#os: snake eyes
pumaskulls · 1 year
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If you saw the 3 billion details I kept forgetting on Yaerohe's ref...no you didn't
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telltalerites · 1 year
Casual Story Masterlist
These are the WIPs that are developed enough to have a vague plot, genre and characters, but not quite developed enough to be considered a full story yet. A lot of these are subject to major changes as I get a feel for them and the characters. This is also where WIPs that I don't intend to publish officially, but do enjoy working on as personal projects, will go! The first WIP on the list will remain above the cut and all others will be below it, to keep the post length down.
If you're looking for the WIPs I'm actively writing and/or aiming to publish, try my Original Story Masterlist! If you're looking for the finished short stories I've written for these universes/characters, try my Short Story Masterlist!
The Ugly Things You Say
Elpis and Elysium have seen what can happen when beings with too much power, beings who view themselves as something more than mortal, abuse that power. The problem, Elpis will assure you, comes from the fact that these divine beings are fractions of a whole. The Living Gods and Oracles...they exist to perform singular goals and straying from those goals can have disastrous side effects- ones that these Holy beings rarely have to face themselves. The solution, Elysium will assure you, is found within the numbers. There are four types of Holy beings and each one is only a percentage of what it means to be Divine- so, stands to reason that bringing all of those traits together would create the type of God that can truly rid the world of all its injustices. Now if only there was someone with a mutation in her own powers, that allowed her to steal the powers of others...
POV: Murphy or Murphy/Elpis/Elysium
Type: Standalone
Character List:  [Full list + bios on toyhouse]
Genre: Tragedy, Low Fantasy
Blog Tag: “os: tutys”
Playlist: The Ugly Things You Say Vibes
Shared Stories: None Currently
Intended Medium: N/A
Priority Lvl: N/A
(NOTE: I have no plans on officially publishing this story in any capacity, to be honest it was mostly created to be the story/OCs I work with when my mental health is Not Great and I need to vent. In that way, TUTYS is the parallel to WFB, which is my “I feel like shit, gimme tooth-rotting fluff” story. This note will be removed if I change my mind about publishing this story)
Snake Eyes
Alacidia's a wildcard with a heart full of thorns. Yaerohe is full of bitterness and hellbent on revenge. When their paths end up crossing on their respective quests, they strike up an uneasy alliance. Will their persistence carry them all the way to their goal, or will they crash and burn along the way?
POV: Alacidia and/or Yaerohe
Type: Standalone
Character List:  [Full list + bios on toyhouse]
Genre: High Fantasy, Action/Comedy
Blog Tag: “os: snake eyes”
Playlist: Snake Eyes Vibes
Shared Stories: None Currently
Intended Medium: Written Novel
Priority Lvl: LOW-MED
Wallflower Bouquet
Finding true love, healthy love, can be difficult. That fact is multiplied about a thousand times when you happen to live in a world recovering from a near-total apocalypse. But maybe with a little hope, a lot of luck, and even more tenacity, you might just make it.
POV: Belladonna
Type: Standalone
Character List:  [Full list + bios on toyhouse]
Genre: Romance, Post-Apocalyptic
Blog Tag: “os: wallflower bouquet”
Playlist: Wallflower Bouquet Vibes
Shared Stories: None Intended
Intended Medium: N/A
Priority Lvl: N/A
(NOTE: I have no plans on officially publishing this story in any capacity, to be honest it was mostly created to be the story/OCs I work with when my mental health is Not Great and I need tooth-rotting fluff. In that way, WFB is the parallel to TUTYS, which is my “I feel like shit and I need to get that out” story. This note will be removed if I change my mind about publishing this story)
We Bare Bones
Epsilon only ever set out with one thing in mind; survive long enough to go back for his niece. Scrape together as much money as he could, return to the family home he was kicked out of, whisk Delta away from the people who treated her like dirt. All he succeeded in doing was making a terrible reputation, a lot of enemies along with it, and making his niece believe he abandoned her. Now he must retrace her steps, clinging valiantly to the hope that he'll catch up before tragedy befalls her once more.
POV: Epsilon and/or Delta
Type: Standalone
Character List:  [Full list + bios on toyhouse]
Genre: Furry, Wild West, Comedy
Blog Tag: “os: we bare bones”
Playlist: We Bare Bones Vibes
Shared Stories: None Intended
Intended Medium: Graphic Novel
Priority Lvl: LOW
Like A Stray Dog
Harmonia awoke from a grievous-wound-induced coma, without a single memory of who she was- except for the vague memory of a woman standing over her with a weapon and a nasty wound across her face. The town that nursed her back to health doesn’t recognize her or the description of the woman she remembers…so now Harmonia must find a way to retrace the steps she doesn’t even remember and track down this scar-faced woman who stole her life away from her.
POV: Harmonia and/or Renee
Type: Standalone
Character List:  [TH folder to be added when I create it]
Genre:  Low Fantasy
Blog Tag: “os: like stray dogs”
Playlist: Like A Stray Dog vibes
Shared Stories: Possibly TOTLR
Intended Medium: Written Novel
Priority Lvl: MEDIUM
Bones to Pick
Incredibly rough concept: Mildly post-apocalyptic world, set in a furry-esque universe, where the world’s population took to the atmosphere to escape a pandemic that more or less wasted bodies away into sentient skeletons. I just love vulture culture man and I wanna draw partially skeletized furries, alright?
POV: Laika
Type: Standalone
Character List:  [TH folder to be added when I create it]
Genre: Sci-fi Fantasy, Comedy/Thriller
Blog Tag: “os: bones to pick”
Playlist: Bones To Pick Vibes
Shared Stories: None Intended
Intended Medium: Undecided
Priority Lvl: LOW-MED
(NOTE: This title is 100% a filler and will be changed as soon as I can find something I like better)
Hollowed Be Thy Name
Too vague to even put a solid concept down…something to do with angels, demons and religious undertones.
POV: Salem, Helsing
Type: Standalone
Character List:  [Full list + bios on toyhouse]
Genre: Who knows man
Blog Tag: “os: HBTN”
Playlist: Hollowed Be Thy Name Vibes
Shared Stories: None Intended
Intended Medium: Undecided
Priority Lvl: LOWEST
Hit or Miss
Everybody loves a good workplace comedy, right? Maybe not so much when it's for a group of highly-trained assassins...
POV: Beretta, Nemo
Type: Standalone
Character List:  [Full list + bios on toyhouse]
Genre: Undecided
Blog Tag: “os: hit or miss”
Playlist: Hit Or Miss Vibes
Shared Stories: Undecided
Intended Medium: Webseries, in a perfect world. More likely Visual Novel
Priority Lvl: LOW-MED
(NOTE: While I do have a lot of interest in this story…I have absolutely no experience with webseries creation, as opposed to all of my other mediums. I highly doubt I’ll ever be at a place financially/motivationally stable enough to make it any kind of series, despite having my heart set on it being that format. Fun to think about though!)
[Return to Directory]
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erythristicbones · 1 year
polishing up my plotline/backstories for Snake Eyes is lowkey interesting to me. like Alacidia started as a silly Pokemon OC, they were never intended to be anything more than a minor-antagonist-turned-occasional-ally in that particular story. but now ive grown attached enough to them that they've graduated into having an entire original story with them as the protagonist! Which is weird but fun!
and they've got so much depth (and arguably more trauma? but also arguably less trauma?)now that i can hardly recognize the type of character niche they were created to be. i love them, baby bastard beloved, i feel like i could write essays on the current rendition of Alacidia and technically i haven't even completely finished my outline for that story
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awesomespiritcat21 · 10 months
This is all regarding my oc stories and whatnot. This is mostly what *I* call them so feel free to call them something different. But do specify when asking me about them so I know which one you're speaking about. And listen. I know I don't post about some of these on here and you guys don't know much about the lore but I'm slowly trying. I promise <3
(This is why I don't take money or do commissions lmao)
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rubysunnday · 9 months
make a deal with the saints
summary: the water was pulling her down into its depths, into the darkness of death, and nothing Y/N did would let her rise to the surface. Nikolai, however, isn't ready to let her go yet.
a/n: this has been sat in the drafts for months, waiting for me to write it and tada
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It was one of the worst storms Nikolai had been caught in. They usually managed to direct a storm around them with their Squallers and Tidemakers, but this time things had turned so fast there was nothing they could do.
If they’d had an army of Squallers and Tidemakers then maybe it would be possible. But they didn’t. The sailors were trying their best to keep the sails up and to tie ropes down. The Squaller’s were trying their best to keep the ship going but it was a losing battle.
Nikolai was gripping the wheel tightly, fighting against it as it tried to turn and spin out of control. His clothes were soaked through – he’d abandoned his coat down below, knowing the weight would only hold him back. Adrenaline was thrumming through his body.
He looked around the ship, eyes searching for a familiar sight. Nikolai felt panic claw at his throat for a moment. Then, he saw her. She was helping Tamar tie ropes down to the deck, ducking when yet another wave crashed over the side of the ship, drenching them all once again.
Y/N Orlova had joined his crew in Os Kervo, wanting to escape from the claustrophobic world of the Little Palace and learn more about her Squaller abilities. She’d been stuck driving the skiffs for months and yearned to see more of the world and to use her powers outside of the Fold.
She’d been with them for six months, now. Nikolai often wondered what he’d done before she’d arrived. She kept him grounded and calm even when things went out of control. He needed her more than he wanted to admit.
“The storm is moving on!” One of the Squallers yelled.
Which meant they’d soon be out the other side of it. Hopefully none the worse for wear.
Someone tapped his shoulder and he let them take over the wheel. He headed down to the main deck, struggling to maintain his balance as the ship tilted to the side.
Y/N seemed to sense his approach. She turned around, hair plastered to her head and smiled at him.
“How can you be smiling in this?” Nikolai yelled, almost falling forward to her.
Y/N shrugged. “I would rather this than the Fold!”
Nikolai couldn’t help but laugh. Despite the rain stinging his skin and the lighting forking above, he felt a spark of joy through him.
It was a spark that only Y/N could bring out. Her mere presence made life better for Nikolai. He laughed more when she was around, and he found himself gravitating towards her presence when they spent evenings below deck playing cards.
Whatever had been growing inside him over the last few months had begun to sprout. His heart was growing bigger and it hurt to know that, one day, it would inevitably have to end.
Y/N placed a hand over his and squeezed. “Are you okay?”
Nikolai blinked. He looked at her, slowly realising that she’d spoken. “Yeah, yeah,” he said quickly. “Just thinking.”
“Watch out!”
A rope had come loose from its cleat. Both Y/N and Nikolai ran forward, stopping the snaking rope before it tangled around someone’s ankle and dragged them into the water. Nikolai dragged it back up to the cleat and wrapped it around in a figure of eight until he was certain it wasn’t going to come lose again.
Nikolai stood and let out a breathy laugh as he glanced over at Y/N. She was panting, bent over with her hands on her knees. She straightened and smoothed her hair back again.
He met her gaze and smiled. It slowly fell as Y/N stared back at him, her eyes widening. Nikolai looked behind him and felt his heart stutter.
The wooden beam that was a part of one of the masts was swinging around toward them. Nikolai was shoved to the ground and, as he landed, he saw the mast hit Y/N and push her over the side of the boat and into the water.
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Hitting the water felt like thousands of needles pricking her skin at once. Y/N couldn’t see anything. She didn’t know what was up or what was down. The force of the mast hitting her stomach had winded her. She was already struggling to breathe yet, now, in the depths of the ocean, the air wouldn’t come at all.
Her lungs were burning, her eyes were burning.
Y/N felt the waves toss her about, throwing her side to side, up and down. She felt her lungs tighten; her mind was screaming at her to breathe. There was nothing left. It was as if she was being crushed. The urge to exhale and inhale was overwhelming. Her chest was tight, demanding air be let in.
She obeyed.
The air gushed out, bubbles rising all around her. As soon as it gushed out, the water gushed in. It burnt her throat, her lungs. She was choking on the endless water pouring into her.
Until she wasn’t.
Calm swept over her. Even in the storm waters. Y/N looked up and, through the haze of the water and the blackness creeping in, she felt calm. Even as her body sunk lower, nothing could reach her but the calm.
Her eyes drifted closed, and bubbles escaped her lips and then… nothing.
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His feet slipped on the deck as he scrambled to the side of the boat, leaning over, and staring into the water. His heart was pounding. His hands were shaking.
“Nikolai!” Tolya yelled, yanking him back from the side of the boat. He put a hand on the back of his neck and forced him to look at him. “You can’t go in there, not like this.”
Nikolai shoved him. “She’s drowning –“
“And so will you!” Tolya yelled, pushing him back.
Tamar appeared next to them, holding a coil of rope. “Here, tie this around your waist. We’ll haul you back in.”
Nikolai’s hands shook as he tried to tie the knot. Tolya silently took the rope from him and finished the knot, pulling it tight around his waist. Nikolai climbed up the side of the boat until he was standing on the very edge. He didn’t even hesitate before he jumped in.
He surfaced a wave instantly crashed over his head. For a moment, he struggled to fight against the water. Then, it calmed. Nikolai glanced up and saw one of his Tidemaker’s fighting with the waves, trying to calm it enough for him.
Nikolai took a deep breath in and dived below the water, eyes wide open, searching for Y/N. It probably would’ve made more sense to send Tamar or Tolya down – but his heart had taken over and he hadn’t thought.
The water calmed for a moment and in that precious moment, he saw her. Her body drifted in the water, completely at the mercy of the current. Nikolai grabbed her arm and pulled her body towards him. Once she was close enough, he wrapped his arm around her waist, holding on to her as tight as he dared.
Nikolai gasped as he surfaced, water dripping into his eyes. He didn’t remember how they got Y/N back onto the boat. One moment he was clutching on to her in the water and the next he was handing her body over to Tolya and falling over the side of the boat into a wet, heaving puddle.
Their healer, Iva, was instantly at Y/N’s side. A healer was invaluable to a certain extent. If their patient stopped breathing, or their heart stopped, their powers became useless. They could men bones and healing wounds – but getting a heart to start again? That was a Heartrender’s job.
“Tamar,” Iva called, searching the crowd for the woman.
Tamar appeared and rushed over, falling to her knees beside Y/N. “What do you need me to do?”
Iva glanced up at Nikolai for a moment. They looked back down at Y/N. “Get her heart going,” they replied.
Tamar put the first two fingers of her right hand over her left and held them above Y/N’s chest, concentration clear on her face. She pushed down, pressing against Y/N’s chest.
Nikolai hadn’t even realised Tolya was trying to calm his heart down until he put a hand on his chest. He looked up at Tolya, the tears running down his face mixing with the saltwater dripping from his hair.
Tolya grasped the back of his neck and lowered his forehead to Nikolai’s. No words needed to be spoken – they both knew what the other was feeling. Nikolai wasn’t even bothering to hide his emotions for Y/N.
Nikolai turned his head toward her. She was still lying on the deck. Her chest was still unmoving.
