#normally im fine being a sleepy boi but when it is for this reason i literally cant keep myself up like i slept last night
jeepers-scoob · 1 year
Just in my hibernating bear era 🐻💤 (it's a couple days before my period so I can't not sleep for less than 10+ hrs a day). It definitely doesn't fuck with my routines that I have to make myself not feel terrible and I definitely don't get angry at being so fucking tired that I can't do anything I want to do!
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insomniacwriter17 · 1 year
When the littles are together Billy is the most little of them, right? So he could drop more because he feels safe with his big sis and big bro? Or getting upset for not understanding the games or what are they talking about?
man oh man, bills is definitely our Littlest of the bunch!
- robin makes such a good big sister. even though she’s not that much older than billy, she keeps an eye on him.
- empty sippy cup? not for long! robin is so attentive to billy’s drinks that the boy doesn’t ever have to ask for more when she’s around. even if the cups only half empty, she’ll make sure stevie knows he needs more.
- billy looks sleepy? “mama i think we’re done with toys, we should watch a movie! i’ll even go get my blankets!” and she wraps it around billy’s shoulders and lets him choose where he wants to lay down (its always the couch. always).
- and robin seems to have a sixth sense for when billy is feeling self-conscious about being Smaller Than Normal, so she tries hard to make sure that he knows it's okay. she brings him his pacifier or some of his softer toys, offering to play quieter games with him.
- eddie is a big brother in every sense of the word. he tries really hard to be well-behaved and set a good example, but sometimes eddie is just too excited.
- he can be loud and boisterous (on the days he talks!) and sometimes that startles billy, especially when billy is feeling smaller
- one day billy was cuddled up against eddie on the couch while they were watching a movie and stevie was cleaning the kitchen, and eddie suddenly sat up, nearly vibrating with excitement and said "we should go play outside!"
- the outburst had scared billy, who had been contently zoned out against his big brother, and immediately tears filled his eyes and his lip wobbled.
- "no no no! im sorry billy!" eddie gasped, realizing that he was the reason the baby was crying. "i didn't mean to scare you!"
- and eddie doesn’t want steve to think that he made billy cry on purpose! so he quickly reaches for tank, who had been dropped in surprise, and pushes him back into billy’s arms. “here! its ok, billy, i promise! i’m sorry!”
- deep down, billy knows eddie didn’t mean to scare him, so he takes tank from eddie and then holds his arms out for a hug.
- eddie decides maybe they shouldn’t play outside after all, and just hugs billy and settles back down for the rest of the movie.
- but billy always wants to be involved when robin and eddie play games, even if he’s Way Too Small to be playing games.
- sometimes he’s happy to team up, but other times he wants to play on his own!!! and robin and eddie don’t want billy sad, so they let him.
- but “life” is not nearly as fun as it looks, because it’s hard! eddie and robin are reading cards and moving their pieces everywhere, but billy just doesn’t get it! he’s too Little to worry about stuff like that! he just wants to push his little car around the board.
- “you can’t do that, billy! it’s not your turn!” “aw man, you gotta pay taxes!” what are taxes?! this game isn’t fun!
- this game is stupid, billy decides. he’s still sitting next to eddie, but he’s drawn his knees to his chest and is hiding his face. “d-don’t wanna p-play no m-more!” he sniffles when robin points out that it’s billy’s turn. “it’s t-too hard!”
- eddie reaches out and pats at billy’s head like he’s seen steve do a million times. “we can play “candyland” after this instead?” the brunette offers. “when robin and i finish this one?”
- billy peeks up above his knees, eyebrow raised. he likes “candyland”! “c-can i keep m-moving m-my car?” he whispered meekly, pointing to the green plastic piece. “i d-don’t l-like the b-boring stuff.”
- “fine. you roll and move your car,” robin agreed. “and then when me and eddie finish, we’ll all play “candyland”!”
- so while robin and eddie play “life” and collect families and goals and try to win, billy is happy to be included, rolling the dice and pushing his car around.
- he doesn’t understand why eddie and robin like this game so much, but he just likes spending time with them. so he’ll play their silly game until it’s time for the good games. like “candyland”.
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boyswanna-be-her · 1 year
Lmao the walk was super fun but only two people showed up (my biggest fan, who was obvs gonna be there, and a new friend who we both met at the same time through volunteering which is cute and fun, he's a p good deal younger than us). Since it was just the 3 of us, we hiked the WHOLE trail system and had a blast. Got lunch afterwards. I invited them to come out to the beach with me, and my friend decided to follow me straight out and new boy went home first but then flaked and never ended up coming to the beach.
So the clown dance continued, we swam and sunned and laughed, came back to my apartment, eventually got hungry and went to dinner, our third meal together in a row today. At every point they were hesitant to leave and happy to be invited to do the next thing. The only reason why we're not together now is that we're supposed to lift tonight at their place with someone else joining, so they headed back to their own side of town while I went home to take a shower.
This is actually a great holding pattern as far as I'm concerned. We spend as much time and I'd be willing to spend with someone I was dating, and I enjoy spending time with them more than being alone (USUALLY more, sometimes they're in a mood and I'd rather split). It's been so long since I've ACTUALLY enjoyed someone's company more than my own that I wasn't sure that would ever even happen again for me. I'm happy with this. The chemistry is there but--and holy shit i can't believe im saying this--I don't actually want to risk our friend...ship? Lmao? Who am i?
I also made an offhand comment about planning something fun and they responded "I don't really drink so that can make it hard" and of course in light of recent life changes on my side I'm like 👀👀👀 that is the opposite of a problem! But it also makes me sad bc they have been drinking with me some on our off hours and it sounds like they were just trying to keep up with me/not murder the vibe and that was SO not necessary. It also makes some stuff track more in retrospect (like "oh what was up with them that night?" ends up being "they were sleepy bc they dont drink booze normally"). Anyway, since it came up organically I told them that I was actually working on my sobriety and that it was difficult with my parents as enablers/people who want a drinking buddy from their child--and wouldnt you fucking know, bc we have everything else in common, they also have the SAME dynamic w their parents. And they seemed happy that sobriety was something I was thinking about and valued, but possibly more relieved that I actually DO enjoy our time together when we're both sober and want to do more of that.
We're finally getting into some deeper shit and I'm learning about their history and what makes them tick. Like they speak their mind super freely, but they are SO private about their family and personal life to the point that it feels almost too intimate to learn some of this shit that people who have known them longer are oblivious about. On the other hand, I'm a open book about everything I've been through and my mental health but good fucking luck getting an earnest take out of me on anything unless i deeply trust you. It makes for a weird game of learning about each other. I thanked them today for being a friend who's down to clown with all of my stupid suggestions and admitted that I normally just do everything alone but it's more fun with them. They expressed it all back to me. Alone for a long time, fine with that, surprised to find me, thankful for that too. It's just like, hm. Very comfy. And I don't worry about being wanted or wearing out my welcome, and I don't get taken advantage of, and they stand up for me and do nice things for me, and feed me and worry about me. That's such a nice change for me from being either The Provider or a person who wants for nothing or no one. It's scary to want someone in my life, even in this capacity, but it's more rewarding than I thought it could be without, yknow, actively trying to date or hook up. I feel like the possibility of something more is stalking us from location to location like the monster in It Follows--sometimes our knees are nestled together while we talk and it's breathing down our necks and sometimes we're both distracted and moody and it's not something either is thinking too much about, but fuck if it isn't always there and a thing I think we will inevitably make a choice about in the future but.
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Disappointment | Ivan x Daughter!Reader
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Requested by @theweasleytwinsownmyjuicyass​: “so I’m really a sucker for parent tropes so maybe you could write a Ivan x daughter!reader where he had her with a non grisha woman who gave birth and later left the baby at the little palace for him. Now she is grow and Ivan being Ivan is hard on her especially because she’s kind of failing being a heartrender (cuz that’s not her real grisha power) and they have a huge fight about it and she runs away in the middle of the night. When Ivan find out in the morning he becomes very worried and asks The darkling and Fedyor to help him find her. (Maybe they find her a bit hurt cuz she was attacked. Just for more angst and feels:3)”
Pairing: Ivan x Daughter!Reader, Fedyor x reader (platonic)
Word Count: 1900
Warnings: angst, mentions of blood
A/N: As always, spelling and grammar are not my strongest skills so please be kind :)
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“Ivan!” Fedyor calls as he runs down the corridor carrying a medium size wicker basket “Ivan, someone left this outside the doors of the little palace” 
“Oh?” Ivan says, uninterested as he continues walking.
“The note left with it says its for you.” 
Ivan stops walking and abruptly turns around to finally face Fedyor who hold out the basket to him. He takes it and slowly lifts the lid, freezing when he lays eyes on what’s inside. 
“What is it? What’s in there?” Fedyor asks curiously but gets no reply “Ivan?” 
He moves to stand by Ivan’s side, peering over to see the baby girl wrapped up tight inside, fast asleep without a care in the world. 
“I don't understand, why would someone give you a baby?” Fedyor asks. 
“Because she’s my daughter.”
— — — — 
Seventeen years later. 
Growing up in the Little Palace wasn’t exactly a normal childhood, especially being the daughter of one of the Darkling’s most favoured Grisha. You never really felt like you fit in with the other kids, especially since your father made you learn with Heartrender children even though you were actually a healer. He was convinced you would share the same power as him and because you wanted to please him you went along with it. 
It was hard growing up without a mother too. Your father was always honest with you, about how he had spent the night with a non Grisha woman and hadn’t even known she was pregnant until one night you were left on the doorstep. Part of you wished you could meet your mother, but the other part of you didn’t care about a woman who could so easily abandon you. 
You were close with your father’s lover, Fedyor. He became the closest thing you had to a mother figure. He was softer and more caring than your father. When you were younger he would occasionally sneak you away for fun days out playing games in the woods. Even now he would take you out on horse riding lessons when he felt you needed a break. 
Ivan did not approve. 
“She’s my daughter and I say she must attend all her training sessions!” 
“You're too hard on her Ivan, the poor girl is exhausted from all the pressure you put on her. Give her a break” Fedyor argues back as you press your ear to their door so you can hear. 
“I’ll give her a break when she earns one. Right now she’s the worst in the whole class of heartrenders. Even the children are better than her”
“Maybe because I’m not actually a Heartrender!” You say as you burst through the door.
“This is a private conversation!” Ivan shouts. 
“Not if it’s about me it’s not.” You shout back
“Y/N” Fedyor speaks calmly, trying to defuse the situation “maybe you should go-”
“No Fedyor, I can’t do this anymore. I can’t live like this” you turn and address your father “All I’ve ever done, all I ever do is try and live up to your expectations. Try to be like you. Hide my true self because I’m terrified of disappointing you. But I can’t lie anymore. I’m not a Heartrender. And no matter how much you or I try to force it, I will never be a Heartrender.”
You take off your red and black kefta and hand it to your father. There’s a silence as he looks down at it before finally looking up at you.  
“You're just going to give up on everything we’ve worked for, everything you’ve wanted?”
“I never wanted any of this Dad. You did! I just went a long with it to please you”
“Get out of my sight!” 
“I have never been more disappointed in you than I am right now. I am ashamed to call you my daughter”
“Ivan!” Fedyor speaks up as you stand there silent for a moment, staring at your father.
Fedyor comes to your side, placing a hand on your shoulder but you shake him off and run out the room as hot tears fill your eyes. You hear Fedyor call after you but you ignore him, continuing to run out of the Little Palace. You don't stop running until you reach the woods, leaning against a tree and sliding your back against the rough bark to sit on the ground. You bring your knees up to your chest and let the tears flow, unaware of the stranger watching you in the darkness. 
You're disturbed by the sound of a twig snapping behind you. You lift your head up and take a deep breath, silently listening. Slowly you stand up, keeping your back to the tree as you look around you. Then you spot him, an unknown man creeping toward you. From his clothes you guess he’s a peasant from the village. 
“Are you alright?” He asks. Something about him sets your nerves on edge. 
“Yes I’m fine” you say quietly, wiping a tear off your cheek 
“Are you from the palace?” He asks, taking a step closer. You nod. “What are you doing out here in the middle of the night?” 
“I could ask you the same thing” you reply
“It’s not safe to be out here alone you know” he takes another step closer “never now who you might meet” 
“You're right, I should head back” you go to leave but he grabs your arm, pulling you back “let go of me!”
“Not until you give me something in return” he pulls a dagger from his pocket
“What do you want from me?” You struggle against him but his grip is tight 
“Whatever you’ve got. Money. Jewellery. Anything that’s worth something. You lot up in your fancy palace have no idea how hard it is to be poor”
“I’m sorry but I don't have anything”
“Then you're no use to me!” He growls, plunging his dagger into your side. You let out a silent gasp. He pulls the dagger back out and you drop to the ground, clutching the wound, feeling the heat of the blood cover your hands.
“Grisha bitch” he spits before running away, disappearing into the darkness. You try to drag yourself back toward the palace but you don't have the energy. You prop yourself up against the base of a tree and wait for the darkness to take you. 
— — — — 
“Fedyor wake up!” Ivan rushes into their room, opening the curtains to let the morning sun stream through “Y/N is missing!”
“What!” Fedyor sits up instantly 
“I went to apologise but she isn’t in her room and her bed hasn’t been slept in. Im really worried Fed. Where is my girl?” He chokes up as tears spring to his eyes.
“Okay calm down. We’ll find her” 
Ten minutes later the boys are heading out the Little Palace, searching the grounds with the help of General Kirigan. 
“Do you have any idea where she could have gone?” The Darkling asks. Ivan shakes his head. 
“I think I might know.” Fedyor announces
The three of the mount their horses and set off towards the woods. Once they enter they slow down as Fedyor explains this is where the two of you come to relax and get away from the Palace when things get too much. Ivan feels his heart sink, knowing that he’s the reason you even need a place to escape to. 
“There!” Fedyor shouts, pointing to your lifeless body laying on the ground. 
 The men jump off their horses and run to your side, Ivan cradling your head in his lap and stroking your face while the Darkling checks your wound. 
“Oh my saints! Y/N, my girl. Please come back to me” Ivan cries
“We need to get her back to the Palace. She needs a healer” The Darkling announces as Ivan picks you up and carries you to his horse. He rides faster than he’s ever ridden to get you there.
“We need a healer! Now!” The General shouts the second he enter the Palace, and instantly multiple healers come running. They follow him as he carries you to your room and lays you down on your bed. 
Ivan and Fedyor watch anxiously as the healers get to work. What feels like hours later they finally finish, turning to address the men.
“She’s stable now.” 
“Thank you, thank you so much!” Ivan lets out tears of relief as Fedyor hugs him.
“We’ll leave you three alone.” The Darkling says, ushering the healers out of the room. “I’m glad she’s okay” he smiles before leaving, shutting the door behind him. 
A few hours later you're eyes finally flutter open. You look around the room confused as to how you got there. You remember the woods. The creepy stranger. Being stabbed. You sit up, lifting your shirt to see now no wound at all. Then you look over and see Fedyor and Ivan asleep at the foot of your bed. You reach over and gently squeeze your father’s hand. He opens his sleepy eyes and when he sees you awake shoots up right, quickly pulling you into a tight hug. Fedyor also wakes up and smiles at you. 
“I’ll leave you two to chat” he says smiling again before leaving. 
Your father sits on the edge of the bed facing you. 
“Y/N. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said what I said last night, I didn’t mean it. I was angry with Fedyor but I shouldn’t have taken it out on you”
“It felt like you meant it”
“I could never be ashamed of you. You are a beautiful, intelligent, strong young woman. I am proud to be your father.” He takes your hand in his “And I am so sorry I made you feel like you had to be someone else just to please me. I always hoped you’d be a Heartrender like me, but I shouldn’t have put that pressure on you. From now on you are free to be the person you want to be.”
“Are you sure I’m not a disappointment?” 
