#mukuro rokudo x you
strawwritesfic · 2 years
Mukuro Rokudo x Kokuyo Gang!Reader: Mall
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Summary: If and when dreams do come true, it’s when you least expect them.
Rating/Warnings/Tags: All (Post-Inheritance Ceremony Arc; established Mukuro/Reader; Reader & Chrome; Mukuro & Chrome; Chikusa & Ken & Chrome; exposition; no honorifics)
Challenge:  “160 Collective Drabbles” challenge by BobaPop on Lunaescence Archives.
Tag List: @imaginesfire
Things finally calmed down a little after the Simon returned Chrome. Given how chaotic things around Kokuyo Land could get on a good day, you never thought you’d long for some excitement, but with Ken and Chikusa gone…Well, you never missed the water until the well ran dry. They’d spent a good hour holed up with Chrome when she’d come home. Then they ran off to Italy without a word of explanation thrown your way.
Speaking of Chrome, she seemed different post-kidnapping. You expected the boys to ignore you, not her. She was the only reason you stuck around the abandoned amusement park–her, and the tiny detail that your boyfriend lived inside her head. 
Generally you considered her to be a good friend at best and company at worst. In the days following her abduction, she was neither. All Chrome seemed to wan to do was sit at a broken window at the front of the building and watch the path outside. You thought she might be waiting for someone, but whenever you asked her who she was was waiting for, her cheeks turned pink before she darted into a back room until she could be reasonably sure you’d lost interest in the subject.
As glad as you were to have Chrome back, you wished the Vongola had taken better care to bring her back whole. Or maybe her behavior was just a reasonable response to whatever it was the Shimon family had done to her before her rescue. Either way, she was much less prone to chat than ever before, and two weeks without Ken and Chikusa to break the silence started to see you go a little insane.
The trip to the mall was taken in the utmost desperation. When you invited Chrome along, you did so only because you expected her to reject the proposal so that she could stay home and keep a watch out for whatever it was she was expecting. She’d certainly never gone along with you on such trips before. Maybe she only agreed that time because M.M. wasn’t around to harass her; maybe she agreed only as a favor to you. You decided not to press the issue. At least you had succeeded in getting her out of the building.
But her heart clearly wasn’t in it. The two of you wandered through the crowded stores, poking at clothing you couldn’t afford and trying to avoid getting stepped on by other customers. Chrome’s face flicked between two different emotions: a worried look at your face and a serious look at the people crowding around her. 
An hour of this was more than enough for you. Defeated, you led her to the food court where you purchased a meal for each of you and settled in to watch her pick at it.
“Chrome,” you said at last.
The girl gave a start, blinked, then slowly dragged her single purple eye up to look at you.
“What’s going on?”
You expected her to answer "nothing" once more, and you expected her reply to hurt. Two years of living together should have made you friends, but apparently Chrome didn’t see you as one. To your very great surprise, however, she opened her mouth a few times, placed her fork gently next to her food, and slid her hands into her lap. After a very long silence during which she stared at them, she looked up again.
“Would you still like me,” she whispered, “if I didn’t have Lord Mukuro?”
The answer, of course, was yes, but you couldn’t manage to spit that out. A chill washed over your skin so strongly that you felt frozen to your chair. “Chrome. Did you lose Mukuro?”
She bit her lip as tears gathered in her eye. “I–”
“She lost him,” said a deep voice at the same time its owner placed their hand on your shoulder, “but perhaps he will not be so difficult to find.”
You turned swiftly to tell the creep behind you to back off–only to find Mukuro himself standing right there, smirking down at you. The surprise sent you to your feet. You looked back at Chrome. She still sat the table. You looked at Mukuro. He still stood next to you. Back and forth went your head, back and forth, but both Chrome and Mukuro remained solidly present at the exact same time.
“Is this one of your illusions?” you demanded of Chrome, taking a step away from Mukuro and toward the table.
He answered for her, just as he had before, but not with words. Once he'd closed the distance between you and him, he grabbed your chin with a gloved hand, forced it upward, and kissed you so hard that you saw stars. By the time he’d finished and you could see again, his smirk had grown even bigger.
“Kufufu. Did that feel like an illusion?” he asked.
“Chrome’s pretty good, you know,” you said shakily. “It’s possible.”
“Really, now, [Name]. Better than me?”
“But if you’re here, and she’s here’s, then…then…”
“Why don’t you tell her, my cute Chrome?”
“Lord Mukuro...” Chrome swallowed and sat up a little straighter. “Lord Mukuro is free!”
“Free?” you echoed. “Free how? Are those bandaged prison keepers going to show up and cart us all off? 'Cause I am not going to jail for you.”
“[Name],” Mukuro purred, pressing a hand to his chest. “It wounds me that you don’t believe me capable of earning my freedom through completely legitimate methods.”
Instead of answering that–because it was true; you didn’t believe Mukuro capable of earning his freedom through legitimate methods at all–you glanced back at Chrome for confirmation.
She smiled for the first time in weeks. “Lord Mukuro helped the Vongola, and Vendice set him free!”
“Free?” you said a second time. “Is this why you were acting so weird?”
She nodded.
“Why didn’t you just tell me? I’ve been worried sick!”
“Lord Mukuro wanted it to be a surprise.”
He chuckled again. “Surprised?”
“Ass,” you replied, but you pressed your palm to his cheek as you did. 
He was there, not mist, but skin and bones. You had him back, and what was more, you got to keep Chrome around, too.
And that was how you wound up crying into your convict boyfriend’s shoulder, in the middle of a crowded mall food court, while he laughed at you and your mutual friend smiled on as though nothing made her happier than seeing the two of you together.
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rebornologist · 1 year
hey! i hope youre having a wonderful day ⭐️ could i request some h/cs for reborn, giotto and TYLmukuro? where s/o is bored out of their mind and just starts using the cheesiest pick-up lines they can think of on them? like "You know what you would look really beautiful in? My arms." (btw you have no idea how delighted i was to find your blog, youre doing gods work)
GN reader, no pronouns used & no warnings! established relationships, very domestic and just a little suggestive if you squint in Reborn's. Everyone is 21+ bc I love adult Reborn I love writing abt adults exclusively bc I seriously cannot imagine the thoughts of teenagers fr xox
༚✧⁺˳₊˚‿︵‿︵‿୨୧ · ˳ · ♡ · ˳ · ୨୧‿︵‿︵‿˚₊˳⁺✧༚
♡ Reborn
Out of pure silence, the two of you could have been passively doing work side-by-side or lounging around with something brain numbing on television, but you pop a stupid pick-up line and his attention is all on you
He’s initially silent with confusion, but your face twists into a silly expression as you drop another stupid pick-up line, and by then he absolutely cannot help the smile that flashes across his face. He loves it and he loves you so much omg he even snorts and chuckles a little bit :’)
“What was that?” He's holding back another quiet bout of laughter as he turns to you and his eyes are curled into uncharacteristic half moons, his expression a mixture of amusement and disbelief. He took a long time to warm up to you enough to be this silly, and all the time and effort you spent melting the man’s icy exterior pays off when you see the pure mirth sparkling in his dark eyes.
