#oh and of course childe during the trial
neuvifuri · 9 months
i think at least once every fontaine archon quest someone should yell at neuvillette that he’s doing a bad job
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wosoamazing · 3 months
Too Late To Be Fair
Warnings: death (caused by drunk driver), mentions of emotional abuse (R as a child), mentions of drinking and drunks, implications of self doubt and associated things, wishing someone would die. Please let me know if anything else.
Note: Grace is a fake player, due to previous ideas and maybe future ideas I had to make a player up... she does some things none of the girls would ever do....
A/N: Story inspired by Pray (Jessie Murph) & Mansion (NF) - and other things but I listened to these songs and I was like ooo good story idea. There probs will be a part 2. I hope you like it - also I know I said one of the McFoord fics would be out next but um yeah...
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“Y/N We’re sorry to inform you but your Dad was in a car accident he was hit by a drunk driver” you couldn’t help but laugh at the irony, you dad the drunk being hit by a drunk driver. Everyone looked at you in disbelief.
“Y/N that’s not very appropriate,” Grace said, before others death stared her, clearly not knowing your situation, of course you were going to blow, especially at her, the thing you had wished for, for so long, finally happened, yet just after you cut him off, so it didn’t matter, it didn’t mean you could have an easier childhood, it was just another way of the universe punishing you. Waiting until you had moved out, cut your ties and in the spotlight, to finally kill him. Almost exactly a year since you cut him off, won the trial, got the restraining order, the one which he protested, causing the gruelling 3 day trial, to decide whether it was needed or not.
“Oh, sorry we don’t all have perfect little lives with perfect Mummies and Daddies, some of us actually had a shit childhood, faced real world problems, no rich bitch problems, oh Mummy and Daddy told me to pick up some rubbish, oh my life is shit they abuse me” you were dragged out of the locker room and into an empty physio room by Leah, Beth, Katie, Caitlin, and Steph who all sent you a glare when the door had shut, “Oh like she didn’t deserve it,” they all couldn’t but help let out a smile. There was an awkwardness in the room, as the girls all looked between each other not knowing how to approach this.
“You guys can all go, I’ve got this, thank you though,” Leah spoke, breaking the silence, everyone left except Beth, but Leah didn’t mind. You and Beth had a very close relationship, you had been close friends since your grassroots team, Beth helped you through the year of your life you realised you were gay, and then when you crushed on your now girlfriend, your then national Captain. Beth felt bad the year you told her about your Dad, she knew something was off but you never told anyone, barely anyone stills knows the full story, but that day Beth and you promised that you would be there for each other forever, and that was true, she had been there during your trial and so much more, and you were there for her when Dan broke up with her, Beth was really your rock and you were hers. Beth moved to sit in the chair on the opposite side of the room, giving you both space, whilst also being there in case you needed it. 
“Are you okay?” Leah couldn't find the right words, but she knew deep down the wrong words were what you needed her to say, you weren’t going to break, and release it all otherwise.
“Of course I’m not fucking okay Leah,” you looked up at her, she hadn’t even flinch at your words, instead she pulled you in for a hug. Which caused hot angry tears to fall from your eyes “Why now, why couldn’t it have been a year ago, 3 years, hell any time after I was 12. It’s unfair, its fucking unfair,” you paused, and Leah slowly slid her back down against the wall, bringing you down with her, your legs either side of hers as you sat in her lap. Your eyes connected with her soft kind caring blue eyes, and you could see how her lips formed a soft kind reassuring smile. You broke, big fat tears streamed down your face, as you sobbed, Leah gently pulled your body forward, so you were no longer sitting up, but leaning on her, she placed your head into the crock of her neck, before moving her arm to wrap around you lower body, her other hand was placed on your back, her thumb moving up and down, as she whispered reassuring words in your ear. 
“W-why now, when I’ve already lived the hard life, when I’ve been through all that shit. When I’m already screwed up, when I already have trust issues, when I already doubt myself everyday, so much so that I do it unconsciously” you sobbed into her neck.
“I know baby, it's not fair, and it's not right. But I’m here now, and I’ve got you.”
“I-I I used to wish he would die, I used to imagine cops showing up at the door when it was later than he used to come home, them telling me and me not being upset. I used to hope he just wouldn't come back from work trips. I used to imagine people asking me why I wasn’t upset when he died. I used to think of the fact that he was an alcoholic so he wouldn't get a kidney or liver transplant, unless it was a directed donation. I had to say yes, how could I say no if I was a match, but how could I say yes. You know how fucked up you feel when you think that stuff, you know how messed up I thought I was, but that was all his doing. It's just unfair.”
You had calmed back down and decided to go see all the girls again, the only problem was that no one had realised what song was playing in the locker room, too deep in conversation to be aware of it.
Waking up but wishing that you don’t. It’s something that I pray you’ll never know.
A song that connected with you so deeply sent you back over the edge, and you quickly spun on your feet and speed walked away, Beth followed behind you.
“What the actual fuck were you thinking McCabe” you girlfriend yelled.
“Wha?” the room had gone quiet and attention was drawn to the music, “Oh fuck, shit, sorry, we werent listening to it, its just automatically come on. I promise, I wasn't trying to be funny, I wouldn't do anything like that to Y/N”
Leah just turned around packing your bag and hers, “Tell Jonas we’re going home.”
“Sorry” Katie yelled as Leah went down the hall.
Leah found you sitting in the middle of one of the side hallways. Beth’s arms were wrapped around you and your body was shaking.
“Come on baby, let's go home.” She said as she placed a hand on your back, Beth slowly released her arms around you, which Leah quickly replaced with hers.
“What’s on your mind? I know it's something more than your Dad” your girlfriend said as she sat down on the bed next to you, legs crossed and leaning back against the headboard. You had just arrived home.
“It's stupid.” you sighed, looking away from her eyes.
“I promise you, it's not stupid, it's your feelings, and your feelings are valid” she said, voice unwavering before pulling you into her lap.
“I don't know, I just feel like I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop.” “What do you mean baby?” “I don't know, I just feel like something is going to happen, like something is going to happen and you’re going to realise that this was all a mistake and leave. You’re going to get sick of constantly being second guessed for no reason just because I’m messed up, because I don’t believe someone could actually love me this much. You’re going to get sick of me, and all my insecurities, ” she pulled your body into hers, your head finding a place in the crock of her neck, tears started to fall from your eyes, causing her neck to become wet.
“Y/N, baby, I love you so much, and I promise, there is not another shoe that will drop, we have been through so much together, we got through those 9 months together, we got through the trial together, and I promise we will get through whatever life throws at us together, forever, we will go through the highs and lows together. I love you so much, and I wouldn't want to spend my life with anyone else. I will never hurt you, I promise.” 
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yupuffin · 8 months
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New favorite scene, probably in the whole game. Absolutely flawless.
I've been playing Genshin Impact for about two years and eight months now, and this is the first scene in the whole game that actually made me cry while I was playing it.
The buildup. The framing. The pacing. The timing. It's so poignant. Not because it's particularly sad. (It's technically about Neuvillette mourning, but it ends up feeling more contemplative than anything else.)
And it's not because it's a big dramatic reveal either. Indeed, that's part of what I love about this scene.
One of my online friends has what I think is a very apt description for Neuvillette's identity: an "open secret."
Even just looking at him, it's obvious he's not a typical human: The pointy ears. The extra-intense slit-pupiled eyes. The super strong eyelash game. The otherworldly elegance of his silhouette. The separate sections of his hair that look suspiciously like antlers, or something similar. (Rhinophores, anybody? Okay, I'll go sit down. 🤣)
Indeed, we get several scenes hinting at Neuvillette's identity, and each gets progressively, tantalizingly closer to the truth without outright revealing it.
Of course, we start with Freminet's retelling of the legend of the Hydro Dragon, for context. Purportedly, whenever the Hydro Dragon of Fontaine weeps, the skies cloud over and pour out rain. (Coincidentally, it seems to rain after trials a lot.)
But it's just a myth... right?
We meet Neuvillette in the opera house, and we know right away there's a lot more to him than there seems to be on the surface. We get the mysterious yet charming incongruity his presence filling the room with a magnanimous silence, only for him to begin apologizing profusely, as he did not realize his reticence was contributing to the awkward atmosphere. He's not Lyney's friend, but sure, he'd be delighted to reciprocate if Lyney offered to befriend him.
Oh, and he's the Chief Justice. But since everyone attending opera house performances has reserved seating, he's not all that special.
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The next scene that continues to unravel the truth behind Neuvillette's identity was among my previous contenders for "personal favorite scene in the game," and not just because of how strongly it resonates with me as a person with blunted affect. Neuvillette tries to extend his sympathies to Navia for dealing with her father's death, but this only incites her anger, which she directs at him for his alleged complicity in said tragedy--he's too callous, too apathetic; if someone as powerful and influential as him had just tried, just cared, he could have prevented it.
Neuvillette faces her in silence, not refuting her accusations, offering only further apologies.
This conversation takes place indoors.
And once we step outside...
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Guess what.
Okay, I love this scene, because the way the question of Neuvillette's identity is addressed at this point is already so poetic.
Indeed, due to his blunted affect and his reticence, while we can certainly make educated guesses, we don't get a conclusive read on Neuvillette's feelings about the conversation. What we do get is that, despite the earlier fair weather, it's suddenly precipitating when we step back outside.
And our other hint? That legend Freminet told us.
But we've already left Neuvillette's office, so we can't observe his emotional state firsthand and take that final logical step that would confirm our conjecture. We can only infer that, if the legend is true, the confrontation with Navia led Neuvillette to experience profound grief.
...That's if the legend is indeed true.
Later, we have Neuvillette using a mysterious, supernatural power to subdue Childe during his trial in the opera house. It happens too fast for anyone to witness properly, and when confronted, Neuvillette only extends that of course he's powerful enough to do this, because he's the Chief Justice and maintaining order is part of his job. Anyone in his occupation should be able to do what he did.
Still not a straightforward confirmation that he's the Hydro Dragon, but by now it's just one step down from explicitly stated. All of the evidence considered, it just makes way too much sense. Unless it's all a really, really big coincidence.
So then we spend a couple of Archon Quest acts doing some other adventurous stuff around Fontaine, with the stakes to address the grave prophecy growing ever higher. Depending on how quickly and frequently you play the game, this might take you a couple of hours, or, if you're like me, a few weeks or even months.
Then, during our investigation of the Fortress of Meropide, an insurmountable disaster looms.
Wriothesley's instructions? Go fetch Neuvillette.
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Sure enough, the virtuous Chief Justice appears in the nick of time to quell the impending disaster... alone.
That's basically as close to solid proof as we've gotten that there's something truly exceptional about Neuvillette. In a situation that Wriothesley and Clorinde, both capable warriors, couldn't fully address even with their combined efforts, Neuvillette has no other backup.
"So, what's your secret?" Wriothesley quips. "Let me guess..."
There's two or three seconds of silence before he comments, inconclusively, "Maybe it's just your sense of responsibility."
That's another aspect of these scenes that I absolutely adore: they give you time to think. Yes, there's urgency and drama, because the single wall between an apocalyptic scenario and all of Fontaine is on the verge of collapse. Even so, the cutscene gives us space to briefly consider:
Just who or what is Neuvillette?
Is he really a singular being, or is that merely what we're led to believe with the evidence we've happened upon so far?
On one hand, yes, it's obvious that he's, if not the Hydro Dragon, someone unimaginably powerful and special.
On the other... is all of this any more than a glorified assumption? After all, we still don't have explicit confirmation.
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All of the pieces finally fall together.
The pacing in this scene is, in my opinion, immaculate.
Considering Arlecchino's speculations about Neuvillette's identity, we're led to confront Neuvillette himself: first, about the possibility of him, rather than Furina, being the true Hydro Archon. At first, he deflects, avoiding the question with silence, and Paimon apologetically redirects the conversation. This tension is briefly resolved as Neuvillette remarks, humorously, with a touch of resentment, "If, by 'you guys,' you mean Furina and I ... I must clarify that I do not share her positions on a multitude of topics."
There's another exchange about the situation in the Fortress, and then Neuvillette comments on the impending disaster: "I mourn this turn of events."
And then? AND THEN?
It IMMEDIATELY starts raining. As in, so fast, I thought I'd simply blinked when he tipped his chin up to look at the darkening sky.
Even then, as the players, we're given time to think. The Traveler, observing the abrupt change in weather doesn't instantly inquire about Neuvillette's identity. They contemplate the legend and indicate their thought process to Neuvillette, who only responds, "You may be closer to the truth than you think."
In spite of all of the all-but conclusive evidence we've amassed up until this point, Paimon, hilariously, hasn't caught on yet, and asks the Traveler what they're thinking.
Well, the Traveler responds after a second, "...He's the Dragon Sovereign of Water."
You can practically see the gears turning in Paimon's head as she considers this, and then, a few seconds later...
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Paimon is the MVP for comic relief. Even Neuvillette himself concedes that it's really not all that surprising (my initial screenshot). Sure, he's keeping it a secret as far as not speaking of it to anybody, but also... it's so easy to tell.
Which was exactly my experience up until now.
I just adore how this entire issue proceeds. Fitting to Neuvillette's quiet, contemplative character, the buildup of dramatic tension surrounding the question of his identity gives the player ample time to ponder the evidence--to sit with the uncertainty of having a reasonable inference, but lacking the conclusive piece to outright confirm it. And there is tension here, because it's clearly a question he's sensitive about; he doesn't go around telling everybody that he's a dragon. At the same time, given his reclusive nature and influential status, it's not a question we have the opportunity to address him about to his face.
And the resolution of all that tension, while far from explosive--despite the urgency of the impending Fontaine apocalypse--is, in my opinion, incredibly satisfying. Instead of hitting us in the face with a revelation that makes us want to go lie down for a few hours, the story takes time to lead us to that conclusion, and then, in a peaceful scene that is, nevertheless, full of emotional vulnerability and intimacy, sets that final piece of proof gently in front of us, so, rather than being rushed with information, we're given our own time to consider it and process its significance.
Something about that still left me with a sense of awe at learning that Neuvillette really is the Hydro Dragon, almost identical to, but perhaps even more gratifying than, the one I might experience if it really was a big dramatic surprise.
And, to prevent the scene from falling too firmly into melancholy territory (given the nature of the emotions that lead us to this conclusion), we have the best traveling companion, Paimon, to offer her humorous commentary, in the form of being absolutely flabbergasted, a visualization of that theoretical "instantaneous revelation" that probably none of us experienced.
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I just love how intricately touching it is. And, of course, I love Neuvillette.
Incidentally, Furina walks by towards the end of this scene, indicating that she's heard at least part of this conversation. While it's not clear from her conduct how much she knew beforehand, her presence seems to imply that Neuvillette's identity is, to some extent, a revelation for her as well, which would add so much depth and drama to their relationship as officials of Fontaine. (Remember that video where she scolds him for truncating a stressful trial?) That said, while I have my fair share of speculations about Furina as a character, I'm not particularly dedicated to/invested in her, and I'm still processing this whole "Neuvillette is a dragon" thing, so, rather than commenting further on this development, I'm just going to put it out there that I'm curious to see where it ends up.
