#or even know how to hold a wii
isas-bathbombs · 6 months
mario kart characters i think the dimitrescu sisters + angie would have as their main:
cass - toad
bela - daisy (second best character in mario kart wii basically, the best is funky kong but she would not be seen playing as him)
dani - luigi
angie - bowser jr
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seeingivy · 5 months
french toast
ryomen sukuna x f!reader
an: enabled by @babiemay thank her for giving me the BIGGEST best friends older brother sukuna brain rot i've ever had in my life. (ooc sukuna again btw)
**part of my best friends (older brother) fic
previous part linked here
based on the seventeen years that sukuna has known you, he figures that you’ve already worked up some type of overthinking storm in your head when you arrive at his apartment two days later. and he knows for a fact that he’s right, because you’re at his doorstep with a pinched look on your face, clutching your purse like you’re about to get robbed. 
“hi pretty girl. did someone make an attempt on your life today?” 
you can feel your cheeks burning at the term of endearment, so phased you can barely coherently respond - or understand - what it is he said. 
“no?” you respond, nearly sweating under his eye contact as he smiles. 
“then why are you looking at me like you think i’m going to eat you?” he asks, annoyed as he gestures for you to walk into the kitchen. 
you feel your head run in a spiral, at the implication of his words, as he places his hands flat on your shoulders, and guides you to sit at the stool on his little kitchen island. the entire ordeal - the breakfast, the fact that he’s peeling off your coat and pressing a kiss to your temple, and the lingering touches - they make your skin burn, almost itch with nervousness. 
he stands on the other side of the counter, leaning forward on his forearms, as he smiles at you. and you try your best to figure out what exactly it is that’s beaming in his eyes as he leans forward. 
“pick your poison.” 
you feel yourself pale. 
he frowns, as he leans back. 
“for breakfast? what did you want to eat?” he clarifies. 
you breathe a sigh of relief. 
“anything’s okay. don’t trouble yourself. i-i can even help.” 
you walk over to his side, pulling up your sleeves and giving him a peachy smile, as he takes the opportunity to step towards you. your back hits the counter and sukuna makes it a point - resting both of his arms at your sides - as he traps you within his hold. 
“talk.” he states, almost sternly. 
sukuna leans closer, leaning his forehead against yours, as he takes a deep breath. it reminds you vividly, of two nights ago, when he pulled you straight onto his lap. and murmured into your skin that you were his pretty girl. and that he was going to prove it to you. 
“talk.” he states, the tone in his voice irritated. 
you look up at him, at his eyes razor focused in on yours, and spot no inclination of irritation on his face. despite the fact that you were almost positive that it was dripping from his tone. though, you always found him particularly hard to read.  
“now.” he murmurs. 
you sigh. 
“what are you trying to do right now?” you ask. 
he rolls his eyes. there’s the irritation you were hearing. 
“make you breakfast.” he deadpans. 
“is that all?” 
“what are you getting at?” he asks. 
sukuna often finds that talking to you is like digging a hole. that it takes patience. because he’s not going to find what he’s looking for forthright. but he knows for a fact that there’s something down there. 
it’s aggravating. but he persists.  
“promise you won’t make fun?” you ask. 
“i will do no such thing.” 
“sukuna.” you whine, crossing your hands against your chest. 
sukuna finds this part of you endearing. because it reminds him of all the different ways he’s seen you. when you were four and barging into his house to play wii with his little brother, explaining barbie movies at the dinner table, and tagging along on his family vacation when he was fourteen. 
and how after all this time, you still have the same tendencies. you bounce your right leg when you’re nervous, tuck your hair behind your ears when you’re finished rambling, and curl your hands into little fists and cross your arms - entirely unable to meet his eyes - when you’re embarrassed. 
sukuna clears his throat, as you look up at him. and you know the expression all too well. that he’ll wait all day if he has to. 
“no making fun. i’m serious, sukuna.” 
“it’s almost like you know you’re going to say something stupid.” 
“don’t call my feelings stupid.” you murmur. 
“well, i’ll keep calling them stupid until you tell me what they are. i’ll be honest if you let me.” 
this is something you can appreciate about sukuna. that he won’t beat around the bush. or say things just to coddle. it’s the same as the other night, where you told him about what happened at the bar, when he didn’t rush to your defense like almost everyone else does. and when it comes to this, you figure that he’ll be straightforward. 
“are you trying to have sex with me right now?” you ask. 
you look at sukuna, specifically at the way his eyes widen, before he breaks out into a laugh. and not just any laugh, because he’s nearly keeling over with how amusing he finds it. howling even. and it makes even more blood rush to your cheeks, humiliated for even bringing it up. 
sukuna grins, lifting his hands up from the sides of the counter and wrapping them around your neck.you can feel your breath hitch in your throat, as you instinctively shut your eyes. he’s going to be straightforward. 
“your feelings are stupid.” he whispers, right into your skin. 
you pull back, staring at him dumbfounded, as he places one of his hands on your waist. and he’s staring back at you, the expression in his face slightly amused. 
“that’s not nice.” 
“i’m not a nice person.” 
it’s frustrating. the tone that he uses with you. it teeters between placating and teasing you and you find it hard to decide which one exactly it is. and it seeps right under your skin, lets your irritation come to a head faster than it usually would.
“okay, well. sue me! you had no problems doing god knows what in my room the other day. and-and then you were making jokes about how you were going to eat me. the second that i got here. and-and you know how you are-” 
“and what’s that?” 
you pause.
“you said you know how you are. well, i don’t. enlighten me please.” he clarifies. 
sukuna’s pleased with himself. because he’s figured out exactly what it is, that’s brewing in that head of yours. and naturally, he has every intention to make you mince your words. 
you’re not sure how to say this. if there’s a polite way to call him what he is. 
“i’m what? a manwhore?” he asks. 
“no! you-” 
“you think i’m a horny freak, right? that i want to lift you up, take your skirt off, and have you right here on my kitchen counter?” 
you feel your eyes go wide, as you swallow hard, and feel the nervousness take residence in your stomach. sukuna senses it fast enough and makes his efforts to diffuse it. 
“do you think i would only invite you here because i want you to please me? do you think that’s the only way i can enjoy your company?” 
you can feel yourself getting too overstimulated, your head nearly steaming - at the implication, at the way he’s looking at you, and the fact that his lips are a few feet away from yours - and his smug grin crawling underneath your skin and making you twitch. 
you cover your face with your hands, feeling the warmth on your palms, as you feel his hands curl around your wrists, prying them off of your face. and when you look up at him, at the soft smile on his face, as you can’t help but frown at him. 
sukuna smiles. 
“are you lying to me?” 
you deflate. 
“maybe a little.” 
sukuna secures his hands around your waist, before fully lifting you up and placing you on the counter. and he presses a lingering kiss to your cheek before he wordlessly starts rummaging through different cabinets in his kitchen and the fridge, fully intent on making you the breakfast you were promised. 
you can’t help but watch him, as he muses around his kitchen, slicing vegetables on the cutting board and fruits on the side. at how he entirely discards the conversation you just had like it was nothing. 
from two feet away, sukuna is very, very appreciative of you. because you’re not very proud. and despite your first attempts, you’re honest too. because he knows for a fact that your hesitation to state your thoughts is because you don’t want to write sukuna off as something so…lewd. even if you think it’s true. and that of course, any hesitation on your part comes from something deeper than him. 
the deep seated distaste you seem to have for yourself. though sukuna’s entirely unsure why it’s there in the first place. he slices a strawberry in half, letting the eggs cook at his side, before he makes a residence standing in between your legs. 
he hands you one of the halves of the strawberry, before popping the other in his mouth and leaning into your space. 
“i don’t think you’re a manwhore.” you clarify. 
“okay. i don’t think you’re one either.” he responds. 
you smile.
“but you do think that’s the only reason you’re here?” he pokes. 
“no! no, i don’t think that. i just-” 
you sigh, placing your hands flat on the fabric of his hoodie, as you crumple it into your fists. 
“sorry. i’m not very good at this type of thing. and-and you’re like…you know. reputation. and you obviously have needs! and megumi thinks you’re a womanizer.” 
sukuna snickers, as you release his hoodie, and you deflate slightly. mainly at the fact that he’s not offended. and letting you ramble - and say ten different things you shouldn’t - openly. 
sukuna doesn’t shy away from what exactly it is that you think of him. or what that godawful sea urchin megumi thinks either. because it’s naturally, quite simple. and somewhat true. because he finds it hard to stay in one place for a long time. and as you very keenly put it, he had needs. 
though, that rule, as sukuna was painstakingly reminded of, didn’t apply to you. because again, you transcended any normal guideline that sukuna had. which is why he was keen on making you breakfast two days later, on his day off. and make your favorite, which he specifically remembers from the camping trip. 
“i’m not sure what thing you’re referencing. and make no mistake. i don’t talk in tongues like you do. if i invite you over for breakfast, it’s because i want to eat breakfast with you.” he responds. 
“you were the one who said you were going to eat me.” you defend. 
“you were looking at me like you were scared of me. like how prey looks at a predator before it gets eaten?” 
sukuna pushes off the counter as he starts plating the food onto and feels his ego inflate when you jump off the counter and cling to his arm when you realize what exactly it is that he made. 
“sukuna. i love french toast!” 
“yes. i’m well aware.” 
"how'd you know?" you ask.
sukuna looks over at you, the look in his eyes so devious, that you know you've certainly walked into something by stating it.
"you told us. on the camping trip. you've always been my pretty girl. even when you were fourteen."
you barely have time to even stomach what it is that he said as he lifts both plates as he makes a gesture for you to follow, seating the two of you back on his kitchen island. and when you settle in, sukuna gets to pick at your mind, with the questions that have been stuck in his head for the past two days. 
“before i divulge my manwhore adventures for you, you have to indulge me first. how many guys have you dated? or talked to?” sukuna asks. 
you hate sukuna’s choice of words sometimes. indulge. it’s almost like he knows he’s saying words that make you nervous. that make the sweat accumulate on the palms of your hands. 
“where’d you learn how to make french toast like this?” you ask, deflecting. 
“i asked first.” 
you swirl the eggs around on the plate - moving them from the left, to the right, and back to the left - before you answer. 
“i had a crush on this guy named dean from sixth grade to eighth grade. all of the boys in school got dared to slow dance with different girls and he picked me. it was an awkward four minutes of halo by beyonce but i loved him after that. he was funny. and cute.” 
“did you date?” he asks. 
“oh, of course not. he started liking this girl named kimi in eighth grade.” 
sukuna’s not exactly sure if this is the question he asked. but you keep going. and it’s intriguing to him nonetheless. 
“in my sophomore year of highschool, i had a crush on this guy named parker. he was kind of nerdy, like the stupid type? my english teacher would always put us in group projects together, and when i asked him why, he said it was because he wanted us to get married.” 
“that’s an appropriate thing to say to a fifteen year old.” sukuna bites. 
“no! my teacher had this dream to go to two of his students weddings, that met in his class.” 
“and what killed that extremely inapprorpiate dream, dead in its tracks?” 
“my best friend. we all somehow ended up in the same friends group our junior year. and they kind of started flirting. dated all the way till our freshman year of college.” you respond. 
sukuna curbs the question that comes to the forefront of his mind. because it occurs to him that his plausible answer to it, one that he despises, is exactly what’s going to be the answer. that if they liked each other, you were going to let them. despite the fact that you liked him first. 
“any more for me?” sukuna asks. 
“my first boyfriend was in my senior year of highschool.” 
sukuna feigns shock, as you fight the urge to laugh. 
“have we finally arrived to a real boyfriend?” 
you laugh, as you settle your hand into his underneath the table. there’s something so inviting about him, the way he’s hanging off the ends of your words and listening intently, that makes you continue. 
“we don’t speak his name.” you state. 
“he’s not a good guy. we dated until….my freshman year of college. december. and we officially stopped talking the summer of my sophomore year.” you state. 
sukuna bites the urge to ask every question in his mind. on who this guy is, why you continued to talk to him almost an entire year after, and most importantly, why you haven’t talked to anyone else since. 
except for him anyways. for the first time, sukuna finds himself being the exception. in a way that’s favorable to him. 
