#oooh haven't used that tag in a while
extemporaneousmusings · 8 months
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Pictured: my first draft of the design for the kroger sheet cake I'm going to have at my defense, I'm p into it!
Today I:
-faced my fears and read through my advisor's comments and they are actually more minor than I thought they would be! yay! I am realllyyy hoping I can get them done by Tuesday, so I can get started prepping the defense presentation
-took Lulu to our favorite sniffspot for the first time since her surgery and the trees really started changing
-successfully divested Lulu of multiple ticks. it's the first time she's ever accumulated any, and one of them was quite persistent. it was a team effort, but we prevailed
-played around with designing the defense cake!!! It's going to be stunning :))) not to be biased but i've seen some rather ugly cakes and this will not be one of them
-have several hours of fic reading ahead of me, yay!
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Well fuck, I guess this is gonna be three parts instead of two
It was an accident I swear I'm sorry 😭😭
Just kinda want it to develop naturally instead of forcing it
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Oooh that smile 😌🫠
Well, here we go.
Blacksmith's Daughter
Part 2 of 3 (I'm POSITIVE this time I swear)
Part 1 here
OPLA!Shanks X AFAB!Reader
Wordcount: 4.3k
Hurt/comfort, fluffy as goddeng cotton candy, I guess slow-burn now too? Idfk
Trigger Warnings: mentions of death of loved one, trauma
Tag requests: @zzbloody-animezz
Perfectly harmless.
You very highly doubted that claim was true.
"Well," he said, tilting his head a little closer, "mostly harmless."
Still, almost as if to prove it, Shanks released his hold around your waist, his hand resting at your lower back a moment before slipping away to hold the cell door open for you. You stumbled just a little on your first steps out of the cell, your legs trembling, stiff and weakened in equal measure from three days and two nights stuck with the very limited range of movement that your bindings had allowed.
"Easy, now," said Shanks lightly, briefly slipping his arm around your back to steady you by your waist. "You haven't been on your feet in days, you can take a minute to get your footing. We're not in any rush."
"R...right," you said, uncertainly. You swallowed as he helped guide you over to the brig officer's desk, where you sat heavily in the chair, stretching your legs out for a moment. "I still don't really want to stay here too long. Three days has been more than enough." You leaned forward, pulling your swords across the desk and resting your forehead on one of of the black leather sheaths, laying your hand over the hilt. "Don't want to keep the crew waiting, either."
"Ah, they'll be busy a while," he said dismissively, pulling himself uo to sit on the desk. "There's a good bit of cargo to transfer." He nodded down at the swords. "Yours, I take it?'
You nodded, lifting your head. "I didn't even know if they were brought on the ship or not," you said. "My father made them for me." He had made them just over ten years ago, given them to you on your fourteenth birthday.
"Well, he was damned skilled. They're beautiful. May I?" He gestured a hand toward them. "If you don't mind."
"Go ahead," you said. You lifted one of the cutlasses and drew to from its scabbard, handing it over. His hand brushed across yours as he took the blade, clearly intentionally if the small smirk that briefly curved the corner of his lips was any indication. You watched him flip it deftly in one hand, holding it upright, his eyes scanning slowly down the edge of the blade.
"And well cared for. Sharp as a razor," he commented, impressed. He turning it sideways, flipping it around once more and nodding. "He teach you anything about smithing?"
You shook your head. "Not much," you said. "My brother was his apprentice. He taught me maintenance mostly. He instructed me in a few different weapon types, but swords were always my favorite." You took the weapon back when he handed it off to you, slipping the blade back into its scabbard. "And his."
"Experienced thief, weapons expert...." He leaned back a bit, smiling as he shook his head. "Yeah, you'll fit right in, sweetheart."
The way he was looking at you, the way his eyes burned into yours, had your face growing a little warm again as you turned your own gaze away, swallowing nervously. It wasn't as if no one had ever flirted with you before; you were honestly pretty used to it, ever since you had ended up living in the streets, used to crude comments and catcalling.
And yet here sat an incredibly notorious pirate captain, being incredibly respectful about it, all but making you swoon every time he lowered his voice or so much as touched your hand.
You stood from the chair, picking up your swords and setting to strapping them to your belt at either side of your hips, glancing down at the Marine cadet still bound in the corner of the room as his eyes passed between you and Shanks. You had never been around any pirates before now, but you had encountered your fair share of Marines, as many of them had been customers at your father's smithy.
Many of them had been self-righteous prats, and all the Marines aboard this ship had treated you like scum they had dragged in on the bottom of their boots.
"I think I will fit in fairly well," you finally said, quietly.
"Now that's the spirit!" His enthusiasm was honestly infectious, and you couldn't help but smile a little as he slipped off of the desk. "There's a fair chance you'll end up with a bounty on your head once word of your escape reaches Marineford, anyway. Between that and breaking into a base in a major city." He still sounded particularly amused about that as he rest his hand over the small of your back, stepping over the Marine cadet as if he weren't even there. "I'm eager to find out how you managed it. Oh, no, not yet," he added when you opened your mouth to respond. "I'm sure the whole crew's going to want to hear that tale."
Well, it was quite a tale. You were honestly surprised you had made it as far as you had before getting caught.
Before everything went to hell in a handbasket.
You lifted a hand to shield your eyes as you emerged onto the bustling deck of the ship; the mid-afternoon sun was blinding after days of only seeing it through one small, rounded window in the brig. The Red Hair crew was working quickly and steadily on robbing the Marine ship completely blind, right before their eyes—the entire crew of around fifty Marines was tied up on the deck, bound at their hands and feet, the captain and his officers situated at the center mast to give them the best possible view of the entire debacle.
Shanks called and motioned for his own officers to line up at the starboard side of the caravel, and took his time in introducing you to each of them individually. He glanced back occasionally at the Marines' captain and mates with a smirk, clearly reveling in their growing annoyance.
"Our newest thief has two years experience," he dragged on loudly, pacing slowly between you and his officers—many of whom were cracking up themselves, well aware that the whole spectacle was being orchestrated for the sole purpose of riling up the captive Marines, "and was arrested for—if you can believe it—breaking into a Marine base in a major port city in Arabasta with only one accomplice, and getting so far as to open their treasury vault before being captured."
And he paused for effect at that, waiting as the crew began to break into laughter, as you struggled to keep a straight face yourself, glancing toward the infuriated Marine captain, who had told you before shoving you into the brig a few days ago that he would personally see to it that you never saw the light of day again. For once in your life you were seeing karma in real time—and it was a positively beautiful sight to behold.
"And I'm sure we're all dying to know," Shanks went on, ceasing his pacing and stopping just in front of you, grinning, "how the hell she managed it."
He had given you more than enough time to go over the details in your head. A lot of your success had been pure dumb luck, for sure, but you drew up your resolve to relay it.
"Overheard a few cadets in a tavern talking about how the vaults were never heavily guarded...and the roof access was never locked." His eyebrows shot up toward the bright red fringe of his hair as you spoke. His officers glanced between each other. "A couple days later we climbed the back wall of the base. Knocked out a couple Marines at the top floor, stole their uniforms, and made our way down."
"Bullshit." All eyes shifted onto the Marine captain when he spoke up, glaring daggers at you. "That base is constructed out of sandstone. Five stories of completely smooth stone. There's no way anyone could climb the walls."
"Tell your comrades at the base to check the back wall for holes," you said coldly, your eyes lingering on his. "We used climbing spikes."
The man's teeth gritted together in a visible scowl. You turned your head back toward the snickering pirates, in time to see Shanks mumble something to Benn, who rolled his eyes and scoffed.
Then you heard the Marine captain behind you again, speaking in a low growl. "Disrespectful wench." You turned your head in time to watch him spit at the heel of your boot.
"Disrespectful?" Though the rest of his crew continued to chuckle, Shanks wasn't laughing as he put himself between you and the oposing captain, his forearm resting over the hilt of his saber at his hip. "I get the impression you haven't done much to earn anyone's respect," he said. "That being said, respectfully, captain...."
And with that, he placed the heel of his sandal against the man's shoulder and shoved him over. With the Marine's hands and feet bound, there was nothing he could do to right himself—nothing except glare daggers at Shanks as he crouched down in front of him.
"Don't interupt." Shanks gave him a smile and a rather hard clap on the shoulder before straightening back out and turning to face his own crew. "Now—"
"Goddamned pirates," he spat. Shanks looked back over his shoulder at the man. "A thief's a thief," he said viciously, glaring daggers at you from where he lay on the deck floor. "The whore'll rob you lot blind same as she tried with us."
There was scattered chuckling around the Marines as Shanks stared down at the captain for a long, tense moment. You saw something shift in his eyes, the warmth and humor leaving them.
"Whore?" he repeated lightly, raising his eyebrows. His eyes swept around the rest of the Marines, before he turned to you, taking a couple steps closer. He brushed a few strands of hair behind your ear, offering you a warm smile. "I take it," he said slowly, quietly, "this is how you were being treated for the past three days, sweetheart?"
You swallowed, glancing over toward the Marines, whose laughter had quickly subsided. "More or less, yes," you affirmed.
"Hmm." He nodded, his hand drifting down to your shoulder, lifting the torn strap of your black tank top—torn when you had been flung into the cell in the brig by a couple cadets, while the captain stood watch and told you then that you'd never see the light of day again. His eyes shifted over to the Marines again, and he spoke aloud. "Change of plans, men. We take everything from this ship that isn't nailed down...and then we sink her."
The protest from the Marines was immediate, loud and desperate—some begging to be spared, others calling you several other colorful names and shouting claims that you were lying. Even you found yourself staring wide-eyed at the red-haired captain, at the knowledge that he would sink an entire ship just because of how the crew had treated you.
You were beginning to understand the reason for his bounty.
Shanks ignored the Marines entirely—it seemed his mind was made up. "I think we're just about done here." Your eyes remained wide as he turned his head back to meet your gaze, his expression softening into a smile again, his hand resting at your lower back. "What say we get you over to our ship and..." He glanced down at your shoulder briefly, at the broken strap of your shirt hanging down, "maybe find you something to change into."
You nodded, tugging unconsciously at the broken strap to pull the neck of your shirt up. "I...suppose that would be..."
"There's no need to worry, love" He clearly noticed your unease—there was no doubt it was written all over your face. He curled his arm around your back, leaning in a bit so he didn't have to raise his voice over the mounting protest of the Marines behind both of you. "You're part of my crew now, and we always look out for each other." He glanced over at the metal clink of a lighter igniting at his other side, and grinned at his first mate. "Isn't that right, Benn?"
Hi first mate quirked an eyebrow, taking a puff from his cigarette. "What am I agreeing to?"
"Ah, don't worry about it," Shanks laughed. "Anyway—I'll trust you to handle preparations here." He nodded back toward the Marines as the three of you stopped at the starboard railing around the deck, and he leaned forward against it, his eyes scanning over his ship floating only a few feet away, over the rest of the crew getting the supplies they had taken from the Marines organized. "Half a keg of powder should do the trick, we'll bring the rest with us."
"Right," said Benn, stubbing out the cigarette he had just lit on the railing and tucking it behind his ear.
"After you've—"
There was a light metallic clink right behind you—and all three of you heard it, glancing over your shoulders.
In the same instant you drew one of your swords and spun around, leveling it with the Marine officer's throat, Benn had his rifle pointed at the man's forehead. The officer dropped the flintlock pistol he had pointed at Shank's back, his eyes widened in shock, shaking as he slowly raised his hands.
Shanks turned around and leaned back, hanging his elbow over the edge of of the railing and glancing at you with a quick nod of approval. Then he turned his eyes on the Marine, giving a small chuckle and cooking his head to the side a bit.
"Now that wasn't a very smart decision, was it?" he said, grinning. "You could have just snuck by and sent out a distress call. Did you?" he added, lifting his eyebrows.
"I—I—no, I—I just—I—"
"Check," said Shanks, cutting his eyes toward Benn.
Benn gave a short nod, shouldered his rifle, and headed off toward the quarterdeck in quick strides.
The Marine remained standing there, shaking and stammering, his eyes darting between your blade and Shanks as the red-haired captain rolled his gaze back over to you. "Quite a set of reflexes you've got, sweetheart. You said your father trained you?"
You glanced at him only briefly before training your eyes back onto the Marine, and nodded. "We didn't live in a great area," you said. "He wanted to make sure I could defend myself."
"I would have to say he succeeded," he chuckled, shaking his head a little. He leaned back a bit further, placing the toe of his sandal over the Marine's pistol and sliding it across the deck, stooping down to pick it up. "What other tricks have you got up your sleeve?"
"Well," you said, watching as he turned the pistol over in his hands, and then casually reach behind him and drop it overboard. Benn was heading back down the stairs from the quarterdeck with a coil of rope hanging from one shoulder. He seemed to be in no hurry, so clearly no distress signal had been sent off. You went on, "He rigged this for me, in case I ever get disarmed."
You shifted your weight onto one foot, and hit the back of your right boot heel on the deck, and a three inch blade shot out from a slot in the front of the sole.
The Marine drew in a sharp breath, and Benn stopped a few feet away, speaking one word that clearly echoed his captain's wide-eyed expression.
