#my mind: pete ham
game time! who do you think of when I say the names: mick, pete, don, glen(n) and roger? 🤍 send this to 10 mutuals and pick your own names
mick tucker, pete ham, don henley, the name glenn always reminds me of @hellbent-for-metal's blog because of the glenn tipton posts annnd the name roger has a 50/50 chance of putting either roger taylor or roger waters in mind
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shayyprasad · 4 months
for a lunch break, i take you | peter parker
this post is a part of a series called "but you're the one i want"! click here to read parts one and two!
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summary: summary: you've fallen in love with peter, and the worst part? you can't. not when you know you must be with someone else.
warning: flirting, maybe cursing, teeny bit of angst/sad petey for a second (lemme know if i missed any)
pairing: peter parker x fem!reader (this is in 3rd person!)
word count: 1.1k+ words
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they walked the streets together, in a silence that was comforting enough. but peter decided that he would rather use this time to talk to her.
he was still mentally fussing over the platonic flirting. if y/n got to do that, he should be able to do that too, right? and peter totally would, was it not for the fact that he didn't know how to flirt. well, he used to with gwen a little, but after she died, he kinda lost his game.
and if he wanted y/n/n to like him, he would need to find that game.
then another thing popped in his head.
what if she was friend zoning peter so that she could pursue her romance with spider-man? that brought a grin to his face… because if not anything, at least she liked him in one way or another.
"whatcha giggling about over there?"
"i don't giggle. my laugh is actually very manly."
"uh-huh. i'm sure, darling."
and then, out of literally nowhere, this newfound confidence appeared.
"so, y/n/n, what do you think about spider-man?" he paused, waiting for an answer. "you know, since you write about him a lot, i'm guessing," peter added, trying to not look suspicious.
"i- uh, he's, um..."
he smirked.
caught you.
she was a bright, bright red. at least peter knew that he did have a chance as spider-man. but for some reason, that really killed his self-confidence.
the only way he can get a girl is by being spider-man. a superhero. but spider-man isn't who he is. he's peter. a dorky dude that skateboards and takes photos.
spider-man is only there to protect his identity. he wants to be able to get people to like him by being himself. by being peter. of course, everyone likes spider-man. why can't they like peter the same way?
i guess i'll make an exception just this once.
"so, what about him?" pete pressed.
"he's, uh, cool. i guess. bearable enough."
"me personally, i would love to meet him. he's pretty good at what does."
"what he does?" she squeaked out.
"don't you think?"
"...how would i know?"
now who's got the upper hand?
"oh, well, would you look at that? we're here!" she exclaimed, straining her voice.
the parker boy/man/spider/thing hummed in amusement, "actually, i think i've been here before."
y/n smiled, pushing the door open for her and peter. they walked inside and picked a table for two.
"hey, how can i help y-"
"hi cindy," y/n smiled. jeez, peter loved that smile.
"what can i get for you? it's on the house."
"um, one coffee and a turkey sandwich for me. what about you, darling?"
"just a coffee with a ham and cheese sandwich."
"so, y/n/n," cindy started. "this your boyfriend? like, how could you not tell me?"
"slipped my mind."
"she's kidding," peter chuckled, "just friends." those words pained him more than he thought they would.
"yeah? seem extra friendly for just friends."
"she insists on the pet name."
y/n/n grinned.
"well, i'll get that to you right away."
"i told you people would think we're dating!" peter whisper-yelled when cindy walked away.
she just shrugged. "it's fun, isn't it?"
"trolling people? is that some pastime i don't know about?"
"i dunno. gotta find entertainment somehow, right peter?"
he sighed.
she grinned, finding enjoyment in this, "you know, you aren't the worst person to be around."
he rolled his eyes playfully. "yeah, you've mentioned that."
"yeah, yeah. making sure you knew. this is what they call good communication."
they spent most of the time going back in forth with witty banter and occasional burns until their food came.
"enjoy, lovebirds!" cindy chirped.
peter noticed how y/n/n didn't make anything of the comment, and that made his insides burst.
oh jeez, he really liked her. maybe even loved her, which was crazy considering that they had only met a couple days ago. peter just found her to be so... special. she was different and her happy energy was almost contagious. her smile could light up a room.
y/n was like a shot of expresso bathed in sunlight, he decided.
currently, she was rambling on about her favorite book and something to do with how unrequited love is one thing, and your lover dying was another. i.e. the fault in our stars. she just went on about which was worse and why. he wasn't really paying attention, peter was gazing at her with a lovesick smile on his face, admiring every part of her.
"what do you think, peter?"
"uh, absolutely."
"yeah, that didn't really answer the question," she noted as she finished up her food. he was just about done, too.
"the question was; which is worse? unrequited love or having the absolute love of your life dying?"
this was a little hard to answer for him. the time he lost gwen were the darkest days of his life.
"having the absolute love of your life dying," he said after a moment, "y/n/n, unrequited love isn't that tragic. it's actually quite beautiful when you think about it. sure, it may be painful to know that they don't feel the same. but think about it, someone loving you knowing that you won't return the feelings? that’s commitment. that's sweet. that's true love."
"woah. i honestly had no clue you were that wise." she pushed her chair back and got up, watching as peter did the same.
"yeah. i guess there's a lot you don't know."
"well, parker, i'll just have to uncover all your mysteries," she said to him. "bye cindy! love you!"
"bye, y/n, peter."
he held the door open for her, and she walked out.
"you know, having the love of your life die is really hard, because i would have had it to be unrequited love if i could, if that would have saved her," he whispered solemnly.
"what do you mean?"
he shrugged, flaming red. that was not supposed to come out. damn you, y/n, he thought. peter just completely let loose around her, and it was normally a good thing. y’know, aside from when he blurted out too much. he just wanted this conversation to be done with.
"my girlfriend- er, ex-girlfriend died a couple years ago. whole spider-man fiasco.” he watched you carefully, waiting to gauge y/n’s  reaction. she seemed as if she was thinking, so he added, “clock tower.”
"oh! i think i read about that, gwen stacy? i had no idea you two were... i'm so sorry, peter."
"it's okay. i’ve moved on," he smiled.
y/n/n wrapped her arms around him, giving him a comforting hug.
she gives great hugs.
it caught him slightly off guard, but he returned the gesture. the two of them stayed like that, at least for a couple minutes right in front of the café, unbeknownst to the pair that cindy was smiling at them.
taglist: @whatsupstark @ell0ra-br3kk3r @idli-dosa @susvale @kdbsr-h
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adriabun · 10 months
angel this is your free pass ask to go ham about whatever’s on your mind w petyle. i am laying down, kicking my feet, and listening 👀
ive been sitting on this in my inbox for so long just trying to collect my thoughts and so many ppl have asked me that...now it is time.....ok
i think the thing i want to talk most about is the beginning of their relationship and what their relationship actually is ...like what about it is making me lose my marbles...i want to get all of this information out because as the ceo of petyle i need everyone to understand how they are characterised and how to correctly view their relationship. anything outside what i think is simply lies and flanderization..../hj.........
i typically default to college-age setting so thats what ill be centering on but my ideas of their dynamic can be malleable to other ages (canon, high school, post covid at a stretch etc)
pete has always been interested in kyle from a distance- theyve never really spoken, but after stan becomes a normie again after his goth stint michael points stan out at school like 'look at that conformist lol' and petes like 'yeah what a loser. also who the fuck is the guy in green.'
we've seen from basic cable where he has a crush on sophie that he isnt necessarily afraid of putting himself out there when hes interested in someone but hes kind of awkward about it. so he approaches kyle a couple of times to see what his deal is. this makes all the other goth kids INSANE like not in a negative way they r either in disbelief (michael, firkle) or think its hilarious (henrietta) that pete has a crush on kyle, he massively denies its a romantic thing tho bc hes not a gaywad...he just wants to know whats up with this guy and why hes so interesting
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ngl kyle is probably suspicious or at least confused as why pete has started talking to him once hes over the initial weirdness he realises pete is kind of chill but the award palatable small talk hes trying to have with kyle is really annoying kyle def snaps at some point and asks him what the fuck pete is trying to gain out of this because its obvious hes not being himself.
pete is stubborn enough to not back down atp, hes not gonna let a conformist own him like that. so he starts being himself so much, to a degree where hes almost saying 'you wanted this, fine here you fucking go' in order to make kyle upset. but it doesnt work oh no!! kyle finds his goth eccentricities and pessimism so stupid thats its endearing!!!
nothing between them is inherently romantic or even entirely..friendly. more than anything they enjoy annoying each other in a constant loop of quips and rolled eyes. but theres just like.. something fiery underneath they wont address until they get wasted at a house party and let the alcohol do the talking
i have a habit of favouring either onesided petyle (on petes side ofc) or one that ends with a bad breakup because #stylesweep so a lot of my thoughts are biased towards that sort of ending. i just like relationship/situationship angst ok ...ive been there many times. a part of this angst is the idea that theyre each just 'the best they can get' in the moment. Pete's too internally self loathing to think kyle is actually in love with him or anything. theyre just having fun. its not serious. he refuses to think into any of it emotionally, though its kind of eating him up inside. meanwhile kyle is literally just taking it as it is. he feels a little guilty. he doesnt like pete like that (???) but he cant deny flirting and fooling around with him is fun. and also a distraction from stan getting back with wendy.
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anyway thats what i have for now. let me know if anyone wants any more i guess. or any specifics about their actual relationship that i have bouncing around. idk!
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rocketrouquine · 8 months
Random thoughts on my second viewing of episode 2 :
The « you wear fine things well » replay : Taika hasn’t the same expression, when I tell you this is a different take, I’ll bet my script supervisor ass on it. If they did that, it’s for underlining the fact that they weren’t seeing the same thing in the relationship…
Stede, my sweet angel… maybe don’t tell everyone you meet (even your lovely towel collegues Maggie, Jane and Tiff) about your heart trouble with fucking Blackbeard.
The way he’s saying « they draw him to look like a ghoul » is so sooooo gay. Like disgusted sassy sista level.
Fuck you that’s how I am may or may not become a motto of mine.