You fire another one, grin widening evermore as you giggle at your own shenanigans, catching his gaze with a sweet twinkle in your eyes. You bite your lip as you begin to think of another one.
This time he is the one that shoots it first, “mm you look great with those pants on… bet you’d look even better with them off.” And he scoops you up into his lap to press your foreheads together and pepper sweet little kisses on your reddening cheeks.
Amidst your happy noises as he delivers his affection, you ask him what he’s doing. To which he replies, “the better question is what you were doing?”
“I was boooored..”
“I figured as much, I have something much more interesting in mind that we can do..”
You eventually learn that cheesy pick-up lines do work sometimes... on handsome hitmen whose hearts you have already captured
♡ Giotto
He’s definitely amused! Perhaps even too interested in the silly quips leaving your lips. When you capture his attention with the first cheesy line, he gives you his full attention as he tries to process what you mean when you say that his father “must be a baker” because of his “nice set of buns”? You know that his dad is most certainly not a baker.
When he realizes that you’re talking about his booty he flushes a little and laughs, asking you how you even came up with that. You quickly tell him another pick-up line, following it with a playful wink as you circle around him.
He’d be there to listen to as many dumb pick up lines as you can think of because he’s having fun when you’re having fun tbh; when he tries to come up with his own, they’re just a little awkward and sound more like just plain compliments because he isn’t quite as witty as you (he seems honest to a fault, and in turn not sly and conniving enough to be funny on command like this lol)
He ends up more fascinated than he really should be about the pathos and ethos of the cheesy lines, and you're going to have only yourself to blame when he masters them and uses them on you another day.
♡ Mukuro Rokudo
He can’t even pretend to hate them because he’s a cheesy mf ngl he’d probably start laughing his ass off!! He doubles over just a little and suddenly he wants to pick your brain even more than usual. What’s gotten you into this odd mood? Were you bored? Were you trying this for his attention? In such an awful way? His cool facade is cracked only by the completely absurd, and you were bringing that to the table.
He doesn’t quite fire back with his own cheesy pick-up lines, but he’s just a little too receptive to them. “My shirt? Significant other material-” is met with a satisfied hum and a light flip of the hair as he leans over you and a gloved hand slides up to tug at your top. “I agree,” he muses, catlike eyes hooded and unblinking as they scan over your upper half.
Suddenly, you wonder if he’s misreading the room, or if you’re misreading the room… or if he’s just trying to outweird you. The moment his hands cup your waist, you gasp and your face flushes. He notices your pupils dilating and heart rate picking up.
Then the bastard lets go of you and laughs to himself even HARDER?!?!! He found your cheesy pick-up lines absolutely hilarious, but to him there is nothing more amusing (and heartwarming) than messing with you.
He swears he's laughing with you and not at you, but you know that you're his favourite butt of any joke between the two of you... and also his favourite butt (Mukuro grabby hands) <3
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Hiie sorry for the delay! I just penned these & hope you enjoy them! I do know Giotto's is a bit short but I honestly have not experienced enough of him to grasp his characterization super well in my head mmm but it was fun! Uni has been kicking my ass so I'm glad I got some time to fuss w such a sweet and silly little request! xx G
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dreamieparadise · 6 days
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❤️‍🔥Worst Ship Meme❤️‍🔥: Momo x Mukuro Edition
Why is it so bare? Their relationship would be agony, angst, stolen glances, and guilty moments 🫶🏾💕
I struggled to write good traits because...huh!?
I will say, the specificity over age difference is because Momo is always quick and smug to be older than someone [yes even at her big age] and Mukuro is a dick so he makes sure to do the same to her. It annoys her, and it delights him.
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whiskeysmulti · 1 year
1. Mun is 30+ so some mature themes may happen on this blog. 
2. No godmodding/metagaming, be respectful, etc. I am not afraid to instantly block anyone who can’t show some basic respect. 
3. I am highly selective and mutually exclusive, if we are not following each other, I will not interact. So please let me know if you’re following for a sideblog so I know we are mutuals then. 
4. Please notify me of your triggers and blocked tags so I can tag appropriately. That said my own triggers are incest, rape, pedophilia, and sexual abuse in general. I will amend this list as other triggers come to light. That said, I do have muses who have SA and CSA as triggers in their info, it is only past mentions of it happening though, my own trigger with SA comes in with images and explicitly detailed writing. Interact with Ash Lynx and Shorter Wong with caution if CSA is a trigger, I write them both as survivors of it. I also black list the tag #one piece, please tag your content be it rp or art, I want nothing to do with this fandom and don't want it on my dash. While I have it in my DNI I understand some fandomless OCs and multi blogs rp in it still, I need you guys to tag your verses and content for it please.
5. I am a multi muse, please specify the muse you want to answer said ask when sending one, the only exception to this is OOC/Mun games, I will answer those as myself. Also if you’re a multi or sideblog please let me know the url/muse the ask is from when sending. I am also multiverse, multi ship, as well as duplicate friendly. Each ship is in it’s own verse, I do have mains and exclusives though. I am okay with some pre-established stuff as far as platonic goes, friends and familial bonds. All I ask is you just run it by me first to make sure it works with my headcanons, romantic ships though, I prefer chemistry.
6. You are always welcome to turn answered asks into a thread, all I ask is that if you move it to a new post, please @ me because I use thread tracker, I also track my replies by the number of drafts I have. That way by @'ing me, I can throw it into my drafts as soon as I see it and then work on the reply when I have time. I use the thread tracker to keep track of my RPs and x-kit to trim them. Thread tracker tracks the thread by the post number from my own blog. Do not move the post every reply. If from an ask, I will allow you to move it once to a clean post and then I will reblog and track from there.
7. I am not an aesthetics source or RP resource and memes blog, please reblog from the source when possible.
8. Do not reblog in character threads you are not involved in. They are not fanfics, they are for my RP partner/s only. Personals please do not interact on them. Anything tagged #ic is off limits.
9. While I do not fully diverge, my portrayals are headcanon heavy. Keep this in mind when interacting with my muses. As some things may be applicable to them that are not discussed in the canon verses.
