#not too happy with nyx either. oh well
bearsandbeansart · 1 year
For the expression ask:
A3 + forest for Toph
D5 + fistfight with God for Nyx
H1 + waves for Alva (from Horizon: Forbidden West - this one is optional since I know you're not too familiar with Horizon)
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I tried to do Alva, but she uh...did not look great.
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sapphicmsmarvel · 3 months
feysand: getting together
feyre and rhysand discover the beauty of triad-bonds. no smut, all fluff, a sprinkle of angst.
buckle in we got a long ride (3K but hey this is long for me)
- It was interesting how you three got together. 
- Of course Rhysand initially thought that he and Feyre got together first out of the three of you.  
- No. You and Feyre lost your virginities together, and had your first kisses together. 
- She calls you her first love, always has. 
-Rhysand has always found you interesting, you were an angel compared to Nesta and Elain. When Feyre had come back to the mortal lands, you were the only one to look at her with relief. He could practically taste it as you brought her into your arms and cried into her hair. 
“Oh, my love. Whose ass am I kicking?” 
He didn’t miss the nickname, nor the way Feyre glowed after you called her that. Or how you never left her side. 
It was the first time he had heard Feyre giggle. 
So he knew right then and there he was going to protect you no matter what. That opinion was solidified when you welcomed them in with open arms, no questions. Then, you snapped at Nesta on their behalf. 
He remembers when he asked you why you let them in so easily. You had shrugged and said, “Feyre trusts you. I trust you.”
It was…interesting to say the least. If he wasn’t so smitten with Feyre he’ll admit that he could fall for you. 
-One night, after the war, after Cassian and Nestas' mating ceremony and baby Nyx’s birth; the two of them laid in bed with the babe cuddled into Feyre’s chest. He asked the question he had been dying to ask. “Were you and Y/N ever….?” 
She looked at him as if she was nervous, “yes.” She whispered, her voice small. “Is that a problem?”
“No!” Rhysand whispered fervently. Quietly enough to not wake Nyx, but loud enough that it showed how much he meant it. “I’ve always had a feeling.” 
She sighed, tears brimming her eyes, “gods these stupid hormones.” 
He wiped her tears. “I’m not mad.” 
“I know. But…” she shook her head. “It’s really scary.” 
“We don’t have to talk about it.” 
“No, I want to. But I also want to show memories, so you can….understand why I don’t ever want her to leave my life.” 
“I mean, I don’t know her nearly as well, yet I don’t want her to leave my life either. She’s….” He didn’t know how to finish that sentence, and if Feyre didn’t feel the exact same way, she might’ve nailed his dick to the wall.  
“Yeah.” She sighed. “She has a way of captivating people.” 
He felt her brush against his shields, and he opened up to her. 
“We met when we were five years old. Around age six, I declared I was going to marry her. Everyone laughed at me, but when I told her that she just smiled and said, ‘I want to marry you too’. Of course, we were six years old, we didn’t know any better. All throughout our childhood we shared a bond, I thought my entire life she was my soulmate.” 
As Feyre spoke, Rhysand saw her weave the tale of you two. 
“Then, I fell for Tamlin, and then you. I wouldn’t trade you for anyone. But she’s always stayed in my heart. When we went back to the village to see my sisters, I was more nervous to see her. Nesta and Elain rejected me my entire life, she was the one person that never did. I don't know what I would’ve done if she looked at me like that. Like I was a monster.”  
He then felt the happiness that Feyre felt that day when you took her into your arms. He could feel the tears that hit Feyres neck as you cried. Your perfume seemed to have a mind of its own and weave around her. He was in Feyre’s head, he wasn’t sure if he ever wanted to leave this embrace. 
As the night went on, she shared more memories of the two of you. He could feel his heart glowing as he saw you two laugh and grow together. 
- When Feyre was gone, you had found him in the backyard of the townhouse. He was drinking a glass of fae wine. You sat down next to him. 
“You know Feyre would call me a sap for being worried about her.” You started. 
He could almost laugh at that. It fits. “She’d also probably hit you.” 
“Oh yeah, maybe with her shoe?” He whipped his head to you. 
“She tells me everything, Rhysand.” You quirked an eyebrow. “Everything. Which is why I’m not storming into the spring court. I know what she needs to do.” 
“She told me about it. When it was happening.” You said. “When that bastard brought us in, she spoke in my head. Told me about it and that I needed to trust you guys. So I did.” “I’m sorry, that you three got brought into this.” 
You shrugged, “you would’ve seen me around anyway. Fey and I can’t stay away from each other. At least this way our friendship will last longer.” 
He huffed a laugh, amazed at your positivity. “I’m surprised you’re this positive about it.” 
You shrugged, “I just got her back, I’m not losing her again.” 
“Yeah. I can relate to that.” He said quietly. 
- After that night, he looked after you more. You helped out in the kitchen, you cleaned too even though you were requested not to. You can’t just sit around. You even talked to Rhysand about getting a job. 
- You two also hung out together, you either talked or just sat quietly. He found that you were one of those people that made it extremely easy to talk to you about anything. He felt safe with you immediately, which should’ve rang off more warning bells than it did. 
- You were accepting this life, because rejecting it would just result in a big spiral that you refused to go down. You’ve been down a depression rut before, you know when the signs are coming so you made yourself useful around the townhouse. 
- After Feyre came back from the Spring Court; you welcomed her again with open arms. Held her while her own sisters turned her away. 
Nesta had shoved you away because to her it seemed you were taking Feyre’s side. You weren’t. You loved all of them so much, you just wanted a bit of normalcy even though you knew it would never be normal again.
Him, Feyre and the entire Inner Circle heard that screaming match between you and Nesta. 
“And you’re acting like everything’s fine!”
“If I do not act, I will fall apart. This is our lives now. It sucks, the change fucking sucks but you know what could suck more? Feyre being dead. I know you like to act all cold and heartless because it’s some fucking defense mechanism-“
“Do not psychoanalyze me Y/N.” 
“My defense mechanism is trying to make the most out of things! I’m sorry I'm not like you Nesta; I always wish I would be. It would be a lot less painful than feeling every-fucking-thing.” 
Nesta was silent and you continued. “I love you, I would do anything to protect you, to help you. But I cannot be pulled between the three of you.”
“So you’re choosing Feyre? Acting like this is normal?”
“I am choosing me.” You said. “I am choosing to deal with things. This is my life now and I will be damned if I waste one more second on hating myself ever again.” 
Nesta had left the room, storming past the inner circle and walking out. Feyre quickly ran upstairs, her mate hot on her trail. Everyone else remained downstairs in case you didn’t want an audience. Hell, Cassian tried to pull Rhysand away from checking on you. But Rhysand had shrugged him off. 
You’d grown on Rhys quite a bit. 
When they got upstairs, Feyre crept in, “Sometimes.” You breathed, “I want to punch that bitch in the face.” 
“Y/N-” Feyre started. 
“I love her, so much, Fey. But my Gods-” You choked out. “I am just trying to keep it all together.” 
“I know.” Feyre nodded, “that’s what you do. You make sure we’re all okay, but you don’t prioritize yourself. That’s what you’ve always done, but please do not put us before you this time.” Feyre’s voice was wobbly as she turned you into her shoulder. 
That’s where you broke down, and Rhysand made himself scarce. But not before seeing that look in his mates eyes. The same look she had when she found him during his nightmare. 
The face of someone watching the love of their life break down. 
-Eventually things between you and Nesta got better, “they always do” you had reassured Rhysand when he was talking to you about it. Feyre even agreed, “things always work out with Y/N. She doesn’t let stuff be unsaid.” 
- That’s why when he started fumbling around you like a schoolgirl, he realized pretty quickly what was going on. He knew that if you got a whiff about it, it would be endless misery. Not only would he lose Feyre, his entire family would turn on him. He knew what he was feeling too. It was the same thing he felt about Feyre when he first met her, intrigue. And then, it became so much more. 
The mating bond was beginning to snap. But a trio bond? Cause he still very much was bonded to Feyre. He had never heard of a trio bond in his particular area of the world. He knew couples took on consorts or occasional thirds. He even joked about that with Fey. 
Hell, this entire inner turmoil he’s had to keep from shouting down the bond. He wants to talk to her because she’s his best friend but how do you tell your wife you think you’re also fated to be with her best friend? 
So he began countless research methods. Just wondering if it was a thing at all. Or if they were about to rewrite history. However, he found that while it wasn’t common, it did happen. So, he began a folder compiling research, putting things together to show Feyre everything he’s found. 
- Pretty soon he was able to grow a pair and tell her. He walked into their home, first he checked on his beloved son to see him sleeping in his crib. Then found Feyre in their bedroom. He walked up to Feyre too, ready to confess, when she looked at him extremely nervous. “I wanna try something.” She started. “I…I love you. So fucking much Rhys. But….I was wondering if we could add Y/N to the mix. I’ve felt this pull and I can’t explain it. And it’s really scaring me right now.” 
He felt like he was going to collapse. He then realized he didn’t say anything when Feyre started crying, “please say something.” 
“I…I’ve felt the pull too.” He held out the folder, “that’s actually what I want to talk to you about.” 
So they stayed up quite late, going over the logistics, how they still felt about each other (spoiler: disgustingly in love still), and how they would feel adding you. 
- They wanted you more than anything. 
- So, despite Feyre telling Rhysand “no my love, she’s not going to like subtle ways here. She needs direct.” He still went subtle. 
- She just let him do whatever. Even though she knew damn well you don’t like gray areas, you need point blank black and white. 
- She knew not intervening sooner would bite her in the ass, especially when you stormed into the art studio fuming. But she did enjoy the beautiful blush on your cheeks. She also found your angry eyes disgustingly attractive like she always has. 
You threw your bag over in a chair. “You need to tell your husband to stop flirting with me.” You hissed to her. 
Feyre raised a brow, “tell him yourself.” 
You looked shocked. Feyre quickly realized that this wasn’t the time for a blunt best friend role. Especially when she knew her husband had feelings for her best friend. “Fey! You can’t be okay with this!” 
She sighed, “can you just stay here, please? I’m going to get him here and we’re going to get this figured out.” 
You sighed and waited. When Rhysand came strolling in all breezy, he froze like he was terrified. “Uh, hello my two favorite beautiful ladies-”
“See!” You yelled. “He doesn’t stop.” 
“And he’s not going to.” Feyre sighed, “we have something to talk to you about.” 
She was glad she could read your face so well after all these years still. Let’s just hope there were more years of friendship, and possibly more. 
She also didn't know how to be around the bush with you. “You know the mating bond?” 
You nodded, so she continued. “Since a few months ago, both Rhys and I-” she looked at her husband. “We’ve felt…a pull to you.” 
You just stared. Rhysand continued. “The pull is the beginning of the mating bond.” Then he noticed that you weren’t reacting. 
“Why aren’t you surprised?” Rhysand asked. 
“She already knows.” Feyre said. 
You said nothing, and Feyre continued. “You knew and didn’t say anything?” 
“You didn’t say anything for a few months.” You said weakly. “When did you know?” 
“The second I came out of that cauldron. I felt it then.” 
Rhysand felt his own heart shatter, Feyre could feel her own shatter then as well. You waited years. Rhysand didn’t even wait that long knowing that it was Feyre. He waited a good six months but not years. Feyre didn’t wait at all, she jumped his bones. 
Feyre jumped back, shocked. “You knew for years? Why didn’t you-”
“What could I have said, Fey?!” You yelled. “That I’m 90 percent sure that I’m meant to be with you and your husband? Doesn’t help the fact that-” You cut yourself off, you were bordering on hysterics. 
“The fact that what?” Rhysand said softly. “You two make it horrifically easy to fall in love with you.” You said, your tears finally cresting over your waterline and flowing down your cheeks. “I tried. I tried not to. Because I didn’t know if the cauldron was just cruel and gave me two mates I could never have. I knew it was possible for people to reject their mates so I accepted I was destined for that.” 
You sniffed, “my gods, why don’t you just put me out of my misery and reject it right now. I’ll leave Velaris, I’ll leave you alone.”
Feyre was crying. “You don’t deserve to be rejected.” “Well, you wouldn't think that if you knew the thoughts I had about your literal husband but okay Fey.” 
“If you were a random woman, that’s when I’d care. But you’re you-”
“And your best friend. It’s a cliche ass trope.” You wiped your face. 
“And you are my mate!” She shouted. “You are destined to be mine, to be Rhysand’s, to be ours!” 
You looked at Rhysand, “you’ve been silent. What are you thinking?” 
“How lucky I am to have two beautiful women be mine. If you’ll have me.” He said, his voice was quiet and hoarse, as if he was terrified that if he spoke too loud, he’d spook you and you’d run. 
You let out a broken sob, Feyre and Rhysand ran to hold you. 
“We would be honored if you became our mate.” Feyre said, her forehead pressed against your temple. 
“When I first met you,” Rhys began, his chin resting on your head. His hands clasped around Feyre’s back on your left side, he was on your right. “I saw how happy you made Feyre. But then when she was gone, you kept me from losing it on…well everyone.” He admitted. 
“We had only had a few conversations.” You said. 
“Shhh, I’m confessing.” He teased, then he heard you snort a laugh. “When Feyre and you first reunited. I saw how happy she was, how she felt so safe. I vowed right then that I would protect you to keep that smile on her face. But once I got to know you, I realized I would protect you in general. You made me feel so at ease. I felt the peace that I knew Feyre must feel when she talks to you. You are strong, you are sweet, you are the most welcoming person I have met in my lifetime. You had every right to react poorly to us, instead, you took us in simply because we were with Feyre. You never looked at us like you were superior, or that we were your superior. Just equals sharing a space.” He held you two tighter. 
“You could’ve ignored us completely, or been rude. But instead, you unabashedly asked Azriel and Cassian to help you cook because if we were going to stay we had to do work.” His shoulders shook with restrained laughter. He heard Feyre giggling and even you let out a wet laugh. “I realized you were a gem too many times to count. Especially when I fell asleep on the couch and not only did I have my guard up, but you covered me with a blanket so I wouldn’t get cold. Most would’ve ignored me. Then at the meeting with the other High Lords, you snapped at Tamlin and told him to ‘shut the fuck up’ and to ‘fuck off and die’. It was a magnificent thing to witness. You didn't care that he could’ve killed you with a single strike. Which, not going to lie, kind of worries me for your health in the future.” 
All three of you laughed at that. 
“You say we are easy to fall in love with, but you have no idea how magnetic you are.” He said. “I always wanted you and Feyre closest to me, at first I thought it was because you were her best friend, and you were becoming mine. But then…then I started to fall for you. Before I felt the tug. I fell for you because of this kindness, this bravery, the strength. It’s everything to me and if you give me the chance I will spend the rest of our lives proving how I am worthy of you and Feyre. The mating bond was just a bonus.” 
You sniffled again, but he felt your arms pull from where they were wrapped around your own waist. And spoke. 
“I have a condition.”
“Name it.” Feyre whispered . 
