#ouatiw rewatch 2022
intothewickedwood · 2 years
Once Upon A Time In Wonderland Rewatch: 1x05 Heart of Stone
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Who is that who says “so you’re just going to jump through some magic mirror?” in the recap. Is it Ana’s mum? I thought that hadn’t happened yet. Hmm.
Hmm, it sounds like her mum, but her mum never says that in the actual show. Strange to add it in the recap.
Why is the mum so posh and she isn’t? Maybe her mum’s putting on an accent too lol.  
Why does she want a Queen for a daughter? Does she have royal blood or did her mum expect her to meet a prince at a ball, like in Cinderella?
Anastasia’s Mum: “But when you come back, bring a bucket, because the only way you’ll be coming back inside my house is to empty my chamber pot.” Nice mother is nice.
The mum mentions that Anastasia has sisters, then there’s the fact that her name’s Anastasia and her mother wants her to clean her chamber pot. I was not the only one that thought she was canonically Anastasia Tremaine after all those clues. It just seems so obvious! I was so hoping that she would appear in Cinderella’s episode in s6 but then both the stepsisters in that episode were named something different. Then I really thought she was in that coffin in s7 but it was an entirely different Anastasia. A missed opportunity! I wonder if it’s possible that there are multiple Cinderella tales in one realm, or perhaps her family are originally from Oz or something. I mean, there’s a Hansel and Gretel from both the Enchanted Forest and from Oz.
Will: “I love you for who you truly are, not for what I want you to be.” That’s beautiful! And then she becomes what her mother wants her to be and stops being her true self. *Cries forever.*
Alice: “There you go. In case of rain or Snow or anything that might fall from the sky.” Aww Alice put a blanket on Will’s statue. That’s so freaking sweet of her! Stap! And she looks so sad, I can’t! Give her back her big bro, dammit.
I love Alice and Anastasia’s interactions. So much tension.  
The Red Queen: “I seem to remember a little girl in a blue dress wanting her father’s love.” Okay, first of all, that’s so sad but also it begs the question, how does Anastasia know this? Did Alice perhaps trust her at one point, even so much as to confide in her? I’d have loved to have seen more of their backstory.
Marcus Tremaine!Tweedle, I still don’t understand why you’re helping Jafar.
I would never make a deal with Jafar. I’d take Anastasia’s any day over his. Though I still wouldn’t trust her.
If I were Alice, I’d be worried the Red Queen would throw me off that cliff for funsies.
Anastasia imitating a posh accent and then adopting it is one of the funniest things in this show. Especially when she does it in front of Will, cause, like, who are you fooling, girl?? Like she has to make a conscious decision to put on that accent 24/7 lol.  
Listen, there’s not really anything wrong with age gaps, so long as everyone is of age and it’s consensual (looking at you, Leopold), I mean, the gap here’s gotta be similar to that of Rumple and Belle’s, but still this King creeps me out. Maybe it’s because of the Leopold and Regina parallel.  
Why is the Red Queen putting her hand on Alice’s shoulder? She wants to feel like she’s pushing her off the cliff.
You would not catch me walking off a freaking cliff! That is some display of faith and bravery Alice shows.
Now that I think of it, why does the Red Queen try to ruin Alice’s life? What did she even do to her? Was it always about reuniting the genies or did Alice, like, steel from her or something?
Oh snap! She fell!
And somehow did not die. Maybe it’s like Spy Kids 2 when Carmen and Juni fall into a volcano but really they’re only experiencing the illusion of falling.
Where is that looking glass now, because that would have come in really handy for getting Alice and Will back home, rather than them having to rely on the rabbit.
Ana and Will just wanna be together but they don’t realise that the reason everything is going wrong is because he stole Maleficent’s cursed artifacts. I wonder if it’s the looking glass that’s cursed. Either way, I never noticed that detail before, but it makes so much sense. If only Will had heeded Maleficent’s warning.
Bless Cyrus. He really wanted to save the other prisoner.  
It’s strange how much the other prisoner cares for Cyrus, given what we know about him.
Jafar: “She enjoys tea parties? That’s the insight you give me?” Rabbit: “Well, it’s true.” Lol.
Jesus Christ, Jafar! He sliced poor Rabbit’s foot off! He’s so brutal!  
My mum’s scared of young Alice here lol.
Oh snap, creepy little Alice is a terrakinetic!  
Honestly Ana, that is what you get for standing so close to the edge!  
Creepy Little Alice: “Magic doesn’t work down here.” Anastasia: “Oh sh*t.”
It’s funny that both Alice’s in the Ouat world are confirmed to be pure of heart. Cool! I wonder who else is pure of heart. S7 Anastasia Tremaine is confirmed to be. I can see Anna of Arendelle and maybe Elsa being pure of heart. Maybe Henry too.
Ana likes her shiny things.
That double crossing-! What a freaking biatch, lying to Alice like that!  
Yesss! Alice, you genius! She kept some of the magic and it can protect her from dark magic!
Aww. The Rabbit doesn’t give Cyrus in. He wants him to find Alice.
What’s beyond the tower?
Lol, remember that time there was an advert of this show during s3 of ouat and they had Rabbit create a portal where Snow’s private parts were lmao! And Ginny said that’s how she got pregnant and then Josh said he was gonna kill that rabbit xD.  
Yeah, that’s probably why he creeps me out; he gives her an ultimatum, bribes her into marrying him. At least she has a choice but he’s rather manipulative.
I like Will’s outfits.
No, I can’t! Will’s face when he looks up at her. You can see his heart break. The betrayal and abandonment. It was supposed to be the two of them against the world. Gaaaah!  
Oh God, poor Will.
But the parallels to Cora’s backstory though! That might come into play later, for those who haven’t seen yet ;).
Oh! She wanted the magic so she could unpetrify Will. Okay, then her betrayal of Alice is more forgivable.
That maze is huge!
Oh! The magic can show her where Cyrus is! Awesome!
Cyrus is free! But I’m worried about Jafar’s warning that something worse awaits those who escape the castle.
Gosh, I’m enjoying this show so much!
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intothewickedwood · 2 years
Once Upon A Time In Wonderland Rewatch: 1x13 And They Lived...
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Last episode of the rewatch! I’m so not ready to say goodbye to this.  
Why did Jafar’s eyes turn white but not Amara’s, I wonder.
He was gonna straight up kill Amara when she wasn’t looking!
Jafar went through all this so his father could love him all just to kill him straight afterwards. Just wow.
“You've done it my Lord. Your father is dead! No one shall ever question your powers again! Yes! Doesn't this please you my Lord?” Jafar: “Yeah. Yeah, it's great, it's great. I just thought it might make me feel less empty inside.”
They’ve peaced out. That’s what you get for being so dramatic, Jafar!
Can’t Amara heal Cyrus straight away?  
Run, Jabber!  
Uh oh, he’s not afraid of anything.  
Hey! Come on, now! Leave her alone!
I actually feel really sorry for her. She’s just gotta spend the rest of her presumably immortal life alone in the dark. I guess Jafar found out about her betrayal.
Cyrus is okay!  
Alice and Amara bonding is so sweet.
Oh, so she could see and hear when she was the snake staff.
Ana’s okay!
And of course Jafar only brought her back to play his sick games.
Same Will. This makes me sick. He’s got her under a love spell!  
Jafar doesn’t even have feelings for Ana. He just wants to get back at Will. He’s so extra omg.
Alice about Ana: “So we’re just going to give up on her!?” Bless Alice.  
But she’s not willing to risk losing Will forever either. Actual siblings.
Please don’t go to that freaking well! I’m not strong enough!
Go Alice, coming up with another clever plan!
