#okay thats everyone and also so long. not editing it down. sorrie.
lakesbian · 3 months
what are your animorphs thoughts on how the characters have been changing over the course of the series so far? also, do you have a favorite animal moment in the ones you’ve read?
okay this got long due to my rambling so its going under a cut
well i can't say i have any profound analysis on how they've been changing but it's fun...jake rocks because he very rapidly went from "why are you guys saying im the leader im not the leader stop saying im the leader" -> someone has to be the leader, they want it to be me, i'll take the responsibility for making the calls that could get people killed and he Is becoming more repressed and solemn over time about it but he's also great at like. having internal spirals over it and shaking like a leaf and becoming very reactively resentful of both himself for not knowing what to do and everyone else for expecting him to know what to do. & sometimes people are like aww jake it's not your fault but sometimes they yell about how he's the one that got them into this mess so he has to get him out of it while internally regarding him as genuinely being the facade he puts up (<- even marco does this it's dire for jake) so you know. he's not doing so hot. shoutout to when cassie is like so what you're not supposed to be human? and he's like that's exactly right i'm not supposed to be human. it's fucking over for him marco has started calling him Prematurely Middle-Aged. he is turning into brian laborn. i like how they know they can still strategically coerce Whimsy and Immaturity out of him (e.g. 'letting' them sneak into a hollywood concert thing) by appealing to specific teenagerisms of his (shaq will be there).
veryfunny how they. put an arc about tobias navigating [checks notes] accepting his therian identity in the 90s children novels. just straight up. they gave birdboy a stomach-fluttering creeping lack of ability to stay in denial while a higher being was showing him his ideal body moment. They gave birdboy a "rachel is forced to accept who he is and stop solely thinking of him as a human tragically locked away by finding that only appealing to his true self as a red-tailed hawk rather than as a human can bring him out of being lost in a morph" moment. Also, he was autistic about dinosaurs as a child. i fear perhaps he'll have less focus for the rest of the series because his personal arc has like. more or less been sorted already. he's good now. there is the chosen one™️thing coming up still but i like that significantly less than him being just some guy so that's not really exciting. it's nice for him that his life is cool and awesome now though. i will say it's funny how almost every time the animorphs describe each other in their books they're just so wildly off-base (generally in the 'falling for the facade' way but it was funny when marco just confidently rattled off statements about rachels purported secret insecurities that were not even remotely accurate) and with tobias everyone is still like. poor soul. forever trapped in the body of a hawk. and then you cut to tobias and every time he's not in hawk morph he's complaining and bitching and moaning about how he wants to be back in his REAL body with his REAL eyes because they're SO MUCH MORE AWESOME. he's good, guys. he's fine. he's chill.
i am on the. checks notes. second chapter of the Cassie's Spontaneous Mental Break Over Doing Violence book. i like how she had an entire book dedicated to that one specific experience some kids have of being A Kid Who Loves Animals (TM) and then processes that bad things happen all the time in nature + human morality with regards to caring for animals is complicated and biased and gets really distressed about pondering the matter. like you know that type of experience. love that she gets an entire book dedicated to having it. fantastic character trait that she's the most prone out of all of them to having morality debates with herself and distress over the idea of choosing wrong to the point where she genuinely needs someone (marco) to explain to her that inaction is in itself a decision. girl who is very sick and tired of bloodshed, and also keeps accidentally murdering people. remember when she's like [trying 2 joke] i dont want to decide...could you just decide for me jake and jake is like [seriously, completely aware she wasn't kidding on a deeper level] do you Want me to decide for you? it is perhaps most necessary for her over all the other morphs that she gets to Not Be The Person Making The Final Calls. this does not stop her from having increasingly many little moments of nervous breaks before she gets so upset she tries to hard-quit though. should be interesting to see where that goes over the course of the entire series because she has a lot more books to suffer badly through
rachel is like. i think she's the slowest boiling pot here. she's had one (1) moment of really getting snappish about her role being The Brave One but other than that she's largely going "unfortunately i cant stop talking (instinctively immediately calling marco a pussy when he says something is scary and then throwing myself into it to motivate everyone even if i am also so very scared)" and then continuing to play out her role. it's been cute to watch her friendship with marco develop they're by no means each others favorite but they're playful with each other and they're learning how to read each other. i like when rachel is like hmm i think i hear your mom on a submarine and hes like thanks rachel [thinking] if she says youre welcome shes lying to be nice and shes like. Thank you for having better hearing than you? Loser. and hes like oh thank god. it's also very cute when he steals the tv remote while they're all hanging out in a hotel room and acts like he's gonna turn it to baywatch and she gets annoyed and then he puts it to xena warrior princess for her and shes like oh ok :). she is always getting ripped and torn to shreds and almost dying and it may actually be traumatizing the other animorphs marginally more than it traumatizes her. i think thus far my favorite scene with her is when she's traveling with tobias during megamorphs 2
aximili is like. he can be kind of nothing when it's not his book but his characterization is overall really solid. kind of enamored with how much having dinner with cassie impacted him. i want to see more of his developing friendship with tobias...i like how in his head he's like "and we're Best friends :)" without checking to see whether or not tobias also thinks this. deeply deeply funny character in terms of literally being a jock who didnt pay very much attention in school sent back 400 years and expected by everyone he meets there to, like, explain how to invent electricity when all he knows is what electricity is. i think during the dinosaur episode he should have started insufferably asking the other animorphs to explain how to invent a cellphone/water purifier/etc to make a point. bonus points because he comes from a society where being considered more technologically knowledgeable than other warriors is literally a huge diss. he wants to be a jock but he's being considered a nerd by all of his friends just for knowing what is to him basic fact. which obscures the truth that cassie is the real nerd of the group. sad! i disagree with the people who think he's genuinely weird compared to other andalites and not just on earth btw. just a side note. i really like his character development and internal struggles over geopolitics while being Extremely Fifteen. he is fifteen and they are making him undergo the horrors. i would like to see more scenes like where he's invited to dinner at cassie's or where he remembers the dinner at cassie's as smth very fond/important to him but at the same time i can get behind him having a like...undersiders-type relationship to the other animorphs where the connection is simultaneously very superficial and very deep because he wouldn't be in proximity to them if not for Being In A War Together and they don't really have any intimate interactions with him but they still have the intrinsic closeness of constantly fighting for each others lives. i like how he's objectively rachel's least favorite & least trusted and they would still bite claw maim for each other!
marco is becoming increasingly complicated 4 sure. kind of enamored with his character trait where he's completely fine with going "ATTENTION EVERYONE: i am so terrified and scared and afraid that i am shivering and crying hysterically and peeing myself and i've almost fainted as well" but he simultaneously considers the idea of anyone finding out about deeper emotional vulnerabilities of his and pitying him to be intolerable. which kind of clashes in an interesting way w/ how the other animorphs are all pathologically obsessed with the notion that it's fine for anyone Else to be afraid, but They can't be afraid or they're a coward and should be ashamed of themselves. i forgot the specific context but shoutout to when marco fully genuinely says that something is very scary/he's very scared and he wouldn't blame anyone who decided to go home and then cassie projects her own insecurities onto the statement and makes a kind of snippy remark about how she's not going to back down despite the fact that it was in no way targeted at anyone. i like how it's sort of his job to be The Sensible One (although this has shifted over the course of the series now it's more his job to be The Funny One i.e. the emotional medic) but his brain just completely shits out when he's scared and he frequently has to be reminded of common sense things during fights. i like how this does not stop him from being extremely impulsively angry and violent and poorly restrained around things that hit home for him. i like how when jake tries to go "are you ok? asking because you have not made a singular jest and thats worrying to people" marco takes it as "alright fucking fine i'll do better at doing my job and making jokes" instead of emotionally engaging. it's gonna be interesting to see where he goes he's one of the more complicated ones to see the perspective of
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simping4-2manyppl · 10 months
Hi there! Can I request a Bill (2023) x yn (a fem!reader, who is also in the band and married to Bill ) fic where they react to fanfictions or edits abt them (abt Bill and yn back in the 2000s) during an Instagram live with the other members please ?
Take care 🫶🏻
Bill Kaulitz 🎤
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Bill x y/n
I feel like this one turned out bad since i rushed it 😓 so sorry about that pookie 💔 may be some spelling mistakes!
You woke up, feeling the other side of the bed empty. You groaned, getting up and rubbing your eyes. You got up and made you way to the kitchen making coffee as you saw your husband fixing up his phone, positioning it so its facing him.
"Okay guys, now that everyones in here i thought we should do something that SOOO many people have been asking us to do." Bill said, laughing.
"Oh wait! Y/n!" He said turning around, motioning for you to come over. You picked up your coffee and made your way over to him,
"yes my love?" you said sitting down next to him, sipping on your coffee as you waved at the phone.
Seeing everyone wave, you smiled and pit your coffee on the small coffee table you guys had. "Hello everyone." You said giggling, "So?" you said turning to bill.
He smiled at you, "People have been requesting us to watch some edits i think thats what theyre called and fanfiction" (get ready guys 😣) he said with a big grin on his face. You furrowed your eyebrows and looked at him, “ill send them in our group chat so we can all see them at the same time.” bill said, pressing send.
You put your head on his shoulder, looking at the video, it was one of your guys concerts from when you were younger. “Oh gosh.. we were so little!” you said, a warm smile appearing on your face. “You were about 13 years old and i was only 14” he said, chuckling. “Exactly! Super young.” You said.
The edit was you and bill singing while there were some clips of tom, gustav, and georg playing. “When georg had his long hair!” you said laughing, “i was always jealous of his luscious hair.” You said, as georg laughed. “I know, everyone was.” He said winking, “it was beautiful.” He said, causing you to all laugh.
You watched more edits as they contained small clips of interviews you guys did when you were younger or other clips that you would sometimes record or someone else. You could remember them as if they were from yesterday, you felt old as you looked at your crazy younger self. Over the years you have had crazy looks as you never got to figure yourself out, you remember borrowing either tom or bills clothes or youd buy some clothes of your own but youd always prefer everyone else’s.
It was cute, looking back at how youthful you all were and you still were pretty young but just seeing your teen self brought back some of the best memories.
The last video bill showed was an edit of your guy’s wedding, including the members as they were also apart of it.
You loved seeing memories of the day you finally married the love of your life, you felt yourself smiling super hard as you looked at bill, “this is adorable, thank you my love.” You said giving his a small and quick kiss. “I love seeing these videos of our wedding, tom looks so silly right there.” He said laughing, “hey! No i dont.” He said rolling his eyes and he clicked on a new filter.
“Tom how do you get that, i want the cool filters too.” Bill said, whining and pressing on the screen, trying to figure out on how to get the filters. You rolled your eyes and laughed, they were always being so silly and that was one of the things you loved about bill, the relationship he had with his brother, considering you never grew up that close with any of your siblings.
“Okay, whatever. Lets move on to the fan fiction.” Bill said excitedly. You grabbed your coffee and sipped on it, “you guys, i dont know how to work this but im going to try my best. Ill be reading it out loud.” He said and clicked on an app. “Alright..” he said looking focused, trying to figure the app out.
he finally found one after searching and the title read “Your living nightmare.” ( i told yall to get ready 😓) “Ooo tom this ones about you!” bill said as tom looked at him confused, “what do you mean.” He said, “someone wrote this about you tom!” he said and started reading it, and boy was it odd.
They would go into deep detail of the character and tom, it was crazy how they made up so many things, i mean tom? A gangster? He was probably one of the nicest people you knew, obviously it didn’t appear like that to most people since he would put up an act but now you were just nervous about the rest of the fanfiction.
You wondered what people wrote about you and bill. After bill got bored and really weirded out by the fanfic he chose a new one, something called “oneshots” you didnt know what they meant but apparently they were like little chapters but each one contained a different plot and story.
He read out some about gustav and georg, some about tom and himself, he would squeal nervously when it was about him, and youd just laugh. This ones about you.” Bill said smirking at you, “something called smut?” you furrowed your eyebrows and nodded, you were now extremely nervous, “okay..” you said as he started reading, into the middle of the chapter his jaw dropped as he put his phone down, “yeahhh… okay, lets stop right there.”
He said, still shocked. “What? What is it?” you said confused as to why he stopped. He leaned over and whispered in your ear, “its about you and like.. sex related things.” He said, your face immediately turning red. “Oh wow..” you said shocked, you definitely weren’t expecting this but maybe you should have, i mean ever since you were a teenager you did always get alot of attention and some boys would catcall you and tell you things so you were pretty used to it but you never expected someone to write something sexual about you.
You laughed it off and just finished your coffee as it was already cold from you leaving it as you were busy reading the fan fictions with bill. “Well.. this whole thing was definitely interesting..” you said placing your lips together, pressing them shut.
As you said your goodbyes the live ended and bill looked at you, “some of the things they wrote about you were pretty accurate you know.” He said smirking, “you do love to moan my name out loud, dont you mein schatz?” He said, caressing your cheek with his thumb. His face now inches away from yours. Your face now as red as a tomato, “i-“ you tried to say but got interrupted, “shh..” bill said, placing his lips onto yours, slowly kissing you as you felt the kiss turn hungry very quickly. “Lets go to the bedroom.” He said getting up and grabbing your hand. You grabbed his hand and squealed in excitement.
