#omg im so sorry this is so late
kimsohn · 1 year
if it's okay to request can you make one shot with olivia hye (college!au with angst but happy ending) 🙏🙏🙏
universe . olivia hye x gn!reader about . 669 words, angst + fluff warnings . rejection
you don't have the heart to face hyeju, but the universe has other plans.
confessing to her at the university festival might've been the worst mistake of your life, but you're glad you don't have to spend time pining over her anymore. the many years you'd spent by her side, trying your hardest to hide lingering feelings had now ended, and although she'd run away from your firework-lit confession in the blink of an eye, at least the torture was over.
however, it was now replaced by an even more painful question. was the confession worth it to stay true to yourself, or should you have hidden in a mere attempt to have her somehow? the gaping hyeju-shaped hole in your heart used to be filled with the semblance of friendship, but now you have nothing to disguise it anymore.
but the ping on your phone seems like a figment of your imagination, because how can the very person that has been the object of your demise for years suddenly want to meet up? whether real or true, it has you rushing out of your physics lecture ten minutes early, bleary-eyed in disbelief.
and somehow, the hole starts to overflow with something new. hope.
the university's central water fountain hasn't changed, reminiscent of the times you'd meet up here with hyeju to walk her back to the dorms, but the people that frequent it have. hyeju sits on the ledge with her hands in the pockets of her oversized hoodie, head hung low and eyes scrunched shut. the sound of your shoes hitting the pavement makes her look up, wide-eyed and fearful.
"y/n," she whispers, standing up as you draw closer to her.
you can't tell whether it's the harsh wind or her mere presence is making your eyes blurry, but you might have the slightest guess as to what it is with the pang in your heart. she looks so beautiful that it's easy to believe this is just a dream, and despite the weary features the both of you adorn from sleepless nights, you feel anything but tired.
"why are you here?" you mumble, afraid to speak any louder in fear that your voice will crack and tears will overflow.
"i... i wanted to apologize."
the hope in your heart starts to dwindle.
"for rejecting me? it's okay, you can't force yourself to feel the same way."
"no!" she exclaims, grasping your folded arms and holding on tightly as if it was all she could do to make you stay, "i'm apologizing for running away. i was just in shock, and i was so scared to face you because no words were coming out of my mouth. i didn't want to disappoint you."
"well, you already did. you could've at least rejected me instead of running away; it would've hurt less."
the words are harsh, but it was something she needed to hear. communication was extremely important to you, and you'd at least assumed that you'd be given enough respect to be verbally rejected. if you were going to gain closure now, you needed to let her know how much it meant to you.
"you don't understand. i didn't run away because i was scared to reject you, i ran away because i was scared to confess to you."
the world seems to spin as you find yourself at a loss for words.
"confess?" you speak, your throat dry and hoarse.
"yes. i love you y/n, and i'm so, so sorry i couldn't tell you that night."
the glistening tears on her cheeks are the last thing you see before you pull her into a hug, wrapping your arms around her middle like you'd done for many days together. the cool breeze doesn't affect the two of you anymore, and as you stop shivering and start embracing, the wind seems to quiet down to let you have your moment.
the universe did indeed have other plans for you, but this time, you're thankful.
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felixiecit · 1 year
‘keep your sense of humor. you’re going to need it.’
from sett .
the kingdom of copper memes.
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"Oh you like my jokes? Aw, i'm flattered!" he smirks, blinded by his confidence. "I'll save up more just for you, in fact maybe i'll swing by that pit thing i hear about- ha! sike, i wouldn't want to beat you up too much, pal! Your good friend Ezreal won't embarass you like that."
He teased, but backed away when he felt himself getting too comfortable and possibly risked getting his ass kicked. With a wide grin he waves "wow would you look at the time, i got ladies to meet. Catch you on the flip side."
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mintypsii · 4 months
have a very sanuso valentine's!!!!!!!
based off of this color spread :> sanji letting usopp draw on his hands, his most precious treasure
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mediumgayitalian · 3 months
fic rec friday 6
hi!! welcome to fic rec friday. every week, i pick five fics i have bookmarked and rec them with a little review. check them out!
