#physical are fine but mental? sounds like a personal problem fix it
little-shiny-sharpies · 11 months
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Every fuckin time
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hotdamnmadison · 5 months
Life Updates... time away captains log
Fellow Tumblrites,
I hope you've been well. I'm writing this 12/29/2023 at 2:18 PM.
It probably won't go live (I'll schedule it) until January 1st at some point. I've had a few beers. Fucking sue me.
I'm writing this to let you know that I'm actually pretty optimistic for the New Year. Big plans with work, an uphill battle to fight, and a new outlook on life is the prize I receive when I reach the top. Not IF I reach the top. WHEN I reach the top. A real underdog story for sure. But I'm going to make it.
I've been trying to come to terms with my "situations" lately. Financial, mental, physical, and yes sexual you fucking perverts ;)
Lets start from the top....
Financially things kind of suck at the moment.. but with January upon us I am optimistic that a few solid deals will turn my shitty situation around in no time. I'm hardly worried. Not because I'm disassociating or anything like that. I'm just not worried because I HAVE to make this work this month. There is no other real option. If my financial woes continue past January my life is essentially fucked. Anyway, just need to do the activity that it takes! I'm going to be fine.
Mentally things are horrific! But I'm simultaneously desensitized to it. I've thought about talking to a professional. Maybe in 2024 I will look into that further. I think (believe it or not) fixing my financials will fix my mental health by default (sounds unhealthy I know). They say money won't buy you happiness but yeah - it'd fix a lot of my problems, for sure. I'd rather be a "well off" head case as opposed to a broke one.
Physically I'm an office fembitch now. That means I should start PROBABLY start working out again. I love running but it's cold as fuck, gets dark way too early, and I'm typically not sober when it comes time to work out (don't judge). Hoping to clear up the drinking so that I can have more energy to run and lift come 2024. Maybe some body pic updates?
Sexually yeah perv, the moment you've probably been waiting for ;) I actually have been chatting with some people (locals) and I remember why I hated Double List and other similar sites so much. No one is crystal clear with what they want. And they always disappear on me for one reason or another. I'm content fixing the other aspects of my life first. And if the right person comes along then so be it. I've considered officially "coming out" as bi or pan in 2024 recently, but I don't currently have the balls.... maybe later in the year. Still don't view myself as trans. Just a gender fluid pansexual amoeba floating through time and space hunting for dick, pussy, both, or neither.
That's my current shit-show in a nutshell. I've a long way to go. But I'm still a firm believer in the idea that I can turn this around in 2-3 months.
I've dug quite a hole, yes, but I know it could be much worse. I'm hoping to fix this and become an active "Tumblrina" again by March or April.
Feel free to hit my ASKS and reblog my posts as you please. I would love nothing more than to come back to a huge batch of notifications.
Stay winning dudes, and happy fucking New Year 💋❤️
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✨💼🎯❤️✂️🍎💀🎓 for Madison Ophelia and Gia
Thank you so much!!!
Ask Game for Someone's OCs
✨- How did you come up with the OC’s name?
Madison: Her first name was just picked because I wanted her to have nicknames - I wanted her changing her name/nickname to represent the different stages in her life, where she goes by Maddie as a child, then exclusively uses her full name after running away from home, then is called Mads by Alex as a symbol that she's found another home. Her last name, Douglas, comes from the Gàidhlig "dubh" and "glas", which directly translates to "black gray" but less-literally means "dark river", signalling her connection to water and her aquatic mutation.
Ophelia: It was a combination of several things: alliterative O's to connect her to her father and the superhero trope of alliterative names, the name Ophelia to reference the tragic character in Hamlet and represent all the grief in her life and that her death was sparked by her own action (and potentially as a piece of long-game foreshadowing to Charybdis, with her madness), and her first and middle name (Jo) both being literary references as a connection to her mother.
Gia: Her first name was mainly picked just because I liked the way it sounded (technically it means "God is gracious" or "gift from God" which I suppose could be linked back to her clover, but I didn't plan it that way), but her last name is derived from a Greek salutation meaning "may you live forever" - fitting, don't you think? I was actually pretty proud of that one.
💼 - What do they do for a living?
Madison: At the moment, she's a full-time X-Man and doesn't really have a personal source of income outside that. Later, once she soft-retires to settle down in her own place, she'll make money selling wood carvings and ornate carpentry pieces.
Ophelia: She's a biomedical engineer who primarily works in prosthetics, and later acts as the face of Denarii Technology and Proceedings (AKA what used to be Oscorp, but rebranded and no longer military-focused)
Gia: She owns a flower shop in Hell's Kitchen!
🎯 -What do they do best?
Madison: She's a fantastic survivalist - drop her anywhere, she'll make it out alive.
Ophelia: Problem-solving, in a technical sense. She's great at building a machine to fix what needs fixing, and troubleshooting that when it goes wrong.
Gia: Appreciating the little things. Despite her anxiety, she is genuinely happy about the small pleasures in her life, and she's an optimist at heart (when the anxiety and PTSD doesn't interrupt that, at least)
❤️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
Madison: When her older brother first got his driver's license, the two of them went driving around to look for Christmas presents for the family - they stopped for hot chocolates on the way, went through all kinds of gift-shopping gymnastics to avoid the other one discovering what present they got them, and then Johnny crashed into a snowbank getting out of the parking lot (everything was fine, it was just surprising and hilarious)
Ophelia: Winning the state robotics competition in high school and going out for ice cream afterwards - it was both an incredibly happy memory on its own and one of the last times she saw both of her parents alive and happy.
Gia: Visiting her grandparents and extended family in Greece for the first time, swimming in the ocean and hearing her grandmother cluck about riptides and sunscreen, getting into a splash war with her siblings and cousins until her eyes burned from the saltwater...
✂️ - What is one of your OC’s worst memories?
Madison: Excluding the absolute worst of the worst since that's a big plot point... being captured by the Brotherhood and having her mutation enhanced. She was physically struggling since the cell was so cold it put her into torpor, mentally struggling because having her mutation enhanced gave her some dysmorphia and depersonalization issues, and she either expected to die there or escape and have to rewrite her life entirely (since she expected to be cast out from the X-Men). It was torture for her in so many ways.
Ophelia: When Officer Stacy came to her door to tell her that her father had passed away. For one thing, her mother had died only a few months before that, so she was already grief-stricken and now newly orphaned, but she was also closer with her father to begin with and it was utterly devastating to lose him. It literally changed the entire course of her life, in a way.
Gia: When HYDRA cut off her leg in an attempt to see if the clover would regenerate it. She doesn't remember much from her time with HYDRA because of the trauma, but she remembers that. It was the most painful thing she's ever experienced, and to her represented a turning point in her life (she could, and does, pretend that her clover didn't change her life, but she can't ever get her leg back).
🍎 - What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like?
Madison: Moderate. She grew up in the 50's, so she always felt stifled by expectations of conformity. There was a lot more strain once she became a teenager, since they expected her to play into traditional gender roles and expect to become a housewife for someone, and that's never been how Madison rolls. Still, they weren't bad parents, and she genuinely does love them.
Ophelia: Incredibly close, to the point that losing them absolutely devastated her.
Gia: Very close at first, but it fractured after her younger sister's leukemia diagnosis and eventual death. It was never really the same after that, and only fractured further after everything with HYDRA.
💀 - Does your OC have any phobias?
Madison: Not really. She gets incredibly protective of her family - we're talking protective like a wild animal, she goes feral when they're in danger - but this isn't exactly a phobia.
Ophelia: Not a phobia either, but she's definitely a lot more wary about the multiverse after everything that happened with Charybdis. She's also a lot more wary of herself - Charybdis is a version of her, they're the same person at the core of it, and she's inwardly terrified of going down the same path as Charybdis.
Gia: Strangers. After HYDRA, she develops a strong case of agoraphobia, particularly with the anxiety that HYDRA could still be watching/targeting her through undercover agents, and anyone she encounters on the street could be one of those agents.
🎓 - How long have you had the OC?
Madison: Since 2020, I think? I started writing her story in mid-2021, but I think she was marinating in my mind for a while first.
Ophelia: Since December of 2021, after No Way Home came out.
Gia: A few months, since somewhere in the realm of November or December of 2023. I was in rehearsals for Little Shop of Horrors at that point, and all that time being cooped up in the puppets got me thinking about the codependence between Seymour and Twoey, which led to me thinking about an OC who's also linked to a plant (to both the success and detriment of their life), and Gia was born
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new-lorien-artist · 3 months
hey there, not to provide interaction for a post i’m sure you wanted people to interact w/ — feel free to ignore if this is the case.
as a fic writer who fears dying from health problems or from my parents maybe killing me if they find out i’m queer (it’s a bit of an irrational fear but also not,,, anyways), i feel you w/ that post. not completely, but a lot.
first off — something that may help ease your anxieties about people online knowing what’s happened to you. ao3 has something called ‘next of kin’ that you can set up with a close friend if you happen to die. ao3 will give them access to your account in that case (don’t ask me how they determine if you’re dead or not — they do have a process, i just can’t remember it rn). i have a friend of mine on ao3 who’s set up as my next of kin. if she doesn’t hear from me in a long long time, because we talk often, she’ll email ao3 and ask them for this access to my account. i don’t want any of my works altered. i just want her to add a little note that says smth like ‘hey, check out the writer’s profile’ in the endnotes of all my fics, and i want her to put a short message in that ao3 profile that says something about the fact that i am dead now, but i loved my time in fandom, and the people i met through it.
maybe you can set this up too, if you want to. it eased some of my anxieties about being gone and no one online knowing — my tumblr friends do have my ao3, and check it sometimes, so i know they’d eventually find out. it’s not perfect but it’s helped me.
also as someone who also writes in fandoms that don’t get much traction i also know what you mean by that, kind of. it’s hard. you love creating but also feel responsibility for like, being the one to create. and it’s a weird place to be in but one that doesn’t an easy fix. i deal with it by spending time offline, but that’s only made me ignore the problem, not deal with it head on. i wish i could offer better advice but i can say that while i do love your blog, i care for your well-being more than anything you could ever create. and i know that internalising this sorta thing can be hard sometimes, and that’s fine — i’m just leaving it here.
as for the real life stuff, like schoolwork and graduation, i unfortunately don’t have much experience with that and so can’t offer much in the way of that. if you have support networks offline you’ll probably already be using them, you probably do all you can offline to try and stay happy. it sounds like you’re in a lot of pain — in many ways — and i guess i’d just say to, if you haven’t already though you probably have, try to alleviate as much of it as you can whilst still living the life you want. if you’re not sure what you want, although you may be, try and think of it. it can be horrifically hard when in pain, i know.
i don’t know. advice varies widely on the experiences of the giver and the circumstances of the receiver, so there is a good chance that most of this will not be what you need to hear. and i do apologise for that; i’m not trying to be a douche, i promise, and i’m not trying to make assumptions about you and i’m not usually the kind of person to into someone’s inbox unsolicited and talk about this.
i just know how awful it is to be in pain, physically and mentally, and i just wanted to say that i hope it gets better for you, i hope you’re able to move through the world as best as you can. pain is so unspeakably terrible. not knowing, or regret, is too. i know. i’m sending you a virtual… thing of… the things you like (i’m not someone w/ a lot of eloquent words). want the best for you bc you are a person ofc, but also because you’ve made my day brighter so many a time with the words or pictures you put out into the world.
i hope that you’re doing okay, or will be, is what i’m trying to say, i guess. :)
This was sent a while ago and I apologize for the late reply, but first off I'm really thankful for the kind words and the advice. I kept this in my inbox reading over again and again, and I hope this response feels just because this ask means a lot and I'm so so grateful for your words. It's definitely easing me a bit. I don't mind it at all that you sent this
I do have an AO3 though it's mostly used to bookmark some of my favorite fics (many that I've yet to give my proper due in comments to). It's nice that the site has that feature, so what I can do is translate some of my works and WIPs into fanfic and put those there, and possibly the next of kin feature may be of use
I have a lot more illustrative works than written that are in the plans, which I think I'll just put into a Google Drive or something and share that, so any other artists in the fandom can take a look at them and draw them out. A ton of the ideas I have are very conceptual and abstract (they deal with a lot of headcanons, interpretations from the books, and relationships between the characters the way I see them), and I'm not sure how much of them will translate to others to get the idea across, so I'm working on gathering as much reference material and notes as I can if it's really important. I'm not about about credit, but I think just tagging this blog when using an incomplete WIP will suffice
As for the responsibility for a fandom stuff, I came to a conclusion a few years ago to just enjoy the fandom while it lasts and be more celebratory of the people I'm surrounded by and being able to share a mutual love for the piece of media that brought us together in the first place. My opinion then was that fandom, however small it is, shouldn't be a burden even though it weighed my heart to see something that has given so much to me feel like it was crumbling away. Rather, the friends you make, the days spent creating and enjoying and arguing and dreaming with people you look forward to talk to every day, even if you might be miles apart and will never see face to face, they're central to fandom and are what make creative works so much more amazing and beautiful and loving. I made so so many friends in the fandom from rps to group chats to discord servers, and even some irl, and have let them know on multiple occasions how much they matter to me, and have learned how much they cared about me as well, and that eased my heart at the time. If I had all the time in the world, I would reread their fanfics over and over and look over the small details they knitted into the stories and tell them how much I love their works, and how happy I am to have met them
Note this was my opinion a few years ago, and a lot has changed (many of the same people I used to talk to, I haven't seen since, both irl and online, and these days I don't know most people in the fandom anymore and have very little time to socialize), I ran the whole 13yearsoflorien celebration in hopes to make a community revival and for people to make friends here (which was an incredibly draining process but im thankful it's been done and that @/thedumpsterwizard could help me with it) and ofc my offline life is very tied up with school, so things have been a bit harrowing lately. Needless to say, I think the opinion I formed years ago still rings true, and I'd like to reconsider those words again. I don't know if those same words are helpful to you, but I hope the burden you feel on fandom creativity eases.
Again, I'm so so thankful for this ask, I apologize if I've made you worry about sending this ask whether it had unsolicited advice or felt rude. I appreciate you reaching out, and though it's true advice may vary wildly between the sender and receiver, I think for this I'm sending my gratitude that a lot of this felt helpful and touching, and for your kindness as well. I'm sending my deepest condolences for your situation and health fears, and the physical and mental and emotional strain it all puts on you. I'm glad you take the offline time to ease yourself, and that you have a friend you speak to frequently and who you trust with your work. I know I spent a greater part of this message responding to your words, but I hope what I say here eases you as well, and I reach out in hopes you find this answer and find some relief from it. I wish for the both of us to see better and kinder days and that we will make it through all this soon, and that our fears will stay just fears and won't get the better of us. And that our health will be good too
Please take care, and thank you again for this message
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wishing-stones · 1 year
steps into your askbox... may i have a matchup w one of the r&r boys? romantic or platonic is fine lol
im ace and nonbinary. im a total homebody and get overstimulated easily in social situations, so a lot of times just sitting with someone doing my own thing is a good friendship/relationship for me. my hobbies are reading, knitting, and playing video games. i'm a cat person even tho i work with dogs.
i like being outside but im not very active due to chronic pain. i try to be optimistic and see the best in people and im very empathetic which can be an issue bc i get too involved in other people's problems... i have anxiety and ptsd and a lot of times what helps me is just having someone to lean on (figuratively AND literally haha)
thank u!!!
Hi anon! From the sounds of things, I'd put you with Dust.
Despite violent tendencies, Dust is a super chill guy. He's the resident gamer, and intimately understands overstimulation. He's also phenomenal at parallel play-- you can do something on your own in the same room as him and he'll be perfectly happy.
He's also empathetic to pain, anxiety, and ptsd. He's good at strong, silent support, and also isn't afraid to ensure that you remove yourself from a situation if he thinks you might be getting in over your head, especially getting involved in other people's problems, with a gentle reminder that you don't need to fix everything, and to make sure you're taking care of yourself before trying to take care of someone else's issue.
He could be either platonic or romantic-- he doesn't come on as strongly as some of the others, so a relationship with him might skirt the line of both.
A good secondary option would be either one of the Dreamtale twins-- Nightmare will enforce your boundaries firmly if you don't do it yourself, enjoys reading, and is good with both mental and physical pain. Dream is patient, gentle, and understanding, and similarly likes to insert himself into other people's problems, oftentimes to the point of burnout. He's good at seeing it in other people, though, so it might be a mutually beneficial "stop trying to fix it, you're overextending yourself" reminder.
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a-very-neat-monst3r · 10 months
Most recent is that I almost had myself admitted for a 72 hour hold🙃 But I’ll start from the beginning.
I haven’t been on in 5 days and so much has happened. SO much. Over the course of this month, I’ve lost my job, was in a car accident, had to attend the emergency room in 3 occasions all together, and all for different purposes.
Obviously the car accident was the first. Everyone was okay, we all got away with scrapes and bruises. My dad got the worst of it, as it was the passenger side that was hit. He ended up with a broken left wrist and a broken right foot, which he has had surgery because they needed to literally screw his foot back together. All is well now, it’s been a few weeks and he got his walking boot on Thursday. I’ve been taking care of him while he’s healing, which has been perfectly fine. I’ve never had a problem living with my dad because we’re so alike in personality. However, the trauma and guilt from the crash have made my mental state almost impossible to control. It added to everything going on in my head.
The second ER visit was for an access, which was terrifying, scary, painful. I hope I don’t need surgery to fix it, but I’ll find out on Thursday.
The last time I went to the emergency was Sunday. Over the weekend I had reconnected with my oldest best friend and stayed at her place catching up from the last 6/7 years. The very first night I was there was completely fine. However! It went downhill very quickly. Not that anything bad happened, but I was explaining things to my friend, and the first thing she told me was that she guaranteed all of my memory problems, speech, basic skills and other small problems were caused from having had SO much trauma over my life that after almost 27 years, it all finally caught up with me.
The entire time I was there after she told me that, I was miserable. Not because of her or anyone else, just my mindset. She was so so right and it took my entire life to realize this.
I don’t ride in cars unless I have to, or if I do I sit in the backseat because I don’t want to see traffic at all. If I see another car too close for my comfort I instantly start crying and panicking. Watching a woman get out of her car made things so much worse, because once I saw that steering wheel and empty drivers seat all I could do was picture myself behind the wheel.
On Sunday the plan was to stay for the daughters birthday party, but after my ptsd had me shut down in the corner of her room sobbing and holding a blanket… I knew I had to go.
THIS ENTIRE TIME, over the course of easily a year or two, I’ve been having problems with my memory, walking, and other things. My vision had slowly been getting worse but that wasn’t a surprise because I didn’t have insurance for a couple of years to get new glasses. I got to the point over the last couple of years where my sight was so bad I couldn’t make out the black blobs of letters and had people reading things for me. I was terrified I was slowly going blind, but until recently, I never really thought anything of it because it was only once in a while… but I never told anyone, and I should have.
I pleaded to a god I don’t even believe in to let me make it from the car door to my front door without tipping over and losing control of my walking. At this point the dizziness and trying to walk were my biggest physically problems. We made it inside, spoke to my dad, and then stumble/FALL into my chair and close my eyes wanting everything to stop spinning and for no one to notice. I had to get something from the kitchen, held into whatever I could to keep standing to get there, with legs so wobbly I can fall over without a warning. I had been trying to text my sister about what I was feeling and we do have several mental illnesses in the family, including dementia and Alzheimer’s. This may sound extreme but I was convinced it was something along those lines. Like i said, these are very common in our family.
I went to the ER for the last time knowing that my mental state was horrible and this is when I almost had myself admitted.
Like I said, I was in a bad car accident but walked away with only crazy scrapes and bruises, no concussion. I kept the possibility of a late showing concussion in my mind, too.
My grandmother is literally holding my hand and helping me walk to the car because I can’t stand straight.
If it helps, imagine losing your balance and tipping over because suddenly your legs decide they’re done for. Think of it as walking home drunk, and falling over all the time. But literally all the time.
I even told my family I knew since I was a kid I was meant to die in a car accident. Driving has always been one of my top fears, and the first time I have my drivers permit is the first time I caused an accident.
I know this all over the place but I cant explain how hard it was for me to pour out the words I needed to. I almost couldn’t.
You wouldn’t believe how hard it is to tell your family that you’re suffering from survivors guilt for something that never happened. No one died.
But I was supposed to.
THE BEST PART is that when I left the emergency room, I was perfectly clear headed, I had calmed down a smidge over the last couple of hours.
Literally all of my blood work came back fine, nothing at all to worry about with anything.
It’s hard to describe the feeling when someone else verifies that it really IS all in my head. I’ve ignored myself and my mental state and needs for SO long my body was starting to actually shut itself down until I paid attention.
Everyone keeps telling me I need to let go of of everything I’ve been holding onto, every bad thing I’ve always had feelings or experiences with. I’m a passive person, I don’t cause problems but I try to solve them. I end up taking care of other people and doing things so I push everything in a pile to the back of my mind.
How the fuck do I do that?
I’m trying to get back to my old therapists office and see if she is still there. Like I said, I lost insurance and couldn’t afford to take of myself much anymore in the way of doctors. I was supposed to have a job interview yesterday but when I woke up there was instant unstoppable stress because thinking about doing the interview had me worried it would make me feel worse and add on extra stress. My family assures me it’s fine and it’s okay for me to take time to collect myself and they will take care of things during that period.
I have a lot of guilt for a lot of things I guess I’m not supposed to feel guilty for, and I think that having SO SO much piled up from even being a kid that I actually busted.
It only took 27 years.
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corraven · 2 years
Shrooms Made Me Better
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[Art by Ayvaire/ArtOfFleeks]
At the top I'd like to state a few things; First, do not rely on unprescribed drugs as a solution. Second, I am not stating that shrooms fixed all of my problems. What I will say is that they helped me to see my own good and bad qualities objectively and thus allowed me to take steps towards self-improvement, as well as made me feel more able cope with the external stresses many of us have been experiencing these past few years.
Psychedelics, at the time of writing this, are currently being explored in clinical environments as a therapeutic medium to treat Depression, PTSD, and a number of other psychological issues. If you're curious about shrooms, you'll see these words rehashed in some form over and over again as a sort of script/justification for usage. I'm not here to preach to you why I think they should be legalized, etc etc, I'm here to talk to you about my personal recreational experiences.
