#oneshot coming soon
lighteez · 9 months
ahem ahem. may i request a blurb of soft sex with kaeya. yk what i mean, sex with real love. and it’s just so good they don’t wanna stop. :33 LMFAO
okay so... I didn't know if you mean like... a scenario, or a whole oneshot (im doing both) so here's the small blurb (i call it scenario), and the oneshot will be posted soon 😎 (link will be added here soon) (MDNI, 18+ BLURB AND LINK TO THE FIC HERE)
so without further ado, here's the blurb:
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it was the day before Valentine's Day, and it's your first time celebrating it with Kaeya. You work at your flower shop, and since it was a holiday, you had tons of work that you completely forgot about buying Kaeya a small gift. Before you closed your shop, you decided to make a small bouquet of flowers for him and a small letter that expressed your thoughts and words towards him. You weren't that good with words, so gift giving was the perfect way to show people you love them along with writing letters. As you finished, you went back to your apartment to get ready and meet Kaeya at his house.
When you arrived, however, there were so many flowers in your living room with so many candles lit up. on the couch there were two large travel bags filled with stuff as you walked over to it and saw tickets to a getaway at some cabin.
"Happy early Valentine's Day gift, sweetheart." He came from behind you holding a wine bottle and hugged you from the back. "I prepared this cute set up for both of us. We're leaving tomorrow morning so I packed most of the things that you need, like those cute puppy pjs that you always wear." He giggled and gave you kisses on your neck.
You thanked him for doing this for you and he told you that you deserved this and more. Spending the night with him was amazing, nothing sexual happened but it was just a sweet night getting your things ready to leave tomorrow. You both fell asleep on your bed and cuddled happily with one another, sleeping soundly.
The next day arrived and both of you made it to your cabin, and the scenery was absolutely gorgeous. there was a waterfall right in front of your cabin and the smell of the water and earth made everything relaxing to you. As you settled into the cabin, Kaeya suggested to you that both of you should take a small walk around before you got ready to go to dinner.
As you both went behind the waterfall there was a cute picnic set up with magical lights and candles around with another large bouquet of flowers for you near the picnic basket. Kaeya told you his feelings behind the waterfall and you both ate the small lunch, there was a steamy moment where you both make out behind that waterfall and almost got carried away by having sex right there in the picnic blanket.
You stopped that moment between you both because you had a surprise for him after dinner and he reluctantly agreed to it. As nighttime fell he saw you wear a gorgeous night dress, he couldn't take his eyes off you the whole night.
When you returned to the cabin, you immediately grabbed your bag and dragged it to the bathroom without him seeing you. You put on a sexy lingerie that you had kept since last year, but never got to put it on. When you walked out of the bathroom with your bathing robe, Kaeya knew something was up since you weren't wearing your usual pj's to sleep.
"Darling... what are you doing? Where's your pj's?" He raised an eyebrow at you as he sat on the bed only having his tie hanging loosely around his neck as three buttons of his shirt were unbuttoned. You felt yourself get aroused at how hot he looked, leaning in the bed like that. Immediately you took off your robe and exposed the cute lingerie set to him.
His eyes widened and leaned forward, placing his elbows on his knees, groaning into his hands as he eyed you from head to toe. "Fucking shit, darling... you look absolutely gorgeous." He whispered as he got up and grabbed you by the waist, placing a kiss on your forehead and swaying you from side to side. He took his time to look at you with adoration and love, as you made the first move to kiss his lips softly.
Everything moved slowly, your kiss was sweet and full of love as he moved you to the bed, placing you in the middle of the bed, with your head on the pillows as he couldn't get enough of kissing your lips while his hands roamed your body. making you shiver under his touch as his hand finally went to your thighs, spreading your legs apart as his fingers teased you.
You hugged him tightly as your fingers took off his shirt slowly, undressing him as he prepared your hot cunt while you pulled out his cock and stroked him. He groaned into your ear and told you how much he adores you and how much he loves you as well. Both of you kissed until you both were ready to finally make love.
He slowly went inside of you, waiting until you adjusted well around him. Once you did, he started moving at a slow pace, running his hands carefully around your body, taking off your bra and began to kiss your chest with love. His pace was slow, but that's all that took to have you squirm beneath him. The sex is slow, fun, and full of love, he was taking you with patience as he kissed you all over your body.
"I love you, i love you so~ much, my love." He whispered each time he kissed your skin. Acting as if you were such a fragile piece to him, he wanted to take his time with you doing this. While you were making soft noises underneath him, he couldn't resist but play with your nipples. sucking them softly as his free hand went down to your clit and played with it slowly, making you arch your back slowly as you gasped.
