#people are very complicated about queer people
lesbiansforboromir · 19 hours
Of course I'm posting opinions on the piss on the poor website so naturally complicated longform meta I have written will occasionally be narrowed down to inflammatory single sentence statements like 'Faramir is homophobic' and called a 'braindead take'. This is all fine if frustrating, mainly because it ignores the overarching point I'm making which is; pretty much everyone in lotr is homophobic! This is due to strictures and taboos placed upon them by the dominant and 'proven' religion, a religion that makes up the base impetous for the largest surviving and historically colonialist kingdom's 'right to dominate' those around them. And Faramir, being an extremely ardent follower of said religion AND very invested in the superiority of said Kingdom he is a part of, is bound to espouse this dogma as part of his quest to be as 'noble' and 'faithful' as possible. And that's leaving out all the textual interpretations I could offer surrounding his and Boromir's relationship. But like Denethor is also homophobic. Aragorn is homophobic. Homophobia is the norm for the faithful of Arda. Even if any of the main characters are gay they will also be somewhat homophobic. God is real and hundreds of elves have been telling people for millenia that if you have sexual desire without procreative desire then you are corrupt somehow, like spiritually. There's not much going for the queer liberation of middle-earth's denizens at the moment. BUT as I said, it's fine, there is no innoculation to being misinterpreted, especially when your opinion is quite far from the mainstream AND I will admit that for shits and giggles I have just thrown 'faramir is homophobic' out there without context for the mischeveous whimsy of it all, which is definitely shooting myself in the foot. There is something very amusing to me about deadpanning that kind of statement and sometimes I cannot help myself uwu BUT rest assured and as stated above, I do have reasons for all the things I say about Faramir on this blog. For instance 'Faramir is into raceplay' is another excellent example.
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rerinko · 2 days
There may be some slight grammatical errors i'm going to go back over it soon!
Chappell Roan “Good Luck Babe”: The song “Good Luck Babe” by Chappel Roan has blown up online. I personally love the song and I love Chappell Roan. I love seeing any sapphic media in general but especially lesbian specific media. One thing that has come along with the success of this song has been debates online. Debates about comphet, biphobia and lesbiphobia. I couldn't help but join those debates but I quickly learned short form comments aren't the best way to express your opinion coherently.
I saw this one video on TikTok that I can no longer find. It may have been deleted. In this video this bisexual woman on TikTok talked about how she kept seeing this idea that if you identify as bi but you're unfulfilled by relationships with men then you aren't bi. She also brought up how consistently marriage hasn't always been the best for women and just because she is straight doesn't mean a woman will be fulfilled by a relationship with any man. It's also biphobic to say so due those reasons. The lack of fulfillment I reference when talking about the realization that you are a lesbian is very different from the lack of fulfillment straight or bi women can experience in a relationship. A woman who likes men can be unfulfilled in a relationship with a man but that reason does not boil down to the fact that they are a man. If you are a lesbian a man could be perfect, they could provide everything, treat you amazingly, you could even have a good sex life and think you're in love but still no matter what there's something wrong. It's not him or his actions, it's the fact that it's “a him” in the first place. The reason why so many women never realize they're a lesbian is because it's so normalized to be unfulfilled in a relationship with a man. But being is a lesbian not just being unfulfilled with men but being unfulfilled with men in a way that you aren't with women. Straight or bi women have the ability to truly love and be fulfilled by a man. Lesbians do not. This is not to say every relationship is fulfilling. Just because you're with the gender you like, you like this person and you're in a relationship doesn't inherently make the relationship fulfilling. Relationships are complicated and many of them can bring more stress and pain to one's life than love and happiness.
I have seen many TikTok comments say comphet isn't a lesbian only experience and any queer people can experience and I simply do not agree. Lesbians are unique, it is the one sexuality that doesn't include men. The entire world is structured around men, this is a man's world. Women to this day in Canada and the United States can't get sterilized without their husbands consent. Realtors and car salesmen will automatically talk to the husband even if the wife is the one with the money making the purchase. When a woman gets married she takes her husband's last name. From a young age women are socialized to centre their entire life around men. From what we wear, to how we speak, even down to our interests we're taught to change it for the fancy of men. I grew up watching romance movies and I always wanted my own Prince Charming. It seemed like in every show I watched aimed at young girls the happy ending was the main girl getting the guy she wanted. We're never our own people. We are first the property of our fathers then our husbands. But isn't that the issue? When you're a lesbian there is no husband. There is no fairy tale ending, there is no Prince Charming, there's no man to stand up for you against misogynistic men in general. When you realize that you feel like a failure. You want to fit in. You want to talk with your girl friends about your boy crushes and gossip with them. You want to be one of the girls, you want to be normal, you want to like a boy. So you do. You choose one or someone just happens to be available and at first you like the attention. You like the butterflies because you've never held hands romantically before. You even think about him at night and imagine what your first kiss would be like. Then your first kiss actually happens and something feels wrong. You try again and again and nothing makes sense because you thought you liked him. Then you kiss a girl and it all makes sense. I wished I was bisexual, because I at least could've had a chance of marrying a man.
