hadescrow333 · 7 months
Ok so today is Friday the 13, and I absolutely adore this day. And because of this I am gonna make this post dedicated to the conspiracyingly (I don’t care if that’s not a word it’s my word ha ha) history origin of Friday the 13.
Yes yes I knoooow I’m supposed to be Greek mythology and stuff, but like come ooooon this is interesting stuff I’m actually considering making this blog dedicated to Greek myths, Norse myths, folklore, etc etc I just really think that would be super cool (maybe I’ll do like each month a different mythology)
Anyways let’s get arolling
Norse mythology might have something to do withe it.
So fun fact the name of Friday derives from frigga, who was the allmother of gods wife to Odin.
So we all know the tale of baldir and the mistle toe? (Well if you don’t that tale is definitely coming in December because it’s sorta Christmasy)
In viking myth, 12 gods were having a banquet in Valhalla. Unbeknownst to them though, there was a 13th uninvited guest. This uninvited guest was…LOKI!!
I love Loki so much I could dedicate a whole blog about just him. I love him just as much as I love hades they be my favourite gods.
So Loki (who is the god of mischief for anyone who doesn’t know) arrived and was all like blergh it’s me, then deceived Hodr (who is the blind god of darkness) into shooting Baldir withe a mistletoe tip arrow, thus killing him.
And yes yes I know it’s a very vague description of the myth but this post isn’t dedicated to the myth only the context.
And frigga was heartbroken from the death of her beloved favourate son.
And since Friday was named after frigga, and the 13th person killed who she loved dearly, Friday the 13 is said to bring bad luck and sorrow.
Another story that could have contributed in Friday the 13 being ya know, bad luck, is in the Christian era.
So again a dinner party, the last supper, which if you don’t know what it is it’s basically the last supper Jesus had before his arrest and it was when he showed his followers he would be the Passover lamb of god (aka what he was about to do for the behalf of mankind). If you want more information just look it up, google probably explains it better.
So Jesus and his crew of the 12 disciples were seated at the table. And the 13th person to sit down was Judas, who is the disciple who betrayed Jesus, and a big contributor to the crucification. It is also believed that the crucification happened on Friday the 13, but it isn’t stated specifically, it only states that his crucification was on “Good Friday”
Oh and still staying in biblical terms, even further back was withe Adam and Eve. It is believed that they ate the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge (not to be confused withe the tree of life) and were kicked out of the garden of Eden on Friday the 13, ANDDD even moreso was supposedly the day Cain murdered his brother Abel.
Now that we sorta understood why Friday is unlucky, we can now go onto specifically the number 13. So one of the reasons why 13 might be seen as unlucky is due to it coming after 12
12 is considered a complete number, withe there being 12 months in a year, 12 hours on a clock, 12 signs of the zodiac, 12 Olympians, 12 tasks of Hurcles, 12 stations of the sun and moon, etc etc.
So 13 is considered erratic and unlucky.
And obviously modern culture hasn’t really helped either, withe the movies and books about how unlucky and horrory Friday the 13 is.
So yeah, there’s probably a lot more reasons for this, but in all honesty, there is no reason but moreso reasonS. Seriously, lots of reasons why Friday the 13 could be considered unlucky.
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hadescrow333 · 7 months
Hmmm imma do the 12 Titans because why not. Each day one titan and then go to the 6 children of Kronos and then the 12 Olympians
And yeeess I know the olympians have some of the children of Kronos in it but I know what I’m doing shush.
The first out of the twelve titans.
The eldest titan was Oceanus. One of his titles are god of fresh water, he was actually the dude who controlled the huge backward flowing fresh water river that circled the whole earth (at the time the earth was thought to be flat)
That River was called the River Oceanus (yes yes how disappointing it doesn’t have a funky difficult spelling name shame shame)
This river was the source of ALLLL of earth’s fresh water, and all the streams and rivers drew their water from it. Well, most actually drew from its water using the clouds and subterranean aquifers. BUT some rivers, such as Styx, flow directly from it.
Actually cool fact the river was a symbolism of the eternal flow of time. Why you might ask? Well it’s because it was believed that the sun, moon, and stars allll rose from its waters, and set into it as well. Cool right? Well I think it’s cool.