I'd been curious about the use of psilocybin (the active compound of magic mushrooms) as a method of treating depression for years, but previously never had a means to obtain it. I have not been diagnosed with depression, but I know I have seasonal lows in winter and after a series of events between 2017 and 2019, I knew I was no longer able to sustain a healthy mental state on my own. Add the isolation of 2020 to the equation and winter times left me feeling hollow.
After a series of life changes and innumerable stresses added and subtracted since the beginning of the pandemic, by winter of 2021 I was in a much healthier and happier place. I'd moved to a much better state, had formed a network of good people around me, and even gained a wonderfully supportive boyfriend, but somehow... That hollowness just persisted. It wasn't sadness or anything subtractive, just a void where something had once been. Energy. Creativity. Inspiration. Feelings I hadn't felt in full for over half a decade.
Not wanting to risk the approaching winter time deeping this void, by around August 2021 I worked with my network and managed to obtain Penis Envy! Hang on. That's the name of the strain of magic mushrooms, not a sudden and profound sense of immasculinity. Anyways, I need to emphasize, it had never been my desire to get trippy on shrooms. My intention was to microdose and observe the effects. So I took my Penis Envy and ground it into a fine powder, tamped 15mg into digestible capsules and dosed myself twice a week for several months.
There was an immediate noticeable effect that surprised me.
I took my first dose and was meeting with a friend for some beers and a day at the beach. On the way there I was listening to my progressive house/lofi playlist- and about twenty minutes after taking the pill, my music suddenly changed. The song I was listening to, I'd heard a dozen times before, suddenly became richer, deeper, more... Full. As though I could hear every nuance and effect with a clarity that I hadn't heard before! Visually and physically, nothing around me had changed. I felt sober and in a fully sound state of mind.
This began a ritual for me. Every couple times a week, I'd take the pill and go get cozy in bed and turn on my music. After a few minutes of relaxing and listening, I would sense a small window of time where the music took on that richness and if I held very still, I could feel a brightness within me. Like a glow or aura. Just a subtle feeling of warmth. Again, this was doses of only 15mg. If I took a pill and didn't lay down, and instead just went on with my day, I wouldn't feel anything. No glow or warmth, just a brief, usually thirty minutes or less, window where music enhanced.
I had started in early August and my first batch lasted me until mid-November. I got my second delivery of Penis Envy and decided to up the dose a bit. 40mg. (I was still scared of tripping!) This had the effect I was looking for. The music became even fuller, the glowing feeling inside became a warm blanket if I held very still, and as Winter went into full swing, I felt great! I had a surge of creative energy. I did a lot of writing, a lot of character development and channel development for Yrie/streaming, and felt inspired to learn a new medium! Perhaps it was because I went into the experience having knowledge of what I wanted to gain from it that I was able to focus and realize these changes, but the energy I felt I had previously lost was definitely there and I was empowered to continue my personal growth.
By the end of January 2022, I was running low and my purveyor of Penis Envy was unavailable for a while, so I knew it was going to be a few months before I could get more. I decided to end my winter experience with one pill I had been saving. I had taken all of the fine residue from my grinder and packed it into one capsule, weighing about 1.5 grams. Still a considerably low dose for recreational users, but this was how I wanted to do it. I took the overstuffed pill and went to lie down.
It started out the same as normal. I felt the music embolden, and I could sense the brightness in me growing. But now when I closed my eyes, I could see whole scenes playing out in front of me. I realized then what the phrase "the mind's eye" referred to. Behind my eyelids, I could watch transformative vistas and ethereal patterns moving, forming, collapsing, in perfect harmony with the music. If I opened my eyes, I was back in reality. A little hazy, but in full control of myself. If I closed my eyes, the scenes would slowly return.
Not to play too hard into the stereotype, but it was a transformative experience.
Once that trip ended, that was it. I felt happier and more confident over the next few months than I had in years. Because of the microdosing, and the one experimental small dose/easy trip, I started acting upon my desires to create, to produce, and to pursue the things I enjoyed. I didn't feel bogged down and hollow like I had before. 💜
Recently, I was able to reconnect with my purveyor as well as make friends with another, which gave me the opportunity to do more. So I did more.
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Why do images like this get so associated with trips? Because that's what you see! Obviously much less static, but an image like this will form and deform and transform behind your eyelids in harmony with the music.
Last week I obtained some more magic mushrooms and went to space with friends. 🛸
I was nervous to go into this as I had never had more than a gram, and now we were talking about doing 3+ grams. A certifiable true dose of shrooms for a proper magic experience.
It started out not great. We followed the advice given to us and we did all feel that initial moment where we knew the mushrooms were taking effect, but beyond some mild visual artifacting (like a JPEG image) there was nothing going on. I tried to sherpa my friends into staying still, focusing on breathing, and listening to the music, but keeping them still and untalking was impossible. One friend decided to call it for the night after a couple hours of not feeling anything. I was able to settle the other friend down and after just one song, we both fell deep into the trip.
The music wasn't just richer and bolder. It became a full experience. Every note, every background audio effect, every nuance was additive and enhancing. One song would feel like an hour, but it was deeply moving and profound. Music I had heard a hundred times was given new life and depth. The accompanying visuals were incredible. Like the best visual effects of any movie you've ever seen, but touching in a personal way. At one point, there was a crisscrossing woven ribbon pattern stretching across the sky, pulsating and changing colors, in between every crisscross was an empty space and all at once the spaces filled with eyes. You would think it would be terrifying, but it was honestly beautiful. The ribbon continued to move across the cloudless sky, grassy plains and oceans and forests below it. Eventually the scene transformed into something else, beautiful and refreshing, over and over. Every song bringing new worlds into my head. Every new scene an experience of emotion and comfort.
Throughout all of this I was still aware of my body and my surroundings. I could pursue the experience or let go and come back to reality. At no point did I feel like I was out of control of reality and it felt like I had to be mentally willful to return to my mind's eye. If I felt my leg getting uncomfortable because I hadn't moved in half an hour, I could readjust and then be back in the experience within a few seconds. In reality, the brightness was a background feeling, my vision was mostly fine if just slightly wavering around the edges, and mentally I was clear minded and gleeful of how good this was -and then I could go back in.
It went on like this for two or so more hours. We could both tell we were coming down as it was becoming harder to stay in the visuals, although the music itself was still very vibrant. It was after midnight at this point and we were both tired. I fell asleep with a mostly clear mind but for my imagination feeling rejuvinated.
I recognize how much of what I have said here sounds like a trope, but in earnest, the experience was very enlightening. It seems to have a lasting effect of allowing me to better control my stresses and anxieties. I still know my responsiblities and tasks that I need to complete, but they're no longer weighing on me and giving me the sense that they are insurmountable. That, to me, is what I most value out of these experiences.
Going forward, I plan on taking small controlled doses on quiet evenings, maybe once a week or bi-monthly, then on occasion, a fuller dose for a greater experience, maybe once or twice a year. I don't want to overindulge on these experiences. I treasure them too much to treat them with that much causality. But for all those looking to enjoy a similar experience, or maybe just adopt a generally healthy meditative habit;
Lay still. Focus on your breathing. Listen to the music~
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suitk0via · 3 years
A Painful Love
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Pairing : Bucky Barnes x Reader
              18 + MINORS DNI
Word Count : 3.3k
Warning : this is literally just smut. we've got knife kinks, use of restraint, hate sex?, car sex, unrequited love stuff...
Synopsis: Win a street race, lose a different kind of race. Reader has messed up her car and begrudgingly asks for Bucky's help. Of course, his help comes at a price.
        Street Racer AU | Masterlist
“God dammit.”
You threw the wrench over your shoulder listening to it clang against the concrete floor. Resting your head against the side panel of your car you sighed. This connection was as if to say, ‘ I know I’ve pushed you too hard recently, and I’m sorry. ’ You just knew if the car could talk it would most definitely scold you.
You knew you were pushing the limit, and you felt the skip in your engine go straight to your bones. Sure, you’d won the race but at what cost? The leads to your distributor got crossed making the engine skip in a painful way. You remembered physically wincing at the sound of it, but you were too caught up in the adrenaline of a win to care.
Specifically a win against Bucky.
“Careful princess, you'll push her too hard.” His words sort of haunted your mind. A deeper part of yourself wanted to blame this issue on him, like he may have sabotaged you. That was a baseless claim though. As much as you hated him he wasn’t an actual villain.
“Worry about yourself Brooklyn. She’s fine.” You had said, patting the hood of your car. Oh if you could’ve shown yourself a glimpse of the future. Grabbing your rag from your shoulder you wipe the black marks from your hands. Your patience had worn thin with this project and you knew you were going to need help. Problem is, the only person you knew that would help would be Bucky. His services came at a price though. Which usually began with you telling him how much you couldn’t stand him, and ending with your face pressed into the mattress begging him to give you some sort of release.
The relationship you had with him was odd. Odd yet satisfying. Though, Bucky had gotten a lot softer recently. Not as insatiable, rather. For some reason you hating him made him want you even more – and he wasn’t secretive about it either.
You weren’t even sure why you hated him. You just couldn’t stand the smug look he always had, and the way he looked down on you – mentally and physically. Grabbing your phone you let out a frustrated groan before dialing his number. You could already hear his condescending tone just dying to say, ‘ I told you so. ’
“Callin’ so soon? It’s only six thirty, princess.”
“Shut it, Brooklyn. Help me fix this and I’ll do whatever you want.”
He didn’t even respond before he hung up the phone. Scoffing you tossed it over on the counter. This was routine so you weren’t even disappointed in yourself. Because to be clear you hated Bucky – not the sex. The sex was always amazing. Simply because he knew you better than you gave him credit for.
He knew all the right things to say, how you liked those featherlight kisses on your neck, and anything else you could think of.
When you first met him, you never knew it would lead to this point.
You were all excited and wide eyed after a race, and he poked fun at you with everyone around. “It’s one race. You’re a rookie, princess.” Those collective snickers were enough to solidify your hatred. The only difference between him and every other asshole that had a crush on their car, was the fact that he was handsome. He carried himself like everyone owed him something and you hated it, but the lines in your hatred were becoming blurry though.
Can you truly hate someone you seek out when things go wrong?
Of course he knew about cars, but he was also a good friend. The word nearly made you sick but it was true. He was your friend in all technicality. Whenever your sad excuse of a boyfriend had broken up with you and you stopped showing up to races for a while, Bucky showed up at your door. Unprovoked, with no other intention than checking on you. Of course, it didn’t end there. You cried all over him and he didn’t even care. He never mentioned it either. It was like an unspoken agreement the two of you had.
Whenever he was having trouble sleeping for a while, you went over and stayed with him. You just stayed up late into the night running your hands through his hair and warding off any nightmares that crept up on him.
So, as much as you hated him, you’d also drop everything you were doing if he needed you.
To anyone looking in it made no sense, but it worked for the both of you. Sort of.
Your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of your front door opening. Bucky utilized that spare key more than you liked to admit. Listening to the sound of his footsteps you waited for the garage door to open, and his comments to run free. “Now, what did I say to you before we started?” He said, closing the door behind him.
Putting your hands on your face you groaned. You didn’t even have it in you to look at him and accept a form of defeat. “Just, fix it, please.” You sighed. His footsteps got closer and he stood beside you leaning over the hood. He started explaining what you had done wrong, and how you could’ve done it better. The longer he went on the more agitated you became.
Why did you need him? Why did it always get back to this point? Why did he feel the need to be so patronizing if he liked sleeping with you so much?
“Okay, fuck, I get it. I fucked up. Can you just get this over with?” You said standing up abruptly, chair squeaking against the floor. Bucky huffed at you and continued to do whatever he was doing. Watching him reach down and methodically fix the issue you had been slaving over for hours should’ve been overwhelmingly annoying – somehow it was just attractive. He noticed your staring and it only made his attitude worse. A smirk played on his lips as pulled his hand back, wiping the excess grease off of his fingers. Those ridiculous blue eyes stared back at you, a mischievous sheen covering them. “Princess, I’m startin’ to think you mess these things up on purpose. Just so you can ‘do whatever I want’.”
It was just the right amount of insulting to rile you up, and you knew you were taking the bait hard. “Oh yeah? Think so? Because it’s always an option for me to call Steve instead.” You knew you were playing with fire and unfortunately it was the most exciting thing ever to your expectant mind. He just smiled sitting down the rag. “Because I don’t need you. There are about twenty other guys just like you.” You said shifting your weight as if you weren’t nervous. He didn’t have to say anything, you just watched as he approached you. With purpose in his stride he reached you grabbing you by your wrists and yanking you towards him. Your attitude faded for a moment once you collided with his chest. The hold he had on you was painful in the best way.
“I’d love to see you call Steve.” His voice was low and there was a threat behind his words. A threat you couldn’t quite make out, but it was there. The fluorescent lighting above hummed, filling the void of silence between the two of you. You went to say something but quickly decided on keeping your mouth shut when you saw him pulling his belt off.
“I don’t know why you like running that pretty mouth so much. It’s not polite for a lady to talk to a man like that.”
“Fuck you.” You sneered trying to pull your arm away from him. In a swift motion he put your hands behind your back, pulling your wrists together with his belt. At this point you were just asking for whatever was coming your way, but you just couldn’t let him have the last word.
“Watch your fucking mouth.”
You nearly whimpered hearing him say it so close to your ear. That bit of submission was quickly halted whenever you heard him opening the door to the backseat of your car. “What the fuck? Bucky, no fucking way. I told you, not in my car!” You tried getting away from him but it was futile. Shoving you into the car your back pressed against the leather seats harshly. Whining in frustration you watched as he pulled his shirt over his head tossing it over his shoulder. “James. I’m not kidding!” You said, kicking your feet in a frustrated manner.
Your only condition was that you wouldn’t do anything with him in your car. It just seemed like common sense. Your car was the one thing he hadn’t completely desecrated, but it seemed like you weren’t going to win the battle this time. “I’ve had you everywhere but here. Seems like a fair trade for fixing your problem and listening to you bitch for a while.” He smiled, pulling something out of his pocket. Your eyes immediately went wide, already being able to recognize the familiar object. He caught the worried expression on your face and laughed before climbing on top of you.
“What? Now you wanna be quiet?” He mocked. Watching as he pulled his knife out of its little kevlar sheath you instinctively squeezed your thighs together. There were one too many memories of that blade being dragged across your skin just light enough to leave a red trail. Maybe it was the danger of it that had such an effect on you. Your actions didn’t go unnoticed either. He maneuvered himself between your legs, your hips slightly raised up by his spread knees.
“Bucky, please, not in m-”
“How is that fair to me, princess? You’ve made a mess all over my car before.”
Clearly this was all playing into his amusement because he was just grinning like the Cheshire cat. As much as you wanted to fight, you weren’t sure you could handle the consequences. To your dismay he reached up, shoving the knife through your shirt. Hearing the fabric rip made you wince. This had to be the third shirt he’d cut off of you.
The sharp point lightly trailed against your skin – from between your breasts down to your navel, effectively ripping it in half. Goosebumps raised on your skin and you internally chastised yourself for the involuntary reaction.
Of course, Bucky got a kick out of it. Simply because he liked knowing that no matter how much you hated him, you couldn’t get enough of him. Cutting the sides of your sleeves he pulled the shirt off completely. His eyes hungrily roamed the expanse of your bare skin. Running his hand over your sides he subconsciously licked his lips. The look on your face was lovely. One he thought about too often. A sort of anticipation on your face that you worked so hard to hide.
“Can you let my fuckin’ hands go?” You asked, writhing beneath him. He laughed moving his hands down to your jeans unbuttoning them slower than he wanted to. “No. If you want some dipshit to come over, pretend like he knows how to help you, and treat you nice – then you shoulda called Steve.” He said pulling your pants off a little harder than he meant to.
It rubbed him the wrong way that you said that – about calling Steve. Bucky was unbelievably jealous of you, and everyone knew it but you. You just kept turning your nose up and gave him little smartass comments. Meanwhile he would threaten the life of any man that dared to look in your direction. The relationship was confusing. He’d lay down everything for you, and you’d still say you hated him.
Leaning down he kissed you sweetly. A little too sweet considering moments ago you were yelling at him. He got caught up in you a lot. The way you’d kiss him back just as passionately and how sweet you tasted. Knife still in his hand he trailed it against your skin and down to your core. Running the blade over your panties enjoying the way your breath caught in your throat and you shivered.
“I thought I was fucked up.” He mumbled against your lips, looking down between the both of you. “Shut up.” You said, trying to conceal a breathy moan. Laughing a little he pulled back seeing the wet spot that had formed on the thin fabric. Hooking his fingers beneath the fabric he pulled them off watching your face.
He liked whenever your little act dropped, and he wished he could keep you that way. As opposed to you pretending you hated him. Dropping the knife on the floorboard he ran his hands down your thighs. “You’re so pretty...I almost don’t want to ruin you.” He said with a sigh. Before you could say anything he took his finger dragging it through your obscenely wet folds. He took a lot of pride in the fact he could work you up so easily. A whine passed through your lips as he pulled back looking at the glistening evidence of your arousal. The sight alone made his cock twitch in excitement.
The lead up to being able to sink into your warm cunt was almost tempting enough to make him fuck you right then. “I love the way you hate me, princess.” He sighed, putting the finger in his mouth. Sucking your juices off the digit he laughed. Enamoured by how sweet you tasted on his tongue. Moving downwards he strategically placed kisses on either side of your hips. “Bucky, please.” You whined, bucking your hips against him.
Pushing down on your hips he gave you a rather stern look. Leaning down he licked a thin stripe from your entrance to your clit. Moaning at the taste he ignored your desperate pleas. That taste was something he dreamed of, and when he had it on his tongue he became greedy. Taking you in like he had found the fountain of youth.
He wasn’t a wateful person.
Well, he didn’t want to get anything on your seats.
Not even looking over he grabbed the knife from the floor, holding it by the blade. “Oh my fucking god.” You whined trying to keep your legs from shaking. Pulling back he slapped his hand against your ass making you yelp. “Watch your fucking mouth.” He said through his teeth, running the handle of his knife against your slit. The cool metal was an intense contrast from your warmth and the way you flinched made him smile. Once you recognized the feeling you looked at him with a fire in your eyes.
“Don’t you dare.”
It was like an open invitation. He slowly pushed the handle into you, watching you try and move away from him. “Bucky, oh my god. It’s cold.” You whined. Again he leaned down sucking on your clit viciously. Slowly thrusting the handle in and out of you he held onto the blade a little too hard, feeling blood trickle down his palm.
“You’re so fucking awful.” You moaned, wriggling in his grasp. A little irritated he pushed it into you hard listening to you gasp at the feeling. Just to go harder he sat up pushing the hilt in and out of you at a harsh pace. He could see you losing control and he just went harder. Wet sounds and delicate moans filled the small space. He could tell you were close by the way your eyebrows knitted together and you held your breath.
Pulling it out of you he dropped it to the floor again. You cried out begging for some sort of friction between your legs. Taking his bloodied palm he wrapped his hand around your neck making your whines come to a halt. “Watch how you speak to me.” He warned. You nodded hesitantly and he let go. After a moment of admiring the bloody handprint he left behind, he grabbed the knife examining the remnants of you on the handle. Making sure you were looking he licked your essence off the hilt of it. Eyes rolling back at the taste of you.
As sweet as you were, he was mad at you for implying you’d call someone else over him. Sitting the knife down between your breasts he moved over so he could pull his pants off.
“Please, Bucky-”
“Shut up.” He hissed, wrapping his hand around his cock. This build up was a little too much for him and he was overly sensitive. Slapping his tip against your hole you jerked against him. “God damn. For someone who hates me so much you’re fuckin’ wet for me.” He said running himself back and forth through your folds.
“Please just fuck me already.” You groaned impatiently. He had half the mind to just leave you there. Hands behind your back begging for him to come back and help you. He would’ve if it wasn’t a move away from being inside you.
“I’m goin’ to.” He said pushing himself into you without any hesitation. You adjusted to him easily, and he moaned at the warm snug feeling of your fluttering walls. “Princess, you might hate me…but this pussy says otherwise.” He said grabbing onto your hips thrusting into you. You didn’t have the strength to reply, just a whining mess beneath him. Watching your breasts move with each drive he smiled wickedly.
Your entire being was just an ethereal vision to him. Something he could only imagine that had walked straight out of his dreams. “Bucky m’sorry-'' You breathed. Leaning down he kissed you fervently trying to hold himself together for a bit longer. He wasn’t sure why you had said that, but he didn’t care either. Just pounding into your wet cunt he felt himself losing control. That silky feeling was too overwhelming for him.
“I like you like this, you know?” He said pushing his hand against your lower stomach. The added pressure always made you squirm. You looked back at him and nodded. Your wide eyes made him push you harder. He could feel himself hitting that spongy spot inside of you making your legs twitch against his sides. “You get so tight when you’re close.” He moaned, throwing his head back.
You struggled with your hands bound behind you trying to catch your breath. “Bucky, I can’t-” He just went faster, the sound of skin against skin motivating him further. “I know. You gonna cum all over my cock, princess?” He asked, looking down at you. Tears slipped from your eyes and he let out an almost maniacal laugh. “Y-yeah.” You stuttered shakily.
As if on command he felt your walls tighten around him and your form went limp in his hold. You were holding your breath writhing against him. Incoherent mumbling came from your lips. The sight of you unravelling made him lose the bit of control he had left. “Gonna fill you up. You deserve it.” He said slamming his hips into yours, holding you in place. His cock twitched in you he sighed at the feeling of his own release coating your walls. It was a hot white feeling that flooded his entire being and it rolled through him in waves. Though his focus went back to you quickly.
Wrapping his arms around you he pulled you up allowing you to lean against his chest. Still slightly trembling you buried your face in the crook of his neck. Using his free hand he reached behind you pulling the belt from your wrists. Desperately you clung to him, and he hushed you gently. He kissed your forehead, running his hands back and forth over your skin.
“I love you.”
This wasn’t odd. He’d said it to you before. Always in moments like this, and he meant it with his entire being. You always responded the same, and it tore at him each time.
“I know.”
Then the cycle would start over.
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belphies-cuhm-sluht · 3 years
Hello! I saw your asks open and i wanted to request some angst headcanons with dad!Asmo. I just read Luci's and oh man that sure hurt my heart, you write angst so well!