“that’s all of them! your turn.” 
sukuna smiles. 
“that’s all?” 
“mhm! it’s kind of boring, i’m assuming. in comparison to you.” 
sukuna concludes one thing. that all three of these men, especially the last, were not deserving of you. in the slightest. and that each one had wrecked a sizeable amount of havoc. he curses himself for not paying attention when he was still there.
“oh definitely. you’d need to stay here all day if you wanted to here that.” 
you smile brightly. 
“that can be arranged.” you respond. 
sukuna leans forward, lips a few feet away from yours, before he speaks again. 
“you like to play hard to get, don’t you?” sukuna asks. 
“what? what do you mean?” 
sukuna places his hands on the rung of your chair, before pulling it flesh with his own. and he tests the waters, by placing his hand on your bare knee, right near the pleats of your black skirt. and he feels you instinctively press your legs together, but make no moves to push him off. 
“i didn’t make the list?” 
you swallow hard, entirely embarrassed. though, your first real crush you supposed is naturally the one that you’ve denied, vehemently, since you were four years old and yuuji asked you in passing. 
because when your eyes lingered on him for too long, after he fixed the wii controls and dutifully handed you both your controllers back - of his wii, that he was letting you play on - yuuji halfmindedly asked the question. 
why are you looking at him like that? do you like him or something? 
it was a joke, of course. because yuuji just asked so he could start the match of wii tennis while you weren’t paying attention. that in the rush of it, you never got to consider the answer to it in full. though you suppose there’s no better time to answer it than now. 
“i have this best friend. his name is yuuji.” you start. 
sukuna’s alarmed. so alarmed that he pulls his hand off of your thigh, retreating it behind his back. 
surely you didn’t really like yuuji. because that would stop whatever it was that was blooming right now. because he was not his brother, despite their identical pink hair. the farthest thing from it actually. 
“i met him when i was four. and i barged into his house because he wanted me to play wii with him. you see, his big brother didn’t really like to play with him so he figured that i was the next best thing.” you state. 
“he had greasy hands. so did you. it was disgusting.” he states. 
“and yuuji didn’t know how to turn on the game. or-or remember which one it was in. so he called his very cool, much older brother, to help us. i’d never met a six year old before, and naturally if i had, i wouldn’t have thought he was so cool.” 
“shut up.” 
sukuna desperately wants you to continue. 
“seemed like the real serious type. kind of quiet. dark blue shirt, black shorts. the socks that only go to your ankles. i didn’t even know that his name was sukuna until a few days later, when he walked with us to school. he didn’t even introduce himself to me.” 
“did you want to know him that badly?” 
“and he fixed the remote, obviously. had some six year knowledge we didn’t clearly. and-and he turned to me. gave me a smile before he handed one to me and walked away.” you state, shrugging at him. 
sukuna’s satiated with your answer. mostly because, it seems you seem to remember the ordeal in as excruticating detail as he has. that you were wearing a pink dress, gold earrings, and a ribbon in your hair. that your skin was the softest he had ever felt, that you were the first girl who had brushed fingers with him when he handed you the remote, save for his mom of course 
sukuna brings his hand back into your hair, feeling the fabric of the blue ribbon in your hair today, matching with the short cardigan that you were wearing. and he wants to keep this one too. yank it out of your hair and secure it to his keys next to the pink one he refused to return. 
sukuna looks down at the fabric, at your hair sprawled over your shoulder. he can make out the length of your collarbone from underneath your tanktop and settles his lips right into divot, before pressing a lingering kiss into your skin and feeling you keel over in his arms. 
“france.” he murmurs, right into your skin. 
“what’s that?” you ask, dazed from the contact. 
“i learned to make the french toast in france.”
he kisses up the length of your neck, making no inclination to stop even as you barely stutter your words out. and for the second time, can't resist and places his hands on your waist just to pull you straight on top of him.
"makes sense. that's just-just toast for them." you mumble.
sukuna can't help but laugh. he's never going to tire of you.
next part linked here
taglist: @ghostreadersthings @porridgesblog  @k0z3me @kayleegomez @yihona-san06  @bsenpai @sweetenertea @skzismyhome @mykyoon @violetmatcha @rebeccawinters @shotenvinsoot @itzmeme @gojoswifeyyys-world @cutiejg @chilichopsticks
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sayakasnonsense · 6 months
Love languages <3
Pun: I asked my French friend if she likes to play video games. She said, "Wii."
A/N: Sorry for not posting for a bit! I’ve been needing to study for exams! My brain is tripping I can literally remember no characters help.
xoxo, sayaka.sy
Physical Touch
When you get back home from work, he’s always there to tackle you in a hug. He will 100% hold your hand as you put down your things, refusing to let go even when you need to take off your coat.
When you two go out, he WILL wrap an arm around you or just grab your hand. It helps him feel secure you know?
Bonus: he’s also super clingy
Gojo, Neuvillette, Itto, Kaveh, Dazai, Nikolai, Rengoku, Muichiro, Gojo, Yuji
Words of affection
This man… you can’t go anywhere without him singing your praises like a drunk bard at a tavern. Even in the morning, he’ll wake up, whispering about how gorgeous you look and how adorable you are. When you two dress up to go out, he will definitely start to shout about how pretty you are. And… when you two are around others… nothing… absolutely NOTHING will stop him from spewing words of affection. He will not shut up.
Dazai, Tengen, Venti, Kazuha, Kaeya, Xingqui, Itto
Acts of service
This man is not good at expressing his love for you, so he makes it up with what he does for you! Even if it’s just something silly like bending down to tie your laces for you. He’s the kind of man to get flustered when you say you love him, but is able to bridal style carry you home when you fall down… WITH A STRAIGHT FACE… WHILE EVERYONE STARES.
That aside, he’s so sweet with what he does for you! Better appreciate all those breakfasts in bed!
Ayato, Neuvillette, Diluc, Heizou, Sigma, Sanemi, Alhaitham, Suguru, Nanami, Megumi
This man is… rich… and he LOVES to spoil you. Tired? You deserves a nice steak at a Michelin starred restaurant. Stressed? Don’t worry, you’d be getting the best massage at the best spa money can buy. Worried about not having good enough clothes for a fancy event? That’s not even a problem that you have after dating him. This man WILL buy you the entire stock of any brand you want. You like that one REALLY expensive watch? You got it! Infatuated with that one Chanel jacket? It’s yours! Jealous of someone’s Lamborghini? Say less! You now have your own!
This man will 100% buy you anything and EVERYTHING, just for you!
Ayato, Wriothesley, Sigma, Fydor, Gojo, Geto Suguru, Nanami
Quality Time
This man… he’s not flashy… but… don’t think that he loves you any less! Every second he’s with you, he will love it, always remember it, and think about those moments with you all the time. It doesn’t even have to be anything meaningful, you two can literally just be laying together, and he will be SO happy!
What a precious baby!
Kaveh, Neuvillette, Nanami, Megumi, Chuuya, I legitimately can’t think of anymore
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Are Merch Mimics capable of using assimilation offensively against humans, for self-defense and otherwise? Like, if someone tried to break a toy/game/etc they were inhabiting, could the Mimic instead pull them in?
To a degree, yeah. I should mention though that Victor isn't "in" the TV in any magical sense; spoiler alert: he's the controller Vance is holding! Hence, the eye on the controller reacting to the dialogue. The Victor on the screen is actualy a model he rigged for a homebrew game he coded the old fashioned way, which responds to whatever inputs the controller sends to the Wii.
He actually is an active member of the homebrew community, and loves to mess with electronics the old fashioned way. Almost no one on the forums knows he's a toy bird, but are impressed nonetheless with his little projects, various rail-shooter games, and weird obsession with snarky anthropomorphic birds.
Victor could technically "jump into a game" on a tv screen, but it'd be a bit of a weird process if he doesn't know how to mod the game, so it'd look more like a shitty greenscreen effect rather than anything coherent. He'd need to learn in real time how the game is coded, how to inject arbitrary code into the system while it's running, etc etc. He CAN do that because he's a fucking NERD, but it wouldn't be a quick process at all.
I should also mention, mimics have an inherent ability to create dreams, since they come about from processing the thoughts and ideas of humans. If a human bonds with a mimic, such that the mimic now knows how the human thinks, they can pull a (somewhat) willing human into the dream when the human sleeps. So to wrap this all up: what Victor could do for a game he understands inside and out is pull a human into a dream that happens to match whatever he himself experiences as currently going on in the game. Basically the ultimate VR experience, with the mimic as a middle-man. Which might be something that'll happen in the comic soon....!
So that all seems a bit convoluted, right? Here's even more worldbuilding about matter assimilation by mimics below the cut. Stop here if you don't want a headache.
The reason so many hoops would be needed to pull a human into a game world is that assimilation is much easier on inert, inanimate objects that are not currently "in use" by a thinking thing, or something that relies on constant electrical signals to function. This can be something with brainwaves, or some other kind of animation like a normal robot. A mimic can convert a CRT TV that's turned off somewhat easily, but a TV that's turned on, with particles of every kind constantly moving into and out of it, is much harder to convert.
This means that humans and biological creatures in general are also trickier to convert, though it can still happen if done gradually enough. Hence, Victor wouldn't be able to rapidly convert Vance in one fell swoop, it'd be a whole process. It's easier to just pull a human into a dream instead, and if a mimic understands a video game, or a story in a book really well, they can basically make the fictional world into an extremely lucid reality for whatever human tags along with them.
I often describe mimics as just "jojo stands if they were corporeal and could just get up and move around on their own with no user"; you know how in jojo stand battles or old stories about magic curses, if you break the curse or kill the stand before its effect becomes permanent, all of the damage is magically undone? Like if you kill Green Day, the mold stand, all of the molding just instantly stops?
Mimics who use their powers of assimilation offensively work similarly; they can project their influence to a certain range, and partially assimilate matter in that range. If you knock out or kill the mimic, however, everything reverts to normal. A human who doesn't want to get converted can basically just turn around and walk away most of the time, or shoot the mimic, so the mimic in question needs to pull off some trick to get the human to stay within range for the assimilation to fully stick. A human can still break free and get out of range even if fully converted, but it's much harder, as assimilation usually means the mimic gaining greater control over the converted object in question. The exact range and effect mimics have is again like jojo stand ranges; it varies.
Different mimics have different affinities for different things. Victor can assimilate cheap electronics fastest because he likes them and understands how they work (it's why he's a toy bird mp3 player). Az can assimilate guns, and turn ammo into weird anomalous ammo with weird effects. Zachary is a genius who can assimilate any matter, including biological matter, faster than anyone... but he's also extremely picky and hates the sight of blood, so he only uses assimilation on things he really, really likes.
If I could somehow make another read more at this point, I would. It's gonna get messy:
What a weird power and setup though, right? Why? The true nature of mimics is unknown to most of them, but the deepest lore is that the first mimics were constructs made by a people long ago, who first made them as highly advanced machines that'd recognize the thoughts of their masters to fulfill any practical desire. Need a road built? Done. Need a ship repaired? Done. With physical needs all met, the people began to turn inward, and use the mimics to illustrate their own artistic ideas. Eventually, the will and consciousness of these people were assimilated and inherited by mimics, who themselves became people. Mimics spread, altered themselves, duplicated, deviated, fused, split, and wandered around. Getting into recreational wars, manifesting horrors and delights into reality because they could.
Somehow, after the dust settled, the strongest mimics, the angels, decide to set their sights to the stars, and observe other lifeforms develop technology and their own art. Did mimics come to earth millions of years ago, and simply watched humans grow, evolving with them in-tandem? Or did humans make the first mimics, and somehow became undone and set back to the stone age? The answer to this mystery is currently known only to the oldest of mimics. Except Zachary. He's old, but didn't care to remember.
