#not them squabbling over being cool and cute
eluxcastar · 2 months
The little sisterfication of Signora
── ୨୧:la signora & reader
୨୧﹑synopsis :: we're back with the little sibling headcanons let's GOOO
୨୧﹑genre :: fluff
୨୧﹑content :: gn reader, young signora, use of signora’s real name, it's more ambiguous how much older reader is, not proofread
୨୧﹑words :: 1.1k
this has been planned for so long, but I struggle SO bad writing Signora tbh Idk why it's not like I don't know how to write arrogant anguished women. I love arrogant anguished women 😭 while I'm on that thought I came to the realisation reader is probably dead with Rostam which was just what I wanted to think. BUT BUT I DID try to sneak some details in so it can still be cute cough witch's flower of blaze
it feels weird every time I use their real names but also calling them by titles when we know their names feels wrong because if it's from the perspective of their sibling who would know and use their name 😔 I think because I'm not used to it I'm like who the hell is MILBURN PENNYBAGS that's PULCINELLA (I had to look up the Monopoly man's name for that joke you BETTER laugh)
all little siblingification posts
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Rosalyne was, as children are, young and interested in learning, eager but never quite aware. She loved to trail along by your side as you took her up the mountains to find a patch of flowers, at which point she would plop down in the grass and get to work making herself a flower crown with an extra one so you could match. Since your mother taught her the secret, she had happily taken to it and off to the races she was, linking flowers and matching colours in pursuit of the prettiest arrangement she could make to be her crown.
She long ago decided that Windwheel Asters are among the best, with an interesting shape and fiery red to contrast her blonde hair. Calla Lilies have a similar colour but a bad shape for flower crowns, and Cecilias are too pale to stand out the way she'd like them to. Windwheel Asters are bold and show off her hard work better than any delicate flower could.
Of course, that means she must also find the perfect flower for you, and that's hard work, but she'll never stop trying. Rosalyne read in a book about an extinct flower called the Padisarah, a beautiful purple flower that even the Dendro Archon couldn't perfectly replicate, and decided it would've been perfect for you if it still existed. You suspect that it's only because she can't have it that she wants it, the allure of something mystical that exists only in the imagination.
She settles instead on the legends of a Liyue flower that blooms at the sound of beautiful music—Glaze Lily or something to that tune. Each time Rosalyne makes a flower crown for you with the next best thing she can find, she claims that one day she'll travel to Liyue, and when she does, she'll bring you back one to see how pretty they are as if she has some greater understanding looking at the same picture in her book as you did. Maybe she does.
There is no dream too big, not for Rosalyne. She is desperate for your approval at every turn and wants you to think she's as cool as she thinks you are. She wants to hear you smile with her despite seeming so far away at times. Her phase of being petty and squabbling with you is over at last, and she seeks the comfort of the one person she looks up to more than anybody for a guiding star to turn to—you.
Your parents are both far away future ideals for an older Rosalyne to aspire to be, maybe with that boy she likes, but you are not so distant. You're like her, if only older and barely wiser. She sees all that she wants in you, and it makes her look up to your guidance above all else. Her parents are the annoying rule makers who preside over her life and ruin her fun; you're the fun troublemaker who sleazes the both of you past the city guards and takes her headfirst into the danger of the mountains just so she can play.
Rosalyne thinks of an ambitious future, and your parents tell her to be careful; you tell her to chase it. Become a scholar and do as she pleases. She's more inclined towards your indulgent way of thinking. You have yet to stifle the burning passion she holds but recognise it, and in your mind, it's about as cool as dragons could ever be. It is not the worrisome uncertainty of instability and hardship that your parents think it is.
Her heart is set in a far-off place—Sumeru, the Akademiya, where she feels everything will fall into place like a fairytale. Rosalyne has it all figured out, down to the number of boys she'll reject in pursuit of that boy she has had a crush on since she was twelve.
Even you're not privy to that, subject to Rosalyne quickly closing her diary or turning away from you, hiding the gifts she managed to get him and letters she wrote out but never could quite work up the nerve to send. It used to be only one of the many instances that would have her yelling at you not to snoop, though it has dwindled to being only one of the very few instances, save for accidentally discovering her in the process of procuring your birthday gifts.
It used to be that you would be searching for your missing things, a few of which had disappeared suspiciously close to your birthday and were found the moment you were proudly presented those very items as gifts from your little sister, sometimes with a daring tale of how she acquired it for you. Most of the time, you acted surprised and grateful, maybe even added a comment about how you were glad you didn't have to get a new one since Rosalyne had gone out and done it for you. You hid your annoyance at her habit of stealing your things behind thoughts of how cute your mother thought it was that Rosalyne didn't want to be left out of getting to give you something.
Rosalyne does, however, realise the possible benefit of asking for your help with this boy once she gets over the embarrassment-driven beet-red cheeks and yelling at you. You cannot find her boy and drag him by the ear to her, but you could help her write a letter to him or teach her to wrap that gift she was holding onto. You can do any number of things to help her chances— except talk to him. You can't do that, or you'll give it away with that big mouth of yours.
You're not quite sure how she came to that conclusion.
Her acceptance to the Akademiya came all too quickly. Years seemed to fly by, and her quirks evened out into a young woman your parents were more comfortable sending away to another nation. Their fears of her immaturity and fiery passion dragging her down settled as she did. By the time you were ready to send her away, the encroaching elegance you had seen forming in her younger self blossomed until she carried herself with more confidence and grace than ever. 
Like your parents, you are ready to watch her pursue that dream and come home to see the boy she likes still waiting for her. You make sure she knows you'll be there too, maybe even come visit every now and then and see Sumeru for yourself.
As she leaves, you reveal what you've been hiding for her—a single red flower. You're not as practised at the art of making flower crowns, but you found her this. This is all you can offer that she can carry with her until it wilts away.
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frodo-with-glasses · 5 months
More Reading Thoughts: A Conspiracy Unmasked
Ohohoho here we go >:-D
Merry like “hmm, I can tell something’s fishy about this, but we’ll have to talk about it later”
The Brandybucks being described as “virtually a small independent country” is GreatTM X-D
“…as a matter of fact, [the Bucklanders] were not very different from the other hobbits of the Four Farthings. Except in one point: they were fond of boats, and some of them could swim.”
Aww, Sam’s already getting a bit homesick :-(
Frodo: “I mean we already ate, but we could eat again.” Merry: “Say no more, fam”
Frodo seeing Bilbo’s things in the new house and being “sharply reminded” of him :-C Hello it is once again Crying About Frodo and Bilbo O’Clock
“Which order shall we go in? Eldest first or quickest first? You’ll be last either way, Master Peregrin.” HAHAHA GETTIM FRODO
And Merry like “excuuuuse me, you should know by now that I’m better at planning and logistics than that; there are THREE tubs >8-D”
And Pippin splashing Frodo with the bath water 🤣 This whole section is so stinkin’ CUTE
I, too, cannot properly dry my hair until I am out of the steam in the bathroom. Frodo is the most relatable ever.
Merry has such dad energy 🤣 “You’d better clean up your mess, Pippin, before you get any supper!”
The squabbling over the mushrooms haha
Ooooohh The Talk is here
It honestly makes so much sense that Pippin is the one talking when Frodo refuses to. Frodo is trying to keep secrets, and Pippin has zero filter.
Also Merry reading Frodo like a book is SO GOOD
“You are miserable, because you don’t know how to say good-bye. You meant to leave the Shire, of course. But danger has come on you sooner than you expected, and now you are making up your mind to go at once. And you don’t want to. We are very sorry for you.”
I can’t wait to draw this part
“You do not understand! You must go—and therefore we must, too. Merry and I are coming with you. Sam is an excellent fellow, and would jump down a dragon’s throat to save you, if he did not trip over his own feet; but you will need more than one companion in your dangerous adventure.” Awww, Pippin!!
Also the foreshadowing, wow
Hahaha Merry presenting Sam like “TA-DA! Our chief spy!!”
Sam: “Gandalf did say to take someone you could trust, sir!” Frodo: “But I can’t trust anyone, apparently!” Sam: :-C
Oh oh oh it’s this part…!!
“It all depends on what you want. You can trust us to stick to you through thick and thin - to the bitter end. And you can trust us to keep any secret of yours - closer than you can keep it yourself. But you cannot trust us to let you face trouble alone, and go off without a word. We are your friends, Frodo. Anyway: there it is. We know most of what Gandalf has told you. We know a good deal about the Ring. We are horribly afraid - but we are coming with you; or following you like hounds.”
That’s true friendship right there
Frodo like “I am NEVER trusting that you are actually asleep ever again” 🤣
“Three cheers for Captain Frodo and Company!” I’m going to melt 🥹
Merry once again being the G.O.A.T. by having the ponies prepared
“It seems to have been a very efficient conspiracy.” HECK YEAH IT WAS
I love that Fatty has barely talked through the whole chapter except to blurt “NOT THE OLD FOREST” at the very end
Merry continues to have Dad Energy by breaking up the almost-argument between Pippin and Fatty
Oooof the dream about the Sea…
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fablefics · 1 year
i have a request for sebastian and f!mc, i don’t mind which house. a little angsty but also fluffy? i think it would be super cute.
after a fight, they aren’t speaking. ominis hates it because he has to split his time between them, so he’s been (unsuccessfully) trying to get them talking again. he tells sebastian that she was injured out on one of her adventures and sebastian immediately goes to look for her. when he finds her, he hugs her and is super concerned, checking her over for injuries. ominis catches up and smiles, knowing his plan worked. (either he made it up or he exaggerated, with it only being something minor like a small cut or scratch)
Hold On | Sebastian Sallow x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: little angsty, mild description of an injury
A/N - Not proofread, apologies in advance. Made a few slight changes but I hope you still like it anon <3 Also apologies for taking forever to write this, I have a bigger fic in the works to make up for my sudden absence. ALSO house is left vague so it can be whatever you would like.
You were sitting in the library next to Natty and Poppy who were debating the importance of astronomy and if it actually deserved to be a core class. You didn’t really hear a word they were saying, instead you were staring daggers into the back of Sebastian Sallow’s head. He had specifically chosen to sit at the table next to you and your friends with his back to you so he couldn’t see you, but you were forced to stare at him. Ominis was across from Sebastian and even from a distance you could tell he was uncomfortable with the tension in the room. You and Sebastian were fighting, a frustratingly common occurrence at this point. After being friends for almost three years, the two of you knew exactly how to push each other’s buttons and this time you had pushed a bit too far. 
Amit had given you a gift, a brand new telescope to replace the old one he had lent to you during fifth year. It was harmless, Amit was not interested in you. It was no secret that the Ravenclaw had been hooking up with Samantha Dale since the beginning of seventh year. Now, nearing graduation, he had given the telescope to you as a ‘graduation/saving the school’ gift. Sebastian, hearing about this, decided to accuse you of secretly being in love with Amit. In response, you told him that Amit, at least, would be a good boyfriend. This kicked up one of your arguments, which ended with Sebastian huffing out of the Great Hall with a bruised ego.
That was two days prior, eventually the anger would fade and everything would go back to normal. Ominis hated when the two of you fought. After he left the group it took him a while to made amends with Sebastian and rejoin the friend group, but now the two of you were constantly squabbling. You watched Ominis mutter something to Sebastian and saw the man’s shoulders tense. What is he saying to him? You wondered. You hoped Ominis would be on your side, he usually was. 
“What do you think, Y/N?” Natty asked, breaking your death glare into Sebastian’s neck.
“I like astronomy,” you responded.
Both girls giggled a little. Poppy smiled at you, “We were talking about going to Hogsmeade tomorrow night for a butterbeer.”
“Oh,” you blushed.
“Where is your head at?” Natty asked, even though they both knew exactly who you had been thinking about.
“Nowhere,” you lied.
“Someone’s fawning over Sallow again, I see,” Imelda Reyes appeared from behind a bookshelf and decided to speak loudly enough for most of the surrounding area to hear. 
Ominis dropped his forehead onto the table as Sebastian turned to face you for the first time since he had sat down. You wanted to scream at Imelda but kept your cool, simply announcing, “Please, Imelda, we both know I have much better taste than that.”