Unwanted (Dad!Asmo x F!Reader) ANGST
A/N : Mammon plays a really big part in this, just as Beel played a big role in the dad!Lucifer fic. It's never hinted whether they're together or not, it's kind of up to the imagination... but if you'd like, I can write a part two to this??? (I will also, to anyone who might want it, write a part two to the dad!Lucifer fic)
Word Count : 2.3K Warnings : pregnancy ; children ; maternity ; babies ; hinted abortion ; angst ;
He never wanted children, he didn’t want anything that would actually tie him down to anything or anyone. It wasn’t his “thing”, and you both had done everything to prevent it from happening. Up until now, everything had worked, there had never been one mistake, but the both of you got sloppy. There was a party, and… well, you loved him, and he had said that he loved you, and precautions weren’t a “thing” at that moment. One slip up, one mistake, and now everything was falling apart.
“I didn’t want this. I don’t want that.” He spat the words at you, pointing towards your stomach. He had only stopped pacing long enough to say it before starting again, walking the length of his room as he gnawed at his perfectly manicured fingers. You hadn’t expected anything different from him, but it still hurt that he was blaming the whole thing on you, as if it didn’t take 50/50 participation to make something like this happen. “It’ll completely ruin my image. A child with a human! It’ll be all over the tabloids, in every magazine… I can’t have that.” His behavior shouldn’t have been that shocking to you, but to hear just how selfish he really was, to know that he thought so little of you, it hurt way worse than you ever thought it would. One moment he was professing his love to you, and now he’s disgusted with you. It could have been that your emotions were running high from the situation, or maybe the hormones had just taken over completely, but you wanted to scream, you wanted to cry, and you wanted to fight him. “Your image?! This thing could kill me and all you care about is your stupid public persona… Screw you! I wish I never fell in love with you.” His eyes went soft, and for a moment you thought that maybe he’d apologize, maybe he was rethinking his own words, his actions, that maybe you’d be able to be a team to work through this mess. You were wrong, you were so wrong. “Wish all you want, we both know you’d have never been able to resist me.” Narcissistic, selfish, he was just awful. You closed your eyes tightly, trying to fight back the tears as you walked past him. He didn’t deserve your last words, he didn’t deserve anything. He didn’t deserve you.
The twelfth week was supposed to be the most exciting. It was when most couples would finally make their announcements, happily tell family and friends that they were expecting. Your twelfth week was a nightmare. You were trapped in the Devildom, human doctors wouldn’t know what the hell was going on if they delivered a child with horns, a child so angelically demonic that they’d probably call the hospital priest to your room as soon as they saw it. The only place where you’d be able to safely deliver a child like this and live through it would be in the Devildom. It’s not like you hadn’t tried to relieve yourself of the problem. You had gone to Lucifer, Satan, Barbatos, even Lord Diavolo, asking them if there was any way that they could just… get rid of it. Sadly, Asmodeus wasn’t just a narcissistic, selfish prick, he was also sadistic. None of them could do anything without Asmodeus’ approval since it was his child too. Every time one of them asked him, he would refuse. He didn’t even give a reason, he just wanted to see you suffer. Strangely, you had found comfort and solace in Mammon. You were pretty sure he was only helping because he still had a crush on you, but he became your emotional, mental, and physical support throughout everything. You had told him many times that he didn’t have to basically “fill in” for Asmo, but he insisted that it was the least he could do considering his little brother was being a dick. He wasn’t just your support at the house, he was… invested in the child that Asmo hadn’t wanted. He took you to doctors appointments, sometimes even getting in the way of the doctor as he pointed to the ultrasound screen. He was so excited that most people just assumed it was his kid, and he never denied it either. It was just easier that way, to go along with whatever the other demons said because he knew that any mention of Asmo would upset you and that was the last thing he wanted to do. Some days the both of you would sit on the couch in the living room, flipping through the pages of maternity books. He’d really try to understand the diagrams on the pages, but you could tell that he was confused and sometimes he’d even look up at you from the pages, and then down at your stomach, and then up at you, before looking back down at the pages. It was cute, and you’d giggle lightly, resting your head on his shoulder as you continued flipping through the pages. He had become the only person in the house that you felt like you could fully trust and rely on. Everyone else wanted to stay out of the drama, nobody wanted to get involved, but Mammon wasn’t there for the drama, he was only there for you, he was there when you needed him.
“Can you believe him? Can you believe both of them? We haven’t even broken up and they’re sleeping together, she’s even wearing his clothes. It’s ridiculous, and Mammon is out there playing dad with my kid.” Asmo sat on the edge of the counter, voicing his complaints to anyone who would listen. Sadly it was Beel’s turn since he was the only one in the kitchen right now. Most of the time the other brothers would just hide themselves away, not wanting to deal with Asmo right now, but Beel had gotten hungry and he really thought he’d be lucky enough to avoid his brother. “I don’t know what the big deal is… You didn’t want the kid anyway.” He wasn’t going to walk on eggshells around Asmo, he wasn’t going to lie to make anyone feel better. In Beel’s eyes, Asmo was completely in the wrong. “If Y/N is finding some sort of happiness in spending time with Mammon, who are you to complain? It stopped being your place when you said you didn’t want it.” He shrugged before grabbing his plate and going straight back to his room. He wasn’t going to continue listening to it, but he hoped that he had left Asmo with something to really think about. He walked up the stairs, going straight to the bedroom door, knocking loudly. He wasn’t going to stop until someone opened the door either. Mammon got up from the bed that you both had been propped up on, rolling his eyes as he walked over to his door, groaning loudly when he saw Asmo standing there. “Whaddaya want? We don’t need ya here… yer just gonna stress ‘er out.” He was trying to talk quietly, not wanting you to hear him or even know who was there. He was so protective of you, he wouldn’t let anyone else serve your food during meals, he’d even stand outside the bathroom door whenever you were in there just to make sure you didn’t fall or hurt yourself. Asmo pushed his way into the room much to Mammon’s annoyance. “I don’t care, Mammon. Y/N isn’t yours, and neither is the child. They’re both mine, and I’d like to have a word with her.” He said snidely, but Mammon wasn’t going to have it. Brother or not, he cared too much about you, he had worked so hard to help you get over what Asmo had done, and he wasn’t going to let him waltz back in and ruin everything. Mammon wasn’t weak, he was way stronger than he looked, and right now he was showing his strength, grabbing Asmo’s arm and practically throwing him out of the room. His teeth were barred and the growl that was coming from him sounded feral, animalistic, it was terrifying. “Neither of them are yers! I’ve been there fer everything, every doctor visit, I even bought a damn room fer the kid and she’s sleepin’ in my room, next ta me, and a next ta Y/N. Ya know why?! ‘Cause ya don’t jus’ get ta come back when ya fine’ly realize that ya fucked up! Now… leave us alone. We don’t need ya here.” He left Asmo out in the hallway, crumpled against the wall as he walked back into the room. “She…” Asmo kept repeating the word as he pushed himself up off the floor. He was having a daughter, and he hadn’t even known about it, he wouldn’t have known about it if Mammon hadn’t screamed at him. It was strange how knowing made things more real, it made him care more, and the worst part was that he knew it wasn’t fair. It wasn’t fair to you. He didn’t know how to fix what he had done, but he knew that he had to try at least. “Lucifer…” “I don’t want things to be like this when she gets here. It’s not going to be long either.” You sighed, finally relaxing once more in the bed once Mammon got in next to you. “Why was he here anyway?” Mammon shrugged, focusing all of his attention on your stomach trying to calm himself. He liked watching it move, he thought it was neat.
The delivery was smoother than you thought it would be, and Mammon only fainted twice during the whole thing, so he did pretty good. Delivering a child in the Devildom had its perks, the main one being that you didn’t have to stay more than one day in the hospital to recover. They did some spell and you were completely fine. It was strange, but you appreciated it greatly. The only issue with the perk was that it meant you were going back home and that meant you’d have to face Asmo. She looked so much like him, and you could tell that Mammon was upset by it. Even though he knew she wasn’t actually his, he wished that she didn’t look so much like her father. Her eyes were his exact color, and it left you speechless when she first opened them, gazing up at you with wonder and curiosity. She was precious, and she was yours. As you walked through the door you were met with balloons and streamers, and Asmo. You heard Mammon growl quietly, and you quickly held your hand out to him, silently begging him to stop. He was holding the carseat and you didn’t need him to lose his temper right now. “I just wanted to welcome her home, welcome you home. I bought some things for her, they’re outside of Mammon’s door.” Asmo said nervously, and for once he was terrified of being rejected. “We don’t need noth-” Mammon had started, but you quickly shook your head, pleading to him with your eyes to just stay calm. He groaned loudly, eyeing Asmo angrily before walking past him to the stairs. “Fine. She’s prob’ly hungry… I’m gonna feed ‘er. Ya comin’ up?” You nodded quickly, making sure he got up the stairs alright before turning back to Asmo. “What are you doing, Asmo?”
He moved into the living room, waiting for you to sit down before he did, and he looked scared, he looked sad. Of course you didn’t like seeing him like this, but it was his fault, he had caused all of this. “I don’t want to be alone. I know that sounds selfish, that I’m making this about myself again, but I’m not trying to. When Mammon told me… he said she… It's a girl?” You nodded slowly and you saw his face light up for only a second before it left once more. “I was scared, I am scared… I didn’t know if I’d be a good… father. I never saw myself as one, but seeing Mammon, and he’s doing so well… I never saw him as a father either… I thought that maybe, since he could… that maybe I could too.” He sighed, bringing his hand back up to his lips to chew at his fingers again, his orange eyes glistening with the tears that hadn’t fallen yet. “I know that what I said was wrong… I was rude. I didn’t think I’d have a problem finding someone to take my mind off of everything, but I was wrong. I love you, and nobody else is going to take your place, nobody else can take your place.” You both sat on the couch in silence, his tears finally falling as he waited for you to say something, and yours building up as you tried to think of something to say. “This isn’t fair… You know this isn’t fair. You can’t… you can’t pick and choose when you want to be a dad. You weren’t there… and you made it very clear that you didn’t want her. I… I can’t do this Asmo… I’m sorry… They’re waiting for me… I-I have to go.” You took a deep breath as you stood from the couch, wiping your tears with the back of your hands as you started walking to the stairs. “Y/N…” He walked up behind you, grabbing your hand to stop you. You didn’t turn around to face him, you couldn’t bring yourself to do it, but he didn’t mind. He was actually thankful that you didn’t look at him, because what he was about to say was the hardest thing he’d ever have to say in his life. “I know that I’m unwanted… But… If I may… Can I meet her? Just once? Please?”
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miss-kittyy · 3 years
Rewriting Briarlight and Longtail’s Deaths
So I am disabled, like very disabled, I am %50 of the teenagers ever diagnosed with my special combination of pain disorders, and I also unfortunately hyper fixated on warrior cats, which is bad news for me because warrior cats is super ableist, and to add insult to injury, the fandom can also be pretty ableist.
My biggest problem with the majority of “anti-ableist” AUs is that they “fix” the ableism stemming from the narrative and able bodied characters by making the disabled character less disabled, this so bad for many reasons. I’ve talked more about in other posts. The justification that real life disabled cats are less doesn’t make it not ableist, since when was warrior cats meant to be realistic? If you’re making an au where the disabled cats function like actual disabled cats you also have to make all the cats genetically accurate, and retcon Lionblaze lifting a tree.
My problem with warrior cats is not that the disabled characters cannot become full conventional warriors, I’d like it if they got to choose what duties the perform instead of being crammed into the medicine den, but I don’t care about Cinderpelt not being able to complete a marathon. Most of the fandom seems to think the issue is that the disabled character are not useful enough, instead of the way that able bodied characters deny of them agency and make remarks like “you wouldn’t want to return to a life like her’s would you?”. Disabled people do not need to be “useful” to be worthy and empowering.
It’s very obvious that most of the fandom just wants the disabled cats to be more palatable to abled bodied people, so I’ve decided to make my own rewrite instead to hopefully make myself feel better. A lot of these things are inspired by my own experiences and not every disabled person is looking for the same things in representation, this is totally self indulgent.
The goal of this AU is to highlight the many unique and valuable aspects disability and how being disabled does not infringe upon anyone’s worth, ever.
- Longtail doesn’t die in the storm, Briarpaw is still injured, but he’s found besides her, trying his best to help her cling to life.
- after Briarpaw begins to recover he stands up to Millie and other cats insulting her quality of life, he says her journey will be hard, but it is one worth taking.
- She asks him why he’s an elder, and he decides to request to have his warrior ship restored as Briarpaw is dreading the life of an elder.
- On his first patrol the cats accompanying him insist on speaking to him in an incredibly infantilism tone, and whispering amongst themselves over what he can or can’t do, without consulting him,
- He initially gives up on patrolling after that insufferable experience.
- Briarlight begins to create marks and blobs on the wall of the medicine den using crushed up dead herbs she asks him to retrieve some berries for her, and he complies.
- Jayfeather shows him how he navigates the territory with the help of some of the sighted cats, and Mousefur is quick to volunteer as his guide. He finds her company surprisingly empowering. He realizes that it was not his blindness which was limiting his abilities, but the other cats attitudes.
- Mousefur and Longtail return with mouthful of berries and herbs, Briarlight describes to him what she’s drawing on the side of the den and he helps he mound the materials into paint.
- The cats begin to pop into the medicine den to see Briarlights painting and soon Jayfeather has to kick her out occasionally so they’d stop crowding him, she’s given the walls of camp to decorate instead.
- She begins to illustrate Longtails stories of the old territory and Bloodclan, and this new form of storytelling becomes a tradition amongst Thunderclan.
- because more young cats are aware of the clans history it becomes harder for the dark forest to recruit them, unfortunately, Blossomfall’s resentment towards her sister means she never cared to listen.
- Ivypool is still recruited and trained like in canon, given her relationship with the dark forest was much more emotionally charged and manipulative than just plain lies.
- at a gathering Longtail meets Grasspelt who inquires about Briarlight, Longtail is surprised about how little he knows as the she-cat had mentioned how well they got along as apprentices. Despite Millie nagging him not to tell him the truth about her daughter he does anyways, but puts much more emphasis on how well she’s doing than Millie expected. Grasspelt thinks this sounds really cool and decides that he is going to see her and her paintings, and that nobody can stop him. Longtail makes sure to put any opposing cat in their place, but Briarlight is a very respected Clanmate, so most warriors don’t say anything.
- Briarlight is nervous and doesn’t want to come out of the medicine den at first, but when Grassheart darts into the den holding berries and flowers for her to paint with she quickly warms up to her visitor.
- Grassheart is happy to tell Briarlight that he’s never been able to be a “functioning” warrior, and that he has always imagined that his spirit is shaped different, the medicine cat says his body is normal, but he’s never been able to keep focus in a fight or react as quickly as he should be able to while hunting. (He’s autistic because I say so)
- As dusk nears he’s visually hesitant to return to Riverclan and when Longtail inquires on why he says that he hasn’t felt so “here” for a long time. On the way back he wanders off and comes back with a chipmunk, when returning to Riverclan territory his father, Mintfur, is shocked to see his catch. After talking with his family a bit he realizes that it was the noise from the river that was making him so tense and dissociated, Brackenfur, who was escorting him, notices that he keeps rubbing himself on the ground and wincing.
- For the next couple moons Grasspelt returned to Thunderclan to bring Briarlight plants that only grow in Riverclan territory, he begins trying to fish from the quite lazy stream in their territory and soon both him and Briarlight have got it down.
- Longtail notices the sadness present whenever Grasspelt left and exclaims that it’s rather stupid that he’s living somewhere so unsuited for him just because of words long repeated.
- Grasspelt confesses that he feels the same, but knew he wasn’t supposed to say anything. Briarlight tells Longtail that her and the Riverclan warrior had been thinking of each other as mates for moons.
- Longtail accompanies Jayfeather to the next half moon meeting where he proposes his addition to the warrior code, “no cat should be confined to laws which harm them due to an inherent physical or spiritual difference.” (Cats don’t really know how brains work, so they see mental disabilities as a difference within a cats spirit)
- A moon later the leaders meet to discuss this proposition, it is accepted and Grasspelt makes the journey to Thunderclan for the final time.
- Grasspelt is renamed Grassspirit when becoming a Thunderclan warrior, unlike prior renaming of disabled cats this is a celebration.
- Grassspirit spends most of his time taking care of the elders and kits, he’s incredibly compassionate especially with kits and is able to solve many problems within the nursery.
- When twigkit and Violetkit arrive in Thunderclan Briarlight and Grassspirit help raise them, after Violetkit is taken Briarlight and Twigkit paint her on the side of Thunderclan camp.
- Briarlight still gets sick and her illness progresses without any treatment, Grassspirit notices her trying to hide it and when Longtail finds out he’s very upset. Jayfeather frantically treats her, expressing his frustration that she didn’t tell them sooner, the second Millie steps out she breaks down and explains that she just wanted to deal with it herself, and perhaps if she were successful Millie would finally treat her like an adult.
- Longtail gives Millie a stern talking to, he tells her that Briarlight is a warrior of Thunderclan and as her clanmate she should show her some respect.
- Millie is inherently very reactionary, as she had not realized the full extent of her suffocation, but eventually after a couple moons her and Briarlight begin to rekindle their relationship, like adults.
- Blossomfall sees how Brairlight wasn’t basking in their mother’s attention like she imagined, and feels the urge to seek out an actual sisterhood after ignoring Briarlight for moons and moons.
- Briarlight isn’t really mad at her sister, and understands why she felt the way she did. Jayfeather suggests that Blossomfall help Briarlight with her painting, Blossomfall seems put off with the suggestion of being her sister’s assistant.
- The interactions that follow are less than ideal, Blossomfall commends Briarlight’s able friends (Thornclaw, Poppyfrost, Alderheart, etc) for being so nice to her, as if that’s not what friends do. She seems very sad the entire time, sighing when her sister dragged her legs around with her mouth to sit more comfortably, even though she was completely fine. When watching her paint she comments that it’s good she has “something to keep her busy”, and finally she expresses her view, of Briarlight’s injury and her (Blossomfall’s) suffering being all worth it because of her talents, as if her life was not worth living to begin with.
- Briarlight tells her that if that’s truly what she wants she’s going to have to put more effort into understanding and respecting her way of life, and that she won’t apologize for their mother’s actions.
- When Blossomfall has her kits they take a liking to Auntie Briarlight, and Blossomfall seems to have reflected on their past interactions, trusting her sister to watch her kits. Briarlight teases a bit, a subtle way of telling her not to rush things, but they do begin to feel like something close to sisters.
- Right before Briarlight’s Nieces and Nephews are made warriors Longtail dies of Greencough. Throughout the entirety of his sickness he kept his sense of humour, his mean streak, and his immense love for what he had made of his clan.
- At his vigil Grassspirit began whaling like a bird in new-leaf, he insists that the vigil is too sad, and that Longtail wouldn’t want everyone moping around, for Starclan’s sake, his life was good. Standing amongst them, Longtail’s spirit can feel every cat in Thunderclan standing around him, singing the song of a life well lived.
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theperfectlovestory · 3 years
You Are My Home
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Information: This will probably have multiple parts but stand alone (?) I'm a bit nervous to post this cause this is a more personal uhh imagines 😂
Summary: It's been a long time since your friends saw you, a lot has change and you are in a better place in your life. Specially the relationship part
Pairings: Elizabeth Olsen x Reader
Theme: fluff
TW: none (?)
