#nicki reads tfc
crazy-fangirl2524 · 9 months
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Nicky is actually so funny this entire series is fucking hilarious
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saintbennetts · 1 year
I love angst and I love pain but I cannot read "Neil died in Baltimore" fics. they genuinely make me sick to my stomach because he just didn't deserve it. he did not deserve to die terrified and alone and nameless. He deserved a life. a family. a future.
And Andrew? God. It would have destroyed him. He would have blamed himself for releasing Neil from their deal. He did not deserve to lose the one person who could pull him back from the edge. After everything he went through? fuck that.
It's too much. AFTG might be a mess but at least we got a happy ending. I cannot stomach the alternative.
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pipe-dreamer · 6 days
I'm still mad about how Nicky's creepy behaviour is never explicitly dealt with and how it seems like he only toned it down because of Andrew's threats and no moral sense of his own like!! I liked his character but I'm really icked out by that and how everyone pretends that never happened. I feel like that's something that should've been addressed at one point in the series by the author instead of the audience having to create that "learned not to do that" idea of him when in truth the only reason he seemingly stops borderline sexually harassing Neil is because of andrew. That's the only thing the reader can infer with the information that we've been given.
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you can’t convince me nicky hemmick majored in business or some bs. that man is an education major. he moves to germany and becomes a teacher. elementary, middle, high school, he doesn’t care bc kids of all ages love him. he’s authentic and funny and cool, considering is baseline for behavior is the twinyards. he loves being around kids and teaching them, and they love him back. mr. hemmick (or klose) is a safe person for students, full of energy and always willing to help people out. i need nicky hemmick to have a posse of obsessed eight year olds following him around like he’s jesus.
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kazoo-the-demjin · 1 year
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Seeing these lines out of context made me forget that the 'loose ends' and the 'still solve you' was originally Andrew's suspicion on Neil being an agent from Evermore or something and his desire to find what the fuck he planned to do with Kevin
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wingedshoes · 2 years
neil josten is who percy jackson would've been if pjo wasn't a middle grade series
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i find it weird how the fandom gets so touchy on the subject of Aaron's homophobia, of all things. like. you don't have to agree. you don't. i see why people don't
but we can see nuance in such vastly delicated topics, why can't we also see how some people can very possibly read him as such, and that homophobia in itself is not black and white thing?
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cough-ii · 2 years
Foxes and friends as quote book pt2
“Try not to smile while getting beat up” - anyone to drugged andrew
“Stop moaning at your teachers” - probably wymack
“PENIS, VULVA, BOOBS” - Foxes and friends
“Penis, vulva and boobs are all good Wordle words” - kevin
“You do you… it’s not advisable” - renee to anyone doing anything
“Do you know what the peanut gallery is?” - nicky
“Is that a British word?” - matt to neil saying anything slightly foreign sounding
“HE'S A RATBAG, HE’S AWFUL, HE’S A TYRANT, HE’S A BULLY!!!” neil about aaron, vice versa
“If you’re quiet and let me get through this, then maybe you can have a piece of candy” - wymack but it’s alcohol instead
“We tend not to use the D” - neil
“Look at the strength of my wind” - nicky
“You never know what’s in someones blood” - aaron
“Forget graphs, let's learn German” - nicky to the twins
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reneewalking · 8 months
i just dont think there could ever be a passable tv/movie adaptation of aftg, partially because it needs to be filmed like a 90s-2000s indie student film with poor mic quality and questionable camera work
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This is for aftg readers that speak french and/or german
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achillesinagaypanic · 4 months
I will add myself to the AFTG clutter, well after the trilogy is done:
Currently on TRK after finishing TFC in 2 days, I am hopeful to continue my quick reading. Some notes on my read so far:
I am having a hell of a laugh reading out all of Jean's dialogue with a french southern accent because peuchère il est marseillais le peutchi
I am also crying at the littlest things, like the showers in the first away-game against the terrapins (which I was surprised to discover is apparently a turtle??) But big events leave me indifferent (like Seth, but I think that was meant to be seeing as Neil had about the same reaction) or numb and in shock (like learning Neil BELONGS TO THE MORIYAMAS??? HELLO???? I DIDN'T SEE THAT COMING????)