This is generally why mimics seem so compatible with humans; they were made by either them, or people who were, for whatever the reason, very much like them, flaws and all. The ability to assimilate is basically the conversion of matter into a more malleable state of information. A virtually magical power, but this was achieved not through prayers and spells, but a very human-like obsession with developing technology to the point of exerting control over molecules, then atoms, then the lowest planks of matter. The obsession with scaling every mountain and crossing through every valley. To rip the natural world apart, and hopefully, put it back together before it's too late. Angels seek to ensure humanity walks the right path there, but with human's own desires and intent honored, for better or worse.
To answer your question: yes. A mimic of Mario can pull you into the game and you can jump with him and eat shitty low poly spaghetti with him.
The process for doing that is just convoluted and complicated, and you need to get to know each other a bit first. If he tries to use it as an attack though, it either won't work, or it might just wind up giving you mild brain damage.
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batterygarden · 1 year
play fighting with blue lock boys
ft. Nagi & Rin, sfw but no minors on my page pls, also featuring the use of mario kart wii.... I wrote most of this on the stairmaster & it's not proofread don't mind me. this is silly. also Rin catches you and holds you in his arms seemingly easily
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Seishiro Nagi
“Seishiro. I wanna get there early. You need to get ready.” 
Your boyfriend stares up at you with a dramatically tired face—the kind that should be on one of those animal abuse commercials with sad music layered on top. 
“This is lame.” He scoots one inch closer to the edge of the bed under your harsh gaze, eyeing the floor next to it. He’s pretending like he’s working on getting up, but you know the second you turn around he’ll return to his cozy position on his side, playing games on his phone. 
So you march over to meet him, flipping his covers back while he stares at you with wide eyes. 
You’ve reminded Nagi what felt like a million times that tonight was the night you scheduled a double date with your boss and her husband, something he’d agreed to albeit reluctantly. Granted, you aren’t thrilled by the prospect of spending an unpaid evening with your employer either, but you had already avoided her request longer than what should have been possible. Nagi had honestly expected an excuse to get out of this would present itself before the dinner came, but now he’s run out of time. He’s still pushing you to cancel as a last ditch effort. 
“Lame or not you said you’d go! It’s your own fault for agreeing.” 
He starts rising to a sitting position really slowly, mumbling that he was coerced. 
You roll your eyes, his attitude frankly isn’t helping your morale either. 
“Ugggh okay, Sei, let’s make a deal.” 
Nagi sits up the rest of the way easily, forgetting his mission to move as slow as possible. 
“I’ll reschedule tonight’s dinner—even though it’ll be really annoying—IF you can beat me at a race in mario kart wii. If not, you have to come right away with no complaints!” 
You have to pat yourself on the back for your clever idea—this should get Nagi up and moving and ready quickly—he loves video games. And you don’t need to worry about rescheduling, Nagi has only ever beaten you in mario kart one time as a fluke—it’s the one video game you’ll always be superior at since you grew up with a wii and he didn’t. 
Your confidence wavers at the way Nagi visibly relaxes hearing your offer though, a calm little grin overtaking his features at your words. 
Next thing you know you’re sitting on the couch while Nagi prepares the wii console, easy confidence exuding from every movement, his facial expression bored. He even lets you choose the map you race on! 
“Wow underestimating me much? Or maybe you’re secretly excited to hangout with my boss,” you chuckle under the guise of confidence, but really your palms are sweating. You choose the toughest course, rainbow road—you really don’t wanna have to reschedule tonight.
You start off nice and easy, securing your position in first place quickly as always. You clearly had nothing to worry about.
After the first lap though, you notice yoshi cruising up behind you on the bottom of your screen, following your route carefully in his classic dragster kart—what the hell?
“Nagi! S’that you??” Your steering starts to turn a little frantic.
“I’m yoshi, yeah.” His voice is calm and quiet. You can’t help but notice in your peripheral the lazy way he leans back in the couch, manspreading while he squishes himself comfortably in the cushions. Your tense perch on the edge of your seat is a funny contrast.
“How are you doing this?” You ask as he gains leverage, overtaking first place for a few seconds at a time. The race is close. 
“Just trying really hard.” Nagi’s voice sounds like he just woke up from a nap—slow and peaceful. You’re infuriated. 
“Have you been letting me win all this time?!” You almost shout, panic setting in as Yoshi begins his third lap a second before you. 
“No. Just was taking it easy before. Now ’m getting serious.” His steering is flawless when you peek at his side of the screen. It feels like the last lap disappears too quickly before Nagi finishes in first place—a whole three seconds before you. 
You throw your remote on the couch in defeat, burying your face in your hands while Nagi starts peeling a clementine. 
“This is ridiculous. How was that so easy for you?”
“I dunno, maybe Mario Kart’s just an easy game. ‘T’s kinda fun, actually. We should play it more.” He pauses to eat a piece of fruit. “Wanna get uber eats ?” 
You glare at him while you reach for your phone. 
Itoshi Rin
“I’m gonna be working super late tonight so I think I’ll miss you when you get back,” You look up from your phone to meet Rin’s eyes when you add, “also don’t eat my left overs later! Or else..” Rin pauses on his way towards the door. He hadn’t been planning on eating your carefully labeled takeout box but… the way you worded that is funny. His face is expressionless when he asks, 
“Or else what?” 
You look up again from your screen, frowning. “What do you mean or else what?” 
There’s a microscopic lift to one corner of his mouth and the barest spark of amusement in his eyes. He lets the strap of his gym bag slide from his shoulder to the crook of his elbow. 
“Well what would happen if I ate them… like what are you going to do?” 
You grit your teeth and swing a comical fist in the air  “I’ll beat you up—” the raise of his eyebrows and upward twist of his mouth has you backtracking—apparently he’s not going to let you get away with pretending right now, “...I’ll give you a wet willy!” 
He tilts his head a bit to the side, openly smirking. “...okay. I mean ‘t’s not like i’d let you do that.”
You roll your eyes and slouch in your chair like you’ve given up on the matter… pretending to refocus on your phone screen. But you’re watching him in your peripheral, noticing the slight raise of his smirk while he lifts the strap of his bag back to his shoulder, waiting till he turns his head away to launch your sneak attack. After a second of analyzing your face he does turn towards the door and, with the grace of a flying squirrel, you immediately push off the chair you’d been curled on, launching into the air from the balls of your feet in an attempt to tackle him from behind. 
And he fucking catches you. One second he was walking ignorantly towards the door, the next you’re in his arms, unable to move from his freakishly strong hold. 
You frown at his almost bored facial expression, sticking your finger in your mouth and reaching for his ear as fast as you can. Of course your wrist is caught before it can get close, and your other arm is already stuck between your bodies—you’re immediately completely immobilized. 
“Ugh. Kinda hate you right now! This is so unnecessary,” you huff, struggling in his grasp then giving him a dramatic sad face when he won’t let go. 
His own expression turns bewildered at your words, “You attacked me! I literally told you I wouldn’t let you put spit in my ear you fucking cretin.”  
“I wouldn’t have tried to if you didn’t threaten my food!” 
“Oh my god I wasn’t going to eat your two-day-old pizza.” 
You huff and lift your pinky on the hand he’s holding in the air, “promise?” 
Rin rolls his eyes but releases your wrist to link fingers with yours. Then he sets you down, readjusting his gym bag. 
His face is still annoyed when he leans in to peck your puckered lips before he heads out the door. He freezes when he feels your still damp pointer finger shove its way into his ear canal before he can pull away though.
When you lean away to meet his eyes with a barely concealed smile, his glare makes you feel like you’re on death row. 
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mvltisstuff · 10 months
plz do some conrad head cannons i loved ur cam ones🙏🙏🙏
hc’s for conrad!!
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i feel like conrad would be a little tough to crack open at first, like he’d open up slowly but surely
once he does, he adores when people genuinely listen to him and help him process
when he feels comfortable, if he has a panic attack, he knows he can go to you for comfort and he doesn’t have to be afraid
if you’re anxious, he’s def the type of guy to hold you until you calm down, and then talk about it if you still want to
before susannah’s death, she always noticed his smile get bigger when he was with you and it always reappeared after her death
i feel like bro def would get a good therapist (someone get him one ‼️)
he pretends to hate the nickname connie but secretly loves it whenever you say it
gets turned on by the most random things, even if they’re little
i know him and jere have their little moments but i feel like he’d genuinely do anything for his little brother
keep in mind i haven’t read the books so i’m not fully sure what happens 😭 i know some major plot points but no details really
if you get insecure, he always slyly shoots out little compliments and makes sure other people say you look amazing (you do)
he’s usually civil, but the second someone says something to you, it’s game over
FUCKS UP mario kart wii and had to finish jeremiah’s laps for him when they were younger
wants to call people his best friend, but isn’t sure if he’s theirs (same)
i think once he learns how to properly communicate (no hate), he would have a really good relationship with you
if you argue about something, he stays up all night thinking about it in fear of losing you. even if he thinks he’s right, he’ll try and make it up to you
bro i know the fishers grew up drinking milk with dinner every. single. night.
i feel like he would be cold a lot (idk why) but he always curls up more to you if he does
definitely active on twitter and always retweets the weird, funny tweets (or x i guess, kiss my ass elon!)
whenever he’s soaking wet, it’s a must that he runs up to you and shakes his hair and pecks your cheek (cannon???)
bro has a blankie idc (this is me projecting)
this is so mean but he 100% scared susannah whenever she walked into a room (probably before being diagnosed again 💀)
has a private story that he NEVER uses unless it’s to post embarrassing pics of everyone else
made his snap username something so humiliating and shut down whenever someone mentioned it
cried tears of joy when the update came out where you could change it
i tried to add a few silly ones in there, but i hope you enjoy these <3
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dainangel · 1 year
holiday scenarios with: ENHYPEN 🎄
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w. fluff, flirty stuff, mentions of food(?) | not proofread! | author’s note: just some cute scenarios <3 and happy holidays my loves!!!!
yang jungwon (양정원): shopping
yall would definitely go pre-holiday shopping
like i mean early as in october
you guys both got friends and family to get gifts for
jungwon would def try to be sneaky and get gifts for you behind your back
casually just asks you to try on certain rings or bracelets (hes tryna get your sizes 🤭)
fails miserably cause you get distracted by all these bright colors and trinkets
has to watch you flail your arms in public while gasping and running off to a different store across the street
gets a little embarrassed from all the stares youve earned, but doesnt care in the end because he loves you
you two would be curious shoppers together <3
yall would def get compliments from the old asian ladies calling you guys a cute couple
“you should get married!!!” 
that causes him to turn bright red while he tries to hide his face from you
he’ll really appreciate being able to go outside in the cold with you (for shopping ofc)
sharing a scarf or him bundling you under his jacket is a must
or he just puts your hand inside his pocket, his hand intertwined with yours !!!
lee heeseung (이희승): gaming + ramyeon
gamers unite🗣️ (and ramyeon enjoyers)
he makes you guys ramyeon, trying to plate it nicely in a bowl rather than a plastic container
finds those youtube “hacks” as to how to enhance your ramyeon
a disaster is formed
he ends up spilling soup everywhere in the kitchen
somehow ends up with a noodle on his sleeve
how can you get mad at him though?