I love Greek mythology and the weird facts it poses, yes I’m a Greek mythology nerd AND I DONT FEEL ANY EMBARRASSMENT GREEK MYTHOLOGY IS COOL plus if your reading this that means your also a Greek mythology nerd yaaay insert high five. I DIGRESS
Anyways so yes I’m going to tell a little more about this river because I think it’s cool and I know it’s getting a tad off topic but oh well it’s my post I do what I want
So the beyond the river lay a dark and Misty shore, which was the farthest edge from the cosmos. This was also the place where the sky dome rested its edges upon the flat earth.
Oh aaand from below this was the pit Tartarus, which rose up to meet up withe the earth and the sky.
The sky dome and the pit of Tartarus actually created a large egg shaped sphere, which enclosed all of the cosmos. It was divided into two halves, the above half being the gods and men. The bottom half (the one under the flat earth) was Tartarus. Haides (the underworld) was located on the outer rim of of the earth, beyond the setting sun. But on some versions shares the bottom half of the dome withe Tartarus. It’s all agreed though that Tartarus is under the underworld, and its entrance pit is in the underworld, therefore it’s usually seen as part of the underworld.
So back to Oceanus. He, along withe his wife (sister-wife) Tethys, and his three thousand daughters the Okeanides (Holy Hell that’s a lot of kids 😬), reside and are native gods of the river. Though the Helio (the sun) and Eos (the dawn) and Selene (the moon) also reside there withe their own little palaces on islands in the river.
Hmm what else…
So he was the eldest titan child of Ouranos and Gaia.
And he was actually one of the gentlest and peaceful gods/titans. He’s usually depicted as a large half man half serpent withe bull horns (he might seem terrifying, but you should have a healthy fear of even the most peaceful gods, they could easily smite you withe not even a glance)
That’s all folks! Have a nice 24 hours and tomorrow shall be the next titan.
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hadescrow333 · 7 months
I have a pounding headache today so I guess today is the day to do Athena’s myth
Zeus decided pull a Kronos and eat his wife Metis due to a prophecy of Gaia’s that their second child would be more powerful then him
So he’s all like nope nuhuh that’s no good and swallowed her
First let’s talk about Metis. So Metis was one of the titan goddesses, as well as a member of the elder okeanides. For those who don’t know, the elder Okeanides were a group of three thousand nymph goddesses who presided over all of earth’s freshwater. I’ll make a different post to go into more depth about them (because it. is. super! interesting!!!)
Metis was the titan goddess of wisdom, as well as planning, cunning, and good council. (Fun fact is that she was actually a counsellor of Zeus during the titan war AND was the one to make the plan to make Kronos regurgitate his…children…(some of thee peeps might not know that story I’ll post it at some point 👍)
So now she’s swallowed whole, (insert sarcastic yay..) that’s fun innit?
Once swallowed Metis resided in Zeus’ stomach, where she gave birth to their first child (drumroll pleaaase) Athena!!
In some versions it says that Metis sort of…dissolved into a thought instead of being a physical body. In others it says she just sorta resides there. Oh and In others it says that she made Athena armour.
So Metis is just chillaxing in his stomach, but Athena is having none of this and decides to climb into his head…(look Greek myths don’t have to make sense they’re gods for gods sake)
And so let’s pan back to Zeus, he’s probably just chilling getting handfed grapes ya know the norm, when suddenly BAM onsalt of the worlds worst headache ever.
So now he’s in pain, and after a few days of agony he goes and asks Hephaestus (holy hell that’s hard to spell. Hahaha poet and I know it) he asks Hephaestus to (insert sigh) split his head open withe an axe…yeah…
Well Hephaestus (Bless him I love him) was like ooook and so clocked Zeus in the head withe an axe (oye Hephaestus gimme the axe lemme do that as well)
Though in other versions Zeus screams so loud from the pain all the gods came to see what the problem was, Hermes realized the problem, and then directed Hephaestus to wedge and spit Zeus’ head open.
And then out sprung Athena (seriously puts a whole new perspective of children being called headaches by their parents) full clothed and fully grown.
This is one of the reasons why she’s called a goddess of wisdom, is because of the way she sprang into existence.
