#natural remedies for labour pain
healthandfitness786 · 5 months
Nature's Pharmacy Unveiled:
Exploring the wealth of natural healing solutions
Harnessing the power of herbs, plants, and more
Comprehensive A-Z Healing Guide:
A vast array of remedies for common ailments
Holistic approaches for total well-being
Time-Tested Herbal Remedies:
Traditional wisdom meets modern health needs
Herbal solutions for diverse health concerns
Homeopathy Demystified:
Understanding and utilizing homeopathic remedies
Gentle yet effective approaches to healing
Essential Oils & Aromatherapy Therapies:
Fragrant remedies for mind, body, and soul
Aromatherapeutic benefits for various conditions
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Remedy Epolouge
Pairing: Surgeon! Aemond Targaryen x fem! reader
Warning: mention of surgery, childbirth, fluff, Aemond's control issues
Summary: Even after a year of marriage, he was still a control freak.
Aemond got out of a 10-hour surgery, exhausted but happy with his work. The patient was stable and on their way to recovery.
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Remedy Masterlist
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He helped clean up the OR. A ritual he adopted in his resident years. It brought him peace. Like he was cleaning his mind. His phone dinged, indicating someone sent a text. During the operation, it had been unmuted. Everyone in the room knew that if his wife’s caller ID appeared on the screen, he would run to the maternity wing. But it did not happen. Which made Aemond’s anxiety increase. You were due any day now.
Ever since you reached the end of her pregnancy, he sat on pins and needles. He terrorised the nurse station daily to ask if the room he had booked for the arrival of his first kid was still available. They would nod, ensuring it was still free. Whenever the nurses of the maternity wing saw him coming their way, they just rolled their eyes. It became a habit to play rock, paper, and scissors for those who had to deal with him.
His overbearing nature got the best of him when you were over your estimated due date. He wanted to drive to the hospital and induce your labour. Talking gibberish while gathering your hospital bag and the car keys. It was the first and only time you ever slapped him. Hard. The look on his face was equal parts priceless but also heartbreaking. You loved him, you did. But he was overbearing and the constant worry got you out of the calm zone you had entered in your last pregnancy month. In plain words, you didn’t give a shit. If the baby needed more time, so be it. You were late to most of your things too. Your baby would inherit your tardiness to the annoyance of Aemond.
After finishing cleaning he walked out to the sight of a nurse who he had seen often. She stood right outside the operation room, smiling nervously at him. Shifting from one foot to the other. He didn’t need a psychology degree to know she was beyond nervous. „Hey, Aemond. First off, it was your wife. She told me to say you should not yell at me. It was her decision not to call. She is now in labour. Her contractions set in about an hour ago, but her water has not yet broken.“
His good eye seemed to pierce through the nurse. His anger simmering. They had a deal. She would call, and he would run. He took a deep breath in to get his anger to settle. Same breathing technique as the one you would use right now to reduce pain.
He nodded softly. „She is in the room?“ The nurse nodded. Aemond didn’t wait, he began to sprint through the hospital. Past numerous hospital staff and patients. Watching out not to crash into them. He didn’t care about any strange looks he got, his wife was in labour.
As he ran past the nurse station of the surgeon department he stopped for a short while. „Cancel all my other appointments, she is in labour.“
As fast as he came, as fast he was gone. The nurses looked after him, raising their brows and shrugging their shoulders. They had done that an hour ago. The operations were redirected to other surgeons and meetings were postponed. News spread fast in this hospital, especially the news of a doctor’s child being born.
Aemond crashed into the doorpost before he hastily made his way into the room. His breathing was ragged and his clothes were in disarray.
You were walking around the room, setting up your stuff while breathing like you learned in the baby classes. You held up the grey baby blanket with the bees embroidered on it. Smiling to yourself as you would hold your little one in it in a few hours. You felt like you smoked a joint as you walked around the room. But you didn’t take anything and the nurses hadn’t offered anything other than the question about an epidural, you declined.
Aemond walked in, sweat dripping down his face as he took you in. He could see who the laid-back parent would be, letting their kid eat dirt and who would be the helicopter parent.
„Are you alright?“ „How was the surgery? Everything went well?“ „Yes, the patient lives. How are you?“ He impatiently asked. His breath was short and ragged. His eyes were wide with panic.
You turned your gaze to him and smiled. „I am fine. The contractions are still half an hour apart. My next one should be in ten minutes. I stopped eating before you went to work. And I eat ice chips to stay hydrated. Is that all you need, doc?“ You smiled at him with an amused little smile.
Aemond rolled his eyes. You got so used to him going into doctor mode the last nine months. You knew what to say to each of his subtle questions. „Thank you, my darling.“ He whispered before kissing your forehead. „Baby in the right position?“ You nodded again. „They are. It feels like I have to pee constantly but it’s not the case.“
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Malaenys Targaryen was born at three past five in the afternoon. She weighed 2580 grams and was 45 centimetres. She came into the world with a shrill cry. Her limps kicked at the nurses until she was swaddled into her bee blanket and put into Aemond’s arms.
Aemond had never been more in love and at the same time so scared of his wife as when she gave birth. He had nearly delivered their daughter himself if you didn’t yank him back to your side and threatened to send him home instead of letting him stay overnight with them if he didn’t calm down already and let the doctors, who had a lot of experience in this field, do their job. You looked so calm when you threatened him. The threatening smile at the end slightly aroused him.
As you slept, Aemond sat on the bed sofa, holding his sweet little girl in his arms. Watching her eyes move behind her eyelids. Her pale silver eyelashes framed her little periwinkle eyes hidden by her lids. A tuft of silver-white hair covered her little head. Her chubby cheeks pressed into his chest as she lay on him.
He caressed her back softly. Her breathing was small. Sometimes little grunts left her lips. Aemond chuckled at how cute they sounded. The anxiety and panic he felt were gone.
He never knew he could fall in love so hard and fast as he fell for you and now your daughter. He will not be an easy father, he hoped Malaenys wouldn’t be a handful during puberty, and he knew he would be an absolute pain in the ass for every single teacher of his precious little girl. But he knew he had you at his side. He knew he could make a great father as long as you were around.
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thebadboyfanclub · 1 year
I Spill My Blood For You (Aegon x Reader)
Now was this requested? No, but it’s been itching my brain to write something toxic for Aegon also in this story Aegon is not a rpist just fucked in the head and a drunk. T.W mentions of self harm
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(Y/n) knew Aegon loved her, at least that is what she told herself to make the pain of betrayal go away. Aegon and (y/n) had been betrothed since they were young so it was only natural they spend most of their youth together all the way until the wedding.
Aegon was not a bad man but he had his vices, he made attempts to be a good husband and most of the time he succeeded, yet he would always find his way back to filthy whore houses at the street of silk, spending his night with whores and dornish wine, on the morrow he would come back to their shared chamber and plead for forgiveness on his knees to (y/n), she always forgave him what else could she do? He was her lord husband, her Aegon he might not have meant his vow on the contrary (y/n) meant it when she stood in front of the Sept and declared her love and loyalty to him “until the end of my days”
When (y/n) became with child Aegon was thrilled, he lifted her and spun her around as he showered her with kisses and words of encouragement, for months he was at his best behaviour that even had his own mother rubbing her eyes in disbelief, everyone seemed to be able to take a breath after Aegons change of character.
The main reason was how frightened (y/n) was at the thought of childbirth, as she had confessed to him the same night she announced her pregnancy to him she sobbed in his arms, shaking like a leaf as he hugged her. (Y/n) had listened to one to many stories of Maesters gutting women like a fish for the babe to get out, the mere thought brought shivers down her spine.
Aegon tended to (y/n)s every need, basically he was her shadow he always escorted her for long walks in the garden under the order of the maesters that walking was going to help her prepare for her labour, he made sure she ate lots of fresh fruit and drew her baths at the night of the owl since it seemed to be the only remedy that worked for her aching back that made her restless.
(Y/n) was delighted at how Aegon had stepped up to assist her during this important time, she relished how his hand was always in her growing belly and laughed when he would try to talk to the babe for hours on end, she felt relieved she even thought this was certainly the end of his visitations at the pillow houses.Their family was going to grow and she wanted her children to blossom in a family full of love, for the little babes to look up to their parents and smile.
It was prince Aemonds name day and the feast was marvellous, (y/n)s belly had grown big and round to the point that the sept indicated it wasn’t only one babe making (y/n) shake like a leaf from fear, childbirth was already a painful procedure let alone pushing out two of them. Alas she brushed it off, (y/n) put on her finest and most comfortable dress to escort her lord husband.
It was well into the night when (y/n) lost sight of him, again she tried to reason with herself and think that he was probably out for some air or had been distracted and started a conversation with some lord. That changed when she slowly got up from her chair and let out a yelp as a sharp pain occurred at her lower belly, at an instant she felt a gush of liquid between her legs making her eyes grow wide. Queen Alicent was the first one to notice and rushed over to the girl, holding her hand tightly
“What is it sweet (y/n)?”
“I’ve started my labours”
The queen had send the guards to find her son while she stayed with (y/n) who was wailing from the pain, crying and begging for mercy as her entire body felt like it was burning, the room was full of women and the Maester who was doing his best to help poor (y/n).
“Push my darling”
“I can’t, I need Aegon”
“I know dear but you must, come on you can do this”
Finally after hours upon hours of effort (y/n) gave birth to two beautiful babes, a boy and a girl, both of them healthy. (Y/n) almost buried herself in the pillows from exhaustion as she was covered with sweat, however she was smiling. Everything had gone well, the babes were heathy and she was alive, in pain but alive, when she held them it was the most blissful moment in her life if she had to describe it she felt like her heart got cut in three pieces and two of the parts went to the babes.
“What are their names?”
“Maegor and Alicent”
Alicent gasped at (y/n)s decision. (Y/n) had grown font of the queen, she had done mistakes but she wasn’t cruel and (y/n) could tell that she had done the best that she could with all her children, as well as being the only person to hold her hand through the labour.
“Thank you”
Alicent stayed with (y/n) as the young mother slept, waiting to hear back from the guards and her irresponsible son, as she watched the girl sleep her anger rose more and more, how could he leave her when he had known (y/n) was going to go through labour any minute now, he ran away like a coward to go sin and once again embarrass them.
The sun had started to rise when Ser Arryk had walked in and dragged Aegon with him, Alicent thanked the knight for his service and instructed him to leave the half conscious Aegon laying on the floor. She went to check on (y/n) to make sure she is still sleeping, brushing away a few strands of hair from her face and placing a kiss on her forehead before she walked to stand over her son.
“Mother? Where am I?”
“You are a disgrace do you know that?”
The spoke in a low tone yet it was harsh and cold. The scene that was playing in front of her eyes infuriated her, her own kin, her first child on the floor dirty and reeking of wine while his wife had just given birth to twins, she felt responsible for his ridiculous actions and she could not take it anymore.
She kicked his side in anger making him groan and curl up from the pain, he coughed a few times as he started to understand where was his mothers wrath coming from.
“What did I do?”
“What did you do? I will tell you, you wasted your night away with whores and wine while your wife gave birth”
His mothers words made his blood ran cold, in a blink of an eye he had sobered up from the shock of the news he had just heard. No, it couldn’t be, he had been there this whole time she could not have given birth tonight, he looked up at his mother even if it hurt his eyes and Aegon could swear he saw steam coming out of her ears.
