#note to you
mariposas8494 · 9 months
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Note to self 🫶🏻
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qualitydonutnightmare · 2 months
this is for the big girlies and tall girlies
don't you ever feel bad about yourself and your body. i mean this as both an advice and a threat.
you're fucking amazing. stunning. gorgeous. powerful. i can't even express how much love you deserve to be shown and how confident you should be in all your might. you're an Amazon. you're strong and powerful and courageous. you're a goddess. you're magnificent and glorious and marvelous.
don't ever be scared to let your voice be heard, to be flashy. you're not taking too much space, you're not too loud, you're not too much. don't try to make yourself invisible or belittle yourself.
my dear fellow girlie,
please be bold. please be confident. you might be a little or a lot taller than average, you might be overall a big girlie, a fat girlie. these things do not define your worth. there's no need for you to "compensate" by trying to be perceived less. please embrace your body in all its beauty and go rule the world.
and if anyone ever tells you otherwise, do me a favor and smash their car. <3
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penahana · 11 months
Benak kita kadang dipenuhi dengan sesuatu yang membuat kita overthinking. Padahal semua belum terjadi, namun kita beranggapan akan terjadi demikian. Masih ingat kawan, apa yang kita pikirkan dan cara bertindak kita terhadap sesuatu akan mempengaruhi garis nasib ataupun takdir kita kedepan? Berhati-hatilah terhadap pikiranmu. Kamu perlu merubah semua isi pikiranmu dengan hal-hal positif bukan malah sebaliknya. Kamu perlu punya kendali atas pikiranmu sendiri!!!
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dark-lord-lumi · 5 months
This is mostly a reminder for myself, but a kind message to all of my fellow perfectionists and workaholics:
Do NOT overwork yourself to the point of getting sick. You don't need to be physically ill to have valid grounds for taking a break. Also, it isn't worth it. Getting sick is not all that great.
Your health, both physical and mental, is far more important than any project you will ever take on. And you don't need to constantly prove to yourself and the people around you that you are talented. You ARE talented, you just need to believe in yourself <3
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onlinewealthcreater · 7 months
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imaginedreamwrite · 1 year
Just a reminder that although the world is crazy, hopefully you find a little bit of peace in this corner of the internet
No matter who you are, who you love, I hope you’re happy here. You’re welcome here, you’re allowed to be who you are here. Hold your head up, ignore the hatred and reflect love to piss them off
I love you, I’m grateful for you, and I want you to know that you all are amazing
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grateful to have the ability to choose how i’m going to react to a situation
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9amberalert3 · 2 months
Truly living happens when you wake up and consciously choose to confront your fears, even if you do it shaky and scared. Remember that’s a natural response when taking your leap of faith. You understand that even if we don’t get what we want, we free ourselves from being mental prisoners to the What If’s. We ultimately find what’s MEANT for us when we live authentically and let nothing, not even ourselves get in the way.
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luxja · 1 year
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zippyzstuff · 2 years
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brownsugar4hersoul · 9 months
Life is like a book
That never ends.
Chapters close,
But not the book itself.
-Marianne Williamson
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ellllt · 1 year
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You did never ask for too much, you simply just asked the wrong person.
You will forever be my right one…💜
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sjoris · 1 year
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