#remove negative energy from home
thelofilotus · 2 years
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anuranjinee · 2 years
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Protection from Dark Energies | Evil Eye Mantra | Black Magic | Evil Eye Removal Mantra
Protection from Dark Energies | Evil Eye Mantra | Black Magic | Evil Eye Removal Mantra
Lyrics in Sanskrit :- "देव दानव सिद्धौग पूजिता परमेश्वरि || पुराणु रूपा परमा परतंत्र विनाशिनी ||"
Lyrics in English :- "Dev Danav Siddhaugh Pujita Parmeshwari || Puranu Rupa Parma, Partantra Vinashini || Om"
Translation :- "Salutations to the Goddess who is worshiped by gods, demons, and sages || She is the ancient form, the supreme, and the destroyer of all obstacles || Om"
This mantra is dedicated to the Goddess or Devi, who is revered as the supreme feminine power in Hinduism. It acknowledges her as the one who is worshiped and respected by various celestial beings, as well as by humans seeking her blessings. The mantra describes the Goddess as the embodiment of the ancient form, the ultimate reality, and the one who removes all hurdles and challenges from the path of her devotees. The chanting of "Om" at the end is a sacred syllable representing the essence of the universe.
Please note that Sanskrit mantras are often considered sacred and hold different interpretations within different religious and spiritual contexts.
Please note that proper pronunciation and intonation are important when chanting mantras. It is advisable to learn from a knowledgeable person or a spiritual teacher to ensure accuracy.
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Manager (Insider Meditation Mantra): Abhineet Sharma
Copyrights and Publishing: Insider Meditation Mantra
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protection from dark energies, evil eye mantra, protection from evil meditation, protection from dark energy, black magic removal mantra, black magic, evil eye protection, buri nazar protection, evil eye removal mantra, durga mantra durga protection mantra om buri nazar mantra, mantra to remove negative energy from home, protection from negative energies, buri nazar protection mantra, remove evil eye, evil eye, tantric, kali mantra, insider meditation mantra, insider meditation, reversal mantra, dark energies, dark energy
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theastrotree · 5 months
Astrological remedies for Remove negative energy
Believe it or not, if you are having trouble in your life and don’t know what could be the possible reason for it, then it is the negative energy around which does affect you. Many people often become prey to negative energy simply with the negative mind or thoughts of other people who are jealous of the progress that you make. Now the question is if you want some Astrological remedies for…
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tarotbudista · 1 year
How to remove Negative Energy from Home
How to remove Negative Energy from Home
Negative energy can have a detrimental impact on our mental and emotional well-being. It can make us feel sluggish, unhappy, and demotivated. If you’ve been feeling like the energy in your home has been negative lately, it might be time to take steps to cleanse it. Here are some effective ways to remove negative energy from your home: Declutter and Cleans A cluttered and dirty home can hold onto…
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thewitchywitch · 6 months
Low Energy/Effort Witchcraft
Are you perpetually busy? Never have any spoons? This might be the post for you. Note that not everything here may be considered low energy or low effort to everyone, and that's okay :)
Carry a crystal around based on what you need. I have a black tourmaline bracelet that absorbs negative vibes throughout the day. I stick it on a selenite slab when I get home to cleanse overnight, then rinse and repeat in the morning.
Put a bay leaf in your wallet to attract money. If you have time, draw a sigil or a $/£/€ on it.
Dedicate anything you drink to your deities if you have any. I dedicate water and black tea to everyone and my favourite raspberry tea to Hathor. Coffee is for Caim.
Enchant your pill case so you remember to take them on time. Enchant your pills to work efficiently. ("Anxiety begone. Ye be banished" on all of my anxiety pills ✌️)
Draw a sigil on your body wash bottle to remove bad vibes or carve a sigil in a bar of soap.
Enchant your moisturizer to repel the evil eye. I fucking love this one.
Incorporate colour magic into the socks you wear (Goths who wear hot pink socks, I'm looking at you).
Enchant your charger so it doesn't break and so you don't lose it. Enchant your phone too while you're at it.
Sorry, I love enchantments--
Match those big ol jar candles to different intentions. Burn a cedar candle to cleanse/banish. Burn a cinnamon candle to draw in prosperity. Burn a citrus candle to uplift mood. This one is fantastic for broom closet witches.
Got a humidifier? Fill it up with moon water. You're welcome ;D
Politely ask the spirits of your plants to ward your space. Feed two birds with one scone this way.
Witchy social media. Scrolling on Tumblr and learning something new about witchcraft counts as witchcraft imo. Saving tarot spreads from Instagram for later counts too. Making Pinterest boards for literally anything also counts.
Keep a digital grimoire if doing it on paper costs too many spoons. I have used Google docs & drive in the past but I currently use Notion (You can copy and paste this way!)
If you still want a physical grimoire, print your stuff out and stick it in a binder or glue it in your journal. Boom. Physical grimoire
Listen to witchcraft related videos in the background while you do other tasks or chores in your home
Preparing a meal? Toss in spices that correspond with good health and drawing in positivity, or any other intention you have
Enchant your glasses to help you focus and "read between the lines" or see what wants to remain hidden (this one is a lifesaver at my job)
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meditationmusic67 · 2 years
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daportalpractitioner · 11 months
the 12th house + your period
the 12th house is associated with the menstrual phase of your cycle. during the menstrual phase, our wombs are not only shedding on a physical level, but on an energetic level. we are participating in self-undoing as we shed harmful attachments which is ruled by the 12th house. the 12th house is also "the void" and the menstrual cycle is associated with the nu moon phase of the moon cycle which is in fact - a void. it is best for women who are menstruating to remain introspective + stay in solitude during her bleed - solitude being ruled by the 12th house.
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aries 12H: your period may be physically painful + internally chaotic. she can also come knocking on your door unexpectedly. she is here to help you shed attachments that refrain you from dishonoring your true power. your period can feel like a time of renewal for you each month. it's possible that you may have tended to disregard your cycle at first + not deem the importance of it, and were met with reproductive issues from not prioritizing your physical health. aries 12th housers should do very light workouts to get your qi flowing so that the womb can have the energy to push you through the (re)birth canal.
taurus 12H: this is the type of woman that can eat chocolate in bed + cuddle up while watching a movie during her period (and should!). your period is here to help you shed attachment from the things that aren't adding true value to your life. if you've been holding yourself up to a high standard, there are no afflictions in your 12th house, and if venus isn't being afflicted in your chart, your period could be a calm time with nothing more than a bit of discomfort. otherwise, taurus 12th housers could experience heavy pain + cramping as well as a sign that it's time to level up. remove all stressors during this time as stress can also trigger menstrual pains.
gemini 12H: during your period, your mind could be running at 1000 miles per minute, making it more difficult for you to be present, still, and introspective. there's nothing like the downloads that you receive on your bleed. your intuition is on point, so any uncertainty can be met with clarity during your cycle as your aha moments can multiply. you can optimize your spiritual gifts by using this time for astral traveling + divination serves as powerful guidance and confirmation for you during this phase. a variety of PMS symptoms are commonly experienced with this placement, especially unpredictable mood swings. you can use this time to creatively brainstorm and write down any sudden ideas which come to mind, but wait until after your period to actually start any projects.