Men can be men. They don't need a wife, sure it's an add on but it's more like a trophy or an accessory they bare. Men can find success while single, they can be respected while single and they don't need their wives consent to do things. Gay men don't have to mourn privileges they will no longer gain because they are gay due to their gender. Men in general will never have to worry about so many things women do. Comphet isn't just being closeted it's about survival in society. It's about you being in denial because your entire life you've been shown there's only one way to be happy and that's to love a man and you'll never love a man. I'm sure all of these issues get even worse in more traditional cultures where men have all of the power making ability.
Bisexual women also face homophobia. I have spent much of this talking about bisexual women liking men but I do want to highlight the fact that bisexual women are also queer. Bisexual women share in the pain of being a queer women. They are often fetitzhed by men even by men they're in relationships and like lesbians assaulted due to the fact they like women. I don't think bisexual women are any less queer than lesbians but I do believe we go through different experiences. We both share the joy and pain of loving women but bisexual women will never understand the pain of not liking men.
Chappell Roan is a lesbian who makes songs about the lesbian experience. I've seen some people talk about the bridge and how they didn't realize it was about a lesbian and instead thought it was about a straight woman.
“When you wake up next to him in the middle of the night
With your head in your hands, you're nothing more than his wife
And when you think about me, all of those years ago
You're standing face to face with "I told you so"
You know I hate to say it, I told you so”
This commenter expanded by saying they just assumed it was about a straight woman who had lost her identity to her husband. I could understand how someone could come to this conclusion after one listen but I think after another few listens you can completely tell this song is about being a closeted lesbian.
This song to me almost feels like a secret summer love affair. One person wants to tell everyone and scream about their love from the rooftops and the other isn't ready to come out. They aren't ready to call what they have love because if they actually admitted it they would be admitting they never truly loved a man. They would have to come to terms with the fact they won't have a “normal” life, they won't have a nuclear family and no matter what not everyone will approve of them. These two people then split down two different paths. One accepts who they are but the other goes on to live a lie. They marry a man despite who they truly are and this bridge is the manifestation of the betrayal of your true self.
Someone's personal interpretation is different from the intended interpretation by the artist. Having your own interpretation is completely valid and it's one of the main things that draws peoples to art. But when art is made with a specific audience in mind actively speaking over those people and saying “oh well I think it's actually about this.” Is just whataboutism. Not everything has to be about everyone and you can relate to something without it being about you.
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poettheythem · 3 months
A Shoebox Covered with Little Pink Hearts
Do you remember being a little kid and doing Valentines day
Making a shoebox covered in little pink hearts and stickers
Buying cards with your favorite characters on them
And little candies taped to each one
Going around the classroom dropping valentines into each box
And seeing who passed out the coolest cards.
But now you aren't a little kid
You don't get to make a shoebox with a little slit for cards
Covered in little pink hearts and stickers
You have to be in love
And give roses and chocolate and go out to dinner
I miss it, the shoe boxes
My valentines for my best friends and theirs to me
The love of little kids and friendships that last years beyond
Or the love that fades after a month
All dropped into a silly little shoebox
Now the love has to shown in a different way
A way I don't have
All I have is my shoebox covered in little pink hearts
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thebluemoo · 9 months
I'm so tired. And Frustrated.
I'm tired of characters needing to be "in love" every time they love each other. Especially when the media goes out of the way to make it clear that they love each other without ever trying to define that as "in love". They love each other. That is just as valuable. That is Just as worthy. They can be partners without romance. They can be partners without sex.
They Can Be Partners Without Romance.
I am so Sick of not only the idea that for some god forsaken reason, Every single queer relationship needs to be labeled and categorizable to "count" as explicitly queer, but the idea that it needs to be romantic. The notion that characters and stories cannot be queer until you get to see a kiss or people are declared "boyfriends" or something else like that. We are Woefully shy of queer representation on the whole— I'm not saying you can't interpret media however you like. Do what you want.