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toaster-trash · 3 months
idk about you but I love getting my opinions on one of the titans of English literature from a barely post-pubescent 20-something child on tumblr, a website famous for having users with great reading comprehension, critical thinking and no impulse whatsoever to fall into purity culture nonsense at the drop of a hat. I also love the English courts of law, and anti-sodomy laws, and I immediately and uncritically trust them when they accuse a gay man of being a pedophile. There is nothing wrong, childish or immature about this and I don't need to grow up
PURITY CULTURE??? PURITY CULTURE?????? Oh my bad folks I didn’t realise grooming 16 year old boys as a 30-something year old man was just rebelling against purity culture. And for your information, I’ve done plenty of research into anti-sodomy laws at the time of Wilde’s trials, and I’ve also read multiple sources of shorthand translations of the proceedings of the trials themselves, and anyone with two brain cells could tell that the way Wilde spoke wasn’t the way an innocent man would speak, and the evidence compiled against him was overwhelming, regardless of any bias the court may have had. True, the bias in question is fair to bring up and discuss, but it doesn’t negate his extremely likely guilt. It’s extremely unlikely that the man was innocent, from the evidence itself to Wilde’s tone during his “defence”.
Some sources:
The Trial of Oscar Wilde: From the Shorthand Reports (1906)
“In 1895, the playwright and wit Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) was prosecuted for 'acts of gross indecency' with other men. Parts of his trial were covered in newspapers of the day, but because of British censorship laws, this fuller account was not published in English until 1906.”
–The British Library official website (bl.uk)
famous-trials.com, compiled by Professor Douglas O’Linder from UMKC School of Law, mostly aligning with the shorthand translations of the testimonies from the prior source referenced yet with a few details not included in the 1906 publication to my knowledge.
Of course, everything has drawbacks, everything has a grain of salt, not everything is fullproof, there’s room for argument everywhere and of course the two sources I linked there aren’t fully enough for a big picture, and context of the time, surrounding impact, further accounts etc should all be looked into — however, in weighing up the evidence and legitimacy of sources and conflating information on all sides, personally I’m ridiculously extremely confident that Wilde was guilty, and I think the fact that this isn’t really widespread historical information is ridiculous.
You’re right, you shouldn’t take things you see on Tumblr as full proof undisputed fact. You’re right, Tumblr is a hellhole a lot of the time for misinformation and bad literary comprehension and analysis. But that doesn’t mean anything you see anywhere is objectively wrong, and you should do a small molecule of proper research and critical thinking from seeing those posts before spouting bullshit.
And for your information, I’m both queer and Irish myself and shockingly the fact that one of the major idealised queer figures for my country is a rich 19th-century-Narcissus pedophile creep, and nobody says jack shit about it, makes me pretty fucking pissed! Surprisingly!
“Purity culture” catch yourself on lad what in the fresh fuck are you on about. I’m in the age range for the wee boys Wilde fucked, surprisingly if I heard one of my friends was meeting with and having sex with some rich fuck old enough to be their da I’d be pretty fucking concerned I’d be calling cps bro 💀🙏
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What if Carlisle's chsrisma (asumin thst is his gift, following this blog lore) went overboard during Breaking dawn (once the Volturi show up), and everyone fell in love with him as they did with Bella in a previous glorious ask?
The blog lore Carlisle Cullen gift. The time the entire universe fell in love with Bella Swan.
You know the sequel's rarely as good as the original, yes?
Well, let's give it a go.
The Trial Gets Weird
Carlisle's very nervous, more nervous than he's ever been in his life. It very much appears that the Volturi have come to kill them, have now brought an army to take out not only his family but all of Carlisle's friends who are risking their lives to stand with them, with Alec and Jane's gift should they decide it... everyone will be certain to die and Bella will only be able to protect herself and maybe one other.
Bella hopes Renesmee will escape, but it's more likely that she and Jacob will be caught immediately, and they'll die horrifically.
If there's a time for Carlisle's gift to decide on a sudden sharingan style stress induced upgrade, it's now.
However, Carlisle doesn't know that.
What he does know is suddenly no one's talking.
They're all just standing there.
Caius looked like he was about to set Irina on fire, he's stopped somehow in the middle of that (oddly enough, Irina has stopped protesting as well, seeming to have forgotten she was two seconds from being burned alive).
Carlisle slowly realizes that everyone's looking at him.
It takes him a moment to realize it's because he's the Cullen patriarch, and that as he's responsible for the coven, they're probably expecting him to speak even though Edward's Renesmee's father.
"Well, as you can see, Renesmee is not an immortal child and we have dozens of witnesses who can attest to the lack of danger she presents."
They're all still staring.
Even Edward is staring at him dumbly.
(Carlisle wonders if he accidentally said something very stupid.)
He blathers, "Despite her remarkable growth, Renesmee consumes as much blood as the average vampire, and seems to be able to thrive on animal blood as well as the rest of us. She has never once drunk human blood and is incredibly controlled for even an average vampire, let alone an actual baby who is three months old."
Still nothing.
"So, we have not broken the law but simply discovered... a new... species..."
Carlisle trails off as he doesn't want to get into how, exactly, they managed that.
Everyone's still staring.
Eventually, Carlisle blurts, "Are we found innocent?"
That startles Aro (the quickest to get over this as he was already basically at the level of in love he was with Carlisle already, he just momentarily forgot/found it very difficult to kill him).
"Uh, I need more evidence," Aro says, and then notices the oddly betrayed looks that the entire crowd is giving him. The entire crowd including--are Marcus and Caius glaring at him?
Oh right, because Caius wants Aro to kill everybody, yes, that explains that, until Caius opens his mouth to order the entire Cullen back to Volterra under house arrest so they can watch the little monstrosity grow.
Aro is... very surprised.
It's what he was going to suggest. Well, not the entire family, that's ridiculous, but he'd take the baby at the very least and whoever else would come along so long as they didn't throw a fit.
That Caius is suggesting it is--
Oh, Caius is going to murder them all as soon as they get back, yes, of course, classic Caius.
(Still a bit odd for him, underhanded, when he could suggest they just kill everyone here which was what Aro had expected from him.)
"Yes, we should do that," Aro says lamely now that Caius has stolen his thunder.
Edward immediately protest, as does--everyone else. Including the Romanians. Now, what's odd isn't that they're protesting, but that they seem to be suggesting that Carlisle (and whoever else he wants, whatever) should come live with them.
Suddenly everyone's protesting the idea of the Cullens going to Volterra.
"I'm not saying they're guilty," Aro hedges, "Just that I want to--"
(Carlisle is getting increasingly embarrassed by this. He wishes everyone would stop, just stop.)
Aro's also very confused. Now, if he were in their position he'd say the exact same thing, but everybody can't be in love with Carlisle, that's just silly.
(Bella, likely immune, is also very confused and a little put out as this was supposed to be about Renesmee. She's trying to feel relieved that everyone, including the Volturi, has gotten waylaid by Carlisle.)
Aro meanwhile touches Marcus's hand and oh dear god, they actually are all in love with Carlisle, even Marcus is, what the fuck?
Bella, however, has decided she's actually angry about this. She spent all this time worrying and they don't even care about Renesmee. Instead Carlisle's just standing there, uselessly, and watching everyone bicker over who he should live with. In Aro's distraction, throws Carlisle under the bus.
"Well, if everyone wants Carlisle so badly, why doesn't he just go to Volterra."
(Edward is horribly betrayed by this idea and looks at his wife in disbelieving horror, as does everyone else who's in love with Carlisle.)
Bella thinks this is a great idea, though. Carlisle's an adult, grown, man, he'll be fine where Renesmee's just a baby. He can go to Volterra for a while, he lived there before and seemed to like it, and the rest of the Cullens can write him letters.
Just as long as Bella, Edward, and Renesmee are not in Volterra.
The trial quickly argues back into taking Carlisle and Renesmee (as just because they're in love with Carlisle does not mean anyone's actually forgotten about Renesmee) while Carlisle tries to come to terms with Bella trying to sell him out with 0 prompting.
This continues until Nahuel shows up at which point Aro with relief can say case closed. He wants to shuffle off screen but... no one else is leaving.
Everyone ends up crashing at the Cullens, waiting for Carlisle to move out with whoever.
So, coming to Ireland, Carlisle?
It's very awkward as the Volturi really aren't welcome but... they're not leaving...
(Carlisle suddenly wants to move out to the wilderness and never see anyone again.)
Eventually, the Cullens have to leave Forks as even with hunting on the sly, the sheer number of vampires is just too noticeable, and they move to the wilderness where the Cullens are miserable and Carlisle is pestered by absolutely everyone to come live with them and uh get off this weird diet.
(Beautifully, despite the gift upgrade, no one wants to do the diet.)
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carmenbathwater · 25 days
Hi, I really like the art of Lucci you've drawn, they seem very interesting. Can you tell me about them?
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^by Dior
This is my limbus sinner oc Lucci!! Its based off of lucifer from tha bible and revolves heavily around the idea of original sin
It lived in lcorp's nest, now the former lcorp ofc-- Lucci was born to wealthy (but not too wealthy) parents who pushed it to constantly "be better", which is of course a very vague concept. This influenced a lot of Lucci's upbringing, constantly feeling unworthy of the life it lived and as if it always had to Do More. Lucci was also a genetically altered child, its parents picked and chose which traits they wanted it to have. Here are their rough references for your viewing pleasure~
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When Lucci was roughly of the age 16, it ventured outside the lcorp nest through a gap in the walls created by a decrepit abandoned factory with ties to prosthetics manufacturing. Lucci, who was never quite known for anything, never quite good enough for anything, made close ties with someone for the first time. They were several years older but encouraging that Lucci had something special in its mind.
This "something special" was the belief that humanity is inherently born sinful, and machinery is not. Lucci at this point, is familiar with mechanics and prosthetics, despite only owning those that are completely aesthetic at this point. Lucci is pushed towards the belief that to absolve the sinful humanity, everyone should implant as many machines as possible into themselves. This belief starts to spread, with Lucci living a double life, one within the walls of the nest, where it is nothing, and another where it is suddenly bolstered to the most important person in the room.
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^another by Dior, for your viewing pleasures
After Lobotomy corporation falls in the white nights and dark days, Lucci garners far more traction from suffering nest residents and backstreet residents that flock to the growing cause. Lucci feels powerful for the first time in its life, and falls easily to manic preaching. To imbue machinery to yourself is to dilute the humanity that poisons the soul, by its words. Throughout this time, its very first friend, its now right hand partner, manages it. They dispense calming sleeping pills, encourage fits of mania at the opportune moments, and stoke the flames that Lucci inspires in its new followers.
Enter the library.
Lucci hears of the library, and the machine that resides inside, and sets about procuring one of these 'invitations'. It doesn't take long before one finds it's way to it. Lucci sends its followers outside of the garden, the abandoned factory that they have named Eden, the birthplace of their new movement. Many of its followers fail the library's trial, and Lucci sends more, until finally it sends its right hand to procure a book of machinery. Within such a book, Lucci is certain there must be the secret to curing their sinful bodies.
It's right hand partner fails to return, but Lucci gets a book. Before even part of its plan begins a stranger intervenes. Lucci mistakenly recounts that this stranger is by certainty an enforcer from the head, sent to dispatch it before it's beliefs sprout from their seedlings. Lucci is caught up in the ensuring slaughter, using its followers as shields. The factory that it had made its home in crumbles under the battle, and Lucci becomes caught in one of the machines. To escape, the snake loses its tail. Just the same, Lucci loses an arm and two fingers of its other hand, which is enough to convince the stranger that somewhere within the viscera, Lucci is soundly dead.
Instead of dying, Lucci drags itself from the backstreets to lick its wounds. Only kept alive by its desperation to live, Lucci sells the prosthetics it garnered during its time in the nest and buys cheaper replacements, including its arm. It butchers its memories, selling off muscle memory and skills that it half developed in its years of constant betterment. This is enough to survive until it's approached by Limbus company with the offer of a contract. Finally, that spark is reinvigorated in its eyes, the chance to obtain that very thing it wished for. Lucci is hired to recoup for the lost bough after canto 4 within limbus company timeline<3 Where they promptly become FASCINATED with Dante's prosthetics.
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^here's some more commissioned work for your eyes sake
Lucci and Dante pair very well together romantically or not. Lucci encourages them often when they feel unsure, and Dante often, being Dante, encourages Lucci to soften up and allow someone else to see it. Lucci carries the heavy burden of sacrificing its following to survive, and knowingly sending them to the slaughter in the library. Dante reaffirms that it doesn't need to be better to accept warmth, as Lucci has so often shut out due to the fear that it simply will never be good enough.
Lucci is heavily fixated on the concept of absolving humanity completely, and copes with this through the use of multiple prosthetics including spinal augments and its arm, of course. Their canto revolves around the theme of inhumanity, and how Lucci perceives machinery as the only way to release itself of its burdens and finally be good enough to be loved for what it is. It has trouble building connections because of its "lack of proper humanity"(this is a metaphorical used to mean autistic).
During its canto, Lucci reunites with its right hand partner, and is led back to the factory where it all began to find the bough. Its partner has already contained and sealed the bough, but as Lucci steps forward to receive it, they rebuke it. They tell Lucci of every last thought they had, how they were manipulating it, how they were only there to garner a following through it. How Lucci led all of those poor, naive people into the slaughter, be it the library or the awaiting collapse that killed the last of its followers. They tell Lucci with certainty, that no matter how much it has tried, its only doomed to repeat and harm everything it desperately reaches for. Lucci is no more than a poison, the snake that feeds them the apple. Lucci will be a detriment to everything it touches.
The thrashing of a fight ensues, but is interrupted by Lucci finally cracking. Their words finally reach it. The loathing, the despair consumes it completely and it distorts into a giant metal serpent. The serpent spews smog that turns bystanders to metal guards. These guards push back against the sinners desperately trying to reach it as Lucci swallows the bough whole. the choice to prompt a sinner to speak to Lucci fails, and the sinner is turned into a metal soldier while the serpent flails desperately. Lucci believes fully that it must be the origin of all evil, that to save the warmth it so covets, the only way to rid everyone of their sin is to destroy itself, so that no more will innocent people succumb to the cold, consuming metal.
Finally, as the battle grows desperate, Dante steps forward to call out to Lucci, and is promptly swallowed by the distortion. Inside it is dry, but the heat of molten metal and smog is closing in slowly as they descend, looking for the source of its pain.
The bough it swallowed is lodged in its side. And Dante, conversing with the serpent, makes the choice to show it kindness by removing the painful object. Despite Lucci desperately begging to leave the wound, to allow it to feel pain for the suffering it causes to others, even to Dante now.
Just as the molten metal begins to singe and unbearably burn their lower body, Dante is spit out with a harsh spewing of smog, perfectly intact and protected from the distortion's effects.
The sinner can be revived with the turn of a clock, and the battle against the serpent begins in earnest. Instead of fighting, the battle becomes one of endurance as the serpent charges and flails, slowly becoming sluggish and its cries becoming quieter without the bough's power. Through the endurance the serpent finally quiets, and Lucci reverts to itself again, born anew and sobbing. Dante finally gets through to it that the warmth it seeks so fervently is already there, all it has to do is accept it. It never needed to absolve its sins, and it already was a person worthy of that warmth.
