#my god I am sitting here with them having an intense argument in my mind like jin demanding answers from him and ryuzo deflecting with
ornstein · 7 months
Jin: Answer for your crimes. For both our sakes.
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goldsbitch · 4 months
Just don't talk----
-and please bite me like you did before.
p5 to Just don't talk
summary: Enemies to lovers on steroids. Lando is so bored at a gala event that he overcomes his grudge and makes a request he never expected to make.
warnings: not for minors, cursing, biting kink, typos!!! not checked yet
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It was yet another of the FIA gala events that were not to be missed by the drivers. Not even if they wanted to, which was something that Lando had wanted to opt for. But no, he was told specifically to be there - and he didn't respond well when somebody was ordering him around. Unless it was a girl in his bedsheets, especially one specific girl. 
She was sat quite a few seats away from him, which he found to be a relief. He was still mad at her - either at her being a super calculating bitch or at her not having a grip on her own team. Nevertheless, he was still pissed, not planning on going back to fooling around with her and risking his career. She made him mad. The way she just sat there, laughing, looking all cute and innocent. As if she really was. Only he knew how she liked to dominate him in bed, how wild she was and how far from innocent she could be. 
It made him furious. Why did she had be such a bitch? Also, why were all of of the people he was sat close to someone so annoyingly dull? He considered that to be a crime. The worst thing one could do - be boring. 
It must have been a 50th joke he had to pretend to laugh at. At this point, all he wanted to do was to escape. But he was mad, mad at the fact he had to waste time here, angry that this was one of the things that he had to endure in order to have this job and furious that she was flirting with some random executive from a sponsor. As if that guy was in any way a match to him. He wasn't fit, attractive and from the little of what he heard, he was far from funny. Plus, what had he done for Y/N with regards to her regarding her career? Unlike Lando, this guy had done shit. 
My god, was he bored. He couldn't stand one more remark from the guy sitting opposite to him. He had to get out. Fuck it all, he said internally, not being as sober as one should be at these events. 
"Come and meet me at the bathrooms," he texted to Y/N. He burned her with his look until she read the text. She looked puzzled and he just looked at her with a look that suggested she didn't really have a choice. So she nodded slightly and left few moments after him, not to raise any major attention.
She wasn't sure what this was about. Still had their last argument in fresh memory and was not looking forward to living it all over again. But, she felt obligated to at least go and talk to him. She was taken back a lot, when the mood she was met with once she found him in one of the men's stalls was not a look of anger. 
"I want you to bite me again," he stated simply, as it was the most normal thing in the world. 
"What?" she asked, puzzled. Shock wave ran through her. 
He ached from the inside. Needed a hit of any excitement available - and she was the best one out of all of them. Not that he would ever admit it. 
"I'm bored. I'm so bored I'd rather be burning alive waiting in a never-ending line at the grocery store than get back to that table. I am fed up by mediocre conversation, people saying this and that, same shit all the time and I have to sit and smile at the right people. Bite, please" he said, eyes sending shockwaves towards her. She has seen lots of intense looks on him, but not this. It took her a bit by surprise.
"Don't tell me you're not bored out of your mind too. I see the way you look, so desperate for fun. I can show you fun." Without breaking the eye contact, he walked few steps towards her. "I know what you like," he knew she was super sensitive the first time he would touch her during their nightly sessions. Before she got used to his body temperature, she would always shiver a bit. Not from cold or warmth. But the feeling of his fingertips on her skin. With that thought, he slowly traced the line of her arm with a light touch, moving from elbow, to shoulder, where he did few circles and then as a cheeky fuck boy he was, he went for the top line of her dress, right where is covered her chest. 
"Bite me, come on. I like it," he said, putting his finger over her lips. She licked it slowly. "That's my girl." He was challenging her with his eyes, had the same look as her had right before a race. "Come on."
Something shifted in her, inhibitions gone away before she could say "stop". 
"Take your shirt off," she ordered without missing a beat. Lando bit his lips, smiling and began on working his shirt off. She just watched, not participating, calculating her move. She loved having his full attention. Knowing that he was waiting, even probably begging for her to do stuff to him. Oh, what a joy to have that kind of a power. 
His shirt was off and he was standing there, anticipating. She knew they had very little time before someone would come in and the risk of a scandal was too big. Yet, she wanted her moment. 
"Say it."
"Please." he whispered with a need that was so honest it made her wet. She closed their distance and kissed him hard. Her tongue danced with his, having a complete upper hand. Then she bit his lip, hard. He reacted immediately with a slight hiss. 
"That's not it, my dear," she said and swiftly bent down and put her mouth on a piece of flesh on the side of his waist. It was hard to avoid biting into a muscle on his body, she felt like this would serve good enough. And my god, did this send him to heavens. Her teeth digging to his skin, pain shooting through his left side and all the good emotions coming with it. He gave her a rather loud sign when the pain was too much and she stopped immediately. That was when the emotions started really running in Lando. The same cocktail as last time, but now he was ready and looked forward to taking it all in. The pain shifting into adrenaline, relief and dopamine hitting the right spots. He didn't even notice the sound he made when she released her grip.
She watched him, like an artist would observe his favorite muse. Obsessed with him. How he reacted. How he took pleasure in. She would fuck him right then and there, but sadly, reason stopped her. Also, she wanted to maintain the cool aura this got her. Just feel a little cooler. So she walked away, leaving him with his newly forming bruise alone. 
He felt her bite all evening, whenever he turned over to discretely glance over to her, he felt a little tingle in his left side, leaving his constantly reminded of the little slut he was for this girl.
part 6
@scopeiguess @leclercsluv @sulliamour
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SKZ Drabble-OT8
The one where an alpha's rut is not for the faint of heart. Luckily, Minho's never had one-a heart, that is. Or the sixth installment of the SKZ!pack Prequel Series
Tags: SKZ, Stray Kids, Stay, OT8, SKZ!pack, SKZ!abo, SKZ!pack prequel, prequel, prequel series, Pack!prequel, ot8 x you, ot8 x reader, skz x you, skz x reader, a/b/o, alpha beta omega, y/n, bang chan, lee minho, seo changbin, hwang hyunjin, lee felix, han jisung, kim seungmin, yang jeongin
Genre: Fluff
Title: Without a Heart
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You’ve seen plenty of them-the scenes in the movies, overly dramatic and ridiculously tense for no reason-where the main character is being stared down by some angry mafia leader, held at gunpoint, not sure whether they’re going to live to tell the tale.
You’d never put much stock into those scenes-scoffed at them even-until today. 
Because currently, said mafia leader-one glaring Lee Minho-is staring you down from across Han Jisung’s kitchen table with an intensity that could kill, and he may not hold a gun, but you’re still not entirely sure your life is in any less danger than if he was, and you’re most definitely worried that you’re not going to make it out of this encounter unscathed, let alone alive. 
No, suddenly you’re feeling a lot more heartfelt sympathy toward Tom Cruise and his Mission Impossible characters. 
“I don’t like you.” Minho’s sharp, cold eyes scan your trio slowly, scathingly, before he adds, “Any of you.” 
Hyunjin, sitting beside you, immediately pushes back his chair with a loud scrape at the alpha’s cool words, ducking his head and bowing apologetically, sufficiently cowed, ready to retreat right then and there. 
Honestly, you can’t say you blame him.
“Yeah, understandable. Have a nice life-” 
Minho levels him with a glare, and the omega is instantly curling in on himself, avoiding the alpha’s intimidating gaze. 
“Sit.” Minho commands coldly, tone brooking no argument. 
Hyunjin sits. 
Beside you, Changbin growls beneath his breath, and you curl your fingers tighter around his wrist. Just in case. 
Minho lets out a long, low, controlled breath, and steeples his fingers together in front of him, gaze flickering between the three of you once more. 
Beside him, you can practically sense Jisung holding his breath. 
“I don’t like you-” Minho repeats more firmly, scent going slightly bitter, making you want to cough, or sneeze, or maybe both. “But-” He adds on, almost unwillingly, before he flicks his unreadable gaze to the beta sitting beside him. “-for some odd reason, Jisung does. And since he’s one of the few people I tolerate on this whole goddamn earth-'' In a surprising show of affection, Minho’s lips quirks, and he reaches out to ruffle Jisung’s hair. “-I’m willing to give you a chance. For him.” 
Jisung grins, and you see his shoulders sag in relief, as he throws his arms around his alpha boyfriend. 
“Really? God, hyung, you had me scared for a second!”
Minho snorts and rolls his eyes, pushing Jisung away with little to no force, as the beta continues to squish him in an overly enthusiastic hug. 
“Don’t make me change my mind, Han Jisung.” 
At the alpha’s admonishment, Jisung immediately pulls back, folding his hands contritely in his lap, the picture of perfect behavior, though the heart shaped grin still nearly splits his face in two. 
“Thanks for the chance.” You breathe out, finally releasing the breath you’ve been holding, as Hyunjin manages to squeak out an agreeance from beside you. 
Changbin, however, is still tense, it radiates off of him, into your fingers, making your skin tingle, as he continues to stare down the other alpha across the table, scent heavy and expression sour. 
“What if we don’t like you?” 
Minho arches a brow, and a slight smirk transforms his unnaturally, eerie blank expression into something almost smug. 
“I’m not the one on trial here, am I?” 
“Bin.” You mutter beneath your breath, flexing your fingers around his wrist as a silent warning, as you feel his body tense beneath your grasp. “Don’t.” 
Maybe this was a bad idea-having the meeting with Minho and Jisung so shortly after Changbin’s rut-the hormones were still high and he was on edge and exhausted and more possessive than normal-
The air is so thick with smoke now that it feels like you could choke on it. 
“Changbin.” You warn again, louder this time, more sternly than before, and he glances over at you, staring you down, but you hold his gaze, and finally, his lips part and he takes in a couple of deep breaths, chest heaving. 
The smoke starts to recede. 
Minho sits back in his chair, arms crossed over his chest, the smug smirk still tilting the corners of his mouth, and beside him, Jisung looks anxious, as if he knows what’s coming. 
“(Y/N), isn’t it?” He asks casually, as if the room isn’t tangled with scents now, all heightened in the tension of the situation. At your nod, he tilts his head, flicking his cat-like gaze to you now. “I admire someone who knows how to keep their pets in check.” 
Changbin surges upward, and you’re standing, tugging him away from the table, even as Hyunjin offers Jisung an apologetic look, trailing after the two of you, as you struggle to drag Changbin with you toward the door, shouting insults back at the still smirking alpha seated, nonplussed, at the table. 
By the time you get the other struggling alpha out the door, and it shuts with a final click behind you, you’re puffing, already out of breath. 
“Well, that went well.” You huff out to Hyunjin, as he grabs the riled alpha’s other arm and tugs him along with the two of you toward the elevator and the safety of the lower floors. 
Hyunjin visibly shudders. “Minho-hyung is scary.” 
Changbin snaps his teeth at Minho’s name, and shrugs the two of you off roughly, but you let him, because he seems to have calmed down enough to think rationally for now, even though the swirl of molten gold still has yet to leave his irises. 
“God, I hate that guy.” 
“We know.” You sigh out, pressing the button for the elevator, even as Hyunjin pats Changbin’s chest sympathetically. “Trust us. We know.” 
“Binnie.” You cajole helplessly several days later, holding out the bowl of broth toward the other alpha once more in a useless sort of motion. “C’mon. If you don’t eat, you’re not gonna feel better.” 
From his bed, Changbin rolls his eyes, his fingers still tapping across the keyboard of his laptop. “You’re making it seem like I have some sort of terminal illness. It’s just a cold, (Y/N).” 
“That you got because you didn’t eat well and rest enough after your rut ended!” You point out, raising your voice slightly, as your boyfriend heaves a sigh and throws you an exasperated look. You point a stern finger at him. “Seo Changbin. Don’t make me sic Hyunjin on you.” 
Changbin feigns a look of dramatic terror, complete with exaggerated shudder. “Oh no, not Hyunjin! Please, anything but that!” 
It’s your turn to roll your eyes now as the other alpha snickers. 
“Hyung.” Hyunjin appears in the doorway now, a face mask stretched taut across his skin, a stern look in the way he holds his brows, even as he doesn’t look up from whatever he’s doing on his phone. “Noona’s right. You did this to yourself. And if you can’t take care of yourself, we’re gonna be forced to do it for you.” 
You shoot Changbin a glare and he subtly flips you off behind the screen of his computer.  
“I saw that.” 
“Don’t you have a date?” You ask, trying to shove a spoonful of broth into Changbin’s mouth, even as he clamps his teeth and lips shut and glares you down. 
“Yeah, with Jisung?” Changbin adds in a high pitched voice, effectively avoiding your spoon airplane once more, even as he makes a puckered kissy face in the omega’s direction. 
“I do.” Hyunjin quips back, waving to the face mask that still covers most of his skin, save for his eyes and his lips. He looks like a prettier, more delicate version of LeatherFace at that moment. “Thus the beauty routine.” 
“You’re always pretty.” You remark offhandedly, even as Changbin once again dodges your efforts, and you set the bowl of broth down on the bedside table with a harsh sigh. “Fine. Starve, you big baby.” 
“I will, thank you.” 
“You’re impossible.” 
“I pride myself on it.” 
“Is there anything you’ll eat?” 
“Hm. You could, if you’re offering-” 
“Spit it out.” 
“-go get me coffee?” 
“That’s not food.” 
“Please, (Y/N)?” 
“I'll eat the stupid broth while you’re gone.” 
“Do you promise?” 
You’re thoroughly and silently cursing Changbin under your breath as you exit the coffee shop and make your way along the path through campus to the nearest bus stop, keeping a wary eye on the gray looking clouds gathering overhead, the air starting to smell heavy with an incoming storm. 
Halfway there, and you think you’re in luck, but then you feel the first raindrop splatter against your forehead, and a distant rumble of thunder has you hightailing it to the nearest building. 
“Shit.” You curse vehemently, even as the raindrops fall larger and faster, painting polka dot patterns on the sidewalk beneath the worn soles of your favorite sneakers. 
A bright flash of lightning has you swallowing a shriek, and you dive beneath the awning that covers the entrance to the building, Changbin’s coffee be damned, as you struggle to turn the door handle with wet, slippery hands. 
It’s locked. 
Glancing up, you groan, as you catch sight of the mystery building’s hours, which unfortunately, do not consist of today, and slide down the glass of the door, peering inside, even though you know you’ll see nothing but darkness. 
You scoot on your ass into the corner of the alcove created by the doors, and tug your knees to your chest, wrapping your light jacket around yourself, pulling the hood close around your ears as another flash of lightning reflects in the glass of the doors. 
The thin material of your jacket does nothing to mute the following boom of thunder. 
You curl in on yourself and plug your ears, and try to count to one hundred in your head, eyes screwed tightly shut. 
You don’t know how long you sit there, trying to focus on keeping your breathing steady, your heart so loud in your ears that it almost drowns out the sound of the pouring rain, turning the sidewalk into a path of soupy puddles, trapping you in the tiny, dry safety of the building’s entrance. 
Curse Changbin and his need for coffee. To hell with thunderstorms and ruts and colds and this stupid, stupid phobia-
The door to the building pushes open suddenly, startling you out of your forced trance, and you can help but shriek slightly, caught off guard by the sudden appearance of someone exiting the darkened building, pulling on their coat and tossing their backpack over one shoulder. 
You stare at each other for a moment in alarmed, surprised silence, and then your brain catches up and everything inside of you is dying, because of course, of course this would happen. 
Of course you’d get stuck in a stupid storm and have no where to go and of course he would show up, out of all people, and-
“What are you doing?” Lee Minho asks, face blank, voice steady, as if he’s asking a question he doesn’t really care to hear the answer to. 
“What are you doing?” You parrot back, because your lips are numb with cold and your body is trembling against the chilled brick of the building and you’d rather gut your own eyes out with a cafeteria spork than have to talk to Lee Minho of all people right now.
Another flash, a boom of thunder, and you’re praying to god Minho hasn’t seen the way you nearly just jumped out of your skin. 
He lifts an eyebrow. “I was practicing.” 
You glance up at him, confused, trying to piece together what he’s telling you, and he rolls his eyes, before pointing upward at the ceiling, above the doors, his voice raising, as if he’s talking to someone dumber than himself. 
“Dance department?” 
You follow his finger and see the words scrawled into the brick, and yep, of course your dumbass had to pick the one building-the one building-on this whole entire godforsaken campus that was frequented by Lee Minho. 
“Yeah, well I-” You start to say, and there’s another crash of thunder, as you bite your lips and your words stutter to a halt. 
God, you’re cold and miserable and terrified, and if Minho keeps staring at you like that-like you’re the stupidest person on the planet-well, you might just start to cry. 
He watches you, face blank, for another moment, and then asks again, impatiently this time,, “So what’re you doing here? I thought you didn’t go anywhere without your little entourage.” His blank mask flickers for the briefest of moments, and the smell of amber in the air wavers. 
“Coffee.” You manage to get out, motioning to the abandoned cup sitting beside you on the cold concrete, and as another wave of thunder shakes the ground beneath you, you curl yourself deeper into your jacket. “I don’t like thunderstorms.” 
You instantly regret it the moment the words leave your mouth, instantly hate the way Minho’s dark brow arches up in slight surprise at your confession, only to be replaced immediately with his usual indifferent, scornful mask. 
“What a coincidence.” He tsks back, his eyes still holding your own, but his lips tilting up slightly at the corners into that smirk that you’re already a little too familiar with. “I don’t like you.” 
“Ha ha.” You deadpan, before another round of lightning and thunder sends you scuffling even further back into the corner. You’re aware of Minho watching you-eyes unreadable-as you sniff and tug your jacket tighter around yourself. You don’t meet his gaze. “Look, if you could leave now and not sit here reveling in my misery, that’d be great.” 
The other alpha scoffs, a low sound in his throat, and then he’s thumping his heavy backpack down onto the concrete beside you, making you glance up in surprise, as he slides down to sit next to you, back braced firmly against the glass of the door. 
He gives you a long, sidelong glance, and leans his head back, letting out a sound from between parted lips that’s almost a chuckle, if it were anyone else but Lee Minho uttering it. But it is Lee MInho, and the sound’s a little too sharp and sarcastic for your own comfort. 
“Nah, I think I’ll stay for a bit. Reveling in other peoples’ misery is actually my favorite pastime.” 
“Figures.” You mutter back beneath your breath sourly, and you think you see the hint of a smile flicker across his lips. 
There is silence for several long minutes-only broken by the cacophony of thunder overhead-and when you glance at Minho again, his eyes are closed, head tilted comfortably back against the door behind him. 
He’s pretty, you think, not for the first time, taking the moment to study the angular slope of his nose, the sharp rise of his cheekbones, the full pout of his upper lip. 
“You’re staring, sweetheart.” 
You huff out an irritated breath and tear your gaze away from him, folding your arms back around yourself, staring a little too intently at the pounding rain now, as Minho gloats beside you. 
Yeah, pretty annoying. 
You feel unbalanced, off kilter, and you hate the feeling in general, but having Minho be the one to put you in this position? That’s a million times worse, and so you strike quick and fast, not even bothering to filter your thoughts before they leave your tongue as a sharp, defensive quip. 
“So. Your boyfriend on a date with my boyfriend, huh?” 
Minho snorts, cracking open an eye, but doesn’t rise to the bait, so you keep pushing, because tormenting Minho is taking your mind off the storm somewhat, and your trembling, aching muscles are thanking you. 
“Is that why you were practicing so late? Trying to distract yourself?” 
You feel the way Minho rolls his eyes from beside you now. 
You wait, and when you don’t say anything else, he sighs-a heavy, annoyed sort of sound. 
“I’m a dance major. I have end of term showcases coming up. I stayed late because I need the practice.” 
Now it’s your turn to scoff.
 “That’s not what Jisung says. He says you’re literally the best dancer in the department. A prodigy, if you will. Although-” You consider thoughtfully, adjusting the hood of your jacket more comfortably over your ears. “-I take everything he says with a grain of salt, cause he’s practically whipped for you.” 
The corner of Minho’s mouth quirks upward, a twisted, sardonic start to a smile, and he huffs out a sigh again, closing his eyes once more. 
“I’m an obsessive perfectionist, what can I say?” He hums out beneath his breath, and then even quieter, “It’s my worst flaw.” 
You stare at the rain, softening now, pattering against the sidewalk, and take in a deep breath, the moist, damp air filling your lungs-in, out, in, out. 
Minho is almost-confiding in you? How the hell do you respond to that? 
Before you can come up with anything, another loud boom of thunder sounds overhead, and you’re scrabbling closer to the other alpha without thinking, so close that your knees are brushing, the thin material of your jacket rustling against the skin of Minho’s upper arm. 
He glances at you, and you bite your tongue, because you know, you know, he’s going to say something biting and witty at this moment, because that’s just who Lee Minho is. 
So to say his next words catch you off guard is a massive understatement. 
Minho simply shifts beside you, glancing up at the darkened sky, and remarks offhandedly, “Thunderstorms, huh?” 
You nod, swallowing against your dry throat, and play with the zipper of your jacket, avoiding his gaze, trying not to breathe through your nose, because up close, Minho’s scent of amber and bergamot is warm and almost inviting. 
Minho hums beneath his breath in confirmation, his almond eyes tracing the pattern of the moisture as it falls from the sky and down onto the damp concrete below. 
“I don’t like storms either. But Jisung says it’s more of a-” “-cat thing.” You finish for him without thinking, and he shoots you a look that borderlines slight surprise, as you feel your lips curl up into the start of a smug smile. “Yeah, he told us.” Your grin widens, as you shrug. “Which is odd, considering you’re part dog, but, I kinda see what he means.” 
Minho feigns a glare in your direction. “What is that supposed to mean?” 
“It means what it means.” You offer him a sweet smile, and he bares his teeth at you in a way that feels threatening and like a step in the right direction all at once. 
The rain has nearly stopped now, the sky lightening, and in your pocket, your phone vibrates. 
