#omg crocodile is actually a woman!
s0lemnhypn0s · 8 months
i feel the need to gatekeep crocodile bc im kinda sick of ppl being weird abt his trans coding
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sanjisblackasswife · 2 years
Hey Tate how do you feel about Buggy The Clown w/ a black s/o? Spicy headcannons are welcomed😮‍💨
A/N: Buggy w a ponytail made me feel things so yes…yes indeed I will post about it.
Buggy with a Black Girlfriend Headcanons (SFW & NSFW)
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He found you so attractive when he saw you pls
He has never seen a woman like you and wants you on his team asap
I’m sorry but he seems like the type to call you “Exotic Looking” KSBDJDKSKSJS
He lets you braid his hair a lot. He seen you put in box braids on yourself once and has asked for it as well but you just gave him two braids going back
He actually looked kinda hot
Omg can someone draw that pls or else I will
He calls you sweetcheeks or darling a lot
He annoys the absolute daylights out of you. lIKE A WHOLE LOT HE ANNOYS YOU ALOT
When he is bored he plays in your curls/braids/locs ALOT trying to style it
He pokes you ALOT too
He just really loves annoying you
You actually never called his nose big because you know how he gets but you keep it in the back of your mind just in case he really pisses you off
A cute little quirk about him is that he always tries to find ways to impress you just like when he first met you.
He has told you about Shanks and his hate for him but honestly you thought he was talking about his ex
You thought he was gay for a second before you two dated but he swore up and down he wasn’t because he was act trying to confess to you
“I’m only gay for you!”
“But I’m a woman”
When Mihawk or Crocodile is around all three of y’all bully Buggy and a few times you three played Mr. Potato with his body because he made you mad.
“So can I detach Your penis and put it on your head?”
“Because you’re a dickhead.”
Crocodile: I like her.
Anyways though he loves talking to you. He doesn’t even care if you respond or not as long as he knows you’re listening to him rant or just speak whatever is on his mind he loves talking to you
He loves hearing about your culture or religion too. If you embrace it he will have dumb little questions about it but never disrespect you or make you feel ashamed in what you believe in
You make him carry you a lot. A whole lot.
He hates it at first but once you tell him about how strong he is he’ll do whatever you want and more
He wants you to wear clown paint very badly at least once
He has blown up buildings out of anger because you made him mad.
Okay the first time Buggy went down on your He accidentally but your clit REALLY hard so you grabbed his head, detached it, and threw it across the room.
You didn’t talk to him for a week
Buggy tries he really tries to be romantic. He has asked Mihawk for advice but it went horribly and ended the night with you aiding to his burn wounds because a candle fell on him during dinner
When he gets needy he pokes your ass a lot
He’s really good with his fingers? He swears he doesn’t know what he is doing when he fingers you but your don’t care nor complain
He has a playlist when he wants to fuck you.
Usually has a rose in his mouth.
And no he will not stop
He won’t openly tell you what he wants but trust pulling his hair is one of em
He likes a dom woman :( he loves you being on top and doing whatever you want to his body
He loves having his neck kissed. He’s just so sensitive there
His favorite position is 69. He loves your ass
Btw he is an ass man
It took a while for him to open up to you for sex but he made up for it with his amazing stroke game. You don’t know wtf he learned his loves from but you’re grateful for it
Buggy’s dream is to have sex with you on a pile of money…you really don’t know why and he won’t elaborate further but he just wants to
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dawninlatin · 4 months
As usual, here are my thoughts and reactions while readingHouse of Flame and Shadow! It’s obviously full of spoilers, and if someone’s looking for really intelligent theories and comments, this is not the post for you🤡
• there are still five days left and 30 minutes ago i complained to my roomie how impossible it was to wait….then, as if she heard me, SJM herself posts the first chapter??😍 thank you mrs maas😭🙏
• lidia🥺
• thanks to fucking tiktok, reading the words «ruhn danaan, crown prince of the valbaran fae» will never be the same😔
• i’m seriously going through the five stages of grief over a few piercings😭😭
• is bryce in az’s torture chamber?👀🥵 gurl do you know how lucky you are-
• zaddy azriel🥵🔥
• lmaooo amren isn’t a historian, she’s just really fucking old
• They might be tortured, but at least Baxian has friends now😭😭
• this ruhn and lidia angst is everything😭😭
• so rhys has a bunch of pet crocodiles?? good to know😀🐊
• okay, i wasn’t gonna mention it, but now i simply have to….WHAT IS UP WITH ALL THESE NORWEGIAN NAMES??? first einar, then sigrid, and now FUCKING HILDE?? sarah i know these names sound exotic and fantasy-like to you, but to me, these are just your average middle-aged people, and it’s throwing me off💀
• A MIDDENGARD WYRM??? babes i haven’t seen you in ages🤩😍🫶
• LIDIAAAAAAAAA👏👏 i bet she’s gonna team up with the frat pack to save her mate ruhn🔥🔥
• i wanna read about lidia living with the frat pack in their….house so bad💀
• OMG i had forgotten how good bryce was at bullshitting people💀 this whole middengard wyrm plan is aelin level🔥🔥
• there is no way feyre, AS A HUMAN, killed that wyrm so easily in acotar🤡
• «Trying to figure out what it does has been driving us all crazy.» NO BUT I NEED TO READ THIS SCENE😭😭 i just want cassian with a phone, is that too much to ask?🥲
• hunt imagining his and bryce’s future kids😭😭
• 😳😧😦🖐️🦴🩸
• but she was beheaded?!?!
• also pollux is actually worse than tamlin himself🤢
• more asteris😒
• bryce just left prythian? no cassian?🥺🥺
• he needs it to sleep🥺
• mommy😍🥵
• LIDIA😍🤩😭🫶🙏🧎‍♀️👑
• what do you mean lidia isn’t coming with them?😀
• i was supposed to go to sleep after this chapter😭😭
• hunt🤜🤛baxian
• them being bros is all i wanted from this book🥺
• #throwback to all the memes i made about it last time🤡
• bryce booping the autumn king’s nose with her sword just became my favorite moment of all time
• i’m sorry….WHAT??
• the woman was too stunned to speak
• 👁️👄👁️
• i knew she was MOMMY, but she’s also mommy?????
• «Bryce Quinlan, Queen of the Valbaran fae» *que music
• *holds lidia as i glare at the ocean queen😠* «hasn’t she been through enough????😭»
• rhys being referred to as «that night court dude»💀💀
• fae and stags?👀🤩
• tharion for once just use your fucking brain🫠
• finally some smut😩⚡️
• if i ever get my hands on that bitch-ass rigelus-🤬🪓💣🔪🔫🧱
• i need ruhn and lidia to just fuck already😭😩
• and so does flynn and declan, apparently💀 thanks guys😌🤝
• not the autumn king again😒
• if flynn and declan getting kidnapped is what it’ll take for ruhn and lidia to get together, IT’S FUCKING WORTH IT😩🧎‍♀️
• them cuddling is almost as good tho😍🥰😭🌸🫶💕
• «I’m calling it now, the Star-Eater is Hunt’s father» - me, reading HOSAB in 2022
• it feels great to be me😌
• okay i wasn’t entirely correct but CLOSE ENOUGH
• i’m not crying i swear😭👑🌷🌈🏝️✨
• i laughed out loud at the fact that declan’s biggest priority was checking if they had internet now💀💀
• Hotel Horseshit💀💀 baxian you’re my fave🫶🫶🫶
• «please don’t fuck right next to us» i’m deAD
• SYRINX😍😍😍😍😍
• Bryce and her mom😭🥺
• i’ll never tire of the prime coming to the rescue last minute🙏 hang in there old man✊
• ithan🥹
• lidia in her girlfriend era😍💕✨🫶🥰💅
• NESTA😭😭😭
• i just know ember is gonna yell at rhys😍
• i just read the ember&randall bonus chapter, and she did😍😍😍
• also I GOT TO SEE CASSIAN😍😍😍😍😍😍
• rare river queen W?
• is he a skin-walker?👀
• WYRD???
• go hypaxia, slay him🔥
• 🍆💦👀😏
• i also miss your piercings, ruhn😔 gone but never forgotten✊🙏🕊️
• «…she was his and he was hers, and there was a word for it, but it eluded him.» THAT WORD IS MATE😍😭
• screaming crying throwing up rn😍😭🥹🫶😩
• HE SHOT HER???????
• this level of angst is giving me life
• «She’s my mate, you fucker.» THE SCREAM I JUST SCRUMPT (sorry, roommates)
• 😍🥰😇🫶🔥🙏🥹😭😍😩🤩🥰🙏🔥😭🫶🫶✊🙏🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
• BRYCE?!😳😭
• shahar😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
• i’m fucking crying, i swear😭😭😭😭
• ember quinlan not caring about how deadly rhys is whatsoever is the greatest thing i’ve ever read💀
• and azriel got his dagger back? he can finally sleep🥹
• yeah bryce, cassian is a fine piece of ass😏
• ruhn getting a hug from one of his new stepkids😍😍
• nooooo ruhn moved out of the frat house? they grow up so fast🥺
• omg hunt getting a fine for fucking bryce so bad it caused several thunderstorms is EPIC
• PEGASUSES?!?😍😍😍😍😍😍
• i can’t believe it’s over….
• i’m…..empty
• i need more🥺
• i also have bonus chapters to read😏😏
• this has to be a first
• i am speechless
• 👁️👄👁️
• milly garkunos you queen🫶🧎‍♀️
• i need someone to draw lettuce-baby-hunt asap💀
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papirouge · 2 years
a radfem tried to argue, after she told me "Depp won't fuck you🙃" for not dissing him enough I guess? and that I said it was fucked up, that it wasn't a sexual slur 🤡
...when I'm 100000% positive if a man would've said that to her, ALL HELL WOULD BREAK LOSE and omg men cannot diss women without resorting to sexualizing them!!!! and yada yada
Remember ladies: radfem/feminist are the masters of gaslighting
They will shift narrative regarding what's currently convenient to them, and act like victim for calling them out (she said I was ableist for calling her "freak💀"). That's why they'll call pro lifers "women hating", when they're out there calling any women who doesn't subscribe to (rad)feminism pickme", "cock sucker", "handmaiden" and whatnot. They will shame and humiliate any woman for wrong behavior or crime thought. Which is precisely one of the key patterns of the so called "patriarchy".
On my run on this blog, most of the harassment and slurs that I received was from so called "feminist". The same feminist that are whining about 'class traitors' because not every woman on earth wants to mule for them or care about their hubris against powerful Western men they have no idea exist....
The other day I listened to a podcast from a Black feminitity channel, and she said that White feminism were only trying to get power from White men and have has much power (if not more), but that didn't mean that once they get that power, they'll be willing to share it equally with other women. They thrive to become equal to White men - but they never ponder whether women from other communities actually thrive for that?
That's why whitefeminist are lowkey salty at Black women taking none of their "white crocodile tears", saying that we were "male identified" for not systemically muling for them...🤦🏾‍♀️ This is also why they have no issue centering themselves as the modelfold of female oppression, while not realizing how utterly self centered and dismissive of other women's unique struggle it is
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Just look how happy these women are at being told "yeah, rich white women oppression is peak "pure misogyny"" and not realize how tone deaf this statement is.... So what? other women oppression is 'unpure'? Is the oppression of rich women from developed countries is somehow less representative of misogyny bc they're not White?🤔 Do these whitefem think men from countries where white women are nonexistent use them as a compass for misogyny??
I lost count of all the so called feminist who posted lr reblogged statement saying "if white women can't get fair justice, what does it mean for Black women, or other women of color??" and it got me like "White women aren't a universal compass for female's rights, Stacie. Mistreated women in Kinshasa don't wake up and be like "damn, I wish I could get the same rights as Ashleigh living in Arkansas🥺" White women aren't a compass of femalehood worldwide. Once again, White people CANNOT do anything without centering themselves, and White women aren't past such mental projection, unfortunately.
That's why as a Black woman I thrive to have my own lane and will never let myself be bullied & gaslighted by whitefem for not being a good ally enough. Because my end goal isn't to compete with men. I will never be another intersectionality mule and blindly fight for things that aren't benefiting to me or that I do not believe in.
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zackcrazyvalentine · 3 years
i really really really wanna see deuce’s mother because she’s sounds nice and the way he talks about her is just- JSISKSOSKSOSODKDK
i saw ONE fanart of them and i 🧎🏾‍♀️ . I FEEL LIKE MAMA LEECH WOULD BE LIKE JADE AND PAPA LEECH LIKE FLOYD BUT SUPER CURIOUS ABOUT MC ????? LIKE A POOR HUMAN ACTUALLY MANAGED TO GRAB THE ATTENTION OF THEIR PRECIOUS CHILDREN ???? LET ME AT THEM-also they probably are tall as hell so the whole meeting with them and mc is like “sir please bend over my neck is stating to do things it’s not supposed to do-“
azul’s mother gives me sweet but sharp women ? like a bit like ursula but more kind ? if that’s makes sense- AND HIS STEPFATHER IS SUPER SUPPORTIVE OF AZUL AND IS SUPER PROUD OF HIM-
no thoughts epel’s grandparents coming to see him but then getting lost and brought back by mc to epel BUT THEN epel’s grandma grabs both their hands and asks when they’re gonna marry epel-
SEBEK’S MAMA AND PAPA (am i fawning over a couple that never got an apparition in the game? yes i will do it again) IMAGINE IF HIS MOM IS LIKE “ following in your parents footsteps huh ? you have good taste son !” AFTER SEEING MC-
i feel like she would be kind of awkward? but she’s trying her best ! and she is so proud of malleus and talks to mc about the achievements he has done over the years and just height a sweet grandma overall-
i wanna see ace’s mom because i know she’s the type to EMBARRASS her son in front of mc “oh ace dear do you remember that one time you ate a worm and then cried about it ? i still have the video let me search for it-“ and ace is like “mom what- STOP” and mc just sipping on the tea collecting blackmail material
KALIM’S PARENTS WOULD PROBABLY TAKE ONE LOOK AT MC AND BE LIKE “do you wanna marry my son he’s very handsome” “ma’am who are you-“
important note if mc is meeting riddle’s mom and jamil’s parents it’s to fight them to death-
tl’dr : mc’s ending up with a bit too much of marriage proposals
YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!! [PSST!!! You can find the continuation h e r e !!]
DEUCE’S MAMA 🥺🥺🥺💓💓💓💓💓💓💓
I 100% AGREE!! I wanna meet her so bad! She sounds so gentle and caring, I just wanna thank her for everything idc 🥺
“Deuce, hi! Oh, is this your mother, Mrs. Spade?!” MC bound up to him, quite eagerly, might he add.