Deep down, a seed of doubt had begun to bloom. Doubt about whether she’d come back and, if she did, if there’d be irreparable damage. He was trying not to let the seed grow and burst into his heart but as he stared at her body – skin lacking colour, eyes closed, chest still – it was beginning to invade.
Then, Nikolai heard a groan. He turned his head sharply, relief setting in as Y/N coughed, water spilling over her lips. Tamar rolled her onto her side and rubbed her back gently. She glanced up at Nikolai and Tolya, a relieved smile on her face.
Nikolai slumped into Tolya, relief overwhelming him. Through the exhaustion seeping into his bones, Nikolai looked down at Y/N and caught her gaze. They looked at one another, silent. Y/N blinked slowly, and it was all Nikolai needed to know she was okay.
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The sleeping quarters below deck were quiet. Most people were asleep whilst some remained awake, taking shifts to watch the ocean and horizon, keeping them on the right path.
Nikolai walked down the steps from the upper deck to down below and poked his head in the doorway, letting his eyes adjust to the candlelit darkness. He walked forward, his footsteps as quiet as he could make them against the floor.
Tamar looked up from her book as he approached. She gave him a tired smile, marking her place before closing the book.
“How are you?” Nikolai asked softly.
Tamar nodded. “Tired,” she admitted. Carefully, she reached out and threaded her fingers through Nikolai’s. She squeezed. “How are you?”
At the question, Nikolai allowed himself to look over to the bunk where Y/N lay asleep. She was buried under blankets but there was colour on her face again. Even under the mounds of wool and cotton, he could see her chest moving.
“Fine now,” Nikolai whispered, his voice breaking slightly. Tamar ran her thumb along the back of his hand. His breath shuddered as he inhaled. “I thought I’d lost her.”
With one tug, Tamar pulled him down onto the crate next to her. She put an arm around his shoulders and pulled him as close as she could.
“But you didn’t,” she said firmly. “She is still here. She is still alive. As are you, Nik.” Tamar pressed a kiss to his temple. “You need to tell her the truth about your emotions. Now you know, now you have felt the fear – don’t wait.” She smiled at him. “Don’t hide from your feelings, Nikolai. They are what set you apart from anyone else I know.”
Tamar stood up, squeezing his hand once more before letting go. She walked out the room, pulling the door closed behind her.
Nikolai took her seat, moving as close to the bunk as he could. Y/N’s hand was just poking out from under the blankets. Nikolai reached forward and took it in his, holding it as if it were the most precious gem he’d ever seen.
Y/N shifted on the bunk, rolling further over onto her side. Slowly, her eyes opened, and she squinted slightly at the light as she looked up at Nikolai.
“Hi,” she whispered, her voice hoarse and quiet.
“Hey.” Nikolai leant forward. He brushed her hair back from her forehead, tucking it behind her ear. There was an unusual gentleness to his actions – they’d been this affectionate before but… this time it was different.
“Are you okay?”
Nikolai blinked. He laughed softly. “You drowned and almost died, yet you’re asking me how I am?” He sighed, letting his thumb brush across her cheekbone. “I’m fine, darling. How are you?”
“I’m cold still,” Y/N replied. She snuggled further down into the blankets. “My throat hurts as does my chest but… I’m alive.” She fell quiet for a moment, gazing up at Nikolai. “You look like shit, Lanstov.”
Nikolai burst out laughing. He shook his head as the laughter faded, the smile remaining. “You scared me, Y/N. Truly scared me. I’m so used to having you around that suddenly imagining life without you…” His smile faded slightly.
“I am a good friend,” Y/N said, nodding, her tone semi-sarcastic. “You’ve trained me well. I can imagine how difficult it would be to train a new friend again.” Y/N frowned at the silence that followed. Nikolai lowered his gaze. “Nik?”
“It wasn’t just that,” Nikolai replied. He closed his eyes for a moment. “Since we met, I’ve felt this… pull to you.”
“Nik, you’re sounding like Tolya.”
Nikolai snorted. “Yeah, I’m not great at this.” He sighed, dragging a hand through his hair. “I don’t know how to say this.”
“Okay,” Y/N curled closer to him, “just… splurge. Doesn’t matter if it doesn’t make sense.”
And that was it. Nikolai knew, then, that it was her calmness, her ability to see through the haze of his mind and just know what he wanted to say or do. He could be spiralling out of control and Y/N would be the one thing keeping him on the ground.
That was why he loved her.
“I can’t live my life without you,” Nikolai said abruptly. “You ground me in ways no one else can. The entire world could be spiralling out of control, but you’ll be the calm in the storm.” He chuckled. “I remember when I had a bad night a few months ago. I’d tossed and turned and then given up, going up on to deck to watch the stars. Everything was haunting me – the crown, my people, my family. You found me on deck and just talked at me for an hour, distracting me from my thoughts until I’d calmed down.
“When I pulled you from the water, I was terrified that… that I’d pulled your body out but not your soul. That it was still in the water, sinking further and further down. The world stopped as I watched Tamar and Iva work. I think Tolya was worried I’d collapse on him. But the moment you opened your eyes and looked at me, my world started moving again. And I realised that… I love you in so many ways, I can’t put them all into words.”
If Y/N was taken aback by the abrupt revelation, she didn’t show it. Her face was calm, betraying nothing.
Nikolai laughed softly, shaking his head. “I know I am a prince, Y/N. I know there are rules and laws. I know that one day I will be king. Loving me isn’t easy, I know. Being with me isn’t easy. But… I just…”
Nikolai trailed off, words failing him.
Y/N propped herself up onto her elbow, dislodging the blankets around her. She took both of Nikolai’s hands with hers, running her thumbs along the back of them. Nikolai looked at her. Her gaze was intense. It was warm. It was understanding.
“I knew who I was becoming friends with, Nik,” Y/N said gently. “Prince Nikolai Lanstov – heir to the Ravkan throne. I knew what it would come with and how hard it will be. And I know loving you will be even harder.” Nikolai couldn’t breathe. Y/N squeezed his hands. “Yet I will gladly fight the battles if it means I get to wake up next to you in the morning. I will stand behind you if it means I can hold your hand in the shadows. I will be your consort if it means I can love you for however long we live for.”
Nikolai stared at her. Everything he’d wanted to say, she’d said perfectly. Everything he’d thought, he’d felt – she’d spoken it aloud.
“I know who I fell in love with, Nikolai,” Y/N said, watching him intently. She smiled, placing a hand on the side of his face. “I wanted to say something but… I thought it best if I waited for you. In case it wasn’t reciprocated. In case it wasn’t what you wanted.”
It was hard to confess your love. It was even harder when it was a prince. Nikolai knew this. He knew that whoever he fell in love with, would have to sacrifice everything to be with him. Yet here was Y/N, opening her heart whilst fully understanding the consequences.
“Are you going to kiss me now, princeling?”
Nikolai laughed and leant forward, capturing her lips with his. She kissed him back, pressing into him, her hand wrapping around the back of his neck and holding him. They broke apart, resting their foreheads together, breathing heavily.
“Queen Y/N and King Nikolai does have a ring to it,” Y/N whispered into his ear.
Nikolai pulled back, his brow furrowing even as he smiled. “Why are you first? Surely it should be King Nikolai and Queen Y/N.”
“Because.” She pressed her lips to his again, smiling. “I want it that way.”
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yandereaffections · 1 year
My Hero Academia Masterlist
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Izuku Midoriya (Deku)
Coming home covered in blood begging for love
“if you dont love me ill kill myself”
Deku vs Bakugo
Naga Izuku
S/o who is clingy during their period
Kidnapped S/o giving up
Jealous S/o leaving hickeys all over him
College Roomate
Siren Izuku w/ Lost at sea S/o
S/o w/ Psychedelic quirk
Poly Uraraka/Deku w/ a S/o who loves to Knit
S/o w/ a Angelic quirk
Not letting anyone else touch his S/o
Poly Nage Deku/Bakugo w/ Harpy S/o
Naga Izuku w/ Crush whos terrified of snakes
S/o who is tired all the time
The Purge + Blind S/o
Poly Uraraka/Deku HC
Nurse S/o
Tough S/o using her quirk to play with kids
S/o who loves his fluffy hair
Bakugo + Izuku with a S/o whos Quirk ends up hurting them
Dating Aizawas daughter
“hows the weather up there?”
Villain Deku trying to supply his vampire s/o with his blood
Darlings whos accidently morbid and creepy
Finding Crush s/o crying cause they were rejected by someone else
Gifting him an actual heart in a jar for Valentines
Yandere Alphabet: B,D,H,M,O
Villain Deku Headcannons
Comforting S/o who is upset over a character design change
Goth Darling who melts at affection
Comforting S/o who feels objectified
Poly Deku & Uraraka Headcannons
S/o who cant kiss directly in fear of eye contact
Darling attracting butterflies to them with their blood
Kidnapped S/o breaking down in relief that they dont have to worry about school anymore
Kidnapped Darling demanding cuddles when coming home
S/o that demands affection
Darling who loves that love lolita fashion but broke
Poly Kirideku
S/o wearing a lolita dress inspired by his hero outfit
Izuku Midoriya vs Peter Parker
S/o likes to be carried by him
S/o escapes only to come back with fast food
S/o saying "Yo! Guess what I found!!" with a arrow in their shoulder
S/o who jokes they're basically a acrow with anxiety cause they love shiny
"Why would you want me? You could have anyone you wanted"
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Bakugo Katsuki
Deku vs Bakugo
Shut in S/o
S/o who has low self esteem due to family
S/o whose friends are affectionate
S/o Practicing their Love Confession with Deku
Accidentally hurting S/os feelings
Unknowingly kidnapping Vampire S/o
Liking Naga Bakugos punishments
Poly Nage Deku/Bakugo w/ Harpy S/o
Werewolf Bakugo protecting his mate
S/o whose parents dont let them have more than the minimum
S/o does illegal quirk cage battles
S/o Revealing her Healing quirk
Tall darling with low self esteem
Parents not supporting S/o after Winning tournament
Quiet crush Kabedoning him
S/o who can beat his ass
Bakugo + Izuku with a S/o whos Quirk ends up hurting them
S/o has a ‘villainous’ quirk
Kidnapped darling ignoring him
Naga Bakugo/Hunted down
Darling confessing to him first
Only being soft for his S/o
Villain Darling
S/o who’s the polar opposite of him
Finding his missing  kidnapped S/o in his bed
Kidnapped darling loving him back
S/o who spars cause they want to be pinned
Accidently hurting a low self esteem reader
Bat quirked reader
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Aizawa Shouta
Depressed S/o
Villain S/o
The Purge
Vampire S/o
Demon Aizawa w/ angel s/o
Life Threatening situation
S/o being forced to be a Villain cause their family is that way
Werewolf Aizawa
S/o who relaxes when he plays with their hair
Thicc S/o
S/o who loves cats just as much as him
Making him jealous from giving all your attention to cats
Cuddling HC
Hawks kidnapping Aizawas S/O prt 2 (prt one on Hawks section)
Shinso dating Aizawas child
Cat like S/o
Stalking celerity S/o
S/o with daddy issues
S/o w/ a Bear quirk
Taking care of his new child
Yandere Alphabet: A,B,E,L,W
Student reader turns out to be the UA Traitor
Finding his S/o tangled in his scarf
S/os personality changes around animals
Stalker Headcannons
Finding out crush sleeps with a eraser head plushie
Tall S/o that pulls him into their chest in every hug
Aizawa falling for a MILF S/o
S/o who was rejected at first before Aizawa fell for them
S/o avoiding him cause they think theyre annoying
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Todoroki Shoto
Jealous Todoroki
Yandere Crush
Kidnapping Tourist S/o
“You’ve already made me a victim, no need to make me a liar too”
Naga Todoroki
Yakuza Leader S/o attempting to send a hit on his father
S/o who wants to be a Manga artist more than a hero
Sick Darling
S/o whos clingy during their period
Yandere Alphabet: C,E,K,W
Falling for S/o HC
Villain Shoto w/ civilian crush
Villain Shoto w/ Villain crush
Engulfing him in a hug after a battle happy hes ok
S/o doesnt speak the same language
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Tsuyu Asui
S/o’s a fan of hers
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Hitoshi Shinso
Siren Hitoshi using his voice to make S/o take their swimsuit off
Naga Hitoshi
Shinso dating Aizawas child
How he would treat you
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Dabi Todoroki
S/o who’s unfazed by Dabis appearance
Innocent Baby sitter crush
Witch S/o
S/o with healing tears family constantly makes them cry
Freedom HC
Stealing his drugged crush after a dental surgery
socially awkward and anxious s/o
another social anxiety s/o HC
Celebrating S/os Birthday
Commenting he should visit his mother more
Gentle darling S/o
S/os in a loveless quirk marriage
Loner S/o
Fluff HCs
S/o who has a cruel family
S/o whos so scared of dadi they cry anytime he gets near
Kidnapping his S/o
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Shigaraki Tomura
Buff s/o who’s actually a softie
someone hurting his darling right infront of him
Younger sister reader
S/o also has skin problems
Affectionate and loving darling
S/o who only allows him to touch them
Yandere Alphabet: A,B,H,I
S/o w/ a quirk similar to his own
Sick darling
Proposing to him
Finding out S/o is his favorite streamer
Peaceful S/o who hates violence
S/o who looking at him with motherly loving eyes
Breaking down and coming to him for comfort
Gentle darling
S/o saying he takes away their emotional pain
naive and trusting darling
“Do I need to remind you what happened last time you acted out? Because I will if you keep pushing me.”