It was now the middle of the night and he was on the third round, this time it was you sitting in his lap, sitting in his dick as you both kissed more. You told him how much you loved him for making sex be so caring and loveable since it was your second time having sex with him. the first time was on his birthday and you both had a great time, but today... he was enjoying you more, taking his time with you and making sure you were both satisfied again after such a long time of not having sex together.
The sweet moment came to an end as you both cuddled under the blanket, naked and warmth hitting you both, turning to look outside the windows to see the calming waterfall in front of you. Falling asleep in each other's holds was the best thing, especially after having love with each other. Valentine's day came to an end and it was such a perfect day for you both, Kaeya and you would remember this day forever.
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a/n: i hope this is what you meant by a blurb lol, the link for the oneshot will be posted soon on this post so enjoy the small blurb in the meantime!! thanks for reading this and requesting it!!
1st link is to ao3
2nd link is to the tumblr post
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saintobio · 4 months
♱ as you like it | the gallery.
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♱ satoru, the emperor.
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♱ you, the empress.
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cloudybarnes · 10 months
Private Encounters
Pairing: Cardan Greenbriar x reader
Summary: you were tired of Cardan constantly attacking you and your friends. one day, though, Cardan asks to speak with you privately, and no good things could come from the prince of elfhame wanting to speak with you with no one else around
Word Count: 2.4k
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✰  ✰  ✰
"Hurry up, you guys! We're gonna be late again!" Taryn whisper-shouted as you and Jude trailed behind her towards the courtyard.
Usually, you two went alone on your adventures, but Taryn decided she wanted to be spontaneous, too, and wanted to join along. Unfortunately, she didn't seem to have that much fun, and urged you back to class almost as soon as you got there.
"Who cares if we're late?" Jude rolled her eyes. "It's not like anyone would really care."
"Just because they don't like us, doesn't mean I want to draw their attention. Who knows what they'll do." Taryn shifted the picnic basket of food between her hands, nervously. She was always the most cautious of you three; always fearing what they would say or do to you guys.
You scoffed, "Taryn, let's be real. Even if we were there on time and minded our own business, Cardan and his little fanclub would still find some reason to bother us."
Jude chuckled, "he's so insufferable. What I wouldn't do to wipe that idiotic grin off his face."
You laughed, "I'm right there with you. It's like his greatest pleasure is being annoying."
"I don't know." Taryn slows her speed walk to match pace with Jude and I. "I feel like Cardan mostly has it out for you, now, (Y/N)."
You rolled my eyes.
"Oh yeah," Jude agreed. "Ever since we became friends, he's like diverted the hatred for us onto you."
You laughed, "Wow, thanks guys. Who knew being your friend would make a prince despise me."
Jude laughed too. "I don't think it was all our fault. You're human, so he would have hated you anyway."
"That's so reassuring, thanks for that."
Jude smirked, "anytime."
When we finally emerged onto the courtyard where class was taking place, most everyone ignored you, save for the professor.
"Ah," he said, "nice of you three to join us. Please find a seat so we can continue on with our lessons of astronomy."
Taryn bowed her head to keep from looking at anyone. You noticed Jude did not bow her head, but she would not look at the other students.
You, however, must be an idiot to not follow along with them, because your gaze falls straight to Cardan, who is staring back at you with much ferocity.
As the even bigger idiot you are, you do not avert your gaze, but simply glare back at him. To that, and small, devilish grin grows on his face. It almost seems like an invite of this little game you play. He hates you and your friends, goes out of his way to torment you three, and for that, you refuse to back down. Sometimes, you think he likes that you fight him so much.
"(Y/N)," Taryn calls, quietly as to avoid too much attention. She waves you over. Only then do you realize you've been staring at Cardan so long that Jude and Taryn have already set up the blanket and started spreading out the food.
Your cheeks heat as you walk the few feet to where they are sitting. You can hear Cardan snicker as you walk past him and Nicasia.
"What were you thinking!" Taryn scolds as you finally sit down on the blanket. Your professor continues with his lecture, but you don't even bother to pay attention to him.
You shrug, "I'm not really sure. I just can't stand him so much it makes me crazy."
Jude laughs at that. "I'm so glad we're friends, (Y/N). I think I'd go crazy if I didn't have someone else to share my hatred for Cardan with."
You giggle, "well it's a good thing I'm here, then, huh?"
"I don't think anyone is happy you're here."