“Certainly you are jesting”
“Get up and look at your wife, how she is laying after giving birth to twins”
Twins! Two babes! Several thoughts raced through aegons blurry mind, was she alright? Was anyone with her? Was she scared? Are the babes alright and healthy? As got off the floor he felt a mixture of guilt and humiliation take over him, rightfully so if he could add. He had done the best he could and yet when the time came he proved everyone right, he failed just like how all of them expected.
Silence fell while he looked at his wife who had drifted off to dreamland, her belly had deflated and that was the sign he needed to understand this was not a dream like he secretly hoped.
“Where are the babies?”
“ With the wet nurses, a boy and a girl, (y/n) took the liberty and named them-”
“Maegor and Alicent”
He whispered, a few nights ago as she laid in their bed and let Aegon rub her belly she mentioned the names she liked. At first Aegon laughed at how they would repeating the cycle of Aegon and Maegor, after a while he reached up to place a sweet kiss on his wife’s lips and told her what a pretty name Alicent is also how his mother would jump from joy.
“I knew you are a low life but this is a new low, missing the birth of your children”
“You think I wanted this? I wanted to be here”
“you left, you rushed to your whores and fleeted from your wife’s side like a dim wit, do you know that she was asking for you? Poor thing was begging me to run and get you, telling me again and again how scared she was”
“Stop mother please”
He pressed his mother as he felt close to breaking down.
Aegon had his back turned to (y/n) and Alicent was too furious to notice that (y/n) had awoken a while ago, moreover she chose to remain silent and view them from afar. She listened to Alicent harass Aegon and watched Aegon get eaten by his own pain and guilt, a side of her was happy that this caused such a reaction out of him on the other hand she felt like she should stop this and she did.
“Where are the babes?”
Her voice was hoarse from sleep and exhaustion, she had slept for only a few hours and it was not enough to help her recover. Alicent once again went to her side and held her hand while the other went on the girls cheek to caress it as her eyes scanned for any signs of pain.
“It’s alright my dear (y/n), they are with the wet nurses, you should rest my girl go back to sleep”
“No no, I want to see my children”
She protested as she struggled to raise her chest and sit up on her bed, Alicent tended to her and fixed (y/n)s pillows for back support. It was the first time that (y/n)s eyes were met with Aegons, Aegon locked his gaze for a second before he went back to starring at the floor, embarrassed by his actions and appearance.
“Your grace could you please go and ask the wet nurses to bring my babes?”
“Of course, as you wish dearest”
Alicent left the girl and gave one last disappointing look to Aegon before she left them alone, shutting the door behind her.
As they were alone, Aegon did not know what to say, there was nothing that he could possibly phrase that would make this better, (y/n) was silent, she wanted for him to break first since he was the one in the wrong and it wasn’t just a small mistake, he broke his promise, he had done such big acts to make her believe he had change just to prove her wrong at the very end, bitterness and anger made her chest hurt.
“I’m sorry”
He whispered, only to be met with a pillow thrown at his face with force from (y/n). It did not hurt but once he raised his gaze he saw the anger that she was experiencing how her rage took over her.
“Where the fuck were you?! You fucking left me”
She barked at him, pain rushed through her due to her sudden move since her abdomen and private part hasn’t fully recovered from
Childbirth, she ignored it as fury towards her husband was her main focus.
Aegon could count the times he had seen (y/n) be cross with him in his one hand, none of them were like this. Her face had changed as her eyes threw daggers at hum, she was unrecognisable as something took over her and it sunk in how he couldn’t get away with this, she had been tipped over the edge and he was the one that pushed her.
“Please my dove”
“No! I do not wish to hear you speak! Shut up for once you fucking moron! I trusted you, I have been nothing but a good wife, a trusting companion an honourable match and this how you repay me? I have stood by you when no one else was there!”
As madness wrapped her up tightly her curse words and harsh truths being her only weapon as she could not physically attack him. Her voice louder than Aegon has ever heard it, he flinched at her outrage he did not try to protest because deep inside he knew he was the villain.
(Y/n) spoke truthfully, Aegon could blame his family all he wanted it would not change the fact that (y/n) was the one ray of sunshine in his darkness and he dimmed her light until she was also eaten up by the dark. Silent tears streamed down his eyes as she kept throwing pillows at him as a way to cause him pain, she could throw a brick at him if she craved then again it would be her words that made him crumble.
“I have put myself at the sword! I went through the seven rings of hell for you! I’ve been ridiculed by everyone at court due to your lustful sins and wrongdoings for you to be absent at our childrens birth, what if I were dead Aegon? What if our children did not make it?”
“Please don’t-“
“What? You don’t want to think about it? You would feel shame if I were to lay dead yet now that I’m alive everything is fine? I might be well Aegon but this put our marriage to rest”
The last declaration was the one that made his eyes snap away from the carpet and look at her, she could not do this? She could not leave him? No, they just had their first babes she could not deprive him of them.
Aegon, quick on his feet went on her side and fell on his knees in front of her, (y/n) had seen this before, once again Aegon would beg for mercy, whisper sweet promises and express his love to her and like a fool she would believe him.
When Aegon went to grab her hands (y/n) reacted before she could think and landed a strong slap across his face, making his head turn to the side. Aegon shocked by the slap stood still momentarily, she had never reached the point of physically assaulting him yes she had been upset but now she was ruthless, nothing could stop her.
“I tried Aegon, oh how I yearned for you to become a man of honour, a man that could be a good husband and a father, you have once again disappointed me. The servants will pack your belongings we are not to share chambers any longer”
Something in Aegon snapped, as (y/n) spoke of their new set of rules in their marriage he inspected the dagger he had left on their nightstand he had left it there when (y/n) had asked him to peel an orange for her.
With a swift motion Aegon was on his feet and had taken the dagger in his hand, cutting his arm all the way down from elbow to wrist.(y/n) gasped at the sudden cruel harm he had caused in himself, it felt like time had remained still as they eyeballed one another, Aegon still crying felt the pain although to him it was nothing that what his heart was experiencing.
“I spill my blood for you, my heart beats for you, you are my wife, my life, the fire in my soul, the breath in my lungs (y/n) you have kept me alive, without you I might as well wither away”
“I will do anything you wish, I will gut myself if that will bring you comfort, my heaven, if you leave my side I will be stuck in the endless cycle of misery and hell, there is no reason for me to walk amongst the people once the light of life is not here”
His blood dripped on the carpet, Valyrian steel cut clean and Aegon was starting to understand the consequences of his actions as he started to wobble when he was fighting unconsciousness. (Y/n) had opened her mouth to say something when Aegon collapsed, at an instant (y/n) jumped off the bed forgetting her own suffering to sit by her husbands side and place his head on her thighs.
“Aegon! Aegon! No no don’t do this to me Aegon”
Alicent had heard (y/n)s cries of agony and bursted in the door with Ser Arryk thinking that something had happened to her good-daughter and to her disturbance she couldn’t have been more wrong. (Y/n)s white night gown ruined with her child’s blood as she screeched in agony, Ser Arryk being the only one that had kept his composure lifted the prince as his hand hanged from one side leaving drops of his blood as a trail all the way to the bed, (y/n) had not seen Alicent scurry away from the room, she just heard the woman yell for the maesters.
(Y/n) jumped on the bed next to her lord husband, cupping his porcelain face with her bloody hands, staining his flesh with his own blood that he had shed as a desperate declaration of love and devotion, “how peculiar” she thought, hours ago she was covered in her own blood as a minor sacrifice for life to be brought into this world, now she was smearing Aegons blood who attempted to take his own life, a life had been created and a life was being taken.
“It’s alright, it’s alright he is going to be alright”
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sequinsmile-x · 3 months
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This is Our Place, We Make The Rules - Chapter 11 - Exercise
A collection of non-sequential mini-fics and one-shots of Hotchniss and their life at home.
Chapter 11 - Exercise
Hi besties,
There is a little mini fic full of fluff and these two idiots being adorable and very in love with each other.
Happy Monday, I hope you all got through it <3
Just a quick reminder that the chapters in this are non-sequential.
Warnings: pregnancy
Words: 1.5k
Read over on Ao3, or below the cut
Emily groans as she comes to a stop on the sidewalk, one hand on her back and the other on her bump as she tries to catch her breath. 
“Jesus Christ,” she huffs out, leaning against the wall surrounding their house, barely a few steps away from the gate. 
“Are you feeling something already?” Aaron asks, standing next to her, his hand on her back as he rubs circles on it and she groans, shaking her head as she stands up straight, groaning as all of her weight shifts back onto her feet. She’s wearing a large sweatshirt that once belonged to him, the Harvard Logo stretched over her belly, and a pair of maternity leggings. She looked beautiful, like she always did, but he knew if he told her she wouldn’t believe him. He looks her up and down for any signs of pain, any indication that her labour has started, but all he sees is the usual discomfort that had settled into her features over the last few weeks. 
“No,” she grumbles, “He’s going to stay in there forever.” 
He clears his throat to cover a smile and grabs her hand, tugging on her arm slightly until she starts to move, and they walk slowly away from their house. She was 41 weeks pregnant and miserable. She was at most two days away from giving birth, her induction already booked in, but she was desperate to go into labour naturally. 
They’d tried all the home remedies the doctor had suggested. 
Spicy food. Raspberry leaf tea. Sex. A lot of sex. But their son was determined to stay put, happily kicking away in Emily’s belly as she slowly lost her mind because of how uncomfortable she was, her body stretched almost to its limit. Aaron was the one to suggest the walk, the last of her doctor’s suggestions, and even though she’d complained heartily she had eventually agreed. He’d tied her shoes for her and then led her out of the house, Jack happily doing his homework with Jessica in the dining room, and Aaron hoped beyond everything that this would help. 
“He’s just comfortable in there, that’s all,” Aaron says, kissing the top of her head as they continue to slowly walk down their street, “He’ll be here soon.”
She rolls her eyes, “He’d better be,” she says, looking down at her bump and directing the rest of her sentence to her unborn son, “Or he’s in big trouble.” 
He chuckles and places his hand on her stomach, “Don’t pay any attention, Benny. Mommy is entirely incapable of being mad at us Hotchners for long.” 
She looks at him sharply, her eyebrow raised, “Don’t test me,” she says, and then she squeezes his hand, indicating that she needs to stop again. She blows out an unsteady breath, “I used to chase unsubs. Whilst wearing heels and aiming a gun,” she complains, smiling gratefully when he places his hands on her shoulders to steady her, “Now I can barely walk a few feet without getting breathless.” 
“To be fair sweetheart,” he says, pulling the bottle of water he’d snuck into his jacket pocket out and taking off the lid before he passes it to her, “You never used to have, how did you put it earlier, ‘a baby with my giant feet’ pressed against your lungs.” 
She scrunches her nose up at him as she sips her water and then passes him the bottle back, “He’s huge,” she says, an edge of affection to her voice despite her complaining, “You’re huge. It’s all your fault.” 
He knows it’s not a good idea to point out she wasn’t exactly short herself so he kisses her forehead and takes a step backwards, “Why don’t we try curb stepping?” 
She glares at him, “Curb stepping?” 
“You know, one foot on the street, one on the sidewalk,” he says, demonstrating it for her for a few paces before he turns to look at her, “It supposedly helps.” 