I should be doing homework. I am not. I will get in trouble. But at least I'll know how this all ends. I love theatre but the power of Adhd hyperfixation is stronger than me </3
I am VERY AFRAID to interact with fandom because I don't want to get spoiled (looking at you, dr who hyperfixation where I know way too much because of AO3) but I will be glad to update to you all my reactions through text as I read through this (though I will slide over most of the "I wish I could go in there and hold/punch him/her"s and "Omg he's so fucking hot"s)
Every character of the team is so fucking attractive and I was 100% shaming myself for my reaction when Kevin full-body-pinned Neil against the wall. 1/2 of my thoughts and reactions are "when is it my turn" or "omg let's switch places".
I was extremely worried when Neil woke up in Nicky's arms after having been drugged because like ???? Did they do anything ????? But then realized that Nicky would do no such thing, despite repeatedly talking about it.
The girls have all my love, seriously, Dan is wonderful as a captain AND as a friend, Renee is so nice I aspire to have her self-control, Allison needs a hug.
ALSO!!! IN THE SHIPS!!! (Because I did discover this off of a gay edit between Andrew and Neil "Yes or no Neil? / It's always yes with you") I fucking love that I can ship Andrew, Neil and Kevin interchangeably. Like, Guard dog and Hurt runaway? Fuck yes. Famous but kept captive and Underdog but free? You got it. Anxiety ball and Dangerous but somehow reassuring? Give me all of it.
OKAY now I need to let my newfound knowledge sink in because wtf was that conversation (Neil and Kevin about the whole lore thing), thank you for reading my thoughts as an excited first-time reader
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kiloxy · 11 days
When I started Tfc I was annoyed and frustrated with the long and detailed descriptions of the court. I was overwhelmed by all these new characters, this new sport, and the influx of info. While too much detail and over describing things can be bad writing… Rereading the book I see it as a tool. We’re in Neil’s POV, of course there’s major focus on the court and what it looks like. All he cares about is exy! He catalogues every detail he notices of the court, he has a key! He belongs there for once! He rushes through the conversation with Nicky in front of the gates because he wants the court. When I didn’t understand his character at first (I’d just started reading about him of course, I didn’t have much grasp on him yet. Def not four books worth.) I didn’t see how the writing choices reflected him. How we’re truly in his POV and of course he’s going to care about the godforsaken 24 gates! But it was frustrating at first. And while some of it can be contributed to maybe less polished writing (it was the first book) I feel like intentionally or not this book series throws you in Neil’s head unabashedly, even if some of the ways his head works makes some parts hard to read. (Like knowing exactly where everyone is sitting at all times 😭)
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ma-lark-ey · 6 months
Lark Liveblogs Literature Part ???: All For The Game Series - Nora Sakavic
I'm doing something a little bit different with this one! In the business of full disclosure, I read TFC (and about a chapter of TRK) in April this year, decided "I can't mcfucking do this" and then gave up. And then didn't stop thinking about Neil Josten for the next eight months and now we're BACK. So, instead of properly 'liveblogging,' unlike most first-reads I do, I'm actually annotating this one because it's too good to NOT.
That means I have a customized (so totally legal mhm) word doc, highlight/unline privileges, and audacity.
Here's what I knew before I read back in April (stolen from my beta version of this post);
Andrew Minyard: Gay(?), funniest bitch alive if Tumblr brackets are to be trusted. Murderer? Has Boyfriend???
Sports. Maybe. Yes? sports.
Drugs are involved. Somehow.
Now, here's where I am going in now;
Ranking the Foxes goes; Neil, Aaron, Dan, Kevin, Andrew, Renee, Matt, Nicky
I have no idea how exy works, I do don't plan on figuring it out.
Do not remember if I read TRK but what I remember happening is far too much to be just the 230 page doc that is TFC so I MUST HAVE right?
