wannabe-witchcraft · 4 years
“Quiet the Rumors” knot spell
So recently there’s been a group of people who’ve decided they don’t like me, and we share a couple mutual friends. Because of this, I happen to hear a lot of their negative opinions about me. There isn’t much I can personally do to stop it, so I’ve created this knot spell to help hold their tongues.
What you will need:
An old pair of earbuds
Pants pocket/backpack/purse
What to do:
Cast a circle or begin your ritual in whatever way you normally would.
Meditate a bit on the things they’ve been saying about you and how it makes you feel. Bring that energy to the surface. This is the energy you’ll be using to power the spell.
You’re going to be making 3 knots, instead of the traditional 9. Taking the audio jack (plug) end of the earbuds, slowly tie it in a knot and recite “With this knot I bind the source. No longer will they speak so ill of me.”
Taking the headphone end, slowly tie a knot and recite “With this knot I bind the sound. No longer will I hear them speak so ill of me.”
Taking the middle of the cord, slowly tie your final knot and recite “No longer will those words be spoke, no longer will they pierce my ears. With this knot I bind it down, silence that sound, so mote it be.”
Then take the knotted headphones and shove them into your pocket or the bottom of a backpack. Allow the cord to get further tangled. Either keep it on you or store it somewhere like the back of your closet.
I hope this helps anyone out there struggling with the same situation I’m in.
- The Sterling Witch
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wannabe-witchcraft · 4 years
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Remember, to love others you must love yourself.❤✨
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wannabe-witchcraft · 4 years
DIY Witches Bells Protection Charm
I’ve been wanting to buy one of these for a while now but would always end up not doing it. My mom used to craft and make clothes for me as a baby and because of that there’s leftover crafting items at her old computer desk. Honestly, using those items makes crafts feel a lot more special and linked to her! I lost her when I was 13.
I’ve seen these little bells in her crafting junk drawer and always thought maybe I could do this.. but never attempted. Until yesterday!
Here’s What I Used:
copper wire (from Walmart)
twine (from Dollar Tree)
small bells
fake flowers I already had on hand
something to help cut the wire
hot glue
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First, I made a circle from the copper wire and then wrapped the wire all the way around it (over and over)to make it more stable and less flimsy. If you have something else for the circle, feel free to use that instead. At the top of the circle I made a little hole so you can hang it from the ceiling if you wanted. You could also add twine and hang it from a doorknob.
Next, I used twine to make a star in the circle and glued it to the copper wire. Now, you can measure out 6 pieces of twine. I didn’t do exact measurements but you’d have 2 fairly long pieces, 2 medium length, and 2 smaller pieces. Add your bells to the pieces of twine before gluing them to the bottom of the copper wire circle.
Lastly, feel free to add some fake flowers in whatever way you’d like. I used them to help cover up bits of hot glue at the bottom of the circle. Then bam! You’re done.
Bells are thought to get rid of negative energy and evil spirits. There’s an incantation I found to go along with this home protection charm though I’m not sure where it originated. It says to hang it near your front door and to ring it three times; Each time say,
”Bell by the door
Guard our home
Let evil spirits come no more
Dark spells shall not be cast
Only good fortune shall everlast”.
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wannabe-witchcraft · 4 years
mental illness meds, witchcraft, and spirituality
I don’t have anything eloquent to say. Just the fact that I’ve been on a moderate dose anti-depressant for a year and it has positively affected my practice. If you struggle with mental illness and worry that being medicated will make your psychic censer harder to bypass or numb you to spiritual communication - it won’t
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wannabe-witchcraft · 6 years
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Gods and Goddesses Of Egypt
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wannabe-witchcraft · 6 years
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Note: I want to be polite and not intrusive with this post, so I’ve applied a lot of tags that would allow people to filter it if they’re not comfortable viewing content like this. I think I did that right, but I’m not entirely sure, so if anyone knows other ways to make filtering easier, let me know and I can edit this.
This spell is designed to help those who menstruate have an easier, shorter menses, with less pain. It does not involve any herbs or chemicals or ingesting anything - it works purely through sympathetic magick.
As usual, spells (including this one) should not be used as a substitute for medical advice or treatment. This particular spell should not be used if you suspect serious problems - in that case, see a doctor instead. If things are mostly normal for you, or you’d like to use magick in conjunction with medical treatment, you might try this spell.
All you need for this is a small bit of red cloth, paper, or tissue paper. If you don’t have that, you can simply take a small bit of normal paper or tissue and color it red (even just a dot will work!) with a pen or marker. Essentially, you just need something small and unobtrusive that has a red color to it, even if it’s just a small amount of red.
This spell should be performed right after your menses begins. When I use it, I tend to perform it exactly when I realize mine has begun. 