“A-Ah, [Name]... Yes *ahem* Mom, this is [Name]. [Name], this is my mother.” The Heartslabyul student awkwardly introduced.
the woman’s face lit up, “Oh dear, oh my! This is your friend [Name]?! Hello, dear! I’ve heard wonders of you from Deucey here~!”
MC looked at their friend with a teasing smirk, “Oh, has he?”
She giggled cutely. “Indeed he has, and allow me to say,” Those same peacock green eyes they knew from Deuce looked into theirs, “Thank you for taking care of my son. You’re a wonderful soul, from what I know.”
The tender look in her eyes, her gentle smile and soft voice... MC’s heart sparkled with some sort of nostalgic feeling.
They suddenly bowed, startling the mother-son pair. “N-No, I should be the one thanking you, Mrs. Spade!!”
-- --
I’ve seen two iterations of their personalities: Mama being playful and at-her-own-flow like Floyd, Mama being elegant, proper and mysterious like Jade while Papa is a more... controlled version of Floyd (same goofy smile and carefree demeanor, but not as easy to lash out as Floyd)
BUT ABSOLUTELY!!! Imagine Mama Leech approaching them like a sophisticated lady, making such comments that just due to her tone of voice and the look in her eyes have MC blushing and trembling in fear and shyness
Papa Leech almost kabedoning them to have the little trembling shrimp still for him to observe: “My sons... interested in such a tiny shrimp... so small and magicless...” A shine in his eyes as he smirked that familiar pointy-toothed smirk at them, “Interesting enough to have us up in the surface like this~ ...Don’t you think so, Darling?”      “Indeed, My Love” Much similar to the eel twins, they chuckled sinisterly
-- --
What if Granny Ashengrotto also comes with? 🥺 THE MOST WHOLESOME MEETING (of course, after the whole family [including stepdad] celebrates Azul’s accomplishments with Mostro Lounge and his contracts, both parents being HELLA proud of their little baby octopus ❤️)
Then MC will notice all of them CODDLING Azul, pinching his cheeks and reminding him of how squishy and chubby he was when young. Look at him now!! A proper business man with a bright future!    MC giggles at the dorm leader’s bright blush, and the attention immediately shifts to them
“Oh, Azul~ Is this the [Name] you’ve talked so much about~?”
“Ohoho~ Look the the bumpkin he’s managed to score! Our little Azul definitely has an eye for beauty!”
“G-Granny-! *ahem* Grandma, please!”
“Say, did you ever get to see how utterly cute and fluffy Azul was as a baby? Oh~, the absolute cutest, my dear!” The lady glowing with happiness immediately pulled her phone out and scrolled through some photos. Little baby Azul, Azul in middle school, tiny Azul celebrating his birthday as he sat on Granny’s lap while admiring all the food on the table... Each picture showcasing more and more of the merman’s charm.   And all he could do was hide away in his office out of shame.
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Maybe MC has see some movies after arriving to the Wonderland, isn’t Vil’s father an actor too? What if he starred in some of those movies?!
Imagine all the stories he can tell about the whole recording period and the behind the scene tricks!
Perhaps both Schoenheits have inside jokes about their line of work, and they let MC in on them!
“Say, are you not interested in becoming the face of a new beauty product? It’s from a partner company, and they’re searching for new talent. You have a certain charm to you, a beauty that many can identify with.” The man offered, taking out a spare free sample of some lip/cheek tint.
Vil took a look at the product, “Oh, they came out with new things already?”
“And they followed your advice to heart, their new formula seems to be all natural and friendly with different skin types and tones.”
Both actors looked at you, “What say you, [Name]?”
“I can hook you up with an interview.” Stated the older man.
“And I can train you.” Vil quickly added.
-- --
“G-Grangran, Pops! W-What are you doing here? Isn’t it... peak apple season?” The lilac haired boy was startled at seeing his family.
Granny quickened her pace to go to her grandson, “Oh, shush, little apple! Here, I brought you some homemade apple pie to share with friends.” She looked back at MC as they and her husband came to stand by her. 
“Epel, dear,” Her wrinkled hands came to take one of his and one of MC’s, “Your friend here guided us to you. They’re so kind, a wonderful candidate for spouse, right Honey?” She teased, looking at Epel’s grandad while they shared a laugh at how the young boy was blushing profusely at the comment (and at MC’s cute nervous smile from the slight embarrassment they felt after Grangran’s words)
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Honest question: Which of us ISN’T daydreaming about Sebek’s parents? jkdskdsdf (his mom’s a MILF 100%)
“SON!” A firm yell startled both 1st years. “Headmaster Crowley notified us about a Family Day going on in your school, we were allowed to drop by today to greet you and meet your friends!” A tall lady with long, messy green hair approached them.
“Mother!” A bright smile graced Sebek’s lips, turning around to engulf his mother in a hug. “Father!” He shook the man’s hand firmly. “It’s an honor to have you here! Would you like to visit the novel Diasomnia dorm of which I’m part of and is led by out Lord Malleus?”
It was the human man who peeked over his son’s form who noticed them, “Oh, hello there! You must be one of Sebek’s friends, I presume?”
The mature woman promptly pushed past her son, taking a gander at the human who was with him. She remained silent, eyes shifting from MC to Sebek, so on and so forth... until...
A proud smile brightened her face, “Ah, my little Crocodile is following along Mama’s path~💕” While her son and husband let out a surprised babble of words at her insinuation.
-- --
Malleus’ Grandmother... A figure that has everyone bowing with her mere presence in a room
“Grandmother, this is a very important person I want you to meet.” It was strange of Malleus to be this eager, let alone about someone. 
The Queen (she’s the current queen of VoT right? aaa) walked along her grandson, holding onto his arm as he led the way to a... rundown building?
“Ah! Tsunotarou, hello!” A human greeted them. “O-Oh!” They bowed hurriedly at the regal presence that accompanied their friend today. “P-leasure to meet you, your Highness.”
A look of utter surprise crossed her face, “Malleus..! A.. human?!” The tense atmosphere made MC straighten up and nervously look at the fae in front of them. “And that nickname?! Young one, do you know who you are speaking to?!” Anger flashed in her eyes as she addressed MC.
“Yes, they do.” The crown prince stepped in, shielding MC behind him, “And I allow them to use that nickname... After all, fae can’t lend their name, or can we?” She remained on defense, giving her grandson’s friend a disparaging look. 
"They were lost, and so was I... Along the way, we found each other. This is a friendship I treasure with all my being, and you have been a very important figure through my life... Would you give them a chance?” He tried to bargain.
The Queen kept her stance, looking at the human, who smiled uncertainly and waved at her. Strangely, she felt no threat coming from them, only warmth, a feeling of being welcomed. Her heart was filled with that warmth for a moment.
Clearing her throat, she relaxed. “Very well, only for you, Malleus... So, who must your friend be?”
-- --
“Say, do you remember when you took a bite out of my decorative soaps thinking they were jellies? You looked like a rabid dog with all the foam!” The woman openly chuckled, much to her son’s chagrin.
“And that one time you came running and crying to your brother’s arms after a beetle ‘launched and attacked you’ as it flew to your face? You became scared of them for a whole year!” MC laughed along with her.
“Oh, please, tell me more! I’m delighted to know more about Ace’s childhood from you, Mrs. Trappola, since he seldom talks about it himself.” They looked at Ace with a mocking smile, enjoying hos his mother openly provided such wonderful blackmail material.
-- --
Kalim is SO EXCITED to present you to his parents! Look, mom, dad! I made another friend aside from Jamil! :DDD
The bright ray of sunshine bounded up to MC, with an equally as bright couple behind him. “[Name], [Name]! Come here! I want you to meet my parents!” Kalim took their hand and quickly dragged them over to where his parents were.
“Mom, dad! This is [Name]! They arrived at NRC unexpectedly, but I very much enjoy their presence and companionship!” That toothy grin so characteristic of him found his way on his lips.
MC bowed slightly in greeting. “A pleasure to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Asim!”
The older couple shared a look before coming up to MC, with the man shaking their hand and the woman pinching their cheek. “Hello there, young one! Kalim seems to be very fond of you! Say, would you mind joining the family? I’m certain Kalim approves!” His father hurriedly spoke.
“H-Huh?! What?!” MC could only accept their coddling and affection as they blushed and looked at their white haired friend for help... But he was busy blushing himself~
-- --
Leona is NOT AT ALL happy to have his family visit him in the ONE PLACE where he’s away from them
"Leona-ojitan! [Nickname]!" The little bundle of joy sprinted the pair's way, eliciting a groan from the 3rd year.
"Not that brat again." Leona rubbed his temple.
MC giggled, "C'mon, Cheka isn't that bad! I can take care of him."
"Brother!" Now, that certainly startled MC... Because not only was the exclaimed name all there was, no no, a redheaded lion beastman wrapped his arms around Leona's torso from behind and lifted him some centimeters off the ground. "Long time no see, Leona! Isn't it wonderful that your school's holding a Family Day?! As soon as we got word of it, we came to visit!"
"Fareena... Put. Me. DOWN." Savanaclaw's dorm head growled. Thankfully, the overexcitable man followed through, laughing at his brother's antics.
"[Nickname], can you see how much I've grown since last time! I'm half a centimeter taller!" Cheka giggled as he climbed up MC's leg, ultimately reaching his goal to be carried by them.
"A-Ah, that's wonderful!" They laughed awkwardly at the kid.
The cub was removed from their person by someone. "Apologies, dear, Cheka can be a handful sometimes." A lioness woman smiled gently at you. "Tell them you're sorry, Cheka. You know better than to use people as jungle gyms."
The boy became crestfallen, ears flattening as he fumbled with his fingers. "Sowwy, Mx. [Name], I shouldn't have done that."
MC chuckled a bit. "Apology accepted."
"So you must be this mystery person Cheka rambled about after spectating the Magift tournament." An older woman approached, pinching the child's cheek.
"Yes yes, gramma! [Nickname] played with me when I visited ojitan! They're my other favorite friend here at NRC, they took great care of me!"
At that, both lionesses perked up. Even Fareena approached the circle after his boy spoke so fondly of MC right now.
"Oh, I see~" The younger of the two ladies giggled, accompanied by Fareena's loud laughter.
Leona had a look of utter terror at what was going to be said next. Eyes wide, ears flat, he looked ready to run away from the scene at a moment's notice.
Who they assumed to be Leona's mother approached MC, placing a hand on their shoulder. "A natural ability with kids... Son!" She looked at leona now, who flinched at her call, "I see you've chosen a great mate!"
As MC and Leona were taken into a family hug, they only remained stunned as the words completely registered in their minds.
-- --
Oh, I absolutely agree with that!! The atmosphere with Riddle's mother and Jamil's parents will be HELLA TENSE
If anything, I feel MC would potentially get along with Jamil's younger sister, enjoying the friendly banter they have as siblings. But even more so, liking how Jamil shows he cares and how he genuinely smiles while his sister is with him.
I feel she'd also tell him in private:
"So~, that friend of yours..."
Jamil only raised an eyebrow at her words, leading her to sigh, "[Name]! The magicless prefect!"
"Uh-huh, what about them?" The boy inquired, wanting to hear her say it earnestly and not go the "you know what I'm talking about" way.
"Yeah... I think they're pretty cool..." Jamil smiled slightly. "Oh, what's that~? I knew you seemed way too close!" She chuckled after noticing the tiniest change in his expression.
The brunet ruffled her hair, "Nothing, it's nothing at all..."
"Say the one with a lovestruck face!"
-- --
Not to mention Jack's little siblings, and Trey's too! Cater's older sisters!
Hope you enjoy! Visit the askbox once more whenever you like, Anon ❤️!!!
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Can you write about Benn Beckman, Izou and Marco getting the news that their Y/N will be getting married to another guy?
Sometimes I think these guys rejected her just because of the age difference, but I don't know how they would deal with her actually walking away after so much insisting.
Plz 👉👈
Hey Strawberry love <3 OMG of course I can do this one. I' not crying as I'm writing this (a little bit i am). I did something similar to this but it was for crocodile i will link it right here if you would like to read it! i hope you enjoy!
Benn Beckman, Izou and Marco react to reader getting married to someone else.
Benn Beckman
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-He overheard some of the crew talking about her. Curiosity as he asked what was going on. When he heard the news you were getting married he a rather surprised.
- He knew she swooned over him for a really long time. It was rather to cute to him to see this girl in her 20's fawning over him. She was always around him close. Always wanting to talk to him. Secretly liking this form of attention thinking it was just a crush she developed.
-Things taking a twist as she confessed she actually loved him. He was taken back then he started to question himself why would she be interested in this older guy when there are guys her own age that would kill for a girl like her.
- "Benn I know what love is I'm not young I understand my feelings." she said. He could clearly remember that conversation they both had. Benn didn't want her to waste her life with him in his mind he could see the flaws with the age gap and he didn't want her to get too attach to him if it didn't work out . In his mind he was doing her a favor.
-The crew watching from the distances the ceremony taking place. Benn couldn't bring himself to see her in her wedding dress. If he would have seen her in his mind he would actually take her away. Hearing the cheering and clapping. It was best for him not to see her, maybe those feeling he had for her was best not to show up again.
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-"What's with all this talk that ______ getting married now?" Izou asked hearing ______ name more often with the word marry with it.
-the crew showing him the invite picking it up seeing her name on it with another guys name on it . Cocking his brow just a bit. It was in a bit of shocking to him. "she is getting married."
-Being one of his subordinates he had to be a bit more serious but you both did develop a bit of a bond. The way her finger cleaning his lip line if his lipstick was running. He knew right away if something was wrong with you. This triggered him to remember the night you both shared together.
-"Stop calling me young. Stop treating me like a little girl. I'm a woman cant you see that?" the hurt tone in her voice. "What I feel for you is real why can't you understand that." that day she ended up staying on the island they were docked at not coming back on the ship.
-A part of him was envious of this new guy who swept you off your feet. He was the one giving you the time and day. What really blew his mind it was someone right around the same age as him. It was bothering him a bit more. He wanted to talk to her and see if she was making the right choice. Whitebeard would get letters from her, she would write him she seemed over joyed being with this man.
-When Izou would read the letters he was taken back. If he were to change the past and have things go differently for them both he would. He wouldn't have let her go. The things that often ponder in his mind were memories of that night and him holding her in his arms.
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-Marco leaning against rail looking at the water hearing the news that ______ was settling down. "I didn't expect that at all yoi." he said out loud to himself
-He could still hear her laugh coming from down the hall. Even going to his office he expected her to pop in ever so often to see how he was going. Marco couldn't deny she was attractive. But someone interested in him for her age? She being in her 20's and a man in his 40's he felt off about it.