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mintsvnoo · 6 months
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PAIRING lee heeseung x gnr
— in which (name) dislikes his academic rival lee heeseung, but they end up partnered for a photography project. late-night shoot turns into an unexpected overnight stay at heeseung's place, and (name) wakes up late with heeseung in their arms, and also a stomach fluttering with butterflies.
GENRE one-sided rivalry to crushes? non-idol au
A. NOTE first headcanon, hope youll like it
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(more under the cut)
⋆。 ˚ lee heeseung
“woops looks like u two are late!”
you hated lee heeseung, you just do — his face, eyes, lips, smile, oh how you just hated every bit of him, also doesn't make things better when he just had to be better in academics than you! heck, your crush – which took an amount of self-esteem for you to build up the courage to ask them out, literally rejected you because they had their eyes of that heeseung! a reasonable explanation on why you wanted to die right now when your photography professor announced your partners for a 2 person group project, literally everyone wanted to be partnered with heeseung but you and yet you were the one who was picked to be his darn partner! “hello, y/n? are you listening?” heeseung said while he snapped his fingers to your face, “uh ahm, yes” you replied while leaning back while ghost rolling your eyes. “great! then you being the muse it is!” “wait what”
“move over to the left a bit, a bit more.. there! don't move” *click!* damn even his camera is better than yours, and to be honest being with him is different than you imagined, like TEN times worse than you imagined! it's been hours! and you're still not done with this thing, he had dragged you to so many different places at the point you don't even know where you are at and you didn't know your city is this big?! (you never go outside) plus the project only required ten pictures, so why was he taking a bajillion pictures of you! man did you just want to go home now, “i think thats enough pictures for now, we should get some rest, we need to edit the rendering of this too.” heeseung said after taking the last picture of you, looking back at the photos to see it. “okay.. um where are we exactly?” putting down your numbed arms slightly massaging as heeseung looks up at you, slightly smiling at the question he doesn't hear often, “you don't know this part of the city? where in (insert random city name)—” “(random city name)?! are the trains still stationed at this time?!” you said while checking your phone to see the time, 10:03!? darn it seems like ten isnt your lucky number, gosh theres definitely no train stationed at this time, plus you dont have enough money for a taxi when your place is 3 miles away from this part of the city.. looks like you have to walk all the way home now.. “do you... want to stay at my place for the night? my place is not far from here” the sudden suggestions surprised you taking your attention away from your phone to look at heeseung. “eh?”
every sophomore at your college will be dying just to be in your current situation, eating at heeseung, changing into heeseung clothes, sharing a bed with heeseung.... “sorry couldn't find the extra mats.. you can take the bed ill take the couch” heeseung said as he guided you to his room “no need, ill just take the couch.” “no! you're my guest you should take the bed!” “but-” “no.” and that's why you're now in this predicament, sharing a bed with heeseung, before going to sleep it was fine both at your respected side of the bed, heck there was even two pillows at the middle to keep both of you away from ones side and yet when you woke up the first thing you noticed was that the man you so called hate was all coddled up on you, the pillow dividers long forgotten, and the next thing you noticed was that... crap! your late.
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shigarakisslutbag · 10 months
I honestly didn't think I'd write on here again but I can't sleep and it's like 5:30 in the morning lol. So I'll write some thigh fuckin' headcanons to ease the stress 😎 (also TW: for thigh fucking, somnophilia, long post in general LMFAO. If I missed anything I apologize. Also it's now 6:19 after finishing it so there's probably typos I've missed after briefly skimming this so Im also sorry for that LMFAO)
(EDIT after writing. I'm so sorry this ended up not being headcanons and was just a full on drabble I found of pulled out of my ass but I hope you still enjoy it lol)
Now truthfully I havent even watched/finished the seasons after season 4 lol. I'm in the middle of season 5 still because I'm severely depressed and can't enjoy anything. But that doesn't mean I don't still love shigaraki and tbh I still read fanfiction from time to time about him or dabi.
I feel like a lot of people paint shigaraki as either absolutely vile and grimey or just aloof and soft with a grumpy attitude. And I feel like it's a bit of both. Which really plays into his sex life (if he'll ever have one). But even without a sex life, his personality most certainly plays into his fantasies and kinks.
I want to also emphasize that fantasies are just that, fantasies. Shigaraki most likely has plenty of fantasies that he'd never dream of acting out with his partner should he ever have one. I feel like even if he had some sick fantasies or kinks, and you happened to be okay with it, he would still be iffy because if this man, for whatever reason, picked you out of everyone else?? He's not going to treat you like absolute garbage. Shigaraki is definitely not the nicest person by any means, but by God if he cares about someone he fucking cares. Esp because you're probably the only person who actually loves him in his entirety. So if he's into noncon, somnophilia, predator/prey play, or whatever, it's going to be a while before he gets comfortable bringing up any of those fantasies with you.
Now that I've gotten that out of the way, you're wondering "goddamnit ash shut the fuck up and tell me the thigh f-" wELL THATS TOO DAMN BAD YOU LISTEN TO SEGGSY MONOLOGUE OR YOU GET NOTHING. ty luv u.
Okay so his fantasies right ? What are shigarakis kinks ? Does he have any? Oh absolutely. And they range from either something as light and soft as hickeys and tying you up in silk while eating you out for 2 hours to nipple clamps and making you wail with hot tears and shoving a dildo down your throat telling you take it like you've taken every other mans cock down your throat because he knows stupid sluts like you are always capable of doing those things if you know it'll make your pussy soak the sheets.
Now it's not his top fantasy, but thigh fucking. And God do you have the prettiest thighs. It doesn't matter is there's stretch marks, if they're chubby, skinny, or if you have immense scarring on them he LOVES them. He loves how soft they are. He loves how they look in shorts or a skirt (esp when you keep trying to pull them down a bit because they're a size smaller than what you wanted so they don't pudge out). He loves how your delicate hands lay on top of your thighs while you fiddle with your fingers out of nervousness. He loves the way they move when he walks behind you, you have a walk that puts any model to shame. He just loves them . And by God does he throb at thought of getting to push his cock past your sweaty or oily thighs. The head of his dick barely kissing your clit each time he thrusts. But that's not the biggest and best part at all. He wants to wake you up to it. You've told him countless times he can wake you up to any sexual acts but he's still nervous. But he's really horny right now. And you're sweaty from the lack of AC and you're naked on your side sleeping away. But he genuinely can't think of anything else other than how wet your pussy must be right now and how slick your thighs must be from the heat of the room. His cock is absolutely aching to slide between your thighs and folds. He has never felt so hungry until he met someone with a body as inviting as your own. He's been stroking for the past couple minutes but it's just not enough .
He peels off the throw blanket you have over you because despite the heat you always love your blanket to sleep. But even after the blanket is removed you still don't wake . He slowly examines your body and grazes his hand down your body. Going over your shoulders and arms to ribs to hip bone. Finally meets that beautiful soft ass of yours. He gentle lifts your thigh to angle and can see your pussy . Its so wet and glistening from the lights on the street coming in through your window, beaming in and lighting up your skin to a beautiful warm glow.
He lifts up one of your slick folds, seeing your pretty clit and rubbing his thumb in tiny circles on it. He can't take it anymore and slides his cock between your thighs, his shaft rubbing your leaking pussy and making your clit throb even more. You may be asleep but your cunt is always awake and ready to be touched by him.
He starts thrusting slowly to building up that pressure in his groin to make his orgasm feel even better in the end. He can feel you coating his shaft with your juices more and more with each desperate thrust he makes to your thighs. Your thighs are so sweaty and warm and grip his dick so nicely taking any and every drop of cum he wants to and could ever give you. He can hear slight wet sounds coming from your cunt with each thrust that keeps getting more rapid and animalistic with each thrust because you dont know how to stop being such a needy whore all the time even in your sleep. Before he knows it you're gushing and your cum is on the sheets making him go over the edge. Now he's spitting thick, white shots of cum all over your thighs while drops of it roll down your skin onto the bed as well. You're still mostly asleep, but youve adorned a dazed smile on your face with a satisfied tomura passed out next you .
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goofyjelly · 9 months
Star Trek TOS (2x02) : Who Mourns for Adonais?
Oop Scotty is in love (this girl WILL die)
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Vulcans are a bummer, so don't beam down the sad man >:(
Again with the casual Vulcan slander! Why do they keep doing my boy dirty like that???
Fjsldjskdj oh no the girl Scotty likes beamed down, she's not beaming back up 💀💀💀 Scotty can't have shit on the enterprise 🥲
Hehe the hand is so silly
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Fascinating ✨✨✨
Oop Scotty's crush is a mythology nerd she's DEFINITELY leaving Scotty for Apollo or something INSANE like that.
Kirk , you can't really immediately believe he's the God Apollo-
oh fuck no I was KIDDING! I was KIDDING when I said that girl would fall in love w-
"you seem wize, for a woman" excuse me???
I can excuse the god-like wrath, but NOT THE SEXISM
Scotty 🥺 the narrative hates you, I'm so sorry 😭
Ah jeez, she's DEFINITELY into it 💀💀💀
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BWAHAHAHAJ GHE COSTUME CHANGE WHY- WHY?! She really just immediately abandoned the captain and the enterprise. Like girlie you took an oath. DONT ACT LIKE THIS IS A SACRIFICE TO YOU-
Scotty is so sweet,
Okay Kirks right, maybe I was so fast to judge her, maybe she's trying to get info. The star trek pattern of lots of dumb women is getting to me.
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Spock, you're doing great, but this clearly isn't working
She seems a bit too smiley to be doing this for "strategic purposes" 💀
Ooo okay so in star trek universe Greek mythology is real but they were all aliens? Okay, thats definitely a choice™
"God's took mortals to love and care for-" oh oop called it.
"Spock's contaminating this boy, Jim" awwwwww Chekov <3
Apollo really out here with an extra organ in his body oh boy.
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Scotty, sweetie, you're amazing, but-
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Shatner's acting is so fucking funny for some reason oh my gosh Kirk is choking on the ground I should NOT be laughing right now 💀
Also I know they just casually mentioned it as a Bit, but i think it's so cute that Spock is mentoring Chekov or something to that affect.
Uh oh I think Apollo is worn out a bit. LIKE THAT CAT IN THE RUSSIAN STORY- Pavel, never change.
Uhura is tinkering ✨✨✨ love her
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"I can think of no one better equipped to handle it" SO TRUE, SPOCK!!!
wait does that girl have god powers now or-
"Mankind has no need for gods" oo? " we find the one quite valuable" OOOOH okay.
"GO!" They really went full on middle school lunch room on his ass fjskjfkdjdk
Lieutenant, stop getting emotionally attached to the Greek god Apollo 💀💀💀 Kirk is so done oh my gosh
Im hoping she's actually super smart and this whole attitude is an act. I may have to apologize to women again.
Become the mother of a new race of gods AYOOOO?????? UM???
okay he needs to stop , actually. Yup nope okay she's down BAD. Poor Scotty 😭
Kirk : "how old are you?"
Chekov : "22"
Kirk : "then I better handle it-"
Pavel 🥺 you're like a child to everyone here, how the fuck did you graduate the academy at 22-
In like ten minutes I've went from calling him Chekov to Pavel , the illness is real.
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Kirk, your rizz might not be able to get us outta this one
Kirk, Tell that to Spock's parents. Being from different species didn't stop them if you know what I mean-
She's trying to switch back to being On Duty , yes you're a scientist. I KNEW SHE WAS A SPECIALIST OF MYTHS. "Illogical. I could no more love you than I could love a piece of bacteria"
I owe women another apology, she's back ✨
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The end 😃
W H a t
Okay that's not the most insane thing ever, actually. The ending felt a tiny bit rushed but that could've just been me.
Also Chekov is literally a child compared to everyone else on board- like of course 22 isn't a child but Kirk is, I wanna say, in his mid thirties at least (based on how long ago he says things took place in his life and how old he was then; like Taurus 4 and different things hes done as a lieutenant ), and no one else in the main cast is supposed to be 22.
That was a decent episode; not one of my favs but definitely not the worst. I probably won't do a rewatch for a while, but that's cus I have odd taste lol.
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oumaheroes · 1 year
So i went to reread the three other oneshots you tagged in your recent of Gabriel leaving Arthur and Francis home but it doesn't make much sense
In the one of them at the party, at/towards the end you mention Alfred being caught by Antonio having "a lot of fun' meaning he was caught doing something naughty 👀
And then you mention Matthew hiding the good wine from Alfred, meaning they're AT LEAST 18 years old to be at this party, drinking and going into lewd acts with others.
But in the Marriage Counseling AU, they're both kiddos being told "your dad and i got into a fight" and how kids can tell that something is going on between their parents
Also.... Uhhh, just my own opinion about what Arthur's feelings... Uhhh
Is it Wrong that I really want Francis and Arthur to divorce?
I'm not sure what Arthur did that was bad aside from missing out on couples therapy, and him mentioning to Gilbert at the bar that he ALMOST fucked up, but catching or finding out your husband fucked some other person isn't something you can simply move on from, and if Arthur isn't ready to forgive or forget, and if he doesn't want to at all then thats a valid response from him. Lord knows i wouldn't but i guess he just loves Francis so much that he's willing to stay with him still, or maybe he's doing it for the kids like he tells Gilbert .
