#reminder to where I’m vibing our after work
crackedpumpkin · 1 year
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The sun is annoying, and the world can survive without vegetables.
This is the conclusion you’ve drawn after waking up to warm, yellow rays that shine directly onto your closed eyes. You blink groggily, rubbing your tired eyes with a free hand while the other brushes your teeth. 
“Honey, you’re gonna be late!” 
You mumble out an incoherent reply to your mom from the bathroom, quickly tossing on a thin cardigan after rinsing your mouth to rid the intense menthol sting that lingers on your lips. Entering the kitchen once done, however, provides you with a delicious reminder of how amazing of a cook your mom is. 
You grab a fork, devouring the scrambled eggs on toast. Sriracha stains the plate as a result of your messy eating habits, placing the now-empty plate in the basin with a satisfied hum. “Thanks, Mama!” You grab your school bag and rush to the door. You pause at the small alcove before the door, stepping down and slipping on your shoes. 
“Bye, Mama! See you later!” You call out before shutting the door behind you. The walk to school is as usual, with loud car horns being beeped as people rush to work while you stroll past graffiti-filled walls on the side of buildings. The street outside your school is already crowded with various cliques chatting away, and you enthusiastically greet some of them with nods and half-smiles as you enter through the main gate.
You polish off your taco, throwing away your napkin after using it to wipe your lips of any grease stuck on them. You look up at the sound of your name being called, grinning once you see a short brunette walking down the hallway. “Morning,” You greet Nicole cheerfully, opening your locker and pulling out the textbooks and notebooks you need for the day.
“What’s with you today?” 
You hum at her question, glancing at her with a quick shrug as she scrolls through Instagram. Nicole’s the first friend you made here in Brooklyn High School after transferring here four months ago. She had been the first to approach you, asking to borrow a pencil after she forgot to bring hers to class. 
Like any other teenager being forced to move cities to somewhere completely new, you stick to her like glue after that, eventually infiltrating your way into her friend group. 
“You know me, studious and independent’s the vibe I got goin’ on,” You grin at Nicole, draping an arm around her shoulder and giving her an affectionate squeeze. She looks up from her phone with a frown, using her finger to push up her glasses which had slid down slightly from their usual perch on her nose.
“Don’t be so uptight,” You chuckle, nudging her side. She sighs, rolling her eyes in amusement instead. You’re interrupted from your conversation on where to hang out this weekend at your name being yelled out from a distance away. 
“Eyyyy, que pasa!” You laugh at Michael’s greeting as he comes up to you with an outstretched fist, bumping it gently after removing your arm from where it was resting around Nicole’s shoulders. “Have you studied for the quiz today?” He asks, slinging a casual arm around your shoulders while you walk down the hall with Nicole beside you. 
You hum with a quick shrug. “Think so?”
“Man, you gotta get your head down from the clouds, bro.” He chuckles, trying to move sneakily to stand beside Nicole, who simply holds up her hand, stopping him from coming any closer with a glare. He retracts the arm he’s about to sling around her shoulders with a sheepish grin, holding it up in surrender.
“Anyway,” He brushes off her clear rejection, focusing back on you, “I’m planning a hangout with a few friends to celebrate the end of exam season. You in?” You immediately nod with a wide grin, already excited at the thought of goofing around with your friends. 
“Of course, you’re invited too. Maybe we can have our own little hangout-” 
“I’d rather stab my right arm.” Nicole cuts him off with an angelic smile, though her venom-filled words elicit an amused laugh from Michael. “Ah, how I love that icy nature of yours,” He sighs with a shake of his head.
“Who’s coming?’ You ask absentmindedly, adjusting the two notebooks in your arms. 
“Jeremy, Ally, Geoff, Tiff, Miles…”
“Miles? As in, Miles Morales?” Nicole finally speaks, eyes wide in surprise.
“Who’s that?” You don’t recognise the name. The rest you’re familiar with, though. They’re all in Brooklyn High, just in different classes. You’d seen them in passing around the school, and they recognised you in turn as one of Michael’s friends. 
“Right, you don’t know him. He transferred a while before you joined. He’s in Brooklyn Visions now. Here,” Nicole holds up her phone to your face, and you squint at the picture on her screen. Huh. He’s kinda cute, you suppose.
“Cool. Guess we’ll meet during the hangout then.” You sit down at your desk, Michael sitting at the desk beside you while she takes her seat in front of you.
“Wait, how do you know Miles?” Nicole rolls her eyes as she turns around in her chair, placing her elbow on your desk as she leans on her palm. 
“He helped me out a couple of times.” She answers simply. Michael frowns slightly. “Were you two….?”
“Why? Are you going to be devastated if I say yes?” Nicole smirks. “Unfortunately, it’s actually because our moms knew each other.” She sighs, holding up her free hand to observe her nails.
Before Michael can respond, the bell rings to signal the start of classes. They pass by in a flash, and all too soon, you’re outside the door to the art classroom. You’re hesitant to enter, eyeing the doorknob as if it’d burn you as soon as you touch it. 
“Well? Will you stay outside collecting dust, or will you enter?” You flinch at the sudden voice, looking up to see Miss Dawson looking at you with an expectant gaze. Her arms are crossed, waiting for you to go inside. 
“Y-yeah, I was just about to, but then I realised I forgot my…. brushes?” 
“You stored them in my desk drawer last week because they were too heavy to carry home with you.” 
Damn it. You purse your lips, huffing at your forgetfulness. “Fine,” You mutter, grabbing the doorknob and turning it, walking to your usual corner of the room. You pull out your sketchbook and pencil case, leaning back in your chair and waiting for Miss Dawson to start her lesson.
“Today, I’ll be assigning you a task for your end-of-year exams. I know some of you are interested in building up your portfolio to apply for the Brooklyn Academy of Fine Arts or maybe even to other schools in different states.” You perk up slightly at the mention of art school, placing your hands on your sketchbook. Miss Dawson speaks slowly yet surely, looking at each student with pure conviction. When her gaze lands on you, you’re a hundred percent sure she can see every thought that crosses your mind, each doubt that lingers in your heart. 
“Your topic is, Your Favourite Scenery.”
Murmurs spread through the class, everyone looking at each other with worry. You bite your bottom lip, chewing on it in thought as you furrow your brows. Sure, the topic might seem simple enough on the surface, but the fact that it’s so broad is exactly what unnerves you.
Having a chosen topic is good as a guideline, even more so when you know precisely what your favourite scenery is. With the addition of inspiration and motivation, it’d be a breeze to complete.
The problem is, you have none of the above.
You’re not sure what scenery you enjoy, much less have a favourite. Sure, sunsets are pretty, and skyscrapers are cool, but not much really struck you as deeply. You’re made aware of Miss Dawson gesturing for you to come over to her desk, hesitantly standing up and walking there while everyone else is discussing among themselves about the topic given.
You part your lips to greet her, only to be cut off when she holds out her hand expectantly. You huff, handing her your sketchbook. She flips through the pages, frowning slightly when she sees the random doodles and mindless sketches until she stops on a specific one.
She hums, taking in whatever’s on the page. You can’t remember what you’ve drawn, but you’re more than reluctant to admit how much of a slump you’ve been in lately. It’s not like you can come into class, declaring your lack of talent whilst waving your hands in the air.
You focus on Miss Dawson's makeshift jar of pencils on her desk, recalling someone else gifting it to her for Teacher’s Day. The blunt nibs are a testament to how much she uses them, a bedazzled one drawing your attention. You pick it up, observing the tiny sequins firmly glued to the wood with a fascinated gaze. 
You flinch when Miss Dawson suddenly clears her throat, automatically moving your hands behind your back and focusing your attention back on her. “So, I assume you had an encounter with our city’s local hero?”
“How’d you know?” You ask, eyes wide in surprise. 
She simply turns the sketchbook around to face you, the sketch you’d made last night of Spiderman clear as day. Your cheeks warm, the drawing having slipped your mind. “Looking through your sketchbook, it’s obvious that you’ve been in a slump, honey. But this sketch…This is really good, maybe even one of the better ones you’ve done.”
“Thank you?” You’re not sure if she just complimented or insulted you. 
“Seeing him must have helped your inspiration somewhat, didn’t it?”
“I guess so. I dunno, it’s not like a switch I can turn on and off anytime I want.”
“Well, you’ll have to learn how to keep it on. And for this assignment in particular, I want you to focus not just on your favourite scenery. I want you to focus on what exactly makes it your favourite.” Miss Dawson hands the sketchbook back to you with a knowing smile, and you take it from her unsurely.
“Right…” You return to your desk with one dismissive wave from her hand, sitting back down with a defeated groan. You prop your chin onto your hand, staring at the sketch blankly.
An art slump is the worst. Besides, it’s just a drawing of Spiderman; although it is admittedly some of your best work, it’s not like you can just channel that again at the snap of your fingers.
You need inspiration. You need motivation. You need….a muse, which can only mean one thing.
You’re gonna attempt to find Spiderman.
Attempt #1: Have a friendly run-in!
“This is such a bad idea; why am I even trying to find a superhero? I’m literally just going to ask him to be my muse and he’s gonna say no, which is gonna be so embarrassing and I’ll never be able to show my face around here again and what if next time I’m being robbed he turns away because it’s me??”
“Okay, calm down. He’s not going to turn away because he rejected you, or he wouldn’t be a superhero. Also, you’re literally being paranoid because I’m not there with you.” 
You frown, pulling your phone away from your ear to check if it really is Nicole you’re calling. “That’s not true.”
“I know when you’re lying.”
“Okay, maybe I’m being slightly paranoid, but for good reason! Why can’t you just come with me? You’re good at getting people to do what you want.” 
Nicole’s soft chuckle somewhat relieves you, knowing she took it as a compliment. “I’d come over, but I have to help plan the outing with the group, remember? And I’m not the one with a ride to an Art Academy on the line - you are.”
“Wait, outing?”
“Yeah, remember this morning? You’ll meet Miles then; I think you’d get along. Anyway, you’ll do fine. Michael told me Spidey swings by the hotdog cart every Tuesday, so I guess it’s reliable information.” Nicole reassures you, though her last few emotions are filled with a tinge of doubt. She pulls the phone away to mumble something to someone, and you’re sure it’s an insult based on the irritated bite in her voice when she returns to the phone.
“Fine, I’ll see you tomorrow then…” You say reluctantly, unwilling to hang up the phone.
“Yeah, bye.”
The monotonous dial tone greets your ears after Nicole’s curt goodbye. You shut off your phone, flipping your sketchbook to an empty page with a sigh. You rifle through your pencil case, picking up the sequined pencil you’d accidentally taken from Miss Dawson and tapping it against the blank paper.
Draw your favourite scenery.
You look around, taking in the vibrant green trees and serene lake, the joyful laughter of children and parents filling the air. It’s peaceful. Dogs wander around, some leashed and some set loose. One approaches you, but you wave it away, flinching when it gets too close for comfort. It’s no longer peaceful.
“You can go away now…” You mumble, poking its side to hopefully urge it to move away from you. Your legs automatically move up to the bench, drawing your knees close to your chest. “Shoo, bad dog! Where’s your owner?” You glance up to check if their owner is nearby, only for your bedazzled pencil to be snatched out of your hands.
“Hey!” You exclaim angrily, reaching out to grab it from the dog’s mouth. You hesitate when you see the dog drool dripping onto the end of the pencil, eyeing it with a shudder. You take a moment to steel yourself, grabbing the slimy end with as much force as possible, trying to yank it free from its mouth. 
“Let go of my stuff! That’s not yours! I have to return it to Miss Dawson, you stupid dog!” Your grip slips, and you land on the ground with a yelp, wincing when your knee gets scraped by the coarse dirt through your ripped jeans. 
“Give it back!” You demand, lurching yourself forward and grabbing the pencil again. However, the dog growls playfully, thinking of it as nothing more than a game for entertainment. “This is why,” You grunt between shallow breaths, “I prefer cats!”
Your sketchbook had fallen beside you, the beautiful cover now stained with dirt. You narrow your eyes into a glare, scowling at the dog. “Let go!” 
It finally does, maybe because it sensed that you wouldn’t be playing with it. You fall back once more, your back hitting the ground harshly. The breath is instantly knocked out of your chest, and you inhale deeply, trying to force more air back into your lungs with a choked gasp. 
You sit back up, holding the pencil up victoriously until you remember that there’s dog drool all over your hand. You groan in disgust, searching for a tissue to wipe it off. Wait. Your sketchbook is missing. 
You look around frantically, only to see the exact same dog from earlier now burying a half-open sketchbook into the dirt. Your sketchbook. A strangled yell rips itself from your throat, practically throwing yourself at it with a glare that could rival even Karen herself. You push the dog away, scrabbling at the dirt to uncover your almost completely buried sketchbook. 
“Bye, Spiderman!” Your head instantly turns at the sentence, spotting the familiar black silhouette nodding his thanks to the hotdog cart owner, his hotdog securely held in his hand. He flicks his free hand and shoots a web onto the side of a building, beginning to leave.
“Wait! I have a ques-” 
He swings off into the distance, already blocks away in the span of a few seconds without hearing your cry. Your arm falls to your side, collapsing back onto the ground to catch your breath while your sketchbook lies buried in the dirt. 
Damn it.
Attempt #2: Get Mugged!
“God, I hope this works,” You mumble. The streets around you are dimly lit, and you’re armed with nothing more than your bulky pencil case and a whistle, both stored in the deep pockets of your hoodie. The handbag containing your wallet and phone bumps against your waist, the strap loosely slung across your shoulder.
You’re the perfect walking target to be mugged.
Granted, this is probably one of the worst ideas you’ve had in the history of bad ideas. The chilly Brooklyn night breeze tickles your ears with an icy breath, and your body gives an involuntary shiver. You scan the empty streets hopefully. When was Spiderman – or better yet, a robber, going to show up?
Whether it was desperation or pure adrenaline driving you forward at this point, you couldn’t tell.
But you’re here, and you’re determined to see things through.
Minutes pass of you wandering the dark streets like a fool, and you’re just about to head back home when you sense that something’s off. Your steps slow, and you hear someone else’s shoes scuffle a short distance behind you. 
You start to speed up, fingers gripping the heavy pencil case in your pocket. You’d been hit by it before by accident and did not get away unscathed by any means. Your heartbeat quicks its pace in your chest, sensing them get closer with each step. 
There he is.
You finally spot Spiderman chilling on the roof of a nearby apartment building, breaking into a run. The mugger behind you grunts in surprise, and you hear him start to run as well. Your breaths are short and ragged, and you finally reach just below the building. 
“Stop right there, missy!” Looking up from where you’ve bent over to catch your breath, you see the sharp knife blade held up at you. The robber is slouching, just as out of breath as you are. However, he straightens his back and flashes you a yellow-toothed smirk from under his cap, and you shudder at the bits of dirt clearly seen in his beard. 
You hold your arms up in surrender, risking a quick glance up, only for Spiderman to jump down and land smoothly right in front of you. “Hey man, didn’t your mother ever tell you not to play around with sharp objects?” He tuts, shaking his head as he uses his web shooter to tug the knife away from the robber.
The knife lands in his hands with ease, the robber immediately turning to flee. “I don’t like doing this bit, but you leave me no choice!” Spiderman does a quick frontflip and lands before the robber, grabbing his shoulder and tilting his head. “You should’ve known better,” You hear him scold, and spot a light blue electric current flowing from his fingers to the robber, knocking him unconscious. 
Spiderman lets go, taking a surprised step back as the robber falls to the floor, unconscious. He winces, dusting off his hands and walking toward you. “You shouldn’t come out here during the night,” He chides playfully, grabbing the knife that had fallen to the floor when he caught the mugger. “You’d be in a lot of trouble if I wasn’t here.”
“Yeah, thank you. Actually, I wanted to ask-”
“Whoop.” He cuts you off, glancing at his watch, “I’d love to stay and chat, but duty calls! You’re gonna want to take a right down here, another left, and then one more right and you’ll be at the main street. Stay safe!” He gestures down to a more brightly lit street, patting your back before shooting his web shooter at a nearby building.
“Wait- Ugh,” You groan in defeat, watching him swing off again without hearing your question. Your arm is outstretched, fingers barely brushing against his arm before he leaves. 
Attempt #3: If he doesn’t stop and listen to the goddamn question, you’re going to lose it.
“Calm down, pinto.”
“I spilt pinto beans on myself, one time, people. One. Time.” You frown, crossing your arms. Nicole smirks, shrugging nonchalantly in response. 
“Yeah, yeah. Michael told me that he saw your Spidey boy swing around the taco truck down the street a couple times every Thursday, so we should keep a lookout. Don’t want your sketchbook taken away from you again, do we?” 
“How does Michael even know all this?” You mumble. 
“Look, we don’t ask him questions, and he doesn’t ask us any. It’s a two-way street, pinto. Use those brains of yours.” You shove Nicole lightly with a roll of your eyes. Falling back, she leans against a wall, immediately pulling out her phone and scrolling through it. 
God, she has a serious internet addiction. You choose to scan the crowd instead, your gaze sweeping over the kids from the Brooklyn Visions Academy filling the street, having just gotten out of their clubs. You look somewhat out of place with your own uniform, shuffling your feet slightly when they glance over with confused gazes. 
You raise your brows in response to a few of them, and they leave with a haughty scoff. You roll your eyes. Stuck up snobs, the lot of them. Hopefully, the information Michael provided is accurate, though you’re sure you’ll never know where he gets it from. 
“Hey, is the bowling alley chill with you for the hangout? Miles sucks at bowling, so we can team up to obliterate the boys.” 
“Sure,” You reply absentmindedly, only to pause and turn to face her. “Is he not free to meet up before, though? I’d like to get to know him first, so it won’t be as awkward.” 
“Nah,” Nicole frowns at her screen, “He’s busy on all the days I suggested. Something about homework and stuff. Maybe he’s turned into one of the snobs.” She puts her phone away with a snort. “Also, there’s your Spidey-guy.”
“What?” True enough, he’s at the taco truck right now, ordering a taco and waiting patiently. Spiderman has to have lunch breaks too, you suppose. You watch him tap his fingers against the metal table, bobbing his head along to a beat playing in his mind.
You grit your teeth, grab your bag and keep your now clean sketchbook, having wiped off all the dirt with a cloth and the best surface cleaner you own back home. Your eyes shine with a determined glint, practically marching through the crowd to him.
“Hey!” You stumble back, looking down at the bright yellow mustard on your pristine white shirt. “Are you kidding me?” You growl in frustration, looking up to see a girl dressed in the Brooklyn Visions uniform holding up her ruined basket of fries, the small toppled tub now on its side and most of the sauce on you.
“Watch where you’re going!” She huffs, looking at you with pure disdain. 
“Watch where I’m going? Watch where you’re going!” 
Oh God, please let him still be there-
Spiderman is holding his taco now, trying to slip away through the crowd. Your eyes narrow into a glare, pushing past the girl with a muttered apology, running as fast as possible to catch up to the superhero.
You spot him jogging into an alleyway, following suit. You stop, however, when you see that it’s empty. “What?” You mumble, looking around frantically for him. You hear a loud coo, looking up to see the very hero you’re looking for crawling along the wall of the Academy dorms. 
“Wha-?” Now you’re baffled. You watch him reach a specific window, using an arm to open it and enter before sliding it shut behind him. Three floors up and the last one down the hall. Got it. You run to the entrance, only to be stopped by a security guard.