Do know his real name's Nathaniel because I did read that scene reveal and get JUMPSCARED by my brother's name.
How this is going to work is that I'm going to put in my annotations for each chapter. Enjoy!
Chapter 1:
"You can't be serious." "Very serious, and very out of time,"
"were a team of talented rejects and junkies because Wymack only recruited athletes from broken homes...nice in theory, but it meant his players were fractured isolationists who couldn't get along long enough to get through a game."
"God damn it, Minyard. This is why we can't have nice things."[1] "Oh, Coach," someone said over Neil's head. "If he was nice, he wouldn't be any use to us, would he?" "He's no use to us if you break him." "You'd rather I let him go? Put a band-aid on him and he'll be good as new."[2]
[1] This is why we can’t have nice things, darling. Because you break them. I have to take them away
[2] Andrew I’ll kiss you
"blond and five feet even"[1]
blond? wrong. five foot even? correct.
"They were champions, and Neil was a jumble of lies and dead-ends."[1]
[1] Neil your self-loathing is showing
"It's not a good idea." "Your opinion has been duly noted and dismissed,"
"It was proof he existed, same as this game they both played. Kevin was proof Neil was real."
"It's about second chances, Neil. Second, third, fourth, whatever, as long as you get at least one more than what anyone else wanted to give you." Neil had heard Wymack referred to as an idealistic idiot by more than one person, but it was hard to listen to him and not believe that he was sincere
"It sounded like a dream; it tasted like damnation"
nothing much to say on chapter one--- it's a standard introductory chapter to a contemporary(ish) novel.
Wymack sets up the series' key theme with his line, "It's about second chances, Neil. Second, third, fourth, whatever, as long as you get at least one more than what anyone else wanted to give you."
Kevin's demeanor in this chapter is very similar to the Kevin we see up until Raven's come into play--- He's very good at acting very standoffish and tough.
The shift in Kevin when Riko comes into play was actually so dramatic I didn't recognize him here, I was afeared
some of the quotes I've added here are obviously because I thought they were funny exchanges--- others are me English Majoring(tm), and others are just me marking plot, characterization, facts, etc.
admittedly what i've put here is about half of what is actually highlighted/underlined in my doc.
I want to study the dynamic between Neil & Wymack under a microscpe
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aftg-sunsetz · 1 year
AFTG Playlist (in no particular order) PART 1
(I was bored so I decided to create a playlist for the AFTG series and their characters. From depression to calm to party etc. I will still write fitting scenes to it (if I have one). I’m always looking for songs to add to my AFTG playlist. Maybe you find a fitting gem
1. Run Boy Run - Woodkid (of course)
2. The Dreamer - Amigo the Devil (The King’s Men chapter 12 the scene between Neil and Andrew, (I read it in public with the song and almost had a breakdown))
3. Little Dark Age - MGMT (TKM after the kidnapping and Neil is on his way from the hospital to the hotel to meet the foxes)
4. Roslyn - Bon Iver (TKM page 353 Neil wants the answer to “This”)
5. You really got me - Oingo Boingo (while they get ready for Edens, especially in TFC)
6. What could have been - Sting (Neil gets kidnapped)
7. 9 Crimes - Damien Rice (either while this one specific scene in TRK (Thanksgiving by Nicky), or while Neil is on his way to the Nest and Andrew is at the psych ward)
8. I’m not human at all - Sleep Party People (TRK Neil gets back from the Nest and calls Wymack to get him from the airport)
9. Welcome to the Jungle - Novo Armor (the first roof scene between Neil and Andrew after he is off his medication)
10. Tear you apart - She wants Revenge (TFC the first time the monsters and Neil are at Edens)
11. Moon Song - Phoebe Bridgers (TKM after Neil got kidnapped and Andrew strangled Kevin, I just imagine him sitting there, staring off into the distance and grieving)
Ohne Dich - Rammstein
12. I hope that you think of me - Pity Party Girls Club (either the team on its way to a game or in TKM when the team takes the vacation after the kidnapping events)