“You could never disappoint me Y/N. You are my daughter and I love you more than anything in the world” he moves to sit next to you and puts his arm around you. You snuggle into him.
“Even more than Fedyor?” You ask playfully
“Even more than Fedyor” 
“Hey I heard that!” Fedyor shouts as he pokes his head back in the room
“We love you too Fedyor!” You shout back, gesturing for him to join you. He sits on the other side of you so you are sandwiches between the two of them. You hold his hand and rest your head on your father’s shoulder. 
You may not have a mother, but you do have two fathers. And you wouldn’t change them for the world. 
Your perfect little family. 
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denkamis · 3 years
hi!! could i get double chocolate and cherry with kaminari, shinsou and midoriya please?❤️
idk if i did this right so im sorry if i didnt!
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to anon: hey anon, no worries! you did it perfectly :)) aww i love the characters you chose for this prompt, this is adorable. enjoy some fluffy times with these sleep deprived boys from a very sleep deprived writer <3
warnings: none! just some swearing and some bad sleeping habits lmao. reader is gn!
prompt: denki kaminari, hitoshi shinsou, izuku midoriya scenarios + “it’s okay, i couldn’t sleep anyways.”
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denki kaminari
denki stays up late playing osu and minecraft
what can i say, he’s just a gamer man
so he’s honestly pretty reliable when it comes to you knocking on his door at late hours of the night
always the biggest cuddle bug, really happy that you go to him first out of everyone
literally drops everything for you hehe
lots of sleepy kisses too
“fuck! goddammit,” denki grumbled, shaking out his wrist as he had just failed the six star version of the intro of blend-s on osu. he had gotten rather addicted to the circle clicking game. this further resulted in denki staying up late on school nights, despite kirishima’s warnings of him potentially falling asleep in class the next day. it was fine, he could always borrow notes from you or jirou anyways!
as he went to restart the map again, a soft knock came at the door to his dorm room. spinning off his computer room chair, he prepared himself to be lectured by aizawa for the fifth time this week about breaking curfew. “aizawa-sensei, i know that i’ve been loud lately but i swear this time it won’t happen- y/n?” he stopped mid-sentence as he saw you standing on the other side of the door. “what are you doing up so late?”
you shook your head, immediately hugging his torso instead. you were clearly a bit distraught about something, but denki wasn’t a mind reader. he figured that from the way you were clinging onto him, it must have been a bad dream of some kind. “hey, hey, easy there! nearly knocked me over, huh,” denki laughed lightly, pressing a soft kiss to the side of your head before closing the door behind you. you clung onto him, face buried in the crook of his neck. it made a small blush dust across his cheeks, a warm feeling spreading through his arms as he held you close. “i hope i’m not bothering you,” you mumbled, to which denki hummed. “you never bother me, babe. it’s okay, i couldn’t really sleep anyways.”
the two of you stayed like that for a long while, denki swaying the two of you back and forth. you could feel gentle lips peppering the crown of your head with kisses. as your heart rate slowed, denki piped up. “wanna stay here for the night? my bed’s missing out on some action! and by some action, i mean sleep. i really can’t sleep.”
you snorted at his words, your eyes flicking up to his goofy yet endearing smile, his eyes bright yet a bit tired from late night gaming. he poked his tongue out at you, making you roll your eyes with a tiny smile of your own gracing your features.
“how could i say no to that?”
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hitoshi shinsou
we already know he’s up at these unholy hours
not for any particular reason, just because he can’t really sleep
quite the insomniac that one
and the fact that he can’t sleep properly or well unless you’re with him
you smell like lavender in the morning too bc he puts it in his pillow to help him sleep, thank you
shinsou lay awake in bed, eyes trained on the ceiling as he waited for himself to fall asleep. it was no secret that he barely got any rest, so it was simply easier to just sit and wait until his body exhausted itself to the point where he simply fell asleep. staying as still as he could, he kept counting the amount of times he breathed in and out. it made him acutely aware of his surroundings. the crickets outside his room, the way the moonlight streamed through his blinds, the miscellaneous creaking sounds of the dorms. yeah, he definitely wasn’t sleeping tonight.
he didn’t flinch as the door to his room opened, blinking slowly as his eyes adjusted to the light spilling into his room along with a new figure. “y/n?” he asked, not bothering to sit up. “hey, are you up? sorry toshi, i couldn’t sleep,” you explained softly, allowing the door to close behind you as you tiptoed across his dorm room. his hair was sprawled across his pillow, deep violet locks hiding his hands situated behind his head comfortably. it showed off his arms that were built from training for when, not if, he ever got into the hero course.
a lazy smile crossed his lips at your words, his heartstrings being played by you so seamlessly. “it’s okay, i couldn’t sleep anyways,” he replied with a tilt of his head towards you. he moved over a bit in his bed as to give you space to lay down next to him. you crawled beneath his comforters, inhaling the scent of lavender as you did. apparently shinsou had said that the smell helped him fall asleep easier. strong arms wrapped around your waist, encasing you in a protective embrace as your head rested comfortably against his chest. the comforter was thrown over the two of you. you felt so much safer already.
his large hands were placed on your lower back, his thumbs drawing lazy circles on your skin as his breathing began to relax noticeably. hiding your smile, you cuddled closer to him. to this day, you had never seen shinsou fall asleep so quickly since that night.
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izuku midoriya
baby is up studying for a test that’s in like 2 weeks
either that or he’s on an all might video spree on youtube and no that is not the first time this has happened, it is certainly not the last
he has so many stuffed animals in his room probably, like he just has them stuffed in his closet
the all might plushies stay on the bed tho
his cuddles are unmatched tho, change my mind
izuku was pacing around his room, vocabulary words spinning about his mind as he counted them on his fingers. he was mumbling definitions to himself, going over all of them in his head before referencing his notebook to make sure nothing went wrong. amidst his ramblings, a knock at the door made him jump to attention. “come in?” he called out, watching intently as he saw you come into view. his face showed relief, grateful to know it wasn’t aizawa or kacchan complaining about his incessant pacing.
“would it be alright if i sleep here tonight? i’m worrying about my grades and stuff again,” you rubbed the back of your neck with a small smile, trying to play off your question as relaxed as you could. it wasn’t exactly a secret that you had a crush on the boy in front of you. he was kind and humble, wanting to help as many people as he could despite all the circumstances that had the world against him. it was admirable. even now, he looked so concerned from the clear lack of sleep you’ve been getting these past few days. “of course you can sleep here. ah, wait! i have to, ah,” he stumbled over his words as you looked to the bed to see not one, not even two, but four all might stuffed toys on his bed.
midoriya’s face erupted with crimson, shoving the plushies into his closet as he sputtered out various excuses as to why they were there in the first place. when he turned back to you, you were giggling. not at him, but because of the entire situation in general. “you’re adorable, izu,” you told him gently. a light feeling bloomed in his chest upon seeing the smile you held for him. you looked so undeniably beautiful to him, the way your hair was a bit messy and how you stood in your pyjamas. while others, including yourself, would find that you looked completely normal, midoriya loved seeing you be so casual, so comfortable around him.
“you’re sure i’m not interrupting you, though?”
midoriya returned your smile with his own, stepping forward to intertwined his scarred fingers with your delicate ones. “it’s okay,” he murmured softly, holding your hand as if you were the most precious thing in the world to him, “i couldn’t really sleep anyways.”
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all works © denkamis 2021.
@meilbox @honeykami @httpfirx @strawberrysalwa @hey-i-really-miss-you @smexy-goose @satis-kei
want to be on the taglist? see this post!
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beomglocks · 3 years
three’s a crowd ; h.k & k.th
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summary : just you and your two boyfriends
pairing : bf!taehyun x bf!hyuka x reader
warnings & other : requested, fluff, idk much abt poly relationships other than there’s more than two people, sorry if this is bad LMAO, tyunning best boyfies, sleepy kai
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you groan, rolling over only to find that you couldn't actually do that. had it always been like this? maybe not, you think to yourself. you groan once again and try to force your body to roll onto the right side of your bed but a firm hand kept you in place. already this early in the morning you couldn't have what you want.
"you're gonna wake him up," someone whispers softly. you peel open your eyes which are heavy with sleep and are lowkey protesting for you not to do that. you wonder for a moment if rolling over was worth slightly waking up for, however whoever was awake knew you were awake too now. maybe next time, you suppose. it would've been nice to sleep comfortably last night but it felt like you hadn't slept in ages and you can only guess why that is. the bed was cramped, and hot, and goddamn, someone had turned off the aircon in the middle of the night!
when you look up, one out of two of your boyfriends, taehyun, is already sitting up against the headboard, completely awake. his head is perched up against the headboard and in his hands is his phone. "were you awake this whole time?" you ask him. your voice is raspy and sounds gross as you prefer to not speak as soon as you wake up but you're curious. though it's true that he was the early bird among you three it was still fairly early for him to be awake.
"i woke up an hour ago plus the bed is too stuffy," he says looking down at you staring up at him. so he had felt it as well, nice to know you weren't the only one who slept uncomfortably. "well.." you let your words drift off into the air as you turn to the other boy who is completely unconscious on the bed. his mouth is slightly open and you swear you can see drool threatening to slip out of his mouth. his curly hair is messily strewn all over the place and in his clutches is a plushie you or taehyun had once gifted him for a birthday, you don't remember.
what a sight, you think to yourself. huening kai, ever the dreamy sleeper. he looks peaceful despite the contrast of how absolutely petrified he was at the sight of the haunted doll, annabelle, in the movie you all watched last night.
taehyun shakes his head with a smile on his face, "it's not like i suggested watching literally anything else." you make a movement that you think could pass off as a shrug but you don't think taehyun can tell. "he said he could handle it and you know i can't say no to our baby."
you move around on the bed for a moment to find a comfortable position to speak to him in without disturbing kai. "plus we all got to cuddle for once, even though it was hot as hell last night," you mumble.
"sacrifices were made," taehyun mumbles. he sets his phone down on the bed beside you and rubs your head in what you think is an affectionate way but he's been working out and it hurts. "ouch," you grumble, deciding to stick by hueningkais still asleep frame.
the moment you cuddle up to kai who is facing away from you, he turns over so that you're both face to face. you don't think he realizes so you just kiss the tip of his nose lightly. "breakfast?" taehyun suddenly asks. you think to yourself for a moment. it sounds tempting to go help taehyun with whatever he plans on making for the three of you to consume however, the bed is just too comfortable. despite it being hot, kai's body heat is a type of hot that doesn't make you uncomfortable.
"can you go make it? i wanna be here when he wakes up so he doesn't think we abandoned him after the movie." kai can be a bit tender after scary movies. the whole reason why you and taehyun hadn't slept well was that, for no other underlying reason at all, kai suddenly wanted all three of you to cuddle on the bed.
it was a cute idea that you agreed to and although taehyun was reluctant, he too agreed to the proposal.
you move your boyfriends hair away from his peaceful looking face and you watch as his nose scrunches up but soon goes back to normal after a couple of seconds.
"we also need a bigger bed," you mumble randomly. you hear taehyun snort a laugh behind you, "when we first moved in, the first thing i pointed out was how tiny the bed was." he crosses his arms over his chest and decides to watch you play with kai's hair.
you turn over with a playful frown on your face, "im not the one who had a growth spurt! the bed was fine back then." you feel hueningkai stir beside you and suddenly his gravelly morning voice is rumbling through your ear.
"bunk beds?" he mumbles with his eyes still closed and a lopsided smile on his face. you tug on a piece on his hair when he situates his body to lounge over both yours and taehyun's like free real estate. "hell no," you both say in unison, protesting the idea.
"im going back to sleep," kai grumbles with a slight roll of his eyes. taehyun pats the other boys hair, soothing out the stray bed hairs that are sticking out. "what do you want to eat?" taehyun asks, getting up from the bed and stretching out his limbs. "make pancakes," you suggest. thankfully, hueningkai is fast asleep once again so he can't protest to the food choice.
taehyun nods, walking away to the kitchen. you decide to stay and run your hands lightly up and down your boyfriend's back. his slow breaths are lulling you back to sleep too but you fight to stay awake. if you fall back asleep you know you both won't wake up until late in the afternoon and that just won't do because kai has to finish the errands he didn't finish yesterday.
you get up from the bed, making sure not to wake kai up, which somehow you manage to do successfully. you make a mental note that he sleeps like a baby after scary movies.
you walk into the kitchen and see taehyun preparing the ingredients for pancakes. he lets you watch him for a while until you go up to him and insist on clinging to him, something he can't and won't protest against.
about 15 minutes into making pancakes, hueningkai straggles into the kitchen. you snort out a laugh at his appearance. his tall frame is leaning forward, the first indication that he's still half asleep. the second is his pouty lips and closed eyes. his hair is sticking up in all different directions as he messes with it because he sees you staring at it.
"you left me," he scolds. "you were sleeping," you defend quickly. "i got hungry," you smile.
"whatever, they smell good," he yawns. "wanna taste?" taehyun asks, holding up a piece of a previously cooked pancake. "yes, me first!" you detach yourself from his back and stand in front of him so he can feed you. hueningkai sleepily walks over for his bite of food to taste after you.
"they're good," you both say. "of course they are, i made them," taehyun says proudly. you fight the urge to flick his head, "i helped." you mumble. "i don't doubt it at all," hueningkai pipes up. "they have a bit of your flavor."
"what the hell does that even mean?" you give him a weird look, waiting for him to elaborate. out of the corner of hit eye you see taehyun smile lazily at overhearing the early morning conversation. "god wait, i didn't mean it like that! im still half asleep for fucks sake," he raised his hands up and waves them.  "im going back to sleep," he announces.
as he starts sauntering off back to the room you detach from taehyun who seems to be almost done. "im still kind of tired too... come join when you're done," you give him a chaste kiss as you walk away from him.
taehyun sighs to himself as he finishes up the rest of the food.
just another day.
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missmorosis · 3 years
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anonymous asked:
I’m BEGGING for a hc where zuko and sokka like the reader and get jealous of one another. Plot can be anything! :)))
anonymous asked:
oomgomg Hii u replied to me earlier 🥺👉🏽👈🏽 LOVE THAT YOU LOVE SOKKA!!! I love zuko too but sokka needs more appreciation imo.
Would u ever write an zuko and sokka x reader or oc where they both like the same person? Because I find myself conflicted between who I like more because they’re great for totally different reasons! Idkk but anyways looking forward to reading more of ur work!! And happy early valentines dayyyy 💕💕💕💕💕
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please this prompt makes my true beauty heart go 📈📈📈
Pairings: Sokka x Reader x Zuko
Warnings: fainting and sickness (sighh yes yes i wrote another sickfic IM OBSESSED) & it may be the worst thing ive ever written-
Summary: a sick y/n is caught up in a love triangle... which boy is better?
Word count: 1.4k :)
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The doorbell rang, and Y/N rushed to answer it. She opened the door to reveal a smiling Sokka. He was your best friend, so he normally showed up unannounced once in a while.
"Hey, Y/N!" he said.
"Hi, Sokka! What brings you here?"
"Knowing you, you probably haven't had dinner yet?" She nodded with a laugh. "Wanna get something to eat?"
It was past dinnertime, and she still wasn't hungry... In fact, the thought of food made her nauseous. Y/N nodded anyways, and Sokka smiled, getting his car keys out of his pocket.
Driving past the streets, the two blasted music out of the car's speakers, and Sokka sang along to all of the pop songs on the radio. Y/N laughed at the silly expression Sokka had on his face, even though the music was way too loud; it was honestly giving her a headache, but it was okay. She looked out the window to see Zuko, another close friend, heading out of the Jasmine Dragon. He must've just finished work...
"Oh, it's Zuko!" she chirped, giving him a wave. Sokka said nothing, his singing quieting down to silence, but he pulled over anyways to say hi. He parked his car, and the two hopped out.
