#prosperity mindset
elhoimleafar · 7 days
We can only manifest what we, as energy workers and witches, are prepared to receive, what we accept to receive with confidence and with open arms, without fear and without prejudice.
✨🔥 https://amzn.to/3U38p6N
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Manifesting Wealth: The Law of Attraction and the Millionaire Mind
✨ Unlock the secrets of manifesting wealth with 'Manifesting Wealth: The Law of Attraction and the Millionaire Mind.' 💰 Link-in-bio 🌟 #ManifestingWealth #LawOfAttraction #MillionaireMind #MillionaireThinking #BeingWealthy #Millionairemindset #Manifest
Introduction In the pursuit of financial success, many people overlook the powerful role that mindset plays in achieving wealth. While strategic planning and hard work are crucial, the law of attraction suggests that our thoughts and beliefs also shape our reality. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore how the law of attraction intersects with the millionaire mindset to manifest wealth and…
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harmonyhealinghub · 5 months
Another Day, Another Dollar: Cultivating Abundance in Our Daily Lives
Shaina Tranquilino
November 20, 2023
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There is a common saying that resonates with many of us at the end of a long day - "Another day, another dollar." It encapsulates the idea that each day, we wake up and put in our efforts to earn a living. But have you ever stopped to ponder where this saying originated from? Moreover, could there be more to this phrase than just acknowledging the grind? Surprisingly, by consciously adopting this mantra and truly embracing its essence, we can create an abundance mindset that attracts even greater prosperity into our lives.
Origins of the Phrase: The exact origins of "Another day, another dollar" are somewhat unclear. However, it gained popularity in the United States during the late 19th century when industrialization was on the rise. The saying reflected the work ethic prevalent among labourers who faced challenging conditions while striving to make ends meet. It became synonymous with acknowledging their daily struggles and sacrifices for financial stability.
Why People Say It: People often say "Another day, another dollar" as a way to express resignation or acceptance towards the repetitive nature of their work. It acknowledges the monotony of everyday life and reinforces the notion that earning money requires consistent effort. While some may say it in jest or frustration, others use it as a reminder of their dedication and perseverance.
Creating Abundance Through Mindset: Interestingly, instead of viewing this saying solely through a lens of mundane repetition or dissatisfaction, we can choose to embrace it as an opportunity for growth and cultivating abundance.
1. Gratitude: By recognizing that each day presents an opportunity to earn income, we develop gratitude for having steady employment or entrepreneurial ventures. Expressing gratitude for what we have opens doors for attracting more abundance into our lives.
2. Motivation: Embracing "Another day, another dollar" can serve as a motivator rather than a mere acknowledgement. It reminds us that each day is a chance to work towards our goals, seize new opportunities, and improve our financial situations.
3. Consistency: Regularly using this phrase can reinforce the power of consistency in achieving success. By consistently putting in dedicated effort day after day, we create momentum that propels us forward on the path toward greater abundance.
4. Abundance Mindset: Adopting an abundance mindset means believing that there are limitless possibilities for prosperity available to us. When we say "Another day, another dollar" with genuine enthusiasm and positivity, we align our thoughts and actions with attracting more wealth into our lives.
While "Another day, another dollar" may seem like a simple expression acknowledging the daily grind, it holds deeper potential when approached with intentionality. By embracing gratitude, motivation, consistency, and an abundance mindset through this saying, we can transform our perception of everyday life into one filled with opportunity and prosperity. So next time you utter these words at the end of your day, remember that by doing so consciously, you're inviting more abundance into your life - not just financially but also emotionally and spiritually.
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annalouisemay · 2 years
New Week-Ahead Spiritual Guidance Tarot Reading for the Collective | In full at http://mayamuses.net or visit https://youtu.be/xEnQhok1g0M to enjoy the audio with my latest animated artwork. Excerpt: "The dominant energetic influence we can tap into over the coming week for th…
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positivepostoffice · 6 months
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Plant seeds of positivity and watch your reality flourish. The choice is yours.