-"Let people think what they want to think. The only opinions that matter is ours not anyone else's." you could hear the sadden tone coming from her. Marco didn't run after her just the comment alone stopped him in his tracks. When he gathered his thoughts together asked where she went Whitebeard told him its best to leave it as is.
-Snapping out of his own thoughts he reached into his pocket to find the small pin she always had in her hair. It couldn't bare to part with it this was the little piece of her he had left.
-some of the crew attending the wedding he just stood on the ship. What if she still care would she leave him? Would she be mad if he were to attend? How would he react himself seeing here after a few years of not seeing her. In his mind the thought "what if" pestering at him if he went for her that day.
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And now we’re four.
summary: a family of three becomes a family of four.
word count: 2.9k
Based on these requests:
“i love my little shy boy, it's so cute!! what do you think about artemis getting a little sibling? like maybe one of his friends is getting one and he asks y/n and harry if he can have one too? or maybe y/n and harry are actually trying for a baby? the thought of artemis with a little baby sibling is killing me omg”
“I absolutely love your shy!boy series! Harry, Artemis, and Y/N are just so damn adorable together. I was wondering how all three would handle if (Y/N) was pregnant?”
“Hii ! I’m in love with your shy little boy series !!!! I was wondering if maybe you could write something about Y/N being pregnant, and Harry being over the top obsessed with her pregnancy/ the little bub and how Artemis would react?🥺👉🏼👈🏼”
“Hello! I’m absolutely obsessed with the My Shy Little Boy series! Can we get a blurb about Artemis calling Harry, on Y/N’s phone, in the middle of the night because he’s scared?”
“Can you do one where Artemis is curious as to why one of his classmate's mum has a bump on her tummy and when he finds out why he keeps asking for a little sis/bro🥺”
a/n: i’ve got many request to expand this little family so i thought i’d give it a go! Sorry for taking so long!
you can find more of my shy little boy here
*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *:・゚✧ ✧゚・:*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *:・゚✧ ✧゚・:
February, 2020.
Ever since signing those papers, no one could wipe off the smile in Harry’s face. The endless amount of love he had for his family only seemed to multiply. Despite how sad he felt after he couldn’t give the concert the night before his birthday, he still spent the best day with the love of his life and his son.
Unfortunately, that was the calm before the storm. The following weeks Harry would be very busy doing promo for the album. He had some interviews and shows between Los Angeles, Washington and the last stop would be New York.
Y/N and Artemis had to go back to London when their long weekend was over, to return to their normal routines. Although at first the little boy tried to throw a fuss, Harry was quick to promise it would only be for a short time and he’d call every single night before he went to bed so Artemis could talk to him about his day.
It was always the same with them, Artemis had this strong attachment to Harry, one that he devolved as soon as he started trusting him more. Not that Harry would ever complain, the feeling was mutual honestly. The two of them were inseparable, Artemis wanted to do whatever Harry was doing all the time and the latest loved every single second of it.
One year into their relationship, Harry started buying matching outfits for him and Artemis, claiming he wanted them to match at all times. It was the cutest thing for those who get the chance to watch it.
“Promise you’ll call every night?” Artemis asked Harry, who was crunched down at his eye level. He had big, crocodile tears rolling down. Harry’s heart broke as he pulled his little boy for another hug, squeezing him tight to his chest.
“I promise, monkey” After one last squeeze, he let go of Artemis and went back on his feet. “Please call me as soon as you land” He now told Y/N before embracing her.
“I will. I love you so much” She said before closing the short distance between her lips and his. Harry hummed into the kiss, memorizing this exact moments so the following weeks won’t be so hard to live. “Have a safe flight”
“You too, baby” He pecked her lips one more time before looking down at his son. “You gonna take care of mummy for me, champ?”
Artemis nodded while whipping his tears and taking a deep breath. A voice called their flight and that was their call to leave. Harry would be flying to Los Angeles later that day so he needed to get going too.
He looked at his family one last time and sighed, already missing them. It will definitely be hard, but he was confident they’ll pull through.
*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *:・゚✧ ✧゚・:
Harry woke up in the middle of the night because his phone wouldn’t stop ringing. He groaned before sticking one arm out of under his pillow and started to look for it. When he found it, he groaned even louder when he saw what time it was.
Without even looking at the ID, he answered the phone. His voice was deeper than usual and he was still half asleep but he managed to mumble ‘what’ to the other line.
“Daddy?” a shaky voice in the other end of the line answered him, making Harry jump out of the bed, immediately alarmed by the tone of his son’s voice.
“Hey, bud. What are you doing awake? Where’s mummy?”
“Daddy, I’m scared”
“Everything’s okay, baby. Tell me where you are”
“In yours and mummy’s bedroom” he mumbled.
“And where is mummy?”
“In the bathroom” he paused to take a deep breath. “I asked the voice in mummy’s phone to call you” Harry and Y/N had been teaching Artemis how to call them during an emergency using Siri.
“It’s okay, sweets. Can you tell me why are you afraid?” Harry was really hoping Artemis just had a nightmare or something, because he already felt powerless being miles away from them.
“I couldn’t sleep so I wanted to ask mum if I could sleep with her but when I entered the room she wasn’t there” He paused to breathe. “She’s throwing up in the bathroom, daddy. What do I do?”
In Artemis’ little six year old mind, he was responsible for his mum because Harry told him to take care of her. Before Harry could respond he heard how a door was opened and Y/N’s voice at the other end of the line.
Harry waited until Y/N had her phone back to talk again. “Hey, I’m sorry he woke you up” She said.
“He told me you were throwing up, are you okay?” Now he was worried for her.
“Yeah, I’m fine. I think I caught a stomach bug” She sighed. Y/N was now laying on her side of the bed while Artemis was cuddled to her side. “But I’m okay now”
“You sure?” Harry passed a hand through his face, rubbing the sleep off.
“Positive” She hummed. “When are you back?”
“Just two more weeks, baby. Please tell me if you’re still feeling bad tomorrow”
“I will. I bet it’ll be gone by tomorrow” She covered a yawn with the back of her hand.
“Would you put me on speaker? Wanna say goodnight to the lad” She did what Harry said and moved the phone closer to Artemis so he could hear clearly.
“Hey, monkey. Will you get some rest now?” Artemis hummed a yes. “I’m counting down the days to see you, kiddo”
“Me too, daddy”
“Good night, baby. I love you”
“I love you more” He yawned, cuddling even closer to Y/N. He was much more relaxed now that his mummy was okay.
“And I love you, Y/N”
“I love you, H. Sorry for waking you up again”
“No, please. Wake me up anytime, lover”
*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *:・゚✧ ✧゚・:
March, 2020.
Y/N’s stomach bug hasn’t gotten any better. She kept throwing up every day, so Harry decided to change his flight and come home earlier than planned. He was supposed to go to Los Angeles for another week, but it was mostly to visit some people while he was still in the States so he figured he could do that other time.  
He was waiting for his flight to be called, bouncing his leg anxiously. He couldn’t wait to go back home and do absolutely nothing but spend time with his family until it was time to go on tour.
His phone started ringing so he grabbed it from the pocket of his jacked and smiled when he saw his mum was calling him.
“Hi, mum” He said cheerily.
“Hi, darling. How are you?”
“I’m good, waiting in the airport for my plane”
“I thought you would stay there until next week?”
“Y/N isn’t feeling great so I’m flying early” He shrugged. Taking the decision to change his flights wasn’t a hard one, his girlfriend was sick and it was his job to take care of both her and his son.
Anne smiled even though Harry wouldn’t be able to see her. “That’s nice. I’ll give her a call to see if she needs something”
“Thanks mum. I’m sure she’d appreciate that”
They kept talking for a little more, catching up. He was looking forward spending more time with his mum once he was back. “Harry” Anne called him.
“When are you gonna pop the question, son?”
“What question?” He asked, accent thicker.
“You know which one” He could feel his mum rolling her eyes. “When are you gonna ask Y/N to marry you?!”
“I won’t discuss this over the phone, mother” he chuckled. “Besides, I just made you a grandma recently, woman. Give me a break” Harry joked, making her laugh.
“I’m sorry! All I’m saying is you already have a son together, why not tight the knot?” she paused, dramatically sighing. “I’m getting old and I’d appreciate to watch my children get married”
He rolled his eyes. “One, you’re not old so stop that. And two, you have other child” A voice called Harry’s flight. “I gotta go, mum. I’ll call you when I land”
“Please do. I love you, honey”
“I love you more”
A long trip was waiting for him so he got comfortable on his seat after sending a quick text to Y/N. He’d be landing before lunch, meaning he would be able to pick Artemis up from school. He closed his eyes, hoping to take a quick nap during the flight.
*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *:・゚✧ ✧゚・:
Harry landed one hour before Artemis was supposed to get out from school, so the car he called drove him directly home. He thanked the driver and got his stuff out of the car, when he crossed the gates of the house, he saw Y/N’s car parked.
Y/N had told him she called in sick again because the headache she had in the morning was too strong that one of her mothers had to take Artemis to school. He was starting to get worried, thinking it could be something else and not just a stomach bug.
Opening the door, he called for his girlfriend but got no answer so he walked right upstairs to the master bedroom where she found her curled up in the middle of the bed.
“Hi, baby” He cooed, soothing her out of her sleep by caressing her cheek. Her eyes flutter open and a smile appear on her face when she saw him knelt down beside her, inches away from her face. “How are you feeling?”
“A little better. Gemma was here earlier actually, she brought me soup”
“That’s nice” He smiled softly. “I’ll go pick Artemis up, okay? Then we’ll go to the doctor”
“The doctor? Why?” she said, supporting her weight on one of her elbows.
“To check up on you. Perhaps isn’t a stomach bug” he shrugged, sitting on the empty space of the bed.
She wanted to protest, but she knew Harry would insist until she said yes so she nodded, flashing a little smile at him. “Okay, we’ll go”
He leaned to kiss her forehead, pleased with her answer. He looked at the clock in the wall and sighed. He should leave now to make it on time to Artemis’ school. “I’ll go for the monkey, okay?”
Y/N cuddled back in bed, sighing happily because Harry was finally back home. Her boyfriend smiled at seeing her getting cozy as he stood up from the bed. Harry went back downstairs and out to his car to drive to Artemis’ school.
Walking inside of the building, Harry greeted a couple of parents he knew. When he reached Artemis’ classroom, his smile grew bigger at the sight of his boy chatting with a little girl who was sitting next to him.
Artemis looked up and his eyes lighted up when he saw Harry. “Daddy” He stood from the little chair and ran towards him. “Daddy, you’re here!”
“Hey, monkey” Harry caught him in his arms. “I missed you. Are you ready to go?” His son nodded excitedly. “Go pick your backpack up” When he went back on his feet he recognized someone entering the classroom. “Cece?”
“Harry? Hi?” The blonde, pregnant woman smiled at him. “How are you?”
“I’m great, how are you? When’s the baby arriving?”
“Two months or so, we’re very excited”
“Well, congratulations. Hope it goes well”
“Thank you. Worst has already happened anyway, morning sickness was a bitch” She laughed. Harry chuckled too, something clicked on his brain, a small possibility crossing through his mind.
Could Y/N be…?
“Daddy, let’s go!” Artemis came running back.
“I’ll expect you and Y/N for the baby shower” Cece said.
“Of course. Take care, okay?” Harry smiled one last time before taking his son’s hand to walk out of the classroom.
“Daddy, what happened to Ximena’s mum?”
“What do you mean, mate? She’s pregnant”
“She’s gonna have a baby. Ximena will be a big sister”
“How does it work?” he asked confused. “She looks… different”
They reached Harry’s car and Artemis let his dad pick him up to put him in the car seat. “Well, is because there’s a baby growing inside of her tummy”
Artemis let out a little ‘ohh’, processing the information his daddy had just told him. “So Ximena will get a sister or a brother?”
“I didn’t ask Cece, baby” Harry went in the driver’s seat and started the car, driving away. “But either of them will be perfect”
“Can I get one?” He suddenly asked, kicking his legs back and forth.
“One what?” He already knew the answer but he wanted Artemis to say it anyway.
“A brother or a sister. I’d like one, please”
Harry breathed a laugh at his boy’s politeness. “Is not that easy mate. Takes a while”
Artemis didn’t say anything for the rest of the ride, singing along to the songs on the radio. Harry kept thinking about the possibility of Y/N being pregnant herself. It would make sense to him, all the mornings she’s been waking up to throw up, how she said to him over the phone that her nose was very sensitive lately, how her boobs kind of hurt all the time and lastly, one that Harry didn’t want to mention, how she’s been gaining a little weight.
They passed through a drugstore and Harry made an impulsive decision to stop there. “Are we home?”
“Not yet. I need to grab something real quick, let’s go”
They went inside and Harry grabbed a couple of pregnancy tests of one of the shelves. “What are those for?” Artemis asked.
“Nothing, baby. Let’s go” After he paid, they walked back to the car to continue their drive home.
The arrived and Harry sent him to clean up so he could go with Y/N. When he entered the room Y/N was exiting the bathroom. “You threw up again?” He asked, setting the plastic bag on the bed.
“No, I just wanted to pee” She smiled. “Where’s my baby?”
“Washing up” He smiled back. “So, I saw Cece today”
“Really? How is she?”
“She looks great. She also said she wants us on her baby shower, by the way” She hummed. “She mentioned how at the beginning of her pregnancy she had terrible morning sickness”
“Where is this going?” She asked confused. She sat on the bed and saw the bag. “Harry…”
“Look, it’s a possibility”
“I’m not pregnant” She assured him.
“Just take the tests, please. If it’s negative, then it’s negative”
“What if it’s positive?”
“Then we’ll figure it out” He took her hands. “Please”
She sighed. “I already know this will be negative” Y/N rolled her eyes but took the bag anyways. “And I just peed, fuck” Harry chuckled, shaking his head. “Go check on Artemis while I take these”
Harry nodded and walked out of the room and to his son’s bedroom. He found him sitting on the floor with a picture book in his hands. “Daddy, I’m hungry”
“Let’s get you some lunch then, kiddo”
They went down and Harry let Artemis help in the kitchen, he was fixing something quick for lunch while waiting anxiously for Y/N to finish taking the tests.
“Harry?!” He heard from the top of the stairs.
“In a minute!” He exclaimed back. “Wait in the living room for us, mate. Turn on the telly, we won’t take long” Artemis nodded, walking towards the bedroom and doing what his daddy told him.
Harry ran upstairs to where Y/N was. “Have you look at them?”