cancer 12H: the need to crawl into your shell to protect your innerG is crucial. when this time is honored well, this is a rejuvenating period for you. use this time to get some serious rest + reflection in. this is the perfect time to focus on matters of the home, making sure that your home still aligns with you and brings out the best of you. do an emotional check-in and reset for yourself during your period. cancer 12H natives often carry the burdening pain + trauma of the women ancestors that has come before them so you can use this time as a period of karmic healing to release the baggage that was passed down to you. your period may be a very sensitive time with low pain tolerance for not honoring your womb in the ways she deserves to be cared for.
leo 12H: many leo 12H natives are unaware of their cycles and therefore experience heavy PMS symptoms without even thinking that maybe they could be the issue. the nature of your period is connected to the story that you tell about your period. if you say that your period is this really painful, negative experience, you will continue to experience it negatively. lean into creating a positive narrative about your period; for example - my period is an exciting time for me to rest and become the best version of myself! similar to cancer 12th housers, your period is a very sensitive time and is not afraid to act up when you don't honor your womb's needs + love her wholeheartedly. this is the perfect time for self-love healing as painful periods are an indication of inadequate self-love with this placement.
virgo 12H: naturally, you may experience issues surrounding your period because of virgo's nature of being a "fixer". issues could manifest as painful periods + health issues related to the womb. your period is a detox time in order for the womb space to be purified. in order for the womb to undergo an efficient detox, conscious eating would be super beneficial for you, especially during the luteal phase of your cycle. creating a health regimen around your period is also very beneficial for healing any issues that you may be experiencing monthly.
libra 12H: your period is here to help you restore balance in life by urging you to release the ways in which you have put others before yourself. this is coming back to the essence of the divine feminine. any pain + unfortunate symptoms that arise during your period can indicate you over-exercising your masculine energy. your period reminds you that you should not find yourself in a space of chasing anything or trying to control any situation, putting you in a prime position for receiving just as nature has intended. periods are a time for realignment for those who surrender and leave it to the Divine to shift them where they need to be.
scorpio 12H: your period can usher in transformation through a (painful) death + rebirth process. your womb is shedding emotional baggage that it has not forgotten and has stubbornly been holding onto. this is a time where you would want to cut things or people off that are no longer a reflection of a high self-esteem. though this can be an emotionally intense and painful time, you can transmute this innerG to make it an empowering time rather than just a painful time. these are growing pains that you're actually experiencing. scorpio 12H natives need to find their power in their period. magick would even be highly beneficial for you to practice as your energy is super potent and magnetizing during this time.
sagittarius 12H: this is a time for you to gain insights and wisdom from the previous cycle, innerstanding the significance + purpose of that experience. the downloads go crazy during your period as your womb is consistently emitting spiritual knowledge. things can get spiritually intense and you can feel the need to switch up your flow, expand, or change direction based on divine insight given to you. it's easy for you to disregard your needs so make sure that you're taking care of your menstrual health + indulging in womb enriching foods + activities.
capricorn 12H: your period is a phase you need to take extra seriously in your cycle. she is not here for the play play! she's here to assist you on this level up to success. it's important to practice discipline on your period, especially when it comes to taking care of your health + wellness. there's a need to dismantle how the patriarchy has affected how you perceive your period. use this time as a time to rest - it's so important and this placement can humble you if you don't. you hurt your womb by participating in overexerting your masculine energy during a season of rest. your karmic lesson here is to reconnect with your femininity through your womb. infertility can be a theme + womb disorders can manifest from the disconnect to your feminine nature.
aquarius 12H: there is this innate detachment to your womb, especially if there has been a disconnection between you and your mother. you may experience or have experienced irregular periods due to the influence of uranus. this is a time for you to do some deep healing + innovation each month. your period can feel like a spiritual upgrade as you detach from whats no longer serving your vision. dive deep into the collective consciousness + use your period as a time to reflect on how you're being called to show up for the collective. there's a need to embrace your womb + honor her, not reject her. also, make sure you're taking time to be present in the moment as you can experience the difficulties of being still.
pisces 12H: you are deeply + psychically connected to your womb. you know when your period is coming + you naturally feel connected to all the phases of your cycle as they all have an effect on your body. allow this time to be a time for much rest + solitude. this could be a very sensitive time with heavy emotional releases. disregarding the unaddressed emotional turmoil taking a toll on your womb can allow the manifestation of disease in the womb to take place. spiritual upgrades leading you to feel closer to God happen during this time as well. you may have grown up not innerstanding the importance of your cycle + perceived your period to be a time of suffering rather than a very healing + empowering time. i'd highly recommend cycle syncing for cycle awareness.
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wafflesex · 8 months
Because I'm a massive nerd: have some character analysis involving gem language and the gems the Leech twins are named after.
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Fluorite is a precious stone named after the Latin word “flux” which means “continuous change.” It is associated with growth: removing negative energy, promoting positivity, and increasing self-confidence.
When cleansing the body from stress, fluorite primarily protects the intellect. It promotes concentration, memory retention, and can be used as a learning aid or for making big decisions. Green fluorite is especially good for this.
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While fluorite’s namesake refers to spontaneity, geologists consider it a stable, predictable gem used to measure the hardness of other gems and minerals on the Mohs scale. Its strength is a reliable factor in determining how resistant other minerals are. In other words: fluorite helps you discover your true limits and potentials.
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Besides aiding the mind, fluorite energizes as well as grounds the heart in "the now," especially during moments of high anxiety. Not to say it disregards the past and the future; it just prefers to work on who you are at present, recognizing you as an ever-changing, inevitable, unstoppable force in the universe. It promotes compassion towards oneself and encourages one to be the best they can be by opening their heart to fun and love instead of embracing past trauma.
In this sense, fluorite is wonderful for conducting work on your inner child, and is especially responsive to younger people (or those young-at-heart).
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A softer mineral, true fluorite tends to bear many natural imperfections on its surface. Some may attribute this to recklessness, hyperactivity, or immaturity. But beneath its scuffs and rough edges, fluorite is a colorful, hearty stone overflowing with positivity… that even glows under ultraviolet light! What a funky little guy.
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Jadeite is a highly prized gem that promises safety and balance in one’s life. Like fluorite, it is also a cleansing stone which relies on a more mature approach to turning negative energy into self-sufficient thoughts and behaviors. However, though beautiful and reliable, jade is cold-to-the-touch, and when stowed away or left unused, can grow incredibly brittle. Therefore, it insists upon being used frequently, if not all the time.
Many believe jade jewelry should be worn for one's entire lifetime, as removing it may invite eternal bad luck.
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Only diamond can be used to carve jadeite, the strongest natural stone in the world. Measuring in at around 7 on the Mohs scale, it doesn’t blemish, bend, or break easily. With such reliable strength, it can be carved and manipulated into intricate shapes without fear of shattering.
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As jade naturally resists breakage, it is a protective gem that forms a special bond with its owner and is commonly used as a tool for breaking other gems. On the rare occasion it does break, however, jade produces glass-like, razor-sharp edges.
