nicktoonsunite · 20 days
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Every time I look at your blog nicktoons unite becomes my category 7 autism event of the week
So real of you
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punkitt-is-here · 2 months
Your art makes me so happy, happy stims all around!!! Body positivity that actually showcases real body types?? In art on Tumblr??? More likely than you think!!! Fr tho it has helped me a great deal seeing your art and being able to say how pretty all of the characters you draw are even with different body types. Brought a real 'see, brain? They're all pretty, that means we must be pretty too <3' to the argument my brain didn't have a comeback to
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kandidandi · 11 months
Did you have rain or are you manifesting rain?
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im manifesting it hasnt rained in weeks please im
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Fanfiction commentary and recommendations: The why´s and how´s and Part I of 'Lex Luthor´s ascend from supervillainy to fatherhood'
Okay, so. I know it may be weird, but bear with me for a moment: i love to comment on fics or stories like some people would a youtube video - with all the comments and snark and further ideas that entails. (though that works best in a chapter-for-chapter basis) And all the random tangents my brain will go off of. Which is why I thought: why not share my thoughts? (also thanks to the comment from @norapretzel) Since I have about 300 fics of the Phandom in my 'Please update I need more' tab folder, I wanna share just why I put them there and what makes them worth reading. (Seriously, tab groups or tab lists are the best thing ever. They have made my life so much easier. And stopped my laptop from regularly fighting for it´s life.) I don´t know how regular this will be or even if, because work and life in general. But anyways: it´s just for fun and to put something out there.
I will begin with the fanfic I am currently reading: 'Lex Luthor´s ascend from supervillainy to fatherhood' by halfagone (milkywxy) [@halfagone]
The other parts can be found here:
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VI
Part VII
My most recently read chapter is chapter 35 which means: the first mini-arc as well as a few important plotpoints have been mentioned if not completely finished. I have binged those first 35 chapters sometime between late afternoon yesterday and evening today so it will not be as detailed as it would be if i only mentioned one chapter - I do apologize for that.
Anyways, here the actual commentary instead of my usual ramblings:
As for the first point. The most important point. The reason you should read this? It´s a story about family and the difference between the people who raised you and those you actually view as family. It´s about trust and that sometimes you can´t trust those you want to trust the most and that that´s okay. It´s about family by choice and that it may sometimes look or feel weird (especially if viewed from the outside). It´s also about burdens and how one handles them - how it can become unhealthy under circumstances. It´s a story about many themes and plot points and details that play together to become something more. I do hope it doesn´t sound too philosophical to be honest. But to just put it in a nutshell: 'Lex Luthor´s Ascend from supervillainy to fatherhood' is a story about family and how to overcome obstacles together.
The story begins at a gala. Or, more precisely, at a gala where Brucie Wayne (and oh, he holds onto that persona with an iron grip) and Lex Luthor (who has SOME kind of respect for the guy, even though he has his own son run the company instead of himself) are having a talk. And while we all know and love Bruce for this persona it does mean it paints him in a rather incompetent light for other people in this circle. This does not stop him from being a worried parent though. Oh no.
This man has the audacity to tell Luthor IN HIS FACE (though not in those words) that he fears him to be an (more or less accidentally) incompetent father figure. Which Danny predictably finds hilarious when Lex later tells him.
So here we see a first glimpse of the relationship between these two - a relationship that seems to have already been developing for quite some time already. It´s also here that we find out that Danny is stranded in this dimension - i do not want to say 'trapped' but in a sense it is the correct word. (all his friends, his family, everything he knows - they are are not here. He is the only one in this dimension. And even if some things are similar enough - I doubt it´s the same.)
While sad to think about, i do believe that he is making the best of his situation and he already seems to have found himself a parent figure. A parent figure that seems to actually care even. Who wants his best and won´t put their own work before the wellbeing of their child. Though we´ll only get there a little later in the story.
And personally I must say that it´s just damned funny to see the 'showdown' between Lex and Bruce go down. It´s such a stark contrast to the conversation Lex and Danny have later in the chapter that i did have to laugh quite a bit at all of the reactions both them tried to hide xD
I don´t want to sell the story short, but I also don´t want to spoil all too much, because honestly? That just takes the fun out of a story. So I´ll just summarize the next bit for a bit:
What follows are some serious and some funny conversations between Danny and several Heroes and Danny, as well as our favourite halfa and his new father figure about the nature of their relationship, his life before all of this, the nature of cloning and clones and no one has asked to be born and should not be treated any less for their parentage. Also about people being superweapons and how well (or bad) that can turn out. (And also the question: Are Lex Luthor and Superman bitter Exes? An important question I must admit. It would honestly explain so MUCH about their relationship. And even if it´s not true: i kinda want Danny asking it out loud at a press conference with Clark Kent and Lex Luthor present. That would be just hilarious xD)
And honestly? After the heartwarming talk about clones I kinda want Danny ripping Superman a new one about his behaviour with Kon. It would 1) be a very amusing thing to watch and 2) Our boy deserves a brother who will defend him from the people who have hurt him the most.
