#robbie is soul because i love them both so much
zimisemo · 1 year
purah is heart
impa is mind
and robbie is soul
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bonus soul yelling at heart and mind
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6 notes · View notes
thewulf · 5 months
My Queen || Aragorn
Summary: Request - Can I pleeeease send you an idea where he finds a girl in the woods, hurt and not conscious but he feels the need to help her and be close to her. So he takes care of her wounds till she wakes up and it's like true love at first sight for both of them... Read Rest Here
A/N: OH WOW, this got out of hand QUICK but I had SO MUCH FUNNNN writing this way! It was a challenge but it felt invigorating to write. I am obsessed with Aragorn and I just love him. Margot Robbie is so right for her cinematic crush! Thank you for the request anon, hope you love it :)
Pairing: Aragorn x Reader
Word Count: 10,000 +
TW: Violence, orc violence, poison, death, blood, crying, angst, lotr warnings, Aragorn being hot af
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Just a few more stumbling steps. You could do it. Glancing down you grimaced at the crimson coated and tattered dress that you’d been wearing for the last five or so days. It used to be so gorgeous, a gift from the man you were meant to wed. Truly it was the only exquisite gift you’d ever received in your entirety. However now it looked as if it’d seen a thousand lives, just like the elves had. It bore this resemblance due to the attack on your home. You ran. Running far away from everything you knew. It was tough to grasp just how much you’d been through in the five days since you had to flee your small village just outside of Eriador.
You’d had a good life. Good but rather simple. Almost too simple for your taste. You were engaged to be wed to the local jewelers son at your father’s doing. He had assured you over and over again that going through with the wedding would lead you to a life that he could not provide you. A life you were destined for. Your mother, Valar rest her soul, had been killed a few years prior in an attack on your village leaving you with your father and a small place to live. But it was home.
The local jeweler boy, Newall, had asked you to take a walk around the village right before the tragic events occurred. One moment you were giving him your kindest smile. The next he pushed you into the woods after hearing the screaming coming from the village center. Not making your most brilliant decision you decided to follow behind him only to come to the horrifying realization that your seemingly insignificant village was being brutalized by Orc’s. You stood there frozen in fear as you witnessed men, women and children being slain as if they meant nothing. 
It was only when you came face to face with one that you realized how much trouble you were in. Valar save you. He must’ve listened because the Orc simply look at you, growled and pushed you into the side of the house you were standing next to. But then it dawned on you that he wasn’t done. The creature walked to you terrifyingly slow, standing over you before driving it’s sword into your side. Before you could even yelp out in pain the orc vanished leaving you to die presumably. But it was a shallow wound. It didn’t seem like it was trying to do too much damage. Orcs knew one thing, killing. It was odd that one would have spared you.
When you finally came back to the reality of the situation you knew you had to go. Run to Bree. Your dad always instructed that’s where you needed to go. You had an uncle up there that could look after you. Deciding not to waste another second you rushed inside the house grabbing whatever clothing you could find. Tying a pair of Newall’s pants around your waste to hopefully stop the bleeding you only grabbed a little bit of food before you made for the forest. You’d have to find something along the way. The trek to Bree would take nearly a month on foot.
Using the stars as guidance you moved through the forest you knew very well. It started out fine. You were trained to do just this. Your father had made sure of it. What you hadn’t considered was the poison from the orc blade that was slowly taking its toll on your body. It was the fourth night that you realized you were in serious trouble. On the fifth day you decided you weren’t going to be able to go any further. No wonder the Orc didn’t just kill you there. He left you to suffer. What a vile creation. 
It didn’t take you long to decide on where you wanted to die. You found a nice tree under the shade of the leaved with a comfortable base. You were just going to go to sleep and hopefully never wake up. Hopefully the poison would just do what it wanted to and let you finally go. 
That did not happen though. You felt a light kick on your boot forcing your eyes to open. What you weren’t expecting was a rather handsome looking ranger with ice blue eyes to be staring right at you. Considering what to do.
“Miss,” He knelt down after whispering something to his horse, “Are you injured?” His surprisingly concerned eyes spotted the blood that coated your worn-down dress.
Taking a long breath, you mustered enough strength to answer the stranger, “Yea, Master Ranger.” You let your head lean back on the trunk of the tree relieving the strain it seemed to put on year mere consciousness.
“Forgive me, but you do not look it miss.” His head was level with yours as he moved closer to you. He didn’t dare touch you without your permission, but he wanted too, you were not all right like you so miserably tried to convince him.
A shallow breath escaped you, “I fear I have been stabbed by an Orc blade Ranger. I do not have much longer.” Your eyes flicked away from his in a pathetic attempt to rid him of the conversation. He would have no such thing though. Leave a fair maiden to perish on her own? Not on his accord.
“Strider.” He corrected you. It wasn’t often he’d give out his Ranger known name to strangers, but you seemed harmless enough. What could a human woman such as yourself have done to deserve such a fate he wondered before continuing on, “We are but a half days journey to a small town called Sarn Ford. Have you heard of it miss?” He asked in hopes of seeing your eyes open once more.
You did as he wished and looked at him again, “Sarn Ford? Oh dear. I’ve gone the wrong direction.” You grimaced in pain as you tried to sit up higher on the tree trunk.
“Where are traveling to miss? On your own?” He held out an open hand for you to take. He left the decision on if you’d accept the help up to you.
Eyeing his hand, you knew he was prying. But he seemed trustworthy. The Rangers of the North were meant to be. Strider as he called himself. Your eyes met his again and you caved right then and there. He looked genuine, like he thought he could actually help you. Like you were not too far gone. With all the strength you could muster in your quickly fading body you put your hand in his, “Aye. My village was attacked by orcs. Third time in the last five years. They got me this time.” You sighed trying your hardest to stay conscious, “I was meant to travel to Bree. But I must have taken to the wrong direction. I will be blaming the Orc poison for the misdirection.” You let out a pained laugh trying to lighten the tone of the conversation going on between the two of you.
“All right. Off we go. What is your name?” He asked you needing to know to continue.
He watched you intently sputter out the words you were trying to get out. His fear of orc poison was right, you truly did not have that much time left. With your permission he scooped you up in his arms, called his horse over and positioned you in front of him while he rode. He knew you did not have enough strength to hold on from behind. He knew It would be a challenge to keep you upright on the journey back to Sarn Ford. He was meeting Gandalf there, anyway, might as well help the woman who he had taken a fast liking towards. Even Strider could see the beauty in things, and you were mighty beautiful in his eyes. Even coated in layers of dirt and grime he knew you shined like a star above him.
“Y/N.” You admitted to the man not feeling up to lying to him. You would likely be dead before dawn anyway. You would have hoped he would find a way to let anybody surviving know of your unfortunate fate. But in reality you were just another causality of war. A human life cut far too short.
“Lovely name.” He smiled lowly as he held you into him. He could feel you were fading in and out of consciousness as he held onto your waist tightly.
You hummed in thanks not having the strength to reply to him.
“Hold on miss Y/N. We will be there soon.” He spoke into your ear startling you back onto the middle earth side of consciousness.
But as much as he tried you had succumbed to your own fate. Blackness took over before you reached the village of Sarn Ford.
Much to your own surprise your eyes opened once more. You peaked around seeing all sorts of supplies. You must have been in some sort of healers room you concluded quickly. Looking down you were not in your attire you had been found in but a simple dress that you were more accustomed too. Being so caught up in your own accord you had yet to see the two men. Well one man and one wizard standing off to the side conversing as you came back to reality.
“Welcome young one.” The wizard spoke. You had never seen one before. Thought they were the thing of legends. But sure, as it would be one stood before you. They were easy to spot. Had an aura about them.
Your eyes snapped back to Striders looking at him in surprise. He was more handsome than you remembered as the sun beat down on his features through the window in the hut you were in, “It is all right.” He nodded at you, “This is Gandalf the Grey, he is an old friend of mine.”
“Hello Gandalf.” You broke your eyes away from the stranger your somewhat knew and turned your head towards the wizard.
“How are you fairing?” He asked whilst leaning onto his cane.
“Fine now. Thank you.” You turned toward Strider who made his way closer, “Thank you Strider. For without you I fear I may have been dead by now.” A shiver of realization ripped down your spine as you admitted it out loud.
He bowed his head, “I am honored to have been of service miss Y/N.” You looked over to him giving him a bashful smile. He was really so handsome. More handsome than any of the boys or men in your small village.
“Are you well enough to travel?” Gandalf asked breaking the trance the two of you had been locked in for a moment too long to be just friendly glances. Gandalf was considered wise for a reason. He had an inkling feeling there was something budding between his usually broody friend and the pretty human girl he had found in the woods. Maybe you were his gift from Valar. Every great leader needed one. Who was Gandalf to question the gods.
“I believe so.” You sat you wincing only slightly as the wound in your side. Strider wanted nothing more than to push you back down and curse the wizard who suggested you move so soon.
“Miss Y/N. You need to rest a little longer.” He insisted placing a gentle hand on your shoulder preventing you from standing.
Gandalf grumbled, “You must get to the Prancing Pony Inn. I’m going to meet Frodo now. Time is of the essence Aragorn.”
Your eyes crumbled in confusion. Who was Aragorn?
He did not leave you time to question as he grabbed at your hand, “Come miss Y/N. We have a ride to take.”
You sat at the bar table with Strider who had hood of his robe covering his face. You grew more uneasy as the night wore on at the Prancing Pony. The horse ride was quick thankfully. And much to your delight the Hobbits Gandalf was speaking of finally appeared. Right on time.
Strider shot up from his seat, “Wait here miss Y/N. I must save the Hobbit.” He sighed before bounding off into the depths of the bar. You felt even more uneasy as the eyes around you made their way to your shaking frame. You were nervous.
After far too many moments alone he grabbed you by your arms, “Come Y/N. We must hide.” He directed you to another room than the ones you had planned on staying in.
“Strider?” You asked following him up a set of stairs you were unfamiliar with.
“Nazgul. I’ll explain later. For now, you must sleep. We have a long journey to Rivendell. Especially with the Hobbits.” He let a long breath while opening the door for you. Quickly, you were attacked by questions from the four little Hobbits. Happily, though you answered every single one before lying next to Strider who promised to keep watch.
“You should get some rest too.” You whispered hoping not to wake the sleeping Hobbits.
He nodded, “I shall. In due time. I fear we have something coming.”
Your frown was evident as he continued to try and comfort you, “Do not fret. I am keeping watch for a reason. We are safe.”
“I believe you Strider.” You yawned not being able to keep the tiredness away for much longer.
“Rest.” He commanded.
You were far too tired to argue that as the darkness crept in.
You were woken when the screeching next door commenced. The Hobbits must’ve had more sensitive ears as they were already up and staring at Strider who looked glum.
“What are they?” Frodo asked.
He sat at the window looking at the five of you, “They were once men. Great kings of men. The Sauron the Deceiver gave to them nine rings of power.” You felt a shiver ripple across your body. You’d heard the legends and did not believe those either. Yet again, another thing coming true right before your eyes.
“We must move.” He commented seeing the Nazgul retreating away from the inn.
You must have walked for miles until Strider had the five of you rest at the old watchtower of Amon Sul. You stood there behind the Hobbits staring up the decaying rock structure before you. It must have been grand in its time.
Once you were seated next to the Hobbits he stood and tossed each of you a weapon, “These are for you. Keep them close. I’m going to have a look around. Miss Y/N, will this blade be too large for you?” He handed you a smaller sword for you to try.
“I fear you have too much faith in me Strider.” You unsheathed the sword holding onto it carefully, “But this will work.” You nodded towards him.
“You shall not have to use it. In case only.” He pointed at each of you, “I will be back. Rest. Make no noise or sound.” His command was easy to follow. A natural born leader it seemed.
You woke when you heard Frodo yelling from beside you, “What are you doing?” He yelled a little too loud. You rose from the ground you had managed to sleep on and watched the interaction unfold. You cursed when you saw the fire going. He had not explicitly said no fires, but the intention was there.
“Put it out you fools!” Frodo cried. You rose from your slumber and haphazardly helped him put it out.
The horrifying cry you heard from the Nazgul the night before rang out from outside the watch tower.
“Oh no.” You spotted them coming towards you, “No Strider?” You turned to Frodo with a horrifying realization.
He shook his head, “Go! Up!” You followed the Hobbits to the top of the tower and waited. You shivered when you saw them come from the shadows. You heard nothing but your hammering heart in your chest. This was it. This could be the end. You sword was shaking in your hand.
“Back you devils!” Sam screamed trying to shield them off. You blocked a shot but was stopped when Frodo pulled the ring out. You gasped when they all ran from him. To your horror when he put the ring on he disappeared.
Strider came out of nowhere blocking back the Nazgul from all of you. You ran to Frodo in horror seeing the man defend the five of you with ease. A few of them went up in flames as kept fighting them off. They had enough when he got another went up and flames and ran off. Strider quickly came over to the five of you surrounding Frodo. You had your hand on his horrifyingly black wound. You’d never seen poison like that before.
“Help him Strider!” You cried in a shaky voice once he kneeled down next to you.
He picked the sword up shaking his head slowly, “He’s been stabbed by a Morgul blade.” The blade vanished in his hand as Frodo writhed beneath you, “This is beyond my skill to heal. He needs Elvish medicine.”
You looked down at the Hobbit in pain and let a single tear fall, “We will get you the help you need mister Frodo. Rest assured.” He picked the Hobbit up and began running, “Let us go.”
The four of you trailed Strider in a daze. The Nazgul screams seemed to ring out from every direction as you ran, “Hurry!” he shouted at the four of you with Frodo crying in his arms.
“We are six days from Rivendell! He will never make it!” Sam cried sending a shuddering realization through you.
You simply heard a faint whisper come from Strider ahead of you, “Hold on, Frodo.” From Strider who kept running and did not acknowledge Sam. As tired as you were you had to keep moving for Frodo’s sake. You ran and ran until you could no more and then you ran some more.
He only stopped when he ran into three petrified trolls. He set Frodo down looking around frantically. You and Sam went over to look after him. Same placed a gentle hand to the despondent Hobbit.
Sam shuddered at the touch, “Mr. Frodo! He’s going cold.”
“Is he going to die?” Pippen chimed in. You stood back looking over the shivering Hobbit who long since stopped crying out in pain.
Strider turned to the five of you with a concerned look crossing over his features, “He’s passing into the Shadow World. He’ll soon become a Wraith like them.” He stated so calmly. Your face grimaced at the horrifying realization. Frodo becoming a Nazgul?
Strider continued, “Sam, do you know the Athlelas plant?” You listened in but bent down to hold Frodo’s hand hoping some comfort would help the gasping Hobbit. His eyes were glazing over with something of a blue sheen that sent shivers down your body.
“Athelas?” Sam asked confused by the question.
“Kingsfoil.” Strider tried a different name.
Sam nodded, “Kingsfoil, aye, it’s a weed!”
“It may help the poisoning. Hurry!” He pushed the Hobbit off, “Miss Y/N. Stay with Frodo. We will be back with help.” You nodded holding onto his hand dearly.
Not a few moments later you saw the help arriving. A beautiful elf strode over and down to the quickly fading Hobbit. You took a step back as she took a step towards him. You gaped at the beauty that she was leaning down to your newfound friend. An elf in real life. She was beyond your wildest imagination. You had been told of their beauty, but this was bordering on ethereal.
“I am Arwen. I have come to help you.” She whispered into his ear, “Hear my voice. Come back to the light.” She grabbed at his hand while Strider handed her the plant.
“Who is she?” Merry asked quietly as Frodo was tended to.
“Arwen, an elf.” You whispered repeating what you heard her speak to Frodo not seconds ago, “She’s going to save him.” You said out loud to convince yourself more so than the group of Hobbits.
“Frodo,” She whispered, “He’s fading.” She sounded concerned as she looked over to Strider, “He’s not going to last. We must get him to my father.” The two of them stood as Strider grabbed at Frodo, “I’ve been looking for you for two days.” She said to Strider. You watched as the scene unfolded before you not wanting to get in the way of whatever was occurring.
“Where are you taking him?” Sam asked confused and terribly concerned for his friend.
He was ignored as Arwen continued, “There are five Wraiths behind you. Where the other four are, I do not know.” You watched as Strider put Frodo onto the horse with ease.
Suddenly Strider started talking in what you assumed to be Sindarin as you could not understand what they were saying. They must have agreed upon something as Arwen hopped onto the horse and took off with Frodo. Your mind was sent into a spiral as you guessed where he was going and off so quickly.
“She is taking him to Rivendell. To Lord Elrond for him to be healed. She is the faster rider and will get him there sooner. Come, we must go.” He motioned for the group to keep moving, “Miss Y/N, will you walk with me?”
You nodded speeding up your pace to match his, “Master Strider.”
“Strider is fine.” He hummed as he led the group out of the forest somehow knowing exactly where to go.
“Is he going to make it?” You had to ask him. The thought of his passing was eating at you.
He nodded, “His best chance is with Arwen. The sooner we get to Rivendell the sooner we will find out.”
“Well then let us speed up our pace then.” You smiled up at him.
He chucked and nodded. The two of you walked in a comfortable silence as you occasionally made sure the chatty Hobbits behind you were faring all right.
“She is pretty.” You spoke after a while of not being able to get Arwen’s face out of your mind.
“Arwen?” He questioned you giving you a curious once over seeing that the statement seemingly came out of nowhere.
“Aye. She is beautiful.”
“She is. Most elves are.” He agreed with you, “She is wed to another healer. Her father set the marriage up ages ago before you great great grandmother was even a thought.”
“Oh, to have the lifespan of an elf!” You laughed feeling the weight of whatever tension you were holding onto about Arwen be lifted.
“I bet it is not all that it seems to be.” You nodded as the two of you continued on the trek to Rivendell occasionally chatting about random things back and forth. You were so caught up in him you failed to notice the Hobbits watching the two you of converse the entire journey back as if you were already a married couple just strolling the lands.
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“Welcome to Rivendell miss Y/N.” Aragorn smiled when he saw your gaping face taking in all the scenery stretching beyond your wildest imagination. He too was struck in awe by its beauty the first time he had come across it all those years ago.
“This cannot be real.” You gasped as he took your hand, pulling you along to look along the city.
“Aye. It is. Come, I want to show you your living quarters for the time being.” He pulled you along knowing exactly where to go in Lord Elrond’s castle. He stopped in what you assumed to be the center seeing two people walking towards the two of you. The wizard and a dark-haired elf stopped just short of you.
“Ah, welcome young one.” Gandalf walked up with who you assumed to be Lord Elrond, “It is wonderful to see you in one piece. Unlike our young Frodo.” He chuckled not realizing what he had said sounded bad without knowing how he was.
Your face dropped, “Oh no, did he not make it?”
Gandalf shook his head hastily in realization of his error, “He is fine young one. A few more hours and he would not have made it.” Gandalf stepped forward, placing a hand on your shoulder in reassurance, “Aragorn here will show you to your chambers.”
You cocked your head to the side, “Aragorn? You said that back in Sarn Ford as well. Who is Aragorn?” This really was not your place to speak in front of so many important people. But you were always a curious one, so you had to ask. The worst they could do is refuse to elaborate any further and you would not press. You did understand boundaries even if you pushed them.
Strider looked at Gandalf with a question in his gaze. Gandalf always had a plan. He could see the feelings bubbling to the surface for Aragorn for his newfound human companion that had to be a gift from Valar himself. Gandalf knew the longer he kept his identity from you the harder the breach of trust would befall the two of you.
Gandalf nodded giving his friend a push towards you. He knew Aragorn had to admit this to you himself. You saw Lord Elrond cock his head in confusion watching the interaction go down. He must not have been privy to what had been going down in Gandalf’s mind.
“Ah, miss Y/N. Strider is my Ranger name. It is my identity. As is Aragorn. Son of Arathorn.” He spoke slowly watching as your face twisted from confusion to realization. You may have been from Eriabor, but you surely knew who Arathorn was.
He continued, “I am also called Elessar, the Elfstone, Dúnadan, the heir of Isildur Elendil's son of Gondor."
“A rightful King?” You asked him with widened eyes. You had no clue that you had been traveling with such a company. You had been so crass it made you want to run away right then and there, especially with Gandalf and Lord Elrond’s amused gazes watching the interaction between two humans.
He nodded, “You are correct.”
“Aragorn.” You spoke for the first time giving him a wide smile, “I do like it. It suits a King such as yourself. Would you mind if I continued to call you Strider though?” Bowing your head slightly you felt a rush of embarrassment pulsate through you. Why were you so unladylike? It was all so thoughtless when he was just a Ranger. Not a bloody King of Gondor.