Pulling it out, you glance down to see Changbin’s photo flash across the home screen and instantly swipe to pick up the call. 
Changbin’s voice is frantic, raised in volume over the speaker, and you hold the phone slightly away from your ear, grimacing slightly. 
“Oh my god, (Y/N) are you okay? I’m so sorry, I didn’t know it was supposed to storm and I fell asleep, and when I woke up, it was terrible outside and I knew you were probably on your way home and caught out in it-” 
“Whoa, whoa, whoa.” You laugh out breathlessly, wishing you could send out calming pheromones through the phone to your alpha boyfriend. “I’m okay, Binnie. I promise.” 
“Oh my god.” Changbin breathes out again, sounding a little less panicked now. You hear him take in a deep, shuddering breath, and can practically smell the heavy, worried scent of smoke through the phone. “I’m so sorry, baby girl. Seriously. I had no idea-” 
“It’s okay.” You repeat again, softer this time, holding the phone closer to your lips as you lower your voice now. “I’m okay. The storm is almost over-” You glance out from beneath the safety of the alcove and see that the storm is indeed almost over, rain only a sprinkle now, and weak sunlight starting to break through the clouds. “-and actually, I wasn’t alone because Min-” 
You glance to the side, and are startled to see the place beside you on the concrete empty, no sign of Minho, or his backpack, or his customary smirk. 
You glance out into the waning storm once more, squinting, but there’s no sign of the other alpha at all. 
He’d gone. 
Changbin’s worried tone brings you back to the phone call, and you raise your phone up to your ear once more, thoughts still spinning, as you dial back in on what Changbin is saying. 
“I’m here.” 
“Are you sure you can get home okay? I can come get you from the bus stop-” 
“No, no.” You wave your hands in protest, even though you know Changbin can’t see you, and firm your tone just a little, even as you push yourself up from the cool concrete and stiffly stretch, reaching down to gather your backpack. “I’m fine. I’m headed out now. Stay in bed, you’re sick!” 
Changbin sighs, audible through the phone, and you bite back a smile, as you sling your backpack over your shoulder and brave the open campus once more, making a beeline to the bus stop. 
“I swear to god, Seo Changbin, if I come back and you haven’t eaten your broth-” 
“Yeah, yeah.” Changbin grumbles. “I heard you the first time.” 
“Good.” You watch the way your sneakers splosh through puddles, as a soft smile graces your lips. “Thank you for making sure I was okay.” 
Changbin’s voice softens. 
After arriving back at the apartment and delivering Changbin’s coffee and making sure he’d kept his word and drank his broth, you take a quick shower. 
Hyunjin is still out-judging by the lack of light coming from under the spare room’s door-and you hurry through your washing routine, eager to get back into the comfort of Changbin’s twin bed, and the warmth beneath his covers. 
Your body feels achy and cold from being tense for so long, and the hot water helps in its own way, but being next to your boyfriend, enveloped in the comfort of his scent, is the real remedy you’re seeking. 
You honestly would’ve skipped the shower altogether if you weren’t so worried about Minho’s lingering scent and the negative effect it would have on Changbin. 
So instead, you wash at record speed, and are soon curled up next to your alpha boyfriend, decked head to toe in his sweats and one of his less worn music department hoodies, head pillowed on his chest. 
“I really am sorry.” Changbin murmurs beneath his breath, computer set aside for the moment, as he curls you into the safety of his arms, pressing a gentle kiss to the crown of your head. 
“I know.” You murmur back, tilting your head to connect your lips with his, just for the briefest, softest of moments. “I really am fine.” 
The air is heavy with a comforting mixture of your scents-woodsy campfire and blooming wisteria-and it makes your eyes heavy, body finally relaxing into his hold. 
You watch him for a moment, eyes once again drawn to and scanning his laptop screen-some musical composition he’s tweaking for one of the other music majors-and then gently reach up to trace the dark skin bruising beneath his eyes with the tip of your finger. 
“Binnie. You need to rest if you want to get better.” 
He sighs, glancing down at you once more, and his lips pull into a thin line of annoyance. “It’s just a cold. You and Hyunjin act like I’m dying, seriously.” 
You giggle, letting your fingers drop to trace across the bow of his lips, his dark eyes holding your own. 
“We just love you and want you to feel better, baby.” 
He sighs once more, rolling his eyes slightly, and then leans forward to shut his laptop with a final sounding click. 
“Fine. But if I have to nap, you have to nap with me.” 
You grin, as he pulls you snugger against his side, settling his chin heavily on the top of your head, keeping you firmly in place. 
The air smells like a summer’s eve bonfire, and it’s almost enough to make you forget the warm amber of Minho’s scent from earlier. 
You vaguely wonder how Hyunjin and Jisung's date is going.
“Okay. Deal.”
💗 Taglist: @hosh1kwon @carolinexkpop @blithevix @sunabokuto @wildflower-at-heart @faericals @5sos-wdw @hyuneyeon @studyingthemind @illicee @maddmartian @binnie--baby @xwinchesterprincessx @ley-lani59 @lady---boner @rosegaming117 @meivida @sai-kida134 @cutecucumberkimberly @aroseharder @spideyweirdo @coureurs-de-bois9 @unfiltered-starlight @sixswaggy @thatgirlangelb @beautifulcolorgarden @runningthroughlifestay @dearalice @patat-boi @shimmeringmoons22 @stay-berry
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kelloggsenthusiast · 1 year
If montell fish songs were angst stories: Talk 2 me
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The heaviness in my chest grew progressively worse with every passing second. Sascha wasn't home yet, but he said he'd be here over two hours ago. I ran my hand over his pillow, longingly.
It was no secret that Sascha's and my relationship was not in a good place. We could barely sit together for an hour without fighting over something stupid, ranging from my insecurities to his jealousy and possessiveness. We couldn't agree on anything anymore, always having conflicting views and opinions and it was straining our relationship. It was so bad that we could go on for days without speaking to each other. In the four years we'd been together, this had never happened. Of course we fought like any normal couple, but it wasn't as bad as tonight.
He took me to the Opera for a show and we stayed for the subsequent cocktail party. It was at the party that someone approached us and asked to talk to him. I didn't mind, so I let her. It was only a few moments later that I realized that the person was his ex girlfriend. My head snapped in the direction of where they went and I curtly excused myself from the circle of people Sascha and I were talking to.
A dull ache developed in my chest with every step I took towards the corridor they ran off to. I found Alex and the girl- alone- and speaking in hushed tones. Her hands were on his chest and around his shoulders and his hands were idly at his sides.
Blinded by my anger, I fled from there. I heard Sascha call after me but i just kept moving. The lights were brighter, the sounds were louder and the pain was more intense. I felt like dying. I made my way out of the opera house and onto the pavement. I placed a hand over my chests the anger gave way to bone crushing pain. I heaved a sob before covering my mouth.
"Meine Liebe," I hear Sascha say as I feel his hands wrap around my shoulders.
I pull away and wipe my tears frantically, thanking God for waterproof makeup.
"I'm fine, in sorry," I say, my voice still thick with tears.
"You're not okay, Ma-"
"I said I'm fine. Let's go back. Rafa and the others will be looking for us," I say, getting ready to go back.
"For God's sake, Max, do something. React. Scream. Cry, anything. I'm tired of you being so goddamn passive!" He shouts. I turn to face him slowly, trying to control the simmering anger I feel.
"What exactly do you want me to do, Alex? How do you want me to react? For fucks sake, I'm tired, okay? There, I said it! I hate that your Goddamn ex is ruining everything we've built and I can't do anything because you're letting her-"
"Dont you fucking assume I'm cheating on you, Maxine."
"How am I not to assume, Alex? You said you broke up with her long ago but why is she here? What was she going to do to you? What were you about to let her do to you?"
" Fuck, Max, it's not even like that. Four years we've been together! You know me better than anyone else and you know I'd never do that to you. I'd never let it go there."
" Well, lately I don't know the man I've been laying next to at night."
"Thats rich, considering I've had to force you to open up to me."
I scoff and turn around, heading back to the party. I find Rafa and tell him I'm leaving. Alexander materializes besides me and his hand is on the small of my back. To them, we are a happy couple.
It cannot change.
The drive home is awkward and painfully silent. I run through the argument in my head and regret immediately seizes me. I want to apologize because, ultimately, I'm the one in the wrong. I never open up to him and tell him what's on my mind and in my heart.
He's frustrated, and rightfully so.
Back at our apartment, he changes into his tennis clothes, grabs his duffle bag and tells me he'll be home in an hour.
I roll over to his side of the bed and inhale. It's been a little over four hours since he left. My eyes fill with tears and I feel sincere remorse for how I've been treating him.
My own issues and insecurities shouldn't interfere with our relationship. I simply love him too much to lose him over something this trivial.
I pretended to be asleep while cuddling his pillow when he finally arrived minutes later. I heard him shower and move around the apartment before joining me in bed.
"I wish you could talk to me, like you used to. I love you, Max," he says before kissing my forehead and falling asleep besides me.
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lovereconthings · 2 years
How To Come Together In Conflict
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How To Come Together In Conflict
  Sometimes the most intense conflicts in marriage are over the most trivial issues. Recently a couple shared that they were arguing over decorations in their home. She believed that objects should be placed in groupings of three, and therefore she had arranged two whales and a sea lion together. Her husband moved the sea lion because he, being a Navy man, said that you never see whales and sea lions together. Each had their own perspective. So, who was right? If you are insistent on always being right -on “winning” – you will most definitely always lose. No one wins an argument in a relationship unless you both win. If one of you loses, you both lose.   Causes of Conflict   Conflict arises because we are individuals, two unique persons with different preferences, viewpoints, needs, and desires. These play out in the main areas of our relationships – money, sex, in-laws, children, and communication. At the root of most disagreements in these areas is the attitude of selfishness, wanting what I want, how and when I want it!   There are also some typical ways that we learn to deal with conflict as we mature into adulthood. They are:   - Win at all costs. “My way or the highway! I’m right, and you’re wrong. The only way that this will be resolved is if you agree with me.”   - Withdraw. “There is no way that I’m going to argue. I pull back and hope it all goes away or blows over.”   - Surrender. “I give up. I give in. You win. I’ll keep the peace and become a doormat until one day I explode!”   - Meet in the Middle. “We compromise – win some, lose some.”   - Our mutual solution. “Our relationship is more valuable than what we tend to disagree about. Therefore, I desire a mutually agreed upon way to move forward.”   Here are some practical ways to move forward together – to come together instead of coming apart:   GET SPIRITUALLY CENTERED    
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Spend some time thinking, praying, and meditating to calm and center yourself. Sometimes what will happen is that your heart and mind will change about the matter. This is also true of your spouse in that they may also change. Before you attempt to deal with the problem or issue, call on God for help. Vent your feelings, hurts, disappointments, and even your anger to God.   OWN YOUR PART   Before you accuse, attack, or blame, do an honest evaluation. Ask yourself, “How much of this is due to my words or actions? Is my selfishness to blame for this? Am I the problem?” I need to admit my part in the issue humbly.   Many marriages end because the couple believes that they are incompatible. Dr. Paul Tournier, the Swiss psychiatrist who wrote To Understand Each Other:  "So-called incompatibility is a myth invented by jurists in order to plead for divorce. It is likewise a common excuse for people to hide their own weaknesses and failings. Misunderstandings and mistakes can be corrected when there is a willingness to do so. The problem is the lack of complete frankness."     CALL A PEACE CONFERENCE.   Don’t be afraid to have a sit-down, face-the-issues meeting, or meetings. That is what it is going to take. Conflict must be dealt with intentionally and deliberately. Matters only grow worse if you ignore them. Your hearts will grow harder, and your positions will become solidified.   Don't ignore it. Deal with the issue while you can deal with it. It doesn't matter if you are the offended person or the offender. Either way, you take the initiative. The ball is in your court.   When? As soon as possible. Don't delay. Don't postpone. Postponed conflict only gets worse.    Here are some guidelines for your peace conference:   -  Choose the right time. This is critical. Timing is everything. Don’t do it as you’re walking out the door or your spouse is nodding off to sleep. Don’t do it when the kids or others are in the room. The best time to have a peace conference is when you are both at your best. - Choose the right place. Choose a place where you can be alone and uninterrupted. A word of advice: Save the bed for other things. You don’t want to share your deepest feelings about something and then hear snoring in response! - Come with a hopeful and positive attitude.   Come together. Sit down and hold hands and tell your spouse what your hope is for this time. Use “we” and “me” and “I ."Avoid using “you.”  Don’t accuse, blame or shame your spouse. - Watch your words. Never use the threat of divorce. Agree to eliminate certain phrases like “you always” or “you never.” Yelling is not acceptable. - Consider your mate’s perspective. This can be challenging because it is not natural to look at life from your mate’s viewpoint. However, it is the secret to resolving conflict. It is healing to be empathetic with their feelings and validate them, even when you disagree. It sends that message that “I value you, even when we disagree. You and our relationship are important to me.” - Work for reconciliation, not resolution. Resolution means that every issue is resolved. Reconciliation means that our relationship is re-established or restored. We are turning toward each other in love instead of turning away from each other in hurt, anger, or misunderstanding. This is critical because some issues will never be resolved, but the relationship can still thrive and be mutually satisfying despite the differences.     Schedule a peace conference with your spouse today to deal with the issues you have been avoiding. Things will only get worse if you don’t. If you need professional help, don’t be ashamed or afraid to reach out for it. Love Recon and Recon Coaching are two great sources of support for you and your relationship. It’s what we do! Read the full article
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omiscurls · 3 years
Diluc, zhongli and childe reaction to their s/o breaking up with them after something they said, maybe after a week or so after they argument they think the s/o forgave them but they break up instead? I WANT THE ANGST
plot: reader decides to break up with the character after not speaking to them
contains: diluc, zhongli, tartaglia (idk how am i going to do this to my special boy but ill try my best)
warnings: angst, breakups, implied past toxic behavior
hopeless thoughts ran through your head as you fought with yourself about wether to enter angel’s share or not, hand halfway through to the doorknob. your mind hadn’t been made up just yet, you were still in between two very different scenarios - the urge to forgive him for his hurtful words growing stronger each day, as anger and other emotions subdued to loneliness and the feeling of a part of you missing, ever since the two of you stopped talking.
your mind flashed back to the exact moment when you looked into diluc’s eyes, always so soft and calm for you, forming a way of anger he never expressed towards you before. to the feeling you got right then and there that this man is not the same one you’ve met and fell in love with.
the process of coming to terms with that conclusion was as painful as the first strike of his angry glare, and even though he seemed to have realized the weight of his words right after saying them out loud, no matter how hard you tried, you could not erase them from your memory.
one strike of that pain, one memory of that night was enough to make you go through with your plan, door to the bar opening with a little screech.
it was like just another late afternoon, with charles tending the bar, knights and townsfolk filling the hot room, and the smell of alcohol traveling through the air.
“hi” you said to the bartender “is master diluc around?”
charles, busy with his work, quickly replied that he’s out back, opening a barrel. you nodded and went where his directions guided, pushing open yet another door to see the back of the man you loved, looking just as always from this angle, working over said chore. he didn’t even seem to mind the fact that someone walked in on him working.
“diluc” you said with a sigh, and he almost immediately turned around, tools falling from his hands and onto the ground.
“darling, hi” he replied quietly, walking over to you but stopping half way, eyes set to analyze your expression, figure out what was going on in your mind. “i’m glad you’re here safely, i haven’t heard from you in over a week” he added cautiously, as if weighing every word before deciding to say it out loud.
“well” you sighed again, once again going over wether you should actually break things off right then, mind taking pity on his troubled expression, tired eyes, on the obvious eyebags that were much more apparent than before, a sign that he didn’t catch too much sleep. “i had to come to terms with what i’m about to say”
he wanted to tell you he was sorry, he really did, but words didn’t seem to come out of his throat. obviously he was sorry, it was a bad day and he meant none of what he said, but you knew that, right? you knew he always cared for you and loved you… right?
he wasn’t the best with words, hence, the idea of apologizing with a gesture after you were done teaching him his lesson came to mind. a brilliant idea, one could never go wrong with a thoughtful deed for their significant other, just give him one more chance.
“and my conclusion is, we need to take a step back and… reevaluate things in our lives. i’m not saying this is the ultimate end, but what you’ve said, and how you’ve said it made me realize…”
you were making a good point. you were talking about your feelings. he should listen, but the only thing he heard was the blood pumping through his veins, and the two single words
the end
so there won’t be another chance? he won’t be able to prove himself? what do you mean, the end? the best thing that ever happened to him in his sad life was coming to an end because of him? but he was so careful, he treated you like his treasure, because that’s how he truly felt, like his lifeline, something he could never lose…
and all it took was one sentence too much, one glare too intense. for the first time in what, six, maybe seven years, his eyes began to water, as he blinked the tears back at a rapid pace.
“… and that was a shitty thing to do. i hope you know that. i don’t know if i had anything else i wanted to say, perhaps i did, but… that’s all. see you around, i guess” you mumbled, loosing confidence in what you were saying, taking one last glance at his lost eyes before turning around.
turning around from him, from the love of your life, was perhaps the hardest thing you ever had to do, and yet you did do it.
before you could reach the door again, though, a cold hand caught your forearm. your eyes met his, with just a glimmer of hope that he would magically say all the right words and somehow make you stay, you didn’t want to leave, yet knew you had to. if you wanted to preserve the respect you had for yourself, you had to leave.
why were you giving him time to say something?
his helpless gaze seemed to speak with a thousand words, begging, pleading you to not leave through that door, but as much as his lips did part, not a single word left.
he couldn’t say anything to hold you back, and you ripped away from his grip, turned, and walked away.
and just like that,
he was all alone, again.
he was gonna need a drink.
tears flooded your vision, blurring every details of zhongli’s face, causing you to only see a pale color palette, instead of your favorite person, ever. maybe it was for the best, maybe it would make it easier, you thought, but that was a foolish thing to hope for.
even through the salty tears, you could make out his eyes, it’s glow never failing to guide you, and comfort you, now seeming to burn their way through you, through your body and soul.
“you’re stuck in another love, zhongli, we both know that!” you exhaled a bit louder than you intended to, the outcome sounding more like an accusation than a fact. “how can you ever say you love me, when it’s so obvious, and so apparent, that every time you look at me, you see someone else? you HOPE for someone else?”
you could only wish the words you spoke didn’t come out as a complete mess, because of those tears you were constantly choking on. desperation seeped through your voice, as the feeling of helplessness rose every time you looked at your lover and at the anguish, and confusion he presented.
how could he make this so hard? it’s not like you’ve presented some statement he didn’t know already, right?
you hoped your eyes would say all the things you didn’t trust your voice to. you hoped he’d somehow hear how all you ever wanted was to be enough, was to meet his standard, how it tore you open that every time he said <i love you> his eyes wandered everywhere but onto yours, how all his touches seemed absent, how all his compliments were truly about some other face, some other smile, some other kind soul.
the worst part was, how could you blame him? how can anyone, ever, blame someone for being in love, of all things? love was something beautiful, and once you’ve experienced it, you’re drowned in it forever, and don’t even want to see the surface again.
love is beautiful. when you’re the one who’s receiving it. love was beautiful, to you, too, when you loved how his wisdom flew through his words, how his kindness hugged your spirit, how his aura brought you comfort. you loved his eyes, you loved his cheeks, his lips, every single detail of his skin.
the love you felt made you complete, made you warm, until you finally realize the thing you should’ve seen much sooner.
that you were merely a mirror for him to look at someone else, someone long gone.
suddenly all the warmth you felt was directed back at you, burning you inside, making you wish you never felt it in the first place.
“aren’t you gonna say something?” you whispered.
his long fingers found their way to your hand, but you snatched it away.
if you fell onto his charms now, you wouldn’t be able to get out once more.
his breath hitched as he gathered himself to speak
“i want nothing more than to love you” he said, although quietly, it rang through your ears like the loudest of screams.
you scoffed.
“we both would’ve wanted that, then”
“and i’m sure i can, if you just—“
now, laughter was all that you were capable of letting out.
“zhongli, you can’t train yourself to love someone. and even if you could, then how do you think that would make me feel? like i’m so unlovable you had to force yourself through it to grow accustomed to a feeling similar to love?”
“that’s not what i—“
“that’s what it means! let it go, please, please just… let me go” you sighed, standing up from the bench over at liyue harbor that you were sitting on. the sun has begun to set on the other side of the sea, and you couldn’t help but notice, it would’ve been the perfect date.
“i do sincerely hope you’ll find someone who’ll love you just the same” he finally stated, as he gave up on trying to make you stay.
“why?” you chuckled “so i could make them suffer the same way you made me?”
(archons give me strength)
you found nothing but guilt, looking into the endless ocean trapped in his eyes. for the first time in forever, they glistened, but not with a spark of joy, like you always hoped they would, they shone a sickly shine, caused by a thin layer of tears, that didn’t dear to spill over his porcelain cheeks, almost as if afraid of making contact with the ruthless face of the number eleven of the fatui harbingers.
he could’ve easily been crying if only he let himself go. he would’ve been in tears, sniffing and coughing, but he just… wasn’t. he held those tears in the gates of his eyes, as if his life depended on it.
the guilt you found inside them, wasn’t his, but yours. you felt guilty, watching this composed, confident man fall into pieces right before you, crumbling before your sight. why were you doing this? you seemed to forget all those terrible things you’ve heard just from the way his irises begged for forgiveness and brows furrowed in inexplicable sadness.
but you couldn’t, no, this time you couldn’t.
“my word” you swore on dear life you’d burst into tears if your voice shook right now “my word is final. we’re over. and that’s… that’s it. you need to understand that there won’t be another chance.”
the moment his lips parted, you knew you were lost.
“i have told you so many times already, but i will say this as much as i need to, it will never happen again! i swear, on everything i love and everything that i am, i swear on life itself, i won’t ever let that happen again! you know i won’t! come on, i promise you, if there’s anything you can say about me is i do keep my promises, don’t i? darling, please…”
“promise yourself to heal and become better, first” you stated coldly, watching faith disappearing slowly from his fixed look.