Shank's brief look of shock quickly faded into an almost childlike excitement.
"God, that is brilliant," he laughed, crouching down and tilting his head to examine the blade. "How's it work?"
"Some sort of spring-loaded trigger mechanism," you said. You knocked your heel down again and the blade retracted. You smirked a little yourself as Shanks straightened back out—his enthusiasm truly was contagious. "My father called them 'Ball-Busters.'"
That cracked him up immediately—he leaned his shoulder into the railing, laughing, while Benn gave a scoff and shook his head. "I'd say that's pretty goddamned accurate," the first mate said. "I got it from here," he added, pulling his rifle down from his shoulder and shoving it against the Marine's shoulder as you pulled your cutlass away and slipped the blade back into its scabbard. "Alright, over there with the other assholes," he said, nudging him with the barrel. "We're as sick of being here as you are of having us here."
You watched Benn usher the officer over toward the main mast, feeling oddly as if you were stuck in the middle of some strange dream you might wake up from at any minute—wake up back in the dark and dingy cell below the deck, down in the brig, getting dragged out to be shoved into an even darker cell in Impel Down for the rest of your days.
"Oh, you are just a treat." So lost in that thought were you that you jumped a little when Shanks wrapped an arm around your back again. "Come on, love. Let's get you changed and cleaned up." He pulled himself up onto the railing and stepped into a sturdy plank laid out between his own ship and the Marines', offering you his hand. You took it and he helped pull you up as well, his fingers lacing through yours as he gave you another charming smile. "I'd say you've more than earned it."
Your eyes remained locked for a long, tense moment, his thumb brushing across the back of your hand, your heart racing a little faster—until a particularly strong wave rocked both of the ships and made you stumble a little. He chuckled lightly, before leading you across the plank and onto the main deck of his own ship.
You felt more than a little out of your element a few minutes later, lingering near the door of the captain's quarters with your arms crossed over your stomach while Shanks rifled through a wardrobe against the wall. You were still a little apprehensive, your mind still lingering on the man's decision to sink the Marines' vessel solely on your behalf, but there was a charm about him that was almost intoxicating, and it was drawing you in quickly.
"Don't really have anything that's going to fit you properly," he said, pulling one shirt out and frowning at it before hanging it back up. "But there might be...something...."
You swallowed, glancing around the cabin—at the table to your left that was covered in maps, a desk in the corner with a closed logbook, a four-poster bed in another corner with a pair of floor to ceiling windows that overlooked the port side of the ship. It still all felt uncanny enough to be a dream.
"No...other women on the crew, I take it?" you said slowly.
"No," he affirmed, still pushing aside hangers and frowning. "Not as if it's intentional, it just...turned out that way, I suppose?" He said it with an air of genuine surprise himself that almost made you chuckle. "Seems most women aren't interested in sailing around with a ship full of—ah, this should do," he interjected, pulling out a white shirt on a metal hanger that seemed at least a little smaller than the others. "Probably haven't worn it since I was a teenager," he said, looking it up and down.
He gave the shirt an appraising nod, and then tossed it to you before crossing the room to take a seat at the desk. He noded once more toward the corner by the wardrobe where there stood a fold-out changing screen.
"You'll have to forgive me if I'm a little averse to leaving a stranger alone in my personal quarters. But..." He lifted his hand, smiling, before covering his eyes with it. "I promise I won't peek. Pirate's honor."
You did chuckle a little at that. It wasn't as though you weren't used to changing in less than totally private conditions—you had been living on the streets for just over two years. You crossed the room yourself, ducking behind the divider screen and pulling it out.
"Nor do I wish to be on the recieving end of the Ball-Buster," he added, and you laughed aloud at that.
"I've never actually used it," you said, hanging the shirt over the top edge of the screen and pulling your tank top over your head. "Not as more than a threat a couple times. The sight of it usually gets the point across."
"I can't fathom any circumstance where it wouldn't," he laughed. You heard him sigh after a moment, while you pulled down the hanger and unbuttoned the shirt he had given you. "Out of curiosity," he said finally, "why exactly were you being shipped to Impel Down?" You paused, your eyes flickering up to the changing screen, in the direction of his sillhouette—and noting that from his shadow alone you could tell he still had his hand over his eyes. "That's a privilege normally reserved for pirates and revolutionaries rather than petty local thieves."
"I, uh...." You swallowed, pulling your arms through the sleeves of the shirt. You hadn't been completely clear on every detail, but it seemed now was as good a time as any—even if it was painful to recall. "I...killed two Marines before I was apprehended."
"Did you?" he said lightly.
"Mmm." You set to buttoning the shirt, slowly, glancing toward his silhouette again. "I didn't...really mean to. After...I guess after my brother took a bullet for me, I just sort of...reacted. I don't even really remember much of it. Just—him falling, then them taking my swords and locking me in a storage closet before carting me off to the ship."
You truthfully weren't even sure how long you had remained at the base before being taken to the docks—locked in the dark, your arms wrapped around your knees, wondering if you were ever going to see daylight again, hoping it was all just some awful nightmare you might wake up from.
"That's...." You heard him sigh heavily. "That's a lot." You gave a small hum in agreement, looking down at the shirt, and sighing yourself—it fit you like a nightgown, the hem drooping nearly down to your knees. You shook your head and set to unbuttoning it again.
"I suppose the Marines had a good reason for treating me like trash," you allowed, rolling the hem of the shirt up and tying it in a knot at your midriff. You fastened a few of the buttons above the knot, and set to rolling up the sleeves. "I did kill a couple of their comrades."
"And they killed your brother," he pointed out.
You frowned to yourself, swallowing back a lump forming in your throat at his quiet, understanding tone. You glanced up again when you heard him shift, and watched his shadow stand and cross the room through the screen as you rolled up the other sleeve to just above your elbow. You pulled the screen back just as he reached it, your eyes meeting his the moment you did. The sympathy in his dark eyes was almost enough to break you in an instant. You glanced down at his hand when it came to rest on your shoulder for just a moment before your eyes snapped back to his.
"That doesn't—" He shook his head. "Nothing excuses fifty plus grown men treating a young woman like something a dog dragged in. Particularly not after what you went through." Your gaze fell away from his at that, down to the floor. "I'm assuming from what you've said—and forgive me if I'm wrong—that you'd never..." He paused, seeming to search for the correct words. "You'd never been forced to defend yourself before?"
You shook your head. You had practiced with your swords for years, sparred with both your father and your brother regularly, but you had never been in a situation where you had to truly fight for your life. You had definitely never killed anyone before. You barely recalled the details even now, and you honestly didn't want to remember them at all.
"Oh, sweetheart..." He let out a slow sigh, and wrapped his arm around your shoulders. You closed your eyes as he rest his hand lightly over your head, as a little tension you hadn't even been aware of released from your shoulders. Your head fell forward, resting against his chest, and you closed your eyes as he lowered his head over yours. "Just so we're clear...you don't have to stay here," he said gently, his thumb brushing across the crown of your hair. "You're not a prisoner, you're a guest. You can take a few days to decide. Or longer. But if you do..."
He moved his hand to your cheek, lifting your head gingerly until your eyes met his.
"This crew is like a family." He lowered his forehead to yours, his hand drifting down to your shoulder again as he offered you a warm smile. "And you'll be welcome to stay as long as wish. Alright?"
You swallowed, and nodded.
Lowered your head again, your breath shaking as it left your lungs, and you rest your forehead against his chest again, your eyes closing tightly. You weren't used to this—this degree of kindness, of compassion from much of anyone, much less a stranger...but something in his eyes, in the warmth of his touch, told you that he was being completely sincere.
"Th...thank you," you whispered—you couldn't think of anything else to say than that, nothing that could wholly express the emotion swelling in your chest.
He just chuckled lightly, wrapping his arm around your shoulders again.
"You're welcome, love."
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scintillyyy · 5 days
I saw your tag comparing Lewis and fitzmartin and I'm curious to hear more. I haven't read fitzmartins stuff (except for 3 issues while getting context for some panels I saw out of context) but I remember there being some parts of lewis' robin that I really liked and some that I didn't. In particular one plotline seemed to me like it was initially an original idea that just got clumsily adapted for robin but still did not mesh with the genre well
oooh i love to talk about it!! full disclosure: my bias is 100% that i don't particularly like lewis's run on robin & i don't particularly vibe with his tim or his steph & i'm like a number one dissenting critic here lol. and a big part of it, and something i've discussed with zahri a lot is that tonally i think lewis is a huge mismatch for tim & tim's robin stories. you can tell he wanted to do swamp thing. (given the mystical/magical/occult emphasis which has a place in gotham to be sure. i'm just not sure it works well for a good *tim* story) (i also have a lot of gripes with what i see as the immense out of characterness for bruce & tim for the 16th birthday debacle--i cannot buy that tim of all people is hemming and hawing over time-travel when he's best friends with a time traveler.)
anyways i've talked about my thoughts on them being similar before initially a bit here
and then i went and did a full comparison chart here
but tl;dr both lewis and fitzmartin are overly invested in prioritizing their preferred romantic relationship which makes you lose a lot of what makes tim interesting to read about to me: his connections with a large civilian cast and exploring the greater gotham world which he inhabits (especially given he's placed in what would be settings interesting to explore: downtown gotham & the marina) & fitzmartin gets a lot more flack for it than lewis when their runs do have incredibly similar beats and fitzmartin gets criticized for things that lewis gets praised for (and while i agree that lewis probably is the stronger run overall, actually i'd almost end up placing fitzmartin's use of setting as slightly stronger than lewis because at least moriarty as a villain had more ties to what makes a tim villain to me in comparison to lewis having tim go on a random cannibal camping trip and then walking on ley lines with a magic dude). it's just one of those things i notice, that she gets overly criticized where male writers do a lot of the same things and don't get half as much scrutinization (even if i wasn't wholly thrilled with a lot of what fitzmartin did, myself.)
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storiesbyjes2g · 2 months
3.113 Respect your elders
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Since we were right down the street, we walked to the cemetery to lay fresh flowers on my grandparents' graves. As soon as we stepped outside, a chilly wind brushed past us, and snow began falling. Summer was just days away. Newcrest wasn't the warmest city I'd lived in, but the cold and snow should have been over a long time ago. I expressed my desire to see Gammy again, but knew it probably wouldn't happen in the middle of the afternoon. But Sophia, my sweet Sophia, was a great cheerleader.
"You'll see her," she said.
"But it's daytime. I don't think they come out in daylight."
"She'll come out as soon as she hears your voice. She loves you so much."
"Well...I hope you're right. I won't hold my breath, though."
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"While we wait for her...it's still Love Day, and I love you," she said sweetly, inching toward me.
My eyebrow went up.
"You look like you're looking for trouble."
"Trouble?" she asked, cocking her head to the side. "I don't know her."
"Mmm hmm. I love you too. You and your trouble."
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No sooner than she planted a kiss on my cheek, mist poured out of Gammy's headstone.
"Oh my Watcher," I shouted. "You were right! She's coming!"
The mist spilled onto the plot and swirled around our feet. Gammy's ghost popped as orange as a sunset.
"I know y'all not trying to get busy in the graveyard," she shouted. "I'm not mad, though. Come here, my baby!"
I laughed and threw my arms around her.
"Hey, Gammy! Happy Love Day!"
"Oh! Is that what day it is? Happy Love Day to you!"
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She squeezed me tightly, and just like Mama did when I announced I had proposed, she pushed me aside and turned her attention to Sophia. Pope women. I shook my head lovingly at her.
"Let me see that ring!"
Sophia extended her hand and let Gammy ooh and ahh.
"Okay, Luca," she said. "You did well! Let me see some pictures! I want to know everything!"
Sophia whipped out her phone and scrolled through the wedding pictures she was tagged in.
"Oooh a beach wedding," she shouted. "That dress was perfect! Awwww look at my baby! You were so handsome, Mr. Cute Face!"
Now I had to know. Did Mama name me that, or did she steal it from Gammy?
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"Oh, look at my child," she said with a tremor in her voice. "She was always so beautiful. I miss her so much. Hmph...I see she's still messing with that ol spineless...let me be nice. Oh! You had Ali officiate? That's so special. And there's my other baby, looking like a model! She probably doesn't remember me. That venue was perfect! Was that Tartosa?"
"Yes, ma'am," Sophia said.
"I would have loved to get married there, but we eloped at the romance festival."
Sophia's face lit up.
"Really? I always heard of sims doing that but never met anyone who did."
"Now you have! It was magical...but oh so cold! That fool has us out there in a blizzard! Speaking of, let's get you out of this cold."
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We went inside the building, but it didn't provide much warmth. It was eerily cold in there, and I thought I saw a figure floating around the casket in the font.
"Gammy...are you okay? You don't seem like yourself. And you're orange."
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"I am," she said. "Don't worry about me. Tell me about you. How's married life? Are you trying for babies yet?"
I glanced over at Sophia, who nodded at me, giving her blessing to share our story with Gammy.
"Married life is amazing. I've never been happier. We're moving to a bigger house in San Sequoia tomorrow. And...uhhh...we're still working on a baby."
"Oh noooo. Are you..."
