#but also frustarted
kiloxy · 1 month
When I started Tfc I was annoyed and frustrated with the long and detailed descriptions of the court. I was overwhelmed by all these new characters, this new sport, and the influx of info. While too much detail and over describing things can be bad writing… Rereading the book I see it as a tool. We’re in Neil’s POV, of course there’s major focus on the court and what it looks like. All he cares about is exy! He catalogues every detail he notices of the court, he has a key! He belongs there for once! He rushes through the conversation with Nicky in front of the gates because he wants the court. When I didn’t understand his character at first (I’d just started reading about him of course, I didn’t have much grasp on him yet. Def not four books worth.) I didn’t see how the writing choices reflected him. How we’re truly in his POV and of course he’s going to care about the godforsaken 24 gates! But it was frustrating at first. And while some of it can be contributed to maybe less polished writing (it was the first book) I feel like intentionally or not this book series throws you in Neil’s head unabashedly, even if some of the ways his head works makes some parts hard to read. (Like knowing exactly where everyone is sitting at all times 😭)
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i hate when games dont let you sequence break
#been playing through sonic rush adventure since i can play it on actual hardware now and. man this is frustrating#so in order to access the final level you have to go to three hidden islands and get these items to do a puzzle#i already knew this was gonna be a requirement and remembered it being kinda annoying so i was like 'okay before i sail out to that island#ill try and deal with the items' (plus i didnt wanna look up a guide so ive been sailing around blindly)#so uh. i found two of the three items you need. then i decided that id go check out the island for the final level cuz why bot#*not (also i was sick of playing the bullshit hidden island missions)#so i do that watch the cutscene n stuff and 'find out' you need to get items to do the puzzle to unlock the last level#afterwards i find the last island with and item and go back and uh. turns out it doesnt fucking count the items you find before watching th#the cutscene telling you to go get them. meaning i had to go back and replay those stupid hidden island missions#the stupidest part is that you get a special cutscene for when you beat the mission of a hidden island with an item for the puzzle in it#where they find the item and go 'thats not important letsignore it lol'#why did they do that. why is this game so stupid sometimes#i love the game dont get me wrong but holy shit playing through the story can be so frustarting sometimes#mikey says shit#sorry for the massive paragraph of tags ive been feeling really talkative lately and also felt like complaining =p
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awhitegirlspassion · 2 years
When I browse different sites it becomes so obvious to me how many white men out there are feeling lost and frustrated and confused about all of these IR movements that are happening... and I can easily understand that! I get why it's not easy for most white guys to understand and find their place in all of this. Especially when they experience more and more white women being drawn to black men and leaving their white boyfriends to find happiness with a black guy. Well... the truth is that all of you white guys need to face reality and the truth! Because the truth is that us white women ARE becoming more and more inclined to choose black male partners! Not only because we generally find black men hotter than you or because black men are more capable to fulfill our sexual needs in bed than you are, but also because black men satisfy our emotional needs to feel feminine and protected and loved!
So what does all of this mean for all of you white guys? Well... it's as simple as this: learn to accept that you're probably going to end up alone! Learn to stay out of our way and accept it when your girlfriend, your crush or your wife start dating a black man! Don't try to prevent it from happening or try to interfere and don't try to encourage it to happen either! Just stay out of it! It's not about you! It's about her and her black lover. I know it can be hard and difficult and even heartbreaking, but the truth is that the faster you accept your role and fate, the faster you will find happiness in your new role! It may be a lonely role and a frustarting one from time to time, but in time you will find fulfillment and happiness knowing that you're part of the IR movement. So... Hang in there! Okay?❤️
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dballzposting · 8 months
I............. the Namek Freeza battle ....... was I think all about Satisfaction. Goku going Super Saiyan - moving into "throws of unimaginable rage" as Freeza put it - was like moving into the ultimate fury of the Fight response. Pure aggression instinct.
He didnt drop this state until he deemed the fight over. Not when Freeza was DEAD - but when GOKU FELT that he was no longer a threat. He didnt need to kill him to find satisfaction. There just had be nothing left to kick around.
This partly makes me think of the way that aggression in predators is activated by movement and resistance - and is why an animal freezing will make a cat boredly leave. Cats especially dont just hunt becasue they're hungry - it's a set of behaviors that they DELIGHT in, that brings them joy, like how birds like to sing (even when they have no prospects for a mate - think caged birds) and have the impulse to roost (even doing so when there are no eggs - think pet pigeons.) Cats love to play with their prey after they catch them. Which is so morbid for the prey. But the cat just loves to do it. And obviously they'll play with inanimate things too - as long as they keep moving, or at least make a satisfying sound.
