#i dont know much about mario kart as them
isas-bathbombs · 6 months
mario kart characters i think the dimitrescu sisters + angie would have as their main:
cass - toad
bela - daisy (second best character in mario kart wii basically, the best is funky kong but she would not be seen playing as him)
dani - luigi
angie - bowser jr
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daandori · 2 months
i honestly wonder about the kind of person i would be if loneliness didnt permeate my entire existence lmao
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krashoutluv · 2 months
comic!jason todd x m!indie rock singer/guitarist reader
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cold weather - glass beach
1:08 ──⚬──── 2:18
⇆ ◃◃ ıı ▹▹ ↻
🪐⁠☆゚⁠.⁠*⁠・⁠。゚ warnings ; sfw (none)
🪐⁠☆゚⁠.⁠*⁠・⁠。゚ contents ; hc’s totally not based off glass beach lyrics haha thats so cheesy whaat lololo…
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I love the way you make me feel when I’m staring at my screen.
At 4AM, trying not to fall asleep
And you hit me up just to see if I’m OK
literally how the crushes form for both sides
jason has like an inner psyche where he just fuckin knows when youre awake
if you ask him he’ll probably say something stupid like ‘i can hear your (guitar)/(voice)’ and he’s nowhere around you
and his heart throbs whenever you two stay texting for waayy tooooo loonggg, starts cheesing and shit
average jason todd text
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When I keep you up sending Mamegoma Lines
You know it's shit like that that makes me wanna be alive
he responds through his helmet while he’s kicking ass
it gets so common to a point where he ends up having a full blown convo w/ you using those stupid fuckin stickers
bug him late at night !!
he’ll tell you to gts but he’d be lying if he says it doesn’t make his heart melt when u send him these little fucks.
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So I'll call in sick again just to spend the day with you
100% he’ll call a day off to hang with you
whether its showing up to your show then hitting a bar, 100%,
i need jason todd in a relationship where he just drops everything for his s/o,
fuck the mission!! he wants to listen to those fucking vocals for an hour or you shredding ur guitar!!
he’s fucking around in an arcade with you till 11pm
hes a little ass at mario kart, better with motorcycle games,
he has the most fun with the halo ones or the walking dead ones
weirdly good at the multiplayer pacman games
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Wanna say I think it's so gay that we really both feel the same way
That I feel like we're more than just friends
It took too long to realize
I didn't miss the cold weather, I just missed you
Jason was never homophobic and or totally against the idea of him being gay
i dont think he was ever in a gay relationship b4 you two
bc most of the vigilante guys he met were trying to fight him or absolute dick heads,
n’ most of the male figures in his life weren’t the absolute best.
so there wasn’t tooo much room for crushing on a guy too easily
if you’d ask him abt his sexuality its smthn like ‘i think im straight but i dunno what if im not.’
heres how i think it starts ;)
you’re preforming at a bar, n’ ofc jason todd can admit when a guys cute/attractive, any guy could do that
and maybe its ur guitar or your vocals but he cant stop watching (he convinces himself its your talent which is reasonably not gay)
maybe one coincidence leads to another and you two chat and go out at times, he pulls up to your shows more.
and the whole time he thinks he’s just acknowledging that your a very attractive person,
notthin crazy to admit ya homie has mad kisssble lips after starin at them for a sec too long. lol. haha. hm.
and i think the thought really hits him when he’s out of gotham for a mission. and he’s craving your presence
he texts you but you dont respond, fuck right you have a show and the timezone difference—
n he gets fuckin, ANTSY and SAD.
he tries to smoke a cig to fuck off
but he cant stop thinking about that one night where he brings you to his favorite rooftop view of the city,
how those sly stupid jokes slip from your mouth like honey,
the way you glance at him and the moonlight on your skin
how he got that random need to just lean into your lips
'Cause I don't need the cold weather like I need you
And I don't need the sweater weather I just need you
Na na na na na na na
Na na na na na na na
Na na na na na na na
Fuck! Hahahaha
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hes unlabeled your honor.
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Im in a bit mood at angst :'D
Can I have a seperate headcanons please? what if that fem! reader is not in the turtle's world, more like THIS WORLD, like ya know different dimension and the turtles just a fictional characters of the show we been watching?
Imagine this, You suddenly transport in this show, then the turtles save you in the middle in their fight (or something) and reader explained that they're not in this world, the turtles just a cartoon show, turtles decided to let you stay with them while they'll help you find a way back home, in week or months reader and the turtles are friends turned into a couples, since they have no sign or dont know a way bring reader back home, so reader decide to stay with them. Could be happily ever after? WRONG.
Until one day, the portal suddenly show up out of nowhere and trying sucking reader in, the turtles grab their hand, they tried to grab it tight but the portal is too strong and sucked reader in then boom! you're back in to the real world. What do you think the turtles reaction when reader is gone back to their world?
ps: I apologise for long and error grammar
BOOM! Ask answered! Apologies as I don't write angst often :,D You also didn't specify which versions of the turtles you'd like, so I did Bayverse! hope that's okay!
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The boy's were out on their evening patrol, jumping along the New York skyline, when just ahead, they saw a bright, green light.
Thr closer they got, the bigger the light was. It looked like some sort of portal. Before they could do anything else, someone fell out of the portal.
None of them had time to catch the person, and they fell right into an open dumpter below. "Ew, eweweeww! Oh my god, is that a diaper? Gross!"
The boy's looked at each other, before jumping down into the alley. The person was climbing out of the dumpster, mumbling curses under their breath.
The other's shoved (Turtle of choice) forward, signaling him to speak to the person, "Hey, you ok Mx?"
The person's head shot up, looking around the dark alley, "Who's there? where am I?"
The turtles explained to the person, (who had introduced themselves as (Name)), that they were in New York City. Shortly after they asked the turtles to reveal themselves, which they did after slight hesitation.
They were expecting a scream, maybe even for (Name) to faint, but instead they said, "Oh, you've got to be kidding me."
(Name) explained their situation to the confused turtles, that they weren't from this dimension, and (Turtle of choice) offered to let (Name) stay with them untill something could be figured out to get them home.
Name spent the next two months with the turtles, growing particularly close to one of them specificly. Eventually they fell in love with (Turtle of choice) and the two started dating. And (Name) decided they wanted to stay, much to the happiness of the four brother's......
The two of you were playing video games on the main TV.
Leo and Donnie were sitting on the couch behind you, watching your game of Mario Kart.
You jumped up celebrating your victory over your boyfriend, while Mikey whined about losing.
A new game was started, and the match had begun when it happened.