“Y/N!” Zuko ran over with a huge grin on his face, waving his hand as a greeting. “Nice to see you again! Oh... hi Sokka.” Zuko’s cheerful smile slowly morphed into one of distaste when he noticed that she had been with Sokka.
“Hey, Zuko,” Sokka acknowledged. Y/N turned to see that Sokka’s face also fell when his eyes met Zuko’s. Sokka slung an unnecessary protective arm over her shoulders, and Y/N cleared her throat to clear up the growing tension. Shaking Sokka’s arm off, she opened her mouth to speak.
"Is it cold out here or is it just me?" Y/N blurted, causing Zuko and Sokka to look at each other worriedly. Sokka pulled off his jacket to throw it onto her. He zipped it up, and met her eyes.
"It's not cold at all... you feeling okay?" Y/N nodded slowly, signaling that she was okay, so Zuko and Sokka dropped the subject. She could have sworn it was chilly out.
"Anyways," Sokka continued, heading into his car, "wanna go grab dinner together or something?” The other two nodded, also following Sokka into the car. Y/N hopped into the passenger seat, and Zuko was stuck in the back seats. She could tell he wasn’t happy with her sitting next to Sokka, but she ignored it. They were just being plain childish, and it was giving her a headache.
“Oh, Y/N,” Sokka started. “I went to-”
"Sokka, go left," Zuko interuppted. Sokka sighed and turned the wheel, following through with Zuko’s command. 
As the car turned, it pushed Y/N to the side of the car, forcing her to lean on the car door. Deciding not to get up, she nuzzled closer to the car window, her warm breath fogging it up. She blinked, trying to stop the growing sleepiness clouding her head. 
Y/N heard Sokka ramble on about his day in the background, and her eyes closed for a second... just a second. She was just so... exhausted...
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"Hey... Y/N? Are you asleep?" Sokka's voice asked softly. He poked her side, making her slightly stir awake. She tried to lift her heavy eyelids. Wow, she felt so sluggish.
"What, is Sokka boring?" Zuko laughed, as Sokka gasped, offended. "I should have been the one driving next to her."
"Y/NNN- how could you fall asleep in the middle of my story?" Sokka shook Y/N awake with his free arm. "Come on, you can't leave me with Zuko."
"Hmm?" Y/N hummed quietly, letting them know she was awake. Her voice was raspy; she had a sore throat, but the boys seemed to wave it off as a symptom of sleepiness.
"Am I too boring for you?" Sokka asked.
"No, of course no-"
"So you're saying you'd be with Sokka rather than me?" Zuko accused.
"So you'd rather be with Zuko?"
"What? You guys are arguing for no reason," she mumbled, but the two boys ignored her.
"Of course she'd rather be with me; she's just too nice to say that to your face," Sokka argued, his voice increasing in volume.
"No, then why would she fall asleep while you were talking? You're boring." Zuko's voice was also loud.
"Please stop," Y/N whispered, rubbing her temples, and this gesture didn’t go unnoticed. Sokka and Zuko froze at once, watching her with concern.
"You have a headache? Are you sick?" Sokka asked immediately. Y/N sighed and nodded.
"Is... that why you fell asleep- because you were sick?" Zuko added, and Y/N nodded again weakly, and sighed. Sokka reached out next to him and put his hand on her forehead.
"Y/N, you're burning up..." Sokka gasped.
"Let me see," Zuko mumbled, placing his hand on her forehead. He sighed. "Y/N, you feel really warm."
"I'm so sorry for waking you up- it would have been better for you to stay asleep," Sokka apologized.
"No, no. It's my fault." She shivered, pulling Sokka's jacket tighter. “If I knew I was sick, I shouldn’t have come with you guys.”
"Here, have my jacket, too." Zuko wrapped his jacket over her as well, draping it over her shoulders.
"She doesn't need more than one, Zuko," Sokka scoffed quietly. "Anyways, we can go home if you'd like?"
"Oh, no, don't worry about me! We can go get dinner or something, it's just a headache. It'll go away," she reassured them.
"I don't know..." Zuko said. "Maybe we can get something to eat at your house?" Sokka turned around, heading back towards Y/N's home.
"I agree, you need rest." Sokka looked at her in the mirror. "Sorry to break it to ya, but you don't look so good."
"Okay... if that's alright..." she said, and Sokka smiled.
Everyone arrived at Y/N's house, and Zuko helped you out.
"Shall we?" he asked, gently grabbing your hand.
"C'mon, Y/N," Sokka said, glaring at Zuko. He grabbed your other hand, and pulled you along.
"Y/N," Zuko muttered.
"Zuko, let go of her," Sokka said, warningly.
"Who do you think I am? I don't have to listen to you," Zuko snapped back.
"You guys are driving me insane, can't you both just shut up and get along?" Her voice now matched theirs in volume, and the two stopped arguing, looking apologetic.
Boy, were you lightheaded all of a sudden. She staggered on her feet, and she buried her face in her hands. Not now...
"What's wrong?" Sokka's voice immediately asked.
"Are... are we scaring you? We promise it's not going to get too serious..." Zuko sounded concerned. She could feel both of the boys' arms hovering around her body, trying to protect her, catch her if she fell, or give her reassurance.
"No, no..." she breathed. "I'm.. fine..." With that, she promptly passed out.
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Both boys rushed to be the one who caught Y/N. Zuko scooped her up into his arms, and he carried her into her room, leaving Sokka alone.
Zuko gently laid her down onto her bed, pulling the blanket over her. With a swift kiss that he was tempted to do all evening, he got up and headed out the door.
"Well..." he said, glancing at Sokka. The atmosphere was now awkward, and neither boy was going to leave for a while...
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Y/N woke up, and judging from her headache and how warm she felt, she wasn't any better. Groaning, she got out of bed, expecting to be alone, but she was wrong.
She opened her eyes to see two boys asleep on the couch. They had stayed...
Medicine was laid out for her on the counter, and she gladly took it.
"Y/N?" Zuko's voice croaked, making her jump.
"Oh, hey... I wasn't expecting you two to stay..." she said, and he rolled his eyes.
"Of course we stayed... you feeling better?" Concern was written all over his face.
"I still feel like trash..." she answered truthfully.
"Maybe I can kiss it better," Sokka said with a small, playful smile, now awake as well, and she laughed.
"Anyways, thank you both..." She gave a quick kiss on both of their foreheads, making both of them blush. "Now, get some rest at home... I'll be fine."
"No way, I'm staying," both said at the same time. Y/N sighed; there was no way of getting rid of them, and she loved them for that.
"Do you need anything?" Sokka asked, getting up to get her some water.
"Nah, I'm alright... we can watch a movie, though?" She flopped onto the couch, in between the two boys. She turned on the classic Meet the Robinsons and laid back.
Both boys rested their heads on her shoulders, and she laughed.
"You two are idiots, you're going to get sick." They shrugged, and she smiled.
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this is totally unedited too IM SORRY
taglist (send an ask to get added!) @urmomoness @zuko-is-the-sun @busyforkuvira @appa-gaangnam-style @xxspqcebunsxx @akiris @welovediaaxx @ray-ofmoonlight @sokkaandzukosimp @u-4iia @sunnimochix @kaylove12
Zuko taglist: @duh-dobrik
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shhhlikeme · 4 years
I ALMOST NEVER SEE ANYONE WRITE ABOUT ARAN SO IM JUMPING IN- ;-; Can I ask for his girl helping him relieve some stress, massaging him and his hands then just a nice cuddle session after..? also Ive been shy to hop in but hi you're pretty and Id love to be friends with you ;-;
UMMM A BIG ACCOUNT LIKE YOURS THAT JUST REACHED 1.25K followers (congrats beb!!) peeps my work ?? And compliments me + gave me my first Aran requestttt ?!
I feel like this is a proposal and the answer is YES boo 💍🥰 friendssss 🥺🤗
Anyway I hope you like it newest friend💞
Some Aran Ojiro x Reader Romance 😩🌹
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you and your boyfriend Aran haven’t been able to see eachother much in the past year at all
He just made the Japan National Team which meant he was practicing and travelling all the time
You two keep up with nightly Facetime dates every night which is great but he almost always falls asleep on you in the first 20 minutes
sleepy muffin that we love so much
You don’t blame him considering his training regimen.
When he wakes up he’s literally talking your ear off apologizing because he feels like a shit boyfriend for falling asleep every time
“I did it again and I know you say it’s fine but it’s not. I’m so sorry Y/N. When I get home, I promise I’ll make it up to you baby girl, I promise. Have a great day Queen and remember I’ll be home to spoil you in 10 days. You’re not ready. I love you! Peace!”
As you lay in your empty bed the next morning, you just smile at the video of him apologizing to you while he is running around his hotel room to get ready for morning practice
Your man works so hard but he never fails to make sure he’s the first thing you see when you wake up and the last person you see before you fall asleep. It’s endearing
He is super super busy being a professional athlete but that doesn’t stop him from making you feel special in the little and big ways
Sometimes, he orders you breakfast or dinner from your favourite brunch or sushi spot that you two like to go to so that he can put a smile on your face when he’s travelling
All he asks in return is a cute selfie of you in your pjs and messy bun with the food and that is the only thank you he needs
Seriously send it though or he’ll spam your phone lol
Can I tell you a funny story related to your mans sweet foodie gestures?
Okay so One random night last weekend.....
You heard a knock on the door of your condo and you quickly paused your Netflix movie to dust the popcorn crumbs off Aran’s t-shirt you were wearing
You opened the door excitedly thinking it might be another Uber Eats surprise from your boyfriend but instead you see a grumpy looking Osamu standing in the delivery guys place
“Your boyfriend is annoying.” Osamu deadpanned as he glanced at you once before letting himself in.
“Uh, Nice to see you.....too, Osamu-san.”
Samu murmured something in response grumpily and went over to your kitchen island to place down a large brown paper bag.
“Stupid professional volleyball playing friend and brother,” He muttered under his breath. You watched him take out lots of food from his restaurant from your spot by the door, by the look (and amazing smell) of it the bag was packed with all your favourites. You were thrilled even though the grey haired boy in your kitchen wasn’t.
“Look at me! I’m Aran. My stupid Uber Eats app won’t work from mutant-spider Australia so instead of just chilling like a normal person I call and beg my very handsome and very successful restaurant-owner friend to make my girlfriend all her favourite dishes and drive them over in the middle of a rain storm. A rain storm!”
You held your ground back at the door (knowing good and well not to get in the way of Samu when he was in one of his signature bitchy moods) as a smile crept on your face. It felt like someone was squeezing your heart as you watched Osamu comfortably rummage through your cabinets and find your dishes. He plated your food beautifully like the professional chef he is, all while mumbling angrily under his breath about his quote unquote “Simp of a best friend.”
When he was done with the food, Osamu also pulled out a bottle of your favourite wine from his restaurant that only Aran knows about and poured you a glass perfectly, swaying the liquid around first to make sure it was rich. Satisfied but still annoyed, Osamu cleaned his restaurant’s paper bag contents away and then walked over to your spot on the couch to take a handful of popcorn. Still a grump, he met you back at the door.
Samu looked down at you with the irritated expression you’ve become accustomed to over the years.
“Aran also told me to give you this.” He deadpanned before leaning down to kiss the top off your head then left. You smiled, unable to stop bubbling over in giggles because you knew Aran just added that to annoy his affection-challenged best friend. You poked your head out to the hallway of your condo building, seeing Osamu’s retreating figure you sang:
“Thank you, Samuuuuuu! 🎶”
Effectively adding to his annoyance just like your boyfriend would have wanted you to.
Without looking back, Osamu just lifted up a cool peace sign that your boyfriend and the two brothers were notorious for.
That trio, man.
dinner that night was the best you’ve had in forever
Not only was it delicious but
You realized that very night that your boyfriend was the most remarkable human in the world and you didn’t deserve him
You checked your phone as you sipped your wine because you received several texts from your boy asking where his picture of you eating is and also asking how funny Samu’s reaction was
You giggled as you read the text and then you had an idea! 💡
You put down your phone and quickly changed into some lacy lingerie for the picture:
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Your boyfriend always asked for simple ‘rates PG’ pics because he loved to see you bare faced and wearing his big clothes. It was so cute to him.
he would make each new picture you sent his two backgrounds on his phone and he relished in the fact that you were so beautiful when you didn’t try
You knew this, but you also knew that your man deserved a little ‘sumn sumn’ for making tonight so special for you 😉
You put on a little sultry makeup to go with your sexy number and went back to the kitchen to your food and wine
You took a much sexier picture than he would ever expect
Actually you chose to send him a boomerang:
one of your hair slightly disheveled and your tits basically out despite the lacy cover. You pressed the wine glass to your red lips and winked in the boomerang, wiggling your hips ever so seductively
in a luxurious hotel in Australia, your stunning boyfriend just finished his shower in his hotel room
He dried his face with a towel and opened his iMessage app on his phone... effectively ignoring the:
“🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼it’s done.🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼”
text from his best friend Osamu and clicking your name instead
Aran swiped left on his phone hoping to see another cute picture of his girlfriend being sent to him that makes his day the brightest but what he actually sees instead almost makes him drop his phone out of his wet hands
No Deadass he almost dropped it! it slipped out of his hands 4 times
His heart beating because of his phone but mostly because you were the finest woman he’s ever seen, he replays your sexy boomerang 30 times, literally engraving every detail about you into his mind. If his teammates weren’t so nosy he’d love to make what you just sent him his background on his phone......but that wouldn’t work
He really treasured you and what you sent though. For Aran, the next 9 days at this Global Tournament could not go by fast enough.
Aran’s never asked for naughty pictures from you not once because he doesn’t want you to do anything you’re uncomfortable with, but seeing that you did it on your own, of course it made him want to skip his National game tomorrow just to fly back and make love to you all night then rub your back the way you like until you fell asleep
Mans is in LOVE, you feel me?
He wanted to show you just how treasured you are for sticking by his side through all this travelling shit. He wanted you to always know you were his queen even if he was miles away
So, by you sending this sexy Boomerang and treating him like a King even though you didn’t have to, your man fell even harder for you
He had so much planned when he came home like always: spoil you with a shopping trip with your girls, a romantic spa trip for you both and a trip to the amusement park, but it seemed so far away now
Frowning, Aran texted you back a paragraph telling you how beautiful you are and how lucky he was to have you in his life for a plethora of reasons
He Facetime’d you for the expected classic 20 minutes while you wore that lingerie BUT he actually stayed up for 36 minutes because he was fighting sleep like a damn boxer. He wanted to see you... but of course his fatigue got the better of him and he fell asleep with a big smile on his face because you whispered goodnight
the next day, after sleeping in, Aran woke up for his first tournament game and did all of his pre-game rituals which included calling you, and his best friends Kita & the twins.
He proceeded to his 6:00pm game as planned in the grand court of Sydney.
Aran sweetly signed autographs and Jerseys with his name on it that fans and little kids eagerly presented to him before and after the game that they had won.
“Mr. Ran’! Mr. ‘Ran! Volleybwall is my most favouritest sport to pway , too! Can I have hug???” Asked a particularly bouncy little African-Australian girl in the crowd. Aran glances at the dad for permission and upon granting Aran nodded kindly and picked up the toddler so she was propped up on his hip. The girl wrapped her miniature arms around the big volleyball star’s neck and squeezed tightly. Aran chuckled in his deep voice, exclaiming an “Ow! You’re a strong one, aren’t you? A future Ace for sure.” The little girl gasped at her idols words and hugged him harder. The dad had to literally rip her out of Ojiro’s arms because she didn’t want to let go.
“Don’t break the volleyball player, honey. They’re sore.” Said the father to his daughter.
Aran reached in his gym bag to collect a clean tournament shirt from his bag and handed it to the hysterically crying little girl. “Sore is an understatement. But....here, ‘future Ace.’ When you make the National Women’s Team and I’m the one at one of your games, maybe you can give it back to me.”