You could practically feel Sebastian’s eyes glaring at you, but you refused to face him. Imelda laughed and sat down at the table next to Poppy. She was holding a book about the history of the Tutshill Tornados. Poppy immediately attempted to defuse the tension by asking Imelda a question about Quidditch, which Imelda was more than happy to answer. Natty looked at you awkwardly and you wanted nothing more than to disappear. Sebastian stood up and stormed away, while Ominis continued to sit with his head on the table. The entire library had to be aware of the tension by now, so you decided to excuse yourself back to your dorm for the night. 
The next day you decided to skip class in favor of hunting down some poachers who had set up camp near Bainburgh. You informed Poppy and Ominis about where you were going, just in case something happened. If you weren’t back by dinner, they would come find you. You needed a break from the drama of school. You wondered if it was concerning that your idea of a break was killing dark wizards, but decided not to look to deeply into that. Most of your professors had become accustomed to you randomly taking off and given your status as the Hero of Hogwarts, none of them had complained. Luckily you no longer had Potions, if Sharp heard about you skipping classes he would not be so understanding.
It was a fairly large camp, you scouted it from the air. Half a dozen tents scattered the clearing with two large cages on either side of the camp. You couldn’t get a good count on how many poachers were in the camp but it was at least 15, more than you would usually take on by yourself, but definitely not enough to pose any real risk. You landed in the trees away from the camp and began to creep closer so you could get a better idea of how many poachers were there. As you got closer you heard a sound from behind you and suddenly a shiver ran down your spine.
“Protego!” You cast the protective charm just in time for the poacher’s spell to bounce away from you and back at them.
“Confringo!” The poacher screamed. 
Guess I’m not doing this quietly, you thought bitterly. The forest around you was filled with the flashing colors of the duel and you could hear the sound of more poachers on their way. You finished off the first one fairly easily and turned to see four more running out of the camp toward your position. You readied your wand, prepared for a tough fight.
“Ominis!” Poppy came running into the Great Hall, “Y/N isn’t back yet is she?”
“I haven’t heard from her since this morning,” Ominis stood up, but he was still calm, “She’s not with you?”
“Obviously not,” Poppy was anxious. 
Sebastian was sitting at the Slytherin table, “What’s going on?”
“Y/N might be in trouble, she went to find some poachers in Bainburgh but we expected her back in time for dinner,” Poppy blurted out in a single breath.
“Take a breath, Poppy,” Ominis remained calm, “Dinner just started, she’s probably on her way back now. We both know how capable she is, give it time.”
Sebastian stood up, “I’m going after her.”
“Sebastian,” Ominis sighed, “Do you really think she wants to see you?”
“She could be in trouble, Ominis,” Sebastian rolled up the sleeves of his shirt and turned to leave the Great Hall, “I don’t give a damn what she wants.”
“I’m going with you,” Poppy announced. 
“Alright,” Ominis grabbed his robe from the bench of the Slytherin table, “I guess we’re all going.”
You were breathing heavily, staring down at the large wound on your leg. One of the poachers had gotten you with a well-timed diffindo and sliced a fairly sizable gash through your calf. You groaned as you downed a wiggenweld potion and pulled some bandages out of your bag to start taking care of the wound. The wiggenweld helped a lot but this was a pretty serious wound, you would have to hope that one of your friends would realize that you were missing and come looking for you. You were definitely not strong enough to fly back or even apparate yourself back.
The sun was beginning to set, it had to be after dinner time by now. You leaned against the rock that was behind you and stared up at the pinky red sunset. You began digging around for another wiggenweld potions, and luckily found another one buried in the bottom of your bag. You hoped that the potion would at least help with some of the pain so you could fly yourself back to Hogwarts. 
As you downed the bottle you heard the sound of someone yelling your name, but not just any someone, Sebastian. You looked up and saw your friends descend on their brooms into the clearing around you. Sebastian jumped off his broom without a second thought and ran to you. Whatever anger the two of you had been harboring towards the other was gone, and all that mattered in that moment was being together. Sebastian collapsed to his knees at your side, staring down at your bloody leg. 
“It looks worse than it is,” you assured him. The wiggenweld potion was helping quite a bit. 
“What happened?” Sebastian was so worried he seemed angry again, but you knew it was just concern.
“I got careless,” you sighed, “And there were more than I planned for.”
Sebastian looked around the clearing. The bodies of at least 20 dead poachers scattered the area, it looked like a warzone. Poppy and Ominis hung back, just happy to see that you weren’t amongst the dead bodies. Sebastian looked back to you and stared deeply into your eyes.
“You have to be more careful,” he looked down at your leg again, but the wiggenweld was already helping to close it.
“I’m fine, Seb,” you moved to wrap the bandage around your leg but Sebastian pulled the roll out of your hands.
“Let me,” Sebastian gently picked up your leg so it was resting in his lap.
Ominis and Poppy stole a glance between the two of them and silently apparated back to the castle, leaving the two of you alone in the clearing. You barely even noticed their disappearance, you were too focused on Sebastian and how intimate the moment was. He was gentle with the bandages, worrying that he was going to hurt you more. His fingers grazed the skin around the wound, sending shivers down your spine. Unlike the shiver you got when the poacher tried to kill you, this was a good shiver. There was a knot forming in your stomach as Sebastian carefully finished tending to your leg. 
“Am I going to make it, Nurse Sallow?” You joked.
“Just barely,” Sebastian moved your leg out of his lap, “You’re lucky I was here.”
“I could have taken care of it myself,” you said, annoyed that he didn’t have faith in your ability to take care of yourself. 
“You could have,” Sebastian nodded, “But it’s kind of nice to have someone taking care of you, don’t you think?”
You blushed, he was right. It was nice to have him there in a moment of weakness. Ever since your fifth year, Sebastian had been your protector. He was always there when you went after dark wizards and goblins. You hated yourself for starting the whole argument but before you could apologize, Sebastian did.
“I’m sorry about the Amit thing,” Sebastian said, refusing to make eye contact with you.
“The Amit thing?” You laughed, Sebastian scowled at you, “Sebastian, it’s okay. I’m the one who needs to apologize.”
“Why do we always do this?”
“Do what?”
“Argue, hate each other, make up, repeat,” Sebastian sighed and leaned back on his hands. 
“I don’t know,” you couldn’t think of a witty response.
“I think I’m scared,” Sebastian said after a painfully long pause.
“Scared of what?”
“Being honest.”
The silence between the two of you was deafening. You understood what he was saying, but didn’t want to face it either. Instead of saying anything Sebastian pulled you towards him, laying down in the dirt so your head could rest on his chest. He wrapped his arms tightly around you. In that moment absolutely nothing could get to you, you were safe. No words were exchanged, but you both knew what Sebastian was trying to say. You relaxed into his arms, smiling to yourself. I’m never letting go of him again, you decided. 
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theflyingfeeling · 6 months
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Fifth Day of Gift-Giving: Fights (and Reconciliations)
Prompt(s): It had all just been a big misunderstanding and after finding that out, all they could do was laugh or... something else 😏
Today's piece is a standalone unrelated to the previous parts (because, being a hopeless conflict-avoider myself, I just couldn't make the Olli and Allu in that story have a fight of any sort; all the pining is plenty enough suffering for them, don't you agree? 🤧). Even this one is less about the fight and more about the reconciliation, I hope you enjoy (rated M for you pleasure) 😌💞
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Olli stared at the empty bag. Where there used to be a perfectly balanced, hand-picked selection of the finest Finnish pick & mix candy that were supposed to last him the whole tour, there was now but a sad pile of sugar left. He closed his eyes and attempted to counted to ten, but reaching eleven, his blood was still boiling, so he decided to keep going until he'd stop clenching his fists and maybe come up with at least some level of adult reaction to this unfortunate event – in the end, it was just candy. It's not like he had suffered great economical loss or profoundly traumatic, unforgivable abuse; that being said, he was still pretty damn bitter about having spent the whole day looking forward to keeping his brain buzzing with some sugar in between the soundcheck and the show, only to peek in his bunk and find his secret stash exceptionally candyless.
He had only one suspect: the only other person in their midst who knew of the secret stash.
Olli supposed he had only himself to blame, however; he was famililar with Aleksi's sweet tooth. Yet, in his moment of weakness (that is, lost in the man's blue eyes and the magic his hand was perfoming on Olli's cock the other night), he had revealed the nook of his bunk bed in which he kept the goodies hidden from sight. Even during their afternoon nap the day before, they had hid the small plastic bag in between them, popping a piece of salmiak or a chocolate button in their (or each other's) mouths every now and then in between cuddles and giggles. Now, Olli realised letting Aleksi that close had been an evident mistake.
"Hmmmmh?" the man replied from the lounge.
"Come here for a sec."
"What for?"
"Just...," Olli inhaled and exhaled, still trying to find the words that wouldn't completely blow the whole incident out of proportion, "just come here. There's something I want to ask you."
A subtle groan sounded from the lounge (the audacity), and with lazy, dragging steps, hair mishevelled, hands in his pockets, and mouth stretched in a yawn, Aleksi appeared next to him.
"What?" Aleksi mumbled.
You're lucky you're so fucking cute, Olli thought at the sight of him. A bastard, but a cute one.
Olli steered his gaze back to the crime scene, determined to not let Aleksi's endearing appearance distract him.
"It's empty," he growled instead.
"You ate my fucking candy!" Olli spat out his words.
"The fuck are you on about, dude?"
"The fuck am I–" Olli had to pause to take inhale again, failing at keeping his cool. "The fuck are you about, eating other people's food like an animal?!"
"Someone's eaten your candy?"
"Yes, YOU DID!"
"What? No I fucking didn't! Why do you think it was me?"
"Because no one else knows about the candy but you!"
"Are you sure though? It's not easy to keep secrets around here, you know, all packed up in this bus like herrings in a barrel. Eventually someone else was ought to–"
"Oh my god, Aleksi, why can't you just admit it was you?"
"The hell are you two squabbling about down there? I'm trying to have a nap!"
The two of them were startled by Niko's head appearing from a bunk above them. Until then, it didn't occur to Olli that others may have caught up on their argument, let alone that someone may have been trying to sleep through it.
"Oh, fuck, sorry. Olli's just a bit wound up over his–"
"Ooh, yeah, I'm so unreasonably wound up alright, because Aleksi's gobbled down all my fucking–"
"Jesus, Olli, get hold of yourself, it was me!"
Olli was already prepared for another string of accusations against Aleksi when Niko's words hit him and he was left with his mouth gaping open at the unexpected twist.
"Yeah, sorry bro. Saw the bag on your bed, must have fallen there from somewhere. Couldn't really help myself, got a terrible headache and I was desperate for some sugar. I'll make it up to you, so can you please stop shouting now?"
"Uhhhmm," Olli scratced the back of his own ear, suddenly embarrassed for quite a few reasons, "yeah, sorry. It's... it's cool, don't worry about it."
He was too ashamed to look at Aleksi directly, but from the corner of his eye he could see the man raising his eyebrows at him before he stomped away to the lounge area of the bus. Olli took a moment to rub his face and let out a long sigh before walking after him.
Aleksi was already slumped on the couch, his nose as if glued to his phone screen when Olli sat next to him.
"I'm sorry, Aleksi."
Aleksi kept his eyes on his device as he spoke in an icy voice that spooked Olli to the bone.
"Oh yeah? What for? For yelling at me for no reason? For accusing me of something I hadn't even done without letting me explain myself? Or perhaps for being such an uptight control freak about your candy? Because if I had a gigantic bag of sweets on tour, I'd totally let you have–"
"Yes, yes, all of that!" Olli wailed, bonking his forehead on Aleksi's shoulder. "I was just...really looking forward to eating some today."
"Yes, that became very clear."
"Alluuuuuuuuu, I'm sorryyyyyyyy," Olli whined against the man's sweater.
"Don't you 'Allu' me, I'm still upset," Aleksi muttered, although Olli could already feel him soften.
"Is there anything I could do to stop you being upset with me? I really am so sorry." To maximise the effect of his (at least partly innocent) plea, Olli stick out his bottom lip in a pout and put on his best puppy-eyes act. He almost struggled keeping his frown from turning into a victorious grin when Aleksi side-eyed him, lips twitching.
"Guess we can think of... something."