"I'm so sorry to hear that. That kind of thing can knock the wind out of your sails. I personally haven't gone through it, but I'm familiar with wanting something really bad and not getting it. Don't give up, you hear? It'll happen! Just be good yourselves and don't get stressed out. You'll see!"
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"Thanks, Gammy. We're trying to stay positive."
"Good. Well, you two should get out of here. It's Love Day! Take this young lady home and blow her back out until you pass out! Put THREE babies in there, ha ha!"
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I'd always been one to respect and listen to my elders...
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simonnebethel · 3 months
WIP Questionnare (tag game)
Tagged by @buffythevampirelover ^^ using A Chant for Blood to answer these! Answering them all out of boredom, but you can answer as many as you like ^^
What was the first part of your wip that you created? ...the first chapter 😅 but tbf the very first scene has changed drastically since then! it was a bit of a 'main character wakes up' cliche so I decided like right after writing chapter 3 it would be changed after the first draft was done.
If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be? oo! Possibly Nothing Else Matters by Apocalyptica. Prob my fave one out of the story's playlist.
Who are your favorite characters you've made? Why? Probably the makoth characters, like Gunilde and Oddvar. and idk 🤷 ive had a soft spot for orcish characters lately, makoth included. Can't forget Karliah, too! She's been with me since middle school.
What other pieces of media do you think would share a fanbase for your story? oooh. i dont know. possibly game of thrones? or any gothic fantasy novel. I actually don't read that much victorian fantasy, so I don't know many. However, Snow White and the Huntsman did influence me a lot, so if that movie has a fanbase I suppose it counts.
What has been your biggest struggle while writing? Creating the magic systems. It's like chemistry for me; my brain just can't work it out. the main magic system, which i have just called Spellwork, feels so underdeveloped, but the other magic system for the Makoth, Skvæla, is a little bit more fleshed out. At some point I have to sit down one day and work the whole Spellwork thing out before I lose my mind 🥲
Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them! There is! Maugr are native to Reyoarfell, and only used by the Makoth. Wolf-like beasts the size of polar bears, with thick fur and short legs to combat the cold climate of Reyoarfell. The makoth only use them for travel or to carry/pull heavy things, they are not suited for combat or racing. These animals are important to them, and are not allowed to be owned by anybody outside of the country.
How do your characters get around?(ex: trains, horses, cars, dragons, etc.) Mostly by horseback or carriage, as trains haven't been invented yet. But also, the first book is contained in one city so they don't need anything else to travel long distance. However! Portals to travel between countries do exist, but they're rare and expensive to use.
What part of your wip are you working on? I'm currently editing the early chapters, getting it ready to look for beta readers. Adding more scenery and sensory descriptions, changing a few things about the characters, trying to find a way to make the plot twists less obvious before they're revealed 😅
What aspects (tropes, maybe?) of your wip do you think will draw people in? Hmm. victorian fantasy, knight lady, eldritch being, vampiric lizard man, body horror, corruption arc, and monster hunting are the ones I can thing of off the top of my head 😅
What are your hopes for your wip? That there's people out there that would at least enjoy reading my novel, and love the characters as much as I do :)
Open tag to whoever wants to join! No pressure ^^
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gallawitchxx · 3 months
weekly tag wednesday thursday!
oooh baby, look at all the hotties that tagged me to play yesterday: @darlingian @creepkinginc @suzy-queued @metalheadmickey @too-schoolforcool @lingy910y @crossmydna @sgtmickeyslaughter @iansw0rld @juliakayyy @thisdivorce & @energievie !!!! THANKS HOTTIES! how fun!
how is your day going?: so far so good! i honestly laid in bed for hours this morning - much longer than i intended to. but i think that's fine!
are you okay?: life has been super whumpy lately & i haven't been riding the waves all that gracefully. but yeah, i'm okay! this too shall pass.
what is your favourite shade of your favourite colour?: i don't really have a favorite color, but i love turquoise that's more blue than green.
are you single?: i am Very Married!
are you happy about that?: yeah! my wife's the best! we have our shit, like all couples do, but i wouldn't be who or where i am today without her. i'm very lucky.
what age do you feel in your brain?: oooh... 970?
do you feel like the good times are behind you or ahead of you?: both! past, present & future good times for me, bayybeee!
do you have a best friend?: many! but in the traditional sense, yes. i have two besties who i've known since childhood & it's a blessed miracle that we're still loving up on each other after all of these years.
did you have a childhood pet?: i had fish & a couple of cats!
do you sing or whistle around the house?: oh, i was literally just singing take me or leave me from rent (both parts thank you very much) while doing the dishes! so yes! my wife & i also are constantly making up dumb songs lolol.
do you light candles or incense?: yes yes both! more candles now, but incense when we used to *gasp* smoke weed inside hahahalksgjsl. but now we're strictly backyard stoners, so the candles work just fine. plus, i have tons of witchy candles too that i'm always working with for spells & such.
are you busy Friday night?: no? lol. what day is it? we have some weekend plans, so a friday night in sounds grand!
if you were a circus performer which act would you be in?: probably a fortune teller (typecast), but i think in another life, i'd want to be a trapeze artist & swing from the rafters!
what is your favourite outfit?: oooh this one's easy! a white mock turtleneck, my black Wildfang overalls, and sneakers!
what's the last thing you created?: i'm working on a writing project for work & still attempting my end of the Having a Ball collab with @callivich (hi calli, ily calli, thank you for your patience calli), but i suppose the last thing i created was this art of mickey's booty.
what is your favourite fic or book of all time?: it might need an update, but my forever favorite book is a tale of two cities by charles dickens. my favorite fic? shit that's hard. eerrrrmmmm - i truly cannot answer this, sorry lolol.
what are you looking forward to?: by this time next month (plus a few days), i'll have hugged all of my favorite people! HOW EXCITING FOR ME!
what can put you immediately in a better mood?: a movie night with the pals! a play sesh with my pup! a smoocherooooo.
do you like hugs?: love 'em! c'mere! let me squeeze you round the middle & bury my nose in your neck!
what is something you wish people understood about you?: oooh. um, i think that because i'm pretty positive all the time, people don't think to check in on me & see if i'm doing ok? this isn't a plea by any means lol - i'm good! - but it takes a lot of effort to keep a good attitude when the world can be so harsh. also! i'm a witch! don't mess with me! *wink*
tagging @heymrspatel @howlinchickhowl @whatwouldmickeydo @whatthebodygraspsnot @milk-o-bitch & @squidyyy23 - who may not ever see this, but who i almost put down for favorite fic! (i'm DAD's #1 stan!) & who i miss every day of my life! if you don't want to play, that's cool! imagine we're laying together in a field of green, looking up at a clear, sunny sky. ily.
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marierg · 11 months
Of Light and Darkness: The Rising Darkness part 2
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Pairing: Obi Wan Kenobi X Reader
WARNINGS!: Cannon typical violence, language, Depressive and stress related descriptions, stim shots and over use of medications(didn't know so tagged in case), injuries & not appropriately treating them, JANGO FETT! (we love him! but definitely a warning)
A/N: I take no credit for the movie dialogue that is all the work of the wonderful Mr. Lucas! THIS IS A LOVING WORK OF FANFICTION!!! With that said I did take more than a few liberties but I tried to pull from the film and meld it into a cohesive piece. Much love to all the prequels and the folks there in!
PS- I've been stuck with writers block for these latest chapters so it's going REALLY SLOW! I am so sorry guys, I'm doing ma best. Definitely gonna take a break after this arc to build up a few chapters so hopefully this doesn't happen again.
Picture Credit: Lucasfilm and pinterest
Words: 7000
Masterlist Next
“Et nomine Kaf, et frappuccino, et soda and chocolate... Aaaaahhhh Fuck here we go.” You muttered the funny little chant to yourself before exiting the lift.
It was a long day already. The changeling's death, the autopsy, debriefing the council, the meeting with Padme; you were done with the day much less the week. The jorgan fruit to top this cake was the council riding roughshod over you all. Sending Anakin on this protection detail solo was not a good idea, especially after what Dorme had reported back.
Moping and complaining to you was one thing, but it wasn't acceptable on an assignment. Even less acceptable to the person they were assigned to protect. Taking a deep breath to remind yourself yet again that he was young and still maturing, you resisted the urge to knock sense into him repeatedly. Entering the guest room where Anakin was currently trying his best to get dressed did draw a wan smile though. He was fighting the material, trying to fasten it like a robe instead of a shirt.
“Pull that any harder and you won't have but your trousers and vest to wear.”
“You sound like Obi Wan,” Anakin turned sourly to you, he could already sense the lecture coming. “I'm a Jedi, not a fashion model.”
“Oooh someone's in a mood I see.”
Anakin threw up his hands in frustration, “I look like a puffer pig on Lifeday eve.”
“Yes, but a very handsome puffer pig.”
“Yeah right,” Anakin was fighting a smile.
“Well it still looks good on you.” You waived off his hands and started refastening the loose shirt then handed him the over coat. “Last time I helped you like this was your first days as our Padawan, now it's your first big solo mission.”
“Master Y/n?” Anakin felt a ripple in your signature, wistful and sad. “I promise we'll be fine, you don't have to worry.”
Raising an eyebrow you hummed in your throat, “I wonder sometimes if there is something that I have forgotten... some nugget of wisdom that hasn't yet been passed. Have I done all that is possible to protect and guide you?”
Anakin had towered over you for a few years now and yet it still felt like he was that small boy sitting with you at the pond. He felt you take his hand, giving a squeeze looking up at him with those knowing eyes. Casting his own gaze to his boots Anakin felt his cheeks warm in embarrassment, “Guess I've been a bit dumb huh?”
“Just young. ” Letting go to tug at his braid you watched as a smile quirked up. “Hey look I'm no council member, but I do have a little wisdom that I haven't quite passed on that you may need for this mission.”
You reached a hand into your robes to retrieve a small object, one that had lived in your desk for sometime. You had hoped that it would be a while yet till he needed this, but you could no more stop the passage of time than to stop the flow of the living Force. Perhaps you were so cautious with Anakin because of your own misfortunes, maybe it was the few rough missions and close calls. Taking the bracelet that matched Obi Wan's you fastened it to his wrist, slowly letting the words flow.
“You have the biggest heart Anakin Skywalker and you're a damn fine apprentice. I have no doubt that you can protect yourself and Senator Amidala from whatever gets thrown your way. Yes I will worry, but only because I care for you so much and want you safe. As your Master though, I know that I must let you go no matter how hard that is for me. We will be with you always and if you ever doubt it just look right here.” Tapping the bracelet you took a deep breath and glanced up at those bright blue eyes. They were different from Obi Wan's, more mirthful and cocky. You never wanted that mirth to leave him, you'd spare him any heartache if you could, but that was life and so your apprentice must take the good with the bad as you all did. “Now about that big heart.”
“Master I...”
Holding up a hand you smiled again at the young man. “I'd be a pretty big hypocrite if I shot your feelings down right now wouldn't I?”
“I don't know...”
“Yes you do.” Quirking up a brow at your apprentice and giggling at the blush that now spread up to his ears. “Don't tell Obi Wan though, he likes to think he's so sneaky. And I'm sorry that I was so remiss in advising you before all this started.”
“Well it's not like Jedi usually have significant others.” Anakin snarked.
“Be that as it may, I do have a little advice. Be honest and tell her how you feel, what you admire, what you think. Listen to what she has to say instead of thinking that you're right all the time. Don't let your pride speak where your heart should. And above all else never let your pride and heart out pace your brain... if anyone could testify about that it's me.” Giving his hand a last squeeze you stepped back to get one last glance at him, no longer the boy but the man.
Anakin glanced down at his feet again, “What if she doesn't feel the same way?”
“That is the risk we take,” using your finger to tip his chin back up you gave him a kind look. “Either way at least you'll know, which is better than wallowing in the what if's. Take your shot kid, the Force will be with you.”
“As it is with you Master.”
“Sarinysium is hard stuff to come by kiddo... even harder to produce correctly,” Maffa studied his young friend from across the desk. Bone and soul tired like you hadn't slept in several days, and then there was the small fact that you had come to him for information. While he was more than happy to oblige you, Maffa also knew that you didn't turn to him for help lightly. Must be a real emergency, he figured. “With a concentration and distillation of this quality though... a few that come to mind.”
“Anyone from the planets that have left the Republic?” You swirled the amber liquor clinking the ice on the sides of the glass. You wouldn't breathe easy till Anakin checked in from the hiding place and were also anxious to hear what Obi Wan had found out from Dex. You didn't have the premonitory gifts of your Master, none the less you felt the edge of war's knife at the throat of the galaxy. Looking to the old gangster you saw that even he could tell the tides were changing.
“One or two but the one that comes most to mind is a planet called Kamino. Lot of war profiteers, cloners that make armies for hire, weapons manufacture and testing.” Maffa took a sip of his own glass, pursing his lips. “Y/n please let someone else handle this. These type of folks mood changes with the wind and the highest bidder.”
“I wish I could... but duty calls.” Downing the last of your drink you smiled at your friend. “Besides you know Obi Wan will keep track of me well enough.”
Maffa sighed heavily, but shrugged his shoulders and wrote some information on a flimsy for you. As you grasped the sheet he took hold tightly. “Just be safe little Y/n. If someone has brought back a weapon like this, there's no telling what they have up their sleeves.”