Word Count: 2,241
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"Hey guys" you greeted, giving a small smile to your friends. It's been a long time since you all had the chance to talk together
Everyone has been busy and since you left your original city 2 years ago, the best you can do is chat with them once in a while
You are confident that the relationship with them is strong but you are sure many things have changed. But change is good, specially since you left with heavy heart and full of uncertainty
Right now you are in a good position in your life, and everyone is free, or at least made sure to make time. But still, the best you can do is video call for now
After 2 years this is the first time you've seen everyone. While they keep in touch and get together once in a while. You just were too far, both physically and mentally
"Hey, long time no see" Steve teased and you chuckled
"Damn you look good" Natasha commented "been taking care of yourself, I see"
You made a face and nodded "happy now I finally hit the gym like you always nag me to?" She chuckled
"Hey, just want you healthy"
"I know, thank you. Your voice is actually what pushed me in training" you leaned on the table, placing your cheeks on your knuckles "I can just hear you berating me for being so weak"
Everyone chuckled, agreeing that she does do that
"But in all seriousness, you look happy" Bucky complimented
Sighing, you nodded, finally at the position in your life where you can actually see yourself having a bright future
"I am, finally got my shit together, mostly at least"
The topic then transferred to your other friends, enjoying their presence even just from the screen. Laughing together just like the old times
"(Y/n)?" You turn your head to the voice, your girlfriend, Elizabeth calling for you coming from the second floor
"Darling, I'm in the dining" you answered and immediately heard footsteps
Without looking at the screen of your laptop, she smiled, excitedly tilt your head by your chin, kissing you deeply
Every one of your friends are stunned. Of course, you never showed them any public display, not like you had the chance anyway since you never really pursued anyone for years you were with them and now here you are kissing Elizabeth Olsen
Very famous actress, part of big filming companies, a producer as well
"Damn (Y/n)..." Natasha whispered and you laughed when Lizzie finally realized you were actually on a video call
"Oh no, sorry baby" she said wiping your mouth and hers with her sleeves, you shake your head to stop her
"You're fine, or not. But Lizzie, meet my friends" you gestured on the screen and Lizzie shyly waved at them. Blush dusting her cheeks as she pursed her lips into a decent smile. Your taste still lingering on her mouth
They said a quick hi to be polite then suddenly spoke all at once berating you for not telling them you are dating "the Elizabeth Olsen". The actress, the girl of your dreams
Then it was your turn to blush when Bucky mentioned that she's the reason you never had any interest in other people. She was just too 'shiny' to you, the other just seemed dull
Elizabeth looked at you with new found love in her eyes as you got bullied by your friends. She can't help but give you a quick kiss on the cheek before apologizing for interrupting your moment with them again
"Oh no, you did not interrupt at all. We probably wouldn't even know she's dating if you didn't come" Tony said and everyone told him to shut up
"It's not like how it sounds, Ms. Olsen. (Y/n) is very proud of you, she just really doesn't like speaking about her relationships" Peter explained and Elizabeth chuckled
"Oh I know, that's why we are not in public anyway" she patted your head "but it's okay. I don't want to drag her in the mess of Hollywood so if you can just keep all this between us" she gave everyone a small smile and they either shrugged or nodded
"No problem" Natasha answered "I'll make sure these idiots don't slip up"
Elizabeth gave them a big smile before she left to get breakfast. Once she is gone though they started attacking you with questions again
"Fine fine" you sighed, finally giving up "we met a few months after I left, I applied to the Marvel Studio as set decorator. I was fixing up the set the night before with a bunch of my coworkers so the shooting will proceed with ease. I'm usually just there at night so when she came looking for her phone, which I actually picked up and was planning to give to the lost and found before leaving, they pointed her to me. I gave it to her, she thanked me and that was it'' you shrugged
"Then how did you two got together"
Pursing your lips, knowing they wouldn't stop anyway you told them
It was the wrap up of the filming for Endgame. The biggest movie you will ever work with if you are honest
A bunch of A-listers are there and a lot of demands have to be met so for the first time, the whole movie you had to be in and out of the sets. You barely slept or ate in the past few months. You apartment even collected dust since all you did there is go home, take a shower, then go out
You mostly slept on set. By the end of the filming your body is screaming for rest. But you kept going anyway. This project is a very big deal for you, specially you lead the look of the set. anything that needs to be changed, moved, removed, added to the set goes through you
So basically, all day you stand in front of the set, watching the designers work their magics and you requesting changes, assessing the atmosphere in pre production and etc. and at night, clean up and set up is a bitch
One morning you were so tired you wanted to pass out there and then when Elizabeth enter the area. She was shooting all her parts today that can be soloed
You tried to keep yourself awake and alert to anything and everything so when you noticed an uneven ramp and props that she will unfortunately stepped on, your body started running before your mind can comprehend what's happening
She let out a squeal when she broke her ankle and fall but before she hit the ground and risk further injuries on her wrist that is sure to break her fall, you were catching her
But your body felt so weak that instead of staying up right, she fell on you. At least she wasn't hurt at any part of her body but you were, you hit your head on impact but it was minor
If ever, it only made you dizzy
She stood up and you did as well. You rubbed your hand on your face, ordering staffs to re-arrange and clean up the set so no more obstacle can cause accidents
You didn't even dare look at her eyes knowing those green orbs will suck your life out of you. You asked her if she's okay, also apologizing for the dangerous set up. It was overlooked that she would be indeed walking in heels, boots but heels nevertheless
"It's fine, I'm fine" she said, smiling but her eyes are full of worry "are you though? You hit your head when you broke my fall" she said, even unconsciously touching it
"Uh yeah..." you awkwardly smiled at her "it doesn't hurt, thanks" you then slowly back away. When the props have been arrange, the shooting started but your body felt so weak you had to call your assistant to cover for you
You went to the area where you always rested and slept. You were out for almost 2 hours when a cough woke you up. You sat up, rubbing your eyes and ask what they need without even looking at them
"I...brought you food, and coffee" your head snapped, looking at the voice you only dream of talking . She had a small and awkward smile and shy look in her eyes directed to you
"I was looking for you where you usually stand but noticed you weren't there" she explained, your face obviously gave your confusion away "I wanted to thank you again, the stunt director said that if it weren't for you, I would most likely break my wrist in that fall"
You slowly nodded, giving her a small smile "well, it was our fault for not triple checking the set"
"No no, please don't do that, accidents happen, I'm just here to thank you. It was me being clumsy too" You look at her with newfound admiration, a firm believer of 'never meet your idol, it will disappoint you'. But it wasn't the case with her at all
You are aware of the rumors that she's actually very kind, down to earth and serious with her job. It's a good rumor considering she is well known and if you are honest, you know deep in your heart it is true, but you never get your hopes up high
If only you met in a different circumstance, maybe you would think of trying to flirt a little but you know your place. This is a work situation and you need to be as professional as you can be. She is still an actress after all, you need to respect her space
It doesn't mean that she is being kind to you, it's an invitation to step into that space of hers. So you muster the most professional smile you can
"Well thanks, it's really no problem" you said with indifference and if you are actually not too much in your head, you will see her frown with the change of tone
She then handed you the food and the coffee "I'd actually like to talk more again sometimes" she said, swallowing the tightness in her throat "maybe for a coffee?"
The invitation did wonders in your body. Your heart is just beating a tad bit faster, your stomach filled with butterflies, your cheeks turning red. All the cliché reactions you can feel, it's there but then you moved and you groaned, your body sore from over work
You were so sure you wanted to say yes, but your body clearly wanted to say no. After this shooting, you just want to drop dead in your apartment and maybe wake up 3 months after
"I'm just so tired recently, I will be no fun" you chuckled, exhaustion dripping on every syllable "but hey, maybe a few weeks after the filming is done, if you are still up for it?"
The sadness of rejection from earlier was turned into a big grin. Her excitement sparkled on her eyes "sure, I'd give you my number then"
You nodded and gave her your phone. She didn't even have to ask for a password because you never put one in. It's easier since you give your phone to your assistants all the time to contact people for updates on props shipments and other business related matter
She excitedly tapped her number, saving it as 'Scarlet Witch' and that made you giggle. Using her screen name that's not even canon yet
"Okay, Scarlet Witch, I'll call you when I finally get some well deserve hibernation, then maybe I'll be more fun to talk to than a usual" She laughed and nodded and you are so sure you can never be more in love with her voice
She then said a few more things before leaving you to rest. You thanked her again for the food and coffee before she disappeared
"I can't believe you almost rejected her" Steve said wide eyed "she's like, your dream woman"
"Oh I can" Natasha said "(Y/n) doesn't hit uncertain, have you ever played with her on anything? All her hits are aces!"
"But it's like the chance of a lifetime!"
"Yeah! That's why you make sure you attack when you know it will hit!"
The two started bickering and you all just watched, laughing at their same old antics. Elizabeth then walk to your side, offering you a fruit bowl for breakfast, you thanked her and then invited her to seat besides you and she did, you kissed her off camera
"What was that?" She chuckled but tried to catch your lips again when you pulled away, you giggled at her pouty face
"Nothing, just suddenly can't believe I'm actually dating you" she sighed, giving you a small smile
"You might think that you're the lucky one but it's actually me" she said, pressing a hand on your cheeks and squeezing it lightly "you make my life whole, (Y/n), you filled the space in my heart where money or popularity cannot"
"And you picked up and fixed my broken pieces" you countered, leaning on her hand that's now just slowly rubbing your cheeks
"I guess we are both lucky then"
Your eyes both glint the same way. Feeling like you finally found where you belong, in each other. You are home
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jaysbestie · 3 years
but what if
you write a scenario where Jay gets his girlfriend all these gifts and his girlfriend is like babe you don’t have to, like just because you’re rich doesn’t mean you have to spoil me. but he doesn’t listen. and so reader gets frustrated a little bit, just because she wants him to know that she’s not using him for her money, like other girls have.
if that makes sense lmaoo
Definitely Not Broke
pairing ; college student!jay x college student!female!reader
genre ; fluff with some angst in it
warnings ; curse words lol
summary ; every person knew two things about park jongseong. he was rich and he had a girlfriend which he loved. but is money the solution to everything?
pls this is literally so late,,, sorry!!
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You opened the door to your bedroom, a glittery box sitting on your desk quickly catching your attention.
Not another one.
It was your fourth present from jay this week and let me tell you, none of the other three gifts were cheap.
You took the delicate box in your palms and carefully opened it, revealing a ring, as you got it out of the box you immediately recognized yours and jay's initials, carved on the inside part of the ring.
You let out a sigh after admiring the ring for some time, wondering why on earth he was getting you gifts almost every day. You opened a calendar you had placed in a box under your bed and took notes of today's gift. It wasn't that you were unappreciative of the gift, you were feeling a mix of emotions, slight anger, a bit of sadness and on top of that you felt confused.
After some time of you laying on your bed, watching tv and opening the ring's box to admire it every now and then passed, you heard the door of your appartment open and close silently.
You guessed it was jay, his heavy footsteps could easily be recognized and the footsteps were becoming louder so you guessed that he was coming towards your room.
Now is the time. You thought.
You had thought countless times about telling him to stop buying you expensive gifts and confronting him about it but you never felt enough brave to do it. However now you had finally the courage to tell him and you weren't going to lose your chance.
"how were classes today love?" he asked as he placed his bag on the floor and came towards your bed.
"they were fine, not that tiring, you came later than me though, is everything fine?" you asked, your facing forming into that of a confused face.
"yeah, I was just planning something with hersung and jake" he said and turned to look in your eyes
"listen jay, I want to talk with you about something"
"what is it y/n? did I do anything wrong?" he asked suddenly looking worried
"no it was just, something that bothered me", you paused trying to find some kind of emotion in his eyes, his expression softening after you told him there wasn't anything wrong, "why do you get me these expensive gifts all the time jay?"
He laughed. He deadass laughed.
"I'm being completely serious right now jongseong" you said looking at him straight in the eye, him shifting awkwardly in his position when he heard you calling him by his full name. You never called him by his full name.
"Why, y/n, don't you like them?"
"Jay no one said I didn't like them, I have actually kept all of them but you being rich doesn't mean that you have to spoil me and give me gifts everyday" he looked away after the last part of your sentence. He sat up from your bed and hugged you, then he just picked his bag up from the floor and left your room. That kind of behavior was weird coming from him. He would usually sit with you, cuddle and solve the problem you had but him leaving without saying anything was totally unexpected.
You heard him close your front door with a loud thud and you ran to check out of the window, seeing him enter his expensive car and just staying inside his car.
Honk, it was heard from outside your window and you looked out to see your boyfriend hitting his car's steering wheel with his,,, head.
Two minutes passed and you saw him start his car, leaving your place after taking his anger out. You decided that it was enough for today, you seriously were in no mood to fight jay, you just wanted him to know that you didn't want his money, but him.
You headed towards your bed, when your door bell was heard, you let out a groan, as you didn't really want to see anyone, let alone the guy standing outside of your front door. Of course it would be him, jake shim, jay's best friend and his only friend you were close to. You knew most of his friends hung with him because he had money but surely enough, jake was his only true friend.
"What is it jake?" you inquired, you were sure he wouldn't be here because he suddenly wanted to see you.
"Are you and jay alright? He wouldn't answer any of my calls and he only answered me once, saying that he is a coward who messed up and he wanted me to check on you" he said quickly, you swore that if he spoke more quickly you wouldn't have understood anything, he was in the college's debate team, after all.
"I guess I'm alright now but jay could have been less of an ass actually, I wanted to tell him to stop giving me presents but he thought that I didn't like them and then he got up, hugged me and left" you said, wiping two tears that dared to escape your eyes. It was your first ever fight, you didn't really know how to handle these situations and you seriously didn't want to put the blame on any of you.
"Oh so that's why he sounded stressed. Look, y/n, jay has a huge past with giving gifts to his past girlfriends, all of them knew he was rich so that's why they accepted him being their boyfriend, they would ask for presents all the time and the moment they didn't like a gift, they would break up with him because he couldn't offer them much. But that's all bullshit, it somehow made jay develop attachment issues, so when he started liking you so much, he wanted to do everything to get you to stay with him." he said, letting out a loud sigh and staring at you, " it's not bad that you confronted him about it, but he probably thinks that you don't really want him now." he said and started to leave your appartment, stopping, however, when you yelled his name. "Please tell jay to pass by my house tomorrow, I really want to talk with him." you said and saw him nod his head yes, so you closed your door and headed bad to your room so you could finally get some rest because you were both mentally and physically tired.
Your close passed by quickly which was surprising. You headed back to your appartment, unlocking your front door and taking your shoes off as soon as you opened and closed your door. You made your way to your kitchen to grad an apple, noticing another box on your kitchen table. Not again. You were actually frustrated. This was his way to fix everything? G I F t S?!?! You opened it and saw a red rose as soon as you took the box's lid off. A necklace with a heart pendant was playing under the rose and a letter which you understood it was jay by the handwriting.
"Sorry, I'm sincerely sorry as I'm writing this letter, my behavior was honestly not the best yesterday but I couldn't really take in what you told me properly, I'm sorry you're also receiving my apology like this, from a letter I mean, and that I'm not standing in front of you apologising, jake told me that you wanted to talk to me so I'll be passing by later so that we can set this matter,
Sincerely your beloved,
Park Jongseong"
The letter read. You teared up but made sure to wipe the tears as the door bell was heard and you were sure it was him. You went to the door after you sniffled a little and opened the door to come face to face with who you called the love of your life.
"Hi jay" you said and made way for him to come inside your apartment.
"Listen, I'm sorry about yesterday, honestly, I didn't really want to talk about the gifts topic as it really is a sensitive topic to me" he admitted, looking at the floor, lifting his eyes only when he finished his sentence.
"Jay, jake told me about your gifts and I want to help you understand that whether you get me gifts or not, I'll be with you" you said, staring right into his eyes, him lifting his arms and coming towards you to hug you, almost squeezing the air out of your lungs. "Does that mean that you'll be with me and I can get you gifts?"
"Jay please don't get me any more gifts, I have nowhere to put them and I cant have fourty necklaces on me everytime I go out" you let out a sigh once you finished and you heard jay chuckle.
"Shall we watch a movie then?" he said enthusiastically and waited for your response.
"Once I put the rose in a cup of water we can do whatever we like" you responded pointing towards the rose, which was left on the kitchen's counter.
You were feeling better, you and your boyfriend were alright again and you hoped that he would never again feel like he should give you anything because he wants to prove that he is worthy of being your boyfriend because sincerely, you loved him.
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peachesofteaches · 3 years
Y/N is oblivious and Damon’s an asshole, isn’t he?
Request from @aestheticalien99​ “can you do one where Damon and the reader are best friends and are on a trip with the entire scooby doo gang following an important supernatural lead. There's a lot of sexual tension throughout the trip that neither of them can shake and Damon snaps after neither of them can take it anymore.”
Y/N is oblivious and Damon’s an asshole, isn’t he?
Word Count: 9304
Damon was pissed. He didn’t like to be kept out of the loop and that’s exactly what Y/N did. He glares at her now, sitting at the edge of Bonnie’s bed with her arms crossed, eyebrows raised, and feet locked at the ankles. She’s such a brat, he thinks. He turns his back to her and paces the length of Bonnie’s room, trying to wrap his head around what they told him.
“So let me get this straight. You-” He points to Bonnie Bennett who’s leaned against a mountain of pillows, her yellow bedspread pulled up to her chest. “Are going to trade one of your family heirlooms for some necklace that is going to be the anchor to the other side. What are you going to do? Make it a fashion statement?”
Bonnie huffs and throws her hands up, looking at Y/N. “Why did you even tell him?”
“Because I don’t have a car, dummy. How else am I supposed to get to New Orleans?”
“Wait- New Orleans?” Damon says, his eyes widening. “Can someone tell me what the fuck is going on here?”
Y/N sighs like she does before she tells a story and Bonnie pinches the bridge of her nose, annoyed. “There's a witch in New Orleans who’s willing to do the spell. She can make the amulet the anchor to the other side instead of Bonnie. But she wants something in return and a Bennett heirloom is the best we got.”
She rattles off the details like she’s known them her whole life and Damon wonders how long they’ve kept this from him. He just saw her playing spades at The Grille last night and she didn’t have the sneaky look in her eye that she has now. Well, she did, but it was different. “Let’s say we get this amulet- then what? We just bring it back? No problems, no nothing?”
“Do you see dead people?” Bonnie asks, narrowing her eyes at him.
“Then you’ll have no problems.” Bonnie grew to be thinner over the months. Her curls became loose and tangled around her face. Her eyes were sunken in with purple bags. Being the anchor was destroying her. Not only mentally but physically too. He decided not to press the topic anymore.
“Where did you get all this from, anyway? Because I know there wasn’t an ad on CraigsList.”
“Elena.” Y/N answers, leaning back on her elbows. Her hair pools at her arms, swaying with the movements of her head while she talks. “I guess she bumped into the witch a couple of days ago and they got to talking.”
“Elena? What is she doing talking to a witch?”
Y/N shrugs and cranes her neck to look at Bonnie. “Probably something with Rebekah. They’re serious now, you know? Like a proper couple.” She turns back to Damon, a smirk playing on her face. “You jelly?”
Damon huffs. “Shut up. You’ll have to stake me before I trust an Original.”
“Point me towards the stake,” Bonnie adds, her voice deadpan. Y/N snickers and swings her leg all pretty-like.
“And, one last question.” Damon locks eyes with her. “Why do you have to go?”
“Because the witch doesn't trust vampires. Rightfully so, I mean, your species does fuck over people on the reg.”
“No way. That just sounds like a trap. You have to be kidding me.”
“Am I kid-” She began, eyes flipping to Bonnie, then back to him. “Look at me, D. This is my serious face.”
Damon took a slow, deep breath through his nose. Held it. Then let it out. “Fine. But I’m not letting you out of my sight once we get to New Orleans and you better pack light. You bring a lot of shit with you.”
“God, grumpy pants. You act like I’m not saving your friend's life!” She yells after him as he leaves Bonnie’s bedroom. He thuds down the stairs, his boots heavy against the wood. When he reaches the Camaro he can hear them giggling from the open window. Y/N is crawling up the bed, her midi-length butterfly skirt wrinkling around her.
He reminds himself that he’s doing this for their sake because the guilt would eat him alive if he didn’t at least try. So that’s what he’s going to do but he’s not promising anything.
They leave the next morning. Damon picks Y/N up from her house, waving to her roommate from the rolled-down window. Her roommate loops her arms around her back for a loose hug, her eyes trained on Damon.
“You’re really going with him?” He hears her say.
“Yes. I’ll be back in like two days. Water my gardenias!” She yells as she throws her bag in the trunk, slamming it so hard the car rattles. She pulls open the passenger's door and sits in the front seat, leaning across the seat to press a chaste kiss to Damon’s cheek. “You look badass.”
“Just trying to scare people away from you. Ready?”
Y/N reaches across her body and buckles her seatbelt. “Ready.”
The neon sign of the motel blinks down at the parking lot. Y/N leans her head against the car window, listening to the persistent buzzing from the sign. She watches Damon move around inside the lobby, pulling out his wallet and paying for their room. He mutters something to the receptionist and walks through the glass double doors, spinning the blue key on his pinky finger.
“You ready to go inside, cutie?” He asks, pulling open the passenger's side. Y/N stretches her legs as she stands, wrapping her fingers around Damon’s hand as he pulls her up.
They lug their overnight bags into the motel, even though Damon does most of the carrying. When Y/N jiggles the door open and steps inside, she’s met with an antlered TV facing a single queen bed. She scoffs and looks over her shoulder as Damon shimmies his way into the room.
“How did I know you would get a single bed?”
Damon chuckles, dropping the bags by the door. “Because I know you secretly want to sleep next to me.”
Y/N rolls her eyes, flopping onto the scratchy duvet, breathing in its powdery smell. Damon lays next to her, reaching over her body to flip on the lamp. The yellow glow illuminates the room, reflecting against the small window that overlooks the blackening sky and the motel's pool.
Y/N crawls up the bed and tucks herself into Damon’s side, kicking off her sandals and pressing her cold toes into the denim of his jeans. Damon runs a warm hand over her back then strokes her hair behind her ear.
“You sleepy?” He asks, his voice vibrating in his chest beneath her ear. She shakes her head, peeling her eyes open. She’s lying. Y/N can’t remember the last time she had a decent night's sleep. Between school, work, and her best friend's deteriorating health there hasn’t been a lot of time for her to get good sleep.
“No.” She sits up, bowing her head over Damon’s so that her hair brushes against his cheeks. “Do you think the pool is open?”
“At-“ he cranes his neck to look at the alarm clock. “9:30? I doubt it.”
Y/N pouts and sits back on her ankles, drumming her fingers on her knees. “But I’m bored. Can you ask? Pleasey?”
One of her favorite things about being best friends with a vampire is the compulsion skill. Obviously, she doesn't condone acts that violate someone's free will. However, harmless acts like getting the key to a rooftop, or compelling someone to turn a blind eye, aren’t horrible.
Damon throws an arm over his eyes and grunts out, “There’s a TV, baby.” Y/N pounces on top of him, straddling his waist and using all the strength she can muster to pull his arm away from his face. To the untrained eye, it would appear that he was unamused by her antics. However, Y/N catches the smirk on his lips and moves her hands down to poke at his sides.
Suddenly, she’s being pinned down against the bed, and Damon’s hovering on top of her, holding her wrists in his hands. “You’re a brat, you know that?”
She smiles and squirms underneath him. Not because she’s trying to escape, but because she’s bored and irritating Damon is the closest thing to entertainment. “You’re a brat, you know that?” She mocks, deepening her voice to an obnoxious extent.
Damon lets go of her wrists only to tickle at her sides forcing a series of giggles from her. His fingers move from her hips to her tummy, to her armpits while she shakes her head and pleads for mercy. She continues thrashing around under his body, unable to escape the attack. She laughs so hard tears form at the corners of her eyes, blinding her vision, and making it hard to catch her breath.
“You gonna be nice?” He taunts, continuing to tickle her, and Y/N gasps between panting out a series of “yes”-es that are muffled by her laughter. Damon’s hands stop but he doesn't move, instead, running a thumb against the outer corner of her eyes, smirking as he gathers the stray tears.  
“Did you even bring a bathing suit?” He asks, moving to stand and fix his hair in the mirror.
“No. I was just gonna wear what I have on now.”
“Naughty little thing,” Damon mutters. “If the lady at the desk is wearing vervain I’m going to tickle you until you turn blue.”
She ignores the arousal that spurs in her abdomen and perches on her knees, making little hills in the blankets. Her chest is still heaving after being tickled and she feels the places where his fingers grazed her skin. They’re still warm and tingly, just like the feeling in her tummy.
He compels the receptionist easily, shushing her safety concerns with reassurances. “Don’t worry. I’ll be there watching her the whole time.”
When he gets back to the room Y/N is standing in the middle of the room with a bath towel wrapped around her frame, the lace of her bralette peeking out of the top. Her face lights up when he closes the door behind him. “What happened?”
“She said you can go swimming only under one condition-” He saunters towards her holding up his pointer finger. “- you must say,‘I, Y/N, believe that Damon Salvatore is the most attractive, intelligent, and funniest person in the world.”