“No, not yet” she sighed. “You do it”
“One line means negative, two lines mean you’re pregnant” He repeated the sentence over and over again. He closed his eyes for a second before letting out the air he was retaining.
He gasped when he opened his eyes and saw it.
Two lines.
With tearful eyes he took another test and saw the same result so he took the third one and smiled when he saw every single one of them had the same result. He looked at Y/N, no words needed.
“We’re having a baby” He said as he let tears roll down his eyes.
Y/N smiled before tears formed in her eyes as well. They were having a baby. She was going to be a mother again. Unconsciously, her hands travelled to her stomach. “Well, it wasn’t a stomach bug, wasn’t it?”
They both laughed through the tears as Harry took her in her arms, careful to not squeeze her too tight.
Harry’s heart was about to explode for the amount of love he was feeling right now. There was an actual baby growing inside of Y/N. He bowed to himself he’d be at all times for her, he won’t leave her side for any reason. He wanted to live the whole process. He could already imagine himself with his future newborn in his arms, so delicate and pure.
His heart and soul belonged to his family. But it wasn’t divided in two anymore. Because they weren’t three anymore. And that couldn’t be more exciting.  
@myfavfanficsever @odetostep @la-cey @cock-a-doodely-doo @awkwardbullfrog @mellamolayla @moorgannn @bagtan-serendipity @awesomebooklover17 @finelineribs @sunnybusiness @beanholland @sweetenerstyle @cronias13 @vhsharry @maisley @seasidecrowbar @stylesfics-xx @autumnpauley20 @fineline-hs1
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wickfursfanfics · 3 years
DCMKEmogust2021 - 05/08
My entry for DCMKEmogust 2021 - Thursday 05/08
My prompt Inspirations for this one:
Word 1 - Discover Dialog 1 - “Please marry me” Dialog 2 - “You can’t stay here” Song 1 - They’re home! By hanz Zimmer, Steve mazzaro Intended Genre: Humor I guess and fluff
Rating: General with slight Teen and up
Starring: Kaito, Shinichi and his eccentric parents. It's a KaiShin btw.
It was a quiet and tranquil day in the Kudo mansion. Shinichi had no cases to tend to and no extra university work to finish. It was a rare day to just relax and take it easy. He had sat down with his favorite Holmes book and a cup of coffee in his favorite armchair. The pages flipping and the quiet ticking of the clock was the only sound in the whole library and that was exactly how he wanted it. He picks up the cup of coffee into his palms and inhales the aromatic scent, it wafted over his senses making him sigh content. Everything was perfect.
He takes a long slow sip of the coffee letting it gently smooth over his taste buds. Pure bliss. It didn’t last long.
He could hear the moment the tranquility shattered in the form of the rattling of keys and the slamming of the front door. He blinked and froze with the cup at his lips. The unexpected sound making him just stare uncomprehendingly at the opposite wall. He wasn’t expecting anyone, maybe KID if he was so inclined. But no one who had access to his house keys.
“Shinichi! We are home!” He spilled the coffee all over his shirt at the familiar voice calling him from the foyer.
Oh no. Oh no no no no. His parents are home. No please not now, not today. Just give him one day to relax in peace and quiet. Was that too much to ask for?
He rushed out of the library and out into the hall to see his parents putting down their luggage. His mother was hanging up her coat when she spotted him, her face lighting up as she saw her son. His father just nodded to him in greeting. “Shin-chan~” his mother singsonged happily.
“Hey- mom and dad… you’re home... early” he smiled awkwardly at them. 
His mother walked up to him with open arms and incased him in a bone-crushing hug. “I’ve missed you so much!” she cried dramatically. “Look how big you have gotten!” He looked to his dad for help. His father just smiled, the traitor. 
When his mother finally let go, she frowned at his shirt. "Why do you have coffee all over your shirt?" She asked slowly. She begins patting her own shirt for dampness. Shinichi shrugged his shoulders "I was a bit careless…" he lied before asking “Why are you here? You could have called in advance... and warned me” he says with a bit of a strained smile on his face.
His mother pouted childishly “Do we need a reason to come visit our favorite son?” Shinichi's brow twitched “I’m your only son last time I checked” at least as far as he knew. His mother just grins at his grumpiness.
"Now now Shinichi, this is our house too" his father pointed out. Which was true of course, but so not the point.
"You certainly don't act like it. You never visit and when you do, it's always out of the blue" he grouses. 
Always, they don't contact him for months on end and suddenly they just show up out of nowhere and expect him to be happy about it. He didn't mind it all that much when he was younger. But as he grew older, the more he realized how little his parents actually checked up on him. It took KID to point it out to him though.
“Mou, why are you being so stingy?” his mother wails with a pout, like she was a 5 year old kid and not a woman in her late 30s. Shinichi ignores her antics with the grace of someone accustomed to it and coughs awkwardly
“So, how long will you be staying?” he asks casually. He wanted to be alone again as soon as possible.
His mother juts out her bottom lip with an expression of 'sad mother', but it was all crocodile tears.
“Please Shin-chan, we just got here. Can’t you be kinder to your parents?” she couldn't make him sad for her with that act, he was immune by now. She looks to his father with big tear-filled eyes "Yusaku~" she sniffs. Though his father wasn't immune unfortunately.
“Your mother is right you know” he says after giving in. He knew full well she was acting but gave in nonetheless.
"But to answer your question son, we will be staying for 3 weeks" he says.
3 whole weeks?… he was going to go insane.
Suddenly out of nowhere his mother gasps “Are you hiding something you don’t want us to see?” she giggles. Her expression doing a 180. "You know your mother has already seen everything, there is nothing to hide." 
Shinichi splutters, unable to hide his embarrassment “Omg mom no, there is nothing like that” he vehemently denies. He couldn't very well tell them he was dating Kaitou KID after all, or about all they do.
His mother narrows her eyes in suspicion at his claims. “Oh really? Nothing at all?" She says, incredibly suspicious.
Shinichi can feel himself sweating "Nope" he says a bit too quickly.
Before his mother can strap him down in a chair to interrogate him or something along those lines. His father interrupts them with
“Why don’t you go make us some tea while we go pack up?” his father suggests, ever the diplomat in their family. But only when it suits him.
Shinichi sighs but agrees easily enough. As long as he could be alone with his thoughts for a few moments.
While his parents drag up their luggage to their room, Shinichi goes into the kitchen to start brewing some tea. While he waits for the water to boil he looks longingly at his coffee maker. Maybe he should make himself a cup… or a pot. He would need it.
He starts the coffee maker and lets his mind wander as the grind slowly becomes the lovely brew he loves. How was he going to survive them staying here for 3 whole weeks? He would go insane in the first 3 days. 
Maybe he could plan out a few trips for his parents to make them stay out of the house as much as possible. The hot springs could work well enough, or a museum. The only thing is that they would drag him with them, which wasn't ideal… How was he going to survive this!?
He mutters plans to himself for several minutes. He is so distracted he doesn't notice the new person in the room that sneakily approaches him.
He gets snapped out of his planning when a kiss meets his cheek. A smooth whisper in his ear "Hello Shinichi" The detective automatically put a hand into the soft locks and dragged him back for another kiss, this time on his lips. "Hello KID, fancy meeting you here" he says. He gets a soft grin for his troubles.
The magician looks down at his shirt and frowns at the coffee stain "What happened here?" He asks even as he quick-switches him into a new fresh shirt. Shinichi smiles as he feels some of his tension slipping away. "Just a bit of a spill. Thank you"
"Any time" is his fond reply.
Shinichi can't help but tease "Are you here to steal my heart away?" a bit playfully.
KID smirks at his antics "No, but that can be arranged"
He then surprised the detective by going down on one knee. He can feel his brain spluttering and restarting several times as KID poofs out a small box into his hands.
He looks up at him with so much love that it melts Shinichi's heart. "Will you marry me?" He asks while opening the box. His gaze was hopeful and sweet, oh so sweet. Shinichi's heart does little jaunty jumps in his chest. He would love to.
The moment breaks as Shinichi suddenly remembers they aren't alone in the house. "Oh no" he utters a bit panicked, missing KID's hurt expression. He starts to push at him to leave "You have to leave right now, you can't stay here" the magician's expression turns even sadder. This time he noticed.
"Oh no, KID, not because of that. They will see you" he tries to explain. His expression changed from sad to confused. "They?" He asked. 
It was too late. His mother was already in the doorway. Her smile turning up several watts.
"Iiiiiih!" His mother exclaimed in an incoherent happy noise. "My little Shin-chan is getting married!"
Shinichi groans and hides his increasingly red face on KID's shoulder. The magician just looked stunned and super confused at the lady nearly jumping in happiness. "Is that your mother…?" He asks slowly.
"Yes unfortunately" is all he could say.
"Yusaku look, look!" She exclaimed as her husband joined her in the doorway. "Shin-chan is getting married!" His father takes in the scene of Kaitou KID and his son standing very close in his kitchen and feels his mind go blank. What.
Shinichi gets annoyed at their gawking "Mom, dad. A little privacy please"
His mother just continues right over him "You are dating KID and you didn't tell us?" She says dramatically "And now you are getting married, why don't a mother get to know these things?" 
Shinichi can feel his brow twitch "Well, you never call, so it's a bit hard to keep you updated" she ignores his grumpy reply. "I'm so happy, my little boy is getting married! Go on and tell him your answer!"
KID unsticks his tongue "uuuh, should I just, you know. Leave?" Shinichi puts up his hands and motions for him to stay "no, please stay"
His mother continues to watch them and he sighs at the fact his mother can't take a hint and leave them alone on her own. "If you could you know, leave us some privacy that would be great" he tries. His father finally seems to snap out of it and drags his wife away. He gives him an awkward thumbs up and a "good luck son" before they retreat into the living room. A bit too easily if you asked him, but there were more important matters.
He turned back to his confused lover with a sigh of relief and gave him a disarming smile. "Hey" he tries. KID just continues to stare off into the living room and back to him before he again asks "Should I just… go?"
Shinichi panicked slightly, he hasn't told him his answer yet. He couldn't quite manage to gather his thoughts though. So all his words just tumbled out in a mess. "Yes…. NO! I mean that yes, I’ll marry you”
KID's expression slowly lit up into a happy smile. He picked the detective up and twirled them around until his cape flowed around them dramatically. He then let him go and stepped back to quick-change. After a small amount of smoke dissipated there stood a young man in a fancy suit holding out a few blue roses in an artful bouquet.
"Kuroba Kaito" he started. Shinichi could feel his heart hammering in his chest at the reveal of his name. "Magician extraordinaire and university student at your service~" Shinichi smiled and took the flowers, before going in for a soft hug. They touched their foreheads togeter snd looked into each other's eyes, exchanging "I love you" as they did.
He suddenly hears his father splutter and yell from the living room "Wait, you didn't even know his name and you agreed to marry him!?" In a very unusual display of emotion. That wasn't like him at all. But more importantly, how did he hear them.
His mother giggles "Oh Yu-chan, stop being so dramatic. It's romantic" his father does a strange noise between a dog whine and a cat's fighting yell. "That isn't the appropriate order" he complains. How unusual.
He glances to the wall suspiciously and sees the little device sitting on the door jamb. Shinichi huffs, "Mom, dad. Didn't we agree on privacy?" He calls over to them.
His parents looked out of the room next door "We did give you privacy" his mother says innocently.
Shinichi pointedly holds up the camera they had put down to watch them on the living room TV "I wouldn't call this privacy!" He scolds. Why are they always so-
"But we left the room Shin-chan" hos mother says in defence, like that would make any difference whatsoever.
"Your mother has a point" his father agrees, finally back to his normal senses. But again why do they do this.
Shinichi massages the bridge of his nose "That is so not the point!" He yells. "Seriously, why do you insist on doing these things?"
His mother comes out of the living room with her hands on her hips "Of course we want to see your precious moment"
"But that doesn't make it right to spy on us" he growls.
"But Shin-chan~" she whines.
Kaito just hangs back and watches as the Kudo family bickers. What an unusual family dynamic they had. And his parents had been shocked, but adapted fairly quickly. He was just happy they seemed to accept it so easily. 
He watches as Shinichi becomes more and more agitated with his parents starting to poke and prod him about Kaito. He defends against their words like a professional defendant. 
He wanders forward and puts his chin on his shoulder and a hand at his hip. Shinichi just rolls with it and puts his own hand on Kaitos' hip. Melding into his side like he belonged there. He really loves his detective.
I am several days late but at least it's finally done! Hope you enjoyed it nonetheless.
Until next time //Wick 0v0
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the-daily-dreamer · 2 years
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I posted 1,070 times in 2021
11 posts created (1%)
1059 posts reblogged (99%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 96.3 posts.
I added 23 tags in 2021
#shifting - 4 posts
#shifting anon - 4 posts
#eah - 3 posts
#anon - 3 posts
#theredwolfisalesbian - 2 posts
#tag game - 2 posts
#tag games - 2 posts
#loki laufeyson - 1 posts
#loki 2021 - 1 posts
#gator loki - 1 posts
Longest Tag: 43 characters
#tho i am absolutely in love with daring lol
My Top Posts in 2021
Rules: we’re snooping on your playlist. put your entire music library on shuffle and list the first ten songs and then choose 10 victims!
tagged by the lovely @theredwolfisalesbian
Killer Queen by Queen
Stardust by Frank Sinatra and Tommy Dorsey
Put Your Head On My Shoulder by Paul Anka
Téir Abhaile ‘Riú by Celtic Woman
All the Way (I believe in Steve) by Jacksepticeye and the Gregory Brothers
Save Me by Saint Motel
Once Upon a Time by Perry Como
Leave the City by twenty one pilots
She’s Not You by Elvis Presley
Evermore by Dan Stevens from the live action remake of Beauty and the Beast
Anyways my music tastes are a mess and trash.
Tagging: @thecrazytrashcan666 @sherob7533 @buckysdollx @mostly-got @afriendlyneighborhoodspiderman @alczysz17 @angelofthelord57-blog @moonflower91 and I don’t have two other people so any followers feel free to jump in :)
5 notes • Posted 2021-04-19 17:06:58 GMT
Dappling is definitely one of my top ten ships. It’s such a clever ship that turns all the fairytale tropes on their heads.
I literally love Apple as a character and Darling is the perfect “Prince Charming” for her
6 notes • Posted 2021-07-13 20:14:25 GMT
Post nobody will see:
It’s an alligator not a crocodile. Gator Loki.
19 notes • Posted 2021-06-30 15:46:30 GMT
Ok. But like.
I just want Wanda to be happy.
She’s lost enough.
Now someone is gonna take her happily ever after away from her, and I am not ok with that.
Just let her live her self-insert, sitcom au fanfic with her robot husband and babies in peace.
