you could ever hear.
“Yeah? You gonna come baby? Gonna make a mess of my fingers? Go ahead baby, wanna see you fucking fall apart.” she let out a scream as her thighs shook, her release coating your skin in warm white slick. You fucked her through it, helping her rode it out and increasing the intensity of her orgasm by rubbing her puffy clit.
You let go of her, pulling your fingers out of her tight messy cunt to suck on them, humming at the taste of her cum. She moaned, and pulled from your hair to kiss her, quickly pushing her tongue inside your mouth and melting at the thick slick on your own.
You kissed her deeply, and at one point you needed to pull away, groaning, ‘cause she wouldn’t stop moaning and letting out this little sweet and needy sounds, and it was making you fucking wet and horny.
“Fuck. You don’t know what you do do me…” you muttered when your eyes met her green hazy ones, glassed over and completely given into the pleasure that you brought her.
You were quick to pull her onto your double bed, helping her take off your tank top, leaving your chest now fully exposed to her hungry eyes.
She was kissing you as you undid your pants, Ellie being quick to finish up getting rid of her own clothes. You two were panting against the other, the sound of skin against skin and wet kisses echoing on the walls of your home. And soon after, Ellie was moaning, your cunts sliding against the other, her still sensitive clit bumping against your swollen one.
“Shit.” “Fuck.” the two of you hissed at the same time.
Maybe you too were a little pent up…
Ellie was gripping your hips as you grounded yourself on her, fucking her just like she needed, like only you could ever fuck her.
“That feel good baby?” you inquired and she nodded, too gone to be able to answer, to think. And how could she when you were fucking her like this; hips speeding up and tits being sucked at? “I bet it does… You’re dripping, hm? Pussy always so wet and pretty for me…” she moaned, and her hips snapped upwards to meet yours, making your clits harshly bump and a loud moan leave her lips. “Right there, hm?” you inquired, and she nodded when you harshly grounded your clit back against hers, making her tremble.
“Yes, yes, fuck, right there, don’t stop…” she cried out, and you sped up. “Gonna cum.” she sobbed, eyes squeezed shut and teary.
“Atta girl. Cum for me baby, gonna make you feel so good…” you promised, and she didn’t need much convincing, since she was falling apart underneath you; jaw slack, eyebrows furrowed and voice broken.
The sight of her cumming against your cunt was enough for you to gush all over hers, the slick sounds of your release as you two rode your orgasms filling the room along with your groans and panting.
After that fuck, Ellie even tried and bake a cake for Joel.
a/n; i love sub! needy ellie so much :(, would give her the fucking world.
hope you liked this anon!<3 (and everyone else as well)
see u guys soon, love you! xx
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cupidseok · 6 months
things that evoke memories of riize
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the bittersweet tug of homesickness, the aromatic smell of freshly ground coffee beans that first hits you upon stepping into a cafe, unexpectedly meeting a high school friend you really missed on the streets, the solace found in being able to comfort you, the warmth of sunlight kissing your skin, ties with cute little patterns on them, the click of film cameras while taking photos of you, the lingering feeling after a hug, getting bungeoppang in the winter and chatting with the street vendor while waiting for his order, carrot cakes, a large collection of bucket hats, love countdown by nayeon, wonstein
soft ballad music playing in the background, the gentle warmth of intertwined hands, early morning strolls, the adrenaline rush coursing through you while riding roller coasters, holding hands in haunted houses, long facetime calls spent in silence, brushing his lips over your forehead, trembling lips as he lets himself be vulnerable to you for the first time, exploring a place he has never been before, the feeling that you’re going to know each other for a long time, a handsome stranger you saw on an overseas trip once and never again, watching studio ghibli films together, carbonara pasta, breathe by lauv
texts to check if you’ve eaten, greeting dogs that pass by, wandering aimlessly in an art museum, purposely stepping in a puddle of water just to splash someone, playfully fighting you for the tv remote but letting you win in the end, opening jars for you even though you can do it yourself, letting him play with your hair until it’s all tangled, the chime of school bells signalling the day’s end, taking photos with friends on the last day of school, the soft brush of elbows while writing side by side, keeping your hair tie on his wrist, eating vanilla ice cream on sunny days, 爱你 by kimberley chen