Actually this whole scene, Lucius is in a fucking telenovela. The stop in the doorframe, talking across your shoulder without turning and the little disappointed head nod at the end. « oh, yeah. Now you care ? » (it just missed an hairflip) He came to ham and I’m here for it.
Sea witch again. I mean we actually saw him talking with birds last season so why the surprise.
Ed behind Frenchie in every room like a fucking dead child jumpscare in leather.
He’s actually terrifying all calm and smiling. You can sense that he can turn at every second. Like a MF snake (you know the ones, fuck yuuuuu)
Sir when you approach me like that, all analytical and stuff, I don’t think there’s anything I won’t let you do to me (imagine Ed turning this on Stede in the bedroom pffffiouuu)
*Wheeze « A panto ? » (give this man an Oscar)
I really have trouble with « he’s our dick ».. you are aware that this is the man who had absolutely no problem stranding your love on an island ? Who pushed for it, even ? That in the memory you evoke, he’s the only one not sitting with you all, all alone in the background sulking ? I guess if you consider him like the nasty old dog who bites everyone and barks all the time, I can see it…
You have hope, it’s cute . Archie is actually really interesting because she represents the classic pirate (like Ed’s crew before being Stedefied), being put amongst the crew of what she thinks is probably the rockstar of captains but they do things all weird and emotional (between bloodbaths). You can see that she’s tempted but also don’t hesitate to throw the first punch in the battle to the death because that’s how stuff goes.
Take the fucking leg (« …bitch » very much implied)
The little ships were all over the place. They kinda treat Olu like a himbo this season which if my memories serve me right was the opposite of what he was last season. (He’s still emotionally intelligent but the logical sense seems to have gone. In this scene anyway)
Every time a new character says China, I cannot take out of my mind that they are mocking Trump. (Roach’s one in particular was spot on)
Awwww Olu’s all bashful and shit, I’m sure he’s moving his shoe on the ground, like a little shy child.
Stede, All happy about the soup : So wild it’s insane ! Lucius, eyes rolling to the back of his head : Jesus Christ, Stede, keep your pants on. * gets up and go drag on his cigaret like an old nihilist prostitute. * Ahahaha! Lucius is so done with Stede, I can’t ! He reminds me of me with my mom when I was a teenager. (I was horrible)
shitty pathetic incompetent captain  Holy shit, this burn must have dried up the ocean and that’s why they have to drag the boat on land.
The Oookay of Black Pete must be studied.
I had a dream about you last night  and with that phrase, all Blackhands shippers burst into flames. To then die a horrible death for the next minutes and being turned to dust at … best I could. (Also, If I had told you about « good for you » « it was good for me » I don’t think this is how you would have envision it)
But seriously the acting in this scene was INSANE. (I mean more than good, I mean stellar)his laugh is haunting me.
Wait… wait.. is he doing the romcom trope of being horrible to him so that he would leave, to protect him ? but instead he tortures him until he has no choice but to kill him ? Ed, darling, you basic trope girl.
Yeah I guess we could call it closure. Hum.
Yeah, I am ! And I’m alone ! Don’t be like me. Stede has evolved SO MUCH. I’m actually very much hopeful about the discussion he’s going to have with Ed. It won’t be miscommunication bullshit.
The puppet game… Something tells me Lucius won’t like to listen to Pinocchio anymore. Don’t even ask him to make any voice. Stede! The hand went where you think!
Well, Hello back little black scarf which goes with everything ! Especially with the ultimate descent into the pitts of madness and despair.
Stede is choosing « alive » on Blackbeard old poster : thank you, magic of belief, for saving Ed’s life !
There’s a drawing, I repeat, he doodled Ed’s face amongst little bouts of emo poetry… oh stede.
Beheading, arsoning, just a little bit of a dick love of his life.
calm down, you two, with the head against head : you kissed once. In the words of spicy rat boy « Jesus Christ keep your pants on »
Romance novel cover one legged indestructible little fucker Izzy under the rain.
After the pyramid scheme, Olu being the get away text.
Okay, on to the next. It will be a fucking novel.
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laurfilijames · 2 months
returning since I know my FMK was cruel lol
how about a "would you rather?"
Would you rather get a couples massage with Will, ride on Jax's motorcycle (take that however you'd like), OR watch a match at home with Pete (he's not wearing a shirt)
<3 byyeee
You're really coming in hot with the hard questions today aren't you?!
I love it.
Okay let's break this down...
As much as I love a massage, I feel like a couples massage is kind of...wasted? Like there's still two other people in the room. He's not touching me and I'm not touching him. I also kinda feel like Will wouldn't necessarily enjoy a massage even though it undoubtedly would help ease the tension he constantly carries in his neck and shoulders. So I'll pass on this and treat him to a full body rub down with a happy ending at home 😉
This is where making my decision gets tricky. Both of these options are sooooo goooood and everything I want to get involved in.
I LOVE motorcycles. I've always wanted to get my license but have experienced first hand how tragic bike accidents can be, but I had an ex that rode and sitting on the back of one was a whole level of freedom that's hard to replicate. The sound of the bike roaring (you know that gets me 🥵), the feel of the wind on your face and in your hair, not to mention the sensation of having a man between your legs as you wrap your arms around his warm waist to hold on tight 🫠
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Being at home and snuggling on the couch is also one of my favourite things.
That being said, I don't necessarily think that watching a match with Pete, especially if it's West Ham, would be relaxing. He'd be so into it, shouting and swearing at the telly, but I would love seeing him be so passionate about his team. I'd be happy to lay back and watch him rather than the game, especially if that glorious body is exposed for my viewing pleasure 🥵
The result of the match would heavily impact how the rest of our time would go, ie: if West Ham loses and he's grumpy after, am I getting absolutely destroyed out of rage? And if they won, are things more spirited and playful and loving (I'm just imagining Pete's beautiful grin as he's going to town on me with his Mighty Hammer)
So, I still haven't come up with an answer, and I'm literally flipping a coin for it.
Heads for Pete and tails for Jax.
It was tails.
Going for a ride on Jax.... 's motorcycle it is!
He'd take me all over on it, squeezing my thigh whenever we were stopped at a light, and end up somewhere quiet where we would take a rest to go for a very different kind of ride.
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And now my mind will be here for the rest of the evening 🫠
Thank you for redeeming yourself from the FMK ask earlier and sending this too! 🤣💗
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bookgeekgrrl · 4 months
My media this week (4-10 Feb 2024)
top 5 personal HO fave - he was he was super thrilled to be there, had a great time, lost his mind a little & flexed (literally). Incredible.
😊 Throuple Honey (Brent Archer) - short, sweet & simple with lots of domestic details
🥰 "Why Don't We Just Kill the Kid In the Omelas Hole" (Isabel J. Kim) - love a skillful response to the classic original story. I just kept saying 'wow. wow.'
😍😍😍 Reread the entirety of Rachel Reid's Game Changers series. I just love them all SO MUCH!!!! 😍😍😍
Game Changer (Game Changers #1) [Scott & Kip]
Merry Christmas Scott & Kip (Game Changers #1.5)
Heated Rivalry (Game Changers #2) [Shane & Ilya] {here's a really great review of this book, which is THEEEE GREATEST rivals-to-lovers story ever!}
My Dinner with Hayden: A Heated Rivalry Short Story (Game Changers #2.5)
Tough Guy (Game Changers #3) [Ryan & Fabian]
Common Goal (Game Changers #4) [Eric & Kyle]
Role Model (Game Changers #5) [Troy & Harris]
The Long Game (Game Changers #6) [Shane & Ilya, Part 2]
🥰 The Supersoldier's Amnesiac Groom (casspeach) - 48K, very canon divergent arranged marriage AU - reread for Stucky Book Club
A Word on Words | NPT: Starter Villain - John Scalzi
Hot Ones - Tony Hawk
Hot Ones - Sterling K. Brown
Hot Ones - Mark Ruffalo
Hot Ones - John Oliver
Hot Ones - Barry Keoghan
Hazbin Hotel - s1, e2
D20: Fantasy High: Junior Year - "Mall Madness" (s21, e5)
D20: Adventuring Party - "Can I Offer You a Nice Shrimp in This Trying Time?" (s16, e5)
Desert Island Discs - Graham Nash, musician
⭐ Up First - The Sunday Story: Tiny Desk, Big Stage
⭐ What Next: TBD - Streaming Is Cable Now
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Taquile Island
Short Wave - Wolves Are Thriving In The Radioactive Chernobyl Exclusion Zone
The Sporkful - Undercover Dining With NY Times Restaurant Critic Pete Wells
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang - The Top 10 Places We Would Love To Visit
Pop Culture Happy Hour - 2024 Grammys Recap
Vibe Check - Hey, Sis: featuring Audie Cornish
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Moynaq
Shedunnit - The Green Penguin
Vibe Check - Hell Has Flooded
⭐ It's Been a Minute - Sam Reich on revamping the game show - and Dropout's success as a small streamer
Ologies with Alie Ward - Theoretical & Creative Ecology (SCIENCE & ECOPOETRY) with Madhur Anand
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Welcome Home
Short Wave - After 20 Years, This Scientist Uncovered The Physics Behind The Spiral Pass
99% Invisible #569 - Between the Blocks
Switched on Pop - Brittany Howard's Chaos Theory (with Brittany Howard)
⭐ Song Exploder - Green Day "Basket Case"
The Assignment with Audie Cornish - Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce: Cultural Supernova
⭐ Throughline - The Scent of History
⭐ The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Kam Wah Chung & Co. Museum
Alt.Latino - The greatest Boleros of all-time
The Sporkful - Deep Dish With Sohla And Ham: Tacos Al Pastor
Today, Explained - When one (airplane) door opens …
Dear Prudence - Is My Work Husband Keeping Me A Secret From His Wife? Help!
Pop Culture Happy Hour - Lisa Frankenstein And What's Making Us Happy
Endless Thread - Recess Therapy's Julian Shapiro-Barnum is skeptical of kids becoming social media stars
⭐ Strong Songs - "In Your Eyes" by Peter Gabriel
Today, Explained - Why Taylor left TikTok
Short Wave - Clownfish Might Be Counting Their Potential Enemies' Stripes
You're Dead to Me - Simón Bolívar
Consider This from NPR - What Makes A Football Movie Great?