he got his bambi eyes ready to get him outta trouble 
you just sigh, giving him a kiss while removing the noodle from his sleeve 
you can feel him smiling sheepishly through the kiss
you guys sit on the soft couch together, both under a blanket after eating 
you both agree to play the switch instead of the wii
he explores your animal crossing world for a while, fishing next to you<3
tries beating up your villagers for some reason (plz help him) 
then all of a sudden its mario kart time and you are VIOLENT
he lost every round, making the excuse “im just letting you win.. you havent seen my full potential” while laughing
park jongseong (박종성): cooking
yall decided to host a holiday party: meaning when theres a party, theres a lot of prepping
jay definitely wishes he could spend this day with you another way
but he sees how happy you are cooking and decorating
he definitely volunteers to help around the house
he finds himself having more fun in the kitchen with you, though
some soft tunes are coming out of his phone (like some r&b keshi vibes ykyk)
slowly presses his chest against your back while youre slicing carrots
holds onto your waist and sways you back and forth with him
def places some warm kisses on your shoulders and neck 
you eventually hum along to the current song, giving in to his actions 
you lower your knife onto the cutting board, letting him turn you around and kiss you
he spins you around chuckling
pecks at your cheeks and forhead a lot (aka his way of showing his appreciation towards you)
“okay, okay, jay. i love you but i really need to work on this” you give him one more quick kiss
little do you know hes admiring your hardwork and the way you look under the kitchen light
sim jaeyun (심재윤): gingerbread houses
it started off with jake saying he could build a better ginger bread house than you
and he said that damn well knowing how competitive you are
which leads to your current situation
youre hands are covered in icing, so the only thing to do is to rub your hands all over jake’s face
“hey!!” hes basically giggling crazy at this point
you point at him laugjing (even wheezing bro)
an hour later, you guys both finished your gingerbread houses
so you both take the extra candies and eat them together
you also just chat about your day and have some cute moments together
jake grabs your face with one hand, opening your mouth and putting a peppermint in it
you do the same but with a gumdrop, returning the favor
he got his cheeky ass smile on now
he’d probably kiss you even with the gumdrop in his mouth (i mean whats new between yall)
but this mf still has the icing on his face so you cant take his flirty moves seriously
it looks like he just murdered someone 
you end up taking a bath with him with gingerbread scented candles burning away on the windowsill (wow how romantic)
park sunghoon (박성훈): ice skating
idc what anyone says an ice skating date is a must
youve told him multiple times youre not that good at ice skating, but hes your boyfriend so he can help you, right?
nope, because after letting go of your tight grip for a second youre stumbling like a newborn giraffe 
even with him as your personal walker, or the ice skating rink’s walker, its not working 
everytime you fall he just skates back to you elegantly, lifting you off the ground like hes some angel gaurdian that came to save you
“and who are you? do you have a girlfriend?” you say wiggling your eyebrows while he helps you up for the 34th time
he just laughs and kisses your cheeks and head in the middle of the rink (other ppl had to watch this bro 🧍‍♀️)
eventually you get the hang of it and you can glide without holding onto the wall
a lot of people end up leaving so sunghoon shows off a bit to you
mans is doing flips and spins and tricks for you girl
you just clap and yell excitedly meanwhile hes feeling all shy in front of you
somehow he didnt fall once but also looked elegant 
sunghoon skates over to you sitting on the cold ice floor, plopping down next to you
he looks a little worn out now, but doesnt mind cause all that matters is youre having fun <3 
ofc afterwards you guys get some hot coco or a hot latte to share 
kim seunwoo (김선우): bunny café
honestly i could see him being up to going to a bunny café with you
considering youve been begging him for ages
being surrounded in cute bunnies and your boyfriend sitting next to you, feeding one
youre basically in heaven
ofc you had to gossip with him there
“no way he cheated on her…” he says gasping
sunoo smiles looking at you, and blush creeps onto your cheeks
after playing for a while yall wanna eat something sweet
you both decide on getting a mint choco ice cream smoothie (btw im a mint choco lover)
the great thing about you and sunoo is, you both have the same interests making it impossible to fight
once you guys are done with the smoothie, he opens the lid and scoops out the clumped ice cream from the bottom of the cup
he feeds it to you across the table <3
meanwhile the bunnies are just at the bottom looking up (👁️👁️) wondering if its for them
after the bunny café hes super worn out and tired
so you guys go to your shared apartment and cuddle and sleep on the couch !
nishimura riki (西村 力): movie binging
movie binging nights in bed are bound to happen
not even just holiday related movies, like every movie available on netflix
you guys were watching everything from horror to like cute cartoons (rilakkuma 😭)
niki made popcorn for you and ofc you have to share with him
he acts like a child during some movies, shrieking at scary things or crying over a character dying
i feel like he’d be laying on your lap
really enjoys it when you play with his hair
niki would probably start whining if you ever pause the movie to go do something
then all of a sudden this boy wants to watch megamind 
so you obviously comply 
you dont remember finding megamind that interesting of a movie
he makes it funnier, randomly adding sound effects or comparing certain characters to his members 
“yah! jay kind of looks like megamind!” hed start laughing crazy
you could only sigh and smile
afterwards youre tired af, so you fell asleep in like 5 minutes
niki hugs you from behind, his face snuggling against your neck before he goes off to dream land <3
i hope you guys enjoyed!! i wanted to post something for the holidays 
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twentydaysofmay · 2 months
So at first, this was a reblog of a different post, but I am now making it an original one for greater reach. Be warned that it's going to be quite long.
So, we all know and love the promotional comics of our Wii boxers, like this one about Glass Joe:
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You might have never questioned its origin, and neither did I when I first encountered it a year ago. I just assumed that Nintendo officially published it in a guide, because that's what every source about them that I've read was implying.
But then I learnt that these translations aren't official at all. They were apparently done by the Tumblr user @boink-the-joiner in 2013, whose blog seems to be unfortunately deleted.
And then I was informed of the existence of this image by my friend @fan-mans (Charlie):
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He said he originally found it on Tumblr, though he didn't give me the link to where he got it from. (It happens to be included at the very start of this post.)
But this supposed "original version" seemed fishy to me for several reasons:
If this is the "original" Japanese version, and no "official" English one exists that was published alongside it, why are the sound effects written in the Latin alphabet?
Why is the authorship at the bottom in English? And isn't that the exact same font as in the well-known English version?
Why is it read left-to-right? Shouldn't it be flipped from the English version? Wouldn't it make more sense for Mac to punch him with his right arm and for Joe's hair to be more often on his right side than the left, and to first put on the left boxing glove, and hold the coffee cup in his right hand?
Why is there a red rectangle in the middle right?
Charlie said that all of this was because Nintendo was catering to an American audience, but never actually published the guide outside of Japan. (Apart from the red rectangle, which was apparently a part of the website that image originally came from, but he didn't have a link to that either.) I didn't believe it at first, because it just seemed like an incredibly stupid pair of decisions to me.
But today, I found this webpage. It's a blog post talking about strategy books for Nintendo games, and includes this image:
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This is it! This is proof that Nintendo printed the comic to be read left to right in the original Japanese version!
There was that little bit of doubt in my mind though. What if the copy that shows the actual pages of the comic is in English? The quality is so low...
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...but the kana here are clear enough.
That isn't the end of the story. Shortly afterwards, I came across this webpage:
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THIS IS THE ORIGIN OF THAT JAPANESE VERSION OF THE JOE COMIC ABOVE! The red rectangle was, indeed, holding up a textbox.
Anyway, the full website can be found here, and includes a few other materials, such as this part of a guide on Title Defense Von Kaiser:
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Sadly, the website only includes Joe's comic, and I haven't found the original Japanese versions of anyone else online, so currently, you'd have to own the guide to know what they look like.
Also, out of curiosity, I decided to use the Wayback Machine to see if the site has ever been modified, but it just wasn't archived there at all. Not even a single snapshot. So I went ahead and preserved what it currently looks like.
The website itself seems to belong to the company that published the guide, Enterbrain, a division of Kadokawa Future Publishing, which is a part of the Kadokawa Corporation. The names "Ebten" and "Famitsu" seem to be related to it as well, but I have yet to figure out exactly how. The full Japanese title of the book is パンチアウト!!完全クリアーガイドブック, and its ISBN is 978-4-7577-5067-8. At least according to these listings.
Not all questions about the comics have been answered. For instance, we still aren't quite sure why Nintendo (or Enterbrain, anyway) decided to flip them. And our translator Boink had to have the copies of all of the Japanese comics, otherwise they wouldn't have been able to translate them! What if they are reachable somewhere else, and we can ask them if they still have the original scans?
More information might come as I (and hopefully others) research more.
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overwatchfics · 2 years
Can you do more relationship fluff HCs with blackwatch and fem s/o? I love your other blackwatch work! Thanks!!
Blackwatch Fluff HCs
Genji loves to go out, but in his Blackwatch era the days of arcade games and goofing off are at an all-time low
However, he loves to hike.
He feels in his time of getting used to a cybernetic body, he has lost touch with himself.
Being out in nature helps him find peace whereas being in Moira's lab cannot
He doesn't really camp and spend the night too often though with you he'll pack a couple hammocks and find a nice campground
He'll pull you in with him a set you in his lap and pull out a book all while having his arms around you
Occasionally if you're cuddled against his chest, he'll pull you up to kiss you, and he'll have his body cybernetics heat up to keep you warm if the day grows cold
Genji doesn't necessarily eat, but Angela made it so he's able to enjoy small amounts of food
This means S'mores!
He enjoys them, but he likes feeding you them and laughing at the chocolate and marshmallow mess on your face
you did the same to him and it was one of the first times you've heard him laugh whole heartedly and man was that a majestic feeling
On the side, another hobby he's picked up is wood carving
Genji loves to make little statues for you, whether it's of dragons or foxes and if you're lucky he'll make a little inscription
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Doesn't really have technology, but he does own a Wii?
Wii sports date night with the cowboy who's weirdly good at Wii bowling
Cassidy jokingly calls himself a gamer, but even a junker with -1 braincell could see he's not
The moment you buy Mario kart Wii and beat him over and over he's on his KNEES begging to play something else
Like I said in other post, while He can't barbeque his specialty lies in making comfort foods like corn bread, BBQ beans, mashed potatoes, and a basic pan seared steak.
On days your sick he'll whip up a hot tomato bisque with some bread on the side
Cassidy would love if you'd join him in the kitchen, meal preparation is always a pain in the ass
Going out, another thing he likes to do is go to carnivals, though he hates rollercoasters of any kind
He just likes showing you all the cheats to the unwinnable games
Not because he's scared, he just gets sick on them very easy
ok fine he's scared, I tried to cover for him but no he's a scaredy cat
If the day is free and slow, he's totally ok with chilling at home and holding you on the couch
Beware his beard tickles you during most kisses
Likes to wrap his poncho around you and put his cowboy hat on you
Definitely can't resist to kiss you when he sees you in his clothes
matching western outfits YES!
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Such a weeb, and you'll know it after many nights in her lab
Watches anime while doing trivial experiments or documenting her results and she'll have you right there with her
When she goes home, she takes you with her and in all honesty she way too tired to cook so expect some take-out and a bottle of wine
Dinner is usually pretty animated; home is a place where she feels open to talk to you about her frustrations and excitements and she knows you'll listen and take to heart what she says
Make-out sessions with wine-stained lips, moira's pretty saucy milf don't sass me anon
Her corrupted hand pains her though she doesn't show it in front of others
Having you near her helps distract her form the pain ahd you and turn just puts some heat packs in the microwave and hold them against her arm
Occasional affection, but not much and that mostly stems from her fear of hurting you
Won't hesitate to kiss you though
absolutely no PDA
Long chess matches, she likes to play wits against wits
insert another wine-stained make out session here after you lose a match
her haughtiness after a winning makes her this way
She loves to style hair; it helps her unwind and she's rather good at it
same goes for nails, honestly, I can't paint nails for shit, but know that moira can and she will do yours in a heartbeat
I have this image of moira with a cucumber mask and i can't get it out of my head god damnit
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Big man. big arms. big cuddles
Sparring matches at HQ! Helps burn off energy and Afterwords he likes to head home with you
karaoke night, he probably finds some songs to sing in Spanish to woo you
Definitely a dancer, and won't take no for answer if he drags you out onto the floor
His thighs save lives
pulls you into his arms and sways to the beat
Twirls then dips you (the crowd gasps)
type of guy to have a rose in his mouth tbh
On the drive back he' gets drive thru and you two are laughing your asses of on the standup comedy radio
Gabriel occasionally takes you to this seaside cliff where he goes to contemplate and reflect on his decisions.
It's late at night and with the bags of fast food in his hand and a flashlight in the other he takes you to the top.