I'm also assuming maybe it's Antonio that Francis slept with, since they mention their absence when it's him and Gil at the bar drinking , like he had something to do with it.
Not sure, but yes, the whole au seems a little confusing now
Oh Anon, you speak such truths!
The Couples' Therapy AU exists in scattered parts and, as each part was written so far away from the parts before, the story has changed from the original design (where Al and Matt are Arthur and Francis' adult friends) to what they are in the next three installments- their children.
I've never revealed (aside to NeedCake hehe) what the storyline actually is, or what Arthur and Francis are actually fighting about or have done to each other. This is a secret for now and the stories posted are little flashes into it!
Rather than go back and edit the first part to fit, I'd rather write the whole thing out officially and prettily ;u; Thank you for your patience with me! I'm sorry things are a little confusing
Okay, long detail under the cut:
The Couples' Therapy AU originally started out with this. I had a vague idea of what I wanted but it was only going to give context to the -this was never meant to be anything more than a one shot! Arthur and Fran were a newly married couple sorting out some jealousy issues, Al and Matt are there but aren't related to them, and it was all going to be fine and dandy
And then Whumptober happened
Whumptober did things to me, Anon. I saw Day 2's prompt and the whole AU came back to me with a bang but this time, in my Whumptober fuled mania, it came back evil
From this point I fleshed the entire story out, each character's involvement, and then let it simmer. In this fic, listed as part three of Couples' Therapy, I kept the core idea of jealousy issues but redesigned the whole structure- Fran and Art are now a family, they've been married for years, but over those years cracks have begun to show and someone from Arthur's past comes along and inadvertently, innocently, steps on some fragile ground and breaks the whole things apart
The second listed part of Couples' Therapy then, written near the end of Whumptober, is the direct aftermath. What has happened has happened, everyone's hurt and split by it all, and we get a glimpse into what really went down
As for the truth of what happened, you'll have to wait and see. I've been waiting for the motivation to sit down and write the thing from the start but cake's birthday gift makes part number 4, which is chronologically the second story in teh timeline of events. It's about to kick off and we just need to watch it happen
'Is it Wrong that I really want Francis and Arthur to divorce?'
No it is not, they have done terrible things to each other
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vanikolya · 2 years
hello! just saw that your requests are open. can I ask for:
TW: mentions of stress and selfharm, kind of ? delete this ask if it's too much, i'm sorry if it's the case ><
kaeya and/or diluc with a male!reader who has the urge to hurt himself as soon as he gets stressed. for example, hearing someone yelling and immediately bringing his hands to his throat to scratch or strangle himself.
can I ask for some cuddles with the boys in the fic, too ? 👉👈
thank you a lot if you do it. and if you don't, that's fine, please don't force yourself.
have a good day!
{ hiya! i'm sorry this took a while, i got really behind in tumblr stuff <3 thank you for your ask!
TW: mentions of stress and self harm
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he's already very attentive to your needs in general, and he's known you well for long enough to know what is likely to turn into a stressful situation to you
so generally he aims to avoid those situations altogether (e.g, staying away from crowds) or just take you away from it the moment he can tell that something's not going to go very well (perhaps something escalating at angel's share whilst the two of you are there) to minimise harm to you
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i just know diluc has a little comfy spot set up in like the corner of the tavern store room/a spare room for the two of you, he finds it easier to help calm you down in a quiet little private space especially considering cuddling is involved much more often than not
diluc is naturally pretty warm (pyro user headcanon moment) and really comfortable to cuddle with
if it wouldn't stress you out more, he usually tries to restrain you somewhat- not uncomfortably, and he would stop when you ask him to, but just holding you in a way so you aren't able to hurt yourself before you've calmed down
pretty reasonably able to spend a lot more time with you if you're both at home (or close by enough to get there when you're getting stressed) than if you had been in the city together
will stay in bed cuddling with you even after you've destressed and are okay, given the both of you have no schedule to adhere to
double and triple checking that you're okay before the two of you get out of bed again
helped you to set out little "calming down strategies"? like counting down from 10, breathing exercises, all whilst he holds your hands so you can't hurt yourself
idk i just feel like kaeya would know a lot about dealing with stress, probably because have you seen how carefree this man is? and i know the general hc is bc he ✨️ drinks away all his stress and sorrows ✨️ (unless thats canon honestly my memory is horrible) but i feel he'd probably use little strategies to keep himself calm during a stressful situation
he also masks his worry for you really well, whilst it's obvious to you that he cares for you, there's not exactly any "I'm so worried about you please feel better" factor that could stress you out more because you're upset you're worrying him? if that makes sense
i'm assuming he lives somewhere within the city honestly i feel like that makes the most sense, so unlike with diluc there's not really the issue of not being able to get you home if there's some issue whilst you were in the city that really stressed you out
he's giving me "has a big bed with like 3 blankets and 7 pillows" vibes so cuddling to calm you down is always really comfortable
kaeya has a way with words of affirmation, and saying the best things to help you calm down, of course that being said he wouldn't use this to rush your calming down
he may be a calvary captain but there's not exactly a calvary is there, so he has all day to set aside for you if needs be (even if he, technically is meant to be working on something else pff its fine you come first there's always someone else who can do his job in an emergency <3)
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pbandjesse · 2 years
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Today was a very cold, but bright and beautiful day. I am feeling a little low but mostly thats because I'm tired. I am looking forward to bed.
But I had a nice day! I slept okay last night. I don't remember James leaving this morning but apparently I told them I love them so that is good. I am glad I reminded them I loved them before they headed out into the very very windy day. They apparently almost got knocked off this bike. But they wood soon be safe at work.
I woke up at 9 and felt alright. I wouldn't actually get up for a long time.
I got washed up and dressed. I stripped our bed and pulled out another sweater form storage (which I'm wearing now), and remade our bed. Felt nice to shake out the blankets.
I would have a little snack. And then vacuum the apartment. I packed up the recycling and cloroxed all the surfaces. I lit a candle and tidied up for a bit.
I chilled for a while. Callie let me know she would be here at noon. And so I went and made sure my stuff I had for her to look through was ready. I also found a few things I just thought she would like. Like a tiny horse squishmallow.
I was excited when she got here. We went through the clothes and knickknacks I had. She reacted exactly like I thought she was about the horse and a few other things. She's so sweet. And it was fun just sitting and talking about everything and nothing.
We talked about camp and work. Christmas and food. And traditions. It was a lot of fun. We would follow Sweetp from room to room and it was a really excellent afternoon.
I started feeling weird around 3. When I realized I had never eaten. Oops.
So I had some chocolate to get my hands to stop shaking while we looked at pictures and talked about travel. But soon her mom texted her that they were pulling out Christmas decorations. So she headed out.
Hugs all around and then she was off.
And very quickly James was home! I was sorry they didn't get to say hi to Callie. But that was okay.
James wanted to watch some more of the ravens came. Which was fine with me. Our landlady Tina had left us some apples. And so I was happy to eat a really beautiful apple and start to look through the edited wedding photos that Audrey sent us.
She made some of them black and white. Which are going to look great printed. But the color ones are my favorite. I am already thinking about layouts and how I'll frame some. I made some Instagram posts and I was just feeling really happy.
Soon though we headed to brass tap for dinner. It was a nice walk but I was very cold. I had wlmy hug scarf all wrapped around my head. And when we got there it was a little loud but that's okay.
The food was good but again, half way through the meal I started to feel really sick. I don't get why this keep happening. It's so frustrating. Everything started to taste so salty and my stomach hurt so bad.
So I was just like. I want to go home. James had finished their food. And I mostly finished mine.
The walk home was not fun for me. I felt like I was going to hurl. I don't even understand why. I was so upset.
But we got home and I laid down. James just held me. I sipped some water and that helped a little.
James did laundry. They had taken out chair down to the alley and we're excited to tell me it was gone when they went down to put the clothes in the dryer. Amazing. I hope whoever took it loves it. After they fix the side.
I would work on some prints. I pulled out some small watercolor paper and I am really pleased. I want to keep trying with my new stamps but I am really attached to this Birdy right now.
After a bit I took a bath. And it helped me feel a little better. And now I am cozy in bed.
My stomach still hurts. But I am alright. I am just hoping I can sleep easier tonight.
Tomorrow should be a good day. I have a cannery and a tour. And then me and James are going to puhtok to set things up. And take some Christmas themed photos. I am hoping it's not so cold.
Sleep good everyone. Take care of each other. Goodnight!!
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kandadiff · 8 months
Larger Than Life : New Rules
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"Well I'm here to set some rules down, y'all have been here almost 2 weeks and have fought like cats and dogs this shit is fucking crazy y'all. So here's what it is"
"Is his name bow wow because thats the sound dogs make?" I ask to no one in particular, I am honestly amazed by this new information. "you know since he was brought up by snoop."
"can you stop?" Lisa hisses at me.
"What? I am amazed. but I am sorry." I apologize to him "go ahead."
"Thank you." he smiles at the table. "One, There's no more fighting that goes for everyone. One more fight and I don't care who started it y'all both will be sent home." Looks are exchanged around the table. "two, No more destruction to anyones property whether it's clothes, makeup, jewelry anything you will be sent home with a fine to the damages." More looks are exchanged, though everyone passes glances at Emma. "Three, No more smoking in the crib take that shit outside"
"Cigarettes or-" Ian starts but Bow Wow interuppts.
"Both! And lastly each person will be voting someone home every week."
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"FINALLY!" Emma yells "I mean tell me we weren't all thinking it. This house could do with less skanks." She takes a deep sip of her wine.
"BUT back home your fans also get to decide who will be sent packing if both answers are different from fans and then both parties gonna have to duke it out in a challenge in order to stay in the house what kind of challenge you ask? Well that's something y'all just gonna have to wait for. Any questions?"
We all start talking about our opinions on the matter and finally someone asks “what happens when we call our lifeline. Are they up for elimination as well?” 
“Yeah I need to know that too.” She looks around the table “just wait when I call mine.” 
“Wait for what? Whoever it is can’t fight us.” Draven rolled her eyes taking a long swig of her drink. 
"Continue please, Bow wow." Jennie smiles up at him and I refrain from kicking her.
“Big fan man.” Liam smiled at him and I rolled my eyes. 
"Oh yeah?" I laugh. "Name a song of his then."
Liam glares at me but Bow wow just shakes his head laughing. "To answer your question about call ins, if they choose to live here they will be safe from going home for the week. Also they can be called any anytime."
"Can we come back into the house if voted off?" Gigi asks.
"with enough fan votes, yes unless you break rules 1 & 2." he explains.
"Any more questions?" When no one else speaks up he smiles. "good now enjoy the dinner because on... what day is it?"
"Okay, well on Friday, you are going to remind the fans at home why you are here and why you're here. We are going to have a talent show complete with a stage."
"what about us?" Gigi asks "We're models - we don't sing or act."
"Well you models will have raw photoshoots. No photoshop- no editing. Just pure talent. Thats fair enough right? Or you can try singing or acting, playing an instrument... Let your creative juices flow! Remember the fans love authenticity so write your own songs if you can, or pick a scene that is close to the heart. Anyway." he looks at the clock. "I'll be back soon, enjoy your dinner."
~ ~ ~ ~
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"Well cheers to that!" Naomi smiles happily holding up her drink. "that sounds fun! This is what we came here for, right? Cheers!" She clicks her drink with Makayla next to her.
While her optimism is appreciated, not everyone feels the same. Especially given the rest of the rules, that means we have to resolve our fighting more constructively and meaning we have to put up with these people until there's enough votes to vote them off.
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While we ate, small conversations popped up about the talent show and cutting his meat, Louis looked at you giggling with Edward. "Arianna" he called out catching my attention as well. "What are you doing for a talent, since you can't fight anymore. Something tells me your not good at anything else."
"Spoken like a true fucking pussy." Edward laughs turning to face him. "As soon as they say we can't physically fight, you open your dick sucking mouth and talk shit. Where were you just 2 hours ago? Hiding in your room like a fucking bloody twat!"
"Hes only talking shit because he has his group to rely on." I shrug biting a piece of my pasta. "He can pass the talent show while just singing three lines in a four minute song. So he feels safe."
"What will you be doing for your talent?" Liam asks his jaw tightened. "I can't think for the life of me what your talent is... besides -" he smirks "I'm not going to say that when your brother is right here." I grip my fork hard in my hand. I see Robin tense from the corner of my eyes.
"Don't start, man." Namjoon shakes his head.
Liam shakes his head. "Of course not. I'm not sure what talent you have, sweetheart."
"Besides sucking dick." Louis finishes, a few people gasp. Everyones eyes fall on me and Zayn laughs. It pisses me off, Zayn teetering on the fence this whole time. He did tell me the truth but then again he sticks beside his band as though they can do no wrong. Neutral my ass.
Robins fists are clenched tight around his knife and I for a moment I am scared that hes going to stab Liam. Hes not that far from him. I place my hand on his arm, he releases the knife and it clatters on the plate. "I need a smoke." he mumbles "Are you.." he trails off its his way of asking if I'm okay or he needs to stay. I nod at him knowing if he stays then he'll get violent. He stands up and purposely taking the long way so he is not tempted to hit Liam on his way out.