A familiar green portal appeared just behind you.
Everyone jumped up, attempting to help you in your struggle against the portal.
You gasped as your feet were sweapt out from under you, and Mikey grabbed your hand.
"Don't let go!" you pleaded.
"I won't, I won't! I got you Angelcakes!"
You saw the strain on Mikey's face as he try'd to keep you out of the portal, his feet now slipping along the ground.
Donnie and Leo grabbed onto their brother trying their best to stop him from slipping.
It didn't work.
You knew what was going to happen.
You knew this was it.
So you looked at Mikey with tears in your eyes, "I love you, Mikey!"
"I'm not letting you go, (Name)!" his voice cracked, a heartbroken waver in his tone.
You choked on a sob, "Mikey, please just say it back! please!"
Before the terrapin could even open his mouth, you were sucked all the way through, and the portal closed.
Mikey dropped to his knees, and with tears in his eyes mumbled, "I love you too, (Name)."
Mikey sat there, unmoving as the tears started to fall, knowing, that he'd never see you again.
Donnie's promise to bring you back fell on deaf ears, as he sobbed.
The two of you were having some alone time in the dojo, sitting across from each other, a tea tray inbetween the two of you.
You were laughing at something Leo had said.
Leo smiled, gosh you were cute when you laughed.
You smiled at Leo, "You're staring."
He just nodded, still smiling.
Then it happened.
The familiar green portal that brought you to him had come to take you back.
Both of you stepped back and away from the portal wide eyed, then in started to pull you in.
Leo grabbed you wrist, trying to pull you closer to him, but it was futile.
"GUYS!" Leo shouted, calling his brothers for aid.
Your feet were lifted off the ground, and Leo grabbed your forearms.
His brothers flooded into the room, weapons ready, but once they realized what was going on, their weapons lay forgotten on the floor.
"Leo!" you cried, you could feel his hands slipping, and your voice was laced with fear.
"Hold on, (Name)! I've got you! Hold on!"
His brothers tried their best to help him hold onto you, but all at once, they started slipping forward, with you going further into the portal every second.
"Leo, I don't wanna go back!" You sobbed, "I don't want to leave you!"
Leo choked on his own voice, the fear and pain in your voice hurt him.
"I won't let go, (Name)! Please, just hold on!"
You were sucked futher into the portal, and that's when you knew this was it.
So, with all the strength you had left, you pulled his hand up to your lips and pressed a kiss to his palm.
"I love you." you choked out.
Then you were gone.
You were gone.
Silent tears made their way down Leo's face.
He was numb.
He didn't hear Donnie's promise.
He didn't feel Raph's hand on his shoulder.
He didn't notice when Mikey hugged him.
He just stared at where you once stood.
The love of his life was just, gone.
And he'd never see you again.
You were sitting criss cross on Raph's shell, counting as he did push ups.
The red masked terrapin smiled at the sound of your voice.
Yeah, you were just counting, but he loved the way you sounded.
"And... 150!" you said, jumping off his back.
Raph sat up, accepting the water bottle you offered him.
You plopped down next to him, smile on your face.
The two of you sat there and talked.
Well, you talked, Raph stared at you with a smirk.
"What's wrong, Red? Is something on my face?"
"Nah, yer just cute."
You blushed, but before you can reply, a familiar green light appeared infront of you.
Raph stood up quickly, dragging you behind him.
He tried his best to lead you out of the room, but before you could even get to the door, an invisible force yanked you from behind Raph.
Raph grabbed your wrist as you were lifted off the ground, "Hold on, Dollface, hold on!"
Your voice was laced with fear, and Raph hated that.
He hated you being scared.
He was your protector, and he'd be damned if he failed to protect you.
You continued to get closer to the portal, that invisible string dragging you further and further away from your love.
"LEO!" Raph called in desperation, fear filled his eyes.
You felt a chill through your body as you're bottom half was sucked through the portal.
"Raph! Raph, I don't want to go! Please don't let me go!" you sobbed, tears falling.
"I got you, Dollface. I got you, (Name)! hold on!" Raph said, desperation clear in his tone, "GUYS!" he called for his brothers once again.
They rushed into the room, scrambling to help their brother hold onto you.
"Raph, Raph. Look at me!" you said, sobbing.
Raph looked up into your eyes, tears threatening to fall.
"I love you, Red. I love you so damn much."
"No. NO! (Name), I'm not letting you go! I won't!" his voice cracked, tears falling slowly.
"We don't have a choice." You said, lip trembling.
"I love you too." he said, tears falling quicker.
You smiled, tears running down your face.
Then you were gone.
"DAMN IT!" Raph cried, slamming his fist into the wall.
"Calm down, Raph! I'll find a way to bring them back, I promise."
Raph spun around, anger and frustration all over his face, as tears fell.
"How the hell are you gonna bring 'em back? You couldn't figure out how to send 'em home! so h-how are you gonna bring 'em back..." his voice cracked.
Then so did he.
"Hand me the screwdriver, please, Dear."
You reached into the toolbox and handed over the desired tool.
You were helping Donnie finish a project, but he refused to tell you what it was untill it was finished.
The silence was filled by the sound of your voice, and Donnie liked it that way.
It helped him focus on his task.
You continued to talk, but cut yourself off when a familiar green light shone from behind you.
Both you and Donnie spun around, staring wide eyed at the portal that appeared to take you away.
"Stay behind me."
You nodded, standing behind your boyfriend.
Donnie reached around and grasped your hand, squeazing as a way to reassure you.
His brothers ran into the room startled by the green light that lit up the whole Lair.
"That's not good."
Before anyone could say anything else, you felt a yank pull you from Donnie's grasp.
Donnie grabbed your arm, doing his best to pull you away from the portal.
His feet started to drag along the floor, his grip on your arm tightening.
"Guys-!" Donnie grunted, signaling to his brothers that he needed help.
They rushed forward, doing their best to help hold you back.
"Donnie! Please, please don't let go! I don't wanna go!" You begged, tears falling from your eyes.
"Hold on! hold on!"
You felt a tickle up your spine, letting you know that you didn't have much longer.
Your tears fell quicker, with your voice cracking as you spoke, "Donnie, listen to me. Listen!"
Donnie looked at you, his own eyes glossing over.
"Donatello, I love you so, so much. Every second that I spent with you, were the best moments of my life. J-just, I- I need you to know that. ok? I love you so much!"
Before Donnie could reply,
Before he could even open his mouth,
He lost his grip, the portal closed,
And you were gone.
His lover was gone.
The tears started to fall, slow at first.
Then he began to sob.