26 notes • Posted 2021-02-05 22:11:15 GMT
Crazy to me how the “party of Law and Order” just stormed and broke into the Capitol building.
Crazy to me how the “blue lives matter” crowd just fought police officers and stood against them.
Crazy to me how the people who are against the vandalism of property by some protests broke into the Capitol building by smashing doors and windows.
Crazy to me that the people who are “defending democracy” just broke up the democratic process of counting and objecting to electoral votes.
Actually. It’s not crazy to me. Because the conservatives have always been like this, and today was just the perfect indication that they are hypocrites. They don’t care about democracy or police or law and order or any of the other things they proclaim they hold dear. They are domestic terrorists. This was an attempted coup and against everything that America stands for.
I am horrified and angered by these actions.
If you can excuse this then you do not love America. You love tyranny, hate, and power. This was weak. This was anti-American. This was terrorism.
349 notes • Posted 2021-01-06 21:54:12 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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softrozene · 4 years
Hello luv. I just came across your blog and I was wondering if you could do a one shot or headcannon for crocodile? Maybe something along the lines of someone kidnapping his wife or something. Feel free to make it as angsty as you want. Thank you and have a great day.
Ahhhh I actually had to do a double-take at who sent this because guess what? I’m actually a fan of yours lmao. Not too long ago I read your All Might Omegaverse story on ao3 and it was soooo good omg. Anyway, you asked for angst? I hope I delivered! I did a one-shot but it was on the shorter side so I also did bonus headcanons! Hope you enjoy it Lovely and stay safe out there!
Sir Crocodile x Wife!Reader
Warnings: Angst, so much angst, mentions of violence and injuries, I made the ending neutral meaning it can be bad or good depending on how you feel :’) The bonus headcanons may help ease any heartache
Words: 1650
Crocodile stares down at the piece of paper with that everlasting scowl on his face. The words on it fill him with rage but his eyes remain emotionless. The question now, is how should he go about this? Slowly, his hands twitch alongside the piece of paper before his eyes flicker up to Nico Robin.
“Well… What are your thoughts on this sudden problem, Miss All Sunday?” He questions.
Robin merely smiles at his tone. He is angry, very angry, and she for one knows better to keep any information on this subject to him. She speaks in a calculating tone, “Whoever sent this has been tracking you for a long time if they know you are in Alabasta. However, they do know that you are respected across the country but did not know of your ties to Baroque Works. That can only mean that they know you from your past if they followed your name here. They must have known her too if they were able to capture her so easily-“
“Do watch your choice of words when speaking about my wife. (Name), could not have been captured easily even if she did know her kidnapper. She would have put up a fight,” Crocodile growls out momentarily losing his cool.
Robin only hums before she continues. “It says a time, a date, and a number. There is no location. They may be sending another note soon then. I expect that to be when they wish to meet with you and money. Mr. 0 I advise you to be careful. If they are from the past and still holding a grudge who knows what has happened to her. You even went the whole mile to make sure she was a safe distance. Their anger probably holds no bounds so prepare for the wor-“
“You are dismissed,” Crocodile cuts her off.
He can’t even bear the thought of her saying prepare for the worst. Robin leaves immediately and he is stuck in his dark office observing the stupid paper that holds his precious wife’s fate. Your fate.
Crocodile will not admit it with his organization- But you are truly his whole heart. You are one of the reasons why he has not completely fallen and why he has made sure you were so far away from him, actually at a home where you can be happy and hopefully soon be a mother with his kids, and not on the run with a Warlord like him. He thought you would be safe without the target on his back from the enemies he has made over the years but this proves not to be true and now he realizes that your true place is really by his side where he can protect you in a moment’s notice.
He will be damned if anything happens to you.
You do not know how much longer you can hold out for. It feels like it has been years since this group of pathetic pirates seeking revenge took you from your home and lit your home on fire. All because they wanted to see Crocodile in pain. The note they sent with your handwriting on it as proof they have you was a lie.
They made you write the time, date, and a money amount after making you write how you have been kidnapped by these people. How they are just looking for money Crocodile owes them for once taking out their entire ship and ruining their dreams. It truly was pathetic because they plan on having you half-dead by the time the date is supposed to be here.
You have a feeling it is soon from how weak you are. They have starved you, dehydrated you, watched you bleed, painted your skin black and blue, all for the sake of seeing Crocodile upset. You have been married to the man since he was a rookie, so you know they are doing this in vain.
He will never give them emotion even if he is painfully feeling it. They will see the satisfaction of him being hurt but with your observant eyes and knowing his true self you will see it painfully clear.
“Oi, have a little bit more fun with her will ya? I’m going to send the location- Be prepared to move her when I get back,” The boss of the whole kidnapping states.
One of the burlier men started to make his way back to you and you wish desperately that you can beg or plea with them but… It did not work the first time and it only made the men angrier. His large hand comes across your face and the numbing you had felt a bit ago is gone. The pain is so much from the previous beating that you can’t help but to cry out.
They enjoy that and as the boss leaves- You fear that your time may be running out.
Crocodile sighs as he finally gets to the location- Some abandoned building in Alabasta, near Rainbase. Your kidnappers really did want to get him that they hid right under his nose. He does not knock. He uses his Devil Fruit powers to enter the building and reform himself. Immediately, shots are fired but as always, they do not faze him.
“Still same tough boy, aren’t you?” The leader questions with a laugh.
With a bored expression, Crocodile glances around the room only for his eyes to fall on your unmoving form. It looks like you are barely breathing. The blood tainting your skill is enough to put him in a murderous rage, but he holds off.
The men standing idly are waiting for his expression to change but when it remains the same, they begin to sweat out of slight anxiety.
“In the note, it said she would be fine, but it appears she is dying. Not that it bothers me, if she truly let herself get kidnapped by you lot then her life was not worth much anyway. I will be disposing of the lot of you for wasting my time. In your next life make sure whatever you have hostage actually has meaning,” Crocodile states in monotone.
There is no mercy as he has the floor made of sand beneath them open and up and swallow them. This truly was a waste of time for him and his anger grows as he makes his way over to your form. Your eyes are trying to stay open and he kneels down beside you to pull you onto his lap.
You recognize the anger in his eyes but ignore it as you give him a weak smile. Your hand comes up to cup his face and he immediately leans into it, the warmth for you, showing in his eyes now that he can let his guard down.
“I am pathetic, aren’t I? Getting kidnapped by these idiots. I am sorry to make you worry so much,” You say in between wheezes.
Crocodile adjusts him and you so he can help you sit up and hopefully breathe better. If you are wheezing in a pile of your own blood- It just is not a good sign at all. He can see how fatigued you are, and he hates it for not finding you sooner.
“You aren’t pathetic. These lowly scumbags were. I commend you for staying alive for what they did to you and when you recover, I will lavish you with the attention you deserve. I will never let you out of my sight again,” He promises.
Your hand has trouble sliding up his face to mess up his gelled back hair, but you did it with struggle. You mumble, “Dear, I believe you me if, not when. I am not feeling too hot right now.”
“Really? I think you look divine as always. Enough talk. Save your strength. I will have my associate, Miss All Sunday help us go to a private clinic so they can work on you,” Crocodile states.
In his mind, there is no possibility of you dying so you no longer try to tell him how you are slowly fading away. Nico Robin as she enters the room, for once, does not have the heart to say anything witty as she sees an innocent woman slowly perishing all while her husband is denial. If luck is on their side, you will survive but- When has a man who lost his hand and with ever-growing arrogance ever have luck?
For your sake, Robin is hoping that you are his good luck charm.
Bonus Headcanons:
Okay so yeah, much like in the one-shot if Crocodile had a wife who was kidnapped- He would be boiling with anger
He would look all calm at first but the moment he saw the damage he would murder everyone on sight for daring to hurt his precious person
He would be more caring if he wasn’t y’know trying to take over Alabasta for the weapon but since he is in this one-shot that is why he tries so hard to pretend he does not care
He totally would go ballistic
He is possessive and he hates the idea of someone else touching his wife
For the sake of the one-shot, I had his wife away but as I said in the prior point he is possessive so he would definitely have eyes on his wife all the time- She is one of his only weaknesses so he would protect her at all costs
Here is a fluff idea! He would love just giving his wife items of luxury- It just makes him happy knowing he can provide for her even if he is doing it with blood money since he is a bad guy
He would also remember every important date that has to do with him and his wife so he can lavish her on said dates
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photolover82 · 3 years
The Masked Singer Season 5 Episode 9: Spicy Six Time ft a disappointing elimination (Commentary & Thoughts)
Hello everybody! Welcome (or welcome back) to Ana’s Masked Singer recap, where I, Ana, recap every single episode of the Masked Singer. So, after a week off because of the sing-a-long episode (which I never recap because there isn’t anything new to talk about), we are into our spicy six (that’s a Cinco de Mayo thing) or should I say top 6? This is where things are getting tough because everyone is so good and tough eliminations. Anyways, let’s get into this episode because *spoiler alert* I am not very happy with the result...
Side Note: I am not including guesses here because I feel like it is a bit repetitive (if you are new, you can see some of my previous blog posts hehe... especially the last one I posted)
First, let’s begin with the elimination that I feel is the saddest of the season:
Robopine 😦😦
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Commentary: He sang Water Runs Dry by Boyz II Men and it was beautiful! Like I understand I might have a bias for this guy because I love his voice and I think it’s butter... but I do gotta say the competition is stiff at this point of the show and people are really bringing it. However, come on guys, his voice is just stunning and emotional and ughhhhh why did he leave?! If you guys know my blog, you probably know that he is one of my favorites so this makes me super sad, I am now really hoping Black Swan wins it all
Having said that, he was revealed to be (as I suspected):
Tyrese Gibson
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Yeah, wooo I got it right. Honestly, this was upsetting but when he said in his post show interview that Beyoncé didn’t win Star Search but she still Beyoncé made me feel a tiny bit better about this tho. Idk man these eliminations every season as the show is about to wrap, it gets sadder and more annoying every time when we reach this point. Anyways, yeah Tyrese! He sang amazing, he did THAT so like I guess it doesn’t matter at the end of the day. Oh and if you wanna understand how that last clue package relates to him, the person he lost was Paul Walker and the amusement park ride he was talking about was Fast and Furious, which has a ride at Universal Studios (which I have been on... it’s cool ngl, his face is on the ride and everything)
Anyways, moving onto our remaining five or how they called it in the previews the “fiesty five”...
1. Black Swan 🦢🖤
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Commentary: Ok, so now that Robopine is gone, she is the sole person I am routing for to be in the finale at least (but I have heard some rumors about her this episode coming up tonight that I hope and pray are not true.. so this makes me nervous). In my ideal world, she can win it all. She sang Do I Do by Stevie Wonder and girlll be picking insane songs wow, but she be killing every last note. Her voice really is something special, I wasn’t too sure about her first performance, but she’s really proving herself omg. She is honestly a favorite of mine as you probably know.... because 1. Girl Power ladies and gents... but most importantly 2. IT’S FREAKING JOJO... LIKE THE GIRL WHO SANG “GET OUT (LEAVE) RIGHT NOW IT’S THE END OF YOU AND ME...” (if you know it, sing along) She got them pipes and I feel the same way about her as I did Tori Kelly last season, and to refresh your mind or let the new people know.... mark my words ladies and gents.... these girls are SOME OF THE BEST VOICES OF OUR GENERATION. There, I said it, drop the imaginary mic 🎤
2. Russian Dolls 🪆
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Commentary: Ok guys, so my gut feeling isn’t my favorite thing in the world... but it tells me how this show is being set up that they might win this season. I like them, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t really think they deserve to win it all (but like at the end of the day, wtf is all? A trophy? Is that it?! Just think about that before you get annoyed... also a message to myself because oof this season has tested my patience). Anyways, they sang Shallow by Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga and like always their harmonies are on point but this whole “let’s be 2 people and then surprise a 3rd person and then ohhh is there maybe a 4th, nope jk we are back to 2, oh wait nvm now we are 3 again thing” is getting annoying and aggravating. Let’s just be straight here: THERE ARE 3 PEOPLE UNDER THESE DOLLS... NO MORE, NO LESS... don’t let them mess with your head. It’s Hanson, point blank end of story... are they the best thing since sliced bread? Ofc not... but the show is really hyping them up and setting it up for them to win so a group can like finally win for the first time... which makes me flash back to the time Kandi won because she was a woman and they wanted a woman to win... like I am all about girl power but that was not the move. Just like if they win, this will also not be the move. Not because they are bad, but because there are better *cough* Black Swan *cough* 🤷🏻‍♀️
3. Yeti ❄️☃️
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Commentary: I feel like Yeti is the most versatile of the singers, like he can sing, roller skate (still can’t get over that), dance, and now rap! I feel like he can really do it all and has a chance at being in the finale. He rapped It Takes Two and wow it was super fun to watch, it was hard to resist the urge to dance in your seat when you watch it. He really is super talented man.. he danced his little Yeti butt off and freestyled and everything wow. Everyone got super hyped, it was an awesome performance. He really brought the entertainment factor ngl. This is so Omarion, obviously, and I feel like he can do it all. He has a shot at the finals but we really gotta see what he decides to do in the next week or so.
4. Chameleon 🦎
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Commentary: I am sorry to all the Wiz Khalifa fans and the rap fans in general, but he should have gone home this episode (actually, he should have gone home instead of seashell but that’s beside the point). He rapped a Busta Rhymes song (who fun fact: was also on the show last season and got eliminated 1st) and I gotta admit, it was his strongest performance, but I feel as opposed to everyone else, he isn’t as vocally strong. He can rap like nobody’s business and has got flow for days... but this ain’t the Masked Rapper... this is the Masked SINGER, guys, I can’t believe he actually has gotten this far honestly. If he doesn’t go home tonight, I am gonna be a bit upset ngl.
5. Piglet 🐷
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Commentary: Alright, so Piglet reminds me so much of Crocodile, who I liked but I was very hot and cold about, because when he does certain songs, he knocks it out of the park, like the last performance he gave for the Spicy Six, where he sang Against All Odds by Phil Collins and it was one of his best performances. However, it’s only when he does love ballads that he shines, and I know it’s Nick Lachey and that’s how he is and all but like I feel like when he tries them upbeat songs, he falls flat a bit. Idk man I think ballads suits his voice more, or the upbeat songs he chooses are just not the right ones for his voice. Either way, I think he might go home next week in the semifinals.... I predict but you never know with this damn show.