Once Gabe finds the spot, he finds the remnants of an old campfire and starts a fire and a couple worn plastic chairs are already set around the fire
You two are chowing down on fast food burgers and fries, and he reaches over with one arms and pulls you to his side
After finishing he puts out the fire and the stars become clearer than ever and looking over the cliff, the waves glow blue with bioluminescence
Gabriel smiles warmly at you and wraps an arm around your waist and brings his lips to yours
His kisses warm you up as the ocean breeze blows past the two of you
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A/N: Not as much as the last one, but I pulled what I could from my brain to write more for the Blackwatch crew
Have a request? Put it in the Request box and don't forget to check the rules!
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chronicbeans · 1 year
I really love how you write Wally :)
Can you do one with the reader try’s to play video games with him? You can write about video game you want btw
Wally playing video games is something that increases my serotonin. It is time to make the ultimate semi crossover of funny, silly puppet man and the serious and (at points) sad Persona 5 Royal because I want to see Wally's reaction to those topics. Especially since he probably doesn't even know like... Half of what is going on.
So I guess spoilers for Persona 5 Royal. The game is explained so poorly in this that people will probably not understand anything (much like Wally), but there are still some spoilers.
Reader Playing Videogames with Wally Darling (mainly Persona 5 Royal, but others are mentioned):
🎮 So, it turns out Wally has a bit of trouble holding controllers. He only has three fingers and a thumb on both hands, as well as felt for skin. Most controllers just fall out of his hands, so he mostly just watches you play.
🎮 Wally CAN play games on a DS, Wii U, or other consoles that can be laid flat and controlled using a screen and stylist. Some of his favorite are any Pokemon games that let you play with the Pokemon (he hates making them fight, so he makes you go out and catch them for him. Also, he'll have you play through the story because of the fighting), Nintendogs (he always names his dogs Barnaby. He has Barnaby, Barnaby 2 and Barnaby 3...), and Super Mario 3D Land.
🎮 Mist of the times, he just watches you play the games. Ever since you got Persona 5 Royal, though, he has been on an emotional rollercoaster. He doesn't understand even HALF of what is happening. Like... WHY ARE PEOPLE BEING SO MEAN? He doesn't know what they are doing, but they know they are being mean because people in the game are reacting with like... Horror once they find out. At least you fix them in the end? And the art is good!
🎮 Your character is also cool! He doesn't understand why people don't like you? What is a "probation"? Wait, you committed a crime?! No, people just think you did? HUH? A politician accused you of it? What's a politician?
🎮 You make a lot of friends, though, and fight the bad guys! Even one of the people you fight becomes a friend! Her name is... Futaba Sakura? Her name sounds cool! Along with all the characters' names! She didn't seem so mean, though, so he doesn't understand why you fought her or why she wanted you to. She kinda reminds Wally of himself in a few ways, to be honest.
🎮 Then the ending and the second ending after that is really cool! When he saw that like... one bad guy you fought that was like... keeping the weird second versions of people in prison? He was kinda like "Woah! He looks so big and scary! Wow! I don't even know what is happening, still! Yippee! 😁" Then there was the guy who was your... uhh... counselor! Yeah, counselor! He seemed more like Futaba in that he didn't seem so bad. He still doesn't understand why making a world where everybody is happy forever is bad. Even if it is fake, everybody is happy! That's how all stories should end! Right? At least that counselor guy had a slightly happy ending, though!
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xai2 · 9 months
OBEY ME! Head canons Pt.1
(I'm sorry I'm late...)
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Lucifer -
Lucifer is a dog person.
Lucifer wants to be silly every now and then, like his younger brothers.
If you watch his brothers so he can take a break, Lucifer will feel thankful
Lucifer holds big grudges, and depending on the demon, he has a grudge against he will barely even talk to them.
Lucifer likes to bite his nails, resulting in him wearing gloves.
Lucifer will occasionally ask you about your siblings and how you deal with them out of curiosity or to implement it into how he deals with his brothers. (Especially if you are the oldest in your family)
Mammon -
Mammon collects rocks and shiny things.
Mammon is actually really smart in certain subjects.
Mammon will help Lucifer occasionally with taking care of his brothers.
Mammon will try very hard to impress you so you can praise him.
Mammon will have occasional outbursts where he cries in his room from hearing his brothers constantly insult him.
Even though Mammon doesn't like it when you see him cry, he is happy that you are there comforting him when he is feeling sad.
Mammon will make sure you are not sad or upset, and he will try his best to cheer you up.
Leviathan -
Leviathan will talk to his fish Henry2.0 for advice on anything he needs help on.
Leviathan has played the fnaf games.
Leviathan will watch animes you're interested in, even if he has already seen them.
Leviathan sleeps in his tub/bed after dealing with a lot of social encounters.
Leviathan genuinely wants friends, but he is scared or too shy to make any friends himself.
Leviathan occasionally asks Mammon how to socialize or how to make friends.
Leviathan occasionally likes to exercise with Beelzebub, and he likes to play Wii sports with him sometimes.
Satan -
Satan will recomend you books based on your interests
Satan shares some traits and behaviors of a cat.
Despite the fact Satan finds asmodeus a little annoying, he gets along well with him.
Satan relaxes faster if you are the one trying to calm him down.
Satan likes to sit close to you, carefully wrapping his tail around you as you both read.
If you like to write, Satan will read your stories and enjoy them.
Asmodeus -
Asmodeus will do your make-up for you if you have trouble with sight, using your hands, or if he gets permission from you to practice.
Asmodeus can get as scary as Satan.
Asmodeus will give you outfits to try on.
Asmodeus will bring you to his parties or the parties he is invited to.
Asmodeus loves compliments, kisses, hugs, and knowing he has MANY secret admirers.
Asmodeus likes to take Beelzebub out when he wants to do a devilgram picture taking of things.
Beelzebub -
Beelzebub likes to cook with you during mealtimes. (You just have to make sure he doesn't eat any of the ingredients...)
The reason why Beelzebub gets angry fast when he is hungry, is because it hurts when he is hungry.
Beelzebub likes dogs because he has a playful personality and likes to play with dogs.
Beelzebub likes it when you exercise with him.
Beelzebub likes being helpful and helping out his brothers.
Beelzebub likes it when you or Asmodeus take him out to try new foods.
Belphegor -
Belphegor will occasionally pet Luke's head like a dog.
Belphegor will have you join him in on pranks.
Belphegor will need some praise for some of the littlest things, like trying to take fewer naps because he is genuinely trying his best.
Belphegor likes to genuinely spend time with you because you understand him.
Belphegor likes to spend time in the planetarium with Satan sometimes.
Belphegor will occasionally exercise with Beelzebub when he feels motivated or when he is trying to exercise with his twin.
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lordsukunas · 3 months
mario kart hcs for jjk... sorry every idea for one of these posts start w choso n idk why... ion even like him like that. anywaysssss, i hope yall enjoy these silly hcs n if u disagree idc!
gojo – enjoys the older mks (double dash & mkds). he played a lot of double dash w geto but after he defected he rlly didn't touch the game that often n kinda strayed away from the series as a whole. occasionally he'll play w/ the kids as king boo
geto – same w/ gojo. he bought the twins a wii at one point and played mkwii w/ them, but never ever played on his own. his go-to choice was yoshi or petey piranha
shoko – has played like twice... she just doesn't find the game fun n gojo screeching at geto in her ear was enough to deter her from playing at all. liked baby luigi or wario
nanami – casual player. he only got a ds cus haibara wanted to play mkds, and he only ends up getting a switch cus yuuji wants to play mk8. sometimes when he actually has free time he'll sit down w a glass of wine n play for a lil bit, just depends on his mood. plays as either lakitu or tanuki mario
yuuji – plays lemmy (or diddy kong) n absolutely loves the koopalings idc!! he's rlly good at the game but he secretly loathes meta players. it kinda frustrates him when hes in a match full of waluigis n donkey kongs but he still tries. never rage quits either
megumi – barely knows how to play 💀… only knows how thx to yuuji, n even then, hes rlly bad. eventually he gets semi-decent but he doesn't play enough to be super good. his go-to is either mario (default) or koopa
nobara – ruthless asf when it comes to both bots n online. strictly plays the princesses (including wendy. STOP FORGETTING MY GIRL!!!) and has good stats while looking cute <3
maki – only plays when somebody else wants to play (inumaki & panda for ex.). when she does play tho shes constantly cursing them or the bots out. she typically defaults to waluigi (hes meta or sumn idk) but is willing to match princesses w/ nobara
yuuta – he considers himself ok at the game. doesn't play often enough (only w the jjt students) but when he does hes whooping ass. strategically placing bananas, learning shortcuts, baiting ppl into getting hit by blue shells. never gets overly competitive tho n always says "good game :)" after obliterating everyone. i feel like hed play as luigi, wiggler, or boy villager
choso – has no remorse when it comes to online players. hes throwing red&blue shells left n right, but whenever he plays w yuuji, he avoids throwing them. like if yuuji is in first place n choso gets a blue shell hes holding it until yuuji falls back or until the race is over lol also, i feel like he'd either play dry bones or mario
toji – never played. did consider betting during one of those e-sports competitions, tho
sukuna – keep him away from the game at all costs. the second someone throws a red shell at him (god forbid a blue shell) he's threatening to dox. but frfr, he only watched yuuji n them play. he laughs whenever yuuji experiences any misfortune. hed choose dry bowser or peach
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freakartack · 6 months
Got any HCs towards why half of the gang left WW Inc. during DIY? And what happned towards the brand new Micro game company?
I actually live for this workplace drama
Truly the short answer is "no" because I have no idea what he could have done to fuck up this bad. but if both mona and jimmy t jumped ship you KNOW it's bad.
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These are all (in-universe) forum speculations so your salt grains may vary but something interesting about this is that one of them throws out that wario never did any work. Now wario is lazy and an asshole who never pays anyone but despite the fact that he's making money off of all his other friends' work, he HAS made his own microgames. In most games he's even made twice as many microgames as each of his friends (one set at the beginning and one set at the end). So what happened here? Was he refusing to make his own games this time? Did it come to light that he HADN'T actually made all those games? Did he plagiarize them? Did he outsource them? Are YOU, the player, partially responsible for this friend group schism? He certainly isn't above using his friends' assets after they left the company.
But you know who else isn't above profiting off of the demise of his social life?
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DOCTOR CRYGOR!! Not only is he letting you, Wario's only employee prior to Showcase, use the makermatic engine, but he's ALSO supplying it to everyone in diamond software AND wario-man software. He's playing both sides for cash money!! No wonder wario is friends with him!
But crygor isn't even the only person who's profiting off of this. People in wario's life are quite literally coming out of the woodwork to make money off of this fiasco. I speak of none other than:
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MASTER MANTIS!! Why is he here?? Smooth moves, the game he and cricket debut in, is a departure from the typical warioware storyline in that we're not even sure if anyone made any games. Rather than the typical "everyone pitches in to make this game for you" plot, there's all that jazz about ancient artifacts and allusions to people literally playing microgames in real life. (Or at the very least, having fun holding the wii remote in various positions. I don't judge.) Either way, there is no mention of either young cricket or master mantis being hired at warioware incorporated. So they would have had no horse in the race of its temporary dissolution.
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But not everyone is looking out for themselves in this game. SOME PEOPLE actually care about their friendships. SOME PEOPLE, whose friendships were unfortunately split up in a tragedy of indescribable proportions:
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The fact that 9-volt left warioware inc is crazy in itself because he is easily in the top 2 wario fanboys. Equally crazy is the fact that he also broke up with his bestest buddy in the whole wide world. So what happened??