late night walks under the moonlit sky, someone’s hand slipping in yours, dark chocolate, dazzle of fireworks illuminating the night, reflecting on his eyes, learning how to play a new instrument, a faceless photo of you and him on his lockscreen, watching a drama together and rooting for different male leads, putting on a facade of toughness to impress you, gently reassuring him that perfection isn’t always necessary, clothes that fit you just right, love at first sight, matching earrings, only letting you touch his guitar, the reluctance to bite into cute chinese piggy steamed buns, wish you were sober by conan gray
sweet goodnight texts, good luck charms handmade with endearing clumsiness, trying new food, finding something you thought you lost, autum leaves rustling in the wind, holding the door open for you, exchanging affectionate words endlessly, winning a soft toy at an amusement park on the first try, patiently teaching you how to play games, looking through his photoalbum when he misses you, doodling shinchan on the corners of your worksheet, taking a bite of your spicy bibimmyeon, then complaining that it was too spicy for him, die for you by the weeknd, ariana grande
shopping for caps together, a tranquil morning greeted by a gentle breeze, buying a new fuzzy blanket, curtains billowing in the wind, waiting for you to come home to him, the comfort of oversized plain white shirts and grey joggers, playing rock paper scissors to divide household chores, needing to pause and go outside for a breather every time he realises how down bad he is for you, trying to order a kids meal at a restaurant and getting embarrassed after the waiter doesn’t allow it, getting tteokbokki together after school, candy by baekhyun
wired earphones connected to an mp3 player, warm beach towels, trying to make an asmr video, eating cake off the floor so you wouldn’t feel bad for dropping it, constantly sending you tiktoks that remind him of you, water parks on hot summer days, classical music, old books with yellowed pages and worn covers, putting on sheet masks together, reading children’s storybooks for you to help you fall asleep, making eye contact across the room, the moment where you realise that he feels the exact same way that you feel at the same moment, snow on the beach by taylor swift, lana del rey
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© cupidseok — do not copy / repost / translate my works
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topguncortez · 11 months
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A Change of Plans | B. Floyd
Bob Floyd Masterlist | Main masterlist
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synopsis: Bob has been trying to find the perfect way to propose to you.
word count: 2.3k
warnings: unplanned pregnancy, cursing, cute shit
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If there was one thing about Bob Floyd, it was that he is a perfectionist.
It was your birthday, and Bob had set up the whole day for you to spend with Penny, Phoenix and Amelia. Bob had planned the whole thing for you. You were doing brunch at 10, manicures at noon, followed by massages, and then dinner with the whole dagger squad at the end of the day, with a very special gift at the end.
Bob had been planning on proposing to you for months, but could never find the right time. The dagger squad was growing tired of him waiting for the moment to be perfect. The first time he was going to do it, Javy caused a bar fight and he had to step in. The second time, Fanboy had accidentally elbowed you while playing darts and gave you a bloody nose. The third time, Bob forgot the ring at home. Now, tonight would be the fourth time, and he was going to do it come hell or high water.
Bob was wrapping up the ring box when he heard the front door open. He looked like a deer in the headlights as there was wrapping paper, scissors, tape and the black velvet ring box on the bed. Frantically he pushed everything on the floor away from the door and threw a blanket on top of it as you walked into the bedroom, your eyes bloodshot and red.
"Hey," Bob scrambled off the bed and over to you, "What's wrong?" He gently touched your face and you pushed him away, running straight for the ensuite bathroom. He followed you in, wincing as you crashed down to the floor and pushed the toilet lid up, and getting sick. Without hesitation he walked over to you and kneeled down behind you, holding your hair back and rubbing your back.
You took a couple deep breaths as you leaned over, "Got sick at brunch."
"Oh my god," Bob said and pressed the back of his hand to your forehead, "You're not hot. Maybe it was something you ate, or did you drink too much?"
"I," You gagged again, and shook your head, "I hardly ate or drank. It all just. . . .taste weird. I just need to lay down, I feel like a trash can." You grimaced as you closed the toilet lid and flushed it. Bob sat down on the floor and guided you back to sit against him.
'Well. . . . looks like fourth time is not the charm,' Bob thought as he gently ran his hands up and down your arms, and rested his chin on top of his head. You couldn't help but close your eyes and start to doze off in his arms, Bob smiling softly at you.