10. I will not interact if I find your blog to be utilizing A.I. or reposting stolen/uncredited art.
11. DNI: One Piece, Fullmetal Alchemist/Brotherhood blogs. 12. My timezone is US EST/GMT-5 (New York Time), so if you can't reach me at a certain hour, I am probably asleep or having connection issues with net and data.
This list will be amended as I see fit and is subject to change the longer I write on here.  
Muse List:
Banana Fish:
Griffin Callenrese
Ash Lynx
Shorter Wong
Neliel Tu Odelshwank
Tier Harribel
Lilynette Gingerbuck
Nanao Ise
Karin Kurosaki
Yuzu Kurosaki
Shikamaru Nara
Minato Naimkaze
Hinata Hyuuga
Sakura Haruno
Itachi Uchiha
Katekyo Hitman Reborn:
Hayato Gokudera
Shoichi Irie
Mukuro Rokudo
Dino Cavallone
Cozarto Simon
Enma Cozzato
G. Giotto Uri (humanized version of the Storm Box Animal) Nightmare Before Christmas: Jack Skellington Sally Skellington Child's Play Universe: Charles Lee Ray (Chucky) Saw Universe: John Kramer (Jigsaw) Amnesia: Shin
Trigger warnings associated with each muse can be found here. Character list with info links to wiki pages on each is found here.
Hidden/request only muse list can be found here. Mains and exclusives list can be found here. Affiliates can be found here. Ship wishlist can be found here.
Please read these links before interacting!
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momodita · 8 months
general event info.
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this includes some themes / topics i won't write for blog events, and a list of characters i write for! all other relevant guidelines will be included in the event post
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NOTE: these rules do not necessarily apply to the fics i write in my own time. i like to keep events mostly light and fun, but will explore darker themes outside of blog events.
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i do NOT write       > non-con, incest, pedophilia / underage nsft       > major character death       > infidelity / cheating       > drugs / substance abuse       > readers that are siblings of canon characters       > explicit violence against animals and children       > character x character       > pregnancy / kid fics
* in general, it's best to ask about a topic if you're unsure!
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this list of event characters is subject to change, so i will always include this post for easy access so you can check if your faves are still here!
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KIMETSU NO YAIBA ⠂⠁⠈⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂
kamado tanjirou ✧ tomioka giyu ✧ uzui tengen ✧ rengoku kyojurou ✧ shinazugawa sanemi ✧ kochou shinobu ✧ yushirou ✧ sabito
NARUTO ⠂⠁⠈⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂
uchiha sasuke ✧ nara shikamaru ✧ hyuuga neji ✧ haruno sakura ✧ rock lee ✧ aburame shino ✧ gaara ✧ namikaze minato ✧ hatake kakashi ✧ maito gai ✧ uchiha madara
KATEKYO HITMAN REBORN ⠂⠁⠈⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂
sawada tsunayoshi ✧ gokudera hayato ✧ yamamoto takeshi ✧ hibari kyoya ✧ rokudo mukuro ✧ giotto ✧ reborn (adult)
IDOLISH7 ⠂⠁⠈⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂
sunohara momose ✧ nikaidou yamato ✧ oogami banri ✧ kujo tenn ✧ izumi mitsuki ✧ rokuya nagi
BLEACH ⠂⠁⠈⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂
hirako shinji ✧ hitsugaya toshirou ✧ ichimaru gin ✧ kurosaki ichigo ✧ uryuu ishida
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villain-in-love · 4 months
I did a similar thing with my s/is, no now here's my self ships as specific lyrics from the songs I have in their playlists:
Jamil Viper x Katarina (aka Prefect) – Villainous Thing by Shayfer James
Oh dear, let me see those smokey eyes, Cause you’re a villainous thing And we can’t have you living a lie. Oh dear, let’s remove those pretty clothes, Cause you’re a villainous thing And I don’t think anyone knows.
Simeon x Belial – Sanctified by Nine Inch Nails
Heaven's just a rumour she'll dispel As she walks me through the nicest parts of hell I still dream of lips I never should have kissed Well, she knows exactly what I can't resist
Portia Devorak x Katerina Kronion – In Your Arms by Ashley Serena
Wind howls in my hair The world stops when you come this near Starlight on your skin The sky sways as you pull me in
Liang x Zero – Eat You Up by BoA
When I first saw you I knew nothing's like it used to be Boy, you have got to be the finest thing in history The way I feel inside is just so hard to understand You feed my appetite in ways I can't explain…
Xerxes Break x Katharine Mortifera – Due Angeli by Канцлер Ги
We're going to drink this slow poison again, The one that burned us both till nothing left. Since you couldn't escape – may God help us To stay balancing on the verge of a breakdown.
Mukuro Rokudo x Katrin Lester – The Devil Inside by Des Rocs
Do you need the warmth of love? Well, me neither Do you need the God above? Yeah, me neither, me neither Here's my hand, I'll never leave ya
P.S. It's unfortunate that I couldn't find a female cover, but... in case of "The Villainous Thing" Prefect would most likely be the narrator, not Jamil.
P.P.S. Due Angeli is translated from russian by me
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Hellooooo! I hope you are well! Is it alright to ask for an NSFW scenario of Mukuro with his S/O who was acting innocent but was really teasing him? And then he makes sure to reciprocate? Thank you!! >
I’m all good, I hope you’re too, thanks for the request !
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Mukuro Rokudo
It has been two days since Mukuro came back from God knows where from a mission of his own after two weeks away. Two days and not a single touch, barely a kiss and a sweet word, even if you understood that the man needeed some time, space and sleep it was starting to get a bit frustrating.
Desperate times call for desperate mesures, you put on your tighest dress, the cherry lips balm that plumps your mouth perfectly then checked yourself with a sigh before leaving, he will not resist, for sure. And, here you went, with a determined step, all the courage you could gather under your arm to meet your ungrateful lover.
He was sitting on the middle of a burgundy sofa, arms sprawled on the backrest a tired smile on his lips, Tsuna sitting in front of him pieces of papers extended on the low table.
He watched you entered the room, a brow arched ever so slightly, he didn’t aknowledged you, not a single word your way, so you decided to bypass him, taking the time to bend in front of his face as you greeted the unwanted guest, italian style of course, with two noisy kisses on the cheeks.
The bastard kept a satisfying smile on his porcelain face, but still no attention directed toward you, you didn’t notice but at that exact moment, flame of revenge started to consume his devilish eyes.
Serious talk was over and you sat down with the men for a coffee, walking around the couch several time to gave them a cup, grazing your lover's knees carefully with your thigh when you did so.  To his unpleasant surprise you took place next to the Boss, smiling brightly to him and laughing a bit louder than usual at his stories.