Theres other things as well such as how it routinely steals weapons and clothes and items as a practical joke, hiding them. It treats the sinners like a crow pulling a dogs tail and flapping away while it barks. Lucci speaks with a gravely voice from a now missing vocal prosthetic, it is 6'2ft, it cradles people its fond of by wrapping its prosthetic around around them. It's favorite color is black, because it can imagine anything hidden in its darkness. Lucci uses pistols as a weapon, costing the company millions and millions in bullets, it tucks these guns into bed with itself frequently and very seriously. It is overly fond of sweets and crossword puzzles. I can go on for days<3 Here's one last picture of them for the road~
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^Artist link
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^these two and its parents are my art ^^
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dangara2610 · 1 month
(4/10) Alive Ulla - Part 16
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Oh well, I keep having improvised thoughts , then I procced to write something I didn't planned, then I feel shame for writing something understructured and unlikeable.
But well, I admitted before I'm in a hurry, so, no time for editing and thinking that much, I'll accept my limits and love what I can do on my own.
This is going to get faster :
Whatever, Ulla wanted to do her big entrance but it resulted that Varian disobeyed, disposed the electric sword, played "dialogue", it was ineffective, and Donella took the sword.
All the things they destroyed with electric shocks and chemballs would took a while to reappear, the Library is not in danger as long as no body knows about the Eter part.
Ulla touristic trip to the confines of the Eternal Library was going to start after Donella got jailed, but this is going to delay more.
Ulla used the eter in the air to levitate, copy Varian's chemballs and throw them at Cyrus and Donella, make it fast and expulse them violently.
(She would have liked to play "Master of all elements" role she readed on a series of books , but that would get her exhausted, better just copy and scare them)
Then she greetted the team and expulse them kindly.
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Oh well, again I need to hurry, whatever:
Cyrus and Donella endup in prision
The team got a 24 hours tour around the Eternal Library
All teamed up to get Nuru's solution to the meteor shower.
They need to face the temptation of keep staying here (all are nerds, and this place is the equivalent to a free university with no need of food or staying expenses)
Nuru and Ulla are the only ones ready to leave, maybe they should leave the boys alone, but make on the other side, the trial is re-done and the year is the one they are in.
Varian is ready to leave, he wants to recover his lost time with his mother, and well, Hugo and Young stick to them.
Don't worry guys, they just need to repeat the trials to come back here.
They all leave, the portal makes a nice seccuence for shutting down and send the tokens to their temples.
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Everyone go to Koto, received with a welcome parade for the return of the Princess, the people spected a magical and glorious solution to be shown.
But no, she presented her working team, and give the promise to be ready to stop the meteors the very day of the shower, the people seems unsatisfied.
And they start to work, Ulla is too clingy to Varian, some people around think that's a problem, but Varian think is okey and lovely.
The work is fast, the hype is hard, everyone is soo diligent, except Yong, he is a child, the worry here is Ulla, she looks sick, looks like dying.
Noooooooo!! She coming out from the Library was like she coming out from the death, she can't die now!!
The medical care mobilizes and she is out of danger, as the nerds they all are, they don't usually tend their own needs until getting at the limit, she got used to the Eter sustaining her, her imaginary eating and sleeping was for the weekends, Varian birthday and their encounter.
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She heals, she was given instructions about rest, she sees how her son and friends + Koto's workers are moving non-stop until there is the lunch time, and she start to join those too.
She realizes how much an adult and fine gentleman his has become, and some people get near to her thinking she is Varian's older sister, he would be embarrassed.
The ones who tried to woo her during lunch time were dismissed each time she revealed she is married, and so, now that he has too much free time in order to "rest", she would like to spend more time with Varian.
But of course he is busy, and she thinks about Quirin now, how funny, she only thought about his son during her time locked, why not think about the "love of her life"? Now she is.
Even thinking about how her desire to spend time with Varian as a kid is not possible to accomplish, what about having another son with her husband? Ohhhhhh dear, crazy head, keep quiet and sleep already.
And that's all from now
Thankies for reading 🧭🌾🎡⚗️🌙🌠🌃🎫💐💎🌹🍍🥭🍊🍉🍎🫐🫐🍇🍥🍰⭐🌟✨💫☄️🌠
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bellafragolina · 2 years
*tumbles in and runs straight at the wall* hey remember my other request with the twins with a soulmate they hate? WELL! I wanted to write it and I'm in a bind, so here I am with another related request!
Imagine being still ignored by the twins, you had received their letter -too polite, too formal- about the situation and you just felt even more depressed. At least they would give you a chance? But team plasma and the subsequent trials and jail time and even now being on probation, all of it had eroded your sense of self. You were finally getting back on your feet, found a normal job. Only now, you were forced to take the subway, and found yourself often seeing the twins. Your soulmates. Their rejection hurt but you understood.
It all came to an abrupt stop one late evening. You were taking the subway back home, and someone roughly grabbed you by the shoulder and whipped you around on the platform. They were screaming at you, about how you stole their pokemon. Oh, of course. This was a trainer you stole from years ago, when you were still in team plasma. You could only babble apologies through your tight chest, breath becoming heavier by the second.
You didn't know how much time passed as they threw profanities and even fists at you when two tall figure stood in front of the trainer. You looked through tears to see Ingo and Emmet, standing tall each with one arm outstretched in an X motion to stop the altercation. Only, they were looking right at you, both of their silver eyes full of anger at the sight of you.
"What is the meaning of this? Fighting is not allowed on the platforms." Ingo's voice dripping with disgust.
"Did you steal their pokemon? They say you did. Give it back." Emmet continued, clearly trying to hide his emotions.
You could only look at them in surprise. Did they think you stole a pokemon? That you would just stand there instead of running like any thief would?
"I didn't steal anything!" you pleaded as tears started to fall. "I... Maybe in the past... But not now! I haven't stolen pokemon in years! I left team plasma!"
"That's your excuse? Verrry bad. I am Emmet. I don't believe you."
Your fear and sadness quickly turned into seething rage. Yes you made bad decisions in the past, haunted by beliefs you no longer held, and yet actively chose to redeem yourself for you, not anyone else. Now you were being accused by your own soulmates in public.
"Then don't believe me, Emmet!" You yelled at the twins. "I haven't stolen anything! Yes I did steal from this person years ago, and wrote a formal apology during my trial! You don't trust me? Fine! But I'm not the one hitting someone else, yet you accuse me? Check my belongings, look through everything, I don't care! I did not steal anything.
"And while we're here, your stupid letter, let's talk about that! I've accepted that you don't want me. Hell, I get it! I wouldn't want myself either! But you don't get to tell me I stole your soulmate from you. I am here, and I am myself. I didn't spend [x number of] years of therapy to believe I stole myself from myself, my past is behind me and I never, EVER, want to go back. I was a CHILD! I was indoctrinated young by family members, children believe in their parents! I trusted them but now I know they were wrong!
"Also you know what I lost from this? I can't even own or even handle pokeballs anymore! I had partners I raised from eggs, my deino was so anxious she could never go anywhere, and my murkrow took pride in being by my side, and you know what the so called 'justice' did? They rehoused them. I'm not even allowed to ask how they're doing. I always released the pokemon in close-by areas in case they wanted to go back to their trainers, and many did! Bonds are a lifetime thing. I can't even know if they're okay! All I know is that supposedly they were placed in one of those low-care zoos they call sanctuaries, and I'll never see them anymore.
"So you know what? Fuck both of you. Fuck this whole thing! Keep ignoring me like you did, or even better, let other trainers just hit me as they please since you clearly hate me that much. I didn't steal myself from you, you just lost your Ideal of who I am. And when the Truth stares you in the face, you can't accept it. That's not a 'me' problem, that's a 'you' problem, and I can't fix it for you." You spat out as you turned on your heels and ran out of the station, tears prickling your eyes. Only this time out of anger and frustration.
That's where I am! NOW! Question is, how would the twins react to that, erm, outburst? I was thinking that they would kinda change their opinions on the reader? Like, now they at least have context to put their actions into perspective, and maybe at least consider what they said.
I had the angst muses tugging at me to make the reader's pokemon just being absolutely miserable, but with no way for them to help. And reader can't even visit them to see if they're okay, so if any of the twins go to see them (if they find them), they catch the smallest smell of reader and they're desperate to go back to them. After all, Deino is blind and trusted reader for anything movement related, and Murkrow is extremely loyal to its flock leader so now it feels super alone?
Also the whole Ideal vs Truth thing? Yiiiiis this thing is perfect for it
i agree, and i am in tears over this i hope you know. i've done my best to offer you a continuation from where you left off. i hope it's good!!
Both twins are left in shocked silence after your outburst. The air is heavy, quiet broken only by the person swearing at them and chasing after where you ran to "teach you a lesson." The twins stumble after him, not wanting there to be any more violence, but as the person discovers, you're gone. Disappeared into the crowd with no trace of you, besides the bag you left behind.
They carry the bag back to their shared office, minds still reeling with all the new information. There's no Pokémon in the bag, like you said, but there are some various items. Your subway card, a small calendar with various work schedules and small doodles inside. There are even old, faded photographs.
Ingo cradles one, the subject clearly you cradling eggs. You're so small, eyes bright and hopeful as you grin at the camera, two familiar Plasma Team leaders at your side. The back reads your name, and the date of your "entrance into the family, ready to help the world!"
"Do you think they had a family?" Ingo asks quietly.
"Team Plasma tended to take from fosters, children with no one else." Emmet says, reminding them both of the statistics everyone knows. Yet, he thinks, despite knowing these statistics, reforming former members of the team are never treated kindly. "So no. Probably not."
Another photo is found. This one has you, older, a teenager, in uniform. Your eyes are less bright, and your smile is smaller, tired. Your Pokémon, Deino and Murkrow, are hatched and older now. Yet, even with how faded the photograph is, Ingo can see the way both Pokémon lean into you, fondness evident in their body language.
"I don't think they're who we thought." Ingo says. Emmet doesn't look up from the small Murkrow feathers in a clear case. "I don't think we ever knew who they really were."
"Should we. . . find them?"
"This is their bag. We will give it back to them." Ingo carefully places the items back. "And. . . apologize."
Yet, as they decide to apologize to you, a rock sits in their stomachs. A feeling a dread hangs over them, telling them one apology isn't going to do much, not after everything that's already occurred.
When they go home for the evening, Ingo's mind wanders to you. Deino's are blind. He can picture you, present you, guiding one around, smiling and stroking it whenever it began to shake from nervousness. He can see Murkrow perched on your head, hanging into your view whenever it wants attention.
Emmet is similarly lost in the clouds, mind lingering on the old photos. Your smile grew smaller as the years passed, until it was gone completely. What did Team Plasma do to you? Did you even want to steal? You must've thought you were doing the right thing, but you also broke away. . . Did they hurt you? He feels sick thinking about it, and like he needs to protect you.
Protect you from people like himself.
The brothers buckle down on their intent to talk with you, apologize and just talk, but you've become like a ghost. You find a depot agent to get your bag back from, and then they stop seeing you on the trains. You've begun hiding, even from their cameras. Or did you just leave? They're scared they chased you off for good now.
When did things become so hopeless?
for some reason, i get the feel that this doesn't really have a happy ending, even if things get better for the twins and reader. especially since public figures would receive such backlash for being with their former-plasma soulmate
have a good day!
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masonsystem · 2 months
ok additional thoughts on 4-3..
it was very 🤯🤯 to learn that trucy has a "real father".... who i highly suspect to be shadi smith lol. it hasnt been stated explicitly whether this is her biological father or not and i still stand by the opinion tht wright isnt the type to adopt children he has no blood relation obligations to, so im still under the belief tht shes wright's biological daughter.. tho it wouldnt be super hard for me to believe tht shes actually not his bio daughter cuz wright having a child at 18 would be crazzyyyy. but yeah thats for case 4 to reveal to me so thts exciting.. oh and also im guessing mr. hat is modelled after zak gramarye, so valant = yellow, zak = blue, and trucy = pink/red like she was in tht cute little picture!
klavier's and apollo's relationship is sooo interesting to meee.. i really really like how its completely different from every relationship wright has had w his prosecutors. every prosecutor has been antagonistic to wright, but even tho klavier makes fun of apollo's forehead and is condescending to him in the court, hes still pretty respectful towards apollo. it was really cool how he entrusted apollo to incriminate drayan, it was very reminiscent of edgeworth's trust in wright during the engarde case. klavier is sooo interesting, like hes all here talking abt "finding the truth" which took our previous prosecutors like 2 whole games to reach that point, but klavier has already reached it here. i also liked how bratty and grumpy he was in the concert LOL and tht whole part in his office where hes like "i want to pursue simplicity :)" is so interesting and i bet will get unraveled next chapter hurhuahfksdj. hes so different in such a refreshing way and i really really enjoy it. i also like how nice he is to trucy, honestly its nice that everyone is nice to trucy! shes the games special girl and im glad we all treat her nicely!
and of course apollo has been so refreshingly different tooooo, it was typical game stupidity for him to leave the crime scene unattended but hey, he hasnt endangered trucy at any point so that has been a huge plus for me. i really like how deadpan and level-headed and 'serious' he is. its just really good character writing that he fills out the same role as wright but his personality is still very different. like wright was bizzare and apollo is not. but hes still as entertaining. also his confidence in the court was very coollll i really like this kid. and also its so neat to play as a protagonist whose the same age as me HAHA. and ive already said this but seriously him and trucy are so cuteeee together, maya and phoenix were the best of friends, but apollo is like looking after trucy and its just super adorable.
also at first i was very 🤨 at this case bc it took its time to point out my defendant was BLIND and short and also how could letouse have known lamiroir was a witness if he wasnt facing the small window, so i was irked during the 1st trial bc of this, but then it ended with a WOAHHH when lamiroir accused drayan and then the court started to get criticized and it was just soooooo gooddddd. oh and the part where i had to figure out how the magic trick worked was really funny bc i genuinely had no idea, and trucy knowing but not telling apollo was hilarious and so was the judge's insistence on learning how the trick worked 😭 i really liked that part! im very happy with the game so far and im super excited for the last case, cuz even tho turnabout corner kinda rushed its ending it was still a neat case and i liked alita's personality as a killer very much, all the cases have been very solid. and im excited to finally receive answers to the many mysteries of this game.. tho im a bit worried abt having the time and space to actually play it cuz eid is in like 4 days hejfkwehjkshdagjk but what happens happens!
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^i like this line
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cityoftheangelllls · 5 months
My Christmas Wish
Of course I will always love Christmas and always look forward to it, and I live for indulging myself with the nostalgia and gingerbread house making and spirit of giving and marathoning of classic Christmas movies, I feel that it's not as magical as it was when I was a child, and it's not just because of the trials and pains that come with getting older, but also because I realize that there are so many people out there who are less fortunate, and, for that reason, this time of year brings them a lot of pain.