“Woah, woah, woah. Only students of Brooklyn Visions Academy are allowed inside.” He chuckles, holding a hand in front of you to stop you from entering. 
“No, you don’t understand! I need to talk to someone inside.” You try to plead, but he merely raises his brows. 
“Okay, what’s their name?”
“W-well. You see, here’s the thing.” You laugh nervously, rubbing the back of your neck. 
“Mmhm. Come back when you have their name, and I’ll call them down for you, okay?” He dismisses you, using his hands to turn your shoulders around. He pats your back slightly, sending you on your way.
You frown, brows furrowing in thought for a way to get in. Maybe Nicole would have an idea. She’s eerily good at stuff like this. Your feet pound against the pavement in a steady rhythm as you run back to where you had left her waiting.
“Nic!” You call out, panting heavily once you reach the girl who’s still in the same position as when you left. “I need help; I gotta sneak into the dorms of the snob school.” You say through your gulps for air, your lungs screaming for more oxygen.
“You need to sneak in?” She asks, looking up from her phone with raised brows.
“Yeah. I can’t explain right now, but I really need your help.” You confirm breathlessly.
She mulls over your plea for a moment before shrugging, moving away from the wall and pocketing her phone. She stretches her arm above her head momentarily. “Stay here.” She orders before stepping out of the alleyway and out of your sight. 
You wait, albeit impatiently, tapping your foot as urgency consumes you. Nicole soon returns with the Academy’s blazer in her hands, tossing it at you with a grin. “Got it for free; you can keep it. I gotta go for a study session. Will you be okay on your own?”
“Yeah, thanks, Nic.” She never fails to impress you every time. You thank her quickly before returning to the dorm entrance, wearing the blazer on the way. You halt once you reach it, keeping your head down and fastening the buttons securely, hiding the bright yellow stain on your shirt. 
God, it’s probably going to get onto the blazer too, you wince. Spotting a group of girls walking into the entrance, you jog over and stick close to them, walking past the security guard from earlier. 
Once you’re inside, your tense shoulders sag with relief, a massive weight being lifted off your chest. The atrium is pretty cool, but you don’t have time to admire any architecture right now. You glance at the two winding staircases, signs directing the students to the boys' or girls' side.
You recall the window being on the right side of the building, walking up the respective staircase. Luckily, not many students are around. Most of them have gone out. 
Third floor, last room down the hall.
You take the lift up, exchanging an awkward smile with another girl who’s clearly sneaking in as well. She gets off at the second floor, and you spam the button to close the lift doors. As soon as they close, you practically collapse against the wall with a long, drawn-out sigh of relief.
The lift doors open to the third floor. You peek your head out, looking around. Good, there’s no one.
Stepping out of the lift, you pause. Do you go right, left, or straight? From what you recall of the exterior structure, you’re pretty sure it’s the hall on your left. Steeling your resolve, you walk down the carpeted floor, your footsteps muffled. 
There it is, the room at the end of the hallway. You raise your hand, knocking on the hard wood once, twice, three times.
Silence is all that greets you.
“Is anyone there?” You call out softly. When no one responds, you grip the doorknob just to check. To your surprise, however, the door swings open with a single push, revealing the room inside. 
It wasn’t locked.
“Pardon my intrusion….” 
You step over a pile of clothes on the floor, your nose scrunching at the smell. Deodorant and musk fill the air. A picture frame sits on a desk to your left, with a photo of a short boy.
That can’t be him; his stature is too different.
Another picture sits on a small nightstand, and you pick it up to see a familiar face. The boy in the picture with his family is tall, with chocolate brown eyes and raven-black hair. You frown, tilting your head. Where had you seen him before…?
A soft thud draws your attention. Something had fallen to the floor from where it was squashed between the bedframe of the bunk bed and another piece of furniture. You bend down, picking it up. 
Spiderman’s mask hangs loosely in your grasp.
You look multiple times from the mask and the poorly-hidden suit to the picture, finally connecting the dots. You pull out your phone, hurriedly texting the one person who could confirm your surefire theory.
yo, Nic. send me the picture of the guy - Miles, i think? - Read, 2pm
Sure ig. dont go stalking him tho - Nicole, 2pm.
The strong vibration of your phone alerts you to a new text. You look down, thankful for Nicole’s fast reply. Opening the text, an image of the ever-so-elusive Miles Morales fills your screen. 
Oh my god.
Your eyes widen, your suspicions confirmed.
It can't be.
But it's the only explanation that makes sense. 
Miles Morales is Spiderman. Spiderman is Miles Morales.
You hide the mask back where it's dropped out of its hiding place, swallowing thickly when you hear the lift ding, making your swift exit.
Rushing down the hall, the last thing you expect is to bump against the very boy you’ve been looking for. You don’t dare risk a glance, recognising him just by his shoes alone. Ignoring his apology, you run off, making your exit.
Once you exit the dorm entrance, most of the tension leaves your body. Making your way back home, your mind reels from the discovery.
Miles Morales is Spiderman.
While you slip away from his notice, Miles spots something in his peripheral vision. His suit had fallen slightly out of his hiding place. Thinking nothing of it, he goes to stuff it back in when he sees a small spot of yellow on the side of his mask.
He brings the mask up to his nose and takes a sniff. His brows furrow at the familiar scent.
He wipes it off with a shrug.
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wangxianficrecs · 2 months
💙 Caught in 4k by KizuKatana
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🔒💙 Caught in 4k
by KizuKatana (@kizukatana)
E, Series, WIP, 184k, Wangxian
Summary: A night-hunt goes wrong, and Wei Wuxian is scapegoated for the death of the Jiang Sect Leader and the destroyed core of the Jiang Sect Heir. As punishment, his core is taken and given to Jiang Cheng, and he is stripped of his cultivation credentials and expelled from the sect. What everyone forgot was that Wei Wuxian was wearing the standard issue body camera that each cultivator wore on training missions and high-risk night-hunts. Struggling to make ends meet, Wei Wuxian finds his way to Caiyi Town with the doctor who performed the surgery, a partial core still secretly in place. His application to work at Cloud Recesses is summarily rejected by the hard-edged Second Jade of Lan after an unfortunate initial encounter. But things change when someone hacks into the Jiang systems and releases the footage of what happened. Kay's comments: The series is still a WIP, but the main story is complete! I am so weak for Kizu's modern AUs with cultivation, they are great. Especially the world building and how the cultivation society might function in a modern AU shines in this story. Definitely not a story for fans of the Jiang family, but a story for everyone who wants to see some retribution for the things Wei Wuxian went through. Here, Jiang Fengmian dies during a night-hunt accident where Jiang Cheng's golden core gets destroyed and Madam Yu makes Wei Wuxian give his golden core to him, unfortunately for her, his body-cam is still filming everything. Wei Wuxian finds himself taken in by Wen Qing and her family and we get the sweetest found family and Dadxian vibes here and then meets Lan Wangji as well, who's highly judgemental at first but soon finds himself drawn to Wei Wuxian as well. This story really got it all, the drama, the horny, the softness, the restitution & humor. Excerpt: Still Wei Wuxian forced himself to at least try one last time. “You could also interview me. Have me talk to your best talisman experts,” Wei Wuxian said, forcing himself to keep the desperation out of his voice. “Interviews are scheduled based on receipt of proper credentials and references.” “I don’t have any, at least not right now. But that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t be a great teacher.” “No references, no interview.” “Come on. Look, ask me anything about talismans. You’re an experienced cultivator, right? So you must know enough to at least interview me to see if I know what I’m talking about.” “Simply ‘knowing about something’ is not sufficient. Our lecturers are renown cultivators, and masters in their fields. No references, no interview.” Wei Wuxian felt frustration well up in him, especially at the reminder that Lan Wangji didn’t see him as a cultivator. No one would, in his current condition. Why would they? He didn’t have a functional core, which was the main scale against which all cultivation efforts were measured. He thought he had done a good job of not getting his hopes up about the teaching position, but the suffocating feeling constricting his chest was calling him out for being a liar. He should have known better. Why did he never learn? Some people had luck on their said, but Wei Wuxian had never been one of them. “Right. Of course. Because it would be impossible for someone who wasn’t born to the fucking clan nobility to ever actually be good at something, and the cost of taking the mastery test makes sure that other people can’t do it!” Lan Wangji’s lips parted slightly, like he might say something, but his expression was as opaque and emotionless as before. Wei Wuxian didn’t need to sit around and listen to him defend the clan system. “Good to know that the Lan are just the same as all the other sects,” Wei Wuxian continued, his lips twisting into a sarcastic smile. “Thanks for making that clear.”
pov alternating, modern setting, modern with magic, yu ziyuan being an asshole, dysfunctional jiang family, jiang family bashing, canon divergence, golden core reveal, burial mounds ensemble as family, golden core transfer, golden core transfer fix-it, top lan wangji/bottom wei wuxian, dual cultivation, strangers to lovers, misunderstandings, meet ugly, families of choice, hurt/comfort, emotional hurt/comfort
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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xmalereader · 1 year
Leon Kennedy RE4R X Male Reader X Simon Riley
|| Masterlist ||
Authors note: Sorry for the delay, it’s been a crazy few days due to me preparing for my birthday trip next week and wanting to have everything ready, but here is another Leon shot’ enjoy!
Summary: Leon and reader are tasked to work with 141 after they stumble upon there business, getting involved and needing information about an Umbrella lab. What Leon doesn’t know is that his boyfriend of five years dated the lieutenant and used to be apart of the 141 before he met and worked with Leon.
Warnings: Fluff, slight angst, past toxic relationships, kissing, confessions, age gaps, RE4R Leon, price gives off dad vibes, ghost used to be a dick, past relationships, mentions of Ada, missions, blood, gore, flirting, teasing
Word count: 4.7k
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Leon wasn’t one to get worried easily towards someone he knows who can take care of themselves, but after their small briefing about there next mission his partner has been acting strange. He didn’t start acting differently until after the briefing, his leg bouncing nervously when he sat next to him and his hands fidgeting with his holster or watch that he wore on his wrist.
Leon knew these were sign of being nervous, but of what? Y/n wasn’t one to get nervous during a mission he was always enthusiastic and finding the positive in everything, he always found ways to lighten up the mood whenever they were together but today was different.
Not only was he nervous but quiet too. Leon was driving them to there destination while Y/n stared out the window. He was quiet, he was the one who always started conversations but his quietness was getting Leon worried.
Leon’s gaze is focused on the road as he hesitantly opens and closes his mouth until he gets the courage to ask.
“You alright?”
Y/n tore his gaze away from the window view and turns to Leon. “What? Oh! Yeah, I’m alright just tired.” He shrugs softly with a small smile before looking back outside. The car goes back to being silent, Leon sighing to himself as his hand gripped around the steering wheel and decides to let it go for now.
It too another hour before arriving to there destination outside of a small town where they are to meet with a man named John Price who had some further intel for them. Both Y/n and Leon knew that not many people know about Umbrella and the bioweapons that they have created due to them being damage control and keeping the whole thing well hidden. There were a few times where the weapons harmed many civilians and caused a lot of damage that they had to fix. They just hope that this mission wasn’t too much trouble for the both of them.
Upon arrival, Leon parks the car in a motel lot where they step out to get ready. Y/n pulls his phone out and checks the location they are to meet up with Price. “We’re about two blocks away from our location, we can make it by foot if we take the alleys and stay hidden.” He explains, he turns to watch Leon check his things making sure that his had his gun and knife.
“Sounds good to me.” He closes the trunk and puts on his jacket to hide his weapons, scanning the area to see if anyone was watching them only to find no one. The two start there walk towards their location, taking shortcuts and staying out of sight from civilians.
Y/n wouldn’t check his GPS tracker every couple of minutes, telling Leon that they were getting close. “We take another left down this street and we should see one of Prices men—goes by the name of Gaz.”
Leon chuckles. “Gaz? What kind of name is that?”
“It could be a code name.” Y/n reminds Leon, rolling his eyes with a small laugh escaping his lips, bringing a smile to Leon’s face. He’s starting to feel less worried now that his partner is talking and laughing again.
Y/n looks around until he spots Gaz, leaning against a wall with his hands in the pockets of his jacket, wearing a black cap to keep his face hidden in case anyone was watching them. His attention turns towards the tow and grins when spotting Y/n alongside with his Leon.
“Well, if it isn’t little fish.”
Y/n’s face heats up in embarrassment by his old code name. “Hello, Gaz.” He responds back with a small grumble while looking away. “We’re here for Price.”
“Right, this way.” Gaz nods towards the entrance of a building hidden well in an alleyway as both Y/n and Leon followed him. Leon sticks close to Y/n, narrowing his eyes at Y/n in questioning, wanting to know understand the relation between the two.
“Here we are.”
The three enter the building, Gaz closing the door after the two step inside first and take a look around to see two other men one masked and one not, arranging their weapons and keeping a close eye on the two. The one with the skull mask stopped what he was doing and watched Y/n carefully who takes notice of this. His own gaze snaps away from him and focused his attention on either Gaz or his partner.
“Little fish.”
Y/n frowns, looking up to see Price standing on the other side of a table that stood between them. His arms crossed over his chest as he huffs out a chuckle, shaking his head in amusement. “When they told me I’d be meeting up with a special agent I didn’t expect it to be you, little fish.”
Leon glanced at Y/n who clears his throat. “It’s Ace now—not little fish.”
“You’ll always be little fish to me.” Price states before turning to Leon. “You must be Leon Kennedy.”
“Yes, sir.” Leon greets in return. “Y/n and I were assigned in a task that we wish to complete—we were told that you found something that could help us.” Leon is quick to get to business, not wanting to think about the thought of his partner knowing who these men were when he had no idea.
“Right to business I see.” Prices voice grows serious as he digs into a duffel bag that sat on top of the table. “My team and I got intel from an inside friend who was helping us track down one of our targets. He gave us the coordinates of one of his hide outs, which we later raided only to find these—“ Price pulls out a small grey container with the worlds ‘Umbrella’ labeled on it along with its logo. “We didn’t find our target but we believe they’re working with Umbrella.”
Y/n takes the container in his hands, examining it and frowning deeply before passing it over to Leon who takes it in his own hands. “How long since you’ve found this?” Leon suddenly asks, getting everyone’s attention.
“About a week ago.”
“Shit.” Y/n mumbled out as both he and Leon look at each other already knowing that whoever is working with Umbrella would have already spread there work around the area.
“Did you find anything else at this location?” Leons asks again.
“A few people.”
Y/n froze at the sound of a familiar deep voice, glancing up to see Ghost standing on the opposite side of the table, arms crossed too as he leans down close. “People, you say?” Y/n swallows nervously, trying to keep eye contact with ghost but knew that he was doing a terrible job.
Ghost nods. “They were dead when we found them but they were strapped on tables—human experiments from what it looked like.”
Leon sets the umbrella test down and nudged Y/n to get the man’s attention, tearing his gaze away from Ghost and back to Leon. His tense body relaxed once his eyes land on Leon’s blue ones, feeling safe and comfortable.
“We need to get to that lab.”
“Are you crazy? That place was bonkers and full of things no human should see.” Soap speaks up from where he sat, glaring at the two. “Besides it’s too dangerous.”
“Our job is to eliminate Umbrella and this,” Leon holds up the Umbrella test to show the others. “Could be a virus that they were using on those people and we have to stop it before it spreads but we need more information before we do anything else and need access to that lab.”
“It’s dangerous.” Price interrupts.
“So, what if it’s dangerous? We’re here for a reason.” Leon adds, stating the fact that this was there job. There mission and they were here to get it done. Leon wasn’t going to allow this virus to spread and deal with another racoon city situation.
“Price, the location is all we need and then will be out of your hair.” Y/n’s voice is soft, easing the tension between them and provides a small smile. “Leon and I will handle the situation.”
Price sighs. “It won’t be easy getting there. It was empty when we left but heavily guarded now a few who escaped came back and we need to turn them in. So, we’re involved with this too and will help.”
Y/n sighs deeply. “Very well, it’s going to be dangerous.” He warns while Price smirked. “I know.”
The ride there is silent due to them all piling up into one vehicle in order to make the ride there faster and not having to take separate cars. Gaz and Price are both sitting in the front, navigating on the driving and locating the lab while Ghost and Soap are in the back sitting across from Leon and Y/n.
Soap is watching Leon cautiously who’s leaning back in his spot, arms folded across his chest as he stares down Soap too while Y/n suffers from Ghost gazing down at him, his eyes never leaving him and watching his every move. Y/n shifts uncomfortably and tries to focus on something else.
“Soo, little fish?” Leon decided to cut the tension, side eyeing Y/n who groans. “It’s a stupid code name that was given to me when I first started. I was the youngest out of everyone and always asking too many questions and following them around.” He explains.
Leon chuckled. “Sounds more like a puppy to me.”
Y/n blushed deeply and nudged him roughly on the ribs. “I’m not a dog.” He hissed out but, Leon isn’t phased by his roughness towards him. “Sure your not.” The two smiling at each until Ghost speaks up.
“So, why ace?”
Ghost sits up straight and leans in close, his eyes narrowing under his skull mask as he looks at Leon up and down before turning to his partner who froze.
“I—Uh, we—“
Leon frowns in concern, never seeing his partner react in such way. The two have faced the dead rising, saving the presidents daughter from the Plagas along with Raccoon city. Leon learned that Y/n was always confident when speaking and showed no signs of hesitation but, he shows no sign of confidence when around Ghost. The puzzle pieces are sticking together on Leon’s head, noticing that Ghost made him react in a nervous matter.
“Sherry gave him that name.” Leon cuts in. “Both Y/n and I rescued a little girl named sherry who was in a terrible situation. She gave Y/n the name Ace because he always got things right—whether we were in a good or bad situation he knew what to do and how to get us out of it. Also because he’s a good damn shot.”
Y/n smiled a little. “Sherry gave me my name. At the end of the day I kept it. It felt right like it belonged to me—no offense but I never liked being little fish. I felt like I was being treated like a kid.” He mumbled the last few words to himself, moving back in his seat and looking over his shoulder to stare out the window. The day was growing dark and the sun would set soon, they’d be arriving to the lab by nightfall, making things bit complicated for him and Leon.
They didn’t mind working on the dark but whenever it come towards labs they had to be extra careful and not touch anything that can affect them. Leon has been infected once before and the man wouldn’t want to go through that again.
“Will be arriving to the lab in two hours.” Gaz shouts from the front getting the others attention. The back grows quiet with Y/n leaning his head on Leon’s shoulder while the other doesn’t seemed phase by his actions, used to his touch.
It didn’t take them long to arrive before Leon is nudging Y/n awake, whispering to him that they were here and needed to get ready. The whole team is standing outside of the vehicle, getting their weapons ready as Leon and Y/n look up ahead to see the lab from a distance.
Y/n had some binoculars to check out the area, frowning. “I see three guards.” He says out loud for Leon to hear.
“See anything or anyone familiar?”
Y/n shakes his head, handing him the binoculars. “Nothing, it’s possible that it’s someone knew who got there hands on a virus. We don’t know what kind of virus it is yet.” He hopes that the virus isn’t the same as Raccoon city, it’s possible that it’s already spreading unless they haven’t done anything with it yet.
“Do you think sending Rebecca a sample will help us know if it’s a virus or a cure to a virus?” Y/n asked Leon.
Leon sighs to himself. “We can send her a sample in case we don’t find anything in this lab, right now we need to make sure that it doesn’t spread.” He looks over his shoulder to see Prices team gearing up, checking to make sure they have everything before going in.