He waited until your eyes met his again, “No need to bow miss Y/N. And thank you. You may call me either.”
A quick head nod was interrupted by Gandalf, “We must be off. Aragorn drop the young one off at her residence. You are free to explore the castle and Rivendell. But we will need you to meet us in the gardens. We have much to discuss before the Council of Elrond shows up in a few days.” Gandalf spoke directly to Strider who just nodded in agreement.
“Come miss Y/N.” He took your hand and pulled you along quickly, “You will enjoy your stay here. It is a wonderful place. There is quite a bit to do, and the elves are very kind.” He tried his best to reassure you knowing that Gandalf was right. You could not go on. You were not prepared for this kind of journey to any extent. Gandalf also revealed of Aragorn’s known feelings for you. You would be a distraction he could not have along the journey.
“It seems like it.” You grinned thankful you were able to do your own thing for the afternoon. You felt bad for Strider or Aragorn. He seemed to have quite a bit of business to attend to.
He stopped at a door letting you inside. It was small but quant and rather extravagant. Fine details laced every surface. You’d come to expect nothing less from the elves, “I will find you later. Enjoy your day miss Y/N.”
The days went by slowly as you got acquainted with Rivendell. You had the sneaking suspicion your journey was also stopping as Strider was not so keen on giving you any information even though he was gone for days on end.
It was on the day of the gathering of the Council of Elrond that you had all but given up. That was until there was a rapid knocking at your door. Thankfully your elf maiden Nimloth had made sure you were dressed as Strider stood before you with a smile on his face, “Come miss Y/N. The Council of Elrond is starting soon.”
“I am invited?” You were sure there was a dumb look on your face.
He nodded slowly, “Gandalf insisted. Lord Elrond relented.”
You followed him in silence to the gathering of the council. You sat behind Frodo closer to Lord Elrond and away from all of the action that was sure to go down.
It was not long after you took a seat that Lord Elrond stood gathering the council to begin, “Strangers from distant lands, friends of old and new,” His eyes met yours giving you a small wink before continuing on, “You’ve been summoned here to answer the threat of Mordor. Middle-earth stands upon the brink of destruction. None can escape it. You will unite, or you will fail. Each race is bound to this fate, this one doom. Bring forth the ring, Frodo.” A shiver ran down your spine at his straight to the point opening. This was not good.
You watched as Frodo stood and dropped the ring on the stump in the middle of the council.
You heard the man called Boromir speak up, “So it is true.” He looked at the ring with something of desire lacing it. You looked at Strider who was watching the man skeptically. He continued, “The doom of man. It is a gift.” Your heart raced at such a senseless statement. You watched as Strider grew angry at his arrogance.
Nevertheless, Boromir continued, “A gift of the foes of Mordor. Why not use this Ring? Long has my father the Steward of Gondor kept the forces of Mordor at bay. By the blood of our people are your lands kept safe. Give Gondor the weapon of the enemy. Let us use it against them.” He passionately spoke hoping to gain the agreement of the Council.
But Strider would have none of that false speak, “You cannot wield it. None of us can. The One Ring answers to Sauron alone. It has no other master.” Your heart rate sped down at the sensible statement to the man you had grown quite fond of in your week or so of traveling. You had grown a strong liking to the handsome Ranger who saved your life without a second thought.
Boromir looked skeptically at Strider, “And what would a Ranger know of this matter?” He asked with a smug look to his face. You wanted to slap that look right off of his face for he had no clue who he was talking to! A king!
But the elf called Legolas stood quickly in his defense, “This is no mere Ranger. He is Aragorn, Son of Arathon.” You watched as his face scrunched up in a minor irritation. He had tried so hard to keep that a secret and now it was out, “You owe him your allegiance.” He finished looking just as irritated as Strider did. It still felt weird to call him Aragorn. So, you kept up with Strider.
Boromir turned back to him, “Aragorn.” He spoke with a hint of shock in his tone, “This is Isildur’s heir?”
“An heir to the throne of Gondor.” Legolas spoke earning a glare from Strider who spoke to him in Elvish quickly. You wondered what he said because Boromir looked suddenly very angry.
Boromir nearly spat with vengeance while looking at the blond elf, “Gondor has no king.” He turned to look back at Strider and shook his head, “Gondor needs no king.”
Gandalf spoke up breaking the tension among men, “Aragorn is right. We cannot use it.”
Lord Elrond stood, “You have only one choice. The Ring must be destroyed.”
The dwarf called Gimli stood then, “What are we waiting for?” He grabbed his axe and sliced at it in attempt to shatter it. Of course, that did nothing but startle the entire council into submission.
“The Ring cannot be destroyed, Gimli, son of Gloin... by any craft that we here possess. The Ring was made in the fires of Mount Doom. Only there can it be unmade.” Lord Elrond spoke matter of factly. You watched as Frodo nearly collapsed from the pain and realization. You laid a gentle hand on his shoulder hoping he would find some solace in the touch.
Lord Elrond continued, “It must be taken deep into Mordor and cast back into the fiery chasm from whence it came.” Your heart was hammering in your chest at the realization. This would be no easy task for anybody let alone a Hobbit and human group, “One of you, must do this.” Lord Elrond commanded sending your head into so many different directions. Would Strider go? Would the Hobbits? Surely you would never be able to go. No, Strider would never allow it. He had made that very clear.
Boromir sighed, “One does not simply walk into Mordor. It’s Black Gates are guarded by more than just Orcs. There is evil there that does not sleep. The Great Eye is ever watchful. It is a barren wasteland riddled with fire, and ash, and dust. The very air you breathe is a poisonous fume. Not with 10,000 men could you do this. It is folly.”
Legolas was angry now. He shot up from his seat spitting his words at the man, “Have you heard nothing Lord Elrond has said? The Ring must be destroyed.”
Gimli spoke up next, “And I suppose you think you are the one to do it!” The tension grew in the air as everyone began to feel uneasy of the task at hand.
Boromir stood next, “And if we fail, what then? What happens when Sauron takes back what is his?”
Gimli continued, “I will be dead before I see the Ring in the hands of an Elf!” He shouted. Your eyes went wide as everything seemed to be going away from the goal at hand, “Never trust an Elf!”
The group erupted in bickering as you and Frodo sat back in fear of what was going to happen. All but suddenly you watched as Frodo stood. He shouted, “I will take it.” It took him a few attempts before the group heard him.
“I will take the Ring to Mordor.” He said again once everyone had quieted down. You gulped as you watched the scene unfold.
He spoke again, “Though, I do not know the way.”
Gandalf nodded, “I will help you bear this burden, Frodo Baggins as long as it is yours to bear.”
You sat further back into your chair as you watched Strider stand, “If by my life or death I can protect you I will.” Your heart sunk at his words. He caught your forlorn gaze and gave you a simple smile. He walked to Frodo and knelt before the small Hobbit, “You have my sword.”
Legolas stepped forward, “And you have my bow.” Your heart raced seeing the elf walk forward. Thank goodness he volunteered. You had heard stories of the mighty elf warrior of Mirkwood.
“And my ax.” Gimli agreed as he walked towards the growing group. You stood from your spot away from the group, closer towards Lord Elrond. Almost as if you had already known your assigned fate.
Boromir joined slowly, “You carry the fates of us all, little one. If this is indeed the will of the Council then Gondor will see it done.” He stood by the group.
Suddenly the other hobbits joined in earning a hard-earned smile from Lord Elrond.
“Nine companions. So be it. You shall be the Fellowship of the Ring.” You watched as Elrond anointed the group complete. Your downcast eyes found Striders who looked at you with all the care in the world. You were more than nervous for the man you had grown so fond of so quickly. Dare you say you might actually have real genuine feelings for the man standing in the group of nine.
“The journey is no place for a lady.” Strider insisted as he pulled you away from the fellowship. He had conjured up a hundred scenarios in his mind and decided you could not come after seeking the guidance of Gandalf. It was far too dangerous for someone as delicate as you were. He shuddered at the thought of seeing you with a sword far too big for you trying your best to defend not only yourself but the Hobbits from the Nazgul. He never wanted to see or put you in such a situation as that ever again.
Your look broke his heart ten times over. It is not like he wanted to leave you in Rivendell with the elves. He would do anything to take you, but it was just far too dangerous. The encounter with the Nazgul did it in enough for him to hold firm on the decision, “I’m not a lady Aragorn, and you know it! But I understand.” You countered but admitted your faults. You were nothing but a lowly peasant from a tiny village near Eriador. You didn’t mean much to middle earth, a place holder for whatever Valar had planned.
He twisted his head to the side giving you a once over and a sly smile, “Not yet anyway.” He walked towards you, stopping right in front of you. Wanting to say the next word so all the elves and Hobbits behind him couldn’t hear. Having to turn your head up to make eye contact he leaned forward and whispered in your ear, “I have every intention of making you one, my lady.”
Your eyes growing wide and the rosiness that formed on your neck and cheeks made the elves behind him laugh in unison amongst themselves. You noticed the confusion lining the Hobbits faces, no doubt wonder what he had said to you to illicit such a reaction.
You looked back to him with the hint of smile dancing on your lips, “They can hear you Strider.”
He brushed the pads of his fingers along your jawline, “Let them.” He had yet to be so forthcoming with his feelings so far. Sure, you had only known him a little over a week but you had not left his side since you met him. It had already felt so long ago. And when the heart knew it knew. It knew it had feelings for the handsome man with the most beautiful blue eyes that looked at you so kindly standing before you.
“Please be safe.” Your eyes welled with unshed tears as you accepted his command. You could not go along with them. You’d be nothing but the burden you so desperately wanted to avoid. But you also did not want to stay in Rivendell. The elves seemed welcoming enough but who knew how long he would have to be gone. You would surely overstay your welcome.
A curt nod came from the man you’d grown to love in such a short amount of time, “As you wish.” He moved his fingers to your eyes brushing away the tears that had managed to spill over, “Do not cry. I will be back as soon as I can.” The moment felt far too intimate to have the whole company trying not to watching but paying close attention anyway, they were not being sly about like they thought they were. They had all grown to adore you in some capacity, more some than others. Pippen was especially sad your journey had ended there. He had quite enjoyed getting to know you along the short trek from The Shire to Rivendell. You were unlike any other mortal he had met.
“I know. But you will find me in Bree.” You answered him letting the tears fall even as you tried your best to stop them.
He shook his head quickly, “No, you will stay here. In Rivendell. You will be protected here. Lord Elrond has assured me of that.” That sounded more like Aragorn than the Strider you knew. It hit you that the rightful King of Gondor was standing right in front of you. No wonder he had seemed so effortless in leading the group to Rivendell. It was in his blood.
“I do not belong here Aragorn.” You spoke in a plea muttering his actual name for just the second time. It still felt foreign, but you welcomed it on your tongue. Aragon, King of Gondor.
His eyes piqued up in utter curiosity at the sudden name change. You had seemed so adamant on continuing to call him by his Ranger name despite finding his true identity through Gandalf, “You can find an identity here my lady. Lord Elrond will not let that falter. Do you not believe me?” He frowned not enjoying seeing you in such a distressed state. He too had grown to have deep feelings for you. You were kind and compassionate. Smarter than you knew. Made him smile more than he ever had in his life in the short time he had known you. You kept him on his toes, and he adored that about you. He grew to like maybe even love you in mere days.
“I am a burden here. Useless. They will get sick of me.” You were pleading to him now. If you knew better you would not be pushing somebody of such high stature.
He gulped not knowing what to say. He could pick up on your stress through your expression and the way you picked at your fingernails. A habit he’d seen both at the Inn and when the group was attacked by the Nazgul. Just as he was about to open his mouth he heard Elrond from behind him. And bless him he thought for he had no idea how to calm your racing mind.
“Have you not enjoyed your stay here at Rivendell? Do you not wish to stay?” Lord Elrond spoke up after hearing the concerns you had spoken in private to Aragorn. He knew he likely should have just stayed quiet and let Aragorn handle the situation. But his overly sensitive ears could pick up the frantic panic in your voice towards the man.
You shook your head quickly, “No my lord. I wish to not be a burden to your home. You see I… I do not have much to offer your city.” You hung your head in shame hoping you did not fully insult Elrond. He had already been so kind to you.
“A burden?” He shook his head walking over to the two of you. All eyes still watching the interaction with the utmost curiosity, “You would hardly be a burden. I will be honest with you. With many of the elves planning to take to the sea I will need some help preparing. You will have a place here. Rest assured.”
A small sigh let out from your chest. Aragorn watched you intently with a bright smile on his face seeing the Elf relax your mind in mere moments. Leave it to Elrond to calm you down so easily. He needed to take a page or two from his book.
“Are you sure Lord Elrond?” You asked timidly to the much, much taller elf. Why’d they have to be so beautiful and intimidating at the same time?
He gave you a quick nod before turning, “I have already made up my mind child. Now let us go. The Fellowship has much planning to do before they are off in a few days.” He motioned for you to follow him.
You turned back to Aragorn before you left, “I wish you luck. I will see you soon. Be safe.” Taking a risk, you grabbed for his hand giving it a gentle squeeze.
“Anything for you my lady.” You caught the brief wink he had given you before bowing his head.
You walked over to the rest of the group, “I wish you all nothing but the best. Please take care of each other. I want to see you all when this is over. Yea?” Your voice broke at the end.
The Hobbits crowded around you giving you one last hug, “We will take your word to heart Lady Y/N.” Pippen smiled as he hugged your side.
“I am no lady.” You laughed once more. Where had they all gotten this ridiculous notion from?
“That’s not what Legolas told us.” Frodo smirked while looking over at Aragorn was deep in conversation with Boromir not paying a lick of attention to the goodbyes you were giving. It hurt him just as much as it was hurting you so he distracted himself with the other man in the Fellowship.
Your eyes found the blonde elf who attempted to feign innocence for the second time that afternoon, “You are a rightful menace Legolas.” You muttered to him almost finding enjoyment out of his butting in.
He shrugged innocently, “I am not sure what you are talking about Lady Y/N.”
You smiled shaking your head while giving each Hobbit a quick squeeze, “Good luck Legolas. Please watch out for him?” Your request may have been too much for the elf and you knew it. A big ask that you would have never of done had you not fallen for him so quickly.
But he agreed, “You have my word, my lady.” He smirked sensing your aversion to the formality you so desperately tried to avoid.
A quick shake of the head and you went off to follow Elrond you was waiting for you patiently in the distance, “I will see you all soon.” You waved, not waiting for their response as it felt to be too much in the moment. It amazed you
“Thank you for your hospitality Lord Elrond.” You said quickly once you caught up to the dark-haired elf.
He gave you what you was sure was a genuine smile, “It brings me a great pleasure to host you Lady Y/N.”
Your mouth gaped, “Is he forcing you to say that?” Surely you were going to have to get used to the title if Elrond had agreed to it. It would be shameful to try and correct the ruler of the land. Even you had some semblance of sanity and preservation.
Elrond shook his head quickly. He gave you a serious expression, one that you were not used to seeing from elf, “Aragorn is the rightful heir to the Throne of Gondor. We recognize the title here in Rivendell. I respect what he wishes. If he has given you that title you should wear that as a badge of honor.”
“You think so?” You thought you might have been pressing your luck with the lord. But he had the patience of somebody you had never met before. He was like no human you knew even if he was half of it.
If he was offended at your questioning he hid it well. A small smile adorned his features as he led you down the path to an empty room in the castle he had placed you in earlier, “I know so. When you have been around as long as I. You tend to notice these small things.”
He stopped in front of a door you had not been privy too in your prior explorations, “Your quarters for the time being. I had Nimloth move your belongings from your previous room to here. I suspect you will find it adequate.”
Your eyes nearly bugged out of their sockets when he opened the massive wood doors. The most intricate carvings of wood was placated on every surface of the room. The detail and craftsmanship was beyond anything you had seen in your tiny little village. You ran your fingers along the different sets of furniture admiring the fine detail that was crafted into every surface, “More than adequate Lord Elrond. Thank Nimloth for me?” You asked after finding all your belongings neatly put away.
He bowed to you. An elf bowed to you! What had this life become? Once so lost now you were somebody a lord found pleasure in conversing with.
“I will see to it. She will fetch you for dinner as well. Welcome to Rivendell.” Without waiting for a response, he shut the doors behind him letting you be with your thoughts. And oh, were they racing beyond your wildest measure.
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It had been 414 days since Aragorn and the Fellowship had set out to destroy the ring. You refused to give up any sort of hope as you heard bits and pieces of information from Lord Elrond. You had grown close to elf in your stay at Rivendell. He had given you sage life advice time and time again. You were there for him when Arwen and his sons went off to sea not to be seen again until he were to take his trip. You knew he was utterly lonely and wanting nothing more than to go be with his wife and children. But he had a duty to middle earth that he would see too. He would see that the age of man had a true leader in Aragorn to guide peace and prosperity forward. He knew the age of elf was done and good. Frodo just had to finish it by destroying the ring.
You were sitting in the study reading a text in Sindarin, Lord Elrond had taught you enough of the language to get by, when you heard the doors to the study open with a loud thud. You set the text down on the desk as you peaked your head towards the door.
“Lady Y/N?” Lord Elrond’s voice called out.
You stood from your chair, “Yes my lord?” You caught him smiling ear to ear at the front of the study. A giddy feeling of shock shot throughout your body in anticipation for what might come next.
“They are back.”
You felt like your heart might have actually stopped beating there for a second, “Aragorn?” You asked breathlessly.
“Alive and well. Come.” He motioned you to follow him just like he had all those days ago when you first got to Rivendell.
When you spotted him out in the courtyard you did not give a second thought about being a lady anymore. You all out sprinted to the man who had consumed you whole in his time away. He wrapped you in his arms once you ran right into his chest. Letting out a small grunt from the impact he started laughing. A full-on belly laugh rang out from the man as he held you in his arms once more.
“You came back.” You felt the tears forming in your eyes as you buried yourself in his chest.
He held you in his arms as tightly as he could relishing in the moment of just being there with you, “I gave you my word, my lady. Did I not?” He pulled you back so he could look at you. Ethereal. Rivendell had been nothing but good to you he concluded. He would have to thank Lord Elrond for being so hospitable towards the one he had loved.
“You did. Thank you.” You grasped him a little tighter as he clinged onto you just the same.
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You gasped opening the letter from the Shire, “Sam and Rose!” You ran over to Aragorn with a gleeful smile on your face, “Look, they are to be wed in six months! Long after you are crowned King. I would like to go.”
“Ahh, finally.” Aragorn grabbed the letter from your hand with a smile on his face. You admired him as he read the joyous news of the union. He was so handsome. And he was soon to be crowned King of Gondor, Gandalf had shared with the group the night they came back. He was due to be crowned in two months’ time in Minas Tirith. It gave time for all parties to travel to the desired destination to see the rightful heir be crowned king.
“I was worried he would never go for it. We shall go if you will have me?” Aragorn noted as he smoothed out the robes for tomorrow’s crowning. He had felt more nervous of the thought of proposing to you than he was about being crowned King. Valar calm his nerves.
“Aye. I would love to go with you Aragorn. But is that so? Had he been shy about her?” You asked your love that you were almost afraid to admit to.
He nodded recalling all the time Samwise made comments about the Hobbit he had loved from afar, “He was never the most risk adverse. I think the journey changed him.”
“Yea.” You nodded, “It was good for him.”
He nodded his head. His soft expression hardening just a tinge as he took you in, “You are so beautiful. When I did not think that I was going to make it… the thought of you kept me going. I am so honored to have you by my side.”
You leaned your head back into his chest letting the sun beat down on the two of you as he had helped you prepare for the journey to his rightful home. He had been to Minas Tirith many times before, but never as the King. He was overjoyed at the thought of bringing you to his home. He was not lying before when he promise to make you his lady. He was planning to wed to you not too long after he was crowned King.
“It is my honor Aragorn.” You felt him squeeze his hand along your waist.
He had taken you to his new home by horse. Just the two of you heading to his Kingdom. He wanted to spend the time with you and get to know you. And he was more than glad he did. He did not think it to be possible, but he had fallen more deeply in love with you on the month-long trek to Gondor. It had solidified what he had planned to do, propose to you as soon as he was crowned King. He had gotten Lord Elrond in on the plan as well. Surely, you would be more than irritated at the public display, but he knew you would soon get over it.