“According to who?” She asks defiantly, her arms crossed and settled on top of her bump. He walks back towards her and wraps his arm around her shoulders, kissing her temple, smiling to himself as she sinks into him seemingly against her own accord, as if she was drawn to him by instinct. 
“The internet,” he replies simply, kissing her temple again before he pulls back to look at her, “I looked it up.” 
She sighs, knowing she’s being petulant but she can’t help it, discomfort and irritation shifting under her skin just like her son, and she looks at the edge of the curb before she looks back up at her husband, “Are you sure we can’t just have sex again?” 
Aaron laughs and kisses her, his hand on her cheek as he holds her in place, “When we get home sweetheart,” he says, kissing her again, “But let's try this first, okay?” 
She huffs out a breath, her hair moving as she does so, but then she nods, “Fine. But sex later?”
He presses his lips together to suppress another smile and he nods, “I promise.” 
Emily squeezes his hand and then steps towards the edge of the sidewalk, taking a moment before she drops one foot down to the street. She grunts at the difference in her gait she she slowly walks, one foot on the sidewalk, the other on the road. She swears that she feels her baby’s head shift further down into her pelvis, and she curses her husband under her breath as she goes. 
“Son of a bitch is lucky he’s hot.” 
“I heard that,” he says, walking alongside her, and she turns to glare at him, grunting again as she takes another step. 
“Good. I meant you to,” she replies, unable to stop the smile that spreads across her face as he looks at her in fake indignation. She goes as far as she can, her lower back starting to ache, and then she stops, “Okay, I think I’m done.” 
He offers her his hand and helps her back onto the sidewalk, “Want to head back home?”
She nods, squeezing his hand, “In a second,” she says as she looks up, a whine escaping her as she sees how close they still are to the house, Sergio still visible in his bed in the living room window, “You have got to be kidding me? We didn’t even make it down the block?” 
He lifts their joint hands and kisses her knuckles, “Still counts as exercise, baby.” 
She looks up at him, smirking as she flutters her eyelashes, “You know what else counts as exercise-”
He cuts her off with his laugh and kisses her knuckles again, “You’re insatiable.”
She hums as they start slowly walking back towards the house, “I’m desperate to get our son out of me,” she says, sighing sadly, “I just want to meet him, Aaron. I want to hold him and know his face.” 
He wraps his arm around her shoulders and pulls her close, “I know, Em. Me too. And we will, very soon,” she says, and she comes to a stop, and for a moment he thinks she’s just taking another breather, but then he spots the wet patch on the ground. He places his hand over his jacket pocket, “Damn it, I think the water bottle…”
He drifts off when he feels his jacket is dry and she chuckles, her hands both on her belly as she looks up at him.
“My water just broke,” she says, grimacing as she feels the dampness on her legs, the material of her leggings sticking to her, “It feels so fucking gross.” 
“Okay,” he says, snapping into action, acting a lot calmer than he feels as he starts to lead her back towards the house again, their pace slightly faster, “We’ll get you changed and then we’ll get your bag and head to the hospital.” 
She nods, “Yes,” she says, breathing out as reality starts to sink in once they are back in their driveway, “We’re going to meet our son.” 
He turns to face her and he kisses her, aware that their lives are about to change for the better, “Let’s go have a baby,” he says, stamping his lips against hers again before he helps her up the stairs to the porch, “You know what this means, right?” 
“What?” She asks, smiling softly at him as he lets her into the house, a dull ache starting to build in her back. 
“The curb stepping worked.” 
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Homeopathic treatment for plaque psoriasis
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Psoriasis is an autoimmune skin condition characterised by the rapid buildup of skin cells. Skin cells in a healthy person go through regular growth cycles and shedding. However, this process is accelerated in people with psoriasis, causing skin cells to accumulate on the surface. If it is the initial stage of psoriasis, you can get homeopathic treatment for plaque psoriasis through our Bharat Homeopathy.
Environmental or hereditary factors can cause psoriasis. The precise aetiology of the ailment is yet unknown, though. Psoriasis is more common in people with white or light-coloured skin, yet it can affect anyone. It affects both sexes equally and can happen to anyone at any age. One factor that contributes to psoriasis is the immune system. Skin cells usually divide and grow every month. With psoriasis, this process takes several days and causes skin cells to accumulate on the surface. It gradually spreads to every part of the body. Its points are amorphous. If you want to stop it as soon as its initial peak is detected, you can take homeopathic medicine for psoriasis. It has no side effects. Because these medicines are made from natural herbs
People with psoriasis may experience various physical, emotional, and social effects that provide several difficulties. The following are some typical challenges that people with psoriasis may encounter.
Physical discomfort: The red, itchy skin patches that are a sign of psoriasis can be physically uncomfortable. In extreme cases, the unpleasant nature of the disease may impair a person's ability to perform daily tasks. It can happen to any part of the body. The most common is on the scalp, which can be painful. Scalp psoriasis homeopathy treatment can help you prevent such severe conditions. Without any side effects
Problems with Self-Esteem and Body Image: Psoriasis can cause issues with self-esteem and body image because it is a visible condition, mainly when it affects more conspicuous areas like the face, hands, or scalp. Anxiety and despair may result from people feeling self-conscious about their looks.
Social Isolation: People with psoriasis may avoid social events out of self-consciousness about their appearance, which can result in feelings of loneliness and isolation. Fear of being judged or stigmatised may be a factor in social disengagement.
Effect on Relationships: Psoriasis has the potential to impact familial relationships. Support and empathy from spouses and family members may be necessary to assist people in dealing with the illness's difficulties.
Challenges at work: Psoriasis can sometimes make it difficult for someone to work comfortably, especially if their employment requires them to perform labour or physically interact with the public. Stress levels can increase due to prejudice in the workplace or misinformation about the disease. homeopathic remedies for psoriasis will help you avoid these difficulties. If you follow the doctor's prescription, you will get a lot of relief.
Financial burden: People with psoriasis may experience financial pressure due to the expense of medications, treatments, and doctor visits, primarily if their condition requires ongoing medical care and management. Here, you can take homeopathic treatment for psoriasis. It is budget-friendly compared to allopathic medicine.
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Visit Well Established Homeopathic PMS Relief in Melbourne for Regular Mensuration
With the help of homeopathic PMS relief in Melbourne, you can help get rid of pain and hormonal misbalance. Premenstrual issues including bloating, fluid retention, and puffiness in the extremities may signal the necessity for this treatment. Due to her hands feeling bloated, the lady can continually drop objects and feel extremely uncomfortable and clumsy. The symptoms of diarrhoea that appear around menstruation strongly suggest this treatment.
Understanding the Function of a Homoeopathic Medicines
A well-known Cina homeopathy autism remedy is used to address many of the mental health issues that affect kids. First off, it is a drug that is strongly advised for calming youngsters who are very irritable, grumpy, and fussy. They also cry and scream a lot while doing this. They frequently bite and attack the staff.
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They constantly gripe, are restless, and are easily offended. They frequently exhibit the urge to be carried, which is one of their most notable traits. This medication works wonders in reducing the irritability that most kids experience throughout the dentition phase.
Best Treatment for Extreme Irritability Associated with PMS
The best natural remedy for premenstrual syndrome is sepia. The primary area that professionals address is the management of PMS-related irritability in females. Most commonly, irritability is accompanied by a dislike of engaging in any form of either mental or physical labour.
In this situation, experts serve as a treatment to soothe the minds of ladies with agitated situations. A unique symptom that should be mentioned is uterine discomfort that is accompanied by irritation of the mind. Menstrual irregularities of any kind are frequently discovered in the majority of women.
Causes for Menstruating Women to See a Professional
The menopause treating pandas naturally will help in the early detection of difficulties and enable the timely beginning of any necessary medications and therapy, as is well-known by the homeopathic doctor for women.
They also assist kids with sensory processing issues, autism spectrum disorders, and homeopathic detox. In order for women to nourish their spirits and fill their bodies with nutritious foods, experts provide courses and holiday packages as well as therapy for anxiety, grief, and stress.
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mycreativitysblog · 2 years
Ideal Advantages of Drinking Ghee With Milk
Cow ghee and also milk are superfoods packed with several advantages. Both of these are abundant resources of nutrients as well as health for us. While ghee is originated from milk, you can add ghee to milk and drink this powerful health and wellness booster.
Nutrients in Milk
Milk has calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, healthy protein, iron, selenium, niacin, riboflavin, as well as thiamin. It likewise has vitamins A, D, B-6, E, as well as K. Healthy protein beta-caseins A1 as well as A2 are found in milk. A2 is a lot more helpful as well as is located in desi cow milk. Milk additionally has fat, which varies according to the source, like cow or buffalo.
Nutrients in Ghee
Ghee has fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K. It has butyric acid, DHA (docosahexaenoic acid, an omega-3 fatty acid), and CLA (conjugated linoleic acid, an omega-6 fatty acid). Ghee made from the bilona procedure with desi cow milk is much more useful, as it preserves the nutrients. Ghee is a recognized resource of healthy fats. Old Ayurveda extolls the benefits of taking desi ghee with milk at night. This is an extremely healing mix, which takes care of several health and wellness issues as well as provides a secure versus lots of others. Allow us analyse the goodness of taking ghee with milk.
1. Improves Gastrointestinal Toughness and Improves Metabolic Rate
The ghee-milk combination induces the secretion of digestive enzymes in the human body that aid break down complicated food fragments. It quickens food digestion as well as improves metabolic rate. This likewise aids with weight administration as well as weight-loss! Individuals struggling with bowel irregularity find relief in this solution. earthomaya Ghee, acquired from grass-fed cows, and taken with cozy milk is a natural medicine for persistent constipation.
2. Remedy For Joint Pains
Ghee oils joints and also decreases swelling and swelling in them. It has butyrate, omega 3, and omega 6 fats, every one of which lower inflammation and also pain. Milk has calcium, which is crucial for bones. If ghee is included in milk, the Vitamin K2 in ghee will assist with calcium absorption from the milk. That is why having a milk-ghee combo is taken into consideration valuable for joint pains in Ayurveda as well as is an excellent remedy for joint tightness.
3. Resistance Booster and Reprieve From Heartburn
A spoonful of cow ghee with warm milk helps in reducing the burning feeling of ulcers and acidity. As an all-natural laxative, desi ghee gets rid of toxins from the gastrointestinal system, enhances the body's resistance, and also restores natural strength. Immunity mainly depends upon the digestive tract. Because ghee as well as milk are beneficial for the intestinal tracts, the ghee-milk mix is superb for resistance.
4. Increases Stamina as well as Endurance
Desi ghee combined with milk provides a drive to physical strength as well as enhances the endurance to function longer as well as harder. This mix is particularly advised for sportspeople and individuals associated with manual labour. Not simply this, consuming milk with ghee is thought to give a healthy and balanced sex life. It assists in raising sex-related stamina and also improving seminal fluid manufacturing.
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5. For Beautiful and also Healthy And Balanced Skin
Because of enhancing contamination and also stress, the skin frequently experiences dullness, dry skin, or irregular complexion. Ghee, in addition to milk, are popular for their moisturising residential or commercial properties. Turmeric milk with ghee is suggested for moisturizing skin and also recovering its glow. This combination likewise assists treat eruptions on the skin and also pimples by getting rid of toxins from the body. It is also practical for skin concerns like eczema.