Aww, Amara looks so happy about her son and Alice.  
Nice to know Amara approves of Cylice.
And some mother-son bonding!  
Holy crap! They came from nowhere!
Okay, this is epic!  
Go Alice!
Amara doesn’t mess about. That’s some powerful marrionetakinesis!
Oh no!
Alice went to straight up punch Jafar in the face lol.
Alice is so disturbed by Jafar and Ana making out. Freaking same! I’m so uncomfortable!
It seems Jafar has the power to change the past without physically going back in time. I wonder how that works, exactly.
You can’t make it so she never met Cyrus!
She would still have come to Wonderland, however.
Jafar: “You’ll be back in that awful place… England.” Hahahaha!!
Jafar, why are you like this. You’ve got what you wanted. Leave them alone! He wants to target each of them where it hurts most because he’s a little bitch.  
Get your hands off Alice!
Jafar: “Then perhaps you’re underestimating my power.” Alice: “No. You’re underestimating mine. The love that Cyrus and I have is more powerful than any magic.” I love that! She has such faith that their love will transcend any spell, even one that can change the past. I want to have faith in love like that and I will try to.
He’s seeking affection from Ana to reassure himself that he is loved but Alice is right, as long as he continues on this path, he will never know love.
Alice: “Real love... true love, cannot be destroyed. That is why you, Jafar, will never win.” You tell him, girl!  
Don’t tell him, Ana!  
That is a powerful love spell.
Oh Lord, please, not her! Not the Woman from the Well!!
Scarlet Queen tlk baby!!
Her spell is broken!
Lmao, Will walking right into the barrier. And Ana’s little laugh when he does that is adorabubble.
Crap! Almost didn’t look away in time!!
Why’s she gotta talk like that?  
Amara, please, you do not wanna live with that creepy ass woman forever!
I always thought she walked in. I forgot Jafar killed her, but she turned to water and that went in the well so now her and Nyx are roommates, and every time Amara takes too long in the shower, Nyx emerges from the plug hole and yells at her to “give me back me wataah.” And they’ve just gotta live like that for eternity. Amara screams every time she’s just chilling and that creepy ass monster crawls out of the floor. My worst nightmare.  
I have no idea what’s going on because I refuse to look at Nyx.
Don’t mess with her water Jafar! She’s very possessive about her water. I bet it’s sparkling and mango flavoured or something. There’s gotta be a reason she gets so angry about it getting taken.  
Alice: “You didn’t steal this water from me. You stole it from her.” Holy shiitake mushrooms!
Okay, gonna rewind because I don’t think Nyx was in that scene. God, I really hope she’s not.
Oh cool, Rabbit can use his portals to travel from place to place in Wonderland.
Omg! He freaking kicked Rabbit into the sky! Poor guy!  
Okay not looking again.
Yes! Jafar’s a genie. Good! But damn he was such a great villain.
Uh oh, everything Jafar did has been undone. I wonder why not everything that Amara did was undone. At least Cyrus is okay because nothing she did was.
Oh no, Ana!  
Give Will a freaking break! What a day he’s had.
Cyrus reunited with his brothers.
Will: “In the end she did the right thing, you know.” Alice: “Of course she did, ‘cause she loves you.” Supportive little sis is supportive.
Alice: “She (Nyx) said the Red Queen was meant to move on, but Anastasia, her path was meant to continue.” I like that. It was a symbolic death of the Red Queen but shown with a physical death.
It was nice of the Woman of the Well to give them some of her precious water. She’s still the most terrifying thing I’ve seen in my whole life, though.
She’s alive!
Scarlet Queen finally properly reunited!
Aww, her father actually looks happy for her.
Edwin: “And I want to thank you for proving to me that it was real.” Alice: “Wonderland?” Edwin: “Forgiveness.” And that’s what Wonderland is, a place of growth. Much like the characters in Into the Woods go into the woods and come out different but having learned valuable lessons, that’s what each of the characters from this show has done.  
I’m glad Alice and her father can move forward with their lives now. And I like to believe he becomes a good father to her.
Cylice wedding! Cylice wedding!
Such a pretty wedding and Alice looks beautiful in her dress.
I really like that dress. It’s gorgeous!  
And, of course, Rabbit is marrying them.
Aww, Alice’s little sister looks so happy. I hope they became close.
Will standing up to jokingly protest lmao!
For a second I thought I heard Jafar’s voice and nearly freaked out! Imagine Jafar just walking in, like, “Sorry I’m late.”
I’m going to die!! My babies are married!!
Anna’s so happy for them too!
Rabbit: “Many people have come and gone from Wonderland but only the most special ones discover what it’s truly about.” Alice: “Finding love.” Rabbit: “Finding yourself.” Gosh, I feel like I’ve been on such a journey with them.
Alice and Ana hugging. They’ve come so far!
Alice and Will looking back at each other and Alice running over to him to say goodbye again is my favourite thing ever. I have tears in my eyes! Their friendship is so beautiful!!  
There is so much unsaid in that hug. They’ve been through so much together.
Alice: “I just want to thank you so much for everything. Hold on to your heart this time, alright?” Will: “You hold onto yours.” This literally gives me chills. They care so much for each other. I adore Cylice and Scarlet Queen but my favourite relationship in this show will always be Alice and Will’s. Big bro and little sis forever.
I wonder how Will and Ana became the White King and Queen. Did they overthrow the original or was there never anyone in that position? I’m glad they restored Wonderland together.
Alice and Cyrus’ kid plays young Cruella as well.
Alice wrote Alice’s Adventure’s in Wonderland! Well, her own version. Awesome!
Look at their little family. Adorable!
Rabbit, please do not kidnap that child by leading her to Wonderland. She’s happy with her parents! Ah well, her Uncle Will and Auntie Ana will look after her.
I have loved this Wonderland adventure, as always. It is such an amazing and unique experience and I highly recommend watching if you haven’t already.  
And that’s it! I can’t believe it! I started this rewatch, beginning with the main show on April 6th 2019 and have written and posted my thoughts almost every weekend since. It’s been a wild ride and has been such a big and enjoyable part of my Saturday for over 3 years now. I’m gonna struggle to say goodbye to it. It’s felt like having someone really familiar to talk to and to express myself to. Thank you to everyone who’s interacted in any way with these rewatch posts over the years. I’ve loved seeing your input! I can’t believe it’s come to an end. I’m gonna really miss it but I’m glad I saw it all the way through. Ouat and Ouatiw will forever be amongst my favourite shows.
Next week or the week after, I’ll probably list my top 5 episodes of each season and Wonderland and then I’ll make a post linking all episode reactions.
Goodbye Ouat Rewatch. It’s been totally awesome.
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intothewickedwood · 2 years
Once Upon A Time In Wonderland Rewatch: 1x10 Dirty Little Secrets
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Oh God, it’s HER! The Woman in the Well is gonna be in this episode and I am not okay. She is legit the most terrifying thing I’ve ever seen or heard so I will not be looking at her. I really hope I don’t see her by accident!
Cyrus was such a little sh*t back in the day. I still love him though. Cool to see he’s not perfect.
I think Cyrus is the middle brother, right?
What bastards! How did they find out where the brother’s lived? Cheating doesn’t warrant getting your house set on fire. Their poor mother!  
Will (about his bottle): “There’s not a lot of elbow room. And do you know what else there isn’t.” Alice: “Please don’t tell us.” Will: “A toilet!” God, I love there dynamic and for real, I was thinking that! Poor Cyrus, all that time with no toilet, no bath. Where’s a genie supposed to go?  
