#pleaces to eat
britt-kageryuu · 2 months
A video of clips from a VTurtles! Vod.
The brothers are in front of a huge tier list board.
Leo: Okay, so we're doing a teir list of the many Pizza Places we've eaten at.
Mikey: We must agree to Run of the Mill in it's own teir, I work there, amazing Pizza, but we would all be braised.
Donnie: Very much agree, Señor Hueso would be a bit annoyed to have his fine establishment compared to some of these excuses for Pizzeria.
Raph: As long as this doesn't get worse than the Pizza festival route arguments.
The camera has been zoom out so the names already on the board aren't cut off.
Leo: Wait, was this place the one near that weird Bodega that sold snake oil, or the one close to the 'Always Going Out of Business' electronics place?
Donnie: You forget the are TWO 'Always Going Out of Business' Electronic stores. Both with pizzerias nearby.
Mikey: Are you sure that isn't the one that got bought out by that pizza chain, and shut down?
Donnie: Shelldon, River some assistance pleace!
Shelldon: Dude the one Blue is asking about is the Chinese/Italian fusion place!
River: Yeah, the name doesn't really fit, but a search does bring up the menu.
There is currently a shouting match featuring the brothers top places, and weather they belong in A or S Tier.
River: Makes me almost glad I can't eat real food.
Shelldon: True that Sis.
Mikey: Can we all agree Albeartos was overrated, and their pizza is lacking?
Raph, Donnie, Leo: Agreed!
Donnie: Especially after their Animatronics went haywire at that kids birthday party.
Leo: The poor server who had to clean up, because the boss was a major Jerk!
Mikey and Raph look at the camera each with a lifted eyebrow ridge.
Donnie: Well I believe that was all of them, Mandarin?
Mikey: Yeah, at least so far, apparently there's a few places we haven't been to yet.
Leo: Let's hold off on that idea, we just listed what 200 places? We can leave those for later.
Raph: And hopefully not scared the servers.
This and two other ideas were stuck in my head all day. Opinions are welcome!
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sirensvcubus · 1 year
Daryl x reader
Enemies to lovers
Takes pleace when Daryl was held captive and tortured by Negan, and later in Alexandria
Warnings: forced marriage, mentioned killing, captivity, implied torture, smut
This was written very sloppy but rest assured theres smut lol and sum parts r cringy but thats fanfic 4 u
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I had nothing against Daryl Dixon or his group I would have joined them much sooner if I could’ve, but Negan’s offer came first.
I was all alone out there no one to talk to nothing to eat when the saviors found me and brought me to negan, he told me i could be his wife or I could be on the front lines fighting for him. I fought for the saviors killed over and over again until I became desensitized to it. I couldn’t take it anymore and took up his offer to be his fake wife. I wanted him to grow on me but he didnt I only hated him more and more each day.
He knew I loathed him and he would take it out on me or the other wives. I would wander down the halls crying when i heard my cries eco back to me but it wasnt me. Thats when I first met Daryl Dixon. We talked about our lives, where things went wrong and what led us to crying in a lonely hallway or a dark room. I would bring him extra food and tell the guards to turn down the music because it was giving me a headache. Any time I was lonely or sad I would go to talk by his door.
He always talked about escaping but I knew if Negan caught me he would make me pay. But one day he yelled and he screamed after catching one of the wives cheating and after what he did I knew I had to get out of there and fast. I changed into jeans and long sleeve shirt got a gun and my machetes with a pack of food water and a map. Then i thought back to why I agreed to go with Negan in the first place. Where was I gonna go? Faced with the back exit and a long gloomy hall leading to another gloomy hall that contained Daryl, I chose the hall. You grabbed some clothes from a near by room and headed his way. I turned down the music and knocked twice like how I always do.
“You said you have a group right a good one nice fair people.”
There was a silence then he growled “yes”
You picked the lock with your bobby pin, a skill that always came in handy in the apocalypse.
You took a deep breath and opened the door he lunged at you pushing you against the wall with his hands around your throat. You had never seen him and only now released how strong he was. You let out a tear and he loosened his grip
“Please I cant, I cant do this anymore” you broke down.
He let go he grabbed the clothes, putting them on quickly. You faced the wall shaking your leg anxiously.
“Come on” you grabbed his hand leading him to the exit.
4 months later…
His group took me in after some convincing and I even got close with some of them. I felt safe in the first time in a long time. But Daryl and I only got more distant. I missed our little talks. But we both got more mad at each-other as time went on he resented me and i hated him for it. But everything changed one night. This night.
I knocked twice on his door
I waited out in the rain getting soaked from head to toe.
He took his time and slowly opened the door
“Why do you hate me.” I said desperately rain pooling down my face
“Get in here” he pulled you by your arm inside out of the cold rain
“Girl what the hell are you doing out there,its too cold, you got a death wish r sum”
“I have been through so much. Getting my ass kicked, forced to marry a monster, watching my friends die….my family. But I have never felt more alone surrounded by people who care about me because none of them were you.” You said.
He looked away from you thinking.
“Why” you said
“I don’t hate you, every time i look at you…….. I just remember that place …Negan , and I wouldn’t care except then I think of what he would do to me if he knew.” He said standing so close I could feel his warm breath on my neck.
“Knew what..” you trembled.
“The things I wanna do to you.” He whispered low in his rough accent.
You gulped “tell me”
“I have a better idea” he said as he leaned in for a kiss. It was slow at first getting faster and faster biting your lip occasionally pulling away to look at you. His hands fell from your face and glided down to your hips squeezing tightly when he got to his destination. it hurt a little bit but pulled a small moan out of you and your hole body vibrated as he pressed himself against you. His warmth radiated throughout you. Your breath quickened and he started letting out small grunts. You scrunched his hair in your fists as you made out more violently. He started kissing your neck giving small bits as he slid one of his hands down your jeans touching you lightly teasing you. You let out a begging moan. But he retracted his hand and pulled you by your waist over to the kitchen propping you up on the counter. He lifted you so easily without any strain, it made you sigh in his ear which teased out a big grunt. You chuckled a little pleased with yourself. He lashed back by grabbing you by your neck pressing you down on the cold counter as he went down on you.
“I thought you didn’t want me cold.”
“Lets get you really hot then.” He replied
He lifted you so you were sitting on his shoulders as he continued on you. You reached out only to find the ceiling to hold onto before you were dropped onto the bed.
In the morning you found him sitting up shirtless holding a cup of coffee. You were rapped up in the sheets you clothes spread throughout the house.
“Huuuuuu where did you get that.”
“My secret stash.” He smiled
The peace was suddenly cut short with heavy nocking.
“Ooooo boy, open up lovebirds I’ve missed you both”
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kingcunny · 1 day
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(reply via @neurodivergentguy )
the ageism/ beauty obsession* is what it *probably is*, but that deeply depresses me so im gonna let the delusions speak and explore other ideas.
also just… pointing out. matthew needham is only 11 years younger than paddy… they were born in different generations but 10 years is not a generation gap? that doesnt seem like enough of an age gap for ageism to apply to one but not the other but… well what do i know. (and pleace and love, i think hes cute, but matthews far from the most handsome man in hotd) also. exception that prooves the rule? rhys ifans is 6 years Older than paddy (and ottos the one who set alicent up to be brutalized by every man around her until she dies, it were going by hotd canon!) and sure, otto Might be the second most hated in the fandom, but not anywhere Near how vis is. but rhys is also incredibly handsome. so that Obviously gives the character he plays a free pass to do whatever.
* (is there a word for that? (other than. eugenics lol. cause like thats the idea Behind it but not quite to the extreme that im talking about? i mean more peoples attraction towards ‘beauty’ vs a repulsion towards ‘ugliness’) cause i need one for how often i talk about it)
if it was just about actions then theyve both done terrible things. and theyve both hurt everyones favorite beautiful doe eyed pretty brown eyed beauty beautiful pretty girl. but larys doesnt get near the amount of vitriol for it. people analyze what larys did. people ship Them. (same thing more or less applies to what i said above about otto)
and if youll allow me to straddle my armchair for a moment, then theres my thought that viserys is the bad dad we get the most time with. and NOBODY has a good relationship with their father. most people cant do anything about that, so instead they seek catharsis through fiction. smacking the representation of your father cause you cant smack your real father. see also- succession fandoms treatment of logan roy
while i do think its ultimately just about playing favorites, ageism, beauty obsession**, i think theres also an element of ableism. and hear me out, cause i know ur thinking ‘arent they both disabled?’
larys disability is very visible and apparent, the limitations of that disability as well. his leg is twisted, he wears that metal boot over his foot, he walks with a cane, he has a limp. he cant run, cant fight, cant hunt, i can tell you from personal experience stairs are a struggle. he can probably ride a horse but its sure not comfortable. its more understandable. more or less, what you see is what it is. and, importantly, its not… unpleasant** to look at. his face is fine. the rest of his body is fine. just his leg.
viserys disability spawns from an illness. and even though hotd changed viserys illness to be more visual, the nature of illness is you cant see the cause, only the effects. and most of those effects are only things the person experiencing the illness can feel.