There is not a day that goes by when I don't count my lucky stars and thank God for how fortunate I am. I live in a safe neighborhood and home with a loving family (even though they drive me nuts and we butt heads sometimes), I have a lot of friends, I have a good job, I enjoy indulging in my favorite hobbies and talents, and I find so much in the world that brings me joy and comfort and makes it worth it to keep on trucking when I'm not feeling my best. Oh, and I'm well on my way to getting my own place to live soon, or at least start looking for one.
And that makes it all the more painful when I think of people who don't have these things.
There are children and young adults living in dysfunctional or abusive homes, with people who don't love or care for them, feeling more neglected and worthless than ever each time this time of year comes around.
There are people living on the streets, completely alone, with no home, no family, no friends, no comfort, wondering when they're going to be able to eat next or if their death is coming soon.
There are people living in areas stricken by war and violence, fearing for their lives, unable to even celebrate due to their homes being destroyed and resources being cut off, wondering if this is going to be their last holiday season.
There are people struggling with disordered eating, hating themselves for eating even the smallest meal or the tiniest morsel of chocolate, especially as this time of year is focused on feasting and making yummy sweet treats.
There are people who are financially struggling or in dire poverty, living paycheck to paycheck, unable to do even the barest minimum for themselves or their families and friends, and it breaks their hearts that they are unable to give them something special this time of year.
There are groups of people who are not Christian or don't celebrate Christmas feeling ostracized and left out due to their different religions and traditions, and are likely to be even more targeted by hateful people during this time of year.
Finally, there are people who are just lonely, feeling alone at a time when no one should be alone.
These people should never be forgotten about during this time of year.
If I could make a single Christmas wish and have it come true in an instant, it would be that all this sadness and pain would stop. That everyone would feel safe, comfortable, and loved during the holidays, and that I wouldn't have to read about all the tragedy happening in the world, away from my small, sheltered, peaceful neighborhood.
Sadly, such tragedy has been the way of the world for ages, and it will continue so long as some humans out there are selfish and continue these painful cycles.
Needless to say, my heart is with everyone out there who feels alone and unloved during the holidays. You are NOT, I repeat, NOT obliged to feel happy and jovial during the holidays, nor are you obliged to celebrate them if you desire not to. Just know that you are NOT alone and there is at least one person out there who cares for you and wishes you all the best.
Whether you're religious or not, the holiday season is all about giving and being around your loved and cherished ones. And even though I consider myself lucky, I know there are plenty of people out there who are far less fortunate, and I want to give by extending my heart and my compassion to them.
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sage-nebula · 2 years
STH - Had My Ducks in a Row, Now They're Slowly Falling Out of Line
Notes: I had intended to work on Beyond Oblivion tonight, but ever since I made that post about Metal Sonic calling Tails an unworthy child the other night (and then also made a post about Tangle being a good big sis), I've been thinking about this . . . and so this ended up coming out instead. Originally it was meant to be just Tails and Tangle, but as I finished up their section Sonic's came to mind, so I couldn't resist adding that in too.
Credit for the idea that Sonic has a little unease about Tails making so many weapons goes to @chaoxfix, because that headcanon is just too perfect to pass up. Hope you don't mind that I borrowed it!
Also, this is my first time ever writing for Tangle, so I hope she sounds all right, because I love her to pieces.
Summary: Months and months ago, Neo Metal Overlord called Tails unworthy. And he knows it's stupid to keep thinking about it, but it's been living rent-free in his head ever since. [Post-Chao Races & Badnik Bases, pre-Trial By Fire]
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Tails scowled at the schematic spread over his work bench, and pressed his pencil lead a little harder into the paper.
Unworthy child!
His pencil lead snapped, the crack echoing with the words in his head, and he let his forehead hit his workbench with a groan.
It had been months since that day—months since the battle of Angel Island, though after the Metal Virus pandemic it felt as though it had been so much longer. But it really hadn’t been; everything happened so quickly nowadays, one crisis right after another, that there were times when Tails felt out of breath even when he was standing still. It wasn’t all bad; he genuinely liked adventure, especially when he could help Sonic save the world. But that was the problem, wasn’t it?
He chewed the inside of his cheek, and squeezed his eyes shut.
He had helped, during the battle of Angel Island. No matter what Neo Metal Overlord said, he had helped. He crashed the ship straight into Metal Overlord—he took him down! Sonic was so proud of him. Tails couldn’t say he wanted to do it again (in fact he’d say the opposite since he’d ached for days after that, not that he’d admit it), but he would say, would insist against the nagging voice in his head, that he had helped that time. He’d helped save Angel Island, and the world.
But . . .
But then the Metal Virus pandemic happened. Sonic got infected, and Tails couldn’t help him. Oh sure, he’d come close to working out a cure. But one set of infected Chao had been all it took to sabotage his data and make him lose everything. And though he had managed to retrieve one of the Chaos Emeralds from Zomom with Amy’s help, not only had he not been the one to come up with the idea to begin with, but at the end, all he’d been able to do was cower and hope against hope that Sonic would pull through and save the day. Sonic, who had been fighting off the infection for the duration of the pandemic. Sonic, who was already at the limits of his exhaustion. Everything had fallen to him, again, and Tails had been able to do nothing to help except retrieve one lousy Emerald.
(Well, that wasn’t fair. The Emerald wasn’t lousy. The Emerald helped Sonic achieve Super form, which allowed him and Silver and Metal to save the day. That was more than Tails could say for himself.)
Sonic hadn’t held it against him, of course. Sonic never did. When Tails was too scared of lightning to pilot through a storm, or revealed that a Chaos Emerald was fake and got Sonic ejected into space in a soon-to-be exploded capsule—no matter the situation, Sonic never blamed him. For all his spiky quills, bravado and the way he could snark at their enemies, Tails knew the truth: Sonic was a softie, and way nicer than most anyone gave him credit for.
Tails lifted his head so he could fold his arms on his desk, his chin resting upon them. He laid his pencil in front of him, and gave it a light flick so it rolled up the desk, and then back down to his waiting finger. Another flick sent it rolling up again.
It wasn’t like Tails had accomplished nothing in the interim. He had found schematics to fix Omega . . . even though he couldn’t read them. And Sonic had trusted him to go raid an old Eggman base to try to find the cipher he needed so that he could read them, and that was where they found Belle. And later, when they went to help Amy and the others at White Park . . . well, Tails had gotten kidnapped by Starline and tied to a rollercoaster to emotionally blackmail Sonic. But Rouge had, too, although she’d managed to cut her ropes and free herself faster than he did. But that was all right, wasn’t it? Because then he’d helped her alert the others so they could evacuate the tourists. And though Starline had tried to grab him again, this time Tails managed to protect himself . . . through using Belle’s kicking reflex, albeit without her permission to do so.
Unworthy child!
Tails huffed a sharp sigh to try to dislodge the twist in his gut, and flicked his pencil hard enough that it zipped off the back of his workbench and tumbled down to the floor.
“Whoa, buddy! Is this a bad time?”
“Huh?” Tails sat up and twisted around in his seat, blinking in surprise as he caught sight of Tangle in the doorway of his workshop, her fingers gripping the top of the doorframe as she swung lightly inside. “Oh—no. Do you need something?”
“Nah, not really. I was just kinda bored, and in the area, so I thought I’d drop in.” As she spoke, Tangle skipped over and hopped onto a stool beside Tails’ workbench. It spun halfway around, but she caught herself on the side of the desk, and swung back around to face him. “What’cha got goin’ on?”
“Nothing much.” Tails glanced back at the schematic he’d been working on, a half-finished design for a new rocket launcher. There was no need for it, really, but there wasn’t not a need for it, either. That’s what Tails told himself, anyway, or told Sonic whenever Sonic questioned him about why he was building so many different weapons. Maybe they didn’t need rocket launchers right now, but who was to say what would come in the future? There was no telling when Eggman or Starline or whoever would attack again. It was better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it.
“Helloooo?” Tangle waved her hand in front of his face, and Tails jumped a little, blinking as he refocused on her. “Everything okay in there? You seem a million miles away, little dude.”
“Oh—yeah! I’m okay,” Tails said, and he forced a bright smile. Tangle smiled back, but not all the way; her forehead was creased, her brows pinched in the middle. “Sorry, I was just . . . thinking.”
“About what?” Tangle asked. When he didn’t answer right away (he was never good at coming up with lies on the spot), she nudged her calf against his shoe, and gave him a cajoling smile. “C’mooon, tell me! We saved the world together, right? A couple different times! You can tell me things. I promise I’ll only beg to try out whatever cool new invention you have up your sleeve a total of three times if you tell me about it.”
Tails couldn’t help it; he cracked a smile, despite himself. “It’s not that. I—the rocket launcher’s not coming along as hot as I’d like. It’s nowhere near testing stages yet.”
Tangle’s eyes lit up. “Rocket launcher?”
Tails cast a glance askance at the schematic. Solar power was the way to go, he thought; there was an endless source of energy right there in the sky, just waiting to be used. But none of the batteries he’d built could build up a charge quickly enough, or hold enough of a charge for long enough, to be used in something like a rocket launcher. He’d been working on solar power batteries since even before Metal Sonic’s coordinated badnik attacks, and yet—
Unworthy . . . !
“Do you ever—” Tails began, then stopped. This was stupid. It was stupid to still be thinking like this. If he told Sonic—
Sonic wouldn’t say it was stupid. Sonic would never say something like that. He’s too—he’s not mean enough for that. Even if he thought it, he’d never say it.
“Do I what?” Tangle kicked her feet back against the leg of her stool, and when Tails said nothing, she swung her tail around to poke him in the head. “C’mon, don’t leave me hangin’. Finish what you were gonna say, I’m all ears.”
Tails ran a hand across the back of his hair, smoothing down the fur Tangle’s tail had tousled. “It’s nothing. It’s stupid.”
“Stupid? From you? Mr Kid Genius? I highly doubt that.” Tangle put her elbow on his workbench, and leaned her cheek into her palm. “Come on, just tell me! Whatever it is, I promise I won’t tell a soul. Cool tail buddies honor.”
It was stupid. There was no way to explain that he was letting something Neo Metal Overlord said rot in his head for months without sounding stupid. But the thing about Tangle—the thing Tails liked about Tangle—was that she was unapologetically sincere. She wasn’t afraid to be enthusiastic about things, or embarrassed even when she was clumsy and made mistakes. She said they were cool tail buddies, but Tangle herself wasn’t concerned with being cool. With being a hero, sure. But not with being cool. And she was best friends with someone who was just as much of a nerd as Tails himself was, albeit about different things. It didn’t matter that Jewel’s wardrobe consisted of nothing but pantsuits and that she unironically loved organizing. Tangle still thought she was one of the coolest people in the world.
So maybe, even though what he thought was stupid, it would be okay if he told Tangle. Maybe she wouldn’t think he was any less cool himself. And she probably meant it when she said she wouldn’t tell anyone; he hadn’t known her to ever lie before.
“Okay,” Tails said at length, and Tangle’s eyes lit up. “But I’m going to hold you to that. If you tell anyone, you’re out of the cool tail buddies club.”
Tangle put two fingers to her forehead, and popped them off in a salute. “Yessir! So, what’s got your tails all twisted? In the bad way, I mean.”
“It’s just . . .” He’d resolved to tell her, but even now, the words felt stuck in his throat. Tails wished he hadn’t flicked his pencil off the desk; he needed something to fidget with. He took a deep breath. “Do you ever wonder if—if maybe you’re . . . if despite anything, you’re just—holding people back? Or not . . . contributing what you should be?”
Tangle blinked, and sat up straight on the stool. “What?”
“I mean—” Tails swung one of his own tails up so he could fidget with the tip; he couldn’t look her in the eyes anymore. “You do your best. And you do contribute some things. But it’s—when it matters, when it really counts, you just . . . fall short. You have to rely on someone else for help, to save the day. And you—no one’s mad about it, and they’d never say it, and you do some things so you know you’re not totally useless, but you wonder if, if maybe . . .”
“If, maybe . . . you made one mistake too many?” Tangle offered, and Tails’ ears flattened against his head, his shoulders hunched as he cringed. “If maybe at first it could be passed off as you just being inexperienced, and not really knowing what you were up against, and so you underestimated the enemy and he got the jump on you because of that. But then later, after you knew better and could be trusted, you still got careless and your zombified best friend got the jump on you and turned you into a zombot, and so she realized she really couldn’t rely on you after all. And so the real reason she left you behind wasn’t because you were working with the Restoration and she felt that your place was with them, but was actually because she felt she couldn’t count on you as her backup anymore because you’d already let her down once, so who’s to say it won’t happen again? And you can’t even fault her for that, because you did let her down once and, anyway, if she wanted you along she would have let you go with her, but she didn’t and that means that if you go after her now, you’re disrespecting what she wants and are just going to get told to go home again because she doesn’t want and can’t count on you at all.”
Tails furrowed his brow halfway through Tangle’s speech, and by the time she was finished, confusion clouded his anxiety so thoroughly he could hardly feel it anymore. “Huh?”
Tangle blinked; for a moment, it looked as though she’d almost forgotten he was there. Then she laughed loudly, and waved a hand through the air as if dispelling smoke from burned cookies. “Just as, you know, a totally random and totally not specific or in any way real scenario.”
Tails frowned. “Right . . .”
“But, anyway. My totally random and not specific or in any way real example aside—am I hearing you right? You think you’re not contributing enough? You?” Tangle reached over with her tail again, and this time gave him a light push on his shoulder. “Have you seen all the stuff you’ve built? You’ve got two whole workshops filled, plus all that stuff at Restoration HQ. You’ve got a crazy amount of inventions! And you’ve saved the world, several times! And you’re only eight! You know what I was doing when I was eight? I was parkouring off cliffs, and not even on purpose. Jewel didn’t get those guns of hers by hauling rocks around her museum, let me tell you. She got them from hauling my sorry butt back up from the cliff I threw myself down for the third time in a week.”
Tails chuckled. “Yeah. But—”
“But nothing.” Tangle flopped her tail on top of Tails’ head, and he brushed it away. “You are hands down the coolest eight-year-old I’ve ever seen in my life. So what if you need help sometimes? Everyone does, and you should know; you help people all the time. So why’s it bad for you to get helped back, huh?”
“It’s not bad. I just . . .” Tails flailed a hand, gesturing to nothing. “I’ve been doing this for a long time now. I just feel like maybe I should be . . . better, by now.”
“Well . . .” Tangle tilted her head side to side, considering. “That’s not a . . . bad thing, maybe. I mean, don’t get me wrong, you’re totally awesome and should have way more confidence in yourself. But if you were totally satisfied, then you couldn’t get even better, right? You’d stop trying. And there’s no way this world would be able to handle it if you stopped trying, so that would be no good.”
Tails gave her a wry smile. “The world would be fine. I mean, there’s Sonic—”
“Sonic can’t invent the things you do,” Tangle said. Her tail poked him in the chest. “Don’t get me wrong, he’s amazing and a hero and we’d all be doomed a thousand times over without him, and if I get to go on another adventure with him tomorrow I’ll have waited too long—but he’s no scientific genius, y’know? But you are, and you’re cool and nice and not evil or bonkers like Eggman or Starline. So we definitely need you in our corner.”