Saiyans seem a lot like that. They LOVE to fight, have to even, there is a reserve of energy in their soul that compels them to fight - but it's not pure aggression, no, it can be joy. But the prey needs to keep active and alive to stimulate that joy- we're constantly seeing Goku needing the enemy to give him their all, and not just for honor's sake, but becasue there is a very tangible thrill that he is getting out of this and he just needs the satisfaction of a good, FULL fight. It's disappointing when the enemy gives up too soon or never puts up much resistance. Think about how many times he admits high excitement when facing a strong enemy. Think about how much later in the series, Goku gets so FRUSTARTED when theres no one good to fight. He NEEEEDS to release this energy he NEEEDS to be equally matched. He needs the proper resistance in order to put in his all, and he needs the mutual reciprocation of - bare minimum, if not any other thing to agree on - Passion.
I mean dont get me wrong Saiyans as a whole DEFINITELY KNOW HOW TO HANDLE THEMSELVES when it comes to ANGRY AGGRESSION. But they also just like to fight. And "killing" is not the only satisfying end to that.
Goku, by nature, adheres to the call of mercy. He needs to fight more than anything, it's kind of his whole thing, but he never feels compelled to kill. Rather, he NEEDS the enemy to live so that they can come back stronger later and give him another Satisfying Fight...!
But that's not what's behind all of his mercy - really, his mercy is as instinctual as his need for fight. The latter we can attribute to his species, but the former is uniquely his own and just as integral. That's what makes him Goku. When Freeza was begging for mercy, Goku was incensed to hear it - but he could not resist the call. BECAUSE: This is about SATISFACTION, and he would FIND NONE if he let himself walk away in cold blood.
When he had to kill Freeza he wasnt happy about it. He had already found his satisfaction. He didnt want to also kill him, but he knew that Freeza had forced his hand - truly, truly forced his hand, wrote his actions, becasue right up to the end, Freeza WAS a worthy fight. BUT, Goku never takes Freeza's last-minute advice about how mercy's only beneficiary is your foe. Because right up to the end, Freeza was a fool. That's what Goku yells at him when he is forced to return a ki blast and end him, and it is the most pertinent thing for him to say. Freeza never learned to read into harmony and to be able to track the moving ki of living things. Freeza never learned how precious life is, which from Goku's divine wisdom, is an ignorance that to which there exists no greater indicator of a fool. Freeza was just a fool.
Anyway: I said earlier that this reminded me of how cats play, but that was a tangent. What this fight REALLY is is AWESOME, RIGHTEOUS RAGE and VINDICATION and REVENGE and SATISFACTION. It's immensely gratifying to the viewer, most of us walking around with no good way to vent the awesome survival rage that we're capable of, and for some, is locked inside of us due to past happenings that were never resolved.
THE SCENERY IS INTENSE - the sick, dead, EXPLODING planet, devoid of life, giving in to the epic violence of all that it's made of. It represents being past overdue, when you've gone under the tunnel and theres no sun, when God has written you off and theres nothing more to do and you're just waiting until you're not there to wait anymore. To Goku it's this pivotal time to nail the escape - but to the planet, it's past any salvageability, past the event horizon. It's not the fearful wait for death, it IS death, upfront and center and awesome and profound. So theres this backdrop of complete obliteration without desolation, consummate violence, the magma and tsunamis and lightning and earthquakes.
And Goku is burning with unwavering conviction to survive this. Hes not willing to die with Freeza like he was with Raditz - this is not about being tactful - this is about something higher, this is divine comeuppance. He intercepted King Kai and the Grand Elder's communication to tell them that they better not wish him away. This is HIS FIGHT - and anyone could see that this is his PURPOSE. If he dies here then he will with total satisfaction. This is what hes meant to do. The preservation of what's precious, the commitment to honor, to deferring to the calls of revenge, the electricity in his body and his blood inside and out - this is all his biology and he is one with his fate. He will not be removed prematurely. This cannot be thwarted. The impact of this perfectly-focused force of his spirit is, out of context, only destructive - and if you remove him from this before satisfaction, there is no way in this lifetime that he will be able to discharge this in an effective or meaningful way. If he cant win this, then he needs to die. This is all he is.
He had entered the Super Saiyan state again when Freeza attacked him again, and this time he didnt leave it when Freeza was deemed no longer threat. He maintained it as he tried to escape. The threat isnt over yet - he has even less time than he did, and all of this energy can now be converted into initiating an active escape.
Furthermore - and this feels like a weak detour now- when Freeza's ship fell into the innards of the planet and all hope was seemingly loss .. even though Goku was left there like "No ... this cant be happening..!" He still didnt feel trapped or hopeless and he didnt move into any sort of freeze response. No tonic immobility for our Goku. His fury is too POWERFUL, and his constitution POWERFUL ENOUGH to contain it without getting overwhelmed (INCREDIBLE!). He has not reached satisfaction yet - he has not escaped yet - so he will remain in this state.