“It’s best if we split up into two groups, they don’t know what their getting themselves into but an expert on there side can help them.” Suggested Leon but Y/n is quick to decline.
“S-split up?” Y/n stutters out, eyes wide.
“Yeah, I’ll take Price and Gaz and you take Soap and Ghost—“
“Why don’t you take Soap and Ghost I’ll take Price and Gaz.” He cuts in fast, wanting to make the change.
Leon stands in front of him, hand on his hip as he cocked his head to the side. “Alright, talk.” He demands, his voice firm and rough which causes Y/n to flinch. “About what?” Y/n tries to act like he doesn’t know what he’s talking about or what he’s asking, but they both know that Leon isn’t one to be tested.
“You’ve been acting strange ever since we got here and I noticed that it had something to do with you and ghost.” Leon nods towards the team but doesn’t take his eyes off Y/n. “You gonna tell me what’s going on or am I going to have to ask him instead?”
“No!” Y/n shouts in panic.
“Then talk.”
Y/n plays with the strap of the binocs and sighs deeply. “Ghost and I used to date.” He mumbled out, getting Leon’s attention. “I used to work with the entire team and spent most of my times paired up with ghost. I was a rookie and the youngest one there—ghost was an asshole at first always demanding me to be better when fighting always checking me at the shooting range to make sure I wasn’t struggling. We had a rough start but as time went by things changed between us.” Y/n remembers the times that Ghost challenged him in combat, telling the others that he was ‘training’ him when he was really being an asshole and teaching him a lesson.
“We only dated for about a year.”
“What happened, if you don’t mind me asking?” Leon asks.
Y/n shakes his head, not minding his question. “We had an age gap that no too many people were fond of Si—Ghost thought I was uncomfortable with someone who was older than me and decided to end things. He went back to his old ways after and pretended like nothing happened and so, I left.” His eyes shift up to Leon who watched him close, his own blue eyes full of sympathy.
“Soo, that’s how I ended up here.” Y/n adds, giving him a nervous smile. After his break up with Simon and him going back to his old ways of being rough with him and degrading his work in the field he couldn’t stand being around him any longer. He knew that Simon was doing it to show others that they were never in a relationship but deep down inside it hurt Y/n badly to the point where he met up with Price to confirm his leave.
Price wasn’t too happy about him leaving but didn’t stop him from doing what he wanted. He instead found himself working Leon after their encounter in Raccoon city. Y/n wanted a fresh start and thought moving to another city would work only to arrive at the wrong time, both Leon and him meeting each other during the disaster and helping each other survive and leaving the city before anything else happened to them.
The two were forced to work with the government to clean up there dirty work giving them no choice. He’s stuck with Leon for a few years now and the two have grown closer with time. Leon had invited Y/n to dinner in a teasing matter only for Y/n to accept his offer, shocking Leon due to most of his dates being rejected and never being taken seriously.
The two have been together for five years, keeping their relationship a low profile and not letting anyone know about it. Leon had told Y/n about Ada when they saw her back in Spain and now, this is the first time that Y/n ever spoke about an ex of his own to Leon. He didn’t want to cause any trouble between the three of them and didn’t want this to interfere with there mission.
But, Leon had to know that something was wrong whenever he was around Ghost and now he knows why.
“Your not—?”
“Still in love with him?” Y/n finishes for Leon who nods.
“No.” Y/n answers. “I just don’t want him saying anything that’ll get you upset and do something stupid. He’s good with his words—don’t let him fool you.” He warns, giving Leon’s shoulder a soft pat before turning towards the other team and approaching them.
His stands up straight full of confidence this time, telling Leon about his past had taken a lot of weight off his shoulders and was feeling better about himself.
“Alright, I checked out the surroundings and they have a few guards outside the building. It’s possible that they have more inside.” He starts. “Both Price and Gaz will follow Leon inside the building, he will give you further instructions of what we are looking for and what to keep an eye out for while Ghost, Soap, and I take the guards down from the outside before meeting up with the rest.”
“And what are you looking for exactly?” Ghost asks, raising a brow under his mask while Y/n turns to him. “Anything we can find useful.” His answer is direct and firm, not allowing him to throw him off course on his mission.
“Any other questions?” He asks the team and takes their non response as an answer. “Very well, let’s go.”
As the others finish up, Leon approaches Y/n with a hand on his shoulder. “Sure you Can handle being around him?” He asked, wanting to be reassured that he can handle Ghost on his own. “We can still switch.”
“I’ll be okay, trust me.” Y/n gives Leon a smile, leaning up to kiss his cheek before taking his own gun out. “I’ll meet you up soon.” With that he heads towards ghost and soap. The team uses the dark to stay hidden, walking quietly and staying low as Y/n checked the guards every few seconds to make sure they were still in place.
Y/n uses his knife to take down the first two guards, slitting their throats and stabbing them in the head, who knows if they are infected or not but the head was always the main target to hit.
“Two down, more inside.” Y/n whispers, piping the door open and sweeping the entrance before signaling for the other two to enter. “Whoever you see, you aim for the head.” His index tapped his own temple. “They’ll go down faster.”
“They’ll?” Ghost questions.
“You don’t want to know what we can be up against. Just, aim for the head and try not to get attacked.” He holds up his gun and takes out a flashlight from his other pocket.
Leon will be hitting the lights soon, causing the entire lab to go dark. He checks his watch and counts down the seconds until the lights finally go out, giving him the chance to take anyone down with no issue. He turns on his flash light. “This way.” He orders the two, moving deeper into the lab.
They check hallways and rooms only to find them empty a few full of computers and desks but nothing too important, not until they reached the lower level where Y/n finds a hidden lab with test subjects strapped down on tables. His breath caught in his throat, eyes wide as he froze in place.
Both Ghost and Soap stand by his side, lowering there guns. “Fucking hell, what is this place?” Ghost mutters out while Y/n slowly began to move again, making his way to one of the rest subjects, gun still in hand.
“They can still be alive.” Said Soap, reaching out to touch one of the subjects but Y/n is quick to grab his arm, shoving it away. “No, don’t touch them.” He hissed out angrily.
“It’s not safe—there not safe.” Y/n clarified, looking over his shoulder to see one of them stir. “Shit—both of you get out now.”
“We can’t leave you!”
“I’ll be fine, go!” Y/n shouts at the two, glaring at them before Ghost gives a small nod and drags Soap out of the room, leaving Y/n on his own with a room full of infected people. He closed the doors behind him and sighs to himself.
Ghost and soap are standing outside in the hall with ghost pacing back and forth in worry only to head the sound of shuffling footsteps to his left, causing him to turn around sharply with his gun raised only to see the others.
“Ghost—where’s Y/n?” Price asks.
The sound of gunshots is heard on the other side of the doors, everyone turns there head towards the double doors once the room goes silent.
Leon held his gun out, frowning deeply as the doors are pushed open to reveal an uninjured Y/n. Coming face to face with barrel of a guns.
“Oh.” Y/n chuckled nervously. “Sorry?”
Leon sighs in relief, lowering his gun and checking up on Y/n making sure that he wasn’t injured. “You alright?”
“Yeah, just had to handle something.” He nods at the entrance of the room which Leon peaks over his shoulder to see the test subjects strapped down, dead and unmoving. “I couldn’t allow them to escape and cause us anymore trouble.”
Leon puts his gun away. “Did you find anything?”
“No, you?”
Leon responds with shaking his head. “We checked the perimeter and found no signs of Umbrella.”
“I checked this lab.” Y/n turns around, heading back inside the room. “I found a few blood samples and checked the computers but nothing is showing up—it’s like they cleaned this place before we got here.”
A clean lab with no evidence wasn’t good for the two of them. They needed proof of what umbrella has been up too in order to figure out there next move, but the lab gave them nothing only a few test subjects and blood samples but not enough for them to know if they were testing a virus or if perhaps it’s already being used and sold to greedy companies who’d want something so dangerous for money.
“Check the computers again, will keep watch while you work.” Leon suggests as Y/n nods in agreement.
Both Soap and Ghost join Y/n inside, keeping a watch on the test subjects along with protecting Y/n who worked on the computer, hoping to find something useful. “Don’t touch anything.” Y/n repeats his warning to the two, knowing damn well that Soap will try to touch something he isn’t suppose too.
“If this place is so dangerous then why bring us here?” Ghost asks, standing behind Y/n who focused on the computer screen. “I didn’t drag you out here, you all got yourself involved.” He corrects the taller man, typing away while Ghost remained standing behind him.
Ghosts eyes cast over to the entrance where Leon spoke with Gaz and Price.
“You seem to be really close with your partner.”
“Yeah, and?” Y/n raises a brow.
“A little too close, I might say.”
Y/n scoffs lightly. “Am I hearing jealousy because that doesn’t suit you, but then again. I wouldn’t be surprised.” He digs into his pocket to pull out an empty USB that he connects to the system. “Besides, why do you even care? You didn’t show much care when we were together.” Y/n knows he’s right, when the two were together and dating it started off a bit rocky. There interactions were awkward and it became difficult for the two he spend time alone without being pulled out on missions or being disturbed by another teammate.
The two were together for a year but somehow, it never felt that long. Y/n was very young and he was head over heels for the man but after he got older he knew that it was all in his head and that his relationship was more of a situationship, being the one to try and make things work while Ghost didn’t put a lot of effort.
Y/n knew that they would soon break up over some dumb reason and ever after they split apart he was still heart broken.
“You know why I couldn’t.”
“Couldn’t or wouldn’t?” Y/n questions with a glare over his shoulder. “Admit it Ghost, you didn’t like our relationship—your rarely tried to make proper conversation or at least eat lunch or dinner together. I had to be the one to do that stuff and most of the time you were too busy to notice.” His fingers type away, finding a few hidden files that he’s quick to download.
“You think, Leon’s better?”
Y/n turns around in his seat, eyes full of anger. “He’s far better than you. At least he care about our relationship.”
“By putting you in danger?”
He laughs at Ghosts assumptions. “Ghost, even with you I was always in danger. I know I can get hurt with Leon too but at least we protect each other.” He turns back around to finish his work, taking the USB after downloading everything and coming to a stand. “I’ve got what I need, we can go.”
“Finally, this place gives me the creeps.” Said Soap who rushed out of the room with Y/n following behind.
“How long?” Ghosts deep voice catches Y/n attention, turning around to give him a confused look and ask. “What do you mean?”
“How long have you been together?”
“Why does that matter?”
Ghost steps forward, standing in front of him, there chests brushing up against each other. “In hopes of starting over and doing what’s right.”
Ghosts words cause a sad sigh to escape through Y/n’s nose, shaking his head sadly. “Five years.” He whispered, enough for him to hear as the older man hums. “Then in five years too late.”
“Yeah.” Y/n agreed to his words, taking a step back and turning around to head over to Leon. “I found a few things.” He lets Leon know who grins. “Told you you’d find something.” He nudged Y/n on the shoulder who pouts with a glare. “Next time you check, it’s not that easy.” He grumbled.
The two smiling at each other, happy to have each other.
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slasher-key · 1 year
All I Wanted (Charlie Walker)
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I’m back bitches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pairing: Charlie Walker x GN!! Reader
Warnings: None a few curse words  
You and Charlie have been dating, well, fake dating for almost a month. At first it was just to make Kirby jealous. It worked for a while, but she got over it quickly. So why are you both still together?
“Nothing beats the original Y/N, you cannot convince me that Friday the 13th 2009, is better than the original.” Charlie says, shoving a hand full of popcorn in his mouth. “I’m not trying to convince you, I’m just telling you that I prefer to watch that one because of Travis Van Winkle.” I reply, with a small laugh. Charlie and I have been doing horror movie nights since we were kids. Tonight we are watching the original Friday the 13th, and we have been arguing about the remake for half the movie already. “So you’re telling me you only like it for the guys?” Charlie asks “Well, no, but it is a plus, but I also like the Jason better, he’s scarier, faster, and he has better kills.” I reply. “Okay, fine I’ll give you that, but you can’t beat the original.” He says “whatever” I say, rolling my eyes at him. We go back to watching the movie and my mind drifts off.
I start to think about the past month, Charlie and I have been fake dating for about a month now. He asked me after a party where he found Kirby making out with some guy. It made him jealous, so he wanted to make her jealous. This lead him to buy all the snacks and pizza at our movie night, and ask me if I would help him make her jealous. We have been “together” for a month and Kirby hasn’t even blinked an eye toward him. But for some reason it feels very natural, it’s not awkward when he calls me pet names, or when he kisses me goodbye, even when he comes up behind me with his surprise hugs. It felt real sometimes, but then I have to remind myself that, it’s not. No matter how bad I want him.
“You okay love?” Charlie asks, I look over at him, and he has a concerned look on his face. “Yeah I’m fine, why do you ask?” I reply, trying my best to give off a weird vibe. “Well you didn’t do you usual rant about them killing off Kevin Bacon after his death scene, and you’ve barely touched any of the snacks I bought, I know how much you love your gummy worms,” He says. 
I didn’t reply. I couldn’t think of a lie fast enough. I can’t tell him I want to be his real girlfriend and not his fake one. Not only will it ruin what we have now, but he still likes Kirby. “Y/N just tell me what’s going on, I’m worried about you,” he says. whipping the few tears that fell from my eyes. I just want to yell at him and tell him “I’M IN LOVE WITH YOU STUPID”. Charlie’s eyes go wide “wait what?” he says, eyebrows furrowing together in confusion. “I didn’t mean to say that, Charlie I’m so sorry,” I say cutting him off. “No don’t be sorry, look at me and tell me what you meant, you don’t have to keep anything from me,” he says, lifting my chin with his finger to make me look at him. “Tell me Y/N” he says. here goes nothing.
“Well, I liked you for a long time when we were younger, but I didn’t want to mess up our friendship. Then we got to high school, and you had this huge crush on Kirby. So I wanted to help you so you could be happy, but now we’ve been doing this whole fake dating thing for almost a whole month, and I can’t take it anymore. It all feels so real, and I love it. But then I realize that it isn’t, and you’re not really mine. It’s all just for you to get with Kirby. So yeah my feeling are a little hurt, but it’s whatever as long as you get you happy ending with Kirby.” I ramble, I sound like a fucking idiot. But I needed to get that out. 
When I am done rambling, I look back at Charlie and he is smiling at me. “why are you smiling so hard?” I ask, confusion written on my face. “Okay, don’t kick my ass, but, the whole fake dating thing might or might not have been a way for me to get closer to you. yeah, at first I did have a small crush on Kirby. But the more we started hanging out and going on fake dates, and acting like a couple. The more I wanted it to be real, the more I wanted you to be mine. I will admit it was a dick move, but I didn’t know hot to tell you that I was madly in love with you, and I’m sorry.” Charlie rambles.
“So this whole time you were trying to get me to fall for you?” I ask “Pretty much, yes, I’m sorry I lied to you.” He replies. I could help myself, I grab Charlie’s face in my hands and pull him in for a kiss. A real one this time.
“So will you be my real girlfriend Y/N?” he says, when we pull away “Of course I will.” I say pulling him in for another kiss. 
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hope you enjoyed!!!!!!  
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wispscribbles · 3 months
hi i just discovered your beautiful art so i obviously needed to scroll down your whole blog to catch up on everything you posted haha
i just wanted to say that i got way too emotional after reading that post of yours regarding mw3 and your mental health… on one hand i’m so sorry that you felt that way, but on the other i feel it with my whole heart
ghoap content especially for me helped me these past few months with my mental health in ways i would never have expected, it was my solace and inspiration, i started working out too and got back into drawing, got a lot better at it as well!
but unfortunately i get way too fixated on fictional stuff and there comes a time that my brain switches up and connects the things i liked and comforted me with things that make me extremely uncomfortable and stressed out, especially if i fall down a fandom rabbit hole that i would never have searched up, beacuse i know myself, i know my limits and triggers but i feel like i’m not a part of the fandom if i don’t like and interact with every single headcanon, art and ship
these past days i was really down because of that, and the things i read (why did i do that???) and now when i think of ghoap i think of that stuff and im scared that i alienated myself from the one thing that made me happy
but discovering your art and with that your post reminded me that im not alone in these feelings, even if it’s not the same exactly, and i wanted to thank you, for sharing your thoughts that time i guess haha <33
((sorry for rambling))
Long reply under 'keep reading' !! CW: talk of triggers and MCD
Always feel free to ramble my way!!! How nice you could find some comfort in my art and ghoap stuff. Especially in my mw3 post. I've been considering deleting it a few times, but hearing it maybe helped to read in some way makes me happy I left it up.
I get where you're coming from - I very much use these fictional characters as a safe space, but ppl view them very differently. There's room for it all, "don't like, don't interact" is very much a policy I agree with. It's important to mute words and be aware of your own triggers as you browse stuff in this fandom, because there's such a wide variety of stuff out there. You do NOT have to interact and agree with every thought people have on this ship, that's impossible and super stressful. There's plenty of stuff and headcanons I don't vibe with. There are no 'requirements' that you have to meet in order to enjoy fiction.
It's part of why I enjoy ghoap - that their dynamic resonates and has sparked so much creativity and outlets for so many - but it also means there's gonna be a lot of stuff u don't necessarily agree with or feel comfortable with. For example, a lot of folks use the MCD in mw3 as a way to explore grief, which I think is really cool, but on a bad day that could potentially get my brain in a bad headspace, so I only check out that art and those fics when I feel okay. There's also a bunch of stuff I'd never want to interact with, and that’s fine !!
I'm personally quite vanilla and a sucker for exploring the softer, more domestic aspects of these characters. It's what brings me joy. I know there are parts of this fandom who don’t vibe with what I make at all, and would call it untrue to the characters. Some creators enjoy exploring the more violent or toxic sides to the source material. That's just how it is, we all need different things from fiction. As long as we're capable of chilling in our respective sandboxes, then all's good.
But if you're like me, and enjoy the softer things, then definitely be aware and careful while exploring this ship and fandom. I've seen takes on these characters that are so far removed from how I view them, that they're basically the complete opposite, and it can leave a very bad taste, especially if you're the type to hinge your safe space on fiction.
Just... be mindful of yourself and your potential triggers, be respectful and don't interact with things that make you uncomfortable to the point of feeling unsafe. Shape your own online experience to your best ability.
Hope you're doing okay and still find joy in ghoap <3
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britcision · 4 months
New day new conspiracy to be unhinged about woooooo
This right here.
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The moment where Kabru reveals he’s Milsiril’s baby boy (and more relevantly the last survivor of Utaya)
Kabru telling them that he actually wanted to enlist in the Canaries directly, but couldn’t because of the racial barrier. How true that is……. Well let’s say I’m sure he wanted to when he was little, buuuuut by the time he left it wasn’t that they wouldn’t let him
And tbh the reason why is very much the next panel:
The Canaries learn he’s Milsiril’s little boy and immediately fucking claim him as theirs, asking if he’s been eating well, if he wants cake, telling him to cheer up and smile sometimes
It is notably the convicts, especially Otta and Fleki although Cithis has been leading the conversation; Pattadol is not in frame and Mithrun ruins all their fun by staying on track
Kabru is not 30 seconds out of saying he was raised by their vice commander before he is being babied, and there’s a fun read of just “well this is our child now we must care for him for Milsiril hello new nephew”
But. Given what we later learn Milsiril’s care is actually like. The room where Kabru could eat all the cake that he wanted, that he never ever wanted to return to even when freezing and starving.