18-volt's post-boss break on diy showcase depicts 18-volt extending an olive branch of peace and being callously rejected by a devious-looking 9-volt. Of course, 18-volt made this cutscene. Despite this animation showing otherwise there is certainly enough to suggest that he's still at least somewhat bitter about whatever argument led to this:
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So, what really happened? Obviously, wario committed a dick move of gargantuan proportions if 9-volt was mad enough to walk out. That being said, 9-volt has had ample opportunities to work with THE Wario. He worked on mega microgames, possibly mega party games depending on how you interpret it, twisted, touched...meanwhile, how many games did 18-volt make? It's not a stretch to imagine that a desperate wario went through his rolodex of "people he's heard of" and went to the guy that 9-volt talks about a lot, and 18-volt leapt at the opportunity to finally make a warioware game. Maybe he was also a little upset that 9-volt never tried to get him a job there to begin with. Meanwhile, 9-volt is probably pissed that 18-volt is doing the kiddie version of scabbing while he's still mad at wario. Truly painful stuff.
So how did they get back together?
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Diamond software is run by Manager Joe. Manager Joe does not slack off. Manager Joe runs 5 businesses in one afternoon, and is so punctual that mona literally shoots at a fleet of police cars just to get to his workplace on time. You'll remember that wario, allegedly, never does any work. He slacks off. But you know who else loooooves slacking off?
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I think that, unlike wario, manager joe actually tried to manage a game company. And NOBODY is used to that. Nobody is used to deadlines, or formal work meetings, or work emails (I said WORK emails, jimmy t), or anything that can't be accurately labeled as "hanging out with the boys". (Except for mona, who if you'll note in the last forum screenshot, has the best-loved games in diamond software. Mona's games are consistently really good anyways, but I wonder if in this case it's an indicator that she was more acclimated to the fast-paced work environments of manager joe.)
I think that's what made everyone come running back to wario. Manager joe is a nice guy, but despite everyone's qualms with wario they are all very wario-like. They jump at the chance to make a profit and they'll jump even higher for a chance to just goof off. And it just isn't the same without the guy who is exploiting their labor all the time. Toxic workplaces FTW!
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doctorsiren · 6 months
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Okay chat we gotta split this up (this is why I said preferably one image per ask, but since these are a set, I’ll allow it)
First of all though
I HAD NO IDEA THOSE FIRST TWO EXISTED I HAD ONLY SEEN THE SECOND TWO the last one is literally my lockscreen on my iPad and has been since I discovered it this summer,,,,
Characters: Maya Fey (channeling Mia Fey), Godot, Iris Fey, Sister Bikini, Ron and Desirée DeLite, Dick Gumshoe, Maggey Byrd, Phoenix Wright, Pearl Fey, Miles Edgeworth
Rating: 11/10
These ones are hard because there’s SO MUCH to unpack here, but that’s what makes it fun.
Starting off I AM A SUCKER FOR MIA AND GODOT/DIEGO INTERACTIONS GAHHHHH Like c’mon!! nothing more to say on those two, they’re perfect
IRIS IRIS IRIS IRIS IRIS MYBELOVED WAHH!! She’s so,,, AND SISTER BIKINI gosh I love that she’s confused about the Wii of course she would it only makes sense..but I think Iris being the one to look like she’s explaining it to her makes it even more silly bc girlie you lived in a mountain temple for most of your life how do you know what this is?
Ron, being silly as usual ALSO WHO’S FOOT IS THAT NEXT TO HIM ?? I’ve been trying to figure it out and I THINK it’s Desirée’s but the angle of the leg doesn’t feel right and I just don’t know. Whoever’s foot it is, they need to wear socks (i CANNOT not wear socks, especially wearing shoes without socks?? So when I see characters doing that I’m like 😨 what)
Ron is obviously spooked by Gumshoe and Maggey, and so Dezi (was that a nickname for her? Or did I make that up) obviously is trying to help him but WHY IS THERE SMOKE?? OR DUST OR STEAM OR WHATEVER THAT IS?? HUH
Which mean Iris should be in jail (i mean actually no she shouldn’t, women can do what they want and she did nothing wrong smh) and that Godot would definitely be in jail
So it looks like Gumshoe and Maggey are running in to arrest Godot (also I love the Blue Badger on her hoodie <3 )
Okay actually BACK IT UP if this is technically post-AA3…Mia is so calm in speaking to Godot yes I know she loves Diego, but he JUST killed her mom…but whatever I crave their interactions
PHOENIX bro is probably exhausted from everything that happened in AA3…BUT ALSO IS THAT A PLAYING CARD IN HIS POCKET WHAT IS THAT ?? I go insane when playing cards are associated with pre-disbarment Phoenix bc ough…almost like foreshadowing…
Also that CANNOT be comfortable…his poor neck
And also the silly thing he does of tucking his tie in his pocket so goofy so silly
The man he loves and the women he loves are both RIGHT THERE and what does he do?? SLEEP
PEARL SLEEPING ON HIS LEG?? THAT’S SO CUTE this is him preparing to adopt a child in the next 3 months
MILES SMILING I love him look at his goofy big hand, loom how he sits, look at how he looks both relaxed and on edge at the same time, like he could be leaning a bit more back and not be so stiff with how he holds his arm across himself, but he isn’t
He probably loves the Wii. He never got to play video games growing up after DL-6 I bet
UPON FUTHER INSPECTION I am led to believe that the leg belongs to none other than LARRY and that he FELL and that’s why there’s that dust cloud
Those shoes are his and, if we look behind Godot’s legs, there’s a little bit of orange in the same colour as Larry’s jacket
thats literally all I have to support that, but I think I’m right
Also upon further inspection, the spider-web that I mention later in another image is still there and it looks bigger this time and I find that funny
Characters: Miles Edgeworth, Dick Gumshoe, Cody Hackins, Lotta Hart, Larry Butz, Penny Nichols, Maya Fey, Phoenix Wright
Rating: 11/10
Miles…miles…miles…sweetie why are you looking out the window honey what’s wrong are you being followed?? OKAY NO WAIT IT JUST CLICKED THAT THIS IS FOR AA 1 AND THAT MEANS DL-6 AND,,,ough
Baby boy needs a distraction, and even when he should have it here with the Wii, he is still worried :(
His hand is in his pocket, but he’s still looking over his shoulder (ough…metaphorical….) he looks like he’s about to cry ?? Poor guy someone give him a hug :(
Gumshoe being perfect as always
I love that they invited this CHILD to come to the law offices to watch the lawyer who questioned him try to play video games. But also I don’t reasonably think he would be confused, so…
Lotta. She would definitely not understand. Also I love lotta, glad they brought her
Larry being Larry once again, and I bet Penny’s just happy to have someone new who’ll listen to her about Steel Samurai cards and such (please watch out girlie, bro is about to make a fool of himself) also isn’t that the statue from the studio on his shirt??
The storytelling here is crazy WHY IS THERE A KNOCKED OVER CUP?? Maya probably knocked it over but the fact that this was something included in the drawing is silly to me and I absolutely love it
Also I don’t think I really realized that Maya’s sleeves don’t span the whole length of her arm and only go down to barely past her elbow?? How am I NOW just registering this?
And she would definitely be the one to show everyone the Wii (how did they buy it? Phoenix barely gets paid as is)
PHOENIX I love him I love his face look at his befuddled expression…the way he sits…how his legs are bent…his suit jacket is unbuttoned, he’s more relaxed, which is the opposite of how Miles is at the moment (sorry I’m a little bit goofy hehe) HE JUST LOOKS SO SMOOCHABLE HERE
Also dude you gotta hold the wiimote more forwards or else the sensor isn’t gonna pick it up. That’s probably why y’all are confused. Maya’s trying to tell him that he’s doing it wrong
Characters: Max Galactica, Maya and Pearl Fey, Larry Butz, Regina Berry, Miles Edgeworth, Will Powers, Phoenix Wright, Dick Gumshoe, Franziska von Karma, Maggey Byrd
Rating: 11/10
Max I love you but only the version that isn’t weird so like uhh girls step away
THE ACE CARDS IN MAYA AND PEARLS HAIR,,,OUGH,,,,Maya having the Ace of Hearts…Pearl having the Ace of Diamond (Trucy’s shape,,,they will become like sisters, they just haven’t met yet)
Regina you’re perfect, don’t change a thing
ALSO I JUST NOTICED THE WEB IN THE CORNER ABOVE REGINA WITH A SPIDER IN IT…Phoenix I thought you spent all that free time cleaning…or was it just the toilets you cleaned a lot…
And Will…I don’t understand the canon narrative of people hating him without the Steel Samurai mask on because he genuinely looks so sweet and kind like CMONNNN
Phoenix…with his shirt unbuttoned a little…his sleeves rolled up…his arms…his tie doing the silly pocket thing and also he’s drinking out of that cup that was spilled in the previous image
Phoenix pog he is so goofy and for what
IS FRANZISKA LEFT HANDED or is she also just ambidextrous/showing off. Her calm expression, the way she sits…
Gumshoe will never understand I think and he’s perfect for it. He stands like a dad, but I’m not sure if I’d trust him to be someone’s father. He’s an uncle, because it means he doesn’t have to be responsible for a kid because bro can barely afford food on his own 😭
MAGGEY I love her look at how she is just leaning over the couch she is me fr
Characters: Miles Edgeworth, Godot, Franziska von Karma, Phoenix Wright
Rating 11/10
Biased on this one, it’s my lock screen and this will never not be funny to me
They’re probably the only people in the world who would ever have a legitimate reason to wear the wiimote straps because have you seen how forcefully they point?
Miles…that’s all I can say…Ough I love him
The way Godot’s neck is bent kinda bothers me and it makes him feel like an action figure but you know what that’s okay
FRANZISKA ONCE AGAIN USING HER LEFT HAND I THINK SHE’S LEFT HANDED??? I love that for her look how confident she is
Phoenix has a big mouth and that’s funny to me. His hand just in his pocket so casually hehe
Why is Miles the only one not pointing
Final notes about the first 3 images all together
The time of day changes. The AA3 one is set at night, the AA1 one is later in the day, probably early evening, and the AA2 one is like midday
The office is the same in each image, including those books in the shelves which never change places because no one ever reads them. AND OH MY GOSH I JUST REALIZED THAT THE THING NEXT TO MILES IN THE AA3 IMAGE IS THE AUTOGRAPH HE GOT FROM WILL THAT MEANS IT IS REASONABLE TO ASSUME THAT THESE ALL TAKE PLACE IN THE SAME DAY?? Weirdly, it would have to go AA2, AA1, AA3 unless the AA1 image is actually in the morning and not early evening…you could assume that the AA2 image comes first as the light from the window is bright and Phoenix is holding that cup which is then knocked over in the AA1 image (unless they cleaned up the spill from AA1 and now Phoenix is drinking from that cup.) Also AA1 has him in his full suit, so I guess it would make more sense if that one came first and then AA2 because he isn’t wearing his suit jacket in that one and his sleeves are rolled up
AA3 is definitely last though because I JUST REALIZED THE CARD IN HIS POCKET IS PROBABLY FROM MAX and also he rolled his sleeves back down
Okay wait hold on now I need to think about these as 3 scenes from one day
Maybe Miles is looking out the window because he was told Will Powers would be showing up, and so he’s just excited for that and so he’s just watching for when he does
And then Will shows up and now Miles is smiling and he is getting the autograph
And then in the third one, Miles is happily playing the Wii, with his autograph next to him…
The only thing that would lead me to believe that these cannot take place in the same day is how much that spider web changes. It isn’t there in AA1, it’s there in AA2, and then it’s bigger in AA3
Regardless of all of that, these images are truly among my favourites and I’ve spent like 45 minutes at LEAST typing all of this so yeah and there might have been things I missed but I’ve already typed a lot
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glastly · 5 months
Hope you guys don't mind me just sharing songs I like every now and then... here's a list of songs I like and why I like them :3 for fun :3
You can definitely check out some of the songs if you feel interested!! You don't have to listen to ALL ofc but if any of my descriptions pop out to you, feel free to have a listen :]
- I rlly like this song!!! at first I was like "ooh, sick ass drum beat" and then I was smacked in the face with the sheer beauty of the vocals and bgm.. it's a very pretty song! makes me sad though
- This song is also very nice, MCR's slower songs make me feel a very specific type of emotional... gerard way's voice is just so so so good and I love the way he sings with emotion in all of the band's songs..... Plus I really like the guitar solo in this :3
- This is actually one of my favourite songs, I love EVERYTHING about it... It just ticks all my boxes,, and it makes me so emotional because of the lyrics and the guitar and UGH VIC FUENTES VOICE.... Very good, me fave song... maybe even my number one....