Olli was already loving the sound of that.
Olli wasn't exactly sure how 'trying to keep as quiet as possible while having your dick sucked by your bandmate in a moving tourbus in the middle of the night while everyone else was asleep' was an apology rather than a punishment, but he wasn't complaining, quite the contrary; Aleksi's restrained moans were honey to his ears, his soft thighs felt heavenly under his palms, and the twitch of Aleksi's cock between his lips made blood rush to his own hardening member.
"Ahh, fuck, Olli, feels so good," Aleksi whispered breathlessly. Olli could tell he was close to finishing from the way his hips kept jerking, thrusting his erection deeper in Olli's greedy mouth, and the way his hands were grasping the cushions of the lounge sofa. Determined to catch Aleksi at his climax, Olli kept his eyes nailed to Aleksi's fluttering ones as he removed one hand from Aleksi's hip bone and wrapped his fingers around Aleksi's glistening cock, with just the tip remaining in his mouth.
Aleksi's soft whines then turned into surprised gasps when Olli's hand began working on his cock, pumping it while his tongue flicked around the sensitive head over and over until he could feel hot spurts of Aleksi's cum on his tongue and lips. He kept stroking the now pulsating erection, his lips grazing the tip just lightly enough to know it was driving Aleksi insane, not stopping until Aleksi's heavy panting turned into sobs from how sensitive he was becoming.
Having cleaned them both up, Olli sat next to blissful Aleksi and began palming the bulge on the front of his own trousers.
"So. Was that alright for you? Are we even now?"
"Oh, for sure, that was... that was nice. Thanks," Aleksi slurred, still trying to calm down his breathing. "Although... it's... not the whole truth, maybe. What Niko told you."
Olli furrowed his brows.
"What's that's supposed to mean?"
"I mean... yes, Niko ate the candy, but he didn't eat all of it. I had also been to your stash earlier today, but I swear I had put it back where I took it! I guess it really had rolled out, like Niko said, and... well."
Olli weighed Aleksi's words in his mind, still casually massaging his own erection through his pants.
"I see," he nodded.
"Please don't be mad. I promise I'll never eat your candy without asking ever again."
"Oh, you better," Olli snorted, "but, ummmm. Obviously I can't let this go unpunished."
"I'll do anything, as long as you won't start screaming at me like that again."
Honey to his ears.
"You would, huh?" Olli leaned in closer to whisper his command in Aleksi's ear, his nose brushing the soft hair on Aleksi's temple. "Better get on your knees, then."
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dragon-in-the-woods · 24 days
Considering how Starscream cloned himself and now Orbit has a ton more older brothers (and an older sister).
Skywarp was told to babysit but he's worried that Orbit might be too sticky and ruin his finish- kids are usually like that, right? Orbit wants to play with his airplane and truck toys but Skywarp is concerned that he'll hurt himself. Orbit wants to get energon ice cream but there's always a possibility, however small, of an Autobot attempted to poison them both. Skywarp manages to make him lunch and his afternoon snack but he nearly panics when the baby food is poisoned purple!- oh wait, that's just the color of the energon. Orbit wants to nap together but what if Skywarp rolls over and hurts him?? Skywarp means well and loves his baby brother but he needs someone else there to manage his anxiety.
Thundercracker thinks he's too good for babysitting- until he sees those green doe eyes then yeah, he totally meant he'd babysit right away! He's better at babysitting than anyone else! He gets huffy when Orbit beats him in a simple "baby" game but is remedied when he gets a bit too into playing with his toys. Soon Orbit is coloring on his coloring book while Thundercracker is still playing with the toys- well, he claims he's using it for battle planning! Yeah, that works. He's also the best cook out of everyone, yeah!! It doesn't take much effort to put energon formula into a bottle or stir the mixture into baby food, but Thundercracker takes the ease as a sign of his superiority. Orbit likes it too and purrs while napping on his chest later. (Thundercracker is many things but he'll admit that Orbit is the best at being his cute baby brother.)
Sunstorm is absolutely fawning over the chance to babysit the adorable Orbit. He's cooing at and praising Orbit for any slight move. He cuddles Orbit for the absolutely amazing pictures he drew him. He is astounded by Orbit's excellent taste in cartoons. (That Spongebob guy seems familiar...) He admires how Orbit can easily figure out little puzzles Megatron left for him to stimulate his growing yet intelligent processor. He is amazed that Orbit manages to eat his entire lunch without getting too messy. He purrs and chitters excitedly when Orbit climbs onto his lap for a nap. Soon the pair are purring loudly while napping until the great and powerful Megatron gets home.
Dirge and Thrust get to babysit together- wondrous. They quickly start squabbling while Orbit takes the opportunity of not being supervised and gets up to mischief. Dirge starts hoarding toys while Thrust gets upset that Dirge grabbed the exact horse toy he wanted!! Orbit shows them how to dress Barbies and now the clones are practically duking it out over who made the best outfit on their respective Barbie- Thrust complains because Dirge took all the "cool" options. The kitchen is a mess because someone threw a formula bottle at the other while Orbit got into the fridge and ate an entire pack of yogurt. Megatron sets them straight and makes them clean the house while he gives Orbit a bath. Two stars because at least Orbit is alive and didn't get injured.
Slipstream is hesitant to babysit, but she soon settles in. Orbit is a calm kid and cute. She mostly lets the kid do his thing while she watches. But soon Orbit wants attention and she relents, coloring with him and playing with him. She tries to get him to play a more structured game- but he's just a baby, after all, and is soon sticking the chess pieces in his mouth. Slipstream relents and cuddles him on her lap while giving him his afternoon bottle. She's not at all a motherly type but she's decent, at least. She's distant but warming up to the adorable sparkling.
...Ramjet gets in trouble for telling Orbit that he's adopted.
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terrence-silver · 1 year
I’m not sure if you have written about it before but what if Terry met Beloved when he was in his tofu era? Maybe he goes to some vegan restaurant with his “friends” and Beloved works there. Would he try to talk to her? How would he react if Emile was like “isn’t this new waitress adorable?”
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Emile seems like the king of drama.
Certified drama king.
Like the type of blunt individual that just says whatever crosses his mind no matter how rude, outlandish, out of line, scandalous --- you name it. Case and point, his Habsburg jawline comment. Inbreeding and hereditary physical disability jokes. Could be him being crass, but could also be the fact that, and I can't believe I'm analyzing Emile, the things I do for you guys, but I figure he is convinced that he's also the king of humor and that his remarks are genuinely funny and the life of the party. That they're his ticket to every rich man's brunch this side of the Californian coastline. I also tend to envision that he lives to impress Terry Silver (and individuals like him) --- only the richest man around. Downright. That much like a court jester socialite, not that he thinks of himself as one, far from, he'd say anything in the hopes his glamorous contact in the form of a Billionaire with a wicked beach patio mansion would merely chuckle at any of his many comments and invite him to his garden parties next time he hosts as well. The smallest chuckle will do as confirmation and approval. Which leads Emile to say progressively more and more unhinged things hoping that this time around, his jokes will make the king of the room, Terry, laugh. Such is the social hierarchy of the wealthy; some individuals gravitate around the rich and stick by them, wanting to impress them by any means necessary, even through sucking up.
Terry realizes attempts are being made.
He's been around long enough and he's encountered many Emiles in his time.
He deliberately suppresses amusement or most reactions that aren't just polite, graceful acknowledgement. Just so he'd see someone fidget and try desperately even harder for his sake. He might be in his Tofu Era, but that doesn't mean Terry ceased controlling people and silently toying with them or even relishing in the quiet, unassuming power he holds. In fact, the fact it seems like he isn't is a very good indicator he is at his most controlling here. Terry's ''friends''? They're all here for a reason. And that reason is because he put them there deliberately to hide himself in plain sight. Of course he enjoys having the upper hand socially. He always has. Always will.
So, a cute waitress (or waiter) at a Vegan restaurant?
Emile might outright say that waitress is cute because quirky and shocking bluntness is hilarious, right? Maybe this time around, Terry Silver, gracious host extraordinary, will finally laugh. Might say it in front of Cheyenne to amp up the fact of risque hilarity, who also very much hinges on Terry's good graces as well, and who might also laugh, because her mindfulness app's financing depends on being appeasing and her being the 'cool girl' and this is a business deal more than anything, and Emile is focusing on his own favour in Terry's eyes more than on anyone else's entirely willing to throw the 'girlfriend' under the bus with some man-to-man locker-room talk if it means endearing himself to Terry, who very much spots the quiet in-fighting in his posse and takes secret relishing in it. They're squabbling over scraps. Over him. He's there enjoying a lovely Rosé meanwhile, playing blissfully ignorant. Life is good. He will leave a hefty tip with the adorable waitress. Hefty. Enough to live on for six months, maybe more, until he meets them again; a reward for heir good service. Maybe a promise, that one day, he could come back to the venue. Once his rag-tag team of friends leaves his life though, because he promptly dismisses and ghosts them all when their use is up, and Terry returns to his old ways, he'd seek his waitress out --- the same man, yet so very different. This time, his order is infinitely different too. No canapes, no garnishes, no salads, and certainly no Tofu. Just the wine.
Terry comes all alone. No company.
Turns out, Emile, the accidental idiot Cupid, was good for a thing --- for pointing out a once in a lifetime treasure.
Terry Silver could destroy the lives of all his former, erhm, friends, one by one, just for the sake of it now that they no long serve a concrete use to him and once their expiration dates are up but he chooses the tiny mercy through merely cutting them all loose and being gracious for the single reason that if he didn't visit this particular restaurant, on a particular day and time of the year with them, he would've never met you. No interaction is for free; everything leads to something else. Turns out, one finds what belongs to them in the strangest places, in the strangest moments of one's life, when one least expects. This is an act of providence.
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rosesradio · 8 months
Vandangelo prompt.
"I love you"
"I'll pass"
thanks for the prompt ! likes & reblogs are appreciated, & my inbox is open for drabble prompts :-)
word count: 705
It was late into the night when he said it, one of those nights where you get pulled in two different directions.
On one side, there was conforming this sphere to the control panel. If Leo showed his crew mates in the morning, he imagined they would think it was pretty cool. Or, rather, they’d say it was cool while not really caring.
On the other side, there was the sleep Leo so desperately needed. Sleep deprivation weighed him down so heavily, he could cry—but he always avoided sleep. With sleep came letting his guard down, and dreams about monsters and cities burning to the ground. When he was awake, at least he could somewhat control what haunted him.
The mechanic’s bay, Leo’s little home, was big enough for two cots. Leo had made a room for himself, but he worked in here so often and so late, he ended up moving a cot into the tiny room.
The second cot was for Nico.
When he first joined their amateur crew, Leo offered him his room. Nico didn’t accept—some weird noble reason, he imagined. He started staying in the mechanic’s bay, in Leo’s sacred space, much to Leo’s vexation. He even had the nerve to tell Leo that if he tried anything—such as an innocent ‘hand in a bowl of warm water’ trick—he would melt Leo’s bones into shadows. Leo didn’t even know if he could do that, but he didn’t want to find out.
So the company was nice.
It actually was—once they got past their initial sleepover squabbles, they actually had some nice conversations. Nico would ask Leo what he was working on and even laugh at his jokes. It was a little more difficult to get Nico to open up, but when he did, Leo could really understand him.
Looking at him now, Nico’s head resting against the pillow as his hair splayed out, Leo felt none of the disdain he had when first meeting him. There was just…affection. He really liked him, cared for him…even loved him. He wasn’t even entirely sure in what way—romantic, platonic, whatever; he knew as sure and sound as the air in his lungs that he loved Nico di Angelo.
Leo smiled at the sight of him—the guy needed a haircut when they got out of this. He brushed a stray lock of hair from Nico’s face, his touch lingering for a moment.
“Love you, Nico…”
Leo honestly wasn’t sure how he’d explain himself if confronted on it; he hadn’t even said that type of thing to Piper or Jason, though he loved them, too. Love was a powerful and intimidating feeling, especially to demigods, but it was also the only thing that kept them going.
Nico rustled a bit, swatting fruitlessly in the air as if Leo’s hand had been an annoying bug.
“Mm…I’ll pass…” he managed with a yawn.
