#plus other reasons that are too long to explain here in the tags
ink--theory · 25 days
if you have any, what are your reasons for your favorite salmon map to be well, your favorite?
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and i'm talking about every map added since 2, not just the ones in 3
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dottores · 4 months
okay well, i logged back in, obviously, because there are clearly some things that need to be addressed and have been taken out of context. just because i’m leaving doesn’t mean i should sit here and let my name be smeared. 
to preface this, anantaru and i had a discussion where we came to a congenial understanding of what happened, there's been an acknowledgment on both sides of misunderstanding and believing distorted rumors and people that we probably should not have, but i’m still going to give a full explanation as to the background of everything so you all can understand and come to your own opinions. plus, if there's going to be a call-out post directed majorly at me made, i want an official address of it.
please do NOT send any hate their way, we have ended this discussion on good terms and have worked out what exactly was stirring this discourse between us. (spoiler alert: there was a third-party shit-stirrer that we both considered a decent friend at the time!)
i don’t really need a reason to block someone, and i shouldn’t have to explain it, but i did and i will again but more explicitly this time: @/anantaru made a post that i did not like. it’s as simple as that. it was a post about genshin characters and sex icks and one of the lines were “venti: too drunk.” i’m not anti-dc, but there are topics that i am sensitive about because i was sa’d in my freshman year of college—that is something i have talked about on this blog before, many of you who've been around since my tr era are aware of it. i acknowledged, and tee acknowledged, that this was probably a joke and was not meant to be taken the way i took it, but the aloof/casual way it was mentioned without any TW of implied dubcon, and without acknowledging that it was at least dubcon and could border on noncon in certain interpretations made me uncomfortable. i don’t mind seeing it as long as i’m warned. if it was tagged properly, i would have moved on without much care, but it wasn’t, so i was scrolling through the post snorting and was hit with that and i was made uncomfortable because i didn't like how it was just being passed off as an ick, and i blocked. there was no reason for it to go beyond what it did, yet we are here. anantaru mentioned that if you frequent their blog, you would know that they often write about venti and reader being drunk—i don’t frequent their blog, in fact this was my first encounter with them being reblogged onto my dash by shared mutuals, so it rubbed me wrong. thats the end of it. 
i’m not sure the exact timing, but i believe it was two(?) weeks after this, when i reblogged an unpopular opinion’s post with an opinion that i thought was fairly harmless. sure, looking back on it i could have phrased it better, i’m not going to deny that, but pinpointing my one opinion out of the hundreds of others that were objectively far more controversial than mine and crucifying me for it is uncalled for. you guys know very well that i do not have the time or energy to sift through random people’s blogs to look for minors. every once in a while i glance at the notes of shit posts that happen to be on my dash and i’d be a bit startled at finding a minor in them because i still do think you should at least try to catch minors who interact with shit posts because that’s the easiest way to find them. but i was working at a medium sized firm for a year and a half at the time of the post and i am currently in law school, i do not have the time to be psychotic about people’s likes and interaction, and even if i did have the time?? i’ve always gotten incredible interaction from y’all lmfao, imposing the idea that i’m jealous is entirely inane. i do still stand by the fact that my words were twisted, i was made out, more than once and by more than one person after the next bullet point's events, to have been some psycho that stalks peoples’ posts for excuses as to why they get interaction when that is simply not the case. 
regardless, after this incident, anantaru made a vague post that was almost directly quoting my tags from the reblog and was thus sent to me because many shared mutuals put together that it was about my tags. this was upsetting for multiple reasons 1) i had blocked anantaru by this point so i felt a bit violated that i was being vagued for something by someone that i blocked. 2) i started getting hate anons en masse after it, some of which were very unnecessarily explicit. needless to say, i was very upset and made a subpost on my main account after noticing i’ve been blocked on ao3 because 1) i was already upset and i didn’t even know why anantaru seemed to have it out for me much less go to the point of blocking on ao3 which leads into my next point and 2) i thought it was a bit ridiculous because the only thing blocking on ao3 stops is people from commenting on posts and i clearly was not going to comment on a post of someone who i was not on good terms with. reasoning aside, anantaru can block who they want and i was out of line for making comments about that in particular. i’ll admit that, and apologize for it. 
a screenshot was taken from my personal—not a good moment for me, obviously, but anantaru claimed in their post that it was about them with no evidence. i dmed them about this in particular because i was genuinely confused, we spoke about it, i offered them proof that it was not them because i had a discussion about this post with a close friend at the time of posting it and they believed me. i will attach screenshots below (cropped because there's no reason to attach the whole conversation) because i feel as if this accusation was rather extreme and i wish it would’ve been removed because it was obviously not my best moment. an explanation for the post itself, i was upset over plagiarism accusations regarding something i put my heart and soul into and then seeing the same person that made them consistently on my dash just straight up triggered me, for lack of a better word lol, so i made a vent on my personal. how it got misconstrued as to be anything about anantaru is baffling to me but i suppose that's a question for the subject of our next bullet point. i don’t want to go into detail about the accusations in themselves because i don’t want people to send the actual person who it’s about hate. regardless, that post was not about anantaru, i have never called them a cunt nor have i ever called them a gatekeepy cunt, though i’m beginning to think i should probably remove the word from my vocabulary atp, i use it far too flippantly. anyway, i do not know them well enough to formulate any sort of opinion like that. aside from that, in our discussion we came to an understanding over it and i wish that would have been cleared on their blog as wel. so i'll attach here (i crossed some out because i don't want to breach any boundaries regarding what anantaru might be comfortable sharing but i do think it's fair for me to want this particular point fully cleared as it was a bold accusation remaining up):
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5. in our discussion, we came to realize that we have/had a shared mutual who was fostering discourse between the two of us. many of you will recognize her as audri aka alucrds, who has supposedly left tumblr by this point—i suspected this and anantaru has confirmed it while we were talking. audri was sending anantaru my posts claiming that they were about anantaru, but i will stress that the only actual discussions i ever had with anyone about anantaru was with tee and eris about that initial joke because it had upset me at the time, it never extended beyond that and it certainly was never with audri. my only conversation with audri that mentioned anantaru at all was probably around a week or so after i made the post in point 3, when audri asked me about ao3 blocking in casual conversation and i offhandedly mentioned that anantaru had blocked me on there—audri was a close friend at that point and iirc, she had actually told me right after that that anantaru had her blocked on tumblr, i had no idea that they'd been mutuals at all but either way, it was an offhanded comment that led to nowhere (or so i thought LOL). looking back on it, it was clearly her baiting me into giving her information about the post i made a week or so prior because after talking with anantaru, they explained that they got an anonymous message claiming that i was shit talking them for blocking them on ao3 and the only person that could have put together that the vent post from point 3 was about anantaru was audri herself. audri continued to evidently cherry-pick random vent posts of mine to show anantaru and claim that they were about them. why? i wish i could tell you. i considered audri a decent enough friend, and though she had her fair share of issues with mutuals and other friends of mine, i never really thought she’d stoop to this with me. but i guess there’s really no explaining people who thrive in discourse.
6. my comment in my most recent post about being harassed on ao3 and in comments and in asks was not about them at all. i thought it was very clearly about heliotropes (my dottore series) and pressure to update from certain readers, but i'm clarifying that now.
7. i never intended on directly addressing this, which is why i did not directly name anantaru in my post, if i’d known at the time that tee was going to end up addressing all of this, i would’ve just been straight up with all of it.
anyway, i think that’s all, hopefully this will be the last post for real as i am tired mentally and now i am also physically sleep deprived. i've been up since three so forgive me for typos and grammar errors. this all has gone on for over a year. sorry for all the discourse on y'all's dash, wish i could have left with a bit more grace than this. rumors have been blown out of proportions and blindly believed, things have been taken out of context, such is life. i made my fair share of mistakes on my personal blog with my vents, others have admitted and owned up to their own mistakes, some will never admit to their mistakes. such is life. it moves on, always does. i know all of y'all are smart enough to come to your own opinions.
over and out, sorry again, and logged out (hopefully for real this time),
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thecuriousquest · 7 months
Ooh I saw your post about Levi playing favs so now I would like to request the opposite.
Yandere Levi tries to groom a new cadet but she sees right through him and calls him out on his bullshit. Levi threatens her that if she doesn't submit to him then he will make her life hell. She thinks he is bluffing and just leaves. But then begins the game. She is treated worse than other recruits, forced to work extra hard and long, often punished without any reason, constantly mocked and humiliated, etc. He straight up bullies her and abuses their power dynamic, and as promised, makes her life a living hell. She can't take it anymore and finally breaks. She has no choice but to give in to him. With NSFW please. (Dub con or non con.)
A Good Cadet Follows Orders Part Two
Tag List: @issamomma @repostingmyfavs @chickennugnugnug
Warnings: Yandere themes, dub con (at the end) blow job, whipping, isolation, power dynamic abuse, humiliation, degradation, crying kink, blood, injured reader, issued whipping threat
Checkout my Master List here.
Part One here.
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“Cadet L/N, mind repeating that?”
You glare at him with clenched fists at your sides. “I said I know what you’re doing. I know you wanted to do ‘extra training’ just so you could cop a feel, and I’m done with it. You’re my captain and only that.”
His chuckle is dark, filled with something bone chilling. Captain Levi stands from his chair, rounding his desk. He stands in front of you, too close for your own comfort.
“Who are you, cadet, to speak to me like this?”
“I’m someone who won’t put up with your bull-“
An obnoxiously loud slap echos through his office, and you gasp, holding your blazing cheek.
“Captain, what the hell?! You can’t do that to me!”
What his heart truly desires, he has the inability to express. What he wants is for you to come to him willingly with open arms, but if he has to threaten you to get you moving, then he’s more than happy to give you some incentive.
“Oh? But I just did. You are nothing more than the shit on my boot. If I want to slap you, then I’ll do it because I can. If I want to grab your hair and whip your ass with my belt, then I fucking will, and you’ll be thankful that I’m even giving you the time of day.”
Fuck, those tears welling up in your eyes look so delicious. He forces his tongue to stay in his mouth so as not to lick his lips.
You push your tears far down, swaying your emotions not to show.
“I’m leaving. You’re not gonna treat me like this. I don’t have to fucking take it.” You throw him a cold shoulder as you turn to leave.
Your hand reaches out for the knob, twisting it in anger.
Before you can open the door, Levi issues you what he deems a warning. “If you take one step out that door, I’ll make your life a living hell. You won’t know mercy until you come to me begging for it on your hands and knees.”
Your spine stiffens in response, and for a moment, for a singular moment, you think, Is he serious?
He can’t have that much power. He’s only the leader of your squadron. What could he possibly do to you? Plus, there are hundreds of other cadets to worry about. He can’t keep tabs on you all the time.
With an air of bravado, you leave in all of your feminine glory with your head held high.
Oh, you have no idea how much fun Levi is going to have breaking you down.
During training, Levi purposely uses you as the demonstration for hand to hand combat moves.
“When I place your foot right by hers, it makes it easier to throw her. See?” He throws you over his shoulder, keeping a tight grip on your arm while stepping on your sternum.
You groan quite loudly from the force of the throw.
“That’s why you don’t want your foot too far away. You’ll lose your momentum. Cadet, stand up so I can demonstrate the move again.”
“Captain, I-“
“Now, cadet.”
You lower your eyes and stand up, ready to be thrown a second, third, and fourth time.
You glare daggers at Horse Face when he asks the captain to explain the move one more time because he just “doesn’t understand”.
After training, you just want to bathe and sleep. You’re sore as you trudge back to your quarters, but Levi holds you back.
“Where exactly do you think you’re going? Clean up the ODM gear and training props. Also, you’re on stable duty today, so report there after you’re done cleaning up here.”
Your jaw drops. He has to be joking.
“But, sir, I-“
“You what, cadet? Are you feeling sore and tired?” He walks up to you with his hands behind his back. “I could take the pain away at any moment. You know what you have to do to make that happen.”
Tightening your jaw, you angrily stomp past him and work up another sweat as you clean up the entirety of the training grounds. Your muscles are on fire by the time you get to the stables where you’re forced to shovel horse shit along with several other duties. Your shoulders are screaming at you to stop and take a break, but you’re too stubborn to quit. You can’t imagine yourself getting on your hands and knees for Levi, pleading for him to let you into his pants. You gag at the thought as you fill a mare’s food bin.