13. Telephones - Vacations (pure vibes)
15. Mount Everst - Labrinth (while the Foxes play a game or while Neil antagonizes someone lmao)
16. Party up The Street - Miley Cyrus (big vibe)
17. Nutshell - Alice in Chains (that’s either a rooftop scene in TKM or the bus scenes on a way to a game, big feelings)
18. Fake Plastic Trees - Radiohead (maybe the shower scene in TKM or the Foxes sleeping in a room together :) )
19. God Complex - VIOLENT VIRA (either while Neil gets tortured at the Nest or in the car in TKM or at Baltimore)
20. Ptolemaea - Ethel Cain (Happy 19th Birthday, jr.) That’s literally my favorite fitting, not gonna lie
21. Freaks - Surf Curse (the foxes)
22. Money trees - Kendrick Lamar (Matt and Seth)
23. Swimming Pools - Kendrick Lamar (the Foxes walking into the stadium and playing a game (maybe against the Ravens?))
24. Me and your mama - Childish Gambino (while Allison and Seth have like an on and off montage)
25.Redbone - Childish Gambino (Neil and Andrew making out (remember the scene while Neil tried to study and Andrew was bored...))
26. God knows I’ve tried - Kelsy Karter & The Heroines (the foxes ->
“I've been smokin', drinkin', lyin', cheatin' I've overpromised, but underachieved And I usually ain't afraid of nothing But saying this out loud terrifies me I've been breakin' hearts, stealin' cars Takin' shit to walk on Mars To never say sorry don't mean I'm not sorry Baby, I'm sorry, oh, baby, I'm sorry I'm sorry for the pain I've caused For all the moments I've gone and lost Don't you know I've tried to be good? ”)
27. The Wisp Sings - Winter Aid (Neil in the plane on his way to the Nest)
28. Overcome - Skott (kinda a Kevin song)
29. Alligator Skin Boots - McCafferty (the conflict between Andrew and Aaron, especially an Aaron song) my second favorite fitting
30. The Night We Met -  Lord Huron (Neil leaving his belongings behind and the foxes, Andrew, Home and follows Lola)
31. Hey, Mickey - Baby Tate (Kevin when he is in public lmao or the first time he meets Neil in Millport, when he gets introduced)
32. Energy - Beyonce (that’s Nicky for sure)
33. That That (feat. SUGA of BTS) - Psy (the Trojans, maybe they start to get warmed up first and the Foxes watch them)
34. Y’all Want a Single - Korn (Neil when he has press duty lmao)
35. Afraid to Feel - LF SYSTEM (the Foxes training at the gym)
36. Move Like U Stole It - ZZ Ward (Dancing at Edens)
37. Stop it - FISHER (getting cracker dust and eating ice cream)
Songs fitting for:
Allison, Dan and Renee: - Rebel Girl - Bikini Kill (when they get introduced, especially fitting for Allison) - Violet - Hole  - Cherry Bomb - The Runaways (also, especially Allison (just love this girl)) - You call me a bitch like it’s a bad thing - Halestorm (Allison and Dan) - Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) - Eurythymics (has a Dan vibe tbh) - transparentsoul - WILLOW (that’s a Renee song) - Mood 4 Ever - Beyonce 
Andrew: - This body means nothing to me - Shrimp - Mutter - Rammstein (Mother) - Was ich liebe - Rammstein (What I love) - Next to me - Imagine Dragons - Snuff - Slipknot - Medicine - Daughter
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bloody-wonder · 4 days
Hello, can I ask from this ask game :
You can pick for either of these series : the lymond chronicles, all for the game, a song of ice and fire, harry potter, captive prince?
Thanks 🌻
thanks for the ask!