Leo felt his face flush, embarrassment and pain filling his chest like concrete. He heard himself laugh, though he knew he didn’t mean it. “You’ll…you’ll pass?”
Nico nodded faintly, clearly still half asleep. “Too many people…too much…stuff going on…I can’t be responsible…for you…”
Leo’s heart thudded off-beat in his chest. “You don’t have to worry about being responsible for me, Nico. I’m covered.”
Nico nodded again, eyes still closed. “Maybe some other time…okay? I’ll love you tomorrow…”
The bittersweet cage around Leo’s heart seemed to loosen, ready to break. He laughed again, this one more genuine. Nico was, after all, really cute when he was half-asleep. “Okay. I’ll love you tomorrow, too. Goodnight, Nico.”
Nico was silent, and Leo knew he was fully asleep now. Leo’s tired eyes gazed along every character of text across the sphere, then over to Nico. He seemed younger when he slept, and Leo found it hard to believe that he was one of the youngest on the crew due to his shadowy disposition. Leo knew that sleep was a luxury they couldn’t always afford aboard the Argo II, though he hoped no one would barge in and wake either of them anytime soon. With a sigh, Leo put the sphere down and went over to his cot, feeling comfortable to fall asleep for the first time in a while.
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dragonmuse · 2 years
If inspiration strikes, I'd enjoy reading something with Jim, Frenchie, & Lucius (the possible S2 trio!) or something with Frenchie, Roach, & Pete (the RoP trio!). (I don't recall whether I already submitted this, as this would have been one of my initial ideas from months ago. So if I have, please dismiss this.)
(hahahahah *nervously stuffs unanswered asks behind them in pile* never worry about re-sending. I uh... look I'm trying my best, but things have gotten a little out of hand back here, so if you want to re-float something that's been sitting for more than six weeks or so, by all means. I do go digging in the back catalog sometimes, but you know. Things fall behind metaphorical filing cabinets etc)
“I’m going to end her entire life,” Lucius tried the door again, fruitlessly. 
“It was an accident,” Frenchie reminded him. “...probably.” 
“It was,” Jim was eying up the door with a determined look. “She was distracted.” 
“Why does the lock even work this way?” Luicus groused, taking out his phone. “Who’s closest and has keys? She’s got to be halfway across town already. Asshole.” 
The three of them had gone down to the basement that morning to start pulling out summer festival decorations. A good-natured squabble between Frenchie and Lucius over who was carrying what meant that they missed the sound of Eddy’s boots until they were right on top of them and then there had been the very distinctive sound of a propped door closing and a ‘snick’ of a lock. Then tread away and the backdoor closing. They hadn’t thought much about it because obviously no one would put a lock on the basement door that one couldn’t open from the other side. 
The door (the basement as a whole) was a relatively new concept, so it wasn’t until a half-hour later that they had discovered that apparently that was a decision that had been made at some point. 
So Eddy had locked them in together. There were worse places to be stuck. There was a bathroom and there were snacks in the kitchenette, but Lucius had had plans for the evening that involved being very far from the bar seeing as it was, for once, closed on Sunday. Because Eddy and Stede were taking a little trip and decided to gift everyone with a few days off. So cute. So sweet. 
So fucking inconvenient right now because they were the closest key holders and were definitely on their way to gone. 
“Does Pete have a set?” Frenchie asked doubtfully. 
“No. love the man, but no one trusts him with security. What about Read?” 
“She and Anne already left for upstate,” Jim frowned. 
“Oh! Fang!” Lucius said hopefully and dialed his number. It ran a few times before giving over to voicemail. “Dear heart, if you get this in the next hour or so, please call back. Minor emergency, kisses!” 
“That does not convey distress,” Jim rolled their eyes. 
“I don’t want to worry him.” 
“I’m worried,” Frenchie groaned. “At least a little.” 
“Someone would come looking for us,” Lucius said staunchly. 
“Yeah, but no one with keys,” Jim pointed out.  
“Did you call Oluwande?” 
“Doesn’t have keys. Turns his phone off when he’s volunteering.” 
“Why?” Frenchie wrinkled his nose.
“Sets a good example for the kids not to be on the phone,” Jim repeated dutifully. 
“Damn his good heart,” Frenchie laughed. “Well fuck. Roach doesn’t have keys either. Why does no one have keys?” 
“I told you all I’d make copies years ago and none of you wanted them,” Lucius sat down on the stairs. “Fuck. Okay. I’ll text Pete so at least someone knows where we are.” 
“Ask him to tell John if he’s up?” Frenchie sighed. “He’s still tanked from that bad shrimp last night, I bet.” 
“Oh yeah,” Lucius’ nose wrinkled. “Yikes.” 
Pete didn’t respond immediately and that left them just staring at each other.  
“You know, I saw some board games in the back of the cupboard when we were pulling stuff out,” Frenchie mused. “Want to play?” 
“We should be working on getting out of here,” Jim frowned. 
“Okay, cool. Any ideas?” Frenchie lifted his eyebrows. “Cause I’d love to hear it.” 
Lucius dropped his face into his hands. Jim sighed. 
“Yeah, fine.” 
The games must’ve been purchased by Stede for the kids then never made it to his place. They were brand new in the plastic. After some debate, they settled on Monopoly. Lucius took the top hat, Jim took the car and Frenchie was pleased with the thimble.  
“So look,” Frenchie paid $200 to get out of jail. “I’m just saying Jim could probably fit through the window.” 
“Maybe,” Jim frowned. “It’s locked too though.” 
“What if we break it?” Lucius casually purchased another purple property. He kept his cards in  a stack so it was hard to tell how many he had. 
“The alarm will go off,” Frenchie pointed out.
“So?” Jim snorted. “Who cares?” 
“I’d care more about you trying to skim through jagged glass.” 
“No big deal.” 
“Very big deal,” Lucius contended. “You’ll get bloody, I’ll faint and you still won’t have a key to get us out. We’re better off waiting for Pete to figure out a lockpick, if he ever gets back to me. What the hell is he even doing today anyway?” 
Jim scooted the car down a few spaces. “I’ll buy the railroad.” 
“Already own it,” Lucius held his hand out for cash. “Did we hit up the group text?” 
“First thing. No one’s responded,” Frenchie sighed. “It’s not like that’s going to get any more attention than reaching out individually anyway. Maybe I could figure out a distress flat and hang it in the window.” 
“So the alley rats can see?” Jim frowned and forked over cash. 
“I’m going to have a snack,” Frenchie decided, landing on his own property. “Anyone else?” 
They all ate hot cheetos in varying degrees of despondency, their silver pieces moving around the board. Lucius’ cash pile grew. 
“You can’t own that,” Frenchie challenged, then deflated when Luicus showed him the card. “How?!” 
“I kept buying stuff while the two of you were debating the window idea for the third time.” 
“I think you’re cheating,” Jim decided. 
“I mean, I’m not, but go off, I guess.” 
“Any one want some music?” Frenchie asked. 
“No,” Lucius and Jim said simultaneously. 
“I’m going to kick your ass,” Jim informed Lucius. 
“Good luck.” 
Things got tenser after that. For a while, Jim rallied, but then Lucius reached a tipping point and houses started cascading down on properties. Frenchie was down to his last ten dollars and Jim was starting to try bargains with him about his mortgaged properties. 
That’s when they heard voices and then some scraping noise. 
“We’re down here!” Frenchie yelled getting to his feet. “For the love of all things holy, save me!” 
“Save us,” Lucius amended. 
“Fuck you two, I want out of this situation yesterday,” Frenchie undermined his vitriol by handing Jim his ten dollars and then vaulting up the stairs. “Hello!” 
“Hey!” That was Pete, Lucius groaned with relief and got to his feet. 
“Hey, your man came through,” Jim said approvingly. 
“Yeah, would’ve been nice if he let me know that,” Lucius checked his still quiet phone. “....my battery died.” 
“How are you so smart and so dumb at the same time?” Jim asked exasperated. 
“It got knocked into the sink last week. Eddy again, actually. Battery hasn’t been right since,” he frowned. “Did I piss her off more than usual recently?” 
“Nah, just distracted about the trip, I bet. She was excited to get away,”Jim reassured him, already packing up the bits of paper. After a pause, Lucius helped them, between of the two of them getting all tucked away just as the door finally yawned open.
“Izzy?” Lucius head flew up, then just to Jim. “...hide me.” 
“No. Why?” 
“He’s gonna be annoyed that I didn’t call him.”
“...why didn’t you call him? He’s a great lockpick.” 
“Why didn’t you?” 
“Because you’re both as dumb as each other,” Izzy concluded for them, already at the bottom of the stairs. “You enjoying it down here or can we go? I set off the alarm.” 
“I have the code, it’s okay,” Lucius sighed. “Thanks for coming.”
“Pete was worried you’d all resort to cannibalism before an actual locksmith showed up,” Izzy glanced at Jim. “I wasn’t sure he was most worried about, but I figured it was 50/50.” 
“Could’ve been me!” Frenchie called from the top of the stairs. 
Lucius and Jim exchanged a look, then headed silently back up after him. 
“It could!” Frenchie protested. “I’m the most stringy anyway. Lucius has the most meat.” 
“See, that’s the kind of statement that gets you eaten first,” Lucius said dryly, then beamed at Pete. “Thanks for calling the calvary, babe!” 
“Yeah, of course,” Pete hugged him. “You okay?” 
“He’s a cheating cheater,” Jim informed him. 
“Monopoly,” Lucius explained. 
“Oh yeah, no,” Pete pulled a face. “That’s on our banned games list.” 
“You have a list?” Izzy did something to the lock (it would never really work right again, but Lucius wasn’t going to rat him out when Stede demanded to know who had broken it).  
“Oh yeah,” Frenchie nodded. 
“Wait, you knew he cheated at it?” Jim demanded. 
“He doesn’t cheat! He’s just really good at it and a sore winner.” 
“I can’t help if you suck,” Lucius mimed tossing his hair, before going to disarm the alarm and call the security company. 
“I’m going to lock him back down there,” Jim decided. 
“Not today,” Izzy gave them a look. “I have tickets.” 
“I’ll wait until he least expects it,” they said darkly. Pete and Izzy exchanged a look, then shrugged. Sometimes you had to let people try their luck with Lucius. They even won sometimes. 
“What other games are the list?” Izzy asked. 
“Risk,” Frenchie and Pete said at the same time. 
“Who plays fucking Risk anyway?” 
“How can he good at that when he can’t even learn poker?” 
“Mystery for the ages,” Pete agreed. “I took John’s car over, you want a ride home Frenchie? Jim?” 
“Please,” Frenchie beamed. 
“Yeah, okay.” Jim sighed. “Why am I tired?”
“Stressful stuff,” Pete shrugged. 
“All set!” Lucius chirped from the backdoor. “Iz, are we going?” 
“Yes, pup.” 
Lucius locked up behind them.  Just as he was closing it, his phone jumped back to life with a ring. 
“Possessed battery,” he grumbled and answered. 
“Lucius! The alarm is going off!” Stede cried over the phone. “Can you go down and take a look at it?” 
“Already handled,” he rolled his eyes. “Maybe ask your asshole spouse why they didn’t check no one was home before they locked the door.” 
“You’re on speaker,” Eddy drawled. 
“Good,” Lucius bit back. “What is wrong with you? I told Stede we’d be there.” 
“Oh. I may have forgotten to mention?” Stede was probably grimacing. 
“And what happened to ‘I hear all’?” Lucius pushed on. “I thought you never missed a trick, Eddy?” 
“Dunno,” they said untroubled. “Ooops?” 
The phone disappeared from Lucius’ hand. Jim hit speaker. “Eddy.” 
“Oh no,” Eddy said, suddenly very subdue. 
“Oh yes,” they hissed. 
“I’m sorry?” 
“You will be.”  Jim’s grin was very disconcerting and you could definitely hear it in their voice. “Enjoy your vacation.” 
“My love, what do you think about extending our trip indefinitely?” 
“Sorry, honey, I do actually want to continue living in the city.” 
“Bye.” Jim hung up and handed the phone back to Lucius before stalking off down the alley. 
“That was hot!” He yelled after them, then giggled when they flipped him off. 
He felt better already. 