You smell like sweat and ass as you wash down the horses, grooming them, wishing you were lucky enough to be able to bathe right now.
Just as you finish bathing, you’re about to climb into bed when Mikasa knocks on the door, announcing herself and asking to come in.
You’re about to fucking scream in frustration, but you put on a nice voice. “Come on in. What’s up, Mikasa?”
“I know you’re not in the mood, but Captain Levi wants to see you.”
You feel as though your soul is ready to leave your body, and you redress in a clean uniform as you trudge over to Captain Ackerman’s office.”
You knock politely and enter his office, stiff as a board with exhaustion. “Yes, Captain?” You try to remain polite and civil.
“I want you to polish my boots while I do paper work.”
“After all I did today? Captain, this isn’t fair. You know I just want to go to bed.”
“Whining doesn’t become you, L/N. Get to it unless you want your left cheek to match the right one.”
You don’t want to be slapped again, but you also want to tell him where he can shove his fucking boot. However, maybe, the sooner you do as he asks, the sooner you can go back to bed.
It’s painstaking. He makes you polish his boots until you can fucking see your own face, and you don’t exactly look pretty right now. Your hair is a mess, little beads of sweat have formed on your forehead, and your cheek looks a little swollen.
Still, you sit up on your knees and look up at him. “Is it to your liking, sir?”
He regards you with a salacious smile. “You on your knees before me is what’s to my liking.”
Scoffing at his remark, you stand up and put the towel on his desk. “Can I leave now?”
Levi knows just the thing to say to get even deeper under your skin. He knows the exact thing that will require a lot of arm and shoulder muscle activity. “Clean the bookshelves, and then you’re free to go.”
Every ounce of energy is put into cleaning, being humiliated in the training demonstration, and trying to avoid your hawk-like Captain over the next few weeks. It gets to a point where you’re so tired that you can’t seem to fall asleep, always kept awake with his mocking and degrading remarks.
“Brush your fucking hair, cadet. You look like you just have someone head.”
“Wipe that glower off your face before the back of my hand does it for you.”
You keep reliving the time Levi ripped all of the buttons off of your shirt with his sword, opening it up with the sharp tip. He did this right before training, and every single one of your squadron members got a good look at the bra you chose to wear that day.
“Freak accidents will happen like that during sword training. Why don’t you go ask Hanji for a new shirt, L/N?”
His smirk was so fucking smug. You wanted to rip his teeth out one by one and shove them in his eyes.
The dining hall is loud with conversation, and you find yourself drawn to the table where Mikasa, Sasha, Eren, and Armin are sitting at. Their table is particularly lively with laughter, something you have been lacking lately. You feel as though your spirits could use some joy, so you sit down next to Sasha. The table suddenly goes very quiet, and you look around at your teammates.
“What? Why did you all stop talking when I sat down?”
Armin fiddles with his fingers as he looks away, and Mikasa speaks up on his behalf. “Listen, Y/N, nobody is really allowed to talk to you right now. The captain said anyone who’s caught talking to you will have to run 100 laps.”
Your mouth opens, but you have no words to say. Your tongue feels so dry, your voice scratchy as you close your hanging jaw.
Why is he doing this to you? You’ve been picked on, forced to do extra duties such as stable and kitchen chores, and now you can’t even talk to anyone?
“Fine. I don’t blame you. I wouldn’t want to run laps either.”
You pick up your tray and move to a lone table in the back. You don’t even have an appetite anymore, and you leave your tray as you head back to your quarters. When you get there, you see that your bed and trunk is gone.
“Wait…what the fuck?”
Tracking down your things, you find that Hanji has been forced to move you down to the basement of the dorms. When you inquired about the status of your room and why this is suddenly happening now, she only gives you a faint shrug and begins tinkering with something in her workspace.
“Hanji…Did Levi put you up to this?”
Again, she offers no response, but that only cements your theory.
Sitting on your uncomfortable cot in the basement, you watch the mice scurry back and forth, darting around in the dark space. It’s damp and cold down here, and you don’t even have a blanket to keep you warm.
Your eyes try to close, and after an hour of shivering, you finally succumb to a restless, dreamless sleep.
Being late has become a bad habit for you, and Levi takes it upon himself to fix it. Being down in the basement, everyone has forgotten about you. You have no alarm system to wake you up, so there’s no way of knowing when roll call or even breakfast starts.
You scream as two very strong male cadets carry you from your room and out to the barracks. They tie you to the whipping post just outside of where roll call is taken every morning.
“Wait, what the fuck is going on?! Please, tell me what’s happening?!”
You cry out, feeling the tip of a sword trail up your back, slicing your shirt and bra in half. They fall off of your shoulders, completely baring your skin.
Those familiar footsteps walk up behind you, and you freeze in fear.
This has to be the captain’s doing. No other cadet would be whipped after a week of showing up to roll call late. No, this would only happen to you.
You watch as he stands to your right, and you can see he exchanged the sword in his hand for a whip.
“Seven days in a row of being late, cadet? That looks rather bad. I’m a merciful captain, however, but you have to earn my mercy.” You feel his index finger move a lock of your unkempt hair behind your ear. “You know how to do that, right? Can that tiny brain of yours remember what to do?”
“Eat my shit.” It’s tumbles out of your mouth before you can truly reflect on it.
His eyes widen, the grey orbs narrowing into slits moments after. His footsteps are heavier with determination as they round to your left side, and he raises the whip just as roll call begins.
You’re only allowed a break between every five soldiers called. The lash strikes your back with the fury of lightning. You try to bite your lip, stomp out the pain, anything to keep from crying in front of the other cadets. Once you feel the sixth welt cross over two previous ones, you vocalize your agony in a miserable howl.
No matter how hard you wail and sob from the whipping, you’re too stubborn to plead for him to stop. You won’t, for all the strength that you have left, beg for his mercy. Even with your knees buckled, your tied up wrists above your head the only thing keeping you on your feet, hanging there like a fish, you have a tiny ember inside of you that just refuses to go out.
The pain over comes you. It’s too much. You feel the blood trickling from your open wounds, catching on the waistband of your pants. There’s a moment where you see your mother and father in a bright light. Your mother is holding her hand out to you with a smile on her face. Your father is whispering a gentle song that he always used to sing to you right before bed.
The picture of them fades, and darkness is all you see.
Waking up on a cot face down, you startle as something stings on your back.
“Hold still. I’m just cleaning up the wounds so it doesn’t get infected. You’ve been out for a while now.”
Your eyes travel up towards your captain. Why is he here? Why the fuck is he here?! You don’t want him here.
“Please, just leave me alone.”
He tsks at you, clicking his tongue out of dissatisfaction before pressing harder on a split welt.
You didn’t have any time to prepare for the sudden pain, and a scream flies from your throat.
“I’d be thanking me instead of complaining, L/N.”
“Captain, it hurts too much! It hurts! Fuck!”
The stinging of whatever liquid he put on your wounds almost drives you back into unconsciousness. He seems to understand, and he relieves the pressure but continues dabbing at the sores.
“This will take a while to heal. You’ll be suspended from training until then. In the meantime, you’ll be on kitchen duty full time. Is that understood? Think your pathetic ass can handle washing a few dishes with a few scratches on your back?”
A few scratches on your back…you’re in the most pain you’ve ever been in, and that’s saying something considering you fight titans.
“Yes, Captain, I think I can manage that.”
“I’ll have to check your back every day to make sure you won’t be lying to get out of training once you heal.”
Silence stretches between the two of you, and he laughs at what he deems is your petulance.
“It’s funny. I thought you’d take your punishment much better than what you displayed in the barracks. You try to present yourself as this tough soldier, but you’re not that at all, are you? No, you’re a weak and fragile woman. Everything about you scream pathetic. You cried like a bitch because you’re nothing more than that. I bet you cry to to the other male cadets for their cocks with tears in your eyes. I’m guessing you crawl into their room at night, groveling on your hands and knees with tears in your eyes.”
“Please, stop,” you whisper while clutching the sheets beneath you.
Levi’s hand travels down to cup your clothed sex. He rubs you through the fabric of your pants, feeling the heat which gathers between your thighs.
“Stop it!” You kick your foot out, but all it earns you is a sharp pain in your stiff back.
The captain leans down and whispers in your ear, “You know where I’ll be when you want all of this to go away, and you know how to ask for it like a good girl.”
He pats your bottom, enjoying the way it feels in his hand, before leaving you all alone in the room.
It pains you to even think about doing this as you go to Commander Erwin’s office, but you refuse to back down against Levi. You also can’t live like this anymore. You’re always on edge, paranoid even more ever since the whipping. You feel isolated, and you’ve become even more of a mess.
You rap on his door lightly before being invited in by the commander.
Sitting at his office, he’s doing his own set of paperwork.
“What can I help you with, cadet L/N?”
“I would like to leave the Survey Corps, sir.”
Looking up from his paper work, he folds his hand and glares at you. “Are you really that selfish, cadet?”
You glare at him. “I’m not the one being selfish here, Commander.”
“And, what exactly is that supposed to mean?”
“Everyone sees the way Captain Ackerman treats me. It’s because of his own desires to covet me that I’m asking to be released. You’ll never stop him, and I know that, so I’m asking to be removed from the equation entirely.”
A humorous smile grazes his lips, and you feel like you’re about to be given unsettling news.
“I’m afraid I can’t do that, cadet. We lost too many soldiers on the battlefield just last weekend. You need to stay and continue training. Try to think of the benefits in the long run. You’re saving people. Isn’t that something you’ve always wanted to do?”
“And who’s going to protect me from Captain Ackerman?”
“Think of that as just something you’ll have to put up with.”
“With all due respect, Commander, you can’t force me to fight.”
He stands up, regarding you with a a set of taut lips. His demeanor has changed significantly. You feel as if the room is as cold as ice now because of how serious he looks.
“If you leave, I will have you brought back here and whipped, and I think Captain Ackerman would be more than happy to do so.”
“But, I’ve just recovered from my last whipping!”
He rounds his desk, placing a hand on your shoulder. “Then behave, and you won’t have to endure another one.”
You swear on the walls that you could crumble like ash right now under his very grip. Tears swell up your puffy and tired eyes. You pass by a mirror on your way out of his office, and you honestly hate your reflection.
There are dark circles under your eyes, your face looks pale, your hair is run down and lifeless. You have no energy anymore, and you pad your way out the door, down the hall, twisting around a corner, until you arrive at the captain’s office.
You don’t even knock. You just enter.
“You look like shit, cadet. You could at least clean yourself up before coming to me for something.”
You fall to your knees right at the open door. You haven’t cried since the whipping from two weeks ago, but you find every bit of pent up emotion coming out from all of your experiences over the last few months of absolute torture.
“Cadet?” He’s not quite sure what’s going on.
“Please, Captain, make it stop! I want it all to stop! I don’t wanna be isolated and punished anymore. I’ll be good, I’ll do whatever you want! Please, just, God! Please, Levi, please…” you place your hands on the floor to keep yourself upright.
It might not be the perfect picture he had in mind, but here you are on hands and knees, begging for his mercy. He has to hand it to you, you held out for a lot longer than expected. All it took to break you was five months of the pure hell he promised to deliver. It might not have been what he wanted to do, but he’s glad he succeeded in driving you to your breaking point.
You hear Levi’s footsteps stop in front of you, and your sobbing dies down when you feel him pull you into a hug. “There’s a good girl. I knew you’d finally come to your senses. You put on a brave act, but it’s good that you’re finally seeing the truth. I’m the only one that can keep all of the bad things away.”
You nod into his shoulder. “Does this mean people can talk to me again and you’ll stop punishing me?”
“Mmm, not quite. I’ll need you to prove to me just how much you’re willing to submit.”
You know exactly what he’s talking about. He wants to claim all of your holes and make you his little slutty pet. He wants to see you cry while coming on his cock over and over again until he’s satisfied with your obedience. These are all the things he’s admitted to you before, and while you’d rather slap him and walk out, you know the consequences.
This will just get even worse for you if you choose that path.