It's Been a Minute - A Super Bowl in 'new Vegas'; plus, the inverted purity of the Stanley Cup
Wait Wait… Don't Tell Me! - Lena Waithe
Under the Influence with Terry O'Reilly - Putting the Awe in Audio
The Very Best Of Buddy Holly And The Crickets
My Mix #5 [Simon & Garfunkel, Carpenters, John Denver]
Presenting KISS
Presenting Black Sabbath
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travelingneuritis · 1 year
kinnporsche ep 4, but only the first half cause i have to go to work. Segment title: Steamed Hams.
-i really like porsche’s tattoo; i think it was a good move for the MU/effects team to tone it down to look more like actual ink on actual skin (the sharp black version from that one early trailer reads either press-on or 2 months old to me). i also think the design/placement is really pretty
-sauna kinn getting up to put more water on the rocks then sitting closer to porsche is the rich playboy version of a high schooler “yawning” then putting his arm around his crush.
-”won’t your girlfriend mind” is a dorky but somewhat endearing opening gambit that porsche immediately swings at and misses. one episode after kinn specifically called him up to drive his (male) booty call home, porsche is really gonna sit here and be like “what abt YOUR gf 👀” my god. porsche. PORSCHE. come out here i just wanna talk
-that said i do sense that a Flicker Of Awareness is beginning to dimly penetrate the ice cream truck music playing 24-7 in porsche’s mind. this will be useful context for him later in the episode, when he’s being given his first prostate orgasm
-of course pete is the friend who carries smelling salts. of course
-i’m watching for any early signs of interest between vegas/pete and honestly, i’m not seeing any. the “oo pete, mr. vegas smiled at u bc ur so handsome” line from a couple episodes ago was an obvious misdirect (vegas was very clearly checking out porsche, not pete, and pete’s cute smile and hair-smooth were clearly a response to porsche’s compliment, not any perceived attention from vegas). right now vegas wants to eat with the bodyguards because porsche is sitting there in a bathrobe looking edible.
to me, this is actually a strength of the way V/P will develop (ie, completely ass-backward to the way either of them operates normally). vegas’s interest in porsche is the same as his interest in most people/things: a combo of “that looks tasty, think i’ll eat it” and “this’ll stick it to my obnoxious cousin who looks down on me.” i do feel like at some point he develops like, a seed of real feelings, but it’s honestly hard to tell with him-- the sexual interest is obviously real, but the barely-sprouted feelings might be illusory, intentionally fabricated, self-deceptive, real but unviable, or all of the above. 
by contrast, pete just skates in and out of vegas’s awareness until eventually vegas can’t avoid realizing the thing about pete which is: there is something wrong with pete. what is wrong with pete? i have to figure out what’s wrong with pete because maybe that will tell me what is wrong with myself. most of vegas’s “flirting” with pete before the kidnapping arc honestly reads to me like low-grade bullying. he would sleep with pete, but only as a bit, or to get back at porsche for rejecting him, or out of boredom. i don’t know if he even starts feeling real attraction (rather than just base level vegas-style down-to-clown-ery) until the moment he figures out that getting hurt is (very unwillingly) doing something hot for pete, which in turn is (very unwillingly) doing something hot for him
i could be wrong about that though? i’ve only seen this once, more viewing needed.
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magentagalaxies · 2 years
Yay for Kids in the Hall fans. If you haven't already been asked: 💃🛼
yay kids in the hall fans!!! it's been so cool getting to find new people through this ask game
💃Which actor’s female characters are your favorite?
probably bruce (he's very pretty as a girl and i'm obsessed with the "bruce girl renaissance" that happened at the beginning of season 4 where he played at least one female role in every episode for a long stretch. also obsessed with tammy)
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her mind <3
tho also in the spirit of me accidentally writing essay-length ramblings about scott thompson maybe i should write an essay about my observation that most of scott's female characters have this "arrogant yet supportive" quality to them where they're very self assured but also hype up the character they're with in almost every scene. like just thinking about how cathy looks out for kathie, or maudre looks out for jocelyn, or hell even the unnamed female characters in the mouth congress song "two hot girls." idk if it's a conscious writing thing (i was going to ask paul bellini about this when i interviewed him but i forgot lmao) but idk i just find it very sweet. also my mom's favorite kids in the hall character is fran (she's quoted the salty ham sketch all the time since i was a little kid) so yeah. my answer is bruce girl supremacy but scott girls are special too
🛼Opinions on the revival season?
I loved it!!! Of course, there are a few things that annoyed me but tbh judging from interviews all of those things were either caused by the pandemic (they wanted to bring back the live audience but couldn't with covid restrictions, if they get a season 7 they're adding back in live sketches) or amazon's censorship. so yeah the circumstances surrounding it certainly prevented it from being the best it could have been but all things considered i'm so happy it exists and the kids have honestly only gotten funnier with age. combined with comedy punks, this whole kids in the hall revival is what actually finally motivated me to dive into kids in the hall last summer (combined with the fact that i didn't have anything better to do lmao) so i'm very happy it exists
specific opinions:
opinion on the opening: i loved it, the brain candy commentary was great and i loved that they dug them back out of the grave from the finale. also hi bellini!
opinions on the dicks: not the funniest sketch but also i didn't hate it/wasn't grossed out by the nudity. it was okay.
opinions on the new buddy cole: this is a dangerous thing to ask me lmao do you want me to write a whole essay on this man for the fourth time???? but long story short i cried when he got his bar back and i truly hope we see more of him soon
opinions on the zoom call sketch: i thought it was a very funny premise and very well executed but holy shit that was the most awkward thing i've ever watched with my parents in the room
favorite new sketches: imaginary girlfriend, inside a kevin mcdonald sketch, doomsday dj (of course)
favorite recurring character sketches: fran and gordon (i laughed so fucking hard every single time i watched it i love them so much), also ngl scott was absolutely beautiful as francesca fiore
thing that annoyed me most: i never liked the "friends of kids in the hall" segments. it always felt way too SNL which is not what i come to kids in the hall for. some of the cameos were cool, but i deserve to be on that segment more than pete davidson (hashtag get magentagalaxies on kids in the hall revival season 2!! i mean come on i'm already a "friend of bellini" /hj)
apologies for the essay but thank you for asking!!
send me an emoji for kids in the hall opinions
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isabellehemlock · 2 years
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Hi Kat! Popping in to request some top fives, please <3
(If you're up for sharing) how about the top five things that always make you smile? Aaaand top five cursed images 👀
(Intrigued to know if Pwimo will make it onto both lists lollll.)
Aw hi Sarah! Thank you so much for sending this one! I love playing the glad game and can easily go on a tangent, so let's see if I can even limit it to five things that make me smile (which, fun fact, isn't all that hard to do - I've even been told I smile too much so yeah, doesn't take a lot lol).
(This got long - that's what she said - so I put it under the cut)
1. Hubby
It's a long running joke that I married Mr. Darcy, in what appears to be a sort of sunshine meets (seemingly) grumpy, but it's all a facade lol. He's so funny! And I remember once, when we first got together (almost 18 years ago!), a family member politely asked uh, what it is about him that drew me in, and I replied that he makes me laugh so much! And she said, "but he never talks?" And I just laughed harder because like, sure maybe not to others - but for me, he makes not only jokes, but sound effect noises, and accents, and I never know when. Can just be in the living room and suddenly it's like Black Pete walked in lol.
He also makes me smile in many other ways, too - like he's the first person to ever kiss my hand, and all my princess dreams were fulfilled. He was the first person to just accept my sexuality (even before I ever knew the term asexual, much less the spectrum of it - though maybe him being the same is what helped us both go "you, too?!" Yeah it just felt so nice not to deal with - what I later learned was aphobia - and just get to be). So basically, yeah, he was the first healthy, mutually equal relationship I ever had, and he helped me better understand the minds of introverts, too. He is my biggest supporter, even patiently listens to me sharing server stories or Pwimo memes and never in a patronizing way - though sometimes he looks like this:
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I love him your honor
2. Kiddos
Both my children are my rainbow babies after loss, and I'm so blessed and honored that I get to be their mother. It is my job to love them, not theirs to love me, but they bring me so much joy and laughter simply by being them. There are several videos of us just hamming it up, dancing, singing, dramatic play - and I hope I never take the gift of their presence in my life for granted. The relationships naturally shift and evolve as they reach different milestones, but I do hope that even as adults they will want to continue to spend time with us because I'm excited to see how their personalities and experiences will further shape them into (hopefully) down to Earth, kind, people who want to pay it forward.
3. Chatting with people
I'm an extrovert, ESFP, words of affirmations gal - like gosh gimme all the people. It's my serotonin boost - it fills me up to converse with people. So much so that on long days with apps and errands and lots of driving, I'll timeblock social media time to get a boost in between them, because yeah, it always works! Seriously, on days when I'm stuck in bed, being able to stay in touch with people has genuinly shifted my general apphrension about the encroaching winter months. It's no lie that I essentially look like this when I get notifications:
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I'm very appreciative of the fact that I have local friends and family I get to see monthly, and seasonally of course, but yeah my brain loves being connected with people more often than that, so social media/online is a great tool for me ❤️
4. Memes
Absolutely no shock to anyone who has talked to me even twice - I adore me some reaction memes and gifs (like even before I joined discord, I'd use them liberally in my text communication as well) - there's a limit to how much can be conveyed in text based conversations and my brain tends to read very literally so I love adding gifs/memes and emotes to help convey my sentiments and I appreciate the same back (or tone indicators if someone is being sarcastic). I have several albums/categories on my phone, divided by theme, hundreds if not thousands, and unless I know someone has a sensory/visual limit (certainly don't want to make it harder for anyone to communicate with me!) I tend to use them fairly liberally.
5. Knowing I brought a smile to someone else ❤️
And top five cursed images?? Now, do you want some from my cursed children galleries:
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Or some I've only shared with a select few for extra cackles? Or from the cursed emote server where I made some for Pwimo's birthday back in May?