6. Improves Mental Capacity & Relieves Stress
Ghee is abundant in vitamins, nutrients, and DHA, which are important for mental health. Milk boosts glutathione in the mind, which fights oxidative tension. While the CLA in ghee boosts good cholesterol as well as reduces bad cholesterol, the tryptophan in milk changes into serotonin, which loosens up nerves. This superfood mix is a treatment for easing stress. It works marvels for expanding kids to improve mind power and also memory skills. Fast-paced life and also frantic job schedules cause anxiety and sleep loss. As opposed to standing out resting tablets, eating desi cow ghee with milk is a much more reliable solution.
7. Effective in Cough and also Cold
Turmeric as well as desi cow ghee taken with hot desi cow milk is a known cure for coughings, colds, and sinusitis. It decreases sore throats, sniffing, sneezing bouts, as well as coughing if taken regularly. The turmeric-ghee milk has antiviral as well as anti-bacterial properties. As Vata-Pitta-Kapha are balanced by the intake of this combination, enhanced food digestion decreases the danger of infections. Milk and also ghee are the lifelines of Indian cuisines. Despite the state that you're from, milk as well as ghee are probably active ingredients that you've used in your day-to-day meals. The mix of milk as well as ghee is not just delicious to eat, however they are also incredibly healthy and balanced. Ghee is the structure for lots of Ayurvedic drugs, and also studies have revealed that several health benefits originate from having ghee with milk in the evening.
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1. Reinforces the Digestive System System
A spoonful of ghee with a glass of milk will certainly benefit you way more than anything else ever will. This is specifically real if you consume alcohol ghee with cozy milk and also turmeric combination. Researches reveal that having ghee with a glass of milk and turmeric enhances digestion by eliminating dangerous toxic substances from the system. This assists with irregularity as well as offers a much-needed boost to your resistance.
2. Rises the Metabolic rate
Among the most considerable Ayurvedic advantages that come from drinking ghee milk at going to bed is that it improves your body's metabolic rate. This will greatly improve your mood while likewise enhancing stamina and helping you slim down.
3. Helps Reduce Joint Discomfort
Having desi cow ghee with milk prior to bed is a fantastic means to eliminate joint pain. Ghee is a known lubricant for joints and functions towards decreasing the swelling existing around them. Milk, on the other hand, has calcium which naturally reinforces bones. Vitamin K2 in ghee helps the bones to absorb calcium from the milk, which is why having milk ghee combo is thought about to be beneficial in Ayurveda.
4. Helps Reduce the Anxiety in your Body
Too much stress and anxiety is never an advantage, and also the food you eat can raise or reduce your tension levels. Like delicious chocolate or ice cream, superfood ghee is known for being a feel-good food that makes you really feel happier. When having a hot cup of milk during the night, it is said to relax the nerves and also send one into a state of drowsiness. This is why this drink is found to be especially useful to people who take part in extremely demanding line of work or experience sleep problems.
5. Provides Healthy Skin
Both ghee and also milk are natural moisturisers as well as are said to enhance the skin. Having ghee with milk every evening can moisturize and also revitalize it from its boring, lifeless state. So try incorporating desi ghee with milk into your everyday routine as well as watch as you begin to radiance from the inside out. Caring for on your own and also your wellness is vital. Ayurveda intends to boost your wellness, and also by having ghee with milk every evening, you'll be able to enjoy the Ayurvedic advantages quickly.
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homoeobazaaar · 2 years
We all have heard about Alfalfa tonic either directly from our homoeopathic croakers or laterally from our musketeers, family or cousins.
So moment I'm going to tell you all about this Alfalfa Tonic saccharinity.
What's Alfalfa? . Alfalfa is generally known as California Clover or Lucerne; its botanical name being Medicago sativa . Alfalfa has been known since long for its favourable influence on nutrition. . It tones up the appetite and digestion therefore performing in bettered internal and physical vigor, along with weight gain. . veritably useful drug for diseases characterised by malnutrition, for illustration- wakefulness, melancholy, unease, nervous indigestionetc. . Alfalfa drug has been known to have effect on diabetes insipidus and phosphaturia.
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What's Alfalfa Tonic? Using Alfalfa as the main drug along with some other important homoeopathic drugs to correct the body’s demand of vigor, better appetite and digestion, a alcohol is prepared to help you gain weight and increase natural impunity of the body.
Different homoeopathic companies have added different drugs in this alcohol to make it more effective as per your body’s demand.
I'm mentioning some common constituent drugs which are generally present in alfalfa alcohol piecemeal from Alfalfa.
. Acidum Phosphoricum – veritably useful in treatment of both internal and physical fragility. Weakness due to loss of vital fluids, acute conditions, grief, diarrhoea, diabetes etc. Is covered beautifully by this drug. Also useful in relieving the pain of cancer. . Avena Sativa – has a veritably good action on nervous prostration, sexual weakness, weakness after exhausting conditions. Also, a good drug for wakefulness, especially of rummies, nervous countries of mind generally seen in ladies, coryza and snap. . Cinchona Officinalis – useful in cases suffering from fragility after total discharges, due to loss of vital fluids together with a nervous erethism. Improves digestion, by acting on stomach, liver and bowel. Cases also suffer from influenza associated with weakness. . Cinnamomum Ceylanicum – useful for haemorrhages from intestine, nose bleed,post-partum haemorrhage etc. A good drug for gastric disturbances and hysterical attacks. Cases suffer from nausea and diarrhoea along with acidity. . Hydrastis Canadensis – indicated in old, fluently tired people, suffering from weight loss and weakness. People with weak muscular power, poor digestion and obstinate constipation, have a pronounced action on the liver. Emaciation and exhaustion are generally seen in the case. . Kalium Arsenicosum – a good drug for restlessness, unease and anaemia. . Kalium Phosphoricum – it's one of the topmost remedies for jitters. Indicated in weak and tired cases, who warrant whim-whams power and suffer from internal and physical depression. Weakness occurs due to over work, internal excitement and redundant or worrying. There's loss of memory, fewest of work seems to be a heavy task to the case. . Nux Vomica – veritably good remedy for fragility after overuse or abuse of drugs. Case is thin, spare, quick, active, nervous and perverse and does a good deal of internal labour. Case seeks instigations like coffee, tobacco or alcohol in redundant to calm down his internal excitement. Because of the sedentary life and unhealthy eating habits, cases suffer from a lot of gastric disturbances like dyspepsia, flatulence, bellyache, constipation, wrong coprolite, etc.
piecemeal from these drugs, some companies add a many other below mentioned drugs.
. Ashwagandha – this drug is known for its action on the towel structure, it helps in controlling stress and prostrating fatigue. It has the power to enhance the vitality and vigor of the body. . Calcarea Phosphoricum – veritably good remedy indicated in children who suffer from anaemia, delicate digestion, acute conditions and habitual wasting conditions. There's a tendency of glandular blowup and headaches. . Ferrum Aceticum – indicated in constant pulsing of the whole body. Case remains tired and drowsy and suffers from emaciation. Children who are thin, weak, pale and get tired fluently bear this drug. . Five Phos – it's a veritably effective biochemic combination, having a veritably good action on the brain and jitters. Useful in cases of general weakness, weakness after exhausting conditions, lack of nervous power and anaemia. . Ginseng – this is a veritably good drug which helps in adding your impunity and prevents you from frequent respiratory infections, coughs and snap. It helps the body in dealing with stress, fatigue and conditions. Useful for headache, backache, weakness and stiffness in back.
What does Alfalfa Tonic do? . It acts as a fat patron, therefore correcting the problem of towel destruction. . It increases the quality and volume of milk in lactating ladies. . It induces a general feeling of well- being in the case, so that the case comes out of unease and his mind remains clear and bright. . veritably helpful in cases of dull pain in the crown
For more and buy online ALFALFA Tonic with special discount….
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kitesun9 · 2 years
Shiatsu Massage Benefits
Shiatsu which is a Japanese method of bodywork is a good example. This technique is inspired by the pseudoscientific theories of traditional Chinese medicine's meridians of Qi. The technique was first developed during the twentieth century and popularized by Tokujiro Namikoshi. It has been developed out of a Japanese massage method known as anma. It has many advantages, among them the ability to reduce the pain. This is especially helpful in chronic and painful conditions. It is a great option for women with issues with their menstruation or suffer from labour pains. Also, it is used by women having pregnancies that are long-lasting for triggering labor. Numerous studies show that shiatsu may be helpful for women pregnancies. It increases the smoothness and resilience of skin as well as prevents wrinkles. Individuals who want to look healthier and younger are also drawn to it. Shiatsu is a great remedy for women who suffer with headaches, back pain, and other symptoms of pregnancy. Shiatsu can help women who have painful periods and also eases discomforts during labor. Women who are pregnant may utilize it to stimulate labor. It's a fantastic option to relieve the discomforts. It can also improve skin's elasticity and resilience. The benefits of shiatsu are many. This is an excellent way to heal neck and back issues. In addition to relieving pain, shiatsu can also be a great way to boost the overall health of a woman. Shiatsu massage can provide many benefits such as improving your appearance as well as preventing the onset of future ailments. It's safe for men and women and can aid during menstrual cycle as well as during labor. It can be particularly helpful to pregnant women suffering from labor pains. Shiatsu can also increase blood flow onto the skin's surface. The stress on these zones can influence the glands that secrete body oil. This improves the skin's resilience and smoothness, decreasing wrinkles and making it more resilient.
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공주출장마사지 As well as helping women with their menstrual cycle, shiatsu can help pregnant women who are experiencing difficulties during the course of pregnancy. Shiatsu has been proven to ease tension and stress throughout the body. In addition, shiatsu can improve sleep quality. It may help increase serotonin levels that makes people more calm and focused. The practice can boost dopamine levels which can boost the motivation of employees and increases productivity. Alongside these advantages the practice of shiatsu may help to enhance your mental wellbeing. The benefits of shiatsu massage are vast. The massage is beneficial for women who are experiencing menstrual cycles. It may be utilized to alleviate pain in pregnancy. It can boost a woman's mood and reduce anxiety. The body's natural stress hormones dopamine, serotonin and dopamine are reduced and help women to sleep better. The Shiatsu massage can provide long-lasting, beneficial effects that last for a long time. The results of a study have shown that stress can be reduced with shiatsu therapy. The treatment is also used to improve mental health. The treatment can be a beneficial method to ease tension. This is beneficial to people suffering from various ailments. Shiatsu can help to prevent the onset of illness. Shiatsu can help prevent the occurrence of fecal impurities. This is helpful for people with concussions. It can help prevent the signs of anxiety. Shiatsu has many advantages it has many advantages, such as the capacity to assist women during their menstrual cycles. Shiatsu is a great option for women who have long-term pregnancies. The treatment increases serotonin levels in the brain. This helps a woman to relax and feel better. It can also help decrease pain and improve an attractive body image. In fact, it can aid in reducing sleeplessness. Anyone suffering of insomnia could also profit from shiatsu. Shiatsu massage can provide many benefits. Benefits include increased energy in muscles, better posture and reduced risk of headaches. It can also help ease coughs, colds, as well as headaches. It also improves circulation. This is just a handful of benefits to Shiatsu. A professional therapist can provide you with the benefits of shiatsu. Consultation is available in their office. While shiatsu massage may help with specific health conditions however, it is also a great aid overall wellness. It is a great aid to the flow of blood, digestion and nervous system. A therapist might be able to treat many different ailments and symptoms. For example, shiatsu can aid people suffering from constipation. If applied to the abdomen, shiatsu may help relieve headaches as well. Also, it can ease leg pain through rubbing the abdomen.