But Mukuro didn’t budge, even with the jealousy tickling his guts, nor even with the way you lick your lips at each sip, or how you put that piece of black chocolate on your tongue to swallow it with a soundly ‘hmm’ of pleasure and big not-so-innocent eyes on him every, single, time.
So, that was the game you wanted to play, hn? Brace yourself, because you’re definitely not ready for what was going to come.
The man passed slender long fingers on his collarbone, your favorite spot, his hand slowly drawing circles under the few buttons opened of his shirt, your gaze crossed his and it was only what he needed to unleash his powerful illusions on you.
It was hard to look away from those two colors hues as you began to feel his lingering touch on your skin each time his fingers brush against a part of his body, goosebump spreading from your nape to your toes.
It took all of your strenght to tear off your eyes from that devil roguish smirk, and it was even more difficult to focus on Tsuna’s words as you tried to keep a polite smile on your face while your body heat was increasing at the speed of light.
Mukuro on the other hand couldn’t be more pleased by the whole situation, sure, he was the one who was wrong in the first place by neglecting you, but your behaviour deserved to be punished and you should have known there was no war he agreed to lost without a fight.
As he put his hand on his thigh moving it painfully slowly toward his crotch, he noticed how your brow twitched along with the way you rubbed your knees together seeking by all means some more frictions, not giving a single care to the fact you had a guest.. at that moment, he knew he has already won.
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indigosprite · 3 years
Hey I finally finished writing ..
Hibari begins traveling for his research on box weapons, his first stop was on the other side of the world. Even then he found himself living with Mukuro of all Guardians, there was never a dull moment to say the least.
Let me know what you think 🤍.
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cuddlyreaper · 3 years
Somnophilia (M. R.)
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Entry: Day 7 Mukuro Rokudo x gn Reader CW: Non-Con (Dub-Con if you really squint) Characters depicted are above 18
It pained Mukuro to hear how badly you talked about yourself so he decided to visit you and give you some of his love you so desperately needed. You were his perfect angel, after all. Even showing him a way into your room and allowing him to see you sleeping so beautifully.
The window sill creaked slightly under his weight but you knew it was only him and that there was nothing here to harm you. No, you were so safe in his presence, you turned further to him.
He followed your invitation, kneeling down next to you and breathing in your scent, his hands gently caressing your soft skin.
God, you were beautiful.
Mukuro had to stifle a moan when you moved and your hand brushed against his hardened cock. He chuckled barely audible.
“So needy, want my cock again,“ he whispered, unzipping himself and pressing it to your lips. He had to stop himself from groaning when you opened your mouth and he was able to slide in, gently fucking it so to not disturb your rest. 
He knew he wouldn’t last long and he didn’t want to keep your waiting. You needed to taste his love, needed to swallow his load so you could be happy with him inside you.
Your tongue moved against his sensitive head and it was his undoing, thick ropes of cum shooting down your throat. He left you a couple drops on your lips and tongue, so you’d only have to lick your lips and taste him if you got sad throughout the day. 
“I’ll get you soon, my angel,“ Mukuro kissed your forehead before he disappeared through the window again.
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grey-eyed-menace · 2 years
Weapons of the 11th Generation Vongola Family, sort of, kind of. Maybe?
It's a work in progress, bit here's the idea. They ain't gotta make complete sense, it's motherfucking Vongola.
Sawada Ienobu, the 11th Generation Boss, is pretty standard, he uses his rendition of X-Gloves, technically the XI-Gloves, which have their improvements, and their draw backs. To put it simply, he gets horrible arthritis down the line due to their design seriously injuring his hands if used for too long. He also learned how to actually fight, unlike Tsuna back in the day, at first anyway, at a pretty young age so, you know, he actually knows how to throw a punch without breaking his knuckles outright. He mainly trained under Ryohei growing up, and cries a little bit on the inside whenever Hana decides to slip in on a sparring session.
Gokudera Subaru, the 11th Generation Cloud Guardian, was absolutely fascinated with the Vindice as a child. Don't ask. Seriously, Hayato still has nightmares about the fact that an enforcer actually showed up once to answer her questions when Subaru sacrificed her chicken from dinner. Anyway, Subaru uses chains as her primary weapon, and whips, but her fighting style is more based on that of bludgeoning and binding that that of the typical whip user.
Fukunaga Kii, the 11th Generation Lightning Guardian, went motherfucking RWBY up in this bitch and decided to make a Godsdamn Gun-Spear, (Shoichi screamed for two hours straight after the first rendition of Kamilo made it out of the labs), but, then again, she was apart of a mass of orphans that was tri-parented by the collective mess known as Dokuro Chrome, Lambo Bovino, and Rokudo Mukuro. So, fair enough.
Hirabayashi Atsuko, the 11th Generation Sun Guardian, is perhaps the most simple in the fact that she uses metal plated weighted boots as her primary weapon, and takes after a lot of martial arts that are influenced heavily in them, it's also very much why Ienobu refers to her as 'Legs For Days'.
Hibari Mitsuru, the 11th Generation Storm Guardian, uses twin batons, and is formally trained in tessenjutsu, honestly, despite her surly nature, and status as a Storm Flame, she mostly picked up these weapons for the fact that they weren't automatically lethal. She's not one to seek out fights like her father, and is far less... Restless. She welcome a good fight when it comes her way, but otherwise? Eh, it's life. It comes and goes.
Atsushi Mirai, the 11th Generation Mist Guardian, was primarily trained by Sawada Kyouko, and thus has a very... Strange idea about Mist Based illusions, and gets... Freakishly geometrical. He nearly made Kyouya scream over math! MATH! He's a much more subtle Mist user, but he layers his illusions like a finely crafted cake. And he's kind of terrifying when pissed off. Like, Ienobu is cautious of Mitsuru's temper, but the moment Mirai gives him The Look he knows he's all but dead. More seriously, he typically drifts towards long knives weapons wise. Kyouko tried to set him up with her prefered glock, he nearly went dead in his left ear, and refused to come out of his room for three days afterwards.
Barakova Nikolaevna Vasilisa, the 11th Generation Rain Guardian, is mainly a non-combatant, preferring to run logistics and support her friends from the sidelines, but definitely prefers the Femme Fatale approach down the line, once she settles into it anyway, and has a... Taste for poisons.
Why does Ienobu have exactly one male Guardian? Because Muse!Mitsuru held me up at gun-point, took my lunch money, and promptly told me she was a woman. And that she would kill me if I made her anything else.
For refrence, all the Guardian groups have a running theme in the 11th Generation Skies.
Out of Kyouko and Tsuna's seven children, five of them are Skies, with only Yae and Kichi being of another Flame type of which they are a Mist and Rain respectively.