“im sorry, you know i am, im sorry, im sorry, im so fucking sorry!” a scream left his throat as desperation took over both reason and self-respect.
“sorry isn’t gonna cut it”
“then what will? i’ll do anything, anything in the world, anything to prove myself to you. i get that you can’t love me, i understand that, but please, let me win your trust again.”
he said unnaturally calmly, compared to what he did before, and you got concerned immediately.
i understand that you can’t love me, his words rang through your head. oh god, what were you doing? guilt stroke again, right at where you felt your heart to be.
right when you wanted to turn around and leave, he must’ve sensed that, and pulled you into a tight embrace. not suffocating, as they often describe it, not toxic and desperate, but… as loving as every other hug you’ve ever received from him. as calming and grounding, even though you could feel his heart racing. he didn’t refuse for you to leave, he didn’t trap you.
you understood after a while,
he was saying goodbye. all the love trapped inside his heart seeped out onto you, all his feelings surrounding and engulfing you.
“let me promise you this” he whispered, voice shaking painfully “the next time i’ll see you, i’ll be a better man. someone you will be able to be proud of, someone worthy of both your trust, and love. i won’t stop until i’ll be enough for you to look at me without the disgust and fear you have now. i promise. i’ll be better.”
“until then, then.” was the only thing you were capable of saying before leaving.
as soon as the door shut behind you, you rested against a wall and covered your mouth with a hand, unable to hold your tears any longer.
you heard a cry through the door. so he does have some feelings left, after all
your daily reminder that requests are open [here]
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mrs-gucci · 3 years
The Forbidden Fruit {medieval priest!Kylo Ren x Reader}
Priest!Kylo + tavern + visiting his known mistress
author’s notes: hello, hello! ooo, priest!Kylo is a dirty man and I am very much here for it ;) thanks for the request! (post-writing note: this got waay longer than I originally intended lol)
warnings: a touch of fluff. smut. general filth. the incorrect use of the Adam and Eve bible story. oral sex (f receiving). a bit of religion-infused coercion. innocence kink if you really squint. hints of praise kink. virginity loss. 
tw’s: extramarital affair/sex (as was common in medieval times). (!!) dubcon (!!) **please let me know if I missed any warnings and/or tw’s!!**
word count: 1.8k
kylo’s taglist peeps! @goddessofsprings​ @icarusinthesea​ my general taglist peeps! @safarigirlsp​ @babbushka​ ​@mrs-zimmerman​ @dirtytissuebox​ @thepalaceofmelanie
[NOT my edit. full credit goes to sacklers_sack on Twitter]
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Father Kylo walks into the Adam and Eve Tavern and steps up to the bar, ordering a mug of frothy golden brew. He takes a sip as he walks over to his usual corner table, fingers fiddling with the ring around his thick finger. 
Even though his wife already knows of his affair, he still feels a small twinge of guilt whenever he lies to her about his whereabouts. It’s a very slight feeling of remorse, though, considering the fact that she’s one of Satan’s disciples.
You walk in only minutes later, flipping the hood of your cloak off the top of your head. He looks over at smiles at the sight of you, admiring your pure and raw beauty. He’s almost sure you’re some sort of angel in disguise, too beautiful and pure to be anything less. Gods, he wants nothing more than to wreck you, split you in half with his cock.
“Hello, angel.” He purrs as you walk over and sit down at the table with him, eyes lingering on your bosom, which is accentuated greatly in this particular gown. “I am glad to see your beautiful face this eve.”
Your lips curl up into a small smirk. “No need for such flattery, Father. We both know why you summoned me here.”
“I’ve always loved how you get right down to business.” Kylo chuckles devilishly. “There are a series of rooms upstairs, the very reason I chose this particular establishment to conduct our...meeting. Step into the last one down the hall and strip bare, lay down on the bed. I will join you in a moment.”
Nodding, you stand and make your way up to the room, swaying your hips a bit extra for the Father. He smirks when he notices this, taking another sip of his beer as he feels his length twitch to life ‘neath his robes.
He waits a few minutes, finishing the mug of beer and leaving behind a tip for the barkeep before walking up to the room he’s reserved for the night. When he walks in, the sight of your nude body illuminated by the warm orange glow of the crackling fire greets him. Gods, is there a better sight to behold than this one?
Your chest rises and falls gently, rhythmically, breasts rising and falling along with your steady breathing. He’s hypnotized, momentarily, drinking in the angelic beauty that lays across the bedsheets.
His robes are swiftly removed and draped over one of the chairs, leaving him in only his undergarments. He points to your legs with his pointer and middle fingers, silently indicating that he’d like you to spread them. You do.
“Tell me, angel. Have you heard the Biblical tale of Adam and Eve?”
You shake your head, biting down on your lip when he takes a step forward towards the bed. “No, Father, I have not.”
He smirks, standing with his hands clasped behind his back. Remnants of his hot breath tease your bare skin, causing you to shudder.
“Adam and Eve were the first human beings created by God, and they inhabited in the Garden of Eden. They were given allowed to use or consume any of the other plants in the Garden, but they were told not to eat any of the forbidden fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.”
You gasp when his hands suddenly seize your ankles and pull you to the end of the bed.
“But,” The Father sinks to his knees, never breaking eye contact. “They failed to resist the temptation. The fruit...”
He pushes your legs as far apart as they can go, then lightly traces your glistening slit with his fingertips. Your breath hitches in your throat at his featherlight touch on your center.
Your eyes widen when his nose nudges your outer lips and he takes a long, slow inhale of your natural scent. He shudders, groaning under his breath before his tongue suddenly licks an agonizingly slow stripe up your cunt.
“The forbidden fruit was just too sweet.” Kylo says, licking his lips with a small smirk at the corners of his mouth. “It was so tender, so juicy; it just felt too right to be wrong, too delicious to be sin.”
You can’t stop the desperate whimper that escapes between your parted lips, insides clenching desperately against themselves. He notices the way your hole puckers, and his smirk grows a bit wider.
His mouth opens, then, and he encapsulates your entire core in a sloppy kiss. Your back arches and you gasp loudly, head pressing back against the pillows. The coarse hairs of his beard scratch your skin in the most delightfully pleasurable way, only adding to the sensations he’s creating with his mouth.
“F-Father--ohh!” Your feet plant and your hips lift up off the bed. “Oh gods, mmmm!”
He begins moving with more aggression, passionately slurping up each and every drop of the sweet nectar that leaks from your cunt. His assault doesn’t let up, not until his efforts bring you to the ultimate high.
“Father! F-Father, oh Christ!” You shriek softly, legs quaking as you hit your peak with an Earth-shattering intensity.
Kylo pulls away shortly after you’ve ridden out your high and he’s consumed every single drop of your sinful sweetness, upper lip and beard glistening with your release. He practically rips his undergarments off and wraps a large, veiny hand around the base.
“Lay up at the head of the bed, now. I shall claim your innocence tonight, angel.”
Your eyes widen and you sit up, chewing on your now-tender bottom lip. “I d-don’t know...”
The Father shakes his head, quickly pinning you to the bed, caging you with his large body. You watch his silver Holy Cross necklace shimmer in the dim light, reminding you that he is a man of God and that he would never ask anything of you that he didn’t think you were ready for.
“Do not fear it, my child; why would His Holiness grant us the bodies we posses, ones that can bring such pleasures, if we aren’t intended to use them? Trust me, angel, all will be alright.”
You’re not much of a religious woman, but he makes a reasonable argument...
He smiles, reaching down to place a gentle kiss on your lips. “I will go slowly for you. It may hurt at first, but I promise it will get better.”
You nod. “I trust you, Father.”
His tip swipes all through your slick before settling at your entrance, ready to push in. He holds your cheeks, looking deep into your eyes.
“Are you ready, my angel?”
As soon as you nod, his pelvis pushes forward and his length pushes through your unstretched walls. You cry out, tears instantly burning your eyes as they instantly begin to collect in the corners.
Once he’s fully seated inside you, he remains still, jaw clenched so tight you’re worried he’ll crack his teeth should he clench any tighter. It’s taking every single ounce of his willpower not to fuck you raw, but he knows what he must take care of you this eve. There will be plenty of time for all of that in the future.
“You’re doing sssso well, angel. Taking me so well.”
His words of encouragement, his mutters of of praise reassure you that this was a good choice. You’ve never felt so stuffed in your entire life, not even after holiday feasts and the more your insides stretch in accommodation, the better it begins to feel.
You nod up at him, the first tear escaping your overflowing eyes.
“I’m a-alright now, Father.”
He plants a kiss on your forehead, still cradling your face as he draws back, then pushes forward once more. The noises that escape your lips are positively sinful and they only encourage him on, hips steadily gaining speed and force with each passing moment.
Soon, your body and breasts and excess flesh bounce in time with his hips’ sharp, forceful thrusts. By now, the pain has completely subsided and made way for the pleasure to build in your loins.
“S-So sssweet,” He grunts quietly in your ear. “So j-juicy and tender...and you’re a-all mine...”
Your small whimpers and gasps turn to scandalous moans and cries of desperation. You hold onto his arms tightly, fingernails digging deep into his alabaster skin, surely leaving marks.
“Please, Father, please...”
Kylo can feel his control, his restraint beginning to slip as he nears climax. He’s unable to hold it off, unwilling to deny himself this heavenly pleasure whilst his cock is stained with fresh virgin’s blood.
The thought of that alone thrusts him right up to the edge, looking over the cliff to the peak of bliss.
“Y/N, my a-angel, I...I will not be able to endure much l-longer.”
You nod, grabbing hold of his hair firmly. “It is alright, F-Father. Use m-me, use my body to bring yourself p-pleasure.”
Those words send him careening into climax and he quickly pulls away just as the first rope of his foggy liquor emerges. His hips still give half-hearted mock thrusts as he spills his creamy seed all over your puffy, used cunt.
He crawls off of you once he’s finished, beginning to redress immediately. You sit up, shakily and already you can feel the pain in your loins beginning to build from the Father’s hardened intrusion.
Your eyes catch sight of some red dripped down onto the bedsheet and your cheeks warm, acute worry flaring up inside of you. Is that supposed to happen?
Almost as if he read your worried mind, Father Kylo steps up to you and holds your chin up so that you can look into his eyes.
“Bleeding is typical for virgins, nothing is the matter, I promise.”
You nod, sighing softly in relief. “Thank you, Father.”
He smiles, bending down to place a chaste kiss on your lips. “It is I who should be thanking you, my child. Thank you for giving your innocence to me, for trusting me. You did so well for me tonight, angel.”
Your cheeks warm in flattery, smile splitting your face. But, your expression falls into a frown when you see him drape the cloak over his shoulders.
“Must you leave so soon, Father?”
Father Kylo nods as he pulls on his shoes. “I must get back to the convent, angel; I apologize for having to rush off so quickly. But, I promise I will make it up to you next time, yes?”
You nod, offering a small, disappointment-tinged smile. “Yes, of course, Father. I understand.”
He reaches ‘neath his robes and pulls out the small, silver Holy Cross necklace, draping it around your neck.
“Something to remind you of me, ‘till we next meet.” Kylo says, kissing your temple. “Farewell, my beloved angel.”
Your lips tug up into a genuine smile, fingers toying with the silver charm as he approaches the door and slips out.
“Farewell, Father.”
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kittyymew · 3 years
Accidental Surprise
Tumblr media
Story Summary- Levi walks in on you pleasuring yourself. You, the Reader, and Levi are not a couple in this scenario, however, both of you like each other romantically without each other's knowledge.
You groan as you enter your room after a long stressful day, plopping down on your bed. You were tired, annoyed, angry, and frustrated. Hell! Why wouldn't you be? Another failed mission, and the worst part of it all? You were blamed for the unforeseeable factor which caused the mission to fail. Well, at least there wasn't a single casualty. A rare occurrence.
"Urgh fucking great! Of course, it's my fault! I mean yeah I controlled the titans who made us break our formation!" You let out in an exasperated tone, sitting up on your bed as you start undressing out of that stupid, uncomfortable uniform, tossing it all in a corner.
""Y/N! WhAt aRe yOu dOiNg WhY aRe tHeRe sO mAny tItAns? WhY DiDn'T YoU TeLL uS thErE aRe gOinG To Be sO mAnY aBnoRmALs iN oUr wAy?!"", you mock Levi's words as you get up from your bed and make your way over to the closet to get a change of clothes. He's been like this, blaming you for the most irrelevant things, ever since you were assigned a squad leader yourself. You tried ignoring his condescending remarks, illogical arguments, and wrongfully placed blames in the beginning but it's getting more and more unbearable with every mission you go on.
"Um... I don't know... MAYBE THE FACT THAT THERE WAS NO WAY I WOULD'VE KNOWN!" You yell out in the empty room.
"I can not believe I used to like-like him. Who am I kidding? I still like that stupid ass head! URRRGH WHY DID I HAD TO HAVE FEELINGS FOR HIM OUT OF ALL PEOPLE?!", you shriek out in an irritated tone, opening your closet door with such force that a box tumbles down from the top shelf, spilling its contents on the ground.
You sigh, closing your eyes and massaging your temples in an attempt to calm yourself down. You glance down at the box that had just tumbled out of your closet, seeing a pair of cuffs and a collar that had fallen out of the box. "Oop," you think as you realize it was your sex-toy box that had fallen out of your closet.
"Oh... I forgot I even had these things..." You mumble, bending down to pick up the items and the box, making your way back to your bed and emptying all the contents on the mattress. The collars, handcuffs, vibrators, dildos, butt plugs, ropes, etc. You had bought most of these items when you were with your ex.
Amidst the breakup and you gaining more responsibilities in the scouts, it's been a little over a year since you've used any of the items inside the box. Hell, you barely have any time to pleasure yourself with your fingers, let alone have sex with someone or have the luxury of using all these toys on yourself.
You pick up the pretty pink coloured wand-type vibrator, pressing down on the power button, the vibrator buzzing to life. You didn't think it was even charged. Well, at least you hadn't ran out of luck... yet. You turn it back off, biting down on your bottom lip, contemplating whether you should use it on yourself right now or not.
You quickly get up and get rid of your panties, climbing back on your bed as you crawl to the center, propping the pillows against the headboard, turning around and leaning back on it, spreading your legs.
Your mind automatically travels back to the one person you've liked for so long. As creepy or weird as it may feel, you can't help it. How his lips might feel against yours, or his hand wrapped around your throat, his fingers tangled in your hair tugging on it, or how his fingers would feel inside you... or even better his d-
Taking a deep breath to relax, you trail your fingertips down your chest, stopping at your nipples to gently squeeze and tug on them.
"Maybe this is how his fingers would feel..."
You bite back a small moan at the sensation, it's been a while since the (Y/N/C) buds received any attention.
You take your sweet time to rile yourself up, switching between squeezing your boobs and pinching and tugging on your nipples. Your mind clouding up with all kinds of inappropriate thoughts and you can already feel the heat pooling between your legs by just stimulating your nipples and by the thoughts of how Levi would fuck you...
You keep your left hand on your left boob and trail your right hand down until your fingers touch slick folds, your fingers rubbing up and down, spreading your arousal. A small, almost inaudible whimper falls off your lips as your fingers finally connect with your throbbing clit.
In the blink of an eye, your fingers are moving in a circular motion over your clit, applying just enough pressure to have you squirming and moaning. It's been so long, even the slightest touch has you going crazy.
You begrudgingly disconnect your fingers with your clit, just for a few moments until your fingers were replaced with the head of your wand vibrator, your other hand spreading your folds as you press down the vibrating head against your clit. You throw your head back, moaning loudly as pleasure spreads through your body like wildfire.
"O-oh... fuuck..."
You moan out as you apply more pressure, moving the vibrator up and down your clit slightly, the movement combined with the intense vibration causing your toes to curl and your eyes to roll at the back of your head in pleasure.
Sliding your fingers down towards your entrance, you push a finger inside your wet cunt that slides in with ease, and curl it upwards in a come hither motion, with your walls clenching around your finger as the tip rubs against your g-spot and the vibrator's sweet assault on your clit, it doesn't take long to feel the knot in your lower stomach tighten.
Throwing your head back in pleasure, small moans and whimpers fall off your lips, quickly adding in another finger inside, plunging them as deep as they can go, the tips rubbing against that sweet spot inside your tight pussy, as you draw your orgasm closer and closer with each thrust and movement of your fingers against your g-spot, combined with the intense vibration against your swollen clit.
"Fuck fuck fuck... oh... god... L-Leviii fuck...!"
You scream out in pleasure, applying more pressure on your clit with the vibrator, your fingers halting their thrusting movement as your cunt clenches around them, your lower stomach fluttering, your toes curling and back arching, as the euphoric sensation takes over your mind and body.
Pulling your fingers out of your throbbing pussy and turning the vibrator off, you try to catch your breath, still coming down from the high of the orgasm you just had.
"I- uh... *ahem*..."  Your head snaps up towards the direction of the door, the moment you heard someone clear their throat, and there he stood in your doorway, in all his red-faced glory, your soul leaving your body when you see his face.
It takes a moment for your brain to register, but you snap out of it when you see Levi take the tiniest step forward.
You yell as you jump up to cover yourself with the blanket and hastily trying to hide the multiple sex toys that were splattered all over your bed.
"I- uh...." Levi opens and closes his mouth, failing to realise that he's gawking at your naked figure. He averts his gaze only after you pull the blanket up to your chest and awkwardly try to hide his hard-on. He quickly turns around, his mind finally processes the situation, but not before you catch a glimpse of his situation down there.
"I just... came here to apologise for how I had been acting towards you over the past few weeks Y/N," Levi says, trying to make everything less.. awkward?
You just stare at the back of his head. You're way too embarrassed to even breathe at this point. How long was he standing there? How the hell did you not hear him come in? How did you even forget to lock the door before your genius self decided to masturbate?
Levi breaks the silence when you don't say anything. "Y/N...? I'm sorry the door was open and I-..."
"How long were you standing there for?" You ask.
You'd much rather die of a heart attack or something at this moment instead of having to face him. It'd be much easier than having to go through this.
"A while I guess...." He replies, scratching the back of his head.
You throw the first thing that you could reach. It was a purple dildo.
"Hey, Ow!" He mumbles, rubbing the spot where the dildo just hit him.
"AND YOU JUST STOOD THERE WATCHING ME INSTEAD OF LEAVING OR AT LEAST SAYING SOMETHING?!?!" You yell at him, throwing a pillow at his head this time.
"Well, you did moan my name brat!" Levi sasses in response when the pillow hits him.
"Stop throwing things at me brat!" Levi says, turning around on his feet to face you with a glare until he catches the sight of the purple dildo lying near his feet. He bends down to pick it up and smirks at you.
"Or I can just remind you whose name you were just moaning..." He says as he dangles your purple dildo in front of him
"LEVI!" You yell at him again, moving forward and attacking him by throwing everything that is within range at him.
"OKAY SORRY! SORRY!!!" Levi laughs as he dodges everything that's plunged in his direction and he's on the bed in front of you, holding your wrists down.
Your breath hitches in your throat at the close proximity between the two of you and you freeze up.
"I never said I was complaining about it. If anything it's nice to know that you think of me when you touch yourself. Because it just means that I wouldn't have to worry about you liking me back when I ask you out tomorrow" Levi says, letting go of your wrists and booping your nose with his stupid cocky grin before turning around and leaving your room.
"What just... happened..."
You think to yourself as you're left alone in your room, dumbfounded, to say the least.
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peach-skull · 3 years
Forever yours
Forever yours
Tomura Shigaraki x Reader
Unprotected sex, dry humping, pregnancy mention, cumming inside, childhood friends to lovers, facesitting, shiggy being his nasty self, no quirks au, fluff adjacent 
You would get a turn once he died. That’s how it was: That’s how it had been ever since you two were children. Tomura rarely died in video games, so if you wanted a turn you either had to whine until he gave in or wait until he was too focused to notice you take it from him until it was too late. However, you weren’t interested in video games today. You were interested in him. In his soft blue hair, his long, slender fingers, his beautiful crimson eyes. You were head over heels for your best friend since childhood, Tomura Shigaraki. It was a terrible,  roiling mixture of puppy love and sheer lust. You wanted to go on long walks and hold his hand. You also wanted him to bend you over a table and fuck you until your legs gave out. 
“ Tomu.”
He didn’t answer you, too absorbed in his game to pay attention to anything else. You huffed and tapped him with your foot.
Shigaraki muttered something unintelligible and paused his game, looking at you over his shoulder.
“ What do you want, (Y/N)?”
“ I have, uh, a personal question for you”
He grabbed an energy drink and took a sip.
“ Just ask it already.”
You needed to ask this casually. Like you couldn’t care less about the answer. Just making friendly conversation.
“ You’re still a virgin, right?”
He choked on his drink, coughing and sputtering as he tried to think of an answer. Who just asks shit like that?! You better not be making fun of him.
“ That’s none of your goddamn business,asshole.”
Based on his reaction alone, he had to be. You shrugged casually and adjusted one of your thigh-highs, smoothing your pleated skirt once it was back in position. You had worn them especially for him: you knew him long enough to know what he liked.
“ I’ll take that as a yes. So am I. I want to lose it but like, with the right person y’know? Not some rando, or like, a boyfriend who’ll sour the experience if we break up.”
You have never used ‘like’ in a sentence so many times in your life. Or used the word rando. 
“ so I was thinking, wouldn’t it be way easier to do it with someone you already trust? Like a close friend . so what if we, Y’know, helped each other ou-
SLAM. before you could even finish your question, Shigaraki had moved from the foot of the bed to the headboard, straddling you with his hands gripping above your head. 
He loomed above you, a massive cheshire grin plastered on his flushed face.
“ You aren’t fucking with me, right? You’re being serious? You actually wanna fuck?”
You didn’t expect him to be so enthusiastic about it. You thought he would decline, or accept in a less...intense manner. He was panting and leering and- was he seriously drooling? As if to answer your question, a drop of spit landed on your chest. Maybe a keyhole sweater wasn’t the best thing to wear today. 