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parkers-gal · 3 years
requests | closed to complete current requests <3
last updated | aug 5th, 2021
do not repost my work anywhere !! respect this please. | fics are not ordered in any particular way. these headers are mine so pls don’t use/take them
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tom holland
insomnia - reader can’t get to sleep; tom finds out why
driving in the rain - fluffy dinner date and rainy drive back home
workouts and warmth - when all tom wants is some after-workout cuddles
from across the living room - announcing your engagement to your families
the one - you want to move out and get your own place as a couple, but tom doesn’t. nikki talks to him. 
anything for the twins - tom massages reader’s boobies during her period
moms, makeouts, and mishaps - nikki walks in during your makeout sesh
simple acts of intimacy - a fluffy 3.1k words worth of blurbs
silver surprises - the reader surprises tom at a premiere
twenty questions - questions ensue after tom & reader get stuck in an elevator
my gut - spinoff of twenty questions with claustrophobic!reader (tw/ anxiety + attacks)
stealth mode - tom & reader scaring each other
unicorns vs pegasuses - tom shuts the reader up by kissing them
a good story - tom meets reader at a meet & greet — friendships blossom to lovers
deal breaker - tom wants kids, but the reader does not
his lap - reader asks for help in overcoming an insecurity; tom misreads the situation
pool day - pool day w/ tom + the boys
hot - the reader picks a certain song that reminds her of tom - the boys go wild
grounded by rocks - tom talks about you in an interview for cherry
your hands - when all he wants is a simple head massage
late flights - in which tom takes too much time with the fans
nobody wanted to - where only one person makes it out alive
way more than 50 - the hollands trick the reader into thinking they did something they weren’t supposed to 
why [ pt ii ] - sweet cupcakes, and a not so sweet breakup
what looks suspicious - nikki doesn’t exactly approve of tom dating the reader
something sweet - reader drops off small gifts while tom’s on set
he remembers - when tom finds the letter
missed you - reuniting w/tom after four long months
soft gangsta - tom tries to dress edgy; the reader is unconvinced
the shoe game - reader & tom play the shoe game at their wedding
too much - when the reader has a rough time with work, tom comforts them
losing grip [ pt ii ] - a losing battle between the reader and a hereditary disease causes heartbreak
your captain america - protective!tom holland of young reader (age gap)
sexy genius - reader is a fan of (and meets) jake gyllenhaal
teddy bear cuddles - tom wears an oversized hoodie
nonsense - the boys think the reader is meddling with tom’s work
circles before yourself - rule #2 - osterfield!reader gets caught with tom
seventeen times - when the reader is having a hard time in lock down, tom tries to help (TW // depression)
pixie dust hair - tom assures insecure!reader that the pixie haircut looks good <3
a few more months - reader passes out during a run; tw // excessive exercising
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tiktok au’s
body ody ody - tom gets a little jealous over a few social media comments 
sweats in the supermarket - getting tom hard when he wears sweats
put your records on - trying not to kiss each other first
mood killer - saying dirty things into tom’s ear
say it back - pranking tom by not saying ily back to him
two different ways - tom choking the reader to get two different reactions 
brutal - doing the “did you mean to post this?” trend on tom 
worst thirty minutes of my life - playing a drinking game with tom to see who gives into cuddles first
my girl’s cuddles - crawling into tom’s lap 
even - buying hot leggings & taping tom’s reaction 
goofball - a silly way to reveal reader’s pregnancy to tom 
end the debate - “i found out why my boobs are small” trend
slam the car door - doing the car door prank on tom 
water bottle wars - the boys ask you and tom questions about each other. wrong answers result in sprayed water 
get you back real good - you & the boys prank tom after watching a scary movie 
peachy - sighing / moaning in front of tom playing video games to get his reaction
my princess - tom does a tiktok where he guesses all your answers to everyday questions
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needles and needs - when scarlet has to get shots, you realize she may not be the only one that needs comforting
all my girls - scarlet meets her baby sister for the first time (dad!tom)
everything i love about u - tom is afraid baby red might hate him for leaving home too much
a little extra help - stepdad!tom being the best dad to your daughter
through the tears - pregnant!reader goes into labour, and baby holland meets the family
first feed - tom watches you breastfeed for the first time
warmth from the love - baby holland’s first Christmas
first words - baby holland speaks for the first time
breaking the internet - when your pregnancy announcement crashes multiple apps/websites (pregnant!reader)
breaking the internet... again - when baby holland breaks the internet
boyfriends and brunch - when jade brings home her boyfriend (aged!up)
big sister + how are babies made - telling scarlet about the baby on the way (pregnant!reader)
too many kids - the reader’s dad has some commentary about the twins
mumma’s girl - tom gets jealous when scarlet isn’t a daddy’s girl
angels - a little skin to skin time with his best girl
family man - after a nasty breakup, tom finds out you had his child
cheesy uncles - telling paddy he’s going to be an uncle
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ag!reader (more to come !!)
y’all really get nasty - tom and the fans discuss ag!reader’s songs
my favorite things - ag!reader performs in front of the mcu cast at the grammy’s
34 + 35 - the boys react to reader’s new song(s)
34 + 35 remix - the boys reacting to the remix
his remedy - the boys react to positions deluxe
neglected - AG!reader breaks up w tom because of their job; tom searches for answers
low-key wants him - reader talks about how much nonna (+ her fam) loves tom
see u soon - reader interacts with tom while on stage for the swt
a few spilled secrets - AG!reader performs on jimmy fallon’s show.. tom and her confess a few secrets
for the first time - when the reader breaks down crying while singing about her ex, tom is there to comfort her
dance with me, rain on me - reader has a hard time on set, tom to the rescue
every tomorrow - the first album release night after your breakup
here we go again - introducing tom (+ the boys) to your celebrity friends
condoms or safety nets - the boys react to AG!reader’s song “safety net”
we’re not engaged - AG!reader announcing to the world why they no longer have a fiance... (fluffy)
the late late show - AG!reader & tom do spill your guts or fill your guts
pain from pleasure - dad!tom goes through a birth simulator — controlled by the reader
never have i ever - tom & the reader play a game on the late late show
fluffy hair - ag!reader has a zoom interview with zach sang. tom makes an appearance
fighting off the haters - ag!reader and older!tom holland (age gap) attend an award show after going public
run your hands thru my hair - tom reacts to ag!reader’s song “my hair”
stick to acting - tom tries to make a beat for ag!reader
practically twins - reader meets sebastian & anthony at comic con
damn lucky - black!reader wears her hair naturally during an interview
what a piece - reader talks about tom related songs & tattoos
flip it - tom talks about reader in an interview
at the door - older!reader & tom fight off haters
a headcannon of ag!reader being a marvel cast member
a headcannon of tom & the reader attending the avengers endgame premiere
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styles!reader (more to come !!)
bathroom kisses - makeout sessions with tom and styles!reader in the bathroom
yeah, he is - tom holland x styles!reader meet the styles family; protective older brother harry makes an appearance
unparalleled love - older brother harry styles makes a speech at reader’s wedding
grilled - date night for tom & styles!reader is a bit difficult with two kids; older brother!harry to the rescue
baby showers and brothers - dad!tom & styles!reader are going to be parents
potential boyfriend - tom has a crush on the reader when they first meet
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ts!reader (more to come!!)
trust me - tom & the reader defend her after nikki doesn’t approve
your london boy - tom & co. + the world reacts to “london boy”
boy of my dreams - tom being proud of the reader for winning a grammy
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tom records your sounds during sex for his music (hc)
tom talks about you in an interview
concepts: one , two , three
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my pretty girl - tom gets jealous when reader gets many valentines
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other reader tropes
cherry - reader is a screenwriter for tom’s upcoming movie
no shouting - singer!reader needs some help after paparazzis are too much (based on a video of tom)
pregnancy belly - actress!reader has to wear a pregnancy belly for her role, and the boys tease tom about when it’ll be real
we march - actress!reader being a huge feminist
passions & pediatricians - pediatrician-to-be!reader meets tom
politics - reader’s granpa is joe biden (requested) and tom meets him
extra support - psychiatrist!reader helps tom on the set of cherry
you made it big - tom holland x actress!reader at the after party
partition - the boys react to famous!reader singing partition
senorita - singer!reader makes a music video with shawn, who’s tom’s new best friend
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boomerang: one , two , three , four [completed]
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peter parker
making amends
➢ enemies to lovers ; college!peter x super soldier!reader ; 30k words ; sorta slow burn
cheeky guy, favorite thighs - college!peter doing a tik tok challenge — between the reader’s thighs [tik tok au]
a little nicer - doing the prank on peter (”you could’ve been a little nicer to me today”)
start searching - first make out sessions with our best boy :)
hidden hickeys - the avengers think innocence of peter, until they’re proven wrong
the team - part two of hidden hickeys; reader meets the avengers
all of you - late night talks about your future with peter :’)
like you wouldn’t believe - reader tells mj about her & peter’s awesome sex
slip from my hands - roommate!peter comforts the reader after a nightmare
i’d wait for her - college!peter parker needs to come to terms with you and your boyfriend
shut up and kiss me - soft make out sessions with peter :)
all the good things in the world, and i get you - insecure!reader needs a little reassuring 
modern chivalry - peter being a gentleman on the subway
eggnog and mistletoe - peter helps you love the holidays
the force awakens? it sleeps - a little extra comfort & care from our favorite baby boyfriend 
a prince - wonder woman!reader meets spider-man (& avengers) in a mission
steve rogers fics - peter finds you reading fanfiction abt steve rogers
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fanboys and bracelets - fanboy!peter parker goes to famous!singer!reader’s meet and greet
fanboys and phone numbers - fanboy!peter parker continuation 
showing around - fanboy!peter gets VIP access; some dancing ensues
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stark!reader + avengers!reader
if you knew feelings - the avengers want you & peter to break up
sleeping - peter misinterprets a few important questions
the may to your ben - college!best friend!peter parker x stark!reader fluff
race ya - peter confesses his feelings for rogers!reader after a mission — on comms
frat bathrooms - stark!reader joins the avengers where she sees college!peter, the boy she slept with at a frat party
rainy days - reader doesn’t like rainy days, a certain wall-climber changes their mind
already got her - jealous!peter makes a public confession
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a nervous one - flustered!peter parker sees cheerleader!reader in her uniform
one day soon - flustered!peter parker x affectionate!reader
all better - flustered!peter parker does some lab flirting with reader
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dad!peter + pregnant!reader
unplanned  [ part ii ] - reader gets pregnant... breaks up with peter to avoid it all
burrito wraps - reader worries that baby parker might be cold
a name to remember - latine!reader & peter give their girl a special name
you’re magic - a certain wall crawler hears two heartbeats
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sgt. bucky barnes
first cuddles - bucky asks to cuddle for the first time
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harry holland
golden light, the love of my life - the boys tease harry —on a live video— for being whipped
it won’t f^cking open - harry lends a helping hand
how much i - those three magical words are exchanged for the first time
cuddly koala moments - time the reader just needed harry’s warmth
anything for hands - the reader cuts harry’s hair on instagram live
your other best friend - the reader is sam’s new friend, but harry thinks they like tom instead
you’re my anchor - harry has an anxiety attack, but the reader knows what to do
what’s his [ pt ii ] - when everything thinks the reader should date tom instead, harry snaps
whipped fries - harry brags about the reader winning the pub quiz for them
tell me, show me - the reader makes harry flustered by playing w/the strings from his sweatpants
keep your cool - tom setting u up with his brother // nikki being wary
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you’re such a dream to me — ag!reader writes r.e.m. about harry
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harry styles
intoxicating - soft bubbles baths with long haired!harry 
frayed braids - reader braids long haired!harry’s hair
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harrison osterfield
not anymore - when harrison comes back from filming, he’s determed to win the reader’s heart
irreversible - when relationships fall apart, people fall apart. (infidelity)
circles before yourselves - rule #1  - harrison x osterfield!reader (sister) when brothers talk, bad things begin
think of her - harrison asks your family for their blessing [holland!sister]
steve harrington
together not never - steve discovers the reader is pregnant
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missymurphy1985 · 2 years
The Deal - Part 5 (Tommy Shelby X fem!reader)
Warning - pregnancy / angst
Taglist @queenshelby @margoo0 @being-worthy @peakyscillian @peakyciills @janelongxox @elenavampire21 @ysmmsy @cloudofdisney @lauren-raines-x @misscarolineshelby @screemqueen @peaky-cillian @misselsbells06 @datewithgianni @heidimoreton @jardinsecos @bitchwhytho @gypsy-girl-08 @smailaway @persephonehemingway @theamuz @parker-natasha
Oswald was busying himself with a different maid or whore every night - he said he wasn't interested in you until the child was born. Then you were under strict instruction to slim back down, tone up. Be the trophy wife for his campaign posters and 'don't get pregnant again, you fat, repulsive wretch'. His words would hurt if you cared enough.