Y/N squeals and claps her hands together, bouncing on her tiptoes. “You’re the most attractive, intelligent, and funniest person in the world!” She exclaims, throwing her arms around him. The towel drops off her body and before Damon can utter a sly comment about her cute body she picks it up and heads for the door.
“Are you coming?”
Honestly, how could he say no?
Y/N jumps in the pool almost immediately, leaving the bath towel strewn across a wicker lounge chair. Damon sits on the edge of the chair, keeping his promise to the receptionist and watching her closely. Her hair falls in wet strands down her back, meeting the band of her black bralette. She’s wearing baby blue panties with white paisleys and Damon eyes the small little bow at the front of them. She’s absolutely -adorable- yet sexy at the same time. She’s a puzzle he can’t figure out but he finds himself growing more aroused as she bobs in the water, making her way to the ledge where he’s sitting.
“Come innnnnn- please.” She whines, cocking her head like a brat. “I have nobody to play mermaids with.”
Damon scoffs and shakes his head. “Nope. You’ve pushed far enough tonight.”
She lifts herself out of the pool, dripping across the concrete as she steps towards Damon, leaving water droplets on his clothes. “Then I will push you in.”
“I would love to see you try, little lady.”
She smirks and shakes out her wet hair on his face, sending water flying all over him and his leather jacket. Anybody else and he would’ve been pissed, but this was his best friend. His bratty best friend. He stands and wrestles her back into the pool, shedding off his clothes until he’s left in just his boxers. He jumps in after her, pushing aside the water to grab onto her slimy little body, hoisting her against his chest.
“What has gotten into you?” He laughs, dunking her under the water. “You’re acting like a spoiled little brat.”
She fastens her arms around his neck and Damon slips an arm under her legs, the other behind her back. Water droplets gather on her eyelashes and she wipes them away with the back of her hand. “But I got you to come in, didn’t I?”
Damon smirks again, amused by his girl. Her eyes are wide as saucers and she wears a smile so bright it's almost blinding. He’s overcome with the sudden urge to kiss her. Her lips are perfectly pink and he imagines that they would be soft. She might taste like chlorine at first, but then like the strawberry lemonade she had from Wendy’s earlier.
She kicks her legs, splashing the water and sending some up to his face, drawing him out of his loving daze. “Stop looking at me like that! You’re going to make me fall in love with you.” She exclaims and for once Damon’s glad that he’s the only vampire here. He doesn't want her to hear how his breathing becomes heavy and his heartbeat speeds.
He jostles her body in his arms, making her giggle. “Don’t act like you’re not already head over heels for me, brat. I know you’re seduced by my mischievous ways.”
Y/N takes a shower while Damon changes into a pair of sweatpants. He peels back the covers on the bed and flicks through the cable TV, finding nothing but old Law and Order episodes. When Y/N comes out of the bathroom the smell of her fragrant pomegranate shampoo floats into the room. She’s dressed in an oversized Nirvana shirt that brushes the middle of her thighs and socks that picture a cow jumping over a moon. She’s running a brush through her hair when she sits down at the edge of the bed.
Her eyes are red-rimmed from the chlorine and Damon can tell by the way that she’s sitting with a slouch in her shoulders, she’s exhausted. He frowns and pats the other side of the bed, waiting for her to finish with her hair before she crawls up next to him. Wordlessly, they cuddle against one another, Damon’s fingers stroke her wet hair while his other hand draws circles over her hip bone.
She yawns and sniffles and rubs at her eyes with a knuckle. “Thank you.” She says quietly, her voice all sleepy and cute. He squeezes her closer and drops a kiss on her hairline, feeling more affectionate than a best friend should. Y/N notices the butterflies in her stomach and shuffles even closer until she’s flush against his cotton shirt, inhaling his smell. Cinnamon with the sweet fragrance of lavender soap.
“Get some sleep. We’ve got an early morning.”
She doesn't want to sleep. Damon’s being soft with her and she wants to be awake to experience it, but he’s lulling her to sleep with his steady breathing and soft caresses. Once she succumbs to the weight of sleep, he doesn't pull away. Instead, he looks down at her, noticing the way the glow of the television softens the expression on her face. Her body is limp against him and he can’t recall anybody being this comfortable around him before. He likes knowing that she trusts him.
He thinks back to what she said at the pool and tries not to confuse himself interpreting the meaning behind what she said. Was she joking? Y/N didn’t seem like the type to joke about something like that… and if she was serious- well, what did that mean for him?
He strokes the side of her face as his mind wanders. The urge to kiss her grows inside his abdomen and he presses a gentle kiss to her cheek, but she doesn't stir and he finds himself wanting to kiss her even more.
She wakes up before Damon and tries waiting as long as she can before she attempts to untangle herself from his arms. Except that she has to pee and Damon's leg is slung across her hips. She tiptoes to the bathroom after rolling out of his arms and double-checking that he was still sleeping. As she sits down to do her business, she brings a hand to her cheek, replaying last night's events. She faintly remembers him kissing her cheek and all the soft strokes he left on her face and arms. It makes her shiver.
She brushes her teeth as quietly as she can. Damon’s easy to wake up with his sensitive hearing and abilities and although he won’t admit it, she knows that he’s tired too. After brushing her teeth, she washes her face and then tip-toes back into the room, curling up under the blankets again.
Damon stirs next to her and she freezes as he peels an eye open. He grunts and wraps an arm around her waist, pulling her across the sheets so that her back is flush against his bare chest. She can feel the warmth radiating from his skin through the fabric of her shirt. She feels something else too, something hard poking the flesh of her bum. Her cheeks go hot when she realizes what's poking her but she makes no effort to move.
She remembers Elena talking about Damon’s dick before. She said it was bigger than Stefan’s and she couldn’t walk the next morning. Caroline grimaced and squealed “ew!” but Y/N listened to the conversation intently. Shamefully creating a picture in her mind.
She’s pulled from her thoughts by Damon moving his hand underneath the hem of her shirt and placing it on her tummy. The warmth from his large hand covering her abdomen sparks another fire of arousal and she draws her legs up, squeezing her thighs together. The pair were no strangers to touching each other. It was a game to a certain extent. “How many loving caresses can I give you before you fall in love with me?”
That is if they weren’t in love with each other already.
“Wha’ times it?” Damon mumbles and Y/N blinks, focusing on the digitized numbers on the alarm clock.
He grunts and nuzzles into her shoulder, drawing in a breath. “You smell good.”
Like fresh linen and pomegranates. He can pick up on his scent lingering on her skin, almost claiming her. To any other supernatural they would know not to touch her. He likes it that way because she’s -his- girl. And if smelling like him is going to keep her safe then so be it.
It’s the smell of her that makes him realize how horny he is. His dick is rock hard pressed into her ass cheeks and he shuffles back a bit, embarrassed at himself. God, he needs to get in control.
He moves into the bathroom and turns on the shower where he stands under the stream of water and runs a vigorous hand over himself. He thinks of her warm body and all her soft parts as he tugs on his dick, eventually coming hard with a hand pressed against the grimey tile of the shower. He comes so hard that he has to lean against it while he regains strength in his legs.
After he composes himself, he exits the bathroom wearing a loose pair of jeans and a button-up. He runs a hand through his wet hair as he turns the corner, his eye-catching his best friend sitting criss-cross on the bed. The curtains had been thrown open and sunlight poured into the room, catching her messy hair in its rays. She tears her eyes away from her phone and smiles when they fall upon Damon.
He feels the warmth in his abdomen again. It’s going to be a difficult day trying to ignore it.
They hit the road once Y/N is quieted with a Starbucks coffee Damon nearly ripped his hair out trying to order. Eventually, he just had her lean over him and say the order, but then she placed both of her hands on his thigh to keep her balance. (Which made him uncomfortably horny for the next hour.)
The drive from Atlanta to New Orleans was roughly seven-and-a-half hours, similar to their drive yesterday. For the first two hours, they kept the radio at full volume, nodding along to their favorite songs. They have a similar music taste which was one of the first things Damon liked about the girl. She liked the 90’s punk scene, although she was only a toddler when it was alive. And she listened to more than just Nirvana.
It sounded cliché of him to say but she -wasn’t- like the other girls she had dated.
Damon kept the windows down and the AC off, letting the cool winds of the road flow through the car. Also, he just liked the way Y/N’s baby hairs floated around her face as he drove. She relaxed in the passenger's seat with one arm resting on the window, the other drumming on her knee. A pair of his sunglasses were perched on her nose that she kept having to push up to her eyes.
Her phone kept pinging with messages from Elena and Bonnie. She went back and forth with the two, sharing updates on their whereabouts. The thought of what was coming was making anxiety churn in his stomach. He looked over to Y/N trying to gauge her emotions but he couldn’t place them when her eyes were hidden behind his sunglasses.
Two hours pass and Damon pulls off to a McDonalds four hours outside of New Orleans. The golden arches gleamed like a beacon in the night above the empty, rural, landscape of Alabama. Once Damon backed the car into an empty spot, Y/N leaped out of her seat, dashing towards the double doors, heading for the bathrooms. Damon followed after, fumbling in the pocket of his leather jacket for a twenty as he ordered a drink for himself and a happy meal for Y/N.
He found a booth hidden behind one of the displays where he emptied a blood bag into the drink cup, sipping graciously. Y/N slipped into the opposite side of the booth, her hair twisted into another bun. Her shoulders were slumped, a telltale sign that something was wrong.
Damon nudged her foot with his. “What’s wrong, brat?”
“Are you nervous at all?” She asked, her eyes fixed on the ketchup stains on the table.
He took a long sip of the blood before leaning across the table. “I’m going to meet a witch nobody has met, trusting Rebekah Mikealson’s word, and doing it with you… a human. Nervous doesn't even begin to describe how I feel.”
Y/N frowned and sighed. “I know. Me too. I trust Elena but still…”
Damon took her hand between his, calling her name until she looked up at him. “Hey, nothing is going to happen to you. Not while I’m around and I don’t plan on leaving you alone.”
“That’s-” She takes a shaky breath and Damon nearly cringes at how hard she’s biting her lip. “That’s not what I’m worried about. I’m worried about you.”
“Me? Why are you worried about me?”
She shrugs and her eyes drop again. Damon lets her mind wander as he waits patiently for her to gather her thoughts. “You’re always getting hurt for others. I don’t want that to happen because of me.”
Damon sighed, sinking into the rubber cushions of the booth. The cashier called his name and slid a red happy meal box across the counter. He looked back to his best friend, her brow fixed in worry.
“Look, baby. We’re going to be okay. I’m sure of it. And when we get out of this I’m going to snuggle the fuck out of you and I will play with your hair all day if you want.” That brings a smile out of her and he feels the tightness in his chest loosen when her eyes start to sparkle again.
She extends her pinky finger to him and he wraps his own around it. She kisses her thumb and he kisses his. -Promise.-
With her tummy warm with the happy meal she devoured, and her anxieties softened by Damon’s reassurances, Y/n falls asleep thirty minutes into them getting back on the road. The radio continues shuffling through her playlists, jumping from Sisters of Mercy to Melvins, to Babes in Toyland. Everything screamed Y/N and Damon drove on surrounded by her favorite songs.
He was closing in on the last two hours of the trip and had begun chewing on the inside of his cheek, a nervous habit he picked up from his father. He worried his mind with “what if’s” and “worst-case scenarios”. He was reluctant to trust Rebekah’s connection and more reluctant to send in Y/N.
She was human at the end of the day and despite her sharp tongue and stubbornness, she was still fragile.
Y/N was Bonnie’s friend before she was Damon’s and when he initially met her he was intrigued. Of course, he made jokes about being friends with a human. He admits he gazed at her neck and fought the hunger that surged. Except, after she and Bonnie had drunkenly collapsed on her queen bed and Damon mentioned he wasn’t tired, Y/N rolled over to her stomach then said, “What are you, a vampire?”
They had been friends ever since.
She stirs in her sleep, wrinkling her nose and allowing her legs to fall open revealing the smooth flesh on the inside of her thighs. He craves her body. He wants to press his face to the softest parts of her. Bite them, nuzzle them, stroke them.
He lets his fingers draw squiggles over the skin, making figure 8’s around the freckles. There’s a glimpse of a smile on her lips and he watches as her body melts into the passenger's seat again, a content sigh falling from her mouth.
He isn’t sure of what the plan entails, but he knows one thing for certain. He won’t let anything happen to Y/N. He promised her.
She woke up shortly thereafter, the evening sun glowing against her face. They were thirty minutes out from New Orleans and the tension in the car was so palpable it was making Y/N uncomfortable.
Damon’s hands were rung around the wheel, his knuckles white against the black leather. Y/N considered texting Bonnie and tackling the idea of canceling the exchange. There has to be another way. Then she thought of her best friend bed-ridden, shaking with the trauma that came with being the anchor to the other side. There was no other option. Not unless it was at Bonnie’s expense.
Damon moved his hand to the gears and she felt the car shift underneath her. She slid her fingers between his and squeezed looking up at him.
Damon diverted his eyes to the road, mulling over the thoughts in his head. He squeezed back and ran his thumb against her hand. “If anything goes south. You and I leave. We will find something else for Bonnie. But I can’t-“ He swallows and ducks his head. “I can’t lose you.”
Her heart soars. Nobody has ever wanted her like this before. She fights the tears that crowd her throat and leaves her hand with Damon’s to be stroked and caressed. “You won’t lose me.”
They pull into New Orleans too soon and Y/N dials Elena, listening to her rattle off street names that Damon follows, leading them to a purple Victorian-style house. Elena and Rebekah are standing on the curb, both wearing black jeans and color-coordinating blouses. Elena smiles at Y/N when she gets out of the car, giving her a light hug even though her eyes are moving past her shoulder to look at Damon.
Maybe another day Damon would have fallen for her doe eyes and apple cheeks, but now he’s too wrung up with worry to bother. He locks the Camaro and stuffs his hands in his pockets. He just wants to get this over with. He watches as Elena introduces Y/N to Rebekah, who looks older now that her hair is short at her collarbones. The Original extends a pale hand to Y/N to shake, a tight smile on her face.
Damon steps up on the curb where the women are standing and clears his throat. “So what’s the plan? Do you even have a plan?”
Rebekah scoffs and crosses her arms over her chest. “What a kind greeting, you twat.” She looks at Y/N. “And you’re really friends with this bloke? Can’t imagine.”
Y/N purses her lips and stays quiet, waiting for someone to answer Damon’s question.
“Okay, first. Rebekah has known Sadie for a while. She’s someone you can trust.” Elena says, looking between the two. She turns to Damon and narrows her eyes. “However, she has a strict no vampire policy.”
Both Y/N and Damon protest at the same time, arguments forming in their head. “What do you mean ‘no vampire policy’ so none of us are going to go in with her? How are we going to make sure this isn’t some scam to steal a Bennett heirloom?”
“Jesus, Damon. Get a grip.” Rebekah groans, craning her neck in irritation. “Would it kill you to trust someone?”
Y/N sighs all shakily before she speaks, “What do I have to do?”
“Do you have the heirloom on you?” Elena asks and Y/N nods. “Sadie is going to perform the exchange inside. After it is done she will transfer the anchor from Bonnie to the amulet.”
“Easy as that?” Y/N asks, reluctant about the simplicity of the plan.
“Easy as that,” Elena responds. “Are you ready?”
Y/N looks back at Damon whose face is fixed in worry. He nods at her and Y/N’s heart drops when he doesn't say anything to her. She turns away and walks up the front steps by herself, the Bennett heirloom heavy in her pocket. She knocks on the door three times.
Damon feels awful. He should’ve said something to her but he was too much of a coward. Now, he waits leaning against the railing of Sadie’s front porch. Rebekah and Elena offered him a drink at the bar a few blocks over but he denied it. He wasn’t going to leave her. He promised.
They left him with the address to the abattoir and an invitation for dinner and spending the night. It’s as close to a peace offering as he’s going to get from the two so he accepts. Really, he accepted for Y/N’s sake. She’ll want a warm bed when she’s done. Maybe a shower. Then he’ll hold her and never let her go.
Sadie is an old woman with braided silver hair that hangs by her ribcage. It sways every time she walks. Y/N watches her from the red velvet couch in front of the fireplace, a steaming mug of lemon-ginger tea between her hands. On the antique table, the heirloom and the amulet lay side-by-side between a single black candle.
Around them, the table is sprinkled with rosemary and thyme. Sadie comes back into the sitting room, a grimoire under her arm. Her smile is kind and her eyes are soft when they reach Y/N. She groans as she lowers herself to the cushions, thumbing the pages in the book.
“That vampire you came with is waiting outside for you.” She says and Y/N nods slowly. It brings some sort of comfort to her to know he’s close by. “Are you two together?”
Y/N nearly chokes on her drink. “No, no. He’s my best friend.”
“Ah.” The woman says in understanding, staring into the fire. “Does he know that?”
Y/N cocks her head in confusion, lowering the mug from her lips. “I’m not sure what you mean…”
“Love, my dear, is a blessing and a curse. Especially with a vampire.” She sighs and opens the cover, flipping through the pages. “They’re possessive in nature, so I’m not surprised he’s hanging around… but don’t think on it too hard.” She pats Y/N’s knee swiftly before finding her page and standing. “We have other things to worry about. Now, I don’t need you to do anything except witness the spell. I will wrap the amulet for you and send you on your way once it has been done. Do not place the amulet in direct sunlight as it will stain the crystal. I trust you will inform the witch of this, correct?”
Y/N nods almost as if she’s in a trance watching Sadie begin the ceremony. She lights the black candle with a breath and fixes her eyes on Y/N. “Then let us begin.”
Two hours later, once the sun had set on the city of New Orleans, the porch light switched on.
Damon stirs and lifts a hand to cover his eyes from the glare. He stands suddenly when the front door opens and he sees two shadows in the doorway. Y/N steps out first, her face is paler than he remembers and her eyes have lavender circles underneath them. Behind her stands an old woman who appears to be in the same condition. They both look exhausted.
Y/N turns to the woman and thanks her before taking one of Damon’s hands, the two bouncing down the porch together. The door closes behind them and the porch light shuts off as they settle inside the Camaro. Y/N pulls a purple satchel from her pocket and tucks it in the glove compartment.
Damon reaches across the console and squeezes her knee. “You ok?”
She nods. “I’m just tired.”
“Elena and Rebekah offered us a room at their place. I figured it would be better than a motel. As long as you’re okay with it.”
She nods again and leans her head against the window, blinking slowly. Damon turns on the car, perturbed by his best friend's odd silence. He understands that she’s tired, they’ve had a long day and magic doesn't help. Except, that she’s not usually this quiet. He wants to press her for answers about what’s on her mind but he decides against it, instead, driving towards the Mikealsons.
Y/N sits with her knees pulled to her chest, staring out the window. Exhaustion is nipping at her bones but, even more, Sadie’s words replay in her head. “Love, my dear, is a blessing and a curse.”
She doesn't know what to say to Damon because she’s worried that it's all going to come bubbling out of her without warning. It’s not like Sadie was wrong. She hit the nail on the head and now the truth sat in Y/N’s stomach like a brick.
Damon parks in front of the apartment, noticing their balcony is strung up in lights. They climb out of the car together and Damon waits for Y/N to round the car before he grabs her hand, forcing her to face him. “Hey, why are you so quiet, hmm?”
“I’m just tired, D.” She responds and he frowns, stroking the curve of her cheek with a thumb.
“You’re all quiet and spacy. Got me worried.” He says, pulling her into his chest. “Did everything go ok?”
Y/N nods against him, fastening her arms around his hips. The weight of her eyelids pulls them closed and she leans her body weight against him. “It went perfectly.”
He rubs her back tenderly before he tilts her chin up to him. His eyes are so soft they make her unhushed feelings swim inside her tummy. “Good.”
His face is so close to hers she can smell the faint tang of blood that carries itself on his breath. She blinks up at him, eyes alternating from his to his lips. He smiles and pulls her into him once more. “Let’s get inside, brat. The terrible two picked up dinner. I’ll eat it first to make sure it’s not poisoned.”
She chuckles lightly but her chest feels deflated when he steps away.
The abattoir is something out of a movie. She suspected nothing less from the Mikelson family but she is surprised nonetheless. The inside of the abattoir is lush with greenery and leaves blow across the tile when Elena opens the door. There’s a running fountain in the center of the room holding wishes of quarters and dimes. Antique lamps are lit between blue double doors casting a cozy hue over the place.
Elena guides them through the mansion, bubbling over the Creole dinner Rebekah picked up. In the kitchen, Rebekah is serving pasta primavera and shrimp Creole on plates. She smiles at Y/N when they walk in. “How did everything go?”
“It went.. fine.” Y/N answers, still surprised at the answer herself. Over the years she’s been friends with supernaturals, missions like this one often end in tragedy. “There were no issues at all.”
“Now see, what did I tell you?” Rebekah responds, pulling down four wine glasses. “Elena, dear, would you grab us a bottle of wine? She places a glass in front of Y/N. “Do you drink?”
Y/N nods, barely forming a yes because the wine glass is so intricately designed her hands feel grubby touching it. Elena returns with an aged bottle of wine that pours deliciously into the glass. “Damon there's Jefferson's Bourbon if you would like some.” Rebekah offers once she’s finished pouring and Damon gasps, clapping his hands together.
“Oh, Rebekah, I knew you loved me.”
She rolls her eyes as she pulls out the bottle, sliding it across the granite countertop. “Shut up before I spike it with vervain.”
They bring their plates and glasses into the dining room where the table is lit with white tea candles, a red linen table runner stretches down the center of the dark wood table decorated with assorted plants. The pairs sit across from each other as the candlelight illuminates their faces.
They eat the meal in comfortable conversation. Divulging into stories about the girl's recent trip to Barcelona and Rome. Y/N shakes her head in disbelief but softens when she sees the sparkle in her friend's eye. She can tell she loves her girlfriend and she’s never seen her look happier.
After dinner, their meals are warm in their stomachs and cheeks slightly flushed. The meal ends pleasantly with lighthearted joking among Rebekah, Elena, and Damon as they tell stories from their previous missions. Damon even pokes at his past relationship with Elena and she laughs. Which surprised Y/N entirely.