⚔️the lymond chronicles⚔️
favorite character: phelim o'liamroe, prince of barrow and lord of the slieve bloom...😐🤥 jk it's lymond - the man, the myth, the lemon. i mean if lymond isn't your fave character in the lymond chronicles are you even reading them right?
character i think is underrated: hmmm margaret lennox? i don't see people talk about her too often. justice for the evil ex!
character i think is overrated: philippa. don't even get me started🙄
favorite ship/pairing: while reading i did ship lymond with each and every one of his boytoys which was very entertaining but i wouldn't actually like any of these relationships to be endgame. i firmly believe lymond is bisexual, aromantic and non-monogamous, therefore the only person i would want him to "end up with" is marthe - not as a slash ship but as in lymond and marthe, both in drag, ride into the sunset together to cause chaos and mayhem✨
favorite arc/episode/scene: the hume castle shebacle from book one is my platonic ideal of a fictional experience. just thinking about don luis fernando de cordoba y avila with his "long, exquisite legs" and his perfecto scottish is enough to raise my mood for the rest of the day😁
something i love about this series: tbh the thing i love the most is lymond to the point that i'm afraid to try dunnett's other books bc there will be no lymond in them. however, i will still read them sooner or later bc my second favorite thing about the lymond chronicles is dunnett's witty but sophisticated prose which i'm sure i will find in abundance in her other works
🥍all for the game🥍
favorite character: i love both of my boys equally but i will admit i voted for andrew minyard in that best queer character poll bracket🙈
character i think is underrated: actually i don't think there is one. some of the aftg characters are controversial but i think everyone gets their fair share of love and attention🤷‍♀️
character i think is overrated: in the og trilogy it's nicky and in tsc it's sort of everyone?😅 lol i just don't think they're that interesting but i'm glad other people are having fun with them
favorite ship/pairing: andreil, obviously.
favorite arc/episode/scene: aftg is full of amazing scenes, both quiet and spectacular, but if i have to pick just one i'm gonna go with the first riko roast bc fun fact: i actually abandoned tfc halfway through the first time i tried to read it bc i just didn't know what to do with it - but then i decided to give it a second chance and the riko roast was the scene where i finally comprehended and internalized the chaotic but rebellious vibe of aftg. that's why i never dnf books - you never know which weird selfpub sports anime might become your all time favorite story!
something i love about this series: the way it depicts the relations between the society and people who are treated like outsiders due to their trauma - it always sides with the latter! exemplified by how the team needs andrew and so they have to put up with his little quirks and find ways of communication - instead of him making himself act more normal and agreeable in order to fit in. which i think is pretty much the status quo of writing about trauma so aftg feels very radical in that sense
👑captive prince👑
favorite character: it's laurent, lymond's baby cousin😅
character i think is underrated: aimeric? tbh i haven't read anything capri related in a while, maybe he's the newest fandom fave by now
character i think is overrated: never have i ever understood why everyone insists on resurrecting auguste. he dead! and not that interesting in any case😒
favorite ship/pairing: damen/laurent, since their love is the whole point of the series, but i will say for me it's more like. i'm obsessed with laurent and so i like that damen gets obsessed with him too and falls in love with him bc that's what laurent deserves. however i do not actually like damen nor do i like the final jump from enemies to lovers in the second half of book 3 soooo yeah. many caveats🤷‍♀️
favorite arc/episode/scene: laurent's duel with govart. listen, i'm a simple girl, i love me some competence porn and power fantasies with swords. also! laurent calling out aimeric for all the bad things he secretly believes about himself which leads to aimeric's suicide. that's some fucked up shit, love it👀
something i love about this series: the witty, backhanded, at times scathing exchanges which i started calling pacatesque dialogue upon encountering it in other books (of primarily australian sff authors who are personally acquainted with pacat, it's a whole thing). i know other booklr girlies like to talk about themes and motifs and whatnot but for me all of that is vastly inferior to lines like "tell my uncle boykiller etc etc". i think i just have lots of bottled up bitchiness inside me and like to live vicariously through characters who can vocalize it in such a brutal yet elegant fashion
🐉a song of ice and fire🐉
favorite character: tyrion lannister. lol at this point you can see a pattern: if he's shrewd, traumatized and blonde you can safely bet he's on my blorbo shelf😅