Anastasia: “Magical waters flow underneath all of the lands.” That reminds me of what August said to Emma in 1x13: “Water is a very powerful thing. Cultures as old as time have worshiped it. It flows throughout all lands, connecting the entire world. If anything had mystical properties, if anything had magic... well, I'd say it'd be water.” I guess that’s how mermaids can travel across realms. And it seems you can summon the guardian of the well from anywhere. Jesus Christ, she better not crawl out of my bath!! #neverusingwateragain  
The Jabberwocky: “... or would you rather talk about your 2 children, who are being bathed by their mother in the river as we speak? ‘How quickly can she get there?’, you're wondering. ‘How will she k*ll them? Will she have mercy on the baby?’ The answers are... very fast, very slow, and no. I don't care much for babies.” Got she’s chilling.
I wonder what she whispered to him. Something about Lizard?
The Jabberwocky’s definitely a telepath.  
Eww gross! Gross! Can’t believe they took out Lizard’s- now googly- eyes and are using them to see what she saw. Can’t they just use a dreamcatcher or something, like Emma used with Pongo. I guess it wouldn’t work because she’s dead. Poor Lizard.
I’m feeling sick looking at those!  
Apparently, Jafar’s chant; “De visu intueri. Visione revelare” is latin for “to look out of sight. To reveal a vision” according to good old, untrusty google translate.
It’s interesting that Jafar uses so much Latin to cast his spells. I don’t remember if we saw any other characters in Ouat use it. Maybe Amara taught him a whole other type of magic.
Alice: “Are you looking forward to seeing your brothers again?” Me: “You know who I’m freaking not looking forward to seeing again?!”
Rabbit really needs a break.
Wow. Ana really wants to help now. Good for her!
Jabber’s having so much fun playing peekaboo with Ana.
It’s like Jabber’s voice is coming from inside Ana’s head. So cool!
Oh snap! She’s been impaled! That looks painful!  
The way Jabber looks hurt and then starts laughing in a taunting manner.  
Ouch! And then just freaking stretches her way through the swords hilt like it’s nothing!
Ana looks like she’s going to collapse.
Oh, it’s fine, Jabber headbutted her unconscious instead haha!  
Jabber’s having so much fun. You go girl!
I love Ana too, but I just want Jabber to thrive, okay??
Love this door riddle.  
Everything he says is a lie so does that mean none of the doors lead to certain doom?
JESUS CHRIST!! My computer messed up, so I had to fast forward back to where I was, and I accidently saw some of the Guardian’s face and I am not okay!! Ngl, kinda terrified right now.
Be brave, Becky. Be brave. Whenever I’m scared, I try to think of myself as Charming wielding my sword and ready to face whatever comes for me. It really helped me because I used to be frightened of my own shadow. I still can be but it’s nowhere near what it used to be. Anyway, gonna pick up one of my toy swords and cuddle it for the remainder of this episode.
Okay, here she comes. Not looking. Not looking.
Why does she talk like that?! I want my mummy!  
Well, at least she said sorry for their suffering.  
So, is that riddle guy a human who’s been given instructions to tell lies or is he some sort of creature who can only tell lies?
Oh, he disappeared. Must be some sort of magical illusion.
Well done Alice for figuring that out! She’s actually pretty clever. I always forget that.
Jafar must be confused about Ana’s sudden change of accent.
Jafar: “It would never have worked out between us!” So, were they, like, together romantically? I’m so confused about that.
Now he’s stroking her forehead with his nose. What went on between them? Or are they just like that?
She’s coming again, isn’t she? Sh*t, sh*t, sh*t.  
Their mum’s okay!
And the big reveal! Cyrus’ mother is Amara! I think I remember this absolutely shook me.  
They’re so happy!
Tell him where his mummy is!
Also, don’t hurt me.
Amara: “She’s coming for you.” AAAAAAAAAH!
My worst nightmare! Run for your lives!!
I’m not watching her, but I know she just emerges from the water in the floor and that is the creepiest sh*t ever.
My mum and I always joke that because of her dreads, she’s Jamaican and we randomly say, “give me back me watah!!” in a scary Jamaican accent, while imitating her, to frighten each other. We’re of Jamaican descent, so it brings us endless joy.  
Will: “You know she can't hurt you.” Jabber: “I don't want to hurt you. I want to help you. You've suffered so much. You've already lived a life of fear, haven't you? You believe that if the prince had chosen you instead of your stepsister, then... your mother would have loved you. And now you fear that love is forever out of reach, and that deep, dark hole in your heart will remain empty... a hollow reminder... of the life you could have had. [ Laughs ] [ Inhales deeply ] Can you feel me inside that head of yours, drifting from room to room? I can see... everything. There's a darkness in you. It's like a disease. It's rotting you from the inside. You ran away from the only love you've ever had, and now you fear... ...you'll never get it back. You and I have something in common now. We both know exactly who you are. And you're terrified that it's only a matter of time before he knows, too. You can't ever get his love back. [ Gasps ] But that's not really what you want. Is it? Or you never would have donned that crown all those years ago. You made the right choice. Do it again. Wish for your precious... precious... crown.” Jabber’s powers are so cool! I love what she does. She is absolutely destroying poor Ana by getting in her head. Also, come on, a stepsister and a prince? She’s gotta be Cinderella’s stepsister, right?
Oh my God and the way she makes her wish for her crown and jewels. They seem like such silly items in the grand scheme of things, and she’s forced to wish for them, reminding her of the life she chose over Will. It was all worthless without love.
If I was Ana, I’d wish for a Pizza. At least you can do more than wear a pizza.
She can’t bear to see Will hurt.
You can tell Jabber is actually doing something inside Ana’s head. We can only see half of what she’s doing to affect her. She gives new meaning to the phrase, “messing with your head.”
That was such an awesome scene! I wish every ouat and ouatiw character was put through this so we could learn each of their deepest fears. So, I want a spin off series called: Fun Therapy Sessions with Jabber right before Therapy Sessions with Archie. I kinda wanna make a fic series about this. I’m a hurt/comfort gal, what can I say? If anyone wants a to write this, I’ll give you all my cookies!
Sweet of Tweedledum to still care about the Red Queen even though she was awful to him.
Cyrus: “Alice, you followed me. How much did you see?” Alice: “Oh not much. Just enough to give me nightmares for the rest of my life.”
Only 3 episodes left! I’m not ready to say goodbye! This series is awesome!
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intothewickedwood · 2 years
Once Upon A Time In Wonderland Rewatch: 1x09 Nothing to Fear
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Omg, poor Will. This could be a ride at Disney.
But Lizard didn’t rub the lamp, she just opened the bottle. Hmm. I suppose Alice didn’t rub it either. She just walked into it.
Oh snap! Did her towel fall down?!  
Woah! The way Will was dragged back! Poor dude needs a rest.
Lmao! I crack up every time Will says bollocks.  
I’m so happy Alice and Cyrus are back together!
Omg, was Anastasia watching them all that time?!
Does Alice not remember anything that happened?
Damn, Cyrus looks so good in that shirt.  
That caterpillar must have taken forever to get to the castle.
Where’s Ana gone?
Jesus Christ, Jafar! Chill for one second!
Interesting method of creating a location spell. Perhaps that’s how locator potions are made.
That’s cool that anyone can use a locator spell. Would have been a blessing for the characters of the main show if they knew or remembered that.
Omg, she’s coming!!
Oh, Jafar has met death, so to speak. So, he did die when the Sultan attacked him. I guess, somehow, his mother’s powers resurrected him, which, again makes me wonder if she has rendered him immortal.
Alice actually drawing her sword to defend the Queen! I did not see that coming!  
If they knock over those torches, won’t they set the ground on fire?  