“N-no, I'm not messing around, Tomu. I-I want… I want to have sex with you.”
Tomura quickly laid on top of you, pinning you down and shoving his tongue into your mouth. You had never been kissed before.  You tried to keep up with him, but he was just so rough that it was difficult to do so.You put your trembling hands oh his shoulders and tried to wiggle into a more comfortable position. He snickered and began to grind against your lap, completely misunderstanding what you were trying to do. You pushed his face away, a string of saliva connecting your lips. 
“ Get off for a second, I need to move my legs.”
Tomura rolled his eyes but did as you said, crawling backwards on all fours. More of a scuttle, really. You lifted your skirt and spread your legs, revealing your string-tie panties.  You didn’t even get the chance to tell him to come back before he pounced, rutting against your covered pussy and latching onto your neck. You could feel the seam of his jeans rubbing on your clit as he frantically humped you. It felt better than you thought it would: his weight on you, the teeth on your throat, the grind of his hard cock on your aching sex. You were getting close to the edge already, moaning and grabbing onto his hoodie as you  tried not to finish.
“T-Tomura! Please slow down, I- ah! I’m- I don’t want to cum from kissing! Please, just s-stop for a second!”
Goddammit, he was so close. It hurt to pull away from the warm embrace of your thighs, but he grit his teeth and did it anyways. You had a point: cumming from dry humping alone was a little pathetic. Shigaraki sat back on his heels and surveyed the damage.
Your skirt was pulled up past your stomach. One of your thigh highs had rolled all the way down to your ankle and your neck was covered in bruises. The hole in the chest of your sweater had slipped, exposing the top of your nipples. You weren’t wearing a bra. Holy shit, you weren’t wearing a bra. You had waltzed over to his house and sat on his bed in thigh highs and a sailor skirt and one of those sweaters with a boob window and NO FUCKING BRA. Tomura jumped off of the bed and pulled down his pants without bothering to unzip them. As you stared at the absolute monster of a cock that your best friend somehow had tucked away just moments ago, you only had one question on your mind.
“ um, Shiggy?”
You only called him that when you were particularly nervous. Tomura tore off his hoodie, his shirt going along with it and threw them both on the ground.
“ Why the hell is your dick so goddamn big?!”
 He looked down at his crotch as if he had absolutely no clue that his cock was roughly the size of a coke bottle. He looked at you and shrugged.
“ No idea. It’s always been like this, can I fuck your tits?”
He had to be joking.
“ Can you give me a titjob? Please?! I’m really close! It’ll take like two minutes, I swear!
If you weren’t madly in love with this man, you’d put him and his stupid horse cock in a shallow grave.
“ Yeah, yeah, just gimme a sec…”
He sat on the edge of the bed and patted the spot next to him, grinning wildly.
“ Lay down over here and put your boobs on my lap. This’ll be great,I swear.”
Shit, why did he have to be so cute?! You grumbled about various grievances you had with your friend and his dopey smile and that scar on his lips and and his stupid fucking fat dick as you got off his bed and walked over to where he was sitting. You stood in front of him and took off your sweater, chucking it into his face.
“ I swear to GOD if you choke me with that thing, I’ll bite it off. No head-pushing, Understand?”
He just smiled and nodded his head rapidly. 
You turned around and took your skirt off, bending over afterwards to roll up the rogue stocking that had decided to slip. While you were busy trying to keep the damn thing from falling again, Tomura grabbed the strings tying your panties together and tugged, undoing the bows and yanking them off of you.
He held the underwear up to get a closer look. They were white and (f/c) striped, with lace and a little bow on top. Absolutely adorable. He was going to add them to his collection when you weren’t looking,but he just couldn't resist pressing his face into the damp fabric and inhaling deeply.
Was this motherfucker seriously sniffing your panties right in front of you?! You snatched the cloth away from him and threw them across the room, safe from his nasty clutches. For now.
“ Heh, sorry about that (Y/N). You always smell so good, I couldn’t help myself.”
That really shouldn’t have made your stomach flutter the way it did. You laid on the bed, lowering your chest onto Tomura’s lap. He ran his hand down your back and slapped your ass, laughing when you yelped out of pain and surprise.
“ Raise your hips. I can’t have you doing all the work now can I?”
He lowered his hand past your ass, but his fingers couldn’t reach your clit, stopping a few centimeters short. He grumbled and leaned to the side, trying his best to figure out a position that would let him rub your clit and finger your dripping pussy at the same time and gave him the lap titjob he wanted. He might have miscalculated, but that couldn’t be: it looked great in the hentai he saw a couple weeks ago, so it should work just fine IRL!
“ Tomura, this position is kinda weird. I don’t think this is going to work the way you think it will.”
“ Yes it will! C’mon, just raise your hips a little more-”
You looked up at him as best you could from the awkward position on his lap.
“ You saw this in a doujin, didn’t you?”
After around five minutes of arguing about whether or not Tomura’s stupid position would ( or even could) work, you decided to take initiative by pushing him down  and sitting on his face. How else were you supposed to shut him up? 
“ Sorry, Tomu. This was the only way to get you to be quiet. Seriously, who the hell gets into an argument about hentai in the middle of a hookup? There’s a time and place for everything, dumbass.”
You drooled into your palm to make impromptu lube before wrapping your hand around the head of his cock, smearing your saliva and his precum around as you jerked him off. You had never given a handjob before, but if the moans sending vibrations straight to your  core where anything to go on, you were doing a pretty good job. You grabbed the back of his head and ground against his face, giggling when his cock twitched.
“ C’mon, make me cum! Don’t you wanna get to the main event? I want you to rail me until I can't walk. Don’t you wanna fuck me, Tomura? Do you wanna slam that fat cock into my tight little pussy or not?”
He’d always been fun to tease, but never like this. There was a sort of power in it now: you had him right where you wanted him. Or so you thought.Shigaraki growled and grabbed your ass to hold you still. He was sick and tired of you always messing with him. Elbowing him during multiplayer games so he would mess up.Taking the last sip of his energy drink, not even thinking of the indirect kiss. Filling his room with the smell of your perfume after a day of hanging out and then just leaving him alone to masturbate to the thought of you. 
“ Aw, are you getting cranky, Tomu? I’m almo-”
He licked  along your folds before getting to your clit. He drew slow circles with his tongue before wrapping his lips around the sensitive bundle of nerves and sucking harshly. He flicked his tongue over your clit, adding a maddening amount of stimulation to the already overwhelming act. You squealed and tried to pull away, but his grip on you was too strong. 
“ Oh fuck! It’s too much, I’m not gonna be able to - ah!- be able to focus on what I’m doing here!”
Tomura didn’t give a fuck about what you where trying to do. He cared about revenge. And if revenge came in the form of eating your pussy until you cried, then so be it. He had no plans of stopping : your bittersweet taste and your thighs squeezing his head was too damn good. He stopped sucking with a loud pop and shoved his tongue  deep inside of you. He didn’t have a lot of experience ( he had 0 experience) but he had heard enough stories from his more socially savvy friends to know that you were supposed to keep your hands, mouth, or toys on the clit at all times. Keeping this advice in mind, he rubbed his thumb over your clit.
This was ridiculous. How was he this good at eating pussy? He was supposed to be the same as you: an inexperienced virgin. Maybe all that porn he watched did some good. You had no idea. All you knew for certain was that if he got the upper hand, you’d never hear the end of it. Your efforts had slowed due to Shigaraki’s distraction. You gripped his cock harder and moved your hand faster. Tomura moaned and bucked his hips. With the amount of precum that was leaking out, he had to be close. 
He didn’t want to let you win, but your hand was making it impossible to focus. It was just so damn soft: nothing like his rough, calloused fist. Tomura had no idea how he was going to go back to his left hand after this. If your hand was this good, what was your cunt going to feel like? It really hit him then. He had been fantasizing about it for years, and now it was actually going to happen. He was going to fuck you. The mere thought of it caused the tension in his stomach to break, thick ropes of cum spurting out of his throbbing cock and landing on his torso. The look on his face was driving you insane: bright red, eyes rolled back in his skull, brows crinkled in a way you had always found adorable. You threaded your fingers through his hair with both hands and started desperately humping his face. You wanted to cum,needed to cum: you just wanted him to fuck you already. You had waited for years. You finally came with a wail, crushing his head between your thighs as you rode out the high of your long-awaited orgasm.
It took you several seconds to remember that your friend probably needed to breathe. You got off of him as quickly as you could on your trembling legs. 
  “ Are you okay, Shiggy? I didn’t mean to suffocate you: it just felt so good that I lost control…”
Shigaraki quickly sat up. He was doing great: just had the best nut of his entire life, got his head squeezed and his hair pulled, and he was going to lose his virginity to the girl he had pined over for nearly his entire life. How could he be doing anything other than amazing?!
“ I'm good.”
You looked at the mess all over his chest. How was it even possible to cum that much and still be hard? Was that just how much there always was? Did he need to see a doctor?
While the gears turned in your head, Tomura grabbed a shirt from the floor and wiped himself off, tossing the soiled fabric away once he was done. The sheer nastiness of that snapped you out of your confused state. You were about to say something when he beat you to it.
“ What position do you want to do?”
“Y’know, like doggy, or cowgirl, or wheelbarrow-”
You didn’t think wheelbarrow was an actual position, but you really didn’t want to get into another argument right now. You were gonna call him out on it later, though.
“ I’d like to do missionary.”
Tomura nodded sagely. Missionary was a classic. A bit basic, but it would do.
“If you’re ready, let’s move on to the next level”
You nodded, too nervous to speak. He shuffled slowly towards you, hands shaking and arms outstretched. He needed to be cool about this: he came on a bit strong after your proposal earlier. You laid on your back and resisted the urge to cover your face with your hands. You had wanted this for such a long time, but he was just so big and he was seeing you naked and he was actually kind of muscular without his clothes on and- for fucks sake was he seriously drooling again?! 
Shigaraki quickly wiped the drool away from his mouth. You were just so beautiful. You looked scared,though-was it the drooling? He couldn’t help that! He started to scratch his neck- a habit that he just couldn’t seem to break. Even if it meant that he wasn’t going to get to have sex today, he needed to make sure that you still wanted this.
“ Are you okay? We can… we can stop i-
“NO! I mean- n-no, I’m fine. Just- just be gentle, okay?
Gentle. He could do that. Just go slow, don’t go in all the way, and probably no biting. Wait, didn’t he need a condom? It must not be that big of a deal if you didn’t bother to bring it up, right? Yeah, he could just pull out.
Tomura grabbed the base of his cock and lined it at your entrance before carefully pushing inside of you. It didn’t hurt nearly as bad as you thought it would: it just stung a little bit. You had expected ripping, bleeding pain before seeing his dick, and kind of assumed you would die after seeing it in all it’s terrifying glory. But no! You were alive and thriving.
Your partner in crime, however, was having a significantly harder time. Your pussy made his fleshlight feel like sandpaper in comparison: he considered burning the stupid peice of silicone after you two were done for being so inferior to the real thing. The fleshlight wasn’t this tight, or this warm, and it didn’t twitch like your pussy did. He honestly felt kind of bad for the times that he used it while thinking of you- not for jacking off to you or anything like that, but for using that piece of shit as a stand-in. It was insulting. Shigaraki figured that it probably wasn’t the best idea to put it in all the way in,but it was taking every ounce of his self-control to not just slam in balls-deep and fuck you into the mattress. 
….. Was he okay? There was a vein bulging on his forehead and he looked damn-near terrified. You were going to have to make the first move again. You put your hands on his waist and pulled him towards you until his hips were flush with yours. Despite the slow entrance, his cock hitting your cervix still knocked the air out of you. It hurt a bit more now, but not nearly enough to stop.
“ I-it’s okay Shiggy, it doesn’t hurt. You can move now..”
Tomura cautiously  pulled backwards a few inches and pressed back inside just as carefully. His first couple of thrusts were a bit awkward, but he soon found a slow, steady rhythm. 
You couldn’t believe how soft he was being. He leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on your collar bone before moving to your breasts, licking your nipple before putting it in his mouth and sucking. His other hand was lightly caressing the opposing mound. It was all so sweet and tender that you almost wanted to cry: you knew that he didn’t feel the same way that you did. But for now, all you could do was stroke his hair and pretend that you were making love instead of just hooking up. 
“Mmmmn, T-tomur-ah!”
This wasn’t fair! He had liked you for years, you were gasping and moaning underneath him, but something unpleasant was still prodding at the back of his thoughts. After this, you were going to find some strong, confident man to take his place. This was just practice. Shigaraki didn’t want this to be practice: he wanted you to be his last. He wanted to be your only. He buried his face in the crook of your neck and started to thrust into you harder. He wanted you to be all his.
“ Mmmineeee...” 
Mine?! Did he just say “mine”?! Did he- did he feel the same way?! No, that couldn't be: you probably just misheard him.
“ um, w-what did you say?”
He snapped his head up and glared at you, his ruby eyes practically glowing.
“ I said mine! I want you to be mine! MY player two, MY pussy,MINE!”
With every repeat of mine he slammed into you a little harder, a little rougher.
“Come on, say it! Say you’ll be mine, (Y/N)!
You felt like such an idiot. Of course Tomura wasn’t going to say that he liked you- this was Tomura you were talking about. But he’d been showing it for years- walking you home, helping you win plushies at the arcade, dying on purpose so you would get a chance to play, giving you his hoodie whenever it was cold out…. How did you not notice? But he was never going to take the final step. So as per usual, it was up to you to take initiative. You put your hand on his cheek and smiled when he nuzzled into your touch.
“ I love you, Tomura. I’ve always been yours.”
He froze at your confession. Oh shit, did you go too far? Was the whole “mine” thing just his idea of dirty talk? Shigaraki pulled out  and moved backwards. Just as you were about to say something, he grabbed your knees and moved your legs up until they were above your head. Was he seriously going to just ignore what you just said?! You just told him that you loved him, for fucks sake!  Did all the blood rushing to his dick leave him braindead? 
Shigaraki knew the look on your face well: narrowed eyes, pursed lips, puffed cheeks. Impatient and suspicious. He’d better not keep you waiting,then. He positioned himself so that his cock was dangling above your exposed hole and leaned in close until you two were nose to nose. 
“ I love you too, (Y/N).”
With your confession returned, he slammed into your waiting cunt in one quick thrust, groaning as he was finally balls-deep inside of your warm,slick pussy. You squealed as he jackrabbited into your core with short, deep thrusts, hitting a spot inside that you’d never been able to reach. The headboard of the bed crashed against the wall loudly, creating a lewd orchestra alongside the squeaking of the bedsprings and your wanton moans. Tomura’s hair fell alongside your face in a soft curtain, making it so he was the only thing you could see. As if you’d look anywhere else.
“ I love you! I love you! I mean it, I love you! You’re gorgeous, you feel so good, I love you! I love you so fucking much! I love you! IloveyouIloveyouIloveyouIloveyouIloveIloveyouIloveyouIloveyouIloveyouIloveyouIloveyouIloveIloveyouIloveyou-”
You pulled your babbling lover into a deep kiss as the knot inside of your stomach snapped. Your convulsing walls squeezed his cock in a vice grip as you came, nearly sending him over the edge .
“ C-can I cum inside? I don’t wanna pull out! I swear I’ll take responsibility if you get pre- i-if anything happens! Please, let me cum inside of you!”
You could barely think through your haze, so you just nodded your head. Of course he could cum inside: where else was it supposed to go? He wasn’t wearing a condom after all… you probably should’ve made him wear one. Oh well. That was a problem for future (Y/N) to worry about. 
Tomura wrapped his arms around your waist and thrusted his hips one more time before  
Blowing his load directly into your womb, spurt after spurt of creamy white filling you to the brim, tongue sticking out of his mouth as he howled with pleasure.
“Hhhhhhhhh…. I love youuuu…..”
 He let out a contented sigh and flopped on top of you without bothering to take his cock out of your cum-filled pussy. He was too tired- he’d pull out after a nap. You were just as exhausted as he was- cleanup was just another issue future (Y/N) would have to deal with. You yawned and nuzzled into his neck before drifting into a peaceful, messy sleep. 
I wrote this after a debate with @libiraki about who’s dick was worse: Shigaraki or Dabi’s. 
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gotnofucks · 4 years
Pot of Gold
Pairing: Steve x Reader
Summary: You went broke and bet your pussy.
Words: 2k
Warnings: Fluffy smut, slight dom Steve, language, 18+ ONLY
A/N: dedicated to the anon who said she needed fluffy Steve smut so that she could get out of her bed. Hope you feel better hon <3
“And what do you bet?” Thor asked you, stacking other’s money in the center of the table. It wasn’t game night yet, but since no one wanted to go out you lot pulled out a few board games. It was going great until the betting started, because the Avengers just can’t play like normal broke people. You had like an amateur lost all your cash in the last round of poker, and now sitting around some stupid board game with pictures and dices, you were the only one who was penniless. Everyone else had tossed on hundreds of dollars and looked at you curiously.
“I bet my pussy” You said at last and a hush fell around the table. For the first time tonight, you were glad to be the only woman present. The reaction you received from the men was very flattering.
Tony, Steve, Thor, Sam, Bucky, and Clint all looked dumbstruck for a moment, their mouths hanging open in surprise. It was when Tony snorted in amusement that they shook their head and gave you disbelieving looks.
“Don’t look at me like that. I have it on good authority that its like a pot of gold.” You remarked and saw more than one man blush. You didn’t care much about modesty, or shame for that matter.
“Y/n, you can’t be serious” Bucky said, and you shrugged nonchalantly.
“Of course, I am Buck. My pussy is worth more than your money put together, so whoever wins will be more than pleased with the outcome. If someone else wins that is. I have every intension of winning this time ‘round” You declared while cracking your knuckles.
“Cool then. Game’s simple enough. Roll the dice, get big numbers, and cross the obstacles. Whoever reaches the finishing line first wins and takes the prize.” Tony said and Steve looked scandalized.
“You can’t be serious Tony!” He exclaimed and you rolled your eyes right along with Tony’s.
“Listen up Capsicle if the lady wants to bet her cooch, so she can. I for one really want to win this round.” Tony said winking at you, and you giggled.
“You got competition here Stark. I want that pot of gold.” Thor stated and you would be a liar if a fire didn’t start in your belly. You wouldn’t mind any of the men taking you, or all of them.
“Oh baby, you are gonna get some chocolate spread this evening” Sam was rubbing his hands the way villains do and you gave him a once over, licking your lips at the end making him groan. “Cap and Tin Man make be from the 90s, but I can give it to you good.”
“I can give it as good as you Birdguy. Just you wait and see. She’ll be screaming from the rafter!” Bucky was also flexing as if it was a wresting match. You couldn’t help the smug smile that was splitting your face in half. This was much better than any evening out would have been.
The game began without preamble now and you saw more than one salacious look tossed your way. Even Steve and Clint who had so far not made their desire known were looking at you with hot eyes, each person rolling the dice with greater gusto. Sabotage became common, someone trying to knock their elbows and move their pieces. Arguments broke out, the board was almost flipped twice, and the game was nearing the end. You were holding the dices in your hands, rolling them between your thumb and finger as you carefully measured your score. You’d need a 10 to win. Or else you were out. Everyone’s eyes were trained on and you felt the pressure mounting. You breathed deeply then let the dices fall with a loud exhale, holding your breath as they came to a still.
5 and 4
“Fuck!” You shouted and the sentiment was echoed, more like cheered. You sat back on your chair with a huff and cross your arms while Thor puts a hand around you.
“Its okay Y/n, I’ll make sure you win even as you lose.” He made his move and the other guys booed as Thor lost too. You were at the edge of your seat, watching as one by one everyone else rolled the dices across the board. Clint groaned and mimicked your actions when he didn’t make the line, followed by Sam who simply got up and left. You watched Tony, Steve and Bucky battle it out, their tongues between their teeth. You were as anxious as any of the others, legs bouncing in anticipation. You made a small noise of dejection when Bucky lost and pouted. You really wouldn’t have minded that metal hand between your legs.
“Capsicle, why not give up now. It’s not like you’ll know what to do with a woman like our girl here.” Tony goaded Steve who glared at him.
“Make your move Stark.” He simply replied and you leaned forward as the dices rolled. They spun on their edges, making the suspense comically longer and when they finally laid still you started chuckling.
“Next time, Tony.” You consoled, your hand patting his knee. He looked so forlorn that you almost suggested a rematch.
“He still has to make a move! He hasn’t won yet.” Tony pointed at Steve who with all the stoicism bred into him tossed his dices and got the perfect score.
“In your face, playboy!” Steve triumphed and to everyone’s surprise just lifted you onto his shoulders like a sack and began walking away. “Leave the cash with Buck. I’ll take those earnings after I’m finished with the real prize”
Cheers and howls followed you as you dangled over Steve’s back. You had no idea he could be this passionate, but you had no reason to complain. You let him haul you away to his room in relative peace, only getting a slap on your butt after poking Steve’s ass through his joggers. He threw you on the bed and shut the door behind him, turning to look at you with fire in his eyes.
“Velvet or silk?” He questioned and your throat went dry as he walked to his closet in the corner. He raised an eyebrow when you didn’t respond, and you cleared your throat.
“Velvet?” You answered, unsure what you agreed to. Steve came back with velvet lined handcuffs in his hands and you creamed. Holy shit, who would have thought that prim and proper Captain could have a kinky side too.
“Hands behind your head” He ordered in his captain voice and you swore your thighs were trembling in need. This was something so out of the realm of possibility you felt out of your element for a while. You complied, your hands holding the headrest as Steve came forward and cuffed them, the velvet delicate on your skin. He rattled them a little, looking at you in question. “Feel okay?”
You only nodded, too stunned to speak, and licked your lips when Steve removed his t-shirt, his bare chest only serving to make you hotter. You didn’t realize you had parted your legs in welcome until Steve climbed between them, his blue eyes almost black with lust.