Ienobu's direct youngest sibling is Take, by three years, and has half of her Guardians by the time Kawahira comes by and drops his shit on the 11th Generations laps, and is generally kept in the dark about the proceedings afterward. Her theme, is, mostly a mirror of her brother, she has five male Guardians and one female Guardian at the end though. Tsuna doesn't really complain until a series of misunderstandings makes him think his eldest daughter is living out a reverse harem drama when she's eighteen. She's not. She's really, really, really not.
Chou and Tsurune, the twins, are... Fully outfitted with siblings. All of which are either twins, triplets, or otherwise. It's... A thing. By that, all of Chou's Guardians are Cloudy, while all of Tsurune's Guardians are Misty.
Toku's Guardians are all... Very, very, very strange. Mostly because he just... Kind of shows up with them out of the blue? For refrence, he's the one that snags Yamamoto Jun, if only by courtesy of being in the same age group, as his Mist. He shows up with him mid-afternoon at the Iron Forte, out of fucking nowhere, after being missing for two weeks, and Jun supposedly still being in Japan with his mother!
By this, Lior inherits all of his mothers Guardians.
Kyou and Juuri share a single set of Guardians, maybe. Eh, Ienobu thinks as much, really, Kyou has the Storm, Sun, and Lightning, while Juuri is Bonded to the Mist, Cloud, and Rain.
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rebornologist · 2 years
omg a new reborn blog in 2022 yay!! your khr guys and their s/o imagine was so good i keep returning to read xanxus and squalo ones lmao if your requests arent closed would you be so kind to do the same thing but with mukuro and byakuran <3
Hello dear !! I'm so glad you appreciate my thoughts on this hehehe I'd love to write for these two, thank you for rqing! ♡
♡ Mukuro + Byakuran & their s/o Headcanons*:・゚✧
༚✧⁺˳₊˚‿︵‿︵‿୨୧ · ˳ · ♡ · ˳ · ୨୧‿︵‿︵‿˚₊˳⁺✧༚
Mukuro Rokudo
He lives for teasing his s/o, they stay on their toes 24/7 whenever he's around... and soon learned to keep it that way even when he's seemingly not around
His favourite moments are when the punchline is him sweeping them off their feet and catching them all flustered when he gives them surprise kisses
They have subtly matching accessories like phone charms or matching wallpapers.. zzz Mukuro really adores them and loves things that remind him of them, when he's away for a bit he leaves little gifts and secrets for his s/o to find.. like a scavenger hunt
Me realizing now that this man is just a big crow
He likes shiny things and you would never see his eyes twinkle as much as when you suggest promise rings or the like; He gives a warm smile at that, and his eyes even crease.. you can almost sense the excitement despite his constantly calm and suave demeanor
He's also a bit of a couch potato with them, preferred hangout activity is to nap with his head on their lap or put something on tv while practically laying on top of one another
He has cold hands and teases that he needs them to help him warm them up.. always sticks his cold feet into their space under the covers and tortures them with that even when they squeal and tell him to stop
Poor guy just has bad circulation from being suspended in that tank for so long dang give him a break
He'd share bits and pieces of his past, but generally doesn't really like involving his s/o in it because he's still fighting with his morality, he doesn't believe he is a good person, and I actually do think he'd stick with his plans of world domination.. but he's a gemini so he's fickle and still cares deeply about certain people, thinking about it gives him the creeps.. what happened to big bad Mukuro Rokudo?
He gets jealous when the owl Mukuro(wl) prefers head scratches from his s/o instead of him; He pouts about it by being quiet and being like a cat that avoids their owner..
I think he's a bit of a messy drunk, so the most unforgettable nights with him are the drunk karaoke parties/dates, where he'll serenade his s/o, face all red, and clothing layers haphazardly tossed around the room; Man has to let lose somehow, in a way that isn't evil and involves causing direct harm to people.. right?
As he grew more attached, he began to do everything he could to visit them, even if it's only for a short while; He'll figure out a way to get to them when they're about to fall asleep and whisper sweet nothings to them as they doze off
His partner will get used to the feeling of him pressing his (somewhat cold) lips to their cheek, and temple, and forehead.. he always waits for the sound of their soft snoring before he dissipates into mist, off to conquer humanity
He spoils his s/o to no end, mostly because he's such an indulgent individual to begin with and he actually loves to share the wealth!
He's just so excited to try new delicious foods with and introduce his favorites to someone he deeply cares about awww
Every date involves sharing food, he doesn't care how small it is, he wants a bite of it lol
He can't stop smiling when they're perched across from one another, with a sundae or milkshake between them, sharing a drink with two straws is his favourite thing to do because he can just look at how cute his lovebug is
This one also loves those cute photo booth pictures ahsdgjahsd; He gets so pouty when he realizes that his s/o hasn't stickerbombed their water bottle or laptop with their photos
He can be quite possessive, he's not as empathetic as most people and he's learning slowly how to see people as people, and relate to their emotions; It would take quite a dramatic disagreement between him and his s/o for him to realize that he cannot just be entitled to them, and that he was taking them for granted this whole time
He loooves pet names and almost never calls them by their actual name (unless they specifically told him to.. he would be struggling ngl, he just wants to shorten it or put a spin on it, all in the name of expressing affection)
Honey, dear, darling, sweetheart, my love, dearest, dove, baby, angel, sweetpea, my apple fritter, marshmallow, pumpkin pie, you name it, he's probably used it at some point
He always goes out of his way to be helpful to them, because he's an ambitious man, and since he's so.. used to dealing with his stuff, he's always curious what his partner is doing, and if he can be a part of that.. help them with it, maybe? He just enjoys their company and wants excuses to hang out with them, or to help them soooo they can get things done faster so they can hang out with him again lolol
But he's kind of like a cat?? He might get moody and his partner is no longer the person he wants to see; He shuts himself away for a short period of time when he's stressed or upset because he doesn't want to blow up on them
He insists that it's for their own good because he can be a little scary when he's upset; He rarely gets to this point though, because smaller stressors in life can definitely be combated with some hugs and kisses and quality time with his darling
After some alone time, he sends a bunch of texts about "Heyyyy I want to see u again :(((" and the like, because he's thought things over with himself and can now bask in the attention that he missed so much <3
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mystflame · 4 years
" i don't want to ruin you. " / mukuro @ chrome 8)
sentence prompts [x]
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SHE HAD NEVER understood the term 'heartache' until her unusual second life had begun. Even in the face of her own death, she had faced it with a strange sense of ease and calm. Nagi had never much thought about the pain she should have felt -- at the abandonment of her father, the disregard of her parents, the way her schoolmates whispered behind her back. In truth, from a young age she had lived her life DISILLUSIONED by the world, and as such, had never felt much cause to mourn it.
