#scary shit..
dreamings-free · 4 months
January 25, 2024 by Tristan Kirk, Courts Correspondent @kirkkorner
A woman accused of stalking Harry Styles has been remanded in custody after allegedly causing serious alarm and distress to the pop star.
Myra Carvalho, 35, is accused of harassing the former One Direction singer in an alleged incident on Monday this week in north London.
She appeared at Highbury Corner magistrates court on Tuesday, and was sent for trial at Harrow crown court with a hearing set for next month.
According to the charge, Carvalho is accused of “stalking involving serious alarm or distress”, with her actions allegedly having “a substantial adverse effect on his usual day-to-day activities”.
Carvalho, who has been staying at a backpackers hostel in Earl’s Court, did not indicate a plea to the charge as she was remanded in custody by District Judge Denis Brennan. She is next due in court on February 20.
The incident happened shortly after Styles had returned from a Caribbean getaway with girlfriend Taylor Russell and TV presenter friend James Corden.
In 2019, Styles was stalked by Diana Tarazaga-Orero after offering to buy food when he saw they were sleeping rough near to his north London home.
Tarazaga-Orero pushed money and notes through his letterbox and tried to grab Styles as he went out for a jog.
Styles told a court he had been left “scared” by the attention and was forced to upgrade his security, including installing a panic lock on his bedroom door.
Tarazaga-Orero then, in 2022, broke a restraining order by barging into Styles’ home.
Styles has not commented publicly on the alleged incident with Carvalho, but was reportedly left “shaken up”.
He told Willesden magistrates court in 2019 that he had previously tried to live a normal life and been approachable for fans, but the incident with Tarazaga-Orero left him feeling wary and needing to upgrade his security.
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gauntletqueen · 8 months
Happy Halloween I only realised this wasn't two sentence horror stories after I was done
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toastsnaffler · 10 months
had a wasp trapped in the blinds in my room that I thought I released yesterday but I guess it stayed there overnight and now I think it's gone for real but I'm paranoid it hasn't and I can't hear insect buzzing bc it's out of my pitch range so I don't knooooowwww
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aqukana · 7 months
the part where they cut off the games to broadcast the president's son died with "an important life was taken today" SECONDS AFTER watching a pile of dead district children was chilling
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j0celynh0rr0r · 22 days
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Trying to get away?
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nibeul · 2 years
call me crazy but maybe they should stop making documentaries about serial killers. especially when the victims’ families weren’t consulted or compensated. just a thought
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notecardpasta · 2 years
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common moth archetypes I’ve encountered
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violent138 · 2 months
I feel like the Robins probably watched horror movies to really up their game, taking notes on the gestures and body language that would creep you out. "Criminals are a superstitious lot", so yeah the guy in full body armour that could beat you up would suck, but a small child, somewhere in the dark, with an echoing laugh all around you as you fire off a hail of bullets, somehow dodging everything and gleefully messing you up. That's psychological warfare.
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lilislegacy · 1 month
I really wish we could get a scene where Percy reaches his breaking point and uses all his abilities at once. I want to see a proper earthquake. I want to see what he can do with his control over storms. Like, I want to see him move mountains - literally move mountains - to take care of business. Maybe the world is about to end. Maybe Annabeth is in danger. Maybe Estelle is in danger. Maybe his own children are in danger. There are several things that could make him so angry and scared that his limits shatter.
Children of Poseidon, even demigods, are often referred to as monsters. Because like the sea, they are brutal and merciless. And Poseidon has implied that Percy has surpassed every hero he’s ever seen, even hercules, when it comes to his capabilities and determination. Leo and Hazel have said you can physically feel and see his power, even if he’s not doing anything. I want to see Percy really tap into the godly part of him. I want him to send his enemies running for their mommies. And I want to read it from someone else’s point of view. Someone who can describe what it really looks and feels like.
Becasue imagine the most frightening, intimidating man you’ve even seen - his wolffish glare, embodied by his sharp features, frightening enough to paralyze you in fear - flying straight towards you on an angry black pegasus. Hundreds of other angry pegasi fan out on either side of him, looking like something out of a mythical nightmare. Then a dark, gigantic wave spanning several miles, taller than mountains, rises behind him. It’s towering over the valleys and hills, casting a shadow over the land, and coming right towards you, ready to demolish and drown every semblance of your existence. Then all of a sudden the entire sky is dark and the air is cold, and the storm hits you with unforgiving force. The brutal winds and sharp cold rain is so strong that you can barely stand. The booming cracks of thunder make your ears ring, and the blinding bolts of lightning light up the sky like electricity is at war with itself. And now… now the entire earth is shaking. The ground is rumbling beneath you so violently that every part of your body is painfully trembling, your teeth chattering and eyes bouncing. The earth around you is splitting into wide chasms, boulders tumbling and tress falling. Oh also a fucking volcano just blew up. It’s suddenly hard to breath as rock and dirt rain down on you, and you’re about to be burned and buried by miles worth of molten ash. Pompeii part 2, brought to you by Perseus Jackson.
Only this is 10x worse, because every natural element is out for your complete and utter destruction.
Because Percy controls all of that. And if he hits his breaking point, there’s no telling what he could do if he set his mind to it.
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uncanny-tranny · 8 months
I think it would really benefit people to internalize that mental illnesses are often chronic and not acute. Some of us will never be able to jump the hurdle of managing illness, much less sustaining a sense of normalcy. Many of us will never "recover," will never manage symptoms, will never even come close to appearing normal - and this is for any condition, even the ones labeled as "simple" disorders or "easy-to-manage" disorders.