Will and Nico Sitting in a Tree by percyspandapillowpet
Nico rolls his eyes. “Can’t believe I used to have a crush on that guy,” he mumbles, and then immediately covers his mouth. Oh gods. “What—what?” Will asks. “You what?” Nico turns away, burying his face in his hands. “I—I said that out loud, didn’t I?”
this one made me giggle oblivious nico always does. "Like absolutely clueless sons of Hades" yes you tell him will!! will is such a brat w the biggest eyeroll problem in the world i adore him. i know he has literally strained his ocular muscles before
2. (Im)perfect by percysandapillowpet
He was thankful his suit was black, because he was starting to sweat through it. His stomach wasn’t holding up well, either. He hadn’t eaten anything in hours, but he felt like he was going to throw up any second. He stood in the bathroom still, now holding a wet cloth to his forehead. His hand was shaking, causing the water to drip down his sleeve. Why was he so nervous?
i am weak for proposal fics and have been my whole life. 'marriage is an instituation' blah blah blah. its FUN. i LIKE READING IT. and this was CUTE AS HELL. the namebadge especially was the cutest ever touch truly
3. As Long as I'm Getting Paid by percyspandapillowpet
Nico raised his eyebrows, using his shoulder to hold the door open. “Hi. What do you want.” Will smiled, but he shifted his feet. “Can’t a friend just stop by and say hi?” “No,” Nico replied. He then moved to close the door and retreat back into his cabin, but Will lunged forward and caught it. “Wait!”
walking up the scary badass to kill the spider will never not be funny. like yes of course befriending the most dramatic kids in camp will have dire consequences for nico and those consequences will involve waking up at odd hours in the night to do the Dumbest thing possible ever
4. Two Boys, Being Straight, Doing Straight Things by percyspandapillowpet
“Remember, dessert makes her sleepy. She’ll be out by seven-thirty, and we’ll have the rest of the evening to ourselves.” “Fair point,” Ms. Solace says, handing Will and Nico each a pie wrapped in tinfoil. “We can probably hold out til then.” Will glances at the clock above the stove. “One more hour.” He glances at Nico with a grin. “And then we can be gay again.”
i love this fckn series i have to have read it like fourteen times. i love seeing them gay and older and disastrous. and this whole concept of having to pretend to be straight for wills dumbass homophobic grandma will never not be funny
5. Even If It's Forever by @wintersky101
Nico doesn’t like to be touched. Will respects that, of course, even though he’s got a lot of hugs he wants to give him. Sometimes, though, Nico doesn’t mind, and those are some of the moments Will likes best. Or, five times Will didn’t touch his boyfriend, and one time he did.
this was such a soft and wonderful character study. the soft slow build and determined communication...yeah this fic was written with such care and you can tell
thank you for joining me this friday!! happy reading!!
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wynnibee · 4 months
Having fun with no strings attached, hm?
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id in alt and under the cut!
[id: a shaded and colored drawing of harlequin sun, columbine y/n, and pierrot moon standing around a carousel coyote.
going from left to right; harlequin sun has a gold, six pointed jester hat resembling sunrays, with a bell at the end of each point. he's wearing a black mask with a line through it following his crescent. his eyes are simple white dots on a gray-ish sclera. sun has large blue and red ruffles around his neck, with a blue frill under the ruffles. he's wearing a blue, long sleeved shirt covered in alternating red and yellow diamonds, with blue ribbons wrapped around his wrists with a single bell on each. he has a barely visible blue hip drape, that sits on top of his red jester pants. he's hanging off of the carousel pole, and standing leaned over with a bent knee to look at Columbine. his other arm hangs limply at his side.