-- but Rokudo Mukuro made her heart ache.
"You..." she began, but her throat was too tight, choking out the words before she could bring them to her lips. How could she put to words what he was to her? SAVIOR. TEACHER. There was another word she dared not speak, would not even allow herself to think for fear that the two-way mirror of her mind would leave her secrets in the open for him to find. "You couldn't ruin me. I was already broken... but... you're the one who put me back together."
Like a broken china doll, he'd filled her cracks with the stars and given her a world she could never have imagined. Nothing could take that away from her, and nothing she could say would ever express her thankfulness. Her one good eye began to burn, and she shut it tightly, begging her emotions to remain in check just a bit longer. "You wouldn't ruin me."
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naminomm · 4 years
Tsuna X Reader - Just a girlfriend?
“Oh come on, stop it! You are heavy!!” You whined as your brown haired boyfriend leaned down on you. He just walked into the room after another meeting and like always he goes straight to you and bothers you in some sort of way. You were in the middle of reading a book when suddenly he came out of no where and decided to lean down on you with all his weight, burying his face in your neck. You huffed, knowing very well he has more work, and as long as he procrastinating, you wont eat dinner together. “Go finish your work… And then I will make dinner for the both of us.” You said as he huffed back at you, blowing slightly on your neck and making you giggle. He kissed your cheek and went back upstairs to his office where you saw his right hand, Gonkudera Hayato, with his green tired eyes standing there waiting for him.
You knew how hard it is for them, all this work and meetings, so much paperwork and worries.  Most of the time,Tsuna is afraid you might get hurt while there is an unknown mafia coming in for a meeting, so he would ask someone who isn’t in the meeting to stay with you. Most of the times, it was the raven hair hitman, as they were very close since the beginning of Tsuna’s way to a mafia boss. “Hey.” You heard a voice calling you. You were just thinking about his and here he is. Reborn. “I’m coming Reborn.” You said to the hitman closing your book and getting up from your seat.
The both of you walked around the Vongola mansion. Outside you saw your boyfriend’s left hand, Yamamato Takeshi, standing under a tree talking on the phone. You guessed he was talking to his girlfriend, as he just returned from a mission of 2 weeks. You also saw the mist guardians, Rokudo Mukuro and Chrome Dokuro, as Chrome gave you a faint smile while Mukuro was lying on her knees, complaining about Fran and what happened in their training. You didn’t see Lambo around, but whenever he has free time he would go out with other friends, he is a teenager after all. Not seeing Hibari didn’t surprised you as well. Usually he is also in the meetings, or alone in his office and paper works, or in his school. There are rumors around the mansion that he has a girlfriend, but no one bothered him about that. Seeing everyone made you sighed. Saying you are jealous of the people who work with Tsuna is stupid, you are lucky they give you permission to even stay so close next to all the action, as it is dangerous. Dating a mafia boss wasn’t an easy thing but you loved him. You were scared most of the times that he would get killed in a mission or even a meeting. You were also scared of all the females you see in the parties and the balls. Balls has a fond memory for you, as he asked you to be his girlfriend at a ball but they made you feel self conscious and make worried he will leave you or betray you. Silly thought no? Considering who is Tsuna and how kind he is. But at the end of the day, he didn’t belong to you. You were just his girlfriend and to some people that’s a “replaceable” state. 
“Hey, you are overthinking again, aren’t you?” Said Reborn.  You shared with Reborn a lot of your thoughts and worries, all these walks you do together made you become close friends. He knows you very well, and you are glad he never told your boyfriend about your insecurities, even if Tsuna found them out anyway. “Don’t worry.” Reborn said giving you a calming smile. You smiled back at him as you also slightly sighed.   “Yeah, you are right.”
You and Reborn walked for almost two hours, talking about everything and nothing, he even told you some more stories of Tsuna’s youth to bring up your mood.
When you finally went back home, Reborn opened the door for you, letting you see how the living room was full of candles and flowers leading to the dinning room, where you see a table set for two and a wonderful dinner. Next to the table, was none other than your boyfriend, holding a wonderful bouquet of roses. His messy brown hair, his brown cheerful eyes lit up as he saw you come in, his gentle smile and the way he looks at you like you are the most beautiful girl, even when wearing jeans and a t-shirt, made all your worries go away. You didn’t even noticed Reborn closing the door behind you as you walked to Tsuna with a smile on your face. You places the flowers aside, he pulled your chair for you to sit down.  You giggled at his gentleman gestures before sitting down and noticing how on the plate in front of you there is a small box.  You looked over to Tsuna who gestured you to open it. Upon opening the box you see a ring inside, but not just any ring, diamond ring, an engagement ring. Not to big, not to small, just perfect size, not too much of attention grabber, not to unnoticeable. Just the perfect ring you always dreamed of. You looked at your boyfriend, seeing him now on one knee.   Tears filled your eyes as you could also see a slight panic in him from seeing you about to cry. He still took your hand and asked “Will you be my wife?” 
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cielofics · 4 years
(Old) ICMSAR Omake II
WARNING(S): OCC's, Parent!bashing, depressing!thoughts, suicidal!tendencies,
NOTES: "Japanese" "Italian" Thinking 'Tsuna's eye speak' [Written Text] -Ghost speak-
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Katekyo Hitman Reborn. Amano Akira does.
On a bright, sunny morning; when the trees are whistling, birds are chirping, one can certainly say that it is a very peaceful morning for the citizens of Namimori.
-Or not.
Now why would anybody, so early in the morning, be shouting such threats to our dear favorite sadistic hitman tutor?
For that my dear readers, we need to go back in time
Usually, the Sawada household is known to be the noisiest house ever in Namimori due to the exotic people living there together. Gunshots, yelling, bombs, grenade could be seen flying all over the house and no matter the time, any of those could be heard. So why is that it's deadly silent now?
Maybe it could be because Sawada Ienari is away for a soccer match or maybe because the Sawada Nana is taking for a friend who fell ill and will be staying with her? Maybe it's because Fuuta, and I-pin and Bianchi are currently staying at Nebesa for who knows what reason?
But that makes no sense since there are other exotic members still present in the household. Sawada Tsunayoshi with his demon-in-disguise partner, Reborn, the ever faithful and loyal puppy, Gokudera Hayato, the oblivious to the core baseball player, Yamamoto Takeshi, the snotty and the loudest/youngest member, Lambo Bovino, the pineapple family, Rokudo Mukuro and Chrome Dokuro and lastly the skylark, Hibari Kyoya.