“I get to have sex with you both at separate times and together. Basically, we fuck alone and together. I’m not doing this territorial fae bullshit if one of you is actually not okay with it. We are all equal and we can solo fuck each other.” 
Rhysand let out a loud, boisterous laugh, “that’s not what I was expecting, but absolutely.” All of you laughed again.
“I want dates too.” 
“Always.” Feyre said. 
“And gifts.” You said jokingly.
“Duh.” Rhysand said seriously. 
 But then you untangled yourself from the huddle and went to your bag that you had thrown down when you stormed into Feyre’s art studio. 
Rhysand couldn’t help the pout and Feyre whined at the loss of contact. 
You said nothing, but pulled out an orange and began peeling it. “Seriously? You’re snacking after that?” Rhysand exclaimed. 
“Rhys, wait.” Feyre said, tears in her eyes. Her hand on his arm. 
You offered it to them, “I don’t have time to prepare something right now, and frankly I’m not patient enough.”
They just stared at your open palms. “I accept.” 
- Thus the frenzy began.
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gotstabbedbyapen · 20 days
But now we must know, what are your headcanons for the first generation of Gods siblings? Personally? Zeus isn’t allowed to swim with Poseidon cause they always fight and Zeus goes toaster in bathtub mode where he’s the toaster.
I haven't considered Zeus doing the "toaster in bathtub" thing. Thank you Anon, I will put this into my HC list :3333
Now on with the first-generation Olympians (it's gonna be a long ride, so strap on!)
Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, and Poseidon were swallowed when they were young kids/nearing adolescence, not newborn babies. I want Kronos and Rhea's family to have some years happiness together before the prophecy ruin them all.
Out of the Big Six, Demeter and Hades look the most alike to Kronos (unrelated note: Persephone looks the most alike to Kronos out of the 2nd gen)
Demeter is Kronos' favorite child because she shares his power over agriculture. Kronos has even planned her future to be his successor as goddess of the harvest.
Poseidon has the fear of dark, closed places due to his trauma of being locked in Kronos' stomach. During his first centuries ruling the ocean, he cannot stay in his kingdom at night because the realm gets extremely dark and it paranoid him. Poseidon can't go to the deep trenches either.
To cope with his fear, Poseidon's bedroom is filled with bioluminescent algae and jellyfish.
After escaping Kronos' stomach, Hera was sent to take refuge at Oceanus and Tethys' place. Around this time, she became besties with Amphitrite (I see Amphi as a daughter of Nereus but she is close with the other sea deities too)
Thetis and Hera's friendship is underrated. Hera, Thetis, and Amphitrite have occasional girl's nights where they ditch their spouses to spend time together.
As besties Hera and Amphitrite share the same taste in men *looking at Zeus and Poseidon*
Hera and Amphitrite were not happy when Zeus married off Thetis. Oh boy, there were a lot of screaming and fighting for Thetis' behave.
It was very surprising when Thetis later made her husband Peleus immortal (there is a version of that lol)
Zeus and Poseidon created the electric eel and other aquatic animals that produce electricity. The purpose? Ask them.
When Hebe was training to become the cupbearer of the gods, Zeus watched over her and gave her tips from time to time. He used to be the cupbearer of Kronos, too.
I am seriously contemplating on whether Poseidon have a thing for Odysseus or not. Like in "I want to fuck you up both ways".
Hades doesn't outright ban the others from coming to the Underworld. The reason he doesn't like them visiting often is because some will ask (read: screaming and crying at) him to resurrect their favorite mortals.
Hades adopted Cerberus some times after Typhon (Cerberus' bio father) was defeated and the doggo had nowhere to go. From then on Cerberus was living in luxury in the Underworld with the only job is to guard the door.
Hades has a messed up sense of humor after centuries of dealing with the dead, and Persephone got infected as well. If you ask Hades "Can you give me a hand?" he will give you an actual hand.
Hades x Persephone x Minthe OT3 is real.
Hades isn't some gloomy dark man. Yeah, he wears black a lot but also with gleaming gems and fine jewelries (you know, god of precious minerals and all).
You don't believe me? Here's the testimony:
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(tfw your husband rocks his dress prettier than you :DDD)
The three kings didn't draw lots to determine who will rule which realm. During the Titanomachy, they grew fond over their future kingdom and showed hints of belonging to them.
Poseidon's first hint of becoming King of the Sea is that he makes lots of sea puns. Like, a lot.
They also don't have total rule over their kingdoms. Their authority is above all but still under the Primordials of their respective realms (Zeus is under Nyx, Poseidon under Pontus, Hades under Tartarus). Every time they make major changes in their kingdom, they have to consult the Primordials first.
Demeter isn't officially crowned ruler of the Mortal Realm but they all know she is in charge of the whole place.
Even though the Big Six preside over lots of domains, they don't always tend to each one themselves but have lesser deities like dryads, naiads, nepheles, etc. to assist them while they act like the head directors.
The marriages of the three kings and queens are more about political power than love. It's not that they don't have some feelings for each other though.
When they were young and Zeus is courting Hera, he once put on a peacock tail to woo her.
Demeter is married to Leto and they raised Persephone, Artemis, and Apollo together. I don't take objection.
All of the second-generation Olympians were taken care of by Hestia at least one time.
Do not mistake Hestia's dislike of violence for her incapability of inflicting violence. She can cause more damage than your mental health is prepare for.
Hestia doesn't yell or hit others, but disappointing her is the biggest crime.
Demeter makes the best vegetable dishes, roasts, soups, anything. Kids love veggies because of her. She can make you love broccoli with one meal.
Headacanon but also true myth: Demeter adopted and raised lots of kids on her own. Many of them later became her companions or spread the agricultural knowledge they learned from her to humanity. They all love mama Demeter.
Hera treats her daughters better than her sons, but it's because she is learning from her mistakes in bringing up Ares and Hephaestus. She isn't the best but she is trying everyday.
Zeus doesn't hate Ares, but what he reflects. Ares is a raw reminder of a darker side of Zeus that he'd rather pretend doesn't exist.
I've made this joke before but it's still relevant: The only thing more complicated than advance mathematics is Zeus and Hera's relationship with Ares.
Zeus' favorite children are Athena and Apollo, obviously. His least favorite (as in he doesn't care enough compared to others) are Ares and Persephone.
Iris and Chloris/Flora are not straight because of Hera, but they know they won't have any chances with her.
Zeus' first lover is Aëtos, an earth-born man who was his childhood friend when he lives in Crete.
In the modern world, the lock screen of Hera's phone has the picture of her family being happy together. And her home screen is the pic of Zeus in a Pikachu onesie.
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acourtofinkandpapyrus · 8 months
A Flower With Petals of Flame: Part eight (Eris x Reader)
Warnings: mentions of trauma and mistrust.
Part seven Part nine
Tag list: open
After arriving in Velaris, Y/N talks with Elain and finds out her brother hasn't told her everything yet...
(Sorry, this is a bit short but I didn't have a whole lot of time to get this out today)
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Being back in Velaris was a dream I had never thought would come true.  The people were as happy as ever, even if the streets showed that the war hadn’t left even our hidden city unscathed.
Apparently Feyre has a little art studio, which warms my heart.  I had heard a little bit more about what she had gone through, and I knew she deserved to have happiness, wherever she may find it.
“So who made those wings?”  Rhys asked, studying the pair strapped to me.  “It had to be someone in the dawn court, if I’m not mistaken.”
I chuckled.  “No, you’re not.  It was Lucian’s friend actually.”  I say, trying to leave Eris out of it.
He didn’t need to know about that.
“Nuan?  Wow, she never fails to impress, does she?”  He says, and I can’t help but let out a chuckle.
I stop in my tracks as I see the new building we were heading for.  It was quite big.  “That’s new.”  I comment a little dumbly, not sure how I feel about it yet.
“Shit, I’m so sorry, I forgot to tell you.  This, is the River House!  Big enough for all of us to live in comfortably.”  Rhysand was quick to say, grinning down at me.
I nod, smiling back up with him as I fidgeted with my sweater. I don’t know why I hadn’t expected some changes.  “It’s great.”
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I hate it.
It’s not that it’s not beautiful, it’s just… I can’t stand open spaces like this.  It reminds me too much of the Asteri’s throne room, where…
I shake the thoughts from my head.  Not the time Y/N.  Find Elain, ask what she saw, if she knows why people are falling through the cracks in the fabric of the universe.
Because there is always a reason.
As we crowd in, and Rhys starts on a tangent I’m not listening too, I study the details of the place.
It feels well loved, and the more I look, it’s less like a throne room and more like a home.  There are paintings lining the walls.  Feyre’s I’m assuming.
“Hello!”  A little voice says, and I look down, freezing as I see blue tinted violet eyes looking up at me, giving me that sweet smiles only toddlers seem able to do.
Mother above.
“Oh, hello!”  I say, a friendly playfulness in my voice.  “You must be Nyx!  I’m your aunt, Y/N.”
Nyx’s face lit up.  “Auntie Y/N!”  He shouted with glee as he wrapped his little arms around my legs.
My heart warmed.  I always loved children, but seeing how much this little boy looked like my brother made me love him even more.
“He likes you.”  Feyre said, grinning at me before she came over, collecting her son.
I blushed, “I’ve always had a knack with children.”  I mutter, a little embarrassed.
Things were still awkward, it’s like no one knew what to do, whether to stay or leave, what to say.
I held back an eye roll, about to make some excuse to run off when the scent of baked goods and sugar shoved into my senses, overwhelming me.
I whip my head around to find the third sister.  Despite being older than Feyre, she seemed smaller, meeker than either of her other sisters.
But I catch the way she studies me, not unlike the way Lucian looks someone up and down when evaluating.
She was quick to look at the rest, her face molded into soft confusion.
I would have to keep an eye on this one.
“This is Y/N, Rhysand’s sister.”  Azriel tells her, and I’m shocked at how soft his voice is, the way he held her gaze.
At least it was no longer Mor, but I couldn’t help the worry that started to churn in my gut.  I didn’t know this female, but everything in me screamed that there was something more to her.
Keep an eye on her indeed.
Things started to relax as conversations started up, and I noticed that Elain was staying at the fringes of the group.
I made my way over to her, bowing my head only slightly.
After I was forced to my knees and beheaded by Tamlin’s father.  I bowed to no one.  Not willingly, at least.
“Hello Elain.”  I said softly, almost a whisper.
She smiled sweetly, dipping her head to look away, mumbling a hello.
I smile down at her, knowing that under those pretty lashes she bats at me, her eyes are much more cunning.
“I was told you were the seer, that you were the one who said that there were three of us that would come back.”  I say, trying to keep my voice soft and saccharine.
She wasn’t the only one familiar with hiding under the guise of a naive girl.
She nodded, and I smiled, pushing more, “Do you have any idea why we are returning like this?”  I ask her, mirroring her curious face from earlier.
She seems to realize where I’m getting my inspiration from, because the corner of her lip twitches upwards before she presses her lips into a flat line.  “You should ask your brother.”
Turning around, she walked back into the kitchen, and I suddenly felt uneasy as I looked over at my brother.
Why hasn’t he already told me?
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labellefleur-sauvage · 11 months
Heat Above
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In the sudden uncertainty of her life, Elain Archeron seeks comfort in an unlikely source: her mate Lucien.
For Elucien Week 2023 Day 1: Mates
The specifics of Elain's visions don't exactly seem well-described in the books, so I'm interpreting her visions (and how the end of ACOSF could affect them) and their potential ties to Lucien here. I like to imagine that Elain's visions will guide her towards her mate, and I wanted to try writing something in the ACOTAR universe for my favorite pairing, so here we are!
Thank you for everyone @elucienweekofficial for organizing this event!
Rating: Explicit. Word Count: 3.9K
Read on A03
In the span of a day, both of her sisters nearly died. 
And there was nothing Elain Archeron could do to save either of them. 
It all worked out in the end, they each soothed her. Nesta triumphed over those wanting to destroy her and became a Valkyrie, a living legend and feared warrior even the Illyrians idolized. Feyre survived the birthing bed—how, exactly, no one deigned to explain to her - and introduced her son Nyx to her family, everyone weeping joyously.
Everyone was safe. Everyone was fine.
And Elain’s visions had been out of control ever since.
It was as if a momentous shift occurred, like something—or someone—had altered the preordained fates the Mother lovingly crafted for each and every Fae and set everyone a new, uncertain future.
Her visions had never been regular or clear, but now they were chaotic and overwhelming. Death, blood, war, grief, terror and interlopers, interspersed with breathtaking happiness that Elain felt with her entire being: family dinners, Solstice celebrations, walks in unknown meadows, tending a garden on a bright, green hill, and holding hands with a foreign yet familiar male with flaming red hair.
That red-haired male was a frequent guest in her visions now, for whatever reason. Nearly every day she saw a glimpse of him, sometimes alone—his handsome face wreathed in sunlight, an open window behind him, a contemplative look on his face—or with someone she quickly realized was herself, such as when she saw him kissing down, down, down her body…
Elain shut her eyes. It was just like when she had been newly turned and her visions were constant, to the point where she didn’t know what was the present and what was the future, what was real and what wasn’t.
It was all too much, yet not enough. Elain wanted to turn her brain off, to have no thoughts at all, yet she craved more, needed to know what may happen. 
She was alone, yet surrounded by people. There was no one who could help her.
Except one. 
There must be a reason he kept appearing in her visions.
Elain leapt up from her bed and hurriedly dressed. She hoped he still kept his apartment by the river.
“Oh, hello Elain,” Feyre called quietly from the couch in the living room downstairs. Rhys was on the ground next to Nyx, swooping a toy bat over his head. “Are you going somewhere?”
“Just for a walk,” she called, gathering her shoes. 
“Would you like some company? Nyx is due for a nap, and a trip in the stroller—“
“No!” Elain yelped so loudly even Rhys raised a surprised eyebrow at her. “Er, thank you, but it’s just something I need to do by myself.”
Elain let herself out of the River House with Feyre and Rhys’s gentle murmurs behind her, then made her way into Velaris. She didn’t actually know where he stayed or if he spent his time with someone else.
No, she thought resoundingly, turning down a sleepy street lined with attractive apartments, Elain knew her mate hadn’t been with anyone since that horrible day in Hybern.
She stood in front of a clean and unassuming building. Something told her this was it. But how to get in? She was just about to knock on the front door of the building and hope someone would let her in when the door opened and she saw Lucien for the first time in months.
He looked good. Handsome, clean, and put together in a deep green jacket and brown pants. Two small sections of hair were braided at his temples. 
Elain wondered if he would ever braid her hair, if she asked.
“Elain?” Lucien asked again, confusion and concern flooding his voice. “Is everything alright?”
“Yes,” Elain said, remembering herself and why she was here. “I came to see you.”
Lucien paled. “I see. Would this be better handled inside?”
“Hm. Yes, I think that would be for the best.”
Without a word, Lucien opened the door and led her up a series of staircases to an apartment on the top floor. Like everything about Lucien, it was clean and quietly elegant and put together: soft curtains fluttered on either side of the windows thrown open wide to let the cool breeze in, and several tasteful chairs were arranged around a low table in the middle of the room. A simple kitchen was in the corner, and a closed door was on the opposite side of the room.