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hadescrow333 · 7 months
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hadescrow333 · 7 months
Ok I’m in my “hades hades hades rant hades” phaze today so here’s it
People forget hades is the one who CONTROLS death. He’s not the god of death, no that Thanatos, but he is of the god of dead
He might not be the one to personally take up your soul, but he’s the one who controls and holds it, there’s a reason why Thanatos works for hades, and isn’t the one controlling the dead
He’s the one who chooses your fate after death
He’s the one who is the ruler of death and everything else that comes withe it
Nyx the one Zeus fears? He shared a domain withe them, and Nyx ALLOWED him to be the ruler
Erebus, who used to be the supreme deity after upsurping chaos? HE ALLOWS HADES TO BE THE RULER OF THE DOMAIN
You have to think about it for a second
Hades was the first god ever
Zeus and all them thought that they gave hades a ruler of a seemingly worse domain then theirs
Because Zeus couldn’t control the underworld
The underworld before hades came along to rule over it was the closest thing to the beginning of the universe. A blank emptiness of seemingly nothing but in reality housed chaos and Nyx and Erebus and all the original deities that are literally a domain, they are not gods of a thing, THEY ARE THE THING
and Zeus saw that and was like Ope can’t control that
So he gave the rule to hades, thinking oh he can’t control this this is just a place to put him since I have to go withe my agreement of giving them part of the world BUT dont want to
So he gave hades the underworld thinking it would crush him
And what’s even more is that he’s not as powerful as Nyx or Erebus, BUT THEY LET HIM RULE THEIR DOMAIN
And he doesn’t control it, no no you can’t control it that’s the wrong thing Zeus was trying to do
No no hades gave order to it, he compromised withe it, and since the underworld is literally a diety of its own, he doesn’t control it he brings order to literally chaos
He gives the underworld a purpose, a house for the dead
He allows equal power and doesn’t try to be a tyrant to the deities that were already there
He works among side them
And you have to remeber
Kronos was also the seemingly weakest of his siblings, and he was then made king of the cosmos supreme ruler of all
Oh also
Hades literally houses the monsters of Tartarus
Hades literally has the world in his hands, he may not control a seemingly better deal domain, but everything comes to his control sooner or later.
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hadescrow333 · 7 months
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hadescrow333 · 7 months
As this is my first post, I find it appropriate to start off withe the beginning of creation (accourding to Greek mythology of course)
This portion of the myth will not be dedicated to the gods singular, those will be later posts where each god/titan/etc gets their own post
There are many different stories contradicting eachother, so I’ll try my best to either explain each one or just go withe the one that’s most popular
In the beginning of creation there was only khaos, whom was a great void of nothingness (so very chaotic right?). Then suddenly pop came Gaia, who’s basically Mother Nature earth peep, Tartarus, the deepest pits of the underworld (I love this word TaRtArUs), Eros (but honestly I think it means the personification of love instead of EROS EROS because most versions state Eros is Aphrodite’s child), then Erebus, Darkness (and an amazing name to name a cat), and Nyx, the night (another great cat name) (also the only peep Zeus fears, which I think is pretty cool)
So Gaia (without the help of male productivity) then gave birth to Uranus, who is the sky and I will call Ouranos because that is what I was taught when learning Greek mythology (books my peeps)
Though some accounts state that Gaia and Ouranos were both made from Chaos instead of Gaia birthing him.
Oh and cool little fact, the sky was thought to be a brass dome by the Greeks, and Ouranos was the personification to that brass dome. Brass you may ask? Why brass? Why so specific? That’s the same question I thought to myself, and therefore searched for the answer and actually there was a reason for this. The Greeks did not think of colour in colour, but in scales of brightness. And I guess the Greek thought the sky was shiny, like brass. (Think of that one piece of work where the ocean was deemed wine dark)
Oh I also should probably add that the family history includes Erebus overthrowing Chaos, and then Erebus being overthrown by his children, but that’s a long story I’ll dedicate to another post)
Gaia and Ouranos then became a thAng, and I could go all poetic about how oh the sky and the earth were bound for loneliness so against the odds given to them they became one together, but no I’m not going to because I’m such a good poet. I digress.
Oh and my dude Ouranos decided it would be cool to decree himself supreme deity, cool cool my(😬) dude.