Giving Maffa a hug you promised to come back by after your mission. You called Obi Boy, he had found a similar lead to the mysterious planet Kamino and was headed to the Archives. By the time you had arrived though he had struck a dead end there and apparently upset Master Nu in the process. With the two of you at a loss you thought on what Master Melri would do. “Well when in doubt, find a wiser adult.”
“I think Master Yoda is teaching sabers to the younglings today.” Obi Wan gazed down at your haggard appearance, sighing at the sight. As the two of you made your way down the halls he pulled you into one of the blind corners. Circling his arms around you and pressing a kiss to your head. “You look a fright wee one, here let me help.”
“Sorry, I haven't even been back to our quarters yet.”
Obi Wan turned you so he could fix your ponytail. He could also tell that you'd been subsisting on nothing but Kaf by how shaky your body was. You spun in his arms laying your head against his sternum. Laying his head to yours Obi Wan sighed knowing that this was exhausting for the both of you. “Come wee one, let us consult with the most adult person we know.”
“Don't think, feel with the Force. Help you it will.” Yoda focused on the small ones before him. Young though they were, strong and skilled were they too. Much like a great garden these younglings minds simply needed nurturing and time for them to reach their potential. Sensing the approaching knights Yoda clacked his staff on the floor. “Younglings, Younglings visitors we have.”
“Hello Master Kenobi and Master L/n.”
"Hello Younglings,” Obi Wan gave a small smile. “We're sorry to disturb you Master.”
“Teddy Bear Clan! How's your class today lil squishes?” A wave of giggling bounced around the room. You smiled at the group of children, no matter how tired you were, seeing them certainly buoyed your spirits. Now if you could remain upright that'd be a trick.
Yoda laughed at your greeting, “What help to you can I be?”
“Why don't you take the lead Obi Boy, I'm gonna test the structural integrity of that post.”
“Indeed, we shall see whom crumbles first.” Obi Wan tried to hide his grin, instead focusing more on the wise Master before him. “We're looking for a planet described to us by separate acquaintances, but it doesn't appear in the archives.”
“Lost a planet have you? How embarrassing... how embarrassing. Liam, the shades,” Master Yoda raised the reader and gestured for all to come closer. “Gather around the map reader, clear your minds and find this lost planet we will.”
With the room darkening your mind started to really blank, so very tempted to fall asleep right there standing against the pillar. Instead you tracked Obi Wan as he paced the room.
“It ought to be here, but it isn't.” Obi Wan shook his head at the empty space on the map.
You nodded in agreement, “Maffa said the same, right between Scarif and the Rishi moon.”
“Gravity is pulling all of the stars in the system to this spot.” Obi Wan looked to you. “What do you think darling?”
“Nothing good I can tell you that.”
“Gravity's silhouette remains, but the star and all of its planets have disappeared. How can this be?” Yoda gazed at his charges, young and old alike. “Hmm a thought? Anyone?”
One little hand raised, their voice so very calm, “Master, it's because someone erased it from the archive memories.”
“Truly wonderful the mind of a child is. The Padawan is right, go to the center of gravity's pull and find the missing planet you will.” Yoda began to walk towards the hallway, the two knights following.
“Master Yoda who could have emptied the data from the archives? Isn't that impossible?” Obi Wan did not like where this evidence was leading.
“Dangerous and disturbing this is, only a Jedi could have erased those files. But who and why, harder to answer... meditate on this I will.” Yoda hummed thinking about all that had transpired in the last 24 hours. How was it that he and the Council could not have sensed this? How and why the Senator were drawn in was troubling as well. Looking at the two weary knights he sighed. “Rest now and this afternoon depart for this mystery planet you shall.”
Both of you bowed and headed to your quarters. Over and over the darkest of thoughts and more came to mind, and unfortunately none that you could outright dismiss. Making it in the door you flopped on the couch, Obi Boy set an alarm and then pulled you in close. He ran his hand through the mess that was your hair, gently stroking it as you held him tighter. “Maffa thinks I should sit this one out.”
“Then he and I are of the same mind. Would that I could send you to look after the boy instead, but I require your brilliant intellect.” Obi Wan sighed raising his other hand to scrub his face.
“How do you want to play this?” Resting your chin to look up at him you blinked and almost fell asleep right there. It was hard to resist the warm safety of his embrace.
Obi Wan hummed in his chest, “First we shall rest, then simply take things in our stride as we progress.”
“So very wise,” your head slumped to nestle into his strong chest. “Love you.”
“And I you wee thing.”
“There it is, our missing planet.” Obi Wan turned back to you in the fighter. Seeing you knees to chest and dead to the world asleep gave him a grin. Reaching back through the seats to tap you awake he laughed at your grumbles. “Wake up sleepy kaf gremlin, we're here.”
You blinked owlishly and gazed out the canopy as the ship descended through the atmosphere. “Oh goodie... rain.”
“Come now we must put on our best faces.”
Making the mad dash to the door of the landing platform and looking like drenched rats was not going to make a good first impression. Wringing out your ponytail caused Obi Wan to snort. "Not...a ... word."
Obi Wan only smirked, quirking an eyebrow.
A tall being with the most remarkable obsidian eyes greeted you. “Master Jedi, welcome to Tipoca City. The Prime Minister is expecting you.”
“Oh this is getting weirder and weirder...” you glanced at your Obi Boy.
Obi Wan tried to keep neutral expression, “We are expected?”
“Of course! After all of this time we were starting to think you weren't coming.” The being before them began to walk and gestured to follow. “I am Tuan We, administrator and one of the overseers of this facility.”
“Pleased to meet you.” you studied the taller being in fascination. “This is Master Obi Wan Kenobi and I am Healer Y/n L/n.”
“What are you up too?”
“Just trust me, scientists talk to other scientists... networking.”
Taun We looked intrigued by that, “I've never met a Jedi Healer before, perhaps you would enjoy a tour of the medical facilities while Master Kenobi meets with the Prime Minister?”
Obi Wan stroked at his beard to hide a smirk, “Very clever.”
“That would be wonderful, also do you mind if I ask a few questions?”
"I would be happy to answer," Taun We inclined her head and long neck to the female, "I would be most interested to ask you about your work as well."
You smiled, "Excellent."
You managed to keep Taun We busy right up until you entered the Prime Minister's office. Introductions were made, Prime Minister Lama Su extending the offer that since you had both arrived so late in the evening that a full inspection would be organized in the morning.
“Thank you, we feel most welcome.” Obi Wan smiled over the cup of tea that had been brought in.
Lama Su studied these Jedi with a keen eye. “You'll also be pleased to know that we are on schedule. 200,000 units are battle ready with a million more on the way.”
“I'm sorry units?” Your ears perked at the term.
“That is... great news.” Obi Wan gave you a look. “Wait and see wee one.”
“Please tell your Master Sifo Dias that his order will be met on time.” Lama Su further gauged their reactions. Either this was as unexpected for the Jedi as for the Kaminoans or something was greatly amiss.
“I'm sorry who...” Obi Wan was now quite startled.
You were equally shocked, “Did you say Master Dias?”
“Yes. Master Sifo Dias is still a sitting member of your Jedi Council is he not?”
“Master Sifo Dias was reported missing and presumed killed almost 10 years ago.” Obi Wan placed the cup down to watch the being across from them. As soon as one clue was found, a new mystery was revealed.
“Obi Boy...”
“I know sweetling.”
Lama Su dipped his head, “I'm so sorry to hear that, but I'm sure he would be proud of the army we've built for him.”
“The Army...”
You quickly covered for Obi Wan's shock, “That's why we're here. Though some of the data has been lost to us since his passing, did Master Dias say who this army was for?”
“Why for the Republic of course.” Lama Su Rose and opened the portal to the viewing platform off the office. “Magnificent aren't they?”
You and Obi Wan stepped forward to row upon row of troopers for as far as the eye could see. Each of the signatures was so unique yet all wore the same uniform blending seamlessly into the other. Looking at Obi Wan with a wide expression he nodded back. “Obi Boy what have we gotten ourselves into?”
“This is bigger than any of us could have imagined...”
The Prime Minister gave a short viewing tour, highlighting the best of the genetic modifications made to these beings. Obi Boy had to calm you a few times when the Kaminoans referred to the men as “Items”. While the science of cloning had been around for some time you were fascinated by the advancements that the Kaminoans had made. That they managed to avoid the pitfall of clone madness thus far by balancing out the growth stages was quite the trick.
All in all from the surface a well run facility. While Obi Wan had continued on with Lama Su, you were escorted to the medical research wing to meet with their head researcher Nala Se. The female Kaminoan was different from her counterparts, speaking more kindly regarding the beings that were under their care, but none the less regarding them as a product.
“And what other research regarding combat is performed?” You were looking over the records of the Alpha series of clones.
Nala Se tilted her head, “I'm not sure I understand Healer L/n?”
“It's just that in my experience most militaries have an R&D for weaponry, medical research, technology... I was curious if that was similar here?”
Taun We was quick to answer, “Our weapons research is conducted elsewhere, closer to the armory.”
“So ballistic and plasma based items?” You stated the question with the same detached ease as you would a post operative report. There was a spike between the two other beings, “I'll take that as a no?”
“We have in the past done other weapons research, but it was shut down years ago and now only kept in the high security areas. I trust that you'll understand that I cannot show you those without proper clearance.” Taun We eyed the Jedi, she was an intelligent being for a human. Lama Su had warned to watch both of their guest carefully.
“Being in the RRC I've responded to many places where Bioligics have been used, I was curious if you had any new advances in treatment perhaps?”
Nala Se's eyes did widen at that, “Of course we would be happy to share our data to help those affected.”
“Not a pleasant business Biologics,” you kept a pulse on their signatures, “the worst I ever saw was sarinysium. Terrifying stuff, gone in the blink of an eye...”
The two Kaminoans became uneasy at your mention, body language changing subtly.
“I apologize, sometimes I tend to ramble.” You looked to Nala Se who kept eyeing the report in your hand. “These Alpha troopers are quite the group, why weren't more of them created?”
Nala Se seemed to relax at the question and change of topic, “We found them to be far too strong willed to create in large numbers. It seemed better to have them as leaders among the ranks.”
You nodded, “Ah, well thank you very much for your time and hospitality. I look forward to the demonstrations tomorrow.”
As you were escorted through the halls you mulled over this new piece of the puzzle. You had only briefly met Master Dias during your time as a Padawan, he had been a good and loyal member of the order. Why then had he done this?
Angry yelling coming from the hallway ahead drew your attention as quickly as your feet, old instincts kicking over. Turning the corner you saw a group of clones carrying one of their own. Without thinking you removed his helmet and began to palpate where you saw blood. It was your first real look at the men, you weren't sure if this one was in shock at seeing you or if the expression was from the pain of his injury.
“What happened?”
The men looked at you as though you sported horns and a second head. “Uh... Ma'am?”
“It's alright I'm a healer, now what happened?”
The trooper who was being supported crumpled to the ground causing the focus to shift. As you knelt to check the injured clone he tried to be nonchalant. “Fell in the simulation, think I blacked out for a bit... just startled my squad is all.”
“Is that true?” Taun We questioned.
The rest of the men shifted restlessly, till one spoke out. “One of the training droids malfunctioned, fired after the exercise ended. He fell from the ledge."
"How far?" You fired off the question while checking pupil reaction.
"I'd say 6 meters ma'am."
“Uh huh,” Looking at the injured man you pulled out your best smile. “Alright handsome let's just be sure that hard head didn't crack. Let me see now, this may feel a little strange.”
Placing your hands to cup his face and reaching with the Force you soon found the problem. A hemorrhage causing intracranial pressure that would kill the man before he could make it to a medbay. He was deteriorating quickly pupils unequal, his pulse was racing under your fingertips. Glancing at the others gathered you instructed them to hold the patient steady. Focusing you began to channel and mend the broken vessels, breathing and heart rate returning to normal. Slowly opening your eyes you saw warm brown ones staring back alert and bright. “How do you feel now handsome?”
Who was this strange woman, not an instructor for certain? When CC-3636 felt those gentle hands on his pounding head he figured that was that, end of the line before he even saw combat. Then a warm feeling as the pain went away, gentle smile easing his fears. Seeing Taun We watching the interaction brought him back to reality quick enough. Sitting up straight he gave a crisp reply, “Much better ma'am, I'll report to my next training rotation with my squad.”
“The hell you will, you're going with me to the medbay and getting a second look at, isn't that right?” Looking up at Taun We you saw the subtlest nod. Helping the much taller man to his feet you couldn't help but appreciate the sheer stature of all the clones. Their progenitor must be truly impressive if these were any indication. Unfortunately you also wobbled like a fawn having gotten up too quickly and fell against your patient. “Kark... Sorry!”
CC-3636 smirked at the little thing, barking orders one minute then skittish the next. He linked her arm through his and marched toward the medbay. “Quite all right ma'am.”
Obi Wan meditated by the window of the guest quarters, it was spartan but spacious. The bounty hunter was here, of that Obi Wan was certain, but what his underlying motivations were... that was yet to be discovered.