i had a conversation with my mom about this awhile ago after she pulled a tendon? in her leg and was in near constant pain while it healed, couple weeks. she told me she had no idea how i handled this, day in/day out, week after week, for Years. she was miserable and at the end of her rope after just a week of it. my moms a runner and runs something like 50 miles a week, obviously she couldnt do this while it healed and was very depressed about it. i could only kinda laugh. i couldnt tell her how i handle it, cause i cant. i just told her i think if you dont have chronic pain or a chronic illness, you just straight up do not and Will not understand what its like. she just had a little taste of it.
i think that also might be why theres not as much (good) discussion around viserys disability. because people just, do not understand it. dont understand what its doing to him.
they dont get how chronic illness eats away at you (in vis case, literally!) taking piece by piece until theyres nothing left. until youre just a shell of the person you used to be. they dont feel how chronic pain grinds away at you until youre nothing but a raw exposed bundle of nerves. because those arent things you can see. only feel. experience first hand.
the show tries to make up for this lack by making viserys illness have a very striking visable aspect to it. to show the progression of his illness and the effect its having on him. but illness is gross**. its not pretty. its not pleasant to look at, to *think* about. it ravages his face, his body, his teeth rot and his hair falls put. his arm has to be amputated, his eye is removed, half his face rots away. peoples stomachs turn to look at it and their animal instincts that this is Bad kick in.
if im being kind, most people dont want to talk about things that are unpleasant. that make them sick, that upset and scare them.
if im not being kind, the eugenics minded decide that this means *viserys* is bad. that this is a punishment for or straight up a moral failing of his. outer beauty reflects inner beauty so ugly=evil pretty=good. and all that bullshit. if youre coming at it from this pov you CANT think deeper about viserys disability/illness/character beyond it being a punishment or joke, because then you must confront your belief that illness is a punishment reserved for the Bad. and that is a thought that is just incompatible with life
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How do you think Terry would react to a drunk happy giggly girlfriend coming home? I'm a bit drunk rn and I wonder how he would take it. Sorry if this is not readable I'm drunk CK and kk pleace
Kk3: you were just being dropped back home by a taxi, with your 2 friends in the car. "See you later Y/N!" One friend shouts out to you. "By guys!" Once the taxi leaves, you try your hardest to walk up to the front door. Luckily, Terry opens it to see you. "Baby! Wow you look like you've had a good time" you giggle happily at him. "Yes! I most cer-hickup-certainly did! I had this many drinks!" You say, as you hold up all your fingers. Terry just laughs. "Baby that's a lot of drinks" you fall into Terry's arms for a hug. "Shhh dont tell anyone...but a few of those were shots! 'Giggle' they tasted like strawberries" "alright baby come in, let's get you inside" he guides you into the house and sits you down on the sofa, that doesn't stop you though. You take your shoes off and start dancing on the sofa. "Baby what are you doing?" "I'm dancing Terry! I still feel the music, come and dance with me!" "Well maybe-" "ooooh! Or maybe, maybe we, we could find another nightclub to go to! Just us two. We could dance the night away. OR! Why dont we, why-why dont we-" Terry just laughs as he takes you off the sofa and holds you in his arms. "I absolutely would love to do that with you baby, but its past 2 in the morning. Dont you think it's a little late for that?" "Oh..." you make a little pouty face. Terry just takes your face in his hands. "I promise baby, we can go out together another night" "I love you Terry!" You say loudly, making him laugh again. "I love you to baby"
CK: you are picked up by Terry at the club, and it's safe to say, you were in a good mood. "Thank you for getting me babe, love you soooooo much!" This makes Terry chuckle. "I love you too sweetheart. You certainly seemed like you enjoyed yourself?" "Oh I did! There was dancing, and music and these little tiny drinks that looked sooo cute!" "And did you drink them sweetheart?" You just giggle. "Maybeeee... they looked so cute i just had to have them. They reminded me a bit of you!" Terry looks a little confused. "What do you mean?" "Well they were really pretty and cute and they made me feel really-hickup-really happy inside" Terry loves this adorable drunk side of you. And the description you gave was just as adorable. "That's very nice of you to say sweetheart". When you arrived home, Terry took you by the hand and guided you inside. He sat you down on the sofa, next to the fire. "Would you like something to eat sweetheart?" "Yes please! Can I-hickup-can I have a....oh I forgot" he just laughs, right before kissing you in the forehead. "Why dont I just make you some cheese on toast?" "Ooooh thank you babe! I love you". He makes both you and himself some cheese on toast, and once your both finished, you seemed to have sobered up, just a little... "thank you Terry, that just what I needed" "your welcome beautiful" you look at him with such admiration, and you just want to be near him. You pull him in for a kiss and try to sit on his lap. But he respectfully declines and sits you back on the sofa. "Terry-" "sweetheart your drunk, and I love you with all my heart, you know I do. And I will not do that while your drunk" you give him a pouty face. He just smiles and strokes your cheek. "If you still want to be intimate tomorow, then I promise we will. But I will not do it while your in this state" you know hes right. You love how respectful and loving he is, so you nod your head, showing that you agree with him. You cuddle up into him as he holds you close. "I love you terry" "I love you too sweetheart"
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Day n Light (a moonknight star wars crossover)
plot: after the fight with the first order on Crait , Poe Dameron starts having dreams about a mysterious man with DID ties with the Moon god. Poe, Rey and Finn including the adorable BB8 lands on earth accidentally after being attack by the first order. With three of them separated they met Steven Grant/ Marc Spector after an mistaken Identity , the four must help stop forces beyond their level.
A/N: chapter two is finally here🌙 sorry it too so long
Chapter 2
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London on Earth
 Waking up from his bed , Steven Grant aka Marc Spector which he thank him for not getting him fired from the museum after the attack of a Jackel a few nights ago by deleting the video of them coming out of the distory washroom. Steven is wrapping it around his head that an American man is living inside his body which scares him like hell , untying the restrisitance on his ankle and walks to feed gus 2.0 “Morin Gus 2.0 my two finned wonder “ he said that then looks at the clock “Bloody Hell I’m Late “ rushes to get dress and gets ready for work. Marc was quite on the bus ride  being the fist of the god Khonsu was a cursed is to say  he made a deal with the god to serve as his protector for the travalers of the night which that didn’t inovoled Steven unfornatly it happen and steven gotten into the mess when he save them from the Jackal the other night. 
Steven unfornately he gotten invotry for this week again from Donna , man he hated her but he loves the museum , did apply for being a tour guide but he instead get got the job as a gift shopist, although he doesn’t know why his resume (assuming he did had have a resume due to marc being control ) would had have a his Depioma on Egythology. “Ello scotty '' said JB, one of the security  guards who just literally does is just watch otter videos when working “It’s Steven with a V '' he said putting on his nametag and heads to the gift shop.
 After Donna drops a box of  Ra plushies and candies to display for customers to buy, what does any of these chocolate scabs and gummy codra have to do with Egyht anyway? Nothing adsouty nothing but at least the kids enjoy them though “Steven….” he heard Marc but he ignores him . When his shift ends he goes to  a vegan pleace to grab a Veggie Wrap to eat and sits on the foundation  where he used to talk to a golden man statue to tell him about his problems. But since then with a giant bird wanting Marc Spector to stop some type of plan that can realise a Giant Crocoblie Lady Ammit . While eating and talking to the golden statue man about his issues he heard Marc and Khonsu discussing how marc did turns to his trims of his agreement with the god, not wanting to do any of it or get involve of the conversation , Steven Descide the take the bus back to his flat , on the way to the flat he heard growls making him turn and see’s a Jackel coming towards him. “GIVE ME THE BODY STEVEN!” Marc shouted through a relcftive surfice of a car but Steven ran away from the Jackal thinking “not again, not again” not paying attention and started falling “SUMMON THE SUIT” shouted Khonsu, “SUIT! SUIT !” shouts a frighten Steven then he lands on the ground in his Mr. Knight suit.  
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(A/N: hahaha this moment Was kinda funny and adorable)
During his fight with the Jackal, Steven tries his best with using his truncheons ( thanks for Marc explaining what the two “poles”are ) to beat the Jackal , and throwing british insults at the creature, pesteran looking at him like he is a drunken idiot due to the fact they can’t see the Jackal that he was fighting and protecting them  “thats it Marc a little help “ he said but he only got silence, and throws a sharpe pole at the jackal  “Bloody hell that work '' Steven cheers a bit “IN YOUR FACE YOU UGLY COYOTE!!”  with that the jackal dissolves into sand  return to the everyday clothes as much to Marc and Khonsu protest , Steven needed some rest but unfortunately he can’t due to needed to call his mum first “Yea , gus 2.0 is doing well ,still want to go out in about and-” he nearly trip on something  ,he  look down and see’s the oddest robot thing and it was making the cutest beeping noises.