Anyway, that’s it! Sorry for the late post.... it’s been an insane week for me. I am starting summer classes so I am trying to get used to this new schedule. I hope you guys enjoyed this recap and tonight is the fiesty five and I am a bit nervous ngl! Anyways bye guys and see you next week! 👋🏼
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camistired · 4 years
the peculiar one
chp. 1 // an emotional beginning
not edited
december 31, 2018
word count: 2671
song: alice by avril lavigne
On this particular humid summer day, I find myself asking the same question I always ask myself when I know it's not going to go anywhere good.
‘Why am I here?’
Four simple words that I usually used as an excuse to not move from under my comforter. Four simple words that I used to stay in room and read a couple of my mom's old journal entries. Four simple words that don't mean anything simple.
But today, they weren't going to do much and change my plans.
For the entire summer after I learned that I was able to attend public school again, I've been trying to work on getting a better habit of actually doing things and not being locked in my room. And today was no exception.
I lazily raise my head from the pillow and begrudgingly climb out of bed. I grab my towel off of my chair before trudging into my bathroom. I quickly strip from my sweats, baggy shirt, and undergarments before hopping into the warm water of the shower.
I don't know what I was going to do today. I knew that both Lila and Mar were going to be busy at work and the only person home was going to be Dannie, who usually minded his own business.
With a silent, frustrated sigh I began wash myself with body wash that was scented to smell like cherry blossoms. I don't know how or why I was attracted to the smell but I didn't do much questioning of it.
I stuck my head under the water, letting my purplish tinted silver hair get drenched with the pellets of the warm water. I wipe the water from my eyes, contemplating on whether to wash my hair or not. Deciding against it, I turned the water off and climb out into the bathroom. I wrap myself in my towel before walking back into the main part of my room.
I walk over to my dresser before pulling out a thin black and white plaid shirt, black jean shorts, and a grayish blue t-shirt. I started getting dress as I hum softly under my breath. I was slipping on my plaid shirt as three quick raps were heard at the door. I move to open the door to see Daniel, his face pale from the blood that drained his face.
“What's wrong, Danny?” I ask, slightly concerned for my brother. He quickly hands me his phone before running into his room, probably to get something.
I look down at the phone in my hands and look at the messages between him and Lila;
From Lila: hey, is Alex up? I've been texting but I'm not getting anything.
From Daniel: she's in the shower, why?
From Lila: it's about dad. his brain activity is working alarmingly unusual
they don't know if something is seriously wrong or if he's waking up
From Lila: hold on, let me call you
My breath hitches as I read the conversation. I quickly slip on a pair of high tops and practically ran down the stairs. Daniel was waiting patiently by the door ready to go.
I handed him back his phone as I turn to open the door only to be greeted with the face that I feel like is always judging me.
“Alice..! What a surprise... What're you doing here?” I force out in a cheerful tone. I never had much family that was around, and I should be greatful for Alice being here, but I feel like the person I read about and the person I see almost everyday is two different people.
“Lillian called and told me about Michael, so I'm here to take you guys to the hospital.” Her tone was strict and left no room to say no, but there was a certain tenderness behind it that would be hard to notice if you were anyone else.
I sigh, knowing I couldn't argue much with the woman in front of me, “Alright, come on let's go.”
She has a small victorious smile on her face as she moves towards the car.
I sigh and look at Daniel who just shrugs and skips towards the car. I roll my eyes and close the door behind me and locking it before getting into the back of Alice's car, seeing as Betty was sitting patiently and bored in the front seat. The engine roared as she switched the gearshift to drive and pulled out the driveway.
As we drew closer to the hospital the knot in my stomach tightened and my breathing sped up into quiet tiny pants. I look out the window to, hopefully, calm my nerves. And, unfortunately, the silence in the car isn't helping one bit. I silently prayed for someone to say something before we get there, but something tells me it isn't going to happen anytime soon.
I felt a small pat on my leg and I look up to see Daniel looking at me with some sort of assurance. I smile softly at him and I rub his shoulder to try and reassure him that I'm okay, but I can tell it does little to nothing to comfort him.
I felt my phone vibrated in my pocket and I pull it out to see it was from Jughead. My nerves calm down a little, but not much. I open the text from my best friend;
From Juggy: hey are you not at home?
no one's opening the door and it's
From Lexi: wowow you show up my
house without notice? and think
you can casually waltz into it like
you own the place?
From Juggy: yea, cause i know you
don't care
From Lexi: what if i was in the shower, eh?
From Juggy: didn't your mom used to make us take baths together when we younger?
From Lexi: we were two and we dragged mud throughout the house. she didn't care at that point
From Lexi: plus we're OLDER now. we might as well be dating if you walked in on me showering
From Juggy: uh-huh
From Juggy: you know you love me
From Lexi: sure
From Lexi: omg, im going to die
From Juggy: im missing the picture here, you're going to die from what?
From Lexi: i can't tell. it's either this thick awkward tension or my anxiety
From Juggy: im still very confused
From Lexi: im on my way to the hospital but im stuck in a car with Danny, Betty, and Alice
From Juggy: alright, i'll meet you there
From Lexi: huh?
From Juggy: idk why you're heading to the hospital, but your stuck in a car with two people you don't know if they hate you or not, so that tells me that it is important
by itself alone
From Juggy: so, i'll meet you at the
From Juggy: don't know when i'll get there, so good luck until then
The car takes a sharp turn into a free parking spot and before the car jerks to a complete stop, I already had my seat belt off and was sprinting out of car and into the building. I stop myself from going into the room and stop at the receptionist.
“Hi, I'm just double checking, but Michael Nelson is still in room 22-C, correct?” I ask as she checked on her computer for the correct room number.
She nods and looks at me, “Yes he is, miss. Go right ahead.”
“Thank you so much, have a good day.” I rush out before heading down the corridor to the right room that I've been in so many times. I stop at the door and I contemplate going inside for a moment. My hand subconsciously raises up and grasp the door knob before I can even think about what was happening. It was at that moment, I knew I didn't need to think much longer.
I twisted my wrist until I hear the door make a soft 'click'. I pushed the door open and took in the sight in front of me. Lila was sitting at the end of the bed uncomfortable looking bed, her words falling silent in my ears as she talks to the man laying down, who was being covered by a curtain in the room.
I walk in the bland room, the door closing softly behind me. I stalk towards the bed to be greeted with a pair of pale eyes that I'm so used to be closed. My breath gets caught in the back my throat as a small gasp echos through the seemingly empty room. His eyes lock with mine and in a blur of a second, my arms are wrapped around the males neck and quiet whimpers fall from my lips as small tears fall from my eyes.
The feeling of his arms wrapping around my waist to return the embrace made me completely lose it; crocodile tears, full on sobbing, and clinging on to him tighter - scared that the moment I loosen the hold I have on him, he'll leave me again.
I hear the sound of swift footsteps entering the room through my crying as I let out all of my emotions on this one man that I thought I had lost for the rest of my life. The feel the bed shift and more footsteps before the door closes. I'm suddenly pulled closer and I'm, now, laying on the fragile man you seems to not even give a care in the world that I'm laying on him.
For a moment, I felt like the little girl who laid on her dad all those years ago;
“Daddy..?” I coughed out as the toxic smoke filed out of the exploded glass from our previously beloved family home. A younger Daniel laid on the grass, silently asleep and unhurt. My dad had a cut on his temple and was breathing heavily yet very, very slowly.
I laid my had on his chest hearing his faint heartbeat. I prayed silently that he'd wrap his arms around me. Even with his skin basically burned from the fire, he seemed cold as ice. And I did the only thing I knew to do at the time.
I screamed for my dad. But he was to far gone to reply.
I don't even know how long even been laying there, but I've eventually stopped crying and he started running his fingers through my hair. I felt comfortable when I heard the door open and close. I realized that I was probably being selfish and slowly got off of him, wiping my eyes. I look up to see that Daniel and Lila had walked in.
They look at me and smile genuinely at me. Lila looks down over Daniel and ushers him towards dad. He walks over to him and hugs his torso. I stare at the fourteen year old as the tension slowly eases from his shoulders. I didn't even realize that my sister was standing next to me until she wrapped her arm around my shoulders, making me jump a little.
She chuckles softly and looks at me, “Jughead is waiting out in the hall with the Cooper girls. Want me to let him in?”
I stifle my laugh at the thought of poor Jughead standing in the hall with Alice and Betty. Okay maybe being with Betty, not so bad, but Alice is pretty bad. I nod at her as she let's her arm fall and goes to get Jug.
I shrug my bag off my shoulders and open it and see the worn journal sitting in there from the last time I went out to Sweetwater River. I pull it out and examine the torn leather. I look up and to see Daniel talking to dad about whatever, but the look on both of their faces made me smile softly. I see a mop of midnight hair under a familiar beanie in my peripheral vision, making me smile a little.
I turn towards him and I feel a bit more relaxed, especially knowing that he's here to help even when I don't need to ask. A part of me even felt giddy that he decided to come here instead of go to Pop's or something. Maybe it's just the relief that he came here without me even saying anything or even asking.
He wraps an arm around me in a side hug, which threw me off slightly but I returned the hug regardless. It was comforting to know that he was still by my side especially since we've known each other's practically since birth and he hasn't gotten sick of me yet.
Dad looked up and greeted Jug with a smile. My best friend returned the gesture before sitting in a chair on the side of the room were on. Soon we caught him up on everything.
His face fell solemn after we've informed him that mom was still missing and that the sheriff's office said they needed to step away from the case. It was still open – barely – and if they found new information, it would be added to it. However, they said that years ago. If they, or anyone, doesn't find anything soon, I'm sure they are going to close the case and it'll be an unsolved mystery.
Suddenly Lila's phone started ringing. She looked at the screen and smiled softly before answering it, bringing the speaker to her ear.
“Hey, babe. How's everything at the shop go-? What?” I watch her movements as she went from happy and calm to concerned and frigid, “Mar-Marlene! Slow down, I can't understand you.”
She turned towards me and Jug before turning forward again, “Okay, okay... I don't think I can go down there right now, I'm here with dad. How about I send Jughead and Alexandria there instead, will that be okay? .....Alright. I love you. Bye.”
I look at Jug and he shrugs, just as confused as I was. Lila hung up and turned towards us, “Something happened down at Sweetwater River. I hate asking you two to go, but I have to finish up here, then help Danny to get back home and go back to the shop– it's just a mess right now and I need someone down there with Mar.”
She ran her hand through her dark colored hair as she avoided looking at the males behind her. The worried line creased in her face made me sigh softly before nodding to ease her mind a little.
“Yeah we can go.” I can see the relief wash ovee her as I stand up and shrug my bag back over my shoulder as Juggy does the same. She engulfs me in a tight hug, mumbling ‘thank you’ to me before letting me go.
I walk out of the room with the raven haired boy after saying ‘bye’ to dad and Dan. Not realizing that after I left the room that mom's journal fell out of my bag onto the floor of dad's hospital room.
As we trudged towards Sweetwater River, the sound of sirens in the distance made me start to worry with each step we took towards the river I've began to love to find quiet. As we approach, we scan over the people which seemed to be the whole town.
I find Marlene, who is hyperventilating away from the crowd. I tighten my grip on my bag and jog towards her, not really caring if Jug followed me or not. I place my hand on her shoulder and she flinches, whipping her head towards me before she physically relaxes.
“Mar, what is going on?” I ask softly, removing my hand from her shoulder as the runs her hand through her hair.
“It's the Blossom's. Something's happened to Jason.”
And it was at this moment, that I swore that history may have just repeated itself.
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fantasyfandommaiden · 5 years
ML Counsellor AU: Talking with Jagged Stone
Not so much a session as two adults talking shop about mental health, akumas and the magic behind music.
Carmine sat in her office during lunch, with the door locked and the radio playing softly in her office as she updated her reports on various students, as well as some of profile on Hawkmoth. There was still not a lot of information to go on, which was frustrating, but unfortunately there wasn’t anything she could do about it.
She perked up slightly when she heard a familiar song come on the radio, smiling as she turned it up ever so slightly to hear it better. It was a classic Jagged Stone song from his first Album, and also one of Carmine’s favourites that she would often listen to, as well as any Jagged Stone song. She began to sing along softly to it as she typed away at her laptop, her work seeming slightly less tedious now.
Her enjoyment was short lived by a very loud, obnoxious knock at the door, causing Carmine to scowl slightly before sighing and turning down the volume as she stood up to open the locked door.
She opened the door, expecting a student, however instead of looking down like she expected she would have to do, she ended up looking up to see none other than Jagged Stone, looking at her and grinning widely.
“Hello!” He said in English, grinning widely “Your Miss. Regal right? The cool psychologist helping the akuma victims right? Was wondering if you had a few minutes to talk?”
Carmine stared at Jagged for a solid five seconds, her face completely neutral of any emotion before she said softly “Sorry, could you give me ten seconds please?” She asked, closing the door as Jagged look at her with a raised brow “Okay?”
Once the door was closed, Carmine’s face broke into a large, ecstatic smile asp Carmine jumped up and down, her arms flailing in excitement as she did everything in her power to not make a sound because ‘OMG JAGGED STONE IS HERE AND HE WANTS TO TALK TO, MY FAVOURITE ROCK STAR WANTS TO TALK TO ME, OH MY GAWD, OH MY GAWD!’
After exactly ten seconds Carmine open the door, the picture perfect image of calm as she smiled warmly at Jagged. “Sorry about that, come on in!”
Jagged smiled, gesturing beside him where Carmine looked and jumped back at the sight of a very large crocodile laying down beside Jagged. As the rockstar began to walk into the office, the crocodile did the same, Carmine looked at it cautiously, even pinching her arm to see if this was all a really bizarre dream.
She slowly walked over to her desk, looking at Jagged as he sat down on one of the chairs “Can I offer you some blackberry tea?” She asked, going straight to her tea shelf, looking at the different tins she had.
“If it’s not too much trouble.” The rockstar asked, looking around the room with mild interest. Fang, ever the loyal crocodile, lay beside Jagged, also lazily looking around.
Carmine took a deep breath, calming herself as she turned around and handed Jagged one of the mugs of tea. “I’ll have to admit Mr. Stone-“
“Jagged.” Jagged corrected her, smiling “Mister is so... dull and boring, not rock and roll you know?”
Carmine smiled “Than please call me Carmine, anyways, I have to say I am surprised by your visit Jagged. I was aware you were in Paris and knew about what happened the other day with you being Akumatized... but I didn’t know you knew of my exsistance.”
“Oh of course I did!” Jagged stated grinning “Marinette Dupain Chang mentioned you after she made me these awesome Eiffel Tower sunglasses! Said how you helped a lot of the kids around here and were a fan of mine!”