He couldn't breath, he felt numb.
Frustration took over, and he made a silent promise to himself.
Donnie would see you again.
If it was the last thing he ever did.
There we go Anon! I hope this is to your liking! Personally I think I did a good job, considering I dont write angst often. 💕
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miya-rin · 2 years
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here are some small suna boyfriend headcanons
cannot whistle, like at all, so he snaps his fingers in place of a wolf whistle, it started off as a joke but it became habit and now he cant stop
he stutters when he shows alot of emotion, so you have multiple videos of him arguing with his siblings but not being able to get his point across cause he keeps having to restart :(( hes so cute i hate him
he pulls your bra strap (if you wear one) so that it snaps against your shoulder and will not stop no matter how much you tell him to
you have a designated self care night once a week which consists of baking brownies, doing skincare on each other and you beating his ass at mario kart
HATES wearing socks, you have had to pin him down multiple times to make him wear them
100% a sleeptalker, and it changes depending on the day, he could be mumbling random words to having full blown conversations and crisis’ about stuff that had never happened, you’ve brought it up before and he swore up and down it has never happened
sooo clingy, when you guys are sleeping he has to be touching you in some way, you have woken up like this so many times you have lost count
will not can not do your hair, he loves to play with it but for the life of him can not figure out how to do it, you have caught him watching tutorials but he can never get his head around it :((
he sneezes SOO loud, you left the house to go to the shops and you got halfway down the road and heard him sneeze
he does this little thing where he hides your stuff on the top of his door frame when you come over, and when youre about to go he makes you do a little questionnaire on your favourite thing about the day you spent with him, if he likes your answers you can have them back, if not you have to spend more time with him until he is satisfied he doesn’t have to know you always see him hiding the stuff
100% the type of guy to tighten jars when you’re mad at him
has a highlight on his instagram of you, and its all really cutesy photos that his friends make fun of him for having
will buy you stuff that reminds you of him, it could be something you have never brought up before but he will get it if he thinks you would like it
has like 15 pillows on his bed, and you dont know why because he neVER USES ANY OF THEM
all of my haikyuu boyfriend headcanons
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simplygyuu · 1 year
heyo ! idk if u take reqs or not but can i pls request beomgyu reaction when u fall asleep on another member fluff ? :D
Beomgyu's reaction to you falling asleep on another member
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sorry for just getting to this now, but i finally have time to do requests!! also i dont know if this is exactly what youre looking for when asking for a reaction.. it turned into a mini drabble hehe but i hope you still enjoy it!!
genre : fluff and romance!
pairing : beomgyu x gender neutral!reader
warnings : none
The last thing Beomgyu expected to see when walking into the living room after getting the popcorn for the 'annual bestie movie night' was you knocked out on Yeonjuns shoulder. Kai and Soobin were giggling over it and elbowing each other before pointing at Beomgyu as well.
"Hyung stole your date!" Soobin snorted as he covered his mouth to stay quiet, not wanting to wake you up with his laughter.
"Shut up!" Beomgyu retorted at a whisper, bringing his arm up into a fake punching motion. Taehyun chuckled a bit at the scene as he focused back onto picking something to watch.
Seriously, Beomgyu doesnt know how you fell asleep so quickly. Not even 30 minutes ago you were screaming over Mario Kart! But either way as your boyfriend he would not stand for you sleeping on Yeonjun.
"Hyung, why didnt you keep them awake until I got here. I was only gone for like 10 minutes!" He whined a bit, a glare holding no real malice directed towards Yeonjun as he sat down on your other side.
"Like you wouldn't have given me shit if I woke them up." Yeonjun replied with a playful roll of his eyes, slowly reaching over for some popcorn to keep from jostling you off his shoulder.
".....You make a fair point."
Yeonjun just let out an amused huff instead of laughing, used to Beomgyu's dramatics by now. Then with touch almost as light as a feather, Beomgyu cupped a hand carefully around the side of your head where it rested on Yeonjun. Very slowly, he gently moved your head until it was on his shoulder instead before sticking his tongue out at Yeonjun.
Once he made sure you were settled against his own shoulder, Beomgyu draped an arm over your shoulders. Absentmindedly he played with your shirt while the movie finally started to play, adverting his attention to the screen.
You awoke to the sound of crashing sounding from the TV in front of you, blearily blinking your eyes open as you tried to focus in on the sound. Half asleep all you really thought about was the warmth next to you, it was a bit cold. A small shiver wracked your body before you turned more to the right, snuggling closer into whoever was next to you.
The arm around your shoulders tightened a bit, just a quick squeeze before leaving its place. You could tell you were leaned up against your boyfriend, he had a very signature smell. As someone sensitive to scents it was easy to pinpoint the smell of his laundry detergent and the citrus scent of his cologne. After dating him for so long just the smell of his cologne was an easy way to calm you down and make you feel tired. Everything about Beomgyu radiated comfort.
To you, if Beomgyu was one word it would be comfort. Wether he was being loud and obnoxious or he was being quiet and reserved, he was always comforting. He was always observant of everything, every little thing you did he took note of. You fidgeted a bit too much with your sleeves? He would tap your arm before asking if you were uncomfortable, if you needed fresh air. A piece of clothing held your attention for an extra second too long? He'd make up some excuse to find time to go sneak off and get it for you. It was so, so comforting to know somebody was so in tune with you. Beomgyu was like a big hug after an emotionally draining day. You could always rely on him having your best interest in mind.
Before you could fall deeper into your sudden sappiness over your boyfriend, you felt a soft blanket get draped over your shoulders along with hearing a quiet, "Hyung, I was using that!" from Kai. You smiled a bit at the youngest boys words, feeling a bit bad but also knowing there were many more blankets in the room. Beomgyu probably took his to keep from moving you too much.
"Better?" Beomgyus deep voice then asked, barely above a whisper as the movie drowned out his voice to anyone else. It was nice knowing that only you two were sharing this conversation.
You hummed with a nod towards his question, pulling your legs up to your chest as you fully leaned up against him. Your eyes were still closed, but you felt the way Beomgyu gently shook with a silent chuckle. His hand then found its place around your waist as he rested his head on top of yours.
"You must be tired if you fell asleep on Yeonjun hyung.." Beomgyu spoke and you could almost hear the pout in his voice. "But I digress! Go ahead and go back to sleep, love. I'll carry you back to the bedroom once this is over."
Once again you just managed a soft nod, much too tired to do anything else. Your limbs felt heavy and warm, you were happy to fall right back asleep. The loud TV didn't bother you one bit.