Nodding your head in response, Levi closes the door, locks it, and leads you over to the sofa in his office. He sits down, making himself comfortable. The captain gives you an expectant look.
Resigning yourself to your fate, once again, you kneel in front of him and work his already hard cock out of his pants.
What a sick bastard.
You take a deep breath before taking him in your mouth. For a short guy, he sure is big. Your head bobs up and down his length, slicking it up with your spit.
You hear him moan with how pleasing the sensations are.
Fuck, just hurry up and come.
You’re not at all experienced with this kind of thing, so Levi has to guide you. He spits direction after direction in your ear.
“Ah, fuck, don’t use your fucking teeth, you bitch!”
“Fuck, go a little deeper. Come on. Gag on my cock.”
“Swirl your tongue around the tip.”
“There you go. Now, start humming.”
That last one seemed to really be Levi’s favorite as he’s making all kinds of noises. His deep voice grunting with joy.
His hands fist your hair, making your mouth go the pace he wants as he face fucks you. It’s no longer in your control anymore, and you can’t help feeling nauseous from all of the gagging.
You try to relax your throat and breathe through your nose, but you still feel light headed.
And then something gooey oozes into your mouth and down your throat. Your face twists at the taste. You don’t like the salty texture at all.
Is that what come tastes like?
You immediately try to rip your head away from him, but he holds your head there firmly for a few more seconds. You push at his thigh, trying to get off of his dick. He finally lets you up after he’s done using your mouth to warm him.
“That was a shitty first time, Y/N. I’m rather displeased. I guess I’ll just have to train you.”
“Yes, Captain.” You look down at the ground, still sitting on your knees. “May I go now?”
“Don’t be stupid. You think you can just waltz out of here after a half assed blowjob and think everything will just magically be okay? We’re nowhere near done. My first lesson that I’m going to teach you is a good cadet follows orders.”
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fandom-go-round · 6 months
Sea Salt Like Glitter: Part Five (Final)
Summary: You’re a forest ranger. Trees and mammals are your specialty. Mermaids in the ocean? Way outside your area of expertise. Good News: They like you. Bad News: They like you a lot
Mer! Sun x Plus Sized! Reader x Mer! Moon
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five (Here!)
The final part! I hope people have enjoyed this; my goal was to make something fun and I know I enjoyed it. There is smut below, just after the heart icon so skip if not your cup of tea!
Warnings: Murder, Faking Death, Emotional Trauma, Feelings of Betrayal, Grief, Sex, Sexual Situations, Mermaid x Human, Tentacles, Tentacles Used During Sex, Cross Species Sex, Oral Sex, Penetrative Sex, Cross Species Genitalia, Exophillia, Mild Blood, Scratching, Biting
            It’s sadly easy to fake a death. Mark is dead, there’s nothing fake about that, but making the death look like an accidently is scarily simple. It helps that Sun had practically ripped him apart and the sharks got ahold of what Sun didn’t. Mark’s boat is tied to a pier away from your beach and it’s easy to find it when you eventually go on patrol. The water patrol finds the body a few days later, the name tag on half a leg confirming everyone’s fears.
            The police think it’s a horrible accident and you’re too upset to be a suspect. They don’t know you’re grieving your friend for a completely different reason but they don’t press too hard. The other rangers are all shaken up and you’ve had to do multiple interviews with management. It’s more time by people than you’ve had in a while but it does, strangely, help.
            Corporate will have to find a new ranger leader and your content to let it play out. You politely but firmly turn the job down when they ask you; you don’t know how long you’re going to be staying here. For now, you take the mandatory leave and stay at your little ranger station.
            You’ve seen a lot less of Sun and Moon, mostly due to the police roaming the area and investigating. It makes you paranoid but people chalk your nervousness up to the horrible death. You don’t correct them. The investigation wraps up after about a month and you’re happy for things to go back to normal. Or as normal as they can be.
            You’ve thought a lot about what happened; you have the time and you need to know what you want. Being with Sun and Moon has been wonderful but they killed a man. Your friend. To save your life.
            Mark’s death is more upsetting because of the betrayal, you realize after thinking it through. The mandatory therapy calls have also helped you get perspective. You hadn’t been 100% truthful but saying that Mark and you had gotten into a fight before he died gave the therapist enough to help you work through it. You’ll have to grieve him but it’s not on you to explain his actions; Mark made his own decisions and had to deal with the consequences.
            It makes it easier to smile, knowing that there isn’t a timeline. Sun and Moon have helped too, supporting you and letting you talk through it. Neither are upset Mark is dead but they let you walk through it at your own pace.
            Things have gotten easier between the three of you. They’ve shown their dedication to you and they know that you won’t be leaving any time soon. They trust you to keep their secret and you love them too much to expose them. Maybe it’s the rush of affection that gets to all of you on this overcast evening. Maybe it’s the fact that you’ve finally started to let them touch you again. Maybe you’re just tired of letting things sit unsaid. Whatever the reason, you know that tonight you’re ready to take the plunge and your boys are more than ready.
            “S-Sun.” Your voice is more broken than you initially thought, half sitting up to see the mer between your legs. Sun looks up with just his eyes, not pulling his mouth away from you. The edges of his eyes crinkle into a smile, giving a hard suck. You groan, head going back to hit Moon’s chest. The other mer gives a dark laugh, tentacles roaming over you skin.
            When you had proposed taking things a step farther, both mers were eager to get you between them. You wanted to take things slow, asking questions and trying to see what they liked. Sun was willing to ease you into the prosses but Moon needed things to be much more hands on. You were fine, in the end, letting them set the pace. They were never too fast and for all their teasing, their focus was on you and your pleasure.
            Sun pulled his tongue out of your hole and you groaned, shivering as he gave your inner thigh a quick nip. Moon rumbled behind you, tentacles pulling harder at your nipples. You leaned back and pressed your mouth against his, the mer freezing in surprise. It only takes you a moment to realize that you’ve never kissed them before and as you go to pull away, he pulls you closer, tongue pushing into your mouth.
            Moon lifts you easily and you shiver; you’ve never been a small person and being moved like its nothing still surprises you. Sun slides under you and nibbles at your chest, tail settling right between your legs. You groan into Moon’s mouth as Sun rubs between your legs, something pushing its way into you.
            Their cocks are longer and not as thick compared to human proportions but that doesn’t mean a lot when they’re so much larger than you. Anything they give you will be a stretch and you’re more than willing to try. Sun helps you settle onto your knees above him, snarling as you finally sink all the way down. Moon gives a hiss of appreciation, tentacles around your hips and helping you to bounce.
            Moon is more than content to kiss you, Sun chittering something below him. You pull back and lean down, giving Sun his deserved kisses as well. He’s not as demanding as his mate but rocks into you harder, not able to control himself. Moon gives a warning growl but you both ignore him; you’re wet enough to take Sun easily.
            He’s almost hot inside of you and he presses deeper than anyone or anything you’ve ever had. Sun is babbling something onto your skin that you only half catch. When you finally pull back to breathe, Moon is watching both of you, hand wrapped around his own cock. His tentacles are all over both of you and he pushes one into Sun’s open mouth. The golden mer moans and begins to fuck into you harder, tail pushing closer.
            You moan, eyes half open and Moon grins, giving his own moan back. You don’t hesitate to lean over and lick at his cock, the darker mer letting out a shout. His cock wiggles against your tongue, going slack when you suck. Moon’s moans join Sun’s, both of them finding it hard to focus. You reach between your legs to play with yourself, Moon watching you for a moment before taking over.
            Moon’s cock is cool against your tongue, just enough that with Sun inside you feel dual sensations. You’re the first one to come apart, mind floating in pure pleasure. You cum with a loud groan, clenching around Sun as the two of them watch you. Sun whimpers letting out a string of ‘so tight so good-‘before he pulls you close and cums inside. His claws dig slightly into your skin, thin lines of blood trailing down your hip but it just prolongs your orgasm.
            Moon watches you both come apart and only then lets himself cum, sliding out of your mouth. He’s polite enough to cum on your chest, the liquid cooler and slightly pearlescent. You laugh a little to yourself, taking a drop on your finger and popping it into your mouth. It’s salty, like you expected but not horrible. Moon snarls, kissing you hard as Sun slides out of you. Sun continues your clean up job, sucking bruises into your skin.
            “Horrible.” Moon rumbles, voice torn between affection and scolding. You snicker as Sun trills happily, tugging you to lay against his chest.
            “Wonderful.” Sun chimes back, Moon moving to push against your back. You hum in agreement, closing your eyes and relaxing. Your legs are still tingling in pleasure but that doesn’t stop you from opening them when Moon moves you closer to him. Sun watches as his mate pushes into you and brings you into a deep kiss. They press as close as they can and all you know is pleasure.
            None of you are going to be sated soon and that’s alright; you have all the time in the world.
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hischierdevils · 1 year
Ruin The Moment | M.M.
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note: this song reminded me of mitch
summary: you take mitch as your date to a wedding but your ex is there and has questions
warnings: shitty ex, fluff, slight angst
wc: 1.4K
“Congratulations! It was a beautiful ceremony.” Mitch shakes your older brother’s hand before hugging your new sister in law. 
“Thanks, man.” Your older brother pulls you in for a hug. “It’s about time the two of you got together.” He says as he looks at you and Mitch standing next to each other. Mitch matched the color of his tie to your dress and he looked absolutely amazing in his suit.
Mitch had been your best friend since your first day at Blyth Academy. Everyone that knew the two of you had expected you to get together at one point but you never did. Mitch’s first love was always hockey and you didn’t want to pull him away from his dream. 
Cue the shock when you arrived at your brother’s wedding with Mitch as your date. You’re pretty sure your mother had tears in her eyes when she said hello to you. The only person that didn’t seem happy to see the two of you together was the best man, Jake. He also happened to be your ex-boyfriend. 
“Hopefully you’ll be the next bride.” Your new sister in law says as she hugs you. 
You smile at her as you glance over at Mitch. “I think it’s too early for that.” Even as you say it, you know he’s the only man you could ever picture walking down the aisle toward.
“Let’s get a picture of the four of you.” Your mom comes up behind you with her phone, motioning you and Mitch to stand by your brother and his bride. Mitch puts an arm around your waist, pulling you into his side. You place your hand on his chest as you smile at your mom. “You all look so good.” She cries. 
“Mom, it’s their day.” You laugh as you move away from Mitch. His hand catches yours and he intertwines your fingers before you can get too far away from him. “The reception is about to start, let’s go find our seats.” You tell him. 
You and Mitch were sitting at a table with six of your brother and sister in laws single friends since you added him as a plus one at the last minute. Mitch wasted no time in introducing the two of you to everyone at the table and chatting everyone up. 
It’s not until after the first dance when the bridal party sits down do you realize that Jake has a perfect view of you and Mitch from his seat. He obviously watches the two of you during the speeches and even makes a joke during his own about how his friendship with your brother survived dating his sister. 
Your brother looks at Mitch apologetically but Mitch shrugs it off, wrapping his arm around your shoulders. “You okay, y/n?” He whispers in your ear. 
“I’m fine.” You assure him before sipping on your champagne. “I’m glad you’re here with me.” 
He smiles and leans over to kiss your forehead. “There’s nowhere I'd rather be.”
After dinner, Mitch leaves you to find a bathroom before making you promise to dance with him. As if you could ever tell him no. As soon as Mitch is out of sight, Jake drops into his empty seat. “Nothing to worry about, huh?” 
You roll your eyes before turning your head to look at him. You’re a little surprised to feel nothing when you look into his green eyes. Blue is a little more your color now. “Mitch and I were just friends when you and I were together.” You explain. 
“Yeah, okay.” Jake huffs. “You ditched me for him anytime he was in town. I don’t know why I stayed so long.”
“You cheated on me.” You remind him through gritted teeth. “What does it matter now anyway?” 
“I just want you to admit that I'm not entirely at fault, y/n.” Jake tries to place his hand on top of yours but you pull away from him. “We were so good when we were good.”
“But we were usually bad.” You say, remembering the arguments, the sleepless nights on the couch. 
“I was jealous of him.” Jake says motioning to Mitch’s name tag at the table. “Clearly for good reason.” 
“You treated me like shi-”
“Excuse me.” Mitch’s voice sounds behind you as you feel a large hand rest on your shoulder. “I’d like to dance with my girl.” 