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"How would you know that Louis? Like honestly, how would you know? Even if I was was blind, starved and begging for it on a desert island you'd be the last thing I'd ever fuck. I'd rather get railed by every motherfucker here then even look at your decrepit fucking prick. Wow, your trying to shame me from having a healthy sex life with my ex partner ... what do I dress nice too? Is my hair to shiny?" I scoff. "I was the only true friend you fucking had outside of this. and I should have been done with your ass last year." Louis jaw clenched and he shook his head standing up "No baby boy, sit down, you wanna be funny? Then let me tell you all a real fucking funny story! Liam! Did you know the real reason Louis came home from tour early?"
"She's fucking mad." Louis shook his head, tapping Liam and the boys to just leave the table.
"Why? Because they don't know the fucking truth? That you didn't fly home, you flew to New York and begged, BEGGED on your fucking hands and knees for me to leave Liam for you."
"No I didn't." Louis said but he didn't look at me, instead he looked Liam. "She's making shit up."
I shrug "I feel so fucking bad for you, I really do. It must be so hard living your life as such a fucking snake. Its pathetic really and before you start denying, just because you deleted your snap doesn't mean i didn't save the messages." I lean back in my chair. "Now you can go. I'm finished speaking."
Liam eyes Louis, then shakes his head and walks out the dining room. Louis quickly follows followed by Zayn, Niall and then harry. The room is silent and Edward laughs.
"I knew I liked you." He waves his fork at me.
"Anyone else a little hard?" Ian asks and a few groans of disgust echo throughout the room. "What?"
"I need a cigarette." I sigh throwing down my napkin and moving to the backyard with Robin.
"We should do a team building excerscise." Naomi says after a few minutes. "To calm everyone down."
"like what?" Yugyeom asks.
"There's a lot of fit fuckers here." William smirks. "Would I be wrong for suggesting a game of strip poker? Or strip truth or dare?"
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delicrieux · 3 years
☆ミ 𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚜𝚊𝚢 "𝚘𝚑"
... it’s late into the night and y/n is streaming with one of her new friends, sykkuno. running on caffeine and redbull is apparently not enough because she falls asleep on his shoulder 45 minutes into their cyberpunk gameplay. at that exact moment, twitter goes up in flames.
─── corpse husband x reader, sykkuno x reader (because i was threatened by thirsty anons) ─── soc. media + written fiction!  ─── word count: 1.8k author’s note: here it is...what yall been asking for. literally had to add a new part for this but i loved this idea sm i couldnt just nOT NOT do it. i tried writing this with the same energy as the smau lmao so expect chaos as always. hope you enjoy it and as always lmk what u think! hopefully yall wont go too feral, but tbh thats prolly too much to ask for xx EDIT: srr for the fucky format tumbler dot com is being lame 
ultimate masterlist.  ҉  myso masterlist   ҉   previous.   ҉   next.
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Such a back and forth continues for the better part of the day as you get ready. Corpse only whines a bit when you forget to text him back - you are packing, and your prestigious cat ears you bought from Amazon for 10$ deserve exquisite care - which only fuels your seemingly bottomless hunger for mischief, leading to you sneakily ignoring him more. When your phone lights up with a message, you giggle, giddy with excitement. Your laughter only gets louder and more erratic, to the point where Rae had busted down your door and threw her Hello Kitty plush at you - one you’d gotten her, mind you! - and told you to just “Shut the fuck up!”
Ungrateful. You know not everyone can appreciate your sense of humor, or stand your hyena like cackle, but that was uncalled for and you told her as much. Noting the mess your room is in (more than usual, that’s for certain), she leans onto the door frame, crossing her arms over her chest, pretty brown eyes twinkling curiously, “Where you off to?”
“So I had this idea-” You start, but are promptly shut down with a raise of her palm.
“Already know it’s a bad one.”
Insulted, and hurt, you clutch your heart. As if she had not mocked you enough today, “Rae...The hell, that’s so mean...” You mutter, face scrunching into a soft frown, “I only wanted to tell you what me and Syk thought of.”
“Oh?” Intrigued, she raises a brow, “Continue.”
“Gee, thanks for letting me this time.” You mumble, rolling your eyes, “So. We thought we’d stream together. The catch? In the same room! We’ll be playing Cyberpunk. Gotta cash in while the hype is still up.” You add, making her snort, “And, ya know, the whole cat boy business...We’ll be wearing matching cat ears. Admit it, I’m a genius.”
She’s quiet for a moment, mulling over your words; you can practically see the gears in her head turning. She glances around the room, then briefly at you, strangely apprehensive. “You sure that’s a good idea?”
Well, that is definitely not what you expected her to say. You figured it’d be more along the lines of you’d be one ugly cat. “Huh?” Is all you manage to stutter, “What do you mean?”
She gives you a look, one all people give when something is so plainly obvious, “Y/n. You do know the stans will go wild, right? And you do remember our conversation involving Corp-”
“Nope!” You exclaim cheerily with a bright smile to match. You don’t want to think about that. The relationship between you and Corpse is strictly platonic, and besides, seeing Twitter loosing their shit is always funny, and you never miss an opportunity to mess with your fans. Sykkuno is also a good friend, albeit a new one. This supposed flirting from Corpse’s end Rae deduced was nothing more than her projecting her feelings onto the situation. She always liked shoujo anime and was probably thinking one was happening right in front of her. Not a chance. Corpse was just being a friendly crackhead. Your energies mesh beautifully.
Like, beautifully in a strictly friend way. Absolutely nothing more than that.
She gives up, naturally, arguing with a wall would be more productive than arguing with you. You’re such a (Zodiac sign).
“Well,” She mumbles, ticking her head to the side, leaning off of the door frame and turning to leave, “Don’t say I didn’t tell you so.”
Your grin melts as soon as she leaves. Glancing at your bag, you shove your last necessities in with newfound hesitance. 
Nothing bad will happen, right?
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It is well past the generally set “appropriate” time to hang out, but since quarantine, what is appropriate anymore anyway? You’ve never been in Sykkuno’s apartment, but now that you’re here it’s...strangely him. Every corner seems tailored to his specific requirements. It’s cozy, and pleasantly warm - it’s a bit chilly in LA, as surprising as that is.
He’s even shyer than you remember him being. And a whole lot more awkward, but in an endearing way, a way that makes you want to laugh and try to reassure him that it’s just you and he has nothing to worry about. While you hung out only once, the history you share is rich and tender. From him following you on Twitter and subsequently prematurely ending your stream, to kidnapping a stray cat affectionately named Juan. His long lost brother, Juan (no the Second, just Juan), lives in your Minecraft server. 
His stream room is sadly bare. There’s an appalling lack of merch or fairy lights. Not even led-lights. It’s a good thing you brought your own. As you try to decided which color would be best - his signature lime green, reminiscent of his adorable Among Us astronaut, or, perhaps, mischievous violet? - he boots the game and tweets out a quick “streaming with y/n in ten mins! come one come all!” 
“You should probably tell your fans, too.” He mumbles, looking somewhere above your shoulder. You settle with cherry blossom pink. Glancing at him, you shrug.
“Ah, do it for me, please?”
“Oh!” He hiccups, “Uhm, I wouldn’t want to pry and I don’t know your password and-”
“It doesn’t have a password.” You had removed it, knowing something like this would happen. Bless your foresight, you did not want him to know it was demonspiitinmymouth. Before he could protest further, you rush to the nearest mirror to put on your cat ears and make sure they aren’t crooked. You look absolutely adorable. The cat boys in your dms will go feral. Hell, you might just go feral looking at yourself! Sykkuno is not ready. No one is. This will be a stream to remember.
When you return (with flourish of course), he’s anxiously fidgeting by his computer, his own little cat ears, one’s he wore for the Halloween stream, peaking out from his silky brown hair. You have to suppress a squeal. When he catches you gaze he gives the kindest, sweetest little smile.
“They, uh--” He points at you, then decides it’s rude to point, bringing his hand back to his lap, then clutching his mouse, lastly releasing a sound stuck between a chuckle and a wheeze, “suit you, uhm, a lot!” He finishes with a resolute nod, quickly spinning in his chair and away from you.
This is the reaction you desired. All is going according to plan. Is this what God feels like? If not, then you pity her. She’s missing out.
Taking a seat next to him - he had been gracious enough to haul you a spare chair from the kitchen - you draw closer, and he, instinctively, shrinks away with another nervous chuckle. 
“You have, uhm... I-I didn’t look!” He quickly chimes. You raise a brow, “Uhm, unopened messages? From Corpse? He texted you when I was tweeting! I didn’t mean to look, I’m sorry-”
Instantly, you recall the famous vine with the scandalous “daddy chill” line, though refrain from saying it aloud. You love havoc, but you’re not evil (Rae would ardently disagree with you, though). Instead, you just shrug, “’S fine, don’t worry. I’ll text him back later. Let’s start?”
He nods, but doesn’t look at you. Granted, you don’t think he glanced at you even once since you returned, “...Okay. Ready?”
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You’re much too immersed into the game and Sykkuno’s twitch chat to even check what’s happening on Twitter, but your estimated guess is that everyone’s going crazy. The stream chat is unruly as well, but missing the signature Twitter spark. Most of the chaos is bravely lead by your fans. Sykkuno’s, much like the man himself, are too nice to scream so unabashedly.
Perhaps you excitement had been a bit too taxing, perhaps drinking 5 coffees and 2 energy drinks today and not enough water are to blame for the sudden drowsiness you’re feeling, but you can’t focus on the swimming chat or the abundance of cut-scenes at the starting point of the game. You steadily draw nearer and he, more composed in front of his audience, doesn’t react. About ten more minutes of hoovering by his shoulder and muttering soft commentary, and you feel yourself slipping.
The last coherent thought you have is a few choice words directed at caffeine itself for having the opposite effect of you at the worst time possible.
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You float in oblivion for perhaps ten minutes at best. Once you awake with a startle, you shower Sykkuno in shy apologies and he quickly reassures you that it’s fine and that he didn’t mind at all!
“Though,” He adds after a thoughtful pause, “not sure if it was very, uh, comfortable?”
His stream chat spams uwu and variations of similar kind. The stream continues for a few more hours before the both of you wish everyone a good night. 
While you planned on wreaking absolute havoc, this sudden falling asleep was unexpected. You pondered the consequences of such an innocent, unplanned act whilst ubering home, fearing to check your phone which by now was blowing up with not only Twitter notifications but also Rae’s angry messages that vaguely read “what the fuck y/n”. Within the past two hours she had left 57 messages on all platforms collectively, including 7 calls. 
Corpse’s last text was over three hours ago.
Now that’s strange. Worry festers quickly. Briefly glancing at your surroundings - the pretty glimmer of passing street lights, neon signs, familiar buildings - you decide that it’s time to check what kind of nuclear explosion you’ve caused.
Your heart drops to the bottom of your stomach as you scroll past the hundreds of tweets and mentions. Scan through Rae’s messages. 
You had failed to prepare ahead. Every explosion of such kind is followed by nuclear winter. And Corpse’s lack of messages feels especially cold.
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Not you smiling like a fucking idiot reading his last message! You shrink into the backseat, afraid the driver will accidentally look into the rear-view mirror and see you a bit too happy before asking questions. Good news? Yeah, but it’s not like it’s his any beeswax! In the words of Rihanna, just shut up and drive. 
This argument had not yet happened, but you’re preparing, just in case. 
As you think up of potential scenarios, your eyes drill into Corpse’s goodnight text. You’ve looked at it enough. Time to turn the phone screen off. Leave the app, at the very least. When the screen dims you instantly press on it to wake it up. This is embarrassing. Maybe the deadly amount of caffeine really did mess you up, big time. Your heart races in your chest, painfully almost. You feel a bit sick. Worst of all, you can’t stop smiling.
A notification from Rae makes you snap out of it. Ah, one more demon to deal with. 
However, before you talk to her, you really need to tell Twitter that you’re not with Sykkuno. And apologize to Sykkuno as well. 
At least Corpse doesn’t hate you.
Fucking hell, just exit the chat you idiot!
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tags (in italics is those i couldn’t tag! make sure all’s ok w your settings!) : @littlebabysandboxburritos - @fairywriter-oracle - @tsukishimawh0re - @ofstarsanddreams - @bbecc-a - @annshit - @leahh19 - @letsloveimagines - @bellomi-clarke - @wineandionysus - @guiltydols - @onephootinfrontoftheother - @liamakorn - @thirstyfangirl - @lilysdaydreams - @pan-ini - @mxqicshxp - @tanchosanke - @yoshinorecommends - @flightsandfantasy - @liljennyx3 - @slashersdream - @unknown-and-invisible - @sinister-sleep - @fivedicksinatrenchcoat - @mercury–moon - @peterparkerspjsuit - @unstableye - @simonsbluee - @shinyshimaagain - @ppopty - @siriuslystupid - @crapimahuman - @ofthedewthesunlight - @mythicalamphitrite - @artsyally - @corpsesimpp - @corpsewhitetee - @corpse-husbandsimp - @hyp-oh-critical - @roses-and-grasses - @rhyrhy462 - @sparklylandflaplawyer - @charbkgo - @airwaveee - @creativedogs - @kaitlyn2907 - @loxbbg - @afuckingunicornn - @fleurmoon - @yeolliedokai - @truly-dionysus - @multi-fandom-central707
more tags are in the comments bcs tumblr only allows me to tag 50 people max 💙
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lilysdaydreams · 3 years
Praise Bingus (No fucking way)
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→  I do not claim to know corpse- therefore please don't think that this is what he would actually act like, or that any details about his life are actually true. this is fiction.