Looking up from where you're sitting, you see Nicasia and Cardan looming down over you. Seems like the lesson is over as everyone else has abandoned the courtyard.
"Oh, Nicasia, always a pleasure." You rolled your eyes as you stood up. Behind you, you hear the shuffling of Jude standing and pulling Taryn up with here. "To what do we owe you coming over here and bothering us for?"
She smirked, "I have no reason for being near you filthy mortals other than to make sure you stay in your place. You don't belong here. You're frail, and worthless, and someone needs to remind you of that."
You mocked her with a laugh, "is that really all you've got?"
Taryn let out a quiet gasp.
Nicasia narrowed her eyes. "What did you say?"
You shrugged. "All I'm saying is you give the same excuse every time you come over here. 'I'm putting you in your place', 'make sure you know what a worthless mortal you are'. Blah, blah, blah. It's very redundant, Nicasia, and quite truthfully, it's just tiresome." You said condescendingly.
The fire is her eyes was hot. Her fists balled at her side as she glared at you.
Now, it's not like you were looking for trouble, or that you wanted anything bad to happen to you or your friends. You just could not stand the way she and Cardan always came over to you and caused problems.
The slap was expected. Your cheek burned as Nicasia's hand left your face. Taryn couldn't hold back the very audible gasp that left her lips. Looking back to your friends, Taryn looked utterly frightened, and Jude looked angrier than you'd ever seen her.
Right as Nicasia was about to slap you again, Cardan interrupted her.
"Nicasia," Cardan warned as he lifted his hand, "that is quite enough."
You scoffed. "Oh, and since when are you ever the peace maker?"
Cardan smirked, "Since Nicasia decided she was going to slap you. I quite like your face the way it is."
All heads turned to Cardan as he said that. Nicasia looked hurt, Taryn looked almost as confused as you felt, and Jude just looked disgusted.
You narrowed my eyes at Cardan, despite your confusion. "What games are you playing at, Greenbriar?"
His eyebrows shot up in delightful surprise. A cheeky smirk playing on his lips. "I have no games, (Y/L/N)." He spat out your last name like it disgusted but also intrigued him.
He looked between Nicasia, Jude and Taryn. "You, leave us. I have a few words for (Y/N)."
Jude and Taryn looked at each other, confused and contemplating if they should leave or not. You stood your ground though.
"I'll be fine, guys. I'll just meet you back at Madoc's, okay?" You tried to reassure them, though you weren't exactly sure what you were getting yourself into. All you knew was that you didn't want Cardan to know he frightened you.
Jude nodded her head. "We won't be far. And Cardan," she turned to him, "if you so much as touch one hair on her head, I will-"
"Oh relax, would you, Jude? Always resolving your issues with murder." Cardan rolled his eyes. "Leave us. Now."
Jude glared at Cardan before turning to you and giving you a reassuring look. Just as quickly, she turned away and pulled Taryn off with her.
"And you," Cardan said as he turned to Nicasia. "I believe I ordered you away, as well."
Nicasia looked shocked. "Me? Why would I need to be sent away? Whatever punishment you have for the way she spoke to me, I want-"
"Leave, Nicasia. I won't ask you again."
Stunned, Nicasia's mouth hung open just slightly as she looked between you and Cardan. With a 'hmph', Nicasia turned on her heel and strutted away, leaving behind just Cardan and you.
The two of you stood there in silence. You gazed up at him, trying to decipher why he could possibly want to speak with you alone. Maybe he wants to kill you. Maybe he's grown tired of this cat and mouse game you have going on.
"What do you want, Cardan?"
He smirked, and took a daring step closer to you. "I just wanted to talk with you. You're... interesting. I find you intriguing to say the least."
You raised my brow in confusion. "You find me intriguing? Now I know you're toying with me. What do you really want, Cardan?"
He scoffed. "Is it that hard for you to admit that I might find you interesting?"
"How interesting could I possibly be? I'm mortal, remember? Can't believe you would forget, not after you and your friends made it your entire personalities to constantly remind me of my mortality and how worthless you believe me to be."
Cardan's smirk only grew. "You are quite right. You're mortal. Mortals by nature are fragile, slow, susceptible to our tricks, and yet you seem to be quite the opposite."
Your eyebrows shot up, completely shocked by this sort-of compliment you just received from the Prince of Elfhame.
Cardan continued before you could even get a word out. "I dislike mortals quite a bit. I think they are weak. They have little skill that is worth anything, and they are often succumbed to the nature of our people. You, however, are quite different, (Y/N)."