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omegaphilosophia · 1 month
The Philosophy of Abundance
The philosophy of abundance is a perspective or worldview that emphasizes the inherent richness, generosity, and potential for growth and fulfillment in the world. It contrasts with scarcity mentality, which focuses on limitations, competition, and the belief that resources are finite and insufficient for everyone's needs. The philosophy of abundance encompasses various principles and beliefs that shape attitudes, behaviors, and perceptions towards life, prosperity, and well-being. Here are some key aspects of the philosophy of abundance:
Gratitude and Appreciation: The philosophy of abundance encourages individuals to cultivate gratitude and appreciation for the abundance already present in their lives, including relationships, experiences, opportunities, and resources. By focusing on what one has rather than what is lacking, individuals can experience greater satisfaction and fulfillment.
Positive Mindset: Adopting a positive mindset is central to the philosophy of abundance. It involves cultivating optimism, hope, and belief in one's ability to create and attract abundance in various areas of life, such as wealth, health, relationships, and personal growth. Positive thinking can lead to increased resilience, motivation, and creativity in overcoming challenges and pursuing goals.
Abundance Mentality: Abundance mentality is the belief that there is more than enough to go around for everyone, and that success and prosperity are not zero-sum games. It entails embracing a mindset of abundance in which opportunities, resources, and possibilities are plentiful and accessible to those who seek them. This mindset fosters collaboration, generosity, and a willingness to share and support others in their pursuits.
Law of Attraction: The philosophy of abundance is often associated with the law of attraction, which posits that individuals can attract positive or negative experiences into their lives based on their thoughts, beliefs, and intentions. By focusing on abundance and visualizing desired outcomes, individuals can purportedly manifest their dreams and goals more effectively.
Generosity and Sharing: Embracing abundance involves being generous and open-handed with one's time, energy, talents, and resources. Acts of kindness, compassion, and generosity contribute to the circulation of abundance in the world and create a ripple effect of positive impact on others. Giving without expecting anything in return fosters a sense of interconnectedness and abundance consciousness.
Growth Mindset: The philosophy of abundance encourages a growth mindset, characterized by a belief in the capacity for learning, development, and improvement over time. Embracing challenges, seeking opportunities for growth, and embracing failure as a stepping stone to success are key aspects of a growth-oriented approach to life.
Environmental Stewardship: Abundance philosophy extends to the natural world, emphasizing the importance of environmental stewardship, sustainability, and responsible use of resources. Recognizing the Earth's abundant natural resources and biodiversity, individuals are called to protect and preserve the planet for future generations.
Overall, the philosophy of abundance promotes a mindset of abundance, gratitude, generosity, and possibility, inviting individuals to embrace the richness and potential inherent in every aspect of life.
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Takeoff indeed. Take note of those small ways in which you have changed. Those little things that are now different about you that you may have looked over but that are now making your life much easier than it was before. It is that collection of the little things done right that will propel you toward your goals.
Source: https://www.facebook.com/SourceMessages/photos/a.2203765509860639/3431068190463692/
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tapan4evr · 5 months
Happiness is a choice, not a result. Nothing will make you happy until you choose to be happy. No person will make you happy unless you decide to be happy. Your happiness will not come to you. It can only come from you.– RALPH MARSTON.
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beastofwant · 6 months
I should start keeping track of posts I'd like to cross stitch/embroider
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The Wealth Mindset: How Millionaires Think Differently
🌟💰 Unveiling the Wealth Mindset: Discover How Millionaires Think Differently! 💭✨ Explore the powerful beliefs. Comment MINDSET for the tips & tricks to your success. 💡🚀 #WealthMindset #MillionaireThinking #FinancialSuccess #ProsperityMindset #Success
Have you ever wondered what makes millionaires different from the rest of us? Is it luck, talent, or hard work? While these factors may play a role, the most important difference is their mindset. Millionaires think differently about money, success, and life. They have a wealth mindset that helps them attract and create abundance. In this blog post, we will explore what the wealth mindset is,…
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soldier-of-self · 8 months
Money Manifestation Miracles: The Secrets to Soul-Aligned Wealth!
Unlock the secrets of money manifestation and soul alignment for lasting abundance and prosperity! Dive into this enlightening article now."