→ Pairing: Corpse Husband X Fem!Reader
→ Genre: Angst and fluff. (FLUFF IS COMING I SWEAR)
→ Words: 3.9k
→ In a world where everyone is born with a mark on their wrist, two souls come together over the power of bingus.
→ (this isnt crack lol)
→ Warnings: Lots of swearing, um self-depreciation? rejection (kinda) and negative thoughts overall. Sorry im new to warnings.
→ Authors Note: this is the first time im doing like angst so please tell me if I did well? Um also, I’ve already started on the part 2 so keep your eyes out for that. If you wanna be tagged for part two please comment and lemme know. Also check out my other fics if you want!
→ Buy me a coffee
Part two  →    
Soulmates were a phenomenon. They'd been there for ages, drawn into the Egyptian tomb paintings, seen in the cave paintings from millions of years ago, talked about in stories passed down from generation to generation. They could be matching drawings, first words, names; all black before the soulmates met and turning gold the moment they talked to each other. There wasn't a scientist in the world who could explain the phenomenon.
You'd received your mark at birth just like everyone else, a sentence running around your wrist,
"No fucking way."
Your parents weren't that happy when you asked at the age of 4 what "fucking" meant but it wasn't that bad. You were happy that you had something unique, something other than the "Hi," or "Excuse me," that was on every other arm.
When you were 13, a little girl on the train pointed to your wrist and asked her mom what it meant. Ever since then, you'd taken to wearing bracelets over it. This had turned out to be a good idea because a few years later you started making Youtube videos. At the age of 16, you started a Youtube channel where you focused on a variety of things; makeup, fashion, games, art, skits and a whole lot more.
At the age of 20, you had a steady following of a little more than a million subscribers, and you had moved to LA to be closer to all your Youtube friends. You hadn't just grown on Youtube, you'd also started a lot of side projects. You were known for the art that you did on the side, along with the makeup palette you'd come out with a year ago. Soon you were planning to release a merch collection, one that you had been working on for a whole year now.
You hadn't met your soulmate at this point but honestly, you didn't really mind. Balancing Youtube and study (along with all your other side projects) was hard. There was no need to add the struggle of love into it... Or that's what you told yourself anyways.
There were days though, days where you wished you had someone to hug, someone to cuddle in bed with, someone to go on long walks with. You didn't let yourself wallow on it that long though. Crying about it was gonna do absolutely nothing.
It started on a rainy day. The story of you and him. You were editing your soon to be uploaded video, an e-girl outfits lookbook, which had been requested by your followers. Your personal style was all over the place and your previous soft girl and cottage care look books had done well, so you decided to continue the series.
You eyes blurred as you looked at the same point of the video, and you sighed, removing your glasses and rubbing your eyes. Your editor was sick and had let you know that they wouldn't be able to edit it by the deadline so here you were, editing it yourself. You stretched in your chair letting out a yawn. You were contemplating on whether to make coffee or not when your phone pinged.
"Nooooo" you whined when you noticed it was on the coffee table that was just a little out of your reach. Stretching your foot out, you tried to grab it between your toes and then sighed when the phone fell.
"I have zero luck, I swear" you muttered to yourself, bending to pick up the phone.
The text was from Rae, asking you to join a game of Among Us. You and Rae had been friends for a bit now, which all started when she came across your art and decided to order something from you. You had chatted and clicked immediately, immediately becoming fast friends. Ever since the lockdown started, she often asked you to join in on Among us games and your friendship had really grown over these past few months.
You sent a quick "sure!" and then went to your table, waiting for the PC to turn on. Quickly tweeting out that you were streaming, you opened up Youtube and turned on the stream, saying a quick hello and letting them know what you'd be doing.
"Rae just invited me guys, I don't really know who's there," you mumbled, replying to a comment asking you who you were playing with.
You squinted your eyes, joining the voice chat and then opening your phone camera to quickly check that you didn't look horrible. Sure you didn't really care about how you looked but it was always good to check that you didn't have anything stuck between your teeth before you turned on the camera.
There was already a conversation going on, between who you thought was Corpse and Sykkuno, judging by their voices.
"Yeah I could totally do that. Get a cat and name it Bingus. I wonder if th-"
You gasped when you heard what they were talking about and unmuted yourself immediately yelling "PRAISE LORD BINGUS" and effectively shocking everyone in the chat.
A moment of silence and then Rae yelled: "OH MY FUCKING GOD Y/N, YOU SCARED THE CRAP OUT OF ME."
You giggled as everyone groaned and whined, saying hi as they realised who it was. You had played with Sykkuno and the others a few times before but you'd never met Corpse before. You'd heard his voice though, as he was trending on twitter constantly over the past few weeks. Once they all quietened down, you realised Corpse hadn't said anything. Since you knew everyone else in the lobby, you introduced yourself, wondering if you'd scared him a bit too hard.
"Hey Corpse, I'm Y/N from Y/C/N, its so nice to finally meet you," you said gritting your teeth at you awkward introduction. For a second there was no response and then three words were said that made your jaw drop to the floor.
"No fucking way"
He had whispered it, obviously still in shock, and your eyes widened in surprise as a tingle spread all over your body. So this was what everyone meant by "you'll just know," when you asked them about how you would recognize your soulmate.
"Holy shit" you thought frozen in your seat.
Never had you been more glad that you hadn't turned the camera on yet.
"Uhhhh-" you started, but stopped now knowing what to say.
What the fuck were you supposed to do now.
"Wha- Whats wrong?" Rae asked after a moment passed.
Corpse cleared his throat and started "Its um, shes my -" and you cut him off, heart beating in your chest.
"Nothing. Its nothing." you said talking over him. "Who else are we waiting for Rae?" you asked joining the lobby quickly and choosing red as your colour.
"Uh one more person," she said slowly, still a bit confused.
"Oh awesome!" you said fake enthusiasm prevalent in your voice. "So Sykkuno," you started, wanting to keep the conversation going. "How's Bimbus doing?"
Sykkuno launched into a story of Bimbus and you blew out a sigh of relief, mind still numb over the revelation.
Corpse was your soulmate.
The guy who had literally went viral the past few weeks was your soulmate.
You'd finally found him.
You heard Rae cut Sykkuno off, telling everyone she was starting the game and muttered a "Thank god" when the words "CREWMATE" appeared on your screen. You would not have been able to play imposter at the moment, your mind pretty much stuck on the fact that Corpse was your fucking soulmate.
Heading down to admin, you realised you hadn't said anything yet to the stream so you quickly turned on your cam, saying a quick sorry to the viewers.
"Sorry guys, I forgot to put the camera on," you smiled focusing on card swipe.
"I hope everyone's been okay, I know this was quite sudden, but Rae invited me and I was like why not you know," you said rambling as you moved to comms and did the task there.
Lights were called and you moved to electrical, arriving there just as Leslie fixed them. You moved into the back of electrical doing the three tasks you had there when Sykkuno suddenly came in and went straight to standing on top of the vent.
You giggled already knowing his trick.
"Okay guys," you mumbled watching Sykkuno wiggle on the vent. "do we trust Sykkuno or not?"
"You know what," you said making a split second decision. "Its the first game, we might as well."
Joining him on the vent, you stilled for a second and then breathed a sigh of relief when he didn't automatically kill you.
"See, what did I tell you guys huh?" you question smiling straight at the camera. "I knew Sykkuno could be trusted."
You decided to follow Sykkuno going into reactor with him and starting 'Simon says' and just as you were on the last part, a body was found making you let a whine out.
"Guysss," you whined to the camera as Rae started talking about how she had found Daves body in admin.
"Um, I havent been in admin since the start of the game," you said, "also I can clear Sykkuno, for the last part of the round, he's been with me since lights went out."
Sykkuno confirmed it, "Yup that's right, also I can hard clear Y/N cuz guess what? She stood on the vent with me and none of us died."
Everyone chuckled as he said "Thats good enough for me."
"Uh, I was in navigation mostly." said Lily.
"Poki, can I just ask what you were doing?" said Sean, an undercurrent of mirth present.
"Me?" asked Poki speaking for the first time. "What was I doing?"
"You weren't doing any tasks, you were literally just walking from one side of medbay to the other when I peeked in."
Poki started laughing, trying to get her words out at the same time.
"Okay so-" a giggle. "okay okay- I was just, I was trying to um do the beep test," she said finally breaking down and making everyone else laugh as well.
"What the fuck?" you said, laughing at the image in your mind.
"My chat told me to do it last game so I decided to do it now, I was literally just playing around," she said finally, adding "I swear I'm not imposter" at the end.
"Hmmm," you hummed, bringing a hand up to stroke your chin. "Are you sure it was last game Poki... hm...."
Giggling at Poki indignant "YES it was last game", you quickly skipped voting like everyone else as the timer went into the last ten seconds.
Humming a tune under your breath, you went back to reactor, taking a minute to carefully do Simon says and then moved to the other task counting out one two three as you pressed on the numbers. Humming, you moved out of reactor, only to come face to face with Corpse. You paused for a second, and then moved ahead, refusing to show anything on camera. For some reason he followed you as you went to storage, looking at you while you did the trash.
"Why is he just staring?" you mumbled, biting your lip. God, you really didn't wanna think of him right now. You started walking to shields, him still walking with you when lights were called and not a second later a body was reported.
Suddenly there was screaming your ears as Toast and Rae both started accusing each other.
"Wait- Wait WAIT" yelled Poki trying to get them to stop. "What happened?"
"I'll explain" declared Rae, not letting toast get a word in. "We were in navigation okay, me, Toast and Leslie. Lights went out, and suddenly a report buttons there. It's either Toast or someone came in just as lights went out and killed but that doesn't seem likely because I didn't see anyone anywhere near us at all. Anyways I'm fucking telling the truth guys, its Toast, he's the one who did it."
"Toast, do you have anything to say for yourself?" asked Corpse, his voice making your insides shiver.
"Holy shit, this is my soulmate", you thought for the fiftieth time.
"Uh yeah," replied toast. "I didn't do it."
Everyone laughed as he continued.
"Like seriously, I wouldn't do anything like this because it'd be a stupid move from my own part, and I think Raes smart enough to not do this as well. I think someone else came in just as lights went down and killed immediately, which to be honest, was pretty smart of them."
"Okay so I can clear Corpse," you cut in noticing the timer was close. "he was with me in weapons when it happened, he wouldn't have had time to go all the way up, or even vent there because we were literally walking in."
"Yup that's right," confirmed corpse.
"I'm in cafeteria" said Poki.
"Yeah, I saw her on my way to weapons," said Sykkuno, "and I'm in weapons right now,"
"I'm in lower engine" said Sean, and Lily said she was in reactor.
"I think it's Toast," you mumbled and then rose your voice to talk over everyone. "Look okay fine, maybe he said it was a stupid move and he wouldn't do it but maybe he did it for that exact reason. He thought he could get away with it because no one would expect him to do something like that."
As the timer started going down by 10, you voted for Toast and it turned out 3 had skipped the vote while five had voted for him.
"Guys you actually voted for him?" you said in a high voice, re-enacting one of Sykkunos most said lines.
You heard a "oh for gods sake" from Rae before everyone went silent and you giggled as you moved back down to weapons to do your tasks.
You finished all your tasks and decided to go to security to check where everyone is. Humming as you moved through the electrical hallway, you narrowed your eyes as Corpse came out of electrical and went towards storage. Quickly ducking in you didn't see a body so you headed back out, going into cams and gasping as you saw the body. Reporting immediately you were shocked to see the four kills that had happened. Now only you, Corpse, Sean and Rae were left.
"Oh my god," you mumbled confused. Either there were still two imposters, and Toast wasn't the imposter or the imposter literally killed and did nothing else. Now either that could mean that its definitely Rae if Toast wasn't the imposter, or that it was Corpse as the only imposter left. That was a bit weird though becuase he could have totally killed you at the start of the game. You didn't suspect Sean at all.
"What the fuck?" mumbled Corpse, and Rae made her animal noises expressing her shock.
"Okay," you said taking charge and relaying the kill and your theory to everyone. "So either it was Toast and there's only one other imposter, who is Corpse. Or Toast wasn't an imposter and there's two of them left. I-" you took a deep breath in at the end, very confused. " I don't know anymore,"
"I think its Corpse as well,"
Corpse who hadn't said anything up till this moment suddenly started stammering out "hey-hey uh let-lets not gang up on me okay. It's not-"
"No, wait, its because Y/N said you came out of electrical right, and I saw you in upper engine literally a bit ago and you went down. I went towards cafeteria so I don't know exactly where you went but its totally possible that you killed."
You voted form him after that, convinced it was Corpse, and the other followed quickly.
"Guys what the fuck, at least give me a chance to explain my self" he whined when his body was thrown off the ship seconds later. You cheered when the "VICTORY" sign was displayed across the screen, bringing up your chat and laughing at Toast as he pretended to be angry at me.
"That was a great round, good work Y/N"
"Thankyou" you mumbled staring at your chat. You were confused when you saw the absolute influx of messages on there, and you were barely able to read them because they were going so fast. You scrolled up, and read through the few of the messages;
"You've made corpse sad."
"Corpse has literally been so quite since you came in, can you leave."