Your eyes lit up in amazement at the city that had spring up before you once you had finally made it after a little over a month on the road. It was more massive than even Rivendell had been. You had no idea such structures existed within the human world and was slightly ashamed you knew so little about your very own brethren.
“Welcome to Minas Tirith my lady.” A breathy whisper in your ear he watched below as you took in the city.
“This is… incredible Aragon.” Your eyes traveled everywhere in awe as he rode up the main street on his horse. You were pleasantly surprised at all the greetings even you were getting from all the citizens that resided within the city.
He led you straight to the castle at the center of the city knowing you were probably more than overwhelmed. Sure, he had warned you but actually seeing it and doing it was entirely different thing. He bowed to his guards as he made his way to his, and soon to be your, chambers.
“You will sleep here tonight.” He said matter of factly as you explored his chambers.
You shook your head, “I cannot. This is your room. You need to rest before tomorrow! You are being crowned King. That does not happen every day Aragorn.” You protested but he simply shook his head.
“It is all right.” He led you to his bed, “I insist my lady. I have made up my mind and you will not be able to change it.” He grinned beautifully as you sat down on the bed, accepting defeat so easily.
“So stubborn you are.”  You mused at him with a delighted look on your face. It felt like a step was being taken as he insisted you stay in his quarters. Protected by the best of the best. He saw you as nothing but precious to him.
He chucked softly, “I must leave you to it. Feel free to explore. One of the guards can show you around if you would like. I must see to a few things before tomorrow. I will see you after the ceremony?” He asked watching you carefully. He wanted you to be comfortable before he left you. He knew it would be tough to go a night without each other after spending so much alone for the better part of a month.
“All right.” You nodded quickly, “I will see you tomorrow, my King.” You grinned right back at him knowing you would never tire of calling him that. It was a far cry from the Strider you had met so long ago now.
He brushed his hand along your jaw. Giving you a brief bow, he spoke once more, “My lady.” Before walking out his chambers and leaving you too it. A wave of exhaustion coupled by the softness of the mattress below you sent you into a slumber much sooner than you were expecting. Maybe you would get the grand tour another time. For now, sleep overtook you..
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You watched in awe as Gandalf crowned Aragorn with amazement in his own eyes. You had truly never seen anything so grandeur in your life. All this for your Aragorn. Yet, you felt he had deserved this and so much more.
“Now come the days of the King.” Gandalf’s voice boomed throughout Minas Tirith as thousands stood to watch Aragorn be crowned. You felt your eyes well up with proud tears as the crown laid atop his head. He was so striking. So Kingly. Your breath was taken away as he turned to the crowd. He was your King.
“This day does not belong to one man… but to all.” His voice now boomed filling your chest with the utmost pride for the man you loved, “Let us together rebuild this world… that we may share in the days of peace.” He smiled as the crowd erupted in cheers for their newly crowned King. You joined in happily clapping and cheering along with the city folk.
He sang as the flower petals began to fall. You watched as his company and all those around him bowed to him as he walked amongst the crowd. Your heart sped up rapidly as he was moving along closer, and closer to you.
Elrond pulled you back behind a shield at your protest as Legolas stepped forward. Being none the wiser you shot your elder a precarious look as he told you to be quiet and wait a second and you would see what was going on. He did not lie to you. Lord Elrond never did.
The elf beside you pulled the shield away leaving you staring right into the icy blue eyes of the man you had loved so dearly. You gulped but stepped towards him. He looked just as entranced as you felt.
Feeling overwhelmed at the entirely of the situation you bowed your head to your King once you were mere inches in front of him. Never before had so many eyes been on you. Yet he had made it feel like it really was just the two of you at that moment.
He would have none of that though. He took his hand under your chin and pulled it up, so you were looking at him. He too forgot that thousands of people were watching. It felt like it was just you and him. You had that effect on him. Your doe eyes staring up at him so desperately is what did him in. He could simply wait no longer to have what he wanted… you.
When you smiled at him he did not care any longer. He went straight in for the kiss. You wrapped your arms around him as he spun you around, happier than ever before. He had let his intentions be known. You were his for forever, his forever.
You would be embarrassed later but now it was just you and him. A giggle erupted from you as you hugged him once more. He grabbed your hand and pulled you along as he went to search for the Hobbits.
You took a knee after Aragorn spoke, “My friends… you bow to no one.” A smile erupted on your face as you watched the kingdom take a knee for them. Frodo’s face told the story. Aragorn gently wiped off the tears that were streaming down your face.
“I love you, my Queen.” He whispered in your ear.
“Your Queen?” You gasped looking up to him. Surely you did not think you would take
“Are we to be wed no?” He asked curiously.
“Aye.” You nodded, “I just did not believe to have such a title.” You looked away from him as he directed everyone to stand once more.
“I am King. You are to be my Queen.” He said so matter of factly you could not believe you were questioning yourself.
“As you wish.” You smiled so gleefully not truly believing this was actually your life now.
He leaned in for one more gentle kiss to please the crowd, “My Queen.” He whispered letting you know he had every good intention in the world with you. For the first time in his already long life, he could not wait to get his life started with you.
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nottapossum · 4 months
Itty Bitty sinners 1.5. Safe place 🕸♠️🪽❤️
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⚠️Tw: Abusive parents, taking away comfort items, implied sexual abuse, insecurities, questioning friendships, regrets, talking about death, and safe drinking.Lmk if I should add.
'Tether your soul to me.
I will never let go completely
One day your hands will be
Strong enough to hold me
I might not be there for all your battles
But you'll win them eventuallyI pray that I'm giving you all that matters
So one day you'll say to me
I love my life
I am powerful
I am beautiful
I am free
I love my life
I am wonderful
Iam magical
I am meI love my life.' ~I love my life, Robbie Williams
Velvette woke up in her little clothes the next morning.
Unsurprisingly to her, she knew it was bound to happen sometime soon.
Though she was hoping it wouldn’t happen THIS soon, she was hoping to be positively triggered so that she could de-stress without having to face her idiotic reason for slipping.
She grabbed her clothes for the day and headed to the bathroom.
She removed her bonnet which was wrapped perfectly on her head. Val must have helped because Vox can never tie it on properly. 
She oils up her hair at the start of her routine, keeping it in a shower cap as she brushes her teeth.
Then she heads to the shower to do her typical routine of shampooing, tea rinsing, conditioning, drying, and moisturizing.
She put her hair up and looked over her many wigs to decide her look for today.
Oh! Absolutely space buns with two braids in the front.
Yes, it was that kind of a day for sure.
After she was presentable, she walked to the kitchen to get a quick breakfast.
“Velvette, good morning.” Vox says. 
“Uh yeah, good morning.” Velvette says back, distracted on her phone, scrolling through the latest trends of today.
She's created most of them, because she's amazing. But still. 
“Velvette, I'd like to talk if you don't mind.” Vox says to her.
Velvette rolls her eyes as she grabs a blueberry muffin from the counter. Vox is such a dad, even when he doesn't need to be. She sticks her phone in her pocket. (Yes, she has pockets, no thanks to stupid male fashion designers, this is exactly why she makes her own clothes, thank you.) 
“No time, Vox. I have tons of shit to do.” She says to him. 
“Vel, the fact that you regressed yesterday without warning does concern me. I think maybe you should take a break.” Vox says, blocking her path to the door. "Why not take the day off?"
“I'm fine, Vox. Just- overworked. As always.” She says.
“Which is why I suggested you take a break.” Vox says.
“But I'm fine now! Okay? Just fuck off!” She says. 
“Vel, you and I both know there's more to it than that. Something happened. What is it?" He asks.
Velvette held herself together- it was so stupid!
It wasn't that big of a deal- 
It wasn't worth her emotional turmoil. 
“It doesn't matter, I'm fine now so…just leave me alone to work.” She says, walking out of the room and over to her station. 
Vox didn't respond, but she swears she heard him sigh and mumble something about dealing with it later.
She knew pushing down her frustrations would result in slipping, and she knew Vox would know if it was involuntary…
But what else was she supposed to do? Carmilla's stupid comments aren't worth being upset about. Who is she? A fucking nobody! She doesn't care what that old hag thinks of her…
So, why did it bother her so much?
~~~Velvette, past:~~~
When Velvette was younger, she used to do pageants. 
Her mother would often dress her up, fix her hair. 
She forced her to endure eyebrow waxing, singing and dancing lessons, baton spinning lessons, perfecting hair straightening. 
She was fine with it as a kid, she didn't mind using her beauty to make others feel bad as she got more and more competitive.
The worst part of it was the lack of  dresses that she deemed beautiful.
Her mother chose the color red for most of her dresses, when she is not a fan of red.
She liked colors like pink, blue, and black! 
So, it occurs to her that the only way to get a good dress was to create one herself.
She worked so hard on it! Getting her best colored pencils and glitter, she created a brand new dress with personality and extravagance! 
She worked and reworked on it for hours until her sketch was perfect enough to show her mother.
She walked downstairs where her mother and her mother's friend were talking. "Mama?" She asks.
Her mother sighs and turns to her. "What?"
Velvette took a deep breath. "Uh, I have a dress idea for the pageant." She explains as she hands the sketch over.
“That's nice, dear.” Her mom says, patting her head. 
“I think it would make a really good pageant dress.” She says again. “We can sew it together, and-”
“No, honey. I already picked out your dress." Her mother says. "Besides, we want you to look good, not like a child drew all over you.”
Her mother crinkled her paper up and tossed it on the floor. 
Velvette just walked back upstairs and cried it out quietly. 
She eventually made the dress herself, but for her doll…
Which her father gave to her half sister soon after because he felt she was 'too old for her.' And what was worse, her mother agreed with him. 
She was 13. How is that too old for dolls? Old women collect dolls all the time! 
But, anyway. Carmilla is clearly just jealous of her skills...just like her good for nothing mother. 
Who treats people that way?
"Velvette, ma'am. I got those new designs in." Sasha, one of her designers, tells her. 
"Splendid." She says, taking the portfolio and looking the designs over. 
"These look horrible." Velvette says. "Try making them look...not horrible. Thanks, darling." She shoves the book at her and gets back to work.
"I don't want to hurt you, Angel baby."  He told him. 
Angel tries to keep himself together as Val's statements plagued him.
He's close to blacking out. He has to keep moving to stop himself from falling asleep. 
"It's your fault, you know. If you'd only listen, it would be so much easier."~ He said after hitting him.
Angel knows that he knows if he complies with what Val wants, it would be so much easier. But Val asks for too much. He expects Angel to not only do more than any capable person but also to make Val look good while he does it. 
It's just beyond his ability.
"That hotel doesn't care about you. They only make things worse for you at work. Dont they?" Valentino asks, blowing smoke in Angel's face.
Angel blinks...
They have. Haven’t they?
Work gets harder when he-
No! Stop! 
Angel shakes his head.
What is he thinking? Val is the one making things worse. His friends are trying to help.
But he answers Val anyway, knowing the consequences if he doesn’t. "Yes, Valentino." 
"You know they'll leave once you stop giving them what they want... don't you?"
"Yes, Valentino." 
"I love you so much, Angel." Valentino tells him. 
"I- I love you too." Angel says.
Val kisses him, and he kisses back.
Damn, it felt good to be loved. 
Even if it was toxic.
~~~Angel and Husk:~~~
Angel walked back into the hotel after work.
It was good to be home.
Yeah, this was home...
He hasn't had a home in a while.
Ugh! His mind was all over the place! He can't think!
"Hey." Angel says to him.
"You look like shit." Husk says, cleaning a glass.
"Gee, thanks." Angel smirks at him.
"Wanna drink? I was just about to put everything away for the night, but I wouldn't mind chatting." Husk says.
Angel walks over to the bar, but he doesn’t answer verbally. 
Husk pours him a drink. "You've been awfully quiet lately. Is everything alright?" He asks. 
Angel shrugs. "As alright as ever." He says.
Husk nods. "You wanna talk about it?" 
"No." Angel answers quickly, it was nice of Husk to offer…but he doesn't know if he can talk about it.
Husk nods. "Alright."
Angel takes his drink as Husk wiped down the counter and put stuff away.
Husk looks up at him. 
"If you heard something about me... something ridiculous. Would that change anything?" Angel asks. 
"Maybe. Depending on what it is." Husk says.
"That's a vague answer." Angel says.
"You asked a vague question." Husk response.
Angel shrugs. He can’t argue with that, he supposed.
Husk looks at him, probably noticing his disappointment. "I might look at you differently, but it wouldn't make me think less of you." Husk says. "You're my pal. Nothing can change that."
Angel smiles but then drops it. "How can I be sure of that?" He asks.
"We’ve all done shit. We're all weird. Who am I to judge you?" Husk asks. 
Angel nods, a frown still on his face for now. "Thanks, Husk."
"Whatever it is, you can tell me...if you feel comfortable with it. I'm not here to judge." He promises. 
Angel smiles. “Thanks…I do appreciate it.” Angel says.
Husk remains silent, he's found the best way to get people to open up is just to be patient but open to listen. 
After a few minutes of silence Angel started to talk.
Surprisingly he didn't even overdo it with the drinking, he only had two. Which was incredible progress for the spider. 
“It just sucks, you know?”  Angel sighs. “At work I have to be ‘Angel dust, the porn star’ here I have to be as well adjusted as Angel can be while also fighting the urge to be my other persona. I feel like everywhere I am…I'm just as fake as you said I was.” He admits.
Husk feels bad about that, in the end his and Angel's quarrel did bring them closer together. So, he supposed it was for the best. But, he still hates that he hurt Angel…in any way. Even if it ended up okay.
“I didn't mean to-”
“I know.” Angel interrupts. “I just wish I had one place where I can just be…broken and not have to lie about it all the time…you know?” 
Husk nods. “I get that…especially here, it's hard to find people who will actually accept you as you are.”
There's a silence between them as both of them look away. 
Husk turns to Angel. "I-"
Angel's eyes widened.
Husk turns away from him, ears dropping. "I can…be -"
Angel tilted his head.
He looks at Angel again. "I can be…that place for you...if you want. I know I haven't been such a great friend to you before, but I do care about you, and I wouldn't turn my back on you just because you're struggling."
Angel scoffs. "Please, like I've been such a great friend to you? We've both been shitty."
"Well," Husk gives Angel another drink and takes one for himself. "Here's to being less shitty."
Angel and Husks glasses touch and they drink to it.
Angel smiles. It was nice to have a safe place...
But, it was also scary. 
Because when you trust someone- or something...it has all the power…it can destroy you. 
He's putting faith in something...someone. The last time he had faith in someone, he-
Angel shakes his head. "Uh- thanks, Husk…I uh- I should get to bed...goodnight." Angel says quickly, he turns away and heads upstairs.
"Night." Husk says, not sure if the spider heard him at all. 
Husk finishes cleaning up the place, then sits down on the floor. 
He may have blown it. 
Maybe he was too forward? 
With Angel? Nah.
He sighs, wiping his face with his paw.
Why was he feeling this way? 
He felt the urge to go upstairs and check on Angel, make sure he was okay…
But, it would be crossing a line. 
He needs to get over that strange feeling whenever Angel is around. 
He can't just trust it. He needs to bite it down.
If Angel needs him, he'll be there.
But Husk shouldn't be the one to ask.
Besides… What can he really do? He's as trapped as Angel is.
He rests his head against the wall behind him.
Husk never wished for freedom more than when he was with him. 
Angel heads upstairs to his room and cries himself to sleep. 
It's all he can do as his entire world seems so dark and hopeless. 
What was better? To have hope and risk it failing?
Or to have no hope, no disappointment… but to live as the fallen for those who had hope in you? 
~~~Charlie and Vaggie:~~~
Charlie and Vaggie were getting ready for bed. 
Some well rested sleep was exactly what Charlie needed after a long day of…totally not stressing out over the inevitable extermination. 
She had to stay strong…for everyone here. They can't know how scared she is, how stressed. She has to keep moving, keep faith! She can't let her emotions control her. 
“How was your day with Pentious?” Vaggie asks her as she finished brushing her teeth.
Charlie tucks her hair back and summons the best smile. 
Thinking of Pentious, thinking of the hotel, maybe it wasn't all in vain. She has to keep positive! Keep faith in her project. 
“It was amazing.” She says honestly. “I think he's making some real progress, I think we're so close to a breakthrough!” She says.
“That's great, babe.” Vaggie says enthusiastically, walking into the bedroom and sitting on the bed with her beloved girlfriend. 
“He'll get redeemed, I just know it.” Charlie says. “If only I can think of a way to help Angel the same way.” 
“I need to help him find his own good qualities. He has so much hurt, some much insecurities.” She explains. “I can see it by looking at him. How do I make him see what I see?” She asks.
Vaggy reaches out and takes Charlie's hand. “Charlie, you're done for today.” She says firmly.
“They're coming, Vaggie. I don't have time to be done, not even for a day.” She admits.
“You have tomorrow. But, today, you need rest.” Vaggie says.
Charlie frowns. “I guess…”
“I'm sorry.” Vaggie sighs. “I know this is important, but I'm worried about you. You've worked so hard and done so much. I want you to know how proud I am of you. You are amazing, so strong, so brave. But, you need to take a step back before you break-”
Charlie touches Vaggie's face. “I'm being careful, I promise. You don't have to worry about me.”
“I don't want to see you hurt.” Vaggie says. 
Charlie kisses Vaggie. “You may have to someday…but I promise that no matter what happens…you won't lose me.” 
A tear falls down Vaggie's cheek. 
She's not so sure that's true…
“What’s wrong?” Charlie asks her.
Vaggie shakes her head and wipes away the single tear. “I just- can't help but worry.” She admits. “Promise me you'll take time to rest when you need it?”
Charlie nods, griping Vaggie's hand. 
Vaggie has missed this affection. Charlie and her have been so busy that they've hardly made any time for kisses and hand holding.
“I promise.” Charlie says, kissing Vaggie. “Goodnight Vaggie.”
“Night, babe.” Vaggie smiles. 
They curl into bed, and snuggle close to one another.
They hold each other close, as if their time together was limited…
And Charlie feels like it could be.
What if she's not able to redeem everyone?
Or…what If she does?
Either way…it ends with Vaggie leaving her side.
Her heart aches thinking about it.
It will break her to lose Vaggie…
But if that's how she'll know, Vaggie is safe…
If that's how it has to be, she hopes Vaggie has to leave for something far better than the hell she's been forced to face. 
Charlie kisses Vaggie on her damaged eye before closing her own eyes and getting some rest.
Vaggie looks at the ceiling with a sigh.
She knows she's a hypocrite…
But Charlie was more important right now. 
She's the one working hard…
Vaggie has hardly done a thing…
She's not doing nearly enough to protect Charlie from this agony. 
Not doing enough to redeem herself.
Heaven are truly monsters…
She hates that she was ever part of it. 
Charlie does everything she can to help sinners…
While she had done everything to hurt them. 
But she'll do everything she can to make it right again.
She'll do it for them. 
And mostly…
She smiles at Charlie, snoring soundly.
She'll do it for Charlie. 
'I am not my mistakes
And God knows, I've made a few
I started to question the angels
And the answer they gave was you
I cannot promise there won't be sadness
I wish I could take it from you
But you'll find the courage to face the madness
And sing it because it's true.'
~ I love my life, Robbie Williams.
Possum: So sorry this didn't come out on time, I got sick! Fleaking sick. And got a tad behind.I'm fine now though!
Chapter 6 shouldn't take as long,We get to see more babies- it's gonna be so cute!!!! 😍 I'm excited lol 😆
@todayimfour @trophyxtissues2 @ask-dusty-boy @dex-dawn @innocentlittlelambsnursery
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qualitystart · 10 months
so you have any crash course information on them so I'm not totally lost please? if not it's ok!
okay so. the starting point, if you have the time, is the utterly phenomenal Dorktown History of the Seattle Mariners. that'll take you through 2020. the extremely excellent mariners blog Lookout Landing also has some great history posts.
but you don't just want history, I assume - you want to know about the Mariners now. I'll try to cover as many of them as I can below the cut.
there's Julio, who took the world by storm as a rookie last year. here's a great piece on him from last fall - spoiler alert, they did end the drought. he also vlogs!
J.P. - heart and soul, o captain my captain. here's a great LL piece on him.
and his parter in crime, Ty, golden retriever in human form. you gotta see their dynamic in action: In-N-Out Burger trip, Starbucks adventure
Geno (of Casey's url fame) - "good vibes only," making Gold Glove plays every day, and an important leader
Jarred - in the words of @eugeniosuarez, "gifted child syndrome and a mood disorder but he loves his friends." currently on the IL because he kicked a water cooler after a frustrating strikeout. (he was gutted, and crying in his media availability. he cares about this team so fucking much.) his face when he's happy lights up the world.