character i think is underrated: i'm gonna go with doran martell. he represents one of my favorite character archetypes - someone who is seen as a simpleton and a pushover but has actually been scheming and masterminding stuff all along. "oberyn was ever the viper. i was the grass. who fears to walk upon the grass? but it is the grass that hides the viper" - is actually one of my favorite quotes from the series. comparing book doran to show doran one can see how he's sort of emblematic for how the show butchered the dorne plotline😒
character i think is overrated: i did like sansa's journey in the books but they end just on the cusp of her turning from a pawn into one of the most capable and dangerous players on the board - something she however hasn't become, not yet. so i think the hype she gets in the fandom, largely based on the show which skipped a lot of steps in her character arc and made her a very basic girlboss, is somewhat undeserved🤷‍♀️
favorite ship/pairing: i definitely feel a certain kind of way about jaime & brienne but idk if i ship them in the proper sense of the word. their developing relationship is probably the most compelling in the series and some of its aspects are very personal for me as a weird looking ace girl, among other things, so i don't think i want them to become a *couple*. but i do want them to become *something*. if they survive, that is😬
favorite arc/episode/scene: tyrion's trial is one of the most excruciating and heart-wrenching yet dramatic scenes i've ever experienced. i have to admit i remember it better from the show bc that was just Peak Television and peter dinklage's acting?? unparalleled. a scene so epic it made me cry every time i watched it. just thinking about it gives me chills🫨
something i love about this series: i've spent an ungodly amount of time thinking about what makes asoiaf superior to other fantasy series and the character work and complex morality are certainly up there but the one thing that speaks to me personally and which i struggle to find elsewhere is something i call the slytherclaw ethos. normally the characters of western sff are rewarded by the narrative for being brave, kind, other boring gryffinpuff things, regardless of whether they could've *realistically* prevailed thanks to those qualities alone. in the world of asoiaf one is instead rewarded for cunning and ambition - or at the very least it's clear a character will not get anywhere without learning how to play the game of thrones. this difference is at the core of the subversiveness asoiaf gets both praised and criticized for and, as someone who relates to characters who rely on their brain more than their heart and other muscles and would like to see them elevated above generic fantasy protags, i find this approach to storytelling in general and to sff specifically very appealing
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mostlymaudlin · 1 year
hi rory <3 so i know you’re not taking requests or anything rn but i just think a fic of andrew finding out nicky kissing neil from you would SLAP cause honestly you and likearecord are my fave writers when it comes to writing about andrew’s emotions and thoughts (again this isn’t a request so pls don’t feel any pressure!!) so yeah just wanted to share this observation! love reading trigger currently xo
HI ANON!!! thank you so much, that means a lot <3
i technically take requests whenever tho i always say theres like a 30% chance i actually run with it 😂 i just like to keep the door open to inspiration hehe
ive thought a lot abt what my version of this could look like, but i havent come down on how how i'd wanna do it... i care a lot about andrew & nicky's relationship -- and also neil & nicky's relationship, and ALSO the way that andrew definitely knows that nicky is important to neil. like in TRK, when he sics nicky on neil to get him used to his phone; he knew nicky would come through, and he also felt confident that neil would be receptive to nicky. andrew also trusts nicky a lot for someone he doesn't have a deal with -- like, even after nicky stopped being his legal guardian, andrew swung his exy skills to get nicky a spot on the foxes !! he might find nicky irritating but he wants to keep him close.
not to mention andrew's OWN role in that night... yeah it wld just be like the biggest fucking mess lol. it wld absolutely consume andrew.
ive been playing for a long time w doing an andrew pov series rewrite situation, and i think to do andrew's story correctly the timeline would start before tfc and extend afterward -- like, his story has diff parameters than neil's imo. but i can't decide if this is something i'd want him to cope with in the terms of that story either 🤔 yeah. good thoughts!!! im sure ill get there one day tho.
and SPEAKING of @likearecordbb -- i'd be remiss to not rec her take on this concept, on the off chance you haven't found it yet! it's very very, very good. heed tags!
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