Why is it that Gokudera is not having a one-sided fight with Yamamoto? Why is Lambo not trying to kill Reborn? Why are Mukuro and Kyoya not fighting? Why is Chrome fidgeting more? Why is Reborn not trying to do anything sadistic?
Why is Sawada Tsunayoshi emitting such a dangerous KI?
Maybe that seems to be the reason why everyone is silent. Maybe the strong bloodlust emitting from the usually kind and cheerful brunet is the cause to everyone's unusual behavior.
Reborn, who is forever going to deny of even being a teensy tiny bit of scared from the brunet, decided to break the silence.
"Tsuna... is something wrong?" asked Reborn albeit hesitantly. Considering how Tsuna was mercilessly cutting the vegetables as though they were human heads was plainly... terrifying. What's more, you could definitely hear words that the brunet is muttering like murder, maid dress, grenades, reptiles, wild animals etc.  
Tsuna stopped cutting vegetables and Reborn swore that he saw an imaginary light bulb appear on the brunet's head.
"Ne Reborn..." asked Tsuna. Everyone straightened further; not liking how sickeningly sweet the brunet's voice sounded.  
"Do you want to help me murd- I mean tort- I mean tutor, Ienari?"
He definitely was about to say "murder" and "torture," wasn't he?!
Silence prevailed again. Most probably to let the sentence sink in.
Once it did, all hell broke loose.
Gokudera, Chrome and Yamamoto froze. Lambo spit out the drink he was drinking that landed on Gokudera's face yet he did not do a thing. Mukuro and Kyoya widened their eyes. Reborn looked at Tsuna with a weird glint in his eyes.
Everybody thought of one thing. Is he finally going to take revenge?
"Sure... but why" Reborn asked tilting his fedora upwards to meet his partner's eyes, which, by the way, were cold as ice.
"Stress Relieving." That one word was enough to bring chills within the rest.
Tsuna started chuckling evilly and everyone else could only pray to God to never be subjugated to Tsuna's punishment when he wants to 'relieve stress.'
'.'.'.'.'.'.'.' The Next Day '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'
XXX.....[3 A.M].....XXX
2 demons entered a certain blonde's room, who was blissfully unaware of his impending doom. The two demons glanced at each other and one took out a rope while the other a duct tape. It was then, you could clearly see the smirk on their faces as they proceeded towards the blonde.
This will be fun...
XXX.....[6 A.M].....XXX
Ring¬ Ring¬
The alarm sounded and the sleepy and unaware blonde tried his best to shut the dame alarm while failing miserably. Once he got tired, he opened his eyes to find where he kept his alarm when he noticed that he wasn't on his soft, comfy bed but rather at a really hard and rocky surface... while hanging upside down.
Completely woken up, he loked around and noticed him hanging off a cliff thats 100ft tall! Trying to move around, he finally took notice of something that would definitely put him to shame....
"WAH! WHY AM I WEARING A MAID'S COSTUME?!" he yelled, trying his best to think it's his imagination.
Now that did not seem friendly. He was afraid of what he would see... hesitantly he craned his necks towards the bottom and...
Reborn could only think of one person that could be capable of doing this and so he screamed at the top of his lungs, "REBORN, I"LL KILL YOU!!"
-And that my friends brings us back to the present.
"Ciaossu!" Reborn's voice resounded from the top of the cliff
"Can't you see you are hanging on a cliff?" Reborn's condescending voice came.
"Just because..."
A bullet grazed past Ienari's cheek. "Shut up, this is training punishment. Good luck on survival."
Without letting Ienari say anything, Reborn disappeared. He hung there for a while when he heard something being cut. When he noticed, his eyes bulged out.
He yelled, while keeping his eyes at the contraption slowly cutting the rope he's being hung with.
While Ienari was shouting and yelling and begging for help, Tsuna and Reborn could be seen observing from the distance while drinking their favorite coffees. Others who with them could only pity the victim.... now did they?
Reborn decided that yes, Tsuna was fun being around with, especially if they had to torture Ienari. But I wonder who taught him to be this sadistic? After all, how is it possible for a kind, innocent and shy brunet to be able to complete this?
He saw how Ienari was running around like a headless chicken in a torn up maid dress with supposedly extinct species of animals following after him. He could also see Tsunayoshi filming this entire thing from various angles. Let's not even mention the fact that Ienari just so happens to be running with people glancing at him and taking pictures while whispering some embarrassing things for Ienari, if the blush on Ienari's face isn't proof enough, Reborn doesn't knows what else can be.
Reborn can also say that Tsuna is pretty strong by himself. If carrying pepper sprays, tasers knockout darts in his watch (where did he get that?), darts filled with poison and sedatives (again, where does he gets all these stuff from?) combined with other weapons in his bottomless pocket... Tsuna's a waking arsenal. Hell, he managed to keep a gun in there! Not to mention, he's somehow using all those weapons he has to make Ienari's life more miserable...
"Tsuna, where did you get all of these... killing gadgets from?"
Tsuna merely smiled innocently in response. That smile would be convincing if he wasn't holding a poison filled darts and aiming it for his brother...
"2 technicians in Nebesa created these upon my request," Reborn cursed those stupid technicians for that. "They even created a robots army to ward off any mafias or stupid beings."
Reborn didn't ask for more. Nebesa was strong, Reborn decided. He just didn't how strong. He returned his attention to Ienari who was screaming his lungs out as the extinct wild species of animals were coming closer to him.
Reborn looked as a Jaguar came to Tsuna and dipped its head in submission.
"Aki! There you are!" Tsuna said pleased, handing the camera to Reborn to continue taking the movie.
"You keep a Jaguar as a pet?"
"Not just a Jaguar but also an Owl named "Kyo" which is used for keeping a look out for enemies and a medium size black bird named "Shi" that I use for replying etc, you've already met Shi remember? When we started the playtime activity of ours? I also have a lion named "NaTsu," if you're wondering."
"...What do you use the Jaguar and lion for?"
"Scaring enemies. They're quite useful. And they have a name!"
Reborn merely nodded and decided to ignore the Jaguar that was purring. He didn't even know they could purred. He directed his attention to his student who was now being cornered by the animals.
"Tsuna, make sure to give me a copy of the film later onwards," Reborn said mischievously.
It was then that Reborn noticed a red blinking light coming from Tsunayoshi's touch screen phone (where did he even get that from?). Reborn blinked twice before clarifying,
"Is the film by any chance being..."
Tsuna's smirked widened, "Live filming. Broadcasted around the whole world."
"You're really sadistic aren't you?" Reborn asked pleased.
Tsuna spared a glance at Reborn before smiling evilly, "Wait till you hear how Nebesa was formed..."