He took a tender step closer to you. Your breath was caught in your throat. Cardan had never shown any type of interest in you. You thought he'd never actually shown anything other than disgust towards you, but maybe you were wrong.
Maybe all of those teasing smirks and cruel comments were him testing you, trying to figure out just how far he could push you.
"You've stood up to me. You've been given every chance to back down. I've seen how far you are willing to go to defend yourself and those little friends of yours. I find it admirable in a way."
You force out a laugh. "You find it admirable? Everything you consider so 'strong' and 'admirable' about me is what I've had to do to survive this place. You've done nothing but make living here just that much harder than it already is for mortals."
You strode closer to Cardan, persistence on your face. His eyes widened slightly, but the daring smirk never faltered from his lips.
Just as you two were chest to chest, you spoke, "answer now, Cardan, what is it you really wanted to tell me?"
"I've already told you, (Y/N). I think you're admirable. I think you're intriguing. I think there is something about you that keeps drawing me in. Something so pulling, it's frustrating how much I think of you."
No words left your mouth. How could they when your jaw laid open the way it was.
Cardan chuckled. "Now, another reason I wanted you here. I must ask: I know you mortals can lie, something we folk can not do, but how are you so good at pretending?"
Your eyebrows furrowed slightly. "Pretending?"
Cardan's smirk only grew, "pretending you aren't in love with me, that is."
The world had stopped. It felt like your entire world had shattered. This was quite possibly the last thing you thought Cardan would get you alone for.
Anyone with eyes could see that Cardan Greenbriar was gorgeous. All of his kind were gorgeous, but he had exceptional beauty. Beside that, you couldn't find one characteristic about him that you had liked. Sure, maybe he stopped Nicasia from hurting you further than she would have. And by the way Jude recalled his cruelty before they met you, it seemed to have subsided quite a bit since you met him. That still doesn't change the fact that he is cruel, and has been for a long time.
"Cat got your tongue?"
You shook your head clear from your thoughts. "No. Just confused how you could possibly think I would be in love with you."
"You want to know how I know you're in love with me, despite what you might believe?" Cardan grinned and closed the already small space between you two. "Because I know how insufferable you find me. I know how I get under your skin, how you lay awake thinking of how much you hate me. I know this because I feel the same towards you, and despite my feelings of irritation with you, I still find myself completely infatuated by you."
"You are?" You questioned, voice so quiet you might barely have heard it, but Cardan sure did.
He grinned. "Oh, yes. I have been infatuated with you from the moment I laid eyes on you. I wasn't lying earlier when I told Nicasia I'd like her to leave your face the way it is. I think you are pretty for a mortal. You give off this glow and iridescence. You are unlike any other mortal I've come across. The way you've kept me up at night, the way I am excited to see you just to have our little spat had me confused for the longest time. Eventually, I just couldn't take it anymore and I’ve decided to act on it."
You couldn't take it anymore. Everything Cardan said resonated so deeply with you. Somehow he knew exactly how you felt. The way you hated him, the way you were angry with yourself when you thought of him so often, everything he said he felt is exactly what you were going through as well.
You decided, if Cardan was going to act on his confusing feelings, you would act on yours as well.
Already chest to chest, you reached up and gripped Cardan hair, tight enough to hurt, and kissed him with all of the pent up anger and hatred for him you had.
If Cardan was surprised, he didn't seem it. He gripped onto your waist and kissed you back with so much ferocity it made your knees weak.
It was hot, and it was unlike any kiss you've ever had before. Kissing Cardan was unleashing something so deep inside of you. All of your confused feelings for him wrapped up all into a long-awaited kiss.
Gasping for air, you and Cardan separated, though not fully. While you were no longer kissing, you had yet to pull your fingers from the tangles of his hair, and he had no plans of letting go of his hold on your waist.
"I still hate you," you said breathlessly.
Cardan smiled, he actually smiled and replied, "I think I hate you more."
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sushirrrry · 2 months
sneaky link/ f boy harry, smut, anal, multipule rounds, mean harry. PLSSS
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harry and kate have been hooking-up all summer— they've kept it under wraps from their friends. harry is a bit of a bad-boy; a bit decisive, and a bit of an asshole to those who question him. kate is sweet; a med student who's found that her and harry's friend group has seemed to connect over the last few years.
a party to mark the end of summer forces the two together again, but this time, the fortnight of clandestines meetings are in jeopardy when they decide to keep it away from their friends. it was only for a little bit; only because they only had each other.
but what will happen when the two can't help but catch stolen glances?