Warmth flooded Tails’ cheeks, and he looked away as he rubbed the back of his neck. “Thanks, Tangle.”
“Don’t mention it, li’l dude. What are cool tail buddies for?” Tangle winked, and Tails felt his smile grow. “So, what’cha workin’ on? You said something about a rocket launcher? Please tell me you have a rocket launcher.”
“Not yet,” Tails said, and Tangle’s shoulders slumped in exaggerated disappointment. “But I have been working on a few other things, like a new set of prototype missile gauntlets.”
Tangle sat straight up in her chair, eyes shining. “Missile gauntlets?”
“Yeah—well, I was thinking about Knuckles, you know? He’s a brawler, so he specializes in close-quarters combat. But Eggman knows that, so if he sent badniks to Angel Island, they’d probably be ones that are built for long-range combat.”
As he spoke, Tails hopped off his stool and crossed the room to the workbench along the back wall, where the prototype gauntlets—having just had the finishing touches put on them the night before—sat. Tangle followed close at his heels, her eyes the size of dinner plates.
“So just in case he gets attacked by long-range badniks and we’re not near enough to help, I figured these might be able to give him an extra boost. They can function like normal gauntlets in close-range combat, but if he presses this button here by curling his wrist—” Tails indicated a button on the inside cuff, “—then it’ll deploy missiles from the knuckles of the gauntlet, here.” He tapped his fingers along small, barely visible missile compartment doors along each of the four knuckles. “Of course, right now each gauntlet only holds four missiles, so it’s not exactly practical for a long fight, and I haven’t figured out how best to reload them, especially since Knuckles isn’t exactly the greatest with technology, but—”
“Those. Are so. Cool!” Tangle squealed, and Tails jumped yet again, his tails spinning this time to keep him a few inches off the ground until his heart rate slowed. “Can I see them in action? Can I try them out?! Please, please can I try them out?!”
“Well, I made them for Knuckles, so they’re a bit big, but . . .” Tails eyed Tangle’s clasped hands, and then her pleading eyes and wobbling lower lip. He grinned. “Gimme ten minute to adjust the size, and then we can go out to the target range out back.”
Tangle let out another delighted squeal, and scooped him up in a bear hug. For the second time in under five minutes, Tails felt his feet leave the ground. “Woohoo! You’re the best, Tails!”
Tails laughed as she set him back on his feet, his own tails swishing behind him. “Heheh, well . . . I try.”
- - -
It wasn’t too uncommon for there to be reports of explosions in the general vicinity of Tails’ Mystic Ruins workshop. Tails was a super genius, but he was a super genius who often worked with explosive materials and way too much electrical charge, and so every now and then, things were bound to get a little explode-y. So when there was talk of an occasional kaboom heard in the Mystic Ruins, Sonic didn’t usually get too worried.
But sometimes it wasn’t just one kaboom. Sometimes it was multiple kabooms. And when those multiple kabooms were accompanied by talks of missiles and rockets and lots of yelling . . . that’s when Sonic’s quills got set on edge.
It wasn’t in his nature to panic right away. Multiple kabooms, rockets, and yelling didn’t necessarily mean that Eggman had decided to strike again, targeting Tails’ workshop directly this time. But when Sonic tried calling and got voicemail—well, that still didn’t necessarily mean Tails was in danger. Maybe he was just caught up in whatever he was working on, and didn’t hear his communicator beep. So Sonic tried again, and once more, got voicemail. And when he tried a third time . . .
Well, he didn’t try a third time. Kabooms, missiles, yelling, voicemail. All four things combined meant it was time to pay the Mystic Ruins workshop a visit.
Fortunately, he wasn’t too far away. He made it to Tails’ home in record time, picking up the pace when he caught sight of the wispy spirals of smoke rising in the sky from Mystic Ruins’ border. As he wound his way through the Ruins, he spied no badniks—but then, that was probably intentional. Ol’ Egghead was probably laying a trap. Not a very good one, considering how fast word spread that something was going down in Mystic Ruins, and how obvious the smoke was visible against the sky, but—
Another explosion rent the air, and rocked the earth enough so that Sonic stumbled as he reached Tails’ front door. Immediately following, he heard a whoop of delighted laughter from behind the workshop.
He blinked, and stood up straight. Was that . . . Tangle?
Seeing as how nothing seemed to be happening inside the lab, Sonic looped around to the back, where Tails’ outdoor testing area and target range was. Upon reaching the back, three things immediately became clear:
One: His ID of the voice he heard was correct; Tangle was indeed in what remained of Tails’ backyard.
Two: Tails was just fine, and not under attack at all. He had his tablet in hand, and was surveying the wreckage with a grin from his vantage point up in the air.
And three: Rebuilding the testing area was not going to be fun.
To say it was in ruins was an understatement. Every single target, from the ones that had been pinned to the trees, to the stationary standees, to the ones that Tails had built into moving tracks in the ground, had been blasted apart in some form or another. There were little embers smoldering in the grass in different parts of the yard. Several trees had been knocked over. A pair of rickies were staring at the carnage with horrified awe from the roof of Tails’ workshop.
Tangle spotted Sonic as he rounded the corner, and while she had already been sporting a manic grin, her smile somehow grew even wider as her hand shot into the air and she waved at him. “Hey Sonic! What’s up?!”
“Seems like that’s what I should be asking you,” Sonic said, as Tails swooped down to land beside him. Sonic raised an eyebrow as he glanced over at Tails. “Some people were saying they heard explosions out this way, so I figured I’d swing by to take a look. Everything okay?”
“Yeah! Tangle’s just helping me test some new gear,” Tails said, as Tangle zipped over to them at speeds Sonic didn’t know she was capable of. She still wasn’t on his level, of course, but he did have to step out of the way as she blazed by, a trail of fire sparking on the grass behind her.
“Rocket boots,” Tangle said, before Sonic had a chance to ask. Her eyes were shining brighter than a pair of suns, and she pumped her fists in front of her. “He made rocket boots!”
Sonic laughed. “No kidding?”
“They’re for Shadow,” Tails explained, and he held out his tablet so Sonic could glance over the schematics on the screen. “I know his are still in okay shape, but that doesn’t mean they can’t be better. And I’ve added extra propulsion to these ones to add more force to his kicks. You know, since he likes to kick people.”
“He does like doing that,” Sonic agreed.
“I mean, who knows when we’ll see him again. But if something does happen, I figure it might be nice to give him a boost. You know, as thanks for helping us out. I’m thinking about making some for his Chao, too, so it can keep up with him.”
“Not sure he wants to be bringing that little guy into battle. Though you never know, maybe Cream and Cheese’ll inspire him.”
“Right? So it won’t hurt to be prepared, just in case.”
“Okay, as absolutely freaking adorable as the idea of Chao rocket boots sounds, I’m ready to try out the next thing,” Tangle said, already slipping out of the rocket boots she’d lit the grass on fire with. “You got anything else, little guy? Please tell me you have something else. You’ve gotta have something else.”
“Hmm . . .” Tails tapped his finger to his chin in thought, and then grinned. “You know, I did finish a prototype for a magnet gun last week. It works by using magnetism to attract and repel metal, theoretically turning anything used against us into possible ammunition to—”
“Is it in the same area of your workshop as the other things?” Tangle interrupted, eyes bright. Tails nodded, and Tangle pumped her fist into the air. “Heck yes! I’m on it!” With that, she turned and dashed back into the lab.
Sonic shook his head, smiling as he watched her go, and then looked back at Tails. Tails was already skimming through the schematics on his tablet again, no doubt searching for the magnet gun’s folder so he could make notes based on Tangle’s tests. Now that he knew the workshop wasn’t under attack, his quills settled back into a more relaxed position, his heartrate returning to its usual fast, but not supercharged. Tails was safe. He was having fun with Tangle. His yard was destroyed, but they could deal with that later. Sonic would help, and he would only be a little melodramatic about it.
But it seemed like everything they had tested so far was some kind of weapon. Even the boots for Shadow—didn’t Tails say something about adding more firepower to them, to help Shadow in combat? And a magnet gun, while it didn’t have ammunition of its own . . .
So much had happened so fast. Eggman had successfully taken over the world, and kept Sonic in captivity for six months, during which Tails was alone. Then not long after that, Metal Sonic had tried to take the Master Emerald, and the world with it. Then there was the Metal Virus pandemic, and the incident at White Park . . .
Sonic loosely crossed his arms, his head tilted as he examined Tails. Tails was still scanning through the blueprints on his tablet, his tongue poking out of the corner of his mouth.
He was such a smart, strong, brave kid. But he was also, well . . .
“Hey,” Sonic said, and Tails looked up, his ears perked in question. “You doing okay?”
“Huh?” Tails blinked, as though caught off-guard, and for a second—just a second, so quick Sonic almost missed it—it looked like something clouded his eyes. But then he smiled as the door to his workshop opened again, Tangle bounding back out into the yard. “Yeah, I’m fine. Why?”
Something was there. Sonic didn’t know what it was, but he did know he didn’t like it. Tails was so smart, and strong, and brave. But . . .
“No reason,” Sonic said. “Hey, doesn’t that new AGES game come out this weekend? How about we give it a spin?”
Tails grinned, and wagged his tails in a hard enough circle that he lifted a little off the grass. “Really? You want to?”
“Definitely,” Sonic said, and he grinned as Tails beamed, and did a delighted little loop in the air.
“All right, I’ve got the gun,” Tangle said, and Sonic took a step back as she hefted a heavy, dark blue-grey weapon in her hands. Once again, her smile was manic; it was not at all hard to believe that she had destroyed all the targets in the yard with glee. “Show me how to work this thing!”
“You got it!” Tails dropped back down to the grass, and leaned closer to Tangle as he started to give her a detailed run-down of the gun: the trigger mechanism, magnetism strength modification slider, the whole works. Sonic shook his head, and as Tangle nodded fervently along with Tails’ instructions, bounded up onto the roof to sit beside the rickies and watch the chaos that was about to unfold.
Tails was a smart, strong, and brave kid. But he also was still a kid. More specifically still, he was—and always would be, no matter how old they got—Sonic’s kid brother.
Tails indicated a hunk of scrap metal on the other side of the yard. Tangle took aim and fired. The magnet gun’s magnetic beam worked as intended; it secured the scrap metal in a vibrating grasp, and propelled it straight back at Tangle at alarming speed. Heeding Tails’ shouted warning, Tangle spun herself in several circles, swinging the scrap metal around her, before she released it and sent it flying. It crashed clear through a tree, and made a strong dent in the tree behind it. Tails, delighted, saved the video on his tablet as Tangle crowed in triumph.
No matter how much he wished he could, Sonic couldn’t stop the bad things from happening. And no matter what he said, he knew he couldn’t make Tails feel like he could slow down on making an armory big enough to outfit the entire world—at least, not for long. But whatever nightmares bugged Tails at night, or spurred him to develop new guns and rockets during the day . . . well, maybe Sonic couldn’t dispel them completely, but a chill weekend of video games and junk food definitely couldn’t hurt.
Tails retrieved the scrap metal and set it out so Tangle could give the magnet gun another go, and Sonic leaned back comfortably against the roof to watch the show.
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gayboyasher · 5 months
trooper popping into your askbox with something that ISN'T GHIACCIO? the hell 💥 anyways!! When you say you write for "platonic child reader" idk if that means genuinely just platonic or just. Non-romantic so I'll take it the second way please tell if that's wrong though!!!!
Can I request Abbacchio with a teenage son who joins Passione behind his back? Like does Polpo's trial, gets a stand, all that jazz, without his papa knowing a damn thing? Then reveals it to him once it's official and that he joined because he wants to work by his papa's side? Sorry if it's ultra specific it's one of the "POV ur Abbacchio's son" thoughts I rotate in my head everyday
I mean obviously I can do just a normal platonic reader, but I also wanted to specify that if I do child reader it will always be platonic because there are some weirdos on here. But OF COURSE I can do this for you!! Sorry I went SOOO out on the fluff I can’t though I love child reader shit it heals my own childhood
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Leone was just sitting at the same restaurant he does everyday, with his teammates. Bruno had announced that there would be a new team member joining them. So already, Abbacchio’s getting ready to piss in some tea until he sees you, his teenager, walk in looking around. Absolutely gagged, he gets up and asks you what your doing there. That is, until Bruno approaches you two.
“Oh! Abbacchio, You’ve met our new teammate! ISNT it surprising that he’s got the same last name as you!” As Bruno says this, he sees the look on your poor father’s face and realized what was going on. Now both of them are absolutely floored at your audacity.
Abbacchio is absolutely gobbsmacked, flabbergasted, gagged, shocked,  extraordinarily frightened to see you sit at the same table as him discussing things like drugs and murder.
Quite literally tries to keep you away from Giorno at all costs
Also tries to keep you away from any bad missions, or things that could hurt you.
Was shocked when he found out you had a stand.
One time there was a mission about sneaking into a place and killing people, and Abbacchio BEGGED. BEGGED for Bruno not to send you.
He actually doesn’t care if he’s being over protective or not; you’re still his kid, whether or not if you’re just turning 12 or you’re 17 going onto 18
Though, there’s times during the get-together’s at the restaurant that make him feel like he’s done good raising you so far.
He gets scared of losing you though.
He doesn’t want another incident.
He’d rather it be him than you. Always.
Mista once offered you wine, and then musta ended up getting beat up.
Bruno also became a tad bit over protective of you too, since you’re on the team and all.
Abbacchio sat down at the table, you next to him. It’s been a week since you’ve joined the team. At this point, you’ve already made friends with the other team members and they’ve made you feel welcome. You were currently talking to Narancia and Mista about something that fascinated you, and Fugo and Giorno listened along. Bruno sat down next to Abbacchio, putting a hand on his shoulder.
“You’ve done well Leone, he’s a good kid.” Bruno told him, smiling softly. Abbacchio nodded and took of sip of his wine in silence.
“You’ve done well.” He thought. “You’ve done well kid.”
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archivalofsins · 1 year
Alright let's do some course correcting. A lot of people seem to have misinterpreted Mahiru. Either assuming the absolute best of her or the worse. We've seen how that ends twice,
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So, let's kneecap those high expectations people seem to be having. Because when you keep your expectations high well nothing ever comes out right. So, even if your feet are on the ground let's get those heads out of the clouds and expect the unexpected to avoid the worst.
Even if it's not useful at least it will be fun.
Don't be scared- It's just a fable, a what-if. So, no need to take it too seriously.
Mahiru was not in love with her victim.
They weren't dating.
She is not a sad lover mourning the accidental death of their partner.
I don't think I need to elaborate on most of these things since they've all been explained before. However, there are multiple things that Mahiru has said and done that portray her as not being upset about the death of the person she loved that have gone understated.
Firstly, she's already looking for another partner as she stated within her first trial written interrogation,
Q.07 Is there anyone you’d leave behind if you died?
Shidou: Not any more.
Mahiru: Nobody yet~
She is/has been single and ready to mingle since Milgram started. She's done nothing to hide this fact. She's even been talking to others to plan for a future where she meets someone else and has kids.
