#realme c
techsole-blog · 6 months
Realme C67 5G Price, Official Look, Design, Camera, Specifications, Feat...
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juls-art · 1 year
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⁜ Il cielo guarda solo chi merita ⁜ --   Kofi | Patreon          
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artharakka · 5 months
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Erol 🕊
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sesamenom · 7 months
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co-high kings galadriel & celeborn
since elrond doesn't want the kingship, galadriel & celeborn are the eldest in middle-earth of the lines of Olwe and Elmo respectively. olwe is older but hes the king of the teleri not specifically doriath sindar so there might be some dispute between which line the sindarin high kingship jumps to, but they very conveniently happen to already be married and so can skip all that and just be twice the headache for sauron
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yanderealm · 1 year
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PAIRING: gi / hi3 / hsr x afab! reader
TW: blood sucking, needy actions, your s/o being thirsty for your blood 7/24, you suffering from anemia because they always sucks your blood, biting marks, hickeys, NSFW, yandere & suggestive themes, possessiveness, oral ( f! receives ), period sex & soft sex.
NOTE: done and gone crappy i’m dying 💀. && banner edit inspired by @justblades .
they immediately get turned on because you whimper too much while they were sucking your blood, they made you lay on the floor without wasting any time and whisper “ leave it to me… i won’t hurt this time, i promise. “ for not making you get panicked. but you end up being broken by them.
diluc, zhongli, lisa, alhaitham, yelan, dainsleif, ayato, thoma, kaveh, wanderer, durandal, su, kevin, eden, otto, elysia, himeko ( hi3/hsr ), dan heng, luocha, welt, jing yuan, seele
they suck your blood until you pass out because they find your blood so rarely sweet that they shouldn’t leave even a drop to someone else. you always carry their marks on your neck, cleavage, breasts, wrists, thighs and inner thighs that they makes a new one if any of those marks perishes, they even lick your period blood if you let them and finger you gently.
kaeya, ayato, arlecchino, zhongli, childe, pantalone, alhaitham, cyno, rita, raven, hare / mistelyn, kalpas, blade, kafka
they prefer to suck on your blood once a week because they don't want to ruin your beauty by sucking too much blood. they always cares about your skin in aftercare, makes you sure that you eat well against anemia. they’ll even apologize if they went too hard to make you cry loudly, immediately licking the wound they made as treatment.
thoma, diluc, kazuha, keqing, shenhe, jean, lisa, fu hua, su, mei, aponia, eden, yae sakura, kallen, otto, gepard, sampo, dan heng, natasha, jing yuan
they want only their marks on your body and want to have their scent mixed with yours when they rest their face on your neck or chest. they won’t even comprehend that they’re not the only one who’s getting possessive over their beautiful s/o. you become a vampire to be immortal and to be more closer to them. and maybe even sucking their blood too?
childe, diluc, xiao, albedo, lisa, eula, yelan, ei, pantalone, signora, dottore, capitano, shenhe, raven, rita, yae sakura, blade, serval, bronya
they want to be intimate with you while sucking your blood because you’re really seductive in their eyes! they want to see you whimper in pleasure under them!
miko, dehya, sara, dainsleif, alhaitham, jean, baizhu, wanderer, pantalone, capitano, miko, xiao, mobius, mei, durandal, jing yuan, sampo, seele, kafka, luocha, serval
the reason they fell in love with you is the smell and hotness of your blood! it drove them crazy and they even tend to change their sick traits for making themselves ‘ boyfriend / girlfriend material ‘ in your eyes just for your sweet blood!. but soon, they achieve your delicious blood in your first date.! and maybe you spiced it up in the end <3
ei, cyno, wanderer, sara, childe, itto, kaveh, hare / mistelyn, kallen, mei, elysia, otto, kevin, dan heng, gepard
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beloved-blaiddyd · 1 month
Dear Brynlee,
I am simply in love with the dog! Gallagher and farmer y/n au you made. If it would be okay may I ask for something alongside of being in the middle of winter and being after that your hound Gal would catch a cold so you suggested he just sleeps in your bed with you for a few nights despite his big size? Can be yandere too
With admiration
Lia Tostyava
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I'm sorry I'm a bit busy rn irl please take this humble offering hahahha I'll probably get back on that brainrot later and also i am so grateful you followed the format ily lia /platonic
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stainedglassthreads · 7 months
I don't want Asgore and Toriel to reconcile and get back together in Deltarune I want Asgore and Rudy to abruptly vanish in the night with no warning or build-up leaving Toriel and C Holiday with the most awkward dynamic imaginable.