Manifest Money and Prosperity through Soul Alignment Have you ever wondered how some people effortlessly attract money and prosperity into their lives? It’s not just luck; it’s about money manifestation by aligning your soul with your desires. As a seasoned mindset coach, I’m thrilled to guide you on a journey to discover how you can manifest money and prosperity through the incredible power of…
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manifestationmagic21 · 10 months
Hey beautiful people! I am offering my annual class on Abundance & Money Magic this July 13th. This time for just $10 per person and recordings will be available immediately after the class for the participants.
This class will happen via Zoom and the workshop will end by adding the names of all participants to our Good Fortune and Money Candle Spell to light that same Thursday night (Day of Jupiter) after the class.
We still have 16 spots available for the class.
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captainderyn · 2 years
This is just a small musing but I’m one semester from graduation, I’ll be done with my undergrad in December, and that’s brought a lot of people asking questions of what I want to do after.
And I’m truly starting to see how awful hustle/work culture is in the States from the telling way people react when I say I don’t know yet, but I’m going to go live with my partner.
They react with snide remarks, or snarky comments. As if it’s bad to be a then-22-year-old whose been in school since she was 6 years old doesn’t immediately know what she wants to do. That she’d like to figure that out while breaking the distance with her person of 3 years. As if it’s so bad to want love and comfort ALONGSIDE my future career.
The two don’t have to exist independently. But I don’t dream of sacrificing my life to work, of dedicating my entire energy towards that at the consequence of my health, well-being, and creativity.
But people ✨hate✨ that and it’s frustrating to deal with day in and day out.
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thecosmicangel · 11 months
How To Attract More Positivity & Prosperity Into Your Life Tips & Advice ✨🪄📝💗
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- positive affirmations 3x a day for 21 days creates a new outlook/ positive mindset
- eat healthier, juicing is a great, fun and easy way to incorporate more nutrition into your life
- exercise, move your body, stretch , yoga, or going for a walk can be extremely beneficial for your mind body and soul
- clean out your space and environment, get rid of junk or clutter, donate or throw out whatever it is you no longer use or need.
- get ready, make an effort to look and feel your best, live & act as if you are rich because you are!
- get grounded, spend more time in nature
- try out new hobbies , study something you want to learn, draw, knit , color , sing , read a book , cook, try out a class no matter if you think you are good enough for it or not.
- journaling, spending alone and quite time , meditation
- write; if you have any desires or goals you wish to accomplish write them down, make a list of all your goals. If you do not know what you want or have no clear ideas make a list of what you DO NOT want in your life anymore. By writing things down you allow new ideas and insights to come to you.
- when you get ideas/ goals or creative thoughts always write them down, plan it out and then act on them= how you actively manifest your desires
- always remember that life is all one big cycle and as humans we work in cycles as well , you will not always be working at optimal levels & just like things don’t always stay up and have to come down; so do we as humans so don’t be too hard on yourself, and allow your self some rest when you feel like things are getting too hard or your body simply is asking for rest.
- if you fail one day , try again the next. If you are alive it’s for a reason so keep trying until you make it, and remember Rome wasn’t built in one day + everything that is meant to last and give fruitful outcomes does not get build in one day.
- focus on your path and your path ONLY do not compare your self to other’s journey or accomplishments. You are right where you need to be!
- try to spend less time on your phone or social media give your self time limits to be on social media and be more present on the real life.
- be grateful for what you have, instead on focusing on what you don’t have or what you are lacking in, focus on what you DO have and be grateful for everything you have at the moment
- when you have negative or intrusive thoughts always make up for it with a positive life affirming thoughts
- Always ask God for guidance on what ever it is you need guidance or clarification on
-Believe in yourself and once you have a plan and are actively working towards your goals let it all go and leave it to God to work out all the other details and ways in which things will manifest for you.
Do not focus on the outcome or try to control every little detail- focusing or trying to control means you do not trust the universe or yourself to make things happen.
“Let Go and Let God”
📷: pictures were publicly sourced via Pinterest.
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manifestisnow · 1 year
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Live it as if its happening right now. Have an amazing day on planet Earth ;)
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