Where she gave him such arduous and extensive sword training he thought he would die, with the stated intent of showing him how bad it could be to make him give up and stay with her forever.
“Wanna eat some cake” is suddenly a much darker comment, and doesn’t have a directional bubble, so I’mma pin it on Cithis on general Sketchy Bitch vibes
Now, that only makes sense if these folks know Milsiril directly, or have some way to know what her home life is like for her adoptees
(Or Cithis can read minds which let’s be honest absolutely no one needs to be true but she deserves it)
But. So does that immediate tonal shift
“Oh, you’re Milsiril’s kid. Now we care about you beyond being an interruption.”
We know Pattadol is on her very first mission. We know Cithis has been responsible for Mithrun’s care for long enough while he’s back on active duty that she gets bored of her new doll.
(And that she only started respecting him after they acquired Pattadol, whiiiiich. He got back to active duty 14 years ago. None of the other Canaries got their own timeline, but he’s also had long enough to have an established track record of getting his warden partners killed
When Flamela assigns Cithis to his wellbeing, she pretty clearly knows the extent of his caretaking issues, and this whole section of the timeline is fuzzy, but it is specifically Pattadol who is the first to tempt Cithis into telling Mithrun to hurt her
And specifically not until after he refuses that she begins to respect him)
Milsiril has been retired for the same 14 year period, taking Kabru and for some reason one of her own Canary convicts home with her, but she served with Mithrun when he initially became a Dungeon Lord 40 years pre series… and most of that squad died in Mithrun’s dungeon
(Also his lover became a snake person at some point for some reason sooooo monsterfucker ahoy)
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(We know that’s the lover from both Mithrun’s initial vision and his Adventurer’s Bible comic which identifies his brother as the one with the short hair. Presumably they were not always a snake?)
None of the names he gave Kabru in his backstory refer to any of his current party members
Otta and Fleki mention Milsiril in Otta’s comic when teasing Otta about being a pedophile because she only dates halffoot women and breaks up with them when they turn 30
(This being past middle age for halffoots, who become adults at 13 and live to around 50; Chilchuck is 29.
One might expect… say… visible signs of aging to show up around 30. Reminders of how little time they have left. Although, frankly, how much free time does Otta actually have to be dating outside of work???? They’re so shorthanded Mithrun made captain the minute he could serve after Utaya)
Ahem. We digress.
Otta’s reaction (directly saying Milsiril treats shorter lived people like pets while she loves them as individuals, which Kabru Does Not Deny) might be because she’s seen Milsiril’s behaviour directly, or just being sick of the comparison. Hard to say, but Milsiril already doesn’t like elves
No, the conspiracy theory today is that CITHIS in particular has worked with Milsiril between Mithrun being rescued and Utaya’s destruction, possibly with Fleki and Otta
They’re all close to Mithrun’s age so there’s a very real possibility they were serving when Utaya fell, and either were lucky enough not to get sent there (there are so many dungeons in the world) or unlucky enough not to retire in the aftermath
Dumping Mithrun with Milsiril’s survivors makes perfect sense - the two had served together as wardens and Milsiril Barest Possible Minimum took a personal interest in Mithrun returning to duty after Utaya
She’s the one getting him to take his first steps and tells him she’ll get him back in a dungeon
Milsiril, known hater of elves, left the Canaries on good enough terms with her convicts to take one with her (Helki, shown in Mithrun’s story and Kabru’s training flashbacks - the only other survivor we know of from Mithrun’s dungeon)
And these particular convicts immediately brighten up knowing that Kabru is one of Milsiril’s; he’s in a very different position from Mithrun, who basically has direct power over their lives and deaths, but if you have a potentially unstable new captain who’s gonna be extra dependent on his convicts coming in…
Well, it’d be nice if the convicts have a reason beyond “well if both of our wardens die we can’t use magic so we will too” to keep him alive and moving
Note: they did at some point hand him directly over to fucking Cithis, who has an established track record of wrapping her captains around her little finger and doing whatever the fuck she wants anyway
(To the point that she’s left and “rejoined” the Canaries multiple times, and her behaviour with Mithrun is considered her having calmed down… while actively trying to have him hurt his subordinate wardens and plotting to kill Pattadol)
So. Not. Y’know. Convinced that anyone necessarily was thinking that particular assignment through. Although you could argue that they were just heading off the inevitable and letting her know this one is high maintenance
Tl;dr: Mithrun’s a monsterfucker, this is established fact and not a conspiracy theory
Kabru’s been adopted by the Canaries the second they know who his mom is, which may explain why no one actually tries to stop him when he grabs Mithrun later despite him not having a weapon
(Fear of Milsiril finding out they’ve hurt her boy > rescuing Mithrun or later even stopping Kabru from helping Laios repeatedly)
And Cithis, Fleki, and possibly Otta worked directly with Milsiril at one point before Utaya, which is why Mithrun was given them specifically - he was one of Milsiril’s projects too, Milsiril’s personal involvement unclear
How much this has to do with Mithrun getting all his warden comrades killed but apparently not his convicts: unclear
(Still bet Cithis “helped” with the warden before Pattadol)
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v3nusxsky · 4 months
hey! could I request a nsfw work for Emily prentiss / nb! reader (afab)
im really bad at requesting stuff so I’m just gonna make a list I hope that’s okay!!
After a really tough case you just need Emily to take all control and fuck you senselessly and she agrees but also she is concerned about you and makes sure you’re okay
dom Emily and sub reader (bdsm vibes) Emily is hard dom but also really soft and caring, she instantly switches from “using” the reader’s body and degrading them to showering them with kisses and compliments
safe word use (love me some good communication!)
overstimulation kink / multiple orgasms!
mommy kink
praise kink
no strap on stuff please!
aftercare (fluff :)
thank uuu <3
Mommy has you baby 18+
*Authors note~ felt like our em deserved a bit of love too Yano? Yea I'm writing fics instead of uni just to cope and then finishing it off on the train 😭*
Trigger warnings~ mommy kink praise kink degrading sub r dom Emily safe word use aftercare thigh riding eating out fingering tribbing overstim
Prompt~see aak^^^
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This case was a rough one for you, it's not uncommon that a case would get an agent a little more than normal, especially when it held a personal tie to their lives or past. For you, it was poor girls who'd lost their lives just for being who they were. And by a "friend" none the less was heartbreaking. Reminding you of the time where you were almost one of those girls but thankfully you had been taught to defend yourself at your FBI academy.
The blank stare you held the entire plane ride told Emily one thing. You needed her. You needed to feel, to be pulled from the memories of the past to the present. And luckily, Emily knew just what she needed to do for you. Unfortunately , this wasn't either of your first rodeos for needing this sort of help and support. And you'd develop a code to show consent. So it was to no surprise that when Emily asked you if you wanted to "reset" that you nodded silently and made your way to the car.
After your silent drive with your girlfriend you immediately got out of the car and made your way inside to your bedroom. Emily knowing you needed space pottered around shutting the house up and preparing for what was to come. When she made her way to the room you were stripped bare, much like your emotions, on your knees for her. She loves to make you sit pretty for your mommy, head down with your hands on your knees while she stalked around the room in heels. A clear display of dominance.
"What do you need sweetheart?" She held her authoritative tone to show you she expected an answer. "Mommy to make it better" you whimpered still not moving from where you were stationed. "Well then why don't you be a good little slut and fucking earn my help" Emily growled moving to out a head in your heat and tugging it, causing you to yelp out but follow her lead. "Oh don't whine! You know you love it, a little pain slut is all you are."
Next thing you knew you were being pushed onto the bed and your lover straddling your thigh. "Flex" she demanded before starting to grind her hips downwards to seek friction. I'm a constant to her degrading words her smooth hands were constantly touching your skin. It didn't matter if it was your pretty tits or your arms the touch remains light and gentle. "Oh you are a good slut for mommy, letting mommy use your pretty body for my pleasure. Isn't that right my sweet girl?" She mewled as her hips began to lose their rhythm. Knowing she was close you sat up to latch on to her rose bud and sucked harshly. Exactly how she liked, causing her to cum hard. Like a mindless doll you allowed Emily to work her way through the first orgasm of the night, happy to serve. Emily made quick work of shredding any remaining barriers preventing you from being skin to skin.
The raven haired woman shifted to her knees before licking where she'd drenched your thigh, bitting the silky smooth skin just the right amount to draw some blood. "Mommy wants to play with her doll now baby, can you be a good girl for me?" She murmured in between soothing the bit and pressing open mouthed kisses to each thigh. "Yes mommy" you whined  before Emily took a bold swipe of your soaking slit. "Oh! Mmm" you mewled giving Emily all the encouragement she needed to lap at your pussy like a starving woman.
"Let me hear those pretty moans sweet girl. Moan for mommy. I want to hear those pretty noises when you cum for me" Emily mumbled into your cunt, the vibrations sending you over the edge and rewarding her efforts as you mewled in pleasure. Only when she was sure she'd got all her reward did she pull away from your core, chin glistening in your arousal and cum mixed together. "Check in baby" she whispered coming to press sweet kisses all across your chest, up your neck, to your cheek, eyes and nose before your plump lips.
"Emerald" you panted out. Laying beneath her with your pupils blown wide and a beautiful flush over your neck and there swells of your breasts. "Greedy whore tonight" she mused before trailing her fingers south of your body to your sensitive clit. "Mommy!" You whimpered as she made contact. "Oh hush, you'll take what mommy gives you, gosh you're practically a bitch in heat with all this filth down here. A whore for your co-worker, doesn't that make you feel ashamed dirty girl" Emily teased you while her fingers trailed your folds before slamming into your awaiting hole.
The shame only aided the bubble of arousal to grow in your stomach as your love hit the right spot inside your spongy walls with each stroke. Effortlessly she had you close to the edge within minutes and begging for her to let you cum. "Such a fucking whore" she mumbled with a roll of her eyes but never slowing her pace, "be a good cumslut and cum now bitch!" Emily growled her left hand digging into your hips hard enough to leave bruises for days.
"Shh darling, you did so good my love, so good. One more okay one more" she murmured over and over as you rode the pleasurable waves. "No mommy! Can't do more please" you cried well and truly on your way to where you needed to be mentally. You knew your safe word and when to use it which is why Emily manhandled your body to be on top of her own. "Such a slut. Move your fucking ass!" She grumbled smacking your thigh which caused you to adjust into the position she wanted. You couldn't help but sigh as you felt the warmth radiating from her core. "Mommy" you mewled softly as you slowly began to rock your hips against hers.
To be gracious, Emily let you have a few minutes of pathetically rutting against her before she changed the position muttering that you were no more than a useless slut who couldn't even do something so simple. From there on Emily took control of the pace and made sure you could feel everything. "Lavender!" You sobbed through gasps causing everything to halt. "Okay sweet girl, all done, no more. My good girl."
Nothing else mattered to Emily Prentiss apart from you in this moment. She had to make sure you were okay. Instinctively, she moved to cuddle you up into her bare chest and rub your back as you sobbed. Your body shook for minutes until you managed to gain a bit of control. "Mommy?" You muttered into her skin, "I'm sorry." Those two words single handedly broke her heart, "oh sweet girl, you have nothing to apologise for, mommy is so proud of her girl. You did so well for me darling, my pretty girl I couldn't be more proud or in love with you. Mommy is here okay?"
Some time passed before Emily attempted to gently shift away from you, "mommy needs to clean her precious girl up and then we can get into bed and snuggle okay baby?" You nodded in understanding and tried to hide the whimpers when the cool wash cloth hit your over sensitive folds. "All done my girl" Emily murmured quickly ridding herself of the cloth and joining you in the warm bed. "Thank you Emi" you murmured when she gathered you in her arms again. "Always baby, no matter what you need." And that was how it would always be, no matter what you needed Emily would move heaven and earth to give it to you.
Word count ~ 1488
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jungshookz · 1 year
jimin's kind of a dickhead & y/n is very close to losing it
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➺ pairing; park jimin x reader // dickhead!jimin x TA!y/n 
➺ genre; clearly i’m in my university!au era (can u blame me)!! honk honk humour!! do i smell enemies to lovers?? clichés clichés clichés but who around here isn’t a sucker for a good cliché!! let me indulge!!
➺ wordcount; 3.5k
➺ summary; y/n’s a teaching assistant for the summer semester’s english class and she thinks she’d have a much more pleasant time if one of the students wasn’t an obnoxiously-huge-sunglasses-wearing-comes-to-class-fashionably-late park jimin.  
➺ what to expect;  “you look way too young to be an actual TA. or at least a TA who knows what they’re doing.” 
➺ currently spinning on the record player; popular (with playboy carti & madonna) — the weeknd
»»————- 📚 ————-««
you’re not sure if you’ve ever been this nervous for something before. 
it’s not that you don’t know how to speak in front of a large crowd or you have stage fright or something like that, but after working your way up and finally landing the position as a TA for your english professor, the fact that you have to speak in front of a big group of students close to your age and have them actually respect you didn’t hit you up until now, ten minutes before class starts
and you feel like you’re about to simultaneously piss your pants and shit a brick at the same time. 
you spent nearly forty minutes this morning picking out an outfit because you wanted to wear something that said “i’m professional, but i’m still cool and casual and you can talk to me about anything BUT there’s still a line that you can’t cross with me because i’m the TA and i’m not just one of you guys even though i kind of am one of you guys” and to be honest, there wasn’t a lot in your closet that screamed specifically that 
you ended up going with a pair of bootcut jeans and a tank top with a light cardigan over top: professional, but still approachable… at least, you hope that’s the vibe you give off. 
“okay, y/n…” you mutter, looking at your reflection in your little compact mirror to make sure your eyeliner isn’t smudging and there are no remnants of your breakfast croissant in your teeth, “‘hi everyone, i’m y/n, i graduated last year but i’m in my first year at our school’s grad program… really excited to get to know everyone this semester! promise i’ll take it easy on you when i’m grading your papers…’” you recite neatly, nodding to yourself in content
that’s a good way to introduce yourself, right? 
it’s lighthearted but you’re still reminding all the students that they have to be on their best behaviour and they should be handing in their best work 
“god.” you snap your compact shut and slip it back into your purse, leaning back against the wall and reaching up to adjust your glasses 
…but what if they think you’re trying too hard to get them to like you? 
this feels like you’re about to go out on a first date with eighty people all at the same time 
and now that you think about it, you don’t feel like you’re going to shit a brick — you feel like you’re about to shit out an entire house. 
“good morning, y/n!”
“professor kim! good morning!” you stand up from the bench when professor kim walks in through the doors, offering him warm smile and straightening your posture a little, “i got here earlier than i’d expected and i wasn’t sure where to go so i thought i’d just meet you at your office, sorry about that…”
professor kim seokjin had been your english professor from second year up to when you graduated, and after you told him that you were planning on continuing your studies and that you’d been accepted into your school’s graduate program, he made the generous offer to take you under his wing as his TA for the summer semester 
you took the opportunity, of course, not just because becoming a TA would look really good on your resume, but also because you genuinely enjoy professor kim’s company and his classes are never boring (and it certainly doesn’t hurt that kim seokjin is very nice to look at) 
and to be honest, you didn’t have much planned for the summer in the first place so it’d be good to make a little money and get some teaching experience 
“what are you sorry for? the early bird catches the worm, you know what they say,” he beams, nodding towards the exit, “are you ready for your first official class as my TA?”
“i am!” you lie, forcing a bright smile on your face as you walk alongside him, “i mean- i’m- i’m a little nervous, but i… it should be fun! and summer classes usually aren’t as big of a size as the fall semester classes, so that’s easing my nerves a bit…” 
“don’t worry, you’ll be great! and because this is our first class, you really won’t have to do much. i’m just going over the syllabus and then we’ll move onto a few writing exercises — and you’re right, summer class sizes are much smaller than the ones in the fall semester. there are only 80 students.” professor kim flicks his wrist casually and your eyes widen in surprise
eighty students
eighty sets of eyeballs staring right at you 
you weren’t expecting eighty students — maybe, like twenty at the most
it’s summer!!! why the hell are people going to summer school?!
“eighty!” your voice cracks slightly and you clear your throat quickly before letting out a light chuckle, “right! i knew that. eighty.” you adjust your backpack over your shoulder as you trail alongside professor kim, chewing on the inside of your cheek anxiously 
“and all you have to do today is introduce yourself and then walk around the auditorium and tend to any raised hands. honestly, you’re going to be fine. you were a fantastic student and i’m sure you’ll be a fantastic TA.” 
“thank you, professor.” you smile shyly, feeling a little more confident knowing that professor kim thinks you’re going to be a fantastic TA
he’s right
you have nothing to worry about 
you’re going to be great and this summer semester is going to be even better! 
»»————- 📚 ————-««
you can feel your heart thrumming away in your chest as you stand in the corner by the front, keeping a polite smile on your face as the students begin to trickle in and the auditorium starts to fill up 
a few of them smile at you and a few of them don’t, which is what you expected so you’re not taking anything personally 
(of course, there was a group of students who looked at you and then muttered something to each other and looked back at you, but you’re trying not to hyper-fixate on whatever the hell that was) 
((you will hyper-fixate on it in the privacy of your own apartment after class)) 
you have to admit that during your time as an undergraduate student, you usually never really noticed the TA and you were more focused on finding a spot in the auditorium or finding your friends 
so maybe you really don’t need to be as nervous as you are right now! 
you force yourself to stop clicking your pen anxiously before shoving it into the back pocket of your jeans, holding your hands in front of you as you continue to smile and say a few quite hi there’s and hello, hi’s as the students walk past you 
a few more minutes of settling in goes by and you’re not sure what to do as you stand up at the front, occasionally looking over to see what professor kim’s up to 
his back is turned to the students as he busies himself with connecting his laptop to the big screen up front and you would help out but you already offered at the beginning but he said he could handle it so… 
“alright, everyone! welcome to english 405… settle down, please… thank you…” professor kim claps his hands together a few times to get everyone’s attention, the voices from the crowd dying out little by little, “thank you so much for being here! i know summer classes aren’t exactly ideal, but i promise our time together won’t feel like a giant drag in the mud.” he smiles, leaning back against the table as he folds his sleeves up to his elbows, “now, i see a few familiar faces in the crowd because i’ve had you in some of my classes last semester, but for those of you who don’t know me, my name is seokjin. you can call me professor kim or just professor if you’d like. you can’t call me seokjin or jin or man or my G or whatever the hell else you people are calling each other nowadays because i worked far too hard for my PhD for a 20-something year old to think it’s okay to come up to me and call me ‘dawg’.” 
you can’t help but giggle with the class at professor kim’s introduction as you settle into your seat by the front, crossing one leg over the other and leaning back comfortably (you’re reminded that because you’re at the front and can be perceived by people that you should probably sit properly and not like a boiled shrimp) 
“now, to be honest, i don’t have too much planned for our first class together just because it is the first class, so we’ll most likely cover the syllabus, do a few writing exercises to warm up those thinking caps, look over the reading list- that should’ve been emailed to you two weeks before classes started, so if you didn’t get that email, please let me or my lovely TA know-“ professor kim turns towards you with a smile before gesturing to you, “speaking of my lovely TA, would you like to introduce yourself?” 