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“Sorry mum, I’ll you back Laters Gators” and that he hung up the phone “why hello there little robot” the “robot” made beeping noise that offended him “sorry I don’t understand… what you are beeping ,saying I don’t know “steven explain to the droid and saw  the word ‘BB-8 unit’ “ oh your names is beebee 8?” BB-8 beeps happily and yet confused  “well aren’t you oddball” he told bb-8 patting his  head and check  checks his watch “bollocks I need to feed Gus2.0 “ looking at him  “I know it seems wrong but I’m letting you stayat my flat until your real owner will find you” he smile and motions for hilton fallow him which to his surprise the bb-8 robot seems to trust him and follows him back to his flat.
“What’s wrong Rey?”
“Where is Poe and BB-8?”
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diagonal-queen · 8 months
hey fellas im eating a mandarin rn. i know that this is gonna sound super pushy and i apologise. but pleace.....i beg for just a CRUMB.....of interaction.......pls send me thigngs in inbox.......i am very lonely and sad.....pls i will go clinically insane if i dont receive any human interaction
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sophiagrimes · 2 years
what to eat when i literally hate eating everything for some reason like my body rejects it. no fast food or egg or rice suggestions pleace (i eat these constantly & is causing these reactions)
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ilcontoxfavore · 7 years
Come non innamorarsi della cucina del Melo Innamorato situato a Clastra, sulle colline vicino a Cividale del Friuli.
Cucina tradizionale di stagione con influenze moderne.
Il locale, posizionato sulle bellissime colline cividalesi, prende il nome da due alberi di melo intrecciati fra di loro a formare un’unica pianta.
Il locale è aperto solo nei fine settimana ed è preferibile prenotare per evitare di arrivare al ristorante e non trovare posto.
Un consiglio, prima di raccontarvi la nostra esperienza, se avete fretta o poca voglia di godervi la calma di questo luogo,  questo Agriturismo non fa per voi. Se invece volete gustare del cibo genuino, cucinato con passione e attenzione, godendovi la calma e l’atmosfera di un paesino di collina allora ve lo consigliamo caldamente.
Noi in questo agriturismo ci siamo tornati più volte e siamo sempre rimasti molto soddisfatti.
Materia prima di qualità e a km 0
Stagionalità delle materie prime
Porzioni giuste
Locale accogliente
Servizio non velocissimo ma sempre molto cortese
Il conto giusto
È adatto sia ad occasioni romantiche che di gruppo
Non si può pagare col bancomat
Ma bando alle ciance! Ecco quello che abbiamo preso per deliziarci il palato.
Prima di ordinare ci è stato proposto un’aperitivo di benvenuto, che abbiamo preso volentieri a base di sambuco in versione alcolica e analcolica.
Come antipasto abbiamo provato uno Sformatino di broccoli con salsa Montasio e speck croccante.
Sformatino di broccoli
Lo sformatino era leggero e il formaggio faceva risaltare i broccoli; lo speck croccante aggiungeva una marcia in più al piatto.
Come primi io ho preso degli Spätzle alla canapa con verza e formaggio Asino, Ery ha scelto un Farrotto all’ortolana invernale.
#gallery-0-13 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-13 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-0-13 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-13 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Farrotto all’ortolana
Spatzle alla canapa
Entrambi i piatti oltre ad essere buonissimi, si presentavano esteticamente molto bene.
Passando ai secondi, io ho preso un Frico con patate e Montasio, Ery  lo Stinco di maiale al forno.
#gallery-0-14 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-14 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-14 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-14 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Frico con patate e Montasio
Stinco di maiale
Patate al forno
Entrambi i piatti, come contorno, avevano della polenta fatta in casa, ma noi abbiamo preso in aggiunta anche delle patate al forno.
Ti abbiamo fatto venire un po’ di fame? E non è finita qui, perchè abbiamo preso anche il dolce: una Millefoglie ai frutti rossi.
Millefoglie ai frutti rossi
Dopo le foto dei piatti ti diciamo quanto abbiamo speso in tutto, comprensivo di acqua, vino e caffè.
Digestivo offerto e, caratteristica del locale, a fine pasto, insieme al caffè rigorosamente fatto con la moka, ti viene offerta una ciotolina con dei semi di finocchio per aiutare la digestione.
Siamo giunti alla fine, ovvero al momento de’…Il Conto per Favore!
In tutto abbiamo speso intorno ai 60 euro: meritatissimi!
  Agriturismo Il Melo Innamorato
Frazione Clastra, 1, 33040 San Leonardo UD
Telefono: 0432 723532
Innamorati del Melo Innamorato Come non innamorarsi della cucina del Melo Innamorato situato a Clastra, sulle colline vicino a Cividale del Friuli.
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deiitsukki · 2 years
I'm so in love with your writing like sheesh 🥵🥵
May I please request a Fem!reader X Luffy with a breeding kink??
Thank u! Have a wonderfull day🥰🥰
Thank you so much! I really appreciate your support!❤️
⚠️:Fingering, Breeding/Impregnation Kink, Pussy Eating, Rough Sex, Scratching, a very OOC Luffy, Grammatical Errors
Please I wanna remind you that english is not my first language so I may have a hard time and Grammatical errors, I do apologize for that
Feel free to Send Request/Ask Anything
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He was completely different on what other people saw him as what you saw in private.
Because who would have thought that The Captain of The Infamous Straw-hat Pirates Monkey D. Luffy who's very calm & carefree, almost never taking things seriously could have a breeding kink? No one except you.
It all started when you found out that he was going to be an uncle and ace is gonna be a father, he was glad & happy for his brother's new achievement in life.
The second reason was when he saw ace's S/O round belly that carry a life inside he was excited to see his soon to be nephew as ace told him that they are expecting a baby boy. he stared at ace's s/o and he pictured it on his mind that's how you will look like if you are to carry his child, His child.
The third reason is when the he gets to hold his brother's child for the first time, and when he saw you. The way your eyes glimmered when you saw his brother's s/o and the way you layed your hands and touch her pregnant belly at that time, and when he saw how you hold his brother's son with such care as if the baby would break if you moved, The way you looked at the newborn with gentleness in your eyes as you coo softly slightly rocking the infant in your arms
Then maybe. He thought, Then maybe it wasn't a very bad idea after all. To have his own child with you. To have conceive a baby with you. To Have Your guys Own.
And the night after that he entered your guys shared cabin, he saw you fresh from bath standing in front of your guys shared closet folding some messy shirts and hanging some of your dress that was about to fall off the hanger, he slowly walks towards you swepting your hair to the side and backhugging you while his chin rest in your shoulder
You were startled at first but let out a chuckle as you leaned into him and asked if he was ready to go to bed so you guys can already sleep but he didn't answer you instead he stayed still smelling your scent and, oh god, he thought you were so damn intoxicating, as he peppered kisses on your neck
"Luffy?" You asked again voice soft
"No." He said
"what, no?" You asked in confused tone
"I still don't want to go to sleep, but I'm ready for bed. " He answered muffler as he continued kissing your cheeks
" Oh, why? Is there something bothering you? We could talk or we could not you know?" You said as you tilt your head to the side giving him more access as you put your hands on his hands that was hugging your waist
He pleaced his hands on your belly as he starts caressing it, that made you tickle as you let out a soft chuckle
"You look so beautiful Y/n" he complimented voice muffled in between your shoulders and neck
"Thank You babe" you thanked him and that made your flutter he never failed to make you feel butterflies in your stomach
But What he said next caught you off guard
"But You'd be more beautiful with your belly swollen, carrying My child."
"Okay where did that come from?" You asked but he didn't answer you instead he continued kissing your neck
"I wanna do something with you." He said
"What is it lu?" You asked him as you turned to him and cupped his face, his eyes staring fiercely to your gentle ones
"Y/n I wanna have a baby with you." He said straightforward leaning into your touch as he brought one of his hand to hold your one hand that was cupping his face, he kissed your hands while not breaking the eye contact with you
"Let's have a baby, Y/n please" he begged is owl eyes that starting to filled with softness stared at you
This side of him that everyone doesn't know and see but you do always makes you crumble and give in but right now his request isn't something small, you know how much big the responsibility is to have a baby and him being a pirate constantly going to a war against another pirate and being attacked almost everyday isn't a very friendly environment to raise a child.
So you have to talk to him about this, you wanted to talk to him but the look he's giving you right now is making it hard for you
"But Luffy This is not a perfect time to have a baby. Our life as a pirate is dangerous you know? Especially now that you're already made a name and enemies" you explained to him stroking his cheek and the scar under his eye
"But Y/N I promise, I am strong enough to protect you and our future, I will protect you and our future child no matter what happens, even if it costs half of my soul or My life. I will love you unconditionally." Determination laced through his voice as He stated this and you can see the emotions in his eyes, He is sincere, and when he promise something he's not gonna break it. And that's what you love about him
So you said yes, you agreed to have a baby with him. And he was more than happy when he heard your answer
He didn't waist any time as He kisses you softly and breaking it as he slowly laid you on your shared bed, slowly stripping you out of your night gown and undergarments until you're bare naked Infront of him
He too slowly undressed until all of his clothes as disregarded, he climb on top of you kissing you before kissing your jaw, sucking that sweet spot on your neck that never fails to make a beautiful sound out on your mouth,he left a few purple marks that signifies you are his, his kisses starts trailing down as they reached your breast
Playing with your already hardened nipple as you continue to mewl his name, he puts one of your tits in his mouth and starts sucking, licking and groping them making it more red and hard
"This tits" he said as he let go of your breast "Their gonna be full of milk when I put a baby in you"
He gave your breast a one last licked before continuing kissing your skin, your belly that he said 'will carry his baby'. Until he stopped finally reaching your already wet cunt
He gave both of your inner thighs a few kiss before giving your pussy a single lick that have you shudder, "Already wet huh" he commented before giving you a glance and devouring your cunt, he messily eat you out as you clamp your thighs on his head crushing him and moaning out his name shamelessly loud.