But I am so sick of characters that Clearly mirror aromantic stories or stories about queerness that just don't focus on romance be called "not good enough" or "homophobic". Not every story is about romance. Not every partnership is romantic.
That doesn't make them not queer. That doesn't make them not important. I can promise you, those of us who don't or can't center romance in our lives? We Are living a queer experience. We are antithetical to amatonormative allonormative expectations for how life "should" be lead.
We get to see ourselves in those stories you're calling "not queer enough". Queerness is complex and weird and Fucking Queer. It's not an analog of straightness or cisness. We're not playing opposite to straightness or cisness. We're not operating in the same Framework— that's what makes us so goddamn queer. We aren't easily definable, and when we try to force ourselves to find one definitive way to be queer, we leave community behind.
So yes. We need more queer stories. We need more queer stories of all kinds that are messy and weird and romantic and aromantic and trans and ace and nonbinary and all over the place because every single story about queerness is going to be different. And that's good.
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captainjonnitkessler · 10 months
I feel bad about how much I hate those "Actually, Native Americans/African tribes (don’t worry about which specific tribes or nations ok just trust me) revered trans people and made them priestesses or honored leaders” posts because idk man, I know they’re supposed to be positive but that kind of just sounds like gender roles with extra steps
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variousqueerthings · 4 months
really been exploring the concept of aplatonic, but i do worry it'll alienate people from me... it's just the sense that the way i perceive people and my relationships with them as important comes from something that is not unemotional, but so outside of anything i have ever really been able to understand via dominant concepts. i've been exploring the limitations and vagueness of a word like love for myself and come up still very confused and distanced from it. so now i start to wonder what is it i do "feel" and does it even need to be calculated and defined so particularly? but in the meantime aplatonic concepts do seem to be exploring this in ways i dont see elsewhere in queer spaces, never mind more mainstream. it's interesting. it deserves some thinking about
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littelestvic · 1 month
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Nemo and Silvester are finally reunited and I'm gonna kill myself /pos
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quietplaceinthestars · 9 months
They killed my jock Margot Verger.
Below are several quotes pulled from Thomas Harries’ Hannibal that involve Margot Verger and her physical appearance as well as her hormone use.
Page 54
               A  broad-shouldered  person  with  short  blond  hair   swung  down from  the  saddle,  handed  the  reins  to  a  valet   without  looking  at  him. "Walk  him  back,"  the  rider  said  in  a   deep  scratchy  voice.  "I'm Margot  Verger."  At  close   inspection  she  was  a  woman,  holding  out her  hand,  arm  extended straight  from  the  shoulder.  Clearly  Margot Verger   was  a  bodybuilder.  Beneath  her  corded  neck,  her  massive shoulders  and  arms  stretched  the  mesh  of  her  tennis  shirt.  Her  eyes had  a  dry  glitter  and  looked  irritated,  as  though  she   suffered  from  a shortage  of  tears.  She  wore  twill  riding   breeches  and  boots  with  no spurs.             
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               "How  many  states  with  death  penalties  could  Dr.  Lecter  be charged  in?"  Margot  asked.  Her  voice  was  scratchy  but  deep  like Mason's  from  the  hormones  she  had  taken.        
Page 269
               How  curious,  the  voices  in  this  room.  Krendler's careful  bu- reauese,  Doemling's  pedantic  bray,  Mason's  deep  and resonant  tones with  his  badly  pruned  plosives  and  leaking   sibilants  and  Margot,  her voice  rough  and  low,   tough-mouthed  as  a  livery  pony  and  resentful of  the  bit.  Under it  all,  the  gasping  machinery  that  fmds  Mason breath
Bold is dialogue in the show, said by Mason.
Page 297
               Flat  on  the  bench  now,  Margot   standing  above  him  at  his  head  in her  spandex  shorts.  The   juncture  of  her  thighs  and  abdomen  was knurled  like  a  baroque   frame  and  her  massive  torso  seemed  to  reach almost  to  the   ceiling.              
Page 316
Margot liked Barney, she liked the way she was one of the guys with him. He was the only person she'd known who was cool like that. Barney was very smart, and there was something a little other- worldly about him. She liked that too.
Page 329
               Margot  was  putting  up  the  currycombs   and  some  hackamores. Her  hair  was  paler  than  the  hay,  her  eyes  as  blue  as  the  inspection stamp  on  meat.    