To begin: once you realize your menses has begun, take the scrap of red cloth or paper (etc.) and hold it just in front of your pelvis. Hold it tightly with both hands, and fix your eyes on the red color of the scrap. Then, whisper to yourself:
Red calls to red as redness flows Cause not pain, nor trouble, Quickly flow and quickly go.
Slip the bit of red paper/cloth/whatever into a pocket of your pants, skirt, or other attire. If you have no pockets, you can safety pin it to the inside of your garment. Just stash it below your waist in some way, but pockets do work best, and I’ll often wear jeans with pockets specifically so I can do this.
It definitely helps to perform the spell month after month, and the effects seem to be cumulative, with the spell working better each time. This is just what I have noticed from using it for the past seven months. 
There are, of course, herbal remedies and potions that can help ease menstrual symptoms, too, but I’ve not tried many, and most I would not recommend without consulting a doctor first. I tend to drink cinnamon tea, and that helps, too, but still, make sure you’re being safe!
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wannabe-witchcraft · 6 years
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Hey Witchblr! I am always shy about posting my work, but I was feeling Very in the zone the other day, & decided to share some of the Sigils I whipped up! They are all open & free to use, but I do request you at the very least share my work if you want to use it lol. I do take requests, & I charge 1-5$ depending on the complexity, so feel free to send me a message if you’d like one! 💕👽💕
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wannabe-witchcraft · 6 years
Hearth Witch Tips 🌌
Hey witches! As some of you may know, I am a hearth witch. Here is a small list of some witchy things I incorporate into my home. My home and my family is my pride and joy, and it brings me great joy to have little rituals in place for a comfortable, cozy and tranquil living space, and fulfills my nurturing spirit. Enjoy! 💖🌙
🔮 Hanging rosemary at your front door for protection.
🔮 Lavender sachets for under pillows to promote relaxation and calm.
🔮 Spraying bed linen with a blend of water, witch hazel and lavender essential oil.
🔮 Candles in the hearth area of the home can be a replacement for the traditional hearth fire. I have a fireplace, however often burn a candle instead in the warmer months where a fire would be too hot.
🔮 Growing herbs on windowsills is a beautiful touch, and especially useful for witches without access to a garden space. Grow herbs based on your desired intent for the home, and the bonus is they can also be used for cooking.
🔮 Opening windows can let in fresh air and drive out stagnant energy.
🔮 White vinegar infused citrus peels can make a great cleaning spray. Citrus is associated with sun energy, so it can help bring vitality and uplifting spirit to your home.
🔮 Spraying curtains with a blend of basil essential oil and water can bring peace, wealth and settle conflict in the home.
🔮 Enchanting blankets to provide comfort, reassurance and solace.
🔮 Sweeping and vacuuming can be looked upon as getting rid of unwanted energy.
🔮 Mirrors are thought to amplify the power of everything they reflect. Placing beautiful items such as flowers, crystals, shells and candles, along with keeping them out of sight of clutter can invite beautiful energy into the home.
🔮 Essential oil diffusers are an amazing tool. Use them to infuse whatever essential oils you want in your home, as different oils have different magickal correspondences. I also place my diffuser at the bottom of my wardrobe, to infuse my clothing with different scents and for magickal intent.
🔮Fresh flowers in the home are a great way to liven up a room and have magickal correspondences. Blue flowers are associated with drawing peace and tranquility into the home, so I often have blue hydrangeas in my flower vases.
🔮 To keep away unwanted guests, smear patchouli oil on door handles. Make sure all family members are in the home when doing this.
🔮 Place salt on the windowsills for protection. If a room in your home feels full of negative energy, placing salt in the four corners of the room and letting it sit there for 48 hours will absorb this energy.
🔮 When cooking for my family, I visualize it being infused with love. I imagine the love pouring from my heart into my meals - this simple practise is nurturing and calming.
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wannabe-witchcraft · 6 years
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Black Panther Tarot (Part 2) - 2018
My take on The Black Panther movie characters. Part 1 is available HERE.
Available as prints at my shop.
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wannabe-witchcraft · 6 years
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Black Panther Tarot (Part 1) - 2018
My take on The Black Panther movie characters. Part 2 available HERE
Available as prints at my shop.
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wannabe-witchcraft · 6 years
Drunk Witchery
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Anything and everything that involves witchcraft and alcohol. Please drink legally and responsibly! And please tag this appropriately for those who avoid alcohol.
Correspondences of…
Wine types in witchcraft
White wine
Red wine
Rosé Wine
Beer brands and witchcraft
Booze correspondence table
Blackberry gin
Booze witchcraft (making gin)
Tonic wine recipes
Mulled wine
Yule buttered rum
Hot toddy
Moon vodka
Infuse your booze
Using in witchcraft…
Vodka luck spell
Lucky night shots
Simple spell for warmer weather
Hot toddy (for good health and cheer!)