Cal (a.k.a Big Dumper) - our incredible, talented, big-assed young catcher who rakes and works SO hard every day
Logan - very good pitcher, shaped like an inflatable tube man, undrafted out of high school and made himself a first-rounder anyway
Logan and Cal came up together and are rich with narratives, which I have detailed here.
Cabby - will annoy the SHIT out of the other team. uses the pitch clock to his advantage like no one else. in the words of the poet:
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our other catcher is Murph - got a bit of the crazy eyes, we love him, he even can cartwheel!
the bullpen! here's a great LL piece - Gott has since been traded to the Mets, but he lives on in our hearts and Sauce pours one out for him before every game
and our de facto closers:
Matt Brash, who's got some nasty stuff, and Andrés Muñoz, who is very baby and throws gas
(previously we had Paul Sewald, who was traded at the deadline - good baseball move, but tough to see him go)
I am gettin sleepy and I haven't even covered most of the rotation - 2023 All Stars George Kirby and Luis Castillo, rookies Bryce Miller and Bryan Woo, plus we've got Robbie Ray and Marco on the IL (both out for the year) - so I may come back to edit this later, I'll rb it if I do.
feel free to hit me up with more questions any time, and I'm sure @eugeniosuarez and @jockcoded would be happy to answer some too - we all love telling people about the Mariners
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Can I request yandere dipper x fem!s/o hc who gives off wedsenday addam's vibes? (and has a thing) from the 2022 show? thanks
anon 🖤💀
Of course! Thank you so much for your request!
Art not mine!
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You caught his attention quickly, well, to be fair you catch everyone’s attention quickly
You stood out a lot in California, for your clothes but also because of your personality
Maybe if you had moved to Gravity falls you would’ve been stuck with Robbie instead
Your family had built a house on a hill, similar to the Northwest family, the only difference being your family’s house looked… old, and very out of date, but that’s why your family loved it
Dipper had seen you sitting on the sidewalk looking in a book and that was it for him
He didn’t approach you, not like he needed too you already knew he was staring at you
However, when you both had gotten to school and Dipper saw you in his class he knew it was for sure over for him
The teacher had been asking everyone ice breakers, trying to get to know them
“ Y/n would you like to tell us a little bit about yourself?” Your teacher had asked, and suddenly all eyes were on you.
“ No, I think I’m quite fine.” You replied, tone dry and filled with a uninterested look back down to your book.
“ Y/n I think it would be nice for us all to get to know you. There’s no need to be shy.” The teacher said smiling, trying her hardest to get you to talk. To no avail.
“ If you insist. My name is Y/n, I hate everything and a fun fact for you all is bother me again the only thing you’ll be asking yourself is where your bones went while I dip you in acid limb by limb.”
Dipper blushed, partially out of fear and partially out of infatuation
After class you had been sitting in the library all alone for lunch. You had a book in front of you and a sandwich next to you.
“ This is it Dipper. Time to talk to her.” He thought, before walking over. As he reached for the chair in front of you, you stood up putting your hand out to stop him.
“ No I am not interested being your friend. No I do not want to do any extracurricular activities with you. I will not be in your presence longer than I need to be. I’ve seen you before and I wish I would’ve gouged my eyes out that very movement. Do not try to talk or approach me again or it will be your immortal soul that pays the price. Laisse-moi tranquille. Have a horrible day.”
With that you took your things and left, leaving a confused and heart-broken Dipper in your wake. But this doesn’t stop him, not one bit.
It makes him want you even more.
He stares at you a lot, and you know this, and every time your eyes meet you’re sure to give him a death stare, to which he looks away.
Unfortunately for you, your teacher had paired you both up for a project. You wanted to die, per usual. Dipper was over the moon.
“ So when do you want to get started on the project?” Dipper asked as you both sat in silence. While the rest of the groups were chatting.
“ As soon as possible. I fear being around you too long will infect me with the one disease I am not immune too.” You stated, never blinking once. Dipper raised his brow, nervous as he began o sweat a bit.
“ Um, can I ask what disease?” Dipper asked, not sure if he really wanted to know.
“ Socializing.”
It takes you a long time to even have a conversation that lasts more than two minutes with Dipper
He caught your interest by mentioning an abandoned house he was going to check out with Mabel
it caught your attention
and dipper noticed
he was so happy to finally be able to do something with you, to bond
“ Do you want to come with us?” Dipper asked, as you both were cleaning up from your project
“ Hm. I suppose. It’s either that or I rein-act the time I first went to summer camp.” You replied, earning a confused look from Dipper.
“ What happened?” Dipper asked
“ I burned the pilgrim set to the ground and escaped.” You replied, before walking away from him and out of the classroom with your things
You know he likes you
You also know that gets extremely nervous whenever you both are close to one another
“ I assume it’s because he’s close to death whenever we’re together.” You tell your mother, as you pack your bag to get ready to go to the abandoned house
“ Have fun sweetheart. Bring back a corpse if you can. I need new decore for my dining room.” You say as your mother kisses your cheek.
When you met with Dipper and his sister, Mabel
“ Hi! I’m Mabel, Dipper’s twin.” She said excitedly, before going to hug you. You stopped, holding your hand out with a scared look.
“ I don’t hug.” You said, before she giggled.
“ Aww don’t be shy, everyone hugs.” She said smiling before coming closer to try and hug you.
“ Mabel really,” Dipper said, grabbing her by the shoulders and turning her to face him
“ She said she doesn’t hug leave her alone.”
You were secretly grateful Dipper interrupted his sister, as you all made your way into the abandoned house
“ I’m going to the basement.” You said, earning a surprised look from Mabel
“ Isn’t that the worst part of the house?” You asked.
“ Yes. I will rejoice in despair as I become one with the spirits left behind.” You said, descending down the stair case.
“ I’ll go with you.” Dipper said not leaving room to retaliate
“ Is it dead?” Dipper asked as you both came across an unmoving mouse
“ Does it matter?” You asked, walking past it. As you got to a dark corner you took your bag and placed it in front of you,
“ Thing. Grab that mouse and put it in this jar, don’t let Dipper see. Something is off about this house, that mouse might help us know why.” You say, letting thing sit on the ground.
“ Oh also,” You said, thing standing still
“ Something is weird with Dipper. He’s overly clingy. follow him for a while and report back.”
Thing waved his hand around, saying he wasn’t going to stalk a child
“ What if he’s a shape shifter? We would never know if you don’t find out. stop whining and go.” Begrudgingly thing left, and you emerged from the shadows, watching Dipper look at the walls of the basement.
‘I know there’s something off about you Dipper pines.’ You thought.
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123puppy · 1 year
I LOVE YOUR DIBPER ART!! A lot of dibper stuff has weird sexual undertones but yours is so wholesome and happy. I love dib and he's such a sad and neglected character, so seeing him happy is so great to me <333
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I'm happy y'all like my art!
I lean more heavily into cute-stupid love in most ships, especially in young love. They're both teenage boys but they don't tread far into those urges.
Dipper is still a sweaty nervous boy and I like the way he acts in the series because it's very accurate (Once upon a time I was a teenage girl and trust me I've met a lot of 'Dippers', some were alright and others were... uncomfortable) to how boys act his age. Dipper has his fair share of being just as creepy as Mabel (he has multiple pictures of Wendy, lies awake thinking about her, and whispers to himself about her looks while standing RIGHT NEXT TO HER) but those things are all 'young love' with a hint of 'obsession' and it happens to all of us. The thing is, Dipper is a aware of his 'crush' and doesn't outright force himself onto Wendy or manipulate her like Robbie did. He just wants to hang out with her, be cool around her and make her happy.
Dipper's character is pretty much close to the same as how I draw him with Dib, he likes Dib and wants to hang out with him.
And Dib likes Dipper, there's no question about it. I'm pretty sure Dib is more comfortable around Dipper than he's ever been with a living soul. Dipper is his first real friend and shares his fascination with cryptids. And he believes Dib when Dib says he fought an alien!
No one listened to him about anything and Dib was a shut-in until he and Gaz were sent to Gravity Falls.
I don't have a full story and probably never will because I'm not a good illustrator but I wanted to write out how Dipper and Dib met like maybe it was in the Mystery Shack where Dib heard how the townsfolk go there to buy 'real' merch and when he does go he's not impressed by it at all Lmao
I can see Dib talking back to Stan and questioning his props and Dipper and Mabel are in the other room hearing their Great Uncle yelling and checks it out and Mabel immediately 'falling in love' with Dib upon seeing him (I love Mabel don't worry)
How they meet is still unsure, my original concept was Dib losing his glasses out in the woods and Dipper finds him and helps him back to the Shack to replace them (and not charging him because why not lol)(or they're both out in the woods and run into each other when being chased by 'something' Idk)
I'll end it here because this is getting too long I'm so sorry but thank you for liking my art I appreciate it!
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theaberrantreport · 2 years
Did I miss #AudioDramaSunday? Yes! But I finished/caught up on a lot of audio dramas this week, so I'm just posting this today.
I am reviewing Tell No Tales, Haunted House Flippers, Jar of Rebuke, Malevolent, and talking a bit about The Aberrant Report because I can! Here it goes:
Tell No Tales @tellnotalespod
I loved Tell No Tales! It is an empathetic take on ghost hunting. I got invested in the main character, Leo, just as much as I became invested in the ghosts they are trying to give a voice to. It is fun, it is silly, but it is also very emotional. Some episodes hit hard.
The plot (no spoilers): Leo has an invention they are tweaking they believe will help them talk to ghosts. The only problem? They work for a ghost removal company. But are ghosts just pests? How close to human are they? And do they consent to being removed?
I highly recommend it.
Haunted House Flippers
I also caught up with Haunted House Flippers! As someone probably on the spectrum, I really appreciate the characters in this podcast! Both Tom and Lee strike me as different "brands" of autistic, but in a very respectful and loving way. There is a lot of heart and soul put into all of the characters. Janet and Tom's relationship, while starting off a bit off putting (in ep 1-5), is one of the best couples I've seen in media in quite a while. Tom is ghost obsessed; Janet is true crime obsessed. Together, they must flip Tom's late grandfather's house. And Tom is convinced that it is haunted.
It is a horror comedy with wonderful characters. It's silly, often light hearted, but will remind you it is horror when it needs to. I love this podcast and I can't wait to see where this next season goes!
Jar of Rebuke @jarofrebukepodcast
Jar of Rebuke is another show where the main character feels autistic. And, much like Tell No Tales, the main character works with cryptid hunters(?) scientists(?) while empathizing with the cryptids around them. The day-to-day life of Jared is interesting in and of itself, but by episode 9, I was fully on the edge of my seat.
The non-spoiler plot summary is: Dr. Jared has lost their memories. They must work for The Enclosure, a sketchy organization studying cryptids, to regain them. What's more, they cannot seem to die. It's both a slice of life AND a paranormal mystery. I highly recommend it!
Malevolent @malevolentcast
I've started listening to Malevolent again. The gimmick (a detective whose eyes are controlled by his new demon headmate) works wonderfully in the audio drama medium. And the execution of that concept is spooky and highly compelling. We'll see how it goes! I'm on episode 8!
The Aberrant Report
I wanted to add my own podcast to the list this week, because why not? It's a paranormal mystery starring Junie Bahisa, and impulsive danger-prone student journalist at Abbottsville University. There is a wide cast of characters and a diverse cast of actors! The show is extremely queer.
The story focuses a lot on the relationships between Junie and the other characters, like her best friend Robbie, while also delving into darker themes with aberrant encounters.
We are on our midseason break with 6 episodes out, but we will be back late December! I really hope y'all enjoy what we've created so far in the meantime!
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lemonmatronics · 1 year
I cannot hold it in any longer—
I have been having so much fucking Brainrot over Bluster’s family line and I like, CANNOT stop thinking about them and need to get the brain puddle out there
I’m fully convinced that basically everyone that was ever leader has some sort of sibling issues going on or at least some baggage that they make an attempt to cover up. And because they cover it up it just repeats every single time
Keep in mind that literally every single bit of this is based off NOTHING and I am literally just making it up, but I LOVE royal drama sooo :P don’t be shocked
Anyways I believe that old dead Bluster isn’t the only look-a-like here and that he had a sister. You already know where I’m going with this. Doubt she had the same name though, obviously.
So Robbie Lookalike is the older sibling of the two and next in like for leadership. In fact she actually does have a brief reign that doesn’t even get to last a year. Her plans as leader to attack and once in for all destroy the Care Bears, as their conflict is only growing.
Dead Bluster believes this is the worst way to handle this, and tries to plead with her to stop these plans, fully believing all out war could destroy their entire society. (Which for the time,, yeah. They’d get cooked) But she does not listen, shaming him for not wanting to defend his people.
Conflict only rises before between the two until Dead Bluster feels like he has no choice. He has to keep her from attacking the bears.
The fight between older sister and younger brother breaks out. Neither of them wanted death. Despite the fights and disagreements, they both still loved each other. But in both of their eyes it was now down to one life vs the many, and only one remained.
A week later the peace treaty was signed.
Fast forward further into the future, two twin girls are born. The patterns on their fur fitting each other like gloves.
Their family so happy to have Nad and Mona both. But as twins, only one could take the throne while the other was left behind. A mere backup.
As they grew up Nad was the more proper of the two sisters, keeping composure when needed and handled things with smarts. Mona, however, was not like her sister. She did not want to learn what was already known, she looked for things to discover. The nosey child never knew when to stop pushing for answers.
Nad was the one chosen to be trained and cared for as their future leader while Mona was pushed away into the shadows. Praise be the child prodigy to one day lead them, Mona couldn’t even feel jealous.
At first she was thrilled at the news, happy her sister would take the burden of ruler instead of her. But as the family pushed her way further into the dark, she only found more. Answers to questions she never asked, faces of the dead revealed to be liars.
If they had cared enough to keep her occupied she never would have found that room. Hidden behind the walls, door covered to look as if it never existed.
She did not tell a soul what she saw for years.
Everything inside was burnt to a crisp, almost everything was ash and charred. She could only identity two items. The large, framed, shredded painting that laid flat on the ground. The wood work around the unrecognizable portrait all to similar to the ones used for the portraits of for her family’s royal line.
As she lifted the dusty, charred image, she found a folded note underneath. Protected by the destroyed painting.
Her family noticed the sudden change with her, none of them understanding why Mona suddenly insisted that she was better fit to rule. Her sister being bombarded with the demand to break the peace treaty the second she was in charge.
Nad didn’t understand why her sister wanted this, she never gave a reason, she only commanded her sister either do as she says to hand over her entire future.
Both demands that Nad refused to meet. As calm as she was, she was no coward. She would not give up everything she worked for for something her sister wouldn’t even explain her reasoning.
But how could Mona speak up?
She would simply be erased too.
Years went by like this, closer and closer to the day Nad would be announced as their new ruler.
Nobody knew why it was Mona that showed up that day. Nobody knew where Nad had gone. Despite the fact she was one step closer to completing her goals, Mona did not smile once that day.
The new queen was not stupid, she realized over the time of her waiting for the throne, that her people were not suited for a war. Only the ones with the same blood as her had powers. And as cruel as they may be, they were not fighters. The Bear’s magic was too strong.
Mona ushered in an new era of progress. She poured everything she could into the technological progress of her home, to utterly fantastic success.
Harnessing bad seeds into a source of magic, using bad vibes themself to power their entire society, weapons galore being created as she funded almost all of it.
It was perfect. Everything she wanted it to be. Creative minds all across the bad crowd creating machines and finding discoveries that would not only help them with war, but the basic living of her kind as well.
Within mere years everything changed for the bad crowd. And she did not see the finale of it.
Mona did not get to break the peace treaty herself, murdered beside her husband before her plan came to fruition.
However, as boss, it was the very first thing her son did.
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so i have three movie reviews to catch up on for the year (along with oh god so many things) but i did get to see the black panther sequel at my theater and it was fantastic, i loved it so much, and getting to be at the theater in general was such a nice experience it made me even more determined to try and save up by the end of next year to afford the regal unlimited movie pass thing. 
but even though that’s a reasonable (and frugal, with the huge holiday discount they do) plan, gosh it’s so frustrating that suddenly way more potentially fun movies are coming out all at once right now. 
i don’t actually think i would enjoy the gore of violent night, but DAVID HARBOUR. got his own CHRISTMAS MOVIE. i’m so proud of him! forever out here rooting for my current bipolar hero. 
the whitney houston biopic will probably not hold a lot of surprises? because i feel like music biopics have always been formulaic in a way that i noticed even as a preteen, before i knew what other tropes were. but it still looks really good! i want to go to with kayla while she’s here for the holidays. 
and now there’s babylon, which at least according to the advertisements is going to be over the top and ridiculous grandeur and high drama, with margot robbie AND jean smart AND phoebe tonkin! and it’s a period piece set during early hollywood!! it sounds so fun.
with the cost of theater movies and how rarely they release ones here that are important to me, i only see a couple a year--i’m very particular about the ones i pick. but if i had the prepaid ability to see any one at any time, it really would lower the bar back to the kind of person i used to be, who would be like ‘hey that movie has an actor in it i like or an intriguing plot. no clue if the movie will be good, but it will be an experience.’
i miss having those experiences. before moving here, i once spent the day at a theater that had an embedded starbucks (woo) and i saw the greatest showman (a rewatch, that movie just made me so happy), followed by the post, followed by get out, followed by yet another attempt at the greatest showman (i nodded off partway through that 10pm showing oops). it was such a great day, and both the post and get out were movies i was sort of giving a chance to, rather than expecting to like. which made them even nicer, like discoveries.
having a wider range of movie theater experiences again, going in without any idea if i’ll actually like a movie...sounds so perfect to me. as a way to get out of the house but also (to be a little cheesy) as a way to feed my soul. i’m just really impatient now that movies are getting my attention again--next november feels so far away.
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controlthesleeve · 1 year
Rewatching the first few seasons of Cobra Kai reminded me how much more I enjoyed the show when the drama was driven by Daniel and Johnny's interpersonal issues instead of being a good versus evil battle for the soul of the valley.
The show started off with Daniel and Johnny both being flawed people, Johnny has multiple obvious flaws (his alcoholism, his relationship with Robby, blaming Daniel for how his life has turned out, etc, etc), but Daniel is also kind of an asshole. He has internalised the idea that he's "the good guy" to a point where he thinks everything he does is justified, like throwing his money and influence around in the infamous rent-raising incident.
A lot of the conflict in season 1 stems from Daniel's knee-jerk reactions, and the fact that he just assumes that Johnny is the exact same person he was in high school and that he is incapable of changing. You can argue that Daniel was justified in thinking this, but imo the show was more interesting back when he was sometimes wrong about things.
Part of the series premise is that their positions are reversed, with Johnny as the working class underdog to Daniel and his multiple luxury car dealerships, but because Johnny has Cobra Kai and more students than Daniel it feels like they are more or less on equal footing. After Johnny lost Cobra Kai at the end of s2, however, I feel like the power imbalance shifts too far in Daniel's favour. Johnny doesn't even have a proper dojo, and although he uses the warehouse (presumably without permission) he only really has somewhere to teach out of the goodness of Daniel's heart, which puts Johnny in Daniel's debt.
I love the whole Kreese&Johnny plotline in s2 which culminates in Kreese taking over the dojo, but the show became so black-and-white after that. Cobra Kai teaches eeevil snake karate that turns you into a bully so Miyagi-do (with the help of Eagle Fang) needs to stop them before they can corrupt the youth of the San Fernando Valley. When Johnny was running Cobra Kai the dojo had its problems, but a lot of his students were clearly benefiting from training with him. Plus, I enjoyed seeing Johnny try to separate the good from the bad and having to reassess what he was taught and try to keep his students from repeating his mistakes.