The little girl’s whole life was made as she immediately stopped crying and smiled widely, hugging the shirt close to her chest as if it might disappear if she let go.
Because he was a teddy bear and wanted to sign as many kids memorabilia as possible, plus give the youth encouraging messages....Aran usually stayed an hour or two later than the other players after their away games. Telling his teammates to go on ahead back to their hotel without him
Sore as hell and more tired than ever after his big games, he picked up his phone to call you on his way back to the hotel
He loved hearing your voice it was so soothing to him
No answer. He tried 5 times.
Thinking you were probably working hard from home, Ojiro dragged his feet past the hotel concierge and used all of his slumped body weight to push open the door to his hotel room.
He didn’t remember it being this dark in here or even shutting off the lights when he left, but being too tired to care he dropped his huge bag on the floor, gripping his aching shoulder as he took one step to the right to flip on the lights
When he did, he had to rub his sleepy eyes because he couldn’t believe what he saw
Standing in the middle of his hotel room, you smiled brightly and ran to your boyfriend, wrapping your legs around his waist in a koala hug. You wore that lacy number you used in the picture you sent him last night. Your man stumbled back from the impact and overall surprise but once he was stable he hugged you back tightly.
“Oh my God, you look incredible, what-what are you doing here?!” He asked, still in disbelief.
You pecked his lips and jumped down. “After last night I missed you so much. So I just called into work, booked a 9-hour direct flight and now I’m here! I’m staying for the rest of the tournament. Hi, handsome!!!!” You had so much happiness and light in your eyes that it literally woke up your boyfriend by contentment, even though he was just on the verge of collapsing on his bed from fatigue minutes ago.
He grabbed your face softly in his large hands and tilted your head up towards his to give you a proper kiss, letting you know how happy he was through the kiss.
You pulled away. “Whoa! Someone’s happy to see me!” You poked his tummy.
“An understatement—Wait, what is that?” Finally looking away from your face for the first time since he entered his room, Aran looked behind you in awe. There was a rather large massage table set up in the centre of his suite.
“Oh, that old thing?!” You questioned playfully as you jogged over to the big table and showcased it with your hands like a Wheel of Fortune prize girl. “I tried to book a massage for you for tomorrow because I know you always forget, but they were all booked obviously so I just asked the guy downstairs—after name dropping you—if they could bring this up and they had no problem with it!”
Aran looked at you incredulously so you continued. “Lay down, babe. I know you must be sore after your game. I ordered food for you too but they said it will be up here in an hour and a half. So, I’ll get out some of your kinks now, we’ll eat, and then I can massage you more until you fall asleep.”
Aran couldn’t believe this was happening.
“But you just got off a flight, Y/N! You must be tired, too! I couldn’t possibly—“
You gave your boyfriend your best Osamu impression with your seriously annoyed frown. “Aran. You do everything in your power to make sure that I’m feeling more than amazing every single day even when you are halfway across the world. So now since I’m a mere halfway across the room, I want to do this for you. Please. Let me return the favour.”
Feeling too tired to bicker and knowing you meant business, your big man gave in. He removed his shirt when you asked and settled face down on the comfortable table.
You put on some soft r&b and took out the essential oils you bought from the spa and began to give your man a sensual but remarkable rub down, taking immense care in soothing his muscle pain in his legs and back
You listened for his groans when you reached particularly sensitive spots on his back and spent a lot more time in those areas
When you were massaging his shoulders you made sure to lean down every few minutes to kiss the side of his neck and Aran would sigh in delight every time.
“Y/N. I know you want to get all of my kinks out and trust me this feels amazing, but, if you keep kissing me dressed like that I’ll stop this massage to make love to you on this table. Okay?”
You giggled and smacked his booty.
“Kay.” 😇
When the food came, you and Aran opted to sit on the couch and eat, feeding eachother and kissing and just being all cute n shit—🙄
A/N: Can you tell how jealous I am?
After dinner and your night routines, you told your baby to give you his hands in bed.
you lotioned them in between your smaller ones and gave him a long, much desired, kneading hand massage in the pitch black room until he was on the verge of falling asleep.
“I love you, Y/N.” whispered Ojiro, his deep voice slower because he was half asleep. “Please be here when I wake up....” He whispered before succumbing to a deep slumber.
You stopped your massage, kissed both of his hands and cuddled into his warm body.
“I’ll be here when you wake up, Aran.” You closed your eyes too, feeling sleep wash over you as well.... “I’ll always be here.”
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lgbtqlegends · 3 years
okay so whenever im trying to fall asleep, i always end up coming up with little scenes of stuff to play out/write in my head until i actually fall asleep, and usually i end up thinking abt avalance. so the other night i was thinking abt avalance + team movie nights:
after they get sara back from the aliens n like,,, after they've given her some time to recover n all that, the team starts having movie nights a lot more than they used to (bc like,, they had already had them fairly regularly before but then after getting sara back they all kinda just collectively decided they should take the extra time to spend more time together)
so they start having more frequent movie nights whenever they can n so they all just crowd around in the rec room, on armchairs n couches n the floor (mick Always takes the comfiest arm chair. the couch is p much always reserved for sara n ava. the rest of the team scatters around on other chairs or on the floor. there's a bunch of pillows n blankets n maybe some beanbag chairs too so no one really minds)
sara is cuddled up between ava n the back of the couch like she usually is n y'know,,, everyone assumes she'll probably fall asleep like halfway through the movie like she usually does, but none of them really care bc at least they're all together again n spending time with each other
the first movie night that they end up having after they get sara back goes a bit,,, rough,, bc the boys did,, Not Think,, n they chose a really like,,, heavy-action type movie so like there's lots of shit going on n usually that's fine y'know none of them are really bothered by it or anything so they just,, didn't think,, but like,, sara just recently getting back from the aliens n recovering n all that n who knows like,, what trauma may have happened while she was gone so like its prob just,, not the best choice lmao
n of course there ends up being a lot of explosions n loud noises n shit so occasionally sara'll like,,, tense up or flinch or cover her ears a bit. n they all tell her that they have no problem changing the movie to smth else, bc they don't really care what they watch, they just all wanna be together. but sara refuses the offer bc she is Stubborn and she Definitely Does Not need them to switch the movie, it's Fine (it's not fine, and she ends up being kinda on edge for the rest of the night. like not like,, snappy on edge or anything just,,, not relaxed. and then it takes ava a while after the movie is over n they're back in their room to get sara to like,, actually relax n everything. but sara is Sara n she's Stubborn so she absolutely will not admit that Yes okay Maybe a change of movie would've been better for this time)
the boys know better next time though so they choose a softer movie with a lot less explosions n loud noises. like prob a comedy or smth, to get everyone to laugh n loosen up n relax. it goes a lot smoother, n sara doesn't even end up falling asleep either bc she ends up laughing too hard at w/e movie they picked. even mick laughs, n not just like,, amused grunt or anything like,, actually laughs. the rest of the legends are kinda surprised so they look at him funny for a minute n then he looks at them funny for a minute, n then he flips them off n goes back to paying attention to the movie lmao
so movie nights are great,, like they always were, but everyone loves them even more n has a greater appreciation for them now bc like,,, while sara was gone they tried to carry on as normal as possible in order to find her n they tried not to let themselves get too down w/o their captain, but movie nights weren't the same n sunday family brunch wasn't the same n just,, nothing was really the same without her. n it's not really the same now, like with having her back, but it's Better bc they have their captain back n they're all spending more time together. it's good for all of them really but its especially good for sara bc she was alone for however long it took to find her n so she just,,, loves the time that they all set aside for theses things, all the movie nights n the sunday family brunches n everything else n it all just kinda helps her get back to herself n everything
(the third movie night that they have after sara gets back, sara ends up resuming her usual movie night routine of falling asleep on ava's shoulder halfway through the movie. the legends would usually tease her a bit,, like after the movie is over when ava has to wake her up so they can go to bed,, but this time they just let her be while ava attempts to get her up off the couch n sara is Not having it n she's super sleepy n cuddly n hanging onto ava like a damn koala bear. and okay so maybe they don't tease her abt it That Night, however,, charlie eventually gets to a point where they start calling sara koala/koala bear (they also call her kitten sometimes too, for entirely unrelated reasons). it's the cutest thing, and ava calls her that (koala/koala bear) sometimes too. and sara pretends to hate it bc she doesn't wanna lose any cool cred or w/e but she actually kinda really loves it even tho she'll absolutely never admit it)
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sumu-samu · 3 years
“Hiya I was wondering if it’s not to much cud u maybe do a Seamus finnigan x pureblood reader where she likes him but is afraid to because he a half blood and her family and stuff (sorry if that doesn’t make sense) thanks 😊“
Pairing: Seamus Finnigan x Pure-blood!f!reader
Genre: Fluff, some angst.
Warnings: some curse words, not too many but there is still some
A.N: Here it is. Im sorry if it’s a bit all over the place. TBH I kinda pushed it and forced myself to write it. It’s not that I didn’t want to I just have a lot of school work with the holidays coming up and the end of the semester. I hope it meets your satisfactory. If not, let me know and I’ll try and rewrite it so that it does. 
Being born in a pure blood family, Y/N knew that being with any one other than another pure blood was forbidden. So if she knew that then why did she feel butterflies every time she saw him smile? 
She had started her fourth year with nothing else on her mind other than her studies, like she did every year. Of course this year was a bit different than the other years. With what happened at the quidditch world cup, and now the tournament. All she wanted to do was focus and get this year over with. But, when she saw him.. Something hit her heart. 
Seamus Finnigan, half -blood, Gryffindor, fourth year. In the four years she’s known him, she's always thought of him as kinda a dork. He had quite the tendency to make anything and everything he touched blow up in his face. At first she found it stupid, who could have the ability to blow something up without even trying? But then it just became something he did.
“So, did anyone get cute over the summer?” Lavender Brown asked the rest of the girls. They all giggled and talked about the boys of their house and some of others, while she just stared out of the window at the star filled sky.
“Y/N, you got your eye on anyone?” They all looked over to her. 
“What?” She looked away from the window. “Oh, um, no… not really.” She shrugged. 
It wasn’t necessarily a lie, she really just wanted to focus on her studies, but something about the pyro-prone boy had some sort of pull on her.
She remembered what happened when her brother came home one summer and explained that he had a new half-blood girlfriend. Her parents were furious, they forced him to break up with her and forbade him to write to her, or he could leave the family. She herself really didn’t understand what was so bad about muggle borns and half-bloods, her best friend, Hermione,  was a muggle born, but she knew her parents would never allow her to be with a half-blood. 
After sitting in the window for a little while longer, just thinking about nothing, she began to feel sleepy. Some of the other girls had gone to bed already but others just stayed up talking about their summer and some of the guys from Durmstrang. She got up from the window and went to bed.
*Time skip: first task*
She sat in the stands, next to her friends as she looked at the arena down below her. Dragons…. The first task was dragons. It was almost like they wanted one of the students to get killed. She worried for her black haired friend, who wasn’t even supposed to be in this thing in the first place. 
“Obviously no offense to Harry, but I seriously feel like Krum is going to win.” One of the boys in the year below them said. 
“Oh please. Where do your loyalties lie? Harry is obviously going to get this. He’s already had experience with dragons.” Seamus said, referencing back to their first year, when Harry, Ron, and Hermione had got out to Hagrid’s hut and witnessed the birth of a dragon. “What do you think, Y/N?” He turned to her. 
“OH, well. It all depends. They have four dragons, each one more dangerous than the next. And I’m assuming that they didn’t assign dragons to each competitor as it could be ruled favoritism, so they most likely have the competitor’s choose the dragons randomly, so it’s all up to chance. And if Harry got the most dangerous…” She shuddered at the thought of what might happen. 
“Hey,” Seamus put his hand on her shoulder, noticing the worry in her eyes. “Harry is a very talented wizard. He's strong, He knows what to do if something goes wrong. He’ll be okay.” 
“Harry also has a knack to get himself into dangerous situations Seamus, don’t forget that.” She thought back on the last four years they’ve known the famous Potter boy. Their first year, he almost died due to their possessed dark arts teacher. Their second year he almost died in the chamber of secrets, their third year, Serius Black had escaped, and there were dementors all around. During all these things she sat on the sideline, but heard about it through Hermione.
“Yeah, and he always gets himself out of it. The bastard hasn’t died yet. Come on Y/N,  
have a little faith in our friend.” He tried his best to calm her down.
The first three had gotten through the task fairly easily, she had a bad feeling about 
Harry’s match. They brought out the first dragon and she recognized it quickly. Hungarian Horntail. She took a deep breath, they were keeping the dragons on chains, Harry should be okay. She tried to keep a positive mind.
Harry came out and immediately summoned his broom. “Smart.” she thought. Harry was always skilled with a broom. But her positive mind had disappeared when the Horntail broke the chain and followed Harry. “Harry!” she yelled. “Oh my gods.” She put her hand over her mouth in disbelief.
“Hey it’s okay, He’ll be fine. It’s just like quidditch. You know, trying to stay away from the Bludgers and stay out of the way of the player tailing you.” Seamus put his hand on her back trying to comfort her. She knew he was trying to take the dangerous situation and try and make it seem less terrifying by comparing it to something Harry did almost every day.
“Finnigan, you and I both know this is nothing like quidditch. First off, the players tailing you don’t breathe fire, and want to eat you.” She scowled. 
“Bloody hell, stop being so negative. I’m just trying to help!” He threw his hands up in frustration. Once he had turned around and started to talk with Dean instead of trying to calm her down, she felt a small pull in her chest. She knew he had only been trying to help, but she seriously couldn’t get the danger of the situation out of her head and it had seemed to distract her from that. 
*Time skip: Yule Ball*
She was currently getting all dolled up for the Yule Ball, with Ginny, the youngest Weasley. Y/N was wearing a (F/C) gown, (reference), she had put her hair up in a messy sort of bun (reference). She was honestly very excited for the night, she needed to focus on getting ready, but her mind kept going back to him asking her to the dance.
“So, I… we’re friends right?” Seamus asked Y/N nervously.
“Um, yeah?” She was confused as to what had him like that.
“Well, with the Yule ball coming up… um… do you have anyone to go with yet?” He still didn’t look her in the eyes.
“No.” She shrugged. “Honestly I think I might just stay in the room alone.”
“No! Don’t do that.” He looked up to see her focused on the work she was doing.
“I mean, I don’t have anyone to go with, and it will only be a distraction.” She rolled her eyes. 
“Go with me.” He blurted out without thinking much. Y/N’s brain had gone blank,she froze. Not exactly expecting him to say that. She thought he would as Lavender or someone else, once she came back to reality she felt a tickle in her stomach. “I mean, if you really don't want to then you don’t have to.” 
“Okay.” she nodded with a smile.
“Wait, really?” His face lit up with joy. She gave him a nod and he ran off with a skip in his step. Running to Dean to talk about how he got the cute girl to go to the ball with him. Once he walked away she thought about what her parents would say. ‘They don’t need to know.’ she shrugged.
“Hello, Y/N?” Ginny waved her hand in front of Y/N’s face. She hadn’t even realized she had spaced out.
“Oh, sorry, Whats up Ginny?” She smiled at the young redhead next to her. 
“What were you thinking about?” She asked with a tilt of her head.
“Nothing important. Let’s just hurry up.” 
Once they had finished getting ready they walked out of the dorms and down the hall. They got to the stairs and saw Neville and Seamus waiting nervously. When Neville had seen Ginny he smiled and reached out his hand. But Seamus had just looked at Y/N, with awe. He didn’t move, didn’t smile, didn’t speak. Neville elbowed him in the ribs and then he finally reaches for her hand. “Hey, Neville you two go on ahead. We’ll catch up in a bit.” Seamus looked into the girls eyes, and Neville and Ginny walked off as they were told. “Hello.” He smiled.