Someone trying to save kidnapped S/o
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Kirishima Eijirou
Fluff HC
S/o who acts tough but is actually really soft
Finding his S/o fighting Bakugou
Poly Kirideku
Getting jealous over how you treat your friend
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Momo Yaoyorozu
S/o Spoiling her
S/o wants more stuffed animals but already has a bed full of them
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Poly Uraraka/Deku
Poly Uraraka/Deku w/ a S/o who loves to Knit
Poly Uraraka/Deku HC
More Poly Deku & Uraraka Headcannons
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Tamaki Amajiki
S/o isnt bothered with being kidnapped
S/o whos on their period
Tamaki + Mirio Poly HC
S/o also has Anxiety
Kidnapped s/o insisting on a movie night
S/o is something like the mom of 1A
Seeing his darling is stabbed yet calm about it
Coming home to S/o and their collapsed pillow fort
S/o who loves to cook
Gifting him butterfly hairclips
Hearing S/o saying "Do you have Five wilting Cabbage Leaves instead of a Brain?" to another that tried asking them out
Kidnapped S/o who just stands there after breaking out of captivity
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Tamaki + Mirio Poly HC
Accidentally bumping into Blind darling
S/o who likes cats but hes a dog person
S/o who has a god level quirk but is a dumbass
How his yandere tendencies are affected by losing his quirk
Darling flirting with other people
Bear quirk S/o
S/o missing school cause they got hurt while fighting a villain
S/o whos soft with Eri
Pregnant S/o who doesnt want to keep them
Rival s/o whos mad at him for taking their spot in the Big Three
Wooing a introvert darling
Villain Mirio
S/os boyfriend left her pregnant
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Equally clingy S/o
S/o with wings
Cottagecore S/o
S/o with a symbiote quirk
Cat Quirk reader
S/o having a depressive episode
Quirkless S/o whos afraid of heights
S/o who loves the petname ‘kitten’
Hawks Bird habits HC
Soft S/o getting pissed and yelling in Spanish
Bathing with him
Finding out his S/o is pregnant
Kidnapped S/o whos chill as long as they have games
S/o whos dependent and clingy feels like he they dont deserve him
Celebrating Halloween
S/o dressing up as him for Halloween
Villain Hawks
Comforting S/o whose friend started ignoring them suddenly
Falling for a different heros S/o
Hawks kidnapping Aizawas S/o (prt 2 on Aizawas section)
Almost forcing his Vegan S/o to eat meat
Wings HC
Raising a child
Vegan darling HC
Dealing with s/os teacher who doesnt treat them right
Raising a teenage child
Darling who has separation anxiety
Soft S/o whos tall and buff
Feral Headcannons
Shy, Awkward reader
Bat quirk S/o
Miruko & Hawks x reader Headcannons
Preening S/os wings
S/o who has self harm scars on their legs TW
S/os scared of birds
Hero s/o hates the hero commissions
S/o has a affectionate pet bird thats a little shit to keigo
Foreigner that hardly speaks japanese
Shy S/o thats scared of his wings
S/os cat loves hunting/playing with his wings
Yandere alphabet K,P,T
Yandere alphabet A,D,E,L 
Hunted down
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S/o who has a body pillow of him
Trying to get him on a normal date
S/o whose power ultimately harms them
Darling ends up pregnant because of him
raising a child
S/o is as much of a clean freak as he is
Yandere Alphabet: A,B,I,K,W
Calling him a crow because of his looks
Escaping with Eri
S/o is a escape artist
Naga Overhaul
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S/o scared theyll get zapped if they touch him
S/o who loves affection but is shy about PDA
Using him as a shield against socializing with others
Finding out S/o is Kirishimas sibling
S/o who isnt given gifts often
Yandere Alphabet: A,B,J,W
S/o who loves him just as much
Would denki hurt anyone or punish his S/o
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Darling confessing their love to him
Yandere Alphabet: A,K,S,R,T
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Finding out S/o goes out to feed cats with Aizawa and Shinsou
S/o going out of their way to spend time with them
Cuddling HC
Crush is Bakugos sister
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Finding out S/o wonders out at night
Jealous HC
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S/o who also has a animal quirk
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Chubby S/o
Miruko & Hawks x reader Headcannons
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Mina Ashido
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Inko Midoriya
Introducing deku to their new sibling w/ s/o
Average day with her
Haunted house
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Rei Todoroki
Soft and quiet darling
Introducing her new child w/ s/o
Calm S/o yelling for the first time
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Protective S/o
S/o likes his french
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NS FW alphabet
Naga Izuku 
Praise Kink & Sugar Mommy S/o
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Werewolf Aizawa + Breeding 
Neko s/o going into heat Ropework 
Favorite Position & Breeding kink 
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Poly Erasermic
Poly Incubus EraserMic w/ S/o 
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NS FW alphabet
Orgasm control, BDSM
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NON-CON + Incubus Dabi TW
End of the world + Breeding 
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Poly Dabi/hawks
Poly Incubus Dabi/Hawks w/ S/o 
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Favorite Position 
Praise/Body Worship 
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Sugar Daddy & One thing that would instantly turn them on
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Cockwarming and creampieing 
S/o likes it rough slightly 
Breeding/Heat HC 
Using his Feathers as a form of bondage 
Breeding season 
Extra Heat HC 
Male S/o First Time & Corruption
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Virgin S/o 
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Using his quirk during sex 
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Inko Midoriya
Lingerie & Bodyworship 
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Rei Todoroki
Foreplay Headcannons 
1K notes · View notes
happysaddca · 2 months
This is. Incredibly self-indulgent and requires context.
You are a veteran FazCo employee who worked as a janitor (and eventually dates that location's DCA) when the Glitchtrap virus infects the plex. Unlike the game, this virus affects all the mega pizzaplexes, and it leads to you getting mauled by Moon. You nearly die, the DCA is deactivated and replaced after the virus mysteriously vanishes, and eventually you start working at a new plex, with a new DCA and staff.
After a long and bumpy road, you finally have your DCA's chips installed in a functional animatronic. It's time for a reunion.
Parts and Service still creeps you out, even with the changes the tech team here made. At the very least, you’re allowed to wait in the cylinder instead of outside with everyone else. 
You take a peek through the glass, catching Gemma and Anika watching you. Your body locks up, and you manage a stiff little wave before focusing on Sun behind them. Sun isn’t watching you (at least, you’re pretty sure he’s not). Sun’s watching the body on the table. Your turn back to it as well. 
It’s another Daycare Attendant unit, currently completely off. The color changing material of the animatronic’s pants and paint sits at a muted, muddy brown color, the light not bright enough to bring out Sun’s colors but too bright for Moon’s. When you touch its faceplate, it’s cold, unmoving. It’s an older model, a spare body for the DCA standing outside. And it currently holds the chip that is your 
That is your Sun and Moon. 
“Everything good in there?” Gemma’s voice is tinny over the speakers. You nod quickly, giving a thumb’s up. “Okay, I need you to back away for a second. Gotta plug in and give the OS one last check before we power them up.” 
“Okay.” You give a reluctant half step back, then another at Gemma’s prompting, retreating closer to the wall and the people outside. Overhead, electricity thrums as the diagnostics and repair tools come online, a cable snaking down to plug into the back of the animatronic’s head. “You’ll warn me when they’re about to be turned on, right?” No answer. “Guys?” 
The sounds overhead changes, with a chime sequence signaling that no, you were in fact not being warned ahead of time.. Some pseudo-soothing, corporate beeps that remind you of commercials advertising anti-depressants begin, but when you go to approach the body again, the speaker crackles on. 
“Stay right there.” 
“But I want—” You’re cut off before you can even turn to face the trio waiting outside. 
Anika’s frown is made more severe by scarring distorting her forehead. 
“We don’t know how they’re going to react to being woken up for the first time in three years. For them, it’s only been a moment since they shut down, and we don’t really know how that… hey. Don’t look like that. I thought you’d already worked past the guilt.” 
“No, I have. But. I.” Another chime sequence has you whipping back around, but there’s no change. You shift so you can keep half an eye on what’s happening while you’re talking to everyone on the outside. 
“Sunshine.” Sunny speaks over Anika, leaning forward to take the microphone. “Think about what might happen if they come online and hurt you.”
“It’d be—”
“It’d be an accident, but.” Sunny holds up one long finger, indicating that you should wait. You look back at the table again, but there’s still nothing to indicate what’s going on. “Friend, turn your screen around. They’re going to be fretful unless they know what’s going on.” 
“Oh, right. Sorry.” Gemma turns one of the monitors around, showing off a series of progress bars that you don’t know what they mean. She taps the monitor. “Once this hits a hundred percent, they’ll boot up.” 
“Thank you.” The lump in your throat eases, just a little. You stare at the little bars slowly working its way up. 
“Sunshine.” Sunny catches your attention with his talking-to-children-about-complex-topics voice. “We should stay here until the other attendant wakes up and has a moment to process that they aren’t affected by the virus—and that they’re safe.” 
“As safe as they can be in here,” you mumble, and Sunny’s smile widens as he gives a small nod, setting the microphone back on the table. The progress bar fills ever so slowly, and any noise behind you makes you twitch and look back at the animatronic with concern. Your palms itch, suddenly slick, and you wipe at them quickly before shoving them in the pockets of your overalls. 
Overalls. You are bringing back your oldest, dearest friend that you’ve not seen in years and you’re wearing the world’s most fucked up, stained overalls. And that does count farmers and mechanics around the world. You take a peek at the progress bar and—how has it jumped up 30% already? It had been dragging just a minute ago! There’s now no way you can slip away into something better, and of course you couldn’t have gone anyway. 
The noise from overhead changes, and there’s an error sound, sharp and blunt, followed by the mechanical squeak of the monitor getting jerked back around to Gemma. “Anika, can you grab the thingie?”
“The thingie?” 
Gemma gestures vaguely behind her and Sun, who is standing frozen, rays partially retracted as he stares at the table. Anika zips off to find whatever it is Gemma needs, but you’re turning away again, watching as the spare daycare attendant unit twitches. 
“Sun?” you ask, stepping closer. The animatronic twitches again, one hand, then a whole leg, spastic and out of control like it’s being electrocuted in bits and pieces. Their rays start to poke out, then snap back into place with an audible click. One gets stuck, tangled up in white and blue fabric. “Moon, Sun, it’s okay,” you say, voice barely audible over their fans starting and immediately going into overdrive. “You’re safe. It’s me.” 
“Sunshine!” Sunny’s voice breaks when you are close enough to touch the twitching attendant’s foot. 
Your ears pop as the doors open, and you twitch, turning just enough to hold out a hand. “Sunny, it’s okay. I know but… they’re glitching out. I think they’re going to Eclipse.” 
“All the more reason to stay away!”
“You stay there if it makes you comfortable, but if they’re Eclipsing…” You turn back in time to catch the rays spring out, a handful caught in the hat, shredding into it. “I’m staying. Sun? Moon?”
There’s no reply from the animatronic, just more twitching and spasming. You want to free the rays from their hat, but this early model has no silicone softening the metal edges. They’re just a bunch of very dull knives and with no consciousness controlling their movements. You settle for touching their shoe instead, feeling the twitching of their actuators. Are they in pain? Can they feel anything at all?
“Hey, be careful in there! I’m unplugging the cords now and sometimes they can be a little whippy.” You grimace, pulling away as far as you could without relinquishing your touch over the moon patch. You give a thumbs up without looking away. 
The cords are a little whippy, jerking away from the table and snapping back into the ceiling with such force that it makes them look alive. You hate Parts and Services. 
“We’re at ninety percent now. Sunny, if you can step back? We don’t know how they’ll react to another Attendant hovering.”
“Right… right.” Sunny’s voice is closer, and you’re surprised to find he’d crept well inside the cylinder, the distance between the two of you halved. He holds his hands up, retreating back to the door. You stare and he gives a timid little shrug, his faceplate tilted towards the now waking animatronic. 
You’ve been around FazCo branded animatronics for ten years now, been in love with one, this one, for almost as long. Even in a new body, even Eclipsed, you know they’re waking from the change in their fans, slowing briefly with a little click clatter click before returning to overdrive. The foot under your hand twitches one last time before stilling and pulling away.
There’s static, climbing up your arm and into your mind as you look up. There’s static there too, a thin, trembling stream from Eclipse’s hidden speakers. They’re staring at you, eyes locked on. You shift, and they shift, ever so slightly, eyes tracking the scars visible on your face. 
“Eclipse?” you ask, holding a hand up as they start to answer. “No, it’s okay. I-I am happy to see you. You’re here. You’re safe. You’re both safe, right?” 
You have to walk around the table. They still watch you, hands limp at their side until you reach for the nearest one. They flinch away, dragging their hand into their lap, claws catching on the coarse material of their waist ruffle. Once, a long time ago, you’d asked about those claws and Moon had explained they used to play stringed instruments, just like the glamrocks did now. 
“You won’t hurt me,” you tell them, taking their hand anyway and squeezing it so hard you can feel a joint in your wrist pop. You toy with one of the claws with your thumb, worrying the little gear that makes it flip back into their fingers, sighing softly. “You didn’t hurt me.” 
You look up to see them staring at you, and despite things, you give a little laugh. A wet laugh, something sticking in your throat uncomfortably. “It wasn’t you Moon.” 
You don’t know how or when, but a cold hand brushes over the ruined half of your face, stroking the skin just under your eye. It pulls back, metal shiny with tears. You laugh again, hiccuping and holding your free hand up to your face as you force yourself to calm down. “I’m okay. I’m here. You’re here. I missed you so much you big stupid dummy.” 
You can’t wait any longer, so you throw yourself at Eclipse, worming your hands under their arms, tucking your face carefully under their faceplate, away from the metal rays. They can’t see you crying like this, but it’s an ugly messy, human thing and their neck ruffle is horrifically itchy. The slow weight of hands on your back make you sob, voice breaking. 
There’s a few minutes that are likely very awkward for everyone not currently on or half on the cylinder’s table, but you don’t notice any change until there are claws digging in your back. “Eclipse,” you mumble, lifting your head, but the hands pin you to their torso. “Eclipse, what’s wrong?”
“I-it might be me!” Sunny’s voice trips over itself. “I, we, all of us wanted to make sure you were okay?”
“I’m okay,” you say, a little too softly at first. You feel up for Eclipse’s cheek, stroking it gently. “‘Clips, let me up. Sunny isn’t going to hurt us.” 
The hands dig, and you can feel those claws in your skin, but they loosen as you continue to push up. You settle on the table a little awkwardly, perched to avoid hurting Eclipse with your weight. You wipe at your eye, trying to clear your vision, before taking Eclipse’s hand again. “Sorry Sunny. I know things aren’t going as planned but…” You clear your throat, smiling weakly. “Sunny, this is Clips. They Daycare Attendant from my old plex. Eclipse, this is Sunny. He’s the Daycare Attendant here in Sandusky. He uh, he helped convince me it was worth trying to save you.” You hesitate. “He and his Moon went through it too,” you say more softly. Eclipse’s grip tightens on you and Sunny grimaces. “We’ll talk about it later, when everyone’s recovered. Sunny, move.” You gesture and he gives you a confused look before stepping out of the way.
Anika and Gemma are staring through the thick plexi of the cylinder. Gemma’s mouth is hanging open, but Anika looks vaguely smug. You hold up your entwined hands in a wave. “That’s Gemma and Anika. Gemma helped get this body back online and you in it, and Anika helped me save you. We saved you.” Oh, you’re starting to cry again. 
“Welcome back to the world of the living.” Gemma’s voice is clipped, and she turns her monitor back to you. You can just barely see some graphs and charts, but the orangey-red lines, and the continued strain of Eclipse’s fans clue you in before Gemma can. 
“Oh, oh, Eclipse, you need to restart with just one of you fronting.” You turn back to them, catching them staring at you once again. You twist around to hold their face, stroking over the edge and the craters, finding the large swirl of an eyebrow before you reach their hat. They flinch as you pull at it. “I know. But I’ll stay right here the entire time. I won’t even let go of your hand.” 
“Sunshine, that’s—”
“I’m staying right here Sunny,” you say, a little more sharply than you meant to sound, but the intent remains. You don’t look away from Eclipse, leaning forward to press a kiss over the moon’s eye. “I am staying right here. You can restart. I’ll make sure nothing happens to you.” 
Eclipse stares, and there’s a long, long minute where you worry they’re going to refuse until they burn out but finally there’s a soft stream of static and a nod. Eclipse leans forward as you pull on their hat, freeing it incrementally from their rays. The light from their eyes dims and goes out, their fans slowing a couple minutes later. You pull the hat free successfully, their hand slipping from yours as you check over the fabric. It’s torn and greasy where it’d gotten caught in the gears, but you can probably fix it, if they want. Or perhaps you’ll be able to get help remaking their old hat, if that’s what they preferred.  