Columbine themselves has their curly brown hair pulled up into a half-bun, with a crown of white pointsettias behind their bangs. large triangle shaped earrings hang from their ears, and they have long wavy eyelashes with brown eyes, a small amount of blush and brown lipstick. they have brown eyes with large black pupils and a small white dot in the center of each pupil. around their shoulders is a large fur half jacket, held together by a sparkly moon shaped clasp. they have long, fluffy pink sleeves with blue ribbons wrapped around their wrist. while most of columbine's dress is obscured by the wrap, a gold band can be seen underneath, with then flows into their dress skirt. the skirt is blue on the outside, with an inner strip of pink bordered with red ruffles. they're sitting on the carousel animal, with both arms extended. one is held out and the other is resting on moon's face. they have a smile on their face and their head is tilted slightly towards moon while they look over at sun.
the coyote is multiple shades of brown, starting out dark on the back and getting lighter towards the white underbelly and muzzle. the inside of the coyote's fluffy ears are also white. the coyote is standing in a half running pose, with one paw pulled up. each paw is wrapped in flowing red ribbons with two bells on each leg. a red bridle and rein sits on the coyote's face, held together with a star shaped metal piece. the bridle is embroidered with simple green and gold floral patterns. a long golden pole extends from the coyote's shoulders.
pierrot moon is entirely black and white, and he wears a long nightcap with two black puffs on the tail and one at the very tip of the cap. he has large eyelashes and three jester stripes cutting through his black eyes. he has a single white dot in the center of his eyes. he also wears large neck ruffles with fluffy black trim. his shirt resembles a long sleeved pajama shirt, with black trim. his wrist is wrapped in black ribbon. he has a black band around his waist and he wears plain white jester pants. he's looking at Columbine with his hand on top of theirs, holding it to his face. he has one eye closed and he has a large smile on his face with black lipstick over his smile. he's standing mostly behind Columbine, but he's leaning slightly to the side.
the background is a blurred carousel at night, with glowing golden lights. the entire image is covered in white sparkles. end id.]
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capricores · 10 months
pisces/virgo placements... it's about time you took care of yourself, too, ok?
you burn yourselves out allowing yourself to be pulled by so many people in all different directions. you exhaust all your resources and empty your cup - no, your entire well - to help those around you, even people you don't know. it's such a beautiful thing, and i know you genuinely love helping others, supporting people, seeing them thrive. it's such a beautiful trait! but you constantly end up neglecting yourself, right? you don't realize that you have permission to set aside time to care for you, to cater to your needs for once. you often feel like no one puts a drop in your cup, the favor is never returned - it's exhausting; you might think if you just keep giving your all it will come back; i understand. you will find the people that give the same energy back to you one day, but regardless of whether you've found those people yet, you need to learn to step aside and fill your own cup!
setting boundaries and saying no is the most important thing you will learn to do in this lifetime. it will not be easy for you, sometimes it will feel painful. but you cannot help the world if you're constantly drained and tired! you deserve to take care of yourself in the same way you do for others. be gentle to your kind soul, nourish yourself; do the things you love to do. learn to worry about others less, as hard as it is, and focus on yourself more.
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kaeya-senpai · 6 months
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SILLY BOY‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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beeduoo · 2 months
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will he burn down the kitchen
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inumakisser · 5 days
i already sent something like this in nectardaddy's inbox but like im still thinking about ex!inumaki (who can speak normally here because WHY NOT?) who you also haven't seen in like a year after you both graduated. You attend a reunion party that Yuuji set up and you didn't realize that he would be there too, walking next to Yuta and Maki.
I mean, yeah he grew a bit taller, his hair still looks the same, his shoulders got a bit broader, and his hands—maybe you should snap out of it instead of observing what changed about him?
Yuuji suggests to play 7 minutes in heaven in his closet and deciding who goes in by spinning a bottle. You and your friends sit down on the rug, exchanging glances with a smirk on their faces as the bottle spins.
And the first spin chose you, and light chuckles come out of your friends' lips. You were hoping it would be someone like Maki or Megumi to be in that closet with you, but fate had other plans.
The tip of the bottle pointed to Inumaki, you could, right before you stood up to walk to the closet, see how the corners of his lips creeped into a faint smile.
Well, maybe this might be a good idea? Can't two people reconnect?