Anyway, all this to say that I hope Johnny takes back Cobra Kai in season 6
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sersumdeorsum · 2 years
okay so i’ve taken a good 24hr since i watched vol 2 to just let it sit and wait for my mind to figure this shit out. under the cut is what i’m going to be doing with max, considering she’s my most used muse here. some of this will be canon divergent for reasons i’ll list under the cut. i’m also taking this opportunity to say here, like i’ve said over at @hcrgrove, the only max that is mikey and billy’s ( @hargrxve )  sister in their twin verse is my max unless you have plotted with both myself AND cat that this is different for your max. that’s not to say my max is exclusive to them because that’s not it at all, i have some awesome threads with other billy’s (looking @ u @turnedahero). it’s just becoming a lil problem on mikey so i figured i’d mention it.
firstly, because this (and all the billy slander in that ep) pissed me the fuck off: everything that max said about billy when luring vecna was just that, a lure. sure, she had fleeting moments in the beginning wishing that something would happen and he would disappear, but as she got to know him and what he’d been through - all of the abuse that went on through his childhood and in the home they shared together - max softened to him. she became a protector, of sorts. sure she was younger and didn’t have much of the ability to, but she stood up to neil where she could. and hey, she shared something in common with him, right ? shitty dads. he was her brother, whether they liked it or not, and especially after neil was gone, they grew closer. once she understood, she never ever thought him weak. she loves him. 
everything else STILL happened. at the end of s4 vol2 max was in a coma, lost. she died in the upside down, still in vecna’s grasp. when el went into her mind, she found nothing because max wasn’t there. she’s not in there, in her own body; her spirit, soul and memories are all trapped in the upside down. vecna needs to either die, or she needs to be brought through from the upside down back into real hawkins for her to wake up. she will NOT wake up until this happens. 
POST-VOL2: her friends figure it out, with the help of her brothers and eddie, and she ends up waking up. it takes a long time though, perhaps too long. when she wakes, billy, mikey and eddie are there quickly, as soon as the hospital calls them. they break the news robbie died that day, and she was in the coma for so long that the funeral has long since been and gone. (reaction drabble to come soon). her memories still fuzzy. reading the letters that she handed out whilst at risk of vecna helped to put things into place a little bit but everything is still a little bit fuzzy. 
EDIT 07/07/2022: when she wakes up, there’s a lot of work before max can be released. whilst all her injuries are healed by the time she wakes up, because of the time spent in the coma she is very weak. she lost muscle mass and her bones became weaker, more brittle. until she put on some weight they kept her in a wheelchair and started with small exercises to strengthen the muscles, joints and bones. then it moved to walking aids which she used for a while, even when she first got out of the hospital. she can walk without them now, but sometimes max still struggles. she gets frustrated with it, especially considering it’s clear their fight isn’t over yet but it’s just how things are. at least she’s alive. 
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shallowseeker · 2 years
Because I’m off work now and my brain is feverish, here’s another way we could go with 15x20:
Safe House 11x16 cinema looks A LOT A LOT like Carry On 15x20. Like the whole concept of a haunted house is cool right? It’s about nests and Soul Eaters. And it’s written by that Robbie guy.
So now my brain thinks the murdering versions of Sam and Dean we see in 15x20 might could be spun as cud. (See quotes below:)
Also, Will Henderson looks like the boy that was taken in 15x20 (not Brady but the older one). There’s so much in that episode and I can’t help but think of Sam wasting away in that hospital bed, too.
I’d be ok with that being the whole reboot actually. I can’t help but love the idea of Mary and John redemption, especially since we see how rotten Sam and Dean are at the end of their arcs.
I’m also thinking about about Dorothy and the Wicked Witch souls being tethered together not to get lost in the worlds; this could be something John did to protect the boys. The only way to break tethers is to have ppl kill who they’re tethered to and that’s very VERY hard and releases a ton of energy.
Lucifer and his brother Michael could have such a bond. So it wasn’t enough to have Lucifer die by an alternate Michael…. Chuck couldn’t kill Michael after Michael killed the OG Lucifer to break the tether to the empty. That shot of Michael dying was so big and powerful and ominous, you know? Feels like Chuck could’ve easily puppeteers Sam and Dean to kill Michael. That whole lead-up to Michael dying was just so explain-ey and backstabbing. A huge sacrifice that powered up Chuck. And overcame Jack and Amara. You lose, boys.
“Your house is safe now.”
The Nest exists outside of space and time.
Is it. Is it? On the one hand, it’s us the viewers keeping them here to enjoy their pain and suffering.
Alternatively, the angels who house souls and Jack are natural soul eaters, and heaven is just one big terrifying nest. Why else keep souls.
So many cosmic entities eat souls, like, and they try to lure human souls into the belly of the whale, so to speak:
“I can keep you safe. Both of you. Forever…” - Soul Eater
Bobby n Rufus:
What happens to the remains of the souls in the nest?”
“Well, they wither, too. But they stay with the soul eater, keeping it fed in lean times. Sort of like cud.”
“No I can’t stop this. I’m coming apart. Don’t let me hurt you.” -Jack
It’s bothered me for a bit that jsck could be in on it because wtf does Mrs. Butters whisper to him. Last Holiday reads like a last supper before sacrifice. So does the damn pie festival.
I’m bothered that Jack is called out as a Demi-god in the script, and that he’s starving. And that she tells him go save the world in the room but whispers something unknown in the script. I’m not saying Mrs. Butters is a Chuck plant buuut. That whole episode is filled with hunting hubris and overconfidence. Like when you make an animal really happy before you kill it.
“Don’t you get it? Together, I can protect you, Castiel.” -9x01
“The binding spell came at a price — her soul with mine.” -9x04
There’s just something about these themes. Like, are all angels cud? Are the archangels powerful because they retained their fam bonds? You have to wonder.
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danwhobrowses · 2 years
Cobra Kai Season 4 Review
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I mean, how could I not binge it?
5 hours later and I'm fresh off of Cobra Kai's 4th Season, the Battle for the Soul of the Valley
Silver's back! Danny and Johnny are teaming up! Hawk has redeemed himself! How would we follow this up? Well, I found out and now I will review it
Spoilers for Season 4, Watch it first, Read this second, No Mercy!
So, I liked it, definitely liked it, buuuuuuut I also found myself only liking it. The season is still a strong season with implications into going into a fifth, but I did have my qualms about it which I will start with.
What Wasn't Great
It takes a while to gather pace After a very exciting set of episodes last season, the hype was on for this fourth season to kick off, but the first few scenes did kinda derail that momentum. It took about 3 episodes for Terry Silver to actually get back into Cobra Kai and properly push the story's major conflict along. So one of the early criticisms I do have is that it starts a bit slowly, we could've trimmed a bit of the fat.
Daniel and Johnny still don't get along Now we did expect growing pains, but after a point we did kinda hope that when Johnny learned Miyagi-Do and Daniel learned 'Eagle Fang' the rift will have ended. Instead after a kinda cheap draw to a fight Johnny trained all day for but Daniel only trained a few hours for they decided to ignore the kids and train separately. I mean they had a common goal and a common enemy, they could've put aside their differences a lot earlier in the story. I understand that the narrative wanted it to be more them shooting themselves in the foot, but it kinda felt like a dumb call, equally because only Sam decided to just train for both schools, which the other kids probably should've done as well given that they had a whole truce written up and remain friends with each other.
The last thing Sam needed was Aggression Samantha LaRusso continues to sadly be one of my least favourite characters. After having a whole season of her acting out and getting aggressive out of fear towards the girl she had beaten up twice, it kinda felt contrived that the story made her Johnny's crossover project. Her added aggression did not help her character either, only serving to paint Tory in a more sympathetic light, I didn't want to root for her and her behaviour only served to vindicate Daniel over Johnny's teaching (which we will get to in a bit). If anyone would've profited from the aggression in my mind it would've been Demitri, but we kinda dropped the ball on that one for the sake of drama.
Aisha only gets a cameo!? During Samantha's character arc though we get to see Aisha return, it's just a shame that it only lasts a pep talk. Because as she says, Johnny's teachings worked for her, and after establishing a female tournament in the All Valley there was definitely the platform to reinsert her into the cast - given how the season had only 2 women in the whole karate war at that point. With Stingray's return and additional use to the plot, we could've benefited having Aisha there, also as a bridge for Tory and Sam, since she was friends with both.
Forced and Out-of-Character Drama Of course some tensions made sense, and the teenage drama is a key part of it, but the show has done the Miguel/Sam/Robby/Tory love quadrangle for the fourth time in a row now, we have to pull the other one with it, the whole pre-tournament drama between Miguel and Sam felt forced. Kenny being confronted by Eli and the younger Miyagi/Eagle Fangs also felt a tad off, having been on that side you'd expect sympathy from the young newcomer, like how Eli did tell him to get out of Cobra Kai, it did feel odd at the drive-in movie that they kinda cornered him for no real reason other than to push tribalism.
Eli's character arc is rushed at the end Eli did engage in a really good character arc, the problem I have though is that before the tournament there was a session where he doesn't do much between returning to karate and entering the tournament. It probably would've helped to show him learning more of Miyagi-Do's style, and explaining why he didn't go back to Eagle Fang because Miguel is also his close friend, it would've also helped to serve the build to his and Eli's confrontation in the tournament.
It just barely hits second gear I said earlier that I liked it, but only liked it, and that's mainly because I was waiting for it to hit a new level, but it barely did that. While the gear it was on was still a good gear to be on, I didn't feel the same excited energy I got last season where confrontations felt like they were seconds from exploding. It probably didn't help that we had to work around the rules of the All Valley, limiting the room for the massive brawls of past seasons, but it did feel like it could've kicked off a bit more.
Sympathy for Kreese!? I did not expect us to try and humanize Kreese again, especially with actual effort to make him sympathetic and not manipulative. I can see the idea of shifting Silver as the big bad, but John Kreese is the Sith Lord here, he's the Palpatine, so having him crumble a little from seeing Johnny in pain and then telling Tory to do things her own way, especially off the back of his prior manipulations and intimidation didn't quite feel right. If we wanted to move Kreese out of scope for a while then we could've had him arrested without the whole Silver confrontation. Silver is great, especially as a maniac, but Kreese is THE Big Bad of this franchise.
Daniel gets the shine while Johnny sits in the shade, again! Unfortunately one of my main worries with Cobra Kai continues to stay prevalent in the show and it's that Daniel remains golden. This is mostly in a karate sense at least, because the season ends and we don't at all challenge that Daniel is a flawed teacher, or that his way isn't the best way. Eli wins the men's tournament under his banner, even though it's the aggression and confidence grown from Johnny's style that wins it for him, Miyagi-Do is the runner up group of the All Valley - even though Johnny would be much more about the flashy moves and weapons skills than Daniel would be - it's Daniel always dishing the life lessons and being the 'Apollo', even though this is meant to be Johnny's side of the story. I also dislike that they drew, it made sense narratively but I'm tired of pretending that Daniel is superior to Johnny in karate and teaching, while dancing around Silver's reminder that he does indeed have that innate aggression and hotheadedness without really having to confront it.
Meanwhile Johnny does take way too many Ls in this show, his side of the argument feels weaker in that he's jealous of Daniel and annoyed that Miguel is turning passive while Daniel worries that Sam can't control her temper and is acting more aggressive (which is more valid), he loses to Terry Silver in single combat even after showing that he can fight Miyagi's style, he has a rift with Miguel because he drunkenly talks about wanting to reconnect with his son, and ends the show having to give up his dojo, his only source of income, his ex-students he helped train from the start are champions who want nothing to do with him, and now he feels like he has failed Miguel by trying to push him too hard, it's a heavy contrast from Daniel who comes off a lot rosier and still treated like his karate is unproblematic and unable to produce bad eggs - it's always Johnny or Cobra Kai's aggression that is the problem - even though he's the reason for their latest rift. Johnny should struggle yes, but it falls flat when Daniel gets to have all the glory while Johnny deals with the baggage.
The Agreement is not Honored! This was an annoying point to end on as well. I can understand that we needed to push the story along somehow without nullifying Cobra Kai's win, but it feels wrong for Daniel to up and say 'I'm not gonna honour this bet we lost' when calling on Chozen to help. In a way he's doing the same thing Kreese did in Karate Kid 3 and calling on a fellow practitioner who has the franchise of his karate (since Chozen inherited Sato's dojos that teach the Miyagi style). It's very uncharacteristic of Daniel too, and not very paragon of him, especially since there are three different outs we could've had in the fact that: the All Valley rules were changed, Silver bribed the ref, and combined Eagle Fang/Miyagi-Do should have enough points to match or beat Cobra Kai. It was a weak way of keeping the dojo wars going, and hopefully it's something I hope can be cleared up next season.
What was Great
The fanservice is still the right mix Cobra Kai's strong suit has been finding that sweet spot between nostalgia and moving forwards, so luckily it's good to see that hasn't gone. We did pull back a bit more on the nostalgia, focusing more on the actions of the past movies rather than the quotes, we can still feel the energy of the Karate Kid legacy, but it's also good to know that we have a time and place for it.
Amanda helps turn Tory Amanda LaRusso has been sitting mostly on the sidelines for the series, being the supportive role for much of the series. But seeing her step out has worked to benefit both her and Tory's characters, sympathizing with the troubled girl and at least trying to make steps towards giving Tory a second chance. Paired with the cruel and excessive behaviour of Sam and it does push the audience to being more sympathetic towards Tory, which opens the door to her showing signs of a face turn too.
Robby steps into his father's shoes The introduction of Kenny Payne is an interesting new part of the story, being Robby's protege as he helped him defend himself from bullying using the training he learned. It bears similarity to how Miyagi took Daniel under his wing and how Johnny took Miguel under his, more the latter given its conclusion, Robby having his Season 1 moment where he saw how the excessive nature of Cobra Kai can corrupt and change people in a negative way. It was a good parallel to use, and one that allows Robby to better understand his father and his warnings about Cobra Kai itself, which like Tory can lead to his eventual face turn.
Anthony is a Character Now! Anthony LaRusso was a nothing character from the start, exuding youngest child energy of getting away with anything and being spoiled, his absence in Season 2 wasn't really missed. But Season 4 has actually put some effort into making him a character, and an interesting one at that. Making Daniel confront both his neglectful parenting and the fact that his son has turned into a bully was a very interesting take, one that makes Daniel have to embrace the stricter and aggressive approach that Johnny is more known for.
What's interesting for Anthony though is that while he is definitely a bully, he's not exactly a Johnny type, if anything he's more like Bobby was: a bully with a conscience succumbing to peer pressure. He's talked big game and been pushed by his friends to antagonize Kenny, acting impulsively and jealously while masking that they actually share interests and could've been friends. Now he also has to reap what he sows, with Kenny now becoming the bully and him the bullied, which can lead to more development for both characters.
New Blood in the Pack While we are definitely not done with our OG or our Cobra Kai cast, we've also began to add new faces to the cast. Debate team/New Eagle, Devon definitely has potential as a female Johnny-like character, as does Moon's flexible ex Piper - though we may have to worry if she's a little masochistic. Kenny is a good addition, while I was expecting his brother to show this season we did make a story out of it. Outside of Karate we also have Anthony and Kenny's joint love interest who one will expect will sow conflict in later seasons, as will Tory's money-hungry aunt. It would help if the show provided more focus on the side characters that aren't Eli, Demitri and Anthony but these additions felt a lot more natural and set up to play a role later on.
The Correct Tournament Calls I did have my concerns with the All Valley rule changes, especially since we had little female cast members doing Karate, but they did just about make it work by being both a meta commentary and providing a solid conclusion to it all. Miguel pulling his back on the penultimate episode was definitely a shocking moment and a great cliffhanger, but him not returning and forfeitting the match was a unique call to allow Eli and Robby to take the final (to tell you the truth when I was mulling over how I thought the season would go I actually had Robby beating Miguel in the semis and fighting Eli in the finals so it kinda lined up well for my thinking). While Sam and Tory was always going to be the women's endgame fight - because they're the longest standing female karate fighters - but I'm glad that we finally gave Tory her W, a win that was kinda overdue since I felt that she should've won during the school fight. The way Tory won was cool too, wanting to do it the right way and also extending an olive branch to Sam, which made Silver bribing the ref sting even more.
Eli's redemption In spite of his absence, Eli/Hawk's road to redeeming himself felt much more earned this season than it did last season with his instant face turn. Building bridges again, not acting out aggressively, and 'finding his center' with the help of Demitri, it all built up to a cathartic moment when Moon motivated him to demolish Kyler. While the Miguel fight definitely didn't go the way anyone wanted, his finals battle with Robby was just excellently done, building the tension and the suspense of who could win (though it was kinda telegraphed with the announcer's saying that Cobra Kai only needed to win once). Growing respect between both rivals, Eli's arc reached a peak with his victory that felt really earned, finding a proper balance with his character - it would've worked better at least if he acknowledged Johnny during the tournament for his role in helping give him the confidence that helped him win.
I'd also like to point out that Eli is the more perfect example of how blending Miyagi-Do and Eagle Fang could work. While Sam was more aggressive in her style, Eli found a perfected balance to show the profits of the hybrid style.
The Madness of Terry Silver Everyone was curious just how the ponytailed maniac that was Terry Silver was gonna gel into Cobra Kai as Kreese's second. While there was uncertainty at time, Silver definitely grew into the role the more unhinged he became. It was interesting that there was friction between the two also, and while I wasn't all too for him turning on Kreese the way they did, we got to see the contrasts that made both villains stand out in the movies. While Kreese can be manipulative, he was always subtle with it and intimidating, meanwhile Silver is purely cerebral, exuding the mad energy to fit the 80s universe wormhole Cobra Kai fits in. With him taking the helm as the main villain, we will likely see much more chaos from him, and possibly even Mike Barnes the Bad Boy of Karate also make a return.
The Story will Continue While this wasn't the best of seasons for me, I was happy to learn that Season 5 will be coming in late 2022. The loose ends on this season was a positive sign that we would be going in interesting directions with Silver's Cobra Kai against Daniel and the returning Chozen, all the while Johnny goes to Mexico City to find Miguel - who wants to 'learn where he came from' by meeting his birth father, who doesn't know he exists. This can of course cause conflict between Miguel and Johnny but also send them on their own kind of 'Okinawa Adventure'. What this means for the Dojo wars is unclear, since it seems that Johnny is gonna probably honour the agreement while Daniel isn't, what this means for the Eagle Fang lot I'm not sure, and how Johnny's excursion will affect Robby too.
We will likely see more of the younger breed's drama take over but I would still like to see a negative example of Miyagi-Do, and of course Daniel properly break bread with Johnny and find the balance necessary, saying they're 'set in their own ways' feels a bit off because Johnny's way is different to his old way. Perhaps though Johnny needs to be the Apollo in this one, it is supposed to be more his show than Daniel's after all, but there are positive signs for Season 5 (and hopefully a conclusive Season 6).
But overall, Season 4 was a well-balanced story that worked more in the favour of the villains being humanized rather than the heroes putting aside their differences. It had some weak spots for sure and didn't quite reach the same heights as Season 3 but it still pulled off some excellent choreography and continues to enrich the Karate Kid universe
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terrence-silver · 2 years
Okay, your headcanon about young Terry / Twig never attending prom because he was shipped off to Vietnam at the time made me really sad.🥺 How about a little one shot story, where decades later, perhaps old man Terry does a re-actment of prom night with his significant other and they dress up nicely and go dancing together or something?
-"You never been to prom, dearest?"-
You ask on one occasion, genuinely surprised. Heartbreaker, Billionaire, businessman, entrepreneur, handsome to boot. You'd never imagine it, really, smoothing his cheek to ease him up. He? Of all people? Don't judge a book by the cover, you supposed. Was that why he was ensuring that Robby boy, that student of his made it to his own prom? Precisely because Terry didn't make to his? God. Something about that curls around your soul, like a fist, strangulating you. The pressure of sadness for the one you cared about so much. -"No. Silly."- He cajoles, stretching his neck, early in the morning. -"But, I've been to Danang."- He answers, almost cheeky about it, back turned to as he gets up from bed from sitting on it's edge. You feel the pain radiate off of those words, even as Terry tries to play them off as a joke. Of course, you knew about the war, but you never dared ask for any details he personally didn't wish to share. It made sense. Made sense that he skipped out on some markers on adolescence. You never knew he skipped out on quite so many. Your heart hurts, even though he appears proud on the issue, slipping on his silken house-robe. -"I'm so sorry, Terry."- You manage briefly, whispering, getting up and embracing him from behind. You’re convinced you’re more upset about the fact then he is. -"Well, it is never too late."- You add with warmth, lowering your cheeking on the outline of his body, hands clasped around his waist, hugging him.
Imagining going out somewhere.
Somewhere nice and quiet --- intimate, mellow.
Wearing beautiful clothes, dancing somewhere --- dim lights.