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Let me know in DMs bc one or two I'd have no idea how to tag and don't want to get reported lol
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harrisonarchive · 2 years
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George Harrison in the studio, 1968; photo by Tony Bramwell.
“[George] was like a perfectionist. He wanted every note to be exactly right. To me, he didn’t have to take that long. We could have knocked it out and just went for the feel of it, you now? But he would take into a solo, man, and take hours to get the solo right. I’m not knocking him or anything; it’s just that that’s the way he was.” - Doris Troy, Unknown Legends of Rock ‘n’ Roll (1998)
“[George] always appeared to be really cool and really calm, he never cursed nobody. He was just a good guy — the child was serious. [...] ‪There’s not many people like George, I’m telling you, and I’ve met a lot of people over the years. The man was one of a kind.” - Doris Troy, While My Guitar Gently Weeps: The Music of George Harrison (2003)
“Pete [Ham] and I had done the backing track, and George came in the studio and asked if we’d mind if he played [on ‘Day After Day’]. It took hours, and hours, and hours to get those two guitars in sync. Because they did it live — George liked to do it together, live. He and Pete sat there for hours trying different riffs.” - Joey Molland, ibid
“George’s way of dealing with musicians in the studio was, as mentioned, very different from John’s. While John liked developing plans alone or together with Yoko, George always formed a real team with the band. We often worked out pieces together, and our opinion about it was important to George. Even when it came to his guitar solos, he was open to positive suggestions. As opposed to Eric Clapton he was not a great improvisor. He worked everything out note for note and then developed a real little solo melody which he, no matter how often he played it, only varied minimally. While John put his ideas to tape very quickly, ‘patience’ wasn’t just a word with George.” - Klaus Voormann, translated from Warum spielst du Imagine nicht auf dem weißen Klavier, John? (2003) (x)
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souryogurt64 · 2 years
do you have a ranking of all of FOB's albums?
sorry this got buried under taylor swift discourse but here is my half assed chronological album commentary because every fall out boy song and album is good
EOWYG: obviously this album is not good and obviously rushed, which is why they did not want it released. however, i think it has "good bones." i live right by the (closed) cafe where the album cover was shot and walk by it pretty much every time i leave the house and i get chills every time knowing that was where so much started. a lot of lines are very bad and do not fit the beat and obviously are slapped together but there are certain lines that i feel really capture the essence of fall out boy and also make my chest hurt. this album really captures this sort of rough midwestern wannabe wes anderson 80s romance protagonist indie coming of age energy in such a potent, ugly, and raw way. lines like "when the moonlight hits your bright eyes i go blind" and "do you mind if i stand next to you and watch you smile, ive seen your boyfriend and i dont think he treats you right, but thats none of my business is it" are a little ham fisted but theres just something about it. "the next time the phone wrings my neck." "switchblades and infidelity." you can also tell how much potential patricks voice has and sense this building energy hiding under the bad production and slightly off kilter performance that demonstrates how much potential they had.
i feel similarly about the arma angelus album, where its largely terrible but you can sense this sort of energy. and i feel like eowyg was such a good demonstration of petes businessman recognition that tons of lovesick teenage girls were showing up at hardcore shows and stalking his livejournal with intense fantacism, and he realized if he bottled and marketed this machismo ridden boys club to girls in a way that appealed to them as a "boy band" it was going to be his big break. its also so authentic, with "five tired boys" as a gutwrenching nostalgia for a life youve never had love song to throwing your life away for the sake of the scene whether theres payoff or not, especially the bridge. i think i can trace the emotion i felt hearing that song off a zip file i torrented to my mp3 player in middle school (along with seeing later tttyg music videos) to fighting with my parents constantly 10 years later because i want to be a waitress and wear beat up shoes so i can afford to do unpaid tours
i didnt expect to write this much about this bastard child of an album that is largely considered to suck and few people know exists, but i also really love how pete looks on the album cover. i feel like it'd be rude to say that it captures their personalities since andy is missing, but i like that joe is mid-sentence and mid-hand-gesture, i like that patrick is sitting basically on top of pete and so hunched down and barely visible behind his glasses listening to whatever the waitress has to say. and pete. pete is wearing this cunty white collared shirt and tie that isn't tightened all the way like hes trying to pull chicks when thats undoubtedly tucked into bootcut jeans, staring at the waitress with some stupid lemme smash expression that shows off his jawline like the egotistical, tabloid heartthrob hed later become. go to hell
TTTYG: i think TTTYG is weak in a lot of places. i think a lot of the songs sound incredibly similar to each other so its hard to pick out any one good song thats stronger than any of their later sings, except for "grand theft autumn" which is the "national anthem" for a reason. that being said, the album taken as a whole has a very powerful and distinct feel and i enjoy the screaming a lot and the unbelievably angsty and deliberately double-entendre homoerotic lyrics like "he just made my list of things to do" and "he is well hung and i am hanging--"
a lot of people either love or hate tttyg and im not sure why, i dont feel like its exceptionally terrible or particularly strong. i really like it though, i would probably rank individual songs lower than a lot of other fob songs but i like the overall feel of the album all together
FUTCT: also an incredible album. i really like how bitter and kind of dark and sardonic this one feels. the last one was obviously rageful and there was a lot of screaming and stuff but it all felt a lot more childish and superficial— and there’s a time in your life for those emotions but the emotions on this record just felt a little more complex.
also all the songs sound much different which wasnt really the case with tttyg. i also really like the experimentation with spoken word and the deliberate homoeroticism, particularly in get busy living. snitches and talkers was taken off this album and is a bonus track, but i love it a lot. i also love petes experimenting with whispered hidden messages on various versions of the album, a few of which have not been decoded to this day, which im sure hes very pleased about. i also think the album kind of gets progressively darker generally except for maybe 16 candles, but the video for 16 candles was pretty dark so idk. i also really love a lot of the guitar on the album, it just stands out to me for some reason. the lyrics on this album grew up so much compared to take this to your grave or tttyg and you can really see pete starting to play to his strengths as a writer and how his and patrick’s relationship started to get into a system that brought out the strengths of the band at the time,
Ioh: this is probably widely considered fobs best album and was at the height of their career, and i really like it. if i had to pick one favorite fall out boy song i feel like i would pick hum hallelujah. i really like how pete explores religion and christianity/catholicism in fall out boy and i feel like this record is where you see the most of that, except maybe mania, although its on srar and futct as well.
my favorite tracks are probably carpal tunnel and ive got all this ringing, and hum hallelujah and im like a lawyer, and youre crashing. too many favorite tracks. i feel the way this album explores general human conflict through being famous and through religion is really cool and feels very real. i also like a lot of the more unconventional stuff they did like the choir in crashing or the sort of toy noises in afterlife or the windup sounds in mmrs, those are some of my favorite parts of the album. im sorry im not writing more i just feel like everyone knows this is a really good album and it did really well and its just so big and biblical culty feeling i dont need to write a novel
fad: this was my favorite album in high school, so i kind of listened to it too much and am still recovering from that (im not afraid to flex that i was in the top .001% of fob listeners this year so i am serious about listening to them too much lmfao). folie is widely considered now at least to be ahead of its time.
a lot of the album feels really grand and i really like all the instruments they used, it felt like an intensification of what they were doing with infinity on high.
some of my favorite tracks are west coast smoker, headfirst slide, was, and 27. headfirst slide is my favorite song of this album right now, its so good. i also appreciate the return to slam poetry on this album complete with the slam poetry percussion. committing to the bit. i feel like everyone on tumblr loves this album anyway
srar: i was 13-14 when this album came out so this was my introduction to fall out boy and holds a really special place in my heart because of that. i feel like its got a sort of anger that wasnt on any of the albums since tttyg and i really just loved that as a middle schooler and wanting to be a part of something angry and put on my war paint or whatever, especially when mcr were on the tail end of their killjoys shit around the same time. the youngblood chronicles were also amazing. i wont ever watch the youngblood chronicles again because i dont want to lose my memory of watching it in someones basement at age 14 not knowing literally anything about fall out boy and thinking it was totally amazing.
i also really love the album art, i usually dislike photo album art but this one is very good.
my favorite tracks are where did the party go and just one yesterday. my least favorite track is probably mighty fall EXCEPT for big seans verse, thats one of my favorite parts of the album. i dont know if big sean wrote his own verse or not but i feel like “i know you said not to call unless im dying but im driving and i cant stop staring at my eyelids” is such a pete wentz line. miss missing you is also excellent.
young volcanoes also has a soft spot in my heart, i didnt really listen to anything except justin bieber and one direction and taylor swift at that age and i was raised on a lot of kidz bop and vacation bible school type garbage so this music was a little hard for my tastes except for that song which i couldn’t stop listening to even though it arguably had the most traumatizing music video.
a lot of people older than me fucking hate this album, probably for the same reasons i initially hated mania, but i really like it and i really dont think it sounds that different than the rest of fall out boy and think its really good.
ABAP: i listen to AB/AP the least, and i think its my technical "least favorite," but not because its a "bad" album, because i was in high school and very into fob when it came out so some of the songs feel a bit overplayed to me, like uma thurman and centuries. its also my least favorite album cover by a long shot and album art is very important to me. immortals is also probably my least favorite fob song of all time. it also was for a movie so it feels slightly out of place. pete has talked about how rushed AB/AP was and i think its a solid album, especially for the timeframe, but feels a bit rushed-- centuries wasnt their song, their 3 major singles were overplayed and associated with high school for me, and songs like novocaine feel like SRAR songs because they were SRAR songs. however, songs like irresistible and kids arent alright are absolute knockouts-- i feel like irresistible is such a fall out boy and such a pete wentz song despite having the more modern production and musical style, and kids arent alright is heartwrenching. irresistible is one of my most played songs of this year.
mania: full disclosure, when young and menace came out, i was a senior in high school and i snuck out of class to listen to it and i literally cried in the bathroom because i hated it so much. It was on the radio too and whenever it came on my friends and family would comment on how terrible and unlistenable and annoying it was and it made me so embarrassed to be a fall out boy fan and not give the song another chance because I was more focused on fitting in than actually forming my own opinion and also refusing to give something another chance based off the wrong expectations. I felt like it was a bad song but it’s not a bad song, it just is a non traditional song that’s more of an art piece than a catchy single. I didn’t really give mania a chance because it was different and not what I wanted— and I liked ABAP and SRAR, I wasn’t a whiner about their new music up until that point.