In other words: once broken, handle with caution.
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Still, there is a nurturing facet to jade: it promotes vitality, youthfulness, and longevity in people while also extending that power to the earth itself. It was often used in old Chinese rituals to manifest strong crop growth. Today, having a sculpture of a jade bok choy in one’s home is considered a symbol of long life and good health.
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Make no mistake: jade would rather be out and about having fun with you and others. Doing so means it can make the most out of the life you have together. Utilizing its gorgeous exterior, it invites long lasting friendships and even romance to those who wear it. People may naturally trust and be drawn to jade wearers as the gem helps create a charmingly positive and tranquil personality.
If you're included, it feels included in turn.
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A Chinese saying states “you can put a price on gold, but jade is priceless.” Tied to handling matters of the heart, it is a highly perceptive gem and an invaluable treasure meant to be cherished. Generous, elegant, and fierce, it will serve you well… but only if you do the same for it.
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Ok I'm done thank you for coming to my rock talk
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cooki3face · 4 months
messages for singles from your divine counterpart:
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message: hello, this one’s intended for those who are single, who are manifesting new love or manifesting a divine counterpart or manifesting their person as in “the one” I intend to do these in channeled message format so it’ll be a message that sounds as though I’m speaking directly to you. In life we have plenty of soulmates, plenty of karmics, some of us have a twin flame even as well. But whomever, you’re intended to end up with long term and indefinitely is who I’ll be channeling in energy today. My prayer for those of you who are choosing to receive this message is that it reaches those who are only in alignment with the prospect of love and divinely ordained connections and are willing to manifest happiness and abundance for themselves through action and growth. Our hearts are big enough to share and open up to many but I pray that those whom you choose to share your hearts with and those whom approach you with the prospect of sharing theirs are in true alignment with you and will treat you only with upmost tenderness and care. Bless. 💙
*purples and blues are significant once again, also fish. 🎣 lol wtv that means..*
“I know that things have been hard for you, you may feel somewhat hopeless about your romantic relationships and about love. You may have entered this lifetime with strong feelings and a deep pull to romantic love and connections, you want to focus on someone, you want to love and be loved, you want for others to do for you what you so effortlessly do for them. I am all the same I promise. You feel as though what you’re looking for may not truly exist, you feel as through you’ve been hurt or mistreated so much that you have a responsibility to settle in order to be happy or that the people you find yourself attached to or loving deeply are the end be all for you and if they were to go that you’d be alone eternally. That’s just not true.
Hardship and the battle forward is rewarded with good things my love. Don’t be stubborn, don’t bury yourself deep into the ground and refuse to move, do not take root where you do not belong, where you do not belong does not have the nutrients to allow you to grow as I will. Where you do not belong will weaken your roots, will eat away at you, will tie you down and tangle you up in order to keep you from growing towards the sky. Do not allow the negative behaviors and actions of others interfere with the purity of your heart. To strive for better means only to remain strong and authentic in times of crisis.
To me, your divinity shines up towards the heavens like a beacon of hope and you are everything I have been looking for and praying for. I watch you. I study you. I hang on to your every word. You are home to me while several aspects of my spirit lain and remain frequent in movement. When I come to you, I’d have found myself but there is more that I will discover about what I need and what I truly desire out of this lifetime through you. You are so special, so divine, you are the single closest thing to the heavens. I will support you. Those who speak ill of you will be silenced. I will protect you. When one finds an angel, they are tasked with the responsibility of creating heaven for them and that is exactly what I’ll do.
In the now, I remain in the process of coming into alignment with myself, seeking out my own divinity as you seem to effortlessly have, I love you because you make me a better individual, you bring solace for my spirit after a long while having none, you pour into me light you’ve sourced from only the most authentic of places. Your growth means mine so please carry on, focus on what it means to find enlightenment and fulfillment in your own life and in your own reality, build things for yourself, create, find peace where you don’t have it by removing what disrupts it. I know that you love to talk and I will love to listen to you, we will stay up for hours having conversations and connecting with one another, I value your love for communication and your ability to speak and write so effortlessly about a variety of things, you bring with you wisdom wherever you go, your mind is a god given one.
I know god, I know faith, but I will not see it in all of its glory and essence until I meet you. You are the physical embodiment of divinity, of love, of spirituality, of power. Please do not be hurt by the way things have revealed themselves to be in your life and in love, move with grace, offer yourself forgiveness for not seeing the worst in others right away because it is not within your heart to do so. Acceptance is the key to inner peace, we must accept things as they are. I will tell you plenty that there is no peace nor purpose in trying to change things that are beyond our control or have already taken the form of which they already are. With me you’ll learn balance, with me you’ll learn what it means to be fluid, to be malleable and flexible. In more ways than one..
I bring and offer to you support and balance where you do not have it. De-center your romantic relationships at this time. De-center the prospect of searching for love or a divine counterpart. Laugh. Enjoy your life, have fun, love yourself, love the things you create, love the human experience. Seek out love and solace in every where but others whom you have to trudge through deep waters in order to find. I am with you in spirit. Look deep into your heart and you will find all my love and support.”
“I want only to create beautiful things with you my love, to create prosperity in our lives, to build homes wherever we go, to have children with you, to make love and love one another equally. But, before we can do that, there is something i need to let go of. Change is difficult, I know it to be true but we can only receive what we rightfully deserve when we open ourselves up to receiving it, we can only recover from what we will allow yourselves to release. I have so much to say to you but I can’t put into words all I want to say just yet but I am trying, I am growing. Where change comes and attempts to pull you away from wherever youve held yourself against your spirits true desires and wishes is where change threatens to pull me from as well.
My heart is heavy, I have many blockages to work through. I am afraid, and my past, my upbringing and my karmic cycles threaten always to pull me into the trap of continuing to live and love through generational curses, to fall into toxic cycles of repetition, or to continue not perpetuate cycles of abuse or bad habits. I feel restless all the time and my problem at this time, in this day and age is not feeling as though I have the capacity or strength to do the inner work to break heavy generational burdens that have been inherited to me.
I fought to be here, my spirit is weary, in my past life I lived a life or hardship, and in this one I bring with me heavy things, I said to God that I would come back and try again, but consciously, in my human mind, I don’t remember, I do not know the source of my trauma and my hardship in full. I feel as though on my journey into this world I was sent plummeting into the abyss. I feel the way the Morningstar felt when god cast him out. I feel your resistance, you do not want to speak with me or you do not want to hear from me. But I fought to be here. To be within this plain of existence and to come through this message to connect with you.
I do not blame you for the way that you feel, I know that I do not have the capacity at this time to give you everything you need and deserve and so as punishment for my behavior you’ve taken your heart away from me and given it to someone else or have locked it away elsewhere out of my reach. I understand. If you choose to part from me till the end of this lifetime and into the next I do not blame you and I will not be angry. I will live with regret. You no longer romanticize hardship, you have healed, you have outgrown me for my purpose within our past and I respect that, I respect your decision, I respect you. What I want most out of this life is to heal, to come into alignment with myself and to be with you, what you want is to be loved wholly and beyond fears and ego and for a very long time I could not do that for you and so you took yourself elsewhere. You are brave and you are strong. You represent what it means to be in love with yourself, to be in alignment, to be love, to grow, to prosper.