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About this Hibari
“To be the aloof, drifting Cloud that protects the Family from an independent standpoint, and whom nothing can ever bind, that’s the Position of the Guardian of Clouds”
Name: Kyoya Hibari
Hair Color : black
Eye Color: Indigo lavender-gray
Parents: (unknown) it’s believed for them to be a meika rich Family
Position: 10th Vongola Cloud Guardian & hitman, Namimori Middle Disciplinary Committe Leader, Foundation Leader,
Gender: Male
Orientation: bi
Age: 16/26 Status:
Alive Date of Birth: May 5
Famiglia: Vongola Famiglia
Partner: Roll,Hibird,Kusakabe,Dino Cavallone,Team Namimori Middle Disciplinary Committee, Vongola Decimo & Guardians, Foundation (future),Team Fon, sometimes even Mukuro or Alaude
Enemies: Rokudo Mukuro, Deamon Spade
Weapons: Tonfas,Alaude’s Handcuffs,Roll
Box Animal: Roll (Version X)
likes: battles,small animals,to be alone,Namimori,steak,hamburgers
dislikes: Illusions damages to Namimori,Crowds,Herbivores
weakness: Cherry Blossoms,Illusions,animals
Flame: Cloud, Mist
Color: Purple,Amethyst
resemblences: Alaude, relative: Fon
Lifestyle: Japanese 
Hibari is the leader of the Discipline Committee of Prefects, who all are delinquents loyal to Hibari. Like his subordinates, he too is a violent delinquent who uses his status to harass other students. However, he prefers to be alone and cares little for his subordinates. His catchphrase is "I'll bite you to death" (kamikorosu), which he says to everyone who he is ready to fight. Hibari is very proud of his school, and is apparently the only person who likes their school's anthem, even using it as his ring tone. In the Kokuyo Arc, he adopted the Kokuyo assassin Birds' bird . The bird (subsequently nicknamed "Hibird" due to its connection to Hibari) becomes attached to Hibari. Hibari is soft on animals such as Hibird, there were times where he has been nice to I-Pin, it is unknown why. Reborn piqued Hibari's curiosity early on in the series and Hibari considers him a worthy opponent, having a strong urge to fight him. After Tsuna passes the test for the inheritance of the Vongola, the Hibari of the future comments that Tsuna starts to resemble the one he knows, who excites him as much as Reborn does.
HC: Hibari is a Yakuza son as such he was trained to become a contract killer, and he was meant to become the next Yakuza Kumicho of his family clan, however when he was older years old he ruined his “father”. because the kumicho used fighting dogs (mainly pitbulls and dobermans) to make money. Hibari released those poor dogs from their suffering. Afterward the yakuza mafia was slowly ruined, and Hibari was treated as a traitor, being called kumicho murder. He was hunted by his former yakuza clan, but bet them all up, later he met Reborn again.
Reborn offered Hibari to join the Vongola mafia famiglia in an official agreement.,Hibari was in hesitation until Reborn told him he would be able to move freely like a cloud. He asked Hibari to become a hitman for the CEDEF to protect the Vongola Famiglia and Tsuna from the distance and follow his murderous business in secret. While on the outside Hibari would become a researcher for the animal box weapon.
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Hibari liked the deal because with that he didn’t need to move to Italy but he could stay inside his beloved Namimori. After thinking it over and fighting with Reborn again, he agreed and joined the Vongola Famiglia. After that he began to travel the world and he began to take a like in researching the box weapons. Since that promise with Reborn Hibari protects the Sky aka Tsuna and the Vongola Famiglia mostly from afar.
As the strongest guardian,Hibari is working secretly as hitman for the CEDEF which is unknown to Tsuna and the other Guardians or Varia.  Who believe he’s obsessed with researching. The truth is Hibari works always alone to get rid of the most dangerous enemies threatening the Vongola Famigilia. Making that a combo for himself in researching the box weapons.
Hibari lives normally in Namimori and goes to Italy whenever there is a reason for it. Kusakabe is his Secretary. Hibari uses a fake business ID as Salaryman in public because he’s responsible to keep the alliances in Asia active. Trying to be in good with the “friendly” Yakuza and Triads and Thug family clans. and Affiliated ones to the Vongola. Hibari tries to avoid any hatred breaking out in any of the other clans. He made it his personal task to make sure no war  will occur between any clans. but such is always possible. because there exists partly war between the Yakuza and Triads.
Kamikorosu yo - I’ll bite you to death, that’s a verse Hibari came up with once for the suffering of the fighting dogs of the yakuza he freed in the past. He mocked those who dared using dogs like toys and weapons for their own amusement and money making, hibari sticks to this verse ever since then.
TYL! Hibari is different from his younger Version, since he matured he thinks about things more clearly and stays more calm. he’s often seen wearing a Yukata or  kinagashi and resting inside the Dojo of his japanese estate. he likes to observe things before taking any action and is often seen with a smirk on his face. when being in a battle, he talks a lot more then his younger self and he proves how much he improved within his martial arts, especially when using his Tonfas. he lives in a Underground basement of the Namimori Shrine , and only trusts Hibird,Roll, Kusakabe, Sawada Tsunayoshi and Dino Cavallone. He shows a bit of care toward females such as Dokuro Chrome and I-Pin.
Even though Chrome has a close Connection to Mukuro Rokudo which he still holds a grudge for. Hibari dislikes mist users just like illusions but makes a exception for Chrome. ( even though he hates Illusions. he starts to use mist flame powers himself, when using his rings) TYL! Hibari still loves to battle , yet chooses to only battle those he considers as strong and worthy his time. he spends his time by researching the animal box-weapons and for that travels around the entire World. he still has a close connection to his yellow Canary Bird partner/(s) and sometimes uses him(them) as a Spy to gain information about Millifioure and other enemies of the Mafia.
Hibari still hates crowds , he lives a Yakuza-Japanese Lifestyle and he dislikes alcohol. he gets easily drunk . especially when drinking anything else that isn’t Sake, he also shows a weakness toward Cherry Blossoms  Due to a previous infection with the sakura-kura disease (which was later cured), he feels uneasy whenever around cherry blossoms and loses his will to fight and even refuses to even talk about it when Haru brought it up as a subject in Haru-Haru Interview. . Even though he likes the flowers and admires their beauty when alone. and has no problem in admitting that to himself, since it’s only traditional in the Japanese Culture.However, Mukuro Rokudo changed his view on Cherry Blossoms, and since then Hibari would never reveal his like towards sakura in public. As he gets always reminded of the lose against Mukuro in his school days. Making it feel to Hibari as if his pride would be always trampled on.
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