They clear the plates together, stacking them in the sink to be cleaned before Elena shows the two the upstairs bedrooms. Rebekah follows behind them, teasing if they share a bedroom. Damon looks down at Y/N, his eyebrows raised in question.
She tugs one of his fingers. “Yeah, we share a room.”
“Gross.” Rebekah tuts, opening the door to one of the rooms at the end of the hall. “You can sleep in here. There's a bathroom and everything.”
She and Elena bid the pair goodnight, slipping back down the hallway in a series of giggles. Y/N cautiously steps into the room, the blue and red Persian rug soft beneath her feet. She shuffles over to the window, pulling back the curtain to look out upon the city. She can hear the distant music coming from The French Quarter and she opens the balcony door, stepping into the cool night air.
Damon appears beside her, his elbows on the railing. They gaze at the dim lights together, watching groups of people stroll by the mansion.
“Have you ever been to New Orleans before?” Damon asks and Y/N shakes her head.
“I was gonna go for my twenty-first, but then found out that it’s crawling with vampires.”
Damon snickers and leans back, using the railing to stretch out his shoulders. “That it is. Kind of like Mystic Falls except here, all the humans taste like alcohol.”
Y/N grimaces, hiding the smile that spreads on her face. “Gross.”
“I’m just playing with you,” Damon says, turning to his best friend, gazing at her profile. The wind has the little wisps of her hair fluttering around her forehead. She looks angelic. She catches his eyes and blushes, facing the other direction.
“Stop staring at me.”
“I’m not staring. I’m gazing. You’re beautiful.” He retorts, the compliment rolling off his tongue before he can catch it. Y/N softens and tucks a piece of her hair behind her ear. He can hear her heartbeat from where she stands and it increases when he takes a step towards her, then another. He places his hands at her hips, shifting her to face him.
Her eyes are glittery with the night and the two glasses of wine she had. Not enough to be drunk, but enough to where she feels good. Damon feels good too, he feels confident. Like he wants to kiss her and all he has to do is ask.
“Can I kiss you?” Y/N asks, a blush forming at her cheeks. Damon chuckles and takes her cheeks between his hands.
“But I was just about to ask you, brat.”
“Then do it.” She responds, her voice light and airy. His lips touch her so softly she barely even registers that he’s kissing her until his tongue swipes her bottom lip. She opens up for him easily, parting her mouth and meeting her tongue to his. They shuffle into the room, landing on the bed in a -woosh- against the sheets. He breaks the kiss attaching his lips to her jaw where he leaves a sloppy line that has her heart racing.
“I’ve been waiting for you to say that for so long.” He says, breathless and panting. “Wanted to kiss you so bad at the pool. So pretty-” His words are cut short when she pulls him in again. Her heart hammers wildly in her chest as she leans further into the cushions.
It’s then that Y/N notices how right this feels. They kiss each other so easily like they’ve been doing it their whole life. She was worried it would be awkward because he’s Damon Salvatore and she’s just Y/N. He’s been kissing for hundreds of years and she’s only had, one boyfriend. Except, all that is true. She’s not as experienced as he is and she doesn't want to be babied. Or ashamed. Damon notices the sudden change in her body language and pulls away, looking down at her with a concerned expression.
“What happened, hmm?” He strokes at her hair, moving a stray strand behind her ear.
“I just-” She sighs, unsure how to vocalize her awkwardness. “I’m not good at… this.”
He cocks his head. “What do you mean you’re not good? Babe- you’re perfect.”
“I-” He cuts her off with another kiss, moving his tongue into her mouth. He swirls his tongue around her and she relishes how warm and wet it feels inside of her mouth. There’s already arousal pooling in her abdomen and it deepens steadily until she’s clenching her thighs together.
He parts from her, eyes twinkling at her swollen lips and messy hair. His fingers stroke at her skin leaving goosebumps and tingles in their trail before he finds the sensitive spot beneath her ear. His licking and kissing at the spot brings pretty moans out of her that have his pants tightening.
The feeling of his tongue on her skin is intoxicating, drawing pitiful reactions out of her. He runs his lips down to her throat, then her collarbones, and she wonders if he’s going to bite her. Of course, he would ask first but the thought of it excites her nonetheless. She feels her blood rising on the spots where he suckled long enough to leave marks and he circles gentle fingers around his spots.
“Wanted to mark you.” He says, bending to peck her gently. “Cuz you’re mine now, just so you know.”
Y/N gasps when his hands find her hips, moving the hem of her shirt up achingly slow. She wiggles until he pulls the fabric over her head revealing her black demi bra. His mouth practically waters at the sight of her breasts, large enough that he can fit into the palm of his hand and squeeze. She moans hungrily, embarrassing herself because she feels so demure and shy. He leaves small bite marks across the surface of her boobs and she knows that they’ll be there in the morning to remind her of everything.
When she props her leg up her knee rubs against his pick and he groans, all needy and gravely. He sucks in a breath and blows it out across her wet skin. “Fuck, baby. Got me all worked up.”
She smirks, usually his move, and thumbs at the belt loops of his jeans. “Can I see you, please?” She asks in her prettiest voice, pouting her lips in the way that always works with him. He lets her unclasp his belt buckle and slide it from the loops. The leather thuds against the Persian rug beside the bed and Damon shrugs himself out of his jeans, his erection straining against the denim.
He bites his lip as he pulls himself out of his boxers, his pink cock flipped up towards his stomach, revealing the admirable length. Elena wasn’t lying, his dick really was big. She pushed his boxes off his hips and towards his thighs where hair ran in small black spirals. He was beautiful all over, muscular yet soft. Precum glistens against the pink tip, similar to the way his lips looked after they had been kissing for a while.
“You’re so… big and really pretty.” She says and Damon seeks her lips again, pushing them together again and beginning to work at the button of her bellbottoms. A soft sigh leaves his mouth when she lifts her bottom so that the jeans slide off her legs easily.Y/N closes her fingers around the base of Damon’s dick, using the slick that had gathered at the top to help glide her hand up and down the shaft. He moans deep, grinding himself into her hand. “Yes, baby, just like that. So good..”
Her other hand runs up to his stomach, fingers dancing on his muscular abdomen. His eyes are closed in an erotic bliss and when she runs the pad of her thumb over his leaking tip he shivers and backs away. “You’re going to make me cum, cutie. You’re a naughty little thing, aren’t you?”
Y/N nods bashfully, blinking in wonder as he peels off his shirt, tossing it towards their pile of discarded clothes. She’s hungry for him and she can feel herself growing wetter by the second. She’s sure there's a wet spot on her panties and Damon confirms her suspicion when he runs a finger against it, smirking at the way her hips buck up. “Sweet girl, you’re all wet.”
He gets close to her ear again, kissing the shell of it, feeling the cold of her earrings against his lips. “Can I see you, baby?”
Her breath catches in her throat as Damon pulls her panties down her thighs and her hips buck up at the cold air that meets her pussy. On instinct, she closes her legs, bashfulness building inside of her making her feel all awkward. Except that Damon spreads her legs a moment later, keeping his large hands on her knees. “Don’t hide from me, brat. Let me see you.”
He kisses the bones of her hips, dragging his teeth along her smooth skin. She smells so good, like all of his favorite parts about her and then sex. She’s practically dripping with it. The aroma is fragrant in the air and he wonders if the other vampires in the house can smell it. He doesn't care though. They’ve waited too long and she opens up for him so beautifully.
Her whines are so pitiful sounding as he leaves sloppy kisses up the fleshy part of her thighs, stopping when he’s breaths away from her center. She tugs at his hair and attempts to buck her hips but his hands are still at her knees. “Please, Damon, please.”
“Please.” He mocks, smirking at her. “You’re so cute when you’re begging. Tell me what you want me to do, baby.”
“I want you to- I want-” Her words get jumbled in her mouth because suddenly he’s running his tongue up her slit. She tastes like sweetness and the slightest tang. She’s pure delight and it’s making it hard to keep his fangs up when he’s getting this riled.
“Mmm. I know what you want. You want me to play with your pretty pussy, don't you?” She nods. “So sweet, my sweet girl. You gonna let me eat you? Gonna come on my tongue like a good girl?”
All this teasing has her getting worked up and Damon loves to see it. Loves to see her fall apart for him. The noises leaving her are sweet whimper-y moans. She’s trying so hard not to be loud and her bitten bottom lip shows her efforts. He flicks his tongue over her clit, challenging her. He does it again and again, burying his face against her, immersing himself in -her.- It’s one of the most pleasant experiences and he thinks he’ll never get enough. He moves his hands from her knees to wrap around her thighs, hooking them over his shoulders. Her ankles brush his muscular back, hitting the skin at a steady pace once he really starts eating her. “Does that feel good?”
“Yes. Yes, oh god.” She rolls her hips up to meet his tongue, feeling the heat in her tummy build.
“Know you wanna cum. Be patient for me, sweet girl.”
She waits, trying to be good, until his tongue dips into her hole, swirling around until her thighs are shaking and she’s gripping onto the bedsheets. Damon loops his fingers with hers, humming when she squeezes them on instinct. “D, I… I think… I’m going to c-”
He sucks harder, pulling her clit between his lips and inserting his fingers into her weepy pussy. Scissoring her as she goes over the edge with an orgasm that has her back raising off the mattress. His fingers are thick inside of her, stretching her walls to a pleasurable amount. He milks her through one of the most intense orgasms of her life, finding the spongy bump inside of her, and licking off his lips as he watches her face. “There we go. You’re so good, such a good girl. How did that feel?”
He removes his fingers and draws them close to her lips that fall open, taking his pointer and middle finger between her lips. She swirls her tongue around her digits before she sucks on them wetly, blinking at him with blown-out doe eyes. His heart flutters because he’s not even done with her yet.
“Felt really good.” She says around his fingers, whining when they leave her mouth. He thumbs at the pout on her lips. “I want you to fuck me.”
He’s taken aback by the boldness, something he wasn't expecting from such a sweet thing like Y/N. His dick hardens at her words, though, and he meets her lips. “You sure?” He mumbles the question against her lips. “You think you’re gonna be able to take it? You’re such a little thing.”
“Don’t… be a dick.” She pants out between kisses, looping his hair around her fingers and tugging slightly. “Please.”
Slowly, he sinks his cock into her. He tries to be gentle going in but her slick walls are sucking him in, making pitiful, wet, sounds that fill the air. She was so tight against him, despite him stretching her, and she mewls sweetly against his mouth. After waiting for her to adjust to his size he rolls his hips. Her legs tighten around his waist and her little fingers pull harder at his hair, craning his neck. “Good girl, look at you opening up for me.”
He snaps his hips against her, continuing a rhythm of thuds as his balls slap her bum. He’s watching her face for any signs of pain but her face is only one of pleasure. She looks so sweet with her mouth parted in an ‘o’ and her eyebrows wrinkled together. Every nudge against her g-spot has her moaning into his lips, vibrating down to the back of his throat. She can feel another orgasm building up hot inside her belly.  
She pulls away from the kiss, barely opening her eyes. “I want you to bite... wan’ you to feed.”
God. She’s fucking perfect. He strokes the side of her face with his thumb, huffing as he feels her walls tightening. “You’re sure?”
“Yes, fuck, I need it.” It’s all the permission he needs because his mouth is finding the sweet spot over her collar bone where blood rushes once his fangs pierce her skin. She orgasms again, squeezing his cock so much that he comes inside of her. White, sticky, streams of cum paint her insides and Damon draws one last mouthful of blood from her before licking the leftover splatters.
He collapses on top of her glistening body, pressing his head against her boobs where he can hear her heartbeat. It’s hammering inside of her chest as she comes down from her second orgasm, wrapping her arms around Damon’s head and holding him close. She can feel his cock beginning to soften inside of her before he pulls out. Cum dribbles out of her pussy when she shifts into a more comfortable position, burrowing herself into Damon’s chest. He chuckles and pets her hair, holding onto her tighter. “You’re adorable, you know that?”
She nuzzles the soft hairs between his pecs, inhaling his scent. “Thank you. I was so nervous to kiss you even though I’ve wanted to for like… ever.”
Damon thumbs at her brows, brushing the small hairs back against her skin. He presses another kiss to her mouth, then another to her cheek “Well, now we can do it all the time. Whenever you want.”
Her eyes light up, sparkling in the dim light. “I’m going to kiss you until my lips turn blue.”
He smiles. “You better.”
The next day they're back on the road, headed for home. Windows down and music blaring. Y/N is wearing a pair of Damon’s sunglasses, nodding her head to Nirvana. She catches his eye during the song and leans across the console to press three kisses on his cheek. She feels so happy she could burst. The answer to her best friend's pain is in the glove compartment of the car and she’s dating her best friend. What more could she ask for?
Damon smiles, a dimple forming where her lips rest. “Just can’t get enough of me, can you? This was all just a ploy to make you obsessed with me.”
She nips at his cheekbones, giggling when he ducks his head away. The car swerves into the other lane, thankfully empty. “I was already obsessed with you.”
He grins and reaches an arm around her, patting at her bum. She moves her lips over his ear, the words barely registering. If he wasn’t a vampire he wouldn’t have been able to hear her say it.
“I love you.”
God, he loves her too.
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hotwings0203 · 3 years
Gilded Cage
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A/N: It’s embarrassing how long this took but oh well, happy new year to everyone and I hope you enjoy scummy yandere hawks!
Warnings: dubcon, kidnapping, abuse, toxic relationships, degradation, yandere themes
At first she welcomed the bright flashing lights like a breath of fresh air, but in due time it made her throat close up like the rest of the situation.
He had agreed to let her out if she behaved, and that meant no biting, scratching, screaming, flinching, temper tantrums, and worst of all, no silent treatment.
And she would take it like a champ if it meant seeing any other person in 6 months.
He had kept her here like a flightless bird in this cage of theirs, and oh how ironic it was that she was succumbed to be the prey of this ruthless hawk, with him able to soar amongst the people and buildings while Y/n stayed perched in the house, her ever-growing wings mentally becoming too much for her to control and stay silent about.
She needed space, she wanted to leave, but she didn’t dare voicing any of her wants, especially when Keigo made it so clear how her meager wants were of no match for his needs.
And his needs, as he’s made so clear thus far, include her being a pliant, quiet, yet loving little birdie who cooks, cleans, and lays with him day and night without complaint.
God forbid she speaks up about her...living conditions, as he liked to so generously supply to her the first and last time she ever had this conversation with him. She tried telling him how she originally had loved their relationship of a couple of months, and sure it might have been weird for him to push her into moving in with him only after 3 months, but it was because of how much he loved her or so he said at least, when he bashed her head repeatedly on the ground when she told him it “wasn’t normal to rush into things so fast”.
Sure, he had a big spacious penthouse lent to him by the Hero Commission so being physically cramped was never a problem, and yes okay he showered her with gifts and little trinkets, just like birds did with their mates even more so after a big fight that usually left her black and blue, with swollen lips, ripped up knees and big red welts on her wrists while the hero himself was left with not even a feather out of place.
But there were days where their movie nights and cuddling sessions didn’t cut it for her anymore. There were nights when she couldn’t take his suffocating arms around her a second longer, only to be replaced by an even heavier and darker presence when she tried turning on her side away from him.
Sometimes it would be a chain reaction caused by the smallest of catalysts, however. It would be on a day where he left the restraints on a little too tightly, and Y/n was forced to use toothpaste on her wrists instead of the salve Keigo always kept in the medicine closet. Other times it would happen when he would keep feeling up her sides and pressing into her after a long day of her cooking in hopes that the plentiful food would be enough to keep him occupied away from her, even if it was for an hour or two.
It never was, though. He always wanted her, whether it was her scent, her presence, or her clothes that he kept in his pockets on his missions.
On those days, the days where she felt too much Keigo, too many feathers and too much Hawks was when she snapped.
Down would go the plates, the expensive wine glasses, the vases filled with flowers sent by hundreds of fangirls who knew nothing about the monster that he actually was. She’d tear out her mussed hair, red-faced with tears that ruined her makeup the makeup that she liked to wear on these types of days just to piss him off, knowing that he thought “excess makeup is for whores and catfishes. I already know you’re a whore, well, my whore, but you’re not even good enough at applying makeup to be deemed a catfish so don’t even try it hummingbird” while screaming in his face to let go, for the love of god Hawks PLEASE let me go I want to go home I don’t want this anymore I don’t want YOU anymore this isn’t working out I don’t love you-
And crack would be the sound of his palm across her face, knocking her to the floor. On these types of days he wouldn’t even think she deserved a change in facial expression, staring down at her pathetic trembling body while his lips were set in a subtle casual smile, his hands stuffed in his pockets as if he never raised an arm a second ago, and his eyes remained golden and neutral, the only indication of him processing her tantrum was the black glint in his pupils that dilated every time she gasped and sobbed on the floor.
To ensure that his precious, oh-so fragile lovebird wouldn’t hurt herself any further with her stupidity, he’d crouch down inches away from her face and cock his head slightly as a real bird would do. He’d reach out and lift her chin to face him while his other hand would snake up her thigh to try and console her which only succeeded in making her shake and breath unevenly.
Leaning forward to ghost his lips over the shell of her ear, he’d relish in the way her mouth would part in terror as he would lovingly whisper every threat of what he’d do to her the next time she wanted to be like a brat, because god help her if she thought he couldn’t tame a brat after dealing with a lifetime of villains.
It was almost laughable, how easy she was to silence. He didn’t even need to use feathers to pull her to her feet when he would tell her to go to the bed and get on all fours like the bitch she was.
She had to earn her way back into being his good, obedient little dove, on days like these.
But after these days would pass and she would indeed realign with his expectations, he would reward her greatly.
Never like this, though.
Y/n is brought to the present again as another flash of light from the paparazzi snaps her out of her daze. As the spots begin to fade from her vision, she sees Keigo in front of her adorning his trademark “for the fans-only” grin, although Y/n would call it a sleazy smile, the same smile he would give her before he signaled his feathers to cut deep into her feet so she’d stop kicking at him as he dragged her on the floor and feels him squeeze her hand a little too tightly to be dubbed as endearing.
“Stop zoning out on me, you look like a ditz”, he hisses through his teeth, his grin now resembling more of a bared-teeth look.
She tries to try to fix her face and pull the corners of her mouth up, attempting to also brighten her eyes and looking interested at the blond interviewer who was now conversing with Hawks about his recent team-up with Endeavor. It takes every ounce of self-restraint to not shove past the phony smiles and flashy attire enveloping her and waltz down the red carpet to the doors of the gala. She thinks if she hears him utter another word about how he’s so incredibly blessed to have the love and support of my fans, family, and most importantly, my girlfriend who has stuck by my side through thick and thin, she’ll puke on the bedazzled yellow dress the interviewer has on.
As if. He’d probably whisk her off to the nearest bathroom and pummel her on the floor right then and there just for being distracted, but not before fucking her as well.
She feels Hawks nudge her side, and on cue she darts her head up and really plasters on a blinding smile as she focuses on the question that was just asked to her.
“Sorry, what was that? I think I got distracted by your outfit, you look lovely tonight, an absolute catch.” She winks for good measure, just to salvage the damage of ignoring the conversation and Keigo’s tight-lipped smile, which was beginning to soften.
“Oh you’re so sweet! I can see why Mr. Number Two here swooped in to take such a cutie like yourself.” The interviewer giggled, twirling a golden lock around her finger. “But no worries, I was just saying you should come make a public appearance more often! I mean, the media barely gets to see you with Hawks intimately, it would be a great excuse to get all glammed-up as well...I mean, if Hawks here hasn’t got his talons sunk too deep into you.” She laughs shrilly and doesn’t notice how both Y/n and Keigo tense up at her insinuation.
Yeah lady, you’re not too far from the truth. The last time I tried to look nice and go outside, I was bedridden for a week and a half while nursing frozen peas over 7 different parts of my body, inside and out.
But if Keigo can bullshit more than he can tell the truth, then so could she.
She laughs warmly and places her hand on his shoulder lightly, just to sell the “supportive girlfriend” look.
“Well, I really would love to come out and show my support for him more often, but we’ve both agreed that with all the publicity anyways, it’s just too much pressure for me to deal with. I’d rather just stick with what I know and keep it hush between him and I.” She turns her gaze to Keigo now, superficially giving him a puppy-in-love look but discreetly seeking his approval if what she said was the correct thing or not.
He merely gave her an amused smile, as if to say damn, wasn’t expecting that answer but I guess it’s fine. Yeah. Two can play at that game.
Pleased with her answer, the blond bimbo turns on her heel and sashays away, leaving the couple by themselves.
Keigo gives Y/n a side eye and cautiously holds out his elbow for her to take. A peace offering for the meantime, just to reward her for the quick save.
Don’t fuck this up for me, or you’ll regret it tenfold when we get back home.
“Shall we?” He waits for her to oblige, and of course she does.
Arm-in arm, they gracefully walk down the red carpet towards the gold plated doors. Upon entering, Y/n’s breath is taken away at the grand hall, with red banners hanging from the balconies that had navy blue and gold words of praise for the heroes engraved in the silk. Hundreds of pro heroes filled the room, much more than what she was used to from only interacting with her captor for months.
Guiding her over to the long granite bar, Keigo squeezes her arm before lightly dropping it. Before she can move, he stands directly in front of her and his vermillion wings unfurl and slightly surround the two of them, creating their own little space. To others, it might’ve just looked like two lovers embracing each other and having their own little moment. Y/N knew better, however, and suspected he had ulterior motives.
She was right.
“I’m gonna leave you here for a few minutes, ‘kay? I don’t want you moving from here,” he murmured, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear, and she had to suppress a shudder at his unwanted proximity. “The feather stays on, and I better not see or hear anything funny while I’m away.”
She nodded and touched her necklace that was indeed laced with one of his feathers, remembering the deal he made when he agreed to let you out for the day.
Ah yes, the dreaded feather.
When she had approached him on shaking legs two days prior, Hawks was brushing his hair in the bathroom, keen on meticulously keeping it styled and ruffed up in the morning. It was one of the things that Y/N would begrudgingly say was one of his finest features, along with his natural eyeliner-shaped markings and rugged yet handsome facial features.
On good days, she liked to lightly trace her fingers and across his sharp jawline and feel the stubble growing on his blushed face. She’d try to stop immediately however, when he’d open his eyes and catch her hand, moving it across his body much to her chagrin and down to his-
She had stood outside the door, fumbling with the hem of her thin nightie and desperately trying to pull the short material past her bare thighs as she mustered up the courage to bring up her proposition.