“Oh, um, hey.” She said, cheeks turning red at how he pulled her closer. 
“You… you look…. Wow…” He said, breathless and examining all of her features. She felt the warmth spread all over her face.
“We.. we should go now Seamus.” She spoke softly, afraid that if she was any louder she would embarrass herself. 
He shrugged and moved away. “You need to be more confident. I don’t like this shy side of you.” He started walking away and she felt her chest get heavy. “I’m joking.” He said when he saw the look on her face. “But I don’t think there’s any reason to be all shy. Just be yourself.” 
They walked into the grand hall and waited as the competitors got the first dance. And then they eventually joined in. The whole night was a mix of upbeat and slower songs. The night was going great, until one particular slow song came on.
It was getting late and Y/N was getting tired, as they danced she rested her head on Seamus’ chest and they pretty much just swayed. He lifted her up to look into her eyes. “You really do look great.” He made direct eye contact. Normally it would have made her uncomfortable but looking into his eyes gave her a weird sense of comfort. They looked into each others eyes in silence. Until he leaned down and put his lips on top of hers. 
Shock ran through her body as she pushed him off. They looked at each other with wide eyes before she ran away. Seamus felt heartbroken. Not only thinking that she didn’t like him back but also afraid he had just ruined their friendship.
Y/N didn’t run back to the dorms. Instead she ran out into the courtyard. The guy she liked had just kissed her and she pushed him off her. She liked the kiss, she really did, but she didn’t want her parents to forbid her to ever talk to him. He was an art piece she could only look at, never touch.  She wanted to though, She wanted to be with him, but she was scared. Scared that her family would kick her to the curb. She also felt awkward now. What would she say when he saw her again? Would she explain it? Would she just act like nothing had happened?
She went to be that night with guilt running through her veins and sadness pushing down on her chest
*Time skip: Second task*
She had been avoiding him ever since that night. She wasn’t sure what to say or to do. At this point Seamus had gotten tired of this. When he saw her at the second task he made sure to keep an eye on her so that after they had all jumped into the water he could find her easily and pull her away. 
Harry was the last to jump in, writhing in pain, Neville was scared that he had killed him. Once Harry proved he wasn’t dead Seamus went to find Y/N. 
“Seamus? Where are you going?” Dean asked.
“I need to find Y/N. We need to talk about something.” Was all he said before leaving.
Once he found her he grabbed her by her wrists, startling the girl. He dragged her away from the lake and to the woods nearby. 
“S-Seamus?” she questioned one they stopped.
“What is going on? You haven’t talked to me since the Yule Ball. Look I get it if you don’t like me back, it’s what every, we can pretend like it never happened, but… don’t stop being my friend… please.”  He looked at her with soft eyes. 
“Seamus, it’s not that I don’t like you back…” She began “It’s that I do like you back…” 
“That doesn’t make a lick of sense.” He said bluntly.
“It really does. I like you back, but I can’t. I shouldn’t like you back.” She looked at the ground.
He pushed her up against the tree. “Look, stop playing with me. I’m not a toy. You like me back great, let me take you to Hogsmead. You don’t like me back, fine, this never happened, make up your mind.” He looked deep into her eyes.
“I do like you Seamus. But my family…” She wanted to cry. Seeing her eyes start to water Seamus lightened up a bit.
“You’re family what?” He moved his hand to her cheek, ready to catch any tears that may fall.
“My family is full of purebloods… I-I can’t be with you. No matter how much I want to.” A single tear rolled down her face.
“Stop lying. Why would it matter?” He started to get angry again.
“I’m not lying. My family said that I am only allowed to date other purebloods. Even if I tried to date you, they’d either kick me out of the family or, forbid me from ever talking to you again. And I really like you, I don’t want to stop being friends.” She grabbed his hand.
“Y/N, give this a try. I’ll stand up for you if your family tries to take you away from me. So what? Why should my blood keep us apart? I like you, and if you really are telling the truth, then you like me. No one should get to tell you who to be with. That’s up to you and to you only.” He pulled her closer to him, taking both of her hands into his. “Let me take you to Hogsmead this weekend, please?” 
“Okay.” she nodded with a smile.
“Can I kiss you again?” He asked, looking into her eyes for an answer.
“Oh… um… y-yeah… sure.” her face went red. He leaned in and put his lips on her. She didn’t push away this time. She just melted into the kiss. Her head buzzed, and her heart felt like it would burst. This is what she wanted. She’d find a way to get what she wanted and stay in the family.
“Let’s go back.” He pulled away, interlocking their hands and heading back to the lake.
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innittowinit · 3 years
Abandoned amusement parks are the best place for young children (Chapter 19)
Fic summary: 
Techno, Tommy, Wilbur and Phil have been hanging out at the abandoned amusement park in the woods since they moved in. Techno likes knowing he's definitely alone with his brothers Tommy likes climbing on the old rides Wilbur likes having a place to play his music Phil likes spending time with his younger brothers
That is, until a group of brothers calling themselves the 'dream team' move in down the road. Will the sleepy boys give in and share the park or will they succeed in scaring the new kids off?
Chapter summary:
Eret's been acting...strange Techno senses somethings definitely off
Chapter word count: 1726
Friendships were a complex thing. Techno had known that as long as he could remember. People come and people go, it was nothing, especially not to him or Wilbur. Inherently, they knew all they had was each other, maybe their other brothers would also always be with them but what they had together was a special bond. Neither Phil nor Tommy would ever be able to understand them the way they understood each other and that was fine, they had lived every day side by side, they shared almost all their core memories and so their rationality was incredibly similar because of it, meaning they could very easily understand each other. 
Never had they asked for a friend that would feel the same way as the friendship they had with each other, and yet they always seemed to be asking for too much. That’s the part that confused Techno. 
Never had they needed to be understood. Never had they needed something complex. All they needed was someone to accept them so why did it feel like everyone always ended up leaving? Were they the problem? It always felt like they were trying so hard so why did it feel like they were pushing people away? 
You see, recently Eret had been acting….off. 
He had been stumbling over words, fidgeting, leaving quickly with the excuse of ‘being late for something’, and taking hours to reply to any kind of message. Each of these things would be fine on their own but with them all together, they felt a little strange. 
It didn’t seem like Wilbur had noticed the recent shift in behaviour yet so Techno didn’t dare bring it up, it wasn’t uncommon that he was overly cautious and he didn’t want to risk upsetting his brother over something that might not even be a big deal, especially when he had just started to get over the incident with the ticket booth. 
“So....He’s been busy a lot lately” Wilbur sighed, draping himself across the couch and clutching his phone in one hand. Niki had insisted they add some stickers onto it since letting them live off a ‘boring flip phone’ (as she had called it) was apparently not okay.
“Do you think he’s okay? Maybe something’s going on at home..”
Oh. Techno was positive everything was okay at home. Of course there was a possibility that he was just being protective of Wilbur because he didn’t want anyone hurting his brother but seriously! In his opinion, if you had enough money to eat fucking burger king as a school lunch you were doing fine financially, and really, that’s all that mattered right? Money had always been the reason why their parents were never around.
It was probably just his jealousy talking but he had always had a bit of an underlying anger for people with a big disposable income, how was it fair that their parents had to work so much at minimum wage jobs that they could hardly see them just to keep them warm and fed and yet other families could have their parents around by the time they were home from school /and/ have extra money for treats.
“Wil, don’t worry about him.” Techno sighed, trying to choose his words carefully. He knew Wilbur was always more sensitive to rejection than him.
“He’s more..social than we are, he probably just has other friends that he doesn’t want to ignore or something”
“Maybe.. I wish he’d tell us though, I don’t like being left on read” 
With a sigh and a gentle prod for him to sit up a bit more, Techno wrapped an arm around Wilbur, feeling how he melted into the contact straight away. Of course it hurt Techno too to be ignored by the one person they thought actually could be a good friend but he needed to put on a brave face for Wilbur. Of course it felt like a stab in the gut to have trusted someone so much to be able to start talking to them and then they just disappear but Wilbur needed him right now, it was obvious to anyone that he was the one with the bigger connection issues. 
“Wil, trusting people is a part of being friends. We can talk to him tomorrow alright? And we can explain that it would make you feel better if he said his plans before disappearing”
It was Tuesday night and other than a few memes she had screenshotted off of instagram and sent them, they hadn’t really heard much at all from Eret. She hadn’t hung around them long enough at school for either of them to really bring it up with her and honestly, Techno was getting incredibly worried about what was going on. He’d never had a real friend like this before, of course Skeppy always made him laugh but he was family so he didn’t count, if he messed up with family he knew as long as they weren’t adults they’d still love him afterwards, friends worked differently though. He had his Hypixel friends too but they didn’t count either since they were online and he could type to them on days when he was struggling more. By now he’d known them so long they were basically family, they’d all taken hours out of their own time to research Techno’s problems to try and be as accommodating as possible- all in all he really couldn't compare them with Eret.
It was tricky and he knew communication was one of the more important parts, which was ironically what he struggled with the most. Maybe on one of his worse-off days, where he normally would have had Wilbur doing most of the talking for him, Eret had assumed he was angry with her or giving her the silent treatment, maybe she had taken offence to the fact that Wilbur and Techno were very obviously closer than she was with each one of them. The thought that somehow they might have made her feel left out made him feel a little sick, had they not explained well enough what had led to this point? Maybe it was selfish for them to relish in the fact that she rarely bugged them for explanations.
All in all, Techno was sure they had done something for the sudden shift in attitude and, not wanting to make Wilbur feel worse than he already did, he wasn’t sure who could help him. 
Maybe he could wait up until his parents got home? People on TV were always getting advice from them but then again.. His family wasn’t really like those on tv, if he was being honest he was half sure he’d be yelled at for being awake before he could have a chance to ask for help. 
He could also ask Phil, but then again Phil was already beyond stressed trying to make sure they were all okay, he really didn’t want to bother him. Niki was closer to Wilbur than she was with him and he was sure his hypixel friends were all still at school because of the time zone difference. 
The only other person he could really think of talking to about this was Skeppy, and so, hopping out of bed, trying his hardest not to make too much noise and wake up Wilbur, he made his way to the PC. 
From what he knew, Skeppy usually stayed up late and slept so late he often missed his bus anyway so he probably was still up.
Clicking onto discord, he breathed a sigh of relief as he saw the green dot next to his cousin's icon, immediately messaging him. 
11:36 OrphanDestroyer: Hey nerd
11:36 OrphanDestroyer: U awake?
It took a few minutes for him to answer, Techno was just about ready to give up and accept he had just chosen the one night he may have gone to bed on time to try and message him.
11:42 japanesesymbolforbeginner: 1 sec ina call wiv bbh 
Writing ‘bbh’ off as one of Skeppy’s friends he had forgotten to tell them about, Techno waited patiently for Skeppy to say he was free. 
11:46 japanesesymbolforbeginner: ok im done, what you need
11:46 OrphanDestroyer: SO
11:46 OrphanDestroyer: Do you remember Eret?
11:48 OrphanDestroyer: Okay well basically for like the past few days he’s been ignoring me and Wilbs and I’m really really worried we offended him or something like maybe we hurt him or he’s mad or maybe he decided he's too good to be friends with us which tbh I don't blame him for because we kinda are losers and maybe people won't be friends with him because he's friends with us or something? Idk idk I just really wish he’d tell us something because like Wil is freaking out and idk what to tell him, he really struggles with this kinda stuff and I wanna help but idk how. 
11:48 japanesesymbolforbeginner: Ok...fuck
11:48 japanesesymbolforbeginner: Has he replied to any messages or anything? Maybe he’s busy?
11:48 OrphanDestroyer: Not really 
11:49 japanesesymbolforbeginner: Okay okay so here’s what I think you should do
11:49 japanesesymbolforbeginner: If he’s ignoring you you're gonna need to confront him next time you see him and don’t just agree when he makes an excuse to leave, like say you NEED to talk
11:50 japanesesymbolforbeginner: If u think he’s offended bc sometimes you don't speak a lot maybe just message him some resources or whatever on the type of mutism you deal with, even if he doesn’t reply he’ll probably still open it.
11:50 japanesesymbolforbeginner: like he might just be in the position where he’s nervous he’ll offend you if he asks something about it? Like maybe he doesn't understand fully and he just needs one of you to open the discussion 
11:50 OrphanDestroyer: okay you're probably right
11:50 OrphanDestroyer: There’s a link I have to one I normally email teachers whenever we have a new one so i'll probably send him that
11:50 OrphanDestroyer: Tomorrow though, my dads gonna be home soon and he’ll kill me if im still awake 
11:51 japanesesymbolforbeginner: aight, night Techno, good luck and btw you're all always welcome to come over if things get tense over there with ur parents
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pandawritespoorly · 5 years
With Time: Chapter 16 - Wrong Person
Author’s Note: Happy Thanksgiving! Or just happy normal Thursday if you don't celebrate! Either way you get a bonus update!
Warning for strong language! (I don't know how necessary it is for me to add these warnings every time, but I feel like someone might appreciate it, so why not). This chapter contains: 'asshole', 'bitch' twice, 'fuck' twice, 'cunt', and 'fucking'. Also, Alya's texts are pretty clear bullying, so tread carefully if that might upset you.
Chapter Summary: Marinette feels guilty about telling Alya she won't be Rena Rouge anymore on the day before her birthday. Alya lets her exactly know how she feels about her former best friend now.
First | Previous | Next
Marinette is in a terrible mood. Her day had started badly. She couldn’t find her phone for a bit, and barely found it in time - stuffed in the back of a drawer. She has no idea how it got there. That really isn’t the biggest contributor to her mood though, it’s yesterday’s events.
She just feels so guilty. She’s supposed to be a good person and what she did…
Poor Nino. Poor Alya.
Alya… wait.
Today is her birthday! Marinette broke her heart on the day before her birthday.
What an asshole.
She can’t worry her friends though. They put up with her enough that if they found out what she’d done it’d probably be the final straw. 
Maybe she can cover up her misery with her sleepiness. It is pretty cold today. Paris is having a colder winter than usual this year it would seem.
“Are you quite alright, Marinette?” Felix and her are on their way to the library for the morning. 
So much for that, seeing as Felix already noticed, “Jus’ tired.” 
He looks unconvinced by her lie, so it would seem she deceived him for no reason. Stupid girl, can’t follow her own rules correctly. 
As they approach the table, Marinette hears one of them mention the Ladyblog.
“What?” Did Alya post something? Do they finally know what she’s done? Is this the last time she can hang out with them?
“Did you hear? The Ladyblog is gone. That Alya girl took it down!” Claude sounds shocked.
“She was pretty proud of it, from what I understand.” Allan adds.
“I never really used it anyways. I don’t really like her anyways…” Allegra’s voice sounds cold. Marinette didn’t know she knew Alya.
“Really? I think Alya’s pretty nice.” She should stick up for her ex-best friend, especially after what she pulled last night. It takes all her concentration to speak normally. They shouldn’t all have to deal with her slurred and mumbled tired nonsense.
The other four turn to her, slight confusion evident on their faces. What did she do this time? Allan speaks up, “We weren’t sure you knew her.” 
Marinette gets the feeling there’s something he’s leaving out, but she gets it. She shouldn’t be trusted with most things. Besides, they don’t know all her secrets anyways - it’s only fair.
Of course, now she’s dug herself a hole. In her effort to defend Alya, she’s removed all the distance she tried to put between her old classmates and her new friends.
“Uh, well, ummm, I use’ t’ read the Ladyblog a lot…” Her nervousness makes her stumble over the words slightly. She’s supposed to be pretending to be fine! Get it together! 
Allegra frowns, “I met her after that akuma attack here. She didn’t make a great first impression.”
Oh. Right. That’s when they met.
They’d also met her then…
The group notices the way she stares intensely at the table. 
Claude puts an arm around her, “Anyways, you seem pretty awake today Mari! Find some way to fight the winter?”