“i-“ before you get the chance to stand up from your seat, the auditorium doors swing open and smack against the walls, causing you to jolt in surprise and for everyone to turn back and look at who the hell is being so disruptive, “i…” 
whoever he is has a pair of giant sunglasses on as he trots down the steps, clearly not in a rush, an iced americano in one hand and a laptop tucked underneath his armpit 
an oversized black hoodie hangs on his figure along with a pair of ripped jeans, and you can’t help but frown because on one hand, it’s fine to be late if you come in and take a seat in the back quietly (you’ve been late to more than a few lectures because of a missed alarm, but you always try to be as courteous as you can as to not disrupt the class because you’re a decent human being), but practically kicking the door down and then making the auditorium steps your own runway is another thing 
“jimin! so nice of you to join us this morning.” professor kim clears his throat, and you watch as this jimin guy takes a seat right in front of where your seat is off to the side, “i was wondering when you were going to show up.” 
“what, i’m not late, am i?” jimin checks the time on his watch before taking his sunglasses off, leaning over and tossing it onto your seat, “it’s 9:06, prof.” 
“surprised you even showed up at all.” professor kim mutters under his breath before reaching over to gently tap you on the shoulder, “sorry about that- please, go ahead and introduce yourself now that all of us, hopefully, are here.”  
“i, uh- yes, thank you, professor-“ you clear your throat with a polite smile, turning back to face the front even though you find your eyes flickering over to glance at jimin, “i’m y/n and i’m super excited to get to know all of you this semester! i graduated last year but i’m in my first year of our school’s graduate program. and i’ll promise to be nice when i’m grading your papers if you promise that you won’t hand in any bad papers.” you try to bite back the shit-eating grin on your face when that gets a laugh from the audience and you press your lips together (jimin, you notice, hasn’t even cracked a smile), taking a small step back before turning to look at professor kim for your next move 
“yes, y/n will be the one who’ll hand your papers back to you and she’ll be the one who deals with your ‘can you bump my 65 up to a 98’  requests, so please be nice to her…” the class laughs again and you’re reminded of why you loved being in professor kim’s classes so much, because he’s such a charmer! “does anyone have any questions for y/n?” 
“not a question, just an observation-” jimin chimes in, leaning back against the seats as he runs a hand through his hair, “you look way too young to be an actual TA. or at least a TA who knows what they’re doing.” 
“i- well, sorry to disappoint, but i am a TA.” you chuckle lightly, eyes narrowing slightly, “and i can assure you i know what i’m doing.” 
“alright, we’ll see about that.” jimin raises both hands in defence and you can’t help but feel your eye twitch at how much of an asshole he’s being despite literally not knowing you at all 
“by the way, class starts at 9, not 9:06.” you force a smile on your face, “not a question, just an observation.” you hear a couple of ‘oh, shit’s’ and low ‘oooooh’s’ from the crowd and you have to remind yourself to keep it professional because the last thing you want is to look like you’re bullying the students in front of professor kim 
jimin’s jaw ticks as he shifts in his seat, “right, thanks. i’ll keep that in mind.” 
“alright. we’ll see about that.” you shove his own words right back into his face again before turning to look back at the class, your smile softening significantly 
“if there are no other questions or observations for y/n, let’s get started!” professor kim jumps in before anyone else gets the chance to say anything and you can’t help but feel a little bit of relief because one more second and you probably would’ve said something out of pocket like how massive jimin’s sunglasses are and how it makes him look as though one of santa’s elves escaped from the north pole and decided to go all wannabe emo, “now, i hate technology so i’ve printed the syllabuses out which will be handed out to you by y/n…” 
you immediately snap into TA mode, turning around to pick the stack of syllabuses up from the table and cradling them to your chest, splitting them into sections so you can hand them out to the students at the end of the rows for them to hand them down the line 
for the most part, everyone seems very nice and well-behaved, and you get a few compliments on your cardigan or your earrings or your glasses as you continue to hand the papers out (you’re pretty sure it’s because everyone’s trying to get on your good side so that when they beg you to change their grade on a paper you will, but you’re not that easy to bribe) but you find the smile fading on your face as you walk down the steps only to see jimin with an arm raised lazily in the air
the rings on his fingers twinkle slightly under the bright auditorium lights and you can’t help but notice how pretty his hands are
…they would be prettier if he wasn’t such a jackass 
“jimin! how can i help you?” you press your lips together, resisting the urge to pretend like you never saw his arm and just keep walking 
“could i get another one?” jimin asks, raising the copy of the syllabus he has to show you, “the staple on this one is weirdly wonky.” 
“is that so? so sorry about that, i can get you another one if you can just give me a sec…” you decide to play nice considering the fact there’s always a TA evaluation at the end of each semester and you don’t know jimin but he seems like the type to completely rip someone apart in an anonymous evaluation
“i’m guessing you stapled them?”
“i did.” you nod, making your way over to your bag before bending over to dig through it for your spare copies
“hm.” jimin tilts his head slightly as his gaze drops to your ass, “makes sense.”
to be perfectly honest, he couldn’t give less of a shit about the wonky staple on his syllabus 
he just didn’t like that dig you made at him about being six minutes late (six minutes isn’t even that big of a deal, you’re so obviously a teacher’s pet and he hates eager little teacher’s pets) so now he’s made it his mission to make this class a big ol’ nightmare for you for the rest of the semester 
and sure, he can admit that you’re actually pretty attractive and he could see himself hitting on you if he met you at a bar or a club or something, but you’re his TA and you’re a stickler for rules so that kind of kills the vibe
…well, that’s not entirely true
there’s something about you being his TA that’s making his stomach swirl and he can’t really blame himself when his brain conjures up the image of him bending you over your desk as a way to bribe you to give him a higher grade on his papers because he’s certainly not planning on investing a lot of time or effort in this class since it’s just an elective 
jimin shifts in his seat as he watches you crouch down so you can dig into your bag even more, your waist dipping and curving out into your hips quite nicely from this angle 
he’s totally going to get you fold for him and convince you to give him a good grade by the end of the semester.
his tongue pokes out to swipe over his bottom lip at the thought of him coming to see you after hours (because of course you’re going to make an exception for him and allow him to see you at any time he wants, he’ll make sure of it) and again, he can’t blame anyone but himself when he can practically hear you moaning for his dick in his head (“what’s that, baby? you gonna bump me up to an eighty or am i gonna have to do a little more convincing?” “e-eighty, i’ll- ah- i’ll bump you up to an eighty, i-i will-“) 
“here you go! a fresh copy for you.” jimin is rudely yanked from his fantasy when you suddenly shove a fresh copy of a syllabus in his face for him to take, “sorry that took me a minute, i have a lot of papers in my bag…”  
“you’re good, y/n.” jimin smiles up at you as he takes the paper from you, “thank you for finding another copy for me. and i’m sorry about that comment i made earlier about you looking too young to be a TA, i was just being a shithead. i’m sure you could tell by the way the prof talked to me that this isn’t my first rodeo.”
you blink rapidly in surprise and almost immediately jimin can tell the wall you had up crumbles away as you give him a genuine smile in return, “oh! no problem at all, thank you for apologizing… i’m- i’m sorry i called you out on being late to class, i just- yeah, didn’t appreciate the comment you made about me-“
“oh, no, i totally get it. i would do the same thing if i were in your shoes. your comebacks were really clever. i would’ve laughed but i didn’t wanna give you the win.” jimin teases with a boyish grin and you find yourself blushing at his compliment 
maybe you were too quick to judge him so quickly 
and even if he hadn’t come to class late and made a dig at you, you can’t deny the fact that the man is absolutely gorgeous 
“alright, well- oh, coming!” you nod, raising your hand slightly to acknowledge one of the students in the back when you see them raise their hand before looking back down at jimin, “lemme know if you need anything.”
“oh, i will. thank you, y/n.” there’s almost a playful glint that flashes in jimin’s eyes and you nod again before heading up the stairs, your heart skipping a beat in your chest 
very interesting
🎙️ compliment y/n’s regular-sized glasses or make fun of jimin’s giant sunglasses (talk to my characters!) 
📚 why not explore the rest of the library while you're here? (full fics!) 
💫 or perhaps you want something shorter to read? (drabbles and mini series!)
🌟 or something even shorter? (teeny tidbits!) 
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oddlittlestories · 5 days
So I have finished season 1 of d20 fantasy high (freshman year).
First of all I am SO sad it was so short. Like the episodes were long, I’m cool there. I’m just sad it only felt like half a season at most. Just as things were warming up it was over.
I think I’ve said before that it feels like the way I run DnD campaigns but it *does*
Brennan Lee Mulligan is 100% on the side of the players and characters. Like he’s rooting for them 100%
And as things develop it is also clear that this story is built around the characters and not the other way around
Like I totally get why people love actual plays that are Dramatic and Big and Intricate and Epic Fantasy
But I spent most of my time as a player dreaming of a game that was structured around the PCs instead of us just having to play within the DMs world. It’s what I bring as a DM and it’s so the vibe FH gives me.
And it’s improvised! Like I can tell! Brennan Lee Mulligan obviously spends an enormous amount of time planning, it’s true. But when it comes to the moment, if something else is better—he does that!
Generic characters get turned into genuine NPCs. Like. There’s no way that the halfling family were meant to be anything more than a bit part. There’s just not. They remind me at the start of that little Dutch family in the commercial about learning English—the cute, polite ones dancing to the deeply explicit song. And then the players get invested. Ask if they’re gonna make it, if they’re okay, etc etc
And Brennan’s first response has such “that’s not our story” vibes.
And then he rethinks and he brings them back to check on the kids. And at some point he either thought “ooh this is gonna be funny” or “what kind of person would actually go pick up a group of kids fighting a gang to the death in the street?” And he just amps it up to eleven. It’s great.
And that whole halfling encounter leads to the ice cream shop with the super vivid ice cream elemental character. Did Brennan have that character in his back pocket? Possibly. He could’ve developed a bunch of shops in town. But I’ll tell you that I’ve improvised characters that my players found just as memorable. And now they’re going for ice cream again so it’s gonna be A Thing
And then T-Bone, the bouncer! There is no way this character was meant to be anything other than a bit obstacle, and now he works at their school. Because it was important to the PCs. I’ve seen any number of DMs, actual play and otherwise, who shut that stuff down. “Oh no the school isn’t really appropriate.” “You don’t think this will get anywhere with Goldenhorde.” Or finding another job posting to shuttle the character off. But the players want it so the players get it.
And Brennan is constantly throwing out these little details that just beg for character empathy. T-Bone’s sick dog. How the necromancer kid loved his little rat, named himself after emancipation, and wanted so desperately for the cemetery caretaker to like him. Those throwaway lines about Johnny Spells’ gang- “how’s his home life? It’s–it’s bad!” and “yeah they all had names, and backstories [starts listing them off]”
I’ve never seen another actual play where the players and DMs have DnD bits. Where it’s like. Funny but also we’re taking it seriously.
Idk. I’m probably not describing it the best but it’s just exactly how I love to play & run games and it feels so Genuine to my experiences where most actual plays just don’t connect
Also I love love love the characters and story
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bronx-bomber87 · 4 months
Happy Monday wonderful fandom :) I can’t believe we’ve reached the finale I’m in shock we're here. This has been my side hobby for 9 plus months. I started these to get through the extended hiatus. I wasn’t even sure anyone would even read them. The response I got was so lovely. I adore this fandom. So welcoming to any new Chenford content.
So thank you to everyone who’s read these especially those who've been with me since the very beginning. I can’t explain how much it has meant to me. Whether it was likes, reblogs or comments. Special shout out to my tumblr bestie @makeitastrength and @northern-neighbor You both commented on every single one of these. Thank you so much for your insight and sticking with me this entire time. Means more than you'll ever know.
I’m planning to do mini reviews during this new season. Then this same kind of thing during our hiatus hopefully we’ll have S7 locked in by then. *fingers crossed* I finished this before S6 which was my goal. We are only 8 days away which is unreal. Eeeee. Let us get started.
5x22 Under Siege
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This episode starts off with all kinds of anxiety. Aaron and Celina kill me with not calling the noise in WHY.... Why didn’t you call it in? Ugh. Celina lying on top of Aaron protecting him till they arrive. Rip my damn heart out right off the bat why don't ya? I’m going to cry. I love Tim and Lucy showing up to the scene together. They’re clearly off shift and showing up to the scene with each other. I love these little details they make my heart so happy.
They’re a packaged deal now and I couldn’t be happier about it. Also like to note looks like Lucy is wearing one of his jackets. Maybe they were at his place when they got the call? The sleeves look long on her and I adore it. Basically living together at this point. I can’t get over it. Just casually showing up to scenes now. Ain’t no thang. This thought is where I live till S6 LOL
Anyways Tim says he heard it was Aaron. Grey confirms this is true. GSW to the back. Looks like the same spot Jackson was shot. Eerily so. Three masked men and they were ambushed. The painful parallels to Jackson’s death in this one getting me in the feels. Grey has them start to work the scene. Lucy looks incredibly upset but is trying to keep it in check. Probably feeling the Jackson vibes too.
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Our couple arrives at the hospital with an update. Once again arriving together. I love the quick looks we get as they approach. That silent communication of their's ever present. Also she is wearing the necklace I must comment. It’s popping against that shirt she is wearing. Like to also point out how look at each other while the other speaks. It’s the little things I love so very much. Getting massive 4x01 vibes from this scene too. Reminding me of the scene is Wes's living room night after the hug. The height difference, the way Lucy is looking at Tim as he speaks. United front power couple vibes.
So much can change and things like this stay the same I love it. They’re reporting back their CI’s have nothing. No one has heard back about a gang targeting cops. Lucy has also hit a dead end with the masks. Their next idea was Elijah but Tim says nothing out of prison confirming that. Angela and Wes are working on the riddle. Grey tells them to head home they’re not getting anywhere tonight. Once they've all left Grey turning to Luna saying he can lose another. Ugh getting me in the feels so early in this episode. More Jackson feels.
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Lucy and Tim get home late. The minute they’re back Lucy’s walls are down. Tim can see how upset she is. Another great callback to 4x01. To that hug. Only this time Lucy doesn’t have to ask for it. Tim seeks her out. See’s how now that they're home her work walls are down. She is visibly wrecked and can't hold back the tears any longer. I love how he pulls her right into his arms. Being the exact comfort she needs in this moment. He can't stand to see her upset. Wanting to make it better.
Tim grabbing her instantly is so lovely. Lucy crashes into him and falls apart. He gets to comfort as much as she needs now. How very far we’ve come. It’s been a beautiful journey to this point. Lucy is ready to fall apart in her safe place. Knowing Tim will be there pick up the pieces. Shield her from the PTSD this must be bringing up for her. I love how he encases her fully. One hand around her back the other gently cradling her head to his chest.
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Tim closing his eyes wanting to absorb her sadness. The swaying and his chin on top of her head. *squee* I love her being fully enclosed in his arms. Also never be over the fact Eric improvised the kiss to her head. Forever squeeing about that fact. Our ship King is the best. Oh captain my captain. How damn intimate and sweet it is as he does as such. Then resting his head back on hers. Telling her ‘It’s ok.’ His hand in her hair rubbing her back soothingly. I cannot. Lucy was alone last time. Grieved alone and dealt with everything solo.
Now she never has to be alone again and I wanna cry at that thought. Getting emotional at how beautiful this hug is. Lovely ray of sunshine in a rather dark finale. I love this scene so much it made my chest hurt. You want to see outstanding chemistry in a short amount of time? Watch this scene. Melissa and Eric are glorious together. We truly are so lucky to have them as our ship. This is such a soft and gentle moment.
Tim pulling her in and wanting to comfort her has me all in my feels. Lucy has this wonderful man to catch her when she falls now. To be able to absolutely come apart in his arms. Knowing he’ll be there to comfort and keep her together when she does. Gah I love them so much. Also A + to whoever does the music. The song in this moment is adding to the emotional depth of the scene. Amazingly good. It’s been so on point in this season. They need a raise whoever does this.
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They finally have some suspects to track down. Violent felons that have connection to the station and to them as a group. Lucy offers to check on one by herself. Grey says no and Tim offers to go with her. Because he loves her and wants to keep her in his sights. They’ve all been attacked at this point. Except for him and Lucy. No way he’s letting her go solo. It’s not cause he didn’t trust her to handle herself. He can’t handle her going alone. His instincts on high alert.
Lucy telling Tim he should be out knocking down doors with Metro. Tim tells her 'He’s good'. As good as he can be without letting her out of his sights during this. Only they could so effortlessly flirt while on duty. In the middle of an intense OP. Lucy letting him know she doesn’t need him to protect her. Tim is very aware of this. Says he knows. Lucy turning this moment into some very cute light banter. Saying he is telling her he needs the protecting. Tim being sassy right back with his reply above. God I love them.
Their teasing and banter is iconic. Lucy’s next line is fantastic. I know we haven’t had an official ILY you yet. But they’ve said it so many different ways this season. In moments such as this. When we do officially get it not gonna be a shock to either of them. Tim telling her 'Back at you.' Making me all emotional. They are such a power couple and the next portion of this episode proves that. I’ve always said watching them in the field is poetry in motion. This next battle scene is literal proof of such.
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It’s a good thing Tim came with her. I don’t want to think what would’ve happened if she’d been alone. The creepy crowd coming at them. My stomach dropped. First Tim willing to sacrifice himself for her so she could get away. *heart clutch* Man would die for her and not even blink in the decision making process. Lucy of course will not allow this whatsoever. Valiant or not he’s not falling on his sword for her.
We get a nice call back to 1x18. Not only with Lucy saying they need to go to higher ground. Like he taught her in that ep but to show no mercy. Tim instructing they hurt as many as they can and then retreat upstairs. Lucy getting exactly what he’s saying because they’re simpatico. This entire scene shows that. Also LOVE Lucy saying they only stand a chance TOGETHER. Theme of this season right here. They're better together. Damn right.
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What a bad ass battle couple we have. Look at this scene. Lucy calling the audibles in this moment and Tim following her play. Repeating it back and saying 'Copy that.' Gah I love this so very much. Tim trusts her gut without question. Not a doubt in his mind to go with it. The amount of respect he has for her in the field is immense. He was going to stay behind she said no. Then Tim instantly followed her lead after that.
Damnit I love them so much. Tim’s instinct is to always protect Lucy. Where her's is to protect them both in this moment. It’s never because he thinks she can’t handle it. Tim just can’t handle the idea of losing her if he doesn’t. Started from the bottom now we're here and I’m emotional. Also the song once again killer during this epic scene.
Love her touching his arm before they engage in battle in that first one. Look at them in the final two above. I know Eric said they had a blast filming this. They are so damn in-sync. It's such an amazing thing to watch them take these people on. Like I've sad many times before poetry in motion when they're in the field. I love getting to watch the well oiled machine that is them. This was that on steroids ha
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Eric was so excited for us to watch this scene and I can see why. It so fun to watch. Taking these guys apart together one at a time. I LOVE Lucy taking that guy out and then grabbing his riot shield. Tim is starting to get overwhelmed and she makes work of what's around her. Running towards Tim getting that guy off her man. With a very impressive shove might I add. Sends him flying down the stairs with the others. They have to start retreating up the stairs after this. They are slowly running out of ammo as well. Backup has yet to arrive and they're battling the best they can to stay alive till it does.
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Harper and Nolan finally arrive on scene. Nyla tells John to get to them. She is going to get her sniper rifle even the odds a bit. Unfortunately even with higher ground they’re getting ambushed from all sides now. It's now all melee combat at this point without ammo. Tim takes a guy out with pepper spray and gets a guy off his girl.
