#pro sex
I don't know how to state this clearly but I have some thoughts.
That it is deeply concerning how there is more and more of a sort of "anti-sex" rhetoric making rounds online that echoes a lot of more conservative viewpoints on it. This time they use different language though. With terms like "porn addict", "coomer", and "gooner", they tend to share this sentiment by setting aside a group that can be properly othered, and then make broad statements about how this other group is ruining their online experience by "sexualizing their faves".
While yes I do believe that some people can uncritically consume pornographic media and be quite obnoxious about it, that is besides the point, uncritical consumption of media is a discussion for another time. What I am trying to say is that it just gets frustrating. Especially considering a lot of these can very much echo anti-queer sentiments. Think of it, "gooning" can be considered a kinkier way of saying "masturbation" to some, and because of that, it becomes reviled like nothing else I've seen before.
Also it gets annoying seeing people complain about people sexualizing adults when like. Idgaf. I'm sexualizing Bridget from Guilty Gear either way. You cannot stop me.
Idk what to end this post in or how to adequately tag it, I just wanted to get my thoughts out.
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reading a shit radfem/anti post screeching about kink only to find that almost their whole blog is nothing but game of thrones fandom discourse
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boreal-sea · 2 years
oh shut the fuck up. OP is 100% correct about CNC and you know it. how DARE you fetishize r*pe, inc*st, dr*gging, k*dnapping, and all the other sick shit that goes along with what you call a ”kink”. newsflash you fucking idiot, YOU have no idea how adult human sexuality works. i bet your brain was melted by viewing too much p0rn at an early age. go to fucking therapy. YOURE the abnormal one
There are thousands of papers about kink and how common and normal it is. Seriously. You have no idea what you're talking about.
Do you have a "gut feeling" of disgust, fear, or revulsion when you think about kink? Yeah, that's because you've been raised in a society that taught you to be grossed out by sex in general, and to be extra grossed out by sex that isn't intended to create babies.
Under Western Patriarchal Christian-cenrtic society, the only Good Sex is sex between a cis man and a cis woman that aims to create a child. You have been programmed to believe this.
Did you know oral and anal sex is considered "kinky" and many states had or STILL have laws against it? That's right, sucking dick and anal is just as bad as r*pe according to bible thumpers. Well actually no, since they think it IS ok for a husband to r*pe his wife IRL to get her pregnant if she doesn't want sex. Which is actually the opposite of kink, because kink is inherently consensual.
If you aren't having heterosexual missionary vanilla sex with the intention of getting pregnant, you are participating in "filthy, unhealthy kink" and you are "abnormal". No oral. No anal. No gay sex. Gay sex is extremely "kinky" and bad. And don't be TRANS, that's kinky too!! Haven't you heard of autogynophelia?? Trans women are just fetishizing themselves!!
"But that's not what I'm talking about!" you whine. "Lesbians can have sex, as long as they only have the kind of sex I approve of!"
I'm aware you're a hypocrite, I just want you to understand that I think you have absolutely no right to be drawing a line in the sand between what you consider "good sex" and "bad kink", and I don't think western society has that right, either.
(I don't care about convincing Anon, this was purely for my own enjoyment).
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lemonastims · 2 years
antis: teenagers having any sexual thoughts or knowing about sexuality is SO FUCKED UP!!! it will hurt them so dearly by knowing what an orgasm is!!!!
like girl you are just pushing anti-sex puritan bullshit reskinned to make it seem like you're protecting kids. teenagers have sexual thoughts. discouraging that and trying to helicopter them and shelter them is going to hurt them in the long term.
i grew up and am still living in an extremely sex positive household and i am better for it. i knew kids who were being groomed in middle school BECAUSE they didn't know what sex was, what was so important there.
you could play the pornhub intro in a school and half the school would turn around on mortified impulse. teens read sexual fanfiction all the damn time. teens masturbate. teens are supposed to be learning who they are now, and pretending sex isn't real doesn't help them figure out jack shit!!
someone posting about sexual things/making sexual jokes does NOT equal advocating for minors making nsfw content or CSEM of themselves. theres a fuckin difference. pls
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lilithism1848 · 2 months
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moghedien · 1 year
Bioware is typically pretty bad at writing religious characters (especially in ME) because it comes off as cringy and weird and brought up inorganically, in a way that’s clearly supposed to just cause conflict and isn’t really thought out or meaningful
But Leliana is the exception to this in my mind because she’s objectively hilarious about how she interprets her beliefs and spends three games being like “God told me to follow you. Now that we’re dating I want you to know that god sent you to me as a little treat because I was a very good girl. God wants me to have sex with girls. Revolution is the will of god and it’s ok if I kill people for it. I know that the pope is supposed to be celibate but god wants me to have a wife so I’m not giving up sex. Yes I can still assassinate peopled gods ok with it”
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cocainegf · 5 months
I just think it's actually evil to suggest that because of most women's ability to become pregnant that they just shouldn't have sex if they don't ever want to be. Like that sex for pleasure is only a luxury for males and if a woman wants that she has to just accept the terms and conditions of her biology with no option to not give birth if that were to happen on accident as a result of enjoying sex. That alone is insane
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I'm not a furry and I am indifferently supportive of furries doing their thing or whatever but the funniest thing about so many of those chronically online little gen z sex puritans is the fact that if those furries didn't exist or disappeared, none of you little shits would ever get to use the internet again because our tech industry would crumble lmao
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toasteaa · 2 months
Sorry sorry, I thought about Neuvillette getting so lost in the feeling of your mouth or your cunt around his cock that he fucking shatters the headboard caught in his grip.