Alice and Cyrus grasping fingers to comfort one another while they’re tied up. They’re so cute!!
Also, those mome raths sound terrifying.
They’re quite cute in the animated movie but I’d be petrified to face these ones while tied up in the middle of nowhere.
How did Alice get out of those binds?? Sheer determination!
The Queen just noping the heck out of there straight away xD.
Lizard makes me really sad.
And Will is so oblivious, bless him. She’s giving you major heart eyes, my dude!
That was a pretty loaded wish Lizard just made. It seems you can wish for more than one thing at once as long as they’re somewhat related things.
Oh man, unrequited love always gets me.
Jabber Jabber! Oh my God, she’s here!!! Loml. I love her so much!  
That disembodied voice. So creepy! Her powers are so cool!
“I’m not worried about getting inside your head. Don’t you see? I’m already in there.” Jafar’s like, “Oh sh*t.”
Cylice is life, Cylice is love.
Aaaaaah! He’s proposing!!
Cyrus is so charming. Can I marry him too?
God, I love them.
Don’t say it, Lizard! Don’t!  
That wish backfired in the worst possible way. She didn’t even mean to make a wish!  
Poor Lizard.
And poor Will. Not sure I’d ever make a wish after seeing how badly they can go.
Did Anastasia know Lizard? It seems like she did.
Uh oh! Ana’s Will’s master.
Alice: “Happily ever after can’t just be for us. It has to be for everyone, for all of wonderland.” The character development! Go Alice!
And Anastasia’s staying to fight too!  
Ow! That sword in the chest must be so uncomfortable for the Jabberwocky.  
I love how animalistic she is. I want to know more about her past!  
Okay but part of the reason I love her is because she’s played by the same actress who plays Dr. Sam Sharpe in my second favourite show, CBBC’s Jeopardy. Adored her in that! And Jabber is such a contrast to her role in that because Sam was super kind and caring. When my mum and I watch this, we joke that Sam had enough of Helen Stanich aggressively telling her what to do all the time and decided to go apesh*t. Also watch CBBC’s Jeopardy. It’s on youtube and it’s an amazing experience.
Whoever thought of this interpretation of the Jabberwocky was a genius. A human-like creature that can sense and make you relive your fears until you’re petrified to death? Incredible! And also, terrifying.  
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intothewickedwood · 2 years
Once Upon A Time In Wonderland Rewatch: 1x03 Forget Me Not
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Oh God. Oh Lord. Oh Damn. I think this is the episode with that scary ass monster man. Okay, okay, I can do this. I haven’t watched this show alone in a long time, and even then my mum and I cover our faces when he’s on screen. I’ve tried, I really have. He’s just one of the most goddamn frightening things I’ve ever seen. Last time I tried, I felt lightheaded but that’s just me. He might not be scary at all to y’all.
This recap will be mostly me freaking out.
The Merry Men are here. And we find out Will was one of them.
Will’s in trouble for public nudity lmao!
Omg Jafar and Ana sitting at a dinner table in front of Cyrus’ cage. These two are so unbelievably extra lol.
Jafar and Ana seem to be on very friendly terms today.  
The Caterpillar likes to make deals? Rumplestiltskin confirmed.
Will: “Pleasure to see you again!” Some dude: “Don’t pleasure me!” Will: “I wouldn’t dream of it.” What the hell? Lol.
My mum’s scared of the Caterpillar. I think it’s to do with the human face but I’m okay with him. I currently have Chillin’ the Regrets from Alice By Heart in my head. I’ll probably have a lot of songs from that musical in my head throughout this show. It’s the perfect companion musical for ouatiw and it’s amazing!  
She can be pretty smart. Rather intuitive. I guess I never noticed that before about Alice.  
Wtf Robin?! Why’d you cut his hand?? Oh it’s a cult. Checks out.
Robin: “No, that’s not what we are! People call us thieves, but we actually just steal sh*t and hurl it at those less fortunate so they go to jail instead!”  
Robin: “What for? We’ve swept the area clean.” Umm. What even from regular families who aren’t even that well off? I guess it could just be a rich area but unlikely.
Will’s so tender with Ana. The music is haunting.
But I didn’t realise he intended to betray the Merry Men like that. He never believed in their cause.
Oh Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ!!! He’s here! Okay it’s fine. My eyes are closed. I didn’t see him. It’s okay. Breathe Becky.
It’s so scary because if you stop to look at another scene you don’t know when it will change back to the monster man.
My heart is pounding so freaking fast.  
Jafar and Ana flirting again. I guess I never noticed it before. Maybe he always had a thing for her.
Maleficent’s here, cool!
Maleficent: “Return the other treasure you stole from me. While it’s power is alluring, it will only bring you misery.” Oh! Did Will take Mal’s other treasure? That could be why everything went terribly wrong with Ana after they took it! That’s so clever if they did take it.”
I’m freaking out! All I hear is loud noises. Help!
I’m still not looking.
The White Rabbit betrayed them, darn it!  
Oh snap! The Caterpillar’s gonna tell Jafar about Will and Ana!  
I thought Alice suspected the White Rabbit but she just admitted she’d never have suspected him.
The reveal that Ana is the Red Queen! I think I was pretty shocked when I first watched.  
They’re so cute. Help!
I expected the looking glass to be bigger. I wonder why Maleficent had a portal to Wonderland.
Will: “I love you Anastasia.” Ana: “And I love you Will Scarlet.” Omg look at them!!
They were so naive and in love.  
I wonder why Ana specifically wanted to go to Wonderland. That place is dangerous, girl. And the EF is already filled with magic.
Oh! It finished there! I wasn’t expecting that!
I can relax now!  
Excited for next week’s much less terrifying episode.
This one’s not as long as usual but I had my eyes closed half the time. But I have to say, I am really enjoying rewatching this. The fear is part of the fun!
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intothewickedwood · 2 years
Once Upon A Time In Wonderland Rewatch: 1x08 Home
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Oh, I love the falling stars. It would be incredibly dangerous in real life, considering how huge and hot I hear stars are, but it just seems so romantic. And anything’s possible in Wonderland.
Alice and Cyrus are so damn cute.
The compass idea is so cool, as well. God, I love this show.
What the hell?! Leave them alone, random dudes! They were having a nice date.
How do they know he’s a genie? Have they seen him before? Maybe he should start wearing disguises. Or, if there was a kind magic user, they could put the spell that Rumple put on Regina in ‘2x20 The Evil Queen’ on him. Maybe make it so only he and Alice can see the real him. But I guess there’s no kind magic user around, except for Cyrus and I imagine that would require a carefully worded wish. It could be disastrous. Alternatively, they could just go back to the Victorian England realm.
I love Alice fight scenes. She’s so badass!
Oh no! She’s hurt!
Oh my God! That’s a lot of blood!
Alice: “Where were you?” Will: “Sorry, nature was calling.” Alice: “Really? What did it say?” Will: “Nothing you want to hear, trust me.” Lmao!
Cyrus go weee!  
I wonder if actors really have to hang upside down for scenes like this. It must take hours. Is that even safe?
Oh my God, he heard it through the grape vine. Literally! This show istg. I’m stealing that one for my book.
Oh snap! Jafar’s got the bottle!
If only they had that accursed looking glass, then they wouldn’t have to worry about the White Rabbit’s loyalty.  
I love that the White Rabbit’s wife is Whoopi Goldberg. Awesome! Love her movies!  
Baby bunnies!  
What is a baby bunny called? Oh wow! They’re actually called kittens or kits!! That’s wild!  
Can’t Cyrus jump off that carriage and run? I guess he’s weakened from being upside down all that time.