“Is everything all right?” Sunny’s voice is quiet, and his hand is soft as it rests on your shoulder. You twitch but don’t pull away, watching your attendant’s faceplate intently for any flicker of light. “They’ll turn on again.” 
“I know they will. But will they be able to let go? It’s got to be Moon, I think. It’s always been more willing to take control.” Sunny’s gentle verbal prodding compels you to continue. “Sun’s a softie, even if she does have a spine about the rules, her rules. The ones that are important to her. She tried so hard…” You trail off into a cough, swallowing back the lump wrong and making it worse on yourself. You have to wipe at your eyes again, sniffing hard. “But if Moon is scared or upset, they might Eclipse again.”
The startup is quieter, so you miss it in your talking to Sunny, until you feel more than hear the thrum of the animatronic’s inner workings. Sunny steps back, out of reach, when the rays retract, one at a time, jerkily, like the mechanism controlling them is unfamiliar to the Moon currently in control. Because it’s Moon who is waking up now, and it’s Moon’s gravelly voice that lets out a surprised noise when you immediately push into a hug. 
The nickname is enough to make you cry again, and you squeeze him so tightly your arms hurt. “I’m here Moony. I’m here. And I’m never leaving you again.” 
71 notes · View notes
sweetblinginrose · 1 month
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖘𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖔𝖗𝖉𝖊𝖗 | 𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖙 𝖙𝖜𝖔,
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(OS Eddie Munson x fem!reader geek)
summary: The girl goes in search of answers and ends up with the metalhead's cock in her throat... who would have thought…
word count: 8,3k +
warnings: obv +18, rivalry, ingestion of alcohol and joints, almost gave Sinclair a withey, spanking, blowjob in public.
a/n: hey guuurls, i wrote a second part since @alastorssimp asked for it and i reconsidered it. not sure if it’ll be as good as you said the first part was, but i think it’s alright, ig. the problem is the translation. if there’s anything you don’t get, let me know.
oh, and sorry for taking so long, i’m busy with my exams hehe.
oh and don't copy my idea, it's my own huh 🦄
before reading this part, you have to read this one!
━━ ✧♡✧ ━━ ✧♡✧ ━━ ✧♡✧ ━━
In the darkness of the room, you and the long-haired boy lay in an oasis of intimacy, surrounded by an ocean of sheets that kept the secrets of your most vulnerable moments. The sheets, wrinkled and disordered, were a canvas of memories, impregnated with the aroma of tobacco that mixed with the freshness of the night and the sweet vestige of recently consummated sex.
His room, a sanctuary of orderly chaos, exuded warmth despite its disarray. Magazines with their folded pages and worn edges lay scattered on the floor, testimony to many nights of reading and lively discussions. The posters, hung with a nonchalance that bordered on art, danced on the hard plastic walls of the trailer, each telling a story, each a window to a different world.
The laughter you shared, free and genuine, rose and filled every corner, weaving a melody exclusive to your duo. The night breeze, complicit in your union, slid through the half-open window, shaking the faded and torn curtains that hung like banners of a forgotten kingdom. The air carried with it the characteristic aroma of the Forest Hills Trailer Park, a mix of freshness and adventure, which caressed your bare skin, causing a shiver that was both anticipation and delight.
But then, reality knocked on the door in the form of insistent knocks. It was Tom, his voice filtering through the plastic like a discordant melody, his tone a mix of confusion and amusement. His question, thrown into the wind with the nonchalance of someone who has enjoyed the most earthly pleasures, broke the spell of the moment. "Hey, lovebirds! What are you doing in there that your hair can't be seen?" He exclaimed, his laugh a laugh that mixed with the smoke and foam of the shared beers. It was a reminder that, although the outside world continued to spin, in that room, in that moment, only the two of you existed.
You stood up suddenly, as if propelled by an invisible spring, in the middle of the darkness that hung over the room like a thick blanket. Your heart pounded in your chest with the force of a war drum, each beat an echo in the vast cavern of your anxiety. The room, previously a sanctuary of laughter and whispers, now seemed like a mausoleum of silence and shadows, only interrupted by the gasping of two souls that had danced on the edge of the abyss.
Your eyes, two desperate beacons in the night, opened wide, capturing the pale moonlight filtering through the window. The reality of your nakedness, and that of Eddie at your side, hit you with the rawness of an inescapable truth. You remembered, with a clarity that hurt, each step that had led you to intertwine your destinies in the most intimate way. Fear, that old acquaintance, slithered across your skin, a cold snake that threatened to strangle your thoughts. The senses, now sharp as knives, tensed as they captured every whisper, every creak that the old house decided to give away. Fear had transformed into panic, a savage beast that threatened to devour what little composure you had left. You could feel, almost see, your friends' questioning gaze through the closed door, their imaginary eyes piercing the plastic like x-rays.
In an act of desperation, your eyes searched frantically for something to cover your nakedness, but the room offered only the promise of deeper exposure. The feeling of vulnerability was overwhelming, a giant crushing you to the ground with its mountain-like weight. The certainty that something shameful was about to happen paralyzed you, a pillar of salt condemned to look back.
You and Eddie looked at each other, and in his eyes you found the reflection of your own fear, a mirror where anxiety danced with shame. The footsteps outside the room echoed with the certainty of an approaching doom, and in that moment, you understood what it meant to be truly trapped, like on Elm Street, in a true nightmare.
Adrenaline coursed through your veins as you propelled yourself upwards, attempting to defy gravity and the circumstances that had brought you to that unforgiving ground. But your legs, betrayed by exhaustion and accumulated tension, did not respond as you expected. Instead of standing tall in triumph, you collapsed, your knees hitting the worn and stained carpet that told stories of countless encounters and disagreements. The sharp pain that shot through your knees was a cruel reminder of your humanity, an echo of the vulnerability you had tried to ignore. Your legs trembled, shaken by spasms that robbed you of any illusion of control. Still, in an act of desperation, you extended your arm, looking for the garment that would restore a minimum of decorum, but you only found emptiness. You couldn't find your favorite panties...
With your heart pounding in your chest, you resigned yourself to the urgency of the moment and focused on putting on your bra, feeling the cold sensation of the bonding metal against your bare back. Every click of the closure reminded you of the stark reality of the situation you found yourself in.
Embarrassment mixed with urgency as you wrapped yourself in the bra, feeling the stretchy fabric hug your torso tightly, offering you a modicum of protection amidst the chaos around you. The absence of undergarments increased your vulnerability, but you had no time to hesitate.
In the midst of the mess, your gaze drifted to Eddie, who was awkwardly struggling to put on his pants. His movements were clumsy and uncoordinated, an expression of determination etched on his face despite the hair tie he held between his lips. With each tug of fabric, his face reflected a mix of urgency and desperation, as he struggled to regain a bit of dignity in the chaos of the situation. The mess you were in was palpable, but you were both determined to deal with it in the best way possible.
Tom's thuds and drunken screams intensified, reverberating against the bare walls of the room, each impact an echo of the tension building in the fog-thick air. The atmosphere was saturated with chaos, each discordant sound a note in the symphony of nocturnal anarchy. In the eye of this sonic storm, the voice of one of your friends emerged, a thread of sanity in Tom's madness. His tone was a mix of concern and drunken sarcasm, imploring him to moderate the force of his against the door, that the noise might wake the neighbors and bring consequences unwanted. His words, although tinged with alcohol, managed to cut through the chaos, granting a brief respite, a moment of calm before the storm continued. Tom, distracted by the presence of your friends, walked away from the door, his unsteady footsteps guiding him back to the dining room. There, his voice rose again, a drunken shout trying to be charming, seeking the attention of anyone willing to listen.
Meanwhile, in the stillness of the room, you stood up from the cold, hard floor. Your knees, marked by the pressure of your fall, showed a redness that spoke of the subtle but persistent pain. With movements that belied your newfound vulnerability, you grabbed your skirt and t- shirt, dressing with a haste born of necessity. Eddie, next to you, imitated your movements. He gave a dry clearing of his throat, an attempt to impose some order on the chaotic scene. Unlike you, he avoided your gaze, his attention focused on piecing together his appearance, making sure every detail was in its place. Without looking at you, his voice cut through the silence, "Everything's cool, right? Can we go out now?" You nodded, although you knew he wasn't expecting your approval. With a discreet gesture, he opened the door just enough to enter. His exit was marked by a forced smile, a façade of normality that sought to erase any hint of what had happened.
When you returned to the living room, not so welcoming, everyone's eyes focused on you. Luckily, the known animosity between the two served as a distraction from any suspicion. Tom, impatient, asked in a voice clouded by smoke and alcohol, "What took you so long?" Next to him, one of your friends was trapped in a casual hug, the smell of marijuana and alcohol permeating the air. Eddie, with the skill of a veteran in these affairs, made up an excuse on the fly, something about an item lost in a bet. The explanation, although weak, was accepted without further ado. The others, absorbed in their world of laughter and drinking, dismissed the importance of the matter and plunged back into their feast of joy and excess.
The night unfolded like a dark blanket, dotted with stars that blinked indifferently at the tension that was brewing between you and Eddie. The gazes that had previously danced together in perfect harmony were now diverted, colliding with familiar faces in the crowd. Discomfort clung to you, a second skin made of silences and unspoken words, a transparent shield that isolated you from the human warmth that surrounded you. The bustle of the small gathering became a distant hum, as each one was immersed in a sea of silent reflections and imprisoned feelings. The tension that had floated between you, a dance of veiled contempt and hidden desire, had brewed over the years, growing silently until it became an invisible giant that now separated you.
There you were, at the epicenter of an oppressive silence, as Eddie's laughter and exclamations filled the space, a sharp contrast to your internal stillness. His happiness, so pure and overflowing, was a rare sight, a light you hadn't witnessed in a long time, and the brilliance of it left you with an empty feeling, as if a part of you had faded into the darkness. "I have to go now, guys. I had a great time today, see you on Monday..." you announced, with a voice that seemed to come from afar, from someone that wasn't you. You didn't dare to look back, to face the surprise or the perplexity that could appear on their faces. You felt the weight of her gaze fixed on your back, trying to pierce the armor of your most secret thoughts.
As you left the trailer, the cool night air hit your face, a cold blow that sought to shake you out of the emotional lethargy in which you had immersed yourself. Your steps began to lead you away, each one resounding like an echo in the solitude of the night, marking the rhythm of your retreat from a world of silent confessions and secrets that would never see the light.
It was then that Lucas appeared, his presence so sudden that he almost seemed like a ghost emerging from the shadows. "I'll accompany you," he said in a voice that brooked no reply. His company was unexpected, almost uncomfortable, but there was something comforting about his presence. He was nothing more than an acquaintance, a friend of your sister, a member of the Order of the Sith, but at that moment, his presence was all you needed.
The night had become a blanket of uncertainty and unanswered questions. Lucas, with his unbalanced gait, seemed the only constant in a world that was reeling. You didn't understand why he had decided to accompany you and not Mike, who also shared the proximity of his steps to his house. The age difference between you and Lucas was an abyss of experiences and experiences, three years that at that moment seemed like an eternity.
The silence stretched between you like a suspension bridge, fragile and tense, until Lucas broke it with a simple, "Hey...". His voice was a whisper in the night, but enough to capture your full attention. Looking at him, worry washed over you; his dark skin glistened with night sweat, and his normally lively and alert eyes were half-lidded and tinted a deep red.
"Yes? Are you okay, Sinclair?" you asked, stopping in your tracks. The possibility that he had smoked marijuana assaulted you, and with it, a protective instinct you didn't know you had. Lucas looked at you, and in that moment, the vulnerability he showed was palpable.
"No, it's just... I think you're very pretty..." Sinclair's confession came with shaky honesty, his voice a fragile thread on the night breeze. He was visibly affected, dizziness painted his world with tones of uncertainty, and his body trembled slightly, although adorned with a naive smile that failed to hide his state. You ignored his words, it was not the time for flattery or the vulnerability they exuded. You approached him, noticing how he towered over you in height, a difference that now seemed trivial. “Have you smoked anything, Lucas,” you asked, worry coloring every syllable of your question.
Lucas tried to respond, but his rapid blinks and difficulty swallowing revealed more than his words. He looked around, perhaps looking for a way out of his confusion, when he suddenly lost his balance and fell to the ground. "Shit!" You exclaimed, as you crouched down next to him. You lifted him enough for him to sit, holding him steady. His eyes closed, surrendering to the sleep that called him, a dangerous mixture of alcohol and drugs had brought him to that sorry state. You looked around, searching for a solution, a refuge in the night for Sinclair. That's when you saw the 24-hour restaurant, an oasis of light and calm in the darkness. It was completely empty, as if it was waiting for you. Without hesitation, you decided it was the safe place to take Sinclair and help him recover. Carefully, you guided him towards the establishment, each step a silent promise that you wouldn't leave him alone in his time of need.
With every ounce of strength you had left, you crouched down and wrapped your arms under Sinclair's shoulders, feeling the dead weight of his body. "Come on, Sinclair, don't do this to me," you mumbled, your breathing labored by the effort. The dirt clung to your hands, and you could feel the wetness of the grass through your bare legs. "Sinclair, for the love of God, move something!" you exclaimed, as a vein on your forehead threatened to burst. Finally, with a groan that sounded more like a growl, Sinclair gained some consciousness, his eyes slowly blinking back to reality. With a superhuman effort, he managed to stand up, leaning heavily on you. They began to walk, each step a battle against gravity. “You weigh more than my sins,” you joked, trying to lighten the mood as his body tilted dangerously to one side, forcing you to compensate for the weight.
The cafeteria is filled with the hum of an old refrigerator as the only soundtrack of the night. The flickering lights from the neon sign outside filter through the blinds, casting dancing shadows over Lucas's exhausted form. His head, heavy as lead, oscillates on the edge of the abyss of sleep, leaning more and more towards the table that supports his weight.
The clock strikes 3 am, and time seems to have stopped in this forgotten corner of town. You, with a gesture of concern that you cannot hide, decide to intervene. The waitress, a middle-aged woman with eyes that have seen too many early mornings, walks silently over and places a steaming plate in front of Sinclair. It's an onion soup, with its comforting aroma and melted cheese that stretches with every spoonful, promising warmth and sustenance. Next to him, a large, cold glass water bottle lands with a thud on the table.
Lucas, shaken by the sound, raises his head with a start, his eyes blinking, trying to focus on the reality around him. "You have to eat and drink the whole bottle," he insists, with his arms crossed and a firmness in his voice that brooks no reply. It is not your responsibility to take care of him, but your conscience does not allow you to leave him to his fate.
As Sinclair obeys, he begins to regain the color in his cheeks and the lucidity in his eyes. The soup works its magic on him, and little by little, life returns to his eyes. Outside, the town is still asleep, oblivious to the small miracle that occurs inside. And you, despite your initial revulsion, can't help but feel a pang of satisfaction at seeing that, at least for tonight, you've made a difference in someone's life.