Page 330
               A  complete  set  of  farrier's  tools  was  on  a   workbench.  She picked  up  a  farrier's  hammer,  this  one  with  a   short  handle  and  a heavy  head.  With  her  great  arms  and  chest, Margot  might  have been  a  farrier  herself,  or  a  blacksmith  with  particularly  pointed  pec- torals.    
and about judy a little.
Page 236
               "Judy  and  I  want  to  have  a  baby.  We  want  to  have  a  Verger  baby, our  own  baby."     
Page 238
               "I  haven't  had  the  pleasure  of  meeting  Judy  in  all  this  time. Cordell  says  she's  bowlegged.  How  long  have  you  two  been  an  item, Margot?" “Five years.”         
And a quick note on the below quote. Hrt doesn’t work like that, at least not with testosterone. But I think that this is Margot trying to protect herself. She’s not interested in sex with men and she’s definitely not interested in Mason being involved anymore than he already unfortunately has when it comes to her reproductive system.
Page 237
               "I've  messed  myself  up.  Mason.  I  shriveled  my  ovaries  with  all  the stuff  I  took.  And  I  want  Judy  to  be  part  of  it.  She  wants  to  be  the birth  mother.  Mason, you  said  if  I  helped  you — you  promised  me some  sperm."              
Link to copy I pulled these quotes from Here.
its my understanding that Margot Verger is a butch that takes t. yes its possible that she took it as a performance enhancer but the effects described are ones i understand to be from long term use. Margot wanted to take it and continued to do so.
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saltyfilmmajor · 8 months
Sometimes I mourn the life I could have had if I wasn’t queer
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nerdy-kitty-boi · 7 months
why can no one be normal about multigender people? somehow not even other people with weird and funky genders manage it. other non-binary people don't manage it. And so as always I'm left with the knowledge that part of my gender is seen as suspect, unwanted, and bad by large swaths of the community where I ironically feel the most at home and most connected. By people who probably have very similar experiences of gender and navigating the world to me even! But that one part of my gender? Nope, that part isn't wanted, isn't allowed.
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wild-at-mind · 7 months
If you ever see me becoming one of those transmisandry people, please fucking call me out immediately.
#it shouldn't happen though i am too triggered by MRA-lite material#i can't see that changing any time soon even though i haven't had exposure to the content for like 10 years#the transmisandry discourse on this site melts my brain it's awful it's just online stuff being argued about more online stuff#this is not the same as me saying i will never be treated badly for being transmasc i am not stupid i know that happens#and i am fully committed to fighting the patriachy which has nothing whatsoever to do with my individual manhood or anyone else's#it's a system and yes gender and how we fit into the patriachy is made extremely complicated in trans circles and that's ok!#i promise it is you don't have to design a new system that cis women and trans women are using to do oppression on specifically trans mascs#we're all being fucked over by the patriachy and how the fuck does it help to be divided#but in reality let's face it i can say this all i want but the real reason i'm never going anywhere near being a transmisandry person#is because i was exposing myself to MRA-lite content at a formative age and harming myself in the process#even if i didn't know i was a trans man guess what it would have harmed me just as much if i did have that awareness#and honestly when i see transmisandry discourse all i see is that fucking triggering stuff again#all it does is nitpick whether patriachy is real with tiny examples it doesn't talk systemicly and it doesn't help men in the slightest#it pays lipservice to marginised men but it has no interest in talking about the fact that men are usually simultaenously#oppressed and oppressor at the same time- this is not accusatory it is just factual#it's true of the queer community too and basically every community#but we can't seem to talk about it without just harming each other and blaming and not seeing each other as human#the internet makes it all so much fucking worse this stuff can't exist without it#anyway i'm super rambling but these are genuinely very triggering topics for me i have unfollowed people i LOVE becuase of this#and i still love them! unfollowing on a social media isn't a referendum on that i just can't see that stuff and i need it gone from my dash
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thaliagrayce · 7 months
i've been talking abt my voltron playlists and @iveofficiallygonemad asked to hear them and i want to share with anybody who wants!! i know they're not perfect, i'm working on them & trying to make them better. if you have any recommendations for any of them, let me know!! there's like A Lot and i want to give a lil explanation for most of them, so i'm putting them under the cut ^-^
SO first i have my favorite one <3 it's just. all of them. it's the whole team. it's a mess and it's a bunch of different genres because it's them fighting over the aux cord on a road trip. it's them trying to make each other laugh or annoy each other or play something catchy enough it will infect everyone in the vicinity with brain worms.