Also Goku, by character, training, AND blood, will never ever resort to any sort of freeze .. THIS WE KNOW ... we saw baby Gohan fall into that a few times (the way he would have a burst of power and then drop to level 0 in overwhelming fear...) but even at his young age and limited training we see the fight response in him show up and triumph . I do just think that Saiyans will Always Fight rather than flee and they will persist with fight for a long time even if the situation becomes unsalvageable... I think it's just their coding. I've no reason to believe otherwise...
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rayofsuns · 8 months
Story summary: Damian Al Ghul loved his mother to no end. but when she threatens to harmm the one person he loves more, he had no other choice but to go to his father for help.
Chapter summary: Leona struggle to understand why Jace, her bestfriend since first grade is suddenly avoiding her after their first night together.
TW: metion of abuse, bruises and crying
----- Part 6
Leona's POV:
Leona and jace became quick friends when she came back from suspension. everywhere she went jace was right behind her. After school instead of parting ways they went over to the manor and played until Jace foster dad, John came and picked him up. They were inseparable. Even as they grew older they're bond never faltered. everything was going so well until they did something irreversible that changed everything about their relationship.
They had sex.
It was a spur of the moment thing. no one planned it, it just happened. did she regret it. no. would she do it again knowing what she knew now also no. Nothing was worth losing jace over, not even that amazing night on top of the roof of the manor where they took each other's virginity. the roof was a freqent hangout spot for jace and Leona. it was decorated in faily lights pillows and blankets. dick was the one who decorated the roof when he first came to the manor but since he left for blüdhaven it has been deserted.
one moment they were watching the sky. the top of the manor was one of the few spot in gotham you can actually see the night sky instead of gothams usual smog. And the next they were kissing and taking off each others clothes. That night was perfect for Leona. jace was gentle and kind, he made her feel like a queen.
the next day was awkward for the both of them but lovely nonetheless. Jace even made her breakfast (much to Alfred's annoyance) then he doted over her the whole day until Leona took him home.
that's when everything went downhill. he stopped responding to her calls and text, he even stopped coming to school for three weeks after that and when he did he acted like she didn't even exist.
He stopped sitting next to her in class, he stopped talking to her all together and when she tried to sit next to him at lunch or talk to him he'd just walked away.
"you're staring." Leona jumped not realizing her friend Anna had come to sit next to her. "I just don'r understand why he's acting like this. it was just sex." Leona didn't even believe her own words, it wasn't just sex to Leona. she had had a crush on Jace for years now and she thought he felt the same.
She was wrong apparently. Jace was ignoring her and she couldn't stand it. She felt as if her heart was being ripped out of her chest. she gave him something she deemed as special and now he's acting like she doesn't even exist.
"Just forget about him Leona." Anna sighed, rolling her eyes. "Look I'm throwing a party at my house, you should come." Leona took her eyes off of Jace's back for only a second to glance at anna. "I don't know Anna, I'm not feeling up to it." Leona sighed.
"Oh come on leona! just for an hour then you can leave." Anna said trying to convince her sad friend. Leona shrugged, already starting to tune out Anna's voice. Anna groaned in annoyance. "What if I asked Jace to come?" Anna tried.
"He's going to say no. He doesn't like parties. you know that." Leona was getting more and more frustarted at the boy she was starring at. if she'd known that he'd ghost her the next day she'd never let it go as far as she did.
Anna rolled her eyes. "Please come Leona I've already told people you were coming so..." Leona thought it over, it would be nice to get her mind off of jace for a while and maybe have a drink or two.
"Fine but only for an hour." Anna smiled widely "awesome" and finally she was gone.
"Hello the best father in the whole wide world." Leona saidl, walking into Bruce's home office. Bruce looked up from his mountain of paperwork that he had to finish before patrol tonight. "What do you need?" Bruce asked, signing his name on a form. "anna is throwing a party and I was wondering if I could go." Leona asked. Bruce shrugged "you know the rules, Tell Damian were you're going first, be home by eleven and don't end up in jail." leona smile. "thank you." she kissed his cheek Before heading towords the door. "Is Jace here? John has yet to call me about Jace's tuition. I need to know if jace is going to do any extracurricular this year. God this school, everytime you step a foot into that school they want more money." Bruce shook his head, sighing. Leona froze, she hadn't told anyone but damian about her and jace and how badley it ended. she needed to talk to someone about it and Damian was always there to listen.
"Um no he's not here but I'll ask him when i see him." Leona fiddled with her thumbs. It was something she did when she was anxious about something. a tell Bruce knew all to well.