“Do you have a safe word?” He asked and you nodded.
“Oatmeal” You answered, and Steve paused as if making sure he heard right. “It is a long story.” You sighed. Steve smiled before leaning over you to kiss you softly, his hands travelling from your hips to your sides, caressing them languidly and then reaching your breasts. You moaned in his mouth when his fingers found your stiff nipples, and you bucked up trying to bring him closer.
“You need to tell me if I hurt you, okay?” Steve urged, his mouth licking a fiery trail on your neck. You nodded, too busy in the feel of his mouth to do more than moan. Oh god, Tony was sooo wrong. Cap knew what to do with a girl alright.
He pulled back enough to take hold of your top and tear it straight down the middle, his inner caveman coming back. Your bra fared the same and Steve wasted no time in lapping up your supple flesh. You were sure your voices carried all the way down to the common room, Steve’s tongue making you go wild.
“No holding back sounds tonight, sweetheart. Or I’ll hold back your orgasms, that clear?” He said and hooked his hands into your pants to pull them down, his hands tracing your bare legs. The look in his eyes made you feel like you’ll combust if he didn’t touch you down there right now.
“Please Steve, don’t tease.” You whined and he bent over you, pulling your panties down with his teeth. You are going to write him a fucking glowing performance review and mail it to Tony tomorrow. Your wildest fantasies couldn’t have prepared you for it. He slipped out of his joggers and boxers, his cock hard and weeping. Your mouth watered and you downright salivated when he stroked it. Steve saw your expression and chuckled.
“You’ll get a taste later. But right now, I’m gonna dip my prick in your pot of gold.”
You wished your hands were free when he fitted himself between your legs, helping you wrap them around his thick frame. He torturously lubed himself up in your juices and entered you sinfully slow, letting you feel every bit of him. You both moaned, your mouths meeting for a sloppy kiss when he started moving, getting faster by the minute. One of his hands reached between your bodies to tweak your clit, alternating rough and soft until you bordered on the edge of your cliff. He was so thick you were stretched almost uncomfortably wide; each inch of your walls being rubbed in the most delicious way. You chanted a crescendo of “yes” and “oohs” and “please” and “faster” along with his name. You didn’t seem to be making sense, but he clearly didn’t care since he did little but grunt in pleasure, hips hammering in you hard enough to bang the headboard against the wall.
“Come on darling, scream for me!” He ordered, his fingering pinching your bud and you exploded around him, your body arching in pleasure. He fucked you through your high, thrusts getting sloppier with every second. “Are you on the pill?” He really should have asked earlier.
“I get a depo shot. Don’t you dare waste a single drop. Need you in me!” You honestly didn’t know what you were saying, instead you seemed drunk on his passion and power. You needed him to fill you up, the very primal animalistic part of you craving his seed.
Steve stuttered, his breath coming out in broken gasps when he finally released in you, hips lazily moving until he went limp right over your body. His weight crushed you, but you didn’t tell him to roll off just yet. The warmth of him fell nice.
He raised his hands and reached to undo your hands, massaging your wrists gently and you fisted them in his hair, pulling him into another deep kiss before letting go. He settled beside you, sweaty body holding yours close.
“You’re not leaving tonight; I still need to taste you.” He murmured in your ear, biting the earlobe, and making you squeal.
“Yes captain” you conceded, and his hand swatted your behind before pulling you closer.
“Can I tell you a secret?” You whispered in his ear after your breaths had settled to normal. He hummed in reply and you sat up, your eyes twinkling. “I lost on purpose”
Steve blinked before a laugh bubbled from deep within him, his arms pulling your body under his as he caged you.
“My god, I think I’m gonna have to fuck you good enough that you never think of letting another man fuck you. This pot of gold,” he cupped your pussy, “I have no intension of sharing it”.
Gonna re-blog with tags later
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saturngrqy · 3 years
Concept of Grayson where him and the reader get into a big argument and Ethan and kris have to literally put you in separate rooms to cool off because you’re so angry
this hoe is long as fu-
Your head was beginning to pound from all the yelling and the pressure of your hands rubbing against your forehead.
"I'm just wondering why you would even fucking tell them that," Grayson spoke, trying to lower his naturally loud voice, never wanting to scare you.
"Tell them what? I don't understand what I did wrong here," you defend, confused.
"You told fucking hollywood fix that we had a date at Nobu on Friday. Now they are gonna have people there taking pictures and I don't want them to take pictures of us when I'm trying to have a nice fucking dinner with my girlfriend," he scoffs, resting his elbows on the counter and hiding his face in his hands with frustration.
Everyone knows how annoying paparazzi can be, but hollywood fix was another level. He is known for asking people way too personal questions in way too personal places. To say Grayson was upset when he found a video clip of you coming out of a store with your friend, explaining all the details of your date planned that week, is an understatement.
"Well I didn't realize that was an issue, I don't know how to deal with paparazzi," you say quietly, suddenly feeling quite small compared to the large man screaming at you. You never responded well to people yelling.
"That's the thing Y/n," he begins, "you don't understand that being in the public eye is a lot more dangerous than you think. I get you aren't used to being seen and everything, but you can at least use your god damn brain," he spat.
You scoffed in disbelief. "Oh I need to use my brain? Last weekend you literally deleted my entire essay for school off my computer on 'accident'," you accuse in air quotes. "What the fuck were you even doing? Looking at porn?" You laugh wickedly.
You both continued to bicker back and forth for around 10 minutes about seemingly nothing. First it was how Grayson forgot to do the laundry, to you forgetting to feed Sledge one afternoon, to even Grayson forgetting to pick you up from an appointment months ago.
Keep in mind, its almost 11 o'clock at night.
Ethan and Kristina did not enjoy having to stuff their heads into a pillow to drown out the screams. Finally taking charge, they walk out of the master bedroom, down to the kitchen, to find the couple red-faced and pointing fingers at one- another.
"Woah, ok, what the fuck is going on," Ethan interrupts, pulling Kristina into his side.
"Y/n literally told hollywood fix about our fucking date at fucking Nobu and now we won't be able to go," he spits, out of breath. Ethan squints his eyebrow.
"Why won't you be able to go?" He asked.
"Because, asswipe, paparazzi are gonna follow us," he sighs. Ethan didn't take offense to the nickname, he knew that Grayson was just in a mood.
Kristina, however, was too focused on your appearance- you looked absolutely exhausted. Your eyes were bloodshot from crying, your eye bags were heavy, and your shoulders were so slumped from stress she thought you had back issues.
"How about we all just calm down and take a breather," Kristina's calm voice interjects. "It's clear you guys are both really upset, so how about you take a break for a second, or sleep in different rooms, I don't know, but you guys both need some space for a bit," she finishes.
For the first time that evening, Y/n took a breath of relief. She was so thankful that she wasn't the only girl in the house at times like these. Without anyone saying a word, Kris grabs Y/n's shaking palm and leads her to the podcast room. Ethan ends up patting Grayson on the back, gesturing him to sit on the couch so they can talk.
Kristina shut the door, enveloping the room in a silence that was a little too refreshing. You both sit in the upholstered gray chairs, her being the first to speak.
"Are you ok? You looked really shaken up," she softly whispers, grabbing your hand. You sniffle.
"I'm fine, I think, I just get really bad anxiety when people yell at me. It makes me feel like I did something wrong, which I guess I did," you murmur, looking down at your lap.
She squeezes your palm. "You did nothing wrong, Gray just likes his privacy, that's all. If he's mad at you, just think about how pissed he is at Mr. Fix," she begins, giggling. "And Grayson often projects his anger onto people he doesn't mean to. He probably just had a bad day, trust me. He loves you so much, he would never purposely make you feel like this." She finishes, enclosing you into a tight hug. You stay like that until a small knock interrupts you two, and a nervous Grayson walks in. He nods at Kristina, and she walks out, giving you a small smile of encouragement.
He replaces her seat, but instead picks you up in his arms and places you right on top of his lap.
"I'm really sorry for yelling, pretty girl. I know that makes you upset and I wasn't really thinking straight. We can reschedule the dinner or whatever you want to do, but I promise I'm not mad at you," He finishes, placing a firm kiss on her temple.
"You aren't?" She questions, barely above a whisper.
"Absolutely not. I need to be more understanding that you are trying to get accustomed to my living, and I am so proud of how well you are able to handle yourself online. I just get worried, and when I see Fletcher trying to talk to you it makes me panic. I don't want you to get overwhelmed. I know he's pretty intense, and I should be more aware of how you feel in those situations." He squeezes you, once again kissing you, this time on the cheek, close to the bridge of your nose. You giggle from the ticklish feeling.
"And for the record, I was not looking at porn, I got all I need right here," he declares. You laugh, your cheeks increasingly reddening.
"There's that smile," he gushes. "I love you so so much, sweetheart, and I don't want you to ever think any different."
And that night he definitely made it up to her- so much so that Ethan and Kristina once again had to reach for the pillows.
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127-mile · 3 years
Lay low.
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Pairing: Jaehyun x female reader.
Genre: The purge, gang!au, established relationship | Angst, fluff, suggestive.
Warnings: Brief mention of mature content, but it stops as soon as it starts (nothing more than a few kisses happen), strong language, home invasion, weapons, blood, injuries, minor characters’ deaths.
Plot: Being Jaehyun’s girlfriend is nice, until purge night where it becomes more dangerous to be around all because Jaehyun refused to lay low.
Word count: +5k.
A/N: This is part of @kpopscape​‘s 21st purge event.
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"This is not a test. This is your emergency broadcast system announcing the commencement of the Annual Purge sanctioned by the U.S. Government. Weapons of class 4 and lower have been authorized for use during the Purge. All other weapons are restricted. Government officials of ranking 10 have been granted immunity from the Purge and shall not be harmed. Commencing at the siren, any and all crime, including murder, will be legal for 12 continuous hours. Police, fire, and medical emergency services will be unavailable until tomorrow morning 7 am when the Purge concludes. Blessed be our New Founding Fathers and America, a nation reborn. May God be with you all."
Jaehyun watches with amusement as you repeat the words scrolling on the blue screen of the television, but he winces when he hears the siren that has grown more and more annoying as the years went by.
"Are the doors and windows locked?" you ask, standing up from the couch. Jaehyun cackles when he sees you trying to open the nearest window, and he clears his throat. "Baby, if you keep trying to open it, it'll set the alarm off." you stop right in front of yet another window, and you turn on your heels. "Couldn't you tell me before I tried?"
"I did not think it was useful, as I told you Johnny would take care of everything an hour before it starts." Jaehyun stands up, and he stops once he is behind you. "Did something go wrong last year?" he asks, pressing his chest against your back, and you shake your head. "And the year before that?" his lips ghost over the shell of your ear, and you feel a shiver running down your spine. "Nothing."
"Then, there is no reason for something to happen tonight." he whispers, and he is wrong because there are a lot of reasons for something to happen tonight, you know it, and you are sure that he knows it too. "Do you promise?" he grabs your caist, and he forces your to face him, the shadow of a smirk on his face. "I promise."
You open your mouth, but instead of letting you speak, he leans in to kiss you. "What are you doing?" you ask in a laugh without kissing him back, which only makes Jaehyun growl softly. "We have twelve hours to kill, so I'm finding us an occupation." of course he would propose something like that.
"You don't want to watch a movie? Read a book?" you ask in a whisper when his lips slide down your neck. "I would rather watch you." you roll your eyes but when he bites on the skin, a rather loud moan escapes your lips. "Bedroom, bedroom right now." the noise Jaehyun lets out is way too funny for the current situation.
He takes your hand and walks to the bedroom, he closes the door behind you but before you can make a move towards the bed, he presses you against said door. "I love you." he whispers before diving back for a kiss. Jaehyun is such a good kisser, you could spend hours doing nothing but kill him. There is nothing soft or sweet in the way he kisses, but you would not change any of it.
You know he does this to change your mind, he knows you are not the biggest fan of the purge, who is? And you are not going to say no. He licks your lower lip, and you open your mouth to grant him access, be before he can do anything, a hard knock against the door startle you. "What the fuck?"
Jaehyun does not move, but he is annoyed. "What?" he asks, and you know whoever is behind that door is going to spend a really bad night. "Jaehyun, you need to come and see this." he growls, and you push yourself off of the door so Jaehyun can open it. "See what? I'm busy here, can't it wait tomorrow?"
Johnny shakes his head, and Jaehyun makes a sound low in his throat. "You really need to see this, it's important!" he curses, and he leaves the bedroom, not without grabbing your hand on his way out. "Hey, Y/n." Johnny says with a stupid grin on his face, and you roll your eyes. "Hey, idiot."
Johnny leads them to the security room where all the surveillance camera screens are installed. Taeyong and Doyoung look worried, and you wonder what is happening for them to bother Jaehyun when he clearly stated that he did not want anyone near his quarter until the of the purge.
"So, what is so urgent?" he mumbles, sitting down on the office chair, making you sit on his lap, arms wrapped around your waist. "This. This is urgent." Taeyong says, showing one of the screens. It shows the front of the house, and you frown when you see at least 6 people. "Oh, come on."
This is what you were talking about Jaehyun said there was no reason for something to happen tonight. This year was not the quietest for the Neos, so it was expected. "They have a lot of weapons, but everything is locked, right?" you ask in a small voice.
"Yes, of course, I checked at least thrice." Mark answers from his side of the room, and you turn your head towards him, he is so discreet that you did not even notice him when you entered. "Then we don't have to worry about anything, right? Right?" you nibble on your lower lip when none of the men answer. You hate this.
"Johnny, get everyone in the meeting room in five minutes. Mark, stay here and call us if anything happens." both men nod, and you stand up when Jaehyun pats your thigh. "What do I do?" you ask, following Jaehyun out of the room, and he turns on his heels. "Go find the kids, stay with them and try to pretend nothing is happening, we don't need them to find out and to freak out."
"Alright, alright." before leaving, he pecks your lips one last time and he disappears in another room. "Mark, let me know too." Mark nods and you leave the security room. You find most of the kids in the common living room, sitted on the sofas and on the ground, watching an horror movie. Of course they would watch an horror movie during the scariest night of the year.
"What are we watching?" you ask, sitting down beside Kun around the dining table. "I have no idea. There is way too much blood, and way too many girls screaming bloody murder." you giggle, but it must sound fake, because Kun looks at you, eyes narrowed. "Why are you here? I thought you would spend the night with Jaehyun, like you do every year."
"Everything is fine, Jaehyun had something urgent to take care of." yes, you do not feel like saying that Jaehyun has to take care of a bunch of armed people, ready to make them pay for whatever they did during this year. "What are you hiding? You are acting weird." he asks, head tilted to the side, and you hate the way he is looking at you, the intensity of his gaze, because you know you are going to cave-in and tell him everything.
But you do not have to say anything when a loud thud is heard in front of the door. One of the boys payse the movie, and all of their eyes turn towards the door. "Tell me." you stand up, and trying to stop the boys to check by themselves is harder than you thought it would be. "Go to the basement. All of you, lock yourself in and stay quiet, I have something to ask to Mark."
"Don't play the superhero, Y/n, and come with us." Kun says, grabbing your hand but you free yourself from his grip right away. "I have something to do. Now, go!" Kun gathers all of the kids, and you see the basement's door close behind them just when another thud is heard, louder this time and you are pretty sure you saw the door shake.
This can't be fucking happening.
You run to the security room, and you can't even begin to explain what emotions are on Mark's face when you push the door. He looks absolutely frightened and his eyes are shining with tears. "What is going on?" you ask, approaching the screens. Now, the men can be seen on multiple of the screens, which mean, they are surrounding the house.
"I have no idea. I told Jaehyun and he said he is taking care of it." he says in a voice so small that your heart breaks a little bit. "I told Kun and the boys to lock themselves in the basement, you should go and join them." Mark shakes his head. "I can't. Jaehyun asked me to be here."
"I do not ware what Jaehyun said, you are too young to be in the house. You have to be in safety with the others. So go, I'll take care of the cameras." Mark seems to think about it, but he stands up. "Give me the phone." he does just that, and he leaves the room at a rapid pace.
You dial Jaehyun's number, and the man answers right away. "Mark, what do you see?" you bite your lower lip, because you know you are in for a big argument, but it is what it is. "It's not Mark, it's me. Mark went to the basement with the others."
"What? Why? You should be in the basement too, Y/n!" he says, his voice as sharm as the knife you see a man raise in front of a camera. "Ten and Jungwoo are still in their rooms, I have to go and get them. You take care of whatever mess you brought in this house, and I'm taking care of putting everyone to safety."
"Please, for the love of God, stay safe too. I don't know how long we'll be able to keep the doors close, so take a gun with you, there is one in one of the drawers of my desk." you nod even though he can't see you. "I will. Please, be careful too." he hums and you hang up. Maybe you should have told him that you loved him, in case you do not have the chance to tell him after tonight.
You head for Jaehyun's office, and like he said, you find a gun in the bottom drawer of his desk. Opening the padlock was easy, as it is your birth day. You stop moving to listen, but no sound come to your ears. There are two options: either the men decided to stop. Either you are too far away from the entrance to hear anything.
Or the third option, they are comploting to open the doors and the windows. But you do not want to think about this option, it is way too scary. You take Mark's phone, and you dial Ten's number, but he doesn't answer, nor does Jungwoo. "Fucking hell." you muster, you are going to teach them a lesson. They need to learn to answer their fucking phones, especially on purge night.
You are in the middle of the staircase when you hear the sound of broken glass. They found a way in, but it did not sound close, so you should be safe once upstairs. At least you hope you will, because if you die, or end up being injured, Jaehyun is going to kill whoever decided to not force you into the basement.
When you find Ten's room, you open the door. You do not have the time to knock, and you do not want to attract anyone's attention. Ten is on his bed, headphones in his ears and you can hear his music from the door. He is in for a big surprise, you think as you hit his arm.
"Stay quiet." you say as soon as he takes his headphones off. "What is going on?" he asks, already on his feet. "The house is surrounded, and a window was broken on my way here." his eyes widen, and you grab his hand. "We have to find the others, and you have to join Kun and the boys in the basement."
"Do you have anything that could work as a weapon?" you ask, and he looks around before grabbing a baseball bat. I will not hurt as much as a bullet, but it is better than nothing. "Let's go find Jungwoo." he nods, and you leave the bedroom. Now, the noises are way clearer.
You hear hushed conversation, but unfortunately, you do not know if it belongs to the Neos or the men trying to break in. "Jungwoo is not in his room." Ten finally says and you turn on your heels to face him. "What? Where is he?"
"The gaming room, with Taeil." oh for god's sake.
The gamine room is far enough from the front door that they probably will not think about checking it, but it is downstairs, which mean you have to get close to the front door to join them. "What happened to everyone stays in their bedrooms or in the living room."
"I know, I told him, but because Jaehyun said nothing would happen, they thought it was safe to go there." well, they thought wrong, and you hope you'll live long enough to give them a piece of your mind. "Listen to me, Ten. I am going to get them, you are going to the basement."
"No, I'm not leaving you alone." Ten is too stubborn for his own good, so you know you won't have the last word. "Let's go then. Walk on the right side of the steps, they don't creak."
Getting down the stairs is quick, but also complicated. You have to stop every time you hear a noise, and you hear a lot of these. "Did you check upstairs?" someone asks, and you stop abruptly. "Not yet." another person answers and you are ready to go back up, but you lock eyes with a stranger at the same moment.
"Wha-" you grab Ten's baseball bat, and before the man can alerts someone else, you hit him square in the head with the bat. Shooting him would have been more efficient, but also too loud ro remain unnoticed. "Let's go before he wakes up."
You look on your left, and on your right and when you see nothing, you start to run towards the gaming room. At least, the idiots who entered the Neo's house decided to keep the light on. It makes the whole ordeal easier, and also more dangerous.
When you try to turn the door handle, nothing happens. The door is locked. You knock softly, putting your ear against it but you hear nothing. "Taeil, Jungwoo, it's me, open the door." you repeat a few times, and when the door finally opens, it is on a scared Jungwoo, cheeks glistening with tears.
"Ten, Ten!" the man looks frozen on the spot, and you have to grab his arm to push him inside of the room, just in time as a bullet ends against the wall where his head was. "Fuck!" he yells, locking the door. "There! There are people in this room!" the shooter says.
"Both of you. If we survive, I'm going to murder you myself, I promise." you say through gritted teeth to the two men. "Hide behind the couch." you oder and they obey. So, it's not all bad to be Jaehyun's girlfriend, you think. You have a little bit of authority over them.
You try to call Jaehyun, but he does not answer, so you choose to send him a text instead.
To Jaehyun - We are in the gaming room, they saw us and they have guns. Are you okay?
From Jaehyun - Don't move, we are coming.
To Jaehyun - Make them leave, we don't need help right now.
Well, they do need help but having them out of the house is way more important than being savec. Even if they only have a gun and a baseball bat, they can protect themselves. If the men find the door to the basement, they won't be able to protect each other, so they are not the more important right now.
From Jaehyun - We'll come and get you when it is safe.
You walk back when voices are heard on the other side of the door. "Little bird, would you please open the door?" the stranger asks, and you want to scoff. Jaehyun would kill him if he heard him give you a petname without his accord. "Because if you do not open yourself, I will have to open it myself, and I won't be as nice."
"If you are ready to get your head blow up, then come on in, be my guest, I'm waiting." being Jaehyun's girlfriend is bad sometimes, because of your self-confidence. A self-confidence that could get them killed, yes.
You would be lying if you said you were expecting the man to stop trying to break in, but he does. And the door does not hold on for more than a couple of hits with a heavy object against it. "Hello little bird."
You get the gun from your back pocket, but of course, of fucking course, it is nowhere to be found. You probably lost it in the stairs when you grabbed Ten's baseball bat. "Oh, did you lose something little bird?" he asks, taking a few steps forwards, and you take a step back each time he does.
He stops moving when you are backed up against the window, you have nowhere to go, nowhere to run. You lock eyes with Jungwoo, and the man stands up as silently as he can and you see what he does. He grabs the pocket knife he still has in his jacket, just in case. And if you complained about said knife before, you take back everything you said.