You knew Beomgyu kept his promise of bringing you back to the bedroom the next morning when you woke up in your rightful place in his arms, curled up under the covers together. Good thing you had chosen to put on your pajamas before the movie night started.
notes ! : aaaa this was fun to write :) im happy to take any requests!
perm. taglist ! : @squiishymeow @beomnioa @jwnghyuns @ddenoudepression @mywonie
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three-dee-ess · 2 months
i dont know if you've played much CTGP-7 before but i wanted to show you a few of the custom characters it has because!
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look! them!
(n3DS btw 👍🏽)
adorable!! I haven't gotten into 3DS game modding, but I totally should. I've heard really good things about mario kart 3DS, so it's kind of surprising that I haven't tried it yet. (Mario Kart 8 deluxe is just really fun to me lol)
black n3DSxl
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vldsideblog · 1 year
Here’s a quick oneshot based off of the idea that Shiro just decided to ignore all the times Keith did something alien like and decided it was too much work.
It was a quiet day on the Castle Of Lions. Pidge and Hunk were playing some game they had hooked up in the lounge. Coran and Allura were locked in a very intense staring contest. Keith and Lance were sitting on the floor painting their nails. And Shiro was relaxing on the couch with a cup of “not quite tea.” Everything was peaceful, until Lance had to ruin it.
“Ya know, Keith. It’s kinda weird that you’re half Galra, you look completely human!”
“Yeah,” Pidge chimed in, still focusing on kicking Hunk’s ass in some Mario Kart ripoff.
“It’s a bit strange with how Galra traits seem to be passed down, I think you’d be purple or something.”
“I wouldn't say I look fully human.” Keith grumbled as he waited for the black nail polish to dry on his thumb. “My canine teeth are pretty pointy.”
“Yeah, but that’s normal weird stuff! Shit like that just happens sometimes!” Lance complained loudly.
“I don’t think you guys know what you’re talking about. When I first met him I thought I was losing my mind.” Shiro said, staring blankly at his lukewarm cup of tea.
“What the fuck does that even mean!” Lance threw his arms up in the air. “Did he turn purple or something!?”
“Not exactly,” Shiro glanced over at his brother, “Can I tell them?” “Yeah whatever, as long as they leave me alone about this after.”
“Scouts honor.” Lance put a hand over his heart.
“Uh man, you were never in the Boy Scouts.”
“Shut up Hunk! Kidding, love you dude.” Pidge adjusted their glasses, “tell us what?”
Shiro cleared his throat, “Back in the garrison, when we first met I could’ve sworn that his eyes changed when he got angry. Like his pupils looked like a cats” Shiro had set down his tea at this point and was waving his non-metal arm around for emphases. “I had to convince Matt to not write a research paper on him.”
Pidge snorted, “Yeah that sounds like Matt.”
“Um, I think we’re all missing an important point here. WHY DIDN’T YOU QUESTION ANY OF THIS!!!” Hunk questioned reasonably.
“Honestly I was really busy getting ready for the Kerberos mission, I just chalked it up to puberty and tried to keep him out of fights.” Shiro huffed, taking another sip of his tea. Keith rolled his eyes, “I wasn’t that bad.”
Shiro spat out his tea. “Not that bad?! Keith, one time you got in a fight lost a tooth, a permanent tooth. And it grew back in a day!” “To be fair I thought that was normal.”
“Why did I. End up with you as a brother!” “Shut up I’m a great brother.”
Shiro sighed, “One time when Keith was over for the holidays I heard something in the kitchen, when I went to see what it was I swore I say glowing eyes, turns out it was just Keith getting a snack.”
Lance bursted out laughing, “He’s like a weird cat!” Keith rolled his eyes again and added another layer of polish. “Cats' eyes dont glow jackass.” “Oh shut up!”
Pidge who was now very invested in the conversation and taking notes cracked their knuckles. “What else does he do? It could be helpful information.”
“Are we seriously doing this!” Keith mumbled, everyone opted to ignore him.
Pidge began scribbling furiously as Shiro listed things off.
“The whites of his eyes turn yellow, he growls, his fingernails grow and sharpen.”
“Holy shit!” Lance said in awe.
“I’m not done yet. He can jump really high, has great night vision, his hearing is super good. Am I missing anything Keith!”
“I Don't know, I don't really pay attention to this kind of stuff.”
Everyone collectively groaned.
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1-siracha · 7 months
obey me characters as the asian extended family stereotypes!! older brother edition
younger brothers / dateables / undateables
massive disclaimer: i am chinese-malaysian, and this is created solely off my own personal experiences and videos on the internet i have seen regarding this topic. these experiences and memories may not apply to you. this is also a joke, these are stereotypes and do not apply to all asian families or all ethnic families. also may be a little ooc since i havent played om! yet
lucifer: the exemplary cousin
when i think of this guy, all i see is my younger cousin
absolute genius, gets high grades, focuses on school, DOES VIOLIN AND PIANO, wears the most concealing clothing, very mature
be prepared because your parents are about to relentlessly compare you to him
"aiyoh mc, why are you not like lucifer yet?! when he was your age, he was raising all his brothers on the streets after he fell from heaven, and what are you doing loh? smoking weed? doing cigarette? studying to be artist?"
during family gatherings, he is absolutely smothered in attention by all the aunties and uncles. most of the time sits with the parents instead of the kids and talks about whatever the fuck they talk about at the parents table
every other kid there gives him the death glare because these mfs KNOW he is loving the attention and the massive ego boost it gives him.
mammon: the disgrace
ok my southeast asian homies (and maybe south as well) we all know this mf
the main antagonist of the auntie gossip
often comes in the form of a sketchy uncle
has at LEAST two tattoos and one of them is probably a dragon (i am projecting my own disgrace uncle on to him so hard)
got in a lot of trouble for either scamming another relative out of money or gambling away their families money
smokes on the balcony during gatherings (if he's even allowed to go)
actually pretty nice and funny but nobody wants to be around him because hes a lowkey faliure. most of the older kids like hanging around him, but often dont stay around him too long as their parents are worried of his influence.
also he probably took up modeling which made the aunties hate him even more
eyes flick to mammon as he seats himself at the dining table, and he responds to them with a nervous smile. "mammon," one of the adults starts lowly, in a belittling tone that made him sick to his stomach. "didn't bring anything to the gathering, not even 古老肉..." they look at him before adding another taunt. "oh.. that's right.. you never learned mandarin, did you? nothing to contribute lah. always take, take, take with you. just LIKE WHAT YOU DID TO MY HUSBAND'S MONEY!!"
ruckus erupts as everyone on the adults table simultaneously starts yelling, as though the family tension built up over the past year head finally snapped.