- ERM... AVril Lavigne is a big celebrity crush of mine she's very pretty and her live singing voice is INSANELY good, unfortunatley idk too many of her songs and only know the popular ones but this song is a classic and it makes me sad(iSEE THE WAY YUR ACTING LIKE YOURE SOMEBODY ELSE GETS ME FRRUSTRAATEDD😫/lyr)
- DID YOU KNOW THAT I DRAW HALF OF MY METTATON DRAWINGS WITH THIS SONG LOOPED IN THE BACKGROUND GAHHAHA I'm so basic but you can't go wrong with the QUEEN(gaga) she's literally perfect
- This song is just 2018 memories to me.. When I was 10 years old Sushush was my ABSOLUTE FAVOURITE artist and they did an animatic to this song and I loved it sm.. very nostalgic!
- This song is literally so omg. I dont know if anybody knows this but I was such a big akiangel person and I'd listen to this on loop for MONTHS because I was so obsessed with the ship HELP I love old songs.. plus this one's so catchy, 10/10
- Not many people really know this because I never talk about it but I'm a big J-hiphop fan and I lav home made kazoku... this song reminds me of year 8, itz very groovi
- I rarely listen to songs like this, but it's honestly fire and I listen to it pretty often.. AND UM.. I FOUND IT THRU AN OLD 2019 ANIMATIC MEME TREND HAHHW MAYBE YOUVE SEEN THE VIDS TOO
- Oh this song... I like arctic monkeys but I only know like two songs, but I LOVE how Alex turner doesnt "Americanise" his accent because I always see non american vocalists sing in a different accent than they speak in.. But anyway this song is very good, catchy bassline, catchy song, catchy everything. Def recommend! makes me nostalgic
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pomefiorella · 1 year
My School Just Got Brainwashed by a Dangerous Dark Magic User so I’m Trying to Save Everyone with an Unhinged Merman!
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── Prologue (Summary)✧: -> (Y/N) decides to do their homework after dropping Grim off in Heartslabyul for his sleepover with their other friends for the night. However, things slowly took a twisted turn when they received a text message from an anonymous person, asking them to meet up at the front gates of the Ramshackle Dorm.
── Warnings✧: Angst (Dark magic user dude starts trying to hypnotize you and you having a breakdown after being saved by the Leech twins </3)
── Word Count✧: 4.7k words
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“Are you sure you’ll be fine, Grim?”
“Yep! Don’t worry about me! The Great Grim can handle being without his henchhuman just for one night!”
(Y/N) could only nod at their companion as they placed his belongings right by the table near the sofa he was sitting on- which was just a plastic bag filled with a couple of tuna cans that they had recently bought from Sam’s Mystery Shop. They were a little bit concerned for Grim cause both of them would never really separate from each other’s presence, always seen together all the time. But this time, the cat-beast wants to have a sleepover with both Ace and Deuce in Heartslabyul only for one night, after he agreed to duel with the ginger in a battle of Super Smash Bros after he had recently brought his Wii from his home. They don’t know how Grim would be able to use the controller but they have faith in him! Plus, thinking about him trying to do so is pretty adorable but they didn’t say it out loud.
“It’s too bad that you’re not gonna join us for our sleepover, (Y/N). You sure you’re not gonna come with us?”
Ace approached closer to the two before leaning against a nearby wall, looking at the Prefect with a carefree smile on his face. He was already in his pajamas, which are merely a plain T-shirt and heart-patterned sweatpants. It does suit him and his aesthetic and he is already prepared for the duel to happen once the three of them got inside his room. He looked a little bummed out but overall, wasn’t so upset over it.
“Nah, I haven’t finished that one assignment Professor Crewel gave to us last week. I’m surprised that you’re actually done with yours.”
(Y/N) giggled at the last words they spoke in a joking manner.
“Aww, c’mon! Do you think I could laze off on such an easy assignment? I’m glad that he only gave us some calculations that we just need to solve this time. I’m not ALWAYS a slacker, y’know?”
The ginger ended up chuckling at the joke before looking over at Grim, his expression changes to a confident grin rather quickly. He puts his hands on his hips smugly.
“So, are you ready to do this, Grim? I can’t guarantee that I will go easy on you though, even if you’re still a beginner!”
“Hey! I’m sure that I’m going to beat you in this game before you know it!”
The cat-beast is immediately heated up by the sudden comment and stomped his foot as he felt a flash of irritation, glaring at Ace. He still has that infamous cocky smirk that he now shows off to him, clearly enjoying his reaction. All of a sudden, a familiar voice was heard in the kitchen and it was quickly revealed to be Deuce, also wearing pajamas that are long-sleeved while holding some snacks in hand. He looked at both of them before sighing out of dismay.
“Are you both seriously going to fight here? Riddle is already lenient enough to have us have a sleepover tonight- What if he scolds us again over th-”
“Yeah, yeah- Anyways, let’s go! See ya, (Y/N)!
Ace suddenly grabs the plastic bag filled with tuna cans before grabbing Deuce by the sleeves and start dragging him over to his room, making him stumble in shock as he tries to not let the snacks in his hand fall off to the ground.
“Ace, be careful! You’re going to make me knock the egg popcorn off!”
The ginger seems to be ignoring his friend on purpose, both the Prefect and the cat-beast witnessing that Deuce still is yanked. (Y/N) could only chuckle at the sight, wondering at some point just how the two of them somehow became friends despite their attitudes towards each other. They would then took notice that Grim starts to run off, following the two of them, which makes them quietly yell out to him (they didn’t want to risk being chided by Riddle for being so loud in the halls, even at this point, Ace and Deuce is already doing the same).
“Have fun, Grim! Text me through Deuce’s phone if you need anything!”
“Mhm, bye henchhuman!”
Grim excitedly ran over to Ace’s door and the door soon shuts, leaving only (Y/N) behind. They would pull out their phone from their pockets, wanting to look at the time. It was now 5:30 PM. They were glad that they can get a phone now thanks to the help of Professor Crewel, who was sympathetic enough to buy them one, feeling rather grateful for that. They proceeded to put back their phone inside their pockets and exited the Heartslabyul dorm.
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Walking through the school halls, (Y/N) is having a peaceful moment to themselves while they are heading towards the library. They haven’t encountered anyone so far, which makes them slowly lose in their thoughts, daydreaming about how they just wanted to get to bed after doing their schoolwork. Those thoughts would then turn to their friends and wonder how their slumber party had gone so far. They hoped that they are having fun playing on the Wii and they giggled at the thought of Grim trying to use the controllers with his paws once more. That’ll be hilarious to watch! They wished that they could stay over with them and hang out for the night but unfortunately, they needed to finish their homework at the moment- Wait actually, is there another homework that’s assigned by Professor Trein that they still need to work on? They would have to check on their notes so-
Suddenly, (Y/N) felt a strong bump against their back before two arms wrapped around their body. They could easily recognize that oh-so-familiar voice. “Shrimpy!! Whatcha doing right now? Is it something fun?”
“Good evening, Prefect. I hope we aren’t bothering you at the moment.”
Floyd, with a lot of enthusiasm, starts hugging- or rather, squeezing a bit tightly around (Y/N). They can see Jade right beside him, a hand placed against his chest as he plastered on a polite smile. They haven’t seen his face yet since he is hugging them behind their back but he can tell from countless interactions that they had that he is grinning at the very moment. They didn’t know how they haven’t heard any footsteps behind them it makes sense that the tweels are capable of doing that, let alone creeping up on somebody before inevitably scaring them, whether it’s on purpose or not. Still, they laughed a little before smiling at them in a friendly manner. 
“Hey, you two! Don’t worry, you guys aren’t bothering me! I’m planning on going to the library.”
“Oh? Aren’t you supposed to have a shift today with us?”
Jade placed a hand under his chin, a spark of curiosity can be seen in his eyes.
“I’ve already told Azul that I won’t be able to cover my shift for today 'cause I need to do my homework-”
(Y/N)’s words were caught off when Floyd would suddenly shake them like a maraca. They let out some noises as to being a person getting shaken violently.
“Aaaawwww! But I’ll get SOOO BORED without you, Shrimpy!! Please PLLEEAASSEE take the shift with us!!”
As the merman begged and shake the Prefect rather aggressively to come and join in their shift for today’s work on the Mostro Lounge, Jade simply watches the two as he snickered a bit at the interaction, finding it rather amusing. However, he puts a hand over his brother’s shoulder, getting his attention for a moment.
“Floyd, stop shaking them. They’ll get dizzy.”
Floyd huffs out of annoyance before he stops shaking them completely and lets their shoulders go. The Prefect’s head was spinning, their uniform and hair slightly a mess now. Seeing it, Floyd moves closer to them to try and fix their appearance but after just two minutes, their appearance is now even more messy than before, as if they have just woken up from bed. The twins looked over at them before starting to snort and giggle at their messy appearance. (Y/N) could only do the same as well, finding the whole situation silly. 
(Y/N) has no idea how they could actually have a close relationship with the tweels when they first met, seeing how they can get.. unpredictable at times. Many of their friends disapprove of interacting with any of them as they fear that they could get caught up in their schemes and shenanigans, especially when it’s well-known that they work under Azul. But, since they needed more money to be able to afford their daily necessities and the constant stock of tuna cans for their companion, they decided to apply for a job at Mostro Lounge. It can sound risky cause, after all, they ‘can get potentially scammed and suffer the consequences of it’ by Azul himself, one might warn but they have already known that the capitalist wouldn’t do that anymore and those warnings are already old news (though, they do agree that he can be still quite shady at times with his business practices). After getting accepted for the position they applied as a waiter, that’s when they were also assigned the same shifts the Leech twins have. 
At this point, they did already have interacted with the twins a couple of times but they aren’t as close as they are now. Eventually, when they began taking their shifts, they started to interact more with the two and they began to form a strong bond. It’s safe to assume that the three of them have a great relationship with each other, despite everyone else’s displeasure.
“I think that Azul hasn’t informed us about this yet, most likely he’s forgotten about it.”
“Yes, that seems to most likely be the case!”
Floyd slumps over (Y/N)’s shoulder, groaning before looking over at them with a frown.
“I don’t want to take the shift if you’re not gonna join in, Shrimpyy…”
(Y/N) sighs a little, smiling at the merman before patting him on the head.
“Sorry, Floyd... I need to skip my shift for my schoolwork but I promise that I’ll hang out with you and Jade next time, alright? Maybe.. the beach could work?”
As soon as he heard this, Floyd immediately lets go of the Prefect, his dejected look instantaneously turns into a huge delighted smile. 
“Really?? That sounds fun, Shrimpy! Of course!”
Well, at least his mood has been lifted now! The Prefect giggled over at the sudden change of mood, before also going to Jade and giving him some pats on the head. He watches them whatever they’re doing, seemingly entertained by whatever they are doing and the idea they just brought up. He held both of his hands together and places them right in front of him.
“I am interested in your proposal, Prefect. Should the weekends be alright with you then?”
(Y/N) nodded, giving a quick smile to him.
“Yep! I don’t have any plans during that- well, except if the headmage wants me to do any sort of chore around the school. Hopefully not, this time.”
Jade chuckles, closing his eyes as he kept on that courteous smile on his face, giving more of a fox-like look. 
“Alright, it’s settled then. We don’t want to disturb you any further so we will be heading over to the Mostro Lounge. I do wish you good luck on completing your school assignments, Prefect.’
“Bye-bye, Shrimpy! Don’t forget our little date, okay?~”
Floyd teased the Prefect before following after Jade, who was already walking over to the Mostro Lounge. (Y/N) waved goodbye to the twins before turning their back and going in the opposite direction. After only a minute or two, they arrived just outside the doors to the library. They opened and entered the room to see that there aren’t as many people in there as they have expected. Maybe that’s because they didn’t visit the library that frequently, mostly studying in their room with Grim whenever they need to with a bribe of tuna cans in exchange.