Love spell cocktail
Simple love potion
Witchy whiskey
Use of alcohol in a ritual
Get that bartending job spell
*Multiple links were pulled from this post*
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wannabe-witchcraft · 6 years
Quick Guide to Celebrating the Sabbats 🌻
🧀Fruit & veg, herbed bread, cheese, honey cakes, chicken, pork, sunflower seeds, lemonade, ice tea.
🍋Lemon, orange, cinnamon, rose oils.
🔮Moonstone, tigers eye, amethyst, flourite, agate. {Or any crystals in warm colours}.
🌞See the sun rise & set, eat outdoors, make or buy a sun catcher, bake a sweet cake, let sunlight cleanse your rooms, clear cobwebs, wear a flower crown, make honey/sugar scrub, wear warm tones.
🎬Peter Pan, Fairy Tale, Ferngully, Stardust, Tinkerbell, Maleficent.
🌽Multi grain bread, corn on the cob, bbq meats, fried chicken, potatoes, soup, rice, nuts, black current juice, beer, peppermint tea.
🌹Rose, chamomile, passion fruit, all spice oils/scents.
🔮Citrine, clear quartz, tigers eye.
📖Finish a project, make a bread to share, enjoy nature, take care of plants, decorate or craft, acknowledge what you are grateful for, journal future hopes.
🎬Parent Trap, Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants, Cheaper by the Dozen.
🍇Pies, nuts, smoked or roast poultry [bbq chicken with smoky bbq sauce], soup, corn, apples, plums, grapes, cinnamon donuts, caramel popcorn, peanut butter, butterscotch.
🌲Sage, pine, cinnamon oils/scents.
🔮Amethyst, clear quartz, citrine, yellow agate.
🌾Make scented pinecones, spend time under the stars, donate food or goods [RSPCA], burn bad habits, visit the deceased, harvest take care of plants, bask in nature, meditate.
🎬Open Season, Brother Bear, Spirit, Pocahontas, Brave.
🎃Pumpkins, toffee apples, ginger bread, chai, nutmeg or cinnamon spiced foods, hazelnuts, sweets.
🌰Nutmeg, cinnamon scents.
🔮Obsidian, onyx, bloodstone, amber, fossils.
🕯Cook a family recipe, light a fire, remember & honour the deceased.
🎬Hocus Pocus, Addams Family, Monsters Inc, Little Vampire, Corpse Bride, Casper, Hansel Gretel Witch Hunters, Underworld, Van Helsing.
🍪Cookies, fruit cake, turkey, eggnog, ginger tea.
🕎Cedar, frankincense, myrrh oils.
🔮Bloodstone, citrine, clear quartz.
❄Give or volunteer, bake shortbread or sugar cookies, share a meal with loved ones.
🎬Santa Clause, Rise of the Guardians, 101 Dalmatians, Frozen, Snow White Winters War, Narnia.
🍩Poppy seeds, pumpkin seeds, bread butter pudding, scones, muffins, garlic, onions.
☕Vanilla, cinnamon oil.
🔮Amethyst, bloodstone, onyx.
🕯Light white candles, plant seeds, bless your pets, declutter & clean your living space, bake orange and poppy seed muffins or cake.
🎬Mr Poppers Penguins, Happy Feet, Balto, Ice Age, Mirror Mirror.
🍌Roast ham & pineapple, eggs, milk, seeds & nuts, banana bread, chocolate milk, green vegetables.
🌹Jasmine, light florals, sweet garden, wild flowers.
🔮Amethyst, rose quartz, moonstone.
🌹Light candles, plant seeds, share a roast ham with loved ones, bake banana bread, finish spring cleaning, lay tumbled stones in your garden bed, take deep breaths [inhale new energy & exhale old energies], wear spring colours whites & florals, collect wildflowers or buy flowers that call to you & research what they mean, walk through nature.
🎬Epic, Strange Magic, The Secret Garden, Spiderwick, A Bugs Life, Barbie Fairies.
🍞Breads, cakes, honey, leafy greens, fruit & veg, seafood, iced tea, lemonade, milk.
🌼Florals, sweet garden, honeysuckle, jasmine, rose.
🔮Amber, citrine, moonstone, red jasper, rose quartz.
🌼Wear a flower crown or flowers in your hair, dress in red or white, make a bonfire & roast marshmallows, garden, take a walk, spend time in nature, pick fresh flowers to decorate.
🎬Moana, Arthur Trilogy, Avatar, Jungle Book, Tinkerbell, Barbie.
☾Sage cleanse the house, light candles, diffuse oils.
☾Clean sheets/bedding/pillowcases/towels.
☾Eat at least one traditional food.
☾Watch a relevant movie.
☾Take notes in my BOS of how I celebrated the Sabbat to look back on next year.