After that we get to Cass and Danny meeting and my god, those are such frankly adorable scenes that i DO NOT WANT TO SPOILER. So I´ll just ignore that whole comment in my head and just say: it´s the most adorable thing ever and i think i have diabetes after reading it. Also: I think my neighbours were about to knock on my door to ask where all that squealing came from and if i needed help because of all the running around they heard. I may or may not have run around my flat squealing like a little kid. Maybe.
What we also get to is Lex´ reaction to their meeting and it did not disappoint. He´s just such a tired dad now. Before long he´ll have talks about their children and their relationship with bruce. And both will probably be absolutely suffering during it lmao. As well as the batfamily as a whole. They don´t know what to think yet but they are already preparing the shovel talk xD
We also get to see one of the many abilities and strenghths Danny has and how he constantly holds himself as small as possible - our boy has a low self esteem and such a low opinion of his own intellect that it just physically hurts me :')
Okay so it´s quite late now - those were the first 5 chapters. Those are part commentary and part speculations and i hope it was entertaining. I did expect to get out a bit more, but my brain wants to go to sleep and and who am I to deny my brain it´s rest? Will try to at least do another 5 chapters tomorrow but I can´t promise anything ;p
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blood-trip-god · 4 years
I was challenged to pick 10 images that describe me from my phone without finding new ones.
Thanks for tagging @blackcoffeebitch
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No need to obligation to follow suit
@vigilantscar @hexidecimalhack @thirsty-and-dehydrated @norapretzel @territorialpissingcontest @exterminating-the-vashta-nerada
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whicheverwarrior · 4 years
Thumbprint Challenge
rules- look back on your work, what are 5 - 10 narrative elements or tropes that continuously pop up in your work?
I was tagged by @draculinawrites Thanks so much
1. Long burn romance (like really long burn, some couples don’t get together until three books in)
2. gay people, queer people, trans people, everyone’s gay!
3. Magical mirrors and other magical items
4. doppelgangers, some people just have the same face for plot reasons
5. prophetic dreams
6. mental illness
7. found family (if it doesn’t have found family i probably didn’t write it)
8. adults and old characters being kinda shit or clueless
9. Evil white women
10. kidnapping (Why is there so much kidnapping?)
I’m gonna go ahead and tag @5tessential @elizahgodswood @fragmentedink @norapretzel @the-writing-rat @pleaseloathemyveryexistence Feel free to ignore and even if you’re not tagged feel free to do this and tag that I tagged you. It lets me know you wanna be tagged in games.
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ALSO if anyone wants to like message me or anything on here my main that I’m usually on is @norapretzel, its a main blog of mine, entirely for memes usually. I don’t make my own posts on there but I do reblog a lot of memes and keep track of that one better
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aerdeth · 5 years
Also, since I havent found another fan to talk to, the song Open Up Your Eyes from the MLP movie fits really well if you put Mark as the person singing and Damien the one he is singing to, im thinking of making an animatic of it. Also, sorry if I'm going past any social boundaries, it is hard to tell what is and isnt acceptable and i ramble when I'm in an energetic mindset like now because ur music is awesome
I’ve only heard the song once before and I don’t really watch MLP but I could see it.
Don’t worry too much about it. It’s good to be excited about things you love. :)
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spazzikat-blog · 6 years
Tagged by @secretariatess  (Thanks!) Rules: Name your top ten favorite characters from ten different fandoms, then tag ten different people
1. Starlight Glimmer or Discord(My Little Pony)
2. Star Butterfly(Star vs the Forces of Evil)
3. Steven or Amethyst(Steven's Universe)
4. Hulk(Voltron)
5. Mabel(Gravity Falls)
6. Gollum(LOTR)
7. Sophie(Howl's Moving Castle)
8. Aang or Toph(Avatar: The Last Airbender)
9. Kiara(The Lion King)
10. Kaori(Your Lie In April)
(and seriously too many others)
@mememic-bry @thathilomgirl @snowystoat (if you want to) @rmswiftie13 @flightsoffancyonpaperwings @i-dont-have-a-melody @simul-justus-et-peccator @norapretzel @alijint100 @halokyte @mynameis-notholly @beneaththetangles @ocean-sunrise @boothewriter 
(Tagged more than ten, because NO ONE CAN STOP ME! If you've already been tagged or don’t want to do it, you can ignore me :P Also, if you want to do this is, but haven’t been tagged yet, consider yourself tagged by me!)
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So Norapretzel is my actual blog, the rp blog is my cousins. She let me use it to send out more messages and I forgot to change the message to say that her blog wasn’t mine xD.  Also thank you to all of you who followed and encouraged the story! I honestly wasn’t too sure about it but a lot of you seem to really like the idea so now I’m 100% on board! I’m in need of some people to possibly read and edit the chapters before they go up though, so if you want to just let me know!