He stopped when he heard you say you were gonna cum and you whined when you feel your first orgasm was denied. He then kneel and made you lick his middle and ring finger your toungue swirling on his finger he then put his fingers out of your pretty mouth and starts massaging your clit.
Two Slender fingers entered your tight hold and you can't help but moan at the way it feels inside you, he starts to pumped in and out of you drawing more pretty sounds out of your mouth and when you already feel that knot building up again in your stomach you can't help but clench against his fingers. He grunts as he felt that You were about to cum again when he pulled his fingers out of you he brought it to his lips licking it and letting out a sound as you whined at how he didn't even let you cum twice
"Babe you're gonna cum in my cock, and in my cock only" he said as he rub his throbbing hardened cock in your clit but without any warning he shove his dick into your pussy and you let out a pleasured scream as his dick warms your insides
He then pulled his cock just leaving the tip in your pussy before shoving himself back and that didn't fail to make scream more louder
He started thrusting inside you making sure to reach every spot that makes you a moaning mess beneath him, after a few minutes you both already reached your high you came together,he cums inside you but it's not the end. He's not yet finished. He has a mission to achieve and that is to Breed you, to Impregnate you.
He flipped you over so youf face were pressed into the soft pillows, you ass up in the air as you gave him the view of your pussy that was leaking of your guys cum he then gathered the leaking cum on his fingered and pushed it inside you, you moaned slightly at this.
"Don't wanna waste that." He said as he positioned himself again in your entrance and inserting it, he grunts as he feel yours and his hot cum inside you, your moans came muffled by the pillows, but what you didn't expect was him grabbing a fist of your hair and yanking you up, your back was pressed against his toned chest you can feel his hot breath on your neck then he kisses your jaw and neck biting your shoulder as your moan got louder and louder
"C'mon babe you can scream louder than that" he whispered chuckling while his thrust is getting hard
"Don't stop I'm gonna cum." You said as you feel your high getting closer and the second you said those you reach your climax as you howled and moaned his name with pleasure creaming on his cock. It didn't take long for him too to reach his second climax as he heard you, the way you howled, the way you moaned his name as if he was the only one who is making you so fucking good. Well he is. And the way you cream on his cock for the second time just blows his mind and he can't help but deliver a hard rough thrust before shooting his cum inside you again.
He lets go of your hair and you plop on the bed, you two are already covered in sweat as the atmosphere in the room changed when you two are just starting, he slowly flips you so you were laying on your back again He then brushed the hair out of your face and wiping the sweat on your forehead
He stared at you and examine you, your legs are shaking from overstimulation the roughness of his and from cumming twice and he can't help but feel hard, you looked so fucked out, so fucking cute. And he can't really wait until he breeds you, and put a baby in you.
"Luffy" you called out to him in a whispered
"Yes?" He answered
" 'Am tired" you spoke out of energy, half lidded eyes and heavy breathing
He feel bad for going hard and rough on you, but if that's what it takes to achieve his goal then he's gonna do it.
He smirks at you and asked "Oh you are?" You gave him a weak nod "But I still am not done Y/n, I still have a lot of loads." He said before pulling you and you let out a cry saying you don't want it anymore and that you're tired but he didn't listed as he lined himself again in your entrance and showing his still hard cock inside you.
You cried out a pleasured moans as the feeling of his cock warming your insides again and you can't help but cream in his cock again, you tried to push him away by your feet but it doesn't make sense as he was stronger that you are, he then grab your legs throwing it over his shoulder and hugging it
"sshh stop struggling and let me put a baby in you." He whispered exhaling heavily as he kisses your legs that was thrown over his shoulder " B-but I- I can't take it anymore- Ugh! Please Luffy!" You pleaded "Please what babe?" He asked "You said you can't take it anymore then you're begging" He grunts as he thrust his cock inside you
He's right, you don't know what are you begging for. For him to stop or For him To continue fucking his cum inside your tight little cunt until his balls are empty.
You let out a broken moan your hands clutching the sheets for dear life as he starterd going harder and rougher again, his hips brutally bucking into you as he hugged your legs on his shoulder, strings of curses left his mouth followed by grunts and groans, you screamed in a pleasured way and you are sure everyone on the ship heard you two. Your screams, and his skin slapping against your skin.
Your legs are starting to shake again as you feel your third climax hit. He feels your walls clench around his dick and he can't help but brutally snapping his into yours. He lets go of your legs but take a hold of your waist roughly that you are sure it left a bruise, he then sits you on his lap as he deliver strong and rough thrust into you, and you are sure the tip of his dick is alreadypressing into your womb, you can feel it. You hugged his neck as you breath out moans and whines
Your hands found it's to his back and when you feels his thrust becoming rougher and rougher and rougher you raked your nails in his back leaving a cat like scratch on his broad back. You cling to him like a koala as he fuck you, breed you and you taking it like good girl you are.
"I'm gonna cum Y/n" he said near your ear voice husky as he feels his body becoming more hotter, he continued thrusting into you hitting your cervix and you letting out his name in a moan is sending him to the edge as his pace become faster and faster that the only thing you can hear in the middle of the night was your moans, his moans, and your skin slapping each other's skin
" Luffy~" you moaned into his ear " I'm gonna cum too" you said barely gasping for air
" Let's cum together Babe" he said before delivering a very harsh rough and hard thrust in your pussy, He grunts as he shoots his cum in your womb and you moaned as you feel his cum filling you up
You were both breathing heavily he stared at your eyes that he could get lost if he stared so much as he sets you down on the bed again, leaning into you and giving you a loving long kiss, you lips move in sync you broke the kiss and smiled at him with tired face
"Luffy, babe" you called him as he was busy staring at you, he hasn't pulled his cock out of you yet "Are you gonna pull it out now?" You asked in a soft tired tone
He scoffs and smirks at you " I told you I won't stop until I accomplished my mission, babe" he said and and you swallowed the lump that you didn't know was formed in your throat
"I still can do many rounds" he said as he take a hold both of your hands and pinning it above you with only one hand meanwhile his other hand is busy wandering in your body, caressing your curves
" And didn't I told you That you could scream better than I anticipated? Well I'm gonna make you do it until the sunrises babe."
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twistedcrumbs2 · 3 years
Hiiiiiii can I pls request headcanons for Jamil and Cater on a picnic date with their s/o?? (*´∇`*)
wel, wel, wel ~ I'm actually thrilled with this idea.  All I wanted most was to have a picnic. Now. I hope that you like these headcanons!
Pleace enjoy ♡
Jamil Viper
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It's likely that the idea came up while you were helping him cook or watching him do it.
 Jamil is not a very available person because of his duties as a servant.  So you might just think that a picnic is a great opportunity to enjoy a little time beside him.  You just suggest the idea.
 He thinks it's different, but he agrees.
 You end up at an evening picnic under the stars after Kalim has gone to bed safely.
 It's quite simple, as it's at night, there are some aromatic candles scattered around to give it a more special and relaxing air, even though it's quite clear thanks to the moon.
 Everything is delicious, Jamil who ended up cooking the snacks so it couldn't be different.
 The calm of the moment is also very welcome.  Jamil is very pleased with the result as it helps him to relax a bit after a busy and stressful day.
 Your  low voice as the two talked is like music to his ears. The fact that he can have you around just for him and even hold his hand is just an extra of the situation.
Cater Diamond
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First, picnics don't seem to be the hot stuff, so Cater might not be too interested in the proposal of that date and try to suggest something else instead, like a new cafe that has a drink everyone is trying out.
 But when you convince him about the cotagecore vibe an outdoor picnic can have and cite the reasons why it's also so hot, he's soon super interested and excited to have a picnic with you.
 The place is handpicked to contribute to the aesthetics.  A beautiful outdoor garden full of greenery and blooming flowers.  He's doing everything right.  The towel on the floor, the basket, the food, drink, the plates, glasses and cutlery…
 You guys arrange things so cutely that, honestly, it's a bit of a shame just to eat and screw it up.  Both are proud.  It's all very nice.
 Of course, Cater is taking thousands of photos, because everything looks beautiful and he has to keep running his account on Magicam.  He records every little thing very well as an upbeat music plays in the background on his phone, every detail is very important.  - It can be a little irritating.
 However, you still have fun.