“No, um, I’m just trying to seem kinda’ awake today…”
Allan frowns, seemingly picking up on what exactly she meant by that, “‘Nette if you’re tired you can rest.”
She shrugs. It’s tiring to pretend she’s fine, especially considering that she’s still dwelling on the events of yesterday evening. She can’t bother her new friends though. She’s been lax in being better to them. She should never have let her guard down - who knows what could have happened. 
Her water bottle is handed to her, “At least drink some water then.”
She does as she’s told. She’d forgotten how great water is. 
Their short time before class starts passes quickly to the stressed and tired girl. As they’re standing to go, Allegra turns to the boys, “Oh, I might be a little late to lunch today. I’m practicing extra for Concours d'arts musicaux.”
The two girls head to class. They sit in their seats as the teacher walks in, Marinette is barely paying attention, too focused on staying awake and thinking about how terrible she is. She misses Allegra’s occasional concerned glances. 
Allan and Felix had left to get their lunches from their lockers, and Claude is in line for his lunch, so Marinette is at the table alone. Claude had mentioned that they had one of Allegra’s favorite foods today,
She unlocks her phone and taps the first ‘Al’ she sees, sending a quick text to let her know. Her phone dings immediately.
 Alya: you have some nerve texting me bitch
Alya: i know what you’ve done you worthless human trash
Alya: you disgust me
 What? Marinette is so confused. She hasn’t done anything to Alya as Marinette recently. She knows that she’s awful, but why is Alya so mad at Marinette still?
Had she really been that bad of a friend?
 Alya: you left and you’re still messing everything up
Alya: bullying? really? 
Alya: were you planning on ever revealing just how sickenly cruel you are
Alya: lila told us what you did to Ladybug
Alya: im horrified i ever called someone like her my hero. She’s just like you
 Marinette doesn’t even consider how Alya’s contact got on her phone. It’s like when people stare at something horrifying. She can’t look away, and her grip on her phone tightens.
The difference for Marinette is that this is the confirmation she’s been expecting. It’s everything she’s thought of herself, and it’s straight from someone she cares about.
She had really been right all along. It hurts and she tears up. 
All her rules were for nothing.
Marinette really is a terrible person.
Claude had finally gotten out of the line. Of all the days for the line to move slowly, it had to be today. The rest of the group had noticed too - Marinette seemed extra off today. They were pretty sure it had something to do with the Ladyblog, but there’s little they can do, other than be there.
He’s been trying to be extra cheery today, hoping it could make at least a slight difference. 
He approaches the table and before he can even open his mouth he notices something is very wrong.
Marinette is staring at her phone silently and there are tears streaming down her face.
He has only her cry once before, and she’d stopped herself quickly. There hadn’t even been that many tears - but now? They just keep coming.
He sets his tray down and rushes to her side, “Marinette? Is something wrong?”
She doesn’t say anything, clearly having an attack and not at all paying attention to what’s around her. She’s hyperventilating and he really wishes he knew what happened. She flinches as her phone dings again, he reads the message with her and it becomes clear what’s going on.
 Alya: you conceited cunt you left and things are still going wrong and it’s all your fault
Alya: i hate you so much
He had figured that Alya and Marinette knew each other, but why were they texting? 
Is this Marinette’s idea of a ‘nice person’?
Everytime the phone dings she flinches, but she reads the message anyways. He puts a hand on her shoulder and she doesn’t even notice.
“Marinette? Can you hear me?”  He speaks softly, and she continues staring at her screen like a lifeline. He tries to take it out of her hands, but she has a stronger grip than he would have expected.
People are starting to glance over at her, and he figures that being in crowded cafeteria isn’t helping matters.
“Marinette, do you want to leave?” She remains silent, only whimpering as the phone dings again.
He makes a command decision, scooping Marinette up. Her small frame makes her very light. She doesn’t even seem to notice. He leaves their bags behind, no one will touch them.
As he’s exiting the cafeteria, he sees Felix and Allan as they’re entering. The two notice him and the short girl immediately and rush to him. 
“What happened?”
“Is Marinette okay?”
“I’m not sure about that, but she’s definitely not okay. I’m bringing her to the library - it should be quieter there. Can you grab our stuff?” They nod, hurrying to grab the bags and food. As he’s entering the library he sees Allegra who notices the little procession and hurriedly follows, the other two fill her in as best they can as Claude sets Marinette down on the couch.
The phone dings for the upteenth time
“Oh fuck.” The others look at him in surprise.
“Just what exactly is going on?” Allegra asks.
“Try and get her phone away from her - you’ll see. I’m going to text Adrien to see if can get that bully to stop texting her.” They turn to the girl as he pulls out his phone and send a quick text to the model. He looks up just as Allegra reads the ongoing texts.
“That fucking bitch!”
“Oh Marinette…” 
Felix stays concerningly quiet, but his anger is clear.
Claude steps closer, watching as Allan continues to try to pry the device from Marinette’s hands. Now that he’s had a chance to look at it properly, Claude has realized that the phone in her hands isn’t hers - or not her usual one.
The case certainly looks like something she would choose, but it’s not the one he’s familiar with, and he’s willing to bet that her backgrounds are different too. 
It’s been a moment and the notifications have died down. It would seem Adrien had been successful. The phone turns off and Marinette continues to stare at the blank screen.
“Marinette? Sweetie, can you look at me?” Allan continues to try and draw her out of her daze. The girl has yet to respond to any of them, focused entirely on that phone, which is now dotted with her tears. Her breathing hasn’t evened and Claude’s beginning to worry she’ll faint. The group is sitting around her, trying to give her space while still watching her in concern.
Now that the texts are finished, Claude decides to try once more to pry the phone from her once more. He succeeds and tries to unlock it, to see just what was sent to the poor girl.
Marinette’s usual password works, letting him in. He scrolls back to the beginning of it, Marinette sent a simple text clearly meant for Allegra, and the response had been immediate. Reading the texts he feels tears prick at his eyes. He knew that they’d guessed Marinette had been bullied, but this? It was all so hateful. 
He’s willing to bet that this is the source of Marinette’s low self-esteem.
“Claude? Is everything alright?” Felix notices his distress, looking at him in concern.
Claude hands him the phone, “Just- read it. I-” He cuts himself off, shaking his head and turning his attention back to the pigtailed girl who hasn’t spoken yet.
Allan is tapping a steady rhythm on her hand gently, trying to help her steady her breathing. After a moment she seems to come back to herself.
She glances around at them in a terrified manner, unsure of how she got to the library and fearful of the consequences she’s sure she’s about to receive. They’re going to hate her now. Look what she’d done. She’s definitely broken several rules now. 
Alya confirmed for her that they’re useless, but Marinette’s considered them a safe constant in her life. She can’t help but cling to them.
 Rule #1: Don’t cry
Rule #2: Smile
Rule #3: Be nice to people
Rule #11: Adrien, Claude, Allegra, Allan, and Felix have been nice enough to put up with you, don’t make them regret it.
Rule #12: Don’t do anything that could attract an akuma to you
 That’s five rules in one go. Stupid. 
“I’m sorry.”
She says it once, then twice, then speeds up, repeating it over and over again.
“Mari, there’s nothing to apologize for. You didn’t do anything wrong.” Allan interrupts her and she looks at him in bafflement.
She did do something wrong though. She broke five rules. In one incident. The only thing she could do is follow the other rules as best she can.
 Rule #4: Apologize when you mess up (again)
 “Marinette, really. He’s right. You did nothing wrong.” Allegra moves closer to the girl on the couch, “That Alya-girl was spewing a bunch of nonsense. You’re amazing.”
Marinette looks unconvinced, hugging her arms to herself tightly.
“‘Nette, really. We don’t know what happened, but it wasn’t your fault.”
“It is. I messed up.”
Felix finally puts the phone down, “I highly doubt that.”
Marinette looks down and doesn’t respond.
“Mari. Really. You’re a great person. She’s wrong.” Claude rests a hand on her shoulder. 
Marinette only covers her face and curls into herself further.
“Oh, ‘Nettie…” Allan squeezes her hand consolingly. 
She doesn’t speak, just remaining like that as they sit nearby, unsure of how to what to say.
They sit for a some time with her. Eventually, she slumps to the side and Allegra puts an arm around her. The girl is exhausted, both from the cold and from the events of the day. 
“You can go home early, Mari…” Claude tells her.
She stiffens, and shakes her head. It’s understandable, considering how close her old school is to her home.
Allegra hugs her tighter. They talk quietly while Marinette rests. Eventually lunch ends, but they don’t plan on leaving. They can miss a few classes.
Marinette has other plans, stirring as she mumbles something about going to class.
“‘Nette you don’t need to go to class. You’ve had a long day.”
She shakes her head, standing unsteadily, and making her way away from them.
They hurry to catch up with her, “Are you sure you want to go to class? You don’t have to.”
“It’s what I’m supposed to do.” Stupid girl. Worthless trash. She can’t just keep doing whatever she pleases, there are people depending on her- a whole city’s worth. 
“It might not be what you should be doing.”
The group arrives at the classroom and Felix and Allegra say goodbye, the latter giving Marinette another quick, tight hug before going on her way.
Allan and Claude walk with her to their usual seats. Claude forgoing the rules to sit with them three to a bench. 
Marinette shuts herself down. It hurts too much to think about how much of a failure she is. 
Soon enough, she gives into the cold, falling asleep sitting up. Claude shifts her to rest against him so that she doesn’t fall. The two sit with her in concern. Allan hasn’t seen all of the texts, but still has a good enough idea of what happened.
At least she’s resting now.
When class is over they walk her to her next one. She’s silent, seemingly within her own head. 
“I could just skip… it’s only a work day today and the teacher likes me…” Claude’s speaking to both, but Marinette doesn’t react. He’s worried and doesn’t exactly want to leave her alone for an hour. He’s still on edge, wondering if an akuma will come her way.
Surprisingly, Allan doesn’t try to talk his friend out of it, just shrugging, “If that’s what you want to do, I won’t stop you. I’ve got to get to class though. Bye Claude. Take care of yourself Marinette.”
She only blinks.
Claude stays with her during the next hour, the girl doesn’t speak, and he isn’t entirely sure she’s paying attention.
He passes her off to Felix for the last hour of school before heading to his own class.
The day has ended and the group is heading out together. Marinette is still quiet. They hear someone running up to them. Adrien appears at their side.
“Hey.” He glances at Marinette, taking in her blank stare and too-steady breathing, “Again? Oh Mari…” 
Allegra turns to him, “‘Again’?”
He hesitates, eventually settling on just saying,”Last time, she kind of… shut down.”
“‘Last time’?” Allegra is seething.
“What exactly happened?” He turns to the group questioningly.
“She’s got the wrong phone.” Claude hands Adrien the phone in question, “She texted that girl and…” He unlocks the phone and spins it toward him.
Adrien reads through the messages, and it sounds like he growls. Allegra and Allan read it next.
Allegra seems to be practically buzzing in anger now, and the rest of the group is similarly upset. Marinette remains still.
They walk to Marinette’s house, sticking close to her. As they climb into her room, Adrien is standing beside Marinette. As he’s directing her up the stairs, she blinks and turns to him, speaking quietly, “I want to tell them.”
He smiles at her softly, “That’s a good idea, Mari.”
It’s time to finally tell the others why she transferred.
Author’s Note: Yay! She's finally going to tell them!
This event was actually one of the first things I thought up for this story. It was originally wasn't going to happen until February and was going to lead to a reveal, but it got moved around timeline-wise, so that got scrapped. Then it got moved back, but by then I had a new reveal scenario that I liked better, so you'll have to keep waiting for that.
Next chapter will be Saturday as usual! It's a bit of a reprieve from everything I've been putting Marinette through. We get to see plenty of cute interactions between the Quantics and their new friends. It doesn't even have a strong language warning! Imagine that!
Thanks for reading! Feel free to leave any thoughts, theories, constructive criticism, or anything really in my ask box or through reblogs. I love seeing what you think!
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littlebitoffanfic · 5 years
Without Question
Fandom: Texas Chainsaw Massacre Character; Thomas Relationship: Thomas/reader Request: Can you PLEAAASEEEE do a Thomas Hewitt x reader where you’re getting beat up but Thomas finds you and beats the crap out of them before carrying you home and tending to your wounds? I get beat up a lot and I need the big boi to help 😓 AN: Im so sorry to hear that. don’t be afraid to speak up about stuff like this. I know its tough now but it will get better.