Lucien sighed. “Are you here to break the bond?”
Elain looked startled. Why would he assume that? 
True, Elain had been ignoring her mate for years now, too frightened to belong heart, body and soul to any one being. After Graysen, after Azriel, after her entire world upended when she was pushed into the Cauldron, Elain couldn’t bear the thought of having another supposed constant in her life turn away from her. 
But to permanently sever ties with Lucien, especially now when her visions were pointing him towards her, left an empty, hollow feeling in her stomach.
“I—no, I’m not here to break the bond,” Elain replied. Lucien let out a deep breath and visibly relaxed. “I’m here to ask you why I keep seeing you.”
Lucien’s brows furrowed. “Seeing me? I haven’t seen you in months.”
“No, not like that,” Elain said with a slight roll of her eyes. “I see you. Constantly. In my visions.”
Lucien raised an eyebrow. “And there must be a reason,” Elain went on. “I see you in my mind everyday, without fail, between my… other visions.” Elain winced. “But the only good visions—if that’s what they really are, and not just some type of hallucination—only feature you. And I want to know why.”
Silence greeted her. “You came to see me,” Lucien said slowly, an eyebrow still raised, “to ask me why I keep appearing in your visions?”
Elain flushed. When he said it that way…
“I thought you previously said you couldn’t control your visions. How would I have any control over something you can’t?”
Elain bit her lip. He was completely right—there really was no good reason for her to have come here, to see Lucien and demand answers for something he had nothing to do with. But some part of herself knew Lucien was connected to her sudden violent visions—why else would she have visions of him constantly, and feel the urge to see him now, if he couldn’t help her?
“I—I thought—“
“I’m sorry Elain,” Lucien said quietly. “I don’t know if I can help you.” He looked away, a pained look on his face. “Would you like me to escort you home?”
Elain furrowed her brows. “You want me to leave?”
Lucien raised a quizzical eyebrow. “I just told you I don’t know how to help you. You ignore me for months when I give you gifts and space—I imagine you can’t stand to be in my presence since I told you something you didn’t want to hear.”
Elain glared at him. “Don’t assume to know what I want.”
“You’re right. I can’t assume to know anything about you, because every time I’ve tried, you’ve ignored me like a coward,” Lucien replied coolly.
“I’m not a coward!” Elain hissed, her cheeks turning hot.
Lucien chuckled unkindly. “I bet that’s all you’ve ever been. Hiding behind your sisters, using them as shields so you don’t have to confront anything in your life that bothers you.”
Elain grit her teeth, unable to deny Lucien. Why did she think he would help her, even if he could? Lucien probably detested her, loathed her for everything she’d put him through, and she couldn’t even blame him. 
“Even if I were somehow able to help you,” Lucien went on, putting distance between the two of them, “who’s to say you’d do anything but ignore me after I somehow banished myself from your visions?” Lucien leaned against a kitchen counter, directly in front of a wide window, the morning sunlight streaming in and bathing him in light. “At least this way, I can find comfort in the fact that I’m on your mind in some capacity.”
Elain sucked in a breath. It was identical to her prior vision: Lucien, surrounded in sunlight, his red hair gleaming. His golden mechanical eye paled in comparison to the glow he gave off now. The anger and frustration she felt for the male in front of her faded away. 
If this vision was true, what about the rest of them? Danger and sadness, but also eventual joy and happiness. Could one be had without the other? Was it worth risking everything to find out?
“You’ve been so cold to me for so long,” Lucien went on, ignoring how Elain was looking at him. “You ignored me, tossed me aside—“
“You’re my mate,” Elain breathed, and everything suddenly clicked in her mind. Yes, it was inevitable that there would be death and grief and bone crushing sadness in her life. They had been ever present in her life before she was turned, when she was human, and those emotions would be with her, in some way, shape or form, in her current life. The only difference was that now she had someone to weather the storm with her, and make her remember that happiness was always worth the sadness.
“What did you say?” Lucien asked quietly, looking at her.
“You’re my mate.” The more she said it, the better it felt, settling in her body and cementing her to the present. “You’re my mate. There’s only you.”
Lucien stared at her. The only sound in the room was his mechanical eye, ticking and moving faster than Elain could track. 
“Don’t say things you don’t understand,” Lucien said quietly, staring at the ground. “To say that to me, it’s, it’s…”
“Admitting what we both knew and have been avoiding?”
Lucien took a deep, steadying breath. “How do I know this is real?” Lucien jerked his head to look at Elain. His eye was wide and Elain could hear the fast beating of his heart. “How can I tell if this is what you want?”
Elain cocked her head, staring at the open vulnerability sketched on her mate’s handsome face. “Because I’ve seen my future. I thought it couldn’t be real, that some things must be wrong, but…”
“But? But what?”
“They’re all real,” Elain said quietly. “Horrible, horrible, things, coming soon and also later, but great things as well. Happiness, a family—all with you.”
Lucien’s eye widened. “You’ve seen that? Us? Together?”
“And you’re not saying this because of what you’ve seen? You still have a choice in your future.”
She did, and her own heart sped up to match Lucien’s at the tenderness in his tone. Even now, he wanted Elain to have a choice, and wanted Elain to choose him.
“I think my visions have been urging me towards you for a long time. They know what I’ve been too afraid to admit.”
“And what’s that?”
“That I could be happy with you. That I will be happy with you.”
Lucien swallowed but didn’t move towards her, a wary look on his face. From what she’d heard about her mate from Feyre and Rhys, Lucien was never short on words, but his silence hung over their heads in the room.
Elain had already taken the first metaphorical step towards healing her relationship with Lucien—what were a few physical steps to convince him of her words?
Walking towards Lucien like he was a frightened animal, Elain stopped right in front of him. His heart was still beating fast—nerves, excitement, anticipation, she couldn’t be sure. 
“I still hear your heart.” Elain took one of Lucien’s large hands in hers—he was so warm—and held it against her chest, over her own stuttering heart. “Do you hear mine?”
Lucien gasped, his eye wide and mouth open as if he could finally hear the constant drumming of his mate’s heart, like Elain had heard ever since she emerged from the Cauldron. Perhaps it was a trick of the light, but she swore she saw some type of shimmering cord wrap around Lucien’s hand from where it connected with her chest and traveled along his arm—
Elain lost sight of the cord entwining them together when Lucien leaned down and kissed her, consuming her mind, body and soul. 
It was blissfully silent in her mind for just a moment before a wave of images flashed before her eyelids, one after another after another, too fast for her to comprehend. It was like a lifetime’s worth of visions being crammed into the space of a few seconds and Elain gasped, overwhelmed with everything—
“Elain, what’s wrong? Breath, breath for me.”
And just as soon as they appeared, her visions fled at the first touch of Lucien’s touch, one hand on the back of her head, another on her lower back and rubbing soothing circles against her with his thumb.
“There, that’s better.” Lucien continued comforting her, and Elain realized what a fool she’d been the past years, to deny herself the sheer solace her mate provided her with just a few soft words and touches. “Was that…?”
“Yes.” Elain worked to steady her breathing. “I saw everything.”
Lucien paled. “Everything?”
Elain nodded, staring up at him. “We’ll travel… somewhere together. And Vassa will be wreathed in a crown of flame and feathers.”
“Your father will rise to his full glory—”
“No, the other one,” Elain snapped, massaging her temples. If only he could see. “And you’ll take your place next to him.”
“Other one? What are you—?”
“The man at the lake will fall and his birds released into the wind, but not without great cost.”
Lucien stared at Elain aghast.
“The Dread Trove will be restored, with the help of visitors from worlds so close to ours, but separated by the thinnest of veils.”
“But we’ll be happy together, in the land of perpetual sun.”
“We will?”
“Yes, the two of us. You glow in the future. And we’ll have children—I’m not sure how many, at least two—“
Lucien’s lips stopped any more words from leaving her mouth. “Elain,” he chuckled against her, his lips kissing the corners of her mouth. “Let’s leave some things as a surprise, hm?”
“But what about—umph!”
Lucien’s lips slotted against her own again, his hands cradling her jaw, and Elain let her train of thought taper off. 
“We don’t need to worry about any of that now,” he whispered. “Let your mate take care of you, hm?”
Elain wanted to argue, that they absolutely should worry about what she had just witnessed, but then Lucien was kissing her again. His big hands trailed down her waist, then over her hips and behind her to cup her bottom. Whatever would come to pass would come—not admitting to her feelings and spending time with Lucien wouldn’t change that. 
So Elain twisted her hand in Lucien’s shirt and nipped at his lips and smiled in triumph when she felt him gasp against her. Her victory was short-lived: with one graceful swoop, Lucien carried her in his arms towards the closed door in his apartment.
As she suspected, it was a bedroom. Elain didn’t have time to study the room in detail, as Lucien tossed her on the bed then followed after her, climbing on top of her and resuming his heated kisses.  
“Is this alright?” he whispered, his lips trailing down her jaw, throat and collarbone.
“Yes!” she gasped as his lips skimmed her upper chest. She was on fire, and knew Lucien would only stoke the flames of her desire the more he touched her. “Off, off—!”
Together, they wrestled her dress off and soon, Elain was bare in front of her mate on his bed. Before, she might have felt self conscious—she’d only been with Graysen, and that was in a dark room—but she had no reason to be embarrassed, not when Lucien was staring at her like his world had just been shattered and made new in the span of an afternoon.
“Elain,” he croaked, glancing at her body before settling on her bright face. “You’re the most beautiful being I’ve ever seen.”
Elain smiled, her chest warm and beating, before Lucien was on top of her again, his lips against hers. She threaded her hands through his long hair and moved her hands over his neck, his back, his chest, anywhere that she could, just to feel more of his body. 
Lucien moved down her body, his lips licking and pecking at her sensitive breasts, her bellybutton—Cauldron, she had seen this too—before settling between her legs.
“Yes?” he asked, an eyebrow raised. Still checking on her, making sure she wanted this, wanted him. Lucien was breathing heavily, his eye darting to the curls between her legs and her heated face. He swallowed, like he was barely holding onto his restraint.
Elain wasn’t faring any better. “Yes,” she responded desperately, canting her hips towards him. Lucien needed no further persuasion: gripping her inner thighs, he wrenched her thighs apart and lowered himself between them.
The first, hot press of his tongue against her folds had Elain arching her back against his bed. The next swipe of his tongue against her clit made her grab Lucien’s head and keep him right where she wanted him. 
Lucien didn’t seem to mind; groaning into her cunt, Lucien kept licking and sucking, gradually inserting one, then another thick finger inside her tight channel and thrusting. Elain moaned her approval, too delirious with pleasure to form words. 
After nearly no time at all, Lucien crooked his fingers a certain way inside her, his tongue flicking her clit and his eye intense on her face, and Elain was coming. It was all consuming, but immediately her body craved more, more, more.
“Lucien!” Elain gasped, pushing his head away from between her legs, where he had been gently lapping at her swollen bud. “I need you!”
Lucien sat back on his haunches, breathing heavily but studying Elain. “You already have me, Elain.”
Elain felt her heart twist, knowing he’d given himself to her the day she crawled out of the cauldron and the mating bond snapped. But although Lucien had long ago given himself to her, Elain hadn’t yet done the same for him. She needed to reassure her mate that she wanted him.
Silently, Elain rose from the bed and helped Lucien discard his clothes. The more and more golden-brown skin he revealed to her, the warmer Elain felt; whether the heat was coming from Lucien or herself, she couldn’t be sure. 
Soon, he was naked, and Lucien’s glorious body was on display. Elain felt a sudden rush of pride: this strong, clever, handsome male was all hers, and no one else’s.
“Have you…?” Lucien began when he was over her once again, the tip of his cock brushing her folds.
“Yes,” Elain responded, shifting her hips to get comfortable. He was so close to where she needed him.
“Are you sure—“
Elain stopped his question with her lips, soft and sweet, against his. Lucien was on his elbows above her, his face inches from her own. Silently, she moved her hand over the scars on his face and traced them gently, then leaned up to kiss them lovingly. 
Shivering, Lucien pressed against her, working himself inside her tight channel. He went slowly, letting her adjust, until finally he bottomed out inside her. 
Elain felt full. Not just from Lucien’s length, but from it all meant for her: having someone with her, always, to defend her, protect her, care for her, and support her. She belonged to someone, and someone belonged to her. She could cry from how happy she felt. 
And as Lucien finally shifted his hips and began moving, his body and his heat above and within her, Elain felt grounded for the first time since she was turned. Her mind quieted, no longer tormenting her with what would happen, but blessedly blank, letting her focus on being with her mate. 
Elain was thankful; she didn’t want to miss any of what she was experiencing. Lucien was thick inside her, moving slowly but steadily. He was being so polite, exactly what she expected from the gentleman Elain knew Lucien was.
But Elain was selfish, especially now, and she wanted more.
“I need—“ Elain gasped, unsure how to communicate what she wanted.
Like Lucien could read her mind, he shifted one of her legs up against his hip and thrust hard inside her. Stars exploded behind her eyelids and Elain could hear the smirk in Lucien’s voice. “Is that what you needed?”
“Yes!” Elain moaned as Lucien leaned back on his knees, her leg still propped up against his body. 
“What else do you need, Elain?” Lucien crooned softly above her, increasing his pace inside her. He swiped a thumb over her clit.
“Yes, Lucien, more,” Elain begged quietly, quickly approaching her peak.  
“Ask nicely,” Lucien grunted. He was fucking into her hard now, hilting his cock fully inside her. Sweat rolled down his neck and chest. “Tell me what you need.”
“Keep touching me and stay with me, please.” She hadn’t meant to say that last part. After everything they’d been through, it was too much to ask of him. Elain expected Lucien to freeze, but it only seemed to spur him on.
“Anything. Anything you want,” Lucien groaned, his thumb furiously circling her clit and like an explosion, Elain came. It was like nothing she’d felt before; indescribable pleasure raced up and down her spine, pleasure that came from not just Lucien touching her, but the knowledge that he was hers, and she was his.
Elain was dimly aware of Lucien cursing to himself before he pressed his length inside her and came, collapsing on top of her as his orgasm petered out. He rolled them over so Elain was on his chest.
If Elain thought his heartbeat was loud before, it was nothing compared to the explosive drumming now. It soothed her, though, and Elain felt her eyes drift close after only a few moments.
“I’m sorry,” Lucien whispered against her temple later that afternoon after they had woken up for a second round of lovemaking. “For those horrible things I called you earlier. That wasn’t fair of me.”
“But they were true, as much as it hurts to admit it.”
“But that doesn’t mean I needed to say them.”
Elain sighed into Lucien’s chest and twined her legs with his under the thin sheet on his bed. “If you hadn’t said them, I’m not sure we would have ended up here, right now.”
“But surely you saw this coming.” Elain could hear the grin on his face. “Surely one of your visions—“
“My visions have told me quite a bit about the two of us,” Elain admitted, her cheeks red. “But didn’t you say earlier that some things should be a surprise?”