"Let's get you to bed," Bob said to you softly. You sat up a bit, letting Bob move from behind you. You reached both your arms up towards him and he pulled you off the ground. He walked you to bed with a gentle hand on your back, and helped you get settled, "Do you want anything?" He asked running a hand over your hair.
"Yes but we don't have them," You said.
"What is it?" Bob shook his head.
"Dill pickle chips," You said with a smile on your face, "God, I have been craving pickles non-stop, and I hate pickles."
Bob chuckled, "I'll door dash 'em," He kissed your forehead. He closed the bedroom door softly, pulling his phone out from his pocket and texting the group chat, canceling the plans for the night.
'Badass on Board: plan D is a no go. Y/N is sick. Plan E is now in affect'
'Hangman: How many more plans do we let him try before we just take over?'
--- --- ---
Four days. That's currently how many days in a row you spent every single night with your head in the toilet. You weren't sure what was going on. You felt fine until about five clock on the dot and you were vomiting everything you had ate that day. Bob was growing extremely concerned by it.
"I think you should go to the doctor," Bob said as he placed a cool rag on your face. You were laying in his La-Z-boy recliner, with about five blankets on you and a puke bucket next to you.
"I'm fine," You said, "Now give me the remote, the Bachelor-"
"Y/N," Bob warned and snatched the remote away, "Only way I'll let you watch that awful show is if you promise me you'll go to the doctor tomorrow."
"It is not an awful show, Robert," You argued, missing the point.
Bob sighed, putting his hands on his hips, "Y/N M/N-"
"Did you just middle name me?" You gasped.
"Fine!" You rolled your eyes, "I'll go to urgent care tomorrow, now please, the Bachelor."
Bob smiled and kissed your forehead giving you the remote, "Turn it on. I wanna know if Melody got a rose or not."
--- --- ---
Bob made you text him a picture of yourself at Urgent Care, so he knew that you actually went (cause he knew you well enough that you wouldn't). He smiled at the dorky selfie you sent him of you pointing at an anatomy poster.
"So we are on plan E," Hangman said, walking into the Rec room and sitting down on the couch next to Bob, "How many more plans do we got there Bobby boy?"
"As many as I need," Bob answered and tucked his phone back into his flight suit, "Couldn't help that she got sick. Didn't feel like the right time to try and make her come to dinner and ask her when she didn't feel well."
"Why do you have to do it front of all of us at all?" Rooster asked, and Bob looked up at him, "Yeah, you wanna make it special have your friends and family there, but I mean, maybe it's just not in fate for it to happen like that."
Bob and Jake shared a look, never have they ever heard Rooster say the word "fate" in a sentence.
Rooster rolled his eyes, "I'm dating a girl who's into astrology alright."
Jake blinked a couple of times and shook his head, "Anyway, Birdbrain is right. Maybe it's just meant to be a thing between you two. We can celebrate after you pop the question."
Bob nodded, and stood up from the couch, and walked briskly to the door.
"Where are you going?!"
"Executing plan E: everyone stays away!"
Bob wasn't shocked to find your car in the driveway when he arrived home. He also wasn't shocked when he saw the light from the hall bathroom on. He walked over to the bookshelf in the hallway, pulling one of the books out. He had cut a whole into the pages to hide the ring in. Smiling, he grabbed the black box and walked down the hallway.
"Y/N," Bob said, as he walked in. You picked your head up and looked at him.
"Bob," You sighed.
"Marry me?" "I'm pregnant" the two of you said at the same time.
"What?!" "What?!"
"Marry you?!" "You're pregnant?!"
Bob shook his head, "Okay, you first."
"I went to urgent care like you instructed, and I guess the every day throwing up is actually delayed morning sickness, and I'm pregnant," You said, "Your turn."
Bob looked down at the ring box in his hand, and held it up shyly, "I've been trying to find the right time-"
"I know," You said, and Bob looked shocked, again.
"You know!? What do you mean, you know?"
You laughed, and pushed yourself up from the bathroom floor. You were a bit shaky and Bob reached his hands out to steady you. You grabbed his hands and squeezed them.
"Bob, honey, I love you a lot, but you are horrible at hiding things," You said, "Baby, I found the ring box the day you came home with it cause you left it sitting on the counter."