Carmine blinked, her cheeks becoming a soft pink colour “Um... I don’t see how she would know that-“
“Something about you singing to one of my songs really loudly hours after school was out or something.” Jagged said, sipping his tea “She promised me you would treat this conversation professionally however, which you are, which I greatly appreciate!”
Carmine felt her face become red hot, brining her tea cup up to sip her tea in a vain attempt to calm her nerves. She wasn’t sure if she should chastised Marinette for revealing that little secret to someone or to thank her for arranging this. “I see, well I try to make it so that o remain professional well in my office.”
“That’s good! Isn’t that right Fang!” The rockstar said, looking down at the crocodile, who simply looked up at Jagged and gave a slight nod, and a yawn. “Anyways...” Jagged began “It all started with my lousy producer Bob and his usual antics...”
Jagged than regaled Carmine with the tale of what happened to cause him becoming Akumatized, leaving no detail out.
“I mean, he goes behind my back and had this awesome girl redo the album design because it’s not like his lousy sons band? Who does that? ALSO, she drew up two COMPLETELY different album covers, IN ONE DAY!” He said excitedly, almost bouncing in his seat “I’ll tell you, that girl is GOING places! She even found me these shades!”
Carmine smiles, an idea suddenly forming in her head as she smiled coyly “Oh, Marinette most likely made those actually. She wants to become a fashion designer.” Carmine said off handedly, sipping her tea.
Jagged blinked, looking at Carmine with a new found interest “She any good?”
“She won a hat design contest that was judged by Gabriel Agreste...” Carmine said slowly “And I know that all the art teachers rave about her work with fabrics and design.”
Jagged let out a soft hum, rubbing his chin as an idea slowly mulled over in his head “Hmm.... maybe I’ll ask to take a look at her designs next time I see her, she do commissions?”
“Couldn’t hurt to ask” Carmine stated, smiling “But back to the topic at hand... how do you feel after everything that happened?”
Jagged gave a nonchalant shrug “Honestly, after the whole thing, nothing. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I was confused as heck and pissed that I let some lame ass villain get the best of me, but hey, what can you do? At least I got to see Ladybug and Chat Noir in action, even if it was well beating me up.” He said, taking a sip of the tea.
Carmine’s pencil stopped mid sentence as she looked up at Jagged, blinking “... I’m sorry, what do you mean by that exactly?”
“The fight? It was spectacular! Don’t remember all of it, but bits and pieces are there.”
“... that’s... not possible.” Carmine stated slowly, looking at the rockstar “No one remembers anything after being Akumatized.”
Jagged looked at her with a neutral tone, giving a small shrug “Guess that just means I’m a special case, which makes sense. I am pretty awesome!”
Fang, who had been quiet for most of the conversation, gave a small rumble from his throat that almost sounded like laughter, Jagged looked down at the crocodile with a slight scowl “Oh quiet you!”
Carmine sat up a little straighter at the interaction, looking between Fang and Jagged, eyes narrowing slightly. Carmine tried to remember everything she knew about crocodiles from living in New Orleans for a few years during her childhood... one of which being they were unpredictable and made poor pets. She, however, knew of some mages who enjoyed having familiars that were on the more dangerous side for protection...
“... how long have you had Fang Jagged?” She asked slowly, looking at the croc.
Jagged looked up at the ceiling, letting out a soft hum “Since I was 15, when he hatched.” He said nonchalantly.
“Hatched or appeared?” Carmine asked, causing Jagged to freeze momentarily, the rockstar looking at her with a raised brow.
“When I was 13, my dog Gladiolus appeared before me, he’s a ferret now thought...” Carmine said to him in a hesitant tone, hoping beyond hope she was right.
“You don’t say...” Jagged said, looking the woman straight in the eyes.
The two adults sat there, starring at eachother for a solid thirty seconds, not saying anything, waiting to see who would make the next move.
Jagged broke the silence first “Anyone every question why you don’t buy your familiar food?”
Carmine let out a short laugh, grinning “No, only people who know I own a ‘ferret’ are my close friends, and I just say he likes to eat in private, I’m more curious how you convience your staff on why you have a crocodile that doesn’t eat!”
Jagged grinned widely “Oh, he eats fish and the like, so they leave it off. Fang prefers to be a crocodile is all, been like that ever since I first summoned him.”
“Ahh I see.” Carmine stated grinning “... this would explain why you remember bits and pieces, your magic must have been interfering with the akuma. Do you remember anything about Hawkmoth?”
Jagged frowned leaning back in his chair “Sadly no. Don’t even remember his voice or what he said to me sadly, which is weird since my entire magic DOMAIN is under music, yours?”
Carmine grinned “Equal parts creation, illusion and brewing. I specialize in ‘tea’ magic however.”
“Kitchen witch?”
“I loath the term but yes, the kitchen is my domain.” She said grinning as she sipped her tea “Do any of your staff know about you being a mage?”
“No... not yet anyways.” He said sighing “... I’m probably gonna tell Penny soon, she’s stayed around the longest of any of my previous managers and I’ve grown quite fond of her... however...”
Carmine looked at him, frowning slightly “... she isn’t a magic user is she?”
“Nope, not a drop of it. Unless you count her unnatural patience for my antics.” He said, letting out a small chuckle “Ah... still, she’s important to me, and I’ve known her for... God’s, almost seven years now, about time I told her.”
Carmine looked down at her tea as Jagged continued to speak, the blackberry liquid the same hue as her best friends hair, albeit without the red streak of colour in it. She’s known Nathalie nearly twelve years and hasn’t uttered a word to her yet, or any of her friends for that matter...
A loud ringtone brought Carmine out of her train of thought as Jagged brought out his cellphone answering it “Ello!” He said into the small device.
After a short conversation Jagged ended the call “That was Penny, reminding me of my recording session.” He said grinning “But I would love to come back and talk shop with you sometime! I haven’t spoken with another magic user that wasn’t some old bat in YEARS!” He exclaimed holding out a business card to Carmine.
Carmine gave a small grin, taking the business card from the rock star “Like wise Jagged, like wise.”
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madlymiho · 5 years
Hello there, my darling! I really love your writing for Crocodile and especially the relationship between him and his snarky secretary. While the smut is absolutely fantastic to read, I was wondering if perhaps you had any headcanons or imagines on what would happen if said s/o became a child for several days and how this severe man would respond?
Hello, my love! ~ You're such a dove omg, thank you for loving these two twisted love birds as much as I do! I LOVE THIS!
Hope you will enjoy this 💖
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Crocodile :
• When she was already his secretary, she was almost unbearable for him ; full of impetuosity, wrath, but also tease ; seriously a walking nightmare since Crocodile couldn't tame her, not even for a night
• She tends to get under his nerves ; she's always challenging his authority, and despite their intimate relationship, he has never been able to calm down this behavior of her
• So discovering here turned as a child has first felt like nothing but a huge surprise; she's just the same, but with sweet and innocent eyes, nothing but a little shrimp he feels able to handle for once, since he can easily lift her by grasping her leg, head down looking at the floor
• At the beginning of those strange days, he's more than pissed ; Crocodile hates humans in general, but baby humans are worse, and he can't stand them, looking at them with nothing but disgust and he wishes that at least, she would be too afraid to even look at him, since he has already experienced his natural threatening aura on other children before
• Yet she's even more impossible to live ; she shows her tongue whenever he gives her an order, she pouts and makes whims to have something, and she's already brave enough to challenge his natural authority, not even fearing his deep threatening tone and his angry stare. The worst part is when she actually finds it funny to call him "ugly" and "old poop" the first hours after her change
• Fearless, but also reckless, she often drops in his office in the middle of the day, jumping on the desk to demand his attention, and despite all his best efforts to get rid of her, she ends up seated on his lap, reading a few documents until she nods her head and falls asleep against his torso
• Crocodile can't help, but he finds her truly cute when she wears her little girly dresses, and even if he's perfectly aware that she wouldn't stay as a child forever, he still spoils her with many new child clothes, from dresses, to skirts, but also golden hair grip, and colorful headbands
• He even agrees to help her shower, putting aside the fact that his power and water don't really get along, sighing loudly whenever she plays in the tube and throws him large quantities of water at his face ; yet, her adorable playful laughter is enough to calm him down
• She likes to nap the head on his lap, especially when it's the end of the day and she has played in the courtyard for many hours ; she gently grips his leg, eyes closed, her hair plastered on his pants, having those childish dreams of adventures as Crocodile brushes her locks, finishing to read some daily reports about his business
• Bed times always feel like a curse ; she yells and runs everywhere that she doesn't want to sleep, and he has no choice but to restrain her with his sand power and drags her to her room, irritating by her cries ; yet, as soon as he tucks her in her bed, she's already asleep
• Crocodile despite his orginal disgust towards her child nature, has this sweet and improbable tenderness during these days, and often, as he's sure that she's deeply asleep, he silently goes to check on her and sees if she needs anything, his only hand playing with her silken hair for a moment, before he heads back to work
• He categorically refuses any kind of game though, and the times he has tried to teach her something useful such as finances, or how to get rid of someone, she has ended up crying so loudly that Daz Bonez had to take her out of the mansion and bought her dozens of ice-creams to calm her down
• To show how much Crocodile is tenderized by her sweet little child nature, he allows her to feed his precious banagators, proud to see that she's fascinating by those large reptiles. He even doesn't mind to carry her in his arms, pointing at the maw of his favorite animals to explain her how they eat their preys, or hunt them, and he can't help but grin in front of her mesmerized and curious eyes
• Punishing her for something silly doesn't feel so good for this old man ; when she was still his untamable woman, he was perfectly able to slap her rear with powerful spanks, but now she's a child, he experiences some difficulties to assert his authority, despite his severe manners and his sort of coldness. He hates her pouting face, almost feeling his heart falling in the depth of his stomach whenever he has no choice but to ground her
• After so many intense days, his real victory (and change) is when she suddenly decides to run into his arms, jumping high in the air to be caught against his torso, her little nose snuggling in the crook of his neck to share a genuine but true comfortable hug, shattered those man's feelings towards paternity for good
• The day his secretary is back at her normal self, full of shame and embarassed as hell because she remembers everything, Crocodile, slightly nostalgic, drags her against him and gently whispers "I want a baby."
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klynn-stormz · 4 years
Legally Swan
Hey all! Sorry for missing posting last week, I actually got into a car crash and wasn't able to do much for a while. Now that the pain is better and I'm not on heavy duty medicine I can actually write! So here is chapter 6 of Legally Swan. I hope you enjoy it. Let me know what you think :)
AO3: 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6
Chapter 6
Saturday morning, she spoke with her mom about how she was doing. She had to reassure Ingrid multiple times that she was okay and did not need her to fly there to make sure in person. Feeling fresh annoyance over the situation of the party, she confided in her mom about everything. She knew she could trust Ingrid’s opinion, and while it may not be the way she chooses to go, she needed some advice. She needed her mom.
Ingrid listened carefully to the whole story, not interrupting or making a sound till Emma was finished. That was one of the first things Emma had noticed while in Ingrid’s care. She took the time to listen, she didn’t just let someone talk and give them a generic answer, she listened, she waited, and then she threw in her two cents if she was asked for it. Emma had never had anyone listen to her like that before.
When she was seventeen, she had wanted a tattoo, she had laid out all the reasons for it, written down all her arguments, and gone to Ingrid expecting a fight. What she had gotten instead was a cup of hot chocolate, a girl lunch out, and an agreement that if Emma really wanted it and felt she wouldn’t regret the tattoo later, Ingrid would take her to get it. The only stipulation that had been placed on it was a two-month time frame to make sure that it wasn’t an impulsive decision. During that time Emma, with Ingrid’s help, had searched out the best tattoo parlors to get it done at. And a few months later, Emma had a silhouette of a swan on her hip.
After Emma finished her story she waited for Ingrid’s response. The longer the silence went on the more concerned she became. Henry, who had been laying on her stomach for most of the call, had gotten annoyed and Emma’s constant shifting, and made his way to the foot of the bed, turning and curling into a ball with a huff.
“Well,” Ingrid began, bringing Emma’s attention back to her. “I guess you need to show them that they can’t intimidate you.”
“How thought?” Emma asked. “If I call their bluff and don’t show up, they’ll call me a coward. If I show up without a costume, they’ll tell make something happen to embarrass me.” Emma let her head fall to her pillow in frustration.
“There’s one option you’re forgetting sweetheart.” Ingrid said, a sly smile curving her lips. Emma stared at her in confusion for a moment.
“The only other one would be to show up in a costume and become the joke of the school.”
“Only if you let yourself become the joke.” Emma moved to protest and Ingrid hurried on. “Tamara thinks she’s gotten on over on you. So, let her think she has, and then walk in there with your head held high. You are Emma Swan, you don’t need anyone’s approval, you don’t need anyone’s friendship. And you know it. I won’t go into the whole Neal issue right now. But anyone who makes fun of you doesn’t deserve you, and you are going to show up every single one of them, because you are amazing. And,” Ingrid added. “no matter what you decide you know I will be right behind you one hundred percent. You know what you want to do, Emma, and you’re brave enough to do it.”
Bolstered by her mother’s pep talk, she spent the next few hours plotting and planning. --- This honestly might be a horrible idea, the worst she’d ever thought of. Emma stared in the mirror at her costume and felt the anxiety churning in her stomach. It had been hours since Ingrid’s call and all of the confidence she had felt then had diminished quickly as the party neared. Was she going to pass out? Throw up? Oh hell this was so stupid. She shouldn’t go, she shouldn’t show up at this. She turned from the mirror, inhaling deeply, right on the edge of hyperventilating. Henry barked at her, breaking her concentration. After she had picked him up and cuddled him to her she felt much better.
“I have to do this don’t I?” She asked Henry, who licked her face, causing her to laugh. “I do have to do this, okay, I don’t have to. But, it’s the principle! She’s setting me up and I either walk in there looking like a moron or a confident awesome person who won’t take anyone’s crap. Now if I don’t show up who knows what she’ll start saying. Let’s be honest Henry, this was a challenge! Tamara knows that I know, or she thinks I’m too stupid to realize that it was an obvious set up. So now I have to decide. Do I go to this party in a costume that will make me a laughing stock? Do I not show up and have everyone be like, wow I can’t believe Tamara reached out to be friendly with you and you are such a jerk? What do I do? I feel like I’m in high school again, this is ridiculous.” She groaned and fell back on the bed, staring at the dull yellowish ceiling while Henry settled on her stomach. Then an idea began to form.