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alastor-simp · 2 months
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It’s the kinky spiders birthday!!!!! This adorable spider deserves the world🩷🖤🩷
To celebrate his birthday- I will be making an Angel Dust x Female Reader Birthday Fanfic. Might make it fluff or smut, I’ll decide soon.
Once again Happy Birthday Angel Dust/Anthony🩷🖤🥳🎊❤️🥰
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bugboysgf · 1 year
Hate + Love
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Summary: There is a thin line between love and hate but what if it's way thinner than you thought?
chapter 1
Chapter 2
chapter 3
Final chapter 
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dipplinduo · 4 months
*Out in the canyon biome cliffs in the terrarium*
*Cue Kieran and Juliana slow dancing with each other while the sun sets in the background*
Juliana: It's quite nice out here.
Kieran: Well......whenever we're with each other is amazing.
Juliana: You adorable aren't you?
Juliana: *Pulls Kieran in for a kiss causing him to blush madly*
Drayton (secretly watching behind the rocks while sipping lemonade): You guys thinking about what you're gonna name your kids?"
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NSFW / 18+
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➤ oneshots:
Nothing to lose
Ao3 link | Tumblr post
hancock x f!reader
Summary: You are important to John Hancock; there is a radstorm brewing. As a skilled and reformed scavver, you’re after a part for a decommissioned lounger—it belongs to Doc Amari’s famed Memory Den.
Hancock's tense; he should have gone with you, but it’s not too late to search you out. He would be glad to have you home safe in his arms, only things don’t always go as planned, nor do you go unpunished for your negligence.
➤ headcanons:
First impression
NSFW Alphabet
Possible explanation for why Hancock likes you addicted to chems
Game glitch (cw:suicide)
[Nick Valentine]
➤ oneshots:
✩ Coming soon
➤ headcanons:
First impression
Dickless Nick
Synth "parts"
✩ Coming soon.
[Cooper Howard / The Ghoul]
✩ Coming soon. Maybe? Idk.
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➤ Memes/random: #1 | #2 | #3 |#4 |#5 |#6 |#7 |#8 | #9 | #10
➤ Thot thoughts / incorrect quotes: #1 | #2 | #3
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wikiangela · 5 months
fuck it friday
tagged by @disasterbuckdiaz @jamespearce9-1-1 @daffi-990 @fortheloveofbuddie @steadfastsaturnsrings @rainbow-nerdss @spotsandsocks @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @exhuastedpigeon @jesuisici33 thank you all 💖💖💖
haven't written much over the last few days bc all i do is work and watch oth - but getting back to it bc my one and only writing goal for this month is to finish and post the married buddie smut and I will do it 😂 (hopefully lol) so here's a tiny little snippet just to motivate myself 😂 - they're obsessed with being husbands and this is all the fic is about 😂
prev snippet
One of Buck’s hand’s settles in Eddie’s hair, and follows as Eddie goes lower, leaving kisses down Buck’s body until he gets to his groin. Then, he smirks and looks up at Buck’s pretty face, catching him already looking down at him. “I love you.” he whispers, then leaves a soft little kiss on Buck’s hip bone.
“I love you, husband.” Buck responds, cupping Eddie’s cheek, the last word impossible to say without a smile forcing itself onto Buck’s face. Eddie knows the feeling. Him and Buck being married still seems like a dream, like something he’s wanted for so long, it’s surreal to think it came true. It makes him want to scream it at the top of his lungs. Buck is his husband. Buck is a Diaz. Buck is his. He is Buck’s. They’re bound together, till death to them part, and hopefully longer. Their very souls belong to each other, and Eddie doesn’t think he could be any happier.
no pressure tags: @elvensorceress @gaydiaz @diazass @thebravebitch @silentxxsoul @shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @arthursdent @911onabc @housewifebuck @rogerzsteven @watchyourbuck @underwater-ninja-13 @eowon @loserdiaz @evanbegins @ladydorian05 @pirrusstuff @theotherbuckley @911-on-abc @wildlife4life @nmcggg @diazpatcher @lover-of-mine @king-buckley @monsterrae1 @thewolvesof1998 @hoodie-buck @spotsandsocks @jeeyuns @callmenewbie @weewootruck @hippolotamus @malewifediaz @honestlydarkprincess @buckaroosheart @spagheddiediaz @giddyupbuck
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loppy-darii · 8 months
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Wanna try making a bunch of comics about my interpretation of Magpie's backstory/childhood
So i made a mockup of it being a short comic series thing cuz why not
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imkazz · 6 months
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omg im so embarrassed i was so busy yesterday with school stuff (check the reblogs thats where i keep all of these together)
“Sa-nemi!” Genya said in a singsong voice. “What’cha doin’?”