Lucas, with his mind still cloudy, clung to the fork as if it were an anchor in the middle of the storm. His eyes, glassy and distant, were lost in the abyss of the half-empty plate, where there had previously been a pile of comfort food. The cafeteria, plunged into a dead silence, seemed to hold its breath, waiting for his next move. Was Sinclair who broke the spell, his voice tearing through the silence like paper thin. "Why did you leave there? It's because you don't like Eddie, right?" he asked, as the water swirled in his glass, reflecting his still trembling hands. Your face, a canvas of contradictory emotions, was contorted into a grimace of discomfort. Memories of what had happened just an hour or two ago assaulted you, forcing your lips into a tight smile, a clear indication of your discomfort. You were convinced that you had made a mistake, that something in your behavior had caused Eddie's averted gaze and silence. "I say this because... he doesn't dislike you, quite the contrary..." Lucas continued, dragging his words with the same slowness with which he cleaned his plate with a piece of bread. The bread, now soaked in the last vestiges of soup, disappeared in his mouth, as if with each bite it could erase the tension in the air.
Surprise appeared on your face when you heard Lucas' words. "What do you say? But Eddie hates me, or at least he did," you exclaimed with an incredulous laugh, as if the idea was so absurd that it could only be cause for a joke. Your eyes drifted for a moment to the waitress, whose curious gaze rested on the both of you. With her arms crossed and one eyebrow raised, she looked like a statue, a silent observer of the strange dance of your conversation. Sinclair shook his head, her gesture was firm, denying your words with a seriousness that contrasted with your joking tone. He leaned forward, closing the distance between you, as if every word she was about to say needed the confidentiality of a whisper. "Look, I'm going to tell you, but if you tell Eddie, I'll kill you before he kills me..." His voice was a thread of tension, his eyes sleepy, as if the weight of what he was Sharing would burden him deeply.
Your confusion was palpable, but you nodded, giving Lucas the signal that he had your attention. He cleared his throat, clear preparation for what was to come, and leaned even closer, as if he feared even the walls could hear. "Long before us and your sister got to high school, Eddie was already crazy about you, so it's nothing new," Sinclair whispered, with a seriousness that made you question if it was really a joke. Despite your doubts, you decided to give him your full attention. It was a hard statement to believe; your interactions had always been marked by fights and teasing, a constant push and pull that left no room for deeper feelings. But after the recent sex, you found yourself reconsidering every look and word exchanged with Eddie. What if he was trying to flirt instead of bother you? Sinclair spoke with a rapidity that reflected the urgency and nervousness of sharing secrets that should not be revealed. "Ever since we started sitting with their group at lunch, they made jokes about you, I mean, about how hot you are and all that," his words flowed like an overflowing river, full of confidences and murmurs that had been kept with him. suspicion. "Although without knowing that your sister was your sister," he continued, a wry smile playing on his lips as he remembered the collective surprise, "so, when we were offered to join The Hellfire Club and she said she belonged to The Sith Order, Eddie was perplexed." He readjusted himself on the couch, which seemed to hug him with the comfort of it, and looked you directly in the eyes. It was evident that every word he said was another piece of the puzzle he was trying to put together in front of you, a puzzle that, once completed, would change the way you viewed Eddie and possibly the entire dynamic of your social circle. Lucas looked at you with a knowing smile, his eyes. They shone with a gleam of amusement as you imagined your sister. "And since then your sister no longer sits with us, since Eddie considers her a rival of his," he said, his voice tinged with his humor. It was known that Sinclair had always been in love with her, and his tone suggested that he still harbored romantic hopes. "What I'm getting at," Lucas continued, pausing to take a long sip of water. "It's just that when Eddie wanted to see you, since, just as he said, you graduated before him because of his bad grades, he was talking to your sister so that the battles between the groups would start." His words flowed with the ease of someone sharing a long-kept secret, and you realized that your sister's constant bets were more than just games. "That's why your sister proposed so many bets," he added, with a gesture of understanding. Lucas lowered his voice to a confidential whisper, "And always, after we left the games, he would stare at you as he went, commenting on how beautiful you were, what good taste you had, and how intelligent you were." He paused dramatically, making sure you caught the importance of his next words. "Eddie is totally into you."
The revelation had left you speechless, a whirlwind of emotions washing over you as you tried to process what you had just heard. Eddie, the same Eddie that seemed like a constant in your daily life, was now intertwined with your feelings in a way you hadn't expected. A few years ago, every time you crossed the school cafeteria, your gaze unconsciously searched for his figure. Eddie, always alert, stood up as if he were waiting for you to pass, leaving a clear space for you to pass. You wondered if it was a coincidence or if, in some way, he also felt that invisible connection that united you. You remembered that time he called you a witch with a voice that was intended to be harsh, but his eyes betrayed the truth. It wasn't hate you saw in them, but a spark of fun, a lopsided smile that bordered on flirtatious. It was a game of looks and unspoken words that only the two of you seemed to understand, even though apparently, you didn't.
In the role-playing games you shared, Eddie transformed. He became the supreme narrator, his voice filling the room, creating worlds and adventures with astonishing ease. But when it was your turn, everything changed. His tone softened, his gaze fixed on you with an intensity that seemed to want to decipher each of your thoughts. It was as if, in those moments, there was no one else in the room, just you and him.
Now, as you remembered those moments, you felt a shiver run down your spine, causing an involuntary blush to stain your cheeks. Sinclair's words echoed in your mind, giving you the courage to believe that, perhaps, what you felt for Eddie was reciprocated. It was a terrifying and exciting thought at the same time, a possibility that opened a new chapter in the story of your life.
Sunday slipped through scattered thoughts, like leaves blown by the autumn wind. The week became a countdown, each day marking one step closer to Friday, that day that promised practice with your group and, more importantly, Saturday, when you would have the chance to face Eddie once again.
The cabin, with its walls that whispered stories of ancient victories and defeats, welcomed you on Friday. The practice went without a hitch, each member of the group immersed in their role, building a parallel reality where anything was possible. But Saturday came with a bittersweet taste. The Hellfire Club was full, everyone except Eddie. His absence was like a vacuum that sucked the energy out of the room. You had taken care of your appearance, hoping to capture the magic of that previous night, but instead, you were met with words that fell like cold drops on your spirit. "Eddie said he didn't want to see you today," Dustin announced with a nonchalance that hurt you more than you expected. The screams of his friends echoed, a cacophony of reproaches rising like a storm. "What?" The surprise left you speechless for a moment, a pause that felt eternal. "What?! No! It's not what you think!" The boy you had helped was trying to repair the damage with hasty words. "Yes! Eddie literally said that!" Dustin insisted, causing gestures of frustration in the others, hands on their foreheads, mouths covered in an attempt to silence the truth. You didn't want to admit it, but the words affected you, a lot. After Sinclair's confession, you expected something more, something different. You then decided to put on the mask of indifference, pretending that Eddie's absence didn't matter to you, that his presence or lack of it were equally insignificant. You focused on the game, on the chips and dice, but your mind was elsewhere, lost in a maze of 'what ifs'. The game continued, but your heart was playing its own game, one where the rules were unclear and the only opponent was yourself.
Sunday dawned with a gray sky that seemed to reflect your mood. You got out of bed with the heaviness of someone carrying more than the weight of the sheets. College assignments were piled up on your desk, a mountain of words and numbers demanding your attention, but your mind was somewhere else, lost in the echo of a revelation that still echoed in your ears. With every page you turned, every problem you solved, Eddie's image was superimposed on the text, blurry and persistent. Night fell without you realizing it, and with it, the promise of a new day.
Monday came without classes, a small relief in your routine. Your mother, oblivious to the storm brewing inside you, asked you to pick up your sister from high school. You accepted, almost grateful for the distraction, for the chance to get outside and breathe fresh air. You arrived at the school and parked calmly. Soft music filled the space of the car, a melody that tried, unsuccessfully, to calm the waves of your heart. You got lost in your thoughts, looking towards the small forest that stretched like a green blanket beyond the institute, remembering the moments of hanging out with your friends to smoke while hiding from everyone. That's when you saw it. Eddie, accompanied by a girl, entering the forest. Alone. The scene hit you like a punch in the stomach, mixing alarm with sadness and, above all, with anger that burned through your veins. How could he be with another girl after what they had shared just less than two weeks ago?
The car clicked off, the keys still dangling from the ignition, forgotten. You got out of the vehicle, driven by an anger that blinded you. You left behind the responsibility of waiting for your sister, each step towards the woods fueled by the need to confront Eddie, to demand explanations, to understand why he hadn't shown up on Saturday, why he had left you with a heart full of questions and no response.
You walked with a determination that seemed to emanate from every pore of your skin, your fists clenched so tightly that your nails, long and sharp, dug into the palm of your hands, leaving small marks that would be silent witnesses of your contained fury. Your boots, faithful companions of so many days, hit the wet ground with a force that seemed to want to leave a mark not only on the earth but on destiny itself. The mud, stubborn, adhered to the edges of these, as if it wanted to stop you, but nothing could stop your progress. The girl, the one who had come out of the forest, passed by your side, her presence just a fleeting shadow in your visual periphery. For an instant, doubt made you recalculate, but it was just that, an instant. Your determination strengthened and you continued forward, towards the place that Eddie had made into his personal sanctuary. The bank in the middle of the forest was a silent witness of transactions and secrets. Worn by time and the stories he had endured, he proudly displayed his growing moss and cigarette burn scars on the picnic table. The trees surrounded it in an almost perfect circle, as if nature itself had decided to protect that space from intruders. And there was Eddie, oblivious to the world, with his only Walkman for company, moving his head to the rhythm of music that only he could hear. He counted dollars and cents with a precision that belied the apparent nonchalance of his posture.
You approached him, who had his back turned to you, oblivious to the storm of emotions that brought you there. With a decision that admitted no turning back, you turned him around forcefully, forcing him to face you, to look into your eyes. Surprise was drawn on his face, an unexpected and unmanly scream escaped his lips, while he took off his helmets with a speed born of bewilderment. "Shit, what are you doing—?" He began to say, but his question remained suspended in the air, interrupted by your hand that closed on his shirt, bringing him closer until the space between the two of them was almost erased. "Listen to me carefully, Munson, I think you have to explain a lot of things to me..." your voice was a thread of annoyance, but also of a determination that he didn't expect, feeling a tickle in his stomach. Eddie looked at you, and you saw something in his eyes that disconcerted you. It wasn't fear, or even surprise. It was a glow, a spark of something that seemed dangerously close to taste. Did he like that intensity, that fire you had inside? Or was it just another of his facades, another game in which he pretended not to be vulnerable?
"Explanations?" he replied, with a crooked smile that you didn't know if you wanted to erase or deepen. "What exactly do you want to know?" His tone was challenging, but there was a curiosity in his gaze that you couldn't ignore. "Besides, what are you doing here? Didn't you finish high school a year or two ago?"
The tension between you and Eddie was palpable, like a guitar string about to break. "What the fuck do you mean by what explanations?" you repeated, keeping your tone firm and defiant. Eddie's confident smile faded, replaced by an expression of surprise as he realized the seriousness of the situation. "We fucked, Eddie. We fucked, so I thought you liked me, but at meet-up time you don't show up and tell the guys you didn't want to see me? Are you stupid or something?" The words came out of you like bullets, each one loaded with the confusion and pain of feeling rejected, something that never happened, so it hurt your ego. You let go of Eddie's shirt, your hands finding his place on your hips, emphasizing your defiant stance. You were dressed to impress, or perhaps to confront. Your tight, ripped and slightly flared jeans were typical of the time, a cry of rebellion and style that adhered to your figure. The belt, an accessory that marked your waist, seemed to capture Eddie's attention, who was lost in contemplation of it, taken out of his thoughts by the intensity of your reproaches. Eddie blinked, coming to, and for a moment, he seemed to search for the right words. "It's not what you think," he began, his voice a little lower, a little more serious.
The tension in the air was almost tangible, like electricity before a storm. "Oh, right? So what is it, huh? Excuse yourself," you demanded, your words sharp as the red fingernails that were now pointed at him, a perfect contrast to your small maroon jean jacket. Eddie seemed lost, unable to find the right words. “It's just...that...” his voice trailed off, and with each syllable that trailed off, your frustration grew. Your brow was furrowed, a grimace of disgust was drawn on your face, and without thinking about it, you grabbed him by the cheeks. Your nails, now weapons of your anger, dug lightly into his cheeks, scratched by the shadow of a stubble. Eddie had never seen you like this, with such fierce passion, and that, somehow, seemed to light a different fire in him, a desire that grew with each gesture of your discontent. "Speak up, Eddie! You have no right to leave me like this, with doubts and no answers," you continued, your voice a crescendo of mixed emotions. "After everything that's happened, you avoid me and send messages through others? It's unfair and you know it!" Munson finally raised his gaze, meeting yours. There was something in his eyes, a flash of something that wasn't just surprise or fear of your reaction. It was deeper, a mix of regret and something you didn't dare name. "It's not what you think," he said finally, his voice firm but soft.
Eddie looked at you with eyes that seemed to seek refuge in yours, his voice trembling slightly as he confessed, "It's just that I'm a loser and you mean a lot to me..." The words hung in the air, loaded with raw sincerity. and vulnerable. "I didn't pay attention to you after fucking because I didn't want to be discovered at that moment, otherwise we would be the subject of ridicule." He paused, as if each word cost him a piece of his pride. "I didn't show up to the meeting because I knew I would get hard and it would be weird, which I didn't think you would see very well, so I excused myself to the boys with the excuse that I didn't want to see you." His confession was a labyrinth of emotions, a clumsy attempt to protect something that he himself didn't fully understand. And then, with a look that drifted toward the ground, he added, "And I haven't been able to contact you because my uncle has had problems with his diabetes and the only times I've left the house were to sell, you know, as you can see right now. I swear..." His gestures were limited, restricted by the pressure your fingers exerted on his cheeks.
Hearing him, guilt took over you, you let go of his face and looked at him, this time with an expression that mixed understanding with remorse. Eddie felt the cold on his skin where the warmth of your hand used to be. "No, no, you can leave your hand here, if you want... ..." he teased, attempting a smile that didn't reach his eyes, a forced laugh that desperately sought to relieve the tension of the moment.
Eddie stood up with a slowness that seemed to measure every second, his commanding height creating a shadow over you. You looked up, following the contour of his figure until your eyes met his, half-closed and shining with a mischievous light.
His smile, that familiar curve of his lips, enveloped you in a spell that you didn't want to escape. With a softness that contrasted the roughness of her skin, her hand found your neck, sliding to the back of your neck in a possessive gesture. "Let me clarify that that wasn't just one night, really..." The confession came out of him in a whisper, his voice a thread of vulnerability intertwined with the firmness of his words. For an instant, his gaze averted, as if the emotions he carried inside him sought to escape. But you weren't about to let him walk away from her, not now. Your hand acted of its own volition, drawing his attention back to you, demanding the connection you both knew existed. A knowing smile appeared on his face, a reflection of yours, while a part of him longed for you to repeat the gesture, to maintain that contact that seemed to be the only anchor in the whirlwind of feelings that surrounded you.