You were resting after an eventful afternoon, resting even as tired and annoyed as your were. Obi Wan had sensed your feelings from the minute that the Kaminoans had referred to the beings under their care as objects. He was a guardian but in many ways you too were one. Your respect and compassion towards all beings was one of the many things he admired. Even drained as you had been you couldn't stop babbling about the troopers you had encountered... and the fact that none of them had a name.
“Obi?” You padded over to where he sat by the window, storm raging on the other side. When he didn't respond you decided to join him, taking a seat in his lap. Warm strong arms wrapped around and trapped you against his chest. Leaning your head back you waited for him to speak first, far too afraid of your own thoughts.
“You were a loth cat in a prior life darling.” He kissed the side of your neck. “What is it?”
“I sense darkness lurking around the poor souls here.” A tear slipped loose at the intrusive thought and of the old pain trying to break loose again. “How can life be created simply to die...”
“All life ends y/n, but we go on in the Force.” He felt your head shake.
“They were born to die for someone else's fight, for someplace they've never even seen, a choice that was never theirs to make. How can anyone use other beings like that?”
“Ahh... You know as well as I that not all beings in the universe have everyone's best interest in mind. That not all have the same virtues and heart.”
Playing with his hands nervously you considered what had woken you, “I saw something Obi Boy... something terrible.”
“Show me.”
Opening you signature to his own the same images flashed in rapid succession. War, pain, the red of a sith's lightsaber, death.... swirling so quickly that it was hard to catch one before the next came. He could feel the shudder running through your body, the cold sweat rising. Obi Wan ran his hands at your side to soothe and comfort. Turning to look you in the eye he could see the dark set in.
“Can we stop it? Can we save them?” Tears rolled down your cheeks thinking again of the man you had healed but a few hours before. He didn't know that his eagerness for battle was simply the naivete of one who had yet to even really live.
Obi Wan kissed your forehead softly, holding you tight, “I hope so sweetling... for all our sakes.”
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Jango Fett paced the small common area in his quarters, occasionally peering in to watch his son sleep. What he would give to dream so soundly, but those days had long departed. He had spotted the sleek starfighter as he landed his own ship. Lama Su had informed him that the Jedi had finally come to see the war cattle that had been created from his genetics. He knew well enough that wasn't the only reason for their appearance.
This was just a job like any other, with the exception of the son he loved dearly. Of all the things that had come of his work these last 10 or so years Boba was the one that he never regretted. Glancing to the buildings at the far side of the floating city his thoughts drifted again to the two visitors. “Alright Jetii your move...”
“Boba is your father here?” The small boy at the door nodded, “May we see him?”
Boba pursed his lips seeming uncomfortable, “Sure.”
“I don't think he likes strangers.” You tried to give the boy a smile which he returned even if shyly. His look turned to a sneer when he looked at Obi Wan.
Obi Wan raised a brow, “I think he likes you better than me.”
Entering into the small apartment you heard Boba call for his father. It was much like the one that the two of you had stayed in, though you could feel the echos of happy memories here. Hearing movement from the bedroom you turned to see a striking man coming towards you. He moved with a lethal grace and an aura of command. It was his face that truly struck you, scared and battle hardened version of the younger clone from the day before.
Taun We bowed her head at the man, “Welcome back Jango, was your trip productive?”
“Fairly.” Jango had quickly sized up the male, a fighter and cocky for sure, not a problem if push came to shove. The female was... intriguing. Turning to face the shorter woman he put on a flirting smile, making his tone lighter. “And you are?”
Your mind blanked at the intensity of his gaze. It wasn't that you weren't used to flirting, just that this felt altogether different, like a test of sorts. Fortunately Taun We stepped in.
“This is Jedi Master Obi Wan Kenobi and Jedi Healer Y/n L/n, they've come to check on our progress.”
Jango watched as the healer offered a hand in greeting, maybe trying to regain their footing. Pretty little thing, not his type but none the less there was something charming about her. Taking your hand Jango raised it to his lips and gently pressed a kiss. “Welcome to Kamino.”
You swallowed hard, “Thank you.”
Obi Wan watched as this Jango released your hand and walked towards him. He raised an eyebrow and tried to appear unaffected by the little exchange. “Your Clones are very impressive, you must be very proud.”
“I'm just a simple man trying to make his way in the galaxy.” Jango gazed impassively at Kenobi, then darted his eyes briefly to you. Your attention had fallen to Boba and his Djarik board. It was a game that they had started just before he left on this last assignment, she was studying the board in interest. Jango resisted a smirk when you shook your head at his son's next play.
“Ever made your way far as Couriscant?” Obi Wan had used the man's momentary distraction to look past into the room by the door, the metallic glint of armor catching the light.
Jango caught the line of the other Jedi's sight even as he pressed in his move to the board, whispering for Boba to close the door. He inched into your space crowding and then brushing past you to face Kenobi again, “Once or twice.”
Obi Wan fired back, “Recently?”
“Possibly...” Jango could see that this Kenobi didn't like him getting near the woman, how interesting. He leaned on the table close to you, smiling and giving a wink. “Though I have thought of passing by more often. Such a beautiful place with such... marvelous people.”
“You must leave a trail of broken hearts in your wake Mr. Fett.” You saw the hunter cock his head.
Jango rather liked this Jetii, “I've never had any complaints.”
"Probably far too busy to hear them, you seem more a man of business," leaning slightly closer you glanced down at his lips then back to that hawkish gaze. A flirting smile passed your lips, "and seldom one of ... pleasure."
"Being trapped in that Temple of yours mesh'la what would your know of such things?" If the Jeti'ika wanted to play then who was he to deny her.
“Hmm...Well I've never had any complaints.” You kept eye contact, smirking. Master Melri always said when men flirt their guard was at it's lowest. However Jango may like the game he still wasn't giving you anything. Obi Wan on the other hand was not happy with the exchange. You could feel the territorial protectiveness in his signature spiking and while it was comforting it also wouldn't help. “Easy Obi...”
“I'm fine.”
“Bantha Shit. Mission first...Besides you know I only have eyes for you sweet man.”
Obi Wan gritted his teeth & attempted to reign in his temper, now trying a different avenue. “Then you must have met Master Sifo Dias.”
“Master who?”
Ah, now there's something. Obi Wan circled closer to Fett, “Sifo Dias, was he not the Jedi that hired you for this job?”
Jango didn't like that the knight had caught him off guard, deciding to keep this discussion to the point. “Never heard of him.”
“Really?” You now came to stand beside Obi Wan. “Then how...”
“I was hired by a man called Tyranus, on one of the moons of Bogden.”
“Curious,” You murmured absently, “must be an associate.”
Jango looked between the two, setting a challenging gaze at Kenobi, “Do you like your Army?”
“I look forward to seeing them in action.” There was a ghost of a smile on Obi Wan's face.
“They'll do their job well, I'll guarantee that.”
You watched the two men posture, like rivals testing the waters. You had caught sight of the armor too and old tales of Mandalorian fighters scratched at the surface. This man had the cold eyes of a killer for certain, but he also loved his son dearly as evident by the many trinkets and their strong bond. A man of many facets.
Was Jango truly a part of whatever was transpiring or simply a pawn? The aura surrounding the boy was clear and curious; whatever the father's dealings Boba didn't seem privy. Either way nothing more would be gained with further discussion now. “Thank you for answering our questions Mr. Fett, we're very sorry to have intruded.”
“Please call me Jango.” Again he saw the small flash of jealousy in Kenobi's eyes as he looked back at him. “Always a pleasure to meet a Jedi.”
As their guests left Jango could see his son was as uneasy as he was. Dooku had not told him what the contingency was if the Jedi came sniffing around, but he recognized the danger of the situation well enough. Looking at his son, his decision was made.
“Pack your things, we're leaving.”
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“Great karking plan!” You yelled watching the armored man fly off. “What happened to 'just having a talk?'”
“He's Mandalorian,” Obi Wan gritted his teeth, “That is how they talk!”
The ship on the platform was powering up it's weapons systems. Dashing towards the front of the craft you tried to signal the very scared kid in the cockpit. Taking cover by a pillar you focused trying to influence the boy through the Force, “You want to power those down Boba. This is a bad idea, power down the weapons.”
The guns gave a short burst towards Obi Wan, so much for the power of persuasion. Dashing towards the ramp you felt arms grip you from behind and your feet leaving the ground. “Dank Ferrik!!!”
“Don't move Jetii.” Jango held fast to the woman while flying. He kept a keen eye on Kenobi, “Your choice me or the woman?”
“Get him Obi!”
Obi Wan waited till Fett flew close then gave a running kick at the man, causing you to fall. All three of you went sprawling on the platform. Obi Wan went on the defensive, quickly disarming the hunter of his pistol. The three of you began to trade blows though Fett effortlessly deflected both of you. You attempted to jump on the man's back to pull his helmet off and earned a broken nose for your efforts.
“Poor decision sweetheart,” Jango flung the woman across the platform before spying Kenobi trying to retrieve his weapon. Wrapping the man with a cable he set to the air, a dunk in the ocean would take care of the problem well enough.
Obi Wan knew that if Fett was able to get him over the water this fight would not end in his favor. Turning and gaining his feet again he reached out for a post to hold tight and hopefully anchor in. He almost lost his footing when you slid into him. “Y/N!”
“I got ya, pull!” The sudden loss of slack caused the hunter to crash, jet pack flying wildly before exploding. That didn't stop Jango from being quick to retrieve his pistol, nor Obi Wan to forget that he was attached to the hunter as he ran past to kicked him off the platform.
“Oh not good...”
Splashing across the platform you saw as Fett detached the cable. “OBI!”
A few moments later you could still feel him in the Force, signature still bright. “I'm Alright, keep them busy.”
“On it.” Racing to the ramp of the Firespray you quickly found the boy. The angry look on your face must have frightened Boba and you quickly softened to his fear. You held out your hands trying to deescalate this situation. “Boba I want you to come with me...”
“I'm not going to hurt you. Come, we're going to see Taun We and get this sorted. It's not safe...” The Force spiked a moment before the danger struck. Turning quickly to deflect the shots from Jango's blaster you weren't able to see Boba reach for the one in the hold.
Your body fell limply to the ground, Boba nudging you just to be sure the stun worked. Looking up at his father,the boy smiled. “We got them good didn't we Dad.”
“Yes we did son,” Jango picked up the Jedi and secured her in the janitors closet of the hall. Normally he would have held onto her for information, but where they were going he didn't want to be tracked. Killing the woman wasn't part of the job, Jetii or no, so he would leave her for the Kaminoans to deal with. Checking her pulse and finding it steady Jango turned to leave. “For your sake mesh'la... don't follow.”
Obi Wan dashed back inside out of the rain after having just missed the departing ship. Blast it all, how had they gotten away and where were you? Slicking his wet hair back he reached out to try to find you, “Y/n, where are you sweetling?”
“Ooooohhhhh.... my head, what in the sith hells?”
Glancing around he opened a side closet door just grabbing hold as your tumbled out. Nose bloody and blinking at the bright light, all things considered it could be worse. “Just tidying up are we?”
“Ha ha ha... Hrrrrgh, kid got the drop on me, kriffin' hells!”
Obi Wan hummed hauling you to a stand, “Well I dare say you'll have another chance at him. I managed to place a tracker, do you think you can manage?”
“Lemme at 'em!” You tried to walk but only succeeded in almost falling down. Obi Boy shook his head and picked you up. You grimaced, “Next time you and Anakin can investigate and I'll go with the Senator to the cool hideout.”
“I'm inclined to agree. Now heal thyself so we can run our quarry to ground.”
As the ship left the atmosphere you pondered again just how well your Padawan was doing on his own? Were there more hunters waiting in the wings, had the two managed to stay hidden?
“Wee one?”
“Are you sure you're alright? That was a gruesome hit...” Obi Wan paused feeling your small hand reach forward to squeeze at his bicep.
“I shouldn't have let my guard down, I'm sorry.” You pressed your head to the back of his seat. “some help I am...”
“You are doing well Y/n.” Obi Wan squeezed and stroked his fingers against your hand soothingly. “The fact that you're exhausted from overstretching your abilities and still standing is a wonder of stubborn will. Any other healer would have been put on rest by now from so much, you've treated how many critical wounds in the last two days? And on top of that been in how many altercations?”
“Two not a big deal.” You cringed and tried to change the subject. ”Don't forget to scan the exit point.”
Obi Wan rolled his eyes at your evasiveness, “Four counting yourself and that changeling. You've barely slept or eaten dear girl."
You felt even more guilty now for not taking better care and for flubbing up, "I'm sorry..."
Reaching over Obi Wan took your hand, gently kissing the knuckles. "Nothing to be sorry for wee one. Give yourself some grace darling. Why don't you eat one of those red biscuits and if you would hand me one too please.”
There was a pit in your stomach, but you did as he asked. Flying through hyperspace you released Obi Boy's arm handing him the biscuit, “Toss me back the blue pack by the controls.”
You could hear Obi Boy grumbling in his throat as you took out one of the pre loaded syringes. Taking a deep breath you stuck it into the muscle of your thigh, medications taking effect immediately. Taking stims was an unfortunate necessity when you got this tired, it was never something you enjoyed. The medications made you jumpy and your attention shorten. Slipping another injector away in your pockets, you handed the rest of the pack back forward. You took hold of Obi Boy's arm again, wishing you could hold his hand instead.