However, now mania is one of my favorite albums and I literally ration how much I listen to it because i like it so much. It’s shorter than i’d like, but rock albums are much, much shorter now. I think it’s a really good exploration of being in a state where you’re not sure if you’re fully in touch with reality or if you’re really experiencing things that are rare, like fame and greatness and true love and religion. i used really like to listen to this album on substances, especially y&m and bishops knife trick, and its amazing. the only other fob songs that i personally think are super fun on substances are headfirst slide and afterlife of the party.
i also think the album art and (some of) the merch was really pretty, and its some of the only band merch ive purchased that i consistently wear and use. i got the vip pack and i didnt feel like it was overpriced. some of their other shit not in the pack was some of the ugliest and most overpriced garbage they’ve put up for sale. however the album art was so pretty i cant get over it. its my favorite album art definitely. i didnt like the llamas though— my roommate was a llama so im allowed to say that. i did really, really love their intro and what they had on the screen during hella mega. it was so much better than the emoji shit during abap, i loved it and it was very immersive and child-like but also grown up in a way the llamas were not. but pete is a furry so he needs his stupid costumes
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pumpkinov · 3 years
Where the Dust Settles
I will probably move this to Ao3 when I have a way more solid idea of my plot, but for now, it goes here. Mostly so I don’t lose it.
Portia Collins, the sole survivor of Vault 111 has lost more than most. With the Institute defeated, she sets her sights to the next big jobs - unification of the Commonwealth wastelands and the large warship docked at the Boston Airport. More work for the General of the Minutemen, who is finding herself increasingly alone as her companions move on with their lives. John Hancock, the Ghoul Mayor of Goodneighbour is struggling to find his footing in the new political climate of the Commonwealth, and is finding a surprisingly vocal supporter in his local Minuteman General. 
 Chapter 1. Why do you only call me when you’re high?
Portia observed the Third Rail with a headache forming. Her and Preston had arrived around midday, greeted by Fahrenheit. The relationship forming between the Commonwealth Minuteman and the settlement of Goodneighbour was a point of pride for the General. They were welcomed warmly, and their brief meeting with the Ghoul Mayor who ran the town had been pleasant, if frustratingly shortlived. But as the weather soured, most of the town had gathered in the bar. And it was cramped.
Ensuring that Preston was indeed distracted by Magnolia, Portia slid a cigarette out of a pack someone left on the table and headed to the door, abandoning her coat for the sake of an unobserved getaway. She nodded at Ham as she headed up the stairs, and slipped out the door.
She instantly regretted leaving her coat behind, the wind was frigid and there were clumps of watery snow on the ground. She could see her breath as she dug around in her pockets for a lighter. She came up empty, and was about to head back inside, defeated, when a weight hit the wall next to her. Hancock twisted the wheel of his lighter and held it in front of her, rolling his cigarette between his thin lips as Portia drew the smoke into her lungs.
He lit his cigarette, and flicked the lighter closed, sliding it into his jacket in a movement so fluid it had to be practiced. They smoked in companionable silence for a moment, Portia leaning her head against the brick wall. She eventually rolled her head to the side, fixing her eyes on her silent companion. His face in the portrait was familiar now, dark eyes, noseless and scarred.
“I wish you’d change your mind about joining us in Diamond City.” She commented. “You’re the only leader of a settlement not coming. And the Minutemen could use you.”
He slid her a look, a smirk twisting across his face, “There’s not enough caps in the whole Commonwealth that would convince me to go inside the Great Green Jewel again.”
“Nothing could convince you?”
His eyes slid down her frame, and the smirk widened “I’m sure something could.”
Portia rolled her eyes, and elbowed him. He laughed roughly, and took another deep drag of his cigarette. “Besides Sunshine, I’ve already built my personality around one hat. I don’t think even a ghoul with my kind of charisma could make those minuteman specials work.”
Portia smiled around her cigarette for a moment, “Don’t let Preston hear you say that. He’s very proud of his hat.”
“And yet the General doesn’t wear one.” Hancock breathed a plume of smoke out, tendrils escaping through his exposed naval cavity.
Portia didn’t reply, just smiled and watched a handful of small snowflakes begin to fall around the streetlight. Another freezing night.
“Maybe it’s for the best that you don’t come to this meeting in Diamond City.” She said, flexing the fingers that weren’t clamped around her cigarette. Her fingertips were turning red. “I’ve seen your diplomacy in action, Mayor. I’ve stepped over the dead body of your diplomacy.”
He laughed deep in his throat at the comment. “Don’t flatter yourself General, Finn was on thin fucking ice before he decided to shake you down. I didn’t stab a man for a woman I’d just met.” He finally turned his head to meet her gaze, his black eyes crinkled at the corners as he grinned, smugly. “I’d strongly consider stabbing a man for you now, given the right incentives.”
Portia took her final drag of her cigarette, and dropped it onto the ground, crushing it beneath her heel. She looked back at Hancock, and breathed her final lung full of smoke out.
“Let me guess, Mayor Hancock, would that incentive happen to be wildly inappropriate?”
His eyes flashed. “Not wildly. Perhaps not for polite company.”
Portia rolled her eyes again, and stuffed both her hands under her armpits. She glanced back at the metal door leading into the Third Rail. She really wasn’t ready to return back to that crowd yet. Hancock seemed to sense her hesitation, he tucked his hand back into his jacket and produced another cigarette. She accepted it, stamping her feet a little to get warm.
“Is there any polite company in Goodneighbour?” She busied herself with lighting the cigarette with Hancock’s proffered lighter, waiting for his usual flirtatious quip. Instead, when she looked up to return his lighter, she saw him watching as Daisy appeared around the corner, wrapped in a scarf and jacket.
“There’s some.” He said quietly.  Portia hummed in agreement, waving as Daisy approached.
“Quittin’ time?” Hancock asked her, offering Daisy his arm. “Would you do me the honour of letting me buy you a drink?”
“John Hancock I’ve told you a million times, I’m too old for you.” Daisy laughed. He groaned in response, placing his free hand across his heart, closing his eyes dramatically.
“And I’ll keep asking, let a ghoul dream!” He pitched his cigarette butt and opened the door for her with a flourish, then glanced back up at Portia. “Same again?”
“Mayor Hancock I told you, we can’t be out late, Preston and I are due in Diamond City early in the morning.”
He grinned at her. “So, same again?”
“Hancock!” Portia smiled despite herself. “This happens every time! I’ll take a bourbon and Nuka.”
“For Pete’s sake Hancock!” Ham called, “In or out man, the wind is friggin’ freezing!”
“Yeah, yeah, hold your horses!” Hancock called through the door, before looking back at her.
The playful, flirtatious grin he usually held was gone. His face was serious, his eyes still. Portia felt her stomach lurch up as she recognised the look as straight lust. She stared back at him, heart all of a sudden pounding in her throat. She snaked her tongue out, to wet her all of a sudden dry lips. Hancock’s gaze dropped to her lips for a moment, before catching himself. He pulled the smirk back, but his eyes kept their intensity.
“I’ll give you a second alone.” He rasped, “feels like you might not get much of that these days, General.”
Despite the heat rising from her core, Portia grabbed ahold of herself, and smiled.  “Bourbon and Nuka, remember?”
Hancock nodded and closed to the door, leaving her to the whirling wind, and her thoughts.
She crushed the half finished cigarette beneath her heel and headed back into the crowded bar, finally defeated by the snow now lightly falling. Preston was at the bar, talking animatedly with Magnolia. The place was crowded, and she had to squish herself past several people. They all turned and stared at her as she passed, and the heat was rising in her face again. Portia never quite felt comfortable in crowds like this. She finally reached Preston, who turned and beamed at her. “General, did you need a drink?”
“No, thank you, I think the Mayor -” She was interrupted as Whitechapel Charlie slid a glass of bourbon and nuka in front of her. “Oh, thank you.” She wrapped her fingers around the glass, and swirled the liquid around.
“I’m just going to freshen up” Magnolia drawled, draping an arm across Preston’s shoulder’s as she rose from her stool. “Don’t go anywhere.” She drifted off in a cloud of perfume, leaving a rather dazed minuteman in her wake.
“You still in there Garvey?” Portia smiled against the glass as she sipped her drink. God bourbon was so sweet. She didn’t really know why she drank it.
He smiled rather bashfully, shaking his head. “She’s really one hell of a woman.”
“Yeah, she has that effect on people,’ Portia dropped her hand on his shoulder. “I’m going to turn in after I finish this - do you need anything else before I go?”
“You won’t stay until she finishes singing?”
“No, I’m beat.” She took another mouthful, just trying to get rid of it now. “But you stay out, just don’t be too hungover for our council meeting tomorrow.”
He grinned at her, “you really don’t trust me, do you General?”
“Preston,” Portia fixed her eyes on her friend, raising an eyebrow, “I trust you to the ends of the earth. I would walk through fire for you. I would, and have, trusted you with my life. But I do not trust you not to get carried away drinking with a pretty woman.”
He laughed out loud at that, wrapping his hand around the neck of his beer bottle as he threw his head back. “Honestly, probably a wise choice.” His eyes sparkled a little under the light. There was a joy she hadn’t seen on his face … ever.  Preston had been by her side every step of the way, from the day she thawed out to now. He’d helped her find her son, and destroy her son. He’d helped her mourn her husband, and helped her survive in this new, strange world. Portia would sooner have set herself on fire than quash the happy, slightly drunken glow he was developing across his face.
“Have fun, Preston.” She squeezed his shoulder and moved away, taking a large mouthful and wincing as the far too sweet alcohol burned her tongue. God, why did she always ask for Bourbon, she fucking hated bourbon.