The atmosphere around them was a mixture of tension and electricity, as if the air itself was charged with the intensity of their emotions. The forest had become a private sanctuary, the tall and majestic trees formed a natural roof that filtered the sun's rays, creating a play of light and shadows on them. The ground was covered in fallen leaves, which crunched softly under their feet, a reminder of the fleeting nature of time.
The physical contact between them was its own language, a wordless conversation where each touch and each gesture had its own meaning. Eddie's hand on the back of your neck wasn't just a touch; It was an affirmation, a silent promise that what was between you transcended the everyday. His rough skin contrasted with the softness of yours, creating a sensation that made you want to get even closer.
Your hands, although they had been weapons of your anger moments before, now became explorers, tracing the contours of his face, feeling the texture of his skin, the firmness of his jaw. The pressure of your fingers was an echo of the pressure in your chest, a mixture of desire and need for understanding.
Eddie responded to your every touch, his body instinctively reacting to yours. There was a dance in their proximity, one step forward and one step back, as if they were on the edges of an emotional precipice, seeking the perfect balance between confession and reserve.
The boy remained waiting full of impatience, his eyes fixed on you, shining with the expectation of what was to come. It was as if he had cast a spell, and you, responding to that silent call, grabbed onto a strand of his long, dark hair, tugging at it with a playful but determined gesture. In one fluid motion, you pulled him towards you, and your lips met in a kiss that sealed all the unspoken words, a kiss that was a promise and a confession at the same time. Eddie's hand, which until then rested on your neck, began its slow but sure descent, tracing the contour of your collarbone before settling on the curve of your waist. His fingers, strong but careful, caressed the skin exposed by your shirt, exploring every inch with a tenderness that contrasted with the intensity of his gaze and exchange of saliva. It was a caress that spoke of possession, an intimate connection that united you beyond the physical, but right now it was what you were looking for.
The metallic melody of Eddie's headphones, now a persistent hum, becomes the backdrop for a moment that feels suspended in time. The wet whisper of your kisses transforms into a secret language, communicating unspoken desires that only you can understand. Eddie, with a determination that leaves you breathless, he spins you around with gravity-defying skill, leaving you with your back to the bench, where your butt rested on the surface littered with tobacco flakes, adding a rough texture to the scene. You were trapped between that cool surface and Eddie's firm crotch, which pulsed with desire, sending shivers down your spine, which was caressed by Eddie's hand. A shared sigh escaped your lips as you felt the reconnection of that pressure, fueling the erotic tension that intensified with each moment.
Eddie's tongue lasciviously explored from your mouth to your neck, tracing a trail of sensations that made you sway slightly, sliding back onto the picnic table, followed by your neck, giving him just enough room. While Eddie concentrated on his task, he firmly grabbed your sturdy thighs, lifting you up and placing you on the table, causing the money counted earlier to slide on the wet grass on the floor, a detail that added a note of chaos to the scene, increasing the intensity of the moment. Each bill and coin was lost in the undergrowth, as a metaphor for the debauchery and overflowing passion that consumed them.
"I want to fuck you right here. I want to take that stupid belt off you and choke you with it," Eddie said, his voice hoarse and heavy with desire, his words reverberating in the tension-laden air. You gasped as you broke the kiss for air, his hot breath brushing against your wet neck, leaving a new electric trail on your skin. His hands, eager and determined, slid down your lower back, searching for the belt that promised to release the pent-up desire.
Eddie ran his hands anxiously down your abdomen, urgently undoing your belt as your eyes were fixed on his desperate expression. Around you, the world seemed to fade away in a swirl of colors and sounds, leaving only room for the electricity that flowed between the two of you. With a quick tug, Eddie undid your belt, making you wobble slightly as he looked at you with a devilish grin, nimbly folding it. The rustling of the leaves in the wind intermingled with the accelerated beating of your hearts, creating an atmosphere full of tension. "What would happen to that eyeliner of yours if I smacked you in the face?" he asked sarcastically, each word ringing with defiant energy. "Would he cum from your tears, or would I be the only one who would?"
Your playful response brought a flicker of desire to Eddie's eyes, which burned brightly as he watched you. "Why don't you see for yourself?" you challenged with an innocent but mischievous look, causing the tension between you to reach a new level.
Eddie obeyed with a malicious smile, giving you a sudden spank on your cheek, causing you to emit a moan of pain mixed with a hint of pleasure. The sound echoed through the air, mixing with the rustle of leaves moving in the nearby breeze. A slight redness appeared at the site of impact, marking your skin with a warm, burning tone, while your breathing quickened, full of anticipation. Meanwhile, the palpable tension between them increased, making each brush of fabric against skin feel more intense. Eddie's cock, imprisoned in her boxers, pulsed with a exquisite sensitivity, as if she were eager to break free and join the game they were both playing.
Eddie, almost instinctively, pressed his erection, imprisoned by his rock jeans, against your groin, eager to free himself. There was a tangible electricity in the surrounding environment, as if nature itself was aware of the burning desire manifesting between you.
“You look like a bitch in heat,” you teased Eddie with a mischievous smile, as your delicate hands slid to his skull-adorned belt buckle, undoing it with deliberate slowness. Each click of the buckle resonated in the air, generating a slight tremor in Eddie, who awaited with anticipation what was about to happen. His erection rubbed against the fabric, causing involuntary movements that did not go unnoticed by you, unleashing a mischievous laugh that escaped your lips, full of complicity.
You released Eddie from his belt, letting him fall nonchalantly behind you as you focused on pulling his pants down enough to show his erection, remaining careful that he could quickly pull them up if someone showed up.
Seeing his covered but noticeable cock, you licked your lips in anticipation, reveling in the sight. Eddie's white boxers were soaked with precum, revealing the level of his arousal. Your gaze fell on his crotch, where his erection was begging to be touched and pleasured. Without further ado, you pulled down his boxers, leaving light marks on his thighs from the rubbing of your nails, which caused his arched cock to release completely, hitting his clothed abdomen with a light sound. The arousal in the air was palpable, and his cock throbbed eagerly, twitching slightly in anticipation of what was to come.
Determinedly, you wrap your hand around Eddie's firm erection, beginning to pump at a slow but steady pace. A content sigh escapes her parted lips as his body tenses at the contact, letting out a barely audible moan that is lost in the air charged with excitement. His trembling hand finds its way to your hair, gripping it firmly as his mouth curves into a mischievous smile. Every movement you make provokes a response in his body, a slight contraction of his muscles, a ragged inhalation that adds to the ambient noise.
The sound of skin rubbing against skin mixes with the rustle of the breeze rustling nearby leaves, creating a symphony of pleasure and anticipation. Your hand continues to move skillfully, gradually quickening the pace, as Eddie's breathing becomes more labored, his moans more audible.
Every time your thumb brushes the sensitive tip of his member, his body shudders involuntarily, and his moans intensify, filling the air with a heady mix of arousal and desire.
With provocative elegance, you slide from the table you were sitting at, moving gracefully until you are on your knees in front of Eddie. From that lower position, you look at him with a look full of desire and eagerness to please him, while a playful smile curves your lips. Leaning forward slightly, you open your mouth in a clear sign of your intentions, indicating your willingness to take his cock in your mouth. Anticipation shines in Eddie's eyes, his breathing becoming more labored as he watches you with a mix of desire and arousal.
Without warning, in a provocative act, you playfully open your mouth, inviting him to immerse himself in the pleasure you offer him. Eddie's hand, which was firmly gripping your hair, pushes you decisively, forcing his cock forcefully into your mouth. You feel the sudden onslaught of his member, causing a strong tremor in his body as he experiences the humidity, heat, softness and tightness of your mouth. The intoxicating sensation of having him inside you awakens a wave of pleasure that runs through every fiber of your being, noticing how those jeans that you considered favorites began to get wet due to the transfer of your panties.
A deep, desire-laden moan escapes Eddie's lips as he pronounces your name between broken breaths. His voice, full of passion and desire, resonates in the air, further fueling the fiery moment. “Ahh... fuck...” he moans your name, revealing the overwhelming effect you have on him. You give yourself fully to the act, letting desire and arousal consume you completely, as you dive deeper into the pleasure of giving Eddie exactly what he craves.
Eddie’s hands grip the sides of your face with palpable determination, like he’s eager to explore every inch of your mouth. He begins to move at a frenetic pace, fucking your mouth with an unbridled passion that leaves you breathless. Little by little, his member reaches the beginning of your throat, causing an intense sensation that makes you shudder. A gag escapes your throat, caused by Eddie's deep intrusion, but he doesn't stop, instead continuing to thrust hard, causing pleasure mixed with slight pain that makes your moans intermingle with his. The feeling of his tip lightly crushing your palate only intensifies the ecstasy shared between the two of you, causing louder, deeper moans from Eddie.
You could feel Eddie getting closer to climax, his ragged breathing and higher-pitched moans indicating he was on the brink of release. However, something else was seeping into your consciousness: close footsteps, a sound that didn't fit the intimate atmosphere you shared with Eddie. Worry began to bubble inside you as you continued to do your duty, but unease took over. The desire to find out who was interrupting this private but at the same time public moment grew with each closer step, but Eddie's firm grip on your face kept you trapped, preventing you from moving away. With concentrated effort, you fought against his hold until you finally managed to free yourself enough to separate yourself from his cock.
You pulled away from Eddie's cock with a sharp movement, feeling his cream slide between your fingers. Your eyes met those of the step holders, two figures who looked at you with a surprise that seemed carved into their faces. "Eddie?" the Sinclair's voice cracked, revealing his bewilderment, while your sister remained at his side, a motionless silhouette in the chaos of the moment. "Sinclair!" you exclaimed, your voice rising above the murmur of the forest as you realized he was holding a used and tied condom, a crucial link in the chain of events unfolding before you. The long-haired man's erection, now abandoned by his misfortune, collapsed, and a torrent of almost translucent white liquid spread across your face, hiding your shocked expression.
Eddie's deep moan that followed this echoed through the forest, marking the end of one act and the beginning of another. Eddie, Sinclair, and your sister looked at you, their expressions a mirror of absolute shock. None of the four of you knew how to react, trapped in a moment of mutual transgression, a game of secrets and silences that had been broken by Eddie's cum on your face.
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markiefiles · 10 months
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fem!reader, nipple!play, um pouco de creampie, lactation!kink, (repostagem), essa é curtinha e um smut!
Boa leitura!💘
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— Não, John… Eu não quero!
Você disse marrentinha, com os cílios cintilando por entre os olhos bonitos. Suh riu, segurando a embalagem de um produto para os lábios, teve uma ideia interessante.
— Por favor, amorzinho… Nós podemos fazer de outra forma se isso te incomoda.
— Não me incomoda! — Respondeu, segurando os seios cobertos por entre as mãos.
— Então podemos descartar a minha ideia?
— Hm… que ideia? — Pergunta, assiste ele com o liptint em mãos, abre, toca a pontinha do aplicador com uma concentração do pigmento vermelho e transfere para pele. Johnny solta um sorriso, o pigmento tinha um forte cheiro de cereja.
Johnny levanta-se, corre os olhos para ti e senta-se ao seu lado. Despeja um beijo sobre os ombros expostos, carinhoso, solta mais um repuxar malicioso, quase alcoólico nos lábios.
— Mostra os peitinhos pra mim, amorzinho? Hm? Por favor? — O tom tinhoso e provocante conquista, os seios pulam levemente no ar pela falta da pressão do sutiã e você vislumbra os mamilos, com as pontinhas levemente endurecidas, arrepiadas.
Suh suspira, o pau pesa, a língua brinca dentro da boca e ele continua.
Johnny passa o liptint generosamente na ponta dos dedos e espalha pelos mamilos. Você solta um gemidinho pelo contato, ele sorri.
— Seus peitinhos são sensíveis, amor, é? — Pergunta cínico, chupando o dedo com o restante do pigmento, sentindo o docinho da cereja.
— S-são John…
— Oh, queridinha, então, deixa que o Johnny tome conta deles, sim? Deita na cama, deita. — O timbre é sempre ácido, sempre com uma pontada de escárnio, te conquista.
— A-assim tá bom? — Mais uma vez questiona, preocupada, a bucetinha excitada com os toques, o vento entrando pelos vãos do shortinho e lhe acendendo.
— Claro, meu bem. Você é a melhor pro John. — Ela quis gemer, quer ser a melhor pra ele sempre, todas as vezes.
Suh começa, primeiro beija os ombros, passa o nariz até o vale dos seios, corre com a boca para o mamilo esquerdo, prende-o pelos dentes, passa a pontinha da língua e você geme sentindo os snake eyes em contato com sua pele.
Solta mais um sorriso lindo, mostra como a língua circula os mamilos pintados com gostinho de cereja, ele parece faminto. O pau de Johnny roça contra sua coxa, exposto, uma dureza sem igual, o pico de sua excitação sendo descontado no teu corpo.
— Eu vou te foder tão gostosinho, te deixar gravidinha pra me dar bastante leite, amor. — Fala sem pensar, solta um rosnado, as pupilas dilatadas com o foco nos seios encanta, você sente a calcinha colando contra seus grandes lábios. — Todinha minha, minha.
Solta, dá um leve tapinha contra o mamilo e volta a beijar, esbanjar-se ali como se fosse um banquete.
— Você quer meu pau nessa buceta, amor? Hm? — Não responde, está focada em não gozar somente com a língua nos seus seios sensíveis demais.
— John… — É tudo o que diz e o que consegue realizar.
— Seus peitinhos me deixaram com ainda mais fome, meu bem.
— E… E-e o que mais?
— Deixa o Johnny te comer, amorzinho, aí, você descobre.
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marvelmusing · 1 year
Mirror Image
From the Our Souls AU
Pairing: Aleksander Morozova x Fem!Reader
Summary: Aleksander finds you at another gala, and the two of you learn you have more in common than you realised.
My Masterlist
Fabian shifts nervously by your side, his claws clicking against the marble floor as he adjusts his weight from paw to paw. Zoya’s presence always makes him uneasy, ever since you were a student at the Little Palace, when she and her friends would torment you between classes.
Fabian had been one of the first dæmons among your school peers to settle into his adult form, meaning it was much easier for them to subject him to their harassment, dropping books and throwing crumpled up papers on your dæmon.
It isn’t often that Zoya manages to trap you into a conversation. But at public events like this you don’t have any means of escaping her, which means you’re subjected to her boasting about her travels and all her successes. As always, she turns her nose up at any mention of your own studies, so you stay quiet and let her talk whilst keeping a close eye on her snake dæmon, Dreki.
A sense of calm reassurance fills your chest and some of the tension loosens from your shoulders. Confused by your sudden shift in mood, you glance down at Fabian only to spot a familiar flash of dark grey fur as Andromeda nuzzles affectionately into his side.
Her cool slate eyes peer up at you questioningly and you nod with a small smile so that she knows you’re alright. Like Aleksander himself, his dæmon is very protective of you. Zoya’s words have faltered at the appearance of Aleksander’s dæmon but you’re too busy looking around the room for a glimpse of him to pay Zoya any more attention.