Leviathan: the teenager
congratulations dude, you just got the most underrated type of asian at a family gathering.
doesn't get as much attention as lucifer due to being relatively mediocre and not as talented as him, but will occasionally his parents will flex his coding skills or an award he got at school.
doesnt really talk due to not much people at the family gathering being his age group, so he mostly sits in a very solitary corner of the kids table on an uncomfortably small plastic chair and plays games to pass the time.
the moment the asian parents kick the kids off to the nintendo switch or wii u so they can freely argue about politics or whatever (im not sure im still stuck at the kids table 😭), this man completely shifts.
beats everyone MULTIPLE TIMES. makes them fucking bawl. oh my gosh its actually so funny.
the little kids hate him because he beats them so often in mario kart.
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star2stop · 13 days
ill ask about your jashlings 🫵🏽 which two are your favorite to draw and whats their relationship with each other
so... mmh my two faves to draw... i havent drawn them a lot yet actually, as for now im focusing on coming up with a design for all of them so i havent done a lotta doodles really, but i can certainly answer that with no problem either way!
okay... mmmh. definitely maverick, like, i LOVE drawing deranged looking characters and the little eye and mouth drips are very fun (i love drawing goop i love drawing goop i love draw-)
another one i really liked to draw was xavier even tho i admit i kinda struggled with the colors at first lmao, the spikey hair is always a joy to sketch out and lineart also the overall sharp shapes are just great
imma be honest i dont think they'd be very good friends, or related if that matters, maybe distant cousins? but eh i doubt it, idk them being related doesnt seem right to me,,,
i feel like xavier is pretty clean in terms of alcohol and drugs and whatever, like yeah, a lil drink sometimes is nice but he aint the type to get black out drunk and wake up on the sidewalk like five hours later lmao, hes not much into clubbing if ya feel me
his natural habitat is the gym ur honor, when hes upset he just lifts some weights or idk runs a mile? actually- he doesnt even have to be upset, dude hits the gym just for fun (also fun fact he can run and jump and everything with heels, and yes everyone is so jealous of him for that lmao)
maverick is a bit wilder,, and louder definitely... (also high 90% of the time-) pretty much the opposite lol
you'll never catch him in the house dude, hes ALWAYS out, doesnt matter the hour, bro could be at the store at 3am simply cuz being at home is boring and he cant sleep anyway so why not?
hed definely call you at UNGODLY hours and ask you to hang out lmao
not gonna lie the only thing they'd have in common is probably the fact that they like videogames? or reading perhaps? (mmmh thinking of a potential book club in the jash verse rn...) maybe the few times they see each other they play mario kart together and catch up who knows
xavier is definetely one of the only jashlings that hangs out with maverick btw, even if they rarely do. as one of my friends described mav, "this is the weird cousin everyone stays away from" and kits so right for that lmao
agdhfh sorry this just became a yapping session about the characters themselves more than their relationship dhgdhfng i just love these silly guys so much...
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minterim · 7 months
i just finished filling out @janmisali's how many Super Mario games are there now survey! it was a ton of fun, i recommend giving it a shot to see how you think about murky video game taxonomy!! however my explanations of my methodology got a bit wordy, so much so that i couldn't submit my response LOL. so i'm putting them here instead :>
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my (loose) criteria are: for pre- super mario brothers games in this bracket, all are non-canonical (to the extent that a mario canon exists), and only count as being non-canonical if mario is clearly in the game from the outset, whether that is clarified through the title, or other surrounding material (manual, flavourtext, widely accepted history for donkey kong, etc). the other condition there is that i have to be able to find evidence of mario's presence with very little effort.
if a game doesn't have mario in it at all (dk3 and so on), then it's not a mario game because the other ones barely are in the first place.
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ok this is becoming slightly more complicated now. the game watch and game and watch games are minor spinoffs, they remain canonical in that they are adaptations of super mario bros for different devices. given that they are adaptations, they dont count as distinct entries in the super mario series.
ive decided that sports games and other games that mario appears in as the mascot are also extra-canonical -- i dont think mario, in the story of the mushroom kingdom such as it is, ever went on a big bar in space to play alleyway. ymmv. the principle holds for golf and tennis and whatnot, for the entries so far at the very least.
i think it makes sense for games that predate super mario bros 1 which feature franchise characters/world elements to be non-canonical as opposed to spin-offs; you can't spin off of something that doesn't exist yet, in my assessment. games taking place in the mushroom kingdom or featuring franchise characters doing things in contexts that make sense count as minor spinoffs, e.g. yume kojo doki doki panic and super mario bros special. NOT counting dk classics because they werent spinoffs initially, you cant retcon them into spinoffs. again, ymmv
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ok. the allstars games and other such re-releases ARE mainline mario games, because when you boot them up you play a mainline mario game, but they are NOT distinct entries.
the -land games are spinoffs, wario is a mario character, and remains a part of the mushroom kingdom mythos up until warioware, which ill have to decide upon sooner rather than later.
dk for gameboy IS a mario spinoff, because the narrative has been change to 1. exist and 2. match (closely enough with) other mario games (bros 1 and odyssey, as far as i can tell).
dkc is NOT a mario game (he is not in it in any way afaik). i would classify it as a donkey kong game, in a way that i wouldnt any of the previous dk titles. this is the point at which donkey kong becomes separate ip from mario. they cross over still, but its two equivalent entities bumping into each other, as opposed to a smaller element of one's canon re-emerging.
the dr marios arent canon, that's a different guy. mario is not a doctor in the mushroom kingdom i know. maybe this is an alt-universe mario? who knows
the karts are also not canon. or rather, they are extra-canonical, in that those ARE the characters we're familiar with from the super mario series, but they arent playing their roles, theyre playing golf or go karts or whatever. its like actors hanging out behind the scenes in character
wario blast can be a canonical spinoff i guess. wario seems like the kind of guy who would throw bombs at people like that. bomberman is there somehow too
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games that include mario (or his friends that havent established a specifically non-mario franchise of games, read: not donkey kong) as a mascot or the main player character count as mario games.
if the mario characters in the game are not acting in alignment with their behaviour in the mainline series* then the game is a non-canonical mario game.
this includes karts, picrosses, tetris attacks and so on. if the game is a single title with little-to-no follow-up, it is a minor spinoff, if it spawns a larger series or garners prestige in some other way, its a major one.