"Maybe I should keep you, you pretty bird." you tilt your head to the side, and you try to ignore the putric breath hitting against your face. "I do not think you could handle me." you shrug and the man starts to lose his temper, and that's what you love so much about men, they can't stand being belittled.
"You bitch." he hisses and it's at that moment that Jungwoo slides the knife in your direction. Now, you need to distract him, or he will never let you get down to grab it. So you do what you do best, you hit him right in the balls with your knee. "You fucking bitch!" he yells, taking a step back, hands cupping his crotch.
You crouch down and you grab the knife and before he can make a move, you stick the blade of the knife in his throat. He opens his mouth to scream, but you hear nothing but a gurgling noise, blood running down the wound and onto his white shirt. And the carpet, which is going to be a mess to clean. "What were you going to say, you bitch?" you ask.
"Let's go."
Ten, Taeil and Jungwoo stand up, and they leave the room together, closing the door as best as they can behind them. You can't lock it unfortunately but it should be fine. It'll take some time for him to bleed out, but he will die.
You find the door to the basement without any problem, and you knock, you know Kun must be behind, waiting to be told it is safe to get out. "Kun, open!" you say and he does right away. "Go on, get down." when Ten, Taeil and Jungwoo are getting down the stairs, you close the door in front of Kun's face.
You should be going downstairs with them, but you are too far down to stop. You have to find Jaehyun, that's all that mattesr for you. Jaehyun, and nothing else, especially now that everyone is safe downstairs.
You quickly stop in the safety room, you have to check the screens to see if more people are outside, but no, the screens are empty. And if only they had cameras inside of the house, it would be easier to track the people down, but no, you have to go blind on a deadly mission you forced upon yourself.
Jaehyun is so going to kill you.
You should have thought twice before deciding to stay in the house, because as soon as you step out of the room, someone grabs you by the neck. "Oh, would you look at that, the boss's girlfriend."
He pushes you against the closest wall, hard enough for your head to hit the wall and you wince. You see stars dancing behind your eyelids, and a pitiful whine leaves your lips. "Oh, did it hurt? That's too bad." the pressure on your airflow decrease and you grab his wrist. "If your boyfriend had decided to lay low like we told him to, we would not be here today." he explains in a low voice.
"At least now, I have a reason for him to come out. Come on, follow me." he lets go of your throat, and before you have time to take a deep breath, he blocks both of your arms behind your back to make it easier for him to walk with you, and more difficult for you to leave. It is useless, so you do not even try to run away, it would cause nothing but harm on you, and on the others.
"Jung Jaehyun, where are you hiding?" the man asks in a loud voice. "I have your girl, so you have no choice but to come out." he ends his sentence with a laugh that brings shills down your spine, that was an unpleasant sound you wish you'll never have to hear again.
"If you don't come out, I'll have no choice than to kill her." he forces you to the ground, a hand on the back of your neck and the next thing your hear is the sound of footsteps. "Let her go." and Jaehyun's angry voice.
"And why would I do that? Did you let go of my brother when I asked you not to kill him, to spare his life?" the man spits and Jaehyun heaves a long sigh. "Your brother hurt one of my boys, he had to pay. Aren't you the one who said an eye for an eye?"
"That's why I'm here. An eye for an eye, your girl has to die, and you'll have to watch her die." you feel the cold of the gun's barrel on the back of your head, and you close your eyes. So that's how it ends, you think. But are you surprised? Not really, your parents told you it would happen when they learned who your boyfriend was.
You could have listened to them, but sometimes, love is so strong that your heart is the first think you listen when you should obviously be listening to your brain.
"Any last word, pretty?" he asks, and you look up at Jaehyun. You saw him mad before, but this is another level. The anger in his eyes is strong, you can feel it burns through your skin, because you know you are part of the reason behind the anger.
"I love you." you say with a soft smile, and the man shakes his head. "I'm a nice man, Jaehyun, so I am giving you the opportunity to tell her something before I kill her." Jaehyun scoffs, fists squeezed so tight that you can see how white and bloody his knuckles are.
"Do you remember our second anniversary," he starts and you frown, this is not the time to talk about the good old day. "this guy tried to flirt with you while we were eating in the park." he does not need to finish, you know what he means, so you nod. "I do remember. I remember everything."
"You remember what I taught you that day?" once again, you nod. This is a memory you will never forget. "I really wish we could do this again." he moves his lips, and you know he is counting.
"Three." he says out loud, and you throw your head back, knocking the man on the nose. He growls loudly as he falls on his ass from the impact, but at least, it gives enough time for Jaehyun to grab his gun and shoot him in the head. The noise is so loud that you have to cover your ears, eyes closed tight.
Jaehyun talks to you, but you can't hear anything, but you can feel him force you back on your feet and you follow him without saying a word."
"Eh eh, open your eyes." you look up when you feel Jaehyun's hands on your cheeks. He is still angry, but you can also read relief in his eyes, the relief to be reunited with you. "Basement. Now."
He doesn't give you the choice, the door open, and Kun takes your arm to force you down the stairs. Your ears hurt, everything hurt but you know it is nothing but exhaustion.
"Are you okay, are you hurt?" someone asks, and you shake your head when the buzzing finally stops. The boys are all on one side of the basement, pilled against each other. "That's not my blood." it's enough for Kun to stop asking questions.
You ignore how long you spend in the basement, but at some point, you can't hear a thing coming from upstairs. You remember that you still have Mark's phone and when you check, you notice that it is almost 7 am. You must have fallen asleep, because you did not see the hours pass.
When 7 o'clock strikes, the door to the basement opens and the place is suddenly bathed in yellow light. "You can come up now, it's safe."
They all stand up, groggy and sore after so many hours crowded in one spot. You let the boys go up first, and when it's your turn, you brace yourself for the worst.
A few windows are broken, the front door is in three pieces and on the ground, there is blood everywhere and you have to hold onto Jisung's hand when he starts to slip on a pool of someone's blood. "Easy kid, don't hurt yourself." he thanks you in a small voice and you nod.
"Kids, go to your bedrooms. Take a shower, take a nap if you want, Kun and I will call you when breakfast is ready." a few of them refuse, but Taeil does not give them the choice, he leads them upstairs. They do not need to see more of the mess that is the house they were supposed to be safe in.
"Johnny?" you ask, and the man peaks his head from the kitchen's doorframe and he looks terrible. He has a black eye, and bleed is coming out of his forehead. "How are the others?" he shrugs, and a weight falls on your stomach. "Fine. Injured but fine. Jaehyun too."
You heave a long sigh you didn't know you were holding, and you walk past Johnny to join your boyfriend. The man is sitting on a stool, an ice pack against his severly bruised jaw. He is coreved in blood, but it does not look like his blood, which is a real relief.
"Baby." he says when he sees you, and you smile. "Let me do it." you hold the ice pack for him, and he closes his eyes, finally letting his arm rest on the kitchen island. "How are you feeling? Do you need to go to the hospital?" he shakes his head. "No, it's fine. A few cuts and bruises."
"Any of the other boys need to go to the hospital?" Johnny clears his throat, and you turn to face him. "Doyoung. One of the men broke his arm." oh, this must hurt like a bitch, you think. "Do you want me to drive him?" Johnny shakes his head, keys already in his hand. "I'm going, don't worry."
Kun starts to clear up the dining table, before joining them in the kitchen. They all deserve a good breakfast.
"I'm glad you are okay." Jaehyun says and you look at him. "It's only because of you. I should have listened, but I had to find you, I had to make sure you were okay." you put a hand on his cheek and he shrugs. "I was not expecting you to obey, I know you better than anyone else, but it was worth the try."
He is right, he does know you better than anyone in this house. Better than anyone in the world even, parents included. "I love you Y/n." he whispers and you kiss him softly, trying not to hurt him, tasting blood. "I love you even more."
Now comes the worst part of the purge. It is time to clean the blood, to get the bodies out of the house, to put everything in order and to buy whatever was broken during the night. It is also time to help the boys, to apologize for causing so much fear and pain when they promised to protect them no matter what when they first moved in.
It will be hard, and it will take a few days, or weeks but they'll succeed, you know it. Everyone is strong on their own, and even stronger when they are together.
Until next year.
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watched s11ep1
i will provide you with a quick review before i disappear back into the ether of twd avoidance
lots of spoilers under the cut. also i wrote way too much and i worked all night and haven’t slept so i didn’t bother to reread literally any of it, so it might be completely nonsensical, tho if you don’t expect that from me by this point idk whose blog you’ve been reading
hokay, first off, i’ll start by saying that i enjoyed it more than i expected to. i’ve been avoiding any sort of discussion about stuff, but my google algorithm is so fucked at this point that i still get recommended articles and stuff every now and then, so i was already pretty aware of what i was walking into, and was expecting it to be eh, but actually i prob enjoyed it more than i enjoyed the finale
(don’t get too excited tho, the finale was rly boring lmfao)
episode starts off with a tense scouting mission
it takes .005 seconds into the episode for caryl to exchange a look of longing, establishing that they are still having weird conflict and are both too fucking stubborn to do anything about it even tho they hate it desperately
i imagine that will continue for a while
rosita, kelly, carol, maggie, what’s her face with the bad hair, and lydia (i think that’s everyone?) lower down to some army bunker or something, where a bunch of walkers are taking a snooze, and the girls are very respectful of walker naptime, and do their best not to wake them up
obviously they eventually wake up, but i’ll get to that in a sec
as they’re tiptoeing through the walker tulips, there’s this split second where carol spots a machine gun, and looks at maggie with a face like, “can i plzzzz, i am mad horny for that machine gun,” but maggie tells her no. (i 110% expected her to defy orders and accidentally wake up all the walkers, but she actually behaved herself for once. well. mostly)
never fear, tho, after the girl gang collects a bunch of MREs they go back to wait for the dudes waiting up top to pull them up, and bc men ruin everything, one of the ropes break, and daryl catches it before it falls, but then a slow motion drop of blood falls on a walker’s face, and just like that, walker naptime is over, and carol uses her bow and arrow for two seconds before she is like “fuck this” and whips out the machine gun
yes, she is super hot using it
yes, daryl watches her do it
anyway, all the other girls get rescued, and carol is about to be pulled up, but bc she is a #girlboss, she first makes a beeline for one more crate full of MREs. daryl covers her while she gets the loot, and when she gets back up top they have another charged moment as carol hands him back his knife
just fuck already, jfc
cut to alexandria where everything is still not smilestimes
BUT, we do get to see uncle daryl run and hug rj and judith (and dog), and FUCKING HERSHEL JR, LIGHT OF MY LIFE is also there
istg, they could not have casted a better child, i a d o r e him
oh, and some friends of maggie’s show up too, idk
cut to a staff meeting where everyone is like, whomp whomp, we’re all gonna starve to death unless we figure out something quick
cue maggie going, “oh, i know where food is, but it requires me to tell you my tragic backstory, in case anyone didn’t watch my bottle episode”
she tells her dramatic backstory about all her friends getting slaughtered by the reapers for no apparent reason, and then she’s like “anyway, let’s go back there!”
no one thinks it’s a great idea, but a group of people decide to go anyway, including daryl and gabriel. rosita is super pissed that gabriel is going, and carol doesn’t go, probably partly bc it’s a shitty fucking idea, and also bc they have to keep caryl apart bc otherwise they’ll fix their problems ahead of schedule and they won’t be able to drag out the needless angst
daryl looks kind of annoyed that carol doesn’t volunteer to go 
bitch, i thought you wanted her to stop putting herself in the line of fire! make up your damn mind!
moving on
cut to a thunderstorm, where, if you look closely, you’ll notice daryl is wearing the STUPIDEST hat i’ve ever seen. just get an umbrella, jfc
for some reason negan is with them, bc ig he knows his way around washington dc, and no one in six years has bothered to figure out how to get around the city and/or get a map, and he is like “hey guys, maybe we shouldn’t try to walk in this fucking hurricane,” and everyone is like “FUCK YOU NEGAN, YOU’RE NOT THE BOSS OF US!!!” 
this will be a common occurrence 
but eventually daryl is even like “actually, it’s rly unpleasant out here, and my hat is mad stupid, can we go inside plz?”
so they go inside an old metro station, which is actually a rly cool cinematic choice. i rly like the idea, and they executed it rly well
speaking of executions
there are some fucking RULL CREEPY walkers. idk why they bothered me so badly, but they were what they at first assumed were corpses wrapped up in tarps, but turns out none of them had been properly put down, so they go through killing these rotted bodies that had supposedly been there since The Fall, and it’s very gross and cool
this entire time, btw, negan is like “hey, i know i’m a shitty person, but i have some rational arguments about why we shouldn’t be doing this right now,” and everyone is like, “FUCK YOU NEGAN, YOU’RE NOT THE BOSS OF US!!!” and he’s just like “god fucking damnit”
(i forgot to mention that at one point, when they’re headed into the metro station, negan is trying to warn ppl of the potential danger, and everyone is ignoring him, and he tries to talk to daryl, and daryl is like “fuck you, you think we’re BUDDIES?” and negan is like “oh, ok, so you’re gonna be like that too? fanfreakingtastic” and it’s very funny)
anyway. a fat monster zombie escapes its tarp at one point, and tries to eat some npc, and negan saves him, again is like “hey, anyone else realize that this is a FUCKING BAD PLAN?”, and everyone is like “we don’t care, you’re still shitty and we’re not listening to you, and you don’t actually care about random npc i would literally not be able to pick out in a lineup bc his face is so generic, you’re not the boss of us!!!”
it’s at this point that negan finally is like, “why am i even here? bc i know how to get around washington dc? do none of you have a map?” and i was like, “right?! that’s what i said!” 
it’s then revealed that maggie only brought negan along to murder him under the guise of “oops, he got hurt in the line of duty, it wasn’t my fault,” and daryl has this look on his face that says, “i seriously need to stop hanging out with lethal women bent on revenge bc it’s gonna give me high blood pressure,” and maggie has a badass moment where she points a gun she has for some reason at negan and is like “i have like, one shred of human compassion left inside of me, and if you keep pushing me i will fucking kill you without a second thought, so shut the hell up”
(in her defense, negan had just dropped glenn’s name to purposely antagonize her, which was rude as hell)
(for the record, i’m completely on maggie’s side here, but negan still is right that trapping themselves in a metro station is a bad call)
anyway, moving away from that briefly
i think this jump cut happens sooner, i don’t actually remember, but whatever who cares, point is, we get to the part of the show that actually matters, and that’s anything involving my love, juanita “princess” sanchez
and also eugene, yumiko, and ezekiel
they are being asked increasingly invasive questions by commonwealth ppl, some of which i wish they actually would of answered (what do they use to wipe their asses with?? surely toilet paper has long since become extinct)
zeke, who is so much more tolerable as a character now that he’s not larping as a king, has this incredibly weird and sort of sexually charged moment with a dude in an orange stormtrooper costume, where he’s like, “i bet you were an asshole cop back before The Fall, you stupid fascist, #fuckthepolice, mb literally? idk, this moment has a lot of pent up aggression that could easily translate to hate sex, it might just be the intense eye contact, but w/e, let’s just move along,” and then he has a coughing fit to remind the audience that he’s currently dying of cancer, and orange stormtrooper is like “lolz, loser, drink some water you dumb piece of shit”
cut to the wholesome foursome sitting at a picnic table in a guarded courtyard eating gruel, and yumkio, who finally has a personality, and princess are like “hey, this place fucking sucks, can we leave?” and zeke is like, “yeah, i met this orange stormtrooper who i think might be dtf and/or murder, so we should probably bounce”
but eugene is like, “but i want some hot stephanie ass, and also some bullshit excuse about how mb commonewealth will save alexandria” which, they left before things went super downhill, right? idr. it was after hilltop fell, but they don’t know alexandria got fucked either, if i recall? w/e, not important
two seconds after he says this, they talk to some people who are like “we’ve been here for four months, or maybe it’s been nine, i don’t actually remember, i’ve stopped processing the passage of time,” and the wholesome foursome takes this as a bad sign, tho that’s just the life i’ve lived as a night worker during a pandemic, so i was like #mood
but then they watch some guy get dragged away screaming to get “reprocessed” and eugene is like “ok, nvm, let’s bounce”
(my theory on what “reprocessing” is, is that they’re stuck in a room and have to watch hours and hours of customer service training videos on vhs from the 90s)
i definitely got my jump cut scenes mixed up bc i think the negan accusing maggie of a murder plot thing happened in between this scene and then the next commonwealth scene, but w/e, i’ll just finish what happens in the commonwealth arch
the wholesome foursome are trying to hatch a plan to escape, except princess, my love, is distracted watching some stormtroopers flirt, and the other three are like “wtf, dude, how can you even tell any of them apart?” and princess then tells them every stormtroopers backstory bc she is brilliant and pays rly close attention to shit, and the other three are like, “this is useful information, thank you for being an insane person”
their plan involves yumiko and eugene dressing up as stormtroopers and leading princess and zeke out of the place, which works fine actually, except on their way out they come across the Depressing Wall of Probably Mostly Dead Missing Loved Ones
they’re about to leave, when princess is like, “wait, yumiko, you’re on here, that’s weird huh?”
sure enough, yumiko  is on the wall, with a note from ig her sister 
the scene ends with yumiko going, “guys...i can’t leave...i have tragic backstory to unveil”
tragic backstory to be continued ig
back in murder metro town, npc and some other npc have stolen all the supplies, there’s a train blocking the track, and a horde of walkers are coming towards them, so things are not going fantastic
they horde is too big to take down, so they start to climb on top of the train car to get away
but dog runs away!
and daryl, being every pet owner ever, is like “gotta go get my dog, guys, try not to get killed while i’m gone, c u soon!” and he ducks under the train and disappears
the episode ends with maggie climbing up the train car but getting grabbed by a walker and dangling off the edge, and negan is there and they have a lion king moment where maggie is like, “scar! help me!” and negan is like “long live the king, bitch” and walks away into the shadows, leaving maggie to a potential death
which, while i know isn’t actually going to happen, would be a really fucking funny move on the writers’ part
like, “look, lauren’s back! and now she’s dead, bet you didn’t expect that!”
my assumption is negan will actually end up helping her up or something, continuing his ambiguous morality bullshit that actually isn’t ambiguous bc he BEAT GLENN TO DEATH WITH A FUCKING BAT WRAPPED IN BARBED WIRE IN FRONT OF HIS PREGNANT WIFE
the maggie/negan arch is kind of dumb, but whatevs, i’ll tolerate it, as long as my boy glenn gets justice in the end
anyway, cue credits!
final assessment: good episode. i’m much more interested in commonwealth than the reapers, tho i am hoping that daryl’s personality-less ex turns out to be a monster killing machine with no conscience, that’ll be fun. princess is a gift from god. hershel jr needs his own tv show. needs more carol (and caryl)
the end! going back into my walking dead free chamber! see you next episode!
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elfy-elf-imagines · 3 years
Begin Again | Thranduil
Pairing: Thranduil x Elf!Reader
Genre: Fluffy new beginnings
Warnings: ---
Words: ~2k
Note: If you’d like to be added to a tag list for any of my works, there’s a link on my page 💕 Also, I’m big dummy and lost the original request, so I couldn’t remember what all you wanted in this one-shot. So requester, whoever you are, I’m so sorry! And if you’d like another part to expand on your full request, please let me know!
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  It’s strange.
  You’re whole life, you’ve always heard about how horrible it is for an elf to lose the one they love. It’s been described as feeling as though you’ve been ripped into two pieces, forced to live on without your second half. You’ve heard it feels like tiny needles stabbing into your heart until you can’t feel anything but a stifling anguish that seeps into your bones, poisoning your body from within until you eventually fade away.
  Yet you feel none of that. You feel nothing at all, like a soul wandering aimlessly for the rest of eternity, cursed with never finding a purpose or reason to stick around. But being forced to endure, none-the-less. You can sail, as an elf that’s your right, and perhaps you would find peace, wrapped in the warm embrace of Valinor as you forget all your fears and pain.
  But you don’t want to be happy, because being happy means you forget, and you're not ready to forget your beloved yet.
  The forest floor beneath you is damp from the rain that blessed Eryn Galen a few days ago. The mud sinks in between your toes as you nearly melt into the soft ground. The forest around you is lush and green, wrapping you in its warm embrace that allows for a moment of respite from your thoughts.
  The forest is empty, only the gentle sway of the trees and emerald leaves falling to the ground your company. You stare up at the sky that peaks through the canopy of leaves, the stars are out tonight and they burn brighter than you’ve ever seen them. And you wished to climb to the tops of the trees if only to feel the soft glow of moonlight on your skin.
  But that would be a foolish thing to do, a whimsy only a child would fulfill. So you simply stand in the clearing, selfishly hoarding the only spot you’ve discovered that the sky is visible.
  You thought yourself alone, something you covet more often than not. 
  And yet.
  “Forgive me, I did not realize this spot was currently occupied,” a baritone voice sounds behind you.
  Your heart pounds against your chest, the owner of the voice easily recognizable through your deep daydreams. Whirling around quicker than you’ve ever moved, you see King Thranduil standing at the edge of the clearing. He’s lacking the usual extravagant attire he usually dons, instead opting for a slightly more casual outfit. But he still wears clothes that could’ve been woven from silver and gold, the cloth glittering in the dim light.
  “My king,” you say, immediately bowing your head down in respect, thoroughly inspecting your dirtied feet. “I will take my leave.”
  “There is no need, it was I who interrupted you,” he moves further into the clearing and closer to you. His movements are smooth like a cat, his icy blue eyes lazily focusing on you.
  “Yet you are the king,” you reply, voice hardly above a whisper.
  King Thranduil is an intimidating figure, anyone within five feet of him would agree. Not in the way that lady Galadriel of Lothlorien is - her power so great you can’t help but feel suffocated, yet it is her kind smile that soothes even the most skittish. Lord Elrond carries himself with a warm presence, like a father he is kind and caring, but stern as well.