Stroking your belly, you smiled. This was going perfectly. Nearly eight months pregnant, you relished in the kicks, rolls and flutters inside you. The only thing keeping you going through all of this.
And your baby's father.
The way he held you after making love to you when you had the opportunity. Not that you'd had any opportunity lately, Moseley wouldn't let you leave the house so close to your due date. Even your midwife, Clara, had to come to the house, and he had suddenly begun attending these visits personally.
He was watching the midwife examine your belly, listening to the heartbeat through her stethoscope. His eyes on both of you. The midwife told you there was a likelihood of high blood pressure, and delved into her bag for some pills to help lower it.
"She won't be taking any of your chemical-ridden nonsense," Moseley snapped.
"If she doesn't take them, she risks going into labour early and neither baby or mum may survive. These are an all-natural remedy. No chemicals."
You loved the way she always put Oswald in his place - she wasn't even slightly intimidated by him. A strength you were starting to build in yourself, your baby needed you to protect it, motherly instincts kicking in very early on in your pregnancy.
You'd never wanted Tommy more in your life. Not for sex, you felt huge and very unsexy, but his arms around you at night. His voice in your ear. His body close to yours while you slept.
Picking up the phone at 2pm while Oswald was out shooting again, you dialled his office number. No answer.
Strange, he was always there at 2pm... That was your 30minute timeslot, and he always made sure it was clear in case you needed him... You called again. Still nothing.
Calling Arrow House, an older woman answered the phone.
"Mr Shelby is away on business. Who's calling please?"
You hung up. That explains his silence at least. He'd be back soon, he knew the baby was due next month, the will would be changed and the final phase of the plan could be actioned.
He wouldn't miss this, you knew he wouldn't. Patting your stomach, feeling your baby kick happily away, you still had hope. It was all you had.
Your labour began on a cold November Saturday, almost three weeks later. Waking up to wet bedsheets, you called for your maid to contact Clara and let her know your baby was on the way. Within an hour, she was there, easing you up in bed to examine you gently.
"Only a couple of centimetres dilated y/n, we could be here for a while I'm afraid. Any tightenings? Pain?"
"Not really, just a few cramps, bit of backache?"
"Good. Best thing you can do is rest, try to sleep. I'll be in the chair over there, I won't leave you. Okay?" She smiled, easing your worries. You could only pray at this point that Tommy was home...
A few hours later, you woke with a start. Agonising contractions gripping you, making you gasp from the pain and intensity. Clara was at your side minutes later, holding your hand.
"It hurts...." You sobbed, as the contraction eased off.
"I know.. I'm sorry y/n.. we will get through this together, okay? You're going to be fine."
"Where's my husband? Does he know?"
"He does. Said he needed to run an errand. He'll be back any time now actually."
"I don't want him in here when I give birth?!"
"I'm under orders y/n, he said he had a surprise for you..."
"What kind of surprise?"
You found out when the door suddenly slammed open. Oswald walked in, followed by two of his henchmen... dragging something behind them...
Or was that someone?
What was that?
"Ah, I see you're awake. Just in time for the grand finale."
"Oswald, what's going on?"
"You see, y/n, I don't like to be made a fool out of. You have been making a fool out of me for the last nine months, have you not? Well you're little plan comes to an end this evening."
You couldn't speak as another violent contraction flew through you, making you cry out from the pain. The thing on the floor suddenly moved, reacting to your cries, then it spoke...
"Lay a fucking hand on her Moseley and I'll have your fucking eyes..."
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dragon-fics · 4 years
DOS: Crashed [1/2] (Injured Dragoness X Female Elf/Reader)
Chapter summary: You're an elven healer who lives in the heart of a forest. One day when you are reading a book, you here an impact outside your home. You look out to see a dragoness in urgent need of medical attention.
I've lived in this forest for nigh ten years, caring for injured and ill animals and studying the natural remedies the forest could provide--along with making my own from what the forest provided. I've never been a town elf. Always wanting to be at one with nature. So when I was old enough, I moved away from my parents and stayed here. And all though no other elves live in this forest, or anywhere near it for that matter, I'm not alone. Small lizards and birds visit me every day, as do some cats. And bigger birds bring me news from wherever they've just travelled from. It's a quiet life, but it's rarely dull.
Almost every day I come across a sick or injured animal--sometimes more than one. But that morning, no animal had come to me with news of any creature being injured, and so I was relaxing, reading up on dragon anatomy. The sun shone in through the windows of my home--which is in the trunk of a tree. I sipped on my herbal tea, its light scent filling my nostrils. My eyes never left my book, even as I went to put my cup down on the table. And then I felt it. My entire home shook as I heard a loud thud outside. It shook for a few seconds, before standing still again.
I'll admit, I was shaken. Nothing like that had ever happened before here in the forest. So what had happened? I put my book down carefully on the table beside my chair, as to not place it in the puddle of herbal tea that had spilt while the tree shook. I walked over to one of the round windows to get a look at the ground. A shallow, wide ridge had been dug into the ground as if a giant had started to till the ground with his plough. I looked down the length of the ridge, noticing a long, thick, pink furry tail. I gasped; it must have been one of the migrating dragons that flew from the west to get to one of their biannual meetings in the middle of the land.
I spun around quickly, rushing toward my pack full of bandages, healing gels and creams, and my healing spellbook. I rushed out of my home and down the spiralling wooden stairs until I reached the forest floor. I ran along the ridge in the ground--my leather pack hitting my thigh with each bounding step. And then I reached the large reptile. Its feathered wings were sprawled out over the ground and its entire body was heaving; its breathing laboured. I noticed several long, deep cuts on its legs and wings, probably because of it hitting branches on its way down. Black dragon blood oozed from the wounds, staining its fur and feathers. I slowly made my way towards its roughly triangular head. It had tuffs of dark pink feathers under its lilac horns, telling me it was a female.
I slowly got down on one knee. She released a low growl, which made my heart race. I took a deep breath.
"I'm not here to hurt you," I soothed. "I'm here to help you." Her growling stopped, but she didn't open her eyes. I took off my pack and put it near to her nostrils, which were still drawing in breath vigorously.
Her breaths halted as she took a sniff of the pack. She opened her eyes, one looking straight at me, an icy blue sapphire looking straight at me. Her pupils were narrow slits--she was in pain.
Finally, she spoke. "Where did you get these remedies?" She asked warily.
"I made them myself. I got the ingredients from the forest around me." I said. She thought for a few moments.
"All right then," she agreed quietly. She moved the wings closer to her body. She winced with every movement and brought them down, so I could inspect them. I had a look at her nearest wing. I noticed small fragments of bark and branches inside some cuts.
"So, what's your name?" I said as I opened my pack and took out a vial of spirit alcohol and spilled some on my hand, before rubbing it all over my two hands.
"Taffia," she breathed.
"All right, Taffia, I'm going to try to get the pieces of wood out of your wounds, all right?" She let out an acknowledging hum. I picked around inside of the wounds that had bark or wood in them. She whimpered every time I touched her flesh, and I felt bad every time, apologising. After I was done, I rubbed one of my natural healing gels onto her wounds.
She hummed, satisfied. "That's soothing," she sighed, as the gel cooled the wounds. I smiled to myself and continued to rub some on the rest of her wounds.
Once she was ready, I led Taffia to a cave, hidden beneath mounds of moss and grass. She stayed there while she healed. Over the next few weeks, I got to know her better. As I had suspected, she had been flying from the west, to meet up with other young dragons and dragonesses who would compete to find a mate. She had travelled day and night to get this far, and so she crashed out of exhaustion and with the cuts to her wings, it would be much too taxing for her to continue on her journey.
She seemed to enjoy her stop in the forest; she liked the serenity of the forest. She could lie around as she pleased, and she would catch fish daily to keep herself fed. She really was making herself at home here and she didn't seem to be in any rush to get back home, even after her wings were completely healed. Though I didn't mind; it's better to have a friend than to not have one, right? We'd spend most of our evenings together, exchanging stories of our childhoods. She'd tell me of the places she had visited on other journeys around the land; they almost made me jealous at me not having wings.
One night, after sitting in one of the large clearings to watch the sunset, we parted ways, and I got ready for bed. I lay in bed for a while, thinking about what I had achieved today, along with recognising some feelings I had developed for Taffia, though I couldn't quite put my finger on what I was feeling. Maybe it was friendship with s creature that could talk? Or...?
And then I was interrupted from my thoughts. I could hear creaking on the stairs up to my home, it sounded as though three or more steps would be stepped on at once. I listened closely to the creaking. And then the door to my home opened. I silently got out of bed and searched for something to defend myself with, but there was nothing to use; I'm a healer, not a warrior or anything else of the sort.
I saw a dark figure look towards my bedroom through the arch that joined the kitchen to my bedroom. The figure was a tall and burly male. The figure lifted his and waved it forward, signalling two other men to go towards the arch. I froze; the other two were as big and burly as the first one I saw. They went for my arms and dragged me out of my home with ease. I wriggled against their grip, but they kept a firm hold on my forearms. I have never been as scared as I was in that moment. My stomach was sick with fear, my heart was racing and tears ran down my face.
I tried to relax my breathing; I needed to think... Taffia!
I wriggled once more. "Taffia!" I screamed. "Taffia!"