Why’d Jafar break the genie bottle?!  
Oh, was it a fake? Clever Anastasia.
Alice to the White Rabbit: “I do understand.” *Hits Will* Will: “Me too. I also apparently understand.” I love them xD.
Oh. She tied Cyrus up with a vine? Surely, he could easily break through that. It must be magic.
Bless Cyrus, he was so worried.  
Rabbit! I know you’re worried about Alice but she loves him! Don’t warn him away from her!  
Oh dear, poor Marcus Tremaine!Tweedle.
What’s Jafar gonna do with the Red Queen’s hair?
Oh snap! He messed up her castle! I can’t remember if he destroys it completely.
Scarlet Queen’s theme music is so unique and haunting. I like it!
Rabbit: “My bunnies! My little bunnies!” Aww. His kittens!
Anastasia and Cyrus have to be, like, the one ship I look at and feel seem incompatible to me. I just can’t see it at all.  But that’s just me. For those who ship it, that’s awesome!  
What is he doing with her hair? Oh yeah, sending a deadly storm to attack her. That’s some cool and unique magic! Dangerous though! Incredibly dangerous.
I’d love to go on wild adventures with the love of my life like Cyrus and Alice. It’d be so fun!
Why is she wearing that bandage over her dress?
But someone could accidently walk into their hide out. It needs a good protection spell as well.
Ooh, pretty fancy in there. Where’s the toilet? Is it next to the kitchen lol?  
To think, it's been here all along, somewhere to belong, and a reason, a 'something' to believe in. I've finally found it, a place where I'm wanted. This must be how it feels to have a home.  
If you know where those lyrics are from, you get so many cookies.
Uh oh, what’s Rabbit up to? Why didn’t he want to go into the tent with them?
Will bouncing on the bed, lol.
Come on Alice, chill out, girl.
Alice and Cyrus reunited at last!!
I wonder if the White Rabbit is the only rabbit who can make portals. Can his family? Is it a genetic thing or did he learn how to make them? Can only rabbits make them without a hat or can humans learn to/be born portal creators as well?
Let the rabbit make a portal and all get out of there, quick!
The tension in this scene is amazing!
You can tell it’s going against every bone in Anastasia to appear vulnerable in front of Alice.  
She dropped the fake posh accent lol! Alice must be, like, wtaf is going on with this woman?!
The confession that she’s doing all this for Will!
Anastasia: “I would give up my crown. I would give up anything, everything just to go back to a time when you loved me.” Agh! It hurts!!
Quickly! Get out of there, guys!
She’s so desperate! I don’t blame them for not trusting her, but they don’t have much of a choice.
Oh my God! The lightning rebounded off Ana and hit Will!
That looks so freaking painful!
Oh snap! Alice wished that if Will died, she would die too. Nooo! Help them!
Oh man, but it looked like she was gonna die before Will. I guess that’s just how unpredictable wishes can be.
What does Anastasia mean when she says to an injured Will, “you don’t have eight days”? Why eight days specifically? Is it just a mistake with the subtitles?
Bless Will, uses his wish to end Alice’s suffering, even when he’s dying too. The best big bro!
Everyone’s freaking out. Where’s Will?!
Oh no! Poor Will’s a genie! Can this guy ever catch a break?
Oh no! His bottle’s gonna fall down a waterfall! That’ll be some ride!  
Gosh, you’ve gotta be so, so specific with wishes or it can end in complete disaster. It takes your wish and can twist it in so many different ways. You could wish for a block of cheese and then a giant freaking hamster will turn up and bite your head off. Wild!  
Loved that ep!
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intothewickedwood · 2 years
Once Upon A Time In Wonderland Rewatch: 1x06 Who’s Alice?
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This is my absolute favourite episode! So excited!!
What did Jafar do to the guy who’s suit he stole?
See Jafar agrees with me that Alice is blonde. My mum and I always disagree about hair colour. She and wiki say she has light brown hair. But Jafar knows what’s up.  
This prisoner confuses the heck out of me. You wouldn’t expect someone like him to believe in the power of true love. Maybe Cyrus had a really great affect on him.  
Listen dudes, don’t mess with Alice or she will beat the ever-loving sh*t out of you.
Told them so.
Aww, Alice’s little sister just wants to help. Bless her.
Ugh. It must hurt Alice so much to see her father playing happy families when he could never do the same with her.  
I wonder if Edwin told his wife about Alice. I’m guessing he did. He probably told her she was a troubled girl who went missing.  
Oh my freaking God, he didn’t even tell Millie she had a sister. Edwin is such a terrible father and not even in a villainous way like most terrible parents in this show. He’s just so damn neglectful, to the point of letting his kid, no older than 10, wonder off on her own to God knows where at least twice. At least lock the doors, dude! He should have been watching her if he knew she was a runner and even if she wasn’t he could have at least hired a nanny to watch her! You’d think he’d have learnt from the first time she disappeared for years.  
I wonder if the last time he saw Alice was when she said she was going to prove Wonderland was real in 1x01 or if he saw her after that. And I wonder if it feels like less time has passed for Alice. Maybe if time in Wonderland feels like it moves differently.
I love the Black Forest. It’s so cool! And it would be so freaking scary to go there alone, especially if you had no source of light.
Alice is much braver than I am. My heart would be thrashing out of my chest if I had to go in there.
Will: “You ever been stoned?” Random dude: “Maybe you’ve been messing with the wrong stuff.” loool!
Very kind of that man to give him water.
The Black Forest really does feel super spooky.  
Oh snap! Her light!
Alice: “Please stay alight. Please! No, no, no, no, no.” Omg same.
Phew! She’s so lucky she got out of the forest in time. Imagine if her light had gone out in the middle of the forrest with all those creepy noises!
Ooh and this garden’s so pretty. I love the concept of it, except for the whole turning into a tree part. But I’d totally stay there if that wasn’t the consequence! The music and the aesthetic literally make me feel so at peace.  
I feel a bit drowsy and giddy like Alice now. This scene is freaking 4D!
Alice: “Are you glad I’m back, father?” Edwin: *Doesn’t answer.* God, what a bastard.  
Millie’s lucky her mother didn’t die or leave because she’d have probably ended up in Neverland thanks to Edwin’s amazing parenting skills.  
What is a Tweedle? Are they human?
Okay, the way the Red Queen treats Marcus Tremaine!Tweedle finally explains why he betrayed her but Jafar is the one person he could have turned to that’s a million times worse than her!  
Lol, the purple mist hitting Will in the face and him just being, like, “What the hell?!”
At least Alice and Will are reunited!
Alice is high up to her eyeballs right now lol.  
Lmao! This scene is so funny! Alice ecstatically showing Will her flower pattern and Will being like, “What the bloody hell’s going on here? Who’s that?!” as the creepy smiling dude stares right into his face.  
Will: “And you took the necklace off and stopped everything to pick flowers, with Cyrus still a prisoner?” Alice: “Yes. Lol.” Will: “Why would you do that?” Alice: “Because it makes me happy!” Lmao!
But there is a sad side to it all. Happiness has been such a rarity in Alice’s life. Every time she finds it it gets ripped away from her. Her father didn’t care about her happiness. She was so alone for so long and then she found Cyrus. But so many forces have come against them, preventing them from being together. She just wants to be happy and now she finally has it and it doesn’t come with pain but it’s not real and it’s dangerous, and I cry!  
Aww, Millie’s so sweet. So excited to have a sister.
The Stepmother is so unnecessarily horrible to Alice. Like, what’s the issue? She’s just returned after being missing for years! She hasn’t done anything to you. I guess it’s just the fact that she’s not her kid and she doesn’t want Edwin to have a reminder of his ex-wife around.