You limp along the road, trying to grit your teeth as your body aches in every way. You weren’t going fast and the road that normally took you and hour or so to walk was taking closer to triple that time. Grunting, you gave up and collapsed at the side of the road under a tree for some shade. Maybe when the sun set a little, you could carry on but right now, you were exhausted. Bring your legs up to your chest, you wrapped your arms around them and leaned your forehead on your knees. With a throbbing headache, it was the best you could do. The only thing you could hope for is that they wouldn’t find you like this. You didn’t know if they were still after you. After giving them the slip in the woods, you hoped they would give up and leave you. Although that might be a stretch. You didn’t know how long you sat there, only that the sun had moved slightly. You were sleepy, and warm which meant you had started to drift off. There was no cars rushing past, no loud noises or distracting sounds. It wasn’t too long before you fell asleep. Your dreams numbed your pain for a while, taking you to the Hewitt house. They were your neighbours and you had known them since you were a child. You and Thomas had grown up as friends which had lead to your current situation. It wasn’t his fault, but you knew if he saw you like this he would blame himself. You were ostracized from the community for you friendship with the body with the skin condition. He hated himself for it. He hated that he was the reason you were treated badly in school and by adults. But you stayed by his side. That confused him. You had always chosen him without a second thought. You stayed by his side, grabbing his hand and pulling him to come with you as you ran off to play. The two of you had a truly deep connection, unlike anything he had ever had with anyone. You understood each other with out words. Luda Mae would watch, fascinated, as the two of you didn’t have to say anything to each other but still understood. Even now, while he worked at the factory and you were both older, she still saw that connection that was undeniable. A soft smile dawned your lips as you lulled between day dreaming and falling asleep. That was until you felt yourself being lifted up bridal style into strong arms. You jumped and looked up to see Thomas. He was starting down at you, his eyebrows knitted together in concern for your fragile form. Tears welled in your eyes as you looked away from him in embarrassment. You never wanted him to see you like this, ever. He must have been heading to yours to see you after work. Cuddling against his chest, you tried to hid your face but a hiccup left your lips. Thomas nuzzled his face against your hair in a soothing and comforting manner. “Hey! You got the freak to come save you?” A voice screamed out and you jumped, nearly falling out of Thomas’ arms. But his grip on you tightened when he heard the voice, a soft growl leaving his lips as he glanced over his shoulder to see your torments. Three men, ones you had grown up beside. They were older than you, but in this town it wouldn’t matter that they had beaten you. “im sorry.” You whispered to Thomas, grabbing onto his shirt as you start shaking again. You should have kept going, because then they would have never came across him. Thomas had managed to keep his distance from the three men for a few years now. No one even went too near his family’s land and you were just on the border. Even while working at the factory, no one would bother him because of the amount of knifes and butchering items around. They weren’t that stupid. But these three never grew up. They never saw Thomas as more than the timid boy who they could pick on and he wouldn’t stand up for himself. Thomas started to walk away, and you could feel the muscles in his arms and shoulders were tensing and untensing as if he was trying to calm himself. He needed to get you back, to take you away, to ‘save’ you. “Aww, the monster found himself a little whore. Go fuck her so we can get some ugly little runts.” The second man, Leo, called out, swaying a little on the spot as he took another swig from the rum bottle in his hand. Thomas froze on the spot, his eyes staring straight ahead as his eyebrows twitched slightly. He was already at war with himself about what he should do. “you’re lucky we let her run. You should be thanking us for not killing her.” The first called out. You knew he was called Steve, and the third was Jason who hollered in agreement. They were batting Thomas on. And it worked. Thomas took a deep breath before moving to the side. He lowered you down onto the ground by a tree, just ot the side of it so you couldn’t see the three men who were laughing and cackling. His eyes met yours, begging for something. And you knew what. Over the last few years, he had become increasingly protective over his family, over you. He could be violent if needed. He was asking your permission for exactly that. You gently nodded your head, giving him what he wanted, what he needed. With one nod back to you, his rose to his feet again and turned back to the men. They started to snicker, taunting him with words like “freak” and “monster” as he walked back out to stand on the road a little in front of where you were. You saw Leo stagger over, laughing as he finished the last drop of alcohol before turning the bottle so he was holding it by the neck. He then darted at Thomas, holding the bottle up and ready to smash over his head (or shoulder, which ever he could reach). But Thomas was quick. He grabbed the man forearm, taking the bottle in one hand and, in a swift and fast motion, twisted it so far back behind the man that it let out a loud sickening snap. Leo fell to the ground, gasping and crying out as he looked at his now broken arm. “hey!” Jason called out, running to help his friend. But Thomas, now with the bottle in his possession, smashed it across Jason face, causing shards of glass to fly across the road as a second man fell to his knees. In the span of less than a minute, Thomas had taken down two men to blubbering messes on the road. His attention now turned to Steve, who was watching as though in a trace. Probably so drunk he was trying to figure out if this was real. But Thomas had turned his attention on Steve and, with long and purposeful strides, made his way past the other two. Something in Steve finally clicked and started to scramble away, but in his haist, he lost his footing and ended up falling to the ground. He tried to pushing himself back, screaming profanities at Thomas. Thomas grabbed him by the hair and started to haul him back towards you. You push yourself up to stand. Well... using the tree to lean against as Thomas brought Steve in front of you, forcing him down to his knees. A loud growl left Thomas’ chest as he kept one hand clutching hair and the other grabbed his chin. He began to turn Steves head as the man cried out. Steve tried to pry Thomas’ hands off him, but was little use against Thomas. “What do you want!?” Steve cried out, his eyes squeezed shut as he bared his teeth in pain. Thomas looked up to you, and you instantly understand. “He wants you to apologies to me.” You tell Steve, managing to speak without your voice shaking at all. Steve groaned in pain as his eyes darted to his friends who were still lying on the ground, writhing in pain at their injuries. Just because Steve was drunk, didn’t mean he didn’t know what would happen if he didn’t. The way Thomas was holding him, the way he was twisting his head. If Thomas gave a sudden jerk, he would snap Steves neck very easily. “Shit.” He cried out. For a moment, you wondered if Thomas would crush the mans skull with his bare hands before breaking his neck. The thought, however sickening and disgusting, sent a small jolt through your body. Thomas was so powerful. He wasn’t a weak child who couldn’t do anything to defend himself anymore. Suddenly, it dawned on you. Thomas would certain enjoy snapping Steves neck in return for years of torment, but that wasn’t what he really wanted. He wanted to be left alone. He wanted you and his family to not face torment for being a part of his life. He wanted to keep you all safe. If Steve ran back with Leo and Jason, they wouldn’t be able to press charges because of you. they would have to admit to hurting you, and the sheriffs wouldn’t want to risk you running to the governing authorities and spilling the secret on how corrupt they could be. At this moment, Thomas was untouchable. The Hewitts would be untouchable. “Fine, Fine! Im sorry!” Steve cried out, gasping for air. Thomas looked up to you, silently asking if it was enough, to which you smiled and nodded. He let go of Steve’s chin but still used his hair to toss him to the side and away from you. Thomas then scooped you up into his arms once again, and started to carry you back to your home as Steve tried to figure a way to get his friends back to town. You couldn’t help but laugh at the irony of the situation. Thomas carried you along the road as you leaned your head against his chest. Your body was sore, but your mind certainly didn’t feel as burdened or weak.   When he finally made it to your house, he set you down on the sofa in the living room. Without as so much as a glance at you, he went to your kitchen and grabbed the medical bag you kept in there along with a damp cloth. You sat up properly on the couch as you waited for him patiently. He was quick to get to work. He knew there wasn’t much he could do for the bruising, but the scuffs on your knuckles, palms and arms he could certainly clean up and bandage if needed. He worked without looking up at you and you let him. He was concentrating hard. And he was so gentle with you. Your mind wondered back to the men. He could have easily killed each of them with his powerful hands, and yet he was so gentle when he cared for you. you couldn’t help but smile. once he finished with your body, he got to his feet and went to the kitchen to wash the cloth. When he returned, he knelt down and started to wipe the blood off your cheek, being careful and gentle with you as always. Once the cut was clean, he put the cloth down and reached up, his fingertips dancing around the cuts and bruising on your cheek. You smiled, reaching up to cup his hand as you leaned into his touch. You didn’t care about the pain which felt like needles against your skin. Thomas suddenly grabbed both your hands. He held them tight as he lowered his head, resting his forehead on your lap. His body was trembling, and his hands squeezed your own. “This isn’t your fault, Thomas.” You breathed, your heart clenching as he shook his head. “its not. I promise. In fact, you saved me.” you let go of his hand so you could run your fingers into his hair, trying to sooth him. Whenever you were hurt like this, he knew it was because of him. Because of your connection to him. If he hadn’t had been around, you wouldn’t be like this. Thomas had got such a fright when he saw you against the tree. He feared the worse, unable to do anything but stare at you for a moment until he saw your shoulder raising and falling with breath. He would kill for you without question. He carried you to your home and set about trying to fix you. he tried to mirror what he had seen his mom do and what you had done for him when you had helped. But there was something about it being… you. He could handle the abuse, but there was something so kind and innocent about that made the injuries seem worse. you allowed one of your hands to slip under his chin and guide his head back up so you could get him to look you in the eyes. “Thank you.” you smiled at him, despite the pain you felt in your cheeks at the movement. Leaning forward, you press a kiss to his cheek, pausing there for a moment before leaning back. His eyes were closed as he took in the intimate gesture. When he opened them again, they were filled with love as he looked at you. It wasn’t something to approach here. You knew this wasn’t to be a moment filled with confession of love and part of you didn’t want that. you knew he loved you, deeply and without question. It was easy to see, and he would do anything you needed. No, right now, you just needed him to be… himself. Thomas raised from his knees so he could sit beside you. he handed you the remote for your TV which you used to switch it on. Once you found something, you cuddled into Thomas’ side, his arm immediacy wrapping around your shoulders. You pulled your legs up, so you were more lying on the sofa with Thomas. In half an hour, you would fall asleep. In 3 hours, Thomas would carry you up to your bed. In 3 hours and 2 minutes, he would press a soft kiss to your forehead as he lays you in your bed before sitting down on the floor next to you, like a dog guarding its own. In 4 hours, you would wake only for a moment to reach out to him and ask him to join you. In 8 hours, you would wake up, cuddling into him as the sunrise brought a fresh day which you could spend with him. And he would follow you without question.
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hillybargrove · 5 years
New Years
Roger Taylor x Reader
Summary: rogers scared to crush on y/n because she’s deaky’s sister but we all know how well that’s gonna work out for him
Word Count: slightly over 2k :)
A/N: it’s january 16th which makes this less fun but i think it’s good and im really happy with how it turned out!! 
When you had first been introduced to the band, they we're already working on their fourth album. Your brother had done his best to avoid introducing you for almost five years, afraid of you taking a liking to one of his friends.
It was barely August when John gave you a call from their studio in Rockfield, asking you to come out and see him.
"Haven't seen you in a while, how's mum?" You talked for a half hour catching up before he invited you to visit.
"Why, John? You need someone who actually knows how to do laundry?" He couldn't ever remember to separate the lights from the darks, frequently he also forgot the importance of detergent.
"Can't I just miss my baby sister?"
"Well, that almost never happens, John." You agreed, however, and packed a bag so you could stay for a night.
When you pulled in, you saw where they were staying, and how it was in fact a farmhouse. Chickens loitered the dirt road, perching on fences and cooing at some blond. You parked, saw John in your peripheral vision and threw open the car door as fast as you could to run to him.
"Hey!" You said, already airborne and jumping onto his back. There was a thud, your brother was unsuspecting and now on the ground covered in dust and probably a few bruises.
"I'm never calling you again."
"Don't be so dramatic."
The man with the chickens had laughed at the mercy of his friend, gaining your attention when you picked yourself up.
"Hi," You called out, brushing off your jeans. "Sorry about that, sibling rivalry and all."
"Fine by me," he waved you off. "John needs a bit of roughing up." Your brother made it off the dirt himself, shooting both you and the blond a look. From the right you heard footsteps approach the two of you.
"Roger, would you quit mucking around with the chickens and get in here, Freddie needs you for the operatics." Brian, as you'd remembered from pictures, had curly black hair and seemed to tower over everyone around.
"Brian and Roger meet my sister." They both gave small, awkward waves when he failed to give them your name.
"I'm Y/N, sorry. I guess he doesn't remember." You jerked your head at your brother and shot him a dirty look. "D'you forget my name or something?" His friends let out a chuckle and John now gave you a mean expression.
"Give me a minute, it's on the tip of my tongue." You dug your fingers into his sides, drawing out a painful laughter before he cried for you to stop.
"Well, it's nice to finally get the chance to meet you guys," You said, taking a step to shake their hands.
"Likewise," Brian smiled, "I'd love to stay and chat but I've got to get him in there before the bill for this album goes up any higher."
You didn't quite recognize Roger, at least not in a fur coat and a pair of dark sunglasses, but Brian immediately dragged him away from the farm animals and into the studio.
"Uh, John?" You looked at him with amusement, "you didn't tell me your band mates were hot."
"There's a reason for that."
"You've been cock-blocking me for years."
"Shut it."
You had the pleasure of seeing Roger in the recording studio in the middle of his galileo's. It was incredibly tempting to laugh, but everybody else seemed annoyed he couldn't get as high as Freddie wanted.
He did his best not to look at you for too long, but there were more times than you could count that you two caught each other staring.
He also did his best at keeping away from you. Suddenly, he was always the first one up, he made the first pot of coffee in the morning and kept to himself. You hadn't known him before, but there was enough talk about it between the boys for you to know it wasn't normal.
One afternoon you offered to grab everyone lunch from a pub in town, Roger left his order on a postcard and spent the entire day holed up in his room, despite being needed in the studio.
More and more you came to stay with them, choosing the little farmhouse over college parties and pubs, and the boys loved having you around. You broke up the testosterone in the house and always made the bathroom smell like flowers. Your visits, however, revealed the pattern in Roger's strange mood swings.
Freddie noticed it at first, and pointed it out to John who then told Brian. Your brother made nothing of it, and left the two of them to talk to you about the situation.
"Y/N?" Brian turned down the music from the car radio, you two were on your way home from the grocery store.
You gave a muffled response, having had a few chips in your mouth.
"I don't mean to pry, and you don't have to answer, but–" He paused in the awkwardness, "did something happen? Between you and Roger?"
You nearly choked, "Oh my God, Brian," You sent him a look from the passenger seat, "No, definitely no." He didn't seem to like that answer, the wrinkles between his eyebrows told you so.
"Why? Did he say something?" A small rise of panic began in your throat, "Bri, I swear–"
"No! No, he didn't say anything. The boys and I have just taken a little notice of something is all." He let a few seconds pass before beginning again, "He just seems to be very quiet when your in town, stays in his room a lot, never sleeps in, and he doesn't really like to eat with us, you know?"
"Oh, okay. I mean, I don't know. I've only ever known him to be like that. Do you think something's wrong?"
"Wait, so you thought it was because of me?" He came to a red stoplight and turned to look at you.
"No, not at all. Well, okay maybe." His eyes grew bigger, "Not in a bad way! Of course not anything like that, he's just been so weird, and it's only when you're around. So we all kind of assumed–"
"–Cause we hooked up and it ended weird?"
"Not in so many words, but, yeah." The car lurched forward through the intersection. "But you said nothing happened."
"Nothing, yeah. Sorry, I wish I could be more help."
"S'alright, love. Just means now I've got to actually ask him what his problem is."
He told you he'd find out and let you know, but he'd make sure to ask after you went home, which was the next day.
You didn't go back for a while after that, not because of Roger, but because school was a bit more intense after midterms and your mom had started holiday baking in the middle of November.
A week before the month was over, John and the rest of them ended up stopping by on the way to a 'band event' is what they called it.
While you were coming out of the bathroom you heard voices, Freddie and Roger.
"What's your problem, Rog? We're in her bloody house and you can't even make eye contact with her, it's weird."
"Fred, Brian already pestered me about this weeks ago–"
"And he was given a vague answer, you're being rude, it's ridiculous. What's wrong with you?" Dishes clinked around in the sink, your mother walked past you into the kitchen with the leftover peas on a platter and walked back out.
"She's John's sister, okay? That's the issue." Freddie blinked.
"She's his sister. I mean, that's off limits, it's gotta be."
"Oh." Freddie paused from washing the dishes, "Well now it all makes sense. So you like her, then?"
"Well, that's sweet, Rog, but it's not an excuse to be a dick."
Roger shook his head and started wrapping the chicken up with tin foil, "Trust me, I know."
You decided it was best not to go into the kitchen at that moment, instead returning to the table with noticeably red cheeks. To make matters worse, John tapped your shoulder and let you know they were staying the night.
"Are there even enough beds?" He shook his head no. "Then where are they all sleeping?"
Turns out you were sleeping on the couch, despite your complaints. John was in his room with Brian, which left your bed for Roger and Freddie.
It was now almost half past one in the morning, everyone had been asleep for a while. The wine was catching up with you a second time, and you woke up in the middle of the night having to pee.
Groggily, you made your way inside and shut the door. A few minutes later, Roger felt the same pressure on his stomach and slid out from under Freddie's arm draped across him.
A yellow glare fell on the floor outside the bathroom, Roger, slightly drunk and very sleepy, assumed someone left the light on.
"Shit, sorry." The image of a girl in the bathroom made him jump, "I didn't realize anyone else was up."
"S'okay, I'm just washing my hands." You dried them and stepped out, "the door doesn't have a lock."
"I see." He rubbed his eyes and avoided making eye contact with you out of embarrassment, he suddenly felt self-conscious about being shirtless.
"Y'might want to think about knocking next time, though." You diverted your gaze downward, but your eyes lingered on his bare torso.
"Yeah, I'll make a note of that." He blushed and stepped aside for you to get past. He was almost grateful you were only just washing your hands, seeing you half naked in this situation would've been mortifying.
"Night, Roger." You disappeared from his vision around the corner to the living room.
"Night," He said, standing there for a moment before going inside the bathroom.
It wasn't meant to be a big thing, just a few guys in a pub with family and friends to celebrate the new year. Freddie, however, turned his nose up at that idea and threw a party of his own.
Earlier throughout the night, you were given various drinks, mostly champagne. John did his best to keep you from taking too much, lucky for you.
"Just keeping an eye out for my baby sister," He would say, before you stuck your tongue out in protest.
The entire time knowing him, Roger had been skittish around you, for reasons you now knew. Tonight, however, he was different.
Drink after drink on his part, he warmed up to you. Brian even took notice and gave u a thumbs up when he saw the two of you talking. It wasn't about much, and it was kind of awkward, but watching his baby blue eyes glaze over underneath the yellow light of the chandelier made you feel something.
Even later in the evening, he tried to flirt. You then caught Freddie giving Roger a thumbs up like Brian had done to you.
It was charming, watching him across the room throw his head back to laugh, and he always watched you back.
Then midnight came, and with everyone gathered outside on the second story patio, he tapped your shoulder a minute before twelve.
"I've got something to say to you." He was meant to continue, but your interest in other matters made him clam up.
"Where's your date?"
"Didn't bring one," He stated plainly.
"What about that brunette I saw following you around inside?" You crossed your arms over your chest and smiled.