Who is literally choking the life out of her. Tim dispatches this guy with any remaining rage he has left. Smashing this guy's face into the wall. Making sure he can't get up to get back to her. All the while Harper being a bad ass snipping people left and right for Tim. This scene is epic af. I love it so much. One of my all time field scenes for sure. They did a damn good job with this holy cow.
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Then we get an other beautiful parallel from 1x01 to now. When Lucy pulled Tim to safety mid battle. We get to see Tim do the same for her. The way Tim scoops Lucy up and carries her to safety. I’m not crying you are.... Power couple since day one they just didn’t know it yet. The way he picks her up and then shields her with his body. Gah it’s so good.
When the door opens Tim is worried it’s another bad guy. He shields Lucy with his body. Ready to take a hit to keep her protected. Not willing to let them get at her again. I’m sobbing everyone. The instinct to always protect one another. I’m drowning in feels over here in the best way. Nolan ushers them to safety. Never been happier to see John Nolan in my life LOL
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They make it to the stairway battered and bruised. Gasping for air as they try to recover from what just happened. Let’s look at the no space between them when they land on the stairs. Tim reaching out for her instantly. Placing his hand on her thigh checking on her. TWICE might I add. He touches her twice there. While checking around to make sure they’re truly safe. Lucy reaches out for his hand on the first touch. Also their heads touching as well in that first gif. Gah this mini moment has so much to it.
Tim is grounding himself in this moment through those touches. Making sure Lucy is breathing and he can stand down to catch his own breath. Such an intimate moment after an incredibly intense battle. He almost lost her so he is reaching out and making sure she’s ok. He also needs to touch her to settle himself. It was to tell her we’re ok now’s and to confirm to himself she was as well. Damnit it's so good. Don't tell me one of Tim’s biggest love languages isn’t physical touch. It for sure is.
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Our last shot of the season for them. Just a BAMF couple post battle. Height difference that I love so much. The check in’s they do walking away knowing this could've been so much worse. Battle worn and bruised. These shots always hit harder knowing they’re together. I would like to think they would fuss over each other's wounds at the hospital. Or at home. We shall see what S6 brings for that if anything regarding it. If not sure someone will write a fic. LOL
The lack of personal space as they walk from the scene always floors me. As close they can possibly be at the moment. Sure Tim is thanking his lucky stars he came with her. I don’t wanna imagine what would’ve happened had he not. Or what Tim would’ve done had something happened. They looks so exhausted they’ve earned a good snuggle and some alone time. Sadly they're still in the middle of case so that's a no go.
Look at our power couple everyone. They're ours. We get to have them. And have a season to look forward to. I was so nervous about the season ending. Knowing this strike could last a long time and it did. Luckily we are coming out of it. Light is at the end of the tunnel. Looking forward to S6 and all the squeeing to come with it.
Side notes non-Chenford
This episode one giant stress. One of them being when they try and take Harper’s daughter. The panic in my soul for her. My goodness this finale was great.
All of Celina's scene with Aaron pulling at my feels as well.
Thank you everyone once again who supported these reviews. They started out as a way to fill time between S5 and S6. Became a truly fun hobby for me. Kinda sad the ride is over but like I said at the beginning I’ll do mini reviews each week for s6 won’t be rid of that easily ❤️❤️ Can’t wait to delve in S6 with you all :)
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lordeemailarchive · 9 months
Pure Heroine turns 10
Living in Ruins of a Palace within My Dreams
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Photo by Simeon Patience
Firstly, I wanna say thank you for your extremely supportive and kind messages after my last newsletter. I genuinely feel deeply cared for, less alone, and more sure that things will be okay after sending it! Albeit with a slight overshare hangover. I think a part of me knew that I had hit a wall, and that I needed to invite in the compassion and understand I’d been struggling to generate on my own, and then I’d have something to draw from and mirror. It feels like it’s working. I feel incredibly grateful that we have this relationship, that we can each give when the other needs it. Beautiful stuff x
Now, might U have noticed it’s 2013 mode round here????????? Yes that’s right, it’s a very special anniversary… Pure Heroine is... ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。TEN ˚*ੈ✩‧₊˚ YEARS ˚༘♡ ⋆。˚ OLD ੈ✩‧₊˚ TODAY ! ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
You may (like me most of the time) hold the opinion that this album has been MYTHOLOGISED QUITE ENOUGH, but a milestone is a milestone, so I thought coming here and typing some shit to u about this time would be a fun thing for those who care.
2 xxxxtra special ltd time only commemorative designs by Hassan, who did the original of this bootleg tee 10 years ago❤️
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It’s close to midnight, and I’ve just finished scrolling through my entire computer and phone archive from 2011-2013. Going on this memory lane ride has reminded me, for one thing, what a different time it was technologically. We were just starting to be able to see ourselves in real time, but we weren’t constantly connected. I had an iPod touch until halfway through 2013, which didn’t have a front camera or internet access, and my sister and I shared a MacBook, which is where we did our schoolwork and I wrote my lyrics. I took my first few years of selfies on Photo Booth…. Just let that… sink in!!!
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Note the Royals Nat Geo pic in background— it’s happening...
When I was fourteen, my greatest work of art was my bedroom. A very cool, very classic teenage bedroom, Andie’s and Duckie’s from Pretty in Pink meets the Virgin Suicides— fairy lights, fabric on the ceiling, candles, stolen road signs (badman), paper lanterns, beer crate shelves, magazine pictures and club night posters and permanent marker on the walls. Bliss! I’d sit up there and vibe out, taking a lot of selfies. Creating a small-scale work of art using the self, and then examining the product from every angle, was the best method I had to express myself and exercise creativity at that time, and I now see it as an important PH incubation phase, whether I knew it or not. Something really amazing about a young person starting to see their own face and body for the first time, coming to a very secret understanding that they are beautiful. 
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I started to smoke weed, which gave me a deeper understanding of sensory pleasure, and allowed me to start to see my world as a possible work of art. I’d go on long walks around the neighbourhood, and began to mythologise the stuff around me (big empty floodlit rugby fields/bus rides/dark streets/boredom/isolation) into the motifs that would become Pure Heroine. I wore a lot of like, navy lipsticks from the 2 dollar shop. God, this aesthetic, It’s just TOO MUCH.
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At some point in here, I met Joel, and another piece of the puzzle clicked into place. When you’re a teenager, you’re particularly sensitive to adults being condescending to you, not respecting the specific and finely tuned skills you have because of the ones you don’t. I was always on the look out for it, and from the first day meeting Joel, I knew that he would never give me that feeling. Which I’m sure wasn’t easy — my wallet at the time was the foot of a pair of tights that I cut off and knotted at the top — but somehow from the very beginning he made me feel like my ideas had value, like we were peers, in the most sensitive and age-appropriate way. 
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My view for thousands of hours making this album
We got on a call earlier this week and broke down the complete history of making the album. We both agreed that making Pure Heroine was deeply exciting and intimate and free, and still one of our most treasured experiences. I’ve linked it here.The second half of 2013 is when I really met the world, went to America and Australia and Europe for the first time. I found an incredible (for some reason Christmas themed) disposable camera image of my stage outfits all over the floor of my hotel room, which really sums up how ad hoc everything was at the beginning — a jetlagged sixteen year old, late for lobby call and frantically stuffing thousands of dollars of borrowed clothes into a suitcase. 
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In this stage, it felt like I pulled everything off by the skin of my teeth. Every week was the most exciting week of my whole life, I was so tired and still didn’t have a winter coat and took everyone clamouring for a piece of me completely for granted. I had zero cultural context, had no idea if an interview or TV show was huge or small, and so breezed through it all truly not giving a fuck. I am not a naturally nonchalant person, it was literally just too much to care about, I could hardly get up in the morning, so I just said absolutely whatever I felt like, all kinds of wild shit, if someone did something corny I’d say so, I was ruthless in that way that only teens are. Then through that year we went on our first tours, met you guys for the first time, hours and hours of hugs after the show, my favourite part so far and where it started to feel real for me. James took a lot of beautiful film photos through that time, and I’m really grateful he did.
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Ten years goes really fast. One minute you’re wearing a leather collar with a giant crystal hanging off it to a Chanel party, and the next you’re blonde. A lot of stuff isn’t good after ten years. But I am still totally touched by this sweet record. I have deep respect for the vision of the little one making it. 
Going back through all of this has reminded me of something that feels important to point out, whether you make art or not: everything starts out as a bunch of bullshit in a laptop. Pure Heroine was a handful of Photo Booth selfies and emotional Word documents and Tumblr posts (and a gorgeous over-decorated bedroom) before it was even one song. I had no reason, on paper, to believe that I was capable of anything. But if you can trust that the first impulse you had to create came from a place of deep wisdom, develop a few principles for your decision-making, and absorb a lot of stuff you find inspiring, you’ll have something special on your hands. Pure Heroine exists because I had the tiniest inkling of what I’ve now come to see as one of my guiding principles: that each of us have a handful of songs inside us that are ours, and only ours, to sing. Your specific interests and upbringing and physiology and experiences exist only in you; you are sitting on a gold mine that no one can rob. Whatever that means to you, whatever that statement you were born to make is, I invite you to take a big breath and make it.
All my love for another ten years of all this, and more, and more—
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(source: received this email)
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cutestkilla · 8 months
20 questions for fic writers!
Thank you for the tags @aroace-genderfluid-sheep @artsyunderstudy @aristocratic-otter @prettygoododds @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @hushed-chorus (and @orange-peony for the tag on the fic writer self rec post which I’m rolling in here because…I only have 4 fics). I have never answered one of these before because I’m always like, am I a fic writer? I don’t even have enough works of my own to do a top 5… But anyway, here goes.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
9! But only 4 are my own fics + 1 collab (Birthday Man). Of the rest, 2 are collabs where I did the art, 1 is a fansong (also a collab), and 1 is a podfic.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
233,419, but adjusting for the works that aren’t mine and the words of Birthday Man that I did not write, it’s more like 190K.  
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Only Carry On!
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
This Is Your Place
Slamming and Smashing
What’s Left
Hiding Out In The Open
(see, only 4… And so @orange-peony this is my answer to the self rec post. I rec them all!)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Oh yes! Commenting on other people’s fic was my door into participating in fandom. I spent months and months just lurking, and a whole new world opened up to me when I started commenting, and then the authors responded to me and suddenly I was interacting with people. I really love and appreciate the comment culture in our fandom, and I really like talking about my writing with people, so I always respond.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don’t have a fic with an angsty ending. YET. Realistically, will I ever? Probably not. Like @artsyunderstudy said, I love writing angst in every other possible part of a story EXCEPT the ending. I guess I could say This Is Your Place because the ending is open. The plot of 8th year has not been resolved at all (and god when I say it was hard for me to do that!), shit could still hit the fan, Baz doesn’t even know yet why his mother visited.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
That would have to be What’s Left, I think. The story itself was pretty angst-laden (MCD is angsty, you don't say?). I wrote the fluffiest, bow-tying epilogue for the ending to the point where I even warned people that it may have no artistic merit relative to the rest of the story and they should feel free to skip it because it was 100% self indulgence on my part. But I have had a few folks tell me they were grateful for it as a palate cleanser after reading 120K of intense emotional stuff.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Nope. Not to my face anyway!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes… All of my fics are rated M or E for sexual content. What kind? I mean, 3 of my 4 fics have the tag “Rated M Like AWTWB Is Rated M” if that gives you a hint of my smut vibe. Emotional for sure, is what I am for. Even the smut in Slamming and Smashing, which is very much E, is pretty rooted in the emotion of the story. I do love reading every kind of smut, but the thing I really connect with in it is the emotion, so that’s what I write.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Doubt it, except by a web scraper.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Only Birthday Man, which was written as a round robin and was a totally fun and freeing experience. Especially since I didn’t have to think about plot, just moving things forward a few inches. (Of course my part still ended up being longer than the average one-shot someone else would write…) I’ve collaborated with my writers on COBB and CORB projects in ways that influenced the story, which is SO FUN, but nothing I would ever elevate to the status of co-writing.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Well, I have about 17K of a canon divergence fic about Simon and Baz both being at a wedding the week before 8th year starts. (The wedding mentioned in canon as being the one where one of the Grimm cousins got into it with Premal’s friend Sam, and ended up being on trial for using banned words.) I really do want to finish it, but it was one of those projects I never had a deadline for, so it has languished. It’s fully outlined, though, so maybe one day…
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I’m good at characterization, making the characters’ actions internally consistent, bringing them from point A to point B in a believable way. Probably also plot, I do love a slow burn twisty turny plot reveal. And writing a solid Baz rant/meltdown!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
The one thing I get anxious about sometimes is my inability to write short. (Hi @aristocratic-otter, my sister in long-form storytelling!) I always think I can do it, but then I’m not satisfied with the emotional journey unless I add more beats. Telling a concise story is a skill I envy in others for sure.
Currently, this is happening with my wip Hiding Out In The Open, which I originally (delusionally) though would be a one-shot and is now probably going to be 60K by the time I’m done. In fact, This Is Your Place and Slamming and Smashing were supposed to be one shots too, but they all went multi-chap on me in the end.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I’ve never done this, except to help @artsyunderstudy with a French translation for some cute dialogue in Someone Wicked. I think it can work, but I tend toward always wanting to explain something like that on page, unless the point is for it to not be understood. But I've definitely read some really great takes on "lost in translation"!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
This is it! What’s Left was the first piece of creative writing I did of any kind since the year 2000 (which funnily enough was first-person Jean-Paul Sartre RPF for my philosophy seminar).
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Definitely What’s Left. Never would have expected to fall so in love with writing the Humdrum, but he owns my soul, still. I think what I did there is probably the most interesting idea I will ever have (in this fandom at least), and that’s probably why it was so much easier to write than anything else I’ve attempted since.
So, who to tag in… How about @bookish-bogwitch @facewithoutheart @shrekgogurt @ivelovedhimthroughworse @iamamythologicalcreature @whatevertheweather @fatalfangirl? And anyone else who wants to share, please say I tagged you if you haven’t been tagged already.
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zukkaoru · 11 days
hi grace !!
this is really out of the blue and definitely not something i really do but just wanted to say i’m a big fan of your writing and to keep up the amazing work
another friend and i got our friend into bsd and when they finished they asked for fic recs so i legally had to mention you (thus you’ve been known as dead fukuzawa fic author in our gc since) and we had a bsd presentation night where my presentation was approximately 3 hours of my ranpo Thoughts and we did read excerpts from All Lights Turned Off Can Be Turned On (which. noah kahan and bsd is like our gc’s kryptonite) and Enough to Feel Free to prove certain points and better articulate what i was trying to get across with how i perceive ranpo
anyway there’s a souheki section of the presentation and said presentation night spiraled into a couple of things one being a 9 hour bsd playlist with songs that remind us of mostly akutagawa, chuuya, dazai, and ranpo bc those are our main guys (gender neutral) of Ever and where i’m going with this is we have inertia on the playlist and we’ve sobbed over inertia we have fic concepts to inertia so when You posted souheki AND inertia oh it was truly my end ahskdjdk my friends were like oh my god this is so targeted and i sat my ass down and read
and yeah it was fantastic and yeah i have reread it a couple times now maybe back to back idk i won’t tell (it was back to back) and yeah i know this was mostly just like random rambles and im still deciding if i want to send it but i really just wanted to tell you that we love what you’re making and can’t wait to see what else you create :)
anon i am on my hands and knees thank you..... 😭❤️💕 i am gently cradling this ask in my hand. i am printing it out and framing it on my wall. i am eating it. i am going to treasure it forever.
also re: inertia. that song.. it Does Things to me sdfgfhgjk i literally had to stop listening to it back after it first came out bc it was making me worse but oh my god i love it so much. and it is so dazai TO ME!!! the description for my dazai playlist on spotify is literally:
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i've been wanting to post a fic with a title from that song basically since i first listened to it and as i was writing the souheki fic i was listening to my dazai playlist and was like.. hold on.... i'm having title visions. bc the original title i picked for it just was not the vibe anymore lol but Anyway.
thank you so much; i really really appreciate this ask <3
(in case anyone is interested: link to altocbto (my post-doa arc series), link to the souheki fic, and link to enough to feel free)
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suffersinfandom · 6 months
A Summary of The OFMD Meta (Part IV)
This is part four of an incomplete summary of A Meta-Discussion Of The Subtext by meratrishoslee (Mera) on AO3 (linked to, as the author requests). I’m trying to stay impartial and present the content fairly and with context. Like, I started reading this 140K beast after I saw a wild screencap and thought, "Surely there's context that makes this make sense," so I do want to provide at least that much.
This part includes interviews and a response to one of the “concern trolls that couldn't quite manage to wipe the foamy froth from their mouths long enough to keep it from dripping on their keyboards.”
No more chapter numbers because they keep being reordered.
Other posts Part I Part II Part III
Chapter The Vanity Fair Article - A Wondrous Fuckery
Here’s the article that chapter is about.
Mera suspects that the interview happened via text, giving David Jenkins time to sort out what he was going to say. They note that they’re “going on vibes and subtext, which is really more [their] wheelhouse.” You’re welcome to disagree with them.
“First off, I was trained in the House of Moftiss/BBC Sherlock fandom, where we just assumed that every word the showrunners spoke in an interview or on social media was a shameless distortion at best, and an outright lie at worst -- so that's where my mind goes first. [...] Having said that... so much of the Vanity Fair interview is an actual gift.  You do have to cherrypick somewhat... but again, DJenks just released an episode with a major character death.  He can't go back and reverse himself and suggest on any textual level that the death was less than permanent.”
VF mentions the happy endings in the finale, and Jenkins says, same-sex relationships end on a dour, downbeat note, where one of them dies and it’s unrequited or it’s unrealized; something horrible happens and they’re punished in a way.
“That's not a happy ending -- and that's exactly what you apparently fucking did with a central character.  Gosh, how weird of you to bring it up here.  So why?  Is it... is it something you left open for a third season?  That the horrible death of an unrequited love isn't what it appears?”
Jenkins says that Izzy is kind of a mentor to Blackbeard and that he is kind of a father figure. Mera says that “this is the closest he gets to queerbaiting us” because Izzy is definitely not Ed’s father figure.
“Notice we are still given the subtext here: mostly dead is slightly alive, and "kind of a father figure" feels like a limp gesture in the direction of explanation.  The rest of it... if you feel insulted on Con's behalf, that Izzy Hands was reduced to an old dog being put down at the vet's office here ("beautiful arc", "does a lot of things", "it's time", "full meal" -- god, a day at the dog park and a last fucking supper with cheeseburgers and pie and all the human food he never got to have otherwise she says sarcastically) -- YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO.”
Jenkins keeps mentioning “magic, love, turning, losing, changing, rebirth, resurrection, present tense about Izzy Hands, ghosts/life after death, or anything of those flavors.” He is “legitimizing repetition” in order “to prime your mind to see the subtext.  You can only look for something if you know what it looks like: he is giving you the key to the season.”
Jenkins reminds us that “he was not a straight white guy alone in that writers room, and he's telling you the story worked for everyone in that room of all queerness/genders.” 
“And then he brings our head back around and goes ‘hey, look at Izzy again. It's almost like he's the key to everything.  Hey, look at me using present tense on a character that's supposed to be dead and gone which would be past tense. God I love Con O'Neill, and I need you to hear that in every single interview I ever give EVER. His character IS a joy to write.’”