The leader who had been walking behind me and the other bandits chuckled. "There's no one around here, sweetheart. Just us," he smirked. When we reached the end of the stairs, I heard wings, heavy wings. Taffia. She swooped down low, roaring. The deafening sound made the bandits run like the wind. Taffia landed beside me and snorted. One bandit turned around, and she snapped her mouth shut at him.
She stood proudly beside me. "Are you all right, (Y/N)?" She asked, lowering her head down to me.
"Yeah, I'm ok."
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dumbwaystodeviate · 5 years
Connor deviating after he creates an account on social media and immediately gets flooded with porn bots? I blocked 12 yesterday, and 8 this morning.
Not quite social media page in the end but...I hope you enjoy it anyway!
The fall of CyberLife was inevitable. Once the androids had gained their sentient status, it was a matter of time before the company was brought to its knees, shareholders deserting it in droves. With the company having no revenue and people picketing outside, crying slave labour, they shut down and quietly dismantled their operations.
It wasn’t blatantly obvious at first. Connor had been working a gruesome case where the victim had been sexually assaulted before murdered when a pop-up notice in his HUD informed him of a sexy young single wanting to meet him. He brushed it to the side and made a note to check his subroutines. Sure, he was probably construction scenarios of the murder but that did not mean he could take the processing power he had to spare and dedicate it to looking up inappropriate thing.
Not five minutes later, another pop-up appeared, this time offering him herbal remedies to enhance his length, girth and lasting power. Personally, Connor thought he was built to a good specification and his power source did not need to be modified. He very much doubted any kind of plant or extract could have an effect on his chassis anyway. Rather than get hung up about it, he continued to work.
Once done, he made sure to scan his internal command structure to make sure he wasn’t malfunctioning - it was very unlike him to have his HUD be cluttered with such junk. As he was pondering that, several more pop-ups appeared, each advertising something of a sexual nature and Connor cleared them with a frown. Hi firewalls seemed to be holding so the spam messages must have been a very specific and targeted attack. It made him redouble his efforts on finding the malignant software bringing such things to his HUD. For his systems to not recognise it meant that the virus must have been utilising his own programming, ordering it to bring up adverts.
Annoyed, he swiped away a flashing bright sign suggesting he was the 1,000,000th customer to a website. He sodding well was not. He hadn’t even looked up farmbuddies dot com and that content was most certainly not something he ever wished to have seared into his memory banks.
The more he fought the adverts, the more seemed to crop up. It was a losing battle, the ads filled up his HUD until it was one wall of flashing red. Enraged, Connor tore them down, rending them into tiny scraps. Scrunching his nose, he was surprised to note he was livid. A jingle from an advert had been looped in his auditory comprehension processors and he feared that if he opened his mouth, he might recite the tagline from a shampoo advert before being able to speak.
Another look at his firewalls and he realised that while they were still in place, they were next to useless. CyberLife had gone, the protection they offered was lost with them. Now, androids were left to fend for themselves against the adverts and bots that kept pinging them. It was going to be a long and painful road to build up the software for their firewalls again. At least, Connor mused, he wasn’t forced to spout 30 seconds of adverts every 4th sentence. Not yet anyway.
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freefallingfox · 4 years
The Painful Miracle
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The Nazis came at dawn. In mere seconds, the tranquil, morning silence was ruptured by the crackle of enflamed houses and the shrieks of mutilated livestock. The men in pristine uniforms left nothing behind: no cattle, no food, no money, no hope. All of the younger women were carelessly rounded up into trucks as fuel for the Third Reich’s working camps. No resistance was offered.  After all, most of the local men had long disappeared from the village in the wake of Soviet conscription’s call. Meanwhile, the remaining two, cripples really, were out in the fields, gathering wheat. Hochdeutsch cussing reigned supreme in the brittle air.
They kept searching for Jews in some gruesome, Aryan rendition of hide-and-seek. Truth be told, pogroms had stopped being an alien phenomenon in Russia decades ago, yet none of them had ever been performed with such effortless pedantry. In the German wake, no cellar remained undamaged, no barn left untouched. With baited breath, Suslovs’* hidden guests awaited their inevitable turn. Their loyal companion of the past few days, and the sole source of nutrition for all of the house’s inhabitants, dutifully kept watch. The goat’s eyes shone fiercely in the dark…
Several floors above, Anastasia was fighting a different battle altogether. Approaching the last months of her eighth pregnancy, she was bloated all over. The national matryoshka figurine come to life. Sadly, the metaphor was only too apt, as our heroine had four underage children to feed and nurture. Only a week ago, there had been five. The oldest girl, barely seventeen, had been captured by the Germans in the forest, while out gathering berries and mushrooms for her siblings. Another flower ruthlessly picked from the bleeding Russian soil… By now, Seraphima,** her angel, would probably be crossing the Polish border in the confines of a urine-soaked cattle wagon, along with other forced Slavic laborers. Never to be seen or heard from again in her demure home-village. For all we know, her parents might as well dig a new grave next to the previous two, left over from Anastasia’s unfortunate miscarriages.*
The situation was rendered only bleaker by the prolonged absence of our matryoshka’s husband: Fyodor. Having suffered an army injury during the Russian civil war among his crimson compatriots, he was deemed unfit to fight against the Third Reich and was left behind along with another invalid to man the village fields. Currently, Fyodor was likely drowning in the ripe greenery of their kolkhoz, blissfully unaware of the danger enshrouding his doorstep. For his spouse was trapped in their house in the midst of a pogrom with four kids, an on-going morning sickness, a goat and a family of Jews to boot. Clearly, the day could only go downhill from there.
And it did. Without any warning, the wooden door was thrown open and two swastika-marked soldiers rushed into the already crowded room. As if trying to compensate for the absence of their typical companions- the German shepherds- the pale henchmen snarled and pounced at the cottage corners in a grotesque caricature of sniffing out their Jewish prey. Immediately, the children froze at their mother’s swollen feet in a feeble attempt to appear invisible. The cellar’s inhabitants likewise turned to stone. Even the goat seemed to wither in light of the impending doom…
Realistically, one would expect the Nazi intruders to swiftly locate the stowed away family downstairs along with the contraband animal, which Anastasia should have voluntarily surrendered, like the rest of her cattle, during last week’s raid. After the discovery, all villagers present in the house would be shot on the spot, minus the goat. Sadly, it would only survive its owners by a couple of hours, eventually starring in the troop commander’s dinner. Meanwhile, Fyodor would return to his home at sunrise to find it barren, if not burned to ashes. From that day onwards, he would be missing both his right hand and his heart… Yes, that is what the reader might logically expect to have taken place following the Nazis’ arrival.
However, despite the generally despondent hues colouring human history, and the overall mundane nature of the universe, there remains room for miracles. Like shooting stars, they suddenly criss-cross the canvass of one’s fate, illuminating a trace of hope. These instances are often cited as proof of God’s patronage or perhaps the direct consequence of planets’ unique, horoscopic juxtaposition.  Some might even describe them as pure magic. For Anastasia, her miracle chose a slightly more prosaic form. She had a fit of toothache.
You see, dear reader, prior to the cult of paracetamol and ibuprofen, ordinary citizens often had to weather bouts of pain, while accompanied solely by their own force of will. Neither do we nowadays possess a true understanding of what a tooth ache truly represents. A pulsing throb resonating in one’s mind with the torment of a twisted, dull blade. Original discomfort progressively transforming into a piercing agony, which no homemade remedy can quell. It hurts to eat. To speak. To think. This was the fate which had befallen Anastasia. Grounded by her family nest in a remote, Soviet village, she had no hopes of seeing a professional dentist even prior to the foreign occupation. With destructive searches accompanying the Nazis’ appearance, Nastya’s hope of finding some painkillers at her neighbours’ was likewise eradicated. All that was left for our heroine was to silently endure, yet even that proved eventually impossible. When the soldiers stormed her home, Anastasia had finally reached her breaking point. Blinded by the unabating pain, she screamed. The wail of a desperate, wounded creature resonated through the wooden walls. Startled, the Germans stopped in their tracks.
Now, a career in the German army has been known to incorporate many confrontations with hysterical fits from eastern European villagers. However, normally, these cries of suffering were somehow linked to the conduct of the uninvited western guests. In contrast, our current antagonists had yet to complete even the prelude to their interrogation. Consequently the Russian peasant must have been shrieking like a banshee due to some other reason. The puzzle seemed finally resolved when the Aryan on-lookers noticed the protruding, pregnant belly of the desolate woman and, voila, jumped to a seemingly logical conclusion The “Slavic slut” dared to go into labour, while having the honour of being visited by the “superior race”.
There exist many anecdotes about men losing consciousness upon witnessing their wives giving birth. Certainly, a baby’s emergence from the womb is far from a pretty sight. Add to that the indoctrinated Nazi belief, that the Soviets were no better than a deranged, if not outright monstrous, subspecies, and one can imagine, why the fighters of the Third Reich decided to spare themselves the bloody spectacle. In short, the two grown men turned on their heel and fled. Anastasia again remained alone with her children, her Jewish refugees, her goat and her continuing tooth pain. Caries had managed to save the day for once…
Eventually, the looting and the painful cries permeating the air vanished into the sunset. The soldiers returned to their camp in the neighbouring town, laden with stolen goods. The pogrom was over. Unwilling to risk another search, the shadows, inhabiting the cellar, left early the next morning, heading for the nearby river, which marked the end of the occupied territory. Contrary to the Nazis’ belief, the baby was born a month later, when the occupation had already been lifted. Now an elderly woman, she still owns a rusting garage in Elektrostal,*** despite it being years since she had lived in that town. Inside, one might stumble upon a frayed piece of cotton, residing among a heap of other forgotten items. A tablecloth. You see, as an expression of gratitude, the Jews had gifted their saviours with a memento. The only thing, really, which they had left to give. At present, a random passerby might mistake this token of thanks for a meaningless cleaning cloth that has outlived its use. But you should know better…
*Anastasia and Fyodor Suslov are the main protagonists of this cycle of stories
**Seraphima, in fact, had managed to jump out of the train and meet up with a band of local partisans, who conducted raids in the near-by forest. She continued to engage in guerrilla warfare against German occupational forces until her successful return home following the war’s end.
*** Elektrostal is a small town, located 58km east from Moscow. Famed for its production of steel and electricity during the Soviet era, it has gradually transformed into an urban non-entity.
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intensitystoner · 4 years
Adjective challenge 3 – Profuse Sifki
The lordess of the neighbouring land matched him well at being spoilt, people would say. Her lawless acts, cleverly forged but following only her own mood swings, were a mockery of the entire system. Oh, except the land’s riches, she abused that to the limits of tolerance, and then further out of sheer spite against those attempting to reason. They were going to be a good match, people would say. If only they hadn’t used that determining phrase; then Loki would have accepted the invitation without a second thought. But people, the people, these low-rank nobodies, determining his path? Not in this life, no.
He fiddled with freshly borrowed codices, next to the table loaded with adorned golds, cashmere, ivory, and a hint of seidr, unoffensive. These factors had intruded his consciousness even though he’d been deliberately ignoring the gift all day. It was the umpteenth token of Sigyn’s desire for his company, arriving since his mischiefs had outgrown the palace grounds and reached across the realm, along with his fame. He really couldn’t have denied he enjoyed it if he had wanted to. His discontent lay entirely in the interference of outsiders, such as rumours, Thor’s good-natured and witless goading, or Father’s belief that he had a say in it. Come to think of it, Odin was the one that initiated the relation, through a pact with the land’s ruler: Sigyn the lawless maiden. That made it a strong capital NO.