So you both get in the really tight closet, because this could be a chance for you to talk to him.
For the first minute, nothing was really going on, except for the husky breaths and how your hands shook whenever Inumaki's fingers brushed against your skin.
For the second minute, it was getting too hot inside of that damn closet, you couldn't even handle eye contact with him during all of this. He was getting more handsy by the second, it was making your cheeks have a hint of red in them.
Three minutes would pass, not a single word came out of your lips. You should speak, but you couldn't. You had the urge to just pull him by the collar of his sweater and just start going at it, but you knew better than that!
(a bit nsfw under this!)
Yet, you still did it. His hands roaming all over you, slipping under your skirt, his fingers teasing your panties. Eventually he slips a finger or two into your folds, his fingers already slick from how wet you were just from looking at him.
Your mind was already too fuzzy to even try to stop your own noises. But, you missed this, didn't you?
You both were so distracted making out that you didn't even notice it was already past 7 minutes. "Wait- i think we should stop..-" You breathed, trying to keep silent because your friends are literally just outside of this closet! They might hear you squirming and whimpering your ex's name and how heavy his own breaths were.
"Don't worry, they're too drunk to realize," Toge plants kisses from your jaw to your collarbone, sending shockwaves through your body. He was knuckles deep in you, curling to hit that spot. "they won't know about it in the morning."
This was a bad idea, right?
(this is my first serious oneshot since last year LMAOO my beta reader responded in 2 days SOOOO..)
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mondaymelon · 4 months
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there I’m actually studying for once I have a math test on monday..math is 2nd period for me
just taking a quick break and my rushed handwriting looks like shit
we absolutely love my math teacher eugh
- 🥦
your handwriting looks so tasty.
let me just take a bite outta that paper let me utilize my chompers to chew that slim sheet let fit my laughing gear around that portion
you go ceneid!! make sure to take lots of breaks and drink water, get some rest if you can. don't be an idiot and get sick again. like me. ahahsafds. dies.
( sfjasdkfj i have math fourth hour and i think my math teacher is actually insane cause he's talked about a medical history of insane people in his family he said that people who think they arent insane are insane then proceeded to tell us that he wasn't insane, we were the crazy ones here )
i actually love him though hes so silly !!!
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garou-art · 1 month
Patiently waiting for this year’s Yearly Takeshi
I actually already made a super early 2024 Yearly Yam in January! (here) 🙌
But there's nothing stopping me from aNOTHER YAM!!!!!!!!!!!!
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hoonclub · 2 years
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NI-KI / [-NOTE] 220918
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Hi, just wanted to pop in to say I absolutely adore your art! Your forms are so expressive and the shapes! The shapes!! And the outfits you design—oh my goodness, just phenomenal, whether they’re for your automaton au or fae or rlgl. Your art is truly magical. And I think your writing is lovely too!
Also, your rlgl au is my favorite and I just explode every time I see a new drawing or sketch for it. -points at rlgl y/n- I adore them. Also Sun. And also Moon. Just all of them and all of it.
Ope I’ve rambled a bit. Anyways, thank you so much for sharing your art and writing! Really, really thank you.
Yo i know this is like super super late but omg
Thank you so much im literally bsosvdisnwldvsuskebdkdvsjsksnjdidvslsbskebw
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This means a lot coming from you especially because i fucking love! Long road ahead! I found it shortly after making my rlgl au and i enjoyed the simmilar ideas with wildly different ways to work with it. I adore your more grounded outlook on the theme of sexwork with the guys compared to my more romantic comedy kind of thing. I also adore long road ahead y/n!! And the guys too isbslqbwishslsn i am shaking you
Thank you for sharing your writing!
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bizarrescribblez · 8 months
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🥤 Commission for @cordshake !! 🌴
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magicalcraftgirl · 4 months
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Happy valentine's day! 💝❤️🌹✨
Arashi in a little tea cup is probably the best thing that I ever wanted 🙏✨
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catbongz · 11 months
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mark vela for @blood-bound! a super late (or extremely early) birthday gift <3
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