It isn't a failure if you cannot manage your symptoms. It isn't a moral failure, and you aren't an awful person. You are human. There's only so much you can do before recognizing that you cannot lift the world. Give yourself the space to be ill because, functionally, you are.
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twilghtkoo · 16 days
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pairings. jungkook x reader (f)
genres/aus. comfort, established relationship
warnings. descriptions of anxiety
notes. another self indulgent writing with jk on my mind <3
oh god. why do you do this to yourself? and always at this time at night, always when you have to piss too.
it’s late, around 1:30 in the morning and your boyfriend is sound asleep peacefully snoring into his pillow. you’ve grown accustomed to his sleeping habits and it’s now become something you miss on those months he’s gone for work.
he fell asleep easily, as soon as his head hit the pillow, he was out fast. muttering an ‘i love you’ half asleep before slumber took over.
you’ve been scrolling on your phone switching from different apps back to tiktok. until one specific tiktok appeared on your for you page, one that piqued your interest with the eerie sound. a lady was explaining a nightmare she had and how she saw a creepy, shadow face with picture evidence. and now you can’t unsee it and you paused the video because the sound was becoming overwhelming and suddenly you feel like it was in the room with you.
you remember how you had to pee and that urge comes back but no way are you walking that three feet in the dark.
you scroll past the video and it’s one showing an otter swimming in a pool. yes, much better.
but that haunting image keeps flashing behind your eyes, so you exit out the app and go back to youtube. trying to find one of your comfort videos you always go back to rewatch. you take a peek over your phone to see the faint outline of jungkook on his side, mouth slightly open. oh how i wish that could be me right now.
anxious thoughts hit you again and you wonder if you turn over, would that face be there?
you’ve always been like this since you were little. afraid of the dark and gets easily scared. suddenly you wish you kept that ocean nightlight you had since you were five, but your mom gave it away to your cousins.
there’s only one thing you could think of.
“kook, kook..” you gently shake his shoulder to wake him. it takes a few more tries before he’s awake. your phone automatically turns off from the screen not being touched. leaving your room pitch black.
he breathes out, “what’s wrong? you okay?” you open your phone, illuminating the room a bit.
you bite your lip. “can you walk with me to the bathroom? i’m scared..” do you sound like a child right now?
jungkook, without questions, kicks the blanket off and crawls out of bed to walk around to your side of the bed.
“come on.” he mutters, he holds out his hand for you to grab as you get out of bed. you’re clinging to his side as you take those few steps to the bathroom in your room.
when he turns the light on, you both hiss at the brightness. your appearances in the mirror looks like you’ve been in bed for a bit. but jungkook doesn’t look bothered at all, a small smile that says a million things to you eases your worries.
he leans against the counter with his arms crossed as you do your business before washing your hands.
while you’re in front of the sink, he comes up behind you to circle his arms around your waist. “wake me up always if you need anything, i don’t mind. and if i don’t wake up for the first couple times, i allow you to smack me with a pillow.”
you chuckle. “okay.”
he walks you back to your side of the bed and tucks you in, crawling over you to get on his side. blindly reaching for your hand under your pillow, giving it a squeeze. “put your youtube video on baby.”
you nod, even though he can’t see. then you hear his soft snores again. you lean in to place a kiss on of his forehead before doing as he says.
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hurlyburlytopsyturvy · 2 months
mfs with ROYGBIV eyes:
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↓↓ rewfewence ↓↓
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based on real events that happen with my siblings and I
the suspense is more painful than anything else-
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revvethasmythh · 2 months
You know, I think there's something so, so insidious to the idea that Orym's perspective of the Vanguard is "flawed/human" or that him repeatedly reminding his friends what the Vanguard does (kill innocents to achieve their means) "blocks nuance" in the conversation, etc, because it implies that, in this mythical "objective" perspective that apparently exists, the Vanguard aren't so bad. If only Orym could put aside his petty grievances, such as the murder of his father and husband, and let people be nuanced about this situation, he'd see there's two sides to this story. And why discount the Vanguard's perspective just because *checks notes* they're a massive, manipulative cult that preys on vulnerable people to join their ranks and turns them to violence, or that they work with a centuries-old fascist eugenicist literally mind-controlling psychic government with the goal of freeing a creature that could very well destroy the world as we know it and even if it doesn't, will leave an enormous power vacuum for that fascist government to potentially occupy when they invade Exandria?
I think there's some misconception people have that they think war shouldn't ever be personal and if it does become personal for someone then their logic is too clouded by their feelings to see the situation clearly, just automatically. And perhaps sometimes, in some contexts, this can be true! But not here. It's actually quite cut and dried that Orym's "flawed, human" perspective is the one reminding everyone of the human cost to Ludinus' grand plans, all in the name of so called "progress"
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carnival-phantasm · 8 days
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erzvolnes · 1 year
playing dredge. sailing around at night. see another ship on the water blaring its horn and beelining at me. think wtf and start heading back to the dock bc im not prepared for whatever this interaction is gonna be. the ship is much faster than me but thats ok, im pretty close to shore.
ship gets within viewing distance. the horn sounds kinda off. the lights in the windows don't look much like windows any more. there's a weird and distinctly un-ship-like shape under the water.
it's not a fucking boat. it's a fish pretending to be a boat. a big fucking fish chasing after me trying to trick me into thinking it's a fellow fisherman. when i get into range of the dock it shies away from the light and darts back underwater so fast it's like it was never there. i close the fucking game and never open it again.
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