Lucien dropped a kiss to her nose, and Elain felt his heat suffuse her entire body with that one peck. “I did say that. I may not be terribly fond of them, but if they all concern you, then I’ll gladly let each day with you be a surprise.”
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azsazz · 2 years
A Court of Four Horsemen (Part 2)
Cassian x Reader
Summary: Based off of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse featuring Rhysand as Conquest, Cassian as War, Eris as Famine, and Azriel as Death.
Warnings: War, famine, death, smut...a little bit of everything.
Word Count: 4,305
I. The Lost Girl
II. The Last Petal
A shrill cry echoes in the mist.
It had taken three full days of travel to reach the lush foothills of the Spring Court.
All the while, you had taken turns riding on the back of nearly all of the group's horses, except for Azriel’s. He did not seem interested in carrying you on his steed, instead opting to hold the babe, who sat on the horse in front of him, giggling at the rocking nature of the creature he settled upon.
This is no place for a child; a war zone. You had already seen multiple injured, more gruesome than the things you had ever witnessed growing up in your poor town.
Flesh slashed open and flapping with each movement, crimson blood staining the mud red, broken bones and thwacked off limbs, the cries of pain and terror ringing in your ears.
Rhysand and his armies are at war with the Spring Court, though this was no surprise as it was no secret that he and High Lord Tamlin had never seen eye-to-eye, even going so far as to share the same mate.
“I’ve killed his family and I’ll fucking kill him too,” Rhysand growls, covering his son's ears as he curses. Nyx furrows his dark brows, looking up at his father with a squeak of confusion that turns into a fit of giggles when he’s handed off to Cassian for a tickle. “We move tonight.”
And you might get a bit distracted, watching the scarlet stone clad Illyrian general, scarred with the brutality of many wars, holding the babe against his hip as he moves his armies’ pawns across the map spread out on the table. It’s exactly how you wish you were spread open on the surface instead.
He looks at you from the side of his eyes, like he knows exactly what you’re thinking, ruddy hazel gleaming suggestively with mischief and you blush bright red. 
You hadn’t been able to stop thinking about it since it happened. Rhys’ body tangled with yours in the sheets of the dirty inn you’d suggested. He hadn’t sent you away after, either, he’d kissed you all night long and taken you again for a second, a third time, until the morning sun had risen well into the sky and Cassain had pounded on the door.
Rhys had opened it, freshly showered and a snarky remark on his lips as he took his son into his arms, cooing at the babe and kissing the top of his head. 
The warlord looked over his brother's shoulder to you, still in his bed, sheets pulled up tightly to your chin, a wicked gleam of wanting in his eyes as he followed across the bruises on your neck, dipping down to where the sheet covered the rest of you.
“Kill him and get it over with,” Eris speaks boredly, reaching over the shoulder of the warlord to run his fingers through the babes silky soft hair.
“Oh I will, don’t you worry about that,” Rhysands smile is twisted a little too happy to finally get his hands on Tamlin. After centuries of harbored hatred for the male, he finally has his chance.
“If he’s out on the battlefield,” Cassian snorts, “His little beasty ass is probably still moping around that ruined mansion of his.”
He doesn’t want to be in the Spring Court, hates it with all of his being due to his allergies. Would Cassian let it stop him from commanding Rhysand’s troops in a war? No. But would his nose be runny and eyes be itchy while he was in this Gods–awful territory? Absolutely.
“He wouldn’t miss the chance,” Rhys responds confidently, taking his son back into his arms as the little Illyrain reaches out and squeaks for him, “Isn’t that right Nyxie?”
“How are you so sure that he won’t be hiding away in his mansion?” you question, mulling the idea you’d been formulating as you listened to the males speak over in your head.
Rhysands eyes gleam with excited fury, “Because, he’s been waiting to meet me in battle for far too long,” his grin falters and his heart pangs as he thinks of the reason for all of this; Feyre.
Spring is the last of the southern territories he’ll conquer. He won’t break down the wall separating the fae and the mortals, no, he wouldn’t reign over them as a last wish from his late High Lady. Her human sisters would remain unharmed in the mortal lands, left to mourn over the loss of the sister they’d never cared for.
“May I?” you ask, pausing your hand by Rhysands pawns, eyebrows raised in question. He gives you a nod, violet eyes flickering with interest.
“So if you know he’s going to be on the battlefield, why don’t you each attack from different sides instead of head on? We know that Spring and Autumn have gathered their troops, what if Eris leads the Summer Court down across Day and into Spring, all the way to the wall so we can protect the humans,” you explain, moving the yellow colored pawns across the map, “Then, Azriel can bring the Winter, Dawn, and Night troops in, putting pressure on Autumn so they know we’re coming for them next.”
All of the males around the table are silent as they listen to you intently. Even Nyx, who’s chewing on a wooden pawn that looks eerily like Cassian. Their scents are overpowering, making your head dizzy and your legs clench beneath your skirts, heat pooling in your abdomen. 
“Cassian, you lead the Darkbringers and Illyrians in from the west and we push them towards the waters, completely surrounding them. And Rhysand,” you look up, meeting those shining violet eyes, power prowling within them. You smirk at him, “You give us all the signal to go to war.”
He has to hold in his groan at your words, telling him exactly what he wants to hear.
“Well,” his grin is feral, hungry for the chance to be the High King, “Let’s prepare for battle.”
They let you paint markings on their horses, runes that match the ones on the Illyrians shoulders, vibrant purple for Glory, and now bright red for Cassian’s horse.
He peeks at you from the other side of the animal, where he’s thrown his saddle up and over its back, grinning at you. For someone who is about to put his life at risk, he sure doesn’t seem to be overthinking anything.
“How are my two girls doing?” he asks, and you’re impressed that he’s standing normally, flat-footed on the ground and can see you from over the horse's back. He’s bulky and tall, tanned arms out on display as he armors up his steed before slipping into his own protection.
You raise your eyebrows, looking up at him as the horse nickers in response. “Your girls?”
His cheeky smile turns sultry, “Ruin is,” he pats the animal on her neck for good measure, “Aren’t you?”
“No,” you huff, walking around to the other side of the horse to paint the same marking on its other flank, “I’m not.”
He tuts playfully, adjusting the weapon holster around his waist, “Awe, but (Y/N), you want to be, don’t you? I can smell it.”
You gape at his raunchy words, your cunt clenching at his suggestive tone. You’re sure he can scent your slick pussy even now because his grin only widens.
“I hope your dick is as big as your ego,” you mutter, admiring your work and wiping your hands on the cloth, trying to ignore his own masculine aroma. 
“Do you want to find out?” and you don’t need to cut him a glance from the corner of your eye but you do anyway. His hair is tied up tight at the back of his head and his hazel eyes are alight with laughter. He’s so gorgeous like this, and you find yourself wishing you could rip the tie from his hair and let it all hang loose as you bury your fingers in his long locks.
“You know,” he purrs, voice lowering sensually, his breath a kiss of wind against the shell of your ear, “That was a pretty good battle plan back there,” he nods towards the tent, “How about you run it through one more time. I like to make sure I have all of my bases covered.”
You flush, staring down into the red paint in your hands, swirling a finger around the liquid, thinking. You want to, but what would the rest of their group think? What would Rhys think? You aren’t some lowly whore to be passed around him and his friends, no matter how beautiful each one of them is.
Though you hadn’t been with the High Lord since the night at the inn, you were left wondering what was going on between the both of you. He’d set you up in your own tent each night, bidding you a soft departure as he retreated into his own with a last look over his shoulder and Nyx in his arms.
You can see Cassian's reflection in the paint as he comes up behind you, “Are you thinking about Rhys?”
You peek over your shoulder at him, biting your lip as you nod guiltily in response.
He places a large hand on your cheek, “You don’t have to do that, he won’t mind,” his thumb brushes across your lips and the electricity sparks between the two of you. You stick your tongue out on a whim, catching against his rough finger, his salty skin awakening your senses.
You swallow harshly, gazing up at him. His eyes are so wide and intense with honesty and he’s standing so close that you can’t help yourself, agreeing with him. He slides a warm hand around your waist, guiding you back towards the war tent. Your heart is racing with anticipation, and when you go to set down the paint he stops you, “Don’t. Bring it.”
You’re inside the tent all of three steps before he’s taking the paint away from you with one hand and lifting you off of the ground with the other. You squeak in surprise, wrapping your arms around his neck as he crosses to the table in a few large strides, setting you down on the edge.
He’s massive, easily thrice your size as he towers over you, hooking his hands on the underside of your knees, spreading your legs and pressing them up into your chest, skirts pooling all around you with your undergarment covered cunt on full display.
He curses softly under his breath, rolling his hard length into you and you throw your head back in a delicious moan that he’s sucking out of your mouth a moment later.
He presses you flat into the table beneath as he rubs against you, his cock aching in his pants. You sneak your hands between you, letting your head roll to the side to give him access to your neck, where he seems preoccupied with marking you. Loosening his leathers, you struggle to pull them down over his thick and powerful thighs.
His breathy chuckle sends shivers up your spine as it dances over the wet marks on your skin. “Need some help there?”
“Please,” you whine, tugging on his leathers frustratedly. Looking up at him as he pulls away from your throat your breath catches. The genuine smile on this male’s face…Gods he is immaculate. His strong arms cage you in on either side of your head as he stares down at you, bumping his hips up into yours playfully only to elicit a debauched moan from you.
“Now, now, (Y/N),” he brushes the hair back from your face, stroking a thumb across your cheek, admiring you beneath him, “Be good.”
“I will,” you promise, writhing your hips to try and catch his, needing the friction against your pulsing cunt.
His smile is a slash across his face and he need not say more as he takes your hands in his own large ones, assisting you in shoving his leathers down, his cock springing free. You can feel the raised scars across his otherwise smooth, tan, skin as he moves your hands across his own hips, falling away as you reach his cock, silky and heavy in your hands.
You bite your lip hard at the sight. He could easily split you open with how big it is, and he hums appreciatively when you slide your thumb over his slit, collecting the beading precome at the tip and slicking it down his shaft.
And he watches with intent like he’s the spymaster and he is trying to commit this to memory, to relive over and over and over again until he dies, as you bring that same hand up to your mouth, licking across the mess in your palm all the while holding his gaze.
Cassian looks like he could snap at any moment, chest heaving and hands gripping the edge of the table so hard that you swear you can hear the wood groaning in protest. His pupils are wide with lust, the ring of caramel around them only a hairline stroke, his throat bobbing in time with yours as you swallow.
“Normally I’d be a gentleman and make you come on my tongue first,” his voice is deep, reverberating in your bones, in your pussy, wet and tremoring at his tone. “But I think we both know that Rhys is far more skilled at that,” your cunt throbs at the memory of the silver–tongued Lord licking between your legs, “You won’t even remember your own name when I’m done with you.”
He pulls the drenched fabric away from your dripping cunt and finally rolls his hips forward and you feel like you’re out there on the battlefield. His length stretches you far beyond capacity, and he’s moving so slowly, hands clamped on your hips bruisingly tight because he can hardly control himself from sheathing his cock fully inside of you. Year after years of self–restraint training at the Illyrian camps had never prepared him for something like this, your tiny, little, dripping cunt wrapped around him.
You clutch onto his forearms, nails biting into his skin so hard it draws blood, but he doesn’t mind. If anything, the warlord feels guilty. He doesn’t want to hurt you, and he halts immediately when he notices the tears slipping from your eyes.
He kisses the wetness away, voice full of concern as he speaks, “Should I pull out? Work you open with my fingers first?”
And the generosity and sincerity of this male has you letting out a single sob, arching into him and wrapping your legs around his waist, urging him on.
“No,” you gasp, heart slamming in your chest, “You feel incredible.”
Cassian's head goes lax into the crook of your shoulder in relief at your greedy words, continuing to inch further and further into you, your keens and mewls only spurring him on.
You’re positive you’re not breathing by the time his hips meet your and he’s buried deep inside of you. You swear you can feel him in your throat, and he’s drawing you out of your haze by pressing quick kisses to your lips, encouraging you to respond.
“Fuck,” he groans, breath hot across your lips, “Can I–”
“Please,” you beg again and he’s pulling back out only to snap his hips into yours again, eyes rolling into the back of his head in pleasure. You fit him perfectly, he notes as he quickens his pace at the noises that spill from your mouth.
He needs to taste the begs pouring from your lips so he dives down to meet you, the kiss sloppy and frantic like his movements within you but you’re matching his energy, trying to gasp when you can, like with each thrust of his hips it presses the air from your lungs.
Cassian grunts, fucking into you harder, your wetness dripping down the length of him, each jerk easier and easier the more coated his prick gets. His tongue is on you, greedy hands snaking down to your covered chest, tearing open the buttons with ease. You gasp as he sucks a nipple into his mouth, twisting the other between his large fingers.
You could see why he rides a horse when he sinks back into you, wings unfurling in pleasure only slightly. There’s hardly anything left, mostly bone structure of what used to be, the expanse of the leathery skin torn and shredded throughout time in war. But he is beautiful nonetheless, and you don’t stare long.
You can see the battle raging within him as you caress gently over them, avoiding the rips and scars that had healed over the centuries, the conflicting emotions raging behind his hazel eyes. He shivers beneath your touch as you explore the sensitive skin, pounding into you that much harder, the feeling of your delicate hands on his wings making him lose all control.
You climax first, but only barely, the rhythmic pattern of his thrusts had the head of his cock rubbing furiously over the bundle of nerves inside of you. His name on your lips as you scream out in pleasure is what pushes Cassian over the edge.
He comes with a war cry that awakens all of his soldiers, grabbing for their weapons on instinct, ready to be commanded by their general.
But the only order they receive is to leave him, as he collapses on top of you, shielding your lax body from the onlookers at the entrance of the tent.
The Spring Court wasn’t meant to host a war. With the sun beaming down on the lush rolling hills, flowers in full bloom, it’s a place you’d like to have seen without the blood painting the beautiful terrain red, falling warriors’ cries drowning out the chirping birds.
You couldn’t take your eyes off of Cassian.
War took: took the lives of those easily and messily, took the lives of those both innocent and not, unfortunate souls who found themselves fighting for a High Lord they did not agree with. He was not picky, he’d kill anyone who got in his way that weren’t his own men, large sword swinging down with poise as he leans over the side of Ruin, reigns held tightly in his other hand.
He’s incredibly intelligent, and when he rides over the crest of the hill on his auburn haired horse, there’s a breath of a moment when all battle ceases, staring upon him in wonderment.
In that same moment Azriel had taken the lives of three, Rhysand had claimed reign over another territory of the Spring Court, and Eris had worked his way across the battlefield, burnt soldiers falling limp by his sides. 
You’re stationed at one of the triage camps, helping the nursemaids where you can, fetching fresh water from the nearby creek, cleaning wounds, and helping move injured soldiers.