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cherryslyce · 1 year
Cherry darling you’ve done it again! You can really feel the tension building in this chapter as things are so fast paced and engaging!
As always Contessa Zabini on her queen shit and Luna being the loml (just their default modes tbh). And reader/Harry interactions again! They have such sibling energy I love how close they are. Also- Harry just casually dropping that they’re going to start the battle of Hogwarts on the reader as if it’s old news plsss he’s so funny.
Sirius being the protective cool uncle is making every one of my dreams come true he’s such a dork. The way he threatened his OWN baby brother to look after his adopted kid he’s sooo funny.
Speaking of the baby Black,,,. Regulus!!!!! Literally marry rn !!!!!!! He is so sweet in this chapter. Everything he does makes my heart melt, him providing support to the reader through their story, squabbling with Sirius over who’s the better looking brother, and him cuddling and pouting to the reader about his nickname- he’s the man of my dreams omg
I’m stuck in two for the next chapter, on one hand I wanna read it right now so I can see more of this story but I also don’t want it to come yet because I don’t want this masterpiece to end!! You really have done such an incredible job on this story and you should be so proud of yourself <3
My dear Custard!! <333
Contessa Zabini is really just the most magnificent woman ever, and I always love having Luna linger around for reader because I fully believe she is the best friend ever !! Reader/Harry interactions are almost always chaotic, and you are absolutely right, they have the most precious sibling bond!! Reader definitely threatened to curb stomp the Dursley's at one point in time (canon bc yes) after Harry opened up about them.
Sirius is literally the best uncle ever, and he is so so so proud of his adopted kiddos <33. The Black Brothers are truly my Achilles heel and they are 100% the biggest support system for reader ! Sigh...what a cute little family.
Sleepy Regulus literally makes my heart melt because he just has no filter and allows himself to get lost in his desire for affection !!
I feel the same way about the next chapter!! I really cannot believe that it's coming to an end so soon! This series has been a RIDE, and I could have never expected the feedback I've gotten so far, but I have loved every single interaction! Thank you so much for your constant love and support, my dear! You are truly too good to me, and I'm so honored to have been able to share this journey with you! I am forever grateful for you <333
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imthefailedartist · 2 years
Black Adam (2022, Collet-Serra)
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What more can be said? ALL these superhero movies are the exact same. Argue wit ya mamma.
That said, this was fun. A nice mix of darkness and relief.
This movie explains almost nothing which was great for me, a person who does not care, but if you care it's rough, read the comics watch the sequel.
Spoilers below
I see my colleague get electrocuted to dust. I'm putting my weapon down and walking away. What the fuck am I supposed to do against that?!?!
This movie could've ended when he thought he hurt the little boy. Him imprisoned is the end. The devil coming back to earth is the end credit scene. The sequel starts with the seemingly having taken over Khandak. That would have cut this movie off at a good hour forty-five choice. This movie is too damn long, it didn't necessarily feel like it so that's good. For a two hour plus movie they didn't explain a lot of the who's and why's I would have liked to know a teensy bit more about the Justice Society, since it's older than the Justice League and seems to have a different mission.
Did not care for the kid as a narrator. Should have been Adrianna.
Also, I'm not getting punted in the air and punted back to the earth. You will not disrespect me like that.
I like how the city looks
Is Khandak just like an isolated desert country or city?
At some point you gotta realize regular weapons ain't working and count your losses.
Your magic is weak? Great line.
Hawkman. Do nasty things to my body.
Smasher can you focus that growth to certain areas?
I hate the lack of collar on his costume. But then that man's shoulder and neck muscles are so bulbous that he'd look like he was being choked by his own suit
DOORS MOTHERFUCKER!!! USE THEM!!! In on scene the door was open and he still bust through a wall.
The squabbling between Hawkman and Teth Adam got old fast.
What's you power?
Cool. I grow. Best way to introduce characters and powers. Let's see more of it.
I want to see Hawkman fight Smasher. It's be funny.
Smasher's power is so satisfying to little kid me
Smasher and Cyclone are cute.
I hope Adiranna has good renters insurance.
I'm not tripping, Adrianna did have power in one scene. She blue blasted someone away from her or her son. I saw it but maybe I didn't. I guess I wait for number 2.
I was on the Khandak people's side. They've been oppressed for 20 plus years and now you show up. To do what? Help the oppressor because that's what it looks like you were trying to do.
So let me get this straight, you have a prison full of unconcious, submerged, people and you're the good guys? That shit is a human right s violation lawsuit waiting to happen.
He really shot to kill a child. That was dark. I also thought Teth Adam was about to get sliced in half by that Eternium barrier.
The bikes were cool I want more of them.
The demon did not need to be that hot.
I take it Eternium comes back in the next movie?
Teth Adam on the on the throne, you know the angle, yum.
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Crash Course in Romance : Episode 2
Probability of Encountering Your Enemy at Your Worst 😂 what are title
Waittttt, he used to eat at her place years back too!?
She said daughters, so the girl must be our handball girlie's real sister. I assumed it was a friend 💀 (everyone can be an aunty!)
KDRAMAS ARE GOING TO HELL OMG why do they sneak these parental deaths on me so casually 😭🙏 y'all hate me. my god
this poor bean
i knew that aunty would feed him regardless !!! god i love shop owners who recognise you. always there for you
oh my god, she's been taking care of that girl for THIS long
our man is literally there in the restaurant grieving over his dad's death as this baby gets dropped here by her mom 😭
she just handed our baby a note ??? at least have the guts to ask your family. bffr 💀
NO WAY HER MOM DIED I'll actually stop watching you cannot take 2 parents from me in 5 minutes ???? even Vincenzo was gentler and gave me some time!!!
her mom really died nooooo
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y'all hate me SO much
i think she might have to give up on her handball :/
this coach cannot be real lmao no one talks like this irl to someone's face 💀 'she isn't even your daughter, I'll let you go if your niece dies' like she's just late for practice bitch ass.
punch him !!!
why is he making her pick oh my god YOU CANNOT BE SERIOUS.
idk what's up with me but her wanting to call her aunt her mum and having the brightest of smiles calling her mum and running to her got me
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i am again reminded of the quote that goes kids forgive so much and just want to be loved
this show is aesthetically so beautiful
is that her friend from handball helping her or someone else? :0
a loyal friend <3
is he in therapy or is this just a normal doctor
is that husband in Phillipines a cover story?
i admire the ability of anyone to eat anything in an all white outfit
oh bae i hope you don't get nauseous
that's a cool decomposer!
'you're all i have' is kind of a terrible thing to hear as a teenager 😭
did she put money in the cabinet
WHO'S THAT in her house
wait everyone has iphones here ??? lmao no Samsung z flip in sight
lmao he's dressed like a delinquent to get breakfast
look at him squabbling with her over when the shop opens. the way they don't know his classes are the reason for this 😂
LMAOOOO remind me not to cross her, her bad luck wish for him got to him real fast. although slipping from your chair is funny and not to bad 😭
sister don't move so much I'm scared someone might push you and take your number.
SHE'S JUST LIKE ME FR. she was praying bad and took back the curse on that man and was promising all the good behaviour she could muster and then realised she's not gonna get the ticket and started complaining. #real
SHE GOT IN !!! SHE GOT THE 100th ticket
now why is the topper side eyeing my girlie, keep your side eye to yourself !
I love them. They're planning his fake murder in front of him 😭😂
I'm definitely not as hardworking as our girlie so I'm going to say I'm her friend because she deadass goes 'he kept looking at you, he's so into you' 💀 #mypeople
oh no my sister hasn't dated AT ALL?!!!! (She's just like me fr)
that girl is a hater for the sake of it but i get it i guess. sometimes you have weird hate vibes with people but tbh she's in a kdrama so I already know she's going to do something extremely messy.
him saying don't work too hard to his assistant is so funny actually
ahhh I checked the tags and this show has me giggling and squealing why does it look THAT cute
he got her a phoneeeee
Oh my god the stalker girl got shot ??????
kdramas without a criminal angle in some capacity challenge: failed (except bokjoo i guess) I'm not complaining. I love being anxious
girlfriend has a fling coming to pick her up !!! have fun bae <3
wait him entering the shop at night, this is the scene i saw in the previews
this is the worst story someone could've come up with it to give someone a free phone lmaooo 😭
i love her friend she's like 'what did I say, 100% in love with you'
oh so this teacher actually knows our man chi yeol.
what is this bitter ass conversation 💀 SO UNSERIOUS why is this random old classmate teacher talking like that.
I will actually climb inside and scratch him. Came here to just guilt him about a student's death and be way out of line in general. Oh my god he keeps going ???
so nasty
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awww babe you shouldn't be driving in this state
oh they just missed each other
it makes me happy that he at least came back to eat
aww my sweet little brother on his morning walk with his coffee and his waffles. (this is how i want to be omg)
aww she gifted her mom that cushion
lmaooo what was that text girlie 😭🤣
awww he's offering her his seat i love them !!!
oh no what if she asks him out on a date 😭
oh she's politely declining the self phone
lmaooo Jae woo (the brother) clocked our tiger man 🤣
my sweet girl gathered everyone, even Chiyeol who was just standing 💀 like babe get down!!!
oh this glass repair will cost her 😭
I think staying here probably saved him from getting shot alone
0 notes
stormblessed95 · 2 years
NOW 3 In Chicago
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My thoughts and commentary as I watch the NOW DVDs! I asked if people wanted me to post my thoughts as I watched and the majority did, so here we are. There is only 1 DVD in this package again, about an hour and a half long. The other part of this was just the photobook and extra photo goodies, such as posters. Reminder that these are just my thoughts, it's not very organized. You get me typing it out as I go like I'm reacting to a friend. Somewhat like a bullet point format in a way.
This was filmed during 150720 - 150723 during their Red Bullet Tour, they performed in Chicago on the 24th (Tae confirms first day of shooting is the 20th). This Taekook ft. Mini & Moni Bangtan Bomb that was released in 2016 was actually filmed during these photoshoots too. I also actually was able to find these on YouTube subbed. You can watch them if you want, part 1 and part 2. You can see their tweets from that time frame as well here, including 2 tweets jikook made together.
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DVD opens up with Hobi struggling to put contacts in and I was not prepared! Watching people touch their eyeballs gives me chills. Lol Jimin just laughing at him too 😂 JK so proud of his colored lenses! Jin is so cute. "I was trying to be cool, but I tripped." Jimin with his reddish hair and that bandana around his neck, the jewelry and that makeup, and it WORKS for him. Easily my favorite look. I swear, I'm obsessed 😍 HopeKook always so ready to break into dance together. The eyeliner for everyone is so intense. Lol
Tae 😭 "the future me who is watching this, what are you doing? I must be successful in a year, right?" Oh who is going to tell him?! Minimoni walking around Chicago together with a self camera, exploring. I love them. Jimin strutting around Chicago with a self cam looking fierce as heck and so happy. One of my favorite clips I swear. It is giving off so much energy, the vibes. I love it
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Hobi was so nervous and scared through his whole shoot on that bridge but you would never be able to tell! He kills it. It's interesting (and the photos turned out crazy good) that they did unit shoots for this location with Namkook in one unit and then the other 5 in another too.
3J being so goofy in the car. 😍 Hopekook messing around with the camera, hearing Jimins laugh as they have English Time too. Lol Yoongi has got the MOST colorful hair for these shoots and I adore everything about it.
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Sope photoshoots being the best thing ever! Yoongi unable to stop giggling the whole time and complaining about Hobi taking his sandwich as he is already just handing it over happily. They just make me so happy.
Jikook unit shoot 😭 there was just so much cuteness in here. "Now for Jungkook and Jimin who are always squabbling." Lmao we know editors, but they are so cute. And at the end of their shooting, Jimin joking about JK being taller today and just JK fully checking Jimin out from behind, head to toe, wow. Okay 😂 before agreeing and teasing about being taller. Jimin doing his solo shoot and struggling hard blowing bubbles with the gum. Only for us to hear JK still there watching his solo shoot and teasing him in the background while waiting for his own solo shoot. Lol their unit shoots together are always so special
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Namjoon being the cutest and most precious little bean during the Taenamjin unit shoot. I don't know what he was doing, but it was adorable. Lol and can we all agree that Pink is Jins color. Yes? Great. Tae doing the opening line for Dope and being so goofy interrupting Jins shoot, while Jin just smiles so fondly 😂 Tae almost taking Jimin to the ground by jumping on his back during during group shoot 😅😂 and getting his revenge on Tae while JK was just trying to say goodbye to the camera. The chaos of them all together is beautiful.