 The two of them are eating some sandwiches when he sits next to them and puts an arm around their shoulders to hold a lock of hair in place.  Then Cater offers you a piece of fruit.  Fed you while looking you straight in the eye.
 His fingertips grazed your chin and then he smiled.  The damage it does to his heart is critical.
 Then he turns and holds the phone in front of you so that you both fit into the frame and asks you to say cheese in a playful way.
He can take the opportunity to steal a kiss.
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Sorry for any mistake ~ English isn't my first language
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bradtomlovesya · 3 years
𝕀 𝕞𝕖𝕥 𝕙𝕚𝕞 𝕒𝕥 𝕒 𝕗𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕧𝕒𝕝
Based on this request ---here---
I hope you like it ;)
Word counter: 1.9k
"Seriously you need to calm down" My friend Luna says.
"I'm trying but, the vamps is going to do a presentation and you know how i love that band" I say looking in every direction just to being attentive.
"The band or the principal vocalist? What was his name... Bradsey Braden, Bruno?"
"Bradley" i correct her rolling my eyes "and yes, maybe i have a crush on him but i really love the band too" i cross my arms.
"Sure, of course" She laugh and we walk searching for a place to buy a two bottles od water.
Maybe she gets a point, i have a big crush on the leader singer but since i was sixteen i wanted to come to one of them concerts and now that i have twenty-two, i have my own money so i could came and watch them.
"Where's the fucking store. I'm tired" i complain
"That's filthy language, miss" i hear a masculine voice behind me.
"Well, that's not your bussi-" i turn on my heel and shut myself up when i see the owner of the voice.
"Do i have something in my face?" He laughs a little.
"No but, she is your biggest fan" Luna says while i'm just petrified.
"Really?" He asks.
"Not your biggest fan but yes, i'm fan" I smile softly and look at his eyes.
Bradley Will Simpson is in front of me, looking at me and talking to me! Ok, y/n control yourself. Keep calm.
"I would say my name but you know it already so... What's yours?" He looks at luna and then looks at me.
"She's the beauty and perfect y/n and i'm Luna who is leaving now because needs a bottle of water" Luna says and leaves me alone with Brad after wink at me.
"It's a beautifull name, y/n" He smiles.
"Thanks" i smirk. After a few seconds of looks i decide to say something more to break the silence. "So... are you exciting for your presetantion?"
"Yes but, i'm so nervous too" he scratches the back of his neck nervously.
"You? Nervous?" I put my hands inside my pockets.
"Yes, we are going to play some of our firsts songs and-" he walks closer to me "i shouldn't being telling you this but, held by me is really hard to sing" he whispers on my ear.
"Omg! I love that song" i say in a happy tone.
"Everybody says that" he laughs shortly "but it's really hard to sing, i swear"
"I believe you, due to your vocal range?"
"I think so, do you know something about music?"
"Oh yeah, Of course, my bottles of shampoo and my sponge are impressed" i joke.
"You're funny" He laughs.
"That's the point so, thanks for notice"
"You're welcome" we keep looking into each others eyes in a competely silence, but it's not an uncomfortable one. Is just a silence when you have a lot to say but decide to take a little moment to enjoy and appreciate the company.
"So..." He breaks the silence "i guess your friend and you will come to our presentation"
"Yes, that's the plan but first i think i have to find her. See you later, Brad" i smile and start walking to wherever my friend is.
"Wait!" Brad grabs my hand.
"Yes?" I laugh a little and stop walking.
"Do you want to come to our dressing room when the perfomance is over?"
"Amm... and my friend? I can't leave her alone"
"Of course" Brad smirks "She is invited too"
"Well... being so, okay"
"Amazing" he lends me a pen "write your name and your last name in my hand. And your friend's too, of course. I will tell the guard to put your names on the list"
"Oki doki" i did what he said.
"See you soon. Was really pleasure meeting you"
"You too" i smirk and then we both get away form each other.
He is so much Hoter in person. And i can't not think about what it would it be like to have a date with him. I know It's like an impossible think but yes... a girl can dream.
"Where have you been all this time" I way to my friend who now is in front of me next to a hot dog stand.
"Well... you too were talking and i didn't wanna interrupt and being a violinist so i went for the water and then i came here for a hot dog" she took the food when the seller give it to her and after pay she give it a big bit.e Like a dinosaur bite.
"Ok but. I have news and i don't know if you will like it"
"Spit it out. You know i hate when you go around" She continues eating her hot dog.
"Brad invited us to go to the vamp's dress room after the perfomance"
"I said yes, of course" i roll my eyes.
"And what's the problem" she frowns.
"Amm, that i said "yes" without asking you" i shrug.
"You're stupid" burst of laughter.
"Why?" I ask confused.
"Because of course i want to go with you. If you had said no i would punch you in the face right now for idiot".
I burst of laugher too.
"Come on, we have to see their perfomance" she says
“Walk, bitch. I follow you” i answer.
We walk to the place of their perfomance and we cut through the crowd to get to the front. After 30 minutes they came to the stage and started to fo their actuation.
I have yo say that the perfomance was really and completely fantastic! Amazing! Wonderfull! I need more adjetives to describe how unbelievable it was. They sang like 7 songs incluiding Held by me wich is one of my favorites. 
I scream all the songs at the top my lungs and Luna just danced them, she is not a big fan, she just came here to see the other performances and i came here just to see them. But that doesn't mean that she didn't enjoy it.
"Y/n?" Luna take my hand and we start walking to the the vamp's dress room.
"Yes?" I looked at her.
"Are you okay?"
"Yes, why shouldn't i be?"
"I don't know. You're just like with your mind in another planet" she giggle
"I'm just-"
"Yes, you know where are we going?" My hands start shaking.
"Hey... keep calm, they are just guys, Brad is just a guy"
"It's not just a guy, is Bradley William Simpson, i've had a crush with him since i know about his existence"
"I know but, he's still being a person. And a guy too so if he invited you was because he liked you"
"Thank you" I say sacastically.
"Why are you using that tone?" She frown.
"Because you made me more nervous than before" i sigh.
"I'm sorry, was not my intention" Luna shrugs and knock the door.
"Come in!" Someone screams from inside.
Luna opens the door and i enter with her, My heart is beating faster than ever.
"Hi girls" Brad says.
"Hi" i answer and he walks closer to me.
"They are Tristan, James and Connor" He points to each one.
"I'm y/n and she's luna" i introduce us both.
"Nice to meet you" James says and Tris walks to luna
"Do you want something to drink?" Tris asks Luna.
"Yes, please" She answers.
"We finished all the bottles of water, Tris" Connor Says.
"No problem, i can go for more" Brad says and looks at me "Wanna go with me?"
"Yes" I nod and I go with him to a room where they keep food, water bottles and other things. There are a lot of boxes and we don't know what is the box of the water bottles.
"I didn't know there were so many boxes" He laughs
"Yeah, there's a lot" i laugh
"Okay, Let's try with the top box"
"Brad, neither of us can reach that box"
"I know but i can carry you so you can reach it, iit's okay?"
"Yeah, okay" i nod and he grabs my waist to carry me and help me reach the box but that stack is too unstable so wen i tried to reach it all of that boxes end up on the floor like me and Brad. The only difference is that i was on top of Brad. We both burst of laugh and he looks at my eyes.
"Are you okay" He laugh.
"Yes" i look at his eyes laughing "I'm sorry, did i hurt you?" Neither of us make a move.
"No, i'm okay" He puts a lock of my hair behind my ear.
"Thanks god" I murmur and look at his lips.
"Yeah... Thanks god" He murmurs and then kisses me, i kiss him back hypnotized by the way our lips move together in sync.
We change positions, now he is in top of me kissing my neck and caressing my waist and as much as I want to stay like this with him, this is not the time.
"Brad, stop" i murmur and he keeps his lips on my neck.
"What?" he murmurs.
"Brad, stop please" i push his body away from mine and after getting up i run through the hall, i open the door of the dress room and there's my friend. "Luna" i say fastly.
"Hey, are you okay?" she walks forwards me.
"Can we leave now?" I look at her.
"What?" She frowns.
"Please..." I beg.
"Y/n!" Brad run through the Hall.
"Okay okay, Bye guys" She grabs my hand and we start runing, we don't stop until we live that pleace and we're hiding of Brad behind a sausage stand.
"Are you gonna tell me what is happening?" She asks.
"He just wanted to fuck me, there's nothing more to say"
"What?!" She yells
"Shh" i use my hand to cover her mouth.
"Are you serious?" she murmur.
"Yes" i sigh. "Can we go home?"
She nods an we start walking to her car, i don't want to stay in this festival.
"y/n! Stop please!" He runs trying to reach me and when he does he grabs my hand.
"No Brad, i got it. you just want a one night thing"
"I'll be in the car" Luna says and gets in the car.
"That's not the truth" He sighs "i'm sorry, i don't want you to think i'm a Jerk"
"I' not a one night girl" I shrug "i'm sorry but i'm not like that"
"I don't want you to be like that, i really wanted to ask you to go on a date with me. Is just... i really like you, you were on top of me and that really turned me on so i kissed your neck but i didn't want to have sex with you there, i swear"
"So... you wanna have a date with me?" i ask
"Yes, of course yes" he smiles softly and run a hand through his hair "I'm sorry again, please believe me"
I sigh and look at his eyes "give me your phone"
"Why?" he frowns.