She reached the coat racks at the back of the bar, and started looking for her coat. She drained the last swallow of her glass, and without looking plonked it down on the nearest table.
“Sneaking out without saying goodbye, General?” A familiar rasp came from her left. Portia bit her lip, and pulled her attention away from the overstacked rack of coats. “As if anyone could leave without saying goodbye to you, Mayor.” Hancock was leaning against a chair, a glass of amber liquid in his hand, grinning like he always did.  “Do you need another drink?”
“No, thank you but I have to go.” She finally spotted her coat, and yanked it out of the tangled mass of fabric. She slipped it on over her shirt, and turned to face him. “Thank you, though. For meeting us, and hearing us out.”
His eyes softened a little. “I appreciate the invitation General. What you and the Minutemen are doing is impressive, joining the Commonwealth together like this. But I can’t go back there.”
Portia tightened her jacket around her, as Hancock swallowed the last of his drink and straightened up. “Come on, I’ll walk to you to the Rexford.”
“You don’t have to -”
He cut her off, offering her his arm. “It’s part of the Goodneighbour hospitality.”
The soft snow was swirling in the wind now, and Portia braced herself against the chill. It seemed to have no effect on Hancock, whose arm she clung to. He was so warm, even through the fabric of his jacket. Portia had to admit it was pleasant - the square was completely empty except for two of the neighbourhood watch, who nodded at them as they passed. The fresh air was refreshing after the stale smoke and beer they’d been breathing at the Third Rail. They reached the doors of the Rexford, and Portia turned to face him.
“Last chance, Mayor.” She brushed the hair out of her eyes as the wind whipped his jacket around his legs. “Are you sure you won’t come with Preston and I to Diamond City for this meeting? Every settlement group is sending a representative. It’s important.”
The wind had picked up now, and she had to lean in closer to him to hear his response.
“General, you really keep pushing this. Are you sure you don’t just want my company?”
She rolled her eyes, a smile bubbling to the surface despite her annoyance. “Hancock, really. Goodneighbour deserves a voice. Your people deserve a voice. You deserve to be there. If you’re not there, then Goodneighbour; your people? They stay disconnected from the rest of the Commonwealth.”
He fixed his eyes on her for a moment. “You really want to have me in Diamond City?”
She touched one of the buttons on his jacket, just needing a moment without his strange, black eyes boring into her. “It’s only fair, after everything.”
He shifted slightly closer, and her skin prickled. “OK, fine. I’ll come.”
She glanced up at him, a smile breaking across her face. “Excellent-”
“But,” he interrupted, his face still serious. “I will not be coming as part of your Minutemen. I respect your organisation General, but Goodneighbour is for the people, by the people, and I will not come shackled to your cowboy hats and holier-than-thou ideologies.”
She blinked, a little taken aback at the roughness under his usual rasp. “Of course, Mayor. The only shackles will be ones you attach yourself.”
A smile spread across his face at that comment, and Portia cursed herself. She shouldn’t have said that. It was just very hard not to flirt with him, despite his radiation ravaged face.
“I feel like the Minutemen and I may have very different ideas on the best use of shackles,” he murmured, now reaching a hand up to brush against the fingers she’d left on his button. His hands were so warm, and she resisted the urge to melt into his touch.
“Sorry to disappoint Mayor, but I leave the shackling to Preston.” She desperately tried to wheel it in, the air was too intimate now.
He was still looking at her, his eyes hungry. He moved to kiss her, and Portia put a hand against his chest. He stopped, still smiling down at her. The heat coming from him was insane, her fingers spread against his chest.
“Mayor, I don’t mix business with, well, thirty seconds of staring at the ceiling.”
He tilted his head back and laughed at this, heartily. It eventually turned into a cough which took a few seconds to get under control. When he finally regained composure and looked back down at her, there were tears in his eyes. “Oh, Christ Sunshine.” His tone was of amusement, he seemed completely unfazed at her rejection. “I only do business with pleasure. As for ceiling staring, it’s not something I’ve personally experienced, but I’m sure I could find some referrals if you’re concerned.” He wrapped his hand around her wrist, lifted it to his mouth and pressed his lips against the back of her hand; before stepping away from her. The cold wind rushed in to fill the spot where he’d stood, and Portia felt a chill wrap across her.
“Goodnight, General.” Hancock slid a cigarette into his mouth, and turned around. Portia called out to him as he disappeared towards the Third Rail.
“See you in the morning, Mayor!”
There was no way he’d show.
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tafferling · 2 years
An entirely free web serial: Cyberpunk-lite, Zombie Apocalypse included, and Soul Magic to tie it all together.
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Chapter 10: Welcome to Horizon's Crown
In which Varrett breaks the "Don't touch" rule and only gets away with it once, and in which Sophya steals a memory.
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“Dad, stop.
Please. Dad!“
His voice is etched with profound pain and lost in a deep-dark-nothing. Shadows, ones blacker than the deep-dark-nothing, jerk and twitch. They’re shape-starved puppets, shades that have forgotten or have been forgotten or want to be forgotten, if only they could rest.
“Max!” a woman cries. Her voice, too, rings with grief yet grieved.
There’s a crash. An anguished scream. And then a deafening, booming crack that blinds her.
Sophya falls from the deep-dark-nothing and woke to Gabriel staring at her, an action figure held in his kid-paws. The loud crack faded to a tattered suggestion; a figment playing at being a memory. She tried to shake it, but it clung on tight.
“Good morning!” Gabriel proclaimed.
Sophya disagreed with that statement. Vehemently. She’d only just woken up and already she recalled everything. She remembered where she was. She remembered Pete. Where was that moment upon waking in which she ought to momentarily forget where she was? That moment where she believed she was still at the station, that she’d changed her mind. Seen reason. That she wasn’t hurting inside and out.
“I brought Captain Starblaze.” Gabriel wagged the action figure left and right. “I have him in his pilot suit too and in the ice suit. But this is my favourite.”
・・・“Hmmm,” SIN intoned as she leaned in close to the boy, her cat form shed in favour of her wild red hair and all those freckles. She’d folded forward at the hip and had her arms crossed as she studied the action figure like it was some dusty old treasure recently recovered from an equally dusty old cave. “What a bulky lad, that. They gave him melons for biceps, hams for thighs, and then they left him with the flattest of asses. Bit cruel, don’t you think? The bit with the ass, I mean.”
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avatarvyakara · 2 years
Strands of Webbing
A Spiderverse Fanfic
Prompts 169-180
“Others in the Cluster, Part II”
169. Designation
Peter looks out upon the assembled Peters, and sighs.
“Okay. Let’s get started. I’m Peter B. Parker and you can call me Peter, B, Peter B, Peter B Goode, or The Amazing Parkerino.”
“...yeah, we’re not calling you that,” says Ham.
“Anyway. My name is Peter Benjamin Parker. One of my best friends calls me Noir. The other calls me Gray. You boys can stick with Detective. Or Peter.”
“My name is Peter Pauker—Pay-tuh, not Pee-ter—and I am the Cob. For some reason people call me Buccaneer, or just Buck. Both are acceptable. Also Peter—pronounced properly.”
“My name is Peter Porker. Call me Ham. Or Porker. Or Peter. Call me Porkchop and I will eat you. Don’t tempt me.”
“My name is Peter Ross, and...I guess you can call me Black Spider. Or Spartus, that was my code name in at Cadmus, God knows why. Or Pete. I don’t mind being the only Pete in the room.”
“I’faith, my name be Peter Parquagh, the Spider in the Web. Spider is a name I may keep, or Peter. Parquagh, should you wish it.”
“How do you feel about Shakespeare?”
“Um...the man is my master and playwright, so...perhaps not?”
“Ooh, what’s your most popular role?”
“...Viola. In Twelfth Night. But my favoured role is Puck, so...perhaps that.”
"My name is Peter Parker. I used to be Spider-Man, now I'm retired. I guess you can call me…May, honey, this is weird."
"Dad, there's another version of me who is literally a baby. I feel you."
"You can call me Mayday's Dad."
"Shut it, Amazing Parkerino, you're not one to talk."
"Eh? Eh? Doesn't it work?"
“My name is Peter Parker. I’m the Iron Spider. So...maybe Iron? Or Peter. ‘Cables’ works too.”
"Sure, I'm Peter Parker, born and bred in New York, Texas. Call me the Web-Slinger. Or Outlaw."
“My name is Peter Parker. I’m the Hobgoblin. ...long story. Please, for the love of all that is sacred, don’t call me Green. Or Goblin. Or Hobby. Only one person gets to call me Hobby. Bombshell works.”
“We’re not calling you Bombshell.”
“Speak for yourself, I might.”
“Right," says Peter B., clapping his hands together. "And now that that’s all sorted out...pizza calls.”
“What is pizza?”
“Viola, my boy, you are in for a treat.”
170. Hardcore
“...until ultimate termination.”
Peni blinks.
“Are you sure we’re the same person?”
Other Peni rolls her eyes. “Yes, I’m sure. Even if your SP//dr is a bit...”
“A bit what?”
“You know...impractical? For fighting bad guys?”
Peni frowns. “Mostly kaiju, actually.”
“You sit in a glass cockpit and punch giant monsters and somehow you’ve survived as SP//dr for...how long now?”
“Three years. How about you?”
“Two. ...oh, no, there is no way you’re older than me. You look twelve!”
“Uh...I’m sixteen.”
“Ah, Peni! I see you’ve met Peni?” says Ham, striding through the workshop with a sandwich and out the other side. “Have fun!”
“I guess,” mutters Other Peni.
“...Dad’s death still bothering you?”
“What? No, that was ages ago.” Other Peni sighs, which helps Peni feel less like yelling at her dismissive tone (which would be counterproductive). “Mostly it’s just the job. It...kinda grinds down on you after a while.”
“...I guess I can relate to that.”
Other Peni coughs. “So...you like listening to music while you work?”
Peni lights up. “Do I? Come on, let’s get the sound started. Have you heard anything by Karam Heiwa?”
For the first time in the entire conversation, Other Peni smiles.
“I can see you’ve got good taste.”