Something about him always being in control, always being so careful with his strength when it comes to you, holding you so lovingly even when his thrusts grow harsher. Rougher. Sweet whispers littered between his subtle moans and your keening whines before you hear a sharp crack in the wood above you.
The way his hips stutter against yours, stilling as he presses his face deep into the crook of your neck; a single, deep groan and a hiss of "yes" as his warmth floods you - and he practically tears a chunk out of your headboard as if it's nothing but a flimsy sheet of paper.
His endless apologies afterwards and his insistence that he pay for the repairs (or for a new, more study bed); you're just trying to figure out how to get him that feral again.
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mikasasrippedtoenail · 2 months
Most people are acutely unaware of the fact that educated individuals make up a very small part of the population. Your access to internet, online discourse, books and other resources is a privilege. When you surround yourself with the elite, you will inevitably have a warped narrative of the reality. This is why lot of women in the West believe feminism isn't necessary.
Their skulls are not bashed by their father for not wearing a hijab nor are they paraded naked as a war prize. Their bodies are not marred to make them ugly enough to prevent soldier rape. Their bones are not broken to make them unable to run away when their husband forces himself upon them. Their genitals aren't mutilated; they aren't stoned to death for going to school. They can vote. They can learn. They can flourish. Yet, most women in the world slave away just for the sin of being born a woman.
The haunting part is that they know. They are aware of the way the western society punishes them. They are aware of the damger that looms over them. They know that they cannot escape the inertia of patriarchy. Yet, they close their eyes and ears. They are willing to jeopardize billions of women to protect themselves and reap the benefits of the small power bestowed upon them, clinging under the cast of their elite class. Their selfish desire overpowers their gulit and thus is destroyed the female solidarity.
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hotteacocoa · 4 months
I was watching a woman interview pro-life marchers, and one of them was holding a sign that said “four of my siblings were aborted. Choose life.”
This marcher said she was raised in a family of pro-abortionists, and the siblings before and after her were aborted because the mother “wasn’t ready” at first, and after she gave birth to the third baby, the mother just “didn’t feel like going through another pregnancy.”
That alone hit me so hard. But the part that hit the hardest was when the pro-lifer said “the reason why I was had is…because I was the more conveniently timed one.”
Why do we have to boil down the lives of children to one’s “convenience”? Why? This poor girl has 4 siblings who have no graves, no dates, nowhere to mourn or place flowers, all because her mother chose to think of herself before her children.
It’s so sad. It’s so so sad.
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saffrontulip · 1 month
do people not understand that they can hate kataang without making aang seem like a horribly abusive person? the amount of times i’ve seen someone say “aang uses katara for air bending children” or “he forced her to get with him” is concerning. you can dislike things normally??? no need to do all that extra shit.
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lovelessrage · 3 months
Pro-kink advocacy goes hand in hand with aspec advocacy and if you don't understand this you need to start.
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maroonswan · 11 months
18+ only - minors dni
This man has me in such a chokehold, and I just need a real one to give it to me just like that 😫 💦!!!
cw: gn!reader + Pro Hero!Kirishima Eijiro + unprotected sex + creampie + love bombs+ manhandling
Don't fight me because I know how you girls like tussle, but you can not tell me that Pro Hero!Kirishima doesn't use at least some of his moves in the bedroom. Safe versions of course. But still, in the heat of the moment, he tends to manhandle, twisting you into all sorts of positions. One of his favorites being the sleeper hold. If you muscles lose stamina after what feels like hours of being locked in a full nelson, Kiri will happily give your sore thighs a break by flipping you face down on the bed and pinning you in the signature hold. Through gritted teeth, he's begging you to hold out just a bit longer as he's so close. His hips making his approaching orgasm clear as he pistons wildly into your tight quivering heat.
Your head is swimming from the limited amount of air as the heavy weight hero fucks you stupid, having you trapped right where he wants you. A thick muscled bicep squeezing into the delicate hallow of your neck as he tells you how good you're being and how much he loves you. Each harsh thrust of his perfectly curved thick cock shoving you forward just for Kirishima to pull you right back, making you scream and your eyes roll back; lips contorting into those embarrassing o-faces. You'll never know how badly he wishes he was able to record each and every one of them.
It's so hot and exhausting. But, Kirishima has the endurance of a work horse born to breed as you cum over and over again until you finally pass out. Your hole giving his big dick one last squeeze that has him seeing stars every time as he fills you with his cum.
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sararubin · 10 months
also tumblr: let's add live streams
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kristisbookland · 4 months
Their book will be so different, because they already love each other. 🩷💙🩷
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