I will transform, I will make the changes necessary for myself like you asked me too. You told me once, that you wished for me self love and peace and I will find it. With or without you as you did in your life. I will reap the reward of healing and of growth and of freedom from karmic cycles and generational trauma. I will be strong and I will be brave just as you told me to be. I will take from the strength you poured into me that I stored away due to me not knowing how to use it in the past. I’m going to let go of all of these horrible things, I’m going to server my attatchment to my trauma. See? Now you are calm. You don’t scowl at me or frown, you’re calm and beautiful as you exist in my memory. I’m your twin flame. I am apart of you. The qualities that you dislike within me are qualities you dislike within yourself. We are one. You may have moved on from me, you may have grown, you may be in the process of creating things for yourself in your life, settling into commitments, loving yourself and loving others but I’ll be with you. In spirit.”
“The two of us haven’t yet met but I believe that I will find you one day when we’re ready to meet one another. I’ve made a lot of mistakes, I’m sure we both have in our lives. I know that you’re waiting for me and I know that at times you feel restless or exhausted or you may even feel lonely or frustrated due to the fact that you haven’t met someone who is perfectly suited for you as you think you’d observed in other peoples relationships.
Don’t envy others, in there situations there is proof of flaws as well however minimal. We have so much inner work to do and so much growth to embark on, I’ve not come, we’ve not come together because we’re simply not ready and it’s only a matter of time and the choices we choose to make in between time. Don’t wait up for me, don’t center your growth around love, set yourself free, allow your spirit to move through life and gain the gift of the human experience without desired outcomes or predetermined ideas about what will come if you choose to grow, if you choose self love, if you choose to come into alignment with your higher self. I would say all these things to you as a friend before I was in the position to say them to you as a lover.
Your value, your time, your energy, your worth are not attached to who you can become for others or what you could potentially receive for growing or becoming who’ve been meaning to be this entire time. Think about everything that you desire for yourself, consider your freedom and your return from spiritual poverty. Reevaluate what is truly important to you. We can only offer and give to others what he already have for ourselves. It is not your job to go out into the world and fall in love it is your job to fall in love with yourself and all of your divinity and come into true alignment so that I may come to you and offer myself to you in full. I want for you what you want for yourself… happiness, peace, support, safety.. you can hear my voice by now within your spirit, hold onto me. Take root.
Release your anger, release your frustration, do not allow yourself to be easily moved or threatened by others and triggering situations, don’t allow people’s behaviors whether they be negative or be in positive intention push you to be cold and apathetic or negative or rude. To love yourself is to love others. To be patient with yourself is to be patient with others. To forgive yourself is to forgive others. To be emotionally in tune and receptive is to see the truth in situations and make room for all truths. Love is patient, love is kind, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self seeking, it is not easily angered, and it keeps no record of wrong doings. Ask yourself, my love, if you are these things you say you want, if you are all these things you say you want love to be, if you are in the energy to receive it. And then, when you are ready and you are able, I will come.
thankyou for listening guys, rest or be productive today in ways that matter, you choose. Be calm today, be reflective, be intentional. Show yourself grace and offer it to others. I love you, and I’ll see you another time! Bless! 🎣💜
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moonkissedvisions · 2 months
Pick a card: Messages from the Divine Feminine within you
The Divine Feminine explained
This is a general reading. Take what resonates and leave the rest.
Tarot readings don´t replace professional advice.
English is not my first language.
To choose a pile, ask yourself: What do I need to know from the DF?
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Pile one
Cards: The Devil, 3 of Pentacles, The Chariot, Page of Wands, 9 of Pentacles, 7 of Pentacles.
Pile 1, the DF is asking you to take your power back, to remember how powerful you are and how YOU are the only one who has control over your choices. No one but you has control over your desires, responsibilities, and decisions. There is something that may be trapping you, draining you, or making you feel like you lost your power and have no control over your life. This could be an obsession or addiction, a strong sexual desire, overspending, codependency, unhealthy habits, negative thoughts, an internal or external narrative that you are hanging on, overindulgence, etc. It could be anything that is potentially hindering your spiritual growth and responsibilities. You have to remember now what you came here for and what truly and wholy fulfills you, instead of seeking a quick dopamine hit. You must look at your environment and see where the negative influences are, but you also must see inside yourself and meet your shadow.
You need to know that you are not the victim, that you are not helpless, that you are in fact responsible and FREE, and that you have a lot of power and control on your hands. Get out of your own way now. Accept your darkness, and then redirect your attention to your light. Make good choices by practicing mindfulness. Shadow work is particularly beneficial if you have these struggles. You can ask yourself what's holding you back or why are you running away from your path. When you check in your environment, consciously remove any energy that may be negatively affecting you. Start to be aware of the stories that you tell yourself, but also the ones that you find in your environment, in social media, in the social groups you are in, at work, school or home, within a relationship.  You can also ask yourself: Am I afraid of my creative power? Is that why I give it up or waste it in short-term pleasures? Learn how to discern passion from agression, when to apply each, and when not to.
Another message from the DF is to seek collaboration and support from others. At this time, your knowledge and experiences are especially valued and recognized when you share and distribute them with others than when you work by yourself, and you'll find better results by combining your capacities with those of others and work together as a team. Each person contributes with their skills to get greater success and more time for you to rest and practice self-care. Don't be afraid to share your work with others if it´s too much to do alone. People will be happy to help you achieve common goals. At first, your progress may seem small, but if you all apply a good organization, planification and work distribution, you will be getting there soon! If you are someone used to working alone, this is the time to try something new.  
You are in your success era, achieving your goals, traveling, moving, learning a lot of new things, going to a bunch of new places. You have to keep trusting your vision, embodying your success, and holding on to the feeling of being capable of reaching your goals, every of them. Love your life, rejoice in victorious/winner energy by looking how far you've come and remembering your endless possibilities! This will have you attracting more and more. It's the time to enjoy your secure, abundant life. Delight in your comfort. See how your abundance benefits your spiritual and personal development and relish. Some of you may be obtaining a higher social status or receiving surprising news. Keep your choices intentional and aware but permit yourself to enjoy comfort, rest, and a relaxing time in nature. Invest your money in yourself, in beauty and pleasure. Allow yourself to eat the fruits of your labor.
You have curiosity and enthusiasm. The energy from this pile is so exciting and youthful. There can be a new opportunity to learn about your path, yourself, or something new that catches your attention. Perhaps you were just going to start a new creative project or try something again but with a different mindset and fewer inhibitions. You could explore a more optimistic attitude. There is also a possibility of a new journey or some sort of spiritual renewal happening. Whatever it is, I hope it's true for every one of you because it sounds amazing, Pile one. There are lots of confirmations that you are on the right path. If you were being restricted by limiting beliefs, or maybe a know-it-all mindset was stopping you from learning new things, this is your sign to start again and to unleash your inner child. Unleash what makes you young and that which has not yet matured in your life. 
song: aguardiente y limón by Kali Uchis. so on point lol
If it's true life is what you make it. All the seeds that I planted will grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow. I just want to savor the fruits of my labor.