You allow Mitch to lead you to the dance floor and you eagerly step into his embrace as he holds you for a slow song. “I should’ve known he’d try something.” Mitch murmurs in your ear. 
“It’s fine.” You insist. “I’m fine.” 
“Y/n, if you just told your brother…” 
“They’ve been friends just as long as you and I have.” You tell him. “I don’t want to come between them.” 
Mitch rests his chin on the top of your head as the two of you sway back and forth. “If your brother knew the way Jake treated you he wouldn’t want to be his friend.” You rest your head on his shoulder. Deep down, you’re not so sure that that’s true. Your brother and Jake have always been close. Sometimes you wonder if he knew how awful Jake was to his girlfriends. 
As the night continues and Mitch gets more alcohol inside of him, he starts losing pieces of his outfit. First it’s the suit jacket, and then his tie. On his third trip back from the bathroom he’s missing his belt. 
“Looks like you’re going to have your hands full tonight.” Your sister in law jokes as Mitch attempts to grind on you. “He can’t keep his hands off of you.”
You blush as you wrap your arms around his neck. “He’s affectionate enough without alcohol.” You laugh. Deep down you love how handsy he is, but he doesn’t need to know that right at this moment. 
“You look beautiful tonight, y/n/n.” Mitch whispers in your ear as you dance together. He keeps you close to him all night, spinning you around the dance floor and kissing your forehead or cheeks any chance he gets. 
When you finally decide to call it a night, Mitch holds your hand and skips to your car. “You should drink, I drove.” He tells you as he opens the driver side door for you. 
You laugh and kiss his cheek. “I will drive, yes. Can you get in the car okay?” 
“Yeah, watch!” Mitch happily sprints around your car and opens the passenger door, effectively hitting himself in the face. “Shit.” 
“Oh my god, Mitchy.” You run around the car and place your hands on his face as you inspect him for any blood. “Are you okay?” 
He gives you a dopey grin. “I’m fine now that you’re here.” 
You roll your eyes and help him up. “C’mon let's get you home.” Once he’s safely in the car you get in the driver’s seat. 
As you drive, Mitch sings along with the radio and you fall in love with him even more as he sings your favorite song to you. “You know, this would be a perfect wedding song.” He tells you seriously. 
“Oh yeah?” You laugh as you glance at him out of the corner of your eye. “First dance or walk down the aisle?” 
“First dance for sure.” He smiles at you. “You’d look so good in a wedding dress.” Your heart soars as Mitch continues to talk about what he would do for his hypothetical wedding. 
When you pull into his driveway, he slumps in his seat. “Do you need help?” You ask as you’re already reaching over to undo his seatbelt. 
“No, I'm just not ready for this night to end.” He turns his head toward you and for a moment you think he’s going to kiss you. “Thanks for letting me be your fake date tonight.” 
Reality washes over you as you watch your best friend reach for the door handle. You consider admitting your feelings to him for a moment but decide that it’s not the right time. It never is. “Of course, Mitchy. Thanks for coming with me tonight.”
He reaches over to boop your nose with his finger before he opens the door. “I’ll always be here for you.” He gets out of the car and gives you a little wave. “Good night, y/n.” 
“Good night.” You reply before he shuts the door and starts walking toward his front door. “I love you.” 
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macomico · 1 year
I've always wanted to learn how to draw bigger people but I often only find tutorials for like muscular men with six-packs and stuff so I was wondering if you have any tips or tutorials or something because the way you draw both men and women has me in a chokehold ahshdj they all look so good and soft and like they'd give the best hugs!!!
aww thank you so much! 💖🤧 and i can definitely help you my dear, i've been in the same spot as you - its really hard to find good references of fat bodies without encountering heavily edited pictures or ads about how to loose weight. you really need to have luck or know people who can help you. but ur in luck, i got some pointers for you >:)
Look for pictures of athletes, preferably of sports that require body mass such as rugby, american football, any throw sport (shot put, discus, hammer, javelin), wrestlers commonly have some body fat on them, POWER LIFTERS. I would avoid (fashion) models because the pictures are often edited heavily and thus warp your perceiption of fat distribution, but they're not too bad for ordinary fullbody poses, so we gotta work with what we got. I have a pin board i made for myself with various bodytypes, consisting of athletes and plus size models that i hope can help you!
What really helped me to really emulate and portray mass on bodies is simply drawing rounded shapes (NOT circles. rather egg/soft trapezoid shapes, overlapping with each other). Fat stacks ONTO your muscles, it will make everything rounder and softer. You can play with the shapes to create different fat distribution. Here is a post from hometownrockstar on tumblr about this topic thats very insightful with sketches explaining everything.
Morpho: Fat and Skin Folds: Anatomy for Artists by Michel Lauricella. this book is the holy grail i swear. i finally purchased a real copy of the book not too long ago and i use translucent paper and simply trace the sketches from the book for practice and its a GODSENT. definitely worth an investment. I previously only owned it as a pdf, which i will gladly send to anyone who sends me a dm or an ask :) for copyright reasons i wont distribute it openly. and zlibrary recently got shut down so lmfao we gotta help each other out
Drawing from life! there's this awesome site with homemade photographic references for artists of fat bodies called fat photo ref. you'll need to ask for admittance via email but they usually respond fairly quickly, took 2-3 days for me. :) its all organized in tags so you can quickly sort and browse.
Hope this helps! <3
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timur-pannonicus · 10 months
Azula, Iroh and Lu Ten speculation and possible hc
It's been a really long time since I made an original post so here we go.
Trigger warning: Gender roles, marriage within families, historical realities that are repugnant to a lot of modern people.
I didn't come up with the theory myself but there's a headcanon that Azula and Lu Ten were supposed to be married, as arranged by the then Fire Lord Azulon.
If you take the comics as proof, there's a scene where Azulon says that he's marrying Ozai of to Ursa so that the union of Sozin's and Roku's blood will create a powerful dynasty that will rule the world.
However, Azulon is outraged at the very notion presented by Ozai that his firstborn Iroh should be disinherited, which leads to the possible conclusion that Ozai and his progeny were never meant to succeed the throne but to marry into the main line to strengthen it.
Even if you reject the comics it still remains plausible. Azulon clearly didn't have much love for Ozai, marriage between cousins in a great lot of societies through history barely raised eyebrows among commoners, never mind royalty, who often mistakenly believed "pure" blood makes offspring stronger.
Azulon might have arranged the marriage soon after Azula was born or also likely when she proved to be a prodigy and genius at firebending.
In any case, it provides a different or at least additional kind of explanation for Iroh's attitude towards Azula.
Lu Ten was most likely at least in his twenties when he died so Iroh knew what kind of women his son got along with and which not. Thus he tried to influence her into being the kind of girl his son would like. As we all know, she wasn't measuring up when she was little and after Lu Ten's death Iroh lost a good chunk of his motivation to try getting along with her.
It also gives new light on why Ozai dug his claws into her so early and raised her to be as much like him as possible. Even if he never formally got the throne he could influence the nation through his daughter, the queen.
This adds to his she was born lucky comment, from the start she had the right gender.
Plus, in my benefit of the doubt interpretation of Azula she did feel at least somewhat positive towards Lu Ten. Apart from condemning Iroh for not razing Ba Sing Se in revenge for his death there's the infamous moment where she asks Ursa and Zuko what would happen if Iroh died. She did not ask about Lu Ten and when Zuko counters and asks how she would feel if Lu Ten wanted Ozai dead, she doesn't talk back but runs out of the room.
Might also explain why she never really mentioned wanting the throne. For a good chunk of her life she was supposed to be queen anyway, giving her a rather secure sense of entitlement, so why announce it out loud to everyone?
Rant end.
Note: I'm pretty sure I will face disagreement but I simply like speculation for its own sake at times. Maybe I'm too hard or too soft on a character. Feel free to give reason why I am wrong but NO foul language or personal insults will be tolerated from my side and I don't want to see people being rude to each other in notes or reblogs either.
I'm also not exactly the best at tagging so if you have suggestions for that I'm all ears.
I wish you all a nice day.
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irrelevantwriter · 2 years
Haven’t You Heard?
Pairing: Eddie Munson (Stranger Things) x Female Reader/You
Rating: SFW (later chapters will contain smut and will be tagged accordingly)
Warnings: Language, banter (i fucking love banter), Eddie swinging his feet while sitting on a counter (*whispers* baby girl)
Word Count: 1207
Summary: Part 2. You encounter Eddie in the least likely of places. 
A/N: Here’s part two in my Flattery Will Get You Everywhere series. We got more cute shit and more flirting. You will come to see that I fucks with banter as a form of flirting and foreplay. Hope you guys like it. Enjoy and share with your friends! Feedback is that good shit.💗
Disclaimer: As always, reader inserts are true reader inserts. If you find any specifics in regards to reader’s appearance, kindly let me know and I will fix that.
*Check out my other Eddie fics here
*Read Part 1 here
*Find future chapters here
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“Are you serious Brenda?”
You asked the question, but you didn’t expect a real response. Mostly because you’d asked her the same exact question three times within the last hour.
You were on your way to the AC/DC concert, an event you had planned for months. And for some godforsaken reason unbeknownst to you, your friend had decided she needed to stop by Family Video to take back the VHS she’d rented a week ago.
“You know if I don’t they’ll charge me and my parents will be pissed,” she explained, hardly affected by your attitude.
You rolled your eyes but acquiesced. The show wasn’t far and you had enough time to get in and out.
Brenda made a hard right into the parking lot of the video store, barely stopping in enough time to not drive over the cement divider.
“Jesus Christ,” you muttered, peeling your finger off the door handle as she came to a complete stop. “Who gave you your fucking license?”
“Hawkins DMV. After the third try,” she boasted. As if that was worth bragging about.
“Be quick,” you ordered as you touched up your lipstick, seeing her grab the VHS and open her car door.
“You’re coming.”
At your blank expression she went on.
“I want some candy. Red vines. They got ‘em inside.”
You rolled your eyes, not bothering to hide the gesture. You also decided not to argue. You were already there so you might as well. You could pick up your own candy too. Plus, Brenda would get bitchy if she didn’t get her Red Vines.
You begrudgingly got out of the car and made your way to the front door, seeing a few figures behind the glass. The door chimed as you both passed through, Brenda making a beeline for the counter. You noticed Steve Harrington there with a girl, the both of them donning vests with the store’s logo. What you weren’t expecting to see was Eddie Munson sitting on top of the counter, legs dangling as he talked with a younger kid in a baseball cap that said “BYTE ME”.
When he finally noticed you, he was startled, looking at you for a long moment before believing you were really there. He waved, the action hesitant as the boy beside him spoke  too low for you to hear, but you could tell it was full of emotion. Whatever he was saying.
You waved back, making your way over as Brenda handled her movie situation. You hadn’t seen Eddie since that party at Reefer Rick’s nearly a month ago. You’d thought about him quite a bit in that time. Thought about how your friends were right. He was sweet. And you liked that about him. Whether or not he’d ever wanna mix it up with the likes of you was a different story. You’d heard he’d harbored a crush on Chrissy Cunningham. And while the girl was cute, she was safe. A person who always erred on the side of caution.
And that wasn’t you.
“Hi,” Eddie announced a little too loudly when you finally made it over to him. The boy next to him rolled his eyes, apparently unimpressed by the greeting.
“Hey…no sacrificing of virgins today?” you teased.
“Thursday’s, remember?” he retorted, putting a finger to his own head and tapping.
“Oh yeah…must’ve gotten it mixed up with my weekly orgies,” you threw back, belatedly realizing the boy was still standing near you both. “Shit, sorry,” you amended, wincing as Eddie laughed.
“No worries. This is Dustin. He’s good people. Also a fellow devil worshiper and member of Hellfire,” he explained, shaking Dustin’s shoulder with more enthusiasm than the young boy appreciated.
Dustin shook off Eddie’s touch and smiled at you, his eyes momentarily dropping to the black bustier top you wore. You hadn’t exactly been expecting to walk into Family Video looking like this.
You’d worn head to toe black. Your pants were leather and tight as shit. It’d taken you nearly fifteen minutes just to shimmy them on. A price you were willing to pay. You’d thrown a cropped denim jacket on over the glorified bra, more for practicality than any need for modesty. You looked ready to go to a concert. And you were suddenly very aware of that fact.