-"We could pick out some outfits. Choose a place. Just you and me."- You suggest tenderly, reaching up, squeezing his wide, broad shoulders, kneading the knots out of them with your fingers, hoping not to throw him off or offend him with the suggestion. Make him feel inadequate or less then. Like he missed out on something. It was nothing that couldn't be made up for, if he so wished. You weren't a virtual magnate, mogul and one of the richest men in The Valley --- you were just --- well --- you, but whatever was in your power to give him, you would by the ten-folds. Love. To act of making up for everything that could've been. Making Terry happy in any way you possibly could. Giving him simple, good things to remember. Doing basic math in your head, what year would've it been? The year of his prom night? Maybe somewhere in the 60's? Late 50's? Give or take. You imagine dressing up for him, if he so requested. Curled bobs. A bold red lip. To have him feeling like he's truly there, back in the time of his own youth. Make the image more vivid. Or not. Whatever he desired. The costuming and the posturing didn't matter as much as the gesture of it, really. -"I can be your date? You can pick me up, just like you would've back then?"- You smile at him once he turns to face you, tongue pressed between his teeth.
-"I'm an old man, my love."-
He remarks with a small smile, looking down at you, cupping your face, both hands.
You aren't exactly sure if that's a yes or a no or a maybe.
In the weeks to come, Terry does arrange a date, on his own accord, placing it all into motion. You figured you were outright rejected with your plan, seeing as how he didn't speak on it further after the exchange, being oddly silent on the issue. He simply didn't wish to re-enact his own prom night, did he? You respected that. You never pushed it again. All your sorrow lingers though, thinking of a scared, young boy, somewhere in some jungle trench, fighting for his life, cold and shivering, while his generational peers back home are doing the swing, drinking and laughing. How unfair that was? How tragic? Heart-wrenching? Except, one evening, Terry's out front, leaning on the hood of his Aston Martin, arms crossed on his chest, suited up, giving you a grin as you run out to greet him. An 1964 Aston Martin Lagonda Rapide? So, he was going thematic then? You smile too, running into his embrace. There's no moon in the sky. No stars. The waves of the nearby beach are white with foam, crashing against the shore, windy, from the great, colossal horizon as the line of palm trees sway. A warm, summer evening and the hum of a distant storm. You feel the sweet, caressing breeze in his mouth as you kiss him, prepped up on your toes. He leans down so you could achieve your goal easier.
Terry's in a good, jovial mood, brimming with tender sarcasm, raising his eyebrow.
-"Do I have to ask a parent for permission too?"-
He remarks jokingly, even though you were living together, settled in.
You giggle, running back inside the mansion to change.
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daintydreamsy · 2 years
hcs!!! (☆▽☆)
includes; andrew kreiss, victor grantz, luca balsa, jack the ripper, smiley face, dream witch, the feaster, memory, axe boy, yimi (follower), margaretha zelle, mike morton, murro, soul weaver, emily dyers, emma woods, hell ember, disciple, sculptor, naiad, eli clark, the bloody queen, geisha, mad eyes, undead, tracy reznik, evil reptilian, violinist, wu chang, and vera nair
features; VAL, smileyjack, luchinini, and xiefan
not necessarily romantic, but sort of implied; naibnort, michimary, vioann, and galagrace
• andrew has nightmares. a lot. every night type beat. he can't stand them
• victor keeps his door unlocked for when andrew can't sleep because of his nightmares.
• wick doesnt mind.
• wick DOES mind when luca bursts open the door at 3am to promptly steal his lovers dog.
• it happens so much?!
• based on that one fic, jack knew joker pre-manor, they were totally a fling or two
• cant stand the fact that they tried to make jacks DID a toko fukawa thing
• so i say its more like a supernatural thing
• speaking of the supernatural...
• i think itd be funny if yidhra and hastur were the babysitters of the manor.
• memory, robbie, and yimi go to hastur when they want something, and the old diety can't handle these cute kids start begging for takoyaki :(
• speaking of.. one time in a blackjack match, robbie and memory got paired up and everyone else let them win, despite the fact that they were obviously losing.
• how could you make them lose?!
• moving on...
• hunter rooms are bigger than survivor rooms, but still too big for one person to stay in.
• so some hunters share rooms... more like a lovers deal but the baron doesn't need to know that (✿^‿^)
• joker and jack shared a room long before they realized they were in love...
• which left for a lot of really weird one night stands! thats for sure!
• i think after the events of hullabaloo, jokers feelings for margie diminished. not completely, but he really couldn't find himself pursuing her.
• she was avoiding him anyway
• could you blame her though? he kind of *is* wearing the ripped off face of her dead lover...
• for the other members
• mike was too consumed with finding who ended his career to care much for anything else.
• violetta went to the manor, and found herself making so many little collars for ann's cats
• and of course, Vio couldn't keep these things to herself! so she began making little trinkets for the cats owner to have.
• and that got them to talking, and one thing lead to another, and now they spend almost all of their time together.
• murro and victor hang out sometimes, because wick likes berry the boar.
• the boar didnt have a name btw how fucked up is that
• more on my animals, brooke rose and emma are best friends.
• sometimes brooke, emma, and leo all go out and Brooke helps emma and leoprune some of her plants.
• emma sees emily sort of as a mother figure.
• it all started when emily helped emma clean some of the lasting cuts after a long match with percy.
• fucker. i hate him.
• on some nights, the NERDS (tracy, luca, burke, and luchino) all get together and discuss scientific stuff idk i failed science.
• i love that guy, hes so cool
• he has a crush on that cute musician, the violinist i think he is?
• this is sort of canon, but norton has survivors guilt, and i think naib and him talk quite often, they both discuss their guilt and work towards dealing with it.
• when grace first arrived at the manor, she was very apprehensive, and didn't talk to anyone.
• she met her two close friends hastur and galatea in duos.
• hastur is nice to his fellow fish-folk, and galatea thinks grace is of divine beauty.
• galatea likes sculpting grace in her free time, and anyone else she thinks is beautiful.
• women, lol.
• mary, michiko, margaretha, and vera are some of them.
• michiko and mary are always together, i don't make the rules.
• michiko loves doing traditional makeup, and mary loves experimenting. but red lipstick is always a must!
• sometimes, they do each others makeups, and then girlboss 8 survivors in duos.
• sometimes, long after the black guard has fallen asleep, he'll choke.
• xie wakes up everytime this happens, and forces fan to wake up as well.
• the terror sets in nearly every night.
• he eats good with his bird friend!!!!
30 notes · View notes
peeterparkr · 3 years
perennial;tom holland|eighteen.
chapter eighteen: yellow pansy ↳ flower meanings:  thinking of you.
chapter summary: you left a journal in his top drawer. pairing: tom holland x y/n warnings: haha you’re going to HATE ME word count: 11.5K
previous chapter next chapter   perennial masterlist.
perfidy  ( series masterlist)
it took me ages write this, my writersblock was awful BUT IT’S HERE ! We are missing one more chapter but here it is! I hope you don’t hate me as much as I think you will, I split the ending in two chapters because it was LONG, so expect the final chapter in these days
Please help me out reblogging tags havent been working for me and I know this will flop but I’m really happy I got back into writing
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You kept a journal. With flowers printed on them. Each and every single one was given by him. You had recently remembered it, wondering where in your room it could be. Hidden behind some other lost forgotten memories or some other unforgettable mysteries. You wondered if the flowers had kept their color. Most of them hadn’t.
“Well, here goes to the happily ever after,” you said as you smiled, even when the notebook was still roaming your mind.
Tim offered a gentle smile, watching carefully, as the white dress fell down.
When it comes to love stories, happy endings are what we wish for. Life, unfortunately, isn’t like that. But often we are bombarded with stories that are just too good to be true, enough for us to believe this. With them down the sunset on a white horse. With prince charming being charming enough.
With Mister Darcy as the sun is rising telling Elizabeth “You have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love, I love, I love you.”
With Donna and Sam getting married, and a bunch of friends singing Abba songs.
With Noah and Ally peacefully drifting off, hand in hand.
With Baby and Johnny Castle dancing together.
Characters that are but a reflection of our deepest dreams. Ones that are kept secret and shut for the world. With stories that make us believe we are happy.
It’s fine to shield in. But it’s no good to dwell on them.
We often don’t get what we wish for when we shield in a dream.
You wondered, what about Valerie and William?
Or… Tom and Y/n?
Your own story was supposed to be kept a secret, yet it ended up being a script and then a movie that would be seen by thousands. Your story transformed into a story people could shield on. A story that had been merely sentiments, then words and a very bad misunderstanding and… then a film.
Seeing yourself on someone else might have been what helped you understand it. Transforming your story into characters and trying to portray a love story that was born out of hatred… had probably been the first mistake.
If we can say it was ever a mistake. How big of a mistake can it be when it brings you so much joy?
Your luck hadn’t been enough for your own faith. But you always wondered, what happens after the happily ever after? Is it truly the outcome? When two souls find each other? Isn’t it only the beginning?
Valerie and William hadn’t had it.
The story ended with Valerie and Robbie getting together, it fit. That’s how the story had been driven. Tom and you had discussed it over and over, the story was written for Valerie to end up with Robbie.
“This is a story, y/n, it’s not us.” He had assured you. “We need to disconnect from it.”
And it wasn’t. It wasn’t you. But how much had those characters stolen from you?
How disappointing, but you made the decision along with them.
It had been painful to relive some things, and the changes to the script had been made to soothe the pain.
But they had a happily ever after. Separate ways.
Who would’ve thought you’d be so right?
Films and stories often end when marriage comes, or when the couple finally gets together, the happily ever after. You barely believed it was the ending.
Because the real journey began with it. Doesn’t it? Isn't the true adventure when they find each other?
When something goes wrong, though, it means the journey isn’t over. The happily ever after is the ending isn’t it? Isn’t the story over until after they’re happily ever after?
Love, though it might be one of the most precious things, often comes with a heartbreak. A tragedy. It didn't hurt this time, though.
But love, when it’s real, doesn’t seem like a loss even if it ends. Because, isn’t it the ending when they finally are together? If we follow that rule, that the ending is when they’re together then it wasn’t the ending.
Or was it?
You couldn’t help but wonder, however…What if you lived a lie? Just a fairy tale that wasn’t supposed to have a happily ever after.
Though the script was far from reality, you felt like your own story was twisted. Why weren’t you in your ‘happily ever after’?
Maybe the side story was yours. Because you were not the princess about to walk into the sunset.
“I really love the dress,” Tim commented.
You did too, but it had you wondering about happily ever after?
What happens to them after the credit rolls? What happens to the characters when the last page ends? Are those characters strong enough to keep together? Are their stories just dried out? Like flowers. Easily forgotten in a journal hidden in your room.
A bouquet that once served as a beautiful symbol now was scattered on top of the shelf, as a few petals fell down.
Flowers dry out.
“Yes, magnificent,” you answered.
The dress made you remember the day you thought it would last forever. That Tom and you would have that ever after. That it wouldn’t dry out.
Tom had only looked up at you, sitting finally on a director chair and he had smiled. Gently. Caring.
And that thought came to your mind. “I hope this lasts forever.”
And for a moment you thought it could. Maybe it was the endless smiles or the constant yellow flowers adorning your room that would end up on your journal.
But nothing ever does last forever. Not the good things. Not pancakes, or ice cream, or street hot dogs. Moments don’t last forever, that’s why you have to grasp to them.
And there was a point at which you knew, you knew it wouldn’t last forever. Because the film continues.
However, you liked to think that love was like a flower. One that grows. Not one that is cut to be given. A perennial one. One that blooms, and continues to bloom when it’s taken care of. But perennial flowers don’t bloom all the time.
A flower can’t bloom for eternity. And a cut flower will not preserve.
In stories and films, we know detail by detail. From the very first word, to the last breath. But when it comes to your own, you often forget what is important. We barely stop to see, and suddenly, life escapes from your hands and you’re stuck in a moment and you can’t get out.
Before you know it, all you’re left with is a script and a movie you can’t bear to watch because it brings too many memories. But good ones, that is. Mostly good.
Before you know it, you have a box with his stuff, and you’re texting to see when you have to drop them off. And before you know it, he is standing there, and you’re hoping he will beg for one last time because you will give it, but he never does, and stays quiet. Too quiet.
Not every love is perennial. Not every love is meant to bloom again.
Perennial flowers, when they bloom, are the most wonderful. But when they’re away, the skies are gray.
But somehow, we go through it. At least you tried to.
The ‘what if’ comes as something complicated. No pillow talks would’ve helped your case, it seemed like any smiles were now hidden under the bed.
It’s needless to say and regard the multiple emotions that had gone by in the relationship, that week it started or that month it finished. That year, if we are honest. That whole year of your relationship. And you had to look back at it. For it all started in a breakup, that had opened the door to be with the love of your life. It all started with a revenge.
It was weird to see it. How a year before you dated Tom, you would have gone with Tim. How you had expected it, how you thought Tim was the endgame. How that year Harry had asked if you would marry Tim and you’d answered that maybe you would.
How at some point you had considered it again. How you even considered Harry. But Tim.
Had Tim waited for a little bit longer, maybe things would’ve turned out quite different. You were thankful he hadn’t. Tim and you were a lesson to each other. Tim had shown you you can be loved and you had shown Tim he can love. Tim and you were fine now, he had found a girl. Lily. Her name was Lily. Purity. Rebirth.
Because, although it had seemed that Tim had died a little with your last conversation before officially letting him go, he had seen himself shine again. How surprising, her name was Lily. Such a coincidence.
Lily, a girl that could easily be passed by. Yet Tim had stopped to see her.
Tim and you would never share what you both said in that conversation. The last flower he had given you was a daisy. A secret between two friends.
Cherry and you went back to what you were before, strangers to each other. But she’d found a girl, by luck. Heather. She was happy now. Happiest.
A year had gone by. Many things had changed. Mostly you, and though you would look back to your past self and warn her that another heartbreak by Tom would be coming, you wouldn’t change it.
A breakup had opened many doors.
Maybe this one would too.
It was bound to come. How on earth were you supposed to grow flowers on a battlefield? But you’d built it together.
And you had. And everything was good, with sunsets and polaroids, and flowers. And fights that would cycle and cyle. But end up cuddling watching reruns of an old 80’s tv show that you barely watched because you were too busy staring into his eyes.
With old fights that would resurface and other secrets that kept chasing you both. But it was good, when you were trying to get the garden back into place, to try and forget the battlefield. Loving him had come so easily, though. Waking up by his side was taken for granted.
You had thought loving him would be a buzzing street, with crowds bustling as the rain is about to begin. You thought loving him would be a Friday night waiting for someone to show up but never did.
You were wrong.
Loving him was walking through a flower field, and taking a Polaroid of the most beautiful sunset. Loving him meant holding his hand and kissing over and over again.
But loving him meant that the sun eventually would set.
And maybe the heartbreak that had come with this one hadn’t been an actual heartbreak and maybe that’s why it hurt. Because it didn’t.
Maybe you’d forged a heartbreak or a relationship. Maybe that had been it, conning yourselves into believing you were fine when you were far from it.
Looking back maybe it was because of Rome, New York, and eventually LA. Cities that you once said you wouldn’t dare to go back to. But now you are willing to visit. Happily, it’s better to walk in a city full of memories rather than one pointless illusion of the memories you could’ve had.
He had gone to New York, and still took his Polaroid everywhere. A habit you loved about him, it seemed he became an expert on holding onto memories.
The breakup had come after James’ wedding. Lovely wedding, by the way. Fairytale full of wonder. A year ago, shortly after the film had premiered, a year after it finished filming.
It was supposed to come. Because when your own brother was finding his way, you had lost yours.
But what happened? When did life slip in? When did it start ending?
Before you knew it, you had packed your stuff without you being aware of it. You had packed everything up, except your own heart. You left your heart right there, right next to that stupid journal, in his upper drawer, right next to his bed. Had he opened that drawer ever since or had he forgotten about it?
There was your journal, not in your room. In his. And he hadn’t given it back.That’s why you felt lost. Your heart was imprinted there and he hadn’t given it back.
But you had packed everything else, with him not even trying to stop you. Just watching you circle around.
Was it fear? Maybe it had been fear, from both. You supposed that’s how life was. Loving was not a duty.
You only had one request for him, one last request: “Remember me, I was the one to love you, and I was the one to call in the middle of the night when you couldn’t sleep. Just remember me when we’re no longer here.”
Because it hadn’t been your fault, your life just slipped in. Distance. No time for calls. Your job getting too much recognition, his job getting even more. Fights that were only to push each other away so it wouldn’t hurt when you both were away. Maybe being enemies had come useful when it was supposed to end.
Fight, and more fights in the end. Yet you were gripping each other. And life had just slipped in. Like it always does.
And it wasn’t him. And it wasn’t you.
“Tell me you actually want it to end,” he had asked when you had the final box.
You didn’t. But there wasn’t much you could do, expect walk out the doors.
Or was there? But even if it was a breakup, you both agreed to remain friends, and then it transformed into little excuses to see each other.
Because it didn’t end up badly. It had been life slipping in. With barely having any time for something that needed too much time to build on.
Filming initially had helped you, how beautiful it was creating it, what a beautiful outcome it had been out of your heartbreak. With music, and fights and everything that was splendid.
Maybe the film wasn’t a huge success, but it had been enough for you both to try and mend it after.
But when filming had ended and you had to go back, that’s when the problems started. His job, your new one. Him there, you here. When you were together, it was amazing, worth it. But then you barely could. And you could barely grip each other.
Then you were too different. Then you were just the same, so stubborn and stupid.
Then it was old arguments, and new ones.
When was it gone? Had he stopped loving you?
He had asked you, near the end. “Do you still love me? Are we still enough?”
“I do love you.” But you hadn’t answered the second question. And what was it? Why wasn’t it? “Why wouldn’t we?” you had questioned.
“Dunno, it’s delicate.”
It was.
Maybe it had been James’ words for Clark. About how love shouldn’t be forced, how love should be simple and love shouldn’t be hurt. About how they built it together. How it wasn’t easy, but it wasn’t complicated.
And then Clark had said it, too. How he loved being with someone that he enjoyed silence with. How love was more than passion. How love was more than a kiss. Seeing how simple it had been for them, was a bit disappointing for you both. Your relationship was anything but simple.
And it wasn't now because you didn’t trust each other, or because you wanted to fight. No, it simply was life telling you, you shouldn’t be together. And maybe it was also the fact that you both thought you worked because you had never experienced silence together. Always a wreck. Always a mess. Always so passionate. But… was it only that? Maybe it was the passion of the moment.
You knew Tom still played the conversation with Tim over and over in his head. How by the end he said he felt guilty by it all.
You too, you were both driven by guilt and guilt eventually snaps you.
So it ended.
“Is it too soon to end this?” You had asked him.
Tom had shrugged. “Would you rather it be late?”
But that didn’t mean you… had to stop seeing each other. Or did it? So you based your new relationship on excuses. And the excuses had grown. ‘I need to give you this hoodie’, ‘I forgot my charger at your place’ ‘I need someone to drive me to do errands’, ‘I need help running lines’, ‘I need a date for this party.’
And then they didn’t even make sense. ‘I can’t open a jar’ ‘I can’t watch this movie alone’ ‘I need to rant about the ending of this series’ ‘I sneezed and no one blessed me’. Stupid things. And then it was the truth ‘I need to listen to your voice’. ‘I miss you’. ‘I want to see you’.
But it was only seeing each other, with no… relationship. No kissing, no anything. Only excuses. A… friendship.
True friendship, for the first time ever. And you could talk for hours with him until the sun came out, and you could laugh with him.
Maybe it hurt that it wasn’t more, but maybe it was never meant to be like that. But you were in a good place. In the best place you had been. The strongest you had both been, too. How civil you were with clothes on. And how many times had you stopped your will to undress him.
Your lips searched for his but they never got what they wanted, your hands hurt from keeping them to yourself, and your heart would only ache a bit.
From both sides.
Seemed that both of you knew what you had to build up on. And maybe you both knew the risk that would come if you were willing to give it a try without having something to settle on.
Maybe that’s why it didn’t hurt. Because it would bloom again, right? Maybe you were preparing the dirt to plant it in. Not loose flowers now. Have seeds.
Or that’s the idea you built yourself into. Because honestly. Had you ever been more than enemies with benefits?
But now, you were friends. Good friends. Maybe you were in love with him, and grown fonder of him now. Really, really in love. But friends. Friends who stared a little bit too much into each other’s eyes, or friends who would easily recognize each other’s laughter. Friends who would have their feet up the headboard and talk about life. Friends who instinctively would give the other a bite of their food or offer a sip of their drink.
Friends who would take a deep breath each time the other walked into the room, and friends who avoided getting too close that it would be mistaken for something else. Secret moments. Standing on the other sides of the room, turning your head away each time your eyes met.