“It’s a surprise.” Sanemi used his foot to gently push the toddler away, a small smile on his face. “Go help ofukuro, see if she needs anything. The baby’s giving her a little harder time.”
“But I wanna know wha’ you’re doing!” Genya protested, stomping his tiny foot. “Can't see it!”
“That’s the point.” Sanemi huffed, putting down the knife as his otouto collapsed to the floor, crossing his arms with his puffy cheeks turned to a frown.
“No’ fair.” Genya mumbled, eyes furrowing.
Sanemi rolled his eyes, but the rest of his body showed a different story. “Here. Just a little bit, before ofukuro knows I did this.”
Genya lit up instantly as Sanemi sectioned off a small chunk, holding it downwards to where Genya could reach. The tiny fingers grasped onto the sticky thing, examining it. “Food?”
“Watermelon. Suika.” Sanemi explained. “Eat.”
Genya sniffed it, the juices running down his hands as he licked it off along with the small piece. It practically melted in his mouth, contrasting with the hot air. “Yummy! More, Sanemi, more! Please!”
Sanemi’s face burst out in a grin, continuing to use his foot to keep away the much more energetic toddler. “Nope, not until dinner’s done.”
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sawyerconfort · 7 months
dancing with the devil | verna x reader
I'm back!!!
this one is just a spooky season special, as I've been away for all these days and haven't done one yet, I thought it would be cool to do it now!
this oneshot comes a lot from my obsession with Mike Flanagan's work, which even led me to watch The Fall of the House of Usher recently.
and, of course, it also comes from my obsession with Carla Gugino.
so, I hope you like it!
late requests coming out soon, so stay tuned!
requests open, but please be patient with me.
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PROMPT: It's New Year's Eve, and you find yourself in a bar, completely alone, with no one to give you the good luck's kiss. But a mysterious new barista catches your eye, and she could be your salvation, if only she didn't hide so many secrets.
You weren't one to complain, but it had been a pretty horrible year.
People generally await the New Year with a lot of ambition, full of resolutions, glamorous plans and self-centered achievements. But you do not.
You just wanted the next one to be better.
As if the miserable conditions you were experiencing at Fortunato were not enough, not being paid enough for the effort you made, sitting at the reception desk at the behest of the great Rufus Griswold - who did nothing except try to harass you in every way -, in a routine exhausting where you could never sleep properly, you still had your parents, and the terrible relationship you had with them.
So, when you sat at that bar, at the lonely counter, all you thought about was stuffing yourself until you pass out, hoping for a counting miracle. Some people were getting along well when you arrived, and others were giving you side-eye, but with the thought that you were less attractive to them, you decided that the counter would be the best option.
Suddenly, those eyes that looked yellow from afar fell on you, and the figure that carried them turned around, with a subtle smile.
"I see someone needs a drink, hm?"
You looked at her, and shrugged, before answering. "Just today. I can't drink, I still have work tomorrow."
She continued to smile, and you had the slight impression that her eyes had returned to their normal color. Clear, deep and very eye-catching. But it could just be the impression, because you were too exhausted to make sense.
"Ah, I understand. Just a minute, I'll prepare something relaxing for you, miss…"
She nodded, turning away and concentrating on preparing whatever the drink was. Like I said before, you were too tired to care about what drink you were going to drink. If you could just get to New Year with something in your throat, that would be a good idea.
After minutes that felt like seconds of waiting, the barista turned to you, two shiny glass cups in her hands. She was still smiling subtly as she slid your glass and turned hers in her other hand.
She served you with the same smile, and then looked at you. "It's funny, I can see there's something wrong with you... Something that's stopping you from celebrating tonight."
You looked back at her, frowning, and sighing afterwards.
"It's true, it was... It wasn't a very good year", you commented, feeling terrible for venting to a stranger. "But the year ahead will be better, I know that."
"And why is that? Why was it so bad?"
"My boss, my work... everything makes me exhausted... and not having anyone to talk to is really bad at these moments...", You took a sip. "Um, that's great, is it Merlot?"
"It's Merlot, but it's not one of the best...", the barista said, tapping her glass still. "I've seen and experienced better, around the world."
"Have you been around the world?", you asked, unable to resist your curiosity. She smiled and nodded. "Where did you go? On that expedition?"
"I've been there too, but not just on this occasion", she said, and suddenly stopped, as if she were saying too much. "You know, it's interesting, being on the other side. Sometimes it's tiring, it breaks my heart, but... It's good, there are things there that are worth the effort."