It’s gruesome, some of the injuries you’ve seen, and you aren’t much help, holding their hands during their dying breaths, struggling to keep back tears. You wish you were back with Nyx, but they need you here.
You’d stumble away after a gruesomely injured fae male died in your arms. You are in a state of terror when you’d seen him stumbling into the med tent, entrails hanging out of a large slash across his body. He looked like death walking, eyes glossy with shock, mouth opening and closing but no words coming out.
You’d thrown up in the bushes behind the tent, falling to your hands and knees, narrowly avoiding the mess you’d made. You hadn’t seen anything quite like this before. 
You’d grown up around famine, the townsfolk simply withering away silently and slowly, from sickness or starvation, here one day and gone the next. This…all of the blood, the cries of both victory and pain, it was truly something else.
When you calm your breathing you scrub your hands on your skirts, trying to rid them of the blood. They’re shaking, and after further examination of them, you find blood embedded into the cracks of your skin, a tattoo you’d never let yourself forget.
You try to gasp down any fresh air that you can, but the spring breeze carries only the scent of doom and blood. The metallic in the air chokes you, your senses overloaded with what you’ve seen. You aren’t built for this, and you can’t force yourself onto your own two feet to return back to the tent.
Instead, the song of swords clashing draws you nearer. You crawl on your hands and knees, uncaring of who sees, hoping that someone would come along and put you out of your misery.
Peeking through the brush that hides the triage tents, up above the battle on a tall hill so that Rhysand’s armies could protect if the Spring Court tried to attack the helpless, the war raged below. 
In the heat of the Spring Court you watched the well trained Lord’s battle.
Cassian nearly wore a smile on his face, grin feral and wicked with delight. He was a war machine, executing killing blows with grace while Ruin carried him effortlessly through the battlefield, weaving in and out of warriors like the racehorse he was bred to be.
They moved as one, seeming to know exactly what the other was doing at all times, two steps ahead of his enemies. The mane of his horse ris oached, with one long braid painted red bouncing as she runs, Cassian’s matching braid tucked up with the rest of his hair.
How he manages to look so godly you have no idea. His tan skin gleams with sweat and blood beneath the bright sun, and though his eyes look a little puffy from the pollen, he’s still as gorgeous as ever.
He pulls on the reins, halting Ruin in her path. The horse obeys, skidding to a halt and your breath catches in your throat. What the hell is he doing?
The warlord dismounts, Azriel on his horse racing past like shadows across the battlefield, snagging Ruin’s leather straps and leading her away from her master with a cry of her own.
He unsheathes a second sword from between his boney wings, eyes alight and bracing for attack.
He is far more skilled at war than one should be, in your opinion. Slitting through the throat of an enemy with ease, slicing limbs from bodies, stabbing opponents in the hearts or any part he could manage.
Sometimes it’d be a one kill blow, but when he can, you’ve seen him take longer with his victims, like their cries of mercy are fuelling him further, music to his ears. Blood soaks his leathers, clinging to his skin and you’re disgusted with yourself as your mind fills with sinful thoughts at the sight.
As if he knows you’re there, can read your mind or smell your arousal he turns, hazel eyes locking on yours through the slit in his helmet, bright and sparkling, as if offering another round in the sheets with him later.
You’d blush if you had kept eye contact with him any longer, but something snags your gaze.
In the center of the battlefield is Rhys and Tamlin, the High Lord of Spring. His long blond hair tied back tightly at the nape of his neck, a sword clenched in his own hand.
Rhys sits atop Glory, chin held high and a taunting smirk adorning his lips, the same exact look he’d given you when he’d bed you.
The battle rages on all around them, but they don’t care, eyes glued to each other, unmoving.
You can’t hear what they were saying to each other, but the Spring Lord growls loudly and drops to all fours, a gasp catching in your throat as he shifts into a wolf the size of Glory right before your very eyes.
Rhysand only smirks.
The beast pounces and Glory dodges easily, trained to be quick and nimble. The High Lord of Night’s eyes flash with fury and the beast halts beneath his gaze.
It’s a sight to behold, as Tamlin struggles against the mind breaking powers of Rhysand, who holds him tightly to the ground, his haunches rippling with muscle, trying to physically break out of whatever mental powers are keeping him frozen.
It’s all over for Spring, you know it. Tamlin’s own soldiers know, the hiss of dark power rippling across the battlefield.
Storm clouds roll in, dark and heavy with rain as Rhys stalks closer, twisting his knife in his hand. It was Feyre’s blade, the one she’d always kept on her while she was alive. She’d killed the Attor with it, fought Hybern with it, and now he’d kill Tamlin with it.
One by one the Spring Court soldiers fall to their knees, dropping their weapons and bowing their heads, surrendering.
Rhys leans down and whispers something in Tamlin’s ear and the wolf growls so loud it matches that of thunder and shakes the ground all the way up to where you sit, watching intently.
Cassian, Eris, and Azriel stand behind their High Lord, looking ever like grace behind him, faces stoic and standing tall, proud, ready to jump into action should they need to.
They don’t need to.
Like a strike of lightning Rhys slams the sword deep into the head of the wolf, nearly to the hilt, and the battlefield goes silent as Tamlin’s beast form falls lax.
No one dares to move as Rhys removes the knife with a squelch and straightens, triumphant, the bloodied weapon raised high above his head, a battle–raged grin on his face when his armies begin to cheer.
Only one more High Lord to go.
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animefans-stuff · 2 years
Hey can ask Dating Chaos would include?
I'm not to sure if you meant Chaos from Greek mythology or one from a different media. So..I'll just go with Greek myth Chaos.
Fandom: Hades / Greek mythology.
Warnings; slightly ooc Chaos, Nyx, Erebus, Eros and some of Chaos' other children are mentioned, grammar mistakes, brief mentions of Zeus and other gods, Zagreus is also mentioned a few times.
General note: I only know so much about Greek mythology/Chaos. And google can only give me so much. So, please don't correct me. This is being written for fun.
Comments and reblogs are much appreciated other then that please enjoy :)
Dating Chaos would include
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How exactly you managed to end up with a primordial being such as Chaos, is beyond anyone.
But congratulations on now dating the being that created some, if not most of✨e a r t h✨ it's self.
Seeing as they are basically just a void, they'll try to pick a form best suitable for you to handle.
Chaos is located in between Earth and Tartarus.
With that being said, they'll visit you because trying to visit them would be more then difficult and they don't need you getting hurt.
Chaos is a very powerful being, even more powerful than Zeus. So you don't worry about Zeus and other Olympian gods bothering you.
And if other gods or even mortals are brave enough to bother you, or gods forbid hurt you.
Chaos will deal with them. By having their children help or in their own ways. Either way, it'll be the most miserable day of the mortal's or gods life.
Chaos enjoys telling you stories about their children, and how each of them grew to become the deities they are today. They'll also tell you stories about Zagreus. And what he's been up too.
Oh, and they'll gladly listen to any stories you have to tell.
Most of their children are happy and or interested in meeting you. While others, would like to at least introduce themselves, but are too busy.
Erebus and Nyx are probably the first two to properly introduce themselves. Eros would catch on and eventually introduce themselves as well, and so on.
Dates often include, the two of you enjoying ambrosia and nectar while watching over whatever new drama Zeus had created.
That or the two of you are having a lazy day.
Chaos enjoys holding you, as odd as it sounds, whenever they do get the chance to hold you. They feel relaxed.
And it doesn't matter. If other primordial gods are around, Chaos will always hold you in the palm of their hands.
They'll also give you very interesting gifts.
Nothing too crazy but nothing simple either.
Most of the gifts are space and or earth themed. Seeing as they were the first being to appear and had helped create earth.
If you give them something in return, they'll hold onto it forever.
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hot-footed-heir · 5 months
Staraptor Mail! A wooden box is placed down, tied gently with sturdy, reusable wood, and upon opening it, inside is a set of Apricorn Balls! There seems to be a set of six in here, all colored similarly, but with distinct differences to each. They're all black-topped, and an engraving of the House of Hades's symbol is on them all. However, either surrounding or centered upon them all, there are little motifs along them. A blade with a green eye for Zag himself. Flowers for Persephone, Hades' spear, a scythe for Thanatos, stars for Nyx and a single wing for Megaera.
"So, good ol' Zagreus. The Zag-man. The Man With The Plan: Annoy Big Daddy. To be fair, Big Daddy seems to have his spear shoved rather firmly up his ass, so annoying him is probably a past-time of his whole family, you included. But! I mighta have a liiiittle insight into your world (it might be a game in some universes, I'm pretty sure you were told this) to get the details right on these Apricorn Balls, and all should have the catchrate of a Hisuian Ultra Ball. Slightly stronger than a normal, modern one, at least. More naturalistic, spooks the Pokémon less. Also don't feel too bad about having the Underworld being portrayed in a game. The amount of whiplash I get seeing animals I RAISED MYSELF being portrayed as game collectibles in the Pokémon world nearly gave me a neck cramp. Happy Birb Gift Day! - Rose"
Oh! Well now, this is quite the treat to wake up to. Far from me to deny such a gift. They... they're perfect. Absolutely perfect for me. For my friends here, and any others I may get. Truly, Rose, you've found your craft. I'm certain even Daedalus himself would commend you for these.
And not to forget, here. A little treat for the carrier, one of these... Poffins, was it? Here you go, for the flight home.
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officialgleamstar · 11 months
cracks my knuckles. i love giving characters Powers that represent their inner conflicts, so! fire user terri marlowe who tried so so so hard to be a hero, to SAVE people, to make friends! but her powers are destructive, everyone’s afraid of her, and one day she meets the wrong people and leans into it. code name terrify, now she’s a villain helping her organization steal, and it’s just so much easier this way- less pretending!
her rival comes in the form as the ninja (not his name!) taylor! taylor’s improved accuracy and quick reflexes makes him a very dangerous fighter, and he becomes Obsessed with the concept of striking out on his own as a vigilante and taking down supervillains!
keeping him from danger is his Bodyguard- his best friend link, who can dampen the abilities of people around him and shield anyone he’s touching. link is so desperate for company that he’ll follow his friends anywhere, even into combat. being a hero was never his idea - and his dads would kill him! - but it is one he embraces nonetheless.
and normal… well. when his sister receives the oak family gift of plant manipulation, they thought normal would be… well, normal! instead, though, he gets rebecca’s family ability Very Hard-empathy, the ability to inflict emotions upon others. on his own without training, if he’s too emotional, everyone around him will feel what he’s feeling, and he can inject people with artificial emotions through touch as well! as such, he maintains a very faked happiness through school, not wanting to hurt anyone. he ends up in the hero and villain conflict purely by accident
scary wanting so badly to be a Good Kid but feeling backed into a wall because her powers are bad, they destroy things and hurt people... god. GOD. thats like my favorite trope for fire-based powers because it ALWAYS HITS!! terrify is SUUUCH a good pun btw oh my god.
AND NORMAL. MY SWEET BABY NORMAL NOOO i LOVE powers like that a lot, ones where the person accidentally messes with the moods of people around them... i have an oc with a somewhat similar deal (she makes the people around her want to protect her/take care of her, but they become aware of the affect once its off and oftentimes feel manipulated by it. kind of like the Friends spell in D&D! except she has to either focus or be unconscious to turn it off, so usually its only off when shes sleeping. when its. most dangerous for it to be off. sweats) and i think making her really set something off in my brain bfhjbghfjdgjdf im just SO so into powers that are based on emotions!! THEYRE SO COOL! and i love it coming from rebecca's family too :') thats my wife
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aldbooks · 11 months
As Elucien week comes to a close, I couldn't resist a quick of of angst for my favorite angsty couple. Be warned, this one does not have a happy ending...
We're flubbing the timelines a bit here, don't think too much about it 😅
2,512 words
Lucien stood on the step for several minutes, staring at the door as he attempted to compose himself. He was sure Rhys was already aware of his presence from the moment he’d crossed the wards, but he just…. Needed a minute.
Until yesterday, he hadn’t even been sure he would come. What was the point in making such a long journey when no one really wanted him there to begin with? Oh, he was sure Feyre would be happy to see him, and he her, but he knew she’d be just as happy without him. Probably wouldn’t even notice if he didn’t come. 
The truth of it stung more than he cared to admit. But, what else was new? That had been his life for the last few centuries. Unwanted, easily forgotten, replaceable. 
Taking one last steadying breath, Lucien raised his fist to knock. The door opened before he connected with the wood to Rhysand’s stupid, smirking mein. “I wondered how long you’d loiter out here. Finally decided to stay did you?”
A muscle ticked in Lucien’s jaw. He and the High Lord still weren’t exactly on good terms, but their working relationship, at least, was in much better standing, the two of them having reached some mutual level of respect as they worked towards common goals. Outside of that, he was sure the High Lord only tolerated his presence in his home for the sake of his beloved mate.
To be honest, he’d been surprised when he’d received the request to act as godfather to their son. He’d fully expected the honor to be given to any one of Rhys’ inner circle- and it had, but not solely. Morrigan had been named the future High Lord’s godmother but it seemed that Feyre had wished for Lucien to one day help tutor Nyx on the ins and outs of Prythian court politics should anything happen to them. Rhys, he could tell, had reluctantly agreed.
That still didn’t mean he was welcome here.
Cassian, he heard, had been genuinely offended though thankfully any resentment the general felt was directed at Rhys and not him. The Spymaster on the other hand… Azriel had been cold to him before, but since that announcement he’d been downright glacial. His jealousy was apparent and Lucien couldn’t blame him. Amren, thank the cauldron, hadn’t seemed to care either way.
When Lucien still stood on the stoop, saying nothing, Rhys sighed and stepped back from the threshold, waving for him to enter. “Well, come on. No use standing out here all night in the cold. We’re about to sit down to dinner.” With a flicker of his fingers, the gifts in Lucien’s hands disappeared to wherever Rhys kept them all until they were ready to open them and he followed the High Lord inside.
“Look who finally decided to join us,” Rhys drawled as he led Lucien to the living room. Stunted greetings met him from around the room. Feyre, who was occupied with her son, smiled and waved from her seat and Elain, as always, offered the barest of greetings that might be considered polite and then pretended as though he didn’t exist.
Lucien sighed internally. He shouldn’t have come. He wasn’t sure why he’d expected anything to be different. Wasn’t the definition of insanity doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results? Still, he’d only just arrived, it would be rude to leave now and so he resigned himself to staying at least through dinner, and maybe long enough to give Feyre and Nyx his gifts. At least he hadn’t bothered to bring one for Elain this year, knowing it would just sit in a dusty corner somewhere, unused. If it even survived the night without finding it’s end in the trash.
Morrigan appeared beside him offering him a glass of wine. He accepted it, thanking her while ignoring her sympathetic look. He didn’t need or want their pity. He’d made the decision to come on his own. He would deal with it.
As promised, dinner was announced only a moment later and he allowed Morrigan, who still stood beside him, to take his arm and escort him to the dining room. He resisted the urge to look back and see who had escorted his mate. He wasn’t sure why she didn’t just put them both out of their misery and reject him if she was so clearly unhappy with the choice the cauldron had made. He would not begrudge her for doing so, no matter how much it would hurt. He was just so tired of all the uncertainty. 