"What's wrong?" Bruce asked, picking up on Leona's uneasiness. "Nothing" she said a bit to quickly. "I have to go. Love you bye" she quickly said before rushing out og the room.
Bruce's POV:
"wow, that was weird." Dick said coming into Bruce's office through the secret door that lead to the batcave. "Jace is not returning any of her calls after they're night on the roof" Bruce said, putting down his pen. Everyone knew about Jace and Leona's time on the roof three weeks ago. For one they wouldn't be great detectives if they couldn't figure that out and Second it wasn't like the two teenagers hide it well. jace turned bright red everytime he looked at Leona and Leona smiled the whole day, it wasn't hard to figure out what happened.
"that's fucked up" Dick said, flopping down on the couch that was in the office. "Do you think Damian know?" dick asked, starring at the ceiling.
"Of course, Leona tells him everything. he knows everytime she sneeze." Bruce laughed. it wasn't a bad thing, in fact Bruce knew Damain felt more relaxed knowing everything about the sixteen year old.
Damian had bad anxiety when it came to Leona's safety. it had kept him up most nights. He felt this intense need to protect Leona from any harm that might come her way. Nights where Damian brust into his room claiming Leona was dead only to go into her room and find her peacefully alseep were nights bruce knew all to well.
those night were usually followed by Damian clinging to her like a lifeline.
"it's been sixteen years and Talia has yet to make a move you'd think he'd loosen up a bit" Bruce sighed leaning back into his chair.
"I think that is what's making him so paranoid. the waiting for something to happen is putting him on edge." Dick said, Dick felt like he knew his siblings more than bruce ever could, it was him who they ran to with their problems. Bruce has failed each and every one of his children on way or another and Dick promised Damian he wouldn't let Bruce fail Leona.
sixteen years ago. Damian POV:
"He called you." Damian said, as he sat in the in home library. this was the only place without windows, the only place with only once entrance "you haven't been sleeping" Dick said coming to sit next to him. Dick glance down at the small baby that was sleeping in his brothers arm. "she's beautiful" Dick said, "I can't sleep, someone can hurt her." Damian said. "she's safe here Damian, bruce will never let anyone hurt her or you. you need to learn how to trust him." Dick tried.
"Jason trusted him before he died, Barbara Gordon trusted him too. I came here because Father is the strongest person I know. Even the league of shadows are afraid of him. they won't get to her without a fight and Father puts a big fight. but--" Damian trailed off. "But it seems he always fails when it matters most." Dick finished for him. Damian nodded.
"I trust him as a shield between her and the league but asking me to let him help raise her is something I don't think I can do." Dick nodded, telling his brother that he understood where he was coming from.
"I can't promise you that nothing will ever happen to your sister but what I can promise is I'll never let Bruce fail her. he will be a better father to Leona then he was to either one of us. that I'll make sure." Damian sighed, trusting his brother's word. "do-- do you want to hold her?" Damian asked. Dick was shocked. from what Alfred and Bruce has told him Damian hasn't let anyone near his sister let alone hold her since he showed up. Dick didn't need to be told how much of an honor this is. "If you want me to." Damian hesitate for a second before handing Dick the small child barley a month old.
"Her name is Leona" Damian said, Dick laughed "after the book you like?" Damian nodded "My Umi, Aaliyah. use to read me that book everynight before bed. My grandfather hated it "you shouldn't be filling his head with fairy tales" he would tell her." Damian laughed for the first time in weeks at the memory. "she would promise to stop but when night came so did the stories." Damian yawned, leaning his head on his brother's shoulder and quickly fell asleep.
Bruce POV:
"Just give him some space he'll see that there's nothing to fear." Dick said, Bruce hummed returning back to his paperwork. "why are you in town?" Bruce asked, Dick sighed "Harely quinn and the joker." Bruce put down his pen again. The topic of the joker always captured bruce's attention no matter what he was doing. "their goons have been spotted burying the bodies of a man and a woman in Bludhaven. we're trying figure out who they are but so far no luck. I was hoping the batcomputer would speed things along." Bruce nodded, "I'll see what I can find out on patrol tonight" Bruce said. "I hoped you would." dick said, leaving Bruce with his paperwork.
Leona's POV:
Dick came into Leona's room as she was getting ready for the party. "Hey, what do you think of this outfit? is it ok for a party or is it to elena gilbert?" Leona asked, twirling so dick could see the full outfit. Dick glance over the outfit she had on and said"No it's good. just change the boots it looks like you should be singing about green tractors and cheating boyfriends." Leona laughed as she walked over to her shoe closet. "how about these?" Leona asked, holding up a pair of black heels. "better."