'My ex, who kept making me uncomfortable, disrespecting my boundaries, and generally refusing to move on from me, finally did move on from me and get his life together, like I kept hoping he would. But he did that by just eloping with your husband. We used to be close and then we had an awful falling-out and just when Kris was starting to get close with your daughter and husband again. My ex-husband stole your husband. What do I even say about that. What do I even feel about that.'
It would be awful but it would also be funny.
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salovie · 2 months
Your face hides in waves,
dark gold, wind-combed, far-streaming.
I catch your grin glint
behind the strands in the gale—
a gift from your realm to mine.
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erstwhilesparrow · 1 month
hey does it ever make you kind of crazy that post-reunion, c!owen introduces himself to us as owen agarci? agarci as in the name of the demon he shot in the chest during his trial? we know that's not c!owen's real last name -- he tells us so right then and there -- but i think it matters that of the last names he could have chosen for his lie, he took this one. his last name might have been the only thing he still carried with him of his family, of his past before the attack, and he refuses to use it or admit to it.
because it is an introduction, y'know? his narration, after the reunion, is a way of remaking himself in our eyes -- he is not the person we thought he was, so he needs to introduce himself again. and here, the thing he claims as his originating point, as the moment from his past he wants to carry around with him in something so fundamental as his name, is the moment he first killed a demon. this is the most important piece of his past. this, he is telling us, is where he comes from.
i think a lot about how we never actually see owen's parents. i don't even think we get their names? we get their voices in flashbacks over shots of empty fields and unpopulated streets. there is a kind of blankness to owen's past, or to what owen will reveal to us of his past, that forces us to take on faith that he is telling the truth when he talks about his own history. there is no one who could say otherwise; all the people who might have known him before he was a soldier and then a general are almost certainly dead.
it grants owen a fascinating degree of control over his own history. of course he can remake himself in this way, of course he can tell any story he wants of himself in this way; there's no one left to dispute his claims. in a way, he is his own origin -- as he tells us the story of his life, he is also creating that story. he came out of those woods with nothing but a bow on his back, no history, no one still living who could call to him by name. whatever life he lived before that point doesn't matter -- the thing that fundamentally made him the person who walked into town and demanded to join the army wasn't the life he lived with his parents, it was the violence he'd been exposed to and the violence he'd discovered himself willing and able to engage in. or so his story goes.
do you think when he woke up at the bottom of that elevator, memories wiped, nothing left to him of his past, there was some strange sense that he had done this before? do you think he rose up toward the light of the clearing above, empty-handed and alive, his entire life before this point a history waiting for him to tell it, and wondered why it felt familiar?
or maybe it's that he's refusing us. because following his turn during reunion, there's almost a sense that he has tighter control of the camera now. he addresses his 'voices' nearly antagonistically, wishing we/they would go away, responding and talking to us/them in a way that feels harsher than how he's addressed chat in the past. he's frustrated with us/them: why are you still here, i thought i was done with you. he accuses us/them of only pretending to care, of lingering not so much out of concern or any desire to do something as out of some morbid curiosity. there's a degree of access to him that we seem to have lost. it's as if he's finally certain that there is an audience, and what he's willing to show us shifts.
there's something really lovely and horrifying about a lot of the more scripted sections of owen's pov after the reunion. how it shows us things only he knows (the knife in his hotbar for much of his dinner conversation with guts, the beat where he grabs his backpack and reaches for a weapon when it seems like ayngel is about to recognize him, the interaction with puddy in the second clearing when he visits with krow), but we are nevertheless shut out of his interiority as he starts talking less to others, starts favouring third-person camera shots and narration where he gets to step out of the moment and talk to us directly. you can even think about the 'scripted by owengejuicetv' segments after each kill as signalling this: he has such visible direct control of the story we get to know now. he is the one who gets to tell this story, who gets to move the pieces on the board. here's what happened, he says to us. this is how it went. this is what i do and who i am and here are the parts that mattered. do you ever think about how rasbi's ending wasn't streamed from her pov? do you ever think about how the only witnesses to rasbi's death were rasbi herself, and owen?