His eyes meet yours through the crowd of people, where he appears to also be trapped in the midst of a dull conversation. His gaze is assessing with a touch of concern in his eyes and you give him the same smile you had given Andromeda. He smiles softly and seems to excuse himself from the people around him.
Turning back to face Zoya, anticipation runs up your spine as you await Aleksander’s arrival.
“Is that Lord Morozova’s dæmon?” she asks.
Glancing down at Andromeda, you lift your brows casually as you nod.
“Yes it is.”
He settles his hand at the small of your back, saying your name quietly in greeting. Tilting your head so that you can see his face, you smile up at him.
“Lord Morozova.”
There’s a softness in his eyes as he gazes down at you, then he turns his attention to Zoya and something shifts.
“Miss Nazyalensky.”
She smiles widely, her fingers playing with the blue jewel at the centre of her necklace where it hangs perfectly between her breasts, drawing your eyes down to the low cut of her dress. Aleksander’s expression remains unimpressed, a polite smile twitching at the corner of his mouth. Then he ducks his head down, his attention returning to you.
“I believe we have a number of matters to discuss,” he murmurs low against your ear. Then he gestures towards the nearest hallway, no doubt intending for the two of you to find somewhere quiet. “Shall we?”
Taking his hand, you allow him to lead you away from the rest of the people gathered in the main hall. Aleksander knows the best hiding spots in the majority of the buildings in Os Alta.
As soon as the door is closed behind you, Aleksander moves towards the leather armchair beside the crackling fireplace. Fabian follows him instantly, bounding up into Aleksander’s lap with ease. A pleasure sweeps through your body as he threads his fingers carefully through Fabian’s glossy fur, scratching affectionately under his chin.
“What’s troubling you?” he asks your dæmon quietly. “I could see how tense you were from across the room.”
The idea of someone speaking so casually to your dæmon was an unfathomable concept to you around a month ago - before you met Aleksander.
“Dreki had his eyes on me,” Fabian explains.
Aleksander frowns.
“Zoya’s dæmon,” you clarify, crossing the room to settle in the armchair opposite him. “Once he settled, he started biting quite often.”
Something dark enters Aleksander’s eyes.
“Biting?” he repeats, his voice hard as steel.
Looking down to escape the intensity of his gaze, you end up looking at Andromeda who looks as equally troubled by your words. She appears to struggle deciding between comforting you or your dæmon. When she settles her chin on your knee, your heart melts and you give her a soft pet behind the ears.
“We were children,” you say quietly in an attempt at justifying what happened.
Disapproval rumbles low in Andromeda’s chest.
“Her dæmon bit Fabian?” she repeats.
Her voice is as soft as always, a soothing tone despite the anger threaded through her words, and you can’t imagine Aleksander’s dæmon ever raising her voice.
Fabian himself ducks his head down, burying his face into Aleksander’s stomach to hide beneath the fabric of his kefta. Aleksander continues to provide some reassuring petting despite the darkness in his expression.
“Often?” Aleksander adds.
Sometimes the two of them are far too perceptive. Withdrawing into yourself, you begin to fidget with your fingers. Andromeda lifts her front legs up, settling her body onto your lap and nuzzling her face against your stomach, almost mirroring Aleksander and Fabian’s position.
Petting her head, your fingers thread through the fur at the base of her ears. Some of the tension leaves Aleksander’s shoulders as you touch his dæmon affectionately but his mind still seems to be focused on your words.
“Fabian settled when we were twelve,” you admit softly. Aleksander’s response is a quiet murmur.
“So young.”
You nod.
“Dreki liked to sneak under the tables during class. Being a fox meant Fabian was an easy target for the other dæmons.”
There’s a pause between you both. Aleksander scratches behind Fabian’s ear, blunt nails dragging through the fine hair there which sends a shiver down your spine.
“Andromeda settled when we were eleven.”
His gaze has lowered to look at his dæmon as she turns her head aside, resting her chin on your thighs so that her cool slate eyes can seek out her human counterpart. Aleksander’s expression is distant as he continues to speak.
“I’m not sure if she was meant to find her adult form then, or if we were forced to settle too soon due to my mother’s meddling but…”
His words trail off for a moment, until Fabian licks his fingers gently, drawing him back from his memories. Aleksander smiles softly at your dæmon’s efforts to comfort him, giving Fabian an affectionate pat on the head in gratitude. Then he lifts his dark eyes up to lock onto yours.
“But I know how you feel.”
The two of you hold one another’s gaze for a long moment.
“Thank you,” you whisper.
He nods.
“Come here,” he murmurs softly, extending his fingers lightly towards you to beckon you to him. There’s no hesitation, though you take care not to harm Andromeda as you stand and move across the room to settle in his lap once Fabian has bounded down onto the floor.
Almost immediately, your dæmon curls up on the rug in front of the fire, nuzzling his nose against Andromeda’s fur. They talk quietly amongst themselves as she licks at his ears affectionately. A small hum of pleasure warms in your throat while you observe your dæmons.
Aleksander traces his fingers over your cheek and when you turn your attention back to him, you find his dark eyes already watching you intently. He nudges his nose against yours softly, not unlike how your dæmons enjoy touching one another, which brings a smile to your face.
His finger hooks casually under your jawline, keeping your gaze on his. He leans closer, pressing a soft kiss to the tip of your nose which makes your smile widen as warmth spreads over your cheeks.
“Aleksander,” you whisper breathlessly.
He tilts his head aside, an amused glimmer in his dark eyes as they flicker down to your lips.
“Would- would you kiss me?”
“Would you like me to?”
A small huff escapes your lungs and laughter sparkles in his gaze at your exasperation.
“Yes,” you say pointedly. He raises a brow at you and you voice softens as you add, “Please?”
He leans closer, capturing your lips with his.
marvelmusing Tag List: @dreamlandcreations @blanchedelioncourt @idaofinfinity @slytherheign @ellooo0ooo @vixenofcourse @dumb-fawkin-bitch @jane-arthur @ilikefictionmen @budugu @watersquirtpewpewboomm @mysweetlittledesire @dhampiravidi
S&B Tag List: @motheroffae @daddymaster21
Aleksander M Tag List: @nyctophiliiiiaaa @jazmin2211 @wooya1224 @seronsalk @veescorneroftheworld
BB Characters Tag List: @rachlovesactors @noortsshift @aikeia @weallhaveadestiny @two-unbeatable-beaters
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allamericanb-tch · 2 months
crimson rivers thoughts (7)
@tastetherainbow290 more!! this one is longer
chapter 12
remus pov!!
LILY MENTION i love you lily i hope we see more of her in this
oh no wait what happened
wolfstar is wolfstarring
oh no the games. ugh.
regulus pov <3 i hope he finds evan
snake jump scare
james pov already wow ok
vanity!!! she lives
them boiling the water they’re so smart i love james
taking a break to eat dinner i will be back later.
ok i am back. (i love that im saying this as if my thoughts are being shared in real time)
“you’re going after regulus aren’t you” right as always, pete.
“stop thinking with your cock” PETER you icon
regulus pov again! i hope he finds james
water!!!!! huzzah
what is this spider 😭
james pov again
omg who died
i know it wasn’t regulus but i hope he is okay
wait is the spider like the wolf things?! that’s terrifying actually
omg irene and mathias hi
james interrogating them about regulus 😭
nice one regulus look at you killing avery spider
the lovers have been reunited!!!!
reggie come on don’t kill james
“he’s absolutely gorgeous” james now is not the time 😭
“you’re hesitating, love” AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
james “if i have to tie you up and carry you there, you are coming with me” potter
why is james flirting with regulus right now 😭 read the room james
james going with regulus because regulus wont go with james
“what’s it going to be”
chapter 13
another spice warning for this chapter… more jegulus content?! or is it wolfstar. probably wolfstar. although that’s what i said last time and it was jegulus..
young jegulus ❤️‍🩹
“James has always been that infuriating mixture of wonderful and stupid” yeah that’s james.
james. sweetie. i know you don’t want to kill the cute little family of deer but your only other option is to starve to death.
ok but why is this sad
i guess they choose starvation??
james missing sirius ☹️
“we’re a great big tragedy” that is exactly what jegulus is. you summed it up perfectly, thanks regulus
“do you think we would have gotten married” james 😭
REGULUS TRIPPING OVER THAT you know what you did james
“if it was you asking, you know i would have” ahhhhh
of course regulus ate the snake that tried to kill him. icon behavior.
eeeeeeeee jegulus
THE HANDCUFFS james get your mind out of the gutter
“mum dad look away im having impure thoughts” 😭
james doesn’t have his glasses?! how is he seeing right now
me rn: 💔
i can’t even be mad about it because i love dorcas
omg dorcas!!! she’s safe
slow painful death ☹️ gotta be the worst kind
dorlene <333
why is marlene shocked that dorcas enjoyed the games when she was young. she is literally a hallow. and she was a child??
ok they’re flirting now
eeeeeee they’re kissing
ok more than kissing
“eyes up here sweetheart” dorcas im in love with you
i love dorlene this is a nice break from the arena
noooo the moment has been interrupted
fab and gid ☹️ don’t remind me
and its over.
chapter 14
im scared for this one
i really hope evan doesn’t die
“do fish even have brains” 😭 james please
james shamelessly being in love with regulus ugh i love them
of course james has a knife kink
the story <3
yeah sirius would try to eat rocks
“Your gifts at twelve were a lot different than they are at twenty-five” jamesss you
THE PARTING GIFT james you’re teasing the viewers
“everything proceeds to go wrong all at once.” oh no
evan?! i hope that isn’t you
james killed him. oh. my.
regulus is os caring ❤️‍🩹
james having a crisis
they’re holding hands omg
“all james wants is him”
run joey run (glee cast version)
ouchie that seems like it hurt (wow. great observation from me.)
“when mulciber has a sword to his throat it’s not sexy at all” i would hope not?!
“he looks rather terrifying in a sexy way” james. babe. keep it in your pants you’re about to DIE
ok regulus
this is stressful. i know they both live but it is stressful nonetheless. 
yes james you go girl
the spear. i’m getting rue flashbacks.
EVAN!!!!!!!! he’s alive and here to save the day
i love that evan calls regulus lover boy
evan is going to die and i am not ready
not regulus thinking of james as his boyfriend
“both” ahhhh reggieeeee
jegulus + evan god tier combo
my face when james calls regulus love: 🤭
is james going to go full peeta and lose his leg too
should i read another chapter….
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itsoutrageouss · 5 months
Like a bellflower - chapter two
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chapter two of like a bellflower, a Joel Miller x Fem!Oc fanfiction
warnings: blood, violence, clickers, typical tlou things
words: 2,4k
Story taglist // chapter one
2. No ammo, no sleep
The soles of my feet were aching. We hadn’t spoken since he gave me his name. I tested it wordlessly on my tongue, joel, joel joel. Lot of tongue work in the name. As we walked, the sun baked over os, glaring peacefully at the destroyed land around us. The suburb houses with vines snaking over the woodwork, a firefly mark on one of them, I noted. 
Joel didn’t stop, or talk so I didn't either. I hadn’t felt this kind of peace in a while, I noted. Since that day, that damned day when Kade found me, nothing but terror had reigned in my body. It still did, creeping and simmering in the backbones of my body, under the waves it bubbled but I left it undisturbed for the time. 
As we moved, I thought it more and more ridiculous that the horse wasn’t used to carry at least one of us- I understood fully that it's a lovely companion to have just in itself but in today's world survival and practicality came first, and anything could be used as something it wasn’t. And I knew for a fact that horses were often used to carry people. 
I think Joel saw it in my face, when he from time to time looked over the horse to make sure I was still there, and saw my envious glare on the bag that was strapped over the horse. He too didn’t say anything. I felt like I was playing a game with him. Maybe if I lost and talked first he’d leave me on the roadside and ride off. Just the thought made a rush of anxiety shoot up my throat and into my mouth, my teeth clenching down hard on nothing. 
I think hours went by. I put a hand on the warm, moving body of the chestnut horse and closed my eyes, letting it lead me forward. I imagined I was back in Spain. Lovely, warm Spain with the orange trees and the stone courtyards. The sun was the same that had shone on my child-self in the rural part of the country, as well as in the city, when it would peak through church bells swinging back and forth. Sometimes I wondered, if we hadn’t gone back to the US for those couple of months -we pendled back and forth between America and Spain ever since i was born- life would’ve been different. My dad loved Spain more than anything- he would’ve gotten around better than we did here. But of course, doing a worldwide pandemic no flight would take us back. Now I knew I would never get to see the beauty of it again, and I didn't dare think of how it looked now; drowned in the dust of ruin and violence. I imagined the entire country had been enveloped by an impenetrable bubble. Everything there would be the same, spanish men with tan skin and loud laughs, nuns with kind smiles, dusty cats snaking around your ankles in the plazas. 
“Belle?” Joel's gruff voice shook me from my daydream, and I realized that my eyes had been closed the entire time. When i opened them again, joel was in front of me, blocking the bright sun that now shimmered around his shadow like he was an angel. 
“If you’re needing anything, now is the time to stock up,” he said, moving out of the way. We were at the foot of a bigger city. The kind with skyscrapers that had cracked halfway down like an old tree in a storm. The kind where plants had overgrown over every surface. Despite everything, the plants thrived and looked more beautiful than when us humans had control over the world. Now we felt like subjects to nature again. 
“Okay.” I needed ammo. I actually didn’t have any left. When I had pointed my gun at Joel, it was as empty a promise as it could be. All I could've done was throw it at him really hard. Maybe he knew. 
“You need ammo,” he said bluntly and started walking. Yes, he definitely knew. I sighed. An old convenience store snaked around the first corner we came to. The windows had been smashed and it looked dark and wet inside. This city might be infected by thousands, I thought. I pulled out a little knife from my belt. 
“Behind me,” Joel ordered, and his broad shoulder obstructed my view, his hands up and steady around his gun, back held tightly in suspense as we opened the door. Strangely enough, the little bell still worked and rang loudly as Joel opened the door. We were greeted, unluckily. A hoarse, broken sound of something once human screeched out as soon as we stepped inside. 
“Hide,'' Joel hissed, pushing me to the side behind an old rack of magazines. I nearly slipped on the dirty tile floor, wet with mud and blood and footprints. I snaked along the isles and pressed up against the corner. Joel was ahead, peering out behind the magazines. Clicking noises. They made shivers dance up my spine and I had to stop my body from crawling in on itself. On my left, between the back wall and an old produce aisle, I heard a low snarl and a click click click. Those noises were impossible for any human to make, ear piercing even when whispered. 