  No, King Thranduil carries a sense of tragedy with him that can’t be masked by his cold eyes or looming figure. He is the shining example of how horrible things could get for an elf when their other half passes. So far gone is he, they whisper, that not even his son can pull him from his melancholy.
  “Then as king, I order you to stay. It would be nice to have some company,” he responds, leaving no room for argument. So you nod your head in agreeance, but keep your head lowered, tracing every speck of mud covering your toes.
  “Would you not even look at your monarch?” he asks, but his voice isn’t laced with anger or malice and if you didn’t know any better, you’d think there’s a hint of humor in it.
  “I apologize, My King,” you say, lifting your head to meet his gaze. Your eyes meet his and for a second, you jolt, a sensation filling your body, something you haven’t felt in years.
  “I have never seen you before. How have I never seen you?” he questions, thick brows furrowing in frustration and confusion, but his eyes remain locked on you, as do yours.
  “Y/N, My King. I just arrived here a few moons ago from the Lorien,” you respond. He says nothing for a few moments, keeping his intense gaze locked on you. And for a brief second, you swear that he could read each and every thought that passes your brain, that’s he seen every memory you have.
  “Well then, allow me to formally welcome you to Eryn Galen, Lady Y/N. Tell me how have you found my kingdom, thus far?” he asks, sweeping his arm out in a grand gesture as he welcomes you.
  “It is very beautiful, My King. The trees are so tall and the leaves so green,” you say, glancing up towards the sky, enraptured by the emerald canopy above you.
  “Do they not have trees this tall in the Lorien? I was under the impression their forest was quite beautiful,” he replies, sharp eyes locked on you.
  “They do but not quite like here. Do not misunderstand me, the Lorien possesses great beauty, the mallorn tree is magnificent to look upon, but Eryn Galen offers a different beauty. I find myself in great need of change these days, it would seem.”
  “Perhaps one day you could humor me and tell me of what would need to warrant such a drastic change?” You turn to look at him, meeting his steely gaze, and he raises a single eyebrow at you. However before you can open your mouth to speak, he turns and leaves. Leaving you behind in the small clearing, and for a moment, your heart starts fluttering in a way it hasn’t in a long time.
  And you turn back around, watching the leaves dance through the sky, free from the confining grasp of the branches. A small smile rests on your face, losing yourself in daydreams you never thought you’d see again.
  “Lady Y/N, how lovely of you to join me,” King Thranduil's voice is crisp and clear, perfectly projecting across the large room. He sits languidly at a chair, carved from wood with delicate engraving dancing on the tops of them. A glass of wine in one hand and the other slung over the top of his chair, he is the picture of ease.
  “It is my pleasure to join you, My King,” you reply, lowering your gaze to the floor once he meets yours. With slow and tentative steps, you move towards the open space to his right, where a glass of wine already poured. Your heart is racing, sweat building up in the palms of your hands as you open and close them. What feels like a lifetime later, you reach the chair, a guard so still he could’ve been a statue, pulling it out for you as you sit in it. 
  “Thank you,” you quietly say as the guard pushes your chair forward.
  “Please, leave us” Thranduil’s voice is commanding and firm, not allowing any room for questions he does not wish to answer. Silently and quickly, every guard in the room filters out. And as their light footsteps disappear, you and Thranduil are left in the room...alone.
  A small burst of courage surges through you, your gaze leaving the fine china it was tracing over and over again to meet his gaze. His eyes are just as icy blue as you remember, but somehow they seem softer than they had been in the forest. Or perhaps the light is playing tricks on you.
  Everyone knows that elves only truly love once.
  Your mouth is dry, nerves suddenly overtaking you. What are you supposed to say; to do? You’ve never spent much time in the presence of royalty, often preferring to stay in the shadows, content with a simple life. Yet fate seems to have other plans for you. Or is this just simply Thranduil, and the gods have nothing to do with his intentions - whatever they may be?
  “Do not be so nervous. Please, drink. The food will be ready momentarily,” Thranduil says, motioning towards you with a wine goblet in hand. You nod, still silent as ever.
  With a shaky, damp hand, you reach towards your wine goblet, grasping the cold metal in your warm hands. Taking a deep breath, you pick it up, bringing it towards your lips. The wine is smooth as it pours down your throat, cool and soothing to the dessert inside your mouth. It’s slightly sweet, not at all holding the bitter aftertaste the wine of Man possesses.
  You set the glass down, turning your attention to Thranduil. He watches you with sharp eyes, an expectant look on his face.
  “It is very good, Your Grace,” you mutter, and in exchange for speaking so quietly, you manage to keep your voice steady.
  You smile, and it’s all nerves and anxiety, closely resembling a grimace rather than a beaming grin. Your heart is fierce against your chest, and you fear in that moment he will hear it. But if he does, he doesn’t comment on it.
  “If I may be so bold, Your Grace, might I enquire as to why you’ve called me here?” Your voice is louder this time, but there’s a slight waver towards the end, betraying everything you feel.
  He’s silent for a moment as if he’s gathering his thoughts, figuring out a way to deliver whatever is running in his mind. You nearly crack, the apology for overstepping your boundaries on the tip of your tongue when he finally speaks.
  "Am I not allowed to simply get to know my subjects?" Thranduil asks, a sly smirk resting on his lips. He brings the goblet of wine to his lips, slowly sipping it. He lowers it slightly so that it rests just below his chin. 
"Of course, but I suppose I'm just curious as to why you've invited me to a private meal with you. Am I correct to assume you don't do this with every one of your subjects?" you say, your eyes wide like a doe, with hands in your lap. Your fingers intertwine with each other, a way to distract you from the anxiety in you. 
  Thranduil continues to watch you, an unreadable expression in his ocean eyes. He inhales deeply, leaning farther back into his chair. After a few moments of silence, he opens his mouth. 
  “I find myself wanting to get to know you better. I find you intriguing.” Your mind turns blank, all sense and reason leaving it. For a moment you don’t believe you’ve heard him correctly, not grasping that a king would be so curious about you.
  “I do not understand, what about me is so interesting? We’ve only met once, hardly having a full conversation,” you say. Your voice is firmer than before, drowning with disbelief.
  “Then it would seem you’ve made an impression.”
  You open your mouth, and then promptly close it, not sure how to proceed. Your heart is fluttering, though due to anxiety. Not this is something… different, a type of nervousness, but not due to fear. A light feeling that also leaves you light with giddiness and not weighed down by dread.
  But it can’t be.
  Elves only love once. Yet the mantra you’ve repeated over and over again seems to be losing its weight, the words no longer feeling as true as before.
  “Would it be alright, if I were to get to know you better, My Lady?” he asks, his voice softer than before, his fair face still neutral, yet less austere than it had been the first time you met.
  Elves only love once.
  And yet.
  “I would like that very much, Your Grace.” Your smile widens, less unsure than before, your eyes shining like starlight. The prospect of something new is exciting yet also terrifying at the same time. You should run and hide, fiercely guarding your already fragile heart like a dragon watches over its treasure hoard.
 Elves only love once. And yet.
  You push aside those fears, in favor of welcoming a chance at a new beginning.
  And yet.
@lunatichaotiche​ | @aearonnin​ | @emiliessketches​ | @vibratingbones​ | @moony-artnstuff​ | @ranhanabi777​ | @kenobiguacamole​ | @ceinelee​ | @thranduil​ | @samnblack​ | @abbiesthings​ | @Strangebananabatranch | @bitter--fruit​ | @keijibum​ | @lifestylesleep​ | @lilith15000 | 
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vibesandwonders · 3 years
And every moment precious
“I don’t think I want to be god anymore”
Jack appears in their kitchen with a sigh that seems to come from his shoes.
He doesn’t notice how Cas has Dean crowded against the counter, his fingers threaded through Dean’s hair, neck exposed, Dean’s hands midway through working Cas’ jeans off.
He barely manages to bite off a particularly potent string of words, Cas eyes him and clears his throat, Dean tries not to sigh just as deeply.
Oblivious, their son sits heavily and places his head in his hands.
Cas glances at Dean; begins blowing out the candles, sliding the chocolate covered strawberries back into their packaging, looking apologetically at Dean who nods in agreeable resignation.
8 days.
8 of the best days of his whole damn life.
Dean mentally notes that they might have to talk to Sam about customizing some sort of perimeter warning spell.
Especially, since most of their acquaintances and their god-son can just pop in at any moment. Sure, he’s gotten pretty chill about people knowing that he and Cas live together, work together, sleep in the same bed, but he’s not sure how he feels about the possibility of Jack walking into… something else.
It’s not like he can suggest cooling off their current schedule of fucking on every surface in their house (it’s unthinkable really); not to mention Cas would be absolutely against it.
“Uh,” Dean yanks on his jeans and thinks of dead animals, naked Zachariah...
“What’s going on Jack?”
Cas is already standing; moving to brew coffee, fingers brushing the side of Dean’s face as he does. The hunter tilts and kisses his fingers on the way past, surprising a wide smile out of the Angel.
How in the hell could Dean Winchester deserve this?
Cas catches his gaze and points at Jack, who still hasn’t raised his head,
“It’s just…very boring.” Jack replies pitifully,
Cas stares nonplussed at Dean across the top of Jack’s head. He mouths something in confusion and Cas points intensely at Jack.
“Uh, wait, what?”
Jack sighs and looks up, “All I do is listen to people talk. All the time. Amara says… so much—“ Jack’s smile is sudden and large. “She is very smart, so much better at this than I am, and Rowena brings snacks sometimes to the meetings, Billie gives amazing advice, almost as good as you Dean—” He shakes his head with surety, “I think they should be god instead, Then, I can come home, and live with you… Now that you and Cas are… married?”
A spoon clatters into the sink, Cas bends to fish it out, Dean’s coughing in surprise and checking out his ass simultaneously.
“Oh uh… buddy— Jack…” He clears his throat nervously, he wasn’t built for this kind of conversation. Cas is suddenly busy watering the succulents in the window. The way he tips his head though, Dean knows he’s listening.
“Me and Cas— we are just—“
“Having intercourse?” Jack’s chin drops, eyebrows knit together.
Dean chokes, his face going through every possible emotion in the next few seconds, “No uh— well—“ Cas twists around and shakes his head adamantly, “You see—“
Jack is gleefully two steps ahead and clearly proud that he is leading the conversation, “When two people love each other very much— we talked, the talk. Birds and Bees, Remember?”
“Oh god— No.” Dean puts his hand out firmly, “No— that’s not—we— uh, you and me, we uh, had that conversation one time. No repeat performance, no encores, Jack, Cas and I—We are uh—“
“Living together.” Castiel inserts, taking a seat next to Dean, handing him a cup of decaf with a reassuring smile, palm on Dean’s thigh. “Dean and I are, living together.”
Dean gazes at the man beside him, Cas wrinkles his brow at the attention; Dean’s lips are already quirking into the fondest of smiles, debating making out with him right there in front of Jack. Cas sees the intent and shakes his head imperceptibly.
“In sin.” Jack interrupts brightly, “Living together in sin.”
Their heads rotate in comedic tandem, “Fuckin’ hell—“ Dean sputters, knocking into his coffee mug,
Cas catches the mug with inhuman speed, sighing, “Dean please, don’t swear in front of—“
“I know— I know.” Dean’s pretty sure swearing is the least of their problems right now, he steels himself, “Now listen Jack, me and Cas, we are uh, we’re happy, and we’re in love… and shit.” He mumbles, can’t look at Cas right now, he just feels the intensity of his eyes and the sheer affection cascading through their bond; tries to fight the way his ears turn red every damn time the Angel looks his way.
“Well… I mean, you’re god, so I guess, it’s kinda your call anyway—“ Cas squeezes his thigh tighter, Christ he’s strong, that is so hot… Focus.
“Right, right, right, um, so it’s— No sin. We are…great.”
“Oh.” Jack purses his lips thoughtfully and nods, “But you have always been in love? How is this different from before?”
“Well huh,” Dean chuckles, blows a breath through his lips, casts a quick glance at Cas, “It isn’t, I guess, not really, it looks like I’m… just a little slow on the uptake,” He sips his coffee, if only to stop himself from talking,
“Dumb of ass.” Jack agrees.
Dean nods in agreement and then frowns. “Don’t swear, and that’s sorta… hurtful. But yeah, I guess.”
“So I can come live here?”
Cas leans closer. “Jack, you can always stay here with us, for as long as you wish, of course—and if you truly wish to renounce your godhood, it is your choice.“ He peers suddenly, “Are you lonely?”
“I miss how it was.” He says simply,
Cas nods in serious agreement, understanding immediately in a way that Dean can only observe.
“Nostalgia is powerful," He says gently, "And we did have good times, the best times.” He ponders his words, Dean leans very slightly until his shoulder brushes against Cas’ and watches his angel do what he has always done best: love.
“You are not wrong for finding solace in those memories, I have often found comfort during my hardest battles,” He chooses his words carefully, pausing between each and savoring the power of them, “In remembering good times with the people… I love.” He spares a momentary glance at Dean, “But it is unhealthy to make your future decisions entirely based on memories.”
“So you think I should be god?”
Cas' smile falters, and shakes his head, “I think, that you are a good god. You are kind, fair, and hopeful. No matter your choice you will have a home with me—“ He looks to Dean, who nods, “With us.”
He reaches out and takes Jack’s hand, “I also think, that part of Chuck’s weakness was his loneliness. We saw it manifest itself in ways that hurt the ones he loved: his family. I do not ever wish you to be lonely. I wish for you to choose what you think is best for you, Jack. Life is not about destiny. It is about doing the best you can with the time given.”
Dean clears his throat, noting the Gandalf quote before adding, “Plus, nobody said you can’t be god from our backyard right?”
Cas frowns, processing what Dean is offering. Dean continues, mostly because Cas hasn’t interrupted with an argument, yet.
“You uh, you said you wanted to be more hands off— and that’s cool and all, but if you want to change your mind, and be part of the world too… I don’t think anyone can stop you. At the end of the day, this isn’t a pass/fail decision, okay?”
He stands and pats Jack on the head, kisses Cas on the cheek. “You two keep talkin’, I’m gonna go put sheets on the spare bed.”
New fluff here
If you liked it, be sure to check
Out the rest of the Lil series of domestic one-shots :)
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chicksung · 3 years
The Firsts With My Last || Park Jisung
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Genre: fluff, lil bit of angst, best friends to lover au
Pairing: childhood best friend!jisung x reader
Word Count: 6.3k
Warning/s: small argument, food 
Synopsis: a collection of firsts with Park Jisung
A/N: Aaaaaahhhhh!!! it’s finally here! I cannot express how happy and excited I am for this! I worked so so so hard on this and I hope that you enjoy it! Feedback is welcome! Thank you to the lovely Elle @joh--pping for making the header! 
Networks: @nctnetwrite​ @nct-writers​ @kpopscape​ @neoturtles​ @neoswitchnet​
Taglist: @moonbeamsung @lebrookestore @jaeminpeachy @joh--pping @kyuwoyo @nksideblog @ncvltrtchnlgy @vera-liscious @ncteaxhoe @neojaems @ethaeriyeol
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First meeting
First grade, a time where your biggest worry was if you would be home in time to watch your favourite cartoon. That was also the age you met Park Jisung. Your teacher had handed out a simple colouring-in to keep the students entertained for the few minutes before the lunch bell rang. You had been peacefully drawing when one of your classmates, Chenle, had tried to grab the blue coloured pencil that was in your grasp. It was part of a pencil set your grandmother had given to you and you held it very dear to your heart, so the fact that one of troublemakers was trying to take it from you, made you severally upset. Despite the discouragements from his friends to leave you alone, you and Chenle continued your intense game of tug-o-war on the pencil until you heard a heart stopping snap. The pencil splintered down the middle, unable to take the pressure anymore. You could only eyeball it in shock, reality finally settling in that Chenle had broken your favourite pencil. The bell rang and you stared at Chenle, scooping up the two halves of the broken pencil into your chubby hands. You were the first one out of the classroom, tears streaming down your face as you grabbed your lunchbox and disappeared into the playground.
You hid behind a tree, attempting to summon your much needed magical abilities to somehow stick the two halves back together. No matter how hard you pressed them into each other, they wouldn’t bond together with an invisible force. At this realisation, you began to sob again, hiding your face into your knees, quiet wails escaping your lips. You continued to cry until you saw a pair of red and blue shoes come into your tear blurred vision from beneath your legs. You looked up and were met with a chubby cheeked child, a child you recognised as one of your classmates and one of Chenle’s friends who had tried to convince him to stop roughhousing with you.
“I’m sorry about your pencil. Chenle can be a bit of a butthead,” The boy gave you an awkward smile before shifting the wood chips and dirt around with the toe of his shoe. “Do you mind if I sit with you?” He asked politely, his eyes big and friendly. As much as you wanted to be alone and definitely did not want to be accompanied by someone who was on friendly terms with the culprit of the state your pencil was in, you couldn't find it in your heart to say no to his friendly gesture. You nodded sadly and he immediately occupied the space next to you. He looked at the broken pieces in your hand and a smile crept to his face. 
“There is one good thing about your broken pencil,” He stated, making you snap your head towards him.
“What is there good about this? My favourite pencil is broken because of your dumb friend,” You didn’t mean to snap at him, but you were so overcome with emotions and anger for what had happened, it slipped out. The boy looked at you, a little shocked at the fact you had called his friend dumb, but at the same time, he had called him dumb on multiple occasions. 
“Think about it! If you sharpen this side of this one,” He pointed to the more splintered of the two pieces, “you could have two blue pencils,” He said with such innocence and optimism that it was infectious. You looked at the half and smiled. You had never thought about it like that. You were too caught up in the fact that it was broken to focus on anything else. 
“You’re right!” You squeaked, a small laugh erupting from you. You turned to the boy once again, an unanswered question lingering in your mind.
“What’s your name?”
The boy smiled again, but this time it wasn’t awkward. “Park Jisung. What’s yours?”
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First Realisation of Feelings
The 7th grade school dance, where the room is cramped and hot, full of hormonal preteens to early teenagers. Not exactly the place Jisung expected to see you. You had often expressed your dislike for the majority of the grade and you never liked being in overcrowded places, the perfect word to describe the gymnasium that was decorated for the occasion. Yet here you were, standing in the corner, hands behind your back, looking down at your shoes and playing with the hem of your dress. Jisung quickly ditched the conversation he was having with Sungchan and Chenle and made a b-line towards you. You were glad he saw you. You didn’t want to be here, only here by force from both your friends and your parents, your parents saying that you should socialise more outside of school hours and your friends saying it would be fun. However, your friends had made a b-line to the boys they liked from the grade, leaving you to stand there awkwardly until you could no longer stand watching your friend drooling over quite arguably the biggest jerk in the grade. As for your parents’ word, the only thing you could think to tell them is ‘why socialise when I’m most comfortable around the clumsiest boy in the class?’
“Hi,” Jisung said, the same awkward smile on his lips.
“Hi,” You replied. You didn’t need to be a psychic to know that Jisung wasn’t exactly here on his own terms, most likely only here for Chenle (who you had since reconciled with after the incident in first grade) 
“You told me you weren’t coming,” He pointed out, trying to get rid of the slight awkwardness in the air. Why was it so awkward? It wasn’t normally like this.
“I wasn’t until I was made to by my friends and my parents,” You explained, shooting a glance to your friends, who were practically at each of their respective male attention giver’s beck and call. Why were they your friends again? “Is it just me or is it getting hot in here?” You brought attention to the sudden rise in the temperature, fanning your neck as you looked around for a possible air source, more so, a possible way out. Jisung nodded. He didn’t feel hot, but the gymnasium was cramped, and there were a lot of warm bodies inside of it, so he didn’t blame you. 
“Yeah, let’s go outside. The breeze is really nice out there.” 
After checking that the coast was clear of any members of faculty that might force you and Jisung to go back inside the gym, you ran to the gardens, a place that was quite pretty. Right next to the school flowed a river, which connected to the parent pick up area, accessible by bridge. You and Jisung stood side by side, watching your reflections ripple with the current of the water. The moonlight danced prettily with the water, creating a type of reflection that Jisung had only ever seen in movies. The cool summer breeze brushed against his skin, diminishing the sweat on his forehead. 
Then he looked at you. 
Your hair was lifted off your shoulders by the wind, the moon casting a silvery shadow across your face, fitting neatly across your facial features like a glove, but his breaking point was when you looked at him. It was as if someone had taken all of the stars in the galaxy and placed them one by one in your eyes. You looked so...beautiful. His heart rate increased dramatically and he was sure there was an intense blush that spread from his cheeks to his ears. Did he always feel like this when he saw you? Surely not. His heart had never raced like this before, and he definitely had never felt so speechless. What could this all mean? Could he...like you? “Hello? Earth to Park Jisung?” Your voice cleared the clouds of doubt from his mind as he finally closed his gaping mouth. “Are you okay? Do I need to tell a teacher?” You asked, a slight furrow in your brow appearing out of concern.
“Y-Yeah, I’m fine. Just spaced out for a second.” He looked away in embarrassment, his eyes drifting over his reflection. Oh God, he was blushing. “The view was pretty and I guess started daydreaming.” 
“Were you daydreaming about someone?” You asked simply, before a smile broke across your face. “Were you daydreaming about me?” Jisung almost choked on his spit at your words.
“Was not!” Your laughter only picked up in volume, Jisung having to shush you and remind you that you were not supposed to leave the gym. 
“I’m only teasing you, I know you wouldn’t daydream about people. You just like to think about video games and food.”
“Hey, I do not! What’s with the Jisung slander?” You laughed. Something about your laugh was addicting, like a song he had just discovered and was unable to stop the lyrics from playing in your head. 