Anyways, Gaia and Ouranos hit it off and had some premeditated children. (Yes. This wording is purposeful. No. I will not explain.)
Now to go into the kids of Ouranos, yay..
(There is no foreshadowing here folks!)
So Ouranos sired children withe Gaia, the first set being six sons. Three Cyclops (one eyed peeps), there names being Brontes, Arges, aand Steropes. And three (insert me staring at the google search of how to spell this) Hecatonchires, named Briares, Cottus, and Gyges. They were dubbed the One Hundred Handed Ones(I’m pretty sure if you’ve read Percy Jackson Briares is in a part of it(?))
Well, Ouranos was awfully concerned about how powerful these giants are, so he locked them away. There is some debate about where he locked them up, but it’s widely believed he locked them in the deepest pits of Tartarus.
Gaias, as most mothers would, did not quite agree withe this, and wasn’t all too happy withe him. This is fine, nothing is bound to happen right? (…)
Oh little fun fact about myself, while doing this I had my big ole mythology book that I love and have no recollection of getting (I just found out I stole it from my father, and he’s never getting it back), but do know it is a good flower press. And very informative (which is good because it’s huge and has a very decient portion that is deticated to Greek myths yay) My delicate dried flowers are falling (I mean, sorta, I would never actually let them fall but they are taking damage and potential destruction so it COUNTS) as I type this out, know I have sacrificed greatly to bid thee information I already know and honestly only need the book for spelling (yes I am proud of my useless knowledge of Greek myths) I DIGRESS.
So as this is happening (or maybe after, it doesn’t directly state, only specifically states that the giants were first created before the titans) Gaia also birthed the 12 Titans. Who are Oceanus, Tethys, Hyperion, Theia, Coeus, Phoebe, Kronos, Rhea, krios, Japetus, Themis, and Mnemosyne.
So Oceanus was the titan god of the great oceanic river that forever circles the world. (I. WILL. EXPLAIN. In another post this is getting long and I’m not even halfway done) His wife is his sister Tethys (if you don’t like it go away because you definitely won’t like Greek mythology, oh and they practically don’t have the same DNA or morals as us sooo)
Hyperion was the first sun god, and his sister Theia was his wife.
(You do not know how hard it is to not digress and spill facts and stories BECAUSE THERES SO MUCH THAT ISNT SAID ON HERE the only thing saving me is that I have other posts I can rant about them on)
Coeus, who isn’t very important other then his offsprings tales, wived his sister Phoebe.
Kronos, the youngest of the bunch, married to Rhea, who was the titan of motherhood, and other foreshadowing things.
Ok this is getting long the rest of them are Krios, Japetus, Themis (goddess of justice), and Mnemosyne (goddess of memory)
So let’s get back to Gaia, as I said before she was livid at Ouranos for ya know yeeting her giant children to the great pits of Tartarus, and then imprisoning her titan children in her womb, so she took her titan children and was all like “oh my dear lovelys please go kill your father for me?” And then committed one of the most famous divorces in all of mythology.
Gaia created flint to make a sickle, then once done making it she told one of her titan children to murder their father withe it. I like to guess all of them looked at her in bafflement, for none of them took the sickle from her offered hand, except for one. (Insert mic drop)
Kronos, youngest and seemingly weakest decided he was worthy and took the sickle.
Then they conspired a plan, the plan being several versions. The main version being; for Kronos to strike once Ouranos and Gaia are settled down to lay, and the some of the other titans holding him down (another post my friends another post). So this is what Kronos did.
Once Ouranos was laying down withe Gaia, Kronos went boo, and castrated Ouranos withe the sickle. He then threw the genitals into the ocean (where Aphrodite was created by the sea foam where the genitals fell, later on but that’s a story for another post) From his blood giants popped up, as well as the Erinyes, furies who tormented the criminal minds later on when humans were a thing, and ash tree nymphs.
It’s not stated clear what exactly happened to Ouranos, some versions state that he died, that he withdrew from the earth, or that he exiled himself to Italy. (Yes. Italy. Very specific right? And there. Is. No. Elaboration.) All that’s known is that as he deported he said the Kronos “you shall be punished” (very original)
Yup ok that’s all I’ll do the gods and that age later byeee
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