Maybe you didn’t get the happy ending you wished for, or not the one you had expected to.
But you were happy. And it had ended. Those things were unrelated.
But a lot had changed.
Ay first, you had to fight the urge to undress him. Now you had to fight the urge to stare too long into his smile.
Really, a lot had changed.
Tom had started dating someone else, you didn’t know how long that lasted. You had pretended not to care, although you did.
You went out on dates, too. Didn’t inform him, either. Not explicitly. Though he did know.
Because you were friends. That was the happy ending you deserved.
A lot had changed.
And you were currently helping a bride tie that bow in her dress as she stared at her reflection. Her hair hung to her shoulders and half of it was tied with perfect braids. She was finally having her happy ending.
“Are you ready for the veil?” Timmy asked, as he watched the reflection of the bride.
“Can you give me a bloody second, Timothée?” Emma snapped with her usual tone. “I’m fucking busy right now, the veil can wait, don’t be a dick.”
You only held your laughter eyeing Tim. Tim and you had stopped looking at each other like you felt guilty for a while now. Tom’s jealousy had not exactly been driven away, you guessed it never would go.
But surprisingly enough, they became...friends. Or they could stand each other now after James had talked to both of them.
James and the married life that seemed to suit him. His wedding had been very small, but charming nonetheless. You wondered if you would’ve had something like that, very personal.
Quite a different story from Emma and Harry now. Whose love had conquered. And they had had a rough patch but how difficult can it be when you find your soulmate?
Maybe Harry and Emma had Tom and you doubting too. Tom and you had seen several times that you were not meant to be. Your coincidences in life had not been so, rarely coincidences but the both of you fighting for something. Too stubborn to admit that life was getting in the way.
Tom and you had all the odds in your favor and the ones to fuck it up were you both.
While Harry and Emma always had everything against them and they managed to work it out.
Who’re the soulmates here?
“What a lovely thing the blushing bride is, eh?” Tim rolled his eyes.
Emma had been… quite the bride. Everything had to be perfect, which was not likely for Emma to be that way. But she did say it, since she was marrying the love of her life it had to be big enough. In a rustic hotel, full of books and vintage furniture. A very cottage-like wedding. Very Emma and Harry. Unique.
It was perfect.
It had to, honestly. After the crossroads… everything had changed for them.
How Emma and Harry got back together was no mystery, Harry had been brave enough to go for her. When two souls are meant to be even the rockiest path will be easy to travel by.
It was the opposite of what you and Tom used to have. Emma and Harry had all the friendship, relationship settled, they just missed… the passion.
And so when they found each other, and were like two horny teenagers running around, it became...so effortless. Because they had something built upon.
As if life was rewarding them for their patience. For the love they shared. For each and every smile.
Both wild flowers, Often disregarded, had found each other, and created the most beautiful bouquet.
You only chuckled at Tim’s remark. “Splendid bride.”
While you and Tom had never been friends. Only too driven by the other, and passion and… when it ended? What were you? Were you merely nightly romance?
Tim groaned. “Emma—“he raised the veil. “I’m not trying to—I just think you should be wearing this already.”
“Shut up,” Emma granted. “I will but right now I’m—“
“Staring at your reflection?” Tim challenged. Because Emma was actually just doing that. Staring at the perfect dress she was wearing. Shining brightly like a diamond against the sun, her skin perfectly sparkled.
Emma looked for your glance in the mirror,”y/n, love.”
“As my maid of honor, what are you willing to do?”
You offered her a grin, “Anything.”
Emma stared into your eyes. “Kill Timothée.”
You chuckled, “Almost anything, you should’ve asked earlier. I don’t want to get blood in my dress.”
Tim was surprised by your words. “So you would’ve?”
“Possibly, I don’t want to encounter a bridezilla Emma.”
Timmy threw his hands in the air. “I just want to help.”
“Well, don’t,” Emma and you said at the same time.
“I’m going to check on the guys, I am one hundredth percent sure they’re still in their pj’s drinking beer,” You commented.
The hotel room for the boy’s was only a floor below. It was everything Harry and Emma had probably wished for. An outdoor wedding that was planned to the very perfection. Very fairytale like. Lights hanging from trees, flower petals covering the aisle, daisies as the centerpieces, and daisies in Emma’s hands. Emma’s dream had always been an outdoor wedding.
When speaking with Emma and Harry both had stated that they made the decision not to give up. Always leaving you to wonder.
There was a part of you that was blinded by desirous thoughts. Had it been a mistake? To conclude a relationship that you had fought so long for?
Lately it had been.
You made your way to the elevator and as it opened you found a familiar face. He seemed uneasy, though.
“Y/N!” His voice was only a confirmation to his precarious state.
Your cheeks furrowed as you smiled, “Clark, hi!”
“Y/N,” he greeted you with a hug, a very nervous hug. as you stepped into the elevator. “Fuck, you look stunning. Loving the flowers on the hair.”
The dress was absolutely stunning, you had to give in that Emma’s taste was remarkable. Sky blue had been her color choice, to match with the flowers. Daisies and hydrangeas. Innocence and beauty.
It was ironic, a bit. You’d helped her with the flowers, and initially she had like sunflowers. As if it had been sntached from you. Maybe it was destiny laughing in your face. Yet she’d gone for the delicate hydrangeas.
“Thanks, Emma’s idea,” you grinned. “Where are you—“
“Oh eh, with the other boys,” he said as you pressed the button. He was shaking.
“So, what’s got you all flustered?” You questioned.
You could see Clark sweating. “Hm?”
“What’s got you all flustered?” You questioned, again.
He didn’t give you an answer. “Clark?”
Clark bit his lip. It was never usual for Clark to be anxious or to hide thoughts for himself. The man was always certain of his thoughts and actions. There was probably a calamity waiting for you.
“I—I am only the messenger,” he said, “I was actually looking for—Tim but—“
There it was. “But?”
“I think you might be of more help,” Clark admitted.
“Clark?” Your brows furrowed as the elevator door opened. He only offered a nervous smile as he licked his lips.
You saw Tom at the end of the hallway, on a call, shirt buttoned half way, his other hand running through his hair, he looked troubled. You were hoping his eyes would meet yours. Ever since the wedding was approaching he had been inattentive. Maybe the wedding hurt as much. It had been so hard for him to switch from lovers to friends. Did he ever stop and wonder if you guys could’ve had one? Did Tom also hindered with painful thoughts of how everything had so carelessly ended?
Lately it was all you had in your mind, how you felt ready. Or maybe it was the pressure that the wedding was giving you. And just as you started getting closer, Tom had backed away without a warning.
James was just getting out of the room, mid hallway. Your brother seemed to be as stressed. The tie around his neck barely covering it, his hair was scrunched. James’ eyes crossed with yours and then went straight to his husband’s.
“You brought y/n?” James pinched the bridge of his nose. “Ah, fuck it,” he looked at his watch. “Yes, you might be more helpful,” James said as he gestured with his hand to come over.
There was clearly something going on. You eyed Tom, who still was not aware you were there.
“I—Sam, no, no, I’ll—I can’t stay here, fuck I have his phone here—“You heard him say before James had dragged you into the room.
You approached your brother. “What is going on?”
“We—couldn’t find Harry’s tie,” James explained.
A tie? This was all of it? This whole catastrophe was for a tie?
“Can't any of you give him yours?” You frowned. It was no surprise that they hadn’t come up with a solution to such a simple problem, you could not expect less from men.
James rolled his eyes. “So he went to search for it about an hour ago but he fucking left his phone here and—“
Then you understood what was going on. “Where’s Harry?” You closed your eyes.
James gulped. “That’s—the thing.”
“Where is Harry?” You questioned, again.
Clark cleared his throat. “We don’t—know.”
Oh, so you were fucked. “Whose stupid idea was—?”
“Well, Dad told me he left home about 40 minutes ago and he didn’t see him at home, Sam hasn’t found him—Their fucking twin telepathy thing is broken, I guess—“Tom had walked in staring at his phone, loudly explaining his previous conversation. “Oh—hi, y/n.”
“Hi.” It was rutinary, for both of you. To just—stop when the other walked into a room. You blushed. Only noticing until then how handsome he looked. Seemed you hadn’t realized how badly you wanted him. In the most innocent way, in the way that you only wanted to offer him your heart. In the way that you only wanted the sole confirmation that he still loved you. In the way you wanted to be the reason for his smile.
You wanted to ask him, if it was okay he was still on your mind. Was it wrong? Would he be chill with him visiting your dreams?
Because that had been the hardest part of it all. At some point you had both decided you needed to move on… Because both of you at the beginning were trying to get back together and after a long conversation that almost led to one kiss, you both decided it wasn’t appropriate. So pretending you didn’t love each other was the way you’d keep him, for whatever it was worth.
Tom had said it once, hadn’t he? How everytime you both stated your feelings… it hurt. So now that you weren’t stating them, you were supposed to not hurt. Why did it, then?
“You look—stunning,” he eyed you up and down, and licked his lips, “I—I’m sorry I didn’t-uh-call this morning-I was—“
“You look pretty, too,” you interrupted. Knowing that the missed call would be a subject for James’ interest. The short story was—you had probably had a few more drinks than you should’ve with him at the hotel bar with Clark and James and Tom had walked you to your room, only walking, not even a kiss on the cheek as much as you had wanted it, but he had promised to call in the morning after you had claimed he had been ignoring you. He hadn’t called.
And was aware of it, which meant he hadn’t forgotten. It meant he had avoided you, again.
It had seemed that from one morning to another Tom had decided that the word friends meant strangers.
Maybe he wouldn’t pay a visit to your dreams.
He reached for your hair, “I like the flowers—”
“Can you both leave your ‘in love but not together’ bullshit for later?” James snapped you both out of the trance. “The wedding is in two hours and the fucking groom is no where in sight.”
Both Tom and you turned to him, travelling back to reality. “Well it’s not my fault! Who—sent him? Why didn’t you guys offer to go for the stupid tie?” You snapped back at your brother.
Tom looked away.
Of course. You watched him. “Tom? How do you plead?”
“Guilty,” he admitted.
You took a deep breath. This was definitely not the scenario you wanted to find yourself in. Had… Harry escaped? It was… not likely to escape but then again, you’d learned not to expect anything.
It was reason enough to worry.
“I wouldn’t jump to conclusions,” Tom said.
James sighed. “He took my car and—“
“You gave him your car to escape—!” You snapped. “Your car always stops working!”
“No,to go for his tie, not to escape,” Tom snapped his fingers with a smile defending your brother. “We-”
“Thomas oh my god, I am not even- All of you, you all thought it was a good idea?” You were furious now. Whose stupid idea was it to-Of course it had been Tom’s. You were going to jump to conclusions. “To send the groom when any of you could have gone-?”
You didn’t want to jump to conclusions.
You really didn’t, however it was ineluctable. Not because Harry didn’t love Emma, but because Harry was… scared. You didn’t blame him. True love comes barely once in a thousand lifetimes and when we finally get to it, it might be too much for us to handle. However after your conversations with Harry this cataclystic outcome had not been foreseen.
“My dad is around the hotel trying to find him,” Tom quickly answered.
You took a deep breath. You perfectly knew Harry.
Harry and you were close as you had once been, in a way, Harry and you were well apprised of the other. Harry was reasonable enough not to leave his wedding.
“He offered to go,” James explained.
Harry wouldn’t have offered that unless he needed to go away. And you only needed one confirmation, there was no way Harry would’ve forgotten his tie. Harry would’ve never forgotten it, unless it had been self sabotaged.
You were conveyed to the drawers, opened each one carefully, fearing you’d find it, and your gut had been right. there it was. The tie in all of its splendor. “And you let him go?” You asked, taking the tie and swinging it to them. “To search for this tie?”
“Yes,” James closed his eyes. “Fuck. We should’ve known.”
Your eyes crossed with Tom’s and then you then realized it, Tom seemed calm. Tom wasn’t freaking out. Not externally. You weren’t sure if he really wasn’t or if it was the usual wall you both build around the other. Incomprehensible it seemed now. Always keeping it cool, So many things you’ve lived and you had let them go oh so easily?
But you were flawed. You had been. But not now, what was stopping you both? Wasn’t he still the one holding your broken heart in the palm of his hand? Had he not borrowed it?
You were still trying to hold his.
But your mind shouldn’t be worried about your relationship with Tom when the groom was nowhere to be found. When he had lied that he lost his tie and it was right in that drawer.
Yet, you somehow knew there was something… Something there.
“He was supposed to go home then?” You questioned Tom.
Tom was getting anxious by the second. “Yes, so we can go look for him.”
“The two of you?” James interrupted.
“Yes the two of us, we could split and look for him but...” Tom said. “Someone has to stay here.”
James was slightly annoyed, you could tell. But James was often annoyed at you and Tom. James had been the most disappointed about the resulting relationship. Honestly, everybody was disappointed. Had you been cowards for giving up?
So much drama and for what?
“Of course you’d think splitting up is a good idea,” James snapped with poison. James was annoyed because he always pointed it out to you, how much you’d fought to have him and how easily you’d walked out.
Walking out had not been easy. Walking out had to be the most painful decision you’ve ever made. And you remembered that night you had, the city was asleep, the night was quiet, and you were the only one standing on that street, under that streetlight. Alone. He hadn’t gone to you. You’d looked back to his window, expecting him to be there, and then the door had remained closed.
You cleared your throat. “I might know where Harry is,” you lied. You were at a loss of your mind at the moment. Maybe it was shock. Not maybe, it certainly was shock. The sole thought of Harry not appearing at his own wedding had not ever crossed your mind. You’d thought Emma would’ve. Would’ve been in character, but how stupid do you have to be to run from your wedding on your wedding day?
Tom directed a glance. “I think I might know where he is, too.”
Did he? Or was he only trying to prove a point?
Though the friendship was afloat, some habits could never wear out. Especially when it came to challenging the other. After the breakup it had become a sort of competition of who was dealing better with it.
Neither of you were coping well, but you wouldn’t admit it.
How disappointing, isn’t it? A whole story to end just in a few words. A whole journey to be plucked off your hands. So quickly, so easily.
How ironic it seemed that after such a long time, it was this breaking up bullshit.
James watched between the both of you. “Do you really?”
“Yes,” Tom and you answered and panicked at the other’s statement.
“Well, I’ll race you there,” you challenged.
Tom squinted, “I don’t have my car, dad gave me a ride.”
“Well, then, you should start running so I don’t beat you there,” you grinned and then walked off the room, decidingly. Only thing left was knowing where exactly Harry had run to.
“This isn’t a fucking game, y/n!” James reminded you. “We need to find Harry.”
“I know, Jamesy!”
Tom had rushed after you, “You have no idea where he is, do you?” He mumbled.
“Not a clue,” you admitted. “You?”
He laughed, “Not a fucking clue, either.”
You both got into the elevator. He dug his hands into his pockets.
“Do you think he escaped?” Tom questioned.
“It’s possible,” you admitted. You sighed, as you pressed the button to the upper floor.
“What are you doing?” Tom asked.
“I need my keys,” You said.
Tom’s eyes widened. “And are you telling Emma?” He was panicking.
“Of course!” You gave him the widest beam. “She’ll be delighted!”
You jokingly slapped his head. “Of course not, idiot! How the fuck am I supposed to tell her? What would I even tell her? Hey! We can’t find Harry! He might have run off! No!”
“Right. Then what’s the alibi?” Tom asked. “Just showing up and leaving?”
You sighed, “You, you will be my alibi.”
Tom blinked but followed after you when the elevator door finally left you at your floor, you rushed to the room, but stopped in front of it, buttoning Tom up. He watched you with confusion.
“I thought I was your alibi,” he smirked.
You rolled your eyes, “Not that kind of alibi, dipshit.“
Helaughed, rolling his eyes and avoiding your gaze. “Yeah, it’s been a while since that could be the alibi.”
You decided to ignore the statement, “Now, when I walk in, if you hear Emma question me—just call me and try rushing me.”
“Alright, but I think we need a solid alibi, y/n,” Tom pushed.
You rolled your eyes, “I’ll take care of that,” you confirmed and opened the door where you were welcomed by Timmy, who was about to go out.
“Oh, hey,” Tim greeted and then eyed Tom. “Thomas.”
“Timothée,” Tom nodded his head.
Even when they both presumed to be friends, you knew that Tim and Tom would always have some sort of… disagreement.
“Uh, I was about to… go see Lily,” Tim explained, turning back to you. “Mind staying with Emma-? Her mother is on one last minute arrangements, it might rain so they’re trying to figure out what to do-So if you could—“
“Actually,” you cleared your throat. “An emergency came up, so I need you to stay here, maybe tell Lily to come here?”
Tim frowned. “What emergency?”
“We’re taking care of it,” Tom explained as you rushed in looking for your purse. “We’ll be quick,” he added. “Nothing to worry about.”
“Y/N, babe, you’re back!” Emma commented.
You squinted your eyes closed, “And I’m leaving—sorry, I need to uh—It will be quick I promise there’s an issue with—there’s an emergency—“
Emma was nervous, “y/n? Everything okay? Did something happen to the flowers?”
You couldn’t lie to her, but you could omit the truth. “No, everything okay with the flowers—I promise I’ll be here quickly, I’m just going to—“
“Y/N, darling?” You heard Tom outside. “We need to go, now.”
Emma heard and then she was no longer going to question you. Not right now, at least. “Ah,” Emma said, knowingly as she rolled her eyes. “I see, Tom— an emergency with Tom.”
“I promise it’s not like that,” you assured her. “But everything is okay and— I’ll be here in time.”
“I am freaking out, do you see the sky? It’s grey! Fucking grey! I need to stop the rain!” Emma yelled. “What if it’s a bloody sign? Fuck, I need to talk to Harry, I need him-”
You freaked out by then. “No, Emma, calm down, it’ll be okay, we will figure something out!”
“Y/N! Please!” Tom called in again.
Emma watched you, “I swear to god, y/n, if your emergency is fucking that man I will murder you.” “Trust me, it’s not.”
Emma glared, “Y/N, I’ll only say it one more time. If you’re leaving my wedding to have sex with that hunk, I will kill you.”
You shook your head. “I’m… Trying to figure out what to do with the rain, okay? Leave this ro me! I’ll see you in a bit, Emma!” You ran back out.
You saw Tom’s mother walking down the hallway, she offered you a concerned look.
Tom seemed calm enough for Tim, however, who was watching him with curiosity. You were thankful that they avoided conversing with each other, especially because Tom would probably screw up the alibi. One that you didn’t have. But probably Tim had bought it, even if he had yet to hear what the alibi was. However, you knew that Tom’s presence was a solid alibi for rather than anything else.
Tom had been an alibi for your nerves. You knew that Tim wouldn’t question why you were nervous because he knew you were always nervous when Tom was around. You certainly looked flustered and having Tom there would definitely explain why you were jittery.
Tim raised his brows at you, and you only took Tom’s hand in an attempt to drag him back to the elevator. Tim was explicitly confused.
“Ah, Nikki! I’m so glad you’re here, Emma is finishing up, would you mind helping her?” Your voice was coming out slightly coarse.
The woman gulped, “are Tom and you taking care of the...rain issue?” She questioned.
“Yes, ma’,” Tom quickly nodded, “we will… find the rain.”
Some things never change, Tom was still an idiot. And for being an actor how terrible was he at lying.
“Find?” Tim questioned.
“Nothing to worry about, Tim darling,” Nikki stepped into the room, trying to push Timothee back inside, “they are taking care of it and they should go look at it, right now, chop chop!”
“See you in a bit, Tim!” You said as you ran to the elevator as Nikki closed the door, you finally were able to let go of Tom’s hand.
He cleared his throat as he pressed the button, “So what was the alibi?” Tom second glanced at you. “Why would we take care of the rain?”
“Because it got lost,” you shrugged. “Why else would we find it.”
He closed his eyes as you both walked into the elevator. “I’m an idiot.”
“Biggest one.”
He chuckled, “I—uh, heard Emma’s comment. About her thinking we were going to-”
You blushed, “Yeah.”
Big distance between both of you. Never ever close enough to accidentally brush against each other or hands coincidentally touching.
How different it was from the elevator in New York.
Tom cleared his throat. “Good to know where she stands in that subject.”
You shrugged, “I would also get mad if my best friend ditched me at my wedding to have sex with an idiot.”
He smirked rolling his eyes. “I believe the term she used was hunk.”
You ignored the comment.
“Why didn’t Timothee question us?” Tom asked.