Hunk: i'm pretty happy with my Hunk playlist! chill vibes. he strikes me as the kind of guy who listens to calm music to try to find his own calm, and that's what i got here :)
Pidge: this is messier and less cohesive than my usual playlist because frankly i think pidge would have a shit taste in music. all over the board. this is a mix of meme songs and 8-bit covers and vocaloid and stuff that i think pidge would genuinely connect with, and i think pidge listens to all their music on shuffle without any regards for genre or mood because they're a gremlin. nobody gives pidge sole control of the aux.
Coran hears 80's music for the first time and loses his mind. He thinks ABBA is humanity's single greatest achievement.
Lance: i have ideas about where I'm going with this but haven't really settled yet. Lance seems like the kind of boy that loves to dance (is that canon? i forgot) so most of these are Bops That Make You Move in some way or another. he likes to present an upbeat face to the world, so there's no angsting in this playlist! we are clinging to the things that make us happy with both hands until our knuckles turn white!
Keith: i'm gonna be honest. i made him a playlist but i honestly don't think he cares about music very much. it's very important to some people! he's just not one of them! i haven't cracked this playlist open in a while but i'm pretty sure it's full of songs that i think he would conceivably train/work out to.
Shiro: this playlist involves the dumbest headcanon i have for shiro that has just not left me alone since i first thought of it. most of the playlist reflects the fact that he had an emo phase in middle school (that one isn't a headcanon, you just have to look at him to know) but BUT there are a few songs on here that are on here because. little known fact. he also went through a Twilight phase that he told nobody about. (keith knows. keith was there.) he has the entire twilight soundtrack memorized. he moved past the story but the music stays forever. he used to daydream about slow dancing to Flightless Bird, American Mouth. the first time Coran mentions that they have to avoid a place because there's a supermassive black hole there, he has to bite his tongue in order to keep a straight face. do NOT ask me why i believe this so wholeheartedly.
Allura's playlist sucks right now. I think it's because in my heart of hearts i know that, were she on earth today, she would go fucking nuts for taylor swift. i have ambivalent feelings for taylor swift. i cannot do allura justice like this. if you see my vision and have recs as to what might actually fit her, PLEASE.
Klance: i haven't done it yet but i'm gonna go through this and sort it to be a sort of progression of their relationship, starting with the more combative Rivalry songs, then slipping into "oh shit oh shit" songs, then maybe ending on the more lighthearted purely romantic songs <3
(i have two songs in a shallura playlist which does not at all encapsulate how much i'm obsessed with them. the tiny cop inside my head is just constantly screaming at me that i'm going to get yelled at for liking shallura. i am going to kill the cop inside my head.)
#mj talks#oooooh i don't know if i actually want to put this in the show tag. that's a lot of people. that's a lot of people that might see this.#fuck it we ball#voltron#anyway. as i said if you like music and you have songs that you think fit please send em over#also who wants to talk about shallura? i want to talk about shallura.#i rewatched the first ~3 seasons (the best part of the show and some of season 3) with my roommate a while back and.#ngl if we're strictly talking about the show itself and not fanworks. i care about shallura SO much more than i care about klance.#oh i should probably tag#klance#in case anyone has that blacklisted and just doesn't wanna see it#BACK TO MY POINT.#rewatch seasons 1 and 2 and you will see there was a REASON everyone included shallura in the background of their fics#and it wasn't just shoving 'space mom' and 'space dad' together#there is a very real and very compelling dynamic there. the mutual respect. the connection that comes with taking responsibility.#watch shiro's whole deal after allura gets herself captured so that he can go free and try telling me it's all in my head. just TRY.#anyway i have a lot of complicated thoughts about shiro's sexuality and most of them boil down to I Don't Think It Was Planned#i think they shoved it in last minute because somebody higher up#(not the writers i don't blame u writers i know that you have people breathing down your necks telling you what you can and can't do)#some higherup didn't like any queer storylines that might have been in the works and pulled them from the show#but then there was fan backlash because... gay people are loud now? people wanted A Queer In Space? wild thought#so they had to save their ass and actually deliver on what they had promised in interviews/on the internet/idk i didn't keep up too much#because it was so clumsily revealed! there was no buildup!#it felt very shoehorned to me unfortunately. when a) they had already built a solid and compelling potential relationship for shiro#(see above)#and b) klance was? right there? like. dude. you /had/ to have seen that. or at least some of it????#backstory dead fiance was not the best move vis a vis queer representation and i reject him#if you want me to care about a relationship try going back to storytelling basics and Show Don't Tell :)#not giving you brownie points for that 'queer representation' :)#anyway. that's my shallura manifesto in the notes.