You were more intrigued. She didn't look like the type of person who would travel around the world, wearing black clothes and a gothic look, as if she wanted to hide on purpose. Generally, these trips are made for people who want to be seen, above all else in the world.
"What are you talking about, exactly?"
"Have you ever had a dream... a desire... a deep, hidden desire that no one has ever fulfilled, and that you yourself didn't imagine you could achieve?", she looked at you with the same curiosity as you. "I'm like... A dream maker. I go on these trips just for that..."
You frowned, still not understanding, but took another sip to hide it, nodding.
"Are you the personification of the genie in the lamp?"
She laughed. "Ah, I would like to, but no. It would be a lot of ego on my part, but I would say that I'm better than him", she laughed. "Verna is my name, but the name never makes that much of a difference to me."
“Different name, never heard it before,” you said, drinking again. "Are you from here?"
"I'm from nowhere. I'm everywhere, at all times... it's strange, I know, but it makes sense to me."
You nodded, finding it strange. And then, he found it even stranger when she helped herself to the Merlot on the counter and drank some. She smiled at you, still tapping the glass.
"But what about you, (Y/N)? Do you have any desires that you thought would be unrealizable, unattainable? Please be honest with me."
You opened your mouth, and then thought a little. "No. I think I'm happy this way. Except for a few little things that I would change here and there..."
She softened her gaze and took a sip, her clear eyes suddenly yellowed again and wide, fixed on you. "What kind?"
“Like, my boss giving me the justice I deserve, and stop hitting on me,” you laughed, drinking the last sip and pouring yourself again. "Not much."
"Your boss is too terrible for you, (Y/N)," Verna replied, smiling. "Don't ask me how I know this, but I do. One day someone will show him what's really good, don't worry."
You frowned. "You seem so sure, are you some kind of psychic?"
She laughed. "No. I would like to be, but no. I... I see people's possibilities. And that's it. I help them based on the possibilities."
She stared at you again, and looked away at the TV, where the ball was falling on the screen in Times Square.
"Oh, it looks like it's almost time," she whispered, laughing. "Your year is going to be great, (Y/N), I'll make sure of that."
“You…” you started, but she shushed you, smiling.
"You just have to make a deal with me."
"What kind of deal?"
Verna thought for a while, and then smiled. "Wow, you seem so sure..."
She was mocking you, of course, you realized right away, and with a muffled laugh, you glanced back at the TV, hearing people echoing a countdown. The ball finally reached its destination, and you turned around, seeing Verna's yellow eyes glued to yours again. She suddenly leaned over and stole a peck from you, taking a little too long to pull away.
“Was that your deal?”, you whispered, smiling mischievously. Verna took a moment to open her eyes and then tilted her head, as if agreeing.
She thought for a while and then finally said, her voice low, slowly close to your ear, as if she wanted to seduce or bewitch you. She had one of the softest voices you'd ever heard, and apparently she knew how to use it.
"Actually, it was a plan to find out if you were trustworthy, if you were innocent enough to accept my deal…", she whispered. "And because I know, deep down, that what you wanted most was to be kissed on New Year's Eve, my sweet client."
You trailed off, looking at her, getting lost in the soft expression on her pale face. Suddenly, an impulsive idea occurred to you, and you leaned in again, kissing her, this time with more intensity. When you touched her hair, behind the back of her head, you had the impression that it melted at the touch, as if Verna were just an illusion, as if she were the literal cosmic dust from which human beings possibly emerged.
However, the kiss didn't last long. She pushed you away with her feather-light hands, and to the naked eye, it looked like it was just a breeze of wind stopping you both. She touched your face, running her fingers lightly across your cheek as she whispered:
"We can't do that right now, (Y\N). I'm afraid you're not sober enough, and it wouldn't be wise for me to take advantage of this."
You looked at it for a moment and realized it made sense. But she had kissed you first, so it was clearly just an excuse, as always happened. You started to wonder if your kiss was that bad.
"But, Verna…"
"Please, darling. I'm trying to be reasonable. Like I said, I work with possibilities, and the possibility of us working out is less than zero. Don't get me wrong, it's just in case…", she hesitated. "Condemning pure-souled humans to my cruel and inevitable fate wouldn't be extremely political of me."
You sighed, and gave her the space she needed, even though you couldn't take your eyes off her. Verna was the same, and you could feel that, despite what it seemed like, that moment you shared wasn't just fun, much less just a New Year's kiss.