Keigo slowly ceased his brushing when he saw the meek little thing quivering outside his door, and he quirked up an amused eyebrow. He braced both arms on either side of the sink, and let out a light exhale, before addressing her.
“Something wrong hummingbird?”
She dragged her eyes from the floor up to his dilated golden irises, and blurted out what she had been rehearsing in her head for the past couple of days:
“Huh?” he snickered, thoroughly bewildered by what incomprehensible nonsense she had stuttered out.
Y/N bit her lip and took in a shaky breath, strike one, she fumbled her first try.
“Haw- uh, Keigo,” she corrected quickly. He preferred her using his first name, his real name. He claimed it made things more intimate between them as if carving his name on her back hadn't been enough to seal their “intimacy’-she didn’t need to be told twice what to call him by after that day “I was wondering...if I’m good and I don’t give you a hard time, can I come with you to the hero's gala?”
Keigo’s brow furrowed slightly, and he cocked his head to the side like a real bird. He seemed to be contemplating it.
“Alright,” he conceded after a couple seconds. “If, and I mean if you listen to me and don’t try any funny business while we’re there I’ll let you tag along.”
Y/N darted her eyes up to him, hope swimming in her heart.
“But you have to wear the feather.”
She immediately blanched.
A major inconvenience that she had come to terms with in the duration of her stay with him had been his stupid fucking feathers that layed oh-so-casually around the floor where she walked and coincidentally clinging to her clothes wherever she went out of Keigo’s eyesight, even though she was trapped on the same floor with him.
They had special properties; they could detect any movement, sense any vibration whenever he called for it. This made for a perfect tracker for Y/N in terms of whenever he wanted an update on her heartbeat, her mood, her whereabouts, and anything in between.
Yes, it was suffocating. But she would much rather it only be a suffocating feeling rather than him actually directing hundreds of feathers to surround her and hold her down on the bed or floor to do whatever he wanted with her in any position he pleased.
She didn’t dare complain to his face, however. She’d grit her teeth, grin and bear it, listen to every whim he demanded of her if it meant one night of superficial normalcy.
And so she put on her best behavior on the days leading up to the main event. She made dozens of dishes that circulated around chicken (his favorite binge food), she let them have “cuddle time”, with no complaints whatsoever when he insisted on bathing her and dressing her up in stupid pink frilly skirts, and she even gave him little subtle looks with a batting of her eyelashes when he looked down fondly at her good mannerisms and praised her for being such a sweet little birdie.
Eventually, her acting paid off and on the morning of the gala she was merited with a silk red dress that stopped at her upper thigh, ornamented with gold earrings and a 12K necklace to really sell off the look-which was of course wrapped around one of his feathers. Hawks had even hired a makeup artist who was instructed to not ask or say anything to Y/N save for questions about the products, much to her pleasant surprise.
She was still reminded of how much she had to grovel for him every time he rewarded her that afternoon.
“You look stunning, chickadee,” Keigo leaned against the dresser with his arms crossed, and smiled warmly at Y/N. “You’re making her look like a real model, maybe she should take over my job instead. Or, actually, maybe you could stop by my agency and make me all pretty for my next photoshoot.” He directed this last tease at the makeup artist and winked, causing the oblivious employee to giggle and blush.
Ugh, barf. He’s even a sleaze when I’m right here.
Y/N feigned a roll of her eyes, which didn’t go unnoticed by the hero. She could feel his dilated eyes boring into her the rest of the 15 minutes of touch-ups. Eventually everything was done, and Hawks left praise after shameless praise fall from his lips and onto the poor fangirl’s heart as he guided her out the door, a hand on her lower back as he did so.
She took the opportunity to get up and walk to the full-length mirror, admiring how she looked for the first time in ages. Gone were the multi-colored marks that decorated her body as if she were nothing more than a mere canvas for her painter to use. Her eyes seemed a little brighter too, and it wasn’t just the makeup that caused it. She stood a little straighter and squared her shoulders, her chin tilted up more than before while she stared at her reflection. She didn’t recognize the woman in the mirror, and she liked it for once.
It was ridiculous, she knew it was to feel so vain but she couldn’t help but bask in her potential freedom for just one night. She looked gorgeous, she felt confident, and she had earned it all on her own.
Cocking her head to the side, she tried to practice a couple smiles to be camera-ready for when the time came. She turned the corners of her lips up, then showed her teeth, and even tried fluffing her hair up sensually. Biting her lip slightly, she threw her head back, causing her curled locks to bounce and lowered her eyelids to look sexy. She giggled at her own stupidity and poses, completely unaware that a certain winged-man had entered the room and leaned against the door for the past couple of minutes, simply watching the little show she put on.
“That's quite a look you’ve got there hun, why don’t you make those faces more often with me?”
She immediately froze, her breath hitching. She didn’t dare look at him in the eye from the mirror.
“I mean, I’m the only one who should be seeing such a slutty expression anyways, right?” He said ever-so casually, hands in his pockets as he slowly strolled up behind her, and she couldn’t help but think as her eyes darted up to meet him in the mirror that the sadistic shit-eating grin on his face didn’t suit so well with his god-like features.
She visibly wilted, her shoulders hunched and head down in contrast to the tall, powerful woman she had felt like mere seconds ago. Her breath quickened as he leaned over her shoulder, grazing his teeth over the sensitive part under her ear, and she bit her lip harshly to stop the squeak that threatened to escape her trembling lips.
“If I had known that a pretty dress and some makeup would make you act like a wanton little whore, I would’ve done this wayyy sooner. I guess you really are just another dumb bimbo bitch who does anything she’s told if she gets to feel important for a night.” He whispered in her ear, resting his head on her shoulder and looking up at her with innocent eyes, ones that imitated the mocking tone of voice he used.
It seemed like he wanted her to feel disgusting, to wilt under his cruel words that he used like knives-knives that were sharpened with his tone and body language, knives that were so intimately and carefully chosen. They worded so that they were used to their full extent to cut and carve through her heart.
“Is that what you are my little songbird, hmm? You wanna be a pretty baby and have everyone’s attention on you? I’m hurt, here I was thinking I was enough for you.” He pouted, and with every word he spoke the grip his hands had around her waist tightened.
She tried to protest but he plowed through her pitiful attempts.
“Hell, if you want some attention so bad and whore yourself out, I should call over some friends! Yeah, we can skip tonight’s gala, would you like that songbird? For me to share you with my friends so they can satiate your whorish needs?” And at his he shook her lightly, his grip around her middle choking her and cutting off her circulation. “N-no, Hawks,” she wheezed out. “I just... liked my makeup, that’s it. I only want you, I promise. I won’t cause any trouble tonight, please don’t call any friends over.”
She looked up at him in the mirror with eyes the size of saucers, blinking away tears and trying her best to show how apologetic she was at her audacity to feel good about herself.
He loosened his arms and straightened up, peering down at her disgustedly. He had absolutely no regrets about the way she sucked in air immediately when he relented, or about the way she frantically brushed the tears from her eyes, trying to preserve her mascara from running. (not that he would’ve minded). She needed to learn her lesson; he controlled her highs and lows. Only he had the permission of holding her fragile emotions in the palm of his hand, and if she didn't want that palm turning into a fist and breaking her, she would do well not to piss him off and treading carefully about flaunting what was meant for his eyes only.
She wanted to lock herself in the bathroom and cry out to her heart's content from being embarrassed and degraded like this. She kept absolutely still however, when she felt his hands lightly tracing the feather on her collarbones. It was an unspoken threat, and when their eyes met once again in the mirror, the way he sized her up confirmed it.
The feather stayed on.
Which brought her back to the present.
Y/N had already downed 3 glasses of champagne while reminiscing about earlier today, something Hawks would’ve surely tutted at. Finding herself bored, she meandered around the bar, keeping close to where he left her.
She scanned the room for her ‘lover’ and found him laughing with a group of his friends, his head thrown back and the charming sound of his deep yet lilted voice carrying through the hall, entrapping anyone who was around.
He certainly had presence, no sense in denying it.
Any girl would’ve been crazy to deny him, and Y/N wished that Hawks had fallen for a girl that didn’t want to deny him out of his hundreds of fangirls a point that was set in stone in Y/N’s mind when she saw a tall brunette clinging to his arm while she shrieked with laughter at whatever stupid story Hawks was telling.
Said fangirl seemed to also have been put under his contagious spell, from the way she so obviously threw herself on his arm and pushed her chest against his side under the pretense of shaking with laughter. Various other parts of her body seemed to be shaking against him too, but he didn’t seem to mind based on the smirk he quickly looked down at her with.
For the second time that night, Y/N wanted to throw up.
Was it jealousy? Negative. Rather, it was frustration that he literally had girls throwing themselves at him, tits hanging out and all but yet he wanted what he knew he couldn’t have. She assumed that it was this mentality of his that landed him at being Number 2, chasing after the seemingly impossible until it was tangible.
It was easier on some days to try to understand his point of view. It was much better than getting lost in the hours pondering what kind of bad karma she inherited from a past life to go through this hell. But on some mornings when she felt stone-cold sober, she remembered that she was a person, not some objective or conquest that he had rightfully won. Deciding to try and take her mind off from the trainwreck that was unfolding in front of her, Y/N aimlessly wandered to the side of the bar and down a grand hallway that was less crowded and had less Hawks.
On either side of the hall, giant bronze frames held the portraits of past heroes and had little scriptures of their accomplishments. Hawks had always talked about how he wanted his name up there, and how one day he was going to do something incredible to have his own face up on the hall of fame. His idol, Endeavor, already has taken place on the wall right next to All Might’s frame, and Y/N looks up and ponders at both of their pictures.
And how befitting is it, that Hawk’s idol is also accused of a sinister and tumultuous family past.
Maybe he doesn’t need to work too hard to follow in the footsteps of the number one hero.
“Quite the hero, Endeavor is. Even though there is controversy about the nature of his past and his redemption efforts, he set many precedents as to how a true hero should act.” Y/N’s head snaps to the right where Edgeshot had just joined her. He wore a navy blue tux with red seams, his trademark mask covering the lower half of his face.
“Yeah, you’d think his admirers would try to follow in the footsteps of changing themselves too,” she muttered bitterly. “I’ve noticed his biggest fans seem to take after his more...old brutish traits rather than the better person he’s trying to be now.”
The masked hero laughed softly, and Y/N looked at him suspiciously.
“What, you don’t think heroes have their own fair share of flaws?” She challenged.
“No no, don’t get me wrong of course. I would be on an inappropriate level of naivety to assume that, considering I’m a part of the whole corrupt system itself. I think, however, that change within a person comes after an extended time of self-reflection. You have to look within yourself and accept that you were wrong in the first place, if you want to change.”
Y/N was quiet for a moment.
“Do you think the villains are ever right? About society brushing the flipside of heroism under the carpet, I mean. It doesn’t matter if the heroes are trying to save people because it's expected of them, if they aren’t actually compassionate about their cause then is there really a point?” She asked desperately, hoping he could understand her.
Edgeshot hesitated for a moment before answering.
“In my years of experience,” he said quietly, still looking up at Endeavor’s painting, “the ones who have at heart a solid reason for acting the way they do are most always justified. It may not always be a good reason, but a foundation always gives way to a justification that can be argued for.”
All of a sudden, Y/N gasped as white hot pain sliced through her sternum. She looked down and saw the red feather on her necklace quivering as a fine line of red sprouted from the cut it made.
“Are you alright?” Edgeshot asked, looking fairly alarmed, his hand reaching for her shoulder.
“Yes, of course! My necklace is just a little sharp, a little edge just nicked me that's all.” She said shrilly, already backing away from the concerned hero. Turning on her heel, she picked up the hem of her dress and tottered out of the hall, not paying any mind to the vermillion plumage that drifted down her chest, past her waist and eventually clinging onto her leg, making little nips and stabs here and there.
Blood was pounding through her head as she navigated the way back to where Hawks had left her to be. Her palms were sweaty and she was sure her hair was becoming messy as she whipped her head around, attempting to look past tall heads and bodies that blocked her way to the bar.
Shitshitshitshit god please don’t let him be there already please please please-
But it seemed as though god wasn’t in a merciful mood, because lo and behold, the raptor was leaning against the long granite island with a glass in his hand.
He seemed to be casually grinning, swirling a maroon substance in his cup and choking it down leisurely, but as Y/N drew closer she knew-as expected- he seemed off.
The smell of alcohol was nauseating around him, he must have been drinking something strong. His wings, although lightly flapping behind him, were pointed at the edges and shaking lightly. His eyes were completely dilated, and were shifting around the room until they settled on her meek figure rushing up to him.
“Hey there birdy, long time no see. Did you have a good chat with Edgeshot? I’m sure you both enjoyed talking shit about me behind my back.” Y/N winced at how charismatic and booming his laugh was after his ominous remark. It was too carefree, a complete cover-up of how she knew he was actually feeling, and that scared her the most.
“Hawks I-”
“Keigo, sweetheart, did you forget my name already after talking with just one person? Damn, I’m hurt, guess keeping you locked up at home was the right decision after all if you’re acting like such a stone-cold bitch now.”
She stared up at him, openmouthed and thoroughly panicked now. He was talking too much, he was going to expose himself and her-
Wait. Why is she covering for him? Wouldn’t it be better if he blabbed everything else so people could realize what he’s doing? Maybe someone would intervene and save her!
But it seemed like he was three steps ahead of her and had already figured that out, because his face flushed slightly and his eyes darkened and narrowed, with lips set in a flat line. When Y/N saw this change, she tried to back away but he quickly grabbed her hand and yanked her out the room and through the exit doors. It was all happening so fast, she could hear various people call out to Hawks but he plowed through them so fast that she didn’t have time to even process that they were out of the building and in the air.
She screamed as he soared to an even higher altitude, clinging onto his neck for dear life. The wind whipped past her face, stinging her cheeks with the frigid cold and water particles that embedded on her lashes. Hawks was laughing hysterically the entire time he gained height, his talons ripping through her dress and piercing her skin, even overlapping the previous cuts his feather had made earlier.
“S-stop, what’re you doing, are you fucking crazy?” She shrieked, her words losing volume as the air was ripped out of her lungs.
“KEIGO, its KEIGO you stupid fucking cunt!” he screamed in her face. His arms loosened around her waist, and suddenly Y/N was falling, falling, falling straight for the asphalt.
She couldn’t even turn her head as her limp body plummeted down for imminent death. Her lungs begged for oxygen, fear settling like lead in her stomach, but the second she closed her eyes for what she thought was the last time, (Hawks) Keigo swooped down and yanked her back into his sinister embrace by her hair.
Ignoring the ripping strands she felt in her skull, she flailed around in midair trying to grab onto something-she reached up to grab his foot but he noticed and kicked her square in the face. Y/N had never before felt such terror and pain, mentally or physically.
Damn her pride, she wants to live for god's sake.
“Keigo,” she sobbed, remembering just in time to use his real name lest he smash her teeth in again, “please put me down, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry I talked to Edgeshot but I swear it wasn’t anything bad or about you.” The warm blood streaming down her nose began to harden on her upper lip from the chilly altitude they had reached.
Abruptly, he shifted his grip and pulled her up by her hair (she winced at that painful adjustment) so that he could hold her around her waist now.
They had to have been at least 200 or so feet in the air. The pair had cleared their way through some clouds and could clearly see the full moon right in front of them. It was deathly quiet except for Y/N’s labored breathing through her fractured nose, and her fear racked even further as she looked up at Hawks and realized that he was simply staring down at her with completely dilated eyes that narrowed and gleamed at her expression. He truly looked like a bird of prey right now, a predator that was forcing her to play the part of his prey, a point that solidified when he suddenly wrapped one hand around her throat to feel her heartbeat that thumped like a rabbits’.
The light from the moon reflected off his back, causing his front to be completely shadowed so that the contours of his sharp face seemed ever more looming and dangerous. Both of them stayed suspended in the air for a minute or two like that, Y/N not daring to speak unless he granted her a sign to repent.
After a long, painstakingly suspenseful minute of studying her face, he finally growled “We’re going home.”
It seemed to take only a mere couple of minutes for the Number Two hero to travel halfway across the city. Y/N barely had time to try and drink in the beautiful colors that accented the winding streets and buildings below her, knowing that it would most probably be a long time before she saw anything else that resembled freedom again.
He finally began to descend rapidly, forcing her to cling onto his jacket and shove her face into the crook of his neck to avoid getting whiplash. Peeking through her lashes, she recognized the balcony floor of his penthouse rushing underneath their feet. Dread and anxiety surged through her veins as he finally landed and postiviley threw her off of him and onto the wooden floor. She slid a good couple of feet and skinned her legs in the process, unable to stop her momentum as she slammed back into a lamp.
Dazed, she saw stars as she rubbed her aching head. Unfortunately she didn’t see him, rushing over to her the second she landed.
He grabbed her jaw tight and wrenched her bleary eyes to look up at him.
What he saw was beautiful.
A trembling mess beneath him, makeup runny and complemented with blood that flowed from her nose like an eternal stream. He couldn’t keep his eyes off the way she kept flinching any time he shifted; it made his pants tighten and caused his teeth to grit in what he measured to be the absolute last bits of self restraint he had for the night. He had truly ruined her, and he internally patted himself on the back at his work.
Was he mad? Yes, wholly and completely at her betrayal of his orders.
Did he regret losing his temper? Absolutely not. In fact, if you ask him, he should get mad at her more often like this. If it merited her pliant and vulnerable being, then who was he to deny such pleasure? Fuck he should’ve done this from the start- blowing up at mild disobediance instead of acting like a doting, patient boyfriend.
“You alive?” he roughly shook her head and her teeth chattered inside her skull while he did so.
“Yes,” she whispered, mouth popped open by his gloved fingers as he shoved a digit inside her warm and wet cavern. It was embarrassing how drool seeped through her lips and dribbled down her chin, but humility was the least concerning factor in her environment at the moment.
“Good. After acting like such a tramp you better fucking be. I told you one thing,” and he slapped her for added emphasis to his frustration, “can you repeat what I told you? Or are you so braindead that you can’t remember the one order I gave you when I trusted you to sit still and look pretty like a good little bitch?”
“Nnngh, no I rem-I remember.” Y/N panted out, attempting to talk through puckered lips and drool. “You told me to stay at the bar and not to move.”
“Exactly. So what part of that was so hard to understand, huh?” He hissed through his teeth, looking deranged.
“I just got bored, that’s all. I wanted to talk to another person…” Even though she didn’t finish her sentence, Hawks understood her perfectly.
I wanted to talk to another person apart from you.
He let out a mocking laugh, stretching his arms over his head to hide his shaking fists. Rage swept through his body like wildfire, licking up his throat and cheeks. His face was flushed and unreadable to Y/N as he sauntered around the couch and plopped down on it, spreading his legs to seem as uncouth as possible.
She sat shivering on the floor, unsure of if he wanted her to follow him or wither away on the floor like a mutt.
As he sighed loudly however, her body immediately tensed as though bracing for another painful impact. She daringly peeked over her shoulder and saw the back of his head protruding from the black and red leather couch. Lazily flicking his wrist up to a height where she could see, he vaguely beckoned her over without saying a word.
Immediately she scampered over to him and situated herself at his feet (where she belonged). Her eyes were downcast, and he begrudgingly accepted it as a form of submission on her part. No sense in beating the disobedience out of her now if she already knows what she did wrong.
Hawks heaved out another heavy sigh and let his head fall backwards. On one hand, he was slightly drunk and his head was killing him-he just wanted to go to sleep and forget today ever happened. However, there was a problem that was contributing to his growing migraine, and that problem was sitting right in front of him, practically kneeling at his feet for mercy. More than sleep, he wanted to take care of said issue and call it a night, so he decided to skip the sweet talk and warm up.
“Here’s what’s gonna happen, kid. I’m gonna close my eyes and by the time I open them you better have already thought of a way to make tonight up to me, and you better have already put that plan in action. Then, we’re going to bed and when you wake up you’ll regret the day you even thought of talking to anyone apart from me, since you seem to have forgotten who’s been coddling your ass all this time.” He sneered, relishing at the way Y/N’s face went pale.
True to his word, he closed his eyes, glad to see his last view as the pathetic bitch who was about to service him. The feel of slight fumbling on his zipper made him feel even more drunk and giddy as it was pulled down. Maybe the entire evening wasn’t a complete wash after all.
Yeah, he should take her out a lot more.
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goonification · 3 years
yungi smut
[18+] Mingi gets hard before stages and has no idea why. Neither does Yunho but he’s happy to help.
The fast-paced voice of a MC echoed through the hallways over a loudspeaker to introduce the lineup for the night’s show. No one was listening too carefully though to the tinny voice, as the livestream usually only acted as a reminder that, in the same building, the Music Bank stage was soon to be lively with performances for the next 90 minutes. It wasn’t uncommon for the muffled sounds of the host to be overshadowed by the busy chatter of stressed out staff and excited idols, donning various elaborate and colourful outfits. 
It was less than an hour until Ateez were supposed to be rounded up and ushered to the wings of the stage, prepared to give the nth performance of their most recent comeback.
While most idols we’re counting down the minutes to their upcoming stages, Mingi was rushing back to his group’s green room, hoping to god it was empty.
He scuttled through the crowds, politely bowing at passing staff and tucking behind ongoing interviews to not draw attention to himself. A lanky, 6ft man with a hand on his crotch lumbering through the background of someone’s acrostic poem segment would be bound to draw the wrong kind of online attention.
Hand grasping the doorknob of their assigned green room with relief, the sounds of the hallways were snuffed with the thick door shutting behind him. 
He gave the space a quick once-over, falling at ease when he found it seemingly empty. With the room barren of members or staff, Mingi pressed his back to the door as a makeshift lock and shamelessly dropped his pants below his waist.
This wasn’t an uncommon scenario.
There are plenty of different ways that the human body can react to a stressful situation. Some people overthink to the point of a headache. Others have physical reactions, like shaking or sweating. Some people even feel faint or collapse.
However, Song Mingi got boners. Plain and simple. He doesn’t know why it happens. Often, he doesn’t even know when it’ll happen. 
The regularity of stage fright had faded away to a fear of the past. With the exception of the occasional special stage, Mingi typically didn’t get stressed out over every individual performance but, for some godforsaken reason, his body seemed to know what a pre-show countdown sounded like and reacted regardless. 