"soo what are you doing here?" leona asked as she put on her shoes. "I'm here for work but I don't want to talk about that." leona frowned "what do you want to talk about then?" She asked.
"you and jace" Dick said. Leona groaned. throwing herself onto her bed. "what's going on between you two?" Dick asked, "we had sex and now he's ghosting me" Leona explained, "Jace?" leona nodded "Jace Lovette? the guy who took two trains and walked two miles to the manor in the middle of night because you hadn't answer any of his text or calls for an hour?" Dick said Leona nodded "yep"
"the guy who's been growing out his hair for years now because you made a comment about being attracted to men with long hair?" Leona blushed not knowing that was the reason he was growing out his hair. "I guess?" "isn't he like inlove with you?" Dick said in disbelief. Leona sighed, "I thought he liked me too but now he's not talking to me. Have you ever had this happen to you?" Leona asked.
Dick's face turned red. "Um, I can't say that I have" Leona groaned, snatching her purse off her night stand. "I have to go. thanks for the talk." she said before leaving.
As soon as Leona pulled in front of Anna's house she knew she didn't want to be there. Drunk teenagers stumbled around the yeard, most with multiple drinks already in hand. She didn't want to deal with any of this right now, so instead of going to the part she went to Jace's. she was going to force him to talk to her, wheather he likes it or not.
Leona has been pounding of Jace's front door for what felt like an hour (it was five minutes) Before giving up. She could hear Jace's loud music from all the way out here on the front porch. It wasn't unusual for Jace to play his music so loud but John Lovette, Jace's father. always made him turn it down.
Leona crouched over the rock bed and started sifting through them until she found the one with the false bottom "Finally" she sighed, walking over to the door and unlocked it. She placed the key in the bowl by the front door before making her way to jace's room. She burst in his room causing him to jump and fall on the floor. "WHAT THE HELL" He yelled over the music. Leona turned off the speaker. "I am not some slut you can't have sex with and then ghost-- what the hell happened to you?" Jace asked, purple and black bruises littered Jace's chest, neck and arms. They looked to be a week or two old. "Leona? what are you doing here?" Jace asked, quickly throwing on a shirt. Leona stood stunned, her brain couldn't process what she was seeing. Someone was hurting her friend and he didn't tell her. "Who-- Who did this to you?" She asked, "Leona--" jace tried.
"don't lie to me Jace. who's hurting you?" jace sighed not wanting his bestfriend to see him like this. Leona breath picked up as she grew more and more angry "Leona, can you calm down please" Leona ignored him to pull out her phone. "What are you doing?" Jace asked, getting off the floor, snatching Leona's phone out of her hand. "Give me back my phone jace. I need to call my Damian. he'd know what to do." Leona said, trying to grab her phone back from her tall friend. Jace raised his arm in the air keeping the phone out of her reach "No. Leona you can't" jace begged "we need to call your parents. they need to know what's happening." Jace face paled. he looked like he was going to be sick.
"we can't call them leona." Jace said, tears falling from his eyes. Leona eyes soften "are-- are they the ones hurting you?" Leona asked. As soon as Leona said it she thought it was rdiculous, John and connie Lovette were amazing parents. they loved jace with all their hearts. they would never lay a hand on him. Right?
Jace nodded. he flinched when Leona pulled him into a hug. Jace wrapped his arm around her, holding her tightly against his chest. "when did it start?" Leona asked, "the day after we...uh.. you know." jace turned bright red, clearing his throat. "I didn't do great on a... test and he got angry and just started hitting me."
"Oh jace. I'm so sorry." Jace couldn't stop the tears from falling. The stress from the month long abuse finally caught up to him. "they're insane leona. He dosen't care about anyone but himself." Jace hugged her tighter. "She tries to stop him sometimes but all that does is make him even more angry. I hate him so much, I wish I never met them." Jace cried. "I know how protective you get when it comes to me, I know you will try and go after them but I'm begging you not to. let it go and let me deal with this by myself." Jace begged. Leona sighed
"My brother can help you Jace, Damian, my father and I can get you away from here. they will never hurt you agian." Jace shook his head no. No one can help him, they'll die if they try. "Promise me you won't tell anyone about this." jace begged pulling away from her to grip her shoulders. "Promise me." Leona couldn't she knew her father and brother can help him, they fought worse criminals then a couple of abusive parents. "Leona please" Leona sighed and nodded her head all ready regretting her decision. "Ok I promise" Jace needed her to keep this secret and for jace she would.
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moonkssd · 2 months
Semi unrelated (ISH) to Pokemon but brought on by your last post; I think a lot of people forget that just because your dog isn't perfect doesn't neccesarily mean you failed. Dogs have their own personalities and some just don't have the right attributes for things. Some dogs are incredibly stubborn and teaching them certain things can be very, very difficult.