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torgawl · 3 months
unpopular opinion but a ship being queer coded doesn't make it compelling
#the dynamic between the characters‚ on another hand‚ does!#sometimes ships from certain media are carried by 'queer coding' instead of being relevant because of the actual relationship#that‚ to me‚ means very little#what does it matter if their colours compliment each other or that their names are intended to hint at something if the relationship in#the story fails to portray anything romance-like or their dynamic is just poorly written?#i could go on a tangent here because this is coming from me wanting to rant about a specific genshin ship but i will shut up#i just want to be a hater#i don't even hate the ship itself it's the fans who take scenes out of context and depth from the characters to make the narrative fit#also the constant idea in fandoms that friendships/platonic relationships can't have depth or be the reason someone cares deeply for#somebody else. or even the idea platonic feelings can't be complicated.#i think it's also hard for me to swallow every genshin ship because it's obvious they use queer coding without compromise as a way to#profit with both the staights and the lgbts but whatever#yes i am aware of the censorship but i'm also aware they're a multi-millionaire company that keeps repeating the same 'formula'#for marketing everytime new characters are released... and it works.#genshin will never be as gay as actual gay media from gay creators and i think people have a hard time grasping that#a bit unrelated to my original point but also not really because i do think it influences the way people interact with the story#i'm not trying to say people can't have fun by the way 😂#this all started because i dislike a popular ship and that makes you feel like you're somehow missing a few screws#how come i'm the only right person here 🤣 (joking)
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thedreadvampy · 2 years
slur discourse is ontological when it should be teleological and that's my Bimbo Pretension take for the day
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hussyknee · 9 months
Having low expectations almost paid off. Nicholas Galitzine was perfectly cast and put his whole foot into this. Taylor was very charming. They have great chemistry and no self-consciousness. I wanted hot guys getting it on and I got it. Zahra and Nora carried the rest of the movie.
I sure wish Alex had been in this movie though! However, I forgot that Greg Berlanti's brand is not simply failing to meet standards but actively fucking them over. Kind of want to send Matthew Lopez a fruit basket for the sex scenes and a dog poop for the rest of it. It's one thing for a movie to be sub-par, it's another for it to be two hours worth of sexist and racial microaggressions.
#rachel hilson this movie did not deserve you#started to write everything that pissed me off and ended up with a long rant that just is not worth this level of racist white mediocrity#also wondering whether they gave the movie an R rating because of Taylor's bare ass#i dont really get what the point of that HBO moment was. it wasnt even that funny#I'm very glad they switched out 'your song' because it can remain a FirstPrince anthem unsullied by this mess#but also your song didnt really match the slow angsty vibe of the movie#i literally stopped watching it three fourths of the way through because I was so bored#the final reason i hate this movie is that there is going to be an influx of the most annoying white queers on the RWRB Ao3 tag#which is already choked by Swifties#i wonder whether half these people actually care about Alex or just wants to thirst over Henry through him#and that's with the book alone#movie Alex is nothing whatsoever like book Alex and the people claiming that Taylor played him perfectly just proves my point#god I wish white queers would stop dragging us into whatever they want to fap to just for social justice points#it's so dehumanizing to be used as a prop#it's all progress flag bullshit#it's not representation it's tokenism. it's not inclusion its complicity. it's not diversity its scapegoating#*curls sadly around the Claremont-Diaz siblings* I'm so sorry babies 😔#rwrb movie spoilers#rwrb spoilers#rwrb#white queers#racism#white apologia#anti greg berlanti#anti matthew lopez#queer representation#fandom racism#knee of huss#rwrb negative#rwarb negative
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stackthedeck · 1 year
Forgot to add a topic lol
🔥 Web-Weaver (That's all I could think 😅)
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Listen I love Web-Weaver dearly and deeply but it hurts me that his pride issue has already been announced because it means he's not going to get a solo series. There's a meme that rolls around every June that marvel and dc dust their queer characters off for the pride issues before locking them back in the basement at the end of the month. And it's true!! Cooper appearing in a pride issue before establishing an original villain or giving him a mini-series to flesh out his character means that he's just the gay spider-man and nothing more. He's not the gay spider-man, he's Web-Weaver, a hero that happens to be queer. If marvel only brings him around in June I'm going to be crushed and I almost wish they wouldn't do it at all
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