“I don't like when you have to use those.” Obi Wan stroked at his beard worriedly. He had hoped that their investigation would have ended on Kamino so that you could return and rest. Unfortunately the universe as always, mocked his wishes even if it wasn't for himself. “Are you sure that you're able to continue? We can always track the ship then call for assistance.”
You sighed, “I'll be alright and the sooner we finish this the better. So lets go find us a bounty hunter.”
@meshlasolus @a-rose-of-amber @aquaamethyst96 @stanny-uwu @just-dreaming-marvel @rain-on-kamino @nurseytypechick @in-a-mellow-tone @acatalystrising @pickleprickle @iambored24601 @songoficecreamandfireworks @purplepandora666 @misscamptl @obiknights @moostresskenobi @the-going-merry @ginger-swag-rapunzel @iabrokengirl @lovelyxlily @annasun13 @foxperifoto @supernaturallover2002
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greghatecrimes · 5 months
for the ask game: 1, 3, 31, and 49 (49 specifically about Thirteen)!
Eee thank you for asking! <3 I know you said only 49 was specifically for Thirteen, but if you don't mind I'm going to answer all of them for Thirteen since she is the blorbo ever for me xD This got long, so answers are after the read more!
Canon I outright reject. Oooh, this one was hard because I actually love most of the canon details the writers gave us about her. The only thing I personally reject is her having a sister. They never verbally mentioned her sister (unlike her brother), so I just go about that as if her brother is her only sibling and a sister never existed. Either that, or her brother IS her "sister" and just transitioned sometime during their childhood.
3. Obscure headcanon - I got lots of asks about #3 for Thirteen! Instead of repeating the same thing, I'll link my answer for it here.
31. If they had a tumblr, what would it look like? I love thinking about this as;ldfjalsf. If Thirteen had a tumblr, I think it would totally be super nerdy and completely dedicated to fandoms she's in (like Buffy if this is Thirteen as a teenager, or something like Star Trek, Final Fantasy (I can see her liking XIII but I haven't played through the whole thing myself yet, so we'll see if that holds).[EDIT to add: oh my fucking god, I pronounce the final fantasy numerals as vee-eye-eye, ex-eye-eye-eye, etc. so I didn't realize until hours later that I said Thirteen. Would probably like Final Fantasy *13*. That was unintentional I swear 😂😭] She'd have it set up beautifully with a custom theme, a banner and icon she made herself, and an intricate tagging system that makes finding anything on her blog an absolute breeze. Her url would have absolutely no connection to anything that someone IRL could identify her with and she'd go by a pseudonym (I can also see her just going by "R"-- her first initial). It would be her escape from any and all stress in her "real life" and a place where she could relax and nerd out without worrying about keeping up an image, or about what other people would think. Even Foreman wouldn't know about it while they're dating. It would be an absolute and total secret from everyone in her life, and that's how she'd like it. I think the only person she would've considered making an exception for would have been Kutner, if he had lived long enough for them to get closer.
49. Favorite toy as a child. I originally thought of this when planning out stuff for my fic, In the Dirt, but it works for canon, too. A very well loved stuffed bunny that was given to her by her older brother when she was little. At the start of ITD, she keeps it tucked away in a duffel bag that holds the last remnants of her childhood and teenage years. But I like to think that at some point after moving in with House, she gets comfortable enough to let the bunny sit on her bedside table. For her, it's a positive reminder of her brother and how close they were when they were younger (in no small part due to their dad being so pre-occupied with their mom's Huntington's). It definitely has a name, but I'm not sure what it is. I've always pictured it looking sort of like this:
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tmnt-tychou · 1 year
Ok. I got a question(s) about your lizard girlfriend
Since Bay Mona lives in the Lair now, what’s one thing about each turtle/splinter that drives her absolutely up the wall?
And if you’re feeling generous, what’s something about her that they each don’t understand?
Oooh, this is a really good question! She just barely started living in the lair so we really haven't had a chance to see how these personalities might rub each other the wrong way after long-term exposure to each other in close quarters.
For Leonardo, the one thing he does that irritates her is he's very noncommittal about most things. He's very much one of those "Whatever you want is fine." Or "Whatever present you get me, I'm sure I'll love it." type boyfriends. And Mona's like "Bitch, no. I asked you because I want your opinion."
Michelangelo has a problem with toxic positivity. If he's struggling or something bad happened to him, he would rather put on a smile and pretend that it didn't happen instead of talk about it and work through his issues. He also does that to others. If they're struggling, he thinks the best thing to do is cheer them up, but not let them talk about whatever hardship they're going through. He sees that as dwelling on the negative. Mona, while she doesn't always tell everyone all of her business, doesn't ignore the bad things that have happened to her and tries to work through them and move forward in a positive manner.
Donatello: It's no secret Mona adores him. She always wants his time. In the beginning, he was happy to give it to her. Even if she dropped in on him when he was in the middle of a project. But as the novelty of her wears off, he becomes less inclined to drop everything for her. If he's in the zone and she comes in, he lets her stay, but when she starts talking, he'll tune her out and go back to what he was working on. That part doesn't bother her. She realizes she's not entitled to his time whenever she wants it. BUT Donatello will do the same to her and if she's busy, he'll get huffy about it. "I came out just to see you and you're BUSY?" "Don, you're busy all the time and I don't get mad at you." "But what I do is IMPORTANT." It's about the only thing they squabble about.
For Raphael, she wishes he would open up to her more. He's very careful and guarded. She feels like he isn't being his authentic self when she's around him and she wishes he would. He also likes to pretend he doesn't love his brothers as much as he does and Mona's told him. "Just hug your brother. You're glad he's okay."
For Splinter, it's the rat hair. It's on her clothes. It's everywhere.
On the flip side, Mona's trying to get used to the rat hair, but the guys aren't thrilled about HER hair. It's in all the drains. It's all over the bathroom. It's in the dojo. It's on their gear. How does she shed so much and still have so much hair?
They also don't get her need for space, quiet and alone time. Leonardo gets it the most. He likes to have some quiet time to decompress. But before the mutation, Mona was very much used to having her own space and living alone. Now there are turtles in every nook and cranny of this place. Everywhere she turns, there are turtles. It's like she's living with a dozen of them. She just wants to be able to go out for a walk without any of them tagging along or going looking for her.
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tabsters · 8 days
i got three tornado warnings this week how fun
previous chapter is here
next chapter is TBA
masterpost is here
tagging @mythicalmagical-monkeyman @hyperfixation-tangentopia @maiawhimsicalt and @sweet-star-cookie
"So, Ciara," Scorpio said the next day. "I'm afraid this is all the time I am able to spare, and I must return to my...business."
"Business? What, are you in the Astral Plane equivalent of the Mafia?" Ciara waved her hand up and down towards Scorpio. "You're certainly dressed like a Mafia member."
"No," Scorpio said flatly. "The Astral Plane is too big and too disorganized to have any sort of Mafia. Technically, we do not even have any kind of government—" 
"My Chamaeleon constellation was in the Mafia when she was a mortal!" Ciara interrupted. "I met your Chamaeleon while in the mortal realm!"
"When did you go to the mortal realm?" Scorpio asked, bewildered. "When did this happen?"
"Like, two days ago." Ciara began walking backward so she could walk and talk to Scorpio and Scutum. "Where do you go for your mysterious business anyway?"
"That's confidential," Scutum said cheekily. "Secret business!" 
"Ohh, so you go along with him for his secret business?" Ciara teased. "And here I thought you were an honest and good man, Scutum."
Ciara's phrasing made both the others tense up for a second, but it was gone in an instant. "I have many layers!" Scutum cheerfully said, crossing all four of his arms behind his back. 
"Like an onion! Or an ogre." Ciara mimicked Scutum's walking pose, so now she looked like some pompous child. "Shrek said that."
"That's not an actual word," Scorpio muttered.
"Where are you even taking me, Scorps?" Ciara asked, spinning back around.
"Don't call me that."
"Even worse, somehow."
"We're taking you to Libra's library!" Scutum interjected. "Seeing as we both have to leave soon."
"For our...business," Scorpio said.
"For our business." Scutum agreed.
Ciara could've chosen to complain how they were being secretive again, but she valiantly did not. "Is there a lot of like, fictional books in Libra's library?"
"Well, perhaps, but there are also a large amount of books about the history of the Astral Plane." Scutum waved one of his hands up at the sky. "Libra has been collecting as much information as she can about the Astral Plane, and a lot of it is stashed in there."
"Oooh." They were approaching the area containing the buildings, and Ciara leapt onto the stones outlining the pathway, placing one foot in front of the other so she could keep her balance. "That's cool! I used to love reading, I could read a whole novel in a couple hours in middle school."
"Then Libra will be happy to see you," Scutum said as he pulled open the doors to the library. "Libra!"
The library was two stories tall, with the second floor overlooking the first, and much more ornately decorated than the library her Chamaeleon had. In the center of the building were two curved staircases, with the bottom set of doors in between them and the other set of doors standing at the top. If Ciara looked closely, she could see the usage of Libra's glyph all over the decor.
"Whoa, cool!" Ciara stood up on tiptoe to poke one of the warmly lit lanterns hanging above her. 
"Word of warning, Libra doesn't like me very much," Scorpio whispered, stooping down to Ciara's height. "Even more so than the others. I'll be leaving as soon as possible."
Ciara rolled her eyes. "What constellation haven't you made enemies with?"
"Scutum," Scorpio said simply.
"Scutum?" Libra asked, stepping out from behind a shelf, dropping some books on a table. "Oh, hello. Ciara, wasn't it?" 
"Yes, hello!" Ciara said brightly, standing straight up to try and obscure Scorpio. "You've got a beautiful library here, Libra." 
"Thank you, I do try to keep it in the best shape possible." The librarian tilted her head, scrunching her eyebrows. "What are you doing here, Scorpio?"
"Leaving." Scorpio raised his hands and slowly walked backwards out of the building. "Goodbye." 
"Is he—are you kidding me?" Libra asked incredulously. "I am not a babysitter. Scutum, I don't suppose you'll be sticking around to take care of the girl?"
"I can take care of myself!" Ciara protested.
"Apologies, but I must also take my leave." Scutum tucked all four arms behind him and sidled out of the library.
Libra sighed, shaking her head, before turning her attention back to Ciara. "I'm terribly sorry, I'm not normally like this. I have some pressing matters to attend to, so I'm afraid I can't show you around the library myself. Lupus!"
A small, brown furred wolf with square glasses, a blue sweater and a red bowtie ran up to them. "Yes, Libra?" 
"Would you be so kind as to accompany our visitor around the library?" Libra turned around, and Ciara could see that one of her legs was missing, replaced with a prosthetic. 
Lupus nodded eagerly. "Of course! Follow me!" He zipped off, and Ciara was left to chase after him. 
"Are you looking to read anything in particular?" The little wolf asked, and Ciara distantly thought that he was much more adorable than her own Lupus.  She doubted her Lupus would act as polite as this. 
"Uh, what genre do you like the most?" Ciara asked, squinting at the worn out titles of the books. 
"Oh! Well, over in the west wing, we have the books pertaining to the history of the Astral Plane." Lupus jumped up and pointed past Ciara, to the left. "In the east wing, there's the fictional books. Some of Capricorn and Pegasus' plays are here, as well as novels from the mortal plane."
"Whoa, cool!" Ciara stood on tiptoe to reach a purple book, when a sudden gust of wind swept it off and into her hands. "Whoaaa."
"Oh, yes," Lupus said nonchalantly, reaching his hand up, another gust of wind  swooping down to deliver more books to him. "Libra's air magic constantly assists us in shelving the books."
"That's...really cool," Ciara said, looking up at the ceiling. What she had thought were hanging decorations were actually dozens of floating books. "The library in my Astral Plane doesn't have anything like this. Actually it's pretty old. And dusty. It doesn't actually get used much, it just acts more like an archive on every important constellation that's ever existed."
Ciara slumped against the wall, cracking open her book. "I'm barely ever allowed into the library. Aquarius and Chamaeleon said that it's restricted access. Also they said I would probably find all the stuff there boring, but I'm actually interested in that kind of stuff."
She noticed Lupus staring at her curiously, and she shook her head vigorously. "Sorry. Don't listen to me."
"No, no!" Lupus set his books down on a table and sat down, scorching closer to Ciara. "I understand where you're coming from. Libra and I both believe that knowledge should be learnt and shared, not holed up in some dingy place where it collects dust." 
"Yeah, it should, shouldn't it?" Ciara flipped to a random page in her book. (It read, 'And then the heroes raised their glasses high, content in the fact that even if they could not live to see tomorrow's sunrise, they were, at the very least, happy now'.) 
"Thing is, I don't even know if I even have the attention span anymore to enjoy books." Ciara held up the book. "I always just wanna know if there's a happy ending. I'm worried I won't get a happy ending when my story's over. So I guess I'm just trying to enjoy happy endings through these characters."
Lupus gently patted the cover of the book. "I believe you'll like this, then. There's a happy ending there. I promise." 