Verna poured you the rest of the Merlot and, with the same soft expression, touched your face again. This time, her voice was clear, and in a moment of vulnerability, she made it more than explicit that she wasn't lying when she said:
"But we'll still meet, (Y\N)," she whispered, her fingers again like soft feathers touching his skin. "Our deal may not have been sealed, but you've proven enough innocence and courage to convince me that you're capable of this. You'll have a great new job, I promise, and your boss will never bother you again."
She nodded, and you allowed yourself to nod too, so confused that you definitely didn't know what to believe anymore. There was a little devil on your shoulder urging you to try again, and there was another devil, right in front of you, who would be harder to convince than you expected.
"And of course, you will have my full protection," Verna whispered, smiling. "I'm not going to promise you eternal life, because that would be impossible even for someone like me. But I promise, and I need you to believe me on this one, I promise that I will move mountains so no one will hurt you again."
You smiled, and drank the last sip. Suddenly, another impulse. This time, a question, instead of an action.
"What are you? An angel? A genie without a lamp? A tempting devil who seeks souls and deals?"
Verna smiled, and simply looked away at her glass again, magically empty. "I already told you. I'm nothing, I don't have a life. I'm just what your mind wants me to be."
You were confused, but suddenly, a memory hit you hard. When you looked at Verna, it was as if she already knew.
"I really need to go. My mom will be furious if I get home late, even on New Year's..."
She nodded. "Please don't take any chances. This part, I won't be able to protect you."
You laughed, stood up and slid out the only dollar bill you had. Verna looked at the ballot, he turned it around and handed it back to you, denying it.
"No need. The bill is already paid."
"Please don't insist. I insist."
You looked at her, shrugged, and frowned, suddenly realizing that maybe it was for the best. She kept watching you, until you left, and as soon as you turned outside, on the street, you noticed who had just walked through a solid wall.
The bar was gone.
And she was gone too.
Even more confused - and blaming the drink -, you put your hands in your pockets to protect yourself, and walked back home, into the daylight. As soon as you crossed the street, however, another very curious thing caught your attention.
There was a raven, standing still, resting on a post. It was just any raven, but it was a raven, and it looked down at you. Suddenly, you had the impression that he had winked at you.
"What nonsense. Ravens don't blink," you whispered to yourself, looking at the raven again. He remained there, standing still, as if he hadn't even noticed you. Deciding to ignore that crazy night, you turned around.
As you disappeared down the street, you whispered to yourself once again.
"Ravens don't blink."
Oh, but if you only knew that they do more than blink... If you only knew...
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kaznejis · 19 days
Your ivy grows, and now I'm covered in you- Erik Lehnsherr x Reader (Masterlist)
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Professor Erik Lehnsherr was an enigma, it was undeniable to anyone who crossed his path. He emanated a magnificent presence; intelligence, authority, power. But, he was also kind, when he wanted to be. Reverent smiles when a student offered an insightful point during one of his seminars, a chuckle when a hint of true personality slipped out during their answer, a smirk when the debate prose grew heated.
A true beacon of trust, solemn kindness to all of his students; but, sometimes, in the darkest depths of the night, tucked safely into the comforts of your duvet- you felt that part of him reserved an extra sense of kindness for you.
A collection of affiliated, but standalone, oneshots
I- Your opal eyes are all I wish to see
II- Tarnished, but so grand
III- Spring breaks loose, but so does fear (TBC)
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✨Coming Soon...✨
the order of these fics do not determine posting order, however if enough people express interest in a certain fic i will bump it up the priority list 🥰
PhDStudent!Harry x Vampire!reader - an enemies to lovers vampire!AU with a role reversal. (original chaptered concept; smut, angst, fluff)
Dom!Harry x sub!Reader - established relationship where harry brings reader deep into subspace, and takes care of her. (requested oneshot; kinky smut, fluff)
Famous!Harry x Reader - established relationship, based on this picture of rihanna on demon time in public (original oneshot concept; kinky smut, fluff)
Dad/Husband!Harry x Pregnant!Reader - established relationship, you and harry finally become parents for the first time and meet your little angel. (requested oneshot & possible series?; fluff)
YouthPastor!Harry x PreachersDaughter!Reader - established forbidden relationship, harry gives you something to worship every sunday. (requested one shot & possible series?; smut, light kink, fluff, religious trauma)
✨masterlist✨∣✨yap & request box✨
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eightfifteen · 1 year
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Mike and Will: Little Women parallels
I will not be the person you settle for just because you cannot have her.
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tangledinink · 10 months
are you guys ready for a monday in which i do not publish any new fic for the first time in almost six months.
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