Eddie noticed Dustin’s stare and punched him in the shoulder, signaling for him to get lost. After a silent conversion passed between the two, Dustin tipped his hat at you and took off towards Steve Harrington on the other side of the counter.
“Sorry about him. He’s special,” Eddie whispered, making you laugh.
“S’okay. I wasn’t really prepared to come here,” you gestured to your outfit, feeling somewhat sheepish. That might’ve been a first for you.
“So this isn’t your quiet night in with a movie ensemble?”
You shook your head, smiling as he teased you.
“Well for the record, you look great,” he added, voice lowered and infused with sincerity.
You bit your lip, feeling like a googly-eyed schoolgirl. “Thanks, Munson.”
A meaningful gaze passed between you both before you broke it. You looked for Brenda, suddenly uncomfortable with Eddie’s vulnerability. And your own.
You found her at the counter, now flirting with Steve while the other girl in the vest and Dustin restocked shelves. You rolled your eyes at Brenda, knowing that despite her having a boyfriend, she’d never pass up a chance to flirt.
“Where you guys headed anyway?”
Eddie’s voice brought you back, focusing on him again and the juvenile way he kicked his legs out from atop the counter. It was just like at Reefer Rick’s party. Deja vu.
“Indianapolis. For the AC/DC show,” you supplied, fumbling with your purse.
His eyes widened and his lips broke out into a wide grin, energy suddenly radiating off him like a toddler.
“No shit! That’s awesome! How’d you score those tickets?”
“Brenda’s uncle. He knows a guy who knows a guy. Supposedly.”
“Hey!” you both turn in the direction of the voice, seeing it was Brenda waving you over.
“Shit, I was supposed to grab some candy,” you hastily explained, getting your wallet out so you could make a mad dash for the candy aisle.
“Have fun. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” Eddie joked, wagging a finger at you in a mock sternness.
You giggled and began to back away as Brenda’s calls grew in impatience.
“Haven’t you heard, Munson? I do it all,” you flirted, disappearing with a wink.
You didn’t bother with the candy. You told Brenda you’d buy her drinks at the venue and a meal afterwards to compensate. You did it mostly to get her off your back about flirting with Eddie. She’d noticed at the party and at the Family Video. She encouraged your pursuit. The funny thing was, you hadn’t even realized it was a pursuit. You’d just been enjoying his company, but the more you thought about it, the more you definitely wanted to have sex with Eddie Munson.
“You’re going to fuck him, aren’t you?” Brenda asked, sipping from her Big Gulp cup.
You looked out the window, hearing Hells Bells play over the radio. The song made you think of Eddie and you smiled.
“Yeah, I am.”
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residentdormouse · 6 months
Can I ask you to ramble about your current hyperfixation?
I am always up for some rambling! Thank you for the ask!!
Unfortunately for my non-fandom followers, my hyperfixation has not changed for the past two and a half years. (All mutuals now groaning, ‘Shut up about the Stand, Mouse.’) I still cannot explain my extended fix; usually I'm a year tops. Hook onto a character, appease the yearning rats, move on. Not this time…
This may have to do with the fact that the Fandom is smaller. Other fixations, I could casually scroll Tumblr for fan art, find stories to scratch the itch on AO3, and passively ride the wave until something pulled me in another direction. Couldn't do that here. There were like 11 stories for ‘the Stand’ that even tagged Glen Bateman as a character. Some of them were prior to the version of Glen that took up residence in my brain (2020 miniseries), and none of them had him as a primary focus. What's a girl to do, right? Write also turned out to be the answer. So this was the first time I was writing and posting fanfic to AO3. About 290k words later, and almost a year of digging into their characters, here I am, stuck on the same damn guys. The rats are still yearning, and I have no further way to appease them. (Although, I'm sure they will thank you for indulging them now.)
But yeah, still 100% hooked on Stephen King's ‘the Stand’, and specifically the newest 2020 miniseries version. I blame Kinnear's version of Glen. He's a great character in the other versions, but the stars aligned with his take. Witty. Intelligent, but with a cheek and lightheartedness. Logical, yet open to the new world of the unknown. Questioning, but true to himself and loyal to those around him. Speaking his mind, and saying what he believes, regardless of the danger it poses. (And this is not even touching the vaping, which is a fantastic touch, and definitely a way to my heart as well.) Plus, I've always loved Kinnear as an actor, just never saw him in a role where I connected to his character like this. I truly was doomed from the start.
And that's pretty much how it went too. The first damn scene he’s in, and I'm instantly hit with the ‘holy fuck, I love this character’ K.O. punch. Cause that's what I really need for a hyperfix to stick, love for a character.
Then the end of that same episode. This look…
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I could go on for days about this look. A ‘Man of Science’ facing the reality of the previously unbelievable. His world view shaken, and now left to piece the puzzle back together. Tear down what he ‘knew’, and start looking at things from a new perspective. This single moment where the world changed for him. It's just… 🤌
I love this fictional man. He has hijacked my brain, and honestly, not really seeing a problem. He can stay as long as he wants. I'll give him some paints, and he can chill up there making fun commentary about life. Maybe give some helpful insight.
But yeah, the Stand still top hyperfixation for me. I have a love of the story as a whole too, don't get me wrong. Read the book, have the ‘94 series, picked up the comics… And other characters have worked their way into my heart too (Lloyd Henreid, I'm talking about you), but Glen was, and still is, the reason I'm here so long after.
Was that rambling enough? Too much? I have no gauge. But I will always elaborate if asked. Do not be afraid to ask, this is why I'm here!!
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thatonebabybat · 1 year
Okay. Long rant ahead, but... I'm bothered by those ppl who use "SaYiNG GoTH IS A MUsIc SuBCULtUrE IS ABLEISt BC DEaF PeOpLE CaN'T LIStEN TO It--" as a reason for why they think they can call it an aesthetic or a fashion style. Like.
1. Blind people can't see aesthetics so what are you getting at here exactly?? Is liking aesthetics bad because some people can't see them? Your own logic is working against you here tbh..
2. The people saying this generally aren't deaf and therefore probably shouldn't be speaking for the deaf community. (I don't intend to either, so if you're deaf and reading this and there's something you'd like for me to correct or work on, please feel free.)
3. I'm sure most goths would be chill w a deaf person hanging out w them as long as they understand the history and are participating in the community in some meaningful way. Like, they might not be able to hear the music, but they may still be able to read/appreciate the written lyrics, or maybe they can't hear the music but they still enjoy clubbing and like participating in goth nights… And there are still deaf music artists so that's always an option too- Plus, some deaf people can still like music on occasion bc hearing aids have gotten really advanced, so to lump them all together as being completely unable to enjoy it at all is strange… There's a lot of ways a deaf person could still be able to chill in a music subculture. I don't think anyone is intentionally excluding deaf people from the scene. I would like to think most people would be understanding in that specific scenario.
..Doesn't explain why an able-bodied person with access to as much music as they could ever possibly want through the internet gets to totally ignore it though. I think it says a lot that these people are aware of their privilege to be able to listen to music and participate in the community in that way, but instead decide to use disabled people as a shield for why they shouldn't have to put in even a tiny bit of effort before claiming a 40+ year old subculture for themselves. They don't actually care about making goth more accessible, if they did they'd be subtitling music videos, or posting the lyrics and translations of goth songs to lyric sites, or making more efforts to make goth events more comfortable for disabled people… But no. It's just about them.
4. Even if someone decided being goth wasn't for them because they were deaf and couldn't hear the music, no one is saying you're a lesser person or "bad" somehow for not being a goth. Like. Deaf people can be goth. But becoming a goth isn't a requirement. If it's not your thing it's not your thing, but it does mean a lot to the people who have been in the subculture for a long time. If you like the fashion and not the music, just use another word for it (alt/darkalt is a personal favorite of mine, but there's other tags you can use too) and call it a day, no one's judging you for that. It's not like people who don't like goth music can't express themselves with fashion or moodboards, I'm fine with that. I like doing that myself. Just don't call it goth if it doesn't have anything to do with goth music. Don't flood a music tag with completely unrelated content. It's rlly not that hard. Idk why people get so hung up on NEEDING to use this one word for things that have nothing to do with that word. It's absurd the lengths people will go just to take over someone else's label when it's totally unnecessary.
I'd love to hear thoughts from the actual disabled community on the topic though. What do you think goths could do to make the space more accessible? How do you feel about these kinds of arguments?? I'd like to get to know more about the subject.
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masonscig · 1 year
can i ask why people in the fandom seem to really dislike mishka? (censoring her name and such) this is not meant in an offensive way to you or to anyone else, i’m just new here and kind of confused. like did she do something legitimately wrong or are people just irked by the writing of the new book? hope you have a great day <3
OH yeah sorry i can definitely see how that's confusing to new people LMAO
so, it's a bit of both imo – i've been here since 2020, shortly after book 2 dropped, so my perspective is a lot different than newer fans
so, one of the reasons i censor her name, is because tumblr changed the search functions – used to be, when you looked up something, it was only things that were in that exact word order in a tag – so if you spelled t/w/c wrong in some way, it'd only show up results that were misspelled, if that makes sense
but now, it's like if you look up any word, random posts that mention it anywhere in the post will show up too – and i would rather not open myself up to the m*shka bootlickers bc i just do not have time for that LMFAO
i rarely maintag things these days because i just don't want to be perceived by so much of this fandom, but that's just a me thing
also, in terms of what she did "wrong"... on top of problematic stuff in text, there's a few things i can think of off the top of my head:
encouraging white/washed art by reblogging on to her dev blog while knowingly having the official skintone palette locked behind a paywall (patreon)
when called out for the above, they did vet their pieces i guess – by only reblogging black and white pieces, and art of detectives. then they stopped reblogging art completely
posting a white hand for a morgan instagram edit – and taking hours to delete the harassment in the replies, some of which being actually racist comments with slurs pointed at black people
in a q&a video, referred to m as an "attack dog", which was super insensitive, considering the consistent comparison of m to an animal across all platforms (text, tumblr posts, patreon content)
her treatment of f over the years, both in text and outside of it. her asks were a huge reason that the fandom has an infantilized view of f and they don't even consider them to be a love interest (much less one that gets physically intimate). they see them as a child. this bullet point is a massive one that would take too long to explain. i could probably write an essay on how problematic it is to immediately "other" your singular black character by literally making them an otherworldly alien, but i do not have the time
how she writes nb/trans characters. from what my friends have said who code dive, they get the same dialogue and variants that women do. obviously if you don't code dive or play with nb characters you probably wouldn't notice, but there are a good chunk of people in the fandom who play with nb oc's so... this is something that should be better, but it's not
to add to the above, she said she was getting sensitivity readers but... did they do anything? look at book 3 and tell me if they actually did anything (i have a feeling maybe those sensitivity readers were white queer people)
overall, it's very hard to explain and condense the fuckery my mutuals and i have seen both m*shka do over the years, and what her fans have let slide/incidents they've coddled her up during.
sadly, she doesn't take hard stances on things. she just lets things happen and that just. doesn't bode well if your argument for all these mistakes is "ignorance". if she's getting 10k a month on patreon plus sales (not to mention the fact she's a grown ass woman), then... it's the bare minimum to ask for her to be mindful of her audience and to do better.
and also book 3 sucks xoxo
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raptorsaurusmelain · 7 months
Let me show you... Youtube - chapter 10
My trip to Helsinki went well, I had a fun time with my friends. I went to a drag show there, it was very interesting ! It was my first one.
Warning : no proof reading, English is not my mother tongue.
If you are interested in reading this fic, the tag "#twst lmsyy" will give you all the chapters.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Ace explained the situation : he ate a piece of the cherry pie for the unbirthday party, Riddle got angry, he got collared and he got here to ask to change dorms.
Yuu and Victoria looked at each other. Yuu then said, “You need to apologize.”
Victoria added a good. “And quickly on top of that.”
Ace began his long rant about how Riddle was a tyrant, that he was evil, gna gna gna… Really it was old news and sadly, compared to the game, you can’t skip the dialogue…
At the end of the rant, Yuu said. “You still need to apologize.”