Mera mentions all of the “subtextual queer references and coding” put into Izzy. “You don't create a Queer Avatar by fucking accident. And these professionals certainly did not.”
Mera encourages their readers to read the Q&A that wraps the article “with the mindset that we will have an S3 where a queer self-sacrificing man rises from the dead in a damn near explicit Christ metaphor and our Izzy Hands is safe and whole and loved.”
“The Vanity Fair interview, as far as I'm concerned, is not some painful/cruel gloat. It is a subtextual love letter back to the fans, published just in time to be ready to soothe our hurting hearts -- if we know how to parse it.”
Chapter "Who Do Ya Trust If You Can't Trust God?"
“I'm finding myself tired at being the point of the spear. No one prepared me for how exhausting it is to be among the first to realize a massive truth.”
This chapter is about coping with fandom and contains some solid advice: “The block button is our friend. The unfollow button is our friend. The mute option is our friend. If someone's relentless negativity hurts your feelings or drags you down, mute/unfollow/block them as needed.”
But then:
“I choose to believe my daily-growing mountain of evidence that Izzy Hands is alive and that the writers intend that he be hollered home from the gravy basket. 
“Furthermore? If I can be painfully real for a minute? I am amazed at the trust the writers have given us. 
“Because we the Unseen Crew have been put into the position of Izzy's future lover -- to be to Izzy what Stede was to Ed.  We are called on for our audience participation now, to hold his hand and beg his return -- not for a minute, an hour, or a day... but potentially for the next several months, over a year or more, until we get Season 3. 
“I do tend to have this fatal flaw of wanting to uphold others' trust in me, and to be loyal to those who show loyalty in return.”
Mera reminds us that her word is not canon. She isn’t affiliated with the show and is just trying to provide hope and positivity.
“Even though I often will get tired... I am determined to stay positive. When I can't say something nice, I close the window or the app and say nothing at all. You will find me on my social media being as unrelentingly kind as I know how to be.”
Next: interviews and what we can take from them. “Interviews have exactly two purposes: pocket money for the subject of said interview, and promotion for the show. I was trained to never fully trust what is said in interviews.” Engagement and getting people clicking is more important than imparting useful and truthful information, and nothing engages people like anger.
That’s how we get the early “interviews that are half touching and half enraging, with seriously tone-deaf seeming self-conflicting statements from the writers/showrunners [...]. We can trust that if the interviews are live/verbal, they'll be more irritating rather than less. The showrunners would much rather say too little or say something wrong than give away something too big or too true accidentally, and in the pressure of the moment they will fall back on phrases they've memorized as safe to use.”
Don’t trust that interviews are telling you the truth (but they might be saying something truth-adjacent).
Mera has doubts about Jenkins telling O’Neill about Izzy’s death mid-season. She doesn’t think that Jenkins is that stupid. “It's not too far a stretch to think that this "mid-season" conversation occurred in the middle of filming the first season, and all DJenks is prevaricating about is the timing thereof.” 
Jenkins realized mid season one that Con is an amazing actor, so he takes him out for dinner and says, “Next season I want to kill Izzy 3 times. The first time will be Stede's dream sequence, and the next two will be actual Passion Plays, because we're setting Izzy up to be Jesus and Westley from The Princess Bride and Han Solo from Star Wars.”
“And Con takes up the challenge of being coded as an OVERT Queer Messiah (with an additional layer of subtextual HIV/AIDS)... because of course he does. Of course he fucking does. If he can pull it off -- and if anyone can, it's him -- it's the role of a fucking lifetime. It's a role for history books and media studies for the next fifty or one hundred years. 
“Doesn't that sound a bit more likely? Doesn't that sound a bit more real?”
Mera predicts that interviews and articles will start publishing ideas about Izzy still being alive, and talking about how weird and off the end of season two was. Everyone involved with the show, after all, will “know we inspect every frame and every pixel of every BTS and teaser they release,” so they’ll feed us enough to keep us guessing at the truth.
“Here is my promise to you: if/when I'm wrong about any of this, I will edit this chapter only to admit I was wrong and when and how. I will not remove my evidence.  I am comfortable being wrong.  If I was never wrong, I would never have tried and failed and learned from my failures!”
Chapter Until You Come Full Circle
This chapter is about interviews. “We’ve had, just in the last week, two very sweet and classy interviews with Con (which I did predict, although that was about as safe as saying the sun would rise in the east this morning) – and one that seemed… less so, with Taika.”
First interview with Con.
Con says to trust David Jenkins, which immediately makes Mera think of Proverbs 3:5-6: Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. “Now. Am I delulu, as the kids are calling it these days, suggesting that Con might intentionally be throwing some religious vibes at us?”
Con is also “earnest and intense” in his praise of OFMD’s writing. This is a good sign; that means he thinks the show is written well, and that’s further evidence that Izzy will be back.
Second interview with Con.
Con “seems to me to be very reluctant to outright lie, which is awesome for a meta writer and squares with my experience of him. Lying is easy in the moment and difficult in the future – a person has to remember what lies they’ve told in order to remain sufficiently consistent in their stories. It takes more skill to tell just enough of the truth that it's both vague in the moment but pays off later.” This makes interviews with him extra valuable.
A short analysis of one of his quotes: “Everything Izzy is in Season 2 was there in Season 1, only understated and repressed. According to the actor who played him: he didn’t change who he was. Izzy just got safe enough to let what was inside him out to where others could see it too.”
One of Con’s quotes backs up Mera’s Sacred Heart meta, namely the part about Izzy trying to serve the crew that loves him. 
Now a Taika interview.
This interview bolsters Mera’s idea of Ed as Judas. 
From the article: When Consequence asks writer/director/actor Taika Waititi if he’s feeling optimistic about a third season of Our Flag Means Death, his initial response is this: “Have you seen the end?”
“I think we can safely assume that Taika’s not asking the interviewer if he’s literally seen the last episode of Season 2. This feels to me like the blunt, sardonic, dry humor Taika’s evinced (and occasionally gotten into trouble over) during other interviews, aimed at the word ‘optimistic.’ ‘Have you seen the end? How optimistic did you think it was?’”
It’s not an optimistic ending. The interview mentions the inn’s renovations, but we don’t see anyone doing any renovating. Ed and Stede don’t even have food as the Revenge sails away. 
From the article: For Waititi, though, the Season 2 finale “feels like a natural end to their story. Just because I feel like, you know, they’ve been through so much and then wind up in that nice place at a happy ending.”
What nice place? What happy ending? 
From the article: Waititi says, though, that “I don’t want it to feel like Rambo III suddenly, you know, when you’re like, ‘Oh man, they have to leave their idyllic life again.'”
“Okay, everything else was fucky as fuck… but that feels wrong enough to be a lighthouse.” So Mera went and watched Rambo III, which is more relevant than she expected. 
Rambo’s “idyllic” life isn’t that great. “We don’t see an emotional, human connection. We see a white guy who’s on tolerance in a place he doesn’t really belong, separated by a language he doesn’t fluently speak. We see a man tormenting himself with boredom and isolation.”
“When you look at John Rambo through most of this movie, you see a pretty good correlation to Edward at the start of the last episode of OFMD S2: on tolerance in a place that’s not truly his home, trying to fit a life and do a job he’s not suited to… and he gives it up without another thought because a man he cares about is in danger.” A hint to season three?
Chapter My Ridiculous Obsession With Love
In this chapter, Mera addresses one of her “haters.” 
For anyone who forgot the thesis of this meta: “The overarching hypothesis I'm building in this meta-discussion is that Izzy's death was more serious because HIV/AIDS and queer grief is serious.  He had to go into the grave and take the full journey of the passion play to be able to leave it behind him, and to re-emerge as someone that can touch, kiss, and love again.”
Commenter: “None of that makes this a definitive interpretation, or one that the creative team can reasonably be held responsible for.” 
Mera: “... yes?  Okay, sure? (Dear non-haters: just picture that John Travolta confusion gif again, because if I threw it in here every time I rammed up against an example of begging the question in this comment, there'd be like 30 of them and we'd all get tired of them.)”
Commenter: “The crew hold back because Ed is the person Izzy dedicated his life to and has not yet fully reconciled with- they're giving him space to sort things with Ed so he can go in peace. Etc etc.”
Mera: “I see a rapid parade of images and sounds. "He's a dick, but he's our dick." Jim snarling "He was your friend" up into their captain's face, even though they know for a fact that could get them killed. The crew make the unicorn's leg for him together but they leave it at his door because they know he can't (yet) let himself accept it if anyone's watching: what an incredibly emotionally intelligent maneuver. The easy way that we see Jim and Lucius and Frenchie and Fang interact with Izzy in later eps-- all touching him or letting him lean on him, just never skin to skin. The way that we see Izzy go into Wee John's arms and stay held there for a while as he commits the incredibly vulnerable act of singing for them. The way that Izzy lays his hand on Stede's knee while they're talking at Jackie's bar, and there's no real animosity from them on either side then.
“So I'll give you this one, 100%.  I can't say that you're wrong or prove it in any way.  Your reading is absolutely as valid as mine, no more and no less.”
Commenter: “Isn't it heavily implied that people touch him with bare hands while dealing with his leg? And if he is coded as having AIDS and being untouchable, why would the crew be so willing to dive in and get covered in his blood when they treat his leg, especially when they're also scraped up at the time?”
Mera: “I haven't had a chance to write up this meta yet, but in a nutshell: we see Jim and Archie amputate his leg (with their hands pressed together in visual union atop it).  They're covered in blood and this is one of the least realistic depictions of a survivable amputation attempt in media ever, frankly... and yet Izzy lives through it!  [...]
“Notably we do NOT see Fang cleaning up.  I need to go back and verify, but I'm like 99% sure. 
“Why? Is Fang lazy or unhelpful? No, I'd say two reasons. One, he's paralyzed with grief (and the men in this show are so emotional, as Auntie rightfully notes).  But two, certain classifications of men were more susceptible to Izzy's subtextual disease. [...]
“I think it's a direct subtextual sign post to the part that lesbians/wlw/AFAB people had to play in the care of queer men dying of AIDS. [...] Jim won't catch Izzy's subtextual HIV/AIDS, ever.  Jim's hands heal and comfort, with both Izzy and Auntie -- repetition (usually) legitimizes, as I've said elsewhere.”
Commenter: “...while I know I have no control over this... it's alarming to see other commenters accepting this elaborate interpretation as if it's definitive.”
Mera: “Ooooh, I'd pay a dollar to find out how many comments you leave on fix-it fics. Are they also dwelling in their delusions of a world where a fictional character in a show overcomes a fictional death in the same show? Is it a sign of mental illness to indulge in word count or WORSE -- for them to irresponsibly leave those insane words just out there online where other people can also continue their madness by READING THEM?!?! The absolute horror. We writers should be ashamed, etc etc. 
“There's every possibility all the words I'm spilling over this are worth just as much as you paid for them: exactly nothing. 
“So thank goodness we have you and others like you, willing to do the purely altruistic and entirely virtuous work of... leaving comments to tell us you didn't agree? I guess?  Honestly I don't have a full lock on what your goal was here, if something other than trying to make people feel bad but fortunately not being very skilled at it.”
Commenter: “I wish you and every other fan nothing but the best, and for that reason, I find this hard to watch.”
Mera: “My sibling in Shiva: the 'back' button and the 'x' to close the window are available in every single web browser I have ever used in the history of the internet, ever. But I appreciate your martyrdom in staying here and nobly suffering so hard in an attempt to save me and my readers from ourselves!”
Commenter: “It seems like you are setting yourself and others up for even more rage and heartbreak than there would otherwise need to be.”
Mera: “I want to point out that I've tried to be very careful in not speculating about Season 3; I think it's reasonable for any fan to assume all characters living at the end of S2x08 will return in S3 unless real life status of the actors, scheduling, or budgetary considerations prevent that. 
“I want to point out that all I have are the first two seasons, and I am telling you that Izzy Hands, inside the last second of S2x08, is "mostly dead but slightly alive" -- and he's in the house, being the cause of the smell that Edward doesn't want to recognize (as he is at least twice before shown refusing to recognize what he's done as Blackbeard after the fact) but does actually recognize all the same.”
Mera admits that there are two options: “Either I'm correctly parsing the absolute bounty of subtext available in every aspect of the show, or I'm not.”
“On the day that we get that confirmation, I will feel one of two things: either the delicious vindication that I was right -- or amazement that they could build such a wondrous sky castle of subtext, whether consciously or subconsciously, and fail to complete it satisfactorily.”
“I've been wrong before and will freely and cheerfully admit it [...]. That's also why I put in my first meta post that I had been a TJLC'er -- and why I've left it in there, actually. It's correct and it's honest. Straight off I admitted I was wrong about Something Big. 
“See, it's [...] ‘hater bait,’ and it's already caught several. Lots of concern trolls that couldn't quite manage to wipe the foamy froth from their mouths long enough to keep it from dripping on their keyboards, because all of them had mentioned it... until you.”
“I've cackled my way through all of the writing of this post, even as I've tried to be very kind in reply -- you should have seen some of the shots I chose not to take due to their cruelty (even though they were fucking hilarious) -- so thank you for a most diverting morning.  I even got more meta and more word count out of this, so it wasn't actually a waste of productive time!”
Commenter: “I urge you to reconsider this approach that you're taking.”
Mera: “Here's where I'm gonna get all the way real again. Because I'm not talking to [...] that poor dear any more. I'm talking to the ones who are here with me in the stinking dark of the Pit of Despair, holding onto Izzy's naked right hand with no glove between us any more or hopefully ever again, hollering him back home out of the gravy basket.”
“If one sound had been added, everyone would know what the author knows. “We have the house. We have the grave -- with Izzy's collar on it like the dog collars on the dog graves in Pet Sematary -- where whatever comes back often comes back wrong. We've got the concept of a bad smell. We've got Stede reacting to something awful with a scream [the one thing Mera’s adding in this scenario]. 
“Now the fandom is convinced that Izzy is alive, just as most of us were convinced in the last 18 months that Lucius was still alive.”
“This is part of what convinced me in the first seconds after the episode was over that Izzy wasn't dead. If I could both change the story and prove it to everyone else with just one small addition... then he's not dead.”
After Lucius was pushed overboard in season one, “I just trusted that this soft and sweet little show wouldn't actually permanently kill one of its gays. [...] And I still trust that it didn't actually permanently forever and truly kill the most gay-coded of its gays.”
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New Horizons
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Requested by the lovely @urmilfstep-mom
If you could make a danny brackett x reader from scream 6 that would be really nice id want it to be like them after scream 6 happened they are already dating yk and they live together like the rest you can imagine yourself but these are just some standards so yeah already thx and i love your works by the way
A/N: I totally love this idea and I’m gonna keep the same vibes of the show and keep the reader and Tara as sisters.
P.S. If you like my work please comment like and reblog it means a lot to see interactions on my work
Y/N Pov
A year had gone by since everything had happened. This time we decided to stay in New York. It was our home and Tara was in school. We were tired of running we just wanted to settle down.
Things felt like they were finally coming together. You and Danny were happy and you had even taken the step of moving in with each other. Learning to let go of Tara was hard but you were doing it.
She was moving on campus and the twins promised they would watch after her. I went back to therapy again. It was helping a little bit we were on a journey here.
After everything that happened you two moved far out of the city. You lived in a quiet litle town. There was this amazing cafe that the both you loved so much they saved you a pertmanet seat
You guys even got a dog together. Family walks were the best. Finding new places where you lived. You both loved walking though the park holding hands 
Every day was weird though it was like I was getting better. I was getting to the place I wanted to be
. But then It felt like I kept waiting for something to drop. I had to remind myself not to have a panic attack every time the phone rang.
Danny was incredible though. He was there for you and always re assured   he wasn’t some secret killer obsessed with your dad.  
Sense things were getting back to normal you decided how you wanted the rest of your life to look.
You spent so much time worrying about other people that you needed to take care of yourself. Since  Then? you decided to take some classes at the local community college. Just some general education classes.
You were thinking about becoming a trauma counselor. Being able to help others and know why they weren’t alone. To show people how strong they are.
Danny was doing well as well. He was still hella overprotective of you though. You were grateful to have someone in your life who cared so much about you .
The two of you were even talking a lot about your future together. A family and getting married. It was so crazy how in love with this man you were. Was it too cheesy to sa the completed you.
It always felt like something was missing and now you know why.  
A sense of family and belonging was something you always wanted. Danny and everyone gave you that. someone to come home to. To wake up in the morning and see someone laying down next to you.
You never really thought you were the type to want to settle down and have kids and wear a wedding dress and say sappy vows.
You considered yourself a lone wolf type of person. But being with Danny changed all that.
Havings kids and buying a big house and growing old with him was something you dreamed about. 
You never got tired of being with each other either. He would always drop you off to school or work. And you insisted with finding your own way home. 
He would even drop by for lunch just because he missed you. He would always bring flowers to the most amazing ones. 
Life at home was even better to. You were a terrible cook so he took care of that you did the dishes a true team. 
He always had his set of TV shows he loved to watch. He loved crime shows like FBI. You thought he looked like the guy Nestor but he didn’t see it. 
He made you sit with him and watch them all. He loved sharing his intrest with you. 
He also never wanted to go to bed by himself because was lonely. Which you thought was really sweet. 
The little things like that always meant so much. A simple normal life with the man you were in love with. 
New Horzions were on the way and you welcomed them with open arms 
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xojennyboo · 4 months
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A/N: hello everyone! This is another request that I received. Thank you once again to the person who requested this. Truly happy that you guys enjoy my writing. Out of privacy, I won’t be putting the name of the person who requested this imagine. I do hope you enjoy it. Don’t forget to reblog, vote, comment, like, and submit your requests. Once again thank you. Also, did you see Harry this weekend! Our baby looks so handsome! Happy reading!
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Warnings: smut, alcohol, unprotected sex, pregnancy
Imagine requested: Where Y/N and Harry have a one-night stand at his flat in London. They’re both drunk and end up having sex. Although that night turns into a week of fun. Y/n lives in the U.S, New York to be precise, where Harry also purchased a property there, and find out she’s pregnant with Harry’s baby.
You couldn’t believe that you were finally here. London, England. A place where you’ve always wanted to visit. Fortunately, it was where your best friend lives. He was finally on vacation after touring for more than a year and he flew you out to London to spend time with him. You couldn’t believe it at first until he sent you the confirmation email of the flight that he had booked for you. You currently lived in New York. You’ve known Harry for over 5 years now and you’ve established a great friendship. You could confide in him for whatever and he felt the same way.
Once you landed in London, Harry had sent a car to pick you up, not wanting the attention on both of you if he were to show up. Whenever you two were together, he always attempted to be discrete about everything, not wanting the media to hurt you in any way possible. He wanted to protect you from the dark side of being famous, which you understood. You knew how the media could twist things around and make you look like the bad guy. It was a judgmental world, all eyes on you waiting for you to fuck up. One of the many reasons as to why Harry went out of his way to protect your friendship.
You were currently staying at his house in London. The atmosphere here reminded you of back home, always busy with many people walking to their destination. At first you were awe struck, looking at all of the beautiful architecture, finding the old school vibe to be charming. Harry’s house was beautiful, the home giving you a calming and serenity vibe. Somewhere to come to and escape the outside world. With his career you weren’t surprised that he wanted to get that vibe.