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Pile two
Cards: The Empress, Justice, Queen of Swords, The Hierophant, King of Cups, Strength.
Divine, royal spirit
The DF is giving you a lot of words of affirmation, Pile two. Your self-awareness is perfect. You have a fair, logical, rational and realistic mind that's perfectly combined with an empathetic, optimistic, intuitive, and emotionally intelligent mind. You are honest AND considerate. Your intuition is HIGH. You help people with your unmatched advice, vast knowledge, unbiased perspectives, and your clever ideas and thoughts. All of your mental abilities are on point. You have an open heart, but not a naive one at all. You know how to discern reality from illusion, and how to get the best of each. It's giving queen/king energy. You are romantizing your life INTELLIGENTLY, with meaning, reason, and intention. You value both internal and external beauty. You are your own empire, your own sacred temple, your own altar. If you are not already embodying this energy you need to start ASAP. This is such a powerful pile. You are truly embodying your Divine Feminine energy: creative, kind, intuitive, emotionally intelligent, dedicated, beautiful, loving, mindful, balanced, empowering, respectful, wholesomely feminine. You are an example of feminine integrity. If you have been shamed for your feminine power, for your sexuality, for your mystery, for your magic or any aspect of your femininity completely disregard it. Keep embracing the feminine arts. You are learning to be emotionally vulnerable when is proper, and how to express your emotions with self-respect. You understand others's emotions and you know the importance of emotional health. You support others´s in their emotional expression. At the same time, you value facts and evidence. You are an independent thinker. You are sincere. You are real. You are connected to your cycle and those of life and nature. You are connected to the invisible, you are one step forward. You may trigger some people with your truth, but you need to know that you are doing the right thing. You are speaking facts people need to hear. You are taking care of your health, your appearance, your community, you are blooming. You are a legacy, you are ROYALTY. You recognize the worth in yourself and others. If you don't feel like this, unless you chose the wrong Pile, the DF is trying to tell you that you have the potential to be all of it. Follow your feminine wisdom. There is a lot of abundance coming towards you and you deserve it all. If this is what you want, you are attracting someone who matches your energy, your divine counterpart. You are magnetic to all blessings. You are blessed.
You have the capacity to use your mind in your favor, to focus on what you desire, to give energy to what you want to grow in your life, and to be patient with yourself and what you do. Your high determination and control over your thoughts will take you far, and you'll attract what you want if you keep yourself calm and collected. You need to be aware of your thoughts, habits, and beliefs and take conscious control, but just surrender to the rest. Don't forget to be compassionate towards yourself and others. Keep reminding yourself of your inner power and capacity. Carry on having the control over your impulses and you'll attract all the solutions that you need. You are strong! 
With The Hierophant card, your DF messages are about ritual, tradition, religion, and family. You could connect or reconnect to your traditions, start or continue practicing your rituals, and strengthen your faith. If you belong to a religion or a religious practice, it will be beneficial to attend its ceremonies, social events, and to visit temples/churches. You could also benefit from praying, giving offerings, reading sacred scriptures/books, whatever you resonate with. If you don't belong to a religion but you recently became interested in doing so, this could be a sign to do it. If you don't belong to any, and not interested in religion, this is just that rituals/ritualization of what you do is beneficial for you at this time. You could start a new ritual/tradition that will help you feel more connected to yourself and the DF. For some of you, you could reconnect to your family, a parent, someone familiar, or find a new meaning to the concept of "family". Marriages are possible too. There is someone with high morals, great wisdom, someone who answers questions or gives advice, a teacher, a family-oriented person who values tradition, a serious person with their priorities in order. Whether is you or someone in your life, this energy will be favourable for your spiritual growth. Try new things, find new patterns, reevaluate your beliefs.
song: The Girl With A Tattoo enter.lewd by Miguel
Those innocent eyes. That smile on your face. Makes it easy to trust you.
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Pile three
Cards: The Devil, Page of Cups, 5 of Wands, Queen of Pentacles, 3 of Cups
Creative new start
The energy of this pile is very similar to Pile 1. Something is holding you back, but in this pile it´s more of an emotional problem. Your DF message suggests that the thing that's holding you back has a lot to do with how you emotionally respond to situations and how you deal with lower passions, temptation, dark thoughts. For some of you, it's your own emotional baggage and negative self talk that's hindering your creativity and growth. For others is a relationship. For maybe a small portion of you, it's a drinking or addiction problem rooted in emotional disorders, escapism, and avoidance. Know that choosing to let go and break free from these habits will give you a fresh start emotionally and creatively, and you are able to choose. When you do, new doors will open for you, and you'll have the possibility to fulfill your dreams and satisfy your emotional needs in more healthy and creative ways. You may also find a way to channel your darkness/shadow in creative ways that will bring more light as a result, or maybe you recently started doing that, and that is your message. In the first pile, there was some possible new spiritual journey or learning path. Here it's more about your creativity, relationships, and emotions. Express yourself, seek love and support, let things flow and unapologetically open your heart. Stop taking yourself and life very seriously. Be more silly is what your DF is saying lol. Your dreams may be getting prophetic too or you are seeing a lot of signs from the Universe. Good news from family, like a marriage, or family getting bigger.
If you were looking for a conflict resolution, this is a confirmation that it's coming. Your DF suggests to have a healthy approach to the conflict, put your ego aside and listen to others without competing for who is in the right. There may be different opinions, conflicting thoughts/feelings or people trying to push their own agenda, even someone willing to manipulate or deceive others. A lot of egos fighting and trying to impose themselves. You just need to be empathetic and compassionate, use your intuition, and don´t judge anyone personally. Be brave. Listen and consider all different points of view and encourage the rest to do the same. Don´t be afraid to say what you think. Be aware of selfishness and apathy and don´t tolerate it. This could also be a sign that you'll have to face conflict soon, and you need to be cautious with how you handle the situation. If you handle conflict with acceptance and compassion, you will definitely gain new and favorable connections, collaboration, and material success. You may also get a lot of recognition for how you handle conflict and for your ability to relate to different people with a variety of backgrounds, knowledge, and talents. 
You may be a practical person and that´s why you like to show affection and love in practical ways. I see you being a homemaker, enjoying cooking and cleaning, creating your business, baking, creating a nice environment, tending to people, and bringing pleasure into the mundane. You are a self-sufficient person with endless energy and dedication. If you don't already, you'll have extra money to share and spoil yourself and your loved ones soon. Prosperity and material success are coming for you. You have everything you need to be successful and independent. You are worthy of everything in the material world. Make the best of your material world. Your needs and those of your family are taken care of. Don´t be afraid of receiving/making money and living a comfortable life. Make the best out of your prosperity and all the opportunities that you have to be prosperous.