Victoria added. “And still quickly on top of that.”
Ace grumbled and said. “You are both killing me !! You didn’t listen to a word I said !”
Victoria sighed. “Listen up buttercup, you did something foolish and you are harvesting what you sow. Plus, do you really want to live in this run down dorm ? It is called Ramshackle for a reason.”
Ace tried his best to convince the adult. “I can help restore it !”
Victoria arched an eyebrow. “Really ? You seem to be the kind of person who run away from your homework and complains about having to do it last minute. Or, you seem to run away from things that are not funny, and restoring a building is not funny, it is hard and very long. Still want to pass your weekends to restore the dorm with us ?”
 Ace flinched and laughed. “Yeaaaaaaah maybe not my jam. Can I at least sleep here tonight ?”
Yuu thought before speaking. “Yes you can but you need to sleep in the lobby, unless you want to clean a room right now ?”
Ace was definitely not having it. “We… could sleep together ?”
Yuu cringed at the prospect. Victoria, seeing the subtle movement, interfered. “No you’re not. You either sleep on the couch, or you go back to your dorm.”
And with that, she ended the discussion. While Ace was defeated by the prospect of sleeping on an old couch, Victoria and Yuu went to her room to search for some bed sheets and a pillow.
Yuu interrupted the silence. “Thank you, I didn’t know how to say no…”
Victoria had a small smile. “You’re welcome, Baby. It is not an easy word to say.”
Night was a charm, except for Victoria who slept approximately 3h. She was going to need a lot of tea to go through her day. 
She went to the kitchen, surprised that Ace was still sleeping despite the Sun shining through the window. She arrived in the kitchen and turned on the kettle. She also prepared a bunch of nutelli (again, an equivalent) sandwiches to satisfy her craving of sweets.
When the kettle whistled, Ace woke up grumbling and Yuu arrived, already in their uniform, followed by a sleepy Grim. Victoria put on the table everything they had for breakfast. Yuu settled for their fruit square cereal, Grimm for a bowl of milk accompanied by some nutelli sandwiches and Ace opted for some cherry jam on toast.
Victoria was filling her gourd and said. “Today you have to apologize, Ace. It is never good to let those types of bad blood going on. He can destroy your years in the dorm.” Before he could speak, she added. “I know you don’t see what you did wrong, but it is important for some people to respect their habits and ‘rules’.”
Ace answered her statement “Urgh… You truly don’t know him, there are too many rules ! I can’t remember all of them !”
Victoria then remembered the fact that there were 800+ rules. “Yeah maybe it is too much… Anyway, try to find a middle ground with him, ok ?”
Oh boy she knew where this was going and she didn’t like it… She will need to buy a whole lot of antiseptic and bandages. 
She straightened Yuu's tie. “You look ravishing, like always Baby. Believe in yourself and you will do great things. Now, go and crush the world.”
She knew it wasn’t much, but some words of encouragement will be better than nothing.
She looked at them go to the Heartslabyul dorm and dropped her shoulders. She didn’t need to fake the fact that she was well now that their little eyes are away.
She knew her state would degrade soon. Too much excitement and information for her brain to compute them correctly during her sleep. For the moment she could just hope for a quick relapse, so she wouldn’t need a doctor appointment with no social security.
She inhaled and exhaled loudly. [Everything is going to be alright, we just need time and rest.]
Sadly, instead of resting she had to work.
While she swept, she found a door slightly open. It was from one of the lecture halls.
She got closer and lent an ear. A deep masculine voice could be heard about a very boring subject. She had to swallow her laughter to not be heard by the teacher. She stayed there a few minute before she heard a scratch on the door and a deep “meeeeeow.”
Lucius was a four paws snitch.
“What can I do for you Mrs Devi ?” Trein opened the door a few moments later.
 Lucius was definitely a fur baby snitch.
Victoria looked at him with pleading eyes. “I am sorry to interrupt your class, the door wasn’t shut entirely and I got interested in your lecture.”
Trein grabbed the meowing snitch and sighed. “I admire your pursuit of knowledge but you should have just closed the door. Not eavesdropping.”
[Ooch, live ammo here.] Thought Victoria.
She bowed “I am truly sorry, it won’t happen again…” She turned and grabbed her broom, defeated.
He closed the door despite Lucius wiggling to go to the young lady.
It hurted Trein to see someone who so earnestly wanted to learn and yet couldn’t, just because she wasn’t a student here.
At noon, Yuu went to see her to talk about their plan for the afternoon and warn her that they would be late. Victoria nodded and they went to eat with their friends.
At least Yuu had some friends to help them in their story…
Tag : @boba-tea-fish @hipsterteller
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osc-confessions · 8 months
Back to explain further on the topic of Pen and Fries being friends— There are a lot of reasons why a friendship between the two would be infinitely better than the practically nonexistent friendship between Pen and Eraser.
First off, considering the clear separation anxiety that Pen has shown towards Eraser, it's going to take an active force to help him realize how badly the relationship is going. And since objects in different teams hardly interact unless in competition with one another, it would have to be someone in AYO. TB & GB wouldn't care at all, TV deals more in logic which likely wouldn't sway Pen as much as emotion would, and Puffball probably wouldn't take notice of the problem unless somebody else pointed it out (u don't have to tag all these people,,, just briefly mentioning them). That leaves Fries. His no-nonsense attitude and desire to get the job done would probably help in getting Pen to realize that he's clinging onto a dead friendship, as Fries is generally blunt and doesn't skirt around the point. It'd be a quick "Hey. You know you're being an idiot, right?" along with taking down any of the half-baked excuses Pen comes up with for Eraser. Of course, it would take a while to drag Pen out of that given how long he's been friends with Eraser, but Fries' way of approaching things would put a big dent in the armor. Sure, maybe I'm giving him too much credit in assuming that he'd notice what's going on at all, but Fries isn't a complete idiot. Plus, the problem just gets more obvious every episode, barring TPOT 4.
Now, here's one of the biggest reasons why I think a friendship between Pen and Fries would be interesting: They're opposite sides to the same kind of rocky friendship. On one side we have Pen and Eraser, with Pen constantly trying to reach out to Eraser to no avail, as Eraser clearly doesn't care about Pen anymore. And on the other side? Fries and Puffball. Puffball, who only wants attention and recognition from her team. Who only wants to help them. Whose problems were ignored by her supposed best friend Fries... until TPOT 5. The difference between Eraser and Fries is that Fries has gone back for Puffball. It took him a bit, but he realized the problem and stood by her. That sort of self improvement is why Fries would be so much better as a friend for Pen than Eraser is. He's certainly not perfect, but he's not self-absorbed and ignorant. Perhaps him going and helping PB is what would help him realize the problem Pen has— now he's aware that it's a thing that happens within their team.
...I should probably cut it off there, looking at the length. Sorry if this isn't something you wanted, just figured I'd tell you about my ideas for the friendship since you seemed interested.
I'm sorry that this took so long to be answered - I am interested!!! I simply do not have the mental capacity to give this a response of the same caliber, at the moment :') It was a great read though. I loved the analysis /gen
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megabuild · 8 months
You shall talk about bdubs whether you like it or not (for the ask thingy) - Clovis xoxo
oh don't worry i like it so much.
1: i see him as a gay man! "but scott" you cry "what about cledubs". it still happens but in a very "what if a fag and a dyke could fuck ruthlessly" way. also he's cis but his gender is simultaneously sort of all over the place in typical gay fashion.
2: recently i've been drawing him as a bat hybrid so some stuff on that- he purrs instead of snoring, he has little wings on his back that never grew in properly, his leg+feet muscles are strong enough to support his weight upside down if he so desires! but usually he doesn't do this because sleeping upside down as a full sized guy is not so great for him.
3: on the appearance front still- he is littered with scars from his time in the jungle because late on he was caught in a ton of vines and the thorns left a permanent mark. this is part of the reason his moss hoodie has big floppy sleeves, because the scarring on his arms and hands are particularly bad and sensitive to touch, plus he was just a little self conscious about it for a while (but he's getting better).
4: for some reason i always saw him as... not actually being an "official" mindcrack member? like he IS but. i think i had a dream or something at some point where he was a builder that came on world to fix something up and he ended up just staying LMFAO. a lot of mc guys in my head were like this where they weren't formally invited (even though in real life etho and doc were i still see them as just stumbling in).
5: i don't have much backstory for him compared to some other characters i think he had a pretty normal life prior to the horrors. but i do think he grew up in a pretty remote place. also he grew up with horses because of course he did, he didn't live on a farm or anything but i think there was a ranch nearby and that helped foster his love for the beasts as an adult
6: re:ethubs (predictable) i'm a strong fighter for etho fell first but bdubs fell harder but also etho is an idiot and didn't have the experience or language to understand he was in love so maybe bdubs fell first too. however, he fucking HATED etho for a long time despite also clearly having a huge crush on him and not actually disliking him that much. he's like a tsundere to me, is the best way i can explain it. pause was his wingman on mindcrack for a while but this was a situation that literally nobody was happy about or wanted to happen.
7: i think he's a good baker. not excellent but i think he should get really into baking and making little treats. they probably look way better than they taste because decoration is his favourite part. also said this before but i think he'd get really into star signs for a while but he doesn't take it that seriously he just reads his horoscope every day and then if things go wrong he'll blame that.
8: i could go in depth here about something but this is a sfw blog so i'm just going to gesture vaguely at the one post that's like "i'm into bdsm be dozin so much" and leave it at that.
9: on sleeping- he is just a generally sleepy guy and always has been, but also i think he suffers from a touch of chronic fatigue. nothing that severely impedes him but like, when he goes to bed on time it's because he literally cannot stay up past his bedtime or he will Pass Away
10: when etho left in season 5 he left his headband behind. bdubs took the decorative metal clasp from the front and wove it onto a necklace, kinda like a dog tag. still wears it to this day under his shirt where nobody can see! when etho learned this for the first time he got very. Very emotional. but anyways .
11: (bonus ethubs one because i just remembered it) he HAS watched a lot of etho's lab but didn't before meeting him. he went back and watched some early stuff, but out of respect for etho after learning about his life he never finished it.
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icedmetaltea · 1 year
Sorry for being gone a long time... again.
(tw self-harm, tw suicidal thoughts, general anxiety/depression stuff)
I made a post explaining stuff before I went on break but deleted it like an hour later cause I realized wow nobody cares but fuck it amirite? Consider it a journal entry or something. I tagged everything as best I could, you have been warned.
I've been getting back into a habit of self-harming, something I haven't dealt with since I was a teen.
Back then, I had elastic bands and needles, so it wasn't rlly anything to worry about, but then I found this tiny box cutter that cuts really easily and doesn't hurt much strangely enough... just enough to draw my attention away from the anxiety or depression when it's too crippling to function.
Obviously a band aid solution (no pun intended) but what else can I do? I've done everything right. I have friends and family who care. I've been eating decently, I've been sleeping 7-8 hrs per night. I've tried meds, I've tried natural supplements, I've tried everything I can reasonably do and yet here I am, wanting to do die again. I was doing really well this week, exercising a little, eating healthier, cooking, thought maybe I was finally improving... but last night everything went to shit again, I had that feeling like darkness was physically coming over me, disconnecting me from others, and now I'm currently having a panic attack and I did it again. It's not deep, but I can still see the scars from the other times I did it in recent weeks, and I'm like... wow, you're really this weak, huh?
I'm tired of my chest and throat feeling tight, I'm tired of feeling like I'm struggling to breathe, I'm tired of staying up till 5+ am due to anxiety, I'm tired of people in my life not understanding, I'm tired of the nausea, I'm tired of the disassociation, I'm tired of feeling lost, I'm tired of feeling useless, I'm tired of feeling like I'm not enough, I'm tired, I'm so fucking tired, and no amount of sleep will help.
That coupled with the fact that like, even if I do get to an amazing state mentally, the world is still fucked. My country's education system is fucked, its healthcare is fucked, its political system is fucked, its law enforcement system is fucked, everything is just based on money and greed and I am powerless to stop any of it. It's all just... bigger than I'll ever be. So why change? Why live? I have no passions nor dreams, and I'm sure my friends and family wouldn't miss me soon enough. Plus, with all the wars on the horizon and the climate crisis, they'll probably follow soon enough.