☾Charge my crystals & tarot decks in the full moonlight.
☾Do a tarot reading relevant to the Sabbat.
☾Spend time outside with my dogs 🐶
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wannabe-witchcraft · 6 years
Rejuvenating Witchcraft
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Things to help you move on and recover from a long day, a rough night or a good cry.
Spells and magic:
Simple all purpose recovery spell
Rose quartz healing tears spell
Simple self love spell
Ease the pain spell
Here comes the sun spell
Bath magic / Self love bath / Shower ritual
Cleansing ritual body scrub
Quick pick me up glamour
Sunrise magic
Things to make:
Self care sachet
Self love and healing spell bottle
Inspired healing bottle
Self love jar
To move forward:
I move on sigil
A simple moving on spell
Clarity spell
Old habits begone spell
Spell for reassurance
Little things to do:
Surround yourself with crystals like rose quartz, carnelian, amethyst, rhodonite, citrine, pyrite and more!
Use rose water or honey to sweeten up your day.
Fairy like habits and self care
Witchy thing to do right now
Magical self care
Self care magic
Witch self care tips
What to do if witchcraft drains you
Cocoa comforting recipe
A warm heart tea recipe*
Healing heart tea*
Self love potion
Odds and ends:
The new you tarot spread (3 card)
Moving forward tarot spread (5 card)
Magics for heartbreak
Witchcraft for the grieving
Gentle witchcraft
*Please research herb safety before using!
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wannabe-witchcraft · 6 years
DIY Witches Runes🔮
I finally decided to start using different divination tools other than my tarot.
Runes have stood out to me before, but I’ve been seeing them everywhere recently & took it as a sign to start working with them & learning about them.
So! I grabbed some clay, & away I went!
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I started with cleansing the clay with some sage smoke to rid it of any energies it may have had from being manufactured or packaged.
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I then, meditated with it. Thinking of calming, creative & knowledgable energies.
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After shaping each stone, I carved the symbols in each one with the end of a small paintbrush, put a drop of clary sage on each one - & left them to dry.
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The next morning I painted them, let them dry again & finished them off with a few coats of clear nail polish!
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After they were done, I cleansed & charged the bag they would call home & put them away for the New Moon.
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🖤❄️ Blessed New Moon! 🗝🌑
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wannabe-witchcraft · 6 years
Ostara Resource Masterpost
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A collection of categorized links for your Ostara needs! What is Ostara? [X] Ostara is celebrated on March 20th-22nd, and September 20th-22nd in the S. Hemisphere. Ostara is also called the Spring Equinox or Eostara. 
The basics:
Things to celebrate the spring equinox!
Celebrate Ostara 
Ostara tips!
Ostara ideas!
What can I do to celebrate Ostara?
Ways to celebrate and correspondences
Ostara crafts: 
Offering stones
Witch eggs
DIY flower pressing
Butterfly feeder out of recycled objects
Painted rocks
Ostara recipes: 
Ostara quiche
Ostara honey cake 
Honey and milk cake
Ostara buns
Ostara sugar cookies
Dandelion honey
Ostara lavender lemonade
Ostara spells: 
Spring glamour shower spell
Spring healing jar spell
Ostara spell for future goals
Springtime spell
Ostara tarot spreads: 
Ostara spread (2 card)
Ostara tarot spread (5 card)
March spring flower spread (6 card)
Spring equinox spread (8 card)
Ostara/Easter spread (12 card)
Setting up your Ostara altar
Ostara psychic body scrub
Ostara masterpost (I know they look similar but I promise I just found this)
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wannabe-witchcraft · 6 years
The Witch Bitch Playlist
(these are songs that personally put me in a witchy vibe,feel free to add on)
Game of survival by Ruelle
Black out days by Phantogram 
Yellow Flicker Beat by Lorde
River by Bishop Briggs
Intro by The xx
Seven Devils by Florence + The Machine
Hanging on by Ellie Goulding
I Follow Rivers by Marika Hackman
The Devil Within by Digital Daggers
Up in flames by Ruelle
Evergreen by Broods
CopyCat by Billie Eilish
Bones by MS MR
In The Dark by Cathedrals
If I Had A Heart by Fever Ray
Interlude by Lights
Moonshine by Lights
Feral Hearts by Kerli
Bottom Of The River by Delta Rae
Eyes on Fire by Blue Foundation
Blossom by Kerli 
Black Magic by Magic Wands
Returning Fire With Fire by Mindy Smith
Give us a little love by Fallulah
House of the Rising Sun by Lauren O’Connell 
Burn the Witch by Queen of the Stone Age
Black Sheep by Gin Wigmore
Devil’s Backbone by The Civil Wars
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wannabe-witchcraft · 6 years
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A sacred space in my home 💜
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