Bob's jaw dropped, "I wondered how it got in my sock drawer. . . But, what do you say? Will you marry me?" He opened the black box, showing the square cut diamond and gold band.
"Bob Floyd, I would've married you the first time you tried to ask me."
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buggywiththefolkmagic · 5 months
Only YOU Can Prevent Witchy Fires
Hello witches, workers, and all in between! Your friendly neighborhood Granny is here to teach you a few things about fire safety!
Yes, yes, I know. “But Buggy, this is tumblr! And you're on a boring witchcraft blog! What do we need a lesson on fire safety for? We aren’t in kindergarten!” But trust me! More than one witch has accidentally singed their hair or set their own altar on fire before! Sometimes we get so into the spiritual that we forget to be mindful of the reality around us.
I’m going to go over a bundle of good tips to keep in mind for making a wax seal over that spell jar or burning a few bay leaves or ingredients to release that nonsense into the air! Even a section for the kitchen witches!
Indoor Safety:
*Those annoying fire alarms? Make sure they are operational okay? Change those batteries at least once a year, preferably twice. (If it is something you are in control of.)
*Always use a fire-safe candle holder for candles! Trim down that wick before lighting! I know it seems silly to use a pair of scissors or a wick trimmer, but trimming down that wick will always make that flame much easier to manage. And that flame? If it gets big enough to cause black smoke ALWAYS put it out.
*Always keep the candle in your line of sight, no meditation with an open flame going okay? Also if your candle is big enough to burn for more than four hours...put it out at the 4 hour mark.
*The longer a candle burns the more carbon gathers on the wick itself and that can make the flame get bigger and more unstable. Those ultra-wobbly flames that flicker and waves like one of those wacky inflatable arm flailing tube men? That is something you don’t want.
*Putting out a candle: We don’t recommend putting it out with your fingers no matter how cool it looks. Use a candle snuffer, or blow it out. I promise blowing out a deity candle won’t insult them!
*Another crucial tip is to keep anything that could catch fire a minimum of three feet or 91 centimeters AWAY from the fire source. That includes carpeted flooring, cloth, hair, rugs, altar cloths, papers, books, all sorts of things! Always wear your hair back when working with fire, and wear close fitting clothing that won’t hang or drape into the fire with your movements.
*Another tip given straight from the NSC is to NEVER use candles or other fire sources while tired or inebriated! That means no 2 am spell jars if you are half asleep! ALSO never EVER leave a candle WARM or actively BURNING! Same goes for any items you are burning down like bay leaves. Burn them in a fire safe bowl that is much bigger than you think you need. Toss the debris around and soak in water to ensure they are safely doused.
*IF you are using wax to seal off spell jars I highly suggest getting a wax sealing kit! Wax sealing kits come with a little spoon that you drop bits of wax into and ‘melt’ them down over something like a tea candle. An example is this: Which you can find on Amazon for roughly $10 USD!
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The spoon is perfect for pouring and there’s less likelihood of the candle you would sit on top of the jar from falling off because...there is no candle! If you only have a candle to work with...please don’t burn the candle on top of the object you are sealing, put the candle in a safe holder and hold it over the object once warm to let the wax drip down. Have the object you are sealing sitting on top of a safe ceramic plate or bowl in case of drippage!
But what do I do if a fire starts?
Good question! That depends on the type of fire it is! Here’s a breakdown of the types and methods to put them out: Ordinary Fire: An ordinary fire is caused by candles, papers, cloth, plastics, that sort of thing!
The good news is these types of fires respond amazingly well to plain old water! It’s always advised that you keep a bucket or pitcher full of water within reach whenever using candles just in case!
Electric Fire: Electric fires are caused by a source of electricity, like wires getting crossed and arching.
NEVER use water on an electrical fire! If you do, you'll just electrocute yourself. If it’s safe to do so...unplug the object from the outlet. Turn off the electricity in your house’s electric breaker box. Smother the flames by pouring baking soda onto them.
Chemical Fire: Chemical fires have a chemical as a fuel source, like rubbing alcohol, nail polish & polish remover. Even your nails near a candle can produce a small chemical fire if you aren’t careful! (Dry those nails up good before using candles.) These fires can only be put out with a fire blanket OR pouring a LARGE quantity of baking soda or sand onto the fire.