You shrugged, “Haven’t you noticed that no one questions us?”
Tom furrowed his brows. “How so?”
“Whenever we are together, they never ask anything, they just let us be,” you admitted. Because everyone was waiting for you both to get back together or everyone expected something more from you. You never gave it to them.
He tilted his head slightly, agreeing with you. “I guess they think they’re going to make things awkward.”
No. People let you be because they wanted you to solve it.
“As if they could be,” you chuckled. “I think that’s the best part of us right now, people just don’t… meddle.”
Tom smiled, “I guess.”
You cleared your throat, “Now, where the fuck do you reckon Harry is?” You asked as you reached the lobby, turning back to what actually mattered.
“Honestly, I have no idea, nothing can come to my mind, it’s just… Not likely from Harry to run away,” Tom said. “Like—Me? Definitely. I would’ve—“
“Yes, you’d definitely run,” you nodded as you jingled the keys. Tom asked for the car at the valet.
“What is that supposed to mean?” Tom questioned.
“You’d definitely escape from your own wedding,” you chuckled. “You’re so afraid of commitment. It’s the Gemini in you.”
He opened his mouth with pride, “excuse me? Me the one afraid of commitment? May I remind you of your past, my lady?”
You avoided his gaze. “You may not.”
“Said no to a proposal, poor Timothee,” Tom started with a smirk.
“Okay that’s—“You cleared your throat, chuckling slightly. “You shouldn’t—“
“Then—Then,you faked a relationship.”
You eyed him, “are we really going to touch that subject, again?”
“You were scared of commitment enough to fake one,” he joked.
You could joke about it now. Or he could. You’d never joke about it.
“Or I knew you wouldn’t commit so I had to fake I didn’t want it,” you smugly answered.
He faked annoyance. “Well, you ran to another country, yes, just after confessing your lovely feelings through a letter—“
“Then you didn’t give me an answer—you didn’t know if you wanted to date me,” he recalled.
You scoffed, “Thomas, may I remind you why I didn’t want to date you?”
“Then you called it quits after seeing your brother getting married and you were scared we were heading there too,” Tom said.
You gulped, “Ah, yes that last one wasn’t me—“ you reminded him. “Not entirely.”
Tom licked his lips. “Maybe we are both afraid of commitment.”
“No,” you nudged him. “I wasn’t.”
“I wasn’t either.”
There was a sudden silence. You’d barely talked about it before. As if the relationship had suddenly disappeared.
You hadn’t talked about the breakup once in months.
“I would say we are at a crossroads but,” he shrugged. “I do not believe that commitment was the reason for—“
“Nope,” you gave in. “It was not.”
Because it wasn’t, maybe it was the fact you were both too committed to a relationship without form.
“However—you did—“Tom cleared his throat. “I mean—we were headed in some sort of direction.”
“Thomas, I don’t think now is the time to have the conversation we haven’t had.”
“So we should keep pushing it, then? Pretending we are both fine with this agreement? Lately we don’t seem fine with it.”
You knew he was right. Neither of you were entirely happy with this whole new friendship thing. “I—maybe we can talk about it when we find Harry!”
Tom pursed his lips, “so you do want to talk about it?”
You took a deep breath, “Thomas, we can push aside that conversation but we cannot push aside the fact your brother is nowhere to be found on his wedding day.”
“Besides I think if we’ve pushed it long enough—“
He laughed. “We are—particularly calm about that subject.”
“I don’t think we are,” you admitted. “We just like to pretend when we are calm around each other.”
Tom clicked his tongue, “Maybe. But I’m—We haven’t talked about that in a while.”
“And it’s not the moment right now, it’s your brother’s wedding, and he is nowhere to be found,” you repeated.
Tom’s smile faded and was overstrung again. The car was there.
You let him drive, he usually drove your car. Another habit that hadn’t worn out.
Now things weren’t calm, as if the sudden rush had become the both of you. You finally got it, the anxiety that should’ve come from hearing it. The anger and despair that you were supposed to feel from Harry running away.
He looked down, “what’s that?” He pointed at the cup on the cup holder.
“Coffee, from yesterday,” you explained. “Didn’t finish it.”
“You think I could die from that?” He asked.
You looked at him. “I—don’t know but—You're not thinking of—“
“Drinking it?” Tom smirked. “Yeah, I’m just—-thirsty.”
“Please don’t.”
He took the cup, “I won’t die.”
“I guess not but it’s been sitting here one day!” You tried taking it off. He gripped it and shook his head.
“I won’t die!” He said before taking a sip and scrunching his nose. “This is fucking disgusting.”
“Why are you bloody drinking it?” You laughed.
He laughed, “I—I don’t know, but no it’s not that bad.”
“Thomas what the fuck,” you couldn’t stop laughing. “If you die then I’ll have to take care of your dead body and finding Harry, and my priority is finding Harry so I’d have to pull a Weekend at Bernie’s”
Tom giggled and stuck his tongue out, acting so terribly as if he was actually dying.
“You know,” you watched him with fake repulsion. “You deserve an Oscar for that one performance.”
“Right?” He grinned. “I’ll thank you when I receive it.”
You chuckled, “I think we should focus on Harry instead, yes?”
You both discussed places where he would go, that park? Unlikely. That Pub? He wasn’t there. Home?
Where in the world would he go?
“What if he—?” You were getting tired. “What if he didn’t run away?”
Tom looked over, he was rubbing his face, angry you hadn’t found him at the third pub. “That’s the thing, I don’t think he did.”
“It makes no sense, does it?” You questioned.
“No, he—he loves her,” Tom licked his lips. “It’s cause—“ he clutched to the wheel. “I don’t think Harry would—“
“No, I don’t think so—I just—“
It started to rain, because of course it bloody had to. Seemed that the ambiance always had the urge to level up to the level of drama you were always living.
“Jesus Christ, can we ever get into a dramatic moment without it raining?” Tom questioned, angrily.
You rolled your eyes, suppressing a laugh. “I—It was on the news forecast, I am sorry to inform you, but we’ve got nothing to do with the weather.”
Tom laughed, “I wouldn’t be so sure about that.”
“Alright, if he’s not at home then he’s—“You laughed, “Where the fuck is Harry?” You yelled, defeated.
Tom pinched the bridge of his nose. “I—hate Harry.”
You agreed. “Wait—wait, where’s your dad driving around?”
“Dunno, but he would’ve called,” Tom admitted. “Bloody hell, I hate Harry—I—can’t believe he did this.” You stayed quiet. If he had. What had led him to it? The day before he had been alright. Of course, he seemed nervous but he was excited, dreamy. In love.
“What do you know?” He questioned.
You frowned, getting your gaze back to him. “What?”
“You have your—thinking face on,” Tom pointed out. “See? Brow furrowed and hand on hair and everything,” he said. “You feel...guilty?”
“What?” You chuckled nervously. “No!”
“I know you guys spoke yesterday,” he recalled.
“Well yes, I wished him luck, but nothing—He gave me no clue of that, no clues of running away!” you admitted. “He was scared but he—I mean I thought it was usual wedding jitters but—he didn’t—I just—Calmed him. I mean he talked to you before, you probably were the one to scare him!”
“I—what?” Tom was taken aback. “I—I didn’t—“
“He talked to you before me!”
“yes, we talked but I gave him brotherly—marriage advice.”
You scoffed. “You? You gave him marriage advice?”
Tom chuckled nervously, “I—no, but—love advice.”
“We are the last people on earth that should give advice on that,” you stated.
He sighed, “I know but—“
“What did you say to him? Maybe you scared him and that’s why he ran away!” You stated, poking him.
He frowned, “Did not!”
“What did you even say to him?” You pushed. “I just know.”
He rolled his eyes, and mocked, “you just know?”
You playfully slapped his arm. “Yes, idiot! I know, you give the worst advice on love, you’re so dramatic.”
“I am dramatic?” He laughed.
“Yes,” you interrupted before he could even defend himself, “and—and, and I am too. We are—Oh god, are we to blame for Harry running away?”
Tom seemed to realize it at the same time. “I mean—Considering what we both could’ve said—“
Neither of you couldn’t help but laugh, maybe with guilt.
“I’m scared,” Tom admitted. He sighed, holding one last laughter.“We’re fucked.”
You both stayed calmly, as the rain halted against the car.
“What did you talk about with him?” He questioned.
Of course the question held more than that. You knew what he was asking about actually.
Seemed that both of you knew you had basically laid it on Harry the day before. Or maybe not. But where else would Tom ever get his advice from?
You had told him not to give up, you’d told Harry that he had found it, whatever love is, he’d found it.
“How I was proud of him, how I wanted what he was getting,” you shrugged.
You had also joked about how you and him wouldn’t have worked out. But you’d also said you were sorry it hadn’t worked out with Tom either. How you knew that him and Emma were not headed there, that he had nothing to worry about.
How you regretted the script. Spilling out your heartbreak for the world to see. Spilling your love story that was barely one and how people had a lot to say about it.
How it was painful to hide your love. How you knew Tom hadn’t moved on either but probably was planning to.
You told Harry to keep his feelings for Emma, and only Emma. That he didn’t have to share it. You had told Harry to treasure every morning, and to find a flower to talk for him.
“I apologized for ruining his engagement party,” Tom nodded, “the first one.”
You both gulped.
“But how I—“ Tom shifted in his seat. “How I thought that they had found the silver linings for it all. That after being apart they’d just come back stronger. And how—I was happy for him. How they overcame all obstacles. And how they were just meant to be.”
“Soulmates they are,” you said. “Which is why it makes no sense he is not there.”
“We need to find him,” he stated.
You nodded. “We are very calm, though, considering-”
“Yeah,” he gave in. “I—What about the park?”
“Oh? The park? Not a park, the park, of course, how didn’t I think of that,” you teased. “Oh yes, the park. As if there aren’t hundreds of parks. Yes the park.”
He snorted a laugh, “shut up! You know where I meant!”
“Well, drive, you pillock!” You chuckled. “Drive to—the park!”
He rolled his eyes and was about to start the car, yet again.
“Wait,” there was a part of you that thought you knew where he might be. But—to explain where it was would be difficult. “Let me drive.”
To try and find Harry. Which was technically the quest.
You had less time now. You were tired. But there was something that was making you believe you could find him. You hoped you were right.
Being behind the wheel with Tom as your copilot was weird. You always let him drive because you usually were in charge of the music.
“Well, given that I’m here, I’ll be for the first time in charge of the music in your car,”he said. He seemed to have the same thing in mind.
Which was completely stupid since you were looking for a lost groom, but well, Tom and you didn’t have much in common but you could always brag about the same stupidity and brain cell you shared.
He took the aux cord as you were driving, driving to that location that wasn’t far enough. A place you knew that gave Harry peace. The park.
But of course your own peace was disturbed as ‘I think we're alone now’ played.
You hadn’t listened to that song in a long while, since you’d danced to it on his living room, most of the lights out, your screen light and his own eyes being the only light you needed. When the things were good.
You had, purposefully, erased most songs that ever reminded you of him.
“You seriously have that song?” You snorted as the memories flooded back in.
Tom avoided your glance and shrugged, “What? It’s on my playlist.”
You rolled your eyes. “Yes, I notice that. That’s how music works.”
There was silence. Probably driven by the growing fear of not finding Harry, probably coming from the fear that Harry had actually escaped. And what would that mean?
Had Tom and you really scared him?
But you both drowned the fear while humming the song.
Or maybe the silence came from the very memories of the song.
“It’s on this specific playlist honestly,” Tom said after a few songs.
You blinked, confused. “What?”
“It’s—the song,” he cleared up. “haven’t you noticed the songs playing are only songs you like? Or songs—”
Songs with background. You shrugged, “Well, we have similar taste.”
He laughed, “No, y/n, we truly don’t.”
You glanced at him, as he was looking out the window. “Huh, alright—maybe that is the reason we broke up.”
Tom clenched his jaw. “Don’t be an idiot.”
You rolled your eyes. “Never mind, that is.”
“No,” he squeezed his eyes shut. “what Imean—this is my—you playlist.”
You didn’t answer. Not right away.
“You’re not going to say anything?” Tom asked.
“What does that even mean?” You questioned.
He licked his lips. “I—well.”
“So you ignore me but you have a playlist—a me playlist?” You questioned.
Tom licked his lips, “I’m sorry I’ve been ignoring you, it’s—been hard.”
It had been, for you, too. “It’s harder if we are apart,” you pointed out.
He gulped, “That is my point,” he coughed. “We are friends,” he said. “And lately, before I started ignoring you—We were—“
You had been acting a bit more than what friends are supposed to act like. And a wedding always brings romance in everything so it was hard.
You cleared your throat, “It makes it weirder if we both walk away from the other.”
Tom bit his lip, “is it, really?” He watched you carefully. “Because, y/n, I—I’ve been… jealous, how they solved it. And how we couldn’t, after we both tried it was so hard, how we kept falling back.”
You had been slightly jealous, too.
“And, really, I—look, I love my brother and Emma, it’s not them ,” he continued, he rolled his eyes. “For all I know, we are both bitter because before James’ wedding happened we were both talking about… marriage and all,” Tom continued. “And they basically stole what could have been our wedding.”
So you were going to have that conversation. A conversation you had avoided even before the breakup. How both of you were… in talks. How you were expecting it. How you’d jitter if he ever got on his knee to tie his shoe, how every time you’d be waiting for it.
“We didn’t even get engaged,” you pointed out, in an attempt to be cynical, probably.
He coughed, “We talked about it. Good thing—We didn’t get that far because, well.”
“I think we both thought marrying would salvage us from falling,” you stated. “Or we thought it was the next step.”
He shrugged, “Yeah, I think we did,” he admitted. “But I—Back then I really thought, I dunno. I was really about to ask.”
You took a deep breath, “I would’ve said yes,” you said easily, though it hurt to even think about it. Though, you had been prepared to say yes.
“It wouldn’t have been right,” he pointed out. “We would’ve broken up before even getting to plan it.”
He was right. So, so right, because where you were heading wasn’t a wedding, you were heading to an even more hurtful breakup.
The decision had been made acknowledging this. Knowing it would hurt less then. Avoiding a terrible breakup.
“We were on a thin line,” you agreed. “Anything would’ve broken us.”
“I knew we were going through a rough patch but—I think we never realized how rough it was.”
You sighed, “Maybe I fucked up when we came back here, when I decided not to move in.”
Tom took a deep breath, “No, it wasn’t that.”
What was it? What had it been?
“I don’t know where we went wrong,” you admitted. “I really don’t.”
He shook his head, confirming he didn’t either. When asked, neither of you had a reason. It just—happened. Things had been just so rough and hard. Nothing to hold on to.
Though it didn’t make sense, you loved him. And he loved you.
“I think we both expected things to get better by themselves.” Tom played with his fingers and watched the window, staring at the raindrops slipping through it. Sliding easily, without no one stopping them.
“And we grew tired of fighting,” you added, as you stopped at a red light.
“Can't even remember what we were fighting about,” he confessed.
You took a heavy breath in, as the music still played in the background. “About nothing, and about everything. We fought over serious stuff, like whether we wanted to be public or not. A little about Tim and Cherry. And over stupid stuff mostly, yeah mostly over stupid stuff. Like when we were supposed to wake up for certain events or what tie you’d wear for James’ wedding, we fought over you staying at my place too much. We also fought about FaceTime hours, and whether we had to ask if we were available for it or not.”
Tom dedicated his glance back to you, sad, upset and full of regret. “I remember the cereal one.”
You raised your brows, “Yeah, that one was a smashing doors one.”
“Over stupid cereal,” he sighed as he brushed his face. “We were so—“
“Toxic?” You finished his sentence.
He chuckled, “yeah, mostly at the end.”
“The beginning too, I mean,” you shook your head. “I—We had sex to just solve everything. Thomas, we had hatred sex.”
He chuckled. “Well.”
You shrugged, “And that’s how we solved the fights initially.”
“It wasn’t enough at the end,” he added.
“It never was, and that’s—Thats why, although we both said we would talk we just—I think that’s why it didn’t work, at the end we just—grew tired of each other, the spark was gone.”
He nodded. “Yeah.”
“Maybe it was the script,” you pointed out. “Everything concerning it.”
Learning he had a lot to do with the fact it was made had made you doubt yourself, the one true accomplishment had come because he had come to the rescue. Although it had been nice it had really started the downfall of your trust.
“No,” he shrugged.
He didn’t want to talk about it. You had had enough talks about the script, over the fact you wrote it and then regretted it. Over filming and the input he had in the movie, how the character had more in depth than before.
Over the fact he had come to your rescue because it hadn’t been good enough. That one specially had been the start of your downfall. Seemed that when you learned about it, you had completely gone mental. Though, it had come from his heart, he didn’t understand why you were angry.
You had always asked him not to ever give a hand with your writing, if you wanted to succeed it would be for your own accomplishments.
Then again, there was also this side that loved he had helped.
Truth is, it hadn’t affected your relationship, but it had affected your own self trust. And if you can’t trust yourself, however will you trust someone else?
Enough talks had been had.
“No,” Tom started. “We were guilty. Both of us, as if we were making it up for past mistakes. I never stopped thinking about what Tim said, and I think that’s why I always tried making it up for all the other times I hurt you. And then you tried making it up for the script, or—Whatever, it was a relationship built up on guilt.”
“Yeah, I think,” you whispered almost not wanting to be heard, “we both had things to learn about ourselves, and forgive ourselves first… and the timing was wrong.”
Tom shrugged, “Isn't it always wrong with us?”
Time was your true enemy. Or maybe it was easier to blame time rather than yourselves. Time was nothing.
It had been you and your pride or your fear, or whatever you came up with now.
However, there was some truth in that statement. Maybe in the past few months it had been time.
When you had told James and Harry you might want to get back together, Tom was dating.
When you were dating, Harry had told you he was thinking about it.
But what about now? Neither of you were dating, you were single and every odd could push you both to be together. Yet…You were not.
How disappointing, you would always think. Such a long story to end up like this.
How disappointing, really.
“No,” he stated, once again. “It’s not time. The problem might be we are the most stupid people to walk on earth.”
“Sounds reasonable,” you said. You nudged him, “look at us now, though, able to talk.”
“I like where we are, yeah,” Tom commented. “I think we are in a good place, we trust each other, we are friends, good friends, we take care, we hang out. We talk. And actually talk.”
You were focusing on the road, mainly, but your heart wanted to say more things. “Yeah.”
“There’s something bothering you,” Tom stared, intrigued.
“I don’t like you avoiding me,” you stated. “I really can’t stand it.”
“I won’t avoid you, then.”
Then, it was quiet. And it didn’t matter, you enjoyed moments of silence, and it wasn’t awkward. Both of you had learned that sometimes you just don’t have to say a word.
But you had to, in fear he would feel you were angry at the previous conversation.“It’s not even all songs I like,” you pointed out.
“The playlist,” you decided you didn’t want to continue that past conversation.
He coughed, “So we are changing the conversation, huh? Well, they are songs that remind me of you but hey!” He nudged you. “Which ones don’t you like?”
So easily changing subjects and getting out a smile.
“I—we can get back to that later,” you turned to him and let out a soft chuckle. “songs that remind you of me?” You smirked, poking his shoulder.
He blushed, rolling his eyes. “Yes,” he admitted defeatedly.
You laughed, “You’re such a nerd.”
“What the fuck! It’s supposed to be sweet!” He complained.
You shrugged. “Or creepy.”
“No, it’s not—“
“I’m kidding I’m—more flattered than spooked—“ you admitted. “So why are you playing it?” You poked his cheek this time and he pushed your hand away.
“Because I’ve noticed you always complain about the music so when I play this you don’t!” He explained, annoyed.
“Oh, so it’s merely to keep me quiet,” you snickered, nodding.
Tom was moving his jaw, “Yes, basically.”
You glanced again, mischievously. “Wasn’t it supposed to be sweet?”
You reached for his hair. “Tommy.”
“Don’t Tommy me,” he chuckled. “You called me creepy.”
“Yes, I don’t know how to flirt so I bully you, I thought we had that covered,” you snapped without giving it a second thought. Then completely regretting it.
His smirk was wide now, as he laughed maniacally. “Oh so you’re flirting.”
Your turn to blush had come. “No.”
He grinned. “You are.”
But then it was a miracle, a way to avoid this subject completely because it was not the conversation to be having with the current situation. “Shut up.”
“No, you are trying to flirt with me, I won’t shut up!” He mocked you.
“Shut up!”
“Thomas! I think that’s Harry!”
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