Unconditional support
You probably have a nice and loving group of friends, Pile 3. Friendships and social connections are so important for you at this moment, especially female ones. You are giving and receiving a lot of love and support from people. You are being invited to visit new places, hang out, attend parties and events. Say yes to all you desire without feeling guilty. Celebrate without having a big motive. Your ability to socialize is high, and you'll be receiving multiple friendly offerings. You could join a joyful creative group or receive support for your creative ideas. If you keep your creativity a secret, this may be the sign to share it with others and find other creative people who can inspire and encourage you. This is mutual and reciprocal energy. Appreciate your female friends, celebrate the friendships in your life and keep back and forth communication between you and them. Give them your time and let them give you theirs. This will strengthen your connection with your DF.  
song: Material Girl by Madonna.
Experience has made me rich. And now they´re after me.
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Thank you for reading and supporting my Tarot readings. ily <3
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thelofilotus · 2 years
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kissohee · 5 months
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soft!sungchan x fem!reader ☆ nsfw ; wc : 880 ☆ one-shot mdni! synopsis; you've had a pretty shitty day, but thankfully your boyfriend is always there to make it better. warnings; angel use, cunnilingus, cum eating
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You didn't mean to be silent when you returned home from work. Your boss was being a bigger pain than usual, and you were sure that the next person you talked to was accidentally going to receive an unwanted attitude. So the second you walked through the door you completely ignored Sungchan, heading straight to the bathroom to take a shower and hopefully rid yourself of the negative feelings that flooded your head.
The mere fact that your own boyfriend didn't care to check in on you made you even more upset than you already were. A what was supposed to be calm shower, only made you more stressed. When you finished getting dressed into something comfier, you headed to the living room to see him on the couch on his phone. You softly cleared your voice and he looked up at you before smiling. "You seemed mad, didn't want to bother you." "You could never.." You pouted, taking a seat on the other side of the couch, his eyes trailing over you. "I wanted to give you space," He puts his phone down and holds his arms open, inviting you into a hug. "I'm sorry I'll make sure to check on you next time, okay angel?" You melt into his arms, feeling him rub his hands on your back, kissing your forehead. "How was your day?" "Bad." You shake your head, "Absolutely terrible." He made a small 'mmm' before "Hmmm well..," he places one hand on your thigh, extremely close to your core before rubbing the clothed skin softly, "I could... eat you out?" "Sungchan...." He looks at you softly. You were always so surprised with how straight forward he could be. "I know how much you like it when I do that," he places a soft kiss on the side of your forehead, "I don't have to if you don't want me to. I just know how much you love it. I just want you to feel better." You thought about it, and it's true, you did love it whenever he ate you out. And it would get rid of some of the stress your body was currently feeling. "Mmm.. Okay.."
He smiled softly at you before facing you the other way on the couch, helping you lie down. You removed the soft pajama pants you were wearing, and he folds them and puts them to the side, moving any hair in front of his face away. Gently he spread your legs, planting soft kisses on your thighs before placing one on your clothed heat. You let your body rest against the couch pillows as he lifted your panties off your legs. He brings his thumb to make circles over your clit, and you make a small moan to let him know it feels good. You watch as he lowers his head, and the moment his tongue makes contact with your clit, your body squirms and he reacts by holding your thighs much harder than he was before. "Try not move, okay angel?" His voice soft, the grip on your skin was not. You nodded with as much energy as you had in your, wanting him to continue his actions. He softly takes your clit between his lips before sucking on it softly, your hands reaching below to hold his hair between your fingers. Softly, you tug on his hair when he bites your clit, not hard enough to hurt you but for you to feel pleasure. The soft tug making him moan against you, sending vibrations up your body. The feeling causing you to moan as well. He dragged his tongue through your folds before reaching your hole, teasing it. You grind your hips against his face, hoping he would take the hint and give you what you want. And he finally does. You feel his wet tongue enter you, the tip of it touching your walls. Your eyes rolled back as your fingers got tangled in his hair more, pressing him against you so his tongue could go farther. He forced his tongue in and out of you at a steady pace, cleaning up all your juices in the process. "Sung.. Fa-faster.." "Anything for you angel," He replied, his mouth still against your cunt before he dips back inside of you. Tongue now entering you at a faster pace, and you could feel yourself getting more and more sensitive. You slowly grind your hips against his face, his nose bumping against your clit making you moan out. "S-sung...." is all you're able to get out, failing at letting him know that you were getting closer. However, Sungchan knew exactly what you were trying to say, especially when you started moaning much louder, your breathing also getting heavier. So he sped up his movements, and you followed, moving your hips much faster than you were before. But he didn't stop you this time, he knew you were doing it to feel better and that was his main goal as well. You felt yourself finally reach the release you were anticipating, your cum falling directly onto his tongue, watching as he swallows it. He looks up at you through your legs, smiling when he saw the exhausted but satisfied look on your face. "How's my angel feeling now?"
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i feel like my writing is slowly getting worse, someone help me - 🐠
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attichaos · 2 years
P.1 Common Herbs A-Z
This is A-C of some common herbs and their uses
*longer read*
Good luck
Personal power
A dried acorn is an excellent natural amulet for keeping a youthful appearance.
Obtaining treasure
Provides added determination and energy to any spells and charms. Burn crushed allspice to attract luck and money. Use in herbal baths for healing.
Invokes the healing energy of the deities. Provides magickal help for overcoming dependencies & addiction. Associated with Candlemas and Beltane. Carry, wear, or use as incense to attract abundance.
Place on the grave of a loved one to promote peaceful energy. Thought to relieve loneliness and assist with success. Hang in the home to attract luck and protection for those who live there. Grow in the home to provide protection from household accidents. Burn on the night of a full moon to bring a new lover by the new moon.
Garden Magick
Place seven apple seeds in a bag with Orris Root to attract sexual love. Use in rituals to give honor to gods and goddesses of fertility. Considered the food of the dead, which is why Samhain is called the 'Feast of Apples'. Symbolizes the soul and is burned at Samhain in honor of those who will be reborn in the spring. When doing a house blessing, cut an apple in half -- eat half and put the other half outside of the home as an offering.
Add leaves and flowers to love sachets or carry apricot pits to attract love.
Dispels confusion, fears & weakness. Drives off hostile spirits. Associated with Candlemas. Carry to move forward in a positive manner despite perilous danger. Strewn on floors to provide protection from evil. Sprinkle an infusion of basil outside of the building where you hope to be employed for luck in a job interview or in your business to attract money and success. Wear or carry to aid in attracting money and prosperity.
Bay leaf
Good fortune
Psychic powers
Write wishes on the leaves and then burn the leaves to make the wishes come true. Place under the pillow (or use in dream pillow) to induce prophetic dreams. Place in the corner of each room in the house to protect all that dwell there. Carry bay leaf to protect yourself against black magick.
Black pepper
Banishing negativity
Protection from evil
Sacred to Brighid. Leaves and berries said to attract wealth and healing.
Incorporate into rituals of death & dying to comfort those left behind and ease their sorrow.
Though not recommended, blueberry is said to cause confusion & strife when tossed in the doorway or path of an enemy.
Used for cleansing magick when feeling highly negative about oneself or others. Use in protection incenses and spells. Rinse with a decoction of burdock to remove negative feelings about yourself or others.