The wolf held out his tiny pinkie finger, and Ciara raised hers as well. "I've read that particular one many times, so I would know. Promise."
"Enjoying your time here?" Libra asked as she walked past Ciara, who was nearing the finale of the book. 
Ciara looked up, startled, and nodded. "Yeah. It's pretty good, and it does have a happy ending like Lupus said."
Libra nodded, shelving some of the books using her air magic. "Good endings are always the best, aren't they?"
"Mhm." Ciara stood up, shut the book, and gave Libra the book. "Hey, I was wondering. Are there any books about magic in here?"
"Of course," Libra said as the books fluttered away. "We have many books on the history of magic in the Astral Plane."
"No books on how to use magic?"
Libra stiffened, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose. "All magical tomes are under restricted access, and protected by high security. I'm afraid I cannot allow you to view them." 
"Oh." Ciara shrugged. "No biggie, then. I didn't really want to look at the tomes, I just wanted to know if it existed here." 
The woman visibly relaxed. "Oh, good. Not that I believe that you would use the tomes for nefarious purposes, of course."
"Hypothetically, what would happen if I did steal and use them?" Ciara asked. "If any important books got stolen in my world, it would trigger an alarm. And then the intruder would get beaten up by our librarian."
"Well, my balancing magic would negate most of the effects, until we could get the books back. I monitor the energy balances with my scales, and I would notice if there's any significant shift in these balances." Libra tilted her head, squinting her eyes. "You're quite a curious kid, aren't you?" 
"Too many of my teachers didn't like my 'but why?' attitude." Ciara shrugged, thinking back to the fifth grade teacher that scolded her in front of the class for questioning an instruction. (It doesn't matter what I tell you, you've just got to follow it. If I told you to do a handstand against the wall, I expect you to do just that.) "I think they thought I was annoying."
"Curiosity is always a good thing." Libra nodded. "It's a shame that it's discouraged so greatly in children now. At least, that's what Cassie's told me."
And that's when it hit Ciara: /Cassie was still in school./ She had to balance her duties with the Astral Plane alongside /school./
/Damn. I don't know how I would've done any of this magic hero stuff if I still had to go through school. I forgot all about the horrors of standardized testing and pop quizzes and horrible cafeteria food./ 
"She helps you guys out with your Astral Plane stuff as well as going to school?" Ciara asked. "That's gotta be a lot of pressure on her, right?"
"Of course. Cassie is in an unfortunate position, being destined to bear the Moon Starglass. But, well, she could've very well refused to accept her role as the bearer of the Starglass. Nobody would have blamed her; she is only a child. But she decided to push forth and train her powers. All the situations we put ourselves in are the result of our decisions." Libra straightened her glasses once more. "And what of you? What decisions have you made that have led you to this point?"
Ciara sighed. "Well, first, I died. In a car accident. Um, and then I was manipulated by a woman who made me believe I was destined to become the Zodiac of Ophiuchus, and she told me that if I wanted to become a Zodiac, I'd have to go on a great quest to prove myself.
"And I decided to go on it. I've been thinking about it a lot. They—the Zodiacs gave me a choice at first. I could've been reincarnated back into the mortal realm or I could go on the quest. I wonder, maybe if I decided to be reincarnated, I would've been spared all the pain that comes with my role."
"Maybe so." Libra nodded thoughtfully. "But, all the good memories you made with your Zodiacs. They would've never happened, would they? Every decision comes with trade-offs. The only thing we can do is make the best of everything that comes our way." 
"Hmm," Ciara hummed, thinking back on all the moments—good and bad—she had shared with her Zodiacs. "I guess you're right. Hey, uh—" She scratched the back of her neck. "Thanks for talking this out with me. It kind of helped me to think out some things." 
"No problem. I'm glad I could help."
check out @sweet-star-cookie's starglass zodiac lore if you liked this!! questions about my lore are greatly appreciated!!
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lemotmo · 2 days
20 Questions for fic writers
Tagged by @warpedpuppeteer. Thank you for the tag and the challenge! :)
1-How many works do you have on ao3?
- 36 works in total. 6 for my current fav ship: Buddie
2-What’s your total Ao3 word count?
- 332,354 words written.
3-What fandoms do you write for?
These days only for 911, Buddie fics. But I used to write for SGA (McShep), Without a Trace (Danny/Martin) and The West Wing (Josh/Donna).
4-Top 5 fics by kudos?
All of them Buddie fics! :)
Three years (180 kudos)
Too Little Too Late (226 kudos)
To Boldly Go (256 kudos)
The Comfort of a Home (408 kudos)
Stuck (on you) (885 kudos)
5-Do you respond to comments?
I do, but sometimes it takes a long time to get to them. I have so little time in my daily life that it's a struggle to find time to reply. But I do get to them... in time. So be patient please if you are someone who has commented and you haven't heard back from me yet. Know that I appreciate each and every comment. I read them, but I just don't always have time to reply on the spot.
6-What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oooh, well there's four fics that come to mind here:
You Only Disappear (Without a Trace, Danny/Martin)
It ('Without a Trace' set in the 'Stargate Atlantis' universe, Danny/Martin, TW body horror)
Experiment (Stargate Atlantis, McShep, TW murder/suicide)
Buck is Here (911, Buddie, TW MCD)
7-What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Well, I have a lot of fics that end happy, but three fics come to mind here:
The Road to Nowhere (Stargate Atlantis, McShep, Cowboy AU)
The Sound of Science (Stargate Atlantis, McShep, The Sound of Music AU)
To Boldly Go (911, Buddie, Star Trek AU)
8-Do you get hate on your fics?
Not so far no. Never had any hate.
9-Do you write smut?
Well, yeah if the story asks for it. But only when it fits the narrative. I don't go into too much details though. I like to keep things 'light' and 'fluffy'. :D
10-Craziest crossover?
Well, I would say:
The Sound of Science: a fusion between 'Stargate Atlantis' and 'The Sound of Music'. XD LOL!
To Boldly Go: a fusion between 911 and Star Trek. Basically it's a Buddie story set in the Star Trek universe, but Star Trek characters don't really show up.
11-Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not as far as I know off. I don't know if my writing is good enough to steal though. It's important to stay humble. :D
12-Have you ever had a fic translated?
13-Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes, when I was in 'The West Wing' fandom (in the beginning of the 2000's) I wrote about three longer Josh/Donna fics together with a fandom friend. I have lost contact with her since, but I will never forget about her.
14-All time favorite ship?
Oh wow, it's very hard to pick one, because all of my ships hold a special place in my heart.
Josh/Donna from 'The West Wing' was my first online ship. I made fanart, wrote fanfic, met great people. In those days fandom was mostly found on the Yahoo-groups. They eventually went canon in season 7, but I had moved on from the show by then because of how bad the writing got in later seasons. So, I missed the big reveal as they went canon. I'll never not regret it.
Danny/Martin from 'Without a Trace' was a magical ship. My second online ship. I met so many great fellow fans and friends back then. We even met up in Rome and London with a whole bunch of us. Great times on LiveJournal as well.
McShep from 'Stargate Atlantis' was my most prolific ship. I wrote so much fic and made oodles of fanart for those men. Those were the heydays of LiveJournal fandom.
Buddie in '911' is so special to me. I've been in this fandom since season 1, online since season 2. I have met so many great people in this fandom. The best thing of all is that this is the first ship that actually has a great chance of going canon, while I'm still actively watching and enjoying the show. YAY!
15-What’s a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I have this dystopian Without a Trace fic half written in my documents. It has been sitting there for years now. It has the possibility of being so great, but I don't have the will to finish it anymore, because the fandom is mostly non-existant these days. Maybe I'll turn it into an original work of fiction one day. Who knows?
16-What are your writing strengths?
Writing dialogue. I actually hear the characters talking in my head. I just write down what they are saying and it always works out.
17-What are your writing weaknesses?
Finding the time to write! But mostly the grammar, especially the tenses. As a non-native speaker it is a struggle to keep on writing in the correct tense and it's very difficult sometimes to know when to switich to another tense if it's appropriate. It's highly frustrating. I reread and edit my stories up to 10 times sometimes to catch all the grammatical errors. And even then there are still a few that I miss.
18-Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
For some reason I can't read/write non-English fics. I hate fics in my own language. Since the shows I love are English speaking shows, I need to read/write English fics.
19-First fandom you wrote in?
The West Wing.
20-Favorite fic you’ve written?
That's a hard question, because they are all my babies. I can definitely see that my writing has improved over the years though. So I tend to like my last works better than my first works, even when I do still appreciate them for what they are.
I guess the fic I'm most proud of writing is 'To Boldly Go'. It took blood, sweat and a lot of tears, but I got through all 16 chapters in the end. It took a couple of years to finish though. :D
Tagging: I'm not tagging anyone in particular. Anyone who sees this, feel free to do it for yourself. Tag me so that I can read it. 🫶🏽
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stonyponyofficial · 10 months
i was tagged by @cyber--grrl to list ten songs with food and or beverage in the title. thanks fer the tag :3
ill also rate how yummy each song is for fun! 😋
1. dog food - 100 gecs: mm yummy girlkibble just for me ^w^ also very yummy song. the beginning gives me goosebumps every time, and the ending vocal noise feels very eating kibblecore.... u agree right? umm 8/10
2. Chocolate Matter - Sweet Trip: if there were something out there generically called like "chocolate flavored matter" i think id eat it. also DELICIOUS song lots of variety and good texture here 9/10
3. Cream Soda no Yuutsu - ......... : ill admit im not much of a cream soda fanatic. nothing against it in fact it sounds quite yummy at the moment i just don't really have it ever. similar feelings about the song. good i just haven't listened to it much.. feels like im on a cream soda beach being soaked in the waves 7/10
4. Lean Beef Patty - JPEGMAFIA, Danny Brown: mmm yumm yummy yummy scaring the hoes for dinner AGAIN fuck yesss 🥰😻 however just a patty? in a state of being .. maybe cooked? could just be raw meat on a plate. hmmmm. while the song would be near perfect yumminess on my Violet Yumminess Scale the title brings it down a lot... ill say 6/10
5. honeydew blue - 800 Cherries: oooh double fruits on this one :3c melons besides the famous wawermelon aren't really my go-to fruit snack but id have a little if u were having some o_o and like u were making it look really good idk... oh and id have a few of those 800 cherries u have too even tho i said i didn't really like those too... also the song is what i hear when im full from a nice fruit meal. and the triannnggllleeee 😩 chews on it. it is metal. i was gonna give this song an 8 but me not liking honeydew that much should not bring it down this song is a 9/10 yumminess
6. Fresh Meat - Diet Tea Other Cola: yet again we run into the clash between song and title yumminess. fresh meat: the song's yumminess comes from dtoc's slick lyrics and how they mix like backing screams into these songs with little midi beats? i think they're an interesting artist but thats for another time. fresh meat: the food however? would maybe not be as yummy i think. 4/10 bleh!
7. Princess Lunas Glorious Grilled Cheese Sandwiches - Cats Millionaire: i would do unspeakable things to a grilled cheese rn. especially if it was one of princess lunas 😳.... isn't my favorite off fun fun fun but is still yummy in its own right! 7/10
8. Hotel Breakfast - Bladee: listen if there's a whole buffet of shitty breakfast food im there. and if there's a bladee song about it im also there. wait he missed the hotel breakfast bc he slept too late? rookie mistake. 6/10 for missing it lol
9. Stir Fry - Migos: mmmmmm im just making myself hungry now. personally id fuck up some stir fry. chunky ass noodles. little corn. shit. and this Migos song? yummy enough to back it up 8/10
10. Piggy Pie - Insane Clown Posse: hmmmm if we're talking like a pork pot pie from the freezer section yeah sure yummy as hell. however im not sure about these fellas food handling credentials or their ingredients..... song is very crunchy and record scratchy and yummy however so to balance all this. a 7/10 yumminess :3
okay here is where i use my summoning spells.... in case anyone would like to show off their yummy songs as well ^w^ u don't have to rate them that was just for me hehe.... u don't even have to make a post we can just think about yummy songs together instead! ummm okay here i goes @numetalpuppygirl @metroid-fusion @transgirlmononoke @malicious-face @toriel-vapes @a-little-bit-poss SHAZOOO spell of increase ur notification number by one
and as always thanks for w
and as always anyone can lie and say i tagged them if they wanna do yummy song game!
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streakyglasses · 4 months
I LOVE all your wonderful Stris fics!! I’m the one checking for updates every single day :D
I have a couple of ideas for you to use if you feel like it:
Street surprises Chris with a dog (valentine’s day, birthday, whatever). Some former police dog I think but anything goes! I think this would be quite romantic and it would be cute to see their little family expand.
Chris gets pregnant by accident. She’s on a pill but it’s not a 100% so they normally use condoms in addition but one night they just cant keep their hands of each other even though they’ve run out of protection. So there are consequences and hard conversations needs to be had. Ending is up to you, I honestly don’t know how they would handle the situation, I think it could go either way.
Luca knows that Street and Chris are moving in together but the rest of the team doesn’t so maybe a little family reunion barbecue where they tell the news to everyone? Stris being cuties mixed with the rest of the characters.
I know the fandom is small but please keep writing, you’re so good at it! Can’t wait for the new stuff!