Team missions for photoshoots again! Teams were created off of a random draw this time. I'm excited for watching the process of the insanity I know is going to come. Lol we have NamGi, Taekook and HopeJinJi teams! They created their trio name themselves after picking their teams now and Tae created Taekook after that too. NamGi said they would be 6 years, for the length of their friendship 🥺
Everyone talking about how Namsen tower is super popular for couples, but that it has a really good view and good food and good music. Tae wanted to be able to go. Jimin said he went over his last vacation, Jin and Joon both said it was a really good spot for food and music. And they all got to go up to the top of the tower for some time! Vmin were so cute too
Next day of shooting starts off with Jimin pretending to throw grenades at Jungkook who is peacefully trying to take scenery photos! Lol Joon starting the photos off with some crazy dance moves. Jihope watching so fondly as he acts crazy. Jimin going "he's cute" and Hobi going "he looks like he has no eyebrows" 😂😂 The editors putting a horror movie scream over the footage of the photographer rescuing Hobi from a spider on the tree is so rude 😂 Hobi is so sweet though, giving us flowers 💜 Tae filming with a puppy!! The cutest thing ever. JK wants to go play with that dog so bad. Lol this shoot was so chaotic. Lol there was SO MUCH energy, particularly from Tae!
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Next shoot! I'm never not going to laugh at Jhopes energy. He has so much of it! Joon just tolerating everything he throws at him. Jimin complaining about his hyung always hitting his chest anytime he wears a dress shirt cracks me up, before it turns into a childish slapping pushing fight between the two as they giggle. Lol JinKook on a ferris wheel too! Their smiles were precious. Jhope pushing people out of the camera view consistently this whole shoot 😅
The next day they finally start working on their missions. These are always so funny. HopeJinJi decide to be thieves. Jimin explaining what some of them will do, just for Hobi to come and scoop Jimin up bridal style and say "okay. Lets go!" NamGi decide to do a horror movie parody with ghosts. And while they are nicely explaining their concept idea, we see JK hanging upside down off the railing at the top of the stairs. Lmao and he doesn't get down when other people talk to him, but when we hear Jimin behind the camera call him and tell him to be careful, he gets up and off the railing finally. Lol that cut below, with added captions for Jimin 🥰 Jimin worries about him and JK just immediately gets back down. Also he is insane, lmao I love him. Yoongi was so excited to be a ghost. Lol so excited. Taekook doing a Pokémon theme shoot, I love it.
Taekook did their shooting first and omfg, the face paint. They are making sure they protray their storyline well though, planning for each photo cut perfectly! They did a whole shoot and really committed. Lmao to the wild Pokémon (Tae) to the trainer (JK) finding and then fighting the Pokémon. Winning and capturing him in his pokeball (an apple lol). And victory shots. This was so extra and they did great 🤣 HopeJinJi doing a home alone themed shoot! Lol Jimin being "home alone" and 2seok being the thieves. Omg they were so cute and did such a good job too. Yoongi was soooo into being a ghost for this photoshoot. It's so endearing. Lmfao having the time of his life honestly. RM at the start, "it's nice he is so enthusiastic about this," and RM towards the end, "he keeps coming up with new ideas. I wish it would stop. I want to be done." 😂 they are so unintentionally funny. I love them!
JK so bored waiting for filming and went to go bug Jhope by tickling his feet and pinching him while he was trying to nap 😅 then jikook filming together, Jimin continuously zooming in on JKs face, just totally drapped across his lap as the cuddle while playing with the camera. "Jungkook-ah has a habit of kissing whenever he sees the camera" okay Jimin!
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Jungkook telling Suga to give a 200% mischievous smile while he films his individual shooting before going over to watch Jimins shoot, which is next. All his giggles before he starts going in on his "oh he is so good looking" and "oh what a sexy expression" compliments and then over and over saying "oh I want to have you." Jungkook PLEASE. I have such a hard time watching this, the second hand embarrassment I get 😅 my post over THAT comment is here for those who want to read it. Lmao the editors, "he wants Jimin, but it ends." Please that doesn't make it any better 😭😭
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Yoonminhopekook doing a unit shoot together. Yoonminkook tickling the heck out of Hobi for photos and 3J pushing Yoongi around on a skateboard. They are so cute. NamTaeJin were so chill in comparison as a group! Lol and their group shoots in the house were precious and chaotic as per usually. Right before it started, we see Jimin giving JK a bit of a neck massage too before they start filming as he is on the floor right in front of him. Sooo sweet. Just for Tae to put JK immediately in a headlock for photos 😂 Everyone tickling Hobi again too, someone save Jhope and everyone then tickling Kookie. It's nice they have fun as much as possible doing all these photoshoots.
Finally back in Korea and getting to see how their missions went. Them giggling over their team names is all so cute. Taekook saying they were happy to be on a team since other members can be more quiet at times. NamGi saying they were happy to work together since they hadn't been in a group together much before. HopeJinJi were so cute too talking about how good their teamwork is and how Jimin was their groups spy. Plus Jin spent that whole segment with his leg propped over Hobi's leg and tucked under Jimins arm. Lmao I love that for him! Everyone laughing super hard at how weird their photos turned out, and NamGi being like oh ours turned out so good, we look good, we did good. 🤣 Yoongi LOVED this concept, my goodness.
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Omg first prize for this mission is $300 to a restaurant. That is QUITE the prize for real! Everyone else thinking they will win, and then there is Taekook saying they think Jimin will win, cuties. Tae saying he knows where Hobi would put their gift card and making plans to steal it 😂😂 Taekooks photos were so silly, Jimin was giggling so hard, yet so quietly about it too. Lol everyone was so sweet though "good looking guys look good even when they are trying to look ugly." HopeJinJi photo review turned into a roasting Jin session from the other teams 🤣 please. Lol NamGi won with just 4 more votes over the HopeJinJi team and got the gift certificate. The cheering they did was so cute!! Tae wouldn't leave JKs ear alone either or stop hitting him with the paper. Lol why are they like this? Jimin so sweet thanking all the staff who worked with them. He was so quick to leave though after his thank yous. Tae right on his heels! And ending the DVD with cute self filmed footage of NamGi's Korean Beef date with their well earned prize money was the perfect ending for sure 🥺🥺🥺
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This was so cute and had so many amazing moments between everyone. I love getting to watch them all have fun together too. Thanks for letting me share my thoughts! You can find my thoughts over the first 2 NOW DVDs as well on my masterlist 💜💜
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oneprompt · 3 years
Hello again. Could you do 10 for the love prompt with Boa Hancock and a male reader?
authors note: hello ! <3 sorry for not being active the last few days ;;; i havent been feeling very good ... my apologies ! and why yes , i can :) please enjoy , i love writing for boa ;;
Boa Hancock x M! Reader , Standing On Your Tippy Toes To Kiss Your Lover
Boa’s stone cold poker face immediately twisted into one of love, eyes beating as if they were hearts. Oh, how happy she was to see you!
        “Y/n!” She beamed happily, gleaming with near childlike excitement. Boa was immediately blushing just looking at you. She cupped her cheeks and shyly shifted her gaze away. “H-Hello...”
You couldn’t help but laugh at your girlfriends reaction to just your presence alone. She was always so cute! You loved everything about Hancock, from how she could be a cool and composed ruler one moment and then squealing like a school girl over the smallest of things. She was far too lovely!
         “Hey!” You gave Boa a mellow smile, one that was full of all sorts of pleasant feelings. Kya! Why were you so unbelievably cute? You were as adorable as people got, truly. Even if people couldn’t exactly wrap their heads around Boa’s infatuation with you, and the fact she’s in love in general, she’ll never hesitate to love and praise you!
       “Would you care for some tea, darling? Or food? Or treasure?” Boa blabbered our in excitement, a grin filling out her blushing features. You gave Boa a simple nod, smiling up at her.
      “Tea sounds lovely.”
You took time to admire the way Boa has chosen to present herself today. The purple dress she wore was a beauty, decorated with jewelry. From necklaces to rings, she had it all on. Boa’s dress sunk all the way down to her ankles but still teased her long and slender legs.
Even with her dress so far downward, you could tell Boa was wearing heels today. Not that it was a bad thing, no! You just felt a little... embarrassed when she wore them.
Boa was already incredibly tall for a woman, towering at an entire 6’2. And adding the pumps she wore, that at least pushed her upward to 6’6...
The empress must’ve noticed you staring at her, a small frown on your face. Boa gasped loudly and slammed the packet of sugars downward.
       “Is- is something the matter!?”
You quickly shook your head, cheeks going pink. How childish you must’ve looked, looking at her in such a dumb way. You hoped you hadn’t made her uncomfortable…
      “Oh! Um-“ You squabbled for words, gazing up at the empress. Boa was far too beautiful for you to fathom, you could swear you turned to stone as you stood there, attempting to gather your thoughts.
      “I just wanted to kiss you..“ You admitted to your lover. You and Boa had kissed before, yes. Yet, every time you two did, you couldn’t help but be swallowed in your own embarrassment. Boa was always overdramatic with such things, shouting out how much she loved you, how she would take you as her husband. Not that you disliked that! It’s just, wouldn’t anyone get flustered by such blunt statements? 
Boa didn’t seem bothered as she immediately dropped the tea cup, scorching water and honey falling upon the table, It was weird how Boa didn’t even take note of the motion. 
      “I-i would love to, my sweet!” Her pink shaded lips crawled into a giddy smile, hands clasped together. Boa stood up straight, now awaiting a kiss from yours truly. 
Boa looked so unbelievably beautiful.. The way her silky black hair framed her angular face, plump lips puckered, slanted eyes shut calmly. Even doing such a simple thing, she looked as if she were a goddess. A big and beautiful goddess. 
Now, how would you go about this? You pondered. You two would usually kiss via her squatting down... But it didn't seem that way, no. Not today. You may be hurting your pride but a true man does anything for a woman!
You pushed yourself up, leaning off your heels and now supporting your weight with only your toes. You reached a hand outward, letting Boa lean her cheek into the flat surface of your palm. You didn’t hesitate to seal your lips together. 
Even as your toes ached from all the pressure, you were overwhelmed with a never ending warmth, an ever lasting love. The sensation of Boa’s lips moving with yours was enough to make your head spin.
The kiss didn’t last much longer, as you had to pull away in order to not trip and fall on your lover as your feet grew weak from being on your tippy toes for long. 
        “Oh, Y/n! Save such a kiss for our wedding night!” The empress cheered confidently, cupping her red cheeks as she giggled to herself. Kissing you was always the highlight of Boa’s day, even for the entire week!
You sighed, smiling gently at her. You merely nodded, “Of course i will,” You went along with her speaking of marriage. You watched as Boa’s eyes went wide, a gasp falling from her lips. 
 You soon let out a gasp of your own as Boa gave you a great big bear head, squealing excitedly. 
         “You’re too cute...kya~!”
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narrators-journal · 3 years
Hello, I really like your work! and i would like to know if you can make yandere killua and yandere illumi fighting each other for the reader. The reader is a friend of Killua and is the same age as him, 18 years old.
Alright! This might be a bit iffy in parts because I never write actual confrontations, but I hope it's enjoyable! I couldn't really slip in some real yandere behavior, so I kinda implied it to keep things short lol.
Killua'd known you for a while now, about two years, from the age of 16 to now, his eighteenth birthday, and he liked you quite a bit. Because of this, the silver-haired man had begun to keep an even stricter eye on you than he had in the past. That's why you were tagging along to Killua's family home with him and Gon to let his family celebrate so that he could keep you safe and close. Besides, he'd rather you met Illumi under his watch than on the roads and by complete chance. So, Alluka was safely in a secure hotel room and you were walking up to the gates to Hades with him and Gon. "You sure you can't just do this over the phone?" You asked, your (e/c) eyes swimming with concern for him, it made his stomach flutter with butterflies. "Nah, my mom would have a fit if I didn't come home for my eighteenth birthday. But, if they try to introduce me to a 'nice girl', we run." That made you and Gon both giggle, but nod. Despite it being silly, the three of you knew it was highly likely. It would be too much to ask that Illumi and Milluki be the favored ones. Killua thought bitterly as he spotted the gates to Hades up ahead, but no. He and Illumi were something akin to the favorites out of his five siblings, the most 'loved' was Killua, he was the heir, so of course he was expected to breed and carry on the line, but Illumi was the eldest, so he too was expected to find a wife and have children. It was an awful fate that some part of Killua, deep down, felt sorry for his brother over, but it was a small portion.