After this year, he resolved, he wouldn’t bother visiting anymore unless it was on official business. Let Feyre come to him if she wished to see him. It might do her some good to see what has become of her former homeland. Elain wanted space, then he’d give her as much as she could handle. And maybe, he’d finally find some peace.
Dinner was uneventful, the conversation as loud and lively as he’d come to expect. Morrigan and Cassian occasionally made an effort to include him in their discussions, which he appreciated and even Nesta seemed to not mind his presence as much as usual. He didn’t dare glance at the other end of the table where Elain sat beside the Shadowsinger, the two of them absorbed in some quiet conversation. 
He’d suspected for a while there might be some tender feeling there on her part, and it was clear in the way Azriel sometimes watched her and he wanted her. There was little he could do about it, if that was the direction she chose. From what he knew, Elain had only ever been in a romantic relationship with her former fiance and she very clearly held no interest in the bond at present. Lucien could hardly blame her for wanting to explore the interest she did have in another male, especially given some of the affairs he’d had before the bond between them had snapped. Just because he could not stand the thought of being with anyone but her did not mean she had to feel the same way. Perhaps that would change one day. For both of them.
Once dinner and dessert were cleared away, they all made their way back into the living room and Lucien again debated the wisdom of leaving. He didn’t actually need to be here while Feyre opened her gift and it wasn’t as though he’d be receiving any in return… he’d done his duty and showed up. They couldn’t expect more from him than that. And it’s not as though he expected any of them to be bothered.
He was still debating with himself when the gifts suddenly appeared around the room in glittering piles. Deciding now was the best time to slip out while they were all distracted he made to leave until Elain’s voice rose above the din.
“I’ll go first,” she said, the sweet tones of her voice tugging sharply at the strand around his middle. His traitorous heart lurched and instead of leaving, he found himself turned more fully to the room. Though the chances of any of her gifts being for him was slim, at best.
He sat quietly as she handed out neatly wrapped packages. Personal, handmade or handpicked items she gave to not only her sisters, but Rhys, Morrigan, Amren, Cassian, and… Luien’s stomach dropped as she handed the last box to Azriel, a blush staining her face.
He could feel several pairs of eyes turn in his direction, including Rhysand who seemed tense and almost angry. He ignored them all, not that he could have looked at any of them even if he’d wanted to. His gaze was fixed on the pink beneath the surface of her skin. She looked more alive than he’d ever seen her. He supposed that was something to be thankful for, even as everything else seemed to fall apart around him. 
He’d watched her hand gifts over to every other person in the room except Varian, thoughtful gifts that reflected each individual. But the way she and Azriel gazed at each other as she handed this one over… the way their fingers brushed and their eyes held… Lucien was in hell.
He needed to leave. Now. But he was paralyzed. Some masochistic part of himself demanded he sit here and watch. Watch as she metaphorically handed her heart to another male for everyone to see. Watch as she handed him the cruelest humiliation so far.
The gentle brush of Feyre’s mental fingers against his shield’s jolted him out of his stupor. Azriel had opened the gift, which Lucien was unable to focus on long enough to even tell what it was, though the two continued to watch each other, even as Elain had returned to her seat and the other’s were now frantically exchanging brightly wrapped boxes, and doing their best not to look his way. Lucien had never been so mortified in his life though he knew none of it showed on his face. He was too well trained for that. 
Without a word, Lucien rose from his seat, making for the side of the room as though to pour himself a drink before slipping out of the room and down the hall to the back garden. He knew it was a mistake as soon as he stepped outside. Her scent was everywhere, even in the frozen, snow covered flower beds with their empty, leafless branches and thorns. It seemed fitting for the way he was currently feeling. But it hurt.
He sensed Rhys’ presence before he heard or saw him and braced himself for some cutting remark. To his surprise, Rhys just stepped beside him, silently surveying the barren grounds. The silence might have been companionable, if not for the heavy undertones.
“How did you stand it?” Lucien asked quietly. Later, he would likely curse himself for this moment of vulnerability, but in this moment he didn’t care. He needed to say this, to ask this of the only other person he knew that would understand how he was feeling.
Rhysand’s pause was weighted. “I had my friends, my people and all the work that needed to be done to keep me occupied.” He sounded almost apologetic, like he was sorry he didn’t have a better answer.
Lucien could guess why. Now that Jurian and Vassa had returned to the continent and Lucien had taken up a nomadic sort of lifestyle, moving from one court to another as he helped direct the delicate negotiations with both the humans and the fae on the continent, he had no friends left- at least none that he could confide in. He had no real home, no people to distract him. He had plenty of work, sure. But his was a lonely existence.
“Does it get easier?” he asked, somewhat hoarsely. 
Another weighted silence. “No.”
Lucien’s eyes squeezed shut as pain radiated in his chest. He tried not to think about the future that now lay before him.
“I’ll give Feyre your regrets,” Rhys said quietly.
Swallowing hard, Lucien opened his eyes and turned to the High Lord who stood beside him wearing an expression he’d never seen on him before. Understanding. “I’d like to formally resign my position as emissary,” he forced himself to say. “Effective immediately.”
Rhysand tensed but bowed his head slightly in acceptance. “Best of luck to you, Lucien.” It did not escape him that he refrained from using his last name for once. One he knew Lucien abhorred. It was a small show of respect and greatly appreciated in this moment when he was feeling so fragile.
Rhysand turned to go back into the house and Lucien was just beginning to contemplate where he would go now, where he might be welcome, when a ripple went through the wards surrounding the city that even Lucien felt.
Rhysand tensed and they exchanged a brief glance before Rhysand disappeared, Lucien following in his wake. They appeared at the edge of the city, in a darkened forest and Lucien tensed as Rhys went very still. Stepping to the High Lord’s side, Lucien called forth his magic and waited, his ability to see in the dark not nearly as strong as the Lord of Night.
A second later, two figures crashed down beside them, weapons drawn. Even without the flash of siphons, Lucien knew Cassian and Azriel were behind them. He was momentarily distracted by the effort it took to ignore the instinct from the bond that urged him to rip the Shadowsinger to shreds-
And then Lucien finally caught the scent of a smell that had once been painfully familiar to him but that he had not encountered in over two centuries. But… it was… wrong…
Lucien’s blood ran cold and he lurched forward a step as Eris emerged through the trees wearing a flaming crown…. And covered in blood. Beron’s. And something else….
“Lucien,” he brother’s voice was thick and strained, showing an unusual amount of vulnerability. His gaze, so much like their father's, seemed to scan him with something like relief.
Lucien took another involuntary step forward, feeling the Illyrians behind him tense with uncertainty. He breathed a single word,“mother?”
“She’s safe,” Eris croaked.
There was a slight tremble to him, Lucien realized. He wasn’t sure if it was from emotion or the enormous amount of power that now thrummed through his veins. High Lord. “What have you done?”
Eris turned to Rhysand without answering him. “Beron has been- neutralized, so I suppose you escaped that portion of our agreement. However, your… assistance in backing my claim and holding the court would be appreciated.”
Lucien was frankly astounded his brother had deigned to ask for help at all, but it seemed he and Rhys already had some sort of arrangement he was not aware of. Rhys looked a bit shaken but nodded his agreement to Eris. “Whatever you need. I’m sure Keir would be happy to lend his Darkbringers in exchange for a working relationship with Autumn.”
Eris winced slightly but accepted. Lucien didn’t blame him, he’d heard tales of the steward of the Hewn City who ran the Court of Nightmares that Lucien, and the rest of Prythian had once thought Rhysand presided over. No doubt any deals made with him would have consequences down the road, but for now, with Beron gone, presumably at his heir’s own hand, Autumn would need the assistance to keep his more loyal courtiers in check. 
But how had this happened? Why? And why did he detect his mother’s blood mixed with Beron’s?
Eris finally turned to acknowledge Lucien, taking a tentative step towards him. Eris held out a hand, his expression which Lucien could now partially make out, seemed to hold a tentative hope that was utterly foreign to him. Yet it reminded him so much of the brother he had once looked up to, he found himself taking another step forward.  
“Lucien… it’s well past time you came home brother.”
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mypromptlair · 2 years
FFXV Prompt 1
After everything, after fulfilling the prophecy, Noctis was at least hoping to see Luna and his father again.
But no. Seems someone out there either likes fucking with him, or is perhaps trying to give him a second chance.
Because when he wakes up(why is he waking up?), he is 15(soon to be 16) again in his old apartment in a still bustling Insomnia.
At least he isn't alone, his dearest Lunafreya seems to remember as well. Perhaps the two of them can do this. Without anyone dying or Insomnia having to fall. Gentiana and Carbuncle have their backs too(along with a few other Astrals).
Only Noctis and Luna remember the original timeline(which makes them both happy and sad)
Noctis decides to and trains with the Glaives for a few months and bonds with them more(and later being dragged into a certain group as the 'lil brother')
Luna and Noct keep in more contact and try and come up with different plans to make things right now that they know the whole truth, etc.
Noctis eventually sneaks out of Insomnia by himself to meet up with Luna in Altissia, before they begin their journey to "fix" things(do they elope? who knows).
His brothers are none to pleased at being left behind when they finally meet up again.
They don't tell anyone at first what happened in the OG Timeline, but when it does get found out, oh Regis is ready to destroy the Crystal and a certain dragon himself(and everyone else too).
Much needed talks are had, especially between a prince and his shield.
Certain traitors are outed as well, and properly dealt with(there might be a certain incident with a injured Noctis at the hands of the Kingsglaive Captain. Nyx did not want this kind of promotion thank you.)
Ardyn has no idea what's going on or what these kids are up to, but he is amused by the chaos(and slightly concerned in his own way)
Ravus and Aranea help them out later as well
Bunch of misunderstandings take place and overprotective family and guards/glaives.
Regis wonders if he should actually ground Noctis for the first time once all this is said and done....Ravus wonders the same for Luna.
I didn't think of this after re-reading Crossfire by the lovely Sorianis along with the Luna update from dissidia opera omnia, nope.
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The sun has set and the porch lights are on-
Welcome to Jack-O-Treat 2022: A Tumblr Trick-or-Treat Event!!!
Don your costumes and set out into our neighborhood of participating ‘house’ blogs for a night of trick-or-treating that lasts until the clock strikes midnight on October 31st and November calls all the ghoulies and ghosties and long-legged beasties home!
As a trick-or-treater, you can visit the following blogs through the end of the month, send an ask/message/submit-a-post saying ‘trick or treat,’ and wait to see what treats –or tricks- they share! And hey, check all the blogs out and consider giving them a follow!!
Here’s our delightfully frightful neighborhood of current ‘house’ blogs as of October 15th, 2022:
@askvannybunny (New 10/16!)
@diabolical-purple-devil (New 10/16!)
@springledongle *
* NSFW/18+ blogs
It isn’t too late to sign up to be a house, either! Just send me an ask or message me and I’ll confirm your addition to the list! I’ll keep this post pinned to the top of my page, which will have the most up-to-date list of participating house blogs, as well as notices of any of the blogs that need to bow out early and put up the ‘out of candy’ sign (hey, life happens)! As a reminder, we’re going to try to keep the event PG-13. However, 18+ and NSFW blogs are welcome to sign up to be houses, just let me know so I can note it on our house list- still need the treats to be PG-13 though. Treats/tricks can be photos of a handful of candy, pre-made/on-the-fly art, short literary pieces, poems, or whatever the ‘house’ wants to give out as long as it sticks with the basic PG-13 rule. Oh, and no jump-scares as tricks/treats please!
Houses have anytime before Nov. 1st to respond to a knock at their door, so please be patient with the lovely folks who signed up to be our houses (though that deadline is pretty flexible because, again, life/delays happen). If you can, send your trick-or-treat greetings well before the end of the month to make sure the houses have time to get their treats ready.
This is a pretty relaxed event and there’s no sense in getting stressed out over something that’s supposed to be fun, so if anything comes up or you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me.
A few additional notes:
You don’t have to be a FNAF blog to participate, nor do your tricks/treats have to be FNAF themed.
‘House’ blogs can also trick or treat!
All fandom/non-fandom blogs are welcome to join in!
You don’t need a muse to participate. You can just be your lovely offline self if you like!
Please only visit each ‘house’ once (unless the houses specifically encourage repeat visits, but that’s totally up to them).
Thank you everyone who joins us on our long Halloween night! Have fun, spread a little Halloween-y mischief if you want, be good to each other, and of course, happy haunting!!!
-The Poultrygeist 🧡
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hadescrow333 · 8 months
As this is my first post, I find it appropriate to start off withe the beginning of creation (accourding to Greek mythology of course)
This portion of the myth will not be dedicated to the gods singular, those will be later posts where each god/titan/etc gets their own post
There are many different stories contradicting eachother, so I’ll try my best to either explain each one or just go withe the one that’s most popular
In the beginning of creation there was only khaos, whom was a great void of nothingness (so very chaotic right?). Then suddenly pop came Gaia, who’s basically Mother Nature earth peep, Tartarus, the deepest pits of the underworld (I love this word TaRtArUs), Eros (but honestly I think it means the personification of love instead of EROS EROS because most versions state Eros is Aphrodite’s child), then Erebus, Darkness (and an amazing name to name a cat), and Nyx, the night (another great cat name) (also the only peep Zeus fears, which I think is pretty cool)
So Gaia (without the help of male productivity) then gave birth to Uranus, who is the sky and I will call Ouranos because that is what I was taught when learning Greek mythology (books my peeps)
Though some accounts state that Gaia and Ouranos were both made from Chaos instead of Gaia birthing him.
Oh and cool little fact, the sky was thought to be a brass dome by the Greeks, and Ouranos was the personification to that brass dome. Brass you may ask? Why brass? Why so specific? That’s the same question I thought to myself, and therefore searched for the answer and actually there was a reason for this. The Greeks did not think of colour in colour, but in scales of brightness. And I guess the Greek thought the sky was shiny, like brass. (Think of that one piece of work where the ocean was deemed wine dark)
Oh I also should probably add that the family history includes Erebus overthrowing Chaos, and then Erebus being overthrown by his children, but that’s a long story I’ll dedicate to another post)
Gaia and Ouranos then became a thAng, and I could go all poetic about how oh the sky and the earth were bound for loneliness so against the odds given to them they became one together, but no I’m not going to because I’m such a good poet. I digress.
Oh and my dude Ouranos decided it would be cool to decree himself supreme deity, cool cool my(😬) dude.
Anyways, Gaia and Ouranos hit it off and had some premeditated children. (Yes. This wording is purposeful. No. I will not explain.)
Now to go into the kids of Ouranos, yay..
(There is no foreshadowing here folks!)
So Ouranos sired children withe Gaia, the first set being six sons. Three Cyclops (one eyed peeps), there names being Brontes, Arges, aand Steropes. And three (insert me staring at the google search of how to spell this) Hecatonchires, named Briares, Cottus, and Gyges. They were dubbed the One Hundred Handed Ones(I’m pretty sure if you’ve read Percy Jackson Briares is in a part of it(?))