"M'not terribly interested, I've got this thing for someone else." He said it with a lopsided smile, and you suddenly felt an overwhelming urge to kiss him.
"You've got about ten seconds to find someone, then."
"But I've already found you." It was almost innocent when the words tumbled out of his mouth, like a school boy with a crush.
"You know," You paused, the clock was ticking, "we've barely spoken, and I've only known you for a few months."
"My deepest apologies, love." His fingers found themselves in the loops of your jeans, and you watched those baby blue eyes until you could see the whites tinged red and all of a sudden people were celebrating.
Your lips were on his for a few seconds and it was soft and sweet. Then, his hands found their way around you, and it almost felt like the fireworks were for the two of you instead of New Year's Day.
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kim-isnt-seaweed · 5 years
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^^those photos are all taken by me. Use them ig you want but please credit me.
Hello people!
How was your week? I had a fairly good week, it was hectic and tiring but it was good until i caught a cold.
Monday: Monday since i didnt have to work i stayed home laminating my interactive material and when T came home from work we went to Emart. He bought me a really cute watch since i needed it for classes since i didnt want to keep checning my phone, he wanted to buy a smart watch for both of us (hahaha i sound like we can just buy those things whenever we want but no, we save up for those type of things) but i dont want one because i geniuenly dont have a need for one, anyway we bought stuff at emart and came home. I thought at the time i had avoided the cold i thought i caught on Sunday.
Tuesday: went to work, every tuesday staff reuinion at the center and then i went to my first class the 27 m/o baby, he is really cute and you can notice he is somewhat understanding what i am teaching him but he cant speak yet so its tough to tell for sure. The second class was new kid i was added and he is the type of kids that ..are difficult, the mother had forgotten the class was on tuesdays at 6:30 and my boss forgot to call her to confirm (usually teachers do that but she said since im a forgeiner she would do it) besides they gave me the families old address thankfully the new house was a street away. The boy was not having it, he did not want to have class and he was just doing whatever the fuck he wanted, most of my students are young so its normal for them to get distracted but you can tell the difference when they get natrually distracted because they include me in their distraction for examole the baby boy keeps trying to gwt mw to play ball with him, or anotherone that just telling me about pokemon but this boy did not give a fuck about me or the class he was just difficult but i was like whatever i will go through if the class and maybe its just because he's tired, so who knows but when i was going his mom gave him an orange and he just threw it on the floor and smeared it with his foot as if it was funny and his mom said nothing so ..he still seems a bit difficult.
Wednesday: t was at home for the morning but had to go to work that night so i decided to make lunch for both of us: carne asada, refired beans a co-worker who grew up in Guatemala gave me and cilantro rice i made with the left over cilantro the Pho place gave me. I went to work at 4, and when i got to my students house i noticed he had a cold and i immediately was like "uh-oh" you know how kids are (he is 3) they dont cover their nose, whipe their nose with their hands and then touch you and your stuff. After class i came home and later that night my throat started feeling weird.
Side note: my mom would always make soup and salad everyday for lunch and dinner (same thing for both meals as is common in Colombia) and without fail they had cilantro ALWAYS! So i grew up eating cilantro, but it wasnt until i moved to Korea and the first time eating mexican food with T he was like "oh no the taste of cilantro is too strong i cant eat this" and i was like "Cilantro has a taste????" Like i grew up eating that in soups and stuff, never on its own so i never recognized the taste, let alone believe it was strong, i just thought it was a must for food like salt or whattever, the only other thing i new of cilantro was that it makes you sleepy, so if there was too much on our food it was like "mom is trying to make us chill" idk if its true or its just placeboo at this point since i grew up hearing it thus believing it. So yeah, i didnt know cilantro had a taste of its own until i moved to Korea, thankfully T has learned to like it but he judges me when i add a bit too much.
Thursday: my throat was even more irritated that morning but i felt fine in general, t had the day off so i made lunch again: arroz con pollo. I went to work, T took me to my classes on his new scooter motorcycle and while he waited he went shopping. My second student on thrusdays is a bitbhard because he is all over the place distracted and skipping all the steps but its okay because at least he looks excited for the class. Then i had my last class and went out to eat dinmer with T, by this time my throat was in so much pain it hurt to talk but the rest of me felt fine, we went to Kondae to eat Makchang (i think its the large intestine of the pork) and then i bought a leather jacket more like i bought a fake leather jacket because T has been dying to see me in a leather jacket (boy shoulda seen me at 16) idk why so now he can finally stop talking about it.
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Friday: my throat felt better so i thought i had avoided getting a cold, i went to the center to pick up my class materials for next week and for the new student on fridays my boss had only told me about the night before. I went back home and since T again had the day free we went to the bank to open a family account, then he took me to my class, i was nervous because i had been told the kids mom is scary but when i arrived there (a bit late since i had forgotten something and had to go back to the center) they were so nice, their appartment is amazing, its huge and has a beautiful view people say celebreties live in those buildings too which explains the amount of security in the complex which is odd for most korean apartments. The mom was so nice, the dad too and their little boy is wonderful too so idk what they wete talking about tbh. When class finished we came back home, took all my pants (all except one i recently bought) a skirt and a dress to the seamstress because they were too big on me now and the lady was like "why are they so big??" "Its hard for you to find clothes the fit well, right? (it is) since you have a butt (i dont i just store most of my fat in my thighs and hips but not the butt) but your waist is so small" then when she got to the dress she seemed troubled because it was more work than what it seemedm we paid 90 bucks which is apparently expensive? Idk how since she has to do a lot of work on my clothes, 7 items and 2 items for T. Then we came home and i started to feel sick again, when bed time came i was completely sick.
Today: sleeping was terrible, i kept choking in my sleep because i have a stuffy nose and a very swollen throat. T woke up at all hours trying to help me feel better, giving me wster and medicine, i felt so bad since he had to wake up early but there he was taking care of me at like 4 am. When he woke up for work all i remember is him telling our cat "Bean, mom is sick be nice to her today and take care of here" aside from that being cute on its own i actually think she listend to him, although bean is very sweet she has moments when she likes to bully me, trip me ovet, bite my legs or scratch my hands (only me she never does that to T even if he was the one annoying her she takes it out on me) but today she has been so sweet and calm, no yelling or demanding snacks, no bullying just love.
At one my MIL took me to the doctors, they somehow always mention the fact i got surgery on my nose for allergy reasons and say something i cant fully understand and no one can translate for me but i am starting to feel the surgery was a waist of money, my allergies are back (not as bad as before but their back) and everytime i get a cold it fucks me up so hard. Then when comming home my MIL bought me so much pastries and bread because i didnt want lunch or let her pay for my medicine.
Sometimes i look at T and feel so lucky i have a husband that is so sweet, selfless and careing but then i see his parents and im like yep that makes sense. His parents have always been so sweet and understanding, the accepted me for me get go and have always treated me like a daughter, sometimes i tease T telling him his dad loves me more than than him haha his parents helped pay for my surgery back when we had only been dating for a year (my parents couldnt afford it i mean back at home they could but Korean money is much more expensive than Colombian money) and now everytime i mention trying to pay them back they wont have it.
I also noticed i have three big bruises on my legs i have no idea where they came from. Its annoying because everytime i hurt myself and say "oh this is gonna leave a bruise" there is no bruise to be found, but then these bruises appear and its like for you to be so big and persistent shouldnt i remember what your from???
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Tomorrow: T and i finally both have the same free day, but this fucking cold will probably ruin it all so who knows.
Anyways that was my week, i hope you all had a good week too!
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teainbostonharbor · 6 years
Love Letters Leading
A/N: So I wrote this fanfic for @i-is-gazebo! It’s for the IT Secret Valentine thing, and i’m deciding to upload it now. I hope you enjoy!
Pairing: Reddie
Word Count: 1.7k
letter one. dear eddie, i love you. ive loved you since we were 12. i don’t even know if you love me back, but I needed to tell you. I’ve been keeping it in for so long. You’re just so cute, you kill me every time i see you. You’re funny too. And Nice. And sweet. And caring, Just everything under the sun. I don’t know how you don’t see that I love you. Maybe you’re just an oblivious fuck. love, your secret admirer
letter two. dear eddie, I hope you liked the rose i left in your locker as well as the letter. Don’t worry, i’ll tell you who I am soon. I’m just not ready yet. This is a big thing I guess. I do actually love you, by the way. I’m not trying to prank you or anything. I’m trying to be sweet. I want you to feel loved because you fucking deserve it. You deserve all the love in the world, and I hope one day I can show you that. love, your secret admirer 
letter three dear eddie, today I wanted to mention how smart you are. You always study your ass off and get good grades. You love fixing things and reading. I think it’s cute. Fuck. Everything about you is cute. Like the reading glasses you wear sometimes. Or how sleepy you look the day of a test. God, this is coming off as creepy isn’t it? I just want to tell you but it needs to wait. love, your secret admirer 
letter four dear eddie, if you haven’t noticed, i’m doing this leading up to valentine’s day. On valentine’s day, i’m gonna actually tell you who i am. so be prepared to get roses and one of these letters everyday. it’ll be better on valentine’s, though. i have something planned. love, your secret admirer 
letter five dear eddie, i’m sorry if i sound weird sometimes. i don’t know how to write love letters or how love even works. i just wanna swoon you for fucks sake. I don’t even know if it’s working and i’m so sorry. please don’t think i’m weird? love, your secret admirer 
letter six dear eddie, how are you? good? good. I hope you’re good. i wanna see you happy, because that makes me happy. also, you’re adorable. too bad it isn’t summer and you can’t wear shorts. i like the oversized sweaters, too, though. very cute. very cool sense of fashion, unlike me. i’m rambling, love, your secret admirer 
letter seven dear eddie, well, i suppose these letter things are halfway over with. you enjoying it? i can’t wait for valentine’s. i just hope you like me back. i doubt it, and this is all stupid. i’m stupid. but you aren’t! you sweet lil hunny bun love, your secret admirer
letter eight dear eddie, these things just keep getting shorter and shorter. i don’t really know what to write. i guess i’m bad at expressing things. god, you probably hate me. i’m not smart, im just a stupid teenage boy in love. in love with you. everything you do. down to the littlest things. i can’t help but smile every time i see you. you make me so happy, eddie. love, your secret admirer 
letter nine  dear eddie, four more days, my love. i can’t wait, and i know you can’t either. it’s gonna be great. thanks for putting up with me for all these years. it’s been fun. i can’t wait to make more memories too. they’re gonna be the funnest ones. as long as you like me back, though. gotta remember that this might ruin our friendship. wow. love, your secret admirer 
letter ten dear eddie, god, i’m really running out of ideas without sounding creepy. guess i’ll just go for it. i’ve been wanting to kiss you since we were young. sure, we’ve kissed before but on the cheek. that’s different. that’s friendly. i don’t want friendly. i want boyfriends. love, your secret admirer 
letter eleven dear eddie, two more days. two more till the big day. the day i hope will go smooth. i’ll probably stammer and say something wrong, but please don’t hate me. please. i just want a good life and future with you whether we’re friends or not. you looked extra cute yesterday by the way <3 love, your secret admirer 
letter twelve  dear eddie, one more letter till the day. this is gonna be awesome. just you n me eddie, on a date. i hope, im so happy it isn’t on a school day. i know you get bullied sometimes. this way, i can give you all of your gifts and stuff and no one will know. i’m okay if you want to keep us a secret. i know you’ve told some people, though. love, your secret admirer 
letter thirteen dear eddie, tomorrow’s the day! are you excited? because i am! well, i’m more nervous. like, really nervous. i’m afraid you’ll reject me. i just wanna be with you, godammit. it’ll happen, i hope. maybe i’m im just as oblivious as you and we both like each other. that’s a possibility. but probably not. i’ve been waiting for this for years. i just hope nothing bad happens or i don’t fuck it up. i’ll see your cute ass tomorrow. i’ll meet you at your house around noon. love, your secret admirer
Eddie blushed like a madman whenever he got one of the letters. He had never expecting to have a secret admirer, or have them write love letters and leave roses. It was sweet, and he was excited to tell the other losers about it. However, he had no clue who it could be.
He’s one of the few openly gay kids at the school, but the other two were already dating each other. So it couldn’t be them. He also guessed that there could be others in the closet, or others that are only out to their friends. The losers were mostly open to just them, but Eddie came out to everyone on the same day. That’s a story for another day, though. He also guessed that it was someone close to him, and had a few classes with him. He never expected it to be any of the losers, let alone Richie Tozier. He should’ve known better, though. Little did he know, Richie was quite infatuated with him. All the losers saw it, and Richie was right. Eddie is an oblivious fuck. He didn’t think twice when Richie called him cute or heldhim or kissed his cheek. It was normal. They had always been like that. Eventually he realized he did like Richie. But Richie didn’t need to know that. Richie always flirted with him, and made jokes and stuff like that. Richie thought Eddie knew, and he grew tired of them just not being together. So he decided to write the letters and tell Eddie his feelings on valentine’s. The perfect plan, right? Right. Richie grew nervous as the day approached. He knew Eddie was excited at the idea of a relationship, but he feared rejection. Eddie seemed so happy when he told them about the letters, he just didn’t want it to end up badly. But it wouldn’t. Feb. 14th
Eddie paced around his room nervously. He had no clue who it was, or how it was going to go. He couldn’t pick out what to wear, or what he’d say. He became frustrated, and ended up taking a short shower. After that he waited. And waited. And waited. Time wasn’t passing quickly for some reason. Everything was slow. To pass time, he decided to sit at his desk and do some homework. His mind was obviously preoccupied, though. He couldn’t focus on anything. He felt like he was going to die from embarrassment and nervousness, but he could handle it. At least he tried to convince himself he could. He decide to try and focus again before he heard something bouncing off his window. He walked over to it slowly, eyes widening when he looked out of it. There stood Richie Tozier with a bouquet of flowers, a giant teddy bear, and a box of chocolates. Eddie quickly grabbed his phone, and checked the time. He couldn’t believe Richie, of all people, was his secret admirer. He should’ve guessed, but he hadn’t given it much thought. His mind was racing at a thousand miles a minute but it was quickly interrupted by Richie shouting, “Hey! Will you let me in? I’m freezing my ass off out here.” Eddie slid his window open. “I’ll let you in through the front door. I don’t think you can get up here with all that stuff.” And with that, Eddie ran downstairs to the front door. He was shaking nervously. This was the guy that liked him. And he liked him back. He took a deep breath, and placed his hand on the door knob. Slowly, he opened it. He was greeted by a grinning Richie with an arms full of presents. Eddie was speechless. No one had ever gone out of their way to write letters or get him gifts. He couldn’t believe that his crush went out of his way to write letters and get him gifts. He couldn’t believe it. Richie’s smile quickly faltered when Eddie said nothing and just stared. “I-I’m sorry… you probably don’t even like me. I knew I did too much..” Eddie panicked. “N-No! I-I like you. I have for a long time too. I’m just… speechless? I can’t believe you went out of your way to do this.” “Really?” he asked, his smile quickly returning. “Since sixth grade.” “So all of this is fine? Dinner too?” “You planned dinner too?” “Um… yeah? I kinda wanted today to be perfect and special.” Eddie grinned. “It’s perfect.” And so was their relationship from that point on.
epilogue six months later “Ever wonder what would’ve happened if you never wrote the letters?” It was a typical hot summer evening. They were laying in bed, limbs practically tangled together. Richie was messing with Eddie’s hair, occasionally peppering his face in kisses. “Yeah. I don’t think we would’ve ever gotten together.” “I don’t think we would’ve either. We’re both gay and dumb.” Richie grinned. “Yeah. Gay and dumb.” They laid like that for a while, not moving albeit them both being sweaty messes in the heat. Richie leaned in, pressed a kiss to Eddie’s cheek before whispering, “I love you Eddie Kaspbrak.” It was a perfect first.
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