Just, wow, it feels like there is genuinely no good in this world anymore. Every system is corrupt, every power concentrated on gain, every dream bashed in the face of a machine that doesn't run in their favor. TLDR; Rant aside, I promise I'm not dead and I am working on DCA stuff but I am just yep
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eveandtheturtles · 1 year
Started with a Kiss Chapter 4 - No place like New York
Story Rating: E
Chapter Rating: T
Warning for this chapter: Panic Attack, reference to stalking situation
Summary: After a roadtrip, it's time for Cheryl and Kara to meet the rest of the turtle family!
A/N: I was too impatient and decided to post it today after all. Please reblog and let me know what you think! Next chapter should be by the end of March
tagging: @madammuffins @turtle-babe83 @thelaundrybitch @dilucsflame33 @sharpwindow @pheradream15
AO3 link
Tumblr media
The first 24hrs of the drive were pretty uneventful. Donnie, Cheryl and April took turns driving while Kara sulked as unfortunately, her height interfered with driving a van. Donnie drove most of the night, taking over from April and then switching with Cheryl. 
When he was settling down, pulling up his tablet to work on his projects, he noticed that Kara seemed tenser than when the road trip started.
She was still putting on her confident mask but her shoulders were stiff and he could tell she was only fidgeting with her phone instead of doing anything with it. There was something hard in her eyes. Cold. Scared.
Donnie wasn’t good at dealing with other people’s emotions or comforting them. That was all Mikey’s deal. Emotions were complicated with no clear rules, too many variables. His own emotions were a bit of a mess around Kara. He blamed it on them for his next move.
He waved his hand to get her attention. Immediately, Kara’s head jerked up in his direction, as if he tore her away from deep thoughts.
<What’s up?> She asked.
<When we first met, how did you avoid the cameras?>  He shot his question. It was the first thing that came to his mind.
<Oh, it’s a combination of things actually.> She shifted a little in her seat, stiff from being stuck in one position for too long. <I can set my phone to disturb the cameras around me plus, I have designed a special mask that makes it harder for facial recognition programs to spot me. I hardly ever leave my house without it.>
He nodded. Clever.
<Do you have it on right now?> he inquired further.
<No, I think I left it in my bag and we tossed that out when you kidnapped me.>
At that Donnie straightened up a little. They didn’t-. He dropped his hands when he noticed the crooked smile and her raised eyebrow. She was teasing him.
<I would call it a daring rescue actually,> he retorted instead. 
She snorted and bit her lip. <Eh, I’d rate it mediocre at best.>
<Oh, really? Any pointers then?> He grinned.
She rubbed her chin a little. <Well, first of all, don’t carry your damsel like a sack of potatoes. Girls don’t like that.> She poked him.  
He laughed a little, trying to get away from her fingers. <I’ll try to remember that next time we’re under fire.>
<Thank you.> She added a little bow to her reply. <I’m here all week.>
He sighed dramatically. <I know.>
She giggled. <So, since we’re stuck here for the next 24 to 30 hours more or less - Star Wars or Star Trek.>
He made a small ‘oof’ sound. <Trick question, huh?>
<Yup, suffer, nerd.> She snickered.
<I would like to point out that by asking that question you outed yourself as a nerd.> He retorted.
<Bite me.> She stuck her tongue out. 
<Kinky.> He replied faster than his brain processed the word. Heat built up under his skin immediately. <I mean…> He tried to backpedal but she shook her head.
<Oh, I am.> She winked at him with all her usual bravado, giving him a pat on his arm and he laughed. <So, Star Wars or Star Trek?> She repeated the question.
He sighed, grateful for the circle back. <Both actually. Though I lean harder toward Star Trek.>
<Bold statement!>She nodded with respect. <What’s your reasoning.>
<Simple, sometimes you want to watch a space exploration story and sometimes you want to watch one family fuck up the entire galaxy.> He explained matter-of-factly. 
She barked out a loud laugh at that, which ended with her wincing and rubbing her throat. <Good one.>
<You okay?> He looked at her with concern.
She gave him a thumbs up. <Sequels or prequels?>
<The original trilogy, please>
<Wow, you really are a snob for some things, huh?> She teased.
He rolled his eyes. <What about you? I bet you love sequels,> he teased back.
<I actually don’t.> She playfully glared at him. <I can tell there was a concept at some point but it just dissolved in absolute nonsense.>
He nodded. <Alright then… Kirk or Pickard?>
She smiled. <Well, if you must know…>
They fell into a comfortable rhythm. A simple game of ‘What did you think of-’ then discussing the likes and dislikes. The heated debate about the spores drive in Star Trek: Discovery, the groans over the MCU. Kara’s shoulders relaxed and slowly realized she hadn’t laughed so much in ages. Her throat burned. It was worth it though. She didn’t want to stop.
She also found out he was actually watching her streams. When she figured out which viewer he was she clapped her hands. He was her Moira! 
<I can't believe you are one of my Glitches,> she snickered. <So the autograph was really for you, huh?>
Somewhere during the conversation, her legs stretched out, thrown over his. They were both comfortably leaning back. Donnie was still typing away on his device but he was fully invested in their banter.
<What can I say, you had me star-struck.> 
Kara usually didn't really pay attention to her multitude of followers but a few of them stood out. Especially one called DonTron9000. She remembered that one night after- she didn't expect anyone to join her back then. It was 3 years ago. She was just starting with the streaming. The hour was odd and she only got on because she couldn't bear being home alone. He was the first one to jump in. He was funny, smart, and didn't talk down to her. Even if later a few other people did join them she always reserved one specific voice line on her soundboard for him. A dedicated DonTron button. Her Moira. 
Huh. Life was strange… She snorted and shook her head amused.
<What?> He asked, smiling himself.
<You clearly are following my work as a scientist and to top it all off tracking me as H0AX. If I believed it, I'd say it’s fate. Or that you're my stalker.> She noticed that he turned his head away from her, clearly embarrassed. She tapped his leg with one finger and he glanced at her again. <So what - you are having your fan feelings conflicted with the paragon of justice?>
<No, no, it's not like that!>
<So I am still going to jail?>
<No> a pause <probably not, maybe. I just. You are this complex puzzle and I can't wrap my mind around you!> That was honest. That was probably the closest he could get to an answer for her and himself.
She sighed. Somehow she felt bad. He definitely, in some way, used to look up to her. And to be honest… remembering the streams and especially the closed event streams which he always would join - yeah, she somewhat looked up to him as well. Damned be the human emotions and parasocial relationships. <Listen, I’m not- I’m not as good of a person as you probably think I am.>
<No, I had no such delusions,> He threw in with a sour expression. <But if I may- something that my dad once said- you're probably not as bad as you think you are.> At least he wanted to believe that. Otherwise, they all would be in deep trouble.
<Right.> She scratched the back of her hand. 
This was going in a weird direction. She slapped her hands on her thighs. He looked at her confused.
<What do you think of Mass Effect: Legendary edition coming out next year?> She tried to steer the conversation to something more comfortable.
<I'm not sure, I haven't played the original trilogy.>
<What? Oh, you gotta! I love that game!> And thus new direction sparked up.
It all went on, with breaks as they had to eat and make pit stops here and there. Eventually, it was getting closer to sunset and April reminded Donnie he needed to sleep a little before she'd let him drive.
They were getting closer to New York when she finally called him to the front of the car. Kara and Cheryl were napping.
“Donatello, reporting for duty,” he joked as he awkwardly slipped into the front seat next to April. 
“Hey Donnie," she smiled. 
"There should be a gas station an hour away from us." He read his device. "Good spot to refuel one last time before we reach New York."
"That's great," she said. It was time for the uncomfortable moment. April cleared her throat. "So, how's Kara? You two seem to be getting along?"
"Yeah, she's… an interesting person," he agreed slowly.
"I figured,” she smiled. “You talked a lot, do you have any answers?" She asked carefully. 
"I am not falling for her if that's what you want to know," he replied, giving her a sharp look. "I mean, I probably am, but I am not an idiot. I know she'd most likely try to play me." He thought back to the night of the shootout. While he loved their conversations and he recognized the symptoms of a crush in himself he knew she was most likely very opportunistic. That first impression really stuck. "I finally managed to hack her phone though." He was honest in his talk with Kara but the safety of his family always came first.
"Oh," April glanced at him. "Anything interesting?"
"A lot actually, I sent most of it to the lair," he shrugged. 
"I see, so what do you want to do?" She looked over her shoulder quickly at the two sleeping women.
"I think it will be best discussed with everyone." He looked up from his screen. "I think she is hiding something. There was a trace of a text message from a couple of hours after we set out. I can't recover it though." He frowned, shutting everything down. "But she got really weird after it. It might be worth looking into and… I still don’t want her in jail but it will be a group decision."
April nodded. "So you are trying to get her to trust you?"
"Mostly, yes," he nodded. "I want to be sure she won't hurt my family."
“You and me both,” April smiled and they fist-bumped. 
Kara wasn’t sure what she expected but the lair in the storm drain sewers wasn’t one of them. Her eyes went wide as she took in her surroundings. She easily spotted Donnie’s ‘command center’ and the lab. A drumset, a punching bag, and weights. A ‘Japanese corner’ of sorts. Everything was neatly divided into sections. Then she saw them. The remaining three brothers. The angry red one. The stoic blue one. The bouncing orange one. 
“Why are there two of them?” Raph fired the question first after everyone got out of the van.
“Hello to you too, brother,” Donnie replied. “The travel was okay, thanks for asking.”
“It’s good to have you back,” Leo approached them, giving April a hug. He turned to Donnie, took his hand and they bumped their shoulders. “But Raph has a point.”
Suddenly, Mikey fell down to the floor, jumping off from his hoverboard.
“Guys, guys, let’s not be so rude to the ladies!” He raised his arms to get the attention. Then he turned to ‘the ladies’. “Welcome to our fortress of awesomeness.” He bowed deeply. “I’m your host, Michelangelo, you can call me Mikey, my lady~.” He grabbed Cheryl’s hand and leaned to kiss it.
Cheryl and Kara exchanged looks, while April just looked amused. The bros collectively groaned. “Mikey.”
Cheryl smiled sweetly then quickly manipulated her fingers in his hand pressing hard on a nerve. “I’m Cheryl and I just don’t swing your way.”
“Ow, ow, ow.” Mikey dropped to one knee.
She released her hold and took a step back. “It’s alright, better to establish things early.” She and Kara high-fived.
“Okay, I like her,” Raph said from the back. 
“You can watch them then,” Leo told him and pulled Donnie to the side. 
Mikey massaged his hand. “Damn you don’t play around, huh?”
“Experience and precaution,” Cheryl responded.
"Must have been some experience," Raph walked closer. "Self-defense classes?"
"Yep, krav maga, pepper spray in the bag as well," she smiled looking up at him. "With a taser."
"Nice," Raph nodded with respect. "Always looking forward to a new sparring partner if you ever need one," he offered and she snorted. 
"Thanks, I will keep that in mind."
"Alright." Leo pulled Donnie away from the group. "Talk." 
"Well, I texted you everything on our way," Donnie said to his brother. "What has Chief Vincent said?"
"She's interested but wants to talk to the hacker first,” Leo informed him, “but this isn’t what I mean.”
“What then?”
“When I was talking with Chief Vincent, she was in the room with their IT specialist,” Leo said slowly, his arms folding as he looked straight at his brother. “He said that it’s strange we just didn’t confront her in New York since your files clearly had her address.”
“Now, I don’t know why you chose to lie to us, but I hope it was a damn good reason,” Leo placed his hand on Donnie’s shoulder. “Because if she puts our family in danger… I would not want you to bear the guilt of it.”
Donnie swallowed. “Right.”
“I trust your judgment, little bro,” Leo continued. “I hope it’s correct this time as well.”
Raph was pleased to find out Cheryl wasn’t involved in any crime. She was fun to talk to. Donnie would still get a stern talking to about getting his crime-wife into the lair. Like they didn’t have safe houses around the city. Specifically for this kind of stuff.
“Kara’s not as bad as you make her you know,” Cheryl defended her after he voiced his opinion. “She never put me in danger before and I’ve known her since elementary school. She is really protective of people she cares about.”