“Or—“ She sat up, moving a grumbling Henry off of her and going to her closet. “I could show up dressed for a party.” A few minutes of rifling through her closet produced the perfect dress. She had been planning on wearing it to her engagement party, it seemed like a life time ago. Neal was going to be there, so she might as well blow him away too, let him see what he threw away. The color was fire engine red, with spaghetti straps leading into a v to show off her cleavage in a classy way. The bodice had a beautiful folding effect, giving texture to the smooth knit fabric, and hugged her curves ending just above her knees. Once she had finished dressing, she curled her hair, applied a little makeup (red lipstick was a must with this dress), and put on strappy glittery heels to finish the look. She thought she looked amazing. Pulling out her phone she face timed Ana and Rapunzel.
“Emma!” Ana screeched when she came on.
“Girls, I need your opinion.” Emma showed them the outfit. And much to her joy, they loved it!
“OMG, you look hot!” Rapunzel cried, pushing Ana out of the way to try to get a better look. “You are going to knock them all dead, and Neal is going to be begging to have you back.”
Emma laughed, she decided she would tell them later that she wasn’t going after Neal anymore. Not after finding out how horrible he was, she would tell them later. They talked a little longer, when they said their goodbyes, Ana and Rapunzel sent her off with praises and confidence.
“Alright Henry, I’ll be back in a bit.” She scratched his head, turned on his playlist (she had included all of the best dog movies and shows she could think of) starting with Lady and the Tramp, Henry’s favorite. Once he was settled, she grabbed her handbag and strode out of her room. --- The common room was mostly empty, everyone was out for the weekend, either studying, at the party, or hidden in their rooms. A few girls saw her and whispered to each other. She didn’t know if they were good or mocking whispers, but she powered on, moving out of the dorm and into the cool September air. Walking across the campus towards the party gave her the opportunity to appreciate the beauty of Boston, something about the east coast seemed to sooth her.
The trees stood tall and proud, their branches softly swaying in the night air. The leaves still had a brilliant green hue to them. Emma couldn’t wait for autumn to come, knowing she would see vibrant reds and oranges. The last time she has seen them was when she was in foster care in Maine for a few months, she had seen more trees than she thought existed, with more colors than she could begin to describe. Who could have guessed she would end up back here, in a place that seemed to call to her, and fill a part of her she didn’t know was missing?
A few houses away from the party she could see the lights on in the house, people were in the yard drinking and laughing. As she has suspected, no one was in a costume, and no one was near as dressed up as her. Here we go, she thought, one more deep breath to calm herself and she was off. The people stopped talking as she walked past, gawking at her like they’d seen a horrific crime happening. The murmurs began as she passed, she let them slide off of her, she wasn’t going to let any opinion hurt her. Walking into the house she saw a few people from some classes, one was a tall bulky young man, Anton, she remembered; another was Ashely, the woman who had invited her for Tamara, and yet another was the one with a quirky tall hat. They were spread across the front room, Anton standing alone in the corner, looking extremely uncomfortable. Ashley sitting next to Tamara near the kitchen, and Jefferson holding court through the doors in what looked like a Study or office.
A few people had turned as she entered the house, Tamara being one of them. Emma decided to enjoy herself before confronting Tamara. She moved to Anton to talk to him, smiling kindly she engaged him in conversation and found that, though he was gruff and not the best conversationalist, she enjoyed talking to him. They talked about their classes’ together, discussed homework and the teachers. She learned he was terrified of Gold, which she could definitely understand. It made her think of Killian’s comment about Gold being a crocodile, which led to her smiling at the thought, then shaking it off because she wasn’t about to deal with that line of thought again. After Anton ended the conversation by saying he had promised to come for ten minutes and now he could go home, she moved towards the kitchen. It was time to deal with Tamara she supposed, though Emma made her work to grab her attention.
“Emily.” Tamara called out, annoyed that Emma didn’t look all that put out about being so out of place.
“It’s Emma.” Emma replied flatly, dismissing Tamara and grabbing a drink. When she turned around she happily found Tamara standing now, anger and embarrassment at the dismissal turning her face a dull red. “Oh hi again, Tammy right?”
“You know it’s Tamara.” She practically spat, “Nice dress by the way, dressed up like a hooker today?”
Emma decided to go with it, she reminded herself she was here to show she couldn’t be phased. “I love your outfit too, except well— When I dress up like a frigid bitch, I try not to look so constipated.” Emma walked away, committing the stunned expression to her memory.
After about an hour of mingling with other classmates she decided she had done what she came there to do and was ready to go home. So of course, as she was heading to the front of the house, she ran into Neal.
“Ems.” He smiled, not so subtlety checking her out. “Didn’t expect to see you here, do you want to find somewhere to talk, a little more… private?” He gave her a charming grin and she silently fumed, good to know that he was a douche to everyone he dated then.
“Yeah, it’s a great party, your fiancé invited me!” He blanched and stuffed his hands in his pockets.
“Anyway, how are you liking school so far? Ready to head back to Cali yet?” He asked, now refusing to meet her eyes.
“I’m loving it! My classes are great and the professors are so interesting. I can’t wait to apply for the internship Gold will be offering in January. It’ll be great to get some experience while going to school.” Neal blinked at her response and then laughed loudly, like he’d heard the funniest joke. Emma was not amused.
“Ems, sweetie, you don’t actually think you have a chance at the internship, do you? I mean come on, look at you. I’m surprised you haven’t quit yet, but I doubt it’ll be much longer before you do. I think it’s time for you to realize that this just isn’t for you. You need to find a man to take care of you and keep your pretty little head from floating away.” He patted her shoulder sympathetically.
Emma stood quietly for a moment, she took in everything she heard and realized how stupid she had been to think that he could make her happy, to think that he was this perfect man who would love her forever. Well she was done being stupid, she was done being a dumb blonde that everyone seemed to think only existed to be a trophy wife. Straightening her shoulders, she stood tall and met his eyes. The fire that she felt burning in her must have showed in her eyes as Neal took a step back.
“You don’t think I’m ever going to be good enough for you, do you? Well, two things. First, I’m going to get that internship and I’m going to do it by working hard. Second, you are a complete moron who was honestly only okay in bed. So screw off Neal, get off your high horse and start living in the real world before shoves you off.” A few snickers sounded, from the ones who overheard their conversation. She strode out of the house with her head held high. --- She called a cab once she was out of sight of the house, telling it to take her to the nearest electronics store. In her red party dress and heels she made her way through the store to the laptops section, giving a few men she passed heart attacks. Looking over each laptop she studied the features, the prices, and looked up reviews to see which was best. She made her choice, and the brand even had a pink laptop. She grabbed it and headed to the register. While she was standing in line she heard a throat clearing from behind her.
“I have to say, love, you’re the best dressed person here. Do you often do this to go shopping?” She turned and Killian Jones stood behind her.
“Don’t ask.” She groaned.
“Well, there go all my plans.” He smiled and then changed the subject. “Good computer choice Swan. That one can pretty much do anything you’ll need it to do for school, I was unaware they came in that particular shade.”
“I haven’t gone crazy enough to get a boring one yet.” She shot back.
He shifted the basket in his hand. It had a pair of headphones, a usb port and some batteries. She realized that he wasn’t carrying them in both hands, as he could have easily done, because he was missing his left hand. She tried not to stare when she realized it, her minding wandering to what could have possibly happened, knowing that it would be overstepping the tentative friendship forming between them. Maybe one day they would trade stories, but today was not going to be that day. They bantered back and forth in line for a bit, Emma pushing her mind away from the missing hand and back to the conversation.
“If I’m going to tell you why I’m dressed like this, I’m going to say you owe me a drink.”
“Do I?” One of his eyebrows rose, dammit how was that so attractive.
“Yes, or maybe I owe you a drink considering the favor I’m about to ask.” She admitted.
“Color me intrigued.” He responded.
They paid for their items and walked outside. They headed towards the dorms and she told him the whole story of the party, the confrontation with Tamara, and what Neal had said. He laughed at her dig and added that he thought that was the perfect way for her to handle it.
“Though I wouldn’t have minded seeing you in a sexy bunny costume, Swan.” He tried to wink, failing miserably and cementing her growing attraction to him.
“So what I wanted to ask, if maybe you would tutor me? Help me to study so I can get this internship and shove it in their faces?”
“Oh aye love, I do love a good revenge plot. Mind you, I would have helped you without the party that will go down in history. Now I’m just that much more invested. And Swan, don’t think I’ll forget about that drink.”
She smiled at him, they talked, laughed and all around made it the best night since she had come here. By the time he walked her to her dorm she knew she had just made a new friend, and as she watched him walk towards his own apartment off of campus, she thought that maybe there was a little spark there, something that she had never felt with Neal or any boy really. Emma was nowhere near ready to acknowledge the spark, but she knew it was there. For now, that was good enough.
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csprompter · 5 years
End of Week Recap
Whump Prompts
Where Killian meets (Emma) in the hospital.  Hes lost his memory short term & doing rehab to get it back  what he can of it.  he was abused badly  (maybe by the Crocodile) and he ran To get away from it.  he got shot  &  nearly ran over by a car on the way to hospital since no one would help.him .. kinda hes a loner trying to find his own survival and some one to help save him.  He needs a guiding light to help him / save him /help  heal.   Emma would be the nurse. 👌  
Modern AU
Emma and Killian on a game show, one as the host and the other as a celebrity contestant. Bonus points if there's secret dating or something????
Either Emma or Killian having a YouTube channel to help students study (like Crash Course or Khan Academy). The other finds the channel and finds it their saving grace for their class and passes because of them.
Trivia night at the bar gets really competitive with Emma and Killian on opposite teams instead of the same team like usual but Killian was planning to propose that night after their team won (like always).
Killian and Emma have a fight, Emma left to go for a walk and she realised that their fight was stupid because she didn't want to lose him, Killian is waiting by the door, make up kisses and more happen.
Modern AU Established Relationship: Killian gets a little sick (sinus infections are awful) and a whole lot of miserable. Emma takes care of him. Adorably fluff ensues.
EF (or Fantasy) Style Prompts
Killian's a wizard and Emma comes to him for a love potion (can be for herself or getting for someone else and can also be used for Killian or used for someone else).
Runaway Royalty AU Prompt: In NO way does Prince Killian want to deal with his kingdom or be forced into an arranged marriage. So instead he chooses to spend the day sailing and debates whether he should just disappear over the horizon. Unfortunately a storm makes the decision for him blows him off course into unknown waters. When he comes to he finds he's being robbed by a mermaid. Prompt Fufilled by @let-it-raines and Prompt fufilled by @sherlockianwhovian​
How about a mermaid AU instead where she gets turned into a human and Captain Jones takes a liking to her? I just really want a story where Emma doesn’t know what sex is and Killian has to explain it to her and she’s really enthusiastic about it and he just doesn’t want her to regret anything. 
A one shot where Emma gets hit with a love spell where she falls in love with the first person she sees, and she sees Hook and everyone is like "uh oh!" but Emma acts EXACTLY THE SAME AS BEFORE - Prompt Fufilled by @winterbythesea Pt 1 and Pt 2 and also fufilled by @gingerchangeling
Friends to Lovers Prompts
Killian is a misunderstood loner. Emma, being a previous loner herself, is the only one to give him a chance/try for friendship. Love blossoms of course! But through that prism everyone gets to see the truth of Killian’s big heart. :)
You were only away on your business trip for four days? Why did I miss you so much? OMG I’m in love with you! (I love Emma acknowledging her true feelings)
Smutty Prompts
Would love seeing something surrounding Emma borrowing Hook's long coat for something based on the Shania Twain video for Man I Feel Like a Woman. Fun and clean, or more adult. Either way!
It’s summer and Emma decides to wear sundresses (and nothing else) so she can ride Killian anytime. Prompt fufilled here
Emma keep reaping Killian's shirts to the point where he doesn't have one to wear. Bonus: the reaping of the shirt and what happens after.
Based on Hook in season two saying “Actually, I prefer it with the lights on”.
Smutty Killian/Emma tickle fic
A teacher-student relationship, dom/sub, were student!killian is lusting over his teacher!emma, who is very dominant, she loves a dominance, modern au, college/university, very kink, very smut
Canon Compliant Prompts
Set sometime after the end of S6 but far before S7: Killian gets hurt enough by a new villain to lose consciousness. Emma of course blasts said villain but the biggest shock is to hear Henry yell ‘dad!’ without even realizing he said it, shocking his mom(s) and grandparents. Henry doesn’t care though. He just needs to know his dad is ok. Bonus points if Emma loves up on Killian too (once he regains consciousness of course)   - Fufilled Prompt by @sherlockianwhovian​ 
Dark Captain Swan getting to dark villainy plot in Storybrooke together! (and eventually getting brought back to the light by Henry and the rest of the team maybe)
How about something for that picture that Sean posted a few months ago? Emma holding their baby and Killian in the background with the face pointing excitedly to the baby.
Killian has a really bad nightmare one night, sometime after the Underworld, and Emma or Henry team up to get him out of bed the next day with their love.
Emma and Killian dancing in their house after they get married, just because they can
Emma and Killian's kids calling Emma "love" instead of "Mom" because that's how Killian refers to his Swan.
Killian runs against Regina every mayoral election - not because he wants to be mayor, but because pissing Regina off is pretty much the highlight of his year. Until he’s actually elected. Emma finds the whole thing fucking hilarious. A nice little slice of life future fic with our favorite captain not giving up his chaos king ways?
Emma noticing Killian's transition from "love" to "my love" and starts calling Killian some petname of her own. - Fufilled Prompt by @sherlockianwhovian
CS Kid Prompts
Emma and Killian grew up as orphans, wanting so bad to have a family. And now with a huge house to fill, and so many kids in Storybrooke that don't have a home, they decide to open theirs. Found family trope at its best. *I will adore any fics people wanna give!*   - Fufilled prompt by @sherlockianwhovian​
Emma proposing to Killian in the Underworld, after Liam moves on and Killian says his "intends to have a future" line.
Could you write a fic where Emma and Killian have a son but he has a... rough relationship with Killian? I don't know, maybe he is too much like him and Killian doesn't want him to make the same mistakes he made but he doesn't know how to connect with him and is always scolding him because he drives him crazy or something
Captain Swan son gets caught for under aged drinking. Killian’s absolutely furious. Emma’s mad, but more laid back. We find out he’s so mad because he doesn’t want his son to be a drunk like he was.
CS future fic where Hope has no filter and innocently and loudly asks what that banging noise was in Emma and Killian's room last night. Maybe at a packed Granny's? Or Thanksgiving dinner?
Kids sometimes say hurtful things without meaning to and sometimes kids are bratty and do it deliberately. Younger Hope (or other CS child) says something to deliberately upset Killian related to his past. (Why should I listen to you when you were a villain, ect?) Angsty hurting Killian followed by some comfort from Emma and a heartfelt talk with said CS child.
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