Like for ages I lamented about the fact my boy pulls on the leash when we first go walking... but only until he's been to the loo. After that point he's fantastic. I realized that's... just him? He does everything we do at every other point, he just has that quirk. And that's okay!
I'm sure trainers go through the same thing with Pokemon lmao
Seriously! Just because your dog is not perfect by like obedience standards, doesn't mean your dog isn't a good dog. Your dog is its own person and like with being friends with people with quirks that sometimes you like, sometimes you don't you just learn to live with them because you love them!
That isn't to say you should be a doormat, you as the person, just gotta strike a good balance that's all.
So yeah, I can see it. Great example is in the anime. Ash had SO much trouble with his Charizard for a whole fricking season and a half? But despite everything, he still kept trying to reach out. He didn't shy away from using him in battles, he's still depending and trusted his Charizard because a good trainer doesn't just sideline someone like that.
I kind of want to see more of Trainers struggling with their Pokemon, working through those moments of frustartion and eventually making compromises or finding workarounds that make everyone happy. But I cna also understand how some things lead to pain, trauma and negative things too. Life isn't perfect and the Pokemon world, while ideal in some cases, I can see aren't as great in others.
I wanna see someone try to walk these absolutely massive dogs and try to hold them back from going wee. You know. Dogs capable of hyperbeaming your face. lol
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crmsnmth-journal · 3 months
2/20/2024 11:07 PM
Sometimes I don't know where to start. So let's just jump on in for now.
Work was slow toight. I figured it would be. I'm pretty sure the whole week wil be, with Winter Carnival coming up this weekend. Nonstop slammed the entire night. It's gonna be hell. It's also going to be fun. Especiallu after the slowness of this week.
I didn't really think about much of anything today. I was kind of on autopilot, and as long as it doesn't become a habit, I think it's okay to take a day off on thinking every so often. You can't sontantly work a muscle without expecting it to be sore. And that's how it feels someday. Like it hurts to think and I know I need a break. And on days like that I run on autopilot enough, that noone really notices anything other being a little quieter than normal.
Still at a standstill on my book. I've written maybe two or three sentences since this whole block bullshit started. It's frustrating. And that energy gets turned into poems and stories. Instead of the actual thing I want to finish. A very specific kind of writer's block. I'm not really worried though. I've had writer's block before, and I'll have it again. It goes with the territory, and eventually it's not a surprise as much. A burst of creative works, followed by a month or two or more where words are difficult to play with. It will always ne frustarting and annoying but even the greats get it too. All of us pen warriors just take it as tricks in the trade
I'm not a good person, but hey, at least I"m starting to try
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snallavanta · 8 months
Wait what are you talking about? What football player. Ronaldo? Cuz he's still following him. And liking every single one of his posts. He has his book on his bedroom slelf. And he liked Ronaldo post praising the queen after her death which I then found it a bit ??? But then again didn't people here uncover E has ties with 6 noble families in Sweden.But then again Ronaldo is the most followed person on insta, wasn't it in the news lately? So people obviously don't care
And if you put the person you like on such a high pedestal you're gonna end up dissapointed. The more you look the more you'll find, and spending your time edducating them or holding them accoubtable for everything and wanting them to be 100% on the right side of everything will only cause you frustartions. Nobody is perfect and nobody is always right. Even us have some shitty views, and the people around us. Those people you look up to are just humans like all of us. Don't make it your entire personality trying to model them into a perfect human being because such thing doesn't exist.
They will not always do what you want, they will not always say what you want to hear. And that's ok. If you can't move past that, you're gonna end up being bitter and resentful. Don't hold hope they will adress it and then be dissapointed they don't. If it's a dealbraker let them go and move ro someone else. But sooner or later you're gonna have the same problem, because they will also do something you don't agree with. But they don't own it to us to be perfect. Just like we are also not perfect.
the football player that edvin supported is paul pogba, who showed support and is friends with an alleged rapist, benjamin mendy (also another footballer). i'm not sure exactly which post edvin liked. however, benjamin mendy has been found to be not guilty on all charges of rape.
trying to find fault with their past definitely won't do you any good since the moment has passed already. anyway, they are strangers to us at the end of the day
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hourlyanin · 1 year
it's only 2 hours left before the 2022 end. after went through a lot of things, i cant believe i was be able to be here today. it has never been easy since forever, but im so proud of myself for endure it all well. so many things happened this year.
start from January 2022, it was the first time of me as a senior high school student going to school with full capacity since the pandemic start. i had a very hard that time. i used to cry on the way of going to school. i was tiring and i feel so bad for my dad. for made him to go through this kind of situation.