Nervous or not, popping a semi backstage was a shamefully familiar feeling for Mingi. He was well aware that there had been a couple of fancams where his half-hard cock made far more of an appearance than he wanted and, determined to not repeat history if he could help it, intended to try de-escalating his problem before stepping foot on stage this time.
Mingi looked down at his dick, standing fully upright.
It was mocking him.
Frustrated at his situation, Mingi furrowed his brow, scowling at his penis before feeling grateful that no one saw him do that. Nothing like a healthy dose of random horniness to cloud every crevice of his brain with a layer of fog, stopping him from thinking rationally. 
He collected his composure with a deep breath, using his knees to pinning his pants at his mid-thigh in case someone entered unexpectedly, and got to work.
A large hand wrapped around the proportionately large shaft and began to pump, so quickly in fact that his whole body lurched forward at the sudden relief. It wasn’t long before his knees instinctively spread and baggy pants fell to his ankles. There was no use picking them back up. Not a minute could be wasted. The door behind him could open at any second. With his very noticeable presence missing, someone was bound to be looking for him to reunite him with his members.
Mingi didn’t know how much time he had. A few drops of spit and a dab of precum was all he could gather as lube, forcing him to slow down his pace to avoid discomfort. Mingi whined. He knew this wouldn’t take long at all if he was back in the dorms with his usual creamy lotion or the constant flow of a soapy shower to keep his length slick.
He could practically hear the threat of a ticking clock in his head. The bustling sounds of people on the other side of the door weren’t helping. The MC’s voice echoed again, saying something about a commercial break, probably the first of several. He was desperate to fix his problem fast and would need to try something different.
A shaky second hand joined the first, holding it steady as his hips took on the task instead. The closed tunnel of his fist stopped the air from drying away his precious moisture, allowing for a more comfortable friction than before.
“Ah-” Mingi couldn’t stop the escape of a single low moan as he fucked his hand, balls slapping against his curled fingers and stretched wrist with each thrust.
It felt good, definitely better. But he was still too distracted. While his new technique was undoubtedly more successful than the first, his brain was still going a mile a minute with the looming reminder of the risk he was taking. His hands were shaking, needing to readjust their grip every few seconds. 
Mingi didn’t want to cry; he had just had his makeup done. Yet, still, every shaky slip of his hands was contributing to a growing frustration. 
It was becoming more difficult to keep quiet. Mingi was being assaulted with the buildup of both dull pleasure and throbbing pain and needed some way to express it. Small grunts were turning into breathy moans, low and long, to try to keep the sounds contained in the room.
Suddenly, even through welling tears, his eyes caught sight of a slight movement caught in one of the dressing room mirrors. What Mingi assumed were just piles of jackets on a couch began to shift, before he noticed the pant legs of a stage outfit, matching the one Mingi was currently “wearing”, donned on a long set of legs. A pair of large boots stuck upright off the end of the couch.
“You’re terrible at staying quiet.” Yunho’s familiar voice spoke out from under the pile before he threw a heavy jacket off of his head, exposing his tired face in the reflection of the mirror. He was basically eye-level with Mingi’s cock.
“Ah, what the fuck!” Mingi shouted, trying and failing to pull up his pants. In that moment, he silently cursed the stylists for always putting him in the baggiest outfits. He repeated his expletive of choice. “What the fuck were you doing under there?”
Yunho squinted tightly, shaking his head as his eyesight adjusted to the harsh fluorescent light of the room. “I had a headache and couldn’t find the light switch.”
“Oh.” Mingi stood dumbfounded and beet-red. Yunho was as giant as he was and it wasn’t like he was exactly hidden. He mentally scolded himself for not checking the room better before fully exposing himself, accidentally baring his entire cock and balls to his friend.
“I knew you were horny earlier!” Yunho exclaimed, like it was his own personal victory for guessing correctly. “You were all bouncy and quiet during stage rehearsal. Kinda like before you take your extra long showers. Always before the stages too, huh? Why is that?”
Mingi shrugged. He didn’t know what to say. He especially didn’t know that Yunho was so attentive to his behaviour. It made him think back to every time he busted what he thought was a secret nut but maybe he wasn’t so private after all.
It was a lot of information to take in with his pants around his ankles. He had so many questions. Mingi started with an easy one. “Why didn’t you say anything when I came in here? I would’ve stopped.”
“Honestly, I thought you were here to get me.” Yunho was fixing his hair at the mirror, composing himself while stealing occasional glances of Mingi’s cock in the reflection. “At least, until I heard you all -” He mocked the deep timbre of Mingi’s voice and moaned comically. Painfully to Mingi, even the unflattering imitation made his exposed dick twitch. He hoped to god Yunho was too busy laughing at him to tell.
Noticing the shift in posture, Yunho offered some comfort, not wanting his friend to feel too embarrassed. “I didn’t mind. Really.”
“But why did you scare me like that?” Mingi’s embarrassment shifted to anger. Yunho’s logic wasn’t making any sense and Mingi still didn’t have a plan for how he was going to get his dick down.
Yunho avoided the question. “How long until we go on?”
“Huh?” Without context, the request went right over Mingi’s head.
“Fine, I’ll look for myself.” Yunho raised an eyebrow before checking a nearby phone. “Forty seven minutes until our stage? That’s tons of time.” 
The tension on Mingi’s face unwravled with a small ounce of relief. The events of what felt like hours of pure frustration likely took place over a mere thirty seconds. He just needed to be reminded.
Still, the reality was that Mingi was rock hard and not as alone as he thought. As one problem disappeared, another became even more prominent. Yunho made his way towards Mingi and the door, hopefully to leave the room, and pretend he saw nothing. 
Even in that best case scenario, Mingi wasn’t sure if he could ever recover from the mortification of what just happened.
Wanting to drop the hint and give Yunho better access to the door, Mingi shifted to the side, movement restricted from the pants still pooled around his legs and too ashamed to pick them up.
However, Yunho didn’t turn towards the door. He instead turned his attention towards Mingi, who had backed himself into a corner. They were uncomfortably close considering the fact that Mingi’s lower half was fully nude.
Yunho smiled stupidly as though the confusion on Mingi’s face was unwarranted. “What? You were struggling to get off, right?”
“Yes...” Mingi admitted, still confused over what exactly his friend was doing. “It was that obvious?”
“Believe me, I know what it sounds like when you’re getting off. What I just heard sounded like a struggle to me.” Yunho never broke eye contact with Mingi. There was a glint of joy in his eyes as he explained his thought process, while never actually revealing his intentions.
Everything he said only raised even more questions. So many that Mingi didn’t have the brain capacity to sort through. Right now, he was more curious why Yunho had him cornered in their dressing room. 
“Mingi,” Yunho uttered his name as though he was scolding him with endearment. Telling him off for being so apparently stupid even thought Mingi thought his confusion was very much justified. “Do you want me to help you?”
Yunho wanted to jerk him off? Mingi thought he had heard wrong.
On first thought, it would fix both problems at once and still leave time to spare, even if the idea of his friend touching his dick would leave Mingi with a whole new slew of questions to plague him until they got back to their dorms. That is, if Yunho would even want to talk about it.
Mingi was getting ahead of himself. He needed to answer the question first.
He kept thinking, pushing through his stress and arousal to conduct a clear thought. Yunho was handsome. He was always clean and smelled good, and liked holding hands with Mingi. Though his qualifications were sparse, Mingi was almost surprised at just how unopposed he was to the idea of Yunho helping him cum. After all, that’s all it would be, right? A friend helping out a friend.
“C’mon, you’ll feel so much better afterwards. I don’t like seeing you in pain.” Yunho pouted as he got closer to Mingi’s face. He was being sweet. Buttering the other boy up without knowing that it wouldn’t even take any convincing to get him to agree.
If only Mingi could answer the damn question. All he could muster up was the confidence for a moment of warm eye contact and a gentle nod.
It was signal enough for Yunho, who leaned in for a hesitant kiss. Mingi’s puffy lips were already parted and set to lock with his own. As they brushed against each other, Yunho’s tongue peaked out, sliding over Mingi’s bottom lip and making him shudder before dipping inside his gaped mouth. 
The gap between them closed even further when the fabric of Yunho’s pant leg accidentally brushed over Mingi’s hard cock, which was poking out and occupying most of the space between them. Mingi moaned into Yunho’s mouth, a gentle reminder that they had a goal to achieve.
“Mmm. No more,” Yunho sighed with regret. He pulled back as Mingi stupidly chased his lips in a daze. “We need to be quick, remember?” 
“But you don’t need to see your hands to jerk me off.” Mingi pouted comically, trying to convince him to return to their greedy kiss. He didn’t expect to enjoy kissing Yunho that much and was wondering if it could turn into a hobby of theirs.
Yunho simply chuckled, obviously knowing more than Mingi about his plans for his mouth. After a breathy “huh?” Yunho took the cue to drop to the floor.
Mingi froze. He was expecting a steady hand to help jerk him to completion at the most but this was so much more. The sight of Yunho on his knees, locked upright so he could keep his face raised inches from Mingi’s cock was making his head throb in more ways than one.
He watched as Yunho’s eyes darted around, carefully examining every inch of him as fast as possible. If he knew Yunho was going to be that close and personal with his junk, Mingi would have shaved that morning. 
“I knew you were big but, damn.” Yunho’s vision stayed locked on to Mingi’s shaft. His eyes were wide and his lips were parted. He looked just as needy as he felt.
“I mean, you don’t have to go d-” Mingi couldn’t even provide an alternative, let alone finish his sentence before Yunho’s tongue was curling itself around his head, soaking his cock with a sudden warmth. Mingi’s hand flew to the wall, then his thigh and, finally, Yunho's hair, needing to grab a fistful of something to keep him steady.
Yunho tilted his chin, relaxing into Mingi’s touch and exposing the length of his neck towards the ceiling. Still, he stayed connected via his tongue. Mingi gulped loudly at the sight of Yunho’s throat swallowing, which was suddenly looking very empty to him.
The soft stimulation prompted beads of creamy white to escape from Mingi’s cock, directly onto the flat surface of Yunho’s tongue. He moaned at the taste and vibrations surrounded Mingi’s stirring cock head. Embarrassingly and against his will, Mingi pushed forward a bit, cock sliding across Yunho’s tongue and spreading the pre-cum all over the wet muscle.
“Sorry.” Mingi sheepishly apologized as he returned his hips to where they were before but, to his surprise, Yunho bobbed his head. He artificially repeated the motion over and over until the entirety of the cock’s head was trapped inside Yunho’s mouth. His tongue was running indulgent laps as it circled the pulsing tip.
Mingi was a panting mess. He wasn’t sure if he should speak. Should he tell Yunho how it felt? Would that be too much?
It was then that Yunho’s gaze flickered up to make eye contact with Mingi. His eyes were glossy as though he was stuck in that moment. Mingi’s stomach did a flip at the sight. He was waiting for Mingi’s approval.
“It feels good, you know?” Mingi whispered as the fist in Yunho’s hair released to scratch at his scalp. Mingi didn’t exactly sound confident but Yunho could tell the words were genuine considering how the other boy was falling apart above him. The upper half of Yunho’s face lit up with a would-be smile at the praise.
Meanwhile, his mouth stayed open wide, lips surrounding Mingi’s cock with a gentle suction, before pushing forward slowly. Yunho didn’t look away, not even once, as Mingi watched his cock disappear inch by inch inside his friend's mouth.
“Jesus, Yunho...” He hissed as more of his shaft was coated with the slippery friction from Yunho’s spit.
Yunho was only two inches from fully swallowing Mingi’s cock before he came to a halt. As he paused, he shifted with discomfort on his knees. The breathing from his nose became more erratic, puffs of warm air bouncing off of Mingi’s pelvis. It was clear he had reached his limit. Even while he couldn’t get Mingi’s dick all the way down, his determination was admirable. Cute, even. It was especially impressive considering Mingi presumed it was Yunho’s first time doing this. 
Mingi dropped his hand to fall behind Yunho’s ear, rubbing his neck with a long thumb. Not experienced with dominant dirty talk, he merely offered a simple smile to let him know it was okay to retreat.
When Yunho began to pull back, Mingi caught sight of a bulge in his throat deflating as his dick reappeared. The thought of being that deep inside any of Yunho’s holes made him shudder with excitement.
Less than a second of the cold dressing room air had cruelly returned before Mingi’s dick was throbbing with need again. The shaft was a reddened, slobbery mess as Yunho cupped him against his hands before returning his mouth to the leaking tip.
Now, when Yunho bobbed down on the cock, his movements were more confident, knowing his limits and puffing up with pride over his abilities. Once he reached the checkpoint, he twisted two slippery hands over the base to make up the difference, fully covering Mingi’s large cock in one way or another.
This time, when Yunho pulled back, he tried sucking in his cheeks. He was so concentrated on making Mingi feel good, eyebrows furrowed in a way Mingi would’ve thought was adorable had the air not been just knocked out of his lungs by the new sensation of suction inside Yunho’s mouth.
Yunho never let the tip leave his lips before taking the entire shaft deep into his mouth again, producing extra spit only to suck it up again when he pulled back. It was clear he was enjoying himself discovering his newfound talent. 
Not as much as Mingi was enjoying himself.
The feeling was unlike anything Mingi had ever experienced. Yunho’s mouth was like being surrounded by an always-moving, sopping-wet warmth. The boy on his knees took the term ‘sucking’ dick very literally. Wet and sloppy sounds echoed through the tiny room as Yunho slurped at his cock. 
Mingi was fully collapsed against the wall at this point, fighting gravity to keep himself standing. His moans were deep, guttural and spurring Yunho to move even faster, knowing that Mingi must be close. 
He was. Mingi was seconds away from cumming and already panicking over where he was going to finish. As pretty as he would be covered in streaks of white, Yunho was already in his stage clothes and makeup, ruling out that option. Alternatively, it wasn’t like Mingi could just leave a puddle of his release on the green room floor. The clock was ticking and Mingi didn’t have any alternatives left.
Yunho, more intuitive than Mingi was aware of, must’ve sensed his panic. He looked up at Mingi as though he was trying to tell him something, eventually slowing his neck’s momentum to a standstill and grabbed his attention.
As Mingi’s eyes were full of panic, Yunho eased his fears with a small nod of approval, motions mostly restricted by his throat accommodating the deep curve of Mingi’s cock. Yunho’s eyes were glistening with tears but dark with determination. He was ready to let Mingi take over.
Mingi whimpered, clawing at the wall as he realized what Yunho was telling him. 
“In your mouth? Are you sure?”
A gurgle escaped from the back of Yunho’s throat as he pushed his limits even further, allowing the cock to sit the deepest it had been. Despite his gagging, his actions were entirely permissive, knowing he wouldn’t have to endure the pain for long before Mingi would finish.
Dormant hips sprung into motion, sliding back at first and dragging his cock along the inside of Yunho’s mouth. Strings of thick saliva followed the path, dripping from Yunho’s bruised lips. Carelessly, Mingi’s ass hit the wall with a thud with how roughly he fucked backwards, making Yunho wince in preparation for him to return.
When his hips snapped forward, it wasn’t as bad as Yunho expected. Sure, Mingi was rough in his desperation but the slickness of collected spit gave the cock a smooth re-entrance past Yunho’s lips, into his mouth, and down into his raw throat. Yunho couldn’t help but moan as he felt himself loosen up to accommodate, hoping that the sound got concealed beneath the low sounds of Mingi’s own pleasure.
Mingi fucked his willing mouth again and again, inching just a little deeper each time whether he knew it or not.
“Yunho. Feels good.” Mingi grunted out, unable to conceive proper sentences as his vision was flashing white with fast growing pleasure. “So good. Fuck.”
With the added motion of Mingi’s thrusts, those final two inches that he couldn’t quite conquer seemed like a task from forever ago, Yunho’s throat gladly opening itself up to accommodate until Mingi’s cock was buried completely. It wasn’t long until his nose was bumping against a set of abs.
Ready to be emptied, Mingi’s heavy balls smacked against Yunho’s chin with each greedy snap of his hips. It should’ve been humiliating but Yunho found himself arching into the motions. It felt good to have Mingi use him.
Yunho kept his needy gaze up at Mingi, watching the way his mouth fell agape and the muscles in his jaw clenched. His chest was heaving as he got closer and closer to completion. The sight inspired Yunho to work through the increasing soreness to help Mingi succumb to his pleasure.
“Ah!” Mingi yelled loudly and abruptly, followed by several softer stutters. His hips suddenly began to jerk in a rhythmless pattern he couldn’t quite control and then the first hot spurt of cum splashed against the back of Yunho’s throat. The second erupted into the cavern of his mouth as Mingi fell back further, shaking with pleasure.
Yunho hollowed his cheeks, not allowing Mingi to retreat any more and trapping the twitching cock inside his mouth. He sucked deeply and used the rest of his energy to relax the entire length of his throat and milk Mingi’s shaft until he was empty.
Mingi’s head fell back in awe as Yunho’s tongue lapped every last drop of cum that emerged from the hole on his tip. He was going above and beyond at this point, the aftershocks of Mingi’s orgasm already starting to subside.
“You can stop if you want.” Mingi’s voice was shaky, hoping Yunho wouldn’t take him up on the offer. The gentle warmth felt nice against his softening cock, easing him back to reality gradually instead of all at once.
“Mm, I probably should, shouldn’t I?” Yunho croaked out against his dick, giving the tip one final kiss before letting it fall limp against Mingi’s thigh.
They paused for a brief moment to catch their breath. Mingi dropped a hand to Yunho’s shoulder, giving it a soft massage as a thanks. “Are you okay?” 
Yunho tried to answer but, at first, the words got caught on their way out. Clearing his throat, Yunho choked out a laugh at the discovery of how raw his throat was. “It’s a good thing I didn’t plan to sing live tonight.”
Mingi giggled at the half-joke before yanking up his oversized pants, needing both hands to hold the flowy fabric up so they wouldn’t fall again. Kindly, Yunho helped him tuck the now satisfied cock away before zipping up his fly.
“You know you might have less of a problem if you just wore underwear?” Yunho poked roughly at the downsized but still prominent bulge in Mingi’s pants.
“But it’s uncomfy.” Mingi whined, clearly more willing to go the lengths of jerking off before a performance rather than just wear another layer. Tired and needing to conserve his energy, Yunho rolled his eyes and found another spare phone to check the time. He clicked on the homescreen with little care for the fact that one of their fellow member’s phones was currently being contaminated with Mingi’s dick particles.
“Was that really only ten minutes?” Yunho’s eyes widened at the screen and Mingi went red in the cheeks. “Guess I’m pretty good at that, huh?”
“Yeah. You could say that…” Mingi nodded, getting shy again as the realization set in that his best friend’s lips were just around his cock and they were already back to business as usual. That is, if they didn’t count how disheveled they both looked from the aftermath. Mingi ruffled his hair back to look as close as possible to how the stylists left it.
Not having too much time to dwell on what their new experience meant for their friendship, a loud knock on the door made both boys jump out of their skin. The knock was only a warning as the hinges creaked and the door swung wide, trapping Mingi behind it.
Panicked and then relieved, Mingi stumbled against a plastic knob on the wall, the room falling into darkness just in time for someone to enter the doorway.
“Yunho, are you in here?” Hongjoong’s voice carried through the small room until he saw Yunho by the mirror, hopefully only looking like he woke up from the best nap of his life and nothing else. Definitely nothing else…
“Hey, what are you doing in the dark?”  Luckily, he couldn’t see Mingi. His voice continued. “And why are you on my phone?”
Mingi cringed when Hongjoong snatched the phone back and placed it on the counter. He thankfully had no idea where Yunho’s hands had just been and he would probably never find out.
“Just checking the time.” Yunho replied nonchalantly, rubbing at his jaw.
“Yes, we’re on soon!” Hongjoong sounded excited. Enthusiastic about even the task of coraling up his fellow members for their performance. He seemed too distracted to notice Yunho dabbing away at his lips to clean himself off.
He patted Yunho on the back for encouragement before turning to leave out the open door. “Can you find Mingi on your way back too? We don’t know where he is.”
“Sure thing, Hyung!” Yunho did a goofy salute, playing the clueless role with ease as he bid Hongjoong farewell out of the room. The door slammed shut, leaving both Yunho and Mingi in the pitch dark.
“Hey Yunho,” Mingi whispered loudly, as though the darkness would make it harder to hear.
“Hm?” Yunho’s boots squeaked as he turned to face the voice.
“I think I found the light switch.”
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natalieironside · 3 years
So this is a topic I've been avoiding weighing in on, both because other people have been doing a fine job articulating positions I 100% agree with and because I generally like to avoid things (more on that later), but I've thought of something to add to the ongoing "Blaming all mental health problems on capitalism as if that fixes them is a bad take" conversation:
The way ableds interpret capitalist alienation leaves a whole lot of us out of the discussion.
I have Avoidant Personality Disorder. In brief & to the point, I prefer to work and play alone and I find social interactions exhausting & deeply uncomfortable; especially awkward social interactions can even be physically painful sometimes, and honey everything about me is awkward. Under capitalism, this sucks shit because the world I have to exist in in order to live a fulfilling life and have access to stuff like "food" and "a place to live" is fundamentally hostile to me and structured in a way that I don't think I'll ever be able to exist in comfortably even with years of behavioral therapy. A more worker-oriented economic paradigm would absolutely be so, so much better for me, but I need you to understand: Having my needs met does not mean that my needs cease to exist.
I'm reminded of an interaction I had here on Tunglr dot hell a few years ago. There was a screenshot of an article about some Minecraft youtuber describing his regular work day: Play video game, edit videos, moderate comments, for a lot of hours with very little human interaction. Ppl were sharing it talking about "What a horrible way to live, capitalist alienation is horrible," and, me being me, I added, "I dunno, y'all, this sounds fuckin dank and if I had my druthers I'd be doing more or less the same thing but with writing instead of video games." That ended with me getting roasted for "not understanding capitalist alienation," which is an interesting thing to say about me, one whole Marxist.
But it's true. I like being a reclusive shut-in weirdo. I thrive as a reclusive shut-in weirdo. A lot of people do. And when I think about what a better, more equitable world could look like, I very much picture a world where I can go about my day and do my silly little tasks while being mercifully left the hell alone.
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