With the momentary grudge stealing his consciousness, he unwittingly reached for the intriguing item, the one enchanted, in the neat pile of gifts. It was in his hand before he’d have resisted the urge and kept denying his curiosity. His sigh escaped through his nose while he opened the long, shallow box lined with jewels.
Inside lay a knife, the light melting on its triple fangs of reinforced mercury – his trained eyes quickly recognised the hint of blue shine. The self-willed fluid entrapped in a solid form of existence bore qualities that would stand against most in battle. The handle magic-wrapped in the softest fabric, gentle to the palm’s skin but never pelting off from strained use. The majority of the sorceric energy, however, tingled under his fingertips in the container’s cushioned filling. He closed the box, placed it back on the table and contemplated the meaning of it. Something would happen the moment he removed the knife, so much he could tell. Most likely, she would find out this way that he liked the gift: this was a simple and useful spell. The other possibility was that she had lost patience and was trying to lure him into a trap through a binding spell. In her position, it wasn’t impossible to get help from an enchanter to bind either Loki’s body or his mind to herself. If that was the case, she’d made great miscalculations about his cunningness. Although she chose the honey trap quite well: the knife came from a faraway land where a cold star’s breath was used to forge it before its rebirth. As an addition to the fun, many would have killed for such a possession. Loki’s readings on it told that this fabric was both fluid and firm, capable of alternating in a second according to an experienced user’s will. It was a challenge intriguing enough for him to pick up the case again to just feel it around with his inner senses. Lounging with the box in an armchair, he sketched up some scenarios in his mind about using the unwrapped gift to turn the palace folks on each other: the list of possibilities and forks in the planned thread of events went up to Plan K by the time he finally decided in which nobleman’s path he would forget the enchanted thing for a start of the fun.
It was several days later that he saw the knife again, in the hand of someone he only expected in Plan H or so, and even there not like this, fending for her own life with it. She was being assaulted by a swirl of two moderately sized chain hooks, brave snarls against the sharp metals grazing her skin with a speed she struggled to overtake. She didn’t have her usual sword and shield, indicating that the attack reached her unprepared, though not frightened; light followed the knife in her hand tardily as she laboured to reach past the vicious chains and plant her weapon into her opponent.
The owner of the flying hooks was screeching like a Stormbird. Both her verbal and physical threats aimed to dishearten Sif. It was an unprecedented, most likely futile endeavour: although the Warmaiden seemed to overlook or deliberately ignore the potential of the volatile metal in her grasp, she was no less daunting as an enemy than with her double-bladed sword. Sigyn, who was suddenly here from her faraway palace for some reason, was tirelessly shredding the fort of resistance.
Eyebrows arching in surprise, Loki leaned to the wall with a shoulder to observe the amusing scene. The brawl halted for a moment as his presence was noted. But the ever-flying chains wouldn’t stop to fall idly: while the maidens glanced at him, Sigyn's upward slash sent blood drops into the air. Sif yelped and her lower arm collided with the second hook assaulting from upwards, possibly by a lucky accident. The chain dropped and jerked back up immediately, but the movement got broken as the Warmaiden pushed forth to hold down her opponent's arm.
"That is enough mindless fray," Sif pointed out firmly, her voice unaffected by the blood pouring from her left cheek.
"Thief," spat he foreign lordess. "I'll make sure you no longer have hands to touch what is not yours!"
"You are wrong if you accuse me of something as lowly as theft!" Sif retorted. "Look better before you throw your accusations! You're the one trespassing unannounced, summoned at your will! Be wary until I report you!"
"Liar! That knife isn't yours!"
"It is a present!”
“Like hell it is! You stole it, snake!”
The Warmaiden kept her prepared look on the lordess, who hissed her last note staring at Loki, her steel-coloured eyes narrow and urging.
The younger prince had solved most of the puzzle by now; it manifested in his tongue tip licking lips tight to prevent a triumphant expression. The spoiled ruler had indeed been trying to meddle in the events, and thus into Loki’s fate, by catching the moment he showed interest. A capital mistake. Pity.
“Lady Sigyn,” he greeted with a mild bow. “Your visit is mightily unexpected. How did you make it here so fast and quiet?” he asked, his eyebrows arching in innocence that clearly confused her.
Her tone remained unswayed, however. “Prince Loki,” she uttered while roughly jerking her hand away from Sif’s grasp and walking up to him. “I wished to be swift at seeing you once it occurs that my gift pleases you.”
“Your attention is precious. However, your unannounced entry to the land is likely to break the treaty between out nations.”
“That is no matter as long as there is a way to remedy it,” Sigyn said softer.
“You’d still better get briefed in with the rules,” Loki noted, royally ignoring the suggestion in her tone. “May I propose the library in the East wing?”
His smile was chosen lenient as she eyed him from personal closeness, her back deliberately turned to the brunette who idled around occupied with her bleeding wound. After all the years spent on common battle grounds, Loki recognised the readiness to strike in her casual posture. Was she worried for herself still? Or possibly for him?
“It could be a fine solution, if you care to guide me there,” said the lordess meanwhile.
“As much as it pains my heart, I have other duties to attend to. Please, have these fine soldiers show you the way.”
The eyes of faded blue didn’t follow as he gestured towards the three gold-clad guards entering the room. He waited patiently for her to process the words, the message, her proclaimed status. Her jaw was tense, her chin raised as she obeyed the royal command, although without an answer.
By the time she was out the door, Sif had made it halfway to the opposite exit. The prince was lucky to have long legs, because running would have felt mightily humiliating at the present situation.
“Lady Sif, I would take a look at your wound,” he announced across the hall before she’d have disappeared for good, as he knew she was never distracted by empty chatter.
“Oh, it’s nothing,” she dismissed him lightly.
“I know, not for you,” he said as he caught up and his closeness forced her to stop and face him. “Still, it would be foolish to leave it, or to rely on the healers. I have the spell that could make it undone without a trace. A moment, no longer.”
“It’s a gracious offer, but it’s a waste for a scratch like this.”
“Please, allow me. I couldn’t sleep well knowing your beauty got scarred permanently by my fault. Against my intentions,” he added quickly at her look that let him know how ridiculous it sounded from the infamous forger of cruel pranks.
“How would it be your fault?” she wondered aloud.
“Well,” he faltered but for a moment before finding the right words; “It should be if I let you pay such price for an insignificant blade.”
He stepped closer before she could have responded, and she let his teal-glowing thumb trace her cheek; her look cast down to the side all the while, motionlessly enduring the shiver at his fingers over her neck. Enduring. He didn’t realise he was holding his breath until he finished the silent spell. He felt a dire need to deny, to divert attention away from his urge to swallow.
“Let me guess: a devoted admirer?” he inquired slyly.
“It is indeed a present,” she answered while her gaze lifted to his collarbone. “One that means nothing to me, personally.”
“A great loss for him,” Loki assured her, and a mild bow ended their interaction.
So the precious knife had been given away. Not by the man Loki had left it with, that one thing he knew. Those inclined to court the Lady Sif had carefully been excluded from his calculations: there were a few people he didn’t want to harm purposefully, however unknown this fact was around the palace. Had someone stolen it then? Or gifted it away, as unlikely as it was with the general nature of any society? What route had the knife travelled on before ending up in the Warmaiden’s hands? Finding it out would be his primary occupation for the next period, he believed.
“Your Highness–”
He frowned lightly before turning back to her: she knew his name well enough, proven many times on unofficial nightly monster-hunting adventures of Thor and his entourage of fellow adventurers. He knew that such a thick formal veil must have been covering something up.
“This blade, it appears valuable,” she said in a tone wavering ever-so-slightly; “a fine ornament for someone’s matching grandeur. In fact… I believe it suits you best. So I’ve been meaning for you to have it.”
Been? For how long? Loki gazed at the knife offered on an open palm. He stood dumbfounded between his own greed for havoc and the rebellious benevolence of people.
“No,” he breathed through his surprise. “It would be but a speck amidst my powers. But it shall do good service in protecting you.”
“Are you implying, in exchange of my good intentions, that you hold me weak?”
He laughed silently now at her flaring pride, her well known desire to prove herself equal with the sturdy warriors all around. She most likely failed to see how it only gave away her fragility. His hands engulfed her persistent fingers and closed them over the blade’s handle, the warm skin smooth against his palm like they didn’t hold swords and shields every day.
“Your strength does not need boasting, it’s the truest power I have seen among these goofs. It wouldn’t be lessened by a little… friendliness.”
Her look was on his face by then, allowing the lights to dance in it.
“Thank you,” she uttered softly, and for a moment, Loki got startled that she knew everything, that his initial malevolence with the knife was clear to her, that she knew he had always held the knife his own tool, and letting her keep it was an act of purposeless grace. But there was no scorn or triumph or malice on her features, just a clear look he knew so well from watching her interact with others. He could never solve it, it looked too straightforward, too honest to be real.
And then all thoughts stopped when she rose on her toes and kissed him on the corner of his mouth, lingering there with her softness for a second.
“So I don’t remain in your debt,” she breathed onto his skin, and she was gone before he could even have collected his composure for an appropriate response, leaving his mind to be drawn back to it from any cunning route for the night.
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freuds-cokedealer · 5 years
Though transitory after all, religion had an enormously complicated role in human history. Without its making, the very making of civilisation is not easily conceived [...] During the career of human civilisation, again, its role had often been most complex and contradictory- ranging from being an instrument for enforcing abject submission of the toiling masses to that of inspiring the revolt against tyranny and oppression, as was the case in early Christianity. In this medley of assorted functions of religion, one point is in need of special emphasis. Throughout the career of civilisations so far, it had in fact been a historical necessity. The career of the human beings began with a struggle against nature: men have progressively acquired the knowledge and capacity to control the forces of nature and extract from nature wealth for the satisfication of human needs. This eventually lead them to the threshold of civlisation, when emerged a new problem, namely the need for the regulations necessary in order to adjust the relations of men to one another and especially the distribution of the available wealth. At this stage, a section of the community itself could serve the function as custodians of the wealth in relation to another section, and when this section soon converted itself into the owners thereof the product of the labour of others could be appropriated by it for its own satisfaction. It thus no longer remained the simple struggle of man against nature; to this was added another form of struggle, namely that of man against man. In short human community was split into a privileged minority and an under privileged majority- the knowledge and power over nature going mainly in favour of the former. The impoverished masses- who in the earlier phase of civilisation were simply slaves and who in its advanced phase became the propertyless working class- were henceforth confronted with a dual uncertainty and a dual misery: those coming from the still uncontrolled nature and those coming form the exploitative machinery of the ruling class. Science and technology was left with the task of progressively delimiting the former, while religion to blunt the sense of the latter. From  the historical point of view this was necessity, for without the accumulation of wealth in the hands of the ruling minority, the spectacular achievements of civilisation so far could hardly be possible. At the same time, this made life for the masses too painful or too full of sufferings and uncertainties to be borne without some form of palliative remedy. This was supplied by religion- the belief in God who alone could assure justice, if not right now at least sometimes later, if not in this world at least in the after-world. 
Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya- Religion and Society
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