"I'm going to put my number on it, you want a date or not?" i asks and he lends me his phone fastly, i put my number on it and then i give it back to him "I like roses, by the way" I smile.
"At seven is okay?" he smiles.
"Yes, don't be late" i smile and then i get in the car, Luna starts driving and i look at the window.
"So?" She asks.
"I have a date with Bradley Simpson" i answer in to giggles.
Let me know if you want to be added/removed
Hello, i'm sorry for being so innactive, i've had a lot of things to do but i'm back. Love you all and i hope you enjoy this one.
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jizemderler · 4 years
What could never be {Kim Namjoon}
A/N: You’re the boys stylist and one major requirement for this job was being married to minimize the rumors about the boys. Now you were married when you got the job...
Part 2
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“Jungkook don’t!” you warned him and reached out your arms as if you could catch him if he fell into the pool. “You don’t have any back up clothes.” you added and glared at him with your heart heating against your chest.
“Noona’s glaring at me.” he said to the camera man while backing up from the pool and you took a deep breath while shaking your head. You’re palms started sweating while you watched him so you rubbed them dry on your jeans. The ring on your ringfinger caught your attention and you turned it in between your fingers until someone called for your name.
You were flattening out Namjoons jacket while he watched you work. “Is this okay?” you asked while stepping back to look at him. “Move for me please.” you asked him and he lift his arms and turned his torso from left to right. “Your abs show a bit is that okay with you or should I change the length?” you asked him professionally and he thought about it for a second. “What song is it for?” you asked while looking at the list taped to the wall. “Oh, right. I would need to make a dress out of it if you don’t want your abs to show in that choreo.” you chuckled and he joined with his laugh.
“That’s it then?” he asked and you nodded. “If you’re comfy?” “Yeah.” he answered and you nodded again to dismiss him. “Call Taehyung in for me. He’s gonna complain about the weight of the jacket again but I can’t change that.” you said half jokingly and Namjoon chuckled while taking his shirt off.
“How’s your family doing?” he asked casually and your body tensed up. They knew that you were living alone with your husband. Well, your ex-husband. “Fine.” you answered quickly and didn’t look at him keeping your hands busy with the clothes. “Greet hyung from me.” he said and that made you look up because he would never greet your husband. “Sure.” you said after a fee seconds and he looked away. “I’ll get Tae.” he said after changing and left the room without saying anything else.
You finished work around 10pm and decided to grab a coffee before driving home. As soon as you sat down in your car you took off the golden ring and threw it into the box next to the drivers seat. You started the car and were about to drive off when suddenly someone knocked on the window. “What the..?” you said and saw Yoongi looking through the window mimicking you to roll down the window. “We’re going out to eat. Do you wanna tag along?” he asked and you thought about it for a second. You would feel alone at home so you agreed.
You were all sitting around a table enjoying some delicious korean barbeque when you noticed Namjoon looking at you. You catched his gaze and raised your eyebrows to ask him nonverbally what he wanted. He nodded towards your hand and just then you realized that you forgot your ring in the car. Your eyes widened and you pulled that hand under the table chuckling nervously. “My hands were swallen and I took it off.” you explained and he nodded.
It was about two weeks later and you had one on one sessions with the boys for the last fitting of their new outfits when it happened. You were standing in the hallway waiting for Namjoon to arrive. Jimin just had left and the studio was empty. You were writing something on your phone when you heared footsteps coming closer. “Hey!” you greeted him with a hug and he wrapped his arms around your waist. He was a giant of a man and you were kind of lost in his arms. “Hi.” he answered into your ear and a chill went down your spine.
“You ready to put the final versions of your outfits on?” you asked him enthusiastically as you stepped back and clapped your hands together. He nodded and you walked together into the fitting room. It was always fun working with Namjoon but today he seemed like he had something on his mind. He couldn’t hold still and it felt like he tried to escape your touch.
“Namjoon you need to hold still if you don’t want me to ram a needle into your chest.” you said while fixing the collar of his button up. You were finished with sewing the part and saw that you left the scissors on the table so you did what came first to your mind. You leaned in, your nose slightly brushing his neck and ripped of the excess garn with your teeth. “Got it.” you said holding the bit of garn up and smiled at him. You couldn’t really decipher the look in his eyes when you looked up so you were thrown off when he stepped closer and reached his hand out to pleace it on the crook of your neck to pull you in for a kiss. It was just a brief moment, just until you realized what was happening, his warm and soft lips against your. Before you could allow yourself to kiss him back you pushed at his chest and pulled away. “What..?” you whispered and covered your mouth with you hand. His eyes went down to your hand and stuck at your ringfinger. His own eyes went wide in shock and he reached his hand out but you stepped back.
“I think you should go.” you said while looking at the floor. “Noona- I...I’m sorry, I-...”
“Namjoon you need to leave.” you interrupted him and he let out a big sigh and started chewing his bottom lip. Seeing how cold you were he growled something, grabbed his jacket and left. As soon as you were alone you had to sit down and calm your nerves. “What just happened?” you said to yourself and traved your lips with the tip of your fingers. The feeling of his heavenly lips still lingering right there.
You didn’t talk to Namjoon for weeks after the accident. Whenever he tried to talk to you you brushed it off and kept working professionally. He was getting more fruatrated with every passing day and he snapped at last. When everybody else was out eating he pulled you into the very fitting room where it happened and locked the door.
“What’s this about?” you said and tried to walk past him but he blocked the exit. “We need to talk.” he said and you shook your head. “No we don’t”
“Yes we do. Listen.” he said and grabbed you by your shoulders. You wriggled yourself free and crossed your arms infront of your chest. “Look I’m not going to act like I don’t have any feelings for you because I do. But I shouldn’t have done that. I stepped over the line. You’re married and I don’t play that game. I’m really sorry. You were not wearing your ring constantly and he’s not picking you up from work and we haven’t seen him for almost a year now, so I got confused. I’m sorry these aren’t excuses. I shouldn’t have done anything.” he kept apologizing and the need to tell him grew inside of you with every passing minute. “I hope you won’t hate me. I will hold back and something like that won’t ever happen again. I hope you didn’t tell your husband. I don’t think he would appreciate you working somewhere where the guy has a crush on you. Let’s just atay friends and I’ll get over it. Just give me some time and don’t turn your back on me. That shit hurts even more. I don’t wanna loose you all together. I promise I won’t...”
“I got divorced.” you blurted out finally and his mouth fell open. “Wha-...”
“It’s been a little over a year. We got divorced but I’m still wearing the stupid ring of that bastard because I can’t loose this job. Not this too.” you said and looked away. “Please you can’t tell anyone. I’ll do anything you want I just need you to not tell anyone. Not even the b-..” You couldn’t finish your sentence because the next thing he did was cup your face with his large hands and kiss you. You were not able to kiss him back in the first seconds out of shok and tried to push him away but he was holding you in place until you gave in and kissed him beck. Your hands were resting on his chest and his wandered down to your hips. You parted when both of you were out of breath and he leaned his forehead against yours while smiling from ear to ear. You didn’t open your eyes and furrowed your brows coming back to reality. “We can’t do this.” you whispered and his smile faltered. “Why?” he said anxiously and you pushed him away gently. “Because I’ll get fired.” you said and he couldn’t answer to that. “I’ll talk to the managers...”
“No Namjoon. You don’t get it. I will get fired if we start something. It’s in the contract.” you said and stepped back. “I made a name for myself and work myself to the top here. If I loose my job because of a relationship with you, I will never find a nother job anywhere. No management will trust me anymore.”
“But we can try to...”
“Joon this is my dream. I worked so hard to get here. You’ll understand me better than anyone. I can’t loose this. I’m sorry.” you said and shook your head. This was really heartbreaking and you hated it. This could’ve been such a pure relationship, but it ended before it could start. He didn’t try to say anything but reached his hand out to take yours into his. He brushed his thumb gently over the back of your hand and amiled sadly.
“At least I won’t feel bad dreaming about you.” he said and your heart broke into a million pieces for a man who was never yours and could never be.