“Not a lot of people here, hm? That’s good. I could get some peace for myself then.”
(Y/N) thought to themselves, closing the door behind them, and walking further inside the room to find a spot to sit. They would immediately spot an empty bench and chair just right at the corner of the room. Perfect! They walked over and placed their bag on top of the table, claiming their spot. Opening their bag, they pulled out some books and papers and some stationeries before closing it again and placing their bag on a chair. They would finally sit next to it and begin focusing on working on their school assignments.
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..(Y/N) has no idea how long they have been here, sitting in this seat while writing down and calculating their answers on paper. They did take breaks whenever they could for a couple of minutes but they barely checked their phone so far whenever they are having one, usually just staring off into space with their own thoughts or doodling whatever something is in their head. After now finishing most of their school assignments and having only a few questions left to answer, their phone vibrated, signaling that it was time to take a break. They quickly grabbed their phone before turning the alarm off. Hmm, maybe it’s time they checked their phone for a bit for this one instead?
They saw a couple of notifications from the group chat both Ace and Deuce are also in. They tap one of them and in an instant, their screen turns into a chat, where they could see some photos of the three friends having fun at their sleepover. The pictures are most likely taken by Deuce, who was the one who uploaded them. (Y/N) looked through the photos while giggling at some of them. They saw one where Grim was laughing over at Ace, who had lost a round of the game, whereas the ginger looks obviously annoyed at him. It looked so comical from the context that they are getting and based on the photos given in the chat, they are glad that those three idiots are having fun. 
They noticed the time now, it was already 8:40 PM. Huh, they didn’t expect that they would take that long to do their schoolwork but then again, they just noticed that they have a few more to do other than that one homework from Professor Crewel when they first started. It isn’t really a big deal however, they still do have the time to finish these last questio-
A sudden ring disrupts their thoughts once more. It was a new notification, this time from an unknown number.
Oh? Who’s this?
(Y/N) thinks for a moment about what should they do before deciding to press on the notification to look at the chat. From there, they raised a brow when they read the message given.
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This is… strange already. Is this someone they’ve already known pranking them at the moment? They would type in a response.
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This must’ve been someone talking to the wrong number, they hoped. They continued staring at the screen, waiting for another response. The user has been taking a bit trying to message back and it’s probably because they are also trying to think what to reply. (Y/N) felt anxious but they just hoped that they are overthinking right now! How bad this random text message coming from an unknown user could possibly be?-
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..Ah, going for the sketchy route now! What could they possibly want? The Prefect begins thinking to themselves and their next decision. 
“Is it fine if I agree to them? What if something bad happens if I do?”
(Y/N) quietly mutters, looking back at the text message.
..They then type in another reply, their curiosity getting the better of them.
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In an instant, another message chimed in, and this time, (Y/N)’s eyes widened in shock.
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This- this has to be a prank, right?
The expression on their face turns into a terrified one, thinking of the worse possibilities that could happen. They hoped this was just an ugly prank that their friends were pulling on them, but they couldn’t help but feel worried. Calming themselves down, they decided to follow along with whatever this stranger told them to do at this very moment.
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As soon as they turned off their phone, (Y/N) let out a deep sigh, feeling a wave of uneasiness crawling up from their back. They shoved their phone inside their pockets, hurriedly stuffing all their things back into their bag. They can always do the last questions later cause right now, they are so worked up on this mysterious user and whatever schemes they are planning at the moment that they wouldn’t be able to focus on their homework. After making sure they had everything brought, they made their way out of the library and started dashing through the halls. They knew this stranger would still be waiting for them, yet it was better to get there as soon as they can, in case something did happen.
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“Whew..- Made it..!”
The Prefect tried to take a breather after running from the corridors back to the Ramshackle Dorm for who knows how long. They have arrived at the dorm’s gates, leaning against the railings as they look around for signs of a person around here. The stranger said they would be waiting for them right here but... where are they now?
“Um.. hello? It’s (Y/N)- the person you just talked to?- Please come out and show yourself, now!”
They called out to… whoever was out there in the dark. Although they had already lived in the dorm for quite a while, it suddenly got so cold for them. Everything looks like it comes from a classic horror film- they aren’t sure whether they are imagining things or that something sinister, lurking out there, is about to happen. Out of nowhere, they heard a small rustle behind a nearby tree. 
They looked behind them and saw… glowing, red eyes staring at them behind the tree.
Immediately, they felt a shiver down their spine once they make eye contact with them. The eyes belonging to the person started to step out of the shadows, slowly revealing themselves and their appearance. (Y/N) clutched their bag that slugs over their shoulder tightly, never breaking eye contact with the stranger once. They are scared deep inside but keep up a persistent, determined face right in front of them.
“Hello, it’s nice to meet you again, (Y/N).”
Now being able to look at the features of this stranger, he appears a male to be as tall as a bookcase from a library, easily towering over anyone he crosses paths with. While he wears an NRC uniform, looking closely, it doesn’t seem that there’s any badge on their left arm that could indicate which dorm they are in. Actually, (Y/N) couldn’t recall ever encountering this person before. 
The most eye-catching feature of this stranger, however, is his smile. 
His smile wasn’t those friendly smiles they would see every day from their friends or the lighthearted ones they can get from them whenever they are joking around. No, he gave them a sincere, eerie smile, that screams danger that’s about to break loose if you approach any bit closer towards him. That you would regret that decision if you did that.
As he comes closer, the Prefect also takes a few steps back for safety.
“W-who are you?- Which dorm are you from…? And what do you want from me…?-”
The sudden questions made the stranger stop in their tracks, and his smile turned into a dark grin, chuckling at them. 
“Ohoh, you’re going with the questions already? Well, it’s fine. I can answer them first.”
He proceeds to take a step closer.
“My name is Orion.”
And another one.
“..I’m from the Diasmonia dorm and..”
Yet again, another one. (Y/N) could feel their heart pounding fast from dread and their instincts to get out of there as soon as possible.
“...The reason why I wanted you to meet me is that…you see, I have heard many incredible things from you and-”
“I want you to join my army.”
They don’t like how Orion words it, especially how he’s looking at them with pure malice behind those eyes. 
“H-huh? What do you mean by ‘army’...?”
They would only be received a loud, creepy laugh from the stranger as a response.
“Just don’t question it, dear. Come closer to me and all of your questions will be answered.”
Orion would approach closer and closer and was about to grab them by their shoulders when (Y/N) immediately ducked just as he was about to catch them before throwing their bag to his face and making a run for it. The stranger curses out a little, throwing the bag to the ground before his sinister smile comes back again. He seems amused seeing them running as far as possible from him. “...So now we’re playing a game of cat and mouse, hm? Then, so be it. I’ll come to get you, prey.”
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All that (Y/N) could think of is to run.
They ran far away from the Ramshackle Dorm, not even once looking back to check if Orion is chasing after them or not. They never wanted to see that face ever again. They yanked their phone out of their pockets as they turned over to the corridor, starting to text and warn their friends about the encounter with the stranger. They have no idea where they’re planning on going, but there is one place they have in mind: Octavinelle. 
Jumping inside the mirror and getting transported inside the dorm, they begin to sprint again, even though they are already running out of stamina. By this point, they have messaged Ace and Deuce but so far, none of them have read the message yet.
“Shit, I hope I’m not too late-”
The tweels would often tell them to come and find them if there’s anything dangerous happening to them and that they couldn’t solve it themselves. They think that right now is a good opportunity to do that as they are heading towards the entrance of the Mostro Lounge. It should be closed at this hour so they could spot them easily in there.
But, without (Y/N) noticing, a foot appears right under their legs, making them trip over to the floor with no warnings whatsoever. They lay there on the floor, grunting in pain. Soon, their collar gets yanked and their back is forcefully pushed against a wall. Their eyes are met with the same red eyes they saw earlier. They went as pale as a ghost as soon as they realized that it was Orion. 
He simply chuckled maniacally at their reaction. 
“You were so cute running away like that. But I’m afraid I don’t have the time to goof off again. Now… look at me.”
His eyes began to glow a lot brighter and as they were forced to look into his eyes, they felt… a force starting to push them somewhere in their mind and they felt their head aching all of a sudden. Was he… trying to hypnotize them?
(Y/N) tries their best to do anything to fight back at Orion; clawing at his hands to get him off their collar and calling out for help, but their attempts appear to be futile as his gaze is just so alluring. They get dizzier and dizzier as he continues to stare even deeper. They are slowly succumbing to his hypnotism, and unfortunately, they don’t have a lot of energy with them now thanks to them running not a while ago.
“Just give in.”
Orion coldly whispers, flashing a menacing smile. He enjoys watching them squirm and cry out for help, knowing they are too weak to handle his power.
No no no- They didn’t want this to happen. They don’t know what’s going to happen to them if they gave up. Still not giving up, they still weakly shout for anyone to help them while they can feel gradually unable to resist him. 
“...Help…!- Help-”
At that moment, a gush of water hit Orion’s head.
He completely stopped whatever he was doing and looked behind to see whoever threw that pan, loosening his grip on the Prefect and letting them go as he turns around. They dropped to the ground with a loud thud. They wheezed, feeling their lungs fighting for air like never before as if they had been drowning a second ago. They held onto their chest as they looked up at Orion with pure fear in their eyes, their entire body trembling.
In front of Orion were… the Leech twins and- Oh, both of them didn’t look so happy. They looked like they just got out from their shifts and were glaring daggers and scowling at the stranger, gripping onto their wands real firm. It looked like they could even pounce at him and shred him to pieces at any given moment. Not even words were needed to know that the twins were pissed.
Still, (Y/N) could hear Orion cackling at their reactions, treating them like a joke to him. He would turn to look at them, that haunting smile still plastered on his face. 
“You’ll regret what you’ve done. I’ll be back for you.”
And just like that, he suddenly disappears into thin air in a puff of red smoke.
(Y/N) still can’t believe what they witnessed a moment ago. They couldn’t shake their thoughts from it as tears started to prick their eyes, shaken up from fright as they just stayed there, laying on the floor. The twins rush over to them out of concern, one of them kneeling right in front of them to hold out a hand. The other twin pulls out his phone and makes a call to someone, but they couldn’t hear who it was on the other line. 
“Hey- Are you alright..? What happened?”
The Prefect shakily grabbed his hand before he gently pulled them into a hug. They hugged him as if he was just going to disappear soon, which made the twin even more worried, resulting in him patting their back gently.
This encourages (Y/N) to start spilling everything that they know of. From the encounter they had with Orion to what he had tried to do to them, they told everything to their trusted friends. They were struggling a little, however, trying to back off tears from getting too emotional. It’s just that… this is the first time where they tried to face off against something that they are clearly incapable of, except no one was on their side to defend them with whatever kind of magic they have. Even if they would be the ones who would handle these fights and overblots in the school, they would always have their friend group to stick around and support each other. This time though, this is so much different as they are all alone throughout the entire situation and it is quite an experience. They have never felt so scared before and the last time they have felt that way was the first time they walked into Twisted Wonderland. It made them realize how truly vulnerable they are without anyone in this world and it felt horrific. 
What if the twins weren’t there to save them on time? Would they be brainwashed for a long period of time or- forever?
“..I- I don’t know what would happen to me if… he were to be successful with his attempt…- Fuck, I thought that I was dying when he almost got me-”
"It's alright… we're here now."
The twin kept on comforting (Y/N), repeatedly stroking their back in a circular pattern as they glanced at the other twin, both sharing the same look of being concerned for their friend and getting more enraged at whoever this ‘Orion’ person is. The Prefect’s breaths gradually become softened and the quiet sobs have stopped. At last, they have fallen fast asleep, their energy completely drained from today’s events.
Noticing this, the twins soon walked into a nearby guest bedroom to place (Y/N) there for now. As they tucked them in with the blankets, they once again looked at each other with a knowing look, sharing the one and only goal that they have in mind: To find Orion and hunt him down.
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