“You’re saying that 'cause she’s your friend,” he huffed.
“True, but doesn’t make it false,” she retorted with a shrug.
“Hey, guys?” Mikey popped his head in Raph’s line of vision. “Don’t want to kill the vibe but- she’s gone.” 
“What?!” Raph pushed Mikey aside and looked around. Has he really-?! "Where is she?"
"I don’t know dude, but she left like 5 or 10 minutes ago,” Mikey popped a chicken nugget into his mouth.
“And you didn’t say anything?!” Raph grabbed his head in disbelief.
Mikey shrugged. “She gave me nuggies, I thought she was going to the toilet.”
Raph cursed. He had to find that pest!
Kara meanwhile explored some more of the lair. It was huge. It burst with the individuality of each brother but she also noticed the lack of doors. There were screens installed here and there but the main area was an open field for the most part. What of course was calling to her the most was the science part belonging to Donnie. 
On her way there though she was distracted by a single "room". It had bonsai trees, and beautiful ornaments. It had a generally different vibe. 
Suddenly a piece of paper fell on her head. 
'Hello' it read with an arrow pointing to her left. 
She turned her head and jumped a little. A giant rat was looking at her. His hands were protectively wrapped in bandages and he was wearing a red robe. It gave her a pause and he patiently waited for her shock to wear off. 
A notepad in his hands clued her in that he was the author of the note. When her pulse calmed down and her shoulders relaxed he smiled softly and wrote another note and showed her the notepad.
'You must be Kara. I am Splinter, the father of the four young turtles you have met.' She read and smiled back at him, giving him a nod in response. So now she had a face to put in the stories Donnie told her.
Meanwhile, Splinter wrote another message. 'You have quite captured the attention of Donatello. It's been a while since I have seen my son interested in anyone this much in a long time.'
The rat handed her the notepad and she took it. 'I think it's less of an interest and more of an annoyance. I tend to have that effect on people.' She joked. 
 Splinter chuckled, having read her response. He offered her his arm, which she took and he patted her hand. It seemed she was about to have an interesting afternoon tea.
Raphael barged in on them about 10 minutes later while they were playing shogi.
Kara watched Splinter scold Raph and the big guy trying to look apologetic while glaring daggers at her. She just slowly sipped her tea. It was a really nice blend and so well made! She grinned at him which earned her more scowling. 
It was hard to read what Splinter was saying as the rat’s mouth was so different from a human but she noticed him mention Donatello’s name. She wondered just how much trouble she got the tallest turtle in.
Just as she finished that thought the blue and purple brothers appeared at the mouth of the room. Both of them gave her stern looks as well. Well, shit. She apparently tanked on the best guest to the lair list. 
<You shouldn’t have walked away on your own,> Donnie scolded her. 
<Yeah, sorry.> She rolled her eyes. <Can I borrow some tools?I need to fix my hearing aids.>
He nodded and quickly told his father and brothers where they were going. This seemed to earn an air of slight disapproval but no one stopped them. She had a feeling she might not get along with Leo. 
At the lab, Donnie handed her some tools and sat nearby to watch over her.
She gave him an amused look. Did he really think she would- okay yeah she would. His lab was amazing. So many projects he had placed around, schematics, his computer. Her eyes were sparkling and her hands were itching. But for now the more important thing. Fixing her hearing aids. 
She sat down and opened the tiny device. From the corner of her eye saw Donnie lean in closer. Curious, huh? It was an easy fix just a wire fried and another got out of alignment. Did and done. She closed it up and placed it over her ear, together with its pair. 
<Say something> she told Donnie. 
He nodded. "Test, test, one two three."
One quick adjustment later, she had her hearing aids working properly. 
"Why do you wear them?" Donnie asked, signing simultaneously. He had the impression Kara was very comfortable in being Deaf.
<Well, they have their uses,> she said. <They're fine in places with minimal noise though useless if we'd be somewhere loud. But the outside world doesn't always take kindly to my preferences. And there are certain perks to them,> she smiled. She couldn't not do that. <Like music, sounds of birds, and knowing more or less how your voice sounds like.>
Donnie coughed, clearing his throat, and she giggled. 
"Can you not do that?" He sighed, exasperated, signing as he spoke.
<Do what?> She asked, playing the innocent, eyelashes batting. 
"Flirt with me. I know you are doing this to gain my favor," he grimaced.
<I wouldn't be flirting with you if I didn't think you were attractive past that van kiss,> she retorted and watched him visibly flustered. 
He couldn't blush but he blinked, straightening up and his expression morphed into a startled confusion. He was speechless
<And that is why I do it. Don’t think too hard on it, though,> She winked. <Also you don't have to pretend to be friendly with me to get things out of me. I noticed your successful hack on my device. Congrats.>
He huffed and shook his head. <I guess we're even?>
<I guess we are.>
<Will you tell me what that deleted text was about then?> He dared to ask.
<No, that's private and doesn't pertain to any of the stuff between us.> She straightened up, narrowing her eyes. 
At that point, Leonardo decided the two had enough alone time and decided to interrupt. 
"Donnie, bring your friend to the main area," he said, giving Kara a look. 
"Be right there," Donnie replied. 
When they arrived Raph was sitting down, arms folded and displeased, Mikey was watching fascinated as Cheryl demonstrated some physics-based home experiments and Leo was standing up.
Donnie gestured to Kara to sit and she took the chair, landing between him and Raph.
"I have finished talking with Chief Vincent and informed her that Miss Williams has-" Leo started talking but a robotic voice from Kara's phone interrupted him.
"Dr. Williams," she corrected him. "I did not get that PhD to just be called Miss."
“Right, Dr. Williams,” Leo corrected himself. “has arrived into our custody. She wants to meet with you tomorrow evening.”
Of course, she did. Kara huffed. <I don’t want to talk with the police.> She grimaced.
Cheryl translated as she reached over and placed her hand on her friend’s shoulder. She then looked at the turtles. “Is it really necessary to go to the precinct? Can’t she come here or somewhere more neutral?”
The brothers exchanged looks. It was true that after what had happened since May… 
“We could take her to April’s or one of the safe houses?” Donnie suggested.
“I can arrange that,” Leo agreed. “But what I can tell you now is that after seeing all the files you had she’d be more than willing to give you protection. If your story checks out.”
It was better than nothing she had to admit. Cheryl’s comforting presence was giving her some sort of confidence.
<If it’s all the same to you, I think I’d rather have you four around than some cops,> she told them. <Especially, since I know Donnie.>
Leo nodded. He glanced at Raph who was unusually quiet. 
"You know where I stand, Leo," the red masked turtle replied. "She causes any trouble for us, I will throw her out."
"Did you get that?" Leo looked at Kara and she gave him a thumbs up. 
<I just have one question,> she signed.
"What is it?" 
<Do I have to stay here? No offense but it is a bit damp here and my hair is not going to love it.> She really wondered how Donnie kept the dampness away from his machinery.
"It is a valid question," Cheryl added.
Leo sighed heavily. "We'll think about it."
"Do I have to stay here as well?" Cheryl asked. 
"You're free to go, but we will be monitoring you for your own safety."
That settled things for now and the meeting was adjourned. 
Kara leaned back in her chair and looked at Cheryl. <Can you bring me back some of my stuff?>
<Sure, get me a list, I bet these guys will not let me go on my own so maybe I will get free bag carrier service,> Cheryl joked. 
<Great.> She quickly opened her notepad app and wrote a quick list of necessities then shared it with her friend. This way if she remembered something last minute it would update Cheryl immediately. 
Later, Cheryl got escorted by Raph and Mikey to the apartment building she and her friend lived in. It was an older building, well renovated for the upper class. 
Mikey whistled looking at it. 
"Nice digs."
"Thanks. Kara owns two floors of it," she said.
"Paid with that dirty money, no doubt," Raph grunted. 
"Actually no, she gets paid a lot for the legal projects she is part of," Cheryl explained. "I don't know why she still does things the way she does but I trust her." 
She slipped them all through the back door and led them upstairs through the old service staircase. Technically it shouldn't be in use but the two friends discovered it one day and kept it as an emergency escape. They all climbed to the top floor and Cheryl let them out through a hidden exit. Raph struggled a little with the narrow and low door but even he squeezed through.
"Okay, here's the… flat…," Cheryl froze in front of the door. 
A cracked open door with a busted out lock.
"Oh, that's not good," Mikey winced. 
The two turtles exchanged looks and pulled out their weapons just in case. 
Cheryl walked inside the flat, following behind Raph, with a sense of dread filling her insides with ice. 
The apartment was flipped upside down and there were definitely things missing but what scared her nearly to a panic was a single rose on the counter. It didn't seem like the two noticed it yet so she quickly swiped it and threw it into the trash. But not before getting the note off of it.  
She inhaled and dug her hands into her pockets. Then she went on to asses the damage. 
"So, anything in particular missing?" Raph asked when she finished. 
"All the electronics, Kara's streaming rig, some jewelry," she counted out the list. 
"I'll call Leo, you're probably going back with us to the lair after all," he decided and she didn't protest. 
"I'll just pack some clothes and toiletries. At least those are still here," she mumbled.
While she was packing, Raph called Leo. The two discussed the new situation. They got April on the call and with Cheryl's agreement it was agreed she'd crash at the O'Neal-Jones place. At least until they can sort it out.
Next was calling the break-in to the police. Something that Cheryl was reluctant to do.
"Let's just say, we didn't have the best experience with cops in the past," she explained and the turtles just nodded. 
After the Krang situation, the four brothers still held that hopeful idea that cops were supposed to protect the citizens. They still were on good terms with Chief Vincent. She was a good woman and the officers from Headquarters that initially helped them were alright. That was why they still helped the Chief with difficult cases, but in majority… The turtles had to stop cops from abusing their powers in the streets just as often as regular criminals. Especially in the poorer neighborhoods. Bullies were everywhere and they loved positions of power. 
Still, the report had to be made. 
Raph and Mikey took all she packed to the lair and she stayed behind to give her statement.
Kara frowned when she noticed the increased amount of luggage. She didn't ask for this many things. When she asked what happened an icy feeling crawled up her spine. Thankfully she kept her important tech in a different location, so the thieves shouldn't be able to get anything incriminating from it. 
When Cheryl returned, brought in by Leo, she left the turtles after giving them a brief recount of what happened after they left and immediately went to Kara. The two pulled into more private space, away from the turtles. 
Cheryl made sure they were alone and then pulled out the crumpled note. Kara didn't need to read it to go ashen. Her hands trembled as she took it from her friend and opened it. The message was simple: 'Payback <3'
Her legs gave under her and her throat squeezed and her heart raced. Her vision went blurry and she fought to get another breath in. Her knees almost hit the floor but Cheryl caught her. Tears streamed down her face and her hands tightened on her friend's arms. 
Donnie walked in on them as Cheryl had her in a tight embrace comforting her and waved him off. She pinched her to bring a new sensation and try to break the panic.
Cheryl pulled a little back and placed Kara's hand over her sternum, while placing her own hand over Kara's. She gestured with free hand to follow her breathing. Slowly. In and out. The two synchronized. 
<Better?> Cheryl asked and Kara nodded slowly. Exhausted, the small woman slumped against her friend. 
Cheryl looked to Donnie who was still there on the fringes. 
"Is there somewhere that she is going to be sleeping that I can get her to now?" She asked him quietly.
"Uh, we haven't organized anything yet, but you can put her in my bed. I rarely use it anyway," he offered. 
"Thanks," she replied. 
She helped Kara walk to the nook that was Donnie's bed. A quick run later to the luggage and with small help from Donnie she brought Kara's weighted blanket and covered her friend up. 
Kara curled up in a ball and sighed with some relief when the heavy cover swallowed her up.
Donnie waited until Cheryl stepped back from her friend to ask her what was bothering him. 
"This isn't just about the break-in, is it?"
Cheryl hesitated. "There's more to it yeah but- it's her choice to tell you guys. That stuff… it's very private."
"We can't help if she hides something vital," he pointed out. He thought for a moment then asked one more thing. "Does it have something to do with the scar on her throat?"
The flash that went through Cheryl's face was enough of an answer for him. 
"That's what I thought." He nodded. "I'll wait." 
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