With a firm shake of his head, Killua shooed the thoughts away and huffed at the doors that he now stood in front of, "We'll do our best to get out quickly," Gon chirped, giving the white-haired assassin a confident smile, which he returned, "Yeah! Real quick," he confirmed, before leading them to the testing gates and easily opening them all. "Y'know (y/n), each of those doors is supposed to be 2 tons each? and each bigger one is twice the weight of the corresponding one!" Gon boasted, bringing an astounded look to your face, "Holy shit, really?! Isn't that...128 tons though?" Gon nodded "Yep! Killua can open them all," he boasted, beaming with pride in his friend, ignoring the pink-cheeked glare Killua threw his way as they walked onto the mountain.
As to be expected, the Zoldycks had sent Gotoh, their head butler, with a car, so the trio was spared the miles of walking it took to get to the actual main house. So, instead, they spent the ride talking and joking, which helped to combat the knot of dread in Killua's stomach. Something just told him that this visit wasn't going to end well, but he couldn't say why he felt that way. When he got inside the manor, he got his answer.
It wasn't that he and Illumi were still on bad terms, he'd tentatively begun to mend fences with his eldest brother at sixteen after years of blubbering and pestering from his mother, but the way Illumi's soulless eyes locked onto you when he spotted you did not sit well with the silver-haired Zoldyck. However, his mother tackled him before he could stop his brother from approaching you and striking up a conversation. The only comfort he got was in knowing you were talking to him almost solely out of the need to be polite, you'd been warned enough about the manipulative snake to know to be wary. "you've grown so much! I barely recognize you anymore," Kikyo half squealed and half chided as if Killua could help himself growing to be Illumi's height, maybe a bit more, but the man just rolled his icy blue eyes, staying quiet to avoid his mother shrieking at him about how she was a good mother who loved him or something.
After his mother was done fussing at him, Killua returned to you, sticking close to you and Gon so he didn't lose his cool, doing so would only lengthen how long they'd have to stay. However, he also came over to interrupt Illumi's conversation with you, "Hey, (y/n), ya doing okay?" he asked, not bothering to hide his concern about his brother, which got him a pointed look from said brother, "Oh, yeah, just been chatting with your brother." you hummed, and while he could tell you were still wary, it was far less rigid as it was before. Of fucking course he'd do this bullcrap he thought, scanning over you to ensure his older sibling hadn't stuck you with a needle. Thankfully he hadn't, so that meant Illumi'd just charmed you. Disgusting.
Nonetheless, he bit back the urge to grab you and run and instead just talked to you and slowly led you away from Illumi. After that, things mellowed out for Killua and the day wasn't as much of a nightmare as he'd thought it would be, though that was mostly because he hung out with Gon and you more than his family. That wasn't to say he wasn't polite to his siblings, especially Kalluto, and nice to his parents, but he kept a distance from them. He especially kept a distance from Illumi, and he made sure you did the same so that the assassin couldn't put a needle in you or charm you anymore. However, Illumi approached him around evening, when you'd been drug off by Kikyo to 'have a chat' aka be interrogated for knowing her son so well. "I know why you avoid me nowadays," Illumi hummed in his usual bored, almost-sleepy voice as he watched the tv and acted as if he didn't notice his younger brother's evil look. "but what bugs me right now, is you keeping (y/n) away from me. You know that I need a partner, your friend is a viable option, you're just being rude to stop me from at least trying to date her." He continued, and Killua could almost taste the annoyance in his deadpan brother's aura, but all it did was put a spark of malicious joy in his soul. "First, my friends shouldn't be options for you, second, quit fucking talking about them like they're a piece of meat. (y/n) is a fucking human, not a damned broodmare for you." he pointed out in as cool of a tone as he could manage, both so no malice slips into his aura and affects Gon, who was next to him, and to further annoy Illumi. "Is it because you have a crush on her? No offense, Kill, but that won't stop me from making a move if she's available. they're very cute, and I wouldn't mind having her for myself." the dead-eyed man said coldly, staring down at the younger man.
For a moment or two after that, Killua and Illumi gave each other lethal looks, having a silent argument that was so palpable that Gon finally got up and moved, knowing better than to try and intervene or help his friend with family spats. It turned out the dark haired boy had the right idea, because almost as soon as he'd gotten up, the two went at each other like a pair of hostile dogs.
Killua was swiftly thrown to the ground by his older brother, but since he was no longer twelve, Killua's punch in response did actual damage instead of being ignored. Though he still stood no chance against him, Killua did his best to punch, kick, and bite his brother, managing to roll him over and slam his head into the floor before he retaliated with a punch to the throat. Meanwhile, Gon, Milluki, and the other siblings watched and cheered, either for Illumi or killua, encouraging them or throwing out advice for how to win the fight until Silva and Zeno finally came in and pried the two brothers apart. They ended up having to hold the two apart, because as soon as they were on their feet, Killua kicked his brother in the stomach and was nearly yanked off his feet as a result. "That is enough." Silva snapped, his voice not loud, but still firm enough to clear the wrathful red from Killua's eyes a bit and stop him from initiating another fist fight. "You two are now adults, having squabbles like this is unacceptable." he scolded, the brothers deflating in shame as they were finally released and further chewed out.
Finally, they were returned back to the social setting, and Killua was forced to put on a happy face for the rest of the night. He would've stayed pissed, maybe even attack Illumi a fifth time, but you were there, and he didn't want to worry you with the story. However, through dinner and the onslaught of gifts you and Gon helped him carry out, whenever you weren't looking or he was alone, Zeno and Silva once again would have to stop them from coming to blows before Killua finally left to go to a hotel for the night despite his mother offering his old room.
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sapiowoman28 · 3 years
Ranking NCT's top 10 ships
Note: This list doesn't take into account the Kunle / Dono / Renwin / Johnmark / Johnchan type of parental relationship. that will be another list.
10. Luwoo - The Clown Ship - I'm kicking off my list with a fond look @ the past. In 2018 clownzens were introduced to these two clowns with the NCT U Boss comeback and it was love at first sight for all of us. This duo entertained us together until Lucas was summoned to WayV and politics prevented NCT from acknowleding WayV's existence for a while until the ban was over. I miss this ship they were young and fun. (or shall i say... hot and young?) Now Lucas has grown normal and Jungwoo... is high on something. What, i don't know.
9. Yuwin - The Lion and his Prey - Another one from the past. I'm not convinced by Yumark at all. But Yuwin was another thing altogether. I think they kind of enjoyed each other's company. The operative word being I think. What Winwin thinks remains a mystery to the rest of the world as he hides beneath multiple layers.
8. Luwin - The Roomies - not really a ship but i like their dynamic. Like really really like their dynamic.
7. Sungtaro - The Newbie Ship - Another newbie ship like Luwoo. Except much much much more sane. Sungtaro is cool. They're only here because i need more of their real personalities to stand out. But i can tell they have a strong bond. I also enjoy watching Sungchan calling Shotaro "hyung". The reason why this ship is here and Luwoo is at 10 is because Sungtaro exists in the present more than Luwoo.
6. Jaehyun - The Solo Ship - Jaehyun is in a ship with himself, and is pretty much unshippable with anyone else.
5. Markhyuck / Renhyuck - Haechan's Victims - yeah, i couldn't choose btween Markhyuck and Renhyuck, so I've lumped them together at number 5. Basically this is Haechan and his victims.
4. Johnten - The Summer Fling - yeah, that's the vibe i get. Some people tag them the long distance ship, forgetting that Ten, in fact, lives in Korea probably a few blocks away from Johnny. These two have truck loads of chemistry so i hope they're spending time together!
3. Nomin - The Teen Parents - I had a lot of trouble ranking my top 3, because how do you measure which ship is more superior over the others? that said, Nomin comes in at #3 because these 2 literally grew up with each other, and have 4 kids to look after together. That said, i get the sense that Nomin can live with or without each other unlike.....
2. Dotae - The Old Married Couple - I have a soft spot for Dotae cos they remind me of me and my bf. (I'm deffo the Doyoung in the whole thing.) Yeah, they squabble but the truth this, TY can always count on DY to support him and vice versa. They're just so cute together.
1. Chenji - The Fetus Ship - This is without a doubt the superior ship. They first met as fetuses at a children's concert in China, only to be reunited at SM. What are the odds? (this is like how Lucas and Jackson discovered how they are both from like Shatin within minutes of each other) These two babies work so well because they're polar opposites - Chenle doesn't give a fuck, and Jisung has enough nervous energy to move a generator. Chenji's this and that will remain my fave show on NCT's YT channel.
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chil2de · 3 years
Hii! It's me again, the "teasing mom's broyfriend" anon. I just- you about killed me with that sequel. Hot doesn't even begin to describe it, really 🥵🥵
I have more :))
Megumi knows. He knows what a slut you are, knows you've been fucking his father behind his and your mom's back. He knows you only got with him to provoque his father. He knows all of that. And yet, he can't let go of you. He won't do his father this favour.
He avoids going to your mom's house with you as best he can, bc he just can't stand the two of you doing this to her, the poor woman doesn't deserve it. He never touches you when you come back from your mom's, bc he just knows you've been with him. There is, however, an exception. The only thing that can make him help you tease his dad is when they fight.
When it happens, Megumi goes visit your mom with you, and whenever she can't see it, he makes it a point to touch you a little more than would be appropriate in front of Toji. The mix of Megumi's hands all over you and Toji's warning glare could probably make you cum right then and there. Once, when your mom was out doing grocery shopping and Toji stayed behind with the two of you, Megs was all to eager to fuck you, make you scream his name, all for Toji's benefit.
Oh, you do so love it when they fight. You know you should hope for peace and harmony between father and son, but you have much more fun when they are at each other's throat.
You wonder what you would have to do to have both of them filling you up at the same time...
ugh okay sorry if this post is just a massive wall of text i had to cut down on spacing because i kept reaching tumblr’s limit on characters, and uh... incase you couldn’t tell, shit’s about to get serious if i wrote this much LOL this probably looks so clunkyyy :(( i apologise but i have like a line left or two? so i’ll compress everything by saying a massive thank you because this would not have been possible without your sexy ass intellect. i was seriouly fucking dying writing this, it might be the first or second piece i’m genuinely proud of and i thank you :) i hope you enjoy it as much as i did writing it
this piece makes sense as a standalone, but works a lot better if you read the previous piece! read my disclaimer here if you’re new <3
w.c: 2.8k / characters: 15k (incl spaces) and a special thank you to my beloved anonie. couldn’t have done it without you ❤️
day and night: two.
your bedroom door shuts with a quiet ring. you can only slump down against it, knees held into your chest. your thighs are still quivering like a poor little lamb.
as you move to type out a text for megumi to not come over, there’s a faint knock at the window. your heart burns, throat clogged and knees weak.
you don’t know if you can get up. hell, you don’t know if you should get up. there’s another few delicate rips against the glass and you manage to stumble over in fear of attracting toji’s attention.
“megumi?!” you mouth his name in alarm, dismay crawling onto your features.
your boyfriend gives you a dead once over, noting your matted hair, smeared mascara and weak posture.
of course he knows.
you can discern it clearly from the way he refuses to meet your gaze.
“can you just let me in?” he whispers, tone flat as his index motions over to the lock of the window.
you don’t know what to do.
after all, you’ve still got toji’s cum flowing inside you from earlier.
you fumble backwards, moving to allow his lanky figure to slip inside. megumi manages to hoist his leg up and over, squeezing inside with ease. he closes the window shut behind him, pulling the curtains.