Cooking Fires: Cooking fires are the most common form of household fire. It can be caused by grease, burning food, or burning cooking oil. Water will NOT work on any fire oil or grease based, it may seem like a first instinct to grab the pan and toss it into a sink with water...DON’T.
That will cause the oil to splatter and can injure you and make any flames spread further! It the fire is small enough and contained within a pot or skillet, have a lid or baking sheet handy and throw that onto the top of the fire, this will smother it out. A fire blanket can also be used for this. Do NOT swat at the flames, this is just a fanning motion and will give the fire more oxygen to grow with! Pour a large amount of salt or baking soda on top of the fire. MAKE SURE it is not flour, as flour will cause the fire to grow quick enough to even explode! Turn off any heat source.
And if the fire is in the oven or microwave? Leave that door CLOSED. It seems super scary but the fire will smother itself out when trapped in a small box. (Of which both cooking items are.)
Outdoor Safety:
Never burn outdoors if it is windy or extra dry! Do not burn general trash, only burn natural dry vegetation/herbs. Always check your local ordinances and make sure there are no burn bans in your area currently active!
If you are going to burn outside, clear away a circular space for the burning items. Far enough away from overgrowth, houses, powerlines, and other such things. The burning site should have plenty of dirt or gravel around it, usually around 10 feet, 304 centimeters circular if burning a campfire-size burning space. Make sure the dirt and gravel is well doused in water to prevent any spreading.
Always stay around the fire until it is completely out. Turn the debris from your burn a few times and douse it hard with water. NEVER leave dry ash on the ground, embers could be still warm enough to catch on the inside of the ash! Keep checking on that burn area for a few days or a few weeks to make sure nothing is left, especially during warmer or dryer months. Don’t toss matches or other lighting instruments just anywhere! Those can still be warm and still catch grass alight.
And there you have it! A crash course on being safe with fire while doing your thing and slinging your spells!
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randomtable · 8 months
a table of odd magic items that may or may not be useful
“…the GM will only tell you something interesting—it’s on you to make it useful.” — Dungeon World
1d20 Magical Items of Mild Utility
A doorknob that can be easily affixed to any door by simply holding it on for about thirty seconds. Once affixed, it permanently transforms into an ordinary doorknob and lock, to which you have the key.
The Shaker of Infinite Salt
A pencil that significantly improves the user’s penmanship when writing with it.
An orb containing a very small pocket dimension, into which one can transfer their familiar so that it may safely rest.
A palm-sized stone figurine of a shark, which will bite any fingers that come near its mouth.
Self-Fluffing Pillow
Watch that shows you what time it was the last time you looked at the watch, instead of what time it is now.
Piece of string that, when tied around your finger, actually helps you remember to do that thing.
Temporary Scissors: They can only cut the normal things you’d expect from a pair of scissors, but if you hold the cut pieces together tightly they will magically re-form into a whole, as though they’d never been cut.
Robes that make the wearer an inch or so taller.
Magic Eraser (erases pencil, ink and crayon!)
Hand-sized stone that, when thrown, always lands 5 feet in front of your intended target—whether your aim is perfect or abysmal.
A bucket that transforms any liquid poured into it into seawater.
A bar of soap that temporarily changes the color of anything washed with it. The color is random, and changes each time the bar is used (1d6: 1: Red, 2: Orange, 3: Yellow, 4: Green, 5: Blue, 6: Purple). The color lasts one day.
Goggles of Shrimp-Color Vision
A ring with a single very round stone. When you say the magic word the stone pops out and transforms into a bowling ball. It turns back into a small stone after 2d4 hours and must be manually returned to the ring before it can be used again.
Boots that produce an animal sound of your choice when you jump up and do a jaunty little bell-kick while wearing them.
A small glass bottle that, when filled with water, appears instead to be full of a swirling, shimmering potion.
A quiet trumpet.
A knife that can only cut sandwiches. It is up to the GM’s discretion what does and does not count as a sandwich for this enchantment, but the rules are consistent.
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enpr-ss · 27 days
Hermitcraft charity stream 2022 Highlights:
- 25k goal being broken by the Australians even before the event started, and the jokes about ending the stream there and seeing them next year
- Getting Martyn to do the donation readouts is GENIUS. He makes it actually entertaining to listen to!