Good luck
Lunar magick
Money magick
Bury with other banishing symbols for protection. Grow in the home or garden to prevent unwanted intrusions. Place in all directions of the home (north, south, east, and west) for full protection.
Mental powers
Psychic powers
Male potency
Reducing stress.
Add to a sachet or spell to increase the chances of its success. Sprinkle an infusion of chamomile around the house to remove hexes, curses and spells. Burn or add to prosperity bags to increase money. Burn as incense for de-stressing, meditation, and restful sleep. Wash hands in an infusion of chamomile for luck before gambling or playing cards. Use in bath magick to attract love. Keep a packet of the herb with lottery tickets for luck.
Chilli Pepper
Hex breaking
Scatter powder around the house to break hexes and spells against you. Use in love charms & spells.
Weight loss *weight loss spells can be dangerous*
Burn as an incense or use in a sachet to raise spiritual and protective vibrations, draw money, and stimulate psychic powers. A popular herb for use in charms to draw money & prosperity. Wear in an amulet to bring passion.
Draws friends to the home, customers to the business. Promotes eloquence, persuasiveness, and prosperity. Protects and cleanses the aura. Encourages self-expression and creativity (great for writers & actors!) and brings clarity to the mind. Repels insects and deodorizes
Helps to dispel nightmares and negative thoughts and to overcome internal blockages. Provides peace of mind and grounding.
Tie fresh coriander with a ribbon and hang in the home to bring peace & protection. Add to love charms and spells to bring romance or use in ritual work to ease the pain of a broken love affair. Promotes peace among those who are unable to get along. Throw the seeds in lieu of rice during Handfastings and other rituals of union. Use the seeds in love sachets and spells. Add powdered seeds to wine for an effective lust potion. Wear or carry the seeds to ward off disease and migraines.
The seed is said to prevent the theft of any object which contains it. Burn with frankincense for protection. Scatter on the floor alone or with salt to drive out evil. Use in love spells to promote fidelity. Steep in wine to make love potions.
Burn curry powder to keep evil forces away.
And as always, merry meet <3
(photo - attichaos)
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phantomannkaun · 3 months
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contains: smut, 18+, fem reader, relationship, dirty talk, sex, restrained, pet names, praising, slight degrading and force
Thanks for reading <3 Enjoy ! (´ε` )♡
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background information: Nanami and you met a couple years ago when you were 23 and he was 24. At the time he was still a salaryman working a 9 to 5 job. You met him at work you were an office assistant and he couldn't help but fall in love with you at first sight. He denied his feelings for the longest time until you started to talk to him more and more. Finally after talking around the office for awhile he asked you out on a date and that's where everything started.
You two went out for a month or two before you became official. After dating for awhile you decided to move in with him and your guys' chemistry was unmatched. You guys had a steady relationship given you were busy and understood each other in that way.
A year later when you were 24 and he was 25, Nanami became a sorcerer again which altered his hours. You'd get home 3 hours before he would which made you sort of lonely. However, despite the loneliness, Nanami still gave you attention when he got home and you guys had a well maintained intimacy life. Overall, you and Nanami were going good.
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present time: From the couch, you tilt your head over to the kitchen. The clock above the stovetop of the oven read 9:46pm in the glowing blue color. You titled your head back followed with a sigh.
"Where the hell is he?" You asked yourself wondering where Nanami was.
Nanami usually gets home every night around 7pm-8pm and at the latest 9. If he's any later than that he'll usually drop you a text and let you know. That was always routine for you two so it was out of the ordinary that you haven't even received as much as a text. You shifted positions in the couch with your laptop on your lap to get more comfortable. You were finishing up some late night work before you were going to head off to sleep like normal.
"I guess I'll just go get ready for bed now while I wait for him..." You thought to yourself followed by another sigh.
You snapped the laptop shut as you politely placed the laptop on the coffee table in front of you. You began to your room still confused and starting to be almost worried where Nanami was. You walked into your walk-in closet and put on a nice light grey oversized sweater that went over your hands. As you proceeded to take your pants off, you heard the door unlock and footsteps. You wanted to go see Nanami to ask why he hadn't text or anything of the sorts so you began walking out of the room still without pants. You were wearing a black laced thong, one of Nanami's favorites which was unintentional.
"Hey babe why are you back so late? And why didn't you text me that'd you be back later like usual?" You asked curiously while slowly making your way out of the bedroom into the main area. You could already sense the negative annoyed energy surfacing off of him.
He ignored you which made you mad. "Uhm... hello? I asked a question" As you spoke he was taking off his suit jacket and putting his stuff down.
In a hasty way with an attitude underlying his voice he replied with a simple "Overtime."
"...Okay... but you usually tell me? So what was different about today huh?" I asked with the same attitude back.
Nanami suddenly stopped what he was doing and you could feel the anger raging off of him. He removed his glasses and set them on the counter and glared at you while proceeding to stride towards you. Still confused you just waited for him to get closer to see what his deal was.
Nanami, while looking down at you began to speak in haste. "Don't fucking give me that attitude y/n." He paused for a second and started to grab your waist slowly. "I had to deal with curses all day and night and I come home to you giving me attitude."
He suddenly lifted your chin up with his other hand which caused your eyes to widen a bit. Your breath got heavier and shakier as your bodies response to Nanami's advances. With force and impulse he pushed you up against the wall that was behind you. Immediately he began to press his warm lips against yours and before you knew it he slipped his tongue into your mouth. You couldn't help but be extremely turned on by these impulses so you returned the kiss completely.
After a couple seconds of making out you started to grip his shirt tightly to let him know how you were enjoying yourself. Nanami noticed, let off the kiss so he could pick you up which caused you to wrap your legs around him. He walked to the bedroom and basically threw you on the bed like you were nothing. His strength could be seen through his veiny muscular forearms from the rolled up sleeves of his shirt. When you were laying on your back on your guys' bed you could see him staring up at you. His pissed expression only turned you on even more. You knew tonight he wasn't gonna hold and that thought alone only contributed to how wet you were.
Nanami couldn't help but stare at your beautiful exposed legs reclined on the bed he had just thrown you on. It was making him even more solid then he already was. He was breathing heavy his mind was set on railing you all night. He reached for his spotted yellow and black tie and loosened it till he could take it off. Once the tie was separated, he instantly started to unbutton his shirt as he also continued to climb on top of you to kiss you more.
When he climbed on top of you again and your tongues intertwined again, you helped him undo his belt. After his belt was undone by you he forcefully grabbed your wrists with one hand and slammed them above your head which caused you to let out a soft moan. Nanami got up quickly to take off his button down shirt entirely tossing it onto the hardwood floor. You two were already breathing so heavy.
While still on top of you his eyes traveled down. He suddenly grabbed your soft chin tightly. "You're going to do what I want you to do y/n. Take that sweater off. I wanna see all of you."
He let off of your chin giving you a chance to take off the grey sweater you put on earlier. Once off, you were not wearing a bra which he noticed. When he started to go at it again you predicted you two would begin making out again however you were wrong. He made it to your neck and he did not hold back one bit. He started off by kissing which turned into sucking and biting. This change of action caused you to let out moans which only made him go more. You were gripping onto his muscular arms as the pain and pleasure took over your whole body. He kept making his way further down and down until he reached your chest. He was not stopping which only made you soak even more. He started to press his body more and more on you when now you could feel his hard member pressed onto your cvnt.