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simarcana · 7 months
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You should know, I'm the one who's in control
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ccaptain · 2 months
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this has been a long time coming: small starter call! like this post for me to fart out a starter of various length. i will try to keep these short so i don't burn out!
please specify the muse you want to interact with kaeya ( if your blog is multimuse ) and the verse you'd like him from ( i'm big into the h:sr verse right now )!
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techsole-blog · 1 year
Realme C55 Price, Official Look, Design, Specifications, 8GB RAM, Camera...
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nanoa1foryou · 7 months
I see the Cha Cha Cha madness is still going strong on the esc channel
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They also had a mashup of Cha Cha Cha and Fairytale in the intro (And it's wild. I need a full version asap)
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And our boy is still firmly in the top 3 (passed by Fairytale man Alexander Rybak himself, with Little Big not moving from their spot at 1)
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vaguely-concerned · 4 months
the thing about growing up undiagnosed high-masking autistic is that it feels a lot like being expected to spontaneously develop, nay, somehow autogenically manifest from somewhere deep in your soul, a perfect understanding of ancient greek. and you scrape by for a long while on route memorization of established texts and sneaking looks in dictionaries while people glance away and frantic spiritual google translating and you form a tattered highly specialized vocabulary and some exceedingly hazy theories of grammar. but then one day the world will be like 'wonderful, you've really got this down huh! now it's time to go out there in the world and compose your own poetry! have fun!' and then you sit there like ':) oh no!' and in your cobbled-together desperate lingo it's very hard to find a way to tell people 'my nervous system has been burning for so long that there's only electrified ash left in here to carry the signal and all that greek ate every other language I may have known at the beginning so now I don't understand anything at all anymore I don't know how to truly speak and I don't know how to truly listen it's all greek to me' without them going 'but don't be silly you're so eloquent!' and/or 'well have you tried to spontaneously be a fluent latin speaker instead that worked great for me!' and then I want to go lie down at the bottom of the deepest ocean forever and never get up
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citrus-blade · 3 months
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space-writes · 4 months
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series masterpost
🕷 Genre: War of the Spider Queen/Forgotten Realms fanfiction, also Erotica, Horror and a smidge of Dark Romance
🕷 Features: OC/canon, a nightmare transmasc wizard boy, obsession, stalking, jealousy, violent impulses, dubious consent, possessiveness, evil gender dysphoria, incest, gore, the inherent horror of Having a Body, and occasionally actual school things happening at Sorcere
🕷 Status: Ongoing serial, which you can read on AO3 here, or my neocities here
🕷 One Sentence Summary: Pharaun Mizzrym is everything to Vizaeth Thaezyr. He’ll do anything for him—even if Pharaun doesn’t know it yet.
🕷 Series Tag: obsession fic blogging (it began on my main, so check the tag there for additional content!)
Obsession is a collection of connected stories featuring my OC, Vizaeth Xunhrae Thaezyr. Various War of the Spider Queen and Legend of Drizzt characters make appearances, but the main focus is OC content, both mine and those belonging to my wonderful co-writer, @lawful-evil-novelist, who posts her fics in the series here.
Vizaeth is an awful little man and I like to put him through The Horrors on a regular basis, so if you enjoy drow, suffering, or narrators who are convinced they're Very Normal And Correct About Everything in the most unhinged way possible, come give it a read! The series can be read fairly canon-blind; as long as you're vaguely aware of what drow are, you'll be pretty much good.
taglist: @foxboyclit (ask to be +/-)
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