A/N: Part 2 anyone??? vdjdsn
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I love eating lunch inn my car w the windows open and all the leaves fly in. You guys all live with me now. I’m gonna take these leaves to pleaces they’ve never even dreamed of. Like a parking lot. Or my front yard. These leaves barely even know what concrete is like. Well, I’ll show them :)
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fairytalelover33 · 3 years
Could i pleace get a🏔Second Breakfast,🧙‍♂️the sorting,C'mon Greenie and 🌹Story Swap pleace. I don't know how many are allowed to request at once, if only 2 or 1 are allowed pleace than only the first ones, but if its ok than all i have written.Im a German Girl,my name is Dana Marie,22,1,70m,i think infp-t,Sagittarius,long curly/wavy gold blonde hair,aquamarine eyes,pale skin,pear shaped figur with curves (i hate my legs,i think they to cubby)(still somehow normal weight),dimples,glasses. My hair smells like apricot, and im smell like roses.Im open minded,very nice,caring,very muddle-headed but not stupid,clumsy,Lazy,very Loyal,sometimes i can be pretty quick-witted and everyone is supriced,i can be stubborn,usaly im calm but i can be hilarious/humorous,I am a good listener and can very good empathize with a person and their feelings if I want to,insecure,for others i'm optimistic but i'm not for myself,i know how i get what i want. I hate to hurt someone but if someone hurt my Friends/Family im like a Beast and if i have to fight im suprisingly strong, Im always there for my Family and Friends. I can't be angry at someone for a long time. Im very forgiving. Sometimes i can be like a slightly grumpy old woman (mostly if someone disturb my sleep,but not by my Son) but everyone think it's amusing.I am sometimes very emotional but can also come across as very emotionless sometimes even if I am not.Sometimes I often complain about my physical health like an old woman but everyone thinks that is funny, but as soon as I feel really bad I don't want anyone to worry, but you can tell by the fact that I would be very cuddled that i dont feeling well. My Friends/Family say they can always be themself by me. I hate crowds, im scared of Heights,the darkness,Grasshoppers,to be alone (sometimes its ok,if im at home or at places i know,i generelly prefer to stay at home or places i know), and Clowns. My Sense of direction is as good as that of a potato. I have Not much stamina and im not very fast (not the slowest but...).I Love to draw (mostly Anime but i can draw almost everything, of course i still have lots to learn),play the Piano,to dance,listening to Music,to sing (im not really good at it but since i had my Son it get better every Time)(dance and sing only when im alone or with my Son or a person i feel comfortable with)daydreaming,to sleep,trampoline jumping,Roses,the Moon/stars,horror movies/games/books/cds ,to watch movies,to learn Languages,to read/write english,to play/cuddle with my Dog. I can use bow and arrow.I like to eat Meat,Strawberrys and Chocolate (well i generelly like to eat..😅).Theoretically i can cooking and bakeing. I don't like if something is unfair and if someone ignoring me.My goul is it to Marry and have many Childrens.I hope i did nothing wrong and Thank you very much in advance😊.
Your Middle Earth Race would be: A Hobbit!
Like a Hobbit, you can surprise people by being extremely protective of those you love, you love to eat, and you are very loyal. Hobbits usually have the same dreams, to marry and have many kids. Hobbits all appreciate a good singer/dancer, you’ll fit in well!
The sorting:
Within seconds of being placed on your head, the sorting hat shouts, “Without a doubt,
Heya Shank, welcome to the Glade! Alby wants to make sure you’re well protected here, and Frypan has taken a liking to you. There’s no safer or fitting place for you than as the
Assistant Cook!
Story swap:
Your Fictional best friend would be:
Katniss Everdeen!
You are very different, but similar in the ways that matter. You remind her of Prim in the way that she doesn’t believe that this world deserves you. She’ll give you as many Archery lessons as you want.
I hope you liked these, have an amazing day!
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natebuzzlover344 · 4 years
First of all, i’m sorry for my english and grammar. And this is a chapter of one of my wattpad stories named “Cliché”
It’s a Mitch Rapp fanfiction, if you like it i will continue to translate it in english.
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I don’t own this gif (take it from pinterest)
I stand in front of the mirror looking at my sad reflex. My skin is whiter than milk, and the dark circles around my eyes look awful to me, the redness of the bruise around my eyes has been pierced by small thin veins.
I'm in a tough, tough time. I do not feel well. It was as if all evil had come upon me. I take a foundation with two shades darker from the cherry blush on the table. I need to have a little color, I look like a corpse.
I pour a few drops into my palms and start stretching in front of me. My blue eyes, like the sea, watched as my face began to come to life.
At just twenty-three, my embers-black hair begins to turn white at the roots. The stress is too great. I'm surrounded by people, but I feel lonely. Empty inside.
After applying a layer of mascara on my long lashes, I get up from my chair and take my red dress off the bed.
The bitter taste of sadness is the only aroma I have been feeling for more than three years. The judgment of the people around me depresses me, as if cutting me in the flesh.
My name is Jenna Lockwood and I'm probably the most fake person you've ever met.
After I put on the dress, I look in the mirror and struggle to smile. The red dress fit perfectly on my waist, and the square neckline highlighted my golden necklace, received as a gift from a good friend. I untie my hair and let it fall, reaching close to my hips.
Now that I'm ready, it's time to leave for a new white night in which I will hide my sadness and insecurities behind a mask. White Nights for black days.
I walk in the door of the club excited by the colorful strobe lights and the catchy music that sings so loud it seems to shake the club. The smell of liquor and expensive perfume was all that pleased my nasal senses. People dancing perfectly to the music, lovers making obscene signs without inhibitions, drunks and drunks falling on the stairs in the bathroom, that's my world. The world without prejudices.
I make room using my elbows through the crowd to reach the bar on the side of the club. It seems that the handsome blonde with long hair up to his ears was working hard flaming a few glasses.
“Ohoo, my man!” I yell at him to hear the music and I lean over the bar to clap with him.
He has been my friend since childhood, somehow our friendship lasted despite the years. Although he does not agree with my lifestyle, he understands my pain and respects my decisions.
"Lanna, I thought you'd miss the party!" Michael replies with a wide smile on his face.
The blonde returns to take the bottle of bacardi, already knowing what I usually order, but tonight I thought of drinking something new.
"Why don't you make me a margarita?" I ask, raising both my eyebrows.
Michael smiles at me and takes a glass of daisy from his stand, then greases the top of the glass with water, then dips it in salt and then pours tequila and triple dry.
I could already feel salivating seeing the beautiful pale green liquid poured into the glass. To make matters worse, Michael squeezes another lemon and hands me my glass.
I take the money out of the black envelope but Michael stops me.
“You know the start is from me!” he says friendly.
“ I always forget, some interesting people?” I ask, sipping my glass.
"About that, I understand that friends of the owner will be coming tonight, some dubious ones, be careful ..." Michael informed me, looking around.
I nod and offer a kiss on the cheek. I wink at them, then walk away to the bar and join the crowd of people dancing as if there were no more tomorrow.
I begin to move to the rhythms of the song Feel so close, occasionally sipping from my glass. The taste of tequilla caresses my taste buds.
A tall man with an enviable athletic body had appeared in front of me. He wore a black T-shirt and a pair of jeans of the same color, torn, accessorized with a chain. His beard was a little overgrown, and his hair was quite long with a gorgeous brown.
I approached the charming man in the rhythm of the dance, putting the glass of daisies around his neck, then leaving it on a nearby table.
The mysterious brunette moved in decline with me, giving me a small smile. He wasn't the kind of boy you'd see everywhere, he had a unique face that stood out from the rest of the males around here. The rhythm of the music pushed me closer and closer to him.
I took the opportunity to look at him closely and feel my amber-colored eyes soften in his eyes, not to mention the small drops of honey that were hiding in his iris.
“I've never seen you here and believe me I come very often!” I whisper in his ear to hear the music.
“It’s the first time, this pleace is awesome!” He replied very excited.
The guy grabs my hand and spins me around, and with a strong pull I get to stick my chest tightly to his. I notice a few strands of hair settling over his eye so I reach for his hand and place his hair on his back.
It had been a while since we had been dancing, the songs seemed to change from second to second.
The rest of the evening I felt like in a story. I danced until I felt my sandals tighten and the kamikaze shots flowed incessantly around our necks. I was at the entrance of the club, the cool summer breeze drying the drops of water that flowed on my body. The handsome brunette takes a pack of cigarettes from his jeans pocket, then carries a cigarette with an orange filter in his mouth.
"My name is Lanna, I think you should know that we've been dancing for more than five hours," I say sarcastically.
“I’m Mitch, very glad to meed you, ma’ lady” he say very charming.
I watched him curiously as he drew so pathetically from the cigarette that it was almost over. It seemed to me that he was stressed, I had never seen anyone smoke a cigarette so quickly.
As soon as he throws the cigarette in the ashtray, he lights another cigarette. The silence of the night put me back in my bitter thoughts, I didn't want peace anymore. The silence depresses me. I stared blankly under the starry sky, searching for a lifeline in my own thoughts.
"Look up!" he tells me with a smile.
His voice instantly woke me from my thoughts, as if it were a crack that pulled me out of my trance.
I conform quickly and feel him wipe the underside of my eye with his fingertips.
"Your mascara had spread," he announced, smiling.
"Oh, thank you," I say through gritted teeth.
I look back at a fixed point and am blocked again by thoughts. I have become addicted to noise, the silence is stifling.
Two young people in love leave the club. A couple who have been visiting the area for more than half a year. I always tried them with admiration, in their case it seems that love and fun are on the same waterline.
This time they didn't come out with a smile up to their ears and holding hands. They seemed to be arguing.
"I'll put my hand in the fire in a few seconds because the guy will slap him," Mitch says, laughing as he looks at the two of them.