“Want to cook dinner tonight or order in?”, he asked you, pouring wine into two glasses in the kitchen. “To be honest, I’m feeling quite lazy at the moment, so let’s order in”, you admit, hearing a deep chuckle from the kitchen. You were super confortable around Harry. He wasn’t one to judge you at all, which is why your friendship worked so well. You didn’t see him as Harry Styles, the heartthrob, but Harry Styles the person, which he loved. You hear his bare feet pad against the wooden floor as he made his way towards the couch in his living room, handing you the glass of red wine. “Thank you”, you mumble, immediately taking a sip and letting the bittersweet taste down your throat. “Mmm, it’s really good”, you say, positioning yourself in a more comfortable position on the couch.
“I’m glad you liked it. I picked out a few bottles before your arrival. I know how much you like your reds”, he says, taking a small sip of his wine. You couldn’t help but smile and blush at his small gesture. “So, what are we thinking for tonight? Sushi, Chinese, Thai…”he suggests. You haven’t had sushi in a while, and it was always your go to. Without thinking twice about it, you both answered together, saying ‘Sushi’ at the same time causing you both to laugh.
He placed the order on his phone mentioning that the food would arrive in about half an hour. This gave you the perfect opportunity to shower before dinner. Gulping your last sip of wine in your glass, you placed the glass in the coffee table and got up. “I’m going to shower real quick and get more comfortable. Let me know when the food arrives”, you say before going into the guest bedroom. Once you were done with your shower, you got into a comfy silk pajamas, putting on the matching robe to cover yourself. With your slippers on, you walked out the room and went into the living room. You heard Harry talking to someone, assuming the delivery guy. Your assumptions were right when he walked into the kitchen with a big bag of food.
You poured your second glass of wine, his glass too, as he stood there, staring at you. You didn’t say anything, watching as he caught himself, walking towards the island in the middle of the kitchen and taking out the sushi. “Everything looks delicious”, he says, watching as you handed him the glass of wine and sitting down in front of you, the platter of sushi in between you both. “It sure does”, you happily say, your starving self getting your sauces ready to devour the sushi in front of you. “So tell me, how’s New York treating you?”, he asks, popping a roll into his mouth. “It’s treating me well. I walk to work every day, making sure your marketing is up to date”, you giggle, popping a piece into your mouth as well. “Ah yes, that’s always important”, he says taking a sip of his wine. “I got a new apartment, so much nicer than the old place. So I’ve been busy decorating the place and making it more homey”, you say.
“Oh nice, can’t wait to go see it. You know I’ve purchased a penthouse in the city recently. I have yet to go see it though”, he tells you making your heart skip a beat a bit. “Really? Where?”, you ask, feeling giddy inside. “On the upper east side. I figured that if I went to go visit you more, I could have a place to stay”, he teased making you laugh. “Or you could’ve just stayed with me”, you say throwing your head back as you finished your second glass of wine. You could already feel the slight buzz in your system, definitely indicating your lightweight. “Another?”, he asks, gulping down his wine. You simply nodded, eating your food. “Although staying with you sounds nice, I do want to give you your space. Once people find out where I live, they’ll be photographers outside and I don’t want them invading your privacy”, he says making your heart melt.
‘Why are you suddenly feeling this way’, you thought to yourself. It must be the wine talking. “You’re very sweet. But I wouldn’t mind you staying over. You should know that”, you say taking your third glass of wine from him. “I know love. But like I said, I don’t want your privacy to be jeopardized”. Without saying another word to each other, you sat there eating your sushi. He would occasionally feed you a roll, you doing the same. Once you had devoured the platter of sushi, you were already on your sixth glass of wine, making you tipsy as hell. You weren’t drunk to the point you didn’t know what you were doing, but tipsy enough to not know what you were saying. When you were in this state you said whatever came to your mind, and sometimes it got you in trouble.
You were sitting on the couch now, Harry by your side as you finished your 7th glass. You looked at the counter in the kitchen from your position and realized you were on your way to finishing the third bottle of wine. “Was this your plan Mr. Styles?”, you say, giggling for god knows what reason. This caused Harry to chuckle, the alcohol clearly taking effect on his as well, his eyes more glassy than usual. “I have no idea what you’re talking about Y/n”, he says, his head falling back on the couch as he finished his glass of wine. You couldn’t help but watch him intently, really looking at his features, and his body, he was a beautiful human being with a pure heart. Over the years you felt very protective of him, not wanting ugly people to hurt him in any way.
“Are you checking me out?”, he says looking at you. Clearing your throat, you sat up on the couch and adjusted your position, your cheeks turning a bright pink from him catching you and also the alcohol. “I don’t mind you know, you, checking me out”, he mumbles, his eyes averting from you and now looking up at the ceiling. “I do it all of the time with you”, he confesses, making your neck snap in his direction. His eyes were closed, and he talked, this causing you to want him. “What?”, you ask, his eyes opening up and looking at you. “What? You haven’t noticed?”, he says making your core twitch a bit.
He sat up, turning his body towards you, leaning his body over until you were face to face. “I watch you, admiring your beauty, inside and out”, he whispers, feeling his alcoholic breath hitting your face. Your lips were slightly ajar, afraid to say a word at his confession. His gaze fell between your parted lips and your glassy eyes. “Every time I see you, I can’t help but think about the things I would want to do with you”, he whispers, making your breath hitch. “Y-you do?”, you stutter, feeling the sexual tension growing between the two. “Yeah”, he says, coming closer to you. “What kind of things?”, you ask, finding the small bit of confidence to find out what he means. Your gaze fell to his lips, watching as his lips formed a small smirk. “I think it would be more fun to show you rather than tell you”, he tauntingly says.
“Yeah?”, you say, “yeah”, he replies back. Without thinking twice about it you climb on top of him, straddling his waist with your legs. Your lips instantly attached, kissing one another with lust. This was definitely the alcohol talking cause if you were sober enough you wouldn’t have imagined this happening right now. His hands were on your hips, the silk of your robe feeling nice against his big hands. He squeezed your hips, wanting to feel some kind of friction on his, now hard, dick. You gave in, fully sitting on his Hal, your clothed cunt on his clothed cock, the bulge giving you a slight pressure. You grinded your hips on his as you kissed one another, his hands gliding up your body and to your shoulders, slipping the silk robe off of you. “You look so beautiful in this little set. Did you wear this for me?”, he mumbles against your lips. You moaned against his lips, feeling the material slip down your arms immediately feeling the coolness of the room.
His hands went to your ass, squeezing your cheeks as you grinded on him, moaning against your lips. You were both needy for one another, your lust taking over your bodies and not caring about anything at the moment, just wanting to have one another. You hands found the hem of his shirt, pulling it up his body until it was completely off, his torso on full display. Your lips reattached to his lips, slowly kissing down his face, to his throat where you sucked on the skin, leaving small red bruises. The pressure you were feeling on your clothed clit was becoming too much, wanting to feel him better. Harry noticed, as your movements ceased. Without thinking about it, he got up from the couch, leading you to the bedroom, your thighs still wrapped around his waist.
He placed you on the bed, taking your shorts off along with your camisole, reveling your bare breasts and clothed pussy. He let out a small whimper as he crawled over your body and attaching his needy lips to yours. Your legs wrapped around his waist once again, pulling him down to feel some friction. His lips trail down your neck, kissing and sucking on the hot skin. Your breathing heavy, not believing this was happening. His lips kissed down to your chest, leaving wet licks on your skin, until he reached your breasts. Taking your nipple in his mouth he sucked on the sensitive nub, electricity shooting through your body. You moaned as his tongue swirled around your nipple, his teeth biting the small nub. He repeated the same action with the other one, making you more wet than you already were.
His lips trailed down your torso now, sucking on your skin until he reached your core. He blew on the sensitive clothed area, causing shivers and goosebumps to appear all over your body. He brought his hand up to your heat, slowly rubbing your through your wet panties. Your eyes immediately rose back, finally getting some prominent friction. Your hips moved against his hand, loving the pressure he was giving you. His finger put the material to the side, his mouth blowing cool air on it making you whine in anticipation. “Look how wet you are love. All for me?”, he asks. “All for you Harry”, you gasped as his finger played with your bare clit. He gently massaged the small nub causing you to moan. His finger dipping into your wetness, a string on your arousal on his finger and he placed his finger in his mouth. Your lips parted as you saw the sexy scene in front of you. “Mmmm, so sweet”, he says before going down and attaching his mouth to your pussy.
Instantly your mouth opened, moans emitting out of it at how good Harry was eating your out. The small stubble on his face tickling your inner thighs. Your hips moved to the rhythm of his tongue, the noise of your wetness on his tongue turning you on even more. “Oh fuck, Harry. That feels so good. Just like that baby”, you moan, your hands gripping the bedsheets. His hand reach up to grab your hand, placing it on his hair for you to grip. He lightly bit your swollen clit making you gasp and tighten the grip on his hair. He groaned at the feeling, causing him to move his face closer to your pussy, his tongue dipping into your wetness and nose rubbing on your clit. You were falling apart in front of his eyes, your torso tensing at the feeling of you about to explode. But, before you could he stopped, kissing up your body and kissing your lips, tasting yourself on his tongue.
“You taste so good”, he whispered attaching your lips again. Without breaking the kiss, you took his sweats off with your feet, wanting to feel him inside you. He finished taking the off, revealing his naked lower half. You whined watching his cock spring to life, his size arousing you again. “Ready?”, he says. You nodded you head and soon he was pushing into you making both of you moan against each others lips. He thrusted into you with no mercy, hitting your cervix with each thrust. You couldn’t stop moaning his name, feeling the pressure coming back. Your wet walls squeezing his cock as he thrusted into you. The bed moving and hitting the wall with each of his thrusts. Your perky breasts bouncing up and down as he grabbed you by your thighs and thrusted. You could see the sweat emitting from his body, his tattoos glistening.
“H-Harry I’m about to come”, you whine, closing your eyes ready to come all of over him. “Me too love. Look at me”, he grunted. With just a few more thrusts you both came against on another, Harry riding your highs until both of you calmed down. All you could think was Holy Shit.
That happened three weeks ago. Now you were back in New York, working and living your life. After that night, you constantly had sex with him until you had to come back home. You didn’t establish any labels, enjoying everything in the moment. You didn’t have to talk about your feelings since you both felt comfortable with one another. You were currently in your new apartment watching the city life through your window. You couldn’t believe you found your dream apartment. You loved spending time here, and you didn’t care if it came with being a loner. As long as you were here in the comfort of your apartment you didn’t care.
Harry was to stop by in two weeks. He needed to establish some business with Pleasing and also wanted to show you his new penthouse. You walked towards your kitchen, pouring water in your water bottle. When you closed it, you looked at your calendar to see if you had anything planned. You didn’t, but you couldn’t help but look at the small red circle that indicated your beginning of your period. You were a week late, which never happened. Your period was always on time and always fell on the exact date, so this caught you by surprise. Without giving it a second thought you booked an appointment with your OBGYN, thankfully having a spot for you today.
During that appointment you mentioned your regular cycles. She asked you if you were sexually active, which you replied yes, not thinking anything of it. You knew that you were using protection with Harry after the first time, although your memory was a bit blurred trying to think of the first time. She took some blood samples and a urine test, giving you results in a couple of minutes. “Alright Y/n. The results came back and everything looks good, with you and the baby”, she says with so much optimism. You instantly froze at the mention of the word baby. “What?”, you shakily ask. “You’re pregnant y/n”, she says, giving you a copy of your results. “You’re about two weeks right now, so pretty early. I’ll give you another appointment for next month, just make sure you’re eating right, don’t drink alcohol, and do a bit of exercise to stay active”, she says before getting up. “Okay”, you say, still being shocked. “I’ll give you a couple of minutes. I’ll give the script to the receptionist so she can schedule you your appointment. I hope you have a nice day and congratulations”, she says before walking out the door.
You sat there for what felt like forever, 10 minutes to be exact, in pure shock. You were pregnant with Harry’s baby. How could you let this happen. You were both reckless that night. How were you going to tell him. How is he going to take the news. After so many years of trying to protect him and him trying to protect you from the media, you did the one thing that could make or break him, in your opinion. You weren’t even dating for crying out loud. It was a week of pure fun and sex and being with each other and then going back to your regular lives. You got up from the chair and went to the receptionist to schedule your appointment for next month. “We’ll see you next month Miss Y/L/N, have a great day”, she smiles giving you a small card with the appointment on it.
As soon as you walked out of the door, you hear your phone ring, looking at it and seeing that it was Harry. “Of course. Speak of the devil himself”, you mumble to yourself. You decided not to answer, feeling too overwhelmed with the news you just received. You walked to your apartment in silence, thinking of how you were going to give Harry the big news. Of course, you were going to wait as long as possible, especially since he’ll be here in a couple of weeks. Maybe you’ll tell him then. Once you got into your apartment you saw him calling again, not answering him. You didn’t trust your emotions right now, and you didn’t want him finding out or questioning you right now. Your phone buzzed. A message from him. “Hey, are you alright? Please answer”, the message read. “Hey, I’m a bit busy at the moment. I’m alright. I’ll reach out when I’m free”, you reply back, throwing your phone on the couch as you walked to your bedroom.
Standing in front of your mirror, you lift your shirt up to reveal your stomach. You stood sideways, trying to see if there was any sign of you brewing pregnant. You looked normal, you didn’t feel weird at all. You caressed your lower stomach, imagining how your belly would grow in a couple of months. “How are we going to tell your dad little one”, you whispered to your belly. Your thoughts were then interrupted by a knock on your door, immediately pulling your shirt down and looking around as if you were just caught. “Get your shit together y/n”, you scold yourself, walking towards the door and opening it. Harry stood on the other side of the door, a worried expression on his face. “Harry?! What are you doing here?”, you asked, shocked that he was in New York. He wasn’t supposed to be here until two weeks from today. “I wanted to surprise you”, he says, walking into the apartment. He had a big bouquet of flowers in his hands, admiring your apartment.
“Wow. This place looks great”, he says, turning towards you and handing you the bouquet of roses. Instantly your heart swelled with emotion. “Thank you, they’re beautiful”, you say, walking towards the kitchen and placing them on the counter. “Are you alright? I’m sensing you’re a bit off?”, he asks, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into his body. You couldn’t help but stiffen a bit, turning around in his arms to look at him. “I’m fine, just a bit tired”, you lie. “As long as you’re alright. I wanted to surprise you so I came earlier. Couldn’t stop thinking about you”, he confesses, his eyes on you. “Really?”, you ask, your heart fluttering. “Well yeah. After your visit in London I couldn’t get you off my mind”, he says, taking your hands in his and kissing it.
“Harry…”, you start saying but he stops you by planting a small kiss on your lips. “Don’t say anything. I know this might be a lot to take in, but I wanted to let you know how I was feeling”, he says. You didn’t say anything else, just wanting to spend time with him like old times. The whole day he spent admiring the view from your apartment and helping you pick out some cool pieces of furniture. All with the thoughts of having his baby growing inside your womb in this very instant. By the end of the day you were tired, falling asleep on the couch in his arms.
The nest more in, you abruptly got up, feeling the need to throw up. You ran towards the bathroom, emptying your already empty stomach in the toilet. You feel Harry’s hand pull your hair out of the way. “Love, are you sure you’re alright?”, he asked worriedly. You got up and flushed the toilet, going towards the sink to brush your teeth. “Yeah, might be a small bug”, you say, avoiding eye contact. He didn’t pressure you as he walked out the door and into the kitchen. You decided on showering before making your way downstairs where you smelled the breakfast that he was cooking. “Feeling better?”, he asks you. “Hmm, yeah. Just hungry”, you admit. He handed you a plate of food and you started eating the delicious food.
Once you were done with breakfast, you helped clean up, even after him telling you no. Once you were done, you couldn’t help but feel the nausea coming back. You ran to the bathroom again, spilling your guts out. Fuck, why did this have to happen when he was here. It was like the baby was already telling you to tell him. “Y/n, this is the second time love. Should I take you to the doctor?”, he quietly asks, causing your eyes to tear up, afraid to tell him. You flushed the toilet again, getting up to brush your teeth in silence. He just stood there and watched you. Tear ran down your face as you brushed your teeth, his expression becoming soft, his eyes with sadness as he watched you cry. “Baby…what’s wrong?”, he says, kissing your cheek as he wrapped his arms around you. You rinsed your mouth from toothpaste and turned around. He cleaned the tears from under your eyes making you somewhat smile at the small gesture.
“Harry I have to tell you something”, you say, finding the courage deep inside you. It’s now or never. Better to rip the band aid all at once. “What’s wrong”, he asks, worry in his eyes. You grabbed his hand and walked towards the living room, the sunlight being the only light in the room. You looked through your bag, finding the results that your doctor gave you. “I want you to know that whatever happens, my feelings for you do not change. I love you H”, you say, your voice breaking as tears started spilling from your eyes again. “Y/n, you’re scaring me now”, he says. Without saying another word, you hand Harry the results. With confusion in his eyes, he takes the paper out of the envelope and unfolds it, reading the print. You saw his expression change from confusion to a blank canvas. You heart felt like it could jump out of your chest, waiting for his reaction. “You’re pregnant?”, he asks, his voice monotonous. “Yeah”, you whispered. “With my baby?”, he asks. You silently nod your head, not trusting your voice as he stared into your eyes. “When did you find out?”, he asks, going towards the couch and taking a seat. “Today. Right before you showed up, I had arrived from the doctor's office”, you say, walking towards the couch as well.
You watched as he rubbed his face with his hands, the piece of paper now on the floor. It was silent. This could go one of two ways. He could either be happy and make this work, or two have nothing to do with this and leave. You hoped it was the first option. “Harry say something please”, you cry, feeling yourself hyperventilating. Your chest started to tighten at his lack of emotion. Your tears running down your face like a waterfall. He looked at you, his once hard expression turning soft. He realized you were freaking out and scooted to you quickly. “Hey, hey, look at me. Everything will be okay. We’ll be okay, okay?”, he says, wrapping his arms around you giving you a hug. “I’m so sorry”, you cry in his shoulder. “Why are you sorry? For being pregnant?”, he asks, nodding your head as an answer. “You have nothing to be sorry about love. It takes two to tango. I’m just shocked, it’s all. I’m not mad or upset”, he says, making you feel somewhat comfortable.
“You’re not?”, you look up to him, a small smile playing on his lips. “Are you kidding me? Why would I be mad at this news? I’m having a baby with the most amazing person ever. Someone who I truly love. Someone who I trust. Someone who makes me comfortable”, he says, pinching your cheek making you smile. “So, you want to have this baby?”, you ask, wanting to feel some kind of reassurance. “Of course I do my love. I want to have this baby and many more in the future. I don’t know why it took me so long to confess my feelings for you but it’s always been you. No one else. Just you”, he confesses. This caused you to cry again, feeling overwhelmed with emotion. “Oh Harry”, you say, jumping into his arms and kissing his lips out of pure happiness. “I can’t believe I’m going to be a dad”, he says, kissing your cheek. “I can’t believe I’m going to be a mom”, you giggle.
You felt peace. You felt like a weight had been lifted off of your shoulders. You were elated with his reaction to your pregnancy. You were happy to know that he wanted to have this child with you and start a family together. You were happy that he felt the same way you did, filled with love for one another. You were ready to start this new chapter with him by your side. Start a life together, if things worked out. If by any chance it didn’t, you were still happy to know that your best friend was the father of your child. Your love child, and to be quite frank, you wouldn’t want it any other way.
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