Poor Alice is freaking shaking and experiencing symptoms of derealisation. She’s traumatised and isn’t allowed to speak to anyone about what she’s been through. They wouldn’t even believe her if she could. It must be very isolating.
Run, Cyrus!
Will: “Come on Alice, we’ve got to find Cyrus.” Alice: “Maybe in a little while. Have you felt the bark on these trees? It’s lovely!” Will: “I don’t want to feel the bloody bark!” Lmao! God, I love this episode!
My mum and I always quote “It makes you want to stay” with creepy, vacant smiles directed at each other haha!
Hey, I guess Alice in s7 saying “Who’s Tilly?” is a callback to this episode. Or maybe it’s from the book. I can’t remember.
I’m no expert but I wonder if the intention was to show that Alice has PTSD, with the nightmares, the flashbacks, the trembling and the derealisation.  
Gaaah. I just wanna give Alice a hug. She needs support and has basically none.  
Aww sister bonding! Millie really wants to help Alice and you can tell she already looks up to her. And Alice is so happy for someone to tell the truth to someone who believes her.
Millie really looks like her mum.
God, there treating it like it’s a crime for her to talk to her own damn sister.
Holy crap, she’s slashing that sword at poor Will like wild! That place has some powerful drugs.
Oh snap! My girl’s turning into a tree!
Bloody hell, she wants to be a freaking tree! Bless Will doing everything he can to prevent that.  
Ana even speaks in a  fake posh accent when she’s by herself lol.
Edwin: “It’s not like it is in the books. This place is very nice, very modern.” Me: *Looks back at episode 1* You sure about that Eddie?  
Edwin: “What part do you want me to believe, the genie or the talking rabbit?” Alice, in tears: “Me. You should believe in me!” God that’s so heartbreaking.
Wow Edwin, so she can get married to someone she doesn’t love or live in an asylum? Some choice!  
Will: “So I’m gonna help you remember, even if it kills me.” The bestist big bro.  
Will: “Then kill me, become a bloody tree.” Lmao. That line out of context though.  
Poor Will lol. He never gives up on her.  
But haven’t her legs turned into a trunk? How is she going to get out of that? Maybe her wanting to leave reverses the effects.
Oh, Alice didn’t want her father to visit the asylum. I don’t blame her after how he treated her. But at least he wanted to visit. That’s something, I guess.
God, that hurts. Poor Millie is innocent but it must be really freaking painful to see her sister get the life with and love from her father that she always desperately wanted.  
Oh gosh, all her pain is coming back at once, that must be horrible.
Ah, that place didn’t affect Will because he doesn’t have his heart.  
I love this episode so much!! The flashbacks are heartbreaking and the scenes in that magical grove were hilarious, with a very sad undertone given what we find out in the flashbacks. Forever my favourite!
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intothewickedwood · 2 years
Once Upon A Time In Wonderland Rewatch: 1x04 The Serpent
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Yay! I can relax this week. No scary monsters!
I do feel so sorry for young Jafar. I can see how his childhood influenced his personality.  
Listen, I love almost everything about Amara. I think she’s such an intriguing character and she’s beautiful, but the one thing I freaking hate is that she straight up groomed Jafar. Like, wtf?? It’s so gross. She has sons. Why would she do that to a young boy?? It makes me feel so freaking sick.  
The way everyone is so terrified of her, and Jafar looks her straight in the eye, pleading for her to help him. He’s so desperate. I wonder what made him think she, of all people, could save him. Maybe she reminded him of his mother.
Damn she’s compelling to watch.
Oh yeah, Ana sent the rabbit to Storybrooke to bring Will to Wonderland. I see your plan, girl.
Will: “Well, basically, we could die, or we could run.” Reminds me of when Rachel says in S Club’s LA 7: “We can either sit here in the spooky woods for hours and die, or we could go for a walk in the spooky woods for hours and.... die.”
Love how there’s huge-ass mushrooms in the forest. Very wonderland.
Aww, Alice is worried about Will playing decoy.
Of course wish bones are magical haha.
The Red Queen and Will together again! It must be so difficult for him to interact with her like this when he knows she’s putting on an act. She’s not his Ana anymore.
How did Amara become so evil? I know she was desperate and was willing to do anything to get back what she lost but I wonder why she felt she needed to make everyone afraid of her in the process.  
I think it’s so cool she has a fascination with serpents. She’s really obsessed with them lol. Amara: “When they need to, they shed their skin and are reborn.”
She encouraged him to give into darkness. He trusted her. It’s implied she practically raised him. She basically manipulated him for her own gain. Praised him in questionable ways when he obeyed her heinous instructions. She was they only source of love and validation in his life for most of his upbringing and she twisted it. And then, he went further than even she had gone. It’s really terrible when you think about it.  
Eww! Please don’t kiss! That’s so gross!! Oh great, looks like they did more than kiss. I’m officially going to be sick.
Marcus Tremaine, you betrayed Anastasia! Not your daughter Anastasia (well, I mean, you kinda did when you didn’t rescue her too). But still!
I wonder why the Marcus Tremaine!Tweedle started helping Jafar and betraying the Red Queen. Maybe she treated him badly.
Oh, Ana thinks Alice is Will’s girlfriend?
Will: “She’s not my girlfriend. I’m clearly not attracted to nice, normal women.”
He just can’t believe she’s acting like this. The fact that she’s putting on an accent, even when it’s just them two in the room is hilarious.
Why does Lizard look a little like Velma from the live action Scooby Doo movies to me? Lol.
Stop kissing! I beg of you!
Amara to Jafar: “No one has ever loved you like I do.” I beg of you, stop! Why is she like this?? You practically raised him, please stop!
Oh, Jafar has two of the lamps! Uh oh.
Genie’s can bleed. But are they immortal? I’m guessing they just have longevity. Yeah. Alice thought Cyrus was dead, so I guess they can die.
Oh, Will took Lizard in. That was nice of him. Was that in Wonderland or the EF?
Alice is so curious about Anastasia haha.
Ana’s desperate to get Will to safety. She’s not even pretending now.
Alice, politely: “Excuse me. Pardon me.” *Ching* “I have a blade!” Love her lol. Actual chaotic neutral.
That guy who’s got one of the lamps looks like that one guy from The Black Swan. Great movie btw! Forever one of my favourites.
My dude, just wish that no one can ever harm you or for impenetrable skin or something!  Then Jafar can’t hurt you!  
Oh my God Jafar is so freaking cruel!! The way he stabs one of the guy’s hands with all his might and twists the knife and then goes onto the other. Merciless.
It was a good thing to wish Jafar could do him no harm, but he should have wished that no one could.  
Uh oh. Shouldn’t have called him a bastard. That is, like, the worst thing you can call Jafar.
I like Amara’s theme music. It’s very enchanting.
Ana, do something! I think she was counting on Alice to save him or for her to change the laws of magic and fix everything afterwards.
Alice and Will being thrown high in the air, over a castle wall by a catapult! I love how absurd this show is at times.
They saved him, bless them.
Flying lizard!
Hey! Don’t throttle Will! Noooo!
Alice: “I wish if the Knave of Hearts dies then I die.” Alice you are an absolute sweetie and I love that you care so much for Will that you’d risk death for him but my God that is not a brilliant wish. Girl, you do realise, that if he dies of, like, an illness in the future, then you die too?? I mean, I think it’s really cool and it greatly increases the stakes, but she should have wished that no one could ever harm him and her and Cyrus for that matter. I guess that would be three wishes but then, given the circumstances she should have wished no one could harm Will. But then, that would have significantly decreased the stakes. It’s just what I would have done.  