It’s been three weeks since the dance and you and Jisung were in the library, studying. Well, if you were to classify copying your science homework as homework because he had completely forgotten about it. You were currently working on your analysis for your Literature class, reading over the assessment outline to make sure you could get the best grade possible. You looked over and Jisung and he looked so relaxed. His round glasses perched comfortably on the bridge of his nose, his eyes scanning your answers before jotting them down onto his own page, his fingers wrapped firmly around his pen, and his lips pushed into a little pout as he concentrated. He looked so laid back, so relaxed despite the fact he had nearly had a heart attack when you told him that the homework was due by your next class, which didn’t give him enough time to do it at home. With your thoughts swimming through your head and so far into your daydream, you hadn’t noticed that his head had picked up and you were now staring (quite awkwardly) at each other.
“Is there something on my face?” Jisung asked, trying desperately to break the awkwardness between you two. You shook your head rapidly, assuring him that his appearance was fine and you had just spaced out. Well, you hadn’t completely lied. His appearance did look fine, and you had spaced out, you had just decided to leave out the reasoning as to why you had spaced out. 
Your cheeks burned harshly, like you were sitting in direct sunlight at the beach without any sunscreen. Is this what a developing crush felt like? Surely not. There’s no way you could have a crush on your best friend. That was weird, according to your friends, but then again, these were the same friends that said that you and Jisung were perfect for each other, so you don’t think they are a very credible source. 
Was this how crushes develop? Yes. Yes it was 
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First Confession
Sophomore year of high school. People are calming down from exam week, finally getting the recommended hours of sleep after the countless number of all nighters that were pulled to cram, drinking water instead of the copious amounts of caffeine. The autumn air was starting to set in and the leaves were starting to fall, catching the wind and creating a train for oranges and browns. You and Jisung were walking home from school, your head pounding after the amount of brain power wasted on several test packages that weighed too heavily on your overall grade in your opinion. 
“How about we go get ice cream and go to the park? My treat to the both of us working so hard?” You suggested, turning to the equally emotionally drained best friend beside you. At the mention of a delicious sweet treat, his head perked up and he nodded.
“Yes! Anything to stop my head from hurting,” His lips formed the most relieved smile, your pulse increasing at the sight. In an attempt to calm your racing heartbeat, you watched the leaves, long fallen from the huge oak trees that towered over you, crunch underneath your feet, a little bit of stress releasing each time you stepped in them. Jisung seemed to pick up on this, his smile taking on a playfully mischievous role. He raced ahead of you and jumped, his feet landing firmly in a pile of leaves. The dead leaves flew up around him, creating a skirt of sorts around his waist. You couldn’t stop yourself from laughing, a stupidly large smile shared between the two of you. 
“Come on, let’s get this ice cream before the store closes. We’ll never get there if you keep acting like you’ve never seen leaves before,” You rolled your eyes, continuing down the path, your back now facing Jisung. He jogged to your side, bumping your hip with his when he did.
“You don’t know that.”
“We have literally been friends since we were 5, I think I would know,” Jisung cursed inwardly after taking a second to process what you had said. 
“T-That’s not fair and I- hey! Hey! Wait up!” 
Walking down a simple path in the park, the bumpy texture of the wafer cone in your hand, and the occasional playful cheers of children and dog passing by was simply relaxing. The simplicity of the noises of everyday life, the perfect natural remedy for an exam induced headache. 
You and Jisung came across a beautiful area that overlooked the huge lake in the middle of the park, a popular skating attraction during the winter. There were a few ducks waddling around the water’s edge, a few gliding gracefully along the water and few attempting to ruin a couple’s picnic by stealing their sandwiches. As you sat down on the ground, the crisp breeze whipped lightly across your face, you were relaxed, almost completely forgetting about the exams you had taken only hours earlier. 
Jisung was staring at you, he was sure of it. In fact, he’s pretty sure that the elderly couple sitting metres away from the both of you would see it. He followed your gaze when your eyes fell on the most adorable mother duck, being followed by her clumsy ducklings. You liked the one at the back the most, always the most clumsy. You turned to Jisung, a teasing smirk dripping from your lips.
“You see the one at the end?” You pointed to the duckling, whose little webbed foot had caught on a twig, sending it rolling onto its side. Jisung nodded. “That would be you as a duck. The overly clumsy baby of the family,” Jisung’s eyes widened in slight offense at your comment.
“What do you mean? I’m not clumsy!” He tried to defend himself, only gaining a snort from you.
“Right, and I’m the Queen of England,” You said sarcastically, looking back towards the ducks. Between the time you had turned away to tease Jisung and right now, another duck had come back in search of it’s sibling. The duckling looked curiously at the fallen duck, before turning its head and let out high pitched quacks to its mother and signalling her to come back. Jisung watched as the mother duck picked the duckling up by the scruff of the neck and put it back on its feet. 
“And if you were a duck, that would be you. Always looking out for the clumsy one,” He commented, watching the family waddle off to a different area of the park. Taking another spoonful of his ice cream (you refused to let him get a cone. With how accident-prone he was, there was only fate for that poor ice cream cone, and it involved Jisung dropping ice cream down his crisp white shirt) before sighing. 
“Ducks are cute like you too,” He thought out loud, forgetting that the you in question was sitting right next to him. 
“Did you say something?” You asked.
“I-I said ducks are cute, and then I stopped talking!” Real smooth, Park. 
“Right…” You said, knowing damn well that isn’t what he said, but you didn’t wish to press further. “My legs are asleep, let’s walk a little more.” You suggested, almost leaping from your spot on the ground. Jisung scrambled to stand up too, his ice cream almost slipping through his fingers. 
You walked for what felt like miles, talking about everything under the sun. You hadn’t realised how far you had walked until you were facing the street, with the name of your street written in printed letters on the sign. 
“Guess my legs knew it was getting late before I did. I should probably get home before my mom yells at me. See you at school tomorrow, right?” Before you could walk away, you felt a hand on your wrist. Jisung’s hand. 
“Wait, I need to tell you something,” Jisung’s voice sounded desperate, like if he didn;t say this now, it would kill him. 
“What? Did you leave your jacket at the park again?” You tried to joke, but Jisung’s eyes just pleaded with you.
“Please just listen,” Jisung said, his tone coming out a lot sterner than he had meant to. He exhaled deeply before placing both of his hands in yours, his head swimming with thoughts. 
“I like you.” His eyes, his tone, the slight smile on his lips. They all were dripping with sincerity. 
“I like you. I don’t expect you to accept my feelings but I just really needed to get this off my chest because I’ve been wanting to tell you for a while and-”
“I like you too,” You interjected with a smile, squeezing Jisung’s hand.
“Y-You do?” He repeated your words in his head like a broken record, watching as you gave him a confident nod. 
“Yes. Now, can I go home now?” Jisung flustered himself and nodded, letting go of your hand and waving as you disappeared down your street. His cheeks were glowing red, surely resembling a firefly. You liked him too? He felt like a giddy schoolboy, a smile plastered on his face. This was quite possibly the best day of his life.
First Date
“No, no. Absolutely not, I refuse,” Jisung screeched as you swung into an empty parking space in the car park of the ice skating rink. You giggled evilly to yourself. 
“You said I get to pick the location of our date, and I choose the ice rink,” You reminded him smugly, giving him a sickly sweet smile. You sunk down in his seat, grumbling unheard profanities as he knew you were right. He had given you the power to choose where you two would have a date together, a power he was now regretting giving you. 
“Lighten up, will you? One ice skating session isn’t going to kill you,” You rolled your eyes, making your way towards the entrance to the building. 
“I seriously doubt it,” He grumbled, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his jacket.
There weren’t many others on the rink, some small children with their parents, the odd couple or two, but it was quiet. Well, quiet customer wise.
“Don’t let go of me! I’m too young to die!” Jisung squeaked, your arm wrapped in a death grip from the boy.
“Jisung, you’re not gonna die, not on my watch,” You assured him, helping him up as his knees shook like a newborn giraffe. You were able to shake the grip he had on your arm and hold both of his hands before skating backwards very slowly. “You trust me, right?” “More than anything,” He affirmed. You smiled and tugged him along, giving him perfect momentum to stay on his two feet. You swung yourself around so you were now skating besides him, intertwining your fingers together like puzzle pieces. Gliding together, you felt like you were skating in the middle of a snowy escape, a winter wonderland. You felt as if you were skating with the Snow Kingdom’s prince (except if the Snow Prince didn’t know how to skate) and the snow was falling gently around you delicately. 
This fantasy ended when your hand was jerked backwards. Your skates hit an oddly slipping part of the ice, causing you to slip over and fall promptly on the ground, finding yourself face to face with the culprit, your clumsy boyfriend. 
“Heh, sorry,” He apologised, awkwardly scratching the back of his head. You couldn’t find it in yourself to feel any kind of unamused emotion towards the boy, only bursting into a fit of giggles. 
“You’re too darn cute,” you admitted, knees knocking as you got back onto your feet. You extended your hand, offering it to Jisung as assistance to get him back on his feet. 
“Do you wanna try again?” It was more of a suggestion than a question, but you still hesitated, afraid of him saying no.
“What are my chances of getting a concussion?” The boy joked, a bright and gummy smile breaking across his face. You stifled a laugh.
“Pretty high when you assess the situation,” You answered in an amused tone. Jisung suddenly pulled you closer and placed his hands on your cheeks. His slender fingers were freezing cold against the rosy tint of your cheeks, but you didn’t seem to mind all that much. You could see him having an inner battle with himself before grinning in victory. He leaned closer to you, placing a peck to the numbed tip of your nose. Your heart fluttered like it had been caught up in a whirlwind of butterfly wings, delicately carrying them to a higher level than before. You swore you were giving Jisung really obvious heart eyes, but from the way he was looking at you, the exchange must’ve been mutual. 
Jisung finally pulled himself together, slow realisation sinking in of what he had just done. “S-Sorry,” he apologised softly, his fingers slipping away from your cheek. You caught it, bringing it down to the height of your shoulder and intertwining your fingers with his. 
“Don’t be,” you said cooly, cautiously skating towards the exit to the rink. “I’m starving. Let’s go find lunch. You can pick this time,” you smiled cheerily at him. He snuck a glance to you as he untied the laces of his ice skates. There was something about your smile that was so enchanting, sort of subtle, and perfect, and real. He couldn’t help but wonder if you even knew how wonderful your smile could make someone feel. Especially a someone like Jisung, someone who would find elegance and serenity in the tiniest things you do. He cursed his heart for fluttering stupidly fast, not that it heeded his thoughts, only beating harder the more he stared at you.
“Let’s go,” You announced, extending your hand to him. He grabbed it without a second thought. This felt like home to him, with someone who meant the world to him.
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First Kiss
“Jisung, this is crazy! My parents will find out about this!” You whisper-yelled at Jisung, reluctantly throwing on your coat and shoes. Jisung smiled like a fool, feeling like a modern day Romeo as he waited on your front porch. You threw the front door open, seeing your boyfriend, absolutely drenched from head to toe with rain. The rain had been falling heavily for half an hour, so you couldn’t help but wonder what inside his mind decided that he would walk to your neighbourhood in the pouring rain just to see you?
“Jisung, it’s two in the morning. Why are you here?” You interrogated once you shut the door.
“I wanted to see you. Is that such a crime?” He countered, a sly smile resting on his pretty lips. You scoffed, playfully pushing him away. Jisung took a few paces back, extending his long fingers to you.
“Huh?” You vocalised your confusion.
“Come dance with me,” He said, waiting patiently. You hesitated for a moment. You feared the fact that your parents would definitely ground you if they found out that you were escapading at ridiculous hours of the night just to be with a boy, but on the other hand, this was Jisung you were talking about. The night, or morning if you were to be technical, wasn’t getting any younger and nor were you. In that moment, you didn’t care if your parents found out about your late night adventures. You grabbed Jisung’s hand and smiled.
“Show me to the dance floor,” You announced confidently.
To the rest of the world, the two of you probably looked like idiots. Running and shoving each other in the rain, willingly. However to the both of you, you were the only two people in the world. The only light to remind that the world was still there were the dim streetlights, illuminating only within its reach before fading back into darkness.
You danced under the streetlamp, your very own spotlight. You risked the chances of a cold, for the feeling of freedom, to be two dumb kids, fooling around at forsaken hours of the night. You had a smile to your ears and your laughter rang out loudly throughout the slumbering neighbourhood. You squealed when he pulled you closer to him by your hips. Your hands instinctively rested on his shoulders, eyes focusing on him, the water droplets that fell from his soaking wet hair and the goofy smile on his lips.
The laughter that the two of you died down, both of you completely infatuated by the other. How pretty they looked with raindrops kissing their skin, how their eyes sparkled when the light hit them at this angle. Jisung bit the inside of his cheek in hesitation. What if he was reading the signs wrong? What if you didn’t want to? He cautiously leaned forward, and you followed suit. Your lips met briefly before Jisung pulled away, scanning your face for any sign of discomfort or disgust. Instead, he was met with your eyes sparkling brightly, a huge smile breaking across your face. 
“You kissed me,” You said, slightly astonished at Jisung’s bravery.
“Yeah, I did,” He mumbled, trying to come to terms with the event that just played out in front of him.
“Do it again,” You egged.
“Excuse me?” His eyes blew wide at your comment.
“Kiss me again.”
To the rest of the world, the two of you probably looked like idiots. However to the both of you, you were the only two people in the world. The only two people in your world. 
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First Time Falling in Love
The stars twinkled brightly in the dark sky above, like silver glitter that had been thrown into the depths of space. You admired the stars, wishing you could fly up there for a second just to dance among them. It was your calming activity before bed, talking to the stars about your day, especially if it wasn’t particularly a good day. The best part about today however, was that you weren’t gazing up into space in your bedroom, instead lying in the grass with the cool breeze on top of a hill that overlooked the city lights, and you weren’t gazing up into space alone, instead in company of your boyfriend, Jisung.
The two of you had spent the last hour and a half stargazing, talking about everything and anything, the big things like school systems, and the little things like the ladybird that had crawled it’s way up a blade of grass before taking flight above you. You were sleepy and ready to go home. You and Jisung were standing, facing each other, giving the sky one more quick glance before you left. When your vision came back down, you met Jisung’s eyes. They were pretty, a dark chocolate brown, the type of brown that when light hits them at just the right angle, they turn into pools of honey. They were entrancing, glittering, beautiful. It seems like he was just as entranced by your gaze as you were his, as the both of you stood in silence. Finally, Jisung mustered up enough courage like the day he asked you out, and cupped your face. His hands pressed flush against your cheeks, feeling the warmth from your blush underneath them. His lips parted and closed again, like he was trying to tell you something but was second guessing himself.
“I think,” Jisung started, trying to collect his thoughts before speaking. “I think I’m in love with you.”
“I’m glad I’m not the only one,” You laughed softly, your eyes flickering from his eyes down to his lips, so full and kissable. Without a second to think, he pulled you closer, pressing a soft kiss against your lips, a kiss full of sweetness and amateur love, but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
The two of you broke away and smiled. “Shall we go home now?” You asked with lovestruck eyes. He noticed. He smiled.
“Yes, we better,”
You were maybe just a little bit in love with Park Jisung.
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First Argument
You can only recount one argument with Jisung. 
You sat there at the cafe, looking around nervously for him. The constant checks of your phone and the cafe door every time the bell rang to signify a new customer, you silently hoped it wasn’t true. He wouldn’t do this to you. You refused to believe it. There was no way, right? There was no way Park Jisung had forgotten your date, right?
“Jeno, has anyone ever told you, you suck at MarioKart?” Chenle asked teasingly, pillow colliding with his head, which caused Toad to fly off the edge of the course. Jisung laughed hysterically, tears forming in his eyes as he drove Yoshi to victory. Amongst the commotion going on inside, the doorbell rang. Renjun, who was not participating in his friends’ antics, decided to answer it. Upon seeing you, he was a bit shocked to see you there. You barely showed up there, so to see you standing outside the door, with your coat folded between your arms and a displeased look on your face, took him by surprise.
“Jisung, it’s for you,” Renjun called into the door, abandoning you at the threshold to take over Jisung’s controller. 
When your boyfriend saw you, he smiled with a twinkle of confusion in his eye.
“Hey, what are you doing here? We were just playing MarioKart if you-”
“You forgot, didn’t you?” You interrupted bitterly, boring holes in his soul from your gaze alone. Jisung looked at you for a second, trying to comprehend the words that had left your lips moments ago. 
“Is it your birthday?” Jisung asked stupidly. Anger flashed in your eyes before you grabbed him by the shoulder of his t-shirt and tugged him out of the dorm. With the door now acting as a barrier between the argument and the fun his friends were having, you could now speak freely.
“3pm, Culture Cafe. Does this mean anything to you?” You interrogated, your tone bitter and upset, a lethal combination. Jisung’s eyebrows furrowed in thought, wracking his brains to try and make connections between the two. 
“Our date, Jisung! Our fucking date!” You yelled at him, growing bored of watching him try and remember. “We planned this three days ago, how can you not remember?” Your voice softened in disbelief. “It was just this one thing, but instead I come here and find you playing video games with your friends.” The more you spoke, the more tears blurred your vision. 
Jisung swore he heard his heart break when he saw a fat tear roll down your cheek. He had caused those tears, over just how forgetful he really is.
“If there was a more sincere way of saying sorry, I would say it. I can’t think of the words to-” Jisung was cut off by your sobs. He immediately panicked, grasping your shoulders, feeling like a kicked puppy. “No, no, no, baby don’t cry. I promise I’ll-”
“I can’t be here any longer. Just give me a few days,” you used those words as your salutations of farewell, turning on your heel and walking away from him. You silently screamed at yourself for getting so upset over a stupid date, but this wasn’t like Jisung. He was so adamant about not forgetting the important things, so why would he forget this? 
It had been five days since the confrontation with Jisung, and you had not spoken to him since. You left him on read with every text message, and deleted every voicemail he left you. You acknowledged you may be acting a bit brashly, but you wanted him to feel the same forgotten feeling that sat in the bottom of your stomach when he left alone at that cafe. 
You wanted Jisung to apologise. You just didn’t expect him to apologise the way he did.
Your doorbell rang repetitively, clearly trying to divide your attention from your comfort show. You reluctantly stood up from your comfy spot on the couch, and walked towards the door. Upon opening it, you saw a boy with dark dishevelled hair with a cake in hand. The cake was messily decorated and seemed a bit squashed, but you could still tell it was supposed to be a heart shape. 
“Is this your way of apologising?” You asked him monotonously, your eyes still on the cake. Jisung nodded. His eyes seemed puffy.
“I don’t mean to ruin the apology, but why does the cake look a bit…”
“Squished?” Jisung finished, a sad smile playing at his lips. “Chenle, the stupid ass, sat on the box before I left. All my hard work, now flattened,” He gave a half hearted chuckle before silencing himself.
“Look, I am really, really sorry. I was stressing, and the boys thought it would be a good idea if I spent time out of my room and play some games with them to stop moping around, and I didn’t realise how fast the time went and I forgot about our date and then I felt horrible and I-” He rambled on, an embarrassed blush colouring his cheeks and the tips of his ears. He stopped when he heard you giggle, a soft, almost whimsical sound. You took the cake box from him and smiled. 
“You put all of this work in, just for an apology?” You asked, a soft smile subconsciously creeping across your face. 
“You weren’t answering your phone, so I got desperate,” Jisung admitted, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck at your reaction. You stepped forward to kiss his cheek, his skin warm against your lips. 
“So, am I forgiven?” He asked nervously, feeling cold sweat dribble down the back of his neck. 
“Depends. Are you gonna share this cake with me?” You countered, stepping aside to invite him in. 
“Who did you bribe to allow you in the kitchen by yourself?”
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First Dance
“Hurry up, we’re going to miss the sunset,” Jisung tugged you up the hill, sunlight casting over his face the higher he hiked up the mountain. You let out a tired laugh as you allowed him to drag you up the mountain. Once you reached the top, you finally understood why he wanted to show you this place. The view was spectacular. The sunset gave the landscape an orange hue to it, even the ocean sparkled like magnificent glitter. The orange specks glowed like millions of fireflies, creating a picture perfect landscape, one that belonged within the walls of a world famous museum. 
“This is stunning,” You sighed in awe, the dusk lighting flicking its rays into your irises. Jisung nodded firmly, pride bubbling in his chest at knowing he picked the perfect place.
“Baby?” He asked, hiding his shyness as best he could.
“Yeah?” You answered, eyes breaking away from the beautiful atmosphere to him. He held his hand out, suggesting something.
“Dance with me?” He asked politely, a pink tint colouring the tips of his ears. You giggled lightly.
“Dancing is meaningless without music,” You informed, warm breeze whipping past the exposed parts of your skin. Jisung whipped out his phone, briefly tapped on the screen and waited before a soft and calming song played from the speakers. He slipped it into his back pocket, quickly taking your left hand in his right, his left hand coming down to rest on your waist and steadily rocking you to the melody. Your head rested against his chest, inhaling his warm scent. He smelt of fresh cotton sheets and something else that can only be described as the sweetest fruit of the summer. 
The moment felt like a scene out of a fairytale, a nonsensical world that only manifested in the creative young minds of children, however the way the gentle breeze kissed your cheek and ruffled your hair, the last of the sun’s rays pressed a warm glow to your skin, it felt too real to be make believe. 
Jisung twirled you around on the spot, a giggle escaping your lips as you fell gracefully against his chest. As you spun around to face him again, the look in his eyes could only be truly explained with one word; ‘Lovestruck’, like his whole world revolved around you. You were his moon, his stars, his world. You might as well have been his whole solar system, dammit. He pressed a soft chaste kiss your lips, pulling away and leaving only centimeters between the both of you.
“I love you,” Jisung’s face lit up like the fireflies that played in the valley beneath you. You cracked a giddy smile, lacing your fingers with him.
“I love you too,” You requited, realising that the song you were originally dancing to had faded out some time ago, only dancing along to the beat of each other’s heart. He laughed at this discovery, holding you closer and hearing the faint drum of your thumping heart. He hummed to himself as thoughts of you swam through his head, but only one stuck out to him. It was less of a thought and more like an idea, a wish, a dream, a promise.
You are my first love, and I intend for you to be my last
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