Nanami seemed to catch onto the fact that you were soaked now and it drove him insane. He wanted to just rail you so bad. He couldn't hold on anymore, he basically ripped off your laced panties and proceeded to push his long fingers into you. You squealed and your back arched. While he started to finger you, he took that opportunity to take his bottoms off. Once off, he climbed back on top of you and positioned his member but stopped for a second.
Nanami looked into your eyes deeply. He looked like he had daggers of rage in his eyes. You knew in that moment that you were about to get destroyed by him. In an impulsive way, with one hand he took your wrists and pulled them above you then he pushed his cock into you deep. It hurt but it was a good type of hurt for you. Your back arched and you let out a moan that could almost be classified a scream.
Nanami proceeded to thrust again but before he did it once more, he got close to you ear and whispered something closely. "Are you gonna take it?" Instantly after he said that he hit another thrust as he awaited a response.
Nanami's was long and thick and it was painful but so good so you almost always cried but you loved it. You struggled over your words "y- yes..."
Nanami giggled a bit and then whispered one last time saying "good girl." before going at it again.
With each thrust you couldn't help but almost scream his name. Nanami noticed your hands fidgeting as he held them above you so he decided to let go of them. Once he let go of your frantic hands he planted his hands next to your head as he proceeded to absolutely plow you. You grabbed his back and in all the pleasure and pain with each thrust going harder and harder, you dug your nails into his back which created marks.
This made Nanami groan in the pleasure he was experiencing "fuck y/n..." He stopped and was still sweating. He pulled out for a minute and got up.
You looked up at him in confusion and then he began speaking still panting like a dog. "Beg for it."
You were so soaked already. Covered in sweat, tears, smeared makeup and all you wanted was to keep going. Stopping wasn't in your mind so in desperation you did as told. "P-please Nanami! Please d-don't stop"
When you continued to beg it made him chuckle. He loved seeing you beg like this. After a bit of you begging he decided to act on it. Before you could think, he grabbed your waist and turned you over on your back. Nanami's strength never failed to surprise you. He could just throw you down effortlessly. Once on your stomach, he got off of the bed and pulled you towards him and grabbed your waist to pull it towards him so you were now leaning off of the bed while he was behind you. Without warning, he dug his fingers into your waist and thrusted his rock hard cock into you.
"Fuck... you're taking it so well." His praising was driving you crazy. As he kept plowing you, you couldn't help but feel a sense of euphoria rush through you which was making you louder and louder.
Nanami could tell the praising was working. He continued: "That's my girl... show off for me baby come on" After saying that, he released one of his hands to slap your ass and grab it still plowing you.
"N-N-Nanami! I do- I don't know if i can-" You couldn't even form a sentence. "Mmgh" You let out several loud moans while proceeding to grip the bedsheets.
"Baby- I'm gonna-" He stopped as soon as you said that.
"Not until I say so." He replied. He wanted you to wait, he wanted control so bad. The sexual frustration caused you to begin begging again. It was like you were throwing a fit. This was so amusing to Nanami who then started to tease you even more.
"Not until I say so... you look so pretty begging." He then put it in once more but this time slower. He took the initiative to lean forward to grab you hair and pull it up which caused you to let out a shriek.
"You wanna take it?" This channeled more frustration and anger in your system. It caused you to beg for more and more until he gave you more.
Your moans and noises were music to his ears but he wanted you louder. "Hmm... I can't hear you y/n... use your words princess" His voice was so careless and monotone when he said it. You couldn't help but follow his every request. Him being in control of you was the best feeling. Pure ecstasy.
After about a couple minutes of his repetitive thrusts in and out, you were finally about the finish. "fuck babe... you're doing so good... finish for me now." Nanami finally ordered.
With that, at last you reached your climax. Nanami massaged your back with one hand as he still had the other on your waist "I've got you... I've got you." You could still feel him inside you. He was so big.
Your cvm was now all on his cock which made him go insane. Its always hot to him when you finish before him.
"Such a pretty girl" The last thing Nanami said before going at it again. Even though you were tired you wanted to keep going. Now it was your mission to have him finish. When he was thrusting you were helping with his movements by going into him more. It drove him to insanity. "I'm gonna fill you up... god your so tight" Nanami was panting heavy on top of him groaning nonstop.
"Good girl..." Nanami kept repeating as the euphoria began to hit him. Finally he reached his climax, his fingers dug into you with one final thrust. He let out a load inside of you. You could feel it. All of it. Once he got out of you, you two were panting like dogs. Both your hair was all messed up and your makeup was smeared down your face. So many marks and hickeys.
The rest of the night concluded with you two cuddling together, your legs almost being unable to be used. Funny enough, Nanami was now in a better mood than before. Overtime is his most hated thing ever but fucking you always makes him feel better.
✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯
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sk-lumen · 4 months
How to declutter for a fresh New Year 🫧
The very first time I got into the spirit of minimalism and decluttering physically, mentally and emotionally, it was challenging as I still had a lot of resistance and attachment to things.
I started this during winter many years back, and it's becoming easier and easier. Not just as a great practice before the new year, but also as a habit throughout the year or whenever I feel like it.
When I started seeing how the mental load, the brain fog and distraction and worry... shifted into peace, relief, joy and mental clarity every time I let go of things, I understood why it's important to not be a hoarder. Physically or otherwise. (Of course this has nuance to it and it can be a privilege to be able to do it, but that's for a different topic.)
Here are ways you can start the new year fresh (or just clear the energy any time you need):
Online / social media
delete old files or photos you don't need from your devices or cloud
unfollow accounts on social media that don't inspire/uplift you
delete old messages
archive or delete conversations you no longer want to see
block or delete numbers that are affecting your mental health
throw away things that are broken or falling apart (clothes, items, lingerie, etc)
donate or sell clothes you no longer use or want
sell items you don't use anymore but which are perfectly functional (hair straightener, lamp, etc)
throw away or repurpose gift bags, bags, cards
put away items you still need but are not using in this particular season - ie. put away into storage any winter clothing during summer, it's just cluttering your hangers
reorganize your home, your room, your bathroom, move furniture around or replace decor to give it a fresh exciting new feel and remove any stale energies
salt bath with essential oils to release any tension or toxins
lemon water, ginger and turmeric shots for cleansing
drink plenty of water or green tea or mint tea for improved digestion
dedicate a journal to write down tasks, lists, to vent any negativity, or just thought-dump at the end of the day in order to feel lighter and clear-headed
have a calendar or agenda to note any important things, to lighten the mental load
say things that keep bothering you for days/weeks, do things you've been antsy to get done for days/weeks
journaling is an amazing way to offload emotionally
going to therapy
talking to a friend or family
cultivating healthy boundaries and communicating your needs
do a guided meditation to clear your head
spend time in nature, in the forest, by the sea, away from noise and crowds to clear your energy
you can also use crystals like crystal quartz to cleanse your aura
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