*i dont have a good definition for this. for now: a platformer starring mario as a player character with a plot set that typically involves fighting bowser and saving peach while in the mushroom kingdom. thats the distinction for now though it definitely doesnt hold for the later games. sorry 😐
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ok, all of my previous points still carry over wrt sports and party games not being canonical. the sports ones are the "actors" who play the mario characters hanging out and playing tennis or whatever while in character. however the rules with party seem slightly different -- i maintain that theyre non-canonical to the main super mario series; mario getting along with boos and bowser and so on seems contradictory to the series' events. plus, the mario party world seems like a separate instance of the mario world regardless, so im placing them into a separate mode of canonicity: kids playing with action figures, or game pieces, or better yet, amiibos. no hint of continuity beyond the player and the friends they party with ^_^
i've elected to dub the wariowares as non-mario games. theres a simple reason for this: he's not in them as a character. the wario that runs around is pretty well removed from the wario that has menaced mario in the past, unlike the wario in wario land. theyre not necessarily *not* canonical, but i feel this wario is more likely to fit into the "actors playing golf" canon than the "nare-do-well of the mushroom kingdom" canon, if that makes sense.
the REAL rub for this round are the RPGs. i let super mario rpg fall into the spin-off category because i feel like that could feasibly be the "main" mario (the character from super mario bros). this could be equally true of paper mario, and mario + luigi super star saga mario. and these marios aren't necessarily contradictory! the mario games have a very malleable canon! that is, until mario + luigi: paper jam, which brings two of these marios face to face (note: havent played any of these games yet, heavily referencing the super mario wiki). given that luigi finds the paper mario characters in a book, this states pretty directly that paper mario is fictional within the main mario canon: paper mario is not the same man as super mario from super mario 64. now, does this retcon mean that all the prior paper mario games are fictional within mario canon? maybe. it could ALSO be that the paper mario stories really DID happen in the main mario universe, and we (as players) experienced those events through the interpretive lense of paper... but a good amount of gags/mechanics/etc rely on paper mario being made of paper. poetic license..?
i think im going to classify the paper marios as stories ABOUT the main mario WITHIN that continuity, kind of like star wars legends 'dubiously canonical' material. i think this places them as non-canonical within the structure ive built up here, which is unfortunate, because i liked the idea of all the rpgs being different perspective cameras on the same guy... oh well
^^ take the discourse about the rpgs with a grain of salt because, again, i have not played any of them and thus they may directly contradict my notions of canon. whoops!
PS. oh yeah i think i forgot to mention this in the last one: smash games arent mario games. they are games that have mario in them. but mario would not hit his brother luigi or his dear friend peach. and thus this version of mario cannot be the same one as in super mario bros.: the lost levels.
(same theory as the mario party action figures situation. except the kids that are playing with the action figures are now teens)
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the sports ones (strikers, baseball) have started having narratives that can fit into the mainline canon, kinda. im choosing to include the baseball games - i reckon that baseball kingdom could be in there, thats fine. though ive chosen to exclude the strikers games, everyone's really angry and violent in those ones and that doesnt seem right to me
the clock and the calculator don't count because they aren't uh. games
also ive lost track of the distinction between major and minor spinoff. i had one but i don't remember what it was at this point
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with the sports games i tend to err on the side of non-canonical, even if there is a narrative in which all characters behave more or less in character. because i find it hard to believe that wario or waluigi would follow the rules of tennis
also i dont think that a crossover with final fantasy really tracks, you know?
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super mario maker isnt canon but super mario maker 2 is. because 2 actually has a story mode and 1 doesnt. i think
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i think ive covered it all in my previous responses? my system broke down a little bit but i think ive been mostly consistent!
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i think if they never got made theyre not games, and if they did get made but never came out they cant be considered mario games. because mario never appeared in them. because no one did because they never came out. i think my reasoning is failing here but i stand by excluding them
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to try and sum my methodology up: it's only a mario game if mario, or a character from the mushroom kingdom, is the main character or mascot. a character cannot make a game a mario game by their presence if they are a version of the character that has defined their own game series completely disconnected from mario and the mushroom kingdom (donkey kong games and warioware games are considered disconnected in this manner and are not mario games, however, wario lands and original donkey kongs are). games in which a mario character is a minor character in an ensemble cast also aren't mario games.
if the characters that make the game a mario game are doing things that would contradict the characterisations from super mario platformer series* or are acting in a purely mascot capacity, the game IS still a mario game but is non-canonical (assuming its a game at all. looking at you clock and calculator). additionally, if the games take place in some kind of separate continuity (mario party, strikers, paper mario, etc) they are non-canonical, or if good and evil characters who would normally take the opportunity to try to apprehend each other are in proximity and do not (kart, tennis, golf, etc), i excluded them from canonicity. for the latter category, i liken the mario cast to a group of actors hanging out off the clock while remaining in character, in the same way actors in real life might act for a charity event. crossovers are also more than likely to preclude a given game from canonicity. i do not think mario, as he is in the mushroom kingdom, has met solid snake or sephiroth. also, i maintain that dr mario is a different man from mario. as he is still A mario, they remain mario games, but because he is not THE mario, they are non-canonical.
the distinction between major and minor spin-off is foggy in this taxonomy. mainly its based on popularity, proximity to the mainline, critical and audience reception, and vibes.
mainline super mario games are platformers in which mario progresses through levels in different worlds using powerups to save someone. they also have to be considered mainline to count. not a great definition but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
the iteration of a given mainline game that counts as a distinct iteration is the one i consider most Definitive. the factors that go into Definitiveness are these: earliest released version > plot that best fits with established canon (donkey kong gameboy) > version with most included game stuff.
my maxim for what counts as a mainline super mario game was: "if someone wanted to play through the super mario series one at a time, but not non-super mario games, what games would it make sense to include?" no idea if what ive ended up with here tracks with that but here we are
 this was a fun little thought experiment!! thanks for putting this together, i learned a bunch about this weird little series
PS. that mario sweater maker game is incredible btw
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ragecndybars · 8 months
Keeping the sees train rolling; what kind of video games is each member's favorite you think?
ohohoho >:3 thank you for asking because i have Opinions on this matter
minato: hm once again a slight cop out answer because of the hermit social link, but i do think he's an MMO player. despite having fully convinced himself that he's antisocial, he in fact loves playing with other people, but like, for long periods of time not just in short online matches yknow? though he would run his party like he runs his team in tartarus and would probably scare off some players who are a little less intense than he is ahsflkjhsdf, but once he found his People they would love this funky little guy who treats the game like its a real life fight to the death
kotone: open world adventure games!! particularly the ones that have lots going on in their worlds, rather than just, yknow. large maps without much going on. i think she'd love running around just collecting sidequests and weird items and getting super attached to various unimportant side characters who have like 5 lines of dialogue total and 3 of them are just "howdy there", "what's up?" and "until next time."