Ow! That looks so freaking painful!! Let go of Alice! Jafar’s so damn ruthless!
God, poor Alice.
Oh my God. He was, like, gonna break all of her bones or something!
I’ve said it before, but Jafar has got to be the most formidable villain in the ouat universe. He’s freaking terrifying! He’s the one I’d least like to face.
Omfg! Alice straight up punched The Red Queen in the face lmao! I did not see that coming! I think she did it because she realised she was Anastasia and feels sickened by the way she’s treated Will.
She tried for another punch lol. So chaotic. This is a great Alice episode.
Oh yeah, Alice was a little girl when she first met Anastasia. So, either time moves differently in Wonderland as compared to the Victorian realm or she keeps herself young with magic. But if time in Wonderland moves differently, does it move faster or slower? Hmm. Well, Alice spent most of her time in Wonderland after she met Will. She looked to be a teenager at that meeting. At least 28 years passed in Storybrooke for Will. But Alice is not 28 years older than she was during their last encounter. So, although Storybrooke was frozen in time, time in Wonderland moves quite a bit slower than time in the Land Without magic. It’s hard to say about the Victorian realm though. Her father said it had been a long time since he’d seen Alice and she had aged, so it might be that time moves at the same time for both realms. I think that’s the case. Will was kept young because of the curse, time moves faster in the lwom and Anastasia used magic to stay young. Maybe Ana and Will were in their late teens when Alice was a child.  
Poor Will. I hope he isn’t itchy like that.
I love how we’re introduced to the fact that Alice and Will have 3 wishes between them at the beginning of the show. And as you watch, you just know they’ll be used, and you're screaming for them to use their wishes when things go horribly, but they find a way out. You just don’t know when they’ll be used, and it’s thrilling to watch with that in mind.  
I wouldn’t drink that, Amara.
Oh, he took her magical essence. That’s why the staff is so powerful!
He turned Anara into a snake. She freaking loves snakes! She’s living the dream.
I wonder if she can see and feel as that staff. I wonder if Will can as a statue.
Anastasia stroking Will’s statue and Lizard watching jealously.
Oh! The staff blinked!
Poor Alice is all alone without her big bro, Will!  
Cyrus: “What a wishbone really wants, is no different to what we all want; to be joined to our other half. And if we’re separated, you will do whatever it takes to be together again.” So cool! And such a clever plan, Cyrus!
This rewatch is so awsome! This show makes me feel a way that no other show does and it’s a really good way.
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intothewickedwood · 2 years
Once Upon A Time In Wonderland Rewatch: 1x02 Trust Me
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I’m back! I couldn’t write a recap last week because of Easter weekend but it was a great one! Had an awesome time watching my favourite movies. Can’t wait ‘til Christmas xD!
Leave that poor dude alone!  
I don’t know why he didn’t wish to never be harmed.
So Agrabah and Wonderland are as far from each other as the earth and sun? How does Jafar keep hopping from one place to the other? Can his carpet cross realms?
Will: “And a new outfit. How’d you get that?” Alice: “The clothes horse came by.” Will: “Of course it did.” I love that in wonderland so many things are literal. I imagine the clothes horse to be like the colour-changing horse in the Wizard of Oz. Also, no need for plot holes when you can fill them in with something bizarre from Wonderland.  
Will: “Is there any chance of a coffee horse coming by?” loool!  
Alice: “In the Mimsy Meadows, under the Towering Tumtum Tree”. It’s a place where nobody goes.” Will: “With a name like that why would they, unless they were a care bear.” God, I love this show!
Look! It’s Marcus Tremaine tehehehe. His life as a tweedle before becoming a father.
But did she take Wonderland? What about the Queen of Hearts? Do they rule over half of Wonderland each? I’m surprised the QoH would share her crown but then and again she seems to see Ana as a temporary replacement daughter.
I wonder what’s so special about the bottles that they can change the laws of magic. They presumably came from the creepy-ass woman from the well, so theoretically she or the water from her well could break the laws of magic? I mean it can bring people back from the brink of death but not without a price.  
Holy crap! Jafar’s so ruthless! Just turned all those poor people to dust with a flick of his hand!  
Now he’s casually gripping the Red Queen by the throat. She’s scared sh*tless of him. Me too, Ana. Me too.
Will: “You may want to lower your voice, the walls in this place have ears, literally.” It’s creative world building like this that really engages me. I just think the ideas are so clever and they make Wonderland a place I would like to explore, despite its many dangers. I wish they’d done more like this with Oz, as well.
Imagine if Cyrus had moved on. I’m not sure Alice would be able to handle it. She’d probably check herself back inti the asylum.
Will: “I was doing other things.” Alice: “Like what?” Will: “Like being afraid of water, Alice.” Poor will. We know why he’s scared of water and it’s pretty heart wrenching but I won’t spoil, just in case.
I haven’t gone swimming in years. I really miss it, but I don’t miss fighting with my afro after it gets wet.  
Alice: “We’ll have to wait for the fairy.” Hehe, like a ferry but magical! Forever thoroughly entertained by these puns.  
I wonder if Blue offers fairy transport services. She would drop everyone in the sea on purpose and be like “oops!” lbr.  
What did Will do that was so bad last time he was in Wonderland?
Wee! That looks fun! Are they using pixie dust to fly? I think that’s only in Neverland so it must be regular fairy dust.
Genies and silver don’t mix. Ha. I never realised that before. Usually, it’s werewolves that are basically allergic to silver but maybe that’s a thing with genies too. I can’t remember if Cyrus comes into contact with silver other than the cage.
No spoilers but I do wonder why the other prisoner is so nice to Cyrus, given what we learn of his past.
What if your wishes go missing? They’re so small and seem easy to misplace.
Oh, the White Rabbits apologising for leading her there in the first place. She said she followed him, but given the final scene of this show, I wouldn’t be so sure that he didn’t intend for her to follow. He’s pretty shady but I have to wonder, if that was his intention, then why did he want her to follow? Did he just see a lonely little girl who needed friends, or did he hope she would one day help change Wonderland for the better?
Cyrus’ hair is so nice. He’s just so handsome and I die.
I like the way wishes work in this show. You have to be very specific and even then, they can be disastrous. Not sure I’d use my wishes, but I would like to help free the genie.
Alice and Cyrus are so damn cute.
That fairy straight up tried to murder Will. I gather they dated but what did he do that was so bad?!
I know Alice and Cyrus love adventure but damn they’d be so much safer in the Victorian England realm. Her wishes presumably wouldn’t work there, so they wouldn’t have to worry about her wishes running out and him being subjected to a new master. And her father would know that at least Cyrus was real. But then I remember they travelled through the realms, including somewhere that fit the description of Neverland, so perhaps that was there attempt to escape Wonderland’s dangers. I’m not sure how they managed to leave Neverland with Pan in charge. I would have loved to have seen that.
Cyrus slayed a dragon. Who’d have funk? I’m understanding so much more of this with subtitles. There’s a lot I couldn’t hear before, so I’m excited to learn more about this show.
Awesome! Origami that actually smells like what it represents! And it turned red, wicked!
I’m so glad Alice found Cyrus. I’m not saying her father didn’t love her, but he certainly didn’t show it. She needed someone to love her, and she couldn’t have found someone who’d love her more. It’s beautiful.
Anastasia: “I have needs…I need proof that you can satisfy them.” Umm. Perhaps this relationship was more sexual than I remember. Or maybe they’re just like that. And now he’s stroking her neck. What the hell is going on with these two?!
She really shouldn’t play games with Jafar. It’s too dangerous.
Oh snap! The rock surface moved!  