“m-megumi? what are you doing he-“
he doesn’t have time to waste.
megumi knocks the wind out of your lungs as his cold hands seize the sides of your head, stealing your lips for a kiss. he tugs at your bottom lip, tongue drinking you in for a couple of moments like you’re the last meal he’ll ever eat.
“shit.” he hisses, pulling his face back and screwing his eyebrows in mutiny.
oh, but if you didn’t love the way he looked at you like you were pure filth.
“you taste like him. it’s disgusting.” he spits, wiping his delicate lips with the back of his hand.
he knew, but there was always a part of him that wished you wouldn’t submit yourself to the likes of toji. he just had to see it for himself.
“come on, megumi-chan~ thats no way to talk to your girlfriend, is it?
your mother doesn’t deserve this. megumi doesn’t deserve the heartache, either.
megumi can’t see anything but the spitting image of his father all over your body, licking and fondling all the same crevices that he has. but he can’t get enough of you. he can’t stop, can’t turn away from you. he knows that at the end of the day you're spoon-feeding him phrases he wants to hear.
but you’re so good to him.
your pussy fits him like a glove. your hand intertwines with his perfectly. your head is the perfect size to cuddle onto his chest.
there’s something about you that makes you more addicting than nicotine.
bony and slender fingertips ghost over your thighs. you can’t help the squeak that hiccups from you. megumi raises an eyebrow in scepticism before flipping the hem of your miniskirt up.
he scoffs, slicking his long middle finger against your hot cunt.
“don’t hold it in.” he reprimands you, flashing a grimace as you squabble with him.
“b-but toji-“
“but what? am i not good enough for you?”
you swallow thickly, chanting a small prayer before allowing toji’s cum to drip out of your pussy. you shiver, goosebumps licking your skin when you can feel the warmth of his seed ooze and coat your soft thighs. you can’t avoid the burn of megumi’s regard as he watches the cum slowly flow out of you.
he’ll make you want him.
megumi can’t fully comprehend why you keep running back to his father instead of him, why you choose toji over him. like father like son, it evokes a bubble of magma in the form of competition and jealousy.
he’ll make you beg for him. that’s for sure.
“get on the bed.” he whispers, tone cold and even. there’s no warmth to his voice, even with his usual monotonous tendencies you can tell you struck a nerve. it makes your stomach churn, butterflies swooping in and adorning your vital organs.
like a moth drawn to a flame, as though you have no mind of your own, you step backwards until the back of your knees kiss the metal frame of your bed. megumi towers over you, pushing you backwards as he crawls in between your thighs.
the crisp ring of his zipper sliding down clashes against the room. why should he undress himself properly for the likes of someone like you?
“there’s no point in prepping you. i think you know that.” megumi sighs, relieving his twitching cock from the confines of his painfully tight boxers.
you can feel the avarice swirl in your abdomen, cold fear stilling in your veins at the mere thought that you could get caught by toji at any second. it makes your fingertips tingle and stomach churn. when you wail a needy whimper, megumi only shakes his head before plastering his icy cool hand against your wet lips.
a part of megumi wants to let all hell break loose. if he allows you to moan as you please, it won’t be just toji hearing your cries of ecstasy. knowing your mother, perhaps she’d be a little glad to know that your boyfriend is meeting your needs sufficiently. whereas toji?
it puts him in a predicament. from a bystanders point of view, toji has no right to storm in here and to shriek at megumi for blowing your brains out.
because he’s not your dad.
he’s not a paternal figure in your life. there’s no right for him to say what you can and cannot do. he won’t hold that kind of reign over you like your mother does. and megumi likes that. he relishes the idea of toji being forced to listen to you babble megumi’s name, to mewl and cry for him to hit it deeper whilst he can’t do anything but complain.
it’s not like you haven’t heard your mother with other men plenty of times. it’s only natural, right? hell, she’ll probably gossip with you about it.
a carnal desire glosses over megumi’s steel blue gaze. like a wolf waiting to pounce onto a hare. he can see the way your thighs squeeze, how you gulp before him with those doe eyes of yours. you’re practically purring underneath him. for once, megumi gathers the reasoning to understand why his father finds you so intriguing. there’s nothing better than having your own toy melt and oblige under every command.
your boyfriend’s hand finds its way to your chest, where he rests the palm flat underneath your breasts. he steadies himself, using you as leverage as he guides his dick through the cum stained mess of your cunt. your heart pounds in anticipation, drool coating the back of your tongue as your pussy throbs around him. he manages to fit his tip in, dragging the enlarged and sensitive muscle against your walls. your ankles flutter around megumi’s waist, lower body strength trembling as you attempt to pull him in further.
“m-megs- please..”
“what?” he screws his eyebrows, staring you down. you can’t find the words in you to plead for him.
“what the hell? why act all coy now?“
“that’s not how we do things around here, is it? so spit it out. i won’t get what you’re trying to say otherwise.”
megumi slips his dick out, grinding against your clit as his torso flushes against yours. he pulls you in for a quick kiss, enough to relinquish his appetite, but not enough to taste the filth that corrupts your sweet and innocent lips.
“those cute little whines of yours won’t help you, either.” his breath flickers against your skin, sticky tongue licking trails as he works to mark up your neck. you can feel the tears prick your eyes already. you’re suddenly hyper aware of your heartbeat pounding in your ears, how it throbs against your cunt and the droplets of perspiration trickling along your skin. you can feel megumi’s pulse heavy against your clit, the way his dick twitches as he smears the tip through the folds of your slick. it’s slowly driving him insane. but that’s okay. even through the static that bounces around in his skull- he knows that you hate it more.
after all, your boyfriend knows best.
your fingernails soar around to megumi’s back. you want to scratch him, but you can’t access his toned skin through the layers of his jacket. instead, you’re left fumbling and scrunching the fabric like a feline with an insatiable desire to itch its claws.
“megumi- please, it’s too much-“ you huff through laboured breaths, peering up at him through tear stained eyelashes.
it’s almost enough to make him melt. almost.
“what is?”
he shifts himself back up, grabbing his dick and slipping only the tip in once more. he allows you a few centimetres extra before dipping back out and repeating the process again. megumi’s gaze locks with yours, as though he’s asking ‘is this what you want?’
“s-stop teasing me.. just put it in alreadyy~” you choke out a groan of frustration, ready to slam your hips down onto the full length of his shaft.
“why should i?”
“megumi, i swear to god- if you don’t fuck me right now-“
“-or what? you’ll go to my dad? good luck, when you couldn’t even fulfill your duties as being his toy.”
so fucking humiliating.
the way megumi instantly stands up and proceeds to stuff his still hard and leaking dick back into his boxers.
he’ll deal with it later.
you’re left stuttering, unable to form any coherent words, thoughts or insults to spew back at him. legs wide open, cunt empty and glistening in the blue tint of the moonlight.
he leans over, swiping some of your excess drool with his thumb before dipping it into your mouth. he half expects you to lick at his thumb, convince him to stay a little longer, but his skin sits in your mouth like a forgotten thermometer for a couple of seconds.
“if only you could see your face right now.” he hums, tone flat with a certain mockery.
sometimes, as the days pass, you can notice his resemblance growing closer and closer to toji.
the following day
you haven’t left the quarters of your room for the entire day. you’re stuck in bed, face mushed into the confines of your pillow. you’ve always held high regards of the fact that your libido isn’t necessarily extremely high, but when you’re promised dick just to be neglected of it? shit feels like you’re in heat. you can’t go to toji, because you’re mother’s home. not only that, but he’d be sure to teach you one of his lessons. you’re already shivering thinking of the conversation with him, how you’d even try to dig out of that hole you were already so deep in.
you can’t call megumi either… at least not for now. you sigh wistfully into the pillow, kicking your legs about on your bed as you hiss a groan of turmoil.
there’s a sudden knock at the door that snaps you out of your haze. it leaves you pumped, blood coursing through your veins and you shoot up like an attentive little puppy about to be taken for a walk.
“it’s open!” you clear your throat, humming.
the disappointment rocks your features so clearly that it’s embarrassing. it’s just your mother.
“you okay? thought you died in here, baby. lunch is ready, and your lovely megumi-kun came to say hello.”
“megumi? that’s nice. did he leave a message or anything? like he just dropped by to say hello or-“
“hm? oh, no. he’s having lunch with us.”
“is everything okay, dear?”
“yeah! yeah, i’m good. sorry, i spaced out a little bit. small headache, that’s all. i’ll change clothes and i’ll come out to eat.” you dismiss your mother, keeping in the hyperventilation you’re about to undergo. she gives you a small glance of concern before returning to the dining room to serve her guests.
“(y/n)! we were just talking about you!” your mother hums, gifting you a smile of warmth and radiance as she pours drinks into some cups.
you can feel toji’s mocking stare dig holes into your skin.
you can fucking feel it.
you can imagine him saying it.
at the six chaired table, you scurry to sit the furthest away from megumi and toji. your mother shoots you a sideways glance, motioning for the seat between toji and megumi. you swallow thickly, awkwardly striding over to take a seat.
your knee accidentally knocks into toji’s and you instantly utter an apology.
“you should be.” he mutters underneath his breath, disguising the words as a sigh.
“so? you said you were talking about me?” you straighten yourself, perking up a semblance of cheerfulness and perfect innocence.
“oh, right! toji was just telling me how stuffed you were yesterday!”
your lids flicker in shock and you abruptly stare at toji, whose half lidded jade green eyes slowly land on yours before locking to meet your attention for a few seconds.
“sorry, what?” you stutter, finding it difficult to believe the situation.
“you know, the food? are you sure you’re alright, honey? you’ve been acting strange since this morning.”
“i’m fine, i swear. just some painkillers would be nice.”
when your mother turns around to rummage for some painkillers, she emits a squeak of alarm at the lack of them.
please. you’ll do anything to get out of this predicament.
“are we out? i can go grab some-“
“-no, that’s okay. i’ll head out. i need to grab a few extra things for dinner anyway. you three, make nice with each other!”
when the door shuts, you realise you’re out of options.
you can’t run away.
“so, megumi. how’s eating up after my leftovers feel?”
“leftovers? because one woman wasn’t enough for you?” megumi scoffs, averting his gaze.
“it’s not my problem that your woman came running to me. doesn’t that say something about you?”
“like what?”
“like, you can’t fuck her properly?”
“i can’t fuck her properly? but you’re telling her to keep your cum inside her? don’t you care what’ll happen if she gets pregnant?”
“see, megumi. she’s on birth control. you didn’t know that? and besides, if i didn’t know any better-“
toji finally allows you his undivided attention, staring right through to your soul.
“-i’d think your little girlfriend here likes walking around with my cum inside her.”
you’d be able to run a butter knife through the tension hanging in the air. the room holds its breath, and as do you in compliment of trying not to set things off into a piping hot mess.
“isn’t that right-“
your fight or flight response kicks in at the malicious tone that coats toji’s tongue. you swallow thickly, throat parched and lips cracked.
but fuck.
if it isn’t the most arousing thing- the two of them squabbling over you.
toji screws his face at you, features lighting in a mix of awe and delight.
“really? you’re seriously enjoying this?” toji hums with mockery, eyebrows perking at your unusual behaviour. he can smell the sweet nectar of your arousal slicking against your underwear.
you abruptly stand up, ready to leave.
megumi’s hand curls around your wrist. he slings your hand behind your back, slamming you over the table. some silverware and plates clatter and dash against the hardwood floor.
“answer the question, (y/n).” he hisses.
you whimper a soft whine. there’s no way you’re answering that.
“get your fucking hands off of her.” toji barks, kicking his chair back.
“try me.”
something washes over you. a premonition, say. that if you don’t speak up, someone will end up seriously injured.
“i can’t choose between you two. i just can’t. so i think it’s the best option if we just stop this completely.” you sigh, prying megumi off of you. his stance relaxes and you wince at the pain in your spine. you rub your wrists in slight agony, refusing to meet either of their gazes.
“it’s been fun, but i think it’s time to draw the line-“
“no.” toji remarks offhandedly.
“huh?” you contort your face in offence. there’s something thick on megumi’s face, too. it almost looks like determination?
“i said no.” toji reiterates, taking a stride towards you.
his index and thumb caress your chin, tilting your jaw up to look at him.
“i don’t care how long it takes. whether it’s me or him-“
“-i’m making you choose.”
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