yukari: i don't see her as one to sit down and play for a really long period of time or play religiously every day, so i think more ""casual"" games that she can play with friends are her faves. not just party games but games like minecraft that she can just hang out and mess around in with her buddies (disclaimer i havent played minecraft for more than like an hour sorry if its actually super hard and i just dont know)
junpei: i think he plays pretty widely but has a particular fondness for RPGs. he definitely likes a game that's not too hard or demanding, but makes him feel super cool and gives him a big dopamine hit. probably not a huge fan of most multiplayer games because he's a bit of a sore loser? but he likes super casual party-type games like mario kart and stuff bc its hard to get mad playing them.
akihiko: soulsborne-like games. i know many many games get compared to soulsborne games but what i mean here is: games with a very high skill ceiling that reward your practice and composure by making you feel like the bossest bitch alive when you finally succeed. i think he'd get really sucked into them. but i think he would prefer singleplayer games like dark souls over, say, fighting games
mitsuru: the game needs to have some kind of tangible measure of success because she is going to fucking Succeed in it. she is going to get One Million Billion points. she is going to rack up All The Gold. she is going to get Every Item. i actually think she likes "casual" style games like yukari does, but she does not play them in a casual manner At Fucking All. if she's playing minecraft she has fifty chests full of diamonds while everyone else is still building dirt houses
fuuka: rhythm game fan spotted. someone walks in while she's about to full combo a hard song on sadistic difficulty and she makes the absolute most angry sound anyone has ever heard her make (an insistent "SHHHH!") and then ten seconds later after she's won the song she doesn't even apologize, she was so in the zone she didn't even realize she was acting in a way that would usually mortify her. its the autism btw
aigis: i wanna say she likes visual novels and strategy games. i think she would be absolutely enraptured by a good enough visual novel (although she would be a bit perplexed by them at first), and a strategy game i think would tickle her brain in the right way to make her feel satisfied without becoming monotonous or a slog (which i think would be her experience with action games--they would be very rote and unfun to her because fighting is like Baked Into Her Code so they don't really feel like recreation).
ken: call of duty player. KIDDING i see him as a fan of older arcade style games. he probably unironically says he was born in the wrong generation bc he prefers galaga to cod or whatever. he likes games where you can rack up a big high score. kind of similar to mitsuru in that regard.
shinjiro: probably not a huge player but kotone introduces him to simulation games (farming sims and animal crossing in particular) and he gets obsessed with them. but he absolutely refuses to admit it to most people because he has a reputation to uphold dammit. the only people who get to know are the protags (they're nosy af), akihiko (also nosy and also they're kind of attached at the hip so it was inevitable), ken (shinji can't lie to him), and aigis (koromaru is a snitch)
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splxtduxlies · 2 years
some very domestic agent headcanons bc my brain is rotting slowly hahaahahhaah
agent 4 knows how to roller skate! she probably also knows how to skateboard (because like. its splatoon what kid doesnt) but she prefers roller skating because u can do sick poses and spins and stuff
3 blushes the Most like. theyre not very easily flustered but when they are their whole face gets bright with their ink color, shoulders, ear tips everything they hate it sm :*)
while 4 and 8 had an apartment together they did a lot of bonding :) 4 has siblings but 8 is. kinda strange in a cool way so its fun to show them new things!
8 has never had siblings and is enjoying learning abt squid culture from 4,,, even if they're doing it wrong sometimes 8 swears
they try to cook dinner once a week instead of eating out to save money, but 3/4 weeks a month they almost burn down their building and jus end up eating out anyway so
4 has the ADHD™️ habit of walking into rooms and completely forgetting why shes there, so the two of them have developed a plan to help 4 stay tf focused on a task
the plan is: 4 talks to herself about every little thing shes doing or needs to do and 8 listens and reminds her when she inevitably forgets
agent 4: so then i was like "look buddy-" wait where's my tea
8: you put it in microwave to reheat
4 walking over to the kitchen and pressing start on the microwave: oh ya so anywag i told the guy "if my sick flips offend you so much maybe-" wait what was i doing in here
8: you're taking off your sneakers
4: oh right so like i was saying
when 8 sneezes its like a lil kitten, when 4 sneezes she does it really loud and then trails into the chorus of some song, when 3 sneezes she holds them in but she gets sneezing fits and it gives her a headache rip
3 has decent hygiene (marie would argue against this) but shes jus. a sweaty teen ok :/ plus shes always wearing her hero outfit like. literally all the time
theyre her "safe clothes" ok >:(
8 isnt very competitive about playing turf - she wants her team to win but its not the end of the world if they dont as long as everyone had fun :) - video games however, completely different story
something about being in an independent 1v1 with someone that jus flips a switch in 8s mind that she must win she must beat them
4 hides her games because of the time she brought her family over their place and 8 made her brother cry over mario kart
callie and marie are cousins we know this but. they still see 3 like their little sibling together somehow abd tease them like one
3 has a lil zapfish plushie that she sleeps with in her apartment. like full on cuddles at night
everyone asks them why they dont have roommates itd make rent cheaper but she refuses to let anyone find this out
...4 and 8 ofc have already found this out and have a picture of 3 drooling on it but they value their lives so not another soul knows abt it
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sourcengine · 3 days
OHHHH THATS A GOOD QUESTION HMMM i think s.a.m. would like lucasarts games a lot. specifically maniac mansion (something something commodore 64). they know every little nicknack of the scumm engine. would probably boast that they dont need scummVM to run lucasarts games (they do need it) i definitely feel like the microsofts probably mess around with the pre packaged windows games. i can imagine the three of them all carefully staring at a computer (with sam controlling it) trying to beat minesweeper. voder was made and destroyed before the age of gaming alas, but after revival s.a.m. would definitely introduce a nintendo 3DS to him. he gets hooked on warioware gold and mario kart 7 say would probably love playing co op/team games with dectalk, theyre close buddies after all. i can definitely see them play stuff like NSMB wii and team fortress 2. they've very definitely played the portal 2 co op campaign before. ari isnt much of a gamer, and if you introduced him to xbox live i think she'd outyell everyone even with her TTS voice. hes just like that. definitely dont make her play overwatch macintalk much like ari isnt much of a gamer either. but would probably enjoy simple games like game & watches or puzzle games like match 3 stuff.
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Hello everyone welcome BACK to: I talk about Benrey for a minute here!