Omg! No need to stab the poor turtle in the neck. She can be so unnecessarily vicious lol.
Apparently, it understands English. She could have just asked it nicely. And m, I’m just realising that it’s a mock turtle because it imitates being an island!
It’s moving so slowly. They’re gonna take forever to get there.
Alice and Cyrus, man. I love them. They’ve got an almost Snowing-type charm about them.  
What did Will do to the Caterpillar?
Ooh, pretty beach. God, I miss the beach.  
Alice: “You are everything I have ever wished for, Cyrus.” It’s such a tragic situation. Why can’t they just be together, damnit!
Oh! That’s so clever! Alice told everyone where she was going, so that news of where the bottle might be would reach those seeking it. But it was never there! That’s genius!
A dandelion! Like an actual lion made of hedge and dandelions.
This show makes me feel so good.
Uh oh. Someone’s taken the bottle!
Anastasia: “Remind me to teach you the value of keeping pretty things around (turns to Cyrus). Well, mmm. There’s one.” Me too, Ana. Me too.
Ana is playing such a dangerous game with Jafar here. He will not hesitate to murder your ass, girl!
Will: “Because once somebody truly loves you, they can never move on.” I’m not sure that’s entirely healthy. But it’s a fairy tale show, so it’s to be expected.
Ah yeah, it all comes back to her upbringing with Alice. She has an extreme fear of abandonment, which stems from her father’s emotional and physical abandonment of her. She had no one else and he just pushed her away and let her go. Without Cyrus she feels she has no one. She has Will but they’re not ready to admit that to each other just yet and she has a one-track mind.
Wonderland is so beautiful at night.
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intothewickedwood · 2 years
Once Upon A Time In Wonderland Rewatch: 1x01 Down the Rabbit Hole
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So my mum and I love this spin off and rewatch at least once every 2 years. If you haven’t given it a try yet, I can’t recommend it enough! It has complex romance, creative ideas, strong friendships, terrifying villains and a solid plot.  
One thing though is that some of the creatures scare me so much that I have to watch those parts with my eyes closed lol. It’s kinda thrilling though, not knowing when to close your eyes. It’s like riding a rollercoaster. It’s become part of the fun for my mum and I. But that’s just us. You might not find them remotely frightening.
Okay, here we go y’all! I’ll try to keep my thoughts free of spoilers for future episodes.
Alice’s house exterior is so gorgeous.
Holy bananas, how long has she been gone?!
Edwin is a freaking terrible father. Lock the damn doors! He should have someone watching her at all times if she leaves the house. Get a nanny or something! Don’t just let her continue running off to God knows where! She’s just a kid!
And the White Rabbit should probably know better than to lead her to that extremely dangerous place.  
Emma nearly ran him over lol.
Ashley! Looks like she’s wearing a Granny’s apron. I guess she was a waitress there.
And Leroy! Cool!
So, I believe this is set some point around season 2. I guess it’s the same day the curse was broken, unless someone else was driving Emma’s car.
Holy cow! How’s granny gonna get that giant hole out the floor??
“I’m late! I’m late!”
That rabbit’s got pink eyes. Cool. I had a dwarf hamster with red eyes. Her name was Tango and her sister, Mango, tried to eat her so we had to separate them. Loved them both.
I know how most peeps feel about the cgi in this show but it really doesn’t bother me. Sure it would be cooler if it looked more realistic but it’s the compelling story, dynamics and characters that capture me and allow me to easily look beyond that and suspend my disbelief.
This Lydgate guy istg! I wonder if this is before or after Jekyll killed his daughter, Mary. Oh, his name is Arthur and apparently it’s after she died. Maybe that’s why he’s so bitter.
Cyrus! So Charming.
Couldn’t he just walk out that bottle and drink that ‘drink me’ bottle to turn to his original size? Maybe there’s a magic barrier preventing him from leaving like the one keeping Alice Jones in her tower. And he’s be brought right back to it id someone rubbed it.
Poor Rabbit. I love this Alice as well but that’s a big difference between her and Alice Jones. This one’s more selfish but we get to see her character develop so that she becomes less so and I think that’s really cool!
She’s his master? But she didn’t rub the bottle, did she?
Alice: “I don’t wish for anything!” I wonder if she says that because she doesn’t want to accidentally wish for something. Could she even make a wish in the Victorian Realm?
The Land Without Magic doesn’t seem to be the only place without magic. The Victorian England Realm seems not to have any either. Baelfire could have easily ended up in that land but we know he doesn’t.
Oh snap! I somehow missed when he said she and Cyrus apparently travelled from world to world fighting pirates and swimming with mermaids. I guess all Alice’s like to travel. I wonder what realms she and Cyrus went to. Neverland to swim with mermaids and fight pirates?
She totally should have written a book.
Oh, I guess he did walk out of his bottle and drink the ‘drink me’ potion.
Ah gosh, it must be so painful for Alice to say all the things she went through and the love she felt for Cyrus weren’t real.
Betrayed by the sleep talking. My mum sleep talks and my dad sleepwalks. Please let me escape those genetics!
The fight scenes are so cool!
Oh no!
She doesn’t write her surname, dammit. I want to know her surname so I can more easily distinguish the two Alices in my tags!  
Oh snap! He was gonna perform a lobotomy on her. Do they still do that? In Smallville Clark was awake when they tried to do it on him, I wonder if that’s actually a thing because it seems like it would be terrifying and hurt like hell. Oh, it’s seen as inhumane nowadays. Apparently they could be done while awake.
Maybe she wasn’t trying to lie to them. She seems to have convinced herself that Will wasn’t/isn’t real, so maybe she convinced herself everything else wasn’t real either.
“You know as well as I do, Alice, nothing’s impossible in Wonderland.” And that’s why it’s so awesome!
Girl can fight! Love this scene where she fights the asylum staff!  
I mean, I’m a pacifist in real life but I do love a good fictional fight scene.  
Dr. Lydgate’s face when he sees the White Rabbit talk.
Bouncy marshmallow!  
The mallow marsh is such a good, creative idea.  
I haven’t had marshmallows since I became a vegetarian 16 years ago. I’ve completely forgotten what they taste like and I am sad I’ll never get to know what’s so good about s’mores.
Damn. Would have loved it if Jefferson was in this show.
The dragonflies are dragons. Love it!
I love the Tulgey Woods scenes in the animated movie. So dark and mysterious.
Will: “I’m gonna die like a bloody s’more.” Lol. I love him.
She’s making s’mores! This show is off the rails and I love it.
Lol. He looks like a snowman.
I’m surprised they managed to get all of that off them. Maybe they ate it off.  
Oh wait, the Rabbit was lying?
The Tulgey Woods!  
This Jafar has to be the most terrifying villain in all of Ouat. Perhaps because he seems incapable of love.
Were Jafar and the Red Queen a thing? I can never tell.  
Jafar flying on the carpet like it’s a surfboard. Whoa, like, ride the waves, dude!
It must be more difficult to climb a tree with just socks on.
The cheshire cat! I’ve always loved the Cheshire cat. Such a mysterious character. I have to say, my favourite version might just be lesbian Cheshire Cat/Caterpillar from the musical, Alice by heart. It’s so good and she’s so gay. I highly recommend.
I love the way he speaks in riddles.
He straight up tried to eat her! And it seemed they used to he friends!
Will to the rescue! No one hurts his little sis!
I just freaking love the Tulgey Woods.
I wish Jefferson would just appear at his house. He made so many hats trying to get back to his daughter. Poor guy.
I wonder how he came upon his original hat and why it had magic it seems he couldn’t replicate.
She found Cyrus’ necklace!
Bless Will, he’s not leaving without her.
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