"if i were smart enough, dad wouldnt be this tired"
it might be difficult to me but honestly it was worth to be remembered. i made a lot of memory there, with my fellow mipa satu friends. it was a short time yet im so happy for meeting them. spatsa will always be missed
2. move to the February 2022, it was the month when i moved the new school which closest than before from house. smale. it was February 14th. the valentine days. i didnt celebrate it but it was the day when i feel so loved by God. i still can believe what's happening. i was screaming like insane even though i was puasa that time. "i have never felt this happy in my life" said me that time.
but just after one day after move the new school, i got sick. i was trying to adjusting myself in the new environment while enduring my pain on my stomache. it was a very difficult but thanks god Roschan helped me a lot that time
3. March 2022, finally moved to the new school. it was tough either because right after i went to school for the first time, my fellow friends whom i just met got a covid. i was tested for it but thanks god the result is negative. my school back to PJJ once again but on February 26th march my school announced that student are allowed to back to school again. when the first time i entered the class it felt so strange. i was so afraid that people wont accept me. i had a lot of bad thoughts which kill me inside. but thanks god i met a lot of nice person there. they welcomed and treat me so well hence i didnt feel lonely anymore. it was also the day when i finally met chan for the first time. he greeted me first.
4. April 2022, i had been spending a lot time talking with can in this period. we are getting close and closer than before. we used to share everything and here i am start to catch a feeling with him. i was hestitate at first but i made the first move and stuff then. it was a frustarting and fun phase at the same time but i enjoy it all. really
5. May 2022, we ended up together and celebrate our first Eid together. it was also the month of our first date. we went to Kota Kasablanka and watch a Doctor Strange. it was so awkward we cant even talk properly that time. we were too shy and afraid to make each others felt uncomfortable. we ate on Es Teler 77 either
6. June 2022, we are getting more comfortable. we went to mall and spend a good time there. it was the month when you kissed my cheek for the first time hehe. i was running because of shy
7. July 2022, i didnt remember it well but this month is one of worst one. we hurt each others and it caused a misunderstanding between us. we almost lose each others but our urge to stay together is bigger than it.
8. August 2022, i was sick right before ur birthday. i was caught fever because of exhausted that time but i forced myself not to miss ur birthday even though my condition didnt well. i was not going to school but you constantly said you miss me and want to see me. that things made me want to get better asap. i want to say happy birthday to you as a person than anyone
9. September 2022,
10. October 2022
11. November 2022
12 December 2022
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sofibeth · 2 years
Frontiers Progress Part 2
Finished Ares Island and i think I’m halfway through Chaos, hard to tell cause the island soooo big but I get into that later
Another rundown
- Ares Island right now is my favorite island, their just so many cool landmark and set pieces to find around here so dessert themed island. It really encourages you to explore everywhere and its managable to traverse.
- The Super Sonic boss is also ste up from the first just fun speculate feel with wyern and a cool scene trigger if you can do it. I still think I like the first one more than the second tho.
- As much as I like Amy, Knuckles stuff has been amazing and refreshing so see as more grounded portrayal of him. Like Amy it feels they were progress their SA1 plotlines and expanding on what they really wanna do in life.
- I also hope that means Knuckles can finally not be attached to Angel Island as much (at least in a sense of not needing an explaination to leave) him and Sonic banter I want more of.
- Chaos Island has been a mixed bag for me, on the one hand its alot of creative set pieces and the idea of traveling to mini island is nice, but unlike Ares it feels lot of landmakr blend in so its harder to find your way there.
- I had friends in the call who helped me guide to story progress cause for them they had to pull up a guide, I admit I cheat on getting the blue emerald by using a bird enemy.
- Also Squid is cursed for me I failed so many times on the boss chase just cause I was 1. not double jumping properly and 2. breaking the sequence that i keep not reaching the path. I admit partly it was my faults but that was a frustarting experience.
- Big was easier to find and also this point learned how broken he actually is, only really used him for Egg Memo cause I wanna play the game properly.
- The 2D gimmick here is neat but I need very fickly from switch to 3D to 2D. I think the best way to describe Chaos Island is there alot of neat ideas but its way too ambious that it can get tedious if you just want to progress.
- Which is a shame because I am luving both the lore dump and Tails’ plotline so far, I still salty bout Forces but I appreciate trying expand upon why he acted the way he did in that game and growing from it.
- I think I understand why they put Tails on the third island cause he’s immedialy figuring out the lore XD
- Also give huge props to how Sage is both writing and voice acting wise, for such an unemotive range the subtle range and wording you can tell she is becoming alot more conflicted on letting Sonic perish to his fate and not asking as hosile to him. Its certainly becoming a dynamic I’ve been enjoying.