Today we will talk about everyone's favorite: Mischaracterization in Fanfiction!
[I want to preface this with a very important note. Anything I bring up here is NOT something I'm complaining about. I LOVE mischaracterizing my little guy sometimes, especially by making him more like me, heart emoji. I just also know what's wrong so I mischaracterize him in a better and more accurate way /ref]
Now, the most common little thing is him showing basically any emotion in a human/allistic way. Laughter is pretty much the only exception, followed only by whining. He would NOT apologize and he would NOT break down sobbing. In fact I don't believe he has tear ducts he forgor to make them.
[as user needsmoreexplosions has said in the replies, this is hyperbolic! he does show plenty of emotions, just more muted than you'd expect. The first act has more bursts of emotion than the later acts as well. They brought up the "dont FUCKING talk to me" and I mentioned him yelling to Tommy happily. However, there's still not MANY examples. I'm going to rb this with every example of strong emotion he conveys and itll probably be shorter than this post. again. i love people making him emotional anyways, even if its not quite in character]
If he were to learn that Regular People Can't Respawn, he wouldn't go crying and apologizing to Gordon. He would go "oops." He would complain that no one told him. He would make fun of Gordon for not being able to respawn.
"Benrey's not on this team anymore, apparently."
"Yo what- why would you say that, that's so mean."
[Whining, not crying. Always]
SPEAKING OF WHICH. The arm thing. A LOT of people tend to go with "he was trying to get the trackers out/hev suit off," when Dr. Coomer literally says, "I think they're just spiteful." He was getting back at Gordon for all the times he like. Shot him or somethin idk. People are right that he didn't expect the soldiers to cut off his arm, but he also DID expect them (and hype them up) to kill him. Not so he'd respawn without the hev suit or with his passport, just because "hey everyone else has died. And you are so mean to me. Your turn."
He doesn't act like a cat or crave attention, I'm so sorry fic writers [again, it's so fun and I love it tho, so keep doing it please] In fact, he loves to fuck off and leave the team, he does not need their attention. And, when given attention, he tends to just be mildly confused or antagonistic.
And he's not obsessed with the passports, guys! Let me get my fuckin 26-page document up rq... He says Passport/ID 26 times in Act 1 [yo what the fuck what a cool coincidence..... That's actually fucking awesome], then literally once in Act 2 and it wasn't even directed at Gordon. He doesn't say it at all in Act 3, though he does say One (1) time how much he loves his. He says it 6 times in Act 4, ALL of which are during his Boss Fight.
People make him a gamer. Yes, he is 100% but they make him the wrong KIND of gamer. He's not a Minecraft Animal Crossing Mario Kart gamer, he talks about Heavenly Sword, God of War, Halo, MAG, Grand Theft Auto and TF2. 2 First Person Shooters, 3 very violent action/adventure games, and TF2.
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[actually, speaking of this image, did anyone else catch Gordon referencing the stairs bit but with ropes? Gordon has canonically read Homestuck]
The only TV he references is All Dogs Go To Heaven 2 and Fighting Redemption which are WILDLY different. And also whatever Ms. Pebbles is.
Not necessarily a common mischaracterization, but an important tidbit is that Benrey tends to be pacifistic towards Xen creatures, and not towards scientists and later security guards. Lots of people headcanon Experimentation which, while there's not really any evidence for that, there's also no evidence against it and it's a good headcanon that I like a lot.
He likes taking pictures. (shakes fic writers) give him a photo album!!!! SCANS OF GORDON'S FEET WOULD NOT BE IN THE ALBUM HE DOESN'T ACTUALLY HAVE THOSE. IT WAS NOT A FOOTSCANNER HD HE LIED.
The things he does know vs doesn't know are. Difficult. He isn't clueless about "human Things" he understands that shaking = nervous and balled fists = angry. He doesn't know what pigeons are but he does know mayonnaise and Big Mac with Freesh Fries.
The final important bit of info. Canon is kinda... flimsy? Canonically, according to Gir, Bubby is a straight guy who FUCKS. Canonically, according to Holly, Bubby is agender and married to Dr. Coomer.
So like. Go fucking crazy! Go stupid! A a a a a!
Just be aware when you're wrong LOL
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helenicchi · 8 months
OC Tagging game!!
So happy that I can ramble about my favorite oc Miyako 👀
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Miyako is a stubborn hot headed spy who is into competitive gaming. If you're on her good side, you get to play with her and some other friends when you are bored, if you are on her bad side...oh I'm so sorry.
As a spy, she's fearless but also quite impulsive, which makes her quite a dangerous individual for both the FPA and White Crows. And herself, yes.
Miyako was one of the first characters I made for Vei4 and I'm strongly attached to her as she has a really fun personality and a peculiar backstory.
Now, here there are some random facts about her:
• Miyako has a defect of the eye called coloboma (I dont recommend googling it if you feel uncomfortable with eyes looking a bit weird, Miyako got lucky) , which makes her eyes look like that. Her pupils are deformed naturally. Luckily she doesnt have any sight problems and she only wears lens for the cool colors.
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• Speaking of lens, all the time she wears eye lens. She also has dyed hair. The only one who knows how she really looks like in the FPA is Kurou, her childhood friend enemy rival whatever
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• Kurou is also her hairdresser, later in the series (beginning of Arc 2) Miyako's hair will be much shorter like this v
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• Me and my closest friends headcanon her as an hardcore League of legends player (also Mario Kart)
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• Her birthday is on 06.06 because originally I wanted Vei4 to take place in another year, so her birth date would be 06.06.06. Now she's born in 2017 😔
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• In the Vei4 beta stage she was a chuunibyou (when anime characters pretend they are some sort of fallen angel or demon) and pretty cringe. Modern Miyako would bully her.
Yes. These two are the same character
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Now, for the rules of the game (feel free to copy and paste!)
1. You and hopefully one of your OCs have been tagged! Your job is to make a post about them, and it can be whatever you want! Talk about general information, their backstory, their design inspiration, post some sketches or older art, write up a few fun facts, as long as it's something!
2. When you're done, be sure to pass it along by tagging at least one other person and their OC (you can tag as many people as you want though!) Tag backs are allowed and encouraged.
3. When you tag someone, try to specify an OC, even if you don't know who they are yet (i.e. "You should do that OC with the butterfly wings you posted the other day!" or "Do the OC you drew most recently!")
4. Participation is not required, but even if you don't want to, it'd be great to pass the tag along to someone else!
I tag
@niccitrus please feel free to talk about Ida I love her 🥺
@vistrology talk about one oc from your new project 👀 or someone from Gli Dei!!
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