Joel moved swiftly and I whipped my head around to see him charge forward and out of my sight. If he didn’t know about the second clicker, it would come at him unprepared when the other would howl into its death. And I couldn’t tell him. I clutched the knife until the bones in my hand shook and left footsteps of mud as I ran the other way from Joel. I didn’t have time to strategise, or sneak because I heard the roar of the other clicker. It was like the sound activated something in me because I hurled onto the other clicker, stabbing with all my might into the stringy, meaty neck of the monster. The feel of the knife penetrating through flesh ripped through my hand, but I did it again. And again. Its arms flailed out trying to pry me off by scratching along my legs. Being clamored to such a nasty creature made me want to run; fast, hard and far. Instead I stabbed it over and over wherever the knife would hit, hoping it wouldn’t tear my own skin on accident. A pair of very human hands grabbed the creature's head and flung it to the ground, shaking me off simultaneously. I fell flat on my ass while Joel put one last stab in its back and the sounds died out with a painful wheeze. 
The palms of my hands burned where they had scraped the ground, blood mixing with mud. 
“Are you okay?” Joel asked, his gun pointed to the ground, though he still held it tight to his body, peering out the broken glass and into the backrooms of the kiosk. I reached up, and to my surprise tears were warm on my cheeks again. I really had to stop crying so much. I nodded and went to stand up. My bones had seemed to liquify and I might've fallen into a puddle, like spilled ice cream if I tried moving. 
I was so tired. My body had been on high alert ever since- ever since I killed all those people, and Kane found me on the ground. At that moment I hated that I didn’t have any bullets. He thought I was dead, but I scattered like a mouse when he tried to ransack me for stuff. I surrendered fully to him and his group- the only people around me that hadn’t died. 
“Hey! Are you hurt?” Joel asked, louder and seemingly annoyed at my lack of response. 
“No.” I didn’t have any wounds, at least. With a slipping grip I held onto the aisle shelves and dragged my skeleton up. A handprint of dark blood was left on the white, shiny metal. I didn’t want to look at it, and didn’t want to know how I looked, splattered in blood and tears. I bet my hair was all messed up. I liked to be clean in this unsanitary world but found it increasingly harder as time went by to uphold the same face and delicacy as before. My personal battle with the world; I was a restorer of softness in a place where everything was dirty and old. It was an art I felt everyone around me had left behind- the small joys and beauties of caring for yourself. Nice smells, blooming flowers, red cheeks. 
I started, realizing I was just standing, with no purpose or expression. Joel was growing impatient and I picked up my knife, sheathed it after cleaning it thoroughly. 
Joel had already moved along into the next room. 
“You needed ammo?” he asked, muffled behind walls. I puffed up my chest and willed my feet to move. The room was dark and humid. His back was turned to me, broad and bending over crates. 
I didn’t want more ammo, truth be told. “Yes. I don’t have any at all, actually.”
“What gun do you have?” he was rummaging still, pulling things out and placing them in a bag. I didn’t know.
“This one,” I muttered, fishing it out and holding it flat in my palm, balancing it carefully without touching it. The blood on my hands was staining and creasing in the lines of my palm. 
He only took a look at it before turning back around. I went to put the pack of ammo into my bag. The cardboard was wet and the bullets nearly fell from the absolving encasement. 
“You’re supposed to put them in the gun, you know?” Joel said with a brow raised. The scarce hint of amusement and sarcasm was the most emotion he’d expressed in the last 8 hours of knowing each other. It made me nervous, i felt ridiculous because obviously they were going in the gun but i'd rather put it off. I fumbled and the cardboard fell apart beneath my fingertips and bullets scattered onto the tiles, clanging loudly. Joel raised a hand to silence me, looking around. There was a pregnant pause. No clickers. 
I fell to the floor and picked the bullets up one by one, putting them into the holster with gritted teeth. Now it was done. No one said I had to use it just because it was loaded, though that was probably what was expected of me. Joel kept looking at me as if he was trying to figure something out. I didn’t want him to figure anything out so I headed back out into the sun. I felt his eyes following me, and once again I hid behind the horse. The trusty, big horse that divided us. I felt the muscles of its stomach contract under my palm as I smoothed along its side where the sun had hit. It felt the dust that clung to its coat, sweeping it off meticulously until the chestnut brown shone brightly. 
“What’s your name pretty?”  I asked sweetly, feeling the unmatched softness of a horse's mule. It breathed warm air onto the bare skin of my arm, bowing its head like a greeting to me. Whatever was on Joel's mind, he seemed to have dropped it when he came back.
“Doesn’t have one.” Instead of shying away on the other side of the animal, he stood in front of me, a hand held out waitingly. I screwed up my face in confusion. Did he want me to shake his hand? Give him something?
“You can barely walk straight.” he replied to my silent question. I felt grateful, but I didn’t want him to know that my feet were dying. I wasn’t going to be a bother to him already, especially not if he would start pulling me on the horse like a kid.
“That’s okay, I don’t mind walking,” I smiled, but I couldn't make it reach my eyes. I remember my dad would pull the horse along when we had wandered for nearly two days. I'd lay on its thick neck, watching the trees stroll past with half-lidded eyes. Someone stole our horse, though. 
“You follow my rules when you’re with me. We’re riding.” He unbound the horse and got up himself, scooting forward so I could sit behind him. With some awkward difficulty, grabbing Joel's jacket to pull myself up and almost pulling him down, I got up. The horse was big and spacious enough to leave some room between us. My legs tingled with exhaustion; felt light like when you took off a heavy backpack and I fought not to lean forward for something to rest on. I felt the strong body move underneath my legs, shifting us side to side as we rode slowly forward. The sun filtered in and out between the trees as we rode through the city. I peered up at the broken skyscrapers, plants blossoming out of its cracks like the kraken attacking a pirate ship. The horse rocked me like a crib, and with the steady rhythm of hooves, my spine curled more and more. Eventually my head knocked against Joel's back every few minutes. I only took in the world around me in abstract terms, like an art museum. Colors, shapes, sounds, fading in and out of reality. I didn’t even realize when the hooves stopped lulling me to sleep. 
“C’mon, scoot,” Joel suddenly wasn’t in front of me, and I nearly fell forward, catching myself on the broad horseback just in time with frail arms. I dragged myself forward drowsily by his command until my hands could reach the thick, warm neck. I felt Joel behind me, his arms encasing my sides as he grabbed the toils again. His legs squeezed the sides of mine to keep me falling. I tried to start myself awake somehow, tried grabbing the toils or lifting my neck that was impossibly heavy like lead. 
“Just go to sleep,” Joel's voice was soothing and low, and I'd barely registered his words before I fell backwards into him, head lolling against his shoulder. He didn’t move and I dozed off in a matter of seconds, but not before a little, warm tear rolled down my cheek. I hadn’t felt safe going to sleep for years before now.
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ahedderick · 7 months
Outdoor School
@oceanfloorfires I don't want to derail a perfectly good snake post, so I will write a separate one to explain Outdoor School. I hope this doesn't end up being TOO many details.
I have no idea how widespread this phenomenon is across the usa or the world, but it is a long tradition here in Maryland. There is a camp facility owned by the 4H club that is used for OS for a couple of weeks in September and October. There are simple cabins with rows of bunks, a bath house, a cafeteria, and several larger buildings. The idea is to get kids in their last year of elementary school out into the woods from Monday to Friday one week in the fall.
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As a chaperone I was in charge of a cabin full of about 12 girls, half from our school and half from a different one. The girls I knew were pretty easy to handle, because I was a frequent volunteer in school and they knew me. The others - were a handful at times.
Parent chaperones did not have to attend any of the classes or activities, and in fact some of them had to scamper off to go to work. THAT must have been tough. I chose to go on all activities that had hikes, and a few of the classes.
The camp site is gorgeous. The weather is always surprisingly chilly, because it is one climate zone colder than home. The "classes" were absolutely terrible. They had to rely on volunteers to teach, and they got what they paid for. For example . . . no, I need to go take my medicine.
{pause for tranquilizers}
Ok, the one hike took them through the forest and also a gorgeous bog.
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They paused in the forest to talk to the kids about the vegetation, and confidently told the children that. that. that a club moss (lycopodium) was a baby pine tree. *breaks down sobbing*
On another hike, a different instructor pointed dramatically at a small mountain laurel and told the kids it was a blueberry bush. The LOOK my daughter gave me. There was an actual lowbush blueberry right there. There was also a cranberry bush with one or two little cranberries on it. We had to point it out to the instructor, who said "Hunh. Maybe that IS a cranberry."
That aside. There were many good things. Showing up at the cafeteria three times a day to get a good meal that I didn't have to cook OR clean up was utterly splendid. I loved those cafeteria ladies. I hope they didn't find it unnerving that I beamed radiantly every time they handed me a tray of mediocre-but-nourishing food. One night we had movie night. They set up the projector and the screen in the middle of the cleared area. We were sitting in the dark, surrounded by an impressively large forest, watching a fun movie. Good times.
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One dinner I tried sitting with the other chaperones instead of with my campers. It took me three days before I realized that chaperones were sitting separately. Oh, well. Someone came in and told the lady sitting across from me that "Lee" was outside having a meltdown. She rolled her eyes and started to get up reluctantly. "Um, would that be 'Lee' from [our school]?" I asked. Yes, it was.
"I'll handle this," I snapped, and Woman plunked back down. I did not punch her (but I wanted to). I went outside and found Lee sobbing like her heart would break. She was INTENSELY homesick. Neither of her parents could drive, and there was no other family member able to come (over an hour away from our town) get her. She had called home and begged to be picked up, but they couldn't. I held her and started Talking. How proud I was that she had made it Three Whole Days already. How strong she was! How proud she would be when - not if! - she made it to the last day. And didn't her older brother bail and go home when he did OS? My, wouldn't that be something, for her to succeed where Brother had failed. By the end of this she had subsided from sobbing to sniffling gently. She did indeed manage to complete the week. I told her and her chaperone that any further Issues should be directed to me, because I knew her and her family.
The last evening they gathered all the campers in the main building for skits (the less said, the better) and entertainment. The last thing was a spoooooooky story about the ghosts of the family that originally lived on the land when it was a farm and they still haunt the campground to this very day!!! The kids were scared silly (in a good way). We walked back through the dark (there were no outside lights anywhere) to our cabin. There were about four girls clinging to me, and the others were clumped very closely around. Campers going all different directions were hooting and yelling in the distant darkness.
Next morning the kids packed up, swept the cabin, and everybody went home. It was, overall, a good experience, give or take some late-night shenanigans. I was glad I did it. I missed the cafeteria ladies for weeks.
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erythristicbones · 1 year
feeling super tired all the time, but mentally here enough to shitpost about my stories so. dynamic i figured out for SE;
Yaerohe: you changed your name to avoid me!!!
Candidus: actually i realized i was a guy and wanted a new name
Yaerohe: ...
Yaerohe: you changed your GENDER to AVOID me
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stromuprisahat · 8 months
On Dragonstone, Queen Rhaenyra collapsed when told of Luke’s death. Luke’s young brother Joffrey (Jace was still away on his mission north) swore a terrible oath of vengeance against Prince Aemond and Lord Borros. Only the intervention of the Sea Snake and Princess Rhaenys kept the boy from mounting his own dragon at once. As the black council sat to consider how to strike back, a raven arrived from Harrenhal. “An eye for an eye, a son for a son,” Prince Daemon wrote. “Lucerys shall be avenged.”
The Princess and the Queen × Fire and Blood (George R. R. Martin)
Little Joff wants to prove himself so much!
I wonder if it has anything to do with the Aemond incident and his helplessness during. Three y/os are impressionable enough to vaguely remember something from such a strong experience. Does he blame himself for dragging his brothers into the conflict?
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dryams03 · 9 months
▶ Aғᴛᴇʀ Fɪᴠᴇ
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Iᥒ ᥲ ᥙᥒιvᥱrsᥱ rᥙᥣᥱd bყ fιvᥱ grᥱᥲt gods, ᥲ ᥙᥒιvᥱrsᥱ of ιᥒfιᥒιtᥱ ρossιbιᥣιtιᥱs ᥕhᥱrᥱ ᥱvᥱrყ ᥴrᥱᥲtᥙrᥱ ᥴᥲᥒ ᥣιvᥱ ιᥒ ρᥱᥲᥴᥱ oᥒ ᥲᥒყ ρᥣᥲᥒᥱt of ιt. Iᥒ thιs bᥱᥲᥙtιfᥙᥣ ρᥣᥲᥴᥱ ᥲ Dᥱmι-god ιs borᥒ, ᥕho, movᥱd bყ hιs grᥱᥱd ᥲᥒd hᥙᥒgᥱr of ρoᥕᥱr, brιᥒgs ᥴᥲos, dᥱstrᥙᥴtιoᥒ ᥲᥒd ᥕᥲrs
▷ Iɴᴅᴇx
Publishing on Wattpad Prologue — 1 — 2 — 3 — 4 — 5 — etc.
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It all starts with a little 7 years old angel of black wings, white beautiful eyes and a black hair that reaches the middle of his back. This boy is called Evil.
The little one comes out of a big wooden house, excited, finding an arid and frightening place, in an infinite night with no moon or stars, a place full of dead trees and graves. But this kid doesn't seem scared or confused at all. On the contrary, he smiled kindly and sighed quietly as he looked around, apparently looking for someone or something.
—Father? Can you come? —After he said that, a dark smoke appeared forming a humanoid figure. It was over 6 feet tall, wearing a long black coat and a hood on its head, holding a huge scythe and its face was covered by a skeleton mask.
—Good morning Evil. —Said the mysterious man with a strong and deep voice.
—Good morning father! Sorry for calling you so suddenly.
—Don't worry, in fact today I want to talk to you about something important.
—What is it, father?
—You are old enough to learn how to use your power, and today I'll start to teach you -Then, the man walks away from the little angel -Firts, I'm going to explain something important to you.
The boy sits on the ground —I'm listening, father!
—There is a special energy that travels through all the existence, connecting everything what you see and everything what you can feel, it is called Aura. —A snake shaped smoke began to swing over the man's shoulders —You are my son, inside of you there is the power to control the Aura, you have the ability to control reality.
The kid put his hand on his own chest with a sad expression on his face —It sounds dangerous
—It is, Evil. Aura can be a tool or a weapon, it depends on how you use it. For example, your wings, when you learn to control the aura in your own body you'll be able to fly.
—Oh! Really? That was what I wanted to ask you! —His expression became more excited —Oh, by the way, father
—You are always talking about it and I wanted to ask. What exactly is the universe?
—Mmm. Well, the existence is like a tree. The trunk is the Universe, a place full of life, and where everything is possible and the branches are the different extensions of it, like this one where we live. For example all those flying beings that you see everyday, they are souls, they were once beings like you and me, but their life came to an end and it is my job to hunt them and bring them their new destiny.
—A place where everything is possible? —He stayed completely quiet for a few seconds —Does it mean that I can have a mother? Can you take me--
—No —answered with an angry voice even before the boy could finish his question —Now prepare yourself for a hard training, I am going to make you a God
Who would say that this little angel had to live with this coldness? What kind of dimension was that? Day after day was the same, almost transparent beings passing through the walls, the cries that were heard in the distance, the mirages and the fact that the graves were never in the same place. What kind of training Evil was going to receive? The way in which the man spoke to his own son was a sign of something even more mysterious. That deep feeling of fear and terror dominated the poor boy's heart many times after that day just by looking at his father. The pain started to grow inside him, slowly killing his fear and turning it into hatred.
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