P.S. sorry for any grammar mistakes, english is not my first language.
Oooh thank you so so so much! This means the world to me. I love this little fandom and writing for it, and I appreciate the support as life has been a lot as of late so I haven't been able to write as much as I used to.
These prompts are amazing! I love all of them, especially number 2 bc I love the heavy stuff, but that will take me a while (I want to do it justice, but my mind is already spinning with possibilities. I also know a lot of people love the idea of Stris kids so that's something I'd maybe want to challenge myself with in terms of alternate endings, I'm not sure). I've also been in a mood for more fluff recently, so 1/3 are for sure on my radar. The two of them being sweet and the whole team as a family just does it for me (yay for a team-based scene later in "take care (survive)"!).
I definitely want to keep writing and I'm trying to get back to the best place I can mentally/etc to do so. Messages like this are so sweet and every comment/tag/like/etc are just so motivating and make me so happy. <3
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cljordan-imperium · 11 months
Happy WBW! ♥️ What's the section of worldbuilding that's your favorite? Feel free to gush about it or share something you've created!
Hi Sweetheart!! <3
Oooh, thank you for asking this question. I may have to come back to it and gush later, but I'll make sure to tag you. I haven't had enough coffee to get the synapses firing completely. I've built a lot of worlds over the years. I may have to go back and look at some I've done to find it. Maybe while I'm on lunch!! Okay, my favorite part? Is painting the picture for the reader. I HATE info dumps. I hate reading them. I LOATHE with every fibre of my entire being writing them. They bore the ever loving fuck out of me. So I prefer, if you haven't noticed, to paint as I go. But I love to have a character walk into a room and describe it as the character is seeing it, especially if they are in awe. OOOH...hold on...I have one that I think I can use for this... we are going to have to put in a break, this babe is gonna be long. *big grin*
This is from the story arc where Abriella (then Gabrielle..long story on the name change) and the other core residents of Imperium went to rescue Talia in the prison realm where Stennis (The Source) had put her. I had so much fun imagining this prison realm, so the world building built in here is one I totally enjoyed. So...hope you can picture this...
As the band of 14 teleported into the center of the tower, all quickly scanned the surroundings.  This was a vastly different atmosphere than they’d really expected.  The floor was squishy, like walking on a sponge.  The walls were some kind of iridescent metal that while the colors changed when your angle of viewing did, there was no reflection.  They were cold, ice cold.  No one could put their hand on them for more than a minute or so before it began to ache.  The air around them was thick feeling, with a smell that most resembled formaldehyde on Earth.  It was a wholly unpleasant environment.  
The hallways off of the center hub were easy to find.  Each one was illuminated in a different color light: purple, blue, and green.  No one was quite sure what that meant.  All of them had half expected there to be some kind of alarm when they teleported in, but there was nothing.  Instead of making them feel reassured, this made them more on edge.  It wasn’t clear what that meant, but it was almost assured that it was nothing good.
Mithos cast protective wards over the three who would be hunting.  They would give them some protection should they be attacked.  No one knew what the inhabitants of this foreign place looked like or their weaponry.  For that reason, all of the team had brought many options.  This was another reason for the wards, they weren’t sure any of their weapons would be effectual against whoever or whatever they would face.  Once the three started making their way cautiously down the hallways, Mithos cast layers of wards over the remaining ten that still formed a circle.  All were tense, blades and/or firearms drawn.  Mithos’s back was against Brie’s.  Adriel was on one side of her, Thinius on the other.  Thanases was in front of her, ready to create illusions should the inhabitants of this place eventually show up.  While they did not doubt the fighting prowess of their Queen, none were quite sure of her fitness for battle.  While Mithos could detect nothing wrong, he knew her powers were still depleted.
As the three made their way down the hallway, they found it often hard to see with the colored lights.  They cast weird shadows and distorted the view through what seemed like glass doors into holding cells.  It was like some kind of prison.  However, no two creatures being held looked the same. 
Abbadon was the only one who felt the air change suddenly.  Unlike the others, he had experienced life in many realms and realities.  A being strait from the Source, he was able to detect life forms that the others could not even dream of existing; and in some case they would be the things of their worst nightmares, even for the demons.  “We have incoming.  Don’t ask where because I can’t see them either.”
Taking a step back, he lightly bumped into Thinius.  As he looked over he raised a brow.  With the four males who were surrounding her, he wasn’t sure if Brie would be able to fight.  At almost two feet shorter than them, he doubted she could even see anything other than Thanases’s back.  Not that he was even going to attempt to disagree with the arrangement,; he was actually relieved that whatever it was that had decided to come see them, it would have a hard time getting to her.  
“Ummm…look up…” Arioch’s voice sounded a bit unsure and as everyone looked towards the ceiling, they understood why.  Replacing the blackness that had been above them were multitudes of eyes.  No faces, no heads, just eyes.  The entirety of the ceiling seemed to be covered in them.  And it wasn’t just one being, all of them were blinking at different times.
“Well, that gives a new meaning to death from above!” Dez sarcastically quipped.  Why had he agreed to come on this mission? Oh yeah, the babe that was at one time his bestie, and who he was working on getting back to that level with.
Okay, so that is the past...now the present...well...future...I love this one too...even if it is shorter...
Told you it was going to be a long post *grins*
“It makes me all warm and fuzzy to watch her stomp on their little egos and turn it all to dust.  Then Cruz or one of us gets to blow it all away and watch them wither like a forgotten plant in the corner.”  Arioch grinned then chucked then put his hand on the handle to the gilded heavy door that reached all the way to the ceiling of the throne room that he would open in unison with his twin.  Raguel’s hand was already on the handle to the one next to him.  “1...2...3…”
The brothers stepped back to swing the doors open together in unison, the grins on their faces were a matching pair.  They’d practiced this a few thousand times when deities and royalty from various realms had started making appearances.  It was almost habit now, but one that they enjoyed.
“King Kellen Cythraul of Uffern and Chancellor Grae Drwg, you have been granted an audience with Queen Abriella Estephania Bethania Engel and King Cruzantheon Alexadre Demetrios Engel.  Come forward and state your business.”  Lucifer’s voice echoed throughout the Throne Room.
The throne room was elegant.  The floor was black marble, the walls a white marble with black veins running through it,  and the ceiling a polished hematite that acted almost as a mirror.  Crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling, illuminating the room and making all surfaces almost seem to glow with their golden warmth.  At one end of the room were three steps up to a platform.  In the middle of that platform was Brie’s throne.  Elegant and ornately carved black marble that was crafted in a way to fit her perfectly, and she was seated upon it in a gown that was peacock blue.  If she were to move it would shift from a brilliant turquoise to a deep purple.  It was sleeveless and had a sweetheart neckline before having a full skirt like something out of a princess movie.  She hated it, and hated all of the pins that were holding her hair in some complicated updo even more. A tiara of silver, opal, and black diamonds sat upon her head, glinting in the light with every movement.  Next to her stood Cruz, clothed in regal finery as well. His crown was black titanium and diamonds.  There was no doubt anyone laying eyes upon him that he was a powerful and competent King.  At each of the front corners stood one of her grandfathers, slightly behind Lucifer and Div stood the other two Horsemen, Olly and Deacon who were.  All four were likewise dressed in regal finery, indicating their station within the realm.  Behind her throne stood her entire Royal Guard flanked by Dez and Talon.  All of them were dressed equally elegantly, and all were well and obviously armed. They were standing at attention, hands resting on the swords that were sheathed at their waists.  It was a grand and imposing picture when viewed through the doors that had just been opened.  
SO....sneak peek to when King Kellen of Uffern comes to Imperium. Although, he obviously is not going to be the first Uffernian to visit since Karlen is currently chatting and having coffee with Jean Pierre. So...we'll see how long it takes for Kellen to end up there and how that comes about......I can't give it ALL away.... I love painting the picture. When I do my revisions, I normally end up adding rather than removing. My first drafts are bare bones, and I add the meat until my story is no longer a skeleton, but a beautiful fluffy bunny, or a sparkling, fluttering humming bird.
I hope you enjoyed and this all made sense. I get a little excited about sharing my worldbuilding! <3
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blueheartedmayor · 1 year
Tumblr media
(I still haven't settled on icons so I'm using this one for now)
NAME: Noah D. Venture (Comes in both Captain of the Ship and Training for Life on the Ship Variety!) THEIR PROFESSION: Captain of the Invincible I / Astronavigator WHERE THEY CAN BE FOUND: Onboard the Invincible / The A.merican S.pacetraining Sentre (He calls it 'Base') FAVOURITE FOOD TYPE: He likes salty food. He's known for snacking on peanuts or crackers when painting. But he also has a sweet tooth that he'll sometimes indulge. FAVOURITE ALCOHOLIC DRINK: Surprisingly, Noah barely drinks. For the most part, he sticks to water, or even soda. He does drink wine, but he doesn't like the taste. FAVOURITE TRAIT: Noah is a simple man. He likes the idea of someone who isn't problematic (in regards to causing further stress by being aggressive or stressful). He spends so much of his day dealing with problems and argumentative people that it would almost feel like another shift if he spends his downtime with someone like that. He also would love someone that can make him laugh. WHERE THEY WOULD GO ON A DATE: There's not many places one can go onboard, so it would have to be one of three places: grabbing a coffee and spending time in the atrium where you can watch the world go by, the empty cabin that was renovated into a mini art studio where you could paint together, or his own cabin where you could watch movies and whatnot (while being used as a pillow by Barnum) / The location of the space centre is near a town, so it would be easy for him to meet someone and spend a day off with them. He enjoys things that include nature: walks, stargazing, visits to places like the aquarium. IDEAL GIFT: Onboard, there's not a lot that can be given. Saying that, a handwritten letter mysteriously appearing under his cabin door would be treasured. / On Earth, where there are more options, he's very fond of small knick-knacks that are easy to transport. If asking other characters, they would give a variety of suggestions that aren't relevant but are appreciated, like fingerless gloves. And, of course, he can't be a character on this blog without loving flowers. WHEN WILL THEY DRINK ALCOHOL: As already mentioned, he isn't very fond of alcohol, so he'll only do so at a formal function. If he is given one drink, he will nurse it for most of the evening. Alternatively, he will sneak to the bar and ask for an identical drink in a matching glass (such as diluted juice).
TAGGED BY: Me! I did this with Damien a lifetime ago! :D TAGGING: Let's see... @scriptvoiid, @c-aptainslog (any of your muses!), @oliver-ashcroft-documents (any of your muses!), @frxgments-of-frxgments (any setting you want :D ), aaaand @wolfvirago. It's also open to steal, but I think five tags are plenty to get things started!
I'm sticking the last question under a read-more due to NSFW implications, but it's an optional question! :D
HOW MANY DATES UNTIL THEY GO TO BED: Are you trying to seduce Noah straight to bed? Oooh, bad choice there. This is a man who wants a simple relationship that almost falls into something domestic. Matters like this are definitely further down the line for him. He wants to know it's someone he can feel fully comfortable with. As with the Mayor he becomes in another timeline, it's something he considers with someone he feels he can see a proper future with. But once he's sure there is a future, he's happy to try moving to the next stage with someone. At the same time, it's not a requirement. If he's dating someone who is a.sexual or repulsed by the concept, that's totally fine by him. If he gets cuddles, he's more than content.
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not-poignant · 2 years
oooh i've never read an omegaverse fic where the omega's ability to self lubricate is damaged. (could that be classed as a disability in this universe?)
it's going to be very interesting discovering how/if that's worked around later in the fic.
all Efnisien expects is pain because it's familiar and he's so used to it and his needs have never been respected or accommodated for, so i think it would be so fascinating to see him experiencing being with someone who actually takes the extra time to find ways to do things so they don't hurt despite the physical limitations lol
(could that be classed as a disability in this universe?)
Absolutely! While I haven't tagged specifically with disability, I have used the tag chronic illness in this fic, and I definitely think all of Efnisien's issues certainly at the very least come under having a chronic illness (and disability).
And how that's dealt with later in the fic is definitely going to be part of the story! There's no miraculous fix here for sure. Efnisien not being able to properly make the hormone larentin also means he can't really have proper or healthy heats. We're going to eventually see what that looks like, and it's not going to be fun for anyone.
A lot of this fic is definitely going to be around acknowledging chronic illness, giving space for that (and way way more compassion than Efnisien's ever had in the past) and Efnisien sort of learning that he even has chronic illness/es because he doesn't realise yet. There things he thinks of as normal (for example his chronic stomach upsets) which are painful and not great, that he has yet to realise aren't something that should just go completely unsupported.
This is fic is also going to poke a fair bit at biological essentialism, but we're not quite there yet, but...that's where we're headed.
Because Efnisien struggles to even realise there's value in telling people when he's in pain sometimes, it's going to be a choppy journey, especially with those directive/s! It's going to help that Efnisien can talk about what happens to him at the centre though, and I'm glad they've finally at least got a shoulder brace on him. It's a tiny tiny start, lol.
It's also one of the reasons I didn't want Temsen in the story just yet. As the facility doctor, I think he's going to have some really useful and valuable suggestions re: Efnisien and Dr Gary, and I didn't want things to be that easy for them in the beginning ;)
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