“It’s probably a Peni Parker thing,” says Peni, conversationally. “Gray’s stuck on swing, Peter B’s more Silver Age Electric, and Gwen’s into punk, but you just can’t beat KH for tunes to work with.”
Other Peni cautiously goes through the playlist on the holographic display, as though she’s worried about breaking something. Then her faces lights up.
“Hey, is this ‘Nuke-ular’? I haven’t heard this album in ages!”
...of course Other Peni would choose the most depressing song in the mix. Still, baby steps.
171. Crawl
“MJ?” calls Peter from the living room.
“First of all, don’t panic because May is perfectly fine.”
Mary Jane gets up pretty damn quickly, if she says so herself.
There’s her husband.
There’s their daughter.
There’s the empty floor.
There’s the rather crowded ceiling.
(Also, to be fair, there’s a soft safety net made of webs about halfway between the floor and ceiling and it takes up most of the room.)
“I just was doing a bit of dusting and the next minute she was up here with me, but she’s safe, I promise!”
“Oh my god.”
“I know it’s strange, and we’re going to have to teach her not to do this with people around, but she’s okay and it just means baby-proofing the ceiling was a good idea. Thinking ahead!”
“Oh my god.”
“Honey, I’m really sorry, I didn’t want you to—”
“Peter B. Parker, our daughter is walking.”
“Mmmmah!” squeals May, toddling towards her mother. Then she lets go of the ceiling and falls right into her waiting arms.
“...of all the times not to have a camera on me!”
“Did being on the ceiling really not count?”
“That’s just Spidey-stuff, this is important,” Peter complains.
MJ laughs. So does May.
172. Dimetrodon
“You know, when you suggested a play-date, I was hoping we could avoid the monsters,” complains Peter.
“The real monsters sit inside the human heart, and turn societal expectations into moral abominations,” says a chained up Noir solemnly.
Spider-Ham, hanging next to him, stares.
“Also it’s not a play-date, I needed to talk to you about something.”
“...you know your coat’s still blowing in the wind, right?”
“Behold, Spider-Man!” crows Dr. Connors below. “Now—now I shall finally rid myself of my filthy mongrel blood! I shall partake in this serum and awaken from the cellular reintegration process as a pure, true Aryan warrior! And in the meantime...my primal form shall destroy you, and your subhuman imp!”
“…I don't know what's the more insulting part of that description,” Peter repeats. “Also, ‘mongrel blood’? He does know that’s a subculture-specific term, right? Can’t call someone that unless you’re...also that. The politically-correct term is ‘mixed-subspecies’.”
“He’s Irish and I think he said his grandpa was Belarusian or something once,” explains Noir. He sighs. “He also used to be missing an arm, at least the formula worked for that. The guy can literally regrow limbs and he wants to work on ‘purifying’ himself. Shoulda burnt those [bleep] Nazi books when I saw them—aw, come on...”
Connors laughs maniacally, and drinks the bubbling formula.
“...does he know we can get out of these at any time?” asks Peter.
“Probably not. The idiot gets caught up in the moment a lot.”
The transformation has begun. Connors begins twitching and scratching, his body erupting into scales and growing a tail—
—and sinking to the ground as a long, multi-coloured (multi-hued here) fin erupts from his back.
It blinks. It grunts. It also pads over and stretches its neck upward from the floor, managing about six inches of the required three feet to reach Noir’s boots.
“...every time?”
“Put it like this: fighting the Lizard is my version of a quiet night out.”
“Oh, no,” groans Peter. “Is the guy lame in every universe?”
“Why, what’s he like in your world?” asks Noir, shooting out a web and breaking the handcuffs like paper bracelets.
“Three geckos in a crocodile suit.”
“Peni’s is a bit sadder,” Noir muses. “Poor guy was hit way back when with some gloop from Africa that triggers when he gets angry. Got sent off to Venus, I think. Other Peter has a Doctor Connors too. Or had. Miles doesn’t have one yet. Miguel’s is just an iguana who thinks she’s a mad scientist. Gwen won’t talk much about hers, bit of a sore spot...”
“Do you just keep tabs on parallel versions of everyone’s villains?”
“Guy’s gotta have hobbies.”
“Guy’s gotta have obsessions, you mean...”
They swing away, leaving a bemused synapsid wondering vaguely if dinner was supposed to get away this easily (again).
173. Opportunity
"I just…I'm not sure if she's gonna say yes or not," Mary-Jane admits.
Mary Jane snorts. "Pat would have to be an idiot not to. Much as I hate to brag, we're good."
Her younger counterpart chuckles. "Yeah…yeah, that we are. Is it kind of weird that I want to plan something out?"
"Not at all. When I was your age, I wanted nothing more than to dazzle the world and keep on moving, but Peter really helped provide some grounding for me. Just like I did for him. Parkers are weird like that, they're usually depressed enough to balance out the Watson temper but you need to keep it balanced."
Now Mary-Jane laughs. Then she sobers. "It's not like Carnage is a particular selling-point."
"Well, I…can't say I've ever actually bonded like that to anyone or anything. …what's it like?"
"A bit like…having a guardian angel. Except it's the angel that razed Sodom and Gomorrah and went around collecting kids in Egypt and it wants to get out of retirement again."
"…okay, so not like having a kid."
"No, no."
May, who doesn't much care about cues (definitely Peter's daughter, no sense of dramatic timing at all), continues to sleep peacefully.
"But in short? Go get her. You're in for a sure bet there."
"Thanks…Mary Jane," says Carnage. "It's not like I can really talk to Gwen about this, much as I…"
"No, no, I get it," Mary Jane assures her. "Sometimes you've just got to talk it through with yourself first."
174. Porcine
“...this is [bleep] ridiculous.”
“You’re [bleep] telling me,” says Piguel O’Malley.
“Would you believe the animation style changes this much in the next hundred and forty years?” says El Porco excitedly. “They still have that trick with the mallet, right?”
“What trick?”
“...no trick with the mallet. Weird. But at least you’re—”
“A pig who wanted to gain the powers of the original Spider-Ham. Which I guess would be you.”
“The first alternate me I meet, and he’s a pig.”
“Welcome to my world, kid.”
“...I fail to understand why it’s a problem that I’m a pig?”
“Kind of a long story, kid,” says Monochrome Parker.
“...I’m twenty-six.”
“Then you have him beat by six years,” says Peter B, sitting on the couch in Miguel’s flat with a yogurt.
“Why are you even in my house?”
“I'm supervising.”
Piguel O’Malley meets Miguel’s long-suffering look with one of his own.
“...you got a brother?”
"Gabriel. You?"
“Hogriel. Hate him. Wish he’d come by more.”
“We’re gonna get on fine.”
175. Orphan
“Dude,” says Miles, hoarsely.
Other Miles—sporting a very close-shaven haircut—sighs.
“Don’t sweat it too much, man. It happened, she’s gone, I’m...I’m over it.”
“Your mom was...Venom actually...”
“Hasn’t happened to you yet? Good. Maybe you’ll get a chance to fix it this time. Might save you a Spider-Mentor.”
“...wait, what?”
“Your mami isn’t Araña?”
“Uh...no. That was Peter Parker. There’s another one, somehow, he hangs around a lot. Uncle Aaron...Uncle Aaron was the Prowler, though. Before he died.”
Other Miles grunts in disgust. “Yeah. I know. Yours try using you to do his dirty work for him too?”
“What? No! Uncle Aaron would never—”
“Yours, maybe.” Miles sighs bitterly. “You got everything, man. Mom’s alive, Dad hasn’t disowned you for following in her footsteps, you didn’t have to fight your uncle to the death...hell, you even got another Spider-Man in your world. Who do I get to train me? Captain Freakin’ America.”
“Hey, what’s wrong with Sam Wilson? Guy’s a stickler but he’s cool, and he’s got a lotta stories about New Orleans in the 40s.”
“...man, you seriously do get everything.”
“Why, who’s yours?”
“James Howlett.”
“...dude, he’s Canadian.”
“I know!”
176. Crossover
"You know the weirdest thing?" complains Pete. "You guys have completely different heroes! I mean, it's like, Tony Stark is actually real? And he's actually Iron Man? You don't have Metropolis or Gotham, and you call people with superpowers mutants instead of meta-humans…it's like the comics are coming to life or something!"
Billy, Mayday, Roshni, and Miguel (whose world it is) stare at him.
"Owwwww," groans Carolyn Trainer from her prison of webs. Her tenure as Doc Ock is…not working out so well at the moment.
Ham pats him on the shoulder. "Let me try to explain a few things, buddy."
"You sure you got this?" asks Miguel.
"Eh, my arch-rival was an out-of-work Wile E. Coyote for a while, I get where the guy's coming from."
"Is anyone allowed to legally say any of that?" complains Mayday.
"Shouldn't think so, love," says Billy sympathetically.
"…which contextually has a completely different meaning in my native dialect and I apologize for offending."
"And the worst part is, nobody will spoil Batman's secret identity for me! Imagine all the fun I could have at home with that!"
177. Saturated
There’s all sorts of colours here, colours that Peter has never even dreamt of. And among those colours is red. Especially on his counterpart and the kid’s automaton and the pig, they’re all major sources of red.
Not Red. Just red. But Peter remembers what happened when the Red surrounded him in Doc Ock’s laboratory, and wonders if it’ll work here—
“Sleep,” he tells Kingpin’s guards.
It works here. Useful. He’s just not going to do that ever again, even if he does end up stuck here.
(Abstaining from alcohol is much harder when you’re trapped in a combination brewery-and-wine-cellar, but he can do it. There are other Spiders here, people like him, and he’s not going to use them for selfish gains.)
178. Electroswing
“Compromise?” suggests Miles.
Peni and Noir—in one of their once-in-a-blue-moon disagreements—sigh and relent.
And of course Gwen knows swing dancing, so of course Miles has to join in as her partner because why not, and (because they’re Spiders) of course they somehow end up on the ceiling. But it’s a lot of fun, and they’re laughing themselves to pieces.
“Hmm,” muses Noir. “Can’t say I’ve thought of using the ceiling for dancing.”