"Omg stop with the hate messages, its not her fault if corpse isn't talking to you"
"are you his ex or something? What was that reaction at the start?"
"what did you do? Corpse literally hasn't said a word since you came in."
Corpse POV
Corpses heart stopped for a minute, his breath catching. The words on his wrist glowed gold, and he stared at the little red character standing there.
This person was the reason that he had "PRAISE BINGUS" stretched across his wrist.
They were the only reason that he had searched "Bingus" on google for all of his life. The only reason Corpse knew about the meme before anyone else was because he was constantly monitoring the word online. Ever since March, he had been waiting with bated breath, anxious that he could meet his soulmate at any moment. and here you were.
For some reason, he had never expected that he would meet you in among us, or while he was on stream. He always thought it'd be someone outside. It was a bit stupid in hindsight as all he did nowadays was play among us.
He heard you introduce yourself to him but the only thing that came out of his mouth was “No fucking way”.
Immediately after he wanted to slap himself.
“Idiot” he thought to himself. “At least try to make a good impression.”
When Rae asked what was wrong, heat sprung to his cheeks as he started revealing that they were soulmates, but Y/N cut him off, saying that it was nothing.
Corpse’s heart sank a little then.
'Maybe she’s just a private person,' he reasoned with himself.
'I shouldn’t have tried to say it on stream either. God, I’m a fucking idiot, if I said it, literally everyone would know and not only would I have hated the attention, she probabaly would have as well.'
Convincing himself that she was right, he reassured himself that it wasn’t because of him. She wasn’t revealing it because she probably didn't want all the attention.
For some reason though, his heart sank even more when Y/N didnt talk to him, instead talking to sykkuno about his dog. Like sure he could understand not wanting to reveal they were soulmates but shouldn’t she at least wanna talk to him? At this point he wouldn’t even mind if she talked about his voice like everyone else.
He groaned when the word "Imposter" came across his screen, his and Toasts character standing together. He was not in the right mindset right now to be able to be a good imposter. Breathing in deeply he continued in the game, with the first round passing by quick. The second round, he saw Y/N and stood with her for a bit wondering if he should kill her. Her red character moved to weapons and he sighed moving the mouse over the kill button. Just as he was thinking of clicking a body was found. Corpse swore as Toast flew off the ship. Deciding he needed to speed it up he killed four people in the round, hissing when the meeting was called. The moment Y/N accused him, he knew it was over. He didn't even bother defending himself much, just hoping the game would end soon.
When they were in the lobby, he quickly told everyone that he was going to leave because his internet was acting up. Turning off the stream after saying a quick thank you to everyone, he leaned back in his seat breathing through his nose.
What the fuck was his life.
Even his soulmate didnt want him. Honestly, he should have expected this. Abandoned at 12 with no one around him, why did his expect his soulmate to even give a fuck about him. Tears pricked his eyes and he blinked trying to get rid of them. He breathed in deeply, grabbing the water on the table and taking a big gulp. He had never hated himself more than he did right now. Why couldnt he have an easier life.
“Why cant I just fucking be NORMAL” he yelled throwing the empty bottle of water at the wall.
Throwing himself into bed, he scrunched up his eyes, hoping that sleep would come today, not noticing as his phone lit up with a single message.
Your POV
You stayed for another game and then ducked out apologizing and making an excuse up.
"Sorry it was such a short stream, everyone," you said pouting at the camera. "It was fun though so hopefully I get to do it again." Waving goodbye, you turned off the camera and leaned your head back staring at the ceiling.
What the actual fuck.
Grabbing your phone, you stared at it for a bit. Everything that you had pushed to the back of your mind in the game, was suddenly in the forefront.
The only thing you knew about Corpse was that he had a really deep voice, he narrated horror movies, and he maybe did music?
'Rae mentioned that once right?' you thought to yourself.
You unlocked the phone and then locked it again, too scared to actually do anything.
"Oh get a grip," you muttered to yourself, opening the phone and sending a text to Rae.
‘Hey Rae, do you have corpses number? Do you mind sending it to me, I need to tell him something.’
A reply came in a minute,
‘umm, why. he's pretty private so idk i don't rlly wanna give his number if he doesn't want someone to have it’
You sighed, and decided you might as well tell her. You knew Rae wouldn't betray your trust.
‘He's my soulmate’
Immediately a ‘AHDJHAKJKAGDAK’ came as a reply and you giggled at the string of emojis after it.
‘Don't tell anyone,’ you sent quickly, trying to calm her down.
Biting your lip you added Corpse into your contacts hesitating before putting a small black heart next to his name.
"Already simping," you mumbled under your breath, hands hovering over the keyboard as you struggled to think of what to write.
You finally decided on 'Hey, its Y/N, can I call?' thinking that something short would be the best way to go. Hand hovering over the send button, you sucked in a breath and pressed it, waiting with bated breath.
A minute passed.
And then five.
And then, without you even you realising, it'd been half an hour of you just looking at your phone.
An hour later, you were slumped on your desk, eyes closed and snoring lightly, the phone still open, the message you sent lighting up the screen.
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h0ly-fire · 3 years
Chapter 1
Hi! So this is the first chapter of my Loki x reader fic based off the show! Its really long because its basically the entirety of the first episode. The reader will have Female pronouns in this story solely based on the fact that this will be very self indulgent and I identify as Female. So im sorry to those who do not identify as such. Also this has no editing or proof reading.. so there will probably be a lot of mistakes.
This wasn’t supposed to happen. He wasn’t supposed to be here. Loki was a God how could these people think that they could ever capture him! Strip him of his clothes and make him wait to stand trial? On top of all that they made him question wether or not he was a Robot.  Unbelievable!
 Now here he was with a man in front of him when a guard near by told them to take a ticket. “ Take a ticket.” the guard told them“ What is this a deli?” the man questioned the guard  “ No!” the man said rudely and walked off. “ Take your ticket” the guard said towards Loki as he stepped up. Loki looked at the guard with an are you serious look “ there’s only two of us in here.” Loki said looking around the room. The guard once more told him to take a ticket and Loki huffed grabbing a ticket and shoving it in the Guards face before walking away and shoving it in his pocket. 
“ This is an mistake I shouldn’t be here!” Loki shouted at the guard. Loki turned around when a strange voice sounded around the room “ Hi there! You’re probably saying ,this is a mistake I shouldn’t be here, “ . Loki then saw a television with a clock on it explaining the “ Time Keepers” and how they protect the flow of time and everyone and everything. Apparently he now has to stand trial for his “ crimes”. Loki chuckled before disbelievingly saying “ Time Keepers?” “ The sacred timeline?” he swung his arms out before yelling “ who would actually believe this? “ 
A guard once again asked for a ticket. Loki turned around to see a guard talking to the other man . The man started yelling “ That man didn’t give me a ticket! I tried to ask for one!” The guard rasied his voice “ ticket sir!” “ I tried to asked that guy for a ticket.” Loki then saw the guard pull out a baton and disintegrate the man out of existence. Loki , shocked, searched for his ticket pulled it out and heled it in the air.
Loki was escorted to a court room where women sat up front. “ Variant L1130, aka Loki Laufeyson. Is charged with sequence violation 72089. “ The women sat the paper down as Loki stood on the podium. “ How do you plead ?” she asked him. Loki looked up laughing “ Madam , a God doesn’t plead. “ “ Look this has been a very enjoyable pantomime , but i’d like to go home now.” “ Are you guilty of not guilty,sir?” the women asked . Loki laughed again “ Guilty of being the God of mischief , yes.” “Guilty of finding this all incredably tedious, yes “ “ Guilty of a crime against the sacred timeline? Absolutly not , you have the wrong person.” 
They continued on arguing until the women once again asked him how he pleads. Loki said guilty and then streched his arms out trying to summon his powers. He tried a few times , but each time he failed. The women told him that magic was no good in the TVA. She sentenced him to be reset . Loki freaked out asking what reset meant before being grabbed by the guards. “ You ridiculous beauracrates will not dictate on how my story ends!” Loki screamed. The women said it was never his story . “ You have no idea what I’m capable of!” Loki yelled out in frustration. A man wearing a suite then stood up “ I think I do.” “ I have an idea of what he’s capable of” he said pointing at Loki. He then walked up and stood in front of the women. 
The two talked in whispers before the man turned to Loki. Loki breathed heavy before starring the man down “ and who are you?” the man smirked before leading Loki towards his office. “ I’m gonna burn this place to the ground “ Loki said walking next to the man. “ I’ll show you where my desk is you can start there.” Loki looked out of the hall to see a grand city. Filled with lights , floating buildings, flying cars, the giant statues of the Time Keepers. “ Home sweet home” Loki looked to the man “ I thought there was no magic here.” the man shook his head “ there isn’t.” 
Loki found himself in an elevator with the man. Said man stuck his hand out for Loki to shake before telling his name “ I’m agent Mobius by the way.” Loki looked down at Mobiuses hand before looking back up at him. “ Are you taking me somewhere to kills me?” Loki asked. “ No” Mobius answerd “ thats where you just were. I’m taking you some place to talk.” “ I don’t like to talk” Loki said shaking his head. “ but you like to lie “ Mobius told him “ which you just did. Cause we both know you love to talk.” Loki looked at mobius with a scowl on his face. “ How Long have you been here? “ Loki asked him. “ I don’t know its hard to say time passes diffrently at the TVA.” Mobius replied. 
They stepped out the elevator ,Loki asking Mobius about the three space lizards and how its absurd how they decide the lives of millions. They then step into a big spacious room with a table and two chair in the middle. Loki made the comment on how it really feels like Mobius is going to kill him. Mobius fiddled with a device that sat on the table. Loki tried to attack Mobius, but he didn’t get far when mobius pulled something out and sent him back to where he was standing. Loki looked annoyed before he finally took a seat. 
Loki sat crossing his arms. “ If looks could kill.” Mobius said smartly. They carried on their chat as Mobius pulled a drink out explaing he specializes in dangerous variants. Mobius then started to ask Loki a seires of questions. Loki explained how he wanted to be King of Midgard and the nine realms. How he would have made it easy. “ People like easy.” Mobius said. Loki looked down at the table “ The first depressing lie ever uttered was the song of freedom.” he said before looking back up at Mobius. Mobius continued to write Loki’s answers down as they continued on their chat. Mobius then clicked on the red device in front of them and then it played something catching Loki’s attention.
It started to play his life. It showed him killing Coulson, Mobius asking if he enjoys killing people whilst the video showed Loki destroying NewYork. He then showed Loki in Germany taking out the eyes of a man. “ Look at that smile.You are enjoying that. “ Mobius stated. “ Did you enjoy hurting them?” Loki looked at the floor shaking his head. “ I don’t have to play this game.” Loki told Mobius. “ I’m a God.” Mobius looked at him before replying “ Of what? In mischief right? “ “ yeah, I don’t see anything mischievous about this.” He paused the video before talking about Loki’s escapes. Loki called himself a mischievous scamp and then Mobius continued the video . It was Loki on a Plane . He was D.B Cooper. Apparently he had lost a bet to Thor. Mobius brought the conversation back to Lokis escapes. Loki tried to get up but was brought back to his chair.
Loki was frustrated beyond belief. Mobius showed him another clip agreeing with what his past self had said . Mobius asked if he was finished before showing him what would have happend if he hadn’t taken the Teseract. It showed Loki in chains walking towards his mother. Mobius mouthing “ thats you” towards Loki. Loki looked up starring at his Mother. “ Have I made you proud?” “ Please don’t make this worse.” Loki stood crossing his arms “ What is this? It’s nonsense.” He asked Mobius. “ More tricks this never even happend.” He sais gesturing the the video. “ Not to you, not yet “ Mobius said. The video continued on showing what would have been had Loki stayed within his timeline. He watched as his mother died. How he lead the dark elves to her. How HE killed her. 
“Do you enjoy killing!?” Mobius asked Loki. “ I’ll kill you!” Loki stated. “ What like how you killed your Mother.” Mobius told him. Loki then the the chair at him. Mobius moving out of the way and the chair going through the picture of his dead Mom. “ You weren’t born to be King Loki. You were born to cause Pain and suffering and Death. That’s how it is that’s how it was and that’s how it will be.” Mobius told him. Loki sat on the ground in a mix of grief and anger. He watched the Avengers fighting each other. All of them on the screen. Including you. Oh how he wished to see you right now . Taking him away from this terrible place. You were next to Steve and Natasha, eyes glowing yellow while power surges through your hands. You looked so powerful in that moment. A moment he’d never be able to truly witness. He just couldn’t wrap his head around the idea of you joining the avengers though.
He shook his head and looked up at Mobius sticking his hand out for him. He stood and then the door opened. In came the women guard “ what are you doing?” she asked Mobius. “ My job” Mobius said as if it was obvious. “ Is it yours to interupt?” he asked her. She looked at him before she spoke up “ We have a situation.” she told him. Mobius and the women left, leaving Loki to his own devises. Outside the room Mobius and the women were in a heated argument. “ We just lost another unit!” the women yelled at him. Mobius sighed before walking back in the room. “ Okay Loki I think we can finish up tomorrow and just-” Mobius stopped mid sentence when he noticed Loki was no where to be found. 