Amane: You want to know about my family……? My father is a truly wonderful person. He’s honest, values fairness and justice above all else, and will work himself to the bone for other people’s sake……. Why do you want to know?
Mahiru: Oh, I was just wondering what sort of parents you must have for them to have raised such a good child like you. Fufu, I’ll keep it in mind for the future when I raise my own family.
Amane: I see. If it will be of use to you, I’ll tell you more. It’s still a long way off for me, but for someone your age the prospect of finding a partner and having a family must be feeling a lot more real. Now that I think about it, I recall my mother was around your age when she gave birth to me……
Mahiru: Oof…! Even though you meant no ill with that statement, Mahiru onee-chan is suddenly really feeling the pressure~~!
I don't know how behavior like this could be interpreted as someone grieving the loss of a romantic partner. This usually wouldn't be the top priority of someone who is grieving the loss of anyone at all. Mahiru has very much been giving off the attitude of well that happened whatever moving on from the get-go.
During her first interrogation the way she loves is highlighted clearly,
Es: Being in love and loving someone- are they really that important?
Mahiru: They are.
Es: Hm.
Mahiru: They are...more so than anything else.
Here Mahiru highlights the aspect of love that is most important to her. Which is not for her love to be reciprocated or the relationship being on equal ground. No, it's all about her being able to love and love someone.
This means it is not only possible but likely she was never in love with this guy but in love with the feeling of being in love he gave her. Something highlighted more through the contrast between her and Shidou's answers during the first written interrogation,
Q.09 What do you want from a lover?
Shidou: I want them to stay healthy.
Mahiru: For them to accept my love! That’s all I ask for!
Accept and reciprocate are two different things. You can accept that someone loves you without reciprocating those affections. It's as simple as I see how you feel. However, it's an incredibly difficult thing for college students to do because they tend to be interested in the dating scene.
Having someone around that's behaving as though you're in a relationship when in truth the two of you are not can be a bit restricting and a deterrent to potential romantic pursuits.
This is why the highlighted lines in the "I Love You" teaser are now,
"This can't go on, somethings got to give- I even love saying the words "I love you"."
Because as their relationship stands it would be inappropriate for Mahiru to say these words to him. If they were together there wouldn't be much of a reason for Mahiru to put an emphasis on wanting to say this. She just would be able to because it would be appropriate to do so within the relationship they had.
This is also why This Is How To Be In Love With You has this line,
"I guess we can just say that this feeling is happiness. I can’t stop feeling like there’s something missing- What do you think? I know it's not the type of question you want to be asked."
If Mahiru had already been turned down of course this sort of question would make him flustered, confused, or feel awkward. Because it would be her continuing to hint at wanting more from the relationship after he's made his feelings known.
During This Is How To Be In Love With You, Mahiru leaves if she was turned down or not up to viewers interpretation saying well you can tell what his answer was from my face right,
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Yeah, we can. Chances are she was more than likely turned down. Even though she looks happy and is smiling. It's important to take into consideration she's an adult, a college student- What is she going to do break down crying in the middle of a park because her feelings weren't reciprocated? No.
She wouldn't do that not only because she's an adult but because that would break the mature older sister image, she states she's going for through most of the text in her first song and as Mahiru herself has established repeatedly reciprocation isn't what matters to her, what matters is her love being accepted.
Being turned down possibly wouldn't immediately register as bad to her because that doesn't change the way she feels about him or how she feels when she's with him.
Oh, but she went over to his house though. Friends get invited to their friends' houses all the time.
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Isn't it odd that just like with the confession response Mahiru gets vague this time as well excusing it by saying she doesn't remember most of it. We only see Mahiru arriving at his house where he very well could have had more friends over.
It's not that farfetched that Mahiru would become overwhelmed by all the new people and her memory would be a bit spotty because of nerves. If you're invited over to the house of the guy you like and are meeting his other friends for the first time of course she'd want to go all out and give a good impression. Even more so if she believes he can grow to love her in the same way she loves him.
This also could explain why she cooked so much food at the end of This Is How To Be In Love With You. Instead of a one a man party like I had previously suspected due to Mahiru's for what we all know bias wording of,
"Before he comes home, I’ve cooked so it’ll be ready waiting for him. I’ve kept notes on all his favorites, and I’ve been practicing cooking them! I can’t wait to see his surprised face when he sees."
That gives this implication that they may have been living together. However, i now realize that Mahiru could just be one-sidedly referring to a meet up she orchestrated under false pretenses. This means she may have a set up a similar thing as he could have when he invited her over to his house a gathering with her friends so he could meet them. Yet, he may not know that Mahiru just moved to Tokyo doesn't know that many people and probably knows no one outside of him and her hairdresser.
We even see Mahiru do something similar within the minigrams to Mikoto and Kazui during the impromptu sleep over.
Everything else- The going to get drinks, the new year's event, jogging together, going to see the location of a film they both like- None of these things are inherently romantic the only thing making it that is how Mahiru herself is framing it.
Then the one thing that was overtly a romantic endeavor the screening of the French film at the park- She had to beg him to go to. This makes a lot of sense if you take into consideration miss, he already said he didn't want this sort of relationship with you- Yet you're inviting him on what is clearly a date.
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The worst part is she knows exactly what she's doing- Internally calling it a date while outwardly probably telling him it's nothing like that I just thought it would be fun. Yet, people think Mahiru is stupid. Like sure, sure...
Now, I don't believe that not having a romantic relationship makes what Mahiru did worse or better. Because frankly it would have been murder regardless. Yet, it should be questioned how instead of trying to figure out how the murder occurred or even recognizing that one did- A lot of people made Mahiru's case about her relationship status as though if the two were dating it would excuse her behavior or somehow make it worse.
When truly it doesn't matter not just because she killed someone but because all relationships are give and take. Any relationship regardless of how deep people on the outside looking in find it to be, or how the people in the relationship label it can become toxic under the wrong circumstances.
Propping romantic love/relationships on this pedestal where the only ones who can truly understand it are people that have been there is exactly what Mahiru wanted people to do.
"Do you really think you know what love is? If you do, let’s just overheat together!"
Is the same as Mu saying,
Q.12 Do you think the other prisoners should be forgiven for their “murder”?
Futa: People who resort to violence are shit. You only do stuff like that if you’re stupid.
Mu: If they’re like me and have circumstances that led to it, then I think it’s fine. Nobody can understand a person’s pain but that person themselves.
Like um pardon me but you killed someone. No one can understand what it's like to be murdered other than that person themselves and sadly no one will know their pain because they're no longer around to vocalize it- Like wild fuck you guys. It's funny you want to keep talking even though the people you killed no longer can. That's pure self-justification right there.
Instead of bluntly stating that like Mu did Mahiru goads the audience into agreeing with her. Because if you know what love is, you truly know, then of course you will forgive her. Because it was love after all, she was just being herself, she can't change how she loves just like she can't pick who she falls in love with. Anyone that knows even the littlest thing about love or has felt it before would surely understand.
They'd know those sorts of feelings are uncontrollable. If you say she's wrong, you might as well be saying she shouldn't be alive.
Mahiru: Hmm, if you can't forgive me for what I've done- Then there's no point in living....to be honest.
Es: So, if you can't kill anyone there's no point in you living- Is that what you mean? My, oh my, what a dangerous species you are.
Mahiru: Oh, no! Those words actually sound sort of scary now that I think about it! I don't want to kill anyone nor do anything of the sort but-
Es: Hm
Mahiru: It's because I've... Decided that I'll live for the sake of love.
Es: For the sake of love.
Mahiru: I... Discovered how amazing it was to be in love with someone! It's incredible, you know?! Each and every day seemed to sparkle! And everything became so vibrant! It transforms such mundane sceneries into those out of soap operas and films!
20/06/10-June 10, 2020
Futa: Hey, why are you acting so carefree all the time? You’re the oldest of the girls here, you should act it and deal with the others properly.
Mahiru: Eh~? I’m acting carefree~? But maybe you’re right. I mean, I…… ah, let’s make this a quiz. Hey, Futa-kun. What do you think I like doing? Tick, tick, tick, tick……
Futa: Ahh, what even is this mood you’ve started. It’s annoying. Just tell me the answer already.
Mahiru: Bzzt! Time’s up! The correct answer is “travelling” and “exciting things”~ You don’t get many chances at a lifestyle as exciting as this, right? So, of course I’m going to be a bit carefree, ufufu~
Q.16  How would you define happiness?
Shidou: The promise of an unchanging tomorrow.
Mahiru: When your heart skips a beat.
Mahiru likes the excitement that comes from being in love, the adrenaline. Nothing else. She's looking for a feeling that makes her heartbeat speed up or skip. She's in it for the thrill. Everything involving her highlights this fact. Her interrogation, written interrogation, the portal timeline, the minigrams, even the most recent crossover.
Meaning even when she says things like-
Q.14 If there was one person you could bring back from the dead, who would you choose?
Shidou: I can’t choose.
Mahiru: The person I love.
There's no telling if she wants them back because she loves them or just because she loves the way being around them makes her feel. More things that showcase she is not a grief stricken lover outside of that are these answers from the written interrogation.
Q.05 Who do you dislike most out of the other prisoners?
Shidou: I don’t dislike anyone particularly. However, I think Amane rather dislikes me. Such a shame.
Mahiru: Futa-kun is a bully, so definitely out! Also Mikoto is pretty flippant, he kinda seems like the type who’d cheat~
This way of talking about Fuuta and Mikoto heavily backs up the idea that she's looking for a new romantic partner- And that neither of them are making the cut. Saying that Fuuta is definitely out as an option because he's a bully and Mikoto seems like a cheater so he's no good.
Basically, most of the things she points out as dislikable characteristics are phrased like she's considered them as someone to date and found them lacking, not things one would consider when it comes to just being friends. After all, people wouldn't traditionally want to date a bully or someone who cheats.
She also never expressly says she dislikes them just heavily implies they aren't up to her standards and lists why.
Q.11 Would you rather be the one to confess or be on the receiving end of a confession?
Shidou: I’m the type who thinks it’d be good to do it myself.
Mahiru: I want to do it! Eh~! But I’ve only ever been the one to do it, so I’d maybe like to receive one too!
This answer shows that she's looking for someone to confess to- or, maybe be confessed to by! After all, giving and receiving are both good things! Or if we go by how focused she is with the adrenaline that being in love gives you, then maybe she'd also like to experience it from the other perspective- To see what it's like from that side, but there's also the possibility of it being 'fresher' that way. Since it's not something she's experienced before there's less likelihood of being desensitized to it.
It should be noted that unlike Shidou whose answer is from a self-reflective standpoint Mahiru answers immediately and excitedly with the words, "I want to do it!". Making it likely that she's already found someone within Milgram who she wants to confess to. It's basically her admitting that she wants to confess to someone already.
Which makes sense given her interactions with Kazui-
Kazui: By the way…… thanks, Shina-chan. You keep going around and talking to people to make sure the mood never gets too sour, right? It’s a big help. We’re all in here together, after all. If a fight broke out the whole group could fall apart.
Mahiru: ……eh? Huh~? Ah, no, I’m just talking to people because I personally want to talk. All the kids are so cute, so I can’t help but want to fuss over them! A fight, huh… But if that ever happened, then you’ll definitely be a big help, right~? Since you’re so big! And buff!
Kazui: Ahh, no. I mean, I’ll do what I can. Based on appearance, as long as nobody has a weapon, I think I can probably get everyone under control…… No, we should just hope that nothing like that ever happens.
Mahiru: You know, I quite like watching martial arts, actually. I don’t really get it, but it looks super cool. Hi-yah! Hi-yah!
Seem familiar-
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"Today I started talking to him by chance, and he told me that his hobby is running. Without thinking I took a chance where I saw it and told him “I’m interested too!”. So, now we’re going to go running together. Even though I’m really bad at exercise…… I’ve never run so much in my life. Totally exhausted. Don’t lose focus even when exercising! The pastel tones mean not only do you look ready to go but also give off a cute oneesan appeal."
Mahiru: Yeah, I’m asking for what you like in the opposite sex! I mean, with a lifestyle like this we have a lot of free time, right? So earlier when I was talking with all the other girls we got onto the topic! It’s not often you get a chance like this to live with a mix of men and women together- So, I thought it might be nice to use the chance to talk about stuff like this in preparation for when we leave.
Kazui: Ah…… Haha, I understand. I can see that’d be the sort of thing girls your age would be interested in, huh. How peaceful. What I like in the opposite sex… I don’t know if what I say will really be a good reference for you…… Ah, you know, since I’m at this age. I like a girl who can just smile free of worries. Seeing that’d make my old, tired heart feel young again.
Yuno: Uh-huh, I see, I see. ……that’s a total lie, right?
Kazui: Haha…… Give me a break here. You sure don’t make things easy for people, Kashiki-chan.
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21/08/05 (Kazui’s Birthday)
Kazui: Oh, Shina-chan? How scandalous, coming to a man’s room in the middle of the night like this. Well, not that it’s really a room, just a cell. ……just kidding, since you brought some drinks with you, I’m assuming you’ve come to wish me a happy birthday, right? Thank you.
Mahiru: Yep! Happy birthday Kazui-san~ Clap clap clap! But as well as that~ ……I also just maybe wanted to use it as an excuse so I could ask you for some advice over drinks, I suppose?
Kazui: Advice, huh. Well, you’re more than welcome, but I don’t really know what advice an old man like me could give you. I haven’t got the first clue about what love is like for a young girl nowadays.
Mahiru: Ahaha…… Don’t worry, much as I’d love to talk about that too, um…… er, Kazui-san. You know, recently I’ve been having the same dream every day. Lots of people were denying my actions…… Denying my thoughts…… that sort of dream.
Mahiru is a lot less short with Kazui than she is with the other guys within Milgram. She's already said Futa and Mikoto were no good and her interest in Shidou is nonexistent-
Mahiru: Shidou-san…… you’re really good-looking. Personally, I think you’d be better if you ate a bit more, but you’re slim and tall, and well put together to boot…… You must’ve been super popular up until now, right?
Shidou: ……yeah, that’s true…… I did my share of fooling around in the past.
Mahiru: Oh~? That’s not the sort of answer I’d expect from you. I’ve got it! Somebody told you that if you replied like that people wouldn’t resent you so much, right?
Shidou: Haha, I’m surprised you guessed. ……it seems that no matter what guise I put on, it’s meaningless against a woman’s insight.
Literally went up to the guy and said he's not her type. So, I feel safe saying Mahiru has set her eyes firmly on Kazui. They get along pretty well but given how things have gone and well Kazui's line of,
"I feel bad for her." Mahiru might once again be barking up the wrong tree. However, great taste none the less. Kind of funny to think about the person who loves love more than anything else getting a crush on the guy singing,
"Love + Fate= Crap. Crush and Bye." but here we are.
Mahiru may be stuck in Milgram, but she's still looking for love. Nothing can keep her down long except us telling her that her entire reason for being is wrong. There was even a question in the first written interrogation that she answered that hinted towards this possibility.
Q.20 What do you think about smoking?
Shidou: I often get stopped and told it’s bad for my health. I smoke because I want to be unhealthy, though.