Well, Ouranos was awfully concerned about how powerful these giants are, so he locked them away. There is some debate about where he locked them up, but it’s widely believed he locked them in the deepest pits of Tartarus.
Gaias, as most mothers would, did not quite agree withe this, and wasn’t all too happy withe him. This is fine, nothing is bound to happen right? (…)
Oh little fun fact about myself, while doing this I had my big ole mythology book that I love and have no recollection of getting (I just found out I stole it from my father, and he’s never getting it back), but do know it is a good flower press. And very informative (which is good because it’s huge and has a very decient portion that is deticated to Greek myths yay) My delicate dried flowers are falling (I mean, sorta, I would never actually let them fall but they are taking damage and potential destruction so it COUNTS) as I type this out, know I have sacrificed greatly to bid thee information I already know and honestly only need the book for spelling (yes I am proud of my useless knowledge of Greek myths) I DIGRESS.
So as this is happening (or maybe after, it doesn’t directly state, only specifically states that the giants were first created before the titans) Gaia also birthed the 12 Titans. Who are Oceanus, Tethys, Hyperion, Theia, Coeus, Phoebe, Kronos, Rhea, krios, Japetus, Themis, and Mnemosyne.
So Oceanus was the titan god of the great oceanic river that forever circles the world. (I. WILL. EXPLAIN. In another post this is getting long and I’m not even halfway done) His wife is his sister Tethys (if you don’t like it go away because you definitely won’t like Greek mythology, oh and they practically don’t have the same DNA or morals as us sooo)
Hyperion was the first sun god, and his sister Theia was his wife.
(You do not know how hard it is to not digress and spill facts and stories BECAUSE THERES SO MUCH THAT ISNT SAID ON HERE the only thing saving me is that I have other posts I can rant about them on)
Coeus, who isn’t very important other then his offsprings tales, wived his sister Phoebe.
Kronos, the youngest of the bunch, married to Rhea, who was the titan of motherhood, and other foreshadowing things.
Ok this is getting long the rest of them are Krios, Japetus, Themis (goddess of justice), and Mnemosyne (goddess of memory)
So let’s get back to Gaia, as I said before she was livid at Ouranos for ya know yeeting her giant children to the great pits of Tartarus, and then imprisoning her titan children in her womb, so she took her titan children and was all like “oh my dear lovelys please go kill your father for me?” And then committed one of the most famous divorces in all of mythology.
Gaia created flint to make a sickle, then once done making it she told one of her titan children to murder their father withe it. I like to guess all of them looked at her in bafflement, for none of them took the sickle from her offered hand, except for one. (Insert mic drop)
Kronos, youngest and seemingly weakest decided he was worthy and took the sickle.
Then they conspired a plan, the plan being several versions. The main version being; for Kronos to strike once Ouranos and Gaia are settled down to lay, and the some of the other titans holding him down (another post my friends another post). So this is what Kronos did.
Once Ouranos was laying down withe Gaia, Kronos went boo, and castrated Ouranos withe the sickle. He then threw the genitals into the ocean (where Aphrodite was created by the sea foam where the genitals fell, later on but that’s a story for another post) From his blood giants popped up, as well as the Erinyes, furies who tormented the criminal minds later on when humans were a thing, and ash tree nymphs.
It’s not stated clear what exactly happened to Ouranos, some versions state that he died, that he withdrew from the earth, or that he exiled himself to Italy. (Yes. Italy. Very specific right? And there. Is. No. Elaboration.) All that’s known is that as he deported he said the Kronos “you shall be punished” (very original)
Yup ok that’s all I’ll do the gods and that age later byeee
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intothewickedwood · 2 years
Once Upon A Time In Wonderland Rewatch: 1x13 And They Lived...
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Last episode of the rewatch! I’m so not ready to say goodbye to this.  
Why did Jafar’s eyes turn white but not Amara’s, I wonder.
He was gonna straight up kill Amara when she wasn’t looking!
Jafar went through all this so his father could love him all just to kill him straight afterwards. Just wow.
“You've done it my Lord. Your father is dead! No one shall ever question your powers again! Yes! Doesn't this please you my Lord?” Jafar: “Yeah. Yeah, it's great, it's great. I just thought it might make me feel less empty inside.”
They’ve peaced out. That’s what you get for being so dramatic, Jafar!
Can’t Amara heal Cyrus straight away?  
Run, Jabber!  
Uh oh, he’s not afraid of anything.  
Hey! Come on, now! Leave her alone!
I actually feel really sorry for her. She’s just gotta spend the rest of her presumably immortal life alone in the dark. I guess Jafar found out about her betrayal.
Cyrus is okay!  
Alice and Amara bonding is so sweet.
Oh, so she could see and hear when she was the snake staff.
Ana’s okay!
And of course Jafar only brought her back to play his sick games.
Same Will. This makes me sick. He’s got her under a love spell!  
Jafar doesn’t even have feelings for Ana. He just wants to get back at Will. He’s so extra omg.
Alice about Ana: “So we’re just going to give up on her!?” Bless Alice.  
But she’s not willing to risk losing Will forever either. Actual siblings.
Please don’t go to that freaking well! I’m not strong enough!
Go Alice, coming up with another clever plan!
Aww, Amara looks so happy about her son and Alice.  
Nice to know Amara approves of Cylice.
And some mother-son bonding!  
Holy crap! They came from nowhere!
Okay, this is epic!  
Go Alice!
Amara doesn’t mess about. That’s some powerful marrionetakinesis!
Oh no!
Alice went to straight up punch Jafar in the face lol.
Alice is so disturbed by Jafar and Ana making out. Freaking same! I’m so uncomfortable!
It seems Jafar has the power to change the past without physically going back in time. I wonder how that works, exactly.
You can’t make it so she never met Cyrus!
She would still have come to Wonderland, however.
Jafar: “You’ll be back in that awful place… England.” Hahahaha!!
Jafar, why are you like this. You’ve got what you wanted. Leave them alone! He wants to target each of them where it hurts most because he’s a little bitch.  
Get your hands off Alice!
Jafar: “Then perhaps you’re underestimating my power.” Alice: “No. You’re underestimating mine. The love that Cyrus and I have is more powerful than any magic.” I love that! She has such faith that their love will transcend any spell, even one that can change the past. I want to have faith in love like that and I will try to.
He’s seeking affection from Ana to reassure himself that he is loved but Alice is right, as long as he continues on this path, he will never know love.
Alice: “Real love... true love, cannot be destroyed. That is why you, Jafar, will never win.” You tell him, girl!  
Don’t tell him, Ana!  
That is a powerful love spell.
Oh Lord, please, not her! Not the Woman from the Well!!
Scarlet Queen tlk baby!!
Her spell is broken!
Lmao, Will walking right into the barrier. And Ana’s little laugh when he does that is adorabubble.
Crap! Almost didn’t look away in time!!
Why’s she gotta talk like that?  
Amara, please, you do not wanna live with that creepy ass woman forever!
I always thought she walked in. I forgot Jafar killed her, but she turned to water and that went in the well so now her and Nyx are roommates, and every time Amara takes too long in the shower, Nyx emerges from the plug hole and yells at her to “give me back me wataah.” And they’ve just gotta live like that for eternity. Amara screams every time she’s just chilling and that creepy ass monster crawls out of the floor. My worst nightmare.  
I have no idea what’s going on because I refuse to look at Nyx.
Don’t mess with her water Jafar! She’s very possessive about her water. I bet it’s sparkling and mango flavoured or something. There’s gotta be a reason she gets so angry about it getting taken.  
Alice: “You didn’t steal this water from me. You stole it from her.” Holy shiitake mushrooms!
Okay, gonna rewind because I don’t think Nyx was in that scene. God, I really hope she’s not.
Oh cool, Rabbit can use his portals to travel from place to place in Wonderland.
Omg! He freaking kicked Rabbit into the sky! Poor guy!  
Okay not looking again.
Yes! Jafar’s a genie. Good! But damn he was such a great villain.
Uh oh, everything Jafar did has been undone. I wonder why not everything that Amara did was undone. At least Cyrus is okay because nothing she did was.
Oh no, Ana!  
Give Will a freaking break! What a day he’s had.
Cyrus reunited with his brothers.
Will: “In the end she did the right thing, you know.” Alice: “Of course she did, ‘cause she loves you.” Supportive little sis is supportive.
Alice: “She (Nyx) said the Red Queen was meant to move on, but Anastasia, her path was meant to continue.” I like that. It was a symbolic death of the Red Queen but shown with a physical death.
It was nice of the Woman of the Well to give them some of her precious water. She’s still the most terrifying thing I’ve seen in my whole life, though.
She’s alive!
Scarlet Queen finally properly reunited!
Aww, her father actually looks happy for her.
Edwin: “And I want to thank you for proving to me that it was real.” Alice: “Wonderland?” Edwin: “Forgiveness.” And that’s what Wonderland is, a place of growth. Much like the characters in Into the Woods go into the woods and come out different but having learned valuable lessons, that’s what each of the characters from this show has done.  
I’m glad Alice and her father can move forward with their lives now. And I like to believe he becomes a good father to her.
Cylice wedding! Cylice wedding!
Such a pretty wedding and Alice looks beautiful in her dress.
I really like that dress. It’s gorgeous!  
And, of course, Rabbit is marrying them.
Aww, Alice’s little sister looks so happy. I hope they became close.
Will standing up to jokingly protest lmao!
For a second I thought I heard Jafar’s voice and nearly freaked out! Imagine Jafar just walking in, like, “Sorry I’m late.”
I’m going to die!! My babies are married!!
Anna’s so happy for them too!
Rabbit: “Many people have come and gone from Wonderland but only the most special ones discover what it’s truly about.” Alice: “Finding love.” Rabbit: “Finding yourself.” Gosh, I feel like I’ve been on such a journey with them.
Alice and Ana hugging. They’ve come so far!
Alice and Will looking back at each other and Alice running over to him to say goodbye again is my favourite thing ever. I have tears in my eyes! Their friendship is so beautiful!!  
There is so much unsaid in that hug. They’ve been through so much together.
Alice: “I just want to thank you so much for everything. Hold on to your heart this time, alright?” Will: “You hold onto yours.” This literally gives me chills. They care so much for each other. I adore Cylice and Scarlet Queen but my favourite relationship in this show will always be Alice and Will’s. Big bro and little sis forever.
I wonder how Will and Ana became the White King and Queen. Did they overthrow the original or was there never anyone in that position? I’m glad they restored Wonderland together.
Alice and Cyrus’ kid plays young Cruella as well.
Alice wrote Alice’s Adventure’s in Wonderland! Well, her own version. Awesome!
Look at their little family. Adorable!
Rabbit, please do not kidnap that child by leading her to Wonderland. She’s happy with her parents! Ah well, her Uncle Will and Auntie Ana will look after her.
I have loved this Wonderland adventure, as always. It is such an amazing and unique experience and I highly recommend watching if you haven’t already.  
And that’s it! I can’t believe it! I started this rewatch, beginning with the main show on April 6th 2019 and have written and posted my thoughts almost every weekend since. It’s been a wild ride and has been such a big and enjoyable part of my Saturday for over 3 years now. I’m gonna struggle to say goodbye to it. It’s felt like having someone really familiar to talk to and to express myself to. Thank you to everyone who’s interacted in any way with these rewatch posts over the years. I’ve loved seeing your input! I can’t believe it’s come to an end. I’m gonna really miss it but I’m glad I saw it all the way through. Ouat and Ouatiw will forever be amongst my favourite shows.
Next week or the week after, I’ll probably list my top 5 episodes of each season and Wonderland and then I’ll make a post linking all episode reactions.
Goodbye Ouat Rewatch. It’s been totally awesome.
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abyssembraced · 1 year
Thinking about Ghost in Hades again lmao
There is. A very good chance that Ghost has been adopted by Nyx dgfshs. She's just. Everybody's mom. She's already got a lot of biological children, and from what it seems, if she sees someone who doesn't have a mother she'll just be like "hey I can be your mom if you want" ahsfhgh. Someone who adopts everyone and someone who is adopted by everyone. A match made in... Well, the Underworld I guess! So basically, Thanatos, Hypnos, all of Nyx's many other children, meet your new weird sibling <3 dgdshfh
Woe be upon Hades, because he is now faced with another person who refuses to stay put in whatever place they were stationed in. Thankfully, unlike Zagreus, at least Ghost isn't trying to escape the Underworld. They just wanna explore it!! And given that the entire Underworld is huge, if not infinite, they'll be happy doing that for a looooong while. It does mean, though, that they often venture out of... I guess Asphodel? Hades and the others wouldn't know enough about Ghost's past to reasonably put them in Tartarus or Elysium, so I guess the "neutral" area of Asphodel it is. Or maybe they'd just be allowed to stay in the House of Hades as long as they make themself useful, since Ghost is a Really Weird Shade and maybe the gods would rather keep an eye on them if they can.
...Or maybe Zagreus has decided to let Ghost stay in his room/training area and keeps them hidden away from Hades dgdshsh. Since if Skelly can be there and somehow go unnoticed by Hades (according to Achilles anyway), then why not Ghost too? That one recliner you can buy for Zag's room has become Ghost's Underworld bench.
But anyway yeah. Regardless, Ghost doesn't stay put in one region. I could see them spending a decent amount of time in Elysium, battling all the other shades, since constant fighting is something they're used to (and they do enjoy sparring against skilled opponents). And if they do decide to take a break, I'm sure there's some place where they could chill with all the other more peaceful shades in the area (since I highly doubt Patroclus is the only one there who isn't interested in fighting. Zagreus just doesn't run into them during his escape attempts because Hades is sending all the warriors and such to stop him).
I also imagine Ghost, upon being gifted a nectar, dumping all their charms on the ground and sorting through them as they try to decide which one to give to Zagreus in return dgdgsh. They wanna give him something useful, but not too good, y'know? Not something they'll really regret not having. Sorry Zagreus, you aren't getting Shaman Stone or Unbreakable Strength agshsgdgs. Maybe he'd get Longnail as their keepsake? A range increase would be a unique effect (though I could see it being either super op or too small of an increase to be worth using over other keepsakes), and Ghost would still have Mark of Pride anyway so it wouldn't hurt them too much to give it away. And they can't just give him Mark of Pride! That one's special! Ghost earned that charm by defeating the Mantis Lords in combat. Zagreus hasn't done that, so he isn't worthy of it!! (He totally could beat them, yes, but he hasn't, so no charm for him!)