“Give it another thirty years or so,” Ham reassures him. “It’s gonna be a classic.”
Tent Fortress Two starts on their next big hit, a remix of “In the Mood”.
Peter and Aunt May—and Miles’ world’s MJ—are just watching and laughing along.
(Mostly. “Watch out for that lamp, you two!”)
179. Cassandra
Gwen's very good at using the Here-and-Now part of the Spider-Sense. The When-and-Where…it's annoying, sometimes, but mostly it's more useful than it is problematic.
It's just that sometimes, since the Collider and since the multiverse opened before her, instead of the whir or the drumroll she hears…something different. Like a didgeridoo, maybe, or an extra-large harp, or a metal spring like they used to make the laser effects in Star Wars. (She can't believe Miles and Peter didn't know the twist about Obi-Wan being Luke's father.) It sounds like…someone running across a very large web.
And whatever it is, it's getting closer.
She calls it her Never-and-Nowhere sense. It doesn't bother her too often, for a few years.
180. Consideration
“How in the [bleep]—Ham, can you turn that thing off?” asks Peter, over a small vanilla ice cream.
“Sorry, buddy.”
“How in the ham sandwiches—” Ham glares— “did we end up with the lighter backstories? Casablanca here excepted.”
Noir snorts over his specially-made Hippodrome. (Peni keeps trying to surreptitiously steal spoonfuls of it.)
“Like, clones? I’ve had to deal with a lot in my life, but clones? And everyone apparently going to Hhhhhhockey-sticks all the time, what’s up with that? And Gwen—um...”
“...and Gwen what?”
“When you’re older.”
“I am eighteen, Peter.”
“And for when we’re not eating, there are some things you really don’t need to think about while you’re eating. Suffice to say it involves Norman Osborn and that’s all I’m getting into. Cables is a wreck. Mayday's Dad lost a leg and it's still regrowing, Spartus is a clone of someone who's probably dead, the Hobgoblin went psycho for a while…man, I thought my life was nuts. I mean, it is, it's just…”
“Miles’ dad being the Scorpion was the weirdest thing in my counterpart’s world, gotta say,” says Gwen, looking somewhat sympathetically at Miles over her single scoop of chocolate. “Mostly I’m just...either I’m dead or Peter is. What’s up with that?”
“We’re just too powerful to exist in the same universe for long,” Peter says dramatically, and Gwen snorts.
“Half of that is right.”
“I mean, sure, Dad’s a criminal there—you know how crazy that sounds?—but at least he doesn’t kill, and he stuck around, right?" says Miles. "Other Me doesn’t have any family left. Including Sunny. Who for some weird reason is called Billie? But she’s lost, and he's not sure how to find her. I honestly don’t understand how the guy’s holding it together.”
(Sunny, incidentally, is having a play-date with Young May at Miles’ house with Billy babysitting—weird, but it works. May, being the older child by a couple of years, has been told to be on her best behaviour and not stick to the walls “because it’s not our house, sweetie”.)
“Peni’s doing better these days,” muses Peni, turning, after another failed attempt at treat theft, back to her cake-batter sundae. “We’re still working on saving her Aunt May and her Addy from that...thing, but she’s getting hopeful. It really helps that she isn’t alone anymore.”
“You know what’s better than one depressed future near-spider? Two of them!” says Ham, diving into his Rocky Road.
“Honestly, though?” says Miles. “I’m just glad you guys are okay. We’ve had terrible things happen to us, but we’re also basically all okay. We could have had it a lot worse. ...again, sorry, Noir.”
“Hmph.” Noir takes another spoonful of ice cream.
“Hey, that’s from mine!” protests Peni.
“Gotta watch your back, sweetheart. And your bowl.”
“Ooh, betrayal.”
“I keep telling you people,” says Peter. “Watch the hands.”
Noir very slowly eats the spoonful, watching Peni’s face with a growing smirk.
“Gotta say, though,” he goes on, looking around fondly at the six Spiders in the bright (if blurry) sunshine of Gwen’s world, “Miles, you’ve hit the nail on the head there. Despite everything...origin story aside, this ain’t too bad a life. It’s...it’s pretty darn good, in fact.”
“And it keeps getting better and better,” says Peni with a smile, squeezing his free hand. And then holding up a full spoon of her own.
“...how did you—”
“Gotta watch your bowl, Gray.”
Peni takes a bite with gusto and a slice of banana. The others laugh at Noir’s expression.
“Seconds, anyone?” calls Mr. Lee.
Life goes well.
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Feature films, shorts and TV
1929: Fox Movietone Newsreel (himself)
1930: Soup to Nuts (firefighter)
1933: Salt Water Daffy (Wilbur, a kleptomaniac)
1933: Close Relations (cousin Mole)
1933: Paul Revere Jr. (stable boy)
1933; Gobs of Fun (nightclub client)
1933: In the Dough (Bug)
1933: Here Comes Flossie (Ezry)
1934: How'd Ya Like That? (sailor)
1934: Henry the Ache (Artie, one of King Henry's lackeys)
1934: The Wrong Wrong Trail (patient)
1934: Mushrooms (Thorndyke)
1934: The Knife of the Party (Shemp, leader of the Stooges)
1934: Everybody Likes Music (Shemp)
1934: Pugs and Kisses (Dopey Traynor)
1934: Very Close Veins (frozen drunk)
1934: Pure Feud (Clem McCarthy)
1934: Corn on the Cop (Reginald, tramp)
1934: I Scream (Moran's henchman)
1934: Rambling 'Round Radio Row # 7 (Series 2 # 1) (songwriter representative)
1934: Art Trouble (Shemp, art student)
1934: My Mummy's Arms (Kenneth)
1934: Daredevil O'Dare (circus promoter)
1934: Smoked Hams (Henry Howard)
1934: So You Won't T-T-T-Talk (Henry)
1934: Dizzy and Daffy (Lefty Howard)
1934: A Peach of a Pair (Shemp Butler)
1935: His First Flame (Smokey Moe)
1935: Convention Girl (Dan Higgins)
1935: Why Pay Rent? (Henry)
1935: Serves You Right (Johnny Spivens)
1935: On the Wagon (Henry)
1935: The Officer's Mess (Gus Doaks)
1936: While the Cat's Away (Henry)
1936: For the Love of Pete (Knobby Walsh)
1936: Absorbing Junior (Henry, husband)
1936: Here's Howe (Knobby Walsh)
1936: Punch and Beauty (Knobby Walsh)
1936: The Choke's on You (Knobby Walsh)
1936: The Blonde Bomber (Knobby Walsh)
1937: Kick Me Again (Knobby Walsh)
1937: Taking the Count (Knobby Walsh)
1937: Hollywood Round-Up (Oscar Bush)
1937: Headin 'East (Windy Wylie)
1938: Not Guilty Enough (Andy Clyde's brother-in-law)
1938: Home on the Rage (Andy Clyde's brother-in-law)
1939: Behind Prison Gates (inmate in charge of serving the mess hall)
1939: Another Thin Man (Wacky)
1939: The Glove Slingers (Uncle Pat Patrick, boxing manager)
1940: Money Squawks (Shemp)
1940: The Lone Wolf Meets a Lady (Joe, a pickpocket)
1940: Boobs in the Woods (Gus)
1940: Millionaires in Prison (Teacher)
1940: Pleased to Mitt You (Pat Patrick)
1940: The Leather Pushers (Sailor McNeill)
1940: The Bank Dick (Joe Guelpe, bartender)
1940: Murder Over New York (Shorty McCoy, the Carnarsie Kid)
1940: Give Us Wings (Buzz)
1940: The Invisible Woman (Hammerhead Frankie)
1941: Lucky Devils (pickpocket)
1941: Six Lessons from Madame La Zonga (Gabby)
1941: Buck Privates (cook)
1941: Meet the Chump (Stinky Fink)
1941: Road Show (Moe Parker)
1941: Mr. Dynamite (Abdullah)
1941: The Flame of New Orleans (waiter at the Oyster Bed Cafe)
1941: News of the Day Vol. 12 # 272 (client)
1941: Too Many Blondes (Ambrose Tripp, hotelier)
1941: In the Navy (Dizzy)
1941: Tight Shoes (Okay)
1941: San Antonio Rose (Benny the Bounce)
1941: Hit the Road (Dingbat)
1941: Cracked Nuts (Eddie / Ivan)
1941: Hold That Ghost (drinks and ice cream dispenser)
1941: Appointment for Love (man on the street)
1941: Hoosier Boy Makes Good (prop)
1941: Hellzapoppin '(Louie)
1942 Butch Minds the Baby (Squinty Sweeny)
1942 - Mississippi Gambler (Milton Davis, taxi driver)
1942: The Strange Case of Dr. Rx (Detective Sergeant Sweeney)
1942: Private Buckaroo (Sergeant Muggsy Snavel)
1942: Strictly in the Groove (Pops)
1942 - Pittsburgh (Shorty, the tailor)
1942: Arabian Nights (Sinbad)
1943: How's About It? (Alf)
1943: It Ain't Hay (Umbrella Sam)
1943: Keep 'Em Slugging (Binky)
1943: Crazy House (Mumbo)
1944: 3 of a Kind (Shemp Howard)
1944: Pick a Peck of Plumbers (Elmer)
1944: Moonlight and Cactus (Punchy Carter)
1944: Strange Affair (laundry driver)
1944: Open Season for Saps (Woodcock Q. Strinker)
1944: Crazy Knights (Shemp Howard)
1945: Off Again, on Again (suicidal boyfriend)
1945: Trouble Chasers (Shemp Howard)
1945: Where the Pest Begins (Shemp Howard)
1945: A Hit with a Miss (Rameses, boxer)
1946: The Gentleman Misbehaves (Marty)
1946: Mr. Noisy (Noisy, the annoying spectator)
1946: Jiggers, My Wife (Woodcock 'Woody' J. Strinker)
1946: One Exciting Week (Marvin Lewis)
1946: Dangerous Business (Monk)
1946: Society Mugs (Shemp)
1946: Blondie Knows Best (Jim Gray)
1947: Bride and Gloom (Shemp)
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