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canadian-buckbeaver · 7 years
BLOODY BERRY IS SO GOOD JESUS OMG I CAN'T WAIT TO READ MORE YOU ARE AMAZING! But make sure not to stress yourself! I know some authors stress to try and get content out as fast as possible but it can be detrimental to your health and quality of writing have a good day biaaa
Thank you so much @norapretzel! ^_^ it really means a lot hearing what people think of my stories. You fill me with determination! Thank you for being so understanding as well. I have a few (30) projects going on right now so trying to juggle them and work and school is always a bit of a hassle... but I promise I'll keep working hard, and try to avoid overworking. (Of course, easier said than done :P)
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kandidandi · 1 year
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Happy birthday have my Lizord balancing her snacc
hello thank you! omg lizard pat pat pat pat what a beautiful girl shes so talented!!
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whicheverwarrior · 5 years
11/11/11 tag game
tagged by @sad-wizard-writes thanks 
Answer 11 questions. tag 11 people and ask 11 questions. Go
1. what writer most influences your writing style
I’m very obsessed with Leigh Bardugo and I love her world building and witty dialogue 
2. what book have you read a hundred times
You know what for real, I rarely read a book twice. I’ve only read the Book Thief all the way through once, but I read portions of it occasionally. 
3.what is your favorite Myth/folktale
I was always really obsessed with fairies in high school. I love all the weird superstitions about them. Fairy Rings, St John’s Wart. they’re just evil little tricksters aren’t they. 
Also the greek myths where women were villains (But not actually, because sexism) Medusa, Arachne etc. 
4.what musician/band would do the soundtrack to the movie of your wip
For Into Eternity: The Brothers Bright or KALEO
For Motionless: Twenty One Pilots 
5. how many pigeons could you realistically take in a fight
(I fuckin laughed out loud reading this question) Like eight. I’m pretty tough 
6. would you like to live inside the world of your wip
FUCK YES. Make me a Witch!
7. which of you OCs would you most like to meet in real life
Thea is a character from Prophecy and she’s always been my favorite 
8. what would you want written on your tombstone
I would want people to plant cat nip at my grave and the stone says. “Drowned in Pussy”
9. what kind of characters would your OCs play in DnD
Fuck I made a list for this
Into Eternity:
Weatherly Rogue
Leonora Fighter
Trius WIzard
Robin Barbarian
Bonny Monk
Castor Rogue
Valor Fighter
Katarina Sorcerer 
Angelo Paladin
10.where is your favorite place to sit and write
I usually write in my room, but when my family is gone I’ll go down to the couch and just sprawl
11. what is your favorite passage from any book
Not to be dramatic but I love the entirety of The Raven by Edgar Allen Poe
I tag @inkwellprincess @eternalflameprincess @b-rainlet @jeeanmoreau @norapretzel @leave-her-a-tome And again I’m gonna break the rules cause it’s late. I also tag anyone who wants to answer these questions
1. What book or author made you fall in love with books?
2. It’s 2019 we don’t pretend we have spirit animals anymore. What’s your fursona?
3. Which of your characters do you think would get along with you best?
4. What time of day do you do your best writing?
5. Name a song or artist that encapsulates the mood of your wip. 
6. Which authors inspire your writing? What authors make you want to crawl into a cave and quit writing?
7. If your characters were in a DnD party what classes would they be?
8. What fonts are your ocs? Comic sans? Arial? 
9. If you’ve read/seen any Shakespeare what’s your favorite of his plays? And your least favorite? If not who’s your favorite classic author?
10. If you could pick one famous person to deliver your eulogy who would it be?
11. What was the last book you read that you absolutely loved?
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aerdeth · 5 years
I saw your songs on Who Killed Markiplier, they are amazing, I love the new one! I'm listening to them as I draw the characters.
I’m glad you enjoy my work! :) I enjoy writing themes for the characters.
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theclientofthots · 6 years
Aaron here, just saying that I’m moving here from @norapretzel ! Anywho, here are my side blogs! @satanwritesbooks2 and @cometsofcomix! Satan write books 2 is my main writing blog, and comets of comix is my comic blog, though every story will probably end up with an individual blog so you only have to follow what you want to get a particular story! 
I will be tagging Racism, Sexism, Rape, and LGBT+ for their respective stuff in case someone doesn’t want to see that. Also, per request, I will be tagging posts with the particular word Queer as Queer so someone who follows my blog regularly doesn’t have to see the word. Have a good day, tell me if you want me to tag more things!
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kaxen · 6 years
Are the rocks free
Probably the cost of shipping and a little bit to cover the excessive amount of tape I must use to make the box stay shut.
Waiting for them to dry so I can figure out which flat rate box fits the most rocks.
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