I see the skinny blonde slap him hard on the face, turning her head completely.
"She's going to leave now," Mitch continued, as if anticipating the couple's every move.
Indeed, the girl walks away, but the man grabs her arm and turns her away. The variety continues to quarrel, vaguely hearing the girl's tickled voice screaming at him. Probably fed up with the conversation, the man hurried back and entered the club nervously, leaving the girl with his eyes "in the sun".
"Sad show," He commented, lighting a third cigarette.
I take a pack of slim cigarettes out of my envelope and light one. I watched the blonde sit on the curb and cry with her head in her hands.
I never felt the taste of love, I had a few relationships, but I didn't bother. I didn't think anyone would ever love me, after all, if I don't love myself, what can I expect from people?
"I didn't think love hurt," I say, looking at the girl as she wipes her makeup off her face.
"It hurts harder than anything," He says seriously.
“Love shouldn't hurt ... Loneliness hurts, rejection hurts, losing a person hurts, envy hurts”
“Did you list some examples, or did you say what hurts you?” he asks, looking me straight in the eye.
His question had hit me in the head, keeping my mouth wide open looking at him confused. His question was like a slap in the face.
"Forgive me, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable.You've changed since I went out, what's the matter with you, Lanna?”
Mitch kept in touch, emphasizing everything with his hand over mine. I look at him confused, trying to convey a state of frustration, then I start laughing amused. Confusion had appeared instantly on his face.
“Sorry, but I remembered those cliché scenes when the guy asks the girl if she's fine-“
"She's lying to him, telling him she's fine," he continued.
"Then let's do something else, what would you tell me Maybe we won't meet again, maybe the roads will bring us back again. Maybe we will become the memory of a pleasant night. We don't know what life has in store for us. You have nothing to lose.
His realism intrigued me. It implied to me that he was open-minded. I sigh, as if without that sigh I wouldn't have had the strength to speak.
“Have you ever felt depressed?" Instead of reassuring you, does it feel like eating live? I ask, sitting down on the metal bench next to me.
“ Yes, I have moments, but all these worries have a cause.”
“ I feel like I want to break up, like me. Sadness, suffering, hot tears and annoying looks.” I say sad
"Have you ever thought we'll drive too much?" he asks in a melancholy tone.
“We think too much about everything, every look, every text.”
“Maybe we should blame ourselves, maybe we will break our hearts, but personal mistakes that are just the basis of suffering. We build the walls ourselves.”
His words seemed to caress my soul, opening my eyes to new perspectives. Is it my fault for these cruel states? For years I threw the arrows of blame on my mother.
Stubborn by nature, I did not want to attest to the fact that I could be the creator of my own agony.
I watch the sky light up, helping the sun to reveal its hot rays, indicating to me that I should go home.
"And another night has passed," he sats, looking at the beautiful sunrise painting the sky in beautiful shades of pink and red.
"I think I should go home," I say, taking my phone out of the envelope and ordering an uber.
"Let's smoke one more cigarette," he says, as if he doesn't want tonight to end.
His words form a smile on my face. I take out a new cigarette and hold it to my lips, and he lights it with a lighter. Our eyes meet, and for a few seconds I forgot I had to smoke.
Looking at him more closely, I noticed small scarred cuts running down his rough face. I was so curious about him. What he does, what his passions are, what brings a smile to his face. On second thought, I didn't want this night to end either.
"I know it may sound cliché, and you may already know that, but you're very beautiful," he says, lost in my eyes.
I thank him and see a blue bay parked right in front of us. Looks like my uber has arrived and will break me from this desired moment.
"Looks like my car has arrived," I say through gritted teeth.
“I really liked this night, Lanna, I hope we meet again, maybe life will last with us” he blushed sincerely kissing my hand.
"I hope so."
I say goodbye to the man who gave me the most beautiful night and I get in the car, looking nostalgically as I walk away from him.
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killerqueenishere · 5 years
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Friends Whit Benefits | Billy Hargrove
Description: Just Billy and you have sex and than you admit that you love him by mistake
Warning: Smut, unprotected sex (Use protection always!), oral sex, bad writing (this is my first smut)
Billy Hargrove, Hawkins bad boy, everyone told you to stay away from him even Nancy but you didn't listen, you wanted to see what's behind that attitude of his and to get to know him and you have. You two decided to have sex and not leting others know, in the eyes of others you two where just friends but friends who fucked and you broke one of the roles. You catched feelings when you saw his soft and kind side, he was always caring towards you so it wasn't that hard to start loving him.
You heard your window open, you got up from the bed and you were met by beautiful blue eyes of Billy. You smiled up at him "Hi" he returned your smile "Hello princess" you feelt that warm feeling in your scomach by nick name, it wasn't the first time that he give you one but each time it feelt like the first. He moved to lay on you bad, you carefuly watched his every move. "Come here" he told you while showing the place next to him on bed, you slowly walked towards bed and placed yourself next to him. You looked at his eyes and you saw that something is wrong "Is everything allright?" He placed a hand on your cheek "I don't want to talk about it, I just want to forget it" you smiled at him "Well then I know perfect way for you to forget it" He rised his eyebrows smirking "Really?" You put your hand on his cheek "Yeah" you kissed him hard and passionate. He moaned softly in your mouth while moving on top of you. He broke kiss to look at you, he smiled before attacking your neck with kisses. He sucked on your sweet spot and loud moan left your lips, in that moment you felt his hand on your lips "Shh darling, you don't want your mother hearing what are we doing here, you don't want to explain to her tomorrow why you moaned my name" and with that his hadn left my lips and he pulled my shirt off, he unhooked my bra and in one quick motion it was next to my shirt. His lips and tongue explored my cheast, one of his hands started playing with my nipple while his lips kissed down my neck and colarbone. "Oh my god Billy please" he stoped to look at me "Please what princess? Hm?" He smiled "I just want you, please" I was so desprete for him "well okey than, just I have too many clothes, don't you think?" I noded, he smiled and then he pulled his shirt and pants off. He got down and he started pulling my panties of, his eyes never leaving mine, the sight was so hot that I felt how I am getting even wetter by any second, moan left my lips when he pulled my panties off "Mm baby you are so beautiful" he rubbed my pussy from enterence to my clit spreading wettnes "Oh my God you are so wet and I haven't even started" he moved his face betwen my legs, he slowly licked my enterence before attacking my clit by sucking it and biting it, I tried my best not to moan, it was so hard because his lips and tongue did magic and he looked so hot eating me out while looking intensely in my eyes then he suddenly added two fingers inside of me and I left soft moan while closing my eyes, he started doing everything faster and I felt my orgasm builting "Oh my God Billy I am so close" I moaned after a few moments he moved his lips and fingers away from my pussy, frustrated moan left my lips "Why the hell you did it?" I asked a little annoyed "I want you to cum when I'm inside of you" he said while positioning himself at my enterence.
He pulled in slowly, inch by inch. He moved down to pleace a kiss at my lips before he started moving painfuly slow "Billy please go faster" I whispered in his ear "As you wish" and with that he started fucking me fast and deep. I cupped his face and moved him closer so I could kiss him and stop myself from moaning. After couple moments he pulled away "You are so tight baby" he groaned in my ear "Billy I'm close, please don't stop" he started moving harder and deeper. My orgasam sushed through me so hard and my legs started shaking, I kissed him to stop myself from yelling his name. He stoped moving, giving me time to collect myself "Okey you can move now" I told him and he started moving his hips again "You look so beautiful undernight me trying not to moan and pulling me into kiss while cuming so you wouldn't moan my name" we moaned. "I love you" I emediatly cursed myself for leting myself say that. He moved to kiss me, I fealt that his trust are getting slopper by any second and I known that he was close so I broke kiss and whispered in his ear "You feel so good inside of me Billy, you are so big, cum for me baby" he groaned, I started kissing his neck and when I got to his ear knowing that this is his sweet spot I started biting on it a little, he left moan and I felt his cum filling me. We stayed like that for couple more seconds before he pulled out and got up and started dressing up in his boxers. I moved to sit on the bed, he looked at me while trowing me his shirt. He light up his cigarette and moved to stand next the window.
"Did you mean it?" He slowly asked not looking at me but I still looked away from him and whispered a low 'yes' I felt him siting next to me. I didn't look at him, I couldn't because I know that he doesn't feel the same way "Look at me" and when I haven't he placed his hand on my cheek moving my face to look at him "I love you too, I wanted to say it sooner but I throught that you don't feel the same way" I looked at him in shock, he smiled "Don't be so shocked love" he moved to kiss me, the kiss was different he never kissed me in this way, kiss was loving amd slow but still passionate. When he pulled away I looked at his eyes and smiled "you really love me?"
"Is that so hard to believe?" He asked "No it's just, I am not like other girls that trow themselves at you" I looked down "You are right, you are not, you are better you see the real me and you love me for the real me, they just want to sleep with me" he kissed my lips againg "It's a bit chill, what do you say to get back in bed" I smiled while nooding my head.
Well I guess that I am not the only one who broke a rule.
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