Outside Loki wandered around until he ended up in an office like room. TVA workers going about . “ Hey!” Loki shouted in a whispered tone towards the man he saw at the front desk. “ Hey I know you!” the man shouted. Loki grabbed him, pulling him down to keep him quite. “ What’s your name?” Loki asked, the man looked confused before replying “ Casey” he told him. “ Get me the Tesseract or i’ll gut you like a fish!” Loki threated him.” What’s a fish?” Casey loudly asked. Loki sushed him before asking “ how do you not know what a fish is?” “ i’ve lived my entire life behind a desk” casey said. 
After Casey agreed to comply he got up and pulled open a drawer. He pulled out the Teseract and handed it off to Loki. Finally, Loki thought, I have it. he helled it in his hands before glancing down. He saw infinity stones. A lot of them, just sitting there useless. “ What? Infinity stones? “ Loki asked him self, gently touching them as if they weren’t real. He stumbeld over his words “ how do you have these ?” he asked. “ Oh” Casey said “ We actually got a lot of those. Some of the guys use them as paper weights.” he said smiling to himself. Loki stood up and then walked in front of the big television. The weight of everything catching up to him. “ Is this the greatest power in the universe?” Loki questioned. 
The women guard came charging towards Loki with her weapon, but Loki teleported before she could hit him. He went back to the room Mobius had taken him to earlier. Out of breath, Loki got up looking at the Avengers still on the video along with you. He sat in the chair before rewinding the video and playing it again. He saw his life. What happened and what would have happened. 
He saw his Mother, dead on the floor. He saw his Father saying he loved them both. He saw you, your hands intertwined. Bodies pressed together and sweet kisses. He saw a ring on your finger and your smiling face looking up at him. He saw a version of himself being loved by you and living a life together. A life he’d never get to live now. He was crying , his tears streaming down his face. His breathe was shaky as he continued the video. He saw his brother, the two of them, fighting side by side. The video then showed him in front of Thanos. Thanos grabbed him by the neck, lifting him up. Loki stood up walking closer to the screen. He was struggling to breath as Thanos squeezed the life out of him. He could hear your cries of anguish as you pleaded for Thanos to let him go. You ran and banged on Thano’s back to stop him, but it was to late . A crack sound could be heard and he was dead. His body dropping to the floor. You came running up to him , cradling his limp body. Thanos looked down at you in disgust before stabbing you. Your body laying lifelessly next to his. As dead to the universe has he was.
Lokis face was one of fear, shock, and sadness. Seeing his death was teirrble enough, but to see you die was something else entirely. It broke his heart. The last thing he saw was Thor holding on to both your bodies and then the screen said end of file. Loki laughed at himself and then the women stepped in. “ what’s so funny?” she asked. Loki shook his head “ Glorious Purpose “ he turned around starring at her and then marched towards her. He threw a punch but she retaliated. The two fought but Loki brought her down attaching the collor to her neck. He fiddle with the remote causing her to go this way and that before she left the room completly. 
Mobius ran into you in the hall way telling you the Variant “ Loki” as he was called had escaped an he needed your help to find him. “ Mobius how many times do I have to tell you to keep watch of variants?” you huffed. “ I mean isn’t that your job?” He looked at you before pleading “ Please just help me Red, I’ll make it up to you.” “ fine” you pointed your finger at him “ but you owe me” the two of you set a brisk pace  and made it to what you usually call the showing room. It usually just shows the lives of people and variants, but TVA workers were not allowed to look at their own files. You and Mobius both pulled out your weapons entering the room. “ Loki” Mobius said, causiously walking towards him. You trailed behind walking behind Mobius . You moved to stand next to him as you got closer to the variant. He was sitting with his hands over his face.” No where left to run.” you said. Loki looked up hearing your familiar voice. He looked at you in disbelief.  
You weren’t real. How could you possably be here? He saw you die along with him! He saw you being carried away in shackles back on Midgard before he stole the Tesseract and ran off. There was no way that this could be you. He looked away from you and stared back at Mobius “ I can’t go back can I? “ it was more of a statement then a question though. You looked at him feeling some sort of sense of familiarity but sook it off as nerves. “ back to my timeline” Loki continued. Nither you nor Mobius said anything as Loki continued. “ I don’t enjoy hurting people.” he looked back at you “ I don’t enjoy it.” He looked in your eyes “ I do it because I have to. Because I had to.” Mobius shook his head and you spoke up. ‘Explain that to me.” Loki still couldn’t believe you were here right in front of him, but he pushed on anyway “ because it’s part of the illusion. “ “ It’s the cruel elabrate trick, conjured by the weak to inspire fear.” Mobius spoke this time “ a desprate play for control.” “ you do know yourself.” Loki sighed again “ a villain” he stated. “ That’s not how I see it” you said. Loki once again looked up at you . That since of familiarity coming back to you. “ 
Loki grabbed the Tesseract and spoke“ The TVA is formidable” Mobius shook his head in agreement “ that’s been my experince.” Mobius spoke to him,offering him a deal. You grabbed a hold of Mobius arm before yelling at him “you’re not doing what i think you’re doing are you?” Mobius shrugged your arm off before saying yes and then looked back at Loki. Loki got up walking towards the both of you. “ Fugitive Variant has been killing our minutemen” Mobius told him. “ and you need the God of mischief to help you stop him.” Loki said.” That’s right “ “ why me?” Loki asked .You butted in , standing infront of Mobius , looking up at Loki “ the variant we’re hunting is you.” “I beg your Pardon?” Loki asked. You chuckled,not suprised by his reaction. “ I’m sorry , but I think i’m in even more shock as to why you’re even here.” he gestured towards the room and then pointed at you stepping closer. You were face to face , noses almost touching. “ why’re you working for these people?” he furrowed his brows at you “ what are you doing here y/n?” You looked just as confused as he was and uncrossed your arms. “ I’m sorry, but who’s y/n ?” 
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marsandsaturn · 3 years
being with eren - headcanons
| based on the headcanons that live rent free in my head. also this is me trying to get my friend sal to love eren again. you horny eren stans are ruining his character so stop it😤
• modern!eren ; fluff ; gn!reader (as always)
• if they are typos im sorry, it is too long to look over and im lazy, sorry :/ edit: proofread now so hopefully its better 😛
; before dating eren ;
• okay so everyone makes out this angry boi to be a player. like he only likes to fucking around.
• but i headcanon that this man has only had sex like 3 times. like if were talking modern!eren then like he lost his virginity in his freshman of college. so he had sex in his freshman year (1) in his sophomore year (2) and in his junior year (3)
• now he’s a junior and you’re a freshman in college. okay keep that in mind for this part of the headcanon
• he meet you through levi, because somehow you and levi are like childhood best friends. but anyhow.
• he “stopped fucking around” (pls he’s not a fuck boy, stop making him out as one) when he met you.
• you were just so beautiful in his eyes, that he didn’t want to sleep with anyone.
• he wanted a whole life with you, and if he’s able to sleep with you, thats a plus.
• (he wants grow old with you,,plss thats so cute)
• this man is dense (whether that is canonverse or modern!au) so he doesn’t know how to approach you. like does he do it the cliche way that he’s seen in movies? or the romantic way, which he learned from his english lit class?
• he decides on the former but luckily mikasa stops him and tells him that he should approach you slowly instead on plainly asking you out.
• yup mhm even armin tells him (heck the whole squad tells him) to take it slow. none of that kissing booth crap. none of that. (its an okay movie, but its not my cup of tea)
• also fyi he knows levi because levi is the captain of the soccer team, which eren, jean, and connie are apart of. (don’t argue with me i headcanon that he is either on the soccer team or or the baseball team)
• so boom, he walks up to you and says if you want to hang out. ya’know all casual and what not.
•except for he might have stuttered a bit because you turned around confused but when you saw that it was him you showed him your beautiful smile. (he’s already in love but he’s denying it)
• so now you guys are “hanging out” (little does he know you kinda consider this a date)
• btw the “hang out” was at an arcade because he found out you love games.
• eventually you went on more dates and then when your freshman year of college and his junior year of college ends, the two of you date.
; dating eren ;
•im a sorry (no i am not) to all the eren stans who think the only thing he will do is rail you.
•i mean sure but not so early on into the relationship (probably when the two of you are close to a year of dating, will get more physical)
• at first he’s pretty much a sweetheart. after class (he’s now a senior, you are a sophomore) he’ll bring you some sort of food, or he’ll buy you like a bracelet or something because he felt like it ( his family is rich because his father is a doctor. like it kinda makes sense, butttt he doesn’t like that rich life get to his head, he keeps it humble😌)
• but then you know the urges that comes with being with someone comes the horniness (is that a word??) he’ll want to slowly ease into sleeping with you.
• he doesn’t want to immediately degrade you, and do all that kinky stuff. sure he’ll have some dirty talk but he’s wants it vanilla at first because remember he wants to grow old with you, he wants a life with you. (how sweet🥰)
• this man loves to tease you. light teasing because that is just the man he is.
• he sees you as his other half, so whenever his anger gets the best of him, he needs to find you immediately. you calm him down.
• he’ll call you his angel, his dearest, his pretty girl/boy, his other half, his miracle. he’ll call you whatever
• he loves cuddling with you, and he hopes you love cuddling as well. if he could he’d rather stay in bed in cuddle with you for the rest of his life, then go to class or work.
• he loves taking showers/baths with you. and no not because he wants to have sex in there, i mean every once in a while is okay. but he likes it when you wash his hair, or whenever you play with the bubbles, or listen to music while washing each other.
• he wants you to meet his parents. ESPECIALLY HIS MOM. (he is such a momma’s boy i swear)
•if his mom doesn’t approve of you, he doesn’t know what he would do. (he would probably try everything in his power to convince her but lets admit it, if you make eren happy, she approves)
• he loves morning kisses with you. like the both of you are sleepy, his eyes and your eyes are slightly closed and then you kiss. (ahhhh😫🥰) then he smiles. (that smile makes you sqeual because its so cute)
• he likes to talk to you about kids. it scares him but it also excites him to have a family with you. he loves seeing the way his dad looks at his mom, so he wants that.
• if you two can’t have kids because of your anatomy, or because or some other reason, he is happy to adopt. if you don’t want kids, that is okay because he wants to be with you for life.
• he is humble and is greatful for you, and thanks the heavens or whoever let you come into his life.
ahhhhh im surprised i actually finished a post instead of leaving it in my drafts
i love eren so much. also im gonna a levi one similar to this. also of jean, connie, armin, erwin, wtc.
my request are open but plesse don’t request match ups. those take a lot of time.
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icantspeakspanish · 3 years
Hinata, Kageyama, Nishinoya and Tanaka finding out you practice to join their team
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Ship: Hinata x Male!Reader / Kageyama x Male!Reader / Nishinoya x Male!Reader / Tanaka x Male!Reader
Warnings: none
A/n: @coffee-stars I am SO incredibly sorry because I accidentally deleted this request like the clown I am but I could get it back😩
Anyways- I wasn’t really sure if you wanted the reader as the characters s/o so I just wrote it like that. If you want them to be platonically lmk and I‘ll edit it!
Shoyo Hinata
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you’ve managed to practice for a good month now without anyone knowing
But not any longer bestie👹
Hinata is on his way home, but has to take a different route today
But you didn’t knew that
So you were just practicing spikes, when you suddenly hear a crack behind you
The ball drops, you turn around
You’re definitely surprised to see your boyfriend standing there like 🧍‍♂️
„Y/n? What are you doing here???“ pls poor baby probably thought you ran away from home or smth like that
I mean
He‘s worried! Why would you be in a park all by yourself when its already dark outside?
But as soon as Hinata sees the volleyball which dropped to the ground earlier he starts to understand
No because you literally hear it click in his head
Please shut him up for like a minute because he screams so loud and almost stops breathing
After he calms down you explain to him that you want to join his team
Will absolutely help you from now on
If you’re training to become a middle blocker too, he‘ll be so excited and would love to teach you things
but if you on a different position, he‘ll be proud too but ask his teammates to help you too!!
Hinata will tell Daichi about you
He‘s so happy to be able to play with you against other teams
Tobio Kageyama
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It’s already pretty late when practice finishes
You told him your family needs your help, that’s why you can’t walk home with him today
And he’s okay with that!!
So when he hears a ball bouncing against a wall and stuff, he expects anyone but you
Kageyama will just quietly stand there and you don’t even notice him💀
But when he notices that you’re practicing how to set and also how you kind of include some of his habits?
🗣ayo, Y/n get yo men🗣
Then he walks up to you, having a small pout on his face
You didn’t think someone would see you so you flinch when he grabs your wrists
He’s still avoiding your gaze🧑‍🦯
„You hurt yourself like that“
Then he’ll teach you how you properly set
Dumbass asks you literally HOURS after teaching why you’re practicing here and what’s the reason for it
And when you explain that you want to join his team, he‘d kind of blush again
„Why didn’t you say anything? I could’ve helped you.“
Kageyama also will talk to Daichi to let you join
Even if he’s awkward with all that stuff, he’s happy about playing with you
Everyone is jealous of you because when you make a mistake, he’s not rude to you AHAHAH
Yuu Nishinoya
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You’re (once again) training your spikes in your own garden
You sigh when the ball wont land where its supposed to land
When you jump and hit the ball again, you’re surprised to hear a different sound
Did you hit someone?!