- Martyn listening to Ren the most lol
- The bell bringing back Techno money bell memories
- Basalt Assault being broken by too much boomification (as predicted by Bdubs)
- Doc falling into Dunk Tank in the final winner-take-all round
- All the goofy skins (especially Grian’s cursed skins) and IRL costumes (Pearl’s old man mask, and Tango’s millions of hats)
- Every time Etho is confused about his fanbase
- Grian finishing backwards because “it’s the only way he can see” with his built-in rear view mirror
- Pearl getting to keep her horse from Horse Course!
- “Coming in not least but last” - Bdubs
- Scar actually doing so well on all the games actually?! I didn’t realize he was second on Horse Course
- “While we were on our pee-pee break for the weak bladder people” - Doc
- Etho’s elytra glitching, with Cleo and Grian hitting him around
- Racers stealing other boats. Tango and Cub winning the race by a mile through switching drivers at the bubblevator
- Jevin fell down the powdered snow section LOL!
- Iskall fixing the Hermit Incentives redstone by just moving the dispenser and the button
- The speed at which Doc’s diamonds DISAPPEARED and then all the subsequent mocking just as a 5k soon came through
- Ren: “Nothing will calm your nerves more than Grian’s gong”
Grian: screaming “LALALALALAAAAAL” as he smashes the gong repeatedly (twice)
- Bdubs being spleefed by Tango (VIA PREINSTALLED REDSTONE) into a hole and Doc not caring because he doesn’t have any diamonds. And then Etho punching Tango into the same hole.
- Grian: “I need everyone to take a really nice deep breath in through the nose-”
Everyone: *exaggerated gasps and choking noises*
Grian: “We’re doing that again because everyone FAILED at breathing”
Doc’s panicked breathing and getting TNT to blow everyone up
Scar: “Can I get another dong real quick?”
Grian: “With a g, yes you can.”
- Scar made Panda Resue (lol) in ONE NIGHT?!?! But with no pandas lol
- Doc on strike until he gets his diamonds back
- Bucket rush more entertaining than expected and Scar absolutely killing it
- Hermits interpreting the 350k goal as returning Doc’s diamonds (THEN GRIAN RESTEALING THEM AND SETTING 400K AS THE GOAL FOR THE RETURN LOL)
- All the lore that I’m getting it discover as a new fan!!!
- How the hermits are perfectly quiet whenever another is explaining game rules or when Martyn is reading out donos.
- Impulse being absolutely on the ball with all the drumrolls
- Etho and his pvp player head + item collection mechanics
- Scar absolutely bowspamming yellow team, and Red Team continuing to kill for the spawn mechanics lol. ALMOST WINNING BY 1 POINT!!!
- Martyn with the stellar Battle Bane commentary!
- Scar donating on behalf on those who cannot donate, and apparently this is a common thing with him??? Amazing.
- The carts will have hermitcraft plaques!!
- Glasgow family’s 1k dono: Donated in memory of Technoblade.
- All the smooth backend operations by fans and others! Nothing broken amazingly.
- Doc still asking about the diamonds and Martyn announcing that he had them in a plot twist and logging out
- Only 1 week of prep??!! Insane
- $425k raised!!!! Incredible!!!!!
- Bro when Ren and Tango said Joe’s beard had legos and pinballs in it THEY WERE NOT JOKING. Omg. I genuinely thought the mechanical part was like part of his microphone set up. A SIX DOLLAR HUNTING KNIFE?!???? FROM THE GROCERY OUTLET??? WITH BRASS KNUCKLES??? FOR PIZZA???? This is my first time watching a Joe stream. is he always like this. His transparent facecam overlay is also cool; I like it better than the usual corner ones. HE ACTUALLY WENT WITH THE CRAYOLA SCISSORS??? No mirror only OBS??? His concern with accidentally hurting himself is not being able to talk and violating TOS LOL. HES GOING TO FILTER OUT THE BLOOD SO THAT TWITCH DOESNT BAN HIM. He’s doing it in the worst way possible as a commitment to the bit. He’s so hostile to capitalism it’s great. All after an 8 hour driver from Chicago. MUMBO COSPLAY LOL
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