Mahiru: I’ve never smoked myself- But, if the person I like did, then I might start to be like them!
At the point this question was asked these events had already transpired in the timeline.
Mikoto: ……oh, so you are here after all. Shidou-san, are you free? Let’s chat~
Shidou: ! Ah, just give me a moment…… Um…… I don’t mind talking, but you didn’t need to come over while I was smoking. Are you sure it isn’t too smoky for you? You’re not a smoker, right, Kayano-kun?
Mikoto: Ah, you don’t need to put it out! That’d be such a waste! I smoke too occasionally. Though just vape. Like, the smoking room is a really good spot for communication, right? So, I thought now might be a good opportunity to talk with you. Not like I have anything else to do. By the way, I’ve been wondering for a while, but do you always wear those gloves?
Shidou: I don’t……How to put it…… I suppose…… since I have my hands covered all the time, then when I take them off, it feels as though the feeling in my fingertips is even greater…… I know it’s probably all in my head…… but that’s how it feels.
Mikoto: By the way, why did you two start smoking? For me it was just a means for communication with people at work.
Kazui: Hm? I don’t really remember…… It’s maybe changed nowadays, but in the past, it was just natural for everyone to smoke. What about you, Shidou-kun? Do you remember?
Shidou: ……I wonder. I suppose…… I just wanted to do something that was bad for me.
Mikoto: Ahh, I kinda get that. It’s like eating instant ramen in the middle of the night.
Making Mikoto, Shidou, and Kazui known smokers at the time of this written interrogation. We can gather from what Mahiru says about both Mikoto and Shidou that neither of them are the smoker she could have a crush on.
Meaning through the beautiful process of elimination we've successfully deduced the smoker she likes is Kazui and if she was not voted Guilty and put under immense mental stress she might have started smoking.
With all this we've gone beyond to prove our three points and then some. So, try not to be too surprised and hold those kneejerk reactions back a little this month. Because life is much more interesting if Mahiru is voted Innocent instead of Guilty.
Plus, personally I'm sick of this stupid cycle of wait they didn't do anything wrong you're just looking at it in a bad light video comes out proving they in fact did something wrong- Fuck this character they tricked me Guilty! No, sometimes people just play themselves. Don't do this to Mahiru too, she's been through enough.
Like I feel bad for her too Kazui I really do...
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november-rayne · 10 months
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Chapter Twenty-Eight: Sera's Trials
Summary: Loki uses his powers to get to the bottom of Sera's claim.
Sigyn and Loki have another heart-to-heart talk about moving forward.
Word Count: 5000 (sorry)
Rating: Mature
*This story is for mature audiences only.* 18+
*Minors DNI*
Chapter Index
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Sigyn looked to the Queen in a panic, “What is he doing? Is he hurting her?”
Frigga shook her head. “She is fine. Loki is tapping into her mind, going through her memories.”
“Why did we not start with that?” Sigyn huffed, her ire still fresh.
It was a strange sensation, seeing himself in someone else’s memories. Loki suppressed a grin, seeing himself through her eyes as he gave her pleasure, as she tenderly washed his hair and watched him sleep as the sun started peeking over the horizon.
Before she was his chambermaid, Sera worked in the laundry, delivering fresh towels and sheets to the maids and picking up the soiled items to be cleaned. One day she found herself unable to take her eyes off a mason as he repaired a low stone wall near the servant’s entrance of the palace. Their affair lasted nearly a year…
‘Absolutely not! Under no circumstances are you to go and work for that man.’
‘The last time I checked, we were not married. You cannot tell me who I can and cannot work for. Besides, that man is a Prince of Asgard and pays ridiculously well.’
‘And why do you think that is? Huh? You would be spending more time in his bed than making it.’
‘He has lovers all over the palace. What would he need with me?”
‘Oh, come on. Do not tell me you are this naïve! You are young and beautiful. It is no coincidence that he wants you to tend to his private rooms.” He took a deep breath, “You know of his reputation, the way he goes through the servants. He will have you on your knees before your first week ends.”
“That is not true! This is nothing but a wonderful opportunity for me. Just think, with this pay increase, we could save up and get our own place. We could stop sneaking around the palace. Don’t you want to move out of the servant’s quarters? Wouldn’t it be nice not to share a bathroom with thirty other men? Don’t you want a future together?” She ran her hands down his chest.
“Of course, I do, Sera, but I cannot compete with a prince.” He held her with his rough, calloused hands. “And I will not share you with another man.”
‘Jakob, I love you. I will not give in to his… allure. Just think of the money.”
‘You would be his whore! I am putting my foot down. If you accept this job, we are through.’
Loki watched himself charm her during her first week on the job. She was pretty and eager to do good work. He felt the guilt she felt the first time he patted her bottom and sent her to fetch his dinner. He felt the dizzy spell she endured as she set his table and the realization that set in as she returned to the servant’s quarters, counting the days in her head, trying to remember when her courses were supposed to start.
She knocked on the door to one of the men’s residences.
One of Jakob’s roommates answered, ‘Oh hey, love. What brings you by?’
‘I need to speak to Jakob right away.’
‘Oh, din’ he tell ya, love? Jakob resigned today. Took all his things and moved out.’
‘What?! Where did he go?’ She felt like she was going to faint.
‘Yur as white as a sheet, love. You gonna be all right?’
‘No!’ She braced herself on the doorframe. ‘I need to see Jakob.’
‘Well, he din’ leave any notes or tell any of us where he was headin’.’
She turned slowly and started making her way down the hall. Shattered.
‘If you be needin’ any company, you come back and see me, love.’
He felt her heartache when she realized Jakob was not coming back. He saw the exact moment in her mind when she decided that she did not want to raise a child on her own, that she would put all thoughts of her lover aside and focus on making her way up the ranks of service. He tasted the vile teas and herbs she consumed in secret.
Loki watched her memories of himself as he flirted with her. He also saw the exact moment she decided to flirt back. The thrill she got when he kissed her for the first time—the butterflies in her stomach as he led her to his bed.
He felt her determination to put Jakob out of her mind and allow him to use her for his pleasure. He felt how unprepared she was to discover that he was mindful of her pleasure too. How he kept checking in with her to be sure she was enjoying it as much as he was. How he took his time caressing her, drowning her in praise, smothering her in kisses.
Like a lover.
He heard her thoughts as she questioned whether he had developed feelings for her.
He felt her dread as she had to leave his bed before he woke, trying very hard to be quiet as she got sick in his bathroom. He saw the fear in her eyes as she looked in the mirror, realizing the teas she had purchased had not worked. She told herself not to panic and carry on as if nothing was amiss. She would pray to the Norns for a solution. A new outcome would present itself. It had to.
His words told her not to become attached, but his attentiveness and care in the bedroom convinced her she was a cherished prize. She thought that maybe, just maybe, he would keep her once he realized her secret. She had to pretend her breasts weren’t tender when he squeezed them. She had to cut down on the amount of food she ate to avoid gaining weight.
Of course, she knew he would never marry her, but he could afford to keep her as a mistress. She did not need luxury, just comfort and security. She was hopeful.
And then she was heartbroken again, as he too had left her behind. He watched her in his mind as she ran her hand along his abandoned garments hanging in his wardrobe. She fluffed his pillows that had not been slept on. She uncorked his shampoo to breathe in the scent of him once more.
Depressed and despondent, she returned to her job in the laundry during his absence. She was barely eating, hardly sleeping. She cut ties with her friends and coworkers. She stopped herself from thinking of the future. She focused on her job and waited patiently for one of her lovers to return to her.
Until one day, she woke to a buzz of excitement thrumming through the entire palace. The lost prince had finally returned, the King and Queen were en route back to their home, and Loki was to meet his betrothed for the first time in front of all the capital's citizens.
She joined the crowds awaiting the arrival of the royals. When the princes emerged from the main entrance and took their place in front of the palace, she could not believe her eyes. It was Prince Loki, but he did not look well. His coloring was off, his clothes hung on him loosely, and his movements were anxious and agitated. She felt the overwhelming urge to care for him, nurse him back to health, and ensure he was comfortable and happy.
And then she saw it- the exact moment his eyes landed on Lady Sigyn. His posture changed, and the look on his face could only be described as awe.
Sera could no longer watch and ran back to her empty quarters. She threw herself on her small bed and cried until her tears had dried up. She needed to get back in the prince’s good graces and quickly. She would not be able to keep her secret much longer. She had to remind him of what he missed while he was away.
With renewed determination, she bathed and got ready with the prince in mind. She left her hair loose, as he preferred, and dabbed sweet-smelling oils on her wrists and behind her ears. She planned to seduce him, pleasure him in all the ways she knew made him weak, and while he was pliant and sated, she would suggest he hide her away somewhere as his mistress after he was married. It was a gamble, but she didn’t know what else to do.
She donned her maid uniform and strode confidently into his chambers, the guards barely giving her a second glance. She found him fast asleep in his bed. He looked less sickly than he had earlier, peaceful, beautiful. She watched him sleep for a while before deciding to wake him in his favorite manner- with her mouth.
Loki felt the confusion, heartbreak, and panic she felt as he rebuffed her advances. Her clawing desperation as he led her from his rooms. Her utter humiliation as she was led to the security offices by a guard.
She was given only enough time to gather her belongings before being escorted to a plain open carriage and deposited at a large inn miles and miles from the palace on the capital's outskirts. Her new employers were brisk and harsh with her. Her new accommodations were dreary and run down. Her fellow maids were cruel and mocked her for getting rejected from the palace. They called her ‘Princess’ and made her few weeks there Hel.
It was one of her roommates that had gotten her fired. She noticed Sera’s little bump one day as she changed clothes, despite her best efforts to hide it. The innkeepers put her out immediately and told her to go back home to her parents. She laughed bitterly; what a thing to say to a girl orphaned as a baby. Her only family had been a grandmother who passed on when she was just out of secondary school. She had been on her own ever since. Until she met Jakob.
Her heart broke for him. For him and for the future they would never have together. For the little passenger she carried with her everywhere she went, the little fighter who was adamant about being born into this cruel world.
She stood behind the inn with her bag in hand and cried. She cried until her sobs became giggles. She laughed at the utterly ridiculous situation she found herself in. ‘Playwrights could not have penned a more tragic story.’ She thought as she started walking, with no destination in mind.
She had no idea where she would sleep this night. She had no idea where to go until she turned a corner and saw the top of the golden palace come into view, far off in the distance.
She realized she could only have been pregnant a few weeks before she started sleeping with the prince. If there were even a slim chance he would claim the child, she had to take it. Even if he sent her away once the child was born, she could find a new job and start fresh, knowing the baby would be better off without her.
‘And if I am caught lying?’ she pondered. ‘Surely the King would not execute a single pregnant girl?’
Imprisonment would not be ideal, but at least she would have meals and a place to sleep, she rationalized. What did she have to lose?
With a new plan in place, she steeled her nerves and started the long journey to the palace gates.
Loki opened his eyes and looked at his mother with a heartbreaking expression.
“Was there no one else?” Frigga asked quietly.
Loki kept his hand on the top of Sera’s head. He gave her gentle pats as she came around. “The child is not mine.” His voice was barely above a whisper. He looked to Sigyn, her noticeable relief was plain on her face.
“She knowingly lied about the paternity of her child?” Frigga asked.
“She did not feel like she had any other choice. She knew it was a risk, yet she took it anyway, hoping I would claim the child and give it a good life, with or without her.” He bent over and placed a chaste kiss on the top of her head.
“Your Highness?” Sera asked meekly. Her bottom lip jutted out slightly as Loki fell heavily into the seat beside her, drained.
Loki stroked her arm, “I am sorry, Sera. I am very sorry about everything you have been through. I am so very sorry Jakob left you because of me.”
She wiped a single tear from her cheek, “Will I be going to the dungeon now?”
“Not if I can help it.”
The servants entered with tea and platters of food. “Ah, just in time.” Loki smiled, “The Lady gets very cranky when she is hungry.” He winked at Sigyn as he stood. “I need to speak to the King and Queen privately. Can I trust you two to be alone for a few minutes?” Loki stood, kissed Sigyn on her cheek, and squeezed her arm affectionately.
“Do not plan any political coups while I am gone.” He warned Sigyn before he motioned for his parents to meet him in the throne room.
“Yes, Your Highness.” She gave him a smirk as she curtsied.
Loki closed the door behind him and took a deep breath, immediately regretting it because of the pain his ribs had caused him. Frigga placed her hand on his arm.
“Sera needs our help, Father. She knowingly lied to the Crown and leveled a false claim, but I ask that you please show mercy. Obviously, she needs to see the midwife, but she also needs our help finding the child’s father. He left before she knew she was pregnant.”
Odin crossed his arms over his chest, “Go on.”
“He worked and lived here at the palace. A stone mason. Jakob Larson. They were starting to plan a life together, but he left her.  And it is all my fault.”
“How could it possibly be your fault?” Frigga asked, her face etched with concern.
“I stole her future from her the day she came to work for me.”
“How so?”
“She…” He raked his hand over his face, “She just wanted a better life and a home with her beau. I did not think of the negative consequences bringing her to my chambers could bring about. I only thought of the game. Getting her to submit to me, the fun I could have with her.” Loki leaned heavily on the wall. Exhausted.
“Wisely, her lover warned her to stay away from me. He knew my true intentions. He told her they would be done if she accepted the job. I made her an offer she could not refuse, and he broke it off with her.
“She was determined to remain faithful to him, to prove that she could earn a good living without whoring herself. Her words, Mother, not mine.” Loki could not meet his mother’s eyes; he stared at his boots. “She went to him to tell him about the baby, but he had already left the palace. He left without saying goodbye.” Loki’s eyes started to tear up; he still felt the effects of Sera’s emotions.
“Apologies,” he said as he wiped his eyes with his thumb, “this tends to happen when I linger too long in one’s mind.”
“Oh, my dear boy.” Frigga patted his face.
“Do not coddle him, Frigga. He is a grown man. He has brought this upon himself.” Odin was stoking his beard, deep in thought.
The Queen started to protest, to defend her youngest son, but stopped herself. Perhaps she had spoiled him too much. She had knowingly turned a blind eye to his activities with their staff. She chalked his behavior up to his element, his mischief. She could have been as strict with him as she had been with Thor, but she had always had a soft spot for him, especially after Odin started Thor's tutelage and paid less attention to Loki.
“You are right. I think I will check on the girls. I am sure whatever you decide will be fair.” She squeezed Odin’s arm and then kissed Loki’s cheek. He bowed to his mother as she made her exit. Before she left, she said, “But do hurry this along. I am ready for this day to be over.”
Odin sighed, “Do you see how she subtly gives me orders? As not to make it obvious that she is the boss. Your Sigyn could learn from her.”
The corner of Loki’s mouth turned up, “I was not kidding about her when she is hungry. Thank you for not admonishing her. She thought she was protecting my child.” Loki shook his head, “She is so passionate, so…”
“Loyal,” Odin nodded. “With some training, she will be a wonderful addition to the Æsir.”
Loki’s heart leaped, “Father… you would make her a Goddess?”