You’re quickly back to the ground when you see your boyfriend standing in front of you
„Babe, that was amazing!?“
He actually wanted to give you something you forget in school, but seeing you practicing some spikes? HELLO?!
„Do it again! Give me another one!“
After a pretty long time you tell him, that you’re practicing to join his team
And since Nishinoya is your official no.1 simp hes going to be your biggest supporter in volleyball now too
He really has your back and convinces you to practice with him in the gym
And when Daichi sees how you play, he invites you to join their team
Another candidate who will almost jump outta the bus to play with you
Like - he was already excited to see you on his games to cheer him on
But now you’re playing with him?
Men’s on cloud seven
Will praise you like a god when you score a point
Literally every single time
Ryuunosuke Tanaka
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You’re practicing in the gym during lunch break
And you could do that because no one was there to interrupt you
Walks in on you and goes 😃😄😃
Then he‘ll cheer with no shame🥲
Tbh he almost transforms into a cheerleader
You just spin around like 👀👄👀
Tanaka will praise you to heaven and back and eventually ask you why you’re practicing here and how long you’ve been doing that
After he knows everything, baldy will immediately go and get daichi
from now on you’ll practice with the whole team. you don’t have a choice😀
And since Tanaka is your biggest fan now, saeko will literally pop off
On y’all’s next game, she has merch, calls the two of you „volleyball couple“ and chears the loudest next to your boyfriend
You and Tanaka have a special hand check everytime one of you scores a point pls😭
Daichi is going gray with the two of you istg
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hello-yue-here · 3 years
if anyone else saw the post saying that katara was gonna be 16 and sokka was gonna be 14 in the live action here is my take:
im pissed ab this.
and no, it’s not because its most likely being done so they can make zutara a couple. i dont care about that. i have nothing against zutara. i may not ship it myself but if you ship it good for you. ive seen cute fanart and cute fanfics for zutara that ive really enjoyed. i like zutara. not my favorites but i dont dislike them. just wanted to make that clear. that isnt what im mad about here.
im pissed because its gonna ruin katara and sokka’s characters.
by making katara older there is not a doubt in my mind that they will make her more “motherly” seeing as she will likely be responsible for taking care of sokka and aang. there has already been way too many issues in this fandom with stereotypes of katara being reduced to “just the mom friend” and nothing else. in my opinion many of the mom friend stereotypes that have been pushed onto katara in fanon has led to a lot of sexism towards katara and this will inevitably end up forcing the mother role onto her even more and thats just a no no for me. katara literally fights sexism in the NWT, plz dont force her to be a 16 year old girl forced to care for her brother and the avatar because she is older than them. katara deserves more than being forced into a motherly role for aang and sokka. again this is just my take on what i think will happen if katara is made to be the older sibling. i could be wrong. but i would really hate to see this happen because i know itll result in more sexism towards katara and i would really hate to see that.
and now sokka. a major part of sokkas character comes from the fact that he is an extremely protective older brother. because he is the OLDER brother he feels the need to be the man if the tribe. he is very responsible and very serious. this all stems from the fact that he is OLDER. he even says that he is the leader because of it. sokka pretty much IS the leader because he keeps these younger kids on track as an older brother. his insecurities largely stem from the fact that his little sister is a prodigy bender and he is not. there was literally a whole episode about it. and being an older brother w a prodigy sibling mirrors zuko and azula PERFECTLY and that parrallel is one of the most compelling things about atla!!! that will all be flushed down the drain. sure you can still have sexist sokka getting his butt whooped by suki without him being the older brother, sure sokka would likely still be insecure of his status as a nonbender without being the older brother, but in my opinion it would be much less compelling that way seeing as it stems from his status as. an. older. brother. his status as the older brother is also part of the reason why his relationship with hakoda is so interesting as well. his father left him behind to be the man of the tribe because he was older. he wants to make his father proud by proving that he can be a man. his healthyrelationship woth hakoda also DIRECTLY parrallels to zukos horrible relationship with ozai. WHICH IS ALSO AN EXTREMELY COMPELLING PART OF ATLA. sokka just wants to make his father proud by proving that he CAN protect katara. without this, his protectiveness is gone, leaving his protectiveness over Yue in the northern tribe and his protectiveness of suki at serpents pass and his protectiveness of toph on the airship rooted in nothing. sokka is protective BECAUSE he is the older brother. sokka as the younger sibling will reduce him to nothing more than comedic relief and strip him of much of the traits that make him an amazing three dimensional character.
all in all you dont have to agree with me. im not one of the writers. i cant confirm that mom friend katara and comedic relief sokka are what will result in the live action show due to the age swap. but i am very very very very VERY confident that that is what the characters we know and love will be reduced to should this occur. just my thoughts. just my opinion. (if you disagree thats okay but plz be respectful i tried v hard to be respectful when writing this as well)
tl;dr while it may seem inconsequential to change the ages of sokka and katara their roles and older brother and younger sister help shape their characters and changing that just to make zutara canon (even tho i have nothing against zutara. zutara stans please do not attack me ur ship is cute i swear.) it will also change the dynamic of the show we know and love and i am too attached to their original character arcs to be happy with this change.
have a lovely day everyone. go drink some tea and read a fluffy fic and distract urself from another live action atla disaster.
EDIT: keep in mind the age swap isnt like totally confirmed yet so this could all end up being for nothing but yk still wanted to put my thoughts out there🥰 now if you will excuse me im going to write a college essay and then some fanfic cuz why not
EDIT TWO: pretty sure its fake. im sorry for how long this is. false alarm everyone! i think! i hope!
EDIT THREE: i ship zutara now lol. i still stand by this post tho. not happy ab the character age swaps.
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awhst-alt · 3 years
it's so long (literally 2k words) so im gonna put it under the cut haha <3
so basically this would take place after mike and will start dating or something, idk exactly the time frame (i picture them being like 18 or something and this is the summer before college) and will goes to this summer arts program for like 2/3 months (i dunno how long american summer is but something like that) and its all the way far from home so there is dorms and stuff and he's "not in hawkins anymore" (no pun intended)
mike and will decide after will finishes his school they'd go to college together (cuz they're gonna be comic book artists together bc thats boyfriend shit) so throughout these months he's practically just waiting for will (<333333)
so one specific scene i remember from my dream involved will and mike getting off the bus to the school and then they hug and then mike grabs wills hand and brings him behind the bus and then he gives will a biggg kiss bc he won't be able to kiss him for 3 months. then they say they love each other and will gives him another quick kiss and is like "two kisses". they agree they'd call each other every day.
so will goes inside and mike goes back on the bus and goes home.
and basically the whole day is a whirl, until the end of it, in which mike is sitting in the kitchen near the phone waiting for like 3 hours for will to call, and will doesn't end up calling.
so meanwhile at the arts program will asks like the front desk or something if he can call mike and they say phone is offlimits and they don't let him call mike
so then will goes to sleep and he's paranoid that he thinks mike is gonna hate him or something like that
mk than the next day in class there is this girl (they didn't reveal her name in the dream, ill call her stella) so stella is basically looking at will the entire class but will doesn't know it
so when they exit the class stella's like "hi" and will says "hi"
then stella says "i like your painting."
will is like rlly weirded out so he goes "thanks?"
"i um- hope this doesn't sound weird but i have no friends, do you want to be mine?"
and then end of scene (this does not sound like a normal conversation but it's my dream so it doesn't have to make sense"
so BACK AT HAWKINS mike is still sleeping even tho it's like 3 pm because yk depressed boyfriend shit but then the PHONE RINGS and mike gets out of bed frantically and goes to the phone and he picks it up and is like "will?" and then it answers "it's el, idiot"
i feel like this is important for context but el speaks english very well now and hoppers back and she lives with hopper and not the byers anymore. ANYWAYS
el says "how's will?"
mike says "idk he didn't call"
"he didn't?"
"no, he didn't"
"okay. well maybe he will call later"
"yeah mb"
"wanna come over"
so mike hangs up and gets changed and goes to el's house bc they r a couple o' besties and when he gets there it's like a therapy sessions bc mike usally talks to will every single day and he can't for like 3 months (unless will calls, but he's not going to) so he accepts he's gonna be depressed for 3 months and he's just talking to el about how he's gonna miss him so much and no be able to see his face and that shit
so el's like "well do u wanna do something to take ur mind off of him"
and mike's like "no im not gonna replace will" (I SCREAMED IN MY DREAM SRSLY)
but than el says "okay. guess im gonna go to the mall by myself" (ig starcourt is rebuilt by now)
and than mike bolts up and is like "fine"
"we can by something for will"
"okay yay"
so then they go to starcourt yasss!!
anyways back at the art school will is having lunch and stella is with he friends (even tho she said she doesn't have any friends) and one of her friends is like "omg did you see _____ he's so hot"
and another friend says "YESS! but ____ is cuter"
"what abt u stella? who do u have ur eyes on"
and they say "ew that kid who came back to life"
she says "yea. but he's cute, and shy, and once i wrap them around my finger i can get them to do anything"
so then she goes to sit down next to will at lunch
"hi will"
"im good"
"okay. good." and she gets upset because will goes ask how she is but she keeps her urging rage inside. and than they have this weird conversation and will is uncomfortable the whole time bc shes all like flirting with him and will is seeing someone obvi
but then she puts a hand on will's shoulder and he's shaking and then says something (idk what it is it wasn't explaining in my dream) then will stands up and runs to the bathroom. so he's just sitting in the stalls crying.
okay back at starcourt this part wasn't shown in my dream but im just gonna make up that mike and el go looking around starcourt for something for will (sort of like the mike/lucas/will montage where they were looking for stuff for el) and then i guess they find something for will and i don't have the slightest idea what they could have got for him BUT THEY GOT HIM SOMETHING GOOD
so mike's all happy but they'res still that depression inside of him lol
so fast forward a week, it really isn't explained but ill just make up that will still hasn't called mike, and he's super sad and all sleeping in but decides to look through his good ol binder full of will's drawings and in the arts school will and stella have a few more interactions im sure which are still very uncomfortable
okay so it's lunch again in the cafeteria and somehow will and stella are talking again but somehow it ends in stella kissing will and will like pulls away immediatley and is like "what is wrong with you!?"
and she says "what?"
"i'm seeing someone!"
"oh i uh- i didn't know."
the whole cafeteria is staring at them
so will's freaking out almost on the verge of a panic attack "idk what to do, he's gonna hate me and-"
will has the look on his face like shit shit shit oh fuck no
"you're gay?"
and will runs off once again. and everyone in the whole cafeteria knows that he's day and ofc with everybody being homophobic will knows it's not good at all bc everyone's gonna bully him
so then the next day he goes to class and the teacher is like "does anyone care to tell me where ___ is?" (it would be like a math question like 'where x is' but in art idkkk) and then the teacher calls on "will? can you tell me where ___ is?" and they'res a pause and then the teacher says "or perhaps you'd want to find your boyfriend instead?" (giving me anne with an e vibes prolly cuz i did a rewatch last weekend but i won't explain more in case some people haven't watched it but) anyways will stands up from his seat, everyone is looking at him, and he's shaking and so concerned but then he goes "fuck. you" badass will yeaaaa thats my boy
so then he runs out of the classroom and out of the school in a really cool montage way but then he realizes he's like 2 hours away from home but he runs and runs and he goes to a random bustop (it's not even garanteed if it takes him to hawkins but whatever) he gets on and tries to go back to hawkins.
and soon enough, he gets there, and immediatley goes to the wheelers because he needs to see mike and apologize for everything. so he's at the wheelers, and rings the doorbell, realizing he's still in his uniform lol but karen answers and mike is upstairs in his room sulking (i picture it would be 8 pm by now) so will asks for mike and karen calls mike. mike groans obviously because he doesn't know it's his boy, but he comes down, karen gets out of the way and as soon as he sees will they have a really big hug and it's super sweet and my heart UFHEIOSKA
mike says his usual "are you okay?" and mike is still confused as shit but will says "i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry" and mike says "you don't have to be sorry for anyrhing" but will says "ill explain"
so then they go to will's room, side-by-side on his bed and will starts explaining everything
(this is mostly improvised by me but it's still pretty similar to the dream)
"i hated it."
"the school?"
"yeah. there was no you, (mike blushes lmao), everything was terrible, i felt so lonely, they didn't let me call you-"
"they said the phone was off limits. i wanted to talk to you so bad and i thought you'd hate me"
"i could never hate you, will, even if i tried." will smiles
"and then there was this girl, and she hit on me and i didn't know what to do bc i'd be the face of the school if i told her i was dating you and was gay and today she kissed me"
"im sorry im sorry i didn't kiss back and i was so scared bc i never was in a relationship before and i was so scared it was considered cheating-"
and mike LAUGHSS
"what? mike? what's wrong?"
"if you don't do anything back, it's not considerd 'cheating'"
"oh. good. are you mad at me?"
"what? no! no never!" so mike opens his arms and says "come here" so will and mike hug or something like that and then mike says "do you need me to beat her up?"
and will says "you can't even beat eggs. besides, your noodle arms wouldn't be able to do harm to even a fly"
so mike laughs and says "i'm glad your home"
so will blurts "i cursed out a teacher"
"you? cursing?"
"might have to start calling you a bad boy now"
will just smiles and says "i love you"
and mike says "i love you too"
edit: i have no idea what mike did with the present him and el bought for will but i guess they ended up giving it to him lol
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