Though also, Ghost can't actually drink any of the nectar Zagreus may give them lmao. Eventually Zag notices that Ghost is still holding onto all the bottles he's given them, and is like "aw c'mon, why don't you try one? You'll really like it, trust me. Actually, hey, why don't you share this one with me in the lounge right now?" So they go to the lounge, like what happens with most of the characters in the House of Hades. And that's when Zagreus finally realizes that Oh. They uh. Don't Have A Mouth. Even with their mask off. Ghost wasn't drinking the nectar he gave them because they physically couldn't. But maybe he decides to let them keep all the gifts anyway and also continues to give them more (so that Ghost has a longer "bond route", thinking gameplay-wise), telling them that they can regift it all if they wanted to and make their own friends. From one video game protagonist to another dgdgsh
Which, actually, gives me another cute thought of Zagreus giving Ghost an Ambrosia and explaining to them that it's a rare and special gift compared to nectar that should be given to close friends they really care about. And then later, in the last conversation of their "route", Ghost gives him the Ambrosia, because he is their Special Friend that they really care about (non-romantically obviously. I don't think I have to specify that but just in case)
Anyway, if Ghost was an npc in the actual game, I imagine they'd be a bit similar to Thanatos in the sense that they'd also show up randomly sometimes in the middle of a run. They'd have a chance to appear after a chamber has been cleared, entering the room either from the same door you entered from, or from one of the doors you just unlocked (or in Asphodel, Ghost can either ride in on one of the rafts you'll be using to move to the next chamber, or ride in on their own raft that parks near the one you originally rode in on). Their exact location is random. Upon talking to them, they'll give you some of one of the permanent currencies (darkness, gems, keys, nectar (except maybe not nectar in this case)). The type of currency you'd get would either be random or based on the region Ghost is encountered in (gems for Tartarus, keys for Asphodel, and darkness for Elysium? Based on what the fish from each region give you, but replacing Elysium's nectar with darkness). They'll never appear in the Styx though, since Cerberus would definitely attack them if they went up that far dgdgsh. Ghost can only be talked to once a run, but since their appearance might be pretty missable at times, maybe they'll have a chance to show up again if you didn't speak to them the first time? And, like Thanatos, when you talk to them during a run they'll have a chance of appearing back at the House of Hades afterward.
The whole idea with their meetings during runs is that sometimes, Ghost's exploration of the Underworld just so happens to coincide with the route Zagreus is taking to escape it. And upon meeting up with their friend, Ghost decides to share some of the treasure they've found with Zagreus before continuing on their way.
So actually, given that, maybe Ghost's keepsake would be the Wayward Compass? Haha funny Hollow Knight fandom memes and all, but its effect could also be somewhat in line with the ones the boon-giving gods give. It would increase the odds of Ghost appearing when equipped, and would buff the amount of stuff they give you, going from 2x, to 3x, and then 4x when maxed out. The base amount of darkness and gems they give would probably be pretty low, to keep things balanced, but since they only appear once per run and you'd have to equip a specific item to get a significant amount of stuff, I think those numbers are reasonable. Lore-wise, Ghost could be using the charm to better track Zagreus' location, so that they can actively seek him out once they've gathered a lot of treasure to give him.
Also, going back to non-gameplay-related stuff, I think it'd be really funny if, once they get their replacement mask, Ghost gets annoyed with everyone still calling them a "shade". It was fine when they were stuck in their unstable Void form, since that could be considered a Shade. But not anymore! They're back to being a stable vessel again, thank you very much! Dgsgsh
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snelbz · 3 years
Life As We Know It {Chapter 26}
Summary: After the sudden deaths of Nesta’s sister and Cassian’s best friend, they gain guardianship of their nephew, Nyx.
Based on Life As We Know It (2010) and a prompt sent in by anonymous for our Nessian fanfic contest. This is a modern au.
Instead of doing a tag list for this story, we have decided to have a set posting schedule. Chapters will be posted weekly on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays. Occasional surprise chapters could be posted at miscellaneous times. Chapters will be posted on both my and Tara’s blogs! >> @tacmc.​
Life As We Know It Masterlist
Shelby’s Masterlist
Tara’s Masterlist
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Nesta awoke with a pounding headache and the need to vomit, even though she was fully aware her stomach was completely emptied out. She began to shift on the mattress, but froze when she realized that a heavy arm was draped across her waist.
Behind her, Cassian was sleeping soundly, spooned up against her.
She remembered asking that of him the night before, remembered everything from the night before.
She had been drunk, horribly drunk.
They had fought.
She had tried to sleep with him.
She had vomited all over the kitchen.
He had cleaned it up.
He had cleaned her up.
He had carried her to bed.
He had stayed.
She hadn’t deserved for him to stay.
Carefully and slowly, Nesta took Cassian’s hand and removed it from her body before dragging herself quietly out of the bed and sneaking out of the room.
She had been so fucking irresponsible the night before, shouldn’t have ever tried to drive here, yet here she was. No wonder Cassian had been so pissed.
She planned on getting a quick cup of coffee to settle her stomach and sneaking out, but as she found Elain in the kitchen, she knew that was no longer possible.
Her sister, never one for anger, raised an eyebrow. “You owe me for my landscaping.”
Nesta cringed and dropped into a seat at the end of the table. Her head fell into her hands with a smack. “I know, I’m sorry.”
A cup of coffee appeared in front of her and Nesta did nothing but breathe in the life-changing scent for a minute, her forehead still pressed into her hand.
“Don’t get me wrong,” Elain said, leaning against the counter. “I love having you here. But as far as I knew, Cassian was staying here because you were at the house. Imagine my surprise when I find both of your vehicles in my driveway this morning.”
Nesta cringed, yet again.
“And the bush by my mailbox flattened,” Elain added, sipping from her steaming mug.
Nesta groaned, her head falling against the tabletop. “I fucked up, I get it.” There was no malice in her voice, only exhaustion.
The chair across from her was pulled out and Elain sat down with a sigh. “You know I’m not letting you leave until we talk about this, right?”
Nesta huffed. “Talk about what?”
“Oh, I don’t know,” Elain sighed. “The fact that you showed up at my house at midnight, drunker than you’ve been since college, to fight with Cassian?”
Nesta looked up at her.
“At least, that’s my husband’s version,” Elain said, watching her sister. “Correct me if I’m wrong.”
Nesta leaned back in her chair and shook her head, slowly. She fiddled with the fabric around her thighs, only now realizing that she was in Cassian’s shirt.
He had taken her dirty dress off and replaced it with something clean, something of his.
“I don’t even know where to begin,” Nesta said, simply.
“How about promising me you’ll never be stupid enough to get behind the wheel while drunk again?” Elain asked, a slight edge to her voice. “The last thing I need is you getting in an-.”
Her words dropped off and she shook her head, sipping from her mug to avoid the word that Nesta knew was meant to come next.
A newfound guilt flooded Nesta’s stomach. She felt like she was going to puke all over again. How could she do that, after all that had happened? After what had happened to Feyre and Rhysand?
“I fucked up,” she said, again, and leaned across the table to take Elain’s hand. “I was drunk, I made a poor decision in the heat of the moment because I was pissed, and I was irresponsible. I know that, and trust me, I am full of regret and feel like a fucking idiot this morning. I promise, Lainy, that I’ll never make that mistake again.”
Elain looked at her for a moment before her eyes softened and she nodded. “Good. I believe you. Now, care to tell me why you made such a dumbass decision to begin with?”
Dumbass. Elain rarely swore.
“Cassian and I had sex in the store room last night,” she sighed, not looking at Elain.
“You what?” Her voice raised an octave.
“Shh,” she said, glancing around her to the living room beyond. “I don’t know how exactly it happened, but it did. I went in there for some air, he followed me, and we got into it. Next thing I know, my back is against the far wall, he’s buried inside of me, and I’m halfway to an earth shattering orgasm.”
Elain had stilled, her mug midway to her lips as she stared at her sister. She repeated, “You what?”
“I don’t need a lecture if that’s what you’re building up to,” Nesta snapped.
Elain sighed, setting her mug down on the table. “It’s either a lecture or silence.”
Nesta just shook her head.
“Nesta, that man is madly in love with you,” Elain said, lecturing, anyway. Nesta stared at the table. “And you love him, too. This…unhealthy need to push everything and everyone away that makes you happy is going to make you nothing but miserable in the end and, I’m sorry, but I’m not going to let you be miserable.”
Nesta shook her head. “Feyre wouldn’t want—.”
“No,” Elain interrupted, her voice going harder than Nesta typically heard it. “Feyre would want you to be happy. She’s gone, Nesta.” Her eyes lined with tears as she reached across the table and took Nesta’s hands. “She’s gone, and yes, maybe that’s the only reason that you and Cassian ended up together, but you know what? Maybe it’s not. Maybe you and Cass would’ve ended up together at another time, another place, but you didn’t. This is how it happened. And Feyre, wherever she is, is so damn happy that you two are happy. She wanted you two to be together five years ago, and she wants you to be together now, if he’s who makes you happy. You can’t feel guilty, Nesta. Your happiness does not deserve guilt.”
Nesta said nothing, didn’t bother wiping the tear that fell down her cheek.
“You love him,” Elain said, and it wasn’t a question.
Which meant that Nesta didn’t answer.
“He cleaned up your puke and carried you to bed after you treated him like garbage,” Elain said, her voice lightening. “Men like that don’t just come around, Nes.”
A door opened and closed from the back of the house and Elain picked up her coffee, standing.
“Where are you going?” Nesta whispered, her eyes going wide.
“You need to talk to him,” Elain said, heading for the living room. She didn’t say another word to her sister, but she heard her start up the stairs. “Good morning, Cass. And good morning to you, sweet boy.”
She didn’t hear a response from either of them, so she assumed Nyx was still dozing on Cassian’s shoulder, but Elain’s soft footsteps retreated up the stairs.
She turned to find Cassian leaning against the doorway. Nyx, indeed, was still near sleeping where he had his head resting against Cassian, holding onto his shirt.
Clutching her coffee cup, Nesta breathed, “Good morning.”
“How are you feeling?” he asked, walking to the fridge and opening the door, pulling out a jug of orange juice.
“Honestly?” she muttered. “Shitty.”
Cassian snorted. “I’d say so.”
Silence ensued, and Cassian kissed Nyx’s forehead as he handed him to Nesta. “I’ll get him some breakfast.”
Nesta nodded, taking the sleepy baby and letting his head fall against her chest.
Cassian got oatmeal out of the pantry and mixed it with some milk before cutting strawberries into small squares. The entire time, Nesta watched him. The entire time, Cassian didn’t say a thing.
She could see the way his back muscles flexed through his old, white t-shirt.
It made her weak in the knees.
“Dada,” Nyx said, arm outstretched to Cassian.
“Almost ready, buddy,” he promised.
As Cassian walked toward the table, Nesta put Nyx in the highchair. She’d move him once Seph was awake and ready to eat. She had a feeling Nyx would be finished long before that, though, because the second Cassian sat the bowl on the tray, Nyx’s hands were covered in oatmeal.
Cassian chuckled and retreated back away from the table.
Nesta cleared her throat. “Cass?”
“I-,” she hesitated, and sighed. “Thank you. For last night. I’m… I’m sorry, I was completely out of line-.”
“It’s fine,” he interrupted, pouring himself a glass of orange juice.
“It’s not fine.” He still hadn’t turned back to look at her. “It’s not, at all. What I did last night was stupid and irresponsible and selfish. And you took care of me and I didn’t deserve it. So… Thank you and I’m sorry.”
He was quiet for another minute, pouring a cup of coffee alongside his juice. “You’re welcome. Like I said, it’s fine. It happened, you recognize it was a dumbass decision to make. Just don’t make it again.”
She nodded, though he still couldn’t see her, since he still had his back to her.
Nesta asked, “Can we… Can we talk about last night?”
“I don’t know what there is to talk about, Nes,” he sighed, finally turning to look at her. He leaned back against the counter. “Before or after you showed up drunk?”
“Both,” she stood up and crossed the kitchen toward him. She suddenly remembered she was wearing nothing but his t-shirt. “Like I said, I was way out of line.”
Cassian watched her for a moment before letting out a breath, his shoulders sagging. “Yeah, well… The store room was just as much me as it was you, so don’t apologize for that one.”
Nesta nodded, and looked over at Nyx, stuffing his face. “Do you regret it?”
A beat passed. “The store room?”
She nodded.
Cassian drank from his glass. “Do you?”
I asked you first, she wanted to say, but didn’t. Instead, she said, “It was unprofessional.”
“That’s not an answer,” he said.
“Neither is refusing to answer the question at all,” Nesta pointed out.
Cassian snorted. “Fair.”
They fell into silence, yet again, the only sounds coming from Nyx and his excitement about food.
“Is that all you have to say this morning?” Cassian asked, and she knew he was looking at her, so her eyes remained on the floor.
“I apologized,” she said. “I thanked you. What else is there to say?”
Cassian nodded, apparently that was answer enough for him. “Alright, well, Viv is planning on meeting you and Nyx back at the house at noon. I’ll see you at work.”
He turned his back to her and started walking out of the kitchen.
“Wait,” Nesta breathed, making her way toward him. “There is one more thing I’d like to say, like to ask.”
Cassian stopped and slowly turned to face her.
It was all too familiar. Him, in his sweatpants and old tee. Her, in his shirt, after a night spent cuddled up together.
Even if the night before had been under completely different circumstances.
She cleared her throat. “I think you should come back home, Cass.”
He searched her eyes, searched for the underlying meaning. “Why?”
“Because Nyx misses you,” Nesta said, without missing a beat. “He misses seeing you everyday.”
“Is he the only one?” Cassian asked, taking a step toward her.
“Cassian,” she breathed, shaking her head.
He nodded, slowly, taking a deep breath. “That’s what I thought.”
He turned around, but Nesta reached out for him. “Cassian, please, just come back-.”
“I can’t,” he said, quietly. “I can’t be there, every day, seeing you, and not being able to do something as simple as give you a hug, Nes. I can’t be there and pretend like things are fine, and that I’m not completely miserable. I can’t. I can’t do that. I’m not ready for that.”
The brush of her fingers against his arm felt like a brand and it took everything in him not to rip it from her grasp.
“I’m going to get ready,” he said, as calmly as he could. “I’ll see you at work. Viv will be there at noon to watch him.”
Her fingers fell away as he stepped out of reach and walked back through the living room and down the hall. As always, he never slammed the door. He never let his anger get the best of him. She heard it shut with a soft click.
Nesta whirled, her eyes falling on Nyx. He was a sticky mess, oatmeal and smashed strawberries all over his hands and cheeks, but he was looking right at her. “Mama,” he repeated, holding out the empty bowl for her. As if he was saying, all done.
She gave him the best smile she could muster, before crossing the room and taking the bowl from him. “Thank you, sweet boy.”
A few minutes later, she’d left the bowl soaking in the sink, had wiped him down as best she could and had nabbed a pair of leggings from Elain’s clean laundry. She didn’t want to have to interrupt Cassian to ask about her dirty dress.
Without another word to anyone, she packed Nyx up in the car and was gone, heading for home. A few minutes later, she pulled in the driveway, but she couldn’t ignore the fact that something was missing.
Without that stupid truck parked next to her car, it didn’t feel quite like home. Going inside and not finding a game on the TV, or the smell of bacon cooking this early, it didn’t feel like home.
Without Cassian there, nothing did.
And she knew she was the only one to blame.
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