- I last stopped at the cutscene between Tails and Sage, I just think the scene is really good example of character writing in this game for a conversation I didn’t expect but enjoying what I got.
Anywho I am making the mistake of 100% Chaos Island wish me luck!
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spadoogle · 4 years
That one Batman audio snippet from the "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood" end credits had me like
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awolfhashishonor · 4 years
The Combeferre/Marius fic is done! (mostly I might go back and add some stuff)
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sunagakures · 5 years
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blueroseblaze · 6 years
Devil bringer gives Nero chronic pain. Not enough to incapacitate him but he has a constant subtle soreness or tightness in his entire right arm. Y’know that feeling after you pull a muscle and it loosens up but it still hurts. It’s like that but all the time. If he overexerts it then it really hurts him and he needs to take a minute for the pain to die down before it goes back to normal
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Last year I had appendicitis and had to get emergency surgery. The scar that was left sometimes bothers me and other times I think its the coolest thing ever. I have a request, well two but pick the one you would like to write about if you wish, ofcourse! The brothers reactions when MC is too nervous to remove their shirt because of the scar on their stomach (probably in an intimate settling but not really in detail) or MC rips off their shirt and be like LOOK AT MY STAB WOUNDS! (Jokingly) Tyvm!
Hi and thanks for a great request!
He is so perfect so no wonder you don't really want to show your imperfections to him. However, he doesn't ask for your opinion when ripping your shirt off so...
He is really surprised and taken aback by your reaction. Like, why did you flinch and tried to hide your scar?
"Does it bother you? Do you think it makes you look less beautiful"?
As he speaks, he takes off his clothes and demonstrates you all the tiny and pale scars that cover his body.
"I got this during the Battle... This one is from last year, there was a really nasty demon who wouldn't learn..."
"Scars don't make you look less beautiful because they display a certain experience one had in their life".
He then pulls you close and kisses your scar softly.
At first, Mammon really can't understand why you don't want to take your shirt off.
Is he rushing things too much? Are you not ready yet?
THEN WHAT'S WRONG???? (it's driving him crazy bc he is sick worried he is doing sth wrong)
Oh, the scar? What scar?
No, he honestly didn't notice anything. No, he didn't notice anything after you took your shirt off too.
Oh, so you are worried about a scar? Pfffffffff.
"Baby, you are dealing with a demon. Wanna know what kind of things really put me off?"
"You are the most beautiful creature anywhere in three worlds so shuddup and kiss me".
He was just about to finish talking about his favorite battle anime when he ntoiced you went strangely silent.
Oh no, did he say something wrong? Did he upset you somehow?
Levi is ~N E R V O U S~ af
As you explain that you also have sort of a "battle scar", his face lightens up.
Remember when he was commanding the Navy in the Celestial Realm? Now it's his time to shine!
He will tell you endless stories about his battles and will proudly display all his scars (there are surprisingly many of them).
"We are a power team and no normies can beat us!"
He is kinda surprised to see you being hesitant about taking your clothes off. You wanted it, right? So what's wrong?
He will patiently listen to your muddled explanation though.
"Very well, now take them off".
No, he doesn't care honestly.
Yes, that's 100% true.
"Listen, kitten, I love you for who you are, not only for how you look. Scars are just reminders of some experience but they don't make anyone look worse"
"Now come here and kiss me, stupid".
You are really nervous because well... Asmo loves beautiful things and scars do not really belong to them.
But you then take a deep breath and take your shirt off. He will see sooner or later.
"Oh dear, you are not only beautiful but brave as well!"
"You know how we call scars in Devildom? Warrior sygils. Isn't it beautiful?"
"Now I desire you even more!"
Tbh, Asmo is so pure in expressing his love that nothing about you can really set him off!
Out of all his brothers, Beel is the most calm and patient especially when it comes to listening to others.
So when you explained your.... imperfection, he remained as calm as ever.
"Can I have a look?"
He stares at your scar for so long that you start getting worried but then he says...
"It looks like icing on a cupcake! Can I kiss it?"
Yup, that's Beel.
You were pillow fighting and your shirt slipped up and revealed your bare skin with a scar.
He immediately grabs your shirt and pulls it up.
"How did you get it? What happened?"
His first reaction is anger because scar means someting bad happened to you in the past and he wasn't there to protect you.
"Oh, it's medical. I see now".
He still feels frustarted because he was not there to support you.
"What do I think of it? Why does it matter? You should be asking what I think of you instead".
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ravenswood · 6 years
top 3 saw assholes: eric matthews, bobby dagen, jeff denlon
i’d replace bobby with hoffman but if we’re just talking like non-entertaining assholes then yes absolutely
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