“I do not see that I have a choice. You saw how strong her element is. I have never seen it come through in such a way. I will need to send a message to Idunn right away. I can trust that you will keep this just between the two of us for now?”
“I promise,” Loki swore. “Thank you.” Loki bowed to the King.
“Now, what to do with the girl?” Odin stroked his beard. “She cannot go unpunished, regardless of her situation. She could have saved herself some trouble if she had just been forthcoming from the beginning.”
“I agree. But I do not think imprisonment is fair.”
“All right. What would you suggest?”
Loki was slightly baffled that his father would ask for his input on the matter, “Well I… I would place her on house arrest. Give her proper medical attention. Give her a modest room, but always keep a guard on her so she does not flee. Not that she has anywhere else to go. We could check with the employment department and see if Jakob Larson left a forwarding address. Locate the father of her child and summon him back to the palace to retrieve her. She could be assigned community service in the interim. Something she could do easily in her condition.” Loki shrugged his shoulder, “Fold towels? Mending?”
Odin was thoughtful for a minute, “And what if this Jakob Larson rejects the girl and their child? They were not married. He is not legally bound to take her back with him.”
“Well… in that instance, I suppose I could… with your permission, of course, keep the child as my ward. I would pay for his education and ensure that he enters a noble profession when he comes of age. He would not be my heir, so the title of Warden would go to Anderson’s grandson after I am gone.”
“You would take financial responsibility for a child that is not yours? The child of your whore?”
“She was not… I never thought of her as a whore.”
“You paid her for sex.”
“Yes, technically, but… I was mindful of her needs as well. I never proceeded with anything she was uncomfortable doing.” Loki lowered his voice, “Father, I thought you, of all people would understand.”
“If you are referring to Margit, I can assure you that was an entirely different scenario. I cared for her very deeply. Our affair lasted over a century. When the news of my betrothal was announced, I wanted to keep her, but she turned down my offer to be my mistress. Thankfully so. We went our separate ways, and I found love and happiness with your mother.”
“Apologies Father, I had no idea. I just assumed it was a strictly physical relationship.”
Odin waved his hand dismissively, “We need to focus on the issue at hand.” He started pacing across the dais. “I will sleep on this matter and render my verdict tomorrow. I am far too tired to make a good decision tonight. I will collect your mother and have dinner brought to our chambers. Let the girls eat, then send Sigyn back to her father. I will leave it up to you how much of this gets back to His Lordship.”
“Yes, Father.” Loki frowned, “Lord Anderson will want to know what was so important as to keep us from the feast. I am not looking forward to that conversation.”
“No matter. It can wait until you have rested. You are supposed to be taking it easy. You should not have physically and mentally drained yourself just coming off an injury. We would have gotten to the truth eventually.”
“There was too much on the line. I could not bear the thought of calling off the wedding. I owed it to Sigyn to erase any doubt in her mind.”
“Tomorrow is your last day as a single man. I am ordering you to stay in bed so your body may regenerate as needed.”
“Yes, Father.”
“See that the girl is secured somewhere for the night and delivered to the hospital ward first thing tomorrow morning for a full medical examination. I will have Henrik assemble a team to track down Jakob Larson.”
Loki bowed and bid his father goodnight.
After the King and Queen exited, Loki was left in the small council room with Sigyn and Sera. Sera was nervously standing next to her chair at the table.
“Please,” Loki waved his hand toward her plate, “Finish eating.”
“Thank you, Your Highness.” She sat and looked down at her hands in her lap, feeling entirely out of place.
“Here, try the dandelion salad. The greens are good for you and the baby.” Sigyn scooped some salad onto her plate.
Sera stared at her briefly, asking, “Why are you being nice to me?”
“I have no quarrel with you, Sera.”
“But I… I tried to…”
“I know what you tried to do.” She gave her a tight smile. “I can empathize with you while simultaneously wanting to rip your head off in a jealous rage. More tea?”
“My Lady?”
Sigyn topped up her cup from the kettle, “You were alone and desperate. I do not blame you for grasping for a lifeline. Coming from a life of privilege, I do not have the faintest idea what I would have done differently if I were in your shoes.”
She glanced up and gave Loki a wistful look before turning her attention to Sera, “With that being said, I am envious of the proximity you have had to the Prince. You have spent more time alone with him than I have. You have had the privilege of sleeping in his bed, and I have not. So, I think that I can be forgiven for feeling a little… stabby.”
“I understand.” Sera swallowed thickly and slid her cutlery to the other side of her plate, out of Sigyn’s reach.
Sigyn took a drink of her tea and then looked at Loki across the table. “You need to eat as well.” She said as she motioned to the platters of food before focusing on her plate again.
Sera looked to Loki, confused. “Should I… make you a plate, Your Highness?”
“No, Sera. It is not your job to serve me anymore. You are here as a guest for now. Please, eat. I insist.” Loki ran his hand through his hair, “Sigyn, darling, I am too tired to eat right now. I will have a big breakfast in the morning. I promise.”
Sigyn scoffed, “Too tired to eat? I have never been that tired.” She took a big forkful of salad into her mouth.
Loki sat across the table from the two women and watched them eat. They were from two different worlds, different as could be socially but strangely similar in other ways. They had similar coloring and bone structures, long dark hair, and elegant limbs. They both had pretty eyes and thick lashes. And their lips… Loki felt heat flood his belly.
‘No! Absolutely not! What the fuck is wrong with you?’  he chastised himself. He shook his head to clear it before the wicked image could fully form in his mind.
He cleared his throat and crossed his legs. “Sera, I should let you know that the King has not come to a final decision yet. But he has granted you accommodation for the night. You must have a medical examination in the morning. While you are here, you will have a guard on you, though I do not want you to fret. If you were meant for the dungeons, he would have put you there by now.”
“Thank you, Your Highness,” Sera nodded. “May I speak?”
“Go on.”
She placed her fork down, “You have always treated me with kindness. Very few in my life have done so. I am sorry that I mistook your kindness for affection. I never wanted to cause trouble.”
“I know. But I should not have used you the way I did.”
“I never felt used, Your Highness,” she blushed.
Sigyn arched an eyebrow at Loki as she chewed.
“Yes, well, regardless. It was inappropriate. I used my status and wealth to put you in a position where you felt it difficult to say no to my offer. It should never have happened.”
“I am not sorry it happened,” Sera offered. “You were a welcome distraction from my heartbreak.”
“You would not have been heartbroken in the first place if it weren’t for me.”
“Perhaps. Perhaps not. Only the Norns know.”
Once the girls were finished eating, Loki handed Sera off to a housekeeper and a palace guard. She was taken to a small, single-room, interior apartment and given a few changes of clothes, a new pair of shoes, books, and jigsaw puzzles to keep her occupied.
Loki and Sigyn stood in the empty hallway outside the small council room. Sigyn stood quietly and waited for Loki to speak. He watched her as she stood across from him but not meeting his eyes.
“You are upset with me.” Not a question.
She let out a long, slow breath. “You made love to her?”
“I admitted to sleeping with my maids. That was not a deception.”
“You didn’t just take your pleasure from her?”
“Well, no. Where is the fun in that?”
“When she warmed your bed, did you hold her as she slept?”
“Usually.” He quirked his eyebrow at her, perplexed.
“Did you kiss her mouth? Whisper in her ear? Call her pet names? Stroke her hair? Did you look into her eyes as you spilled inside her?”
“I…” He did not know what to say. He just looked at her. He was trying to read her expression.
She looked up to the ceiling, “You didn't just fuck her, Loki! You were intimate with her! You made love to her!”
He was confused, “No, Sigyn, sweetling, I have only ever loved you. I swear it.” He looked into her eyes, pleading. “I admitted to bedding my maids. I admitted this to you. You…” Loki swallowed thickly, “you told me that you understood.”     
“What I understood…” She took a deep breath to keep from yelling, “…is that you paid your maids for sex. What I do not understand is how you could treat them like a lover and not expect them to get emotionally attached to you.”
“I… I told them not to become attached. I told them not to develop feelings for me.”
Sigyn threw her arms up in the air. “Ohhhh… you told them. I see. If I told you I was not upset right now, would you believe me?”
“Of course not! You are visibly upset.” Realization dawned on him. “Oh shit.” He turned away from her and ran his hand over his face. “Okay. I see what you mean.”
“Loki, are you telling me you never once had feelings for her?”
“No.” Loki shook his head; his voice was quiet. “I was getting ready to replace her before I got the news of our betrothal. She was one in a string of hundreds. Not special. It's horrible. I realize that now. I am not proud of myself.” He turned back to face her.
She took his hand into both of hers. “I will be honest; I felt better when I thought you were just using her to get off. I know I shouldn’t. I should be relieved that you were never cold with the women you brought into your bed. But how can I know, when you make love to me, that you love me as you say? If you can be affectionate with anyone, what makes going to bed with me special?”
He released her hands and wrapped his arm around her waist to pull her close. He rested his forehead on hers. “It will be special because it will be you. I love you. I love you, Sigyn. From the moment I laid eyes on you, felt your hand in mine, heard your voice. When I pressed my lips to the back of your hand and took in the scent of your skin. I was irrevocably in love with you. I never wanted children until I saw you. I have never had anyone occupy so much of my mind before.” He pulled back to look into her eyes. “My heart has never done these weird little flips before. It must be love.”
He smiled at her, “I must admit that I do love to touch and caress and kiss. I am not ashamed to admit that I do love a good cuddle. I do sleep better with a soft, warm body in my arms. I do love giving pleasure as much as I love receiving it. I love the effect my voice has on people, so I do like to whisper in ears and give pet names. I realize it was selfish of me to think that I could do as I please and expect people not to get attached.”
Sigyn took a deep breath, “So, I don't have to worry about you running off the maid?”
Loki laughed, “No.”
“The cook?”
“No.” He rubbed his hand on her back.
“A guard?”
“Depends… which one?”
She slapped his arm. “I would follow you, you know.”
“I know.”
He placed his hand on her neck and kissed her forehead, “Do not ever doubt that you are special to me. You are my precious gift. I will honor you and cherish you always. I love you, Sigyn.”
“As I love you, Loki.”
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omg its you!! your fics have single-handedly convinced me to enter this ship. how did you get the idea?
p.s. I don't know if you take requests or not, but I've been thinking non-stop about zhongli and neuvi deciding to make childe immortal. The mortality of childe is just so angsty-
Yup, it's me! I'm really glad to know my fics got you into this ship ❤️ As for how I got the idea for it, I already shipped Childe and Zhongli together before the Fontaine update, and when I played through the Archon quest, I completely fell in love with Neuvillette. Also, one of my first reactions after seeing Childe get defeated by Neuvi during his trial was "oh, he would absolutely be down bad for someone who can beat him with just one hit". But I also thought Childe and Zhongli fitted too well together to separate them, so I just mentally shrugged and went "Well, Childe has two hands, so he can have two dragons boyfriends I guess". Then I started thinking about how Neuvi and Zhongli would interact together, and it just kinda clicked that they would be a perfect match for one another as well. So yeah, that's how it happened!
I don't take requests per se, simply because my inspiration is too flitting to promise I'll write anything, but it's always okay to send me suggestions! And Zhongli and Neuvi making Childe immortal is definitely something I might end up writing, simply because Childe eventually becoming immortal and living happily alongside Zhongli and Neuvi is also one of my personal headcanons for this ship. Like, Zhongli and Neuvillette have lost enough people close to them as it is, so them losing Childe too would be way too devastating for me to handle. Also I'm an absolute sucker for happy endings, so I'm definitely on board with immortal Childe!
And of course thanks for the lovely ask!
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characteroulette · 1 year
Apollo Justice is such a game.
Welcome to a seven year time gap!! Your client is actually disgraced (disgraced???) former Ace Attorney Phoenix Wright!! Your tutorial mentor man is a condescending bitch!! Apollo has zero control over any of the proceedings and in the end has to present falsified evidence to prove his mentor was the true murderer for reasons that won't become apparent until much, much later!!!
wanted to think more about what the fuck just happened?? Too bad!! Time for shenanigans to ensue in proper Ace Attorney fashion!!
Here's your assistant, the girl who gave you that forged evidence!! She's Phoenix Wright's daughter. Adopted. Here's a mystery man who looks nearly exactly like the man you just sent to prison for murder!!! Also Ema is back and she's PISSED! Klavier gets a proper intro and he's bitter as fuck!! Time to present panties twice in a row and turn this courthouse into a circus!! Your assistant holds herself at ransom just to explain the main mechanic of the game to you, despite having done this mechanic in the previous case. Your client is a lil punk and his fianceé is actually both way worse and more sympathetic than you first thought!! Hope you enjoyed having your hand held during the second trial day by this Klavier guy it will happen again.
Also, Klavier sent you tickets to his concert. Which Apollo had to pay for. What a weird series of events to get us to this concert. Lamiroir sure is pretty I hope nothing happens later to ruin her character!! Despite the murder weapon being a hand canon and the victim being a man who looks like a brick house, everyone stalwartly believes a tiny 14-year-old child performed this crime without so much as an injury to his name. Apollo watches a man die and is haunted by his final words. Surprise Lamiroir is acrually blind and accused the penis hair shark man to be the actual killer!! He hated your guts from moment one for some reason well now you know it's because he was the villain here. Have fun watching Klavier get lit on fire again and again at least 7 times. The most convoluted and unsatisfying breakdown and way to acquit your client yet.
Well, whatever. Final cases are supposed to be the best!! This Mason system seems weird but surely it has to explain some things. Phoenix Wright is our main narrator and all. Apollo actually gets his shit together enough to understand something is weird about all of this but he's got no other choice than to charge into it all headfirst. The most horrifying Ace Attorney character design with the most annoying tell to spot. Klavier fucking loses it and wuh-oh seven years ago time. Explain yourself, Phoenix Wright.
Upstart Klavier!! Zak spouting ominous bullshit that makes you realise he was planning to run no matter what!! BABY TRUCY!!! The last time we'll ever see Gumshoe in a mainline game... And, of course, as if you didn't already feel cornered by this game's lack of agency, it makes you present the forged evidence yourself. You helped get Phoenix disbarred. You had no other choice but to do so.
Anyway really fucking annoying investigation time!! Have fun figuring out which very specific order in which to do these snapshots!! Apollo and Trucy are siblings??? Whaaaaat?? BLACK PSYCHELOCKS??? What does it mean??? Phoenix has fully taken over the case it is no longer Apollo's show.
Back to the trial, your client could die but more importantly, Kristoph is back, baby!!! We're never going to learn what those psychelocks meant, you have to first stare at the scar on his hand making a face lol. Misham said he never met his client but Vera obviously met Kristoph in person so Drew either left her in a room with a questionable adult alone or was straight up lying on the stand about that. I mean Zak had the evidence that could clear his name in his pocket the whole time and chose to fucking dip instead of clearing himself of a murder charge so like same hat, but I digress. Klavier is having a TIME, Apollo doesn't get to say a damn thing as we close on the court, and wheeee that's it that's the game!! You get to choose the Not Guilty verdict yourself don't you just feel so included???
I want to make it clear that I love this game dearly, but woof it is. Such a ride.
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